#spider hates slander
basementnoodles · 10 months
Good day,
Reminder that this fandom simps and pardons the 30+ old man that killed Neteyam but were going to victimize an emotionally neglected 16 year old POW for saving his not-father who is the only ADULT WHO BY THE WAY IS THE ONLY ONE TO PUT HIM AND HIS NEEDS FIRST EVER.
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lloyd-007 · 10 months
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I well I think we’re all forgetting something here Spider wouldn’t have been able to hear Quaritch say that. Spider doesn’t have enhanced hearing like the rest of the sullys and navi do. All he would have heard was water and the burning fire. my boy doesn’t know what his dad said. 🤬
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Just a friendly reminder from someone who's read all of Jason Todd's comics apperances and watched most of his adaptions including video games that the only other male superhero he'd instantly like/be best friends with is Miles Morales,that Miles is also the one he has the most in common with and if not Miles then the second closest fit is Earth 65 Gwen Stacy and he'd also perfer her over any white boy you can think of,that Hobie Brown's DC counterparts and/or besties are/would be no white boys either but Duke Thomas and Stephanie Brown and that crossovers are under no obligation or an excuse to ship canon adults with canon kids :)
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hawkogurl · 1 year
There’s more where that came from bitchboys! Raimiverseposting part 2
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jjsshit · 1 year
Me at Miguel O’Hara after talking about how miles parents should die and follow the goddamn timeline
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hamiltonforpowerpoint · 11 months
I hate how ppl hate on Jess especially when they love Miguel. Jess
got Gwen into the spider society
Gave her another chance after GWEN messed up
Told her clearly what would happen if she messed up again
And at the end she let Gwen go
8/10 ppls complaints about her character boils down to her not fitting into the mother stereotype
Jess has herself and her baby to look out for( which Peter did the same thing when he sat and watched Gwen get dragged back into that go home machine)
I do hope she gets more screentime in Beyond bc J really did like her character.
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PeterMJ deserves better
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Stop hating on PeterMJ, you dumb, stupid, misogynistic wimps and losers who were never loved by their mothers.
PeterMJ deserved better, so much better because this ship is underrated, underappreciated, misunderstood, and overlooked.
I hate how Mary Jane and this paring are being hated these days, I blame Joe Q, Slott, Wells, and Lowe for ruining everything. Peter Parker/Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson are meant to be together forever!
I love Mary Jane Watson.
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0luna123 · 9 months
Personal headcanon: ATSV cast listens to balkan music (not folk songs) and disintegrates on the spot, including The Spot
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sonderessence · 9 months
What abt a
e42 miles x spiteful blk fem spider reader
so what if miles (1610) cheated on reader with gwen (😒..) and to get revenge on him for cheating on reader with.. gwendolyn.., we get with his earth 42 self!
(if you could make this a series i would literally cry of joy.)
Angst for 1610 Miles (IM SORRY I LOVE YOU POOKIE😭☹️☹️🩷)
Fluff and Romance for 42 Miles (🤭🩷)
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WARNINGS: vulgar laguage (cursing), ✦ CONTAINS: 1610!miles being a bitch!!
a/n: imma be honest, i am such a gwen slander after the movie (still love her tho) 😒 but i so love this idea !!
layout inspo/creds: @hiimayee the best miles fic writer!! :3
part one. ✦ part two ✦ part three
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your boyfriend 1610!miles had been acting strange since he saw gwen after all these years, but you just shrugged it off as him being happy his friend was back in his dimension.
you never thought that your suspensions were true when you found your now ex with his "friend" behind your back.
you looked around the predominantly empty library in search of your boyfriend miles, who was nowhere to be seen. it was highly unlikely for him to be late to anything.
maybe something was last-minute? you would go ask his mother, rio, since you go to her for everything in the more frequent months since miles had been acting — odd — but you doubt she would know since her and her husband were out of town.
grabbing the pile of books you and miles you used to study for the test you knew you were going to fail, you scurried your way you the hushed library.
the sky was temperate, the perfect temperature for the park you thought, smelling the fresh, cool air — but focus! miles has to be somewhere around campus. you stuffed your books it your bag and made your way to his dorm, maybe he was still asleep?
you made your way to his dorm and softly knocked on his door, careful not to wake him. there was no answer. "miles?" you called to the door. again, no answer.
you pulled out your phone from your bag and went to his contacts. maybe he was sick or just skipped school? you had fussed at him the week prior to get more sleep, since he always came knocking at your window to late at night.
wait, should you call him? he's probably busy. and with that thought, you put your phone back in your bag and made your way to the morales house. it wasn't far from the school you two attended, so getting there wasn't a problem.
you knocked on the front door, once, twice. where is he? "miles!! you home??" you heard footsteps from the other side and the door opened to see miles who looked like he was in a rush. his hair everywhere and shirt backwards.
"hey! you okay?" you asked, your voice laced with concern for the boy.
"yeah." he said, his voice coming out hoarse. he cleared his throught. "m'fine, wassup?"
"you were s'posed to meet up with me at the library." you meant to sound playful, but your words came out more of a scoff. "look," he started. "i just forgot."
"forgot?? miles, you could have texted me! i was fuckin' worried about you!" you were furious, crossing your arms with a frown. "you done?" he asked with an eyebrow raised — you could see the twinge on annoyance in his eyes and you could hear it in his tone. "am i done?" you scoffed "are you done running off and not checking up on people??"
he didnt know how to answer that. "look, i'm hella busy right now, we can do the study thing or whateva later." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "fine." you muttered as you walked out the door.
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a/n: how we feelin' about the first chapter?? i might have gone all out but part two is otw!
TAGS: @kazustqrzz, @kxllanxtdoor ( the tags are being annoying 😒)
©bachirasegoist, 2023 — do not steal or copy works
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oraclesblog · 1 year
🛑 Major SATSV Spoilers 🛑
I recently saw SpiderMan: Across the Spider-Verse, and it was amazing. I love all the hype the movie is getting, but I’ve been seeing a lot of Gwiles (Gwen x Miles) slander for the dumbest reasons ever. So, I thought I would just debunk some of them because it’s clear you antis struggle with media literacy. Let’s go.
1. “Gwen and Miles should’ve just stayed friends; they were so much better platonic”
Saying this just makes me think you watched the first movie with your eyes closed. In what world were they ever “just friends”?
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You can’t say they were better platonic when they were never even platonic to begin with. Both Miles and Gwen had a mutual crush on one another in the first film, so they were never “just friends.” The first film was literally building up their relationship.
2. “Gwen betrayed miles in SATSV; she’s fake”
No, she didn’t. Gwen didn’t invent the laws of the multiverse, and she doesn’t run the Spider Society. It’s not Gwen’s fault that Spider-Man becoming an orphan or half an orphan is a multiversal constant.   There’s nothing in her power she can do to change that. Miles being chased by all the other Spider-People wasn’t Gwen‘s fault either—that was Miguel’s. Saying stuff like “she should have told Miles about what was going to happen to his dad” again just makes me think you watched the movie with your eyes closed. Gwen wasn’t even allowed to interact with Miles. If she told Miles (a Spider-Man that isn’t even part of the Spider Society) about what was going to happen to his dad, Miguel would’ve found out and kicked her out of the Spider Society. She was almost kicked out in the first place for even talking to him. Imagine what would have happened if she told him about his dad. If she was kicked out, she would’ve been homeless because her dad disowned her. She also states in the movie that she didn’t know how to tell him about it, which makes sense because she hasn’t seen him in over a year. How would something that big and consequential come up in a conversation? Not to mention, she’s young and inexperienced as a hero. She’s gonna screw up and make mistakes. She was put in a completely unfair circumstance by the adults around her and had an enormous amount of pressure put on her shoulders. Blaming the teenage girl for a situation like this instead of Miguel, Jessica, or Peter B. is absolutely wild.
3. “They have No chemistry”
Now, this one is just completely biased. You know damn well…
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these stills alone just prove you wrong. No way you watched the movie, saw the way they looked at each other and interacted, and actually said, “they don’t have chemistry.” 💀
4. Interracial Relationship Backlash
Lastly, I’ve seen people hate on Gwiles solely based on the fact that it’s an interracial relationship. The fact that this is a problem in 2023 is mind-boggling. Some of y’all are just racist bigoted people who need to learn how to stfu.
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samasmith23 · 8 months
Dear @hellyeahheroes/@filipfatalattractionrblog,
All that me and my friend @sjbattleangel ask is that you and the rest of your friends on this blog please acknowledge and apologize for creating such a toxic echo chamber with your blog, which encourages and enables hyperbolic and inflammatory mischaracterization and harassment if comic creators that you personally dislike. If you don’t like the works of people like Jason Aaron, Dan Slott, Brian Michael Bendis, Donny Cates, Jonathan Hickman, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson etc., that’s fine; but it is UNACCEPTABLE to constantly slander and demonize them as “perverts”, "misogynists", "homophobes", "eugenists" or “fascist apologists” when there’s ZERO evidence to substantiate such extreme claims. Just because these creators wrote comics that you personally disliked does NOT mean that they're even remotely comparable to legitimately bigoted scumbags like Ethan Van Sciver & Chuck Dixon like you treat them as based on the way you constantly talk about them!
And some members of your community, like KK4EverStuff, have gone even further by using your defamatory statements as an excuse to write literal death threats towards said-creators such as these:
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These are NOT ad-hominem or hyperbolic Angry Video Game Nerd style criticisms like majingojira once tried to claim. This is violent an unhinged cyberbullying on KK4EverStuff's part. Plain and simple. Your blog encouraged and enabled his kind of toxic behavior, and you need to acknowledge that and do better going forward.
Then there is the X-Men series (particularly anything non-New X-Men: Academy X or post-Schism), Batgirls, any post-One Year Later Cass Cain-stared story or any post-One More Day Spider-Man story. It's fine if they don't appeal to you but deliberately choosing to hate them way before you even read them or gave them a proper chance? That isn't good or healthy criticism, that's just hate-reading for the sake of hate-reading. All it does is create an atmosphere of constant negativity and toxic gatekeeping which really hurt comic fans who just want to have fun. If anything after Avengers: Arena, X-Men: Schism, Robin: One Year Later or One More Day upset you that much then why you are reading them if you're automatically going to hate them? Just don't read them. It's that easy.
So please, acknowledge that you have done wrong with your past attacks against specific comic creators, toxic bad-faith comic criticism and apologize. That’s all we ask for.
Do better!
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lloyd-007 · 10 months
@ele-sme honestly this conversation is literally prove that the only reason why spiders hates don’t like spider is bc the only thing have have against him his him saving his dad and honestly after everything that’s happened to him I would to 🗿
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tiajk · 1 year
More avatar crack
Avatar x platonic human/navi reader
Warning: gay asf, crack, jake being done
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*the fam just chilling in the muari*
Y/n: what if i just jumped off a cliff
Kiri: im jumping to tf
Y/n: my ride or die right here *pointing at kiri*
*Lo’ak in the back*: bitch i’d push u first
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Lo’ak: me and Tsireya are dating
Y/n: she still loves me more tho
Lo’ak: whatever y/n
Y/n: haters gon hate
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*Y/n to jake*: okay im otw what can i bring
Jake: a good attitude
Y/n: im not going
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Y/n: okay who tf thought it was a good idea to sleep with spiders dad like
Spider: yo im right here
Y/n: okay and?
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*y/n kiri spider and lo’ak in the lab*
Spdier: sometimes it not so good to know who your dad is
Y/n: the pick me energy is not it
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*y/n seeing a fine ass meytikaya background character *
Jake: dont even think about it
Y/n: to late
Jake: neytiri pls go get the leash *tired dad vibes*
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Y/n: being bi is so fun then other times it sucks
*Neteyam not tryna deal with this right now*: pls no
Lo’ak: what y/n
Y/n: im either by myself or bipolar,
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hawkogurl · 1 year
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Raimiverseposting part 4. I will never stop. I cannot be stopped
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ellzilla · 5 months
I like the silly Pokemon Parody Ark Ripoff game so here's my two cents if you're interested. Under the cut bc this post is long as fuck lol Also congrats Palworld for the 1.5 Milly player peak on steam, go you crazy ass indie game
After trying to find cute Palworld content on tumblr and seeing nothing but whining, it's surprising how many people hate this random ass indie game that was made on a budget of 10k? Like yeah the designs can be boring parodies with a handful of great original ones but the amount of people who are outright hateful's kinda.. odd? Like lads you can critique a game, it's designs and CEO without sending death threats to the developers right? Tumblr likes to steal from the rich so why is it bad when someone actually does? Anyway it's insane how there's people trying to prove the game stole assets from Nintendo and then compare models which. Are not the same poly and vertices wise? And even if it was, it's hard to take seriously when the poster is someone who admits they hate the game for... Animal abuse? Also insane how many people hate Palworld for the fact it has -human- slavery, Pals can do jobs for you 'so it's cruel' and has a certain Pal number 69 who's description is suggestive so the game's immoral and over all "trying too hard to be edgy" it's like. Since when do we police such topics in games of all things? Have you played games that aren't Baby's First Christian Game before? Scratch that because even shitty bad Christian games have harsher shit than what's in Palworld. Catching and selling ppl [who tried to kill you in the first place] in the game's exactly like catching 'mons and it's nowhere near as fucked up as Rimworld where you have to go out of your way to make prisons for people and, if you wanna be extra evil, you can extract their organs and sell them on the market n' nobody tried to cancel that game. In-game, Palworld discourages you from overworking your lil guys and asks you to make spas and beds and keep them well fed and to make sure they're medically sound and happy! Oh no! How cruel! I am asking my little teapot elephant to water my garden!!! Pokemon's also confirmed that people used to marry Pokemon in-lore and we have games like bg3 and DOS2 where. Um. Halsin is a bear in more ways than one yknow what I'm saying? also spider. Both pretty nasty and def not my cuppa but having a fit over a description in a game's kinda weird? Also for a game promoted on "Pokemon with guns" it is INCREDIBLY tame. Slavery is p-much "oh lol I can catch this guy. Anyway back to petting my fire fox :)" and put him in a box like any other creature bc who cares, videogame + the guy literally tried to Kill You. There's also no blood or gore or anything actually shocking tbh? Yeah there's guns but they're late game and you can literally chose not to deal with guns
Since when did we decide to yell at a game like the satanic panic of the original pokemon where ppl said it promoted cockfighting? Although it is fictional cockfighting gamewise, nobody cares because it's way more than that lol Also why does nobody complain that the game is literally ARK btw? Is it because ARK players don't give a shit or is it because some people will view a game and crit it for purely surface level assumptions with no nuance or understanding? Criticize it for lifting game elements from more than just pokemon, criticize it's CEO for being a regular ol' shitty CEO, criticize it's terrible official servers and buggy 'mon AI, but by all means do NOT spread false information and slander-ish claims against it jfc
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hijinxinprogress · 7 months
Stephanie has a youtube channel (she 100% gives it a name like gotham_after_dark or bat_interpreter) where she follows Batman and mocks him, she definitely also makes content on tiktok and instagram
She’s recording fights with rogues and him interrogating questioning people and doing voice overs in a goofiest growl she can for batman but she also does voices for everyone else (it gets to the point where penguin puts a hit out and is actively trying to expose the youtubers identity bc steph does this terrible whiny british accent when she’s imitating penguin)
She starts her channel right after Bruce fires her from Robin and still does it to this day
Bc if she’s gonna get shit for not being Tim might as well go all the way right?? She’s just doing the opposite of what Tim’s doing or outright copying him depending on which would annoy them the most
Stephanie records batman dangling some guy off a roof for the 37th time this week while going “You said the cheese on the nachos at your restaurant was imported directly from Italy but I saw you…THIS CHEESE IS FROM A GROCERY STORE…in GOTHAM… do you know what batman does to liars??”
Batman’s chasing the joker? Again? Here comes Stephanie with her fucking camera “Joker baby, you know that fight with Cobblepot meant nothing to me” “You know what, Bats? Fight whoever you want!” “Why are you going to Cobblepot’s lair with a grenade launcher? Baby…?” “Well, if the wellbeing of fucking Oswald is sooo important to you, you fucking cheater ☹️ I’m gonna kill him” “HUH” Stephanie’s joker voice is pretty good but she stops when Jason follows her channel after admitting he watches it (however Damian gives zero fucks and edits in his scarily accurate joker impression and will break into Jason’s apartment at random to do his joker impression)
Stephanie’s Duke impression is just her making puns in a bad robot voice and Duke hates it sm bc she’s saying shit like “Don’t signal for backup bc I’m already Signal-ing this ass whooping” “The yellow is the Signal for you to run” “Hey hey hey, night time is when you do this stupid shit rn is Signal Time” “The sun is my Signal to be vigilant-y” “Setting off that alarm should’ve been enough of a Signal for you stop” (Dick made tshirts and Duke refuses to talk to him when he wears them)
You legally have to be a level 79 hater to be a vigilante in gotham so most of Steph’s videos esp after Bruce has pissed her off are just her shitting on batman in a terrible growl “Damn, I’m getting too old for this…my knees hurt so much” “Nightwing thinks he’s funny, asking me if I remember the dust bowl…mf I remember the fucking big bang” “I’m so good at this, I don’t think anyone knows I’m a vampire” “Bruce Wayne owns gotham general and can’t cure Alzheimer’s?? I hate that asshole, I don’t even remember where tf I’m going” “I wanted to be Spider-Man and now I’m this” “Ooh, I’m Batman and I hate fun, happiness, and joy” “Don’t do crime, be like me…perpetually bitchless and breaking kneecaps” “Some people need coffee for a pick me up but I just need to see a purse snatcher piss their pants” “I don’t actually meld into the shadows, I just have Apple Maps and it takes me the long way”
Batman’s fighting or arguing with black mask?  Stephanie has been waiting for this moment so every video with black mask is just her making fun of black mask to the point where there’s barely any batman slander “My real names fucking Roman so I had to go all out with this stupid ass costume…I’m not even a real gothamite, I’m from metropolis” “Sionis…I don’t care… you blew up thirteen hostages” “ITS NOT MY FAULT, OKAY?! Did you know you’re supposed to wash masks? Especially if you wear the same one everyday? Bc I fucking didn’t” “…Sionis…” “THERES MOLD ON MY FACE and this mask smells like ASS” “Everyone knows that, you moron…How do you think I found you? I can smell your stench from damn near two miles away…” “I’m like scary though right??” “No, Sionis, you just have poor hygiene…and issues” “Dammit, I’m like a dollar tree version of two face” “Not quite, what’s lower than that? Dollar tree is too good for you…don’t tell joker but Harvey’s way-”
Stephanie has a two hour video of batman grappling across Gotham just shitting on metropolis and sixty seven minutes of it is just Superman slander in a terrible growl
There’s short clips of cass suddenly disappearing or appearing out of nowhere before and after dismantling someone with the michael myers theme playing in the background (Cass does dramatic flips and landings every time steph records her)
When Bruce complains about the threat to their identities and compromising ongoing missions/investigations, Stephanie (who is purposely trying to piss him off) just looks him dead in eye and goes “Well, you’re not the boss of me sooo” so Tim gives a presentation and shuts down every single argument Bruce makes just to be contrary bc he’s a fucking asshole
Tim only has a problem with it when Stephanie and Damian start working together bc Damian  does concerningly accurate impressions and Damian keeps making Tim sound like a fucking idiot and it’s worse bc he can mimic his speech patterns (“I can’t do this anymore… I’m sad and pasty… Call the fifth robin, you know…the only competent robin…”) 
Like Damian’s repeating one of Tim’s caffeine concoction induced rants about bagels in Tim’s voice while Steph is growling at him to focus in her batman impression
When Tim brings his complaints to Bruce about Stephanie’s youtube account, Bruce cites Tim’s own argument back to him so Tim takes over editing and recording to be an asshole
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