#super cute that maya keeps these in her room
turnaboutfix · 4 months
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The story can still be turned around.
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faintedincoils · 1 year
Plus Size, Cute/Nerdy Indie Fashion
No links, because I don't want Tumblr to eat the post, but message me if you have questions on anything. And if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
Morning Witch - Flora and fauna prints. I've purchased multiple midi skirts (with pockets!) and T-shirts, and one fantastic sweater. My datemate @fortangel loves their button downs, which have hip buttons to allow for more room.
Fresh Hot Flavors - Gorgeous prints and patterns, from floral to fantasy, anime-inspired to mythology, and of course pride colors. I've got their maxi and midi skirts, plus petticoats, all of which are super comfy and gorgeous and, again, pocketed.
Maya Kern - I've had my eye on her skirts for AGES, and now that I've got a few of my own I couldn't be happier! Once again, flora and fauna prints, plus some other neat options. These seem to fit a tad bit more snugly than the first two, so keep that in mind with sizing and be sure to pay attention to the measurements.
Witch Vamp - More skirts with pockets, skater, midi and max! A slightly darker/more edgy style, and some solid colors available too. My spider lily skirt from this shop may be the single most comfortable piece of clothing I own.
Vetiver Fox - Admittedly I don't have one of their skirts yet, but they're absolutely gorgeous and I'll be getting one as soon as they're in stock this summer. Truly stunning patterns, flora, fauna, and mythological.
Sealkie Cove - Source of my ridiculous, beloved, neon pink furby button down.
Crowlines - I don't have any of their clothes yet either, but the patterns are SO cute! Skirts and button downs. The best kitten prints ever, I think.
Cheek Boss - Odd shop out here, this one sells underwear and socks. The designs are lovely, they're ridiculously comfortable, and these are the first underwear I've ever looked at myself in and thought "Wow, I look cute!" The socks are also super cute, but I've had quality issues. Then again, they were from their first batch when they first started selling socks, and may have improved.
@morningwitchy @freshhotflavors @mayakern @shopwitchvamp @vetiverfox @sealkiecove
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tomtenadia · 4 months
Detours to You - 28
Hello all,
I was planning on posting this on our favourite queen's bday but I forgot. Anyway this is an important chapter with a. lot of fluff and cuteness.
Spot the direct quote from the book 🥰
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May eventually arrived and with it Aelin’s birthday. She was turning thirty four and Rowan had a plan. 
He had convinced her to take the day off and Elide and Lysandra had been his partners in crime. Aelin was four months along and the hint of a baby bump had started to show. Maya had been fascinated and both he and Aelin, had made sure to answer all of her questions, some of them with the help of books.
That morning he had sneaked out of bed earlier than usual and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He was making fresh croissants filled with chocolate. His mum, an early bird like him, had joined him and helped him prepare a super meal.
He had been planning that day for a while now, but he was mostly excited about the rest of the day. He had told his plan to Maya and had to threaten her to cancel her hockey training if she babbled. Maya had promised to keep the secret. 
The smell of pastries engulfed the house and it wasn’t long until Aelin showed up on the kitchen doorstep with Maya in tow. 
He turned to them “My queen, my princess.” He offered them a bow “your breakfast is ready.” With his hand he waved at the table where a tray full of croissants was awaiting them at its side a bowl with fruits and other sweet treats he had prepared. Then a chocolate milkshake for both and a mug of coffee for him and his mum. 
Aelin pulled Rowan to her and begged for a kiss “Happy birthday, fireheart.” He whispered against her lips.
“Happy birthday, mama!” Maya climbed off the chair and ran out of the room returning a few minutes later with a piece of paper in her hands “nana Wen helped me last night.”
Maya passed the paper to her mother and Aelin squealed in delight. It was a drawing of her dressed up as a queen, Rowan at her side was a knight and Maya was in front of them with an armour of her own. Underneath there was a scribbling reading “happy birthday queen mum.”
Aelin squeezed her daughter tight “I love you, muffin.”
Eiddwen distributed the food and sat down “well, I think I have my birthday surprise too,” she started “I have bought a small cottage in the neighbourhood down the hill.”
“Rowan, you and Aelin are going to have another child. I will help and I will be a babysitter if you need to, but you need your own space without me lurking around.”
“Eiddwen, you are not a burden.”
The woman took Aelin’s hand “I know darling, but you two might want some privacy too.” She continued “as I said I will be just down the hill. I might have to go back to Wendlyn for a short spell to make sure everything is alright in the other house but I will be back for my grandson’s birth.”
Eiddwen turned to Rowan who had been silent “Rowan?”
“Mum, no one is kicking you out.”
Eiddwen moved closer to her son “I know,” she knew he was worrying about her. Still remembered how hard she had to push him to leave Wendlyn and go back to Terrasen where he belonged “I know you worry and are happy to look after me, but I am fine. These few months with you three have been better than any therapy I went to in the past five years.”
“Good, now let’s stop moping, we have a birthday girl to celebrate.”
After breakfast he finally set his plan in motion. 
Elide and Lysandra picked Aelin up for their spa session. When he had talked to them about his plan, Lys had reminded him that the spa voucher still remained unclaimed. That was the perfect excuse to distract her. He and Maya would go to the bookstore and set their plan in motion. He was giddy. 
Once the car with the three women was away Rowan helped Maya to get ready and both left.
“Dad, I kept the secret.”
“You have been wonderful, my love.”
On that day he was driving his regular car since he had taken the day off and his deputy was on call. He did not want any interruptions. But that meant he could not go near Aelin’s shop since he was not on fire services duty.
He parked and helped Maya climb off the car seat and then he grabbed his bag. 
Lysandra had given him a set of keys for the store since they had closed for the day. 
He stepped in the shop and disabled the intruder alarm as Elide had explained and then locked the door behind him, making sure that the sign said closed for private function.
Elide and Lys had gone there early that morning and brought all the decorations he would need. They had been excellent partners in crime and supporters.
“Okay Maya, we need to decorate the fantasy section like a forest.”
From a box he extracted a lot of fake kingsflames and started decorating the shelves while Maya looked after the bottom shelves. He then went through the back and took a vase with real kingsflames. They were Aelin’s favourite flower.
“Okay, shall we do the fairy lights now?”
Maya went to grab the content of another box “these ones?”
Lys had suggested to use real candles but both Rowan and Elide had been horrified. Open flames in a bookshop? Lysandra had tried to explain she meant the one in glass style containers where the flame was away from the rim. He had given her a lecture on fire safety and Lys had surrendered at his idea of having battery powered tea lights.
He had finished attaching the strings of fairy lights while Maya was placing the tea lights in the most random places. Instead of changing everything he picked up one at a time and lifted Maya in his arms so she could be the one to place it in the correct location.
It took them a few hours for the transformation, but now the fantasy section of the shop looked amazing. He switched off the lights for that section and only left on the ones at the very far back for safety.
“What do you think?”
“I love it dad, it’s so magical.”
The tea and fairy light created a suffused atmosphere. It was perfect.
A text reached him.
“Maya, mum is coming, time to get changed.”
“We totally needed that,” said Aelin as they climbed back in the car “peanut and I are very relaxed.”
Lysandra and Elide looked at each other “there’s another stop we have to do before taking you home to your man.”
They arrived in the centre of Orynth quickly and Aelin was confused when Lys parked in the staff car park.
“Shh…” Elide told her. 
They walked at the front of the shop and Aelin noticed a hint of lights from inside “why are the lights on?”
Lysandra had texted Rowan in advance and hoped he was ready.
They got in and Elide took her hand guiding her to the paradise in the middle of the shop.
Aelin gasped.
Rowan was standing in the centre of the fantasy section dressed in a knight armour and a sword at his hip. Maya was at his side with a kid’s version of his costume. He had asked Fenrys for the best place where to find such costumes and he had been happy at the result.
“What’s happening?” He heard Aelin ask.
He spotted Lysandra and Elide fall back into the darkness. He had promised they could stay and watch. They had been a great help after all.
“My queen,” he took a step forward and went down on one knee in front of her, bowing his head. He then looked up and offered her his hand and stood once more.
Maya advanced with a crown in her hands. Aelin kneeled so that Maya could placed it on her head “you look pretty, mama.”
“Thank you, my love.” She stood again and faced Rowan.
“Aelin, my queen, I spent centuries wandering the world, from empires to kingdoms, to wastelands, never settling, never stopping - not for one moment. I was always looking toward the horizon, always wondering what waited across the next ocean, over the next mountain. But I think… I think that the whole time, all those centuries, I was just looking for you.”
Aelin gasped loudly, that was a direct quote from her favourite book where the warrior confess his blossoming feelings to his queen.
He stepped forward and took her hand and Maya joined him carrying a small black box in her hands “mama, dada loves you very much. Will you marry him?”
“My queen, we took a detour through life and I almost lost you forever. No more. Marry me. Make  me the happiest man in Erilea.”
Aelin started sobbing and nodding eagerly “Yes, of course.”
Rowan grabbed the ring from the box and placed it on Aelin’s extended hand “I love you, fireheart.”
Aelin moved closer to him and let his strong arms encircle her “I love you too, buzzard.”
Maya pulled at her mum’s dress “me too.”
The two adults kneeled down and sandwiched their daughter in-between “Mama did you like the surprise?”
“It was beautiful, baby, and I am so happy,” she said with still wet eyes.
Lysandra and Elide waited until it was okay and then ran to the trio “Congratulations!” 
“You can finally join us in the married club.”
“Am I allowed too?”
“Rowan, you can join Lorcan and Aedion and you three can have husbands nights when the three of us need a break.”
Rowan chuckled.
“Mama, dada can we have pizza tonight?”
Rowan looked up at Aelin “do you feel okay to go out?”
“I want to keep my knight’s costume.”
Luckily Rowan had bought hers but his had to be returned.
He helped Lysandra and Elide tidy up while Maya slayed imaginary dragons and pretended to protect Aelin. 
Once they were all finished Lys and Elide said their goodbyes while Rowan guided his girls outside. It was late afternoon and the sun was still high. It was May and Terrasen would experience longer days.
“Dada, can we go to Orynth Tower?”
Rowan smiled and looked at Aelin. That had been their first date. It had been a stunning evening and he had taken her on top of it and they had their first kiss. It was just perfect.
“Did you plan this too?”
Rowan shook his head.
They drove there since it was in the heart of the financial district and he was not asking Aelin to take public transport when he had a car. Rowan parked the car at the car park nearby and they started walking. Maya still dressed with her cape and her plastic sword. She was happy and Rowan was not going to spoil that moment. 
He bought a family ticket and they joined the queue for the lifts. Maya holding her dad’s hand and Aelin was holding the other, leaning against him while they waited.
Rowan kissed her head “remember when we visited here on our first date?”
Aelin looked up at him and smiled.
“You had a cute blue dress that really messed up with my head all night. You had let your hair down and curled it too.” Another kiss “you were the most beautiful woman I ever saw.”
“You came straight from work and had kept your uniform to impress me.”
Rowan laughed “that I did.”
“Let’s go!” Called Maya, while pulling her father forward.
He and Aelin followed and entered together with a few tourists as well. 
As on instinct, Rowan’s eyes landed on the panel against the wall and the codes for the last inspection. 
The lift was made of glass and they could see all the cables.
“Dad, I can see the cables.”
Rowan picked up his daughter in his arms “see that hatch on top of us?” Maya nodded “once I had to rescue some people stuck in this very elevator. My colleagues they lowered me down with the ropes inside it.”
“Did you save them all?”
“Of course I did.”
Aelin smashed her face against his chest and restrained her giggle. She had heard that story already and the face of the other passengers was just the same as the first time they rode it together. She knew Rowan would not take a lift if alone, but with her he always made an effort if it involved an insane number of storeys. 
“Dad, you can always save us if we get stuck.”
Rowan laughed and horror spread around the cabin “we are okay, baby.”
The ride finally over, Rowan let the other people file out and apologised silently to all of them. 
“Let’s go.”
Once on the platform he put Maya down and the girl ran to the viewing point and plastered herself against the transparent barrier “dada it’s so pretty.”
Rowan and Aelin joined her and Aelin snuggled closer to him. The view for taller people was free, and Rowan leaned against the barrier.
“I love that we are here on the day we got engaged.”
Aelin lifted her left hand in front of her staring at the ring on her fourth finger  “I still can’t believe it. Still feels like I am dreaming.”
Rowan pulled her body really close to his while his free hand was brushing Maya’s head who was leaning against his legs. 
“Maybe this is how is was meant to happen,” he whispered softly against her head “maybe this detour through life was what we needed to come out better and stronger than what we were five years ago.”
Aelin kissed his shoulder “that sound like something my dad would say.”
Rowan chuckled lightly “it was actually, and he made me think.” He turned her to face him “I am not saying that is going to be perfect from now on, but all we have gone through made us stronger,” he kissed her forehead in a loving gesture “And I love you three madly.”
Aelin looked down at Maya who was still staring at the view from the tower.
“You are my sappy old man.”
“To whatever end.” He whispered back with a soft kiss.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn  @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127 @mariaofdoranelle
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
lucky people // mick schumacher
summary: the adventures of bookworm-youtuber y/n and her adorable f1 driver boyfriend mick
(shameless little plug for my own underused and somewhat forgotten about book-blr @/ cheerful-chamomile-pages)
dedicated to @flannel-cures and @paddockbunny who helped me make the final decision on whether this would be about mick or charles : )
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i can see them meeting through gina (best friends brother trope anybody)
she was already decently popular on the bookworm side of youtube without mick, but once she was spotted attending a few events on the german's arm, she instantly became more interesting to a whole different crowd
obviously she's trying to keep her hobby (and almost possibly maybe side hustle) and her love life apart, but they truly are the cutest couple on the internet
she's sitting in her cute little library corner , streaming her new video live for some of her subscribers before she edits it and posts it properly to youtube.
"so i hate calling it a tbr because that just adds so much pressure and the way college is going for me right now guys, i genuinely have no idea if i will make it through all of these."
"so the first one is 'as good as dead' by holly jackson. i've been working my way through this series for a while and i finally bought this one a few months ago but life got busy and i just didn't get around to it but im really excited. this one is the grand conclusion to the good girls guide to murder trilogy and i can't wait to read about pip and ravi one last time."
and cue angie bounding into the room, cutting in front of the camera and knocking the book out of her hands as she pounces on y/n
mick is laughing in the background, super self conscious about appearing on the camera.
the chat goes MENTAL
"is that angie? does this mean mick is home?" "show mick!"
"mick," she says with a laugh, scratching angie behind the ears and looking up at the driver. "the fans want to see you."
"is that okay?" mick asks before moving further into the room, passing her the mug of hot chocolate that he had been planning on just leaving on the IKEA end table
"of course." she moves over on the carpet to make more room. "you can hold my stack of books."
"oh, great." he jokes as she passes him the stack, pressing a kiss to his cheek
"this is my boyfriend, mick. he's an angel on earth and he's going to help me film the rest of this."
cue mick shyly waving at the camera as y/n grabs one of the books from the top of the stack
"you already know that i will read anything that lauren asher writes. i have one book left in the dirty air series that i still need to finish, and this one is all about santiago, who was introduced as noah's teammate and mayas brother in the beginning of the series. i truly don't want this series to end, but this book includes grumpy x sunshine and fake dating, so im very excited to see what santi and chloe bring to the dirty air universe."
and mick is just watching her with this completely lovestruck expression
the chat goes MENTAL talking about how cute the couple is and how they all wish they had a mick (me too besties)
he's definitely present in the next video, entitled "my boyfriend and i go book shopping"
which is more like y/n just dragging mick around barnes and noble while she prepares to buy more books than she could afford (especially since she already has so many books at home)
mick is helping her look, trying to pick up books he thinks she'd like or has heard her talk about before
"babe, this book is basically porn. there's literally a half dressed cop on the front cover."
"i would have thought that the fact that it's called 'frisk me' would have given it away. the second one is worse, it's called 'cuff me'."
"i worry for your mental state sometimes, schatzi."
"what else am i supposed to do while you're gone, baby?"
that line was edited out of the final version
like the gentleman that he is, mick pays for all of the books
*cue the entire comment section swooning*
they do one video called "my boyfriend guesses the plot of my books based solely on the contents of the front cover"
"uhm im gonna take a wild guess and say that one's about death of some kind. maybe a murder?"
"that one's porn. one hundred percent. there's a fully shirtless man with a smolder and bad tattoos on the front cover. wait, there's a formula one car as well? oh dear god, this isn't what your version looks like!"
"because i bought the special editions with the pretty covers, baby. and this one does have a plot. this one made me cry, and you had to hold me for like an hour and a half while i recovered."
he definitely bought her a copy of her favorite romance book for their anniversary and went through and annotated it
paying special attention to all of the smutty parts that he wants to recreate
buddy reads with mick where they read the same book and then film a video where they both review it
the cutest couple on bookstagram
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nyrhtak04 · 3 months
Inside Out 2
This is going to be pretty long, I think. Spoilers ahead.
I went to go see this with my siblings earlier this evening and oh. my. goodness. IT. WAS. AMAZING!!!
I did not go into it with high expectations, expecting another "first draft" movie. But no. It actually felt like a PIXAR movie.
Okay, the new emotions:
Anxiety: My immediate new favorite character. I love her wacky design and her VA (wasn't sure how Maya Hawke would do, but I absolutely ADORED her here). Also, as someone with GAD, she is my default emotion. I couldn't even hate her when she became the primary antagonist. And that panic attack scene. like.
Envy: Adorable. That's all I have to say. just. adorable. Again, character design and VA were perfect. I was kind of surprised that she was such a soft character. Almost seemed more like "emulation" or "admiration" than "envy." Wonder if they'll explore the harder/darker side of envy later I have only seen it once, so I could just be forgetting a part. I think there may have been a part where Envy caused Riley to side with the Firehawks. Anyway.
Ennui: Enjoyable character. Got a few laughs. Character design is fun like the others. I don't have strong opinions about them. I liked them.
Embarrassment: I liked the character design. "He's not big on eye contact or touching." Same dude. same. I was in physical pain whenever he was on screen, but I think that was the point. Also his teaming up with and hiding Sadness was so cute/sweet. Big marshmallow.
I've heard that guilt/shame were supposed to be involved. I would have loved this, but I can see how that might have made the movie a little too busy.
Now, the movie itself:
Some parts were rushed, but since this is a movie about anxiety, I'm not mad. Some worldbuilding parts could have been fleshed out more; it's only an hour and a half long, they could have made it a bit longer without it becoming tedious. Just linger on a few scenes a little.
Riley was ridiculously relatable. I mean, she always was, but this movie it's like they got footage of me. Except I got those feelings/thought processes a lot earlier than 13 and they've never gone away (if anything, they're getting worse. thanks burnout).
As someone who finds secondhand embarrassment to be physically painful, I spent most of the movie with my hands over my face. At one point (I think during the secrets vault) I slid down in my chair because I couldn't take it anymore. The squeaks and shrieks I had to keep quiet. I tell you.
As painful as those parts were, they were still cathartic. I felt seen. Having interests intended for much younger people. Being super conscientious about those interests and pretty much everything else to the point of missing the conversation. Constantly monitoring myself and being terrified that if I didn't I would end up alone. The conflicting self-images. The phrase of Riley's anxiety-driven self being "I'm not good enough" and anxiety being confused and trying to spin it as "just means we have room to improve" (or something like that). The panic attack. Oh my gosh the panic attack was perfect. The whirlwind and simultaneous paralysis. This movie made me cry so many times.
I am obsessed with this movie and will probably post a lot of art about it.
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d999666 · 10 months
Galactik football S1 ep1 review
I start reviewing from GF season 1.
Maybe, I've rewatched it about 5 times, and it's my first time making a screenshot with gif and doing a review.
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Scenes from the beginning of the Ice Age were skipped. I want to see snowkids that I love.
This is Microice. The boy couldn't sell any tickets to the redtigers game. He seems to be doing various things to make money because his family is poor.
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Microice's ticket was stolen by someone, and he returned the fake ticket. When it rains, the fake ticket gets wet and the ink is erased. Microice cannot afford to pay for tickets. He runs away. (You can see Microice's sharp gestures. I think he'll be good at parkour.)
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D'Jok came to predict the future in disguise. A close-up of his bracelet shows the double track. Because of this bracelet, Maya can see through her son's disguise.(Season 3 writers, this is how the double track works. I don't understand that Sineedd's pendant came out of the blue in season 3.)
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Microice runs away and runs into Maya's window. The villains can't find mice and go back. D'jok: MICE! Can you use the door instead of the window? Microice and D'jok appear to be neighbors and childhood friends. Microice is searching his room for a missing ticket.
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The two check the footprints of the intruder through the window of his room. (Let's crack down on the door thoroughly! mice...)
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Without finding the owner of the footprints that stole the tickets, they head to the cafeteria.
Thran shows a new invention, a ball that measures speed. It's considerably heavier than a regular ball because of the parts that measure the speed.
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They play analog football card games even though they are developed enough to fly back and forth in space.
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Sinedd's shoes match the footprint of the criminal who stole the ticket. Microice immediately asks sinedd to return the stolen ticket.
The bonds of childhood friends are great.
D'jok has already brought Sinedd's latest magnet board. D'jok threaten to break down Sinedd's magnet board if I don't return the ticket to Microice (I love what D'jok is doing for his friend) Sinedd threatening Microice, but Thran responds. It's a 3:1 situation. Sineedd backs down. What the hell happened between them, wouldn't they get along?
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With Ahito appearing, four childhood friends gathered.
There's a game tonight between the Lightning and the Shadows. They gathered at the cafeteria to watch it. It's D'jok, microice, where Ahito goes in, leaving it as if he's used to falling asleep because of narcolepsy. But Thran wakes up his twins and takes them in. It's cute...
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While watching the game, there is Aarch and Clamp downstairs. The villains come to them and ask for the microice's whereabouts. The villains threaten Aarch and Clamp with an electric shocker...
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The righteous D'jok comes down to stop the villains (yes, he's a righteous man).
What they're looking for is Microice, but D'jok doesn't know. 
D'jok knocks down villains with a 'tremendous heavy ball' made by Thran.
In the meantime, Thran is happy that his invention works properly.
The ball kicked by D'jok had a speed of 100km/h. (It's cute to see D'jok...)
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Four childhood friends use a football to take down villains. You can see their talent here. > D'jok: The ability to shoot powerful shots and shoot at accurate points > Thran: Pass the ball long enough to help D'jok shoot > Ahito: Goalkeeper (laughs) Yes, he made a super save to keep the bottles from breaking into the ball.
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Four childhood friends saved Aarch and Clamp. (The villains shouted let's wait and see and left.) Aarch praises the four children for having 'good talent'. However, these children are negative about their dream of becoming a soccer player. Because there was an ice age on this planet 15 years ago. As a result, soccer players and countless citizens were injured or killed, and Flux disappeared.
Aarch and Clamp leave, and the four childhood friends peacefully watch the football game again. but Ahito wonders why Aarch has reappeared. The three boys shout what are you talking about at the same time. Aarch's brown hair has turned white and his body shape has changed over 15 years. That's why the kids didn't recognize Aarch. Maybe his hair has turned white with extreme stress and PTSD. They belatedly realize that the man from before was Aarch and run back to find him.
his is the end of the review of the legendary Season 1 episode 1. I love D'jok, MICE, twins, and Tia, so I think their gifs and screenshots will be more important. I am not familiar with English, so grammar and words can be strange. Please leave a comment on your opinion! I love you!
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mayasdeluca · 11 months
What's a Marina little moment that just makes you swoon every time
Well as usual when I get asked these questions I can't narrow it down to just one so I thought of a few, let me know if I've missed any good ones!
4x08: Carina whispering 'okay?' after she delivers her speech to Maya about what they have is fantastico and all that and then Maya whispers back 'yeah'. I think that's so cute especially in context after that important conversation and then when Maya tells Carina she can keep making her point... 😍
4x11: The exchange of smiles they give each other through the mirror after they delivered a baby together. So cute!
4x16: Maya mouthing the last line of the song Vic sings at their wedding while looking into Carina's eyes. I love that so much.
5x11: Maya saying I love you to Carina and kissing her before going to work as Carina hands her the coffee she made her and Maya thanks her for it. Just a simple sweet domestic moment and I wish we got more of those little things.
5x15: Carina pulling the blanket over Maya when they're all sleeping in the same room at the station to support Andy, making sure Maya is covered and warm before she cuddles right up against her. 🥰 I'm glad we got that sweet background moment in an intense episode like that.
5x17: Maya waking Carina up with a kiss when she gets home from her shift (I mean obviously! We had wanted that for so long!) and then Carina mouthing I love you to Maya later on in that scene. Super sweet.
6x10: Maya admitting that she's afraid to leave Carina because she doesn't know when she'll see her again and when a tear rolls down her cheek, Carina wiping it away 😭 and the forehead kiss that follows of course.
6x14: 'Can I take you out again?' 'Maybe. Call me.' Enough said 🥵😍
6x15: Maya cradling Carina's head in her hands when talking about wanting to put in the work to rebuild them and Carina just buries her head in Maya's chest. 😭 I love this scene so much.
6x17: Maya picking Carina up bridal style. Another long overdue moment!
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doodlinge · 1 year
ace attorney characters’ hobbies - headcanons!
some of these are canon or semi canon, and some of these are completely headcanons
nick - keeps a bunch of cacti and enjoys caring for them, and keeps up with a bunch of comics. actually enjoys video game soundtracks a lot, and listens to video game music in his freetime. and, of course, plays the piano
maya - collects crystals and watches a lot of ongoing plot cartoons (such as toh, amphibia and steel samurai, because ofc lmao). also loves baking for her friends and shopping with them, and likes to read fanfiction
edgeworth - also loves watching steel samurai, and collects figurines of characters that he keeps in a box in his closet somewhere. he definitely loves to read books, a lot, and loves nuanced ones that make him think
franziska - does ballet and enjoys fashion quite a bit. she loves trying on fancy dresses, suits and everything in between and listens to a lot of classical music, although occassionally, she listens to lofi.
mia - LOVES painting her and her friends’ nails (and is actually really good at it)! she actually loves documentaries and murder mystery movies, and enjoys looking at art galleries to interpret what the works mean
godot (or diego) - collecting mugs (some of them have really stupid quotes on them, but he thinks the quotes are hilarious/actually really cool). he likes doing puzzles when he’s not testing coffee recipes or playing the guitar
apollo - he likes to cook a lot, and is really good at it. he knows tons of recipes and watches a lot of cooking shows to learn more, even if he says that it’s a “small, irrelevant hobby of his”. he also likes to work out, and gets a lot of gender euphoria from doing so!
klavier - playing the guitar, piano, and even singing are definitely huge hobbies of his. he also enjoys songwriting and fashion a lot, always interested in the latest trends and such. he loves jewlery and has a not so secret collection of earrings, rings and bracelets
trucy - of course, magic, but loves collecting little trinkets, rocks and cute small things in her free time! she watches a lot of magic shows and musicals online, and loves upbeat songs to dance to in her room! and, no one knows this but aunt maya, but she actually likes to collect keychains and merch of her favorite shows from when she was super young
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pixeldistractions · 10 months
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Gameplay notes on a broken, stinky camper:
They haven’t set off on their adventure quite yet, by the way. There’s a bit more story to go still. But this is a glimpse into their future to show off the camper, since I need an entire empty lot to park this thing on, and the camper shown in the previous story scenes is just deco.
Here is the camper build that they’ll actually live in. It’s a decent sized class-C motorhome. As Jordan said, it’s not really one of those cute little renovated #vanlife campers that Ingrid has her heart set on. (Like this one <- I am a total geek over this woman’s van life channel, lol!)
But maybe Ingrid will get hers someday.
This camper is old and run down, definitely in need of some renovation. Jordan is a handy guy, so I have no doubt he’ll keep it running. But creative or stylish, he is not. So he’s probably quite happy to make it smell better and just leave it be.
It’s off-grid, and doesn’t currently have any power or water capabilities, but he is welcome to upgrade those systems when he’s ready.
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It’s off-grid, and a micro home on 32 squares. (33, actually, being 3x11, and I cheated out a block from the bathroom so it could remain in the smallest tier. 😉 )
I haven’t played with either of these lot types in gameplay before, and I’m super excited to try them! I’m also looking forward to the gameplay of bringing this camper to different locations and playing in some towns that I don’t normally play. But it’s a bummer that, more often than not, I’ll have to bulldoze an entire building to place it somewhere.
(OMG give us world editing tools!!!)
The lot challenges are filthy, gremlins, and creepy-crawlies. And because it was said to be very stinky in the story, I placed a few of these apartment problem stink clouds around to pop up and give them a bad surprise from time to time.
The whole camper, not counting the lot value of wherever it’s placed, is around $7000. Neither of them paid that much for it, or even have that much money to their names. I keep my sims broke, lol! But I do have a kind of personal gameplay rule that my sims can get a bonus “kaching” for each apartment problem or lot challenge they add, to help out with the purchase price. Because in game, lot challenges don’t make the lot any cheaper, even though they kind of should, in my opinion.
Then they would have to pay $1000 in “repairs” to get rid of the lot challenge or apartment problem, if they ever decide to.
(Sadly, I suspect my apartment problems are about to totally break with the new For Rent pack we’re getting, and I’m not sure I have the brain space or ability to fix them this time. Oh well, we had a good run with them, didn’t we? Hopefully someone with more skills and time can pick up the torch.)
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Jordan imagines renovating this back room with a couple of bunk beds for his boys, for the hopeful occasion that Colette lets them come out to visit.
So, they’ll take this thing to a few locations on their way out to California, and then in a couple weeks, Jordan will end up in Sierra Nova to meet up with Maya for the climbing club she hosts through Tyler’s adventure park. The plan is that they’ll train for a season in Sierra Nova, then travel to Komorebi to train further and then attempt to summit, which is another bit of gameplay I haven’t tried before.
I am not going to attempt to wrangle any sort of road trip driving shots with this thing, or the deco object, either. We will use our imaginations!
(Oh, but how cool would a cars/road trip pack be, where we could own a camper and drive it from place to place? But I bet even if they made a pack like that, the campers would be rabbit holes like the tents are.)
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hollysoda · 2 years
I’m in one of those moods :) time for what kinds of plushies ace attorney characters would buy
Phoenix just loves a classic teddy bear. He still has one from his childhood that sits on a shelf in his room since he cuddled it to death as a kid and now it’s pretty tatty and fragile
Edgeworth lost all of his plushies from his childhood after DL-6. He would never admit to having a soft spot for them and usually just sees a cute dog plush in a store, picks it up, smiles and walks away. All his current plushies are gifts from Phoenix and he adore them
Maya is obsessed with Jellycats, especially the ones based on food or inanimate objects. She just thinks they’re hilarious. Phoenix has probably lost more money to Jellycats than hamburgers because damn they’re expensive
Pearl loves Beanie Boos. After spending a lot of time out of Kurain she became one of those kids with five Beanie Boo keychains on her bag and at least two in it. Her favourites are the ones with pastel colours
Gumshoe has one handmade, dog plush from when he was a kid that he protects with his life. If there’s a leak in his apartment he keeps the dog as far away as possible. If the dog is damaged he patches it up immediately. It’s important to him :)
Franziska collects plushies that are custom made/from small businesses that are meant to be displayed rather than cuddled, like fluffy dolls. Maya has bought her a big Jellycat tiger which she cuddles with at night though
Ema likes Kenji plushies, or just any super big and squishy plush that she can easily scream into after a stressful day at work. She doesn’t have any cushions in her house, they’re all squishy plushies
Apollo prefers plushies that are based on video games, mostly Pokémon . He has to physically restrain himself from reaching for his wallet whenever a new Pokémon plush releases because he knows he won’t be able to afford his weekly shop if he buys it.
Trucy’s a Disney girl in my eyes so definitely has a collection of Disney plushies. They’re so ridiculously soft (and once again expensive so Phoenix’s wallet takes a beating)
Because he can, Klavier always buys big plushies. There’s a corner in his home office filled with them. Apollo probably ends up laying it in more than him.
Athena isn’t fussy with plushies, she loves them all, even the shitty ones you get from carnivals or play-til-you-win claw machines. It’s probably why she has to clean out her collection every few months
Athena gave Simon a little cat plush when they were younger and somehow (because it’s Simon Blackquill) he managed to sneak it into prison with him. He would always find a way to hide it whenever his room was inspected, and even if a guard did see it they would be too scared to question it. When he was released it was dirty and falling apart, so Athena spent ages trying to find the exact one again. Simon would pretend not to care, it’s not like he cuddled the old cat at all, but it sits proudly on his desk in the prosecutors office for all visitors to see.
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tomtenadia · 10 months
Detours to You - ch 13
Gooood Sunday!!! Here we go with a new chapter which alas, has some angst...
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The solstice was only a week away and Rowan had been super busy at work. The investigation on the fire at Aelin’s building had gone underway as soon as Nesryn had finished placing together all the proof she had collected. She had discovered some nefarious documents that had framed Hamel with no chance of redemption. OFI had confirmed the fire had been arson and that the lack of maintenance had escalated the situation. Once arson was confirmed the man had been charged for manslaughter by gross negligence. She had also found proof of a lot more illegal activities connected to the building and they were all hoping to see the man in prison for a long time.
The building had been scheduled for demolition after it had been deemed unsafe but the mayor had prohibited the land to be used for commercial reasons once they would start building again. 
The trial would happen in the new year but for now all he cared was that Hamel and his cronies were behind bars.
But now his main problem was to find a present for Maya for the solstice. Aelin had explained him that they always went to her parents and that year was not going to be any different. Evalin and Rhoe had asked for his presence and both grandparents had, according to Aelin, been delighted at the idea of a family solstice.
As another week passed things had started to settle down in his house. That evening he was meant to go home and decorate with them. He had missed the solstice celebrations. Wendlyn followed Yule but it was not as glorious as Terrasen festivities     were.
Mug of coffee in his hand he was taking a break from his pile of documents and was browsing for telescopes for kids. He knew Maya had one at her grandparents and his was far too advanced for her, so he had been researching the best one for toddlers who were just beginning to discover astronomy. He was looking forward to spring when they could use his garden at night and look at the sky. Telling her mythology stories had become their bedtime ritual after she had asked him for a lullaby. The question had floored him and upset him to no end, but he had fixed it by telling her that he knew a lot of stories. Maya had seemed happy and now it was his special moment. Sometimes Aelin would join them and sit on the rocking chair at the side of her bed, with a cup of green tea, and would listen to him. It was all he had imagined in his dreams of a family. But he also could feel how precarious the situation still felt. There was so much he had to learn on how to be a father. He tried to remember all his dad had taught him and at the same time the pain of the loss hit him hard every time. He wanted to be a worthy dad for Maya. And Aelin… he felt that every day was a test. That she was constantly keeping a tally of his actions as if she was getting ready for a verdict. As soon as the fear after the fire had passed, Aelin had gone back to her room and Maya had not visited him at night anymore. He knew she was going to her mum and a very petty part of him was jealous about that. He had loved waking up with his daughter in his arms, her drool on his t-shirt, her cute little snores. He missed that. Rowan had also noticed that Maya’s behaviour towards him was changing too. According to the articles he had read it was just her adjusting to the situation but all he could do was fear that she was already fed up with him. It was killing him.
He had bought her the telescope and was going to collect it after work. He also hoped that the news he had for her might help fix the strange relationship that had formed. Rowan had found a course for hockey for kids’ Maya’s age. One of his colleagues had suggested that to him. He had done his research and apparently it was also endorsed by the THL. On his way back from an inspection in the south of the city he had stopped to the ice arena and had gone to gather some more information. The course seemed perfect. It started with basic lesson to learn to skate. It was a six weeks introduction and it seemed well planned out. His colleague had sworn that his kids loved it and it was also safe. All excited Rowan went ahead and enrolled her in the January intake. It would be a nice birthday present too. He knew that Aelin had been looking too but so far nothing had happened and Maya had been quite vocal about wanting to play hockey so he had gone ahead. Aelin would probably kill him but he had no regrets. 
Now it was six and was finally switching off his computer, ready to go home. 
The snow had stopped falling for a few hours, but up his neck of the woods it seemed that the roads had not been cleared yet. Rowan had begged Aelin to use his car to go to work. It was a pickup with proper 4x4 capabilities. Her car was not suitable for those roads and he was paranoid at the two in the car.
At home he sneakily ran to his room to hide the present he had collected from the shop, changed and went back downstairs where Maya was practicing her letters while Aelin was working away on her laptop.
Rowan ran to Maya and kissed her “what are you doing?”
“I am writing my solstice letter to the elves.”
He looked at the piece of paper and his heart broke at the words mama, dada no fight.
He and Aelin had a few arguments and although they had tried not to shout too much and alert their daughter, something must have reached her. Something had to change and he had a feeling that his next revelation would cause another fight.
Hockey was the word just below it and no matter how much Aelin would fight him, he had done the right thing.
He looked at Aelin and then back to Maya “I think you can score this off your list.” He pointed at the word.
Maya looked up at him with big green excited eyes.
“I have found classes for you and you start in January.”
It was a second and the little tornado crashed into him and the two fell on the floor, Maya on top of him, hugging him tight “Yes.”
His eyes lifted and saw Aelin glaring at him, her lips tight in a thin line of displeasure.
Maya climbed off him and started running around the living room screaming “I am playing hockey.”
He sat up and stared at the undiluted joy in his daughter.
Aelin stood and nodded to the kitchen door “Maya, baby stay here okay? I need to talk to dad.”
Rowan followed and prepared himself for battle.
“You went behind my back!” She accused him “You signed her up without consulting me first.”
Rowan leaned against the counter “I found a good class, it’s very popular and spaces are limited. Maya wants this.”
“It was my job. I am her mother. I was looking into it.”
He groaned and pushed his frustration down “I am her father.” He bit back “This has been recommended to me by a colleague and it’s endorsed by the THL. It’s the best out there.”
“You had to check with me first,” she roared back.
“Do I have to check everything? Do you need to approve as well the solstice present I bought her? Not all I do needs your stamp of approval, Aelin.”
“I looked after her for five years without your help. I provided for her. You can’t think you can take over after only a few months.” She moved closer “We managed just fine without you.”
Rowan froze and felt sick at those words. He had tried to follow Aelin’s rules but it seemed it was never enough. He understood that Aelin was just being protective but how was he going to really get close to his daughter if she kept placing so many blocks?
He felt like crying. 
Aelin stormed out and he heard her sooth a distressed Maya who had heard their fight. Again. 
He forced his numb body to go in the living room and saw Aelin gathering Maya’s stuff “We are going to my parents for a few days.”
“It’s not safe to go out.”
“I just need space.”
Maya protested and his heart ached “I’ll drive you.”
“No. I can drive, Rowan.”
He just stood and watched Aelin carrying a crying Maya upstairs.
Rowan felt empty. The hopes of a family quickly slipping away from him. And for s split second a terrible thought crossed his mind. He should have never come back. Maybe Maya would have been happier with the lie that he had died an heroic death on the job.
He wanted to be a father so badly that he had messed up everything and now Aelin was taking his daughter away. His hand shook as he watched them climb down the stairs with a duffle bag.
“Aelin, let me drive you, please. The roads are bad outside.”
“We will be fine.”
“Take my pickup at least.” One last effort to see them at least safe. He grabbed the keys from the tray in the hallway and passed them to her “Please.”
Aelin took them “Okay.”
“Call me as soon as you arrive.”
She tried to protest but nodded at his pained expression.
Rowan moved to Maya and kissed her while she sneaked her arms around his neck “I will miss you, baby. Have fun at the grandparents.”
“Love you, dad.”
“I will see you at the solstice.”
He then stood and stared at Aelin. He could not care. He was going to the solstice. Evalin and Rhoe had invited him and there was no way in hell he’d cancel on them. It was his first solstice with Maya and Aelin was not going to rob him of that moment.
With deep anguish he followed them outside and while Aelin got Maya in the car seat he cleared the windows and the front one until it met his high standards. He knew the car was in top shape as he did regular maintenance and the winter tyres were brand new.
And although he knew his car was safe, he could not shake the fear. He had seen his fair share of car accidents and knew that even if Aelin was careful and his car was well maintained there were another possible hundreds of reasons why a MVA would happen. And the fact that he could almost name them all was not helping at calming his anxiety.
“One last try that you reconsider this?”
Aelin closed the door “I am too mad at you right now. A couple of days at my parents will help.”
He nodded.
“We will still wait for you at the solstice.”
He signed in relief. Maybe not everything was lost.
“Be careful, please. Am I at least allowed to tell you that?”
She gave him a shy smile “Yes, buzzard.”
“Remember what I taught you about winter driving. Easy on the breaks and avoid brisk accelerations.” He added “If you are stuck call me. Any problems you call me right away.”
She gently touched his arms “I do remember. Thanks.”
Eventually she climbed in the car. He looked at the back and waved at Maya who returned the gesture.
Rowan remained still until the lights of the car disappeared.
He did not move when snow flakes started to fall once more.
Rowan remained on the porch staring at the empty road for who knew how long, then he went back in. He was numb. He was finishing cleaning up when his phone went off.
It was not his personal phone though, it was his work phone.
He grabbed it quickly and answered.
“Yes, Ilias.”
There was a moment of silence.
“There has been an accident.”
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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if you’re not taking requests just ignore this:) but if you are could you do a caleb x fem!costar!reader(literally no one writes for him😭) but where they go live just answering fan questions and things about stranger things and whatnot but during the live caleb is being super touchy and clingy (reader doesn’t mind tho she loves it) and the fans are just commenting on how cute you guys are together and they both get all giggly and cute and it’s just a bunch of fluff
this is so bad and so hard to describe out but again if you’re not taking requests just completely ignore this:))
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Hey hun i hope this is what you were hoping for!! I took your idea and did something a little different hope you don’t mind✨💕
hellllllooo everybody said y/n she decided to go live after the premiere of stranger things excited to hear about the feedback from the fans about this season of stranger things and their opinion on her character Lila.
A lot of comments were pooling in. A lot of them were fans saying hey, asking about different relationships in the show, but the one relationship everyone commented on was Lucia which is your character name and Lucas ship name
While reading the comments, you felt over-consumed by all the people who were asking about conspiracies theories and what it was like to kiss Caleb on screen (because you guys haven’t gone public yet), but y/n read carefully and picked through comments throwing back regular heys at fans she recognized from fan pages trying to seem relaxed while she was sitting on the couch.
Lucia4Ever:Hey what was it like kissing Lucas👀
stopmakingwillcry:Hello From Norway🇳🇴
strangerthingslover: the show was so intense this season do you have a faviorte part ❤️
Hellfireclub: We needed more screen time with you and Lucas!😭🥰
Noticing one comment that was professional
enough, you said hey, stranger things, lover. My favorite scene to shoot was probably-
Hey Y/N, I'm finna run to the store. Do you want me to grab you the snacks you like? Said Caleb as he stormed into the room. You were shocked. What did Caleb think? He knows you have to go live. You told him to stay downstairs till you were finished. This had never happened before. You and Caleb pride yourself on keeping Hollywood out of your relationship, especially because you guys are becoming adults and going on different paths in the entire world.
OMG, YALL SPEAKING OF WHICH, I AND CALEB ARE WATCHING THE NEW SEASON TONIGHT!! You said rushed and nervous as you. were on live trying to cover it up. You were praying your acting skills were paying off.
Oh, you on live, said Caleb with a cautious voice but his face was smug, mind if I join he said as he was walking over to the couch. Of course you can y/n answer him quickly. You look back down to see a pool of comments. Some were saying aww to movie night others were asking intrusive questions about you guys.
Eddielovessteve: there totally lying you guys!😪
amERICA: Not my faviorte ship together in one room im litterly DYINGGGGG🤍
Oh yes, you said now, hurrying over and making room on the couch. My favorite scene was the scene I got to do with Sadie because we had to be super emotional for that scene to work, so it tested us as actresses, you said. You were slightly distracted cause you noticed Caleb's leg touching yours. You where trying to pretend you weren’t phased, but the truth is that when Caleb touches you in a cute way or in…another way, it always makes your body feel buzzed.
Yea, I enjoy watching that scene said Caleb, now leaning in and making eye contact with you, which made you blush. I always love watching you do a scene with Sadie or Maya. You guys truly got the girl power friendship locked down, and all of you are hilarious, wildly when you guys improvise. You chuckle laughing. Okay, what’s your favorite scene,
I don’t know; Caleb is probably the one where Lucas pleads with Lila to let him help her cause he knows she needs help. It was a very intense scene for us. It was like we were having a true screaming match said, Caleb. Like you said, anytime we can show our range as performers, it does leave an impression on us, he said, and the next scene after that was pretty fun as well, he said, grabbing your knee and now rubbing it.
Oh. MY.GOD, what is he doing? You thought the next scene he hinted at was the kiss scene. You guys had finally had your first kiss scene. This scene honestly is more popular this season than ever with fan edits and people analyzing every single line said before the scene. You fill the heat and creep up your neck. You're now feeling hotter. That scene was the least of my favorites, you say playfully back.
He looks at you curiously but also playful and, with the raise of his eyebrow, while leaning away and had a smirk on his face. He did not move his hand from your knee and started to playfully stroke his finger harder on your knee like it was second nature. You can feel every movement in his hand. The roughness of his palms the softness of his fingertips.You can even feel his hand move up an inch on your leg, and you pray the camera missed that.
Oh, you say now, a giggling mess hiding your face with your hair giving you enough time to gain composure and look back at the camera.
Woooowww guys, I'm hurt says Caleb dramatically as he puts his hand to his chest.You look at the comments, and they were coming in a thousand times per minute
DustinBestfriend:Please i hope somebody is recording this😭
Noahknows:The fact that Caleb was in her personal space and was touching her the whole live is so cute💕
Elevenneedshelp: there totally dating…
You let out a warm laugh and say okay, guys, I feel like we answered all the questions, You hear a chuckle from Caleb as you reach for the camera.
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jmflowers · 2 years
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I know you are doing prompts intertwined with song lyrics...I've had this image of Carina walking in on Maya doing work outs with their new baby. (I follow this soccer mom on instagram and she posts videos of her doing light work outs with her baby, it's super cute.) All I could think was, this is something Maya would do. :p Not sure if there's a song that could be included with it. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Thanks!
Well, I started writing this in my head from Maya's point of view, and then I found a song that made it need to be from Carina's point of view... so, here's the best of both worlds.
Prompt #2: no one else is such a beautiful dream to me. (the beautiful dream by george ezra)
It's not quite the amount of weight that she's looking for. Doesn't make her biceps tense or her legs quake as fast as she'd like. But it's movement and that counts.
And he looks at her just the same, gurgling happily as she rises up and drops down into lunges and squats and whatever else she can think of, holding him securely against her chest.
She'd run on the treadmill with him, too, if she didn't think Carina would kill her for it. Because it's been six weeks since she last set foot in a gym and she's starting to go a little stir crazy.
Which is not to say that she's not loving every minute of the blissful wonder of infancy - she is. She really, really is. But there's a wire in her brain that's rooted to the necessity of movement and there's only so many laps she can do around their living room before she has to admit that the need is simply not being sated.
"Exercise," she huffs out, lips pressed against her son's head, "Is excellent for mental health. It releases endorphins, which are those things that make you feel good." She shifts, transferring the baby into her other arm. "Right now, you just get those from Mama's boobs and snuggles, I think. But when you're big..." she smiles, picturing it, "Maybe you'll like running and jumping and climbing as much as I do."
The baby sighs, eyes wide as he looks up in the direction of her face. It's still new, that he follows the sound of her voice. Still a treat when he listens intently as she talks to him.
Carina had called it a social milestone - the six-week growth spurt they'd all been enduring coinciding with a newly-establishing interest in the world around him. Truthfully, it made the middle-of-the-night feeds more bearable.
"I agree, little man," she whispers, rubbing her nose against the swoop of hair atop his head. "It is tiring work, even when it feels good."
He balls a hand into a fist, rubbing it along his cheek before directing it into his mouth. That was something new, too; another milestone behaviour that Carina had celebrated with uncontained glee. So smart, piccolino, she'd cooed.
"It'll be different for you, though," Maya hums, "Because Mama and I will let you choose what you want to do." She wrinkles her brow, the sudden thought heavy. "And we won't force you to keep going when you've had enough." It tugs at something in the back of her throat, the words catching. "I promise."
It's quiet when she steps out of the shower, no one crying or talking or pacing. She pokes her head out of the bathroom just to be sure, finding the bedroom empty, the bed properly made, the bassinette immobile. She wanders to the doorway, curious, wet hair dripping off her shoulders and down the back of her robe.
As she peeks around the corner, she finds them, Maya facing the window, her hands cradling their son in that way she always does that softens the sharp lines of her shoulders, her spine relaxing into his touch. She isn't swaying as she normally would, her body forever in a perpetual state of motion, and it takes a second for Carina to realize that the stillness isn't a calm but rather a rest.
A rest between sets of squats.
She presses a hand to her mouth to stifle the chuckle that tumbles free. Maya has tried to be stationary - calm and careful and kind as they've existed just the three of them in the safe little bubble of their new motherhood. She's spent lazy afternoons in bed, rising only to fetch diapers or glasses of water or to rock their son when he just wouldn't settle. She's woken in the night for feedings and slept late and all the while, never said a word about the desire to run.
She's stood by, a stable, immovable force, as Carina has recovered and their child has grown.
But the itch hasn't stopped needing to be scratched, Carina knows, she can feel it digging away inside Maya's bones when she rolls over in bed at 5am, choosing not to slip out for an hour lest Carina need her help. Lest Carina or their little boy need anything at all while she's gone.
Not to say she hasn't noticed when Maya slinks down the hall to do push ups on the living room floor.
This, though, is new. She watches as Maya shifts their little boy in her arms, his sweet gurgle filling the apartment as she takes him through another set. There's a stillness again when she finishes, her voice soft as she murmurs to their son.
Carina watches as her wife turns, the words indecipherable but her eyes glistening as she looks down at the baby cradled against her chest. He raises a fist to his cheek, guides it clumsily into his waiting mouth. His legs kick at the air, always in motion just like his Mommy.
She watches, too, as he yanks his fingers back out of his mouth. As he looks up at Maya as though she's hung the stars in the sky. As their son, for the first time in his life, smiles a social smile.
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loyalshipper · 3 years
May I introduce the Tumblr DC community to one of my two favorite Batfam AUs I have created. Bruce Wayne owns a hotel/museum near an ocean cliff and still has a chronic adoption problem but doesn’t fight crime. (If anyone writes this you can make it to where heroes still exist, the Batfam are the inly no capes)
WE still exists but it isn’t run by Bruce it is run by Lucius because back in the 60s Thomas and Martha bought the hotel and wanted that to be their legacy. They still die the same way but Bruce puts all his efforts into running and blossoming the hotel which was his parent’s dream project.
I’ll get back into the hotel in a minute I’m taking about the kids now
Dick is gotten a similar way, he visits the Cape with Haly’s Circus, his parents die because of faulty wiring sold to the circus by Zucco and Dick becomes an orphan. Bruce just so happened to use his one night off in a while to go see the circus. He keeps thinking about Dick and ends up adopting him. He helps Dick and the Circus bring Zucco to justice and sues the hell out of him and shuts down his business. (Adopted at 8))
Jason was found living in one of the shut down rooms of the hotel. Because his dad left and was in prison and his mom od. So Bruce treats him like a wild animal and starts to leave food out on a regular schedule until Jason gets comfortable with him and he adopts Jason. (five years younger than Dick)
Tim was the son of two wealthy archaeologists who were gone 11 out of the 12 months. Bruce met Tim because he liked to come into the museum and take pictures of the museum exhibits and hotel architecture and shoreline which he would develop and give copies to Bruce. So he opens his house to this little boy with a penchant for photography. Until one day Tim’e parents call Tim telling him that they are staying in Egypt permanently because the archeological dig is producing wonderous results and they’ll be hiring him an around the clock sitter. Only for Tim to wait three weeks and no one shows up. They went so far as to fire Ms. Mac but never hired a sitter for their son. So he goes to Bruce in tears and explains everything, because this is it-his parents finally did abandon him, and Bruce sues them for custody of Tim. (Three years younger than Jason, adopted at 7)
Damian was the result of a relationship Bruce had in college while studying hotel management and hospitality. Talia is the daughter of a hotel conglomerate owner who is currently trying to buy Bruce’s hotel so it can be torn down and Ra’s can built a new hyper expensive hotel in its place. Damian was sent to live with Bruce to try and get Bruce to have Damian inherit the hotel so Ra’s can get it and destroy it, but that backfired because instead Damian falls in love with the hotel and his new family (reluctantly) and wants to see the hotel and museum flourish, not tear down this historical piece of architecture to replace it with a soulless hotel only available to the wealthy elite. But something available to everyone that families vacation to because there is so much history and beauty in a thing that has stood for centuries. So Damian turns against Ra’s. Due not that while Damian and Tim do have a sibling rivalry it is not as vicious and cutting as it is in canon. They love each other they just don’t mesh well while in the same room. And yes, Damian still has his variety of pets (7 years younger than Tim)
Cass came to the hotel with her “father,” David Cain, who went to the Cape for business, and just ended up leaving and forgetting Cass at the hotel. He was still abusive and Cass had trouble speaking but he wasn’t “turn Cass into the world’s greatest assassin” abusive. After Bruce finds Cass, he sues Cain for parental custody and then ruins his life unrepentantly. (Couple of months older than Jason)
After Martha and Thomas died, Alfred took over managing the hotel while Bruce was still growing up and while he was getting his degrees, now he is the grandfather to Bruce’s many kids and helps to keep them running and cared for while they run and care for the hotel. He’s also the one that helps the new kids transfer into the life of running a hotel.
Barbara is the daughter of the Police Comissioner still who became friends with Dick and works, first part time at the museum/hotel and then full time. Same with Steph and Tim (1 year older than Dick)
Cullen and Harper work at the museum, Helena works at the hotel. Carrie does both. Duke is the newest acquisition. Only, his parents disappeared and no one has been able to find them yet. So Bruce currently had temporary custody of Duke who lives at the hotel with everyone. (Harper is a year older than Tim, Cullen is a year younger than Tim, Carrie is the same age as Jason, Duke is a few months younger than Tim)
Each person has different jobs. (Dick is concierge/check-in, Jason does guided history tours of the hotel/museum/grounds, Tim works in financials because he deals with the least amount of people, Helena, Carrie and Steph are both maids, Carrie also does janitorial stuff with Cullen, Barbara works hotel check-in with Dick, Barbara and Harper work cashier at the gift shop, Duke doesn’t have a job yet because he is still dealing with the disappearance of his parents, Damian does every job to see where he fits in best.
The hotel is still fully staffed with not-batkids, like grounds keepers and other hotel cleaners and janitors.
Location time!
I’m turning Gotham nicer and changing the geography of the city.
The hotel Museum rests about 200 yds from a cliff that overlooks a beach. There is a well maintained stair case put into the cliff for people to walk down, as well as a longer gravel path that follows the cliff edge down to the shoreline. It is frequented by seals, sea lions, and in the distance, dolphins and whales. The hotel it’s self has about 100 or so acres of land and a long drive but it is technically within walking distance to the city. And it’s a normal coastal town with a port and touristic areas. Kinda eerie at night when the fog rolls in but that’s part of the charm of the NorthEast.
Selina is just Bruce’s friend in this. She is Helena’s mother and Bruce was a surrogate for her. She decided she wanted a baby and Bruce offered to be a donor. So Selina had Helena and Bruce is part of her life but not as her dad, which was the agreement. Selina takes care of the stray animals on the grounds and favors the cats.
Clark is a reporter that was tasked to right an article on the hotel and it’s history, became good friends with Bruce and brings his family (Lois, Jon, Bizarro, Kon, Kara, Lena, Chris, Ma, Pa, and Lex) on vacation to it every year. Lex and Clark are divorced husbands that left on good terms and are friendly enough to coparent their son, Connor, who was made the same way as canon but less hush hush and illegally, Kara is Clark’s cousin and Lena is her fiancée, Lois is his wife, Jon and Bizarro are their two biological sons (Bizarro has autism), Chris is their foster son. Bizarro latches onto Jason in a way that he hasn’t before and always loves coming to the hotel, Jon and Chris are best friends with Damian, Connor and Tim are long distance dating.
Collin, Maya, and Maps are Damian’s best friends from school (Damian has a crush on Collin) and he’s trying to convince them to join the hotel staff like his siblings’ friends but they are a) too young and b) not interested.
Roy has all of his problems as in canon and gets help for it, so as a way to try and bring the family closer, Oliver and Dinah arrange a vacation to the hotel for them Roy and Lian. As a stepping stone kind of thing. Get away from daily stress. Roy is resistant at first until he and Jason hit it off and start talking and Jason talks sense into him and they strike up a friendship turned romance.
The Flashfam visit the museum diring a countrywide roadtrip and mad the stop because Bart is a history buff and wouldn’t stop talking about it the entire trip. He becomes fast friends with Tim and is the only person to ever get a Tim Wayne history tour. No matter what Kon tells you he is super salty about it. Wally and Dick were internet friends and used the roadtrip as a way to be able to meet up.
Thad is the obligatory complainer who doesn’t want to stay in a musty old hotel.
Ivy is the main grounds keeper and is in charge of the native wildlife sanctuary most of the land is used for, as well as taking care of the native plantlife and lives in town with her girlfriend, Harley. Harley helps the kids prank Bruce.
Harley is a children’s psychiatrist hired by Bruce to help the kids deal with their various traumas. Her coming to the hotel for sessions is how she and Ivy met.
They started dating between Dick and Jason and Dick talks up each of them to the other, but each individual kid that comes in think they’d be cute together (since they are both professional while working there isn’t immediate proof that they are dating. But they will flirt with each other if they see each other) and it’s basically a right if passage to try and convince their siblings to help them get together and then try and set them up on their own and find out the hard way that they’re already together. They love seeing all the different way the kids try and set them up. They tend to go along with it until either the kids realise or they take pity on them.
Their favorite was Damian’s where he set up an entire romantic dinner at the hotel restaurant and Dick managed to slyly convince him to set it on a certain day that turned out to be Harley and Ivy’s anniversary.
Alfred is the head chef for the hotel, making room service meals and the breakfast buffet line up. Jason will help him out if he isn’t busy with other things.
Victor Fries and his wife hold an ice cream social ever summer at the hotel with all the ice cream flavors they came up with over the last year.
Edward Nygma, famous escape room designer, is hired to make an escape room themed on the hotel and museum that is built on the grounds near the main building.
Another ritual that starts, begins with Tim, where the older siblings convince the newest one that the hotel is haunted and Jason takes them on a “haunted ghost tour” of the abandoned part of the hotel (the part that is too dilapidated and run down to remodel safely) while the others are stationed at different parts of the hotel and grounds to run whatever scenario to scare the new kid. The only one that hasn’t been done to is Cass because even after several years she still jumps a little too hard at loud noises. But one time Jason accident closed a door a little too harshly while Cass and Tim were doing something and it caused her to jump so hard she knocked over Tim and started crying. They were contemplating whether she was strong enough to do it or not and that cemented that she wasn’t.
Tim and Cass are nearly inseparable and are commonly referred to as the Wayne Twins. For Halloween they decided to go as each other.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
The date.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Lillian Luthor x Granddaughter!Reader
Word count: 2202.
“MOOOOOOOM!” You open your bedroom door and stick your head out just to yell. You leave it open and go back inside looking at your entire wardrobe on top of your bed.
“What’s going on?” Lena walks in two minutes later and looks at the situation of your bedroom. “Oh my God, what happened here? A hurricane?”
“Far worst.” You complain sitting on your bed, about to cry. “I have a date with Maya.”
Lena looks at you confused. You’ve been having dates for weeks now.
“A real date. In a restaurant.” You add, pointing at yourself. “I can’t go looking like I’m a fugitive who just robbed a bank.”
You get a chuckle in response, which makes you huff, upset.
“Stop laughing. Help me!” You beg, picking up your clothes. “She’s just so gorgeous.”
“You’re gorgeous too, babygirl.” Lena reaches for your face, but you step away.
“Mom, seriously. I get it, you think I’m cute and pretty and nice, whatever.” You cross your arms. “I want to LOOK pretty. Can you do that, please?”
“Ok. Let’s see what we have here.” Lena starts trying to untangle the clothes from your bed, analyzing each item of clothes you have. She keeps making combinations, and talking at the same time. “Remember to eat slow. The way you and your momma eat it’s not cute.”
“You married her.”
“Well, I’m-well-It doesn’t matter what I did.” She looks back at you, handing you an outfit. “Let’s see this one.”
You change using your superspeed and Lena looks at you, raising an eyebrow.
“No.” She goes back to the pile of clothes. “I know you are an alien, but Maya doesn’t, so she won’t think it’s cute.”
“Yeah, ok. Got it.” She gives you another combination and you change again.
“Too formal.” Lena shakes her head in denial, making you roll your eyes. “Also, please pay for dinner.”
“I will.” You agree, showing her a sweatshirt, she denies with her head.
“Oh, I remember one that I think will look great.” Lena goes to your closet, and you hear her voice coming from there. “So, do you need me to drive you there?”
“Mom, I can literally fly.” You answer a little bit louder, and she comes back with a suit jacket. You deny with your head. “No, mom! I’m not gonna wear a suit for my date.”
“It’s not a suit.” She goes to you, putting on your shoulder. “It’s a part of a suit. You can put it with jeans.”
“Please don’t make me regret asking for your help.” You pout and she breathes deep.
“Hey, what are you two up to?” Kara asks leaning over the door frame from your bedroom and you look at her.
“I have a date, mom’s helping me pick something to wear.”
“What?” Kara looks outraged. “Why haven’t you asked me?” You just give her an eyebrow raise, and when you look behind you Lena is doing the exact same thing. “I have great style.” She mumbles to herself.
Kara makes space in your bed for her to sit, and keeps playing with your clothes. You can see Lena is two seconds away from kicking her out of the room.
“You know, I think you’re due a haircut.” Kara says and you run to the bathroom’s mirror.
“What’s wrong with my hair?” You yell, desperately.
“Nothing’s wrong with it!” You hear Lena’s voice. “Honestly Kara, if you’re not going to help…”
“I am helping!” She huffs annoyed. “I don’t know why you two are making such a big deal about this. You have been seeing Maya for weeks!”
“Uh.” You groan, going back to your bedroom. “You wouldn’t understand. You were friends with mom for years before you made a move on her. She knew everything about you, and still wanted you.” You look at Lena. “Why, exactly?”
“HEY!” Kara defends herself, then pouts looking extremely offended by your comment.
“I’m not saying she shouldn’t!” You rush to reassure her. “You’re cool, funny, and so handsome!” Kara smirks to that. “But you ARE an alien. So, what made you fall for an alien?”
You look at Lena, still shuffling through your clothes, and Kara also looks at her, very expectantly, like she doesn’t know the answer herself. Which is absolute bullshit, because you’ve never seen two people more in love in your life, and they are constantly talking about it and showing affection.
“Really? Just look at her.” Lena points at Kara, whose smirk just grows bigger. “Look at those guns!”
Kara flexes her arms, and Lena’s eyes zeros in it in hunger.
“You know what? Forget I asked.” You go back to your pile of clothes. “Stop looking, JESUS!” You clap your hands in front of Lena’s face. “Can’t you guys just wait until I leave for my date?”
“When is that exactly?” Kara asks, and you roll your eyes, feeling kicked out. But you still look on your phone.
“In ten minutes.” You look at some clothes. Your eyes slowly widen when you realize what you just said. “TEN MINUTES! MOM! I have TEN MINUTES!”
“Ok, calm down. You have super speed.” Lena shoots a look at Kara. “Come on, help.”
Kara mumbles something about the fact you two don’t think she has great style (which is true), but helps you to pick up a long-forgotten jeans jacket you loved so much. Lena picks up the rest of the outfit around it, and you’re ready with three minutes to spare.
“Hey, don’t forget to compliment her.” Kara says walking behind you, while you make your way to the backyard.
“Be a gentleman. Pull the chair.” It’s Lena’s turn to advise you.
“Oh, and if she asks how you got there, please don’t say you flew there on a bus.”
You snap your head back at Kara, squinting your eyes.
“Why on Earth would I say that?”
“Trust me, it could happen.” It’s Lena who answers and you look on your phone just to make sure you don’t have time to ask any further questions about it. “And don’t forget to pay-”
“Oh, dear Rao, I’ve got it!” You fly away after that.
You don’t got it. You absolutely do not. You’re revisiting the entire list they gave you from ‘compliment her’ to ‘pay for dinner’, when Maya walks in the restaurant and you almost choke on your own saliva.
“Hey, babe.” You hear her voice and you scramble your brain for words and the list. Oh, the list!
“Wow, you look… Wow.” You say and she chuckles, coming closer to kiss your cheek lightly.
“You look ‘wow’ yourself.” It’s her answer. Oh, the chair! Pull the chair.
“Here.” You pull the chair and she sits, with a smile on her face.
“What a gentlewoman.” Maya says and you celebrate inside your head. You sit across from her. “Did you moms drive you here?”
“Um…” Don’t say you flew here on a bus. Wait. Of course, you won’t. Rao, Kara is such a dork. “Yeah, Kara gave me a ride.”
“Oh, I thought Kara didn’t drive.” Maya is looking at her menu and you’re in front of her in absolute panic. It’s good she’s not focusing on you at the moment.
“No, she does. Just not well.” You say, making her laugh. And you breathe relieved and happy at the same time. Her laughter is something else. Maya, herself, is something else.
You try not to order too much food, so you don’t look like an actual alien. Usually, you know the exact moment when to stop ordering food by the way the waiter looks at you like you can’t just simply eat all that. This night you stopped way before the look, which probably means you’ll need to buy an entire pizza on your way home. But it’s cool, it’s fine. If not eating like a monster it’s the price to pay for having a girlfriend, you’re more than willing to comply.
“So, I’ve noticed you always have headphones with you. I figured you must really like music.” Maya says and you shake your head agreeing.
Yes, you really like music. And what you like about it so much is the fact that you can drown the noises down with it. Having something to focus on always works for you, when your powers are hard to control.
“I made you a playlist.” She gives you a keychain with a code. You smile from ear to ear. “In case you want to think about me, those are my favorite songs.”
“Oh, I think about you all the time, trust me.” You smile at her, holding her hand on top of the table. “Thank you, I really love it.”
You’re too enamored to notice your surroundings, but you hear an awfully familiar voice that shoots a spike of adrenaline through your spine. You look around to see her there. Oh, no. Not Lillian. Not at the same restaurant you are.
“Can you excuse me for a minute?” You stand up and Maya shakes her head agreeing, but she looks confused. She lets you go, and you pretend you’re going to the bathroom. When she looks down to her phone, you run to Lillian’s table.
“Granddaughter.” She tilts her head, doing her signature move. “Are you here on a date?”
“Maybe.” You shrug. “Are you here to attempt a world take-over?”
“Maybe.” It’s her answer, but she isn’t. She is just eating like a normal person. Why does every day Lillian look more human to you? “You’re looking great.”
“Oh. Thanks.” And now you’re embarrassed.
“You shouldn’t keep your beautiful date waiting to talk to your old evil grandmother.” Lillian points at Maya with a head tilt, and you look back at your table and see Maya sitting there looking amazing. You can’t help a smile that comes up on your face. “Go! I won’t do anything evil today. We’ll talk more soon, dear.”
“Yeah. Ok.” You are almost going back to your table, when you turn around and salute her off. She nods with a tiny smile.
“You cool?” Maya asks and you agree with your head. “I ordered dessert.”
“That’s awesome.” You sit in front of her. “You’re awesome.” You fidget your necklace around your neck trying to calm yourself. “Um, so. I don’t know if you would like this, but um-” Maya holds your hand on the table, and gives it a gentle squeeze, like she’s telling you don’t have to be nervous. You smile. “Well, I applied for this robotics thing, and I have to work on something for it.”
“You know I’m not smart like you, right?” Maya jokes and you laugh.
“No, it’s… I have to work on it next week, and I thought maybe you would like to go to my lab at L Corp with me after school, and like, hang out?” You don’t even give her time to answer and you’re already adding. “But if it doesn’t sound fun, then you don’t have to, at all. Honestly, it’s-”
“Really? That would be great, yeah!” She smiles and you feel your heart easing out a little. “I would love to see this great brain of yours working.”
“Yeah?” You ask and she squeezes your hand again.
“Can’t wait to spend time with you.” She adds and you feel your heart beating so fast, you’re scared she might be able to hear it even without super hearing.
Honestly, you’re a big pile of mess after that. Actually, you’ve been a big pile of mess for this entire dinner, but Maya doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, she seems to like it.
When it’s time to leave, you pretend to call Lena for her to pick you up. It feels horrible lying to Maya, but you’re well aware that sharing your secret identity is something far too big than few dates. You hope one day you can tell her, but for now, you wait until she’s gone, find an alley somewhere, then you fly back home.
Before going inside the house though, you actually call Lena, just to make sure they’re decent and you don’t see more than what you would like to (again).
“Did you meet Lillian at the restaurant?” Lena asks, going in the living room at the same time you’re walking in.
“Yeah, she was having dinner there.”
“She sent me Maya’s entire family background check.” Lena says looking up from her phone.
“Oh, and apparently-” Lena looks at you smirking. “She approves.”
“Is it weird that I feel like I should break up now?” You joke, making your mom laugh. She comes closer and kisses your forehead.
“Don’t worry, I also did the background check once you told me about her.” She smiles when she sees your shocked expression. “And Alex looked them up in all systems worldwide. She’s cool.”
“You guys are so weird.” You half complain, half smile, and make your way to your bedroom.
They are weird, and also unnecessarily overly protective, because you have superpowers and can handle anything. But the fact that your entire family (even Lillian!) were worried about you, it’s extremely adorable. You just freaking love them so much.
@hermen0404 and I got so carried away with Maya existence, so yeah.
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lovesgonnabe · 4 years
Love Is Worth It - Episode II: The Talk
Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cursing, slight Implied smut
Word Count: 2928
Summary: What happens when a dad has to have a tough conversation with a 5 year old about something he may never experience?
Point of View: Chris Evans 
Authors Note: It has been a while since I’ve written so please bear with my rustiness, and there’s slight edits so there may be errors. RIP Chadwick Boseman. 
Disclaimer: This is about to be super dramatic and very fluffy. Also italicized is a flashback.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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I Just Don’t Understand...
As I walk into the house i was having a hard time processing what had just happened on the other side of the door and having a screaming child, barking dog and the anxiety monster on my back isn’t helping.
And I swore I put the heater on but the house was cold and empty.
“Delilah give daddy a minute sweetheart” I told my crying baby girl.
She cried as loud as she could as I sat her down on the couch with a now whimpering Dodger at her feet 
As I paced trying to think, the commotion around me was crippling, I just couldn’t endure the pain my entire body was in, I was in a state of powerlessness.
I’m always prepared especially for moments like these, but at the amount my ability to think was out of the window when I realized i was not mentally prepared for this. Doing the next best thing I called in reinforcements.
the phone rang four times before he picked up “Chris this better be damn important and why is my niece screaming like she’s dying?” Austin said on the other line.
I sighed running my hands through my hair “It’s Maya, she just got arrested in driveway and I don’t know what to do an- quiet down sweetheart, it’ll be alright.” I said.
I sat down on the couch laid Dede on my chest as I tried my best to calm her down, and keep myself together.
“Hold on, What do you mean arrested, what did she do.” Austin asked in shock now giving me his full attention.
Who is Austin you may ask?
Well he is our attorney...
Who also happens to be a prosecutor for the Southern District of New York...
Oh and did mention he’s Maya’s older brother.
Of course I told him everything I knew and then some.
I thanked the heavens when I turned on Frozen and Delilah calmed down to a sniffle, i started to feel like I had some control of the situation.
“That’s some bullshit man, ok listen I’ve gotta make some calls, don’t go to the station, don’t call for her or pick up any calls from the police station, just let me handle it and I’ll text you when it’s taken care of got it?” Austin said
I sighed “Alright we can do that” Austin chuckles “look I know that feeling of being helpless right now, and it’s all gonna be alright, she’s gonna back home tonight, so just relax, this is just something we sadly have to go through, I’ll be over this weekend to check on her” I nodded like he could see me and we hung up.
I took a deep breath and rubbed Delilah’s back and a few tears escaping from my eyes as looked at Elsa save Anna at the end of frozen. I wiped my face because I had to stay strong for my baby girl and I looked down at her.
“Hey Lilah how about some pizza for dinner tonight?” I asked her, nodding her head she wiped her nose mumbling that she was gonna take a bath.
She reminded more and more of her mom everyday from her big brown eyes to her high cheeks and button nose she was becoming just like the woman love.
When she got up all I could think about was when Maya was pregnant with Delilah.
Maya laid on the bed rubbing her belly looking at me with an annoyed look on her face.
“Chris I’m being serious there is going be a day when we are going to have to face the reality that we will have to talk about race relations with our little peanut” Maya said.
I chuckle as i walking out of our connected bathroom leaning against the doorframe looking in adoration of her infatuation with her little belly.
“Babe I understand that trust me I’ve read more how to raise a multiracial baby books than I can count” I said. She looks at me I’m like I’m crazy and rolls her eyes.
“Maya I’m joking but don’t you think its a bit early to having these conversation the baby isn't even here yet babe.” I sighed 
Shaking her head she gets up from the bed “well that was a terrible joke Chris and it's never too early to think ahead especially since, I may not always be around so you have to be one to be prepared.” She said.
She steps in front of the vanity mirror in our room stripping the red satin body hugging dress she wore from our dinner date tonight. I know what she was doing but I couldn’t focus on how beautiful her glow was because of how morbid she was acting.
Walking to her from the door frame, I got up behind her and wrapped my arms around her softly rubbing her belly. “Don’t say that, we are going to be together till infinity you better believe that.” I placed my chin on her shoulder and kissed her check.
She whispered sadly “Chris I do believe that, It’s just statics show that black women are 3x more likely to die in childbirth than white women, I just want you to be prepared” I groaned.
She reminds me that deathening fact at least once a week but I keep my cool stood up straight and grabbed her hands, placing them on her belly while intertwining them with mine.
We caught each other's gaze in the mirror, her pregnancy glow makes me want to make sure she keeps popping out babies. The way her skin glistened under our dimmed lights and how soft she felt under my touch to her sweet smell Lavender, this woman was my world.
“Look I refuse to leave that hospital without you ok. Maya I don’t know what I’d do if I were to lose you” I softly respond 
“Now repeat after me we are going to have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby girl and we are leaving that hospital together.” I say as we held an intense gaze through the mirror in front of us.
She chuckles “I still think our little peanut will be a boy but I guess we’ll find out in a few days” I let out a gut busting laugh. “Whatever you say my love” I kiss her shoulder then the sweet spot behind her ear
I whispered in her ear “maybe we can start you know practicing for that baby boy right now?” 
I stand, slowly pushing her back down bending her in front of the vanity with her hands on the chair, I move my hands to her hip and sent a smack to her ass.
She sucked her teeth “Don’t think you’re slick we aren’t done with this conversation” she moans as I gently rub her clit. I chuckled and got to work.
I concluded that without her no matter how much we’ve prepared there is no way I was ready to handle situations like these especially alone.
By the time the pizza gets here I’ve emptied the groceries from Maya’s car, feed Dodger and changed the movie.
When I came into the kitchen Delilah was on her little step stool gabbing the plates then the cheese and utensils.
I raised an eyebrow very confused as to when my little girl was becoming a big girl.
“When did you become so independent Dede” I said give each of us two slices
She gave me a said smile and said “I just watch mommy do it.” She shrugged
We walk in to the living room and I started Princess and the Frog or Delilah’s favorite movie.
We sat in silence for a bit and then sniffling again she asked “daddy why did they take mommy today”
This is the talk I’ve been dreading it was something Maya and I agreed we’d give her when she was 10 and we’d give it together.
When we talk about it all Maya would say was “you will know what to say when the time comes at least that’s what my mom says”
Yet all I could do was look at those big brown eyes and hesitate, i paused the movie, grabbed her hand and just went off the cuff with what came from the heart.
I sigh “look at our hands do you see any difference?”
She nodded “yeah mommy says she dark chocolate, you’re white chocolate and I’m a cute Caramel, we are all different but we all love the same” 
I laugh, it would be like my wife to be teaching me while she wasn’t here.
We put our plates down and scooted closer to each other still holding hands.
I hesitate again “the thing is sweetheart there are some but not all people in this world and a lot of them are white chocolate like me and they don’t like that mommy is dark chocolate so they do mean things to them like what happened today.” She nodded with her processing the information face.
“Ok daddy but why aren’t more white chocolate people like you, mommy didn’t do anything we just got ice cream.” She asked still somewhat confused with the entire situation.
My little peanut is one of the smartest cookies I know and I forget sometimes that she is still only 5. It pains me to see that she even with how bright she is she is still too young to fully comprehend the severity of the situation.
“That I don’t know but I do know that mommy’s gonna be ok and that no matter what I love you and mommy more than anything In the world” I said with a reassuring smile.
“One more question since I-I am Caramel and not white chocolate like you would that happen to me” she asked.
This is the dreaded question as a father you don’t want to see your kids in pain you want them happy but the reality is that the one thing I’ve learned with being with Maya is  that being black in a white America isn’t easy.
Running my hand through my hair the wrapped my arm around her “It may happen Lilah but mommy and I will do everything in our power to make sure you are ready for those moments, but right now just worry about being a kid and we’ll take care of the rest.” She nodded and I kissed her forehead.
We continued our movie session and sat in silence until the end of the movie when Delilah wanted to watch Moana.
It was midnight on school night but I decided that Delilah wasn’t going to school tomorrow and I let my assistant know to relay the message that I was not coming to set tomorrow. So I turned on the next movie.
Half-way through I got a text from Austin
                        11/25/2020 12:49am
Austin: Hey bro just got off the phone with the Boston PD precinct Maya’s at she’ll be released in about one hour and she good go
Chris: Thank You, I’m on my way.
I wanted to cheer so loud but Dede and Dodger were asleep, so I called my parents to drop Delilah off which my mom agreed happily.
After dropping Dede off at my parents who I am still shocked were still awake this late, I headed to the precinct, my body was shaking with nerves. When I got there I parked and rushed inside.
When the front desk lady began speak I cut her off “I’m here for Maya Alonso-Evans” she looked at me like she was gonna scream with excitement but I guess my face said it all.
She escorted me to the back “Chief Demilio will see you now” my hands were sweaty I knocked and heard a come in.
Walking into the office there she sat with dry tear stains on her face, looking disheveled, she ran to me and threw her hands around me as she started to cry some more.
“its gonna alright baby I’m here” I whispered and hugged her back tightly.
“Hello Mr. Evans thank you for joining us we are just wrapping up here, would you like to take a seat” the weird looking man behind the mahogany desk asked.
I ushered her back to her previous seat and I stood behind her placing my jacket on her shoulder as I rub them softly “no I’m good with standing” I say with a menacing face.
He clears his throat and looks at us awkwardly “ok then, on the behalf of Boston PD we would like to  give our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience of this mix up and the officers will be dealt with accordingly.” I raised an eyebrow at his shortness and at the sorry ass apology we were getting.
“Ok so what is going to happen to these officers then?” I ask with my hands still on Maya’s shoulders trying to keep both of us calm.
He smirks “one will be put on administrative leave for the next month and the other indefinitely until we can get this all sorted” he says to us show us the file.
Maya sighs an exasperated sigh looking as if she could pass out right there.
I speak up “that’s it the are getting a paid vacation?” I asked highly confused at this situation.
“The board thinks due to the incidents in this case that this is best punishment we can give them, we know your upset Mr. Evans but you must look at the circumstances” he says talking down to me as my breathing began to pick up.
I chuckled “the only circumstances I see was my wife being falsely accused for a crime that she didn't commit and being arrested in front our 5 year old daughter wh-“ Maya put her hand up cutting me off speaking for the first time since I got there. 
Placing her hand on top of mine “It’s ok Chris I just wanna go home” she got up grabbed my keys out of my hand and without another word walked out and I followed right behind her shaking my head.
She got her things they took before they booked her and we headed to the car, I opened the door for her she quietly thanked me and we started our journey home.
The first 10 minutes was a comfortable silence then I decided to break it.
I grabbed her hand and kissed it “honey you alright?” I know it was an awful question to ask but something had to be said.
She shrugged her shoulders “I am just exhausted right now all I want is food, maybe some sex and a good cuddle with Delilah, did you leave her with your parents” she ask now checking her phone.
I nodded “Dede asked me if what happen to you would happen to her” we were now at a red light and looked at each other.
Maya groaned and rubbed her forehead “what did you say?” She looked at me again
I let out a heavy breathe “I just told her it could happen and that we’d deal with it when she got a little older and that not all people are like the men from today.” I started tapping the steering wheel with my left hand, I was nervous.
she let out a relieved sigh “Ok that works” was all she said and I looked at her confused.
She chuckled “What? You did your best among the circumstances. Isn’t that what the police chief said back there” she rolled her eyes and I laughed at her sly remark.
“There goes my baby. Have you heard from Austin yet?” I ask turning on our street.
Then she laughed “yeah he called me while I was in a holding cell to let me know when I’d be let out.. You know his frat brother is the attorney general of Massachusetts” I chuckled and pulled to the driveway.
Once I parked, I got out and opened her door and she asked me to carry her in, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked us into our home.
With her looking at me as I focused on getting us both up the stairs she starts kissing me all over my face “Hey I know you wish you could’ve done more babe but you did what’s most important and that be a father to our beautiful daughter.” She said as we reached our room.
I dropped her on our California King and stood between her legs rubbing her thighs.
She sat up rubbing the hair on the back of my neck “You are the rock to my roll you make me feel safe and today you protected me the best you could, I love you papi remember that” she softly kissed my lips.
Her lips tasted like sin and strawberry lip balm. Her back felt like velvet as I ran my hands up her warm body and into her hair pulling on it softly. As our kiss deepened, her embrace felt like home to me and I would not know what I’d do if had loss her tonight.
I whispered back “I love you to the moon and back my love”
Many people do not agree with our relationship and don’t understand why I’d choose Maya over all the other women I could be with. But this was my choice to make and I wouldn't change a thing. However, for those who disagree with me.
Fuck Them!
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