#sugar definition
danielshealth · 5 months
Maintaining Optimal Blood Sugar Levels with Sugar Defender
I used the Sugar Defender supplements for an extended period, and the results have been truly remarkable. This innovative product offers a natural and effective solution for regulating blood sugar levels, providing me with peace of mind and confidence in my daily health regimen.
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Balanced Blood Sugar Levels: A Foundation for Well-Being
One of the most significant benefits of using Sugar Defender supplements is the maintenance of balanced blood sugar levels. The powerful blend of ingredients works synergistically to support healthy glucose metabolism, helping to prevent spikes and crashes throughout the day. This stability is essential for promoting overall well-being and reducing the risk of complications associated with blood sugar imbalances.
Improved Energy and Vitality: Sustained Stamina for Daily Activities
Since incorporating Sugar Defender supplements into my routine, I've noticed a significant increase in my energy and vitality levels. By stabilizing blood sugar levels, this product provides a steady source of energy that fuels me throughout the day. Whether I'm tackling work projects or engaging in leisure activities, I feel more alert, focused, and ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.
Enhanced Weight Management: Supporting Healthy Body Composition
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for overall wellness, and Sugar Defender supplements have been instrumental in supporting my weight management goals. By promoting balanced blood sugar levels, this product helps prevent excess glucose from being stored as fat, making it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy body composition. I've noticed a gradual but steady reduction in body fat percentage since incorporating Sugar Defender into my lifestyle.
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Reduced Cravings and Hunger Pangs: Curbing Unhealthy Snacking
One of the challenges of managing blood sugar levels is dealing with cravings and hunger pangs throughout the day. Sugar Defender supplements help alleviate these cravings by stabilizing glucose levels, reducing the urge to indulge in unhealthy snacks and sugary treats. Instead, I find myself making smarter food choices and feeling satisfied for longer periods, which has been instrumental in supporting my overall health and wellness.
Support for Cardiovascular Health: Protecting the Heart and Blood Vessels
Maintaining optimal blood sugar levels is not only essential for diabetes management but also for cardiovascular health. High blood sugar levels can contribute to damage to the heart and blood vessels over time, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. By supporting healthy glucose metabolism, Sugar Defender supplements help protect the cardiovascular system, ensuring that my heart remains strong and resilient for years to come.
Conclusion: Sugar Defender Supplements - A Vital Addition to Your Health Arsenal
In conclusion, I highly recommend Sugar Defender supplements to anyone looking to maintain optimal blood sugar levels and support their overall health and well-being. Its unique blend of ingredients offers a natural and effective solution for managing glucose metabolism, providing numerous benefits ranging from sustained energy to improved weight management and cardiovascular health. Whether you're managing diabetes or simply seeking to prevent blood sugar imbalances, Sugar Defender is a valuable ally in your journey towards better health.
buy now click here
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pencilofawesomeness · 5 months
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from chapter 10 of Famous Last Words in May Death Never Stop You by the amazing @slexenskee
I've wanted to draw this scene ever since I read it lmao. Fun fact I was eating lunch at the time and I was laughing so hard I had to leave the room since someone was watching tv. Good times, good times.
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royalarchivist · 11 months
Forever: Phil, it's so unpleasant to have you here-
Baghera: Oh, stop it guys. I know you love each other, I know.
Phil: Jones, I'm so sorry for his- I'm so sorry for his behavior. Um, he's-
Baghera: No, you love each other! I can see it.
Phil: No, I definitely don't love him.
Forever: Yeah you know, he- he- that's the worst kind of people, the ones that talk smooth, you see? People that talk pretty-
Baghera: Aw, you're cute. Both of you.
Phil: Jones. Do you want to know something terrible that's gonna- that's gonna make you not say he's cute anymore? Are you ready for this?
Baghera: Yeah, I'm ready?
Phil: He has an ex that looks like me.
Baghera: [GASPS]
Forever: Look look look what you are going to say, Philza!
Phil: And he's trying-
Forever: Take care with your word! Take care of your word! I'm tougher than you now, I can kill you Philza!
Phil: He was trying to make me sound like his ex.
Baghera: No, Forever Player! No, you can't do that, it's the worst! D:
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fallenrain40 · 7 months
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veinsfullofstars · 6 months
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“Quit laughin’, ya bastard, I’m dyin’ over here! Get me some starsdamn milk, for cryin’ out loud!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic of Dark Meta Knight and Daroach, in which lunch is interrupted by a disagreement on spicy food and some improper use of the Sharing mechanic. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Based on a personal headcanon that DMK enjoys spicy food and Daroach vehemently does not.
UPDATE: I foRGOT HIS EYE SCAR?? HeLLO??? (fixed it now but starsdamn it this is why I shouldn't post stuff the second I finish heck dang it all veins get some sleep would you)
Started 04/06/24, finished 04/09/24.
Panel 1
*DMK and DR sitting side-by-side enjoying some lunch together - a sandwich for the thief, a plate of spicy curry for the knight. DMK (his mask pushed up to the side of his head, bits of curry stuck to his face) idly eats his meal with a fork as DR picks up and scrutinizes a small bottle of hot sauce the knight had set aside, a brow raised in disappointment.*
DR: “Ultra spicy,” huh? Blech. How can you stand this stuff, Dark? Like, can you even taste anythin’ anymore? (Besides pain?)
Panel 2
DMK: Aw, c’mon, it’s not that bad. Here, want a bite~?
*setting his fork upright in the curry, DMK pushes his plate aside and turns towards DR with the most mischievous expression, reaching up to grab the collar of his cape. DR turns his head sharply, dropping the bottle and the sandwich, as the knight starts tugging him towards him.*
DR: What’re you-? Hey! No! No! Don’t you friggin’ dare, Dark, I swear to Nova-
Panel 3
*DMK stands up and yanks DR down towards his face, a hand clasped on the back of the thief’s head to hold him there. DR flinches (VFX: two large exclamation points), knocked off his feet and holding his paws out in surprise. A wisp of steam rises from between them, curling into a little pink heart at the top. Text reading “*Face-to-Face SFX*” hovers behind DMK.*
Panel 4
*DR jerks away from DMK, red-faced and doubled over in pain, his eyes squeezed shut and his tongue hanging out with a fresh red burn on the end, steam emitting from his face in puffs. He frantically fans at his mouth with one paw while shoving DMK away with the other.*
DR: (breaking the dialogue bubble in places) AAGH!! Ow! Star-burnin’ son-of-the-void what is wrong with you piece a’- aaaughh dammit stars dammit ow ow ow ow!!
*DMK cackles, leaning away with one arm held up against the rat’s pushing paw, one eye shut and mouth stretched open in a wide smile, a single incisor prominent within and a touch of blush at the corner. Text reading “HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” hovers behind him surrounded by laugh lines.*
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sunderwight · 10 months
had a thought of what if Airplane had leaned a little more into the self-insert idea for Luo Binghe when he was still at the early stages of writing, with an end result that Luo Binghe actually Looks Like That because he basically looks like Airplane but with long flowing hair and a more idealized figure
SQQ going "why the fuck did you make his face so pretty???" and Airplane bullshitting about plausibility while trying really hard not to blush. twisting his fingers and scuffing his toe like jeez bro he's not that good-looking...
which of course sets SQQ off because how DARE!?! not 'that' good-looking?!?! just look at him! he's xianxia Helen of Troy with a face that launched a thousand harems! like okay sure with looks like that it does make sense that half the female population was willing to timeshare a marriage with him, but it's also totally unfair to SQQ, who has no recourse against those looks either! and who could? that is the most beautiful face ever!
Airplane's getting flustered. tries valiantly to make the case that objectively speaking Luo Binghe isn't that good-looking, it's just that SQQ is biased, but boy does that not go over well. SQQ has hitched the tattered remnants of his self-perception as a straight man onto the idea that Luo Binghe is just so devastatingly attractive anyone would want to hop into bed with him, and he is not letting go of it, so Airplane is just gonna get wrecked with inadvertent compliments
bonus if the Shang Qinghua look is actually the result of several illusions because when Airplane first transmigrated in, he got the same face too, and foresaw potential problems if the half-demon protagonist turned up looking like him. so he used illusions. he doesn't actually look all that different, in fact! the illusions just make it so that when people see him, they get a strong impression that he's unremarkable, so they don't really register what his face actually looks like and their brains fill in the assumption that he must just be kinda plain
oooh ooh double bonus if the system inserted a behind-the-scenes explanation for it too, which is that Shang Qinghua is actually unwittingly related to Su Xiyan!
and the whole thing comes to light post-epilogue when Shang Qinghua's illusions get stripped away by some monster-of-the-week, while everyone except Mobei Jun has a freak out about why do you look just like Luo Binghe?! (Mobei Jun isn't freaking out because he already figured out how to see past the illusions and just assumed everyone else wasn't mentioning it for some human cultural reason or something) and then Yue Qingyuan calmly explains that Luo Binghe's mom is Shang Qinghua's matrilineal cousin. Shang Qinghua's mother and Luo Binghe's human grandmother were half-sisters.
what? how does Yue Qingyuan know? you think that Cang Qiong doesn't check up on the candidates for the peak lord positions before handing off power, doesn't make sure there are no conflicts of interest or divided loyalties to other sects? what sorts of things do people imagine Qiong Ding's diplomats do? (I don't know either but, for the purpose of this scenario at least some of it is tracking down this stuff -- YQY handled most of it personally for his generation's ascension because he didn't want anyone else digging into his and Xiao Jiu's pasts) anyways, the connection could have been troublesome for its ties to Huan Hua Palace, but by the time it came to light Su Xiyan was deceased and there was no evidence that Shang Qinghua had ever even met her. so it wasn't deemed significant enough to matter, was just made note of and then mostly forgotten
so Shang Qinghua is like "oh THAT is why you kept bringing her up to me back then?!" because at the time he'd just been fully in "haha how would I know anything about the impending plot and the tragedies I am both partly responsible for and powerless to prevent haha that's so funny shixiong I KNOW NOTHING" mode, which luckily at the time was easily read as him just not wanting a dead cousin he never met to tank his chances of securing a promotion
SQQ is floored. he is having issues about this. Shang Qinghua is related to Binghe? Shang Qinghua looks exactly like him?! wait. Binghe has human family? still alive? like grandparents and stuff out there, who might want to meet him...?
Luo Binghe decides to step in at that point because he does not want to meet any more relatives! no more surprise relatives! no!
luckily this distracts Shen Qingqiu from thinking about all of the things he's said to Airplane about Binghe's looks for long enough for Shang Qinghua to flee the scene
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sinful-lanterns · 12 days
Sugar mommies finding out their prized sugar baby is in for 12 counts of murder. Idk it just sounds funny to me
I mean, the Sugar Mommy Club is held at the MBCC. It won’t be surprising to find out that their dearest sugar baby is a criminal just like them 😭
However, if it was murder of all things that got SB! Reader detained, I think that would be pretty funny. Especially if SB! Reader appears as a cute, dumb bimbo whose head hurts at complicated things and needs her sugar mommies to tell her what to do 🥺
Big words confuse you but apparently you are smart enough to do 12 counts of murder all on your own.
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marsupials-of-mars · 4 days
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Beach episode! Beach episode! Billkini! Beach episode!
From one big tiddy haver to another, a triangle bikini is NOT holding you in hun. Don't get that thing wet.
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fantasydreaamer · 2 months
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Rare LN Bonus:
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♡ Sugar Apple Fairy Tale ♡ Challe Fen Challe (obsessed with Anne) + Text Posts 2
Part 1
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venturelovebot · 11 days
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Premise: Fairy reader and beekeeper Venture headcanons for @f3r4lfr0gg3r since you enjoy my AU as much as I do! I hope you like them!
Warnings: None! Just tooth rotting fluff!
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(YouTube link for the song instead!)
🌱 They still remember the day they took you in like it all happened yesterday.
🌿 It was a warm and sunny day, fluffy cotton clouds dappling the azure sky.
🍀 They had just finished the days work tending to their bees when they start the process of filtering and storing their collected honey.
🐝 They had so much of it at this point that they really weren't sure what to do with it.
👒 Selling it at the farmers market was certainly a choice, but they didn't know how well it do or if their product was even worth selling.
🍯 They didn't even have a label. Or a farm name. Or anything, really.
🧺 All they had was a shed full of honey and beeswax that no one really wanted. Except themself, of course.
🍄‍🟫 Well... and, as it would seem... one other person.
🌾 They still remember finding their shed door slightly ajar, wondering if they had just forgotten to lock it or the wind somehow opened it on its own.
☀️ That's when they saw you.
🌷 At first, they were horrified. What kind of person breaks into another persons shed to drink that much honey? We're talking about several shelves full lining the walls from top to bottom.
🪻Are you going to be okay? Should they call an ambulance? Should they yell at you and tell you to get out of here?
🌻 You looked back at them with the most gentle eyes they've ever seen. That's when they notice the wings protruding from your back.
🍊 Come to think of it, you're not dressed like a normal human being either. It was like something out of a fantasy movie or maybe a subculture magazine.
🍓 "Oh? My? God?" Are the first words that leave their lips.
🌱 Your wings flap. They start to panic. Surely this has to be some sort of practical joke, right? Are they being filmed?
🌿 Nope. Just an extremely guilty fairy trapped inside a shed filled with sweet, goopy goodness and not a single person in sight to supervise them.
🍀 So they did what any rational human being would do– take you home.
🐝 It's near impossible to communicate at first. You don't seem to speak any known human languages, opting to speak... or more like, produce...? Naturalistic sounds, glimmers, soft chimes and gentle ringing noises instead.
👒 It seems like you understood them for the most part. You just... couldn't speak to them very well.
🍯 So they take it slow and easy over the next few days. They feed you nothing but milk and honey until they can find something better for you.
🧺 They can still remember asking you that question. "Can you tell me what your name is?"
🍄‍🟫 "⋆ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹❀⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹"
🌾 "Uhhh... can you repeat that?"
☀️ "‎⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。"
🌷 "Okay. Well, maybe some more honey could work." They think aloud to themself, putting a hand under their chin as they ponder about what to do.
🪻Then they hear it.
🌻 "Honey...?"
🍊 They nearly fall backwards. Did you sincerely just say your first word? Is this how parents feel? Except you're not a child– you're far more intelligent than that.
🍓 "Honey...!" You say again.
🌱 "Yes! Honey! You like that a lot!"
🌿 You smile from seeing them smile. Then you point at them. "Honey...!"
🍀 They're confused. "What? No. I'm not honey."
🐝 "Honey!"
👒 "No– no, no! My name is Sloan. Sloan Cameron."
🍯 "Sloan... honey...!"
🧺 They put two and two together. You were telling them that you liked them. A lot.
🍄‍🟫 Never in their entire life had they felt so special than in that moment.
🌾 A couple days later they take you to see the bees. Instantly they begin to swarm around you, settling in your hair, atop your head and fingertips.
☀️ They were so calm and gentle around you. It made harvesting a breeze.
🌷 A couple days later they also got to meet Lifeweaver– king of the fae– when he was worried about your whereabouts because it's not like fae to go missing.
🪻 The two of you converse in your strange little fairy language. You tell him you're happy, you love your new home and you're well taken care of.
🌻 You even make Sloan breakfast now– although Lifeweaver had to tell you that adding every type of candy you had available on top of pancakes drizzled with a full jar of honey isn't exactly good for humans.
🍊 Unlike fae, humans can build up sugar intolerances and too much can make them sick. So he teaches you simpler dressings and toppings that are equally as yummy as they are sweet.
🍓 And good god, they feel so spoiled.
🌱 A lot of your dates consists of picnics, walking through the city botanical gardens for hours on end, singing to them in your home language and watching TV together.
🌿 Of course, that's not to say you two didn't do other things. It's just the simplest things that you could both do right now.
🍀 Eventually they will teach you how to cook. They'll introduce you to more and more food over time. They want to be extra gentle in expanding your palette and make sure you don't experience the human world so fast that you get overwhelmed.
🐝 They learned that bread and butter was the next biggest hit to milk and honey. They learned that any type of meat made you sick, and to avoid it all costs. They also learned that a lot of vegetarian and vegan options tasted a lot better than they looked.
👒 They introduce you to pizza– you can't get enough of it. Garlic bread was next. Instant favorite. Giant pretzels and cheese. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Ice cream. Various types of fruit smoothies and similar concoctions.
🍯 You loved every single one of them it seems. Unless– it was served by somebody else.
🧺 They learned that you refused to touch food unless they give it to you directly. That's how your fifth date ended in near disaster– but it's okay, garlic bread with extra butter swooped in and saved the day.
🍄‍🟫 "You know, [Y/N]. I'm glad you're still with me." They reach over for your hand and take it in theirs– you were told that hand holding was something only people very close to each other did, so you were honored.
🌾 In this case, [Y/N] was the name they chose for you because they can't pronounce your fairy name.
☀️ They look over at you. Their face is bright red– you were worried. You were taught that redness meant illness. Are they sick?
🌷 "No! I'm not sick. Don't worry about that." They reassure you. "I just–" They choke on what they want to say next. It won't leave their throat.
🪻 But they look at you. They have to tell you, or it's going to eat them alive inside.
🌻 "[Y/N]... I like you a lot. You know that?" Their face is radiating a thousand degrees of heat.
🍊 Your wings flap happily behind you. "I like you, too!" You smile.
🍓 "No! That's not what I meant. I mean– I like you more than you like honey. Or bread. Or pizza." They pause for a moment. "I love you."
🌱 The words tumble around inside your brain for a minute. Then, you understand completely.
🌿 "I love Sloan, too!" You smile.
🍀 Tears start falling. They cover their mouth with their free hand, finally deciding to go in for a hug all together.
🐝 "What is this called?" You ask.
👒 "It's a hug– you give it to the people you love and care for." They explain, holding you close by the waist to avoid bothering your wings.
🍯 "Me, too!" You excitedly wrap your arms around them to hug them back. They felt like they could hold you forever.
🧺 "Longer hugs are called cuddles. Would you like to do that?" They ask you.
🍄‍🟫 You furiously nod. Of course! Long hugs sounded so great!
🌾 The two of you cuddle to sleep every night, and in the morning you're still holding tightly on to them and refuse to let go.
☀️ Except, of course, when Sloan begged you to let them get up and use the bathroom. You knew what that meant. It's the only time they left your sight– but every single time you'd see their smiling face again and it cheered you right up.
🌷 Meanwhile, Lifeweaver approves of the whole thing. He has weekly visits where he comes and explains things a bit more thoroughly than Sloan can. You're learning and adapting so well, and they really couldn't be more proud of you.
🪻 "Niran told me that I should try something called a 'kiss'!" You mention. Before they even had time to react, you lean in and place a soft kiss to their lips and pull away just in time for them to turn the brightest shade of carmine.
🌻 "AAAAAAAAAAAAA—" They're frozen.
🍊 "Oh, dear... perhaps a little too soon for that, then?" He chuckles.
🍓 "Hm. Maybe garlic bread will help?" You point out.
🌱 It's all useless. You've broken them– you'll just have to wait this one out this time.
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hisbucky · 1 year
Buck: Christopher loves the both of us equally. Eddie, sulking: Right. That's why he wanted you to do the school bake sale without me. Buck: No, that's just out of necessity. Chris: Buck's right, dad. You may have learned how to cook now, but your muffins are still awful.
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glossysoap · 9 months
just you wait until i introduce the poly 141 fic that’s been rotting a hole in my rat brain. just you wait.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about @phoenixcatch7 's lovely Au. And I can't help but to think about like, the Justice League meeting Robin for the first time. Giant puppet boi and his tiniest lil baby boi ever who was hidden... somewhere, they aren't sure where the kid came from.
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rainee-chu · 7 months
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angelofdykeness · 1 year
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bad news everyone i have a new favorite anime
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 8 months
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Anyway, I got addicted to my own palette again, oops. Exclusively IchiHime addition this time.
Quality’s a little iffy on the first one because I drew it so tiny, eheh ^^
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