inkandpaperqwerty · 4 months
I had so many plans for this weekend. So many different things I was going to work on. And then Rehearsing Tragedies (my Slave!Castiel story) consumed my soul, and I spent my entire Saturday writing it. Somehow, I got from an incredibly amusing scene where Dean half-jokingly threatens to spank Castiel (in a non-sexy way) for being so violent and uncooperative all the time to an absolutely gut-wrenching scene where Castiel is terrified out of his mind but can’t do anything to stop what’s happening to him because he’s been drugged but is fully aware. Yet, it’s all linear. One thing leads to the next. Castiel’s constant resistance leads to… something that I’m not giving away right now. Point is, I gave myself whiplash, so I can’t imagine what it’s going to do to you guys. Ahem.
But I did manage to get some other stuff done, including some work on Through the Gate (Criminal Minds x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)! I’ve got about six chapters done, and I’ll be posting the first chapter on Wednesday, 05/22/2024. I don’t know if I’m going to be posting every Wednesday like I have been or if I’m going to do every other Wednesday, at least until I have more completed. We’re gonna see how it goes!
I got some work done on Sparkling Eyes and Cigarette Burns, though not as much as I wanted (because Slave!Castiel consumed my soul). I’ll be working on it throughout the week during my lunch breaks and when I get home from work, so hopefully I’ll at least have the chapter complete, if not ready to post, by next weekend.
I don’t want to talk about publishing. I just… don’t want to talk about it. Ugh.
Thanks for reading!
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bloodfreakcastiel · 1 year
the way i lust after castiel is concerning for the state of women’s rights
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transcerat0ps · 2 years
i’m SO sorry but did anyone else read that deancas american civil war au back in like. 2014
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Dean’s life changes drastically on the day his Master Alistaire, one of the Italian Mafia bosses, takes him out to show off to his friends. While most of the changes are for the better, Dean can’t believe the curveballs life is throwing at him. Dealing with the Italians, the Russians, and the Feds would be enough on its own, but throw in the changes to his own biology? It’s a lot! Thankfully Dean’s not alone in this, and with his soulmate Castiel, he’s going from the bottom of the organization to the top!
Rating: Explicit Tags: Slave!Dean, Omega!Dean, Alpha!Cas, Russian!Cas, Mafia AU, Alistair dies, Soulmate AU, Mating cycles, Heat and Rut, Oral, Anal, top Cas/Bottom Dean, Top Dean/Bottom Cas, Mating bites, Sam is a nerd, Lucifer is an okay guy, healing, happy ending.
Coming October 21, brought to you by the @destielsoulmatebang, @malicmalic, and @deancodedcastielenby!
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5kby5may · 5 months
5K by 5 May: 2024 Masterlist
Links go to the promo post for the fic, with further information and a link to the fic.
Also check out the Collection on AO3!
Flash of the Needle; Dark of the Dream by @kayliemalinza Fandom: SPN Rated T // Word Count 1,892 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: Hurt/Comfort, There Was Only One Bed, Huddling For Warmth, Snowed In, Mild Blood/Injury
Looking when you aren’t by youchangedmedestiel Fandom: SPN Rated EX // Word Count 4,159 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: Canon Compliant, Attempt at Humor, Getting Together, Fluff, Smut
MEAT by angelszn Fandom: SPN Rated EX // Word Count 3,335 Pairing: Castiel/Sam, Jack & Sam, Dean & Sam Tags: Cannibalism, Gore, Rough Sex, Vomit, Domestic Bliss
Addicted To You by Avonlady Fandom: SPN Rated EX // Word Count 4,744 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: Canon Universe; Dean Winchester Bears the Mark of Cain; Angelic Grace Addiction; Inappropriate Use of Grace; Explicit Sexual Content
Can I Ask You Something? by @yourspecialeyes Fandom: SPN Rated EX // Word Count 3,545 Pairing: Dean/Cas, background Sam/Eileen Tags: Cas is saved from the Empty, Fluff and Smut, First Kiss, First Date, First Time
What’s the Collective Noun for Castiel? by AUTHOR Fandom: SPN, Sapphire & Steel Rated T // Word Count 5,000 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: Outsider point of view, brief period of voyerism, post 15x20, fix it, Castiel lives!
It's a Date by @supernatastic101 Fandom: SPN Rated T // Word Count 3,340 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: kissing, sweet, cosplay, fluff, lots of blushing
The Manuscript by @friendofcarlotta Fandom: SPN Rated EX // Word Count 4,994 Pairing: Dean/Cas Tags: Magic, Code Breaking, Fuck or Remain Cursed (But With Enthusiastic Consent), Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Top Dean/Bottom Cas
And Busey for the Eulogy by entropic_saudade Fandom: SPN Rated M // Word Count 4,709 Pairing: Sam & Dean, Sam/Eileen, Dean/Cas, background Claire/Kaia Tags: Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Major Character Death, Unfavorable and Possibly Libelous Depictions of Gary Busey
Apotheosis of the Stoat by @kayliemalinza Fandom: SPN Rated T // Word Count 4,985 Pairing: Dean & Cas Tags: Small Game Hunting, Animal Death, Roman Slave AU, Animal!Castiel, Blood and Injury
Since I've been Loving You - Remaster by @t-angel210 Fandom: SPN Rated G // Word Count 5,151 Pairing: Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen Tags: Selectively Mute Dean Winchester, Single Parent Castiel, Single Parent Dean, Falling in love in the Impala, Dean is in a band!
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fandomtherapy44 · 7 months
Klaus x reader chapter 6 Bloodletting
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 3,238
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy, Refence to sex
I got the divder from
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Chapter 6: Bloodletting
There were about forty vampires in the courtyard at the compound of Marcel Gerad of squaring up to fight to get a chance to get a special ring. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fight Night! And, the first rule of Fight Night is: the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle, and one of these--[He holds up the hand on which he wears his ring]-- a daylight ring. If you can impress me with a little ultra-violence, you too can enjoy the warmth of the sun on your face. All you got to do is kick a little ass. Here we go!”
A woman and man step up. Of course, the women won victoriously. But not a moment later her neck was snapped by Klaus. Elijah and Hayley in tow. "Good evening! I'd like a word.” “What do you think you're doing?” Marcel was pissed that Klaus was once again stepping on his throne. “It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs! We've come here for the girl. Give her to us, or we kill everyone here... starting with you.” Elijah was always so methodical with his words.
“You two got a lot of nerve, coming into my home and making demands. And who is she?” He pointed out Hayley. “I'm about to kick your-” She tried to walk forward but was pulled back by Elijah. “Your home, is it?” Klaus has a sarcastic smile. “The girl! I will not ask again.” “I assume you're talking about Y/n? Yea high, H/c, sweet attitude? Who is she, anyway?”
“She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends.” “Well, I ain't got her. And before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave. And, imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl, Y/n, answered the door, we exchanged hellos, and that was it. You don't believe me? Look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is: if Y/n isn't here, then where is she?” 
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POV: (Y/N)
I wake up and all I smell is dirty socks and all I see is the back of SUV window. I kick up at the window in some hope to somehow knock it out and climb out. The driver pulls over and gets out and opens the back. I kick him and he blocks me. “Seriously?” “Tyler?” I had not seen him for over like six months at this point. “You don't wanna fight me, Y/n. You know you can't beat a hybrid.” He zip-locks my ankles and picks me up. “AHHH! Let me go you asshole!” “Shut up!”
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Tyler had brought me to the backwaters of the bayou of this small shack next to the water. It would be prettier if I wasn't currently being held against my will. “Tyler why the Hell am I here?” He doesn’t answer, instead he brings out a pocketknife. “Ok, geese! I won't ask again.” He then cuts my ankle zip locks. “This is just in case.” He held the knife up, the gall of him. “Hey, aren't you the one you knocked me out in my backyard!?” “It's not your backyard, it's Klaus'! You're shacked up in that mansion with that psycho. A long way from the sweet girl I've met in the Appalachians, helping other werewolves.”
“Tyler, I am still the same girl, just a couple of things have changed.” “You mean that you're pregnant? A hybrid baby, yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned! [He pulled down my sweater sleeve to show my birthmark on my shoulder] This crescent birthmark means you come from a big-shot family. Some kind of royalty for the werewolves of this region. And right here-- [He gestured around him]-- this is all that's left of them.”
I look around and see tents that are barely being held together by worn-down rope. “My family is out here?” At that moment I see a blond woman hiding by the trees. “HEY HELP!” I held my arms up. She ran away as soon as I did. “They can't help you! They're in the woods, hiding, because they were persecuted for decades by vampires.” Of course, those poor people, this man walks up. “Is that her?” “Excuse me!?” “Yeah, Dwayne. Get her inside.” Dwayne comes and picks me up like I was a bag of air. He must be a werewolf too or he hits the gym every day. “Tyler? Tyler!” 
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Back at the compound, Sabine was doing a locator spell to find Y/n while Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus were crowding around. “She's in the backcountry. Way up past Houma, deep in the Bayou.” “Bayou?” Hayley questioned. “There are stories of exiled werewolves, encampments. If Y/n went out that far, chances are she went to find them.” “Clearly, she hopes to make the acquaintance of more like herself. I suppose our company wasn't good enough for her.” Klaus quipped. “No, Y/n is not like that. She would at least tell me, if she's there she's not there by choice.” Klaus looks at Hayley with the slightest bit of worry.
The three of them had traveled to the Bayou. “We should head south towards the water.” Elijah pointed out. “You seem quite determined to find the littlest wolf.” Klaus commented. Hayley was just trying to sense her sister. “If I'm moving too fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car. Do be certain to leave the windows down.” “ Ah, so I've touched a nerve? You've begun to admire her sister. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch.” she had walked enough away that she couldn't hear them.
“If you're going to insist on treating her like a walking incubator, then that's your mistake.” “I do not see her as a-” Klaus stopped. “Have you found her scent?” They walk over to the SUV so does Hayley. “No, but I found someone else's. This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of... Tyler Lockwood.” “Tyler? why the Hell would he care to kidnap Y/n.” Hayley said. “He wants revenge because I went after his girl.” “Really over a high school girlfriend?” “Why do I suspect this is the least of your offenses?” “Well, there was this business with his mum…”
“Great so my sister is going to die now because of you! She’s here because of you!” “He needed to be taught a lesson!” “And what lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliates by harming Y/n?” “So, you do care about her. Well, go on, then. Have at it, brother. Save her. Claim what spoils you can. I've sampled what she has to offer and let me tell you, she is exquisite–” Hayley slapped Klaus. “Don't you ever talk about her like that again!” She goes to keep searching but stops. “Oh, and Klaus if she is hurt or worse I will find some way to kill you.” With that, she walks, and Elijah follows.
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POV (Y/n)
I am brought into the shack and zip-tied to some type of iron oven aka not easy to pick up. Might as well ask. “Tyler, there's been two wolves watching Hayley and me lately. Protecting us, like they instinctively know that we are part of their pack. You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want... Was one of them you?” He shakes his head no. “No, but you're right-- only hybrids can control when they change. And I'm the only one left, besides Klaus. Which is why we're here.” “Whatever you think you're doing, you know that whole Original family has made some sort of pact, or something, to keep me and the baby safe. So, if you hurt me, they'll kill you. Believe it or not I don't want to see you die Tyler.”
“Of course, the nice, sweet Y/n wouldn't want that but then again you conspired to help kill twelve hybrids. How did you even trigger your curse if you do not believe in killing huh? I'm generally curious.” He got close and up in my face. “An accident the same as you.” I looked to the side. “I don't believe you but that's not why we are here, Dwayne? You ready for this?” Dwayne looked really hopped on whatever he was about to do.
“Let's do it.” Tyler goes to dig out a large syringe. “What are you doing?” I asked with fear flooding my body. Dwayne holds me down. “Tyler, please. NO! Tyler!” “Klaus destroyed everything good in my life! So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!” He jammed it into my stomach. “AHH!” I breathed heavily. As I see it leave my body it’s filled with my baby’s blood. Tyler goes and injects it in Dwayne and then snaps his neck. 
I just stare at the dead body now. “Don't get all judgy! Dwayne knew what he was getting into. He volunteered!” “To get killed!? How in the hell does make any sense?” “Dwayne is a werewolf who died with your blood in his system. The same blood you share with your hybrid baby.” I furred my eyebrows in confusion. “You're trying to turn him into a hybrid? That's impossible!” “I've been running with wolf packs all over the country. One of them was tight with a witch. She had nightmare visions about your baby and how Klaus could use its blood to make an army of hybrid slaves.” I breathed deeply in to control my anger.
“That’s enough from everyone! I don't care what anyone says about my baby it’s just that, my kid and if you keep on making threats on it, Klaus will be the last person to worry about.” “That’s cute and all but that's where Dwayne comes in. You see, he was happy to be the test case. If you haven't noticed, these people don't have much to live for. They'd all welcome the chance to become the superior species. Trouble is, all hybrids are sired to Klaus. They follow his every move. [He grabs a knife from his bag and sets it on the table] No way I let that happen.”
“How can you be so sure Klaus knows what the baby's blood will do?” “What do you think? Klaus Mikaelson, killer of men, women, and puppies, all of a sudden wants to be a daddy? Or, he's got an ulterior motive. Hybrids can walk in the sun. Their bite is lethal to vampires. They'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week. And you know what's going to stop Klaus then? Nothing.” Could it be true all this time? Suddenly Dwanye wakes up breathing a lot.
"You're gonna have to feed on her.” Dwayne walks over to me. “What? No! Ahhhhh!” He bites in my neck and it hurts like all Hell. He freaks out and runs out and Tyler goes after him. In the freak out he broke a chair I’m able to reach and grab a broken sharp leg. Tyler walks back in.“It worked, didn't it? He's a hybrid.” “If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid? He wins.” He picks up the knife. “Maybe we can run if those are his attentions.”  “He'll find you, he'll take your kid away, and he'll make more hybrid monsters. Slaves who do everything he says.” “Please murder is not the answer, Tyler You're not like this.”
He walks closer and I stab him in the leg with the wood. “That was stupid!” He starts again but Dwayne walks in. “Get away from her!” “What do you care?” “I said get away!” “You got what you wanted, now get lost!” “Dwayne, he's gonna kill me! And he's gonna kill you, too! He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!” Dwane attacks Tyler and I'm able to grab the knife and cut my binds and I run like never before.
I ran behind a tree hearing footsteps get closer and I jumped out and slide kicked him to the ground and pounced and almost daggered him until I realized it was Elijah. “Elijah I am so sorry! I thought-” I helped him stand up. "You thought I was Tyler, and here I thought you were in danger. It appears I was mistaken.” “Y/N!? Y/N!” It was Hayley. “Over here!” She runs over straight into my arms. “Oh thank God are you ok!? The baby!?” “Yes both of us are fine, a little sweat and a couple of scratches. Nothing I can't live through.” “Let's go!” She tugs on my arm. “Wait guys there's something you need to know about the baby.”
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“Klaus must have known, that's the only explanation! He could care less about the baby. He just wants her to be born so he can use her to make more sired hybrids.” Hayley was pissed from what I told them and I don't blame her. “Look, we don't know if Klaus knew.” “Oh like Hell he didn't, he's Klaus !” “We can talk about this later after I take you two home.” Elijah of course is trying to break the tension. “Are you serious? Home to what?” Hayley replied back in her snappy sarcasm.
“Look, regardless of my brother's intentions, mine remain the same. I said that I would protect you and your sister, even, if need be, from Klaus himself.”  “Guy’s let’s talk about this.” “What’s there to talk about Y/n! And Elijah I can take care of myself. I've done it for a long time.” She walks away. And I am left to question just about everything at this point but especially Klaus.
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We had walked back to the shack where Klaus was standing. He had blood on his shirt in the middle. He saw me and looked like he wanted to run to me, but he didn’t. Instead, he looked between Elijah and I and started to think things that weren't true. “There you are! I see you've found our wandering stray. Perhaps you could shed some light on the situation. This-- [kicks the body over] -- appears to be a hybrid.” He pointed to me wondering why there was even a hybrid in the first place. “His name was Dwayne.” I answered kind of hesitating because I knew the bomb that was about to explode.
“Well, whoever it was, I didn't sire him. Any idea how that's possible?” Hayley gets pissed and jumps up to defend me. “[ She stomps toward him] As if you didn't know!” “Hayley please!” I pleaded to her. Elijah looked to me to make sure I was ok. And Klaus saw. “Ahhh, well, aren't you two fast friends? Oh, come on, then. What kind of horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?” Here comes the boom. “Guys let’s talk-” Elijah started to talk.
“Tyler Lockwood brought Y/n here to test a theory. [Klaus nods at him to continue] That the blood of her child could be used to sire hybrids. He claims that you knew that. Furthermore, that you intended to use this knowledge to build an army.” Klaus looked hurt and with that I knew that he did not know about the blood I knew because I've had the same look before. “And, of course, you assume it's true. I mean, why else would I show interest in my own flesh and blood? A heartbroken little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it! How quickly you believe the worst, especially when it comes from her.” Klaus pointed at Hayley.
“Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Y/n or her child and sister, beyond your own selfish pursuits? And what was it you once said to me? [He impersonates Klaus] "Every king needs an heir!"” “My big brother. So, you doubt my intentions? Well, I can't say I'm surprised, standing next to the noble Elijah, how can I be anything but the lesser brother? A liar, a manipulator, a bastard.” My heart broke. “Klaus wait please-” I tried to soften this conversation after that because I knew how much pain that phrase brought to Klaus even more when he said it himself.
“And you, of course you agree with them I mean why would the big bad wolf be interested in his own blood. [He got closer to me] I knew you never would want to have a child with me.” “Brother, if–” Elijah was hurt too. “interrupts] You've said all that needs to be said, brother. [He steps back a few steps and holds his arms out in defeat] I'll play the role I've been given.” He speeds towards Elijah and bites him with his venom. Hayley and I are both shocked.
“You three enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over, once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite to be my parting gift to the three of you.” Before I even have a chance to say his name he speeds away. Hayley and I turn to Elijah to get him to the shack.
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About an hour later Elijah was on the old cot and Hayley and I were looking through old photos to see if we could find any hint towards our family. Elijah gets up to help us look. “You don't have to help us. We can dig through the werewolf antique show on our own. Besides-- [She looks at his neck wound] -- shouldn't you put some kind of ointment or something on that?” Hayley said to him concerned. “The bite won't kill me. Like Niklaus himself, it's more of a nuisance than anything.” I didn’t say anything, but I got mad at that moment. So before I got more mad, I went outside to get air. The pregnancy definitely did not help being hot.
Going outside I looked around and I finally had a chance to fully appreciate the beauty of everything like the Bayou water with the sun reflecting off of it. And the crickets making their own song. The fresh smell of no smog and instead weed flowers having a sweet nectar hanging in the air. Sometimes being a werewolf has its upsides. I couldn't wait to share this with our daughter. When I walked a little more on the deck my feet kicked into something it was big bible. I picked it up and flipped through it.
“Hayley, get out here!” Both of them came out. “What is it?” I held it and flipped through to the page that was saved. “A Bible, with a family history that goes back generations.” “What are these names? Who is Andrea and Elizabeth?” Elijah asked. “I think we are... those are the days that we were born.” I said realizing that my family just got a whole lot more intriguing. 
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Hey yawl! Hope you enjoyed the story! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated. I wanted to finish my Castiel x reader which the first season is now finished if you want to you can read that. So hopefully I can focus more on these chapters because I love this story so much. This chapter really stirred the pot between Klaus and reader, so I love that. I also hoped that I showed that Y/n could hold her own. I might skip next episode's plot and move on to the next one depends. So look out for the next one! XOXO Gossip girl ;) ;)
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 15
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Cas comes back
Warnings: Panic attacks, although that's pretty par for the course for this series!
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: Ooooh we're ramping up now!!
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 14 <- -> Part 16
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“Revero,” Dean said, catching your collar. You were strapped into the chair, mouthguard in place. You started to struggle.  
“We’re going after the witch, anything you can tell us that'll help?” Sam asked you.  
“Ssee’s powerfu’. Frow you roun’,” it was hard to speak, the compulsion was already trying to get you to hold your breath. Presumably it had learnt from last time. 
“Where would she keep the spell book?” Dean asked. 
“Don’ know. No’ normally wid her, I don’ f-” you lost the battle with the compulsion, unable to force yourself to breathe. Your mouth opened and closed ineffectively, panic rising.  
Dean reacted swiftly, placing the collar back around your throat, “Praecludo.” 
You gasped for air, wondering why you'd been unable to breathe both times you'd had your collar off recently. You felt a little dizzy, but not as bad as last time. You were still restrained, and tried to fight the rising panic.  
“It’s ok, just breathe,” your master murmured as he and Sam worked to free you, and removed the plastic from your mouth. Your master eased you to your knees at his feet.  
“Master,” you murmured.  
A little later, Sam and Dean were in the war room without you. Dean had instructed you to wait in the library for him to get lunch ready, feeling hugely guilty for both lying to you and ordering you to stay.  
Dean dialled Cas’ number. He answered on the second ring. “Hey Cas, can you come o-“ 
Castiel appeared in the room.  
“-ver.” Dean hung up the phone. “Thanks.” 
“What is it?” Cas asked the brothers.  
“We have a lead on the witch,” Sam began. “And we need to go confront her to get up the spell book to free Y/N.” 
“And you require my assistance?” 
“Not with the witch-” 
“We need you to babysit, Cas,” Dean interjected gruffly. 
“You have no children,” Cas replied.  
“Not a child, a slave: Y/N. We can't leave her alone.” 
“Oh.” Cas paused. “What do I do with her?” 
Dean sighed. “Just, look after her. Make sure she’s ok. Feed her. Get her to go to bed at an appropriate time. Try not to trigger a panic attack.” 
“I am unsure I am up to such a task.” 
“You'll be fine,” Sam said encouragingly.  Cas reluctantly nodded.  
“Ok,” Dean said, “let me just quickly make Y/N some food so I wasn’t lying to her, and then we'll tell her.” 
Your master and Sam were leaving you. You felt scared, worried and abandoned, but all you’d said was “Yes, sir,” when he’d told you. Trench coat had come back to look after you, apparently his name was Cas. You didn’t know him, you were wary.  He had done healing magic on you, which you appreciated, but that meant he could do magic. He was dangerous.  
Your master had given you lunch and he and Sam had eaten, then they’d gone to pack. Cas didn’t seem to have eaten anything. The brothers returned to where you were kneeling in the kitchen, telling Cas they were going soon.  
Sam came over and ruffled your hair. “See ya soon, Y/N.” 
“Goodbye, sir.” Sam picked up his bag and left. 
Your master crouched down in front of you and nudged your chin up to look at him. “You’ll be ok,” he said quietly. “Cas will look after you. Sammy and I will be back soon.” You felt your eyes water slightly and you blinked quickly to clear it. 
“Yes, sir.” 
He cupped your cheek and you leant into it slightly. “It’ll be ok, sweetheart, I promise.”  
He stood up. He left. 
You resumed looking at the floor. Cas turned to you. “So, Y/N, what do you normally do now?” His voice had a strange impersonal, analytical quality to it.  
“My master often reads or uses his computer, sir, and I accompany him.” 
“I have no research to be conducting right now. What else do you do?” 
You hesitated, but you didn’t want to be punished for leaving out information. “Sometimes Mister Sam and I watch TV, sir. Or my master works on his car.” 
“I guess we will watch television then.” He gestured for you to follow him.  
Cas’ phone began to ring as he led the way to the lounge. He looked at it, ‘Dean Winchester’. He answered, confused because Dean had only just left. 
“Don’t you dare show her porn,” Dean growled, then cut the line. A strange afterthought, Cas mused, but he wasn’t wrong. That was the most interesting thing on human television. 
Cas revised his plans and headed to the TV. 
“Do you require sustenance?” Cas asked you later that evening.  
“No, sir.” You had eaten that day already; you wouldn't require food for days. You were hungry, but that wasn't what he had asked.  
“Don't humans eat more often than this?” Humans? What?! 
“I- uh- humans, sir?” You said, momentarily losing your normal, pre-prepared responses due to his comment. At least he wasn't your master to see you acting so inappropriately.  
“Yes. You are human, are you not?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Most humans I know eat frequently.” 
“I- I- Sir?” You were entirely thrown by this conversation. 
It suddenly hit you. Cas wasn’t human. What was he?! You started to panic, taking quick, shallow breaths. Aren't witches human?! 
“Oh, uh. Please stop panicking. Dean said I shouldn’t give you a panic attack.” 
You continued to hyperventilate.  
He looked at you quizzically. 
“Ok, this is a problem I can solve.” You assumed he was speaking to himself, as that made no sense. “You are worried about what I said, perhaps.”  
You didn't respond, continuing to freak out. What could he be other than human?! 
“You are concerned that you are human?” 
He paused. “No, you probably already knew that. Oh, you are concerned that I am not human?” 
“What- what- what are you?!” You said, panicked. After a second, you added, “Sir.” 
“I am an angel. I thought Dean would have told you.” 
“Angels are- are real?” 
“Yes. It’s why I could heal you.” 
You were still hyperventilating, not sure whether this was a good thing or not.  
“You should breathe slower.” 
You couldn't stop, your mind was reeling. An angel could probably blink you out of existence if you were bad. An angel could probably smite you. Forget witches, angels were probably 300 times more powerful.  
Cas pulled out his phone and dialled a number. He held it to his ear. “Dean, I think I gave her a panic attack,” he said in the same almost expressionless monotone. He must have rung your master. You started to panic more: your master would be angry with you.  
“I told her I'm an angel.” Pause.  
“Because she was confused when I asked her why she didn't need to eat as often as other humans.” Pause.  
“She said she did not require sustenance.” Pause.  
“I cannot feed her now, she is breathing too much. It is ineffectual for her.” 
He pulled the phone away from his ear and spoke to you. “Dean wishes to speak to you.” He put the phone to your ear.  
“Heya, sweetheart,” your master said through the phone. “I know you're freaked out, but Cas isn't going to hurt you. He's a good angel.” You could hear noises behind him, it sounded like your car trip when you had arrived with your master. “I need you to slow down your breathing for me. Take some nice slow, deep breaths.” 
The collar forced your compliance, but it still took a while to stop hyperventilating.  
“That's it, good girl. I would never leave you with someone who was going to hurt you.” He listened to your breathing a few more moments. “Ok, well done, sweetheart. Are you ok now?” 
“Yes, sir.” You were always ok. 
“Can you put Cas back on?” 
“My master wishes to speak to you, sir,” you said to Cas.  
Cas took the phone back to his own ear and listened, before saying, “You did not say that before you left.” Pause. 
“Yes.” Pause.  
“Yes.” Pause. 
“I will avoid panicking her further.” Pause.  
“Goodbye, Dean.” He hung the phone up. 
Cas turned back to you. “I am sorry I worried you. Dean says that you do require sustenance.” 
A/N: Would love to hear your theories about Dean's half of the conversations! 🤣
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crucifiedcastiel · 1 month
does anyone else remember the winchester’s love slave castiel ??
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inkandpaperqwerty · 5 months
I am conquering the list!
I’ve been working on Through the Gate, the Criminal Minds x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood story I mentioned on the list, and we’re past 20,000 words at this point. I’ve also been working on the unnamed Slave!Castiel fic that I am quickly realizing is also kind of a Captive!Castiel at the same time? So, yeah, that one’s much shorter. It’s not even 10,000 words yet. As I mentioned previously, I finished Hell’s Persuasion, but it’s going to be a little bit before I post it. I don’t have a date set, unfortunately. My point is this: I’m defeating three of the five stories mentioned on my list!
I finished Awesome Mix Vol. 1! I’m not 100% happy with what I wrote, but I have plenty of time to edit it, and it’s good to have the story officially finished. Of course, on Wednesday, 04/17/2024, I posted Chapter 8, and this coming Wednesday (04/24/2024) I’ll be posting Chapter 9.
On the publishing front, I got an EIN (which I don’t think I really need, but it’s free, so why not play it safe), and they’re sending me a letter with information to get my sales tax ID. Hopefully, next weekend, I’ll be able to complete the process, and then I can buy some ISBNs!
I also got some editing done on Collision Course (blurb here), and I would say I’m about halfway through, but it’s not as if this is the final edit. It’s got a ways to go, but I absolutely love how it’s coming along!
Thanks for reading!
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fanfiction-blep · 5 days
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Kinktober 2024
I’ll upload posts daily if I can I’ll add the links when the posts come out.
there are five days that i have not included because I wanted to see if you guys had have prompts or specific characters or even actors that you wanted me to write into the unlisted prompts that you wanted to see from me. my asks will be open <3
1. Degradation - Miles Quaritch X reader
2. Domination - Jake Sully X reader
3. Public - Merlin X reader
4. Primal play - Derek Hale x reader
5. Caught -
6. "I want to watch" - Jake Sully X reader
7. Size kink - Sam Winchester x reader
8. Phone sex - Spencer Reid x reader
9. Bondage -
10. Slave - Kylo Ren x reader
11. Praise -
12. Food play - Dean Winchester x reader
13. "You really want to be a brat? right now?" -
14. Pain -
15 "Cry for me baby" -
16. I can fuck you better than your husband -
17. Cock worship -
18. Role play -
19. Breeding kink -
20. Spanking -
21. Wax Play -
22. "It's my first time" - Castiel X reader
23. Overstimulation - Sam Winchester X reader
25. Hair Pulling - Neytiri X Fem/reader
26. Edging -
29. Body worship - Dean Winchester X reader
31. Worship me - Morgana Pendragon X fem/reader
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nym-wibbly · 3 months
Getting Away With It - Supernatural
I wondered if I'd have some big revelation about Supernatural once I saw the whole thing - if I'd get some big epiphany about how it held up for 15 years or whatever.
My main takeaway overnight, however, has been marvelling (while ocassionally grinning crazily at a flashback) at what the creatives got away with just by building up to it slowly. Network TV in the US remains absolutely hogtied by the prevailing moral discourse, and by the money-power of controversy-shy advertisers to be the arbiters of what can and cannot be shown on a syndicated show. Syndication is its own money-slave and it's incapable of fully breaking free, short of the US viewership achieving consensus on both good taste and bad influences.
Supernatural worked its way up from a mythology of isolated urban legends to pull in the occult, then religion. The latter two subjects have been shockingly taboo for telly even here in the arguably post-Christian UK market within my lifetime. The spluttering outrage of the Mary Whitehouse Brigade would've turned to fatal aneurysms watching Supernatural play witchcraft, demonic possession, and angelic lore with equal irony and humour.
The heroes drink so much and live so badly that only their canonical Plot Armour, courtesy of failed-writer God, keeps them functioning as human beings. They're outlaws, criminals Robin Hood-style, defrauding their way to a living because their day job, the heroing, doesn't pay for food and shelter. They pass themselves off as badged figures of authority without difficulty. They never have to face the everyday moral or practical consequences of career-criminal actions that would be the moral backbone of the average movie or miniseries.
Dean routinely has carefree, casual sex with equally willing and available women during his travels, free of consequence and guilt, while the (currently) male angel Castiel occupies the textual role of Dean's love interest/romantic antagonist for most of 12 seasons because that happened to be where the show found the equivalent chemistry. They didn't just let it lie - they upped the ante season after season. That can only mean that the creatives of Supernatural have awesome poker-faces in serious meetings with their network-suited counterparts. ("No homo," they said gravely, sipping coffee and resting one hand half over the scene(s) where Dean takes the role of devastated widower every time Cas gets dead.)
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They made everything about free will and standing for what's right. Even some of the sparkier demons got there before their arcs closed, grabbing agency and choosing to serve the greater good, or to act from love, but the angels consistently struggled to do the same. The angels are an unholy mess on Supernatural, opting for largely self-inflicted genocide having been abandoned by God.
Supernatural made God the ultimate baddie then had Lucifer's son - actual son of Satan - kick his arse and replace him. The Antichrist showed up too, but turned out to be a nice kid who caused so little trouble he never returned to the show. Fantasy usually only gets away with that (Christianity-defined) blasphemy shit by cloaking it in not-our-world trappings; sword and sorcery, worldbuilding from the ground up to provide a safe otherspace for questions that half of society in the target market isn't comfortable even asking, let alone answering or turning into casual entertainment.
Supernatural did that too - 14 seasons of slow, epic worldbuilding set in what looks, sounds, feels and tastes like modern America, is a love poem to its land and uniqueness at times, especially under the original showrunner, but turns out in the end to be a fictional world written by a self-obsessed deity who's run out of new ideas and settled for endless reruns with his comfort characters. Our Heroes are puppets and God himself is the bad guy jerking them around. Season 15 pays off that buildup in spades, then wipes the floor with God, leaving him a pitiable irrelevance in the Supernatural America of free will and doing-what's-right.
I've seen the show take a lot of vitreol for being unambitious, and a lot of fans being very unhappy over what the show didn't do or attempt. After my first viewing, I'm just pouring one out for the cunning shit they got away with while the networks who kept the lights on for 15 years were too distracted by the comfortable, mainstream headline of "two marketable white dudes (but no homo) drive around America in a cool car being manly-man heroes" to do anything about it.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 21 days
With A Little Help
With A Little Help https://ift.tt/zdHcSho by ReelNaturalFreak Life isn't fair for omegas, but all Dean can do is suck it up and give his parents a reason not to sell him. He takes Sammy to school, goes to work at his first job, picks Sammy up from school, and goes to his second job. He cooks, he cleans, and he does everything he can to be useful. However, it's not enough... Shortly after Sam presented as an alpha, his parents didn't see a need to keep Dean any longer. It doesn't matter how useful he is, not when the paycheck they'll get from selling him as a sex slave will set them up for life. Words: 4770, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Omega Dean Winchester, Bad Parent John Winchester, Bad Parent Mary Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, Recreational Drug Use, Minor Character Death, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/bj5w2Ni September 04, 2024 at 07:01AM
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morningstarnomore · 1 year
Rating: Teen
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Relationship: Castiel/Lucifer
Prompt: Drugging / Sick / Poisoning
Day one of AI-less Whumptober! Been a long time since I’ve written fan fiction so I figured I’d make great use of prompt month haha. Short and sweet and simple today!
Human Lucifer. The concept alone is a novelty - the fallen archangel, the King, the Morningstar, the one who refused to choose to love anything above his Father, including humanity. This condemned creature, condemned once more to suffer the very same condition he had grown to hate in his time locked away. Ever since Castiel discovered him in that alleyway, he’s been utterly fascinated by it. Lucifer without his grace. All powerful archangel, reduced to a simple creature, slave to his own needs.
Many a night has been spent watching over the man whimpering in his sleep, a reverence in his hands with every wound he heals, a sick fascination with the audible pump of his heart. Of course, his heart pumped before, but now he’s heard it sped up in anxiety. He can almost feel the difference, now that it’s fighting to keep him alive. Alive. Alive and breathing.
That breath is coming out particularly shaky, now, as the former angel huddles under the scratchy motel room blankets. Castiel hesitates at the side of his bed, unused to whatever it is that’s afflicting him. His skin is almost dewy in its pale glow, the moonlight slipping through the curtains making him look even more frail. Cas isn’t big on touch, necessarily, and yet he’s driven by some hidden impulse to reach out, hand fitting over his forehead. Slick under his palm, the slide a serious indication that something’s wrong. And he’s hot. Cas will never quite get over the change, from winter frost to soft warmth, and now a burning star. Lucifer’s cheeks are muddied and flushed, and his eyes are sea glass when they flutter open to look up at him.
“Brother,” he murmurs, lips hardly moving. “Am I dying?”
It’s a fair question, and he’ll let his pondering be the implied reason he can’t seem to move or speak. Rooted to the spot. Would a human death feel so different from an angelic one? Would you be able to feel all of those precious organs shutting down? He swallows, nonsensically.
“No… I think you’re just sick.” His eyes scan over his brother’s face, heart absently pounding in his own chest. The detachment from his own body is a necessity as an angel, a vessel rendered to perform as just that. A vessel. An empty, unattached ship. He doesn’t feel this body the way that Lucifer now feels his own. Sam and Dean don’t really get sick, so this is hardly his area of expertise, but he knows in this instant that nothing could remove him from Lucifer’s side.
The weakened man’s head nods slowly, lips twisting. “Do I need… medicine?”
“I can leave and find you some,” Castiel offers immediately, hand pushing into the messy, spiked blond hair. Also damp. A shudder runs through the entirety of Lucifer’s body, and it makes something within Castiel buckle.
“No!” Lucifer’s eyes shoot wide, and he half sits-up before collapsing back pitifully. “Stay. I don’t…” There’s the look of panicked dog in his eyes, all panic and desperation. “I can’t defend myself right now.” His tone is off, but his eyes are pleading.
Lucifer is afraid.
He has gotten a lot more comfortable with the limitations of humanity, after all. Not happy with it, certainly, but every day is no longer a fight. No longer the pitiful, helpless creature. Sure, he still needs Cas, to keep him safe and hidden and alive, but it’s not the same. He has a day to day life, he can tentatively go out in the world. Castiel can’t be here all the time, so Lucifer has gained some self-sufficiency. And now, for the first time since he’s gained it, that foundation is shaken again.
“Alright. I’ll stay. Let me take care of you.” The relief is clear in his brother’s unfocused gaze, fever bright. Cas’s hand circles his face, thumb tracing the skin of his lips. Paler than usual. Dry, cracked. “I’ll get water.” Castiel reluctantly removes his hand, turning to the “kitchenette.”
A cup is filled, and a sandwich is made. One which Lucifer only ends up being able to make it halfway through, but it’s necessary. An armchair is dragged over to the side of the bed, television turned on, and the shuddering man on the bed finally edges toward relaxing again. Actually, Castiel rather thought he’d fallen asleep by the time Lucifer pipes up again.
“Will you come sit on the bed?” His voice is tentative, sleepy, like he’s hanging on by his fingernails to consciousness. It catches on Castiel, and his every thought stutters to a halt. “With me. I just…” Cas looks at him, finally, lips parted. Bated breath. “I need you close.” The words come out whispered, and it’s clear that Lucifer hadn’t been sure he’d even say them.
It’s more than Castiel had asked for. And, oddly, he rapidly comes to the realization that it’s exactly what he wanted. It only takes a second to get him to his feet, sliding into the space Lucifer makes for him. He doesn’t bother getting under the covers, but the invited closeness is something that stirs in his gut, making him ache for something he’s not even sure he has words for. And when Lucifer hesitates, then leans softly into him, he feels… important. And more at home than he has in any memories of Heaven that haven’t been stripped from him. It doesn’t even take long before the slump of sleep leaves Lucifer’s body heavy against him.
He never thought there’d be side effects, like Lucifer clinging to him, hand tangled in his shirt and gripping tighter at any discomfort. The urge to duck down and press his lips to that warm, clammy forehead. His own protectiveness over his brother. So weak. So fragile. An injured baby bird in his strong hands, who wholly believes in him.
It’s better than he could have possibly hoped.
The glass vial had done its trick, a simple remedy that any witch - or angel - could cobble together. And now, with Lucifer snuggled into his side, shaking every once in a while in his sleep, the result is even better than he ever intended. He just wanted Lucifer to not distrust Cas, to stay dependent on him, to… to look up at him and see his savior. Holding him at the brink of death, and pulling him back.
In him.
Castiel, a lowly angel of the Lord, a mere foot soldier in the battle of Heaven and Hell. An angel whose story was meant to end at the hands of one of his own. Insignificant. And now… now, the Morningstar himself needs him.
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5kby5may · 5 months
Link to Fic | Link to Promo
Apotheosis of the Stoat
Author: @kayliemalinza Fandom: Supernatural Word Count: 4,985 Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairing: Castiel & Dean Winchester
Tags: Small Game Hunting, Animal Death, Roman Slave AU, Animal!Castiel, Blood and Injury
Sent into the woods by his dominus to hunt for the source of grace-sickness, Dean encounters a little god who has recently come into being. Teaser: Dean sighs. He'd been hoping that his dominus sent him here for nothing, hoping that the little girl in the outpost had some common ague instead of grace sickness. His hope dwindles as the bird fails every test the rabbit had passed: faint crackling like fire as the limbs are shifted and pulled; glittering blood, sheened purple; the pressing stillness in his mind when Dean sifts through feathers to touch bare skin. Dean tosses the bird down and scowls as he resets the snare. A bird doesn't narrow the range at all; it could've been tainted nearby, or it could've flown all the way in from the northern wastes, where Michael and Lucifer are waging war and spilling grace like thunderstorms. Maybe the bird flew over a vegetable garden, scat tilled into the soil and taken up by a turnip or carrot which was boiled into the little girl's stew. Dean could be chasing nothing out here--or the woods could be full of blue-eyed little gods, biding their time. Angels, he reminds himself. Romans refuse to call them gods.
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castiddies · 1 year
💖 fic recs !! 💖
just sharing my fav fics that i read in the last 6 months :)
where living doesn't feel like falling by februyuri - 39k | E |
The year is 2002 and Castiel is a part-time student, full-time gas station sales associate living in Rexford, Idaho. One day, a handsome young man in a black Chevrolet drops by the Gas-N-Sip and changes his life forever.
Castle on a Cloud by whelvenwings - 122k | E |
Dean Winchester has his whole life planned out. Becoming a warrior is all he’s ever dreamed about, since he was tiny - saving people, hunting monsters; quests and deeds and swords and glory. He’s done his training and he’s ready to become a Savaşçı, a knight of the realm. All that stands in his way is the Vigil, a night-long contemplation of his past and future in the chapel just outside the city walls. The only rules: no eating, no speaking, and no opening the door. Easy, right? Very easy. Until there’s a knocking, and a voice from outside that pleads for his help… So begins Dean’s journey, and his path will take him far - across the desert, through the forests, over the mountains and beyond. But his mysterious blue-eyed companion is keeping secrets, and Dean has a few of his own. Will he be able to let go of his fear before they come to the Castle on a Cloud?
the cheapest room in the house by biggaybenny - 89k | E |
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
the origin of love by dothraki_shieldmaiden - 121k | E |
Having a soulmate isn't always a good thing. Castiel Novak knew, from the age of four, that he had a soulmate. He could feel every bit of pain that his soulmate experienced--every injury, every hurt, every disappointment his soulmate suffered, he felt. By the time he's eighteen, Castiel has felt the pain beyond his imagining, and he's left with the simple question: why does his soulmate hate him so? Dean Winchester never wanted a soulmate. He grew up watching how the loss of his soulmate destroyed his father. Unfortunately, when he's four years old, he finds himself saddled with one. He spends his teenage years desperate to deny even the smallest comfort from his soulmate. When tragedy strikes, Castiel sets off on a mission of revenge that will send his life crashing into Dean's. Determined to defy fate, the two separate, only to come back together, only to separate again. But when a demon deal threatens not only Dean's life but Castiel's, the two have to connect in order to save each other, themselves, and maybe, while they're at it, the world.
Roll With It by saltnhalo - 73k | E |
For two years, Dean’s been slaving away beneath his boss – many label him a secretary, but he fucking hates that and feels like it only applies to someone wearing a pencil skirt, so he insists on his title of Executive Assistant. And for what? In the vain hope that one day he’ll manage to become an editor for Sandover Publishing, and that he’ll see the manuscript that he’s slaved over since college finally realized in print. That’s the dream, anyway. Right now, he’s fucking late. Dean wants to be an editor. Castiel just wants to stay in the country. ‘The Proposal’ – as you’ve never seen it before.
It's The End of the World (As We Know It) by tiamatv - 139k | M |
The year is 1996, and Dean’s stuck in Kankakee, Illinois while Dad’s on a long-haul hunt. It’s not too bad. He’s even got a friend, now—even if Cas is a weird, gawky loner kid who gets way too intense about his sci-fi novels and doesn’t know how to stop staring. Just business as usual. Until his dad comes back, and it isn’t. The year is 2011, and the shadows known as ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ are falling from cracks in the sky, raining death, destruction, and monsters where they pass. When the Joint Task Force asks for their help in stopping the end of the world—John Winchester, his sons, and a ragtag band of hunters—well, that’s just business as usual, too. Until Dean meets the cold blue eyes of their team liaison—Dr. Castiel Novak.
carving deep blue ripples by dothraki_shieldmaiden - 85k | E |
With his little brother at Stanford and his father searching out leads on the monster that killed his mother, Dean Winchester is left to hunt alone. It's fun, except in the ways that it really blows. Things start to turn around when he meets Castiel Novak, another hunter. Castiel is aloof and maybe a little too sarcastic, but he's good backup (and pretty easy on the eyes. Not that Dean's looking or anything). After a few hunts, Dean is willing to make his and Castiel's partnership permanent (and he's not exactly averse to adding another component to their partnership either. After all, he's caught Castiel looking at him just as many times as Castiel's caught him looking). But Castiel is hiding a secret, and it's so explosive that it threatens to not only tear them apart, but also tear apart everything Dean believes in.
Heavyweight by emmbrancsxx0, valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) - 206k | E |
Brooklyn, 1927. The Golden Age of Boxing. Two years ago, light heavyweight champion Dean Winchester and heavyweight champion Castiel Novak had a secret affair. After a scandal tarnished Cas’ name and stripped him of his title, the two parted ways. Now, with a heavyweight tournament on the horizon, Dean aims to up his weight class so he can compete for the title. He finds unexpected competition when Cas comes out of retirement and returns to New York to fix his reputation. Upon their reunion, the two contenders learn that, outside of the ring, some bruises never really heal.
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets - 60k | M |
Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen. Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia's foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen.
Right Where You Left Me by outdean - 93k | E |
Ten years after the empty swallows Cas up, it spits him right back out—but a lot can change in a decade. OR The "Cas comes back from the empty to find that Dean is married" fic.
Hidden Language by chevrolangels - 60k | E |
Las Alas Academy. A formidable-looking place, all brick building and ivy climbing the walls, nestled in the heart of the city. To be accepted is a pipe dream, to succeed is a miracle. When Naomi Alas left the National Ballet, amidst much gossip and whispered rumors, she walked out with her head held high, and started her own school the next year. Within five years it was one of the most prestigious names in the country, hell—any kid with a pair of ballet shoes and a teacher worth their salt instilled in them the hope of one day walking the hallowed halls of Alas. So why was Dean here again? Castiel supposes life could be a lot worse. He’s finally got out of ballet, he hasn’t got kicked out of his apartment yet, and oh, yeah—he’s got a competition coming up that’s his entire future on a plate. The last thing he needs is a distraction.
for the love of a triangle by dothraki_shieldmaiden - 75k | E |
She’s seventeen years old, with the world in the palm of her hands, but she wants more. Cassie Robinson is hungry, the kind of hungry with teeth, the kind of hungry that hunts down life like a pack of wolves, and she won’t stop until she gets everything. OR Dean, Cassie, and Castiel meet at college and fall in love.
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lifblogs · 7 months
10) What is your favorite whumpy story you have written?
I'm going to cheat and say two different stories because one was written in a prednisone fueled mania, and the other was a birthday present to myself and has a 50-song playlist, so...
Three Birds, One Stone
Lucifer — possessing Castiel — uses the angel’s body to hurt the Winchesters. The aftermath leaves the brothers with debilitating injuries and illness, and meanwhile, Castiel is still stuck with his torturer. Jody, Claire, and Alex want to help, but with Lucifer closing in on finding Amara, things don’t go as planned. Alternate ending to 11x14 “The Vessel.”
In the Dark
Sam is captured by Lucifer; Dean, Amara. They become slaves to them, and after months, their wills nearly broken, and with Amara and Lucifer at the height of their battle against each other, the Winchesters are given one final order: kill your brother.
I was thinking of picking a one-shot, but whump multi-chapters are just sooooo fun. Like, the first one here is incomplete and I can't complete it for quite some time now, but it was fun, and I can't wait to work on it again. And can I ever read In the Dark again? No, but it was fun.
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