#thank you croc for helping me w this
thechekhov · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Quick Reacts: CH37
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Ma'am, that down there is a crocodile. That's just a croc.
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It's like watching someone poke a wasp's nest for fun.
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You know, when in contrast with Kabru, Laios' utter inability to correctly judge people and their reactions is ten times funnier.
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Kabru is really here tilting his head to the side like a dog trying to figure out a puzzle, but what he's actually attempting to comprehend is whether Laios is playing 4d chess or whether he's really that stupid.
And boy. The answer may not surprise you at all.
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Gotta love how ride or die Chillchuck is. He complains the most, but as soon as he's on the fire he's like 'well, I guess I'm sticking with these idiots until the very end'. Marcille does one (1) illegal magic and he's already planning alibis in this head. Gotta love him.
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Really not helping with the suspicious allegations, guys.
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Yeah, the cleaners (not you) erased the magic circle (finally) after a long time (almost 24 hours). Thanks in no part to your efforts to extricate yourself from these allegations.
Marcille, it's like you don't WANT to be an evil end-game villain! Come on, I'm rooting for you!
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Oh great, now you gotta revive another one.
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.......w...wait a minute.
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uh ohhh she's not so 'eepy anymore.
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Hm. Reasonable. Reasonable responses. I'm--SENSHSI IS THAT MORE ONIGIRI
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......can't argue with that. Can't argue at all.That's. One hell of a form .
Guess the dragon can fly now.
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Laios, let her have her sparkledog dragon fursona, jeez. Even Senshi knows better than to be judgemental of someone's first furry oc.
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(⊙_⊙;) whoop.
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ಥ_ಥ She's so cute. I'm so conflicted.
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Marcille, girlie, I hate to break it to you, but I think the issue is beyond a bit of confusion. She just crushed a woman like a watermelon against the ground. She's having a bit of murderous fun. It's fine to be into that, we're all gay here, but have some sense, girl. You need a safeword for that.
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Yeah, no, Chillchuck has the right idea here.
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To that point. Did anyone try to talk to her before attacking? Who struck first? In this instance, we don't know. COULD she be talked down at all?
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............why is this giving me pre-trainer world pokemon vibes. Why.
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I'm sure you would...
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Oof. Right in the brother instinct.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey! i just broke up w my bf of almost two years today and have been really sad.
I wanted to thank you for your works bc there helping me get through this. your hotch x reader works are keeping me sane
idk if your interested but maybe a request of reader breaking up with their partner and is very sad was bc they were so busy w the bau and life so they think its best and hotch is there for her and comforts them. he has feelings for them but doesnt want to make a move bc yk newly single. but he does little things to make her feel better bc he likes to see her smile :)
this is completely self service so you dont have to write but i love you works i think ur my fav writer on here :) i hope all is well love 💜
hi lovey! first off, i'm so sorry that you're going through a breakup. I hope that this can help even just a little bit, please take care of yourself and eat something yummy <333
Today holds new experiences for both you and Aaron. For example, you've never seen him in sweatpants before, and he's never seen you with 4 hours worth of tear-induced eye bags.
As luck would have it, when you turn into the tissue aisle, the metal bars of another cart smash into your own. They weren't going fast, but you were, hellbent on getting what you need and getting out again, so the screeching of metal on metal only makes your headache worse.
"Sorry," You rush, keeping your eyes averted as you yank your cart away from the other. You keep conversation short, but the voice that comes from the person you'd just rammed into makes you stiffen instinctually.
It's Hotch.
It's your boss, the man who you try extra hard to be nothing but professional around. The man who's seen you only in perfectly dry cleaned pantsuits and neat hair is seeing you in pajama pants and crocs with a nose so swollen it looks like you've been stung by a bee.
"Hotch," You cringe, nodding politely as you try maneuvering your cart around his, "Sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry."
"I can see that," He grabs onto the bars of your cart to stop you from pushing it anywhere, and you chance a cautious look up at his face; his brow is knit in concern, and his eyes are shining with the same look. But your glance upwards reveals that his son is with him, a boy no more than four years old sitting in the cart and looking at you with a tiny hint of terror on his little face, something that probably stems from your no-makeup zombie look. He's mid-chew on a tiny handful of popcorn that he'd probably begged his dad for at the front.
"What happened?" Aaron asks, pulling your attention back to him, and you're slightly relieved he doesn't go for 'Are you alright?'. Clearly, you're not.
"Uh," You sniffle, chuckling dryly, "Bad breakup. Just- getting some tissues, that's all."
"Oh." He hums, hand loosening on your cart, "I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Um," You glance around the store, knowing not many people are there, but it would still be weird to open up a therapy session in the TP aisle, "No, it's okay. Thank you, though. Really, I appreciate it."
"Okay," Aaron nods, though none of the concern has left his expression, "But if you'd like to some other time, please remember I'm here if you need me. Even if it's late, if you need help I'll give it to you."
His sincerity brings a fresh wave of tears to your eyes that he smiles sadly at, and you smear a hand over your eyes to get rid of them, "Thanks, Hotch."
"Mhm," He hums, looking ready to let you go until his son hooks a chubby fist into his shirt.
"Hm?" Aaron looks down, and leans his head next to Jack's when the little boy tugs him closer.
They huddle for a moment, Jack whispering into Aaron's ear, and the man's hand tightens around your cart once more. Just when you thought you'd escaped.
"I think you should." Aaron nods, straightening up, glancing over, and nodding his head towards you, "Go ahead, buddy."
Jack looks up at you with that same hint of apprehension you'd seen earlier, but he digs a fist into his popcorn bucket and extends the hand to you. You actually feel your heart melting, the organ liquifying and dripping through your ribcage to pool like goo in your stomach.
"Uh- maybe," Aaron reaches for the bucket, intent on giving you a handful that hasn't touched sticky toddler hands, but you take Jack's offering without hesitation.
"Thank you, honey," You croon, and he drops the kernels into your open palm, "That does help, popcorn makes me much less sad."
"Daddy makes it for movie night." Jack's voice is soft and sweet, and you smile, sniffling weakly once more.
"Really? That sounds fun, what movies do you watch?"
"We're watching Monsters University tonight," Aaron informs you, then his posture straightens as an idea blooms in his brain, "Y'know, if popcorn makes you less sad, I think you should come and have some with us."
"Oh," Your eyes widen slightly, and you shake your head on impulse, "No, that's okay. I couldn't-"
"I'm asking you to." It's the firm voice Aaron uses whenever he's giving someone orders around the office; you suppose he can't separate his work life and home life completely.
"I don't like the thought of you being alone," Aaron admits, eyeing the ice cream already in your cart, "How about we pick up another pint and head to checkout?"
"I'll be okay," You reach for a package of tissues, extra large, "Don't worry about it, Aaron."
You don't see it, but Aaron pinches Jack's side lightly, spurring the boy into action.
"Please come over tonight," Jack begs, and you swear he's making his eyes shiny on purpose, "Mike Wazowski is funny, and you can't be sad if you're watching something funny."
Aaron raises his eyebrows at you, and you see the faint hint of a smirk playing at his lips; got you.
You take a deep breath in, speaking on the exhale, "Alright. Um, can I bring anything else?"
"Pajamas, maybe." Aaron hums, "Movie nights are always better in pajamas."
You glance disdainfully down at your outfit, ragged pajama pants and a sweatshirt, "Check."
"Perfect," Aaron chuckles, finally letting go of your cart and turning it towards the ice cream aisle, "Let's go, buddy, if Y/N's coming over tonight, you need a bath. She doesn't wanna sit with a stinky boy."
"I'm not stinky!" Jack insists, looking like he's never been more offended in his life.
Aaron leans in, theatrically sniffing at the space near Jack's shoulder. He bugs his eyes out, turning his head to the side and fake-coughing, "Woah."
Jack roars with laughter at his dad's dramatics, feet kicking at his Aaron's stomach, and the sound of his giggles make the popcorn you're munching on taste a little bit sweeter.
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jflemings · 2 months
— golden girl
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pairing: sam kerr x aussie!reader
synopsis: in the midst of the chaos you finally get a moment alone with australia’s golden girl
warnings: none
a/n: i know that partners don’t stay w the teams, just ignore that for the sake of the plot xx
you sit back on your hands in sam’s hotel room just admiring the view of the city. steph, god bless her soul, had decided to room with macca and lani tonight so that you and sam could be alone. she had said it with a wiggle of her eyebrows and a wink, clearly suggesting that the two of you should take the time to catch up, but in all honesty sex was the last thing on your mind right now.
the world cup had put sam through the ringer. being benched due to a last minute injury was a nightmare for your girlfriend and despite her best efforts to quell her feelings and support the team, you could tell that it was all weighing her down. all you wanted to do was run her a hot bath and then crawl into bed and hold her until the morning. you just wanted to make her feel weightless.
your train of thought was interrupted by the door opening lazily, followed by the sound of shoes being kicked off and a bag dropping onto the carpeted floor. you look over your shoulder to see sam’s tired face. she’s got a frown on her lips and her shoulders a slumped, a clear indication that she’s just ready to clonk out.
the striker falls face first onto the bed, her head landing next to your right thigh. she grabs your hand and places it on her head before nuzzling further into your leg. she sighs deeply when you begin to scratch at her scalp.
“you feeling okay baby?” you ask sweetly
“ ‘mfine” she mumbles into the plush duvet “just wanna sleep”
“how about i run you a hot bath so you can get out of this smelly kit” you say rather than ask “then we can get in bed early”
sam moves her head from the bed to your thigh. her cheek smushes against your leg and she yawns “yeah okay”
you tap her head and slide out from under her, padding into the bathroom and turning on the bath tap. steam slowly comes off of the water that’s filling the tub as you make sure there’s clean towels for your girlfriend.
when you walk back into the room sam hasn’t moved from her face down position on the bed. you think she might’ve fallen asleep, grimacing at the thought of her falling asleep in her dirty jersey, shorts and socks. just when you’re about to softly nudge her leg she lifts her head “you take it off” she murmurs half heartedly.
“you just want me to get you naked” you retort cheekily whilst rolling your eyes. you turn her over and grip her forearms, pulling her up to the best of your ability “thanks for not helping babe”
sam smirks lazily “if i wanted you to get me naked all i would have to do is ask” she lifts her arms up as you grip the hem of her shirt “and i am helping, see? my arms are up”
“i’m not taking your stinky socks off kerr”
she groans and watches you throw her jersey in the corner of the room before taking initiative and hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts. she begins to walk past you without another word, stripping the remainder of her clothes as she walks into the bathroom.
your confusion quickly dissolves as you trail her and pick up her discarded shorts, socks and underwear that she lazily dropped. sam lowers herself into the bath, her forearms flexing as she submerges herself into the hot water.
you lean on the doorframe and cross your arms, giggling at the way sam slips the bottom half of her face into the water. she looks to you and wiggles her eyebrows.
“cute” you say sarcastically “didn’t know i was dating a croc”
she rolls her eyes and the water around her mouth bubbles before she sits up, her shoulders and below still in the water “thank god for big baths. i approve”
“not like it matters, you’d fit even if it was small”
“i’m above average height thank you very much!”
“by about three inches”
her jaw drops and she sits up straighter. you smile satisfied at the fact that not only has sam taken your weak bait, but you’ve seemed to be able to put her in a better mood since she initially walked through the door of her hotel room.
sam notices your smirk and immediately pouts “that’s not funny babe. i’m not short”
“next to mini you’re certainly not” you cackle as you walk away, causing an offended, high pitch gasp from your girlfriend.
you had tucked yourself into bed and set out a jumper and sweatpants for sam to wear whilst she finished off her bath, leaving her to get changed and talk your ear off as she goes. she had easily slid under the covers and practically layed herself ontop of you, her head coming to rest on your chest as you carded through her damp hair.
“why the fuck would she do that” sam comments on the movie playing “that’s so stupid!”
“it’s a movie” you sigh, the arms of sleep becoming more enticing the longer you lay with sam’s head on your chest.
sam fights off a yawn as she fiddles with the drawstring of your (her) sweatpants “just because it’s a movie doesn’t mean that she can have common sense”
your fingers gently untangle sam’s quickly drying hair, scratching at her scalp as you go. you too are fighting off a yawn when you open your mouth to respond.
sam cranes her neck to look at you “you tired babe?”
“a bit” you answer, eyes beginning to get heavy.
the striker reaches to the bedside table and grabs the remote, promptly turning off the tv before turning back to you and snuggling into your chest further. she swings a leg over your own and let’s her arm fall across your waist. drawing patterns on her back, the two of you embrace the welcomed quiet.
“y’know i’m so proud of you right?” you ask quietly in the dark “everything that you are and everything that you represent makes me so proud to be your girlfriend. watching you lead australia as an openly queer woman of colour in a world cup on home soil has been amazing”
sam shifts against you and moves herself up so that her head is resting in the crook of your neck. “what’s brought this on?”
you shrug “don’t know. just wanted to tell you”
you feel her nod against you and move the arm draped over you so that she’s now holding your body. she sits in silence for a few moments “i’m proud to be your girlfriend too” she insists quietly “you’re the kindest person i’ve ever met, even to people who probably don’t deserve it sometimes. that alone takes a strong character.”
she yawns before continuing “thank you for allowing me to love you”
you can’t help but grin wide and tiredly, pressing your face into the crown of sam’s head so you can place a kiss there. within a few minutes it’s obvious to you that she’s fallen asleep, her breathing evening out and going quiet.
it’s moments with sam like these that just confirm she is the love of your life and that there really is no one else on earth that could compare to her. sam has almost everything she’s ever wanted, and yet, here she is thank you for allowing her to love you as if it was a chore or something that you have to think about.
she’s a history maker, a game changer and australia’s golden girl. and she’s all yours.
you continue to run your hand up and down sam’s back in silent appreciation, the sounds of the city paired with sam’s soft breathing on your neck finally leading you into sleep’s warm embrace. “i love you” you whisper to her “goodnight golden girl”
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clemblog · 21 days
Caine’s Lesson - Part 10
Pomni was in the ranch kitchen, helping Ma Gator with the next meal for the day, as Gummigoo, Max and Chad messed around outside whilst sorting through the supplies they'd found.
“You know Poms, I am glad my son found you.” She spoke softly.
“O-Oh, really?”
“Indeed. I think you’ll be good for him. You remind me of my late husband, you know.”
“I-I do?”
“Mhm, he was a sweetheart, just like yourself. A little timid but dived right into the adventures once he found his feet. It’s why I fell for him in the first place, he was so caring but also so hard working.”
“That sounds nice-“
“Indeed. It’s why I have hopes for you and my son! You compliment him rather well!”
Pomni didn’t know what to say to this, Justine nodding along as she cut up fruits and vegetables. Her face was a little flustered but she wasn’t going to acknowledge that-
“You know Gummigoo, you’re real buddy buddy with Poms~” Mused Max.
“She’s cool, why I wouldn’t I be?” Hummed Gummigoo, softly with a smile.
Max and Chad just looked at each other at this.
You ever look at your friend and you know they have it bad for someone? But they don’t even realise it themselves? That’s what was happening right now.
They sure weren’t going to tell him-
This would be hilarious.
“Hey… uh Lou? Where are you?” Hummed Pomni, sheepishly, looking around the barn for Lou.
“I’m over here Poms!” Smiled Lou, waving her over. She was currently knitting some blankets, like she’d learnt so from Ma Croc!
“Hi- Can I talk to you?” Said Pomni, softly. “I uh- need to see if I’m reading a situation correctly-“
“Oh! Right! What’s up? What’s the gossip?” She grinned, gently. Pomni sat down across from her, taking the yarn Lou was making to straighten it out for her ease. She then began to retell Lou the interaction she’d had with Ma.
“Well, how does it make you feel?”
“I’m not sure- If I think she’s insinuating what I think she is- I’m not- against it- But I don’t think I’m ready for it yet- But I will be eventually- J-Just not yet- Does that make sense?”
“Oh totally! It does, especially since all the stuff that’s happened since you arrived here, you know? And it’s weird to say but I think I know the feeling?”
“Y-You do?”
“Yeah, you know those knights I was talking about? Well- I don’t remember her face- But she was so sweet- And so genuine that I can’t help but think of her sometimes- Do you think one day she’ll come back?”
“Oh- I don’t know- Maybe..? We’ll just have to wait and see I suppose-“
The circus group had long since headed to bed since their little meet up! Opting to reconvene in the morning.
Everyone was sat back in a little circle, just chatting or doing their own thing.
Then Caine appeared.
“Hello everyone!” He exclaimed, popping into existence. “I am here to collect Gangle for her solo adventure!”
“W-Wait- What..?” Eeked Gangle.
“That is not happening-“ Frowned Zooble, putting an arm firmly on Gangle’s shoulder.
“Yeah, wet blanket here would never get out of a solo adventure if it’s anything like the one I went on.” Hummed Jax.
Gangle didn’t know whether to thank Jax and be annoyed with him at that-
“Yeah Caine! Nobody here wants to go on solo adventures! If we’re going on an adventure it’s one to get back Pomni!” Huffed Ragatha.
Caine’s upbeat attitude seemed to be fading at these claims.
“I-I see. Well. I… was going to keep most of you here.. in hopes someone would abstract and then you’d all need me again-! Pomni would come back- And I’d be your lovable ring master again! …But I see that’s not going to be the case.. Is it? So, I guess it’s time for a clean slate…”
“Wait- What?!” Eeked Ragatha.
A portal wrapped around the group and swallowed them whole.
It was time for a new adventure.
“A-Are you sure this is a good idea Caine?”
“…Never. But I can’t do much else. They’ll need me but I won’t come. They’ll abstract and I can start over.”
Pomni was happily tucked in bed now after a long day. They were set for another day of adventures tomorrow with Gummigoo, Max and Chad. They would never have too many supplies! Especially since some members of the surviving candy kingdom were talking about repopulation, already excited at the premise of a new start with a new kingdom. It was why Lou had got so crafty, she wanted her current citizens and any new citizens that’d arrive in the future to be as comfortable as possible!
If they wanted to be efficient at work, they needed to be well rested, comfy, fed and happy! So, that was the current plan of action for everyone at ranch, which had slowly expanded into a little makeshift village from residents expanding out of the barn into their own bigger makeshift spaces.
It was finally becoming a sustainable and safe area to live and thrive.
Ragatha, Jax, Kinger, Zooble and Gangle fell into a familiar chocolate goop.
Oh dear.
Oh god.
This wasn’t good. Was it?
Something was happening.
A deep rumble struck from the void, felt by all humans and NPC’s alike in the form of many apparitions.
Some had nightmares.
Some had stomach aches.
Some felt an overwhelming sense of dread.
Others just slept on undisturbed.
Things were changing in this world.
And it felt like for the worst.
Caine’s AI had changed. And it was Pomni’s fault. Wasn’t it? Was it?
A little note from me to you.
Woo, look at me go! So many words, so many things to write next.
Thank you to everyone who's read this far and has showed support!
I know their are a lot of people making their own
TADC stories and universes, but to know that a collective of people enjoy mine in my own little corner of the internet with silly little comments means so much to me.
So thank you so much for reading!! I'll see you in Chapter 11. <3
Part 11
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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Captain Price — General Headcanons.
Pairing : John Price/GN! Reader
Desc : Just some general headcanons regarding Mr. Price :)
A/N : captain john price?? on my call of duty blog?? its more likely than you think. (also, special thanks to @callsignkonig and @zechie-spams for helping me w/ these LMFAOO)
John Price :
Random thought to start off with but Price probably drinks cheap beer. Like he’d absolutely spend money on expensive cigars but beer? Nope. Absolute dog water quality beer is the way to go
Probably keeps some cigars around, like in a drawer with a false bottom (why he’d need to hide them, i don’t know— maybe he just likes hiding the good stuff)
He absolutely wears camo crocs. (I do not take criticism) You two have matching crocs??? Even better (one of my friends said that he’d wear socks and sandals and honestly, if you wanna take that as a headcanon, go for it)
He’d absolutely take you hiking, jogging or fishing (but like, super early in the morning before the sun comes up, kinda dark and it’s still kind of chilly. lots of morning dew. he wants to watch the sunrise with you :sob:)
He’s an early riser but he’s Not Happy about it. It’s just one of those things that’s engrained in his mind, like he cannot sleep for longer than a specific amount of time before he wakes up (or he wakes up at the same time every day)
If you get up around the same time as him, he’ll brew you something to drink alongside his own cup of tea or coffee (depending on what he’s feeling that morning) He probably has your specific preferences memorized (things like if you want a certain amount of sugar, no sugar at all, creamer or no creamer, honey, etc.)
Price definitely prioritizes others’ problems over his own; it’s easier to solve somebody else’s issues than to focus on his own or to let somebody else fret over him. (you’ll have to sit him down and have a talk w/ him about letting you take care of him for once because he’s always so goddamn stubborn. also, you’ll probably have to tell him that it’s okay to let go of the captain mantle every now and then)
Take some time to massage out the tension in his shoulders or back, he’ll appreciate it. He also loves it when you run your fingers through his hair/just play with his hair or massage his scalp. (Kind of gives me lap dog energy— he just likes resting his head on your stomach/chest and letting you do your thing if he’s had a long day)
Similar to Soap, I feel like he’ll definitely tell you that he loves you whenever the two of you won’t be seeing one another for extended periods of time (either he has to leave for a month or the two of you have to split up for a mission) He’d also press a kiss to your forehead or just hold you tight :AGONY:
Kinda feel like he’s a cuddler if the two of you sleep in the same bed. Guarantee that he’ll always have an arm wrapped around your waist, his face pressed against your shoulders. It’s not a super firm or tight hold and you could move away if you wanted to but it’s enough to be comforting
He’s always super warm too, almost inhumanly so?? Perfect for when you get cold ig
With that said, I feel like this man sleeps like a rock when he wants to but otherwise he wakes up pretty easily, if that makes sense. Like you could whisper a quiet, “John?” and he’d just hum a soft, “Hm?” (Alternatively, can you imagine shaking him awake and he does the thing moms do when you touch them when they’re asleep and they just slowly turn to look at you with wide eyes LMFAOO)
Pillow talk. Sometimes he just can’t sleep so the two of you will spend some time talking about whatever happened during the day or future plans (planned events, missions, etc.) However, if you start talking about stuff like, “John, do you think pigeons have feelings?” He’ll hit you with a joking, “I’m going to bed now.”
He cares about you A Lot. Like, put your life before his a lot; it could be in any scenario and he’d want you to come out completely unscathed if possible. (which may be a bit difficult if you’re also apart of the 141 because it’s quite literally in the job description that you may die at any moment in time 🧍he’d never forgive himself if something did happen to you under his command though. also, i feel like all of the guys are like this but alas)
If he were to have a signature nickname for his s/o, it’d probably be something simple like “Love” tbh or maybe “Sweetheart” (sweetheart perhaps a bit less)
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Manic Monday - Wade Wilson X GN Reader
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Title: Manic Monday
Wade Wilson X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Blind Al (Mentioned), Reader's mother (Mentioned), Wolverine (Mentioned), Professor X (Mentioned), and Reader's work (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,475
Warnings: Overworking Reader, cursing, Wade, slight mention of toxic mother, Reader needs a break (take a break reader), slight suggestiveness cause it's Wade, breif mention of death... cause it's Wade, partial nudity but like not really, plethera of nicknames, a bit of cat and mouse, blood mentioned, insinuations, movie references, slight angst, and fluff
Letting out a breath, you pushed open your door, shuffling in tiredly before kicking it closed with your foot.  You dropped your stuff by the couch and flopped down on it face-first. The soft leather of the couch enveloped you as you let out an exhausted groan. It was late. Way past midnight. You should have been asleep hours ago. But you couldn't help yourself. You had work. Suddenly, your phone alarm began to buzz and play 'Walking On Sunshine' by Katrina & The Waves, signaling for you to get up once more. Gaining strength, you pushed off the couch, blindly digging in your bag to grab your phone and turn off the alarm, ignoring the many texts from your… Less than a doting mother. Shutting up your phone, you let out a defeated sigh. Before pushing up off the couch, you quickly made your way to the fridge, grabbed your pre-made snack, and took a long swig of water from your bottle, draining half of it.
After putting everything away, you ran to your room, ready to get dressed for work, but you stopped briefly; spotting Wade on your bed. He was dressed in his crime-fighting suit, wearing your silk robe, reading a Highlights magazine. You shook your head, moving to your closet, and grabbing your next set of work clothes. 
"What are you doing?" You asked, quickly slipping on your Y/F/C scrub shirt, as Wade continued to flip through the pages of the magazine.
"Oh, nothing, darling," He spoke in a terrible posh accent. What movie were you in? Gone With The Wind? "Just doing my nighttime reading... Wishing my beautiful partner would just call in sick... And stay home with me. Oh! I found the hidden boomerang!”
You sighed, checking your watch before looking up at Wade. "You know I can't do that. You don't have a real job, so I have to be the breadwinner around here. You know... So we have money to have chimichangas?"
Sighing, Wade pulled off his mask, setting down his magazine. "I have a real job." He whined, before hopping out of the bed, making you realize he had been in your bed, with his damn crocs on. “Besides, I bet if we beg enough to the Professor, he’ll give us a nice wad of cash.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, running a hand through your hair, "Who? Uh, nevermind. Wade... What did I say about your crocs?" 
Wade looked down at his feet, looking back up at you, "Uh... That they go great with my eyes?"
You sighed, checking your watch again before you headed out of the bedroom, "I literally don't have time for this."
Wade scrambled over to you, grabbing your arm. "Come on, when have you had time for a break? Kicked up your feet, get a massage? I give great massages."
"I had a couple of hours yesterday. Thanks for the offer. Now, please let go. I don't want to be late."
Wade shook his head stubbornly, "Call in sick." He ordered softly, "You have been working nonstop. You need to rest. Look, you have little bags under your pretty eyes, you look like you haven't slept since last night. You're going to collapse, sweetheart, and then where will we be? You’ll be dead, I’ll die cause I don’t understand how to not be dependent on someone, and then I’ll have to move back in with Blind Al."
Your mouth snapped shut as Wade released your arm. But as you stared at him, seeing how serious he was... You shook your head. "You're never this serious, love." You mentioned, "Why all of the sudden are you being so..." You searched for the word, "So clingy? I mean, you are always clingy... But are you not feeling well?"
Wade shrugged. "No, I'm fine, honey butter biscuit. Just really worried about you. I thought you'd appreciate getting some sleep instead of sitting behind a desk all day, or going around helping people. Tiring those feet of yours..."
You sighed, headed back down the hall, "Can't today, Wadey. Too much to do. I can't be late." You called out to him before Wade grabbed your hand again and twirled you around as if you were dancing, and right into his chest. "Wade..." You scolded, "They could fire me... And then I'll be really ticked off."
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn, call in sick."
You sighed, before getting an idea, looking up with a small smile, "Wadey, would you please let me go to work?" You cooed, batting your eyelashes, "If you let me finish what I need to do, I'll promise to take a nap, I swear."
"Hmm, you really think I'd believe that?"
Smiling mischievously, you leaned forward, giving Wade a quick kiss on the lips before backing away slowly. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this, babe." You said before bolting to your bag, with Wade close behind.
Grabbing your bag, you ran behind the couch, Wade on the other side. Heavily breathing, you clutched your bag to your chest. Glancing at the front door, you looked back at Wade, feeling like a child as you tried to figure a way to get to the door without him getting you; but it seemed pointless.
"Don't do this, Y/N." Wade began, staring intently at you, "You're not going to win, I've seen how this ends, I’ve read the book adaptation."
You laughed humorlessly before nodding towards the window. "It's not the only way I can get to my car."
Wade looked at the window and back at you, "Nope, you're not doing that. Not while I live and breathe, and you know I can't die, sugar plum."
You suddenly pointed behind Wade, your eyes wide in shock, "Oh my god! Is that Wolverine!?" Wade was quick to turn around, eyes wide as he looked around.
"Where!? I must see if he wants to be in my new movie!"
With that, you ran to the front door, you grinned in victory as you reached for the door, before you felt two arms wrap around you, pulling you back inside. Twirling you out, as if you were dancing once more, Wade twirled you back into his chest. Turning, he dipped you, his hand landing on your thigh as he pulled it up against him. From this position, you felt like you had just finished dancing the Salsa. His face hovering over yours, his lips just barely brushing against your own. His breath fanned over your face, making you shiver. Before you could even say a word, Wade spun you around, where you landed on the couch with a small 'oof.'
"Wade..." You whined, "You're mean." You sighed, as Wade flopped on the couch, pulling you into his lap.
"You're the meany-pants in this situation, my dear." Wade began, "You made me think my one true love was here..."
You sighed again, crossing your arms, "Fine. I'll call out of work tonight and tomorrow." You huffed, trying to pry him off of you.
"Really? Oh, babydoll, you won't regret this! Tomorrow, we're watching The Wizard Of Oz and eating popcorn." Wade held onto you as if your life depended on it before you grabbed your phone and called your boss.
After that quick call, you went back to crossing your arms, relaxing slightly, you wrinkled your nose, "Wade, you stink."
Wade paused, lifting an arm up to sniff his armpit, "Do I?"
You nodded, "Yes, like blood, sweat, and tears. And now I probably smell like blood. And my bed is probably dirty as all hell because of you..." 
Wade hummed, “Tears of my enemies,” He said before squeezing you closer to him, "Well, I'll take a shower then... But only as long as you join me~" He winked at you, as you rolled your eyes.
"Fine, but no funny stuff."
Wade huffed, "You're no fun."
"Never am." You argued, "Now, come on, let's get cleaned up. I'm hungry."
Wade cheered, standing up and taking your hand, "Near, far, in our motor car! Oh what a happy time we'll spend. Bang Bang Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang! Our fine four fendered friend!~" He sang as he skipped down the hall with you, dragging you along. "Oh you pretty, Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. We love you!~"
You sighed, shaking your head as you smiled. Wade was so weird, but you loved that about him. You loved how protective he was, how determined he was; he wanted to protect you. He was perfect... Kinda. Sometimes you don't know who he's talking to when you enter a room. But, nonetheless, you loved the man. You loved everything about him... Even if sometimes he was a bit goofy. You couldn't imagine your life without him. You didn't think you ever could...
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
H i i ii i
I may or may not be addicted to your writing and its on yu 😤
Down to business 👹
Crocman's wife walking into the living room to see what the father son duo is up to bc it was too quiet
She walked in to see a crocodile who fell asleep holding their son who was fully awake while also holding a storybook
W e l l his son was doodling on his father's face like an artist 😌
I like it picasso 💪
And then much later when reader returned with a camera,
Their son was asleep holding uncapped marker pen with some smudges on his face
After reader left them be, when she passed by again
She saw crocodile awake and obliviously drawing on their sons face unaware of the doodles on his own face
So precious 🥺
you can add much more or yes like usual
Enjoy your day officer 💪💪💪💪
hello my dear helicopter anon! you dont understand how excited i get when you request, literally my favorite writings to do ngl. AND BRO THIS IDEA IS SO GOOD! literally my sister and i were just adoring this idea the moment you sent it! thank you so much for making this series my thing on this account and bro, if you have any baby names for croc's son, let me know because i cant think lol. thanks so much!!! <3333
Croc as a father part 5!!!
Pairing - Crocodile x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 649
Notes - (image below not mine) thank you so much again! i seriously love all of your ideas, you are so creative and amazing! i hope you have a super day and enjoy this as much as i do!!! stay hydrated helicopter anon!! <3
And don’t forget REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! So, if you want to request any writing, don’t hesitate to ask. Please read my pinned post before requesting though. Have a good day/night and please stay hydrated!! <333
Tumblr media
“Darling,” you began flipping through some mail, finding quite a few letters addressed to your husband. “You have a couple letters in the mail. Did you want me to put them on your-”
You paused as you stepped into the living room to find your husband fast asleep and your son wide awake on his lap. Usually, you would think nothing of this but a wholesome moment. What really made you pause were the drawings on Crocodile’s face that were made by your son. There was a drawing of Mihawk and Buggy, a drawing of you, and a drawing of one of the banana gators. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit. You knew you should be getting onto your son, but you just couldn't help it.
“Mamma!” Your child giggled and put his arms up for a hug.
You walked over trying not to giggle at the picture book open on your husband’s large chest, and hugged your son. “Shush baby,” you whispered, placing a kiss onto his forehead. “Daddy’s sleeping.”
Your son giggled and crawled back onto his father’s chest, handing you the picture book that he didn't need anymore.
“Are you gonna stay with daddy, bubba?” You put the book back in its proper cubby and he nodded, laying on his dad’s chest.
“Mhm. Daddy’s warm when he sleeps.” He sleepily lifted up the marker in his hand and drew a small smiley face on Crocodile’s face. You decided it would be best to leave them be for now so you could get some work done around the house.
It wasn't long before your chores led you to the living room where you found your son now fast asleep on his father. His face was pressed to Crocodile’s big chest while Crocodile softly snored, his son drooling on his bare chest.
You looked around the house, satisfied with your work.
Damn you were good.
The house was squeaky clean and there wasn't a child up and running about to mess it up. You definitely deserved a treat after that.
You grabbed yourself the nearest chocolate bar and realized that it had been a while since you checked up on the boys.
You went to step into the living room, but quickly stepped out, peeking back in to find Crocodile giggling to himself and drawing all over his son’s face with the washable marker that your son had used prior to draw on Crocodile’s face.
You giggled and stepped in the room, eating away at your chocolate bar. “Good morning, darling.” You pressed a kiss onto Crocodile’s lips and he chuckled, pointing at the smiley face he drew on his son’s face.
“Morning. I just saw this marker and it seems to be safe on skin, so I thought it would be funny.”
You laughed and sat on the floor next to the couch. “I would hope it's safe for skin. You should see your face, dear.”
Crocodile froze. “What?”
You giggled and ran out of the room to the bathroom where you found a handheld mirror. You ran back to the living room and showed your husband his face and he couldn't help but burst into laughter, startling your son awake in the process.
Your son just giggled and hit Crocodile’s big chest, making a soft boom sound. “Dada! You woke me up!”
“Sorry buddy.” Crocodile placed a small kiss on his son’s forehead. “Let's go wash this marker off, huh?”
“Yeah dada! You look funny.” Your son giggled and Crocodile stood up, helping you off of the floor as well.
“You look funny too, kiddo.”
You showed your son the mirror and he burst out laughing just like his dad. You slicked back his jet black hair. There was no mistaking that that was Crocodile’s son.
The two of them giggled all the way to the bathroom leaving you smiling and satisfied with your day.
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cebwrites · 2 years
Hello Cev! I’m another anon that loved your last hcs with crocodile, please please please write more about him, it’s so hard to find good crocodile content or any new content at all 😭❤️ Also thank you so much for writing gender neutral readers, it’s so good to feel included. Only if it’s possible to request may I please ask some suggestive hcs with the croco dilf, and maybe kid and law, where they pin their Crush to the wall craving for closeness? Thank uuu
hello hello! i’m glad you enjoyed them!! crocodile and mihawk are two characters really close to my heart (second only to law of course hehe 💕) waaaaaah you’re welcome!! i’ve been frustrated for a long time at the lack of diversity in the x reader space so i’ve finally decided i’d start contributing some of my own content to help fill in that gap ;w; you’ll typically find a lot of gn and masc reader from me on top of oc stuff here!
i changed it to drabble format because this idea flowed better like that for me and left kidd out this time, i hope you don’t mind! ;0; 💖💔
against the wall (Crocodile, Law)
gn reader, he/they law suggestive content under the cut word count: 0.4k
It doesn't take much for Crocodile to tower over you. Hell, he does for most people even sitting down, much less standing. You can tell that he's agitated from your spot beside his throne, overseeing some droll high-class function he'd thrown for the sake of keeping up appearances for Rain Dinner's usual snobby patrons. You disliked attending these things; though Crocodile was never too fond of entertaining guests either, he seemed particularly snappy tonight.
He whisks you away from the party before anyone can comment on his disappearance, having his way with you against the wall in some unused room in the lavish resort; hooked arm holding you up while Croc's hand rested comfortably on your neckline.
You pull away with a gasp, vision swimming in the headiness of that kiss and his cologne, "Croc, what if someone catches us? They'll want you present for closing ceremonies..."
"What if they do? This is my resort and you are my partner. I'd think I'm well within my rights to do whatever I want here of all places."
You could swear that his pupils narrowed to slits right then and there, the carnal hunger in his gaze, how much closer Crocodile's hand feels to your throat than it did before. It's exhilarating.
"Now, tell me what is it exactly you're here to do." He lowers you to your feet, still keeping close proximity and fixes and expectant gaze onto you. His rings brush against your cheek in an uncharacteristic show of tenderness but you expect that he won't be gentle for much longer. You smile, eyes hooded and on your knees, ready to serve.
"Yes, Sir."
"Captain," you keen, sighing in short, sweet breaths as Law trails careful, tender kisses up your neck, "Everyone's just couple halls down, they'll hear us..."
"Who cares, I missed you."
Law's statement is matter-of-fact, you let out an amused huff at the their underlying pout. How many months had it been since the two of you were allowed to meet - three, possibly four? Far too many. The price of being captains of your own crews, you supposed. He has to lean up a little to reach your face and you find it absolutely adorable, deepening the kiss you shared while needy, inked hands slide their way under your clothes; your own cupped his cheeks with all the unspoken affection you'd kept to yourself all this time.
They were itching for more contact and you couldn't blame them - it was endearing, really - but the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back was a certain rubber boy's voice singsong-ing towards you, still out of view but very obviously heading in this direction. Law's expression immediately sours, you laugh as he shambles' the two of you to safety, far away from any prying eyes secretly along the walls or unwanted Gum-Gum Captain Cuddles.
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Croc Brother
Summary:the turtle boys need back up and their brother is their back up but he's a bit different
The bold words are you talking
The turtles were losing a fight pretty bad with a new mutant. April was there helping but it didn't change much they were still losing.
"Guys we need a plan"
Raph was thinking and fighting. But that didn't work he was more focused on the fighting that he couldn't stop to think. But Donnie already thought ahead.
"Back up?"
Mikey stopped to think. While he was thinking his brother were losing the fight.
April looked at Donnie from across the roof.
April stopped and looked over.
All the brothers stooped and looked at April. The mutant was confused since they weren't focused on him anymore. April started to sweat not only from the fight but also how the brothers were looking at her like she was crazy.
"What? Are you serious"
"He's our brother"
"What? Theirs another turtle"
"YEAH, wait no he's not a turtle"
"Micheal nows your time to call him"
"Oh yeah"
April watched as mikey pulled out his phone and called you.
"So you guys never told me you had another brother, how come"
"We thought you knew him"
And before anyone else could say something the mutant they were fighting went right back to fighting.
They all went back to fighting until you showed up. And when you did it shocked everyone. It wasn't quiet when you arrived. When you landed on the roof it cracked were you stood. And like a slow reveal their you were. April stared in awe at the giant grayish crocodile. When you stood up straight April could see just how tall you were.
"So want do you guys need, mikey just told me you guys were dieing"
"This mutant dear brother"
You looked at the mutant in front of you that's currently holding leo by his shell.
You walked towards the mutant and April was still in shock she has never met you. When you got to the mutant you grabbed leo and tried to yank him away.
"Let him go"
When you said this it caused a stare down between you and the mutant. Leo was the unfortunate soul trapped by you two.
"Fine have it the hard way"
And with that you attacked making the mutant drop leo. While you two were fighting April looked at the brothers as they watched the fight.
"So um are we just gonna sit here and watch"
"That would be best"
"Well our brother is quite strong so if we intervene that wouldn't end well for us"
"Yeah so just sit back and enjoy"
April just nodded Before looking back at you and the mutant. She watched amazed as you grabbed the mutanted by the waist and threw him over your shoulder completely knocking him out. You stood up straight and brushed off your shoulders as the turtles cheered. You chuckled.
"So we never really talked before"
April nodded with wide eyes since your super tall.
"I'm y/n"
You reached your hand out for her to shake. She had to stand on her tippy toes to do so.
"April O'Neil"
She had her confident personality back as she shook your hand.
"Okay so how come we never met before"
" I don't know April, but I know one day I walked in front of you"
"Did I have my glasses on"
You stopped snd thought before nodding no.
"Okay so it's unknown why we never met. Okay I can deal with that"
The turtles just laughed. You looked down at April and chuckled before handing back to the lair.
"Wait how come you don't fight with them"
You turned and looked at April who had her arms crossed.
"Well I'm the back up, and I don't want to be recognized but the mutants they fight, so I guess I'm literally the back up brother"
She nodded and watched as you turned back around and left.
"He's weird"
"Tell me about it"
A/n: I know i already posted three other things but I had to write this it's been on my mind all day, any ways there's probably gonna be a lot of tall crocodile y/n. I hope you enjoyed
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mickmundy · 10 months
I got some BushMed questions for ya, if you're interested in answering with your headcannons.
1. Who was interested in who, first?
2. What's their favorite way to show affection for one another?
3. What's a hobby or pastime that the other absolutely refuses to partake in?
4. When they're falling asleep together, what do they wear?
5. How does each one celebrate the other's birthday?
No pressure on responding, thanks for considering!
OMG OF COURSE!! ^__^ <333 HIII MY FRIEND i am absolutley always down to talk bushmedicine!! HEHE...
1. Who was interested in who, first? okay so this one is actually kind of a tricky answer for me because i think both of them were Mutually interested at around the same time, but it kind of snuck up on them both! in the past i think they'd both be like "oh yeah i'd smash if given the chance"/appreciated each other Aesthetically the whole time, but in terms of like. Romantic Interest...? i think it's hard to say! >w> in my fics i keep it ambiguous because i like to think about them falling in love catching them both by surprise! both of them are fine feeling crushes or sexual feelings but when it comes to facing "genuine romantic feelings" or acknowledging that they're seeking partnership... well... that's a big deal for both of them!!
2. What's their favorite way to show affection for one another? OHHH fun one!! i think both of them are really handsy! medic loooves fawning over sniper in public and in private, and while sniper's a little more discreet in public, he'll eagerly hook his finger in one of the beltloops on medic's trousers or satchels and pull him into his lap, or medic will slip his hand into the back pocket of sniper's jeans! hehe.. sniper is very observant too, so he'll always take note of certain things medic likes and surprises him with his favorite snack or food, or he'll be like "have you drank any water today? >_>" and medic will be like "<w< have you?" and they playfully narrow their eyes at each other and medic's like "i'll have some if you have some!" and sniper snorts and is like "fine..." and they pause from their work and enjoy a little snack and some water together... neither of them are great at having super healthy eating habits but they're quick to remind each other and then that solves the problem... hehe... <3
i think they're also good at like. Anticipating when the other needs help even if they don't ask for it... lovingly fishing each other out of their towers or labs at the end of a long day... carrying each other back to sniper's van or medic's room and Gently Asserting that they need rest, it's time to go to bed... and the Exhausted One of them will cling to the other and concede... hehe.. <3
more under the cut!
3. What's a hobby or pastime that the other absolutely refuses to partake in? AKSDFAKDFAKSKDF THIS IS SOOOOO FUNNY OMFGGGG hmm. that's really hard to say because both of them love getting gross and getting their hands dirty! if you feel like being humorous/ironic, i think medic would be like HOO! NO THANK YOU! to sniper wrestling crocs (he loves to watch though... >w> hee hee!), and then sniper would be like ".... i'll pass, thanks!" about injecting wild animals with other wild animals genes or things like that.. and both of them look at each other and are like "what! it's not THAT big of a deal! >_<" (<- both are Very Zany/High Risk Hobbies) ASDFKASDKF
4. When they're falling asleep together, what do they wear? i am a staunch believer that sniper sleeps naked... so nothing! hehe... medic i think sleeps in underwear and a tank top, or if they've just had sex (or just want to be as Physically Close As Possible), he'll fall asleep naked too! sniper runs hot and medic runs a bit colder, so they even each other out temperature wise... sniper doesn't like things clinging to him in his sleep so he hates wearing pajamas. the only thing that he wants clinging to him in his sleep is medic! >:) medic likes sleeping on his back, so sniper likes to rest his face on medic's chest and always Instantly drifts off.. he's a big drooler too! but medic thinks that's sooo cute... hehe...
5. How does each one celebrate the other's birthday? OMG... this is so cute... well i think sniper isn't a huge fan of like. "big celebrations", and he doesn't like being the center of attention! but medic wants to make a big deal out of how glad he is that sniper's alive and here with him, but how does one do that without making a big grand spectacle? :( hmm...! i wrote a one-shot about it but i think medic surprisingly gets really in his own head about gift-giving and showing others he loves them. he has a lot of love for sniper, but how can he show it in a way that makes that clear?! aggh!! hoo, what a predicament! thankfully for him, he does a wonderful job! a simple, quiet celebration, just the two of them in sniper's van, or taking him to a secluded spot for some fishing or other activity he knows sniper loves... and medic loves celebrating like this too... this just means he gets sniper all to himself!! >:) and then they meet up with the other mercs later that night for some drinks and games at the bar! but medic makes Sure nobody puts sniper on the spot... hehehe!
sniper on the other hand is actually (surprisingly?) really good at gauging/planning celebrations and gift-giving! very thoughtful, observant... knows what medic wants without medic even having to ask for it! medic likes big parties so sniper plans him one and invites the other mercs and it's a huge success! sniper watching with a loving smile on his face as medic celebrates with his friends and keeps mostly to the background, making sure things go off without a hitch! sniper's cutting the cake and everyone's ready to toast and the mercs are like SPEECH SPEECH SPEECH!!! and medic Of Course never hesitates to be the center of attention and is like "HEE HEE i wanted to thank everyone for such a lovely birthday! but, most importantly, i'd like to thank my wonderful handsome krokodil delightful thoughtful spatzchen for such a grand celebration!! ^v^"
and all of the mercs Smile Knowingly and Turn Their Full Attention to sniper (trying to embarrass him) who is keeping his eyes trained on the knife as he's cutting pieces of the cake SO methodically and his face is SO red and medic scoops sniper up and is like "ohhh, my heart, you make me feel celebrated ALL YEAR AROUND!!" and gives him a biiiiig SMMMWAK on the lips and sniper's like Heart Eyes... smiles Dumbly and giggles and is like "eheh.,., 'course. love you, dovey." and the mercs are like AGUAGUAAEHEHEE (teasing sniper and praising both of them) and while the mercs talk amongst themselves and eat... medic pulls sniper into his lap and they share a slice of cake and medic gives sniper a soft kiss on the lips and is like Lovingly like "thank you <3" because he knows this must have been really hard for sniper to do! and sniper grins and licks his lips (they taste like frosting and medic hehe) and is like "no worries, plover-darling <3" and medic gives him a big cheeky smile and giggles and gives sniper a Big Squeeze!
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voiceofsword · 1 year
crocs/22m aridane anon
aaaaaaaah it's gonna be so hard (why is this the way im choosing to celebrate finishing major exams)
def going to get vip ii - thank the stars i saved the £25 google play voucher i got for christmas it is going to help me out somewhat
i probably will fork in a bit more but not go crazy because i don't have the money for that
is vip i also worth it or is that money better spent on dia packs?
the plan is to binge lots of the stories in my free time (and fast forward through the ones i don't really want to read), passive play the upcoming events (i have exams atm so can't dedicate full time for some of them; plus i need to save resources) to get as much dia as possible, use the weekend coupons from the official tumblr account up until and during aridane, level up my cards as best as i can (himeru why does your song have to be a sparkle - my worst attribute on the en server) then when the event hits, just grind like crazy (following the advice you've given and your hot limit experience), hope for the best and hope i get lucky on the gacha (idk if i'll be able to do full 10 10 pulls, so im just gonna hope i get good luck
being realistic, i need to lower my expectations, because 22m is going to be very very hard let's just hope the autism gets me through this
once again thank you so much for all the tips, i want the himeru 5 star so bad (i spent half a year slowly grinding event memorial coins to get him on jp server) and i want the secret outfit (but i could live without it) (at least obbligato is a tour and is ages away after this [around 11 months])
good luck in your efforts with aridane!
(what milestone are you going for?)
good luck anon (both with your exams and the event)!! ;w;
if anything, you could consider going for 7.5m, or 11m? since those are a bit more accessible, you could still go for a form of scr if you go for the latter, and that way you're more prepared for the next time you choose to scr something!
i personally always have vip I active, i think it's a good way to earn passive dia, the 30bp cap is very nice so you dont have to set constant alarms when your bp caps, so i definitely recommend it if you can allow yourself to get it! i also think that since we're most likely getting the cospro banners for wwys around the time ariadne drops, we might get some dia or ticket packs on sale then that would be worth checking out — with the starpro one, the 4.99 and 9.99 ones were the most worthwhile iirc
also, i'm planning on going 22m for it! i've been saving up since hot limit, only digging into my funds for fs rinne and cowboy niki scr and since i play basically everyday i was able to recoup that pretty easily! i'm gonna try to keep a better documented run this time around so that i have concise info to give when ppl ask questions though :-) !!!!
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fortjester · 11 months
okay let’s see here fic titles:
an ode to pizza
that one cup in my bathroom that looks like a bubble(it’s really cool)
some of these have spoilers for gtn and/or htn, so reader's discretion! (thanks for sending so many, lol. got my brain moving)
an ode to pizza short modern setting oneshot, starring Ortus as he struggles w writers block and bemoans it to anyone who will listen (and also anyone who won’t), including the single employee behind the counter at a local, late-night pizza joint. the employee (Nonius, bc come on, who else was it gonna be?), tired but generally pretty pleasant, advises him to start small and not pressure himself into writing some colossal work, and suggests he start by writing abt something good that’s happened recently. Ortus instead becomes infatuated w the employee + validated by Nonius asking for updates on his writing, which does in the end actually solve his writer’s block. Only problem is that he can’t show Nonius any of his work, since it’s all abt him…
Battery Can’t think of anything particularly interesting to fit w this prompt (that i’m not actually planning on writing) so i’m going to extrapolate on a different definition of this word instead… women’s baseball team au; can either be modern setting or 40’s America, idc. Harrow’s no fuckin good at running and not particularly talented at batting but she’s got a mean pitching arm and an eye for catching batsmen out; Gideon’s got her sights on transferring to bigger league opportunities, as soon as she can catch a talent scouts eye with her awesome batting skills and get out of this dead end town. When Gideon finally does get poached, Harrow insists on being taken along, blackmailing Gideon into arguing her case; thus begins a tenuous alliance between the two as they get hustled into a ragtag women’s baseball league filled with similarly ambitious and equally skilled players from all over the place. Yes I am just pitching (ha) a TLTxLOTO fusion and idc if you don’t like it. Give me sapphic baseball content or give me death. Also just imagine w me Gideon coaching Harrow thru batting a lá holding the sword for her in ch37 gtn. beautiful, no?
that one cup in my bathroom that looks like a bubble (it’s really cool) Post gtn - As it turns out, getting rid of the part of her that can perceive Gideon means that whatever hole she tosses Gideon into is the same hole part of her own soul goes into. Harrow and Gideon’s fractured soul fragments have to navigate the labyrinth of Harrow’s own broken mind without getting caught, clotheslined into the well of her lobotomised brain and drowned, all the while not resorting to soul-on-soul violence or abandoning each other. Idk whether this is a pan’s labyrinth situation or a river bubble one or what, i just like the idea of gideon still having a harrow to seethe at.
squeeze Post-htn - Harrow wakes up in Gideon’s body and vice versa, and they individually decide to masquerade as each other until they can swap back. This goes about as well as you’d imagine, but they still give it a red hot go, and try to convince anyone who discovers the truth to get in on it and help them. Probably a crackfic if i’m honest.
crimes Hot Sauce, Honesty, Beautiful Ruby, Born in the Morning, and Kevin, herald Nona w their many illegal triumphs pre-knowing her, and beg her for one in return. Think that one episode of Batman the animated series where the joker, two-face, poison ivy, and killer croc are at a poker game telling their Almost Gottim’ story, but they’re no-good delinquent tweens talking abt their best cons instead.
(still doin the ask game if anyone wants to send anymore fic titles)
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
this ep is only 36 minutes???
i wonder how they’re gonna break my heart in 36 minutes
or maybe they won’t idk
i’ve been conditioned to expect tragedy by tlou
okay i hear forge sounds
okay slay
it’s small….
omg i thought it was gonna be a flashback to little din but paz is there
i kinda love that they’re showing this process
gives a bit more gravity to din’s situation
oh? what’s going on?
seeing all these mandalorians is so sick
omg this really is a big croc it hit the death roll
THE APOSTATE???????????
people that didn’t watch the book of boba fett are so confused right now
i’ve missed din djarin and grogu so goddamn much
he’s really like “yea girl i know what the fuck is up. i can redeem myself”
i’m gonna cry this is so sweet
the music is amazing oh my god
“here to meet an old friend” god i love him
the ig statue😭
“you remember your old friend?” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
high magistrate??? slay
the droids carrying the trail of his cape lmao
“his name is grogu.” “if you say so.” HAHAHA
using the force for snacks oml i love him
din leaning on the tree HAHAHA
he’s so ready for shit to hit the fan
karga is like “omg stop acting like ur 5 just come have a drink in my office”
“is there a problem here magistrate?” 💅🏻✨
he’s so ready to put these bitches in their place
are they really gonna have a shootout in front of a fucking school bc shit changed? please grow up
din is so ready oh my god
this is so western i love it
“try me” OOOOOOOOO
oh he’s good
hittin his hand like that
this is so classic hollywood western
the framing and close up on karga, the lighting on his face, the music in the background UGH it’s so good
wait where’s the kid?
where’s grogu??
oh there he is jesus christ i got so scared just then
“she was recruited by special forces” ahhhhh i see
i didn’t think they would kill her off like that
the way din shakes his head after learning gideon was sent to a tribunal :(
omg din as a lawman PLEASE
the idea of din being a marshal is so AHH
i love how greef is trying to get him to settle down rn
he’s really been domesticated since reinventing nevarro
“i need him back.” HUH?????? WHAAAAAT?????
“i need a droid i can trust to help me explore mandalore.” okay so he still has trust issues w droids
“and he’s that droid.” PLEASE HE SOUNDS SO SOFT UUGGHHH😭😭
i love when they prove all the himbo believers wrong
din djarin is literally so smart and clever i do not understand people that unironically believe that he’s dumb
to be a bounty hunter, and considered the best in the parsec?? you have to be damn smart for that
put some respect on the name PLEASE
omg grogu being right next to din while he’s working 🥺
i hope he wakes up omg plz
you tried din :(
din djarin i know you’re at least somewhat smiling under that helmet
“now that’s using your head.” DIN PLEEEAAASSEEEE LMAO
“if things go skud.” adding that one to the vernacular right away
sometimes i forget that star wars has slang in it
i don’t think it’s babu?? BUT OH MY GOD
“uhhhhhh… okay.” I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HAHAHAHA
he’s always asking people if they speak huttese LMAO
“this one is my friend.”😭😭😭😭
“i got it.” SO SASSY
THE APOLOGETIC HAND GESTURES “sorry about that. he’s young.” LMAOO
the way that grogu kept trying to grab him after din took him away HAHA
din djarin: ceritifed dad
teaching grogu about being a mandalorian and piloting a ship😭😭😭😭
i’m taking notes on this shit so i can be prepared when i daydream later🫡
bro what is this guy’s problem
oh shit. that’s a big ass ship.
“dank ferrik.” YYEEEAAAAAAAA
getting flashbacks to kamino rn
so thiiiis is where bo katan is
“i’m here to join you.” oh??
“where were you then?” a child probably??
he’s so slay for that
he really said “FINE. i’ll do it myself AND prove you wrong” and sashayed away
“goodbye din djarin.” when did she learn his name? i don’t remember. everytime i hear someone say his name in the show i’m like THAT’S INSIDER INFORMATION HOW DO YOU KNOW?
what a fun first episode!! i’m super excited for the rest of the season and what’s to come next week!!
he is running the world rn i’m so proud of him
i’m so so so so happy to have mando back though. star wars means so much to me UGH <3
see ya’ll on sunday for episode 8😳 of tlou! if not sunday then next wednesday! <3
kate sackhoff is gorgeous lemme just say
the mandalorian means so much to me uugh i’m so excited and happy to have my loves back
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lorenalunita · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Crocs Womens Marin Blue & Gray ColorLite Wedges Shoes Size 9 W Style 200873.
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beastfury5580 · 1 year
Donkey Kong Z Episode 4
Cranky: *Walking into a black screen then looks around seeing that nobodies here then rips out a long toxic fart* Finally some peace and quiet. <FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!> Uggggh, thank goodness. *Walks off*
Next Episode/Last Episode -  Dragon Ball Z ost - The Saga Continues
Slippy: (Narrating) Last time on donkey kong Z, we went to Dillon's world to deal with the monsters in his world called the grocks which are very fascinating! We had some trouble with Mewtwo after k rool took the cherry fruit gem but left the crystal coconut behind, dumb croc. DK was almost killed the same way Lucario did but he was saved by Lucario's wish, then we took out this HUGE diamond-based ship that had a core where it controlled all the grocks and naturally we destroyed it and saved Dillon's world. Now we gotta get to banjo's world and save crash and Spyro while finding not one but THREE fruit gems that are in gruntilda's hands. I hope we'll make it out alive, what do you guys think? Find out on donkey kong z!
Episode 4: Reuniting with an Old Friend / Save Spyro and Crash (The crossover gang managed to arrive in banjo's world into spiral mountain to rescue Spyro and crash yet Gruntilda Winkybunion came out of nowhere to attack DK and the crossover gang until banjo and Kazooie saved them and joined them on their quest. All three of the fruit gems, Papaya, Lemon, and Pineapple are in Gruntilda's Lair, everyone would travel their way up to obtain the gems and defeat gruntilda)
*The great fox landed on the grass field as everyone walked out*
Into Banjo's World - Spiral Mountain Main Banjo Kazooie Music Extended [Music OST][Original Soundtrack]
Krystal: I hope those two are okay? Slippy: Man...it's gonna be hard finding Spyro and crash when we don't know where they are. Diddy: I could use my inner chi to sense Spyro and crash's chi energy and follow it so we'll know where they are. Peppy: They can do that? Lucario: "They can. It's how I sense disturbances with my aura" Peppy: In that case get to it Diddy. Diddy: Alright here we go. *Close my eyes and took a deep breath with a sigh to focus*
*The music went silent for a moment as the background went black, diddy used his chi energy to sense the fruit gems along with Spyro and crash as two chi energies came up as the sonar lines flew all around the area. One purple for Spyro, orange for crash, green for Aku Aku and yellow for Sparx and they are up on gruntilda's lair*
Diddy: *Opened my eyes quickly* They're right up there! *Points to the giant head with her mouth open and a bridge in front* Fox: Hmm...it is pretty far. Krystal: It's fine fox, we'll walk there Gruntilda: Not if I have anything to say about it! *Evil laughs as I flew in with my broom stick and zaps everyone*
Gruntilda's Attack - Digimon Tamers OST #31 - Hypnos
*Everyone dodged as they moved away*
DK: Who's the old ugly hag? Diddy: DK! Gruntilda: Just for that I'm going to turn you into an ugly toad! Slippy: Hey! Banjo: Guh-uh! *Flew down toward gruntilda with kazooie's help and kicked gruntilda in the face* Gruntilda: Aaaagh! *Fell off of my broomstick* Diddy: It's banjo! Fox: Perfect timing. Banjo: *Gave a thumbs up* Spyro: Great now could you get me out of here?! That witch attacked us from behind and Sparx's is red! Gruntilda: Ugh! K Rool warned me you all would be an inconvenience for me. You'll pay for this, you'll ALL pay! *Got on my broomstick and went back to my lair* Banjo: *Jumped up and unties spyro* Spyro: *Flew down to everyone* Thanks guys. Slippy: Say where did crash go? Spyro: In gruntilda's lair, she knew that if I was rescued, she'd keep crash and do something terrible to him. DK: Ah! We have to get him back! Fox: Slippy take Spyro back to the ship. We got spare butterflies from Coco. Slippy: Got it! Let's go. *Ran off* Falco: Alright Banjo show us the way to the witches lair. Kazooie: He would be delighted to show you. Falco: EH?! That bird could talk?! Kazooie: Ugh, rude! Banjo: Don't mind her, she's always got a fiery attitude. Come on, follow me. *Walks up to the grassy hill where the grassy stairs are to gruntilda's lair*
Crash: *Shivering in fear as I'm trapped inside a cage* Gruntilda: Now then, what am I going to do with you? Aku Aku: Don't you dare hurt him! Gruntilda: Quiet talking mask! Oh! I think I know exactly what to do with you.
Oh no! / Dark Crash Rises - Donkey Kong 64: Game Over HD
*Crash bandicoot was thrown into a machine as he tried to get out but wasn't fast enough as the door closed, he started whimper wanting to get out "Crash! No!" Aku aku screamed as gruntilda laughed and pulls the lever down as the machine zaps all over crash bandicoot as there was smoke inside the machine then the machine stopped as the door automatically opened as dark crash came out*
Gruntilda: Yes! *Wicked laughter* It worked! Dark Crash: Awooga! Man did that felt good! *Dark electricity flows in my hand* Gruntilda: You know you're true objective yes? Dark Crash: Yeah yeah guard the fruit gems I got it. *Walks off* I doubt they'll get'em. Aku Aku: You won't get away with this! Gruntilda: Hm.. I wonder if it'll work with you too. Aku Aku: Don't you dare!
Diddy: You mean to tell me you had to rescue your sister tooty, in HERE?! Banjo: Yeah pretty much. DK: *Chuckles* Tooty. ^^ Krystal: Let's not separate, we don't know what traps this place has in store for us. Banjo: She's right. This witch is very sneaky with her ways. At this point your little friend is probably something else of her creation. Diddy: Let's not jinx it please, it's way too soon to tell. Gruntilda: *Evil laughs as I did my work* Everything is going according to plan. Mewtwo: "Good. We're on our way." Lucario: !! Krystal: Lucario I sense your distress what is it? Lucario: "I don't want to speed this up but Mewtwo and the shadow alliance are on their way. We have to find the fruit gem and fast." Fox: This is bad. Spyro: *Flew back down with Slippy* Okay I'm better. What happened? Dark Crash: You guys ain't getting the gems! *Evil laugh* Banjo: Told ya. Diddy: And I told YOU not to jinx it!! DK: You guys go get the fruit gems while I'll distract crash. I don't edgy crash will be a match for me. Diddy: No, we're doing this together. So let's take crash down together. Dark Crash: No one gets pass me! *Pulled out a TNT and became invisible when dark Aku Aku became golden and went on my face* Spyro: Oh great-_- Slippy: Where did that TNT came from? Fox: Careful and only knock him out! Super DK: You think your invincibility mask is gonna protect you? *Transforms into my super kong form* Luckily I got mine! *Flew towards crash*
*Super donkey kong and dark crash engaged in martial arts fighting as they furious punched and kick each other*
Spyro: Dark Crash looks weird. Falco: And surprisingly got crazy strong. Slippy: Krystal you're coming with me to get the gems while they're distracted. *Ran off* Dark Crash: *Flew across the ground as I dropped down hard then quickly got back up* RUGH!!! I can't believe this! Super DK: *Fold my arms and chuckles* Dark Crash: What's so funny?! Super DK: Now diddy! Super Diddy: Muscle muscle kick!! *Flying kick dark crash to his back* WATCHAAAAA!!! Dark Crash: WAH! *Flew forward crashing into crates. Got back up and shook myself off* Alright that's it! *Grabbed several nitros and threw them towards everyone* Fox: No!! Lucario: "Everybody scatter!" Super DK: Banana power gun! Pew pew pew pew pew! *Shoots big orbital projectiles out of my two fingers from both my hands and shot the nitros before they could hit the ground or anyone getting caught into it then blows my fingers and gave a teeth grinning smirk* Hehehehe. ^_^ Dark Crash: No, no, no! This is so not fair!! *Stomp my foot* Banjo: We have to get him back into that machine and reverse the doings! Dark Crash: *Noticed my hand is moving on its own as I punched myself* What?! Banjo: ...What just happened? Falco: Crash is still in there! Dark Crash: Cut it out loser it's over! *Tried to blast donkey kong with dark lightning but I held my own hand to resist myself* Stop it! I want to kill him! No...I won't...I won't....*hold my head and screams*
*lightning shoots everywhere as dark crash fell to his knees and reverts back to normal*
Crash: Hmm? *Stands up back up and thumbs up* Haha! ^^ Spyro: Crash is back! Krystal: And we got the fruit gems, turns out there were three of them. Fox: So we have six and the evils got one. Krystal: Which means we need to find 12 more. Banjo: You guys go ahead. We'll stop this witch. Lucario: "It's not the witch we're worried about but Mewtwo and the others." Banjo: Who now? DK: *Revert back to normal* Listen we'll explain to you on the way, now let's go! *Picks up banjo and ran off* Banjo: Wha- hey! Kazooie: Now hold on! DK: Nope! No time!
*Everyone ran out of the lair until dark clouds came out of the sky*
Gruntilda: *Came in using thunder teleport* You ruined everything!! *Zaps dark magic out of my finger* Fox: *Use a reflector to reflect the magic back* I got it from here this time, all of you leave now!
Vs. Gruntilda (Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain Of Memories OST - The Fight for My Friends)
*Everyone went back to the great fox as fox himself fights against gruntilda*
Gruntilda: Bring it on Fox man! *Flew up on my broom and tossed flaming meteors towards him* Fox: *Charges and Ignites the flames around me then launches myself upward to burn gruntilda* FIRE!! Gruntilda: *Screams as I fell off my broom trying to put myself out* Fox: That should keep you down. *Ran off after the others*
Mewtwo's Meeting with Gruntilda - Kingdom Hearts - Villains of a Sort
Mewtwo: *Teleport in front of gruntilda* "I have come to collect the fruit gems, where are they?" Gruntilda: *Put myself out then looks back and sighs* .... I don't have them, they took all three of them. Mewtwo: "You let some dumb ape get the better of you, I should have known this would happen." Gruntilda: I had it under control! Mewtwo: "Well let me tell you this, this is the first and LAST time you will bring me bad news" Gruntilda: What's that supposed to-
*Mewtwo snapped his finger and gruntilda screamed as she exploded into pieces*
Mewtwo: "You've won this time donkey kong, but mark my words, your death will be swift and painless" *Teleport away*
Crash: *Ate some fruits as I sat down with Spyro* Falco: That was a close one. Lucario: "We barely made it out. Though eventually we'll have to face them again to get the one they have." Aku Aku: Yet I can't help but feel that the dark power still lingers within crash. Diddy: I'm sure he would be fine. He has a strong will heart. Crash: *Scratch my ears with my feet* Banjo: That cat alien just destroyed gruntilda like it was nothing. Kazooie: Yeah who was that? Lucario: "My psychic rival mewtwo, be grateful he didn't destroy your planet, because he will instantly do so with no second thoughts" Banjo and Kazooie: O_O Krystal: In the mean time, let's go and see if we can find the next planet.
Back to the Great Fox - Shenmue Music: The Sword Handguard (Game version)
*The great fox flew back into outer space*
Lucario: *Looks out the window* ....
*Lucario flashbacks his planet being destroyed by mewtwo then flashback ended as lucario kept staring at the window*
Diddy: Hey Lucario. DK and I were thinking and, when we do find all the crystals we're going to let you have the infinity wish. Everyone else agreed too. Lucario: "It doesn't matter. Mewtwo will just destroy it again knowing he has a weakness." DK: You do know you can wish he never existed or change his behavior of how he is now. Lucario: "I don't take the easy way out with this crystal coconut like you do. I must win against him the right way, even if it kills me." Diddy and DK: .... Lucario: "I appreciate the concern and help, I really do. But he must pay for this power drunk he wields." *Walked off* Krystal: I respect lucario's decision, he's willing to fight his enemies no matter the cost. Fox: He'll be fine krystal. Krystal: I know.
*The great fox is still traveling in outer space*
Long travels ahead - Policenauts OST No!No!No! EXTENDED
*The star fox team are relaxing while listening to the radio, spyro and slippy are playing tekken, banjo and kazooie are sleeping next to crash*
Lucario: "Have either of you seen donkey kong and diddy?" Fox: Look.
*Lucario is looking from far away and noticed diddy and DK are using their super kong forms to train each other in space*
Lucario: "I see" Fox: They've been training hard for at least two hours now. Falco: I'm surprised their chi haven't ran out. Which means they're getting stronger. Lucario: "I'm proud of them for that. Both of them are improving both body and mind, the more they train, the stronger they'll become."
Training in Space / Super DK Vs. Super Diddy - Shenmue Music: Forklift Racing  
*Both Super DK and Super Diddy stopped fighting for a moment while staring at each other*
Super Diddy: Feeling stronger yet DK? Super DK: Yeah, I feel WAY stronger, both my chi and my fighting skills are boosting up fast as we continue fighting. It's almost like we're upgrading rapidly. Super Diddy: I'd say that's about right. Heck, I can even feel my muscles getting stronger too. So wanna go another round? Super DK: What do you think?
*Both of them got back into kung fu fighting stance*
Super Diddy: Alrighty then, let the fight continue! Super DK: Ooo yeaaah!
*The two of them charged at each other as they both punched and kick each other then both of them broke out then DK started kicking while diddy is dodging all of DK's kicks then flip kicks donkey kong's chin and throws him across the meteor and crashed into it, donkey kong got himself back up then flew towards diddy again, both of them started flying while punching and kicking all over the place and even flew passed the great fox*
Peppy: Whoa jeez! Fox: Relax peppy they won't hit us.
*DK ran from diddy on top of the great fox then both of them jumped off and continued fighting, from far away then teleport away from each other*
Super DK: Now to test our cannon power. Think it's strong enough to beat mine? Super Diddy: I guess we'll see. Super DK and Super Diddy: BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Both Started to cupping their hands then moved their hands back as their inner chi instantly charged up and both created orbs of chi energy in their hands instantly* POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! CANNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!
*Both of them thrust their hands forward and shoot out a golden-yellow stream of powerful and explosive beam of chi energy, diddy's blast moves forward then back from donkey kong's then both of them suddenly exploded into supernova, crash and banjo woke up from their nap and saw the explosion while slippy and Spyro stopped their game to look at it as well*
Banjo: Good gosh what was that?! Spyro: That would be donkey kong and diddy kong. Super Diddy: *Noticed my energy hasn't drained out after doing the banana power cannon* Huh...my power grew again. Super DK: YEAH!! *Laughs while hooting* That was awesome! Let's do that again! ^_^ Falco: Honestly this is getting old real fast.. Peppy: They're doing it again!
*Diddy and DK attempted the banana power cannon out into the distance*
Fox: Banjo, trust me on this, you better hang onto something. Banjo: Ooo.. *Held onto Crash and Kazooie* Fox: Not what I meant but alright.
*The ship moved back from the forces impact*
Slippy: YEOOOOOWAAAAAAH!!! *Felt the banana power cannon's impact as I flew toward the wall and having dizzy eyes* Ooooooooooo. @_@ Lucario: "Okay I think that's enough for today." Fox: Agreed Krystal: *Uses the mic* DK, Diddy! It's time to come inside now! Falco: *Grunts as I helped Slippy up* Come on bud get up! Slippy: I feel all coo coo labunza! Falco: Yeah yeah. Super DK: Awww, we were having fun. Super Diddy: Say how long we've been out here?! Krystal: Two hours! Super Diddy: Two hours?! Oh yeah we definitely gotta pack it in big buddy. Super DK: Alright little buddy. I could use a nap anyways.
*DK and diddy flew straight back inside the great fox as they both revert back to normal*
Lucario: "I must say, you're chi energy has increased extremely high rapidly thanks to your intense training." Diddy: I know, I felt it too. Yet I somehow want to get stronger. Lucario: "In due time you will. Do not overexert yourselves, continue training one day at a time." Diddy: We will master lucario. DK: Hey I felt something too. Diddy: Really? DK: It's building and it's growing. Diddy: That's a good thing DK, it means that- DK: <PUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT!!!!!!> O_O.....nah it's just gas. ^_^ Diddy: ACK!! >_< Falco: *Coughs* P-EW!! *Started spraying gorilla odor repellet before it spreads* Fox: Where did you get that? Falco: Slippy made it for me. Slippy: *Shook my head* Okay I'm better now. Enough rest we have to get back to work. Spyro: Slippy if you haven't noticed, we haven't detected a single planet yet. Slippy: We will, we just have to keep trying. DK: Well while you guys do that I'm gonna take a dump then shower and finally get some sleep. See you guys in the morning. *Walks off* <FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRT!!!!!> Falco: Come on man! Agh! *Started spraying again* Krystal: *Giggles* Diddy: Well I for one feel like I'm getting stronger even though it doesn't look like it. Slippy: There has to be some planet we haven't looked at. Peppy: Face it slippy we're lost. Slippy: We're not lost! Fox: Guys calm down, all we can do is continue moving forward. We've tried everything so now we need to play the waiting game. Slippy: Okay...you're right fox. Peppy: So, want some dinner? Banjo: Yeah I could eat. Kazooie: Me too!
*Everyone went to the kitchen while slippy stayed with the controls*
Slippy: *Looks to ROB64* I wish there was some way to bring you back. We all miss you rob.
*Meanwhile at the Shadow Alliance Warship*
Mewtwo: *Glares at the kremlings* "Let me make this perfectly clear to all of you. We only have two fruit gem in our possession which is the banana and cherry fruit gem and so now the heroes have four. That makes me VERY angry, and when I get angry I get upset. And when I get upset? PEOPLE DIE!!!!
*Mewtwo uses psychokinesis and picked up one kremling and burned him alive then picked up two more and they both exploded*
Mewtwo: "Why must I be surrounded by imbeciles?!?"
*Five more kremlings came flying up and were all burnt alive and turned into ashes, k rool can only watch in terror of Mewtwo's wrath as he couldn't do anything about his kremling army being destroyed*
Mewtwo: "Let this be a reminder to all of you that this situation will NOT tolerate failure. Do I make myself clear?"
*All the kremlings nod their heads up really fast*
Mewtwo: "Good." Klump: Was all that really necessary? Mewtwo: *Glares at Klump as my eyes glew purple intensely* Klump: Nevermind I take it back! *Duck my head, shaking in fear* Krusha: Y-y-y-you're not gonna kill us are you? Mewtwo: "No. Because I have a mission for both of you. Lucario will be wishing for his planet restored after I destroyed it and when he does, you two will go down there and find the five fruit gems, strawberry, grape, dragon fruit, peach, and watermelon. DO NOT make me regret my decision of sparring you two. Understood?" Klump: *Salutes* Yes sir! Mewtwo: "Now leave me be. I must meditate in peace." *Teleports away* Neo Cortex: Remind me never to get on his bad side. Ripto: Agreed. K Rool: *Thinks* "This is so unfair! I don't even feel like the boss anymore because of him! I feel so helpless what can I do?! All I have is my strength, weapons, and minions and with that super kong form, I'm no match for donkey kong or diddy! Unless..." *Ran back to my room*
Diddy: Best dinner ever! Peppy: Surprised DK didn't wake up. Krystal: The poor dear must have been exhausted. Diddy: I mean to be fair we have been training really hard....and used the banana power cannon two times but you know how it is. Lucario: "Indeed" Diddy: So banjo how did you meet kazooie? Banjo: Years ago after you defeated the wizpig. Are you still in contact with timber. Diddy: Well I do have him and conker, how about you? Banjo: I've been fighting gruntilda to even talk to them. But diddy, I'm very surprised how you can shoot energy out of your hands, fly in space, and even breathe in space. You've been improving since last we've met. Diddy: I have haven't I? All thanks to Lucario for helping us achieve this goal. Lucario: ^_^ Fox: Hey that's the first time I ever seen you smile since we got out into space. Peppy: Yea. Looks good on you. Lucario: "Try not to get use to it too much. It's just one of those moments where I'm proud of what I accomplished. Nothing more." DK: *Sleeping peacefully as I snore* Diddy: *Finish eat* Thanks for dinner. I best be sleeping too. Night everyone. *walks off*
*Everyone said goodnight as everyone went to their rooms*
Krystal: Banjo, Kazooie, I got just the rooms for you two. *Walks off* Kazooie: Ooo, do show.
K Rool: *Looks around in my room then took out a mystical book* Yes, I found it. Now then... *opens the book and looks through every page until I found something and gasped* The dark gem in Spyro's world. If I find that then I'll gain the power I need to show my fullest potential. Soon those villains will never look down upon me ever again. Heheheheheheeeeee.
Find out what happens next - Dragon Ball Z Episode Ending Theme
Narrator: It seems that k rool has plans to gain the power he needs to even the odds against the super kong form. And what of our crossover heroes, are they truly lost in space and can't find out where the other fruit gems are. Or will Lucario wish for his homeworld back in order for the journey to continue? Find out on the next episode of donkey kong Z!
Next Episode/Last Episode -  Dragon Ball Z ost - The Saga Continues
Narrator: Next time on donkey kong Z! Lucario made a wish to restore his homeworld once again, much to Mewtwo's pleasure of predicting Lucario's homesickness, DK and his friends took a journey into the galar region of the pokemon world. Meanwhile fox and diddy stayed on the ship in order for diddy to learn about fox's jeet Kune do fighting style. And who is this mysterious warrior that took down all the kremlings and gnorcs single-handedly? Much to Lucario's hatred for Mewtwo he and he finally get to settle the score and Lucario demands payback for Mewtwo's crimes Lucario is prepared to defend his home planet at any cost, with his pokemon friends are there by his side. Who will emerge victorious? Find out next time on donkey kong Z!
ED - Dragon Ball - Makafushigi Adventure (Opening 1 HQ Audio)
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sparkly-angell · 4 years
Hi! Could I ask for a Superbat prompt? Fake dating? Thank you!
Hey anon, remember me? When you asked this five months ago? Here it is. (Im sorry it took me so long, I got into univerity (finally) and life became a wreck!) 
Hope this is enough apology: superbat, fake date, 3k, pure fluff ;)
Prompt me | Ko-fi | AO3 version  🌻
“No way.” 
“Bruce, no one will recognize you, please–”
“I’m not doing it.” 
“You just have to stand by my side and smile every now and again.” 
“Why don’t you ask Diana for it?”
Clark’s mouth clamped shut. Because she’s in Themyscira sure as hell wasn’t going to make Bruce suddenly decide that yes, he was giving up his weekend to go with Clark to a school reunion back in Smallville and pretend to be his plus one because Clark accidentally bought two tickets. He knew it was no use to try and convince Bruce, but it wasn’t like he had a choice, not really.
“Please, Bruce, it’s just one night. I’ll even get Ma to make that family recipe pork roast I know you love.” 
Bruce’s eyes shifted from the CCTV screens to him, calculating, before they got back to work, and back ignoring Clark.
“Go bother Lois.” and with that, he started tapping on his keyboard as immaculate as always.
“Lois is covering a big story this weekend.” Not a lie, but Clark didn’t want to ask Lois for this.
They’ve broken up over five months now, but no way things wouldn’t turn awkward if she said yes.
Clark sagged his shoulders, feeling resignment wash over him. Guess he ought to look for someone else. He was sure Barry would be excited to go with him. He glanced at Bruce again, his eyes never leaving the screen, deep in concentration as if Clark had never been there to bother him in the first place. He smothered a sign.
“Yeah, ok. Sorry to bother you. I’ll go see if Barry would like to go, then.” he turned and walked hopelessly up the stairs to the mansion. Maybe Alfred would take pity on him and offer a few of his delicious cookies.
The tapping of the keyboard stopped and Clark heard Bruce’s chair swirling around.
“Barry is your second option?” Bruce asked incredulously, “Barry?”
 Clark frowned, “Why not?”
Bruce let out a series of unintelligible noises before taking a deep breath and pinching the bridge of his nose. “That kid has a crush on you, Clark.” he got up from the chair and ran a nervous hand over his hair.
Clark’s eyes widened. “He what?” 
Bruce scoffed and shook his head. “It’s so obvious even a blind man can see it.”
His face fell to the ground. Well, if it couldn’t be Barry, who would he be taking? No one felt quite as right as Bruce, but he already said he wouldn’t…
Bruce met his eyes but quickly averted it, clicking his tongue. “Stop with the long face. Ok, I’ll go with you. But just this time–and I get to chose your suit.”
Clark smile threatened to split his face in two as the butterflies inside his chest somersaulted cheerfully.
“Thank you, Bruce, you won’t regret it!” he sprinted excitedly the remaining stairs all the while shouting, “I’ll tell Ma to buy some pork!”
Clark was panicking.
He paced from one side of his apartment to the other, trying to quench his nervousness back inside. Not that his apartment was big, no, it wasn’t even 7 meters in length, but he needed to move to distract himself while he waited for Bruce to pick him up.
Clark squeezed his eyes shut and let an exasperated groan.
Why again did he invite Bruce, of all people? 
He hadn’t realized how stupid his decision had been until the postman came baring a fancy, expensive looking box for him that morning. Inside had been the deep blue suit he now wore. It had come with a note.
‘Please, wash up before putting it on, don’t mess it up. I’m picking you at 6pm.’
He looked at his watch again. 6:15pm.
Ok, he breathed, only one minute since he last checked time. That’s progress.
Bruce was late, but that’s fine. He’s always fashionably late, isn’t he? Yes, that was it. It’s not like Bruce forgot about it. Right? He even went through the trouble to get Clark a proper suit, which, indeed was the finest cloth his body has ever come in contact with.
He slumped on his bed, ignoring the painful crack it let out. If he was being truthful, he actually appreciated this few minutes Bruce gave him. At least he could get comfortable with the fact that he would have to pretend to be Bruce’s boyfriend for a night.
His face heated up instantly. Clark abruptly let his elbows fall on his thighs as he massaged his temples soothingly. Ma would be calling him dramatic, but this felt necessary.
How was he, Clark Kent, the worst liar on the planet Earth (except when it came to his identity) to pretend not to have a massive crush on Bruce Wayne, so that Bruce doesn’t notice, while pretending to be in love with said man, at the same time?
Clark was considered super by some, but this decision was just plain stupid. Maybe super stupid.
A single, clean knock came from his door. Clark spurted to his feet and straightened his clothes, trying to make it even and stop it from looking like he had just been lying on his bed pitifully. One last look in the mirror told him his glasses were a little off, so he quickly adjusted them.
Ok, he breathed out. He was ready.
…Or so he thought. Clark’s breath wasn’t so much as taken but punched away from his lungs as his eyes skimmed over Bruce. He had knew his friend looked good in suits, Clark even saw it face to face a few times before, but for some reason, Bruce looked especially gorgeous in Clark’s hallway lights.
His suit was a smart grey, that hugged him in all the right places, not that Clark would expect anything less. Black slick shoes that looked just bought and a expensive looking watch finished the look. But what had caught Clark’s eyes was his tie, which matched the exact colors of Clark’s own suit.
Clark hoped to anyone listening that his blush didn’t look as bright as it felt. He looked at Bruce’s eyes, blue, sparkling eyes and felt a pang of love mixed with a small dose of lust washing his body. Clark cleared his throat and gave him a shy, trembling smile.
That seemed to snap Bruce out of his own world too. A light blush spreaded over his cheeks as he averted his face away, schooling his expression before facing Clark again.
“I knew the blue suit would look good on you.”
Clark froze with his heart in his throat, watching Bruce walk back towards the flight of stairs he’d just climbed.
Clark couldn’t say he missed most the people from his high school years. Of course, there were some people he still talked from time to time, who had also moved to Metropolis and who he would go out with and have a coffee. 
Whenever in Smallville he met with the ones he was closer and decided to take on family business. But it wasn’t many people, he was never one of the popular ones, never want to have the spotlight in his face, specially with his powers flowering in his teens.
So it didn’t make much sense that they were getting all this attention from everyone in the party.
They’ve traveled to Smallville by one of Bruce’s jets, stopping on the Kent’s farm, and from there, they went to the school with Pa’s old truck, not to call too much unwanted attention. The travelling was mostly quiet, they went over the plan as Clark gave Bruce a quick once over of his classmates and his old school. He told Bruce he was a hundred percent sure no one would recognize him. Smallville wasn’t one to keep up with news, specially in the business department. So he needn’t worry.
What Clark didn’t expect was that, even so, they still stood out a lot.
“Maybe is the suits.” Clark whispered to Bruce once the girl who had been talking with them excused herself to the bathroom. Bruce scoffed.
“But these are really simple.” he shook his head in confusion. Clark bit his lips, holding back a laugh, “What’s so funny?” He scowled at Clark.
Clark only shrugged and shook his head. Bruce wouldn’t get it.
“It’s definitely our clothes Bruce.” he couldn’t help the smile that broke his face. God, they were totally overdressed for this reunion and Clark could barely hold back his laugh.
“Or maybe they are stunned that small and shy Clark Kent became a gorgeous tall man that wears good clothes and has a handsome rich man as partner.” Bruce leaned over him, voice flirtatious as he smirked playfully. Too close.
Clark gulped dryly as a crimson blush crawled over his cheeks. This was all an act, he reminded himself, Bruce was doing it for their flirting façade to continue.
He smiled back and tilted his head to the side.
“Of course, that’s very humble of you, dear.” he winked. He could do that too. Two could flirt. Clark might not have Bruce’s experience, but he could follow a little flirt.
Even if his heart kept drumming desperately. 
“Clark? Is that you?” Clark turned around following the source of the woman’s voice. He’d completely forgotten about the other people around them, but smiled once he found himself face to face with Lana. 
“Oh, Lana! How are you?” he gave her a quick friendly hug before getting closer to Bruce’s space. Faking it or not, Clark felt a lot more secure near his friend. 
“I’m fine! Just got here, actually.” her eyes fell on Bruce. She smiled, “And this is…?” 
“Bruce, Clark’s partner.” he held his hand out and shook hers cordially, giving her his best captivating smile, “Nice to meet you, Lana.”
She smiled back, a faint blush covering her beautiful high cheeks. Clark held back the urge to roll his eyes. Of course everyone would be enchanted by Bruce.
“The pleasure is all mine.” she said, voice but a purr. “So? How did you two meet?” She turned back to Clark.
“Work. Bruce is my colleague.” 
“Oh? A journalist as well?” Lana took a sip of her drink, eyes never leaving them.
“Not quite.” Bruce winked, knowing full well how mysterious he sounded and sneaked a hand over Clark’s waist. His heart jumped, eighth time that night, but Clark leaned into it casually.
Lana raised an eyebrow.
“That makes a woman wonder.” she taps her chin amusedly a few times before dropping her hand, “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Clark, and you, Bruce. I’ll catch up with the others, maybe we can talk more later, what you think? It’s been quite a while.”
“Sure it has.” Clark smiled as they both watched her dazzle away.
“You didn’t tell me Lana was your ex when you told me about her.” Bruce deadpanned right on his ear. Clark didn’t know how he still had blood to continue blushing like that.
“How did you know?” there was no point denying it, now that Bruce said it out loud. 
Bruce scoffed and gave him his signature ‘why do I even need to explain’ expression. “It’s written all over you two.”
Clark groaned miserably and Bruce squeezed his his hand over his hips compassionately. Clark blushed, suddenly reminding himself Bruce still had a possessive arm around him. And if he was truthful to himself, he enjoyed the feeling very much.
“Let’s go for another round and later we can get some air, what do you think?” Bruce suggested leading them towards another couple. He raised his eyebrow and smirked, “This is not so different from my galas, it’s quite fun.”
“I thought you hated the galas.” Clark frowned.
“It’s gratifying to see people taken aback by my presence. Especially when they don’t know who I am.”
Clark rolled his eyes foundly. “You are horrible, Bruce.”
Bruce’s smile only grew. He winked again, now directed at him.
“You know it.”
“I can’t wait to go home.” Clark said with a sigh. He sat down on his school’s front steps, resting his chin on his hands. All the houses from the main street in front of them were already closed and sound asleep, the only thing illuminating the village were the scattered street lamps, that gave the impression of golden auras hovering the houses. Clark loved it.
It was probably somewhere near two in the morning. Most people already left, a few were too drunk to move, and others were enjoying what was left of the reunion. Not Clark and Bruce.
Bruce rested back into his elbows, also observing the lights from afar. He looked astounding. His coat was gone, he left it inside somewhere, and had his dress shirt sleeve rolled up to his elbows, which, in Clark’s opinion, shouldn’t be as sexy as it was. Bruce had a distant look on his face, eyes probably miles away from where they where.
“Thinking of Gotham?” Clark asked, half joking because he knew the Bat always had his city in mind.
Bruce turned those deep eyes to him. Clark’s breath hitched.
“Honestly? No.” Bruce admitted with a faint voice. His eyes traveled over Clark’s face until going back to his eyes. He let out a vague laugh. “I was thinking about that pork Ms. Kent promised for lunch tomorrow.”
Clark’s eyes widened at the confession. The cricketing around them seemed to lower to a whirring as even the crickets chosen that moment to end their day.
“You’re going to love it.” Clark said, recomposing himself and smiling softly at his friend.
“There isn’t one thing Martha Kent’s ever done that I don’t love.” Bruce whispered, and Clark’s heart threatened to jump from his chest. He broke their intense glaring, feeling a pang of regret stabbing him on the chest.
The night was ending, and so was their relationship, even if fake. Tonight had been both a blessing and a curse, because for all Clark had enjoyed dating Bruce, it was all an illusion and soon reality would put him back to his place, now with a small taste of what could be.
Bruce seemed to notice his glooming state and schooched closer, so they were both sharing the same warmth. Clark burned.
“I should have invited Barry.” he blurted out without thinking. Bruce stiffened next to him, yet Clark didn’t dare turn his face to look at him.
“Why?” Bruce’s voice had now an anxious edge that wasn’t there before. 
Should he say it? Clark was already in a bad place, maybe confessing his feelings wouldn’t matter now.
“Because this part would hurt much less. Wouldn’t hurt at all.” he whispered into the night.
Bruce fell silent and Clark squeezed his eyes shut. He could almost hear that big brain putting the pieces together. Clark only had a few seconds before Bruce got up and left him for good. Maybe it was a bad idea after all.
Too late to change it now. 
Bruce interlaced his fingers together and held tight even as Clark gasped and snapped his face in Bruce’s direction, alarmed. He didn’t dare say anything about it, he didn’t want to break this moment. He even stopped breathing at some point.
“You know why I said yes to come here with you?” Bruce asked breaking the silence softly. Clark waited for an answer, still clammed. “I got jealous of Barry getting the opportunity I’ve been wanting for months now.”
“Bruce…” but Bruce closed his eyes and shook his head lightly, a few locks of his hair falling over his eyes.
“Just– don’t. Let’s just stay here a little while, ok?”
“Ok.” Clark receded. He contemplated the street for a moment before he leaned closer to Bruce, feeling joy bash over him as Bruce embraced it. Their hands a solid connection between them and their hearts, both beating in insane rhythms, yet it easily became Clark’s favorite song.
Bruce rested his head on Clark’s shoulder, the pressure making his heart beat faster, if that was even possible. Clark hummed approvingly and stretched his arm behind Bruce, supporting their weight and successfully getting closer to Bruce.
His smell was intoxicating this close. It was sweet but with a characteristically twinge of something spicy, and if Clark took a deeper breath, he would be able to sense the steel and the kevlar from his uniform.
Oh. Bruce’s face was so close to his, closer than it has ever been. Clark’s cheek was pressed against his forehead, it was just a matter of turning, only a few degrees, and he could– and he would–
“Bruce,” he whispered sounding almost desperately to his own ears, but he was past the point of embarrassment now, “can I?”
Bruce contemplated the question silently and Clark hoped he didn’t have to specify what he wanted, but not long after, Bruce nodded. If Clark didn’t know better, he would say Bruce was shy.
Slowly, afraid of scaring Bruce, Clark turned his face until they were nose to nose. His throat constricted, excitement flew through his veins as they shared one last look, blue eyes unfazed and determined, looking past Clark’s own eyes, looking inside.
He felt raw, exposed. He never wanted this feeling to end.
Clark’s eyes fell, focusing on the one part of Bruce he’d been trying the most to ignore the entire night. His lips were perfectly drawn, soft, Clark could tell only by looking. He leaned forward, only a few inches, and got surprised when Bruce was the one to close the remaining distance.
Yes, soft, was the first thing in Clark’s mind as their lips came together, dancing to the silence music of their heartbeats. Clark’s chest exploded in tiny shatters of relief and love and passion and lust, all mixing into one big emotion that was Bruce.
His hand instinctively found its way to Bruce’s cheek, cupping gently as his thumb caressed him lovingly. They broke apart, forehead against forehead as they breathed hard, not so much from lack of air, but from the intensity of what they just did.
“Why don’t we go home?” Clark rasped out, voice overwhelmed with emotions. Bruce gave him a tiny, intimate smile.
“I’d love to.”
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