#star slade
timlaughlin · 5 months
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magickgirl786 · 1 year
I wish they’d make a House of Night TV Series over a reboot Harry Potter or Twilight but if it ever does get made, one thing I am super adamant about is that they had better cast an indigenous actress to play Zoey
My choices are Star Slade or Amber Midthunder
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zonetrente-trois · 2 months
Café Daughter | Official Trailer | levelFILM
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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A fictional man: *is dark haired, morally grey, has a traumatic past and a teasing grin*
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toxictrashdump · 7 months
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Some Slades
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breezemachine · 2 months
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Omega keeps falling into the custody of the worst people imaginable
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scarletlunarosa · 9 months
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I drew this DC characters in to the following Lanterns
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lemonandpie · 1 year
Slade exists to break Dick in for other people
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the99thfanboy · 1 month
My life is a cycle of obsessing over a fictional blond dude, bleaching my hair, and repeating.
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the-red-butterfly · 8 months
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Hello everyone!
So, I'm trying to save up so I can go visit my sisters all the way up in Spain (they live in Europe/Africa respectively and I Iive in México). My income right now is super slim and most of it comes from art I do. But! I want to try to make this work even though it really does seem a little like an unobtainable dream 😂
So I set up a goal in my ko-fi! It would help me a lot if you guys could reblog this post 🙏🏼
And if I get coms outside of Ko-fi I'll be sure to add them to the total amount there :D
And, and, for this I'll take almost ANYTHING that you throw at me, comics pages, furries, and even... the naughties.
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n4tsum1-san · 1 month
panic! at the disco, more like honkai! at the star rail
now i have the mental image of dr. ratio and sam singing I CHIMED IN WITH A, HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF
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arinewman7 · 5 months
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North Star
Corrine Slade
Acrylic, oil and oil pastel on canvas, 2023
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zonetrente-trois · 9 months
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Why afrolatino Jason Todd works,an analysis by an irl afrolatina and thee Jason expert
His personality is EXTREMELY realistic for a black or latino and especially both man.He's cocky asf,a (multiple time!) mama's boy but mouths off to his dad with no hesitant and for fun even,respects women by seeing the female characters as either equals or above him,roughouses with his brothers,a big ass nerd since childhood and acts tough and invulnerable for the sake of looking cool but his heart's as big as his tits and a lot of his lines are so sappy in a poetic way i feel the need to avert my eyes when i see them to give him privacy
His pre-reboot Robin self reminds me of SEVERAL canon young black boy characters(Miles Morales,Oscar Pine,Zak Saturday and possibly more)
Duke is his favorite brother despite knowing him YEARS less than the other Batboys.Do i even need to say anything on this one
Every single woman he's been attracted to have been woc,those being Rose(half cambodian),Artemis(egyptian)and Dana(black).He dosen't like white girls <3
Further proof?He had KORIAND'R HERSELF throwing herself at him but showed active disenterest.For context:We're talking about post taking away her black-coding
Him growing up poor can be explained by being a second/third gen inmigrant making finding jobs hard for his family and to this day i remember when my history teacher called us 'a poor country' because of how much damage colonizers did here.Let me have this
The Joker killing him at 15 and him getting victim blamed and a bad rep despite what a good kid he was gains a new light if it's because he was a black child and so does him becoming Red Hood because of it.Also.Red HOOD.C'mon
The artist for Red Hood:Outlaws said he headcanons him as latino because he is and an iconic event a few years back was John Boyega clowning a racist on twitter by saying he wants to play Jason.Here's how the stars can align
African-American parents commonly give their kids greek names and the original Jason was a greek mythos hero!!
Let's be deeply serious,Jason would not have even HALF the gross fans he does if he was black.You think fanon onlys would be riding that hard for an afrolatino man seeking vengeance for himself with gray morality?They'd act like he's worse than Slade and the Joker combined and call him ugly nonstop💀Comics readers would have him all to ourselves with no weirdos getting their hands on him
Canonically almost entierly uniterested in casual relathionships,smoking or drinking so there's some stereotypes off the table
Selina,Babs and Kory have green eyes.They're all black in one way or another.Jason has green eyes.You understand
He's a classical literature nerd and latino lit is some of the best there is
Bombshells him is a spaniard and that's exactly the kind of move DC would pull with an actual latino character(the run released post the hc for him becoming popular)
Legoverse and webtoons made him a gamer.Hashtag cringefail black gamer dude realness
Something something the soft uwu black boy Robin is actually kid him and not Duke
Giving him a fridge ass build and a buzzcut in Gotham Knights was DC stereotyping(/BIG JOKE,PLEASE THERE'S ACTUAL REASONS IT'S SHIT)
Five words:Dominican horror folklore based tactics
Talia and his' mother-son relathionship is made all the more heartwarming and sad
Stephanie and i are the same person so she's black like me by extension and she's the only Batfam girl he really gets along with and imo this would also include Nell and Tiffany if the writers weren't fuckasses and went through with their actual good stories
Look up Aubrey Joseph vids.There's no better fancast for him out there not in looks but in personality
Trivia finale:His birthday is the same date as Dominican Restoration Day,red represents blood on our country's flag,at our schools we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with mini spoons to eat them and his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters'
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keishara-korianthil · 5 months
Fairy Tail Villains
Knowing how Fairy Tail guild treats the villains from its own universe, if the villains from another shows/movies/animes/games went to Earthland, I'm 100% sure that they would be redeemed too. Even if those villains were the evilest persons of the world they came from. Because no matter how bad is the villain that fights against Fairy Tail, they always seem to bring out the good in them. There are a few exceptions, but I think that's only because Fairy Tail didn't have the chance to change them. I'm sure that if they have had it, some villains (who weren't redeemed) from Grimoire Heart/Tartaros/Avatar/Alvarez Empire, would have been redeemed too.
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