#sorry btw I am answering these super late and out of order
zzztlk · 11 months
I love the dynamic rebel is the ultimate wingman for nat just so they can smooch Regan because their so likable and huggable and avoid of genuin fear
LOL yeah tbh though most of the one offs I draw are non-canon or based off of a previous plot where stuff was more silly and lighthearted... he's less of a wingman and moreso just constantly whispering into Nat's ear to act on her impulses or go batshit off the walls
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reanimationstation · 1 year
Hello! I'm curious about your BATDR au, with "Dad Sammy". I hope it's okay if I ask some questions:
How does this au's ending differ from the canon ending (if it differs at all besides Sammy's not dead and Bendy and Audrey are still in the ink world)? Did we have the big Monster Bendy showdown like in the game or did something else happen? Can Audrey and Bendy travel between worlds?
Also, with reference to the comic of Henry and Sammy talking about Bendy, is Bendy trapped in his toon form again or is he choosing to be stay that way? Can he still turn into the Ink Demon?
Love your art and the story ideas btw
oh it is absolutely alright to ask me questions, i love talking about my aus! thank you so much :] and sorry that this is being answered multiple hours late, i was busy with college
essentially, everything in BATDR happens the same, it's post-game where things start to diverge. sammy did die, the showdown happened, bendy and audrey did merge before and the loop got reset, though i think the city and the trains and all the new places we saw in BATDR still exist because they may have been sort of "hardcoded" into the loop by wilson. now that audreys in charge of the ink realm, i think she'd help as many people back out of the puddles, and take some creative liberties here and there (focusing in on sam, he came back a little more sheepy because everyone unanimously decided to suggest it to audrey without telling her that he'd HATE it. poor girl. he got over it, mostly), especially to make life more bearable.
audrey and bendy can travel between worlds, and i actually think that at least for this au, most everyone can. most dont, however, as they'd still be ink monsters/toons outside. that might be subject to change, though, i haven't super decided.
bendy isnt trapped in this form, he's actually gotten a bit more control over which form he takes now. he does, however, often choose the toon form because people like him more when he looks like that. this is an important part of the au to me, how people treat others differently/expect them to act differently based on appearances. ben sometimes could, if he wanted to, turn back into the Ink Demon, but since theres near universal hate for that form, he doesnt often.
i think one of the factors that does influence his transformation is fear. if he feels scared, or weak, or trapped, he wouldnt be able to transform back into the ink demon until those feelings have passed. he has to feel fairly comfortable and sure of himself in order to. does any of this make any sense?? i am just rambling
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 309: Gotta Go My Own Way
Previously on BnHA: Muscular was all “well if it isn’t the protagonist on his solo journey of self-discovery, for some reason I’m unironically glad I get to fight you!” Deku was all “hey Muscular before I finish kicking your ass would you please take a moment to answer these two survey questions? Question one, do you regret being a total piece of shit? And question two, if you could do anything at all in the world other than being a total piece of shit, would you?” Muscular was all, “pfft, no and no.” Deku was all, “thanks buddy, your feedback helps make me a better hero, here’s a coupon for fifteen percent off your next ass-whooping.” Then he whooped his ass.
Today on BnHA: Deku is all “what up All Might can you believe you’ve been here this entire time?” All Might is all “I sure can since that’s literally my catch phrase, anyway how are your magic movie 1 gauntlets holding up?” Deku is all “they’re holding up fine, how are Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist doing?” Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist are all “we, your fellow co-conspirators, are also doing fine, thanks for asking!” Flashback!Deku is all “anyway so I secretly have All Might’s quirk and the most dangerous people in the world are after me, so sorry mom but that’s why I’m dropping out of school.” Inko is all “I CAN’T ACCEPT THAT” while totally accepting it. All Might is all “I GUESS WE’LL JUST HAVE TO GO ALONG WITH IT SINCE I DON’T FEEL LIKE TRYING TO STOP HIM.” Hawks, Jeanist, and Endeavor, as previously mentioned, are all “yeah that sounds like a good plan”, and Gran is all “see ya kid, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” So basically everyone in the entire world has suddenly teamed up with Deku to defeat AFO, except for the one person whose entire foreshadowed endgame is “teaming up with Deku to defeat AFO.” O Kacchan where art thou.
dear tumblr image limit: okay look. you don’t like me, and I don’t like you. but just as an experiment, I’m gonna try writing this recap with as few images as possible and we’ll see how it goes
(ETA: spoilers for how it went: it didn’t, lol.)
oh my god WHY ARE WE OPENING WITH MORE KETSUBUTSU ACADEMY KIDS.ffs we’d better at least finally get some Ms. Joke content out of this
(ETA: seriously who do I have to bribe.)
so these two KB kids who no one cares about are watching Deku leap away from the scene after dispatching Muscular. but more importantly wtf is this chapter title omg. “I can’t stay being a child” so that’s how it is huh. we’re gonna have feels and we’re going to like them. well then
oh my god he’s hauling Muscular away dhfksklfkh okay this is gonna have to be our first image because I can’t fucking help myself. look at this
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just. Deku is so tiny and he’s carting away this massive unconscious lump of a man like it’s nothing why is this so funny to me. it’s like when people buy furniture, and they don’t want to pay extra for delivery and so they’re like, “I can definitely fit this king-sized mattress in the back of my compact sedan if I fold the fucking seat down, idk.” and they refuse to be talked out of it, and the next thing you know you’re watching them drive home with their open trunk door haphazardly tied down with bungee cords, and somehow it fucking works. because it turns out the compact sedan has super strength
anyway for SOME REASON now Horikoshi is all “have fun with that Deku, meanwhile we now return you to your regularly scheduled SHINDOU CONTENT” whyyyyyy
look at this. we’re really using up a whole fucking entire page on everyone arguing over who gets the honor of carrying Shindou
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love how the civilians are all, “shit lol is this actually our fault?? quick, how do we play this off all casual like we were the reasonable parties here all along”
turns out all it took to finally get them to listen was making them watch while a kid got his insides ground into a pulp because of their stupidity!! what a heartwarming conclusion to this little standoff
anyways THANK GOD we’re cutting back to Deku now!! well actually we’re cutting back to Muscular who is being dropped off at the police precinct, good bye and good riddance lol
so Deku’s leaving him there and bounding away and okjdlSKFJLKJDSL OH MY GOD
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no fucking way. no fucking way this little jaunt is All Might-sanctioned and approved. are you serious?? then who else is in on this?? what the hell is going on
so All Might is just WAITING FOR HIM IN AN ALLEY FFF WHO ARE YOU, JIM GORDON. or would Alfred be a better analogy here?? but like, Alfred if he ditched the suit for a moto jacket and shades
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this new ensemble of All Might’s may or may not severely impact my ability to take this forthcoming conversation seriously; please stand by
also, quite the spectacular landing there, Deku. seriously lol what was that
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are these the same gauntlets from the first movie, then? well that’s all well and good, except that now there’s going to be more Deku Discourse than fucking ever lol. so if it’s all the same to you guys, I’m gonna once again go ahead and declare this week’s post a discourse-free zone, at least when it comes to the specific discourse of Deku’s merits as a MC, and the impact that him kicking ass and having working arms has on said merits. this has been something of a low mental energy week for me, so I’d rather reserve the energy I do have for more fun topics, such as All Might’s bitchin’ leather jacket
anyway so All Might’s saying that the gauntlets will help reinforce Deku’s arms, but they can’t withstand OFA at 100%. so basically it’s a support item designed to maintain the status quo lol. we’re basically in the same situation we were before, arm-capability-wise
homg All Might’s getting a call. time to see who else is in on Operation: Deku Alone?? or not so alone for that matter
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(ETA: seriously are they really gone for good?? why would he even be back on active duty then?? does he have his own American ex-boyfriend who can hook him up with exclusive support items?? dammit Horikoshi we want answers.)
looks like Jeanist and Endeavor are teaming up as well, just like they said they would. I would gladly follow this trio around all day long tbh
is this the same giant villain from the very first chapter??
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looks like it to me, and it would tie in with that callback from the end of chapter 306. we all thought that was Muscular, but maybe it was this guy, and Deku left these three to deal with him while he ran off to take Muscular down
oh my god now Deku is running off again just like that
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kids these days
ffffff I have not had nearly enough sleep to follow along with whatever tf Hawks is talking about here sob
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like, is he trying to say that All Might is keeping Deku’s whereabouts unknown to anyone except for him?? in order to keep him safe?? but Hawks is pointing out that that’s a bad strategy and probably won’t do shit against AFO and it’s better if he lets Deku work with the rest of them?
(ETA: so @hanashimas​’ translation makes a lot more sense -- it’s not All Might who’s being overprotective, but Deku. in other words he’s trying not to drag All Might into his battles. and in addition Hawks is saying that their strategy is to take the offensive and go after AFO themselves rather than wait for him to come to them. which I’m not too sure about myself, but that’s another topic for another day.)
btw I can’t help thinking how much better this entire conversation would be if All Might was still wearing his sunglasses. put them back on my dude. it’s not too late. embrace your inner badass
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“turns out, we were just trying to scare you straight. fuck lot of good that did though lol”
also what is this. one true love: the hospital bed. is that a scanlator joke or is Horikoshi actually that funny omg
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ITSA ME!! omg I love this hospital so much. though it’s sure not helping me in my quest to try and keep this post below ten images. I’m already up to eleven haha r.i.p. to me if tumblr doesn’t get its shit together
whaaaaaat, so he’s saying that Deku’s injuries were external (i.e. Tomura beating the shit out of him) rather than internal this time?? whaaaaat. excuse me but that’s some bullshit lmao. believe me, I was there
okay now he’s going on to explain that Deku’s “internal structure” seems to have been protected from the inside and out, and the corresponding panel seems to be implying that using Blackwhip as a brace paid off. huh
and also that his body is just stronger now?? so I guess he’s better able to withstand the quirk after an additional year of training?? I’M NOT SURE IF I BUY ANY OF THIS LOL but I’m willing to suspend my disbelief
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what is this soft pop beat that’s suddenly being pumped in over the speakers. I’VE GOT TO MOVE ON~ AND BE WHO~ I~ AM~~~, I JUST DON’T BELONG HERE, I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAAAAAAAND. also, follow-up question, when is Kacchan finally going to come back so he can jump in with the “WHAT ABOUT US~~~” bridge, huh. come the fuck on, Horikoshi
lmao All Might jesus christ
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but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision...
anyway, yes!! finally that sweet, sweet “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger” angst!!
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mmm that’s good angst Brent. Kacchan with center panel honors as usual, you love to see it. anyways though who do I have to yell at to get Deku a goddamn HUG around here seriously
so Inko is of course reacting with panic, and sensibly saying that she doesn’t approve of Deku’s “RUN AWAY AND FIGHT THE BAD GUYS ALL ON MY OWN, DON’T WORRY MOM I’LL JUST GET STRONGER, EASY AS PIE, IT’S A FOOLPROOF STRATEGY” plan
son of a bitch this manipulative green asshole is really gonna sit here and smile fondly at his mom and try to convince her that he’s Not A Little Kid Anymore. the hell you’re not mister
y'all are really just gonna sit there and let him talk you into this?? surely it can’t be that easy??
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anyway sob so that’s the story of how Deku talked his parents into letting him drop out of school, and even convinced All Might to be his own personal Guy In The Chair. holy shit. this kid really went and rolled a nat 20 and the rest of them had no choice but to fold without argument
meanwhile here’s a panel of Best Jeanist trying to braid his phone into his hair just cuz
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I’m dying to know which part of his language he considers to be crude here. you literally didn’t even use a contraction my guy
so now flashback!Deku is talking to Gran in the dark, and Gran is all “can you believe I’m not fucking dead yet lol that’s too funny. anyway, you sure I can’t interest you in killing Tomura after all?? no?? okay then here’s my cape.” truly a heartwarming scene
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I’m kind of torn here tbh. on the one hand, my adhd ass wasn’t all that interested in sitting down and having an extended scene between these two when there’s so much else that I want to get to. but on the other hand, even I can admit that cramming this entire reunion into a single page seems just a BIT rushed. idk. like maybe someone can let Horikoshi know it’s a marathon and not a race. Deku didn’t even get any dialogue here, some of us want to know his thoughts!! but anyway
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how did all four of them let him con them into this. I literally just watched it happen and I still can’t figure out how. “I GUESS THIS SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT IS OUR LEADER NOW” ffflfjf. when Aizawa finds out he’s gonna go apeshit. AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BAKUGOU KATSUKI, WHO I HAVE BEEN ASSURED DOES IN FACT STILL EXIST. WHAT ABOUT USSSSS, WHAT ABOUT EVERYTHING WE’VE BEEN THROUGH. WHAT ABOUT TRUST???! YOU KNOW I NEVER WANTED TO HURT YOUUUUU
btw lol don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying this, and I’m honestly glad Deku’s not alone because that would suck for him! but that said, Hawks and Jeanist have lost any credibility they might have once had as far as being The Responsible Ones, and as for All Might and Endeavor, fucking hell lol. everyone just deposited all of their fucks in a bank somewhere for safekeeping and decided to never look back. godspeed you mad lads
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megan0013 · 4 years
Chuckin’ a ⭐️ your way.
Sorry this took so long to answer! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share or not, but then I realized VARIABLES is never going to get to this point anyway (though I’m halfway done with chapter six) so I might as well write out my thoughts and send them off into the universe.
That being said - this is more of a 1,350 word abridged and super self-indulgent ending than a “Director’s Cut”.
Jim goes into the Darklands months after he does in canon; thus, Gunmar doesn’t take over Trollmarket until Barbara is near the end of her pregnancy. And, unfortunately, she happens to be in the middle of an appointment with Vendel (who does not die) when the coup takes place. She’s recognized immediately as the Trollhunter’s mother and is taken captive after Otto tells Gunmar that Morgana would be most interested in a human/changeling hybrid. Gunmar considers it for a moment, and then appoints the poor polymorph as Barbara’s keeper. Which is how she’s able to stay healthy(-ish) throughout her imprisonment.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and Morgana is finally freed. One of her first orders of business is to go goad the Trollhunter’s incarcerated mother. She walks into the medical dwelling (where Barbara has been kept), monologuing, and then freezes.
“Uhhh… No. My name is Barbara Lake.”
But Morgana is convinced Barbara is the reincarnation of her long-lost love (I think they used the same character model, so that’s what this is based on) and decides that, as the mother of all changelings and Gwen’s lover, she’s entitled to keep/raise this baby.
Team Trollhunter is freaking the fuck out.
Especially when they’re in the middle of planning a rescue and Strickler’s face suddenly scrunches, and - oh, holy shit - the baby’s coming. There’s a fun scene in which Strickler is in absolute agony and, somehow, Toby winds up holding his hand.
“Omigosh! Breathe, Strickler! Breathe! You’re having a baby!”
“Do I look like I have the equipment to give birth, Domzalski? Fuck off!”
“I’m hurt, Strickler. Wounded.”
Abruptly, all the pain stops.
But then a feeling of fear, and exhaustion, and unparalleled love overwhelms him as the bond moves from a physical connection to an emotional one.
“It’s too late,” he says. “We’re too late.”
They’re not too late, and within twenty-four hours they (Strickler, Claire, and Aaarrrgghh) manage to infiltrate Trollmarket. Strickler finds Barbara. They have a very panicked reunion - “Oh my. That’s  my daughter, and I’m so happy but we must get you out of here right fucking now.” - before Claire portals them to the hospital, where Nik and a very specifically picked team are not-so-patiently waiting.
Morgana is pissed.
Anyway. There are a few complications but, ultimately, both mom and baby are okay. Barbara is sedated to help her heal (which is probably not something that happens irl, but let’s pretend - ok?), so Strickler is able to get some good bonding time in with his daughter while trying to keep up with Jim’s persistent, panicked texts.
At one point, Nik tells Strickler to go home for a few hours. He does, but only stays long enough to shower and pack a bag before heading back to the hospital - with Jim in tow. There’s a lovely brother/sister moment, and then Barbara wakes up and there’s an even lovelier brother/sister/mom/dad moment.
Jim goes home and instantly agrees to Merlin’s terms, while Strickler tries to talk Barbara into leaving town with the baby. She’s not having it. At all.
“Have you forgotten I’m the one person Morgana wants alive?”
Toby texts later that evening to see if they’ve heard from Jim. Barbara freaks and Strickler goes to join in the search for him. It’s a very tense day, followed by a very tense evening and a super awkward conversation in Barbara’s hospital room at 3 am wherein Jim starts gnawing absently on a stethoscope.
All this happens while Morgana is plotting out how best to bring forth the Eternal Night, betray Gunmar, and get her little ‘family’ back. She summons Otto (the changelings aren’t slaughtered, btw, and some of them are pretty sympathetic toward Strickler after seeing him around town actually living what they thought was only a fantasy life) and instructs him to kidnap the baby.
“You want me to… to steal Stricklander’s daughter?”
“Were you not listening? No, I want you to bring me the child that is rightfully mine. Her mother will surely follow.”
He’s hesitant but goes to do as he’s told.
Only, he doesn’t get a very good look at Nik when they pass in the hallway and winds up getting a few of his features wrong. Which probably wouldn’t matter if he were trying to trick anyone else, but Barbara and Nik have known each other since 8th grade and she calls him out almost immediately.
“You’re the polymorph. Otto, right? Walt’s told me so much about you.”
“He has?”
“Of course. He said you two used to be close - like brothers. In my book, that makes you family. Would you like to meet your niece?”
And, just like that, the Lake’s adopt another changeling.
Something Strickler is most skeptical of when he returns to the hospital a few hours later to find them chatting about some dumb stunt he’d pulled back in the early 1600’s. Nomura meets up with them, too, and the four manage to hash out a stupid, harebrained scheme to keep Morgana distracted up to, and during, the final showdown with Jim.
(I haven’t quite thought out all the specifics yet, but the plan includes Nomura in a glamour mask and Otto squeezing into a teeny, tiny little shape - so, you can guess where that’s going)
Barbara and baby are released from the hospital after three nights (might be two, idk, we’re playing fast and loose with the timeline here). They get home, entertain a few unexpected guests, host some impromptu strategy sessions, and then settle in for a small family meal that Strickler prepares in the hopes of bridging the gap from Jim’s old human palette to his new troll one. It goes over way better than canon, that’s for sure.
Later, after Jim has left to prepare for battle and the baby is finally down, a teary-eyed Barbara asks Strickler if he’s willing to stay with her that night. He jumps at the chance, because…
They still aren’t together.
They’ve ‘shared a bed’ once or twice since he moved in, but those were moments of passion and need that had only ever manifested into miscommunication and more. mcfreaking. yearning.
(They were roommates, anyone?)
And now? Well, this is definitely one of those moments. But with sex off the table, and a newborn two feet away, and the end of the world looming - maybe he should just tell Barbara how he feels about her?
“If something happens and I don’t come home tomorrow, I need you to know… My feelings for you haven’t changed. I’m still hopelessly in love with you.”
Of course, she feels the same.
Vows are made, kisses are exchanged, and they manage to get a few hours of rest before their daughter starts grumbling in her sleep.
The next day dawns bright and beautiful, and before Strickler leaves for battle Barbara wishes him good luck. He kisses her, then the baby, and says:
“This is all the luck I need.”
Or something like that.
(Because I think this kid’s name is Felicity [meaning ‘happiness’, and derived from felicitas meaning ‘luck, good fortune’]? Though, I might have just left it as Rory for consistency’s sake. Fun Fact: Rory is short for Aurora [Goddess of the Dawn], which I thought was a fitting name for a changeling to give their daughter.)
Ok, back to the story.
Everything, surprisingly, goes according to plan. Morgana is sufficiently distracted by Merlin and Aaarrrgghh, then by Otto and Nomura long enough for Jim to vanquish the Skullcrusher once and for all. But then she catches a whiff of the changeling magic surrounding Otto and Nomura. Everything sorta goes to hell after that.
True to canon, however, Team Trollhunter wins in the end by trapping Morgana in the Shadow Realm.
But only after Strickler sacrifices himself to save Jim’s life.
They all live happily ever after.
(Until, ignoring Wizards altogether, Morgana breaks free a few years later and kidnaps the one changeling who isn’t a product of her magic, and is thus impervious to her mind control. Hijinks ensue. Morgana is rather pleased when the kid’s parents show up to rescue her.)
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Hiiiii! Random Monday questions. Just because!
1) How are you doing? Hope you’re doing fine at least!
2) Have you ever gone to a BTS concert? I wish I’d had! Sadly, they have never come to my country. I still can dream about it! And btw, do you have a favorite BTS song?
3) Could you tell us more about your creative process? Like what you find inspiration in to map the plot of the story or curious thing like that. I enjoy reading about it! You have such a peculiar mind (in a positive and amazing way, can’t believe you have written so much different things in such a short time, amidst all the things you’ve written and not shared!)
So random, sorry. Feel free to answer all, some or any at all! I just had to take my mind out of the end of Amended chapter and ended up here🥺
Hello popcorn anon! How lovely to hear from you, so sorry about the chapter end. :)
1. I'm doing ok. My surgery consult is Thursday! I am busy busy with work and my side hustles. And today was a cool and rainy day, so that's nice. I am struggling with saying goodbye to summer but I do love autumn.
2. I have not! I only got into them like late fall right before COVID. Even if/when they come near me, I don't think I can afford it anyway so I'll have to just dream :)
3. I do have a peculiar mind, LOL. My creative process kind of changes though by the idea... More beneath the cut!
Sometimes I just have an idea for a particular scene or feeling or moment, so I write that just to get it out and then maybe a story grows out of that. I might even write multiple scenes that just feel urgency to write in a single world/story without necessarily knowing all the connective tissue, and then later go back and fill in a proper estimated chapter-by-chapter plan (which could start SUPER high level; I have some examples of this in previous posts, check out #mywriting tag). Most of my stories I've posted so far were written this way, because back before I posted any of my writing, I'd just bounce around writing whatever I felt like. I have dozens of abandoned scenes/stories ideas I wrote. Maybe I'll wind up posting more as drabbles on here, or maybe some will get resurrected as proper stories, or maybe most of them will be banished to obscurity.
Other times, I'll have an idea for either a plot or emotional arc and really sit down and daydream through as much of the vision as I can and write stream of conscious thoughts down about it that later I go untangle and organize --this was Meadow and is how most of my future stories are getting planned right now.
So I may start with this stream of conscious page-long note-taking about my idea with any quotes, moments, or even questions or themes jotted down --a lot of time this starts with me daydreaming about an idea while I'm at the gym or walking or cooking dinner or something. I'll even write in my questions ("do they kiss here? or later?" "either he doesn't care or he cares a LOT. which is it?" "where's Namjoon at this point?") Then I go through and edit that to try and get it in an actual story order, think of answers to any of the questions I left for myself, make note of any areas I could diverge based on what feels right when I get there. It results in still a sort of hazy, word outline. And then I actually take that and break it out into rough chapter ideas. These always change as I actually write and decide oh, it's better to end the chapter here, or damn, that took longer than I expected, ok, or this new plot needs to get woven in. But it gives me some structure.
Sometimes I'll run scenes or ideas by my husband and he usually has very bad ideas that actually help me a lot because it gives me permission to brainstorm my own bad ideas too. And now I've got some friends on here who I can enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth with, some of which may be turning into actual stories coming to an ao3 account near you this winter 😉
Oh! actually one more useful thing that I only started doing when I started writing BTS fanfiction is that when I write, I don't write chapters, I write blocks. Like I write the headers in the word doc, and then a little note or whatever beneath the header for whatever needs to happen in that block. Like:
LANDON DINNER - Bella and JK go to dinner, Landon's apartment, Brianne gets pissy about something, Ezra is excited to show room but it's not ready yet, B and L are trying, L's been teaching Ezra guitar and he wants to perform, things get awkwrd sometimes but JK and Bella are a united team and find comfort in each other so nothing spirals, JK asks L about being sober, it's actually an ok time, B admits she liked both guys in high school?, Landon taught E "their song"
And I'll do that for the whole chapter. So then when I go back and am actually writing, it's eliminated that overwhelmed feeling because I don't need to worry about a whole chapter! Just a scene! And then the next one. And then the next one.
At least with most of my stories, I'm still writing so much that I can just insert the blocks already written into my chapter plan. But a lot of posting Flux is actually going through and figuring out where to insert the chapter breaks when that story wasn't actually written to have chapters; it's why that and Little Bean are sometimes really awkward with the range of chapter lengths, because I didn't plan them that way, it was just written as long stream of conscious story.
ANYWAY, this was a lot, hope this was interesting at all!
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cevansisheart · 4 years
Weekly Meeting
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Hey guys! I am reposting this one because it got taken down because of the pictures I put in here. It violated the guidelines and I apologize for that. I didn’t know that it was already violating the guidelines. So here it is reposted. I just had to repost this because I think this is the first smut I have ever written so it had a sentimental value to me. Hahaha. 
Requested by: @arrowswithwifi 
Request: “Can I request Steve x Reader where they are dating and the reader wants to rile Steve up during a meeting with the team so she wears a short dress with old fashioned lingerie and Steve notices as he is running the meeting. He finds it more and more difficult as the reader riles him up, ending with smut?”
Warnings: SMUT, Unprotected sex
A/N: I actually love this prompt btw. Thanks for requesting. :) There will be a warning before the smut, so you can stop reading if you’re uncomfortable.
A/N: This event occurred after Avengers: Age of Ultron and before Captain America: Civil War. (So meaning, Clint is retired, Thor is back at Asgard and Bucky is not in the team yet. Sorry Clint/Renner, Thor/Hemsworth and Bucky/Seb fans. :( )
Overview: After a year of dating, you and Steve have finally consummated your relationship last week on your anniversary. Steve was such a gentleman with you and insisted that the both of you waited until marriage. He was traditional as hell and you were always sexually frustrated since he refused to ‘disrespect’ you. You have always told him that it was fine with you but he was very determined to wait until marriage; but when it was your anniversary, all the will power that Steve had in him vanished when you seduced him with vintage lingerie. Turns out, there’s something about you wearing vintage turned him very on. Steve was the best sex you’ve ever had and now that you’ve had him, he was like a drug to you. But after last week, Steve thought he was too rough with you since he was a super soldier after all. He was scared that he had hurt you too much and had vowed never to touch you again. You had told him over and over that he did not hurt you but he refuses to believe it. Determined to convince Steve that he doesn’t hurt you, you figured he needed a little more ‘motivation’. Today, you have been given a solo mission. It was to seduce information out of a dangerous Russian mob boss, but before going on that mission, you first have a meeting with the team. It was time for your weekly reports and found it the perfect time to give him the ‘convincing’ he needed. 
“All right is everybody here?” Steve roams his eyes around the room.
Tony gets up from his seat and walks besides Steve, “Let’s make a roll call. Okay everybody, say present when the teacher calls your name. Wanda?” Tony enthusiastically says to the team.
Wanda looks at the team with furrowed brows looking confused whether to answer or not, “Present?”
“Very good.” Tony then diverts his eyes to Nat, “Natasha?”
Natasha let out a sound of non-amusement and rolls her eyes.
“Alright, no gold star for you. Vision?”
Steve cuts Tony off, “Very funny, Tony.”
“(Y/N) is not here yet.” Sam points out.
“I was with her earlier. She said something about prepping for a mission.” Natasha replies as the team looks at Steve for an answer.
Steve raises a hand and gestures dismissively, “Let’s just move on.” He looks at Tony with raised brows, “Tony? If you please?” Steve gestures for Tony to take a seat.
“Sure Cap. Don’t want to steal the attention away from you. People do say I’m a crowd stealer.” Tony adjusts his perfectly tailored suit before sitting down and leaning back in his chair cockily.
Steve chose to ignore Tony’s remark. After years of knowing Tony, ignoring him would always be the best choice.
Steve stood in front of the team, with authority and charisma radiating from him, “Mission reports for the past week states that –”
The door to the meeting room opened and you walked in, making Steve pause and the team look at you. “Sorry I’m late. I had a mission debriefing.” You say to Steve as you enter the room.
He gives you a faint smile, “It’s okay (Y/N), just take a seat.”
Tony straightens in his seat, “So if she’s late it’s fine, but if I’m late I get a lecture on how I’m not taking this seriously? I’m sensing a little bit of favoritism here Cap. Vision, care to analyze?”
“Analysis not required Mr. Stark. It is a possibility that Captain Rogers favors Agent (Y/L/N) because she is his girlfriend.”
Tony looks at Steve triumphantly, “See?”
Steve sighed as he places his hands on his waist, “She had a valid reason Tony.”
“I had a valid reason too.”
Steve furrowed his brows, “Having fallen asleep during your deep tissue massage is not a valid excuse.” He says, making you and the team snicker.
Tony rolls his eyes, “Whatever.” He averts his gaze to you and pretends to cough the words “Teacher’s Pet.”
You ignore Tony and make your way towards the very front seat while loosening the tie of your coat belt. As you reach your designated seat, you take off your coat and slowly sat down revealing your short, tight, black cocktail dress, with your eyes never leaving Steve’s.
Tony whistles, “So that’s the mission you’ve been prepping for. You look good. Doesn’t she look good Dr. Banner?”
Bruce was startled at the mention of his name, “W-why me?” he stuttered.
“You stared at her butt.” Tony says in a straight face.
“W-what? I-I didn’t –”
“You stared at her butt?” Natasha asks Bruce in an amused tone but deep inside she was annoyed.
Bruce shakes his head furiously, “No! I didn’t –”
Tony lets out a laugh, “Relax Doctor, I was just messing with you.” Tony then looks at Sam, “It was really Sam who did.”
Sam chuckles, “Now now Tony, only an idiot would look at a super soldier’s girlfriend like that. And I for one, value my life.”
Steve looks at you for an explanation. You wanted to laugh right now because his reaction was priceless.
“This get-up is part of a mission.” You say to him.
“Ah, a seduction mission.” Nat says in realization. “I miss those days too.”
Steve clears his throat while trying to avoid your gaze. “Let’s just continue.” His voice was already starting to sound hoarse and you tried your best to suppress a smile.
“As I was saying, mission reports for the past week states that the damage control needed was still very high. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s senior officials once again emphasized the need to minimize critical damage. It’s something about cost control.” Steve states and you smile to yourself. He looked handsome standing in front of the team, and it turned you on even more seeing him full of authority.
“Stark.” Steve says in a warning tone.
Tony purses his lips together, “Stark Industries and Stark Foundations fund the repairs and the hospital bills of the civilians. S.H.I.E.L.D. has no financial obligation whatsoever. They are totally ungrateful. They’re going to be hearing from my lawyers about this.”
“But…” You speak up, getting Steve’s attention as you had hoped. You crossed your right leg over your left making your short dress climb up higher. Steve noticed your actions and couldn’t help but stare at your vintage seamed stockings. When you saw him clench his jaw, you knew you had already succeeded.
“They should give us a little credit since we made a significant improvement.” You continued.
“This is typical of them. They always notice our screw ups but never the success of the missions.” Sam interjects.
You see Steve’s eyes scan your body from your feet, up to your legs, then to your perfectly accented cleavage, lingering on your lips before he reaches your eyes. Teasingly, you wet your lips before biting your lower lip.
Steve can feel the growing bulge inside his pants as he felt the material start to tighten.
“Well, ever since our incident with Ultron, S.H.I.E.L.D. has reasons to keep us on watch. What else did the high officials say Cap?” Natasha asks.
You adjust yourself, purposely bending over a little bit so that Steve could get a quick view of your breasts, on your seat.
“Cap!” Nat says a little louder.
“Earth to Steve, you there?” Sam says.
Steve flinched a little bit and his eyes shot to Sam when he heard his name for the second time.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry.” Steve shakes his head in order to focus on the meeting but you were such a damn distraction, he couldn’t remember the rest of the agenda for the meeting.
“So, it’s agreed that we find a way to contact Thor again?” Steve says out of the blue.
A cascade of “What?” emerges from the room.
“Dude, are you high?” Sam asks skeptically as you stifle a laugh.
Steve massages his forehead, “I’m sorry, what were we talking about again?” he gives you a warning look before averting his gaze to the rest of the team. He approaches the table, leans over and places both of his hands down the table. He was trying hard to hide his growing erection and it made you even hornier.
“Damage control on our missions, Cap.” Dr. Banner answers.
“Right, right.” Steve nods, “We just have to do better. Limit the use of powers unless it is really necessary.”
You carefully slid your foot against Steve’s legs, caressing it up and down.
Steve stiffens in his place and you see him swallow a lump in his throat.
“That’s like asking us to crawl when we know how to run.” Tony states but Steve’s attention was not on the meeting anymore.
“Then we better run with caution. Okay, I guess that’s the only agenda for this week. You can all go now.” Steve says hurriedly with a strained expression on his face. He couldn’t take your teasing anymore. He felt that his pants was going to explode.
“Pardon me Captain Rogers but I do believe you said something about Thor.” Vision adds.
“That can wait another time, but for now I’ll have to ask everybody to leave. Meeting’s over.”
“Well guys, you heard the Captain, meeting’s over.” You say while trying to suppress your victorious smile.
The team reluctantly stands up while mumbling ‘okay’ and ‘what the hell just happened?’
“Well I’d say the meeting went well, anybody up for shawarma? I know a new place…” Tony’s voice grew fainter and fainter as he exited the room.
You stood up from your seat and grabbed your coat. You were ready to follow Nat towards the exit door when Steve caught your arm.
“Not you.” He says sternly in a very serious expression.
Nat throws the two of you a skeptic look before finally exiting the room. 
As soon as the door closed you turn to Steve, “Look Steve, I – mmmph”
Steve captures your lips with his and lifts you up abruptly and sets you down the table. His kisses were impatient and fervent. His will power was no more. And like the love-struck fool you were, you responded back eagerly and passionately. 
You interlace your fingers at the back of Steve’s head, grazing his blonde hair as you pulled him closer to you. You parted your lips for his tongue to gain entrance into your mouth and soon, your tongues were fighting for dominance, each not wanting to lose to the other. You felt Steve’s strong hand caress your cheek as his other hand went to your back, unzipping the tight dress that was on you.
His lips left your mouth to trail hot kisses down your jaw and to your neck, sucking and nipping at your sweet spot. Steve’s hands found their way to your straps as he pulled them down. He took a step back as you stepped down from the table and slowly removed your dress by yourself, revealing the vintage red corset with stockings that you were wearing to your mission. 
Steve’s eyes ravaged you hungrily as your short black dress pools at your feet.
He approached you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. By now, Steve didn’t even remember why he wanted to abstain from you anymore. You run your hand down Steve’s chest and began unbuttoning his polo shirt. Throwing the cotton fabric across the room, your lips collided with his again, and a rough and passionate kiss ensues. He lifted you up onto the table again as he was savoring your taste in his mouth, nibbling on that juicy bottom lip, tugging it lightly with his teeth and rubbing his mouth gently against yours.
Steve was struggling to remove your corset and you giggle at his frustration. Letting out a growl, he tore open the corset, revealing your nakedness.
“Steve! I was going to wear this for my mission.” You exclaimed.
“And now, you’re going to wear your standard S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform.”
“But—” Steve silences you by kissing you again and soon, you didn’t want to argue anymore. You wanted him. All of him.
Leaning your head back, you felt Steve’s kisses go lower and lower from your jawline, to your neck, to the valley of your breasts and down to your stomach. You grab a handful of his hair as you felt his lips on your inner thigh working its way up until you felt his breath on your entrance. You can feel the tip of his tongue lap over your slit, starting at the bottom and ending with the lightest touch on your clit.
His hand caressed your breasts, flicking and rubbing your hard nipples and you couldn’t suppress the moans of pleasure escaping your mouth that just made him turned on even more.
You pulled Steve up and captured his lips. “Please.” You whisper in between your rough kisses.
He pulls away from your kiss, “Doll, after what you did to me earlier, you’re in no position to ask favors.” he says to you teasingly as he plants wet kisses on the sides of your face.
“Steve, please. Just take me.” You shudder as he leaves a hickey on your neck.
You can feel him smile against your heated skin. “Ask me nicely.”
You moan out in pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your clit.
You regain your breathing as you struggle to speak. “I want you inside me – deep, hard, rough, and fast.” You stutter to say.
With an aroused groan, Steve unzips his pants swiftly and positions himself at your entrance. You bury your face at the crook of his neck letting out a moan as he pushes his manhood into your entrance.
Steve began to move, slowly at first, but eventually picking up speed as he went. You could feel his balls slapping against yours with every hard thrust, and you knew it drove him wild. He quickened his pace stroke by stroke, heartbeat by heartbeat until it made your head fling from side to side, desperate for release. Both of you settled into a rhythm of fast hard strokes, deep, long ones, and grinding ones with your hips undulating against each other. The sounds of the room were filled by your screaming moans of pleasure and Steve’s fervent grunts, not remembering that the door was unlocked and somebody could see you anytime.
You were gasping as you felt your muscle form into knots from so much pleasure. Steve bent his head to suck one nipple into his mouth. Keeping his mouth on your breast, he reached down with one hand and found the sensitive spot on your clit, rubbing it hard and fast. Your breathing hitched as he bit down on the nipple in his mouth, just hard enough to send a jolt to your vagina, and you came with a surprised gasp. Steve trembled and then lunged deep inside and you could feel the orgasm rush through him, hard and wet and disorientating him with its strength. With his cum bathing your insides, it brought the both of you the ultimate pleasure as you joined each other in that mad dive, shuddering upon the pinnacle.
Breathless, Steve rested his forehead against yours while peppering you with gentle kisses.
“I take it you’re not mad at me?” You ask him breathlessly.
“Oh I still am. And you’ll apologize when you get back from your mission.” 
Did the best that I could on the smut. I’m very new to writing smuts so I’ll improve as I practice. Haha. Thanks for the love guys. :*
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writeyouin · 4 years
It says asks are closed, but your recent post said they're open? If they are closed, that's fine, sorry to bother. Love your stuff btw! What if LL crew were temporarily turned human. The human liason helps them adjust (even if this is just for a while-they hope) and since it's Christmas, they decide to make everyone a traditional Christmas dinner (or as close to it as they can...) Who actually helps in the kitchen, who's more of a hindrance, and who sneaks food when they think no one's looking?
Transformers MTMTE/LL Reader Insert – For Just One Day
A/N – This one was tricky, trying to fit everyone in.
Warnings – Very Mild NSFW
Rating – T
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It started with a stupid bet that the crew wouldn’t last a day as humans. To be honest, you forgot even making the bet with Brainstorm, but apparently those were your exact words, and now he hadn’t just turned himself human, but the entirety of the Lost Light. Fortunately, the effects of Brainstorm’s device were only going to last a day. Unfortunately, the day it took place was Christmas. Now, you not only had a million questions to answer about being human, but you also had to cook a Christmas dinner for everyone because Swerve had given the idea to Rodimus and it had spread like wildfire.
“Okay,” You said, tying back your hair and putting on an apron, mildly anxious now that everyone was looking to you for a Christmas feast. “I’m going to need help in the kitchen, if anyone will volunteer.”
Ultra Magnus nodded. He had just finished making a pamphlet for the bots who were struggling with their humanity. “I shall organise a cooking party,” he said, and with that, he was organising groups of bots who had volunteered into those willing to cook meat and those who weren’t.
Soon, you were left with a group of around thirty volunteers, looking to you for instructions. Among them were Rung, Ten, Swerve, Nautica and Cyclonus. You started by showing the group how to prepare the vegetables, setting off a production line. Rung was very attentive to his carrots, though having more experience on model ships, he was paying far too much attention to detail and was very slow with his work. Upon watching Ten, who was much faster, you decided to partner the two up to make up for Rung’s lack of speed.
Whilst trying to give instructions to some other bots, you found Swerve watching you dreamily, rather than preparing his items. When you went over to him, he blushed and started talking a million miles an hour, soon becoming more of a hindrance than a help, though you humoured him, since it came from a good place.
“You can keep yapping, as long as you get back to work, instead of staring at me,” You winked.
Swerve, feeling suddenly very nervous looked around for something to distract you, although it was too late for you not to have noticed his blatant ogling. “Ugh, I- I- I- FLOUR FIGHT!”
He threw a fistful of flour at your face. You coughed and spluttered, raising a bemused eyebrow once you were okay.
“I-Uh-I-” Swerve babbled, wondering why he hadn’t just got back to work when you had called him out.
“I’ll let that one go, but I’m gonna get you back later,” You deadpanned, smiling only when your back was turned and he couldn’t see you; it would be fun to watch him panic for a while.
You walked on, stopping when you found Nautica stirring an empty pot, whilst watching Brainstorm and Perceptor dreamily. You had a feeling that she had volunteered for the cooking before she realised that they were going to be running various experiments on the now-human crew. You stopped to look at the pair of arguing scientists.
“It is not a contest,” Perceptor sniffed drily.
Brainstorm wrapped an arm around him, “Everything is a contest, Percy. If it wasn’t, existence would be futile. So, you in or not?”
“Most definitely not. I am here to research the human mechanics that you have so hastily created, not compete over who can do the most experiments before the day is up.”
“Ah, classic Percy, that’s the fighting talk I love. We’ll tally the scores at sundown.”
Turning your attention back to Nautica, you knew she wouldn’t abandon the work she had promised to do, even if she didn’t realise that she wasn’t actually doing it.
“You should go with them,” You told her.
“Hm? Me? Oh, no, I couldn’t. I’m supposed to be here,” Nautica smiled bashfully when she realised that she had been stirring the wrong pot and the cocktail sauce was still just a batch of raw ingredients.
“Nautica, you’re supposed to be having a good time. Go nuts, run some experiments. Christmas is all about having fun, after all.”
Nautica chewed her lip, considering it.
You pushed her towards the exit, “Go!”
With that, Nautica gave you a quick hug and ran excitedly out, leaving you to get back to checking on everybody else. On her way out, you saw Megatron standing awkwardly in the doorway. From the disturbed look on his face, it occurred to you that nobody had told him what was going on and he had only just figured it out upon seeing everyone else.
You approached him, “Hey Megatron… It was Brainstorm-”
“So I gathered,” He replied gruffly. “Please can you inform me how long this is to last.”
“Around twenty-four hours.”
“I see. Then I shall remain in my hab-suite until it is over.”
“Wait,” You grabbed his arm. “We’re um, celebrating a human holiday, if you want to join us.”
“Please (Y/N), do not pity me. You know I have no place among my peers during celebrations.”
“Megatron, I will only pity you if you leave. Come on, you should be among your friends, and don’t say you don’t have any ‘cos that is utter rubbish. So, as your friend, I am ordering you to get over to your other friend, Rung and help him with those potatoes.”
Megatron stared at you, dumbfounded. If he didn’t have so much respect for you, he would have left to hide away until this was all over. As it was, he simply nodded and joined Rung, who immediately struck up a friendly conversation.
‘Right,’ You thought to yourself, ready to get back to work until you saw Tailgate hanging out near Cyclonus, about to pop some raw bacon in his mouth.
“NO,” You ran over picking him up. “PUT THE BACON DOWN.”
“WHAT? WHY?” Tailgate whined. “You didn’t yell at Ravage when he stole the eggnog.”
“He did what?” Sure enough, when you looked around, the eggnog was gone without a trace; how Tailgate had seen him take it was beyond you.
“(Y/N), I just wanna taste Cyclonus’ cooking. Pleeeeeease.”
“Tailgate, I get that you’re excited, but Cyclonus is on meat duty, ‘kay. Meat can make humans really, really sick if we eat it raw. I’m just doing this so you don’t get ill. So, I’ll say it again. Put the bacon down.”
“Do as (s)he says,” Cyclonus added, without even looking up from his cooking station.
Huffily, Tailgate put the bacon back onto the counter and you let him go. “If you want everything so perfect, you better check the dessert station,” he huffed.
You were puzzled for a moment, but you decided to do what he said, heading over to the dessert section.
“Oh, come on,” You groaned, upon seeing Rodimus remoulding all the gingerbread men into gingerbread Rodimus stars.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Rodimus grinned, trying to hide his artwork behind his back. You had been far too occupied to notice, but Rodimus had already been kicked out of the kitchen by various other members of the crew no less than seven times for causing havoc wherever he went. Quite frankly, he didn’t want to be kicked out again; it was getting harder and harder to sneak back in.
“Really? You couldn’t leave the gingerbread men alone?”
“(Y/N),” Rodimus put a hand over his heart. “I, for one, am disgusted that you would allow us to take part in an act that encourages cannibalism. I mean, eating fake humans is the first step towards eating real humans, and I will not stand for it.”
“Ugh, where the hell is the dessert team?” You asked frustratedly, looking around for any sane bot.
“Oh, them? Well, they chased after Riptide who stole all those little pastry things to eat. Then when they came back, Rewind and Chromedome had stolen all the chocolate.”
“Why would they do that?”
“They heard something about chocolate being an aphrodisiac, so they took it and went away to canoodle.”
“Then what happened?”
“Then Drift came to try some stuff.”
“Drift, really?” You said, surprise colouring your tone.
“Yeah, don’t tell him I told you, but he has kind of a thing about watching organics eat, so he stole some food to get into his kink state. Anyway, that was when the dessert team abandoned base and went to play twister. By the way, super-fun game. Anyway, that brings us to this point, when I’m your only hope for saving dessert, thus saving Christmas.”
You rubbed the back of your neck tiredly, “Fine… Do whatever the hell you want to the gingerbread. Just make sure to cook it afterwards. I left the instructions on the datapad there.”
“You got it,” Rodimus winked. “This is gonna be the best dessert ever.”
Finally, you were free to get back to work, and with only a few more problems, dinner was served. You and a few others volunteered to take food to those who had decided to quarantine themselves. Your first stop was Whirl’s hab-suite. Quite frankly, you were surprised that Whirl hadn’t come out to make mischief when everything started.
You knocked on his door, “Whirl, sweetie, you in there?”
“GO AWAY, MEATBAG!” He roared from inside.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You didn’t really understand what Whirl’s problem was, so you just left the food outside his door, telling him what you had done before leaving. Whirl didn’t go to collect the food. How could he, when he had a problem of this nature? As it turned out, something had gone wrong with Whirl’s transformation, so instead of his usual holoform, he looked entirely different. He was a grown man in a leather jacket, with fairly good looks. The problem was that without his interface panel or his usual feminine form, he couldn’t hide his arousal for you. As such, he had vowed not to come out until everything was back to normal.
Where others were saying Merry Christmas, all Whirl could think was ‘Bah, humbug.’
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
Can I do maybe comforting an INFJ artist S/O who had a really bad birthday with Kami, Kiri, and Baku? It’s the 12th btw ;-;
Of course!! (Sorry it’s late btw 😞)
Bad Birthday Scenario
As soon as Denki sees you’re upset, he rushes over to you and gives you the biggest hug he can.
“Hey my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget, you can’t be sad. It’s your birthday and we can still make it a great one. Don’t worry about the things that went wrong or about the people who may not have made it the best. You’re special and deserve to smile on your day, sunshine nugget!”
“C’mon,” he says with his hand out. You take it curious to see what he’s going to do
He takes you to a nearby bakery and buys you a whole birthday cake that say “Happy Birthday Sunshine Nugget” in bright yellow frosting.
He bought some fireworks and sparklers and you both made your way to the beach. When you get there, everyone from 1-A is there under a tent with all your favorite food. There’s a beautiful chair arranged for you, the guest of honor. You sit down in the chair at the head of the table and everyone else takes their seats. Kaminari is next to you, obviously.
“Now before we dig in to all this good food, I would like to make a speech about my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget,” he says with a huge smile,“I would first like to wish you a very happy birthday. Today should honestly be an international holiday where the whole world celebrates you and how talented and beautiful you are. You are the most amazing, loving and special sunshine nugget. You’re always there for me when I need you and you deserve the same 100 fold. I love you sunshine nugget and I hope I could make your day better.”
He kisses you sweetly and sits down.
“Itadakimasu!!” Everyone says simultaneously
You all enjoy the meal and the cake. When it’s time for presents, Denki insists on you opening his first. He got you a drawing tablet because you had been really wanting to get into digital art and you cried tears of joy and gratitude. This horrible day was made better than you ever expected.
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Today, you spent all day by yourself. Your parents didn’t even acknowledge it was your birthday. No one even texted or called.
‘Maybe they forgot,’ you thought to yourself
You started to get sad, almost on the brink of tears.
‘Nobody even cared. Am I really that forgettable? That unimportant?’
No sooner than you thought that, your doorbell rang. You went to answer and it was Kirishima.
“Hey Pebble” he said smiling,“Did you forget we were supposed to hang out today?”
“No,” you say happily,“at least you remembered what today is.”
“What’s today?” He asks confused. At this point sadness hits you again. How could your boyfriend forget your birthday too. You try your best to hide your disappointment
“Oh.. uh nothing special.” You finally say
“Well, c’mon on pebble!” He says nodding for you to come outside. You put on your shoes and meet him where he stood
“Oh we have to stop at my house super quick, I forgot something,” he says
You finally make it to his house
“I’m home,” he announces
You both make your way into the kitchen
“SURPRISE!!” Everyone was there, your mom, dad, Mina, Kaminari, even Bakugou came
You cry, your emotions get the best of you.
“I thought you all forgot about today. I thought you didn’t care,” you say crying harder.
“How could we not care? I’m not gonna lie, this could’ve been executed better. I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you think bad things, but I could and I would never forget you, my radiant, magnificent pebble. You surround every thought in my head. Every where I go, there you go. I see you everywhere, I think about you all the time, hell, I even dream about you pebble. No one and nothing could ever take your place in my heart or mind.”
You punch him on the arm super hard.
“Never do that again,” you say smiling
“Ouch, okay pebble... jeez you know I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
The rest of the night turns out amazing and you stay to help Kiri clean up after all the guests have gone. He takes you outside in the backyard and sets a blanket down, so you could stargaze together.
“Ya know pebble, I really am sorry about today. Making you cry was never part of the plan and I will never forgive myself for doing that to you. I really didn’t mean to. You’re the most important person to me and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. Not even for a second,” he says staring at the sky
You look over at him and see a tear streaming down his cheek. It really hurt him to see you cry and even more because he was the cause.
“Kiri, look at me... please.” He looked at you trying to keep his tears at bay, but he couldn’t hide them from you.
“Kiri... this was the absolute best day ever. Granted it did start off pretty bad, but you made it better. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. You give me the world and then some. You are the best boyfriend in the whole world and I wouldn’t trade you for anything or anyone.”
“Thanks pebble,” he says wiping his tears,“I love you...so much.”
“I-I love you too,” you say back, then he pulls you in for a kiss and you spend the next couple of hours under the stars.
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You were sitting in front of your house crying when he came and grabbed you by the hand.
“C’mon! I’m not gonna let some extras ruin your birthday! I’m gonna make sure you have the best day ever and no one is gonna stop me!”
He took you to your favorite ice cream spot and ordered you a huge sundae with sparklers and it came with a slice of cake too.
Your eyes grew wide at the size of it.
“What you don’t like it?”
“No, no, it’s not that Katsu,” you say laughing,“it’s just a lot.”
“You deserve it teddy bear. Now eat till your hearts content or till your stomach is a bout to burst. Whichever comes first and don’t worry, I’ll eat with you.” He says holding your hand
You and him dig in to the sundae and you were hungrier than you thought you were because you both were able to finish it. You sat at the table for another hour talking and joking around so that the ice cream could settle in your stomachs.
He decided to take you to the arcade, you guys played several rounds of Mario Kart just trying to one up each other the whole time because you’re both super competitive. After you kicked Bakugou’s butt, you wanted to play skee ball next.
“I’m gonna beat you this time teddy bear! You’re not gonna get the better of me!”
“Okay,” you say laughing,“How about we make this game a little interesting then?”
“What’d ya have in mind teddy bear?” He asks with a smirk
“Loser,” you say getting closer to him,“has to wear a maid costume for the other and do whatever the other person wants for 24 hours. You in?”
A look of shock washes over his face and then his lips turn to a smirk.
“Not bad teddy bear. I can’t wait for you to be in that maid costume.”
“You talk a big game Bakugou, but you’re gonna eat your words,” you say with confidence
You guys decide to go for best two out of three and at first you had a shot, but he beat you the other two rounds.
“What happened to all that mouth teddy bear,” he says getting closer to you until he backs you into a wall,“got nothin else to say?”
Your face fully turns red from being in this compromising position causing him to smile
“Let’s go teddy bear,” he says while tilting your chin up to face him
You catch your breath and he whisks you out of the arcade. You both head back to your house and he goes to the closet in your hallway. You wonder what’s going on and then he pulls out two matching onesies.
“Look, I figured we could cuddle and watch movies,” he says blushing and with a slight pout, causing you to laugh
“You think this is funny?!” He asks his temper getting the best of him like always
“No, it’s sweet,” you say and then kiss him on the cheek.
You both end up falling asleep on the couch after a couple of movies. You had a pretty eventful day and all you honestly wanted was to spend time with him. Didn’t matter what you were doing as long as you were doing it with him and that wish came true 10 fold today.
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I hope you enjoyed and it made your day 🥺
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
Ship bingo: Anne Boleyn & Henry VIII (I know, I'm not the most original person in this site); and Eleanor Cobham & Humphrey of Gloucester
Hey hey sorry for answering this shipbingo so late hh. Hope you’ll still be interested in my odd and headcanon-y analyses. Since you requested 2 I will write shorter comments if ur ok with that :) x
Anne Boleyn & Henry VIII
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‘I broke England from the Church yeah I really am that secksy’ or something along the lines is said by Anne’s character in Six: The Musical. I sorta resent that. I’m not very passionate about this ship nor do I take any ‘sides’, but I must admit I’m more partial to Catherine of Aragon and consider her to be Henry’s true love. The odd thing is, this is also cause a part of my feels like Anne was in some ways to good/evolved for him?? We all know the whole seductress Anne trope or poor set-up pawn Anne, we don’t know which are true but one thing we know for sure is that there was ‘pious outspoken religious reformer Anne’ and that’s what I am more interested in. My admiration grew 1000x when I realised she was heavily critical with where the desolution of the monastery funds were going - how they enriched ministers and lackeys of Henry as opposed to going towards schools. I say all this because my mental Anne Boleyn might be a bit different from most people’s and that will influence how I also see this ship.
I guess the above paragraph explains the ‘I’m picky about it part’, I hate anything that is major baby drama. Delicious and intrigued are oddly left out because I don’t really feel that myself though I understand why others would. It is perhaps because it’s such an overportrayed relationship and because by the time it became a thing Henry was already kind of obese I believe. Sue me, I like both my ship parties to be attractive XD. I would read fic for it just like I would read anything provided it is well written enough. I’m currently reading ‘Chained in War and Love’ by Lady Perserverence on AO3 (you know that one really famous fic in the Tudor fandom) which I suppose counts but since it’s a Francois I of France/Anne Boleyn AU I guess it doesn’t count (and I much prefer this pairing). This ship is one of those historical pairings where it’s hard to deny it was not romantic and sexual, one must remember that there must have been something about Anne in particular that attracted Henry and her educational background was unusually worldly for a woman of minor English nobility, given the fact that she could very well have been 32 (and age which is considered old for motherhood even by our times) by the time she married Henry simply put there must have been a romantic/sexual attraction beyond just her being fertile. She, herself, may have also had reason to feel attracted to him (despite his fatness) because he appears to have exuded the character of a Renaissance Prince which I feel she could have been drawn towards.
To be honest the ‘it’s complicated and unhealthily’ kind of speak for themselves. I feel like a part of the breakdown went beyond her not being able to hear a son because he does not seem to have properly tried like he did with Catherine of Aragon - the marriage was only three years long. I also feel like he was a bit too set in the past for her and she may have felt disillusioned with how he carried out the reformation. I also feel like Henry thought he would find a woman with Catherine’s brand of strength but with an ability to bear children, but despite both women having education in common Anne’s Protestant beliefs made her someone entirely different. Their feelings were strong but they clearly were not made for each other. With that said, theology fasincates me so to an extent I am more interested in the consequences (the reformation and how it changed the fabric of England) then even the ship itself - that is not to say the ship doesn’t interest me. And yes. I could/want to be convinced that this ship is interesting but if anyone wants me to get on board you will have to first throw off ‘seductress Anne’ or ‘poor maligned pawn Anne’. Only mercurial Henry and reformer Anne will do for me. With that said, I really wouldn’t mind the unrequited love trope thrown in there but with Anne accepting him only because Cromwell and co convince her that this is the only way England’s religion can change. I also liked the ‘Anne of One Thousand Days’ spin where it’s unrequited on her side and then turns unrequited on Henry’s side. Now that’s super tragic and would grab my attention. Overall, I like Anne Boleyn but I don’t ship them because I don’t think they were compatible, I don’t like Henry and I hate how the reformation was carried out and how the knock-on effect was the death of the Tudor figures I care the most about: Cardinal Fisher, Thomas More and Margaret Pole.
Eleanor Cobham & Humphrey of Gloucester
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I love ships where both figures were described as intelligent by their contemporaries because there’s also a meeting of minds there. It also gives this partners in crime vibes which I really like. This connects to my whole ’delicious’, ‘romantic’, ‘best friends’ and ‘I’m intrigued’. A lot of fun things could be done with this ship and so I would read fic for it but I remain unpicky (except for , you know, prose as per usual). As it happens I also already read fic for this pairing and unless you are her, I would recommend @nuingiliath who writes loads for this couple and is the resident shipper - I believe this is her OTP. On Ao3 she is ‘heartofstanding’ she has plenty of stuff both on her tumblr and on that site so just follow the tags. Also all I know about these guys is from her pretty much.
The thing is, Eleanor Cobham is like Jane Shore for me, she brings out very weird feelings because I am very traditionalist and boring and hate my infidelities and tend to have an aversion towards mistresses. However, like Jane Shore, Eleanor Cobham appears to have had some virtues and was more than a pretty face (apparently Jacobia herself was quite dull and that’s one of the things that turned Humphrey off her but I’m not sure if that’s hearsay). So just like that, I don’t get an ‘ugh’ feeling like I would with people interested in the Bourbon mistresses in the 18th century or such because I much feel like it wasn’t that physical. This is where ‘softly’ comes, the age difference makes me imagine Humphrey as having that dad-aura Idk (and btw no I’m not pleading daddy issues at all - I feel like it quite undermines this couple), his incredible level of learning further feading into this wise persona but obviously his skirmishes with the administration give me an impression of this grand daring man as well. He seemed the picture of true aristocracy and in all the way he falters from those expectations (eg lack of martial talent) I also like to see. As I said, Eleanor also being described as intelligent makes me feel that she was at his level and while I am satisfied that the necromancy charges were shams it does indicate that she was considered bright enough by her contemporaries in order for such charges to be levelled in the first place. While it is true that the whole affair was targeting Humphrey, I really feel like Eleanor herself possessed (or at least was perceived by others as possessing) a certain dangerousness and this course of action was pursued by their rivals in order to kill two birds with one stone. After all, we have seen how easy treason charges can be conjured against magnates who though not technically speaking guilty have acted against the wrong faction eg Clarence’s case. With that I also put ‘best friends’ because I feel like like all those traits derived from the facts I’ve been privy to point to the fact that the two were friends as well as in love and attracted to each other. They really give me a partners-in-crime vibe and I’m always all for that. Not to mention I’m also a sucker of one part of the ship dying (preferably the woman) with the other following not late after or at least never living a fulfilled life as a widow-widower. It’s cruel but I love my doomed couples. So yeah, I ship it, I really do. I also have a great admiration for Humphrey as I have a soft-heart for scholarly people, I also admire how he was not blindly loyal and quite brazen. It’s a personality that intrigues me.
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BNHA/MHA First Watch-Through Notes
these are... stupid... and... a mess. bc I am stupid and a mess. you have had your warning. I didn’t even go back and skim through this when I was done I’m just releasing these little bastard thoughts into the void they’re not my problem now
I’m watching dubbed btw
I know, I know... it’s the only one I have access to rn tho
I... do not know how to feel about funimation’s new intro?
well I guess it’s not really new but
listen I haven’t watched anything of funimation’s since the og fruits basket ok I’m used to the DUN-DUN *funimation* ((....you should be watching))
he is. babie. green babie.
but also why do these small children have such wild hair colors
I mean I’m here for it
I just wasn’t expecting it
so this is the famous deku
I’m guessing this is like a flashback or memory or something?
I missed the bully’s name
speaking of the bullies, they changed order? It was wings, fire, stretchy hands, but now it’s fire, stretchy hands, wings. I know that they probably wanted to show the “leader” closest and that’s why but,,
also wtf?? these are kids. like bullies should not be a thing, I think we can all agree on that, but yeah, it’s gonna happen. but these kids are, what? eight? nine? maybe their powers (’quirks,’ whatever) aren’t super powerful yet, but this blonde kid has fire powers. has nobody talked to them about just how dangerous this is? forget roughing the other two up or intimidating them or giving them a hard time, this could genuinely escalate and get way out of hand super fast, and someone could get seriously injured.
oof. boy is dead.
this eight year old (purple hair) sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
that wasn’t purple kid?? that was current deku???
then this fourteen year old sounds like he’s a thirty yo new teacher trying to sound hip and cool but also wise and knowing to his class who Does Not Care
also they were four?
jeepers heckin criminey who starts beating people up at four years old
have to say though, I loved that sky-to-puddle transition
jiminey fucking crickets I’m not even a minute into the episode these notes are going to be stupidly long I’m sorry
!! I love his little skipping-dance thing when he’s impatient at the crosswalk!
alright... I’ll admit it... his character design is pretty adorable
also tf is that thing
it looks half shark half poorly drawn dog
I mean I get it’s probably a person and that’s their quirk or whatever but
did this kid just run all the way across the city just to watch this guy start shit at the station so he could see the heroes take him down??
I mean respect tbh but also priorities kid
also I really appreciate that the cops are just kind of calmly directing everyone and everyone else is just kind of chillin like “oh. another villain. that’s too bad.” like tbh that’s one of the things that always kind of annoys me about movies and shows like this where there’s like repeatedly villain attacks because yes they are scary, especially when you’re caught up in them, but if you’re just kind of there and not directly in the action or being directly threatened, then why are you freaking out? you’ve lived in this city for how long? there’s an attack every, what, two days? this isn’t routine for you by now?
I started this like 15 min ago and am only like a minute and a half into the ep smh
ngl this intro kinda pops off
that hero guy seemed... kind of evil lookin tho
love the animation oml
also the lyrics to this are great???
“and they were narrative foils” “oh my god they were narrative foils”
k ngl rewinding real quick bc I missed some of the intro and there’s always so much fun stuff to see and unpack in those
also I wanna read all the lyrics
k so I was wondering this before but I’m just gonna say it... why does the hero guy have rabbit ears
alright character designs lookin p fire so far
last guy I keep missing but he kind of looks like steven universe?? idk I still have to watch that show too tbh so,,,
does the big hero guy turn into a giant bird?
oh that intro got me excited for this
these characters look so lit!!
“the first incident?” so this isn’t just like a natural factor of their world? it hasn’t always been going on? there was, like, a definitive start to it all? was that kid really the first incident or the first one they noticed? was that actually the first incident or is it just like the commonly told first incident, like an old myth/legend/folktale/old wive’s tale?
interesting that it started with a baby and then moved to people of all ages?
oh they don’t know the cause of the quirks? interesting
((why do I feel like finding out the answer to that is gonna be like A Big Thing™ at some point in the series))
I really like the visuals they put with this exposition?? idk why it’s just,,, very appealing
also his voice is very nice to listen to tbh, so that’s a definite plus
I hate it when the main character’s voice is super annoying
but like how long ago was it that this started? he just said “before long”
I like that in this universe they actually acknowledge that hey comic books are a thing and this whole superheroes/villains/powers thing is kind of ridiculous bc it’s legit like playing out scenes straight from those comic books but also this is real life and it’s actually happening and really does pose a lot of danger and complications to a lot of people, so we’re going to treat it as something real and serious and affecting us
I might’ve spoken too soon but I really hope they don’t blow that mindset
I feel like too often superhero shows/movies just either completely gloss over the effects this stuff has on society as a whole, or it’s like a completely new thing for them, like there’s never been the concept of a fictional superhero or a comic book there before.
“was an age of heroes”??? oh no what happens
k but why is this guy dressed like the ‘do not cross’ lines
kind of a lame hero costume tbh :/
why. does he have. sleeves. but no shirt.
edna mode would never do you like that honey go see her
“Death Arms”?? what kind of alias is that?? also wouldn’t it make more sense for arms to be uncovered than his chest, then??
“The Punching Hero”
I’m sorry I Cannot take this guy seriously
asdkfdls idk why but this firehose guy really reminds me of that one alchemist from fmab with the top hat and the monocle and the peg leg that spun like a top and Scar murked
“rescue specialist” see?? that makes sense!! it makes me so happy that they’re actually thinking more about the worldbuilding and how dangerous scenarios would work if 80% of the population had powers of different kinds, beyond “big bad guy meet big good guy. punch punch good guy wins”
also dear god thank you for putting someone on crowd control I know I was just saying it was great these people weren’t really treating this like the end of the world and it is good that they were mostly staying back by themselves but. they were still standing very close to an ongoing fight. priorities, people. self preservation. they are things. that I do not believe most people in superhero universes have in the slightest.
aww he’s too short
(but is he shorter than edward elric)
((do we know))
(((somebody please tell me if this information is available)))
alsdfkj l;a that guy calling in late bc the train got held up by the villain... do you think that’s another equivalent of “oh...I’m...sick... yeah, totally, I’m sick” and “my dog ate my homework” to them? “there was a villain attack” or “some idiot on my block decided to show off their quirk and it got out of hand”
ope Big Hero™ is here
...why am I surprised that they have fans?? I mean I guess that makes sense they’re basically celebrities and public figures right?
okay Big Hero™ is Kamui got it
wait no that is not the Big Hero™
but they are another hero and their name is Kamui got it
“Kamui Woods” ok that’s actually helpful I was gonna ask what his skin was supposed to be bc I didn’t think it was scales and it does look kind of like bark... Now going to take that as permission to assume it’s the latter
kamui kind of reminds me of some pokemon but I’m not sure which one?? I’m sorry idk pokemon v well but thy def remind me of one of them
“...a fAnBOY” he looks and sounds like he just tricked someone into confessing to murder why is he so smug about that smh
you know what. speaking of. I don’t get why everyone views being a fan of something/someone as something to be embarrassed or ashamed about?? why do people make fun of other people for it? why do we treat it like some big dark secret we try to hide? when did liking something become a bad thing? like?? sorry I have hobbies and interests and you don’t? sorry I think this person is talented? sorry I thought this book was life-changing? sorry I listen to this album so much because it’s good? sorry this show made me laugh during a really rough time? like goddamn it’s nobody’s business what you like unless you’re trying to force it on you when you’ve asked them to stop or it’s hurting someone? if they’re being safe and respectful about it for everyone involved then there shouldn’t be a problem? stop making people feel like freaks or be scared to enjoy something just a little too much? just let people have good things in life and consume the media that makes them happy? it has little to no effect on you? I don’t get why it’s you’re problem?? sorry to get all soapboxy this is something that’s always really annoyed me
does kamui have flowers on their belt
k but isn’t wood like... really easy to break tho
I mean... comparatively speaking?
“illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic” alsfjsadlkf
wait so he’s listing charges for the guy, does that mean heroes are officially licensed here and can actually arrest people? and... actually work with law enforcement?? gasp no wait but I thought that was impossible except for The One Officer On The Inside That The Hero Has Convinced Of Their Cause™
hold up... “assault, robbery, and illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic... you are the incarnation of evil” ...bro chill lmao
I mean those aren’t good things but,,,, buddy “evil” can get so much worse holy shit sunflower child has no idea what’s in store for them
the show can do a hell of a lot even if they decide not to go that dark
well deku did say he was new
also off topic but I just looked it up and DEKU IS HALF A FOOT TALLER THAN ED
he’d probably get along well w al though so ed would have to like him anyways
ok but back to bnha
ope kamui just got upstaged
but honestly?? he was actin a lil cocky and she seems like a queen so I ain’t mad about it
oh great creeps are everywhere apparently
just. more worldbuilding that I appreciate.
jfc they muzzled him?
ok i wasn’t that mad about kamui being upstaged (idk why I kinda like the guy) but now she’s acting a little too cocky for me and I feel kind of bad for Death Arms and Backdraft (?) because they definitely do deserve at least a little credit
yes. official. overseen by the government. I’m not saying it’s necessarily a good idea bc I’m not getting into the whole mess the MCU basically did regarding that, but it really does add to the worldbuilding and making it seem more realistic/draw you in a little more because you can bet that would be a thing that would actually happen in some capacity if such a large percentage of the population had superpowers, and crime was at an all-time high at the same time, with normal methods without powers likely not doing much to combat that, and it being even harder because everyone’s is different
wow so they really do have roles similar to celebrities huh?
I actually love how he’s analyzing the new hero
that’s!! the good!!! nerdery!!!!
ngl thought that guy was gonna be like “well that’s never gonna happen” lmao glad he didn’t turn out to be an asshole
this guy’s hair and his sweater need an upgrade
I’m sorry honey it’s just not a Look™
I mean ngl I’d probably wear it but also I am the absolute last person to look to for a good idea of fashion so
wow we hate asshole teachers
this kid’s hair grows wtf
they seriously just break out their quirks when they get annoyed?? I mean me too probably but
oh wait he’s not totally an asshole
but that still is kind of a dick move because even if it seems really really likely that most of them do, a lot of them probably feel like that’s just what’s expected of them or that that’s their best bet at an ok life, or they don’t think they’ll actually be able to get a career as a hero, and he has to know that there are kids (or at least one) in his class who don’t have powers and who will probably be shut down at every turn on that career track??
also what is it with the absurd number of people whose hair grows/flys/whatever and whose hands change chape and/or elongate
the girl who just throws up the rock n roll sign is my favorite
also why does this teacher remind me of gilderoy lockhart
I get that his eye thing is part of his quirk... but does he face no consequences health-wise from putting his grubby fingers all over his eyeballs?? you don’t know where your hands have been
the famed bakugo
we finally meet
you seem like a cocky asshole and if I remember correctly you have firepowers
you know who else seemed like cocky assholes and one point or another and had firepowers??
roy mustang and zuko
and one of those guys is an awkward, angry turtleduck, and the other one is a rightly smug bastard who succeeded in pulling a coup on the government who was surveilling him and holding half his team hostage
so yeah I have a feeling I’m gonna like this guy
at some point
it might take a while
“the only place worthy of me” oh dear
All Might!! Big Hero™ has a name!!
oh being a hero solely bc you want to be rich and popular? lame
aklsdfsjaslkfd teach just callin deku out in front of everyone
it was nice having you as a main character for eight whole minutes I’m sorry you have to face death-by-embarrassment you deserved better
bakugo doesn’t want anyone stealin his thunder
lemme guess deku is also his Main Rival™ or at least will be
awwwww poor guy
how much you wanna bet he gets the highest scores in all the exams bc he studies the heroes so much and that’s how he gets in
that lady got forcefields for her quirk? damn she lucked out
“this cash is mine” *drops cash*
are all the heroes like fine mt. lady can deal w the guy she keeps stealing all our credit anyway so there’s no point??
....is that all might?
k but... y’all should be taking notes on the heroes too if you want a better chance at that career and better schools for it? I know they’re probably making fun of it bc he doesn’t have a quirk but still
also I find it really interesting that the kids all act like the quirks are absolutely everything but at that scene on the street earlier people were complaining about missing the days they didn’t have to worry about “every rando w a quirk” or something... like maybe it’s because the kids grew up w it? Idk just the difference in mindset between (presumably) generations seems cool to look into
wow we love bullies so much
no we don’t pls stop you’re not as cool as you think you are
alright bakugo you’ve definitely moved onto my shitlist for the moment
don’t stay there
well you know what they say about greatness... some people are destined for it, yeah, but some become it, and some have it thrust upon them
cliches are there for a reason buddy
and either way... I could be wrong but... there doesn’t seem like anything great or heroic about bullying people... I mean idk that’s just my opinion but
god I hope they eat bakugo alive at ua
deku I know you’re a sunshine child but you have to get in now. you have to. out of pure spite. please.
yeah, friend 1b is right buddy...
destroy him deku
oh suicide jokes huh
bakugo you’re on thin fucking ice you’ve just moved way up in my shit list
wow I hate him <3
I hate it when shows have someone make a suicide joke like that and just? no one addresses it?? or the characters don’t seem to realize that it needs addressing, at least to themselves??? so this is refreshing
voiced my thoughts exactly
he really is an idiot
he really is a jerk deku you’re right
awww little deku is so cute
alright I’m gonna make a prediction
this is his mom right
is this gonna be
dead anime mom?
and lemme guess she always told him she was sure he’d be a hero/she knew he’d become one, and then she died, and that’s why he’s so set on it
probably not
but just... placing my bets now
w h a t  is this child doing
he’s a hair’s breadth away from head-desking
are we... just gonna... ignore that robbery that was happening on the street a few minutes ago
alsdkjf;lsjk I feel bad for him but also,,, that transition was gold
but also the face his mom made before he started laughing... she knew he probably wouldn’t get one didn’t she
but why do they assume it won’t happen if they don’t get it by a certain age? they said after that baby people all around the world were getting powers, and showed people of all different ages when they said so. that implies that they got those powers at those ages, after the baby was born but not when they were children themselves? like yeah there’s probably some point where you’d consider them “aged out” and therefore less likely to get a quirk but... she just said he’s in kindergarten.
fourth generation? so the appearance of quirks isn’t a super recent thing then
they can tell if someone is going to manifest a quirk or is starting to by looking at x-rays?
also I know I’m seriously overusing the word “interesting” but
maybe I’m reading too far into this but it’s also kind of interesting that his father and his (current) main antagonist have such similar powers?
OH!!!! lore drop!! kind of!!! that’s a really interesting (wow there it is again) thing they chose to be an indicator for that kind of thing in this universe
*cue izuku contemplating chopping off his pinky toes*
I feel like... all might’s... not gonna be that great....
also ngl when little deku’s eyes are wide and he doesn’t move he looks really creepy and kind of like a child-sized doll
like pinocchio
how sure are we that deku isn’t made of wood
hmmmmmmmmm I do love this animation
ah Internal Angst™
the fuck is that laughter??
skin suit? no thanks
but guess we aren’t ignoring that earlier scene
yeah all might’s in the city alright
he’s gonna break this up isn’t he
yepppppp that’s him
idk I think alex louise armstrong did it better sorry bud :/
“texas smash”??
he just... punched liquid apart
this kid’s still gonna go flying and hit the ground hard buddy thanks for your help
oh he stuck around
and he’s not hurt too bad
he’s using the city’s sewer system being difficult to navigate as his excuse for why he wasn’t paying attention to keeping bystanders safe like he “usually” does?
the armstrongs do the sparkle better
a;ldkfsdlfls this is really funny to watch ngl
“that’s... a pretty good point.” yeah no shit lmao
I love how he’s just. awkwardly patting deku.
yeah he’s gonna end up accidentally adopting this kid isn’t he
is he hurt?? or did the other guy actually take him over while deku was unconscious??
nah I think he’s just hurt I’m p sure he really did get the guy
but still
that was... a big boom.... that’s not good
he’s just.... abandoning this kid on the rooftop??
but also he probably really does have to go if blood is coming out of his mouth
do heroes in this universe have secret identities?
I feel like yes but also no??
watch as this guy’s like “I don’t have a quirk either” and he’s just. like. an armstrong or something
that or he’s gonna crush this kid’s dreams and be like “no, it’s not possible” and I will be forced to ensure deku becomes the most successful hero ever out of Even More Pure Spite™ even if he idolizes the guy
oh yeah he’s gonna get his dreams crushed
hmm this outro kinda slaps too
overall feelin good, like it so far, definitely think I won’t have trouble continuing watching at least for now
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cryptidofthekeys · 4 years
Not As Heroic As He Seems...
Gonna put a keep readin on this one, its super long but just- -walks back into the community- hey... -heads turn towards me- ...heeeyyy... lmao y’all I’m back on my bullshit, also gonna put some trigger warnings up top here jUST in case!
TWs: Death, Blood, Yandere themes, manipulation, Jackie is p sick in the head for a hero huh? and implied kidnapping but it’s actually a kidnapping, stalker themes, overall CREEPY behavior from the beloved town superhero
You were walking home from work, it had been a long day, customers here and there, some of them were particularly rude, You didn’t exactly like your job all that much, in fact you almost downright hated it, this job isn’t what you wanted to do in the first place but in this day and age money was an absolute necessity to even get to the point you needed in order to do what you had always dreamed of! You sighed and began daydreaming of what you wanted to do, you just had to keep hoping that one day you’d get your wish… For now, you needed to focus on getting home to your apartment.
Eventually after a while of walking, and of course worrying about it getting darker outside, you had reached your apartment, you let out a sigh of relief once inside… You didn’t like staying out late into the night, it wasn’t the safest and you were worried about what could happen to you out there ...Either way, it didn’t matter now, you were home and that was that. You immediately walked into your bedroom, kicked your shoes off and just flopped down onto the bed, not even bothering to change into your night clothes. You groaned into the pillow, maybe tomorrow would be better, after all… It WAS your day off, you’d have plenty of time to kick back and relax tomorrow, doing whatever you wanted, for now however you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
You suddenly jolted up and awake from your sleep, you looked over at your clock and checked the time, it was 2 AM, you didn’t understand why but you got the feeling that someone had been staring at you, even when in your dream world, you could feel the presence of someone in your room, you could FEEL they’re stare on your sleeping form… Needless to say the thoughts of that alone chilled you to your core. You slowly got up and looked around, there was nobody in your room, you looked towards your window and went over to open up the curtains, there was nobody in the window… You then sighed and closed the curtains back “Must’ve just been my imagination…” You mumbled to yourself before turning around and heading back to bed, you climbed onto it and sighed… Your eyes widened however as you looked towards the ceiling.
You were about to scream before the being floated down and gently clasped a hand over your mouth “Shh just calm down…! It’s just me…!” He half whisper-yelled, meanwhile you were confused, he released his hand from your mouth and floated down onto the ground “J...Jackieboy-Man? What are YOU doing here?” You didn’t understand, you knew who he was, he was the city’s most famous superhero, but you just didn’t know why he was here… Jackie smiled sheepishly “Sorry about… Popping in unannounced and scaring you like that, I thought you wouldn’t notice and I could just slip out... But let me explain what I’m doing here, because that does sound fuckin’ weird out of context” He chuckled a little and cleared his throat before continuing.
“So… I was just looking for a criminal I had seen outside, they were roaming outside your apartment room and I decided to check things out, when I got closer, they had like, disappeared and I was worried they had came into your room so I came to investigate but I didn’t… Wanna disturb you ...Heh, so much for that now, huh?” You blinked, well… That wasn’t so far fetched… He WAS a hero after all and you trusted him enough “It’s fine… I mean, I guess I should thank you for at least checking things out… Maybe that’s why I got the feeling someone was watching me…” Jackie looked concerned by this admission “You… felt like someone was watching you…?”
You nodded and shivered “I h a t e the feeling of someone watching me… I had the mere thought of it” You then paused before looking at Jackie “I’m… I’m worried now that… You’ve told me that…” Jackie nodded “If you’d like, I could… I could stay here with you and keep you company” His tone as he spoke sounded… Off, you couldn’t place the emotion he was feeling in his voice, maybe it was embarrassment, he panicked and continued however next “Oh jesus… That probably sounds super weird, I was just floating near your ceiling and now I’m wanting to stay here, with you, you… Aha, you probably think I’m a creep of a hero huh?” You shook your head at this “No no, it’s fine, really, you were technically just doing your job… You were looking out for me and making sure the criminals don’t like, kill me or whatever, honestly… If it’s no trouble I… I wouldn’t mind you staying with me”
Jackie grinned and beamed at this “I insist then! I don’t mind besides, it’s better to be safe than sorry, don’t want anyone hurting you or anything like that” You smiled and nodded, you figured there was really no point in trying to go back to sleep right now, so… You stayed up and decided to talk with the hero, besides it’s not exactly every day anybody just gets a chance to talk to the guy, he’s always busy! “So… I know you have the whole hero thing going for you but if you don’t mind me asking what do you do in your spare time?” Jackie shrugged “Not much really, I usually just relax until duty calls again and that’s it…” You nodded at this, you didn’t really expect that kind of answer but then again you didn’t really do much when you had spare time either… “Yeah, same… I also relax when I’m not working…” The both of you proceeded to exchange conversation for a couple of hours, you checked the time and it was 4 AM on the clock, you sighed and looked at Jackie “I… I really need to sleep… but I dunno, I’m still really worried…” Jackie nodded, he had a sympathetic look on his face “If… If you want, I can stay here until you fall asleep, and I’ll stay on guard around your house for the remainder of the night, I don’t… Really need to sleep all that much so I’ll be fine!” You smiled “I… Thank you, I appreciate that…” Jackie nodded “No problem, just doing my job ya know!”
You smiled and laid down on the bed, getting as comfy as you could as Jackie sat in one of the chairs in the room, he tried not to stare too much at you as you tried to sleep, after all, he didn’t want to be a creep… Eventually you finally managed to fall asleep, knowing Jackie was there gave you some comfort, at least nobody could hurt you now… Meanwhile Jackie himself was sitting in the chair, now that you were asleep he let his gaze fully fall onto you, he gave it a few more minutes, making sure you were fast asleep before standing up and creeping over slowly to your bed, he tried to stifle his breathing because it was getting a bit too heavy the closer he got to you… He shouldn’t be doing this, he shouldn’t be getting this close to you, after all neither of you knew each other that well so doing this was going to be creepy as all hell!
Jackie slowly lifted his shaking and eager hand, he then proceeded to slowly caress your hair, he bit his lip, and drew his hand back quickly and turned away from you, running his hands down his face, you were so… Beautiful, so amazing… He just wanted to take you away and keep you all for himself but… That wasn’t very heroic thinking of him, Jackie suddenly felt overcome with guilt, he just stroked your hair like some sort of fucking creep! What was wrong with him?! This wasn’t what a hero was supposed to do or feel, he was watching you sleep, he was caressing your hair, this was… Wrong! He sighed softly and returned to his seat, just sitting there, trying to refrain from staring at you any longer… Although he couldn’t resist it that well and his eyes always drifted back over to your sleeping form, you were so… Peaceful when you were sleeping.
Hours had gone by… Eventually you had woken up and stretched out with a yawn, you looked over and noticed Jackie was… Gone…? You saw a note in the seat he had sat in and slowly got up, you walked over and grabbed the note that read ‘Dear (Y/N)... I had to run out, duty calls at any time you know, there were no more signs of that criminal lurking about btw, but I’ll be back later on, I actually have something to ask you when I’m finished patrolling the city, sincerely your local hero: Jackieboy-Man!’ You smiled slightly, at least he had left a note behind instead of just disappearing without any notice… You put the note down and then walked off to the kitchen, getting everything ready to prepare some breakfast! Some pancakes with some bacon and eggs sounded good this morning! That’s what you’d cook up, yeah!
After fixing up your breakfast and then devouring it like a savage animal, you were ready to take on the day… You didn’t really wanna be cooped up in your apartment all day so you decided to get ready and touch up your hair, you grabbed the things you needed and headed out the door, you then got hit with a random realization ...How did Jackie know your name…? ...You never even gave it to him… … Okay, something about that unnerved you but maybe he had just heard of you somewhere? Or… Maybe he saw your name somewhere in your apartment or something, either way… You shrugged the feeling off and continued down the street, you’d head to the local shops and browse around for a while, anything to keep yourself busy after all.
You had started with the first shop and you’d go from there, you didn’t have any plans to buy anything, you just needed to leave the apartment for a while… You proceeded to browse through several of the shops around, however at some points you could’ve sworn you saw someone watching from the shadows, you had even seen a shadow at some point on one of the buildings which had weirded you out… Eventually, it was evening, around 5 PM to be more specific… You were coming out of one of the last shops, you were checking your surroundings now in worry because that feeling of being watched or stalked never left… You even jumped when your friend came up to you “Woah (Y/N)! Take it easy, it’s just me! ...Gosh, you are jumpy aren’t you?” You sighed “I’m sorry… It’s just, last night… Was weird and today has been weird too…” Your friend looked concerned “What happened?”
You sighed again “I just… Jackieboy-Man visited me last night” You had begun, your friend interrupted with pure surprise “THE Jackieboy-Man visited you?! That’s awesome! He’s like a legend around here!” You made a motion to shush them “Keep your voice down…! Yeah but like, he said it was because he saw a random stranger stalking the outside of my apartment… So he wanted to keep an eye on the place… I just, I’ve felt like someone’s been watching me all day today as well… So I’m scared” Your friend nodded “Yeah that does sound pretty scary… ...Tell ya what, I’ll go with you, I’ll walk you back to your apartment if ya want!” You looked at them “Oh no… I don’t wanna trouble yo-” Your friend cut you off and placed their hands on your shoulders “Really, I insist, I’m not gonna let my friend get mugged or killed or some shit, besides I’m not doing much anyways so c’mon, let’s go!” Your friend took you by the hand and escorted you to your apartment, keeping a check on the surroundings as they walked and conversed with you.
Meanwhile, high up in the sky… A certain hero was not happy with what he was seeing… Seeing t h e m holding y o u r hand… It made his heart ache, he was feeling anger and really he just wanted to take his aggression out on that person… He just wants to absolutely destroy th… He paused his thoughts and shook his head, no! This isn’t appropriate thinking for a hero! HE’S. SUPPOSED. TO. S A V E. LIVES… HELP PEOPLE! Not… Not hurt them… These feelings for you were overwhelming him and giving him these horrible villainous thoughts, he hated the villainous thoughts, he hated them so much…! He knew this wasn’t a normal level of love, this was sick… HE was sick… He had to be, he needed to get these thoughts out of his head… Maybe if he asked you… You’d accept him… ...If you didn’t…
Well... He was actually terrified of that more so than his own thoughts… He would be absolutely mortified if you rejected what he was going to ask you… And now his thoughts were spiraling out of control, all of the visions in his head were of you rejecting him, or calling him bad things… He’d just… Need to try and be brave, he’s usually so brave and strong but around you he just absolutely melts… He doesn't know what he’d do without you…
You and your friend were talking about the situation and a few other things, your friend of course tried to lighten the mood and cracked a few jokes here and there, and you’ll admit, some of those jokes DID make you smile a bit… Finally, the both of you reached your apartment, your friend looking at you “Ya sure you don’t want me to stay with you? You seem pretty freaked out by this whole ordeal…” You shook your head “I appreciate it, I really do but I’ll be fine… I promise, thank you for walking me home” Your friend nodded and the both of you exchanged your goodbyes before they headed home, you headed into your apartment and took a deep breath, you were so glad to be home after that off-putting day… Your paranoia and fear was just overwhelming you and honestly you’d be glad to go to bed before you remembered the note Jackie had left you, he said he had something to ask you when he finished patrolling the city, you wondered if he was still doing so… If you were being honest with yourself, it’d be nice to see him again just to take your mind off of this day.
Suddenly… As of right on cue, there was a knock at the door… You walked over and opened it and there he was… You smiled and welcomed Jackie inside, you couldn’t help but notice however… “Is something wrong Jackie…? You look… stressed and… nervous?” Jackie looked at you and sighed “I just… You read my note right?” You nodded and then he clenched his fist, not in anger really, he was just taking a deep breath, trying to get some of his stress out of his system, which this just made you grow more concerned “Would you like to sit down, I can get you something to drink if you want…” Jackie nodded and sat at the table “Just… uh, some water please, that’s all I need…” You walked over and grabbed some water from the fridge, handing him a bottle and then sitting across the table from him “So, what did you wanna tell me exactly?” You questioned, which just seemed to make him more nervous, he took a few rather LONG sips of his water, almost draining it in one sitting right then and there.
You blinked in surprise at this “Christ, Jackie… You’re going to choke on the water at this rate, just… Please, take some deep breaths and try to calm down…” You didn’t know why he was so nervous but if it was in relation to what he was going to ask you, then the question must’ve been really big and nerve wracking to say the least… You watched as he took some deep breaths and then looked you in the eyes “...(Y/N)... I have something to tell you… A-And… Just…” He paused and stood up abruptly, turning away and sighing “I can’t do this… H-Heh… So much for being the big strong hero I guess…” You got up and walked over, gently placing your hand on his shoulder which seemed to make him jump “Jackie… I don’t know what you’re trying to tell me…” You then paused, clearing your throat before continuing on…
“But… if you need more time then I understand, just please don’t over-stress about this… If you can’t tell me right now then just wait until you KNOW you’re ready… Okay?” Jackie looked at you and looked at the hand on his shoulder before sighing and taking your hand in his “...(Y/N)... I… Just… Give me a second…” You nodded and let him take a few deep breaths, you even let him keep his hold on your hand which he seemed to be looking at intently, before he looked back into your eyes “...I… I know… I know this is going to sound sudden… B-But… I… I lo… lo…” He paused, he was beginning to shake and you winced as his grip tightened on your hand, you didn’t want to interrupt but if his grip tightened anymore then your hand would probably break entirely “Jackie, uh, my hand?” The Hero seemed to finally notice and he instantly let go of your hand and watched as you rubbed at it “S-Sorry! I, shit, I didn’t mean to grip so hard, you okay?” You nodded “It’s… It’s fine, nothing’s broken” It was sweet how Jackie went from being so anxious to immediate concern over you, however after he knew you were okay he just walked on past you “I can’t do it, I just… I need to go, I’ll seeya later (Y/N)...!” You called out as he opened the door and took off “Jackie, wait!” It was too late as he was way too far into the sky to hear you.
You sighed and gently closed the door, you wanted to go after him but… You didn’t feel as if it were the best idea ...But then, you got worried, what if it was something really important? What if Jackie needed you, he might be a super-powered hero but even heroes with superpowers had their moments… You wouldn’t exactly use the term weakness but maybe he was struggling with something deep down, you wouldn’t risk this… You ran over, grabbed a flashlight and one of your little pocket knives just in case… You then flung the door open and slammed it shut behind yourself as you ran out, it was definitely darker than you would’ve hoped it to be outside already… There was no moon tonight but that didn’t matter, being out later didn’t matter, the only thing that mattered to you right now was trying to find Jackie even IF it might’ve been impossible… You didn’t care, you just needed to find him and that was it… You hurried down a few of the sidewalks, looking up towards some of the buildings in hopes that maybe he was on a roof of some kind.
After a long while of searching, you were beginning to give up hope… There were no signs of Jackie anywhere! You sighed and pressed onward anyways, continuing up the sidewalk before you heard a noise come from the alleyway, you were confused so you decided to investigate it, you headed deep into the alleyway and at the end you saw Jackie and your friend… Your friend looked scared and yet kind of angry at the same time meanwhile Jackie was just glaring at them, you came up “G-Guys? What’s going on here?” You were confused, the pair turned towards you, your friend being the first to speak up “(Y/N)! Thank g o d you’re here! This fucking bastard is-” Jackie cut them off almost instantly “I overheard them on their phone… (Y/N), they were talking shit about you! They said some fucked up shit they were planning on doing to you when I wasn’t around!” Your friend stared at Jackie in disbelief before turning back towards you and noticing the look of pure shock on your face.
You were in shock for a few moments before beginning to shake and cry, you felt as if you couldn’t even breathe… You felt like you were having an anxiety or panic attack of some kind, you couldn’t even move, your sobs suddenly echoed throughout the alleyway “Y...Yo...You?... Were you the one outside my apartment the other night? ...Are… Are you the one who was fucking stalking me today?! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING PLANNING THIS?!” Your friend was in shock, you… actually believed Jackie over them? Speaking of him, he spoke up again “I’d say a pretty long time, I WAS coming to check up on you just to make sure you were safe with what happened the other night and all, when I saw this person following you… So I decided to step in and investigate this, that’s when I overheard their conversation on the phone” Your “friend” turned to glare at the hero before turning back to you, their expression softening, before they could speak, your sobs only got louder.
“I… I… I can’t believe this… I can’t fucking believe this…!” You shouted, glaring at your friend through tears, who just looked hurt, not as much as you did however “(Y/N)! He’s… He’s lying! I would never want to hurt you! You’re my best friend! I care about you!” Your ‘friend’ tried to reach out towards you to comfort you before suddenly they were thrown to the ground within the blink of an eye and knocked unconscious, your eyes widened in horror and you clasped a hand over your mouth, tears still rolling down your face, you could barely hide your loud sobs, even with a hand covering your mouth… Jackie looked at you, his expression as sympathetic as ever “I’m sorry (Y/N)... I only did that because they would’ve hurt you, I couldn’t take a chance of them doing something bad to you…” He spoke, you still couldn’t help but cry, this whole situation was just all too much for you to handle, you were about to just drop to the ground crying and bawling your eyes out but Jackie was there to immediately catch you as you did so, he let you cry into him for a few moments, giving you reassuring pats on the back.
After a bit, he picked you up and looked into your eyes “It’s gonna be okay (Y/N)... I promise, I’ll take care of you, forever and always… C’mon, let’s get you home…” Jackie scooped you up bridal style and gently lifted off into the sky “Just relax… I’ve got you, and I won’t fly that fast…” You nodded and buried your head into his chest, which Jackie couldn’t help but give a smile at, he loved holding you this close… Even if it were under not so good circumstances… He hated to see you cry, he hated to see you so distraught but his main focus now was getting you back home… That’s all that mattered at the moment, it took him a little bit longer than usual, not wanting to cause you anymore stress and panic, he even gave you reassuring words during the whole way home… Once he got to your apartment, he slowly kicked the door open, sighing in relief when it didn’t break off its hinges, he was so worried he was going to kick it too hard, he walked inside and kicked the door closed, he headed instantly for your bedroom and laid you down on the bed, he blinked in surprise when you refused to let go of him “Please…” You weakly muttered, your voice being so hoarse from crying “Stay with me… Please don’t leave me…”
Jackie had a look of pure adoration, he smiled “I won’t leave you… but at least, let me go get you some water, dear…” You whined but begrudgingly nodded at this, letting go of him and letting him run to get you some water, it was almost like a blur actually, he was out and then back again, a cup of water on the nightstand and then him beside you in the bed, you reached out for the water and took a few sips before setting it down and clinging back to Jackie, who couldn’t help but keep that smile plastered on his face, holding you this close to him was like Heaven… You snuggling into him made his breath hitch for a moment, however you seemed to be too tired to notice “...I’ll always be here for you (Y/N)... You know this… Right?” You gave a slow nod “...I c.. I can… I can’t believe… they would do… do some-” You let out a harsh sounding sob before Jackie shushed you “Shhh… It’s okay now… You’re safe… I won’t ever let anything bad happen to you… I’ll always be here right by your side because… (Y/N)... Look at me…”
You slowly looked at Jackie, noticing the look of… Well, you didn’t exactly know w h a t that look was… Until he gently gripped your chin “...I love you… I love you a lot…” You blinked in surprise before it hit you… THIS was what he was trying to tell you earlier surely… “Is… Is that-” Jackie cut you off “Yes, this is… what I wanted to tell you earlier ...Sorry I bolted on you like that…” You smiled at Jackie “Don’t… Don’t apologize… You were just so nervous, I understand… I… I love you too actually… And not just because you like, saved me, or whatever either…” The biggest smile crept onto Jackie’s face, it almost looked… A little creepy actually… Before tears formed in his eyes “...G-God, fuck, I just… I’m so happy you s-said that… Shit” He wiped the tears from his eyes and chuckled “I didn’t think you’d ever accept me…” You looked at Jackie and nuzzled into him closer “Jackie… You really are a lovely person… You care so much about others, you’re so kind and… Just, genuinely a good person…” Jackie stared at you for a moment, hah… A good person… He just held you as close as he possibly could and gave you a small kiss on the forehead “Let’s get some sleep, dear… It’s been a long night…” You smiled and nodded, the two of you didn’t feel like getting up, so you’d both sleep in your regular clothes…
You muttered out a small ‘I love you’ and gave him a soft smooch before slowly closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep, meanwhile Jackie was stroking and playing with your hair as you softly snored, he had a big adoring smile on his face ...You didn’t have to know the truth… You didn’t have to figure out that he lied about that entire situation with your friend… You didn’t need to know a n y of that… All you needed to know was Jackie was here for you, a l w a y s… And that he would always look after you and the most important thing of all was that he loved you very much, nothing else aside from those things mattered now… Just you and Jackie… Together…
                                                                                       F O R E V E R…
ALTERNATE ENDINGS: I can’t just take credit for these, my good fren Ev gave me these ideas truth be told, Idk if they'd lemme give their main tumblr account but its still proper to thank them for the endings! and if they want their presence w i l l be known :)
1: Jackie’s piss poor at trying to fucking lie his way out of shit even tho up top he was a smooth motherfucker but SHH, alternate ending. Back into the alleyway we go, annnd b o o m.
You were continuing up the sidewalk, in one of the alleyways nearby you heard a strange sound… It almost sounded like people arguing, you were curious so you decided to investigate the sounds, as you got closer to the alleyway, you recognized the voices… One voice happened to be your friend and the other voice was very clearly Jackie’s, you listened closely to what the pair were saying from a distance, the pair’s argument was getting louder and much more aggressive sounding before… “Listen, you need to stay away from (Y/N), or else it’s GOING to end badly for you… I will personally end you myself…” Jackie’s voice was low, and his tone was much darker than usual, he then muttered out “T h e y. A r e. M i n e…” Your friend then blinked in surprise “What kind of hero are you? A hero doesn’t fucking threaten someone like that, you sick fuck!” Your eyes narrowed at this and you revealed yourself to them which made Jackie’s eyes widen and your friend looked more or so relieved by your presence.
Jackie proceeded to stutter out “(Y/N!) W-W-Wh..Wha.. What are you doing here?!” His voice was shrill and in shock, your glare however did not falter as you stared at Jackie “I WAS going to come and look for you… And you know what, I’m glad I found you actually… What the HELL are you doing?!” Jackie looked panicked and his eyes were darting around “Uhhh I well… I… I… Listen, it… It’s not what it looks like I s-swear! Just let me explain… They were uhh following you around and I- I was trying to stop them you see… I just wanted to keep you safe!” You shook your head in disbelief “Fucking bullshit! You just blatantly threatened them and told them you’d basically kill them if they didn’t stay away from me, and di… Did I hear you mutter something about me being yours?!” Your nose wrinkled in disgust as he tried to come up with more lies, becoming more frantic with each second. “Look, just… It’s not THAT big of a deal, (Y/N)!” You countered with “Not a big deal my ass!”
Meanwhile your friend was becoming more uncomfortable and scared by being this close to Jackie, so they decided to slowly inch they’re way towards you in an attempt to get s o m e form of protection… Jackie noticed this and his eyes widened, something in him just snapped all of a sudden as he proceeds to deck them into the ground which made you clasp a hand over your mouth, you stared at Jackie in absolute horror as he proceeded to climb atop your friend and began pummeling them, you panicked almost immediately “J-Jackie! Stop! Please stop!” He wouldn’t stop, your friend was getting bloodier by the second which caused you to dash over and try to get him to stop, you got in his way and almost immediately you were hit, you were hit v e r y hard actually…
You stumbled and fell onto the ground, holding the injured spot, tears began forming in your eyes, Jackie noticed this instantly and he was mortified by his actions… He just hit you… It… It was an accident! He immediately got off of your friend who was either unconscious or dead at this point, you couldn’t even tell… “No… Nononono… (Y/N)! No no, don’t cry! Please don’t cry, I swear it was an accident! I didn’t mean to hit you… J...Just… C’mere… Lemme see” The moment he got closer to you, you instantly began trying to crawl away from Jackie, you unfortunately didn’t get very far, his strong hands had gently gripped around you, despite being so gentle, they were impossible to wriggle out of… He pulled you closer and began checking over the area he hit.
Jackie didn’t seem to really register that you were trying to crawl away from him… No, you couldn’t have been, you were just scared, and you had just gotten injured ...By an ACCIDENT that is… You didn’t hate him nor fear him, no, you had just gotten startled by the injury, that’s it, yeah… Your crying got worse once he pulled you into his lap, Jackie merely shushed you and began playing with your hair “Shh… Shshshshshhh… It’s okay (Y/N)... It’s all gonna be okay… I’m here for you… Just… I need to tell you something… I need to tell you how I feel…” Jackie paused, continuing to play with your hair and give you some gentle reassuring pats “...(Y/N)... I feel a certain way about you… Not a bad way I mean! Just… It’s just… You are so… Gorgeous, you are absolutely lovely in every way… You’re literally perfect… I guess… What I’m trying to say is that…” Another pause as he forced you to look him in the eyes, the look on his face… You couldn’t even begin to describe how absolutely sickening it was to see a lovestruck gaze on his face.
“...I love you… (Y/N)... I know you’re scared right now… But please… Lemme make it up to you… I promise… You’ll be okay… As long as you're here, in my arms…  You will be safe, and I’ll protect you with every passing second…” Another pause before he continued on.
                                                                              “...Forever and Always…”
                    That’s the end of the first alt ending! Second one coming right up!
SECOND ALT ENDING: Houston we have A BIG problem in the alleyway…
You had heard a strange noise echo throughout the alleyway, being curious and somewhat hopeful, you decided to investigate and hoped it’d be Jackie… However you saw a gang of people in the alley, although one of them had something particularly familiar… That item belonged to Jackie! Unfortunately before you could even get out of the alley, the group seemed to notice you and immediately ran over to grab you, you screamed and struggled against their grasp, they brought you towards the dude who you could only presume was their leader… Who grinned rather creepily at you “Well well well… Lookie what we have here, boys…” The Leader came closer to you to get a better look, meanwhile you glared at him “Wh...Why do you have t h a t?” You mentally scolded yourself for stuttering slightly.
The man rose a brow before looking at the item in his hand before he seemed to put two and two together “Ohhh so ya know who this belongs to, eh? Lemme guess, you’ve met the hero haven’t ya?” You slowly gave a nod “I was… Just looking for him, that’s all…” The Leader chuckled and threw the item towards one of his minions who surprisingly caught it “Ya know… You’re a real cutie~ And I do gotta say… Jackie has some good taste! ...For once in his life…” You flushed as the dude flirted with you, you didn’t like his flirting nor anything he was saying really, but it was the natural human reaction… You couldn’t help it… The Leader got closer and brushed a hand against your cheek “Yeah… Real cute… Ya know I was gonna just use ya to bribe Jackie… But how’s about I don’t tell him at all… How about I just have MY fun with ya? C’mon, lil hero boy don’t need to know~”
Your eyes widened in horror as the minions began dragging you further into the alleyway, you were screaming now and struggling as hard as you could against their grip, The Leader chuckled at this “Aww, your fear makes ya even cuter!” Meanwhile elsewhere… Jackie was wandering around, before he stopped dead in his tracks and his eyes widened, his gaze instantly snapped to where the sounds were coming from “That… That’s (Y/N)!” He shouted to himself mostly, not caring really if anyone heard him, he instantly took off in that direction, he swore… Whoever was hurting them was going to have absolute hell to pay… He wouldn’t let this slide so easily, nobody gets to touch you, not a single soul! Back in the alleyway, you were getting tied up and shoved against the wall.
The Leader only laughed at your screams and look of terror, he was advancing towards you before suddenly something caught his eye, at the entrance of the alleyway, there Jackie was… How the fuck did he even know or get here that fast?! The Hero called out “(Y/N)!” As he made his way towards them, The Leader immediately grabbed you and held you against himself “Not another fucking step… Or else I’ll end their life right here and now…” Jackie froze in place and stared at his rival… Yes, those were his rivals, their leader absolutely l o a t h e d Jackie and would do anything to see him suffer really. “Alright… Whatever you want, you got it, just give (Y/N) back please!” His tone was full of desperation it seemed which just made The Leader happy.
“Alright… Here’s how this is gonna work…” The Leader began making his demands known, and after stating a few of them, he gave a predatory smile towards you, he cupped your cheek suddenly “Ya know… I bet a person like you would enjoy my company over Jackie’s, wouldn’t ya? You’d LOVE to be with a guy like me and not that pathetic excuse for a he-” Before he could even continue, he was rushed by Jackie which surprised him actually, he dropped you and let you fall towards the ground and The Leader barely even had a chance to react as The Hero began to pummel him, the other members of the group looked like they were shocked but they quickly tried to step in to pry Jackie off of their leader, which didn’t help them in the slightest, Jackie easily delivered a swift punch to a few of them which sent them flying back into the wall, there was no way they could’ve survived a hit that hard.
Something about this was… Off… You stared at Jackie in absolute shock as he continued to land hits on the dude, in fact, Jackie was taking this too far… He was beginning to get coated in blood the more he hit the man who wasn’t necessarily dead yet, but if Jackie continued on he definitely would be, you could hear the man softly whimpering and actually begging Jackie to stop, but The Hero didn’t listen to his pleas, in fact he just gave him the hardest punch he could which instantly sealed the man’s fate… You flinched at the sound of the punch alone, the sickening crack you had heard following the punch wasn’t any better… But even after the man was dead, Jackie still continued on, you were crying now and you softly spoke up “J-Ja… Jackie… That’s enough…! Stop it, please…! JACKIE THAT’S ENOUGH!” You suddenly bellowed, which seemed to get Jackie’s attention, he suddenly stopped his actions and turned towards you.
You almost gagged upon seeing him properly now, he was covered in blood… His hands, his face, there was blood splattered all over him, you could see something in his stare for a brief moment before his eyes softened and they were wide as he instantly came crawling over towards you, you didn’t know why but you felt terrified… It was Jackie, but there was something about seeing the so called Hero straight up murdering someone and then being covered in blood, you couldn’t help the tears that poured out as he came over to cup your cheek “No no… Just, shh… Relax, it’s fine now… I promise, they won’t e v e r bother you again… Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?” You shook your head, you couldn’t speak, you just felt sick and terrified, you just wanted to go home really…
Jackie slowly scooped your struggling form up and carried you out of the alleyway, he took you to someplace that sounded very quiet, no sounds of the city, no sounds of people around, it was just quiet enough so you could maybe start calming down, but every time you looked at Jackie you couldn’t help but cringe… Jackie looked at you and sighed “...I’m so sorry (Y/N)... I’m sorry you had to see that… I didn’t mean to scare you…” He paused, looking at you, you were still tied up… He’d untie you later, first he had to speak… He began playing with your hair in an attempt to soothe you “When I saw that man flirting with you, when I saw him… T o u c h i n g you… I couldn’t hold anything back…” He began, clearing his throat before continuing “I just… I love you so much (Y/N)… You are amazing, so precious… So sweet... I… I’d do a n y t h i n g for you…”
Jackie continued on before you could even say anything “God… I’d just… If I had it to do all over again… I’d rip them apart… I... I... wouldn’t have ended them so easily…” His tone got darker, and while you had been crying softly, your eyes widened at Jackie’s words, this… This wasn’t right… Something IS wrong… However, Jackie continued on “I’d make sure they all suffered before meeting their ends…” As he spoke, he got more and more graphic with describing what he’d do to them which made you gag in response, some of the things he said were just awful… So bloody, so gory, so fucking v i o l e n t… And then he looked at you “And I’d always save you, I’ll always save you, even if you fucking h a t e me... Even if you hate my guts for what I’ve done” And then a pause before Jackie cupped your cheeks gently into his hands, the look on his face was absolutely horrifying… He was STILL covered in blood and now his face had a look of desperation on it.
“But… Haa…. Haha… You DON’T hate me ...R i g h t? You don’t hate me, do you (Y/N)?” Before you could even answer him, he spoke up again, his grip tightening slightly, not enough to hurt you or anything but just tight enough so you couldn’t pull away “I… I mean… Ahaha… Why WOULD you hate me? I just saved your life…! You should be grateful, wh...why are you still crying? And why are you looking at me with those fearful eyes? C’mon (Y/N)...” He paused to catch his breath before you softly spoke up “I… I… but you… You killed… You killed them, you didn’t even stop… When the guy begged you… I… I don’t… I ca-” He cut you off, you winced at how tight his grip had gotten now, his expression chilled you to your core, it still had desperate undertones underneath but his eyes were narrowed “...You’re just overreacting, that’s all, besides had I let them live they would’ve come after you again or preyed upon others in the city! I H A D to do it… There was no other way, I will NOT let them hurt you… But you know what… You're hurting me right now… (Y/N)... I RISKED my own life to save you, why aren’t you happy? Why aren’t you thanking me…?” His expression was just, well, h u r t now…
You were slowly becoming more and more scared with each passing second, each word uttered from Jackie’s mouth… However you also felt an overwhelming sense of guilt because he was right… He had literally just risked his own life to save you, and you were being s o ungrateful for it… Tears were cascading down your face and you let out a harsh sob “I… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… Y-You’re right… I… I… Th-Tha...Thank you… Jackie… I’m sorry for being rude…” Jackie had a small smile on his face now, he was slightly rocking back and forth, maybe in a way to soothe you, he held you close and began whispering into your hair “It’s okay… I know you won’t do it again… I know you love me… And I love you too…” He mumbled out, it’s alright… Jackie knew you were just being a LITTLE selfish but it’s okay because he forgives you, it’s so amazing isn’t it? That Jackie would be so kind in forgiving you… What a nice and kind superhero…
                                                                            End of Second Alt Ending!                    Third and Finale Alt Ending: Classic Yandere Mode
It’s gonna be near when the dude was cupping your cheek n flirting with you n such!
The minions were tying you up and shoved you up against the wall as The Leader advanced towards you, there was a sound near the entrance of the alleyway, The Leader turned and scowled at the presence of Jackie “Well lookie who showed up! If it isn’t the pathetic little hero of the city!” Jackie took notice of you, your face being flushed, why were you… B L U S H I N G?! and he was beginning to see red, as he stepped closer The Leader pulled you up beside him “Not another step! Or I’ll kill them…” This made Jackie stop, something about the emotion on his face was… Off, even the group seemed to notice this but they said nothing as The Leader made his demands known to Jackie which he nodded at “As long as you give (Y/N) back, I don’t care w h a t you do…” The Leader blinked in surprise at Jackie’s tone but smirked nonetheless “Aww cute, ya must really love this one don’tcha?” Just then he cupped your face and smiled at you “C’mon sweetheart, I’m sure you’d prefer my company over his, wouldn’t ya?” You couldn’t help blushing, it was a natural human reaction even though you highly wished it wasn’t.
The Leader tried to continue flirting but suddenly, he was knocked down to the ground by a very angry looking Jackie who continued to pummel him, fists flying left and right, you meanwhile had fallen to the ground and looked on at what was unfolding before you, the minions looked… Terrified, as if they had seen a ghost… As reluctant as they may have been, they still tried to step in to pry Jackie off of their leader, Jackie didn’t take kindly to this as he snarled at them, he hit them and sent them flying back into the buildings, one minion had managed to blindside him and tackled him off of their leader who looked absolutely horrified, he was also bleeding rather heavily due to the hits, as Jackie was distracted by a few of the minions that WERE left standing and alive, the leader looked towards you for a moment but then decided it wasn’t worth it as he began desperately trying to crawl away, it was… Easier said than done with all the injuries he had just sustained.
Jackie noticed this after he finished off all the minions and both you AND the group’s leader were looking horrified at Jackie… He was covered in blood and he just had the look of pure anger on his face as he came closer to the rival who was beginning to beg “Pl-Please…! I… I’ll never bother them again, I-I-I swear! Just please… Let me go…!” Jackie snarled at the man slowly crawling away on the ground, he picked him up by his shirt collar and brought him face to face “Oh I know you won’t… Because I’m going to make sure you never even get a f u c k i n g chance…” The Leader’s eyes widened at the hero’s words, this wasn’t like him… Your eyes were wide and you shook your head “J-Ja...Jackie…! Th...Tha-That’s enough, please… They’ve had enough! They’ve learned their lesson, just please stop this…!” You begged, Jackie however then turned in your direction and glared at you and that’s when you froze in place, you had NEVER seen a glare like that on Jackie before.
Jackie threw the man into the building as hard as he could, you were pretty sure he was dead upon impact there but you weren’t going to try and go check, you yelped as Jackie came over and grabbed you, he practically dragged you out of the alley and then suddenly you were shoved back onto the ground, you were cornered against a wall by Jackie who was glaring harshly at you “How did you end up in that alleyway? How did my rival find you? And more importantly… W H Y were you blushing at h i m of all people?” There was a pause before he suddenly got louder “Why were you letting him flirt with you without yelling at him or anything?!” He shouted at you, you began crying at this, letting out harsh and loud sobs “I...I’m sorry…! I’m sorry!” You began uttering out apologies, not really because you thought you had anything to apologize for but Jackie was scaring the absolute hell out of you right now…
There was a pause from the hero for a few moments before he sat down next to you, he grabbed you gently this time and began pulling you into his lap, you struggled against this, not really wanting to be pulled into his lap, but when Jackie’s grip tightened as a warning, you immediately stopped, Jackie glanced down at you “It’s okay…” He began, his voice was gentler sounding this time instead of the anger you had heard before “As long as you make it up to me… I mean… I DID just save you after all…” You were in disbelief, and suddenly there was a streak of courage in you “I don’t have anything to apologize for! I… I… You’re a fucking sicko! There’s something WRONG with you!” You struggled against the so called hero and kept reiterating that there was something definitely wrong with him, he grunted at this and gripped your arms very tightly, this made you whimper and stop yelling almost instantly.
Jackie’s tone changed from gentle right back into something… You just couldn’t really explain… It was foreign to hear him speak like this “You O W E me now… You ARE going to make it up to me… Because my whole career could be in jeopardy because of y o u…!” There was a pause before he continued on “And because… You. Are. M I N E…”  He paused, taking in your horrified expression before chuckling, this chuckle was much more darker and sinister, something that nobody would ever expect from Jackie “You’re… Mine… God, that feels s o fucking g o o d to say instead of just shoving it down my throat each time… It feels so good to say how much I TRULY love you… And I really do, I love you so much, more than can ever really be put into words…  You’re so cute, so lovely… You… You are m i n e…” He repeated that, you grew pale at this and were beginning to get sick at his words.
“Th...This isn’t what love is… I… I just… I don’t… I don’t feel the same… I’m not in love with you…” You weakly stated, there was a long pause before Jackie laughed, there was a large grin almost ear-to-ear on his face, that grin terrified you more than anything else ever could… Before he spoke, his tone became MUCH darker with his next two words “...You Will…” Your eyes widened at this, Jackie merely held you tighter and those words echoed and rang out in your head for the next few minutes, it was all you could hear, there were no other thoughts coming through, just the words of ‘you will’ inside your head… You couldn’t even show disgust or anything else really as Jackie began petting and caressing you.
...A few weeks had passed on by, the city was quiet today, quieter than usual… People were walking the streets, this much was true, but nothing seemed as loud as it usually did… Suddenly a paper had flew off of one of the posts nearby and landed near someone’s feet, being curious they reached down and gently picked it up, their eyes scanned over the paper as they read aloud.
The person continued reading through the rest of the information on the paper before shivering “Damn… Hope they are found soon…” If there was anyone who could find them… It’d be the one and only Jackieboy-Man! Little did the rest of the citizens and the entire world know… Jackie didn’t have to worry about you being missing, no in fact, he got to see you with each passing day that went by… And he’d get to see you for the next weeks, months, and years as well… He’d be seeing you, and you would be seeing him, forever and always...
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DR:ASLH AMA (10/21/2020)
so today i decided to sit down and answer a whole bunch of questions on discord!
this DOES contain spoilers up through the end of ch5, just a warning! if you’re on mobile i’m so sorry.
Who is your favorite character?
THAT IS THE MEANEST QUESTION YOU COULD EVER ASK DID YOU KNOW THIS. This varies a lot depending on the day but usually... tied Chiyo/Tatsumaru. I love them both so much. I think Ryouji's my favorite to write, though. If ASLH were someone else's story, I think my favorite would undeniably be Chiyo, because I'm nearly always biased towards protagonists.
What’s been the most enjoyable part of the story process? Why?
Honestly? Getting to see how people react to it. It's the validation luv. Maybe it's selfish, but I really do like seeing how people are affected by my work LOL.
who is on what side of the pineapple on pizza discourse?
Likes it: Amal, Kanemori, Claude, Aster Neutral: Tristan, Tatsumaru, Sentarou Hates it: Ryouji, Chiyo, Ririka, Brendan Doesn't like pizza: Tiana, Hirono, Alexei, Tsukino, Iris Ryouji, Chiyo, and Ririka make fun of Amal.
For the trials of aslh, which trial has been your favorite so far? In terms of planning the case itself, plot beats, character developments, anything really. But which one still makes you lose it when you think about it.
That's a tough one, I don't like writing trials. I liked the structure of ch3, though. The way that the trial stops being "who killed Amal" and instead becomes "who is Aster". The Tatsu POV. The story title drop. And the way the execution just wrecks everything, immediately? Yeah, vibes.
I also feel like ch4's trial deserves a special mention because of how I wrote it while I was sick with the flu, and yet if you ask me that was still probably the most emotionally intense trial- wait I forgot ch2- and ch5- y'know what, forget it. At least it's on par!
If you could change anything about aslh on any level, what would it be & why?
In general, I think it needed more planning. I'm a very on-the-fly planner and writer, but there were a lot of unknowns I didn't consider until late-game that made it hard to bring up and resolve cleanly. It could also probably have used a little bit more clarity with regards to the lore - things like "how does the memory replacement work" weren't decided until super late in the project. I didn't have a backstory for Tatsu until I wrote ch2 or ch3, so before that point their scars were much less extensive and I think they were cut-shaped instead of burns? That was kind of important for at least continuity's sake, and it irks me.
Also, Hirono deserved better. I didn't plan out her arc as extensively as the others (she was, pre-story, the last survivor to be locked and she had traded with Kanemori), so she sort of stagnated in the story. Which wasn't a bad thing, because not everyone's going to get shoved off a balcony or watch their friend get shot, but it kind of sucks that the most "defining" moment she had was that Ririka and Iris died, neither of which she actually witnessed, or the name confession in ch4 trial which kind of got brushed over. Like all the rest of the survivors have Big Defining Moments, except her.
To be honest, ASLH is the first huge writing project I've ever completed, so there's a lot of things I could have done better. But it was also the first huge writing project I've ever completed, so I'm cutting myself some slack there.
What's your philosophy, or even your strategy when it comes to character design? What do you go for first or emphasize, where do you think you could experiment more?
Most of my designs are based around a core "ooh I want to try this thing". Sometimes I take character inspirations, sometimes it's a cool garment, sometimes I'm just redesigning characters. I mostly emphasize clothing, patterns, and colors, but I also reuse a lot of the same clothing styles and patterns. I could definitely experiment more with shape language and silhouette - usually, that's like the last thing I think about, but one of the more important things to have in an ensemble cast. Mostly, though, I just like drawing clothes.
What do you think is the crowning moment of aslh? Like if someone asked you what would be a moment that gets to the heart of the story the most. What would it be?
DEFINITELY the ch5 execution. Like, the emotional resonance? The narration shift? The drama of it all? Peak ASLHcore.
what factored most into your decision-making progress? why did you decide this death order and this mastermind(s)?
My decision making process is entirely me sitting in a fugue state mumbling out details that I need to fix and then sporadically sitting bolt upright and screaming a parallel or tangent I've pieced together.
The mastermind question is easier to put together - I'd always had in mind that this was going to be a revenge game, and that one mastermind was so difficult to take seriously it wasn't even funny and that the other decided to bail halfway through. So I built the characters around that. The points I usually pay attention to with fangan planning (these days) are: ch1 is to establish the status quo and tone of the story, ch3 is to overturn the status quo, and ch5 forces ch6 to happen. So the ch3 case revolved around Sen dying, and then I was like "how can I fuck up the status quo more" and killed Amal and Aster too.
The biggest factor in my decision making process is "what would be really cool". I tend to make a lot of decisions that fuck up the structure of what a fangan "should" be because I think it goes hard as hell when we throw out rules that the characters are unaware of anyway.
was there a draft of aslh that looks drastically different from what we ended up with?
Great question, and fuck you for reminding me!
ASLH actually started as a bullet point fangan called What Tempestuous Despair. It was a much more international cast until I was like "fangans are supposed to be mostly Japanese casts!" and changed a bunch of characters' nationalities, which in hindsight was dumb. Ririka, Kanemori, Tsukino, and Iris were victims of this. Also Amal was the protagonist and I am SO GLAD that didn't stick they are SO DIFFICULT to write the POV from.
I've spoken on a few occasions about how the cast itself changed, and I never got around to plotting out arcs (other than "Amal learns to trust people and allows themself to truly grieve Rin after holding everyone at length for so long"), but some assorted things:
The cast had a bunch of characters who were swapped out. Included in this tally are Rin Matsumoto (whose personality was recycled into Hisaichi, Ryouji's cousin, and their name was recycled into Shuichi's school friend), Leon Mercury Kahahawai (who’s in CYAH), Haywire Asturias, Puck Ganka (who’s also in CYAH), a few characters/designs who I ended up giving away... And also Hayato Kikuchi.
Iris was always a killer, because I really wanted her to have a downfall-that-wasn't-a-downfall-but-rather-a-reflection-of-the-true-self arc. This was always a lategame case so I'd have time to establish her as terrible. Originally, she killed Leon.
Tiana was also always a killer. I think he killed Hayato via electrocution, so as you can tell that's always been around in some form or another.
(Tristan killing Chiyo in ch5 in the current version, btw, was specifically to mirror Tiana's murder. While Tiana killed to get themself out of the KG, Tristan killed to get everyone else out.)
who was considered for mastermind throughout making aslh? what would their reasons have been?
The masterminds have never changed, except that the characters for them didn't exist back in WTD. But the personalities of the characters they replaced were about 1:1 anyway, so yeah basically they've never changed.
what is one thing you really loved about the beta and what is one thing you really hated about the beta
One thing I really loved about the beta was the ch3 case (which I've spoken about at length before), but other than that... honestly Tiana? Tiana's the one character that I had fully developed as of WTD, they just sprung into my head completely materialized. Their entire personality and design somehow stayed the same since conceptualization.
One thing I really hated? I would say "all of it", but specifically, we don't talk about white Tristan. That was so bad. I was trying so hard to design him so that he'd look nonthreatening and I was like "why is this so hard" and then I changed his ethnicity and I was like "oh right, white gamer boy characters just have cursed energies" and moved on with my life.
what would be an ideal day for tiana murdock. what would make them happy.
An ideal day is honestly one where they get a lot done. They're not one to relax or know what to do with free time, but they get a lot of satisfaction out of being productive, so if they manage to finish a lot of work and not end up exhausted? They're happy. They've probably gotta work on learning to enjoy their free time. They do like traveling, though, and- oh my god I should make them friends with Tsukino.
What would the cast's careers be if they lived to be adults?
Chiyo: Elementary school teacher and scifi author! Really wish I'd leaned more into the fact that she loves scifi, honestly. Amal: Journalist, probably, except they'd actually take classes in it this time instead of just writing op-eds constantly Tatsumaru: LIBRARIAN TATSU TRUE ENDING!!! Sentarou: Freelance pianist/composer. I have this whole headverse where he and Alexei are somehow friends with Claude, and together they plot to kill Enji Sekisada. Or Claude and Alexei plot to kill Enji and Sen sits there with his head in his hands. Iris: In universes where she's able to reconcile with academia, she works in ecology + chemistry. In universes where she doesn't, she's a florist. Aster: SERIOUSLY depends on the AU because every time I try to put Aster in a normal AU they're different. Jokes about becoming a flight attendant to travel with Tsukino. Claude: Secretary. No, seriously. May have something to do with killing Enji Sekisada. Hirono: Photojournalist! Photography reminds her of Ekuko. :') Alexei: Veterinary assistant for a specialized bird clinic Tsukino: Pilot, obviously Brendan: Mechanical engineer but sometime around age 30 has enough stress to just quit and become a college professor instead. Tiana: Museum docent, he's coworkers with Laurent Sinclair thanks Ryouji: He's... not sure. In normal AUs does take up food service for a while before getting uncomfortable with his family and quitting. In ASLH canon, he skips this step and goes into law with the intent of helping other killing game survivors sort out their lives. Tristan: Web designer, still makes a few games on the side with his friends. Mostly point and clicks because he ain't about this life Kanemori: Volleyball coach, because he knows a lot more about that than soccer honestly
what part of aslh was the hardest to write?
Deadly life. Always. I can crank the chapters out really fast, but I hate the case part of fangans and they're painful to plan.
For each case, what is your out of universe reason for wanting each person to die when? Like not counting the motives or anything, but why you wanted each person to die then?
- Brendan: He was the OC I had the longest. He had to die. Goodbye you little shit. - Kanemori: He was actually a survivor originally, and Hirono was the ch1 killer for the same "OC longevity" reason but then I realized I don't have anything for Kanemori to do. So... Sorry dude.
- Claude: Y'all ever notice how no one... EVER... puts plot relevant information in ch2s? Anyway. - Tiana: As discussed, they've always been a killer. Putting them as a killer here was a good balance - far enough from ch1 to build up their relationship with Tristan, but also not so far into the story that it conflicts with the general endgame fall-apart-ness.
- Amal, Sentarou, Aster: This case sprung into my head entirely materialized. Like, this was the one that BUILT the story, so it didn't change much. Mostly I just thought it'd be narratively fun to kill off the deuteragonist, the mastermind, AND the ??? in one go. I didn't plan for Chiyal to be a thing so when that became a thing this chapter got better/worse.
- Iris: I always wanted her to be a killer to really expose that "she's not a good person" stuff (she was more of a snake in WTD), but she didn't become a victim until when I was actually writing. She was supposed to have a trial and then I got sick of writing her. Whoops. - Ririka: I had arc ideas for everyone else, and it could have gone either way between Ryouji and Ririka getting that "close to my best friend who is now dead"... in the end it went down to gender balance in survivors. At the time it was Ryouji or Ririka + Kanemori + Tsukino + Tatsumaru, but then once Kanemori got swapped to Hirono just... yeahhh Ririka got stuck in ch4. Sorry. - Alexei: Special shoutout, he was supposed to die in ch4 as just an "oh no this is what happened, how sad" but then it was super narratively unsatisfying and now he's alive.
- Chiyo: For the sake of pain. But like, poignant, meaningful pain. I don't believe in making plot decisions just because they hurt, they've also got to mean something. Considering that a major theme of the story is "death before its time is a complete tragedy", and Chiyo's motifs include death... uh. Yeah... yeah. When it came time to ask myself who'd die in ch5 for this motive, well. I miss Chiyo. - Tristan: Meant to mirror Tiana's killing in ch2, as stated above, had the "selfish kill vs selfless kill" thing. Look if you're going to have a duo in a fangan and don't get to make cool dichotomy/theming what's the POINT. Ended up surviving because when there were only four survivors, there were... really no stakes for the ch6 trial.
- Tatsumaru: I just wanted them to be alive. I didn't know WHY, exactly... I just knew I needed them to live. So. I guess they're alive? Also I thought it'd be really interesting to have a killer protagonist, and a remorseful killer protagonist. - Ryouji: To be honest I didn't have a solid arc for him, aside from Ririka's death I'd decided I was going to figure it out as I went. And I guess I did? I love him. And not gonna lie, since Tatsu became the protagonist and Ryouji's still pissed at them, the perspective/dynamic became VERY INTERESTING. - Tsukino: Originally in beta!ASLH, her schtick was "gilded exterior with a heart of jerk with a hidden, smaller heart of gold" but that didn't transfer over to ASLH itself. Then when I realized "oh shit Tsukino wants to be a hero" it was all over. At first her arc was very "tone yourself down and stop rushing into things" which wasn't... ideal, I think you can still be enthusiastic and upbeat while being mindful and that was not how I had gone about it lol. Fun fact, Tsukino's survived every draft of ASLH, including the beta one - I think she and Amal were closer friends in that. - Hirono: See Kanemori, I just thought she had more survivor potential than him. The problem was that by the time I made the decision to swap them, everyone else was sort of locked by necessity, so Hirono became a survivor by default. Again, I didn't quite have an idea of what she was going to do other than get leeched off of by Iris. Ririka wasn't even part of it, we just had that cooking thing in 2-3 and Ririka was like "this is my problem now" and I was like "what?" so now we're here.
What's everyone's coffee/tea/other preferences?
Coffee: Tiana, Tristan, Brendan Tea: RYOUJI, Tatsumaru, Chiyo, Iris Hot chocolate: Claude, Sentarou Soda: Amal, Ririka Soda but only fruit flavored: Tsukino Water, thanks: Aster, Kanemori, Hirono, Alexei
What was the hardest decision to make, writing wise, for aslh? Like you wanted the story to go one way, but you couldn't force it, or a scene you felt you needed but was difficult to decide upon, anything like that?
Hm... okay see the thing is I'm generally pretty good at writing on the fly so if I make decisions I CAN force them to happen, so there's really not too much that comes to mind. Mostly this happens with trials - I make outlines for my trials and drag my cast along with it. Except they tend to go off-topic, and then I have to drag them back on topic. And sometimes the points don't make sense when you go out of order so I have to ad lib stuff. Ch4 trial was the most off-script one, it was supposed to be a lot slower and made more sense but then the cast just went out of order and I was bonking my head against the wall trying to get it to make sense.
The only real thing I had consistent difficulty with is locations. I did not fucking plan any of this shit and hate making maps so much- oh my god I need to do the ch6 map still.
who would deliberately salt their coffee and who would accidentally do it
Deliberately: Tristan, Tiana, Tsukino, Hirono Accidentally: Kanemori, Amal, Sentarou, Chiyo, Brendan, Iris "Why?": Claude, Alexei, Aster, Tatsumaru, Ryouji, Ririka
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seven-oomen · 4 years
I’m sorry you’re still feeling exhausted.  I hope work wasn’t too terrible today, and that the weekend lets you rest up a bit (if you get normal weekends.  working in retail I try not to assume.)  Also, this is likely to just be a short(-ish) collection of unconnected musings, but I felt like sharing them anyway, and really you should be used to that from me at this point.  XD  So, first off that tree painting is GORGEOUS.  I mean, I tend to be kinda partial to that whole tree silhouette type aesthetic, so I’m probably slightly biased.  But still.  (And the background shading… <3 )  Also, ngl, the backlit keyboard keeps making me think of that video of Henry Cavill assembling his new computer that’s making the rounds.  That is not meant as a complaint of any sort, mind you, merely an observation.
Speaking of hot scruffy dudes who are actually massive dorks, did you SEE Ian’s most recent Insta pic?!  (the non-cowboy hat one)  Omg, I don’t know why he keeps complaining about how it’s starting to look like TW Season One hair like it’s some sort of bad thing.  (The longer the hair, the better the grip you can get. […uh…wait, what?… ’>.> ])  That pic just screams OUAT sequel to me.  Out here looking all shaggy and windblown and peaceful and content.  Proud Alpha Dad Peter spending quality time with his family/pack.  How very dare he spring this on an unsuspecting public with no warning?  I was not prepared.  (Also, Sinqua and Holland commenting on it just ups the adorable factor that much more.)
Also, was looking at a few sites lately in consideration of ordering a few more masks for work, found this print on one of them and almost laughed myself absolutely stupid.  I don’t know why it was just so funny to me, but I hope it cheers you as much as it did me.  Btw, it’s available on an impressive variety of items, including two types of notebooks, t-shirts, mugs, blankets, pillows, beach towels, shower curtains, rugs, bath mats, several styles of bags, phone cases, and assorted types of wall art (sadly not on a mask, however.  I was deeply disappointed.)  I can see any number of items ending up in the Haleargentski household, bought by assorted non-wolf members for assorted wolf members, because they are a family of assholes.  (I feel like the first gift was a travel mug to Peter from his darling husbands, then a t-shirt [on black ofc] from Peter to Derek, and then it just all snowballed from there.)
Today’s literally-just-appeared-out-of-nowhere-wtf-brain thought is (much like the French maid thing) definitely of the nsfw variety, so consider yourself duly warned if you have a shift today.  Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."  And I was just like "not sure what this has to do with this video of how to make a ukelele out of colored pencils, but continue."  But like, no really.  Peter being knotted in one of them while the other uses beads or a (vibrating) plug on him?  (Which one is the asshole who momentarily turns the vibration up high enough that they BOTH can feel it?)  Or using those, or some kind of prostate massager, while he’s tied up and watching them with each other?  Bonus points in that situation for anything remote controlled.  See just how good his control really is.  Equal opportunity toy usage is what I’m saying, basically.
Also had a thought inspired by a pregnant friend and her fiance raving about a local pizza place’s monthly special, which is a pickle pizza (no really).  I may or may not have asked her if she had it with ice cream (I totally did, but apparently she’s past that point.)  So I was wondering about any weird or specific cravings the boys have while pregnant.  I remember Chris having a thing about chocolate pudding in the flashbacks.  Was it only a certain type of pudding, or would any kind do?  Were there any others he had?  Did he have the same ones with Ben or different?  What about Noah?  What sort of cravings did he get, if any?  And did they vary between sets of twins?  Did anybody go the aforementioned pickles and ice cream route?  Anybody dipping fries in Nutella?  Onion straws in peanut butter?  Doritos in cottage cheese?  Anybody eat salsa straight out of the jar?  Did anybody get any sudden absolute need for a specific fast food at two in the morning?  Or suddenly want a type of snack food only carried at one truck stop halfway past the next town?  Anybody spend several days eating nothing but veggie trays, including ones they normally can’t stand?  Anybody develop a temporary aversion to certain things, like coffee (feels like it would be a terrible thing for either of them)?  Did Peter cater to their every whim in any and all of these situations?  (I already know that answer.)  Did either one ever get demanding about it, or did they go the more passively-wistful-won’t-stop-mentioning-it route?  Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
Uh…I think that was the last of the random swirling questions/musings/headcanons for now…  I hope you feel a bit better today, and that the time off (I think you mentioned some time off?) is helpful.  Enjoy your time with your friend (that was this weekend, right?).  If you’ve got ideas for writing stuff, but are having trouble getting them down, would making quick notes/reminders, or voice recordings, for later help?  Like, so you don’t worry about losing them, but aren’t forcing yourself to do something you don’t feel up for at the time?  Either way, congrats on keeping up with the journaling (and the pretty, pretty art), and I hope tracking everything proves helpful.  And remember, other people’s bullshit issues and hang-ups are in no way your fault (no matter what they try to tell you), and you deserve all the good things.  Take care!  *Hugs to both of you!* 
Yeah, honestly I think I hit that point in my life again where my battery is drained and I can’t restart it. Which is how I got my burn out at first and working towards another one. Heh but I also don’t want to give up now and just keep working for a little longer because my contract expires at the end of September and yeah.. 
Aww gosh thank you, yeah I really like how that one turned out! It was better than expected.
Btw if you’re into Zombie apocalypse stories (I am) you should definitely check out The girl with all the gifts. It’s so brutal but also interesting, I definitely enjoyed that. (And it was research for my own book)
Lol I love this keyboard and this laptop, really, it was the most expensive thing I ever bought but it’s so worth it. Still runs super smooth after 2 years. I don’t think I’ve seen that video of Henry though. 
And omg yes I did and it’s the best thing. he looks so SOFT omg. I def got  OUAT S2 vibes from that. And OUAT vibes. Also that pic of him with Colton, omg. Those were the best!
THAT PRINT!!!! I nearly snorted coffee out of my nose this morning but managed to swallow it down just in time. My work computer would have suffered caffeine damage otherwise XD.
But yeah, that becomes a running gag for sure!
Because I mean we talked about Chris and Noah using toys on each other, but why should Peter get left out of the fun?  There are plenty of ways for him to enjoy them, too.  Like, pretty much the initial spontaneous thought was “Peter getting pulled into someone’s lap and being pegged within an inch of his life until he comes screaming down the throat of whichever one is going down on him at the same time."
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*cheff’s kiss* 
Oh the images are so good. Remind me to write them out in detail tomorrow after the zoo trip.
Also parking the pregnancy cravings to answer tomorrow since it’s past midnight and I should catch some sleep before I need to be up again. But I will definitely type that HC out.
Side note; did anyone (not family) ever catch the wrong end of hormones now backed by even more combat and/or magical ability?  (Debbie at the bake sale best step off or she gonna regret a number of her life choices.)
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Ohhh Debbie’s toast. Because yes, Noah’s magic is that much stronger when it’s fueled by pregnancy hormones and Chris turns into a very protective hormonal fighting machine. Low center of gravity has advantages when you’re in a squabble with the Karens.
And yeah, I have four days off right now. Which means I don’t have to work until Thursday again. Which is awesome!
But yeah work wasn’t too bad, I had to do one bad news conversation which fucking sucked since there was nothing I could do and nobody I could get a hold off to fix the problem for that customer and it was just a waiting game. I hate those conversations. I honestly do.
Most of it was quiet though and I got to leave an hour earlier due to the quiet day. So that was good. And I watched a movie while being paid (The girl with all the gifts) so that was pretty fun too XD
I actually voice record a lot already. I find it really helps with clearing my mind and I write a lot of stuff down. But I appreciate the tip!
Lots of cuddles from me and Mo and I hope your day went by well. <3
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17 or 48, both together, or just one, or whatever you want if they haven't already been requested, NSFW I guess if you don't have any problem with it. I wanted to add, in honor of Tom wearing glasses: for some reason, any silly reason or plot device you need, that makes Peter have to wear glasses, and MJ freaks out about it finding she's especially very attracted to him wearing glasses. You're super awesome btw!!!!
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Thank you so much for these requests, Anons! As 48 and 17 were requested together more than once, I have included both prompts in this fic. And it’s NSFW (if you’re a perv, I’m a perv, Anon #3). And Peter wears glasses (feel free to determine the level of silliness of my reasoning for them, Anon #1 haha). Extra thanks to you, Anon #1, for your kind words! Hope you all enjoy!
This Spa Day Provided to You by Stark IndustriesPairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle)Rating: E/NSFWWord count: 3752
17. “I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
48. “If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worth my time.”
Peter sighed into the phone.
“When I said the decathlon team really needs to relax beforeour next competition, that was just me complaining! I wasn’t asking you tospend money on us!”
“Yes, but that’s the beauty of being Tony Stark’s favouriteintern―”
“―only intern,” Peter mumbled.
“―I solve your problems before you even realize they needsolving.”
“I did realize,”he argued, flinging himself down onto his bed.
“And you weren’t going to do anything about it besidescomplain? That’s not very ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ of you, kid.”
“I… had some thoughts,” Peter said defensively.
“Such as?”
“Puppy room?”
“Like you rent puppies to help your pals cope with pre-competitionstress, is that the definition of ‘puppy room’ we’re working from?” Mr. Starkchecked. “Meaning you have puppies brought into your school, meaning you exposethose halls of learning to the evils of… what’s it called? Pet dander! Becausethere’s always one kid, Pete, always that one kid who’s allergic to puppies andspoils things for everyone else. And then, gee, it’s not the puppy’s fault, butnow there’s sneezing and itching and throats swelling shut, an ambulance iscalled to cart poor Timmy off to the hospital, and in the meantime, the puppieshave peed and ralphed all over the floor, thereby causing more stress than whatexisted to begin with! Then, of course, you’re blamed for the whole thingbecause it was your idea, probably kicked off the team, definitely sociallyostracized, and always left wondering, ‘Was it worth it?’”
There was a long pause.
“What happens to Timmy?” Peter wondered.
“Oh, they couldn’t save him. Anyway, doesn’t a spa day soundmore peaceful than all that?”
“Only because you turned the puppy room into some kind ofhorror movie epidemic.”
“It was a rhetorical question, since the obvious answer,”Mr. Stark informed him, “is a simple ‘yes.’ By the way, why am I having to sellthis to you so hard when I’m the one who paid for it?”
“That one’s gotta be rhetorical,” Peter said, but his mentorhad already hung up.
“So, there’s, like, a sauna, a pool and hot tubs, or you canget a massage, or―”
“Living in a luxurious, fluffy spa robe for a day isbasically my dream,” Ned declared, interrupting Peter.
With a glance around the room, Peter saw that most of histeammates seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Ned, expressionssmiling and full of relief. Most of them. MJ was frowning.
“Have we done research on this place?” she asked. “When wasits last health inspection? How regularly do they test the chemical compositionof the pool water? Have there been any reported cases of―”
“It’s fine,” Peter assured her. “Mr. Stark goes there allthe time. Actually, I think he might own it…”
“And there’s never been a negligent billionaire businessowner with his fingers in so many pies that he lets standards slip at one ofhis investments,” MJ replied sarcastically.
He didn’t know where to start grappling with that, but hismouth hung open, waiting for his brain to fill it with an intelligent yetsensitive response.
“Yeah, but, MJ―” Flash jumped in.
“Michelle to you,” she corrected flatly.
“―free massages!” He raised his eyebrows like she was anidiot for having any misgivings in the face of complimentary spa treatments.
MJ rolled her eyes.
“Fine, we can focus on that, in which case, I have questionsabout the staff’s training, techniques―”
“Are you serious?” Peter said, accidentally out loud. Dumbquestion; his girlfriend was always serious.
She gave him a fixed stare.
“I’d like the person who massages me to know what they’redoing. If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worthmy time.”
He felt the heat seeping up his neck into his face.
“I don’t want… N-notme personally…”
“I’ll do some research before we go,” Betty cheerfullyvolunteered. Peter smiled gratefully at her as she turned to face MJ, uncappingher pen and holding it poised over a pad of paper. “What were your concernsagain?”
“Happy thoughts,” Ned instructed as Peter cradled hisforehead in his hand, rattled. “Fluffy, fluffy robes.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, tone striving for levity. “Robes. Right.”
What he was really thinking about was how much trouble hewas in. If MJ was this brazen in front of their friends, how was he supposed tohang out with her at the spa? Sure, they’d found enough opportunities sincethey’d started dating to make it to second base, but actually seeing her in abathing suit was a whole different thing! The robes were Ned’s idea of acalming thought, but what did people wear underneath them? Nothing! Picturinghim and MJ in matching robes was therefore not a very calming thought.
This spa day was going to kill him.
“What’s next on your itinerary?” Peter asked distractedly,leaning against one of the large lockers in the men’s changing room. It wasuncanny, being in a room full of lockers without even the faintest odour offoot sweat―this spa was a distinct step up from the locker room at school.
“Couples facial with Betty,” Ned replied happily.
Peter frowned.
“That’s a thing?”
“Yes, Peter,” Ned sighed, exasperated. “Maybe you should’vespent your time doing a more thorough scan of the veritable smorgasbord oftreatments instead of concentrating on avoiding MJ.”
Peter jerked away from the locker.
“What? Avoiding her?” He shifted his feet.
Ned sighed again.
“You can’t hide in the changing room all day.”
“I haven’t been!”
“Every time I come back here to get my water or change into swimtrunks, you’re here.”
“We’re obviously very in sync,” Peter insisted. “And I wasjust leaving.”
Ned folded his arms and stared his best friend down.
“Uh huh.”
“I am! I’m going… swimming.”
“With your shoes on,” Ned checked, glancing down to Peter’ssneakers.
“I don’t want to contract a foot fungus. Better safe thansorry.”
“Can you even get a foot fungus?” Ned asked, lowering hisvoice and leaning closer for increased discretion. “Wouldn’t yoursuper-spider-ness protect you from something like that? Wouldn’t seem right ifyou could avoid supernatural attacks only to be felled by a foot fungus. Orwould it―”
“Bye, Ned,” Peter interrupted, and exited the room.
He did actually have his bathing suit on underneath therobe―Ned had been adamant about the robe-wearing―so he might as well headtowards the pool. Following the scent of chlorine, Peter turned down a quiethallway, lined with doors on both sides.
He could swim for hours if he had to. Just until―oh man, hewas totally avoiding MJ. He’d only seen her for about two seconds today afterthey’d arrived. Being gifted a spa day by Iron Man wasn’t the same as astandard field trip, so the team had had to make their own way here. (Peterwasn’t going to remind Mr. Stark that he’d blanked on providing transportationin luxury cars; Pepper would take care of that.) Too chicken to even sit nextto his girlfriend in the back seat of a car, Peter had waited until Abe offeredto pick up Flash, Cindy, and MJ before assuring a few of the others that hisaunt would be happy to give rides as well. This was pathetic.
Peter went to brush his hair back anxiously and bumped thecorner of his glasses, unused to them. Disoriented, he stopped walking tosettle them back into their proper position on his face. His arms tingled as helowered his hands and Peter became tense and alert. Quickly glancing around, henoticed that the door at the end of the hall was ajar. He flattened his back tothe wall and crept hurriedly and silently towards it.
The hairs on his arms were completely standing up once hewas right outside the door, so Peter pushed it open and darted inside, shiftingto a defensive posture and pulling the door closed behind him―one less escaperoute for whoever or whatever was in here with him. Besides the soothing soundtrackof wind chimes by the ocean.
Beyond the massage table dominating the space, a door at therear of the room opened and out stepped MJ, head down, tying a robe identicalto Peter’s. It was suddenly difficult to swallow.
She looked up and gasped, then sighed, hand to her chest.
“What the hell, Peter?”
“S-sorry,” he blurted, straightening up. “I thought… therewas something…”
Peter studied his arms, confused. He’d believed that extraSpidey sense was just, like, a space donut alert system. Now it was an MJfinder? He guessed he had been thinking about her a lot lately. Possibly, theconscious fixation plus theunconscious longing that had her appearing in his dreams most nights hadtriggered some kind of biological recalibration, thereby setting the sense toprepare for hormones instead of intergalactic battle. The potential science ofit was pretty cool and Peter tried to think about that in order to maintain hisrapidly failing composure.
MJ flipped her trapped hair out of the neck of her robe. Holyshit.
“I’m still not used to the glasses,” she said, approachinghim and sounding enviably calm. “Are you self-conscious about them? Is that whyI’ve barely seen you today?”
“No, I’m not… I’m not self-conscious,” he choked out.Clearing his throat, he continued. This was a safe topic which would aid him withnot stare at her legs below the hem of the knee-length robe. “They help my eyesrelax. Dampen stimuli. Kinda like those old black goggles I had. The ones Ishowed you―”
“―when we were in your bedroom.”
Abort. That was not a neutral memory. He revisited it―ohboy, did he revisit it―but only in private, in bed at night. Sometimes in theshower. His pulse pounded unmistakeably in his groin.
“Yeah,” Peter agreed weakly. “Then.”
“I like the glasses.”
“You do?”
MJ stopped in front of him and Peter imagined the feel ofher robe’s tie in his hand as he pulled it free of the loops. It was so easy topicture.
“Mhmm, you look… They just make you look more…”
Peter caught her eye and noticed something. She wasflustered. While MJ searched for whatever she wanted to say, she shoved her handsinto the pockets of her robe; it strained the tie, slackening the fold offabric across her body to expose a larger V of her neck and chest. Petergestured awkwardly at the bared skin, then reached out, intending to fix it forher. (The swelling in his swim trunks pleaded for him to yank the materialapart.) Her hand collided with his as she went to do the same thing.
“…sexy,” MJ concluded.
Peter’s fingers slid across her skin until his palm was flaton her chest, then he brought his other hand to the back of her neck and kissedher. They held each other with shaky hands, nervous and giddy. Everything withher was still brand new. Internally, Peter felt like he was inside one of thosepaint can agitators at the hardware store―the kind that he’d seen when May hadpicked a new colour for the kitchen and dragged him along to pack-mule the cansto and from the car―but his lips were becoming more certain against MJ’s. Andhis dick was really committing to this erection, thickening with every passingsecond.
Peter was getting lost, unable to tell how theirclosed-mouth kiss had opened up to allow their tongues to meet and tangle. MJmoaned softly and he wrapped both arms around her with urgency. He wondered ifhis glasses were fogging up, like the windows in steamy movie scenes; he didn’topen his eyes to check.
Touching his face in a way that felt more profoundlyintimate than what seemed possible for the length of their relationship so far,she pressed her body closer. Oh god. Snatching a shallow breath between kisses,Peter let his hand tumble from her neck, sweeping unevenly across the plushstretch of her robe and resting on the small of her back. He didn’t push her―wouldn’t push her―just braced herlightly as his hips rolled forward. MJ gasped, tenderly tracing his earlobewith a fingertip.
Peter tilted his head forward until his forehead and hersseemed to support each other. He listened to his thumping heart, a steady bassto balance those tinkling wind chime noises. The natural ambiance of MJ’sragged breathing was magical. But everything was moving so fast. They weren’tsupposed to get this! A parental figure should have been interrupting rightabout now, or a ringing phone. A pizza delivery guy maybe.
Uncertainly, Peter took a step back, hands still on MJ’swaist. She wrapped hers around his and he opened his eyes to see her face.
“Stark booked this whole place for us, right?”
Oh, they were talking about Mr. Stark now. Peter was thrownby his girlfriend’s lack of transition. She always did like to get to thepoint, not waste words. He jiggled the corner of his glasses.
“All day?”
“Yeah,” Peter answered with more conviction, focusing now.
“Well, then there’s no one else coming to use this room,”she informed him. “I went through the team’s treatment schedules myself.”
Just when he’d thought he was getting the gist of thisconversation.
“You’re saying…”
“I’m saying I really like the glasses.”
Yeah, her eyes were saying a lot more than that. What wasgoing on in there was much easier for Peter to follow. Like the absoluteawareness while MJ let go of his hand to draw her wavy hair forward over oneshoulder; she knew what she was doing to him. Were spa robes any good atconcealing erections? He was curious.
To give himself a second of clear thinking (which in itselfmight be wishful thinking), Peter released her waist, arms hanging at hissides.
“Are you sure?” he checked.
She rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth had flickedup.
“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
Rather than going to her, Peter took a deep breath andbrought her to him, guiding MJ by her hips. Before he could kiss her, she put ahand to his chest.
“Just for now,” she assured him, and plucked his glassesfrom his face.
Folding the legs in carefully, MJ set them on a counter nextto an orderly line of jars. All Peter could think about was being able to kissher more roughly without worrying about his glasses getting in the way; hedecided to make a move based on the likeliness of her thinking the same thing. Hecupped her face, touching his mouth lightly to hers only momentarily, thendiving in with a firmer pressure.
There wasn’t a clear path in his mind, but he directed MJanyway, steering her by the hand on her hip while they kissed, until the solidspa table halted them. Her lips parted as though the minor impact had sent ashockwave through her body and Peter stepped right into her space, tongueteasing the inside of her lip. Incredibly (to him), his hips weren’t shyagainst hers, pressing flush, as much as the thickness of theirever-more-irritating robes would allow.
His eyelashes fluttered on her cheek as he barely opened hiseyes.
“Did they massage you?” Peter asked quietly. The room wasvery still. Seemed like the wind chimes must have run out of breeze.
MJ’s legs shifted against his, thighs parting provocatively.
“Not everywhere.”
With a groan, he squeezed her hips, not really helping asshe perched, then wiggled onto the table. MJ continued spreading her legs soPeter could come closer and his hands skipped down to her thighs, smoothing upher skin as the fabric drew apart. He almost forgot about kissing, gaze slidingdown her body, but MJ grabbed his jaw and leaned forward, initiating somethingfiery. It made his hips jerk ahead and his fingers clenched on her legs. MJ’sother hand found the tie of his robe and quickly worked past that barrier, thenthe next―which was the tie on his swim shorts. Peter inhaled a rapid doublegasp, experiencing the wonder of her hand wrapping tentatively around hiserection. More securely after his slow moan.
He broke away from the kiss, nosing languidly below her jawand down her neck as he pushed his hands to her hips. Hypothesis confirmed: peopledid not wear anything beneath those robes. Or at least MJ didn’t. Peter shapedhis hands to the front of her hips, thumbs settling into the warm crease at thetop of her thighs where the band of her underwear would’ve been. She wasstroking him now, stoking his own heat with the warmth of her palm, and he lethis thumbs descend until he could feel her pulse thumping resolutely. By then,his hands were between her legs, covering everything but the place he waslonging to touch; Peter skated one thumb towards the middle and it was slickedwith her arousal.
MJ was breathing heavily, nudging herself against his hand,so he rotated his wrist and slipped his fingers along the track of her wetness.She shuddered, rolling her fingers against his length. Peter gave her throat awet kiss. When she tilted her hips, lifting them slightly like she wassearching for something, he made sure they came back down on his fingers,easing one inside her.
“Peter,” she said,fast and sharp, and jerked her hips forward with the same desperate haste.
He released MJ’s hip with his other hand to reach into hisswim suit and tighten her grip around him, his hand over hers. Then, Petercurled the finger he had inside her, probing gently as he got his bearings.Cautiously, darting a look up at her face, he added a second finger. She made asoft, contented sound and rocked so that his fingers sunk deeper. Peter’s hipsbucked reflexively and she gave him a short pump, his hand tense on the back ofhers.
Wetting his lip with his tongue in concentration, he hookedhis fingers more insistently, tapping her taut front wall. MJ groaned, tooloose to produce an “oh.” Peter dug in, repeating the motion she’d enjoyed, andpushed his thumb against her clit. A hissing, sucked in breath from hisgirlfriend had him feeling tingly all over―seriously, his super-senses weregoing to be even more goofed up after this. Something in him had realigned,attuning him to MJ.
He worked his fingers faster, moving with her when shecouldn’t sit still. Actually, Peter started to worry that MJ was going to falloff the massage table because she kept scooting forward, so he encouraged herto lie down, gasping as her hand disengaged from his dick. Watching hisgirlfriend on her back, he forgot about missing her grasp; her neck arched whenhe rubbed her clit in a circle and every time he thrust his fingers intoher―sneaking a look to witness them emerging glossy―she thrust the opposite wayto take them, slackening the wrap of the robe until its V stretched nearly toher waist.
Peter was fantasizing about crawling on top of MJ (only fantasizing for now because theyhadn’t really talk about that yet and he certainly didn’t have a condom at theready in the fluffy depths of his spa robe’s pocket), yearning to drag hisfingers out and plunge his cock in. He was grinning, hot and hazy in his dirtydaydream, fingers wrapped around himself while he continued to, well, massageher. The word would never be the same for him.
“Mmm, god,” shesaid, legs twitching where they hung off the edge of the table.
Hearing himself faintly echoing her less distinct butequally impassioned noises, Peter was almost living her pleasure. He kneadedher clit, bent and scooped his fingers frantically within her. MJ came with anextended moan, muffled because she pressed her lips shut, and Peter swallowedthickly like he was consuming the sound.
He removed one hand from his trunks (erection still throbbing),the other from his girlfriend’s body. Panting, Peter retied the string (wipinghis fingers on his bathing suit while he was at it), then the wider band of hisrobe, not taking his eyes off her. Body limp, MJ ran a hand across her face. Hewas mesmerized just watching her breathe.
“Help me up,” she said, voice thick and altered.
She pulled the robe closed and reached out her hands forhis, which Peter eagerly provided. Their eyes met with a sly shyness once theirfaces were level. After a minute, MJ rolled her eyes and grabbed Peter’s neck, bringinghim into a kiss. She sighed against his cheek when they leaned apart.
“You wanna trade places?” she asked as she lifted her head.Her hand went to his robe’s tie, giving a gentle tug.
Peter laughed, heart beating hard.
“Yeah, I really wantto, but Ned’s going to expect to see me at the pool after his facial.”
MJ frowned and her playfully disappointed eyes made him wantto stay that much more. Glancing at her watch―the only thing she wore, besidesthe robe―she shrugged.
“I have to meet Cindy for pedicures anyway.” They exchangedwistful smiles. He couldn’t make himself turn away, let alone walk to the door.“I’m good, Peter,” MJ said. “You should sneak out of here first. Lesssuspicious that way.”
He hesitated another few seconds, then stepped back with anod.
“Ok, but I’ll see you later. Promise,” he added when sheraised doubtful eyebrows.
Peter grabbed his glasses from the counter and put them on,comfortably dampening his vision. He glanced back at MJ on his way to the door.
“Seriously, dork, get out of here,” she urged. “Thoseglasses are testing my restraint.”
Face turning pink, Peter shot her a smile and crept warilyinto the hallway. He closed the door quietly behind him, glancing back andforth as he adjusted the overlapping fabric in front of his hips.
“Hope the pool’s cold,” Peter muttered, heading there forthe second time and wondering how many laps it was going to take to put himselfback in control of his own body.
Assuming that was possible.
Well, it was another hypothesis to test.
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ncityislove · 5 years
The Jury is Out Ch. 2
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➳Pairing: Renjun x Reader x Jeno (ft a few other Dreamies)
➳Genre: fluff/ angst
➳Word Count: 7K
➳ Warnings: under age drinking, mentions of infidelity
Previous Chapter  Third Chapter Next Chapter
You were used to working with the guy you despise most in the world on a day to day basis but one day all that changes when you have to work together after school for two weeks. Was it crazy to want to be friends with your enemy? Was it possible to be something...more?
A/N: Sorry about the slow uploads. I’m trying to work on my motivation to write rn :/ Hopefully the next part will be up soon!
The halls are cramped and chilly as you squeeze in between groups of people obnoxiously standing in the center of the walkway. Today is finally Friday, meaning you could rest at home for the next two days. Heaven knows you needed it given how shitty your week has been. You were incredibly exhausted and you couldn't figure out why, considering you overslept literally every morning. Not to mention, you were still pissed at Renjun for leaving you to work on the booth by yourself. To be frank, you just weren't in the mood today.
You trudge through the open door of your first period and sit in your seat, readjusting your headband. Renjun makes an appearance shortly afterwards, his oversized backpack brushing the doorframe—seriously, what a nerd—and you promptly look down at your phone, not wanting to give him any attention. If he thought you were going to let this one go he was dead wrong.
Class starts and Mrs. Brookes walks in with an arm full of papers. "Good morning, everyone! It's quiz time!!"
You jolt awake at that, the quiz seeming to have completely slipped your mind. You even forgot to study last night, falling asleep before you got the chance to start on the rest of your homework. You rub your tired eyes, trying to remember all the materials you learned in the past week but it was so hard to function at such an early hour.
You groan, laying your head down on the table just as Renjun approaches and places a scantron on the top of your head. You sit up in your chair, the paper sliding off onto the black surface in front of you, to find Renjun studying you with an odd look on his face. Maybe he was still feeling queasy from the lab yesterday?
"Were you...did you start on the booth yesterday?"
You roll your eyes to sky, picking up your pencil to fill out your name. Renjun stands there for a moment until he realizes he won’t be getting an answer and moves on to the next table. You feel a small sense of victory. Could that have been remorse that you'd seen on his face? You shake your head, immediately dismissing the thought. Impossible.
Ha, as if he was capable of such an emotion!
Well, whatever it was, it was obvious he wasn't proud of his actions yesterday. He looked like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs, his head hanging low as he passed out papers to the students. He really needed to get that temper of his in check.
Mrs. Brookes passes out the quizzes shortly after Renjun finishes passing out scantrons and starts a timer. You quickly get to work, thoroughly mulling over the questions and answers. Not even five minutes into testing, Renjun stands up to turn in his quiz. Of course, he would be the first one to finish. He always was. You fight the urge to roll your eyes and finish up the last two questions, turning in your paper next.
Sitting back down in your chair, you put your earbuds in, searching for a song to pass the time when you remember your father's orders for you and Sadie to spend more time together. Sadie had been driving you everywhere since she returned, even when it was within walking distance, she insisted.
You [9:32 AM]: are you picking me up today?
You switch back to your music playlist, settling on the first song you saw when your phone buzzed in your hand.
Sadie [9:33 AM]: yep! we're having a sisters night btw and before you ask no you can't get out of it ;)
Your head falls into your hands as you scream internally. Sadie was driving you bonkers from all this 'sister bonding' she's been forcing you into.
Haven’s there again at lunch, this time though, there was a long line of people waiting to sign up for the blood drive. You pause, wondering where everyone was when you started sign-ups.
Haven's hair bobs back and forth in her loose top-knot as she nods in conversation with some girl having trouble understanding the process of the blood drive.
"They don't put you to sleep when they take the blood?" the girl asks with a panicked expression.
"No, that's not how blood drives work..."Haven replies, her lips in a thin line.
"If I ask them to, do you think they will?"
Haven rolls her eyes so far back you could only see the whites of her eyeballs. "No. Are you gonna sign-up or not?"
The poor girl looks like she was gonna piss her pants right then and there. She shakes her head no and briskly walks away.
"Next!" Haven shouts.
You sit down in the chair next to Haven and she glances at you, giving you a once-over.
"Cute bracelet. Where'd you get it?"
"Thanks, it was a gift from my sister. I'm not sure where she got it," you reply, fumbling with the charms.
Sadie had bought you the bracelet two Christmases ago and you'd haven’t taken it off since. Not for any reason, in particular, you just thought it looked nice with how plain your uniform was.
After the last person scurries off to their friends, you and Haven start digging in to your lunches.
"So..., "Haven begins. "are you and Renjun together?"
It takes a few seconds for her question to register in your brain and then you’re nearly choke on your PB&J sandwich, dramatically coughing for dear life.
"Together? As in dating??" 
You couldn't even hide how horrified you were by the question. The audacity of her to ask such a heinous question was unsettling. Didn't everyone know you hated each other? Even the teachers knew about your rivalry.
"Not even if he was the last person on Earth," you defend. "Besides, Renjun hates my guts."
"I see," she nods. "But how do you feel about him?"
You stop mid-chew. "Huh?"
"The way you guys talk to each other, I just assumed there was some sort of history there I didn't know about. I mean, he's cute, yeah sure, anyone with eyes can see that but he's also really smart and he's super sweet when he wants to be."
Sweet my ass—
"Hey!" Renjun calls out as he approaches from the side.
At this rate, he was going to make a daily habit of stopping by your table at lunch.
Haven gives you a suspicious glare before she busies herself by cutting up her fruits with the dull ends of her plastic fork.
"Hey," he repeats once he was closer to the table. "Are we still meeting after school?"
You almost said yes before you remembered you were still mad at him for ditching you yesterday. You give him a stormy look and pull out your phone, making a point that you were ignoring him.
"I know you're giving me the cold shoulder and what not—and I get it. I really do. But could you just meet me on the field so we can get this done? That's all I ask."  
And with that, he walks away.
"Hey, Renjun!" Haven yells after him. He glances over his shoulder but keeps walking.
That was weird.
"What exactly happened between you two?" you ask.
Haven chews on her bottom lip before shaking her head. "It's complicated."
Complicated. What did that even mean? Aren't all breakups complicated? Why did you care anyway, it's not like it's any of your business.
It wasn't any of your business so why did you ask that? It was odd enough that you were curious about Renjun's past relationships but now it was going to seem like you were actually interested in him. And let’s face it, hell would freeze over before that would ever happen.
After the final bell rings, you make your way to the track field. You debated on whether or not you should even show up but you weren't as douche-ey as Renjun.
Your feet pad down the concrete stairs, trotting across the damp grass. You spot the familiar head of dark hair in the center of the field as you near the booth. Renjun had already begun without you, taping the flags on each side of the booth. His uniform jacket was folded neatly on top of his bag on the ground and you drop yours down next to his. Renjun is too immersed in getting the tape to hold the flags to notice your arrival. Despite the cold, there’s a light sheen of sweat that coats his honey bronze skin, his fringe starting to stick to his forehead.
You clear your throat loudly and Renjun peeks over his shoulder.
"Oh, you came," Renjun let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, well, I'm not you so..." you trail off.
"Right," his voice is low. "Look, about yesterday...I shouldn't have just left you like that." 
He pauses to wipe the sweat at his temples with the back of his hand. "I overreacted and I'm sorry. Things have been...off lately."
You’re silent for a moment, not sure of what to say. It wasn't like Renjun to show any real emotion towards you.
You approach him, adjusting the flag properly so the tape wouldn't peel off from the weight.
"You've been apologizing a lot lately."
The corners of Renjun's lips curve upwards. "I guess I have."
It was silent as he begins to nail a wooden board across the table legs.
You watch him work as you mindlessly painted a plank of wood for the top of the booth. His brow is creased as he carefully handles the hammer and nail.
"How'd you do on the quiz?" he asks, disturbing the stillness in the air.
"It was pretty easy," you muse. "I probably got an A."
"You always get an A, what do you mean 'probably'?" he chuckles.
A smile creeps on your face. "I'm just being modest here—of course I got an A!"
"When are you ever modest?" Renjun retorts, a teasing smile playing on his lips. And you realize for the first time, it's a smile that was meant in a friendly way.
"I'm more modest than you could ever be."
Renjun moves on to the next board, picking up a new nail. "Maybe. That's the only thing you do better than me, though."
You scoff. You knew it was meant to be a joke but you couldn't help but feel irritated by how true it was.
"I will admit that you are better than me at a lot of things. If modesty is all I have on you, I'll take what I can get."
Renjun chuckles. "I was joking! There's tons of stuff you can do better than I ever could."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" you ask.
"If you're fishing for compliments, I'm not falling for that," he shakes his head with a laugh.
"I'm not asking for compliments, I'm serious. You're always one step in front of me, Renjun. No matter how you look at it, you're perfect."
Renjun stops hammering to look at you. "Was that supposed to be a joke? I don't know if you've noticed, but the reason why I have to work so hard to keep my spot at the top is you. You keep me on track because I know if I slack off for even a sliver of a moment, you'll take it away from me. I'm not perfect."
You stare at him for a beat, an odd feeling stirring in your chest.
"No one's better than anyone, alright? We're equals," he finishes, re-focusing on his task again.
His voice is cool and smooth like marble and for the first time you hear a gentle tone in his words. The gleam in his eye showed you a more sincere side of himself you never knew existed and it made your heart pick-up.
"Right, of course," you say, forcing a laugh.
The two of you continue to have small talk as you work. Him, always asking the questions and you, trying to answer them as politely as possible. After a while, the atmosphere begins to feel less forced and you’re able to talk to him freely without feeling the painful drag of awkwardness.
When the sun begins to paint the sky red, you both decide that was enough work for the day. You agree to meet on Monday again after school.
You walk together to the parking lot mostly in silence. When Renjun offers to walk you to your sister's car you decline immediately, not wanting Sadie anywhere near him. You wave to him as you got into the passenger's side of Sadie's Audi.
"See 'ya later!" he shouts before he hops into a black truck across the lot.
"Who's that? He's cute," Sadie says, craning her neck to watch him get into the car.
You buckle your seatbelt. "Not really. That's just my lab partner from anatomy."
"Are you kidding me? If I was your age I'd be all over that. And single of course."
"I don't know, I guess he is. I haven't really thought about him that way before."
Sadie drives out of the parking lot, looking at you as if you had two heads. "You guess? We really need to sort out your taste in men."
You hum, waving her comment off and thankfully she doesn't pester you about it for the rest of the way home.
"Let's make cookies!" Sadie suggests, tossing her keys in the dish on the table.
You scowl. "You know I can't cook."
"I'll give you the easy stuff to do," she says, shuffling into the kitchen.
You press your lips together, following her to your doom. Baking cookies wasn't something you ever wanted to do in your lifetime but here you were in the kitchen with Sadie doing something you didn't want to do, yet again.
"I'll make the batter and then you can mix it with this spoon here, see?" she holds up a large wooden spoon.
You nod wordlessly, slumping over the wooden counter while she washes her hands.
You watch Sadie gather all the ingredients from around the kitchen and set them out around a ginormous bowl from the cupboard you didn't know existed until now.
"Since mom and dad aren't home yet, I can finally tell you about Jodie!" Sadie claps her hands excitedly.
You mime gagging behind her back before slumping back over the counter.
"Oh god, where do I even begin," she pauses in deep thought. "Oh! We met at orientation, as you know. But what I didn't tell you is how he asked me out."
"And how'd he do that?" you try to hide the boredom in your voice.
"He brought a big basket of those muffins I like from the dining hall—well technically he stole them but anyways—he brought them to my dorm and asked me to dinner at this underground restaurant and, ugh, it was so romantic! It had all these twinkly lights and a live band!"
"That does sound nice. Except for the stealing part. I don't find illegal stuff romantic."
"Of course you wouldn't, but anyway, we've been together ever since. We made two years last month," Sadie smiled at her bowl of mush ingredients.
"Wow, I hadn't even realized it's been that long," you reply, toying with the wooden spoon.
"Yeah," she sighs. "Mom and dad met him a couple of days before our anniversary but they don't know everything that happened so when I tell you this, you have to promise me you won't say anything, okay?"
You perk up at the seriousness of her tone. "Yeah, of course."
Sadie looks hesitant before she speaks. "After about a year into our relationship, Jodie...he cheated on me with some girl in his psych class."
"He what??!" you jump up, nearly knocking over the ingredients Sadie had set up so neatly.
Who in their right mind would ever cheat on someone as amazing as Sadie? Everyone loved Sadie. And you meant everyone. If someone didn't like her it was because they were jealous and even then they secretly liked her! It just didn't make sense. No matter which you put it, you can’t think of a single reason why he would think that was a good idea or even be tempted to cheat with another woman. He was more foolish than you ever anticipated.
"And what happened? You're still with him?"
Sadie looks ashamed as she avoids your gaze. "We broke up for about a month after it happened. But yes, we're still together."
You grab her arm, making her look at you. "Why would you get back together with someone who cheated on you with some random girl?"
"You wouldn't understand, __, you're still young. You've never even had a boyfriend before. It's not that simple."
You frown, confused and albeit a little angry. Isn't it common sense to break up after your partner had an affair? Sadie was everyone's dream girl—she was sweet, loving, beautiful, knew how to cook and was too forgiving for her own good. The fact that she decided to stay with some loser who couldn't see that was infuriating. You didn't like Jodie before but now you actually had a valid reason.
"Please don't be mad, __," Sadie pleads as if reading your mind. "Love is...complicated."
Complicated. There's that word again.
Sadie tucked her hair behind her ears, searching for the right words. "Just because he hurt me, doesn't mean I don't love him anymore. I can't just turn off my feelings for him whenever I want. Those feelings don't go away so easily and you'll see that for yourself one day,"
"I'd rather not," you huff, crossing your arms.
Sadie drags your body to the bowl now that she was done measuring the needed materials.
"Not all relationships turn out like mine. Maybe you'll have better luck than me," she gives you a small smile.
You stir the mixture clumsily, as you give her an pointed look. "Yeah right, have you met me?"
"Oh hush," she slaps your arm. "Enough about me. What about this lab partner of yours?"
You grimace. "I promise you nothing's going on there. His friend Jeno, however, is much more interesting."
Sadie holds the bowl steady for you as your stirring grows sloppier. "Oh, all the Jenos I've met are always crazy hot."
"His looks don't disappoint, believe me. He's got the whole school wrapped around his finger. He's really smart too."
"I knew he'd be smart if you were interested in him. Does he play a sport?"
"That's even hotter," Sadie replies, taking the bowl from you and forming a small ball with the dough. "Can you grab that big pan and put a baking sheet over it for me?"
You follow her instructions and she thanks you, placing a ball on the pan.
"What's crazy is, he's barely even spoken to me prior to this week but he suddenly asked me to go to his party tonight."
"Well, you're going, right?" she pauses to turn on the oven.
"Of course not," you answer in an incredulous tone.
"Why not?!" Sadie exclaims. "You have to go!"
"I don't do parties and I don't do boys, you know that," you resume back to your position over the counter.
"Right, those lame rules you made when you were like ten. Don't you think they're a little ridiculous? You can still have a life and be successful, you know."
You pursed your lips. "I like my rules."
"You like them because they keep you in your comfort zone. You gotta go, honey. You're gonna regret it if you don't. And you don't have to date Jeno. Just try to get to know him—ignore him all night for all I care—just go and have some fun for once!"
"I don't think—"
"Nope! You don't have a choice, you're going!" she says cutting you off.
"Put the cookies in the oven while I get everything ready!" Sadie shouts as she runs off to her old room in haste.
You throw your head back, throwing a silent tantrum before putting the cookies in the oven.
When you meet Sadie in her room, her entire contents of her suitcase were thrown out onto the floor with a giant case of makeup open by the mirror. You immediately walked back out yelling out a quick and stern 'no!'
"Wait! Come on, it'll be fun!" she runs after you, her arms spilling over with dresses you'd rather die than to put on your body.
Sadie manages to coax you out of your room and back into hers but only after you made her promise to not do anything too crazy.
You change out of your uniform and into a pair of jeans and one of Sadie's satin blouses. You already flat-out refused to wear her dress so when you rejected the idea of wearing any type of heels, she settled for her black booties. You’re lucky you wear the same size in everything otherwise you’d end up showing up in that old church dress your mom bought you four years ago before you all stopped going. There was never a need to get nice-looking clothes because you never went anywhere. 
You find yourself sitting on the floor in between your sister's legs as she curls your hair. You have major difficulty remaining still for long periods of time and Sadie burned you a few times because of it. When she’s content with your hair she attempts to do your makeup but your reject anything more than mascara and lipgloss, knowing what kind of harmful chemicals it was all made of.
You allow her to do your eyebrows solely because of the sad look in her eye when you said you didn't want to. It hurt like hell and you think you might regretted it a little but the outcome wasn't too shabby, although you'd never admit that to Sadie.
Sadie brings you a plate full of cookies as you did your mascara, giving you pointers as she munches down on a sugar cookie.
Once the torture was over, you feel like you were an entirely different person. Not in a catfish, full face of makeup kind of way but in a this girl never wears anything outside of her school uniform and pajamas kind of way. The person in the mirror looks so foreign to you and you can’t decide if it was a good or bad change but you didn't have too much time to dwell on it before Sadie was shoving you out the door.
After giving her the address from Jeno's Snapchat story, Sadie sends you a warm smile. Her nose crinkles a bit and she keeps staring at you with this motherly look in her eye.
"You look pretty. You always look pretty but you look especially pretty right now."
You're cheeks feel a tad warm as you give her an uncomfortable smile, thanking her.
Once you arrive at the address, Sadie grabs your hand and squeezes it. "Text me when you're ready for me to pick you up. Have fun okay? But be careful."
"Okay," you reply before exiting the car.
You wave to Sadie as she drives away, wishing you could call her back and beg her to take you home but it was too late for that. You came all the way here and now you had to man up and do this. But the overwhelming amount of second thoughts leave you frightened. You can’t help but wonder if Jeno's invitation to you was a joke or some sort of dare he was forced into. Even Renjun knew you didn't belong here.
You take a deep breath and walk towards the front door, letting yourself in. The music hits you like a wave, stunning you for a moment. You hadn't heard it outside the house so the overwhelming sound of the bass resonating through your bones made your heart pick up even faster than before.
The living room was packed with familiar-looking people, most of them leaned against the large walls of the room, a cup full of an unidentifiable liquid in their hands, others dancing wildly in the center of the room.
You decide to search for Jeno, not knowing what else to do. You squeeze through several clusters of people but the dimness of the room made it nearly impossible to see anyone clearly that wasn't less than five feet away, so you give up for the time being, taking an empty spot on the wall near the couch.
You unlock the screen of your phone, just about to text Sadie to come and get you when Haven strides up to you with a golden-haired boy you recognized as Jisung—one of Renjun's friends.
"What are you doing here?" she yells over the music.
You frown at her question. "You know why I'm here; you were there when Jeno invited me."
"You know Jeno?" Jisung asked, his eyes scanning you in curiosity. "I haven't seen you around before—are you new?"
Your fingernails dig into the skin of your palm. If you had a nickel for every time a student asked you that. You would think at least some people would have known you from the vast amounts of extra-curricular activities and sports you played but of course, you were just as invisible to them as you were to everyone else.
"I've been going to this school longer than you have, freshie," you fight the urge to roll your eyes at the kid.
"What's with the way you're dressed? Don't you own anything other than a lame shirt and some jeans?" Haven sneers, giving you a look of pure disgust.
You look down at your outfit, suddenly self-conscious. Was it too conservative for a party like this? Haven's mini skirt and flashy crop top made your outfit look dull in comparison. Maybe you should’ve worn one of Sadie’s dresses after all.
And here you thought bumping into Haven was going to save you from the embarrassment of hanging around the party like some loner without friends. before now, you never really cared to make friends throughout school, preferring to be alone. You had your parents and although they were annoying at times, they were more than enough company for you. You try not to allow her words to affect you but they do. Your throat tightens with sudden urge to cry but you fight it.
"Just because I'm not dressed like a whore doesn't mean it's not cute," you gruff, brushing past her.
You push through the crowd of people towards the front door only to bump into a hard chest that belonged to none other than Lee Jeno.
"Oof! I'm sorry—oh! __, you came," Jeno smiles pleasantly. "Come with me," he grabs your elbow, not waiting for a response as he leads you back to the center of the room to the twin couches. 
He signals his friends to make a space for you, ushering you to sit down next to him. You’re surprised to see Renjun sitting on the other side of you, immersed in what seemed like an intense level of Tetris.
"Hey, Renjun," you greet him.
Renjun glances up from his phone, his eyes going wide, obviously surprised that you showed up.
"Umm...Renjun?" you sit back, feeling uncomfortable after a while of him not saying anything.
"Hello? Earth to Renjun?" you snap your fingers in front of his face, finally sparking something in him as he blinks once then twice.
"S-sorry, hi," he says awkwardly then resumes playing his game.
You scowl, expecting a better response. Why was he acting so strange? Just a few hours ago, he insisted on walking you to Sadie's car but now he won't say more than two words to you? Did he not want his friends to know you were getting along?
You’re silent as Jeno jokes along with his friends, a crowd gathering around the popular boy.  His eyes squint into laughter whenever one of his friends says something stupid. Thankfully, he was turned in the opposite direction so you could admire the side-view of his chiseled face. You’re glad to have found Jeno when you did, or else you wouldn't have been sitting next to him now, feeling like you a part of something for once.
"Why do you look like that?" Renjun speaks and your cheeks turn rosy, hoping he didn't notice you staring at his best friend.
You attempt to look nonchalant as you answer. "Look like what?"
"I don't know. You look...weird," he says, his eyes staring straight into yours, making you feel cold.
You drew back from him, your heart feeling heavy at his statement. Did you really look so bad that two people had to tell you that to your face?
Apparently, Jeno had heard the conversation as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. "I think you look pretty," he pokes a finger in your cheek and you almost die on the spot.
You shake your head, embarrassed, and Jeno only chuckles, turning back to his friends but leaving his arm around you.
You don't say anything after that, listening to the notes of a song you’ve never heard before in favor of the conversation being held next to you. They were talking about sports, something--unless it was volleyball--that you didn't have much interest in. After a few songs, you get bored, looking to Renjun, who was still on the same level of Tetris. Feeling your gaze on him, you lock eyes for a brief moment then he looks away again.
Concerned, you nudge his elbow, "Are you okay?"
Renjun doesn't look back up at you. "I'm fine."
Obviously, he wasn't but you drop it, not wanting him to snap at you again like the other day.
Jeno tightens his arm around your neck, grabbing your attention. "You wanna dance?"
"Oh, god no," you answer quickly. "I don't dance."
Jeno tilts his head at you. "Hmm..."
You blink, waiting for him to continue.
He stands up abruptly, your eyes following him. "Come with me," he holds a hand out for you to take.
You remember your sister's warning and decide that doesn't sound like a safe thing to do. "I want to stay here."
Jeno pouts, sensing the reason behind your hesitancy. He grabs your wrist, pulling you up with strength you didn't know he had.
"I promise, I won't try anything weird," he smiles that Jeno smile at you and how could you resist?
You let him drag you away from the party, your eyes alert for anything if he tried something funny. You never fought anyone before but you decide that if it came down to it, you were prepared to, even if it was your precious Jeno.
You pass through the kitchen and dining area, where there’s a glass sliding door leading to a patio. He opens it, stepping through first and letting go of you as he held the door open for you. It was a wooden patio with a large grill and fancy table with a yard that has more than enough space for the entire party attendees to run around in. The quietness surrounds your ears as you venture out further onto the patio, noticing a pool at the end of the yard. It was the kind of backyard that everyone dreamed of as a kid.
Jeno motions with his head to follow him and you trail behind him to the lounge chairs by the pool.
"Is this more comfortable for you?" he asks crossing his legs as he lays back in his chair.
You smile, abashedly. "Yes."
Your eyes follow a group of leaves swirling around each other in the pool as you ask Jeno a question that had been on your mind since Wednesday.
"Why did you invite me to your party?" your heart pounds in your ears, remorse fueling your body at the question immediately. You wouldn't know what you'd do if he told you it was a joke. Or worse, if he suddenly confessed to you.
Jeno purses his lips, drinking from his cup, probably full of luke-warm beer. "Because I think you're hilarious. Plus you're super pretty. I always wanted to get closer to you so I thought inviting you to my party would be a good place to start."
You let out a breath, neither relieved or disappointed he didn't ask you out. But he did admit he was interested in you in a way, didn't he? You decide to ask Sadie when you get home.
"So, how's that booth coming along?"
You snort, remembering the project Renjun sucked you into doing with him. "It's nearly half-way done but it would be closer to being finished if I didn't have to start on my own."
"Yeah I heard about that," he giggles. "Go easy on him, okay? He's under a lot of stress right now."
Your eyes almost dart of their sockets. "That boy gets everything he wants. There's no way in hell he could have anything more than the occasional pimple to stress over."
Jeno snickers again. "You always crack me up," with a shake of his head he continues. "Renjun's father is really hard on him when it comes to school and he's also really disappointed in him for not being on the soccer team. The best just isn't enough for the guy, I guess."
You sigh, trying to wrap your head around the concept of Renjun having real issues. Of course, every person had their own problems it's just that you never actually thought of him as a person. He was always just an obstacle blocking you from the future you've always wanted.
"I didn't know that," you say after a while.
"No one does. He doesn't like telling people," he stops to take a gulp of beer. "Does that mean you'll be nicer to Renjun?"
"Ha!" you scoff, taking his cup and having a sip. You weren't really sure what made you do that but it was already too late, the warm beverage already making its way down your throat. It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be but it still wasn't a flavor that you particularly liked. You shrug, taking a bigger gulp of it.
"Nine times out of ten he's the one who starts it. He brings it on himself," you laugh.
Jeno's laughter chimes with yours and you enjoy each other's company for a little while longer, just staring at the moon hanging in the raven sky.
"I don't get how you can even stand being friends with him. You pick on each other all day."
Jeno sighs, kicking his feet in the air. "That's what friends do, I guess. Maybe that's just guys, though. I mean, it all comes from a good place but when it really comes down to it, we're always there for each other."
"That's nice," you say, suddenly feeling guilty for what you said about Jeno. "I wouldn't know. I don't really have friends."
Jeno raises his eyebrows at you. "Really? I thought you had a ton of friends in all those clubs your in."
"Nah, I never really connected with those people."
"Well, I'll be your friend," Jeno cheeses at you and you gush, an unmistakable blush warming your cheeks.
You nod, as you struggle to drink the last of the contents of the beer with an unwavering smile.
A stiff breeze blows by, the leaves rustling in the trees above your heads. You tuck your face into your jacket to brace yourself from the cold.
"I already broke two rules in the span of one hour," you breath, not caring your words formed aloud.
Jeno glances at you curiously, "Hmm?"
You smile to yourself. "Nothing. It’s just some stupid rules I made up when I was like ten."
"Is dancing included in those rules?"
"No, actually."
Jeno stands up with a grunt. "Would you reconsider my offer from earlier?" he asks, his hand held out to you like before.
You weren't sure if it was the now empty cup of beer or maybe you felt a change in you at that moment that you never felt before but you found yourself taking his hand and being led away to the dance floor.
The music was different than what you were used to, the beat a little too fast-paced for you but you followed what everyone else was doing around you, throwing your hands above your head and jumping until you were out of breath. Jeno guides your body closer to him until you were pressed against one another, his arm secured tightly around your waist. You throw your head back in laughter, never having thought the night would've turned out like this. Jeno’s fiery lauch chimes in with yours, his eyes squinting into slits as he twirls you around the living room. You’ve never felt so free. Your mind was always weighted by thoughts of homework and exams. Your life revolved around school and you never seen a problem with it. So many years spent cooped at home when you could’ve been experiencing this. A few more cups and you don't even have a second thought about dancing with Jeno, the two of you goofing around the living room and bouncing around wildly. You were too drunk to notice the entire room hooting and cheering you on and you were too drunk to notice Renjun's eyes glued to the two of you the entire night.
You toss your bag on the floor of the car, then plop down in the seat, Sadie already revving up the engine next to you.
She sends you an odd look once you’ve settled in. "No headband and ponytail today?"
Your hands smooth over the top of your hair instinctively. "No. I think I like my hair better down."
Sadie reaches over, pinching your cheek. "I think you look good either way."
You rub the spot Sadie grabbed, grumbling as you always did.
"One party and my little sissy's all grown up!" Sadie cries, her lips in a pout.
You face-palm yourself. "Nothing's changed. I just styled my hair little differently today, Sadie."
The car comes to a stop at a red light. "Are you sure this has nothing to do with Jeno confessing to you at the party?"
Your face turns beet red as you sputter to defend yourself. "It wasn't a confession! And I didn't have time to find my headband because I slept through my alarm. Thanks for waking me up on time, by the way, Miss I-Wake-Up-At-Four A.M-everyday!"
Sadie giggles an apology, patting your leg.
You arrive to your first period, sitting in your unassigned-assigned seat and throwing your belongings down in the seat next to you, waiting as the rest of the students poured in. The bell sounds and Mrs. Brookes comes in, stressing about the class average of the quiz you took Friday.
Your graded papers were passed back and you were delighted to see an A+ scribbled in red at the top. You look up to find Renjun and show him your score. You aced the quiz just as said you would back at the field the other day. When your eyes land on his seat, however, you find it empty. Your eyes scan the classroom but still no Renjun. Did he not come in at all? It was strange for him to be tardy–it was normally you who was always late. Was he okay? He did look a bit off the last time you saw him...
You find yourself constantly checking the door throughout the class period, expecting him to barge in with some lame excuse or maybe he had a real one for being late for all you knew but he never did.
Second and third period go by and still no sign of Renjun. You were starting to worry about the booth. You didn't want to work on it by yourself but if he wasn't going to show, shouldn't he at least message you?
You suddenly remember Jeno's words to go easy on Renjun. It was things like this that made it impossible to do just that. This was important to you and you could've sworn it was important to him too! Next time you see him, you’ll kill him! Not even Jeno could stand in the way of what you were going to do to him.
When you make it to the field later that afternoon, there’s a lot more kids than last week but, of course, still no Renjun. You puff your cheeks with air, zipping up your coat and start to paint the last part of the booth.
Not even a moment later, a kid walks over to you with a scarf covering half of his face and a coat so big he could barely move his arms.
"Hey, you're __, right?"
You put down your paintbrush. "Yeah? Who are you?"
"I'm Chenle. Renjun asked me to help you out with the booth for him."
"Oh," you blink. You were relieved you didn't have to do this on your own but you were kind of uncomfortable working with a stranger at the same time.
"Why wasn't he at school today, anyway?"
You could tell he was smiling by the rise in his cheeks. "He told me to tell you that he was sick today but I don't see a reason to lie to a stranger. He actually came late after third period."
You let a curse slip through your lips but hold in your rage, picking up the paintbrush again. There was no way he could be serious. He only missed three classes, which happened to be the only ones he shared with you. 
"So, why wasn't he at lunch?"
He shrugs. "I don't know either. I just assumed he was with Jeno," 
You let out a long sigh.
Jeno wasn't at lunch either? You hadn't even noticed; you were so busy looking for Renjun. Your eyebrows furrow, giving Chenle something easy to do while you finish painting. You’re angry more than anything. You blew up his phone all day, asking where he was and if he was okay and yet, not a single response but he was at school the whole time. Why would he do that? Was he avoiding you for some reason? You didn't exactly know why but it pained you to think that. Was it stupid to think you were actually becoming friends?
Of course, you weren't friends. Renjun was just trying to make working together tolerable. How could you think that when he was being so cold to you at the party? You were still competing with each other at the end of the day. What good could possibly come out of befriending your enemy? He didn't text you back because he didn't have to. He sent someone to help you out in his place and that was all he owed you.
You knew you had no reason to be upset. Renjun didn't trick you into anything. He never said he wanted to be friends. It was your fault for mistaking his kindness for something bigger than that. But still, your eyes sting with unshed tears, your back turned away from Chenle. You weren't going to cry in front of Renjun's friend. You'd embarrassed yourself enough already.
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jmzine · 5 years
The mods took up spaces for the contributors that could've gone to other applicants? I'm kinda disappointed with that decision...
Hey, anon. I just wanted to say I'm honestly sorry you didn't get into the zine. I am. Honestly we felt really bad about the people we turned down because we're friends with so many people in this wonderful fandom and we had to turn down some of our really good friends. But like... ten writers & ten artists is pushing the page count as it is for the fic length we're including. Believe me, if we could include everyone, we would! Our contributor list wasn't based on who was popular. I know that's hard to believe with so many big names participating, but the popular creators in fandom (as well as in professionally published works out in life) usually are popular because they are the ones who put out the highest quality or most interesting finished pieces. We didn't pick anyone because they're popular, we picked them because they're amazingly talented.
But as for the idea that mods shouldn't be in their own projects, I just want to clear something up...
Modding for a zine is a time commitment of no less than 30-40 hours per person with a mod team of 3 or 4. Think about that for a minute. Think about how much that time would be worth if it were paid on a commission rate or even at minimum wage.
Where did that time estimate come from?
Each mod went through each and every fic and art submission and graded them on a rubric scale based on style, consistency, grammar for writers, cleanliness of linework for artists, completeness of art, storytelling for writers, and other things. Then the mods came together, totaled those grades, and invited the creators who ranked in with the highest overall grades. This alone took about 12 hours of time investment from each and every one of us, including several collaborative hours where our differing timezones required very late or early days.
Next, you've got the tasks that don't necessarily require all of us at once or require only one of us.
Let's start with writing up the emails and sending out each email (including needing to send them in batches of no more than 5 at once). Then there's writing up the check-in forms for each check-in, making sure everyone submits their check-ins and that they meet the requirements, chasing down the people who don't submit, and following up. There's contacting pinch hitters in the event someone drops out. There's making sure everyone submits final works and that they're formatted right and chasing up those that aren't. This is hours of work, I'd average it to a minimum of 10-12 hours across the course of the zine.
Then there's the social media tasks of replying to asks and tweets and questions, social media outreach and promotion to drum up interest in the zine, creating the graphics to promote the zine, preorders announcements, and answering order questions from customers. Let's average 10-12 hours there.
For the formatting mod, that mod is responsible for designing indexes as well as creating, formatting, and assembling the print, PDF, & NSFW editions including the embedded linking involved in a quality PDF and formatting all of the fics to uniform formatting. This takes an average of 8 hours *per version*. That's 24 hours on the clock right there.
Now let's address production. So there's contacting manufacturers for quotes, formatting the non-zine merch for production, placing the orders for zines and merch, and buying packaging supplies. Let's say 3 hours. Don't forget to send out PDF copies, 30 minutes. Then checking and approving the zine and merch proofs and posting or sending production updates to customers, 2 hours. Let's be generous and assume nothing goes wrong and there's no delays, which never happens btw. Then there's getting the supplies, doing a quality check, and weighing out the packages for different tiers, figure 30 minutes. Next is packaging and addressing each and every order, printing and applying postage, and making sure everyone gets what they ordered. Let's assume a super lightning fast mod spends 5 minutes per order. Hopefully we'll have lots of orders, but let's figure 50 plus 20 contributor copies. That's 5.8 hours, round it to 6 hours to give 12 minutes to reload the printer and open the box of bubble mailers. Next is driving to/from the post office (let's assume the mod lives close, 30 minutes round trip), having them mail out every package (30 minutes if they already have postage on them), sending out shipping and tracking information to customers individually one by one (2 hours), and following up on any lost or delayed packages. That's a minimum of 15 hours for production.
We haven't even accounted for the actual sales. Setting up the store, announcing it, and tracking and handling the incoming orders? Let's give that five hours. Then there's calculating and tracking the budget, making sure there's enough money for everything, as well as figuring out the contributor shares and making sure we can pay for everything possible for each contributor. Three hours. And don't forget to put down a trip to the accountant because this is a for-profit project and that needs to be weighed in so any taxes that need paid are accounted for. Two hours. Ten hours there just running the store.
As you can see, this is no small investment of time. But if you still think we need to prove our qualifications and the quality and caliber of our work to justify we deserved our spots...
Mod L has been accepted into 4 other zines. Mod B has been accepted into 7 other zines. Mod K has been accepted into 29 other zines, including several with so-called "blind apps", and you can see his credentials in the sidebar of his blog. Our work is unquestionably of a zine publishing caliber.
But what's more important? This project exists because Mod L wanted to be part of a JM zine and there wasn't one happening. So we got together and made it happen and got others to join us because they love JM too. We're here because we believe in the project and the ship and we want to create something amazing. We're here to have fun and create for something we love.
We do hope that you'll continue to support this zine, and create things you love for yourself, even if you are disappointed.
If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out!
--Mod K
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