#sobriety is a journey
lavenderlyncis · 1 year
Tw - a joke about recovery from addiction
Me: damn i can't find my work socks and now i'm way too late
Also me: yk that 500 day clean streak? Yeah lol, we should probably call in sick and get rid of that. Just to see what happens🤭🤭
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angelicjuice · 2 years
As an addict, this “saying” or whatever, has kept me going strong, mostly because I know my boundaries as an addict, and regardless of Anything, I’m not on heroin, I’m not on meth or coke, I’m just smoking weed and trying to do the best I can. And I genuinely see NOTHING wrong with smoking weed. I do enjoy alcohol too, which can be a bit tricky but I’m figuring it out as I go. Idk just very proud of myself even if I’m not 100% sober.
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husk can’t cook for shit but he makes drinks like no one’s business. obviously this is part of the course for a bartender, of course he knows how to make drinks, but you can only make so many martinis and old fashioneds before it starts feeling old and boring and monotonous- so husk gets experimental with his cocktails, just for fun, and uses angel as a test dummy. some drinks are hits, some are misses, some are almost there and just need tweaking, and angel is more than happy to provide feedback
and angel, who is an amazing cook, does the same with husk. he does a lot of traditional italian meals, but again, you can only have the same eight pasta dishes so many times before it just gets bland and frustrating. so angel tries new recipes and tries to come up with his own spins on stuff, and even branches out into other cultural dishes. he doesn’t have a lot of time outside of work, but as he starts clubbing less and less, he starts cooking more and more- and he and husk can usually be found in the hotel kitchen late at night.
once they’re officially a couple, most of their date nights include husk sitting on the counter while angel cooks a good dinner and once it’s done they move to the bar, where husk makes special drinks for the two of them. it’s domestic and quiet and so very needed- a calm and relaxed getaway from the chaos that is hell. all they need is each other, and they’re good to go.
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YALL TOMORROW (Wednesday April 10th) IS GONNA BE THE BIG 100!
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
I Did It: 365 Days + Sober
Good morning,
I'm on my way to work, but I wanted to take a moment to share and celebrate. Today marks a year of sobriety. It wasn't always pretty or easy, but I made it.
But I didn't do it alone.
You guys are a part of the reason I was able to make it this far. Thank you for supporting me throughout this journey.
I love and appreciate you all.
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choasinthemaking · 7 months
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5 more days until we’re 7 months clean!!! Recovery is possible!
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Something I saw that I thought was worth sharing, and may be helpful and needed for someone 🫶🫰 you got this!
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oasisr · 6 months
It really hurts me to see my best friend struggle with alcoholism.
Even worse, she refuses to seek out resources to help her or attempt to become sober.
She spreads negativity and vitriol when she should be focusing on her healing journey.
I told her I need space because I don't want to be around her when she's screaming and cursing, and going on rants. I can't deal with that right now.
I'm on my own healing journey right now. I'm focusing on my health, sobriety, spirituality and working toward my academic and career goals.
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jewishjunkie · 1 year
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had a great time last night 🤍
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Officially one month of me not smoking weed..
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Day 4 sober
Feeling pretty sleepy but clear headed
And I’ve been enjoying lots of real time moments with my son
I think today some core memories were made in the car
Kinda feels nice… sobriety…
Sorry I don’t have anything particularly insightful to add
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lunabunnyinchaoss · 5 months
My addiction lives in the shadows of my mind.
Getting stronger as each moment passes by.
I hear the slight humming of "Ring around the Rosie" playing at all times.
Reminding me of what is to come if my addiction no longer wants to hide.
"We all fall down" my mind repeats and I hear it from every side.
I keep it at bay by working a program and always remembering to pray.
I have a history of being inconsistent.
I find myself in a vulnerable place.
In those moments, my addiction takes over at much too fast of a pace.
I quickly learn that nothing has changed.
This stove is still hot.
I sure wish my mind wouldn't trick me that I am capable of something I am not.
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neverluckygoldfish · 1 year
10 -
My therapist called me out on trying to be “perfect” in recovery - i.e. needing to control my external environment to quell how out of control I feel on the inside.
Okay, I see you & hear you but I don’t know what to do with myself now. She recommended I go do something fun — what even is fun? People do things strictly for pleasure and not to improve themselves? People have energy and drive? People don’t live a rollercoaster life in their heads?
So I’ve kind of moped around for the last few days, reading books and being a blob. Also, overdosing on sugar because well, you know. Sugar.
I feel really dull and mentally tired today again even though I thought I’d wake up and feel better. Well, not better but motivated. Likely a sugar hangover.
So once again, I practice giving myself compassion. It’s okay that for the last few days I’ve only been able to read and eat sparingly. It’s OKAY. I’ve spent most of the 29 years of my life either trying to “fix” myself in a bout of frenzied energy or in a downward spiral or numb.
I can’t learn a new way of living overnight or even in a few days, few weeks. I have to stop holding myself to some arbitrary expectation of perfection and then shaming myself when I don’t meet it. It’s so hard to rewire the brain. SO HARD.
Gratitude today: I made a delicious cacao peanut butter superfood smoothie. I took a shower and washed my face. I drank a glass of water. I’m snuggled up with a good book and soft blankets. The sun is shining. I journaled. I texted a few friends. I remembered to take my meds. I opened a window for fresh air. I have people who genuinely love me. I’m physically healthy (for the most part). I have hope.
This is my best today. I am sober and healing my mind, body and soul. I love me. I am woman in the arena. Even on restful days, I am trying. I am giving myself what I need.
One day, I hope to believe myself when I say that.
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sweetbeagaming · 8 months
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5 years ago today I woke up (miraculously) in my bed after having been lost in 20 degree weather in clubwear not knowing how I was going to get home or if I would even make it. I thank god for the sweet girls who picked me up off the street, took me to their apartment and let me charge my phone so I could get home. I mentally send strength to the people who called me to come to meetings even when I wanted to be alone. I am so thankful for the friends who still called me to hang out, made me mocktails, and celebrated with me when I reached a milestone. I love my supportive partner deeply. I take the time to value my life, my accomplishments, and appreciate the journey of what got me here. I am not a religious person but I believe that people are good and the universe is kind sometimes. ❤️
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Aggressively making a cup of tea and not doing drugs not doing drugs not doing drugs hghghghghghffhdhdhghgh
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Hey my darlings! Just wanted to share that I might not be super present around these parts for the next few days. I'm in the middle of gearing up to move out of my sober house - which means lots of packing and organizing.
It's definitely bittersweet, but it's also time. So back to independent living I go. Thanks so much for all of your support as I embark on this next chapter of my journey.
Be back soon!
Britt ❤️
P.S. While I'm gone, be sure to take care of yourselves. Drink plenty of water, eat some chocolate, get some rest, etc. 😘
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