#thank you! I don’t get many
eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 9 months
Wait okay why were Snaptrappers never added. Tell me I crave knowledge
Are Snaptrappers this mystical, well-beloved dragon? Everyone’s asking!
Well, some of it may be speculation but the link I’ve referred the past two people to is this. The original post is by @i-hate-spitelout-jorgenson, and I just added on during this blog’s shadowban (so via my main). So, please, credit the OP as well for this info-dump. I’ve been referring everyone back to an iteration of their post, after all.
I may as well abbreviate what I’d said and what they’d said:
What they’d said:
At least some point, each dragon from TBoD was featured in the shows with the exception of the Timberjack and Snaptrapper. However, the former was seen in the background of HTTYD2 as well as mentioned when Hiccup speculates they’ll find at Itchy Armpit.
The Typhoomerang, a recurring dragon in the shows, seems very similar to the Timberjack. They also speculated that it was probably a rehash of the same concept, but points out it doesn’t happen to the Snaptrapper.
The Snaptrapper doesn’t appear canon which is “fair” due to its chocolate-vapour breath (ETA: honestly, it would rake in so much money in today’s vape-pen ridden society), though honestly they could have just… changed that?
It’s absence is most likely because the design was lacking, or the budget couldn’t afford four heads, or the creators just didn’t like it.
What I’d said:
The smokey eye is very cool. (And here’s me adding on, presently — One of the heads even has a different eyeshadow-shade. I think it’s actually inspired by Termagent’s dragon from the book, where two heads are male and the other female.)
However, I think the facial design was too similar to a Monstrous Nightmare.
The Typhoomerang looks like a Timberjack at home.
I speculated that there was perhaps meant to be a third of Berk, because on all four of the DVDs of ROB and DOB there are four Dragon Trackers in the bonus features (you can view them on YouTube — but be warned because that is not Hiccup talking and it is unnerving), which always went over the new dragons we met and also had a preview of the next central species with the line of “This dragon is still unknown and needs to be discovered”, or similar. With the Screaming Death (the only show-exclusive dragon in the OB duology to have a before-introduction preview) they’d used a Timberjack, which is the only incidence where that has happened, but at the end of DOB they’d previewed a Snaptrapper.
They could have just had them in the background of Valka’s sanctuary, but nooo.
Spitelout’s Singetail trap in RTTE was actually named the Snaptrapper, most likely as a reference.
Conclusion / the most likely answer:
The “chocolate breath” felt too inaccurate to include, and they didn’t know how to change it.
The facial features looked too similar to a Monstrous Nightmare for the creator’s liking (though, that didn’t exactly stop them with the Gronckle and the Hotburple 😒)
The animation on the four heads was probably too difficult.
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Dp x Dc crossover promt
What if GIW was created by Justice League
to answer the never ending calls for help?
I mean, it would be more believable then JL just ignoring it, right? (Black out, blocked off and isolated Amity park - no complaints, you’re doing great sweetie)
Maybe they’re different than what is seen in the show, but what if? They’d definitely hide their actual goals, and try to set the narrative, benefiting them. Maybe while they were formed, the government somehow affected the recruitment and its legal purpose (idk how to word it any other way, bear with me here), so GIW doesn’t turn out how JL expected?
Like, the main thing is the League knows about the problem and thinks it’s being handled, completely blinded by the GIW doing everything to JL from paying more than a glance towards Amity park. Possibly even gently swayed by the GIW , who’re being careful to give just enough info to make JL to draw their own conclusions, but not too much to alert the League of their less then moral goals and methods
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borealwrites · 1 month
I see your (general) “Kakashi expects children to be half as smart as he was at that age” AU and raise you a “Kakashi thinks children are way dumber than they actually are” AU. His only in-person experiences with pre genin are himself, a year at the academy, and Naruto.
So he’s convinced that Iruka is some kind of god for wrangling 17 half-feral children (and Naruto) into real human beings who can read and write and use chopsticks and deadly weapons. Yes, clan children probably learn a bit before, but still.
Kakashi: can’t believe you taught them almost everything they know
Iruka: I didn’t??
Kakashi: I watched you turn 18 hellions into mostly functional members of society
Iruka: most of my kids were well behaved
Kakashi: they absolutely were not, I once saw baby Shino bite Chouji and Hinata took out Gai’s kneecaps because he stood still long enough for her to catch him
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rennyrose · 5 months
my dude, I've been following you just a little past when you introduced Bruce to us (Still SO chuffed that you decided to call him Bruce!!) and I wanna say. It's been incredible watching your art evolve over the years. It's also awesome seeing you handle characters (your own OCs or otherwise!) and bring them to life. Every time I see you on the dash I'm hit with some super deep-chest, warm-drink-feeling nostalgia, like "ough, look at renny's art and all the expression that's been fit into there!!" that makes me pause for a minute. It's always really nice to see, and I figured I'd tell you instead of sitting on it for an eternity, ha.
Been sitting on this non’ for a short minute trying to come up with something to describe how this makes me feel but unfortunately I don’t really have the words aside from ‘thank you’
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
D3, coconut mall, Yue
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beloved moon girl 💙
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ebonytails · 3 months
Hey everyone! this is where the zebra is currently with the design.
It has knee braces!! I will most probably be drawing the zebra usually with them on, but it’s no requirement, for example if anyone else wants to draw the zebra :-]. I always like to make sure an animal design has official colors underneath any clothing and accessory anyway. I think this will be final! thank you everyone for your feedback!
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As a reminder, aside from why the zebra was requested for this flag, this is also just a zebra with the disability pride flag on it. It’s just a deisgn to fit the flag, with input from other disabled people in our community. It doesn’t mean other animals can’t have designs with these colors, too! I don’t mean this design to be the only mascot for all disabled people. It’s just a silly series i do of pride animals, and at the time, during disability pride month, I wanted to see what everyone wanted me to start off with for this flag!
the goal with my pride animals is to take requests and make people feel happy and seen.. that’s all <:-)
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elizakai · 4 months
Is it just me, or are the aggressive Hazbin Hotel haters just Vox scrambling for Alastor’s attention and coping when nothing happens
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Critics and Haters are different! You don’t have to like the show but making post after post hating on it, threatening the creators, or insulting people to convince them why they can’t like the show is
1- obsessive
2- honestly cringe
LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE MY FRIENDS and if you don’t like it, that’s fine, just CHILL!🩷
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giddlygoat · 7 months
Do you do drawing requests? If so. Liquiroot? If not, I hope you have a lovely day and get cake, I hope you get cake even if it is yes lol
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i don’t like most of these so i just kept drawing in order to get them Right but i don’t think i ever did LAWL
however anon thank you SO much for requesting this bc it gave me an excuse to draw them more <3 i love reggie and bud but i haven’t quiiiite figured out their dynamic yet so drawing them together is a bit tough. i’d love to sit and listen to a liquiroot enjoyer talk about them though like i’m intrigued. me when there’s a plant guy and a dude made of water 🫶💕🌅
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canisvesperus · 6 days
I’ve seen some discussion on this, so allow me to explain something.
Some people do not seem to grasp why artists like me draw so much fashionable Eridan. He’s not fashionable at all, just look at his canon outfit, they say. Well, it is simple. Eridan is one of the few trolls actually experimenting with fashion at a young age in the comic. Look me in the eye and tell me you too weren’t a hot mess trying to dress “fashionable” in middle school. Yet, chances are that if you had that awareness and drive early on, you will also develop a sense of style and grasp on aesthetics earlier in life compared to your peers. This was my experience. I was well known for being very stylish as a kid, but this didn’t happen overnight. Indeed, if you were one of these kids you most definitely started off with some odd or disharmonious clothing combinations that you threw together in an attempt to express yourself aesthetically despite inexperience in that type of self-expression. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I usually draw young adult Eridan. Obviously given some time, his tastes would develop and mature into something derived from those original aesthetic visions, but far more cohesive.
It’s clear he’s trying to assert his individualism and status in his clothing choices, and most of y’all shrug him off as having bad taste while not also foreseeing the intent and vision behind those choices. I see it, and so do other artists. We differ in how we portray this derivation because there are frankly a dozen different directions he could take it depending on the circumstances of the post-canon/fix it scenario. This is why you may see me refer to the Eridan in my depictions as “my Eridan”. I don’t presume to depict something identical to Homestuck proper, nor am I particularly interested in doing so. If you’re the type of person who is married to the events of canon and cannot consider a scenario involving an older Eridan who was allowed to grow and change, this is why we are not seeing eye to eye— and I’m certain this is the root cause of various other discourses as they pertain to portraying the character in post-canon fanworks. That’s fine. That’s your choice. My choice is different.
Eridan consistently demonstrates concern (an excess, really, which backfired for him in the cruelest of ways poor thing) with respect to how he is perceived, hence the consciously thought out image-crafting and classic Eridan façades that his own peers call him out on for being poorly executed, transparent, and otherwise not believable. They were kids. This is normal. Of course he doesn’t have himself figured out yet. It’s a process. Some people in this fandom believe his façade in the most literal and uncritical of ways but this is all a story for another day. Is his drip game shit though, without regards for fan interpretations? If you’re asking me, I don’t think it’s really that bad considering his age. I really don’t think it’s that bad. That kind of scarf with the cape is a bit much to wear around the neck. Maybe he’ll swap the big scarf for something similar in function and category but less top heavy— a cravat, jabot, bandana, or lavallière? If the cape is too overwhelming for the rest of the outfit, a smaller caplet, shawl, or a coat will work. To accommodate some of the alternative neckwear, a shirt with a collar would be preferable. What many people perceive as a turtleneck sweater, need not be entirely sacrificed. Put a sweater vest on that boy. I see lots of complaints about the shoes and pants. More discreet pinstripes and more formal shoes (field boots, paddock boots, oxfords) will work. Of course he can go in the opposite direction, less formal, in that case the cape can go and the long scarf can stay, get some cool sneakers, consider denim bottoms or casual slacks in a single color, accents welcome. However this isn’t the derivation I pursue so I feel less qualified to speculate. He could ditch all of it even. Start new and fresh especially if he were to go through a markedly subversive reclamation of identity and character redemption sort of process. In any case, he can work with it!!! You just have to believe in him.
I believe Eridan had a lot of narrative potential that was wasted, possibly out of disinterest for the character. It’s only predictable that artists like me simply want to devise a world in which these characters had a chance to actually live their lives. I truly do not understand why there has to be so much confusion over this. That‘s all.
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ssreeder · 1 month
I'm so looking forward to iroh and zuko properly talking and seeing irohs reaction to zuko being gay.
Like we all know he doesn't agree with the fire nation rn but how will he react?
Will he not support him cause sokkas a guy? Will he not support him because it's SOKKA? Will he accept him? Will he reveal he's known for years zuko was gay?
Especially with everything that happened with zhao, regarding to what jee said to bato on their date. (Which is a very understandable perspective, zuko just got out of this very sexually traumatising situation and almost immediately starts a relationship (his first relationship) with sokka, but then again it is a very unique situation)
One thing I love about some atla fics is how they portray the FNs thoughts on queerness, cause on one hand they were one of the only country's (I think) that treated men and women the same but then again it's also the fucking fire nation.
And I also think zukos whole canon arc can be very comparative to queerness,
His dads an asshole and after speaking out against him he throws him out, and zuko try's for 3 years to regain his father's love and acceptance, and then faced with the opportunity of regaining it takes it immediately regardless of who or what he may hurt (iroh, his own morals etc) but once he makes it back home realises how fucked up everything is and eventually confronts his dad and openly tells him he doesn't agree with him then runs aways.
I also wonder if iroh secretly knows jee is queer it doesn't seem that likely to me but it also is iroh so who knows.
I do think Iroh’s reaction will be a big moment for not only the story but for Zuko’s character development. Right now, Zuko’s technically still a prisoner, holding himself there by assuming Iroh will not understand or judge him when in reality he’ll never know what his uncle is thinking until they TALK ABOUT IT. (Which the FN royal family is just sooo good at healthy communication I don’t understand why this is so hard for them lol?!)
I do agree that the suddenness of the relationship combined with the intensity from both zuko and Sokka is very alarming for people looking at it from the outside (I mean we all totally get it cause we were there but others are like uhhhh hmmmm ok this might be concerning) so I get them gossiping and wondering if this is truly real or what the fucks going on with those boys.
I love Zukos canon arc because there’s just so much about zukos story that can be relatable no matter who you are and I think that’s why he is a fan favorite (it doesn’t explain why we torture him the way we do but ehhhh it’s fine haha)
Hmmmmmm does iroh know Jees gay? Depends on how saucy those music nights got ;)
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embraceyourdestiny · 9 months
I feel like Dimension 20 / Dropout collabing with Drag Queens is the kind of emotional support boost queer nerds have needed recently it seems like so much joy and love and crossover has happened because of this connection between queer artists and the love of art and creation and roleplay and it’s so lovely to see it makes me so happy and feel so good and I know many other people have felt boosted up by this experience themselves, it’s great
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kuroosdarling · 9 months
hello friendz !! i am packing my bags and moving to @tetzoro !!! please come join me if ya want ^_^
back to navi.
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wormontwostrings · 11 months
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thank you !
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
stop posting random anons and conversations with people idc about that shit post content
ok :(
ta daaaa
(….also pls read the tags anon, they’re for you)
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mars-ipan · 4 months
danganronpa is so fucking crazy bc it’s like “hi. this is a game series with a fucking amazing premise. unfortunately the writing sucks and is bad and you will spend half the time going ‘eugh why did they write that’ but you will play the whole thing anyways and get attached to your favorite characters and cry when they inevitably die. also it is filled with romance subplots that will stay in your brain forever” HUH??????
#marzi speaks#like. dr sucks but i like it.#but it sucks#but then like. there’s just??? so much in-depth romance and it makes me want to cry???#like. like. thh. asahina + sakura (so sorry lesbians i do not know their ship name). they are so cute and then they are so tragic#and ishimondo. GODDDDD ishimondo. you get to go ‘oh HELL yeah’ for a chapter and then they make you HURT#even like. makoto w/sayaka. start of the betrayal girlfriend trend. love it#and even toko and togami are interesting!!! like they will not date and should not date but they are fascinating#and then sdr2. do not get me STARTED on komahina what sort of psychosexual freudian bullshit are they on i will never know#but there’s also like. hinanami who r SO good. and mahiru and hiyoko who. tbh i wish they were handled better but still#fuyupeko. they make me crazy. and their parallels to akane and nekomaru. aaaa#SONDAM oh my goddd. they’re so#i may not be a v3 fan but they DID give us a lesbian love triangle and i do have to thank them for that#also the best polycule in the world in the form of the workout trio#kokichi i don’t like. but i DO like his little crush on shuichi even if i think it’s one-sided#kiibouruma will forever be real to me tho. world’s worst polycule. for balance#anyways why does dr have so many good romance plots. they’re so. why are those so good#AND WHY ARE LIKE HALF OF THEM QUEER. WHY DOES THE HOMOPHOBIA GAME HAVE SO MUCH QUEER CODING#idk i’m insane. <3 i’m a little crazy. komahina what the hell even are you….
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eun-luv · 4 months
okay can I vent check hashtags
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