#than that. by the same people who say jason todd did nothing wrong or defend slade wilson. not saying they cant like those characters
eileennatural · 1 year
this might sound like a weird thing to say but it's a little bit strange how many people love writing abt dick grayson's trauma but totally ignore blockbuster's literal campaign of terror in favor of focusing completely on catalina and his being sexually assaulted by her. i get that its probably just bc thats a much more relatable (and easier to project on) experience than losing your home, being stalked and terrorized, having your friends and family murdered and grievously injured, not to mention being pushed to your literal breaking point and having to betray your most firmly held values to protect yourself and your loved ones. like, everything having to do with blockbuster AND catalina are inextricably linked and it's a little weird to focus all of your attention on just one of the many many terrible things that happened in nightwing 1996
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Fight Club
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: Everyone will say Jason Todd is protective of the people he loves. But sometimes independence is more important than protecting. 
Word Count: 4,000 [One Shot]
Warnings: harassment, stalking, general daily discomfort that women have to deal with 
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Y/N was so fucking tired.
It was a miracle that she hadn’t fallen asleep on the bus home from work.
But anyone with half a brain knew that doing so in Gotham was basically asking to get robbed or worse.
Never fall asleep on public transit. Only buy purses and wallets that zip close. Never leave any personal belongings alone in public. Never use an ATM at night. Only take well-traveled and well-lit routes. Always be aware of your surroundings.
These were the unwritten rules of living in Gotham. It was how you stayed safe, how you stayed alive. But even when one followed them strictly, that didn’t insure that they would always be safe.
Which is why Y/N noticed a middle-aged man staring her down on the bus. He knew what he was doing. He knew that he was making her uncomfortable. He was clearly getting off on it.
Y/N just blasted the music in her headphones and pretended not to notice. But she could feel his leering and it made her stomach twist into knots.
She looked down at her watch: 6PM.
Y/N knew she could call Jason. She knew this.
It would take her all of 30 seconds to explain the situation, Jason would instantly understand and then be waiting at her bus stop for her, ready to escort her home safely and glare at whoever had made her uncomfortable.
But Jason was probably sleeping still. 
Last night, he’d returned from patrol needing stitches and had so many bruises scattered across his face that Y/N kept messing up her counting. She was also suspicious that his right hand was broken, but Jason brushed if off so smoothly that she let it slide.
The point was that Y/N had managed to force pain meds on her boyfriend. Jason always slept until late afternoon after patrols anyways, basically becoming nocturnal since he often wouldn’t get back until 5AM.
The meds were meant to make him sleep all day and force him to recover.
The stubborn part of Y/N didn’t want to prevent Jason from getting his much needed recovery and rest.
Except this guy didn’t plan on just staring at her.
When he saw that she was getting off at the stop that was just announced, he too stood up from his seat and moved to the other exit that she wasn’t using.
Y/N was aware of all of this, making sure to track him subtly through the corner of her gaze. It was from the conditioning that all women unfortunately had to go through, whether they realized or not.
Without turning around, she caught his reflection in the window of a building she walked past. He kept a distance to remain unsuspicious, but it was obvious that he was following her.
Y/N tried to subtly walk faster. But she also realized she couldn’t go straight home now. Even with Red Hood being her live-in boyfriend, there was no way she was letting this creep know where she lived.
She started taking a strange route, making weird turns. But it was hard not to lose him without fully running, which she didn’t want to do until it felt absolutely necessary.
But then she came upon a coffeeshop that she knew had a front and back entrance.
She quickly went inside and pretended to get in line for coffee. But when she looked for the man in the corner of her eye, he wasn’t going to come in. Instead, he decided to linger outside and wait for her to come out.
Y/N subtly left the line and made for the back exit.
‘Now it’s time to run,’ she thought to herself.
Y/N was grateful that she had decided to wear stylish sneakers today instead of heels.
By the time she reached the steps of her apartment building, she was breathing heavily. She had been looking over her shoulder every few feet to make sure the creep didn’t get smart.
When she reached her door, she made sure to be quiet in case Jason was still sleeping. Then when she reached the bedroom and quietly opened the door, her mountain of a boyfriend was still passed out in bed with his face pressed into her pillow.
Y/N decided to get started on dinner and quietly moved about the kitchen.
But no matter how much she tried to concentrate on her cooking, her mind kept returning to the man who had tried to follow her home.
What would he have done if he found out where she lived?
Did he plan on grabbing her before she got there?
Did he just get off on making women scared?
Was he planning on raping her? Abducting her? Killing her?
The more Y/N thought about it, the more her fear shifted into rage. Why was it so much more unsafe for women to just merely exist in the world?
But she had no intention of telling Jason.
He would be furious. Not at her, at a man who thought it was OK to even make his girlfriend feel uncomfortable and unsafe – let alone any woman. He would go on a hunt for him and teach him a lesson.
Jason Todd was protective of the people he loved and the innocent – of which Y/N was both. But he also had a bad temper. And whoever was the reason for it starting up better run for their life because Red Hood was not a merciful man and his morals were unpredictable.
So, no. Y/N was not planning on telling her boyfriend, who was also secretly a vigilante with rage issues, about the man who ogled her on public transit and tried to follow her home.
But Y/N was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t hear said boyfriend finally wake up.
Next thing she knew, someone was slowly wrapping their arms around her waist.
Y/N jumped.
Obviously it was Jason. She knew that. This was not uncommon behavior for him.
But after the day she had and being lost in her thoughts, the feeling of someone’s touch scared the life out of her.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jason immediately muttered in a whisper at her reaction. “It’s just me.”
Y/N turned around in hopes of easing any worry before he asked any questions.
“Sorry,” she gasped. “I didn’t hear you wake up.”
But Jason narrowed his gaze at the crazed look in her eyes. He could somehow feel her heart racing as he gripped her torso, and traced lines up and down her rib cage with his thumbs in an attempt to soothe her.
“What happened?” He asked as he brushed some hair out of her face.
“Nothing. I’m fine. I was just in my head and zoning out, so you scared me.”
Jason was basically a human lie detector. So he raised an eyebrow at her attempt.
“Y/N,” he warned.
She sighed and shook her head. “Promise you’ll just listen? That you won’t freak out?”
Now Jason was even more worried. “Y/N, what happened?”
She sighed again, knowing it was pointless to ask him not to freak out when it came to her. Now all she could hope for is that she’d be able to calm him down.
Y/N explained what happened to Jason: the bus, the following, the running to make sure a threatening stranger didn’t follow her home.
She could see Jason’s body getting more and more tense, and his expression angrier and angrier. His hands clenched into fits. His posture straightened with purpose.
“Did he grab you? Did he touch you?” Jason asked as soon as he was sure she was done with her whole story.
“No, but…” her words died out.
“He didn’t have to for you to feel violate,” Jason offered her.
Y/N nodded and hung her head.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Jason asked softly.
“I…I don’t know. I wanted to you to rest.” Then Y/N really thought about it. “And despite his intentions being very clear…there was still a voice in my head telling me not to overreact, that there was a small chance I was being paranoid.”
“Y/N, even if you had been wrong, I would’ve rather you felt safe than worry about being wrong. I wouldn’t have been mad at you, or even annoyed.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Y/N.” Jason sighed and pulled her into his arms. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just love you and want you to be safe.”
She nodded into his shoulder.
For the next week, Jason was waiting for Y/N every day after work at her bus stop to walk her home. She didn’t ask him to or even suggest it. But Jason knew she was still shaken after the incident. And the last thing he wanted was his girlfriend living in fear.
On the eighth day of him doing this, Y/N finally spoke up.
“Jason, ya know, you can’t do this forever…”
“I know,” he smirked.
“Why are you smiling?”
“How would you feel about me teaching you some self defense?”
Y/N stopped walking and turned to face him. “Are you messing with me?”
The next weekend, Y/N found herself in the bat cave with her boyfriend, both of them in workout clothes.
“First things first, you have to gain your strength. I can teach you all the moves I want, but you have to make sure your body is in the right condition to defend yourself. And I don’t mean just physically. Confidence is key, beautiful.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the last part, but still smiled.
“Did we have to have an audience?” She asked as she looked over to see that Tim was on the computer, and Dick and Barbara were working out together.
“Ignore them.”
The next couple of hours, Jason taught Y/N all of the basics of self defense. Especially the tips that benefitted women.
Eye strike. Knee to the groin. Heel-palm attack. Elbow hit. How to escape from a bear-hug attack. How to free herself from a choke hold. How to get out of a headlock.
Y/N was covered with sweat. Meanwhile, Jason looked as put together as he had when they started.
“OK,” she finally said with hands on her hips as she tried to catch her breath. “But if someone that’s the same size as me tried to attack me, I don’t have a chance.”
Jason tilted his head to the side. “And who said that?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “J, come on. Look at you! Do you really think I would be able to get away – no matter how hard I tried?”
She looked her boyfriend up and down. He was built like a tank, standing at 6’3 and with an almost inhuman width. Just his thighs seemed bigger than her torso.
While Y/N loved cuddly with her giant teddy bear of a boyfriend, she had mercy for anyone that decided to pick a fight with Jason Todd or Red Hood. They didn’t stand a chance.
“Size isn’t everything,” Jason told her with a wink.
She rolled her eyes again.
“Dick! Barbara! Can you come here for a sec?”
“What’s up?” Dick asked with Barbara by his side.
“Y/N thinks that she’d never be able to take on someone bigger than her,” Jason shared with them.
Barbara didn’t even bother trying to hide her laughter.
Dick smirked. “It’ll take a lot of training, Y/N. But don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to kick Jason’s ass. Until then, let us know if he’s giving you any trouble and we’ll handle him for you.”
Jason glared at his older brother, but chose not to give his usual sarcastic retorts. He turned his attention back to Y/N instead. “Dicky here is 5’10 and about 175. Meanwhile, Babs is 5’6 and can’t weigh more than 120.”
Barbara crossed her arms. “Didn’t you ever learn that it’s not polite to comment on a woman’s weight?”
Jason gave her an apologetic look but he knew she wasn’t actually offended. “The point is that I’ve seen Barbara hand Dick his ass more times than I can count. Not to mention guys twice her size.”
Then he looked at the couple and gestured to the sparring mat. “Would you be so kind?”
Dick didn’t seem to have any issue with facing off with his girlfriend.
Meanwhile, Barbara looked excited.
As the two of them began sparring, Jason lowered his voice down to Y/N and pointed out Barbara’s strategies and moves. Then he would explain how she was manipulating her smaller frame and turning it into an advantage.
Next thing Y/N knew, Barbara had Dick on the floor.
Dick was beaming up at his girlfriend with nothing but pride and awe.
“See?” Jason muttered quietly in Y/N’s ear.
Barbara laughed and held a hand to help Dick up. He jumped back onto his feet and gave his girlfriend a kiss. 
“What’s going on?” A voice said at the bottom of the stairs.
They all turned to see Damian had entered the Bat Cave.
“Teaching Y/N some self defense,” Jason shrugged.
Damian sighed. “I do not understand why society does not train women to defend themselves – especially when they are not protected from evil men.”
Y/N laughed. “Not everyone was raised by a league of assassins, Damian.”
But then Damian’s words hit her again in a different way. She spaced out for a moment.
Jason looked at her with concern. “You OK?”
She just nodded.
He wasn’t convinced, but let her be. “I think that’s enough training for today.”
Jason’s brothers convinced him and Y/N to stay for a family movie night. 
They used Jason’s old room to shower, since Y/N was covered in sweat by the end of her self defense lesson. Jason gave her some of his old clothes for her to wear that he’d left behind.
When they got to the theatre room, Jason could tell how exhausted Y/N was. She was going to be sore tomorrow – probably for a few days, actually.
She curled into Jason as they grabbed one of the love seats. In moments like these, Jason was always amused how she seemed more like his pet cat than his girlfriend.
Dick and Barbara cuddled together, as well.
Damian brought a book, pretended to already be bored, and acted like he was forced to join family movie night.
Tim brought in his laptop so he could continue to work.
Alfred brought them snacks every so often.
Even Bruce came in halfway through the movie, making his entrance so subtle that they almost didn’t notice.
But lo and behold, not even 15 minutes into the movie, Y/N had passed out. 
Jason ended up having to carry her to his car after the movie – not that he minded in the slightest – and drive home as smoothly as possible, so he didn’t wake her.
A few days later, Y/N found Jason reading while lounging on the couch in the living room of their shared apartment.
She hopped on beside him, laying across his chest and sliding underneath his book.
Jason chuckled at her antics and put his book down, realizing she wanted his full attention and not just to snuggle while he continued to read.
“So, I was thinking…” Y/N began.
“Mhmm,” Jason hummed.
“I’m not the only woman in Gotham who’s been harassed. You of all people know that – probably better than I do.”
Jason’s amusement disappeared as he listened to where she was going.
“Did you know that in most big cities, there are almost always more women than men?”
“I did not.”
Then she sat up straight, but remained close to him. “But Gotham is the only major American city where there are 20% more men than women.” She waited for him to interrupt, but he just continued to pay close attention. “Researchers believe it’s because of the high crime rate in Gotham, and therefore it’s even more unsafe for women to live here than men.”
“Makes sense,” Jason agreed. “Why are you telling me this?”
“When you started giving me self-defense lessons and then Damian made the comment about no one training women, I kept thinking how other women don’t have a family of vigilantes to keep them safe or teach them how to defend themselves.”
“I’ve seen enough of this city to know that you’re right,” Jason commented darkly.
“You still haven’t explained why we’re talking about this…”
“Right,” Y/N smiled embarrassingly. “What if we – I don’t know – started a center for women to learn what you taught me. Completely pro bono. Like a…”
“Fight Club?” Jason offered with a smirk.
“Well, not exactly. But kinda,” Y/N giggled.
Then she frowned as her mind was still working all of it out. “I just don’t know who could teach it. You and your family are already too busy. Teaching women how to defend themselves is a little beneath you…”
“First of all, it’s not beneath us. But you’re right: Dick barely has a second to spend with Babs. Tim is so sleep deprived that he’s just gonna collapse one day. It also wouldn’t be smart for our cover and show that all the Wayne kids can hold themselves in a fight. People might start putting things together...”
“Right,” Y/N agreed and looked further disappointed.
“Hey,” Jason said with an encouraging smile and lifted her chin to look at him. “It’s a good idea. And between my brothers and me, we know plenty of retired heroes that would be more than willing to help out.”
Y/N’s eyes brightened. “Really?”
He nodded. “Dinah, Roy, Wally and Artemis. Hell, I bet if Bruce mentioned it to Diana, she’d smuggle in some Amazons to really show ‘em.”
Y/N smiled at the idea.
“You should tell Bruce,” Jason added.
“He has a habit of blindly writing checks for a good cause. I bet he’d just straight up buy you a warehouse to hold classes in.”
She frowned. “I don’t – won’t he feel like I’m taking advantage of him?”
Jason laughed. “I know he’s shit at showing it, but Bruce likes you. And I think he’d be more than happy to help.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over. “Bruce Wayne likes me?”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t let it get to your head…”
“So, you think this is a good idea?”
Jason couldn’t help himself when she looked this adorable and excited. He grabbed her torso and flipped them so her back was on the couch and he was now hovering above her.
“I think it’s a great idea,” he told her softly before kissing her.
But before Y/N could push the intimacy any further, Jason pulled away from her lips.
“I have to tell you something,” his voice suddenly went serious.
Y/N’s smile dropped. “What? What is it?”
“I know you didn’t want me to…”
Then she sat up, lightly pushing Jason off of her. “Christ, Jason. What did you do?”
He took in a quick breath. “I found him.”
“Found who?”
“The guy who followed you.”
“Fuck,” Y/N put her hands over her face. “Jason. God. What the fuck.” “I know! I know. I should’ve told you sooner.”
Y/N rubbed her face and looked at him. “Please, please tell you didn’t kill him.”
Jason had the audacity to roll his eyes. “I didn’t kill him, OK? Happy?”
“No, I’m not happy! You went after him when I explicitly asked you not to!”
“Did you forget that the guy you’re dating is also a vigilante? In what world did you expect me to not look him up?” He shook his head in wonder. “I mean, the idiot’s face was all over the public transit database I hacked when I looked up the footage from the cameras on your bus – not to mention the footage from half the storefronts you walked by.”
Y/N only glared at him.
“Don’t be mad,” he requested.
“Well, I am.”
Jason sighed. Then he scooted closer, hoping she’d allow it. “Look, I get what’s going on. And I get why you want to help all these women.”
She eyed him, but let him continue.
“I’m sure it’s hard to believe, but I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t protect yourself.” He cleared his throat, catching himself. “I know it’s not the same as what women have to deal with on a daily basis. I’ll never really know what that’s like.”
Jason kept all the terrible things he’d seen on patrol to himself. But there were things he knew would terrify and traumatize her. Because of this, Jason wasn’t as oblivious to the suffering of women as the majority of men were. Or maybe he just chose to actually acknowledge it and care.
He took in a deep breath. “But I just hated the idea of someone doing that to you. And I know there’s probably a million times its happened and you haven’t told me, or you didn’t even notice because you’ve gotten so used to it. I just…I couldn’t let him get away with it.”
Jason paused to let her process his excuse. He’d be the first to admit it wasn’t a good one.
But Jason Todd was fiercely protective of the people he loved. And Red Hood’s sole purpose was to protect the those who couldn’t protect themselves – no matter the cost.
So when his girlfriend was troubled enough to lose sleep or zoned out constantly to rehash what happened, he was going to do something about it.
Jason was fully aware of his anger issues. But he also learned how to redirect them to be something a bit more productive.
“So…what did you do to him?” Y/N asked nervously.
He gave her a look, silently asking her if she really wanted to know.
“Jason…” she warned him.
“He had a record, OK? Let’s just say you weren’t the first woman he’s done that to. And a lot of them weren’t as lucky as you. So he got what he fucking deserved.”
“And what is that?” She pushed, refusing to let him gloss over it so easily.
Jason rolled his eyes. “I roughed him up a bit, alright? Told him I’d be watching. Scared the shit out of him enough that, hopefully, he won’t ever pull that shit again.”
Y/N let out a laugh and shook her head at him.
Jason would take her amusement over her anger any day, even if she was teasing him.
“What?” He asked through a grin.
She bopped his nose. “So protective over me.”
Jason had enough of the distance between them.
He moved her body so she had no choice but to sit on his lap. “‘Course I am.”
Then he kissed her. But when he pulled away, his face was rather thoughtful.
“You’re not going to feel helpless forever, ya know.”
They were words to comfort her. Because deep down Jason knew that promising to always be there for her wasn’t going to make her feel better. She wanted him as her boyfriend, not her bodyguard – despite Jason being more than happy to be both for her.
“I know,” Y/N confirmed with a shy smile.
Whatcha think?
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
My Life is One Complication After Another 2
Some cursing 🤬
Ao3 *** Previous *** Next
"Okay so where were we?" she smiled turning and sitting back down with Fang.
"As Damian had asked are you in reality my biological child," Bruce took back control automatically.
"You can't be serious Brucie!" Jagged went and began to squish Mari's face. "This little ray of sunshine related to your broody majesty. I don't buy it."
"I am not broody Jared." Bruce defended.
"I'll believe that when Ladybug dates Chat Noir." he joked.
"So it is possible" Bruce responded with a straight face.
Now it was Mari's turn to laugh, "Not a chance. Ladybug and Chat Noir dating is as possible as Atlantis resurfacing." she finally stopped laughing. The Wayne's tensed as if they knew more than others about Atlantis. "I honestly don't know if I am your child. I have no objections to taking a paternity test if you want, but I already have parents who love and support me, but I am not opposed to adding to my family though." she again smiled like the sunshine she is.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng What the Hell!?!" Chloe screamed storming into the room.
"What did I do!"
"How are you trending and you never told me" she gave a mock gasp.
However it was not the same for Mari. "I'm what." She opened her phone and sure enough she was trending. "How did this happen?"
She went into the first article she could and backtracked, through the sources and timestamps. Then it all made sense. She was on the Ladyblog, an interview with Lila claiming she was friends with a Wayne. The media then believing her a lost Wayne which explains why she is sitting with the Waynes and them asking about her paternity.
"How did you not know. M."
"All my accounts are private and I've been busy. But this explains the reporters now huh."
"M you are ridiculous, utterly ridiculous" Chloe grumbled. She was now sitting on the armrest Mari was leaning against next to Jagged. "At least tell me you remembered to send the photos and interview." Mari sprung up, Fang having sensed the impending jump. "logged into my laptop" Chloe yelled throwing her key to Mari.
"Meet you at the hospital. 20 minutes. bye" she yelled as she ran down the hall taking the stairs faster.
Chloe and Penny got up followed by Jagged heading to the door.
"Whatcha wait'n for Brucie come on" Jagged called to the billionaire.
Slowly the Waynes stood and followed the others to the hospital, sharing looks and texts the entire time.
True to her word Marinette met with them 20 minutes later on the dot in the hospital.
Both Marinette and Bruce had a blood sample and a mouth swab taken. The doctor then came back an hour later with the results.
"Alright. By the genetic markers that were tested. I can say quite confidently that M. Wayne is the biological father of Mlle. Dupain-Cheng." The doctor handed them a folder. "I'II leave you to process."
Marinette didn't need long to process. In fact her only thought was, Well one more for the list. Everyone in the room was watching her. "Okay" she jumped down from the bench, crap. Forgot about that. Her smile never faltered but her eyes were closed a second too long.
In that second Chloe had taken her purse and was holding up a pair of athletic gloves. “Care to explain!” She held the gloves waving them towards Marinette.
"Um, Well, You see" Marinette started to mumble.
"Why don't you explain in the car" Penny came to her rescue.
"We'll get Pizza and have a Rock' n time" Jagged lightened the mood.
Everyone nodded, walking out Mari kept her hands in her pocket. She was putting on her second pair of gloves, Tikki in her hood, she needed to think and running always helped. Mari was only a few yards away when Chloe noticed, Mari spun to face her when she heard her.
"Red!" Chloe yelled. She noticed how two boys froze, Jason and Tim if she is correct.
"Goldie!" she responded, not missing a beat. She heard Chloe behind her.
"Cat." Penny stated.
"Bird." responded Jagged further confusing the Waynes as they neared the hotel.
Tim was the first who noticed the two girls in front of the hotel. Meaning he was on his phone mapping and timing the route.
"Pizza will be delivered in 10." Mari spoke as the other seven stepped out of the car.
The two girls went ahead of them, but instead of the elevator they took the stairs.
Half way through the second of three pizza did Tim finally speak. "How did you two get back so fast." Tim set down his Pizza as he began to gesture frantically. "There is no way for you guys to have beat as it is a fifteen minute drive and a 30 minute walk, 20 if you run. Wait how did you get there in 20 minutes with a detour." Tim surprisingly still had breath.
"The fastest way from point A to B is not through C." Was Marinette's response as she took a bite. Yet that didn't seem like a sufficient answer as her now brother's eyebrows were still knit in confusion, so she took a breath and said. "Free running, it's a great stress reliever." she finished.
"What did you hit this time?" Jagged gave her a semi serious look.
"I didn't hit anything," a pout on her lips. "The pigeon flew into me."
Dick started laughing "she is definitely yours B, I can say for sure even without that paternity test." Another two hours had passed before she noticed the time and bid everyone goodbye. She gave her number to her father and brothers, Damian begrudgingly because Dick put it in and gave it to Mari.
Her parents had closed early for a date so she was home alone. She went to the couch to sketch a few gift ideas for her newly extended family. She was finishing a semi formal coat with a hidden sling for a katana for Damian. He kept grumbling that if he had it, the way the sword appeared in his akuma form, and she is pretty sure Jason's jokes were more literal by everyone's expressions. When her parents came home.
"Bon soir Maman, Papa," she cheerily greeted them.
"How was your day sweetheart." her Papa smiled kissing the top of her head.
"I met a handful of interesting people." she really didn't know how to broach this subject.
"What's wrong sweetie," her mother must have noticed her be uncomfortable. She sat down next to Mari, and her papa sat across from them.
"Did someone or did these people hurt you." her papa's words began to ring with a hard edge.
"Non, nothing like that. It's just, um," bitting her lip then looking up. "Your not my biological father, are you?"
Her parents froze, and had a silent conversation.
"Marinette, your biological father is an important and busy man. Who has no time for children." Her Maman spoke gently and calmly. "His name is Bruce Wayne."
Okay hold up, she tilted her head empathizing her confusion. "He didn't seem to bad, in fact he has four boys."
"That was who you met today," her papa affirmed, seemingly surprised.
She nodded her head and told them what had occurred today, leaving out the akuma and her free running. When she finished her parents once again held a silent conversation.
"Why don't we invite him over tomorrow for lunch. While you show his boys around." her maman smiled.
"Okay I'll send them a message then." Mari smiled taking out her phone.
Tomorrow will be interesting.
But first she had to survive tonight.
Tonight Ladybug, Todd Tenko, and Emeraude Racer were on patrol. Meaning she had the evening with the Couffaine siblings. Since both were holders it wasn't uncommon for them to swap. Meaning Luka would either be Todd or Viperion, and Juleka could be either Racer or Kitsune.
They each knew what was their designated route, and because of the akuma sent earlier the chance of Hawkmoth striking again was less likely. Each one of the heroes went their separate ways and made their rounds. So when the three heroes went to their rendezvous at Notre Dame's bell tower it ways almost two hour later. However, she noticed she had a tail when she passed the Eiffel tower. So she called Todd and Racer to set an illusion and ambush at the bell tower.
When she stepped on the bell towers stopped in the center and so did her tail with four others, forming a 'v" behind her. Todd's illusion left a Ladybug in the center of the tower while she moved to an ambush point. Four figures swung in and stood at each corner, a Todd Tenko, Emeraude Racer, Honey Bee, and Chat Noir.
"Shouldn't all of you be in Gotham?" Ladybug asked for her.
That seemed to take the vigilantes in her city by surprise.
"We heard about the situation and we just want to help." Nightwing, she is pretty sure, spoke up.
Chat Noir scoffed, "huh as if we would believe that."
"Tt. believe what you want. That is the truth." Robin spoke this time. Interesting.
"Yes after being ignored and called liars for three years really builds trust." Honey Bee's hand curled on her top as she spoke.
Batman seemed like he was going say something, but she jumped down from her perch breaking the Ladybug illusion. As they watched her materialize fifty feet up, followed by Racer and Todd flanking her mere seconds later.
"Todd," her eyes never left the five in front of her as she spoke.
"What!" Red Hood jumped in surprise, "How?"
"Curious. But Todd," this time she turned. "can you drop Mirage." Her teammate nodded and the four illusions disappeared. "Do you need to recharge?"
"Already did LB", he smiled.
"Okay," she pulled out her yoyo, and a box fell out into her hands. "who wants a snack before heading back out."
"Me!" Racer rushed to the box pulling out a strawberry eclair.
It is almost a good thing she always makes eight eclairs for patrol. Seriously she makes two for those on patrol, but after Adrien always left them with one and ate four, did she start bringing more.
Before leaving to do a final sweep of patrol. The three Parisian heroes spoke with the visiting vigilantes.
"We could send them Pinky's way," Ladybug responded to Batman's ask for more information.
"Do you think that's smart?" Todd asked.
"Who is Pinky?" Red Robin stepped into the conversation.
"She is our civilian contact and reserve hero." Racer answered.
"Why isn't she a permeant hero?" Nightwing brought up the question.
"Her identity was compromised but and we aren't sure how many know. So she is kept an back up." she answered.
"Who is she and how do we contact her?" Batman demanded or asked in his case.
"She is Multimouse, her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng." All of them seemed to flinch and paled slightly. "And she'll find you."
The three Parisians stood and left.
Yup, tomorrow is going to be interesting.
“So was I supposed to find out the Wayne’s were the Bats on my own or would you have told me?” Mari scolded her boyfriend over video call when she got home from patrol.
“I knew you were smart but less than a day you really are a lucky bug.” He smirked at her.
She crossed her arms and glared at him.
“Okay, okay.” He rose his hands in surrender. “But how did you figure it out anyways?”
“Apart from Tim and Jason flinching when Chloe called me Red, Damian’s katana grumbles and Tt., Jason freaking out because Todd was on patrol with me, and all of them paling at my name. It wasn’t to hard to piece together after that.” She shrugged.
“You know you’re scary sometimes right?” He feigned chills a goofy grin on his face.
“You love me though.” She teased him.
“I know I do but I know to keep in your good graces.” He responded now completely serious. “By the way, why was my idiot in Paris?” '
“I apparently made headlines a a lost Wayne.” She waved. “Which has more truth than the media knows apparently.”
“You’re serious!”
“Turns out your idiot is my adoptive idiot brother.”
“So are you related to Dick or Tim?”
“Try Damian.”
“To Demon Spawn! How?!”
“Bruce is my biological father.”
“The bug is a bat. Great!” he rolled his eyes, “I knew you weren’t normal but this is ridiculous.”
“You aren’t exactly normal yourself.” She replied pointedly.
“Ya but you love me.” His goofy grin was back.
“Yes I do.” She smiled in return.
Taglist: @dolphin-ghost @unabashedbookworm @bookgirl14 @laurcad123 @mochegato @vixen-uchiha @jjmjjktth @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @stackofrandomstuff @megaafangirl @trippingovermyfeet @chocolatecatstheron @nathleigh @nyx-in-line @indecisive-mess-named-me @ichigorose @maribat-is-lifeblood @user00000001
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night-fallz · 3 years
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Unexpected (part 3)
If he knew that he would be blamed for murdering someone the moment he got back to Gotham, then Jason would’ve waited another week or two before returning.
No matter what a lot of people said, Jason wasn’t stupid. He knows not to expect things that were unlikely to happen.
Jason couldn’t risk raising his hopes when it came to the bats.
He knew that he wasn’t gonna receive a warm welcome filled with hugs and cupcakes. Honestly, the most he expected was a nod of acknowledgment. And if he was lucky, then maybe- maybe he would’ve gotten a smile with the quiet whisper of a welcome back.
It made his heart twist in all the wrong ways to know that his family didn’t trust him as much as he thought. Jason genuinely believed that he and the bats were on good enough terms to earn him the benefit of the doubt.
He forced himself not to flinch as he met Batman’s harsh, distrustful gaze.
“I wasn’t even here when he was killed,” Jason tried to say as calmly as he could, knowing that if he loses his temper, everyone would use it against him. “I was following a case up in New York.”
He couldn’t go back to Arkham! Not again. Not with the Joker only a few cells away from him, taunting him with his laughter— his voice filled with cruel exhilaration as he continuously promised Jason that they would play together once again. How he would soon be reunited with his favorite playmate.
His favorite Robin.
He heard someone suck in a breath behind him.
Jason didn’t expect anyone to defend him. Not against Batman. But still-
He didn’t expect them to just stand and watch as Batman tore him into shreds once again. Batman threw accusation over accusation, yet he never once provided a single piece of evidence that proved it was Jason that did it.
He took a step towards Jason and he had to force himself not to flinch. Batman wouldn’t… not with his kids in the same room.
He ignored the rising panic in his stomach. Jason was safe.
He was safe.
Bruce wouldn’t beat him in the cave. Not in front of everyone. Not in front of Damian.
Jason would be able to walk out of the cave with his ability to walk. He was gonna be okay.
“Look, B. You can even ask them,” he pointed at the spot where Dick and the others were standing. “I told them that I was leaving Gotham for a while.”
Batman turned to where Jason was pointing. “Well?” he asked expectantly.
The cave was engulfed in eerie silence before Tim opened his mouth, faltering a little when he met Jason’s pleading gaze. “He’s not lying Bruce. He told me that he had a mission out of Gotham while we were hanging out a few weeks ago.”
Jason could feel his chest loosen up for a few seconds, thankful that Tim confirmed his statement.
He remembered the day that Tim was talking about. The bats were getting even clingier than usual. They weren’t even trying to hide the fact that they were following Jason anymore.
Tim asked Jason if he wanted to watch a movie and Jason agreed.
The bats were gonna be watching him anyways— they didn’t even try to hide the fact that they bugged him and all the known safehouses he has.
At this point, Jason didn’t know whether he should feel offended with how much they underestimated or relieved.
They already viewed him as dangerous and unpredictable. If they ever find out that Jason’s been holding back, even if it was just a little-
He won’t let them throw him back to Arkham. Jason would rather go back to the League of Assassins.
If Jason wasn’t watching Batman so closely, he would’ve missed the sliver of a nod the man-made.
Jason tried not to think of the fact that Bruce immediately accepted Tim’s answer without hesitation.
For the millionth time in this conversation, he wished that he was wearing his helmet. Instead, he forced his expression to remain calm. To remain bored as turned back to Bruce an eyebrow raised.
“Is that good enough proof for you, old man?” he couldn’t help but spit out, bitterness clear in his voice.
Batman remained unaffected, not even bothering to verbally answer Jason’s question. Instead, he just nodded.
Jason’s heart clenched, of course, he wouldn’t get an apology. Batman was too prideful for that.
“Truth.” Cassandra’s voice rang across the cave, breaking the heavy silence. “No… not lie.”
Batman nodded once again and Cassandra’s eyes met his. It took everything in him to stop a retort from coming out of his mouth.
Couldn’t she have said that a few minutes ago? Before Batman ripped him apart like he was nothing but flimsy paper.
Still, he guessed he should be thankful that she defended him. Even though it was too late.
After a few seconds of no one saying anything, Dick broke the awkwardness with an annoying smile on his face. “Now that that’s settled, why don’t we get that movie started?”
It was only because of all his training that Jason didn’t break down right there.
Of course this was just another thing that they’d sweep under the rug. Something that they would never want to speak off again.
Discussions of what movie they were supposed to watch erupted the room. It didn’t take long for an argument to break out between Damian and Tim.
Jason watched the scene for a few seconds before looking away.
They looked like a real family.
He turned away, these things happened frequently enough for Jason to know that he wasn’t welcomed.
He blocked out all the noise as he walked towards his helmet, eager to put it back on.
It was only a matter of luck that the universe hated him so much that he knocked something down, the thumping noise alerting everyone that he was about to leave.
Jason couldn’t help but feel relieved that he put on his helmet as soon as he got his hands on it.
At least he didn’t have to go to all the trouble to force his expression to remain impassive anymore.
Batman could use it against him.
Dick’s eyebrows furrowed, “Where are you going, Jay? I thought you were joining us tonight.”
“Yeah, well maybe I’m not in the mood to watch a stupid movie tonight.” Jason spits out.
Was Dick being serious right now? There were so many things wrong with that question.
One: Why would Jason want to spend more time with the people who thought he murdered someone and didn’t even bother to defend him.
And two-
No one invited Jason.
Before anyone could say anything else, Jason hopped on his motorcycle. He needed to get out of the cave.
He could feel their eyes on his back but no one bothered to stop him.
The last thing he heard was Cassandra’s voice assuring the bats. “Be back,” she said with enough confidence that one would think that she could command Jason to turn around with only her words. “He will be back.”
Jason held in the harsh remark that threatened to leave his lips.
Plus, it wasn’t like Cassandra was lying. He knew it— and hell, the rest of Bats probably knew it too.
Jason would come back. He always did.
It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go.
But for now, he needed to get away. He thought that one week would be enough to calm the pit.
It wasn’t.
In fact, he feels like the interaction with the bats today just made it worst.
He’ll stay away from them for two weeks. That should be enough time for the pit to stop screaming at him.
But who would he stay with?
Jason had enough experience to know that the best way to calm the pit was to surround yourself with people you trust.
Kori and Roy were still in space.
And Talia was busy with the civil war against Ra’s.
Jason had no one else.
His phone grew heavier in his pocket and he remembered that an Avenger owed him a favor.
Clint said that Jason could text him whenever.
And the more he thought about it, the more Jason decided that he did trust the archer in some way.  
Jason soon found himself staring at the side mirror of the vehicle and poisonous green eyes stared back.
He quickly averted his eyes.
Clint was his last choice. And Jason couldn’t risk being in the peak of a pit episode without anyone to keep him in his place.  
He could do this.
It wasn’t like he had another choice.
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Balancing out school and volleyball was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Only one month has passed and I am swamped with work.
I don’t know how I feel about this chapter. It’s not my best work but I wanted to put something out for you guys!!
I hope that you liked it.
I’m gonna spend this weekend to try and get my life together so hopefully, that means that next week will be easier for me.
Especially since I still need to finish my permit course. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m kinda hating sophomore year of high school right now)
Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.
And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic i’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.  
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Do you ever feel like you're pushing a boulder up a hill defending characters against the same whole-hearted misinformation that keeps getting repeated again & again as if it's canon? I tried 4 times in a chat thread where people kept insisting that Dick Grayson and even the Teen Titans were jerks to Jason Todd when he was Robin. I don't know how you do it. No matter what you say, it just keeps going. No canon is ever enough. Why are some fans so set on the idea that everyone ostracized Jason?
Ooof yeah, that’s a whole barrel of annoying. The big gripe for me, in both my major fandoms, is that so much of the misinformation comes paired with this contradictory insistence on how much people don’t give a fuck about canon.....even while willfully trying to reinvent canon to say what they want it to say, in order to back up their version of events or take on various characters!
Its like, if you don’t give a fuck about canon, THEN DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT CANON. Don’t TELL me you don’t give a fuck about canon, and then GO OFF on how canon does all these things that canon most definitely does not do, thereby casting MUCH MUCH doubt upon your claims of not giving a fuck about canon, and suggesting that in fact, you do give quite a bit of fucks about canon, actually.
But honestly, I’m not the person to give advice on this front because oof, I make bad choices here. LOLOLOL, no but for real, I can’t really tell you how to just deal with this because I’m like, I do not have mastery of that skillset myself. I have however long since exhausted myself of any illusions about CHANGING the minds of people who are particularly insistent upon things that never happened informing their particular view of characters, because like.....the reality is, people who come into fandoms emotionally invested in views of characters that they derived from other fics or fanons, like......it doesn’t matter that those things aren’t canon, what matters is their emotional investment in this particular fandom is entirely bound up in those particular views no matter WHERE they originated from, and so most of them aren’t changing their minds any time soon because they don’t WANT another viewpoint, their original one is the reason they’re here and invested in the first place. 
BUT at the same time, everybody wants to feel validated in their viewpoints, so the more that viewpoint is challenged by people being like uh no, here’s a thing that says you’re wrong, look, its here, its clear, the facts say shhhhhh the marketing campaign for all the Hateorade you’ve drunk about this character is based entirely on The Sky Is Green If We Say It Is logic.....the more people are like, determined to prove they’re right, even if their own personal conviction ORIGINALLY was not dependent on canon whatsoever and it only retroactively started mattering to them not as a source point for how they view characters but like, rather, a data point for Here’s How I Can Still Win This Argument.
And here’s where being in a comics fandom gets really fucking annoying:
Because there are so damn many comics.
And like, a lot of people in comics fandoms don’t even read the comics, and say so - and I mean, this is fine? If you’re here for the characters you don’t need to be here for the comics, so if you don’t actually like comics, like don’t read the comics, just read fic. Its whatever. BUT the bigger issue in my experience is like.....people arguing about comics canon even when they haven’t read the comics, like....often project onto everyone they’re arguing with, like, their own stance on comics.
What I mean by that is a lot of the people arguing about comics canon even when they proudly haven’t read a comic in their life because there are so many where would they even start and also, eww, I’m not doing all that.....like....there’s this presumption evident in a lot of arguments that the same holds true for everyone else in comics fandoms.....that none of the rest of us have read all those comics either, because how could anyone? There’s so many of them!
Forgetting of course, that many of us come into these fandoms from entirely different trajectories. If you come into a comics fandom because of fanfics, or a cartoon adaptation, or the movies.....upon your first day in fandom, when you look at all the comics canon that’s out there, you’re like holy shit that’s a lot, nobody could ever read all that, I’m certainly not going to read all that, I’m going back to fics.
BUT for those of us who came into these fandoms from the direction of reading the comics......our perspective was entirely different, because it was never some singular monolithic VASTNESS of unread comics that nobody could ever tackle because where would we even begin. For those of us who were reading comics for years or most of our lives......its been a handful of issues a month, month after month, year after year, rather than all in one sitting.
So the point of conflict becomes the presumption from a lot of fans who AREN’T here because of the comics, that comic book canon is this untapped cornucopia of potential validation, Schrodinger’s Canon, it can be basically whatever they want it to be, because who’s to say it ISN’T? If they can’t read all of that, nobody can read all of that, so when you think about it, its entirely plausible that the thing they insist happened in canon actually DID happen in canon, SOMEWHERE in all of that.....because just because they don’t know where it is and can’t point to it as explicitly existing, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist either. Who’s to say, really?
Well. Umm. People who in fact actually HAVE read all or most of the RELEVANT comics. Like yeah nobody’s read every comic ever I bet, lolol, but for lifelong DC readers, canon ISN’T this vast uncharted territory that can potentially contain everything.....its actually quite charted, and there are people who absolutely do know what it does and does not contain.
And this I think is at the heart of the insistence on particular points of argument, like Jason was always perpetually mistreated and Dick and the Titans hated him on sight and that’s why the Knights of the Order of Protection for the Smol Jason Bean hate Dick, because he was a giant jerkface to a little kid who never did anything to him ever. Like it doesn’t matter how much we point out that no, this did not in fact happen and is untrue, COMPLETELY, like.....people who came into fandom because of fics about Jason in which the entire perspective upon his character is uniformly, with virtually no exception, that he was scapegoated by Dick from Day One and he and Dick will always be eternally at odds because of the remnants of what a jerk and failure of a brother Dick was to him at first.......like, I feel like there’s this conviction lying underneath all those arguments, no matter how much canon they’re presented with, that there still exists out there SOMEWHERE, some untapped treasure trove of panels proving what a buttface Dick was to his first little brother, validating everything they’ve ever believed and thought ever, because look all those depictions of Dick being a giant assbutt to Jason in fics had to come from SOMEWHERE after all, didn’t they?
Well, yeah. They did come from somewhere. They came from the writers who wrote those fics that way because they either just hated Dick’s character or they were working through their own sibling angst and projected certain dynamics onto the characters or someone told them this is what things were like in the comics and they didn’t know any different or just didn’t care or a hundred million other possible reasons for why they wrote them that way with none of those reasons being Cuz Canon Said So.....and then those particular depictions caught on and multiplied fruitfully like the offspring of rabbits doing it sans contraceptives.
Because its not like “perpetual black sheep of the family so unfairly hated, so misunderstood, especially by the family’s favored son, the golden boy” is a fan favorite trope on its own, regardless of whether or not the characters said trope is applied to actually FIT that trope.
So in the end, the painful irony was not only did canon have nothing to do with that trend, canon COULD do nothing about that trend, because the reasons people turned to it, despite how often canon gets brought into it....really had nothing to do with canon.
So tbh, my personal stance these days is the best defense to fic-borne and originating views of the characters and their dynamics is NOT canon, its....more fic. Fic that presents a counter-narrative to the ones that are so often the first thing people see when they enter fandom, and thus become engrained as Truth. So that there’s at least more variety out there, because where there’s variety, there’s varied points of view, and the more people internalize THAT, that there are variations to be found in how these characters relate to each other and their shared histories......the more people have to make a CHOICE about what variations they most want to adhere to, from among the OPTIONS they’re presented with, instead of just doubling down on the first thing that clicks for them, no opposition in sight.
And if these counter “Dick’s just the worst like what an uber asshole gonna give a five star rating for Sucking At Life to that guy” fics happen to be inspired largely by canon rather than fanon like....oh no, how strange and unknowable, that’s not the Process, we’re doing it wrong but hey whatever.
But does that mean its not still frustrating as hell to see people just parroting the Dick and the Titans were mean to Jason truism as fact, especially when you know damn well its not? Hell no. That’s annoying as fuck. But don’t worry so much about trying to change peoples’ minds, I say, and instead just find people who ARE open to canon or familiar with it, and just have a good rant. Its fun!
 Here, I’ll start:
Where would that even have happened???
Like what really chuffs my chopped onions here is when people are so suuuuuuuure that the gatekeepers of comic book fandom are keeping the real juicy anti-Dick panels hidden every time they ask “Hey Siri show me proof Dick’s a jerkmonster to Jason”....because like...they’re just SO SURE these panels are out there and its like lololol but where would they even come from? 
Because everybody overlooks that in proper Dickens fashion, pre-Flashpoint Jason was a Tale of Two Jasons, the pre-Crisis adorable child of sunshine and whee, and the post-Crisis I have smoker’s lung at age twelve Jason......and these two Jasons can and do and are MEANT to co-exist within the same body! They’re the same Jason, in hindsight!
See, post-Crisis Jason only existed for like, less than TWO YEARS real world time, before A Death in the Family! People have this assumption that because of how rock-solid the post-Crisis origin for him is and how solidly that’s informed his characterization and stories moving forward, like.....there was this HUGE foundation for it back in the day that was built upon.....but no! We’re talking like, less than twenty four issues IN TOTAL. Post-Crisis Jason was a drop in the bucket compared to pre-Crisis Jason.
So why then, is post-Crisis Jason so much more firmly cemented in peoples’ minds than pre-Crisis Jason even though pre-Crisis Jason had way more material written about him?
Because for once in DC’s existence, they were SMART about a retcon. They didn’t TRY to pit post-Crisis Jason versus pre-Crisis Jason and make people pick between them. Post-Crisis Jason wasn’t an attempt at overwriting pre-Crisis Jason and making it so he never existed. Instead, what they did with their limited amount of time writing post-Crisis Jason was overwrite only two stories specifically: his actual pre-Crisis origin, and how he and Dick first met....and then they let everything else from pre-Crisis stay! It just got folded IN BETWEEN Jason’s new post-Crisis origin and everything that came after that, thanks to some handy non-linear storytelling and flashbacks.
So rather than Jason having two entirely separate storylines and directions, they still kept him at just one....and his post-Crisis origin and A Death in the Family became BOOKENDS surrounding not just the twenty issues in between those two stories......but ALSO surrounding ALL the pre-Crisis issues featuring Jason.....including the times he interacted with Dick and the Titans.
And that’s why there’s no untapped treasure trove of potentially vilifying issues showcasing Dick being such a can of Jerkola to Jason.......
Because post-Crisis only amounted to a grand total of like twenty something issues.....in which Jason interacted with Dick once and only once....the issue which ends with Dick giving Jason his blessing as Robin, his costume, and his phone number to call him if he ever has any problems with Bruce.
But simultaneously, because all those pre-Crisis issues still existed, were still relevant, were still in continuity (as evidenced by Jason himself when he came back as the Red Hood and fought Tim at Titans Tower, referencing how he was briefly a Titan himself.......aka those issues in which he teamed up with the Titans, which ONLY happened before his new origin)....we similarly know that it wasn’t like Dick and Jason never had any contact after their first post-Crisis encounter....we just never saw Jason use that phone number on the page AFTER that issue (because again, there was no time before he was killed off in the comics TO engineer another on the page meet-up, like both characters were busy in unrelated stories in the course of the mere year between that issue and ADITF). BUT by the power of retcon, we do know that Jason still must have used it at some point, or else Dick reached out to him again at some later point off the page......because Dick and Jason’s easy familiarity with each other pre-Crisis STILL EXISTED AS WELL. They had a sibling relationship post-Crisis because they had a sibling relationship pre-Crisis...AND IT WAS THE SAME RELATIONSHIP.
And this is Part Two of why no untapped treasure trove of Jerk Dick and Poor Jason panels exists......because other than that one post-Crisis issue, all their other interactions hail from the pre-Crisis era....where Dick adored Jason and so did the rest of the Titans.
Jason wasn’t resentful of the Titans or scared of them or nursing grudges, he thought getting to hang out with his big brother’s friends WAS THE COOLEST FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD and you could practically see him bouncing on the page the times it happened. He glowed when Dick would ruffle his hair playfully or compliment him, and the Titans’ collective energy towards Jason was very much OH OUR FRIEND’S BABY BRO IS THE MOST ADORABLE SMALL CHILD EVER AND WE WILL PROTECT HIM WITH OUR LIVES.
Like people WILLFULLY misconstrue this one issue where Jason teamed up with the Original Titans other than Dick for a mission against Cheshire, and claim like “oh see, this is the proof that the Titans were mean to Jason because of Dick, they kept giving him shit for not being Dick and hated him for replacing Dick....” which omg noooooooooooo, that is so odiously NOT what happened in that issue. First off, NOBODY blamed Jason for replacing Dick back then, because at the time those issues were written, he DIDN’T....this was when Dick had given Robin to Jason himself, when choosing to move on as Nightwing. And even RETROACTIVELY looking at this issue in light of the retcon where Dick was fired as Robin, this STILL changes nothing about Dick and Jason’s dynamic at this particular time or how the rest of the Titans would have viewed Jason as of this issue.....because that’s where the post-Crisis issue specifically writing Dick and Jason’s new introduction to each other on the page matters so much. As now the ultimate takeaway is even while not making Jason Robin himself, this issue STILL showed Dick giving Jason his blessing.....thus maintaining and stabilizing every pre-Crisis interaction between Jason and the Titans and ensuring that this whole “they resented him on Dick’s behalf” scenario wouldn’t throw any retroactive curveballs into how they were with Jason...because now there still was no need for anything on Dick’s behalf, as far as Jason was concerned, because Dick had given his A-Ok.
So that just flat out never happened, not originally, pre-Crisis, and not even in hindsight after the post-Crisis retcons were factored in, because the HOW of the post-Crisis retcons specifically factored in an avoidance of this potential tangle.
And in fact, what DID happen in the arc where Jason teamed up with the Titans without Dick, to go up against Cheshire.......is that Donna, who was in charge of the team at the time, kept trying to defer to Jason-as-Robin, because subconsciously she was insecure about her leadership at the time and having a Robin at her side was making her think of when Dick had been in that role, and simultaneously been their leader, and thus she was trying to lean into the familiar comforts of being able to turn to a Robin for direction.
And Jason CALLED HER OUT ON THIS. Politely. And cutely. No for real it was adorable. But like, he did it with poise and self-confidence and deliberation, and SHE HEARD HIM. She snapped out of it. Jason laid out exactly what she was doing and why and Donna was like oh shit, you’re right, I HAVE been doing that. And Jason was like, and that’s not fair to me. And Donna was like no, you’re absolutely right, that isn’t fair to you, I’m sorry. And Jason’s like, I can’t be the leader here, I don’t have the experience that Dick does. But you do, and you can be the leader. And Donna was like. You’re three for three kiddo, damn you’re good at this.
Okay, one caveat here. I must confess, its killing me....there is ONE Titan who was a jerk to Jason.
But uh....that Titan was Hank Hall aka Hawk. And he’s a jerk to everybody. Its kinda his superpower.
And he most certainly didn’t do it on Dick’s behalf, as Hank hates Dick and Dick hates Hank asfhilfhalfhalf. Seriously, they’re basically the hateship that ppl keep trying to make Dick and Jason into, only without the incest makes it spicy or whatever element, but like, if you’re not hung up on that and can ship people without them being related, oh no, oh woe, oh say it ain’t so, like, DickHank is the unsung hateship of dreaaaaaaaaaaams. They’re like:
Hank: As it is a day ending in y, I feel now is the perfect time to let you know, without prompting, that I hate your guts because people like you. And I hate people and everything they like, on account of people are the worst.
Dick: Well, you’re people, and you’re the worst, so that tracks.
Hank: So we’re agreed. I hate you. You hate me.....
Dick: Our hate is so in harmony.
Donna: What is even happening here and do I want to know.
Roy: In reverse order, no, probably not, and I’m not sure, but I THINK they’re getting hate married, and exchanging vows to hate each other in sickness and in health, forever and ever.
Wally: *skidding around corner* I CALL BEST MAN.
Donna: Its not a real wedding Wally.
Roy: Idk they seem pretty serious about it. Which means the best man position should be valid here, which means it should be me, because suck it West, only way you’ll ever be Dick’s best man is over my dead body.
Wally: Get ready to throw down then, Robin Hood, and just call me the Sheriff of Notachanceinhell, that best man position is MINE.
Garth: Whoa, hold up, I have an agreement IN WRITING from when we were THIRTEEN for Dick and I to be each other’s best men at our weddings, so I’m gonna need you both to stand down, I LITERALLY CALLED DIBS. Look. ITS IN WRITING.
Donna: Oh for fuck’s sake, you collective pluralization of buffoons, STOP TREATING THIS AS A REAL THING. ITS NOT A REAL THING.
Dick, eyes dead-locked on Hank: Oh this is real Donna. This is happening.
Hank, stepping forward, eyes equally locked: I have never been more serious about anything in my life. 
Lilith: Sure, you’ve only both saved the world but hey why should that matter. This is definitely the real shit.
Hank: Please. I only did that to prove I could do it better than Dick could. I hate the world.
Dick: Aww, and did you cry yourself to sleep when that flopped?
Hank: Wouldn’t know. It didn’t happen.
Donna: I swear by every god on Mt. Olympus, the first one of you to say I know you are but what am I is getting flung into orbit.
Anyway. I might have gotten distracted somewhere in there. What was your question again and did I answer it? I think I did....fahlkfhaklfhalhfa.
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Jason Todd - If I’m Being Honest
Based on If I’m Being Honest by Anna Clendening
Word Count: 1,734
You got your issues
I get that, but so do I
That's not an excuse to hide
Behind your ugly pride
You joined the Titans because Dick Grayson called you to alert you that someone was coming after people in his old circus, which just so happened to include your parents. You had been given element-controlling powers by a scientist who had kidnapped you on your way home from school when you were 12. Thankfully, your parents were trained in multiple types of combat – just like you – and were able to save you from your kidnappers and fight off Nick Zucco, the guy who was murdering members of the circus.
After your parents were safe, you decided to help Dick and his team. That’s when you met Jason. He was a kid who had been through hell with his family and didn’t have a lot growing up, you were the daughter of two circus performers turned police and army officers so you grew up comfortable, however, neither of you were without trauma.
During the three months between the Trigon issue and meeting Rose Wilson, you and Jason grew closer and eventually you started dating. When you first met Jason, you thought he was a dick. He was egotistical and annoying but when you started training together, he grew on you and his ego started to deflate after you beat him multiple times.
It was fun for a while, until Rose showed up.
You had been hurt in the past, so many times, so you were reluctant to begin a relationship with Jason – especially with your life choices. However, he convinced you that he was trying to get better and he promised that he would never hurt you.
It only took him a few months to throw it all away.
He had lived through something traumatic – falling off a building. Thankfully, he survived as he was saved by Conner but he still felt weird. You understood he needed space and time to deal with the trauma so you trained alone or with Rachel and Gar. You left him alone and you guess that it was the wrong call on your end because he fell right into Rose’s lap.
How was it so easy,
So damn easy for you to lie?
When I gave you my heart, my trust
You just wasted my time
He kissed her. It was a spur of the moment thing, he said, because they were having a moment. Rose was trying to cheer him up and he just did it, regretting it the moment it happened. He didn’t tell you straight away. He didn’t even tell you, you found out from Rose. She thought that Jason had told you and came to apologise for it.
“Hey, Y/N.” Rose called, “I know you probably hate me right now, but I wanted to apologise, it never should have happened and I… yeah, I’m sorry.”
Your face held a look of confusion as you tried to figure out what she meant, “What do you mean, wha-what did you do?” You asked, horrible thoughts running through your head. Rose’s face fell from regret to surprise.
“Jason didn’t tell you, shit.” She mumbled to herself.
“W-what does Jason have to do with this, what… what happened, what didn’t he tell me?” You stuttered out, panic in your voice as you imagined the worst-case scenario.
Rose told you everything, she tried so hard to put the blame on herself – she tried to stop you from blaming Jason for what he had done. She apologised so many times for hurting you and she tried to stop you from what you did next.
But if I'm being honest
I miss you
But I hate you at the same time
You broke your promise
Now I don't know
What was real or a lie
You ran into the training room, seeing Jason training with a dummy. Once you entered the room, he stopped, greeting you but before he could get out his full sentence you ran right up to him and slapped him as hard as you could on the cheek.
“Fuck you, Jason!” You yelled, pointing your finger at him.
Jason held his reddening cheek, a confused look on his face until he saw Rose behind you, “Baby, I’m sorry, please – I never meant to, I-I’m so sorry… please forgive me.” He begged, while tears fell from your eyes.
“How could you?” You said, your voice barely above a whisper as you sniffed, “How could you do that to me? After you promised to never hurt me, you promised to protect me from people that would want to hurt me. Now, you’re just like them. And I’m pissed off because you kissed Rose, but I’m more pissed because you lied to me about it. To protect me, right?”
Tears fell from Jason’s eyes as he responded, “I never wanted to hurt you, and it didn’t mean anything… nothing. I didn’t think I should tell you about crap that doesn’t matter.” He defended.
“We’re over. Whatever we had, it’s done. And I hate you, Jason Todd.” You spat before leaving the training room.
Messed with my head
You made your bed
Now in it you lay
You're all alone, ignoring your phone
You've got nothing to say
You ignored and avoided Jason for the next few days. He tried to talk to you and call you, you had hundreds of unread texts and missed calls on your phone but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer any of them.
You couldn’t think straight and you had started to lose control of your powers slightly. You accidently created a mini earthquake when you had been training. You punched the punching bag with everything you had, picturing Jason’s face and imagining him kissing her and suddenly, you dropped to the ground crying. You screamed and the building shook. Thankfully, Kory was walking past and calmed you down – stopping the earthquake.
Jason had been watching you punch the bag and he had watched you fall apart crying and screaming and he couldn’t believe he made you this hurt. This broken.
He’d made his bed, and he had to lay in it.
If I'm being honest I don't want to let go
But I fell in love with someone that I don't know
If I'm being honest
It took you time to open up to Dawn about everything you were feeling. She had really helped you while getting over your break-up because she had gone through something very similar before. You had told her how scared you were to deal with the superhero life without Jason and how you hated that he lied to you.
You also told her how much you missed him and how much you didn’t want to let him go because – even though you hadn’t told him, you loved him.
You ripped me to pieces,
Yet you're the one speechless
Now my nights are sleepless
'Cause you saw my weakness, a little naive
And I gave more than I had to give
You didn’t sleep for days, you couldn’t eat and you wondered why. Why did Jason hurt you like this? Why did he kiss her? Did he like her, have feelings for her? The thoughts raced through your brain at late hours of the night and you couldn’t stop them, no matter how hard you tried.
Soon enough you started to blame yourself. You let him in, and you knew what would happen because it happens every time you let someone in. You get hurt, you get left. You knew you shouldn’t have been so weak, so naïve, you shouldn’t have given him so much of yourself.
I hate you, what you did
And I can't get over it
But the sad fact is
I can't get you out of my head
You decided, after a week that you need to talk to Jason. You knew he wasn’t dealing with the break-up very well – Rachel had told you over breakfast that morning and so you decided to talk.
You knocked on his door before hearing a feeble, “Come in.” You pushed the door open and when Jason saw you he moved from his lying positon on his bed to sitting on the edge, his face was hopeful. “Hey.” He said, simply, not wanting to push you any further.
“Neither of us is doing well right now and I just wanted to talk.” You explained, sitting down on his desk chair to face him. “I wanted to tell you exactly how much it hurts. Because it hurts, Jay, it hurts so much.” You whimpered, tears falling down your cheeks and sobs releasing themselves from your mouth.
“I’m so sorry I hurt you, Y/N. I really didn’t mean to, I never wanted to make you feel like this.” He apologised. He hated seeing you like this, so broken and he hated that it was his fault.
“I just want to know, do you have feelings for her?” You asked. “Is that why you kissed her?”
Jason sighed, “No, I don’t. I never liked her, at all.”
There's no coming back from this
You did what you did
Now I gotta live with it
“I don’t think we can come back from this Jason.” You admitted, seeing his face fall. “I don’t trust you anymore. I don’t trust you not to hurt me again.”
Jason cleared his throat, a tear falling from his left eye, “Will you ever trust me again? Will you ever let me in again?”
“Maybe… but it’ll take a long time for me to be okay with what you did. And I know that if you could go back and change it that you would, but you still did it and I can’t forget it.” You confessed, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry,” You breathed out before standing up to leave.
“No, I’m the one who should be sorry.” Jason said, standing up too, and stopping you before you could leave, “Just, I want you to know that I love you. I know I haven’t said that before but I do. I just wanted you to know.”
You let yourself smile, a very weak smile under your tears and you grabbed his hand, “I love you too.” You confessed, before you opened the door, “But it’s not enough.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @ cxplqnce and I take requests if you have any! :)
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Detroit Evolution Commentary Pt. 3 [FINAL]
It’s been a while, sorry. Life sucks ass sometimes and I had to do some transferring to my new laptop. I’ll write down some more fun facts as an apology. Disclaimer: This is all stuff I noticed, inferred, or interpreted. I didn’t write the film, anything I’ve interpreted is just that, an interpretation based on things I noticed using my experiences and knowledge. 
Fun fact #1: I have attempted to write in a proper novel style at least five times. After watching DE and watching @octopunkmedia ‘s script breakdowns and such, I've started writing scripts instead. I’m much farther along in those than I ever have been in books. 10/10 amazing for my visual based concepts.
Fun fact #2: My mental health was rapidly declining and I was losing interest in quite literally everything at the time the film was released. Watching the film and fixating on it for a month straight not only inspired me but helped me regain control of my life. Watching streams by the cast and Michelle while I worked for school made my productivity skyrocket.
Fun fact #3: I recently developed a tic that I now can’t get rid of. It was out of control for about twenty minutes right before I began writing this post. However, when I began re-watching the film (partially because it’s a comfort for me and I’m quite honestly terrified of what’s happening in the US right now) it stopped. So that’s fun.
As usual, spoilers and swearing under the cut! Quick note: If there should be a trigger warning on this or anything else I post, please let me know! I’m horrible at remembering to tag triggers. I’ll also be doing some quick posts on Umbrella Academy and my severe obsession with Jason Todd soon. Have fun!
As usual, here’s a list of people I know the users of in case you’d like to check any of them out. I’m likely missing people so feel free to let me know who I’m missing so I can add them!
Maximilian Kroger - Nines (@ maximiliankroger)
Christopher (Chris) Trindade - Gavin (@ trindabago)
Michael Smallwood - Chris Miller (@ michaelsmallwoodforever)
Carla Kim - Tina Chen (@ carlahkim)
Jillian Geurts - Ada (@ jilbobaggins_nyc)
Michelle Iannantuono - (@ octopunkmedia)
JJ Goller - Lazzo (@ quasar.cos)
Brett Mullen - Cinematographer (@ brettmullendirector)
Austin Butts - Sound Design (@ austinbytts)
Tiare Solis - Valerie (@ tiareleiana)
So I decided to put all of the rest into this post. It’s a long one. Not even that sorry about it bc I love this film with my entire heart. Warning for me getting sidetracked. I use a lot of Supernatural references but it’s because I’m visiting my dad and he’s binge watching the show. I like Dean and only Dean, don’t bully me for it.
The Wrist Grip™️ in the bedroom before Nines moves back
Shoutout to Maximilian Kroger’s muscles u go dude
Lighting Symbolism™️, big theme through the movie, honestly I think it’s beautiful and they did a wonderful job with it.
The little nod from Gavin as he starts talking about his nightmare 
You can see Gavin gearing up to move, like not in a normal way, in a “oh god I don’t know if I have the energy to do this” way and that’s Relatable™️
The little smile from Nines as they sit together
Nines being domestic, making coffee and breakfast, being Soft.
Shirt change??? Either I’m blind or he’s wearing a different shirt in the morning (He is. He’s wearing a t shirt at night and a buttoned collar shirt in the morning. Perhaps he changed? He’s wearing normal pants so he probably changed but he’s not wearing that same shirt in the next scene)
Ada eye rolling at them being passive aggressive dumbasses. Same. Apparently Jillian kept fucking with them which is,, so valid. 
The lighting in this scene (the office pt. 2) makes Maximilian look Android-white and outlined in the CyberLife blue-ish color. Very symbolic, I have no idea if it was intentional.
Another shoutout, this time to Maximilian’s eyebrows, the expressiveness is *chef’s kiss*.
“You can thank me later, Casanova.” Nines: *confused Android noises* 
Honorable mention to Michael’s Foo Fighters t shirt in the bar, it’s vintage.
Nines is in fact wearing a different shirt now. Not the same shirt from the morning bedroom scene. I also think he’s wearing a different jacket. Less of a peacoat and more of a leather jacket. Nice.
Shoutout to Tina’s (not irl) wife, Valerie! And her weird crush on Hank! I honestly can’t wait to see her in Seven Deadly Synths!!
Ada DODGING the questions that Nines is asking because she is SHADY. 
Also, he looks to Gavin when he talks about wanting to be more human. Recurring theme of him perceiving himself as lacking because of his ace-ness/android-ness, like he can’t give Gavin what he wants. Honestly I know that the android thing is a thinly veiled metaphor for race in canon but I kinda like thinking of it as a metaphor for being LGBT+ and in Nines’ case, specifically ace. Might not make sense but it does in my brain??
Gavin Senses Are Tingling and Nines is GONE. Leaving the bar for ur not-bf to try to talk things out like adults??? King shit.
Also electric lighter, fun, I genuinely didn’t know those existed
“You don’t want to help me, you want to fix me.” What a loaded line. Because in a way, it’s almost true? Like, Nines has this entire simulation of Gavin in his ideal world, and obviously that version of Gavin has probably been idealized at least a bit. Nature of humanity, and Nines might not be human but he’s got the Brain Things. And at that moment, it’s nearly true that Nines wants Gavin to be like that ideal Gavin. Obviously Nines wants Gavin as Gavin, but there’s the edge of that simulation there, still. 
But Nines does want to help Gavin, and that’s where he’s wrong. Nines wants Gavin to get better, wants to help stop the nightmares, etc. But by pointing that out, I think it’s partially why Nines can accept letting go of Simulation!Gavin when Ada attacks him. Because he knows that the simulation of Gavin will never be the real Gavin, and this line sort of helps him understand that he can’t really keep Sim!Gavin anyways.
Again idk if that’s legit but that’s definitely something I felt from that while watching.
Nines is constantly very controlled, but when he walks away from Gavin you can see him straining to keep that composure and not let his anger show. 
Ada looking So Done With This Shit when Nines comes back from talking with Gavin outside of the bar
“I’m sure this will be like...every other time.” Oh honey. Oh my sweet child. I am so very sorry. It most definitely will not be.
Ada’s exasperated Eyebrow Raise before taking a drink. If that ain’t the mood sis.
I love Ada’s bat wings on her outfits. 
Gavin being a stalker and putting his hood up. 
“I’m...certain that most of the credit can go to you.” IMMEDIATE ANGER. Must Defend Boyfriend.
Nines has Suspicion™️...press X for doubt... 
*Only vaguely related rant warning*
I do feel that we as a fandom tend to make Connor almost childishly innocent despite him being likely one of the least kind and least innocent characters. The characterization of Nines in this--and pardon me for the off topic rant--where he’s a fully grown man and acts like it is so much more realistic. Nines is a cop, as is Connor. 
Even post deviancy, they were designed and equipped to handle murder. Nines, in a lot of fandom content, tends to come off as an exasperated older brother or a gritty and mean detective, or even worse, essentially a sociopath who feels nothing in contrast to Connor’s childish and extreme innocence. I dislike both. Seeing Nines be a normal fucking person is so relieving, I’m serious. There’s still those elements of ‘oh he’s only been properly alive for like a year, right? He probably doesn’t get Chris’ Casanova reference.’ but it’s not to such an extreme that it overtakes all of his personality traits.
Like, yeah, ok, I get why a lot of fandom content does that. In order to balance what we see Connor do (and in order to further push the Hank as a father line) we over-emphasize the not getting references and such. Honestly I see the same in content for Castiel from Supernatural. Nines, when he’s added, often HAS to be a lot darker in order to make that seem not as jarring and unrealistic.
Doesn’t mean I enjoy it. If you do? That’s great, good for you, but I don’t like seeing those characters be portrayed as such one dimensional extremes. People aren’t like that. On the off chance that someone is such an extreme, there’s still other aspects of their personality.
DE has done an amazing job at not flattening their personalities. Nines and Gavin are three-dimensional and incredibly interesting characters I find myself invested in every time I watch it.
*Onto the commentary again.*
Gavin is still being a stalker
“Particular fascination with the RK line” AHAHA funny. She’s also an RK, and she likely knows more than Nines because her programming is based on information gathering. Her fascination begins and ends with what their programming can do for her.
The little computer details in Ada’s eyes as she copies Nines’ OS, and again in Nines’ eyes when he’s in the alley alone. I believe Michelle did all of that and I am just amazed every time I watch. 
The warped voice effect.
Gavin shifting to hold Nines as soon as he passes out
The ethereal colored lighting is very good for the mood, space hospital vibes
Shoutout to the latex suit they put Maximilian in! That’s not CG! He’s wearing a full body white latex suit. I’m so sorry.
Gavin looks so tired talking to Dr. Maria. His posture is defensive, pulled into himself. Shoulders hunched, arms pulled in. Eye bags, messy hair. Boy looked messed up. Somebody hug him.
Nines’ hair being disheveled and messy in the corrupted Zen Garden, rivaling his assertion that in his ideal world (Aka the normal Zen Garden) his appearance is polished, signifying the loss of control and the loss of the Zen Garden being a safe, ideal space for him. Same concept with Sim!Gavin being corrupted.
Nines: *wakes up in his mindspace*
Also Nines, immediately: GAVIN!!1!!1
Nines believes in CONSENT!! You do not go into someone’s program without asking, ADA.
Ada’s “poor widdle baby” face as Nines is freaking out because she trapped him. Mood.
Tina wearing a low turtleneck and a flannel is Peak Gay, especially next to Gavin “I wear the same leather jacket+hoodie combo every single day and probably the same jeans for a month” Reed, aka the most disastrous and chaotic bisexual I have ever seen. Again, a mood, I honestly felt that one.
The face when Nines realizes that Ada isn’t deviant yet. 
Gavin is blaming himself somebody stop this idiot. 
“Not without Nines.” What a softie.
“The last thing I said to him was ‘I don’t need you’.” BITCH WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART.
Gavin calling Tina “T” in that soft voice is so sweet omg
Ugh the bisexual LIGHTING is KILLING ME, ESPECIALLY as Gavin sits at Nines’ bedside
Tina encouraging Gavin. WLW/MLM solidarity. 
Fun fact: Chris Trindade told Maximilian not to react at all to the big speech but Maximilian literally started crying during it and there’s footage somewhere of the Dramatic Single Tear rolling down his face while he’s still ‘in stasis’.
Yes, I double checked the streams to make sure I got this right, I love the concept though.
Look I cannot get into the speech because I will write 1.5k words on it, but I will say this: It made me cry. The acting, the writing, it’s iconic. The amount of love and devotion they got without even saying the words “I love you” was amazing. Chris is so very talented. 
Tina is the best wingman ngl
The glitches in Zen Gavin are amazing. The sequence when he’s deleting the Zen Garden is also amazing. I use amazing a lot but it’s deserved.
Nines deleting the Zen Garden and Sim!Gavin is very symbolic of letting go of all of the fake stuff, letting go of the fear he was holding that kept him from confessing to Gavin and I love that
Nines sitting silently straight up. 
Gavin is highly intelligent and I’m so glad Octopunk embraces that. 
*another vaguely related rant warning*
Ok let me tell y’all a thing because this RUINS MY LIFE. People tend to take characters like Percy Jackson or Dean Winchester, whose intelligence isn’t outwardly obvious from the get-go, and remove it entirely. Percy is reduced to an idiot who can’t tie his own shoes and Dean is often shown basically unable to research without Sam. Both of those are bullshit. 
Percy has ADHD and Dyslexia, so when often we categorize smart as only book-smart, Percy’s intelligence as a battle strategist and his actual knowledge gets erased. Dean is usually the more physical and shoot-first-never-ask-questions type, and his intelligence is severely downplayed. He made an EMP detector from scratch. Made a shotgun, remembers how to kill things, is a very good hunter, especially on his own. But that’s thrown away because he’s not book-smart.
I despise when people take characters who are talented and smart in ways that aren’t just reciting the periodic table and reduce them to muscles and angst or drooling children. 
Octopunk having a scene where Gavin is working through a case, already having done the things that Chris, someone who was only recently promoted, suggests, is just affirming Gavin’s intelligence in a way I wish I could be not surprised by. Gavin is smart, and luckily I haven’t seen much downplaying that fact. He’s a detective for a reason. Unfortunately I think it might be because the fandom tends to turn Connor and Nines into actual children, but a win is a win.
Now I’m not saying I don’t love a good himbo character but I literally had to stop interacting with Percy Jackson content because people wrote him as incapable.
*Moving on*
“I think I can help with that.” Bitch why are you so dramatic I love him so much.
Nines’ t-shirt says “Detroit City Marathon” 
“You...undead asshole.” What an iconic line. I need a t-shirt. 
“I...hate you.” “You love me.” Harkens back to the beginning where the roles are reversed. Yes I used that unironically. Words are fun.
Gavin looking scared right before The Kiss™️ 
I thought that was cute when I learned it in one of the streams.
Nines’ LED spinning blue when they finally kiss asgladkaf 
“What dipshit programmed you to do that?” “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective-“ “oh you are such a fuckin’ prick!” “Takes one to know one.” I canNOT with them, I laughed my ASS off
The little broken laugh Nines does
Nines rubbing his hands over Gavin’s while they talk about Gavin’s jacket
Shoutout to Chris’ surprised pikachu face. (Tina is also there) That was a joke take, it’s in the gag reel, too. The face wasn’t supposed to make it into the film but Michelle added it. (In the gag reel, Carla yells “Let’s go to Denny’s!” At the end.) 
And Ada’s leather pants. Honestly?? She’s so pretty. I love her. They’re all really attractive it’s actually terrifying.
Nines and Tina being a part of the Gay Turtleneck Gang
Nines’ untucked turtleneck
Tina being a Smart Girl. (Nines calling her “Officer” and her replying with “I’ll make detective someday.”
Chris being Exhausted during the whole meeting. Me too dude.
Chris and Tina doing literally nothing while Gavin and Nines have a whole heart to heart
The WHITE COAT. Tina in her blues. Chris’ Foo Fighters shirt. They’re such icons but they absolutely look like a group of gay ppl who did NOT decide on a theme.
The fight sequence is impressive, considering that they’re literally not stunt actors. I’m not a fight choreographer or stunt person so That’s really all I have to say on that.
Chris patting Gavin’s gun after he explains what he’s doing. \
As a Jason Todd lover the crowbar is unfortunate (had to, sorry)
Nines’ smirk and the TURTLENECK as he spins away from Ada with the crowbar. Iconic. The Big Dick Energy. Especially for someone who doesn’t have a dick.
Chris being a Dad when Gavin runs off to go stop the body calibration
Ada just YEETS Gavin. Iconic.
Ada: *doing the villain “you won’t shoot me, you’re too moral” thing*
Chris: Shut the fuck up *shoots her*
Deviancy sequence, iconic
“You’re awake now” bitch get your own tag line, Markus became Robot Jesus for this shit
Gavin trusting Nines’ decision immediately. Amazing. THAT’S LOVE BITCH.
The SMILES after Ada leaves!! They know they made the right choice!
Ugh the COLOR SYMBOLISM!! This is one thing that Michelle has touched on herself! Gavin isn’t wearing white in this scene because he’s not ‘fixed’, he never will be! He has trauma and he’s just barely beginning to heal from it with Nines’ help. He’s wearing grey, lighter than his usual, but still grey because they aren’t pure or innocent and they’re not perfect!! And that’s the fucking point!! It’s also a contrast against Sim!Gavin wearing white! Sim!Gavin was an idealized version of Gavin in Nines’ idealized world!! Real Gavin isn’t that!! So he’s wearing grey!!
Gavin immediately understanding that Nines is Ace and that it’s ok!! Beautiful!
“You’ve been a whole person since the day you woke up” YES!! YOU DO NOT NEED SEX TO BE WHOLE!! FUCK YEAH!!! (this is ace excitement. In the months since writing this I realized I’m aro-ace and trans so fuck yeah for ace rep.) 
Gavin being a dick and making Nines tell him about the skin thing
THE KISS!! They slowly move more into the light!! Because they’re getting better TOGETHER!!
Ok before I sign off, it’s only 3 am so I think I’m awake enough to talk about this, I like that they bring up that Gavin has like, actual issues that he needs to get through. Let’s be 100% honest here, I see Gavin as having ADHD, depression, and probably a form or symptoms of PTSD. He’s kinda fucked up and I’m gonna be real here he needs some therapy. He’s got trauma and needs to work through it. 
I like that at the end they explicitly have Nines understand and accept that that’s what needs to happen. As someone who has actually had relationships ruined because of trauma (on both sides) that we were unprepared to work through together, if I had seen something like that? Game changer. As it was, most relationships I had seen were idealized and seemed to “fix” those issues by way of just being in a relationship. Thanks major media. 
Now that the Detroit Evolution post series is over, I’m gonna be a bit sentimental and say that this film quite literally changed my life. Seriously. Michelle is such a big inspiration for me and I can only hope to be the same for someone else. 
If you ever have a chance to check out any of the amazing people who worked on this film, please do. To put into context how big this was: I changed my ideal college major from Forensics to Film. 
That’s it that’s all, ending this post at 3:24 am before I literally start crying over it. Thanks for suffering through my long-winded explanations, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day.
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eat0crow · 5 years
Jasonette Prompt! Mari and Jason first meeting but it’s after a bunch of thugs tried to jump her (she beat them uppp). anyways they’re both in civilian form and she’s validly untrusting and he calms her down.
Bullies count as thugs, right?
Partly by accident, mostly by self-preservation, Jason figures out that, in order to get everyone to stop looking at him like the poor-orphan-charity-case Bruce Wayne had taken in, he needs to instead get them to write him off entirely.
It’s a genius plan. Gotham Academy is nothing if not judgemental. All he has to do is wear his uniform loose, his tie undone, tell everyone exactly how little he thinks of their petty power plays, and get into a screaming match with his xenophobic history teacher about how people working minimum wage, “Absolutely should be making a living wage. Screw you, you bootlicking capitalist fuck!” within the first month of school. Honestly, he’s surprised he lasted that long.
So maybe he’s a little out of line, it’s not like he’s wrong. And it’s all worth it just to see the look on Bruce’s face when he walks into the principal's office. The man’s eyebrows are practically up to his hairline by the time he hears that Jason, in the face of his teacher's warning, had the audacity to ask, “What are you going to do? Expel me? unfucking likely.”
“It’s not like I’m actually going to be expelled,” Jason says. “Half the school’s annual budget comes from the money you donate. If I’m expelled I’ll have to go somewhere else. You’re not going to invest in a school I’m not attending and they’re not going to those funds.”
With unmasked glee, Jason watches the growing horror spread over his principles face-he’s a smart brown-nosing man after all. He knows exactly what kind of trap he’s walking into. It doesn’t matter that Jason’s history teacher is glaring the man down, looking like he's’ just bitten a lemon. Nope, Jason is not going to be expelled.
“Jason,” Bruce, simply sighs, looking far more put out than he has any right to be.
They settle for him being suspended for the rest of the week with detentions taking place after school on Mondays and Wednesdays for the next two months.
As all interesting gossip tends to, the rumor makes its way through the school before the day is even over-rich kids have way too much time on their hands-by the time Jason comes back the following Monday everyone seems to have decided that he’s a troublemaker unhinged just enough to be dangerous.
It marks the end of people trying to suck up to him, they all seem to have collectively decided that if they mind their own business and leave him out of it, he’ll do the same.
The thing about Jason Todd- fourteen-year-old high school freshman- is that he’s really bad at minding his own business. Like Dick’s Discowling suit levels of bad at it. He's a Robin, after all, you couldn’t be a Robin if you were actually able to keep your nose out of where it shouldn't be. It's practically a rule.
Never once has Jason ever had any fondness for bullies, it doesn’t matter if they were school kids or criminals or one percenters-looking at you Jeff Bezos, looking at you. He’s seen enough of them growing up in the Narrows, and maybe, it’s because his dad, the utter asshole, had been a bully. Maybe he just spends too much time fighting against people who think they can get away with pushing their weight around. It doesn’t matter.
Jason Todd could not bring himself to turn a blind eye, which is why by the beginning of his second semester he’s gained the title of actual-punk-you-know-the-kind-who-fight-the-man with his biweekly detentions being upgraded to triweekly and extended indefinitely. The number of fights he’s gotten into in the last couple of months has easily erased whatever Golden Boy standing Dick had established. Jason is confident that the only reason he’s yet to be kicked out is the fact that Bruce had almost doubled his donations.
So really, when he hears raised voices and the distinct sound of someone being thrown against a wall just as he’s leaving detention for the third time this week, he has to investigate.
Disgust is the first thing Jason can register when he turns the corner because there’s a ring of five students- two girls, three guys- all crowded around the new girl from France. Jason’s pretty sure he shares a class or two with her, maybe. She's easy to miss, small as all hell and stick thin.
This, this isn’t a fair fight. Or a fight she even has a chance of winning. Jason has a bad feeling about this.
But Jason takes a closer look. Her back is pressed against the side of the building, yes. Her bag has been thrown to the ground and she’s shaking but that stance, it definitely doesn’t belong to someone who doesn’t know how to defend themselves. Sure these idiots have her backed into a corner, one point them, but her feet are firmly planted on the ground, her back is straight. She’s not going to run, at least, not before she throws a punch and, judging from the way she’s holding herself, a good one too.
Jason doesn’t really know how to approach this. This girl looks like a deer caught in headlights who will spook the second she hears a loud sound. Getting a teacher would be the most sensible thing to do. It would also require leaving, Jason isn’t confident enough in the situation to do that.
He’s almost talked himself into it, sure it might be a little off-brand for him but this seems slightly out of his depth, when Idiot Number Three, the smirking brunette addition, makes a move toward Marinette-Jason only just remembers her name-and Marinette lashes out.
Dead silence overtakes the yard as the girl goes down, her body crumpling to the ground like a wet paper towel. Marinette’s fist is still curled, her arm still outstretched. She looks like she can’t believe what she just did. Everyone stands frozen for one disbelieving moment before one of the guy's snarls, lunging to grab Marinette’s jacket.
If she was a deer in headlights before, Jason isn’t quite sure what to call her now. She looks like she’s on the cusp of a panic attack, frantically babbling a mishmash of jumbled up words. Jason sees what she’s going to do a second before the bully does, but by then it’s too late.
Marinette, with way more force than someone her size should have, brings her knee up and kicks her would-be attacker in the balls. Jason does not want to feel sympathy pains. He doesn’t, but still, if the way Idiot Number Five falls to his knees is any indication...well.
Idiots Numbered One, Two and Four run off without much fanfare taking their downed Idiot Number Three with them. Jason has a distinct impression they’re going to snitch and Marinette, who was only defending herself and is in no way capable of explaining her side of the story right now, is going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Nope, not on Jason’s watch. He makes his way over. Closing the distance in three precise non-threatening strides. “So I’m thinking, this isn’t exactly what you had planned,” he says lightly.
“Fuck you, Todd.” Eloquent as ever Idiot Number Five.
“No thanks. You seem like you’re having enough fun clutching your balls for the both of us,” he says cooly, crouching down just enough to make eye contact. “Between you and me, I would run if I were you. Before she decides to come and knock your teeth in.”
“Like she would,” the bully scoffs.
“We both know she could and you know I would let her. Hell, I would help her if it kept your mouth fucking shut.” Jason cracks his knuckles, casually pressing his elbow further into the prick's collar bone. “Fuck, I kinda want to do it too. You really piss me off.”
At least he has the good sense to take Jason seriously. Jason can’t help the satisfaction that comes from watching him get to his feet and limp off. Some things really are poetic. Serves the bastard right, even if he promises that, “I’ll get you back for this, Todd.”
Jason snorts, as if he’d worry about what some schoolyard bully was going to do. Have you seen half the lunatics he fights on a monthly basis? “You good?”
“I-no!” Marinette cries, sinking to her knees in shock. “I am so going to be expelled. God, I’m going to be deported. I’ve only been in Gotham for a month! One whole month and already I’ve
messed this up. Momma is never going to let me out of the house. That’s if they don’t send me to jail. Oh, they’re going to send me to jail, aren't they? I can’t go to jail, orange is a terrible color!”
That's ... a lot to unpack. Jason feels something flutter in his chest. He has the strongest desire to comfort her. So, he does the only thing he can think of, he reaches out, wraps his arms around her waist, and promptly gets punched in the face. Hard.
He staggers back, clutching his eye, Jason barely registers Marinette’s steady stream of. “I’m sorry, so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you.”
Self-consciously Jason shrugs, he’s had far worse. The only thing in danger is his ego. “It was my fault. You were literally being threatened a minute ago, I shouldn’t have touched you. Sorry about that.”
“I’m panicking a bit,” Marinette says, pulling at the end of one of her pigtails. “I’m not usually...I just-I don’t want to be expelled.”
“You're not going to be expelled, Hermione,” Jason says dryly. “Yeah, those bastards are going to snitch but you were just defending yourself. They got what they deserved.”
“Do you think anyone’s going to believe that?”
Jason takes a moment to look Marinette over. There is so much earnest hope on her face that Jason...he feels really bad but... “Of course not. You kicked Pattrick Thomson in the balls, his dad’s on the school board. There is no fucking way any one of these teachers is going to believe that he actually got what was coming to him. No matter how much of a prick he is.”
“I’m doomed,” Marinette cries.
“You’re not doomed.” Jason catches Marinette’s look of pure utter disbelief and continues, “You’re not going to be expelled because you’re not the one who is going to be taking the fall for this.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Deadly,” Jason says scooting down to sit next to Marinette. He makes sure to leave a good foot between them. One black eye is enough, thank you. “Unlike you, I won’t get expelled, trust me this isn’t anywhere close to my first fight. If they could have axed me, they would have like a month in. The good news is that this is the one corner of the school security cameras can’t see. So as long as we make our story sound believable, no one is going to question it.”
“I’m pretty sure they’re all going to find it sketchy when no one can agree on who threw the punch.”
“See you would think that but, no offense, you’re a literal wafer cookie. A strong breeze could blow you over. No one is going to believe you took down those idiots. Not when it’s so much easier to blame the one who’s admitting it.”
“I did take them down,” Marinette says, narrowing her eyes.
“And it was badass, but for this to work, we need to milk as many of their sexist assumptions as possible. So,” Jason starts, pressing his hand a little further against his eye, there’s a bit of blood slipping onto his fingers. Marinette got him good. “This is what we’re going to say. We’re going to keep it simple. Tell them that those guys were picking on you and I came over to see what was happening. Things got heated, Thomson punched me in the eye and I bumped into what’s-her-face. You were panicking and didn’t really pay attention until you saw me knee him in the balls. Short, sweet, and believable.”
“What are we going to say when they ask about why everyone is blaming me and not you?”
“Well, why were they bothering you in the first place.” Jason shrugs reaching out to grab some of the stray papers that had fallen from Marinette’s bag. “Just use that. Trust me, Thomson’s going to jump at the chance to save face. Once he changes his story the rest will follow.”
Marinette grimaces. “It feels wrong.”
“Please,” Jason snorts. “They’re rich, they’re cheating at life. They’d get away with murder if they dropped their wallets. You could tell them all exactly what happened word for word and the teachers would still only hear their side of the story.”
“That’s awful.”
“That’s Gotham.”
Marinette falters, as if she wants to dispute the inherent corruption of this city. She stares at Jason, who would probably be blushing if it wasn’t for the excruciating pain coming from his right eye.
“You’re sure.” Marinette bites her lip, nervously picking at her nails. “You’re absolute, one hundred and twelve percent sure you won’t be expelled.”
“I’m one hundred and sixteen percent sure,” Jason says and then Marinette smiles.
It’s a nice smile, Jason doesn’t think he’s ever experienced the full force of someone's relief before.
“Thank you.” Sincerity is dripping off every word, so much so it almost aches. “I-you’re really nice Jason.”
Marinette knows his name. That’s-not necessarily surprising given the act that yeah they do share classes, probably. It’s just this is the first time they’ve talked.
“It’s cool,” Jason says leaning further back into the wall. He can hear people coming, it won’t be long before they have teachers to deal with. Jason might as well get comfortable. “You’re Marinette, right? I think we have English….Math..something together.”
Marinette nods, scooting closer to him. “Yeah, I’m Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I sit three rows over in Math and two seats up in English.”
“It’s nice to meet you Marinette. Officially.” Jason takes the hand off of his eye and holds it out to her. “Jason Todd.”
Slowly, Marinette’s smile slowly morphs into a look of pure horror. “You’re eye!”
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black-streak · 5 years
Waiting for the Worms - Comfortably Numb
Part 5
Warnings as always. This isn't terribly dark. Again, more informative, but a fun little lead up towards the future, so there's that. (Take note of the way Marinette describes her movements, it's not extremely important, but gives a little insight to her mind.)
(Closed list) People I've had on hold for a week: @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
Sitting in a coma for a year was only mildly less terrible than sitting in a grave for however long. 
On the one hand, Marinette was in a coma for a much longer period of time as far as she could tell. On the other, she was alive and could feel this body. Could hear the nurse read the newspaper to her, always announcing the date at the beginning of the visit. Sure, most of the news of this local area meant very little to her, but beggars can't be picky or whatever the saying was. 
Still, nothing could possibly beat the feeling of waking up fully. As these eyes (Both! They both opened now!) took in the room, she decided to focus in on her nurse. Watching the little delicate movements and shifts and attempting to replicate them to ensure all her nerve endings still worked. That muscles, large and small, still responded to commands, nothing paralyzed or unresponsive. While every movement strained against itself, everything still worked to some extent. Weak, but there. It seemed laying mostly still for over a year and a however much longer had deteriorated the muscle mass. Not surprising, but annoying when she desperately wanted to work her body into a frenzy just to prove she could. 
Laying there a little longer to take stock of healed over injuries, she came to the realization that this throat felt weird. She opened the mouth and attempted to ask the nurse, only for nothing to come out. Narrowing eyes, she reached out and gently tapped thin fingers on the nightstand next to the still reading nurse, drawing his attention to her.
Startled molten gold met her and suddenly he was up and taking the vitals, checking everything to be sure Marinette was truly awake and okay. He started speaking in a soothing, soft voice, though she could barely focus on the words enough to process them. Reaching out again, she stopped him midstep and then brought that same hand up to the throat to indicate the problem. She couldn't speak.
The man seemed to understand and nodded along, quickly paging a doctor and coming back to her, pressing a button to gently prop her up and slowly adjust a few machines before turning back and slowly asking a few basic yes or no questions. 
Did she know who she was? Yes, she was Marinette, stuck in the once dead body of her soulmate. She shook to indicate she didn't. With the state of the grave, she doubted she would be welcomed back to the manor. Best not to let them know who Jason was and have them contacting Bruce.
Did she know where she was? A hospital. She gave a nod for that.
Did she know the date? Yes, the nurse had read the date every day for a little over a year now. That much was easy to agree to, despite the timeline confusing her.
Does she know what happened to her? Well yes, but she shook her head no. She couldn't very well explain dying by Joker's cruelty while in the wrong body as Robin and climbing out of a grave. That was like, three separate identity reveals to one stranger. It also made zero sense and she'd probably end up institutionalized.
With the knowledge that she understood him and wasn't brain dead, the man informed her of the various injuries she knew of, plus a few bonus ones that alluded her. Then, he mentioned her inability to speak.
While all of the breaks and bruising had healed up well, the damage to the vocal chords had been horrific and while they did their best, the damage was done. They couldn't even remove them without it potentially cutting off her airway or esophagus.
She was effectively mute.
Marinette finally woke up after a year in a coma and however long in that grave and she still couldn't scream to her heart's content. This was stupid.
All she could do was glare off into space, ignoring the doctor that came in to do a checkup. 
After a week they took her off feeding tubes and IV only hydration and started reintroducing a liquid diet. Progress was slow and painful, but necessary.
After another two weeks they brought in soft solids like pudding and oatmeal. This is also when they first tried to help her stand up a little on her own and fine motor control was finally stable enough to write short phrases on a white bored. Rehabilitation was turning out to be an annoyingly long process.
After a month in this place, she finally left her room for the first time and abruptly realized they transferred her to a children's hospital at some point. It made sense. Jason was about fifteen when she died for him and small due to his time on the streets. Stunted growth, likely. They probably assumed she was about fourteen right now, despite the year technically making them sixteen. Even then, it would make the cutoff for a children's facility.
The bright colors across the walls and floors jarred her a bit after the nothing of so long, but was a welcome change. She tried not to glare at the little sick kids running about as she wheeled slowly along corridors, not quite able to walk on these stick thin legs.
Reports of a child John Doe had been filed, but no one really looked at those that hadn't lost their kid, so no one who would recognize Jason ever saw his report. She would be here a while. At least until she recovered enough to be considered okay for discharge. Then she would be put into the system as an orphan. She had no intention of staying long enough to see that through.
Jason and her had taken to the streets before and would thrive out there more than in any foster home they could find her. For now, she would settle back and allow the recovery process to take control. 
Or so she thought. She'd only been awake for a little over a month, but she guessed the file must've been put through when she first came in to try and find his guardian. Someone, somewhere, recognized Jason Todd. 
Whoever they were sold the information to Talia Al Ghul.
The woman came in the middle of the night and stole Marinette away. With this weak body and useless voice box, struggling didn't even seem like an option.
Where would it get her, anyways? Dropped off a rooftop and possibly stuck in a grave again? Talia could kill her again and she wouldn't stand a chance in defending herself. Marinette was not willing to take that chance, so she stayed complacent in her kidnapping.
Talia asked many questions of her, curious as to the state of her new play thing. She had to have known that Jason was supposed to be dead. Marinette didn't bother with paying the questions any attention. It's not like she could respond and she felt hesitant to reveal the inability. She worried over what Talia would do upon finding out the extent of the damage. Would keeping Jason be worth it to her?
Either way, she sensed the ever festing frustration in the older woman with every passing inquiry left unanswered. The look in her eyes spoke of a willingness to torture the information out of her.
Good luck with that. 
At the same time, what could Marinette possibly lose at this point. She already died once and had no home to return to. The once ever present tug in her mind was long gone and hadn't returned with her resurrection. She already lost Jason and her old life. If she actually died again by Talia's hand, would it kill her as well by this point? The body was as good as hers what with the lost connection. Either she could either actually die in it now or she was immortal. When it came to it, with no connection or way to truly live on or track down her past life, she had nothing left to fear.
Eventually she came to a decision. Looking up at the woman before her, she lifted a hand to point to the throat and quickly made a slashing motion across it, which Talia immediately nodded in understanding at. She left for a moment only to drop into the seat across the way again and drop a notebook and pen between them. Marinette picked it up and slowly wrote out a phrase.
'Vocal Chords destroyed.'
Talia only nodded and gestured to continue.
'Long coma, deteriorated muscles. Not much function.'
"And coming back from the dead? How'd that happen?" 
Marinette only shrugged. She truly didn't have an answer. Luckily that seemed sufficient an answer.
"Your brain is fully functional though. I can see how closely you're watching me. Waiting and observing. Not nearly as reckless as your past actions made you out to be. Perhaps dying has that affect though."
Marinette only watched silently as Talia mulled the thought over.
"And the damage otherwise?"
'Mostly healed over. Weakened though.'
The following conversation continued much the same. Talia asked questions and either answered them herself or waited for a short response in return. It didn't take long to get the full extent of the situation hashed out. Talia seemed to regard her with an excited gleam now and reassured her that that could all be fixed. Not to worry, the process only hurt a little. In the end, 'Jason' would feel all better.
Marinette wasn't sure exactly how to respond to this news. Yes, the promise of healing faster and possibly regaining her voice was a tempting offer, but in the end, she knew the woman wanted something from her. The price of health would be steep, of that she seemed sure. Again, she couldn't help but wonder what her alternatives were. This would happen whether or not she consented. Might as well make it feel like she had some control over the situation, if only for the comfort it lent her. She gave a jerky nod and watched the woman's smile grow.
Letting this head loll to the side, Marinette blanked out on everything else, falling into a restless sleep for the duration of their journey to wherever they were going.
Over the next few weeks, she woke up in random locations, being carted off into a hotel and up towards their rooms. She was never allowed to leave the room or do much more than eat and drink and use the restroom. It was similar to how she imagined prisoners lived, only in nicer conditions. Talia, while adjusted to live in any conditions, preferred to live luxuriously after all. And it wouldn't do to have a random, half dead kid following her around, raising questions all the time. Marinette couldn't truly blame her for that. She remained hidden.
At the end of their travels, she followed Talia out of the final hotel room and out into a cab. The cab dropped them off at a seemingly random location only for the two to walk out into the dessert. She wouldn't be surprised if that cab was only a front for the league. They walked for well over an hour, Marinette lucky to have healed enough to walk so long, even though it started to wear her down after the first thirty minutes, only determination to not be left behind moving her forward.
Talia must've stolen her without informing anyone else of her intentions. Otherwise, she's sure they would've taken a more direct and less discreet route. As it was, they reached a cave entrance and made their way down and down until eventually they begin to veer down different paths, Talia disabling traps as they went.
Eventually they reached an opening into a glowing green room, the glow emitting from a massive pool in the center. Something about the place set her on edge. The glow reminding her of Plagg's toxic green eyes and letting off what had to be a magical aura. Talia smiled down at her in a reassuring manner, putting a hand to the small of this body, nudging her forward.
Calculating the risk, it seemed her best bet to go along with the woman's plan. Talia would want her alive, so surely this wouldn't kill her. Plus, Talia seemed sincere in her promise of healing this body up and Marinette might as well be a walking lie detector at this point. The woman meant her every word. Taking a deep breath, she only hoped this magic would accept her as well as the miraculouses had.
Hovering a foot over the pool, she hesitated only a moment before remembering Kagami's advice from all those years ago. Hesitation had never helped her before and had no place here. Blinking, she nodded and let herself drop down into the pit.
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skyeofloxlay · 4 years
Personality / Brief history / important things about MC / Reader for my fanfics or when I make requests.
Okay, I decided to do this more for myself when I make a request to someone, but this is also useful to let you know a little more about the MC / "reader" of my fanfics.
The MC is a cis-woman of almost 1.60cm in height, (age may vary) but generally the age will be between 20 and 23. She is heterosexual/straight (I don't know if there is a difference between the two things, but I don't understand why I would have two words for the same thing) and usually in fanfics she has never had a boyfriend before the character she will be together with (be it Jake (Duskwood), Jason (Todd), Spencer (Reid) or any other character). 
She was born in Brazil and lived a large part of her life there, and depending on what story she is in, she makes an interchange trip abroad because of college, and because of that she lives far from her family and lives alone, but she has her faithful companion, a male Schnauzer dog (his name in fanfics is undetermined.)
MC has always been a lonely person, because after several events in the past she does not trust people easily, and the only people she does trust are her family, but she still has trouble talking about her problems to them.
Furthermore, MC is a very shy, introverted, anti-social person and suffers from social phobia, which of course, is a perfect combo to be an alien in society and not be able to make friends, even if she wants to.
MC also doesn't know where it all started from, but she does know that she has probably suffered from anxiety for many, many years, even though she only discovered it a short time ago, and went to get help even less time ago.
Because of anxiety, she ends up being stuck in her own world, or I should call it, hell itself. Her mind is a mess, bad, unreal and meaningless thoughts invade her mind all the time, and because she has been this way for so long without help and not knowing what to do, her situation has worsened to the point where her anxiety starts to change into a depressive anxiety.
However, as much as she has been suffering with her own mind for years, she can always count on her family whenever she needs them, even if they are distant from each other, they are inseparable. 
Her father, as much as he doesn't understand most of the things she goes through, supports her and wants the best for MC, and so he does what he can to help MC pay for psychological treatment, and even though he doesn't understand, he always makes her smile and laugh, even when the situations are bad, even though he was always busy because of work, he always did what he could to be together, even in the simplest things, like family lunch, playing video games, watching movies, shopping together.
Her mother, on the other hand, has been through similar things like MC, and always try to help her the way she can, always speaking encouraging words, helping MC to do her things when she couldn't, sleeping next to the MC when she couldn't sleep because of anxiety, always being by her side, always supporting any decision, no matter the situation, MC's mom will always be there to hear her, either to hear about something that MC wants to do a lot or when she has some fear. 
And there is also her younger brother (3 years younger), as much as they ended up arguing for silly things, he is her best friend, maybe her only true friend, always having fun together doing what they like, protecting each other, always being one for another, even when it was not known which words were right to say.
MC is blessed to have such an amazing family, and as much as she couldn't say "I love you, you are everything to me" to them, she loved them with all her heart and soul, and she couldn't say what would happen to her if she lost them, but probably something really bad would happen.
As much as it seemed that MC doesn't care about other people, maybe looking selfish and boring to others, she cares a lot about others, but she knows that this is also one of the big reasons why she suffers from anxiety, caring for others more than for herself, and for her own mental health, she had to try not to think so much about the problems of the world that she cannot solve. 
Some people may think that she was wrong in doing this, but she wanted to have some sanity, even if little and trying to recover, than to go crazy with things that are impossible to fix, at least impossible for her to fix.
(Some other things about MC, but now simpler, because I'm out of time and too lazy, help me)
- Very distracted
- Very clumsy
- Nerd
- Dreamer / lost in her own world
- Impulsive
- Impatient
- Think too much about everything
- Studious
- Lonely
- Forgotten
- Problems with deadlines, do everything at the last minute.
- Avoid fights / arguments with people she doesn't know, but if it's someone close and it's a silly fight, she'll defend that she's right until the end, if she's wrong in the fight, she'll just be quiet for a while. If it is a serious fight, she will argue for some time until the tears stop her from continuing, and then she will be silent for a long time.
- Too stubborn
- Sarcastic with the closest people
- Always try to look for the good in people, but it is impossible for her to achieve kindness in certain people.
- Pessimistic
- Very sensitive / hurts / cries easily
- Perfectionist
- Very insecure
- She cannot express in words what she feels for other people
Rainy days
Music (Mainly, pop and  rock)
To drive
Taking pictures (mainly of landscapes)
Old things, like things related to the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, or things from centuries ago
Learn things
Horror stuff (games, books, movies)
Horseback riding
See the city lights at night
Games (both video games and board / cards)
Comics, Movies, Series etc about Superheroes
Mexican food
Psychology / Understanding the human mind
Buy drawing materials and books (even though she will never use / read them)
Big clothes
Ride a bike
Explore Abandoned Places
Hot days
Her mind
Who annoy her
People fighting
See things or people comment on things related to death or illness
Having to be patient
Who speak ill of her family
Working in a group
That people belittle her feelings
Alcoholic beverages
Buy clothes
Make up
High heels
Short dresses
Fears / Phobias / Things that bother her:
Falling / High height
To drown
Getting seriously ill
Dark / Night
To sleep
Speak in public
Losing her family
Stay alone
Closed places
Tight clothes (Because she feels they are suffocating her)
Arrive late
Forget things
Having a car accident
Never be loved / Stop being loved
May her fears come true
- To draw
- Write
- Cook
- Game programming 
- Sing
- Play keyboard and guitar
- To compose
- To dance
Basically, it's her skills + reading + playing video games + taking pictures of the landscape.
Usually she either works as a waitress in a coffee shop or works in a supermarket (working at the checkout or replacing products on shelves)
As much as many find it strange, MC is very happy in her work, and does not mind working in "simple" jobs (basically jobs that earn little), and as much as she doesn't have much money, just enough to live reasonably well, she is happy with what she has and doesn't care about the money.
She studies digital game design
I think that's it, there are some other things that I only do when I'm writing specific situations, for example, MC's opinions on certain subjects, and honestly I don't have time at the moment to make the MC's different opinions, and just say that she tries to be as neutral as she can, because she knows that extremes are never good, and that when asked which side she is in a situation (depending on what it is, but usually she says), she says doesn't have a side because it doesn’t identify herself by either side, because both are extreme, and this usually leads people to think that it’s on the fence, but it’s not like that, it’s more or less. "You were teleported to a place, there are two paths, one on the right and the other on the left, at the beginning of each of these paths there is a person, each talking about their paths and talking about why their path is the best of than the other and why you should follow their path. And then you must make a choice of which path to follow " But MC does not agree with either side, and will not wait there to see which side gives her the best benefit as many would do, she goes there and moves on, where there is no path, where there is no one, because she doesn't want to be on anyone's side, she wants to make her own opinions, and not follow what a group is saying. 
Oh, and one of the philosophies she follows is of yin and yang, which says something like "There is good and there is evil, both need each other to exist, there is no good without evil, and no there is evil without good, and that nothing can be completely good or evil, since, however small, there is evil in good, and there is good in evil. "
Some phrases she would say:
"You can say anything about me, but don't come and talk about my family"
"I can't always do it, but I always try to be balanced, because I know that nothing comes out of extremism, no matter which side."
"I'm a Christian, I may not have proofs but I believe in God, but I don't believe everything in the Bible because it was made by humans, and I know that many of them used and still use people's faith to do very bad things . "
"Sorry, but I suck at remembering names, in fact, I suck at remembering."
"Shit, I knew I was forgetting something."
"I hate logic, most of these things don't make any sense!"
"At least I have you with me here DN" (DN = dog name)
"There is nothing that is not so bad that it cannot get worse"
"I think I celebrated too soon"
"I sleep! But no matter what I do, I will be forever sleepy!"
"No matter what I do, my thoughts disturb me from the moment I wake up until bedtime, and even while I'm asleep. And it happens every day."
"Sometimes ... I think ... people would be better off if I didn't exist. I just hinder and hurt people." 
"I don't know when or how it started, I just know that I have been scared forever"
"I don't do it because I want to! It's not my fault if I'm easily distracted"
"I think writing is the only way to say what I feel"
"Yes, I know, I'm crazy, you don't have to tell me that"
"I'm not a normal person. Maybe I'm not even a human? What if I'm an alien and I don't know? A synthetic human? A robot with high artificial intelligence that is identical to that of humans?"
"I don't like to be afraid, but I love to see and read horror stuff."
"I love old things, they are so fascinating"
"What day is it today?"
"I just wanted to have a little courage that other people have"
"I have no hope of anything, as always, every time I had hope, very bad things happened, close people and pets died when I had hope that they would survive. For me, hope has long since died."
"I think, in a way, I am a miracle, just like my brother. I mean, it was almost impossible for my mom to have a baby, and look, here I am."
"I'm not cute!"
"I'm not short, I'm average height, it's the rest of the people who are very tall"
(Maybe I wrote a lot? Did I overdo it?)
Sorry if there is something confusing or errors in English 
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otpnessmess · 5 years
Big Brother Jasonette please?
Hi! Sorry it took me some time to answer but I hope you like this! I assumed you meant Jasonette in a platonic way, if you didn’t I’m sorry because that’s what I went with. - Lis
Marinette was bouncing slightly on her seat, waiting for the class to finally let out. She had tried to be discreet but judging by Chloé’s constant glances, she wasn’t succeeding at all. 
“What’s with you, ma chéri? Got a toad under your shirt?” The blonde finally caved in and asked near the end of the lesson. 
“Jason is visiting for the weekend and said he would pick me up after class. I haven’t seen him in person for months and I miss him so much!” She whispered back to her girlfriend with a gigantic grin on her face. 
Jason Todd and Marinette Dupain-Cheng were siblings in all but blood. They met when the young girl had been accompanying her parents on a trip to Gotham, and made good friends while their parents spoke about the party her family was chosen to prepare the catering for. The two teenagers had spent the rest of the week joined at the hip, wandering the streets of the city almost every day since Jason wanted to show Mari everything he loved about his city. Since at the time Jay was 18 while Marinette was only 13, he proclaimed himself her new big brother, something she told him she had wanted all her life. 
Unfortunately, the Dupain-Chengs had to fly back to Paris after the event was done, but that didn’t mean the newly formed friendship had to vanish. Through the years they kept close contact using video calls and messages every day, even managing to see each other in person every two or three months when Marinette flew to Gotham or Jason to Paris (courtesy of Bruce’s jet).
It was safe to say they were as close as you could get with someone you weren’t dating, so much so that he was the very first person the girl revealed her Ladybug identity to. 
She was about to get crushed by the pressure of keeping the secret on her own while having to deal with Lila and her former friends, as well as having to perform in class and finishing commissions. It had been a close call, but when Jason saw her pale and sunken face during a video call he refused to let this go on any longer. 10 hours later they were cuddling on her roof while eating cookies and milk as she vented about everything that had been going on in her life. 
The more she talked, the more he wanted to go teach a lesson to those kids that had made his Pixie-Pop feel like she wasn’t good enough. If he ever got his hands on them… But he wouldn’t. Not unless Marinette expressly asked for his help. 
She hadn’t meant to reveal her identity, it had simply slipped out. In hindsight, mentioning Chat Noir hadn’t been her most brilliant idea, as once she had started to rant about his manners towards her civilian self, it had been impossible to hold off from spilling everything he had done to make Ladybug uncomfortable too. 
Jay had looked surprised, but instead of whatever reaction Marinette had expected, he got pretty excited about it.
“Of course it was you, sweetheart, I should’ve seen it before!" 
He had then insisted on helping her train together with his family when she visited Gotham (she had known of their secret identities for a couple of years already). She got faster, stronger, and better at fighting within a few months, and soon Red Hood and Ladybug had taken to patrolling together whenever he was in the city. 
She couldn’t have wished for a better brother, which is why as soon as the bell rang she sprinted out of the class as quickly as she could. 
Jason was leaning against his bike right next to the doors as promised and picked her up effortlessly when he saw her flung herself at him with a squeal. 
“Pixie-Pop!” He squeezed the living daylights out of her before putting her down and ruffling her hair with a giant smile on his face. “Glad to see you faring so well, pumpkin.”
She would’ve answered the same had it not been for Lila’s voice drilling its way to her ears. The liar was doing her usual number of bragging about whichever big name. Unfortunately for her, she had chosen the wrong big name that day. 
Jason didn’t understand why Marinette was frowning at the green-eyed girl, that is until she and her clique were close enough for him to clearly hear sausage hair say she was a close friend of the Wayne family and that she was getting married to the youngest son. 
“What kind of fucking bullshit-” He glanced at Marinette in confusion and anger. “Is this the girl who has been taking all of your friends away? The liar?”
Mari quickly tried to make his anger go away by holding onto his arm, lest he got akumatized because of Lila. 
“Jay, keep your cool, don’t let her be the reason you get akumatized, please. We can deal with her in another way.” She knew her brother had a myriad of weapons on him at all times, and wouldn’t put it past him to try and show the Italian a quick lesson. 
The way his eyes softened as he looked at her pleading face relieved her. Catastrophe avoided. 
“Oh god, Marinette I can’t believe this! Isn’t he a bit too old for you? What kind of favors did you have to do to get someone like him?” She hadn’t seen them approaching the entrance and almost the whole class, with her former best friend and the liar leading the pack, were standing near them with judging expressions on their faces. The venom in Lila’s voice was ignored by everyone except the two siblings and Chloé (who was just now getting out of the class).
The bluenette was about to start panicking. Lila had not just said that. She knew Jason wouldn’t let it go and if her brother went to jail for that stupid girl, Mari would never forgive herself. So she tried to drag him away while looking at her girlfriend for backup. “Let it be Jay, please. Please.”
With a swift movement, he stood in front of her and looked at the liar with such hatred in his eyes many of the students around Lila scattered, afraid of his wrath. “I take it you’re Ms. Lila Rossi correct?”
Lila hadn’t seemed to notice what his expression meant, or maybe she wanted to pretend nothing was going on, and she smiled cockily at him. “Why yes, I am.” The smirk Jason sent her way made her rethink her posture for a millisecond.
“I see. Well, let me introduce myself then. I’m Jason Todd. It’s a pleasure to finally know who has been the one spreading those deceiving rumors about my family, I assure you Wayne Enterprises’ lawyers will be happy to give you a call or two. Maybe expect to receive one from the lawyers of other people you’ve been lying about too.”
Not waiting her so-called best friend to be humiliated like that, Alya intervened in a clear display of having no sense of self-preservation. Even as Lila had gone pale at the mention of Jason’s name. “You can’t do that! You’re lying! It’s probably just because you’re dating Marinette, and she can’t just accept not being the center of attention. Whatever she told you it’s not true! You’re pathetic!”
That last bit was thrown to Marinette’s face, who had found comfort in Chloé’s arms for the last minute or two. She immediately shrunk into herself, making Jason want to rip the class to shreds.
“Marinette is my little sister, and she would never harm someone else on purpose. If you think that’s the case then you probably don’t know her at all. As for Ms. Rossi, as far as I know, her lies can be easily disproven with a quick Google search, not that you have ever tried to find proof of her claims.” How an akuma hadn’t come looking for him already was a mystery. On the outside, he had on a cold, stern act, but Mari knew the look in his eyes, he was far from calm. “This girl you’re trying to defend is hurting people with her dumb tattle-tales. She’s hurting my family. And I don’t take kindly to those who threaten my family.”
Not wanting to spend another extra second in the presence of some stupid students who had been bullying his sister, he got on his bike with Marinette in tow (the latter having already kissed her blonde girlfriend goodbye) and left for the bakery.
The weekend went by way too fast for both Marinette and Jason’s liking, but they made sure to not waste it thinking about unpleasant sausage girls, and instead spent it going to their favorite spots in the city. By Sunday afternoon, they were tired but happy, as they munched on some pastries while Marinette showed Jay her newest designs.  He left the next morning, only after making Marinette promise she would tell him if she was ever having trouble with her class again.
Monday mornings were usually the worst at school because Bustier tended to leave them to work on their own more than usual, so she had to sit through an extra session of hearing Lila’s stories. Though at least the last few months she had had Chloé by her side Today, however, Mari arrived at the class to see everyone surrounding the Italian girl and demanding answers. Quickly scurrying into her seat at the back of the class, she looked at her girlfriend inquisitively.
“They just got the news of how many people were suing Lila after they found out about the lies thanks to your brother, and they’re mad about her lying to them. As if they weren’t the ones who chose to believe her, and ignore you. The pests are probably going to try and apologize to you as soon as they notice you’re here, ma Minette.” The blue-haired girl could feel more than hear the growl Chloé let out when she hugged her close as if trying to protect her from the imminent begs of forgiveness from their classmates.
“Don’t worry Chlo, they’re not getting forgiveness from me any time soon. I just don’t think I’m ready for such a thing yet…” Even as she said that she felt nervous about having to confront the class. They were sure to turn on her as they did every time she refused them something.
Before she could go down a rabid hole of anxiety, though, she got a message.
‘Have a nice day today at school Pixie-Pop. You got this! P.S. You know I’m only a phone call away if you want me to kick their asses’
That and the ladybug emoji at the end of it made her laugh. Jason always tried to act dorky whenever he knew she felt down, and it usually helped her feel better. With newfound confidence, she leaned onto Chloé’s shoulder with a smile, enjoying whatever minutes of peace she had left before having to face the incoming storm.
Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for sending in the ask
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dumbkiri · 5 years
Fate Changes Four
Parts: [ 1, 2, 3, Here, 5 ]
Summary: When all is about to end, the Knight stops his damsel in distress from taking her life once again. But this time was different. She wasn’t going to stop unless he gave her a good reason not to. Telling her he wasn’t dead this whole entire time might be the way.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female! Reader
Genre: Slight Angst
Word Count: Idk, it’s short
Warnings: Blood, Suicide, Death, Guns
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"Don't listen to him." Jason said.
"You don't want to do this, [Name]." 
[Name]'s smile was wiped off her face and she turned her head at the source of the speaker. Her eyes landed on the Arkham Knight. He stood at the entrance of the cell with his hands up, showing her that he meant no harm. 
Her hands began shaking and she looked away from him. Her eyes focused on the wall in front of her. It was discolored and blank. Unlike her who was decorated in various colors due to her injuries. "I'm going to do this, Knight. I'm finally going to be able to be free and this heavy weight that's been on my shoulders will be lifted off." 
The Arkham Knight took a step into the cell and she jumped to her feet. She didn't hesitate to point the gun at him, "Take one more step and I'll shoot you." 
He stopped moving and let his hands rest by his sides. "Put the gun down," The Knight warned and gesture for her to listen to him. Yet she wasn't cooperating. "Listen to me, you don't want to go down this route. Death is not- There are some people who-" 
"Batgirl, stand down," Batman ordered the woman suddenly appearing behind her. If the bulletproof glass wasn't between them then the Bat would probably have taken her down. 
The Arkham Knight froze in his spot as he stared at the caped crusader. 
"Pull the trigger," Jason coated her.
On the other hand, [Name] bit her lip. The fear toxin was still working in her system, but for some reason she didn't see any monsters or scary images. Then she looked at the gun gripped tightly in her hands, "I'm going to take my life. I don't care if you disagree, Batman. And Knight, you have no right to care for me." 
She lifted her eyes to the Arkham Knight and glared at him, "You barge into my home. Destroyed it. Took my first chance of taking my life."
"He doesn't want us together," Jason sighed. 
[Name] took a deep breath in, "Forced me into a car. Fought me while I suffered from two bullet wounds. Ended up in a car accident and you saved me." 
She aimed at his suit again, "Watched me suffer with the fear toxin taking over. Now you want to save me for a third time. I want to know who you are before I do anything drastic." 
The Arkham Knight sighed and shook his head, "All those hints I gave you. All those Romeo and Juliet phrases going back and forth. I thought those would jog your memory." 
"Everyone knows about Romeo and Juliet," She countered. 
"Not like us, we remember it differently. I thought I was your home," The Knight said and if it wasn't for the robotic voice, she would have assumed his voice cracked a bit. She was shaken by his sentence. 
"You'll always be my home, Romeo." 
She shook her head and backed up into the wall. He couldn't be him. All this time, he was right here in front of her. All this time, he was watching her get beaten down and even used force on her. 
"You are not my Romeo," She began with an attitude, "he would have never laid hands on me or let alone watch anyone beat me." 
"That's right! I would never harm you, [Name]." Jason said desperately.
The Arkham Knight stayed quiet and she wished for him to give her a reason why he did what he did. He let Barbara die. 
Meanwhile, Batman laid his hands on the cell desperately wanting to hold the girl in his arms. He needed to take her away from the cell and to Alfred where he can keep a watchful eye on her. But for right now,he watched [Name] uncover the truth behind the Arkham Knight. 
"You expect me to believe you are him!" She yelled at the Knight. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. The grip on her gun was locked and her knuckles turned white. "Well I don't believe you!" 
"You don't have to believe my words, you have to trust them," The Knight said with a softer tone. His hands reaching for her slowly and his legs moving toward her. "Please, [Name], put the goddamn gun down." 
[Name] shook her head, "Stop! I said don't move!" She pulled the trigger giving him a warning shot. The Arkham Knight stopped and raised his hands up again. His feet standing firm on the ground, not moving an inch. 
She was breathing heavy and she didn't know what the cause of it was from; the fear toxin or the sudden shock of Jason being alive. Either way, her heart was pounding and her head was in a swirl. Unbeknownst to her and the rest, one more shot of fear toxin entered her system and her hand flew to the collar. 
"Ugh," [Name] groaned, "I'm going to kill him!" She yelled and dropped the gun to the floor. She needed two hands to take the collar off and holding a weapon wasn't going to help her. 
The Knight saw this as a chance to render her unconscious. He ran at her and slammed her body against the cell wall to which she cried out, "What in God's name is wrong with you!" 
"I need you to calm down!" The Knight yelled at her and ended up getting punched in the face. 
"Get away from me!" [Name] yelled and kicked at him. Her vision showing her a monster trying to take advantage of her. 
"It's the fear toxin," Batman spoke up to the Knight, "it's taking over her body." 
The Knight scoffed and dodged a kick from [Name], "Yeah? Why didn't it affect her earlier? She had about seven doses already." 
"She saw someone important to her in the visions early on, that's who she's afraid of," Batman reasoned and worked on getting inside the cell. He could use his explosive gel, although he could harm [Name] in the process. 
The Knight blocked [Name]'s right hook and swiped his leg under her feet. Her back collided with the cell floor and she let out a strangled gasp. "Old man, you got any bright ideas to get her out without me damaging her so much?" 
"Talk to her," Batman simply responded. 
[Name] grabbed the Knight's foot and yanked on it causing him to lose his balance in the process. She crawled on top of him and started delivering punches left and right. She showed him no mercy. 
"She'll listen to you," Batman explained to the Knight watching his student unleash her wrath, "Show her that you're her Romeo." 
The Knight gritted his teeth and pressed a button on the right side of his helmet. 
[Name] raised her left arm to give the Knight another cruel punch, but a hissing sound made her stop. She watched as his helmet came off. 
Her breath caught in her throat as she saw those gunmetal eyes once again. Those stormy blue eyes she saw a long time ago. His black hair barely peeking out from the helmet. And that scar, that scar that made her blood run cold. 
"It really is you," [Name] admitted putting her hand down at her side. 
Jason nodded, "Yeah, I told you." 
"Batgirl, get down!" Batman warned and gunshots rang in the cell. 
Jason hovered over [Name]'s body and shielded her as much as he could. Once it stopped raining bullets, Batman blew up the wall of a cell and walked into it. He handled the men that wreaked havoc in the cell. After that was done, he checked up on his family. 
"No, no, no," He heard the Knight say over and over and when the smoke dispersed, Batman saw [Name] bleeding out in the Knight's arms. A bullet wound in her abdomen. 
"We have to get her out of here," Batman placed his hand on Jason's shoulders. 
"She's in stable condition, sir," Alfred said confirming the vitals on the screen were stable. "But she's going to be out of commission for at least a week. I've found three bullets, one that broke into shards." 
"I assume you took all the pieces out," Batman spoke over the phone. He was busy tracking down Scarecrow. 
"To the best of my abilities. Not only that, she broken at least four of her ribs, sprained her ankle and has multiple contusions. It's a miracle she's alive considering the bruises and damage that's been done to her body." 
"Not helping, Alfred," Jason called out to the butler from his sulking corner. His voice firm and broken at the same time. Those injuries were caused by him. He was the one that caused her so much pain. 
Alfred looked over at Jason. It was just an hour ago that he found out the boy he lost long ago was alive. "Well, yes, Master Todd, it seems that you are feeling guilty for what happened to Miss [L.Name]." 
"Guilty?" Jason scoffed, "I should feel more than guilty. She almost died, she could have died." He corrected himself. 
"But you saved her," Alfred dressed [Name] in new bandages, "I recall you saving her on multiple occasions, Robin or not." 
"That's not the point," Jason argued. 
"Then what is?" Alfred shot back laying [Name] gently back on her bed. "Sulking about what happened? It won't help her. The only thing- No, the only person that has ever helped her was you, Master Todd." 
Jason still stood in the corner of the room with his arms over his chest. 
"When you died, nothing was ever the same. Master Bruce would stay in the batcave with little to no sleep and [Name]," 
Jason looked over at the woman in the bed. 
"She was alone again. She lost the love of her life in the most cruel way; at Joker's hands." Alfred finished while setting a wet cloth on her forehead. 
"She replaced me." 
"She did no such thing," Alfred defended [Name], "and neither did Master Bruce. They both loved you in their own ways." 
Jason pushed himself off the wall and glared at Alfred, "Then why did Joker tell me there was a new Robin? I wasn't even dead, yet they found someone else. Someone else to call Robin." 
Alfred looked sadly at Jason, "Master Drake found out who they were, their real identities. Master Bruce could not just allow this boy to run around knowing who Batman really was." 
Jason turned away, "While they were out there, I was being tortured by a psychotic villain. I thought that Bruce would have killed him already, but turns out the Joker died differently. I wanted him to suffer. To feel the pain he dealt me." 
"Batman almost killed the Joker," Alfred confessed. "He was nearly there until [Name] stopped him. She stopped him from crossing the line." 
"Batman, stop!" Batgirl landed on the roof, standing behind the caped crusader. 
"Oh, Batgirl!" Joker laughed, his legs dangling in the air, "Thank goodness, you're here! I was starting to worry you weren't going to show!" 
"Let Joker go," [Name] advised while gripping a batarang in between her fingers. 
Batman didn't say anything and kept his hands around Joker's neck. 
"Uh-oh, Bats, seems like you got another rogue birdie," Blood was dripping down his chin, "we all know what happened to the last bird that left his nest too soon." 
"Shut up!" Batman demanded and squeezed Joker's neck even harder. If he did it any more stronger, the psycho's neck would snap. 
Batgirl spoke up, "You'll regret your actions later, Batman. You have a code. A code you made yourself and the others follow because if we broke it,…" 
"We're no better than them," Jason finished off Alfred's recount of that night. 
"Yes, even I wanted the bastard dead. I was so set on the Joker dying that I didn't care for the consequences at the time. But [Name] stopped us from crossing that line." 
Jason walked over to [Name]'s bedside and sat down at the edge. Her hands were cut up and bandaged. Her face adorned with bruises and cuts. One of her eyes covered up in ice to stop the black eye from swelling so much. 
"I thought she wanted the Joker dead too," Jason questioned reaching out for her hand. 
Alfred hummed, "Of course, she did. That's all she ever wanted after your death. She wanted him to die so badly that she said she was going to be the one that kills him." 
Jason intertwined his fingers with hers. 
"And when she found out the Joker was sick, she rejoiced. Finally, the clown was getting what he deserved." 
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elareine · 5 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Injury Relationships and characters: Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd (implied), Tim Drake/Damian Wayne (implied), Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Damian Wayne-centric, Hurt/Comfort,  Feelings, Complicated Relationships, Polyamory, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Hurt Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Guilt, Cuddling & Snuggling, Not sure how to describe Bruce's parenting in this one
For @scootboot97​. Find here on ao3.
Damian was chewing on his lip.
It was an old habit, one that his mother thought she had trained out of him by age three—but right now, he couldn’t stop. It was stupid. There was nothing to be afraid of. He just wanted to check on Jason, make sure he was taken care of. Not that he doubted Alfred, but sometimes the elderly butler needed help when moving someone of Jason’s stature.
Yes. That was all. It would be fine.
Before he could talk himself out of it, he opened the door.
There was no blood. There should still be blood, Damian thought inanely; Jason had been bleeding so much when they had brought him back… but now he was clean, covered in white bandages and a white sheet, and attached to a white IV and vitals monitor.
There was entirely too much white. Jason should not look that pale. Or that still.
It took movement to draw Damian’s eyes away from the bed.
“Damian?” Tim looked surprised to see him. For some reason, that hurt.
“I—” Damian became aware that he was hovering in the doorway. He could still pretend he only wanted to do a quick check and leave.
He took another step inside. The door fell shut behind him with a gentle ‘click.’
“I—I didn’t think he should be alone.”
Tim was still looking at him with these weary eyes, but Damian thought he saw something soften in them. “There’s another chair.”
There was, in the corner farthest from the bed. After a moment’s thought, Damian dragged it over to Tim’s side. Not because he wanted to be close to him, but because that way, he could see the monitor.
“Alfred says he’s on heavy drugs and will sleep for a few more hours, minimum,” Tim told him quietly. “He was shot in five different places, so… yeah.”
“What happened?”
Weird as it sounded, he didn’t know. Dick and he had gone to the other location. The wrong one, as it turned out. All he knew was that Red Robin had been frantic on the coms; that they brought back Jason bloody and unconscious; and that Dick and Father had been engaged in a screaming match about Jason’s actions when Damian had snuck past them.
“He was protecting me.” Tim’s voice sounded empty. “I was disabling the bomb. He got between the group and me, and when they started using the heavy ammunition, he didn’t take cover.”
He thinks this is his fault, Damian realized. “Did you do disable the bomb?”
“Would that bomb have killed everyone in the hospital?”
“Yes, but—”
“Then how can you presume that Todd did anything but the right thing, the necessary thing? You are doing him a disservice if you assume that he would’ve wanted you to help him instead of disarming the bomb.”
“Damian—” Tim’s white face was suddenly a lot closer. Damian had somehow stood up from his chair and gotten into Tim’s space without noticing, so immediate and urgent was the need to make his point.
Embarrassed but determined to win the argument, he sat back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest and giving Tim a stern glare. “Your guilt is illogical. Todd would say the same thing, and you know it.” Damian was sure of that. Well. “Using more swear words.”
Tim gave a weak laugh. “Quite a few more. You should’ve heard him during.”
“I’m sure it was impressive.”
“It actually was.” Tim’s voice turned pensive. “Sometimes I forget how effective he is. I’ve rarely seen anything like it.”
Damian could well imagine. Even now, to him, fighting while actively avoiding killing—without allowing even the possibility of one badly-placed hit—felt like having one arm tied behind his back. He didn’t mind the restriction anymore, respected it, even; but when confronted with a mass of people attacking his brother for trying to save innocents…
No wonder Father had been shouting at Dick.
“I didn’t stop him from killing some of these people,” Tim whispered. “And I still don’t regret that.”
Damian looked at the figure on the bed. “Neither do I.”
There seemed to be nothing else to say after that. To be frank, it was weird they had even talked that much. Damian couldn’t remember the last time looking at Tim hadn’t made something bubble up inside him that he’d interpreted as anger and resentment. This was as good as it got between them. Better.
And yet he found himself antsy. The quiet of the room was oppressive. Damian began to crave his sword, or his dog—anything to hold onto, to distract him.
“I kind of feel like someone should hold his hand,” Tim said as if he’d read his mind. Maybe the silence was weighing on him, too. “But…”
One of Jason’s hands was injured, the other had the IV on it. “I don’t think he would appreciate it right now.”
“No. No, he wouldn’t.”
Again silence descended like a heavy blanket.
“You could hold mine,” Damian blurted out. Immediately he felt himself flush. Where had that come from?
“…I have no idea what the fuck to say to that.”
“Forget it,” Damian huffed.
Fantastic. Now the silence was awkward in addition to oppressive, Damian chided himself. Where had the urge to comfort Tim even come from, anyway?
Suddenly there was a warm pressure on the hand that had been resting on the side of his chair. Damian’s head jerked to stare down at where Tim’s hand now rested on top of his.
He’d never noticed before—Tim’s fingers were thinner than his own. Paler, too. Damian knew it to be the hand of a skilled fighter, but like this, it just looked vulnerable.
No one said anything. It seemed like eons, but finally, Tim moved again, lacing their hands together.
Damian glanced to his left. Tim was determinedly not looking at him, but Damian thought he could see a smile there. It made him feel all weird and warm, so he tried not to think about it.
The silence wasn’t so bad, after that. By the time Alfred entered to examine his patient, Damian almost felt comfortable. They watched as he checked Jason’s dressings and assessed his breathing.
“Has he been moving at all?” Alfred finally asked.
Tim shook his head. “No.”
“The pain medication is working properly, then. Very gratifying. Master Bruce has been trying to develop something for Master Jason’s accelerated metabolism for some time now.”
Damian didn’t know what to say.
“Are they still arguing?” Tim finally asked.
“Yes.” Alfred looked reluctant to say even that much. “I’m sure Master Dick will be here soon.”
Damian tried not to show how much by their father’s absence hurt. If he was taking such exception to Jason using lethal force even just to defend himself and Tim…
It was just one more thing telling Damian that he would never be fully forgiven.
Still, Alfred must’ve seen something on his face (and maybe Tim’s, too,) for he continued speaking: “My instincts are somewhat different than Master Bruce’s. I find myself thankful that he was there to protect you, Master Tim, and that you were there to bring him home.”
Alfred put a hand on Tim’s shoulder and squeezed, then did the same to Damian.
“Now. I’m sure you lads could do with a hot drink. I will be back shortly.”
When the door opened again, however, it was Dick.
Damian had seen that man through a lot, including traumatic brain injury, the death of their father, and his own. He couldn’t remember Dick being that defeated before. His cheeks looked hollowed out, his eyes were red-rimmed and his shoulders drawn so tight it was like he expected to be hit.
If he was surprised to see Damian and Tim holding hands, he didn’t comment on it. Damian wasn’t sure if he even noticed—Dick was looking at Jason as if he had expected him to vanish while he was gone.
“No change,” Tim said softly. “But he’s been calm. Alfred thinks he’s doing okay.”
“Good.” Dick rubbed a hand over his face. “That’s good.” Then he unceremoniously slumped down to the ground at the foot of the bed. One hand wandered to Jason’s ankle, gripping it through the sheet, but his face was turned toward the door.
Damian recognized the position. It screamed protectiveness.
Did Jason need protection? Was that why they were here? Damian had never contemplated that aspect of injury before. Not in relation to Jason, who had always seemed invincible to him.
The door opened again. This time Damian didn’t think it could be Bruce or Alfred. Neither of them would slam the precious old oak like that.
Roy Harper and Koriand’r strolled in. Neither of them was clad in the outrageous outfits they were known for. In fact, Damian was sure he recognized the jumper Koriand’r was wearing as one of Jason’s.
(He was uneasy around her whenever she dressed in her usual style, but it wasn’t for the reason everyone thought. She just reminded him a little too much of his mother when she looked like that.)
They stopped short of Jason’s bed as if noticing the small group around him for the first time. Harper was the first to speak. “Oh, hi. We didn’t expect anyone to be with him.”
“I was the one who called you,” Dick pointed out.
“Yeah, well. There was a time where that could’ve just mean ‘come collect him.’” While you leave him out like trash, Harper didn’t say but they all heard.
It was unfair. Damian knew that. This family had good reason to be wary of Jason. Despite everything that happened between them, they had always given any aid he would accept.
As far as he knew.
Koriand’r put a hand on Harper’s shoulder and looked at them. “How is he?”
“Stable,” Tim said again. “He was shot five times, but nowhere vital. Alfred thinks he fixed him up okay.”
“You were with him, right?” Harper asked. “Are you okay, kiddo?”
Damian felt Tim tense at the question, but he nodded.
“Good.” Harper exhaled. “Good. That’ll reassure him.”
Tim had the gall to look surprised at that. The fool had probably expected recriminations. Damian squeezed his hand in an ‘I told you so.’
“We burned the warehouse, by the way. That’s why we’re late.”
“What? Why?” Dick frowned. “We left the evidence for the police to find.”
Koriand’r raised her chin. “And we burned it down.”
Her gaze met Dick’s and held. The air seemed to crackle around them; Damian almost didn’t dare breathe.
Dick broke eye contact first, nodding. “Okay.”
Harper snorted quietly but didn’t say anything. His attention was visibly on Jason, now. “So we just… wait for him to wake up?”
“Yes.” Dick swallowed. “It would be good if you leave him here at least that long. I—Alfred said he shouldn’t be moved any more than necessary.”
Finally moving, Koriand’r and Harper took advantage of the enormous beds that adorned every guest room in this manor and squeezed in on Jason’s left side—the least injured one. That shoulder they could touch without worrying about hurting him, and Damian noted that Koriand’r did so immediately. Her hand buried itself in Jason’s hair. Next to her, Harper slumped over so his face was hidden in her shoulder.
The silence began to grow. Damian could feel his grip on Tim’s hand tighten. The pressure was expanding in his lungs. The fear in the room was palpable. What were they waiting for?
For Jason to wake up, Damian told himself. That was all.
“Okay, no,” Harper suddenly said. “This isn’t a fucking funeral.”
Everyone flinched.
He looked up. “Jesus, guys, no. Just—we should be talking about something fun.”
“Fun.” Damian’s voice was disbelieving as he felt.
Harper just ignored his sarcasm. “Yes! Like the time we ran into cosplayers in Star City.”
Damian had never heard that term before, but Tim asked: “What were they dressed up as?”
“Every member of what they called ‘the Batfamily.’” Damian snorted involuntarily, and Harper laughed. “Exactly. Red Hood was holding hands with Spoiler while being a head shorter. Jay’s face.”
Koriand’r smirked. “I particularly liked their rendition of Dick’s old suit.”
Dick groaned and buried his head in his hands. “Will I never live that down?”
“Never.” Koriand’r shook her head. “And then there was one kid dressed as the Joker.”
“Yes, except he was seven and way too cute. And then he told Jay that he’d wanted to dress up as Harley Quinn because she’s, quote, waaaay cooler, but his mom wouldn’t let him.”
“Speaking of Harley—Tim, do you remember the time…”
As they talked, Alfred finally returned with the promised drinks. Hot chocolate for Dick and Koriand’r; tea for Damian; something that smelled of caramel and coffee for Harper and Tim. It prompted Tim to remember a story of his own concerning Jason and a very flirty barista who insisted on thanking the Red Hood properly.
Eventually, Damian couldn’t take it anymore. Amidst the laughter, he gently extracted his hand from Tim’s grip and slipped out of the room.
Once in the bathroom, he took a second to stare at himself in the mirror and just breathe. It felt like the world was moving on too quickly and too slowly all at once. Jason was hurt, his father angry, Tim and Dick vulnerable; and here Damian was, trying to make it right for all four of them and unable to.
Even as he turned away from the mirror and went about his business, however, anxiety began to take over. Damian didn’t deal well when he didn’t know what was happening. He wanted to be back in that room. There wasn’t anything he could do about Father—he suspected himself to be the last person in the world to be helpful in that matter—but he could be there when Jason woke up.
And, miraculously, Tim seemed to accept comfort from him. Damian could admit to himself that he was okay with giving it. Dick was taken care of, but perhaps Damian could contribute to the storytelling. There had been that time with Jason and the youngest assassins…
He wasn’t helpless, Damian told himself as he walked back. He wasn’t.
Nothing seemed to have changed in his absence. Dick was even starting to look less on edge. Koriand’r was in the middle of a story about the time Jason tried to make Tamaranean food and stumbled upon a drug dealer in Washington state. She didn’t pause when Damian entered but smiled at him encouragingly.
When Damian made to sit down again, however, Tim pulled him into his lap instead. Immediately, Damian stiffened.
“What are you doing?”
Tim didn’t answer directly. “It’s comforting, right?”
It felt a little bit like being treated like a child, and a little bit not. Damian couldn’t take the risk. He hissed: “I don’t need this.”
“I know.”
Damian waited.
“But… I kinda do.”
Oh. Well, then. Damian had thought that he wanted to comfort Tim. He did his best to relax. It became easier when Tim’s arms wound around his middle.
(He wondered if he would grow taller than Tim one day. Probably. The other wasn’t exactly towering over him even now. Maybe Tim could sit in his lap, then.)
(It was inevitable that he’d want him to be there, Damian supposed. Now that he’d let the other in, there was no turning back.)
“That,” Harper said, pointing at them and interrupting Koriand’r, “is an excellent idea. Dick, why are you all the way over there?”
“What do you mean?” Dick looked confused. Damian didn’t understand the question any better. There were mere feet between him and the couple, even if Dick was sitting on the ground.
Koriand’r got up and into the air in one smooth movement. “Excellent idea.” Before anyone could object, she grabbed Dick and lifted him, bridal-style, then plopped him down across her and Harper’s laps as she sat back down. Harper immediately wound his arms around Dick’s waist and held on.
“Guys—” Dick protested, but it was weak.
“Shush.” Koriand’r was playing with Jason’s hair again, but her free hand was moving toward Dick. “Anyway, as I was saying…”
Damian watched Koriand’r’s and Harper’s hands lace together over Dick’s hipbones and tried really hard not to draw conclusions about his brothers’ romantic lives. Better to focus on Koriand’r’s story again.
“…so the guy had a treehouse.”
“The meth dealer had a treehouse,” Damian repeated, incredulous.
“He did.” Koriand’r grinned in remembered mirth. “He converted the original farmhouse into a meth lab and then used the gains to pay people to build him a giant treehouse. It had all the amenities.”
“How do you get plumbing in a treehouse?” Tim asked.
“Put up a water tank in the tree.”
“When we say all the amenities,” Harper interjected, “we mean all of them. Including…” He paused for effect. “A fireplace.”
They stared at him. “The fuck,” Dick said.
“Drugs, man.” Harper shrugged.
“Jason said the same thing.” Koriand’r smiled down at the sleeping man fondly. “Followed by an extended lecture on the dangers of leaving fireplaces unattended.”
“This was meth dealer, yes?”
“Oh, yeah. He had taken over most of the market in Washington by then. Though apparently, he was about to get out anyway ’cause the mafia was sniffing around, trying to find out who was pissing on their turf.”
“He had ‘insurance packets’ buried in his garden,” Harper added, unwinding one hand from around Dick’s waist to add the air quotes.
“You mean insurance papers?” Tim asked, then immediately corrected himself: “No, you don’t. Gold?”
Dick was already laughing. “He had drugs buried in his garden?”
“He did!” Harper grinned.
“His plan was to sell it little by little,” Koriand’r explained. “Just enough to get by, and presumably, to keep sampling his own wares.”
“Because that wouldn’t upset the mafia at all. There was enough meth in there to supply a prison for three years.”
Damian grinned and felt Tim shake against him in silent laughter.
Suddenly, Koriand’r lifted a hand. “Be quiet!”
Startled, everyone obeyed. And then they heard it.
Jason groaned.
As they watched, something changed in his face. Where before there had been absolute stillness under his eyelids, there now was movement.
The three sitting on the bed got up and gave him some space. Everyone turned quiet, expectant. Tim’s fingers were tapping out a rhythm against Damian’s abdomen. Damian finally took his hands again to keep him from fidgeting.
And then, finally, Jason opened his eyes.
He looked at Tim first. “The bomb.”
“Disarmed,” Tim whispered.
The relief was evident on Jason’s face. “Good job. You okay?”
Tim nodded. Damian couldn’t see his face, but Tim’s hands in his were trembling.
“Yeah, about that,” Harper piped up behind him. “We will have words, Jay. Why the fuck weren’t you wearing your armor?”
Jason shrugged. It probably hurt, but Damian couldn’t deny that it looked pretty cool. “Restricts my movements too much. We had to be quick.”
“That’s not a good excuse,” Dick said.
Harper pointed at him without even turning to look. “You, shut up, your suit rips if a guy looks at it the wrong way. Seriously, Jay—”
“Hey, I didn’t go in expecting a fucking melee, did I?” Jason rolled his eyes. “Can I get a fucking kiss, please? I’m hurt, in case you didn’t notice.”
“In case I didn’t—” Harper took an audible deep breath, and then he kissed Jason.
“Oh,” Tim breathed against Damian’s skin. It was quite a good summary of the situation.
When Damian looked over at his oldest brother, he saw that Dick had gone slightly red, his gaze weirdly intense as he watched Jason and Harper break the kiss and smile at each other.
Koriand’r smiled, too, and leaned over, her hair hiding her and Jay’s faces for a long moment as they kissed. Damian was kind of glad. Watching this made him feel all warm and squirmy. Tim’s arms around him had tightened. He tried to concentrate on that.
After a long moment, Koriand’r stepped back, and Jason turned to look at Damian.
“Hey, kid,” Jason said, and to his complete and utter humiliation, Damian felt tears rise to his eyes. He tried to stop them; pressed his lids shut as tightly as he could, bringing up his hands to cover—but it was to no avail.
“No, hey, I’m fine.” A strong hand came up and pulled him onto the bed and into a hug. Damian didn’t fight it; melted into it, even.
“Wanna know a secret? Bruce is sitting two rooms down, staring at his surveillance monitors and tracking my vitals,” Jason whispered. “If anything happened, he’d be here in a flash.”
“Nah. Lemme guess, he was worried, decided I only got hurt ’cause I was using live ammunition and then got into a screaming match with Dick about it?”
“Got it in one,” Dick confirmed with a humorless chuckle.
“Then it’s all fine. He’s just a fucking coward. Don’t worry about it; he’ll never mention it again. You’re good, Dami. This isn’t about you.” Jason paused. “Actually. Dick.”
“Come closer for a second.”
Damian was smiling into Jason’s skin even before he heard the yelp as Dick was pulled into the same one-armed embrace.
“Don’t be awkward, dickhead,” Jason murmured.
Damian couldn’t decipher what Dick said in response, but that was okay. He had no idea how this has happened—last thing he’d heard, the outlaws and Dick weren’t on speaking terms—but he was glad. They seemed to be determined to stand up to and take care of Dick, which made for a nice change.
“Everyone,” Alfred interrupted, “while I’m sure Master Jason appreciates your presence, I will have to examine his wounds now. If you could step back for a minute…”
Damian was about to reluctantly detach himself from Jason’s neck when he felt his brother pull him tighter, shifting him to his side and into the curve of his arm as if he weighed nothing.
“Aww, c’mon, Alfred.” Jason grinned engagingly. “Such a little thing won’t disturb you, will it?”
Alfred sighed. “I believe I can work around Master Damian, yes.”
Damian saw everyone smile at that; felt Tim’s hand slip back into his as they watched Jason complain all through the examinations even as his words began to slur together with exhaustion, and he was so, so glad.
They were going to be okay.
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somedayonbroadway · 5 years
Okokokokok High School Musical AU pretty please with a cherry on top?
Hahahahahahaha YES
Okay, so…
Jack Kelly — Troy Bolton
Katherine Plumber — Gabrielle
Medda Larkin — Ms. Darbus
Spot Conlon — Chad
Crutchie Morris — Kelsie
Racetrack Higgins — Taylor
William Snyder — Jack Bolton (only sort of)
Albert DaSilva — Zeke
Finch — Jason
Sarah Jacobs — Sharpay Evans
David Jacobs — Ryan Evans
I know… it’s a bit of an odd list. But like… go with me on this.
Over Winter break, on New Years Eve, Jack and Katherine meet at a ski lodge. Katherine went with her family. Her father, her mother and his older sister. Jack is up there after running away from his foster home and trying to get in contact with his birth mother who just recently got out of prison. He believes she’ll be at this party.
They both end up at a party. Jack has a hood pulled up over his head to try and hide. The cops are looking for him by then. Snyder’s pissed. Katherine is with her father, talking about school.
The karaoke machine gets set up. Jack is trying to get out of the room because he’s scared of getting caught and Katherine is minding her own business.
But they happen to be the two random people pulled from the crowd and dragged on stage. Jack tried to get away, barely stopping himself from punching someone in the nose. And Katherine shyly tries to tell them no thank you, but they both end up there and catch sight of one another. And they freeze.
Jack tries to leave again, now not wanting to embarrass himself in front of this pretty girl who just stops him by saying she’s willing if he’s willing.
And they end up singing together for the first time. And they actually sound really good together.
After they’re finished, Jack catches sight of some of the cops again and he bolts, only for Katherine to follow him outside and ask him what was wrong. He plays it off. Says it’s nothing. And she lets it go.
They end up exchanging phone numbers on the balcony. And they come so close to kissing when the ball drops.
But Jack has to run.
A couple weeks later…
It’s the first day back at school after the break. Jack is happy to have something to do rather than sneak out of his home and avoid his foster father, a Mr. William Snyder. He’s been in this home for about a year on his own.
Snyder and him don’t necessarily get along.
Anyways, Jack is stoked about seeing his friends again. He’s on the football team. The quarterback. And his teammates all very much look up to him. His coach, Mr. Todd Kloppman, adores him and wants him to get a scholarship with his skills. And Jack has his mind set on that.
Snyder didn’t want to let him play sports to begin with. But Jack told him it was the only way for him to get into college. So Snyder let him.
It’s Jack’s escape from that house.
In homeroom, after meeting up with his best friend Spot Conlon who also happens to be in that class, Jack spots a familiar face.
She sees him too and smiles at him. She looks nervous.
He moves to sit by her and talk to her a little. She admits she just moved to Manhattan from Chicago and just got transferred into Roosevelt High School. Jack offers to show her around and she accepts.
Spot gives Jack a look and Jack ignores him. Spot loves to tease him.
While Jack is showing Katherine around, she quickly starts to learn that this school has very tight cliques.
One of them being the drama kids.
As they walk by the theatre, Katherine sees that there’s a sign up for auditions for the next school musical and she jokes that her and Jack should sign up because they made such a good team up at the ski lodge. Jack laughs.
And in comes the Ice Princess.
Sarah Jacobs.
She is the queen of the school, pretty much. Pretty, rich and popular. She’s an amazing singer, trained in music, dance and acting as well as starting her own fashion business. (I know she is very different from the Sarah Jacobs we know, but come on, she’s gonna slay).
Sarah and her twin brother, equally as talented, equally as rich, but not quite as popular, David Jacobs, are walking over to sign up for auditions. That’s where Katherine and Sarah meet for the first time.
Sarah, the queen that she is, pushes past Katherine to sign up, signing the whole sheet before she turns around to say hi to Jack, who she believes she is destined to be with until the end of time. Jack does not feel the same way. But she tries to subtly tell Kath to get away from her “property” (i know it’s not mean girls but you can’t tell me Sharpay wasn’t based off of Regina George in some ways). Katherine doesn’t take the threat too seriously, as she is a nice, easy going person.
David is in the background. He has a slight crush on Jack, but would never act on it because he knows Sarah is basically in love with the guy.
(Tangent. Y’all can���t tell me Ryan wasn’t supposed to be gay in the first movie. He 👏🏻 was 👏🏻 totally 👏🏻 gay👏🏻, but Disney was too scared to own up to it)
Jack continues to show Kath around the school as Sarah hatches her master plan to keep Katherine out of the drama clique. She goes to Race, honor student on his way to being valedictorian, and tells him about Katherine. Race does a little digging and finds out that Katherine is wicked smart and recruits her for the Scholastic Decathlon, catching her and Jack in the halls at their next break.
Race rushes up to them and tries to talk to Katherine but ends up seeing Jack and says something sarcastic instead and he and Jack get into a small argument that Katherine can’t quite follow. She tries to defend Jack but Race says she doesn’t know him well enough yet. Katherine asks what Jack did to this kid who seems to be at least two years younger than them. Jack said he didn’t do anything to him.
His little brother just loves to fight.
Race just glares at him and says something like “you know what you did” and then turns his attention back to Katherine, officially inviting her into the “brainiac” clique.
She does join. But at that moment she just says she’ll think about it.
Then she asks Jack a little about Race. He admits that Race is his half brother and he lives with a foster family on the other side of town while he lives with his foster dad just down the street. She asks why they don’t live together and Jack tells her that it’s a long story. But eventually he tells her that since Race showed signs of being really smart at such a young age, it was decided that he needed to be placed with folks who would cater to his needs better while Jack was just normal.
The family’s that were willing to foster Race never wanted to take in two kids. So the system split them up.
Jack says this in fewer words. But Katherine figures it out.
Katherine takes Race up on his offer, finding out that Race is set to graduate the same year as Jack.
Later, while Jack is at football practice, he’s having an extremely hard time focusing as this girl has just come into his life and made him think about things he’d never thought about before. Like, how he might want to ask Katherine out on a date or how he enjoyed singing with her or how everyone had a specific thing they were expected to do, but what about other things?
His teammates don’t appreciate his inability to focus and wrestle with him a little, just playfully, to try and help him get back into the game.
He loves his teammates.
Later, after practice, Jack is the last one in the locker room where Race comes in and drops him off and bagged lunch. He tells Jack that he wasn’t hungry at lunch. And Jack just hugs him for a second before asking him if he’d seen Katherine around.
Race teases him for a minute before Jack asks him if he wants a soaking. So Race tells Jack that Katherine went to the auditorium. And he gives Race a kiss on the head before he goes to find her.
When he gets there, he sees Sarah and David auditioning. Katherine is standing in the back of the other side of the theatre. They see each other but make no move to get closer. Instead, they watch the amusing but well done audition of their classmates.
Sarah and David are obviously both talented, but Sarah is obsessed with having the spotlight while David is very creative and does love to try new things and welcomes change.
The audition process is finishing up. Jack does not miss the way Sarah hisses at Charlie, the innocent pianist on her way out. He just tried to put in his thoughts on how his song should be performed.
He’s a composer and student director of the band.
Miss Medda, the drama teacher, asks if there’s any more auditions. Charlie says he doesn’t think so and no one else speaks up.
So Medda goes to leave.
Katherine is standing in the back, unsure of what to do. But eventually, she speaks up. She says she wants to audition.
Medda tells her that it’s too late and that she’ll need to come back for the next production.
Jack gives her a sorry look.
And Katherine just shrugs, willing to accept that. But as they both go to go their separate ways, Charlie trips up on stage, setting one of his crutches down on a misplaced prop. Without even thinking about it, both of them rush up to help him.
And he thanks them as he pulls himself back to the piano. And tried to get his things back in order. He apologizes to them for not being able to audition. Jack says he wasn't going to, that he wasn’t good enough for that anyways. And Kath and Charlie both don’t believe him. So Charlie starts to play the audition song, telling them that Sarah and David sang it in a way that didn’t quite capture the meaning behind it.
The song is I Never Planned On You/Don’t Come A’ Knockin’. Because it can be.
Katherine and Jack sing the song easily. Katherine admits she used to love to sing and her fatherhad taught her violin. Jack admits he used to play the piano with his mom and his little brother and THATS WHY THEY CAN READ MUSIC BECAUSE ITS NOT THAT EASY TROY AND GABRIELLA.
Before Charlie can even say anything, Miss Medda is clapping for them and telling them that they better find themselves at callbacks the next day.
Katherine is excited.
Jack is terrified.
Jack goes home to an empty house. He eats the food his brother gave him and does his homework and goes to bed. When he hears the door open, he pretends to be asleep.
Snyder’s drunk again.
The next morning, Jack sneaks out through the window and goes to school.
When he gets there he finds that the callback list was posted. And he tries to walk the other way. But Spot catches up to him.
He teases Jack, expecting it to be some kind of joke. But Jack just rolls his eyes and Spot asks him if he’s serious. Before Jack can answer, Race rushes up to him and jumps on his back and teases him too.
Jack admits he hadn’t meant to audition. He’d just been screwing around.
Katherine tries to defend him but his friends still tell him that he wasn’t supposed to do drama. That he was an athlete and that he didn’t have time and that it was weird for him to want to sing and dance.
But Katherine says that she loved to sing and dance and she was a straight A student and she had played soccer at her old school.
And these kids would be amazed.
People would start admitting things. Things that no one knew.
Albert loved to bake.
Finch likes to dance.
Other things happen.
Spot is concerned by this. He needs Jack to focus on the playoffs that are coming up. Jacks the quarterback. He has too much of a responsibility.
He tries to enlist Race’s help. Race is hesitant, not wanting to upset his brother. But Spot convinces him it’s for the best.
They both hold somewhat of an intervention for their friends where Spot gets Jack to admit that he doesn’t think the audition is important and that Katherine couldn’t come between him and his team.
It’s not what he means. He means that if Snyder found out he was auditioning for musicals and pining after some pretty girl he’d get the living hell beat out of him.
But he can’t just say that.
He doesn’t know he’s being recorded.
Race shows Katherine the tape and immediately feels guilty.
He calls Spot and tries to tell him they made a mistake after Katherine tells him that auditioning in the first place was stupid.
Jack doesn’t understand why Katherine suddenly wants to back out when he goes to see Race after school. And Race gives him a sorry look. So Jack convinces Katherine to do it again and promises her that he’ll do it with her if that’ll be what makes her happy. And he sends her off to Charlie while he talks to Race.
Race is shocked and asks Jack if he would even be allowed. Jack would tell him not to worry about it and Race would just hug him for a minute, telling Jack that the family he was with was thinking about fully adopting him.
It would break Jack’s heart. But he’d try to tell Race that that was really good, that he should be happy. Race wouldn’t think so. He’d say that he didn’t want to belong to someone else. That he was fine exactly where he was and that he’d rather move in with Jack when Jack turned eighteen.
Jack would tell him that everything would be okay. That it would all work out for the best.
And then he’d tell Race to get him while he went to rehearse with Katherine.
Sarah would overhear Jack and Katherine rehearsing. So she’d go to Miss Medda and convince her to move callbacks to the day of Jack’s big game and Kath’s competition.
Charlie, the little genius, overhears this conversation and immediately starts to form a plan, enlisting the help of Race and Spot.
Race and Katherine hack into the school electrical system and mess with the power on the football field. They also cause a chemical reaction at their own competition, forcing an evacuation.
Jack and Katherine rush to callbacks with their friends right behind them and they get up on stage.
Katherine freezes, looking at Jack and shaking her head, silently telling him how scared she was. But Jack just takes her hand and starts singing.
And they get through it. (Something To Believe In).
Medda gives them the part and gives Sarah and David their understudies. David congratulates them. Sarah is pissed.
Everyone goes to watch the football team win after that. And Jack and Katherine kiss for the first time.
Spot admits to Race that he’s got a secret too. Then he proceeds to ask Race out.
And Jack sees it happen.
But he doesn’t say anything.
He goes home that day happy.
Snyder however, is not quite so happy.
When Jack gets home he’s almost immediately thrown against a wall. Snyder is tipsy at that point. He’s angry. He wants to know why Jack was out so late. Jack says he had a game. Snyder doesn’t believe it. So Jack admits he was with his friends.
And Snyder just hits him.
It happens every now and then when Snyder’s not completely forgetting that he exists. Snyder needed some extra cash. He hates that he has a kid living with him. Jack can deal with it every once in a while.
What he hates is being locked in the basement closet.
And Snyder knows that.
He locks Jack in and leaves him. And Jack cries for a minute before he can think to call his little brother with the phone that Snyder forgot he had.
And Race brings Spot and the cops with him to get Jack out.
Race and Spot get there first. Spot holds off Snyder so Race can get Jack out of the closet and Race holds Jack for a minute until Spot runs down with the cops. They try to talk to Jack and take him upstairs.
Before he goes with them, he tells Spot that if he hurts his brother, he’ll kill him. And Race can’t help but laugh.
They arrest Snyder and Race admits that his foster family found out they’re going to have their own baby. And they wouldn’t have room for him anymore.
The brothers are relocated. This time together. To a home of one Miss Medda where they find out Charlie is her adopted son.
And they all lived happily ever after.
Or, at least, survived the school year.
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edyacouky · 5 years
Diamonds are Hood best friends
Here just a silly thing I wrote. I hope you will like it.
Have a nice day everybody :D
Can be read on AO3
Jason is stressed in his kitchen. He has so much to do and so little of time. He should have refuse. Why did he accept do it is beyond him.
“What are you making? Roy asks him when he comes search for glass of water
-A mess. Jason groans. And don’t come near the food with your dirty hand.
-You were used to love my dirty hand. Roy dramatically gasps. What happen to us?”
But Jason doesn’t even smile. He keeps cooking like the food is some kind of annoying opponent who have to purpose to destroy his life.
“This bad. Roy said more seriously now. You know we can always cancel it. We could say we have an emergency while the true is it would you and me on our couch eating fast food and watching a movie.
-It’s not like we could cancel it forever. So do that now to get rid of it.
-It’s just a family dinner, Jaybird. Not the end of the word.
-It’s our family dinner. I am sure something will go wrong. I will bungle the dish. Or Bruce and Oliver will yell at each other. Or they will be yelling at us.
-Like hell I will let them do that at our home.”
Roy sight when Jason still frowns with worry eyes. Of course, Roy saw that this last day Jason was shaken by having the Batfamily and the Arrowfamily in the same time at their home. Hell, Jason was shaken since their relationship was known by their family.
It is not like they were hiding it, or Roy doesn’t think it was something they did, but their “good” relationship with members of their family was still new.
Honestly without the cameraman who not only stole the moment Arsenal kissed an injury Red Hood after a battle, but also decide to share it on social network, they will have keep that for them.
“You should have deny or not answer their call. Jason said with despair
-It’s that so bad that they know about us.
-I don’t know. Things were just so perfect before they knew, you know?
-Are you afraid that they will not approve.
-Would that change anything if they didn’t approve?
-I don’t know. Jason confesses with guilt. You know how I can get because of them.
-I know. Roy admits. As much as you should know you can’t get rid of me.”
Roy keeps his reassuring smile while he catch Jason’s belt to making him come closer to him. He enlaces Jason, putting his hands on his lower back.
“I will never let you let me leave. I promise I'm not lying. Go ahead ask anybody who has seen me trying. I'm not going, if it seems like I did I'm probably waiting outside. Roy starts to song while kissing Jason neck
-I always thought that this song was about a dangerous stalker.
-But the melody is nice.”
Jason doesn’t contradict him and finally start to smile. Roy puts on of his hand on Jason’s cheek, his thumb caressing his cheekbone.
Tenderly, slowly, they kiss. Jason relax in his lover’s arms and trust him when he said that he will never let Jason waste what they have because of some of his insecurity. They know each other to well to not know how deal with each other bullshit.
“Did you put grease everywhere on my face?
-Jeez Roy. I tell you not put your dirty hand anywhere from the food.
-Oh, Jaybird, I know that I eat you out a lot but you’re still a human being.
-God you’re the worst.” Jason laughs
“It’s really ok we all come? Oliver asks again to Dinah when they get in the MPV
-Again. Dinah sight while she secure little Robert. Jason said it was only fair since there will be seven members of his family.
-How much are we going to be?
-Again. Dinah and all the children said
-We are seven, they are seven, plus Roy and Jason, we will be sixteen. Dinah answer
-Ok. Ok. I understand I should still be quiet. It’s just I can’t believe they have the room to do a dinner for sixteen. And did Roy said that Jason cook the dinner tonight?
-Yes, he did. Cynthia sings song. Roy gives me cupcake made by Jason once. They were delicious.
-Sound like a lot of work for one person.
-Not everyone have a multibillion dollar to buy an army of domestic so they can be lazy. Connor Hawke jokes
-Well, Roy and Jason aren’t poor. Dinah defend. Even if you only count clean money, Roy gains more than enough with his inventions.
-Ah! So they could have used a caterer.
-Don’t start say thing like that. Dinah warns him. They will think you judge them. Connor Lance-Queen, stop immediately to bother Olivia.
-And don’t start to scream, young man. Or you will see what your mother will do.” Oliver adds severely
Dinah gives him an unimpressive look before she only sighs.
“Why do I have to come?
-Damian. Bruce said
-What? You accepted this invitation without ask us if we agree.
-Not untrue. Tim whispers gaining a punch in his chest from Cassandra
-Be nice, Little D. Dick request him. It’s the first time that Littlewing invite us for a family dinner. It would be nice if it wasn’t the last too.
-Why? Cite one of our family dinner who end well. Damian reclaims
-Oh! N°726. That’s their apartment! Dick exclaims, ignoring Damian’s last remark
-Why didn’t he answer the question? Duke asks. What should I expect from this?
-Everything will be fine. Bruce said going to open the door but Alfred stops him
-I raise you better than that Master Bruce.” He scolds him while knocking on the door
They wait a few seconds where Bruce’s children make fun of his bad manner, before Jason opens them.
“Hi, glad you could make it.” Jason said to them by automatism
Not that he wasn’t really happy to have them in his home, but he becomes nervous again. Roy’s family was already there and for the moment everything was fine.
But when life doesn’t fuck up with Jason?
“Master Jason, you look really elegant. Alfred compliments him
-Thank you, Alfie. You’re awesome as ever.”
As stupid as he may sound, his family realizes only now how important this dinner was for Jason. He seems really nervous and not only he did a big effort in his outfit, but when they enters the apartment they see that he put a lot of work on the decoration and the dishes.
“Hey guys and girl! Roy smiles at them. Good to see you.
-Good to see you to Roy. Dick answers hugging him
-Gladly to be there. Damian even said after a pointy look from Cassandra.
-Well, come have a seat. We have just started the aperitif. Do you want drink something?”
They sit at the table, only place in their apartment where everyone can seat, and start eating, drinking and talking.
At first everyone acts like they tread on thin ice, they didn’t know what to say to prevent any conflict. Eventually, the younger ones were more at the ease and help the adult to relax.
“I am just saying that calling your cave Arrow cave is totally plagiarism of the Batcave.
-This is my cave. I’m Green Arrow. How do you want me to call it?
-Quiver. Cassandra said
-Oh! This is an awesome idea!
-Not mine. Harley’s.
-Not sure if I should be comfortable that you talk about me with your psychopath villain.
-She needs to be heard.”
Seeing Jason relaxed laughing with the other, Roy smiles tenderly at him and put his hand on Jason’s knee. Jason doesn’t even hesitate when he see Roy’s gaze and kiss him lovingly.
“Love you.
-Love you too.”
It was past midnight. The younger ones are asleep in the couple’s bedroom, or in Damian case sprawl on the couch. They had finish to eat an hour ago and they all compliment Jason for his cooking making him ferociously blush. After that, nobody acted like they will leave soon, so they drink coffee and tea.
“Oh! Before I forget.” Roy suddenly exclaim going out of the table
He comes back one minute later, with some money.
-Thanks. But you give me too much. Jason said after he counts the bills.
Roy shrugs and kisses Jason’s neck.
“Buy you a book.”
Jason tenses when he heard a giggle.
-Nothing. Oliver tries to defend himself. Just funny to see that is my son the sugar daddy in this relationship.
Almost everyone in the table choke on their drink before they laugh.
“What the hell Ollie? Bruce said shocked
-What? That’s true.
-Fuck no. I am not a lubricious old man.
-And he doesn’t support me. I have money, thank you.
-Why did he give you some then? Ollie jokes
-I just lost my debit card. He advances me until my new one arrives.
-It’s not that stupid what Ollie said.
-Oh. And how so Dickhead?
-Well my darling Littlewing, you’re younger than Roy to begin.
-You’re the one who do the cooking and the cleaning.
-Yeah I should help you more with that.
-No thanks. I see how you tidy up your workshop; I don’t want that in the rest of the apartment.
-And at the last event you go together the entire people magazine was saying “Who is the mysterious trophy husband Roy Harper has found?”
-Well he is still legally dead. If he was still officially a Wayne and we go to a gala, I’m sure I will be the trophy husband.
-Not sure. Jason knows how to dress better than you Roy. I am sure he will still be the trophy husband.
-Father! Damian exclaims from the couch. It may be just Todd, but will you really let them talk about one of us like that?
-I love you too Demon Brat.
-I knew you care. Dick coos before trying to hug Damian
-No! Grayson! Don’t come closer!
-Well my mother used to say to never underestimate a trophy wife. Because they could easily have the world at their feet. Bruce said ignoring the mess his two sons are making in the living room
-I thought that your parents had the same age.
-My father was younger by one year and half. But my mom worked frequently with trophy wife for charity event.”
They start to talk about other things when a knock interrupt them. Everybody tense, slowly Jason goes to the door and look at the peephole.
“It’s one of our neighbors. Hi, sir. What can I do for you? Jason asks him after open the door
-Hi. Look, you’re good neighbor and normally I would have pas that but, I have to just come back from work and I have to go visit my family in another state today. Just, I really need to sleep so can you lower the sound.
-Of course. Jason looks at Dick and Damian stop during their wrestling. We will let you sleep. Sorry for that.
-Thank, good night.
-Good night to you too.
-Well seems like it’s time to go. Dinah said
-You’re sure?
-Yeah, it’s late. The kids are already asleep.
-We will go too. Bruce said
-Yeah. Thank for the invitation.”
They all said good bye at the door.
They kiss and promise to do that again soon. With Olivia in his arms, Oliver hugs first Roy then Jason.
“Thank to have invited us tonight.
-You’re welcome.
-And thanks for the dinner. He said hugging Jason. It must have taken a lot of work to prepare that meal for sixteen.
-That’s fine.” Jason answer a little startled by the demonstration of affection
Bruce is the last to leave their apartment.
“Sorry we bother your neighbor.
-Don’t worry about that. I’m surprised it’s happen only now.
-Take care of you.
-That’s work for you too.”
They both smile and for a moment, Jason think that Bruce may hugs him but he just go with the rest of the family.
“Well everything was great. Roy said starting cleaning the table. We worry for nothing.
-I was sure that Oliver and Bruce will make a scene. Jason adds helping Roy
-And when Ollie start saying I was your sugar daddy, Roy laughs, I prayed that Bruce doesn’t beat me.
-They’re completely crazy.
-And you and I make all this crazy people one and only one family.
-Have mercy on us.”
Some day later, Jason is taking his breakfast with Tim.
“Sound like RedArse isn’t trendy anymore. Jason said looking at the news on his phone. SuperRobin stole us the show.”
One video of Kon kissing passionately Tim on the top of a Gotham’s building was everywhere on social network.
“Shut up. Bruce already lectures about not being attentive and unprofessional.
-Please, tell me you ask him if it was professional to sleep with a burglar he is supposed to arrest.
-No. Tim laughs. But if you do, film his reaction.
-Promise. Jason said before go search for salt
-While you’re at it. Can you get me some blueberry? They must be in my fridge.”
Jason goes in the kitchen; if he found the salt easily he can’t say the same for the blueberry.
“Are you sure you have blueberry?
-Maybe I put it in one of my closet.
-Nope. No blueberry in sight. Jason confirms after open up twice each closet
-I must have forgotten to buy it. Thank anyway.”
Jason sit down and stop what he wanted to do because something looks wrong with his phone.
“Did you touch my phone?
-Yes, Tim admits after a pause, we take beat which kind of Roy’s photo you have as wallpaper.
-What do you mean which kind?
-You know. Kind Roy asleep, kind both of you kissing, kind sexy Roy or kind embarrassing for Roy.
-Well sorry to disappointed you.
-Yeah I didn’t expect a dog. You don’t have one, do you?
-It’s an old picture of the dog I had when I was a kid. Some weeks ago, Bruce found some of my family old photo on squat of junkies.
-Your dog was cute. What were they name?”
Jason’s day was pretty exhausting so he is happy when he found Roy sit on the couch. He fall on the couch, put his head on Roy’s knee.
“Hard day.
-Awful. This child trafficker I had to catch decides to make me run after him.
-He didn’t dare.
-He’s an asshole. I make sure that everyone at the jail will know what he did to children.
-You didn’t kill him?
-No, he has some information that could be useful to save more kids and anyways Bruce is on this case too.
-Well I hope this could make you feel better.”
Only now, Jason see the little box with a golden ribbon on the table.
“What is it?
-Well it is for you so open up.
-If I’m not a lucky boy.”
In the little box, there are diamond cufflinks. Usually Jason think that diamond jewelries are too flashy but the one Roy choose are discreet. And Roy looks at him so hopefully that even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t tell him that.
“That’s beautiful.
-You love it?
-Yeah. Thank you.
-Since there is this gala where we have to go, I though cufflinks was a good idea.
-That’s perfect. Thank you so much.”
Jason kisses him deeply sitting in his lap.
“And I think I should make you a lucky boy too.
-No need. If you’re too tired, I can understand.
-I am in good shape.”
Jason takes Roy’s shirt away before kisses him languorously.
“That’s new? Selina asks him at the gala looking interested by Jason’s cufflinks
-Yes. And gift from Roy so if you can let me leave with them I will appreciate it.
-Everything to make you happy kitten.”
Jason doesn’t like Selina’s smile but as she say she doesn’t stole him so maybe it was something else.
Jason is with the Bird of Prey. He needs their help on a case and they are kind enough to at least listen to what he has to say.
“Sound reasonable. Barbara admits
-I’m a reasonable man.
-I want you to promise you will not using anything I will give you for kill someone.”
Jason sight loudly. Honestly this kind of rich guy he was after for the corruption case was the kind he prefers dead. But if he successes make them lost all their fortune that will be enough.
“I promise.
-Good, give me your phone, I will transfer you all the data we have in this case.
-And we will tell you if we see something during patrol. Helena adds. But only if you don’t hide anything.
-I’m not B. If I say I want work with you, it means I will work with you and not using you while keeping secrets. I’m sure Babs already takes all the info I had on my phone, and we will stay in contact.
-I’m done with your phone. Barbara said and gives it him back
-No, thanks to you.”
Jason shivers unexpectedly. He has a weird feeling suddenly. But the girls are nice and he will not accuse them of something just because a draught make him feels weird.
Some hours later, he meets Roy at the dinner they both like. They couldn’t see each other for the next days because of their jobs so they decide have a date. So the separation will be less difficult.
“How was your day? Jason asks him after kissing him quickly and takes place at the table.
-Better now that I see you.
-What will you do without me?
-I will get to know an old friend again. Roy jokes shaking his right hand
-Jeez, why did I love you again? Jason laughs after he kicks Roy under the table
-Well, I hope this could help you regain your memory.” Roy said putting a box out of his vest once their order taking by the waiter
Again, Jason thinks surprised. But he is touched by the gesture.
“I have nothing for you. Jason admits embarrassed
-That’s not a problem. It’s a gift as much for you than for me.”
Jason looks at him suspiciously. The little grin Roy had makes him suspect the worst, but they are on a public space, with some kids around, Roy wouldn’t dare offer him something to …suggestive, right?
Cautiously, Jason opens the box and found what seem to be two diamonds earrings.
“Oh, I’m just pierced at the right ear. Jason said confused
-You have an ear pierced? Roy asks amazed
-I was fourteen years old. It was after a fight with Bruce. It was stupid. Jason feels the obligation to defend himself
-Sound like a conversation for another day. Roy said feeling his partner’s embarrassment. Anyway, that aren’t earrings, but yes, that are piercing.
-Ah … Ah! Jason exclaims touching his chest when he understand that they are for his nipples. Do you mind if I go quickly in the bathroom to wear my gift.
-Do you think you could send me a photo? I’m not sure I could wait till we get home.
They wanted to kiss rapidly but that seems like they can get enough of each other.
“I should go before we’re not PG anymore.” Jason said before leaving in a hurry
Roy sights looking dreamily at Jason while he walks away.
He thanks the waiter when he comes back with their orders, maybe not as much as he thanks the entity who brings Jason and him together. He really doesn’t understand how he gets so lucky.
His phone beeps and he sees the picture send by Jason.
Obviously, he was on the toilet. He holds his shirt so not only his chest was visibly but also his gorgeous abs. Roy is almost certain that Jason put down a little his jean too. Roy could swear he fell a little more in love because of the way the four little diamonds shine as much as the mischievous gaze he had. And not only, Jason’s grin promises an unforgettable night, but he also gently bites his lower lips exactly how Roy likes.
“Must be the first time I can’t wait to say good bye ;)” Jason wrote as commentary and Roy could only agree.
Months later, despite how terrible their mission could have ended, Roy and Jason is together asleep in their bed. Neither of them want to moves and they both cry and moan like babies when a ring wakes them up.
“Jay. Roy groans. That your phone …
-Fuck. Who is the asshole calling me this earlier?
-It is two p.m. Master Jason. Alfred answer hearing the question Jason asks
-Sorry Alfie. But with all my respect we go to bed at six a.m.
-I prefer that it’s that. We were supposed to see each other today. Did you forget?
-Fuck. I totally did. Jason admits. Let me one hour and I come.
-No need to. I just wanted be sure that you were alright.
-But I want eat your delicious pie. One hour. I’m coming.
-Very well. See you soon.
-See you soon.
-You abandon me. Roy jokes half asleep
-For Alfred’s cooking, I will leave you without a hesitation.
-I should be angry but I could sell you too for his cooking. Bring me a piece.
-If I don’t eat all.”
Jason kisses Roy’s forehead before he fell asleep again. Jason goes take a quickly shower, drinks some coffee and wears clean clothes. Then he drives his motorcycle to the coffee shop he have to meet Alfred.
“Sorry to be late. Jason said sitting
-Next time send me a message, if you can’t come.
-I’m here, right? I could came.”
Alfred say nothing to that. He doesn’t need to, just his unimpressed look at Jason tells him enough.
“Promise, next time I will text you.
-Thank you.”
They order their drinks and talk a little about everything. How life is at the Manor, about books they had read or some TV show they had watch.
Suddenly, Alfred takes Jason’s wrist looking curiously at the watch Jason wears. Simple watch with some diamonds around the dial.
“Gift from Mister Roy? Alfred asks
-Yeah. Jason smiles. I don’t how but he always finds some flashy gifts that are in my taste anyway.
-It was for a particular reason?
-No. I don’t think so.
-Did he buy it to you the same day where you help Miss Stephanie with her homework?
-I don’t remember. Yeah, I think he did. Why? Fuck! Do you
think I forget an anniversary or something like that? Jason starts to panic
-I think you should ask to Mister Roy why he buys you this gifts.”
Jason doesn’t understand this little smile Alfred have on his face. One second before he sounded like he was upset, though.
But despite what Alfred like to think, Jason knows him as much as Alfred know him. So he doesn’t try to force Alfred to tell him what’s happening in his brain exactly.
Jason wanted to listen to Alfred’s advice but life happen and he didn’t have time to talk about that with Roy.
Until one day where things go crazy.
Jason is cooking the dinner. Something simple and easy to do because he spend all the day with Selina, doing shopping and watching some telenovela, and he is tired.
Roy enters in their apartment, kisses him in the neck.
“Hi Jaybird. Roy said with a smile
-Hi yourself. Jason answers kissing him
-Hope it was you wanted. You were pretty specific this time.”
Jason frowns, don’t understand what Roy mean. He takes the large box Roy gives him. Curiously, with apprehension.
He almost choke when he sees what is inside.
“What’s the fuck, Roy? This is too much!” Jason can’t help himself and exclaims
There is a kind of Napoleon Diamond Necklace. But with more diamonds than the original who can cover easily Jason’s neck and shoulder. The worst is all the diamonds are real.
Jason can’t accept that. Even if it was a copy, it’s not Jason’s taste. But mostly it must cost a little fortune to Roy. How in hell did he thought it will be a good idea to offer him this?
“Really? I was afraid it would be not enough.
-Not … What the hell Roy? Why did you buy me this?
-Because you asking me. Roy answers perplexed
-Asking you? No!
-Well yes. I still has your text.
-My text?
-Jaybird, your dish burn.
Jason give back the box to Roy so he can save what he’s cooking. Roy frowning sit in the kitchen, put the box on the table and search Jason’s message.
When the dish were save, Jason sit down next to Roy and look at his phone too.
“I didn’t send you a text. Jason confirm
-Look by yourself.” Roy retort showing the text
“Hi, my archer. Can you buy me the most fabulous Napoleon Diamond Necklace you can find? I will make sure it is worth it *winks*”
“What the …?”
It was his number. No doubt for that.
“I didn’t send you this text. Jason say again then he remember his conversation with Alfred. Wait. Did you receive a text like that every time you buy me a jewelry? Did you received a text tell you to buy me nipple piercing?
-Well no. Roy answer started by Jason’s hysteria. That’s the first time you were explicit about what you want.
-It wasn’t me!
-Ok. So who it was?
-Show me the date and hour you received this texts.”
Quickly, they realize that Tim send Roy a text for the cufflinks, Barbara for the piercings, Stephanie for the watch and Selina for the necklace. Every time they send to Roy a message telling something like Jason was feeling sad and diamonds could help him feel better and he will make sure to show to Roy how grateful he was.
“I’m going to kill them. Jason groans while Roy laugh
-Why? This is funny.
-No it’s not! I’m sure it’s because of Oliver’s stupid remark! How much money did you waste because of them?
-It’s not wasted. If I recall correctly you make it worthy I buy you this.
-Fuck! I’m really the trophy husband here. Jason groans embarrassed. I will give you back all the jewelries, so you can be refund.
-Why? No. Except for the necklace you like them, right?
-Yeah but I don’t like that you waste your money because of a stupid joke.
-It’s not a waste.
-Give back at least the necklace. How much did it cost you?
-Nope and it’s rude to ask how much a gift cost.
-Roy, I’m serious.
-Me too. Look, can I at least see you wearing it? Before you throw it in some deep closet.”
Jason suspiciously at Roy before he realizes.
“It’s make you horny that I’m your trophy husband, isn’t it?
-I’m weak man. Roy admits with a smile. It’s just … it’s been a while since you didn’t wear the nightie you buy for Valentine Day. Could be the occasion.
-I’m starting to think that you knew it was a joke.
-I swear I’m an innocent victim here. Doesn’t mean I should take an opportunity when I saw one.
-You’re the worst. Jason smiles amused
-It’s that a no?
-It’s that a yes. But I’m still killing them.
-Don’t be such killing joke, Jaybird. Roy kisses him passionately. Fuck them.
-I was thinking you will fuck me.
-Yeah that too.”
They laugh and make sure that this joke make at their expense become their best night.
Tomorrow, Jason will find a way to avenge Roy and his self-esteem.
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flavourlessfiction · 6 years
Ice Melts When Heated ~ Chapter 3
Relationships: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Rating: Mature
Tags: Alternate Universe - Skating, figure skating, Rivals, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies is a slight overstatement tho, Banter, Time Skips, Rating May Change
Ao3: x
Three sharp raps on his hotel room door. It couldn’t be the national representative who was effectively his handler for the comp. She’d left just ten minutes ago and they’d already selected him for the gala. God knows why. It wasn’t often that someone who finished in tenth got the opportunity to skate in the gala, especially when it wasn’t in their home country.
The knocking started again, Tim pushing himself up and slowly trudging towards the door. He was fortunate to end up with his own hotel room, although could one really be fortunate when they’d choked? Or when their coach picked a minor competition over the last major event before Worlds? “What can I-” He started to say, stopping dead in his tracks when he was met face to face with Jason. No, he did not need to spar with Jason right now, he’d had a bad enough day without listening to the winner gloat. “- fuck off.”
“Hey, wait!” Jason’s foot got caught in the door frame, preventing him from shutting the door in his face. He couldn’t just slam it on the foot either, it would look like he was attempting to take out his competition. “I know you don’t want anything to do with me right now but you can’t be alone after something like that.”
“Go away, Jason.”
“Come out with me, we’ll have some drinks and you can think about anything other than that skate.”
Of course, his idea of a good time was going out and getting drunk. Forgetting about the skate and Bruce was certainly a good idea but that didn’t mean it was the right thing to do, they had practice for the gala tomorrow, as well as the actual performance and showing up with a hangover wasn’t going to make him look any better in the eyes of the skating federation. “I’m eighteen.”
“The legal drinking age in China. Tim, we don’t have to go out or drink. I just don’t want you to be left feeling how I felt just because Bruce can’t see what his skaters need.” There was the first dig at Bruce, it was to be expected and if he wasn’t pissed off with Bruce he might have defended him. Bruce had allowed all of this to happen, however, and he wasn’t going to pretend like he could just move past it. Not tonight at least.
Lowering his eyes Tim opened the door wider, flinching as Jason gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. If it was anyone he liked it would have felt comforting but with the other it just felt so wrong. “You were injured, you didn’t just fall apart.”
“That’s true, but I shouldn’t have been allowed to skate. Just as you shouldn’t have been sent here without anyone. I’m not going to talk about that, get changed and we’ll go do something. You need a distraction.” That was probably fair, he’d already watched the skate twice in the time he’d been alone, not bothering to watch the scores or his reaction in the kiss and cry. He hadn’t exactly stopped feeling that way and it wasn’t about to change rewatching it for a third time. “Tim please, if they think you’re going to spiral they’ll force you to give up your spot at worlds. The best thing to do right now is at least look like you’re socialising and not panicking.”
“Okay,” He said, kneeling down in front of his suitcase. There definitely wasn’t going to be anything inside for going out to bars and clubs, aside from the suit he’d brought with him the nicest things he had were jeans and plain t shirts. They could work but it still didn’t leave him with many options. “Did it look as bad as it felt?”
“You hitting the boards multiple times or the breakdown,” it didn’t seem like Jason needed a response, the soft sigh that followed told him enough. “You just looked like you were in a lot of pain and this was the last straw. People might think you’re actually human now at least.” Quiet and awkward never translated to being robotic in Tim’s mind, but it was a joke that came out of multiple people’s mouths despite knowing him, despite the fact that he looked like anything but a robot on the ice.
It wasn’t important, his public image would never be the person he was even if he tried to remould it now. Everyone would still see him as a kid. “I’m surprised Talia isn’t up your ass for even trying to go out when you’re basically the main event tomorrow.” Thrown away, meaningless chatter, he just didn’t want it to be constant jabs at him or it to be talk about skating.
He didn’t need Jason to laugh about it though, and whilst his laughter was charming it wasn’t a welcome sound to his ears. “I disagree, I saw the music you’re using on the running sheet for practice tomorrow, are we seeing a return of girl Tim?”
“Uh, no. I’m doing a different version of the song.” There was a shirt that didn’t look like something he’d sleep in, keeping his back to Jason he shed his jacket and training shirt, hurriedly pulling the black ¾ sleeve shirt over his head. “And I know people will probably claim I’m going too many different exhibition skates in one season, but Dick did a new one every comp the year he won Olympic gold, so what does it matter?”
He wasn’t defensive, sure he knew plenty of people would say that if he had trained for the comp better; he wouldn’t have lost the way he did. Except it had nothing to do with that this time, it wasn’t new choreography, it was just a different version of the same song. “I think people will just be happy to see you skate, some people thought you really hurt yourself, in all honesty, you’ve got people in your corner.”
“I’m talking to you so that’s not accurate. Before you ask, Dick isn’t here because he couldn’t get a visa in time, which translation means he wasn’t given enough warning because everything’s so fucking disorganised lately.”
“Could he have gone to-”
“Yes.” He looked over his shoulder to see a tight-lipped Jason nodding, eyes averted picking up that Tim was just going to change in the middle of the room. Well at least he wasn’t going to have to awkwardly shuffle into the bathroom despite the fact that it was his hotel room. “I guess it’s appropriate that I hang around you, you’re kind of the master at being pissed off with Bruce Wayne.” It takes less than a minute and he’s sliding on a pair of shoes, looking like he was prepared to go out this whole time.
“Well if he tells you how mad he is about what happened, just tell him to eat a bag of dicks, this was his fault not yours.” He didn’t have to be friends or friendly with Jason, but he was right, he needed to be around someone, both for perceptions sake but so that he didn’t drive himself crazy. If that meant going to an obnoxious bar with music so loud that he couldn’t think, well then that was a positive thing. They didn’t need anything to say to each other, exiting the hotel, Jason looking at his phone briefly before setting off in the direction of wherever he planned on going, Shanghai had a nightlife scene of sorts, he was aware of that but he doubted there were clubs that were like American ones.  “Would you rather go to a club or a bar?” He’d rather go to neither but he’d agreed to come out and he wasn’t about to be a sulking mess the entire night, he already knew he didn’t look great, just by how his eyes felt from all the crying.
“I don’t mind, I can’t speak mandarin very well though, so unless you’re skilled in it we might want to go to a must see place for American tourists.”
“I thought you spoke fine in Hong Kong… Wait that’s Cantonese, okay I can understand. Don’t worry I’ve already got a place in mind but it’s more of a club.” He didn’t feel game enough to ask just what kind of a club and in truth he wouldn’t know where or what it was.
Just follow and look around at the sights nearby. Well it wasn’t quite following as Jason had fallen into step with him. He was still certainly the one guiding although even Jason was glancing at his phone every so often, obviously using a maps app to direct him. At least they weren’t going to get completely and utterly lost. Finding their way back might be a challenge depending on how drunk Jason got. He knew the hotel name so he could get directions back there if the other was completely useless. “Arkham?” Jason only laughed, how he found a place that held the same name as the prison in their home city was amusing but he was sure the choice in venue was based upon the proximity to the hotel. They’d walked for no more than ten minutes to get there.
Thankfully they didn’t have to wait long to get in and even less to get a drink. He didn’t question what it was, it looked well enough like a bottle of beer and he wasn’t all that focused on enjoying it. It was loud enough in here with EDM that if he stayed sober he’d end up with a worse headache than what a hangover could possibly give him. “Drink and have fun.” A hand sat at his side, Tim recognising the touch as less for the purpose of being comforting but to prevent him from stepping away due to the breath against his ear as Jason spoke to him, it being the only way they wouldn’t be completely drowned out by the music.
It wasn’t music he’d ever skate to, he’d once joked about skating to a Portuguese pop song but one look from Bruce told him that wouldn’t happen in a million years. In truth he knew Bruce was irritated enough by his exhibition programs but didn’t deny him them because they were just supposed to be for entertainment’s sake. Pop music had been a quick line in the sand however, although it could be because Dick had a few too many obnoxious pop skates of his own and Bruce wasn’t willing to indulge any of his skaters after Dick.
The first drink was finished quickly, and whilst it took ten minutes or so to hit, he could definitely feel it. That wasn’t to say he was already a stumbling drunk, merely that there was a warmth synonymous with mild intoxication that was undeniable. That hand was still touching him, although he’d made no effort to squirm out of the touch either. He was a foreigner here and whilst he wasn’t thrilled to be here with Jason he didn’t want to end up alone and stuck. “I’d love to know the truth to a rumour about you.” Tim shifted slightly as he placed the bottle on the table in front of him, motioning for Jason to continue. “I always thought you were gay but someone said you and Tamara Fox hooked up on the road at Stars back in July, which one is true?”
Now that was a complicated question. There were always rumours but that was one he hadn’t thought would get out. Either of them. “Sexuality is complicated, yes we did.”
“Would you date her?”
“No, I’m not interested in dating women.”
“So… you hooked up with her to see what it was like and to know if you are gay?”
“It’s complicated.” It felt like a pitiful excuse but he wasn’t going to explain it now, everyone always just assumed it was an experimental excuse that he was covering up his sexuality when in truth Tim wasn’t attracted to women for the purposes of relationships. “I’m getting another drink.”
His feet hurt, someone had definitely stepped on them or dropped something on them multiple times when he was on the dance floor. At least Jason hadn’t entirely left his side to allow him to do something stupid, but he’d given him some amount of space. Although he had grabbed him around three in the morning, he’d had what, five drinks in the few hours that they’d been there?
He wouldn’t say he was plastered by any means but he was a lot closer to that than being sober. It was probably why it took so long to get back to the hotel.
No! They were slower because his feet hurt! He couldn’t wait to lay down, Jason had an arm around him again, keeping him from stumbling and getting hurt. He was definitely doing a much better job at not looking like a complete and utter mess. Maybe he hadn’t drunk quite as much as he had. Although Tim could have sworn that Jason was at least one drink ahead of him. It wasn’t fair!
Although what had been fair about the past week or so? No, he didn’t want to think about it, if he did he’d just get mad or sad and he’d certainly cried enough in the kiss and cry earlier. “Why are you helping me?” He grumbled as he was ushered into an elevator, it was lucky there weren’t any officials hanging around in the lobby, there needed to be as little evidence about their inebriation as possible and that would be given up all too quickly if they were forced to talk to anyone important.
Jason seemed to ignore him at first, opening his mouth to ask again before he was smothered with and embrace, being backed into the corner of the tight space, the chatter of the people that had joined them explained a lot. There was nothing more uncomfortable than getting called out right now. “I understand.” It was soft, even for someone that should be drunk, Jason never exactly came across as the guy with good volume control but perhaps it was more based upon the fact that he tended to not care.
Ordinarily he would have shoved Jason away, told him not to touch him but it was comfortable, he might have been stuck in a corner but for someone he’d been rather scared of following what happened at the Grand Prix Final a few years back, Jason was the safest person in Shanghai. A thought that he’d probably be sickened by in the morning. The elevator door opened and their company left, Jason letting out a small hiss. “Fuck, your hands are cold.” His hands? Tim hadn’t been aware that he’d reciprocated the hug, a fact made more startling as he realised his hands were under Jason’s shirt, seeking out the warmth of skin on skin.
He wouldn’t have thought it to be a pleasant feeling, although Tim didn’t think too hard about these kinds of touches, they just weren’t important compared to how a doctor might touch a sore spot of the feeling of skin rubbing off in a new pair of skates. “Yeah… ‘m sorry.” The words weren’t quite slurred but they didn’t come out easily either. He didn’t bother taking his hands away though. Tim finding himself resting his head against Jason’s chest, it was only a few more storeys up but to be able to rest for even just a few seconds just felt right. He was by no means about to pass out and embarrass himself.
He was released the second the elevator stopped moving, Jason giving him a moment to straighten himself before stepping back. Tim didn’t think he swayed at all but the pitied look Jason gave him told him otherwise. He definitely needed some assistance, stumbling over the slight lip in the carpeting from the open elevator door. Irresponsible design plan rather than his own struggles in walking, but there was an arm around him once more, guiding him towards his hotel room door.
Their night was certainly coming to a decided end, not by his own choice but given they had to be awake for the practice in just a few hours’ time, awake and sober, he could accept his fate and sleep likely would come quickly. “Do you have your key on you?” Tim felt around his pockets, pulling out his wallet and handing it over to the other, it wasn’t like he couldn’t have gotten the card out but he could also acknowledge the fact that if he did there was a decent chance that if he did the rest of his cards would spill out.
They were inside quickly, Jason standing awkwardly at the door whilst Tim made his way over to the bed. Laying on his back as he tried to kick his shoes off. “Jay… Don’t leave.” It was almost breathless as though kicking the shoes off was a real struggle for him, as though he wasn’t a professional athlete.
“I need to go to sleep and you don’t seem like you’re great at sharing a bed.” That got him to sit up, his lips pressed in a thin line. He could stand up and drag Jason over but then again, he would likely fall over within two steps. He wasn’t going to be able to conquer getting changed into more suitable clothing either.
“You won’t know until you try.” Defiant, almost childish as though he was trying to prove a point. “Sends a fuck you message to others… to Bruce.”
“I also don’t feel like having hungover Tim killing me for drunk Tim’s poor decision making.” He wobbled as he rose, Jason taking two long strides to grab a hold of him, set him back down on the bed.
Jason mustn’t have expected what came next, Tim’s hand gripping at Jason’s wrist and pulling him down onto the bed, he didn’t make a noise but an outsider would be able to see that he was startled by the movement. “I’m not some mindless drone who can’t stick up for himself and doesn’t know what he’s doing.” He whispered, hovering over Jason. He couldn’t read his expression, in all honesty he didn’t want to.
It wasn’t about Jason, it was about him. About what he wanted, to do or otherwise. Their lips didn’t crash together, at first it was all Tim, kissing him forcefully and desperately, it not being returned until a begging, ‘please,’ slipped past his lips. What did he want? The back of his mind told him this was more than enough, a thought that was quickly shoved to the side by the greedy voice that wanted to take as much as he could.
Kiss, touch, breathe each other’s air. It was something he needed, a touch that was unfamiliar but felt so safe, unlike others there wasn’t this residual fear that he’d intentionally hurt him. In the past or the future perhaps there would be but not tonight.
Was this the actual reason why Jason wouldn’t let go of him for most the night? Not because he’d wanted to avoid one or both of them getting lost but out of interest in him? It didn’t matter. It was happening unless one of them stopped it and Tim had no interest in letting it stop. Jason might have tasted like whatever crappy beers they’d been drinking, mixed in with a sweetness that Tim had no idea where it came from. Truthfully Jason could have started drinking cocktails at some point and he wouldn’t have noticed, he’d stopped paying proper attention to him the moment he moved over to the dance floor.
Kisses moved from Jason’s lips to along his jawline and neck, pushing up his shirt at the same time. It didn’t last long. A frustrated groan escaped him as a firm hand to his chest pushed him away. He got it, keep it light, only for Jason to jerk his head away when he tried to kiss him again. “Tim, no.” He let his hand rest on the bed, not understanding why he was turning him down, perhaps his previous review of the night had been completely wrong.
“I’m not a kid.”
“I know how you’re feeling, you’re pissed off with Bruce and you think this will get back at him. I’m the gold medallist at being pissed off with Bruce but I’m not going to let you do this.”
“It’s not just about Bruce.” He wanted nothing more than to show Jason exactly what he meant but he wasn’t about to endure the humiliation of being rejected again. God, he shouldn’t have tried anything. Jason was right hungover Tim was going to be mad about drunk Tim’s decision making. “I’m going to go…”
He could hear Jason suck in a breath between his teeth as he stood, Tim glancing down expectantly for whatever opinion he had. “It’s your room.”
Oh, right. Better sit back down then.
“I’ll leave, get some rest and we’ll talk tomorrow, okay?” That probably wasn’t true, Tim already wanted to start avoiding Jason, well just earlier tonight he wanted to avoid everyone but had let Jason in after a few convincing words. “Tim?” He really didn’t want to respond.
He should though. “Yeah, I’ll sleep.”
“That’s not what I’m- okay, just make sure you set an alarm.” There was a wave and then he was gone. Alone again, it wasn’t as bad as earlier though, he was thoroughly exhausted now but he still had the sense to check that his alarms were set. Other things were not taken care of however, leaving the lights on and still dressed he allowed himself to crash.
Drinking had been a mistake, not because of the headache. That hadn’t been half as bad as he’d expected it to be. No the mistake came from the fact that he remembered every detail from the night before, it was humiliating at best and now he had to not recoil under Jason’s gaze, he couldn’t shy away without people realising Tim had tried to get with him only to be rejected because it had been interpreted as revenge.
It hadn’t been. He knew that much. He’d wanted comfort and his intoxicated mind told him that Jason was the person capable of giving him said comfort. That sex was the best form of comfort. At least he hadn’t forced conversation on him, but that was because the practice had been busy, there was still time to be backed into a corner, whilst they waited to skate or at the banquet later tonight. He should have just changed his flight and gone home a night early.
That wasn’t going to be any easier though.
Going back home meant showing up to the rink and that wasn’t something he wanted to face for quite some time. If ever.
At least the jumps didn’t feel as off today. He didn’t exactly have anything to prove to anyone and if he popped them well at least he landed them. That wasn’t entirely true, he now had to prove he didn’t have some sort of injury and that the mistake riddled free program was nothing more than a fluke. That they hadn’t put too many eggs in the basket of a younger skater when they could have taken up someone who had been solid for years even if those solid scores didn’t always guarantee a podium finish.
“Tim are you running through the skate or are you just winging it?” Laughter came from the several skaters that were on the ice, it wasn’t comment he would wing it but the last time he’d used the song he had claimed to be doing so. A thumb up was all that was needed for them to put CD in, the piano was in a different key compared to last time, the piano rather than the odd synth mix coming through that anyone that was a fan in the stands watching the practice would likely be recording it to put it online. There were no secrets when it came to music and that was why the first time they’d gotten away with it had been such a coup.
In truth it probably looked like he was winging it right now, marking certain patterns, making sure he didn’t risk having any clashes. He might have right of way but focus still lapsed and there were more people on the ice than normal. The only things he did full out were the spins and the axel with the falling leaf  flourish he’d put in there, purely to see if he could hit it. It didn’t feel quite right but he wasn’t going to let it weigh on him.
This was a Gala, it didn’t mean anything. It might be an emotional song but he was still entitled to have fun with it. He just couldn’t screw it up.
Iris Allen West    @WestFigures                                                1 minute ago
And I thought his original version of this skate made me feel things.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯            @PranceOn                                                            1 minute ago
Wally West        @WestSpeeds                                                       2 minutes ago
I was promised trash club beats! @Tricky-Dicky you lied to me!
Dick Grayson    @Tricky-Dicky                                                       30 seconds ago
Lies and slander!
Mel -> Shanghai @MelMonster                                                       2 minutes ago
JFC can he just do this skate forever. So many phone flashlights on.
Joker                     @MistahJSays.                                                      2 minutes ago
No one could possibly be entertained or enthused about watching Tim Drake skate.
Dick Grayson    @Tricky-Dicky                                                   3 minutes ago
God I wish I could be there to watch that live. Come home so I can force you to skate it 50 times over #TimTrash
Tim Drake Trash                @TinyTimTeam333                         3 minutes ago
Skater Zoned                      @SkaterZoned                                    2 minutes ago
Your beautiful choreography always helps!
Tim’s Coffee      @JennyWeeps                                                  4 minutes ago
How many times are you going to make me cry this week Timothy?!??!
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