#sunshine aww
anviblog · 4 months
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justcatposts · 4 months
Warm sun plus stairs =
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jeanmoreaue · 3 months
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Jean and Elodie Moreau circa France sometime before both of their tragic fates rip
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months
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Michelle Yeoh and Cillian Murphy when they were in the movie Sunshine (2007), and reunited at the Academy Awards (10 March 2024)
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Gordon meeting the first Robin:
Batman: Commissioner Gordon, I'm here.
Gordon: Finally-
Gordon notices the young black haired boy next to Batman dressed in a bright and colorful hero suit.
Gordon, pointing at the kid: Who's that?
Batman: The child next to me?
Gordon: No the bat signal. Yes, I mean the kid!
Batman looks down at his Robin who is looking at a railing curiously. Batman turns him around to face Gordon.
Robin, waving: Hi!
Gordon: Hey, little kid. Oh you're so cute. I'm just going to talk to your guardian for a second.
Gordon looks directly into Batman's eyes with a judgmental stare.
Batman, unaware: What? Is it the costume I gave him because that was his idea.
Gordon: Oddly enough that's not my issue, he looks adorable in it.
Robin, smiles and sways on his feet.
Robin: Awww thank you!
Gordon, frowns: Batman, I can forgive you for many things. The numerous parking tickets that you haven't paid for your batmobile, the fact that I had to install a giant bat signal on the building and you still have not paid me the rest of the money for that yet, and even the time that you hit a fire hydrant and left a note saying sorry, but why is there a precious child next to you?
Batman: Well... I have a side kick now.
Gordon: You have a seven year old!
Robin (Dick Grayson), offended: Hey, I am 8!
Robin holds up both hands with four fingers on each of them.
Batman: He's 8 and an orphan. Not as weird.
Gordon takes a deep breath, trying to accept that this is really happening..
Gordon: I should not have to explain to you how that is not better! That's infinitely weirder, not going to lie.
Batman, hiding his embarrassment on his bad wording: I know how this looks, but he is legally adopted, by me. That is all you need to know.
Gordon, taking a deep breath: I have so many follow up questions and as a cop, I need you to answer a few of them. I won't be mad if they don't lead me to arresting you because I do kind of like you.
Batman: Oh... Thanks. Do I have to tell you though?
Gordon, sternly: Yes.
Batman, relenting: I didn't kidnap him. I legally adopted him after his parents died, through no fault of my own- I realize how weird that sounds, but it's true. I took the kid in and he's my... son- ch- sidekick! Yes. It's not weird! It's not. He just needed a home. He's a good fighter too. Right, Robin?
Robin, confidentally: I can do flips and tricks!
Batman: Yes, he can do flips and tricks. I like him so far, he's... He's neat.
Batman pats Robin on the head. Robin smiles.
Gordon: Aww... Dang it that is cute. Just don't get him hurt, okay?
Batman, sheepishly: Mm hm... Definitely did not have to deal with him getting eaten by a rose venus fly trap. Twice. Yeah we dealt with Poison Ivy earlier.
Gordon remove the glasses and rubs his eyes and frustration.
Gordon: Right... He's walking across the edge of the building, by the way.
Batman: Yup, he has a lot of energy.
Robin: This is awesome!
Batman spots the child flipping on the ledge effortlessly. The new father groans.
Batman, monotone: I'll go get him.
Batman goes to pick up Robin, but the young energetic child hops off the ledge and sprints away, giggling. Gordon watches confused while the usually stoic Batman chased after a precocious child sidekick.
Gordon: My kid is hyper like that... I hope she got her milk tonight.
Gordon wipes an imaginary tear from his eye.
Batman, trying to grab his son: Robin, stop running!
Robin: No!
Batman: Dang it, child! Stop!
Robin: No! I want to play!
Batman: The night of patrolling isn't over yet.
Robin: I'm hungry!
Batman: I got you McDonald's earlier!
Robin: I want more McDonald's!
Gordon, chuckling: You get used to it. Tell him you'll punish him if he doesn't listen.
Batman stops running realizing that it could work.
Batman, sternly: Robin, if you don't stop running I will make sure you have no cookies for dessert at dinner tomorrow!
Robin stops running, huffs and walks back to Batman. The little hero crosses his arms pouting.
Batman: Thank you, kiddo.
Batman pats the boy on the head again. Robin giggles and hugs the man's waist, surprising the adult hero.
Gordon, smiling: Okay... I'm not too worried about this anymore.
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
I love your art, you're a huge inspiration! If you're still doing fit requests can this be on Mikey?
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Watch out Leo there's a new pretty boy in town 🧡
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hoarder-of-dragons · 6 months
Started watching Hazbin Hotel AND HELP IT'S SO GOOD
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luffypeach · 1 month
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definitelyaduck · 22 days
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
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There is heat. Actual heat on my skin.
While Jen and I amble along the edge of St. Stephen’s Green I'm dimly aware that she’s saying something, and really, I should be listening because it is her birthday and she deserves my undivided attention, but the sun has just appeared from behind a building and for the first time in months I am experiencing its warmth on the side of my face. Months of dark, wet gloom have almost made me forget what this feels like. It’s a familiar rush, actually… MDMA. Yes. That’s what it's like.
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“Are you listening to me?” She says accusingly, and she snaps sharply into focus. 
“Yes, of course.”
“Well then what did I just say?”
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“Um,” I peer around for clues. It is the fourteenth of March. The shops and restaurants surrounding the park have begun to put cheery little shamrocks in their windows, and the Shelbourne Hotel has hung tricolour flags up above the grand doorway. We squeeze in close to the iron railings to allow a slow moving crowd of Canadian tourists with fluffy green Viking hats, and Guinness t-shirts under their coats pass by. “Uh, you were saying that you hate St. Patrick’s day.”
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She scoffs, “Um, well, I do hate St. Patrick’s day, it’s gimmicky, but that’s not at all what I was saying,” she makes a swing for my arm and I manage to dodge her, “I can’t believe you weren’t listening to me on my birthday.”
“I’m listening now, sorry, sorry…” The sunshine glints between a gap in the bud laden branches overhead and I squint against it. God, that really is nice…
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 “...driving me kind of crazy, like, honestly, if we could even talk about something else for a minute…”
Oh, shit. I focus really intently on what she’s saying. “Michelle,” I announce triumphantly, “This is about Michelle.”
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She rolls her eyes, “Yes. Of course. If someone could enact a ban on her going on and on about Evan all of the time, it’s like, Evan this, Evan that, ‘Evan is so sweet, he’s just not like those other boys’…”
I snicker, “Oh, they’re just in love. Don’t be such a misery guts.”
“Yeah, nobody goes on about it as much as them. I get it. It’s been like, six months now can they not just cool it?” She heaves out a sigh, “And I’m just saying, I’m not a selfish person, right?”
“Nuh uh, never.”
“But if we meet them in a minute and all they do is gaze lovingly into each other's eyes I’m going to be mad, okay? I’m going to be fully upset about it. It’s my birthday. They can bloody think of things to say to me.”
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I sling my arm around her as we amble through the gates of the park. The spring flowers are in full bloom now, and the smiling faces of the daffodils beam up at us from the borders along the path. “Of course they’ll make a fuss about you, Jenny, they’re not monsters. Yeah, they’re full on with the PDA and talking about their big feelings but they love you and they’ll want your birthday to be special.”
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“Well, good,” she says primly, “This is my one day.”
“They’ll have me to answer to if they don’t behave.”
“Ooh, big scary Jude,” she giggles, “Will you shove them in a locker or flush their heads down the toilet?”
“I never did that to anyone!” I elbow her gently in the ribs, “who do you think I am?”
“Like I don’t remember the breast-pocket-ripping rampage you went on in first year!”
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We’re both tittering as we round the gentle curve of the path and are assaulted by the sight of Michelle and Evan in the grass by the Pavillion, lying horizontal and open mouthed kissing each other. I gasp and shield Jen’s eyes with my hand. 
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“Ugh! No! Too late, I’ve seen them,” She cries, and I spin her around to me and get into her eye line instead so that she has something appealing to look at instead. “Do you think it’s too early in the year for ice cream?”
“No,” she says. “Are you gonna buy me some?”
“Yeah, as many scoops as you want. Maybe when we come back those two will have finished their little performance.”
“Ugh, yes please. How do you always know what I want before I do?”
I shrug, “talent.”
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“Jude Turner,” She shakes her head as we walk towards the exit together, “you're such a friend to women.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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shadowisabean · 16 days
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Enjoying the weekend! 😊☀️
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threadsun · 1 year
Is Joseph jewish in the werewolf au? What happens if rosh hashana or something is on a full moon?
Joseph is Jewish in all of my AUs!!
As for holidays, well the Jewish calendar is lunar, so our months (and year) always start on the new moon. So anything that falls on a full moon will always fall on a full moon, meaning he won't be able to participate in it. But anything else, he'll always be able to celebrate!
However, he'll do his best to celebrate full moon holidays as much as possible around the right times. And if you can get his wolf form into a little kippah he won't try to take it off :3c
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laitoslittlemacaron · 2 years
Everytime i listen to one of Hirakawa's free talks my stress just vanishes and gets replaced with serotonin instead ✨
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meganlynnhostetler · 1 year
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📸 Instagram: @meganlynnhostetler
📍Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds
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tapuhauko · 1 year
M!A Hau is a regular Raichu for two days
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"...Hate it here."
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berry berry my love!!! go ahead, i'd love to see who you'd pair me with <3
Wheeee hi gi!
You get *drum roll* Daya! I just know she’d treat you right. You are always so considerate and selfless and Daya would never ever use that to her own benefits. Quite the opposite, she’s probably ready to fight anyone who tries to. It’s definitely a very complimentary dynamic, she’d make sure you always feel safe and seen and in return revel in the love you have to give.
Also her fam would adore you, making sure you know you are definitely a part of the Methyds!
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