#so valid anon
catman-draws · 2 years
I know your blog title is CATman, but I swear to God, every time I see your pfp I think of an owl. Owlman draws.🦉 ✨️
T'was once more catlike
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Okay guys I was debating making a post about it but I’m just going to make a short one with just the root of the point
You’re allowed to criticize media you enjoy, especially the writing itself, but if there’s something about the content of the story being told that isn’t your thing, that’s not an objective issue with the author
If you’re reading KOTLC and you really dislike sokeefe, you can either keep reading for the other stuff in the story that you like, or you can stop reading because it really ruins it for you, but what you really shouldn’t do is act like Shannon’s done something wrong by writing sokeefe into the story she wants to tell, I mean that’s actually pretty disrespectful to the author. You don’t have to LIKE her story, but she’s not objectively doing something wrong just because it isn’t the choice you would have made
For example: if Shannon made sophitz canon that would definitely not be my thing. However I would keep reading kotlc for my enjoyment of the story she was telling. I would not come into tumblr and start picking out every issue with their relationship, calling it terribly unhealthy (unhealthy dynamics can be storytelling devices btw) and saying therefore Shannon has made an objectively wrong decision that ruins her own story. That would just be disrespectful, not just to other shippers but to Shannon herself!!
That’s all I’m gonna say unless someone miraculously misses the entire point of this post to a terrible degree
Have a great day
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jq37 · 6 months
it’s really important to me that Oisin is not evil and adaine dates him i just think she deserves a nice dragonborn buff loser boyfriend
OBVIOUSLY I say this with the caveat that if Siobhan/Adaine aren't interested that's totally valid.
But also COME ON. How cute would it be?
-She gets another wizard in her social life who will actually understand when she says stuff like, "Abjurative grammar is prescriptive."
-Summer Nights "Tell Me More, Tell Me More" energy from the other Bad Kids and Aelwyn.
-Hot, dorky nerd who thinks she's really cool (because she is) to hype her up.
-She gets to shove his defection to their side in Kipperlilly's face which she'd love because she is a petty bitch first and a wizard second.
What's not to like? Also, Brennan is behind a lot of super cute romantic content in D20 (he's gotten lines I really love as Ayda, Esther, Hob, and Dale just off the top of my head) and I think Adaine deserves some of that as she's in the midst of her third potential apocalypse.
As a treat.
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I always thought it was the cringiest thing when people learn riptide on the ukulele and try to use it to serenade their crushes. So tell me how Jean from The New Jersey Rats managed to rizz me up doing exactly that? I am in disbelief. I refuse to accept that I fell in love with a man who plays the ukulele but it happened anyway.
It's dark magic I tell you. Dark magic!
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suchawrathfullamb · 1 month
Unpopular opinion: I do not care for Alana and Margot in fact anything Alana related makes me sleepy. Margot and Freddie? Absolutely. Margot and Bedelia? Accepted. Margot and Chiyoh? Needed actually now that I think about it. But her and Alana gives zero content, Caroline wanted to have sexy scenes with Katharine (literally said on dvd commentary) so it wasn't natural, it was just a forced plot to make up for the fact that Fuller acknowledged that Alana was a plot device and that "she deserved better" (quoting him) so he turned 360 degrees and got her with Margot but where's the fire where's the passion where's the lesbian obsession? No they are not interesting, they could've served more but they just used them to please the male audience with that "surreal" sex scene between conventionally attractive women but refused to do the same with the men because oh what a sin anyway
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moeblob · 1 year
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I spent 3 hours replying to this anon simply to say "everyone gets a Vaporeon (except Sylvain)".
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Blake is clearly Japanese, and Yang is clearly chinese, so isn't giving them darker skin tones racist?
I'm going to answer this is good faith, and I will accept no follow up.
Blake being "clearly" Japanese, just no. Belladonna is Italian believe, and Kuo Kuana seems to have a lot more influence from the Pacific Islands. Even if she was Japanese, there are darker skinned Japanese people.
Yang isn't just Chinese. Even so, Chinese people can be darker skinned. I also find this ask suspect because a lot of people in the fandom make Blake darker skin (and people have been shitty about it since V1) . I've reblogged a lot of it. I've NEVER gotten anything like this in my inbox in my years running this blog until it's Yang too. Weird.
I have met with many fans of the show over the years, and it seems like many POC can see themselves as the characters and want that reflected in their skin too. It made a lot of sense to me that someone with textured hair could see Yang's protectiveness of hers as similar to their own experiences. RW/BY sure lacks protagonists with darker skin, and it's not racist to make fan art of them darker (what is this take from anyway, 2003???)
I believe it was Miles who responded to some harressment a black Blake cosplayer got years ago that Blake is Blake no matter the skin tone.
At the end of the day though, I am so very White and not the arbiter on what is or isn't racist. However, I'll always question the motives of anyone that raises a fuss over someone making cute art of characters with darker skin tones, more so in a show that lacks skin diversity.
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shannonsketches · 2 months
Idk what it is about Bulma getting laid that upsets these kids but I'm gonna start collecting comments from people who just hate Vegeta.
It's what he would want.
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Granted I only have two nickels but it's weird that it happened twice.
On the same day.
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warframestuff · 1 year
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Request for Anonymous who wanted Loid doing his "cunty little walk"
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i still mask because i am immunocompromised and i want to live. i have been through so much in my life that the trauma never gives me a moment of peace, ive been suicidal for as long as i can remember, my future is bleak and uncertain even now, and i still want to live. i still value my disabled life even if nobody else does. there is love, joy, pleasure, kindness, and creation still left out there for me to find and i intend to find it. there is a better world still possible and i want to be here to help build it.
i still mask because masking my face allows me to unmask as an autistic person! i no longer have to constantly police myself to make sure i make the right facial expressions, especially at work and places where it might endanger me. unless it's too hot i like to choose creative designs to wear over my N95, and in that way i get to choose the face i show to the world. it soothes my dysphoria and gives me control over how i am perceived. i get to escape from technological surveillance in a way that others around me don't know they can too.
and masking allows me to be a safe person to other people whose lives depend on it too. every time i lock eyes with the only other person masking in any given room, i feel hope and relief, and i hope they feel it too even if we never speak or see each other again. we can't always save each other but we can try, and in doing so we can be a reminder to each other that all our lives have value, we all deserve so much more, and we're not alone in our loneliness. regardless of the outcome, we embrace each other's humanity by acting in kindness and solidarity.
masking empowers and frees me to move through the world in a way that honors the value of my own life and the lives of others, and opens up new possibilities of self-expression and self-defense for me. it's one of the bricks we can lay to build that better world. it's not easy but i am proud to do it.
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yujeong · 10 days
I still can't believe people are saying Korn or Tonkla don't love the other. How? 😔 What?
Anon, I'm so done with this discourse it's not even funny. I'm tired of seeing the exact same talking points and I'm tired of explaining the same thing every week. However, since this is the last episode and all the annoying people will hopefully move on, let me do it one last time:
Korn is an asshole. Korn prioritized saving himself and started looking for Tonkla once Fasai dropped his ass. Korn also shot his brains out when Tonkla died in front of him.
Tonkla is an asshole. Tonkla used Win to fill the gaps Korn left in him. Tonkla also pushed Korn aside when he stupidly raised his gun at Win in order to save him from becoming a murderer like him.
It's this simple guys. It's all right there. You're allowed to not like a couple - we got the screentime discourse as well, which was so much fun :) - and I'm not taking that away from you. But denying the feelings the characters clearly have for each other because you prefer the main couple is NOT it.
Let this die like our couple did. Thank you.
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
Aro culture is wishing you were aro because romance is so stressful and you wish you didn’t have to deal with it, and the realizing you were, in fact, aro the entire time
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"Anna's Villain Song" - Lydia the Bard, 2023 Sonic Prime (2022) 1.16 "Ghost of a Chance" dir. Andrew Duncan and Kiran Sangherra
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gossippool · 3 days
i’ve always taken “show me you care about something bigger than you” as vanessa trying to get wade to do things that matter outside of his need for external validation. he tells happy he wants to be an avenger because he needs it, because he needs a reason to matter. at that point in his life, he was looking for big gestures or flashy ways to show those around him that he was important, that he had a place in the world outside of his usual brand of violence. he wasn’t necessarily thinking about doing things for the sake of others.
and then he goes to sacrifice himself at the time ripper for the sole reason to save his family. he doesn’t care about what it means for him, if it’ll finally make him matter, he just wants to do whatever he can to keep his family and logan safe. saving his family might not change the world, or be an issue that affects thousands, but it is bigger than wade. he saves them because they need it, bc their lives are far more important than wade’s own need to matter.
i hope i explained my thinking well 😅
ohhh this makes sense!! but then it kinda doesn't line up with everything else if you see his progression throughout all the movies—not saying that your explanation is wrong because honestly it's probably right LMAO (at least more right than whatever i was spouting in that post, but then again wade probably hadn't even understood what she was trying to say hence why he tried all those things) but more so the writers' fault in terms of not caring about continuity. this just feels like a repetition of deadpool 2 where vanessa said wade's heart wasn't in the right place, and then he proved that it was by sacrificing himself for russell
also another thing that didn't make sense to me was that vanessa broke up with wade because he never got back up when the avengers rejected him. but he only went to the avengers because he wanted to show vanessa that he mattered, which seemed like a point she only brought up during the breakup—and also something she didn't seem to have a problem with before. it would make sense if she raised the issue before which then led to him going to the avengers, but i don't think that's what happened??? who the hell knows though since they didn't show us shit
the breakup scene as a whole is just very underdeveloped lmao and i guess they just wanted to get to the whole wade and logan thing but i wish they focused more on this
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I’m trans masc and I hate having periods they make me feel like something’s wrong with me but I found a trend of ppl writing fics about will on his period and Hannibal being like
‘hey this doesn’t make you less of a man and you’re really strong for dealing with it’
and then being like ‘also I have a blood kink if you’re interested possibly’
and it made me feel so much better about my period. Shout out to all the authors who wrote trans will graham period fics you’re making the world a better place!
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cerise-on-top · 18 days
Hiya! And could you please write Kate laswell with a S/O with DID and sometimes used group pronouns for example like ‘we are okay’ when talking about themself instead of ‘I’m okay’ :) I love your writing by the way!!
Hey! Sure! And thank you! But please know that I do not have DID and that I don't know anyone who has it either! So I really don't know what to do with someone like that ^^; I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted, I tried ^^;
Laswell with a Reader with DID
I feel as though Laswell would fare quite well with you if you have DID. Sure, she usually makes her opinion known, which might make her well disliked among some of your alters, but other than that? She’s gonna do what she can to get along with all of you. Besides, I feel as though she would get along fairly well with the littles as well since she doesn’t dislike children. She’s quite good with them. While I don’t think she has the energy to necessarily be out and about all the time, she would try her best to be nice towards them. Though, I do think that, if one of your alters were to try and distance you from her, she would not let that fly. She’s fairly certain you love her, even if some of your alters may not agree. She would have a stern talking to with them. I don’t think she’ll be able to accurately tell who’s who all the time, but I do think she’d recognize most of you at some point. Since she does try to get along with all of you, I do think she would make the best use of her money and gift your alters things from time to time as well. She’d probably try to get to know all of them at some point as well, having a little heart to heart here and there. She doesn’t shun you for being plural, she tries to be as open and accepting as she could possibly be instead. It’s likely not your fault, after all. Will probably ask you who’s currently present from time to time and maybe strike up a conversation with them as well. Doesn’t mind you being forgetful either and will just fill you in regarding what happened, if it’s appropriate and won’t trigger trauma. Laswell doesn’t mind you using the plural pronoun for yourselves. Though, if you do it in public then she’ll be more mindful of your surroundings. Not everyone is as kind and accepting of it as she is, so she does get ready to fight someone if the need arises. But other than that? She’s not a bad partner to have. It might take her some getting used to, but that is to be expected.
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