#sorry this was a bit of a rant!
kikker-oma · 11 months
Ok, Even As Shadows has been stareing at me forever so I just want to ask, will we ever see anything? Ooo wait are you going to be a professional author and your just advertising your book now until you can get it published? Sorry I'm a book worm and it seems so interesting!
Have a good day!
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Hehehe nobody has asked about that before!!!!! Not that I talk about it, but still hehehe
Even As Shadows is a personal comic that I’ve had for about 10 years. It’s gone through 3 different iterations and many on and off years of development, but the characters are very near and dear to my heart❤️
I actually published 2 versions on Webtoons years ago. It started out as “Southwest” then “Compass”, then a third unnamed project, and now it’s “Even as Shadows”!
It’s very much a story about found family dealing with a major loss of a loved one, and how each of their individual problems affect each other and how leaving their emotions unaddressed has serious consequences. The Twist is that it’s a bit of a supernatural-esque story. It’s treated more as a superstition, but there have been cases where severe negative emotions give birth to what’s called a Hazeling. Creatures of superstition considered bad omens leading people to insanity - feeding off their already deteriorating mental states.
In this story, Hazelings exist, but they seem more like children than creatures that lead you to your demise. The story revolves around 3 men and 3 young Hazelings, trying to live life together and deal with their respective traumas and problems while keeping each other safe.
The story has changed soooo much that it’s a bit of a mess haha. I actually started redrawing in 2021, but then my computer died and I couldn’t save anything from my hard drive so I lost years of work. It was quite depressing lol. I stopped drawing for about a year.
I actually originally started drawing LU fanart as a motivator to get me drawing again!
I want to get back into it. Maybe just starting off with small sketches and comic panels to get a feel for it again and see who’s interested.
I lost most all of my drawings, but here’s one photo that was stored on my google drive! It’s 4 years old, so it’s NOT a current drawing, but it’s an idea of what they look like 🥰
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crowleys-hips · 4 months
nghhh ok so. imagine you and your bestie have this cool idea and you make up a story together for shits and giggles, and then it goes viral and becomes super popular. then, because life is a bitch, your bestie gets sick and before they die they tell you "hey you know that story we did? it's be super cool if you could write the ending, i wanna see that happen" and then they die. so you're left with this and so ofc you go and start writing the rest of the story, but now more people are invested. and they didn't like the middle part you wrote and are threatening to drop a grand piano on your head if you don't give them what they want and you're like ??? "this isn't for you, this is for my friend." but they keep shouting at you and demanding stuff from you anyway.
yea. that? don't do that. it's fine to have emotional reactions to stories and characters you're passionate about, but if you don't like something, you're free to make your own stuff. the story isn't for you. we get to enjoy it too, and that's awesome, but this isn't about you.
i really wouldn't ever wish for anyone to know the kind of pain that losing a best friend feels like, it's world shattering. but if you've ever lost anyone close, you'd probably understand. but even if you haven't, it's no excuse to act so entitled to something that's not yours.
please for the love of Somebody, learn some respect.
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anniflamma · 19 days
So I’ve received a couple of anonymous messages telling me that they were really disappointed in me for liking Elian's Antinous fanart. Instead of answering them individually, I’m just going to make an angry rant post instead. Most of if probably won't make sense anyway.
This post have talk about SA, and homophobia. Be aware. I don’t ship genuinely Telemachus and Antinous, if that’s what you’re wondering. I didn’t even consider the possibility that ship could even exist. At the end of the day, I don't care about that ship.
And do you want me to explain that I know SA is bad? Or that I’m aware Telemachus/Antinous is a toxic ship? Do you think I’m dumb and don’t know that? You don't have to explain to me either, I know that SA is bad, I have experienced it, you don't have to explain to me, trust me I know.
I like Elian's art because it’s really beautiful. Her work is a huge inspiration and encouragement for me when making animatics. But do I REALLY have to spell out, word for word, that I know Antinous is an antagonist and tries to do bad things? Does it mean every time someone draws Antinous and I like it, I have to explain that I like the drawing because it’s well done, not because I support Antinous’ intent toward Penelope and wants to kill Telemachus?
I mean, I’ve seen tons of thirsty comments like, "I hate how Zeus treats women, but your design is really hot" or "Even if Poseidon SA Demeter, this Poseidon I'd go down on all fours for!"
I have seen some stuff….
I guess I could just imitate something like that????
But I know it’s a joke and I know its a fantasy that someone is expressing. Its not real, its fictional. I know all those thirsty ppl who simp over Poseidon, Zeus, or even Antinous aren’t supporting hatred and violence toward women. And yes, I am expecting that you should already know this too. Because if we gonna assume the worst of ppl… Then everyone who likes Greek myth/Epic the musical are pro SA. "Do you like Crice from Epic the musical? That means that you support her actions, you support SA!" "Oh you like Odysseus?! He killed a baby and all of his female slaves cuz they got SA by the suitors! You support infanticide, slavery and SA!" Do you hear how dumb that sounds? To be honest, I wouldn’t be that surprised if there are some who think like this. I mean, this discussion wouldn’t even be a thing, right.
And if you don’t know, I literally make thirst art of Poseidon (and that includes Zeus and Hermes), and you don’t see it as a bad thing??? It’s Poseidon… Do you know what he has done to women in the myths?!
Im going to ramble here and I will bring up stories from greek myth that have SA in it. So be aware.
One example is the story of Caeneus. When Caeneus was a woman, his parents left him to take care of the house while they were out running errands. Poseidon took that as an opportunity to break into the house and sexually assault him. This is probably the only myth where Poseidon actually feels bad after what he did, so he grants Caeneus a wish. Aww, how sweet~~~ /sarcasm.
Do I need to give an example of Zeus? We all know what Zeus does. But hey, I’ve made Poseidon/Hermes ship art. And guess what? There’s a story where Hermes breaks a woman’s leg so she can’t run away from him, and then he sexually assaults her. Isn’t that cute~~! /sarcasm
Heck, I can even go on with my biblical ships. David/Jonathan—David, a serial assaulter and murderer, and Jonathan, a mass murderer. But do I support their actions? No, I do not support mass murder, and its really dumb that I have to spell it out for you.
Daniel/Darius is even questionable too! It's literally a king and his servant, and that power imbalance is so big I don’t know what to tell you! Do I have to spell it out that I know that, in real life, king/servant relationships aren’t cute at all?!
All of these characters that I’ve listed have done or represent horrible things. And I have to tell you that I don't support their actions?! Really? You really can't think outside the box?
But do you see what I’m trying to tell you? We can simp over other ancient mythological figures but Antinous is the red line that we can never cross??? It’s hypocritical and immature, that’s what it is.
Right now, ppl loves the Ody seduces Zeus art I made. And that "ship" is well really questionable too! But nobody have called me a witch and tries to burn me at the stake yet. 😐
And the thing is, I can separate these fictional characters from the real world. I can also separate the fictional material from other fictional interpretations. Exemple, I like The Song of Achilles, in it, they are the same age, but I am also aware that in the Iliad, Achilles is 16 and Patroclus is 26. But do I automatically assume that Madeline Miller likes teens? No! Do I assume that everyone who likes The Song Of Achilles like that shit? No!
But we still can have a disscussion about it without making it into a witch trial.
As long as we can separate different fictional materials, then everything is fine. It only becomes a problem if a person can’t separate them. Then we have a problem. I can acknowledge that my depiction of King David from the bible is not the same as from the original story and that he is horrible person towards women. If I couldn't acknowledge that, then its bad! The same goes for Antinous if someone makes an AU or headcanon about him. If someone want so make AUs about Antinous, my first thoughts isnt "Oh they like to SA ppl!". At the end of the day, this is just a group from tiktok who didn’t like a toxic ship and decided to bully an artist while acting like they have superior morals.
And I get this type of shit from christians when I make my queer bible interpitations, both from those that don't like the queer stuff but also those that points out that David and Jonathan were horrible ppl.
So I rarely answer comments like this because they usually end up spewing beliefs filled with homophobia and Islamophobia. Heck rasism sometimes, apparently, Christians don’t know that the Bible takes place in the Middle East, and they are angry at me for drawing them looking like Arabs! I just delete their comments before they gets there. Making queer biblical animatics on TikTok that go viral on the Christian side is not fun at all guys....
And hate to say it but tiktok Epic fans sound really similar. You are acting like you’re on a pedestal, holier than thou. Its just a different font.
+ I haven’t forgotten all those homophobic comments I got on my David/Jonathan animatic that I posted right after my Ruthlessness animatic. Epic fans were saying they didn’t want “that gay shit” and wanted to see more Epic stuff. Hate to break it to you all, but the Epic fandom isn’t that innocent.
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featheredadora · 1 year
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sob3rdeath · 2 months
mdni, please! +18 content ahead. ♡
cw: face sitting + fyodor cums untouched bc he's pathetic :(
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face sitting with fedya. he's so lazy :( but that's great for him! he can just sit there and do nothing. but oh, his tongue is moving so deliciously inside of your tight heat and his stupidly pretty nose is bumping against your clit in a way that's driving you insane, making you grind against him like your life depends on it.
he mumbles something against your cunt and you can't really understand what he's speaking because his mouth is too occupied with other things, but you swear you can hear a moan falling from his lips. it vibrates on your cunt and you feel even closer to the edge, letting your fingers hold his dark locks tightly. fyodor is such a depraved lover that he moans even harder when you pull his hair, his cock hurts from how hard it is against his slacks.
and he cums untouched when you cum, staining his boxers with his seed on the exact same time you're coming undone on his mouth, letting him have a taste of your sweetness. he starts to mumble thank you's and praises against your cunt like you just gave him the whole world, he's pussy drunk only from this? so pathetic.
by the time you get off of him, he's cheeks are pink and he has a dazed look, like he just went to another universe and came back. your juices are dripping from his chin and he doesn't even remembers to clean himself, he's just trying to take off his pants and get inside you as quickly as possible.
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dividers by aquazero.
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princeyralsei · 1 year
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Have you noticed the way women are being openly demeaned, treated like we're inherently lesser, and that it's pointless to have a group of women with no men? I've seen major professional sports leagues referred to as nothing more than "ghettos" that keep women out of the real sports leagues with all-male teams. The message is that womens organizations are inherently worthless, mens organizations are inherently worthy. The message is that one or two of us on a team would be an achievement, but all 12 being women is a disgrace. You can see the same message applied to any female organization, the insistance that we are nothing without men, that men deserve to write the rules, that it's embarrasing or immoral to associate with a group of other women, that we ought to have someone with a penis watching our every move to make sure we don't get uppity, and that if we have a problem with that it means we were evil feminazis all along
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
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the trojans social media au (pt. 5): okayyy soooo let me start by saying i’m a fraud tumblr user and i’ve been stalking for so many years instead of posting so idk how everything works and what the tumblr dynamic is when it comes to interacting but during my previous posts some things have been brought to my attention
first of all @fanthyng-mego mentioned this:
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so in reality i just forgot to turn on the checkmark button 😭😭 but i truly like your version better where neil earned his checkmark by being a menace.
still i’ve turned on the checkmark for everyone who i perceive as being verified so yeah
also @tara-the-star said this:
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so shawn isn’t an oc. he was mentioned by name only in the book (like what? 3 or 4 times? idk). jeremy mentioned he studies communication, so yeah. i’m pretty sure he hasn’t actually said anything tho, but since i wanted this au to be more focused on the trojans instead of the foxes i tried to include some of the background characters :)
i did have to come up with my own characteristics for shawn tho (i didn’t expect it to go this far 😭) but it could easily turn out that nora will include him in tsc2 and my characteristics get lost on me and i’ll look like a loser LMAOOO
the same goes for all the other unfamiliar characters :) everyone should be named by name at least once in the sunshine court
so yeah. i guess i just really wanted to point those two things out :) i’m a fraud on tumblr and actually don’t even know how to use the app properly and i didn’t know if i replied to the reblog it’d just end up under my own post instead of the reblog so yeah…. hope this is okay
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maerhiya · 7 months
in regards to the constant dismissal of his aroace identity, i hate it when alastor 'fans' say and use the excuse: "he's fictional, he won't get offended."
like, you're right, but it can and will offend us.
when you see yourself being represented on screen, of course you'd feel enthusiastic about it — representation allows individuals to see themselves reflected in the media they consume, validating their identities and experiences. but when so many people take that representation and decide to disregard and discard it, it is so fucking frustrating. we finally have another character to be part of the tiny amount of representation we have, but then people don't even care about how much it means to us? like yeah, alastor won't get offended because he's not real, but it frustrates and annoys us. do you realize that it's also technically invalidating the aroace community? that you're invalidating our feelings? imagine feeling like you're finally being seen because your orientation is finally being represented in media, and people just decide to blatantly ignore, discard, and invalidate it.
media has such a powerful influence on real life, representation being a prevalent factor of it. there are numerous posts that dictate how people went to watch a movie/show or read a book just because a character depicts their identity in it — obviously, being represented is an incredibly uplifting and validating experience.
which is why seeing an aroace character in a popular show is so meaningful to us because we live in a world where romance and sex are literally everywhere and prioritized above all else. (and it's pretty obvious that alastor's on the repulsed end of the spectrum, but even if he wasn't, at least make an effort to acknowledge his sexuality instead of continuing to portray him as allo; aroace folks can be in relationships but it's not going to be the same thing with allos' experiences.)
any and every representation matters, but why does that seem to stop at people under the aroace spectrum? like y'all can't even let us appreciate the scraps of representation we have. we barely have any, so are we really that dramatic for being upset at how people easily disregard and dismiss our identities that are being depicted on screen just like that? is it truly wrong of us to want to defend and maintain the little representation we have?
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fellshish · 4 months
A bad writing teacher can really mess you up even if you know they’re wrong
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pachnychnyszek · 7 months
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insane Australian postmaster outside storage room window. normal Tuesday evening in hermitcraft server.
Drawn during Skizz's last (20-2-2024) stream!
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witchlingcirce · 2 months
Okay I’m sorry but I feel like people are missing the point of Jace’s speech!!! The whole point of this conversation is about his insecurities and how he views his bastardy.
Do I think he should be insulting the small folk? No. But I don’t think you guys understand- people viewing Jace and his siblings as bastards and unworthy of the throne is quite literally now where introduced to Joffrey and him.
The topic of being a bastard is so prominent to his character! Throughout the first season Jace is constantly reminded that he’s a bastard and how ‘strong’ he is. Him being a bastard has caused problems in the past as well.
—> During the fight with Aemond, he’s reminded of Harwin being dead and also Aemond calling Jace a bastard (fight inevitable led to Luke cutting out Aemonds eye —> Aemond killing Luke).
—> During the aftermath of this fight, the topic of Luke and Jace being bastard is really prominent and it’s being thrown around the room for everyone to see and hear. I can’t imagine how embarrassing it must be for your cousins to be like “just look at them, everyone already knows”.
—> having to watch his brother fight for his legitimacy in front of the entire court room. Seeing a man call your mother a whore, and than watching that same man be beheaded (and he’s legally ur uncle too lol).
—> Him asking Rhaenyra with so much contempt if he was a bastard.
There is more examples of his, Luke and Joffs parentage being consistently mentioned throughout the show but those are some examples.
So, here is Jace who has quite literally watched his, his family and especially his mothers claim be put in question and almost taken away because of his existence- and than here he is seeing other Targaryen bastards being able to claim a dragon.
He even says it during the argument, that him having a dragon makes his claim legitimate. But seeing all these other people claim a dragon, well what does it mean?? This is backed up in season one when Alicent mentions to Viserys (or maybe Cole? My memories a bit foggy) that she’s surprised his dragon even hatched. Why?? Because he’s a bastard
I don’t think argument comes from hatred towards the small folk (although he used some colourful language…), I think it comes from so much built up resentment all coming out. I mean, what claim does he even have??? Wouldn’t everyone else also have a claim???
For so long he’s been so insecure about himself, about his future and about how others view him. This is really just him releasing his pent up anger towards a situation that’s never been able to leave him alone.
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To those who have read Fire & Blood, than you understand that these words will quite literally come back to haunt the actions of the end of the dance.
Anyways that’s just my pov on this fight- Jace you will always be loved by me.
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moonpaw · 1 year
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
Laptop screen problems!! Might take a while for me to post something new. (◠‿◠)
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Ha. Hahahahah hahe heaah. For the majority of my life, I have animated and drawn on a shitty cheap phone screen with cracks all over it and this laptop thinks it can stop me with a little green tint.?
Screw this fuck. I have my tablet display screen just fine, this thing isn't going into any repair shops anytime soon. Not until I finish my animation and I will finish that fucking animation, I am NOT going a single day not drawing because of a faulty display cable or whatever other problems this dainty little Acer laptop has.
I most definitely do not have the money to fix this thing at the moment, school has just started, and my body is currently in pain because of physical problems beyond my control, I don't care. I am finishing that goddamn animation, I am drawing, I will animate until I drop dead in front of my SCREEN.
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If I die I'm taking my drawing equipment with me so I can still draw in hell.
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sirottertonthe1st · 7 months
BROTHER WHEN THE DARK BEAST GANON FIGHT IS STARTING AND ZELDA SAYS “ Link...you may not yet be at a point where you have fully recovered your power or all of your memories... but courage need to be remembered… For it is never forgotten” past me actually started jumping up and down its brilliant literal chills my fav line in the whole series hands down.
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venice-1987 · 28 days
As much as I would enjoy a kiss at their reunion, I do think the dragon prince crew would do something softer when (not if <-clown emoji) Sorvus is made canon. I'm picturing Corvus and Ezran and Callum arriving at the castle like in the promo image, them checking up with Opeli and she reveals everything is fine.
But Corvus asks about Soren. "Where is he?" he asks, his mind already wandering to the possibility that Soren...hadn't made it out. He will himself to remain strong for his king, but his body fills with dread. Thankfully, Opeli points him to the river.
There, Soren sits on the banks. Corvus sits beside him, noticing the same pained look in his eyes that he had seen on the ramparts the day Soren asked him to become a crownguard. Now, that same pain encompassed how he sat, how he stared mournfully into the waters.
Corvus asks is he is alright, and Soren can't even answer, holding back what emotion he can to maintain his cheerful attitude. He is failing miserably. Something more terrible than the Storm Spire must have happened. Something worse than Katolis burning down.
Corvus lays his hand over Soren's on the rock. Soren looks from it to Corvus, then shifts so that he can hold Corvus's hand back.
Like Janai and Amaya, its a confirmation.
and, of course, at the end of arc 2 or start of arc 3 (affirm affrim, manifest manifest, like to charge reblog to cast) then we get a kiss, teehee
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