#spoonie poet
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here's a poem from my new poetry book, Know Me!!!
(transcript and tag list below--let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@iknowtheendnatural @wishful-seeker @fluffylemonaidz @queerplatonicnatural @711thuniverse @salbinic-paradox @pink-enby-in-distress  @bluebuckstallion @colinthrobinson @hitori-alouette @dwcoded @bloodqueendean @ezrabellamy @scarlettmichkat @wildestdreamsdean @heres-to-evil-skanks @antiherodean @doctorprofessorsong @november5th @nguyenxtrang  @floral-cas @harryshousevevo @thiscastielhasflown @dailydestieldose @fredzina @dusenkasab @diamond-order @beanmom @quitetoomuchforme @one-more-offbeat-anthem @justgayangelthingz
hollowed ground
I am a dog gnawing a bone gone dry, so full 
of want, so hungry, so desperate 
to be filled. I crave to be seen 
in all my ugliness and still be chosen; I want 
someone to know my thorns 
as well as my soft, and to love 
each as dearly. I need to know I don't have to be palatable 
to be worthy of love. I need to know there is someone 
out there who will not pull the drapes 
on my scars, who will tend my wounds 
and not scorn me for being damaged. My heart 
is a black hole and a peach at once: yearning 
to be filled, yet so tender-sweet. My zipper-mouth 
soul craves for someone, for anyone, to caress 
it soft, to tame it gentle, to give it more peace 
than it has ever known, and a home 
where it can rest long-last. My chest 
is so heavy! So tired! So full and so empty 
at once! I ache to know the comfort of indulgence. 
Give me a buffet of love and I will eat the plates 
clean. My stomach-heart growls, a starved 
lion for what it's worth; tempt it with steak and see how it roars! 
I've never been so close to love, or to understanding 
what it means, as I was at 20 in a car, kissing 
someone who is no longer a girl, and who no longer loves 
me, and who never gave me the chance to love them. I’ve forgotten 
what it tastes like, but it still echoes on my eye-lid-black 
when I blink. Love is a ghost haunting the chambers 
of my lungs, screaming to my shaky breath 
how much it has to give, and no one to give 
to. All I want is to be painfully human, in the most ancient 
way. To love is to live, is to be known 
and to know and to choose to stay despite 
it all; it is to be chosen despite it all! 
I want to be someone's someone! I want to know 
the passions of Sappho; to know the nerve of DiVinci 
to model Christ after his gay lover; 
I’d say I want the kind of love that starts wars, 
but I’ve always been a pacifist. I am a chronic 
overachiever, but I always fail at love. Teach 
me I am not broken! Kiss my bruised 
knuckles and battered heart; rope 
together my scattered shards and mold 
them into something beautiful! I want something 
more real than my pain. I want someone 
who makes it all worth it. I want someone who looks 
at me like the Sistine chapel in all my chapped-lip 
glory, and who dares to make me hope 
again– or for the first time!
       -willow rain fae
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atomicraft · 5 months
Tremors: a zine about being an artist with chronic shaky hands!
hello !! I’m atomic, and we’re an artist with a mild hand/limb tremor, so what better thing to do then make a zine about it 👀
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bugzz-105 · 1 month
Jealous of people who don't wake up in the morning feeling like they got hit by a train in their sleep
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bynellmarie · 9 months
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Chronic and invisible pain is so hard to live with and even harder to convey to the healthy people in your life.
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my-illness-and-me · 10 months
It’s gotten worse and
You don’t even know it.
You haven’t seen it,
Not properly.
I’ve told you, vaguely,
But always with a hint of false positivity-
Playing pretend.
You haven’t seen the full extent of the pain,
The pieces of fabric and metal
I attach to my knees each morning
Soon, I won’t be able to
Hide it from you
I’ll have to see you.
And you’ll have to see me.
All of me.
And it makes me worry;
Will we ever be the same?
You knew me
Will you love me sicker?
Should you?
Or has this parasite of an illness 
Taken enough from me
That the version of me you knew 
Is gone?
I wonder, Will you still grasp me?
Understand me?
Or will every interaction be a game of fencing,
Constantly taking steps forwards and backwards
Again and again?
Will you gauge your words before you speak?
Will you hold me gently?
Too gently,
The kind of gentle that says 
You think you’ll break me?
The kind that shows how differently you see me?
When I, inevitably see you,
What scares me most is
What your eyes reflection might show.
That maybe, it’ll repeat back to me
All that I can’t help 
But think about myself.
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carabiner-pansy · 3 months
i ate granola and yoghurt
for lunch, today. i sat
on the bed,
crunching freeze-dried berries
relishing their sour crunch.
i haven’t done much lately-
rare to leave the house, and i feel
almost like an old dog, eyes milky
legs shaking, but still,
desperate to breathe the fresh air.
we’re sat in the garden, it’s nearly 8pm
and the roses and leaves are lit with gold
as the sun begins her descent,
catching the iridescence of bird feathers
as they dip across the sky.
my body hurts. i know it always will.
but i had granola and berries for lunch,
and i pick the seeds out of my teeth
as we sit in the garden.
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"fibromyalgia part 1: Ibuprofen, 200mg, taken as needed" (2022)
transcription under cut
It starts as a low ache.
You're working retail
so you figure it's normal
for your wrists and knees to hurt.
But it keeps getting worse
until one day
you can barely stand.
With no idea what it is,
you measure out pills,
two every six hours,
just enough to
not destroy your liver.
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raisemerryhell · 5 months
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Basic witches need their emotional support water bottles 🥹
Available here: raisemerryhell.com
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thursday-rose · 14 days
Substances are addicted to me!!
They cling to me, these habits, Like moths to a flame. I am their beacon, Their irresistible call.
Cigarettes curl around my fingers, Smoke weaving through my hair. They crave my touch, A dance of ash and air.
Whiskey swirls in my glass, Golden and warm. It seeks my lips, A kiss of fire and storm.
Pills line up, obedient, In neat, colorful rows. They wait for my command, A symphony of highs and lows.
They are addicted to me, These substances, these vices. I am their refuge, Their solace and their chains.
Written by Thursday Rosemary
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lvl8warlock · 3 months
I started a substack! It's about writing with mental illness. I'm a queer disabled writer who wants to share their experiences and advice. Check out this first post and see if you want to subscribe<3
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touresmonologue · 4 months
i had to fight
for every breath i’ve taken
i was born with lungs
the size of a quarter
but i came out screaming
my mother and father
left my life in the hands
of little boys
and they made sure i lived
to see tomorrow
my death calls every day
and i choose to not pick up the phone
my body is erupting into flames
burning from the inside out
and i smile and nod
when they ask if i am okay
i yell
at the top of my lungs
and i’ll cry til the end
again, they ask if i am okay
i say no
the tears stain my shirt
and the wind makes me cold
i go home
and i don’t answer the phone
you don’t get to tell me
that i am not a survivor
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scardecourcier · 8 months
One fucking trip to the emergency vet Was avoiding going outside but I'd do it for my pet One December outing turned a whole life around You'll be fine, just a virus, just rest up and you'll be sound.
"You look so well though" but I can't climb stairs Been in pain my whole life but this tips past what I can bear Male doctors give me sideeye like I'm tryna misbehave Body flaring in reactions, can't eat anything I crave.
I think I had a brain once, can't remember where I put it Had confidence before but these experiences have shook it I'm not sure if I can meet you, not sure how long I can stay Dunno what energy I'll bring until it all gets snatched away
But we're four years beyond it, so it's over now, right? Tubes are rammed, buses jampacked, bars are full up every night Yes I'd love to come and see you, love to party, now you ask, But I still can't go outside cuz you won't WEAR A FUCKING MASK.
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by-georgie-wood · 2 years
repost maybe if you'd like 👀👀
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bynellmarie · 6 months
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Tired in my bones tired in my soul tired in my muscles tired in my toes.
Tired in my brain tired in my thoughts tired in my dreams tired in my hope.
Tired in ways I'll never find the words for.
Tired like you'll never know.
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my-illness-and-me · 10 months
As horrific as being a sick child is
I think being a sick child and
Growing into a sick adult
Is worse
Every sick person has a day when
Their reality hits them
When they realize the severity
Of their very own existence
I was 7.
I was in second grade when
I realized the other kids in my class
Don’t sit in the floor of a doctor’s office
Once a month and cry.
Because they don’t understand why
All these adults won’t stop looking at them
And speaking to them in
Words they have yet to learn
Imagine that for a second,
I was 7.
From that day forward,
I’ve lived every part of my life,
With disease in hand.
I often wish nothing more than
To go back to the days
When I was unknowingly and innocently
Running around with a monster
Inside of me
Growing as I was
Oh how naive,
But I was just a child.
I knew no such thing as disease
As depressing as that sounds,
The next part is worse
There came another day 
In my life,
When my disease revealed it’s 
Second face to me.
I was 14.
I was extremely drunk with my best friend,
And for the first time in my life
I was talking to someone openly
Without hesitation about what it means
To live sick surrounded by the healthy.
Allowing myself to think aloud
About my disease 
Instead of just on pen and paper
Pushed me to realize that
This really is it.
That I was given one life,
And I made to spend it
Deteriorating instead of living
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poetryorchard · 5 months
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Join Blossom and @nashira this Saturday for a cathartic and creative space centring invisible illness!
🌻 Sign up here
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