#so i guess it’s for the better regardless of the outcome
chiritori · 29 days
i have worms in my brain ☹️
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
what gets me is whenever any of these people says not to vote, and you ask them what the alternative is, they usually throw some tantrum about how it shouldn't be their job to fix this country and they're not expected to know (or start calling you a neoliberal or a bootlicker lmao) and i just. i don't get that? not voting, especially in the current climate, is a big deal. i don't think it's unreasonable to ask anyone who advocates for that what the alternative is. i'm not expecting you, online leftist, to magically know how to fix everything. i am expecting something from you if you're gonna tell me not to vote, especially when we both know that helps the gop. like, how dare we ask them to defend this big choice they're telling us to make?
their position boils down to helping trump and the republicans but any time you remind them of that they get upset. what is the alternative? what plan do they have? it would be one thing if there was another option that they'd come up with, but they haven't and don't seem interested in doing so. mutual aid and organizing is only going to take us so far and it'll be a hell of a lot easier to do it with biden in office than trump
The whole "it doesn't matter who's president/in charge of the government because mutual aid and organizing is the only valid way to do community engagement" is the leftist version of the Brexit nutcases who, and I swear I am not making this up, argued that it was fine if the UK left the EU trading sphere/single market/customs union with nothing to replace it, because "Britain is a nation of farmers and can grow food in our back gardens!!!!" Yes, because you're so devoted to your stupid ideology that you think the large-scale collapse of society, a major world power, a western democracy, and everything else will have no effect, and you can just do your little Facebook mutual aid groups and happily shout on Twitter at anyone who disagrees with you. Never mind the fact that this would obviously and immediately harm vulnerable people the most and that nobody, not even the Online Leftists themselves, actually wants to live in the Violent Revolution Total Anarchy World they masturbate to. Maybe this makes me a neoliberal corporate shill, but I'd rather that the world got better, instead of worse. I would actually prefer that myself, my friends, my family, my whole life, the whole country, and the rest of the world wasn't sacrificed on the Great Revolution Altar, but I shouldn't worry. We have mutual aid. At least as long as a) you have never said anything the Online Leftists even slightly disagree with, since they're sure as hell not the kind of people I would trust to have my back in any large-scale societal collapse, and b) I guess they'll all be growing food in their back gardens too, rather than using any of those dirty "government" or "society" things to supply their basic needs. We're saved! No need to worry. Bring on the anarchy.
Aside from the fact that Online Leftists, as I have said before, think that moral action begins and ends with posting the Right Opinions on social media at the correct timeframe and any other action or engagement with a flawed system or basic reality is heresy, they don't like being challenged -- i.e. "if we don't vote, then what do we do?" -- because a) it questions their authority as supreme arbiters of morality, and b) it means that there should actually be an action in place of cutting out something so consequential as voting, which likewise clashes with their "everything will be fixed by Magical Thinking" viewpoint. They don't want to be asked what to do in place of voting, or in anything at all; they want to think their correct thoughts and judge anyone who doesn't, regardless of how logically incoherent these things are or the inevitable outcome of those decisions, because nothing bad is ever their fault, or even the Republicans' fault, or anyone else at all except for the Democrats and/or "the West." I mean, yeah, if they're going around to preach the Don't Vote Because It's Actually Evil gospel, it's the bare fucking minimum to expect that they have something to offer in return besides Ye Olde Bolshevik cosplay fantasies. Since they don't, they get tetchy when you point that out.
Also, while I know it's the social media fashion that everything has to be the worst thing ever and we have plenty of the "Biden is also a genocidal fascist but I guess vote for him or something" utterly-minimum-standard posts going around, I will point out why that rhetoric is a) wrong and b) unhelpful. (Not that I expect it will make a single difference to anyone who has to get their internet cred by yelling about how Biden is a fascist, but still.) No, Biden is not a fascist by any logical definition of the word, you would have to do a lot of work to convince me that he is personally genocidal beyond what is demanded of any post-1948 American president who exists in an extremely complicated international sphere with long-standing alliances (such as, yes, with Israel) and indeed not quite a bit more progressive than literally every one of his predecessors, and it makes those actual words useless. If you claim that "Biden and Trump are both genocidal fascists," you are utterly effacing those categories as any kind of critical or useful distinction. You can't argue for any difference, you can't point out policy essentials or nuances, you can't make the most basic of empirical observances or come to a judgment on whether any part of that statement is true, because language has been deliberately stripped of meaning and used to score Cool Internet Leftist points. How can we explain what fascism or genocide actually are and what to do about them, if it's just what you call everyone as a matter of course whenever they disagree with you? You can't. That's the point.
Once again: I strongly disagree with the idea of just giving Israel/Netanyahu a blank check to keep committing atrocities, but I also need to repeatedly point out that Biden isn't doing that. His initial unconditional support of Israel after October 7 (which at the time was the correct response) has shifted to a much more measured and conditional approach where he has muted the overtly pro-Israel statements and started talking about a two-state solution and the need to protect the lives of civilians and trying to keep a lid on what could become a REALLY bad situation with all kinds of war-hungry powers eager to jump into the Middle East and blow it completely to hell. As I have said in my other posts, Trump will not do this. Trump will do the exact opposite. Which is why Netanyahu, who doesn't like having his hands tied precisely in the way Biden is doing, is trying so hard to get Trump back in. This also extends to the people who think that the West/the U.S. is the source of all evil in the world, but they're somehow the only people that can make actual choices or have real agency. Everyone else is just an American puppet; everyone is being lied to or manipulated by America/the West; nobody ever chose anything of their own free will; America/the West could roll in and put a stop to everything bad if they "really wanted to," but choose not to because etc. etc., Evil. As such, this completely fact-free belief is basically the central starting point for Online Leftism, which as I have also said, is now beyond useless and verging on just as deranged and actively dangerous as the fascists, especially since they are 100% willing to enable far-right fascism however and whenever they can because something something, That Will Show Us.
Anyway. Yes. Whew.
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 5 months
New Job, Who Dis?!
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(Grim x Gender Neutral Reader)
Warnings:(DLC ending spoilers. Suggestive themes)
Grim is now living rent free in my brain.
After completing the DLC ending of A Date with Death, I have decided it is my favorite ending and conjured up a little dialog. This oneshot hints to the endings outcome, so spoiler warning ⚠️. This was written quickly, so pardon any grammatical errors! Enjoy!
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“Hold up, start from the top. What's my job description again?”
“Your job will be to give life back to those who aren't supposed to die. Sometimes, innocent people are caught up in things where losing their life was NOT part of the original plan. Because your soul harbors the essence of life itself, with you at my side, you'll be able to attempt to save those people who are at the presepist of dying too early.”
“Attempt?” You eye him quizzically from your place at your desk. Casper is sat at the foot of your bed, long legs outstretched, hands in his lap. He nods and continues.
“Basically, when a mortal is on the verge of death, their soul has become tainted with what we call a ‘blight’ or ‘blight of death’. Similar to ‘the taint’ for reapers, though much much harder to bounce back from when the soul or a mortals very existence is overtaken or ‘infected’ if you will. Some people can bounce back on their own, while others succumb and meet their unfortunate end. I say attempt because sometimes a mortal is beyond cleansing. The blight is too far gone, and no amount of divine intervention will save their existence....so naturally, when we, no, you receive cases like this, time is of the essence.
“I see...wow, that's heavy. No pressure or anything. Sheesh.”
“Yes. The job will be difficult at times. Y/n, there will be times when a person will be beyond help. You'll want to save them desperately. Times where no matter how much effort is placed into saving them, it may not work, and you will be angry. I can't tell you how many times I've witnessed an innocent person parish entirely too early at the hands of a twisted version of fate. Those moments are out of my hands, and I have to ferry them away regardless. But that's where you'll come in.” 
“Sooo I'm basically an angel??”
“No, they're grotesque creatures. They instill fear in humans and sugar coat their acts with pretty words. You'll actually give hope. Plus, you're much prettier than they are. Who really needs that many eyes and wings, honestly??? But anyways…”
You fall silent in deep thought.
“Y/n? Why are you screwing up your face like that?”
“Can I really do this, Casper? What if I mess up??”
“My sweetest, little nightmare. I'll be there with you every step of the way.” Casper smiles reassuringly.
“Thank God. OH! Do I get a cool ass scythe of my own, too?” You perk up almost immediately, wistfully looking at his impressive weapon that is currently leaning against your wall nearest the door.
“I...I'll never get used to the way you can flip subjects so easily. But yes, I guess. Once you're settled, we will get you fitted with a 'cool ass scythe'. Or at least a decent weapon you'll use to channel your soul energy. I know a guy.”
“You know a guy? That doesn't sound shady at all, but fuck yea!”
He chuckles softly at your enthusiasm.
“I'm glad you're okay with this decision. I really couldn't think of a better way for this to work out for both of us but-”
“But you have a big, sexy brain that was able to figure it out, now you're stuck with me foreeevvver.” You beam, triumphantly.
“I suppose I am, and quite frankly, I would have it no other way.” With a smile on his face, Casper stands, reaches for your hands, and pulls you to your feet.
“Awww, little reaper. Since when did you get so mushy? It makes me want to violate yo- I mean...I could really go for some food right about now. Yea, food. That's what I meant."
“...You really are something else. We will grab something on the way to my place.”
“Bet. Finally making good on us moving in together?”
“Obviously. I can't escape you.” With a chuckle, he brushes his nose against yours playfully.
“It was inevitable, Casper” You respond. The grin that spreads across your face makes his "supposedly" cold heart warm.
“Seems so…and by the way…”
Casper slips his arm around your waist gently, leaning into your ear.
“I'll take you up on that offer of 'violating' me later, my little nightmare.”
“You just want to be stepped on.”
“S-stepped on? What..uh...I”
“The blush on your cheeks says you do. Can't take it back now. Your fate is sealed. I hope you're ready.” you wink.
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An Open Letter to the Man Who Will Never Read It
I’m not sure what I’m trying to accomplish by writing this. And I have that sinking feeling that I still won’t know after everything has been said and done. Maybe this won’t accomplish anything, and it’ll turn my own life upside down. Regardless of the outcome, I know it really doesn’t matter at this point because my life has clearly gone down a road where we might not meet again. As of writing this, this is a truth I still need to come to terms with whether I like it or not. I can’t say that I haven’t had my eye on you. Granted, I had eyes almost everywhere, so people were keeping tabs on you whether I wanted it or not. And of course, I didn’t want that to be the case as time went on. I genuinely want to forget about everything that’s happened, but obviously I can’t because the purpose of this memoir is solely on our story during that point of our lives. I can safely say why I’m writing this, but I’ll probably never be able to answer the “what am I trying to accomplish with this?” because nothing really matters in the end. It happened, we can’t change how it turned out, and now we’re just living with the consequences of our actions. I’m sure you’re living your best life wherever you are, but as I write this, I’m just now starting to dig my way up from the hole I dug myself into. I’ve only recently started “living” my life, and that’s all because I decided to change jobs. Now, I have all this time to myself but with no clue on what to do about it. I have a few ideas on what to do, but so far, I’m at the “humble beginnings” stage of this new life I’ve carved for myself. It’s not so bad thankfully, but I know I could be doing better with myself. It’ll take some time, but I’m confident that I can navigate through this. I know I’m not alone in this life, and I’m fortunate for that. But this is one of those instances where I have to traverse alone because frankly, the ones that initially knew about our story have a genuine disdain for you. And rightfully so since your ass still owes me an apology. I’m still living life without it though so it’s not like I desperately need it to live. I’m not stating all this solely for the possibility that you’ll eventually find this and read it for yourself. This has been something I’ve been meaning to get off my chest and process it, and this just so happens to be the medium I decided upon to finally process this part of my life. Art has been ruined for me, and I can’t seem to pick it back up like I once did in high school. But writing seems to be my only safe haven that’s been untouched by expectations from an overbearing father. And if writing is eventually ruined for me, I know I’ll find another mode of expressing how I feel. It’s just time-consuming since I’d have to go through the trouble of seeing what works, cutting out what doesn’t work, and so on.
I guess this is just the long version of “this is my truth, whether everyone likes it or not.”
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void-ink-studios · 6 months
Kiss of Life
I hope y'all are happy. You infested my brain with fankid worms. I both love and hate every single one of you for encouraging this.
So, I guess enjoy part one of however many parts I decide to write. Today's adventure: Scarab's crippling fear of not being enough and realizing he's not as alone as he thinks he is.
Note, this is a direct continuation of Wrath of the Wishmaster. If you haven't read that, you can read it all under the "Wrath of the Wishmaster" tag on my blog, or read it in its entirety on AO3 here.
Heads up for this chapter: There's implied sexual content.
Word Count: 3,800
“I’m not sure if you can hear me from in there…”  Scarab sighed.  He let his mandibles click quietly as he sat in front of the burrow’s entrance.  “It’s… it’s me.  Your Papa…”
What was he doing?  This wasn’t natural… none of this was natural to him…  Why was he pretending like he knew anything about what he was doing?
“I’m… Prismo, your father, he… he said talking is good for young…”
He chittered, letting his talons link together as he tried his best to stay alert.
He was so tired…  When was the last time he slept?
“But… Well, he’s not like me…  He’s human…  Actually, I’m not sure he’s even that.  He’s the dream of a human.  It’s funny, almost.  Infinite cosmic power, still bound by a… mammalian brain.  Although, I wonder if I’m any better.”
He chuffed, thinking about Prismo.  His Prismo.  His sweet, beautiful, frightened Prismo.
So, so frightened…
It’s not like Scarab wasn’t.  Far from it, in fact.
He wasn’t sure how good of a front he was holding, but he at least didn’t try to let it show.  He needed to be strong.  For Prismo and the little one in the burrow behind him.  But dear Glob, was he terrified.
“...He’s worried about you…  He’s worried we’re not holding you right now.  Says that babies need to be held.  I… I wouldn’t know much about how mammal babies need to be reared…  I take his word on it.  But…  Well, you’re my kin too.  And I know how important the brood burrow is…”
He felt aimless in this one sided conversation.  He pressed his head against the wall, listening for anything.  Any sign of life.
“I’m not sure if you know how… hard it is… To resist digging you out early… Please.  I need one hint that you’re okay.  Give me some sign that you’ll emerge, and I get to hold you.”
He listened again.  He wasn’t sure if the walls were too thick, or if any noise was too quiet, or if… something worse had happened.  But, regardless of reason, it was still the same outcome.  Silence.
He made a wounded sound, clicking his talons together as he fought to stay awake.  When did his eternity come to this?
He blamed Life.
He was so swept up in the excitement of seeing her again that he didn’t think of the implications of what happened that night.
There was something... decidedly off about Life today.
First it was even a shock she made an appearance at all today. Ever since... what happened to her family, Life mostly pulled away from the social affairs of the gods.
Scarab couldn't blame her.
Death was a loss that hit all of them hard. A distinct hole in their hearts, one that was only rubbed raw at the attitude of his successor.
Scarab had only met Death's child once or twice before everything went to flames. Aggressive, stubborn, immature. Expected for such a young thing, unfortunate for the child of two of the most respected gods in the pantheon, and painfully unready for the destiny he was bestowed.
When he and Prismo got the news... Scarab had not known pain like that in millennia. Death was his friend. One of his first. One of the only gods who treated him with kindness from the start. Prismo and Cos were equally devastated.
It was the first funeral the Pantheon hosted in a long time.
It was at that funeral that Scarab spoke to New Death and Life for the last time.
New Death proceeded to brush off everyone as "old and lame" and disappeared to the Dead Worlds, never to come out.
Life just sighed sadly, thanked them for coming, pecked each of them on the cheek, and left for the Well of Life.
Life hadn't been seen since, not until New Death fell to an old fox. And even then, it was only to say a curt hello to Mr. Fox as the latest incarnation of Death. And to tell Prismo that Finn and Jake had decided to reincarnate. That he might see his friends again, someday.
It was a... difficult swirl of emotions that day. For a lot of different reasons.
So, seeing Life at all was... complicated. Prismo was elated, showing her all of the strange flowers that their wish magic had created. She chuckled quietly and listened to the Wishmaster and his blabbering.
Scarab was unsure on how to approach her. He missed her, dearly. He understood why she pulled away but... couldn't help but feel hurt by it. They might not have loved Death the way she did, but they were still his friends. They all would've been there for her. For each other.
But... well, he thought of what he'd be like if he lost Prismo. He couldn't blame her.
Wait, were they coming closer?
Oh Glob, look alive Scarab.
"Ah, Scarab dear, how are you?"
"I'm okay, Life. It's nice to see you here. It's been... too long."
"Yes, it has... and, for that, I'm sorry. But, I just... something compelled me here. To you, and Prismo. You two seem to be well."
"Yeah, things have been pretty great! Life, you gotta come to game night, we'd love to see you again." Prismo pulled Scarab into his side, making the beetle chirp in surprise.
"I know... I'd love to spend more time with you boys as well. It's just... things have been... difficult."
Scarab hummed, nodding. "We understand, Life. But, we insist, the Time Room is always open to you, no questions asked. We'd love to have you."
Life smiled sadly, humming.
"I might take you up on that offer, Scarab. You'll have to tell me all about these lovely little blooms you've somehow created. They're utterly fascinating. It's not every day new life is created."
Scarab felt his face blush a little, but smiled, taking her hand in his. "Come, let's enjoy the party. Have some punch."
It was nice, spending time with Life again.  
She laughed, she danced with Cos, she told stories about the many souls that passed through her Grotto every day.
She seemed lighter.
Scarab wasn’t sure what had changed, but it was welcome.  Anything to have this small piece of his friend back.
When all was said and done, and things were winding down, Life stuck around.  She seemed to be pondering the Time Room, and the lovely secret garden of crystals and flowers the pair had created for themselves.
“I still don’t understand it” she whispered.
“What’s that, Life” Prismo asked.
“Something… compelled me here, my dear.  I’m not sure what.”
Scarab hummed, considering.  “Perhaps it was simply the Dream Liles, Life.  You said yourself, it’s not every day new life is created.”
She narrowed her eyes, deep in thought.  She sighed, before smiling at the two Wishmasters.
“Perhaps you’re right, Scarab.  I should… be going now, I think.  It was nice, seeing you boys again.”
“Feel free to ring any time, Life!”
Life smiled at Prismo’s sweet words, her heads uncoiling and placing a kiss on both Scarab and Prismo’s cheeks.  Small flowers bloomed from the spot, until they fell away to the floor.
“Have a good evening, my dears.”
And with that, she was gone.
As Scarab returned to cleaning, he felt the tell tale tingle of a certain Wishmaster’s arms winding snuggly around his waist and chest.
“Prismo, we need to clean this up.”
“The trash will still be there in a few hours, Lovebug…”
Scarab rolled his eyes, turning his head to lock eyes with the pink Wishmaster.  “You’re incorrigible.”
“I didn’t hear a no.”
“Prismo, there is a non-zero percent chance someone comes back because they forgot something.  As much as I love your touch, that is not something I wish to share with the rest of the pantheon.”
Prismo chuckled, kissing the back of his neck.  “Greedy bug.  Keeping me all to yourselves?”
“As if you wouldn’t bite at anyone who tried to pull those embarrassing noises from me.  You’re just as greedy.”
“Hmm… Guilty.  Still not hearing a no.”
Scarab shivered as Prismo gave his waist a light squeeze, his fingers starting to trace the grooves in his shell, spots he knew would make the Auditor melt under the touch.
“...Let me at least finish cleaning.  If you’re going to make a mess, might as well get this one out of the way.”
Scarab felt his mind drift back to the present.  He sighed, nuzzling his head against the wall he leaned against.
“...I wish I could reassure him.  Your father loves you very much, already.  I do too.”
He tapped his talons against the featureless gray blocks of the Time Room’s basement, thinking.
“I’ve never known a member of my kind to… say such things about their children.  Much less guard the brood burrow like this…”  He paused, thinking about home.  “Where I’m from… well, children are raised by everyone.  Protected by everyone around you.  In my old life, that was part of my job… I’d walk around to make sure nothing was getting into the brood burrows.  Keep little grubs like you safe…  You’d be safe, in the Mounds…”
He sighed, shaking his head.  Thinking like that would do no good, it just worked him up again.
“You’re safe here… I know in my heart, you’re much safer here than you would be in a real burrow.”
There was nothing that could get into the Time Room that Prismo or Scarab didn’t want to be there.  Much less the basement.  No wayward wishmaker, no unwelcomed god, no weather or predators could even get a sniff of this place.
He knew that.  He knew Prismo knew that.
And yet, here he was, with his sword at the ready, guarding it religiously.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for you…  All my life, I was taught that it takes a community to raise a child.  When I left the Mounds and interacted with mortals, I couldn’t believe that some children were raised by a single adult.  Or even by a single other child.  It was inconceivable to me, the responsibility.  And yet…”
He wondered, vaguely, what Cricket would do.  He wondered if Cricket ever had a brood of their own.  He thought they would.  The thought didn’t do much other than squeeze his heart.
“...Sometimes I wish I could reassure myself.  But… I suppose talking helps.  A compromise.  We can’t hold you, not yet, but I can at least speak to you.”
He pondered what he was doing exactly.  “I feel like death.  But I’m not leaving you.  Not until I know you’re safe.  If that takes until the day you emerge, so be it.”
He thought of the Mounds again.  What it would’ve been like to grow up without everyone else around.
He couldn’t do this.  He couldn’t do this by himself, why did he have to do this without his mound?  He hadn’t considered children after leaving home.  It wasn’t possible.  He couldn’t keep a child happy and safe by himself, he was barely managing to guard this burrow, which he was tasked to do once upon a time.
What had happened to him?
Maybe the eternity of life had changed him.  Maybe Prismo’s mammalian sentimentality was rubbing off on him.  Maybe…
He clutched his stomach absently.
“...You are the first egg I’ve ever had, little one.  Quite possibly the only egg I’ll ever have.”
Scarab knew something was different.  His belly felt… heavy in a way it never had before.
He felt skittish.  Defensive, even.  Like everything was a threat.
He was clingy to Prismo.  He hid in burrows much more often, even when he was feeling better than usual.  He hissed at overly aggressive Wishmakers.
But, above all, he felt that heaviness.
He thought he was sick, somehow.  In all his millenia of life, he’d never gotten… ill.  But maybe it had finally happened.  Living forever at least guarantees everything will eventually happen.
He’s never taken a day off.  So, it was nice to have the vacation days saved up, despite the look of mild surprise the Organizer had when he turned in his paperwork.
So, he was free to relax in the Time Room.  But he still wasn’t sure what was wrong.
It was worrying him.
At least Prismo was as doting as he was.  The Wishmaster stayed curled around him most of the time, keeping his proboscis wet with tea and soup, constantly warm in soft blankets.  He couldn’t ask for anything better, in all honesty.
“How’s my Lovebug today?  Any better?”
Scarab chirped distantly, shaking his head.  “I wish I knew what was happening…  I don’t like this… this useless feeling.”
Prismo hummed, touching Scarab’s forehead.  No fever.  This whole thing baffled the Wishmaster as much as it did the Auditor.
Then Prismo did something he hadn’t yet, mostly because Scarab hissed at him when he tried.  But today, the beetle was just distracted enough to let his hand approach tenderly.
He touched Scarab’s stomach.
At first, the beetle tensed, starting to hiss, even considering biting Prismo’s hand for the audacity.  But, after a moment, the urge died.  The hiss stuttered to a stop.  Something in his hindbrain flipped a switch.
Scarab felt his body relax, truly relax, probably for the first time in days.  His wings vibrated absently, a soft purr falling from his mandibles.
“Woah… Lovebug, you okay?”
Scarab felt his brain go a little dumb.  Things slowed, and a pleasant cloud fell over his thoughts.  He didn’t verbally respond, instead offering a quiet chirp in affirmation.
Prismo was… well, completely confused.  Scarab didn’t relax like this even on the best of days.  It just… didn’t compute with the beetle’s wiring.  He was always alert, always attentive, always aware.  He’s never seen his love so… limp.
Should he be worried…?
The Wishmaster curled around him, continuing to pet gently, pressing kisses to the side of Scarab’s head.
Their lives continued like that for a few days longer.  Scarab would eat, he’d sleep, and then he’d cling like a tic.  He was still worried, especially after Prismo told him what happened when his stomach was touched, but he decided to not dwell on it.  It had to be over soon.
And, in a way, it was.
Because Life then stormed into the Time Room muttering something.  Prismo thought he recognized the language, a long distant one…
It took a moment for that to sink in.  Then the Wishmaster felt his stomach drop.
Uh oh.  She only spoke like that when… something major was happening.
He held the sleeping Scarab close, making nervous noises as the goddess approached them.
“Unbelievable!  Were you not planning on telling me?!”
“U-Uhm… What?”
“Do not play dumb with me, young man” she scolded.  A mane of snakes erupted from her shoulders as she continued to pace and babble, finally arousing Scarab from his slumber.
“Hmm… Life…?  Is that you?”
“Scarab!  How could you not tell me?!”
Prismo felt Scarab bristle as she spoke.
“Tell you… what?”
“Of all goddesses not to tell!  The audacity!”  She whirled around, glaring down at the two younger gods in sheer frustration.
Scarab made a nervous noise, one Prismo is familiar with.  One that he made when he was afraid something might hit him.
Nope, that wouldn’t fly.
“Life!”  The goddess stopped pacing, a little startled by Prismo’s sudden raise in volume.  “You need to calm down.  You’re making Scrabby nervous.  We don’t know what you’re talking about, Wishmaster’s honor.”
That seemed to at least make the goddess stop and breathe.  Her extra snakes slowly retreated back into her shoulders as she leaned in close to examine Scarab.
“You… You don’t know…?”
Scarab shook his head.  “What’s this about, Life…?”
She finally cracked a smile, running a gentle hand over the top of his head.  She hushed him as he made a nervous noise, which soon fell into small, pleased trills.
“Scarab dear…  You bare life.  New life.”
There was a loud silence in the Time Room as both Wishmasters stared at the goddess.  There was a beat.  Then two.  Then maybe three more.
Scarab’s voice sounded so small.
“You bare life, Scarab.  I can feel it.”
Scarab clutched his stomach, feeling that weight again.  It felt… solid.  Round.
No… he couldn’t be…
“Life… Life, are you certain?”
“It is my duty to be certain, Scarab.  There is an egg, deep in your core.  And it is alive.”  She pressed a gentle hand onto his belly, nodding definitively.
Prismo was silent.  Too silent.  The beetle reached for the Wishmaster’s hand, making a pleading noise.
He didn’t look up at the dream.  He felt the grip around him loosen, the hands moments ago keeping him snug and warm now trembling in the air around him, dragging a wounded sound from Scarab.
“...Prismo, please say something…”
“An… An egg…”  The Wishmaster’s voice was so much smaller than he’d ever heard.  He made a few aborted starts before going silent again.
“I know this is… a lot to take in dears, especially if it was not expected…  Just know, I am here for the both of you.  Whatever it is you chose to do.”
Scarab chewed on his talons, millions of thoughts racing through his head at once.  “...W-Wait… one egg?  Are you certain it’s only one…?”
“Yes Scarab.  Only one.”
“That’s… that’s not right… m-my species, we’re supposed to… carry clutches of 4, at least…  S-Some of them don’t make it… You’re telling me I only have one chance…?”
His mind was falling apart.
One egg.
That’s why he never suspected an egg of all things to be the cause of his odd feelings.  The elders at the mounds always described it differently.  That one could feel the individual eggs as they grew.
But he only had one.
“I… Did… Am I…”  There were so many things he tried and failed to ask.  He felt tears spring to his eyes, his heart thudding behind his shell.  “A-Am I failing already…?  Why don’t I have a clutch?  Am I defective?”  His thoughts were spiraling, and he couldn’t hear Life’s reassurances over them.
He must’ve done something to fail already.  Maybe eternity made him nearly barren.  Maybe his life as an Auditor did more damage than he thought.  Maybe… he wasn’t fit to carry eggs, something about him was wrong, that must’ve been it.
All of his thoughts stuttered to a halt.  He hadn’t even realized his breathing was failing him.  His face felt wet.
He felt hands, warm hands, wind around him again.  He nearly sobbed in relief at their return, his whole body trembling.  “I-I’m sorry… I-I’m sorry I’m not a good carrier…”
“No, no Lovebug.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I froze.  I was so startled by the news, I didn’t know what to think.  You didn’t do anything wrong, baby, nothing wrong.”
Scarab shook his head, sobbing into Prismo’s chest.  The Wishmaster hushed him, running gentle hands all around his body before one settled on his belly, just like before.
“We’re in this together, okay?  You know we are, Lovebug.  But you are not defective.  I would never think of you like that.  We’re going to take this one step at a time.  Whatever you think we need to do.”
Scarab didn’t move for a long time.  He let the fog settle over his brain as he tuned out the world around him.
Scarab felt like a mess.  He wiped the tears away from his eyes as he took another cleansing breath.
“I wish I could hear you, little one…  I wish I knew I was making the right choices…”
He traced nonsense patterns onto the floor as he thought.
“You know what keeps me going?  Thinking about what you might emerge as.  I wonder what your wings may look like.  I hope you have your father’s kind soul.  I hope you have my focus.”
He had tried many times before this to picture his child.  He wondered if they’d stay pure red, like him.  Or if Prismo’s colors might bleed in somewhere.  But, no matter how he thought about it, the image would slip through his fingers, like water.  He sighed, rubbing his face.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, little one.  But… I hope you know, despite everything that may come to pass, I love you already.  You’re my little grub.  I can’t wait to meet you.  And… I hope you can forgive an old beetle for whatever… mistakes I may make.”
He didn’t see Prismo, watching from around the corner.  He didn’t see the Wishmaster’s worried, sad smile as he listened to Scarab’s little speech.
But Prismo saw the tears.  The worry lines etched into his partner’s brow and eyes.
“There is so much I want to teach you… I’ve been all around the multiverse.  I’ve seen things most can only imagine.  I hope to one day show it to you, even if only a fraction.  I look forward to the day we can fly together, through the void.  Even if you might not get it the first few tries, I’ll be there to catch you.  I wasn’t a strong flier myself when I was young.”
He smiled tiredly to himself as he imagined.
“I’m not sure if this is what Prismo meant when he said to talk to you.  I’m not sure if you can process the words I’m saying.  Or if just hearing my voice is enough.  I wonder if reading the dictionary would have the same effect.  None of this is natural for me…  But for you, I will try anyway, my little star.  So… if you can hear me, I’m not sure if you understand what I’m saying.  But… well, I hope you can understand this.”
Scarab began to chirp, slowly humming into a song.  It was a soft one, something relaxed to be carried by the air.  A mix of low rumbles, gentle chirps, and light whistling.  He felt his eyelids grow heavy, but onwards he persisted.
The Wishmaster slowly approached the beetle, sitting down quietly next to him.  He pulled Scarab into a warm embrace.
“Sleep, Lovebug.”
He shook his head.  “Have to watch…  Have to keep them safe…”
“You’ve done such a good job, baby…  But you need rest.  I’ll take over from here for now.  You can stay right here.  Just… please, sleep Scarab.”
Scarab still looked hesitant.
“Promise me… promise me you’ll wake me if something happens…”
“Of course.  Like I said, we’ll stay right here.  Get some rest, beautiful.”
The warm touches going up and down his back were certainly tempting.  His eyes felt so heavy.  His body trembled, finally giving up, leaning into Prismo’s chest.
“There we go.  Sleep now.  I’ll keep everything safe.  I’ll keep you both safe.”
Scarab let a pitiful chirp fall from his mouth before his eyes slid closed.  Yes, Prismo would hold down the fort…
As much as it overwhelmed him to think about raising a child alone, that was something to remember.
He wasn’t alone.
Not as long as he had Prismo.
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how do you think Bruce and Brandi would React if Branch ever did something to scare and upset their kids?
I'm currently writing a fanfic about this story idea I had a while ago and I'd appreciate some help Regarding this certain aspect of the story.
anyway the idea is that Branch notices Bruce and Brandi talking about how long its been since they've had time to themselves so he offers to babysit the kids so they can have a night off and go out somewhere.
since he's also keen to spend some more time with his nieces and nephews to get to know them better.
anyway the main gist of the idea is that throughout the time while Bruce and Brandi are away things start out all well and good but as the kids do what kids do Branch slowly gets more and more overwhelmed.
and eventually just some Random and ordinary everyday noise or something causes him to have flashbacks to Bergens and Grandma and everything and well he goes into full freak out mode on the kids shouting that they need to be quiet otherwise they'll all die.
and locking them all in one room with the lights off to Hide and just acting overall a little Unhinged and like he isn't fully aware of where he actually is.
anyway Bruce and Brandi arrive Home to see this and also see their kids are all sobbing and terrified.
meanwhile Branch snaps out of it and is Horrified that his nieces and nephews seem afraid of him now and a little later on after settling down the kids Bruce and Brandi just kinda calmly say that he shouldn't babysit again in the future.
so yeah my main question is I guess how do you think Bruce and Brandi should react to this? do you think they would be straight up angry? and maybe even a little judgmental?
or do you think they'd be either more calmly angry about it? like they don't Raise their voices or anything as Dramatic but they make it clear they aren't happy with him?
or do you think I should write them as being more calmly upset but none Judgmental? what I mean is that their not exactly angry at a Branch but more just calmly upset by the situation as a whole and understand that it isn't exactly his fault.
But in a calm and Somber Tone of voice tell him that they don't really think it'd be a good idea to leave him alone with the children again in the future.
given his problems could just bubble to the surface at any point and Branch is quietly upset by this but obviously understands and leaves.
Regardless of which option I always had the outcome in my head being that they told Branch they don't think he should look after the kids again in the future.
but so it doesn't end on too much of a Downer Branch does come back and make's things up to his nephews and nieces and it could end with Bruce and Brandi going out again for their own date night.
while Branch looks after the kids but this time along with Floyd and Clay and maybe JD as well Depending on if he's around so Bruce and Brandi are more comfortable that the kids will be okay even if Branch does have one of his problems again.
anyway I just thought it was a sad but also kinda sweet story idea that maybe Branch and the others just have to come to terms with him not being able to do certain things like this to help out his brother that most other people do all the time.
due to his PTSD problems and whatnot but there is still an okay compromise with all the bros pulling together and all helping out with the babysitting at the end.
so yeah what do you think in Regards to how I should write Bruce and Brandi's initial Reactions? as like I said I'm a little unsure how I should write them to React?
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foxenclockwork · 2 months
ermmmmm okay so i dont usualllyyyyyyyy make fandom-talky posts but i cant get it off my mind and ive already talked to my friends about it sooooo yk….. here we are.
SOOO anyway i feel like i see a lot of people talk about how katniss and peeta were sort of like. Destined for each other and that they would have still gotten together regardless of the games happening or not and im gonna be real, as much as i love them, i really disagree. 
i just feel that given their circumstances katniss just would not have allowed it to happen. her whole like,, Arc in the story is her becoming able to allow it. even if peeta did approach her, even if she did like him back, she just wouldnt have allowed him to get close, or opened herself up to him, due to that fear she has. this is not a world where she could live a normal life or get married or have a family. she doesn’t have time for love when she has to take care of her mother and sister. she can’t open the possibility of future children in her life when there is the constant threat that they will die, either through the games or starvation. it’s just not something that would happen.
like, i like the concept of soulmates as much as the next person and i see where everyone’s coming from. i Know that there’s some sort of romeo and juliet parallels happening here, especially with the “star-crossed lovers” thing, but, i’d also like to note that a lot of that came from the capitol observing their romance, not,, their actual love. a lot of people bring up the “this would have happened anyway” line, but i feel like that line is still more in reference to the outcome of the games happening.
but, i feel that this doesnt like,, Cheapen? or weaken? or invalidate their love. if anything, i feel that it makes it better, more interesting.
in fact, i’d argue that katniss and peeta are the Opposite of soulmates. i think there’s just something so interesting in the fact that katniss and peeta weren’t supposed to love each other. 
they were supposed to hate each other. they were supposed to want each other dead.
everything about their circumstances was designed for that. they are from a district in which their classes are divided and have spite brewed between them, they went into the hunger games where they were meant to be adversaries, they were meant to resent and kill one another once again after peeta got hijacked.
everything was aligned perfectly so that there would be hate and resentment and bitterness between these two, and they defied all of it. and i think this is the part where a lot of people would then view this as them being soulmates— that no matter the circumstances, that no matter what’s thrown at them, the outcome will still be that they find each other. it’s written in the stars.
however, i feel like it’s actually much more powerful when it’s interpreted that they weren’t supposed to be together. it wasn’t written in the stars that they would find love— they chose it. they fought tooth and nail to be together. and i honestly think this is way more impactful than the concept that they were meant to be.
because they weren’t. however, it’s Their lives and they aren’t going to let the universe control them. they’re going to put in the effort and work to be together in spite of everything else. not only is it a good message in general, but i also feel that it’s especially fitting, for two characters whose world has attempted to revoke their autonomy time and time again, that the person they chose in the end was entirely their choice. and like idk to Me that’s way more meaningful and romantic i guess ??? idk. shrug emoji
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Dean Winchester Propaganda:
Rewrote his own memory about his friend dying. I know this seems weak and unexpected but there actually a ton of stuff i just can't quote it.
This isn't even about The Winchesters its about him rewriting his memories of Cas staying in purgatory and of his own trauma (courtesy of his shitty dad). He's not obviously an unreliable narrator but he very much is one.
The Narrator Propaganda:
Just... Just listen to the "unfunny" clip, what's more to say, vote for the gay old guy
Depending on the ending, he can be
Spoilers I guess??? He's always trying to guide Stanley to the outcome HE wants, which is a very, very small chunk of the game where the player just obeys everything and doesn't experience anything else. Obeying Narrator to a T will win you the "Freedom" ending, where Stanley can finally leave the office building, and Narrator will wax on about how Stanley's "happy" and "finally free to live at last". ...exceeeept, on completion, Stanley will spawn right back in the building as though nothing happened, restarting the adventure all over again. The truth is that Stanley will never be free, regardless of what the Narrator says. Stanley is trapped in the building and will stay trapped no matter what. This truth can only be acknowledged if you're defiant, and even then, I may be mistaken but I'm pretty sure the Narrator never fully admits this??? The museum ending has a WHOLE DIFFERENT narrator explain their mutually fucked circumstances. The dishonest factors can increase in other ways from the player's input (for example, the Narrator might say "Stanley walked through the left door", but the player can use their input to defy this statement and go through the right one instead, therefore making the Narrator's statement inherently dishonest and the Narrator will get pissy about it, changing the outcome for that path). Sometimes he'll misdirect when he's petulant, especially if the player is directly defying his instructions, which makes the game feel like a game of tug-rope for control at points. I want to say there are times where he directly attempts to trick the player but admittedly I can't think of an exact instance. Plus you know, the Narrator has a large ego and always talks big about things like his importance and integrity and whatnot so who knows how much of that is even sincere and how much is a sad veneer, but that's getting into overanalysis territory and my fingers hurt so let's leave this here. I hope this was coherent.
he quite literally rewrites the story whenever he has issues with the direction stanley starts to go in, i do not know how to explain it better than that
He is literally the narrator, and he constantly tries to mislead and lie to Stanley through the narration to get him back on the story’s proper path
He constantly narrates what Stanley is feeling as if it is the truth, when it is not. He speaks as a authority, and while he is one, he is definitely not reliable.
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pommunist · 12 days
You're good about the missed anon ask, that just happens 😆. My feelings about wanting bald man loring again have not changed and I think all huevitos agree on this. I'm glad we got a little bit of behind the scenes yesterday (and a callout for wanting the cubito to perish, but well, streamer is right in his reasoning, so I'm not opposed to agree with it).
I think we have come to a clear conclusion that, we as a fandom agree that Qsmp as a concept itself was never the issue, it's QStudios the ones we do not trust. Up until the very end, they gave me no reason to trust them, as their actions, including yesterdays, give a message that does not show me that they really want to change their ways.
I would LOVE if they did change their ways, like, of course I want a better workplace and experience for everyone working there. But even if that was to happen, what has happened has been so much (and emotionally draining) that I do not think I would be willing to watch this 2nd season regardless of the outcome. When I say I'm done with QStudios, I'm straight up done and I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
I hope this gives more room for international and multi-cultural projects, as the demand it's clearly there and people do love it. I have watched a few SMPs that were inspired by Qsmp and have their lore, they're very fun. Just wished the live-translation was available for everyone instead of being gatekept by QStudios. It's the only thing missing.
(But I guess people would not come back if they just share around ''their thing.'' I don't know).
Also, godspeed to the Q fans calling out the bs those other ones within their fanbase are doing, because at this point, it's straight up childish behaviour.
- 🧁
Bad man loring come back…come back and maybe think of a happy ending for your next character….just maybe…
Also I’m glad fit cubito is alive when i said i wanted him to die so he wouldn’t have to go through the pain what i really meant was that i wanted him to die so that I wouldn’t through the pain of seeing ramon’s last sign, tazercraft graves, phil’s empty house…
see streamer this is why you started balding at age 24, your evil brain corrupted your scalp 😔
And I agree with everything you’re saying, trust is long gone for a lot of us and it may not come back even if everything is fixed (which there’s no reason to trust that will be the case too).
Like you anon, I’m done unless maybe if a miracle happens, because as the saying goes, fool me once blablablah. I’m already a clown anyway because at first I really thought things would get better 🤡 (Clown Down)
The translation mod being accessible would be amazing but as you said it’s probably not happening. I know a lot of people are sceptical about the use of a live translator because it means you don’t really have to learn each other languages, but I think it makes things easier, especially when you’re creating content. Personally wish that with translations we’d be able to see less english being used by default even if I see why it’s the case.
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anderscim · 1 year
another david chiem-related train of thought (wow i totally am NOT obsessed with him)
huge incoming tangent warning
as well as major ch2 part 1 spoilers
(take this theory with a grain of salt)
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just wanted to talk about david’s plan in ch2. though it had a bunch of flaws, it was probably better than any of the other options the group had
okay i’m not a david apologist or anything but let me explain my train of thought—
there’s really only a couple of ways you can take action in a situation like that:
do nothing and all of the secrets get revealed. given the fact that a lot of these secrets are specifically written to incite emotion (trauma, anger, etc) it’ll likely stir a hell ton of conflict all at once as people inevitably scramble to identify who’s secret is whose and will probably lead to a worse predicament
someone actually gets murdered before the deadline. true, the secrets won’t be revealed, but they would be trading a human life, which for obvious reasons can’t work out
everyone reveals whose secret they have, and what they are. we can already know from j/arturo and arturo/eden’s situations that having someone else reveal a secret that you’re holding close to your chest will make people react very emotionally—and will just make more conflict
or, like david’s plan, have everyone reveal what they know about their own secrets. in that case, each person would be able to explain the context behind their secret so there’s less likely of a chance they’ll be confronted for it when it eventually gets revealed, and in some cases trauma dumping can actually be good therapy for some people.
however… that’s about where the benefits end for david’s plan. it’s honestly just as risky as the others; for example, some of the cast have secrets that are horrible and seem irredeemable regardless of context. additionally, there’s cases where people retaliate especially if it’s a secret that the person holds very close to their chest / that they’re really sensitive about. we see as much for a lot of scenes in chapter 2.
but the thing is… though it is incredibly risky, it has a slightly higher chance of working compared to the other methods. in a more “better than the alternatives” sort of context.
even if david recognized that he’d essentially be gambling with this plan, and knew he probably wouldn’t get the best outcome possible (in fact i think he was aware it probably wouldn’t work), he likely decided to ignore that and roll with it anyways—besides, a 5% success rate is better than a 2% success rate.
so really, the only place where he would’ve “lied” was the way he promoted his plan. in order to get the ball rolling, he had to present his argument in a way that made the plan sound foolproof—which, given the holes the plan had, wouldn’t work unless he covered up all the possible risks and convinced everyone to blindly have faith in him.
fortunately, with his speaking skills, he could probably pull that off quite well. which leads to what happened in ep4 onwards
also, i don’t think he could’ve intentionally lied about his secret during that moment (although him slightly modifying it is possible—i’ll explain that later). whit likely never reached out to david about his actual secret so he didn’t know for sure what it was.
but the thing is, everyone else’s secret, though written in a way that took out crucial context and painted them in a bad light, was at least somewhat based on an actual occurrence, portion of their identity, and real information.
david’s secret is the most vague and was written in a way to attack his purpose and what he personally (secretly) believes his actions to entail. but, unlike everyone else, there’s no concrete occurrence, action that he’s done, or any specific detail in that secret that connects him to manipulation. additionally, his is the most open-ended. i’m going to assume guessing a secret like that would’ve been very difficult
given david’s behaviors and dialogue as well as some subtle details about his preferences and such, it’s very likely that he has depression and was desperately trying to hide it in order to keep his optimistic image. so for him, it would make more sense for his secret to be something related to depression—which is probably why he said what he said in episode 4.
that being said, i think he did half-lie a little about what he believed to be his true secret in order to preserve his image.
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note how he specifically says “family history of depression.”
this is a really subtle wording detail, but david only claims there was a tendency for depression to run through his family—he never says that he has depression himself.
as a similar example—though this may just be me—if my family has a tendency to develop certain cardiovascular diseases, though it does increase the risk that i may develop the same disease in the future, it doesn’t necessarily mean i have that disease.
david likely used this same philosophy, and by saying that depression “runs in his family,” he’s subtly implying that he doesn’t have depression (though admitting he has a higher risk for it).
and like what i said before, i’m 90% sure he’s actually struggling with depression—but he decides not to admit it here in order to keep his own “optimistic leader” image.
(and don’t get me wrong, i don’t think the family history of depression is a lie—just the way he expressed it was kind of… intriguing for me)
i may be wrong about all of this, especially that last part because that may just be my own overthinking and assumptions influencing me 😅
so as always, feel free to refute literally anything i said and i will listen.
and again, please take this with a grain of salt
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elemit · 6 months
A Gift, A Curse
A story in which we discover just how damned an ascended vampire can be, and just how far you will go to save the spawn you loved.
Read in full on AO3
dead dove/not beta read
fic warnings: Abuse, Angst, Biting, Blood and Gore, Blood Drinking, Bondage, Dom/sub, Dubious Consent, Food Restriction, Hate Sex, Horror, Mental Coercion, Mind Control, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rough Sex, Sexual Coercion, Torture, Total Power Exchange, Trauma, Vampire Bites
Chapter 3: Victory
You both agreed it would be prudent to wait until after your fight against the Elder Brain to try to turn you. Astarion’s own transformation was so long ago that he can't clearly remember the side effects, and even if he could, there's no way of knowing if being turned by an ascended vampire would be the same. You both decide it's not worth risking your skills when the outcome of such an important battle hangs in the balance.
“Besides,” you say to him one night, “what's the point of immortality when I'm facing near certain death regardless?”
Your decision to wait doesn't stop him talking about the future, of course. He tells you every day of the wondrous things that the future holds for you both. Sometimes you feel as though he has been distant since his transformation. Sometimes you worry that the cruel streak that has always been there is getting stronger. But he speaks with such passion and love about your entwined destinies, and all the greatness that you will achieve together, all the greatness you can do because you have each other, you find your worries are assuaged. The changes in his behaviour can be explained away by the guilt of the ritual weighing on him, or the stress of trying to save a city, or a dozen other reasons that you will work through together. You will have all the time in the world, after all. It's strange, but even though you know the biggest battle is yet to come, you feel as though you've both finally found your happy endings.
And then, finally, the battle comes. And then, finally, it's all over.
You won.
You don't know how any of you have the energy to walk, let alone dance, but that's what you find yourself doing in the hours after the fight: dancing and drinking in a tavern with giddy abandon in the arms of your allies. You'll mourn those lost along the way in time, but for now the overwhelming sense of joy cannot be denied. You swirl around your friends, linking arms, clasping hands, singing songs and calling out for more drinks before your current cup has even run dry.
You feel Astarion’s eyes on you for every moment of it. 
He has sat himself in an alcove to the side of the room you have taken over for the occasion, half shrouding himself in shadows. He doesn't join in the revelry, even when you beckon him over. He simply raises his glass in a toast to you as you are whisked up in another jig, smirking as if watching you is all the entertainment he needs.
Eventually the raucousness dies down, and you twirl over to him, cheeks flushed and skin glowing from the drink and the dancing. When he looks at you, the desire in his eyes makes your heart skip a beat.
“I have been waiting for this night for a long time” he says, standing up to kiss you fully. “You look beautiful, my treasure, and you could look this beautiful forever, if you want to.”
You smile at him, and maybe it is only because you are so tipsy, but he seems to sense your deep-down hesitation.
“What is it, my sweet?”
You shake your head, pulling away from him, unsure how to phrase the worries that have been bubbling up inside you over the past tenday or more. Under his inquisitive gaze, you crack, the words tumbling clumsily out of your mouth.
“You’ve seemed different since the ritual. Distant, I guess.”
“I suppose it’s possible. I’ve been imbibed with unfathomable new talents. It’s taking me some time to become acquainted with my new self.”
“…and I can’t stop thinking about all those deaths…” you say nervously.
“Death was better for them, darling. We’ve discussed this.”
“How can you say that so callously?” Your voice is barely more than a whisper now. “You sound like him. You sound like—“
“Don’t say it!” Astarion spits, his face suddenly twisted with fury. “Don't you ever compare me to him! Never! How dare you stand there and judge me.  Your hands are bloody as mine, darling. Why would you go along with any of this just to pretend you're innocent now?”
“I just wanted to help you feel safe.”
“It seems I misjudged you. I thought we would have a future together - even an eternity - but perhaps you’re not worthy. So what’s it to be, darling? After all this, is this it? Is this the end?”
Your thoughts swirl in a drunken panic. “No!” you cry, tears of frustration welling in your eyes. “No, Astarion, I love you. We’ll make it work.”
Like a switch has been flipped, the ugly rage disappears from Astarion’s face, and he takes you in his arms once more, wiping away your tears.
“Of course we’ll make it work, love. Of course we will. You’re the one that I want. The only one I love. And you could be so much more than that. One little bite and you could be mine forever. My beautiful consort. My most beloved spawn.”
This makes you pause. “You said you’d make me a true vampire,” you say, trying to keep the wobble of accusation out of your voice. “After everything you’ve been through, you would make me a spawn?”
“Our situations will be entirely different, of course. I would never hurt you. I love you. And I will make you a true vampire eventually, but these transformations take time. Trust me, my love.”
You nod mutely, because the bone-weariness from the past day, the past ten-day, the past entire remembered history of your life is suddenly seeping into you, and you have nothing left to say. Besides, you do trust him. This man who stood against your father with you - who stood against a god with you. You trusted him enough to have him by your side through the toughest battles of your life. Why on all the planes would that change now?
He smiles and kisses you gently. “Now, my love. Shall we make love one more time while your heart is still beating?”
You nod again and tell yourself that the dread you feel is only the result of tiredness, and you let him take you by the hand. 
“Then come with me, my darling, and live your final night.”
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tokiro07 · 8 months
Undead Unluck ch.179 thoughts
[Don't Trust a Ho, Never Trust a Ho]
(Contents: Latla analysis)
Wow, I did NOT see Untrust coming! I (and I bet most other folks) thought her ability was going to be Unpredictable, and I guess in a sense, it was! I don't think anyone ever guessed Untrust!
But it makes sense, doesn't it? As a professional fortune teller, Latla was known for having 100% accuracy, meaning that anything she said, you could unequivocally trust. Of course God would want to take that away, it's almost like she already had an unsanctioned Negator ability, and God wasn't going to let her break the rules like that
For anyone unclear on how Untrust works based on what we've seen so far, let's do a quick review
Latla doesn't need to make a prediction out loud, she simply needs to predict an outcome at all, even if only in her thoughts. She's not negating the prediction, she's negating her own credibility, even for herself
There seem to be two stages to this: mystic predictions and logical conclusions. Using her crystal ball, Latla can predict or divine any outcome or truth, but because she cannot be trusted, whatever she divines has to be wrong. With this, she can look decently far into the future and understand broader concepts like the flow and ultimate victor of a fight; she doesn't need to know anything about the topic, she just needs to look into her crystal ball and understand what she's seeing
All other predictions she makes are simply logical; Rip getting shot and killed, an attack on a clear path, and losing to a seemingly invincible monster, all are predictions that anyone could have seen coming and anyone would take at face value in those moments. Therefore, Latla doesn't need to use her crystal ball, she just needs to use her sense
This is also why Latla can't deflect attacks with odd trajectories or that come from her blindspots; she simply doesn't have the experience to make those predictions in the moment. If she had time to use her crystal ball, sure, she could predict something so difficult to see coming, but otherwise, no, she's not a fighter and doesn't have the capacity to see multiple steps in advance
Let's say a chessmaster got Untrust; if they know how an opponent will (or rather, should) react to a certain move, they would negate the predictable conclusions and leave only the least logical and effective move for the opponent to make. "There's no way they'd make a move so stupid, they're better than that" -> "what a blunder! They've fallen for the obvious trap I laid, I thought only an amateur could make a mistake like that!"
We don't know a ton about Latla's interests, but for argument's sake, let's say that Latla doesn't know how to play chess. If she were to play against anyone, she would have no idea what to expect from an opponent and would likely move her pieces blindly; without a clear understanding of what counters would make the most sense, she would be left without a way to predict and negate her opponent's moves aside from the most blatantly obvious (like having a piece next to an enemy Queen). If she predicted she'd lose before the match, then naturally she'd win, but if she can't make real-time predictions, she might as well be playing blindfolded
But enough about the power itself, let's focus on the real juicy bits: the thematic implications!
First things first: Rip was initially staunchly opposed to Latla using fortunetelling because he didn't believe in it. He didn't trust in Latla's methods at first, but he did trust in Latla herself. Even believing that her trade was hokum, Rip trusted Latla implicitly and went along with any prediction she would make
On the reverse side, though, Rip never relied on Latla. Sure, he made use of her ability in combat, but he only even allowed her to be present because she insisted. Regardless of what he said or did, Rip always made Latla feel like he didn't trust her. He didn't trust her enough to tell her his plans, to let her be present for the worst of it like cutting off his own limbs, and didn't trust her to put her life on the line; he tried to shoulder the burden alone because he didn't trust that she could stand the weight
In much the same way that Rip 100's quest was a futile attempt to repair his own shattered life, Latla 100 was constantly left behind because Rip never entrusted her with anything of value. She was perfectly capable and reliable, even with her 100% inaccurate predictions (ironically making them 100% accurate upon inversion), but Rip couldn't leave things to her
However, it's because of his faith in Latla that Rip was able to accept Fuuko's help in this loop. Rip says that he could tell at a glance that Fuuko was a good person, but I doubt that it's because of anything about her specifically; instead, I think it was because she was standing with Latla, who clearly had already put her faith in Fuuko. Despite everything, despite butting heads, despite ideological differences, despite not wanting anyone other than himself to suffer, Rip absolutely, 100%, believes in Latla, and that means believing in anyone she believes in
That's also why they're able to fight so well together too, "in lockstep" as Rip says. They are perfectly in sync, their hearts beating as one as they finally walk together towards the same goal, which will soon prove my earlier assertion that they will be absolutely pivotal to defeating God in the final battle. I guarantee it
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16th Day of Christmas
A Sweet Outcome From a Sweet Mishap
Summary/Prompt - Part 2 to Day 2’s fic, A Sweet Mishap. What happens when the reader decides to contact the number on the coaster.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
Christmas Masterlist | Masterlist
Once you finally finish work the day you’re exhausted. You trudge back to your tiny apartment down the road and collapse on your couch. Just as you start to finally relax the smell of chocolate and old milk gets to your nose. You force yourself to get up, shower and change into fresh clothes. As you’re not planning to move from your couch, let alone go out anywhere for the rest of the day, you just put on a hoodie and sweatpants. As you go to put your dirty clothes in the hamper, you remember the coaster. It’s now a little squashed and stained, but it’s still readable.
So you take it and your phone out and then you collapse on the couch again. Once you’ve regained some energy you decide to text the number, just to check if it’s real or a fake he made up on the spot.
Hi, uh…I’m just realising I didn’t get your name earlier?
Who is this? How did you get this number?
It’s Y/N, from Mamma Jo’s Coffee and Chocolateria.
I dumped a drink all over you.
I just wanted to know where I can send the money for a new shirt?
Seeing as you didn’t get to drink the hot chocolate I made you.
Oh, hey! If I tell you my name you have to promise to keep it to you it self
Same with this number
What are you, a spy or something?
I can’t tell you anything until you promise
Otherwise my agent will want you to sign an NDA
Alright, Mr Fancypants, I promise not to tell a soul I met you or give out this number
Regardless of who you are
Thank you
My name is Jensen
Nice to meet you Jensen
So how much was your shirt and how do you want the money?
Venmo? Cash? PayPal? Direct transfer?
Don’t worry about the money
It’s fine
But I have to do something
I feel so bad
I wasn’t looking either
If you’re absolutely certain, I’ll leave you alone before your agent gets worried
So you really didn’t recognise me?
Sorry to burst your ego bubble
Maybe you’re just not as important as you think you are.
No, it’s not about my ego
I’m just used to people asking for pictures or autographs
And the paparazzi
It’s a nice change to meet someone who doesn’t have a preconceived idea of who I am
Alright so who are you? Other than Jensen then
If you don’t mind sharing of course
Or do I have to sign a NDA for that sort of insider info
I’m Jensen Ackles
I am an actor
That flash earlier in the cafe was paparazzi
So you’ll likely be on the front of a bunch of magazines as my mystery girl
When that happens you will have to sign a NDA, but I’ll handle everything else
You’re just best of steering clear of me
Actor? Were you on that Paranormal show?
Yeah that’s me
Sorry, I haven’t seen it. Maybe an episode here and there but I’m pretty busy
Don’t get much time to watch TV
Honestly, I’m glad you haven’t
It makes it easier to talk to you
If the actor thing and potential NDA doesn’t bother you
I would love a do over
Are you sure?
I don’t want to make things complicated you you
With paparazzi or you agent
I’ll handle all that
What are you doing tonight?
I really wasn’t planning on leaving my couch
But you may be able to persuade me
How about I join you on that couch?
Or you join me on mine?
I really don’t know you
That was too forward
No, it’s ok
I just think it would be better to get to know each other first
Of course
When is your next day off?
Damn, I work this weekend
How about Monday evening?
I’ll be on a plane by then
I’m only working here for the weekend
Guess it just isn’t meant to be then
Maybe not now
But someday
Maybe someday
Can I keep texting you?
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yr-obedt-cicero · 1 year
I’m sorry if you’ve answered this before but the recent ‘What if hamilton and Laurens were discovered’ ask has sent me in a bit of a spiral.
What do you think would’ve happened if one of their riskier letters were discovered during Hamilton’s political career? Or perhaps what would’ve become of their relationship had they both gone into politics after the war?
Or i guess my more dramatic question what would happen had their relationship come to light, in a world where they were both in politics?
I honestly can't remember if I've answered this before, but regardless, there would be no surviving political career after discovery. If you thought the aftermath of Hamilton's extramarital affair was bad, the consequence of sodomy would have been much worse. Affairs were oftentimes a common practice amongst the elite class, even when frowned upon. And while committing an affair may be subjectively shameful amongst certain individuals, it was the action of getting caught and letting it reach the public that most found to be worse. Even then, affairs made public was like a slap on the wrist of disapproval, if one was to be found guilty of sodomy their political position and legacy would go down the drain. As I mentioned in my other post about the hypothetical outcome of Hamilton and Laurens getting caught, it would have crowned them as disgraces to their family's.
And although Washington perhaps would have tried to sweep the case under the rug a tad - due to his affiliation with them - the political world was much wider and more broadcasted in comparison to the military. Where the military was more closed off and afar from society; it offered more liberty for soldiers and men to fall a bit astray from proper conduct that was expected of them, and for those in higher ranks to better govern and control what happened inside the circle of the army, or what traveled out. And oftentimes most acts, that would commonly be perceived as disagreeable, were excusable due to the deprivation in the consequence of war. For example, many played a blind eye to sodomy engagement because a usual reasoning was that they were away from their wives or mistresses. This also led to some alcohol habits in the army, but regardless, it was not the same when these men would return to everyday society, especially the aristocratic politician's world.
And the thing is, this likely could have happened if Laurens lived and they continued to pursue their relationship—As John Adams was notorious for prying into Hamilton's sex life. With the black population in the West Indies outweighing the white population, there was a lot of racial mixing. Also because it was a place of the lower or working class, so they didn't or couldn't afford to have the same racist and bigoted expectations that the colonies did, where interracial marriages or mixing races was period typically seen as bad. Additionally, most of the planters that traveled to the Islands considered their stay in the Carribean to be temporary, many of the Creole men would take black or mixed-race mistresses instead of wives, which was not considered an ideal sex life in the colonies. And there were many cultural differences like these between the Colonies and the West Indies, Colonial elites and New Englanders saw a masculine, bread-winner, husband who contented his wife sexually as ideal. But if a man went around dawdling and having promiscuous sex all the time, he would be deemed as less of a man, for he lacked control over his urges and provocation. Oftentimes there was this broad pipeline of assumptions, where sexually active men were soon assumed to be sexual deviants, which then lead to the connection of Sodomy. Because it was widely assumed that if a man was having large amounts of sex with women, he would eventually turn to men. It didn't help the perception of the Islanders that the Carribean was used as a penitentiary for people convicted of socially disagreeable crimes; people like prostitutes, women who committed infidelity, sodomites, etc., were dumped there. I've delved into this before, but needless to say, the West Indies had a bad rep amongst the Colonists that thought themselves higher. Due to this all, Adams had a stigmatized disgust and hatred towards Hamilton, where he assumed the worst of him. Probably sharing the same racist and xenophobic ideology many of the Colonists had of the islanders, where they connoted that the white West Indians' sensuality had been influenced by the deplorable traits of the black West Indians.
With this all in mind, Adams believed Hamilton had only proven the presumption true after his scandal with Reynolds had come to light. And he made absurd claims like a provoking joke of a comparison that Hamilton was Washington's seductive mistress, or that he was having an affair with his sister-in-law, Angelica. And even supported the theory that he was truly Thomas Stevens's son. And he had nearly edged on the discovery of Hamilton's sexuality, in a letter from Charles Adams to to his father he writes of an interesting passing comment by a Church (It is not confirmed if he refers to John Baker Church or Philip Church);
Nay he even went so far as to say at his own Table when I was present; that he had, in his own words “Been that day appointing a Son of the Notorious Bill Livingston’s a Midshipman in our Navy” This modest speech was addressed to Church whose reply was you have then I find weaknesses not confined to the female sex: which produced a laugh and perhaps was not thought of by any person but myself afterwards.
Source — Charles Adams to John Adams, [31 January 1799]
Church tells Hamilton that he had, “weaknesses not confined to the female sex,” according to Charles. Hamilton's ‘weakness’ for ‘the female sex’ means he had obvious inclination or attraction to women. So, when Church says Hamilton had these ‘weaknesses’, “not confined to the female sex,” he means Hamilton had an inclination or attraction to the male sex as well. Inferring that Hamilton had a sexual preference for both men and women. Now, unfortunately, we don't have Adams's response to this particular letter, so we aren't even sure what he made of this information. But if Hamilton was nearly discovered just like that, imagine how high the chances would have been had the story turned out different and they could continue to pursue their relationship.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 months
So you have Sersi from the eternals as your dp. What do you like about her? Why do you think she is important? Just curious.
I waited to answer this so I could have time to collect my thoughts on Sersi and why's my fave.
I mean, the first time I saw the movie I was just. Drawn to her. I think from the moment she turned the stone dagger into gold, and then the timeskip and we saw her walking into work and talking to the statue of Charles Darwin I was like "Oh, she's gonna be my favourite, I can tell." And then I was right because every point after that I fell more in love with her and by the time the movie was over I was obsessed with her forever. So inexplicable attraction is the first reason.
One of the things I like about Sersi the most is that, for a movie that's about a team of aliens who have to live amongst humanity for thousands of years, Sersi is the one who fully embraces it, for good and bad. Phastos stopped, but came around again after making his own human family. Druig loves humanity, but his form of love is control - he would rather they not have any control over their lives if it meant they'd stop having conflict, because he knows better than them (I need Druig stans to stop acting like he loves humanity without acknowledging this, bc it's creepy and fucked up). But Sersi loves humanity, for good and for bad. Every time she's interacting with humans - back in Babylon, with the kids she teaches, in Druig's village, even the brief scene at Phastos's house - she's having a great time. She loves them. She more than anyone else has embraced this planet as her home, and these people as her own.
But that's also part of her internal conflict. the movie isn't as in depth with this unfortunately, but she's spent the last 7000 or however years thinking they'll all eventually return to Olympia, which is their 'real' home. So as much as she loves these people, however long she spends on Earth with them, she's going to have to leave eventually. She says it herself - they're just waiting for Arishem to tell them they can come home. And the Mission is what matters most, right? So she has to set up a barrier in her heart - Earth isn't her home, Olympia is. And that also is part of the conflict when they find out the truth about the convergence. Because it's throwing EVERYTHING she believed into question. because she spent forever loving these people, this planet, but also believing in the mission because why wouldn't she, she trusts Ajak, and now suddenly the mission has changed. and she has to choose between The Mission (even if the mission has changed) and everyone she loves dying. but she's still the first to say "We're not going to let everyone on earth die, right?!" like regardless of how much she struggles with making a choice on what to do, she knows there's only one right outcome, even if they don't know how to get there.
and like, as a story, narratively I wish Sersi had gotten to actually take charge of the group and make a clear decision without circumstances forcing her to do something she's still unsure about. but with her personality in mind, it makes sense to me. She's been thrust into leadership unexpectedly, not to mention it's made explicitly clear that her leadership isn't actually respected by the group (as a whole, individually it's different) because everyone thought it would be Ikaris instead and he's their de facto leader anyway. So her not having any idea what to do in this situation? Trying to decide, doubting herself, but still having to step up in the end - and STILL not sure she made the right choice? Makes so much sense to me. Very relatable. I felt that, I am her. Wish it had been different for the sake of her character arc, but I still get it.
I guess the final answer to your question of why I think she's important and what I like about her is that Sersi is that out of all of them, she fully steps into the life they have to lead. Sprite admits to being jealous of humans and sides with Ikaris, Ikaris is self explanatory, Gilgamesh and Thena both stepped away from human life, Ajak loves humanity and changes her mind but still is shown to be living a solitary life out in the middle of nowhere, Druig and Phastos I already talked about, Makkari hides away on the Domo for several centuries and besides curiosity about their artifacts doesn't seem interested in humans themselves, and Kingo does love the people of Earth but lives as a celebrity so not exactly one with the common man.
Sersi lives a normal life among the people she loves. Sersi is unsure about everything except that she won't let humanity die. Sersi is the one who wholeheartedly embraces Earth as her home the moment she's free to do so. Sersi is the one who loves them enough to do anything to save them, even when she doesn't believe she can. Sersi is the heart of the story, and the one who saves the day, even when she's scared and doesn't know if she's doing the right thing, because it's the only way to save everyone.
this whole thing got away from me I hope this makes sense I'm not going back to reread this and make it make sense or make it cohesive.
other random things I love about Sersi
she loves kids. every time she interacts with a kid she looks so happy. it's so cute.
green is my favourite colour so there was no way I wouldn't love her just because of that. and she looks so good in it too.
just watch her face when she, Ikaris and Sprite are watching Kingo's performance - she looks so delighted. Ikaris and Sprite are just like wtf but she looks so EXCITED!
she's 7000~ years old and she's still a terrible liar. Dane brings up her ex who's 7000 years old and can fly, and she says "he's a pilot".
her indecision is so relatable to me I said this already but it's true. Anyone would be struggling in her shoes.
she's GOOD and she's KIND. she tries her best.
her powers are so cool like. there's a boulder 3x her size flying her way, shot out of a volcanic eruption, and it takes one quick touch to turn it into a flock of birds. like if she were even a second off she'd die, but she doesn't even flinch.
people claim that druig doesn't care about anyone but Makkari and they're so wrong for that like he listens to Sersi, he does, in fact, care about her opinion and care about her. she doesn't demand his help or threaten him, she asks for his help and then tells him he's better than this, and he listens to her.
Ajak and Thena, obectively two of the coolest Eternals, are her biggest supporters so if you don't support Sersi they wouldn't support you, sorry.
in the comic on webtoon (which was not good but whatever) she collects trinkets and artifacts from everywhere they've been and it's filling the whole Domo, she's just like me fr (she and Makkari)
the way that when they're leaving Phastos's home, she reaches out to comort him as they're walking down the street. and when he's telling her (not Ikaris, he's only talking to Sersi even though Ikaris is also there) about losing his faith and getting it back with his family, she's listening with a sympathetic, understanding look. she gets it. she loves that he's found this family for himself. she's happy for him. they're best friends to me.
she's chronically late, talks to statues, is obsessed with her phone and apps, and forgets to silence her phone in the middle of important meetings. she's a dork. I love her so much.
hope this late, long rambling answer makes sense and answers your question!
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Accepting my asexuality has been a journey.
I am a heteromantic asexual. It recently dawned on me that I was actually ace, and everything it meant. I have identified as ace for months now but I think I was still stuck in the phase of "...but am I REALLY ace?", and I guess the doubts just kept me with a 'nothing has changed' mentality. I still was so sure that one day I would have a 'normal' relationship, that one day I would get married, that one day I would have a family; I know it is not the cup of tea for everyone (and there is nothing wrong with that) but I did want and still want all of those things.
Then one night everything just clicked for me, while reading another's ace person experience. I DO NOT feel any sexual attraction, and most people DO. I have no idea if I would ever feel ok having sex, and most people expect that from their romantic partners. I haven't even kissed anyone in my life, and even when imagining kissing anyone weirded me out, so what if I can't even kiss someone? Would anyone be willing to take me as a partner just to be with me?
Ok, I know that there are allo-ace relationships out there that are thriving, but I think at that moment everything just collided in my mind and the worse outcomes were the only things I could think about. I cried myself to sleep thinking that either I would have to betray myself at some point to be with someone I love romantically, or that I would straight up be rejected by anyone cause "Why would anyone want to be with me if I can't be with them physically like that?"
As I'm writing this I'm a lot better and I know that there are people out there who can love someone romantically regardless of sex, but I guess the fears are still there. I still want a romantic partner and getting married, and either having children or adopting; but, even thought I don't see my asexuality as a flaw (cause it is not), it is something that complicates things. We live in a world where the rules are set in a specific way, and people just expects you to live up to them. Most people are not even going to ask you what your stance sexuality or romance is cause there is a norm; in most cases you will have to be the one explaining and standing there ready to be judged by others.
I don't want this to just be a depressing rant so let me just say to anyone out there who can relate that it will be ok, that there is nothing wrong with you, that your asexuality is not something that others have to put up with, and that (if you want to) there is people out there who will love you with your asexuality, not 'regardless' of it.
And if you are aromantic or simply do not wish for that kind of life, it is more than valid as well. The 'norm' is what is flawed, not any of you.
Submitted February 15, 2023
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