#so I have it out of the way
fucktheroyals · 2 years
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I'm dyingggg 🥲
Edit: I posted this because I thought the jokes were funny, not really to announce that Misha's bisexual but that seems to be what this post is being used as. So since everyone's here I guess I'm gonna have to be the one to post this and inform you all about misha's recent thread of tweets:
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I'm personally really sorry you guys. If you found out about "misha being bisexual" (or as many tags have been saying, thought he already was) and it made you happy for obvious reasons I'm holding your hands and offering a warm drink and a blanket (and a virtual hug if you want one). I'm really really sorry.
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akolnoix · 2 years
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i've never read battle for the cowl but that won't stop me from complaining about it
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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content warning for scary body imagery hee hee !!
the way I am absolutely terrified for belos to see flapjack for the “first" time
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qrbits · 2 years
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17yearcicada · 3 years
when people die early in a story but their death sets the tone for the whole story and to an extent sets everything in motion even if the story isn’t about their death... that’s good shit right there!
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mokutone · 2 years
i am trying to find a image of the outside of kakashi's window to see what textures i should use for jōnin housing, and i am not finding it but i did find this. look. look
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i have so much to say. firstly, everyone wears their shoes in kakashi's apartment, kakashi wears his shoes in kakashi's apartment. i think there is an absolutely and entirely unused shoe rack. there, that blue vertical cubby thing next to the door. it has at least seven slots and there's not a single set of shoes in there!
there have probably NEVER been a set of shoes in there. no respect for Kakashi's living space allowed.
secondly, if i am correct, the caligraphy on that wall just says shinobi. it's like. this is really funny to me. imagine just having ur job title in caligraphy hung up on the wall. a little like having this hung up on ur wall
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u feel me? did he pick that out himself. did it come with the apartment (jōnin standard housing...obsessed). what about that weird abstract art behind sasuke in the front area, the one that kinda reminds me of the inside of Jiraiya's frog jutsu. did kakashi hang that up in his own room. did he see that and go "yeah, this is something I want to wake up and look at every morning that I'm back in Konoha"
also. skjghsdkgjhsdkgjhsdgkjhsdgkjshdgkshdgdsg. hello to mr ukki on the window sill. and hello to kakashi's shuriken blanket. that's so cute. what the hell is his interior design sense. it seems like.
if everything is put together. it seems like...well, as kate said, pinterest shinobi...
also sidenote he takes off his shoes even when hes just poking around his students homes w/ the hokage
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so its Just his own apartment that gets this disrespect. when i told kate abt this they pointed out "well, that's probably because kakashi has no ownership of his own space and feels transient always but he respects the space of others send tweet" which is so true, so true.
(it should be noted that in the manga his home is a lil more cluttered)
#i want to meet the jōnin housing interior decorator. who is the one who designs these apartments. what are the principles they use going in#i like the cluttered idea of his home more bc while the idea that kakashi keeps his home absolutely spotless bc he doesnt live in it#and doesnt have a real ''home'' personality is loaded in a very compelling meow meow way#but for my interest...i have to say its not as compelling to me bc kakashi is not an empty man! he's bursting with feelings#i very much like the idea that hes incapable of letting go of the past and so he keeps a lot of trinkets#people leave and people die and people vanish but if you have something of theirs—in some way its a tangible memory#a way to hold them in your hands#i think hes careful with his trinkets though i think he keeps the important ones in sealed containers out of sunlight or elements so that#they remain unchanged by time#(of relevance: exposing things to sunlight is one way to break down odors quickly)#its not clean and feelingless and efficient but i think kakashi might be a little bit of a pack rat...#i think that naruto gives him drawings when hes first appointed sensei of team 7....and he keeps them in a little cardboard box bc#he doesnt know what to do with them but the idea of getting rid of them doesnt even cross his mind. so hes got all these goofy kid drawings#of naruto as a huge badass fighting sasuke and enemies with lots of teeth and spikes and like kakashi and sakura#one day like 20 yrs later when narutos in his thirties kakashi finds them again and loses his fucking mind laughing#gai + yamato (who live with him now bc they need to share the fridge) are like what. what happened whatd you find#kakashis the kind of person where if you give him something he just holds onto it for eternity
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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“You wear fine things well.”
get a print of this here
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I suspect quite a few people on this site don’t realize they are struggling with the effects of chronic trauma. In particular I think more people need to learn about the symptoms of C-PTSD.
Distinct from general PTSD, Complex PTSD is caused by prolonged, recurring stress and trauma, often occurring in childhood & adolescence over an extended period of time. There are many risk factors, including: abusive/negligent caregivers, dysfunctional family life, untreated mental/chronic illness, and being the target of bullying/social alienation.
I’m not a mental health professional and I’m not qualified to diagnose anyone, I just remember a million watt light bulb going off in my head when I first learned about C-PTSD. It was a huge OH MY FUCKING WORD eureka moment for me—it explained all these problems I was confused and angry at myself for having. The symptoms that really stood out to me were:
Negative self-perception: deep-seated feelings of shame, guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, and stigma. Feeling like you are different from everyone else, like something is fundamentally ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ with you.
Emotional avoidance of topics, people, relationships, activities, places, things etc that might cause uncomfortable emotions such as shame, fear, or sadness. Can lead to self-isolation.
Learned helplessness: a pervasive sense of powerlessness, often combined with feelings of desensitization, wherein you gradually stop trying to escape or prevent your own suffering, even when opportunities exist. May manifest as self-neglect or self-sabotage. (I remember watching myself make bad choices and neglect my responsibilities, and having no idea why I was doing it, or how to stop myself. Eventually I just stopped caring, which led to more self-neglect.)
Hyper-vigilance: always feeling “on edge,” alert, unable to relax even in spaces that should feel safe. May be combined with an elevated “flight” response, or feelings of always being prepared to flee. (I used to hide important documents and possessions in a sort of emergency go bag, even when I was living alone and there was no logical reason other than it made me feel “prepared.”)
Difficulty regulating emotions: may include mood swings, persistent numbness, sadness, suicidal idealization, explosive anger (or inability to feel anger and other strong emotions), inability to control your emotions, confusion about why you react the way you do.
Sense of foreshortened future: assuming or feeling that you will die young. Recurring thoughts that "I'll be dead before the age of 30/40/18/21 etc." As a teenager I used to joke darkly that I didn't plan to live past 30—not because I planned to end my life, but because I simply couldn't imagine myself alive and happy in the long-term. I couldn't imagine a meaningful future where I wasn't suffering.
Emotional flashbacks: finding yourself suddenly re-experiencing feelings of helplessness, panic, despair, or anger etc, often without understanding what has triggered these feelings. Often these flashbacks don’t clearly relate to the memory of a single event (since C-PTSD is caused by repetitive events, which can blur together), making them harder to identify as flashbacks—especially if you’ve never heard the phrase “emotional flashback” and don’t know what to look for. For years I just filed it under “sometimes I overreact/freak out randomly for no reason, probably bc I am just a terrible human being.” (It turns out there was very much a reason, it was just hidden in the past. I have since learned to be kinder and less judgemental towards myself.)
There are other symptoms too, here are more links with good info.
I’ve been meaning to write this post for awhile, because I’ve noticed that a lot of the people I interact with online have risk factors and experiences similar to mine. These include:
growing up in a dysfunctional household
having caregivers who do not fulfill basic emotional needs (do not provide consistent positive attention, encouragement, support, acceptance, communication, a sense of safety and security)
on a very related note, experiencing neglect or abuse at the hand of caregivers or other adults. I also want to emphasize the significance of emotional abuse, since it is hard to recognize, easy to ignore, and utterly rampant in so many communities. In general, family dysfunction, abuse & neglect are quite difficult to identify when you are a child/teen and that is the only “normal” you have known.
(For example, in my family it manifested as an emotionally absent father I was vaguely frightened of, constant nagging from a hypercritical mother, and a house full of people who yelled and screamed at each other. It took me years to realize I grew up in an abusive environment, because there was no physical violence, because I participated in the fighting, and because my behavioral problems made me the family scapegoat. And I internalized that guilt: I thought I was the problem. But no—I was a child, and I deserved not to grow up in a household full of anger and fear and negativity. You deserved that too. You deserved to grow up safe and loved and treated with kindness.) 
anyway back to more risk factors:
being neurodivergent or chronically ill (especially without receiving proper treatment/support/accommodation)
being queer (especially in a conservative or undiverse community, or without the support and acceptance of family & friends)
being the target of bullying or harassment (from peers, teachers, authority figures, irl, online, etc)
being isolated or alienated from peers, from family, from your wider community.
growing up with chronic anxiety, discomfort, pain, fear, or distress caused by any of the above and more.
There are many other experiences that can cause chronic trauma, but these are some particularly common ones I see people in my own community struggling with. And I want more people to be aware of this, because we’ve been taught to ignore and second-guess the significance of our traumatic experiences. We’ve been taught to feel guilty for our own pain, because “other people aren’t struggling, so I shouldn’t either” or (contradictorily) “other people have it worse, so I shouldn’t complain.” But that’s not how it works—you are not other people, and you deserve to have it better. We all deserve better. We deserve to be happy. We deserve not to be in pain.
I used to think I couldn’t have a trauma disorder because (I argued in my head) the things that happened to me weren’t that bad. And then I spent five years in therapy learning to accept the full extent of my issues. I’ve since learned that trauma comes in many forms, and can happen quietly, invisibly, silently, chronically, and usually without the survivor being aware of the long-term repercussions of what they are surviving. That revelation comes later, after you have survived and must instead learn to live.
Finally, no single type of trauma is more real or harmful than any other. Severity is measured by the way the individual is affected, and the same situations affect different people in different ways. Because no one gets to choose how their brain reacts to trauma. No one gets to choose their hurt—otherwise there would be a hell of a lot less hurting in the world.
We can, however, choose to seek help. We can learn to recognize when something is wrong, we can learn when to reach out to professionals, and we can learn to educate ourselves on our injuries.
And gradually, we can learn to heal.
(posts like this brought to you by ko-fi supporters)
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shweshisketch · 2 years
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It feels like ever since Sora disappeared, I’ve wanted something like this.  Coco’s Land of the Dead is my ideal world for KH4 - the theming and environment would fit beautifully.
There are so many interesting concepts to be explored with Sora and his friends on opposite sides of reality.  I’ll try not to dream too big, but I’m excited for what’s next.
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yea-baiyi · 2 years
something something infinite glory vs fallen from grace, how tgcf’s whole point is its range. how the whole point is to show extreme contrasts: xie lian floating through the sky as a hero vs lying drunk and filthy at the bottom of a grave pit. shi qingxuan the vibrant privileged god vs the disfigured beggar. pei ming the great warrior vs the easily humiliated coward. hua cheng the too-brave solider boy vs the fearsome ghost king vs the playful and sometimes vicious san lang. it’s still just you.
it’s you when you’re glorious and worshipped and loved and beautiful, it’s you when you’re vulnerable and pathetic and desperate and ugly. it’s you when you are dressed up in finery, it’s you when you are filthy and covered in mud. its you when you’re kind and benevolent, it’s you when you’re petty and angry. it’s you when you are dying for a noble cause, it’s you when you wield a sword for twisted vengeance. it’s all you, in all that it is possible for a human to be. and all that is worth loving. because it is you.
#this is cheesy and surface level it really is!!! i’m aware. sorry i had a point like a textual analysis point but i got distracted.#tgcf#tgcf meta#hualian#hua cheng#xie lian#shi qingxuan#pei ming#like. mxtx’s characters all contain multitudes#but the point of tgcf is that people have range. and the story goes out of its way to show that for EVERYONE#and range isn’t just good or bad it’s not just about morals. it’s about EVERYTHING#it’s clean and dirty it’s petty it’s childish it’s desperate it’s smug it’s hysterical it’s hilarious#it’s EVERYTHING.#and that’s what i struggle with. with the adaptations#because i guess it’s something so HUMAN so REAL so TANGIBLE. the range of being human. nothing more nothing less#tgcf is about every way that it is possible to be human. and no artistic medium can really capture ALL of that i think.#the world can be unbelievably gorgeous but it can also be hideous and those things can exist together#mxtx likes to draw attention to juxtaposition — see this gorgeous temple? well they’re gonna fuck on the altar table.#see this godlike statue? well how about we make it crumble. make it kneel.#do you see this hero? he’s petty. and dumb. and pathetic.#and it’s not about taking anyone DOWN. it’s not about humiliating them or bringing them low#its about the fact that. it’s still you. all that does not change the essence of you#losing his godhood did not change sqx one bit.#and perhaps he xuan returning his fan is the answer to that
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obsob · 2 years
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knight of swords
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ethvn-torchio · 2 years
having emotions and then expressing them is like so embarrassing actually
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dorkshadows · 4 years
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“Meet the Reaper” AKA Top 10 photos taken before disaster
Spoiler alert: Grim did not win the game. 
EDIT: if you disagree with the portrayal of Billy’s size, see my tags.
It was intentional. I didn’t want to make him chubby because I don’t like the implication that just because a kid is dirty, stupid, disgusting, and annoying... they must be chubby. I don’t agree with that trend in early cartoons and I don’t regret drawing Billy this way. If you can’t stand the idea of a dirty, stupid, disgusting, annoying character being thin instead of pudgy, please don’t interact. I don’t want people with that mindset touching my art. 
#billy and mandy#grim adventures of billy and mandy#my art#this moment lives in my brain rent free#EDIT: because some terminally online people don't have fucking manners#--> if you have a problem with the way I drew fucking billy of all people come to the inbox#don't be a coward and dropping shit in the tags telling the artist to choke#I CAN SEE YOU#I see that 1) you thought this was good enough to reblog for some reason 2) you deserve to be blocked#3) all the kids are the same size in billy and mandy AKA  random blobs#4) IDK who you are or what you're going through so I'm blocking and leaving it at that#but I do NOT appreciate random white people insulting me over This of all things#for everyone else wondering- I drew billy this way because all the white boys who acted like him when I was in elementary were 'skinny'#all the 'fat' kids were cleanly and pleasant#and billy canon is a disgusting brainless child- absolutely unrealistic for him to be chubby#hope that clears things up ;)#I didn’t want to make him chubby because I don’t like the implication that just because a kid is dirty stupid disgusting and annoying#they must be chubby#I don’t agree with that trend in early cartoons and I don’t regret drawing Billy this way#dni If you can’t stand the idea of a dirty stupid disgusting annoying character being thin instead of pudgy#if I could redo this I think I'd make Mandy chubbier#that's my one regret- at the time I just sketched mandy out as quickly as possible#because I only cared about drawing grim for... reasons lmao#and I wanted to finish this; I should have spent more time on her redesign
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skunkes · 2 years
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snom-pixelates · 2 years
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he’s just a guy! a menace! mostly he’s a ball and a pile of dirty laundry tho!
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gayravi · 2 years
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What are you afraid of?
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