#sunny’s rambles
perfectlysunny02 · 1 month
i love the right now bucktommy posts. i have read every single one and i want you all to know who have written them that i would die for you.
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finally…..i have them all……….
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charlieism · 9 months
my masterpiece
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 5 months
Bruce Wayne, mentor to many- father to none.
I want the angst of B having to come to terms that he doesn't know ANY of his kids not anymore at least and maybe never and the fact his kids are just- used to it?
Visiting Dicks apartment, he finds a picture of him smiling while surrounded by a bunch of little kids in spandax uniforms. Turns out he'd been a gymnastics instructor for about four years now and his most recent team had everyone qualify for state. (Bruce didn't even know he still practiced)
Jason stopped accepting Wednesday night patrols, but when he looked into it he found out that was the night he went to DND nights with his roommates every week. The roommates he met last semester after he decided to go to college and get an english major. (Bruce didn't even know he had applied)
Checking the library he found a small pedastal plague put up by Alfred displaying just one book. It said Cass was the author. Apparently she had gotten super into writing and published a book talking about language deprivation and lack of accomidation for deaf/hoh children born to hearing families. She had a book signing last month, Alfred had gone and grabbed this copy now on display (Bruce didn't even know she liked to write)
Tim finished a case early and let it slip he needed to sign off early to "meet up with his boyfriends" and hung up before Bruce could process. It only took a small glance at his middle child's latest social media post to see him alongside Superboy (what was his name?) and a blonde boy he didn't recognize. Both were leaned in to kiss his cheek and the caption said "Happy 3rd anniversary!!" (Bruce didn't even know he was interested in boys)
Steph's birthday came around and Bruce got her a new account and shoved a couple thousand for her to buy whatever she wanted. But he quickly noticed a pattern of everyone getting her- cat supplies? Apparently She had adopted a cat about a month ago to celebrate her new apartment, Mister Mystery was his name, and she had asked everyone for supplies instead of other gifts. (Bruce didn't even know she had moved)
He decided on some impromptu father-son bonding and tries to track down his youngest. But Damian is nowhere to be found. He gets pretty close to calling an emergency meeting but the moment he messages Oracle she reminds him Damian is in Chicago. Damian had won an art competition at school and his piece qualified for a gallery spot. The entire family had gone days ago and he was due back the next day. (Bruce didn't even know he cared about art)
Then Duke- his youngest in terms of time spent. But one he had grown fond of just as fast as the others. Especially working the day shift the time they spent was limited. Bruce got them both lunch, but it wasn't until halfway through eating that Duke had turned to him with panicked eyes and asked if the stew had shellfish. Duke had a severe allergy, thankfully Jason had been just up the street and had an epi-pen ready before they took him to Leslies. (Bruce didnt even know he had any allergies, let alone one so severe)
The worst part? There was no blow up. His kids didn't take his idiocracy as a personal insult or even raise a fight. They just rolled their eyes and moved on. As everyone crowded in the room, surrounding Dukes bedside he could hear Barbras voice. "Its not your fault, Batman may be omnipotent, but Bruce doesn't know anything really"
He wasnt meant to overhear or maybe he was, Oracle had always been petty But he couldn't refute it.
"But you have us"
Well- thats just it wasnt it? Even when Bruce was absent- his kids had each other. But was that ever meant to be enough?
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solar-sunnyside-up · 2 months
You can try and tell me people are inherently bad but I will never believe it, not for a second. Not when the only reason any of us are here is because we've shared resources, information, stories and small joys, and terrible heartbreaks, and hope.
Because all of this- from the first loaf of bread to the phones and internet we are collectively reading this on is only standing because we stood together.
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gardenofhope · 1 year
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haruharuz · 10 months
2024 habit ideas
habits: -> yoga twice a week -> planning daily / weekly / biweekly / monthly -> flossing -> weekly / biweekly / monthly teeth whitening -> weekly hair oiling -> drink water first thing in the morning -> spend less than 15 minutes in bed when you wake up -> make bed ->oil pulling -> smoothies daily/weekly/biweekly/monthly -> green tea every morning -> ginseng weekly ->nightly gratitude ->morning workout ->morning affirmations ->fruit/veggie in every breakfast ->stop biting lips ->stop picking skin ->weekly scalp massage ->do anything under 2 mins immediately ->nightly mindset reframing ->reading 5 pages daily ->15 minutes with no screens ->daily walk ->star/moon/planet tracking ->ginger/tumeric shots ->care for a plant daily ->pick up & throw away 1 piece of trash daily ->one poem a day ->write 100 words ->sensory care every night ->play instrument daily/weekly/etc ->dance daily/weekly/biweekly ->paint something ->sketch something ->lay out the week or next day's clothes ->get rid of one random gross habit you have
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biocrafthero · 10 months
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Don't go to Othermart at 3AM I saw this animal in there scared the shit out of me
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pick1e-party · 3 months
something about how Charlie would rather feel something familiar than something different even if the familiar is terrible it’s almost comfortable, going to bed every night with a bad feeling in his stomach as a kid and laying really still but when he doesn’t have a reason to be scared anymore he eats cat food and drinks beer and huffs glue so he’ll feel sick because feeling rotten is what feels familiar and going to bed without a stomach ache feels too different and even if the alternative is feeling sick and nauseous at least it’s the feeling he’s used to
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chronicowboy · 4 months
no but my work here is done is still fucking destroying me because like. bobby doesn't know. bobby doesn't know that buck enjoys their cooking lessons because he gets to be with bobby. bobby doesn't know that buck probably agreed to it at first to get closer to him. bobby doesn't know that whilst yes buck loves cooking it was always more about the quality time. bobby doesn't know that buck could be the best chef in the world and he'd still pretend not to know the correct way to slice a pineapple just so he could get an extra few moments with bobby. bobby doesn't know.
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perfectlysunny02 · 4 months
I know a majority of us agree that we don’t like having bucktommy having a breakup for buddie, but, listen hear me out, what about a breakup where bucktommy can’t leave each other alone? if i wrote that, would that be okay?🫣
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The way Omori is drawn in the Black Space segments of the walkthrough guide is vital to the ecosystem
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charlieism · 8 months
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some-pers0n · 7 months
I think a lot of people mistake Sunny's resilience and hope in the face of a miserable and bleak scenario as childlike innocence and her not fully comprehending the danger of it all. Her optimism is a response to the pessimistic and nihilistic world around her. She truly believes in the prophecy. It has to work. That's what they've suffered all this time for. Everyone. There will be peace on Pyrrhia and it'll be delivered by her and her friends.
Her own arc in her book, about rising above the expectations placed on her and proving herself as dragon of worth, was foreshadowed a lot with how the DoD treated her. They themselves infantalized her despite being unaware of it. They believed Sunny to be weak and helpless. The little, tiny sister who needs to be protected.
Despite this, she's strong. She's smart, observant, and even Clay mentioned that she's a great fighter because she takes advantage of her small stature and people underestimating her. She isn't childish, but rather she believes that they'll pull through. That they'll bring peace. In the end? They do just that.
Sunny's optimism I feel is a nice breath of fresh air. A lot of protagonists like her go through hell and back and become a lot more jaded. Her? It's her hope for a better future that keeps her going. Even in the darkest of situations, when she should breakdown and succumb to the overwhelming misery of war and tragedy, she. keeps. going. She believes. Despite the cynicism of the DoD, even with Clay at times feeling despondent, she continues. She moves onward. She fights.
And...she wins. Peace is achieved on Pyrrhia. The prophecy came true.
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sunnythanalan · 2 months
One of the best
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I have been thinking about Erenville a lot and how the narrative allows us to really get to know him through the quiet moments. Through action rather than spoken words.
His mother calls him a fussy little bunbun, which is funny to begin with as we know him so far to be a taciturn and practical man. But while we travel with him we discover that he has suffered abandonment all throughout his life; first by his mother leaving him in care of others as she traveled herself, then by sending him away on his own travels, then further upon his return when there is a literal screen between them. The symbolism here is unmistakable. 
Then, as we progress, it becomes quite clear that Erenville suspects that there’s something wrong with his mother. Instantly he’s on the defensive, citing that her whimsy and overwhelming personality always overshadow his own wishes, and that he struggles to understand her, also to trust her. His quiet stoicism isn’t that funny anymore. 
In an ironic twist we discover that she has left him one last time, to the land of Living Memory. Even if it was never her intention to leave him in such a way, it must be hard to overcome that sense of continuous abandonment - and this time he has to say goodbye forever. That he draws away from everyone else to grieve and come to terms with this in solitude speaks volumes. It really indicates that he dealt with difficult emotions alone a lot while growing up, and in such a way he never learned how to rely on others. In the end, when finally pressed to the breaking point, Erenville lashes out in anger as the tools he made for himself fails him in processing all of his grief and fear alone. He has to find the courage to trust his mother with his emotions and that just as she's leaving him one last time.
Wuk Lamat is always right there in your face going through her emotions and leaning upon others for support, on the other side is Erenville, who draws back with his pain. We learn to know him just as deeply as Wuk Lamat, but through everything that isn’t said, rather than what is said. In fear of sounding effusive, even their appearance symbolises this: they're golden dawn and darkening dusk. Two sides of the same coin.
Honestly, personally to me, Erenville is one of the best written characters in this story so far. I love him deeply. I cried so hard for him.
PS. His love for his mother becomes so clear in the love he pours into the fauna that she mentored him in. While working as a gleaner, he's probably as close to her as he can be when she's physically not there. In the moments we see him care for animals his entire countenance changes, he becomes soft and caring, even exuberant and joyful.
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aimer-arts · 5 months
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