#still top gun related tho
misaothewitch · 2 years
Maverick: I could strangle you
Iceman: You aren't tall enough
Maverick: You've sunk low enough for me to reach
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the-ace-with-spades · 4 months
Finally got myself Photoshop and Premiere on my new PC, won't be doing anything for the next few weeks as I'll be busy but would love to have some ideas to make gifs/photo edits later on
So if you have an idea/want a scene/episode/montage/etc to be giffed or edited from either the Top Gun movies or from 9-1-1, I'm open to ideas
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
SMG4: You used to be cool...
"HEY LIZ! howd that new epis-"
*thanking @shygirl4991 for putting up some thoughts for the new episode! I really like to read those :)*
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wait sh-t wrong image...
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cant we all just talk about the part when THREE WASNT CONSIDERED THE "COOL EVIL VILLAIN" to his other villain mates from what he USED to be back in the old days of his shenanigans??
Eggman doesnt see that our man three has had his thing called- " DEVELOPMENT " RIGHT AFTER THE WHOLE THING...
Three has gone far too long- three has been through so much and so many things had changed including him and his way of seeing things. He had gone too soft from the past few years and eggman sure had been catching up on his daily does.
EGGMAN. However. He considered to be three's idol back then- but now? He sees three as a 'low level of villain' because the three he knew before had so much destruction and destroying stuff.
Eggman missed the three he knew, the one who USED to be a total top Villain.
SMG3 has never realized how much things had changed and that he too did. Now bringing up this part
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This part when three was shocked when Eggman told him that his final task was to "KILL" his arch nemesis. SMG3 is flabberghasted.
In his lair- room¿ he was practicing his shooting skill (pointing it at four) for the right aiming AND to finish him off.
See- I noticed something here- SMG3 couldn't bring himself up to do it for seconds... just a single detail of his hand SHAKING while holding a gun, pointing it at SMG4 (which is just a picture of him from a cardboard)
He couldnt do it- just- COULDNT. He had those memories flashing back to him, his hand holding with SMG4, how they both used to bond together, how he said they were FRIENDS and that he really meant to say that infront of his face, with four's reaction.
Notice how the music came to get intense during the flashbacks? Where we saw this event from Three drawing him and smg4 after 23th of wotfi? This is the most important part. That HE SMG3 drew them both together in his personal diary, a MOMENT of a good memory he and four created.
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But oh wait- how did this come to three shooting him still? Even tho it was just a confetti? Why did he still shot SMG4 (on that picture)? I'll tell you another reason. "Christmas Wars" :) lets go back to that shall we?
"You'd consider partying with the guy that tried to kill us?"
Now THIS CANON EVENT. so happens to ruin Three's mood. THATS where he onwardly shoots four's picture with a gattling gun... a REASON. Why.
This triggered him SO much from the memories he spent with Four and what he'd thought about his ex rival.
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After Three kept being indenial to eggdog that he doesn't care about SMG4 and that "he had NO character development" with him.
That was all a lie. (We already know that- but it's still important and relating to the episodes HOW MUCH of a bastard SMG4 is to SMG3, he continues to be friends with Four as he moves on.)
-the gun to four scene-
During this scene when Three barges in with Four making a new meme for his content Tomato Soup. Four never even thought about the things that could ever happen when three is there. He simply went on with the usual "friends conversations" talk.
Because four knows that they were both friends now. And that he knows 3 has gone soft. With an emotionless face, he approached to Four holding a GUN.
To where Four noticed- "oh a glock- watcha gonna do with that...?" He felt nervous and worried something with three carrying it- "Oh, something that I should of done long ago..." With Three holding up a gun and pointing it at Four, SMG4 screamed "THREE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?"
The detail... his eyes? From a pinch of second his eyes when he LOOKED infront of Four's? He felt sorry to himself. He had been pointing this gun at SMG4 and the pain he's baring from his chest lived on with mixtures of feelings he had developing with Four next to him.
He was unsure. He couldnt decide- because HIM as SMG3 he wanted to be the most evil villain known of everyone and other of his villain buddies. Including Eggman. And with another spot he also wanted to make eggman prove to him that he hasnt gone soft.
that HE- would actually do it- for himself to prove that he is better...
But he cant- couldnt he?
Lets point this straight- we all get it- three has a soft spot- and that is SMG4 too- he could NEVER do that to him. He promised, he swore, he declared it, he announced it in official.
"Remember what I said? W-we- We're Friends!"
He will never EVER. take this part of him. He will never REMOVE THIS BECAUSE HE BUILT THIS DEVELOPING FRIENDSHIP WITH SMG4
he could never.
SOOO he ends up shooting the tomato with four gettin all worried n stuff- making that "blood splatter" from the window to where eggman mistaken that he actually "did" kill SMG4
SMG3 backfires on Eggman with a sneak attack,
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"Like usual-"
Okay three- we get it. You annoy his ass back when he annoys you first. You ruin beeg and his dating plan and may or may have shoved a dynamite in four's mouth right after "the inspection" with his coffee request.
But we've never actually seen any other stuff beyond that reach right after wotfi 23... so three... tell me... how USUAL were you trying to put when you've BARELY DONE ANYTHING EVIL THAT RELATES FROM "KILLING" OUR GUY?
Maybe it was all... pure torture of asmr or just ruining four's day... (thats atleast what he'd meant when he said "killing you" with no tensions of doing so in literal)
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When SMG4 looked at three who emotionally cried when he said this line- he still continued to cry (even after when Three smacked his face annoyed with him being a baby)
He still cried at his new meme continuosly. He didnt gave himself a second to think. "If he actually wanted to kill me, then why didnt he just do it already?" "What is stopping him from killing me?"
NOOO when i THOUGHT. ABOUT THE "allow me to demonstrate" GAVE ME THE REFERENCE FROM ANDRIAS'S WORDS FROM AMPHIBIA "TRUE COLORS" Scene... (if- you guys watched amphibia)
This part when Andrias said "allow me to demonstrate" thats the part he made the whole line about "thats how a thing about friends is it? The more you love em the more it hurts to let them go..." THEN THE LINE CONTINUES WITH HIM DROPPING DOWN THE PROTAGONIST'S FRIEND OFF A HEIGHT-
and seeing this part when- eggman said that? I am... SH-TTING with myself.
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With three expecting to take the hit, but instead he pointed the missle at Four, Three would be expecting that now. But with eggman knowing that he and Four had a bond for a few years and on? HE POINTS IT TO FOUR ON PURPOSE. TO SEE HOW THREE WOULD BE ACTING.
Some of you might say "yeah we get it- he pointed that gun at four so whats up about it?" UM- EXCUSE ME... *COUGH* HE- WAS POINTING AT HIS DEAR FUTURE BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND-/HJ
With Three getting a bit too protective and tried defending SMG4 it was all on worth the time. As he squashed four's newly made meme, this is referenced from "mario's spicy day" where back back back BACKKKK in the episode where Four had destroyed Three's whole production area he had took time to work on.
SMG4 destroyed his children. Children of his own that were his MEMES. And putting it here when Four had his own memes as his children? IT WAS HIS- TURN TO SPIN THE TABLES AND PUNCH IT AT FOUR'S FACE.
To let him experience.
The suffering and pain he had done. Thats why... he laughed at him.
With SMG3 putting out his true speech from "I am happy with just the way I am..." he TENSIONALLY- PLACED- HIS RIGHT HAND AT SMG4'S SHOULDER. standing up at his own. All proud and happy...
Three finally learned his own lesson that he doesnt have to be forced to be like someone that he used to be and the stuff he'd usually did before. Because that was the old him, the old self of his? Is gone now. Three is continuing to bloom from his own way and had things that he ever needed or desired to have. A job of his? Is there, friends? There already, a partner by his side? Is also there! (Barely- but still is!) His twitch strreaming or taking care of his son? Is there!
He has had a new purpose of living and this is the path he chose. So he broke free from just by being himself and not getting pushed by other people by just telling him. "You used to be cool..." "wheres the old smg3 we knew?" "Why arent you the three we know that used to commit world destruction anymore?" "Wheres three?"
You cant call the old three because THIS IS THREE.
This is the baby boy we have and he still grows on and on out of his shell. Leave the man alone ya big bozos because he's having his own development, discovering his own ways between living the life of good and bad.
Three had an amazing development honsetly and I dont like how people say "we want the old three back" but you guys cant.
Please dont tell me these two will get foreshadowed... please dont.
*flat heart rate monitor*
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girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
Okay so i already lost my mind alil during Sawyers route. But i truly did love the update!
I will not even mention that i already told you i didn't trust your damn hide and seek game....
It was great!
I loved every RO interaction tho Flo is just the sweetest most lovable dude in the history of IFs. I love him so much. He leaves my poor MC speechless alot. And him coming to save the day was kinda hot ngl.
I loved all the effort you put in with the kids interaction it truly is a reflection that this isn't just a romance game or a creepy let's freak out liz game. 🙄
But it's also about the kids and they are just the sweetest. I love how you wrote the whole bullying scenario. God i deal with alot of those and you wrote it so well! And the kids all shine and i love how they have such different personalities and that it actually differentiates and shows when you read about them.
Sawyer was....sawyer.... idk. I can't say anymore about them other than they are gunning for Flo's top RO spot
I also love all the effort you put into the special moments with each RO and the kids and especially just the tattoos. Those were so dope and alot of effort. Shut up. Don't say it was nothing 😒
The game really is becoming a great balance of fun, romance and creepiness... i always try to ignore the creepiness until I'm telling some creepy voice to fuck off and that they can't join but that's just a regular update with u at this point. 🙄❤️
Lol so is "let's freak out liz" a whole genre, or...? xD
Yeah I recently had to work with a bunch of elementary school kids in kind of a similar setting to the one I'm writing about (I may or may not have known I would be doing this for a long time and it may or may not have inspired me to write Such Happy Campers in the first place) and it was EXHAUSTING but damn, did it give me some fun ideas for SHC. Kids are so... weird and silly and they're ALWAYS fighting. So yeah this experience has convinced me even more to make the campers stand out.
Also, a lot of the stuff I write into SHC relates to stuff I've seen and common experiences from my friends and family and me growing up. And venting about school system.
And no, I won't even say the tattoos were nothing. That shit was so. Damn. Extensive. Especially for something that's probably not gonna come up again. I'm convinced that it was worth it but ayyy it was a lot.
Btw I'm really really glad you're still enjoying this game and that you still love Flo (and also Sawyer hehe) and thanks for always writing these long asks I love them!!
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pleeborp · 1 year
Dndads headcannons in celebration of a new episode (not related)
• Glenn Close HAD nipple piercings. He doesn’t wear them any more, but he will gladly show pictures if asked.
• Daryl Wilson got so fucking confused watching Top Gun the first time. The volleyball scene was his favorite part but if you asked him why he couldn’t explain it to you.
• Ron Stampler eats erasers.
• Henry Oak Garcia paints nude paintings of himself and his beautiful talented wife Mercedes. They’re ranged from abstract to insane realism. None of the realisms are actually fully done yet bc he insists Mercedes deserves perfection.
• Ron Stampler fucking loved Lazy Town the show.
• Paeden went on to be happy and never die. It’s canonical, Anthony Burch told me himself.
• where the fuck is Yeet Biggley
• Henry likes to take photos of random things to “appreciate the Beaty of all my surroundings” and he prints them off and places it on a large mosaic he’s creating.
• Lark and Sparrow call it his “stalker wall” or more affectionately, his “serial k!ller wall”
• Scary Marlowe reads Warrior Cats. I personally haven’t, and don’t plan to but she reads the vibe of my friends that have.
• Normal draws fanart of all his friends and quietly ships them together. He used to be a hardcore gothcleats guy but he’s seen the chemistry between swiftkicks. (Don’t ship real people btw but he’s a hs he don’t know no better) He stoutly refuses to ship KickWorthy.
• Samantha Stampler is still alive and she’s kicking ass as a therapist. She doesn’t know about Terry yet.
• Carol, Mercedes, and Samantha meet up for book club regularly. They don’t actually read books Tho they get together to eat food and talk shit.
• Ron Stampler ate my homework.
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garyroachsanderson · 2 years
Task 141 best friend headcanon, celebrating readers birthday please ??
i’m going to assume it’s your birthday now or soon, so happy birthday you and everyone else who’s birthday it is!!!! 🎉
i don’t think this man has ever forgotten anything in his entire life, but he’s probably a procrastinator, and he remembers at the worst time.
for example, in the middle of a heated fight after killing the enemy, he’ll see something that reminds him of you and be like “fuck”
quickly runs to a shop once everyone is asleep. he’d probably buy you a necklace, or a plushie or something you love (he doesn’t really understand the hype around plushes, but he knows you like them)
if they’re stationed in america, he’d probably drive to a walmart or something and browse the guns aisle
he wraps the gift very shittily but leaves it on your nightstand for when you wake up
he doesn’t really care about how expensive it is, he’ll probably mumble a ‘mitherin-’ at the price but it just makes him happy to see you happy
if the gift was apparel it makes him very happy to see you wearing it
probably wouldn’t do anything other than that tho he’d maybe brood on the sidelines while the rest get drunk for your birthday
does the shopping MONTHS in advance. occasionally you’ll reference something you like and he’s like “fuck i should’ve bought that”
before buying he consulted with the rest of the team on what to buy and just spoke nonstop for 5 minutes until ghost called him a not so nice word
puts time and effort into choosing a wrapping paper that looks like something you’d like and tops it off with a plastic shiny bow
would buy you a real gift but top it off with a terrible gag gift on top. fake vomit ahoy
party planner CEO. even if you’re in the military he’s gonna fucking make sure the current base has streamers on the walls
yes, he packed two MREs that were little cakes with confetti sprinkles in them. why do you ask
overall, he makes the best of a shit situation. would probably both get plastered partying and then he’d haul you to bed
“gaz what do people your age like”
he buys you a flip phone (unwrapped) that was made in the ripe year of 2007 (he doesn’t know you have a phone)
it’s the thought that counts
would be very happy when he sees you using it
would treat the force to a night out at a bar (everyone pays for their drinks but you get them on the house)
he’d buy something related to something you said you liked 4 months ago
this man is up to date on the internet.. probably buys you a terrible shirt of the current meme or one that died 8 months ago for shits and giggles
knows your favorite bands (he saw your ipod once and noticed your favorite song had 3450 plays) so he bought some merchandise of that band for you
gets stupid drunk and then does stupid shit on your name
“this one’s for y/n” he yelps as he tries to dunk a piece of paper through a basketball hoop but doesn’t get 4 feet off the ground and falls
i’m going to be honest he probably wouldn’t shy away from buying internet currency points
he goes out shopping and buys you decorations for your quarters, new gloves, stickers
would plan a surprise party much to the dismay of everyone else. i mean every party is a surprise party when ghost suddenly appears
he would stick a bunch of candles (the right amount) in a sock we don’t have cake
now of course since you’re in the military a surprise party is perhaps not a great idea. when they turned the lights on and everyone popped up you almost took everyone off the census
you didn’t though! yay
probably the only one who doesn’t get drunk because he’s too young for that
still a cute little birthday
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cuephrase · 3 months
On the subject of data crunching related to the Robins, a couple months ago I compared the numbers of people following the tumblr tag of different Batman characters to the number of ao3 works tagged with the characters, and while the ao3 results were a decently consistent slope the top tumblr tag follow characters were magnitudes larger than the rest and it was kind of wild (there are of course things the numbers don't fully capture, such as tumblr tagging not accounting for multiple tags being used for one character, and ao3 not really accounting for how central the tagged characters are to the fic, but it was still interesting to see)
omg that is INSANE.
Tim Drake feels like such a strange combination of popular and obscure at the same time and it is bizarre.
he really does and you are so right it is so bizarre. and i totally get what you mean by obscure, which at first glance sounds contradictory to popular, but like...how i do phrase this.
you hear about him/his fans a ton. (i feel like this either tends to fall into complaining or like stuff that leans more fanon.) but also i don't personally tend to see a lot of people talking about tim the way dick/jason/damian stans do, in that he is rarely the sole/primary focus of a meta dissertation/character analysis/content in that vein. which full transparency- this could be me not being super tumblr-savvy, such blogs probs exists i just have yet to stumble across a lot of them. (i cannot overstate how Bad i am at tumblr/socmed in general)
so it's kind of like, you hear that he has fans but...where are they? i even wonder if it has like some kind of correlation to like comics!tim stans being more likely to also really enjoy other characters vs. other stans being more likely to have a laser focus on a Single Blorbo. which is not a critique, by any means!!
bc like, taking myself as an example, i'd say i love all the boy robins equally, but if you put a gun to my head i will say tim is my fave. however. there is no gun to my head. so i can love freely. like if you were to just look at my ao3, you'd probs assume dick was my fave bc so far he's been in every batfam fic i've written lmao
man, the difference between tumblr and ao3 tags tho, even keeping skews in mind, is crazy. it would be so fun to go mucking around in that data
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marcusrobertobaq · 8 months
Comparing Gavin to Hank's hostility towards androids reason is just dumb imo. Hank doesn't like humans and want 'em to learn a lesson, that's why he switches sides. Even in hostile ending dude expected deviants to be different and better than humans (selfish, brutal, ruthless) - so they can teach humans the damn lesson. He ain't afraid of being replaced by androids, he's pissed at androids cuz he think they're the reason his son is dead - and he also got no respect for people replacing other people with androids in personal relationships.
Gavin ain't got this factor, there's no reason for him to come to like androids only to hate 'em even more esp with this whole sentience thing. He pretty much got an issue with obedience and authority, esp regarding to androids (who are supposed to obey), but it's in general - it becomes easier to get when u get he was written as lieutenant, this rank got a weight to it - it's a management role often being the head of a team.
These characters are 2 sides of the same coin, tho.
They got similar mindset: dehumanizing who they ain't consider a real human - criminals, suspects, victims they thought was deserved. Androids just happen to be everything at the same time 🤣
What does it mean? Means in a interrogation room Hank gonna threat the mf and just give up (idk bout his old days tho), Gavin would just wait for things to get difficult so he can beat the shit out the mf. I believe if he went to interrogate Shaolin a "Under Arrest" 2.0 would happen - and the way mfs are so casual i doubt would be the first time they do something like that.
But Gavin seems to be against the idea of scratching people's back - should be one of the reasons he doesn't like Hank. Dude exchange favors, is a lazy mf and still think he got some kinda authority in there just cuz Jeffrey do what he can to keep him in there.
These 2 bitches are similar but would fight against each other if they could.
If we take the gallery seriously Hank is the one that climbs the steps to leadership making connections and contacts even outside the police or with low rank criminals, people he considers inside "everybody is doing what they need to get by, as long as they didn't hurt anyone i don't bother 'em". Man, even Connor calls Hank corrupt in cut dialogues. Gavin climbs it trynna show he can handle everything alone and be at the helm by saying "i'm the boss here" and start giving orders. He would shit on people like Gary and Pedro. "everybody is doing what the-"? Fuck this.
Lt Anderson and Lt Curtis Blake are 2 different types of lieutenant. In the final game happen to Hank be Gavin's superior which makes things far worse for the mf. While Gavin will bow down eventually some force is necessary - like pointing a gun at him or punching his nose, but he won't shut up.
In the police brutality metaphor made by Cage, both gonna treat androids like just another perp (like Hank with Rupert in The Nest), but Gavin gonna feel some pleasure in forcing mfs on the car hood while sayin' some fucked up shit (like that cut dialogue implies). Ain't only about androids but especially about androids, Gavin is worse imo cuz he waits for the moment where he can finally use brute force - even better if justifiable. Hank is just tired of all this bullshit, but if things are personal...damn, this mf gonna def snap and totally against the police - cuz he just doesn't give a fuck for all this anymore, but Gavin does. Gavin already snap constantly cuz he can't shut up and stop trynna show who's boss - fuck, must be the reason he got a scar in his damn nose. If he got an opportunity he gonna get physical to show who's boss. He's ambitious, mf wanna get to the top and have power over all situations he can and esp put people back in 'em place.
Androids just happen to have less paper work related to losing your badge for misconduct.
U can find these type of characters in lotta games where we got police "satirization". It's classic asshole cop, most of 'em are corrupt btw.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
but what I've noticed is that western artist stan twitter has accepted jk. I don't see anyone being racist or calling him a fraud the way they did with jimin. They were literally camped up in any jimin related tweets spreading negativity, be it lana stans or taylor stans. But now they're sudden so proud of jk for defeating morgan wallen but the reaction was completely the opposite when jimin topped the chart. Idk what it is that jk has for him to be accepted by those kind of stans so i wouldn't be surprised if he actually reaches jb heights of fame with scooters help. Bts and jimin faced a lot of backlash from western stans but not jk and that says a lot, scooter made the right choice, cause he is already treated like a western artist by people in the US. This is totally based off what I'm currently seeing online tho, i have no clue as to how he is being received outside of scmed
You might not know this yet, but let me tell you a secret... The internet is a very huge place. Like, really really big. And the world outside internet? Even bigger.
I've definitely seen people under those pop base tweets or whatever calling him fraud, saying "yeah after the 29r738 remix" and all that. So many people were literally under every seven tweet saying "latto's impact, latto carried". Just for the sake of it.
You must know Lana stans were literally saying "Jimin is our only competition". Exactly who's Jungkook supposed to compete with right now? He almost lost to a man singing about guns in front of a power point presentation.
I personally saw lots of praise for Jimin, if that's what you're concerned about. To this day, I still see it. I just saw it yesterday on this tweet too.
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Last week or something I saw some compilation of screenshots of people on TikTok saying they're obsessed with this song and how it's the best song this year.
If you want to hyperfocus on the negative stuff that's on you. I'm just going to be honest and say that I can't take you or anyone like that seriously because at some point all this negativity starts to sound downright pathological to people who are on the receiving end of it. After all, you're simply not saying the whole truth, and the only reason for that is y'all's mania of clinging on to every little negative thing and never overcoming a tweet that said "Jimin flop". I see viral hate tweets against Taylor everyday, and how exactly is that affecting her?
The glass is not always half empty, just saying.
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colorfulyetsinful · 2 years
I wrote this on my phone again😀
You could tell with the amount of emojis I used, anyways
Tim is literally my favorite I never shut up about him and bc of that this list is so goddamn long. I honestly tried to be consistent but I was going off the top of my head
Enjoy and become apart of the Tim Drake cult😈
Tim Drake hc!!! WOAH!
Nepotism baby
He’s a rich child with inheritance and basically running two separate businesses
Nepotism at its finest✨
Since he was usually on his own (due to his parent working) he used Batman and Robin as a form of escapism
Kinda lonely
He’ll talk to himself as if he was talking to Batman and Robin
Definitely ran a Batman and/or Gotham vigilante stan account on Twitter
Toxic fan **tm**
no literally, he would argue with anyone who disagreed on him that Batman was the best hero,
especially if they were Metropolis
bc why tf do they always have to involve themselves in everything Gotham🤨
Two words: Parasocial relationship
had an unhealthy obsession with Robin!Jason,
Robin!Jason saved him ONCE (1x) and it was down hill from there
Def locked himself in his room, sobbing, screaming, pulling his hair, and throwing up when Jason died.
News: Jason Todd, son of Billionaire Bruce Wayne, pronounced death! Read more to find out.
Tim: NOO!
Vaild tho,
who wasn’t crying when Jason died?
(The joker)
He had a celebrity crush on Dick (not ship related),
no one knows about it (it’s all over his stan account that he made sure will never see the light of day),
he’s taking that secret to the grave
I say this a lot about Tim, but
Whore **tm**
have you seen his body count?!
definitely followed in Dick’s footsteps
Strange is what ppl say about him,
vaild tho,
if I had to sit next to Tim in class, I would find him strange too
Adhd coded,
why do ya think he keeps himself busy?! He literally can’t sit still
Also no insomnia,
he just suffers from chronic nightmares that keeps him from getting proper rest,
So de just decided not to sleep
“Nightmares can’t effect me if I don’t sleep”
Yeah, scarecrow has nothing on him,
poor guy’s had worse
Even after getting adopted, he never really felt part of the family,
Always feeling like he has to prove something to Bruce to stay as robin,
Which is why, when Dick had Damian be Robin, Tim felt like he had no place in the family anymore
That’s why he went a little insane
It’s cool, they’re fine now…
Speaking of insane,
Tim is like the one robin in the family I would not want to fight
Like compare to the others,
(Dick has experience form doing it for so long + mf is giggling and joking while kicking ass,
Jason is just kid with daddy issues and a gun, it’s America, been there seen it,
And Damian has both daddy and mommy issues, angain nothing really special)
Tim is just purely unhinged,
he’s got everything to prove without the care in the world what happens to him,
don’t forget his mad scientist era
What I’m trying to say is that Tim is scary and you have a better chance fighting Damian or Jason
(at least they kinda make it quick)
Ok back to silly goofy hc :D
Tim used to write Batman fanfics,
it’s true I was his screensaver
He used them all wattpad, fanfic.net, ao3, tumblr, etc
It was mostly “original character” fics, that were actually self inserts
as escapism
(He’s def taking that to the grave)
Stephanie found out about it and he was planing her “disappearance” within a rive minute timeframe
Speaking of Steph,
They cringe every time someone brings up the fact that they used to date
*hold cute picture of Steph/Tim* Awe you guys were so cute, ashamed you two broke up
Them: *gag*
He loves Steph tho, she’s his ride or die
As I mentioned in my Accent hc,
Tim knows a lot of languages bc rich kid
Him and Damian talk to each other in mandarin, mostly bc it’s a language they both know fluently
He tried to learn Arabic so Damian could feel comfortable talking to him,
(This is after the many times he’s tried to kill him, but hey what are brother’s for..?)
He couldn’t quite get the pronunciation right, and just said “fuck it we speaking mandarin”
Literally, they don’t even speak in English to each other anymore,
Like if it’s just them talk, other ppl they’ll translate or they’re talking shit
Tim and Damian actually get along,
Like it was rough at first, but living together really forces the two to get along
(Imma add more about them in a different hc)
Also Dick Grayson!!
Did I mention he had a parasocial relationship?
Yeah, Dick was not excluded from that
He knew Dick was mostly giving him the time of day bc he felt guilt about not being there enough for Jason,
But he doesn’t care
He knew what he was doing going to Dick about being Robin,
“You gotta be Robin again. Batman needs Robin”
“Idk who you are kid, but I am not wear that thing again. Plus blue is more my color. You wearing if you think it’ll help Bruce”
*Tim already at the display case* “I mean…if you insist”
Nothing else to add to that
He’s the best to take to galas (or just to deal with high society in general) having grew up with lessons on how to be a “proper young man”
Study abroad at one point,
It was in Switzerland
Has a staring problem
Literally. Imagine just minding your business in a public area and turning to see (👁️👁️) staring death at you without blinking
Don’t worry, it’s just his adhd taking over the most part of his brain
He actually hates black coffee, but it’s the only think strong enough to have him away (so he won’t get nightmares)
He watches anime,
Specifically, shonen anime and BL (boylove)
He watches anime with Damian while arguing about the main pairing not working bc the “male love interest is obviously gay”
He wrote fanfics, you think he won’t be a shipper?
Can sing,
Like really good
Jason caught him singing in his room at like 2:30 in the morning and sent a video to the group chat
*jason sent a video*
Jason: ya see this shit😀
Everyone goes crazy bc Tim sounds so nice
The thing is, Tim never hid the fact that he can sing, just never said it out load
But if you were really pay attention to him, you could have caught him lightly singing to himself any indie or viral tiktok song while he does basic tasks
Everyone now has a mission of trying to catch him in the act,
Only Alfred and Cass knew he could sing
Bart knows about his identity before he told the team,
Bc Yk future and all
So him and Tim just naturally became closer over time as Tim could rant to Bart without worrying about his identity being blown
(More about this in another hc)
Cannon that he cross dresses
I think that’s it for now…
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wh0lesale-pvthy · 10 months
noname, 25, he/they, transmasc nb, queer and asexual, sub-bottom
needed a space to explore my kinky/horny side!
my post = posts made by me
my pics = self explanatory (t4t bitches get the uncensored and truly nasty pics upon request)
⚙️sexy = sexual posts as described below
⚙️non-sexy = nonsexual posts as described below
if you're t4t/trans/ace/queer/kinky PLEASE interact, i want you bitch!
sex positive ace
sex favorable<-->averse and likes sexual attention in the right contexts. my libido is unpredictable at best, so consistent hornyposting shouldn’t be expected. kinky in both the sexy and non-sexy way
to me, sexy = relating to sex/foreplay/arousal/hornyness. non-sexy = non sexual, relating to platonic feelings/experiences, nothing to do with sex/hornyness. sometime they intersect. for example I really like rope bondage in a non-sexy way. I like how it looks/how it feels/the act of being tied up/tying up myself or other people. To me it's just plain fun and I’d do more ropeplay as a hobby with friends than in a sexual context, but that's not always the case.
More about me/boundaries:
always a submissive, almost always bottoming.
not a woman in identity but I express myself however I feel which can include femininity
been on T for like 4ish years now? the T bug bite me and made me hornier. post top surgery since 2020 baby!!!
single, happy with that, not really looking for romantic partners atm, flirting is alright tho, but keeping in mind it's an online space in which i don't regularly/consistently interact on. making friends on here would be even better tho!
dms, asks, and replies are fine! 21+ if we're directly interacting/talking!
i have a second account only meant for nudes, i'll give it out upon request or you can just find it on your own
although I understand most social cues through text, I appreciate direct/clear communication above all
Some terms I'm ok with:
Chest = chest, pecs, nipples
Vulva/Anus = cunt, pussy, hole, pussy/ass hole, ass, boyhole/pussy. mostly anything except "vagina"
Clitoris = clit, dick, cock, tdick, tcock, tiny/lil/small dick (in a funny way but also in a sexy humiliating way)
Me = idk yet, just don't refer to me with dominant titles like daddy, sir or master.
YES’S & MAYBE'S: (white=yes, orange=maybe)
degradation/praise/objectification/sexualization/humiliation, the works
dubcon/noncon (in certain circumstances, it flows between hard no<-->maybe)
alcohol/weed intoxication
fauxcest (still iffy on this one)
bondage (special place in my heart for ropeplay)
lingerie/dressing up/costumes
manhandling/rough housing/wrestling
being soft is lovely too :)
impact play (slapping, spanking, whipping, flogging)
wax play
puppy/kitty/bunny play (very situational maybe on this but it’s growing on me!)
sensory deprivation (blind folds/ear plugs/etc)
orgasm control/overstim/edging
knife play/gun play
monster/alien fucking (to varying degrees)
any bodily fluids that aren't cum/spit/blood (and urine to a certain extent) ie; fecal matter, vomit, etc
vore, gore, ageplay, raceplay, pregnancy/birthing (breeding is fine tho), detransition kink, hypno kink, feederism, needle play
pony play (although puppy/kitty play be growing on me)
Punching/kicking/stabbing/shooting/extreme violence or extreme/hard pain infliction
i'll be pinning this post indefinitely, and as time goes on I'll keep updating
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bpdonnie · 5 months
Donnie rottmnt (<- I think that's right? Sorry if its not i tried :']) 1, 2, 6, 10, and 25
YIPPEEE thank u sm, that's right :D
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
GOSH where do i even begin, i love characters who are inventors and he's very sarcastic a lot of the time which i love bc i relate to that. i also really like his design!!!! purple n green are like my top 3 favorite colors lol i like how he uses his mystic powers to create weapons like guns n shit, he's awesome. AND i like how, even tho he's the smart one in the group, he still makes some questionable decisions every now and then, 10/10 character 🙏
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
that he's autistic!! he just like me fr (and the fact that he likes electronic music)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
again, we're both autistic :] both of us are very sarcastic n sometimes don't really like when people touch us, we listen to music that a lot of people would say it's "just random noise" n we both struggle with thinking we're only useful for one thing
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i like to believe we would ngl
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
my first impression, if i remember correctly, was that he's really cool n fun?? he quickly became my favorite character in the show like halfway through season one. and about now, the only thing that changed is that i think he's even cooler than i thought
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sunnybugz · 6 months
3, 9, 10, and 16 for the music asks!!
3 : who is the artist you put on to make you smile ?
the mountain goats, ajj, olivia rodrigo, chappell roan, kimya dawson !!
9 : which artist has been the most life changing for you ?
are we going lifetime-wise? because if so it's 100% trixie mattel. i don't listen to her stuff a ton anymore (though i'm getting back into it hehe) but her music legit saved my life when i was fifteen and coping with my best friends death. it still means sooo much to me and always makes me think of her bc we saw her live in the front row when we were thirteen :'-) i have a signed cd from that show it was the best night of my life
if we're going recently tho definitely the mountain goats-- their music has inspired me sooo much in anorexia recovery and got me through a really bad depressive episode when i was 17/18 that i almost did Not make it through.
10 : you have to get a lyric tattoo-- what lyric is it?
OKAY i have a bunch though i don't actually plan on getting any of them (not a huge fan of mainly script tattoos-- words under a tattoo like my orange one are cool but im just not huge on mainly script)
all lights turned off can be turned on - noah kahan, call your mom
just stay alive - the mountain goats, amy aka spent gladiator 1 (i actually plan on getting a matchbook tattoo bc of this song)
if not by faith, then by the sword, i'm going to be restored - the mountain goats, hebrews 11:40
oh soldier, take your time - trixie mattel, soldier (i also might get a tattoo related to this bc it's SUCH a special song btwn me and said dead best friend)
16 : tell us the name of a song most people probably don't know but you adore
okay i have so many but i'll do like . a top 10 from my recent playlists .
1. broom people - the mountain goats
2. love love love - the mountain goats
3. temple grandin too - ajj
4. i'd have to think about it - leith ross
5. destroyed by hippie powers - car seat headrest
6. sad boys - dazey and the scouts
7. sweet cis teen - dazey and the scouts
8. getting naked, playing with guns - ajj
9. moving in place - shauna dean cokeland
10. best ever death metal band in denton - the mountain goats
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lcd404 · 9 months
DNI: Minors, (do not even look at my blog pls). Terfs, MAPS 🤢, any weird hateful shit will be reported :3
About me: I'm 19, AFAB transmasc lil guy, english is not my first language, Im still figuring out my sexual orientation but im mostly t4t mlm / mlnb.
I have ADHD and have a lot of hyperfixations of different media, so I'll post about them sometimes, but this blog is mostly NSFW.
I'm 5'0 tall TT, im also a smoker and I do also smoke za every now and then, im pretty introverted so I have trouble starting conversations but would love to talk to more people with nsft blogs :)
Im really new in tumblr and I'm not used to tagging and stuff, feel free to dm suggestions and asking anything tho, flirty/horny asks are not a want but a need !!
nsfw under the cut
Limits, boundaries kinks and shit horny related:
Things I'm into!
praise !, breeding (not prengancy tho), cockwarming, dumbification, size difference, tentacles, orgasm or pee control, light impact play, light pup play, overstim, freeuse, bruises and marks of all type, somno (cnc), dry humping / clothed sex >>>> this all as a sub!!!
I dont mind / sometimes:
good boy, baby, princess, honey, cutie, doll, faggot, prince, puppy, pup, toy, cuntboy, cumdump, "Prince with princess parts !!!!<3<3<3" (any masc or gender neutral positive nickname is a yes honestly) any anatomy term is ok.
periods stuff, watersports in some ways, petplay (as pet), monster fucking, daddy kink, fauxcest? sometimes? (I want a big bro..) Blood..? being a service top !
detrans, misgendering, forced feminization, ageplay, knife or gun play, feederism, anal, humiliation/degradation, vomit. Blood??? (Just because I have hemophobia which is terrible because I think vampires are hot as fuck and I would cum if a vampire drank my blood.)
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mamahersh · 2 years
MAG 195: Off to a great start, what with playing Jon's trauma at the front gates! Also, really nice and chill ep, tho I'm sure the fandom was on tender hooks waiting to find out more about how Martin was doing.
MAG 196:>"Step into my Parlor".... I see what you did there. Said the spider to the fly, yes very subtle. 
nope. nope do not like that. FUCK the Web. What a reveal on the tapes though, it completely recontextualizes everything.
MAG 197: Well, this is very horrifying. Glad Martin had his chance to be gagged. Now both Jon and Martin have gagging related trauma! 
So Jon, how you enjoying how many strands of the web are attached to you? Fuck. This episode.
For a now more put together reaction: otherwise known as the bits that didn’t quite make it. 
Really enjoyed Basira and Jon meeting up on the way to get Martin. It was actually rather pleasant to see Basira treating Jon better now that she doesn’t view him as something different from herself. Not to say there aren’t still problems there, but that was the nicest episode I’ve gotten to sit through in awhile.
Now, the big ones: MAG 196 and 197. Gotta say, rather amusing listening to Martin’s aggrieved bitching as him and Anabelle went on their merry way to Hill Top Road. What I will say, is that he called Annabelle’s ultimatum “blackmailing”. I’m not quite sure I agree? Or at least, it’s not traditional blackmailing anyways, where the collateral is some secret about the victim. It’s more like she held the information hostage, but then again same difference I guess. 
But yeah, the Web makes me feel so skeevy. Like, most in relation to what Jon had to go through, but also Martin being somewhat web aligned before his descent into the Lonely (well other than his masterful manipulation of Peter before it backfired on him in 159). Mostly, it’s the blatant undertones throughout both these episodes where all the little details are what make it even more horrifying the more you think about it. Like, end of 195 you hear the tape that “greets” Jon and Basira is the one where Jon gave his Statement about his encounter with the Web when he was a child. MAG 196 has all these little references and nods to spiders catching flies and acting like the spider has all the information and that there will be no choices outside of the Web’s purview. 197 is staged on a literal web of Statements related to the Fears. 
Like, ok, that last one is really fucking with me right? I mean, I knew that the Web was in charge of the tapes already. What I somehow hadn’t realized yet was the deeper implications of it. Did Jonah Magnus choose Jon because of the Web Mark? Yes. Why? Because the Web does not Mark people that are not possibly advantageous to it’s plans. Or more likely people that it has the best chance of subtly maneuvering, whatever the reason. THUS, Magnus made the jump in logic that the Web probably knew he was gunning for a successful Ritual, and if it was sending someone his way that wasn’t an Avatar but someone who had already started the supernatural BINGO sheet, then he should take advantage of that. Similarly, the Web probably knew that it’s best bet to survive an apocalypse would be to send a Web Marked individual towards the Institute so it could keep an eye on them through the tapes and begin weaving it’s escape in one fell swoop. It truly could have been anyone web marked honestly, but in this case the first try was the successful one, and Jon played into both Entities perfectly.
But can you imagine? Your boyfriend has wandered off of his own free will with the only person in the entire apocalypse who you cannot actually see what they’re doing and you have no idea what she wants; and then when you get to where he’s being used as bait you find out that almost your entire life was inadvertently used in service to the Web. You find out that your tapes, which have both caused you extreme strife and save the only memories of your lost friends on them, are part of a metaphysical web binding all of the Fears together to your voice; the thing which was used to drag them into the physical world in the first place. You find out that the lighter you keep forgetting about has been subtly manipulating you through your addiction to smoking since the day you got it, and that if you think about it too hard you might start realizing how many things were pressuring you to do things you might not have done if you didn’t have the extra influence. 
You find out that your only “choices” are to either doom your entire world to a faster apocalypse and genocide every last living thing in existence or to potentially doom uncountable other worlds with innumerable numbers of people in them to the same exact “choice” at some point in their own futures. 
And all of this is dumped on you after you’ve found out the only person you believe you can trust has “betrayed” you and gone to the enemy on his own to get gift wrapped and used as leverage while you find out your entire life was a lie. Do y’all understand why I’m foaming at the mouth rn? I’m going insane and rabid and I’m fucking finishing this damn podcast tomorrow and I dunno if I’m going to survive.
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Tag nine people you want to get to know better
cw: mentions of substance use
tagged by @levisbrat25!! I would LOVE to chat even more :3
three ships: y'all know i don't do ships lol. but if i HAD TO CHOOSE... - Captain Swan for sure (a certain arc made me cry a;ldjfk) - TamaHaru from OHSHC (has the manga-convergent version of the anime come out yet???) - OH and probably AtsuLucy from bsd??? (idk i don't feel as strongly about this one compared to the previous two idk i dont rly get as much dopamine from ships other than self ships af;sdklfj)
first ever ship: oh god uh...delena i think?? that was around the time that i really got into fandom-related stuff. i think i dipped a toe in some naruto-related ships when i was 12 but i dont think i rly understood what ships were back then LMAO
last song/album: idk i've been only listening to AOT soundtrack soooo...I have been OBSESSED with reluctant heroes tho! still trying to work out learning that piano cover :'D
last movie: i really dont remember o.o maybe top gun maverick because my sister wanted to watch it but i was stoned outta my mind so i dont remember much LMAO
currently reading: ADHD means i'm reading a bunch of books at once....lemme list a few i guess - the Illidan novel from WoW - also the Arthas novel from WoW lol - Chronicles series from WoW - Grimoire of the Shadowlands from WoW (i now realize i read a lot of WoW content LMAO) - one of the books from the Witcher series, forgot the name - some book about positive psychology and prosocial behavior, forgot the name
currently watching: look, i can only have one fixation at a time, so OFC it's AOT. but if i had to choose, maybe rewatch supernatural? idk s4 is *chef's kiss*
currently consuming: a matcha tea latte! surprise to no one akdlfs;kj
currently craving: there's rice pudding in the fridge that i'm trying not to eat for the sake of my blood sugar but i really really want it a;lkdfsj
tagging people that i want to know better i guess? is this how this tag game works idk im tired
#: @roseofdarknessblog @wyvernslovecake @sixpennydame @luvjiro @nosleepjustlevi @bruhm0mentum @happybird16 @leviismybby @notgoodforlife
idk feel free to ignore my social anxiety makes me shy and a;lsdjf;laksdf
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