#so. potential future kitty in the works
supercantaloupe · 1 year
my future roommate might be getting a kitten this summer. omg.
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ceilidho · 8 months
okie dokie I think I might become a regular in your ask box (I sent the lap nap ask) Imagine for one reason or another you want a tattoo and your bestie Johnny who has had one decides to give you tips and advice, after you get it done he tries to convince you to get another, like maybe his name? he will get one too don't worry, it's normal to get best friend tattoos! maybe a tramp stamp, or something on your thigh so he can lift up your skirt "accidentally" to scare off anyone who has an interest in you. Some people are just toxic and don't like opposite gender besties 🤷 (also if available I'll sign off as ☢️, your writing is sooo good 😩🥺)
Johnny who's been practicing stick and poke and he begs, begs, begs you to let him give you one and you finally relent, but you're like, "I don't even want a tattoo - what would I even get?" and he pretends to think about it for a few seconds, like really makes a meal out of thinking of a tattoo for you before he suggests that you get his name. You know, since you're best friends and all. Best friends always do things like that - get matching tattoos, get each other's names or birthdays, that sort of thing.
You're so sceptical at first because like. You've heard of couples getting each other's names but not friends. Certainly not when you're friends with someone like Johnny, who's flirty and cocky and constantly squishes your face when he's drunk and says you have pretty cocksucking lips and snorts when you tell him that's inappropriate before popping a little peck on them. Just friendly drunken behaviour from your flirt of a best friend, but maybe a reason to avoid having future potential partners think there's something going on between the two of you.
But you finally give in because, why not. Especially if it's only a little thing. It'll be a good memory and surely your future partner will understand - it's not like you plan on not being friends with Johnny any time soon. You two are practically attached at the hip. So you tell him sure and then ask him where he's going to put it.
And your heart practically jumps into your throat when he kneels in front of you and spreads your legs to make enough room for himself, hiking the legs of your shorts up a bit until there's a little space made on your inner thigh. You try to be firm and tell him no, but he says that anywhere else would be too noticeable. You'd get tired having to constantly explain to people why you have a man's name tattooed on your body (even though it's normal, friends do that).
It hurts when he gives you the little stick and poke of his name written in his messy handwriting. So close to your pussy that he can probably smell you, and you can't help getting a little wet with his face so close to the space between your legs and the pain that hurts but sends tingles up your body. And the constant living reminder of Johnny now embedded in your skin, stuck on you for the rest of time. Your shorts also tugging against your clit and rubbing whenever your legs so much as twitch because of how high they've ridden up.
Johnny just staring at his name when he's done, licking his lips absentmindedly. Eyes hooded, staring at your inner thigh like he wants to take a bite so bad, even though it's tender and pink and needs to heal. Wants to trace the letters with his tongue. Eyes dragging up your body to find you panting and embarrassed, fists clenched at your sides.
"C'mon, kitty - let's get ye out of those shorts so they dinnae mess up all my hard work, yeah?"
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arbiterlexultionis · 10 months
Danny and the Spooks Pt2
This is a continuation of my other post Here
More specifically, this is where I’m dumping my ideas for it that involve crossovers, mostly with DC, as I know that stuff isn’t some peoples cuppa tea, and wanted to make sure it could be viewed and enjoyed by all.
So, I’ve come up with two ways for Danny and the spooks to mix with other fandoms. 1) Danny’s a known entity and (somewhat) trusted ally who is super protective/secretive about the tiny ass town he micromanages and 2) Danny and the ghost issues of Amity are more less unknowns and the hero’s of the verse show up only to be met with a (somewhat) functional crime fighting organization.
I’ll do the first version in this post and the second probably in a different post.
Phantom was one of the founding members of the league, and one of the most mysterious members at that. Although most of them had known about each other and occasionally worked together long before they came together officially 3 years ago to fend of Darkseid and found the league Phatom himself had come out of left field so to speak. Appearing with no warning in his bulky Hazmat suit and barely saying a word for most of the crisis, they didn’t really have any choice but to accept his help regardless of their (Batman’s) skepticism, and that decision to trust him payed out in the end as Phantom, despite being a complete unknown that could stay under the radar at that point, was apparently strong enough to give Supes and Wonder Woman a run for their money. They threw around a lot of theories about the guy, Superman seemed convince he was some type of alien while others thought he was a meta. Batman’s theory of choice was that he was a time traveler form the future with advanced nano technology, using cave paintings and historical records from across the globe that duplicated him as evidence. Aquaman and Dr. Fate think he’s some type of lord of order or God, with a capital G, because there was apparently some strikingly similar being who fought a Chaos deity to try and stop Atlantis from sinking.
But every attempt to actually investigate has ended “inconclusively”, as after Batman finally tracked down which town Phantom watched over he only got a few steps in before he got gently grabbed buy the cape and flew several states away like a misbehaving kitten getting grabbed by the scruff. Flash got the farthest in of anyone, sprinting in and getting about a block in before just appearing in Canada with sticky note attached to his forehead reading “Please stop stalking my grandson. :-) -CW.”
So when they were all in a meeting discussing where to keep the young justice team they were all surprised, to say the least, when Phantom offered to take them in and look after them Inside of Amity. Apparently(supposedly) the main reason he keeps everyone so far away from his town is because no one in the league has the experience and skill set necessary to properly combat his rouges, and gaining the experience and skill would probably include several mind control/body snatching/cloning/imposters/potential world endangering events and that just wouldn’t be worth the risk, especially with all of that resulting in their own rouges getting into contact with his, a recipe for one shitty weekend as he put it. But a little less than a week ago Luther used an intermediary to hire one of phantoms rouges to hunt Superman, which explains the bandage on Superman’s side. So now that the cats out of the bag Phantom want to make the kitty purr and prepare the rest of the heroics community for “the complete and utter nonsensical shenanaganery that he’s stuck dealing with” and The Team seems like a good opportunity for it.
I envision this whole meeting probably being told from Flash’s point of view, as he’s smart and goofy enough for some good humor and exposition but I guess it works for anyone. The Young Justice team wind up in mount justice while the main base of the Spooks, called the Grave or something else suitably on brand, is prepared just long enough to get bored and go rescue Superboy. Then the whole team and some of the justice league step foot into Amity for the first time, and then get a whole PowerPoint presentation explaining the town and its BS and are just Shook when they find out that Phantoms not some meta or alien or time traveling genius inventor but just some dead dude.
The team essentially gets fast tracked through the training for Spooks to make sure there up to snuff and begin patrolling and stuff. At first Superboy just can’t handle working in the R.I.P.D. and then he finds a ghost who whole shtick is “I need to punch shit”, which bridges the gap between the fighting he knows and the negotiations he doesn’t and helps him learn more about diplomacy and chill out, can’t decided if I want the ghost in question to be a boxer, sumo wrestler or really over the top westler.
As practice living a double life and going under cover they all have to get jobs and be Normal, but they all suck at being Normal. It just straight up doesn’t cross Superboy mind that normal people can’t use motorcycles to beat up convenience store robbers. At first he goes for the car, stops and goes wait a second that’s not something normal people can do and I’m Normal, so he picks up a Harley like “Yep, this is completely average amount of strength.”
Wally’s working in the kitchen of a restaurant and keeps accidentally using his super speed. Not enough to glow or spark, but more than enough for people to freak out. But he’s doing the work of 4 people which means management need 3 less people to pay so they just let him do his thing.
Robins such a gremlin that people think he’s straight up a child ghost very poorly disguising himself as a human child, using rafters and vents as short cuts with the justification “it’s not weird if they don’t see me do it” which makes it seem like he’s using invisibility, intangibility and teleportation to get around. He’s so quite when he walks that people come to the conclusion that he’s forgetting to walk and just floating places and/or trying to look like he’s walking like a Perfectly Normal Human Child but not actually making contact with the ground on accident.
All the locals see all this stuff and just go “Kids are kids, ghost, human or ecto-contaminated to hell and back.” And all make a group effort to hide them from the Fentons and GIW. The team, which is actively trying to investigate both groups, becomes convinced that the people they work for are in cahoots with the GIW and hiding their activities, but every time they switch jobs it takes like, a week for the GIW to get to them again(for them to go “oh poor children” and try and keep them safe).
It doesn’t help that the first friend they made in town is a scrawny little black haired blue eyed twink that they saw beat a mothafucka with another mothafucka in an alleyway on the first day of class, constantly pulls off what should be nearly impossible acts and disappears without a trace, further twisting their idea of what is within normal human limits. (They saw Danny fighting Skulker in human form at 3am in the Nasty burger parking lot because he was to lazy to shift forms, and they use the fact that the kid that can nonchalantly throw hands with a nine foot tall T9000 knock off as an excuse to get away with stuff. “Mr. I-fight-death-bots-with-my-bare-hands is the weakling at the bottom of the food chain, so me being able to do this it Normal. Probably.”)
Just a few ideas I had for this, will probably post more later. Drink some water and chill, peace out.
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foxgloveprincess · 3 months
For whenever you feel inspired to play with him: Feeezy + pressed together in a tight space + “Ohhh, kitty cat, you have no idea what I could do to you.” 🫠 I think I just hurt myself writing this lollll.
Sweet Jesus, Siri. Fuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkkk 🥴 This is giving A.W.A. Freezy before he took his princess.
Warnings: Dark AU, Prequel, Predatory Behavior, Housing Instability, Income Instability, Innuendo and Suggestion, Manhandling, Barely Edited. Minors do not interact (18+).
Word Count: 1,600
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age or if you are uncomfortable with the pairing, themes, dynamics, or warnings. You are responsible for your own media consumption. Thank you!
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The stone concrete of the park table bench grinds into your thighs. But it’s a free place to sit and spend your time. Plan your future—if you even have one. The coins spread across the table. You flip each one face up and sort them out. It’s all so bleak. 
You check the time on your watch and sigh. You’ll have to head back to Vera’s soon. She’s not your first choice for couch surfing, but she always says yes when no one else does. Staring hard at the coins, potential plans formulate. If only you could land a solid job or two, not like the one at the hotel that only calls you when they need extra hands. 
The cheery, mechanical tones of the ice cream truck chime across the playground. You glance up, the same Mr. Freezy truck that stops by every day. The same ice cream man. It’s no substance, but you get up from your seat for the soft serve, scraping every penny up from the tabletop. 
You hang to the back of the line, arms crossed over your chest and gaze cast to your feet. Shuffling along, you finally get to the front. You glance over at the menu, catch sight of his back, his hands digging around in his freezer. 
“What can I get for you?” he asks, tone harsh and impatient. 
“Good afternoon, Mr. Pronge,” you say, clear and loud—knowing the exact steps to this little game the two of you play. 
He straightens and spins quick, leaning out his window a bit to get closer to you. 
“Oh, hi.” His lips tilt in the inkling of a smile. His tone far more friendly, though still not soft. You don’t think he knows how. “Soft serve?”
“Yes, please,” you reply with a nod. 
He gets to work, eyes glancing your way every so often. “You want it dipped?” 
“Yes, please.” 
He smirks. “Been meaning to ask,” he begins, stirring the chocolate with a ladle. “What’s your opinion on stuffed animals?”
Caught off-guard by the question, you don’t reply immediately, though you keep your smile on your face. 
“I, uh, I think they’re cute, Mr. Pronge,” you finally say. 
He turns and hands over the cone. You thank him and grab a couple of napkins from the holder. 
“Cause I was thinking.” His shoulders shrug, but his eyes remain focused, intense. “I have a bunch laying around and I got no need for ‘em.” 
“Oh.” You stare at him a moment, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, wishing you could accept. “I would love to, except I don’t really have space for anything right now. I’m sorry, Mr. Pronge.” You want to look away, ashamed of your situation, but you can’t. That wouldn’t be playing the game. 
His eye glint behind his glasses. His jaw ticks. You wonder if you’ve upset him. A glance at your ice cream cone turns your empty stomach—free food. 
You bite your lip and say, “I’m living on my friend’s couch right now. I can only keep what I can carry.” 
Tears dot your waterline, but you sniff them away. Refusing to break down in front of the generous man. He already pities you enough to give you charity. One a day, everyday. You don’t need to look any more pathetic in his eyes. 
“I understand,” he says, reaching out his window to pat you on the shoulder. An awkward gesture, but one from which you don’t shy away.
“Thank you again, Mr. Pronge.”
He hums and you take the first bite, teeth cracking chocolate. “See you tomorrow.” 
You wave and back away. Already, your ice cream starts to drip down your wrist. You lick at your skin before wiping with a napkin. Another half hour on the park bench, then you’ll head over to Vera’s. 
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The lights are so low you can barely see. Music thumps around the walls, barely intelligible. No melody, all about the beat. Sitting at a table with your water, you watch Vera, strutting around the dance floor. She flits from one partner to the next. Her smile shines bright, and it makes you wonder whether she had been telling you the truth. 
Trying to fix the borrowed outfit, you wiggle in your seat. The fabric clinging too tight to all the places you don’t want the attention. You glance around, people watching. Waiting, really, for Vera’s friend. 
The flash of glasses catches your eye. Illuminated by the lights flashing up above. You squint. It couldn’t be. The hair falling around his shoulders, the colorful collared shirt. You’d never seen him out of his uniform. It was hard to tell. If only they’d make this place a little brighter. You shake your head and take a sip from your glass of water. 
“You should be dancing,” Vera slurs. Her body slumps against you. Already intoxicated from a few drinks. She wraps her arms around your neck and presses her face too close to yours. “Come on.” She tugs at your limbs, but you stay put. 
“I thought we were meeting your friend?” 
She huffs and releases you, opting instead to cross her arms and pout. “We will.” You’re surprised she doesn’t stamp her foot with the indignation in her tone. “As long as you catch his eye.” She nods toward the VIP section and the man lounging on one of the couches, surrounded by women. “So, come on.” 
You swallow and stand. This was not the opportunity you expected, but you’d spent your last cent today. You’d have to do whatever it took not to drown. 
Following Vera to the dance floor, you take a deep breath, trying to block out all the bodies crushed together. They press and grind. You sway. Skin crawling at the perceived attention. A fish out of water. 
You hate this music. You hate these people. You hate your life. 
Your hips move from side to side, shaking off hands that grope and the press of strangers. You’re not doing this for them. 
Avoiding the VIP section, you glance around the dance floor. The figure you spotted before stalking right around the edges. You move your way closer, but he continues his path. Like a predator in the wild. He scans every body and swerves around obstacles. 
But you see him, now. The glasses, the downturn of his lips, the tilt of his shoulders. Mr. Pronge. 
You lose sight of Vera in the mass of bodies, but you keep dancing noncommittally. Anything for the chance to save yourself. You spin around, hoping to carve out some personal space. Just something to keep the others away from you. Dizzy, you notice the approaching figure. 
“What’re you doing here?” he asks. 
You meet his eye and try to smile through your shock. “Hi, Mr. Pronge.” You lift your hand in a small wave and keep your body moving. You glance over your shoulder, searching for Vera. 
“I asked a question,” he growls. 
He steps forward, you step to the side. He keeps advancing. And it’s like he’s herding you where he wants you. 
You reach the edge of the dance floor and his hand wraps around your bicep. Leading you away from the crowd and the crush. The volume drops lower and the relief it gives brings a genuine smile to your face. But it’s then you realize you’re pressed against the wall of a narrow, deserted hallway by the ice cream man. 
His brow raises, waiting for an answer. You nod and glance around the small space. Chest pressing to his. 
“My friend wanted to introduce me to someone,” you reply. Hands flexing at your sides. You wonder what you should do with them. Where you should place them. 
“He might be able to get me a job.” You keep fidgeting, more nervous by the second with him in such close proximity. The moment dragging between the two of you. 
“No one in a place like this has good intentions,” he warns, gaze burning straight through you—was that disappointment or contempt. 
Your eyes drop from his in shame. “Thank you for the advice, Mr. Pronge, you’ve always been so kind to me. I should get back.” 
You try to move away, to escape, but he keeps you pinned in place. His chest expanding with his breath, the buttons of his shirt straining. His arms raise, finding this place to bracket your body, one by your waist, the other beside your head. Swallowing the spike of panic that threatens to grow into an all-consuming wave, you meet his eyes again. 
Something dark shines back at you. In the low light, his hunger finds you its prey. You freeze. Unsure of how to proceed. Balancing on a thin line. Still needing his charity. 
“You shouldn’t quite trust me either,” he whispers, leaning into your ear, arm muscles flexing. You swallow a whimper. He inhales a millimeter away from the skin of your throat and chuckles, dark and syrupy. Your stomach drops, a mix of apprehension and appetite. “Oh, princess, you have no idea what I could do to you.” 
Your tongue swipes over your lips. More thirsty than you’ve ever been in your life. You wait, heart pounding in your ribcage. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And that’s it. All at once, he backs away. A scream echoes in the distance, above the cacophony of the club. Your head turns in curiosity. The music cuts and you turn back to the ice cream man, only to see him slipping out a side door and disappearing into the night. 
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Thank you for sending this over, Siri! I had lots of fun! 💜
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2022 Adrinette Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
Just A Friendly Movie Which Is Definitely Not A Date, Interrupted by @justmagicalgirl 1,027 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Marinette is starting to get convinced she and movie theaters are cursed. Turns out, it might not be as bad as she thinks. prompt: Love Square
"I just love it, your honor!"
Dating?! by @danae-darthnoire 2,679 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Marinette is happy. She's decided to be Adrien's friend first and foremost and they have grown closer than ever. What she doesn't know is that everyone else, including Adrien, thinks the two of them are dating.
"I love that Marinette doesn't realize that they're dating despite Adrien holding her hand, kissing her, cuddling her, and more couple stuff!!!! I reread it at least five times a month, it's so good!"
ladrien fan club by @xiueryn 10,913 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
In a twist of fate, Marinette falls out of love with Adrien and in love with her internet friend, Rien. Realistically, the chances of Rien also being Adrien should've been far too ridiculous for her to ever think about. AU. (ladrien brings two idiots together.)
"I love a good chatfic with some identity shenanigans and the humor is just great. it's such a funny approach to alternate identities with a lot of layers of absurdity to it but it works so well!"
these little words by @multimousenette 1,593 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
What do you call a string of people all holding up a brie? A cheesy pickup line! In which Marinette practices flirting by texting Adrien's lost phone.
"You will laugh out loud at it. It is angsty, fluffy, and the AO3 skin used to format it really just makes it so immersive"
Love is Blind by @jennagrinsoverml 26,742 words, Teen, 7/7 chapters
Tired of all of his potential girlfriends being blinded by his face, his fame and his name, Adrien takes a chance to compete on Love Is Blind: France, where he hopes that dating without seeing each other—or learning each other’s names—will finally help him to be lucky in love. What will he do when he realizes that his Lady is one of the contestants, however? And will he be able to win her heart where he’s never succeeded before? Meanwhile, Marinette is looking to meet the right guy after years of pining away for someone who has only ever seen her as a friend. She’s not entirely sure if she can fall in love with someone without seeing them, but the things that have always mattered to her most are the kinds of things that can’t be seen. What will she do when she realizes her heart is being pulled in two directions? And will she be ready to make a decision in time?
"love is blind, but so is, rather unfortunately, Adrien and Marinette. aka the reality show AU that introduces a new side to the love-square, because things haven't been complicated enough before. this fic is so fun, with a lot of romance, pining, and potential for identity shenanigans as they navigate the world of blind dating on live television"
and I do know why but with you I'd dance by @alexseanchai 2,407 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Adrien hasn't been in Paris since his father's arrest. But as a panelist at Paris Comic Con, the first stop for him and his foster kids is of course the bakery Marinette and her family still live above.
"A future AU, set at a convention where Adrien, a voice actor, meets a certain someone after a long time."
happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr by @alexseanchai 540 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
"Adrien and Marinette take a well-deserved nap together. Very well-written!"
For the Last Time by @thelibraryloser 2,500 words, General, 1/1 chapter
No matter how you meet him, you will love him. You will fall for every version of him, in every world, in every timeline. I need you to know that.
"Part of this is in first (or i guess second) person, which usually isn't my style, but this is great. Basically Marinette loses her memories and writes letters to herself. The one we see in the fic is the letter she wrote explaining to herself her relationship with Adrien. It should hurt really bad, and I did get sorta emotional reading, but it was cute too."
when things were good by @rosekasa 11186 words, Teen, 5/? chapters
after their breakup, adrien never thought he would see ladybug again. that is, until, marinette starts studying at the same library as him.
"putting this in here because, while the narrative is post ladynoir break-up with a partial reveal thrown in, the present narrative is adrinette focused. and my god this fic hurts. the emotions are written so well and youre left feeling so bad for both adrien and marinette, and you really understand both their own points of view."
At least I'm not a butterfly by @gideonfromthecrypt 1,848 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
"A month has passed since Marinette’s disappearance. No one really knows what happened to her. The days before her disappearance she was acting unusually: keeping her distance from her friends, well everyone in general."
"Marinette goes missing and Adrien is determined to find her. Meanwhile, Ladybug's been experimenting to find new ways to defeat their foes. The ending is surreal and unexpected in just the right way."
hella enchanted by @xiueryn 32,076 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Years ago, Marinette's father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU. (a different ella enchanted au.)
"One of my favourite aus that came out this year. I've read it a couple of times already. It has the perfect kind of journey/travelling vibes"
Seal It With a Kiss by @mostlovedgirl-writes 3,373 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
It has been months since Adrien started lodging at a farmhouse on the edge of the woods with a charming young woman and her three adopted children. In that time, he has yet to answer an essential question: would kissing his landlady awaken ancestral witch powers in her, thus making her a danger to herself and the children? And also, who the hell thought it was a good idea to plant a vegetable garden at the intersection of two ley lines?
"It's got magic, it's got a found family, it's got an amazing plot -- perfect deal"
Save You a Seat by @miabrown007 4,866 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Alya once read that you should invite random celebrities to your wedding — with the more than likely assumption that they won’t attend, only send you a card and an overpriced coffee machine. Luckily, the chances of Hawkmoth’s son reading his mail and showing up to the event are microscopic. Marinette will be busy enough trying to get to know the boy behind Chat Noir’s mask — if he does decide to come — she doesn’t need to worry about being able to look Adrien Agreste in the eyes.
"pre-reveal post final battle sweet sweet angsty shenanigans my beloved"
If You Give A Mouse Some Sunscreen by Jheqia 5,367 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Adrien is thrilled to go to Nino's birthday party at a pool, until the sight of Marinette in a swim suit brings other things to mind…
"This is so freaking adorablee! The whole fic is in Adrien's pov(we love that) and he sees Marinette in a swimsuit and short-circuits haha"
Irresistible by @jennagrinsoverml 4,871 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Adrien chances another glance at Marinette. She's looking at him again. Her cheeks are pink. Did she get too much sun? Or... does she like what she sees? He swallows. He's being stupid, right? It's stupid to get his hopes up when he knows she doesn't feel that way about him. But...what if she could? What if she's noticing that he's grown up and filled out. That he's not just her dorky kitty anymore? ------ When Adrien catches Marinette watching him at the pool, he seizes on the opportunity to show off for his Lady.
"this fic was absolutely irresistible!! ....did i mention I'm now somehow obsessed with pool fics? Anyway this was so nice and fluffy i might get a toothache:)"
dust, unsettled by @sunfoxfic 1,108 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Though Prince Adrien loves Ladybug, he still has his duties to his country, and that means marrying Princess Marinette. Marrying Marinette, of course, means having dinner with her.
NSFW works
Blue Crayons by @talkstoself 66,854 words, Mature, 20/20 chapters
After the eventual defeat of Hawkmoth and spending five years away, Adrien comes back to Paris to find his friends don’t blame him the way he blames himself, in fact they’re happy to have him back. Nino and Alya are married, Chloé’s nice now (sort of), and Marinette even had a baby!
"It's an amazing take on a LadyNoir one night stand that shifts into Adrinette"
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Read at own risk
Is Noah C interested in R?
Pulled: The High Priestess
Tarot 2.0: woah he wants her kitty bad. She’s irresistible to him. If he opened his mouth around her he would bark like a dog. BARK! BARK! Was he on Teen Wolf?
Me: No….not every random male celeb you don’t know is from Teen Wolf.
Tarot 2.0: oh.
Is Jacob E interested in R?
Pulled: Knight of Wands (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: no! In fact she should be weary of him. Not a good card to pull with this type of situation. I don’t even see it working career wise either. This is a great example of “never work with your industry friends”, she would be disappointed after working with him.
Any other potential suitors for R?
Pulled: Queen of Pentacles
Tarot 2.0: absolutely. She’s getting many offers or at least people are lusting after her. Not surprising at all. She’s young and on the rise.
Any other potential suitors for T?
Pulled: Seven of Cups
Tarot 2.0: holy shit. Yes, woah. Can’t express how much kitty is being thrown at him. That’s overwhelming. Lots of temptation. Isn't he in the middle of the mountains with horses and shit right now? So no kitty up there but when he’s out in public again? Yikes.
How’s the sex life between R and J?
Pulled: Knight of Pentacles (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: Lazy! Sloppy! Boring! He is not laying the pipe like he should. No wonder she has so much energy, he hasn’t been putting her to sleep.
How’s R's future career?
Pulled: The Moon (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: She will go through a rough patch but will come out stronger. She will overcome some of her anxiety and do different projects. She also should listen to herself a lot more. She’s self-critical and overthinks her career decisions but she will be fine as long as she transforms herself emotionally.
How’s T’s future career?
Pulled: Ten of Wands
Tarot 2.0: Not surprising. He has many projects, so many that he will be stressed and burnt out in a few years. He won’t have many breaks and needs to spend time working on self-care. His future is important but not at the risk of collapsing from exhaustion and being overwhelmed. He will miss the finer things in life.
Why did T cry while R sing the first time they met?
Pulled: Justice (reversed)
Clarification: Queen of Cups
Tarot 2.0: Another karmic card. They were definitely meant to meet. She turned down this role, right?
Me: yeah a few times
Tarot 2.0: she avoided gaining karma then. Narrowly. The universe kept warning her not to miss out this opportunity and she almost did.
Me: she said she tripped in front of a THG sign in Vegas
Tarot 2.0: a place filled with bad karma
Me: she also called her agent about playing Lucy Gray right when the book dropped. She always wanted to play the character.
Tarot 2.0: all these signs yet she almost didn’t do it. That’s crazy to me. Pisses me off actually. Anyways, her and T talked along before they met. That zoom call was the first time he heard her sing but it’s not the first time they talked. He really wanted her for the role. He felt compelled to take this role actually. He was self aware of his inner feelings during that time. He tried his best to get this role because he had a feeling it would change his life and he would meet someone important. I’m also getting the feeling he didn't like other potential cast members for Lucy Gray. It would have been a huge injustice if they didn't meet. Thank God they did.
Has R visited the blog frequently, and read what we posted? or they just told her a slanted version?
Pulled: Three of Wands
Clarification: Strength
Tarot 2.0: She’s trying to move on from this blog but it keeps appearing. She’s trying to be strong and ignore it but temptation is her greatest enemy. She knows a lot about this blog actually? Who’s telling her? I think she’s lurking.
Do their friends/coworkers and family know about zeglyth? What do they think?
Pulled: The World
Clarification: Knight of Wands
Tarot 2.0: R and T are in their own world around each other. It’s magnetizing and other people feel it. When they think of Zeglyth, it’s about success and new opportunities. They’re slightly worried that R and T had a fling but no one will say anything.
How does T feel about R’s hate?
Pulled: Three of Cups (reversed)
Clarification: Ace of Swords (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: he thinks they’re losers! No life. GET A JOB! STAY AWAY FROM HER!
Why T defend R?
Pulled: Four of Cups (reversed)
Clarification: Four of Wands (reversed) and The Sun (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: He was a witness to a terrible time in her life. He knows her self esteem was low and how much this movie meant to her. I’m seeing a lot of anxiety leading up to the premiere. She was so worried she was going to ruin the movie for everyone in terms of backlash. T reassured her that wasn’t the case at all. He truly doesn’t care about what those losers say.
What did R and T think of each other when they first met (in person)?
Pulled: The Empress, Seven of Cups, Five of Cups
Dropped: Page of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles and Temperance
Tarot 2.0: damn these cards wanted to be seen, okay. The Empress? Pregnancy? T thought of pregnancy from the gate? No way. Arrest him! But in all seriousness, he knew he would love her from the moment they met. This is also an adjacent karma card. The potential to meet your life partner.
Seven of cups? A new person in your life to cause relationship issues! Of course this card appears. R and T cause issues in each other’s lives and with their partners.
Five of cups? R’s mental health was horrific when she met him. He made her feel better all the time. J tried but he wasn’t enough. T carried most of the emotional burden.
Page of pentacles? He was willing to work hard to make this project and friendship work.
Five of Pentacles? Someone was feeling left out in the cold. Was J with them when they met? Most likely.
Temperance? Soulmates! Two extreme people on opposite ends (spot on!) needing to find a balance to make it work. Communication!!
What are T intentions for liking all these model pics?
Tarot 2.0: I swear if I get a red flag I’m done with this reading
Me: :(
Pulled: Queen of Swords
Tarot 2.0: Oh!
Me: Do you hate him now?
Tarot 2.0: no! Thank god it’s what I expected. He sees a beautiful girl with sexy clothes (or lack of clothes rather), he likes the pics and moves on. This is not like that one celebrity who was purposefully liking young girls' pics on purpose. T is a typical man who has wandering eyes and is a visual creature.
Why does T like and unlike instagram photos of Rachel?
Pulled: The Empress
Tarot 2.0: oh this card AGAIN? He’s down bad. He’s flirty and obsessed. I’m sensing hesitance though. He’s aware of how liking thirst traps looks and regrets it. Also I’m hearing the word promise here. Maybe he promised himself that he wasn’t going to like anymore pics from her….that lasted a day lol if that.
How does BB feel about it? Does she know about it?
Pulled: Justice
Tarot 2.0: woah. What a card to pull at this question. Another karma card. She’s trying to be understanding and compromise but she’s not happy about it. Doesn’t think it’s fair and is trying to be “the cool gf” but it’s not working. It bothers her deep down. She’s very aware of R though. That’s one person she doesn’t want him to interact with online. A random influencer makes her sad but she’s livid about R though. But she didn’t tell him to unlike it. She doesn’t want to bring up R at all actually. The name R is banned from her lips!
Is R upset about the fact that T is ghosting her?
Pulled: The Emperor
Tarot 2.0: Yes, very upset. She’s emotional about it. This girl needs Jesus or something. A therapist and straight jacket (it will tie her hands from grabbing her phone!). No way someone not talking to her for a day is making her this upset. Hmm. I don’t think he is completely ghosting her now that I’m reading it. Maybe he is very dry, one worded responses or taking a usually long time to respond and she knows the last time he did that, he stopped talking to her for days. She doesn’t understand what she did wrong. She’s unbelievable. She called this man the devil yesterday and pouting because he’s not answering like he usually does. Is that what you wanted, R?
Why is J so emotionally distant?
Pulled: Nine of Wands
Tarot 2.0: He’s tired of her. She is draining to be around. She even talks to him while he’s trying to sleep. Sounds exhausting. Literally. He’s close to giving up entirely.
Doesn't J get upset over the hate R gets?
Pulled: The Empress (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: Ouch. The complete opposite of how T sees her. He finds her overbearing and a huge burden. He wishes she would shut up sometimes and stop constantly getting herself into trouble. A part of him used to feel bad but he doesn’t care anymore. Don’t get mad at me but he’s lowkey right. I hate agreeing with this man. But she needs to relax.
R loves the attention Zeglyth gets but why?
Pulled: The Lovers
Tarot 2.0: She loves him. It’s that simple. She refuses to let him go. They’re soulmates. It’s a spiritual thing at this point. Which is why they’re so hot and cold. They’re resisting what’s meant to be. And I lowkey agree that they should for now. Their back and forth feelings are annoying. They need to stay either hot or cold. They'll even meet in the middle one day. While I they’re cold now, I’m sensing their turn hot soon actually. They’re both crazy to me.
how does J feel when R posts him like this
Pulled: Knight of Wands
Clarification: The HangMan
Tarot 2.0: it’s an ego boost but he’s not happy. He’s feeling trapped. It’s embarrassing to him. He also ignores her if she asks him if she can post things online about their relationship. He desperately wishes she wouldn’t but she ignores him too and ends up posting. Very immature.
Why is T done with R currently?
Pulled: The Devil (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: Oh this is hilarious. R called him the devil yesterday and T said “aight bet!” What a turn of events. He’s trying to be free of her. He’s becoming aware he’s too emotionally involved with her and wants it to stop. I think his birthday put things into perspective. He’s reflecting and thinking about how the relationship won’t work right now.
Is R's recent posts of J a way of her acting out of spite towards T?
Pulled: The Magician (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: it’s more for fans actually! Or her “J haters”! Aw she’s putting on a cape and defending her man like Superman! Shouldn’t it be the other way around? J’s silent and embarrassed. But T seeing her love stories is an added bonus.
T’s irritated but he thinks she’s of course you guessed it —
Me: A fool.
Tarot 2.0: you’re so smart!
Maybe also ask if T plans on ghosting her forever?
Pulled: Eight of Cups (reversed)
Tarot 2.0: He has a deep fear of his feelings so he’s choosing to not focus on them. He’s accepted they will always be there but he needs to occupy his time elsewhere. Career, BB, family, friends. He’s having fun and not thinking about it so much. But no, he will never be able to cut communication completely. He’s tried but can’t let her go.
Is it big?
Tarot 2.0: my heart is very big! Thank you for asking me !
Pulled: The Hierophant and The HangMan
Tarot 2.0: Call him the HANGMan, The Tower of God, The Elephant Man–
Me: chill out
Tarot 2.0: Snow lands on top! EIGHT INCHES OF THAT SNOWSTORM!
Me: *flickers water on her*
Tarot 2.0: You didn’t need to do that. I was already wet–
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moonlightsapphic · 1 year
Y'all, I find the reception of XO, Kitty so dissapointing.
TL; DR: The underlying homophobia/biphobia/lesbophobia/misoginy towards Yuri as potential and viable endgame which I don't think would have happened if she were yet another hot guy.
The straight-baiting marketing of this show was absolutely genius and I loved that Jenny Han, who writes the straightest central romances to ever romance (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Summer I Turned Pretty), actually initiated a series with such visibly queer storylines and then literally jumped into this sort-of-interracial, sapphic romance centered around a bi+ character. I could see Han trying to be more inclusive in her past on-screen works, but this was incredible.
No you don't understand. There was this point midway through the show where I thought I was in a fever dream and watching wishful fanmade content because I couldn't believe an IRL Netflix show could actually give us this. My mind was blown.
So you'll understand that I was fully bamboozled to see that social media is swamped with Min-ho fangirls pretending like Yuri doesn't even exist. I love Min-ho too, but am I the only one who also saw so many signs that point to a future Yuri x Kitty?
First, for the narrative satisfaction of their moms being best friends in the past!
... and to complete Kitty's coming of age! Kitty, growing up in the cisheteronormative Song-Covey household, made the oversight of initially operating under the assumption that she exclusively likes boys and that she has mastered the art of relationships. That's already been debunked partway by her breakup with her first boyfriend who was supposed to be endgame, and is only going to be sealed further if she ends up with a girl in a long-term relationship. (And no, of course she doesn't have to "end up" with a girl for her queer identity to be valid, but I think it just makes the most narrative sense to have that unfold in the story as her worldview alters.)
Here I present to you: my pet peeves in the XO, Kitty fandom
hyping up parallels between Peter x LJ and Minho x Kitty scenes claiming that this means Minho x Kitty may be endgame. They literally have to reach and dig for those because the most parallels are between Peter x LJ and Yuri x Kitty, right from the scene that they bumped into each other! Kitty has also shown zero romantic interest in Minho so far, as opposed to her very keen interest in Yuri.
People finally addressing the elephant in the room like "Ugh, Yuri is probably going to be endgame. 🙄 I want Minho instead!!" like it's such a disappointing or borderline gross outcome. Yuri is a much more intense enemies-to-lovers character than Minho. She is beautiful, kind, and fun with a little bit of bite, everything that Minho is plus Kitty is falling for her hard.
Being real here—If you think Yuri is a boring love interest or kind of a b*tch while Minho is simply a fun old enemies-to-lovers character, I am begging you to check your biases. You, a straight woman, may only see hostile fictional women as competitiion and hostile fictional men as ... well, kinda hot. However, Kitty is bi+ and she could see them both as viable romantic interests, equally. Yes, Yuri has done more malicious things than Minho, but then again she has had a harder time this academic year than Minho. You are obviously still allowed to like Minho better, as long as you're not dismissing the struggles of and flattening a strong female character. Misoginy and homophobia make an ugly combo, y'all. Trust me, you don't want any part in that.
(Additional unpopular opinion: I'm going to get crucified for this but I genuinely think Kitty is too boring for Minho in the same way that Dae was too boring for Kitty. He seems to be into her only from the Halo Effect. Minho is my child and I squeal whenever he's on screen and I hope to see him finding someone actually fun!)
Saying that Kitty’s crush on Yuri was just a token plot point with no real basis or depth. While there is some unrealistic family drama in the show, it's all still credible. Fiction is supposed to bring in imaginative elements and try to keep things grounded. Regardless, I'm never going to be the person who says that a wild and shocking bi- or gay-awakening is unrealistic. As a queer person, let me tell you that it is just as wild and confusinh for us IRL.
Besides, many cishet people actually do not care if (or is hateful when) the MC is bi, that I doubt how much it “helps” with marketing. (That's why queerbaiting exists, folks.) Also, have you seen Kitty in TATBILB? That's a bi preteen right there if I've ever seen one.
"Stop trying to invalidate other people's ships!" I will say this once: I don't care if you ship Kitty with Min-ho, or Dae, or anyone else that's not Yuri. I DON'T CARE! Frankly, good for you because straight ships have better luck out there anyway, ya know? I am simply begging you to not reduce a queer person's nuanced concerns about dismissal of sapphic fictional characters to petty fandom arguments. Read the room, guys. Please.
This is such a crucial show to many of us. I just want y'all to understand that this is just a little bigger than your celebrity crush on a hot guy whose character you're rooting for. We never, ever get contemporary slice-of-life romcom sapphic rep (and Netflix is notorious for cancelling sapphic shows, too). Please don't be dismissive of a perfectly good possible ending! We want to give Netflix every reason to renew this show, and give Han every reason to allow Kitty to flourish just the way she plans to! (This is me begging y'all to not influence the writers into swerving last-minute towards a sloppy Minho endgame, though I do trust her better than that.)
I hope that Netflix renews the show, even if it's through the excitement of straight people in denial LMAO. And then I hope it treats us with a glorious sapphic ending.*
*(Aaaand I can already imagine the cishet women in the audience complaining online about what a terrible person Kitty is for leading Min-ho on and then dumping him, and how she and Yuri are both awful and totally deserve each other. Music to my ears.)
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 8 months
Suho, Baekhyun and Chanyeol's soulmate reading
SuBaekChan is the second group for this soulmate reading! I had a bit of a hard time to read into them, but the oracles cleared the situation a bit. It seems to me that tarot cards tell me what is the nature of their relationship while oracles describe more the overall vibe or evolution of their relationship, so really it was helpful to pick more cards.
My readings are made for fun and you should read them for fun too. So don't take them seriously.
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Cards: 3 of pentacles, king of swords, ace of cups, gift, poverty, chance
I think this person is someone that taught him something like a teacher or simply someone who has more experience than him in a certain field.
This person is very rational and level headed and they teach and inspire Suho. I assume they might be someone that works in the same field as Suho.
They might also be someone who is like an authority figure for Suho.
I have the feeling that this guide-figure might introduce him to a new love interest or to new people in general, either because this soulmate has a lot of acquaintances or because the skill Suho acquired will make him able to approach new people.
The oracle card Gift might refer to the fact that this person will do a lot for Suho, not only he’ll grow professionally, but Suho might also meet new important people.
It’s possible Suho was lacking something in the past? Something that gets filled thanks to his soulmate’s gift.
This soulmate is like a door to a new world of opportunities. From this person a lot of good things will arrive, probably Suho will feel like the stars aligned in his favor, he might probably feel that it’s a miracle he met them and that a lot has changed for him since then.
Cards: rev knight of swords, 9 of swords, 4 of wands, nourishment, grief, fight
4 of wands is back again.
I think it has the potential to be a positive and stable relationship, but there are some big issues they need to deal with.
I think they meet at the wrong time and meet several obstacles.
It's possible one of them isn’t exactly at their best when it comes to mental health, they probably have deep insecurities and anxieties.
Nourishment in my deck is represented as a mother cat who feeds her puppies. The milk of a mother is the only food a kitty can eat, it’s what makes them grow strong and healthy. A mother’s milk is the most nutritious food.
So it makes me think that in this union there’s a lot of support, they take care of each other, they heal each other.
But every puppy will have to leave their mother sooner of later. Here comes the Grief.
I think Baekhyun will have to be separated from this soulmate, but for what reason? One of them hurt the other? Was it a problem within the couple? Or was he pressured to do it by an external force?
There’s a lot of pain and regret in this phase because it feels as if Baekhyun lost his main source of sustain.
After Grief, in this reading, comes Fight. This means that he (or both) will choose to stop being passive and anguish in this pain and take an active stance. 
It could be that he finally chooses to let go of his feelings and look ahead, maybe focusing on his job, friends or trying to meet new people, especially if the cause of their break up was caused by one of the two.
Or, if the break up was caused by a third party, it could mean that he’ll start to think that it’s time to prioritize himself, his mental health and his feelings, so he’ll try to get closer once again to this soulmate.
Cards: rev 10 of cups, rev ace of swords, rev the moon, choice, message, creativity
I get similar vibes compared to Lay’s reading but in this case, the person is someone that gives good advice to Chanyeol and someone he should listen to.
This person is not a lover or they're an ex, I don't see a future for them as lovers, even though they have an intimate relationship.
They’re a very positive presence, a mind-opener, someone who can give him good ideas and help if he ever feels confused. Literally like the light of the moon during a dark night.
The Choice is represented in my deck by a cat that is in front of two streets, one street leads to a building, the other one doesn’t have a clear destination.
If this person is really an ex (which now I think is the best interpretation), it means that at some point Chanyeol had to make a choice, probably this other person wanted to settle down and get married or live together while Chanyeol wasn’t ready. Or maybe this person forced him to choose between their relationship and his job. Probably his job was taking all his time and they felt left out.
Either way, their relationship ends, but on positive terms.
I think this relationship was a good experience for both and taught them a lesson, for example it’s possible Chanyeol learnt that stable relationships aren’t his things, so he shouldn’t really invest too much into them or make it clear from the start that he doesn’t have any intention to settle down.
Ultimately, creativity may reinforce this idea that Chanyeol truly chose his job (which is a very creative one, he is into writing, music production etc.) as his main mission in life, it might also imply that their relationship was a good source of inspiration for him or that this person will give him good advice when it comes to his creative process.
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stevenbasic · 10 months
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GITJ Post 339: A Saturday at Melissa's, p14 (11pm)
loved moments like this, quiet moments with him. He was laying, sprawled out and unconscious, on top of the rumpled sheets and crisp cotton comforter of the bed she was using while she stayed here at her mom’s big new house. She was laying beside him. She’d slipped out of bed put on a thin robe of white waffle-weave and snap a selfie but they were both otherwise naked. She smiled to herself as she traced lazy circles with gentle fingers across his thin little chest. Oh my god…the time they’d just had together. “You really liked that, didn’t you?” she asked him in a bare half-whisper, not wanting to wake him and wondering if he was dreaming about it now: how she’d just made love to him by holding him aloft using just the strength of her secret kitty. 
Speaking of kitties…there she was, watching. 
“Hey, Tiger, what are you doing up there?” Melissa asked, her voice still just barely above a whisper. The cat, perched high on a shelf it had somehow jumped to, unseen. “Did you watch that whole thing?” Melissa giggled as, nonplussed and unimpressed as only cats can be, Tiger turned away and jumped down to a bureau, to the floor, and then pattered out of the room. 
“Nice talking to you too..!” Melissa called after the cat, who was apparently headed downstairs to spy on the girls down there haha. Nice manners! The two of them would have to have a chat!
Melissa turned back, looking down at Jay sleeping below her, and continued to count her blessings. She had this great boyfriend, these great friends, and this great job. Her roles, both at the office and with Jay, were becoming exactly what she’d dreamed they would be. At work she was in charge of so much now: all the employees, the new construction, the expansion and the hirings. She’d worked for years hoping she could eventually find herself in a position like she was in now, and the potential for growth from here was amazing! Who knows what life could be like a year from now, ten years from now? If she continued to work hard the sky could be the limit!
And with him? Omigod. It was becoming perfect. Their relationship was growing into something beautiful. She’d never been in love before, but if this is what love was, she was hopelessly hooked!  Everyday brought new and deeper feelings for him. It was amazing, she mused as she looked at his peaceful sleeping face, how all the little hormones inside her could be so powerful, linking and bonding her to him. 
I love you so much!!! 
But, as deep in love as she was with him, Melissa knew she needed more. She needed more from him. She needed to give more. She needed to be more. She needed to provide more for him. But what could she do? Or, haha, more like - what couldn’t she do? Things were changing inside her so fast, but it was like she’d really only taken the first steps on a long journey. There was no telling what new things they could do together with each passing day. The ideas were racing through her head at breakneck speed. She imagined the future as she lay over him in bed watching him sleep. Her eyes drifted over him, down across his bony ribs, his flat stomach to his bare hips. ‘Boy -  I really tuckered you out!” she giggled to him…silently speaking more to his floppy member, the endearing piece of meat that lay heavy across his right thigh, than to the man she loved.  Regardless, she felt like she needed to talk to him. There was something she knew that could pull them closer. Seal the bond she wanted to have. “I think, sweetie,” she whispered to him, “that it’s time for me to move us to the next phase of our relationship.” 
Maybe it was her voice, or maybe it was in the half-unconscious upregulation of pheromone 0001.55.6677.xc that she’d let drift from the skin of her bare throat, but his eyes began to flutter open. He’d began to wake. 
“Hi stud,” Melissa drawled, as his heavy eyes slowly started to focus, and met hers, “Have a nice nap?” 
She watched as, behind his eyes, he’d started to recall what had happened just a half hour or so ago. She’d brought him up here, gotten him naked, given him money and then fucked him like a rag doll. He was also, possibly, remembering the other moments throughout his busy day, some more clear in his perfume-addled brain than other. She watched as the concern started to darken his brow, the anxiety began to wet his gaze. No, sweetie, we don’t want that, she thought, and without a thought pheromone 0001.55.6022.cd began to flow.  
His mood lightened. His lips began to curl into a satisfied little smile. There, that’s better isn’t it? she purred in thought, brushing a messy lock of hair off his now-peaceful forehead. She wanted him relaxed, and  able to fall asleep easily again when she needed. Ooo she loved being able to help him like this so much!
“hii…” he finally drawled, blinking, looking up into her glimmering, glittering eyes. He could not believe - god! - just how beautiful she was. Soft light behind her, soft hair all around them. Her smile was a light all onto its own. She’d put on a robe, at some point, but he was still naked. He felt the warmth of her body laid out next to him. If it wasn’t for the - what? Three or four? - number of times I’d come today, I’d be hard as a rock again for her. 
She bit her lip, and looked down at him. ”Do you want to have a drink of water before we go to bed, sweetie?”
I guess I’m staying over again tonight? he mused, Wait what time was it?  She had, of course, already decided that for him but haha it was cool. She’d take care of things, like she said. She wants me to have some water? A strange question, he thought, even in his half-somnolence. It was a question one would ask a child… but…a drink would be nice. His still-dreamy mind drifted from the water as his eyes glanced over at the half-empty milk glass on the side-table, still there from last night. 
She seemed to read his mind. “Oooo that’s a good idea,” Melissa purred, her gaze having followed his, “Yeah, let’s have something sweet and warm to drink. But that one’s been there all night.” With that she sat up a bit and reached over him, inadvertently bringing her big chest into the his field of vision as she picked up her phone. 
“I’ll tell one of the girls to bring you up some milk,” she said, beginning to type out a text to Shanette and smiling secretly as she felt the surge of his heartbeat when his eyes had locked on to her tits…perfect. Get ready little man. “We’ll get you a drink and then it’s going to be off to bed...”
thanks again to ResistanceIsFutile for his editing prowess and constant inspiration
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coldercreation · 5 months
Hello, I hope you have a good Day or night or what ever time it is for you :)
I finished reading "close your eyes" and I am in love with the Story and the characters.
At the moment I am very stressed about important exams and I don't have much time to do fun stuff between working and studying. But this Story never failed to pull me in and I really forgot about all my worries and I could relax while reading ❤️
I also read that you take Story ideas and I kept asking myself about something after that one scene where Isac and Nathan talk about fighting in the bond: Like how would they fight now that nathan is with them and about what do they fight and how would they solve these things.
I would find that really interessting to read and it could definitely strengthen their bond ^^
I look forward to reading much more of the boys and finding comfort in your storys. Thank you so much for sharing them ❤️
I hope you have a wonderful following week. Bye!
Helloo!! Thank you so much for you sweet messages!<3 I'm sorry it took me so long to get to responding, I'll combine responding to your first message with this one, I hope that's ok! I'm trying to catch up with messages and there's still tons left, but I'm slowly working through :')
In the other message you asked about the order in which the series takes place! I know you said you finished reading CYE already but I figured I'd still respond heh! There's not really a set in stone order to the parts, but some of the summaries will mention things like "takes place after Close Your Eyes" etc. Baseline is that CYE is "first", as it's the How they meet story, everything else kind of builds after that. Nowadays anything new I might write will most likely be "new" in their timeline as well. So sad!Kitty aka With You (For You) would be the latest point in the timeline (unless I've forgotten something lmao) as of now.
Ohh boy, I think delving a little into how fights, disagreements, and conflicts might go for them would be fascinating! There'd be quite the difference depending on how soon after Nat joining the pack these would take place I'd imagine, but either way I think it'd be very interesting. I'll definitely add this to my Ideas Doc! I have also been thinking about the fact that I haven't really written about Nathan's triggers or anxiety showing up in a... not so "pretty" way? when it comes to pack. Yes, he tends to internalise many negative things and just shuts down instead of lashing out or showing his feelings outwardly, but the closer and more comfortable he gets with the pack, the more likely it is that he might get snappy or short with them when he's overwhelmed (like he does with his parents or Sammy)-> followed by lots of angst and self-hate and shame and guilt etc. and a journey into learning how to communicate when he's reaching a point that he needs some space to calm down etc. So yeah, with that in mind too, there's definitely potential in this prompt of yours for a snippet or something in the future!
Sending you lots of good energy and vibes, I hope your exams go well and hopefully you'll find the time to relax and take it easy in between even when it's busy! SO glad the series has been able to offer a comfy resting place xx
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Incorrigible Flirts And Besweatered Men [Chapter 2]
Pairing: TA!Viktor x fem!Reader Rating: T Warnings: None that I can think of Proofread: Not even a tiny bit Chapter Summary: You enter friend territory with Viktor, get an email that might change your future, and get asked on a date (but it’s not actually a date).
It’s been two weeks since the new semester started. Two weeks, and you’re already stressed over the amount of work you’re doing. You’ve told yourself again and again that it’s only going to get more difficult as the year presses on, but somehow, the sentiment has not made you feel any better.
You suppose one of the bright sides of being in another one of Heimerdinger’s classes is that you’ve met Viktor.
When you’d asked for his number, you’d maybe given him the impression that you only wanted it for school purposes; however, he didn’t seem to mind that you texted him daily - if it bothered him, he’d never said anything. In fact, he was always quick to reply to your messages.
Viktor doesn’t seem to be the type of person who’s particularly attached to his phone, so you like to think that maybe he just enjoys talking to you.
You startle out of sleep when your alarm starts beeping aggressively in your ear; you don’t remember leaving your phone on your bed the previous night, but knowing your own habits, you probably fell asleep while watching meme videos. Again.
You squirm around a little bit to find the optimal stretching position, only to be deterred when you realize all three of your cats are curled up on your legs, rendering you immobile.
You quickly snap a picture of them, and flip to Viktor’s chat window.
Y/N: Good morning!
Y/N: Hopefully you’re already awake, and I’m not waking you up.
Y/N: I might not be able to make it to class today.
You find yourself smiling when a set of dots appear beside Viktor’s name.
Viktor (Phys510A): Good morning, indeed.
Viktor (Phys510A): Everything is alright, I hope?
Your heart flutters at his concern, and you take a moment to compose yourself. He’s just being nice, you tell yourself, He would check in on anyone else just the same. But despite your inner monologue, you still can’t help the warmth that spreads through your chest and down every nerve ending in your body.
Y/N: I’m okay, I promise.
Y/N: Just a little bit of potential legal trouble.
Viktor (Phys510A): Legal trouble?
Viktor (Phys510A): Do you need help?
With a wry grin, you send the picture of the cats piled on your blanketed legs.
Y/N: If I move them, I’ll go to jail.
Viktor (Phys510A): Miss. Y/N.
You can feel his exasperation through his text, and you barely manage to suppress a laugh.
Viktor (Phys510A): You are a menace.
Viktor (Phys510A): You had me genuinely worried for a moment.
Y/N: Awww, you care about me?
Viktor (Phys510A): Of course I care.
Viktor (Phys510A): You’re one of Heimerdinger’s top students.
Y/N: Oh, ouch???
Y/N: And here I thought we were at least friends by now.
Y/N: But I see how it is.
Y/N: I’m only a student, after all.
Y/N: Woe is me :( 
Viktor (Phys510A): You say it like you consider us friends?
Y/N: Of course I do!
Y/N: You’re one of the only two people I send good morning texts to.
Y/N: The other person is my cousin.
Y/N: She works at a pizza parlor.
Y/N: I get free pizza if I let her gossip with me.
Viktor (Phys510A): Is this your way of saying you want something from me?
Y/N: No!!!
Y/N: omg you’re missing the point completely.
Y/N: I can’t believe I showed you my litties when I’m being treated like this
Viktor (phys510A): What are litties?
Y/N: You’ve stooped low, Viktor.
Y/N: Calling me out on a typo.
Viktor (Phys510A): Physics and its subsequent lessons have no room for typos.
Viktor (Phys510A): I’m just preparing you for class.
Y/N: Physics and its concepts were discovered by total accident.
Y/N: That’s basically a typo, but real life.
Y/N: Therefore you cannot scold me for having fat thumbs.
Viktor (Phys510A): You’re really going to stick with that argument, aren’t you.
Y/N: Yes. Yes, I am.
Viktor (Phys510A): If you’re not in class today, I’m telling Heimerdinger that you’re hungover.
Y/N: But then he’ll be disappointed in me!
Y/N: He’ll make The Face and everything!
Viktor (Phys510A): It’s your choice.
Y/N: Terrible, awful, horrible man.
Viktor (Phys510A): I’ll see you in class :) 
You set your phone down with a pouty sigh, and debate just going back to sleep. However, you know that Viktor is a man who will follow through on his threats, however playful they are, and you don’t think you have the emotional capacity to deal with disappointment from the Professor.
So, with great difficulty and many protests from your cats, you haul yourself out of bed to get ready for the day.
You walk into the lecture hall, waving to Viktor and the Professor, and take your favourite seat; second row from the front, just to the left of the center of the room. 
The class had shrunk considerably since the start of the semester, with most of the unenthused students dropping the course, but in your mind, the front row was only for serious students. You might still be a part of the class, and you certainly cared about your grades, but you weren’t passionate about the subject like some of your peers.
The second row was the optimal choice.
Once you’re settled, you pull your notebooks and supplies out of your bag. It’s an ancient thing, made mostly of scraps and patches at this point, but it gets the job done. You only have to unwrinkle a few pages of notes as you go over them.
Then again, you only go over your notes for a few pages, before your mind - and your eyes - starts wandering. Specifically, over to Viktor.
He’s a good teacher, whether he’s helping Heimerdinger with lectures, or wandering from student to student to quietly answer questions. He’s insightful and intelligent, and he’s encouraging in his criticisms. 
Not to mention, he turns a lovely shade of pink when you flirt with him.
You’ve noticed a couple of your classmates try to behave the same with him - friendly with a flirtatious air - and you’ve never seen Viktor get as flustered as with you. In fact, with everyone else, he hardly gets flustered at all. He keeps his professionalism in check, and keeps the conversation subjects strictly on class material.
That isn’t to say he doesn’t do the same with you, of course; his first instinct with you is to help you with any questions you have about the days’ lecture, but he’s…warmer with you. Friendlier, and more open. Plus, you’re pretty sure you’re the only person in the class who has his personal number, and he’s always quick to text you back-
You startle out of your thoughts when your pocket vibrates and, with a quick glance around to make sure you haven’t drawn attention to yourself, you pull your phone out of your pocket.
You’re half expecting a cheeky text from Viktor, something along the lines of ‘Why are you checking your phone in class?’, and you’re only slightly disappointed when you don’t see any notifications from him. You do, however, have an email.
You swipe to see who it’s from, deciding it’s most likely junk or spam - but the name of the sender makes you pause.
Firelights Studios.
Your heart leaps into your throat so quickly that you nearly choke, and you’re quick to open the email.
You don’t fully read most of it - that’s a task better left for outside class hours - but you’re able to understand the gist of it; you try your hardest to keep your excitement at bay, but as you quietly slip your phone back into your pocket, you’re unable to keep your hands from shaking.
There’s no way in hell you’re going to be able to focus on working for the next three hours.
The class drags on far longer than it should, despite the fact that it ends right on schedule. Part of you is grateful for the longer lessons - it really allows you to get into your projects and be present for learning - but mostly, you’re just cranky that you have to sit for so long.
You walk swiftly down the steps at the side of the lecture hall, your mind still reeling from the email you got earlier. It had seemed to be good news, from what you’d read; you hadn’t seen any apologies or ‘we regret to inform you’s hidden within the multitude of paragraphs.
And then a tug on your shoulder, followed by the sickening sound of snapping threads, brings your thoughts out of the clouds and back to reality. It happens so quickly that you don’t even have time to react - your shoulder bag is torn open after getting caught on the edge of a bannister, and your various papers and school supplies explode across the floor.
You swear quietly, and stoop down to try to collect everything. You’re not sure how you’re going to carry anything, though, once you try to find space in the bag that is - at this point - little more than scrap fabric.
You sigh deeply, and run your hands over your face. 
And then the creak of a chair right beside you, and the shuffling of papers.
You remove your hands from your face to find Viktor just to your left, helping you gather up the mess you’d made. You just watch him for a second, both surprised by the gesture, but also not; because he’s Viktor. Of course he’d rush in to help.
“Thank you,” you manage to squeak out, scrabbling around to move all your stuff into a more tidy pile. You’re not entirely sure why your throat tightens the way it does, nor why tears start to sting the corners of your eyes; you just hope that Viktor doesn’t notice, or make a comment on why you’re so quiet.
Once everything is set up into neat little stacks, Viktor produces a fabric square from his own shoulder bag, and hands it to you. “It won’t replace an actual school bag,” he says softly, “but it will at least allow you to carry everything back to your residence.” 
You stare at the square for a moment, taking longer than you’d like to realize it’s a reusable grocery bag. You quickly unfold it to start packing your things up, mumbling your thanks once again.
Once all is said and done, Viktor stands up beside you and offers his hand.
“Well,” you sigh, as he helps you to your feet, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to fix it this time around.” You regard the ruined satchel in your hand, and crinkle your nose up.
“Are you sure?” Viktor asks, though you can tell by his tone that he’s just trying to be supportive. “A…little bit of extra fabric here and there, and maybe…”
You fix him with a disbelieving stare, and he trails off.
“At this point, the entire thing is made of scrap fabric,” you explain. “I’ve had this bag since I was thirteen, I think? Or maybe twelve?” Viktor looks surprised, but you continue, “It doesn’t matter. I’m overdue for a replacement, is the point.”
Your attention darts down to the worn-leather bag hanging at his side, and you ask, “ Viktor, you wouldn’t happen to remember where you got that, would you?”
His gaze follows yours, and realization dawns on him. “Oh- yes, actually.” He reaches into one of the satchel’s pockets, and digs around for a couple seconds. “It’s a little hole-in-the-wall sort of place - I don’t think they even have a website, all of his reputation is based on word-of-mouth.”
He pulls out a tiny notepad and a metal pen, and scribbles down an address. “Here,” he says softly, handing it to you, and you don’t miss the little jolt of warmth you feel when your fingers brush together. “It’s, ah. It’s reasonably priced, for hand-crafted goods, and there are lots of designs to choose from. You should be able to find something.”
Butterflies explode in your stomach when you see the pink dusting his cheeks again: he’s just as affected by the little touch as you are.
But your nervous excitement turns into anxiety when you read the address he’s written down for you.
“Is this place in the-” you pause for a moment, “Is this place in Zaun?” You try your best to keep your voice even, but it proves difficult. You don’t want to be the kind of person who judges any part of a community based on the worst of the people that can be found there, and you understand that most of the residents in that district are only trying to make ends meet: but you’d be naive - if not downright stupid - to walk through the undercity without a single care.
“It is,” Viktor confirms. “Is that an issue?”
You fidget nervously, picking at the dry skin around your cuticles. “Only because I’m a single woman,” you tell him, starting to feel like you’re overreacting. “It’ll be fine though, I’m sure. I’m just being my usual nervous self!” 
Your attempt at deflecting goes poorly, because Viktor continues to frown at you. You think for a moment that you’ve offended him or worse, but all at once his features soften and his shoulders relax.
“I hadn’t thought of that,” he says quietly, sounding almost guilty.
You shrug. “I mean, you’re a guy, so you don’t…I mean, obviously you have to be careful still, but…you don’t really have to be on guard every time you leave the house.”
“It is the same as when we met,” he says, “when you hesitated following me. Clearly there are dangers in the world that even I do not know about. But you need a bag, and I stand by my opinion that this man is one of the best craftsmen in the area; and I cannot send you there alone in good conscience.”
Then quieter, “Are you free this weekend?”
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spiralcass · 1 year
We open in Mojoworld, where the deformed ruler of this media based reality is displeased. Ratings are down. Big time. And he's just not sure why. Are the deaths not brutal enough? The fights TOO prolonged? Are his damn sitcoms not funny enough?!
Spiral has a suggestion. Perhaps ratings are down because people want something new. Sure, they have constantly rotating talent getting killed off, but when was the last time they introduced a new celebrity - like Longshot? They need new baby faces to get the people coming back and keep invested. 
Mojo likes this idea. And tells her he knows the perfect place to find this new talent. 
At the school, it's the first day for the Training Squads in the Danger Room, and Julian is obsessing over his appearance in the mirror. Brian, playing a game on his phone, teases him, but Julian insists that he's already blown it with Sofia twice now. "Three strikes, I'm out." so he's making sure his next attempt goes perfectly.   
There's a knock on the door. Julian assumes it's Cess and Sooraya, but the voice from the other side is one he doesn't recognize. Opening the door with his TK, it's Laura. 
Brian is a little scared of "Creepy Girl", but Julian flirts with her like he would any other pretty girl. Laura tries to talk to Julian, but she ends up just running away, leaving the boys confused. 
Laura bangs her hand against a wall as she calls herself stupid, when she gets a text. One that actually makes her smile. It just reads "I'm here."
A large man on a motorcycle pulls up to the school. It seems like it may be Logan, but when he takes his helmet off, it's revealed to be James Proudstar - Warpath. On his face is a small, calm smile. 
Laura jumps him, and the two have a quick fight. While Laura does knock him down, he's capable of keeping up with her. He compliments her on being fast as ever. 
Laura musters what little excitement she's capable of. Evidently, they've worked together before, and he's the one person besides Logan she truly trusts. As James walks them into the school, he asks her questions about how she likes it here, only to be met with grunts and mumbles.  
Over with the main training squad, the kids are antsy wondering when Kitty's gonna get there. However, she doesn't show up at all, but rather, Emma. She sees the potential in this squad and, as co-headmistress, she was able to snatch them away from the girl who's still just a student herself. 
Julian asks Emma if this means they’re going to be like her old team of students. Cessily thinks being like Generation X would be pretty cool. 
CESSILY: “I used to watch them on the news all the time. M was SO hot.” 
Julian clarifies that he isn’t talking about those dorks. He’s talking about Emma’s original students: the Hellions. From what he’s heard Kitty say while talking about her time as a student, they were badasses who did and took whatever they wanted. Sofia reminds him they were also supervillains, but he doesn’t think that matters. 
JULIAN: “They were just pushing to take the world from Flatscans, right? 
While Sofia facepalms, Noriko tells “Mr. Future Brotherhood” he really needs to shut up now, before turning to Emma. 
NORIKO: “I can deal with being on a squad with this loser, and having to take classes with you, but I don’t think I can handle two people so obnoxious at the same time.” 
Emma frowns for a moment, before looking at these two like she would unpolished jewels. 
EMMA: “Passing on the ideals I did to the Hellions was a mistake. The best way to honor their memories is to learn from that. But don’t think that means I won’t be teaching you all how to stay ahead.” Julian crosses his arms and puffs himself up and Emma turns her focus to Noriko. “If you’d rather take your chances ending up back on the street after graduation, Noriko, I’m sure Danielle would love to have you.” 
Noriko starts saying that sounds good to her, but before she can commit to leaving, Sofia blows a small wind at her. She looks back at Sofia, who clearly doesn’t want her to go, before looking forward and sighing. She hates this, but she’s not ditching her only friend. 
NORIKO: “Never mind. So what are we fighting?” 
Laura and James enter Scott's office, where they're greeted by Scott and Jean. James hasn't been here in a long time, but he caught wind a new team of X-Men was forming, and something just told him he was meant to be on it. Scott's unsure, since they don't have much experience directly working together, but he's open to giving him a trial run. Laura tries to get in on that deal too, citing how she literally beat him in a fight five minutes ago, but Scott once again shoots her down. James is eager, but does have one question: People WERE joking when they told him Emma Frost was one of the people in charge here, right? 
SCOTT, facepalming: "This is going to keep happening, isn't it?"
JAMES: "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."
The Training Squad stretches in the Danger Room, not sure what Emma's gonna throw at them. Julian tells everyone to just follow his lead and try to keep up. Sofia asks who put him in charge, to which he says:
Julian: "If you'd rather take point, that's fine by me, Beautiful."
Sofia embarrassingly blushes, which Noriko rolls her eyes at. 
Emma says they're going to start off with something nice, easy, and only mildly life threatening, before a portal opens behind her and she's sucker punched unconscious. 
A portal opens in the Danger Room as the lights go out, Spiral and her minions stepping through. With Julian and Noriko providing limited light, they assume this is the training exercise and leap into battle.  
Walking down the hall, James recounts his bad history with Emma as one of her "Hellions." - her team of supervillain students, all of whom but him are now dead, entirely because of Emma’s own mistakes. He can’t forgive how she took advantage of his misplaced rage towards the X-Men for getting his brother killed, and molded him into her weapon. 
SCOTT: "I get it. You're not a fan of hers. You have that in common with everyone else on this team."
Scott receives an alert that something's wrong in the Danger Room, and the four rush to see what's going on. 
For all the kids' power, they're no match for Spiral's magic and combat experience. As she beats the crap out of all of them, she verbally analyzes each of their potential star power. 
Scott and the others burst in just in time to see Spiral taking Julian and Sofia away through a portal. Laura screams in rage. Jean wakes Emma up, the latter coming to with a sense of humor about how Jean better not hold this over her, before she’s informed Spiral took two of the kids, at which point her entire demeanor becomes more serious. While Jean calls Dani and Xuan to come look after the remaining kids, Emma contacts Kitty and Storm to let them know they’re departing for Mojoworld immediately. 
Julian and Sofia, handcuffed and with power dampeners around their necks, get to see for the first time what another world looks like, as Spiral explains where they are, and why they’re here, before tossing them in a cell. Julian is furious and screaming at Spiral, while Sofia is petrified. Spiral tells them to cut it with the negative emotions. It’s all smiles here. 
Scott, Jean, Emma, Storm, Kitty, and James load up into the Blackbird, with the latter bewildered that their plane was modified for interdimensional travel. Before they can take off, Laura shows up in the hangar, demanding to come with them this time. Scott is still against it, but with James vouching for her and them not having time to argue, she’s brought along. 
In their cell, Sofia is having a panic attack, and Julian does his best to help. When assuring her the X-Men will show up and kick these clown’s asses in no time doesn’t work…
JULIAN: “Wind Witch should be good at breathing, right?"
She asks how he isn’t scared, to which he answers that he’s terrified. But they shouldn’t let their enemies see that. Taking a deep breath, she puts on her game face, and thanks him.
SOFIA: "Oh, and I don't want to be "Wind Witch. I enjoy dancing, so I think I'd like to be "Wind Dancer".  
JULIAN: "Pretty name for a pretty girl."
Mojo is debating what kind of debut the two kids should have. Toss them straight into combat, put them in a romcom, a live, death-defying stunt; so many choices. His thought process is cut short to the X-Men having arrived. 
The Blackbird flies through the city’s defense systems, Storm being set out to deal with them, while Jean and Emma scan for the kids. When they can’t find them, Mojo blocking them somehow, Laura says she’s got their scents, so Scott sends her, James, and Kitty to find and rescue them, while instructing the telepaths to scan for Mojo himself instead. 
SCOTT: “And remember, Laura. No killing.” 
Laura just sneers at him before jumping out of the plane. 
Sofia asks Julian why he's so kind to her and his friends, but such a jerk to everyone else. Julian answers that he's not sure what she's talking about. He treats everyone how they deserve to be treated. This does not help clear things up at all for her. 
Sofia: "I truly don't understand you."
Julian: "When we get out of here, we can work on that."
Sofia: "I'd like that…as friends."
Julian laughs. "I'll take it. For now."
The two hear an explosion. Elsewhere in the building, James, Laura, and Kitty fight their way through Mojo's goons.
Mojo, getting pissed, sends Spiral after them, just in time for Scott, Jean, and Emma to arrive, terrifying him. 
With Spiral now the only thing standing between the heroes and the prisoners, Laura does what all the other kids together couldn’t and defeats her, but as she goes into a near feral rage, James has to hold her back and calm her down, while Kitty frees the kids. 
Mojo tries to put on a brave face, telling the headmasters they can’t do anything about him, since without him and the endless entertainment he provides, this world would fall to chaos. Scott accepts this reality, but makes it clear that if ever touches Mutants again, that won’t be their problem. Mojo laughs this off, but Scott assures him the X-Men are under new leadership, and things work differently now. 
Pissed, but not wanting to risk it, Mojo relents. 
 As they receive the message that the kids have been saved, Jean compliments Scott on selling the bluff, while Emma rolls her eyes at how merciful these two are, having wanted to just kill Mojo. She settled for putting something in his subconscious which will make him feel extreme agony if he so much as thinks about going after them again, and tells Mojo this telepathically, terrifying him. 
Back at the school, James comforts Laura. She hates getting like she did. Even when she was an assassin, it was unprofessional. Now it’s just wrong. But no matter what anyone else here calls her, she’s not sure what she is if she isn’t a deadly weapon. James with a smile says he already knows, and promises to help her see it for herself. After all, he’s gonna be sticking around as the newest X-Man. 
In the cafeteria, the student body is crowded around Julian and Sofia, worried about them and also thinking it’s so cool they got to go to another world and survived getting kidnapped by a supervillain. Sofia thanks them, while Julian mocks them all, saying they definitely wouldn’t have been able to get through it like they did. Noriko speeds over and gives Sofia a big hug, only to get mocked by Julian as well. Noriko and Sofia leave for their table, Nori as irritated by him as ever, while Sofia smiles back at him. 
The crowd disperses, leaving just Julian and his crew. But…
Julian: “Hey! Laura, right?” 
Laura looks from the cafeteria entrance over at the squad, assuming he’s about to throw a juvenile insult at her, but instead, thanks her for saving them, saying she “fought like a dang X-Man”, and invites her to come sit with them. She’s uncomfortable, but, looking behind her at James, he encourages her to go for it. Laura sits with the group, and Cessily tells her she loves her style. 
CESSILY: “My cheer squad got along so well with the goth kids.” 
LAURA: “I just picked what I like. And I don’t know what “goth” is.” 
CESSILY: “Oh. Um. Okay. Well…” 
As Cessily starts explaining, the audio fades out, Laura turning away from the others so they can’t see a small smile creep up her face. 
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annie-also-draws · 10 months
Daily warm-ups but make it ✨Oppenheimer Characters✨ Day 9&10
Leslie Groves, played by Matt Damon (I might have accidentally Barbie-fied this one)
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There’s so many good conversations and banters between Oppie and Groves that I have a hard time choosing just one iconic phrase. In the end I choose this one. Through out the movie Groves has always shown full support to Oppie’s demands. Even at the very moment that could potentially end the world, despite his fear, Groves still had faith in Oppie and I personally think it’s a beautiful scene :)
Groves: Are you saying that there’s a chance that when we push that button … we destroy the world?
Oppenheimer: The chances are near zero…
Groves: Near zero!?
Oppenheimer: What do you want from theory alone?
Groves: ZERO would be nice!
Day 10:
Niels Bohr, played by Kenneth Branagh, and his most memorable quotes:
Bohr: The power you’re about to reveal will forever outlive the Nazis, and the world is not prepared.
You are an American Prometheus. The man who give them the power to destroy themselves. And they’ll respect that. And your work will really begin.
The world was indeed not prepared for what was coming 🥲.
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Albert Einstein, played by Tom Conti
My favorite conversation between Einstein and Oppenheimer has to be where he confronted Oppie about the interrogation and the one close to the end where he foreshadowed Oppenheimer’s future.
Einstein: I left my country, never to return. You served your country well. If this is the reward she offers you then perhaps you should turn your back on her.
Oppenheimer: Damn, I happen to love this country
Einstein: Then tell them to go to hell.
Einstein: One day, when they’ve punished you enough, they will serve you salmon and potato salad, make speeches, give you a medal, Pat you on the back and tell you all is forgiven. Just remember it won’t be for you. It will be for them.
In conclusion, Einstein got no chill. Whoever spoiled that Einstein is a passive boogie man who pops up here and there were lying.
This quote is an interesting parallel to what Kitty told Oppie when she figured out what was happening:
Kitty: Did you think that if you let them tar and feather you, then the world will forgive you? They won’t.
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cryingatships · 10 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me ep 1 aka we have several kitties in our hands
Ok let's start~
Ai di? Eddie? Which one are we gonna follow? I'm not immune to pretty faces, I'm gonna protect him with my life now. Also are they a couple? Sorta ship it oeo
Okee guess not. Hmmm Picking up someone out of the blue, and Ai di scratching his back like that, very cat-like of him. A meow =w=
Why is Mr. I'm-The-Only-One-Not-Wearing-Black just standing there like a statue? Where's your concern for a friend. Oh, they're supposed to be old acquaintances as per mdl? That explains it the smile.
What's that red thing on the photo? Lemme guess, blood? It is a mafia (can we call this mafia?) setting.
Zhong Yi is a brave, brave person for not screaming when he saw a bloody hand on the road all of a sudden. Kudos to him. Could never be me :')
Oh oh oh (nooooo) they're using the same remedies. Does ql drama world not have not other, more effective medicines for woundtending? That looks like a gash too deep for home treatment, if you ask me. But ig he'll be saved by ql logic ahaha (I love ql logic. Why can't we have ql logic irl huh)
For once there is no (not felt by me atleast) homoerotic subtext in woundtending. Shocking.
(Anyone know what are the names of the books? Ig they're all books related to studying medicine and such, but I'd still like to know)
Ze Rui, my boy, blackmailing is not how you woo the love of your life. But it's effective here, so owo
Ze Rui is dramatic af. A bread isn't gonna break your ribs, chile. He reminds me of our cats throwing a concert of shame whenever mealtime is late by like half a second.
Zhong Yi keeping tabs. Finally a character who makes (tries to make) financially sound descisions. Like love ain't gonna fill your stomach (not with your sugar kitty mooching off you u.u)
Ze Rui, my boy, you're sus af. I'd have taken away any valuables before leaving you in my home, too. Scamming alert u.u
"It's your karma then." 👏👏👏👏👏
My meow meow is back. He's got some claws. And He looks great in pink! And he has a (potential) boyfie too, good for him!
Knowing your hookup form the night before didn't go home with you for your rizz but for your decade old rice cooker.... that must hurt.
OH? Is Xong Yi snapping finally?
Nvm false alarm. the intimacy tho. Which other surfaces do you wanna shove him against, Ze Rui? BUt threatening is bad flirting technique smh
I don't wanna say it but - poor husband working his ass off to earn money and feed his other, lazy ass of a husband. Also Zong Yi looks so meow meow here? He looked Tired, I feel bad for him :\ Ze Rui take care of your man sometimes, too! Don't make him be the only caregiver in the relationship, it won't work out
Ze Rui is so Kitty Coded that they had to add cat noises jajaja
Oh so Ze Rui does have some brains. His friends (?) did call him the brains of the group hmmm. But ZR lookis so smug, is it cause he made a fool of ZY or cause he has ZY on his (technically ZY's) bed
Ok we need a list of Bread in qls. Bread as a metaphor, bread love (also hate) language yeye
Oh tragic pasts time.... How expectations can go both ways, huh? Too much too little, atleast it seems like ZY still has a good family? (I'm jinxing it-). Seeing that this is Taiwanese drama, and after reading a lot of danmeis, I wonder if ZR is an illegitimate child? As they call it in the danmeis, a 'mistress's' child?
Ok ok I have a theory - Ai di is an ornage kitty (the kind who're always too excited and wants your attention 24/7 or they'll wreck havoc on your room), Ze Rui is a fancy long haired high maintenance kitty (a calico?? Let's not look at the sciences of this), Zong Yi is a black-white kitty, not totally a void but def wiggly and also got the coldness of a white kitty.
Putting clothes on your (future) lover, a beloved if new trope :3 (ye i'm looking at loa)
I want a piece of that cake too, so hungry ueueue
ZR is three cats in pyjamas confirmed. Cats never ever finish their meals cause they too 'eat in small portions'. smh
They're not using the there was only one bed trope?
OH OH THAT LOOK WHEN ZY starts eating. I see you I see you. I feel food was very important in today's episode like, it's used as a method for establishing who's controlling the situation, then it's used a bridge for communication and negotiation, and it's used to show economic differences (like ZR can bother wasting food and eats in small amounts, definitely not smt a person coming form a less privieged section of the society can do)and finally this look. I'm not gonna analyse this cause ye- but.... food.... maybe I'm just too hungry XD
This Zhang Teng would right in a drama of supernatural genre
I like the ending ost u.u
OK there was some INteresting power dynamic. A injured gang member who probably kills at sight and is rich, is now under the care of a impoverished, seemingly harmless (when are doctors, potential ones included, ever harmless) student with barely any way to defend himself from violence. But Zong Yi may refuse to treat him. Then we have the knife. Doctors are gain power from their skill, but is it enough to counter a the power of a criminal gang? And the gang member depends on the (aspiring) doctor for his life, while the doctor's life depends on the gang member's life. Ze Rui constantly uses words like "brat", "kiddo" etc to further demonstrate the power dynamic at play (cause in Asia seniority = social power and respect), but Zong Yi hardly ever argues about the use of these words. Like, he isn't even trying to establish that he too, has some power over the situation. Is he truly so accepting of others' holding power over him or is he just unbothered cause he treats Ze Rui's words as completely irrelevant to his life? Hmmmm. Who exactly has the upper hand rn? I'd say it's Zong Yi rn, but then again Ze Rui can successfully overturn anything Zong Yi does (like the locked door) and force Zong Yo to do his bidding soo...fd
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ailendolin · 1 year
L, N and P for the fandom meme, my dear 😊
Thank you, dear! 💙
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
All right, let’s go with Kitty for this one. One aspect of her character I genuinely like is her interest in weird, gory things. I think the moment she became fascinated with Maddocks’s foot (or lack thereof) was the first time I could truly relate to her. That could have been me, 100 %, and I’m sure everyone around me reacted the way the other ghosts did when I told them about that one time I dissected mummified bat skulls under a microscope. So yeah, I love this part of Kitty's character.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
1. More positivity rather than discourse. Every now and then people post about ships or characters they dislike, and I just wish rather than complaining about why there’s so much content for them, they’d use that energy to support the creators who actually make the content they want to see. There’s no better way to encourage a writer / artist / gifmaker than to leave them feedback. Which brings me to point 2.
2. More interaction with fics, art and gifsets. Likes are all well and good but it's reblogs that get works seen and comments that motivate creators to make more. Fandom thrives on interaction so I'd like to encourage everyone to reblog instead of like something and leave at least a little heart or random thought in the tags of the fic, art or gifset to let the creator know they liked it.
3. More gen fics. Granted, I don’t read many fics because I'm always afraid of other people’s ideas influencing my own writing but I get the impression that a lot of Ghosts fics focus on romance (some my own included) and I’d love to see more found family type stories that focus on friendships.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
I always struggle with inventing AUs because Coffee Shop AUs and the like don’t really do it for me. For me, an AU only works if it retains at least some of the core elements of the show, and that makes it quite difficult to come up with an AU for something like Ghosts.   
But I have recently thought about the potential of a Primeval AU. If you’re unfamiliar with the show, it’s about prehistoric animals wandering into modern time through so-called anomalies. So there's dinosaurs and mammoths roaming the streets, but every now and then humans from the past appear in the present as well. And that’s where our beloved ghosts would come in:
Fanny still gets pushed out of a window by George but instead of landing on the hard ground, she falls through an anomaly and lands in a lake
after Thomas gets shot he staggers through an anomaly and survives thanks to modern medicine
the arrow that hits Pat vanishes through an anomaly before it can reach him. Pat ushers the kids into the bus before he investigates the sparkly thing and gets lost in time
Robin runs from the bear straight into modern Britain
Mary flees into an anomaly when she tries to run away from the witch hunters
Humphrey's anomaly opens below him when he comes out of his hiding place
Julian vanishes from his time while hiding in someone else's bedroom closet - half-naked, of course
Kitty probably went through an anomaly while playing hide and seek
The Captain stumbles upon an anomaly during maneuvers and checks it out (there might just be a possibility Havers does the same in Africa and the two of them to meet again in the future)
the Plague Ghosts cause quite a ruckus when they show up in modern times because, well, they’re infected with the plague. By the time Jemima arrives a few months later, safety measures for this sort of thing have been implemented
Alison and Mike still inherit Button House in this AU. When the government attempts to take the house from them because they need a place for all these misplaced people that’s far away from everywhere else, they strike a deal with them: the Coopers get to keep the house and the government pays them to let the people stay, thus enabling them to repair it
at some point, the government brings them a mammoth - a literal mammoth. Robin is over the moon. Alison and Mike are not. Fanny hopes the next animal will be a sabre-toothed cat.
Ask Game can be found here.
Already answered: A & O
Next up: M, U, E
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
LBC Awakening thoughts so far. CONTAINS SPOILERS.
Finished Ayn’s route last night, while the entire storyline is: These are movies about potential futures that could happen if they don’t awaken…..is great and all, but I feel like the routes are laced with Empire hints.
Alkaid’s Route: So, they live among the stars when their home is destroyed….(empire vibes). Anyway, when I saw what he had been doing behind the scenes with those “contaminated” people to support MC, NGL I was a little surprised….modern day soft boy leveled up a bit. But experimenting on them? That’s a new level of crazy. And that’s the thing, modern day Alkaid gave off these Prefect Luminary vibes. Like he could become just like him if need be. And yes, experimenting on humans is something I could totally see PL doing. After the Eden arc. I named Alkaid “Psychopath” for laughs, and I thought about changing it to something else after a while. I’m glad I didn’t! Psychopath shall remain his name.
Ayn’s Route: They live under ground and offer their emotions to outsiders as tribute…..(again empire vibes). This route also makes a LOT of mention of puppets and the outsiders pulling their strings…..and then it came to me that their is Empire artwork out there Empire Ayn holding red strings in his hands as if he were a puppet master iirc. This would make sense and quite frankly Empire Ayn is someone I’m really looking forward to meeting. I chuckled at Ayn being called Mr. President, but I love how he’s always given these leadership roles despite how bad he is at interacting with people! And I hate that his movie was left open-ended. I don’t mind open-ends if done right, but I felt like it was too abrupt? I felt like there was a lot of work up and then it was cut-off weirdly. To hell with that, so here’s my ending: At the appointed time, Ayn hacks the outsiders systems and somehow rigs their fleet to be destroyed! He and MC fight their way back to each other, but Ayn finds MC captured with a gun at the back of her head thanks to the person behind the proctor. Ayn finally does what’s he’s always avoided and shoots them dead, saving her. MC is shocked, but he embraces and kisses her. The end. There how was that? Ok, ok. I’m glad Ayn kitty stayed true to himself throughout the route, but will he be able to in the future modern world?
As usual it’s just me being random.
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