#so i ended up leaning into that instead because it's SWEET darn it
benevolenterrancy · 1 year
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He’s not going to cry. Neither of them should be crying, preferably, but it definitely can’t be both, because that way only leads to disaster.
I just finished reading Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller and it completely suckerpunched me with uncle-nephew feels so have an emotional Jin Ling with Wei Wuxian
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
Gross Otaku
Character: Leviathan from Obey me
Reader: Male
Word count: 3,797
Tags: degrading, humiliation, topReader, BottomLevi, teasing, slight FootJob, swearing, reader kinda of a ass
It wasn't rare for you to always find your way back into Levi's room. Most of the time you two ended up either playing video games or just watching a new series he was gushing over. You liked spending time with him, even though dealing with any of the demon brothers might be a pain, you had the same interests as the 3rd born Otaku, so it was easy for you two just to get along when he realizes you aren't just some normie trying to pretend to like his same interest. Might be one of the reasons he fell for you so easily from the start. You like the same things he did, and actually, we're into rambling about your shows with him.
But one of the things he didn't expect from you while playing online or any competitive game was to go full-on sailor on anyone who would start shit. Sure he already used to lobbies with people insulting each other and swearing, but it just hit different when it was you. A human full-on destroying other demons who would start insulting other players unprovoked. It was almost terrifying how you drag the filth into some of these guys with a few phrases and just roast them alive. Levi found it arousing, even though you were insulting and being a dig without mercy, sometimes he wanted to degrade him to the point of killing him with humiliation. But oh no, that will be way worse for him. What would his dearest friend think if they found out he was actually turned on by something like that?
A dirty Otaku who gets turned on by being called filth? Oh, he could never live past the day if it were to come. You for sure will never talk to him ever again and go for one of his brothers instead! That would be so unfair, Levi quickly brushes those thoughts away. Now wasn't the time to indulge in his fantasies, you were gonna be coming soon and he was almost done setting the table for your nightly gaming session. This time making sure that extra sodas and sweets were around as he sat up from the coshing on the floor. His computer place opposite to where yours was gonna be.
Levi was a sucker for this setup, both of you got matching PC covers and set and he just loves that you weren't far from his reach if he was to accidentally stretch his hands on the desk or his foot to brush against yours, it would be by the distance and he wouldn't get caught being weird. It was just so perfect in his little head. Already multiple scenarios were starting to reach upon his head to hear you knocking on the door. If you were to tease him or push him around, his mind always wonders about that somehow.
You quirk a brow as you open up the door. Levi standing in front of the table staring down on the light-up screen fail to notice you approach behind up. You notice the light blush on his cheeks as you stood behind him.
"watcha thinking about that got your face all pink like that?" You spoke, Levi screech as he jumps slightly at the sound of your voice. Face going Pinker as he lifted his arm up in a normal fashion to cover his face.
"Oi! W-what are you doing sneaking up to me like that?! Learn how to knock!" He blurted out as he steps back a bit. His leg hitting the table, you scoff back in return as you went around to put your PC down.
"I did, Maybe you would have heard me if you weren't spacing out like a dork" you flop down on the cushion on the floor. A groan passing your lips as you use your arms as support to look up at him.
"Oh..." He mumbled out, the pink on his face slowly calming.
"Yeah, Oh's right, Now come on and sit down I'm hype to start!" You motion a hand towards him.
He just sighs in response as he sat down. Levi's eyes glance up to you putting on your headphones as you got everything ready. You two already had planned before what games you will play and order, so far all of this was like normally scheduled game night. But still, a part of him felt embarrassed that you caught him spacing out while thinking about you. That just so uncool, Levi groans again as he started the match. Maybe he can just play this off and get in the zone when you two start playing. Ignore all about his stupid crush on you and about how close you are and how it will only take a bit for him to move his hand and- darn it Levi concentrate! He can let his fantasies of being with you ruin your relationship now.
Regardless of Leviathans inner monologue to fight back his thought, you on the other hand already notice he was shifting in his spot. You caught on time to time on this, but just brush it off as one of his anxieties tics so you put not much thought into it. Now as you two play a few rounds, everything seemed to go as normal. A few normal lobby encounters here and there. Until the last round of your match, there was this one guy just shit-talking for no reason and everyone was starting to get annoyed at this point. Levi could see your eye twitching from his spot the more this guy kept talking. Just a few more minutes and it would be over and you'll two will move on to the next game.
"You guys suck, what the fuck even is that shot dude? Crappy aim and a shit load of fuc-"
"Man shut up already, I get it, you don't have any friends and no one likes you at home. Your mom gotta deal with her shitty unemployed son living in her basement who doesn't shower. No one wants to hear how fucking pathetic your life is under all those big words buddy so how about you shut your pipe already?" You spat venom in each word as you kept on playing. Levi's eyes darted back up at you, face flushing pink quickly at your words. The guy got caught up in his words at your sudden outburst.
"man you shut the fuck up-"
"see? There you go only using curse words because your vocabulary is so limited. God you're so... pathetic, why don't you do us all a favor and stuff your mouth with one of those overuse sex toys in your room since you clearly never touch anyone before in your life" you said in a mocking tone, it was so clear against Levi's ears, he finds it unfair that you were saying all those things to some random dude and not him, his practically all those things you just said. He bit down on his lip as he shifted on his spot.
The people in the lobby commented their "ooh" and "damn" a few admitted how weirdly sexy your voice was while insulting the guy who was just mumbling cusses at you now.
"awe what's wrong? To shame to admit you're a gross stuck up who hides behind that overly big mouth of yours?" You let out a chuckle as you took the last kill of the game. "Fucking weirdo" you blurted out as you lean back while stretching your arms. Levi stares intensely at his screen. God, it was so so unfair that you talk like that right in front of him. He completely froze in his place as his eyes tried not to look down at the tent in his sweat pants.
"jeez, could you believe that guy Levi? What a pain in the ass...huh your score went down in the last few minutes" you mumble out as you took a sip from your soda. Eyes trying to look over at the Demon whose head was looking down at the screen.
"hmm-hmm" he hummed back a response. His mind was going crazy as he prayed you didn't notice. Maybe if he just didn't move you'll just ignore him or he'll turn invisible by pure luck! Yeah Levi that's a great idea. You squinted your eyes at the top of his head. Shifting in place you stretch your leg under the table to push him slightly.
"Oi, Levi you gonna talk back to me-wow!" you pull your foot back as soon as you felt the hard tent between your sock. Eyes shotting open as Levi let out a surprise screech/moan as he jolted from his spot at your sudden actions.
Both of you froze as his eyes finally met yours, his face flush bright red as you stare in disbelief as you realize what you just felt by accident. You didn't mean it though, you were just gonna push him by the leg not shove your whole foot between his legs.
" w-wait y/n I c-can ex-explain! This so uncool, it's yo-your fault I didn't I mean I was-" Levi became a stuttering mess as he got caught. Your face going blank as you glance down the table to see that he was hard. You press your lips together in a thin line. Your expression on readable made it worse for the Otaku trying to make up any poor excuse on the spot. A hummed left your throat as your foot made contact with his hard-on again, just that this time you put full pressure as his hands flew down to grab your ankle as he let out a choked whine at your sudden action.
"W-what are you doing?!" He exclaims, humiliation washing over him as he made little effort to push your foot away as he didn't dare look back up at your penetrating gaze.
"My fault? You said it was my fault? How are you popping a Boner while in the middle of our game my fault Levi?" You scoff as you place a hand under your cheek as your elbow resting on the table. Levi panted as he tried to make a fail attempt to push his foot away. Face burning with embarrassment at two heavy his breath got against his chest.
The friction was about to be his guilty pleasure as you rubbed your foot up and down. A small pathetic whine leaving Levi's mouth as you press forward into his shaft. The sound of your chuckle made his whole body shake as you took another sip of your drink.
"wow, you really are enjoying this huh? Even though you're a demon and you could easily push me off, you just letting me step on your hard-on just like that?" Your eyes glance down, his feet reaching your side of your thighs as Levi legs feet and stretch. Your hands took a hold of his ankles and pull him closer as your feet press dangerous painful against his pants. Another scoff passing your lips as you watch his back arch at your sudden action. A shaky moan passing his lips as he finally looked up to you.
"so tell me, Levi, what was it that got you like this? You thinking about your anime girls or...." He quickly averted his eyes, a hand flying over to cover his face as he shook slightly, your previous motions stopping as you figure out.
"you got turn-on by me insulting that loser?" You let out a laugh as he tried squirming away. A quiet "n-no" reaching your ears as you retreat your foot and stood up. Making your way over to tower, Levi, as you looked down at him with your hands on your pockets.
"well?" You asked quietly, your voice dropping as you could see the corner of his eyes tear up as he refuses to look at you.
"i-I'm sorry I know I'm gross, I'm just a gross Otaku-" oh there he was, his normal phrase. You crouch down his height as looked at him. He quickly shut up, he was embarrassed to a godly extent but he would be lying that this wasn't making him hornier. I mean this practically one of the many ways he imagines you would take him. Humiliating him just like this, but the fact that you just touch him was already enough to make his mind start to go hazy.
"Yeah you're right, you are a gross Otaku, one that got turn-on by me insulting some guy, or were you just imagining that would be you? Hhm Levi?" You took a hold of his chin to make him look at you, his face felt warm against your fingertip as he bites down on his lip. It was hard for you not to strip him down and take him with that look on his face. But self-control is key in this current situation, and you were determined to see how far you could get.
"y-...yes.." he whispers out. A smile grew on your face as you pulled him closer.
"you know... you're really fun to tease, I wonder how far you letting me get away with this, look how pathetic your acting for a demon..." you breathe out, your lips barely grazing his as one of your hands rubs his thigh, legs close instantly as your palm press against his boner and your fingers dig down into his covered hole. A loud whimper passing his lips as you brought him for an eager kiss.
The hand holding his chin now on the back of his head as you pulled him closer. Teeth clashing between the heated kiss as Levi's hands hold onto your shoulders. Moans passing freely from his throat as his eyes shoot open wide. Body becoming warm as your hand-kept teasing and rubbing his covered cock. He felt already weak with what was going on, everything felt like was going on so fast and rough but was crabbing more and more by the second. The taste of the sweet you were eating prior still lingers in your mouth as you lick again his lips. His jaw going slack as he opens his mouth for you. Another breathy moan left his lips as he felt your hot tongue enter his mouth. This was what Levi was dreaming about and even more.
He gripped on your shoulder as you pulled away. Now both hands stopping your assault as you force him to lay down on the cushions scatter around the floor. Moving both his legs to straddle yours as you started taking off your shirt. If it was even possible Levi's face went redder as he stares at your torso in awe, a smirk rose to your lips as you grip the edge of his shirt and jacket.
"what? Enjoying the show you gross Otaku?" This time it was your turn to let out a groan as you grinded against his groin. You were already hard with all this foreplay, your breathing was starting to hitch against your throat. Levi whined at your words, his slender fingers fumbling around to get desperately rid of his clothes. Your teasing and words already had him in state at this point and you enjoyed how easily he was crumbling to them.
A low sigh passes your lips, your hips rocking against him slowly as your eyes trail up his chest, he was slim but still fit. Both your hands trailing up his bare skin until reaching his already hardening nipples. You lean down and kiss between his chest as you grinded harder against him. Quiet moans passing his lips as he covers his face as he still peeks over to look at your actions. Embarrassment written all over his cute flustered face had you smiling slightly before trailing higher as you left a trail of kisses. A shaky moan passes his throat as you licked up, your lips meeting their way up to his earlobe and nibbling it.
"you like it when I tease you, Levi?" You asked quietly, a moan In a response made you stop grinding. You wanted to hear him say it, god you needed him to be a good boy and admit that he's gross for being turn on like this. Levi shooked his head as he gripped your shoulders, he feels the outline of your cock against his sweat pants and he felt like he was melting on the spot with how close it.
"y-yes.." he whispers out, he tried grinding his hips pathetically to make you continue.
"you like it when I call gross? Hmm? You wanted this whole time to point out how nasty you are for being an Otaku who's choices to gets stuck at home?" Your tongue swirls the back of his ear before biting it.
He arches his back as his grinding became desperate. A loud cry left him as hold into you. He couldn't control how hot his body was feeling, he felt like he was gonna burst if you didn't keep touching him.
"y-yes! I like it, I love it when you call me gross, and I r-really need you to fuck me and put me in my place now! Please d-don't stop Y/n!" He kicks his legs as he shouted. Your eyes winded as you pulled back to look at him, tears falling down his face as his breathing became a mess. Your thumb brushing it off as you lean down to kiss all over his cheek gently as your free hand pulls his waist up to get rid of his sweats and underwear in one go. A sigh of relief passing Levi's lips as his length press against his lower stomach.
"Jeez, your so needy for my cock is makes you look pathetic Baby" you chuckled, truth be told that your heart was beating against your chest widely. You pulled down your pants, the cold air hitting your dick made you shiver slightly as you kick the clothes out of the way. Levi's hands flying over to cover his mouth as you spread his legs apart even wider.
You swallow hard, the view almost made you dizzy as his hole clench around nothing as it glistens with his wetness. A brow crock up as you press a finger inside of him slowly, it sucked you in eagerly as Levi moan loudly.
"How are you this dripping wet down here? You look like a bitch in heat or is that something Demons go through?" You bite your lip as you push another finger in with ease, pumping them fast with how eager he was taking your hand.
"h-hm, oh f-fuck, um uh ye-yes?" Levi squeaks out the answer as he holds into the cushion under him. Your fingers felt so good, he for sure felt like he was on cloud 9, he was craving so much more than your fingers but even with them, he was falling apart.
"hmm, that should be interesting when it comes heh" you press your fingers upwards, hitting his prostate with so much ease it almost amazes you how loud he screams just by that, as he threw his head back. You let out a whistle as you pulled your fingers away from his aching hole. Another whine left him at the absence of your digits, he almost came just by that.
"quit whining, If you wanted me to fuck you" you hiss out, your cock press against his dripping hole was making it twitch. Levi looked back down, eyes glossy as he lifted his legs to his chest as he holds them for you. One of your hands made it to his waist as the other hold your cock, slapping it against him before thrusting yourself halfway in without warning.
Both of you groan loudly as you stood still, he was tight no matter how much he was leaking. He was clenching down on you hard, Levi could feel his mouth water as you push the rest of your cock in his tight hole. He could feel every vein pulsating inside of him, that pre-cum was leaking out his tip. He curses loudly as you pulled back and thrust back into him. Starting with a fast speed as your hips snap against him every time.
"f-fuck your tight, you practically sucking me in" you groan loudly as you grip on his waist, the smacking sound of both your flesh hitting against each other vibrating against the whole room as Levi said your name like a mantra. It felt so good, he felt like he was going to pass out with how good you were fucking him. He didn't want anything but your cock to stuff him full.
"w-what's wrong? You little anime waifu can't fuck you as good as my cock?" You hiss out. "M-mh a-ah fuck n-no! I only want your cock, fuck I only want you to stuff me like this all the time" Levi screamed as he panted between each thrust, you were not slowing down at all. Each time thrusting into the bundle of nerves that was about to make him snap and tip over. His mouth hanging open as drool fell down and his eyes cross, God you thought it was the hottest shit ever.
"Good, good little Otaku, Be good and cum all over yourself like the gross nerd you are- fuck" you moan as you fell on top of him, you never been this riled up. Your hips never stopping once as you kept thrusting harder into his aching hole. Levi's hand made their way up to your face and kiss you roughly. Drowning each other moans as you kept abusing his poor prostate until he came over you and his stomach. A loud cry left his lips as you kept thrusting into him trying to reach climax. Your lips silencing his cries as you gave one final thrust, pressing deep into him as you cover his inside white.
Both of you panted loudly as you regain your breaths. You pulled away slowly, both of you hissing at the feeling as you rolled over next to him. Now staring into the ceiling as your brains process your previous actions as your panting quiet down. You sat up, whipping your forehead as you looked back at him. His face still flushed as you brought your hand to push his bangs off his face.
"you look gross and sweaty, let's take a shower" you blurt out leaning down to kiss his cheek before standing up. Levi covers his face once again as he rolled over.
"This...is so unfair" he breathed out.
"yeah yeah I love you too, but like seriously, we need to shower you made a mess".
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xbunnybunz · 4 years
Jealousy [Lelouch x Reader]
Summary: You love Zero, Lelouch loves you. Lelouch is Zero, and you are none the wiser.
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Date: August 10, 2014
A meek voice echoed through the storage room, seeking the leader of the black knights.
Lelouch blinked from behind his mask and looked away from some paperwork, wondering who had confronted him. Could it possibly be...? Yes. Of course it was.
There you stood, fiddling with your hair and cheeks tinged pink, avoiding eye contact with your leader. Yes, as much as Lelouch had tried to convince you otherwise,  you had become a member of the Black Knights. ‘The problem is that Lelouch had tried to tell her, and not “Zero”’ Lelouch thought, aggravated. Lelouch recalled a particularly bad day in school; his identity was almost revealed by a mere cat, and after he had expended his energy into chasing the rotten animal, he nearly fell off of the school roof. So when you told him about your intention to join the Black Knights, he was anything but happy. Perhaps he had taken it a tad too far, because he could still remember how bitterly you had reacted after he told you to “get a hold of yourself;” that “a dangerous job like being a Black Knight was not meant for delusional fangirls like yourself.” Looking back now, he wished he had just taken his anger elsewhere. “What do you know about me,  Lelouch?” You snarled, stepping away from him. “Just because you knew me since childhood doesn't mean that you can judge my feelings toward Zero! You have no right to call me delusional-” “-Yes I do!” Lelouch narrowed his violet eyes, glaring a hole into your skull, “How can you say you love him if you've never even met him before? You’re risking your life for someone who will reject your feelings!” He watched as you froze and cast your eyes downward, red flooded your cheeks. “Yeah, Lelouch, is that what you think? That he's going to reject my feelings?” You ask, looking up at him, eyes shining with sorrow. “Well, that’s alright. He wouldn’t be the first time I was rejected, right?” Lelouch’s eyes widened slightly in disbelief; were you still hung up about that? "I'll be going now." You say, turning away from him. He wanted to reach out and stop you, but he didn't. He couldn't. He could lead an army and take down several nightmares with a single command, but he didn’t have the fortitude to stop a girl from leaving a room. Pathetic. Footsteps. Door. "Click." Then silence. Lelouch heaved a small sigh behind his mask and turned his body to face you. "What is it, soldier?" You winced at his words and shifted uncomfortably, pink turning to red on your cheeks "W-well, sir, I've been wondering about something..." Lelouch's purple eyes watched your face turn varying shades of red, scowling. Why didn't you act this way around him at school? Why did you blush and fidget in front of him now, when he was under a different name and a different life? Was the normal Lelouch missing something?! No… You had done this, but not anymore. Lelouch was touched. You had fallen for him twice, if that wasn’t love, then he didn’t know what was. Regrettably, he couldn’t accept your feelings, especially not here- not with this side of him. "Uhm..." You diverted your gaze from him, instead deciding to stare at an empty crate. "I've been wondering why you call me 'soldier' all the time, sir." Lelouch raised an eyebrow, which you couldn't see, of course. "Are implying that you not one of my loyal soldiers?" You quickly scrambled to defend yourself, "N-no sir! It's just that... That you call the other Black Knights by their real names, and- and-" You bit your lip and looked down at your shoes, feeling quite stupid for bringing up such a mundane question. "I'm sorry, sir. Never mind." Your cheeks were lit aflame. You were talking to Zero one-on-one at last, but you had only made a fool of yourself. Why would he call you soldier? Because you were a soldier, of course! Such idiotic questions... What kind of answer were you anticipating? "And you?" You blinked stupidly, taken by surprise. "Huh? Me?" Zero continued, standing up and leaning against a large crate next to him.  "Why do you call me 'sir,' and not Zero?" He recalled how you said Zero's name in his presence at school. You spoke it with awe, respect, and sometimes, to his chagrin: love. The name "Zero" never failed to pull compliments and praises from your lips- and although Lelouch should have been feeling pretty darn good about that- dammit all! That was not how it was supposed to be! You were supposed to love him, Lelouch! Not his alter-ego! He watched as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, tempting him to claim those lips as his. How long has he been waiting for a kiss from you? A week? A month? A year? Goodness, who knew? He lost count a long time ago. Ever since he had declinced your romantic advancements in school, he found himself getting interested in you as well- a bit more than he was comfortable with. However, as anyone who was rejected would do, you were slowly getting over Lelouch. Unfortunately for the boy, your confesion had only ignited his interest in you- and it was swallowing him whole. What had caused your fondness of him? Why would you approach him about such a trivial topic? You couldn’t have found out about his true identity, right? At first, it was just these factual questions; nothing that would harm anyone. But in due time, he began wondering how you would react in certain situations. What would she do if I told her that I liked her as well? How would she react if I hugged her? Held her hand? Kissed her? Soon, he found himself thinking of you whenever he was able to; whether it be in class, while doing his homework, or during Student Council meetings. His curiosity had developed into a near obsession- or dare he say, an attraction. Lelouch had managed to suppress thoughts of you while he was with the Black Knights, and thank goodness for that. He couldn’t imagine the chaos that would ensue if you managed to worm your way into his mind, then. But now… There you stood, twiddling your fingers and chewing your goddamn lip in front of him. Lelouch couldn’t deny it. He wanted you, and he always got what he wanted… Just not like this. He didn’t want it like this. He couldn’t have you interferring with his plans to destroy Britannia, and he definitely didn’t want you to love Zero. In order to prevent any kind of intimacy between you and his alter-ego, he began referring to you as “soldier” instead of by your name. But damn it all to hell if it worked, because it didn’t. Each time he called you “soldier”and you called him “sir,” the tension between you two would double, and triple, and exponentially rise, driving him to the brink of absolute madness. You distanced yourself from Lelouch at school, and he knew that you were trying your best not to make things awkward between the two of you- he knew that you were trying to move on, but the more you pulled away from him, the less he wanted to let go. What was there to move on from, if he loved you back? Before he had a chance to recalculate his relationship with you, you had managed to slip out of his grasp… And right back in. Unbeknownst to you, you had fallen head-over heels for the same person twice. But this time, oh, this time, it was so much stronger. Your feelings of love, admiration and respect had mixed into one unidentifiable goop of emotion that was directed toward the leader of the Black Knights. And as if the world wasn't enough of a paradox, Lelouch found himself jealous of… Himself. His geass couldn’t help him here. He had sat down one day, completely weighed down by your flurry of emotions as well as his own. He was desperate for the tensions between you two to stop, and although he was ashamed of it now, he had written out a list of commands he could use to make you love him, and not Zero. Of course, it was in vain. He was Zero, and Zero was him. They were one and the same person, no matter how much Lelouch wished it wasn’t true. A single command would either make you hate Lelouch and Zero, or worse- love both at the same time. In the past month, Lelouch’s jumbled thoughts brewed faster and faster inside of his mind, whipping up into a horrible storm, and he had no one else to blame but you. What in the hell had you done to him? “That-” You say, yanking him out of his exasperating thoughts, “That would be inappropriate.” Lelouch took a moment to recollect his thoughts. Oh, right. He had asked you a question. “Tell me,” He said, his voice coming out raspily from behind his mask, “What makes you think that calling me ‘Zero’ would be inappropriate?” “W-well,” You stuttered, “I’ve only known you for a year, sir.” “A lot of things aren’t necessarily appropriate, are they?” Lelouch asked, ignoring your answer, “Because of their morals, humans cage themselves into a dead end. Wouldn't it be easier to forget them all and break free?” Break free… “I guess so…” You mumble, looking at your shoes modestly. “_______,” Lelouch tasted your name on his tongue, enjoying the sweet, yet acerbic taste it left in his mouth, “You say you’ve known me, Zero, for a year, correct?” You answered, surprised that he even knew your name. “Yes, sir- Erm, Zero…” You blushed upon saying the name, much to Lelouch’s distaste. He ignored it. That’s all that he could do, for now. Suddenly, you heard a loud “BAM!” The sound was harsh, and it grated upon your ears, echoing within the closed space that both Zero and you had occupied. You flinched and closed your eyes, preparing for the worst. When nothing came, you pried your eyes open, stunned to see one of Zero’s arms against the wall next to you, caging your body with his. With his other hand, he calmly pressed a button on the side of his mask. You stood, bewildered and astonished as you heard the whirring of gears, signalling the retraction of the back of his mask. “Z-Zero- what are you-!” “Humor me, _______.” He cut you off,  “Is one year enough time to fall in love?” Because I've known you my whole life... “O-one year… One year can do a lot…” You gulped, watching as Zero adjusted his mask to show his mouth. “Then, hell.” He whispered, leaning into your lips, “I must be completely infatuated.”
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hpalways · 3 years
sparring buddy
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters Included: Childe, Kaeya, Beidou
Warnings: May be a little ooc, especially for Beidou’s
Note: Helloooo, yes. My brain is rotting from the genshin playlists I’ve been listening to on youtube. This certain headcanon got inspo from the one that’s like “you’re fighting childe but he keeps flirting with you” uwuwu hahaha. Obsessed. Anyway, might just have to do a full blown oneshot for childe out of this scenario sometime, but here’s this for now. 
Sparring against you was one of his favorite pastimes. He loved to battle hand in hand with you. He loved to show you his strengths, but he also loved to see how you would fare against him. 
He would flirt with you like the devil! With that crooked grin of his, he’d blurt out any pick up line that crossed his mind, for he was mesmerized by your skills. Usually, your reaction would be a furrow of your forehead, but he thought it as adorable. If you created chaos, he would join you in a heartbeat. 
Whispers filled your ears, because he liked to mumble dumb shit into them. But they usually do the trick, because they flustered you. 
“I’m right here, [Y/N]. You didn’t notice my wonderful presence? A shame.”
Of course, that was only because he viewed you as a formidable opponent. You provided him the thrill he so desperately sought. Sometimes, your next actions were unexpecting to him and because of that, he never grew bored of you, which was unlike to most of his previous battles. 
The times when you made a mistake, he held no mercy on you. He fought you at his hardest, pushing you to your limits. It was like a race when it came to you; no matter what, he’d never lose to you. He swore upon that. You were his favorite enemy... the one who inspired him to grow stronger and stronger still. 
Moods during your fights shifted from light hearted to serious quick. Sometimes he would be laughing and cracking jokes every second -- the next, he’d be silent with concentration, with a deep, unknown hunger burning in his eyes. 
Speed played a big part. He was much faster than you and it was difficult to keep your eyes on him. However, overtime, this allowed you to better your defenses. 
More often than not, he’d be the one to pin you down to the ground.  Breathing heavily, he would have a proud grin on his face. You would struggle against his grip, but they never loosen. Instead, his sweaty face leaned into yours and he saluted you with two fingers. 
“You were close, but not close enough, comrade.”
As part of the Knights, Kaeya was a skilled sword wielder. He loved a good challenge. And you were one. 
He was a sneakier partner than the usual. Playing dirty was his thing. A lot of times, he would pull a trick from his sleeve, adding surprising elements to the fight. That, or he’d hide in the shadows, making you play hide and seek with him before he ambushed you.
When you complained about his tactics, he merely shrugged with a smug smile on his face. “Anything could happen in a real battle. There will always be disadvantages. Might as well teach you the things that could end up happening to you someday.”
He was touchy-feely. His hands would brush your arm or stroke through your hair. They were warm, but always somehow ridden of any sweat. 
Not only that, but your proximity from him was always way too close to be friendly. You could feel his warm heat and smell the sweet aroma of the cologne/perfume he wore. 
That darn coin of his always flipped to tease you. He knew it annoyed you, so whenever you couldn’t find his hiding spot, he would emerge from the shadows with an amused expression on. Flinging the gold object with his thumb over and over, his sword readied to fight you once more. 
His heat was so warm but why was his power so cold? He’d freeze the ground beneath you, causing you to skid right into his chest. While he chuckled, you could feel it rumble and the feeling of it warmed your face. Despite being fully open and trapped right in his arms, you were not being fought. Instead, he would even end the battle. By now, he only wished to be in your presence. 
“Fancy joining me to the tavern? I’d really like a wine after all this.”
Each time she fought you, a lot of questions were asked. She asked you about your tactics, how you got there, and just anything related to sword fighting. Excited to always learn from people, she would keep these in mind to apply to her own fighting. 
Her strength was impeccable. You admired her greatly, but she viewed you the same way. 
A fight between claymores was way different from the normal sword. They were heavy things, but Beidou held hers with ease, her strength showing immediately. 
Her moves were swift and elegant. Her boots clicked the ground in a badass way and she would shoot toothy grins at you. Winking at you, she would run right to you once you were taken off guard. 
The battle would go on and on, but she didn’t tire easily. She was really serious about her training. The light burning in her eyes while she fought you made you smile; you were glad to see her so happy, especially with the hardships she had gone through in her childhood. 
After fighting you, she would wrap you in an embrace, no matter how sweaty the two of you are. It was the bone-crushing kind -- the ones that made you feel giddy inside. The kind that sent your heart racing. She was so close, but you didn’t mind it at all. 
Despite being sweaty after workout and all, she was beautiful. She glowed from the excitement and wonder and hope filled her to her core. Because you made her so content, she grew a soft spot for you. 
“Thank you. I definitely improved from this. Oh, but do still keep me on my toes, sweet [Y/N]. Now... how about a little drink to celebrate?”
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Fangs And Fur (Bf x Pico oneshot)
Werewolf Au. Because I want to. This was somewhat inspired by an animated short called "Dirty Paws"
*Warning: Swearing and Blood/Gore/Violence. (It's not that bad, but just in case)
Bf and Pico shared jokes and friendly banter as Pico walked Boyfriend home. It was dusk, just barely any sunlight illuminating the neighborhood. The two of them had just finished a dinner date, still laughing and flirting as they walked along the sidewalk on Bf's home street. Some of Boyfriend's neighbors were greeting the boys from their yards as the two passed by. 
Carol, whose house was directly to the left of Boyfriend's, was finishing up watering her yard when she saw her neighbor and his date. "Hey Boyfriend!" Carol greeted them happily. "Hi Carol! How are you?" Boyfriend replied, he and Pico stopping in front of her new painted fence to talk. "I'm good, just relaxing after putting in this darn fence. It took forever, but it's worth it though to keep my little Cocoa Puff safe." Carol gestured to her mini poodle, the little fuzzball had brown curly fur, hence the name Cocoa Puff. "You should probably get a fence too, Bf. There's been a lot more animal attacks happening lately." Carol warned, Bf and Pico shifted with unease. "Yeesh, has it been getting that bad?" The bluette asked nervously. "It's been really bad, Sunday's cat got attacked the other night. Poor little guy was really chewed up by some big animal.." "Oh no! Not Bubsy!" Bf had a soft spot for animals in general, even though he didn't have any pets of his own, he always loved animals. Pico, too, felt bad for the little cat. "Did the cat survive? How bad was it?" Pico asked, never having met Sunday or her cat Bubsy, Bf told him about them before. Sometimes Sunday would ask Bf to babysit her cat when she was on tour, he was really good with Bubsy. Carol gave a look of sympathy, knowing the cat's condition. "He's alive, but it's a long road to recovery." She said dejectedly. "I've been hearing that people are setting traps around here, so keep an eye out for those too. Okay?" "Will do, thanks Carol." Bf replied, Pico only nodded in response. "Anyway, moving on to lighter news.. Are you going to introduce me to your friend here?" Carol lightly teased, tilting her head in Pico's direction. "Oh yeah! Right. Carol, this is Pico!" Bf wrapped his arm around the redheaded man's shoulders, making Pico's face turn pink. A look of recognition flashed onto Carol's features. "Ooooh, so THIS is the boyfriend you're always talking about. It's nice to finally meet you Pico." Carol teased, holding out her hand. Pico felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment before shaking Carol's hand. It was flattering to know that Boyfriend talked about him. "Y-yeah. You too." 
Carol giggled a bit. "Alright, well I'll let you guys enjoy your evening. Have a good one!" Bf waved at her while he and Pico walked up to his porch. Bf held the door open for Pico, but he declined going inside. Bf of course took notice of this, as well as Pico's nervous demeanor.
 "Are you okay, Pico?" 
"Yeah.. I just- I should head home. I had a nice night. Let's go out again soon." Pico gave him a smile that was somewhat forced. "Oh… okay. Well, I'll call you tomorrow then." 
"Yeah, sounds good." Pico gave Bf a kiss on the cheek, then he left. Bf closed his door, he was a little disappointed, if he was honest. He had hoped Pico would stay the night, but it was Pico's choice. It wouldn't have been right to stop him. Bf just decided to chill instead. Sweets and videogames were the perfect cure for disappointment. 
Pico rushed home, the sun had already gone down, he didn't have much time. He felt bad. Not just for leaving an obviously dejected Boyfriend, but for being so secretive with him. But he didn't have time for that! He needed to get home and lock up. It was only a matter of time before the moon would show it's Damn face. He dashed down the street , finally getting to the cul de sac he lived on. He ran onto his porch, swinging open his door and slamming it behind him. Just in the nick of time. He collapsed on the floor. His transformation was already taking place. His breathing was heavy, he couldn't help but shout in agony as his body reconfigured itself into its new form. Before he was lost to the lycan curse, however, he had one last horrifying realization. 
He forgot to close the window.
It had been a couple of hours, Bf had changed into some comfy clothes and was watching tv on his couch. He couldn't help but think of Pico. It was weird how nervous he suddenly was. Pico had been fine all day, but suddenly he ran off after talking to Carol. Was he really that flustered? It didn't seem like it was a big deal. Surely it was something else, but what? Bf sighed, it wasn't really his business, but he wanted to know what was up. He decided to text Pico. 
Bf: Hey. I had a lot of fun at dinner :) I just wanna see if you're alright, you seemed off earlier. Everything ok?
Thirty minutes went by, and he got no response. 'Maybe he's already asleep?' Boyfriend thought, sure it wasn't super late, but it wasn't unusual for people to sleep at this hour. Boyfriend shut off the tv. Maybe he should just get some air. It was nice out. A nice warm summer night. A walk would do him some good. Sure he was basically in pajamas, with a mismatched t-shirt and sweatpants but who cares? He put his phone and keys in his pockets, and left the house for a walk. His neighborhood was fairly close to a nice wooded area. It wasn't really a forest, but there were wild animals around. Like coyotes and rabbits. He decided to hang out around the trees. He sat down on a stump that had once been a huge cottonwood tree, and he just listened to the noises around him. Crickets and other bugs were chirping and buzzing around. It was oddly serene.At least, it was. Until some rustling in the bushes caught his attention. 
He was startled, frightened even, but then he felt relieved once he realized it was a rabbit. Just a little rabbit. But his levity was short lived when noticed the rabbit was limping. He used his phone's flashlight to get a better look. The poor rabbit was barely able to move, its flesh had been ripped apart, blood soaking its fur, and one of its legs was missing. It trembled and struggled. Boyfriend's heart sank when the realization set in that the poor thing wasn't going to make it. It was suffering, and he hated to see animals suffer. He decided to try and comfort it. The rabbit collapsed, he gently brushed his fingers on its soft little head. The rabbit's breathing was still panicked, but it was too weak to do anything. He considered killing it to end its misery, but before he could, he heard snarling coming from the bush. He quickly shined the light on it, just in time to see the snout of a larger animal swiftly bite the rabbit. 
Bf jumped back in fear. The animal stalked out of the bushes that had hidden it, revealing a large orangish red wolf.  The rabbit, the wolf's prey, was still in its jaws. The small rodent fell limb as the wolf's fangs sunk into its body. Bf could hear the bones crack. It didn't take long for the wolf to completely devour the rodent. Bf froze. Should he run? Would the wolf want him? He couldn't help but tremble at the large beast before him. Then it looked at him. Its eye bore into his soul. Focused. It watched him intently. Bf stayed still. Maybe if he didn't make any sudden movements, it would move on. It approached him slowly, circling him. It then got closer, inspecting him with its nose. It seemed particularly drawn to his pocket. Bf slowly reached into his pocket, the wolf allowed it, watching him. Bf pulled out a small bag of chocolate chip cookies. He had forgotten that he put those there. The wolf's ears perked up a bit, and it tilted it's head. 
"Is this what you want?" The Wolf kept its eyes locked on the bag. "I'm not sure if you should have this, it has chocolate in it. Pretty sure dogs can't have that." The wolf growled, seeming to not take "no" as an answer. "Okay okay! Fine! They're yours!" Bf reached into the bag, then tossed a cookie at the wolf. The treat hit its nose before falling on the ground. The wolf appeared displeased with the assault on its nose, giving a huff before eating the cookie. "Well sorry, it's not my fault you're clumsy and didn't catch it." Bf said sarcastically. The wolf looked at him again, it wanted more treats. Bf tossed another cookie, this time aiming in front of the wolf so he didn't hit its nose again. The beast seemed content with that. So Bf kept doing it until he ran out. 
The canine's demeanor had thankfully shifted, it seemed more docile after being fed. Boyfriend had calmed down significantly, no longer fearing for his life. "Well, it was nice to meet you… wolf. I'm gonna go home. I've had enough excitement today." Bf turned away from the orange/red animal, trusting that it wouldn't pounce on him while his back was turned. As he walked away, he could hear two pairs of footsteps behind him. He looked back to confirm that the wolf was following him. When he stopped, the wolf halted, when he moved, the wolf followed. "I uh, think you should stay here. Where you live. I'm going home." Bf tried again to leave, the wolf followed him anyway. "No. You stay. I go." Bf tries using hand gestures to get the animal to listen, but to no avail. Bf picked up a stick and threw it. It didn't seem to interest the wolf, but the stick accidentally hit some small animal Bf hadn't noticed before. That got the wolf's attention. As the large mammal attacked the unfortunate stick receiver, Bf took the opportunity to run home. He managed to make it to his house and close the door. Bf leaned against the wood, sliding down till he hit the carpet. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. After he had calmed down, astonishment took over. He just fed a wolf. And he didn't die! He was like Snow White! Holy crap!
Bf eventually stood up and moved to the couch. Deciding that maybe he should relax for a bit. He started channel surfing on his TV, settling on a random cartoon that was on. He could feel his tense muscles relaxing a bit. He let out a sigh of relief. 
He had gotten through a few episodes when he heard something. Something outside.
He muted the tv. No way. There's no way this was happening.
It followed him home. 
He could hear the clawing getting faster. Impatient. Instead of following common sense, he decided to open the door. His motion triggered porch light shone on the wolf's red/orange fur. It's white eyes bore into his soul again. Bf stepped aside, allowing the beast into his house. The wolf strutted in, immediately smelling anything and everything it could. It didn't seem aggressive, just curious. Bf filled a bowl with water and set it on the floor. Might as well hydrate his new houseguest. Eventually his fears dissipated. He went back to the couch, watching the wolf as it wandered around his living room. He watched the tv again, laying down across the sofa comfortably. 
And, before he could prepare for it, he was suddenly smothered by orange fur. The wolf had kept onto the sofa, laying on top of the blue haired man. He tried to push the wild dog off of him, but he couldn't budge it. This was his life now. He was a man-sized dog's couch cushion now. He didn't know wolves could get this big now that he thought about it. But it didn't matter. He was stuck. This was the predicament he was in. He gave up. The dog had won. Despite the animal's weight, he managed to fall asleep. It was warm and fluffy, so it wasn't so bad.
The rising sun peeked through the blinds, illuminating Bf's face, waking him up. He shifted a little, still feeling the warm mass on top of him. He yawned, his eyes still closed. He petted the wolf on top of him, his fingers gently brushing its soft skin- wait a second. His eyes shot open. 
The man jolted awake after hearing his name. Pico looked at Bf with wide eyes. His face turned almost as red as Bf's signature hat. The two stared in silence for what felt like forever before Boyfriend broke it.
"You owe me an explanation."
"Can I borrow some clothes first?"
"Please do."
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b0rista · 4 years
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: sLight angst, just a lil bit. & language!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: this is bertholdt x fem! reader.
"love me tender, love me sweet; never let me go."
Tumblr media
he is,, so sweet.
quite closed off at first, as one would imagine— nevertheless, though, he's incredibly gentle to you, and just an all around sweetheart. bertholdt's known for his kinder tendencies, but with you, it's an entirely different playing field.
you would sit with both him and reiner during mealtimes, which typically goes either one of two ways: it's quiet, and mainly just simple conversation between the three of you. or, reiner gets pulled into some shitty shenanigan (usually enforced by connie or sasha), ultimately dragging you and your poor boyfriend with him.
^ one time, the three of you + connie and jean were challenged to steal a single pound of bread from commander shadis' quarters, without getting caught. you were nearly caught lmao, bertholdt had to enact his long limbs™ to reach out and yAnk you back into the shadows. it was romantic <3
when it isn't nighttime, cuddles with him are a motherfucking godsend. the two of you alternate between little spoon & big spoon, because both of y'all need that sort of comfort. he cherishes the moments where he can pull you into his chest, burying his face within your hair while the two of you serenade in the silence.
when it is nighttime, though, and the two of you are fast asleep, it's literal hell JDJFK. everyone knows about bert's heinous sleeping habits, and with yoU in the mixture?? lord, he's kicked you off the bed before.
he felt AWFUL
you end up developing a system, where you just fucking latch onto his back while the two of you sleep, locking him in place while also comfortably cuddling. sometimes you drool on his back lmao, but he doesn't mind.
yes, it was his idea. don't make fun of him, he's trying his bEST-
during expeditions, he quietly frets over you. while everyone is prepping for going outside the walls, he stares at you from a distance, trying his best to remain positive. reiner typically has to snap him out of it, placing a hand on his shoulder and telling him to focus.
he, however, does not focus!! the entire time, he's using his goddamn height to his advantage to glance above the crowd, making sure you're doing okay. he doesn't want to openly worry for you, though, because he doesn't want you to feel belittled. he's aware that you're strong, and he's aware that you're capable. still, you're his. he worries.
he'll drop his horse on its ass in order to save you from a dickless ogre, i'll tell y'all that much.
while reiner has grown a liking towards you, annie couldn't care less for your well-being. not at first, anyway. she really, really doesn't like you, or the threat you oppose towards their mission. of course, you don't even know about said mission, but nevertheless, bertholdt is better off without you. to her, you're nothing but a casualty.
^ this doesn't mean she can't GROW to like you, of course. for a long time, though she rlly doesn't like you
catching feelings for you wasn't easy at all for bert,, like at all. he constantly attacked himself for growing attached to you, and as his feelings intensified, so did his self hate. it felt as if he was betraying his homeland and the love of his life at the exact same time— everything contradicted against one another, leading to one hell of struggle. poor bby didn't know what he wanted more, to go home or be with you :,))
eventually (i'll let the reader imagine how), he gave in, and the time the two of you spend together is great 🥺
back to actual headcanons JDJF;&&(& bertholdt is OBSESSED with your hands. touching them, kissing them, holding them, etc. the gestures are always quiet, like placing his hand ontop of yours beneath the table, but they're sweet. he loves your hands, ty. in a modern world, he would paint your nails for you and do a DARN GOOD JOB 😭
if he catches you wearing one of his shirts, he'll melt right into the floor. he's a lanky fellow, so the shirt itself would definitely be somewhat loose on you, which he loves. one morning, you were in a rush to get out of the boy's barracks, and you accidentally grabbed his shirt instead of your own. during breakfast, he walked into the mell hall only to see you, iN his bigass shirt, the ends aggressively tucked into your pants so that it wouldn't sag.
he was like :0
nobody even realized that the two of you were an item until, like,, moNths into your relationship. he's keen on keeping things on the down low, he's introverted & constantly struggling xoxo. they found out through ymir, who caught him pecking you on the cheek before curfew. needless to say, she exposed you to the entire girl's bunker that same night.
one time before he asked you out you made a lesbian joke and he took it literally JDJJF
oh, she isn't even into men.
then like a week later he overheard you calling some random salesman in the city attractive and he was so fucking confused
eventually, reiner got sick of it and literally just asked you flat out: "so, what's your ballgame?"
bertholdt had eighteen back to back panic attacks in the corner KDKGKKOH
when it comes to your hobbies, he's got each and every one memorized. through silent pining for you from a distance, he's picked up on the little things. you're an artist? wow, he's obsessed. you're a poet? please, serenade him to sleep with your wishful thinking. you won't even have to tell him, by the time you're together, he just knows.
if you're short, he's,, protective. he's protective either way, but if you're on the smaller scale, he feels this undying need to just encAse you in his arms, protecting you from the outside world. he also wouldn't know how to act a majority of the time KDJKF he's literally a beanstalk of a man, how the fuck does he operate with you??
^ enjoy him having to lean down a considerable amount to kiss you on the forehead jjdhfh
the same goes for if you're of average height!! not too drastic of a difference.
if you're tall, you're a queen. he's humored whenever he sees you towering over the others, and he lOves the fact that he's one of the only ones that towers over you. it's actually really cute, seeing him smile like a cutie as he rests his cheek on the side of your head while the short bitches are biTteR
he's a tad bit obsessive when it comes to treating whatever wounds you may have, because he worries more intensely than most. you get a measly papercut, he's the only wrapping up your finger .7 seconds after you started bleeding. he does this thing once it's tended to where he places a tiny kiss atop the bandages, it's really sweet.
10/10 boyfriend, minus the angst that i refused to include 💞 smd smd SMD SMD
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
CEO ! Jung Hoseok x  Married ! OC 
Summary : Tall Handsome CEO Hobi meets dainty delicate country girl, Elena and falls head over heels. Too bad she’s already taken. 
Genre : Infidelity, Morally ambiguous characters. 
Chapter 1
On Fridays, Jung Hoseok liked to unwind. 
After a whole entire week of heading Gwihan Inc., going over proposals, signing off on acquisitions and baby sitting his two younger siblings who were just entering the company business, Jung Hoseok liked to relax on Friday evenings, usually with a glass of wine, maybe some good food from the Chinese restaurant down the street and occasionally with some company of the feminine variety. 
As the CEO of one of the largest conglomerates in the country, Hoseok was pretty much a household name in Seoul. Not just because of his dashing good looks and his staggering business acumen, but also because of the incredibly humble, down to earth persona that he wore . 
Never in the history of Korea, had there been a more approachable and friendly multi billionaire Chaebol prince : the very personification of generosity and kindness. 
At the young age of 34, Jung Hoseok charmed reporters and celebrities and his fellow businessmen with alacrity . 
Affectionately nicknamed the Sunshine CEO, Hoseok’s dimpled smile was a staple and he was well known for being fair and even tempered, the first to extend his hand in friendship to anyone. 
Which was a wonderful reputation to carry of course but it also made people forget that for all his sunny disposition, Jung Hoseok was still very much human. 
And he did not build his company ( once on the verge of bankruptcy because of his unscrupulous father ) from scratch, by being a pushover. Which meant that Hoseok had to balance being a good guy and a firm guy and sometimes it was such a fucking pain in his ass. 
“Hyung, come on....it’s just for a few hours. It’s fun.... “ Kim Taehyung could whine like no other. Korea’s top model, Taehyung or V as he liked to be called had a deep voice which could also do a full 180, making Hoseok’s ears ring, when the younger wasn’t getting his way. 
Like right now.
“Tae, i’m so fucking tired, i need a drink and a shower and I’m crashing into my bed. I am  not  bar hopping with you morons. I’m too old for that shit. “ Hoseok groaned, watching Taehyung and his photographer husband slur and sway after one drink too many. It was already a little past eleven in the night and he had every intention of sleeping for the next thirteen hours at the least. 
“Awww hyung...its not a bar...it’s a strip club ... Come on , hyung live a little. “ Jeon Jungkook was adorable,  like a bunny,  but also a brat that never took no for an answer. Together , the couple were pretty much indestructible. 
Too tired to argue with the two of them, he groaned .
It was going to be a long, long night. 
The club was called Desire, nothing like the posh high end places Hoseok was used to. It wasn’t a dump or anything but the decor, the furnishings and the clientele all screamed middle class, which wasn’t Hoseok’s usual scene. 
At all. 
But apparently, Jungkook had stumbled on someone here during one of his photography stints. 
A dancer called the ‘ White Dove’. 
The White Dove was apparently, one of the most sought after dancers in the club, because she only performed twice a month. She didn’t do it for the money, no one knew why she did it. But according to Jungkook, she was the most sensuously arousing woman he had ever seen in his entire life. 
 she moves like water, Hyung, fluid and transient. ...like the laws of physics don’t apply to her body, it’s like magic. 
Which was high praise, coming from a gay man. 
A gay man who had actually majored in dance in college. 
And even Taehyung hadn’t even looked all that bothered, watching his husband sing praises about someone else’s body .
“Would love to have both of them in my bed at the same time hyung, how do i make that happen?” He’d asked, glassy eyed. 
Hoseok had gagged, elbowed him in the ribs and moved away. 
But his dongsaengs could be pretty darn insistent and so here he was, on a friday night, half asleep from exhaustion, stumbling behind Jungkook and Taehyung as they led him to a private room, at the back of the club. 
The room was wide, shaped like a semi circle, with an elevated stage up front. Just a couple of feet away from the stage, three sofas lines the curved edges of the wall. 
Taehyung and Jungkook lay wrapped around each other in the first one, closest to the door and Hoseok did not want to see them touching each other so he skipped the middle sofa, choosing to recline on the sofa in the farthest corner.
 A very dim light hung right over his head , offering very little by way of illumination but he supposed that was the point. The dancer would be distracted by a well lit audience. 
And while he had been quite opposed to the idea when the evening began, Hoseok couldn’t help but admit , that seated on the cheap maroon sofa, with tacky vinyl upholstery, in a dimly lit room, he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
Who  was  this woman?
“Hyung, you’ll love her!! She’s totally your type!” Jungkook called out excitedly . 
Hoseok threw an amused look at the pair, shaking his head before turning around to stare at the stage again. The lights in the low lying ceiling dimmed, the one on the stage turning on gradually and to his surprise, he felt his breath catch when the stage curtain moved, gentle ripples on the satin surface. 
Music began pouring in, smooth and sensual and intrigued and then a voice followed , feminine and soft.
“Good evening. I’m Elena .... or as they call me, the White Dove. Thank you for letting me entertain you tonight.” 
She sounded absolutely delectable and Hoseok felt his eyes widen, lips parting in shock at the voice.
Soft and sweet, dainty and almost elegant. 
Low and submissive, like she wanted nothing more than to make him happy. 
Like honey in his ears. 
It sounded so out of place , in this cheap dingy strip club. 
She sounded like a fucking princess. 
And then the curtains parted, revealing a petite, svelte figure.
 Hoseok sat up straighter, eyes wide as he stared at her. 
She wore a mask, covering the upper part of her face and leaving only her lush, plump lips on display. They were an alluring red, bright and radiant in the golden light. She was dressed in a small robe, full sleeved and falling to her knees , showing off her slim, curvy legs and her skin was honey tinted, smooth to his gaze. 
Hoseok swallowed and as he watched, she threw a smile, soft and gentle and absolutely serene. 
It was the smile that did it for him.
Innocent and altogether lovely, like the kind of smile you would give someone you had loved for a hundred thousand years and he felt himself aching for it, wanting more of that gentle voice, more of that dazzling smile. 
As he watched she stepped fully into the center, the light bathing her in gold as she lightly gripped the pole and stepped forwards fully, lips parted in a smile as she bowed. 
Hoseok had sat through enough strip shows to know that this was different. Elena took small, hesitant steps into the light, tugging on the belt around her waist, the short velvet robe sliding off her shoulder gently. 
Hoseok’s throat went dry when he saw what she was dressed in : A ruby red lingerie set, with satin bows along her neckline, applique orchids all across her torso , the hem of her dress stopping just an inch below her waist, revealing satin bikinis that hugged her ass so tight his finger itched . 
He wanted to touch so bad. 
She grabbed the fabric of the robe  and instead of tossing it away, she folded it, moving to place it on a chair in the corner of the stage, gently before tossing another smile, this time apologetic. 
“I’m sorry, i need to wear this again and I don’t want it to get dirty...” She giggled then , her voice like the tinkling of a bell and Hoseok was so gone , he couldn’t think straight anymore. 
He gripped the edge of the sofa, the last vestiges of sleep leaving his head. 
And then the music began, low and soothing and seductive and she began to move. 
Elena was a phenomenal dancer, that much was obvious in just the first minute. She moved easily, and perfectly, her long legs wrapping around the pole with ease, her hands gripping it with ease but it was her gaze that drew him in....
She clearly thought Tae and Jungkook were the only ones in the audience so she kept her gaze on them, hadn’t seen him at all and she looked at them with eyes that begged for approval. She smiled often, threw her hair back and jerked her shoulders in question, asking unsubtly if they liked it, and Jungkook and Taehyung responded with enthusiasm, cheerful shouts of “ so gorgeous, beautiful sweetheart....” filling the room.
Hoseok leaned back against the couch, his breath leaving him in a harsh exhale. 
This wasn’t the kind of woman he had been expecting.
 He had been prepared, for brash and bold and seductive and sensuous. A woman who knew how to use her body to get what she wanted.... The only kind of woman he had ever met in his entire life. 
But Elena.... 
She looked so desperate to please, so desperate to be good and it was evident in her eyes, the thirst for praise , for approval. She wanted to be good and she wanted someone to tell her that.... to tell her hat she was beautiful, that she was perfect , that she was absolutely scintillating and Hoseok wanted nothing more than to be that someone. 
To be the person who rained kissed all over her body, gentle touches all over her as he breathed praise into her ears, told her how perfect she was, how enchanting and how unreal she was. 
How she was the kind of woman he would never ever tire of......
The kind of woman who deserved to be worshipped on the satin sheets of his king sized bed. .
And he would. This wasn’t going to end like this, he thought , his heart pounding. It couldn’t. 
He felt his heart pound as the performance ended, as she stepped back into the limelight and bowed, all sweet smiles and gentle gratitude. 
Taehyung and Jungkook jumped to their feet applauding cheerfully and she laughed. 
“Thank you for coming today. I hope you enjoyed my little dance. I would love to see you again. “ She smiled, cheerful and bright. 
She finally turned to his side of the room, eyes widening when he finally pushed away from the shadows, moving into the pool of light in the middle of the room.
“You were absolutely gorgeous sweetheart.” He said gently.
Her eyes went wide, lips parting in surprise and e watched her eyes travel up and down his torso, catching on the lean width of his waist, tongue peeking out to lick her lips as her eyes stayed glued to the front of his crotch, where his rock hard dick was probably very poorly concealed. 
“You’re the one to blame for that, princess.” He said with smirk and her eyes jumped to his, a blush blooming on her cheeks so fast that it made his head swim. 
Fuck she was gorgeous. 
He glanced at his friends, both of who were looking between him and the dancer with knowing looks. 
“Dinners on me tomorrow if you two leave right now.” Hoseok said softly. 
Laughing, the pair waved good bye, closing the door behind them. 
Elena stood on the stage, still staring at him like he was a full course meal and he moved back to the middle sofa, lowering himself down before spreading his legs and patting his thighs. 
“How much for a private....conversation?” He asked quietly.
She hesitated.
“I.. i need to ask the manager.” She said hesitantly. 
Hoseok felt a grin creeping up his face.
He pulled his phone out and dialed quickly. Less than a minute later, the manager stumbled in, bowing almost ninety degrees. 
“Mr. Jung.. you called?” The man was breathless.
“Elena and I are going to be occupied for the next hour or so.... I don’t want us to be disturbed.” 
The manager looked very surprised, glancing at her with wide eyes. 
“You want to... ?” He asked quickly and Elena blushed. Hoseok was oddly impressed that he had asked for her consent. Well at least this place wasn't as sleazy as it looked.  
“Just a conversation.” She whispered. Hoseok felt his eyebrow raise in surprise. 
Wait, did she really think he wanted a conversation? Had he been too subtle? Was the hard dick and the invitation to sit on his lap not forward enough? 
The man gave her a  confused look but nodded. 
“Of course Mr. Jung. Anything you like.” he bowed again and left , locking the door behind him. Hoseok glanced at her, watching as she slowly climbed down the stairs 
Elena hesitated, before slowly moving to get her robe. 
“Leave that.” He said , a little more sharply than he intended and she startled a little at his tone. 
“Okay.” She whispered, scratching the back of her neck nervously and smiling a little.
“I’m sorry...I don’t usually do this... I... I’m married.” She said with a laugh. 
Hoseok froze .
It felt a little like someone had dumped a whole entire barrel of ice cold water all over his head. 
Of course she was fucking taken. 
Of fucking course.....
He was such a fucking fool....
“Oh..” He croaked, voice breaking and even that single syllable dripped with so much disappointment  that she noticed. 
Her eyes flashed with something and she carefully climbed off the stage, walking up to him. He held his breath as she came closer, standing right between his spread legs. He wanted to touch but he wasn’t sure if he was allowed. 
Her hand rose up and he felt his breath catch when she lightly touched his hair, patting the strands carefully. 
“you have really thick hair.” She giggled. 
“Does you husband know you’re here?” He said softly. 
Her gaze flitted to him. 
“No. “ She said softly. And then she pressed in closer, enough that her knee brushed his thighs and he gripped her waist with both hands, instinctively.
She bit her lips, eyes shifting away from him.
“He doesn’t... understand.” She sighed. 
Intrigued, Hoseok tugged her closer and she tumbled into his lap. He pulled her in till she was seated on his thighs, legs thrown over the couch as she nestled into his chest. 
He gripped her harder and God, she felt like a delicate bird in his hand. His arms stayed firm but inordinately gentle around her, and he swallowed scared to move because he was afraid he would break her . Scared to let go because he was afraid she would fly way. 
“What doesn’t he understand sweetheart?” He prompted. 
She turned to look right at him and he wanted to take that mask off so badly. To see her face in all its glory. 
“That I need this...” She whispered.
“To dance...?” He prompted and she sniffled a little.
“No.” She whispered. And then her eyes met his again, bright and somehow desperate. 
“What then baby? Why are you here?” He asked although he could already suspect it.
“To be desired. “ She smiled that same sweet smile of hers.
And really, not even a saint could resist that breathtaking smile.
And Jung Hoseok was so , so far from a saint. 
She was the one who owed loyalty to the unknown husband. Not him. So he was going to just take what he was being offered. 
He grabbed her chin, tilting her face to kiss her hard, his tongue forcing its way in before she could get her bearings. She didn’t protest, her body going limp in his arms a he looped her arms around his neck. 
He flipped them over , till she was flat on her back on the couch and he was on her, grabbing her thighs and spreading her legs, grinding his clothed erection down into the heated center of her body as he kissed her. 
She whimpered, hands scrambling to clutch at his shoulders. as she kissed him back. And he wondered if she lied, telling him that she was married. There was a world of inexperience in her kiss , absolutely no finesse in the way she spread her legs wider, hips jerking up to chase friction. 
But what she lacked in experience, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.
“Relax baby... We don’t have to rush...” He kissed her again, drawing back to stare at her and she looked a little out of it. 
“Please.. I just... i need...” 
Something about the look on her face made him pause. It was a familiar look. He’d seen this look before. 
Not in the last decade no, but ....that desperate, confused inexperience took him all the way back to his senior year in  high school when the Queen Bee , Kang Sejin had finally agreed to let him fuck her. 
For the first time. 
Hoseok stilled completely, refusing to believe it. 
How old was this girl underneath him? She couldn’t be younger than twenty five. 
“How old are you?” He demanded.
She stopped trying to yank him closer and went still, staring at him and licking her lips. 
“I’m twenty seven.” She said finally and he frowned.
“You’ve done this before right?” He asked stupidly. 
Of course she had...she said she was married for fuck’s sake. 
But her eyes widened and she looked away and oh. 
What the actual fuck....
Hoseok scrambled off her, his head swimming with disbelief. She choked out a sob and sat up, hugging herself and he felt his heart break when he saw the tears swell, spilling over her lashes and God, that pout on her face. 
“Elena.... “ He held his hand out, wanting to touch her again but she scrambled to her feet and backed away. 
“I’m so sorry... i don’t know what I was thinking...” She bowed, her tears flowing freely now. “ Please...forget this ever happened...” 
Hoseok stared at her as she ran up to stage, grabbing her robe and disappearing behind the curtain quickly. 
He stood there, still painfully aroused as he tried to process what he’d just learned. 
A virgin, he thought in sheer disbelief. 
The stripper I nearly fucked right now is a fucking virgin. 
His legs stopped working as he collapsed on the sofa. 
So much for unwinding on a Friday. 
“Listen, I know this is dumb but you really need to stop bringing this up so often.” My husband gave me an annoyed glare, his handsome face scrunched in impatience as he stuffed a couple of files into his leather briefcase. 
“Why ? We’re married... we’ve been married for four months now!! Why won’t you touch me?! “ i demanded, exhausted and tired and so guilty. 
Guilty because I’d come so close to cheating on him. 
“Because i don’t get a hard on when i look at you. Because I never wanted to fucking marry you in the first place.!!” He snarled and i bit my lips feeling my heart hurt at the familiar words, the pang still just as painful as the first time he’d said those words to me. 
“But you did...” I reminded him, following him to the door. He growled, throwing the shoe closet open and grabbing his work shoes. 
“Elena... I’m not in the mood for this.” He said sternly.” I’m running late and Hoseok ssi’s supposed to be inspecting our department today. Do you have any idea what an important man he is? I need this meeting to be perfect if I want to get that promotion.... I can’t let anything distract me.” 
“I’m your wife...not a distraction!!” I protested. 
He ignored me, tying his laces and giving me one last look of loathing. 
“if this doesn’t work for you, call your fucking parents and go back to that no good village of yours. We’ll get a fucking divorce and I’ll stop paying for your parents Hospital bills and then we’ll see how you survive.” 
I stared at him, hurt and upset. 
“I need to go. “ He stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. 
I let out a shaky breath, my hands trembling as I tried to get my bearings. It was so hard, doing this. Waking up day after day to cater to his every need and i wondered if it had even been worth it, agreeing to marry him just for the chance to pay for my parents. 
Surely, there could have been another way? 
Why had I agreed? 
My mind flashed to the gorgeous man in the club the previous night. 
 How much for a private conversation.....
 For a second i had been tempted. 
I had actually considered asking him to pay me in return for sex. Maybe if he wanted to do it more than once.... Maybe he could keep me with him. 
And then I could use the money to pay for my parents’ care and i could divorce Yesung. 
Surely that was better than being shunned in your own home? Being made to feel ugly and unappealing. 
I had been so close to doing it last night. So so close and then that man---he had somehow sensed it. Sensed that I hadn’t ever had sex before. 
How embarrassing that had been. He had guessed that I was a virgin and I couldn’t help but wonder how. 
What had i done wrong? i had hugged him, kissed him back and yet he had realized that i had no idea what i was doing or what i wanted. 
How humiliating that had been. 
I bit my lips.
I missed dancing. 
Twice a month in some sleazy club hardly made up for fifteen years of training to be a dancer.  
I missed the ballet school that I had to quit when my dad lost his job.
 I missed Busan. 
I missed my old life so bad. 
Sighing I went back to the kitchen to fix my breakfast when my eyes fell on the packed lunch and i groaned. 
Yesung’s company was easily the most luxurious building I’d ever been. Thankfully, I’d dressed well enough, a yellow summer dress with floral prints. I’d left my hair down, even put on makeup. I looked pretty and i wanted nothing more than for my husband to look at me with a little appreciation. 
Yesung was a tall, very handsome man and i had really genuinely liked him when his parents had offered to set us up for  a  seon.
 He had seemed genuinely interested and it was the only reason I’d agreed to marry him. But apparently, his parents had forced him into the whole thing and he felt nothing but deep resentment for me. 
It was so unfair but i wasn’t ready to give up yet. 
I had every intention of winning my husband over. 
The lady at the reception gave me a visitor’s Id and told me where I could find my husband and I quickly walked over to elevators, nervous because I was the only one in flashy summer colors, all the employees dressed in muted tones of brown and grey. Flushing, I kept my head low as the elevator climbed all the way to the seventeenth floor. When I stepped out of the elevator, I caught sight of Yesung at once. He was talking to a tall man, who had his back towards me . 
“Yesung!! “ i called out brightly. “ You forgot your lunch!!” I held the bag up and my husband’s eyes snapped to me widening in surprise. 
I smiled and kept walking until the man talking to my husband turned around. 
My smile froze on my face, my brain processing the very familiar features. 
I stopped walking , my legs stalling . 
Oh, God no.
“Yesung!  You forgot your lunch!!” 
Hoseok felt his entire heart turn over in his ribcage at the sound of  that  voice. 
No.. No way...it couldn’t  be.
 He turned around, stunned and his eyes caught a flash of lovely yellow, bright and incandescent in the dreary dullness of the office and oh god, it was her. 
It was Elena. 
She looked like sunshine.... Like one of those yellow tulips you saw in wall papers. Fresh and beautiful and even more breathtaking in the bright light of day and Hoseok felt like his brain had been fried. 
She had seen him too and the look on her face said it all. 
Guilt and horror flashed in rapid succession and those lips....those cherry red lips he’d tasted three days ago....they parted in shock. 
Hoseok felt his mouth go dry as she went completely still. 
“I’m so sorry sir... I don’t know why she came here!!” Kang Yesung’s voice drew him to the present and he frowned, watching as the man stalked over to her. His fists clenched as he saw the man grip her arm, hard. 
Elena winced, looking hurt and something in Hoseok just snapped.
Completely forgetting where he was , who he was.... he stalked over , hands coming up to shove Yesung hard. The man, completely taken by surprise, stumbled and fell , crashing into the filling cabinets with a loud noise. 
Everyone in the office went still, staring at him in sheer disbelief 
And he knew exactly what they were thinking?
Did the Sunshine  CEO just physically assault an employee? Was the world ending? 
Hoseok stared at Elena.
“Are you alright? “ He whispered. 
She was gawking at him, but also rubbing the skin where Yesung had grabbed her and before he could stop himself, he was reaching for her arm, brushing her own fingers away and stroking the skin with his. 
“That looks like its going to bruise.” He whispered. 
He whirled to glare at Yesung, who had pulled himself together and was now staring between Hoseok and Elena, shock written all over his features.
“Is this your code of conduct when it comes to women, Mr. Kang?” His voice came out loud and angry , almost a furious snarl. 
Yesung turned an ugly shade of red. 
“She’s my wife sir. She ...she knows she can’t visit me ...” Yesung was gaping at him. 
“So you’re going to assault her?” He demanded. 
Yesung closed his mouth quickly. 
“Are you alright, El-” He stopped himself , “ Mrs Kang.” 
She was looking at the floor.
“Yes , sir.” Her voice shook and he could see her hands trembling. The urge to draw her into his arms was so overwhelming he had to clench his fists to stop himself. 
“Jungkook! “ He called for his assistant. “ Please drop Mrs. Kang back home. Make sure she doesn’t need anything else.” 
Jungkook bowed and smiled wide at her.
“Please, this way, Mrs. Kang.” 
Hoseok stared at her and she glanced at him, one small fleeting glance heavy with guilt and confusion and worry. 
He closed his eyes, trying to get his palpitating heart under control.
Oh, God he was in so much trouble. 
Also please give this fic a lot of love!!!!! My baby never gets the love he deserves!!! 
author’s Note : 
Feedback is how you repay me so don’t be shy <3 
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ohtobealady · 3 years
Oh my gosh yes I am going to send a prompt! Can your glorious talent indulge me in #17, things you said that I wish you hadn't
Oh my friend! I’m so sorry this isn’t quite worthy of your request, but here it is nonetheless!
#17 - Things You Said That I Wish You Hadn’t
Robert laughed at the weight of her as she leaned against him. Her jasmine scent, made earthier from the dancing and late hour, was nearly as intoxicating to him as the drinks had been to her, and he grinned as she kept turning her face toward him, her earring jangling between them.
He wasn’t sure how she’d gotten so inebriated so quickly. In the course of only a few hours, she’d gone from ideal hostess and Viscountess — smiling politely, making soft conversation, wishing merry Christmas to all the tenants — to, well, what she was when they were alone: his twenty year old American wife.
Not that he was much better, a tipsy, twenty-two year old Earl-in-waiting, laughing aloud, the sound of it echoing, as his wife stumbled up the servants’ staircase toward her bedroom. One of his hands held tightly to her velvety, small corseted waist and the other helped as he held the length of her skirts that she continuously stumbled upon, swearing a quick “This darn dress!” under her breath.
It probably shouldn’t have, but it made her all the more endearing to him, and he smiled as they burst through the door at last and onto the gallery.
“Come to bed,” he heard her whisper, as if at a distance, and Robert felt himself nod stupidly, directing her - rather poorly - to the correct bedroom door.
“Yes, nearly there,” he returned as he opened her doors and led her inside.
But she turned on him as they entered, and angled her face up to his. “No.”
Her face, that usually looked so darling and sweet, tonight looked … Robert swallowed. She looked at him now how he sometimes pictured her in dreams, dreams that he woke from hot and rather embarrassed.
Her breath smelled of wine, and he could feel the heat of it on his chin. “I mean, come into my bed. With me.” And then she was on him, her soft, warm lips on his, puckering for a moment at his bottom one. He felt her body grow less rigid against him, and he could also feel a breathy rumble in her throat.
His body reacted at once.
“Cora,” he managed, pulling away from her. “Perhaps it best to sleep, hmm? Shall I ring for Perkins? I’m sure someone is downstairs who can fetch her. Or does she expect to be at the party —“
“— I see.”
Robert blinked at her interruption.
“Well-bred ladies aren’t supposed to throw themselves at their husbands.”
Just as he had pulled himself away from her, she jerked herself even further away from him, stumbling her way over to her bed. Grumbling. He watched her in slight awe as she somehow managed to climb upon it, rolling herself to her back, and then lying flat, her head falling off the side he now slept on. Her chin angled upward and, again, his body tingled at the sight of the long expanse of her neck, her corseted breasts.
“No,” she continued. He heard her satin heels hitting the carpet on the other side of her bed, “Well-bred ladies aren’t supposed to like it. Aren’t supposed to long for it.”
He stared at her. He wanted her. She wanted him! Oh, if she was offering, was it wrong to accept? After all, she was aware enough to ask? And he was neither entirely sober. That made it alright, didn’t it?
“Do you?” Again, his voice spoke without his conscious permission. “That is, are you certain?”
She answered with a smile, her eyes finding his, though at this point she looked at him nearly upside down. “Oh, Robert. You needn’t always be so proper.”
He crossed to her in a fraction of a second, somehow immediately settling between her legs, enjoying the feel of her mouth on his lips and tongue, being spurred on by the way she hitched her hips slightly and whimpered from desire.
Her tried to find the opening to her combinations she wore beneath all the layers of skirt, and cursed under his breath when the stiff shirtfront he wore inhibited his bending to better suckle at her throat.
“What if I…” He felt Cora maneuver herself at an angle and then laugh lowly. “Is that? Easier?”
He felt with his fingers at the softness of her inner thigh and moaned, nodding furiously against her chest, for now they were not face-to-face, the volume of her skirts causing his arm to bend and reach annoyingly. But she didn’t seem to mind, again arching her back, Robert’s fingers finding her warmth and he pressed his lips together.
“Kiss me,” she rushed at the contact, her voice breathy and low. But Robert had just managed to find where he was now. Sensing it, Cora sat up instead, or at least tried, before having to roll herself to a position nearer to his lips, but missing them before falling back down.
“Oh, come to me. Please.”
He pressed a knee down to anchor and hoist himself upward, but it caught on a fold of her skirt, pulling down her knee she’d spread and lifted to grant him access.
They both groaned.
“Shall I be atop of you?” She suggested, and Robert smiled and reached down between them to unbutton his trousers. And then made to roll, but alas, his shirtfront, once again, and also his collar — it cut at his throat.
“Oh,” she whimpered again. But even in his fog of drink he could hear it was not from pleasure. When he peered down at her, her face was slightly pained.
“I need to be unlaced,” she complained. “I suppose we should ring for Perkins.”
Robert dropped his forehead to hers and sighed. He was disappointed. Of course there had been passion in the ten months they’d been married, but this had been different. He didn’t want it to end yet, he wanted to be swept up in it, to undress her himself, to be totally alone with her from the spark of passion to completion.
His disappointment was evident, he assumed, because just as he was adjusting his weight off of his wife, he felt the softness of her fingertips and palm on his jaw and cheek. He looked down at her. The dream-version he had of her, the way she had looked earlier, no - it didn’t hold a candle to this face, to the red of her kissed lips, the flush of her cheeks from the effort, the mess of her dark curls beginning to fall from their careful coiffure. How was she possibly so lovely? Beautiful of course, truly, but also lovely, a lightness shining from her very heart.
“Oh, darling,” she slurred.
Oh. But he’d also forgotten how drunk she was, her eyes bleary and swimming, her smile more lopsided than usual.
“When you look at me that way —“ she exhaled. “—it makes me feel as if you love me too.”
His breath hitched.
“I know you don’t, but it’s nice to pretend.”
And it burned.
He drew himself up and away from her, then, his small buzz of drink immediately sobered by the ache in his chest. Because how could he possibly tell her now? Now, when she was drunk and silly and now rolling toward the pull to ring for her maid. How could he possibly tell her that she was wrong?
She was. She was so very, very wrong.
Robert watched her sit up and then swing her legs over the side of her bed. “Shouldn’t you call for Watson?”
He only stared at her as she began to remove the jingling earrings, watching the soft lines of her long fingers, the soft shadows that played at the curve of her jaw.
“Yes.” His heart pounded madly against his ribs. “I do.”
But she only nodded, not realizing at all what he really meant.
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I can request a scenario of innocent love... Where the Slachers (Michael, Jason, Brahms and another killer of their choice) are children and know the reader who are also children, the reader has a thing for them and they flirt their way, or give them a gift (know when one child likes the other, their first love).
How would they react? Would they understand the love that the reader has and will accept, or would he be a brat with them, or would they be shy about the situation and the figure of the reader?
(This made me really happy.)
He really didn’t understand you.
All the other kids in your class were so mean to him. They’d call him names, mock him and all kinds of stuff. But you..you were different. You didn’t think he was a monster like the rest of them did.
When you first came up to him, he frowned- fully expecting you to call him names or something of the sort. Instead you just gave him a sweet smile and handed him a flower you picked, asking him if he wanted to play with you.
You weren’t scared? You didn’t think he was ugly?
Eventually the two of you become the best of friends. Seeing as you were the only kid that could even stand to look at him and such.
What really won him over was when you pushed some bully away from him, making the kid land straight on their butt and cry. He felt really bad that you ended up getting in trouble over it but...he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love you all the more for it.
His mama is practically overjoyed when he comes home with a friend, fixing up snacks and the whole nine. Let’s just face it, she’s probably at a loss. You’re the first and likely the only friend that Tommy has ever brought home.
Things go pretty well, up until the two of you get a little older and you admit that you have a crush on him. To which he’ll just tilt his head, a look of pure shock gracing his scarred features. He knew you liked him, but...you “like-like” him?
You’d just giggle, leaning in to press an innocent kiss to his cheek- causing likely the most adorable blush you’ve ever seen to consume his face.
After that, Tommy starts waking around with a little bit more of a pep in his step. Someone so wonderful like you likes him, surely he couldn’t be a monster after all.
Michael was always the strange one of the class. For some reason he wouldn’t speak, wouldn’t ever seem excited, nor would he play...
At least not with anybody. He’d never seek anyone out- he’d just play off in some corner of the room with his toys silently. Nobody wanted to bother him, frankly they were too scared.
Not you.
He made you curious, and soon your curiosity would lead you to walking up to him- tapping his shoulder and offering your own toys for you both to play with.
He’d be genuinely confused at first, almost pouting- but he didn’t send you away, so that was something. Whenever you just smiled and sat down next to him, his expression would soften.
At first Michael wouldn’t really understand how to play with others, he’d be way too forceful and a little bratty when it came to getting his way- but that didn’t seem to deter you.
He could respect that.
Soon enough, Michael just came to accept your persistence. He’d find it somewhat nice to have company for a change, even if he didn’t think that way in the beginning. It certainly was fun having someone else to play with.
Michael, of course, can be a little possessive over you. You’re his friend, no one else’s. He will get mad if you play with someone else and he’ll make sure that everyone knows it.
One fateful day during recess, all the other kids proper that you all play “wedding”. Naturally, having a crush on the odd boy- you told him that you wanted him to be your “husband”. His eyes will probably become the widest you’ve ever seen them, but he’ll reluctantly nod, letting you grab him by the hand and lead him up to “marry” you in front of your other classmates.
All the other kids thought you were crazy. He wasn’t nice to anyone, why would you pick him? Regardless of your reason, they still thought you were nuts.
Eventually the day came that Michael stopped coming to school, something terrible happened and that’s all you knew...but you weren’t too sad. Somehow, someway, you knew you’d see your friend again. No matter how long it took.
You were an absolute Angel in both his eyes and his mother’s.
Unlike all the other children that would pick on him or be disgusted by his face, you’d just treat him like a normal person. No pity, no disgust..you just genuinely wanted to hang out with him.
Going to camp was always a little bit easier for Jason so long as you were there.
He wants to do everything with you, not a single camp activity can be missed out on. He used to not like any of them, seeing as it was usually just an opportunity to be made fun of- but now that you were here...he started to realize why they were so much fun!
It isn’t very long until he actually develops a little crush on you. He wouldn’t dare admit it though..he doesn’t want to scare you off. However that won’t stop him from making you little bracelets and bringing you flowers.
He was starting to believe that your friendship was just that, at least..until he gave you a necklace and you, without hesitance, kissed him on his forehead as a “thank you”.
Any of your fellow children that happened to see yelled “eww” and began to tease you for liking him..but you didn’t care. Heck, you even yelled back at them- telling them all that they shouldn’t be so cruel and that he was perfectly sweet!
After that event, Pamela would make the both of you some grilled cheese sandwiches, a pleased smile on her face.
It felt good to know at least someone could see the sweet person her little boy was.
In order for you to have been friends with Brahms, your families likely would’ve at least known each other- thus making the two of you pretty darn familiar with each other.
That being said, he loves you! Like seriously, you’re one of his most favourite people.
He can be a little bossy when it comes down to playing and stuff, but you never seemed to mind him. Instead you’d just smile and agree with him.
He didn’t really understand that you were only so tolerate because you had a huge crush on him...not at least until you tell him so.
Once you do, you better understand what youre getting into.
He’s bossy, jealous and possessive. Plus, he has a major crush on you too.
Don’t let him know that you play with literally anyone else. He’ll throw a tantrum over it.
Even though the two of you were way to young to understand it, he’ll start referring to you as his “girlfriend/boyfriend”- sometimes being more open to playing “mummies and daddies” with you, but only if you really really want to. Otherwise it’s hide and seek all the damn time.
Aside from that, your relationship isn’t all that different.
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papergirllife · 4 years
The Way I Hate You
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Na Jaemin Smut
warnings: explicit sex, unprotected sex.
*gif credits to owner.
full masterlist
to request
It was 3am and the deafening noises that came from your new next door neighbor was causing you sleepless nights on end and a pounding headache, resulting newly advils in your nightstand drawer.
You looked at the time displayed on your digital clock, 3:36 A.M. . You won’t take any more of his shit tonight, you had work in a few hours and you aren’t going to waste anymore of your concealer on an ass like him.
You put on your baggy sweater and stomped out of your house, fist banging on his door. Just when your fist was about to come in contact with the door once again, a boy swung open the door. You nearly hit his face with your face if he wasn’t holding onto it.
“If you wanted to touch my face you could’ve just asked, cutie. No need to ruin a masterpiece and scar your soft little hands, no?”
You snatched your hand out of his and looked him in the eyes.
“Turn down your music! It’s going to be 4am soon and I have work in a few hours.”
“But I’m bored, and all alone, only music to keep me occupied. Maybe you can come over and entertain me.”
You took in his appearance, big eyes, perfect nose, and tousled greyish blue hair. He’s a prick, but he’s a darn attractive one. But he’s still a stranger.
“We don’t even know each other. If your looking for a hooker for the night I’ll direct you to that asshole down the hall, he’ll know the direction to the nearest strip club.”
“Feisty, I like it. That can be changed. Nice to meet you, I’m Na Jaemin, you can call me Nana or Jaemin.”
He placed his hand out for you to shake, but you just ignored it and went back into your home, banging the door.
The next day you felt like a zombie, your lifeline was literally solely supported by cups and cups of caffeine. You still slapped on a heavy amount of concealer, since you had an important meeting with investors. According to your boss, if your presentation pulled the investors off, you’ll be getting a bigger paycheck and a nice bonus.
When you got home that day, Jaemin wasn’t home yet, it was obvious, from the lack of noise pollution next door. So you took the longest nap you ever had in ages.
You stirred from your slumber when Jaemin began blasting his speakers, you looked at your clock, 8:45 P.M. . Instead of cooking pasta like you had originally planned, you decided to just eat a bowl of ramyun and a bottle of soju to go with it at the nearest convenience store.
When you got back, the noise from Jaemin’s place hasn’t died down. With the alcohol in your system giving you a kick courage, you rang his doorbell many times to disturb him from his ‘music’.
Jaemin opened the door to reveal how disheveled looking he was, you took in his appearance, baggy sweats and hair sticking all over the place, the bags underneath his eyes were much heavier than usual.
“I’m not in the mood, cutie. Just leave please.”
You were taken aback at his bratty attitude towards you, how does he dare tell you to scram off during his bad days, when you were having bad days on no end because of him and his wretched music?!
You had enough of Na Jaemin. Before you could process the things he said in your brain properly, the words were flying out of your mouth
“One bad day and you think you’re the king of this place?! Do you know how many sleepless nights I had because of you and your shitty music blasting at such a volume?! You nearly cost me my job if I haven’t got my shit together with the amount of coffee I drank! I’m getting my liver killed because of you! Do you know how much of a nuisance you are in my life ever since you moved in?! How can you be such a self centered selfish  whiny bitch?!”
With every word you had said, you poked him in the chest once, making him stumble back once or twice back into his unit. When you were looking him in the eye spewing complaints at him, you didn’t notice the way Jaemin clenched his jaw, and the way his fists were held tight, his knuckles turning white.
Jaemin was holding back every fiber in his being not to lash back out at you, even if he did, he knew he was going to regret it in the morning. He knew he was being a dick for blasting his music, but his job was putting pressure on him, and the only way to vent it when he didn’t bother going to the gym was this. Jaemin holds no grudges towards you, but his temper wouldn’t hold up for long if he doesn’t do anything to get himself out of this situation.
“Why can’t you just shut up?!”
“Why don’t you make me, Y/N?”
Maybe it was because of the alcohol, maybe it was because of the stress mounted on your shoulders these past few days, but the irrational part of your brain took reins of you, and you smashed your lips against Jaemin’s, effectively shutting him up.
Well technically it didn’t stop the noise from his speakers, but in your head every little noise faded into nothing. Your body could only register the feeling of Jaemin’s lips against yours. Just as you were about to push him away because of his lack of response, Jaemin kissed you back with much more ferocity, his hands grabbing onto your hips, not letting you go.
You leaned against Jaemin, motioning him to invite you into his house. He picked up on your hints and backed himself into his house. When the both of you were in the house, Jaemin kicked the door shut and spun you around so that your back crashed against the door with a mild thud.
“I hate you Na Jaemin.”
“Are you sure, cutie? The signals your body is sending me tells me otherwise.”
That idiot winked at you. And you were a bigger idiot for liking it.
Jaemin patted at your butt, signalling you to jump.
“Are you sure? I’m heavy.”
“If I fail I’m switching gyms.”
Jaemin successfully caught you when you jumped in his arms, his fingers digging into your upper thighs, sending shocks coursing down your body travelling southwards to your core.
Jaemin took you to his bedroom, the exact route you take to your bed in your own house, a sense of odd familiarity washing over you. You begin sucking hickies onto Jaemin’s empty neck, flowers blooming in your wake.
Jaemin could feel his length growing at your lewd actions, when the both of you got to his room, Jaemin threw you on his bed with a light thud, desperate for any sort of action after you had him riled up just now.
Jaemin quickly discarded his clothes, standing stark naked in front of you, showing you all his glory. You licked your lips and rubbed your thighs together at the sight of his nudity.
Jaemin reached forward to help you take off your clothes, he was surprised to see the lack of bra when he took off your shirt, his left eyebrow cocked up questioning you.You smiled seductively, playing dumb to his questioning eyes.
“Oops, so forgetful of me.”
“Now you’re just begging to be fucked by me, babe.”
Jaemin tore off your panties last, his fingernails grazing your thighs lightly, he quickly shoved a finger inside of you, prepping you for what’s to come, but to his surprise, you were much wetter than he thought.
“Someone’s dripping for me. Guess I won’t need to finger you open anymore.”
You spread open your legs for him, your hand sliding down your core to move your folds aside to let him see how wet you were, arousal flowing down the bed sheets underneath you.
Jaemin slipped inside you in one thrust, the both of you letting out melodic moans, even though you were wet enough for him to enter, your tightness shocked him, your cavern engulfed him whole, he felt like he was floating. When you opened your eyes as you recovered from the sudden pleasure, you saw Jaemin’s fucked out expression, from just being inside of you. So you decided to play a little game and clench your pussy on his dick. Jaemin curled his toes at your further provocation. It must’ve been a long time since he had gotten laid.
“So that’s how you wanna play, babe?”
Jaemin pulled out and reposition you, ass up face down. He thrust himself back in without any warning, his pace relentless as he plowed you into the bed, you wouldn’t be surprised to see a mark shaped like you after this.
“Fuck, Jaemin!”
“That’s it, babe. Scream my name, let the whole floor know who’s making you feel good.”
Your nails dug into Jaemin’s sheets, back arched, Jaemin’s cock was rather long and it was hitting your sweet spot over and over again, you could feel tears running down your face, his fingers digging into your ass, definitely leaving marks, but you loved the combination of pain and pleasure Jaemin is giving you.
Jaemin found a new addiction, other than the loud music filling up his head’s empty void, he finds your moans as he wrecks you as addicting as nicotine, pumping adrenaline into his veins as he fucks into you.
Jaemin finds your ass an amazing sight to his eyes, a thought crossed his mind. He spanks you as he thrusts into you, once, twice, and had no sign of stopping.
“What the fuck are you doing, Jaemin?!”
Jaemin pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail, yanking your head up to speak into your ear.
“Bad girls need to be punished, babe. Don’t act like your sweet little pussy isn’t clenching around me so hard after I started spanking you, you’re just in sweet denial.”
“I hate you, Jaemin!”
“I can change that.”
Jaemin propped his leg up and moved your hips higher, the angle giving him deeper access into your warm cavern. The new angle had you screaming his name as his cock was giving your sweet spot more attention than before with every stroke clouding your head in a pleasure-filled haze.
Jaemin’s hand slipped to your clit, stimulating you further, if it weren’t for his hand keeping your body in place, you would’ve collapsed form the overwhelming pleasure.
Just as you were about to reach your high, Jaemin pulled out.
“What the fuck, Jaemin?!”
“You want to cum? Beg for my dick. Beg for it like the cockslut you are.”
“Suit yourself then, I’ll just jack myself off like I always did.”
You were beyond mad, the anger pumping new found adrenaline and energy into you.
You pushed Jaemin down flat on his bed and straddled him, smashing your lips against his as you sink down onto his cock harshly, the sudden pleasure clouding Jaemin from forming any incoherent thoughts on how to fight for dominance, his body submitting to your will.
You bounced on his cock with a feral speed, the anger, stress, and pent-up frustrations leaving your mind every time Jaemin’s cock brushes against your sweet spot.
Jaemin’s hands were loosely hung around your waist, hardly taking in anything other than the pleasure he was receiving, his eyes lolled back into his head, lips agape.
You moved one of your hands secured around his shoulder to his throat, closing off most of his airway, a sly smirk playing on your lips.
“Tell me how you feel, Jaemin. Can’t? Cat caught your tongue? Or are you just too far gone when I’m fucking you dumb?”
You loosened your hold on his neck and smashed your lips against his as you cum after fucking yourself onto his cock one last time, Jaemin followed soon after, his head throwing back from all the immense pleasure he was receiving, a muted but still audible pretty little whine leaving his swollen lips.
You and Jaemin’s hips rocked against each other, riding out both your orgasms. Your body crashed down on his after milking out your high, Jaemin’s hands once again held onto your hips, his head on top of yours, basking in the after sex glow.
“I wanted to take you out on a date before any action, guess we mixed up the stages.”
You sit up from Jaemin’s sudden confession.
“I thought you didn’t like me.”
“You had every right to be annoying to me, I was a jerk and I’m sorry for causing you to lose sleep because of my music. I promise I’ll use headphones next time.”
“Yes. Now about that date...
“Tomorrow, lunch, 12 p.m. , Marco’s. Don’t be late.”
“Won’t ever miss it for the world.”
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p-artsypants · 3 years
I’ll Handle This (12)
In Which Lila Learns about Skyrim
Ao3 | FF.net
Sorry for taking a bit with this chapter. It isn’t even very long. But I was in the hospital recovering from surgery. We’re coming up close to the end of the story, but there’s maybe two more chapters after this. 
(Psst this chapter has hints to the next story I’ll publish after this one...as long as my ideas don’t change lol)
Lila was fired. It was immediate when they found out. Everyone sat in class, the lecture normal and lulling everyone into a soft state of sedation. 
Then Lila screamed. The scream was the worst thing Marinette had ever heard. Immediately, everyone turned to look at her in horror. 
She started bawling. Huge gasping sobs of someone who’d been shot. 
“Lila?!” Miss Bustier gasped in shock and concern. “Are you okay?!” 
“I’m so sorry, Miss Bustier!” She wailed. “I just wanted to peek at my email and—and—Mr. Agreste fired me!” 
Plagg had to bite his tongue. He knew she was going to twist this somehow, but her sobbing was so beautiful to see. 
“Oh Lila, I’m so sorry. It hurts a lot to lose a job. Especially when they don’t tell you to your face. That’s no fair.” 
“He-he-he said that Marinette told him that I was making Adrien uncomfortable! She got me fired!” 
Gasps, all around. 
“What?!” Barked Marinette. “I had nothing to do with this!” Not exactly the truth...
“But that’s what Mr. Agreste said!” 
Plagg stood, placing his foot on the seat, the spurs on his cowboy boots ringing with the motion. He put his cowboy hat back on (since Mrs. Bustier had asked him to remove it for violating dress code...again.) “well now. Sounds like we got ourselves in a gosh darn pickle.” 
Nino snorted. 
“Adrien! You never said I made you uncomfortable! Marinette must have lied to your father!” 
He flicked the rim of his hat. “Now slow your roll there, Buckeroo. I know my old man, and even if Marinette was mentioned in his email, it’s likely that he just wanted to place the blame on someone else.” 
Yes, throw the old man under the bus. He still deserves it, even with whole hearted apologies. 
“But you know, I do feel awfully bad for you, Lila. Losing yer job and all. How’s about I make it up to ya? I’ll come sit by you for a while. Keep ya company and cheer you up. Cain’t have gettin’ all akumatized up in here, you reckon?” 
Not that Lila getting akumatized was even a concern anymore. But the world wouldn’t know about Hawkmoth’s surrender until Emilie’s fate was resolved. Adrien’s family deserved that much at least. 
“Oh Adrien!” Lila cried. “You really are such a wonderful friend. But I couldn’t bear to make you move on my behalf. You need to focus on your work.” 
“A cowboy needs to be exceptional at multitasking. That is, as long as Mrs. Brassiere is okay with it.” 
Miss Bustier pinched the bridge of her nose. Usually, she was a very calm and level-headed teacher, compassionate and understanding. But Adrien’s antics were stressing her out massively. “Yes, Adrien, I suppose it’s fine if you move to—what did you call me?”
“Much obliged, Madam. If’en you’ll excuse me...” 
Marinette watched with fascination as Plagg gathered up his materials and moved to the back of the class to sit next to Lila. Then she glanced in her purse, where Tikki and Adrien were hanging out. They both shrugged. 
Due to the retirement of Hawkmoth, Adrien was now allowed to spend time away from the Miraculous without consequence. Plagg assured him that once the final condition was met, no matter where he was, his soul would return to his body. 
So he spent the school day with Tikki, and the evenings with Marinette. It was a sweet deal, and it really gave Adrien the time to bond with her without school or akumas in the way. 
He had even spent the night with her the night before, curled up next to her on her pillow, and purring every time Marinette’s hand glanced his fur. 
Nino leaned back in his seat. “Do you know what he’s up to this time?” 
“No idea...but I am eager to see where this goes.” 
Nino shook his head with a shrug. Two nights ago, when Plagg was arrested, Nino gathered all the money in his savings and went down to the jail to bail him out. 
Only to find out he was already let go. 
So he went back home, and called Adrien’s phone relentlessly, hoping for an answer. 
Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, Chat Noir returned and explained that he was going home now, thanks for having him, he had to watch the mansion because his sort of repentant father was going to Tibet to resurrect his dead wife. 
Nino gave up on logic and understanding, and just made sure Plagg had everything he had brought. 
Now he would wait until the whole situation blew over, and hopefully Adrien himself, in his own body, would explain it all to him. Plagg seemed to oversimplify everything to the point it became vague. 
Marinette, on the other hand, was very curious to see where this was all going. After all, Adrien’s previous tactic of being nice to Lila hadn’t worked. So what was Plagg hoping to gain from the same approach?
Wrassle her with his randomly appointed cowboy charm? 
In science, two classes later, Plagg had elected to sit next to Lila still, despite her protests. 
Marinette was close enough now to hear what Plagg’s master plan was. 
“So there’s like several types of Mer, right? But not like mermaids. This has nothing to do with mermaids. These are mostly elves, but not all. So there’s Dunmer, right? Those are dark elves. And Bosmer, wood elves, and Altmer, high elves. The Falmer are snow elves, but they’re all twisted and savage, because of the Dwemer, which are dwarves!” 
Marinette snorted a bit too loudly, drawing attention from the teacher. 
“Miss Dupain-Cheng, is something funny?” 
“No ma’am, I had a tickle in my sinuses.” 
“Ah, I see. Anyways, as I was saying...” 
Lila always sat in the back of the class, despite her many alleged disabilities. This was probably to get away with the fact that she rarely paid attention during class. 
It was the ideal place for Plagg to harass her and not get caught. 
Poetry in motion. 
“So you get to pick what race you want to be, but you’re always the Dragonborn. Despite the description, you don’t look any different. So a Dragonborn is someone that can devour the souls of dragons so they don’t get resurrected by Alduin. Let me back up, Alduin is an evil dragon that used to rule the world, and he’s resurrecting dragons so he can take over. There’s another dragon though, named Paarthanax, and he’s a good guy. He helps out the Tongues on the Throat of the World. Or the greybeards. Some call them Tongues, but in the game they’re called Graybeards. And the tongues are the monks that teach you to shout. And different shouts teach you different things, right? The dragonborn and the tongues are the only ones that are supposed to know how to shout, but there’s this other dude named Ulfric Stormcloak, and he knows Unrelenting Force, that’s the Fus Ro Da shout I was talking about earlier? He used it to kill high king Torygg to start a war. Oh yeah, so there’s nine holds with Jarls, right—“ 
The day ended, and Lila stood quickly. “Well Adrien, thank you so much for keeping me company today. I’m feeling a lot better. You can move back up to your old spot tomorrow.” 
“Well, you shore are welcome, Pardner. But sittin here in the back has been mighty nice. I think I’ll stay! You don’t mind, do ya? It’s awfully fun to have you as company!” 
Lila’s eye twitched, but she was aware that most of the class was watching them. “Yeah. That’d be...great.” 
“Darn tootin’! Well, you look like you’re in a rush, don’t want to hold you up!” 
“See you tomorrow!” She chirped, before hurrying from the room. As she passed Marinette, a dark look came over her face. The look of someone seething with rage and hatred, but trying to hide it. 
Marinette would have been scared, if Lila hadn’t been dealing with Plagg instead. 
Marinette went home, Tikki and Adrien talking to her from her collar. 
“I don’t know. Plagg was successful with the first two tasks, but I don’t know how he’s going to turn Lila over to the good side.” Marinette mused. 
“I don’t know if he has to. The condition is to just get her to leave me alone. He said he was doing some Pavlovian Jedi mind trick on her.” 
“Well, I sure hope it works. Speaking of, where is Plagg?” 
Adrien’s ears flicked. “He left pretty suddenly after class. I didn’t see him go. Hopefully, he went back to the mansion.” 
“Do you want me to call him?” 
“No, I trust him. He’s got things under control.” 
“Glad to hear it! Ready for snack time?” 
“Oh heck yes!” 
Lila had to actively stop herself from stomping all the way home. Frustration rolled off of her in waves, and she mildly wondered why she hadn’t been akumatized yet. 
Adrien Agreste was the most annoying person she had ever met. And oblivious too! He never picked up on any of her subtle hints to get him to shut up! She really didn’t want to be rude, because his friendship looked great on her, but wow. No wonder he didn’t have any friends. No wonder Gabriel was so protective of him. If he wasn’t cute...his personality was like a wet sock. 
And he was weird. Weird mannerisms, weird speech pattern, just weird. Hopefully she could either get used to it, or Adrien would get a clue to stop being so obnoxious. 
Finally, she reached her apartment. 
“Home mom!” She called. 
There was laughter in the kitchen. Her mother had a guest. While not uncommon, there was just a hint of dread that hung in the air. 
Lila walked to the kitchen, only to see Adrien sitting at the table, talking to her mother! How?! How did he beat her here?! How did he know where she lived?! What the hell was he doing?!
“Adrien?” Lila gawked. 
He rubbed his head awkwardly. “Sorry for popping in uninvited. I just...I was worried about you! You’ve been akumatized twice, and I didn’t want it to happen again since you were fired.” 
Lila’s face paled as her mother gave her a stern look. 
“I think you’ve got some explaining to do, Missy. I didn’t know you were modeling. And you never told me about being akumatized!” 
Adrien gasped. “Oh no! She didn’t tell you? I’m so sorry! I didn’t know that was a secret! I won’t say anymore!” 
“Any more?” Mrs. Rossi asked. “There’s more?” 
“Adrien.” Lila bit, in warning. 
“Well...I mean, you knew she was meeting with my father right? Something about being his muse?” 
Mrs. Rossi looked horrified. “What! You were talking to a grown adult man?! Were these visits supervised?!” 
Lila opened her mouth to answer, but Plagg beat her to it. “I don’t think so. Father is a very private person.” 
“Lila Giselle Rossi! You are sooo grounded! No offense to your father, Adrien, but meeting up with an adult man, unsupervised? And to what, be his muse? What does that even mean? It sounds gross!” 
“I swear nothing happened! He just wanted my opinion-”
“On what? What reason would he have to ask a 14 year old’s opinion?”
Plagg winced and looked at Lila. “I’m so sorry, Lila. I came here to help, but...” 
Lila shook with rage. Her mother was a complete pushover and believed everything she said. Now Adrien had sewn the seeds of distrust in her and she wouldn’t get away with any white lies ever again. 
“You’re dead,” She mouthed at Plagg. 
“Adrien, thank you for coming here and telling me all of this. I’m very grateful. But I think it’s best if you head home now. Lila has some chores to do.” 
“I understand, Madam Rossi. Again, I’m really sorry...I just wanted to help.” 
“Oh don’t worry, you did. This is for Lila’s own good.” 
He sheepishly looked to her. “See you tomorrow?” 
Her eye twitched. “Yeah.” 
And Plagg swiftly walked from the apartment, concealing his evil laughter until he got to the door. 
The next day at school, Marinette, along with Tikki and Adrien in her bag, arrived at school just a few minutes before the bell rang. 
Plagg was sitting at the front of the room, wearing a Pikachu onesie, and looking absolutely devastated. Nino sat next to him and had a hand over his face, doing his best to conceal whatever emotion he had. 
Everyone else in the room was avoiding them like they had the plague. 
Alya spotted her and came quickly, looping an arm through hers and escorting them out into the hall. “Girl, big news. I know you love Adrien, so this is going to be a blow. But here’s the thing...Lila told us this morning that Adrien came to her house yesterday and told her mom about her modeling job. Apparently, her mom didn’t want her working, and got upset that Lila lied. Adrien’s been insisting that it wasn’t on purpose, but everyone is kind of pissed at him anyway.” 
Marinette said nothing, but bit her lip. She knew that this absolutely was on purpose. 
“I’ll leave your actions up to you, but people are pretty mad at Adrien. Just letting you know.” 
“Who’s side are you taking?” 
Alya scoffed. “None. I’m staying out of this. Both people are in the right. Obviously Sunshine just wanted to prevent her from being akumatized. He was with her all day yesterday. It’s admirable, really.” 
“It is.” Marinette said with a smile. Though she was smiling for a completely different reason. There were no akumatizations anymore. Everyone was safe now. 
“We better get back in there, class will start soon.” 
So they returned. Miss Bustier was in, and ready to begin the lesson. 
Then Plagg raised his hand. 
“Yes Adrien?” 
“Before we start class, I want to say something.” 
“Go ahead, Adrien. The floor is yours.” 
He stood, and looked to Lila in the back of the room. “Lila, I know I apologized yesterday, but I’m really really sorry about outing you to your mom. I had no idea she didn’t know about your rendezvous with my father. I was just really scared that you were going to become akumatized, and I didn’t want that to happen. My friends are all important to me, and losing you would be like ripping out a piece of my heart. Could you ever forgive me?” 
Marinette glanced Nino’s face, which twitched to hide a smile. Then she looked at Lila, who looked calm, but her hands were balled into fists. 
After many breathless minutes, Lila smiled slightly. “I understand, Adrien. Of course you’re still my friend. I treasure you too! I’m sorry I got so mad.” 
“Hugs?” Plagg raised his arms. 
Lila could pretend to be happy and calm, but the paling of her skin could not be hidden. “Hugs!” 
Plagg brought her in for a squeeze, and the class ‘aww’ed at their make up. 
Except Nino, who let out the tiniest snort. 
Marinette flicked open her purse to look at Adrien. He mimed a gagging gesture back. 
And then Plagg took those last couple steps and joined Lila on her bench. No one tried to stop him. No one spoke up and said, “hey, maybe you should give her some space anyway.” 
They just all let poor, socially awkward Adrien push boundaries and take his seat. Because he had apologized so earnestly for trying to help. And she had forgiven him. So everything was fine now. 
As the lesson started, Marinette paid attention to the teacher. But occasionally, she’d hear the faintest whispers of Adrien’s voice (Plagg’s voice now). 
“...so it’s commonly believed that the Nord’s came from Atmora with Ysgramor, but they believe that they settled Skyrim, so they’re kind of racist to everyone else. But also, the Empire came in out of nowhere and tried to upheave their way of life, and even told them which Gods they were allowed to worship. High King Torygg was playing cordial with the Aldmeri Dominion, and some of the other Jarl’s didn’t like that. So Ulfric Stormcloak, the Jarl of Whiterun shouted him to death. Just like the Dragonborn can. Though it’s never explained why he knows how to do this. So this started a whole civil war…” 
Marinette chanced a glance behind her, and noticed that Lila had her head in her hands, and she looked absolutely miserable.
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
In need of Refueling, Chapter 11 - Help
Summary:  “You?! Why would I trust you? You have brought me nothing but failure. Time and time again; nothing but disappointment!”
His father’s words might have been a result of his possession by the  White Bone Spirit, but whether or not they were his true thoughts, Red  Son vows to prove them wrong. To do so he seeks to attain a power strong enough to destroy his father’s immortal enemy. After all, he’d much rather throw fire at his problems.
Word Count: 2173
Ratings/Warnings:  Teen and up; injury, burns, angst and hurt/comfort, toxic thoughts caused by toxic parents, panic attacks, abuse
Notes: Time for Red Son and Sandy to have a talk
Credits: Big thanks to @painted-arachnid and @simplyfornardo  for helping me bounce ideas off of them. And also thanks to @lemonsqueazie for providing me with “Journey to the West” lore. I don’t know much about the original novel or other iterations, but I still tried to keep  some things compliant with the lore. You should check all of them out, since they’re really great content creators with neat ideas!  
Read on AO3
He must have passed out at some point because Red Son wakes up, finding himself still on the floor, leaning up against the bed. Pillows and blankets have been stuffed around him and a heater has been placed in the small space. The shivers he was experiencing earlier have quieted down to a low rumble beneath his skin, and he feels much more cozy.
There is a tray in front of him as well, with some more tea and a couple of bean buns on it. From the steam coming from the tea, he can tell it is still warm. The steam reminds him of his sudden lack of powers, and he sinks his nose down into the blankets, hitching his shoulders up to his ears in remembered embarrassment and shame. Not only is he injured, but without his powers he is utterly defenseless.
A gurgle from his stomach alerts him to how empty it is, and he eyes the tray once more. He weighs having to leave his little cocoon of warmth to eat, but ultimately decides that having something warm to eat and drink will satisfy both his hunger and his need for heat. The thought that they might be poisoned did cross his mind, but he logics that if the Blue One was going to kill him, he wouldn’t have bothered healing him first. No, there had to be another reason he was going through all this trouble.
Red Son worms his arm out from the blankets and reaches down to the tray, picking up a bun and sinking his teeth into the plump bread. It has the perfect texture - soft and pliant, but firm enough that there isn’t a hint of sogginess where it touches the sweet beans inside. The bean paste has a nice creamy texture to it, with grains of surgery goodness. A contented mumble purrs out of his mouth as he chews on the sweet treat. He gets through half a bun before his dry throat reminds him to slow down and drink something. He takes a sip of the tea, which has a pleasant bitterness to it, with a mixture of ginger and flowery fragrance balancing it out. The tea and the buns compliment each other nicely. Red Son couldn’t remember eating or drinking something with so much apparent care and flavor put into it in a long time. If the big guy’s snacks taste this good, he wonders vaguely what any meals he makes taste like. Not like Red Son intends to stick around very long to find out though. A part of him that he doesn’t want to listen to quite yet, wonders where he’d even go.
Instead, he turns his thoughts to his present circumstances. Where is that big guy anyway? There are still a few cats in the room, but true to the man’s warnings they stay away, eyeing Red Son cautiously. Chewing through the first bean bun, he picks up the second one and notices another two items on the tray - a bell and a note. The note says ‘Red Son: I hope you enjoy the tea and bean buns. Please ring the bell if you need assistance.’
Red Son rolls his eyes at this. Like he wants anything to do with an enemy. Then again, he did seem to care for his injuries and give him some (extremely tasty) tea and snacks. But why? Red Son still can’t figure that out. He huffs out an anxious breath and puts down the last half of the second bean bun, stomach now having been filled despite the small amount of food. He slowly nurses the rest of his tea as he contemplates the situation. Where would he go? What happened to his parents? Would they even want a now powerless demon like him around?
After staring out at space for a bit, getting distracted at nothing but the same questions rolling around in his brain, he notices that his tea has gotten a bit cold. His body is also really achy from sleeping on the floor the whole time. He tentatively stretches out his sore limbs as best he can despite the bandages. He contemplates the distance from the floor to the bed, and decides that he can totally get up there by himself. He struggles onto his knees, careful of his sore ankle, and puts a hand on the bed.
A meow distracts his progress. He looks down to see that blue cat with the tuft of fur that matches the big guy’s mohawk. It’s pawing at his leg and giving him a meaningful look.
“What’s wrong with you? Go away! I’m trying to do something!” Red Son swats at the cat.
The cat responds with more meowing.
“Pft, dumb loud cats,” Red Son grumbles as he tries to ignore the yowling, and shifts his body upwards. He wobbles on one leg, but keeps steady with his hand on the bed. Unfortunately, the bedding is too fluffy to give him sturdy enough leverage to help him up to it. He lurches forward trying to use the momentum to get him up, but instead finds himself doubled over in pain, as his ribs protest the movement. His leg gives a final wobble, and he slips back to the floor with a grunt. He muffles a yell of pain and frustration in the soft mattress.
“Are you all right?”
The loud, but somehow still soft voice causes Red Son to flinch back. He swallows another grunt of pain, in the form of a growl he throws at the Blue One who had appeared in the room. “Of course I’m not all right! I-- I…” He looks to the side unhappily. “I can’t get into the bed.”
“You could have asked for help,” the man says matter-of-factly. “I left a bell.” He smiles genuinely and points to the bell still on the tray.
“I don’t need your help.” Red Son grumbles.
The blue man blinks, then squats down to Red Son’s level, and tilts his eyebrows upward, as if trying his best to appear as small and non-threatening as can be. “It’s okay to ask for help, you know?”
With an eye-roll, Red Son huffs, “Well, I didn’t ask for your help.”
“Technically, you did,” the man points up a finger.
“Listen,” Red Son says ignoring that obvious falsehood. “I’ve been completely fine on my own before. I’ve never had to ask for help! I don’t know what you’re doing here by bandaging me up and stuff, but I’m not playing your game! I don’t need your help! I can do this myself if I just try a bit more!”
“I’m sure you can!”
Red Son gives him a rueful look at his placating tone.
The man’s eyes soften. “But you don’t have to.”
Red Son’s instinct would be to argue further, but there’s something just so darn honest about the man’s tone and a gentleness in his eyes. He mulled over the man’s words. He hadn’t thought of it that way.
The man speaks up again, his gentle demeanor not changing in the slightest. “Would you like to get in the bed?”
“Can you get in the bed by yourself?”
“...Not… easily,” Red Son decides.
“Would it be easier and less painful if I helped you?”
“Would it be okay if I helped you get in the bed?” The man holds out an offering hand, palm up.
Red Son looks between it and the man. He nods slowly.
“Okay!” The Blue One beams like Red Son just made his day.
Red Son grimaces and squints as if he is looking directly at the sun.
It ends up being much easier getting into bed with the man’s help. Red Son gets the feeling that the Blue One could’ve just picked him up and put him in bed. But he took care to allow Red Son to go through the motions of pulling himself up and shifting into a sitting position on the bed, as if he had done it on his own, and not that his entire weight was being supported by the Blue One. Red Son decides to not dwell on that fact, and tries to hold onto the last dregs of dignity he had left. Once in bed, the man moved the pillows and blankets back in place once again creating a warm cocoon for the demon to be nestled in. He also moved the heater closer to the bed, and brought him a new cup of warm tea.
A big part of Red Son hates all of this unnecessary pampering, but he was beginning to get very tired and cold again and he didn’t have the energy to fight back.
“Why did you help me?” Red Son asks finally.
“Like I said before, you asked me to!” the man says jovially.
“No, not the bed thing - why did you rescue me?”
“You asked me to do that, too!” Upon seeing Red Son’s disbelieving expression he says, “Well, technically, I don’t think you knew it was me you were asking - you were kind of out of it -  and also maybe you don’t remember because of the whole shock, and cold, and being injured thing…” Red Son notes that the blue one really likes talking with his hands as they gesture about in his explanation. Either way, Red Son is not convinced.
“But why? This must be some sort of trick, or maybe a way to hold me hostage for-- you’re not going to try to use me as leverage for my parents, are you? Or-- what happened to my parents?! You haven’t captured them, too?!” Red Son’s voice starts pitching wildly, and he casts a highly suspicious gaze at the man.
“Woah, woah there! It’s not any of that!” The man holds up his hands in surrender. “MK was able to stop DBK. It’s… difficult to explain what happened, but you all were carried away by a, uh, flash flood…” Red Son quirks an incredulous eyebrow up at that. But the Blue One continues, “I happened to find you washed up on shore by my house boat. To be honest, I don’t know what happened to your parents. ” He shrugs apologetically, as Red Son’s eyebrows knit together at that revelation.
He mulls over the explanation. But something didn’t track right. “But I-- I attacked your friends. We’re… enemies! There’s… no way you would help me unless you had some sort of a plot.”
“Red Son,” the Blue One says, (again with that annoying, honest, gentle voice!). “I helped you because you asked, and I wanted to. No other reason than that. You are free to go and look for your parents whenever you want.”
Red Son sits there, confused. He considers himself very good at reading people. If this guy wanted to intimidate him and hold him hostage, he could easily do so through force, if his appearance is any indication of that. But instead he used everything in his power to appear not threatening. So either the Blue One was one of the best liars that Red Son had ever seen, or he was telling the truth. And he isn’t sure which explanation perplexed him more. Furthermore, if he was free to go and he did find his parents, would they even want him back? Maybe this was secretly a ruse to do so and find that they had actually disowned them. He would certainly deserve that after what he did…
Red Son shakes his head as if to rid himself of those thoughts. “How did you know my name?” he asks instead.
“I try to remember the names of everybody that I know.” The man gives a toothy smile, and points a thumb at himself. “My name’s Sandy, by the way!”
Red Son scrunches up his nose in what he hopes is convincing disgust and not embarrassment at not knowing an enemy’s name. “O-of course I knew that was your name, Blue One! I just don’t lower myself to using the names of peasants!” He tries to make a show of folding his arms, but it’s difficult when one is bandaged to his torso.
The Blue One laughs loud and heartily, which is not the reaction that Red Son wanted, but by now he supposes is the reaction he should expect from this impossibly happy man. “That’s fine! But please,” he places the tray with the bell on a table next to the bed. “Feel free to ask for assistance if you ever need it!”
Red Son grunts in response and buries his nose back under the covers, sinking into the cocoon of blankets. He realizes that he is still very tired and his eyes drift shut. He feels that he can maybe relax a little bit around the Blue On-- Sandy. Still, uncertainty about his parents and his powers bubble beneath the surface. Maybe it would be better if he stayed here. He couldn’t show his face to his parents. Not after all this.
start || <– previous // next –>
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novasintheroom · 4 years
Ooooo a fresh blog! Heyo there! So, my first request is some head canons, if you write them anyway, for the each of the turtles having a s/o who is usually the purest of beans. Like— she doesn’t get angry, usually shy when meeting new people, very humble, sweet and caring— but for the first time she does it’s like she realizes she’s frustrated and mad about something that happened during the day and it’s the first time she’s expressing it. the turtles notice her come in knowing something is off about her behavior when she’s usually so cheerful. Almost like “Sometimes it just makes me so— it makes me so... so...! Angry!” But she actually gets super surprised with herself realizing she’s actually venting just to say she’s fine in the end after bottling up for so long. The turtles just looking at her and asking if she’s okay 😂 If that makes any sense.. sorry if it doesn’t.
Oooooo my first ask!! I’m so nervous and excited! I think I got the gist of what you’re getting at. Thanks for sending this in, it means a lot to me! <3
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·         Honestly caught off guard when you come in steaming
·         Your calm and sweetness is something he loves and looks forward to – it’s hard being the firm leader in his family when everyone pushes back, so you’re a pleasant break from the arguments and sassy remarks
·         Not today
·         It’s loud in the lair – Raph and Mikey are doing something with a basketball and hula hoop that’s got Raph raging and Mikey screaming, Donnie’s got a power tool going on the truck, and Splinter’s Celine Dion music is blaring to drown it all out while he works on pruning his plants
·         Leo’s up in the concrete rafters with a book, glancing down every other minute to make sure Raph doesn’t kill Mikey
·         He would have completely missed you coming in if Mikey hadn’t thrown the ball toward the entrance
·         You dodge the ball before it hits you, but instead of laughing it off like usual, you throw a dark look at his brothers and beeline toward the dojo.
·         Woah, that’s weird
·         Avoidance of his family = big red flag
·         You didn’t even say hi to him??
·         Hops down and follows, waving off Mikey’s calls to you
·         Finds you in the corner of the dojo, bag thrown to the side and hands smoothing out the sand of his small zen garden
·         Feels a bit awkward honestly
·         Listen, he’s getting better at it, but he’s not the best at feelings
·         Especially girl feelings
·         He knows something’s up though, and he wouldn’t be a good beau if he just let you simmer
·         Spooks you when he asks if you’re okay
·         Darn those ninja skills, how is someone as big as him so silent?
·         You sigh and just say you had a fight with your roommate and that it’s fine, you just needed some quiet before you went to his family
·         Okay, coolcoolcool. He can work with this. He and Raph fight all the time! “What was the fight about?”
·         Cue explosion
·         “She doesn’t pay her part of the bills on time, and she has her boyfriend over constantly and I can hear them through the walls when they’re screwing because the stupid cheap apartment has stupid cheap thin walls, and she leaves her dishes everywhere even when I ask her to not be a slob, and the landlord is getting after me for her rent when– “
·         W o w
·         He didn’t think you knew any swear words, but the names you’re calling your roommate would make even Raph blush
·         Your rant goes on and on
·         Anytime he tries to suggest a solution you get angry at him like why can’t he just listen omg
·         He shuts up quick
·         Somewhere in the process he sat down and your head moved to his lap while you laid all your problems out
·         By the time you’re finished your chest is heaving and it’s been an hour
·         Leo’s scared to say something in case you go off again lmao
·         He just plays with your hair and hums while you calm down
·         Finally you look at him with wide eyes, “Wow, geez, I didn’t think I was that mad.”
·         He can’t help but laugh, “Me neither.”
·         Your smile is back, though, and that’s the best thing he’s seen all day
·         “You feeling better now?”
·         You say yes, and give him a good hug and kiss as thanks for his patience
·         He asks you to come to him if things start building up again
·         Seriously, start talking to him – I don’t think the poor guy can handle another explosion like that lol
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·         Raph knows anger
·         Does he know how to deal with it? Ehhh that’s hit-and-miss
·         But he knows it
·         So seeing your tense shoulders, clenched fists, grinding teeth when you walk in – he knows you’re angry
·         It’s a bit off-putting tbh – you’re the calm to his rage, the quiet touch to wind him down when something gets under his skin
·         What happened to make his quiet girl so mad?
·         Did someone say something about your family?
·         Or something about your outfit?
·         Did a skeevy guy try to touch you?
·         Did someone try to kiss you?
·         Okay, now he’s getting mad
·         Decides to take a page from Splinter’s book and pulls you aside to talk
·         “What’s the matter?”
·         You pull at your sleeves, looking anywhere but him
·         You just mumble you’re fine, and that you’re hungry and try to move to the kitchen
·         Nuh-uh, that don’t work with him
·         Catches you by the arm and gives you a look, “Somethin’s bothering you, and you’re gonna tell me what it is.”
·         “And what if I don’t wanna talk about it?”
·         “Tough luck.”
·         Your glare could curdle milk, but you don’t say anything
·         Alright, you wanna play it that way? He’s got three brothers he grew up with; he can get it out of you.
·         Hauls you up and tosses you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and takes you to his workout station
·         Ignores your screams of outrage and the beating fists on his shell
·         They’re like little kitten paw pats; he can’t help but smile at how small you really are
·         When he sets you down in front of a world-weary punching bag, he crosses his arms and waits
·         You’re red faced and snarling. “What are you doing?”
·         He raises a fist, and gives the bag a good punch – “That’s for when Mikey backwashed into my water bottle today.” He throws another punch, “And that’s for Donnie’s stupid snorts waking me up last night,” and another, “and now I’m back on Mikey’s backwash!”
·         He stops the bag’s swaying and gestures for you to take a turn
·         Realization dawns in your eyes. You look at your fist and throw a pathetic punch at it. “That’s…for my fifth plant…dying this week?”
·         He almost laughs, but nods encouragement
·         You punch again. “That’s for whoever stole my lunch out of the fridge at work.”
·         And again. “And for those kids who spit on that homeless guy!”
·         And again. “And for Gina’s face when she made fun of my teeth!”
·         Punch after punch, you let out your anger and frustrations that boiled over today
·         Raph’s impressed – not just with how much crap happened to you, but how long you held it in
·         You’re a lot stronger than he gave you credit for
·         He’s also a bit freaked at seeing the rage in your eyes
·         Is that what others see when he comes at them?
·         Yeesh
·         You feel a lot better after the session, if sheepish for letting so much anger show
·         But he brushes it off, “Hey, you see how I am. It don’t bother me none, sweetheart.”
·         He pinches your butt for good measure as you walk back to the lair and laughs when you punch him in the arm
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·         The one that takes the longest to realize something’s up
·         He can’t help it! He’s busy making sure his family is safe and hidden! He’s gotta keep the firewall up-to-date from all the new viruses being put out, check the perimeter lasers so that no one sneaks up on them, change the oil in the Turtle Tank, and why is the computer sparking over here, he needs to ask Raph or Leo to come with him to get new parts at the junkyard, but if he –
·         Bumps into you and is like ‘oh. how’d you get in here’
·         Delighted to see you though! It’s like all his worries suddenly vanished when he realized ‘oh yeah! I have a girlfriend!’ and that’s you!
·         Missed you a lot since it’s been a few days since you could visit
·         Starts showing you all of the progress he’s made on certain things, asks you how school’s going, how was that group project you had, did you get that interview for work?
·         It’s your clipped and short answers that finally makes him take a step back and really see how you’re doing
·         You’ve always been enthusiastic about his inventions, even if you don’t completely understand every technical thing he talks about. He thought you guys were past the awkward conversations too.
·         Clipped answers are a big no-no – it makes him shrink inside, like his words and ideas don’t matter
·         Takes a few seconds to look you over – awkward seconds, ones where you look down and away and not at him
·         “Are you alright? Did…something happen?”
·         You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself, but then the words just start pouring out: “I’m sorry, it’s just, I can’t stop thinking about how my supervisors treated me the past few days. They scheduled me to work a triple shift! Without asking me! And I told them I had a date with you, and a million other things to do, but – “
·         You lay it out for him, apologizing every other minute for just putting this on him out of the blue, that you tried really hard to be happy coming to the lair but your boss just text you that you have another shift tonight instead of getting to hang out with Donnie, and –
·         Donnie sits you both down in a couple of chairs, his hands holding your own as you keep talking and venting
·         Rubs circles into your palm, eyes never straying from your own watery and frustrated ones
·         A breath out of the nose is the end to your rant, and you lean to put your head on his shoulder. “I just hate when people spring things on me! I just wanna stay with you and hand you tools to work on stuff.”
·         His heart warms at this, even if he’s sad at how sucky your job is
·         And it gives him an idea
·         He manages to hack into your work’s scheduling system and put your supervisors or fellow employees in your place for the night
·         Even sends out a text masked as your head boss to whoever he put, letting them know they’re on the job and that you had an emergency
·         You’re torn on this – those people had things they had to do too
·         But Donnie reassures you: “If they’re as bad as you say, then getting more people mad at them might just make them change. If not, we at least get to have our date night, right?”
·         Well, when you put it that way…
·         He gets a big, long smooch for pulling it off and for listening to you
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·         Listen, this boy is intuitive when it comes to emotions.
·         He kinda has to be with the type of older brothers he has lmao
·         Instantly knows something’s up by the sound of your feet coming down the tunnels – heavy, like you want to stomp them but don’t know how
·         He’s geared up though – his baby girl’s coming!
·         Hops off the couch and has the biggest grin for you when you walk in
·         Doesn’t even falter when he sees the glower on your face
·         Says something stupid to test the waters – “Woah, babe, I’m gonna have to call the cops – I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to be as fine as you are!”
·         Not even a smirk.
·         Okay okay. Obvi you’re not in a happy mood.
·         Man, he was hoping for a little blush at least!
·         Takes that heavy bag off your shoulders you’ve been lugging around all day and corrals you back to the couch
·         Grabs some sodas and a few chocolate bars from his hidden stash in the kitchen
·         He knows you need it more than him right now
·         Sits down and calls out to the lair that “we’re making out on the couch!!” Def keeps his family from coming in and interrupting lol
·         Isn’t even phased when you explode about your day – your coworker had it out for you, your professor told the whole class that your paper was what not to do if you wanted a good grade, etc. etc.
·         Mikey accents your day with “No!” and “He didn’t!” and “What a jerk!”
·         It’s cathartic to hear someone agree with you like that
·         He takes you in his arms when the frustrated tears start falling and you start to wind down
·         “It just makes me so angry, and I hate feeling embarrassed and…”
·         Rubs circles on your back to help calm you, just like his family did to him growing up
·         After a minute you’re better, and back to your sweet, happy self, if still a bit stuffy from the tears and snot
·         You’re surprised and apologize for your emotions, but he stops you
·         “Hey, everyone has their bad days! Sometimes you just gotta let it out, y’know?”
·         You give him a big kiss for being so sweet
·         Makes the day a lot better after that with the soda and candy and some video games
·         He’s a good turt <3
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babyboyblasty · 3 years
In the end it was Mina who had to take one for the "greater good" and promise to delete /all/ (and it was a lot) of her girl Kacchan pictures in order for Bakugou to agree to let them doll him up for the mall. The pink skinned girl had pouted when Bakugou made the bargain but agreed nonetheless because to hell she was missing out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.
"You have to let us do /and/ dress you however we want though, okay? That's the deal" Uraraka reminded and Bakugou rolled his eyes with a 'tch', crossing his arms over his chest.
"As long as you don't make me look stupid, do what you want. Let's get this over with" Bakugou grumbled and the girls squealed. Mina and Hagakure immediately started digging through their combined pile of clothing they each took from their own closets and piled up on Bakugou's bed. Mina had a bunch of animal print and vibrant, loud clothing that just screamed 'look at me' while Hagakure's was a bit more simple but still very girly and cute. Bakugou was dreading what they were going to dress him in.
Kirishima waved goodbye to the girls and they all thanked him for helping them move their things to Bakugou's dorm. Not only were they dressing him but they also brought over their own things to get ready in his room too (they were dressing in their own rooms though). There were makeup bags on his desk, straighteners and curling wands plugged in as they helped do each other's hair, etc. It looked like a disaster zone as pinky and invisible girl dug through their things and carelessly threw them on the floor as they looked for what to put on Bakugou while simultaneously also looking for an outfit for themselves.
"I'll be doing your makeup, Bakugou-san. Do you have something in mind?" Momo smiled sweetly as she sat down in front of him, placing her makeup bag on her knees. Momo by no means considered herself a makeup guru but she did know a thing or two from watching videos and practicing on herself.
"Do whatever you think will look best on me" was all the blonde said and Momo gave him a nod. Based on his facial features already, Momo didn't need to do much. His skin was flawless already so she wouldn't need to do any spot treatments for acne or blemishes. Any eye bags were close to nonexistent too. Bakugou obviously took very good care of himself. All in all, Momo didn't think Bakugou even needed any makeup to appear stunning so something minimal just to make his best features pop out would be the way to go. Momo took a cute bunny headband to push his hair back and out of the way while she applied a sheer tinted moisturizer to his face. She started off with brows then moved on to a light pink/peach eyeshadow look with a small wing. Blush and a tinted lip balm for a coral wash of color was her next move. Cherry flavored. After that all that was left was mascara to make his lashes longer and fuller and a subtle highlighter for a dewy look. His makeup was kept to a minimum to make his natural beauty pop and if it was possible Bakugou looked even prettier than before.
"Wooow" Momo heard from behind her and turned to see Mina, Ochako, Jirou, and the rest of the girls looking over Momo's shoulder at Bakugou in awe. The blonde had his eyes closed since Momo had been applying a bit of highlighter on his lids so he opened them and looked at the girls with a raised eyebrow. For once Mina had nothing to say as she just appreciated the sight of her friend looking like an angel instead of an angry pomeranian for once.
"You did good, Yaomomo" Ochako broke the silence, one side of her head straightened while the other was still curved, the straightener still in her hand. They all agreed, each asking the black haired girl if she could do their makeup next. Momo blushed a bit under the praise of her friends and of course agreed to help them with their makeup.
Bakugou took out his phone to open the front camera and look at himself. He smirked a little. "Not bad, Ponytail" he looked up. Even he knew he looked good.
Momo smiled brightly. "There honestly wasn't much to do. You're already so pretty, Bakugou-san, so I only had to do a few things" she explained.
"Oi Blasty! Look what we have for you!" Mina and Hagakure both came forward with two articles of clothing. "Try them on!"
He took them. One was white and the other pink. "Fine" he mumbled, no other choice but to agree, and went into the bathroom attached to his dorm. He got undressed quickly out of his school uniform and put on what they picked out for him. The top was a white, layed, ruffled, off the shoulder crop top. The bottoms were a pair of high waisted, wide leg magenta shorts that sort of looked like a skirt if he kept his legs together. The combination wasn't bad and as he exited the bathroom, Mina gasped, putting her hands over her mouth like the drama queen she was.
"You look so good, Bakubabe!!! Here, I got these from my room just now. I think they'll pair well with that outfit" she smiled and grabbed some tan sandals with an ankle strap and a small heel. Bakugou took them and sat down to put them on. After that all they had to do was his hair. They didn't really do much but just brush it and add some product to make it fluffy and softer (which Bakugou definitely did not make a note of to remember and buy later). Hagakure spritzed him with a sweet smelling perfume and then he was done. By that point most of the girls had picked up their things and left to change clothing except for Mina who was changing in his bathroom since all her clothes were in his room already and Jirou who was already dressed looking like every girl's e-girl dream aesthetic.
Once she was done, Mina texted the class group chat to check if everyone was ready and that they'll be meeting in the common room in ten minutes so they can head over to the mall together. "We'll see you in a bit, Bakubabeeee" Mina waved him goodbye and she and Jirou left to their own rooms. Once they were gone Bakugou laid back in his bed to rest and mentally prepare himself for the rest of the day. After eight minutes he heard a knock and went up to answer it.
"Hey are you rea- oh" Kirishima's mouth snapped shut as he just stared down at Bakugou with red cheeks and wide eyes.
"Oh?" Bakugou tsked, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. "That all you have to say?" The blonde was just joking but Kirishima immediately shook his head no.
"No! I mean- I.. you.. you look good. Very manly" he smiled nervously and Bakugou rolled his eyes with a snort. ‘Darn it’ Kirishima cursed himself for getting so awkward and not coming up with something better. It was like he was going back to his middle school self.
"Yeah whatever. Let's go, shitty hair" Bakugou grabbed his phone and room key card then locked the door behind him and started going to the elevator to go down to the common room with a strangely quiet Kirishima next to him. ‘What's up with him?’ he thought to himself.
Next to Bakugou, Kirishima's head was going a mile a minute. Every rom com movie he's ever watched with Mina was flashing through his mind right now and he kept imagining himself and his best buddy in the main characters' positions. Him picking Bakugou up by the waist, their hair moving in the wind while his open button up flew behind him like a cape. Him shielding Bakugou from the harsh sun while he enjoyed a popsicle snack (spicy mango is his favorite). Him tucking a flower behind Bakugou’s ear. Him kneeling down to buckle the strap on his sandal when it came loose. Glancing over at the blonde when they were in the elevator going down to the first floor, Kirishima smiled shyly but then looked away with a frown when he realized he was royally 100% screwed.
[word count: 1428]
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emachinescat · 3 years
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II've decided to watch MacGyver from the beginning (again), and I'm live tweeting the experience with every tweet tagged with #savemacgyver. I thought it would be fun to share my collected thoughts from the episodes on here as well.
My Thoughts on S1E3, "Awl"
You're not only going to make it to 30, Mac, but you're going to make it to season 6. #savemacgyver
I love that Jack's bucket list includes finishing the Harry Potter books. Guess he's not a one-trick pony after all with sci-fi. A healthy blend of science fiction and fantasy is just what the doctor ordered.
Dylan Thomas reference! That poem was written about the poet's own father, and is about how everyone, no matter who they are or what they stand for, fights against death in the end. He's begging his dad to "rage, rage against the dying of the light," to not give in to death so easily, to keep fighting. Just taught this poem, actually, so I'm vibing with this reference super hard. Though to be fair, I'd be vibing with it anyway. Love Dylan Thomas.
Oh my gosh, this is the one with the fire extinguisher and inflatable escape! I'd forgotten which episode that came from, but I see GIFs of it all over Tumblr. Poor Mac especially, that looks like it hurts. Why is Lucas Till so good at being whumped?!
Jack hugging the fire extinguisher: Iconic.
I'll never get tired of seeing that polar bear! Do we know if he has a name?
I cannot get over how small and excited Bozer is, not a care in the world except for his movie. It's exciting to think about what's to come for his character growth, though I do wish he wouldn't have to go through all the things he does. :(
Jack's conversations with his dad at the grave are just everything. And I feel cheated that we haven't gotten to see Mac have the same kind of conversations at Jack's grave (though I firmly believe it's a regular occurrence off-screen).
Seriously, the way he talks to his dad is so familiar, so comfortable, so natural. It's like Daddy Dalton is right there with him and it fills me with so many emotions that I can't even.
The smile on Jack's face and the pride in his voice when he talks about Mac to his dad is the purest thing ever.
Also, that's a big-ass tombstone Jack is leaning against.
"Hi, Mr. Dalton. How's... life?" MAC! 😂
I can't tell you how much I love it when other characters talk about how smart Mac is. "He's a genius..."
First mention of Mac's dad. It's sweet how invested Jack is in Mac rebuilding his relationship with his old man. Also, I really wish we would have gotten a flashback of Jack's dad at some point. He seems like such an amazing man.
"If I could have one more day to sit and talk to my dad instead of that hunk of rock, I'd do anything." Jaaaaaaack 😭😭😭
Good old Ralph Kastrati. Single-handedly the most annoying character in all of cable television. Y'all have no idea what you're getting into with this one, dream team.
"My mom dated a guy like that once." Ouch. I'm about to start a Riley Zinger Counter for each episode. Her comebacks are 🔥
It's not just his face, Jack. Everything about this dude is punchable. Especially the way he says "yo."
Ewwww tightie whities no thanks imma head hom now byyye
Mac just snatched that can right out of Jack's hand as he was about to take a drink. Classic.
If I didn't hate Ralph before (spoiler: I did), then I extra hate him for the foie gras comment.
Yes, Jack, "asshat" is the perfect descriptor for this guy.
Is Mac seriously about to just make him some noise-canceling headphones? Who am I kidding? Of course he is.
I need more of Mac punching people in the face. For science.
Poor Jack didn't get to punch the punch face.
🎵 Snipers gonna snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe 🎵
Between the foie gras and the calfskin, they are really making this guy so easy to hate just sayin'.
"As soon as you're done saving his life, I'm gonna kill him, you hear that, smart-ass? I'm already dressed for the funeral." 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"He's g-good. He just... got kinda shot." Is that the medical terminology, Mac?
Jack using country music as a form of torture 🤣
"You're going to be seeing Yelp stars if you don't shut up!"
Have I mentioned how much I love the music in this show?
"I don't wanna die listening to country music!"
I love how bossy and grabby Mac gets when he improvises.
Another belt grab! I can’t get over Jack trying to keep his crazy partner from falling out of the window – it gives me life!
Actually makes me wonder if he does it because Mac’s taken a tumble out of a car window before. *fanfic brain engaged*
“You know how I feel about your puns.” C’mon, Mac, pus are the greatest forms of humor, bar-pun. (Geddit?)
Mc made a C in biology? I’m not buying it.
Dwwwwwww the sounds of the surgery. No thanks.
Though I will say this is one of the coolest (albeit grossest) things Mac’s ever done on this show.
What the heck is with that elevator door? It took a whole 10 years to close! I wouldn’t trust it. (To be fair, I don’t trust any elevator, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Sir Bleeds-a-Lot lol
Riley stepping in and taking charge once again. No idea how these two functioned before she came along.
Some seriously cool MacGyverisms in this episode. The whole process of “killing” Ralph and bringing him back with office supplies is so OG MacGyver and it gives me all the warm fuzzies.
Ralph: “You’re not a scientist, you’re not a doctor. So how the hell do you know all this stuff?” Mac: “...I read a lot of books?” I love Mac so much.
“Now go die.” Lolololol
The moment with Ralph wanting to call his mom and grow the hell up is surprisingly genuine and heartbreaking. Character development for a character in only one episode, hello, is that you?
“He’s dead, but he’ll get better.” MacGyver, 2016
Riley’s comeback about Jack’s plan to take out six guys if Mac takes out two is another winner. (Riley: 2, Jack: 0) Still, I love the whole, “Sure it does [count as a plan]. First, I’ll take two. Then, I’ll take the other four.” This is why Mac is the plan guy, not Jack.
“Or I can take them all out.” Mac’s confidence = 🔥
I might need to start a Mac sass counter too. Jack: “You seriously want me to put this on my face?” Mac: “Only if you like breathing.”
Jack’s left fist getting jealous 🤣
They really liked choking Mac in the early episodes, didn’t they? Not that I’m complaining. Actually, why did that stop? That strangled, panicked cry of “JACK?!” is music to my fanfic writing, hurt/comfort obsessed, whump-loving soul.
That cough - it actually hurts me to hear it! They should have given us some more repercussions or aftercare for Mac breathing in that gas!
Ralph fell asleep. Of course.
“You know, it’s weird. I’m glad he’s alive… but I still want to kill him. 🤣 I’m with Jack on this one!
Ralph: “A fresh start. I could use one of those right?” Riley: “Or a whole new personality.” ZZZING!!! Riley: 1 million, the world: -10
Oh he did not just call Riley “little hottie.” I’m back to wanting to kill him, character development be darned. So diminutive, dehumanizing, and objectifying. This guy has more than won the douchebag lottery. Riley can more than stick up for herself, but still. The way he speaks to her here makes me feel all kinds of gross.
He just said “ya heard” unironically. Can we let Jack punch him now, please?
Jack offering to let Ralph keep the cash he lifted if he gets to punch him is great, but even better is Mac and Riley offering to chip in money for The Cause.
Oh, yeah, Bozer was in this episode. I’m excited for when he is utilized more!
Bozer’s monster Mac is nightmare fuel!
“A letter? That you put in the mail? It’s 2016.” Hey, as someone who has an actual, old-school type pen pal, step off, Jack.
Mac: “You just gonna watch?” Jack, offended: “Not anymore.” How is it Jack is like Mac’s dad but they also bicker like 5-year-olds? This relationship is so strange, so wonderful, and the heart of the show in so many ways. I love them.
Mac’s words of wisdom about the nature of life are actually super encouraging and exactly what I needed to hear today.
I’d forgotten how much I love this episode – t’s so fun! Although the Codex storyline in season 4 is probably my favorite plot-wise, coming back to these early episodes is like a breath of fresh air! Excellent, excellent episode with so much to offer!
What are your thoughts on "Awl?" I'd love to discuss! :)
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bts-reveries · 4 years
daddy duties | 24
“Oh-- Jin hyung,” Jimin says, confused when Jin walked in with both his sons, not dressed for the occasion. The group was all at Hoseok’s dance studio, using the white room as a photoshoot area for the kids.  
“I had a feeling Haneul would dirty his clothes before we got here so I figured I dress them here instead.” Jimin still looked at him confused as he walked in without anything else. He figured he’d find out on his own and just laughed at him.
“What??” Jin says, confused.
Jungkook was setting up his camera when Jimin walked over to him. 
“Why are you smiling like that..” Jungkook says, looking back and forth from his camera to Jimin.
“Jin hyung forgot Minseok and Haneul’s clothes,” he whispered to the younger one. “I think he left noona and Soojin at home too.” Jungkook lets out a small laugh, shaking his head. 
“AH!” Jin yells from the back. 
“What…” Minseok says, sitting up as he was previously laying on the floor.
“Stay with uncles, I need to go pick up mommy and Soojinie,” Jin says, running out the door, knowing darn well he’s going to get yelled at.
“Daddy’s going to be in trouble,” Minseok tells Haneul. Haneul’s eyebrows raise, putting both his hands on his face.
“Uh oh!”
After the picture taking, the girls separated from the boys.
“Come to daddy,” Jimin says, taking Mingyu from you. “Say see you later mommy~” He says to you, moving Mingyu’s little hand side to side. He giggles as you wave back to him. With all the time you two spent with Mingyu together, Jimin has become very comfortable and more confident in taking care of him without you around. 
“Mommy, I go with daddy and uncles too right?” Sian says, holding onto Haneul and Minseok’s hand. 
“Yes sir,” Rina says with a thumbs up. With that, the three ran off to their dads. Leaving you and the girls with four little princesses. 
“Are we going together to get ready?” Hana says, Sohyun nods, reaching out to hold her hand. 
“But we’re ready already,” Moonji says, kicking a rock on the ground. 
“You’re gonna help the aunties get ready!” Byul says. 
“I’m so excited for mommy to get married to daddy!!” Huimang says, jumping up and down. Everyone ‘aww’d’ at her, Sarang leaning down to give her a kiss. Soojin smiles at her unnie, turning around to look at her mom.
“I’m excited for my mommy to marry daddy too!!” She says loudly. Mae couldn’t help but laugh, grabbing her swiftly under her arms and picking her up.
“Silly girl, mommy and daddy got married years ago~” She says, booping her daughter on the nose. Soojin pouts at her, crossing her arms.
“Well how come I wasn’t invited..”
You and the girls laugh at her little comment, shaking your head as you walk to the parking lot. The boys decided to get ready at Jin and Mae’s house while the girls went to Hoseok and Sarang’s.
Mingyu was beginning to cry when the eleven of them got to Jin’s place. 
“Let’s change you back into some house clothes before you make a mess,” Jin says, carrying Haneul into his room.
“What’s that smell?” Taehyung says, sniffing the air. He then covers his nose, walking away from the area. Jungkook looks like he already got a whiff of it earlier, staying as far as possible from the boys.
“What?” Jimin says. 
“Jiminah, I think you should go change Mingyu,” Namjoon says, grimacing. 
“Can you not smell it?” Yoongi says, picking up Mingyu’s diaper bag off of the floor and handing it to Jimin. 
“N-no,” Jimin says, bending Mingyu over to smell his bottom. “Oh-- okay, I smell it,” he says, scrunching his nose and running to the bathroom.
After he has changed Mingyu, Jimin walks out of the bathroom with Mingyu in only a onesie.
“He ruined his outfit,” he tells the group, sighing. “I’ll change him into his backup wedding outfit later.” 
“Understandable,” Jin says, pointing to Haneul, who was running around with nothing but a shirt and a diaper. “I brought out Haneul’s old playpen by the way. Gyu could use it if you want him too.”
“Ah, thanks hyung,” Jimin says, walking over to the playpen Jin set up and putting his son in. 
“Okay, so what do we do now,” Hoseok says, sitting down on the couch. “The girls are all fixing their hair and putting on makeup, but ours shouldn’t take that long right?” Namjoon nods, all of them just looking around at each other.
“Should we eat?” Jin says.
“Yeah-- yeah, we shouldn’t get married on an empty stomach,” Jungkook says, running to the kitchen.
“It’s almost time,” you say to Sarang, as she looks at the mirror, fixing her hair one final time.
“Do I look okay?” she asks, looking at you and the girls. A nervous look on her face.
“Okay??” Rina says, walking up to her and making her look back at the mirror. 
“Sis,, you look WAY more than okay,” Byul says, walking up to her as well. 
“Gorgeous would be an understatement,” Mae cuts in. 
“Ahh! I’m so excited for Hoseok to see you,” Sohyun says. 
Dahee couldn’t say anything as tears began falling from her eyes.
“Ah! Don’t cry aunt Dahee!” Huimang says, pressing a tissue to her cheek. “Your makeup is going to smudge!” Sarang turns and laughs at her daughter, motioning for her to come to her.
“Are you as excited as I am?” She asks. Huimang nods her head quickly.
“Well I guess we should get going huh?” You say. “Don’t wanna keep Hoseok waiting.”
The wedding was finally starting, the bridesmaid, groomsmen, the maid of honor, had already walked down the aisle. Hoseok wasn’t in tears just yet but he couldn’t stop smiling as he saw his best friends walking towards him as he stood at the altar. Taehyung was his best man so he stood beside him the whole time. Sarang wasn’t out just yet, but all that was left to walk down were the kids! The four beautiful flower girls started walking down the aisle. Hana led it, smiling at her uncle as she threw the flower petals on the ground. Behind her was Moonji, then Soojin. Hoseok smiled and waved at each of them as they got closer and the tears began to pool his eyes once his eyes fell on his daughter. 
“Come here,” he whispered, hugging Huimang right when she got to him. He hugged her tightly, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Huimang giggles, her small hand holding her dad’s cheek, a little thumb wiping away a tear.
“Don’t cry daddy, mommy’s almost here and she looks beautiful,” she tells him, a small laugh coming out of Hoseok’s lips. He nods, letting her go off with the other girls. As he stood straight, he couldn’t help but laugh at the little boys walking down. All his nephews , but Mingyu, was there. Sian and Haneul were holding signs. Sian’s read “Uncle Hobi, here comes your girl!” Hoseok laughs as he reads it, but laughs even harder when Haneul starts running to the altar. You could see how big Minseok’s eyes got when his brother started running, holding the sign tightly in front of him. The sign read: “They didn’t trust me with the rings”
“Aigoo, aigoo,” Jin says, as Haneul runs straight to him. “I’m sorry,” he whispers to Hobi as he picks up his son. He simply laughed it off.
Now that everyone was here, it was just Sarang who’s left to walk. Everybody stood up as they watched her appear at the end of the altar. Hoseok’s expression changed so quickly and he couldn’t help but cry at the sight of his bride walking towards him. 
“Why sad,” Haneul says, pointing towards Hobi. Jin quickly shushes him, putting his hand down. Haneul’s eyebrows furrow, his lips turning into a pout.
All the bridesmaids and groomsmen were already tearing up as well. You all were very happy for your two best friends. Especially knowing Hoseok for so long and knowing what he’s been through. You all were very thankful for Sarang and Huimang coming in out of nowhere. Life’s crazy, but it somehow always ends up pretty great. 
The wedding was now ending and the two were about to kiss as husband and wife. Your favorite part about these weddings were the reaction of your nieces and nephews. You turn to look at them as they announce “You may now kiss the bride.” 
Of course, they all cover their eyes, peeking through their little fingers. You looked at Huimang who had the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on her. You felt your heart melt right then and there.
Hoseok was taking his sweet time brushing away Sarang’s hair while you all patiently waited for them to finally kiss. But before he gets the chance to do so, a high pitch scream comes out from the audience. You all were taken aback, looking at where the scream came from. You and Jimin turn red instantly, knowing that it was Mingyu. You felt sorry as your mother in law tries her best to calm him down but you can see him looking towards you as he cried.
“I am so so so sorry,” you say to the newly married couple, running down to your mother in law to get your son.
“Shhh shh, mommy’s here,” you say, taking him into your arms. He quickly quiets down once you hold him. You run back quickly to your place with your girls, telling Hoseok and Sarang to proceed. They laugh at you two, turning back to each other before Hoseok puts his hand on both sides of her face, leaning down to kiss her on the lips. 
Everyone clapped as they finally had their first kiss as a married couple.
“You really had to go and steal our thunder huh?” Sarang says to Mingyu. You all were now at the reception, Sarang’s favorite music playing in the background as everyone was eating their food.
“I’m so sorry about that,” you say sheepishly. Sarang puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Oh my gosh, I was totally kidding. It was great, the kids really added a comedic touch to our whole wedding,” she says, turning to Haneul as he smiles cheekily at her. 
“Is it working?” Taehyung says on stage, tapping on the microphone. You all turn to him and he smiles.
“Good evening everyone. My name’s Kim Taehyung, I’ll be the MC for tonight..Ah… I think I’m going to keep MCing at my friend’s wedding until I have a girlfriend of my own,” he says, getting a laugh from the audience. “The last wedding we had was Jimin and Yn’s,” he says, nodding to you and your husband. “Back then, the MC was me and Hoseok hyung because we were the only ones in the group that didn’t have a kid and were single. And I still can’t believe I’m MCing at his wedding.”
“When Taehyung gets a girlfriend, are we still going to make him MC the next wedding?” Jimin asks the group. Once again, you were all sitting in one huge table. Jungkook nods from across him.
“Him and Jin hyung for my wedding,” he says. 
“Yeah, you’re going to be next?” Jimin asks. Jungkook nods.
“Unless one of you beat me to it again,” he says, glaring at Hoseok. Hoseok puts his hand up, walking to hide behind Sarang.
“You’re saying I could’ve been the one getting married right now???” Rina asks, turning to Jungkook. He closes his eyes and nods slowly.
“Blame Hoseok hyung,” he points. Rina turns to Hoseok but both the newly wed couple were gone.
You shake your head at the both of them. A slow song starts to play, you turn to Jimin. He immediately gets up, taking your hand. You hold Mingyu in one arm, and hold his hand with the other. Out of nowhere, your mother in law comes up to the three of you.
“Do you want me to take him so you two can dance?” She says. 
“Umm,” you thought, looking to Jimin. He says nothing but smiles at you and you shake your head, turning back to his mom.
“It’s okay mom, thank you, we’re good,” you say, she smiles at the both of you, saying okay. You turn back to your husband and he puts his hands on both sides of your waist. The three of you swaying back and forth to the song.
“Can you believe, and I know all we’ve been doing is mentioning how the last wedding was ours, but I just can’t believe that we have a whole family now,” Jimin says. The two of you look at Mingyu who has been staring at Jimin’s shiny coat the whole time. 
“I know, I’m so happy,” you say, leaning up to give him a kiss. 
“I know it wasn’t all in our plan to go this fast, and I know how hard it was for us to settle in, but I’m glad everything happened the way they did,” you say, you look down at Mingyu who’s eyelids were getting heavy. “I think we’re getting the hang of things, everything’s going perfectly imperfect.” Jimin smiles down at you bringing a hand up to brush your hair away from your face.
“I’m just thankful that I had you with me and you were patient enough to deal with me being impatient about everything. I’m glad I was able to learn along the way with you and that you helped me realize that not everything has to be perfect the first time. You’re right, it may seem like it’s done wrong at first, but all our mistakes only lead to the right decision.” 
“And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“So where are you going for your honeymoon?” Namjoon asks. The reception had ended. Just like before, the whole group stayed back as everyone had already made their separate ways. Your in-laws had already gone back to your house. They offered to take Mingyu off your hands and put him to bed while you stayed with your friends, but he just looked so peaceful sleeping on Jimin’s chest that you had to pass her offer. 
“It’s a surprise for Sarang so I can’t say,” Hoseok says, taking a bite of their wedding cake.
“Oh is Huimang coming with you guys by the way? Or will she be staying here with Dahee?” Mae asks, feeding some cake to Haneul. Unlike the last wedding, he can eat some now.
“Oh I have to go back home tomorrow,” Dahee answers.
“She’ll be staying with us!” Sohyun says excitedly. 
“Oh you’re not staying here?” You ask Dahee. She shakes her head no.
“I could only take a quick vacation off from work, I have to get back as soon as possible,” she says, looking at Huimang as she plays with her cousins from the other table. “I’m going to miss my little one though. She used to be at my house all the time and now I rarely see her.”
“Well maybe you’d just have to visit us often,” Sarang says. 
“Or we’ll come to you,” says Hoseok. 
“Maybe,” Dahee says. “I’m glad she finally has kids her age to play with though.”
“Yeah, Hana’s very excited to have Huimang with us. She’s always wanted her to be her sister,” Yoongi says. “I’m not sure how we’re going to take care of two kids, while working but we’ll figure it out.”
“If anything,” you say, “we’ll all be there to help, so you two won’t have to worry.” Everyone nods, agreeing to you.
“You guys are literally the best,” Sarang says. After that the group was quiet and you all just exchanged looks.
“Sorry I’m waiting for the part where someone announces they’re pregnant.” Taehyung says, making everyone laugh. You roll your eyes at him.
“Would be a big surprise if you had said it was you,” Jungkook says. Taehyung squints at him.
“Well unfortunately I’m not a seahorse, so I can’t get pregnant.” Jungkook’s mouth opens slightly.
“T-that’s not what I meant…” Rina puts an arm over his shoulder.
“It’s okay buddy. Your two brain cells are not working right now. It’s late.”
“He meant if you suddenly announced that you had a kid yourself,” Jin butts in. Jungkook immediately points at him.
“See hyung understood me!” Jin looks over at Jungkook and sends him a wink.
“Um, that’s my story, get your own,” Hoseok says.
“I wasn’t here for your story, what even happened,” Byul says, taking a sip of her drink. Hoseok looks over at Sarang, about to tell their story.
“I knocked on daddy’s door!” Huimang says out of nowhere. 
“Then Huimang noona became our cousin!” Sian butts in. It seems like the kids had run out of cake to eat and now they made their way back to the grownups table.
“Long story short, Uncle Hobi had a child he never knew about and fell in love with her mom, the end. Can we go home now?” Hana says, pulling on her dad’s arm. 
“The story is a lot more than just that…” Hoseok says, glaring at the kids.
“Daddy, I’m slee--” Soojin says, yawning, reaching her arms up for her dad to pick her up.
“Okay, I guess it’s nearing bedtime,” Namjoon says, picking up Moonji, who was already knocked out on the kids’ table. 
“Mine’s been knocked out for a couple hours now,” you say, looking at Mingyu and his waterfall of drool on his dad’s dress shirt. 
“Other than the scream before the kiss, he did well today,” Jimin says, walking into your room. The long day has made you three very tired. Usually, Mingyu slept between you and Jimin but tonight he seemed to be comfortable and tired enough to sleep in his own crib. 
“He did,” you say sleepily. Jimin covers you with the blanket before slipping in next to you. 
“He’s growing up fast isn’t he?” He says. “He was just sleeping in our bed last night and now he’s on his own,” Jimin says, laughing. You looked up at him through your sleepy eyes.
“Don’t get used to it, I’m sure he’ll be back in our bed tomorrow..”
“Yeah, probably..” Jimin puts his hand on your head, pushing your hair back, making you even more sleepy. 
“Stop trying to stay awake,” he laughs as you try to open your eyes only for it to roll back, sleepiness is quickly flooding your system. “Aigoo~.” He scoots in while pulling you to his chest at the same time. You quickly melt in his arms, rubbing your cheek on his chest.
“I’m sleepy~” You mumble. Jimin laughs at you again. 
“I know, I know, just go to sleep, we’ll continue in the morning..” Jimin says, listening to you as you slowly start to softly snore. He presses a kiss to your head, hugging you tightly. 
“I love you~~” 
daddy duties
☔︎part twenty-four: life’s crazy☔︎
pairings: newdad!jimin x wife!reader
a/n: hoseok seeing huimang walking down the aisle as one of the flower girls to his wedding is probably my favorite thing ever
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