#son of dionysus jason todd
soulless-bex · 6 months
nico di angelo finds a recently revived jason todd, helps him recover from not being dead anymore and brings him to camp half blood when it becomes obvious he’s a demigod. and so begins the game of Who Is That Child’s Godly Parent?
some think it’s athena because he’s clearly smart and well versed in strategy
some others think it’s ares after seeing him fight
hermes cabin is convinced he’s one of theirs because the guy is one hell of a thief
turns out it was dionysus all along. jason knew since day one of course. he just inherited the dramatics from his dad, amongst other things, and wanted to see what would happen
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king-nyx · 5 months
I love this character so much. I hope they face the ✨horrors✨
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were-wolverine · 5 months
okay i’m writing smth but help me out here
i’m purposely ignoring the big 3 for plot reasons and also i just don’t think he’d be the son of any of them
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splosh-crime · 11 months
Lazarus Pit - DC x Riordanverse
Nico di Angelo and Pollux meet and save either Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Damian Wayne at the Lazarus Pit and take them to Camp Halfblood.
Hades & Thanatos requested that Nico di Angelo and the only surviving Son of Dionysus, Pollux, rectify the problem of the Lazarus Pits.
Every Death/Underworld God of every pantheon has agreed that the Pits are an abomination of maddeningly corruptive resurrection that never should have been used, especially not for immortality. Ra’s al Ghul will face eternal punishment for his crimes in whichever underworld he ends up in.
As the most experienced child of Hades alive and the only one with teleportation powers, Nico was an obvious choice for the mission. Pollux, however, was chosen because of his father’s control over insanity and lesser known association with rebirth. Unfortunately, because Nico is a Prince of the Underworld, it goes against his very nature to touch liquid resurrection, and doing so would leave harsh burns on his skin in addition to the average effect of Pit Rage. A bottomless pot was forged and enchanted to fully drain the pits but even then, the essence bleeding through is too much. In order to combat this, a son of rebirth and insanity (Pollux) must be sent to drain and hold the pot while Nico acts as transport and defense from the League of Assassins.
While most of the Pits are drained with little to no problem thanks to Leo’s hacking and Nico soul sight, it’s the last Pit where the plan goes awry. Which bat the boys meet next is up for your choosing. A choose your own adventure for writers who already have that option anyway.
Personally, I believe either Jason or Tim to be the most plausible to be in the Pit Room and in such a bad situation that the demigods would feel the need to intervene. Jason because, obviously, he’d be about to get dunked in it to restore his mental capacity and demigods know that’s an awful idea. Not to mention that Pollux could ask Dionysus to fix that instead if needed. Once his mind’s back, he’s going to be absolutely pissed that so many kids are being used as child soldiers, cannon fodder, and monster food with little to no outside help. After he reunites with his family, he’ll definitely be setting up a series of fully-stocked safe houses with hero contacts taking shifts to protect them from monsters if not all are secure enough with bat tech. When he’s older, he’ll probably adopt some.
Tim because he just lost his Spleen and surgery isn’t cutting it so they also need to dunk him. The demigods take him to Camp for Apollo Cabin surgery. It’d be kind of weird for Will Solace to be a better surgeon than one hired by the al Ghuls (even if he’s a demigod) but it’s action/adventure fiction so we can afford to be handwavey about it. He’d definitely set up a safe house system too, but might not adopt a demigod when he’s older.
The demigods could also meet Damian since obviously he grew up there but I seriously doubt he’d be in there without Ra’s and/or Talia personally overseeing his safety. And while these demigods are good, 500 yrs of combat experience is pretty damn hard to beat (especially since many of the giants and titans probably relied more on brute force/power than skill) and Talia’s no slouch either, not to mention that it’s unlikely that Damian would be physically abused in that room badly enough to need intervention during such a high-stakes quest. He might not see the need for a safe house system, but when he meets/reunites with the batfam, Jason at least would probably still set it up.
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naquey · 9 months
PJO x Batman(Batfam)
Alfred Pennyworth: Alright, first things first. This man would be Chiron. In a heartbeat. At first I was thinking Dionysus, but Bruce fits more with Dionysus. He's reliable, considerate, and lends a helping hand if the kids ever need it. Also a horse bottom half would be fucking awesome. Alfred could kick so much butt.
Bruce Wayne: Dionysus. He is camp counselor. He is the dramatic one. He would fuck with the kids by saying he's their father, just so they could get him whatever he wanted. He holds no malicious intent behind this, and only wants to mess around with them. He will apologize if it hurts some of the kids. AND he is a dramatic emo. Case in point.
Dick Grayson: When I think ab him the first thing I see in my mind's eye is acrobat. Responsible older brother, dutiful, chaotic. At first I was thinking Athena, but THEN I was like wait- someone else is Athena's son. Not that Athena can't have two sons but it don't fit. He's Apollo's son. Ball of sunshine, can hold a wicked good tune, and kicks ass. A punch you least expect from someone who is so nice and kind.
Helena Wayne: Her dad is literally Dionysus, so people underestimate her. She's seen as the party girl, the rich spoiled kid who can't defend herself. Then next thing you know you're in the infirmary because she knocked you out. She is a theater kid like her dad, and tends to instill madness into those that go against her, sort of driving them insane. If they don't get medical attention right away. It pisses people off when she plays the part of a helpless rich girl and then suddenly has a powerful punch. But she is a good contender for Artemis.
Barbara Gordon: How can she not be Hermes daughter? She has the brains and the wits, but is in the background feeding all the Bats information. She keeps things running and helps Bruce not burn something to the ground, also helps Alfred keep his sanity. Technically, she could be considered camp counselor with how well things are run under her guidance and advice. She may have all the information, but only gives certain bits out for free. She also has hella blackmail on her family if they ever decide to cross her.
Jason Todd: Hella Ares vibes at first, but beneath that this man has strategy. Don't let his blind hatred for Joker fool you, he knows he has to understand a battle first and foremost. His loathing for Joker only gets in the way with clown related things, but he truly is Athena's son. He's well read and observes a battlefield, pointing out many vantage points so he can stay out of line of sight until the perfect moment.
Kate Kane: Artemis' daughter. She hunts down her enemies, and sticks to hiding in plain sight. She may not use a bow, but she has other ways to hunt her target without one. Quiet and strong, able to keep herself hidden until she can properly attack.
Tim Drake: Athena's son, like Jason. He's known as the one who comes up with the plans and often gets the others in the family to excecute him. He's the brainiac. It's known at a young age he found out who Batman and Robin were. He looked up to Batman. He followed Batman. He used detective skills to figure things out that adults hadn't even tired to. He's the mastermind. No, Babs is.
Turner Hayes: Aphrodite's son. He's pretty and uses that to his advantage. Others think he's the spoiled adopted son of Bruce Wayne, but he is nothing like what the media says about him. Regardless of how he may look he is rather cunning and smart, but it's hidden beneath a pretty face. The police didn't believe he was doing detective work because he didn't look like someone who would be able to do that, and they were wrong.
Stephanie Brown: Steph is trying to prove herself. She may not be seeking revenge, but she believes that she needs to prove herself in delivering justice like the rest of her family. Nemsis' daughter. She believes in doing the right thing, even if the right thing at that moment seems like the worst thing someone could do.
Harper Row: Nemesis' daughter. She doesn't feel right living in a world where there are bullies around. Harper wants to take down as many bad guys as she can to keep the streets safe for Gothamites. She seeks retribution and vengeance, trying to save others much like she saved her own brother. Her brother Cullen, is who drives her forward.
Cassandra Caine: Her strength is seeing things that others cannot, i.e. body language. Hypnos' daughter. Cass can read a room and understand immediately what is going on. Her sight is her power. She was taught to be an assassin that looks but never speaks. Able to use that to her advantage to get a one up on those she is fighting or going against.
Damian Wayne Al-Ghoul: Son of Nike(and Dionysus). His goal is victory, in anything. He trains hard and strives to be the best at what he does, Damian does not take second place. He believes he can only achieve something if he is the best and most powerful at it. That is why he stays in the Nike cabin to train and hone his skills. (Even if he has a bed at Dionysus cabin.) He doesn't tell people a lot, but he goes over to sleep in his dads cabin. Once in a while. The old man would think he was getting soft if Damian ever told him that.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
I will never not stand by the fact that Jason Todd and Piper McLean are the bestest of friends
Jay and Leo too
Mechanics? Beauty queens? Yessir
Dick and Piper too
Can you imagine like half the JL finding out they’re demigods?
”THAT’S WHY SO MANY ‘ALIENS’ HATE ME,” at least six of them exclaim angrily
Diana is very amused 
They collided when Mount Olympus relocates… right on top of the Daily Planet
That momentary panic when Annabeth steps out of the elevator after some architect work on Olympus and isn’t even in fucking Manhattan anymore 
A very nice man notices her distress and asks her if she’s okay
”Uhh…” Annabeth looked up at him warily. He sort of looked like a god- she wondered if this was some type of test. “I’m… fine.”
”Well hi there, Fine, I’m Clark,” he joked, extending a hand the size of her head to shake
Anyways, Annabeth and Clark were fast friends
CHB didn’t even have to relocate- Gotham and, by extent Metropolis, are literally on the other side of Manhattan. You know who did have to relocate? Percy Jackson 
The gods wanted him close by, and unfortunately that meant Percy and the family were moving into a new apartment 
It’s, like… fine. It’s definitely nicer, being paid for by the Olympians and magically protected
Still. You know what really sucks?
Gotham fucking Prep.
Percy’s kind of used to terrible, but living in Gotham is a whole other story
Oh but Tim Drake
Tim Drake makes things much better
They met on the first day of school. These two idiots saw someone who looked very similar to them, Tim went ‘who are you?’ and Percy said ‘I’m you but I have a sword’ (he wasn’t joking but Tim doesn’t need to know that yet) and they became besties
(When the seven meet all the Wayne’s, Damian said casually aloud “Zhang, if I bested you in ritual combat, would I acquire your powers?” and poor Frank looked ready to faint in horror)
Anyways we know Diana is a child of Zeus (she and Jason fist bump for that one, but Thalia is the extra jazzed one)
Barry is a son of Hermes- explains why he survived the lightning bolt and it gave him speed 
Hal is a son of Athena, which is why the ring chose him. Wisdom. Power. Strength of will.
To the shock of no one, Olly-blond-hair-bright-smile-Prince-Charming-Queen AKA Green Arrow is a son of Apollo 
B… is an Apollo kid as well, believe it or not. Sparkly famous playboy also with the darkest streak ever? Dresses up and fights crazy theater kids every night? Yeah
Some of the JL’s partners are too actually- Selina is an Aphrodite kid, Lois is Athena’s, Dinah is also a daughter of Aphrodite
Jason is Ares’
Dick is Aphrodite’s
Tim is Athena’s
Damian is actually Artemis’- she was under a spell at the time and, horrified, transferred the kid to Talia. It’s a long story, tell ya later
Steph is also Athena’s
Cass is Ares’
Babs is Athena’s
Duke is  Apollo’s
It’s so funny but so in character that every Wayne is a demigod
Did it surprise literally anyone that Harley is Dionysus’ and Ivy is Demeter’s? No 
(You know 90% of Gotham’s rogues are Dionysus’ actually)
Moving away from the who’s what hcs
The seven showed the Batboys CHB, and they were blown away
The littles of the camp were asking how all of them had gone for so long without being attacked by monsters, and Jason and Dick and Tim had to wince and be like “actually,”
There was capture the flag that night, but Jason was sulking because they wouldn’t let him use any type of gun
Dick kicked ass tho
Really all of them but they were split in half- Jason and Tim for red, Dick and Damian for blue
Because the hunters were there as well, they were split in half as well, between Thalia and Reyna
The campers had never had to work with the hunters before. It was weird
And then Greeks v Romans of the seven
Lots of dividing ANYWAYS
The red, Greek, Thalia’s team won, but only barely. Those Romans have good strategy
Now the other bit
Percy and Tim
What happened there? Where do they come in?
See, I was writing the bit just for fun where Percy starts at Gotham Prep
And… I accidentally gave them good chemistry
The issue is that it’s terrible writing and I’m too lazy to redo it so essentially here’s what happened:
On the first day of school, Tim Drake stumbled into his first period class ten minutes late, backpack halfway unzipped, Starbucks in one hand and a Monster in the other, running on approximately 36 minutes of sleep from two days ago.
Percy is right behind him, unsure of where to go. He slipped in right as the door was closing.
They both scan the room for threats, a habit of both of theirs, before turning to the teacher.
”Drake. Boy I’ve never seen before,” she says coldly. They both shift uncomfortably, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room. “Care to explain?”
Percy and Tim exchange a look, and as the hyper-intelligent dumbass heroes they are, they simultaneously come to the same conclusion.
”He’s new,” Tim explained, gesturing with his coffee and taking a swig of Monster from the other side.
”And, uh, he was showing me around,” Percy said nervously, reaching over to save the water bottle that was about to fall out of Tim’s bag.
The teacher regarded them both suspiciously. “Name?” she finally asked.
Percy winced. With his record, she probably already knew him, and… well, so much for first impressions.
”Percy Jackson,” he sighed.
As Mrs. Algebra Teacher was typing things into the attendance sheet, Tim leaned over and whispered, “Cool name. I’m Tim, by the way.” He shifted his drinks over to one side and extended an arm.
Percy grinned, shaking his hand. “We make a pretty good bullshitting team. Honestly impressive.”
”Boys,” the teacher interrupted. “Sit down. Since you’re such good friends already, you’ll enjoy afternoon detention together. Don’t be late again.”
They both suppressed groans, but sat down beside each other, knees brushing.
The rest of the school day went by, and they didn’t have any more classes together. Detention rolls around, and it’s just the two of them, because who the fuck else is getting detention on the first day of school.
They talked and flirted the whole time (mostly without even realizing they were doing that second one) and when their time was up, Tim stumbled in front of Percy on their way out, holding his arms out like he was directing traffic, blocking his exit. “Um,” he said nervously, cheeks slowly descending into the color of strawberries, “so I- I’m bi and I don’t really know how to ask people if they’re straight but if you wanted to get coffee sometime that would be cool or even just as friends is fine too because-“
”Tim.” Percy was shocked into laughing, grabbing the Batboy’s shoulders and shaking him lightly. “Chill. Same here. Coffee sounds great, although I can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you. Caffeine and ADHD don’t mix well.”
”O-Oh.” Tim was sort of dazed, but also really on Cloud 9. He’d never really asked people out before, and they definitely don’t say yes. “I- that’s. Yeah. What days work for you?”
Percy grabbed his hand and slowly started to drag him down the hallway. His mother was waiting, after all, and he also didn’t really want to spend the night in the detention room (even if it was with Tim). “Hmm. This weekend is fine, but I really am new. You’re gonna have to pick the place.” They stopped just inside the front doors. Sally was idled there in Paul’s Prius, and Tim’s motorcycle was still parked where he left it that morning, the only vehicle left in the lot. Percy grinned, and Tim got lightheaded. “You need my number for that, right?”
”Y-Yeah…” Tim handed over his phone, not even remotely worried about what Percy might find out- secret identities, Wayne Enterprises secrets, mission plans. He could take it all and Tim wouldn’t care in the slightest.
Anyways they had a lovely coffee date and held hands and walked around Gotham for a bit for Tim to show Percy around and it was a fantastic time, might write it sometime
For now, I’m tired, this isn’t edited, I’m out✌️✌️
Good morning night or 4am y’all
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Bruce Wayne Father of Demigods
by DefinitelyNotStraight Bruce adopts a demigod child. Then another. And another. He's so very tired. Words: 1744, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Aphrodite (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Ares (Percy Jackson), Talia al Ghul, David Cain, Dionysus (Percy Jackson), Nemesis (Percy Jackson) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain & Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain, Connor Stoll & Travis Stoll Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Bruce Wayne Has Too Many Kids, Tim Drake is So Done, Demigods, Weird Gotham City, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Dick Grayson is a Ray of Sunshine, Charmspeak (Percy Jackson), David Cain sucks, Tim is a son of Nemesis, Dick is an Aphrodite kid, Jason is a Hermes kid, the rest are surprises - Freeform, Alfred Pennyworth is an ICON, Talia is good in this, Damian is mentioned but he's not actually present, Damian Wayne is raised by Talia far away from the League, Nyssa should not be allowed to babysit, Dick tries to charmspeak a squid, bruce is tired, Fluff and Crack via https://ift.tt/vN7k2Lm
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thebridgehqs · 11 months
The following need to post in the next 48 hours or message the main for an extension:
@prcphesieslie: Eddie Diaz, Billy Black, Matthew Scott, John Sheppard
@totouchthcstars Bonnie Harper
@lcnelylcves Evan Lorne, Aiden Ford
The following need to make an intro in the next week or message the main for an extension:
@virtuousouls: Octavia Blake, Rupert Giles + catch up
@cquity: Kathleen Harvey, Victoria Sutherland, Sophie Hatter, Medusa, Renesme Cullen, Juliette Ferrars, Leah Clearwater
@totouchthcstars: Quigley Quagmire, Louise Blecher, Ashley Magnus, Leo Valdez, Raven Reyes
@rosewaterdrunk: catch up
@allxthingsxglxtter: Nikola Tesla, Jonathan Carnavan + catch up
@prcphesieslie: Billy Black, Matthew Scott + catch up
@fidclium: Seamus Boyle, Orpheus Fraser, Jacob Black + catch up
@lcnelylcves: Sean Mulcahy, John Druitt, Anthony Lockwood, Allan a Dale, Salem Saberhagen, Evan Lorne, Aiden Ford, Helen Maclean, Cam Mitchell, Skaara
The following need to make the required posts in the next week or message the main for an extension:
@cquity: 1 on Alison Watts.
@hxlcycnx: 1 on Haythem Kenway, Lachesis, Lia Beaufort, Matt Murdock, Violet Baudelaire and Yvaine. 2 on Artagan, Dionysus, Marc Spector, Olive Smith and Saoirse O'Farrell.
@featherskies: 1 on Missy Moreno and Psyche 2 on Rory Gilmore
@dancngthroughlife: 1 on Quinn Fabray
@rosewaterdrunk: 1 on Alina Starkov, Anna Marie, Artemis, Asami Sato, Asta Runefist, Beauregard Lionett, Catherine Alexander, Clarissa Fairchild, Clarisse La Rue, Darcy Lewis, Demeter, Ellie, Fauna Nylund, Flora, Gwen Stacy, Iris West, Jean Gunnhildr, Katara, Kate Bishop, Lara Croft, Leia Organa, Loriel, Miaski, Nimue, Penelope Crawford, River Mekhala Niranpai, Sersi, Vex'ahlia De Rolo, Wanda Maximoff and Zelda. 2 on Aloy, Allura Vysoren, Cora Hale, Daphne Scott, Hope Van Dyne, Mako Mori, Malia Tate, Rayla Dragonguard and Sarah Wilson.
@roarunderpxpercuts: 1 on Alex Claremont-Diaz, Blair Waldorf, Jesse and Patrick Commerford-Blanco 2 on Benedict Bridgerton, Carl Grimes, Castiel, Charlie Spring, Edwina Sharma, Josie Saltzman, Niklaus Mikaelson, Maxine Baker, Peter Parker, Ricky Bowen, Sebastian Matthew-Smith, Shego, Steven Universe, Stiles Stilinksi, Tamar Kir Bataar, Willie Stewart and Zed Necropolis
@allxthingsxglxtter: 1 on Angrboda, Aurelia Gunner, Bryce Claiborne, Cassie Anderson, Diego Hargreeves, Hadie, Jason Todd, Lady, Leo, Lochlyn Boyle, Lyra Samos, Maelstrom Adler, Maive Mccullough, Morpheus, Odysseus Pierce, Sapphire, Shade Barrow, Shaun Gilmore, Veralidaine Sarrasri, Viktor and Xiao 2 on Adam Carlsen, Alex Mercer, Billy, Daja Kisubo, Ember Cobalt, Levi Sullivan, Nikola Tesla and Lisa Snart.
@totouchthcstars: 1 on Belle, Bonnie Harper, Chloe Sullivan, Clove Kentwell, Crowley, Dustfinger, Dorothy Gale, Elena Gilbert, Effie Trinket, Gabriel Van Helsing, Grogu, Grover Underwood, Han Solo, El Hopper, Jessie Cook, Jim Hawkins, Klaus Hargreaves, Lucifer, Maddie Buckley, Melody, Olaf, Pippin Took, Sabrina Spellman, Silena Kyle, Spock, Stede Bonet, Tony Stark, Velma Dinkley, Valkyrie, Wall-E 2 on Giulia Marcovaldo, Lorna Dane, Peter Parker, Rhaegar Targaryen, Son Goku
@virtuousouls: 1 on Lo'ak Sully 2 on Faith Lehane, Galadriel, Genya Safin, Grace Augustine, Huan, Joel Miller, Jaskier, Joyce Byers, Maya Lopez, Raleigh Beckett, Rick Grimes, Sam Gamgee, Skye Richfield, Spencer Reid, Steve Rogers, Thema, Xu Xialing, Yelena Belova.
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soulless-bex · 6 months
son of dionysus jason todd could get absolutely no godly ability and i would be happy with it. i don’t care. he already kicks ass. i just want to give him an excuse to be the theatre kid we all know he is
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soulless-bex · 6 months
dc x pjo crossover but make it demigod jason todd, son of dionysus
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