#tagging them cause they're  major characters in the story
bylertruther · 1 year
some of you never grew up in a small conservative town as a (gay) nerd that was bullied, harassed, and excluded for years on end for not fitting in and for visibly and enthusiastically liking geek things—geek things that then branded you a satanist in everyone's eyes and as something Other, Lesser, and Undoubtedly Unworthy of Basic Human Decency even though you were literally just an actual child with harmless interests and not a satanist or an evil disgusting subhuman thing, and it shows.
you cannot apply modern views and beliefs to a show that is set in the eighties, especially not when it's set in conservative midwest eighties which is a whole other beast. being a socially awkward and nonconforming geek is something that people STILL get bullied for if you don't do it in a way that the majority deems "acceptable", especially if you live in a conservative, religious area.
your experiences are not universal and your inability to relate to a certain motif or story does not make it "lesser" or "bad writing."
#stranger things#mike wheeler#<- tagging and then disappearing into the mist again bc i don't like it here lol.#girls when they love stranger things because they finally see characters just like them with the same exact experiences written with such#care and respect for those that have been Deemed Other but people who have not had those experiences refuse to believe that they're#realistic and STILL happen to people bc if they're fortunate to have not gone through that then clearly that means that it doesn't exist#and if it does then it's not Traumatic Enough or a good enough plot to cause such inner turmoil in the characters who experience that#💥🛼#i got bullied for being a nerd in the 2000s and 2010s. you can absolutely get bullied for being a nerd and being a nerd is enough reason#for social exile in some places. when dustin said that no one was nice to him or mike? when lucas said that girls laughed at them? and it's#all because they're deemed freaks and satanists for liking fantasy things? that's Real and it doesn't hurt any less just because you think#it's not a good enough reason to bully someone.#i was called a satanist to my face by adults. people acted like i was some Creature or whatever just because i liked fiction and wasn't#interested in what the majority was interested in and wore dark clothing sometimes. like.. hello. school shooter jokes? the way#that neurodivergent people get treated when they're visibly ''different'' and enjoy things passionately? the way that liking star wars was#a thing to ridicule until it suddenly became Acceptable and Popular to like? i feel like i'm living in a different reality than so many#people here with the way that they talk about certain things in this show. and don't even get me started on the way people approached#the angela and el situation....#maybe just be glad that these things did not happen to you and stop acting like it's lesser or a bad story bc of that? just a thought.
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sytokun · 4 months
A lengthy thought wall about the recent RT shutdown and DillonGoo Studios' interest in acquiring RWBY - I speculate and entertain some hopium about the pros that could come with it and why all in all, impossible it may be, it's probably the best shot we have for RWBY.
Some rwde cause it mentions Shane's letter and nobody likes that.
I've been reading a lot, a lot of the various discussions around RWBY's fate and Dillon Goo Studio's (henceforth shortened to DGS) interest in acquiring it. Here's my overall evaluation everything so far:
This goes without saying but this is obviously an optimistic take on the matter, I wanna talk moreso about the pros rather than the logistics of whether DGS can afford it, whether you think it's just clout-chasing, etc.
Dillon's a former RWBY animator and a fan of Monty's work. No matter what you think of Monty's style of action, in the greater public sphere, RWBY is known and liked precisely for that and largely that alone, period. Only RWBY fans who are already invested in the show will mention story or characters - for the majority of people, i.e. future RWBY fans, the action is the main selling point, and DGS clearly can deliver on this.
Dillon himself is at least amicable with most of CRWBY and likely open to negotiate with them given prior work history. For any other media corporation, consulting the old IP holders of a defunct company is a minor formality at best or even a laughable waste of time. And if you want to bring up a certain almost 10-year-old letter and the person working with Dillon who wrote it, there are plenty in the comments section who would agree with me that it's not as big a dealbreaker as one might think, given the company the letter largely condemned is well dead and buried. I won't go further into that matter.
DGS is very community-oriented - they're very intimately familiar with 3D animation and produces creator-friendly content like the Goo Engine which helps future animators inspired by RWBY to make similar anime-style 3D content. Every single RWBY fan animator whose work we enjoyed benefits from this acquisition - all of whom can grow into future animators for the series, intimately familiar with its trademark action style.
DGS is probably the only genuine fan of RWBY that has a remote chance of acquiring the IP with the express motivation of using the IP creatively. This can be clearly seen in the steady improvement of their animation content over the years and desire to push the medium. All other candidates are corporations whose motivations with RWBY are, more likely than not, going to be entirely financial (not necessarily a bad or unhealthy thing, but it's a factor).
If RWBY stays under WB or given off to Crunchyroll? They have no stake in RWBY beyond pure business. They have no interest in what's best for RWBY or its growth, only how it will be most profitable or recoup the losses from RT. The only companies I can see being more creatively invested in RWBY are ArcSystem Works who implemented RWBY in Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, or Shaft that animated Ice Queendom, but those are both Japanese companies unlikely to go all-in on a foreign IP - especially given that these studios usually adapt other IPs, not buy them outright.
DGS is invested in RWBY. Their entire studio's style is built on RWBY-esque action animation. Acquiring RWBY more or less guarantees it'll become their main flagship series and their main investment, whereas with WB, Crunchyroll or other big platform, RWBY is nowhere near prolific enough to be much more than another shelf-filler in their library. At worst, Warner archives RWBY for eternity and at best, they only bring RWBY out for tie-ins and crossovers to prop up their larger DC properties. Why give RWBY the spotlight when they own the likes of Justice League and Looney Tunes?
DGS may not be the most plausible choice, but it's clear that unless some big company like ArcSystem Works or something throws their hat in the RWBY ring, DGS is far and away the people's favourite, even gaining approval from JJ Grelle (Tyrian's VA), who quite notably refused to reprise their role for Rooster Teeth.
DGS is still very much an indie studio which IMO RWBY has flourished the most under, the time period where it retained a certain unpolished energy that made you invested in watching it improve and grow. I don't want to watch a RWBY that uses its precious time under a new studio to just go by the numbers and coast by on its existing fanbase. I want to watch a RWBY that grows, innovates and takes risks, that impresses and draws new and old fans in the way it does for every single person that has watched the Red Trailer for the first time.
I think a lot of folks have a preconceived notion that RWBY has to continue on the exact same production value as V9 left off, but that never had to be the case. I think a return to a much more subdued production with smaller teams focusing on strong individual episodes over large overarching narratives will be healthy for RWBY and more easily invite new fans, which it sorely needs if it wants to stay afloat this time around.
Whether this means a continuation to V10 or a reboot I don't know, but I know I'd rather take a RWBY that a new studio respects and will produce in a way that fits their strengths and limits, over trying and overreaching themselves to make something work that even Rooster Teeth failed to, or over no RWBY at all.
That's the crux of it: the worse alternative is no RWBY at all. CRWBY and especially us as a fandom are in no position to be picky when that's the alternative. There's no such thing as a perfect deal, but this is about as sweet as they come. If the only hurdle is WB's refusal to sell, then that's on Warner. If the only hurdle is affording the IP, I, many others and no doubt other associates Dillon Goo Studios knows are likely to help them meet that price.
I do wanna stress, despite my optimism, I'm not asking to stake all our hopes on DGS as the saviour of RWBY, god no - the last thing I want is a weirdo Monty 2.0 cult and I doubt Dillon would want that either. I'm not saying the RWBY they'd make will be perfect or be equitable for everyone either - some compromises must be made and professionally speaking, whoever owns RWBY next has no legal obligation to make V10 or bring back anyone from CRWBY. Any such action is solely on the graces of the new IP holder and at the end of the day, I think whatever creates a healthier, longer-lasting future for RWBY should take priority over our sentiment or attachment.
But as things stand right now, if DGS isn't just farming Twitter likes and is honest-to-god serious about acquiring RWBY, and no better candidate presents themselves, this is about the best option we have right now, and I myself will be ready to help and contribute in whatever little way I can. Because I know the very real alternative is either a complete gamble on yet another faceless media subsidiary, or watching RWBY rot behind a vault for the next decade or more.
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months
Okay. I've been tip-toeing around this AU for a while now, but I just got caught up, and now I think I have a (decent) grasp on what's going on. So I wanna go over everything I know so far to see if I'm right or wrong on anything. Don't know if you'd be willing to correct me or not. Either way, I hope my mistakes can help you understand what to clarify to other fans like me. But, I also have some questions. You probably won't be able to answer most of them, but it's at least worth a shot.
First, where's Venus? Like, why is she not in your comics that are (sort of) separate frome the canon now story. The ones that skip to the future way after all the turtles reunite. Did she die? Did she escape? Is it because she wasn't introduced yet when you made those comics?
Two, why do you keep on making references to the future timeline? I know you're planning on possibly making your own stuff leading up to the events of the movie. It just gives me a jumpscare when I see certain...imagery in those comics. I guess you're hinting at what your version of the future apocalypse would look like, but it just hurts to see. Specifically in the comic explaining both the events and aftermath of the movie and the bad future timeline. It's starting to really confuse my brain as to where this story is headed. What's meant to be the main focus? The Hamto's reuniting? The aftermath? Or the future?
Third, did you make all those min-comics before you started the actual AU? Or did you do them during?
Fourth, are any of those mini-comics relevant to the actual story now? Or have you changed your mind on a few things? It's just that everything is so all over the place, I don't really know whether to trust if they're accurate. I know most of them are just there for funzies, but the longer ones concern me. I guess I'm just not used to the storyteller doing sequel, start, prequel, start, sequel, prequel, prequel, sequel, and then end. Or maybe it's just me, and I'm sleep deprived.
My little observation speech is gonna take a while for me to get out in your asks because when I get theoretical, my speech gets long, and my proper English goes down the drain. So I'll be back. I appreciate your work very much. Despite the pain it causes me, it's still amazing.
I’ll try my best to clear up what confusion I can!
1. As far as Venus. The answer is kind of a mix of, I was still figuring out her design and backstory while coming out with some of those early comics, and then, once I had that down, I wanted the boys to grow strong bonds as a main cast. That’s why a lot of the side characters are only making small appearances in the Sep!AU Life stories, as those are mainly for the boys reconnecting. (Usagi shows up the most because I love him and am totally biased towards him).
This maybe hasn’t been stated outright, but I wasn’t really expecting so many ppl to like Vee as much as they do, and now im trying not to spoil too much of her story. It’ll unfortunately just take us a while to get to the meat of it. Since the boys reconnecting takes up a lot of the early s1s2 story, Im trying to follow the familiar Rise blueprint of Draxum, Shredder, Krang, and then in s3 we’ll have crazy fun new stories with the extra characters.
Ive also decided to take this little nugget from one of the Q&As, and use it for Venus instead of Jennika. It was a much needed bit of inspiration to explain why Venus sorta disappears for a while and will go through some major physical changes (not yet revealed) before the family can figure out a way to reach her.
Tumblr media
2. I’m not sure if you mean jump scared in a bad/triggering or neutral way, but if you need me to tag anything on those posts please let me know!
The glimpses of the future timeline, are being scattered throughout wherever they parallel the present story in little ways, but that’s only for now. As we get closer to the movie plot, bigger chunks of the future will be revealed, because the future versions of the boys will have a larger role to play in the present timeline. So we will need more backstory than what the canon got. And also I just enjoy drawing my future versions so sometimes I don’t think too hard on a reason. I just like throwing them at ppl with no warning or reason.
When s2 ends, I plan on collecting all the future related stuff that’s been released, and recapping it for easier reading. Right now, it’s just little sprinkles of foreshadowing to give ppl an idea that, ‘oh crap. The doomed timeline is a bummer’. In my mind, I guess i thought it’d be kinda like a fun scavenger hunt for clues, but maybe ppl don’t like that 😅
3. All of the side-stories were written as the main comic was/is being released. A lot of them resulted from asks that just spawned the need to expand on certain ideas, or a desire to give all the turtles their time to shine.
For instance, when I was doing Donnie’s section of the main comic, it was a good few months where we hardly saw anyone but him and Venus. I wanted to just mix it up, and give Raph some love with his ‘Raph Time’ short. When Leo was front and center in the main, we hardly saw the others, so Mikey and Donnie got their little ‘Secrets’ short (and it was also I fun thank you for EW making it so far in the tmnt sep competition).
4. Anything that has been reworked/revised or just plain dropped should have an ‘Edit’ note because yes—I have gone back and changed some things, but more so from the asks i got in the early days, and some movie idea drafts.
All the short comics done in the last year, especially the ones that are listed in my pinned post, are canon and fall somewhere in the timeline. They’re like supplemental reading though—extra meat to give the world and the characters more personality. They do have particular backstory plot and important info in them, but nothing that shouldn’t eventually be re-visited/repeated in the main story.
um I hope that cleared up some things! I know it’s kind of a crazy amount of lore. I’ve tried my best to organize it in the pinned post, huge timeline, and search bar tags, but I know it’s getting harder and harder for newer ppl to jump in as it just get bigger. Thanks for reading regardless!
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Skizzekai Au- Character and Group Summary
Very long summary post! This contains information on every single hermit, established group, and major plot event. Summaries are below the cut.
Skizz's Adventuring Party
Team ZITS! Skizz, our main hero, quickly found allies in the other three. Tango was his first ally, and Zedaph joined up because of his alchemy skills. The alliance was a bit strained after Zed brought Skizz back from death and gave him some difficult and annoying tasks to do, but now they're closer than ever. Impulse came to join them after hearing rumours of the new hero. Grian and Mumbo are not formal party members, but show up to help from time to time.
ConVex Travelling Merchants
Scar, Cub, and False roam throughout the kingdoms, selling wares and taking both money and names! They also may be a little bit possessed. Neutral forces, both helping and messing with Skizz, they're in this mainly for fun and profit.
Lore Kingdom
Ruled by Joel, this kingdom has a heavy concentration of magic affecting fate and stories. A group of seers called the Watchers were the ones who made the hero's prophecy, forseeing Skizz would be needed- and so Joel summoned him to this world. Naturally, they've been on his side the whole time.
Ice Kingdom
A harsh and frosty place ruled by Queen Stress- and one of the first places hit by the great evil, slowly draining the magic and life of the citizens. Thankfully Iskall, the queen's bodyguard, seems to have some sort of protective aura, keeping the palace and those nearby safe. The native iskallium crystals, capable of pulling energy from the environment and turning it into pure magic stored within, might be one reason this kingdom was targeted so quickly. They also cause the eternal winter of the kingdom, drawing in heat. Ice Kingdom artificers are known for the incredible magitech iskallium can be used in.
Undead Republic
Formerly a kingdom ruled by Ren, after the crown passed on to Cleo she declared the place a republic. The votes that followed landed her in charge anyways, with Ren as second in command. All sorts of undead live here, including the half-ghost Joe and the drowned Gem. The kingdom is currently dealing with an infestation of strange blue lichen underground. It's sensitive to sound and seems to be able to infect people into monstrous and deadly creatures.
Evil Empire
Lead by Evil X, this is the big bad of our story. The citizens here are mainly demons, using magic drawn from risk, danger and gambles, often used to form contracts. EX himself has found a way to drain magic from the world into himself, stealing it from the environment and the people. He uses this to gain power, create loyal constructs that take the shape of other people throughout the world, and also to power a really good hot tub. Unfortunately for him, dissent grows in his citizens, and at least one- Impulse- betrayed EX's side completely.
Jungle Guardians
Deep in a sprawling, deadly jungle, four hermits make their homes. Acting as guardians, they help adventurers safely pass through. Their forms are created from the environment around them, with Bdubs being all plant, and Etho having a metallic shell around his leafy center. Doc likes to change things up, constantly adding and replacing new parts. Beef is as of yet undetermined.
There exists a kingdom that is not quite a kingdom, oceans ruled by whichever captain, warlord, or general scoundrel happens to be most listened to at the moment. False used to be one of them, leading a crew of harpies. She still visits from time to time. Wels used to be part of her crew as well. Xisuma also joined a crew of pirates once, thinking the flag meant they had bones to spare. He was wrong, but they let him tag along anyways.
(alphabetical order)
Species: Jungle Construct
Bdubs is made entirely of leaves, moss, and vines. He is NOT small, thank you very much, he is above average for his species. Along with the rest of the NHO, he protects the jungle he calls home. Has powerful plant magic. If provoked too far, may unleash a terrifyingly powerful aura.
Species: Undetermined
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Seems to be a perfectly normal, if slightly creepy, farmer.
Species: Zombie, previously Fae
Prime Minister of the Undead Republic. Cleo leads her people well, and is currently fighting against the sculk infesting the tunnels. Has an army of constructs and puppets, but is willing to hire adventurers to help out. Friends with Joe and Ren.
Species: Fae (Sculk?)
After a deal with the Vex leaving him slightly possessed, Cub runs a traveling shop full of magical wares with Scar and False. Unknown to them, he had an interest in the other, nonmagical world. One thing lead to another, and he managed to build a functional portal, only to find that the sculk living in the cracks between dimensions followed him back. It's starting to take over him, slowly but surely.
Species: Undetermined/Varies, presumably Jungle Construct
Protects the jungle with the rest of the NHO. Constantly changing his form, adding new traits and replacing old ones. Also has the ability to grow to kaiju size. Made a portal to the human world with Etho, just to see if they could.
Species: Jungle Construct
Despite being of a normally short species, Etho is seven feet tall. This may be due to the fact he has formed a metallic shell around his plantlike inner body. Not quite in control of his aura, which is constantly projecting a slight threatening feel. Made a portal to the human world with Doc just to see if they could.
Evil X
Species: Nothingness
The ultimate villain of the story. EX has been draining the magic of the world, trying to maintain his form with stolen power, as well as just for fun and to make himself stronger. Maybe take over the world while he's at it. Rules his own kingdom, and created the Hels Hermits with stolen magic. He's created a fake prophecy to justify his rise to greatness. A tiny bit of magic is used to power his hot tub, which is filled with water from a magic spring and actually helps all the stolen magic cohere. Since the magic he's stealing is helping form his body, EX's appearance is constantly shifting based on where he most recently took from.
Species: Harpy
Used to lead a crew of pirates, but after a deal with the Vex she had to leave. Now travels with Cub and Scar, although she does meet up with her old crew sometimes. Recently, shes taken to hunting down Skizz, due to the bounty put on his head... if only her companions were more helpful.
Species: Drowned, previously Human
Skizz isn't the only hero of prophecy this world has seen. Gem was summoned for the same reason, not too long ago. She used to have angelic, feathered wings, and wield powerful light magic. Unfortunately... she failed.
She was struck down, and the ocean saved her, by changing her into a Drowned. Undead, adapted to life underwater, and with the wings she used to have only broken scraps on her back. Now, her light magic burns her. She can't use it. But she was still working on saving the world! It's moved on. It's replaced her. So she sets a bounty out on Skizz, to teach him what happens if he fails too.
Species: ????? Entity???
Grian is... strange. He appears different to everyone, seeming like one species or another, with the only constant being that he is known to be powerful. In truth, he's simply not able to be understood- a being sewn into the very fabric of the world, deeper than anyone else, perhaps made entirely of pure magic. He used to be a member of the Watchers, getting thrown out of the group because blowing things up is "distracting" and "makes it hard to see the future". He still knows a few tricks though, such as being able to recognize if you've been a subject of prophecy. He also likes fishing.
Species: Human
Changelings are a rare thing in this world, a few sneaky fae slipping between dimensions to swap out their children. Hypno is one of those humans who got taken. His fae "family" had plans, ones that relied upon the human ability to adapt to magic so easily. They kept him away from any strong sources of magic... until it was time. That night, when the plan was pulled off and Hypno felt the magic moving inside him and trying to twist him and feeling so very wrong wrong wrong, was the night he ran away. He never wanted this. Was he just some kind of tool or exotic pet to them? He just wanted to stay human.
The deal EX offered him was almost too good to be true. A simple watch, capable of absorbing the magic that would otherwise be mutating him. He could feel at home in his own skin. And the payment? Just the magic the watch stole. Basically free! So what if it worked a little too well, slowly draining the magic around him if he stayed in one place too long? He can keep moving. It's fine. It's better than not working well enough. He needs to stay himself.
Species: Demon
A former citizen of the Evil Empire. Having grown up under EX's rule, living and working there his entire life, he had doubts but didn't think he could make a difference. Maybe the prophecy could save them if he held on long enough.
He saw Gem try, and fail, and lost hope entirely. So he kept his head down, worked hard, got promotions, did what he needed to survive. If the chosen one couldn't win, what chance did he have?
Until he heard the rumors of a new hero, of them gathering an army and growing stronger. He left, joined up with Skizz, and has become a great ally and friend. Shame that his old coworkers think he's a spy for them now. Hopefully his new friends don't believe it.
Species: Undetermined
A citizen of the Ice Kingdom, and Stress's bodyguard. His original name was lost in a bet a while back, but Stress only uses it for silly pranks, and he likes Iskall better anyways. Has a strange aura full of magic and life, working as an energy source, and protecting the area around him from the draining darkness.
Species: Slime
He is a slime guy who does slime magic. Likes hanging out with Hypno, and doesn't understand why the guy doesn't want to be magic. It's fun. In fact, Jevin is made almost entirely of magic, which.... may be a bad thing if he's going to spend so much time around Hypno.
Joe Hills
Species: Half-Ghost, previously Human
He may be a citizen of the Undead Republic now, but Joe will always introduce himself as being from Nashville, Tennessee. He did use to live there! Ended up in Hermiton after Doc and Etho made a portal and found him. Thinking it was a scam, really he should have just left, but he was curious.
Species: Minor God
He wasn't always godly. Due to the kingdom he rules being so full of lore magic, the belief and opinions of his people had a strong effect on him. Originally an ogre, he's gone through quite. a few transformations, and finally settled on aacending to godhood. As a god, he can look however he wants, although a ogre-like form is still most comfortable. A really tall and handsome ogre, though.
Species: Unicorn
He's a unicorn. And a menace. He's got an ego, only uses his magic when he wants to, and claims he can see the value of souls. Keeps calling XB the princess of the lake.
Species: Weakened God
Mumbo used to be the god of the night and all its creatures, until Grian accidentally stole half his power. That power was, again accidentally, used to create the species of vampires, which Mumbo now greatly resembles, right down to his ability to turn into a bat. Grian still feels bad about it. As for Mumbo himself, he turns up to help the heroes now and again, and may or may not follow them around in bat form.
Species: Fae (Mothlike)
Pearl was once the queen of her own kingdom. It was a wonderful place, known for nature magic helping them grow anything. When a talking dog came asking to be her advisor, she made the decision to accept its offer. From its advice, her decisions got more and more cruel, her powers stronger, and the hound grew into a beast. The queen corrupted, and so did the magic.
But one day, it all got too much. Pearl realized what she had done, slew the beast, and exiled herself. Her powers faded, she keeps her head down. Now she just tries to live her life and have fun, doing her job delivering mail.
Species: Werewolf, previously Fae
Him and Cleo were friends since childhood. Even when she got zombified and he got bitten by a werewolf, they never gave up on each other, and even bonded over it. They formed their kingdom together, and these days Ren is second in command of the Undead Republic. They're still very close.
Species: Fae
A wizard who made a deal with the Vex, and now travels around selling enchanted wares with Cub and False. Jellie is his familiar. Took Skizz's name at one point, but gave it back after Skizz found Jellie, who had been missing. He also keeps letting Skizz go whenever False captures him, for various reasons each sillier than the last.
Species: who knows at this point, previously Human
Main character. Was summoned from Earth to defeat a great evil and save the world. Joel didn't quite explain how, so he's just doing his best. Currently, he's going around to different kingdoms, trying to get them on his side.
When he was summoned, he was still wearing his suit he had put on for work. It didn't take long to annoy a wizard, who cursed him so that he can't wear sleeves. The sleeves of his suit then proceeded to explode. Thankfully, the rest of the suit picked up durability magic somewhere.
A more important magical item is his necklace. It was made as a sort of battery for mages, charging up and storing ambient magic. When full, it bleeds off excess energy by sending it into the wearer, which normally results in boosted magic. Unfortunately, it is currently on a human, who has no magic of his own.
The result of this has changed Skizz, attuning him to the world's magic, and causing dragonfly wings to sprout from his back. He can feel the faint electric-current buzz of magic in his chest and at his fingertips. He's become able to learn and use the magic known by his friends, channeling their power through him.
Skizz's life on Earth was not a good one. It was boring, monotonous, and stressful. Wake up, work, go home, sleep. Is there any wonder he prefers this fantastical world over it? When everything is over, he chooses to make his home in Hermiton, with his new friends.
Species: Fae
Queen of the Ice Kingdom. Has Iskall's name, but only uses it to be silly.
Species: Undetermined, presumably Fire Something
Tango has strong fire magic, but it's hard to control- it's tied to his emotions, flaring up with anger or fear. He has to keep calm to properly control it. A side effect of this magic is that he has a prehensile tail made of fire. It also reacts to emotions, but in a much more harmless way, perking up when he's curious and wagging when happy. He doesn't use his fire much, preferring to rely on a deck of magical cards, each with a different effect.
Species: Unknown
TFC likes to mine. He spends his time in tunnels underground, mining in many different caverns. Nobody is quite sure what species he is. Dwarf, goblin, fae, and construct have all been theories, but none turned out to be right. The one time Skizz encountered him, he simply gave him the gem he'd been looking for. After all, why not help out? He doesn't have the energy for nonsense anyways.
Species: Selkie
A former member of False's pirate crew. Wels is proficient in bard magic, weaving power into voice and song, and he's also good with a sword. Most of the time, he wears his sealskin as a cape, appearing human. He has a second set of armour that fits his seal form so he can kick ass underwater.
Species: Water Spirit
Lives in a lake fed by a magical spring. This is, in fact, the place EX got his hot tub water from. XB is not happy about this. Leave his lake alone!
Species: Nothingness (+Bones)
A puddle of nothingness that learned to sustain himself and build a solid body from bones! He finds them delicious. At one point, he joined a pirate crew because he thought the skull and crossbones flag meant they had bones to eat. They didn't, but they were nice and let him stay. Over time, he found a way to grow his own bones, poking out of the nothingness that is him. It doesn't even hurt to pull them out.
Species: Undetermined
Originally, Zed was just a normal alchemist, with a little reality distortion magic. Somehow, he happened upon the secret to immortality. There was not supposed to be a secret to immortality. Death didn't make it possible. When Zed did it, Death Himself showed up, extremely confused. He took Zed on as an apprentice to try and figure out how that even happened, and hasn't succeeded yet.
As Death's apprentice, Zed has the ability to bring people back to life- not even undeath, just straight up life. He has a rather terrifying reputation, but he's friendly, if a lot weird, and prone to making those he revives do silly and almost impossible tasks for him. For fun, of course. Revived Tango at one point, and accepted a card full of luck magic as payment.
Hels Hermits
Species: Various, may or may not be the same as their original due to the different types of magic used in their creation
These are constructs, people formed and brought to life from the magic EX stole. They work as his underlings, endlessly loyal and just as evil as he is. Notable members include Helsknight, EX's personal guard, Badtimes, a diplomat, and True, a spymaster.
- Skizz, after being summoned, ventures around the land collecting allies and getting the help of various kingdoms
- At some point, ZITS raid EX's palace, presumably to try and defeat him
- During the final battle, Skizz manages to channel the light magic Gem still holds deep inside
- After his journey is complete, Skizz is sent back to earth... only to find he no longer feels like he belongs there. Using the last bit of magic stored in his necklace, he contacts the Hermits, and asks to be summoned back home.
- In exchange, Hypno is sent to live on earth, after a bit of preparation from the former humans. He no longer has to worry about magic changing him, and now he can make new friends, without having to keep distant to avoid draining them.
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
The majority of Rhaegar/Lyanna stans here are minding their own business but for certain people here (especially "martell stans") is not enough
They keep bashing these characters and they are acting as if they are "oppressed" by Rhaegar's stans
It's boring
This is sooooo true, and why I find Elia/Martell stans to be so annoying even though I love several Martell characters (same with house Stark stans tbh). They love throwing stones and then hiding their hands. They put their hate in the main tags and call Rhaegar a pedophile/rapist/racist/abuser/etc., Lyanna a spoiled brat/heartless temptress, and shit talk shippers cause they think the fanon they invented justifies it but the second a Rhaelya gives a fraction of that energy back, they play the victim. Cause you're right, it's not enough for them. At the root of it, they're forever going to be mad that Rhaegar, Lyanna, and their relationship are popular + important to the story. They swear they don't care but then they never shut up about them. Just another case of people wanting to be morally superior and getting pissy when things don't go their way.
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thenixkat · 1 month
Hi sorry for asking im just genuinely curious, what are all the changes you'd make to the sun/ moon anime? Stuff like lusamine, guzma, etc. I love seeing you pop up in the guzma tag to rant abt how they butchered my guy, and im curious of all the stuff you'd personally change abt the anime bc it. It has problems. Sorry again for asking i just love disecting my fav media and discussing its flaws and how to better them!!!!
The biggest change would be letting Lusamine be a villain which in turn would let just about every character that got shafted actually get to have their stories.
Not shying away from her abuse which caused both Gladion and Lillie to runaway from home taking pokemon that were tortured by Lusamine with them. (Hell, you could even hint at some of the issues in Alolan society with overlooking/not talking about or helping with abuse)
Getting rid of the pokemon school angle since, the trial captains literally have only approximately an 8 year that they can be trial captains if the age cut-off is twenty and folks are expected to start their island challenge at 11. Those kids don't have the time to be dicking around at school, especially not the older ones like Kiawe and Mallow. Like, being a trial captain is a huge fucking honor in their society and they'd likely prioritize it over other stuff. Also, I don't care for nerfing characters for no good reason.
Storywise, I think using a combination of the story from the Sun/Moon game with some of the stuff from the Manga version of the story that managed to use stuff from Ultra without downplaying Lusamine's shit could make for the best adaption of the story with a few tweaks. -> Instead of the pokemon school plot, why not have Ash try his hand at being a research assistant? It'd be something new to do with him, give him a reason to be around and work with the professors, give him extra reason to explore Alola, and interact with Aether Foundation, and come in conflict with Team Skull. -> I can also see him trying his hand at the Island Challenge b/c of course, he's the protag. Hell, he can even make friends with the trial captains along the way.
-> Let Lillie be the deuteraganist proper! Let her be an actual trainer to Nebby! I hate some much that the games want us to have her pokemon just cause its the fucking box legendary, that's her pokemon and by all rights it would make more sense for her to catch it b/c that would be safer for Nebby in the long run. -> Not putting Hau on a damn bus for 97 episodes! He's the game *rival*, he's a major fucking character. Let this boy be present from jump and be both Lillie and Ash's rival. Explore his feelings about being stuck in Hala's shadow, the MC's shadow, and his sympathies with Team Skull.
-> ( A complaint I have with the games is I don't think Team Skull should be as rude or distant to Gladion as they are. Like, why would they make fun of him for being homeless if they're squatting in a rundown building? If Team Skull are supposed to be a group of homies and found family against the world, why wouldn't they adopt Gladion's prickly ass and tease him for being an edgelord? Also, just while Guzma acknowledges and respects Gladion for also escaping from and abusive household and wanting to get as strong as he can, I want more to be done with that than just paying lip service. Let them bond. ) -> Ah, yes, where was I? Gladion as a member of Team Skull. Not just hired help/an enforcer like in the games but an actual member. Let him bond with them damnit. And also keep him in a rival role to Ash while being a bad guy. Hell, its been a long time since I've watched the older pokemon seasons but it'd be fun to have a bad guy who keeps a long-running win streak over Ash. Let him keep his anime win streak and be a 'bad' guy.
-> Let Guzma have his role as the decoy big bad! Don't nerf him, don't slander him. Have folks mention him and have him show up at several points and have those eps be fucking heavy for one reason or another. He is a problem of a trainer and knows strategy and covers his team's weaknesses. -> While I hate everything the anime did slandering my guy making him the 'Undefeated' b/c he's a chicken that only targets weaklings, I wanna see Guzma being called the 'Undefeated' for serious, like folks thinking he's a chicken b/c of his ace and not taking every challenge sent his way but no he's actually good like that. I wanna see him beat Ash multiple times, yes Ash needs to beat him at some point to kickstart Guzma's character development but I wanna see him struggle to get that victory. -> You have no idea how much I want to see Guzma interrupt anyone who tries to use a Z move in a battle with him out of pure spite instead of just standing around doing fuck all while folks chant and do the poses. It would make so much more sense if he had his golisopod just sucker punch a pokemon in the middle of the z move stuff. It would be a good way to show that he's ruthless and very intent on bucking tradition. -> After I realized that like Guzma got possessed by a nihiligo in the of games and the manga and we were denied a perfectly good opportunity for a monster!Guzma rampage and opportunity to show how much Team Skull cares about each other that a 'I know yer in there come back to us Boss' and a 'help us save our Boss' could have added, I feel a bit miffed. Like I even commissioned fic to have just that and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends. -> I do like that Team Skull didn't disband at the end of the anime. Them breaking up is one of the things I don't like about the games. Like, the can reform and stay together. (I also commissioned fic for Team Skull reforming while staying together and its good and everyone should read it and share with their friends)
-> Plumeria would have more things to do if Team Skull in general had more things to do and were taken a lil more seriously than they are in the anime. I do like the idea of her scouting and scoping and infiltrating in disguise. Also, I think she should make it farther in the pokemon league conference than she did b/c she's also a good trainer, and smart, and ruthless too. -> I think if she did make it further in the pokemon league conference and had to fight Guzma then that would be a great opportunity to show that the two characters are actually really good friends and know each other well. Certainly, I'd have Guzma win that fight, I'd also have that fight be the only one where he actually shows good sportsmanship towards his opponent. B/c he likes and respects Plumeria.
When it was on Netflix a few years ago I do remember watching some of the Pokemon Sun/Moon eps. And I remember how strange it felt that the ultra beast stuff had like a goofy Power Rangers type bend with folks suiting up as like a task force to deal with the things and just... idk maybe we should play the aggressive and fearful pokemon from another dimension more seriously. Darker at least. Cause like... ultra beasts kill people, they're a lot more dangerous than pokemon, they can do a good number on the environment more so than the invasives that are native to the dimension that the series takes place in.
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catofadifferentcolor · 11 months
Terrible Fic Idea #58: Percy Jackson x Criminal Minds
While perusing the PJO tag for the first time in ages, I stumbled across yet another crossover I never would have thought of trying - and which, naturally, hasn't escaped my head. It managed to mash together the worlds of PJO and Criminal Minds... and so, naturally, I thought: if I were going to write this crossover, what would I do?
Just imagine it:
Everything follows canon - until MoA. There Percy plays off the judo throw in New Rome to avoid starting a war with the Greeks, but after they're alone on the Argo Percy tells Annabeth that he doesn't appreciate 1) being blamed for his disappearance, as if Hera had asked him if he wanted to lose his memories and half a year of his life, and 2) being physically attacked by his girlfriend outside of weapons practice.
Naturally, Annabeth doesn't take this well and doubles down on her position, and the two fight like cats and dogs throughout MoA and HoO. By the time they reach Akhlys, Percy is hardly inclined to listen to Annabeth at all, and so doesn't stop poison-bending.
It's not obvious at the time, but not stopping fully unlocks Percy's divine powers. He's now immortal, like Chiron, but not a god. It's also rather the final straw for Annabeth and Percy's relationship.
Because he doesn't immediately realize he's immortal, Percy goes on with normal human things like high school and college - attending both at Camp Jupiter, which is better equipped to handle demigods than the average mortal school. It's only after he starts grad school at nearby Stanford University and gets a lot of comments on how young he looks does anyone start realizing what's happened.
Fast forward to about 15 years after HOO, when Percy has joined the BAU - because even immortals have to pay the bills somehow.
In my head I picture this to be S8/S9 of CM, largely because I enjoyed Alex Blake's character and think she'd be a good outsider POV for the story I want to tell, but dealer's choice.
Percy proves to be the BAU cryptid. His primary and secondary school records say unsub in the making... then he double majors in marine biology and classics in college (because everyone who survives four years in the legion or slays a particular number of monsters gets a classics degree when they graduate by default). Then he goes on to get a doctorate in psychology from Stanford... and swim twice for Team USA in the Olympics. He once went on vacation in the Keys and found the wreck of a lost Spanish galleon free diving. He's polite and mild mannered and goes nowhere without at least three knives on his person and a week's worth of survival gear. When he's tired, his reports sometimes slip into Ancient Greek or Latin. He may be a Hellenist and speaks of Hell as a place that he's been.
Percy is, in short, unfathomable to his profiler colleagues. They like him, but every new thing they learn about him only complicates the profile they're definitely not putting together.
He's been in the BAU for about 18 months before they receive reports of a serial killer's dumping ground in the Oakland Hills, not more than a mile from Camp Jupiter. The victims are all in their late teens and signs indicate all were killed in a ritualistic way. Most of those the investigators can identify are runaways.
Once the BAU is on site, Reid determines that someone is trying to recreate an obscure Ancient Roman sacrifice.
More importantly, Percy realizes that, yes, these are definitely the bodies of Roman demigods - and not one of them was killed by a monster before they could get to camp. In fact, he's pretty sure there's a secret entrance to camp not 100' away from the oldest body.
It's this last point that causes Percy to lead his team to Camp Jupiter. This is a revelation in itself and should answer many of the team's questions about Percy but give them twice as many new ones.
It should also be perfect timing, as they arrive just as praetors Frank and Hazel were thinking of reaching out to Percy, as he's the only real investigator either camp has. They're not aware of most of the murders, as it's not unusual for one or two demigods every year to be killed after leaving the safety of camp, but the last three victims went missing in the last three months under odd circumstances.
(One was a granddaughter of Apollo who'd talked about wanting to join the Hunters of Artemis, and when she disappeared everyone assumed that's what she did, only for the Hunters to visit later claiming she never showed. The most recent was a daughter of Bacchus who hated the regimented life of the legion and wanted to transfer to Camp Half-Blood where things were a little more their speed. Most the others were legacies or the children of minor gods.)
They set up shop in Percy's house - in part because CJ has no police force beyond the legion, which houses their main suspects - in part because Percy's house is built like a Roman temple on the edge of the temple district and no one would dare sneak into it.
(The demigods have been actively treating immortal Percy as a god, because if deification worked for Nero, they can make it work for Percy. And a deified!Percy could only be good for them.)
In the end it comes out a grandchild of Hecate/Trivia was sacrificing other demigods to their ancestor in hopes of obtaining more power - they should be just powerful enough to disguise their actions with the Mist but not much more, and intensely jealous their ancestor handed already-powerful Hazel more power during the Giant War.
Bonuses include: 1) Thalia and the Hunters showing up to help, as do Nico and Will. This should be an intensely confusing family reunion to watch from the outside given that two are immortal. Extra bonus points if the BAU recognize Nico from some wildly successful paranormal investigative channel on YouTube and are shocked to find out all the ghosts are real; 2) Will calling Percy "mom", on account of the fact he's been dating Apollo for the last five years now - Apollo's longest relationship ever - though Percy refuses to consider marriage or children until fifty years have passed; and 3) One of the BAU being tangentially involved with the mythological world already - Hotch had a relationship with a disguised Justice before meeting Hailey and their child is at Camp Jupiter? Reid has just recently met a disguised Athena at a conference and is now worried he'll arrive home to a baby on the doorstep?
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back to me if you chose to do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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a-iya · 8 days
Sooo what are your favorite characters? (*・ω・)ノ
omg!! i'm so sorry it literally takes like 4 business days for me to reply to stuff x_x favorite characters like of all time? this is an impossible question to answer 😩
i have too many and one simply cannot choose just one character from any show to pick as a favorite ugh. i guess i can start with the main shows my blog consists of/the shows that have a lot of different kinds of characters (each one has at least 4 omg 😭)
demon slayer
rengoku (the literal love of my life, the one who started it all, the main reason i got into anime, the cure to my depression at one point?? i get emotional just thinking about him sometimes. i go back and listen to the mugen train soundtrack just to hurt my own feelings)
shinobu (🦋 [can't add my blog tag for her cause it's an emoji but she has some of the prettiest fanart ever], gorgeous character design, color scheme, overall aesthetic, classy. she deserved more out of her life than being in a constant state of anger 😭)
inosuke (i have no tag for him but he is my fav from the main squad. he is chaotic as hell and caveman-ish in the most hilarious ways. his pretty face makes it that much more ironic)
nezuko (the cutest baddie ever. so pretty. protective of tanjiro and comrades. how can you not love her)
zenitsu (his cowardice is actually really relatable. his expressions are sooo funny in the show they've got to be one of the best)
obamitsu (i love them so much individually, i love them so much together, i literally love them so much. literally black cat and golden retriever energy in the best ways. the last episode with iguro's jealousy was so funny and such a treat omg)
jujutsu kaisen
the main trio's dynamic (i enjoy them all as individuals, but when they're together the silly antics and the chaos that ensues is so dear to me. gege was so wrong for what he did to each of them. if i ever see him it's on sight)
nanami (my man, her man, everyone and their mom's man...! literally impossible to not like him. the miserable corporate life is just so relatable. but the fact that he's still such a good man at the end of the day and wants to protect the children ;-; WHERE are the men like him irl 😭 i will never forgive gege for what he did to him,,, gege,.., when i cATcH you gege.,.,..)
ino (my ABSOLUTE FAV underrated man?? his skater boy aesthetic makes me wEAK!! and correct me if i'm wrong but he just gives off major himbo energy. he's such a puppy, i love him so much 🥺 also fun fact i met his VA, who also voices tanaka from haikyuu [i don't think i will ever shut up about this])
gojo (for obvious reasons. handsome, funny, good at everything. at the same time he cares so much for the youngins it's really touching. but also he's just so unserious about everything i wish i had even an ounce of his confidence fr. an uncontested king, he deserved better 😭)
geto (oh geto (be forewarned: only depression posts in this tag). it hurt me so bad to see his descent into madness. i think his story and especially his relationship with gojo is beautifully written. the visual symbolism is also heavenly in the most melancholic way. he reminds me a lot of eren from aot. i felt his exhaustion and hopelessness from the depths of my soul. i think about rengoku when i want to be hurt in a good(ish?) way, but geto is my go-to when i'm in the mood for straight depression)
yuta (a blorbo if I've ever seen one. so precious. very sad about his current state. if gege kills him off there will be no one left 😭)
choso (normally i don't care for emo boys but he's so 'i am onii-chan,' it's endearing and also kind of funny. other than that he's really quiet for the most part but also like responsible and cares a lot about people he's close to. i ship him and yuki. i remember finding out about his death when i'd first logged into tumblr one day and i was devastated. how does gege manage to kill everyone 😭🤡)
my hero academia
shoto (see tag: SHOTOOOOO. my favorite boy. i love how the angst just completely left his body after deku forced him through his inner turmoil during the sports festival. competent. obviously one of bones' favorites given he's always drawn so handsomely)
kaminari (he is so dumb and i love him for it. good vibes only and even if a bit perverted, still super respectful and funny. bones always animates him with the most hilarious expressions. love him and jiro. also love him and mina as last in the class. and him and kirishima for being able to handle bakugo's difficult personality in stride!! he is so stupid and happy and i love him omg)
kirishima (a himbo!! the friendliest and most encouraging jock ever. i would've appreciated if i had a presence like him around when i was in high school. so manly!! i love how he just gets along with everyone. him and tetsutetsu are such an iconic duo. i also love how silly him and kaminari are [and sometimes bakugo too lol])
jiro (she is just so cool. introverted and operates mostly on the sidelines/behind-the-scenes, which i relate to and am also most comfortable with. she's like me if i was cooler and musically talented and had a rocker girl aesthetic)
most of class A (you can't hate any of them!! except for mineta maybe but the rest are all so cute and quirky [haha 🤪] in their own way)
mirio (energetic and positive and caring and such a bright light. also very hardworking. i'd love to have someone like him around in my life)
recovery girl (funny and sweet and a badass!! we love to see an advocate for the wellbeing of young heroes in training)
present mic (he is just such a funny announcer and narrator. always has something to say and i love his energy)
vestiges kudo and en (they are just..,., so handsome..,.)
love their character design/color scheme/aesthetic: nejire, hawks, shiozaki, shinso, lady nagant, the green arrow girl from world heroes mission
attack on titan
jean (a motherfucking STALLION. the man that he is ugh 😩 shoutout [and rip] to marco who is honestly the reason for his amazing character development. truthfully, i think he could've done better than mikasa at the end [and i love her but it's so obvious that she only ever had eren in her heart] but i appreciate his consistency)
hange (just wants to be left to her own devices and be her true, unhinged self. i respect it. i love how everyone also just accepts her eccentricities and no one really makes fun of her for it [except levi of course but i love their dynamic so much])
erwin (the kind of leader we all wanna see!! intelligent, competent, respectable, pragmatic but also caring and inspiring. knows how to and is capable of make difficult decisions. a charismatic pillar of the military fr. i get so emotional when i listen to eren zahyo [hiroyuki sawano the goat fr] because of his scene at the end of S2. i search it up on youtube sometimes just to feel something honestly)
bertholdt (my poor boy. got absolutely nothing except wronged 😔 it hurt me so much to see him have to be the villain in S2. another blorbo who deserved the world and was literally thrown out the window once he was killed off. justice for my boy! 😭)
sasha (i miss her so much!! she was so funny and wholesome. a simple gal with simple needs. her and niccolo were so (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) tragic ugh. it breaks my heart)
pieck (her voice!! she also voices nakamura in assclass which i talk about here later. as for her character, she is super intelligent, respectable, and admirable as a female soldier. i'm a sucker for good covert ops and she's definitely one)
colt (handsome, caring older brother to the death. i wish we saw more of him. he deserved better ;-;)
avatar: the last airbender (and korra)
toph (a badass. witty, funny, also really smart. does whatever she wants and gives no fucks)
azula (cunning. gorgeous. a crazy bitch and i love her for it. i wanna be her so bad)
asami (gorgeous. smart. talented. hard-working. literally the whole package. you wanna hate her but you just can't??)
airbending kids (jinora, ikki, meelo. all their voices match their personalities so well?? jinora is so smart and respectful, ikki is so sociable and good at interacting with people, and meelo is hilarious. i literally want to be all of them)
mako/bolin (i love them as a duo. they balance each other out and as siblings they just make so much sense)
wing/wei (they had so much potential for content as twin himbos 😭 so handsome too. i wish we saw more of them in the show)
assassination classroom (not a big anime but 10/10 would recommend this series. it's like a shorter mostly lighthearted version of mha with the wholesome school stuff)
koro-sensei (how could you hate him ;-; the more the show goes on the harder it is to accept his fate)
kayano (she's so cute. secretly crazy but for good reason!!)
kurahashi (she's literally sooo cute!! 😭 so fluffy)
nakamura (just the coolest girl ever. if i knew her irl i'd probably be intimidated by how cool she is)
takebayashi (he's kind of lame [i believe the current term for it is 'boyfailure'] but i just like him!! i can't explain why)
isogai (our fav poor class president!! he is such a nice and respectful boy)
maehara (a flirt and a playboy. i mostly only like him because he's handsome and he reminds me of kaminari from mha. i also love his friendship with isogai)
chiba/hayami (iconic sniper duo. very low key. i enjoy this introverted ship so much)
finn (the most normal™️ boy in this series. i'd love to be friends with him irl. he seems to be the only reasonable one in the group lmao. i guess he's considered kind of lame? but only cause his friends are wack jobs *affectionate*. his power is really cool and i think he deserves more interactions with his brother.)
lemon (my fav kooky girl. she'd host such a good girls' self care night imo. i feel like she deserves more attention but she's all good vibes and just so lovely)
dot (kinda crazy. almost the boy version of lemon? they give off the same chaotic energy but he's a good boy at heart and very golden retriever. he deserves the love he so wishes for!!)
abel (i don't care much for his character but aesthetically with the purple hair/clothes and his eyes i just. also his voice is nice and deep)
animal crossing
clay (my son. my bagel boy jr. the cutest baby boy to ever exist. he is never leaving my island)
ruby (my daughter. my fav rendition of the moon rabbit. also never leaving my island)
flurry (my emotional support hamster. got me through some tough times. my coping mechanism before anime. i let her leave my island and i regret it so much 😭)
julian (gay best friend i've always wanted and never had. he's too cool for me and he knows it. probably also knows he's too good to stay on my island but i will not let him leave)
dizzy/papi (literally so adorable. my sons who have since left my island)
marina/cheri (my daughters who have since left my island)
diana/whitney (they are just gorgeous and they know it. that is all)
aesthetically just love their character design: roscoe, spike, apollo, cyd, fang, hopper (do not ask me why i have no idea), tiffany, cleo, coco, aurora, roald
celeste (the nicest most adorable astronomy owl ever!! gives you the cutest star/space-themed items)
flick (sullen emo gay with a rocker aesthetic. hyper fixated on bugs. what's not to love)
pascal (hippie otter that's just vibin'. high all the time and i respect it. i love the way he looks. i wanted to buy a phone case off etsy with him on it and i still regret not getting it to this day [it is no longer for sale 🥲])
timmy and tommy (the cutest twins!! ...twins!! [iykyk lol]. happy and hardworking and literally the cutest tanukis ever.)
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
Tryna articulate how Jason in canon feels extremely afrolatino to the point he's considered canonically so by black/latino DC fans but nonblack/gringo DC fans' racism causes them to ruin it for us with stereotyping that's so popular it's depressingly more known than literally anything about him and then there's also the hateful anti following it has that's also just racism but with the add-on of concern trolling
This deep dive includes dark topics as it's a breakdown by me as a homecountry raised afrolatina using actual black history.Trigger warnings:Antiblackness,anti latino racism,racialized misogyny,classism,ableism,slavery,csa,incest and sexual harrasment towards a minor of color(Damian).The non-Jason characters have been tagged because they're a major part of this and it includes defending them against Batfanon so i thought the fans will like to read it if they're comfortable reading the content,if not,please skip for your own self-care
So Jason acts a lot like an example of positive black masculinity-He's a huge mama's boy to THREE mom's(Catherine,Nocturna and Talia)and dates woc exclusively(Rose,Artemis and Dana)and respects women tons in general regardless of specific dynamic,has extremely high standards for other men and mouths off to them freely unlike what he's like with female characters including his own dad(this is also a black male thing actually!It's a running joke in black culture that boys will adore their mothers but be little shits to their fathers),has been a huge nerd his whole life both as in 'nerdy interests' and 'super smart' and is unbeliavably tough as a trauma coping and defense mechanism but has no shame in being openly emotional and kind.These aren't exclusively black people things obviously but what ties together for us are the elements of his story
He was born poor and ended up a street kid after Catherine died and Willis was sent to jail.Being poor isn't racist in black/latino characters if it's not used to demonize them and Los Todds did start off potrayed positively before classist propaganda got it's filthy hands on them and black/latino people ARE often poor in real because of colonization and the following systematic oppression.So afrolatino Jason with a respectfully potrayed poor background would be representation and work as good commentary on black trauma!This also applies to The Joker killing him when he was only 15 and him getting victim blaming and lies spread about him post-death to make him look like a bad kid who brought it upon himself when he was an extremely sweet and gentle boy that always had good intentions and makes Red Hood all the more interesting as a black character challenging the justice system and being morally gray but potrayed sympathically and a tragic figure and even getting a redemption arc eventually
There's also the accidental subtext of him beefing with his brothers severely except Duke,who he instantly liked and they're the closest Batboy relathionship the other has and the closest thing to eachother's Robin with Jason validating Duke as a real Robin,Batkid and Batboy multiple times which is exactly what Duke is insecure over in regards to his place in the Batfam and on a way funnier instinence of this,there's the unintentional from og Rhato deblackifying Kory and having her throw herself at Jason with him constantly rejecting her yet Rose doing the same thing and him legit willingly dating her in multiple runs so it brings the implication that Jason wasn't attracted to Kory because they turned her into a white woman.For more defying of stereotypes,he's not into drinking or smoking or casual relathionships and only wants to be with someone for real love and he pushed a guy off a roof as Robin for being a sex ring runner and as Red Hood targeted a pedophillic elementary school teacher to kill him for abusing a student so he takes direct action against sexual abuers instead of being one.Fun coincidences that his birthday is on dominican restoration day,african-american parents commonly give their kids greek names and his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters' which is also the title of a legendary sitcom that's from 80s like he is!
And this is exactly where nonblack/gringo DC fans fail us.His positive masculinity is switched for making him a stereotypical guy and that even includes erasing him being canonically (goth) punk,NONE of them care about Duke and dismiss black DC fans' critisisms because 'it's not that deep' as if they're not fetishizing blackness and latinohood while ALSO erasing it because oh no THAT black character dosen't appeal to my fantasies so ion know about that one,his type is replaced with white cis gringas and men who he can't stand-often for good reasons but nah,that's gay denial guys!!!,his parenthood is made to revolve around JUST Bruce and in addition to the misogyny it's classist to Willis too,has his intellegence and cultured interests and behaviors erased to make him 'the dumb angry one',isn't allowed to authentically keep his kindness in favor of sanitazion and this includes not actually writing as mentally ill but a supersized pissbaby who thinks having symptoms is a female trait(much like this headass fandom),he gets called classist slurs like 'street rat' and reduced down to other stereotypes of poor people for gags,he's reduced down to DITF when he's so much happier as more than just 'The Dead Robin' and his depth from his Robin days is taken from him for the sake of calling a lil romani boy a fucking mini monster,he's not allowed to just NOT smoke and NOT drink because he dosen't fucking WANT to because he has ptsd and it's triggering AND THE WORST PART
I see smut of him EVERYWHERE,non-fucking-stop,he's known as the horndog of the Batkids for baseless and even direct opposite from canon assumptions that're rooted in gender essentialism and ableism(i.e 'That's what REAL men are like😏' and the propaganda that trauma always turn you into a freak in the sheets who can only think about sex)and the way he's thee target of batcest and 'd*ddy issues' shipping when he's said outright he's grossed out at the thought of kissing his brothers-he said he has FOUR brothers too,you 'Batboy means white-I MEAN BLUE EYED' ahh snowroaches-and hates the guts of almost every older man he knows because he pulls people his own age and has a life outside of sex and dating.Plus that as an afrolatino man he'd DEsexualize himself as to not be literally assaulted by white people as they see black people as inherently sexual monsters and how black child slaves were widely csa'd and forced into incest by their owners and like all the fuckass white 'homoeroticism' on here y'all obsses over with him that has never been in Jason's lore is just historical abuse and even murder tactics used against black folks and latinos and afrolatinos by extension.And it's always posted and stanned by cis white women who never learned to explore media outside of men and white dudes that think themselves free of prejudice just because they're trans and autistic
It's performative,violent and just straight up makes them not that good of people seeing as they treat irl black people and latino poc like this too but don't think that gives anybody the right to hate afrolatino Jason.Y'all always nasty asf too-The fury and offense at black people being happy and black characters in your precious lil fancontent is embarrasing as hell and almost all of you don't extempt yourself from gross ships or innapropriate treatment of child characters(See the running gag of Jason telling Damian 'he fucked his mom' when in reality it was anti-arab propaganda,csa AND incest so it's no better than batcest and i even saw Roy say it to Damian over Dick once and i hardly think saying sexual shit to a minor about their family member isn't child abuse in any context,no matter how 'bratty' they're being and you're telling on yourselves with thinking that's 'the right punishment').Afrolatino Jason is black and latino DC fans' as it's creators and biggest content makers so you're both bad and irrelevant.You both ain't shit compared to my nonblack/gringo friends who base their afrolatino Jason off my content because they actually care about us.Be.Quiet.
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riiviir · 11 days
i wanna know more about kyer and alisia, their designs are super cool and the stuff u said about them in tags sounds super interesting!!
so. they're both major characters in this RPG I would really like to make someday called The Mission Of Imperium.
Basically everyone is aware of the 4th wall, Players are seen as an entity that must be summoned when the world is faced with a dilemma that ordinary heroes cannot solve.
however, Players need a vessel.
in this particular story, Kyer is The Intended Vessel. they were chosen for this role because they tend to be a pushover and thus would be easy for the Player to control.
Alisia has been Kyer's best friend since childhood, and planned to go with them and basically be the Game's deuteragonist while Kyer would be the protagonist. she doesn't trust the Player, nor does she particularly like the idea of Kyer being possessed, but she is willing to let this happen and support their decision to act as a vessel.
however, when the player tries to inhabit Kyer's body, it is revealed that they are actually unable to act as a vessel. having the Player inhabiting them causes a lot of pain and could lead to death (that the Player would not be able to respawn them from) within less than an hour if the Player is not removed from their body.
Because of this, the Player ends up switching vessels last minute, causing Alisia to become the Player's vessel. she hates this, but for the fate of the world and the fact that she seems to be doing just fine as a vessel, she ends up becoming the Game's protagonist.
aside from the main conflict of "go defeat evil and save the world", this story centers a lot around the Player being able to make whatever choices they want regardless of what Alisia and Kyer want. and boy do I have plans regarding that
#there is also the whole question of “why did the pushover not work as a vessel but the one who is actively fighting the possession is fine”#but the answer to that question is spoilers#and so are the plans#the player can wingman these two tho. the player has the freedom of making them kiss#and yeah sure there ARE happy endings but the bad ones? OUGH. MY PLANS. DOOMED BY THE PLOT.#also these guys exist purely bc I randomly had the idea of “a game where you can't control the player character sometimes” which.#deltarune has already done that with the whole kris putting theur soul in a cage thing but this is different because#imagine if you were being possessed by some entity with completely unknown intentions and everyone around you KNEW about this and was not#only completely fine with that but actually encouraging it like. “yeah you're possessed! this is a good thing!!” but the entity possessing#you has already tried to do horrible things and you dont know if you'll be able to stop them next time. and it wont let you tell people. an#even if you could tell people they'd have more faith in the entity than you and say something like “it knows what it's doing just relax”#poor Alisia is probably the most doomed by the plot out of all the characters depending on what the player decides to do#anyways yea i still have a lot of stuff to figure out about the whole story such as every single character other than these two but#yippee i like thinking about these two#the mission of imperium#tmoi
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Helloo, I’ve been thinking lately— how do you think the brothers/dateables would react to MC coming out as polyamorous/wanting a polyamorous relationship? I think weeks or even a month ago you reblogged a poll with OM threesomes? After I saw the post I kept wondering how Solomon would take a poly (V/pivot, with MC as pivot) relationship lol (because he tends to be jealous/insecure at times, but baby so am I :’))
Yes this is super super random lmao— in my defense my heart would absolutely break if I were ever forced to choose between Sol and Barbatos. I just can’t— thus I won’t I also wouldn’t reject Simeon ansbd I may (accidentally) have my favorites but it still would shatter my heart if I had to choose just one person (maybe even two’s not enough)
Hello there, anon!
Ah yes the poll I reblogged is here! @devildomwriter (I hope you don't mind me tagging you!) has been posting polls regularly and there was a series of them for who you'd like to threesome with. They might still be going! Last time I saw one, I think it was on part 11??
Anyway, I have thought about this very question because of the exact situation you describe - having to choose. Uh, I'm gonna put this under a read more 'cause it got kinda long!
The interesting thing about Obey Me is that MC can date everybody. If you always choose the romantic options for all the characters, then they all have to be okay with MC being poly. However, the jealousy between the brothers alone is a big theme that happens all the time in the story. They're constantly fighting over who gets to spend time with MC. I always felt like the OG deliberately made it seem like the characters were somehow unaware of the fact that MC might be dating all of them lol.
The brothers especially seem to be oblivious of this since there's no way they haven't figured it out when all seven of them plus MC live together. They must know they're part of a poly octopus, right?
But a more choosy MC might only have a poly V or some other configuration so if we consider how they'd all react to being in a V with MC as the pivot, then I think some of them are going to be able to handle that easier than others.
For instance, I think Solomon would struggle with a V situation. He would try to act like it doesn't bother him because he wants to support MC and he wants them to be happy. But he definitely gets jealous. I think it's something he would be willing to work through and I also think it could change depending on who the other part of the V is. I think he'd be more jealous of Lucifer than Barbatos, for example.
However, I very much think that Solomon would have a lot less of an issue if he was in a triad with MC. I think you could do this with Asmodeus, Barbatos, Satan, or Simeon and he'd be okay with it. Mayyyybe Levi too.
I kind of think in a lot of cases, it really depends on who the other person in the situation is.
I think generally speaking, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, and Barbatos probably wouldn't have any major issues with either a V or a triad/throuple situation. They're all confident enough in themselves and their love for MC that it wouldn't be a problem. Beel and Belphie are practically in a V with MC already anyway.
Lucifer is too prideful and I think he'd have a problem with the V if the other person was someone he didn't think was worthy of MC. Solomon? No way. Diavolo? He'd be okay with that. I also think a Lucifer/MC/Diavolo triad would work.
Mammon freaks out any time MC so much as looks at one of his brothers lol. However, I think he would want to do whatever makes MC happiest. I think he would struggle a bit with a V situation and he would need a lot of reassurance from MC. I think his insecurities would make him question himself unless MC was always telling him how important he is to them.
Levi probably wouldn't do well at all. I mean, he's the Avatar of Envy himself, do you really think he could share MC with anybody?? I just can't see it. I think a V would upset him. I think he'd be much happier with a triad situation, but he might still struggle with it.
Now Simeon is interesting because I personally think he'd be okay with it, but I do think he'd have opinions about the other person involved. Kind of like Lucifer, he'd want them to be someone he thinks is worthy of MC and if they're not, he'll make sure they know it.
Anyway, all of this is to say that I think you would be able to do a V with Solomon and Barbatos if that was your desire! I think both of them would just want you to be happy and in the OG, they're actually friends! So I think it'd be fine!
And since they all don't seem to be bothered by the fact that MC can date all of them, I'm of the opinion that you don't actually need to choose anybody at all. When I play, I choose the romancing options for all of them because I love them all so much lol.
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concealeddarkness13 · 3 months
So...All's Fair is Now a Sci-Fi!
Content warning for mentions of rape and violence and death. Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout, and @grailfish!
I've been rethinking the plot of All's Fair, thinking about how to change it, to make it feel more manageable and make it better. And I think I've figured it out. Change this story into more of a sci-fi/cyberpunk. I am also merging this story with Irina's story!
Instead of the species ganging up on the humans and putting them into an enclosure, a group of corporations (led by humans and other species) joined together to form an empire that controls the citizens through religion, corporations, and force. A majority of the citizens are relegated to the "undercity" (name pending) where they are exploited and used and have to scrounge for survival.
This empire wants to put all humans and other species under their control, and they are doing a good job of it so far. The only free peoples left are most of the faeries (the Kage aliens from this one but revamped), all of the Venus girdle species, and some groups of humans and Shades who have escaped the empire. Outside of the empire, a lot of the world around it has been destroyed and left a wasteland, so much so that it's hard to travel on your own out there without plenty of supplies. It's why Chess hasn't left the empire herself. But first, let me talk about the species and then how the empire works.
There are three other species besides the humans this time. The Shades are honestly still the same, so I won't go into details there. The faeries rarely ever show their true form, but I imagine it looks similar to the Snakes, with scales, fangs, slit pupils, and tails. They have powers that if their prey is within a certain distance of them, they can give an order, and that prey has to obey it. They can do some devastating things with that power. They drink blood now, but their young are parasites that eat a full humanoid as they grow.
The Venus girdles are very similar to their original iteration as adults, but as young, they are small enough to infect an insect and eat its brain, which they then use the zombie insect to go to a human or other species and inject their young. Which that young will eat the humanoid's brain first and then slowly eat the rest of the insides until the young bursts out of the corpse fully formed. Their "hair" as an adult is how they eat a humanoid's soul (don't have to eat a full soul, and they usually don't), which also causes a feeling of euphoria in the humanoid. All of the species honestly generally target humans because humans don't have magic (unsure if that's true or not), so they're not as dangerous.
The empire has the wealthy corporation owners or other aristocrats who live extravagantly in the skyscrapers that look down on the undercity. A lot of the humans, especially the wealthy ones, are deeply connected to the Celestial religion, which states that the Celestials left humanity because humans were too violent, so it preaches peace and condemning and ignoring those who don't follow that peace. Which this religion will be a big deal in this story, with the Celestials just being more plot-important in general. There are cops to enforce the empire's will, but what most people fear are the soldiers. Victims of the cyborg experiments which are now fully endorsed by the empire who were taken at young ages, and a chip was put into their brain which allows their overseers to control them. Controlled and brainwashed soldiers who are used to "cleanse" the undercity and to fight the species and humans who are trying to remain free. The magic is still about the same. Naivi is trying to find a way to make the magic less harmful to the victims. I think now it's time to talk about the characters.
So, of course, the first person I must talk about Chess. I still want to keep most of her trauma and how she sees the world because I love the character she's become, and I don't want to take that from her. Her original name was Ezra Vesperia. Her parents were murdered when she was 10, and the government immediately took her to become a victim of the experiments. Aeflin took special interest in her because she was strong and angry and fought back against the species' powers even before she got the chip that made her immune to that. I will talk about Aeflin's plans in her paragraph, but Aeflin still wants to use Chess as her special weapon. Chess was sent out to fight the species (probably did get sent to "cleanse" the undercity as well at one point), and when she was 20, the Venus girdles sent a swarm of their young to the soldiers, and Chess got infected, but one of her friends in her squad (Torryn, I think) used his lightning magic to try and kill the young in Chess, but the young had already ate through the chip, and when the lightning hit her and killed the young, it hurt her as well, causing her to have a seizure. The overseers decided to just abandon her as defective, but a Shade decided to heal her and take away all her memories. Which he then sent her to Ashont who did the things that he did to her in the original before dumping her in the undercity the next morning. The residents hate her and fear her and call her a monster, because her prosthetics are a symbol of the very empire that hurts them. And she is hurt and abused and doesn't really trust anyone. There are a few people who try to help her, and she does meet Vortex and help him and make friends with him, but mostly it's just people either trying to use her or hurt her. And it's the only life she knows now. She will meet Creed somehow in this story. And she will meet Naivi and still have the rivals to lovers with her. And I'm thinking that the rebellion against the empire decides to use her as the image of the rebellion without her permission, and she has to deal with that as well as Aeflin trying to find her again once she learns that Chess is still alive. (I promise the rest of these character paragraphs won't be so long, lol)
Vesper is the daughter of some nobles, and her faith is extremely important to her. With Maisa's advice, she has come to believe that leaving behind the people of the undercity will be the only way to become the peaceful humans the Celestials want, so she makes speeches about that, about focusing on peace over trying to help anyone who has been hurt by violence. She believes that when the Celestials come back, they will heal all the pain and strife. She will learn better and become a more active advocate who condemns the passivity of what she had been preaching. There is a certain reason why Maisa has shown interest in her.
Thorne was born of two soldiers, and when the overseers learned that his mother was pregnant, they killed her and cut him out to kill in front of his father, but someone decided to let him live, and he grew up dumped in the undercity (not sure how that all happened, but we'll figure it out). He despises the empire and thinks it should be all burned down. He met Jude when he was stealing from Jude's parents' mansion, and they have been friends ever since. They are part of the rebellion, and they are known as the demon twins.
Creed is a "project" that a noble couple took into their home to prove that the citizens of the undercity totally have opportunities. He has proceeded to be the biggest nuisance, but if they drop him, they disprove their "project". He'll probably meet Chess at a bar, but I don't think they knew each other before she lost her memories. He is also half-Shade.
Killian is a hurt Celestial who has come to the surface of the world to help where he can, since he can't fight and protect the planet anymore. He is a tattoo artist who gathers information, and some days, he goes outside the empire to talk with Primary's seed and plant plants and trees where he can to help heal the earth. He knows too much and can't meddle too much, but he'll do what he can.
Irina is the daughter of the CEOs of an android company. She has always shown empathy towards androids, and she ran away when her parents became too much. She ran away with her beloved dog, Briar, but Briar got an illness and was going to die too young, so Irina paid for an android dog that looked exactly like Briar and would have her memories. She paid fully for her, but the company decided after a few months that they needed to take Briar back, and Irina has been on the run ever since. At some point, she will become infected with a Venus girdle young, but she'll talk to the young and try to see if they can coexist. This infection will cause one of her eyes to turn gold (part of one of Chess's eyes is gold too).
Vortex is an android made by Irina's parents' company. He was first made as a pleasure android for the wealthy, but he was abused and hurt and raped, and when he finally fought back, the company took him back and punished him and rebranded him as a hunter for the people stealing from the company (like Irina is considered). I will say that the day that he fought back, he does meet Chess and becomes friends with her, and they remain friends. He'll make sure to tell the other androids that Chess is really nice if they need someone. When he learns that Irina isn't abusing Briar, and that she did pay fully for Briar, he finds loopholes in his orders that allow him to not capture Briar.
Maisa is one of the leaders of the empire, but he prefers to work in the shadows, so no one knows that he is a leader. He was around when the Celestials were still on this world, and he hates them. The Celestials showed special treatment towards the humans, so he wants to use human suffering and death to convince them to come back so he can kill them and prove that the empire is better than the so-called gods. He took special interest in Vesper because she is actually half-Celestial, but he took her powers secretly, so she doesn't have them anymore. He gave the contained powers to...
Aeflin! Everyone's favorite bubbly scientist who is such an asshole is still here. She wants to be able to dissect a Celestial, and she will do anything to let that happen. She knows how to fix the prosthetics to give the victims good magic, but she will only do that for her weapon once she has absolute control over her. And she chose Chess for the job. She's been planning on having Chess receive the half-Celestial powers and receive her overpowered fire magic so she can go fight a Celestial, under Aeflin's control, of course. She doesn't care about the politics of it all, she's just excited to finally dissect a Celestial.
And last, but not least. Naivi. She is a half-faerie. Her mother was taken by a faerie and taken to their city and treated as a pet and raped and is still stuck there. She doesn't even really know what's going on. Naivi saw the truth and the horror of how the faeries were treating humans, and she ran away and joined the empire because she believes that only by being under the empire's rule and laws will humans be safe from the other species. So, she enthusiastically works on the prosthetics experiments to bring everyone fighting against the empire under their control. She despises the free species and thinks that they just want to be able to abuse humans any way they want. She does think that the victims of the experiments are volunteers who want to be here, and she doesn't know about the controlling chips, and she would be horrified if she knew, but she has a lot of learning and growing before she'll be able to be lovers with Chess. It'll be fun!
And I think that's about it! The aesthetic is a little more cyberpunk too. I think Chess will wear a muzzle sometimes, either of her own choice or because the cops catch her and put one on her. And she still has her long, green, curly hair, but she'll have an undercut to one side. And that's all I can think of for right now! Thanks for reading!
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utilitycaster · 5 months
re: your actual play post, apart from critrole are there other actual plays that are doing the whole "bad guys/neutral but not up to the mark" that you mentioned?
for cr, it's interesting and i guess kind of inevitable that we've gone from traditional heros -> reluctant heros -> neutral heros(?) caught up in the storm
i don't watch a lot of actual plays other than the popular ones, but it is very interesting to see the general trajectory the actual play space is moving in
I feel like the Mighty Nein are not really part of this trend - they're not as publicly acknowledged as Vox Machina, and they do take an unorthodox "not up to the task" (or more accurately "too traumatized right now for the task, we need to work through some shit first") route for a while, but they are pretty unambiguously working towards a heroic cause by the midlevels (and VM started off pretty scrappy too; we just didn't see them until they got respectable). Bells Hells do feel a little closer to this, though still leaning heavily towards the heroic. I think it's possible for them to decide to pull the ripcord, as they said, after their current mission; but I doubt they will, so they flirt with the theme but I don't think will go all the way. Which to be clear is the norm.
I mentioned a few things in my tags, so:
Candela Obscura chapters 2 and 3 flirt with this. In 2 the circle other than Sean is imo heroic, but also working a little outside the lines. Sean does make a turn that I don't think makes him the bad guy - it's pretty clear it's an act of misery and desperation - but does position him in a place that a lot of TTRPGs won't go. Chapter 3 is complicated because to be honest we don't really see the logic of Candela's actions in the final episode and some don't entirely follow for me, but Rajan and Elsie's discussions do cover this territory: as monsters, what side are they on? I think Candela Obscura is a game that really supports this should someone wish to push it there.
Trinyvale (side campaign for NADDPod) explores this in that the characters eventually develop into absolutely toxic assholes while still saving the world; however, this is a very very silly campaign in general so it's played for the humor.
Similarly, in Burnt Cookbook Party (spoilers - I'm not totally caught up but this spoils a pretty major aspect of the show that comes up pretty early), two of the characters go fully evil and the party fractures. HOWEVER, this campaign is set in a time loop, and so the consequences are lessened since we know the results aren't permanent (and indeed the big PvP moment is when the time loop restarts).
I feel this is something that Burrow's End (D20) sort of wanted to explore, but Last Bast was so obviously a police state that it was pretty clear the characters' desire to disrupt an existing stable society was in fact good.
This is all really speculative on my part - I watch/listen to a lot of actual play but there are plenty of major shows and infinite minor ones I don't follow at all or even know about. Obviously Critical Role or D20 are going to have more a footprint here than, say, BCBP. But I think people are trying to tell stories that interrogate whether, just because you met in a tavern or whatever, you should be tasked with saving the world, either because you're not actually that great of people or because you're not sufficiently competent in this particular situation, and that's really interesting to me. I think the reason I don't have any terribly clear answers is because it's really hard to do this and then find what that party should do instead.
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staticshipstation · 4 months
KILLER CROC F/O!!!!! he isnt an f/o of mine but he is a major comfort character and like he deals with so much shit in all interpretations of him in the DC verse tbh. i think he'd very much appreciate knowing someone viewed him not just as human but one worth loving :)
- timespaceandinterim 🌻
(I tried to answer this on my phone but it just?? swallowed it so I guess I gotta rewrite it) YEAH. I love Croc so much! I think he'd feel like same as well because of like. EVERYTHING. Like you said. Funfact! My two favorite designs of him are from stories that made me feel the MOST for him, actually. (That being Arkham Knight and Joker's Asylum)
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Kinda sad I don't talk about him and Mimicry (My self insert) on here. They're kind of a huge comfort pairing for me all things considered. IRC the MAIN reason I don't post them is cause I don't have a tag for them? I dunno why that stopped me when It came to them.
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Long story short bout Mimicy; They're an experiment that was created by combining human dna and cockatoo dna. They were made in a lab and eventually got yoinked by some Penguin goons. He pretty much adopted them. Their powers involve being able to mimic others' voices and.. the other typical bird stuff.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
You have amazing headcanons and I have adored them since forever, but I honestly wish you woul admit that sometimes your headcanon are based on personal preferences at times cause I feel like too many see them as Canon at this point. The price of popularity is that other fans have started to see you as Team Cherry 2 jfkdkfndkfn
Team Cherry 2...well THAT'S kind of terrifying and deeply irritating. Irritating because that means that I've basically become tumblr Mossbag, aka the very thing I swore to destroy, terrifying because at the end of the day I'm really just a guy who's super autistic about bugs and that's literally the main reason why I'm still here 3 years later.
As for the canon thing, I *do* try to seperate the lore analysis from hc (which I thought I was already doing via tagging, but idk). Lore analysis is based almost entirely on context clues that are undisputibly canon in-game, and when I'm chiming in with my opinions, I deliberatly use indicator words like 'i think/i feel/etc'. Hcs are more direct because they're entirely my personal preferences (which I thought would be taken as a given) and are not only flexible and subjective, but something I specifically enjoy swapping with people who have different takes than I do. It adds variation and is a fun talking point, and I really like lining up different takes on the same character and tracing them back to the canon backbone, to see how our read on the situation differs. That's like. A major reason why I'm still in this fandom. There is a definitive canon backbone to the story, but the details are entirely up to interpretation. Ex, the Pale King canonically loved the Hollow Knight and regretted the vessel plan, but the nuances of the situation and his relationship to his other children (like Hornet) are all fanon, and seeing people jump off the canon backbone to different fanon readings is super fun to me. I don't want just my hcs!! That gets boring super quickly.
I'll make sure to be more clear what's fanon and canon in the future. It'll be a bit difficult with hcs, because they have a canon backbone to it, but I'll do my best to keep hcs out of my canon analysis in the future. My fun gay little autism thoughts on the sideline being taken as canon is very much not something I want
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long-fic-tournament · 9 months
I have to cut 10 fics, so I’m doing two polls of 10 for the 20 lowest word count fics, and progressing the 5 most voted for fics of each poll onto the tournament. All word counts are accurate as of submission to the tournament.
Link to the other poll
Propaganda and links below the cut
1) Coppernaughts (series) - The LEGO Movie
it's sooo good just read it <3
2) Knight-Errant - Star Wars
He figured out a while ago happiness isn't a watermark or a beat; happiness happens in the middle of other things, a moment of perfect clarity in all the other shit. There's something romantic about the idea of being so lost or so damaged happiness is totally out of reach, but Arthur's never had the capacity for that level of melodrama.
No propaganda
3) This, You Protect - Captain America and the Winter Soldier
No propaganda
4) Minimum Height Requirement - Batman
The best Good Dad!Batman I've found. It loops all his kids into one cohesive narrative that incorporates their arcs and major story beats without Bruce being the uncaring jerk people tend to write him as in the comics nowadays.
5) Presque Vu - Inception
He figured out a while ago happiness isn't a watermark or a beat; happiness happens in the middle of other things, a moment of perfect clarity in all the other shit. There's something romantic about the idea of being so lost or so damaged happiness is totally out of reach, but Arthur's never had the capacity for that level of melodrama.
No propaganda
7) Mad Rat Twist - Mad Rat Dead and The World Ends With You
honestly i'm mostly submitting this one because it's one of the few things in my bookmarks on AO3 and a close friend wrote it. also it involves two relatively small fandoms and there have been people who only know about one reading it and wanting to check out the other one from both sides and i'm so proud of my friend!
but ugh! Mad Rat and Heart! i love them! they're zucchinis your honor! i need to read this one again it's been a while
8) ffucc - Final Fantasy XV
No propaganda
9) Our Freedom In My Sight - Shameless
This fic does a really good job of digging into canon trauma that canon just didn't bother to really address. The main characters did end up getting their happy ending in canon but when this was written, it looked very, very much like they weren't going to so this fic became canon for me (I say like I actually watched the show). It created justice and closure for characters that very much looked like they weren't going to get any. (As always, mind the tags. It deals with some very dark topics. There are definitely some triggers in this one. Actual triggers, not just squicks. Anyone that knows Shameless knows how bad Mickey and Mandy's childhood was. That's what we're dealing with.).
10) Standard Deviations - Yuri!!! on Ice
it's the BEST time travel fic i've read! it starts with just viktor and yurio, but throughout the story yuuri, mila, and more all come back and cause enough shenanigans to give yakov a heart attack lmao
it's v lighthearted and makes me laugh more than almost anything else has tbh
(tldr if u don't go here: love interest & angry son go back in time and are eventually joined by the rest of their figure skating pals. they cause enough chaos that their coach faints countless times)
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