#teCHNICALLY. he's mentioned
nymfaia-archive · 1 year
👥 Estinien with either Alta or Kain 👀
muse hcs / accepting! / @dragonlancer
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i've made a few posts already about kain being a sulky little shitlord because he thinks the Azure Dragoon title was his birthright, and that the end of the war kind of took his entire life's purpose and a decade of training from him that he now thinks is useless (it isn't but he's 19 and depressed), so. i'm not going to reinvent the wheel there. akdngkngk
however, after the war and the real shift in Ishgard began, when Aymeric approached him with the truth of his family's legacy, Kain realizes he really can't just... detest the older dragoon any further.
One of them had real experience with befriending dragons, and it wasn't Kain. (Infuriatingly, the Warrior of Light seemed to have more experience than he did, not even being Ishgardian. But they already had too much on their plate, and scarcely knew of the soldier's existence. Estinien, he hoped, would at least remember the boy from how fervently he stood in his shadow as a young recruit.)
In the few - oh so few - visits back to Ishgard that Estinien allows himself, Kain is not far behind. After enlisting Aymeric's help, the man is able to meet with the dragoon just once, catching him before he flees the city-state once more.
If he wanted to know about raising and befriending dragons, the man said, he was better suited to asking them themselves.
During Stormblood and Shadowbringers, Kain does just that. And, when next Estinien next sees Kain, the dragoon has a dragonling on his pauldron... much like Orn Khai.
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Haurchefant had spun tales of the Warrior of Light to both of his best friends: their adventures, their strength, their tenacity. He had waxed poetic about their wiles and their wit until Aymeric was coughing back embarrassed laughter, almost certain that the knight had simply found another traveler to warm his bed.
He hadn't mentioned that the woman was half his size. He hadn't mentioned that she was primarily a healer - that had, somehow, managed to fell gods and primals regardless.
And he hadn't even hinted that she bore the likeness of dragons. While Estinien didn't speak much during the meetings in the Falling Snows, his silence was sharp and distrusting. Without having exchanged more than an introduction, the Warrior of Light and the Azure Dragoon were already off to a rocky start.
I imagine it took a long while for the two of them to even attempt to get along. Estinien is used to working on his own, and Alta is forever chased by the fear of not being able to heal or help those she needs to. I don't think he would be fond at all of her quiet stubbornness, or how unbothered she seems to be by his attitude. She doesn't even give him the pleasure of truly arguing the few times they do clash.
(And then the knight dies, and I think their similarities would come to the forefront. They are both trying to make up for what they couldn't change, crippled by the need to be better and finding out it truly doesn't matter anyway. She had cast spell after spell into his corpse, his hair fanning out on her thighs like a halo made of steel: he had picked through the rubble of a razed village, fingers bruised and blistered from the dragonfire heat, desperate for a chance that his brother would be there.
They were not so different.)
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toonsforkicks22 · 29 days
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It’s always the sweetest ones…
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catragemiau · 3 months
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DP x DC AU: Bruce is the one to invite Constantine over, and no, it's not to improve his tenuous working relationship with the asshole. It's the opposite of that.
Danny had become a frequent visitor of Wayne Manor in the last few months, and Bruce had to admit that while the kid was certainly a bit ominous for his liking for a partner to Tim, he was a generally kind and happy soul. They'd been dating for a lot longer than the Bats knew of- Kon had been the one to let it slip to Jon who told Damian and so on- and since the relationship was no longer secret, Tim brings him to family functions.
The thing about Danny is... He's dead. More than half of the time. Which again, is not Ideal for Bruce's wishes for Tim's future husband, but it also means that he reviles in being alive. Danny is downright joyous about using his time left on earth properly. He makes Tim eat real food, enjoy real sleep and generally live a more fulfilled life than he had been. The whole family noticed the changes in Tim, and it made them like Danny even more.
So after a particularly grueling day of dealing with Trigon and therefore the JLD's lack of coordination and sensible planning- Bruce gets the idea. John couldn't fucking contain himself admonishing Bruce, and perhaps it was vindictive, but Bruce figures that John should meet Danny. Sans context of course.
John is really over dealing with Batman's prissy, over complicated and perfectionist attitude. Come to the Cave he'd demanded, as though John didn't have a favorite bar to get back to, deal with a ghost he ordered like John didn't have other priorities than some random shade.
When walking into the space however, the second his teleportation portal closed, John knew something was deeply, deeply fucked. The shadows were growing longer, the second hand on his watch ticked slower, the air smelled of sulfur and... Red Robin was sitting working at the computer like nothing was wrong. But what was wrong, was the kid was marked by The End. Marked by The Infinite. FUCK.
John knew Death, the Endless, and knew she could pick favorites just like her siblings (Dream's immortal drinking buddy comes to mind). But this wasn't her work, this was something other.
"Mate- the Bat said there was a ghost?" John feels like he might throw up, the eerie atmosphere complicating what should have been a simple request.
"Uh, obviously." The kid didn't even look over from his screen or pause his typing.
John slowly approached, looking over each shoulder a few times, turning in a few circles as the shadows appeared to dance and echo within the cave. He could see his breath, the air became so cold so suddenly. And then, with the gentleness of a pin drop, a new agonizing sound appeared with a Kid walking down the cave stairs. The aura of the room turned dark, every cell in John's body screaming to run, that this was basically the little girl from the ring crawling through the TV as the young man walked down the steps.
"Babe, your grampa says that dinners going to be ready in a second. Oh, uh, hey dude." The creature speaks, turning his eyes to John for only a moment to study him. It feels equivalent to a butterfly being pinned by its wings.
"Y-y-you, you're, you're one of the Endless?" John stutters, his body reacting in fear despite the nonchalant posture of the Beast. The young man rolls his eyes.
"Nah, one of the Ancients but like uh, I'm new in town. And hon seriously don't be late, A made tiramisu for dessert and you're not allowed to have any if you're late and I don't want to deal with you pouting."
"You had me at Tiramisu!" Red stands up from his computer and then turns, "John, what are you doing here again?" Red Robin finally looks over at him, completely confused.
"Just leaving." John mutters, his eyes still trained on the ANCIENT.
Bruce could barely hide his laugh when Tim reported the Magician meeting Danny in the cave.
That'll show the asshole to question Batman's knowledge of the occult.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 245
Now Danny would openly admit, if only to himself, that he had a type when it came to relationships. If they were strong, if they were a threat to him, then chances were he would develop some sort of crush. It was how he had dated Sam and Valerie (And Johnny & Kitty) when he was a bit younger, and hell, Sam had technically succeeded in killing him, even if partly. 
Attraction towards smart people who could kill him was honestly par for the course for a Fenton or Nightingale anyway. 
And he’d also admit he enjoyed a bit of time travel, learning about times and culture long before his time, to the point that he could blend in in ancient times just as easily as the time he had been born in. That it was natural to mutter in a language lost to time. 
So color him surprise when another man perks up in the bar he had paused to get a drink in, vibrant green eyes gleaming in interest and responds in turn. And not just in the language, but able to keep up when he talks about things that once existed but haven’t been rediscovered yet. 
And one thing led to the other, and there might have been some assassins and some shenanigans that end with them both laughing together in an inn and then more and- Okay he has a type alright, and he’s ticking each box! How is that fair? 
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minweber · 1 year
One implication from The Infinite and The Divine’s strong worldbuilding that I keep coming back to is that, time being so meaningless to necrons, mortal species must be extremely annoying for them to deal with. So annoying, in fact, that it must border on being terrifying. 
Half a dozen generations of Tau can change during the time it takes Orikan the Diviner to have a proper meditation. And sure, it’s all “pathetic mortals” until you realize that, without the trademark imperial stagnancy, that is a lot of time to do something.
When Trazyn met Cawl on Cadia, the latter seemingly knew next to nothing about necron technology, and probably even necrons in general. But not much more than 20 years later - barely a discrete amount of time for immortals - we see Cawl hacking and manipulating necron tech on Pharos and slamming it with a C’tan shard.
Imagine going away for the weekend, and when you are back, the crows outside your house have learned to drive a fucking car. Probably yours. And will continue in that vein if you don’t do something about it very quickly and constantly. Because what for you is a distraction of a menial task, for them could be the purpose of their whole existence, at which they will come again, and again and again, never stopping, always dragging you down to their level of chaotic short-term existence.
I guess what I am saying is that it must be very hard to enjoy being untethered from the flow of time, while someone very tethered to it is out there trying to steal your whole shit.
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starshipdecay · 5 months
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My headcanons for how the Four Sword works! (Featuring two ocs-of-sorts, Hue and Prism <3)
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Hi, my name’s Omega! And this is my dad-brother Hunter, and my mom-brother Echo, and my wine aunt-brother Crosshair, and my big brother Wrecker, and my little brother Tech, and my uncle Rex, and my pirate vodka aunt Phee, and my surprise sister Emerie, and my lizard-dog Batcher, and my long lost DNA brother Boba Fett, and
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
Bruce makes it in time to get to Jason. But… is it enough to save him?
“Master Bruce-“ “I’m almost there Alfred.” Bruce bites back, almost breaking his wrist by how hard he twists the motorcycle accelerator. And he is. He can see the warehouse. Bruce lands, not even bothering to slow, leaping off the bike as it crashes into the trees and he sprints for the doors, terrified he’ll make it too late, that he won’t be fast enough for his son. The door slams open, Bruce not even bothering to check if it’s locked or not, just plowing it down, and hurries inside, spotting his son within a moment. Jason opens his eyes in surprise, mouth curving to form a perfect O. “Br- Batman.” He whispers, voice hoarse with disbelief. Bruce rushes to his side, cupping his cheek, cradling the boy- his boy, to his chest. “Jay. Jay bird. Jaylad. Hey firecracker. Hey bud.” Jason’s eyes fill with tears and Bruce does his best to wipe them away, to press a kiss to his son's forehead. “You came.” Jason whispers, tears clogging his throat. “Of course baby.” Bruce murmurs, rocking back and forth. “Of course I came, baby. I will always come for you. Always.” He presses another kiss to Jason’s head. “I love you son. I love you, I love you, I love you.” “I love you too-“ Jason rasps, but his eyes catch something on the wall behind him. “Dad, wait- the bomb-“ the explosion shakes the very earth, and Gotham seems to curl in on herself, screaming with a pain and rage that is unimaginable. In a basement cave in the middle of Gotham, a butler's hands go cold. A man, wearing a blue mask a city over, suddenly feels a chill sweep over him, and something inside him, probably his heart, feels like it’s been torn in two.
Their bodies are found, or at least what’s left of them, two days later, the larger man wrapped almost completely around the smaller, cradling his boy to his chest. Nightwing almost beats Joker to death and is only stopped by three others, all of which seem just as inclined to kill him, but resist. Gotham mourns, earthquakes shaking the ground, warehouses crumbling to dust, and Joker is found drowned in the harbor, the fishes whisper of a presence so old and strong even the biggest fish feared her, and Aquaman shudders. Gothamites mourn their fallen Prince and his adopted son, but Gotham mourns her prodigal sons, her children, her oldest and youngest, and cradles the last survivor to her chest, cloaking him in shadows and gifting him all the things she did not give the others, the things she thought they wouldn’t need so long as they had each other, the things she had not yet granted them ready for. She drapes them over the young, jaded hero, gifting him sight and smell and sound, allowing him to control her shadows and her streets and most of all… gifting him flight, the way his namesake first claimed, the way her firstborn child and her youngest were never able to. The Vulture takes to the Gotham skyline like a moth to open flames, perhaps a little less withdrawn with his punches, perhaps a little more protective of young boys, but belonging to Gotham all the same. The Joker stole something from her, and she will never allow it to happen again. The Vulture gains followers, friends, the Starling, the Goldfinch, the Owl, the Crow, the Cardinal, and Robin, all under Gothams protection, and she has him watch, from his watery prison, as they protect her, defend their city from the ilk like him, not giving in to their rage and revenge, but helping, rebuilding Gotham in his image. Their image. The man who saw hope, and his son. Batman and Robin.
(In case it was unclear, the three people pulling dick away from Joker are Babs, Kate and Luke, and then the Vulture is dick, and his friends, in order as listed, are Stephanie, Duke, Babs, Cass, Tim, and Damian. Also Gotham does kill Joker because she knows dick cannot but she also keeps him half alive, suspended in time, destined to drown for all eternity and watch as the bats succeed in honor of Batman the man he fought against.)
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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edited the new artwork of totk ganondorf too so heres both :)
(remember, this is not saying 'fixing it' or 'i replace canon', just a fun lil edit)
here are the canon ones for comparison
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i think the first one is purely and illustration, the second one feels like it was the actual model painted over due to the subtle difference in design and dynamic
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catboylesterr · 5 months
"who knows, maybe I'll see you again in real life soon" YOU CANT SAY THAT DANIEL U CANNOT IM FRAGILE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
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5-pp-man · 6 months
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no you don't get it. i literally love stories where they dive into people's hearts/minds (literally or figuratively) sm it's my favourite type of storytelling.
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civetfish · 1 year
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Nerd-to-nerd communication
Something super pointless and self-indulgent I've had on the backburner for a while. I love trying to make the pieces they gave us fit together!
Al-AN and Robin would absolutely bond over learning about each other's biology. I could talk about this forever but I'll get into all of the headcanons I have for these two in another post eventually
Below the cut is another version with some extra bits and pieces and the transcription
Transcript :
Architect Anatomy A. Architect "Brain" - Doesn't "store" information so much as allow for easy communication with the network B. Brainstem - connects the information received to the central nervous/circulatory system C. "Heart" - Circulatory system pumps the bioluminescent fluid to other organ systems and surface veins. Each node connects to a vast vasculature network D. "Kidneys" - Organs that filter the bioluminescent "blood" and other bodily fluids, absorbing and distributing collected material E. Nerve Center - Receives raw sensory data and filters it. Filtering can be unconscious or intentional
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F. "Respiratory" Tract - Intakes gases or liquids and filters out material for use. Disposes of waste on exhale. Provides cooling to internal systems
The respiratory tract functions less like a set of lungs and more akin to a computer's cooling system, with the ability to absorb material from the environment to use in other parts of the body. It also would likely help the architect's body analyze the environment it is currently exposed to on a molecular level. It is also truly unidirectional, with the intake vents near the "collarbone" and the exhaust vents on both sides of the abdomen
The architect organ cache in-game felt like it was definitely not a complete model of the internal organs, so I wanted to come up with something to fill some more space. I also just really liked the idea of Al-An being capable of something similar to breathing, without having a respiratory system in the traditional sense. Feel free to use any of this in your own headcanons if you would like :)
BONUS - a gif of all the layers!
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gibbearish · 7 months
we've talked a lot about the aftereffects of hbombs video obviously, however i would like to take a moment to ignore the elephant in the room and focus instead on the increase in just like. casual sourcing ive noticed? like, tweet reposts have links more often. people will readily rattle off where they got an idea, even in person i notice more people like. telling a joke and then after everyone is done laughing going "ahaha, ahh i can't take all the credit there, i got that joke from a coworker" or whatever. and like, idk if it's actually that there's a difference in the general culture lately or if i'm just noticing these things more because it's. something i'm aware of now but yknow, figured might as well say something and see if anyone else has noticed too LOL
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mishy-mashy · 6 months
Theory: some High-Ends use the corpses of past OFA users
There aren't tons of High-Ends. They can't be mass-produced so easily, and there's only one that's blatantly female, literally named Woman and with a tall, defined figure
Maybe Woman's original identity is already confirmed, but... she's similar to Nana in build, isn't she?
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It's hinted that All For One actually kept Nana's corpse. How, 20+ years later, could he give Tenko his grandmother's pristine hand? Is he just keeping their hands? Or their actual corpses?
Also, when looking at corpses to give multiple Quirks to, One For All users are the best for this. Having inherited One For All, their bodies had maintained multiple Quirks when they were alive, even if they couldn't use more than their natural Quirk and One For All's physical ability. And to their bodies, One For All doesn't count as just one Quirk; the natural one, and Yoichi, are already too much for a human. But Shinomori shows that it counts each previous user's Quirk, on top of Yoichi's and one's own natural one.
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Their bodies adjusted to holding multiple Quirks, and when they were alive, they didn't become deformed or lose brain function. They were perfectly fine, and only had shortened lives—but that doesn't matter as corpses.
Nomus go brain dead when they have multiple Quirks. But the past users didn't, being completely fine, making them perfect for Nomu development.
High-Ends can think. They're all physically powerful, and One For All users make the best basis, even from leftover embers and physique. So why not use that great base to make the best outcome Nomus (High-Ends)?
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nelkcats · 2 years
Space-Time apprentice
After many conversations with Clockwork, Danny decided to be his apprentice, partly because Clocky was the closest thing he had to a grandfather, and partly because he really wanted to travel back to the time of the dinosaurs.
Clockwork was well aware of that fact, which is the reason he made his lessons as difficult and cryptic as possible. And although it frustrated him, in the end Danny succeeded. Due to his core, at the end of the lessons he ended up becoming the "Master of Space", which was not the same as Clockwork but quite similar.
He didn't realize that being a "master" of literally anything was lonely. They also didn't inform him that being a halfa would give him immortality, Danny sighed sadly, at least Clocky kept him company.
Perhaps the reason for his future actions was due to that feeling of loneliness; After watching a new dimension being created, both Clockwork and Danny witnessed a baby wizard being born in Egypt on that dimension, he had immense potential (Danny found it curious that many events tended to repeat themselves as a constant in the progress of different dimensions, like the egypt creation for example)
Since he had never witnessed anything like this before and it reminded him a bit of Tucker, the Master of Space went to congratulate the little wizard. But when he said goodbye, he followed him! Like a duckling. Danny saw this and plead his mentor for help, Clockwork just shook his head, Nabu would be a future lord of order, but right now he was just a curious and lonely kid (and Danny got a headache thinking about the intricacies of the dimension).
Resigned, Danny stayed in Egypt for a couple of hundred years, he began to teach Nabu space magic and other arts he had learned over the years; Clockwork seeing that his apprentice had taken his own ward, decided to taught Nabu a bit about future vision, a useful gift for the boy. When Nabu eventually disappeared, they both decided to leave without leaving a trace behind, it was like they never existed, even if the people remembered them.
Danny just didn't expect his little Nabu to have turned into a ¿spirit? trapped in a helmet and other artifacts thousands of years later, of course he'd made some dubious decisions but thats was a little cruel for a punishment, even if he was not sure if Nabu did that to himself; The halfa felt lost, there was no manual of "I met my pupil after a long time and he is trapping people with his helmet and other objects to possess them"!? He swears, he checked on Ghostwriter library!
For their part, the Justice League was confused when the respectable and usually unflappable Dr. Fate began to jump on his heels impatiently as he looked out of the Watchtower, waiting for something, or rather someone.
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