#some scary/pretty shots to be forgotten
theredcuyo · 3 months
Hmm, so today i worked with a bit of horror and this came to me
What if we make the Batman into a cryptid but the cooler kind, the leyend to scare young kids type
Before you write or send a comment, i'm mexican, born and raised, still live there. Thank You.
This came from me thinking about La llorona, a leyend (scary one) here in México and some other parts of latam it seems(?) and it's in short, about a woman whose kids die and she dies from sadness over it, with her eyes drying up from so much crying, becoming a spirit that haunts the world while calling for her children in desperate screams
The reason behind the kids' death changes depending on who you ask, either she killed them or it was an accident, but they die by drowing in all versions, and, as a result of the above, any kid she comes across gets taken away because she mistakes them for her own, they end up dying by her hands too tho (because she thinks they're hers and drowns them, or because she realizes they aren't)
She's also a single mother (the story goes back to the 1500 btw)
And I think Bruce fits this. So. Fucking. Well.
Like, Jason and Dick die, and he becomes this, and then Tim was trying to help him pass from the world but he couldn't and instead became his child too, and the rest followed along, by accident, by choice or not
Can he be a hero here? I don't think so, but, maybe he does care for the children somehow, the ones that he realizes aren't his, that they have parents to go to are the ones he protects
He cares for the people, who are not at fault for his loss, so he protects the city he also haunts
He cares for the nice old man who's never been afraid of him, who gives him a sad smile and who he feels like he knows but all the memories of his life are buried down and forgotten behind his children dying
He might not even want the children he takes to die, it's like the pit rage in canon, it takes over him and they world gets too blurry to think right
And he cares for those kids, he really does, it's not their fault, but there's one he can never remember the name of (Dick) no matter how many times he repeats it
Dick forgave his dad (whatever the reason for their deaths might be) and wanders around him in a nice way, doing his best so all of them can finally pass away
Jason hasn't. He haunts Bruce, most of the episodes where he snatches more kids away are Jason's fault, as he appears and dissapears in front of him, making him believe any kid is his boy, Jason doesn't notice and actually tries to protect other kids.
Steph's 'your not my dad!' call hits harder in this au-
Cass was wandering around town alone, she didn't stand a chance because she couldn't even scream for help. She's like a second shadow to Bruce, always near, always watching, and some who have scaped them swear her eyes never stop looking at you. She might be the only kid who's not mad at him for taking her away
Duke is similar enough, he didn't like the dark, but when there's no other choice is the worst thing that happens.
Damian's tale as a child of his that Bruce originally thought to have died gets worse when he gets taken, reunited but only by death, one that is his dad's fault.
One where Bruce got another one of his kids killed.
Hoenstly, i'd like to work on this au? If that's like fine?
I'll try to make some designs and maybe like some draws, if i get to, a series of one-shots
Oh, and if you non-latam people want to know more about la llorona, well, there's a kids animated movie :D is called "La leyenda de la llorona" pretty sure you can find it with subtitles (always better than dub tbh) it's part of a saga on mexican leyends too, can watch the others if it calls your attention, they're fun
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Do you happen have anything that's about food, but in the way that Dungeon Meshi is about food? (defined to me as, classic(TM) adventure but with food as a central feature) Generally food-centric games would be welcome too!
Theme: Dungeon Meshi, Food Adventures.
Hello friend, I am very excited about this week's request! I have some recommendations that have been simmering in the back of my head for a while now - a few of which can be used in the game of your liking!
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Bakto’s Terrifying Cuisine, by Roll 4 Tarrasque.
"The entrance to the Kitchen Arena appears only to those hungry or foolish enough to find it. Perhaps a dusty pantry in a backwater restaurant, or a forgotten refrigerator in the basement of a busy hotel. The door closes behind you—it never opens again. At the bottom of a long set of pristine stairs, Bakto awaits."
Bakto’s Terrifying Cuisine is primarily an adventure for The Vanilla Game, which is free to play, but it strikes me as pretty system-friendly. You are all responsible for creating a dish for a hungry demon, and are provided with a dungeon map as well as descriptions of what waits for you in each room. The pamphlet also comes with 10 terrifying ingredients and 6 possible treasures, as well as a d6 table of random encounters. There’s so much packed into just 2 pages!
While this is probably only good for a one-shot or a two-shot, I think it’s definitely worth it. If you end up liking this game and want more from the same creator, you can also take a look at To Catch A Hellforged Swine, a system-agnostic adventure about hunting a cursed pig.
Gourmet Street, by theunlawfulneutral.
Gourmet Street is a setting that can be plopped directly into any world or adventure and serves up an extra side of gonzo fantasy. It is populated with street vendors serving every possible food you can conceive as well as a fascinating accoutrements of culinary artifacts, edible monsters, and bizarre dishes.
Another setting rather than game, Gourmet Street is great for OSR games like Knave or The Black Hack, but also works in games such as AD&D. It’s a street vendors’ alley, rife with rival factions and dangerous foods, as well as a series of custom, culinary-related monsters to throw at your players. There’s roll tables for dishes and their effects, as well as some descriptions of major food factions, including their defining characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages, and a quick summary of their values or goals. If you want the culinary process to be stick, dangerous, unpredictable and full of slime, this is the setting for you.
Iera Entera, by Nathan Blades.
In this world, Divine Beasts roam the land. Delivered to us from otherworldly realms, they lord over the grounds they manifest on. They’re incredibly violent, are replaced in mere days after being removed, and are capable of supernatural powers.
They’re also delicious.
This game takes the idea of eating monsters and turns it up to 11. You’re not just eating dungeon creatures - no, you’re hunting down Divine Beasts. The game is split into two sections - working out how to bring the Divine Beast down, and then figuring out how to cook the damn thing. If you are playing with folks who are familiar with Dungeon Meshi, I imagine they would have a lot of fun ideas about how to cook the entrails of a great beast, but there’s also three or four suggested beast hunts in the game itself to get you started.
Cook & Hero, by Raul Fontoura.
You’re an aspiring master cook, in a face off competition amongst worthy rivals to create the perfect dish. Unfortunately, you’re supposed to make it out of scary and scaly monsters in very dangerous underground conditions.
This is another pamphlet game, similar to Bakto’s Terrifying Cuisine, but the tone is very different. In Bakto’s, players are on the clock to satisfy a dangerous enemy. In Cook & Hero, the art conveys a more lighthearted competition, even if your character decides that it’s a matter of life or death. The 2-page game comes with some simple character creation, and the resolution uses a roll-under mechanic with a d10. It feels like it takes a number of cues from Honey Heist, but it’s definitely a distinct game.
Ghastronomy, by Timepool.
You are a ghastronomer, a chef that doesn’t cook for the living— but for the dead. You have been hired to help guide a ghost to the afterlife, by collecting the lost pieces of its soul and cooking ghostly grub to make it whole again.
Alongside your co-workers, you will arrive on the scene and use your cooking credentials and what you learned from each of your ghastronomy schools to find, obtain, and cook a wayward spirit's remaining traces. With proper planning, teamwork, and a little bit of luck—  you might just piece its soul back together before it fades away forever.
Ghastronomy looks fairly easy to learn, with an interesting apron mechanic in which your apron is also a shield. You’ll also probably all have different styles of cooking, as each character will come from a different culinary school. If you like the idea of cooking for more than just survival, and you want to incorporate the paranormal into your game, this might be for you!
Lutong Banwa, by Sinta Posadas / Diwata Ng Manila.
Lutong Banwa is a cooking game, where you set out to adventure and find ingredients from Spirits and recipes from old civilizations. Embark on this anti-canon storygame adventure with its own custom system and play to find out just what sort of zany adventures you can get up to in this weird, wild world. Do whatever you want.
Lutong Banwa feels like a cozier game than some of the others on this list, and I enjoy the perspective it brings to the genre. You are playing tamale, the successors of the earth after Humans have faded to history, trying to replicate old world dishes. Your characters will use a number of different-sided dice, depending on which stats they use, and what strengths they have. Rather than character death, your characters simply have a limited number of chances to complete a task before they are forced to rest for a day or so. Altogether the game encourages creative thinking and playing outside the box. I think this is an extremely charming game and you absolutely should check it out.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 5 months
still can’t write for beans these days so here’s a little snippet I did back in Nov ‘22 about Gareth meeting Eddie for the first time… enjoy!
The early morning sun streams golden across the football field at Hawkins High. A few dozen kids mill about, waiting on the band director to show up and get the tryouts started. Most of this week will be spent on various marching band auditions for incoming freshmen, but first up is one of the most important: the drumline.
Gareth Emerson had started out the morning feeling fairly confident. He’d been in marching band since sixth grade, so he had plenty of experience, and he’d practiced everything in the audition packet nonstop until he could practically play it in his sleep. That wasn’t what was making him nervous.
It was those guys in the bleachers.
A few bored-looking parents were scattered here and there, drinking coffee, some even reading newspapers; but right down in the front row were three very cool and sort of scary looking guys who were definitely not parents, talking intensely among themselves. Gareth stared apprehensively at them for a few minutes before realizing he recognized two of them, Grant and Jeff, both a grade ahead of him. They hadn’t exactly been friends, but they’d had a couple of classes together over the years and he knew they were both pretty nice. He didn’t know the guy with them, though. Tall and lanky, with a mop of unruly curls, wearing a denim vest over a black tee shirt with a band logo he doesn’t recognize. The tall guy looks quite cross as he mutters something to Jeff, and Gareth immediately feels a familiar flare of anxiety in his stomach— what if they’re planning to start trouble? But Jeff is laughing, elbowing the tall guy playfully in the ribs and now he’s laughing too, all previous tension seemingly forgotten.
Gareth sighs. He’s being stupid. They’re not here to make fun of him. He has to try to relax; it’s time to get started.
The auditions begin smoothly, and the guys in the bleachers seem unusually focused on the whole process. They nudge each other frequently, having short but expressive conversations, the tall guy gesturing wildly and occasionally even jumping to his feet to make his points. Grant appears to be taking notes. Gareth can’t stop wondering what exactly they’re doing. Nor can he stop watching their interactions; they just look like they’re having so much fun together, even when they argue. They have an easy camaraderie he really envies. And their confidence! The way they’re dressed, they definitely stick out in the crowd, but none of them seems the slightest bit self-conscious about it. A few people have shot dirty looks at the tall guy when he gets too loud and he doesn’t appear to even notice or care. Gareth would give anything to not notice or care about receiving dirty looks.
The guys continue their enthusiastic critiques of the drummers as the morning progresses. They pay particular attention when the band director starts the solo auditions, whispering and arguing and occasionally pointing. He feels like he’s dying of curiosity— what could they possibly be doing?— but he has to drag his focus away from them and get his head on straight because he’s up next.
He absolutely nails his solo.
He knows it, because as soon as he’s done playing the tall guy jumped to his feet and pointed at him and yelled fuckin’ A, man! across the field, and Gareth can’t hold back a slightly hysterical giggle even as the band director glares first at him and then over at the trio in the bleachers. Tall guy doesn’t care; he’s bouncing up and down in front of Grant and Jeff shouting that one, that’s the one we want, still pointing right at Gareth, and his heart pounds wildly in his chest because those guys are clearly so cool and what could they possibly want with him? It couldn’t be a prank, could it? The tall guy sounded so genuinely excited that he refuses to believe they’re setting him up to bully him later. They must want something good.
He doesn’t have to wait long to find out. As soon as auditions are finished for the day, the tall guy is jogging toward him. “Hey,” he says excitedly, “I’m Eddie, and you fuckin’ rocked, man, and our band’s looking for a new drummer and you should totally come try out. You like metal?”
“Um, thanks.” Gareth accepts the ‘Drummer Wanted!’ flyer Eddie’s eagerly shoving at him. “I don’t really know much about metal?” He’s definitely not cool enough to be a metalhead.
Eddie doesn’t seem to care about that, either, though. “Oh. Well, I bet you’ll pick it up easy. Here, take this.” Now Eddie’s handing him a cassette tape. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Gareth studies the strange cover art with interest as Eddie rattles on. “It’s sick, you’ll love it. You can probably learn a couple of those songs in no time. Just give that back to me when you come audition. You are gonna come, right? Please say yes. Corroded Coffin needs you, man.”
His energy is almost overwhelming, but Gareth finds he can’t keep a goofy grin off his face as he replies, “Yeah, man, I’ll definitely be there.” He wouldn’t miss this for the world.
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stars-tonight · 29 days
Hi! Could I please get a platonic matchup? I don't mind whether they're long or short (whatever's easiest for you).
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
There aren't any characters I particularly don't want to be matched with.
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. I have a high sense of self worth but as part of that, I set very high standards for myself. I also usually meet those standards though. People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it. People also say I look like someone who "knows what they're doing".
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (musicals, pop, and rock typically but I have a pretty broad style). I want to be a fantasy writer and I am currently studying an English major at university.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about. I'm also not too fond of really deep water.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
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🥛 you and kenma are similar in the sense that you're both introverted people
🥛 so you'd probably have to be introduced by a mutual friend (kuroo, yamamoto, etc etc) or you're forced to be together (like assigned partners for a project)
🥛 kenma can also be pretty blunt and deadpan / sarcastic so your humor would match up pretty well
🥛 you'd probably take shots at each other a lot lol but it's all in good fun!
🥛 ngl kenma does need a friend who holds him to some standards otherwise he'll just wilt away at home in front of his video games
🥛 kenma isn't a big reader but he likes that you at least have quiet hobbies
🥛 when you hang out it'd probably be at one of your guys's houses or somewhere more quiet like a cafe or a library
🥛 you'd DEFINITELY play video games together, whether it's against each other or with each other
🥛 if you ever send kenma samples of things you write he'll . . . probably just skim it and send you "👍", leading you to question whether or not he really did read it
🥛 hoenstly? he probably didn't :(
🥛 he tries, he tries, but all those words make him confused and it's so much simpler to just pop out that nintendo switch
🥛 he's just not much for ink on paper
🥛 kenma would never forget one of his friends (he doesn't have many so each is near and dear to his heart 😭)
🥛 he'd always send you memes or short reels with a "this reminded me of you" or "thought you might like this"
🥛 kenma's not like a big swimmer so it's not like he'll be dragging you to an ocean or any body of deep water lol
runner up for you was miya atsumu!
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A/N: hi eren! i hope you liked the first of your matchups and thank you for doing this exchange with me!
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simp999 · 2 years
The Angel and the Reaper
Ship: Hanma Shuji x reader
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: Happy Bithday Hanma and happy Early Halloween!! Also, no, you’re not the stereotypical ‘scared of everything, so I get to hold on to him all night’ kinda person, actually, you’re kinda unhinged. Enjoy~
A/N 2: Read to the end for a bonus surprise picture!! :D
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"Guess who?~" 
There was only one person in the world who would sneak into your apartment on halloween night to spook you. The one and only, yours truly. 'Sin' and 'punishment' tattoos cover your eyes, making it even more blatantly obvious as to whom these lanky hands could possibly belong. 
"Hmm… Kisaki?"  You offer with a smirk, knowing full well that the owner of that name would never dare come near you or your apartment, not as long as Hanma was around. 
"Ohh so close, but not quite, Angel~"
You can't quite remember when - or how - the two of you got close. But at some point in time, Hanma decided that you piqued his interest and that was that. He'd follow you around wherever he so desired. It wasn't unheard of to get phone calls at three AM, asking you to come outside, the smell of exhaust filling your nose. As well as a tall, lanky figure greeting you from his seat on his bike. He'd bring you to places you never could have guessed, at times you never could have imagined normal people would be active at. He really is spontaneous and impulsive with everything he does. Maybe that's why you keep him around? Or maybe it's because you get a free personal bodyguard? Or perhaps to feel less lonely? Who knows. All you know is that he's always got something up his sleeve, hence the arm snaking itself around your waist, tugging you out of your home.
You're not sure where the two of you are headed, and you're pretty sure that he doesn't either. On the way to wherever you're going, a group of kids pause before you. Their raised eyebrows and tight grip on their candy bags made it obvious how scared they were of the giant figure standing next to you. But the way he slowly leaned in, right close to their faces, and uttered a sinister "Boo~" was almost comical. After falling to the ground, just like that, the two of you had some free bags of candy to eat during the night, long forgotten by the costume-wearing kids. 
"Hey, Dollface, how about checkin’ that place out over there?" Your eyes glance over to him to see him gesturing towards a house full of 'creepy' decorations. Seems like a haunted house. 
“You finally have the guts to take me on a real date, after all this time?”  You tease him, making your way toward the house.
There was nothing too scary about the house, to be honest. It was much better done than you thought it was going to be, though. All the props and accessories such as blood splatters and weapons were very well made. It seemed Hanma was enjoying the thrill of going through the house, dragging you along, and bickering with you for taking too long for being in awe at the detail of the decor. At one point he was mistaken for being an actor, maybe he looked scary with the lighting? You’re not too sure, but he sure does fit in. He was so entertaining and… special. In his own way. 
You couldn’t help but snicker at the way Hanma’s hand labeled ‘punishment’ shot out in front of you, almost in a protective manner, at one of the sneakier actors who managed to possibly spook him. 
The night wasn’t too eventful after that, mostly just checking out all of the decorations people have put up and scaring kids for some free junk to eat. After not finding anything interesting to do, the two of you head over to the nearest cemetery, right on the outskirts of town. 
No matter what he tried, Hanma couldn’t get his mind off of the way he felt sick to the stomach. Was it the candy? No. he didn’t eat that much. He definitely wasn’t scared of the haunted house. If anything, it was amusing. When trying to piece the puzzle together, he picks his head up and gets a good look at you. You were sitting beside him on one of the larger, flat tombstones. The way moonlight lit up your face and made you appear almost doll-like, the cold hues enveloping your figure. 
A piano version of a song could be heard from the distance, someone playing some Halloween music from their house, probably. You feel a light tug upwards, and you follow along with Hanma’s footsteps.
♪ When the weather vane points to gloomy ♪
♪ It's gotta be sunny to me When your eyes look into mine ♪
Slow movement could be seen from the gates of the cemetery, but the darkness of the night makes it difficult for much to be seen. One step forward, one step back. A step to the side, a step to the other. Yet Hanma could only focus on you. Not the music, not his feet, not the raccoon that ran by. Just the way you seem to soothe the butterflies in his stomach - or make them worse - he can’t quite tell. 
♪ Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those peepers? ♪
♪ Jeepers creepers, where'd ya get those eyes? ♪
All he knows is that he feels a special way about you. Not something he’s ever truly felt before, so he can’t decide on what to call it. But with the way you sway from side to side, the way your eyes seem to have sparkles in them, and the way you’re so very enchanting. 
That’s it. He’s figured it out.
He’s finally figured out the reason behind all those sleepless nights, that sickening feeling in his stomach, all of the times his heart pounded for no good reason, when his hands would shake, no matter what Hanma tried to keep them still. Now. he has to act on this now.
The two of you sat back on the same tombstone, you enjoying the beautiful sight of the night sky, while he tries to figure out what possible outcomes this could have. It shouldn’t matter though, right? He’s never had a second thought about anything he did. Even if you denied his feelings nothing would really change, you just… wouldn’t be there. You wouldn’t be there for him if he needs a place to hide, or if he needed someone to nurse his injuries after a big fight. He would have no one to go on sudden joyrides with, or to take on three am ‘dates’.
But that’s fine, right?
After just barely grazing his fingers over your own to hold your hand, he can’t take it anymore. 
Hanma didn’t bother waiting for a response, wanting to get this over and done with as quickly as possible, hoping this would cure the butterflies in his stomach. “You… interest me, Doll. You keep me guessing, and I love that.” With his other hand, a small bouquet of black roses comes into view, most likely stolen from one of the nearby graves.
“I love you.”
It was eerily silent until the wind picked up and howled, while the flowers in his hand swayed. Though you can see them, you keep your gaze focused on the moon above. 
“Really?” Hanma’s about to admit how he thinks he feels once again, but you cut him off before he has the chance. “You really think that the reaper and a fallen angel can be together? You’re hilarious, love.” You intake a fresh breath of air, still refusing to look him in the eye. “I knew you were crazy, but I had no idea you were insane.”
Black roses fall to the ground, surrounded by fresh dirt, almost as if they sucked the life out of it. In your peripheral vision, you catch his shoulder beginning to shake while the hand holding yours tightens, then loses all of its strength. You tilt your head just enough to catch the tears brimming his eyes, threatening to fall at any given moment, before he quickly looks away. Anything to focus on but you. Not like it helps, now that you’re the only thing on his mind. There are billions of thoughts racing through his head, not one being uttered from the fear of you hearing the waver in his voice.
Have you gone too far?
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
“...Right. It was just a joke, Dollface." You could hear the quiver in his voice. "I could never imagine any of the gods above being kind enough to give me the perfect life, one I could never deserve.” He begins to push himself off of the tombstone, “looks like we were never meant to be, huh, Angel?”
Every part of him wanted to stay here in your presence, it being the only thing that comforts him these days. He wasn't ready to cut ties with the person that gives him life just yet. He wants to hug you, kiss you, caress you. Anything to get his hands on you, and make you his. But some things simply aren’t meant to be.
But like the sudden surprise of an animal attacking its prey, he feels a rough tug on his collar, and hot breath next to his ear.
“I’m being sarcastic, you know. As if I’m any saner than you. I don’t mind the idea of running away with you.”
The hand labeled ‘sin’ that had found itself on your lower back was pulling you forward with a force that made it seem like Hanma hated the idea of letting you go. As if he couldn’t stand the thought of not being with you. This was the first time he’s ever felt emotions like this, and he wanted to chase this feeling for the rest of his life.
Kiss after kiss, a stronger feeling of being wanted coursed through his veins, the same way adrenaline does. Just over a whisper could be heard:
“‘Love you so goddamn much, Angel.”
“I love you too, my Reaper.”
Bonus: after getting back home, Y/n convinces Hanma to wear a reaper costume and he's in charge of handing out candy:
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-Oct 27, 22
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havocskies · 2 years
hi u can do vance hopper x shy male reader who loves reading horror books and drawing gore horror stuff
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ofc i can !! i love this sm actually omg, thank you for requesting !!! as a shy horror nerd and someone who loves drawing this will be so easy to write i think
also i know requests are getting done very slowly it's bc i'm trying to work on all of them n most of them are fics 😭 i have stuff goin on irl too </33 also this is not proofread unfortunately 🫶
TWs: none
"What are you drawing?"
As a particularly familiar voice greets your ears you look up, your attention stolen away from your sketchbook. It was your boyfriend who was currently hanging out with you. At the moment he seemed to be watching you draw, looming over your shoulder. In any other circumstance this would likely seem intimidating but he was your boyfriend no matter how scary he accidentally was sometimes.
"A killer from this one new horror movie I saw - Texas Chainsaw Massacre I think? It's pretty cool. I'm drawing Nubbins, the weird hitchhiker dude." You explain, the tips of your mouth being pulled into a careful smile. You didn't often talk this much about your drawings but you knew Vance was genuinely curious, even if he had no idea what you were drawing half the time. He liked horror movies but he wasn't an avid fan like you were. Plus you liked books more than movies, and books weren't really Vance's thing.
"Oh, I heard about that I think. I thought you liked books though?" Vance questioned, watching the careful movements of your pencil on paper with interest. His question made you giggle a little which earned you a small glare in return.
"I do, it just seemed interesting. I can still watch movies, y'know. I did draw Carrie earlier today, though. The girl from that one book by Steven King? She was bullied a lot and got pigs blood dumped on her at prom, went absolutely crazy?" You tried your best to explain the book in hopes your boyfriend would understand but he simply stared blankly, his mouth pushed into a frown. You tried your best not to giggle but Vance looked so much less intimidating while he was confused you couldn't help but find it a little cute.
He didn't find it as amusing as you did. Instead he huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not a nerd like you, I don't read every book that I see." He shot back despite nothing being said in the first place.
"I think you'd actually like reading. If you weren't on that pinball machine all day, I mean. I swear you like it more than me." You joke. This seems to spark some amusement in Vance. He laughs, and you laugh in return. Even so, he's quick to defend himself as always.
"I do not! You might as well love your books more, you stare at them more than you stare at me." He playfully pushes your shoulder which may have been a little too hard but you know he means nothing by it. You decide to drop the subject and turn the page to the drawing of Carrie you had finished before Vance came over. It was the scene where Carrie was dying at the end and Sue found her. You liked that scene a lot, it was nice to know Carrie died knowing Sue didn't hate her.
Vance stares at the drawing, his brows furrowed. "What's going on in it?" Oh. You had forgotten he wasn't aware.
"Carrie, the one dying, is kind of reading Sue's mind before she dies. She finds out Sue didn't actually hate her and didn't know what was going to happen at prom. I just like the scene, I don't know." You shrug, dismissing everything else you'd like to say about the book. While you're practically obsessed with it you know Vance doesn't really care for books at all, so you decide not to bore him about it. To your surprise he inquires more about it, anyway.
"What's the rest of the book about?" He seems genuinely interested, his gaze fixed on the drawing as he stares at every part, every detail. You hesitate for a second before answering briefly.
"This girl, like 17 or 18 I think, is bullied at school for being really sheltered by her mom. She doesn't really know a lot and is just kind of an outcast, I guess." You watch Vance's expression and surprisingly he's still listening, waiting for you to continue. You do. "Anyway, Sue gets Tommy to take her to prom so she can have a good time and live her life like an actual person. Her mom's super religious though so she didn't like it but Carrie went anyway. Another group of people poured pigs blood on her while they were crowned queen and queen."
Vance seemed as though he were in thought for a moment before he quickly fixed his expression. "It sounds okay, I guess." He shrugged and tapped his fingers against his arms. He normally fiddled with his pocket knife but you had recently asked him not to do it around you, it often made you nervous. He was understanding, and you knew he would be. Vance was without a doubt scary but you were his boyfriend, he wasn't going to scare you. Not with any harm, anyway.
Instead Vance had a habit of simply sneaking up on you or showing up behind corners while you were distracted. He still took joy in being an absolute menace, unfortunately. You're taken away from your thoughts as your boyfriend takes your pencil from your hand and more carefully takes your sketchbook. You allow him, you knew he had no malicious intent.
Often times when he took your sketchbook he simply wanted to look through it or occasionally doodle. This time it seemed as though he were trying to copy your drawing of Carrie right beside your own. His lips were pressed together and his brows furrowed as he focused, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly more when he messed up and had to erase his mistake. You weren't sure if he was frustrating himself until he threw the pencil down onto the bed and looked at you with a proud grin.
You take your attention away from Vance and look at his copy of your drawing. A small smile is placed upon your face as you study it. It really wasn't that good, but Vance was proud of it and it certainly was a bit better than it normally was. If your drawing wasn't right there you'd be able to guess it was Carrie. Had he been practicing or something?
"You have some competition, now." Your boyfriend boasted, his arms crossed as he looked down at your sketchbook and then back up to you. You snort, shaking your head a little in disbelief. "Clearly. Stop practicing, i'm supposed to be the artsy one in this relationship, that's my job. Not yours."
Vance let out a laugh at your response. "Maybe I will take your place. Be careful." You rolled your eyes in attempts to show your false lack of approval but the smile plastered onto your expression proved otherwise. You couldn't believe it, before you had dated Vance you would've assumed the most artsy thing he was interested in was carving things with his pocket knife. You were proven wrong, apparently.
Whether it was from an actual new interest in drawing or his competitive nature in general you weren't sure, but you weren't complaining. You were glad he at least had some sort of interest in the things your interested in, even if it was just to try and be better than you at it. An idea popped up into your head, an idea anyone else would get punched for even considering. You were his boyfriend though, so you were pretty much safe.
"I'll just beat your highscore at pinball or something. Doesn't seem that hard." You shrugged, taking a quick glance at Vance's expression. He looked shocked, his mouth slightly opened and his eyes wide. You almost laughed but you managed to bite your tongue. As much as you knew Vance wouldn't actually hurt you you couldn't count on him putting you in a light headlock, which was probably what he was considering right now.
"You wouldn't even get close." Vance's voice got lower, his tone nowhere far away from threatening. Still, the spark of amusement in his eyes is still there. He's only teasing.
"I'm thinking about it. Since we're picking up new hobbies and all." You flip through the pages of your sketchbook to try and seem as though this conversation wasn't interesting you in the slightest. You probably just looked a little dumb.
"You absolutely will not!" Vance quickly moves forward and holds you close in a position where you could barely move. You can't help but laugh, your fists flying backwards in an attempt to get out of your boyfriend's grasp. It comes nowhere near working but you can feel the vibrations of him trying his best to stop himself from laughing, too. It wasn't really working that well.
"Vance Hopper I will break that pinball machine instead!" You cackled, finally landing a hit on Vance. By the way he grunted and seemed to almost stagger a little you could tell you had accidentally hurt him more than you wanted to. Before you could even pause and apologize he was back to teasing as if you hadn't even done anything at all.
"I'll just take your sketchbook, then." Your boyfriend stated in a matter-of-fact tone. You barely even get your words out before he lets go and grabs your sketchbook before you get a chance to. Vance quickly gets off of your bed and you copy his movements, the two of you pausing as you wait for the other to move. You move first, grabbing for your sketchbook only for him to let out a bark of laughter and run out of your room. You want to say something but you decide to save your breath for the chase you knew he was likely going to win.
Vance ran from cops significantly more than you did. You never ran from cops, you didn't have to. This wasn't the first time he had unceremoniously stolen something from you and ran, unfortunately. He seemed to find it entertaining and while you did, too in a sense it didn't always end in you winning. Still, you decide to feed his already overgrown ego and chase him around your house in hopes he won't accidentally break anything in the process.
It doesn't take you long to catch up, once you get downstairs you find him waiting right in the living room. The second he sees you, though, he starts running again and you do, too. You dodge various pieces of furniture, almost knocking one of the chairs in your dining room over. Thankfully Vance is much less clumsy than you and as far as you have seen hasn't come close to breaking anything or knocking anything over.
"Give it!" You demand, your breath overtaking your voice as you struggle to get it back. Vance is struggling too, his chest rising and lowering as he stands with your sketchbook on the other side of the table. Rather than a proper response he gives an out of breath laugh. You know you won't get your stolen property back by simply catching him, that boy has outrun probably half of the police officers in Denver easily.
You try your best to formulate a plan in your head. You could trick him, but you weren't really sure how. Even though he had already failed two grades and was easily going on year three he wasn't an idiot. Whatever you quickly came up with he'd definitely figure out without a doubt. Bribery, maybe. The only thing he cares about his pinball, though, and you weren't that keen on wasting money when you knew he'd give it back eventually.
Even so, you wanted to win. You may be the polar opposite of your boyfriend personality wise but you were equally as competitive. You were going to get that sketchbook back on your own.
"I'll give you money for pinball if you give me my sketchbook." You try your best to hide your growing smirk. Vance raised one singular eyebrow, his breaths becoming more regulated as time goes on. You don't need a verbal response to know he's considering and likely wants you to go on.
"Enough for like - a few games maybe? I know you're short on change right now, you were complaining about it earlier at the Grab n' Go." You knew this because you were the one Vance was complaining to. You often watched him play pinball the same as he often watched you draw.
"Okay, deal." Vance shrugs, stepping forward. You know Vance, and you know he's not just gonna give it to you that easily. You're gonna have to be equally as mean if you want that sketchbook as bad as he does. As soon as he walks close enough you waste no time to tackle him to the ground, catching him off guard and causing both of you to tumble into the ground.
Before Vance has enough time to react you grab your sketchbook from his hands and try your best to get up. Instead he grabs your ankle and pulls you down, crawling forward in attempt to grab your own sketchbook from your hands after you had just taken it back from him. You loved him, but the audacity this boy has sometimes is truly unbelievable. Determined to not let Vance take it again you slide it across the floor, causing your boyfriend to pause and curse under his breath.
You could tell he was beginning to take this seriously. You were too, in a sense. You really wanted to win for once and Vance could tell. The two of you rush forward, your socks sliding on the floor of the dining room as you both try your best to get there first. Without thinking you push Vance's face away to try and give you enough time and stop him a little. It works, and you feel your sketchbook in your hands once again.
You decide to not make the mistake of lingering again and bolt upstairs deciding running outside with Vance chasing you would look a little odd without context. You also didn't feel like getting your socks dirty. Your boyfriend wastes no time chasing after you as you make your ways upstairs, the thumping of two pairs of feet on the stairs probably enough to cause an earthquake if you both tried hard enough.
You make it into your room before Vance does and, knowing exactly what he's gonna try, shove it into one of your drawers right after closing the door on his face. It opens right after you shut the drawer closed, leaving you to stand in your own room empty handed and a little nervous. Your boyfriend looks over your room in a frenzy to try and find your sketchbook and quickly gives up, accepting the sketchbook is gone but not yet accepting you actually won.
A proud grin adorns your face, your whole body shaking with leftover adrenaline from being chased around your own house and being knocked to the ground once or twice. Vance stares at you before huffing and sitting down onto your bed, the mattress shifting with the new weight of your boyfriend. You join him.
"So I don't get the change for pinball?" He asks, his voice full of disappointment that really doesn't match his personality at all. You sigh and roll your eyes ever so slightly, the smallest of smiles appearing as you fished through your pockets for change. As you hand it over to Vance his expression immediately lights up and he affectionately punches you in the shoulder, maybe a little harder than necessary. "Alright, thanks." He laughs, putting the coins into his own pockets. You really got robbed twice.
You snort in response and Vance seems to stare at your small bookshelf, his eyes apparently caught on a specific one. You follow his gaze but can't tell exactly which one he's looking at specifically, there are quite a few.
"Hey, isn't that the book you were talking about?" You narrow your eyes in thought before you finally come across the memory.
"Oh, yeah. Carrie. Why?"
"Can I uh - borrow it or something? I probably won't finish it, I'm not a literal nerd like you, but you seemed to like it so maybe it's not that bad." He shrugged nonchalantly, though his fixed attention on the book broke his 'cool guy' facade. You smirk, standing up and grabbing the book from the shelf.
"Sure, I don't mind. Just give it back at some point, please." You can't help but chuckle, holding the book out towards your boyfriend. He gives an indignant snort in response and takes it from your hands.
"No promises."
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badassbutterfly1987 · 6 months
Any/all of D,L,M,N you're inclined to answer :)
D: What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written?
Hard to say, honestly. Beacon of Hope is pretty self-indulgent. A lot of my fics have personal touches: things like gender and disability tend to be inspired in part from my own uncertainties.
L: Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Mother Destroyer was a difficult one to write. So imagine a little girl with psychic powers, imagine her being experimented on. But because she's too powerful to control, they put her in a coma. When she's 15 or so, they decide to use her to create psychic super soldiers because psychic abilities might be genetic. She wakes just in time to both realize she has two sons and see them taken away. Next time she wakes up, they are the same age she was at the start; she tries to connect to one telepathically and it causes a breakdown that ends in a murder spree; her life support is turned off and she dies. Except very powerful psychics create very powerful ghosts. Imagine that ghost child stuck with her rage and stunted growth and just simmering in it for 20 years. Anyway Alma Wade is tragic and scary and it was fascinating writing from her perspective.
Gift fit for a King is also challenging (don't worry I haven't forgotten about it) because both Holland and Vortalis are in worse places emotionally than they are in their first canon meeting.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
So Beacon of Hope is set during Vortalis' reign, right? It's going to end before his assassination so some story threads are going to be left dangling. So I have some ideas for a few one shots for that period between the Danes takeover and main canon. Holland will be clinging to whatever sense of agency he can before that gets beaten down.
I do also have an idea for modern au fic where Holland is the Danes' new foster brother and Athos is a creep about it but not blatant enough for Holland to recognize all the red flags.
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mhahaikyuus · 2 years
One Wish
tags:; established relationship, drinking, clubbing, fighting, mentions of jealousy, mentions of death (not serious at all dw), mentions of sex, mentions of breakup, reader has attitude, Shinso apologizes, protective Shinso
You were mad at him and decided to go out. Shinso was on your last nerve and you needed an hour to just decompress from his annoying presence. His nonchalant behavior and bored eyes as you fought only infuriated you more.
You were swallowing a vodka soda trying to get drunk tonight. Mina wanted to go to a bar tonight and you were not opposed.
You were on your fourth one and still throwing them back no problem.
Shinso saw you from the corner watching you gulp down the bitter drinks.
He made some comment with you earlier when you weren’t in the mood and you walked out of his apartment needing space. Unknown to you Kirishima also dragged him to a bar with Denki and you were at the bar with your pink friend. You looked pretty, his eyes trained on you as soon as he entered the bar. At the bar with a skimpy top and too short skirt with your hair pulled up he was entranced. If he knew you were in a good mood he would just approach you with a few grabby tricks to make you laugh. But you stormed out and he wanted to hold you to asleep tonight. It was his one wish tonight. To feel your soft body pressed up against him was his only goal. You were a stubborn thing, if you saw him you would just clam up and probably spend the night with Mina.
He decided to do the safest route and sit at a stool from the bar a few seats away. He kept sending over drinks until you noticed his familiar hair.
What was he doing here? You thought scooting your butt a few seats towards him with a bored look. Upset and now feeling the drinks he had sent over. Thinking it was another creepy guy trying to get your number but it was your boyfriend. You recognized his fluffy purple hair instantly once you saw the bartender told you who sent the drinks.
“What are you doing,” You whispered leaning your front half towards him. He smiled at you acknowledging him. “Just trying to treat my pretty girl.” He shrugged with a soft smile on his lips. Wrapping his arm around you. Letting a small breath at you acknowledging him.
“Don’t think you can give me a couple drinks and call me pretty names and that all is forgotten.” You sighed and his grip around your waist tightened.
“But that’s how I got you in the first place.” He protested giving you a cheek kiss to make your cheeks warm.
“You rolled your eyes at his words. That’s not funny.”
“I know i’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you.”
Before you could reply Mina wrapped her hand around your wrist and yanked you from his grasp w was to the dance floor.
Apologizing was the first step but that mean you weren’t still mad at him.
Him buying you a drink literally meant nothing to you. Random ugly guys buy you drinks at the bar all the time, it’s one of the few perks of being a pretty girl. Right now Shinso wasn’t any different.
Shinso was near you but not close enough for you to notice. Any guy that looked liked he wanted to get with you was met with Shinso’s scary eyes and immediately backed down. A girl came up to him and Shinso shut it down immediately.
“Hey what’s your name?” She asked batting her eyelashes at him. Shinso had his eyes trained on you not even sparing the poor girl a glance. “No, I’m happily in a relationship.”
She moved away from him defeated and he continued to watch you drink.
You went past your limit that night. Not even caring how you got home. Turns out drinking 8 to 9 drinks and group shots really is an unexpected punch in the mouth.
You were groaning on the toilet letting your senses flood you. Realizing how badly you had messed up the second you sat down on the seat.
Shinso fortunately had kept a close eye on you and currently waiting for you outside the stall waiting with a bottle of water in his hand for you. You stumbled out of the stall and Shinso had a firm grip on your waist steading your balance in your heels.
“What are you doing here?” You asked washing your hands in the dirty sink, feeling his eyes on you.
“I don’t care if you’re mad at me. I’m still your boyfriend and I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it. And that includes watching you when you’re drunk even if you’re ignoring me.” He explained still a tight grip on your waist.
You turned off the sink and turned into his grasp. He lifted you up on the sink with your legs swinging.
“Here.” He said cracking open the bottle and motioning for you to open your mouth.
You titled your head back and he poured water in until you pressed your lips together and swallowed.
“Thank you baby.” You hummed using your thumb to swipe the excess water from the corners of your mouth.
Shinso had both hands trapping your body in between him and the sink. Leaning over you with his height as you were too drunk to care.
He raised his eyebrows, “I’m baby now?”
You laughed, “No im baby and you’re a jerk.” You corrected yourself.
Shinso was having a hard time breathing being so close to you and not being able to touch you. He could still catch whiffs of your alluring perfume even after a whole night of dancing. Usually you dragged him in this bathroom and he would do sinful things to you in front of the mirror or against the wall.
Now you were barely letting him so close without getting snippy with him.
He really wish you didn’t wear the outfit on your body tonight.
A skimpy top with no bra and scrap of fabric called a mini skirt. It was killing him to see you look like that. Showing off all your curves and skin in all the right places. You looked too good for him to not do anything but you were too drunk. A dopey smile on your face and swinging feet was much different than your scowling annoyed face made just for him. The necklace he bought you was still dangling in between your breasts and a charmed anklet still strapped your ankle. Signaling you were still his. He couldn’t look down because he was in between your legs and he could see what lacy underwear you weren’t wearing.
He groaned gently placing his head on your shoulder, “You’re killing me you know that.”
You looked down at your body and frowned in confusion.
“What? Oh shit are my nipples out?” You asked before flashing you’re already struggling boyfriend who could not take his eyes off your breasts he hadn’t had the pleasure in seeing for a while.
“What do they look weird?” You joked with a cocky smirk as Shinso tried to subtly adjust his pants and failing. You pulled down your top with a laugh.
Shinso pressed his eyes together at your words restraining himself. He was going to drag you into the stall if he didn’t get you home quickly. “Come on let me fix you and go home.”
“We don’t have a home. You live in your apartment. I’m staying with Mina tonight. I’ll move my stuff out soon so you won’t have to be bothered with me anymore.” You countered bringing up the past argument.
Shinso pressed his lips together trying to not feel hurt at your words and sighed. “Okay I deserve that. I’m sorry can I please take you out of here now.”
You shrugged, “I might go home with someone else tonight.”
Shinso raised his eyebrows and laughed, “I don’t care how mad you are. If you think I’m letting you go home with another man you’re out of your mind. I’ll go to prison before you go home with a another guy.”
“Prison huh?”
“I will kill a man for putting his hands on you without hesitation.” Shinso said with a dark look in his eye and knuckles gripping the sink, still surrounding your body.
“I should probably tell the guy waiting for me outside he should hide.” You said with a smug smile.
He grabbed your jaw with his large hand “You’re not funny.” He frowned
“Why do you care, all I do is bother you.” You snipped masking the hurt in your eyes but Shinso knew better.
“Yes you do bother me and you’re a pain in my ass.” He sighed
“Thank you for repeating that you’re such a good boyfriend!” You laughed
“You’re a fucking brat but I love you and that pain in my ass more than anything and no one else can have it.” He said holding your jaw with one hand, your cheeks squished. Leaning down giving you a long kiss that made your knees weak at the passion.
“Okay.” You said with a smile. You were blacked out drunk so he was taking everything you said not serious at all.
“Can you drink anymore?” He asked rubbing your back as you swallowed more water from the bottle.
“Thank you.” You said handing him the empty bottle.
“Alright i’m taking you home sweetheart.” He said gripping your waist and helping you down. You slung your hands over his broad shoulders for support and you leaned into him. Completely forgetting what you said less than a minute ago.
“Love I can’t feel my legs.” You complained unable to stand up right and he picked you up without hesitancy.
Shinso walked out of the bar holding your purse and your legs wrapped around his waist too tired to walk.
Mina and Kirishima waved goodbye. You waving from behind his shoulder at your friends, not going to remember your exit in the morning.
Shinso gently put you on the bed and you flopped like a dead fish.
He tugged you upright and pushed your head through one of his shirts and held out another glass of water for you to take.
You groaned turning your head away, and he pushed it into your hands.
“You’ll thank me tomorrow now drink.”
“Can’t… I just sleep, Toshi” You whined sipping on the water as he unstrapped off your shoes. The use of his nickname made him have hope in the morning you wouldn’t kill him.
He kissed your anklet before taking the empty bottle from you and turning you so you were sleeping correctly. Kissing your forehead and ran his hands through your hair lulling you asleep. Your body limp and feeling the spins as you closed your eyes.
The world was turning dark and your eyelids couldn’t open but your ears heard him backing away.
“Where are you going.” You grumbled into your pillow arm stretched out for his touch.
“On the couch, you’re still mad.” He said as he changed into his own clothes getting ready for bed.
“No, I want to cuddle. Hold me” You yawned and he walked over to your hand and gripped it.
“Are you sure?” He asked
“Mhm.” You said as unconsciousness overtook you.
Shinso climbed into bed as the big spoon wrapping his long arms around yours and hooking a leg over yours.
He got his wish.
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am0ng-us-sus · 1 year
A fic because it's the ✨ 4th of July ✨ and I got inspired
As the night fell,the Megurine family became more and more exited. Tonight a nearby company was hosting a party to celebrate it's 50 year anniversary,and Meiko had heard from a few people that there were going to be fireworks. Fireworks weren't a common thing where the family lived,so everyone -especially Sakine- was exited.
'Come on! Let's goooo! Hurry up!'
She said as the rest of the family was taking their time getting ready.
'We're coming,Kiki,we're coming!'
Said Luka.
The rest of the family followed Sakine out onto the front lawn of their newly bought house.
'I'm so exited!!'
She squealed.
Said Kawane. She was obviously really hyped,sense Kawane tended to be rather quiet and timid.
The first firework shot into the air,before exploding in a loud pop,though the noise wasn't too bad.
'Kawane,did you see that!?'
Another one
'Wowwww! So cool!'
'They're like stars!'
'They're pretty,aren't they,Mei?'
'Hmm... Not as pretty as you~~'
'You're so cheesy...'
'Why thank you!'
More fireworks shot into the air,exploding into pretty shapes and colors.
Then they stopped.
'Hm? Is that it?'
Asked Sakine.
Luka and Meiko shared a glance,a bit confused.
The loudest firework the family had ever heard exploded into the sky,several others following suit
Kawane yelped and dropped to the ground,knees to her chest as she covered her ears.
Luka,made a startled noise,as well. She covered her ears and shrunk into herself.
Kawane and Luka both hated loud noises,and they had all forgotten how loud some fireworks can be...
Sakine knelt down by her sister,trying to comfort her.
Meiko put her hands over Luka's helping her block out the noise.
'Sakine,get your sister inside.'
Sakine nodded and helped Kawane up,leading her into the house,as Meiko guided Luka in as well.
Once inside,Kawane ran to her room and hid underneath the bed,Sakine went after her,laying on the floor by the bed,trying to coax her out from her hiding spot.
Meanwhile,Meiko was holding a startled Luka on the couch downstairs. She was trembling from the adrenaline rush,still covering her ears.
'I'm sorry,dear. I know you really wanted to see the fireworks,too...'
'They're so loud...'
'I know... This is my fault,I'm so sorry...'
'No,it's okay... You just wanted to spend some time with our family...'
Meiko kissed the top of her head.
'Are you feeling well enough to go check in on the children?'
'Yeah... I just needed a minute...'
Luka got off of Meiko's lap,Meiko got up,as well.
The couple walked upsairs to find their kids.
'Kawa... Please come out,sis... It's okay...'
'No... It's too scary...'
'But you're safe in the house!'
Kawane heard the door open,and the voices of her mothers talking to Sakine,who got up,Luka taking her place on the floor.
Kawane didn't respond.
'I know you're scared. I got scared,too. But we're inside,you're safe. Besides,hiding under your bed isn't going to make the fireworks any less noisy... How about you come out,okay? I'll make sure you're protected,alright?'
Kawane started to inch closer to the edge of the bed.
'That's it,love. Come here...'
Kawane crawled out from underneath the bed and into Luka's arms.
'There you are,baby...'
'Mama... I-I wanted to watch the fireworks,but they're scary...'
'I know,it's disappointing,isn't it?'
'LuLu... I have an idea...'
'What is it,Pancakes?'
'All three of you,sit on the bed,okay? I'll be right back~'
Sakine sat on her sister's bed,Luka and Kawane following suit.
Meiko returned after a couple of minutes with a few small bowls of ice-cream. She handed one to each person,keeping one for herself. She turned off the lights,then hurried to open Kawane's curtains.
Outside,fireworks were exploding,the lights shining in the dark sky.
'Wow! I forgot that Kawa's window faced this way!'
Said Sakine
Luka and Meiko sat on the bed,while the kids knelt on the floor in front of the window,eating their ice-cream and watching the fireworks from inside the house,the bangs muffled by the windows.
Sakine and Kawane were excitedly pointing at different fireworks,amazed by the bright colors.
Luka leaned into Meiko's shoulder,as the couple looked out at the balls of light,giggling at their daughters as they marveled at the fireworks,the sky lightning up beautifully.
Sometimes life gave the family setbacks,but no matter what,they could get through them as long as they were all together.
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(Sakine and Kawane are sitting on the floor they look like they're rlly small but they're on the floor in front of the bed lol)
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
‘👀 haha for al-haitham
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send me ‘👀’ for something my muse has said about yours to someone else / when they’re not around.
The teamwork of two brightest minds of the Akademiya certainly brings out the most intriguing of rumors between the common folk. They gossip and they giggle, or they gasp and they feel scandalized. They're still people and they're still fools no matter how highly academically they might stand. It's common knowledge Al-Haitham is the least teamwork friendly person to work with and Zarina's own stubborn approach to research is brought up by the community. Perhaps, that's why several scholars who couldn't defeat their curious would inquire Sokolova about working with the Scribe.
Zarina raises her eyebrow at the questions thrown at her, wondering when they've turned into such an energetic, chippery folk. Their eyes gleam with interest but also some concern. Aw, they seem to care about HER wellbeing so much.
Al-Haitham is so unfriendly, so brash, how can you work with him! Such common words are spoken in flurries at her when her office is invaded by several scholars.
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"Al-Haitham is quite a wonderful young man," she says, watching the expressions on the intruders change from concern to either deeper concern, to relief, to doubt, to horror. They all reacted so differently, but before anyone could speak a word, Sokolova lifts her hand to ask them to be quiet. "He's quiet, diligent and does his job as he needs to. He also makes sure we stay on top and do not stay working overtime. I believe, such efficiency is good, wouldn't you say? It's also been a while since I've heard such straightforward back and forths during research. Never have my ideas been shot down so fast solely for the sake of cutting down time."
—But he is so...
"Scary?" She asks, a sly smirk appearing on silverette's lips.
—N-no! He just doesn't seem like someone who would work well with you.
"Ow, that hurts, mind you!" There's laughter in the air to alleviate the awkwardness. "To your surprise, I adjust to my teammate's moods and behaviors to make the job easier. Though, I do think Al-Haitham will avoid me after this project is done."
Questions looks are shared.
—Miss Sokolova, please don't tell us...
"I do like to tease, alright? Just one expression from him would be worth it! I do my job, alright. I just want one change from the rock-face stoic handsomness."
—Don't tell me you also make questionable remarks about his appearance.
"Who do you take me for?!"
—A flirtatious individual...
"Well, yeah, but I only asked about his biceps..."
"I DIDN'T HIT ON HIM! IT WAS A JOKE!" A second of silence. "And what do you mean better than that?! Can't I appreciate a pretty person?!"
—This is why Sage Naphis told us to keep an eye on you...
"Wow. Betrayed."
—Maybe the Scribe really IS the losing side here... I feel bad now.
"Aaaaalright, everyone, get the hell out."
At least, as expected, they stopped digging deeper into what they're working on and switched their mind from asking her about her teammate and started to dive into scolding her for the 'inappropriate flirting at work' as a comedic outlet. The tensions and worries easily forgotten, and Zarina thinks to herself that she couldn't give less of a damn to answer their questions about the Scribe. Not today, at least. She still needed those brains to work with her on appointed schedule.
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welovelouisandbucky · 2 years
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Of welovelouisandbucky
Smut > *
Fluff > °
Angst > #
Requested > •
• Something Worth to Live
Summery: With horrible circumstances in life, and toxic and abusive relationship, Y/n thinks it's better to just end things. She knows suicide is not the answer, but she's too weak to find others. One Friday night, after conjuring up some courage and mind, she heads to the bridge (that is actually famous for suicides) to end her life and that's where she meets a stranger, a really pretty, handsome and cute stranger.
Or Y/n wants to jump off the bridge and Harry is being an asshole
{on hold temporarily}
• My Forgotten Best Friend
Summary: Y/n's crazy love for art dragged her to the tattoo parlor in hopes of getting a tattoo, but instead of getting a tattoo, she got reunited with her old best friend Louis Tomlinson. A friend who disappeared one day and never came back. All the memories and feelings that she had kept locked up behind the doors came crashing down on her when she saw his face. She felt like time has stopped and the world is laughing at her for still feeling this way after 6 years and for who? The person who left her when she needed him the most and never even tried to contact her again, leaving her heartbroken and confused with so many questions. She almost fainted with all these overwhelming emotions yet she didn't, her pride would never let her live if she showed how weak she really is right now. 
[on going temporarily]
Or Louis and Y/n used to be best friends until they weren't
• Faith
Summary: Y/n is single mom. She and her daughter, Faith lives alone. One day when she was little busy her daughter went missing, later she found her with their weird neighbor named Steven.
Or Y/n is teen Mom who lives alone and Steven is a bit scary....
{on hold temporarily}
One shots
Soon to be added
Peter Parker with artist!reader!
Harry potter
Mattheo and Theodore headcanons
Lorenzo Berkshire headcanon•
Harry styles drabble*
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The Conjuring sucks and doesn't deserve the popularity it gets
Now that I've got your feet wet, I'l start diving into the REAL hot takes. Spoilers ahead.
When I first watched The Conjuring, I didn't hate it, although I did groan at the exorcism scene at the end. Why? Because how many exorcisms do we gotta see that have the possessed floating in the air? Granted, I loved Belzebuth despite it doing the exact same thing with a crucified victim, but at least as a whole, it was different.
I've mostly forgotten The Conjuring now. Guess it really just had that effect on me. All I really remember is the aforementioned exorcism and that there were almost always lights on (which annoyed me to no end and really killed the atmosphere they were going for). I also hear people saying it's better than Sinister, which is a movie I adore for its originality and because it genuinely scared me. In comparison, The Conjuring does nothing new and is just a generic haunted house movie. Some people love it for precisely that reason, that's fine. I don't understand it, but it's fine. Still seems ridiculous that the MPAA would slap it with an R-rating on the basis that it's "too scary" for PG-13, even though there is absolutely nothing in there that a PG-13 audience couldn't handle. I mean, we grew up with the likes of rotten.com and Stephen Gammel's illustrations for Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
However, my perception of The Conjuring changed from a mediocre and banal haunted house flick undeserving of the praise it gets to an odious piece of shit when I found out the sort of people the Warrens really were. They made money off of the people they "helped", literally demonized their critics, shot staged photographs of their hauntings, and most disgustingly of all, Ed groomed a 15-year-old girl, and Lorraine was okay with it. All this was in addition to the exploiting some genuinely gullible families who truly believed the hauntings were real Don't believe me? Your search engine is your friend. Obviously, the Warren family denies these allegations, but the numerous testimonies don't paint a pretty picture. I dunno about you, but I'm more inclined to believe the people who weren't looking to make a quick buck off of discredited hauntings and vulnerable people.
Maybe I'm a little bit of a hypocrite in this regard. I see Bubba Ho-Tep as a masterpiece, despite Elvis being outed as a rather sleazy person who was up to some highly questionable shit. But I would rather take a single weird, introspective dramedy about aging and regret that just happens to use Elvis to illustrate its overarching message and features a soul-sucking mummy, over a generic billion-dollar grossing franchise that adds nothing new to the horror genre and continues to paint a duo of con artists in a positive light. None of my criticisms are even getting into it being Christian propaganda, which it most certainly is, but then, so is The Exorcist, which was actually great and The CONjuring chooses to riff on at the end.
I haven't bothered with any of the sequels or spinoffs. Why would I? The first movie was entirely unremarkable to me. If the Warrens weren't such awful people, I might have reluctantly given the franchise the benefit of the doubt. That just isn't the case, though.
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wickedbaggins · 2 years
All the games I finished this year
All thirty! Twenty-nine! A really good year for indie narrative games, gotta say. Roadwarden in particular has me churning about making a text RPG of my own in Ren’py ...
10 mg: Locked In Very short visual novel about COVID tensions. Man, gotta say, the simulated fight was too harsh and mean for me to really lean into it. Parenting is rough! Especially during a pandemic. AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative More of everything in the first game, hooray! More puzzles, more somniums, more AIs, more pipe-wielding teenagers! More musical numbers! Visual novel with puzzles and branching and a lot of gleeful oddness. Plus some horrific what-the-fuckery. It is Uchikoshi. As Dusk Falls Interactive movie about a hostage situation with Rippling Consequences. Not bad, really -- I know a lot of the devs are refugees from David Cage's nonsense, and this is certainly more coherent and affecting than Cage. The writers do seem to have ported Appalachian stereotypes into their rural Arizonan characters, and some chapters feel like one-offs, but it's not bad and makes some decent stabs toward depicting PTSD. I like the accelerated-comic visual style. Beacon Pines Visual novel with adventure elements. You get keywords in some branches that you can apply to other branches. You play a darling pre-teen deer, hanging out with his darling cat friends, in a not-so-darling setting with a Wicked Corporation and an Old Money Family with Secrets. Plays happily in the body horror (and general horror) space without ever being all that scary. It's a pleasant romp with breathless narration. Chinese Parents Raising sim. Growing Up, below, is so similar that it may be too polite to call it a clone, but Chinese Parents is the superior game. The translation is occasionally iffy, sometimes very iffy, but you feel the parental PRESSURE and how much they WANT you to succeed, for selfish and unselfish reasons. Ends up a kind of melancholy and funny family piece, a window into the struggle to get through childhood that feels much more real than Growing Up. And I kinda enjoy the haphazard art. Coffee Talk Visual novel with coffee-and-tea-making minigames that I almost always failed and had to look up. Embarrassing for a pure chill game! Otherwise, charming slice of life with gorgeous pixel art and interesting-enough discussions (although "earthlings are too stupid not to overbreed the earth!" was weirdly offensive). Consider It What even is this? Tiny minigames? Choices made based on tiny movements? A personality test? I laughed at the Grave of the Fireflies jokes. A lot. Excavation of Hob's Barrow Pixel point and click with some incredible cutscenes? Character-shots? And a wonderfully awful mood. It's horror that you see coming, but that doesn't decrease the effectiveness when it finally gets to you. Our heroine is incredibly plucky and incredibly doomed. Forgotten City First person time-loop puzzle-and-talk with a bit of sneaking and combat. And a lot of running. Funny and dark and thoughtful, with some delightful antiquities nerdery. You are in a pocket of the Roman empire, after all! I didn't ultimately love the final reveal, but the journey there is a really fun time and I always appreciate a philosophy battle. Growing Up Raising sim. So similar to Chinese Parents that it's, politely, a clone, but with much nicer art and cleaner writing. The game feels disjointed, though. The various visual-novelish arcs related to your friends and interests are pretty intensive, but your parents never cohere as people and their requests never make much sense. The pressures in Chinese Parents are made very explicit; you are your parents' hopes and dreams. The parents in Growing Up appear to expect nothing of you as a whole, which leaves their requests feeling completely arbitrary and random. Which they are! But it feels less intentional. Henry Stickman Impressively stupid and arbitrary choose your own adventure, and all the very best choose your own adventures are stupid and arbitrary! This 'un knows exactly what it is: a horrible death simulator. Her Story Clever, intricate film database about a murder and the gal who done that murder, maybe. Glad I got this in before Immortality - you can see the roots of the longer film clip game. Also has a great musical number. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Another life sim! Comparisons with Chinese Parents and Growing Up are inevitable, but this is going a different direction. Like Growing Up, it has intensively developed friend-and-interest arcs. Like Chinese Parents, there is a tension between child and parents that fuels the story. But this has heavier adventure and RPG elements. There are quests (if usually unmarked) and extensive exploration. It's a little didactic, but the weird alienness of the planet plus harrowing turns in the plot plus a heady metanarrative keep the game far from being a screed. Very interesting and replayable. Immortality Less accessible film database than Her Story -- trying to click on points of interest to match-cut to different clips is interesting, but it's harder to go back and review. Much longer than Her Story. There are, after all, three films + commentary in this one. And a very clever trick/twist, although that trick basically requires you play with a controller. Also has great musical numbers. Lost Ember Beautiful game where you play a psychopomp wolf able to possess other animals. Bogged down by controls that never feel quite right and, for my tastes, a far-too-human-centric story. The story's not ineffective, but it runs on forever and its themes feel muddy. It's somewhere between the somewhat strange trope I've seen in other indie games of "revolution is good but violence is bad" and maybe a "all life, not only humans, is sacred" story, but it doesn't quite cohere. The inciting incident is also too arbitrary and the oppressive pre-industrial civilization is thinly drawn other than "they sure like monuments". and "they are wrecking the environment". Both the environmental and the revolutionary message lack enough specificity to really be compelling. It is really nice to play a fish or a hummingbird (some of the animals with freer movement), but the animals are vehicles and tools to the extent that the "we are all one" idea, if intended, doesn't hit maybe as it should. It's largely the typical walking sim frame of "go 'x' steps until you get the next commentary or cutscene", which I don't find too engaging. The landscapes sure are super nice though. Luck Be a Landlord Your landlord keeps increasing your rent and slot machines are yer only hope. That's the game! Monster Prom Finally got around to the Monster Prom visual-novel-dating-sim franchise this year. It's charming and silly! Monster Camp Monster Camp is Monster Prom! But more hyper-focused on one character at a time! Which has pros and cons - it's a bit less silly, but you do get to know the character better! Monster Road Trip Monster Road Trip feels INDEED like the game the previous two games were leading up to. We've established our cast, now let's do Oregon Trail! Less focus on dating (it's really a side activity), more focus on hijinks in random places! Very silly! Although because the characters are now so established, suddenly, I have moral questions in this amoral game! Should a good boy werewolf be murdering people at Knife World?? Did the rest of the cast fool him into thinking they aren't real murders? He's not so bright?? I don't know?? Norco Really amazing visual novel-adventure-lite game. I played this near the beginning of the year, read Ducks at the end of the year. Both of these are about the economic opportunities that OIL provides on paper, and the environmental and personal degradation it enacts in truth. While Ducks is autobiography and Norco is surreal and heightened, they are both incredibly personal and devastatingly sad. It is worth calling out Norco's sideways sardonic sense of humor and how glorious the surrealism is. Peachvale Extremely short little thing about being queer in a small town. Well-written, no conclusion, really, day-in-the-life.  Pentiment Visual-novel-adventure, a historical fiction centered around a tumult of changes. Illuminated manuscripts in abbeys giving way to manuscripts created by secular craftsman (and here's, also, the printing press). Catholicism slowly threatened by Protestantism. Peasants losing what protections they have. People learning to READ. A very dense and interesting setting threaded through by a plotline that carries through several decades, involves a couple of murders, and a lot of THINKING. Art style is fantastic. So is the writing. Persona 5 Royale Some epic JRPG. You might have heard of it. It's immense, generous, incredibly stylish, big-hearted and thematically firm … ish. Persona sure runs into the trouble of wanting its grand, powerful statements about identity and exploitation and freedom, but also still wants to objectify women, be an adolescent boys’ fantasy, etc., etc.. But it does have a lot to say, and a lot of it well. The cast is delightful, and it takes quite a variety of gameplay and dungeon design to stay interesting for 120+ hours. Prose & Codes Fun letter substitution cyphers that highlight a bunch of cool old books on Project Gutenberg.  Return of the Obra Dinn What a wonderfully nasty puzzle box of deaths. Absolutely compelling art and weirdly compelling sound. I'm not sure I wholly get the overarching narrative, but I'm not sure I need to. Sometimes you're just cursed, mate. Don't fuck with the ocean. Roadwarden Text RPG. A tight, tense experience of being some poor person trying to fix a neglected road and reconnect isolated, mistrustful communities. Great world and character building, fantastic mood.  Strange Horticulture Puzzle game game with a shop management interface. Very tactile experience. Sorting your ever-growing collection of plants, messing with lenses, counting off squares on a map. Storytelling ladled out in drips while you go pluck plant 500 (which has, like all the others, its own name and a purpose). Fun and absorbing. ValiDate Gorgeous art, but incredibly didactic, and rooted in a morality system I don't quite understand. The gap of (little) judgement for the deadbeat dad character compared to (massive, interventional) judgement for the hot mom who goes to clubs to hook up baffled me. Is hooking up worse than ditching your kids? Is the idea that hot mom should know better? Is hooking up and/or dating bad if the other ladies' feelings get hurt? Are you supposed to be able to avoid feelings getting hurt if you are hot and mature? I don't know! Very confused. But man, that art. Zachtonics Solitaire Collection Played this collection of card games as far as I was able. I can one day conquer Shenzen Solitaire, I'm sure, but Fortune's Fool is beyond me. Tarot decks have tooooo many cards. You win, Zachtronics.
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Phone Guy Dave AU Fanfic: Aubergine Pizza
(Disclaimers: it’s best to thing of my first fic, Saferoom, as sorta a prequel/backstory. This is once again quite OOC, especially for Dave, because, well, he’s a phone guy now, a bit for Jack as well because he has depress because boyfriend is phone, admittedly not too out of the ordinary (not the depress at least, the phone part is pretty weird tho). 
While my last fic was hardcore angst with a double shot of angst on the side, this one, and probably a lot of future phone guy Dave AU fanfics contains a great deal of fluff. Specifically Davesport fluff.
DSAF 3 spoilers)
Jack had found that despite having called in a few favours with the factory, he hadn’t managed to have them make Dave any less brainwashed. Ok, that is not entirely true, as he had managed to effectively skip out on the whole fake wife and being named Scott thing. But that’s where his luck ended. 
Dave had been simply left with really no memories whatsoever, and upon having asked if Jack knew who he was, the orange man had snapped at him. Jack didn’t mean to. It wasn’t Dave he was upset with. It was Henry.
The man who he had trusted for some reason. Perhaps Henry really was the manipulative mastermind he thought himself to be. Henry had used his body to hurt Dave, and now Dave had forgotten his own name.
Jack had gotten in trouble, apparently Dave was missing a lot of organs, and his decomposition was suspicious. The people at the factory had accused Jack of having killed him himself, taken his organs, and left him to rot. The only reason he was not arrested was a) because what was going on wasn’t exactly MORAL in the first place, b) Jack is very scary, and c) Dave COUGHED. 
Jack wasn’t sure he’d ever get Dave back. He wasn’t responding to anything, and he was running out of hope.
“Uhhh sir? Sir you have been standing there staring at me for the past 10 minutes.” Jack was snapped out of his trance by Dave, ‘staring’ down at him.
“Right. Sorry I lost my train of thought. What did you want again?”
The phone sighed dramatically, “You know we’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t focus, sir. I was just telling you that our suit performer is… ‘on vacation’ which is code of course for ‘running from the police’. Now I could step in for h-“
“Sir I don’t understand.”
“I’ll do it. I swear to god if you ever have to see the inside of a springlock suit.”
“I already have.”
“Do not be a smartass employee.”
“Now that the case of the suit wearer is settled, rather oddly I might add. We have finally completed all matters on this page.” Dave says.
“So are we done now? Can I go now?”
“No. We have 4 more pages.”
Jack whines “still?! We’ve already done like 8!“
“11 actually.”
“Ok onto the next order of business. The customers find Matt to be unsettling, due to his virginity and smile. Now, we can’t do anything about the smile but we CAN take him to Vegas and hire a couple hookers.”
Jack smiles at Dave’s first solution being hookers in Vegas, maybe he wasn’t gone after all.
“Nah, won’t work. I’ve already tried that. Besides, can’t we just have Matt wear a mask? He should be wearing one anyway.”
“We can’t. The hecking masks melt off his face due to the power of his virginity.”
“So I’m assuming Matt is a bust?”
“Pretty much. We just need to tell customers to deal with it, he all but came with the prize counter.”
“I thought you specifically looked for him for the job.”
“He all but came with the prize counter.”
Dave makes a dialup noise in frustration. “Ok… how about just this last page. I want to be done as much as you do. I have a longing to hide in the Saferoom so I don’t have to do my job. Mostly to escape this conversation.”
“Gimme the next boring list item.”
“Ok, so, music man has made his nest in our ball pit and kids have started disappearing into it. Fazbender’s has a long history of child murders so it looks very bad for us.”
You’d know about that, wouldn’t you. Oh wait… no you wouldn’t. Never mind…
“So we probably need to find some way to get rid of it… only problem is that… I don’t want to even enter that room because of it.”
“Eh, it’s not our worst room.”
“Disabled bathroom. Also the strip club, although that one is also my favourite. It’s only bad because Oscar.”
The phone guy sighs “ok, next order of business. The health inspector is coming soon-“
“How soon is soon?”
“12 years.”
“Ok that’s it, meeting over, you’re obsessing over things that don’t matter. It’s tradition to only care the DAY OF the inspection. Plus a little bribery goes a long way so you don’t even have to care that day either. You’re working yourself to death.”
“Better dead than closed sir.”
Jack grabbed the purple phone man’s hand and dragged him away.
“Where are you kidnapping me to sir?”
“My favourite room.”
“Oh dear god no.”
Jack throws open the door to the strip club. “Look Davey, STRIPPER FAXES.”
“…why did you say ‘fox’ like that?”
“Dave… say ‘fax’”
“Dave I’m not angry, just disappointed. Say fax.”
“Sir… you’re scaring me.” Dave backs away.
“Say fax employee. It is an order.”
“Fine sir. ‘Fax’. Are you happy.”
Jack leads Dave into the strip club, and directly to the salad bar. “Sir if this is that thing where you get me to yell at you to not eat the salad I’ll fire myself.” Ah, Jack remembers making his first phoney do that. Priceless. Not something he’d make Dave do, but priceless nonetheless.
“No I was actually wondering if you wanted any. It’s the only food in this building you can’t get cancer from.”
“I don’t have a mouth, sir.” His phone guy reminds.
“I’m sure we could just shove it up your ass and have the same effect.”
“Sir, I’m not letting you shove salad up my ass.”
“Did you just… say an emoticon? Also did you want to shove salad up my ass?!?”
“Ok, I’m bored now and I’ve endured too much Oscar by being in the same room as him.”
Jack grabs Dave’s hand again and drags him out of the room.
“So what is it… if I might ask… what is it you actually DO? During the days you’re here?” Dave asks Jack.
“Eh, I mostly just wander around looking for loose change and messing around.” Jack gets a dialup tone in response to this.
“Look if you really want to be doing actual work. How about we make a pizza? The eternal spirit of Ronaldo taught me how.”
“The WHAT NOW?!”
Dave mostly forced Jack to put on normal toppings. This wasn’t good. Jack was hoping to reawaken Dave’s chaotic urges by giving him opportunities to mess with people, but the factory had turned him into some perfect employee. Fortunately for Jack, he had a TRUMP CARD. A whole eggplant.
Dave was just about to put the pizza in the oven when he pulled out the plant. “Wait, Dave, one more ingredient.”
Dave seemed to freeze for a moment upon seeing the eggplant, as if remembering something. Holy shit was Jack’s stupidest plan to date working?
“An elusive aubergine!”
“H-how is it elusive.”
“Of course. Well you can’t put it on the pizza it’s not sliced or anything.”
“Sure I can. He desires to be on the pizza, Dave. I’ve never been one to say no to aubergines.”
“Look I can tell that somehow by looking at you. But this particular EGGPLANT is telling you to do something EVIL.”
“Fake news. All aubergines tell me to do evil things.”
“The evil power of your purple vegetable is causing me to glitch, get it away from me. Kids won’t want to eat it anyway.”
“Sure they will. It’s delicious.” Jack decides to demonstrate this by taking a bite out of the eggplant.
“Ok now we REALLY can’t put it on the pizza, you bit it.”
“I have more.” Jack says, pulling more eggplants out of nowhere. Dave makes a dialup noise in response.
“Ok Sport, really, this is causin’ me to glitch.” Dave says, having apparently switched back to his real voice. Jack smiles upon hearing the nickname.
“Glitch smitch, it’s going on the pizza.” Jack moves to put it on the pizza.
“NO!” Dave jerks the pizza away. “I’m not letting you mess with my code!”
“Dave…” Jack sighs. He wants him back, as soon as possible. But he doesn’t want to hurt him again. He’s at least managed to START Dave remembering who he is. With some clever language and an aubergine alone.
Jack’s eggplants seem to disappear back into Jack’s Apparently bottomless pockets.
“Ok, I’ll stop. You win, normal pizza it is.”
“Actually…” Dave says, sounding somewhat unsure. Dave grabs one of the acid mushrooms Jack had tried to convince him to put in with the regular ones and sticks it on one of the slices. “Lil’ thing for whoever gets that piece.” Dave says. And for a moment Jack almost forgets he’s talking to a phone guy.
That night, Jack goes home hopeful for what the future might hold, for the first time since Dave had asked him to go to the factory, he feels things might be ok.
As for Dave? As soon as he goes into sleep mode, he has dreams of a time long past in which an aubergine and his tangerine took Vegas by storm.
(Notes: Aaaand fic two is done. It’s a better depiction of what to expect from the PG!Dave AU. Although there surely will be more angst like the first one. Not much more to say. Bai!)
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pizza-lizard · 2 years
I was taking the trash out into the back last night at the end of my shift. We’ve got a lock on the dumpster to keep the Trubbish from making a mess, but someone must have forgotten to put it on the day before, because the lid was open and there was something making noise inside. I’m not really paid enough to fight something hungry, so I was fully prepared to just turn around and let my manager know, but I guess I made a noise or something, because it hopped out.
I’m not really like, a Pokémon fanatic like most of the people here seem to be, but I’ve seen enough of the Mystery Dungeon cartoon as a kid to recognize a Grovyle when I see one. I was expecting it to shoot past me and down the alley, but instead it just kind of… froze, and sat there, staring at me? I wasn’t exactly making a break for it myself, I didn’t realize it would be so big. Like, a lizard the size of your average Herdier, that’s pretty freaky, you know?
Anyway, it wasn’t moving, and I wasn’t moving, and it looked pretty pointy. I didn’t want to make a break for it just in case it chased me, either. That’s the age-old nightmare, right, a wild Pokémon chasing you down a dark alley or up your basement stairs after you turn off the lights? I guess it’s usually a ghost-type, or dark, but a big lizard was scary enough.
I decided to go for the pokeball on my belt. My mum made me promise to carry one with me, since it’s a pretty good delaying tactic for a big rampaging Pokemon, catch it in a ball and run while it takes the time to break out, you know? I took my time, and made the shot, and what do you know but I hit it square between the eyes.
So I make it to the door and I’m just about to close it behind me when I hear the ball chime. I look back and it’s just sitting there, not breaking out, not even wiggling or anything.
Long story short, now I’ve got a Grovyle, and I’m not totally sure what I want to do with it. I thought about it the whole way home, but I figured I’d ask the pokeblogs out there for some advice?
I should probably just take it to the safari, and let them release it back into the wild. But I kind of… want to keep it? I just don’t know if that’s a good idea. Like, can you train a Grovyle? Is that a thing? I haven’t had a Pokémon in years, not since the my mum’s old Umbreon passed away, (I took care of him for a few years after my mum couldn’t handle him anymore) but I’ve still got the cat towers and litter boxes stashed somewhere. Grovyles like climbing, right, so maybe I’d need a few more?
I dunno, guys, I’d just really appreciate some advice. I can do some extra research, and my apartment is a decent size, and they even allow more exotic Pokémon as companions. I didn’t even think I wanted another pokemon, but now I’d kind of like to try? I don’t have all too many friends, so it could be nice to have a new companion. And I always liked the Grovyle in the MyDun show.
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theharpermovieblog · 5 months
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I watched Messiah Of Evil (1973)
This one has been popping up in my life recently, and being touted as a forgotten horror classic.
A woman goes to a strange town to find her missing father.
"Messiah Of Evil" is written and directed by Gloria Katz and Willard Huyck, the writers behind "American Graffiti" "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom" and "Howard The Duck".
It's a film in which the artists, the models, the sexually open, are all the prey in a small town of ghouls. The prey of the ghosts of the past, to be killed....or worse, to become dead like them.
It gets a bit muddied, but the theme of an old and more conservative world view clashing with the counter culture is certainly there.
This film very heavily has the vibe of a late 1960's early 1970's type of horror film. Reminiscent of Films like "Let's Scare Jessica To Death" or "Rosemary's Baby'. It's heavily atmospheric, strange and otherworldly. It's horror comes from several different places, including cult horror, hippie horror, body horror and Lovecraftian horror.
Overall, it's a pretty good, if slightly amateurish, horror film. It's creepy and occasionally disturbing. While there is a feeling that it's one step away from a Mystery Science Theater riffing, it never completely falls apart or loses it's edge. Not to mention, there is some fantastic imagery and really cool shots in the film. If you're going to watch this, get a quality version or don't bother. Something widescreen.
The townspeople are a little scary, and reminiscent of the ghouls in "Carnival Of Souls" and I really liked the Lovecraft elements of a population having been altered long ago by some unknown entity.
This is worth a watch, especially if you like this era and type of horror. I liked it, because I genuinely like films like 'The Velvet Vampire" and "Let's Scare Jessica To Death". My assumption is that a lot of people find them boring. But I know there are few weirdos out there like me.
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