#stop systemic ableism
renthony · 1 year
Your personal triggers and squicks do not get to determine what kind of art other people make.
People make shit. It's what we do. We make shit to explore, to inspire, to explain, to understand, but also to cope, to process, to educate, to warn, to go, "hey, wouldn't that be fucked up? Wild, right?"
Yes, sure, there are things that should be handled with care if they are used at all. But plenty more things are subjective. Some things are just not going to be to your tastes. So go find something that is to your tastes and stop worrying so much about what other people are doing and trying to dictate universal moral precepts about art based on your personal triggers and squicks.
I find possession stories super fucking triggering if I encounter them without warning, especially if they function as a sexual abuse metaphor. I'm not over here campaigning for every horror artist to stop writing possession stories because they make me feel shaky and dissociated. I just check Does The Dog Die before watching certain genres, and I have my husband or roommate preview anything I think might upset me so they can give me more detail. And if I genuinely don't think I can't handle it, I don't watch it. It's that simple.
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interstellarsystem · 28 days
As a psychotic system who is quoigenic, please do not use psychosis as a scapegoat for your anti-endo sentiments. You do not get to sit there and say "endos are just psychotic, not actual systems". Our system experiences do not come from our psychosis, but even if they did, would that mean we deserve to be harrassed?
Delusions and hallucinations are worsened for a lot of psychotic people by active harrassment and/or denial. If someone actually is a system due to a delusion, they are just as real as anyone else because you know what? They feel like they are, and that will not be changed with any amount of yelling at them or putting horrible asks in their inbox. Their percieved reality is altered but they feel the experiences of being plural and we are not qualified to go around accusing people of being less real. Feeding into delusions can also cause harm and every psychotic person is different, but harrassment will not help anyone.
You let your hatred of a community of plurals just trying to exist bleed into ableism toward others who are already so stigmatised. You do not care about psychotic people or disabled people at large, you only care about pushing your hate forward. We are not your "gotcha" card.
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arctic-hands · 1 month
For real tho health freaks who scream about how sugar and salt will kill us all and try to push for restrictions on things like candy and chips for SNAP recipients or politicians who try from time to time to replace food stamps all together and give out Government Approved Staples like bread and peanut butter and Government Cheese are gonna kill a whole lotta sick and disabled people like
POTS sufferers
People with peanut allergies
People with celiac disease or wheat allergies
The lactose intolerant
People who can't eat solid food
People who are undernourished for any reason and need all the calories they can pack on
So-called "picky eaters" who can't tolerate certain tastes and textures without getting violently ill
A myriad of other human conditions that cannot be neatly tallied into categories because the human body and human experience is vast and infinitely variable
But I don't think ableds really care about us and our health like they like to claim so they can harass us about it, do you?
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pocketsizedquasar · 9 months
it would be really nice if ppl harping on transmascs for talking abt anti-transmasculinity (or even, gasp, giving a name to it!) actually listened to the experiences of transmascs of color (particularly Black transmascs), disabled transmascs, fat transmascs, etc. etc. instead of centering the hypothetical thin, white, cis-passing able-bodied trans man they have in their head who they use as the benchmark for all transmasc experience. any of the beliefs about how transmascs aren’t targeted as much, aren’t hated by terfs, face less violence, aren’t treated as predators, are simply “invisible” by default (rather than being deliberately erased and buried), etc wouldn’t be happening if people just listened to transmascs saying over and over again that yes, we do experience these things, yes, these harms do happen to us. you wouldn’t believe we don’t face those things if you listened to us.
anti-transmasculinity is a whole and unique experience, multifaceted and intersectional, and it involves the continued and deliberate erasure of transmasc folks and our struggles and the violence we face, and the lumping in of violence against us as “violence against women.” anti-transmasculinity is not a counter or an “opposite” to transmisogyny; they are interconnected struggles — transfem & transmasc are not opposites! the existence of anti-transmasculinity does not mean that transmascs have it “worse” or “better” — honestly, judging oppression by such metrics is unproductive and unhelpful. we have more to gain from engaging with each other and understanding how our experiences mutually connect with one another.
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rjalker · 1 year
"but I don't want to have the injuries my characters sustain have lasting consequences--"
then simply do not write stories where your characters receive traumatic life-changing injuries. It's literally not difficult. If you don't want your character to spend the rest of their life minus one arm, then simply do not write them getting their arm chopped off. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to chop your character's arm off.
Why are you people so desperate to remove all stakes and meaning from your stories. Why are you so desperate to beat your audience over the head with the fact that they shouldn't care about a single thing that happens in your story.
Why are you writing about characters being horrifically and life-changing injured if you want to just hand-wave those injuries away like they never happened.
If you do this, you are, in fact, just a shit writer and you should in fact be embarrassed and ashamed. I do not give a single shit what excuses you try to make to defend this shit.
You're ableist, you're bad at writing, and you should feel bad.
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[ID: A digital recreation of screenshot from the show Futurama, showing an alien character in a tuxedo cupping their hands near their mouth, now edited to be shouting:
“You're ableist, you're lazy, you're a coward, you're bad at writing, and you should feel bad!”.
End ID.]
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the moment you start acting ableist you lose my respect.
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transonlyspace · 6 months
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reminder that if you see a post like this anywhere, recognize that its a term for systems (people with did) only, and you STILL decide to spread hate in the comments, thats ableism!
stop hating on terms that arent meant for you, and that youll never fully understand
and furthrmore, if you identify with one of these despite not being a system, youre also ableist! stop using labels that werent meant for you!
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most of all, I'm hoping that now that I'm getting some actual medical help, my mother will actually start believing me and allowing me accommodations without me having to have a violent meltdown and suicidal episode to get it because I'm triggered insanely bad. Like maybe me asking for stuff to prevent an episode IS the warning. I'm sick and tired of getting my requests and needs ignored until I have a whole ass emotional break and psychotic episode and risk harming myself because my mental state is so fucking fragile when I tried so damn hard to get me that help to AVOID THIS EXACT SCENARIO.
And maybe she'll actually start helping me get some things to aid my mobility, but who knows. I'm mostly surviving until I can move in with MA and he'll help me out, bruh. Dude. I cant. I effing cant.
I'm just so sick and tired of doing everything I can to protect my mental and physical state just to avoid some really bad episode. And with the shit I'm uncovering now, like, dude. No wonder I have such insanely bad control issues. This bitch is so much more unstable than previously thought. I try so damn hard to avoid insanely bad episodes whether it be physical pain or emotional crisis/distress and my parents don't take it seriously. Then I have a whole episode cause I'm pushed to the fucking edge and then they blame me for not controlling my emotions. I wish I could just fucking scream about all the stuff that is going on in my head, but they wouldn't get it. They barely get my anxiety, let alone if I opened up about other shit. And when I DID open up about delusions or hallucinations, my mom just brushed it off cause she experienced that too. Either she does not feel it to the same degree or she does and that's ALSO WORRYING but she doesn't see it that way or both. Like girl. I mean legitimate hallucinations and delusions. It ain't good if you're experiencing that too. But what do I expect.
I just hope this will improve my living situation until I can move in with MA and we can work together to properly accommodate me since they actually fucking believe me and don't treat me like I'm lazy and bratty and unwilling because I'm in severe pain or I am dissociated as fuck and barely feel alive. My fucking plant is less fragile than me.
Just so tired of being pushed to the edge then treated like a monster and like I'm crazy. Like thanks. You're worsening the fucking things some of my alters tell me which only makes me wanna rot even more.
Like it's been a good while since a bad episode has happened thanks to them questioning me when I'm in an extreme brain fog and dissociated state and just asking for help since I'm in so much pain. But dude. It still hurts. It still fucking hurts and makes me mad. I can't wait to move out and actually get to feel alive because someone actually fucking looks at me like I'm a person that needs help and can't do it all myself. Cause I'll be with someone that is going to help me and reassure me over the tiniest things that I've been guilted over for before. That we'll actually work to get me mobility aids and I can't wait until the day I can move around and do more because I don't have to force myself to walk as if im a perfectly functional human being with a perfectly functional body. I'm just so tired of being mistreated then made to feel like I'm crazy and I'm the abuser because I was neglected and had my physical and mental issues overlooked and blamed on me for years so much so I would punish myself. And you know what's sad? Even typing this...I feel like I'm a terrible person and I'm hating myself. I feel sick. I hate that I'm made to feel this way cause of how I've been treated since I was literally fucking 3 and 4 years old. Not to mention the system shit that I don't ever want to get into publicly due to the distress it causes me and the asshole alters in here.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
the destruction and running into the ground of the term “toxic masculinity” will always piss me off because the people who were the loudest about it being a ~bad term are the ones who understood it the least
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kakitysax · 2 years
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friendly reminder that if MY parents aren’t ableist, then yours don’t have to be.
acceptance of invisible disabilities isn’t some woke generational trend, it’s basic respect and unconditional love.
if your parents are jerks about your disability, it doesn’t mean that they’re right. It just means they’re jerks.
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ocpdzim · 2 years
Hey buddy, we understand that things can get confusing with so many differing opinions, but roleplay accounts are much more popular nowadays, and there are many people willing to help with any possible harassment you'd get.
Claiming endogenous origins can at first seem to help against hidden trauma, as coping with that knowledge can be very scary, but we promise that there are ways to help you with it so that you don't have to feel alone.
However trying to claim genuine endogenous origins can be very harmful as by definition, it's not possible. Systems have been trying to fight against stigmatized ideas ever since science uncovered them, and claiming that just anyone can "be" an endogenic system is incredibly offensive as, just like you, we've gone through genuine horrors that forced us to this point just to survive.
I’m going to do my best to respond to this politely, but fair warning, if I get another ask like this I am not likely to be this polite again.
First of all, it is extremely insulting for you to start this out with ~I know things can be confusing.~ I am not confused, and perhaps if you think everyone who disagrees with you must simply be confused, you aren’t cut out for this sort of discussion.
I didn’t go into this in detail in the post because frankly it was besides the point - my personal experience with these things is not the reason we should be treating others with respect and dignity - but when I was first engaging with the system community I had repressed trauma I was not aware of. Over the years, I have figured it out and come to terms with it and am generally doing fine now, but at the time, when I wasn’t aware of the trauma, it was still pretty obvious that I had a system and it was people like you who made me feel unwelcome in my own community, further worsened my already disastrously bad mental health, and further discouraged me from seeking any kind of help (although, in all fairness on that last point, my past experience with psychiatry was already plenty discouraging on its own). Although I never declared endogenous origin, behavior like yours caused me to feel unsafe and constantly on edge that some asshole might come into my inbox and interrogate me about whether I had enough trauma to justify my own existence. I highly doubt my experience there is unique. Now, here you are with your incredibly condescending ask that can only really be addressed by either ignoring it, telling you to fuck off, or providing personal background that not everyone is as comfortable with sharing as I am. It’s baffling to me that anyone familiar with the online climate surrounding this discussion couldn’t recognize this as a harmful and invasive pattern.
Endogenous systems, on the other hand, have never once made me feel unwelcome or hurt or invalidated. On the contrary, they’ve provided friendship, support, and spearheaded efforts to get accommodations and understanding for systems in groups I’ve been in. I’ve also seen how behavior like yours has hurt friends of mine who are endogenous systems, and to put it bluntly, if they’d been faking then there is no way they wouldn’t have abandoned the grift by now due to the sheer quantity of cruelty they’ve experienced about it and the complete lack of any personal gain. Is it any wonder that I’d rather throw my lot in with them than with the psychiatric system that caused me so much pain and trauma or with a group of bizarrely self-important people online who believe they are entitled to know and be arbiter of other people’s mental health, with no concern for the damage done?
Your experience is not universal and neither is mine. I’m sorry that you experienced trauma, I know firsthand how bad that sucks. However, other systems existing without having experienced trauma - or having experienced trauma but not considering that the source of their system’s existence - is not your business, does not meaningfully affect you, and does not stigmatize us. If anything, it helps destigmatize systems, although there’s still a long way to go on that.
Finally, I would not trust the psychiatric establishment as an authority on what is or isn’t possible. It’s worth noting that even if you DO want to place your complete faith in the bloodstained system that has in the past considered homosexuality a disease and autistic people subhuman, the system which to this day is so rife with abuse that there is a psychiatry survivors movement, it’s easy to google the subject and discover that when speaking about trauma causing systems to form, psychiatric sources tend to use language like “usually” and “almost always” instead of “exclusively,” but frankly I place people’s direct accounts of their own experience far above anything the psychiatric establishment has to say on the matter anyway.
If you can bring me a concrete, real example of how endogenous systems supposedly cause harm to the community - as in, not “It makes me feel invalidated to see systems that are different from me” or “I met an endogenous system who was an asshole once” or “They’re in the way of my respectability politics” or “I just don’t think they exist and somehow that’s my business” or “I’ve never actually seen it happen but here’s a harm I think is maybe possible in theory,” we may continue this discussion. However, I will not be holding my breath for that, because in 7 years I have never once seen any argument against endogenous systems aside from those. Begone from my inbox until and unless you have something actually insightful to say.
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ablednt · 2 years
I’m also obsessed with this idea that if one doesn’t believe in endogenic systems (and multigenic, and any other genic label, as well as people who reject these labels altogether, and also just any traumagenic system that doesn’t agree with you lmao) then they’ll simply stop existing and become singlet
Like the sysmed philosophy is so funny it’s literally just “if I pretend you don’t exist you’ll stop existing eventually” like worsties that’s not gonna work? Eventually you’re going to have to accept that systems you don’t understand exist.
Like it’s literally the same as when parents are like “if I pretend my child isn’t queer they’ll stop being queer” and then act shocked and surprised that this doesn’t work like what do y’all expect to happen exactly?
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sneefsnorf · 7 months
private schools love to discriminate against disabled students its their favourite activity. its enrichment for them
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verisrose · 1 year
"tumblrs a safe space!" only if ur gay. if trans or disabled go fuck urself ig love it when my favorite site turns against me
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
"physical" effects from "mental" disorders aren't just a side effect of the condition. they are an inherent part of the condition, and they have real rammifications for things like your heart or gut health, for your sleep and metabolic system, for everything in your body. your brain and nerves are all part of your body. the fatigue matters. the high blood pressure matters. the fainting matters. the lack of, or excessive, appetite matters.
all of it matters, all of it disables you, and all of it needs recognition and caring to. don't let weird gatekeeping online or ableism from society at large stop you from being kind to yourself. be disabled, be neurodivergent, be crippled, be a spoonie, and do it unashamedly. all chronic illnesses and neurological conditions matter. you got this and i'm with you.
sincerely, a disabled person whose "mental" conditions cripple them as much as their "physical" ones.
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