#sorry gel if this is not what you had in mind
starzzach · 1 year
would you write another charlos abo 👉👈
insane. i am. insane. so sorry for the wait. head in my hands.
part 2 here and part 3 here!
Charles really, really wants a baby. Carlos is not so sure.
Baby. God, he really wants a baby.
It is all he can think about, really. What Sound Coherent Charles can think about, not Heat Hormone Related Charles. The thoughts are all real and solid and seem like they have absolutely no intention of leaving.
So much so that he walks into Carlos' room unannounced, feeling bold and brave and wanting a baby. "Car-los," he sings, in that very not-his-name way that he can never bring himself to correct, and neither can Carlos, clearly. "Hello, mate."
Carlos is reading a book, but blessedly sets it aside, leaving his lap free and very, very inviting. He looks confused, but pleased, like he had been wanting for Charles to want a baby and subsequently end up in his room. Yes, Carlos' lap is very inviting, and Charles experiences the very normal human pull of it, and does not bother to resist, straddling his lap like he belongs there. "I am not free," Carlos says, but he is smiling. "I have a media thing in ten."
Charles pouts, rubbing his hands up and down Carlos' arms, trying to scent him. "I want a baby."
Carlos taps his forehead, ruffling his hair like he's one of his dogs. "You don't want a baby," he corrects, "that's the heat talking."
Charles shakes his head, vehement. He is sure – he has been sure about it. He most definitely, certainly wants it and his heat is days off, so Carlos cannot even blame the hormones, and even if he did, he would be wrong. "No, I want a baby," he insists. "Please, Carlos. I need a baby."
"Now you are talking crazy," Carlos muses, peppering feather light kisses along his jaw. "You don't even like babies. Last month you were going on and on about how Seb was crazy to go and have another one."
"I'd like our baby," he argues. "And Seb is crazy. Even Mark knows that. But they still have four babies and I want just one, Carlos, just one."
Carlos sighs, pulling away. His hands settle on Charles' waist, a comfortable grip. "You don't want a baby. You'll hate being pregnant. You already hate me waiting on you now, you know how bad I'm going to be if you're carrying my– Charles," he sighs again, and internally Charles smiles, because now he is certain Carlos has seen his watery eyes. "Please. Charles. Don't tell me you are going to cry."
Charles sniffs, perfectly plausible and completely fake. "Maybe."
"You cannot seriously want a baby this much."
"Do you think I would be a bad father? Am I too messed up?" Charles asks instead, wobbly and sounding very close to tears. Shame he is faking, really. He is a really bad actor otherwise, but he knows how to get what he wants, especially when it comes to Carlos. "Is that why you don't want my baby?"
"What, no," Carlos says immediately, distressed. "No, I want your babies. I want to give you all your babies."
Charles slides off of him, flopping onto the other half of the couch. "I can get a baby somewhere else. Everyone wants to give me babies," he mumbles, pretending to seriously consider it. Carlos won't believe this, but at the very least it might make him die inside out of frustration. "It wouldn't be too hard."
"Are you hearing a word I am saying," Carlos says exasperatedly, finally giving in. "Fine. Tomorrow– tonight, even we can make a baby, since you want it so much."
"Don't you?"
"Like," Charles starts, gesturing generally to his self. "You have me. Even during my heats. You don't want a baby?"
Carlos blinks, long and slow. "I don't want a baby," he says slowly. "I want our baby."
Charles claps his hands, grinning widely. "Yay," he cheers, sitting up. "I am going to go tell Pierre and pretty much everyone else."
"Thank you for warning me," he deadpans. "I'll sit here and pretend to not notice the crowd of people waiting to ask me why I want to take Ferrari's star driver out of the game, but okay. Enjoy the announcement."
Charles winks at him, or tries to, leaning down and pressing a long, thorough kiss to his lips. "I'll come back to talk soon."
"I don't think we're going to be doing much talking," Carlos says with a shit-eating grin, eyes soft.
Charles smiles to himself, a skip in his step as he exits the garage. It feels nice to know that the other person feels the same way you do, and shares the same views that you have. It feels very nice, indeed.
Baby. God, he really wants to have that baby.
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ham-st4r · 1 year
Cyber sex - L.HS
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Pairing: heeseung + female reader!
Warnings: heeseung is 32, smut, anal sex, unprotected sex, protected sex, phone sex, cam sex, oral both receiving, fingering, sexting, cum eating, ear licking, spitting, dirty talk, use of tinder, skype instagram and FaceTime, mutual masturbation, cursing, use of sex toys and lube, heeseung is cringey and clingy and awkward but it’s cute, angst, crying, fluff, heeseung says stop once but he doesn’t really want you to.
Genre: smut, long distance relationship, slightly inspired by cyber sex from doja cat.
Summary: after heeseung comes home from a long day at the office, he quickly gets bored and finds himself scrolling through the Tinder app that he made an account on a few days prior, and much to his surprise, he had gotten a notification that he had found a match.
Wordcount: 19,546k
All I can say is sorry for the long wait. I hope everyone will enjoy!
This is complete fiction by no means can you go on tinder and find yourself a hee so please stay away from that app (I mean it)
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After a hard day's work, all heeseung wanted to do was take a shower and relax on his comfy king sized bed in his house, and that's exactly what he did once he got home.
He quickly made his way to the bathroom, stripping off his suit and tie before stepping into the warm stream of water, he sighs in relief as the water cascaded down his tired, aching muscles. Despite what most people may think, sitting down at a desk all day definitely takes its toll on one’s body.
He grabbed his favorite shampoo, lathering his hair with it and washing away all the stress from the day, the faint smell of mint clearing his sinuses as he massaged the sudsy liquid through his wet hair.
A few minutes later, he rinsed his hair out and lathered his body with matching body wash, covering himself in the fragranced gel. He then grabbed his body scrubber, washing himself thoroughly before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.
He towel-dried his hair and body before walking to his bedroom and grabbing a clean white shirt and a pair of boxers from his drawer.
Once he was completely dry, he put his clothes on and hopped into bed, peeling back his covers and tucking himself in, reaching for the TV remote and clicking the power button, watching the first show that piqued his interest.
After an hour, he started to feel bored, which wasn’t unusual. He lived in his big house all alone and didn’t have any friends after graduating college. He just didn’t have time to hang out and party the way he used to. Not to say he really missed it though, back then he was a young adult, but now that he’s a grown man, he realized there was so much more to life than drinking and women.
On top of everything else, after 8-10 hour work days, he just didn’t have the energy to attend any social gatherings to meet new people, so needless to say, he was a homebody.
But living this kind of life every day after landing his dream job was starting to get old. Don’t get him wrong, he’d never go back to his wild college days, but thoughts of settling down and having a wife and a child or two or more definitely had been crossing his mind as he was reaching his mid-thirties.
He sighed and slumped further down in his bed, grabbing his phone once the TV show had ended.
Just then, a notification from Tinder popped up on the top of his screen.
What can he say? He was lonely and maybe even a little bit desperate at this point.
He clicked on the notification and, saw that he had a match, and nervously started a chat.
He debated on what to say as he chewed on his bottom lip in thought. Gosh, he hasn’t realized just how out of touch he was with everything.
Before he could leave a message, another alert on his phone went off,slightly startling him.
You: Hi handsome 💕
You nervously typed on your phone, waiting for the guy that swiped on you to respond. You were surprised someone that looked like him was even on Tinder. He was tall, good, looking a co-CEO, and a decent age, which was appealing cause you were tired of dealing with little boys that called themselves men, and to top it all off, he didn’t live that far away.
He made a sound similar to a mouse when he read the message, and he felt his face heat up at your blunt text. The last time he’s been called handsome was by his grandmom last Thanksgiving. “Relax,” he rolled his eyes at himself for acting like a preteen. It was just a simple text, and he was already getting flustered for no reason. You were just a girl that he met online.
A very, very pretty girl he met online.
Heeseung: Hey
He only realized just how boring and bland that sounded once he had hit send. “Ugh,” he buried his head into his pillows.
You happily looked at the notification on your phone, and you can’t lie how excited you got when he replied so quickly, but your excitement soon deflated when you saw his reply. Maybe you were already reading too much into it, but he didn’t seem to reciprocate your same excitement.
You: How are you?💕
You sent back, kinda unsure of how to approach him after his seemingly uninterested reply.
Heeseung: Good, how about you?👀
He sighed. If he wanted to keep you interested, he definitely needed to up his texting game.
You: Good
you reply simply.
“What happened to the little hearts?” He frowned slightly at your reply that wasn’t accompanied by emojis like the first few texts were, and now he was getting nervous because he didn’t know what to say next to keep you on the line.
He scrolled through your bio again, looking for something to strike up a conversation.
The first thing he saw was that you liked animals, so he quickly decided on that topic so he wouldn’t keep you waiting for a reply.
Heeseung: So you like animals?
You just blinked at your screen when you saw his message and no wonder he was single. If his conversation was this bad in real life, you wouldn’t be surprised if he died single.
You: Yeah hbu?
You reply back just as dryly.
Heeseung: Yes, I’m quite the animal myself😏
He attempted to flirt, but it came out sounding entirely wrong.
You read his reply over and over again, and you couldn’t reply with anything but.
You: ??????
If he could go back in time, he definitely would cause he was going to die of embarrassment any moment now.
Heeseung: I meant in bed…..
You: Oohhhhhhhhh
You replied in between a fit of laughter that was probably the lamest thing you have ever read, but you couldn’t deny it made you laugh, and somehow it was even kinda endearing in an odd way, not to mention the smirking face emoji he sent along with it was amusing, to say the least.
He face-palmed himself before texting you again.
Heeseung: You know what? I’m sorry, just forget about that.
Heeseung: Or better yet, I’ll just leave you alone.
Heeseung: Nice meeting you.
He stuffed his phone under his pillow, burying his face in his covers. “And that’s why you’re single,” he mutters to himself. He didn’t realize just how much he actually sucked at talking to women. It was a lot easier in high school, or maybe it was easier cause he looked better in high school, and the girls didn’t care that he had no game. Who knows? All he knows is that he just blew his chance with a beautiful girl who showed interest in him.
But it wasn’t the end of the world. Maybe someone else would swipe right on him, and he could learn from this god awful experience on this god awful app.
After your small fit of laughter died down, you texted him back.
You: I don’t think I’ll ever forget that one. I might even have to use it one day🤔😂
Heeseung was brought back to reality when his phone buzzed with another notification from you. He didn’t even want to read it, but he did anyway, and he cringed at himself even more.
Heeseung: Please don’t. Wouldn’t want you to willingly embarrass yourself like that,
He texted and didn’t even realize there was a small smile on his face. At least he made you laugh, though.
You: So, do you always refer to yourself as an animal when you talk to girls?
You chuckled slightly and got more comfortable on your bed now that the conversation was interesting.
Heeseung: Only pretty ones, was that better?👀
He asks you jokingly.
You: Maybe just a little bit
You smile, and you can’t believe he’s making you all giggly with his cheesy pickup lines.
Heeseung: I’ll try harder next time😂
You: Next time?
Heeseung: I mean, only if you want to talk again. If you don’t, I completely understand 😅 Haha,
He can’t lie the idea of messing up his shot with you wasn’t sitting all too well with him. You were exactly his type. You were both looking for the same thing, and he had to go and ruin it by saying something stupid.
You: If there’s a chance I can get some flirting tips, then I’d definitely like to talk again🤭
Heeseung: I can assure you there’s plenty more, but as you know you have to work for a tip so….
You: I’ve never been scared of a little work😉
Heeseung: I like that 😌
You: What else do you like?
Heeseung: Hmm… girls who like animals
You: You’re getting better already.
Heeseung: What can I say? I’m a fast learner.
You: What should I do with that information? 😝
Heeseung: That’s up to you, beautiful 😉
You: *Blushing*
Heeseung: And I’m not even trying hard.
You: Oh, is that so? Maybe you should🤭
Heeseung: Yeah? Want me to go harder, beautiful?
You’re not sure when the conversation steered in this direction, but you can’t say you weren’t enjoying it.
You: Go your hardest
you taunted.
Heeseung: I don’t think you’re sure of what you’re asking, doll face.
He had no idea where this newfound confidence was coming from, but he liked it.
You: Well, maybe you can show me sometime? Just so I can be sure.
He bit his lip at just the thought he’d definitely be down for that after getting to know you better.
Heeseung: I’d love to show you sometime.
The rest of heeseung’s night was spent talking and flirting with you. You both agreed to share Instagrams after hours of talking to each other and getting to know one another.
Luckily, he had redeemed himself along the way and was able to hold a smooth conversation without being too awkward.
You: It’s late. You should probably get some rest now since you have work in the morning.
You say to him.
Heeseung: Trying to get rid of me already? And here I am, thinking that we’re bonding :(
You: Noooooooo 🥺 It’s just you need to rest so your face can be even more handsome in the morning.
Heeseung: That was supposed to be my line😞
You: Well, you can use it on me tomorrow night
You reply, hoping that he will message you tomorrow cause you had a lot of fun talking to him.
Heeseung: I definitely will. Well, I guess you’re right. Make sure you get some rest, too, okay? I’ll try to message you before work if I don’t sleep in too late😂
You: Okay! Talk to you Tomorrow. Goodnight, heeseung sweet dreams💕
Heeseung: I can’t wait to talk to you again goodnight y/n 🩵
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t kicking his feet like a schoolgirl before bed.
➜ ➜ ➜
Heeseung: Morning, beautiful🩵
Heeseung texted you as soon as he opened his eyes. It was really early in the morning, so he wasn’t expecting you to reply so quickly, but he wasn’t complaining either.
You smile at the conversation from last night and his latest text.
You: Morning, handsome💕
He smiled and got out of bed, running the shower while he texted you back.
Heeseung: I’m headed off to work now, but I’ll message you again when I get off if you’re free later?👀
You: Me too. I get out at three, so anytime after then is fine if that’s fine with you?
Heeseung: That’s perfect for me! ☺️
You: Great! ttyl enjoy your shift💕
Heeseung: You too, pretty girl😉
You hearted the message he sent and scrambled to get ready for work with a smile on your face.
With your fast-paced life, it was hard to get out of the house truthfully, too many meetings stacked on business trips and extra hours during hectic weeks.
You felt like you never got a breather. You had gone about this same routine for years, and though you absolutely loved your job, even you had to admit you didn’t have a life outside of work.
And your friends made sure to remind you of that every girl's night out, always talking about what guy they fucked and if he was good in bed or not, and while you knew they were just having fun, it sucked not to have any steamy stories of your own so you could be apart of that conversation.
You hadn’t had any in ages, and the last time was so disappointing cause right when you were about to do the deed, he passed out from drinking too much.
And that wasn’t much of a story to tell.
You wanted some action but didn’t have the time for it, not just so you could be a part of the girl talk, but you really just wanted some interaction with the opposite gender, and after seeing one too many Tinder ads pop up in your face, it was like even the internet was telling you that you were single and pathetic and you needed help to find someone.
So, deciding to download the god-awful app after pondering on it for a while turned out to be not so god-awful, at least not yet. Anyways, you matched with a ton of guys, not to toot your own horn, but so far, only one caught your interest. His name was heeseung, and he was exactly your ideal type, so you matched with him. and you know It’s only been a day, but so far, so good.
You just hoped it stayed that way.
Heeseung: Hi! I’m on break. I hope your shift is going well so far.
He hit send, before he could even shut off his phone, you replied, making him smile instantly.
You: Hey, it’s going well, thanks for asking. What about you?
You smiled as you sent the text, feeling happy that he kept his word and texted you back like he said he would.
You: btw I’m on break too👀
You sent a follow-up message.
Heeseung: Oh nice, maybe we could talk for a bit if you’re okay with it?
You: Sure, I’m bored out of my mind🙄
Heeseung: Same. I’m always bored, and the food in the break room leaves a lot to be desired 😒
You: Sounds like we work at the same place 🤭
Heeseung: I wish. I wanna meet you 👀
One of your co-workers approached you before you could read his message. “Only two more hours,” he grumbled while making some coffee to get him through the rest of the day.
“We’ll make it. We always do,” you chuckled as he sighed and rested his hands on his head while his coffee was brewing.
Heeseung: I’m sorry, that was probably too soon
He sends back when he sees that you stopped responding even though his message was clearly left on seen.
Heeseung: I swear I’m not a creep or anything like that
He sighed after realizing that made him sound creepier.
Heeseung: Never mind that last message and the one before that 😬
He triple texted cause he was overthinking things. He didn’t think that maybe you might have gotten busy with something, and that’s why you didn’t reply immediately.
You looked back down to your screen, reading the three messages he sent. Your heart rate increased as you read the first message he actually wanted to meet you? You definitely weren’t expecting that, but like he said, it was a bit too soon to meet. Plus, he lives four hours away from you, and you’re not sure when you could get time off to see him.
You: you’re so cute💕
He was literally apologizing for no reason. Besides, isn’t it like normal to want to meet someone you met online? Honestly, it wasn’t creepy at all, just a little soon and a bit sudden.
Heeseung: 😳
His initial panic disappeared as soon as he read your last text. Thank god you didn’t think he was a weirdo or some kind of creeper.
You: I wanna meet you too, but maybe let’s get to know each other a little better first
Heeseung: Of course! Maybe if you want, we could call each other when you get off work?
You smiled at the thought of hearing what he sounded like. You wondered if his voice would match his angelic face while in your daydream. He started to overthink yet again when you didn’t reply to him immediately.
Heeseung: Only if you’re like comfortable with it. If not, I completely understand. I just wouldn’t want to make you feel weird or anything like that.
Before he sent a whole other thread of text, he willed himself to stop typing and going completely overboard.
You: My break is up, ttyl cutie. I can’t wait to hear your voice 😉
Heeseung: You got it!
You giggled at the odd reply, but still, it was undoubtedly cute.
“Is that a yes? I think that’s a yes.” he smiled and looked at his watch, showing him the time and that he had gone a minute over his break. “Shit,” he mutters, clocking in and hoping he wouldn’t get dinged for it.
You both arrived home and took showers before plopping into bed, completely tired and exhausted minds riddled with meetings and reports upon a slew of other things.
Heeseung was waiting for the clock to strike three while you sat in bed waiting for your phone screen to light up with his call.
Five minutes past two, he called you, and much to your enjoyment, his voice sounded as heavenly as he looked. You and heeseung started chatting over Skype after exchanging phone numbers prior in the evening.
You both talked about your day and the problems you faced at work and soon transitioned into a new topic to learn more about each other.
“So, what else do you like other than animals?” He chuckles on the other end of the call, thinking about your first encounter with him. He felt lucky that you even stuck around after that foolishness.
“Mmm, well, a friend of mine named y/n met this guy the other night. His name is heeseung, and she likes him a lot, but she doesn’t know if he likes her.” You giggle, pretending that you’re not talking about yourself.
“Is that so?” He hums and plays your little game. “Crazy enough, I know this guy named heeseung that just so happens to like a girl named Y/n. In fact, he said he’s head over heels for her.” You can tell he was smiling just by the sound of his voice.
“She’s such a lucky girl,” you say seductively, half intentional, half unintentional.
“You think so?” He immediately matches your playful flirtatious tone.
“Yes,” you whisper the tiniest hint of a moan at the end.
“And why’s that beautiful?” He bites his lips softly.
“Hmm,” you pretend to hum in thought, but anyone with ears could clearly hear you were moaning. “Cause he’s handsome, tall with a pretty voice and even prettier eyes.” You don’t know what exactly came over you so suddenly, but you blamed it on not having any interaction with men for so long and left it at that.
“I guess she is lucky, huh?” He chuckles, trying to mask how flustered he was by your words. “He’s lucky too, you know?”
“How?” You reply quickly, desperate to find out exactly what he thinks about you.
“She’s beautiful, has all the same interests as him, unintentionally cute, and not to mention she has the perfect body.” his heart wasn’t the only one racing after saying something so straightforward on the second day of knowing you.
“How perfect?” Your throat feels dry as you whisper the words into your speaker.
“So perfect,” he breathed out, contemplating if he should continue this, but you started the flirty conversation, so he assumed it would be okay with you. “The type of body that I fantasize about.”
“What do you fantasize about? Tell me what you’d do to me?” You finally break your character, and you clearly hear his breath hitch on the other end.
“I’d lay you out on my bed, admire every inch of your perfectly sculpted body, then I’d undress you slowly, one piece of clothing at a time, kissing, sucking, and licking every single inch of you, whispering sweet nothings before eating your precious little pussy and savoring every last drop” he curses to himself lowly the image of you like that now swirling around in his brain. “And that’s just the start, beautiful.”
Embarrassingly enough, you could feel a slight tingle down there just from his voice alone, and he’d be lying if he said something wasn’t stirring below his waistband. “Tell me more.” You feel so easy and desperate after just knowing him for two days you’re practically throwing yourself at him, but you just can’t help it, and you also can’t help the way your hand slipped inside your underwear. “Please,” you whisper, and he audibly gulps from the way your tone has completely changed since the call started.
“Then I’d make you cum on my fingers, on my tongue, and lastly, my cock. You’d like that right feeling my cock stroking deep in your pretty pussy” There’s no denying that he’s hard, especially with the way you’re practically moaning while he talks to you, and it only dawned on him what was actually going on when your moans increased in volume, and your breathing had quickened. “Wait, are you?” he says, completely shocked. If you were doing what he was ninety-nine point nine percent sure you were doing, he was going to lose his mind. “Are you touching yourself?”
Your hand comes to a complete stop when you hear him say that. You quickly take your hand out of your underwear and clamp your legs shut as guilt and shame washes over you. “S-sorry,” you quickly apologize for your behavior. You felt terrible cause he wasn’t even aware of what you were doing while he was on the other end. You could only imagine what he was thinking about you after that shameful act you just committed.
Except he was thinking, what the fuck exactly were you apologizing for? He felt like he was on cloud nine. The fact he was able to turn you on to the point that you wanted to touch yourself was beyond huge for him. He had no idea anyone would even find his dirty talk attractive, let alone to the point of masturbating to it. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. Just tell me about it next time so I can do it with you.”
“Okay,” you mumbled, embarrassed, not knowing what to say next, but Heeseung knew exactly what to say.
“Now pretty, tell me, are you wet?” He moves his blankets back to slowly palm himself over his boxers.
“Yes,” a shaky breath could be heard from him after your response.
“Fuck keep touching yourself pretty wouldn’t want you waiting too long to make yourself feel good. Can I touch myself, too?” He asks you for permission.
The thought of him wanting to touch himself for you was making your head spin already. “Yes, heeseung, please touch your cock for me” You hear him almost whimper, and it makes you throb so hard down there as you continue fondling yourself to his voice.
“Okay.” He hastily reached into his drawer, pulling out a good size bottle of lube, flicking the cap open before pulling down his boxers, holding the bottle above his tip, and squeezing a nice amount onto his shaft before he spreads it around, covering his entire length. “Anything in particular you’d like me to do?” He hisses as he slowly works his cock up and down. He feels so shameless for doing this, but he can’t even care anymore. His mind is too clouded with lust, and your voice sounded too good for him to stop.
“Rub the tip.” You bit your lip as you buck your hips into your palm.
“Fuck” he whines and does as you say. “It feels so good.” he slowly cups his palm over his sensitive tip, rubbing the head like you asked him to. “Are you fingering yourself?” He breathes out, eyes falling shut from the pleasure his right hand gives him.
“N-no, just rubbing.” he twitches in his palm at that, imagining how pretty you must look while pleasing yourself.
“Play with your little hole, stick your fingers inside, and pretend that it’s me fucking you open” Your eyes rolled back immediately as you stuffed your fingers deep inside you, thinking about his cock instead.
“Heeseung,” the moan of his name nearly makes him cum on the spot.
“Does my cock feel good?” He grunts out.
“Mmm, yes, so good, so fucking big and thick” The moan you let out was absolutely obscene, but he loved every last second of it.
“Yeah? You like my big cock stretching you out, pretty?”
“Yes,” you whine, feeling your legs shaking as you got close.
“Me too” he grips his cock tightly, trying to mimic the way you’d feel around him. “Love splitting your tight cunt open with my cock feels so fucking good” he jerks himself faster, and you can hear the wet slippery sounds of his hand moving up and down on his dick.
“Want your cum” you beg shamelessly as your walls tighten around your fingers, too far gone to even try to stop the filth coming from your mouth.
“Cum on my cock, and I’ll give you my cum, pretty,” he says, knowing he’s right on the edge. Even though you weren’t physically together, he still wanted to make you cum first.
“Cumming!” You sped up the pace of your fingers and finally reached your end as the pleasure filtered through your body in waves.
“Gonna take this cum?” He groans.
“Yes, heeseung,” you whine, and not a second later, his cum is spilling all over his chest in long hot ropes.
“Take it pretty. Take it all like a good girl.” he rubs out every single drop, moaning and panting in exhaustion mixed with pleasure.
You can’t help but moan with him as you caress your clit till you're satisfied.
Once your guy's moans fade out into silence and your minds clear, there’s a hint of awkwardness.
The silence continues cause you’re both deep in thought about what just transpired.
He hopes you don’t think he’s just someone who’s nasty and has phone sex with random girls after just meeting them because he doesn’t. You were his first and probably would be his only. There was just something about you that he couldn’t say no to. He wanted to blame it on his nonexistent love life, but that just wasn’t the case.
You, on the other hand, were freaking out because what if he thought you were just some slut that went around having phone sex and flirting with guys you just met on Tinder? You really hoped he didn’t get the wrong idea about you despite literally having phone sex with a guy you just met, but heeseung somehow felt different. How could you not touch yourself to a voice as seductive as his? It’s not your fault that he was literally the epitome of perfection.
“I’ve never done that before,” he finally says something, knocking you out of your intrusive thoughts.
“Me neither,” you tell him, and the relief you both feel is enough to wipe away any awkwardness or apprehension about each other that was once there.
“I liked it,” he chuckles bashfully as a smile climbs up your lips.
“Me too,” you reply with the same shyness as him.
“That’s good to know,” he smiled, and that was all he needed to hear.
“Fuck baby, I’m so fucking close,” heeseung moans, and you’re not far off either.
You had just gotten off of work, and since the first time you both had phone sex, you’d been doing it every time when you got off work, and it was better and better each time, especially when you found out about the toy collection you both owned.
Heeseung was currently balls deep in his clear flesh light, restlessly pounding into the toy pretending it was your pretty pussy instead.
Much like him, you had a huge clear dildo buried to the hilt inside you while you played with your clit. “Mmm,” you moaned, biting on your lip when a risky idea popped into your head. “I wanna see you,” you say without even thinking twice about it.
Heeseung halts his movements, thinking he heard you wrong, but he knows he didn’t. “Me too, baby,” when he responds, your heart beats frantically in your chest. Not being able to hold your excitement, you prop yourself up, making sure your surroundings are presentable before requesting to FaceTime him.
He scrambles to quickly find a good angle, not expecting you to request a video call, so soon he connects the call, and you’re met with a view of his neck, and downwards you hold your phone, giving him a clear view of the toy slowly sliding in and out of you.
You do your best to focus on fucking yourself, but it’s hard when you’re eyeing his body up and down. He looked so much fucking better than what you imagined, and so did his cock. He was literally huge.
His deep voice brings you somewhat back to reality. “Wish you were here right now” he sat on his knees, covering his cock with the clear flashlight, slowly fucking it until his red-hued tip poked through, leaving your mouth watering and your pussy creaming. “I’d fuck that creamy little pussy so good” he easily matched the pace of your dildo, trying to make it feel as real as possible. “Look at your thirsty little pussy sucking that cock right in, taking it real nice and deep, yeah?”
“Fuck heeseung” You did your best to keep your camera in focus, but it was hard to when your body was shaking with so much pleasure.
“Pull it all the way out and fuck it back in pretty. Show me how hard you like it.” Your back arched as you slithered the toy out of your hole only to shove it back in, and you gasped out a loud moan when you stuffed yourself full.
He mimics your rough pace. “Faster,” he commands while he snaps his hips into the fleshlight.
“Oh! H-heeseung,” you babble out his name, going faster and harder just the way he wanted you to, and none of your late-night sessions alone in your room ever felt as good as this.
“F-faster,” he whines, pushing the toy further into his mattress as his body starts to feel sore, but he needs to see your pussy coming around that toy before he can cum.
Tears well in your eyes from the pleasure. You barely feel coherent, and you’re not even sure if your camera is still on. All you know is that you’re seconds away from coming.
“Fuck me, heeseung,” your voice vibrates in your throat, and you come hard around the dildo, squeezing it tightly as your orgasm takes control of your body.
“Fuck y/n fuck” his own voice sounds strained, and you can hear that he’s close from all the moaning and heavy breathing. He quickly pulls out and grabs his camera. You catch a faint image of his face before he flips his phone showing his cum shot to you. “Wanna cum in you so bad,” he whines and grips his base jerking out the rest of his milky release for your eyes to see, and you wish it was inside of you instead.
He falls on his bed, avoiding his cum soaked sheets holding his phone normally so you can see his bottom half as his cock starts going soft between his pretty legs.
He nearly moans when he sees you pulling the dildo out of your hole. It’s soaked in your cum, and he swears he’s never wanted to be anything more than that stupid toy right now.
Your hole continues to pulse as more white dribbles out. “Such a pretty hole,” he says, and it makes you feel shy knowing that he’s seeing you up so close and personal. “That was so hot,” he comments. Once you turn off your camera and go to clean yourself, he can’t even see you, yet you’re brushing like crazy.
“You are too,” you say shyly, and he’s happy you turned off your camera because now he’s a blushing mess.
“I’ve never been so jealous of an inanimate object,” he sighs, folding his sheets and tossing them in the laundry bin in the corner of his room. “I need you soaking my cock like that baby, not some stupid toy,” he whines, and you laugh.
“Hee, stop it.” You make your way to the bathroom cause after that, you definitely needed a shower and sheet change.
“Okay, okay, anyways, do you wanna shower with me?” You’re not even sure why he’s asking. Of course, you wanted to. It’s been your little routine for the past couple of weeks after you both agreed cause it made you feel like you were actually with each other.
“Of course, hee,” he swears. His heart melts every time he hears you say that little nickname you gave him.
He props his phone in the window seal, requesting to FaceTime you again.
You nervously bite your lip. You never face timed in the shower before.
After three rings, he grows a little nervous, thinking he once again overstepped his boundaries. He should have asked before just FaceTiming you. He frowns after a few more rings, knowing you’re not going to pick up. He doesn’t know why you’re not answering him, though, it’s not like you haven’t seen each other naked before, but maybe you’re just into him for cyber sex, and maybe he’s way more into you than you are into him, those thoughts make him overthink, but luckily you answer him before he could doubt everything you guys have done up to this point. “Hi, pretty,” he said excitedly and waved at you like a little kid.
“Hey, cutie,” he steps out of frame doing a little happy dance, but what he didn’t know is that you can see him in the reflection of the mirrors in his bathroom.
You couldn’t help but laugh. He just kept getting cuter by the day.
You both silently wait for each other to get into the shower, and when you do, he’s asking you a question that, In his mind, was long overdue. “So,” he starts and lathers his hair with shampoo. “It’s been a while since we have known each other correct?”
“Correct,” you smile, already knowing exactly where this is headed.
“And we’ve learned more about each other.” he plays with the suds from his hair, making a goofy face into the camera that makes you laugh.
“A lot more,” you reply, working the conditioner through your hair.
“Yes,” he chuckles at the double meaning of your words. “So we should meet, what do you say? Nothing too extreme, but I was thinking something nice. You and me have the weekend off, so I thought now is the perfect time.”
“Sure,” you chirp, and you both share warm smiles before chatting about random things here and there.
Once you’re all done showering, you both climb into bed, nearly running on empty batteries on your phones.
Neither of you wanted to hang up, but the sleepiness was taking over fast. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay baby?”
“Okay, goodnight, hee.” His eyelids droop even further, and he’s just able to make out your reply before he passes out.
“Night night, pretty.” You’re not even sure if you hung up or if he did, but before you could think about it, you were already drifting off to sleep.
Heeseung: Morning, pretty.
You smile at your phone when you hear the alert, already knowing who it was this early in the morning. Another sound chimes before you can look at the first message.
Heeseung: Missing you
He sent along with three attachments, and he nearly gave you a heart attack because someone could have easily looked over your shoulder and seen him in all his glory.
You quickly turn down the brightness after analyzing those photos in far too much detail.
You: You can’t send me stuff like that at work😐
Your reaction wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but he should have known better than to send that to you at your workplace. You could have gotten in trouble.
Heeseung: Sorry baby☹️ just thought you might like it. I won’t do it again
Why was he so adorable? You nearly squealed from his cuteness.
You: Hee baby, I did like it, but maybe next time, send it while I’m on break. Someone could have seen you, and I don’t want anyone seeing you.
He felt warm from your reply. It was cute to him that you wanted him all for yourself, and he felt the same way about you.
Heeseung: Don’t worry, I’m all yours, pretty.
You: Good.
You answer him quickly, taking one last look at the photos he sent you. The cam didn’t do him much justice cause his cock looked even prettier in those photos.
You: I’ll let you get back to work.
He hides his phone under his desk before he gets scolded for not paying attention to the meeting he is currently in.
Not even five minutes later, the dampness in your panties was unbearable, so you went to the bathroom to take them off.
You: Hee, I can’t focus 😩
You sent him. When he felt the buzz on his thigh, he couldn’t help but unlock his phone and check your message.
He smirks at the text.
Heeseung: You liked it that much, huh, baby?😉
You: Of course🥺 I can’t even wear my underwear 'cause they’re so wet
You whined in frustration. You needed him so badly right now.
He flicked his eyes across the room, making sure no one noticed him.
Heeseung: You’re wet?”
He loosened his tie and began impatiently bouncing his leg up and down.
You couldn’t believe him. What the hell did he expect after sending you not one, not two, but three whole pictures of himself?
You: Hee.. I need you.
Heeseung: Baby…
He responds, and maybe this wasn’t as cute of an idea as he once thought cause he now had a boner in the middle of his meeting.
You: Please, heeseung, I’m so 💦
You sent, knowing that would get him riled up, but it’s only payback, though.
Heeseung: Fuck baby, don’t do that. I’m in a meeting. I’ll talk to you later.
He quietly puts his phone away.
You frowned. Of course, he’d start something he couldn’t finish. Looks like you were just going to have to do the rest of your shift with a puddle between your legs.
Heeseung: Baby, I just got home. What are you up to?
He sat down on his bed, undressing himself, not bothering to shut off his phone cause he knew you’d respond right away.
After a few minutes with no reply from you, he squints at his phone, finding it odd you haven’t replied yet.
Heeseung: Baby~👀?
Heeseung: are you there?👀
You saw his messages, but you weren’t going to read them as payback for what he did to you earlier.
Heeseung: Did you go to sleep? If so, sweet dreams, baby talk to you later tonight😘
It was hard not to reply to him, but you weren’t going to keep it going for much longer. You just wanted to tease him a little.
After two hours, heeseung was having a hard time not hearing from you. It’s not like he couldn’t go without talking to you, but he was accustomed to it, and now he was missing it.
Heeseung: I hope you’re sleeping well, baby. Wake up soon, though, cause I miss you already 🥺❤️
Why did he have to make this so hard? Ugh, him calling you baby was your ultimate weakness. So you gave up and just messaged him back.
You: I miss you too, hee🩵
He nearly dove on his bed when he heard the alert go off.
He didn’t bother texting you. Instead, he called you, wanting to hear your sweet, sweet voice. “Hi,” he nearly keels over at the sound that he’s grown to love so much. Your voice was so so pretty.
“Hey baby,” he sighs dreamily, closing his eyes softly, listening to your soothing voice until it wasn’t so soothing, and his eyes shot wide open in panic.
“I’m mad at you,” you tell him, and he sits up straight.
“Baby? Why? What did I do?” He starts panicking right away, and you can’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing? If I hurt you, it’s not funny,” he pouts.
“Hee, I’m kidding. Calm down. I was trying to pretend that I was mad at you and ignore you this whole time because of what you did to me this morning,” you groan and throw yourself on the bed.
“You did? So you weren’t asleep? Baby, you’re mean,” he fake cries.
“Me?! Hee, you’re mean, you left me wet all day.” Kicking your feet, you whine loudly, making him chuckle. “And you’re laughing at me?!”
“Sorry baby,” you can still hear him laughing. “I didn’t make you wet, though.” You wanted to jump through the speaker and smack him for trying to play innocent. “You chose to get wet.”
“So when I send pics tomorrow while you’re at work, just remember it’s you choosing to get hard.” You hung up the phone without giving him a chance to respond.
“What! Baby, no, I’m sorry I didn’t me-“ he looks down at his phone, seeing the call had disconnected. “Uh oh”
Heeseung’s hands were literally sweating. He was so nervous if you did indeed send him pics, he didn’t know what he was going to do. It didn’t take much to get him going, and he’s sure just a simple pic of your panty line could make him hard. It’s not like he was that easy. It’s just you were that fucking sexy to him.
The morning went by smoothly. You had already texted each other your good mornings, and he figured you had forgotten about what you said last night.
Until the last hour of his shift, he gulped. Hearing the alert on his phone, he contemplated not even picking it up, but what if you needed something and it was important?
With a heavy sigh, he hides his phone screen and opens up your message. “Fuck” he moans quietly and looks left and right, making sure that no one heard him. He left his chair and immediately went to the men’s room. “Fuck fuck fuck” he curses, locking himself in the bathroom, and that’s what he gets for teasing you like that the day before.
Heeseung: Guess who’s in the bathroom as hard as a rock😐🪨
You giggle at your screen, texting him back.
You: No? Who?”
You felt like the devil for doing that to him, but he could take a little payback.
Heeseung: Not funny, y/n😔
You: Aww, my poor little bunny,🩵
He grins at the new nickname, but he’s still semi-upset with you.
Heeseung: Come help your little bunny👀🥵
You laugh. There’s no way you could leave work and drive hours for him even though you really, really wanted to.
You: No way, hee, just accept your demise.
You hide your phone, making sure no one sees you.
Heeseung: Fine, but baby, why are you so wet in those pictures? You didn’t get off without me, did you?🤨
If you did, he so wasn’t going to let you get away with that.
You: I might have looked at the pics you sent👀
Shit, he wished he never even asked because the idea of you looking at his pics and getting wet made his cock twitch.
Heeseung: You’re so naughty😏
The throbbing between his legs was becoming unbearable for him, but he knew he couldn’t do anything without you.
You: I get it from you😉 Now, bunny. I have a meeting to attend ttyl.
Heeseung: Baby… don’t leave me like this 😩🫠 at least call me when you get home so we can get freaky on camera.
You laugh, reading his last message, and left him on seen, leaving him to find out a way to get his boner to go down all by himself.
You asked to get off earlier than usual, and luckily, your boss let you go. You wanted to have a little extra time before heeseung got home cause you were going to surprise him.
Except you were nervous as heck because you weren’t sure if you were doing too much, but you guess you’d find out about that soon.
When heeseung called you after he got off work, the last thing on his mind was to see your ass up, barely anything on and a clear diamond plug inside your tight hole and a dildo in the other though it was unexpected, but, it most definitely wasn’t unappreciated. “Oh my god, baby,” he trailed off at a complete loss for words.
You looked so fucking perfect.
“You like?” You say, looking back at the camera as you bite your lip and slowly bounce up and down on the dildo.
He nearly choked on air while he tried to answer. He rushed to his bedroom, quickly yanking off his jacket and undoing his belt. You laugh when you find out that he liked it, a feeling of relief washing over you. “Yes baby, you look so pretty.” he looks at you with what you could only describe as heart eyes. “I'm already so hard.” You hear him unzip his slacks, but you quickly stop him.
“Ah ah, no touching,” you chuckle softly at his expression.
“Please don’t do this to me” he throws his head back against the headboard feeling like he was going to explode if he didn’t cum soon.
“Hmm, fine, I suppose I’ll let you off this time. Go ahead, hee, get yourself off, cutie,” you moan when you come down on the dildo.
“Thank you” he smiled faintly and quickly pulled down his pants and underwear in one go turning the camera around so he could show you his hard leaking cock.
“Hee,” you whimper at the sight of his cock. No matter what, you knew nothing would feel as good as him inside you.
“Ride it,” he spits in his palm and wraps it around his thick cock, slow stroking it.
You lift yourself off the dildo, hearing him groan as you clench down on the tip. “So fucking creamy, baby” he tilts his head slightly and bites on his lip, mesmerized by the thick strings of arousal that coat the silicone toy.
“Just for you,” you purse your lips, unable to keep yourself from bouncing faster. He hated how that toy got to feel you, and he didn’t.
“God, I can’t wait to see you in person gonna fuck you so much better than that stupid toy” he picks up the pace with you gradually so you can both cum together.
“I know you will,” you whisper now, desperately fucking yourself onto the dildo.
“Shit,” he couldn’t take his eyes off the clear stud that was nestled deep inside you, shining every time you bouched and the light hit it just right, and now he had not one but two toys to be jealous of. “Your ass is so pretty” his eyes roll back into his head as he feels the heat pooling in his abdomen. He knows what that’s a sign of, but he doesn’t want to cum so soon. “I bet you’d like it if I fingered that tight little hole while I fucked you hard and deep, yeah?”
“Mmm yes hee would you fuck my ass too?” You rubbed over the plug, gasping as you pushed it inside you further.
He growls when he hears your naughty request. He’s never tried anal before, but he’d love to try it with you first. The idea sounded so sexy to him. “I would. Fuck, wanna feel both your holes around me so fucking bad, baby” he could barely contain himself watching the way you swallowed up that toy and how well it stretched you out, but he knew he’d stretch you out so much more that you’d need an even bigger toy by the time he was done with you. “You’re gonna make me cum” he whispers, moaning while pumping his dick faster.
“Want your cum on my ass,” you cry out, legs shaking and sore as you reach the point of no return, and that knot inside you is seconds away from breaking.
“Oh- fuck” he pants heavily, and you gasp as his cum shoots out, some of it splashing onto his camera lens, but that makes it so much hotter.
“Hee,” you breathe out. Just imagining him cumming on you makes you unravel, and your orgasm washes over you in tingling waves of pleasure. “Oh yes,” you moan, falling forward to give your legs a break as you roll your hips and ride out your high.
“Keep going,” he grunts while the last beads of cum bubble out of his sensitive tip. “Mmm fuck” he hisses, body shuddering from the intensity.
You whine into your pillow, trying to catch your breath, the butt plug definitely highlighting the pleasure as you rock back and forth until you can’t anymore, and the exhaustion finally takes over.
You got off the toy and laid flat on your bed, panting and sweaty. “I loved the surprise, baby.” heeseung flips his camera so you can make out his sweet features as he stares at you with a lazy smile and half open lids.
“I’m glad.” You smile tiredly, but it drops when you see him frown. “What’s wrong hee?” You whisper softly.
Even with his blankets pulled up and hugging his pillow, it still feels cold and empty without you there. “I wanna cuddle with you so bad. You’re gonna make me drive hours to hold you in my arms, baby,” you giggle, and he pouts. “I’m serious.”
“I know, bunny, just two more days, though, okay?”
“Okay,” he grumbles. “I want to take a shower with you, and I want to stay on the phone till we fall asleep,” he demands in the cutest way ever.
“Whatever you want, bun” he kisses his camera lens, and that’s when you knew he really couldn’t wait to see you. “Mwah,” you kissed him back, and the smile on his face made you think that he might really be the one for you, but you wouldn’t blow things out of proportion because you still had to meet him first and see how things go cause you didn’t want to take things too fast.
Once you both got into bed, you came up with a brilliant idea. “We shouldn’t talk to each other till we meet.”
“What? No, no, no, I don’t wanna do that.” he shakes his head back and forth like a child.
“Bun, think about it. It’ll be like not looking at the groom before the wedding,” you say, ecstatic about your idea.
“We’re not getting married,” he deadpanned.
“Fine,” you mumble.
“Wait, baby, we can do that if you want. It would make seeing you even more exciting if that’s possible.”
“See!” You flop down and get into bed.
“Yeah, I see your point,” he sighs, just staring at your beautiful face on his phone screen.
“I can’t wait till the weekend,” he smiles, happy that you’re just as excited as him. He could really see you two working out. Same hobbies, same interests, and a decent bond after just two months, not to mention how comfortable with each other you both already were, sure things were going a bit fast but it didn’t feel wrong and everything was going great and the fact you even liked him back was a miracle in his eyes.
“Me neither, baby, but for right now, close those little eyes and get some sleep, okay, pretty.”
“Okay,” your eyes flutter shut softly.
He makes kissy noises, and despite you feeling embarrassed by his behavior, you do it back, which makes his heart beat for you just a little bit faster. “Goodnight, pretty.”
“Nighty night, bun.” Only time would tell how things would go between you two, but it looked very promising.
Like you both agreed, neither of you faced time or called each other for the rest of the week. It was hard, but you both knew it’d be worth it in the end.
Heeseung had already packed the night prior and was on his way to see you first thing in the morning. He was so excited he literally couldn’t wait, and neither could you. Every minute felt like an hour waiting for his arrival.
But soon, the clock struck seven, the time he said he’d arrive, and your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest when you saw his black Mercedes’ pull up to your driveway. You smoothed out your black dress, taking a long, deep breath as he knocked softly on your door.
He nervously played with the petals on the flowers he bought you while waiting for you to answer.
When you answered, he felt like the breath got sucked out of him. He was literally in awe of seeing you in person for the first time. “Hi, pretty,” he smiles widely, greeting you like he normally would over the phone. And it wasn’t awkward at all seeing you, but it was definitely exciting.
“Hey, hee.” You take in his features, and he looked just the same in person, if not better, and you think not talking to him for those few days really did make meeting him all the better, and he’d have to agree with you on that.
“Baby, you look so beautiful in person,” he says softly.
“So do you.” You complement him shyly. He looked amazing in his all-black suit. You could barely contain yourself from jumping on him.
“Thanks.” He looks down, playing with the flowers once more. “I bought you these. I hope you’re not allergic.” he extends them out to you.
You shake your head back and forth lightly. “Thank you. Come in,” he steps in, taking a short look around.
“I like your place. It’s nice.” You place the flowers in a vase on your table, smiling fondly at them.
“Thank you.” You turn to him and walk over to where he is standing as he looks at you up and down. “So where to?”
“You’ll see.” he grabs your hand, leading you outside your house. Opening the car door for you like a true gentleman, and that was already a green flag.
Once he gets in the driver's side, he sets the navigation to the destination of a small but fancy restaurant. It was outdoors, and he thought it would be more romantic for your first meeting than dining inside around a bunch of people.
At dinner, you both talked like normal nothing was weird or awkward. Everything seemed like you two had known each other for years. It was so casual, and a big plus was you weren’t overdressed like you had worried about when you were getting ready.
And since you were so comfortable around him, you felt bold enough to pull your next move, something you only thought of a few hours before he arrived at your place. “Open your hand,” you said to him after you two had finished eating dinner and dessert, and now you were having a few drinks before heading back home.
“What do you have for me?” he smiles and opens his hand for you to place the tiny controller in.
“Look and see.” his expression was priceless as he looked up at you, not expecting this at all.
“Baby…” his words get swooped away in the wind, and he can’t even begin to comprehend what’s happening, but it all becomes clear when he presses the power button, setting off soft vibrations inside you that make you gasp and shift in your chair slightly.
He turns up the speed higher, and your mouth gapes open, eyes nearly turning completely white as you throw your head back in pleasure, and the pulsations in both your holes begin to make your legs shake. “Fuck, we have to go now” he stands up, offering you his hand to lead you out of the restaurant before he loses himself. “Wait, is it okay with you?” He stares at you, big, round eyes showing nothing but care and you nod your head shyly, feeling beyond lucky to have found someone like him.
After opening his car door for you, he scrambles to the driver's side impatiently, gripping and struggling to put on his seat belt. You giggle softly as he presses the start button with shaky hands. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath before pulling out of the parking lot and heading straight for your place. “I can’t wait to have you baby. You have no idea.” he placed his hand on your thigh, trailing it up your skirt and leaning over the console to place a kiss on your cheek when he reached a red light.
“I think I have an idea.” You smirk and grip his wrist, placing his warm hand up your skirt and between your legs. He gasps when he feels the river flowing out of you, and he can’t help but rub you while he’s driving. “Hee,” you whisper, and he takes his eyes off the road occasionally to watch your expressions while he thumbs at your clit.
“Patience baby, gotta take it slow” he removed his hand from under your skirt, and you whined from the loss of touch, but you knew it was better this way, even if you did feel like cumming on the spot when he smirked at you and sucked your wetness off his fingers.
He turned the vibration up to full speed without warning, and your back arched off the seat, mouth parting in a lewd gasp. “Fuck” You turned to him, eyes already lidded and filled with lust as you looked between his legs seeing his thick bulge poke out from his dress pants, and you couldn’t help but take him in your hand so you could feel just how thick he really was.
“Gonna be inside you real soon, pretty,” he groans when you squeeze him in your tiny hand. “Look at you so dirty, baby. Can’t wait for me to fuck you, huh? Already stretched and ready for my cock” you hum as a response, already feeling dumb from his words mixed with your holes being stuffed to the brim.
“Mmph yeah,” you bit your lip, stroking his cock as your mouth waters. You felt so desperate for him to fill you up. You’ve waited months for this, and just minutes away from your house, he was finally going to be all yours.
“Fuck” he curses and presses the gas. There was no one on the street anyway, and he needed to be inside you at least ten minutes ago.
Within a few more minutes, he arrives, yanking his seat belt off. He rushes over to get the door for you, and you yelp in surprise when he hooks his arm around your back and just below your knees, carrying you up to your home.
You quickly type in the password, allowing the both of you to enter. “Bedroom?” He nibbles on your ear while you kick off your heels at the door, and he does the same with his shoes.
“Upstairs,” you mumble, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck as he takes you to your bedroom. He quickly opens the door, practically slamming it shut with his foot and laying you on the bed.
You take the liberty of taking off your skirt, leaving you in just your panties while he rips open his shirt and easily strips down to nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers. “It’s so big.” Your heart thumps over and over as you take in the sight. No video call could have ever prepared you for this.
“Yeah? Like it?” He bites on his lip to contain how happy your words actually made him. You nod, eyes still heavily trained on his dick print. “Baby, you’re even more perfect in fucking person,” he moans shamelessly at the sight of your breasts, and his body is instantly drawn towards yours on the bed, remote still in hand. He lowers the vibrations, giving you a break from the intensity. “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” he whispers, just focusing on the moment while you twirl your hands in his hair.
“Me neither.” Your smile makes his heart race, and before he gets too sentimental and kills the mood, he placed his lips on yours, kissing you like you were his first kiss ever. “You’re so cute, bun.”
He hides his face in your neck, kissing your pulse. At the same time, you sigh, indulging in his soft touch as he moves his head downward, his tongue poking out, leaving snail-like trails of saliva on your perky breasts. When you wrap your legs around his waist, he balls the sheets in his fist, rutting his bulge against your core. The soft vibrations of the toy shooting through his dick automatically make him whimper, and he turns up the speed masking his loud moans by sucking on your right tit.
“Hee, I’m gonna cum” With the vibrations from the toy and his hard cock rubbing your clit you couldn’t take much more he shut off the toy entirely. There’s no way the first orgasm you experience with him would be because of a toy either you’d cum around his fingers or cock, nothing less.
He sits up, dropping his boxers around his ankles to free his cock, and you’re left speechless and clenching around nothing.
His cock twitches as he catches your line of vision. “Need you inside me, hee, please” After what felt like at least an hour of torture and teasing, you couldn’t help but desperately beg and moan for him to fuck you.
“Breathe baby, just relax.” he steps out of his underwear and hooks the waistband of your panties, eyebrows raised in anticipation to see what’s underneath. “You’re perfect,” he comments, continuing to pull your panties down your ankles. You lift your legs up slightly, aiding him in the process of removing your panties. “Gonna take it nice and slow baby, we have all night.” he lays between your legs, placing a hand on the toy and gently pulling it out, only realizing that it had been in both your holes this whole time. “Are you trying to fucking drive me crazy?” You only moan as you feel your holes being emptied and clenching down around nothing.
“Maybe,” you smile mischievously.
“Well, it’s fucking working, god baby, you’re not gonna get any sleep tonight because of me” Your stomach turns with arousal, knowing that he means every word of it, and you don’t mind one bit.
He starts out kissing your clit and exploring your vulva with his warm tongue while your hands find the hair on his head. Gripping it softly, his hands squeeze your plush thighs as he hums from the already addictive taste coming out of you. “Taste like fucking candy, baby,” he exhales a long breath diving back in for seconds, poking the tip of his tongue in your hole, swiping up the first glob of wetness that drips from your slit.
“Hee,” you bite into your lip, closing your eyes and enjoying this experience. It’s been so long that you couldn’t help but soak in every wet lick and warm flick of his tongue. “Oh my god.”
Oh my god, is right. He thinks because you taste like fucking heaven on earth so much that, he could cum from your arousal on his tongue alone.
His two fingers slip right in from the earlier prep. He curls them up and suckles on your clit, finding your spot easily like he’s had you before. You’re amazed and confused at the same time cause you’ve never felt yourself cumming this fast before. This was a record by far. “Hee”
“Baby, I know,” he whines, allowing his eyes to fall shut as your walls tighten around his fingers. The little vibrations from his voice replicate the toy from earlier, and your legs shake from the sheer intensity of your impending high. He sucks on your clit, slurping at the little nub until he takes the first orgasm out of you.
Your mouth hangs wide open, the repeated flicking of his tongue sending you into complete bliss. You rotate your hips, riding his tongue and gripping his hair tightly while you lose yourself in the feel of him. “Oh heeseung!” A loud moan travels up your throat and comes out, sounding like the sweetest song he’s ever heard.
He opened his eyes, looking up at you as you cried his name in pleasure. He pulls his slick fingers from your hole carefully and sucks off everything swallowing it down, savoring your taste until he’s content.
He licks your pretty pussy clean before hoisting himself up on the bed as you try to catch your breath, only for him to take it away when he smothers you in the wettest hungriest kisses you’ve ever felt. You whine into his mouth, writhing underneath him at the loss of breath, and you feel lightheaded, yet you chase his lips in search of more, and he delivers, sticking his tongue down your throat, devouring your mouth with one lust filled kiss at a time.
Your body shudders as you feel his warm cock rubbing over your pussy. Your legs find their way around his waist yet again, begging him to push it in. He rolls his hips, brushing his wet tip between your swollen folds. You’re both so lost in the kiss that you barely notice the increased pace of his thrusts. It’s only when his tip slips inside that the kiss ends, leaving you both gasping in each other's mouths. “Oh fuck” your moans get lost in each other’s mouths when he pushes in all the way, easily bottoming out inside you. “You’re so tight and fucking warm shit, baby,” he groans.
“Hee, you’re so big,” you squeak and rake your nails into his back as he groans again from the sting, but the pain only fuels him to buck his hips into you faster. His arousal coated balls smack against your ass. The clapping sound made everything feel so dirty but so hot at the same time.
His elbows dig into your mattress, and he cards his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp, heightening the pleasure to a new level that you didn’t even know was possible. “Hear that?” He breathes out in your ear. “Hear how wet this pussy gets for me?” You clench at his dirty words, and he smirks, knowing just how much you love his dirty talk. “Clenching so tight for this dick, you must have really been craving for me, huh? Who knew such a pretty face could be so naughty?” he dips his tongue into your ear, tracing every little crease, and you swear you go crossed eyed from all the different sensations that he makes you feel at once.
“Yes, want it so bad” Your hands grip his ass pulling his body closer so you can feel every last inch of him stuffing you full. “Feels so good. I love your cock”
“Yeah?” He withdrew from you to admire the look on your face. The sight of you under him, sweating, panting, and moaning just for him, nearly made him cum. “If you keep talking to me like that baby, I’m gonna cum” he rested his forehead against yours, and you took the opportunity to capture his lips for another short kiss.
“Cum in my hee,” you say, not entirely in your right mind.
“Baby…” he slows his pace down. Just the idea of cumming in you was enough to make him feel like emptying his load in you, and that wouldn’t be very responsible of him.
Your head was somewhere else. Despite his warning, you still wanted to feel his cum in you. You used the last ounce of sanity to say something you never expected to say to him, at least not on the first night. “Then fuck my ass, hee cum in me please need to feel you so bad,” you beg.
“Shit,” he pulled out right away. The thought of filling up your ass was the only thing on his mind. He knew you could take it too, after all the dirty little surprises on cam that you did for him, and finally, he could be in the place of your little toy collection.
He hoisted you up slightly, legs still around his waist, as he swiped up your arousal with his shaft, using it as lube to coat your twitching little hole. He stuck his thumb in testing the waters, and he easily sank in. “Gonna fuck your tight little ass so good, pretty girl” he pulled out his thumb once he made sure you were ready and pushed his cock head in your hole. The wetness on his cock made entering you nice and smooth as he slowly buried his cock inside you squeezing your thighs, trying to ground himself.
“Fuck yes,” you moan as you feel him enter you. Your eyes roll back as he fucks his cock deep into your ass. The pleasure was so overwhelming, but you enjoyed every single second of it.
“So tight,” he grits through his teeth the deeper he gets. When he was fully covered in your warmth, he bent down to kiss you. It’s messy, but it’s so good the drool dripping from his mouth turns you on so much that more arousal drips from your hole and dribbles down to his base. “You feel like heaven,” he choked out, leaning back to take a breather, his eyes catching sight of the leak between your legs. He gathers it on his fingers, pulling it out halfway and rubbing it on to wet his shaft to make sure the slide is still comfortable for you. “Hmm,” he grunts loudly, placing his hand on your hip and pressing down on your lower stomach with the other. “So creamy.” he locks his eyes on the white coating his shaft, and his mouth falls open. It felt so different from your pussy but still so good. It was soft and so so warm.
You propped yourself on your elbows, and his eyes flick over at you. He smirked, feeling your hole clench as you watched what he was doing to you. “You like that, huh? Watching it go In, watching me fuck your tight little ass, yeah?” He moans from the tightness around his base.
With pursed lips, you nod your head. It was absolutely filthy what he was saying to you and what he was doing to you, but you loved all of it. He was giving you everything you’ve ever fantasized about and then some.
You fell back on the mattress too fuck out to keep yourself up any longer. “Yes, heeseung, keep fucking my ass just like that,” you scream, and it sets off something in him. His nails dig into your hips as he pounds your ass ruthlessly.
“Baby,” he moans, biting on his lip. The sheen of sweat on his body makes him look so much hotter, and you swear you feel yourself getting even more wet. If that’s possible, he rests one hand beside your head and the other on your hip, using his thumb to rub on your clit.
You tremble under him, and you feel your body go completely limp, legs jelly, mind numb with nothing but the thought of his cock thrusting inside you so perfectly till you came clenching around him so tightly that he could barely even move. “Heeseung!” You writhe beneath him, a panting, moaning mess. “Cum in my ass, please” you moan, and it sends him over the edge. He stills in your tight rim as his balls tighten, and he groans, filling you up his with his creamy cum just the way you begged for it.
“Fuck!” He whimpers, feeling a chill run down his spine as he collapses on top of you to lock his lips with your whimpering into your mouth about how much he’s cumming and how good you feel around him. “Oh god,” he winced slowly, riding out his high, keeping your ass plugged with his cock as his cum settles in you. “Shit,” he huffs out, resting his forehead on yours.
You’re too fucked out to even respond, and he chuckles, lightly pecking your lips. “That was so fucking good” he leans up and pulls out of you, watching your rim twitching and pushing out his cum, and it was a lot. Your hole looked so pretty, leaking all his white semen out of it.
You moan, feeling his seed drip out of you. He immediately lays down next to you, both of you utterly exhausted. He pulls you close to his body, caressing your bare skin softly. “That was amazing, heeseung thank you.”
“Hmmm, of course, baby,” he smiles. “Been waiting so long to hold you in my arms,” he kissed your cheek, hugging you a little tighter. “You wanna shower now?” You nod against his chest, but he waits a few more minutes, so you both can catch a break after that, and soon he carries you to your restroom, getting ready to bathe you and cuddle you asleep til his heart is content.
Meeting you went even better than what he had originally planned.
You hum in delight when you feel heeseung’s warmth so close to you you snuggled up to his chest, kissing his pecs until you made him stir in his sleep.
“What are you doing?” He laughs, his voice still deep with sleep as he lightly strokes your hip. “Miss me already. Hmm?” He smiled and cracked his eye open, looking at your gorgeous face in the morning. And he knows it’s far too soon to say this, but it’s an image he could definitely get used to waking up to every morning before work.
“Yes,” you scrunched up your nose, a playful grin on your face as you ducked beneath the sheets.
“Y/n, what are yo- ahh” he moans out when he feels you kissing on his tip, and he was thanking himself for going to sleep naked with you last night.
You peppered his soft cock with kisses loving his quiet little moans as you did, so you took things a step further and licked his tip. “Fuckkk,” he breathes, eyes fluttering closed while you did him under the sheets.
You smile, dipping your tongue into his slit and swallowing his sweet sticky precum. You placed your hand around his base, tugging on it gently and guiding his length into your mouth. “Baby, feels so fucking good” he runs a hand through his hair from the feeling lip caught between his teeth as he arches off the bed slightly.
His words only encourage you to fit more of him down your throat until his tip nearly gags you. You begin bobbing your head slowly and pull away with a pop. After a few good sucks, you jerk him off and trail the tip of your tongue down to his balls, taking your time suctioning each one of them into your mouth and slurping him up.
“That’s so good.” his eyes are in his skull. He’s sure of it. He’d never felt this kind of pleasure in his life ever, and needless to say, his release wasn’t far off.
You switched positions, swallowing his girth back down your throat and rubbing his sensitive sack. “I’m not gonna last.” he puffs out a breath and grips the sheets, whiny moans slipping past his lips and ringing in your ears in the early morning.
You hum, anticipation boiling in your stomach as he pulls the sheets back, finally to see you there, laying prettily between his legs. The sight of you looking up at him while his cock was shoved deep down your throat was all it took for his toes to curl and his cum to fill your throat. “Baby!” He winces and cries out as he tucks into himself, jerking slightly as you suck the high out of him. “Ugh,” he whines, balls tightening in your hand until you suck him dry. “Please s-stop,” he says but continues bucking his hips and fucking your throat. “Please, ah fuck”
You smile with your eyes, knowing that he’s loving every last second of it cause if he wanted you to stop, he could have easily pulled your mouth off his dick.
You pull away, giving him a slight breather as you let his cum mixed with your saliva, dribble down his shaft, and soak his swollen balls.
“Oh fuck!” He throws his head back, gasping for breath as his nipples harden from the sensation your mouth was so wet and sloppy, and he loved it so much that he was bound to cum again.
You use your other hand, bringing it up to his chest, tracing the lines of every muscle, and playing with his perked nipple. “Oh my fuck, y/n, please, please, please! I’m gonna cum again” his body language was enough to tell you he was close, and the twitching of his dick confirmed it. “Cumming” he moaned, and your chest fills with pride when you saw his body go limp at your touch. He throbbed on your bottom lip, giving you every last ounce of his cum, and you happily swallowed it all down, gulping everything until it was completely gone.
When you were done with him, you looked up to see his hair sticking to his forehead, body still trembling, and cock twitching ever so slightly. “Y/n,” he called to you, and you smiled as he reached out to grab you and hold you. He kissed your lips and pulled back, staring into your eyes with his completely fucked out ones.
Not only was he fucked physically, he was fucked figuratively cause he was sure after spending the night with you and waking up in your bed that he was undoubtedly in love with you, but he couldn’t say it now. He didn’t want to come off as weird, and what if you didn’t feel the same? He wasn’t ready to take that type of rejection after being so open and honest with you. He was literally giving this relationship his all cause he wanted you to be his last stop. Cause after you, He couldn’t see himself with anyone else even though it’s only been a few months, but he felt like he’d known you forever.
“What are you thinking about?” You booped his nose, doing a complete 180 to when you had just given him the best suck of his life.
“You,” he says simply, and it was true, but you didn’t have to know what about you he was thinking in particular. “Kiss.” You lean in, pecking his pouty lips softly, and he closes his eyes, burying his face into your chest, holding you as close as possible. Your body feels warm with happiness as he holds you like you are his, which you really want to be his, and you want him to be yours. You just wonder if this is a phase for you or if you're as deeply in love with him as you think, but as you lay in his arms and kiss the top of his head, your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest and you’re sure this isn’t just some phase you want lee heeseung the guy who first introduced himself as an animal in bed.
You chuckle at the memory. You’ve both come a long way since then and so have his flirting skills.
“Let me eat you out,” he says, breaking your train of thought. “Please? Or I can fuck your pretty little cunt or that tight ass” he squeezes your bottom, and you feel shy from his words despite the fact he did all those things to you just last night. “You choose, baby. Just wanna make you feel good too.” he noses your bare chest, and the once sweet moment is broken cause now arousal is stirring in the pit of your stomach. “Please let me make you feel good,” he whispers and peppers your chest with kisses as you run your fingers through his damp hair.
“Okay, hee” he smiles and springs up from his once slouched position, his eyes gleaming with joy now that you’re allowing him the honor of pleasing you.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll do anything.”
“Heeseung, please hurry,” you say as he grabs a condom out of his pants from last night. He had already made you cum on his tongue once, and you couldn’t wait any longer to have his dick inside.
He quickly hops on the bed, trying his best not to keep his baby waiting. He opens the condom and hands it to you, wanting you to put it on him instead. He smiled shyly as you rolled down the rubber. Once you finished, he got between your legs, rubbing his cock through your folds for lube. “Gonna put it in now, okay?” You nod, and a gasp rips from your throat as his tip splits you open.
“Yes.” You sigh in pleasure, placing your hands on his chest, kneading every inch you could touch as you wrap your legs around his waist.
His chest feels tight the moment he bottoms out. It’s so good that his eyes squeeze shut, and his mouth falls open. “Ahh fuck” he groans, setting a good pace right from the start. “Never gonna get used to the way you feel around me. Just so fucking good, your pussy feels so perfect” his head lulls back, leaving his neck on display. You watch his Adam's apple Bob each time he gulps, and he looks so sexy on top of you while stroking your walls.
“Hee,” you rub his toned chest, clenching around him tightly, almost too tight for him to move.
He pushed your legs up to your chest, hitting the deepest part of you, and you screamed out, the feeling made you feel dizzy. He was so so deep, and his thrusts were slow but rough and every bit of hard. “So. Fucking. Wet.” He spoke between each thrust, hitting your cervix repeatedly as you clawed at his abdomen, which was soaked in your leak. “Gonna fuck you so hard just like I promised” he leans down, kissing your forehead, and that’s the last gentle thing you felt before he was fucking into you like a wild beast grunting every time he bottomed out, his balls banging against your ass, creating loud clapping noises along with his hips colliding with your thighs.
“Oh heeseung! You cry, eyes rolling in your head as the bed begins to squeak, which only motivates him to go harder until the bed is rocking against the walls, and a mix of arousal and sweat splashes all over your bed sheets.
“Like it pounded nice and deep, yeah?” he breathes out, snapping his hips as he feels you clenching, and he immediately starts fondling your clit. “I can feel that pussy squeezing so tight for me, baby.”
You nod, lips in a pout, tears nearly in your eyes from how good he felt. Your whines make his head spin, and he swears you’re the most beautiful woman on the planet, all sprawled out just for him taking everything he has to give you. “Fuck it hard and deep heeseung, please, baby” Your meek moans make his cock impossibly hard, and he falls on top of you, stroking your cunt with all his strength as he plays with your clit and sends you over the edge, soon after he whimpers, cumming into the condom just seconds after your first harsh clench on his dick.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant endlessly and grip his shoulders, pulling him down for a kiss while he chuckles and moans into your mouth, finishing inside the rubber. Oh, how he wished he was cumming inside you instead.
After your orgasms settle down a bit, you both take a little moment to breathe.
“Hmmm, keep squeezing on me like that pretty milk my cock” Your ears heat up from his words, and somehow, after everything, his dirty talk is still enough to make you blush. Despite him still being deep in you, you can’t help but feel shy.
“Hee,” you whine and hide into his chest once you both finally finish and the post orgasm clarity kicks in.
“You like it, though, right?” He smirks while trying to catch his breath and gain his bearings as you shyly agree with him. “I knew it.” he kissed your forehead and pulled out, tying off the condom and tossing it in the trash bin by your nightstand before cuddling with you again.
“You really are an animal in bed.” his go wide, and you smile. Much to his horror, he really prayed that you had forgotten about that a long time ago.
“Y/n,” he whines and hides himself under the covers, only for you to pull them back and tease him some more. He giggled when you tickled him, and you swore it was the cutest thing ever. Once your little play fight ended, you were lying in his arms yet again. “Baby, are you hungry?” He turns to you, and you melt when you see the look in his eyes. You’re not even sure what it is, but every time you make eye contact with him, you nearly melt.
“Hmm, you just fucked the life out of me, so I’d say yes.”
“Oh my gosh,” he blushed, and after that, he couldn’t make eye contact with you anymore. He literally looked everywhere in the room except at you, scratching his nape shyly like he hadn’t just said the filthiest things to you just moments ago.
“You’re so cute, you know that right bun?” You lay on his chest looking up at him, and now it’s his turn to nearly melt. You looked so freaking cute his heart could barely take it.
“Why don’t you call me that during sexy time?”
“You’re so stupid,” you cackle and hit him on his chest, which only makes him chuckle cause you weren’t using any real force. “Next time, but right now, I’m starving.”
“Me too. Let me take you out on a little breakfast date. I was looking up places to take you, and there’s a place that’s supposed to be really good, and it’s only a few blocks away.” You stare at him fondly, falling for him even more cause of his thoughtfulness, but of course, him being him, he starts to overthink your silence. “O-or not, maybe we could do something else if you like. I don’t know. I just thought you know.” his words fade out as he plays with a loose thread on your sheets. He clears his throat and looks back at you before his eyes flick back down on the blankets, and you know what? You’re actually in love with him, like deeply madly extraordinary in love with him. Every little detail about him makes your heart palpitate.
“Hmm?” He looks in your direction, a nervous look in his eyes and a small pout on his lips.
“Take me on a breakfast date,” you smile, and he breathes a sigh of relief.
He doesn’t say anything. He just pulls you impossibly close and presses his lips on yours until you can barely breathe, and even then, he has a hard time pulling away.
“Let’s go on a date!”
The date was lovely, nothing too extreme, but still simple and nice. He took you on a short drive after to a flower park where you held hands and got ice cream later, and of course, he was just as cute as could be during the whole date. He stops on the trail, turning to face you, and you can’t even focus on the flowers because of his handsome face. “So, did you have fun?” He mumbled, and you could barely even hear him. “Y-you know, on the date,” he smiles bashfully, unknowingly squeezing your hand out of nervousness. The last time he’s been on a breakfast date was never.
“I loved it, bun.” You kissed his cheek. “Best day I've had in a long time.” You wrap your arms around his neck as he stares down at you. “Thanks for today, and I’m not just saying that. I really mean it.” And you did, it’s been too long since you had a nice day out of the house.
“Yeah?” He rested his forehead against yours and smiled softly as he encircled your waist. “We should do it again soon,” he pauses for a moment. “But, like, only if you’re free, if you don’t have time, it’s fine, and I can completely understand you have a life outside of me.” he leans back, and his eyes go wide. “Not saying you only make time in your life if it’s for me, bu-“You just shut him up with a kiss. He was so adorable, but he had a little habit of talking too much, but you didn’t mind cause you used it as an excuse to quiet him with a kiss. “So, is that a yes?” He searches your eyes for an answer, and you swear you can hear his heartbeat.
“Hee,” you breathe softly.
“Yes, baby?” He focused back on your beautiful eyes that were boring into his own with a smile on his face.
“It’s 100% a yes, but for now, take me home so I can ride you.” You smile and bite your lip. “Bun,” you add, and you swear his eyes rolled back slightly.
“Come, come,” he grabs your hand quickly, driving you both back to your house.
“Feel good, bun?” You already know the answer by how quickly he’s panting and how his mouth is gaping open as endless whines spill past his lips, but you still wanna hear him say it.
“I- ugh fuck me,” he whines and grips your hips rocking you back and forth on his long cock. “I love it. Feels so good I’m gonna cum” he buries his face in your chest, your boobs smothering his face, and he twitches from the feel of you. Everything combined makes him short circuit. “So close,” he tries pulling out cause he’s not wearing a condom, but you just move his hands away. “Y/- oh fuck!” He squeezed his eyes shut, balls throbbing as he shot his cum deep inside you painting your walls pearly white.
“Yes, bun, give me all your cum” you moan as he digs his nails into your hips, whimpering and filling you up with cum. You’re so warm and so tight around him he feels like he could pass out or maybe even cry cause that’s just how good you felt, not to mention how you called him bun just like he wanted you to. That nickname alone could make him cum on the spot. “Fuck I’m cumming, bun,” you moan, throwing your head back as he rubs your clit in fast circles sending you to the brink and creaming all over his dick as he squeezed your left breast while sucking on your perked up nipple. “Ooh fuck yes, bun” You grind back and forth on his lap, riding out your orgasms until your legs completely tire out, and even still, you roll your hips, savoring every last stroke and rub of his cock while he’s buried balls deep inside your puffy walls.
“Fuck” he hisses, watching the pool of cum drip from your hole onto his abdomen. “Give me a kiss,” he says breathlessly, and you gladly pull him in, pressing your lips on his. “You’re so perfect,” he breathes against your lips, making you smile at his compliment.
“So are you, bun.” You rubbed your nose against his, laughing softly.
“Shower with me dinner and then cuddles,” and who would you be to deny such a sweet, relaxing evening with him?
“I’m so happy I’m finally here with you,” he spoons you from the back, stroking your shoulder lightly. You both had just finished showering and eating takeout. Now, you were in your pjs cuddling and watching some show that you weren’t even watching, not really, anyways.
“Me too, hee,” you sigh in contentment, scooting back into his warmth.
“Can’t believe I have to go back in the morning, though.” he hugs you tightly and sighs. You don’t even want to think about him leaving after the past two days you spent with him. “Didn’t even feel like a day,” he says disappointedly.
“Let’s not talk about that right now, bun. Let’s just enjoy each other with the time we have left.” You kiss the back of his palms, and he pulls the covers over you both, hugging you until your eyelids get heavy. And he soon follows suit, eyes closing as he settles into your comfortable body heat.
“Night, baby,” he whispers and shuts off the TV before falling asleep all cuddled up next to you.
“I don’t wanna go,” he whined while you tied the knot on his tie before sending him off.
“I don’t want you to go, but you’ll be late for work, bun.” You peck his lips one last time and straighten out his suit jacket.
“Forget work, I’ll call in,” he tries to reason, even though he knew if he called in in his position, that wouldn’t look too good for him or the company.
“We’ll get some more free time together,” you tell him to lighten the gloomy mood.
“I know you’re right, but I still don’t wanna go.” he steps closer to you, hands wrapping around your waist as his lips hover over yours, his warm breath hitting your face as that little smirk etches onto his lips.
“We can’t.” Placing your hands on his chest, you push him back maybe an inch, if that.
“Why not?” He inches forward again, and you nearly cave, but somehow, you snap out of it.
“Cause your suit will get wrinkled and dirty, and you don’t have time,” you whisper, knees almost giving out from the proximity mixed with his smell.
“I’ll take it off, and so what if I’m a little late? Hmm?” When you can’t come up with any other answer, you stay silent as he smiles, leaning down to fully press his lips on yours in a very delicate kiss. “On second thought, you’re right.” he sighs and leans away from you, a little teasing smirk on his face, and you’re left speechless.
“Bun,” you whine, and he smiles.
“Can’t give out all the goods to you right away, gotta give you something to look forward to for when I visit again.” he unhands you and grabs his overnight bags, walking to the door.
Which you gladly open for him. “Bye baby, see you soon.” he tries his best to smile, knowing that soon wouldn’t be soon enough.
“Bye, bun,” you say sadly as you watch him walk down the steps. His feet feel like a million pounds, and all he wants to do is stay there with you forever, but he knows there’s a lot more that he needs to learn about you before he makes such a big step in committing.
A sigh left your lips, and you shut the door. Already feeling alone and empty, you walked over to the window, watching him loading his suitcases into the car. Without thinking, you quickly sprinted out to the car as he was backing out of the driveway.
He steps on the brakes and quickly rolls down his window when he sees you running outside. “Baby?” you don’t answer instead, you pull him in for a kiss, a kiss that felt like you were longing for him for years. You cupped his cheeks, and he let go of the steering wheel, holding your face the same exact way as he kissed you with every ounce of passion in his body that he could muster. When you ran out of oxygen, you pulled away slowly and rested your forehead on his.
“Call me when you make it back,” you say softly.
“I will,” he whispers.
“Message me after you get out of work,” you demand, and he chuckles. God, you love his laugh so much.
“Yes, mam.” his eyes fluttered closed as he nudged you softly.
“Promise me you’ll come visit again.” You rub your nose against his, making a billion butterflies erupt in his stomach.
“I swear I will if it’s the last thing on earth that I do.” he leans back, pecking your lips for the final time. “Think of it as hello and not goodbye,” he says and rubs your cheek when he sees the tears in your eyes.
“Yeah,” you smile, nodding at him. He smiles back as he rolls his window back up cause the longer he stayed, it’ll only make it worse for the both of you.
He finally pulls out of the driveway, watching you wave at him until you’re no longer in his sights. His eyes start to water much like yours, and he reminds himself that it’s just hello and not goodbye, but even still, he can’t help getting a little emotional, leaving you behind after having the best two days of his entire life.
Heeseung: Baby?👀 your bun made it home safe
he sighs. It feels bittersweet texting you like this again.
You: I’m so glad you made it back safely🥰
You unintentionally swoon, smiling at your phone and watching the three little dots appear at the bottom of your screen.
Heeseung: My heart is missing you already, baby❤️🥺
Gosh, if he got any sweeter, you swear you’d die from a sugar overload.
You: So is mine, bun.🩵
Heeseung: Can you change my name to bun in your contacts? I’m gonna change yours to baby🥰
You: of course bun!💕
Bun: thank you baby💓
You couldn’t reply before he sent another text, one that was very unexpected.
Bun: My 🍆 is missing you too, baby. I swear I almost pulled over and called you on the way home🥵
You squealed and turned your phone around, laying it on your bed as you kicked your feet like a teenager.
Bun: Baby👀? Are you still there?
Baby: Bun, you can’t just say stuff like that.
Bun: Why?
When you read his text, you could literally hear him doing that cute little whine he always did.
Baby: Cause…
Bun: Cause nothing, baby. Anyways, like I was saying before you rudely interrupted me 🙄 is, I miss you, I miss your smell, I miss your face, your smile, your eyes, the way it feels to be inside you, and what I missed the most is holding you while we sleep.🩵
If you weren’t already in love with him, you would have fallen for him all over again right then and there.
And you almost typed those eight letters, but you held yourself back from doing so.
Baby: I miss you so much, too. hee, as soon as you left, everything felt empty.
After typing that, you realized how that sounded, but it didn’t feel wrong saying that to him because that’s how you felt. But if he didn’t want to take things further with you, then you would accept it. It’d be hard, but if you were going to put your feelings out on the table for anyone, he was definitely the one.
Bun: Why am I happy and sad while reading that?🥲
That was it for him for you to say something that meaningful about him. He knew that he was ready to take it to the next step even though it was just two days after meeting you and hours from leaving your house that text alone told him what he needed to do.
Bun: But don’t worry baby, I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise 🥺
Baby: You better be 🥺
Bun: Pinky swear🥹 Unfortunately, baby work is calling my name, but I’ll text you every break.
Baby: Pinky swear, okay, bye bun, I’ll miss you. Think of me💕
Bun: You know I will, baby, and Bun jr will, too😉
you rolled your eyes. Of course, he had to say something like that.
Baby: Whatever, hee🙄🩵
He hearted your message, and he was smiling from ear to ear his whole way to work.
“So what’s his name?”
“Is he hot?”
“Is he tall?”
“Does he have money? More importantly, does he have a big dic-“ You cupped your hand over your friend’s mouth. It had been two months exactly since you’d hung out with them, but somehow, as soon as they saw you, they could tell you had been seeing someone. According to them, you had an “afterglow” or, in their terms, “after dick glow.”
“His name is heeseung, and yes, all of the above,” you said shyly as they squealed, delighted that you had finally got some action.
“So, is it official? Are you just fucking? Give us the deets,” Irene says.
“No, it’s not official, and yes, for right now, we’re just fucking” you whispered the last part. “I think?”
“What do you mean you think you either know or you don’t.”
“Well, okay, tell me what you guys think. I met him two months ago. He’s made time for me every day of the week, no matter the time, and doesn’t leave any of my messages on read. He always wants to FaceTime me before bed. He kisses me goodnight on the phone, and the other day, we met an-“
“What do you mean you met? What was happening before?”
“I met him on Tinder.” The loud sighs and gasps you heard were definitely warranted, but Bun was different from the rest. He was sweet and caring.
“Met him on Tinder, he swipe left on bitches, and he don’t even scroll through insta less he going through-“ she looked at Wendy, and then they both turned to you, smiling and singing the last line in unison. “My pictures”
“Guys!” You whisper shouted to gain their attention again.
They both scoffed at you for killing their vibe and told you what they thought about him. “Red flag, ditch him.”
“Yep, move on to the next. Out with the old,” Irene agreed. “Why are you even on Tinder?”
You glared at them, already judging your baby before they knew anything about him. “Well, let me finish when we met, he took me out on dates, he never tried forcing himself on me, and he even looked up places in my area where we could do things together, isn’t that sweet? Not to mention the four hour drive he took, and he never once asked me to drive to him.” You look at your group of friends, hoping that you weren’t being delusional about him, and when you heard the awe’s, the swooning, and them saying he was cute, you were relieved, to say the least, not that you ever doubted him though you just didn’t want your desperation for a relationship clouding your better judgment.
“So are you sure you’re just fucking? And things aren’t official cause, girl,” she fanned herself, and you chuckled.
“What spell did you put on him?” Wendy joked, taking another shot.
“The important question is, do you want things to be official?” Your table got a little serious at the mention of you dating someone after so long.
“I really, really want it to be,” you sighed. “But if things don’t work out this time, it’s not like I’m gonna go looking for someone new.” If things didn’t go as planned with heeseung, then there’s no way you could give someone else another shot so soon after getting comfortable and getting to know him so well it’d be hard to move on so quickly.
“Aww honey, there’s not a doubt in my mind after everything you said. I’m sure he wants the same,” Irene comforted.
You smile, thankful for their encouraging words, but of course, them being them, and with the few drinks in their system that they got from the bar, you knew something unsavory was about to be said.
“So, how was he in bed?” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“Oh my gosh,” you buried your face in your hands. There’s no way you could go into detail about everything you did with him. Even if you had ten shots, they couldn’t get that information out of you. “You’re drunk,” you laugh and push her away from you after your little talk. You finished the night texting heeseung here and there, and they teased you for the nicknames you gave each other, but you knew they were just teasing, and they thought you two were cute.
Heeseung wanted you to text him when you got home, and that’s exactly what you did after taking off your heels.
Baby: Bunny~💙
Bun: Baby!🥰, did you enjoy your girl's night out pretty?
Baby: I did. I would ask if you enjoyed work, but I know you probably didn’t ☹️
Bun: Actually, baby, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t all too bad.
It wasn’t bad because he got his vacation time approved just so he could see you as soon as you had time off.
Baby: Yeah? I’m glad.
You smile. At least he didn’t have a bad day on his first day back.
Bun: yeah, and baby, speaking of work, when’s your next weekend off?👀
Baby: The one after next, why do you have it off as well?
The excitement was rising at the idea of seeing him again so soon, but it died down immediately when he responded.
Bun: Unfortunately not😞
He told a little white lie cause he wanted to surprise you a few weeks from now.
Baby: Oh,
Your whole mood just completely deflated.
Baby: When are you free again, bun?
Bun: Not for a while, baby, I’m sorry😔 but Bun will call you every day and text you every day pinky swear👀
Baby: Pinky swear🩵🐇
Bun: That’s my baby.
He smiled at the little bunny emoji he loved when you called him bun it made him feel all giddy and warm inside.
After texting him for a while, you started to feel a little bit better, but even when you said goodnight to him and kissed him through the phone, that empty feeling was still in the pit of your stomach. Maybe you were being dramatic, but you really wanted him there with you.
The next few weeks were the same, calling and texting heeseung, and though in the beginning, it was enough now that you actually got to feel, see, touch, and smell him, it wasn’t, no matter how many FaceTimes you did or how many times you pressed the phone to your ear to pretend he was there with you nothing could quite replicate his presence.
Bun: What would you do if I was coming over right now?
Heeseung was parked outside a few blocks from your driveway as he sneakily texted you.
You smiled at just the thought of seeing him.
Baby: I’d give you a big bear hug and never let you go again, bun.
Bun: Is that so?👀 that sounds so nice.🥰
Baby: Of course, bun.
Bun: So why don’t you do it?
He texted you, standing right outside your door now after leaving his car.
Baby: Do what?🤔
you reply confused.
Bun: Give your bun a bear hug, after all, he is waiting outside👀
Baby: Bun, stop playing around. We both know you’re at work. You already told me🤭
After sending the message, you could have sworn you heard an alert tone outside your door, but you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
Bun: So, no hug?☹️ It’s kinda cold out here, and I was really looking forward to it, baby.
You toss your phone onto the couch and open your door, and low and behold, there he was, your precious little bun standing on your doorstep with a pinkish tint on his nose and that smile you couldn’t get enough of.
“Hey baby,” he laughs at your puzzled expression. He’d be shocked, too, if you did the same thing to him.
You couldn’t believe it. You stood there in shock. How was he standing there in the flesh when he was supposed to be at work?
“I heard from a little birdie that if a guy that goes by the name of Bun, he could come to this address and get a hug from his baby. Is that right?” He smiled.
“That’s right!” You finally gave him a big bear hug, just like you promised. “I missed you so much. How are you here? I thought you had work.
“Well, I may or may not have taken time off to see you.”
“You’re sneaky.” You pulled him inside, clinging onto him for dear life and never wanting to let him go.
“Maybe just a little.” he wraps his arms around you, waddling you both to the couch, where he cupped your face and pecked your lips. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” You rubbed his nose with yours, heating him up inside and out. “I missed you.” You tackled him on the sofa, kissing every square inch of his face.
“I missed you too,” he chuckled and flipped you over so he was laying on top of you and riddled your face in kisses, maybe even more than you gave to him. “I couldn’t get you off my mind, baby. I swear every day without you felt like hell.” he buried his face in your neck, sighing in relief now that he was finally in your arms.
You smiled and ran your fingers through his hair, inhaling his shampoo, that faint mint smell you couldn’t forget cause it lingered on your pillowcase days after he left.
“Would it be crazy of me to say I want to move in with you and stay here forever?” He lays on his side, stroking your cheek.
You giggle and smile. That smile could make you do a million things, and you think that now was the right time to tell him, he drove all this way to see you, so he must feel the same, and if he didn’t fuck it, it was now or never, but you weren’t going to wait another day. “Heeseung.” You sat up, and his smile dropped when you called him by his full name.
“Yeah, baby?” He sat up with you, and his heart rate was off the charts.
“We’ve only known each other for a little while.” he nods, and you take a breath, grabbing his hand in yours.
“What’s wrong?” He says when you hold his hand and, he’s never heard your voice sound the way it does now, nor has he ever seen that expression on your face.
“Nothing, bun,” you laugh slightly, but he was still feeling uneasy. Did he drive all this way just for you to say you didn’t want him anymore?
“Okay,” he whispers.
“It’s just our relationship started out very uhh fast, you know,” you hinted about how, in the beginning, you both started out things that were of the adult nature, and he seemed to understand what you meant by that. “And it’s only been a few months, but I just can’t-“
He cuts you off before you were even able to finish cause he thought you were breaking things off with him. “Well, we don’t have to continue having sex. We’ll wait as long as we want, and we can talk more, yeah, baby? Let’s just talk and take things slow, okay?” He brought your hand up to his lips and gave it a kiss, trying his best to stop himself from shaking.
“Bun, I don’t want to take things slow,” you told him softly. You were so caught up in what you were about to say that half his words fell on deaf ears.
“Please, baby,” you finally hear him when his voice cracks and his eyes begin to water. “Let’s just try to work something out,” he said with a tremble in his voice when you looked at him confused and finally understood what he was saying.
“Please, I’m begging you,” he sniffles.
“I want us to work so bad, baby. I’m trying so hard.” he hugs you in his arms tightly.
“Bun!” You yell and break free from the hug.
“Baby?” He says above a whisper, a look of shock on his face. Did you really not want him that much?
“What are you even talking about?” You ask calmly.
“I’m trying to make things work,” he says blankly.
“Bun, I need you to listen to me, okay?” You smile and wipe his eyes as he nods. “I was trying to say that even though we started out fast and it’s only been a few months since we met that, i-i love you, bun, and maybe it’s too soon to say it, but I do.”
“W-what?” His body reacted before his mouth did, and he cupped your face with a huge smile on his lips before he closed the distance between you both and pressed his lips onto yours. “Oh my god!” he kissed you again. “Me too, give me another kiss,” You chuckle and kissed him again. “I love you so much, baby.” You smiled into the kiss, relieved that he felt the same way as you. Finally, you could say those words to him, and it was the best feeling ever. “I’m so happy you feel the same, baby. I thought the same thing, too, but just was scared to say it, but I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my little bunny,” you pecked his nose.
“Yeah, I’m your little bunny.” he tackled you down on the sofa hovering above you. “Told you I’m an animal in bed,” he winked.
“Is it too late to take back that I love you?” You joked.
“You’re mean,” he tickled your sides, making you laugh. “But why did you make me cry?” He pouted. “I thought you were breaking up with me well, not breaking up with me, but.”
“Bun, I didn’t make you cry. You chose to cry.” You teased him, and he whined. “How could you ever think I wouldn’t love you?” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Cause you’re like perfect, and I’m weird and insecure and a huge over-thinker,” he admits to you for the first time this whole two months he knew you it was great, but the whole long distance thing really made him feel a little unsure.
“Bun,” you say, and you noticed those little details about him, but you didn’t know that’s how he thought about himself. You just thought he was a little shy and cute. “You’re not weird, you’re cute, and it’s normal to overthink. I did so much, but look at us now,” you pecked him. “And what do you have to be insecure about? I was just telling my friends about how perfect you are.”
“Were you now?” He raised an eyebrow. “What did you say, hmm?” He teased.
“Not too much.” You played with his hair.
“Good,” he laughs. “Don’t think they’d want to know how I had their friend begging for me the whole weekend,” he leans down, nibbling on your ear gently.
“Bun,” you moan immediately, even his slightest touch could always make you react.
“Don’t get too excited, baby, gotta wine and dine you first. Our reservation is in an hour.” he stands up, offering you his hand.
“You’re really sneaky,” he smiles, seeing the excitement in your eyes and he can’t wait to spend all night with you.
“Just a little bit,” he smiled as you go up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss.
“Be right back, handsome.” You gave him that same compliment that started it all on the day you both met while smiling brightly at him, and he knew that smile was going to be even brighter when he asked you to be his girlfriend over dinner tonight.
So maybe the Tinder app wasn’t so god awful after all.
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Cyber sex taglist 🔖 @donghyckl @dneltrise @jackass1123 @m31j @en-thralled @rayofsunshineeee @heeverseblog @mimimovv @hwa-0403 @leeheeheeseung @ethelia @kaykay11sworld @heeanaree @isylvr @luvleyk @yeonjuns-sock @heehoneyxxluvs @cherriruto @ambrosesworld @whoslai @luvitria @iamliacamila @heeseungssidechick
Permanent taglist🔖 @furious-eagle @hoyeonheeseung @hee-pster
Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback. - 🐹
6K notes · View notes
gyutopia · 6 months
overpass graffiti | sim jaeyun
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ꕤ DESCRIPTION: “they say we fall in love three times in our lifetime: our first love is the one that breaks us, leaves us hopeless and lost, this then brings us to our second love, the one which picks up the broken pieces of our heart and mends it back together; heals us from the heartache the first left and lastly, our third and final love⏤the love that’s supposed to last. for you, your best friend sim jaeyun happens to be two out of three.”
ꕤPAIRING: best friend!jake x f!reade & second lead!jungwon
ꕤGENRE(S): slice of life!au, soulmate(?)!au
ꕤWORD COUNT: 23.9k
ꕤWARNING(S): loss of virginity, soft dom!jake, sub!reader, oral (f!receiving), p in v intercourse, no protection, drugging (not the reader), underaged drinking, swearing, dry humping, mentions of plan b, mentions of hospitals, possessive!jungwon, mentions of sobriety, heartbreak, allusions to depression, mentions of drinking and smoking, mentions of passing out.
ꕤA/N: i think i have a thing for sim jaeyun and angst.
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“Jaeyunie, meet ____. You and her are gonna be best friends.” 
Jake’s mother smiles, a hand lightly on his back, and pushes him forward with a gentle pat.
The moment she steps away from his side however, he panics, looking back at her desperately. He’s met with a smile of encouragement - caring but unsympathetic. Jake swallows harshly, shyness heavy in his throat, and uses all the willpower in his 9 year old body to force himself to look at the small female.
Standing across from him, a girl of roughly the same stature is grinning toothily - or at least she could've been, if she’d had enough teeth. ____, was dressed neatly, her hair laid down with lots of gel and two ponytails with bows holding it all together. Her light purple dress swayed as the gentle breeze blew. In one chubby fist she clutched tightly onto her fathers hand. Jake blushed, if he didn’t firmly believe that girls had cooties he would have sworn her to be the prettiest girl he’s ever laid eyes on so instead he scrunches his nose and says the first thing that comes to his mind and knows will hurt her feelings.
“You’re dirty,” he proclaimes, crossing his arms. “Very dirty.”
At his words, ____’s smile quickly falters and an almost angry look overtakes her face. “Am not!” Sensing his daughter's growing fury, her father steps in.
“____ah, calm down. I’m sure Jaeyun didn’t mean it, why don’t you two spend some time together? Hm? I’m sure you’ll be best friends.”
Not giving his daughter any time to argue, he excuses himself and leaves to go join the other adults by the varanda.
____ crosses her arms and stares up at Jake intimidatingly, “apologize.”
Jake gulps, although he’s a whole head taller than the girl and probably even older, he can’t help but be slightly scared of the icy glare she’s sending his way so he meekly mumbles, “I’m sorry”
However, it doesn’t seem as if ____ is pleased with the half assed apology. She raises an eyebrow and impatiently taps her foot on the grass, “for what?”
He gulps, “for calling you dirty, I didn’t mean it.”
Satisfied with the apology, a wide smile breaks out on ____’s face before she doubles over from laughing so hard. “Y-you should have seen your face!” She abruptly stands and quivers her bottom lip as she stares at Jake, “I-I’m s-s-sorry.” She breaks out into laughter once again, unable to hide her amusement. Jake only frowns and crosses his arms.
“It’s not funny.”
Ignoring his embarrassment, ____ walks right up to him and slings an arm around his neck,  “Let’s be best friends forever, yah, Jaeyunie?”
Usually Jake would have scolded anyone who called him Jaeyunie, his mother and hyung being the only exceptions, but for some reason hearing the name slip out so easily from your mouth seemed comforting. “Okay,” he agreed, slightly hesitant. “You seem kinda stupid, so I can still be number one with you as my best friend.”
You only smiled in response, delighted, before spinning on your heel and running back to your mother and father, who were talking animatedly with his own parents.
What a strange girl, Jake thought. At least she wouldn't be competition.
Later that night, both of Jake’s parents and your mother and father were sitting at the table discussing grown-up things while you were in the bathroom and Jake was sitting beside his brother when his name filtered through to his ears. He had been in the process of stabbing the greens off his plate and slowly feeding them to his precious dog Layla when his parents weren’t looking, but at the mention of his name he perks up instantly. 
“...Jake has already been offered scholarships to private middle schools once he finishes elementary but he’ll be attending the private international school his elder brother goes to,” she was bragging again.
Your mother perks up as well, “Wow, that’s so incredible, Suyeon. I think being friends with Jaeyun will really help ____ find some initiative. She’s already so used to being good at things, a little healthy competition is just what she needs.”
Jake’s father nods, gesturing for the maid in the corner to bring over the bottle of wine. “It’s certainly going to help with that. While we’re on this topic, I’d like to invite you to join our study group. We have the best tutors come in and teach the kids after school but only the best of the best are allowed to join, ____ shows a lot of promise.”
Jake listens nervously, watching his father as the maid filled his glass and stepped back.
His mother notices him staring, and reaches over to tousle his hair affectionately. “Don’t worry, Jaeyunie,” she croons. “You’ll still be number one. Being friends with kids that are as smart as you is a good thing! You and ____ will have lots more to talk about than you would with anyone else.”
He frowns. He knew sometimes parents lied to kids to stop them from being sad, but his mother would never lie to him. Jake was too clever, he’d figure out the lie before she finished telling it.
“Alright.” He found himself cautious for the second time that day. “As long as I can still be number one.”
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Jake in fact did not stay number one for long.
Once you had fully settled into your new life in Australia your grades skyrocketed causing your teachers to bump you up a grade, placing you into Jake’s class, the two of you always went head to head vying for the first rank and each time Jake always fell a point behind.
It aggravated him to no end that you came out of nowhere and completely upended his whole life and identity, Jake had always been the smart one and never had any solid competition so having you seemingly pop out of nowhere and take away the very thing that made him, well him agitated him beyond belief.
But of course this made for a great friendship, while Jake claimed he hated your very existence he soon found himself looking forward to your after school study sessions. You never took them seriously, you always goofed off and made it your life's mission to teach Jake the meaning of fun. It took a while for the boy to warm up to you but you managed to get on his good side with a little bribing of fried chicken and grape soda.
The two of you would wait until your break to sneak out to the fried chicken place down the street to pick up the order you had placed during your tutoring session before heading back to hide in one of the various rooms inside Jake’s spacious home. The two of you would use this time to talk about the annoyances in your life, you would mostly complain about the girls who kept coming up to you to confess their love for Jake and how you were growing quite annoyed with having to turn them down on his behalf. He would only grimace and quickly change the topic to how annoyed he was with you for yet again topping the class rank.
Slowly but surely though, as the two of you began to age, the conversations began to change as he warmed up to you, what used to be pointless bickering and complaining turned into meaningful deep conversations about his fear of attachment, rooted in his father constantly leaving him and his family to go back to Korea for his job overseas. You had slowly become the only constant in Sim Jaeyun’s life and he truly had no intentions of letting you go. You really had become his best friend just like his mother predicted all those years ago.
While it might have taken Jake some time to love you, you loved him from the start. While everyone saw him as the perfect all rounder student you knew he was more than that. You knew he wasn’t perfect, wasn’t some ace who was just naturally talented. No, he worked just as hard- if not harder than his peers to keep up the image he was born to fit. He pulled all-nighters to bring home grades suitable for the assemblyman's son, immersed himself in after school clubs to fill up his resume because God forbid he wasn’t preparing for college at the ripe age of 9, learned multiple languages to become an ambassador for the school and threw himself into learning different instruments and playing different sports to really bring home the title of being an all-rounder.
In everything he pursued, he aced and came out on top. Which is why it irked him to his very core when you came around and knocked him down a peg. You knew right away just how much it bothered him, of course he complained about it every day during your group tutoring sessions but you didn’t really care. If anything it was motivation for you to work even harder to maintain the top spot.
You weren’t doing it out of spite or to intentionally anger him, no you were doing it to show him it’s okay to not always be perfect. It’s okay to rank second, it’s okay to goof off during tutoring sessions when studying is all you ever do, it’s okay to eat junk food when you feel like it and most importantly it’s okay to talk through your emotions with someone. You like to think you ranked first for his own good, to help him realize life is more than just school.
When the two of you reached high school you eased up with working so hard for the top rank but Jake didn’t, he studied all of your summer break before freshman year and placed into a year above you. It annoyed you that you were no longer graduating together but Jake became more lax and carefree knowing he would be graduating a year early, it was refreshing to see a new side of your best friend. Somewhere along the grades of 11 and 12 though, something shifted.
Jake was never unattractive but you never really took note of just how attractive he could be until your junior year.
“He’s gonna say no, Sarah.”
“We’re just looking out for you. He’s always hanging out with ____. They’re probably secretly dating, why don’t you just ask someone else?”
“I don’t know why you’re so set on him. I heard he’s already turned down six girls this month. six.”
Jake was just trying to get his calc homework done, bent over in the back of the library with his textbook open in front of him, eyes glued to the page. He spares you a frantic look, desperate to get your attention and convey that it was time to leave before it happened again. 
You, of course, were not paying attention. You were splayed out haphazardly on the chair across from him, headphones in and scribbling in your notebook. You had a smudge of graphite on your nose from scratching it in the middle of your doodling session.
You hum peacefully, completely unaware of your friend's turmoil.
It was everywhere. Prom. It was one stupid night, and he was fully planning on spending it wrapped up in blankets in his living room with you watching romcoms. It was the senior prom and he refused to attend a social event he knew you wouldn’t be at.
Unfortunately, Jake was alone in that feeling, the girls whispering from the table behind the two of you were right. He’d been asked six times. Six excruciating experiences of being cornered by a near stranger who smiled too sweetly and asked him to be their date, six separate occasions on which he’d stuttered a “sorry” and bowed deeply, ducking out before they could say any more.
And by this point, he just really, really didn’t want to have to turn down another girl. He felt like absolute crap.
Jake reaches out, tugging at your school uniform. “____” he whisper-yells.
You shrug him off and pout, “you��ll mess me up. Stop.”
He persists however, this time more aggressive and even goes the extra mile and pulls out one of your airpods. “I’ll buy you dinner please can we just go?”
You finally look up from your work slightly agitated and a full on pout graces your lips, if it were any other time Jake would take a moment to admire how adorable you look but it wasn’t.
“Why do you wanna leave so badly?” you huff out.
Before Jake can answer though he’s cut off by Sarah, one of the girls who has made her way over to your table.
At the mention of his name his eyes squeeze shut and it hits you like a truck on why he was so adamant to leave. This time it’s the girl from his IB Latin class who he tutored on occasion.
She tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, you wonder what Jake’s response is going to be this time. She’s very pretty.
“Yes?” He croaks out. Behind him, you sit up in your seat, ready to step in if needed.
She looks down, hands twisting together and fidgets and steps side to side, but when she sucks in a sharp inhale and looks up her eyes are filled with determination. Jake feels queasy, almost as if he’s about to vomit.
“Do you maybe want to go to prom with me?”
Jake swallows the lump in his throat, guilt twisting everything into a knot. You see his knuckles turn white as he makes a fist and you resume your drawing, knowing what his answer will be.
“I’m sorry,” he manages. “But I don’t plan on going.”
Your brow shoots up in shock, you never figured he was rejecting all these girls because he simply didn’t want to go, you thought he was just waiting for the right moment to ask the girl he truly wanted to go with. You never asked why he was so closed off about prom, you figured he would tell you in his own time when he was ready.
“Can I ask why?” She lets her hands fall to her side. “Even if you don’t wanna go with me, I think you’d have a lot of fun.” She retreats back to her friends before he can respond. Jake tries not to notice the way they shake their heads sympathetically and pat her back in comfort.
“She’s right you know, prom would be fun.” you say as you shut your sketchbook. “Plus, she seems really sweet.”
Jake rolls his eyes “you sound like my mom.”
“Ha ha,” you drawl, stretching and arching off the chair like a cat. “I really don’t understand why you don’t want to go. It’s your last chance to enjoy a high school dance.”
The previous year, while you were in your sophomore year and Jake in his junior year he skipped out on prom, choosing to attend his model UN conference instead as his dad had put an emphasis on how much more important the meeting was compared to prom.
Jake shrugs and reaches for your backpack to pull out some snacks you packed for him, “it makes it real.”
“Makes what real?” you tilt your head to the side and patiently wait for him to collect his thoughts to elaborate on what was bugging him.
Jake sighs. “That this is the end.” he mummers, “after prom it’s graduation, and after grad I’m off to the states for uni…away from you.”
Your heart skips a beat and your hands start to get clammy at his words. You try to subtly rub your hands on your skirt and sit up straighter, confused as to why his words have such a strong effect on you.
“We’ve never spent more than a week apart from each other and now we’re going to be thousands of miles apart for a year. I can’t go to prom knowing you won’t be there and that it brings me one step closer to leaving.” he continues, he doesn’t look at you as he lays his emotions bare for you, rather he focuses on organizing his snack options.
Your heart twinges at the reminder that he was leaving for Yale in the fall, this would be the last summer spent together for who knows how long. As much as the reminder upsets you, you still plaster a smile on your face and playfully roll your eyes.
“Did you forget our promise? You and me, forever and always. We have all of summer to make as many memories as we went and even after you leave we can facetime, technology has come a long way y’know.” You reach out to take the bag of chips he had settled on eating to open for him before handing it back. “Distance means nothing. I’ll always have time for my best friend, plus when I go to Harvard I’ll only be two hours away. Enjoy the time you have left in Australia. You'll probably miss it more than me when you actually leave.”
Jake shakes his head, “doubt it but you do make a valid point.”
You smirk and shrug, “when do I not?” You clear your throat. “Does this mean you’ll go to prom?”
He tugs his bottom lip between his teeth and tilts his head side to side before asking, “go to prom with me?”
This time you can’t hide your shock, it’s not odd for you and Jake to be pairs for most social events but for some reason him asking you to be his date for his first and only prom causes heat to rise to your cheeks.
“What? I can’t see myself going with anyone else, I’m most comfortable around you. Plus when I think back to my senior prom I want to remember how much fun I had and when I’m with you all the stress I’m under suddenly doesn’t matter anymore.” He states.
“Stop being corny,” you hiss weakly, fumbling with the straps on your bag. “It’s not a good look.”
Jake giggles, “what? Do you want me to get down on my knees instead? Do a promposal?”
Your eyes widen, mortified at the idea of him putting together a grandiose promposal. “You’re such a little shit, I swear—“
“Hold on, siri play stand by me by be—“
You pick up your sketchbook and hurl it at his head causing him to duck out of the way and fall out of his chair onto the floor with the force of his laughter. Hearing his laugh causes a pinch in your heart.
When he finally manages to pull himself together and off the ground, he wipes at his eyes and sighs. “Seriously, though.” He hums. “Will you go to prom with me?”
You swallow thickly, averting your eyes to the floor. “Sure.” you say quietly. “I guess so.”
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You're uncharacteristically nervous for prom. Your mom insisted on taking the day off from work to help you get ready when you told her Jake had asked you to go with him.
You thought she was being dramatic but she swore up and down, left and right- that this was the beginning to your ‘blooming love story’.
She brought you to a salon to have your hair and makeup done and even splurged on a $900 dress. You’re beyond grateful to have a mother as understanding and loving as she is. Your father is away on business and unable to make it to take pictures so your mom has been documenting the whole day to share with him, the two of you are currently in your bedroom as she paints your toes.
She hums in reply and puts down a new coat of nail polish on your big toe. “How’d you know dad was the one?”
Your heart is quiet in your chest, a calm thumping rather than the stutter it had been at all week as you wait for her response. She softly smiles before responding.
“He showed up to my dorm room with pedialyte and carpet cleaner.” She caps the nail polish and cleans around the edges of your toes. “We had been dating for some time and I was supposed to attend a business summit with him but I had a stomach bug and threw up all over my dorm. Your dad didn’t hesitate to drop his plans for the day and showed up to take care of me. He was the first person to ever put me before anything else and I just knew I loved him when he showed up with no clue on what to do but willing. He didn’t care about what his dad had to say about skipping the event or anything else, just me.”
You hum and fiddle with your hands as you think back to moments you’ve shared with Jake. The first one your brain recalls is the first time you got your period. Unfortunately it happened during your school's nature classroom trip. You were up in the woods for the week learning about nature and science through different activities and during your first night there you got your period. You walked around the whole day with blood stains on your shorts and cramps you couldn’t account for. You were beyond embarrassed come dinner time. You had no girl friends in the grade to ask for help and the boys made it a show of embarrassing you at dinner by pouring ketchup all over your seat. Jake was having none of it though, he came up to you at your table and wrapped his hoodie around your waist before grabbing your arm and leading you out of the canteen to the nurse on site.
He stayed by your side that night watching stand by me on your phone outside the cabins getting bit by mosquitoes. He didn’t complain or make any jokes of his own, rather stayed silent and let you have the quiet time you needed. When the two of you finally retreated back to your separate rooms you found a little gift basket on your bed filled with different types of pads, tampons, a heating pack and some chocolates. Apparently while you were walking around with stained shorts Jake was going around collecting different menstrual items from the girls in your grade to give to you, his way of helping.
It did make your heart flutter at the time but you chalked it up to your period hormones and never spoke on how it made you feel to anyone…Was that when you started to fall in love with your best friend?
Your doorbell goes off and you feel anxiety seep into your bones. Your mom senses this and holds your hand to give it a firm squeeze. “don’t stress about something you’re not sure about, okay? I want you to have fun tonight - both of you.”
You nod at her, loving how she knows exactly what was plaguing your mind, you let her lead you out your room and out to the living room. She lets go of your hand and walks over to the door, opening it wide.
“Wow.” You and Jake exclaim simultaneously as soon as you see each other. The butterflies in your stomach erupt once again at the sight of him; dressed in an sleek black suit with the first three buttons of his black undershirt undone, his hair has been bleached blonde and styled down with a part in the middle.
“You look…amazing.” Jake breathlessly lets out, staring at you in complete awe.
You blush and flatten out invisible wrinkles in your dress. “Thank you so do you, I love your hair.”
He smiles and shakes his fringe out of his eyes, “thanks. Figured why not try something new. Ready to go?”
“Woah woah woah, hold on, you two aren’t going anywhere without taking pictures!” His mom appears from behind him, “Let me go get my phone real quick!”
Your mom claps her hands as scurries off to retrieve her phone, “Oh, yes! I have to take pictures for your dad.”
Jake walks up next to you and you’re sure your heart is about to beat out of your chest. “You look really great, ____.”
“You’re not so bad yourself. Blonde was a great idea.” You bring your hand up to fix his parting a bit more. “It’s a nice contrast with the all black suit.”
“Yeah.” He swallows, looking down at his shoes.
“Okay! I have my phone!” Your mom says as she returns, instructing both of you to move out to her garden in the backyard and stand by the peonies for the photo.
“This might take a while.” You whisper to him and he chuckles, gently placing a hand on your lower exposed back.
“Won’t you get cold later?”
You shrug, “probably. Good thing your mother raised you to be a gentleman.” It takes him a second to register your words, scoffing in disbelief once he realizes what you were hinting towards but he doesn’t argue knowing he really will give you his jacket the second he sees you shiver.
After a long process of taking pictures the two of you finally head out with Jake driving you guys to prom. Upon arriving you’re amazed at how extravagant the venue looks. Just another perk of attending a private school you think to yourself.
After finding parking the two of you head inside to find your table, you’re sharing it with your two friends Kairo and Mei and a random couple who snagged their tickets at the last minute (Jun and Luna).
“Jake! ____!” Kairo and Mei are in the entryway to the ballroom, waiting for the two of you where they texted they would be standing.
Mei walks forward, a greeting never making it past her lips, as she reaches out to brush Jake’s fringe out of his eyes. “Sorry, it was bothering me.” She mumbles as she steps back.
You know her intentions are innocent but with the way Jake’s cheeks flush red and he can barely meet her gaze you feel a twinge of jealousy and sadness. Since when was he flustered by Mei? The four of you met during SAT Prep and formed your own study group to help each other out during midterms and finals your freshman year (Jake’s sophomore) the dynamic between you all was pretty formal. The four of you didn’t make plans to go to the movies or the mall like other kids your age, it was strictly studying and neither of you minded it. Kairo and Mei fulfilled you and Jake in an academic sense while you and Jake met all your social and more emotional needs together.
So why the hell was he all blushy at Mei fixing his hair? Why didn’t he react the same when you fixed his parting?
“Should we go in?” Kairo asks.
“That sounds great,” you grit out, your grip tightening on your clutch.
Mei slides up next to Kairo and slips her arm back through his. The four of you walk in and find your table. Kairo pulls out Mei’s seat and Jake follows, doing the same for you.
“So Jake, are you excited for commencement?” Mei asks once you’ve all taken your seats.
Jake clears his throat, “more nervous than excited. Can’t believe it’s all finally over.”
The three of them go back and forth in idle talk before Jake slowly eases his way out of the conversation, mindlessly nodding at what your friends are saying and leaving you to your thoughts.
He’s uncharacteristically silent though as he bobs his head to the music. Seeing as you know him better than yourself, you know he’s nervous - but why?
Was he thinking of Mei? The thought makes you feel sick; you have no reason to be jealous because you’re just his best friend and your feelings are a jumbled mess you can’t navigate through- you don’t even know what you want from him. He can’t fix what he doesn’t know is broken.
Your mind is absolutely blank as you stare down at your hands on your lap. You only snap out of it when a large hand engulfs yours, but you don’t dare to look at him. You can’t.
“Are you okay?”
There they are again; the stupid butterflies winding up in the confines of your stomach. “Yeah,” You remove his hands from yours, “I’m fine.”
Jake reluctantly lets you pull his hand away, knowing something’s wrong but he doesn’t want to push. You compose yourself and remind yourself about your words to Jake; this is his last school dance. It needs to be memorable.
So you’ll make it memorable.
As the night goes on with the food served and multiple performances happening, you’re able to loosen up and forget your worries.
“Do you want to join the dance floor?” Kairo asks as he eyes the growing dance floor.
“No.” You frantically respond, earning a look of judgment from Mei.
“Yes!” She exclaims, grabbing both you and Kairo before dragging you out of your seats with a gleeful giggle.
You try to grab on to Jake for help, but your hand merely grazes his as you’re pushed to the dance floor. On the dance floor, other people have jumped into the idea of dancing and in no time, it’s filled with dancing students.
A little while later, Jake joins the three of you and your little dance circle moves around each other for a few songs; you’re all laughing and you’re genuinely starting to enjoy yourself. Eventually, Kairo and Mei leave to go take a breather leaving you alone with Jake.
“Are you feeling any better?” He leans down to your ear and tries to speak over the loud music.
You nod, “Ye-”
You’re cut off by the loud upbeat music dying out and picking back up but this time a soft violin intro fills the room, you recognize the song instantly. The live orchestra begins playing the chorus of nobody gets me by Sza, you watch as everyone around you pairs up and when you turn around, Jake is already looking at you with a small smile tugging on his lips.
His ears are tinged pink as he offers you a shrug, “Do you wanna dance?” He holds out his hand to you.
You take it with baited breath and immediately at the touch, the butterflies are at it again. You step closer to him and place your other hand on his shoulder while his other goes to your back, where your skin is exposed.
He’s gone back to being unusually quiet again; he’s just leading you to the slow beat of the song and looking away, only meeting your eyes when he catches your lingering gaze.
“____, you’ve been out of it all night. Are you really okay?” He quietly asks, his brows furrowing.
“I…” For a moment, you consider confessing what’s weighing on your heart but you panic. How would he react if he knew?
“I think I’m in love with you.” You blurt out, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as soon as the words come out. You feel a little lighter knowing you’ve said your peace but your heart races in panic as you wait for his response.
“Oh,”  Jake whispers. It could have been your imagination but you swear his eyes look just as dizzy and unfocused as your own. His lips part maybe to say something more, but close as quickly as they opened and his gaze flickers down to your lips.
“I-” You choke on your words, shame and regret instantly flooding your body. You want to curl up and hide in a hole but you can’t. Jake is holding on to you too tightly and you’ve already let the cat out of the bag. Might as well get it all off your chest. “I-I don’t know when it happened but I know my feelings aren’t platonic anymore. You’re all I can ever seem to think about, when you touch me it feels like butterflies are swimming in my stomach and the thought of you even being interested in someone else makes me sick to my stomach.”
You take a deep breath, “I think I’m in love with you Jake. I love the little things that make you Jake, your obsession with math and physics, your ability to make anyone you speak to feel truly seen, how you rely on God to get you through hardships you face.” You continue to drone on and on about the quirks you love about your best friend, not noticing the way his lips tip upward in a wide grin.
“I love you.” You confess.
“____?” He asks, voice even.
“Stay still.”
Jake steps forward and wraps his hand delicately around the back of your neck, he doesn’t miss the way your hooded eyes follow his movement. He stands up straighter, he’s so close that your noses brush against each other ever so slightly. 
The flush on Jake’s cheekbones is clear as day, a lovely rose pink.
He takes one final deep breath and leans in to plant a kiss on your awaiting lips. The moment your lips touch, you feel a spark of electricity jolt through your body but as quick as it comes, however, and before you can react, he’s already swiftly pulling away.
When the two of you pull back, your eyes are wide open, gaze fixed on Jake’s face, his lips left slightly parted. His entire body is vibrating with warmth and anxiety, hardly able to keep still.
Jake stares at you, still feeling the desire pooling in his stomach, and wonders if he had made a mistake.
“____,” Jake calls, quietly. “____.”
He begins to hold his breath. Did he overstep?
“Did you…” You begin, eyes wide, flickering rapidly across his face. “Did you…just…”
“Yeah,” Jake replies, his voice cracking a tad. “Yeah, I did.”
There’s a silence between the two of your for a long second before you collect your bearings and clear your throat and say,
“Do it again.”
Jake feels numb, unable to be shaken or moved by the world around him, so he steps back in and tilts his head to the side, kissing you once again like you asked. 
You can barely hear the crowd around you over the sound of your own heartbeat.  Jake kisses you softly, almost shyly. A gentle hand slides down to your hip, anchoring you in place, a solid touch while the rest of the world slowly fades away. 
You can’t think about anything other than the feeling of Jake’s lips finally on your own. You continue to kiss Jake until you feel his hand leave your hip and he gently pulls his lips away.
You keep your eyes shut for a second longer, body thrumming with warmth and energy, you feel Jake’s forehead knock against yours after a beat. When you finally open your eyes, like always, Jake was staring right back at you.
“I love you too.”
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Following prom you feel as though you’re on cloud nine. After your shared confessions and heated kisses Jake took you outside of the venue to discuss where things would go from here. He only had three more months left in Australia before he had to leave for Yale but he knew he would be a fool if he let you go.
The two of you came to the conclusion that you would take things slow and enjoy the little time you had together working towards being a couple and pick things back up once you graduated and made your way to the states to join Jake.
Things truly felt perfect, Jake would come by your home every now and then to take you on impromptu dates with a new bouquet everytime and an explanation on why he chose those specific flowers. On days where he was too busy getting ready for his upcoming semester to take you out, you would pack him little lunches and drive the two of you down to the park you would often visit in your childhood and have little picnics while listening to him go on about how excited he was for the physics program at Yale.
The people who had been in your lives and watched you grow up together were thrilled at the direction in which your relationship was going. Both your parents were delighted when Jake broke the news that you were officially seeing each other on a romantic level working towards eventually dating. You would often have Sunday brunch together after going to church with his family and yours before sneaking off to his room to cuddle on his bed for an afternoon nap.
Had you known this is what would come with confessing, you would have told Jake way sooner but sadly, time had passed and the date of Jake’s departure from Australia was fastly approaching. He has a week left and he’s determined to make it the best one yet.
“Let's road trip to Sydney.”
You stop fiddling with Jake's fingers and turn your head to look up at him from your position on his chest. “What?”
He smiles down at you before placing a quick kiss to your forehead. “You heard me, let’s take a road trip to Sydney.”
You playfully roll your eyes. “Yeah I heard you dummy but why?”
He shrugs and entwines your hands once more. “Why not? It’s my last week and we talked about road tripping down there for spring break but someone,” he pauses to poke at your side with his free hand drawing out some giggles form you his heart warming at the sound, “-just had to get sick the night before we were supposed to leave.”
You let out a groan, “you’re never going to let that go are you?” Jake hums, “absolutely not.”
You huff in thought, “it’s a nine hour drive Jake…”
He sits up forcing you to do the same as well, turning to face him. “We can take turns. Plus my flights’ leaving from Sydney, we could go to the airport together and have a proper goodbye without my parents bugging us.”
You bite down on your lip seriously considering Jake’s impromptu idea. Within the past three months you’ve had to share Jake with so many people- his soccer team, his orchestra friends, his family. Everyone. Alone time was scarce and the thought of a getaway to Sydney where it would be just the two of you and no distractions sounded lovely.
“Okay? Just like that?”
You hum and move to sit on his lap and throw your hands over his shoulders. “Why not?”
A huge smile breaks out on Jake's face causing you to smile as well, something about seeing him happy always managed to bring you happiness. It should be scary, just how willing you are to sacrifice for Jake but for some reason you always throw caution to the wind the second he comes around. You’d give him the world if you could.
You feel Jake wrap his arms around your waist and slowly slide his hands under your shirt to caress your back. “What's going on in that pretty head of yours, love?”
You begin playing with the hair on the nape of his neck and whisper out, “thinking bout’ how I'd give you the world.” Jake’s hands pause at the base of your back, clearly caught off guard, you look down at his eyes and see how dark they’ve gotten. Desire and love pooling in the hues of his brown eyes. “You are my world.”
He leans in as he finishes his sentence and places his lips on yours. The feeling of his lips is incredibly warm as he pushes them against yours, slightly chapped but otherwise still soft. The amount of emotion he puts into kissing you isn’t like anything you felt before, there’s more desire in this kiss compared to all the others you’ve shared. The feeling of his tongue sweeping against the plumpness of your lower lip and the heat from his body sends butterflies to your stomach.
His hands fall down to your hips, pushing up your t-shirt to feel the softness of your stomach beneath his palms with battered breaths before pushing you back. He makes quick work of flipping you so your back is now on the mattress and it’s him straddling you. You gasp at the feeling of the soft mattress beneath you, his body pinning you deeper back as he continues exploring your mouth with his own.
You pull back slightly, breathing heavily and your lips red and plump with saliva. Jake smirks at the sight, his thumb coming up to pull down your bottom lip with the tip of his finger before moving his mouth to the sensitive skin of your neck.
The strands of his hair are silky beneath your fingertips, gasping and tugging at the roots as he bites down on a certain area of your neck that makes your core clench.
“Jaeyun,” you whisper, whimpering at the feeling of his palm applying pressure lightly against your navel. “Are we-?”
He slowly pulls away from you and adamantly shakes his head. “No.” you whine in protest as he pulls away and lays beside you once more. He pulls you close to his chest before confessing to you. “I want our first time to be romantic, not some quick fuck in my bedroom.” He kisses your temple. “You deserve more than that.”
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The Following Day - 1:36PM
“Ready to head out?” 
You whirl around to find Jake standing in front of you and your parents, having just finished packing your suitcases in the trunk of his car and is now looking over at you with a tilt in his head. 
You nod and smile brightly. “Of course,” You say, turning to your mom and dad to bid them one fast farewell. “I was just saying bye.” 
He nods in understanding, waving to your parents, “I promise we’ll be safe and if anything happens you’ll be the first we call.” He says to reassure your parents, more so your dad who was a bit more hesitant to the last minute idea.
Your dad nods stiffly at Jake, “take good care of her. No drinking or scandalous activities, I’m not ready for any grandchildren.”
You gasp at your dads words and swat at his chest. “Dad! Stop embarrassing me!” He only tisks in your direction.
“You know what's more embarrassing? Having to finish your senior year pregn-”
“-Ahhh. Dad, stop it! I promise we’ll make smart choices!”
He chortles at your flushed expression and leans in for a hug. “I’m only messing with you.” You hug him back before pulling away to give your mother a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
“See you in a week!”
After pulling away Jake steps forward to hug your parents goodbye as well.
“Be safe Jake, we’ll miss seeing you so often! Make sure to call us if you ever need anything once in the states, okay?” Your mom softly says to him as she holds his face in her hands, tears slowly filling her eyes. Over the years Jake has slowly become like a son to her, she was used to cooking extra knowing he’d come over for dinner after your tutoring sessions. She had even turned one of the spare bedrooms into a personal room for Jake, allowing him to sleepover when his parents were out of town for business.
You can only imagine how much she's going to miss him, maybe as much as you know you’ll be missing him.
He nods and sniffs, is he crying too? “Of course auntie, I’m really going to miss our Friday night movie marathons.”
You smile bitterly beginning to fight back tears of your own. Your father was always away for weekend meetings in Melbourne starting Friday night into Saturday evening and as captain of the varsity volleyball team you had late night practices every Friday meaning you wouldn’t be back home until the dead of night and your mother was left all alone. Jake, having nothing to do once classes were done would often go over to your home to keep her company so she wouldn’t be all alone in your home. It was a little tradition the two kept up over the years.
You hadn't given yourself time to really mourn the idea of being separated from Jake for an entire year but watching him say his tearful goodbyes to your parents is really putting into perspective just how entwined your lives are. He’s your everything and how he’s leaving, how are you going to manage your senior year without your best friend?
 “We should get going.” 
“Mhmm.” You look over at Jake and reach a hand out to wipe away his fallen tears. “It’s okay.” 
The two of you say one last goodbye before getting into Jake’s range rover, you look out the window to see your parents waving you off. You slide back into the passenger seat of his car and put on your seatbelt now processing the fact that this is the last week you have with Jake.
There is a silence as Jake is starting the car, and a part of you wants to die. On one hand you want to cry and beg him to stay but on the other you know if you do, Jake will differ his offer and take a year off to be with you. That’s the last thing you want, he deserves happiness. That’s all you’ve ever wanted for him. If that means braving a smile for now while your heart is in turmoil so be it.
Jake is the first to break the silence.
“That was a lot harder than I thought it would be.” He drives down your driveway before making a right to pull into the neighborhood.
“Goodbyes are never easy.”
“Yeah but…I didn't cry when saying bye to my parents but something about your parents made leaving seem all the more ...real?”
“It’s only natural, you spent more time with us. You’re like their second child.”
Jake hums in thought, “I don’t think I’lll survive having to say goodbye to you.”
You purse your lips thinking about what your goodbye would be like. Would there be tears? Unspoken words? “I think you’ll be just fine.” You reach out for his right hand that lays on the gear shift and hold it tightly. “It’s only temporary.”
The next nine hours are spent singing old 90’s love songs and making pit stops every now and then to stock up on some new snacks and to switch off so Jake isn’t so tired. During your third stop is when Jake pulls out a camera and begins vlogging the remainder of the trip claiming it would be nice to look back at it once the trip is over.
Once you finally make it to your destination, you pull into the driveway and place the car in park before looking around at your surroundings. The home is modern with nothing but natural light, it’s surrounded by trees to still give you enough privacy but it’s secluded from the other homes on the lane.
“Oh my gosh it’s so pretty.”
You open the door and immediately extend your legs out onto the solid ground beneath you. You let out a sigh of satisfaction and Jake laughs from next to you. 
He’s opening his own car door soon after, but he straightens up into a standing position pretty quickly and stretches upwards. He closes the car door behind him, watching as you eventually pull yourself together to do the same. 
You turn to face him. “I’m gonna use the bathroom.” You gesture towards the airbnb and earn a nod from Jake, who mentions something about doing the same thing. You meet back at the car a few minutes later. 
Jake gestures to the trees surrounding the home. “Want to take a walk around the area? I think I saw a park when we pulled into the neighborhood.” 
You nod. “That sounds like a good idea.” 
“Why don’t you get started? I’ll catch up.” Jake watches you leave, before opening the trunk of his car and rummaging around. 
He does catch up with you, quickly enough that you hardly notice that he had sent you out first. You hear his footsteps, and the call of your name, causing you to turn around. “Jake!” 
The sight before you makes you smile brightly. Standing before you is Jake, with his polaroid in hand. The lens is pointed right at you. As soon as you’re staring straight into the camera, Jake grins. “Say cheese” 
You giggle and close your eyes before making a little peace sign. You hear the little click and the flash illuminates your face. You open your eyes to find Jake smiling down at the little printed picture waiting for it to develop. “I can’t believe you brought that.”
“I’m a photographer at heart, what did you expect?” Jake teases back. “Besides, it’s really pretty around here. I need some pictures for my dorm.” 
You blush at the thought of him putting up a picture of you on his dorm wall. The pair of you begin to make your way to the park, taking in the view from different angles. The stroll is mostly just to get rid of the pent up energy, but it’s still a nice view to admire. As soon as you arrive at the park you ditch Jake to run to the swing set.
“Push me?”
Jake rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief but still walks behind you to push you forward.
“Did you know my brother and I got in trouble with our mom because of how high we would swing you?” Jake giggles, “she was worried we’d push you too high and you’d go flying.”
“I blame your brother. He turns everything into a competition.”
“So do you!” Jake exclaims. You quickly stop the swing with your feet to turn back at him with a judgmental look on your face. “When we were a little older and Jaehyun left us to push each other you would get annoyed that I didn't push you as hard as you did for me.”
“It's true though.”
You scoffed, “at least I didn’t actually push you off your seat.”
He laughs at the memory, “we’re stronger now, do you wanna see who can go higher?”
“knowing exactly how strong you are… uh, not really? but whatever, let’s do it!” you brace yourself on the swing and start pulling yourself back to get momentum.
“Okay, wait! Wait!” he rushes to the seat beside yours and pushes it as far as his hips can go, already giving him an advantage. “Okay, go!”
Childish laughter escapes both of you as you let yourselves swing back and forth, trying to put your weight in properly to reach higher than each other. it really felt like you were kids again, you felt at peace, a part of you never wanted this night to end.
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The next few days fly by and just like that it’s the night before Jake’s flight. You had spent your time in Sydney visiting the opera house, late night dinner dates and excursions all over the bustling city. There truly never was a dull moment within this week that’s come to pass. Getting to make new memories with Jake is exactly what you needed.
The two of you have just gotten back from dinner at Altitude, a restaurant overlooking the opera house. You’re now in your shared bathroom dressed in one of Jake’s old tee’s and a thong doing your nightly skin care routine as Jake undresses in the bedroom, getting ready for his nightly shower. You look at his reflection through the mirror as he takes off his shirt. Your eyes skim down his toned chest, desire pooling in the pits of your stomach. Throughout your time here it’s been nothing but makeouts and little pecks throughout the day. You wonder if he’ll finally make a move tonight.
“I can feel you staring, love.”
“That’s the point.”
Jake doesn’t say anything in response but rather slides up behind you and peppers your neck with gentle kisses. He cages you between his body and sink and presses his hips into your back. Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of his fully hard cock pressing against your lower back.
Jake’s eyes rake your body through the mirror, desire burning in his irises. he shifts his eyes to stare at your lips before moving back to turn you around and face him and press himself directly to your front before leaning down and in. He takes his time, giving you the opportunity to pull away but you don’t. You want this.
He leans forward and allows his lips to graze yours, the faintest of touches. “Are you sure you want to do this darling? We don't have to.” Jake asks softly.
You shyly nod your head and lean in to close the gap but he pulls ways and shakes his head, “no love. I need to hear you say yes.”
“Yes, I want to do this, Jaeyun.” You push forward allowing your lips to touch. He groans once your lips make contact. You’re unable to focus on anything other than the feeling of his lips on yours.
You can faintly taste the shirley temple he had at dinner on his tongue. He sucks harder on your lip and brings one hand down in between your things to prod at your pulsing heat.
He pulls away to let his eyes drink in the sight of you before leaning down to pick you up. you let out a yelp and grasp onto his biceps for protection, “w-what are you doing?” You sputter.
“I can’t make love to you properly on the sink, darling.”
You blush at his words and bury your face into his chest, after a few strides Jake is gingerly placing you on the bed.
He gets onto his knees and straddles your hips before reaching out to help you out of your shirt. You breathe in deeply savoring the way he feels pressed against you. the feeling of his warm fingers moving under the hem of your shirt across your stomach. He lifts it off of your body and tosses it across the room.
“Thank you for trusting me with your body.” Jake says before leaning back in and places his lips on yours yet again.
You moan into the kiss before he trails kisses down your jaw to your neck, his teeth brushing over your skin and making you shiver regardless of the heat being provided by Jake’s skin pushed up against yours. You close your eyes and relish the feeling.
With his lips still pressed against your neck, he whispers, “what do you want love?”
Your eyes flutter open as he slowly pulls away to look at you.
“I won’t do anything until you tell me what you want.” He reiterates before placing his lips back onto your neck, biting down making it harder for you to form a coherent sentence.
“I-i don’t know.” You say breathily but he chuckles in your ear, “yes you do love, tell me what you want so I can make you feel good.” He says as he gently tugs at your underwear, you whine and raise your hips off the bed to allow him to take it off faster. He tisks, “I need to hear you say it.” You look up at him to meet his gaze, “I want you to touch me.”
His gaze hardens, “spread your legs doll.” He orders.
He shifts his position and allows you to spread your legs before slotting himself in between them. He taps his fingers against your hips silently asking you to raise them. You shyly lift them to the best of your ability and let him pull them off of you, your arousal clinging to your underwear and clit.
Once you’re completely naked, he brings his lips to your chest and roughly kisses your skin, his tongue probing at your nipple. You whimper when he bites your left nipple, the feeling overwhelming. He pulls back and looks at your bare body.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful.” He mumbles before leaning down to toy with your pussy.
“You’re so wet too. Did our kissing turn you on so much, love?” Jake asks, smirking down at you. your face heats up at his words but you don’t respond. He looks back down at your pussy and shifts his position so he’s laying down in front of your pussy. He lets his pointer finger circle your clit for a little before running it along the slit of your folds. You let out a mewl at the feeling wanting more. “P-please Ja..” You moan.
“Patience, love.”
He dips one finger into you and you hiss at the feeling. It’s been a while since you’ve been touched down there and you’re extremely sensitive. “You’re so tight,” he says, pushing his finger deeper until the entire digit is buried snuggly inside you. You close your eyes and tug at the bedsheets, loving the feeling of him fingering you.
You’re a moaning mess by the time he manages to slide his whole finger into you. You clench around his fingers as he slides them in and out of your snatch and grasp onto your bedsheets. “Does it feel nice to be stuffed with my fingers?” Jake asks.
You know your voice will fail you so you adamantly nod your head. Jake picks up the pace and your hips move to his strokes. Jake licks his lips when he feels your walls clenching tightly around his digits.
“I-i think I’m close.”
His fingers curl inside of you which causes your hips to jerk upwards. “Are you cunning?” He asks cheekily.
You nod eagerly, “yes!” your eyes snap shut as you enjoy the feeling, “o-oh my gosh” you cry as you feel him kiss the inside of your thighs. He trails the kisses upwards until he’s face to face with your pussy and places a soft kiss on the nub before sucking on it, his tongue flicking around. He pulls his pointer and middle finger out so he can eat you out freely.
He licks the slit of your folds and firmly grips the flesh of your thighs most likely leaving marks.  Marks that would remind you of this moment later on.
Jake picks up the pace, he’s going so fast that you let out a quiet scream. You fist and unfist your sheets as you rock your hips against his face and come.
Your orgasm hits you so hard that tears fill your vision.
Jake allows you to ride out your high before coming up from your private parts and leans back down to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Are you feeling alright love?” He asks as he strokes your hair. You’re heaving, trying to catch your breath.
“Do you want to continue?”
You nod but then remember Jake wants verbal responses, “I do.”
Jake wastes no time in removing his shorts and boxers and gently moves up your body. you wrap your arms around his neck. “C-can you be gentle?” You sheepishly ask.
Your question sends an immediate reaction to Jake’s dick, he swears he could have busted a nut right then and there. “Of course doll, I'll be gentle.”
He tentatively strokes your folds with two fingers, eyes darting back up to yours to check your response. You hiss, still a bit sensitive. “Is this okay? Are you sensitive?”
“I’m fine,” you assure, “go ahead, I’m okay.”
He nods, gathering some of your wetness and smears it on his cock, a moan of relief leaving his swollen lips. “I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to be buried inside of you,” he says, angling himself better and positioning his cock near your entrance.
“Please,” you whimper, biting back a cry once his length breaches your entrance. Jake lets out a guttural growl, slowly sinking into you and bottoming out letting you adjust to his length.
“You’re so beautiful.” Jake says, rolling his hips torturously slow. “You were made for me, love. Just for me.”
You open your eyes, taking a deep breath. “I’m ready, you can move now.”
Jake leans forward to place a kiss on your cheek, then on your jaw, and then on your neck. As Jake busies himself there he slowly begins to thrusts in and out of you.
Your hands are all over him; clawing his back, gripping his biceps. “Love,” he whispers, “you feel so good.”
The sound of your bodies slapping against each other plus your loud wanton moans and the creaking from the bed is all that can be heard reverberating around in the home. He thrusts two more times, his hips stuttering before he chokes out, “mm gonna cum.”
You scratch at his sides and bite your lip to suppress your moan, “m-me too.”
“You can cum love,” Jake coos. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you closer to his body, the feeling of your chest pressed against him and his dick pounding into you is enough to send you over the edge.
“I’m cumming!” You mumble into his skin. Jake groans at the feeling of you cumming on his dick before his hips still and he comes inside you painting your walls white.
His lips are on your shoulders and neck, softly sucking on patches of your skin and murmuring sweet nothings as you calm down.
Jake pulls out and looks down at the mess of the sheets, now that he’s no longer caught up in his lustful haze it dawns on him that the two of you didn’t use protection. So much for smart choices.
As if now remembering yourself you shrug, “I’ll just grab a plan b tomorrow.”
Jake nods, “I’ll send you the money for it.”
His body then drops to lay beside you and he pulls you in close with the promise of a hot shower after a few minutes of decompressing. You roll over and sit up, swatting Jake’s hands away as he reaches for your arm. “Wait, I have something for you.”
He hums, interest piqued. “Huh?”
You open the bedside drawer where you had hidden the card you had written for Jake before the two of you left Brisbane. It was a love letter, all the things you’ve ever wanted to tell him but kept to yourself out of fear. It holds all the words your heart so desperately wants to tell him before he leaves.
“It’s not anything extravagant but I know you care more for sentimental things anyway.” You hand him the card, “don’t read it until you’re on the plane.”
He looks at the light pink envelope decorated in stickers and his name written in neat calligraphy in the center, the faintest smile on his face but a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“I love you.”
The way he says it sounds different from all the other times he’s ever told you. Almost as if he needs to convince you that he loves you but you know. He places one last kiss to your lips before pulling you back down to cuddle.
“I’m going to miss you.”
Jake hums, “me too.”
The room slips into a comforting silence and eventually you drift off.
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You wake up feeling cold. You whine and feel around for Jake’s body but when you feel nothing you open your eyes and softly call out for him. “Jake?”
When you’re met with no response you sit up and look around the still dark room. You stand from the bed and reach for your shirt that was still on the ground. You hadn’t intended to fall asleep, it was only meant to be a quick nap before the two of you took a shower together and watched movies until it was time for you to head to the airport.
“Jake? If you’re trying to scare me, give up.”
You’re still met with silence and you begin to feel uneasy. “Jake?”
You search the living room and your heart drops. His things are gone, his shoes, his suitcases. Everything. You run back to the room to see if it’s really true, if Jake left without saying goodbye. What you find breaks your heart even more. All his toiletries are gone, all that's left are your belongings. You let out a sob when you find the love letter you had written for him laying atop his pillow, opened and crumpled at the sides, proof he had read it but didn’t care enough to take it with him.
You drop on to the bed in shock and disbelief, tears sitting in your waterline. You turn to look beside you, staring at the letter as if it had burned you, the only trace that Jake was ever here is his scent in the sheets. You look at the alarm clock to see if you’ll be able to make it to the airport on time and bid him a proper farewell, your heart sinks once again when you realize you’re far too late. It’s 8:50 and his flight leaves in ten minutes. You sniff and decide to not dwell on it, Jake probably had his reasons and you have to get ready to go home.
You strip out of your shirt and discard it on the floor before walking into the bathroom to start your shower. You step into the shower, toes flinching as they touch the chilled ceramic floor. Your mind is in shreds; how could Jake leave without a goodbye? You turn the dial, releasing thousands of frigid drops, wetting your hair and trickling down your back. Your eyes fall closed and images of last night cross your mind.
You want to scream. Did last night not mean as much to him as it did to you? Was this all so he could fuck and just leave? You wrap up your shower and step out to brush your teeth. When finished, you dry off and head for your suitcase to pick out an outfit. You settle on sweatpants and an old graphic tee with slides. Once dressed and ready for your journey back, you finish your packing and look around the house one last time to see if maybe Jake left anything for you, maybe even an explanation. All you find is a plan b box on the kitchen counter next to a water bottle. You pick up the pill box and exit promptly and throw your things in the back of Jake’s car. You look down at the passenger seat where the letter you had written for him sits. You pick it up and examine it one last time before shoving it deep into your backpack.
Maybe this was less painful than having to say goodbye.
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It in fact was not less painful. A day passed, then two, then a week, then a month. You stared at your phone at all hours of the day, calling and texting waiting for confirmation that he had arrived safely and an explanation on why he went ghost but it never came.
You started your senior year alone. That was the first time you ever realized just how dependent you were on Jake, you had no other friends to go to the movies with, you spent your senior appreciation week alone, you had no one to make plans with when the weekend would roll around. Maybe you should have made deeper connections. You slowly started to lose sight of the end goal, Harvard had always been your dream but your mind was in too much turmoil to see it meaning anything without Jake, your heart can’t stand to be near him but not have a connection to him. You had heard from his mother that he had settled in at Yale and was enjoying his time abroad. You never told your parents what happened down in Sydney, you couldn’t bring yourself to talk about it without crying.
Eventually you began to decline, your grades took a hit and your GPA dropped from the perfect 4.5 it had been sitting at for the past four years to a 3.2. You started failing your core classes and you were kicked off of the varsity volleyball team. Your parents couldn’t understand the sudden change in you. You stopped talking to them, stopped going to your tutoring sessions and stopped caring about life itself. You would only go to school when you felt like it and come straight home before locking yourself in your bedroom. When time came to send in your college applications you didn’t know what to do. You knew Harvard wouldn’t want you and you never considered any other options. You sat down with your guidance counselor and she gave you some options. The majority consisted of staying in Australia, letting you know it didn’t seem possible to go abroad. You limited your application process to four schools, two in Australia and two in Massachusetts. If Harvard didn’t want you, maybe a private school would grant you admission and you could transfer in your sophomore year.
As much as you wanted to be far away from him, Massachusetts happened to have all the top schools that were realistic for you. You applied to Northeastern and Boston college. Neither were the ivy leagues you were hoping to attend but private institutions nonetheless. You sent in your applications for early action, praying you would get in and get to leave Australia behind. You were suffocating here.
Luckily for you, your acceptance letter came from Northeastern and you were quick to accept. You were waitlisted for Boston College and accepted to both Australian unis but you had decided where you were going. You toured Northeastern in the spring with your mom, you both absolutely fell in love with the campus. It was right in the middle of the city, across from the train system making getting around easy. You got to meet the girl you would be dorming with, Avianca; Avi for short. She was very bubbly and sweet, and very opinionated. She had grown up in Boston with her mother and two brothers. Her mother was unable to join the two of you so you went out to brunch with her and your mother. After that your mother left the two of you to go shopping for some things for your dorm.
“Are you excited to start in the fall?” Avi asked as the two of you browsed targets room decor.
You shrug and hug yourself, “I guess.”
Avi stops to look at a large beige throw pillow, “that's all? Aren’t you excited for the new experiences?” She looks up at you, “the boys?”
You play with the tag of the pillow in her hand. “I-” you hesitate and she picks up on it.
“Unless…” she smirks up at you, “you have a boyfriend?”
You pause. Could you even consider Jake a boyfriend? He never officially asked you to be his girlfriend but the two of you did way more than what other couples do in a lifetime. As if reading your mind Avi hums.
“Ahh, I see. It’s complicated?”
“I guess you could call it that.”
She tosses the pillow into the cart, “is it over?”
You continue walking down the aisle as you think back to Jake, this would be your first time ever saying what went down outloud. You were hesitant to tell your parents because of how close they were with Jake, you didn't want this affecting their perspective of him but Avi doesn’t know him, she’s unbiased. And that’s how you found yourself crying inside a target finally opening up about just how hurt you were by Jake’s actions.
Once you finish telling her your story from start to finish, Avi is embracing you. “Jake is a dick. You did not deserve that. I’m so sorry.”
Avi spends the rest of your time together comforting you. She lets you rant about Jake and gives you her two cents every now and then. You felt a little embarrassed at how much you were crying but Avi was quick to reassure you letting you know it was actually time you let it all out. The two of you exchanged numbers before parting ways again and she made you promise to keep in touch with her while you were back home in Australia until your move-in day and that's exactly what you did.
After flying back home you slowly started to rebuild. Jake isn’t a part of your life anymore and you can’t continue to wallow in your self pity. It was time to let go and move on, you would be starting your freshman year of college in four months. You don’t want to be stuck up on someone who wasn’t even thinking of you.
You took the time to learn new hobbies as you didn’t have volleyball to lean on. You took up baking for a bit before getting bored and moving on to painting. You learned how to knit and made yourself some mittens and a scarf to prepare for the cold Boston weather. You even took up photography, opening up a private instagram account to post your pictures as you traveled around Europe during June. It was a graduation gift from your father, you had stops in France, Wales, Germany and Spain. You spent a month traveling before heading back south.
You flew to New Zealand before officially going home to explore the mountains, it was a nice reset. Jake had promised to visit with you but it never happened and you weren’t putting things on hold for him anymore. You would facetime with Avi every night, brainstorming ideas for your room and your plans for welcome week. She had no intention of staying in your dorm that first week before classes started.
At first you were hesitant, going to raves and frat parties meant the inevitable. The possibility of running into Jake would be significantly higher and if you didn’t run into him there was still the fact that you would be approached by some man before the night was over. You had expressed to Avi how you couldn’t see yourself entering a relationship anytime soon. You had yet to fully heal from Jake and the thought of being that vulnerable again terrified you.
She only listened before reminding you that you didn’t have to date every guy that said hi. Some below the belt touching and harmless flirting never hurt anyone. She went on to ramble about how you’re entering your prime and have an insanely hot aussie accent that could help you secure any guy you wanted. You zoned out once she started asking you if you could moan for her so she could take pointers.
Your parents could see the shift in you and it brought them relief, they felt more at ease to send you abroad now that you were in a better mental headspace. You left two weeks before classes started to move in and get accustomed to the new environment. Your parents came to help you and Avi move in before leaving to go back home.
It’s now nighttime and you’ve just officially finished decorating.
“So, there’s this rave at slackers tonight, wanna go?”
You turn to look at Avi from your bed as she sits at her desk organizing her makeup. You snort, “as if I have a choice.” She looks up at you grinning.
“Glad you’re aware! Now get up and go shower, you’re all sweaty and doors close at 8!”
You roll your eyes but listen to her nonetheless. You stumble out of your bed and walk towards your closet to try and brainstorm what to wear. “Is there a theme?”
Avi hums, “yeah early 2000’s.”
You scan your wardrobe to see what you can find before deciding upon a baby blue butterfly top you had gotten off of amazon and a mini cargo skirt. For shoes you settle on some old Nike air forces knowing they would be demolished by the end of the night. You head over to the bathroom and begin getting ready. You try not to take too long, making sure to properly wash your body but you don’t take the time to exfoliate. Once drying off and exiting you make quick work of getting dressed and sitting beside Avi to start your makeup while she works on styling her hair. You don’t take too long for your makeup, choosing to opt for a more natural look and go for a half up/half down hairstyle with two strands out in the front.
Once you’re both ready, you grab your student ID’s and bags before heading out and start the five minute walk to the T. As you’re waiting for the train to arrive you take pictures with Avi to post and make a new story post of the sun setting. Once the green train arrives the two of you hop on and head towards the party venue.
By the time you arrive, the line is still relatively short and you’re inside in under thirty minutes. You scan your surroundings, the club lights are too bright and strobing too fast, just asking for someone to seize. The dance floor is crowded with people and there are drunks stumbling all around you.
Avi spins on her heels and smirks up at you, “what are the odds you get a stranger to buy us drinks?”
You quickly shake your head. “Zero! I’ve never done this before Avi!”
She shrugs, “so? Have you seen yourself? You look so hot, ____.” She makes it a point to slap your ass. “You have all the right assets on display, you just have to use them to your advantage.”
You gasp and rub your sore bottom, “okay one, never do that again. Two, why don’t you get a guy to buy us drinks? Put those tits to good use.”
She smirks. “I was already planning on it. But seriously, I promised to help you get over Jake and what better way to do that than getting under a new man?”
You groan. “Sleeping around isn’t going to help me get over Jake.”
“What makes you think he hasn’t done the same?” You furrow your brows at her and she scoffs. “Come on ____, he’s been in the city for a year while you were on the other side of the world. Jake is hot and I’m sure he knows it just like other girls in Connecticut probably do too, what would really have stopped him from getting his dick wet?”
You stay silent, deep down you know Avi is just being truthful and realistic. Jake had no obligations to you and no one to get in his way of whoring around if he really wanted to as much as it may hurt you.
Avi’s brows shoot up in shock. “Okay? That’s really all it took?”
You nod firmly, “I’m done putting my life on pause for him. Besides, a little flirting never hurt anyone, right?”
Avi squeals and claps her hands together. “Perfect! I better see you throwing it back on some guy before the night ends!”
The two of you decide to part ways to find your prey of the night. Avi makes quick work of heading to the bar where the older men are to see if she can score some drinks while you idle around the dance floor, scoping out the faces to see who you wanted to make a move on. Before you can set your sights on someone, you feel the warmth of a body behind you though they’re not quite pressing against you yet. It doesn’t feel bad, and neither do the fingertips ghosting along the curve of your waist. You press into their touch a little more. The tentative fingers at your waist get more firm once they realize you’re open to their touch.
“Wanna dance?,” the body behind you asks, lips brushing the shell of your ear. It makes chills prick at your skin. You bite your lip to keep from smiling at the sensation. Your hand goes to cover the bigger one on your waist. You’ve missed being this close to someone. 
You intentionally keep the touch constant when you turn around in their hold. Their palm slides along your body till it’s settling on your lower back just above the swell of your ass.
When you look up, your reply gets caught in your throat.
The owner of the warm body behind you is handsome, strikingly so. Tall, strong. Smile dreamy with dimples, and eyes dark. He gives you a soft grin accompanied by an encouraging nod, wanting you to say what you can’t seem to get out.
“Uh–” you sputter with a wince, before clearing your throat, “Where’s the fun in asking?”
You can’t hear his laugh over the music, but you can tell he’s amused by the way his chest rumbles, and how his eyes curl. The hand at the base of your spine moves to your hip, squeezing gently.
His other hand is moving, too, and you track it until it’s tucking some hair behind your ear. You go still and flush when he leans down to your ear again. “If you insist,” he tells you. You don’t get to respond before he’s forcefully turning you back around and pressing his body into yours. The song changes to an upbeat caribbean mix and the sexy stranger has you bent over, one hand in your hair as a makeshift ponytail and the other resting at the base of your spine as he sensually moves his hips to the beat of the song, practically humping you. You can feel yourself getting wet as his clothed dick brushes against your vagina, your miniskirt and thong barely hiding anything. You begin whining your waist to meet his thrust giving those around you a show. Soon, a circle forms around the two of you as people turn on their camera to film. When the song finally ends the two of you separate and the crowd disperses. Some guys stick around though, hoping you would part form your dance partner and give them a chance to feel you humping them but you never get the chance. The stranger leans down to your ear, “I’m Jungwon.”
You smirk and respond with your name. “I’m, ____. Clearly you’ve done this before Jungwon.” 
Jungwon briefly looks surprised, eyes widening like a child before he’s laughing. “Ah,” he muses, guiding your arms to drape over his shoulders, your hands interlocking behind his neck. His hands do the same around your waist as he pulls you a little closer. “Perhaps but clearly the same goes for you.”
There’s a flutter in your tummy that you haven’t felt in months and it’s exciting. Makes you giddy as you blink up at him sultrily.
“Are you complaining?” you ask him.
He adamantly shakes his head, “Of course not, as long as you’re not in a relationship no complaints over here.”
You cock your head to the side. “I don’t do relationships.” You wait a beat before asking, “Is that what you’re looking for?”
He looks up like he’s thinking. Then he’s shrugging. Crowding your space, cheek brushing yours as he talks into your ear again, he answers, “I want what you want.”
Jungwon doesn’t move out of your space like the times he did before, instead pulling you into him a bit more, making your space his space too. Lips brush against the corner of your jaw, just below your ear. Teasing, yet sure. 
“I want to forget–” Your hand twines into the hair at the nape of his neck when he nips softly at your earlobe, making you gasp quietly, interrupting yourself. “–about someone.”
He lets out a smug sound of understanding. “That sounds doable,” you hear him say, before he purrs confidently, “Let me help you.”
Just as the two of you lean in for a kiss you’re interrupted by the calling of your name.
“____!” You pull away to find Avi stumbling towards you. When she’s close enough, she grips onto your shoulders to try and keep herself up. “H-help.”
You look at her in worry and try to balance her but she’s quickly becoming more and more unstable, her words slurring and her body becoming limp. You begin to panic, “Avi? Avi! You’re scaring me, what's wrong!?”
Jungwon steps in to help you hold her up. “Shit, I think she was laced.”
Your eyes dart to his in worry, sensing your panic Jungwon tries to calm you down. “There’s a hospital nearby. I’ll call an uber and we can head over.”
You nod, trying to steady yourself for Avi’s sake. The two of you make quick work of ushering her out of the building and outside to help her get some fresh air while Jungwon orders the uber. It’s there in seven minutes and the three of you rush to the nearest children's hospital.
Once you arrive, Jungwon hands over Avi to the medical staff while you try and give them the information they need to admit her. She’s rushed into the emergency bay while you and Jungwon are told to sit in the waiting area while they pump her stomach.
“It’s going to be okay. We got her here in time, I’m sure the doctors have everything under control.” Jungwon says as he takes a seat beside you. It’s clear you’re distraught and don’t know what to do but it’s also clear that what you need right now is not only reassurance but a friend. Your shoulders slump instantly and you nod despondently. Cautiously Jungwon entwines your hands together, lacing your fingers with his.
He shifts, leaning his body into you allowing you to cuddle into him for some warmth, your lack of proper clothing clearly not helping. You bite your lip to keep in the tears before resting your head against his shoulder. You close your eyes, basking in his comforting presence, letting both his words and presence wash over you and ease your worries.
The both of you sit in silence for long, drawn-out moments before you finally speak up. “I’m sorry, this probably isn’t how you wanted to spend your night.” You pull away and wrap your arms around yourself, “you can go if you’d like.”
Sensing your guilt and apprehension, Jungwon shakes his head softly and removes his bomber jacket to hand to you. You stare at it for a second before taking it and putting it on. “It definitely isn’t how I saw my night going but you clearly need a friend, it wouldn’t be right to leave you alone.”
You twiddle your fingers, “why are you being so nice to me?”
He purses his lips in thought, showcasing his dimples. “Like I said before, it’s clear you need a friend. You’re obviously going through something with a guy you probably really like and your friend is in the hospital after getting laced. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.”
You blink at him, embarrassed that he read you so easily. “I-” You cut yourself off and look away, feeling the tears start to well up. “I feel so lost and alone.”
Jungwon slowly reaches for you and brings you in for a hug, letting you cry into his chest. “I moved to this stupid city all by myself and now I miss my parents, I miss my home and worst of all I miss him. Avi is the only friend I have and I can’t help but feel like her being in this position is all my fault! She only wanted to go out to help me move on a-and we made this stupid bet about getting guys to buy us drinks and now she’s getting her stomach pumped!” You angrily rant to Jungwon, overwhelmed by the events that have transpired within the last twenty-four hours.
He listens, gently rubbing your back as you let it all out. “It’s normal to miss your life back at home, going to college is hard enough, let alone having to move to a different continent. I understand the guilt you’re feeling but I doubt Avi is mad at you for what happened, you weren’t the one who drugged her.”
You sniffle and wipe at your nose with the sleeve of his jacket, “I guess so.” You pull away from his wet chest to wipe away the remainder of your tears. “I’m scared.” You softly admit.
“Of what?”
“Being alone again.” You whisper, you can’t help but wonder if Jungwon will stay after this, if Avi will be okay enough to stay for the semester. You pray you don’t lose either of them.
“Good thing I don’t plan on leaving.” Jungwon offers with a soft smile, you look up at him gratefully and wrap him in a hug.
“Thank you.”
The two of you spend the rest of the night in the ER, the doctors eventually come to fetch the two of you to join Avi, letting you know that she’ll be just fine and able to return home the following day. Jungwon stays true to his word and doesn’t leave your side until it’s time for Avi to get discharged. The three of you clamber into the back of the Uber Jungwon ordered and drive to your dorms. While sitting at Avi’s bedside the three of you began conversing about anything and everything. You found out that Jungwon was also a freshman at Northeastern majoring in Biochem. On top of that, he was living in the same dorm as you-his room only two doors down.
Once you arrive, you bid farewell to Jungwon with the promise of grabbing breakfast with him and his roommate Beomgyu the following morning before heading into your own room.
“He’s cute.” Avi says as she gently takes a seat on the couch.
She hums, “sweet kid.”
You nod absentmindedly as you gather your bathroom supplies. “I guess so.”
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Friday November 15th - present day
Three months have passed since the beginning of the semester and it’s safe to say that you’re beginning to feel at home in the city. Jungwon stayed true to his word and didn’t leave you. In fact, there was never a moment where you were alone. If you weren’t at Snell studying with Jungwon, you were at your dorm watching shows with Avi or at the dining hall grabbing lunch with Beomgyu. 
The four of you have truly become inseparable these past few months and you’re so grateful for the support they provide. It’s nice to finally have other people to rely on rather than having to rawdog life alone. When the four of you aren’t absolutely swamped with homework you grab dinner together at one of the dining halls before going back to your place for a movie night. Tonight happens to be one of those nights.
“Wollastans hands down has the best snack options,” Beomgyu says as he empties the grocery bag onto your living room floor. Avi hums and takes a seat beside him on the floor in front of the TV.
“That they do.” She reaches for the pack of gummy bears and offers some to Jungwon who’s laid on your couch arms wide open as he smiles up at you waiting for you to take your rightful seat in between his legs. He takes a handful of gummies and thanks Avi before patting his chest.
“Hurry up princess, I'm getting cold.”
You scoff and roll your eyes before kicking off your shoes and making your way across the threshold to plop down in between his arms. “What are we watching tonight?” You ask. Jungwon taps your cheek silently asking you to open up, you do and he plops a cherry bear into your mouth.
“Interview with the vampires.” Beomgyu replies as he ques up the show. Once it’s ready to go Avi hands you a blanket to cover yourself with before she cuddles up to Beomgyu, the two of them whispering to each other lost in their own world. You smile softly at them, you and Jungwon have a running bet of how long it was going to take before the two crack and just get together. They’re adamant that they’re just friends but it’s clear as day feelings are there.
You feel Jungwon wrap his arm securely around your waist before he places a soft kiss atop your head.
As touchy and flirty as the two of you are, you’re just friends. Once Jungwon made it clear he was here to stay you found the confidence to open up to him about Jake. You told him about the ghosting, the sex, how much he meant to you and how you don’t think you’ll ever love someone the way you love him or even be ready for a relationship anytime soon. Jungwon understood and made his intentions clear, he just wanted to make you happy. If that meant putting his feelings on the backburner and doing things your way so be it.
It wasn’t a fair deal at all, Jungwon devoted almost all of his time to you, he would walk you home from your late lectures, wake up at five am to run to Tatte to buy you breakfast before your eight ams, turn down girls who approached him in hopes that when you were ready you’d come running to him.
He did it all without complaint, he loves you fully and without restraint. He’s loved you from the start, he loves you the way you wish Jake had.
You can’t help but think about where Jake would fit in your life now. You’ve changed and made sure your new life left no room for him, you tailored your life to make sure Jake could never waltz back in and destroy all the progress you’ve made. You don’t think he’ll fit in with your group of friends anyhow. As this year has come and passed, you replaced Jake with Jungwon. It’s hard to picture Jake falling back into the role of being your only friend in your life.
You have Avi, Beomgyu and Jungwon. They look out for you and make sure to take care of you. It’s a reciprocal friendship, they’re pouring into you just as much as you pour into them if not more.
You snap out of your thoughts when Jungwon softly pinches your side. “You zoned out, are you okay?”
You nod your head and play with his fingers under the blanket. “Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
You feel him take in a sharp breath before pulling you into him even more. “I’m the lucky one.”
As the movie night comes to a close, you sit up from Jungwon’s hold to stretch, your friends following your actions. You reach for your phone to check the time to see if you can squeeze in one more movie.
“It’s only nine, we can start another show or watch a movie.” You offer
Jungwon wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in closer to his side, “I don’t have anything to do tomorrow, I’m down.”
Avi stands up and clears her throat. “Actually can we go out?”
Beomgyu looks up at her questioningly, “wanna ride the blue bikes around campus?”
She shakes her head, “a Harvard frat is hosting to-”
“Absolutely not.” You cut her off. You haven’t been to another college party since the one at slackers, the sight of Avi getting drugged permanently put you off from the party scene.
She huffs, “why not!?”
You give her an incredulous look. “Are you being serious? You were drugged the last time we went to one, I don’t want to see you in the ER again!”
The boys can sense the growing tension, Beomgyu stands and tries to calm Avi and Jungwon soothingly rubs your arms.
“It was one time! I won’t drink this time!”
“I still don’t feel comfortable.” She throws her hands up and turns to pout at Beomgyu knowing it’s a weakness of his.
“Yah! this is between the two of you, stop pouting at me.” He says in response before turning on his heel to head to your kitchen to raid it for some more food. You huff and turn to Jungwon to have him plead your case but he only shakes his head, he knows better than to get in between the two of you.
“Uh-uh, No. You two figure this out.”
He stands from his seat beside you to go join Beomgyu in the kitchen.
Avi takes Jungwon’s seat and grabs your hands. “I promise I won’t drink! I know better now and the guys will be there! You know they won’t let anything happen to either of us! Come on, _____ please!”
You sigh and shift your attention to the boys goofing off in your kitchen, Avi is right. The boys wouldn’t let the two of you out of their sight, especially Jungwon as he was there for the last party the three of you had attended.
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The living room of the frat is completely packed, people are scattered around the home, either dancing in a large group in the middle of the living room, relaxing in the kitchen with drinks in hand or smoking blunts upstairs. Something that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by you is the hordes of couples pressed up against each other and the walls, making out and grinding against each other for the entirety of the house to see without a single care in the world.
You turn to face your friends, “an hour tops then we’re out of here!”
Avi playfully rolls her eyes, “aye aye captain.”
She grabs Beomgyu’s hand and they walk into the midst of the party leaving you with Jungwon. “Want to grab a drink with me?”
You pull your attention away from a guy who’s completely wasted and forcing another to a dance off to Jungwon who’s standing next to you. You shrug, “sure.”
You both exit from the hallway where your little group had clustered and enter the kitchen to grab a drink. Jungwon hands you a water bottle but you nudge away his hand and reach for a red solo cup to pour yourself a shot of tequila. You knock it back and move down the counter to pour yourself some of the punch.
Jungwon watches you in worry as you pucker your lips at the taste of the punch, “I thought no drinking tonight.”
“No drinking for Avi. Plus it’s for the nerves.”
He nods at you and takes a sip of his water. “What has you on edge?”
You look around the kitchen sadly before confessing what’s weighing on your heart. “It feels so odd being here, it was my dream for so long and now it’s just some other school down the block.”
Jungwon hums before scanning the area himself. “Do you regret choosing Northeastern?”
You sigh, “I..” you trail off to really think through your answer. Northeastern has become more than a safety net. You have a family here because of the school, people who love and care about you without restraint and would be crushed if you up and left them. You also can’t help but feel as though there’s a double meaning to Jungwon’s question. “I don’t think so, more so mourning what could have been here.”
Jungwon nods, “are you still thinking about transferring?”
You shake your head. “No, I think it’s time to close the chapter on this time period in my life.”
Jungwon stills beside you, to him, Harvard = Jake and the life you lived with him back at home in Australia, does this mean this is finally the end of you and that dirtbag?
You smile and place your arms around Jungwon’s neck. “I think it's time to start focusing on what I have here at Northeastern…with you.”
Jungwon swears he feels his heart stop at your words, are you finally going to give him a chance? His eyes suddenly gleam with mischief as he rests his hands on your waist and squeezes you a little tighter and yanks you towards him, bodies just centimeters apart as you crash into his chest, all up in each other’s personal space.
Your eyes widen in complete surprise. 
“Are you saying what I think you are?” He teases with a stupidly lowered tone, a smug grin decorating his face. 
You ignore the electricity shooting through you, rolling your eyes and playfully sneer at him. “Don’t be smug, I can still change my mind, you know.” You force space between you two and try removing his hands from your waist but his grip transforms into an iron lock. 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“Try me.”
He pulls you in close and leans in to whisper, “yeah? Then who's gonna do this?” He doesn’t wait for you to question him, leaning in right away to place his lips on yours and cage you between him and the kitchen counter. Your eyes blow out, taken by surprise until you find yourself quickly melting into the kiss, hands gripping his shoulders tighter. Jungwon can’t help himself from opening up his mouth to catch more of yours, lips sensually kissing yours in a slow, unhurried pace. 
You instantly love the way he kisses, completely taken by his pillowy, delicate lips. 
Jungwon doesn’t care if your lipstick smudges onto him or how brash the public display of affection seems; all he cares about is the soft feeling of your lips against his own for the first time and the fact that you’re willing to be his.
He knows it’s going to stay on his mind for weeks. 
You’re beginning to get lost until he disconnected your mouths, only looking at each other with overwhelming feelings and shimmering eyes that depict how nervous you are for this new step.
“Wanna dance with me?” You shyly ask.
Jungwon smirks, his mind recalling the first time he ever met you at that slackers party. “Where’s the fun in asking?” He mocks, you roll your eyes at the familiarity of his words before dragging him out of the kitchen and into the living room to dance away your inhibitions.
The two of you make your way to the center of the room knowing once you start dancing, all eyes will be on you. Jungwon squeezes your hips one last time before turning you around and helping you slowly grind down on him to the beat of the song, once you have a steady rhythm going on he begins to buck his hips to meet your pace.
Just like that night at slackers, you’re bent over whining your waist against Jungwon and catching the attention of those around you. Jungwon sneaks one arm around your front and gently squeezes at your right boob under your crop top, getting turned on by how your butt applies the right amount of pressure to his cock every time you bounce off of it and the lustful gaze of those watching. He could cum in his pants. You have to bite your bottom lip to keep from moaning.
As the song comes to a close Jungwon releases you and places a kiss against the base of your neck, “I’m going to grab us drinks, stay right here baby.”
You nod and let him remove himself from you completely to go get the two of you drinks, you turn around to see if you could potentially find Beomgyu or Avi and spend some time with them until he returns but before you even get the chance to fully scope out the area you feel someone grab onto your wrist and spin you around.
You’re about to tell the stranger off but your words get caught in your throat when you turn around to find a tall blonde man dressed in all black staring you down. You exhale sharply at the way he seemingly undresses you with his eyes.
“You sure know how to put on a show, princess.”
You feel your face heat up a bit at the use of pet name and being called out on the way you were just dry humping Jungwon. Not knowing what to say you wait for him to continue. Picking up on that, the stranger continues, “I’m Jay, what’s your name darling?”
“____” you breathlessly let out.
He hums and pulls you in closer, “sexy name for a sexy girl, who’s that guy? Your boyfriend?”
His hands travel down to grab at your ass over your leggings and you have a feeling that even if you were taken, Jay wouldn’t care.
You bite down a moan at the way he caresses your ass, taking turns between rolling the flesh and pinching it every now and then. He lands a sharp slap to your bottom when you don’t answer, his patience running thin. “Answer me princess.”
You shake your head, “n-no I’m si-”
Before you can finish your statement Jay gets ripped away from you by another male who huffs out in playful annoyance. “C’mon mate, it’s my birthday and you’re ditching me for some action?”
This time, your blood truly runs cold. Standing in front of you in all his glory for the first time in a year and three months is Sim Jaeyun. His eyes sweep over to you and the smile that was just gracing his face begins to slowly fall. Your eyes greedily take him in. You notice he’s dyed his hair back to black and grown it out a bit, parting it in the middle like you used to do for him during your walk to school. His shoulders also seem a bit wider, did he start working out? You even note his style has changed, gone are the tight skinny jeans and random hoodies. He’s dressed in wide legend pants paired with a simple white tee tucked in and Jordans on his feet.
“____.” He breathlessly lets out.
Hearing him call out to you breaks your heart, after all this time you thought you would be angry at him for what he did. Swearing to Avi that if you ever ran into him you were going to rip him a new one, maybe even slap him for having the audacity to hurt you the way he did. But now that you’ve been graced with the opportunity all you feel is a deep sadness, all your anger gone in that instant.
You see Jay’s eyes bug out of his head as he looks between the two of you. “She’s ____?”
Your eyes flicker over to Jay as you make the assumption Jake must have told him all about the two of you. Jake reaches a hand out to grab yours but you instantly jerk away from his touch. He doesn’t deserve it, your mind screams at you.
“Don’t.” You grit out, fighting back the tears.
Jake’s face falls even more at the malice in the simple word, heart breaking at how you avoid his touch but respects it nonetheless.
“Please, let me just ex-”
You don’t let him finish before you’re spinning on your heel and bolting out of the party. You knock into a few partygoers, the alcohol finally taking its effect. You hear muffled shouts of your name as you push past people to make it outside to the lawn. In your daze you don’t see your friends running after you.
You stumble out of the party and onto the lawn. The front of the frat house is nearly empty, save for you and a couple that’s making out on the grass. You stagger towards a bush when the overwhelming feeling of vomiting consumes you. Your stomach contracts violently and all the liquor you had consumed comes back up splattering the bushes.
“____!” You hear Jungwon call out your name before he’s kneeling beside you and holding your hair back.
You heave again and once more the contents of your stomach spray the ground. You sink to your knees and retch until only clear liquid is coming up. Your throat feels sore from the stomach acid that is layering it and your mouth tastes of vomit.
Avi kneels beside you and rubs your back soothingly as Beomgyu stands protectively in front of you, shielding you from Jake’s view as he tries to grab your attention, constantly calling your name.
“It’s alright,” you hear Jungwon whisper as you feel your stomach begin to settle. He slowly ties your hair up for you using a hair tie Avi offers and once he’s sure Avi has a steady grip on you, he’s standing to square up to Jake.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Jungwon asks. Beomgyu’s eyes widen the tiniest fraction at his roommate's question, knowing damn well he can’t fight and Jungown might be alone in this one.
Jake scoffs and steps up to Jungwon, his own annoyance at its peak. “I’m her best friend who the fuck do you think you are?”
Your friends all still at the realization of who exactly the stranger is. Avi is the first to react, scoffing at his audacity from beside you as she looks up at him.
“You know you got a lot of fucking nerve to even call yourself that. You’re the one who ghosted her, you’re the one who left. You don’t get to claim that title anymore.”
Jake falters at the harsh glare he’s receiving from your friends but he’s determined to speak to you.
“You don’t know shit.” Jay spits out from behind Jake knowing the true story as to why Jake did what he did. Albeit shitty, his friend had his reasons and he wasn’t going to let anyone shame him for the decisions he made as a kid fresh out of high school.
Beomgyu swears he sees red. “Watch it.” He says as he shoves at Jay’s chest. Jay, having none of it though, pushes back causing Jungwon and Jake to have to step in and separate their friends before things escalate.
Jake pulls his friend away and harshly whispers in his ear before Jay scoffs and walks away back into the party. Jake clears his throat and turns back to you and your friends who are all still glaring and making a protective front around you.
“Please, ____. I Just need one chance to explain myself.”
Jungwon opens his mouth to respond for you but you're quicker than him.
“No.” Your voice is firm, “you don’t get to hurt me the way you did and expect me to give you the courtesy of explaining why you chose to break my heart.”
From your seated position you can see the tears swimming in his eyes and it almost makes you crack. Almost. But you need to choose you for once. You need to stop throwing caution to the wind when it comes to Sim Jaeyun, he never once did that for you.
“You’re a year too late.”
Still determined and not deterred by your stance, Jake takes a cautious step forward, stopping when Jungwon deems he’s gotten too close and steps up as well to place a hand on Jake’s chest.
“I’m sorry, ____. I know I fucked everything up and-and that I don’t deserve another chance but please-” He chokes back a sob, “please just let me explain!” Avi rolls her eyes and helps you stand. “What good will that do? You’re right, you don’t deserve shit from her. Explaining why you’re a shitty person isn’t going to change anything.”
Although harsh, Avi is right. Hearing him out won’t change the fact that he no longer has a spot in your life, it won’t change the damage he’s caused, it won’t do anything.
“Let’s go guys.” You weekly let out, completely drained and craving the warmth of your bed.
You ignore Jake’s call of your name and leave with your friends surrounding you, making it impossible for him to see you anymore. Your heart seizes in your chest at the desperation in his voice as he calls out to you but you keep walking, you leave him behind like he did to you all those months ago.
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[November 15th, 12:35 AM]
[jake]: can we please talk?
[jake]: i’m sorry
[jake]: please
[jake]: _____?
[November 16th, 2:48 PM]
[jake]: i know you don’t want to talk to me but please let me explain ____
[jake]: i’ll leave you alone after, i swear
[November 17th, 6:15 PM]
[jake]: i’ll be at caffe nero near newbury tomorrow at 2 until they close
[jake]: please come and let me explain, i’ll leave you alone regardless of what you decide.
Jake stares down at his phone as he hits send, over the past two days he’s been sending you text messages praying you’ll respond but each one has been left on delivered. He doesn’t know if you’ve read them or even blocked him.
He tosses his phone aside and drops down on his hard dorm bed staring up at his ceiling wondering why he let things get so bad. He thought he was making the right decision for the both of you, thought he was doing right by you by leaving you alone.
Falling in love takes courage he doesn't possess at the time. You never stood a chance and it's little wonder why you felt so cheated.
Leading up to his departure from Australia everything was perfect, it was a dream. He had the girl of his dreams, a scholarship to the school of his dreams and for once- a supportive family backing every decision he made. It was new, it was different. It was scary. Jake grew up having to fight for his parents attention and had to work for their love, it was conditional, he had to be perfect. Being given it so freely and easily by you came as a shock.
He knew just how much you loved him, how much you had sacrificed over the years for him, he doesn’t deserve it now and he sure as hell didn’t think he deserved it back then. How could he love you if he barely understood how it worked? He had such a twisted view on love. At the time he thought it came with conditions, that he couldn’t love or be loved without conditions. That it was only a matter of time before the hammer dropped on your changing relationship and you began expecting more from him as a boyfriend, more that he couldn’t give.
Reading the letter was what really did it for him.
Of course he didn’t listen to you when you told him to read it once he was on the plane. He waited until you fell asleep and reached into the drawer to retrieve the letter and began reading it. Jake read it over and over again until he had it memorized, so much so that he still has it memorized to this day. He left you with the original but wrote it down on a napkin on the plane when he realized how big of a mistake it was to leave it. He sits up to walk over to his desk and retrieve his written version of the letter and begins to read it once again.
Dear Jake, my sweet angel boy,
I should have told you this right after prom: that there's this special love that I have deep within my heart. That love is only for you. It is far greater than this world. I wish I could show you how much you really mean to me. If I could only let you feel how much I really do love you in a kiss or a hug, you would begin to feel the love that I have for you.
If I could describe the love that I have for you and use lyrics of love songs or even the sonnets of Shakespeare, it would still be impossible, because the love that I love for you cannot be put into words. You've had my love from the day we met, and you will have it forever. As time goes by, my heart and love for you will keep growing stronger, brighter, and bigger.
Call me your love from this day forward. Although we have two different minds, and souls, we have one and the same beautiful heart. My love for you is unconditional. Please don’t forget that.
I love you with all my heart, body, and soul. I will never stop loving you. You are my life, my world, and everything to me. Distance may keep us apart for a short while but you will always and forever be embedded deep within my heart.
My beautiful love, you are my world and you have been since the first time I saw you. I felt love the first time I looked at you all those years ago in your backyard, and my world became a beautiful place to live in. I often ask myself, what in the world would I do without you now? I hope to never find out the answer to that question.
I’m writing you this letter to tell you how much you mean to me, and to thank you for coming into my life. You are something I never thought could exist for me. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I don't regret telling you how I feel.
I love you Sim Jaeyun, today, tomorrow, forever.
Tears swim in Jake’s eyes as he places the letter back in the depths of his desk. He wishes so badly that he didn’t run, that he stayed and talked through his fears with you but he was too much of a coward and knew deep down that you deserved better. He never deserved you to begin with and he was a fool for ever thinking a broken boy like him could ever love someone as amazing as you.
After leaving, Jake found it hard to settle into his new routine. He missed your presence every single day, finding it harder and harder to ignore your text messages asking how he was, if he had eaten, if he liked the campus.
By the time Jake had realized how big of a mistake he made and just how much of an ass he looked like, he couldn’t take it back. The damage had quite literally been done and it seemed you were moving on. The text messages stopped coming in, he was removed from your close friends and his mother no longer had any updates for him when he would ask. Apparently, you had stopped going over and it was rare to catch glimpses of you as the school year progressed.
When he had heard from his brother that you were no longer on the volleyball team he wanted to reach out and ask what happened. You loved the sport too much to just quit, especially during your senior year but Jake had a feeling he was the last person you wanted to hear from.
His first semester at Yale was nothing like he expected it to be, everything was dull and lifeless. Every day was the same routine: wake up, shower and brush his teeth, get dressed and head to lectures before studying at the library until midnight because his roommate had a girl over.
He felt like he was slowly losing his sanity. As the end of his first semester came to a close and winter break was fastly approaching Jake decided he had had enough. Yale meant nothing if you weren’t in his life. He knew at that point you had probably sent in your college applications and were practically a shoe-in for Harvard so he did what he thought would bring him peace.
He sent in his transfer application before the end of the semester to be able to start in the spring and got his acceptance right before winter break. He didn’t tell his parents about the sudden decision, knowing they wouldn’t be happy with him but he was done living in his fear. It was what caused him to lose you and he would be damned if he let it happen again.
He eventually told them once everything was set and as expected he received an earful about his decision from his father before he realized how deadset his son was on this before backing down.
Once the spring semester started Jake could slowly feel his world start to mend. Everything seemed brighter at Harvard; the physics program was easier, the people were kinder, he had friends and his new roommate wasn’t an ass.
Jay and Jake clicked the second Jake rolled his suitcases into the new room. Jay took him under his wing and treated him like a little brother. It felt nice to have someone to rely on, sure Jay wasn’t you but he slowly became someone who meant the world to him and he looked up to. Eventually Jay introduced Jake to his friends Heeseung and Sunghoon and the four became an inseparable group. The four of them truly did everything together: they took all their gen ed classes together, they attended each other's sporting events and they would often go to frats together with Jake staying sober to take care of his friends.
The guys never pushed Jake to explore the women that approached him at parties knowing his heart belonged to you. They had heard him go on and on about you on several occasions and knew he only transferred to be close to you. They admired his determination to right his wrongdoings but were truthfully skeptical if it would work. They encouraged him to just text you, arguing the more time he let pass the harder it would be to win you back but Jake argued back that this was something that couldn’t be fixed over text.
The semester flew by and Jake was increasingly getting excited. Once he had submitted his last final exam he was on the first flight back home to Australia in June. He couldn’t wait for you to start school in the fall to talk to you and he was long overdue for a trip back home, two birds with one stone. However, when he made it back home to Brisbane his dreams were once again crushed. His mother informed him about your solo trip to Europe and how your parents had sent you away under the guise of it being a graduation gift but really it was out of fear of your declining mental health.
Jake was lost, he had heard nothing about your mental state as his mother insisted she knew nothing about your life anymore when he would inquire about you over the phone. It came as a shock when his mom sat him down to tell him about you being kicked off the volleyball team rather than you just leaving like he assumed, how you no longer attended study groups and even skip school now. What came as the biggest shock was hearing you didn’t get into Harvard. Jake felt absolutely disgusted with himself.
He had caused this, he was the reason behind your suffering and yet he had the audacity to show up here thinking you would welcome him back. He was right, he really doesn’t deserve you. Look at all the pain he’s caused you and what you’ve lost in the process.
He didn’t stick around much longer after that, He flew back to the states a week before you came back from New Zealand and became hell bent on leaving you alone. He owed you that much, some peace after bringing nothing but chaos into your life.
The rest of his summer was a haze, he spent it getting high or drunk with Heeseung and Jay. He didn’t tell his friends about what he had heard from back home, the guilt eating at him but he made it clear that there would be no Jake and ____. The two of you were officially done.
Heesung and Jay were obviously worried about their friend, they knew of the love the male held for you and to see him so torn up over it that he was drinking all his inhibitions away or smoking until he was numb was alarming but they didn’t stop him.
They did however intervene towards the end of the summer when Sunghoon came back from Korea and Jake insisted the group went to an end of summer kickback. They had never seen Jake so out of it, he got so crossfaded that he passed out at the party and was unresponsive for twenty minutes.
Emergency services had to be called and the party got shut down. It was safe to say his friends were done with his shit and sat him down and forced him to talk about his emotions because they would be damned if they watched him continue down this path and eventually die from it.
That night was an eye opener for Jake and he swore he would get better, promised he would stop holding things in and be more upfront about how he was feeling. Seeing Jay cry over the possibility of his death was what really put things into perspective for him, the thought of you also possibly being torn over him dying got him to take his sobriety seriously.
His friends held him accountable as the new school year began, they cut back on frat parties, made the effort to not drink as much around him and even began being more open with each other due to Jay’s claims of “vulnerability breeds vulnerability.”
It was safe to say that Jake was finally beginning to heal. He knew sooner or later he would have to face the consequences of his actions and he was fully prepared to do so, just not so soon. It was Sunghoon’s idea to go to the frat at Kappa Alpha Theta for his birthday. Jake was fully prepared to say no and spend the day alone. This would be his second birthday spent away from you and he wanted the privacy to read through old birthday paragraphs you’ve sent him over the years and stare at the polaroids he took of you during your getaway to Sydney.
Jay and Heesung were having none of it though and insisted he needed to actually celebrate his birthday like Sunghoon said. Jake eventually caved when the three of them offered to stay sober with him. Seeing you at that party was devastating but seeing you in another man's arms was infuriating. Jake knew he had no right to be upset with you but it irked him that he was no longer the only male in your life. Jay had told him about the dance that took place before everything went to shit and Jake couldn’t help but wonder if you had fully moved on from him. Heeseung had to remind him that if you had, Jake couldn’t be upset with you, he had practically pushed you into Jungwon’s arms the second he decided to leave you behind in Australia.
“How long do you plan on staring at your phone?” Heeseung asks as he enters the younger male's room with Jay and Sunghoon trailing behind him.
Jake sighs and tosses the device to the side, “she still hasn’t responded.”
Sunghoon takes a seat beside Jake on the bed, “give her some space dude I’m sure seeing you at the party was the last thing she expected.”
Jay hums, “you did what you can. Give her space to decide what she wants.”
Jake heeds the advice of his friends. He’s inconvenienced you enough, leaving you alone to decide if you want to meet him is what you need now. He can only hope you do decide to hear him out.
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“I don’t think you should go.”
You look up at Avi who’s standing above you on the couch staring down at your phone screen, contempt written all over her face. You gently sigh and lock your phone, letting it fall on the couch with a soft thud.
“I know.”
Ever since the party Jake has constantly been texting you. Avi was beyond annoyed with the male and his inability to- “leave you the fuck alone.” You would read them as they come in, unable to bring yourself to delete the messages like Beomgyu advised when you told him about them.
“Just block his number, ____.” Avi huffs, crossing her arms as she stares down at you. You look away and draw figure eights into the couch cushions as you think.
“I can’t.”
It’s silent for a beat, you think for a few seconds before shrugging. “I don’t know.”
Avi sighs and uncrosses her arms. “You’re being selfish.”
You stop drawing imaginary shapes on the couch and fix your eyes on Avi, waiting for her to continue.
“What about Jungwon? Have you stopped to consider what this would do to him if you let Jake just waltz his way back into your life?”
You purse your lips, you haven’t talked to the younger male since the party. He’s been reaching out as well, trying to gauge how you’re feeling with the sudden appearance of Jake but you’ve yet to open them let alone respond.
“I don’t k-”
Avi groans in annoyance, cutting you off. “-I swear if you say I don’t know one more time, ____! Can’t you see how bad Jake is for you? One appearance and a few text messages and look at you! You’re not talking to us anymore, you haven’t left your bed in almost two days! Jake is toxic, this isn’t healthy!”
For some reason you want to defend his name, want to call Avi out on being a bitch but you don’t. You know she’s being logical and Jake doesn’t deserve it so you keep quiet. When she realizes her approach may have been a bit too harsh she softens a bit and takes a seat beside you.
“I’m sorry, I just-.” She cuts herself off with a deep inhale. “Jake will never love you the way Jungwon has. It’s harsh but true. Maybe Jake did have his reasons but that doesn’t change the fact that his approach was wrong. He didn’t stop to consider how hurt you would be and that’s not okay. Do you really want to be with someone who can hurt you so easily?”
She gently pats your back before continuing knowing you won’t answer. “Jake is selfish, he’s only ever cared about himself and Jungwon has only cared about you. Don’t miss out on what could be a great love with Jungwon because you’re infatuated with the idea of being with Jake.”
With that, she gets up and leaves you to stew in your thoughts. She’s right, Jungwon was the one to stay and pick up the pieces. He was the one to show you that love didn’t have to be painful, he’s patient, kind and above all absolutely madly in love with you. He healed you from the pain Jake caused so why are you self sabotaging? Who’s to say Jake won’t hurt you again? That he even has a valid reason for stringing you along?
Your phone buzzes on the couch pulling you out of your reverie. You sigh, expecting to find another text from Jake as you pick it up to look at it only to find it’s not from him but rather the other male you’ve been ignoring.
[November 17th, 7:37 PM]
[jungwon]: do you want to grab lunch with me at tatte tmr at 2?
You want to scream at how fate is playing out, now you really have to choose.
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[November 18th, 2:17 PM]
You march up the sidewalk to the sound of the steady patter of rain against the pavement that leads to the little cafe that’s tucked between the huge city buildings and hidden away from view with vines crawling up its side. You come to a stop in front of the door and take a deep breath to calm yourself before entering.
A part of you is scared you’ve made the wrong decision, you want to turn around and run to him but you know you need to see this through. People love to think about the what if’s: what if I chose the wrong major? What if we weren’t meant to ever meet? What if things had just gone the way I had so desperately wanted them to?
For you, it's what could have been that plagues your mind. To you, they’re far worse than what if’s because they were within your reach, the possibility of it coming to fruition so near but never close enough.
Jake has been your biggest what could have been, your almost. You try and reason that it’s okay that you picked him in the end, you need to know why. Why your love wasn’t enough, why the two of you aren’t together, why he was so quick to give up on the two of you.
You head inside and note the cafe isn’t big, it’s small and cozy. You spot Jake easily, he’s sitting near the back by a window facing you. He offers you a hesitant smile and wave of his hand. You exhale and slowly walk towards his booth and slide into the seat across from him. He meekly slides a drink across the table.
“I know you always liked lattes so I ordered one for you, I hope you don’t mind.”
You look down at the drink he had slid over to your side. It sits prettily in a white china cup, a leaf pattern in delicate milky foam among the pale brown. You wrap your fingers around it, enjoying the heat that spreads through your hands, grateful for the little warmth it provides. You take a hesitant sip, it’s bitter, but you recall telling Jake that only babies ask for hot chocolate.
Truth is, you had stopped drinking lattes once your friendship with him ended, the drink brought back too many unwanted memories. Memories of walking to the nearest cafe in Brisbane during finals season to get your coffee fix to stay up and finish studying were too apparent and hurt too much.
You take a bigger sip and this time let the warm liquid sit on your tongue for longer. You can't smell the bitterness of coffee beans in the warm air of the cafe and you feel safe and calm for just a moment. You allow yourself to get enveloped in the smell of baking bread and let your worries slip away for just a split second.
You place the cup back onto the table and slowly come back to reality. “Thank you.”
Jake shoots a shy smile your way and shrugs, “anything for you.”
You clear your throat and sit straighter, back on alert. You fiddle with the handle of your teacup not knowing what to say. Was this a mistake after all?
Jake, sensing your hesitance, decides to speak up first. “I’m sorry.”
“Why’d you do it?”
Jake studies your face for a good minute. He notes all the subtle changes about you, he picks up on your new hairstyle and the change in your clothes. He also picks up on the awkwardness that hangs in the air, things have never been this tense between the two of you and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
“I was scared that I wouldn’t be enough.” Jake looks away for a brief moment to collect his emotions and make his apology sound as sincere as it can be. “Ever since we were nine you’ve loved me and I was scared that I would mess things up, that once we made things official you would expect more from me, more that I didn’t know how to give and that ultimately I would be the cause of your unhappiness and all I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, ____.”
“I had enough love for the both of us,” you softly confess, your heart breaking at the revelation of how he truly felt at the time. “Why didn’t you just say that? Why didn’t you let me love you?”
Jake gulps, tears stinging his eyes. “Because it didn’t seem like a fair trade. You don’t deserve someone broken. I thought love came with conditions and I didn’t want to drain you.”
You frown, growing annoyed with how he declares how you feel. It irks you how his brain works, how he assumed how you would react, how you would feel rather than giving you the opportunity to brave through the motions together.
“You don’t get to just make decisions on my half.”
Jake stiffly nods. “I know, I’m sorry.”
Your hands ball up into fists, anger beginning to consume your body. “I’m sorry isn’t enough! I was in love with you Jake! I was willing to go to the ends of the earth just to see you smile! Why didn’t you just talk to me? I would have loved you enough until you could love yourself! We could have made it work!”
Jake shakes his head, “no we couldn’t have.”
You glare at him, “why the fuck not!?”
This time Jake stays silent. Your eyes challenge him though, begging him to continue. To give you one good reason as to why he walked away but he gives you nothing, once again making you look like a fool for throwing caution to the wind and picking him.
Angry tears pool in your eyes as you forcefully stand from your seat and stare down at Jake. He looks up at you in surprise and shame. “Don’t you fucking get it? Even after all this time, I’m still in love with you!” You scoff as you see his eyes widening at your confession. “And yet you still can’t be honest with me, I feel so stupid. You make me stupid Sim Jaeyun.”
You don’t wait for him to respond before you’re bolting out of the coffee shop and out into the rain. It’s coming down harder now than it was when you left. You let out a string of curses at how soaked you’re getting and at how embarrassed you feel for confessing your love to Jake.
“____! ____, wait!”
You hear him calling out to you but you don’t stop, if anything it spurs you on to walk faster. The streets of Newbury are astonishingly empty due to the rain making it seemingly easy for a clean escape. What you fail to take into account though is Jake’s ability to sprint due to years of soccer.
He grabs onto your arm and spins you around to face him, determination written all over his face.
“I don’t deserve love, ____ I don’t!” Jake can feel his head spin with hurt, pain and daunting thoughts that have always plagued his self-deprecating mind. “That’s why I walked away. I can’t be loved, not by you, not my dad, not by anyone. I’m not worthy of it… I’m not a lovable person.” 
“Oh my Gosh..” You place a hand over your mouth, emotions reaching a crescendo as you raise your voice. “Yes you are, Jake. Why do you think I’m standing here and telling you I love you? Why do you think I ever did any of the things I’ve done for you? Couldn’t you see it in the way I looked at you? In the way I touched you, the way I trusted you? You’re worth every fucking last bit of love I have.” 
“You are the greatest love I have ever known, ____. It felt selfish to keep you all to myself knowing you could have had more! Knowing I was holding you back-”
You shake your head cutting him off, “I only ever wanted you. You were always more than enough Jake and I wish you had just told me! I would have reassured you each and every time! That’s what you do when you love someone!”
Jake suddenly closes the gap between you, gripping your face intimately as he looks into your frantic eyes. “I didn’t know how to talk through my emotions, ____. I thought it was better to deal with it alone and that caused me the best thing I’ve ever had. I’m still in love with you. My feelings are so strong I don’t know what to do with myself. I can’t think straight, I don’t think straight when it comes to you.” Your eyes stare back at his desperate ones, Jake trying so desperately hard to get you to understand. “I want to try again. I want to do it right this time and never let you go.”
Your lips quiver, taken aback by his warm touch and confession. Unable to resist the urge any longer, Jake slowly leans forward, one hand firmly grasping your waist, the other resting at the base of your neck, and presses your lips together. Lightning cracks overhead as the rain continues to pour down on the two of you, soaking through your clothes. But none of it matters. A warmth radiates through you as you continue kissing Jake as the world seems to melt around you. After a few moments, you slowly pull away, taking a small gasp of air. A sheepish smile creeps onto Jake’s face as you sigh against his lips, breaking eye contact for a moment before Jake plants another, shorter kiss on your lips.
“I love you, ____. I’m sorry for not trying hard enough before but please, give me another chance to love you the right way. The way you deserve. I’m not scared anymore.”
You sniffle and nod your head, “”Okay. Let’s try again. No hiding this time. I want all parts of you Jaeyun, even the parts that scare you.”
He smiles and pecks your lip one last time. “You have all of me.”
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lyrinsluv · 3 months
timeskip! tsukishima x [implied female] reader
wordcount: 908! :D
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everything showers, something most girls dreaded, and something others loved. but of course, those showers were so often for you. after learning about kei’s love for strawberry shortcake, you couldn’t help but pick out strawberry scented things for your showers. ranging from strawberry lotion to strawberry sugar scrub, strawberry shaving cream, and even a strawberry shower gel.
at first, it was subtle. he would smell your lotion that you applied onto your body everyday. of course, it was just for moisturizing purposes and nothing more. you totally didn’t want to catch his attention every time you sat down next to him during your lectures. there just happened to be no seats open. the scowl on his face would always go away after he got a grasp of your scent. 
the next thing you tried was actually talking to him. you noticed he had some tape on his fingers. maybe you could make something out of him playing volleyball?
“are your fingers okay..?” you ask stupidly. you just wanted to initiate some sort of contact, even if that resulted in him sighing quietly at you.
“they're fine,” he mutters out. clearly, it was going to be hard to get on his good side. it wasn’t as bad as you thought, though. the next couple of lectures, you became closer and closer with him. he just couldn’t get over your strawberry scent.
now, you two are out at a cafe. the one thing he orders is a slice of strawberry shortcake, no coffee, no tea. just the shortcake. it wasn’t a date, per se, it was a convenient time for the both of you to meet up because you just truly didn’t understand the lesson that your professor was babbling about. as you drink your vanilla latte, he looks at you. 
“what? don't make fun of me for not understanding, it’s kinda hard to take notes about something that’s not important to my major.” you mumble out. his lips turn up into a small smile. something that you yearned to see. oh god, maybe it was worth the money you threw down to smell good for him; for kei tsukishima. 
“i didn't say anything, you know.” he says quietly as he sets his fork down. of course, your scent filled up his mind with so many thoughts. he knew he loved strawberry shortcake, and now he loved the way you smelt. it was like his dream, but the dream was sitting right in front of him. he just wanted to eat you up, just like his shortcake that was halfway finished. 
it was 10:42 on a friday night. no, you weren’t out partying, and no, you weren’t out with anyone. you were standing in your shower, doing your everything shower that was oh so often. the way the sugar scrub’s scent filled your nostrils, the way you glided the lotion all over yourself once you got out: just for kei. this strawberry scent was something you were getting used to, no wonder kei’s small smile was always on his lips every time you were close to him. 
as you stood in front of your bathroom, you realized that you had a couple of texts from kei. 
“did you finish the paper? it was due twenty minutes ago'' - 10:20pm.
“i had to close for the museum today, sorry for not texting you.” - 10:26pm. 
oh how you loved communication, and how you loved him. what you didn’t expect to happen that night was for him to call you. you answer hastily, not caring if it looked embarrassing or needy. 
“yes, tsukishima?” you ask quietly, putting away all of your body care. 
“you didn’t respond to me,” he mumbles back. 
“what if i was asleep?” you remark. the smile on your face didn’t match your tone.
“what were you even doing?” he asks. he wondered what you did. and why you were so attractive to him.
“i was in the shower, actually.” you respond back. you sit on your bed as you put the phone on speaker. 
“thanks for being thoughtful, i didn't think you had it in you.” you say with a giggle, referring to his considerate message about your paper. and god, that giggle made his stomach twist and turn into knots. 
“sure, whatever.” he mutters, laying on his back as you two continue your usual banter. he closes his eyes, his mind full of you. 
“why do you always smell so good?” he asks quietly. he opens his eyes, realizing that he said that out loud. 
“uhh, forget that.” he says as he rubs the bridge of his nose, his voice echoing through his room. he places his glasses on his nightstand, his fingers brushing through his hair.
you take a breath, trying to contain yourself. 
“me? smell good?” you ask, ignoring his hesitations. of course your stupid act helped with this. 
“wha..? yeah, you always smell like strawberries.” he murmurs out, closing his eyes as sighs in shame. 
“maybe it's because i want to smell good for you, ‘shima.” you mumble back, not caring about that blush that was eminent on your cheeks. 
you knew the night would end well because that call lasted a couple hours, with a few teases here and a couple confessions there. you sink into your bed as he hangs up the phone. 
and at that, an apparent but known realization hit you: you were in love with kei tsukishima.
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420 notes · View notes
Ethan is trying to do work and the reader distracts him which turns into more. Just Ethan being flustered and trying to focus while reader teases him. 🤗
I've done a version of this with Mindy
Warnings: nudity, teasing
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’Did you see my green highlighter?’’
‘’No. I have a blue one, here.’’ You fished it from your pencil case, but Ethan didn’t take it.
‘’I can’t use blue.’’
‘’I have pink, yellow and orange if you prefer—’’
‘’No. That’s not what I meant. I have a color code. Green is for the things I understand, blue is for what I don’t understand and the glittery gel pen is for underlining things that I think are gonna be in the exams.’’
Fondness filled your stomach. He was so precious and nerdy at the same time. You reached across the bed to grab the collar of Ethan's henley and kissed him sweetly.
‘’Eh…what was that for?’’ Ethan asked, a little dumbfounded. ‘’I love your kisses, it’s just that we really need to study—’’
‘’You are such a nerd.’’ You kissed him again, lingering your lips on his. ‘’But I love you.’’
Ethan’s cheeks flushed the cutest shade of pink. ‘’I love you too.’’
You went back to studying, reading pages of textbooks until your eyes burned. Why was there so much to read in econ? Maybe you should switch majors?
‘’Have you read the chapter about taxation?’’ Ethan asked, a pen in one hand and a highlighter in the other. ‘’My mind is literally going to explode from the amount of information.’’ His eyes were fixated on his textbook, concentrated on what he was reading.
A breath of air left your lips. ‘’I have not. Sorry.’’ You ran a hand through your hair, flicking through pages with your other. ‘’I’m like…two chapters behind.’’
Ethan snapped his head up. ‘’Two?! What have you been doing all this time? Mrs. Coleman is gonna question us about these chapters next lesson.’’
He was right, but you had been studying for over three hours and nothing was sticking to your brain anymore. Your learning batteries were full for today. Maybe you’ll bring your textbook to your shift at the campus library tomorrow. Thursday afternoons are always quiet.
Before you, Ethan had returned to his reading, pen cap between his teeth while he was underlining long paragraphs. Sometimes, you wished he wasn’t so serious during study dates. School was important, but it doesn’t mean you can’t take a few makeout breaks.
You tried getting back to reading, but the words were not sticking. So you threw a paperclip at Ethan. It hit his chest and you grinned amusedly.
‘’Hey! Stop throwing shit at me,’’ he scolded, throwing it back at you.
‘’Let’s take a break.’’
Ethan shook his head. ‘’Can’t. I have another chapter to read and then I’m meeting with a study group.’’ He checked the time on his phone, making sure he wouldn’t be late.
A study group? You thought you were going out for late dinner at the café right outside campus. They have this new breakfast all day menu and you couldn’t wait to have waffles for dinner.
You pouted in disappointment. Guess there won’t be any waffles tonight…
‘’Can we at least cuddle before you go?’’ you asked, impatient to wrap your whole body around Ethan like a koala and kiss his face while he holds you back with his strong arms.
Your question was left pending and you were tempted to chuck a pillow at the curly haired nerd before you — but you didn’t. Instead, you took advantage of focused attention and removed your shirt and bra without him noticing. You felt a shiver up your spine when the cool air of Ethan's dorm hit your warm skin, causing your nipples to peak.
Ethan was addicted to your tits. Maybe he’ll put down his textbooks for a few minutes.
‘’This part is really important. Do you think we should make flashca—’’ Ethan cut himself and you heard him make a little noise, his bambi eyes falling on your breasts exposed right before him. The pen he was holding fell from his grasp and you smirked.
You felt the weight of Ethan’s eyes on you, all the information he just read suddenly swept away. ‘’What is it you were saying?’’ You let your hand crawl up his jeans-covered thighs and a swallow bobbed its way over his adam's apple when you almost reached his crotch. ‘’Cat’s got your tongue, love?’’
Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but your hand was getting higher and higher. A whimper slipped from his lip when you reached your desired spot, feeling him growing stiff beneath your palm. It’s so good to tease him.
He reached for your breasts, his palms enclosed over them, kneading into them as his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.
You sighed in pleasure, grazing your fingers along Ethan’s jaw. ‘’How many chapter do you have left again?’’ 
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
2K notes · View notes
harryspet · 5 months
Can you write a Bambi eyes Drabble where rafe does anal with reader for the first time ?
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a/n: this got a little freaky :)
Warnings: dark!daddy!rafe x reader, medfet, DUBCON, fingering, vibrator, bondage, bambi/reader is 18+ DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR
Some nights, Rafe pushed you to your limits. Typically, those were the days where he was most mentally strained. You knew he'd expect more from you when you heard him arguing over the phone or getting short with Lana. In the moment, your heart raced and you let your fear creep in but Rafe was always much nicer in the morning. It was a good thing that you helped him get out his frustrations. 
“Don’t squirm so much,” He told you, his hands on your hips to keep you still. You were bent over the edge of your bed, your hands constrained to each side by white cuffs. You weren’t particularly fond of the restraints, especially when you were naked as you were often left shivering, your nipples perking up from the cold. 
You felt a cold gel as it was squeezed out over your exposed holes, “I know it’s cold, little girl. You’re being such a good patient for Daddy.” It was a game and you were to pretend you were at the hospital recieving an exam and Rafe was your Doctor. It wasn’t far off from your imagination, Rafe always kissed your bruises and put on your bandaids. You also knew he was much smarter than you. 
Before he’d restrained you to bed, he’d given you a bath, paying special attention to an area that he hadn’t paid much attention to before. Now, with gloved fingers, he was paying even closer attention to that area, “Daddy,” You whined as he pressed his middle finger against your hole, “It feels weird.”
“What did I just say? I have to take a look down here, make sure my little girl is nice and healthy,” You squeezed your lips together and tried to hold in your mewls, “You’re so tight here, little girl. Too tight.”
“I’m sorry,” You dipped your head further down, your face heating with embarrassment. 
“Don’t worry, I’m going to stretch you,” You winced as he pushed his finger deeper and a yelp escaped your lips as he pushed in until you felt his knuckles against your bottom cheeks, “Shhh, stay still.
“Too much, too much!” You rushed out as he slowly pulled his fingers out, “It’s too much, Daddy. I think–”
Rafe interrupted your nervous ramblings by landing several spanks on your exposed bottom. Tears pricked your eyes and you felt your heart beat coming up your throat, “It’s supposed to hurt at first, it’ll get easier,” He tried to assure you although you sensed a harshness in his tone, “Listen, don’t yell.”
“I-I’m sorry, Doctor.”
“You gonna be a good little patient, now? If you don’t behave I’ll have to start all over.”
“I will be a good patient, Daddy.”
“Good girl. You’re much tighter than Daddy expected,” You heard him moving around the room although you couldn’t see exactly what he had grabbed. When he heard a soft vibrating, your mind filled in the blank. It made you feel relieved for only a moment because once again, Rafe’s latex finger was pressing against your tight entrance, “You’re gonna cum with Daddy’s finger in your ass, okay?”
It was rhetorical, you realized, but nodded anyways. Rafe pressed the large head of a vibrator to your clit just as he pushed inside of you, “I’ll give you a few minutes,” Rafe continued, “If you can cum three times with Daddy’s fingers in your ass then we can stop for the night.”
“I-I’ll try.” 
With the vibrator on high, you reached your first orgasm quickly but the pain cut your pleasure short. You could give him two more. It was a good thing that you helped him get out his frustrations. 
“Attagirl, Bambi.”
Bambi Eyes Masterlist
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hypewinter · 7 months
A continuation of this
It was amazing how interesting the hors d'oeuvre table became when one was avoiding social interaction. Danny pouted as he filled yet another plate with the tiny little snack foods. He should have listened to Mom. She had warned him he wouldn't like the party but he insisted on coming too. But how could he resist? When he heard all the fun stories his uncles told, he wanted to see for himself. And his grandpa had been so happy that he wanted to come too. Danny thought he would be in for a night of excitement especially since he'd be able to stay up past his bedtime yet instead he was currently bored out of his mind. He was also incredibly uncomfortable.
Danny didn't like how all these older people kept coming up to him and asking him weird questions or squeezing his cheeks. His mom and uncles tried to intercept as many people as possible but some people had gotten to him and. Danny didn't complain though as he's the one who wanted to come anywhere and he didn't want to seem like a brat. Plus he was still holding out hope that one of his uncles would do something interesting and if he complained, he might be taken home early.
That's why Danny had taken to avoiding his mom. She was very good at reading him and was even teaching him how to read others. If she saw him it would take 0.2 seconds for her to realize he didn't want to be here anymore. Mom was really nice so she would probably take him back home when she noticed. But Danny was a big boy and big boys suck it up for uncomfortable parties that they begged to attend. Though he still wished Sam were here. Sam? Who's Sam? He couldn't remember. There were a lot of things Danny couldn't remember. Even when he tried really hard to.
"Ah so this is the newest Wayne brat!"
Danny was pulled from his thoughts and looked up to see a man staring down at him. The man's blonde hair was very shiny. Must be full of a lot of that gel Uncle Damian liked to use. But he had put on too much and now his head looked all flat and shiny. But maybe the man liked being shiny since he had a lot of gold jewelry on too.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare?" the man said harshly, his lazy brown eyes boring into Danny. His body language was practically screaming How dare you? Better than you. This man seemed to sway quite a lot too. Was he drunk? Mom had warned him to stay away from drunk people but it would be rude to just walk away wouldn't it?
Instead Danny put down his plate and signed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. You just have really pretty jewelry sir."
The man's glare only intensified. "Huh? Whazzat? Talk damnit!" He began to project annoyance.
Danny furrowed his brows slightly. The man had said a bad word. You're not supposed to say bad words around children. At least that's what Grandpa Alfred had taught him when Uncle Jason got in trouble for saying one near him. It was also frustrating that this man didn't know any sign language.
Nevertheless, Danny pulled out his phone and opened the notes app. He clicked on the first page which read, "I'm sorry, I have limited speech and use sign language to communicate. However I can use this notepad instead." He held it up for the man to read.
Yet again the man didn't seem to be satisfied as he retorted, "You can speak but you choose not to? You're an arrogant little brat aren't you?" Angry. How dare you think you're above me? Uh oh.
Danny quickly scrolled down to a blank space so that he could explain it wasn't like that but he never got the chance. The man snatched the phone from Danny's hands.
"Listen you little turd," the man hissed, leaning in close. It took all the self control in Danny's body not to gag at his breath. "You may think you're all high and mighty just because you got lucky but make no mistake. You're just gutter trash. Just like all the other pests Wayne brought into his household and just like your mother."
Tears pricked at Danny's eyes. That wasn't true. Neither his uncles nor his mother were trash. They were good people. The nicest people ever. They saved Danny from that terrible terrible place and gave him lots of hugs and sweets and warmth. This man didn't know what he was talking about.
The man continued, "You'll do well to respect me as unlike you and your little pretend family, I actually come from a distinguished background. I'm not some orphan from an unknown background whose parents probably sold him for drug money. Do you hear me?" Hostile. Don't mess with me!
"If I tell you to speak to me, you speak to me. Is that clear?" You're beneath me. Know your place.
Danny didn't know how much longer he could keep the tears at bay. Luckily he didn't have to.
"Is there a problem?" There she was. Mom! In all of her glory. Her hair done up in a little bun and dressed in a suit matching his. He had actually picked it out for her.
Danny rushed over to her and clung to her leg. Not trash he projected. My family. Meanwhile, the man's attitude did a complete 180. "Ah Ms. Cassandra it's so nice to see you again! I was just complimenting your little one on how cute his suit looked on him!"
Mom ignored him and looked to Danny instead.
What happened?
Insulted you. Insulted my family. Mean man. Bad man.
Cass gently patted Danny's head. He loved when she did that. Okay now. Don't worry.
Mom turned back to the man. "For someone so much better than everyone, you really like hanging out in the Bowery," she said. I know your secret.
The man stiffened. Does she know? How does she know? "I'm really not sure what you're referring to Ms. Wayne." Nervous. Agitated.
Mom didn't say anything. Just leveled a stare at the man. His smile began slipping in the awkward silence. Panicked. Must leave.
"Well I should probably be going now. I feel like I've had too much to drink. Perhaps I'll go sit down," the man said quickly, excusing himself and disappearing into the crowd.
Once he was out of sight, Cass turned back to Danny. Okay? Danny buried his face into her leg. Wanna go home. In the next moment, Danny felt himself being picked up and cradled in his mother's arms. Let's go home, she portrayed with a smile. Danny desperately clung to her suit as his bottom lip wobbled.
"Sorry," he whispered. He wanted her to know he really meant it. That he was truly sorry.
He felt a kiss be planted on his forehead. "Don't be," Mom replied. Danny wrapped his arms around her neck and closed his eyes, finally letting the tears he'd been holding at bay fall. He took in the warmth and love his mother showered over him. His family wasn't trash. They were his saviors.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 6 months
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[1:08 pm]
(cw: a baby, parenthood, (gn!reader))
Fatherhood was something that dad!Doyoung never thought he could ever be ready for. He'd never been around babies! He didn't know how to change diapers. He didn't want to change diapers. He couldn't imagine going a day with a 3 hours of sleep. He couldn't imagine your usual calm home being filled with crying and the wailing of a baby. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be comfortable holding such a fragile little thing. It was overwhelming for him to say the very least. He felt as if he'd never be prepared.
But despite all his worrying and anxieties, he'd overcome all that. His and the baby's sleep schedule had slowly but surely started getting back to normal. As normal as it could get with a baby boy waking up at the ass crack of dawn to eat. The diapers also hadn't gotten easier, but Doyoung was more used to it now. He was used to holding the baby now, and he was a complete natural.
The only thing that had gotten better, and subsequently gotten worse after a few weeks, was the crying. There had been a few weeks of pure bliss. The crying was normal, the baby was hungry, needed a diaper change, or hungry. But then, god, god of course you both knew it was coming, but you had hoped it would take a few more months like your friends kids did. The teething.
There was not enough numbing gel, teething rings, teething toys, teething tablets, frozen wash cloths, or teething snacks to sooth your poor baby's sore gums. This was one of the things you'd failed to think about. For the people around you it happened around 8 or 9 months, your poor baby boy was 6 months, today.
You were having a small, intimate group of people over to celebrate your son's half birthday. Just some dinner and cake.
Doyoung was talking to Johnny with his son on his lap, bouncing his son on his knee when the very familiar whining and whimpers started. "Honey! The gel is wearing off!" Doyoung called out to you.
You dug around the freezer, "None of his toys are in here! Did you remember to put them in?"
Doyoung sighed, he had forgotten. He was so busy helping you set up while your son was down for his nap, he had forgotten. He knew he had forgotten something!
You sent him one of your well-known "what did I tell you?" looks and handed him the teething gel before going back to your conversation with his brother.
"Sorry, this will only take a second. Anyway, I was just saying how the book is really well written..." Doyoung continued his conversation with his pointer finger rubbing over the baby's gums.
Johnny stared at the baby with a humorous gaze. The baby hummed and gurgled happily as he held Doyoung's finger in his mouth and gnawed on it. Doyoung was hilariously unphased, forgoing his mission of applying the teething gel and just letting the baby chew on his finger.
"Anyway, I think you'd really like the book. Do you want to borrow it?" Doyoung asked with raised brows.
Johnny chuckled, "I'm sorry I wasn't listening. I was just watching little man go to town on your finger."
"This will hurt a lot more when his teeth are fully out, but they're just breaking through. I don't even mind it- but the drool. The drool is the real problem, I think. We have to change his bib at least 5 times a day," Doyoung explains while wiping up a string of baby saliva.
"You're a good dad, Doyoung," Johnny smiles, clapping Doyoung's shoulder.
You caress your son's wet cheek and kiss Doyoung's , "he's the best."
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joelslastofus · 4 months
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[SUMMARY: Joel helps out Tommy’s pregnant girlfriend while he’s in jail while secretly having feelings for her.]
Drama fluff
“Don’t work yourself up, darlin’. Any man would be stupid to not appreciate you growin’ a baby for em…be stupid to not want a family with you…” he looked down at you as you looked up into his brown eyes.
A few months had passed now as your belly grew…three months to be exact. Due to complications with his case Tommy had not been released yet, Joel would drive you to visit him every week. He only did it because he didn’t want you traveling alone, he never felt his brother deserved it. After todays sonogram you had planned to visit him. You always felt conflicted when going to visit him wishing things were different.
Joel stood beside you as a new doctor entered the room to perform the sonogram.
“Where is Dr.Edwards?” You asked a bit anxious only wanting to be treated by those you were familiar with.
“He had an emergency today so I’ll be taking care of his patients, how are we feeling today?” He asked with a warm smile.
“Good, a lot of kicking” you lay back staring at the ceiling as Joel stood beside you looking down at you. As the months had passed you and Joel had grown very close. You appreciated his time and care for you, you always wished Tommy was more like his older brother. The doctor went and placed the cold gel on your belly and proceeded to move his hand around getting a good look.
“Oh yeah look at that, he’s dancing around in there” the doctor laughed looking at the screen.
“Yes,it’s all especially at bed time” you sighed with a chuckle.
“And he’s a big boy, I could see-“ the doctor continued pointing at the screen.
“He’s going to be tall like daddy” the doctor pointed at Joel beside you. The both of you froze not knowing what to say..
“Um-he-“ you decided to not even bother as the doctor became distracted by the screen and let it be. Joel held back a chuckle as he lightly chewed on his bottom lip.
Every sonogram appointment was bittersweet, you loved seeing your son moving around but it broke your heart that Tommy wasn’t enjoying any of this with you.
“Everything looks great, I’ll see you back in three weeks" the doctor stopped before you and pulled his glasses down to the bridge of his nose looking at you and Joel.
"I assume dad is helping you around the house-“ he looked at Joel making you blush in embarrassment.
“Don’t let her overwork herself, that’s a big boy she’s carrying” he teased before rubbing your shoulder.
“Take care of yourselves” the doctor chuckled as he walked out leaving you and Joel awkwardly alone.
Not knowing what to say you simply allowed Joel to help you off the bed and walked out with him.
“Sorry about that” you suddenly spoke as you walked beside him to his truck.
“For what?”
“The doctor…you know…the dad stuff..” he opened the car door for you with a shrug.
“That don’t bother me, darlin’. I can play along” he winked at you making you look down with a smile.
“Well seriously, I'm so grateful with how helpful you have been with me, Joel…you don’t have to do any of this,”
“Hey…that’s my nephew you’re carrying, course I’m gonna help” he gave you his arm to hold to get in the car and closed the door.
“What would I do without you, Joel” you whispered to yourself watching him walk around the car to the drivers seat. You had no idea the true thoughts going through his mind.
Joel drove beside you looking over at you as you looked out the window. Every week you visited Tommy while carrying his growing son inside of you, and he never seemed appreciative of anything you did. Joel hated seeing it..
“I have the sonograms to give to Tommy so he can see how big our boy is” you smiled looking down at the photos as he peaked at them while driving.
“Do you think he’ll be happy to see?” You looked over at Joel noticing he seemed a bit upset.
“What’s wrong?” He quickly changed his expression and shook his head.
“Nothin’, just trynna get there”
“I’m sorry” you sighed.
“I don’t mean to bore you with all of this baby talk, it’s just-“
“Don’t you apologize honey, ya ain’t borin’ me” he assured you as he drove, finally arriving to the place.
Joel entered with you, standing beside you as you gave your information to see Tommy.
“Uh, Tommy Miller is no longer available for visits until further notice-“
“Excuse me?” Joel took a step forward beside you.
“What? What do you mean?” You asked confused.
“Yesterday evening he was involved in an altercation and lost visiting privileges” the officer explained.
“What?” Your heart beginning to race as anxiety took over and Joel could see it. Something didn’t sound right but what the hell did you know how any of this shit worked.
“What altercation? Is he ok?”
“We have no further information on the situation mam, you will have to call his-“
“No! I would like to see if he’s ok!” You began to scream before feeling Joel delicately pull you away from the window.
“Who can I speak to about this that can give us more information now” Joel asked directly.
“As I told the lady, Sir, you will have to call in the morning-“
“Is he alright?” Joel asked making the officer narrow his eyes on him.
“Please man just give her that…she’s pregnant for Gods sake” the officer took one look at you and gave in.
“He’s fine, he’s the one that did the damage. He has no access to visitors or phone calls until further notice”
“Shit” you whispered in a cry placing your hand on your forehead and turning away.
“Does he know?” You asked hoping maybe there would be a message Tommy had for you.
“Yes he does” the officer responded.
“How long is it gonna be like this?” You quickly asked before leaving.
“Could be a few months, all depends on how he behaves” pressing your lips together you walked out as fast as you could in disbelief.
“Hey” Joel called out to you catching up with you just as you got to the truck.
“Hey, easy-“
“How could he be so stupid!” You screamed slamming your hand on the truck.
“Try to relax-“
“I am six months pregnant, Joel! A few months I can’t see him or speak directly to him? I am due in November! It’s enough he can’t be here..What if-“
“Look at me” Joel unexpectedly grabbed your face.
“I will call tomorrow morning and see what I find out, I need you to stay calm until then. Can ya do that for me?” You sighed and slowly nodded.
“Now let’s go back to my place, dinner on me. Whatever you and little man are in the mood for alright?”
You chuckled softly, Joel was always trying to make you laugh.
“Sounds good” you whispered although he could see the clear concern in your eyes before he helped you in the truck.
The whole ride to his house he watched as you silently cried through the reflection of the window. You wouldn’t turn his way, you wouldn’t speak, he hated Tommy for this. All his brother did was hurt you time after time with no sense of remorse.
Once arriving at the house Sarah greeted you excitedly rubbing your belly with a grin.
“How’s my cousin doing?”
“Good, killing my back” you smiled softly but Sarah could tell you were upset and trying to hide it. Your eyes were puffy, it was obvious you had been crying. Joel ordered dinner and the three of you sat together as you silently ate. Silently he kept looking up at you with concern before Sarah finally spoke.
“So are you staying here tonight?”
Joel eagerly waited for you to respond.
“I think you should” she continued.
“You know, Tommy’s room is just gonna be empty for a while. You could stay there so if you need anything we’ll be close by”
Joel suggested, the thought was tempting yet you felt you were being helped enough to now move in.
“Joel, you’ve done enough for me I can’t-“
“Sarah and I would feel better if you stayed close, with the baby’s due date gettin’ closer and all…” he insisted, you sighed looking down. The idea didn’t sound bad at all yet the thought of staying alone in Tommy’s empty room depressed you.
“I suppose…just for some time”
Joel smiled in relief feeling better with you staying with him.
The days went on and still there was no call from Tommy. Joel trying to get through multiple times would only end up going in circles yet you appreciated how much he tried for you.
Three in the morning and you couldn’t sleep you found yourself standing in the kitchen eating ice cream. Staring into space thinking about the reality of the situation when Joel walked into the kitchen.
“Oh-I’m sorry if I woke you” you looked a bit embarrassed as he shook his head assuring you he had been awake. He stared at you for a moment and couldn’t help but smirk.
“What?” You raised a brow only causing him to chuckle.
“You’re laughing at me?”
“No mam” he quickly shook his head.
His eyes tracing over your swollen belly as you stood in the kitchen barefoot in a night gown eating ice cream out of the container.
“You just…you look beautiful…” your eyes slightly widened not expecting his compliment.
“Oh, well..thank you..”you blushed quickly putting away the ice cream.
“Was just craving some chocolate” you chuckled.
“Did you get your fix?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
“Yes, I think he liked it too” you laughed as you rubbed your belly.
“Stay right there” Joel unexpectedly grabbed something out of the cabinet.
“What?” You whispered as he pulled out a Polaroid camera.
“A picture?” you raised a brow.
“A picture of you pregnant, why not?” You smiled looking down, you realized you hadn’t taken any photos of yourself pregnant. With a silent nod you stood against the wall, holding your belly with a smile. Joel took a step back taking the photo, his eyes still on you as he bought the camera down.
“You think that came out ok?”
“Perfect” he whispered just as you noticeably winced.
“Movin’ a lot?” Joel asked taking a step forward.
“Yes, it’s always around the same time he’s more hyper than others, do you wanna feel?” You stepped forward taking a hold of Joel’s hand and placed it on the spot you usually felt him in. Joel awkwardly stood still as you held his hand, a few seconds passed and you felt the baby moving again.
“Jesus..” he whispered with a smile. Your hand softly placed over his large hand as he continued to feel the baby move.
“He does move a lot” Joel uttered as he looked down at your belly.
“Was Sarah like this when her mother was pregnant?” You noticed his expression slightly change at the mention of Sarah’s mother as he looked up. Slowly releasing his hand he took a step back.
“That’s kind of a blur to me, if I’m being honest. Her mother didn’t enjoy being pregnant, she realized a little too late that it wasn’t something she wanted.” You had never heard what happened to Sarahs mother, nor did you ever ask but you were always curious.
“So….she just left?” You whispered hesitantly as he cleared his throat and leaned back on the counter.
You raised your brows in silence.
“How old was Sarah when she left?”
“Four months old”
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry, Joel” you responded.
“I ain’t, it was better for Sarah” you nodded in response, you knew he was a great father.
“It’s a shame…” you whispered.
“When a parent doesn’t…doesn’t prioritize their baby..” you swallowed trying to fight back tears.
“Tommy knew what would happen if he started anything there, he knew I wouldn’t be able to see him. He doesn’t care about the risks he takes knowing I’m pregnant” you whispered.
“I shouldn’t be surprised, he’s always been like this. I just…I guess a part of me hoped this would help him change” you quickly wiped away a tear as you cradled your belly.
“How stupid of me to think that it would-“
“Hey, Tommy’s the stupid one” he quickly interrupted.
“I just wanted a happy family with him” you began to cry as Joel took a step forward.
“C’mere” he placed an arm around you, his chin leaning on your head.
“Don’t work yourself up, darlin’. Any man would be stupid to not appreciate you growing a baby for em…be stupid to not want a family with you…” he looked down at you as you looked up into his brown eyes. Gently he wiped your tears away with his thumb when he noticed you looking at his lips. Unexpectedly you tip toed and kissed him, he didn’t move in shock. A second later he kissed you passionately before you abruptly pulled away.
“Oh my god-“ you gasped.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I-I’m sorry” you quickly ran to your room in shock.
“Wait-“ he called out to you but you didn’t listen.
Closing the door shut, your hand on your lips you couldn’t believe what you had just done.
Tommy’s brother? How could you be so stupid? The feel of guilt heavy in your chest, never had you betrayed Tommy this way.
Joel stood in the kitchen alone replaying in his mind what had just happened. Something he had wanted to do for so long yet didn’t expect in that moment…
The next day you woke up earlier than Joel and planned to take a cab to work. Sarah, who was always an early bird watched on confused as you grabbed your bag before looking at the time.
“Are you gonna wait for dad to take you?” She asked as you rushed to the door.
“No, I start earlier today. I’ll see you later, have a great day” You left the house before Joel’s alarm woke him.
Joel came down the stairs pulling down his shirt expecting to see you having breakfast with Sarah, expecting to speak to you once she left for school.
“Where’s y/n?” He asked curiously as Sarah ate her scrambled eggs.
“She said she started earlier today that she didn’t need the ride” Joel remained silent looking away.
During the early afternoon you had received a call that Tommy would be allowed visits. You didn’t know how to feel, Tommy had cheated on you many times in the past yet this somehow felt worse because he didn’t expect it from you.
Joel had thought about you all day, even calling your cell but never got an answer. Once you returned you hoped Joel wasn’t home yet there he was on the couch beside Sarah waiting for your return. Once you walked through the door he quickly stood up, yet you couldn’t speak. Walking into the kitchen you could hear his steps following behind, before he could say a word you spoke.
“They’re letting Tommy accept visits now” you blurt out making him stop in his tracks. You couldn’t even look him in the eye as you took a deep breath.
“I’m going to see him today-“
“I’ll take you,” Joel responded quickly.
“No, I…you shouldn’t” you whispered.
“I ain’t lettin’ you go out there alone” he took a step forward.
“I been worried about you all damn day, let me take you” he insisted, silently you gave in.
Neither of you said a word as he drove to the prison. Your stomach turning, your heart in your throat as you sat beside Joel waiting to see Tommy.
Confusion wasn’t the word.
Yesterday wasn’t right, you knew it wasn’t…yet you couldn’t get the feel of his damn lips out of your mind. Joel kept looking over at you itching to say something about the night before but he didn’t know how.
“You alright?” He asked with a deep breath.
“Look about last night” he quickly interrupted.
“Don’t” you whispered.
“I don’t know what got into me. My hormones, my mind…I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry” you still couldn’t look at him blaming it on anything you could think of.
“Ya don’t gotta apologize” Joel responded, he wanted it more than you knew.
“Just leave it” you shook your head as he pulled into the parking area.
There was Tommy on the other side of the glass in his orange jumpsuit. He looked angry grabbing the phone as you slowly sat before him.
“What the hell was so important that you needed to come today” Joel instantly leaned forward beside you like a body guard on watch.
“She was worried about you Tommy”
“Well as you can see I’m fine right? And you,” he looked at Joel.
“Stop giving her damn rides over here” you looked at him in shock.
“You don’t want to see me” you whispered as felt a knot in your throat.
“For what? There’s no point” he bluntly responded. The sound in his voice, the words he used broke your heart. Pressing your lips together you hung up the phone and walked out as Joel looked down at his brother angrily and grabbed the phone.
“You always gotta be an ass huh”
“She’ll get over it” Tommy shrugged.
Joel flared his nostrils taking a deep breath, it was by luck that his brother was behind a glass in that moment.
Joel walked out to find you sitting in the truck looking down. You didn’t move as he got in, he himself not knowing what to say. Joel drove constantly looking over at you to make sure you were ok, you had remained silent staring into space.
“Look, Tommy is-“
“I don’t wanna hear it, I don’t care to” you looked straight ahead as he nodded and respected your wishes.
Walking inside his home you walked quickly to Tommy’s bedroom and decided to pack your belongings. Joel hesitantly following you inside until he noticed you throw your open luggage on the bed.
“What are you doin’?” he asked with furrowed brows as you began to pack.
“Going back home” you whispered without looking up.
“No-why? Look Tommy got nothin’ to do with me wantin’ to help-“
“Forget Tommy!” You screamed unexpectedly.
“I don’t need him” you continued moving back and forth grabbing your belongings from the closet.
“Look, you’re upset right now and I understand-“
“You really don’t understand so leave me alone” Joel pressed his lips together, the thought of you leaving and staying alone towards the end of your pregnancy all because of Tommy didn’t feel right to him.
“Don’t-“ he caught your arm stopping you from packing more clothes away.
“Let go of me, Joel” you whispered.
“No” he could tell you were holding back tears, holding back anger.
“Let go!” You screamed failing to pull your arms back. A part of you not wanting him to let you go but you felt leaving was the smart thing to do. After the kiss…you knew it wasn’t best for you to stay.
“Tommy doesn’t care about me or this baby-“
“Well I do, dammit” he almost yelled.
“Stop it” you shook your head as you began to cry, he wasn’t making this any easier.
“You’re his brother, I am pregnant with his baby and I kissed you and-“
“That’s why you wanna leave?” He whispered leaning closer towards you. The feelings you felt overflowing inside you, resentment and anger towards Tommy…yet safe with Joel. Maybe it was more than just safety with Joel…the kissed you both shared still heavy on your mind...
“I kissed you and-“
“I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about it since it happened” he admitted in a whisper, taking the words right out of your mouth.
“And you still think it’s right for me to stay?”
“I want you to” he insisted just as you both heard the door open and Sarah walked in.
“Dad? What’s going on?” Joel quickly let go of you as Sarah looked at all your stuff on the bed.
“You’re leaving?” She asked with concern.
“Please don’t go, I really like when you’re here” Sarah made you smile with her words.
“I’m not going anywhere” you assured her.
“Did you see Uncle Tommy?”
You swallowed anxiously as your smile vanished.
“How about we get ready for dinner” Joel interrupted. She agreed not pushing the topic and left back to the living room.
Sitting at the table in silence Sarah stared back between you and her father. She knew something was off, she knew her father very well.
“So how was everyone’s day?” She asked making you look up.
“Good, how was school?”
“Yeah, how was that test you had?” Her father looked over at her.
“Aced it” she smiled.
“That’s my girl” Joel grinned before continuing to eat his food.
Once dinner was finished your proceeded to get up and collect the dishes.
“I’ll start washing these”
“How about you sit back and put those feet up, I think you’ve done enough today” Joel took the dishes out of your hands and walked to the kitchen. Sarah raised her brows holding in a chuckle.
“My dads not gonna let you lift a finger now that you’re staying here”
“Well, I appreciate that but I can still do things” you assured her before walking to the couch and laying back. Putting your feet up didn’t seem so bad, you sighed feeling the breeze from the window as your eyes began to close and you fell asleep.
An hour later you woke up a little confused not realizing you had fallen asleep. Joel was sitting on the couch beside you reading a book until he heard you move around.
“What time is it?”
“Eight thirty” he responded as you sighed.
“Geez,” Joel quickly stood up as you tried to push yourself up. Slowly he helped you up as you winced feeling an ache in your back.
“You alright?” He asked holding you steady.
“Yeah, I just need to walk” you assured him and slowly made your way to the kitchen rubbing your eyes. Leaning forward on the counter you held your lower back with one hand attempting to stretch your body in a way that would relieve the ache.
“My back has been killing me all day” you arched your back again attempting to relieve pressure when you suddenly felt Joel behind you, his hands pressing into your lower back.
“What are you doing?” You whispered awkwardly.
“Tryna help you”
“No, I don’t think-“ you attempted to turn back but Joel held you in place.
“Stay still, I know what I’m doin’. I promise I ain’t gonna try nothin’” he assured you assuming that was going through your head. Little did he know, it wasn’t the fear of him trying something, it was the thought of enjoying feeling his hands on you.
Leaning forward you closed your eyes as Joel worked his hands throughout your back. He sure did know how to work them, feeling the relief of pressure you moaned softly.
“Oh that feels…wonderful”
Joel smiled watching your body relax, your shoulders calmly drop as he continued to massage you.
He genuinely only wanted to make you feel comfortable knowing you had no one else to help you with this. Feeling you close was just a bonus for him.
“You’re the best” you whispered just as you both heard one of the bedroom doors open.
Sarah came out to see her father massaging your back as you awkwardly turned forward taking a deep breath.
“Hi Sarah”
She smiled as she walked into the kitchen and began to make herself a sandwich.
“I bet uncle Tommy is happy you’re getting help, I can’t imagine how scared he was with you alone” your smile dropped as Joel rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeah” you responded softly.
“Well, I’m gonna get ready for bed. I’ll see you two in the morning” you walked past the both of them as Joel watched you walk into the bedroom. Sarah noticed just how her father kept his eyes on you but didn’t say a word yet she knew him well enough to know there was more she didn’t know about…
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luveline · 9 months
Hey jade, I hope you had a good Christmas,
Love your writing so much it brings me so much serotonin 🤣🤣 I have a request for hotch if you’d be up to it, I just love this man’s patience and understanding and would love to see him interact with reader who struggles with sex? Or just sexual stuff in general, like maybe she feels really embarrassed about it and doesn’t know how to talk about it with him? Idk if this is something you’d be interested in just thought I’d throw it out there. Regardless, I can’t wait to see what you post next ♥️♥️♥️
hotch lends you some comfort when a certain topic flusters you, 1.1k
cw adult themes, mdni 
“It's almost cheaper to have kids.” 
You scoop your gaze from the deodorants. “What?” you ask, looking first to Hotch, and then to his eyeline. “Oh.” 
The grocery store boasts a few rows of contraceptives. Condoms, dental dams, and under that, lubes and stimulants in candy rainbow colours. Thirty one ninety nine for silicone-free, aloe vera flavoured lube. Twenty seven for o-gel. 
You avert your gaze without fact-checking him on the condoms, laughing awkwardly as your heart races. “Right.” 
“I'm kidding. Just feeding Jack is a surprising expense.” He says surprising like it's delightful. “Good thing we have cushy jobs.” 
Oh, he's feeling funny tonight. Your laugh is authentic as he takes your arm, the basket in his other clinking as he starts forward again. You finish your quick stock up and Hotch pays for your things despite your protests, packing you and the bags into his ‘cushy’ car. 
You're a little embarrassed in the passenger seat. Your relationship with Hotch is complicated in that while you're in the official early days, you pined for a long time. You're undoubtedly in love with him, and though he's your boss and your senior, he seems to have taken a similar liking to you, hence another chilled out date night upon his invitation. And you've you've messed around like teenagers with kisses too hot and hands wandering, but you haven't fucked, and it's a problem, because your usual awkwardness around the subject grows bigger the longer you wait. 
Hotch can wait forever if he wants, you're not trying to rush him. If he wanted to fuck you tonight you'd probably be too nervous anyhow. 
You can't talk about condoms. How are you going to cope when you have to use one? 
Your stomach churns the longer you think about it. Hotch doesn't react at first, but you know he's figured you out when he covers your hand atop your knee and gives it a squeeze. You okay?
“Can we turn on the radio?” you ask. 
His hand lifts away slowly. He turns on the radio, and you think, oh, he's mad. No, not mad. Irritated, maybe, or confused. That's not fair to him. You think it anyway, sick to your stomach as he parks in the parking garage under his building and you make your way up. 
He doesn't pull any punches —as soon as you're inside with your shoes off and the door locked, he puts the groceries on the counter and looks at you until you meet his eyes. 
“I'm sorry,” he says. 
“What for?” you ask, startled. 
“I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean to imply anything before you're ready.” He's handsome like this, earnest, his eyebrows raised and an inviting palm held open on the counter beside him. “It was a poorly judged joke.” 
“No, no, I,” —you bring a hand to your mouth, cover it, uncover it— “don't mind if you want to joke about it. It would be weird to care, right?” 
He hears an insecurity in your tone you don't mean to reveal, and he pieces it together swiftly. Understanding lines his eyes. “I don't think so,” he murmurs. 
You're embarrassed beyond words, but he is your boyfriend. He asked with a little expensive bracelet and your favourite baked treat from the bakery near work. You'd only ever mentioned it once, but he remembered. He knows you well, and he's never given you reason to be afraid of his reactions. 
“It's just so embarrassing,” you mumble, staring down at your socks. 
“What is?” he asks, crossing the kitchen to take your hands. “You don't have to be embarrassed about anything, you're perfect.” 
Your breath catches, your neck cracking uncomfortably as you look up. “I– I don't know how to talk about it. I know it's childish.” 
“No, it's not. It's a big thing, and it comes naturally to some people, but not everyone.” His brow furrows a little, the warm depth of his voice working to unspool the tight panic you'd been clinging to, “I'd never push you to do something you're not ready for.” 
“I know that. It's not you. And I don't know if I'm ready or not, it's just–” Your face is hot enough to boil rain. You shake your head. It's too difficult to explain. 
Hotch ushers you into his solid chest. “It's okay,” he says, patting your back gently. “Don't worry about it.” 
“I want us to be like everyone else,” you confess. 
“We are. You're not the first woman to get nervous about the idea of intimacy, sweetheart, I promise. And I'm not the first man to make a bad joke about contraceptives.” He laughs as you laugh, two huffing chuckles as he presses his lips to the top of your head. “You can take as much time as you need to get used to the idea, and if it's still weird when you're ready, does it matter? We'll be weird about it together. Or we won't be. Okay?” 
“Yeah, okay… thank you, Aaron.” 
“I waited a long, long time for this,” he says, giving your back a pointed little squeeze. “And it's more than I ever thought I'd get. I'm not worried about the rest. I'm in no rush, and you shouldn't be either.” 
You hide your face in his chest for a while, somehow more embarrassed than when you'd started. He draws lines up and down your back with his palm patiently. “It's okay,” he says again, kissing the side of your face. After a moment, he encourages your head back with a hand on your cheek, checking your expression carefully before leaning in for a kiss. His hair tickles your forehead. 
To your relief, it doesn't make you nervous. He probably never could, not when he's touching you so softly. 
You're feeling a hundred times better when you pull away. A tad mortified still, but relieved to know your struggle with talking about it isn't a turn off. If he can stick with you through this bump in the road, you can try, at least, to overcome it. 
“Is lube really thirty two dollars?” you ask in a whisper. 
“I don't know. I've never needed it.” 
He spends the next ten minutes laughing and apologising sincerely as steam pours out of your ears. 
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Let There Be Hotel Complaints
Based on a post request by @rayslittlekitten I really hope you like it, I have no idea if it fits but I tried hard.
Title based on: Hozier - Dinner & Diatribes
Contains: Fluff, Ray being Gomez Addams, mentions of periods/period symptoms, smut (fingering, oral sex M and F receiving, P in V, breeding kink, possessive Ray, scents and smells, aftercare) Not beta read.
3.5K words.
Ray's feelings for you are as wide as the ocean, and his love is second only to his desire.
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The hand that wrapped around your body felt like hot coals on your already heated skin, and you fought the urge to shrink away from Ray. "Raymond, I've been put in the garden working, can you let me shower before you hug me?" His arms only tightened around as you felt his chest expand against your back as he pressed his nose into your sweat-damped neck. "Ray! I'm covered in sweat."
He checked, and the sound reverberated through your body like the first rumbles of a thunderstorm. "I don't mind, Dear, you smell wonderful." His face moved to the top of your head as he took another breath, admiring how your conditioner mixed with a hard day's work. It drifted into his mind like the reaching of a siren song, slowly bleeding away his other thoughts.
His lips found your neck, and he smirked against your skin as your head tilted to make room for him. A quick glance at the clock let him know you'd have enough time to enjoy each other before the fancy business dinner tonight, and he found himself slowly unlacing from the hug as he brought one hand to your breast.
He gained more access to your skin, and you rested your head back onto his shoulder and pushed yourself into his touch, but he was pulling his hand away a second later when he felt you stiffen as he tightened his grip around your soft flesh. "Sorry, Love."
"It's ok, I'm just a little sore." There was no explanation needed as to why, you knew he knew why, he always seemed to know.
His hand moved lower, rubbing the skin of your ribcage in long, soothing strokes as his lips moved from the dome of your shoulder up your neck. "Allow me to make it up to you?"
The offer was the definition of temptation, but there were things to be done and places to be. "Tonight, if all goes well at the dinner. I have to finish with the garden and then get ready for tonight."
The teeth against your skin were not in retaliation for your conditional refusal but a promise of things to come. "Then let me help you?"
"Of course." Your reason was wholly selfish, motivated by rolled up sleeves and rippling muscles at his instance of lifting heavy bags of soil. You finished your glass of water and went back outside, not missing how Ray's eyes followed your arms as you placed your sun hat back on your head. He smiled at you, it was earnest and filled with warmth. "What do you need me to do, Gorgeous?"
You couldn't help yourself, there was something in his desire to aid you in every need that sparked something in you. "Many things, My Darling, but right now, I need help with the tea roses."
He smiled and took two steps to close the distance between you before brushing his lips on your ear. "Your wish is my command."
The rest of the afternoon swam by in a haze for Ray. It was the kind of torture that the training he had received many lifetimes ago could not prepare him for, and with each passing moment, his thoughts grew more debauched until he was waxing poetic in his head like a madman.
As you finished your makeup, he could not get the image of you licking the strawberry juice from your lunchtime dessert off your lips out of his head. Breathing through his nose had become an affliction; top notes of your shower gel and the underneath of you were one thing, but there was the faintest hint of him there that made him want to sink his teeth in your bare skin so many times that the hotel's tofts would look away in shame the moment they saw you.
By the time you slid into the car, pressing your legs to his as Bunny drove you to the hotel, he was afire with need. He laced his hand with yours as the vehicle travelled down from the lush countryside to the bright lights of the city and leaned in close, his nose brushing your temple as he told you more about the guests at the party you were heading to.
There were already people milling around when you arrived, handing their bags off to the Bellhops so they could enjoy their complementary night in luxury. Ray was less willing to relinquish the bags and simply blinked as the hotelier became insistent. Nevertheless, the man still walked to your room on the sixth floor, smiling saccharinely as he told you to enjoy the complimentary champagne before the party started.
The opulence of the room and the expensive champagne sat ignored by you and Ray as he steeled himself for a night of making nice and glad-handing when he would rather be doing something far more enjoyable. He took your hands and drew you to the middle of the room, wrapping his arms around you as his nose returned to your hair for the millionth time that day. "You look beautiful as always."
You smiled and placed your hands on his chest. "And you keep sniffing me like some weirdo."
He took it in stride, chuckling softly as he yanked you to his chest. "I can't help it, you smell exquisite, it's driving me insane."
You sighed, enjoying the warmth of his arms around you. "I know what you're thinking, but we promised Mickey."
He mirrored your sigh as he broke the embrace and extended his hand. "I know. We should head down there now, the sooner we go down and mingle, the sooner we can leave."
His hand found your lower back as you took the lift to the grand hall and stayed there as you met up with Mickey and Rosalind and made introductions with the upper class lucky enough to receive invites. Of course, the reason for your invitations was the massive underground white widow super cheese farm under the hotel's private golf course.
It was painfully dull, standing around making small talk about the weather and wallpaper while eating tiny pies that only served to make you more hungry. Ray stayed stuck to your side, practically dragging you around with him while he did business for his boss.
"Your wife looks lovely tonight." Ray's arm tightened around you as you spun towards the voice.
"She looks lovely every night, Dave." If Dave had plans to say more, they were defeated by Ray's harsh glare as he pulled you away.
He moved to a quiet corner of the room and placed your hand on his ample bicep. "What's gotten into Ray? You've just about ripped the heads off anyone who's talked to me tonight. I get Dave, but the Simon's are nice."
He moved into your space, pressing you against the window as he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger while he leaned in close enough that your noses were brushing. To outsiders, it would have looked like a private moment between lovers, but Ray's eyes were fixed on with a look so lustful it would have made the whore of Babylon blush. "What's gotten into me? I have spent the last two hours watching these pigs look you up and down while acting like I don't want to rip their arms off for even daring to speak to you."
You blinked, he was in a mood tonight. "Well, Dear. How about you stick it out for another hour so we can eat dinner from this stupid menu then, I'm all yours for the night?"
He swallowed and exhaled before pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "Of course Darling." His tone had shifted; it had taken on that gravelly tilt that created a flutter of excitement in your chest, and you eagerly headed back into the fray as Ray finally composed himself.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek as he leaned into your touch. "Thank you, Dear."
The dinner was the typical mess of rich people's food that had too many flavours and not enough on the plate, but Ray gave you all his cheese twirls and made sure to pick you the biggest slice of chocolate cake off the platter when dessert came around. All was going well until the tables were cast aside again for the wine course, and you were split from him as one of the tofts Mickey looked after pulled him away to talk about security.
His eye kept drifting over to you, and he grew ever more aggravated as he watched the sommelier try and fail to flirt with you. He dismissed the man he was talking to with the promise to call later, that he was tired and wanted to enjoy his hotel room and all but stormed over to you. "Are you enjoying the wine, Dear?"
You shook your head. "I've told the sommelier that I'm not interested in that variety, but he's being very insistent."
The man smiled and turned to Ray. "We have some of the best wine in the country here, your girlfriend…"
If looks could kill, Ray would have ended the man there and then. "My wife isn't interested, and I don't appreciate your tone or your attitude. I will be speaking to your employer in the morning to deal with this in full."
His hand was back on your lower back as he marched towards the lift, and between his puffed chest and his expression, no one dared to join you as the doors opened. The second the doors closed, he was on you, pressing you against the wall as his lips found yours. The grip he had on you was almost painful, his fingers digging firm into your skin as he held you in place for a searing kiss that stole the air from your lungs.
He finally allowed you to breathe when the doors opened on your floor, and he all but dragged you to your room as he shut the door and pressed up against it. His lips were on yours again, and his hands slid around your body until his fingers were curling around the fabric of your evening dress and ripping it open with the pop pop of fancy buttons.
He shoved the dress down, breaking from your lips for a moment to take in the lingerie you were wearing. "Fucking hell y/n." That went next, and his lips didn't give you the chance to admonish him about what he had paid for the now ruined fabric lying at your feet.
He once again broke from you and knelt on the floor, removing your shoes one by one before kissing his way up your legs, swapping legs with each kiss, getting closer and closer to your centre with each one until he slowed at the crease of the thigh. He was once again inhaling like he was suffocating, and you wove your hands into his hair as your frustration grew. "Can you do something instead of sniffing me?"
His teeth sunk into your skin in retaliation, and he was standing up to his full height with eyes full of threat. "Don't rush me." His hand cupped you, his fingers running your rapidly gathering wetness as he all but growled at you. "This cunt is mine, I get to take all the time I want, understand?"
You almost wanted to act out to see what it would make him do, but the poor man already looked pained enough. "Anything you want."
He locked you in another kiss, his teeth smarting at your lip as he made his wants known with a gentle pressure on your shoulders. "Get on your knees."
He kicked your ruined dress under you to soften the ground as you sunk down, and you pulled at his belt to free him. He helped you, shoving his trousers and boxers down in one go just far enough so his cock could spring out and you could grab his perfect ass unencumbered by fabric.
He looked down at you as you kitten licked around the head and felt another rush of this heated primal positiveness that he had been feeling the whole night. A hand found the back of your head as you took him into your mouth, and his free hand shot out to rest on a side table to steady himself as pleasure filled his senses.
He stopped himself from bucking his hips in order to focus on the vision of you sucking him like a lollipop. It was outright pornographic, and all he could think about was that you were all his and his alone. "Fucken 'ell, Love." You moaned around him, and he used every ounce of self-control to pull you off of him and to your feet. "Get on the bed."
His hands were all over you as you made your way to the bed, and he ran his hands up and down your sides while you spun around to face him so you could lay on your back on the plush mattress. You settled on the pillows as his lips met yours, and he finally began to remove his clothes.
Bare skin hit bare skin as his lips started a journey down your body until he was lifting your legs over his strong shoulders and onto his solid back. He kissed the bend of your knee, his lips soft as his beard brushed your skin. He locked eyes with you and smiled softly as he continued his journey upwards, finally arriving with barely there kisses that had you pushing your hips towards him. "Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours." A hot, wet heat enveloped you as he licked you from the entrance to clit in one firm, wide lick before sealing his lips around your clit. Ray had always been a man who prided himself on his attention to detail, and your bedroom was no different; it was like he had committed precisely what you needed to memory so well that he didn't even need to try, and tonight was no different.
He seemed more desperate tonight; accuracy swapped for the burning desire to consume your whole, and it didn't help that he was moaning against your flesh like he could somehow feel what he was doing to you in his own body. The chorus of his name from your mouth only served to spur him on, and a forearm pressed your hips down so you couldn't move away from him as he used his free hand to slide two fingers inside you.
With his rough fingertips bullying your G-spot, you didn't stand a chance, and he was far too strong for you to twitch away for a reprieve as the waves of an earth-shattering orgasm took you like the undertow of a raging river. Your chest heaved as he pulled away, and he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before bringing his soaked fingers to your lips. You licked him clean only to have him kiss away the taste like you had slighted him by taking him up on his offer, and then he was slotting himself between your spread wide legs and grinding his cock against your sensitive skin. "Tell me me you're mine."
"I'm yours." You marvelled at his self-control, his face buried in your neck as he continued teasing you. "I'm yours, please Ray."
He took his cock in hand and notched it at your entrance. "Who do you belong to?"
"You." Your reply was desperate, your hands on his heated chest with fingers curled in a threat should he persist in his game, but he didn't, and seemly satisfied with your declaration, he slid inside you with one confident push. The fullness of it stole the air from your lungs, and you lifted your hips up to take him in faster as he bottomed out.
His hand found your hip, and his fingers dug in with force as he began to move, taking a steady pace that had the head of his cock brushing your G-spot with each pass. One of your hands wove into his hair while the other clutched at his back, and he pressed his lips to yours in a scalding kiss as he picked up speed. Mercifully, before he suffocated in the air stealing a kiss, his lips moved to your neck, and then his teeth were out, marking your skin like he was trying to prove a point about his ownership over you.
He pulled away for a moment and took in your blissed out face, faltering as the vision brought him teetering to the edge of oblivion far sooner than his ego would allow, so in a mix of the desire to uphold his pride and the need for more skin to mar he pulled out of your for a fleeting moment only to flip you over then slam back home as his teeth found more skin. He was overwhelming at this angle, and your fingers curled around the pillow as he slid a hand between you to rub your clit.
Ray would often tell you that you were good for his ego, that he could walk into a room where all the men would turn their heads to look, and he could smile knowing you were his alone. But this was something different, you writhing under him, stuck between frantic begging and breathless need made him feel like a God with you as his ever willing offering.
He captured you in another kiss as the edge neared, and you shuddered as, with one more precise circle to your clit, you fell over it. His hips didn't slow, and he growled into your mouth like a hungry animal as he chased his own high. "You're mine, I own you, understand?" All you could do was nod as your vision began to grey at the edges, but he must have accepted your answer because he all but roared as he came inside you.
His strength failed as it hit him full force, and the possessive beast inside him was finally satiated, knowing he had marked inside and out. He was mindful not to crush you, but he couldn't find it in himself to move away just yet, he couldn't let his hard work slip from you just yet. His lips were once again gentle as they kissed the marks his teeth had made, and you sighed as he brushed the stray hairs from your face.
His nose found its family home on the back of your neck, and his chest expanded against your back as he inhaled. "You must be intent on trying to kill me, My Dear."
You didn't have a clue what he was talking about, and rather than ask, you kissed him in hopes he would tell you anyway, but he didn't, and the weariness in your bones forced you to speak. "What do you mean?"
He finally rolled off you, and you laid on your sides facing each other as his hand ran up and down your side. "I can't understand how someone can smell so intoxicating, it truly is torture."
You reached up to lay a hand on his cheek, and he tilted his head to press his lips to your palm. "You get like this every month, I thought you'd be used to it by now."
He shook his head, sleepy. "Never, how can someone get used to being on fire."
"I suppose that's fair." There was more you wanted to say, but it was getting hard to keep your eyes open, and he could tell. Despite his own feelings, he was getting up to clean himself up before returning with his arms loaded. He brought you a glass of water and used one of your damp face cloths to cleanse away your makeup before using another damp cloth to remove the mess from between your legs, although he did pause to watch the evidence of your shared sin drip from your body and onto the expensive sheets as another wave of possessive filled him.
With his duty done, he disposed of the unclean fabric in a pile and climbed into bed next to you, wrapping you in his arms as he pulled you to his chest. "I love you y/n."
You relaxed into his arms and dropped a kiss on his chest where his heart lay. "I love you too, Ray."
In the morning, he would awaken you with ginger tea, a heating pad, and ibuprofen before climbing back into bed with you and soothing away your aches and pains until check out finally came. Room service would find no evidence of the mess Ray had left in the aftermath of your coupling, just a pile of towels already in the dirt laundry bin when they collected the cart at the start of their shift. He did, however, get a dirty look and a snide comment from the hotelier about what kind of establishment he was running. As you checked out, Ray took it in stride.
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
rick x fem reader (season 5 era)
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WARNINGS: mentions of jealousy, protective rick, mentions of injured reader, mentions of blood from injury, alexandria era, smut, reader is over 18, penetrative sex, oral, fluid consumption (cum only), jealous sex, rick marking reader, slight public sex, fingering, clit play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk, dominant rick, rough sex, loud sex, getting caught but kinda on purpose ig,
a/n: sorry for the no uploads i've been so busy and i keep randomly starting new drafts and never end up finishing the old ones but anyways i've been working on this one for a week so i'm shocked i even got the chance to actually write out the full thing, i might come back and edit some more of it later because i hate some of the details but feel free to enjoy this for now!
a protective prick is what she labeled him as, she could see the difference from the man in the beginning to the man who was now ruthless and so paranoid with practically everything that had seemed to been thrown their way.
she looked at the man who's beard needed an obvious shave while he paced on the porch of one of the houses in Alexandria, she could see his hands placed on his hips as his mind seemed to be a running treadmill of thoughts at full speed inside him.
she remembered how he knocked out aaron and about how badly he had treated him, when all he ever wanted to do was help their group, he just wanted to help their group.
Aaron wanted them to get out of the barn to get out of the poor life they lived in the woods because the truth was they needed food, they needed water and a stable shelter which is what they had now at Alexandria, and living like that simply just wasn't a life for them.
Besides Alexandria was perfect for them the community had hot water, bigger rations to feed their people, air conditioning, hell it was almost like the world was before, the way they all had the opportunity to sleep in beds and never had to worry about going hungry.
Except she could tell everyone was on edge, the paranoia starting to catch onto them, the lack of trust as well, thinking that maybe someway or somehow this was another trap just like Terminus.
Especially Rick had been off his rocker, with all these interviews stressing him out, because he hated the camera filming him,
not because of the way he looked he hadn't cared an ounce if he was covered in Walker blood and dirt that lingered over his skin and hair from traveling through the woods.
he wasn't sure why he hated the way the camera and its red blinking light seemed to soak into him, but he hated the feeling, he hated the feeling of being watched ever so precisely with it.
She noticed he stopped his pacing and instead leaned against the snow white railing while he let go of the hand that was placed on the holster where his knife rested.
"you alright?"
a voice called out from the bottom of the porch making y/n turn her head, a man dressed in nice clothes and a clean pair of jeans rested just near the wall with one of his eyes squinting from the sunlight that was beaming down on him.
his hair color the color of a dandelion and his eyes the prettiest honey golden she had ever seen, his hair short and obviously freshly trimmed because she could see some gel in it still from the way she was ever so guessing he liked to style it as.
y/n pointed to herself watching the man nod with a somewhat of a charming smile approaching the steps of the porch, she could see the dark pupils of Rick's eyes grow,
like a shark meeting its prey the blue was quickly swallowed up and turned into the color of soot that had poured out of the prison while it was being engulfed in a heard of flames and walkers.
"your leg it seems to be bleeding, our doctor is great and i'm sure it wont take long to fix you up" the man offered to her,
he hadn't noticed Rick's nails practically digging crescent shapes into the woods his hands gripped on but she seemed to, she seemed to notice the jealousy and the anger that was boiling through his blood, the way he seemed to be so furious over the man before them.
"it's just a small cut, i caught a branch on the way up here i'd only need a bandage wouldn't want to waste resources" y/n spoke with a gulp looking over to see Rick's grip loosen on the railing as he used a hand to rub over his bushy facial hair.
She had lied that it was a small cut and well that she needed just a small bandage, all she wanted was to maybe ease the man who stood envious and threatening next to her.
"not a waste if you need one just trust me on this" the man held his hand out watching as y/n hesitantly took it making her way down the stairs as she followed him, she swore she could hear a raspy grumble fly from Rick's lips as he watched her run off with some tramp.
she looked around the clinic, it was nice and well it was sanitary. unlike the prison clinic where blood and some walker guts had remained before it was burned to the ground.
she looked at the man who forcefully lifted up the denim fabric of her jeans up above her calf to look at the wound on her leg,
"well it ain't no scratch but lucky for you, you don't need stitches"
he gave a half false smile before using some rubbing alcohol to sterilize the wound making her bite down on her inner cheek once he wrapped it in a clean bandage.
Rick slipped into the shower feeling the hot water pour onto his back, with a relieved sigh he used a cloth and a bar of soap to clean over his body. making sure to wipe the residue of blood and dirt from the woods that he had collected over the period of time.
the water poured down his face as he let out a deep exasperated sigh while his mind started to wander to her, his mind seemed like a freight train that wouldn't stop itself from spinning in one big giant circle around him.
no matter what he did, no matter where he went even if he was with her, he couldn't stop thinking so damn wrong, so damn erotic was how you could describe the thoughts pooling into his mind,
a sudden snap of anything and it could send him in a mind filled haze of just imagining how good his cock would be inside her, he imagined how well she'd take him, if he hadn't torn open her walls with how large the size of his cock was.
he let his hands wander over his body while he combed through his shaggy hair that also needed a cut, he wiped over his face pushing some water out of his eyes as he flushed himself with cold water to make the dirty thoughts go away.
he could feel the chill through his bones, of course it didn't feel good, but he had to. He was merely a few seconds away of stroking himself to the idea of her being stuffed to the brim, her pussy full of his cock while she was a moaning mess beneath him.
she was out playing a game of explorer with this man while rick was drowning himself with the guilt of imagining her perky tits pressed against him, and it wasn't like she hadn't taken a notice to his staring or just the way he loved it whenever she touched him.
a subtle hand graze was just enough to set him off, to send him to heaven and hell with the dirty thoughts lingering in him.
Alec had shown her everywhere, he'd shown her the garden and all the houses, the food pantry, he even showed her how they managed to keep all of their power just from the power of science and sun rays.
she giggled as she bit into an apple feeling the sweet juices lace over her tongue she let out a moan, a sigh of the relief and well the sweetness of the fruit in her mouth.
she hadn't eaten anything fresh in weeks, it had been almost a month since she had eaten anything remotely near fresh, they all had been eating from beat up cans or even random rabbits Daryl had been able to catch with his crossbow.
"good isn't it?" alec asked scooting a little closer to her as she took another bite before she was even done chewing the first one, she nodded her head eagerly before taking another bite.
she felt like a slob eating this way but then the thought only crossed her mind because she hadn't really cared what he was thinking of her right now because she was hungry, so hungry that she was already half way through the sweet red fruit.
"so what is with Mr scruffy?" alec asked nudging y/n as she bitterly swallowed the apple in her mouth feeling like it had gone sour from his out of the blue question about Rick.
"he's nervous that's all, he doesn't like new people or new places" she spoke honestly but left out a few of the true details about his strange behavior towards her and Alec.
She left out the fact that somehow they had a weird connection, or somehow they couldn't seem to not get jealous over anyone who came close to one another.
it was like a loop that couldn't seem to stop for the two, even if they managed to set a boundary she could tell the pressure between Rick and her was growing and starting to bottle up,
like a soda can ready to explode after its been shaking and well rick was the can in this case and Alec was the one shaking it.
Rick wanted to lose his damn mind, he wanted to yell and simply go ape shit once he saw the two laughing from the bathroom window, he was wrapped in a white linen towel,
it dangled just to his v-line to show off the perfect outline of it and well his abs were visible which was even more of an benefit if she were just to stop talking to that man and come up stairs.
Rick cracked the window open so he could hear about whatever the hell the two had been murmuring about for over 15 minutes, for rick it had seemed like and endless damn time loop he couldn't seem to let his mind escape from, he couldn't seem to make it stop.
"Alec i should go, it's close to meeting up with my friends it's been great you showing me around and well i'm glad i met you" she spoke honestly watching the man place a charming smile on his face while his honey eyes seemed to make her heart skip a beat.
"dinner tomorrow? just me and you please? i promise i can cook" he asked watching as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she looked down at the jet black asphalt underneath her boots.
she left him without an answer for a few seconds watching as he shuffled and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "or is it the big guy that's stopping you because i can tell Deanna to come and handle him with no problem"
she licked her lips with a chuckle at his words, "he doesn't stop me from doing anything Alec, and no Deanna doesn't need to get involved with my group i think we can manage ourselves"
y/n bit back watching Alec take in the realization that he said the wrong words but she frowned softly once she realized maybe she had been just a little bit to harsh towards him.
"dinner then tomorrow at 7"
she didn't even get the chance to respond to his obviously already planned out offer because he had walked off to another side of the wall so he could fulfill his duty of keeping watch on Rick and their group even if it was just for the night and here she was about to lose her damn mind over the dinner date part.
she was surely just about to lose her mind because a handsome man asked her to dinner, a man she had only known for less than a day, but she planned on seeing and talking to him more.
After all he seemed to be sweet.
Y/n walked past the people sitting in the living room up to the room she left her bag in but the bathroom door cracked seemed to get her full attention, she hated cracked doors it was just some damn pet peeve of hers but when she saw Rick who was shaved and freshly showered her jaw seemed to fall to the ground.
"oh god" she mumbled slipping inside the bathroom making sure to shut the door behind her, "you shaved finally" y/n remarked watching as rick started the water and rested the razor against the white porcelain of the bathroom sink in front of him.
he didn't respond instead he turned his head to look at her watching as her eyes seemed to want to glance down at the sight his torso held for her, she mumbled something under her breath watching him take a step closer until she was pushed against the door,
Her back was pressed against the wood while she could feel one his hands lingering and brushing some hair from the soft skin of her neck, it sent a chill down her body as she tried to buck her hips up.
She was bucking her hips up at him, maybe to give him a message or maybe just to feel his hard cock that she knew was surely gonna poke against the white linen of the towel he had ever so sloppily wrapped around his waist, almost like he wanted it to fall.
Almost like he wanted to fuck her until her brains were scrambled, he wanted to fuck her and make her forget about whoever the hell that man was, no matter how nice he seemed.
he used his thumb to wipe over her cheek while his other hand slid down to the middle of her hips just above her cunt where he forcefully but gently pushed her against the door.
"needy huh? well you shouldn't be so wanting for me to touch you y/n, not after the game of explorer you've been playing with whatever the hell his name is"
he gestured his head behind him where he knew the window was, he knew he was still leaning against the wall with a smug look, his hands tucked in his pockets as he probably thought about y/n.
he could feel her breaths grow shallow and raspy from just the small of contact his body had on hers, he gently let her hand glide to the flat part of his abs feeling her gasp softly.
"his name is Alec, and you know damn well who i'm with shouldn't be in your level of concern" she spoke back pulling her hand away to try and make him believe that she wasn't enjoying pressing her hand against him, but hell they both knew the damn truth.
Rick cocked his head to the side softly while using one of his fingers to toy at the waistband of her jeans, "i think you know why" he spoke back watching as her eyes couldn't seem to stop glancing at the bulge that had formed underneath his towel.
"i'm not your property rick, and you can't make me" she scoffed back her eyes finally having the courage to look up at him instead, to look into his that were the color of a blank night sky.
his hands gripped a slight pressure on the side of her hips watching as it was once again an excuse for her eyes to trace down just to get another glimpse of how hard he was.
"i don't give a damn what his name was and i don't give a damn that you think i shouldn't care, you think he'd be better than me? you think he'd know how to touch you y/n? And god believe me if i need to prove you wrong i will"
he grumbled at her feeling his grip grow tighter at her waist feeling her shudder at the contact, she didn't respond except she kept her gaze on the bulge he had hidden under the cloth that she ever so desperately just wanted to tear off of him.
"stop staring and answer my question" he spoke watching her eyes look up at him once more, she licked her lips clean from the desire to look back down at him,
"w-well no, but" she froze feeling his hands start to rub its way down to the waistband of her jeans slipping them down lightly
as she tried not to pay attention. "but what y/n? finish your sentence" he spoke pulling his hands away from the denim that was now hanging just below her hips.
without even such a warning or hint to her action she reached her hand out to rub the bulge in his towel making him groan her fingers spun so perfectly through the fabric making him practically buck his hips up to get more from her, her hand rubbed a small set of circles making his voice grow raspy and huskier with each sly movement of her handwork that truly seemed to be working like a charm on him.
"you're trying to distract me" he griped at her, she could tell he was enjoying it, and maybe just a little to much, she slipped down to her knees watching as he looked down at her,
he pushed her hand away just so he could pull off her t-shirt revealing her breasts being held up by her bra, the bra that was a dark blue color that seemed to blend well with her skin.
he liked the sight of her, he liked seeing her down on her knees while she was ever so willingly playing with his cock even if it had been clothed it was all still such a damn sight for him.
she wiggled her way out of her jeans to reveal her black panties, the hem such a pretty damn lace that he knew that soon he was going to tear off of her to get access to her cunt.
her hand ripped away the towel that was wrapped around his waist, she tossed it across the bathroom floor while her eyes admired his member that was lengthy and hard right in-front of her,
she was practically drooling at the sight of it, rick's cock was long and thick, it had veins just in the right places making it even more god damn pretty to her.
she used a hand to start from the base until she made her way up to the tip of his cock using her tongue to lick off the salty clear liquid that seemed to form on top because of his eagerness.
he groaned softly while his hand reached out to tangle in her hair, he forcefully gave himself a grip at the root of her hair swirling his fingers at her scalp to keep a steady hold on her.
her tongue seemed to be like god damn magic with each way it seemed to warp around his cock each time he bobbed in and out of her mouth like a lollipop, her mouth was so full of him her eyes started to prickle and her throat felt sore.
he was bucking his hips up just a little so he could help force even more of his needy cock down her throat, he could feel her saliva starting to build and spill out onto his cock while her nails started to dig into his inner thighs.
she had a full set of prickling tears flowing down her cheeks from the pressure building up in her throat and well the fact she was trying not to gag all over his cock, she could feel him twitch in her mouth.
already so close and all she had to do was work her mouth,
but it wasn't just the pleasure her mouth was feeding him that was about to send him off the edge, it was the way she looked so pretty on her knees, the way her eyes filled with tears and the way her nails dug into his skin as she whimpered against him softly.
he had been finally able to shoot his load down her throat hearing as the breathing from her nose seemed to sharpen while her nostrils flared, her mouth was trying to take all of his seed,
once she swallowed his warm seed she pulled away from his cock, panting and her throat scratchy from the saltiness of his liquid pouring down her throat like she was a cum rag.
his chest rose up and down while he helped lift her up from her knees and pressed her back up against the door, his hard cock now pressing against her belly as she tried not to moan at the hand that was now pulling off her panties.
he wrapped them around his fingers while he admired them for just a hence of a few seconds before finally tossing them to the floor,
he used just one of his hands to un-clip the bra watching it slip off her body so peacefully. her breasts still perky while her nipples grew hard at the arousal each of his thumbs was giving them.
she let out a soft moan for him as she could feel him the one dropping to his knees to place a soft kiss on top of her cunt that was clenching on practically nothing because of how impatient and how desperate it was for any touch of his,
she whimpered tossing her hips forwards at him but he simply pushed them back and stood back up, he peppered a kiss on each of her breasts feeling as goosebumps formed on her arms.
"n-need you" she whined at him practically sinking her nails into the biceps of his arms hoping he would understand the message and once she felt the tip of his cock teasing the inner of her wet folds she knew he took the message the right way.
he allowed one of his hands to trace into her wet folds as he pulled his cock away, just to give her a taste of what she actually wanted or just what she actually needed.
she let out a loud moan feeling as his middle finger was inserted into her and when she felt his ring finger join the other in her dripping cunt she let her hands wander to the top of his shoulders planting down a firm and stable grasp for herself.
he pumped his fingers slowly inside her watching as she tried to keep back her moans by forcing her teeth to clamp down on her bottom lip, his eyes flicked up at her as he started to pump faster.
"c'mon don't be shy now let them know how good you feel" he spoke hearing as she let out a sputtered gasp at the feeling of his thumb rubbing its way in fast circles amongst her clit.
"f-fuck Rick!" she cried, "god that pretty throat of yours has so many talents" he chuckled in her ear while his hand slipped around her neck gently to rub just under her chin.
it was like she could already feel her orgasm starting to arise in her because her legs shook and her mind was a damn minefield ready to explode with profanity and dirty words that she was sure that she could no longer hold onto inside her.
"so c-close fuck i'm so close" she whimpered feeling as his other hand moved from away from her throat and down onto her breasts swapping back and forth to make sure they each got the same amount of attention from him.
the soft swirl of his thumb on each of her nipples and the feeling of his fingers inside her curling at her g-spot with each thrust was like heaven to her, she was so damn close to letting out an erotic cry once she felt the knot growing looser and looser in her stomach.
"come on, cum for me let em hear how good you are baby" with just those subtle words he could feel some of her juices spurt out onto his fingers while she made a loud set of whimpering noises so loud that even Alec was able to hear them spilling out of the bathroom window.
Rick licked his fingers clean with a smile as he made sure to clean off every ounce of her juices off of them, without a hesitation he flipped her around so that she was pressed against the door.
his cock teasing her soaked entrance while she whimpered at a finger skimming over her clit just to see how sensitive she really was, "p-please" she whined at him her fists pressed against the door.
he himself was so damn impatient, he was so needy to be inside her he could stand the teasing either, with swift up rise of his hips he thrusted into her while his full drive hearing as a scream was pulled out from the back of her throat.
"as i was saying Dixon, you suck at go fish and i'm going to kick your ass, i've already decided it" Michonne spoke pulling down two sevens in her deck next to the pile of her other matches.
Daryl scoffed as he licked his lips clean about to ask if she had a '6' but a loud sound coming from the bathroom stopped him, the door was rattling as a rhythmic pounding noise was coming through.
he could hear a loud cry as he furrowed his brows and looked over at the others, Glenn sat up and Rosita tossed down her knife and the piece of wood she had been whittling away at.
another cry emerged as Daryl stood up in a slight crouch position and pulled up his crossbow but Sasha grabbed his arm and forced him to put it down.
the pounding seemed to go on forever along with the set of screams that started to flood out of the bathroom, it was y/n crying and moaning aloud for Rick.
They could hear her muffled profanities faintly while the pounding didn't seem to stop, "fuck rick! god dammit right there!" she screamed so loud that they were all sure even all of the houses and buildings surrounding them had surely heard it.
"so fuckin tight this pussy" they heard a loud groan and a whine back in response, the door shaking so much from her body being pressed up against it, her tits smushed against the wood while her nipples were perky from the slight coldness it was pressing on her with.
his cock was buried so deep inside her she swore that he was re-arranging every single organ in her stomach maybe his cock had even skimmed past her own heart that's surely what it felt like to be this full of him, to be filled to the brim so much that she had tears flowing down her face and her hair a scrambled mess.
"you think Alec could fuck you like this?" rick asked bitterly as he held onto her waist to fuck into her even deeper, "n-no!" she cried almost sounding like another whimper from her.
"so fucking close" she whined so loud that she could practically feel the vibrations of her own cries, she was letting out a series of pleasureful moans while she felt his cock twitch inside her.
"i should fill you up for being so bad today" he huffed into her tugging a piece of her hair hearing a moan return back to him, he groaned feeling as his cock twitched inside her while her walls clenched around him hoping to spill its juices.
"gonna c-cum oh f-fuck!" she practically screamed feeling his hand slip around to her front to rub against her sensitive clit only making her even closer and once both of their knots untied they both let out a series of profanity while they panted.
rick could hear her whine when he pulled out of her with a soft 'pop' sound that seemed to make her legs wobble without the stability of his hands on her body, she flipped around to see him grab a rag and putting some water from the faucet on it.
he gently spread her legs while he wiped his cum clean from her, even though he loved the feeling when he thought about watching it pour from the walls of her cunt.
she hissed softly watching as rick grabbed a fresh rag to clean himself off, he helped to get her dressed by slipping back on her clothes letting them slip onto her body, she thanked him while watching him change into the fresh pair of clothes he had laid out for him after his shower.
he followed her down the stair case to see all of their friends staring at them, Rosita rolled her eyes in a slight disgust and got up to grab something from the kitchen.
Rick had been so lucky that he placed Judith and Carl in a different house with Jessie and their son Ron, maybe just to get Carl around more kids to keep him somewhat a normal person,
Daryl shook his head at y/n while he had put his crossbow against the white wall next to him, "thought a walker got in but it's just ya two fuckin" he scoffed watching as Michonne practically choked on the glass of water she was sipping on.
she coughed with a smile on her face trying to hold back the disgust and the laughter all at once, "oh god you two are horrible!" glenn piped in watching as his wife chuckled a little.
"you two fuck like dogs!" y/n remarked back taking a seat against one of the cushions rested on the floor for her, "one time in the guard tower doesn't count!" Glenn huffed back watching as Maggie raised her eyebrows while her eyes widened a little.
"that's disgusting you know i used to keep watch in that tower!"
y/n shuddered at the thought of her two best friends having sex with each other but it couldn't be as bad as hearing Rick and her going at it upstairs.
Alec flicked his eyes up to look at y/n who planted a kiss on Rick's cheek before she made her approach towards him, he took a bite from his oatmeal bitterly swallowing it while he looked at her.
"you were sweet trust me Alec i just have something else waiting for me i'm sorry" she spoke, she hadn't felt that bad about it, even though the situation did seem pretty shitty.
"i was only gonna pity fuck you anyways i haven't had action since this bullshit started so don't get to excited" he spoke the truth, she could tell he wasn't lying which is why she hadn't said another word instead she walked back over to her friends.
"god if he knew what an actual fuck was" she mumbled watching as rick furrowed his brows, "what?" he asked rubbing the sides of her waist watching as she smiled at him, "i think alec understands now" she spoke proudly while feeling Rick press a kiss against her neck.
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icyminghao · 1 year
boynextdoor having a crush on you
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pairing: boynextdoor (ot6) x gn!reader genre: fluff, headcannon
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the type to go over every interaction with you he had that day while lying in bed trying to sleep
he's so down bad he's probably one of those people who tune everything out the moment you're in the vicinity
has a lovesick smile on his face every time he looks at you!! he's so whipped
probably wouldn't confess that quick, preferring to just pine after you in case you don't like him back (how is that possible honestly)
"And that's how you solve the question," you say, circling the answer on Jaehyun's paper with a blue gel pen, and Jaehyun realises that he completely missed your explanation having gotten lost in the cadence of your voice. He nods his head to act like he understood, but you see right through him.
"Jaehyun, you've got to pay attention if you want to pass the test!" you chastise him, tapping his head lightly with your pen. Jaehyun wishes that were your hand instead.
"I'm sorry! It's just..." he tries to explain, voice lowering, "you're way too distracting..."
"What did you say? I know this is a library, but you don't have to be that soft," you giggle, having not heard him, to Jaehyun's relief.
"Nothing! Um, I guess I'm just tired..?" Jaehyun tries to evade the topic, hoping you wouldn't notice that he lied, with your sharp senses and all.
"Huh," you purse your lips together, "let's call it a day, then."
Jaehyun's eyes widen in confusion. "But it's barely been thirty minutes, and we're not supposed to end until, like, two hours later."
You break into a smile, and Jaehyun tries his hardest not to scream his love for you and turn the entire library against him. "My favourite tutee is tired. How's he going to absorb more information for the next two hours? That'd be pure torture, and I can't have that. Let's go get some ice cream instead! There's a new ice cream parlor that just opened a few blocks away from campus."
You continue rambling, but Jaehyun had already stopped listening after you referred to him as your "favourite tutee".
"I'm... your favourite tutee?" he squeaks, face turning red at his voice crack. You pause your rambling, eyes wide as if you just realised what you said.
"Yeah," you speak up after a while, "you're also, like, my only tutee, so-"
"Let's get going! The ice cream's probably going to melt the longer we take to get there," Jaehyun cuts you off and stands up. You raise your eyebrows at him, unmoving.
Jaehyun smiles. "Come on, don't keep your favourite tutee waiting, yeah?"
You blush furiously, kicking his shin lightly. "You're never gonna let me live this down, are you?" Jaehyun simply shrugs, smile getting impossibly wide.
"Just so you know," he crouches down so he's at your eye level, "you're my favourite tutor, too."
lovesick af
would probably say yes to anything you say (even if it isn’t a yes or no question bc his mind just blanks out every time he stands in front of you)
would probably try to impress you and would probably also end up making a fool of himself 50% of the time (but it’s okay bc you think it’s cute)
says the flirtiest shit without batting an eye sometimes too
“Hi,” Sungho looks up from his books to see you standing by the empty seat beside him, and he freezes immediately. “is… this seat empty?”
Sungho manages a meek nod, deciding against opening his mouth lest he loses it and declares his love for you in front of the whole lecture hall.
Speaking of the lecture hall, Sungho looks around at all the empty seats around him in confusion. The lecture hall has enough space for the students of his Mechanical Engineering 101 class to sit comfortably by themselves, but you chose to sit beside him. Sungho tries not to smile at that revelation.
You seem to have picked up on what Sungho’s thinking about, and you smile sheepishly. “Um, I recently transferred to this class and I didn’t want to sit alone.”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind!” Sungho dismisses your worries with a wave. “Any friend of Sanghyeok’s is a friend of mine.”
“You know me?” you perk up at the mention of your mutual friend, surprised.
Sungho feels heat creeping up his cheeks. “Y-yeah! I’ve noticed you hanging out with him around campus.”
You beam at him, and Sungho’s breath hitches. “I’ve noticed you, too! You’re always with Jaehyun, right? We should probably all get lunch together sometime.”
Sungho’s brain malfunctions at the flurry of information presented to him. You’ve noticed him, and you just asked him out (alongside Jaehyun, but Sungho pushes that fact aside). Sungho thinks he must be dreaming.
“Sungho?” you call, snapping him out of his thoughts. Sungho realises this is the first time you’ve ever called him by his name, and he yearns for the next time he’ll hear it again.
“Did you not want to hang out with us? You can always say no,” you chuckle awkwardly, feeling small under his intense gaze on you.
Sungho is quickly to wave his hands in a way that signals ‘no’. “Oh, no, I’d love to hang out with you!”
“Though it’d be better if it were just the two of us instead.”
he’s so shy
admires you from afar with the most lovesick smile on his face
probably wouldn’t initiate interactions with you, he’s too shy for that
is so caring
pays attention to you to make up for the silence
“When are you going to confess?” Sungho nudges Riwoo after he sighs for what seems like the tenth time since they started eating at the cafeteria.
“Confess? To who?” Riwoo’s eyes widen, blatantly denying the allegation.
“Come on, Sanghyeok,” Jaehyun narrows his eyes at his friend, “your eyes have never left them the moment we walked into the cafeteria. You literally cannot be any more obvious.”
Riwoo purses his lips together and sighs. “I can’t confess to them out of the blue, man, what if they don’t like me?”
“Who doesn’t like you?” Riwoo’s blood runs cold at the familiar voice, and he turns around to meet eyes with you.
“Our beloved Sanghyeok here has a huge crush on someone,” Jaehyun says nonchalantly as you move to sit down beside Riwoo.
“Really? Do I know them?” you ask as blood rushes to Riwoo’s ears. He’s so flustered he misses the disappointed edge to your voice.
“Uh, you could say that,” Riwoo manages to choke out, “anyway, why are you here? Don’t you have Introduction to Law right now?”
Sungho and Jaehyun raise their eyebrows at Riwoo’s blatant attempt at changing the topic, and if you noticed, you don’t call him out for it.
“Damn, Hyeok, it’s like you’re the one with my schedule. Do you have a crush on me or something?” you tease, “Anyway, I dropped that class a few days ago. In fact, Jeonghan encouraged me to, for some reason.”
“Jeonghan? The professor?” Riwoo straightens at the mention of your professor’s name. He’s well-known as the “most eligible bachelor” on campus despite being a professor, and Riwoo can’t help but feel jealousy crawling through his skin.
“Yeah, he’s so cynical about that course, it’s a wonder how he’s still teaching it,” you chuckle before noticing Riwoo’s reaction.
“Don’t worry, Hyeok, you’re still the only man in my heart.”
Riwoo’s ears flush the darkest shade of red.
he’s a romantic for sure
has multiple playlists dedicated to you for different scenarios (when you walk down the hall, how he feels when he talks to you etc.)
pays attention to your interests (esp your favourite songs) and would check out your favourite artists or albums so he could have something to talk to you about
would probably subtly drop hints about his crush on you through song recommendations bc he’s cheesy like that
“Hey, y/n,” Taesan greets as he slides into the seat next to you, getting his lesson materials out before the class begins. “how was the song I recommended to you a while ago?”
“‘Harvey’ by Her’s? I thought it was really cute! Can you imagine being Harvey, and having someone waiting for you like that?” you launch into a ramble about the song, and Taesan finds himself smiling at how animated you are.
“Well, I don’t think you have to imagine, you probably have dozens of people feeling like that for you,” like me, Taesan almost says, but stops himself before he does.
You smile shyly at his words. “Thanks, Dongmin, but I don’t think that’s the case. I’m not very likeable.”
You sound so sad about it Taesan’s heart aches.
“y/n,” Taesan’s voice lowers with concern, “why would you say that? You’re amazing, okay? Anyone would be happy to have you.”
“Really? Even you?” you tease a little to lighten the mood, and Taesan’s cheek flush red at the sudden turn of events.
“Relax, Dongmin! I was only joking,” you giggle, lightly tapping his arm before shifting your focus to your undone homework in front of you. Dongmin chastises himself for chickening out as he looks at your focused face.
“Well, since you liked ‘Harvey’, I have another song recommendation for you,” Taesan pipes up after a while.
“Really? What’s the song?” you reply enthusiastically, and Taesan’s heart skips a beat at your interest.
“‘The Most Beautiful Thing’ by Bruno Major.”
Maybe one day he’ll be confident enough to confess to you directly instead of through his song recommendations.
he'd probably be friends with you first
would pine after you for a while, afraid to confess and potentially ruin what you both have
occasionally flirts with you like it's free real estate and flusters the hell out of you, but makes no move to confess or anything after (to your frustration, because what are you guys??)
he's gives me such "what are we" vibes ngl
100% would get caught staring at you all the time
"Hey, there's something on your hair." Leehan gently grabs you arm and stops mid-walk. You hold in a breath as Leehan reaches over to brush away whatever was on your hair with his delicate fingers.
Leehan takes one look at your reaction and chuckles. "Don't forget to breathe, y/n. It's gone now."
Your face turns red at getting caught staring at Leehan. Grumbling a small "thanks", you turn around and continue walking towards the cafeteria in hopes that he wouldn't be able to see the blood rushing to your face. Leehan watches your back for a while, breaking out into a soft smile at how cute you were being.
"Hey, wait for me!" Leehan calls, jogging to catch up to you. "Anyway, Dongmin called me earlier to ask for our orders, so I helped you get a Miso Ramen with two eggs, no beansprouts."
Leehan waits to see your reaction, and just like he expected, your face morphs into one of pure surprise. "Woah, how do you know what my go-to order is?"
"Of course I do, I'm not so self-absorbed, okay?" Leehan teases, nudging you.
"Besides, it's a habit of mine to remember things about people I like."
he’s a huge mess in front of you
can’t even string a proper sentence in front of you bc his mind just goes blank everytime you’re in close proximity
the boys tease him for it all the time (sometimes in front of you)
would probably need the boys to set something up for him to finally confess to you
“God, Woonhak, you’re staring again. Just go talk to them already!” Sungho sighs, nudging his friend a little. Woonhak is unresponsive, too engrossed with his ogling at you to even notice anything but you.
You, in all your glory, standing by the lockers and giggling to your friends with that sweet, sweet laugh of your he would do anything to hear, with that beautiful smile of yours he would do everything to have directed at him.
You, who is standing in front of him now and looking as amazing as ever. Wait, what?
“Woonhak, hi!” you wave a little, beaming up at him. Woonhak thinks he might just die on the spot.
His mind is reeling from the absolute shock at you coming up to initiate a conversation such that he literally just stares blankly at you without responding to your greeting like an idiot, his friends giggling to themselves at the sight.
“Are you okay…?” you wave your hand in front of him, confused at his sudden silence. Woonhak snaps out of his stupor with a jolt. “H-hey! The sun’s out, yeah? Beautiful day today, just like you— I’m sorry, I meant just like your hair! Yeah, I really like your hair.”
Woonhak mentally chastises himself, because what the hell was that, but then you burst out laughing and he feels his whole world stop, and suddenly your laugh is the only thing he hears.
“S-sorry for laughing,” you manage to choke out in between your bouts of laughter, “that was just so cute!”
“Oh, right! Anyway, I wanted to ask if we were still on for after school? You’re supposed to tutor me with math,” you exclaim, and Woonhak furrows his brows together. You guys were supposed to meet today? When did that happen?
Glancing away for a moment, he sees Jaehyun and Sungho nodding their heads aggressively right behind you. “U-uh, yeah, we are!”
“Cool! See you at the library, then!” you beam at him before turning on your heels to rejoin your friends.
“What did you guys do?” Woonhak whines, his legs feeling like jelly after his very, very embarrassing interaction with you.
“Well, we did our best friend duties and asked them out for you. You owe us, yeah? Don’t forget to credit us when you guys get together,” Jaehyun gives Woonhak a rather loud smack on the back, and you glance in their direction to see what the commotion is about.
Locking eyes with Woonhak, you let out a soft smile and a wave, and Woonhak almost squeals. Shyly, he slowly lifts his hand and waves back, his friends watching with shit-eating grins.
He is so down bad for you, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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a/n: ok i may have went too hard on this HELP but ig i’m making up for the lack of bnd content these days hehehe i hope y’all like it!
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @slytherinshua
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Safe - John Wick x Fem!Reader
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Summary: John comes home from work and he is wounded, and as his worried wife, you help him.
Warnings: swearing, oral m!receiving, blood/gore, talk of violence, mainly fluff.
You sit alone in your large kitchen, biting your nails and shaking your leg as you anxiously wait for your husband to come home.
His profession was extremely dangerous. Every time he went out you didn’t know if he was alive. Whenever you heard a car pass by your house, you wondered if it were the police coming to inform you that your husband had passed.
You knew that you had to make certain sacrifices that came with being married to The John Wick, the Boogie Man, as they call him.
You hear the door unlock, and your breath hitched. Running to the door, you are met with John. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding back tears as you nuzzle your face into the crook of us neck. “Oh, John…”
His hands weakily wrap around your waist. “Y/N…” he sighs, resting his chin atop your head.
Your hand trails down the chest of his suit. You find the red substance of blood on his white shirt. “You were shot?”
“Stabbed,” he says. “Not too bad. I’ve been though worse,”
You sigh. “Yeah, just stabbed.” You say sarcastically. “What if next time you get stabbed even worse, or shot, and you don’t make it through?” You question.
John gives you a saddened look. “I’m sorry, Y/N. You have a right to be mad, and worried.”
You give him an angered gaze, but it slowly fades as you hear the sincerity in his voice. You lean up to kiss him. “You’re right,” you say.
You take him to the kitchen where you strip him of his suit jacket and button up shirt. “This is going to sting,” you say. “I know,” he replies.
The wound was shallow, but it was still gushing a fair amount of blood. Once you were able to slow down the bleeding, you begin to clean it. John lightly hisses as you disinfect his wound.
You quickly bandage it neatly, then reward him with a warm kiss on his lips. “You have to stop this, John,”
“I know,” he says again. “I- I can retire, if you want.”
“Will you really do that for me?”
“Of course, baby. You are more important than work.”
You smile softly. “If you think it’s the best, then you can. I will support whatever you do,” you say. “Will you be safe?” You ask.
“We are safe. We will always be safe.”
“No, will you be safe?”
John pauses for a concerning amount of time. “I will be safe.” He says. “And if anybody comes after you, or me, I will kill them.”
“John,” you say like a disappointed mother. But, you couldn’t help but smile. You loved your mass murderer husband.
“That’s the spirit, love,” he smiles and gives you a kiss.
“You should go wash up,” you tell him. His face was cut, as well as his hair slicked back with sweat.
“Join me?”
“Very funny,” you laugh before sending him up to the bathroom to clean off the sins of the night. “Be mindful of your bandages,”
“Yes, ma’am,” John chuckled.
John finds his way to the master bathroom. He strips the rest of his clothes and got into the shower. His bandage inevitably got wet.
He ran his hands through his hair, feeling as the heterogeneous mixture of sweat, styling gel and water ran down his back. It felt so releiving to wash himself of the stress and torment of his job.
He used a musky scented soap to wash off the sweat and grime he had accumulated through the night. He exited the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist before redressing his wound.
John left the bathroom, towel still lazily around his waist. You were in bed, reading a book as you awaited for your husband to join you.
You couldn’t help but look at his chiseled abs and cutting hip bones. Of course, you also couldn’t ignore his broad shoulders and tattoo covered back.
“Y/N. You’re starring,”
“Oh,” you say. “Sorry,” you laugh, and he smirks. “Is it such a crime to appreciate my husbands body?”
“No. Just funny to call you out on it,” he says. He grabs a pair of sweatpants and slipped them on.
“Come lay down, babe,” you pull back the comforter in the empty space for him to fill. He slowly lays down, and he groans as his aching back hits the bed.
“Are you really going to retire?” You ask as your hand gently rests on his chest. You slowly draw circles on his skin, avoiding any bruised areas.
“Anything for you,”
You smile, and he slowly leans in to connect your lips in a gently kiss. “I will love you forever…” he murmurs agaisnt your lips. “I will love you when I’m below the ground, and I will love you after the earth ceases to exist…”
You rest your forehead against his, shakily sighing. “I love you, too. Always and forever…”
John kisses you again, hungerly needing your touch and presence against his skin. He gently grips your hair as he hums against your soft, pillowy lips.
His hand reaches for your waist, pulling your laying body closer to his. He squeezes your flesh though your sleep shirt. You whine at the tight squeeze.
Johns lips trail off yours, adventuring down your jaw to suck hot sores on your neck. His hand on your waist moves up, dangerously close to your chest. He cups your breast with his sore and bruised hands through your shirt, gently massaging it in his palm. He knew just how to make you fold.
“John-“ you whisper.
“What, love?”
“Not tonight. You need to heal.” You tell him.
He rests his head on your shoulder, sighing softly. “You’re right,” he whispers. “It’s just so hard to keep my hands off you.” He glances down at his lap, seeing the tent growing in his sweatpants.
“Yes, baby?” You reply.
“I- um. I know you said I have to heal. But, what am I supposed to do about that?” He asks, moving away from the crook of your neck to show the erection in his pants.
You think for a moment, keeping your eyes fixated on his bulge. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t use my hands or my mouth on you,” you tell him, and he grins.
You reach for the waistband of his sweatpants, slowly pulling them off his thighs. Johns cock springs out from his pants. He was hard and throbbing just by touching your breasts.
You grasp his length. His breath hitched at the sight of your hand around his dick. You slowly begin stroking him. You hover above him, letting a string of spit slowly dripping down onto his tip.
“Oh-“ he mumbled as the warm liquid touches his pulsating crown.
You gently kiss the tip, your hand still stroking his shaft slowly.
You whimper against his cock at the sound of his voice. You knew you had to resist him. You couldn’t risk opening his wound and causing him any pain. Hopefully an orgasm would help his aching body in some way.
You slowly take in his length. You suck the tip, humming at the salty taste of his pre-cum. You knew he wasn’t going to last too long. He never lasted long when you sucked him off.
“Just like that, baby,” he praised, “don’t stop- fuck. Don’t stop-“
You didn’t stop, and you weren’t going to stop until you pleasured him to your full ability.
You take in more of his cock. John shivered at the sight of his erection engulfed in your mouth.
“I’m close- shit. I’m gonna cum. Fuck.” He moans.
You began sucking him faster. You felt as your lips glided over the thriving veins on his cock, but always focusing on the tip. He loved it when you toyed with his tip.
His hips shudder, causing you to gag. “Sorry, baby,” he quickly says. You don’t reply, gagging again. You didn’t care if you gagged on his cock. You loved it, because you knew that you were doing good.
His hips jerk up again. He grips your hair, moaning your name as you quickly and steadily suck his cock. He began chasing his release.
“Fuck!” He moans. His eyes roll back, head hitting the pillow as his cum shoots into your mouth. You always loved the taste of his cum.
You finish him off with your hand, swallowing all his arousal as you did. Cum continued to shoot out, going all over your hand as he bucked his hips into your palm.
You happily licked it off, humming at the salty, yet at the same time, sweet taste.
“Fuck. Thank you, baby…” he whispers. The pleasure helped ease some of his pain.
“Anything for you,” you smile. You kiss him, and he tastes his own cum off your lips.
“Can I return the favour?” He asks, toying with the elastic band of your sleep shorts.
You shake your head. “Not tonight. You can in the morning once you have some rest,” you tell him. He frowns, but obeys.
“Okay,” John says. He fixes his sweatpants, and you grab a tissue off the night stand to wipe the spit and cum off your hand, and a bit of the white fluid that got on his stomach. John reachs over to turn off the bedside lamp, groaning as his body was strained to make the reach.
“Goodnight, baby…” you lay your head on his chest, yet again mindful of the bruises and cuts.
“Goodnight. I love you…” John whispers
“I love you too…”
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fuzzyautumninmetal · 3 months
Loving Husband pt 4
Olderhusband!Price 🤝 YoungerWife!Reader 🤝 I'm not spoiling it for you
Here it is!!!!!
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Part 3 Part 5
As they walked into the doctor’s office, John put an arm around you, squeezing your shoulder comfortingly. He could sense your nervousness, but he was just as excited as you were. “Hey,” he whispered, leaning down to murmur in your ear. “No matter what it is, they'll be perfect.” You sat side-by-side on the examination bed, holding hands tightly as you both waited for the ultrasound technician to come in. The room was quiet except for the soft humming of medical equipment in the background.
“Ready?” The technician asked, breaking the silence as you laid on the bed and pulled your shirt up. John squeezed your hand reassuringly, giving you a supportive smile. He knew this was a big moment for them, and he wanted to be there for you every step of the way. She squirted some gel onto your stomach first which made you hissed slightly at the cold jelly. It made John chuckle.
"Don't laugh!" You pouted. "It's cold."
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said, chuckling softly. “But it’s kind of funny.”
She then squirted some gel onto a handheld device and began moving it slowly over your stomach, watching the monitor intently. John leaned closer to the screen, trying to get a better view of what the technician was seeing. His heart pounded in his chest. There was a moment of silence before the technician mumbled a simple "Oh." You looked at the doctor and panicked, "What is it? Is everything okay?" She looked at you and chuckled, "Everything is fine. They're fine"
Yours and Johns head shot up at the words. "They?" You questioned "As in plural?" Your hand tightened around Johns hand, your heart felt like it jumped into your throat as you waited for the doctor to confirm. John's heart skipped a beat at your question, his mind racing with possibilities. Twins? Identical twins? His gaze flickered between the ultrasound screen and the technician, waiting for her to say something - anything. "Yes" The technician smiled before look at you and John. 
"You're having triplets"
John blinked, staring at the ultrasound screen in disbelief. Triplets? 
He glanced over at you, finding you equally stunned expression mirrored in his own. Their jaws hung open, their hearts pounding wildly in their chests.
"Triplets..." He echoed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You looked at the technician with wide eyes "Triplets?" You gasped, your hand flew to your mouth in shock, "Are you serious? Three babies?" You started to cry happy tears. "Three babies" You cried while holding onto John for dear life. 4 months of failed pregnancy tests and now your here, at your 20 week scan being told you're having triplets. John wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close as you burst into tears of joy. He couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with excitement himself. "Triplets," he repeated, his voice choked with emotion. "That's incredible."
He watched the technician move the ultrasound wand over your slightly swollen belly, fascinated by the sight of their unborn children squirming around inside you. It was a surreal moment, one that he would never forget.
"Look," he whispered, pointing at the screen. "There's one."
You wiped your tears away, sniffling as you tried to compose yourself. "I can't believe it" you said quietly, looking at the screen as you pointed at the second baby. "There's number two"
John grinned, squeezing her hand again. "And look at that...there's number three!"
He laughed, feeling light-hearted and carefree despite the weight of responsibility bearing down on him. They were going to have three children - a whole team of little ones under their roof. The rest of the appointment passed in a blur of information and advice from the technician, but neither of you really absorbed much of it. You both were too caught up in the amazing news that had just rocked their world. On the drive home, you kept stealing glances at each other, grinning widely and shaking their heads in amazement.
"Can you believe it?" John asked, reaching over to pat your thigh affectionately. "We're having triplets!"
"Oh god I've got tell my mom," You laughed as you got your phone out to call your mother. She's probably going to have a heart attack. Hearing that she's going to be a grandmother too 3 babies instead of 1. John chuckled, shaking his head as he listened to you talking animatedly on the phone. He could imagine how your mother must be reacting to the news - probably a mixture of surprise and delight. "It sounds like she's taking it well," he said, reaching over to squeeze your hand reassuringly. "She'll love being a grandma times three."
He sighed contentedly, thinking about how their lives were about to change forever. It was daunting, yes - but also incredibly exciting. "And to think," he added with a playful grin, "we used to worry about getting our laundry done." You squeezed his hand back and laughed, "We're defiantly going to need a bigger house." John chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah defiantly"
"It's crazy how things change in an instant," he murmured thoughtfully, "One minute we're dealing with failed pregnancy tests and worrying about whether or not we'd ever conceive...and now..." He trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief as he glanced over at you. You were radiant, your eyes sparkling with happiness and excitement. "And now we're expecting triplets."
"I feel like this is mother nature's way of apologising" You smiled, feeling the tears falling down your cheek again as John pulled up to your shared house. John nodded, understanding what you meant. It was a bit like fate stepping in and setting things right after all those failed attempts. "Yeah," he agreed, reaching over to gently wipe away your tears. "A beautiful apology indeed." He parked the car and turned to face you, pulling you into a tender kiss. As their lips met, he could taste the saltiness of your tears - a bittersweet reminder of their past struggles but also a hopeful promise for their future.
"Well," he murmured against her lips, "We better tell the lads"
"Ooo let's invite them over for dinner" You suggested as you got out of the car. John grinned, liking the idea. "Dinner sounds good. We could even make it a barbecue." He helped you out of the car (forever a gentleman), wrapping an arm around your waist as they walked towards the house.
1 week later
"I'll get it" You shouted to John, who was in the backyard getting the barbecue set up, when you heard the doorbell. John chuckled, continuing to prepare the grill as he heard you answer the door. He could only imagine the flurry of activity that would ensue once they broke the news to their friends. "Just give me a few minutes," he called back, his voice filled with amusement. "I'm almost ready!"
You opened the door to see Gaz, Ghost and Soap standing there with big smiles on their faces. You hugged them all and invited them in. "Come on guys. John's just in the back setting up the barbecue." As soon as the door opened, Ghost's nose picked up the distinct smell of meat grilling on charcoal. His stomach growled in anticipation.
"Barbecue?" he asked, grinning widely. "Now you're talking!"
They followed you into the house and made their way towards the backyard where John was already busy flipping burgers and hotdogs. "So how's the mother to be?" Gaz asked you with a big, shit eating grin on his face. "She's fucking tired and she's only 3 months pregnant" You answered Gaz with a chuckle as you passed everyone a beer. Everyone laughed at Gaz's question and your response, raising their beers in salute as they took a seat around the patio table.
"Sounds about right," Gaz chuckled, "But you're doing great, love." Soap and Ghost nodded in agreement, their expressions softening with genuine concern and admiration. "And don't worry," Soap added, "We'll be here to help however we can."
"Good" You smiled as you walked up to John and put an arm around his waist. "Because you 3" You pointed to the three men. "Are going to be uncles to triplets." The air suddenly became thick with shock and disbelief as everyone's gazes shot between you and John. Even the sizzle of the grill seemed to fade away for a moment.
"As in 3 babies?" Soap choke out, his eyes wide with disbelief. Gaz and Ghost looked at each other in disbelief.
"Yes as in 3 babies" You giggled as you held onto John tighter.
There was a moment of stunned silence before everyone burst into cheers and congratulations. Soap even did a little happy dance. "Triplets!" Gaz exclaimed, slapping John on the back. "That's fantastic!" Ghost, always the more reserved one, simply shook his head in awe. "Unbelievable...Do you know the gender?"
"Nope not until they arrive" you giggled as you felt the tears coming back to your eyes. "Oh god I'm getting emotional again" you laughed as you fanned your face, trying not to ruin your mascara. John wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. "Don't worry love," he murmured softly. He gave you a gentle squeeze before turning back towards the team. "Alright guys! Who's hungry?"
With that, he went back to flipping the burgers and hotdogs on the grill while everyone else settled down at the table waiting for dinner to be served. You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand and laughed, "I am starving." John chuckled, giving you a playful nudge as he headed inside to grab some plates and cutlery. "Good," he said over his shoulder, "because I've got plenty of food."
Soon enough, they were all gathered around the table, digging into the delicious feast that John had prepared. The conversation flowed easily among friends, laughter filling the air as they celebrated this wonderful news. "I gotta ask" Soap asked as he wiped his mouth, "Did ya conceive in my bathroom?" You blushed deeply and buried your face in your hands, "Oh God, Johnny..." You groaned, peeking through your fingers. "You're not letting that go are you?" You laughed as you hid your face in Johns arm. 
John couldn't help but laugh at Soap's question, shaking his head slightly as he tried to suppress his amusement. "Oh come on," he teased, "It's not like we planned it or anything." He gave you a quick peck on the forehead before turning back to Soap. "But yes," he added with a chuckle, "we did." You looked at Soap with a serious expression "I swear to god, Johnny, If you ever tell our children they were conceived in your bathroom. You'll know about it!" You tried to be serious but you ended up laughing.
Soap raised his hands in surrender, holding up both palms towards you. "Hey now," he said innocently, "I wouldn't dream of it." Despite his words, a wicked grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he playfully jabbed at Ghost with his elbow. "But if he tells them," Soap continued with a smirk, "then I'm off the hook." You pointed at John, Gaz, Soap and Ghost, "None of you will tell them." John chuckled at your stern warning, leaning back in his chair as he folded his arms across his chest. "Of course not," he agreed with a teasing wink. "Our secret."
His gaze softened as he glanced over at you, reaching out to gently stroke your cheek with the back of his hand. "But remember," he added with a sly smile, "they might figure it out eventually." You raised your eyebrows at John, "They are never. Ever finding out." John chuckled softly, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek. "They might not find out from us," he said with a playful glint in his eye, "but mothers have been known to slip up..." His voice trailed off suggestively.
You pretended to be offended. "Johnathan Price you take that back" you crossed your arms with a giggle. John raised his hands in mock surrender, grinning widely as he leaned back in his chair. "Alright, alright," he said with a chuckle, "I'll behave."
However, the mischievous twinkle in his eye suggested otherwise.
A few hours later, after dinner was finished and the dishes washed, everyone started to say their goodbyes. They hugged and shook hands before heading home. "Thank you for coming," John said sincerely as he waved goodbye from the doorstep. After seeing their friends off, John turned to find you in the kitchen. He moved silently behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he leaned down to press a kiss to your neck.
"I'm glad they could make it," he murmured against your skin. "But I'm even more glad it's just us now." His hands slid up under your shirt, tracing along your stomach as he pulled you closer against him. You leaned into Johns touch with a sigh of content as you rested one hand on John's and another on your bump.
You were only 3 moths pregnant but you were already showing. By a lot. You should of knows you were having triplets really but it never crossed yours or Johns mind, you were just happy to finally be pregnant.
Feeling your hand over his own, John's heart swelled with love and excitement. His fingers traced gentle circles against your belly as he pressed a series of soft kisses along your jawline. "You're amazing," he whispered huskily, "and so beautiful." His hands moved up to cup your breasts, thumbs rubbing slow circles over the sensitive peaks. As he kissed down your neck, he could feel your pulse beating rapidly beneath his lips.
"Let's go upstairs," he murmured between kisses. "But John." You moaned as you moved your head to the side, "I gotta finish cleaning the kitchen." John chuckled softly, his breath warm against your skin as he spoke. "There's always tomorrow," he whispered huskily, His hands slid down from your breasts, tracing lower until they found the hem of your dress. With a gentle tug, he pulled it up and over your head, revealing the lacy bra you wore underneath.
"We can clean up in the morning," he murmured against your lips before capturing them in a deep, passionate kiss. You kissed John back with equal passion as you slipped your hands under his shirt pulling it up slowly as you reached his bare chest. Caught up in the moment, John allowed you to pull his shirt off. His hands moved to unclasp your bra, sliding the straps down your shoulders until it fell to the floor.
"God, you're stunning," he breathed, his gaze roaming over your body appreciatively.
Without wasting another second, he picked you up and carried you up the stairs to their bedroom. Once inside, he laid you gently on the bed before quickly stripping off his pants and boxer shorts. "C'mere," he murmured, crawling onto the bed and hovered over you. "John" You giggled as he crawled up the bed to hover over you. "You're too good to me sometimes" you whispered as your ran your fingers through his hair while staring into his beautiful blue eyes.
John chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with love and desire as he gazed down at you. "Just trying to keep up with my favourite girl," he teased, pressing a series of light kisses along your collarbone. He shifted slightly, trailing his fingers down your body until they found the hem of your panties. With a gentle tug, he peeled them off and tossed them aside. "Now," he murmured huskily, "where were we?" You shivered as John trail kisses down your body and removed your panties. "Oh I think you were about to show your pregnant wife how much you love her"
At your words, John's heart swelled with affection. He loved this feisty, strong-willed woman more than anything, and being able to share this journey with you was a blessing beyond measure. "That I was," he replied with a tender smile, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your thigh. With a low growl of anticipation, he lowered himself between your legs, pressing soft kisses against your inner thighs before moving higher. His tongue darted out, tasting you intimately as he listened to the sweet sounds you made.
John loved every part of you - your strength, your spirit... and most especially your body. He savoured each moment, taking his time as he worshipped you with his mouth. You arched your back as John licked and kissed your inner thighs as he moved closer to your cunt, "John" you whined as you felt his hot breath on your clit. Hearing you whine, John couldn't help but let out a low growl of satisfaction. It was music to his ears, the sound of your pleasure.
His tongue flickered out again, teasing your swollen clit before diving deeper to lap at your entrance. The taste of you was intoxicating, making him groan in approval. His hands gripped your thighs firmly, holding you open for him as he devoured you with an eagerness that bordered on desperation. He wanted to make sure you came undone under his ministrations, to hear those precious sounds of yours echoing throughout the room. John continued to lick and suck at your dripping cunt, driving you wild with pleasure. His hands held your thighs steady as he explored every inch of you with his tongue.
He could feel your body tensing up, signalling that you were close to climax. Not wanting to push you over the edge quite yet, he slowed down, focusing instead on teasing your clit with his fingers.
'Take it easy, love,' he thought to himself, 'we've got all night.'
"That's not fair," you whined as you grabbed his hair and tried to pull his face closer to your cunt. John chuckled softly at your whines, the vibrations sending delightful shocks through your sensitive flesh. He could feel you gripping his hair, trying to guide him back to where you wanted him, but he resisted. "Patience, love," he murmured against your wetness. "We have all night." With a final teasing lick, he pulled away slightly, giving you a wicked grin as he did so.
You let out a pathetic whine in frustration as John pulled his face away from your pussy. You swatted his hands away from you and sat up on the bed, "That's just mean!" You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted. John watched as you sat up, your expression one of pure frustration. He had to admit, it was rather adorable. "I aim to please, sweetheart," he said with a chuckle, leaning back on his elbows as he watched you.
"But if you insist..." With a swift move, he pulled you onto his lap, your back to his front. His cock, already hard and ready, nestled against your ass. "Better?" he asked, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You started grinding your hips on his thighs, desperate for some sort of friction. "No." Feeling you squirm in his lap, John knew exactly what you needed. His hand slid down your stomach, tracing over your belly where their babies were growing before dipping lower.
"Oh?" he asked, his voice dropping an octave as his fingers found your slick entrance. "What's this? Seems like someone's asking for something." With a gentle thrust, two fingers sank into your tight heat. His thumb circled your swollen clit, adding to the pleasure coursing through you. "Is this better, love?" he whispered against your ear, his teeth nibbling playfully on your lobe. You bit your lip as you nodded your head. Your hands gripped John's thighs as you pressed your back further into him and started rocking your hips back onto his fingers.
John groaned at the feeling of your hips rolling back onto his fingers. Your tight warmth enveloped him, drawing a low growl from deep within his chest. "God I fucking love you" he murmured, his other hand sliding around to cup your breast. His thumb brushed over your nipple, teasing it into a hard peak. "Fuck, you're going to make me blow my load without even getting inside you," he confessed, his breathing ragged. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned loudly. Your hands tightened on his thighs as you felt John's fingers slide in and out of your cunt. "John" you whimpered his name like a prayer.
John's heart pounded in his chest at the sound of your plea. He loved hearing you beg for him, loved knowing that he was the one who could make you lose control. "Right there, sweetheart?" he groaned, his fingers pumping faster into your tight heat. "Jesus Christ..." He could feel you clenching around him, signalling your impending orgasm. Without missing a beat, he added a third finger, stretching you even further.
You cried out as you came hard on John's fingers. Your cunt clenched tightly around them as your body shook from the force of your orgasm. You leaned heavily against John's chest, panting for air as you recovered from your intense orgasm. John groaned as your walls clamped down on his fingers, milking him for everything he was worth. The way you trembled and gasped in his arms was enough to drive any man insane. "Fuck...fuck, you're so goddamn beautiful when you cum," he grunted out, his own need throbbing painfully between his legs. But despite how much he wanted release, he refused to take it without giving you another orgasm first.
"Come on, love. Let's get you off again," he growled, his voice rough with desire as he resumed fingering you. This time, however, he focused solely on your clit, determined to send your spiralling into another orgasm. You whimpered as he continued to rub your clit. Your cunt was still spasming from your previous orgasm but you didn't care. You wanted more, you always wanted more with John. "Please" You begged, pressing your hips back onto his hand. John's heart thudded in his chest at the sound of your plea. You were so fucking needy at times, so desperate for him - and he loved it.
"God, you're such a dirty little slut," he growled, his breath hot against your skin as he continued to tease you. "I fucking love it."
His free hand reached around to caress your breast again, pinching and rolling your nipple between his fingers while his other hand kept working magic on your clit. You surrender to the ecstasy surging through you, a knot within uncoiling with trembling release. Your body convulses in pleasure as you cry out, each syllable a symphony of surrender. John's gaze is fixed upon you, his eyes wide with amazement as he witnesses the torrent of your climax. The liquid gold stains his thighs and the sheets beneath you, a testament to your abandon. 
To John, watching you squirt was like watching a fucking masterpiece unfold right before his eyes. The way your body tensed up, the way your juices gushed out, it was all so fucking sexy.
But instead of pulling his fingers out of you, he curled them upwards, rubbing against that sweet spot inside you that made stars explode behind your eyelids. He wanted to keep going, to push you over the edge once more. And judging by the way you were twitching and gasping under his touch, he wasn't far off. "N-no more baby" you panted as you tried to push Johns hand away. Your body was twitching, you were overstimulated, "Please" you whispered softly. John chuckled softly at your pleas for him to stop, his fingers never slowing their pace. He loved seeing you so worked up, so close to the edge.
"No can do, baby," he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "Not until you've given me another orgasm." With that, he lowered his mouth to your neck, nipping and sucking gently at the sensitive skin there while his fingers continued their relentless assault on your cunt. You let out a whine as you felt John nip at your neck. You were so close to the edge but he just wouldn't stop (Not that you wanted him too). You felt your body start to shake as you came yet again, squirting all over his hand. It took every ounce of self-control not to scream his name as you came.
John groaned as your cunt squeezed his fingers once more, your body convulsing as you came on his hand. He could feel your warm juices coating his fingers and dripping down his wrist, and it only served to turn him on more. "Fucking hell..." he muttered, withdrawing his soaked fingers from your trembling cunny. With a swift movement, he brought them to his lips and sucked each finger clean, savouring the taste of you. You were whimpering, your body still twitching from the intensity of your orgasm. You turned your head to look at him, biting your lower lip as you watched him suck on his fingers. You wanted him, needed him inside you now.
"Please" you begged, reaching around to grab his cock. You stroked him slowly, loving the way he groaned in response. John's breath hitched as you wrapped your hand around his cock, your touch feather-light and teasing. His mind went blank, consumed by the need to be inside you. "Christ, love," he groaned, his grip tightening on the sheets beneath them. "I need to be inside you. Now."
You quickly got off his lap and turned to face him on the bed. You hand grabbed Johns hair at the nape of his neck as brought him in for a very hungry kiss. You were both naked, sweaty, John made you cum 3 times, squirt 2 times and yet you wanted more. You needed John inside you. John returned your kiss with an equal amount of hunger, his tongue dancing with yours as his hands roamed your body. He loved the feeling of your soft skin under his fingertips, the way you squirmed and moaned against his touch.
"Jesus Christ, you're insatiable," he murmured against your lips, breaking their kiss. "But I'm not complaining." You giggled at Johns comment about you being insatiable. You ran your hands along his slightly chubby (but strong) torso as you pushed him onto his back on the bed. You climbed on top of him, straddling his waist as you positioned his cock at your entrance. You looked down at him with a smirk as you slowly began to lower yourself onto him.
"You're just as bad" you whispered. John groaned as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, taking him inch by delicious inch into your tight, wet heat. He loved the way you fit perfectly around him, how you squeezed and gripped him with every thrust. "And you love it," he teased, placing a hand on your hip as he started to roll his hips up into your. "Don't deny it, love."
You bit your lower lip as you began to move on top of John. You moved slowly, riding his cock as you moaned softly. "Wouldn't be pregnant if I didn't" You admitted with a smile as you leaned forward to kiss him. John laughed softly as you admitted that you wouldn't be pregnant if you didn't love the sex as much as he did. He knew that was true - you always seemed to be ready for another round, no matter how many times they'd already gone at it.
"So lucky you're mine. My life. My world. My wife," he murmured, kissing you deeply before breaking away to watch you ride him. His hands roamed over your body, touching and caressing every inch of you that he could reach. (He's so in love with you, can never get enough) You smiled at John's words "My darling husband." You placed your hands on his chest as you leaned forward slightly, your breasts bouncing with each movement. You loved making John happy. You loved everything about him, even his rough edges, "Every day I thank my lucky stars that I found you."
His heart swelled with pride and love as you called him your darling husband. He couldn't help but return your smile, his own face lighting up with happiness. "And I thank my lucky stars that I found you," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "You are the light in my life, sweetheart. The one thing that makes this godforsaken world worth living in." 
"Oh John" You whispered and you slowed your movements. You cupped his face and placed one kiss on his forehead. "I wish I had more words to tell you how much I love you" then you placed another kiss on one cheek. 
"How lucky I am to have found you" and then another kiss on his other cheek. 
"How lucky I am to be your wife" and then finally one last kiss on the tip of his nose. 
"How lucky our children will be to have you" 
His heart swelled with pride and love (again) as you told him how much you loved him. He cherished these moments with you, these quiet moments of intimacy where they could simply be together without the distraction of the outside world. "I don't need any fancy words, sweetheart," he said softly. "Just knowing that you love me is enough." You leaned down and kissed John gently on the lips. You pulled back slightly and looked into his eyes. Your hand reached up and moved some loose strands of hair off his forehead.
"I love you John" you whispered as you began to move again. John felt his heart melt as you whispered those three little words. It was always like hearing them for the first time, even though he'd heard them countless times before. He loved hearing you say them, feeling the warmth behind them. "Oh fuck, sweetheart," he groaned as you started moving again, his hands gripping your thighs tightly. "That's all I fucking need."
You continued to ride John, your movements slow and sensual. You leaned forward so that you could kiss him as you moved. You loved making love to John, especially now that you were pregnant. There was something about being intimate while carrying his babies that made you feel closer to him than ever before.
John groaned as you continued to ride him, your movements slow. He loved the way you moved atop him, how you kissed him passionately between thrusts. He could feel his climax building, his body responding to yours instinctively.
"Fucking hell, love," he gasped, his hands gripping your thighs tighter. "I'm gonna... oh fuck..."
You felt John's hands tightening on your thighs, you knew his climax building and you quickened your pace slightly. You leaned forward and kissed him again as you felt your own orgasm approaching. You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on tight. "Oh God John!" you cried out as you came hard on top of him. John's climax hit him hard, his cock throbbing inside of you as he filled you with hot spurts of cum. He groaned loudly, his body shaking from the force of his orgasm as he emptied himself into you.
He felt your climax rip through you, your tight walls clenching around his still-hardening cock. He groaned in pleasure, holding onto you tightly as he continued to pump his seed deep within you. He could feel his balls tighten and churn, sending wave after wave of cum into you. "Holy fuck..." He breathed heavily, looking up at you with a satisfied grin. You placed your hands John's chest, panting heavily. You were still trembling slightly from your orgasm. You ran your fingers through his hair and kissed him gently on the lips.
He let out a soft sigh as your fingers traced through his hair, the gentle touch sending shivers down his spine. He returned the kiss, his lips pressing against yours in a passionate embrace. "That was... fuck, love," he said breathlessly, pulling back to look at you. "You're amazing."
"You're not too bad yourself" you replied with a laugh. Then you leaned down and kissed him again. This time you kissed his neck and then you kissed your way down to his collarbone. You then worked your way back up to his lips again. "I do love you. My wonderful husband" You whispered as you kissed him again. He chuckled softly as you teased him, complimenting him back. He loved the way you would always find ways to make him feel special, even after all these years together. "You know what they say about great minds, sweetheart," he joked, returning your kiss with enthusiasm. "They think alike."
"But seriously," he added, his voice growing serious. "I love you too, my beautiful wife. And I can't wait to start our family." You got off John and laid next to him, you kissed the side of his neck and then you laid your head on his chest. You listened to his heartbeat and you closed your eyes. You felt content and happy. "I can't wait either" you whispered as you nuzzled into his chest "Only 6 months to go." John laid there quietly, listening to your soft whispers and the steady rhythm of your breathing. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him as he stroked your hair gently. "Just six more months," he repeated softly, echoing your words. "Then we'll finally get to meet our little ones."
You felt John get up and out of bed, "Where are you going?" You asked, your eyebrows slightly furrowing as you watched him put his boxers back on. John kissed your forehead with a small chuckle, "I'm looking after my darling wife and running her a well needed bath." He smiled warmly as he spoke, his hand gently caressing your cheek. The thought of taking care of you, of providing comfort and relaxation, brought a sense of satisfaction to him. "Besides," he added playfully, "I wouldn't mind seeing my gorgeous wife soaking in bubbles."
With a final kiss to your forehead, John left their bedroom and headed towards the bathroom. As he passed by the hallway mirror, he caught sight of his reflection - an older man, but one who was clearly devoted to his wife. A smile crept onto his face as he thought about their upcoming bundle of joys.
Once in the bathroom, he turned on the taps and adjusted the temperature of the water before pouring in a generous amount of bubble bath. You sat up in bed and watched John leave the room. You looked down at your stomach and rubbed it gently and smiled as you thought about the babies growing inside of you. After a few minutes you got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. When you opened the door, you saw John filling the tub with warm water and bubbles. You smiled and walked over to him and hugged him from behind, snuggling your face into his bare back.
He turned around to face you, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close. He smiled, kissing the top of your head gently. "There's my lovely wife," he murmured, his voice low and affectionate. "Go ahead and enjoy your bath. I'll be right here if you need anything." You nodded your head and stepped away from John, you stepped into the bathtub and sank down into the warm bubbles. You sighed contently as you relaxed in the tub while John sat on the floor next to the bath tub, when he isn't at the base or deployed he's stuck to you like glue, never lets you out of his sight. Even more so now that you're pregnant.
John sat by the edge of the bathtub, watching as you sank into the bubbles. His eyes followed the curve of your body, admiring your beauty despite your casual posture. "It won't be long now," he commented casually, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Before we have three miniature versions of you running around." You laughed lightly as you heard him speak. You rested your head back on the edge of the tub and looked over at him, "Well hopefully they take after their father a bit more than me" you teased, winking at him.
John chuckled softly, shaking his head in mock denial. He knew that he wasn't as physically fit as he used to be, but it was flattering to hear you suggest otherwise. "Don't sell yourself short, sweetheart," he said with a playful smirk. "You've kept this old man on his toes for years."
"Oh shut up" you rolled your eyes at John's comment but couldn't help but laugh. "You're not that old." He chuckled softly, leaning back against the wall as he watched you relax in the tub. Your laughter filled the room, a sound that always managed to brighten his day. "Well, I may not be ancient yet," he quipped jokingly, "But I certainly feel it sometimes."
"You're not even 40 yet" you giggled as you flicked some water at him. You rested your head back on the edge of the tub, "Ancient my arse" you mumbled with a smile. John laughed heartily at your comment, dodging the water you flicked at him. He reached out, his fingers brushing against yours lightly. "Touché," he said with a toothy grin. "But just remember, age brings wisdom...and plenty of grey hairs."
"Mhm I like the gray hairs" you leaned over to grab his chin so you could bring his face closer to yours. "My husband is turning into a silver fox," you placed a gentle kiss on his lips "And here I was thinking you couldn't get any sexier." John's cheeks flushed slightly at your compliment, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement and something deeper. He returned your kiss, his lips lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary. "You're too kind, sweetheart," he murmured, pulling back to look into your eyes. "But I must admit, hearing you say things like that does make an old man feel quite flustered."
You winked at John as you moved back into the bubbles, letting them cover your chest. Your hands slid through your wet hair as you sighed contently. "I can tell you're blushing" you teased him again. He chuckled softly, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to hide his blush. He loved these playful exchanges with you, finding them endearing and enjoyable. "I am not!" he protested good-naturedly, though the slight pink hue on his cheeks betrayed him. "Just...warm from sitting here."
"You, Johnathan Price, are an awful liar" you smirked as you closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the bath, "You know better than to try and lie to your wife." John groaned slightly, throwing up his hands in mock defeat. He couldn't deny the truth in your words; you had always been able to read him like an open book. "Fine, maybe I'm blushing a little," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "But only because you make me feel so...special."
You laughed softly as you felt John's hand brush against yours. You opened your eyes and looked over at him, smiling warmly. "That's because you are special" you said softly, "To me you're everything." His heart swelled at your words, his grip tightening around your hand. He brought your knuckles to his lips, planting a soft kiss on them. "And you, my dear wife," he said sincerely, "Are everything to me."
You squeezed John's hand as you felt tears welling up in your eyes. You smiled softly as you listened to John speak. You were truly blessed to have such a caring and loving man by your side, "I love you" you whispered softly. John's chest tightened at your words, his heart pounding in his chest (I don't think he can handle any more sweet words from you). He squeezed your hand gently, bringing it to his lips once more. "And I love you, sweetheart," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "More than words can ever express."
"Now will you be a dear and wash my back please" you smiled sweetly at him as you passed him a loofah and a bottle of your favourite, and expensive (John bought you 5 bottles. He doesn't care because he loves spoiling you), body wash. John nodded, taking the loofah and body wash from your hand. He poured a generous amount of the luxurious liquid onto the sponge, creating a rich lather before reaching behind you. "With pleasure," he said, his fingers gently massaging your skin as he worked the soap into your flesh. 
"It's the least I can do for my beautiful wife."
You let out a soft moan as John started washing your back. His touch was gentle but firm, making sure to scrub away all the dirt and grime from the day. It felt heavenly. "Just to think. You'll be shaving my legs for me in the next couple of months" you hummed at the thought. Your belly so swollen you can't even see your feet. John chuckled softly at your remark, his fingers continuing their gentle massage. He couldn't help but marvel at the miracle of life - soon they would welcome three new members into their family. "That's right, love," he said with a hint of awe in his voice. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
You turned to face John, resting your elbows on the edge of the bathtub as you looked up at him. Your fingers traced along the lines of his face, memorizing every detail. "I can't wait to meet our babies" you said softly. His heart swelled with pride and joy (Seriously. His heart will burst) at your words, his gaze softening as he looked down at you. He gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against your lower lip tenderly. "I can't wait either, sweetheart," he gave you a warm smile. "You've made this old soldier very proud, sweetheart."
You kissed John's thumb as he brushed it across your lips. You then kissed his hand gently as you held it tightly in yours, you closed your eyes and sighed happily. "Keep talking like that and I'll cry" being pregnant sent your hormones crazy, making you very emotional at times. The other day you cried because you saw a Corgi. (A very happy, very loved and a very looked after corgi) John chuckled softly at your comment, squeezing your hand gently. He knew pregnancy had its ups and downs, but he also knew you were strong enough to handle anything life threw at you. "Apologies, darling," he teased. "Didn't mean to make you all sentimental."
You giggled softly as John helped you out of the bath, "don't apologize! I like seeing you being sweet and thoughtful" you said softly. "It's one of the many reasons why I fell for you." He helped you to your feet, steadying you as you stepped out of the tub. He wrapped a large towel around your body, carefully drying off each droplet of water from your skin. "And what else did you fall for?" He asked playfully, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "My charm? My wit? Or perhaps my devilishly handsome looks?"
You rolled your eyes as John teased you. You leaned in close to him, whispering in his ear "Oh John, don't flatter yourself. It was definitely your cooking" you half joked, his cooking was defiantly the one things that drew you in. John feigned a look of hurt, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Ouch, sweetheart," he said teasingly. "After all these years, I thought you finally realized it was my irresistible charm that won you over."
"But if you insist on believing it's my cooking," he added with a playful wink, "I suppose I can't argue with that." You poked John's chest lightly as you walked past him and to your bedroom. You grabbed one of John's old t-shirts and slipped it on, turning to face him. "Come to bed, old man" you called to him. With a chuckle, John followed your command, stripping off his boxers before slipping under the covers beside you. He pulled you into his arms, nuzzling into your neck affectionately. "And don't you forget it," he murmured against your skin. "Best cook in the world right here."
You giggled softly as John nuzzled into your neck. You ran your fingers through his hair, gently scratching his scalp. It always drove him wild, "Goodnight baby" you whispered softly. John sighed contentedly at your touch, his eyes drifting shut as he snuggled closer to you. He pressed a kiss to your neck, his breath warm against your skin. "Good night, sweetheart," he murmured softly, already feeling himself drift off to sleep.
As you drifted off to sleep, John lay awake for a while longer, listening to the steady rhythm of your breathing. He traced his fingers along your arm gently, taking in the scent of your hair and savouring the moment. There was something truly magical about sharing a bed with the woman he loved, especially now that they were expecting triplets. Life didn't get any better than this, he thought to himself as he finally succumbed to sleep.
You woke up the next morning to an empty bed, John wasn't laid next to you like he always is. You slowly got out of bed and made your way downstairs to find the house was spotless, every surface gleaming and everything put away neatly. John was in the living room, reading the newspaper while sipping his tea. As soon as he heard you coming down, he folded the paper and set it aside, setting his mug down as well. "Mornin', sweetheart," he greeted you with a warm smile, getting up to give you a quick peck on the lips before heading towards the kitchen.
You returned John's greeting with a small smile, walking over to sit on the couch. You watched as John went to make breakfast, shaking your head slightly as you did so. "You're spoiling me" you called to him. John returned to the living room, a plate of toast and eggs in hand. He sat down beside you, handing you the plate before sitting back comfortably in his seat. "Can't have my pregnant wife doing all the work," he said with a gentle smirk. "Besides, it's not everyday we get to enjoy this peace and quiet."
You took the plate of food from John, smiling softly as you started to eat. You rested your hand on your stomach, thinking about the babies growing inside you. "We should look at houses today." He nodded in agreement, finishing off his own breakfast before putting his empty plate on the coffee table. He turned to face you, resting a hand on your thigh comfortingly. "I've been looking at some places online," he admitted. "But nothing really caught my eye... yet."
You finished your breakfast, rubbing your belly gently as you thought about the babies. You smiled softly as you looked at John, "I'm thinking somewhere in the countryside, with a big garden. Maybe a field. Could even get some chickens." John chuckled softly at your idea, picturing their little family running around in a big garden with a bunch of chickens. "That does sound nice, sweetheart," he agreed. "And maybe we could even get a dog... or two."
"And a nice big house. Do what we want with it" you laughed softly as you imagined having a farmyard. You stood up stretching your arms above your head, yawning softly. "Build anything we want for the kids, like a slide, mini zip line attached to a tree house" John listened attentively to your ideas, nodding along in agreement. The thought of building such things for their children filled him with excitement and joy. "That sounds absolutely perfect, sweetheart," he said warmly. "A proper home for our little ones..." He paused for a moment, gazing at you lovingly before adding, "and a place where we can grow old together."
You blushed slightly as you saw the love in John's eyes. You stood there for a moment, watching as John got up and stretched too. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close for a soft kiss. John melted into the kiss, returning it with equal parts passion and tenderness. His hands moved to rest on your hips, holding you tightly against him. When they broke apart, both of them were panting slightly, but there was no denying the love and desire in each other's eyes. "You keep kissing me like that, sweetheart," he said with a low growl, "and we might end up forgetting about house hunting altogether."
You giggled softly as you felt John's hands on your hips. You kissed his cheek softly, pressing your body against his "That sounds like a very tempting offer, but I think we need to go house hunting first. Then we can come home and do what we please." You gave him one lass kiss on his chin before walking back upstairs to changed into some clothes for the day. Even though your words were teasing, John couldn't help but feel excited by the promise behind them. He watched you walk away, admiring the sway of your hips and the curve of your ass.
You walked upstairs, humming softly as you went into the bedroom. You was looking through your wardrobe for some clothes when you suddenly felt warm. Too warm. You felt faint and dizzy. You took a deep breath and sat on your bed. "Fucking hell" you mumbled before running to the bathroom to throw up. Hearing your curse, John immediately came running after you. Seeing you throwing up, he knelt down beside you, stroking your back soothingly as you purged your system. "Oh sweetheart," he murmured, sounding concerned. "Do you need anything?"
You shook your head as you leaned away from the toilet, "I'm alright." Seeing the worry etched in Johns face you brought your hand up to cup his cheek. "I'm alright John. I promise, just a bit of morning sickness. That's all." John helped you onto your feet before you went to brush your teeth. He let out a relieved sigh upon hearing your assurance. Still, he couldn't help but worry a little, especially since you were carrying their triplets.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" he asked, placing a hand on your belly protectively. "If you need to rest, then we can postpone house hunting for another day." His voice was filled with concern and love, wanting nothing more than to ensure your wellbeing and that of their unborn children. You brushed your teeth, rinsing your mouth out before spitting into the sink. You wiped your mouth on a towel before turning to face him, "John. Stop fretting, I'm okay." You smiled softly before you went back to the bedroom to change. 
Sensing that you didn't want to be fussed over, John reluctantly stopped hovering. However, his protective instincts kicked in hard when it came to you, so he made sure to sit on the edge of the bed, keeping a watchful eye on you as you changed into a sundress. "You've got that look, John." You didn't even need to glance at him to sense the anxiety etched upon his visage.
With effortless grace, you moved towards him, nestling between his thighs. Your gentle hands cupped his cheeks, tilting his head upward. Silence fell between you, yet the unspoken words resonated through your souls.
Your gaze roamed his features, each one a masterpiece in itself. His cerulean eyes held the depth and mystery of the ocean, their surface shimmering under the ambient light. A single freckle graced his nose, a charming reminder of his endearing imperfections.
And his lips—oh, those lips! They whispered sweet nothings in the darkness, painting vivid dreams upon the whispers of the night. As you gazed upon his face, you felt an overwhelming sense of admiration and love that eclipsed all else. 
At your touch, John felt himself melt. Your fingers were always magic, able to soothe away the worries that plagued him like ghosts. When you tilted his head back, exposing his throat, he couldn't resist a small shiver. Butchered as he was by war, you had pieced him back together, making him whole again. And right now, he was basking in your warmth, letting your touch do its healing work. Your eyes held an intensity that pierced right through to his soul. "I can't help it, sweetheart," his voice rumbled with a mix of exasperation and fondness. "You know I'd do anything for you." You smile softly, leaning in to kiss him gently on the lips. "I know you would, John. But you're worrying over nothing. I'm fine. It's just morning sickness" you placed your hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat beneath your palm.
As your lips met his own, John couldn't help but feel his worries fade away. The sensation of your soft lips against his own was enough to make everything else seem insignificant. "But you're worth worrying about, sweetheart," he murmured, nuzzling into your neck. "I can't help but worry when it comes to you and our babies." You run your fingers through his hair, smiling softly as you lean in to kiss him once more, "One of the many reasons I love about you. One of the many reason why I said yes when you asked me to marry you." You pulled away from John and admired him one more time.
He couldn't help but lean into your touch. He loved the way you made him feel, adored the way you looked at him as if he were the most precious thing in your world. "And one of the many reasons I worship the ground you walk on, sweetheart," he replied, his voice filled with affection and devotion. "You're my everything. My rock, my lover, my best friend..."
He paused for a moment, taking your hand in his and pressing it to his chest. "My wife..."
Your eyes sparkled with love and happiness as you listened to John. You leaned down and kissed him again, this time not holding back. Your tongue slipped past his lips, exploring his mouth hungrily. After pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, panting slightly. Your body tingled with anticipation, craving for more. Your hands started to roam over his body, tracing the contours of his muscles, making him shudder with pleasure. "You’re such a good man, John. So caring, so loving..." You murmured, biting your lip as you watched his reactions to your touches. Feeling your tongue slide past his lips, John couldn't help but respond in kind. Their tongues danced together, a slow and sensual tango that left them both breathless.
When they finally broke apart, John could see the desire in your eyes. It mirrored his own, burning bright and hot. His hands found their way to your hips, holding you close as you explored his body. "And you're my everything, sweetheart," he murmured back, his voice husky with desire. "The woman who stole my heart and made me the happiest man alive."
Your hands continued to explore his body, sliding up to caress his chest. You bit your lip, watching him closely as you spoke "We should go house hunting soon... " You giggled softly, resting your head on his shoulder. Hearing you giggle sent a thrill down his spine. He loved hearing that sound, "We will, sweetheart," John assured you, his voice dropping lower as he watched you bite your lip. He loved watching you, seeing the desire in your eyes and the way your body reacted to his touch. His hands slid down to rest on your ass, giving it a firm squeeze as he pulled you onto his lap. He groaned softly, feeling his cock twitch at the contact.
Softly, you gasp as John's hand reaches out to squeeze your ass, the electricity of his touch igniting your body. Your hips grind against his, the wetness between your legs seeping through your panties and his pants.
"John," you murmur, your voice a ragged whisper. "We need to...to..."
The words die in your throat as John's tongue invades your mouth, silencing any coherent thought. His breath is hot against your skin, his hands roaming your body, igniting a fire that consumes you. You're helpless in his embrace, addicted to the rush of his touch, the taste of his kiss. The house hunting you had planned becomes an afterthought, lost in the haze of desire that envelops you. Feeling you squirm against him only fuelled his desire. His hands roamed over your body, exploring each curve and valley until he reached your ass, squeezing it firmly.
"Oh, sweetheart" John murmured against your lips before trailing kisses down your neck. "We definitely need to..." His voice trailed off as he lifted you up, placing you on the dressing table near their bed. He quickly undid his pants, freeing his hard cock before pushing your dress up around your waist. "Just let me take care of that need for you," he murmured, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your belly. Gasping as John presses a soft kiss to your belly, your back arches, pressing your stomach further into his lips. Your hands find their way to his hair, fingers tangling in the greying strands as you moan softly.
Your body trembles with need, every nerve ending on fire. Your pussy throbs, desperate for attention. Your nipples are hard points under your bra, begging for attention. "Please, John," you beg, biting your lip as you watch him approach your pussy. The sight of his thick cock makes your mouth water, but right now, all you want is his tongue. Feeling your fingers tangle in his hair, John couldn't help but let out a low growl of desire. Your pleas only served to stoke the flames within him, driving him wild with lust.
With a swift move, he knelt before you, his hands gripping your thighs as he pushed them wider apart. His fingers hooked into the elastic of your panties, pulling them aside. His gaze lingered on your pussy, drinking in the sight of your wet folds before lowering his head. His tongue darted out, licking along your slit teasingly before delving deeper. He groaned in delight as the taste of you filled his senses, sending waves of pleasure coursing through him. A loud moan ripped from your throat as John's tongue lapped at your folds. Your hips bucked upward, seeking more of that delicious sensation. But then he pulls away, leaving you panting and needy. Your nails dig into his scalp, urging him to continue. "Don't stop," you begged, your voice hoarse with desire. "Please don't fucking stop."
Hearing your plea, John couldn't help but smile against your pussy. He loved hearing you beg for him. He obliged, resuming his ministrations with renewed vigour. His tongue delved deeper into your folds, swirling around your clit before dipping inside you. He groaned in pleasure, feeling your walls clench around nothing as he fucked you with his tongue. His hands moved up to grip your hips tightly, holding you steady as he devoured you. He was determined to make sure you came hard, screaming his name as you did.
Feeling your walls clench around nothing, John couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He loved making you feel good, loved seeing you lose control. He continued to lick at you, his tongue delving deep inside you as he felt you start to quake. He knew you were close, so he doubled his efforts, sucking on your clit as he thrust two fingers into your tight cunt. "Come for me, sweetheart," he murmured against your cunt, his voice muffled by your folds. He wanted to hear you scream his name, wanted to taste you as you came.
A sharp cry tore from your throat as John's tongue thrust deep inside you. Your whole body shook, pleasure rippling through your veins like wildfire. Your pussy clenched tight around his probing tongue. His name was a mantra on your lips, a prayer and a curse rolled into one. Over and over again, you screamed it as waves of orgasm crashed over you. Your juices gushed forth, soaking his face and staining his shirt. Feeling your walls clamp down on his tongue, John sucked in a breath through his nose, savouring the taste of you. He loved tasting you, loved the way your body quivered beneath his touch.
He slowly withdrew his fingers and tongue, cleaning himself off with his tongue before sitting back on his heels. His eyes were dark with lust as he looked up at you. He could see the flush on your cheeks, the way your chest rose and fell rapidly as you tried to catch your breath. "You're such a fucking goddess," he said, his voice rough with desire. He stood up, towering over you as he gripped your chin gently, forcing you to look up at him.
Panting heavily, you could do nothing but nod in agreement. You were still trembling, your legs weak as a noodle. But even though you were shaking, there was a satisfied smirk on your face. You moaned softly as John gripped your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. There was something about being held captive by those blue eyes of his that made you melt. You loved it, loved everything about this man. As he towered over you, looking down at you with that hungry expression, you found yourself reaching out to pull him closer. You needed more, needed him to fill you completely. Watching you reach out for him, John couldn't resist. He closed the gap between them in a heartbeat, his hands moving to cup your face as he leaned down to capture your lips with his own. His kiss was possessive, demanding, but also gentle. It was a mix of love and hunger.
As you kissed, John reached down to position his cock at your entrance. Without breaking the kiss, he pushed inside you, groaning into your mouth as he felt your walls stretch to accommodate him. Moaning into John's kiss, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him. Your tongue dances with his, lost in the intoxicating flavour that is uniquely John. The feeling of his cock filling you sends shivers down your spine. You gasp against his lips as he pushes deeper, stretching you wide. You can feel every inch of him, filling you completely. Your hips begin to rock against his, grinding down onto his length as you try to take more of him inside. Your body moves instinctively, seeking that sweet spot deep within you that only he can hit just right.
Feeling your hips grind against his, John couldn't hold back any longer. He began to thrust into you, setting a slow and deliberate pace. Every stroke was designed to hit that sweet spot deep inside you, making you moan and squirm underneath him. One hand left your face to grip her thigh, lifting it high over his hip as he pounded into you. The angle change had him hitting that spot even better, and soon he was groaning as well. His thrusts became harder, faster, as he chased his own release. His other hand left your face to wander lower, to tease at your swollen clit. He knew you were sensitive after your orgasm, but he also knew you liked it rough. So he teased you mercilessly, pinching and flicking until you were whimpering beneath him.
When his hand lifted your leg higher, you let out a strangled cry. The new angle had him hitting that sweet spot perfectly, and you could do nothing but beg for more. "Fuck... oh fuck, John!" You cried out, your voice raw and desperate. You his your face into his neck as you placed on hand on the dressing table underneath you to keep you up right.
Feeling your nails dig into his back, John couldn't help but grunt in satisfaction. He quickened his pace, thrusting into you with all the strength in his powerful body. His balls tightened as he felt his climax approaching, and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. He groaned out your name, his voice hoarse with desire. He was close, so very close, and he knew he'd find his release soon. Feeling John's thrusts become more forceful, you can barely form words. All you can do is arch your back and scream his name. Your pussy clenches tightly around his cock, trying to milk him for his release.
"Oh God, John! I'm gonna... ah! I'm gonna cum again!" You cried out, your voice shaky and filled with desperation. You could feel another orgasm building, stronger than the last one. Hearing your cries and feeling your pussy clench around his cock, John knew he wasn't going to last much longer. His thrusts became erratic as he chased his own release, pounding into you with abandon. But then you cried out that you were going to cum again, and that was all it took. With a roar of your name, he came hard inside you. His seed spilled deep within you, filling you up as he rode out his orgasm.
As he slowed down, he moved his hand away from your clit and instead wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. He pressed his forehead against your as he panted for breath, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm. Gasping for air, you collapse against John, your body limp and sated. You can feel his hot cum spilling inside you, filling you up. Your heart pounds in your chest, your body still trembling from the intense orgasm. As you catch your breath, you lean into John, pressing soft kisses along his jawline.
"I love you," you whisper against his skin, your voice soft and tender. You know that no matter what happens, you'll always have this - your love for each other. John gently pulled you closer to him, nuzzling his nose against your before planting a soft kiss on your lips. "I love you too, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice low and husky. His fingers traced small circles on your back as he held you close. Leaning into John's touch, you let out a content sigh. Feeling his fingers tracing small circles on your back, you relax further into his embrace. "We should probably clean up," you murmur, kissing his chin softly. You let out a little sigh as you feel his cock twitch inside you. "And go house hunting" you chuckled, you knew this would happen, not that you cared, you and John were addicted to each other.
Nodding slightly, John gave a soft hum of agreement. But there was no way he was moving from you yet. Not while he could still feel your warmth surrounding him, not when your thighs were spread apart like some kind of offering. His fingers kept tracing those lazy circles on your back as he watched you, drinking in every detail of your flushed face, every bit of your exposed skin. And then he caught himself looking at your stomach, where three tiny lives were growing. "Yeah, we should definitely get cleaned up," he agreed, though his tone didn't sound very convinced about it. Sat on the dressing table with John, you smiled as you looked up at him. There was something incredibly sexy about seeing him all sweaty and panting after just making love to you. You reached up and stroked his cheek, letting your fingers trace down his bearded jawline.
"You're such a mess," you said playfully, smirking at him. You knew that if you didn't get him to move soon, he would throw you onto the bed. John grunted softly as your fingers traced over his beard, sending shivers down his spine. He was indeed a mess, but he didn't care. He was happy, satisfied, and in love. And right now, he didn't want to move. He gave you a smirk in return, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief. He leaned down and captured your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips to tangle with yours. "But I'm a mess because of you," he growled against your lips, pulling away only when he needed to breathe. His hands gripped your hips firmly, holding you in place. 
Caught off guard by John's sudden advance, you gasped into the kiss. His tongue slipped past your lips easily, causing you to moan into his mouth. Your arms snaked around his neck as you pulled yourself closer to him. Pulling away from the kiss, you stared up at John, your grey eyes darkening with desire. You licked your lips subconsciously, tasting him even after the kiss has ended. "You better be," you replied, smirking at him once again. You knew that he would never change, that he would always be the same old John who was crazy about you.
John grinned at your response, his eyes darkening with lust. He loved how you teased him, how you pushed him until he was on the edge of control. It was part of what made their relationship so damn perfect. His grip on your hips tightened slightly, almost possessively. He loved that you were his, completely and utterly his. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," he growled, his voice rough with desire. His hands slid down to cup your ass, squeezing it firmly through the fabric of your dress. "Fuck it," he muttered under his breath, his hands leaving your ass abruptly. Before you could protest or react, he picked you up effortlessly and gently tossed you onto the bed, following you down with a growl of pure need.
With a squeal, you found yourself falling backwards onto the bed. The impact caused you to bounce slightly, your breasts jiggling enticingly underneath your dress. Looking up, you saw John looming over you, his eyes filled with raw desire. "Johnathan Price" you laughed and he pinned you on the bed, "no, we're looking for a house today and that's final."
Hearing your words, John let out a frustrated groan. But he knew you were right. They did need to find a new house, one big enough for their growing family. However, that didn't stop him from wanting you, needing you. His body craved yours, desired you. And right now, he didn't give a damn about anything else except for you. "Fine, fine," he grumbled, rolling off you and lying next to you on the bed instead. He sighed deeply, running a hand through his messy hair. "But don't think this means you've won," he added, giving you a pointed look. His hand moved lower, reaching under your dress to cup your thigh, squeezing it lightly.
Rolling onto your side to face John, you placed a finger on his lips silencing him. You knew that he would keep arguing with you and you weren't going to let that happen. "Don't argue with me mister" you raised an eyebrow with a smirk. He grunted softly, feeling your finger press against his lips. But he couldn't help but chuckle, the sound rumbling deep within his chest. Despite his gruff exterior, he loved these moments - the ones where they bickered like an old married couple. It was proof that they belonged together, that they fit perfectly.
But despite everything, he couldn't resist pressing his lips against your finger, sucking it into his mouth. His tongue swiped across the pad of your finger before releasing it slowly. "Don't tell me what to do, sweetheart," he said with a smirk, even as he kept his hand under your dress. His thumb began rubbing slow, gentle circles on the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You gently wrapped your hand around his throat, just below his jaw and leaned in so your breath was hot on his face, "you may be the Captain of the Task Force but I am your wife." You licked his lips and pulled away with a smirk, you gently grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away from your thigh.
Feeling your hand wrap around his throat, John allowed a low growl to escape his lips. You had no idea how much that turned him on, how much he loved the thought of you marking him, claiming him as yours. When you pulled away, he opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off when you removed his hand from under your dress. A frown formed on his face, but it quickly turned into a smirk when he saw the playful glint in your eyes. "Oh, is that so?" he asked, leaning in close to your ear. His voice was low, husky with desire. He nibbled on your earlobe gently before pulling back. "Well then, Mrs. Price," he murmured, trailing kisses down her neck towards her collarbone, "I suppose I should remind you who's the boss in our bedroom."
"Johnathan Price, stop it" 
Your breath hitched as he nipped at your earlobe, sending shivers down your spine. When his lips trailed down your neck, you bit your lip, trying not to moan out loud. Goddamn, why does he have to know exactly what buttons to push? He heard your sharp intake of breath, felt the shiver that ran down your spine. The sight of you biting your lip, trying to hold back those moans, only served to fuel his own desires. It was clear that you were enjoying this, even if you were trying to act all tough. Ignoring your protests, he continued his trail of kisses down your neck, stopping just above the swell of your breasts. His hand came up, fingers tracing the curve of your breast through the thin material of your dress.
"I can't seem to help myself, love," he murmured huskily. "I'm addicted to you."
You whimpered, feeling his lips on your neck and his fingers trace along your breast. Your nipples were hard already, poking through your bra and dress. God, you wanted him so badly right now. He was your addiction too, you couldn't stay away from him either. "John..." You whispered his name, your voice barely above a whisper. "If we don't go now..... We'll never find a house." Feeling your nipple harden beneath his touch, John couldn't resist teasing it further. His fingers circled around the stiff peak, pressing just enough to elicit a gasp or a moan from you. He loved hearing your sounds, loved knowing that he could make you feel good.
His other hand snaked its way between your thighs, his fingers finding your wetness through the fabric of your panties. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he felt how soaked you were. Damn, you were ready for him. "You're absolutely right," he agreed, even though there was a clear note of reluctance in his voice. "We should probably get moving." Despite saying that, he didn't move away. Instead, he pushed himself up on his arms, hovering over you. His blue eyes locked onto yours, full of lust and love.
As he hovered over you, your hands reached up, gripping his hips tightly. You needed something to hold onto because goddamn, he was making you lose focus. Every single time he touched you, you lost control. "Fuck, John." You muttered under your breath, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. Your nails dug slightly into his flesh as you tried to regain some sort of control over yourself.
But it was hopeless. As soon as he started moving again, you'd be putty in his hands. Or rather, you'd be melting underneath him. Feeling your nails dig into his skin, John let out a low groan. The sensation sent a jolt straight to his cock, which was already throbbing painfully against your thigh. "But fuck, sweetheart," he replied, his voice thick with desire. "You make it so damn hard to think straight." He moved away from you, standing up fully. But instead of heading for the door, he took a moment to strip off his shirt, revealing his well-muscled torso. Then, he turned around, giving you a perfect view of his ass encased in tight fatigues as he found a clean shirt to wear.
Watching him take off his shirt, you swallowed hard. God, he looked so fucking sexy. And the way he moved... it was like watching a predator move. Powerful, confident, and deadly. When he turned around, showing off his firm ass, you couldn't help but lick your lips. You wanted nothing more than to bite down on that perfect roundness. To leave marks on him that would show everyone who he belong too. But you knew better than to do that. Because once you start, you wouldn't stop until he was completely marked up. So instead, you settled for ogling him as he searched for another shirt. Feeling your eyes on him, John couldn't help but flex his muscles a little more. He loved the way you watched him, the hunger in your eyes. It made him feel powerful, desirable.
He found a clean shirt and slipped it on. The fabric clung to his muscles perfectly, highlighting them even more. Then, he turned around, giving you another perfect view of his body. His cock strained against the confines of his pants, clearly outlined by the fabric.
"Keep looking at me like that, sweetheart," he warned. "And I might just forget about finding us a house."
With that, he started walking towards the door. But he paused for a moment, turning around to give you one last look. His blue eyes were dark with desire, and they held a silent promise. You licked your lips again, your eyes following him as he walked to the door. The sight of his cock straining against his pants made your mouth water. You wanted to taste him, to feel him inside of you. When he turned around to look at you one last time, you almost melted on the spot. That silent promise echoed in your mind, and you knew that tonight, you'd be getting everything you wanted. So you stood up and went to the bathroom to quickly freshen up (And clean the mess between your thighs John made earlier) before meeting him at the front door.
The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the countryside as you and John pulled up to the final house on the list. You had spent the entire afternoon going from one house to another, but none of them had felt like home. This one looked promising from the outside, but you couldn't shake the feeling that it was just another disappointment waiting to happen. You stepped out of the car and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the knot of anxiety in your stomach. John squeezed your hand reassuringly and you walked towards the front door. The estate agent greeted you with a warm smile and led you inside.
The house was spacious and well-lit, but it lacked the charm and character you were hoping for. The rooms were too formal and the layout didn't feel right for a family. You could imagine your children running through the halls, but it just didn't feel like home. As they walked through the empty rooms, John could see the disappointment in your eyes. He could understand why this place wasn't feeling right for you. It was too big, too cold, lacking the warmth only a home could provide. It was clear you weren't happy here, and that broke his heart.
When they finally exited the house, John could see the relief in your eyes. You were disappointed, but you also seemed hopeful. There was still hope that they would find a place they both liked. He squeezed your hand gently, offering you support.
"We'll find a place, sweetheart," he assured you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "It's just a matter of time."
With that, he opened the car door for her, letting her slide into the passenger seat. Once you were seated in the car, you looked over at John. His reassurances always managed to lift your spirits, no matter how gloomy things seemed. You smiled softly at him, your eyes filled with gratitude.
"Thank you, John," you said quietly, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "For everything."
Your fingers intertwined with his, and you held on tight. They may not have found a home yet, but you knew they would. Together, they would build a life, a home, a future. Feeling you squeeze his hand, John gave you a small smile. It was moments like these that reminded him of what truly mattered in life - not the houses or the money, but the people. You were worth more than any house or mansion ever could be.
"You're welcome, sweetheart," he replied, his voice soft but filled with love. "I'm just glad I can be there for you." He waited until you were buckled up before starting the engine. The drive back home was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was peaceful, actually. The silence between them was comfortable, soothing even. It was a rare moment of tranquillity in their chaotic lives.
As John pulled into the driveway, you glanced at your phone. A text from Gaz, your friend, popped up. 'How's house hunting going, lovebirds?'
You let out a sigh. 'Not great. Nothing feels like home.'
You typed back your reply, 'None of the homes we've seen feel right.'
Moments later, Gaz's response lit up your screen. 'I may have found a home. Here's the address.'
Confusion washed over you. "Gaz found a house?" You told John, handing him your phone.
Seeing the message from Gaz, John raised an eyebrow. The man never failed to surprise him. He took the phone and read the message, a smirk forming on his face. "Well, I'll be damned," he muttered under his breath. He handed the phone back to you. "Looks like Gaz has something up his sleeve." Even though he trusted Gaz, the fact that the man hadn't mentioned anything about a house earlier was a bit concerning. But then again, Gaz had a habit of keeping secrets. Sometimes it was because he was being secretive, other times it was simply because he forgot to mention things. Still, if Gaz thought it was worth checking out, then maybe there was something to it after all. After all, Gaz had a knack for finding hidden gems.
You arrived at the charming countryside abode, where Gaz greeted you with a warm smile. "My friend's selling this gem," he said. "You've got the first peek."
As you stepped inside, your heart skipped a beat. It was a picture of blissful perfection. Rolling hills stretched beyond the lush field, ideal for chickens and even a few cows. A thriving allotment overflowed with fresh produce. The backyard was a veritable playground, begging for a treehouse, a zip line and what ever else John decides to build. You couldn't help but imagine your future children scampering about, their laughter echoing through the serene countryside.
But the house itself took your breath away. From the cosy living room to the spacious bedrooms, every detail exuded comfort and charm. You couldn't believe your luck. It was everything you had ever dreamed of—a place to raise a family, to create a lifetime of memories. The moment he stepped foot inside, John felt an overwhelming sense of calm wash over him. This place...it just felt right. As if it was meant to be their home. He noticed the way your eyes lit up as you explored each room. Your excitement was contagious, making him grin widely. It was hard to deny that this was indeed a perfect spot for raising kids.
"Damn, Gaz..." he muttered appreciatively, giving him a firm slap on the back. "This is fucking perfect." And just like that, he knew this was it. This was their home. No matter how many places they'd seen today, nothing compared to this quaint little cottage nestled in the middle of nowhere. Your eyes shone with unshed tears of joy as you turned around to look at John. Seeing his approval made your heart swell with happiness. "It's perfect, isn't it?" You asked, your voice filled with awe and wonder. "Like it was waiting for us."
You ran over to John and threw yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. His strong arms wrapped around you protectively, holding you close against his chest. You could hear the steady thumping of his heartbeat underneath your ear, and it soothed you like nothing else. "I love it, John." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but the emotion behind those words was palpable. Holding you close, John felt a surge of emotions welling up within him. This was it. This was their new beginning, their forever. And damn, did it make him proud.
"Oh, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing a kiss onto the top of your head. "It's absolutely perfect." His hands roamed over your body, squeezing gently before letting you go. He needed both hands free to properly appreciate the beauty of the house. "And I love it too, sweetheart," he assured you, his voice filled with warmth and affection. You turned to Gaz and brought him for a big hug, "Thank you so much Gaz. "Watching you thank Gaz, John couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for the man. He might act like a dick sometimes, but deep down, Gaz was one of the best friends anyone could ask for.
"That's my boy," he grumbled, clapping Gaz on the shoulder before turning back to you. "Don't know why you're thanking him though. We're the ones who are getting the house." Despite his teasing tone, there was genuine gratitude in his eyes. Gaz had done good. Real good. "But yeah, thanks mate," he added, slinging an arm around your waist as he led you towards the front door. "For finding this place and all."
With that, he opened the door and ushered you outside, ready to start planning their new life together.
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skyahri · 3 months
Remember P3 |SatoSugu X Reader| HC
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Part Two - Part Four
A/N: Sorry it took so long! I was planning the story out and then I got this weird block and ugh. Enjoy!
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Suguru sighs at the sight before him. You're passed out at your desk, contorted in an odd way that's sure to have your back hurting in the morning. There's empty cans of Redbull and worked through notebooks strewn about the area.
He should've known better than to fall asleep first. It's just past five am. He isn't sure how long you had stayed up after he eventually dosed off around midnight.
You had a habit of ignoring your basic needs and often relied on the people around you to set you straight, a quality he found both tragic and charming. Right now, he was just glad it was Saturday, so you didn't have to deal with the consequences during class.
He slides one arm under your awkwardly bent knees and the other under your back, tilting you towards him so you can fall into his broad chest. You hardly stir, and he has a passive thought about how easy it would be for a curse to catch you off guard right now.
His eyes wander briefly to the journals on your desk. He's a rational man, but surely anyone would be tempted to look, right? His future, his life, maybe even his death, hastily scribbled down in glittery purple gel ink right in front of him.
This could be his only opportunity to see what no one aside from you ever has. His only shot before they're sealed away in the school's catacombs, never to be seen by another again.
His destructive train of thought is quickly shut down with just one word. He swallows nervously, embarrassed to have been caught pondering something stupid. He peeks down at you. Your eyes are still closed, but your hand is resting on his chest, almost like a subtle warning of sorts.
He shifts you slightly, readjusting his grip to hold you more steady. You lull your head against him and breathe in his scent. He's wearing the same cologne he's had since your first year, the same one you could still smell on him after his death.
"You're awake, yet you let me carry you to bed like a child."
He's teasing you, trying to break the stiff atmosphere he's unintentionally created. You aren't sure if he was playing off his own behavior, or if he had sensed a change in yours, but you were grateful for it either way.
"I'm letting you take care of me. There's a difference."
He puffs a bit of air through his nose and turns around. He carries you over to your bed and sets you down, tucking you in under the covers before moving away. Despite the tight feeling in your chest, you allow him to leave without protest.
Maybe you should've asked him to stay, then you wouldn't be here, staring at your clock as the sun hits your face, only a power nap's worth of sleep in your system.
You feel heavy. Your body is stressed and rigid, yet your mind is going a mile a minute. There's only a month until the assimilation and you haven't a clue where to start to fix it, not to mention every other dire event that's sure to happen in the next decade.
You groan, rolling over and sitting up on the edge of the bed. You smack your hands on your face desperately trying to rid yourself of the exhaustion. It was going to be a long day.
- - - - -
Despite how the day started (or did yesterday even end?), today was rather nice. You have the day off to rest, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the nice weather. The incoming sunset is soft, painting the walls of the school a nice orange color and making the view a little more surreal.
The courtyard has always been one of your favorite places. You're lying underneath the giant tree, head in Geto's lap, and legs across Gojo. You're still tired and the boys are arguing, but neither are enough to ruin an otherwise perfect moment.
You wish Shoko were here right now, but even she's sent out to assist on missions from time to time. You know she'd be leaning over you, clicking away on her phone, scolding you for your 'unsightly public display of affection'.
"Picking a grass starter is stupid. They have the most weaknesses."
"Maybe if you learned to appreciate the game instead of only using attack moves, you'd realize grass has its advantages."
"Support moves are for chumps. Ain't that right, princess?"
"I don't know, Satoru, Treecko is pretty cute."
He scoffs and places his hand over his chest to feign heartbreak. You and Suguru laugh, bumping your fists together and poking fun at the other.
Satoru, in the height of his hissy fit, pinches your thigh. You jolt and pout at him. You reach up and steal his glasses away, putting them on and enjoying the break from the bits of sunlight that peek through the leaves.
"You tag team me and steal my shades? You owe me a future question."
"Ask away."
Honestly, he wasn't expecting you to agree to his absurd request. For the almost two years he's known you, he's begged and pleaded for you to share your dreams with him. It's all he asks for when the holidays come around and you always deny him.
He shares a look with Geto, who's looking back at him just as awestruck. You aren't looking at their faces, but you know there's a silent conversation happening between them, probably trying to figure out the best use of their only wish.
Satoru finally clears his throat and sits a little straighter. His suddenly mature demeanor piques your interest.
"What do I look like?"
Suddenly the interest is gone. Suguru punches his shoulder making him yelp. You pinch your eyebrows together, flick up the glasses, and stare straight into his eyes.
"You're a fucking idiot."
Despite the disappointment (or is it relief?) you feel, you give him what he wants. You sit up just enough to reach his face, placing your hands on his cheeks and pulling him down to place a chaste kiss on his forehead. Suguru swears he can see residual twinkles left on his friend's skin at the contact.
"What was that?"
"I showed him my memories. It's an extension of my gift."
You lay back down and watch as Satoru's eyes light up. You were careful not to reveal anything about your relationship with him, choosing to show some friendlier, more subtle tidbits. Unfortunately, though, not much can get past Satoru on the rare occasion he actually applies himself.
"I'm wearing a wedding ring."
It's a statement, not a question, and you're positive that it was intentional on his part. You curse yourself under your breath and rack your brain for a way to get yourself out of this predicament.
"So I'm married? To who?"
"Too bad you wasted your question. Guess you'll have to wait and find out like the rest of us."
You can feel your pulse racing, the blood roaring in your ears as you're struck with the grief of your past.
You can't tell him the history behind that ring. There's no doubt in your mind that he knows who wears the other ring(s?)- it's obvious given the strange dynamic he shares with you and Suguru.
But it's not that simple and you can't find it in yourself to crush any shred of hope he has about living a normal life.
You can't tell him that you'd gotten married in a courthouse at nineteen years old so you could take shared guardianship of Megumi and Tsumiki. You can't tell him the rings you wore were damn near symbolic, something you kept on as a front for his clan and to keep some sort of normalcy for the little ones.
You can't tell him how nontraditional your relationship is. That you shared a bed more often than you slept alone, but there were no I-love-you's even if the feelings were there. That with Suguru gone, neither of you felt complete, even when it was Sunday night and you were sitting at a full table with your kids, laughing and joking like the weight wasn't there.
He doesn't need to know that he doesn't get the normal life he's most likely envisioning, because you're going to do your best to change it. He deserves to have a wife, not whatever mixing pot of sex and longing that held you two together through the thick.
You're thankful for Satoru's glasses that conceal the tears you're trying to blink away. Suguru sets his hand on your chest, right over your heart. His touch is warm and calming. He's always in tune with himself and extends that pleasure to you and the white-haired dork lost in thought beside you.
"Why don't we go inside and watch a movie? It's getting dark and it's supposed to rain soon."
Satoru is very melodramatic- always has been and always will be. You've grown accustomed to the odd way he chooses to deal with feelings- pretending they don't exist and smothering the situation with a bright smile and some sweets.
But Suguru? Suguru was never like that. He's an open book, willing to have difficult conversations at the drop of a hat. He balanced you and Satoru out nicely, encouraging the pair of you to at least attempt to cope with your troubles instead of bottling them up.
Which is why it's so easy to allow your walls to crumble in his hold after just a single touch. It's so easy to curl into him and allow him to mother you relentlessly. To fall back into the same routine you haven't known for years. To relish in the feeling of finally feeling whole again.
He offers you his hand and helps you to your feet. He gently brushes the grass off of your backside and you hear a smack. A quick glance behind you tells you it was Geto slapping away Satoru's opportunistic hand from copping a feel under your skirt.
You laugh and tug the boys closer to you, wrapping your arms around their waists and leading them inside. Your cheerful mood has returned and nothing is going to strip it away- not even the two losers swatting at each other behind your back.
Taglist: @wannapizzamymindposts @sadunicorns11 @reiluvr
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