#thanks for the ask! turns out i had more thoughts about the coven than i thought i did
fourleafclovxr · 1 year
anadil, hester, and dot! for the ask game
Headcanon A:  realistic
anadil: i think i first read this in one of ren's fics? but anadil is so incredibly royalty-coded. i think she's the kind of person who's like, rejecting the path that was set out for her. so that's why she's willing to be a sidekick, she's not looking for glory and being known, she could have that as a princess. she just wants to be her own person.
hester: she's not really pure evil. her evil was something she worked for, learning spells and potions etc etc, and not something she was naturally born with. i like the idea of her working to be better than her mother (hansel and gretel's witch), i think it's touched on in tlea?
dot: her power actually reaches way further than she thinks. like, she could turn someone's blood into hot chocolate kind of power. but she doesn't know because she's dot, she never wanted to hurt anyone, so she never tried. i just like the idea of her being more powerful than everyone else!
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
anadil: went on a date with / tried dating beatrix once (and actually had fun) (and pissed hester off so much she asked anadil out instead)
hester: gets love letters from all the evers who think her goth vibe is hot (it is!) she gives the sweets and flowers and stuff to dot, and the letters themselves to anadil to deface and send back.
dot: not sure if this is funny :[ but i like the idea of her having an advice column (like aunt agony). i think it could be funny if the right person wrote it, unfortunately i am not that person sjdkfsh
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
anadil: watched her grandmother (the witch who got killed in that barrel) (who probably raised her. i imagine anadil as an orphan) die, and became withdrawn and quiet because of it. she was basically an outcast until she went to SGE and joined the coven.
hester: not sure on the Details but i imagine she went through some pretty terrible things to get her demon. like got Magical Surgery to get it intertwined with her soul and sat through getting the actual tattoo- at what? age twelve? younger than that? like, she was so motivated to have power and to keep herself safe (also as an orphan, since her mother died probably when she was young) that she was willing to go through excruciating pain and make all those sacrifices. ouch.
dot: developed her food powers as a coping mechanism- having chocolate as one of the only happy parts of her childhood, maybe her dad (the sheriff of nottingham and an asshole) gave her chocolate when he was proud of her? and she just internalised that because after a while her father didn't care enough to give her chocolate. she had to make her own.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
anadil: she has a good fashion sense! she's sleek and trendy and professional! she even dresses hester up sometimes
hester: she's trans baby! (this is unrealistic because of soman's terrible, terrible ideas about gender)
dot: i like to think she and kiko get together. idk i think nice girls deserve to be happy with other nice girls.
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trashcanfanfics · 8 months
might I request some headcanons for ford (young and old) w/ a reader who’s a witch (like from the boiling isles) and has their own place in the woods? they’re known as the witch of the woods and there are stories from local teens about how they’ll “steal your bones if you get too close to their house,” but they’re actually really nice and will make you lunch if you stop by.
please, and thank you 🔮
Man, do I love this idea!! I immediately started thinking of a little ficlet/imagine/scenario
Reader gender not mentioned, could be any gender
This turned out longer than I thought it would
I'd exiled myself to earth a bit ago in response to the ban on wild witches. It was easier for me to leave than to fight back then. I could probably go back anytime, but I'd rather not be forced to pick one coven.
It wasn't all bad here. The rain didn't burn, plants didn't move on their own or try to eat me. I loved the green color of the landscape and my palisman, Gretch, enjoyed the fresh air. The locals were friendly enough, and the children were curious.
I'd noticed that they were wary of me and my strange abilities. To combat this, I'd just make warm beverages and small meals for anyone traveling farther into the woods near my little cabin.
It was on my way home from the human store that I met him. A man stuck in the root of a tree. One of mine, unfortunately. In a moment of homesickness, I'd planted a seed from the Boiling Isles near my home, and this particular one was a grasping willow. A sigh escaped me, loud enough for my surprise captive to hear. He turned towards me, seeming to forget his foot was stuck, causing him to fall over. The man winced.
"I'm sorry for my tree, sir." I swirled my pointer finger into a circle of green. The root lifted and moved from his ankle. "He's just a bit playful." I set my bags down to offer him my hand. He hesitated, looking at my hand before reaching up and taking the offered help. Once he was up, I shook his hand with a smile and introduced myself.
"Nice to meet you," he quickly took his hand back and cleared his throat, "my name is Stanford Pines, though people call me Ford."
"Wonderful to meet you, Ford." I picked my bags back up and faced him again. "I have groceries to put away, so I have to go. Try walking in a wide circle to avoid Snipper if you're walking around here."
"Oh, uh, thank you for the advice." He waved awkwardly and turned to leave. I chuckled slightly and went on my own way. Gretch sniffed the air in his direction before hiding back into my cloak. They whispered to me about the stranger's smell as I walked back home.
Ford came around more often after that. He asked many questions, and I answered. I asked fewer questions but received more answers. He was eager to talk and learn, and I was grateful for the company. Ford became a part of my routine in the best way. We'd meet up for lunch at either mine or his cabin and tell me what he's found. His theories enthralled me. I'd developed quite the soft spot for him and missed him when he wasn't around. My palisman teased me endlessly about it, but stopped once I'd mention how they liked to curl up on his lap as he talked.
He'd started coming around less and less. I wondered what new oddity he was occupied with to take up all his time. Gretch had been keeping watch over him and hadn't seen much since they couldn't get into the cabin. Whenever he did visit, he was...distant. There were bags beneath his eyes, an erratic fear, and paranoia took over his voice, even when it was just a whisper. I was worried and told him as such. He'd stood abruptly from the living room couch, making poor Gretch leap to the floor, and looked at me for the first time in months.
"There's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine, everything's fine!" His eye twitched. I blinked a few times in shock at his outburst. My hands flew up in a placating manner.
"Okay, okay," I lowered my hands and held them out to him palm up, "how about I make you your favorite tea, hm?" His eyes lowered to my hands before placing his own in them. I gently squeezed his hands for exactly six seconds before standing up and leading him to the kitchen. He followed me as I moved around to make the tea. Gretch stayed close to him, attempting to comfort him. The kettle boiled and I pulled it off before the whistle blew. We both watched the tea steep for a few seconds before Ford wrapped me in a hug from behind. His head rested against me as he shook.
"I think...I think I did something very bad, and you won't forgive me." His voice cracked. I looked up from the soup I was serving to look at him. He was looking at his hands.
"I suppose that's a valid concern. Although, I can't say whether I would or wouldn't if I don't know what it is." I set the ladle down and grabbed the tray holding the bowls. "For what it's worth, there is very little you can do that I wouldn't be able to forgive." I set the tray on the table and set a bowl in front of him, then Gretch's, before sitting down my with my own.
"I..." He stared at the soup. "I care for you deeply, and I don't want you to be mixed up in my mistakes." His eyes were tired when they looked at me. My breath caught in my chest as I stared back. My palisman stopped slurping to to look up at both me and Ford.
"Is that what you're asking me to forgive? You caring deeply for me?" I looked down at my own soup, stirring it slightly. My heart raced as his words filled my mind. "If that's a thing in need of forgiveness, then I beg for yours in return." I look back at him with a small smile. His brow furrowed.
"That's not the point I'm making." Ford ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his forehead. "I've made a mistake that could put you in danger. Out of everything that's happened to me, you've been the best. I don't want to lose you." He pulled out a book from his bag. One of his journals. He slid the book over to me. Gretch leaned over the tray to sniff it before recoiling. I blinked and looked at him.
"Ford, what--" I was cut off by him rounding the table and kneeling beside me. He grabbed my hands in both of his and looked me in the eye, more serious than he'd ever been with me. Gretch, wanting a better view, crawled over the table to be beside me.
"Take this journal and hide it. Take it as far from here as possible. Go and never come back. Please." His voice trembled. "I don't want him to get you."
"Who? Who is going to get me? What aren't you telling me?" I pulled my hands from his to hold his face, tears brimming my eyes. "Ford, tell me what's going on, why do I have to leave? What will happen to you once I do?" Tears poured down my face as I bit back a sob. I'd been so worried about him, about why he'd been so distant. Then he was asking me to leave. Leave Gravity Falls, my home, the only person besides my palisman I trusted fully with all my heart. I didn't want to go.
"I can't tell you. Please, believe me, it's safer this way." Ford reached for my face, eyes flitting back between my own. He leaned in and kissed me softly, barely a whisper on my lips. My eyes shut, allowing more tears to fall. I pushed into him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and deepened the kiss.
"I can't leave you." I said against his lips as we both pulled back slightly. I kissed him again. "I can't leave you, Ford." Our foreheads were pressed against each other.
"You have to." He pulled away and stood up. He grabbed his bag and turned to leave. Gretch chased after him immediately. I watched him go for a second, tears still falling down my face, before grabbing the book, and running after him. Grabbing the strap of his bag, I pulled him back.
"If you're going, then take this with you. I won't be part of something i don't know about." I shoved the book into his chest and glared at him through my tears. He looked at the book and then me before steeling his gaze. He shoved the book back into his bag and left. The front door closed, and I made my way back to the kitchen, Gretch following sadly behind. The soup had gone cold.
We hadn't spoken in a month. Four weeks. Thirty days. I went to his cabin to see him but his friend, Fiddleford McGucket, was on his way out and warned me to stay away from Ford.
"For your own sake." He said, rushing to his truck, bags in tow. "He's gone insane." I'd still knocked on his door for the next week. No reply. Gretch continued to keep an eye out and told me whatever they deemed relevant.
The next three I wallowed in my grief. Moping around the house, not taking care of my plants, or myself. I could barely brush my teeth or eat. My body odor followed me like a cloud. Days blurred together. Gretch tried to help me, but they were just as upset. Eventually, I had to go out to get more groceries.
On the way to the store, in my sweatpants, hooded sweater and muddy boots, I passed by Ford's cabin flying low to the ground on Gretch. As I looked towards it, my heart clenching painfully, the trees began to shake. I looked around in confusion as Gretch and I slowed to a stop. Then back to the cabin. The basement windows lit up a bright blue. Before I could stop myself, I flew straight towards the door, using my magic to unlock it. Bursting into the foyer, down the steps to the basement, I saw two figures.
There was Ford and someone else who looked like him. Stanley, his twin brother. Ford had told me about him. Ford was floating in the air, waving his limbs around, trying not to get pulled into a giant machine glowing with the light I'd seen outside.
"Ford!" I yelled, running to help him. Gretch almost reached him as he screamed his brother's name. He was sucked into the portal faster than I could cast a spell. "FORD!" I fell to my knees in front of the portal, next to where Stanley was standing. He was gone. My tears became my closest friends in the past weeks. These ones felt different. They hurt more, like daggers down my cheeks. He was gone. My friend, the one I adored and trusted the most. Gone. I sobbed out his name again, looking at the ground, Getch placed their head into my lap.
"Uh, are you...Did you...know my brother?" The voice made me jump. I turned to Stanley. I'd forgotten he was here in my anguish. I sniffed and wiped my face on my sleeve.
"Yes. He was my friend."
Ford had been gone for 30 years. After he'd been taken through the portal, Stan and I began a sort of friendship. He was brash and rude, his voice was gruff. He was different from Ford in so many ways, but so similar. Our friendship wasn't like the one with Ford. It was less lunch dates and more I'd bring him meals and take him shopping.
He'd convinced a crowd of shoppers that he was the mysterious scientist in the cabin while he was shopping by himself one day. I'd gotten very angry at him and refused to talk to him for a week after that. Eventually, I came around to it, realizing that he does need to make money somehow.
In time, the "Mystery Shack", as Stan called it, became quite profitable. People were attracted to its unbelievable aura. Personally, I found most of Stan's grotesque attractions to feel like home. I'd known someone who looked like the "Eyeball with Legs" back in the Boiling Isles. Gretch was glad Stan never asked them to be an exhibit. Sometimes, I feel as though Stan took inspiration from my stories.
It was summer when the twins came to Gravity Falls. Stan told me I wasn't allowed to do magic or talk to them about the strangeness in our little town. I told him that I wasn't going to hide who I was from anyone, and if he had a problem with it, don't let them go out by my cabin. We had a heated argument about that. I had resolved to not speak, or even go looking for him or anyone from the Shack that whole summer.
Of course, that didn't stop them from looking for me. Apparently, Ford had written about me in his third journal, and Dipper had stumbled across it. It lead them both to my doorstep with a gentle knock on the door.
"Hello?" As I opened the door, I saw two children, tweens, it seemed. The girl was holding a video camera at my face. "Oh!" They looked familiar almost.
"Uh, hi, uh..." The boy ruffled through a familiar book. I realized then who I must've been talking to. This must be Dipper and Mabel. The Pines' genetics must have been strong, they looked just like their great uncles. "Are you the witch of the woods?" His question made me laugh slightly. Gretch poked their head out the door to sniff at the children, causing the girl to gasp and coo at them, holding a hand out. I debated telling them both to leave, but it had been a while since I'd had company. Besides, it was getting a bit dark, and the woods were dangerous for children to go out into.
"That's what the townsfolk call me, yes." I gestured for them to come inside. "Would you like some tea?" The girl quickly came in with an excited smile. She was already petting and baby-talking Gretch. I chuckled.
"Oh, you're so cute! What's your name?" She looked around my living room and gasped. "I love your curtains!" She raced over to touch them before her brother stopped her, scolding her in a hushed tone. I smiled at them before going into the kitchen with Gretch in tow. They followed soon after.
"I'm not going to eat you, despite what the other children might say." I grabbed three tea cups and started the stove. "I don't do much other than tend to my plants and feed hikers that come by." I placed teabags into a teapot.
"So you're...not a witch?" The boy asked. I laughed again and ushered them to sit at the table. The girl gasped at the center piece. A lovely potted plant of flowers Ford had gifted me a long time ago. They were spring flowers, so they had stopped blooming. I smiled fondly at them.
"What kind of plant is this?" She touched the leaves gently. "It's so pretty."
"They're called shooting stars." I swirled my pointer finger in a green circle, causing the flowers to glow green as well and bloom. Gretch sniffed them, then sneezed. "They're normally a spring flower, but I'm able to keep them going with the sunroof in place and a bit of magic.
"So you are a witch!" The boy yelled. The kettle whistled and I quickly went to stop it. "This is incredible! Mabel! Did you catch that on video?" His sister, Mabel, looked at the camera, which had been placed facing away from the plant, towards a window.
"Whoops." She fixed the camera to face the flowers, which had ceased glowing and sat, bloomed, but otherwise non magical. He groaned in frustration and looked at me.
"Would you do that again? For the camera?" He gestured to the technology. I finished making the tea and brought it over, giving them each a cup.
"I would," I sat down in my own chair, "but the flowers are already bloomed, dear." I took a sip and set it back down. Looking at him with a small smile full of humor. Gretch huffed in their form of laughter. Ford had always called me a smart ass.
"Darnit!" He put his head on the table. Mabel reached over and patted his back before taking a sip of her tea. She hummed in delight at the taste and finished the cup in a few gulps. I offered her more, which she gladly accepted, drinking more before scratching Gretch on the head. The palisman leaned into her hand.
"I could do something else for your, oh, what are you needing the footage for, Dipper?" My question made his head shoot up. He looked at me in surprise. I realized that I'd called him his name before he'd told me.
"How do you know my name?" His eyes widened. "Do you read minds?" I was already shaking my head before he finished. Gretch huffed another laugh.
"I know your uncle, is all." I held my hand up to stop both of their questions. "Stan and I are, well, I suppose you could call us friends."
"Are you two in a relationship? Are you in love?" Mabel stood on her chair, her hands planted on the table as she leaned towards me. I scrunched my face in slight disgust even thinking about being with Stan. My palisman sneezed and shook their head.
"Absolutely not." I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Not even if he begged." The very idea of Stan being who I came home to made me very uncomfortable. Besides...I still dreamed of Ford. I regretted that our first and only kiss was when he was leaving. Maybe if I'd been braver in the beginning, said something sooner, he'd still be here. Maybe it'd have chased him away earlier than he did.
"Um, witch...sir? Ma'am? Sma'mir?" Mabel's voice drew me out of my reverie. I blinked and looked at her. She tilted her head in confusion.
"Pardon, I was leagues away. Did you say something, dear?" I looked at the clock to see the time. "Oh, that might have to wait. You two need to get home." I stood and ushered them to the living room where I grabbed my warmest shawls. They would have to do, my coats were buried in the hall closet. I wrapped one around Mabel, as she was the closest, so that it covered her head. when I turned to do the same to Dipper, he refused.
"I'll be fine, I don't need it." He held up his hands and I put mine on my hips. My eyebrow arched as I gave him a look that said this wasn't an argument. Gretch went behind him and gently nudged him towards me.
"It gets cold at night, especially in the woods." I quickly threw it over his shoulders and over his head like his sister. Mabel giggled as she pointed the camera at us. Dipper's frown deepened as his cheeks reddened. "I won't have you catch a chill on my watch. It'll just be another thing for Stan to b-ahem, yell about." With them properly bundled, I wrapped myself up and had Gretch turn into a staff. Both children gasped.
"I definitely got that on video." Mabel said as I waved them both to get on. Mabel in front of me and Dipper behind, I took off, up and over the trees. The twins both yelled out, though I suspected for different reasons.
As we walked up the porch, the door swung open to reveal Stan himself. He looked from both of the twins then to me. His eyes darkened slightly.
"I told you not to talk to them!" He pushed them both behind him and pointed a finger at me. "You said you wouldn't!" His glare matched mine. I pushed his hand out of my face and lifted my chin.
"Children, cover your ears." I spared them a glance to see them do so. My finger replaced his between us. "They were deep in those damn woods at dusk! I wouldn't have had to take them home if you had been doing your fucking job of keeping them safe! No wonder they're up to their goddamned knees in the supernatural of this fucking town!"
"How much did you tell them, what did you tell them?!" He got closer to me, dangerously so. I pointed my palisman staff towards him as a barrier. "So help me, if you told them-!" That made me scoff.
"Oh, please, I didn't tell them anything." I scoffed and waved my other hand to dismiss the thought. "Do you have such little faith in me? After all these years?" A sigh left my lips as I shook my head.
"Just stay away from them!" He pointed a finger at me again. "They don't need to be involved with all this weirdness." His statement made me roll my eyes and I turned to leave.
"They're already too invested in the weirdness, Stanley." I turned my head to look back at him over my shoulder, mounting my palisman. "They won't end up like him in one summer, but if you're that worried, keep them out of the woods." With that, I took off into the sky.
The children clearly didn't listen to Stan, if he told them to stay away from me. They came around my home every few days or so, asking me about myself and the woods surrounding. I'd been vague about my friendship with Ford, for Stan's sake if nothing else. Gretch enjoyed their company, especially Mabel's. She would bring the palisman snacks and plenty of affection. Waddles and Gretch became fast friends when the pig was brought along as well.
Mabel had latched onto my story of him and was sobbing by the time I'd told her he was gone and I'd never see him again. Dipper also seemed disappointed, wanting to meet the scientist. He'd asked if I was talking about the author of the journals. I'd told him no. Gretch whined at that, clearly frustrated I wouldn't tell them anything. I just shooed her away.
They told me about their adventures and a figure named Bill. I'd sat eagerly by, hearing about their encounters. They had been in danger multiple times over the summer and I'd nearly gone to shout at Stan some more before they said they didn't want him to know. I explained to them that not telling Stan was a mistake. He is their guardian for the summer and needed to know where they were so he could help if needed. They disagreed and went home. I'd asked Gretch to watch over them for a while to make sure they weren't in too much danger.
It was sometime after Mabel's sock opera when the kids invited me over. Well, more Mabel did, with Stan's permission. Though the man had been rather grumpy over the phone. I was amused by Mabel's antics and agreed, soon making my way over there. Gretch sniffed the air and shook their head, rubbing their nose.
"Oh hush, I'm sure Stan can't stink that bad from out here." I joked before knocking on the door. "Should we invest in nose plugs for you?" The door opened before they could retort. Mabel squealed when she saw me and pulled me into the cabin and to the living room.
"You're going to love this guy, trust me," She squealed again, "I'm a master match maker." I laughed at her enthusiasm. She was determined to have me meet someone. The only time she'd stopped was when she'd found out Stan had a crush on Lazy Susan.
"Mabel, I've told you already that I'm perfectly fine on my own. I really should stop ind--" I looked up to see the unfortunate suitor this time. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. I knew the figure instantly. Despite the wrinkles, my dreams made sure I'd never forget his face. "Ford?" His eyes widened as he recognized me. He said my name in a whisper. Gretch wasted no time in throwing themselves at him, circling and sniffing and bumping into him. He huffed a laugh and pet them gently.
"I didn't forget you either." He looked up from the palisman back to me. "I'd thought you'd have left Gravity Falls." His other hand twitched, as if he wanted to touch me. I couldn't hold back, I ran to him and wrapped him in a hug. The tears that had been building up overflowed.
"I told you I couldn't." I felt his arms slowly hug me back. He squeezed me gently and buried his face into my neck. I gave him one more squeeze before pulling back slightly to look up at him. Our eyes met and I smiled brighter than I'd had in years. He returned the gesture. "I'm glad you're back." Tears continued to slide down my face and I sniffed.
"You knew each other?!" Mabel's voice broke us both out of our little bubble. "What?!" She turned to Dipper, who'd just walked in, and shook him by his shoulders screaming about how this is a better story than the Dusk series. Dipper, having pulled himself from his sister's grasp, looked at me and Ford, still in an embrace. Mabel ran out of the room to go tell Stan.
"...When I asked if the person you were talking about was the author of the journals..." He furrowed his brows. I hesitantly pulled myself fully from Ford's arms and cleared my throat.
"I lied, yes." My hand was already up to stop him from asking questions or comment on my dishonesty. "Stan had asked me not to, it would have caused problems if you knew." The boy looked displeased with my answer.
"That's what Grunkle Stan said, too." He crossed his arms. "It's stupid! If we knew, we could have helped rebuild the portal and get Great Uncle Ford back!" His statement had Ford opening his mouth, but I was faster.
"Now, that's enough, young man!" I put one hand on my hip and pointed a finger at him. He jumped and his eyes widened. I'd never raised my voice at either of the twins before. "Stan is a ridiculously infamous liar, but this time he did out of necessity. You weren't there to see what happened after Ford was sucked into that portal, he was dealing with the grief of losing his brother and while I'm going to have very strong words with him out of earshot of you kids about rebuilding that machine, it's understandable how he went about things." Gretch sneezed, huffed and then looked away. I raised an eyebrow at them and put my other hand on my other hip. They gazed right back at me and yawned before laying down nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. They never truly liked Stan. Ford laughed slightly at mine and Gretch's wordless exchange. I turned to him with a slight smile and a raised eyebrow. He only shook his head fondly.
"You're defending him?" Dipper stuck up his chin, ignoring the palisman. "I thought you guys didn't like each other..." A sigh escaped me at that. I crossed the room, pulled out a chair to the card table before sitting down. Ford followed to stand next to me, my heart swelled at the thought that he was here. Actually back.
"Stan and I don't always see eye to eye," I began, watching Dipper join me at the table, "but, well, I helped him for the first few months after the incident. With the portal, I mean. We looked through the research we had to figure it out."
"You helped with that?" Ford looked incredulous. "Why? It was dangerous!" His outburst made me look at him with a huff. Gretch snuffed out a laugh and made themself comfortable on the old yellow chair.
"I was getting to that." This seemed to placate him as he closed his mouth and cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Anyway, I had been helping him, reading through the only journal we had, before I'd looked at everything and used my oracle abilities to try and track down any others. I'd had a vision in my crystal of what would happen if I helped further and told Stan what I'd seen."
"I'm guessing he didn't believe you?" Dipper asked, rolling his eyes. I smiled at how the resemblance he had to Stan in that moment.
"He rolled his eyes just like that when I told him. Stan's always been a stubborn bas--ahem, man." I snickered, glancing at Ford and winking when our eyes met. His face reddened "It's a family trait, I've noticed."
"I'd hardly call myself stubborn." Ford crossed his arms and looked away. "It's not stubbornness when you're right." His defensiveness made me bark out a laugh. His face deepened in color as he refused to look at me.
"Okay, and when you told him what would happen and he didn't believe you, you stopped helping?" Dipper put his arms on the table and leaned towards me, eagerly waiting for the rest of the story.
"Well...not exactly." I looked off to the side, thinking how to phrase my words. "I mean, I stopped helping with the portal, yes, but I stayed until the Shack became more popular. In the beginning of the change, I understood needing the money, but the more ridiculous it became, the more I felt like it was wrong. We'd gotten into a huge fight over it. There's been tension ever since."
"So you and Gruncle Stan were never together?" Mabel's voice made me jump. I looked to see her sitting on the floor and Stan leaning against the yellow chair Gretch had fallen asleep in. He looked at Mabel in confusion. I rubbed my hand on my forehead and sighed.
"Mabel. I've told you this." I looked at Stan and scrunched my nose, he rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. "I have never, and I mean ever, considered Stan anything more than an unlikely friend." I looked at her and shook my head.
"Yeah, they're not my type anyway." He snickered. It was my turn to roll my eyes before crossing my own arms. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"Yes, his type is anything twenty years younger and doesn't have enough wits to realize he isn't as funny as he thinks he is." I smirked at the indignant noise he made at my jab. "Or a spider." My last comment made Dipper and Mabel laugh as Stan's face grew red.
"Hey! She didn't look like a spider at the time!" He grumbled and looked back down at Gretch, poking them to try and get them to move. They growled in response. "How do you even know about that?" He looked at the kids and then grumbled under his breath again.
"Besides," I looked at Mabel, "I have my eye on only one person. I have since I first met him." Her eyes sparkled as she looked between me and Ford. Dipper looked exasperated.
"Is he Great Uncle Ford?!" She stood up and pointed at us both. I chuckled at her enthusiasm. Ford looked at her, his mouth agape and cheeks red. Dipper rolled his eyes, but seemed interested as he eyed both me and Ford with interest.
"Yes." I smiled at him as he already opened his mouth, words spilling out before he could register what I said.
"That's hardly an appropriate thing to say--" He stopped and looked at me. "Did you say yes?" He was staring at me in amazement. I could see Stan gagging in my peripheral vision. Mabel giggled and Dipper started writing down on a piece of paper.
"I did." I raised my eyebrow at Ford. "Did you forget about that kiss? I'm a bit insulted." He blinked and cleared his throat, looking away. His face was so red, I thought he was going to faint from the blood rush.
"No!" He cleared his throat again. "No, I just...I didn't think..." His gaze softened and he reached out to cup my face. I leaned in, keeping eye contact as he rubbed a thumb over my cheek. My hand reached up and held his there.
"Ugh, gross. Get a room." We both looked at Stan who gagged again. "At least take it outside." I rolled my eyes again and stood up, bringing Ford's hand from my face to hold between us. He looked at me as I reached up my own hand to bring his face closer to mine. At long last, I kissed him. He made a muffled noise of surprise but quickly leaned into the kiss. Stan and Dipper both groaned as Mabel cheered. I pulled back and looked Ford in the eyes.
"I wish I'd told you sooner," I leaned in and gave him another kiss, "I love you Stanford Pines."
Weirdmageddon had been concluded, the twins, both sets, safe and sound. Dipper and Mabel had their birthday before saying goodbye. I'd cried as I hugged them. They'd each received a charm of good luck. Ford and Stan had decided to sail around the world, inviting me to join them. I'd told them I'd let them catch up for a few years before setting sail with them. I'd be here when they came back during the summers.
"Are you sure? We don't mind, really." Ford had encouraged, but I shook my head with a smile. Stan shrugged his shoulders with a small smile.
"Yeah, it'd be nice to have a powerful witch aboard." He smacked a hand on my shoulder. I laughed and patted his hand. He moved it back to his side.
"I'm sure you boys can handle yourselves. Besides, I've waited this long." I looked at Stan then Ford. Gretch huffed and sat firmly next to Ford, daring me to try and stop her from going. "Fine by me, Gretch. Go on with them, I'll see you in a few years."
"It doesn't have to be years..." Ford looked down at them with a sheepish smile. "You could join us at the end of next summer." Stan gave a noise of agreement.
"Yeah!" Stan gave me a nudge. "It'd be nice to catch up with you, too." We had gained some of our friendship back during the apocalypse and I was glad for it. I smiled and shook my head fondly.
"Alright, fine." They both smiled at my confirmation. "Send me letters in the meantime." Stan agreed and went to say one more goodbye to his protege, Soos, before getting the car. Gretch huffed and walked off, deciding to stay with me after all. Ford stepped closer to me, gently cupping my face in one of his hands. We both leaned in and kissed. Stan drove up and honked the horn, causing us to reluctantly part.
"I promise to write." He gave me one more kiss before getting into the car and they both drove off. I kept waving until they were out of sight.
"See you next summer." I said before heading back home with Gretch. My heart felt full.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
What the Lost Boys think of vampire related media pt.2
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After your last vamp media talk you had more questions you absolutely needed the answers to. Some of those answers came more naturally than you thought.
What we do in the Shadows:
-This is their absolute favorite show. It's just something they can all sit down to watch and get a nice laugh.
-David was actually the one that suggested it to the group
-He thinks it's about as close to what being a really vampire is like.
-You brought up your last conversation about why no vampire media could be so close to the real thing and he quickly responded with “Vampires are made up to be these gross demon creatures with no self control, when in fact most vampires were just normal humans going about their life.”
-He knew that no one in this show actually knows any vampires because of inconsistencies, but it's as close to it as they can all get without having to kill anyone for it.
-”Are you off your tits, boy?” “He is.”
-Paul quotes the show all the damn time (And so do the others but he is the main culprit.)
-you actually can't get him to stop
-”I became a vampire to suck blood and to fuck forever.”
-”No fuck off. Can't be side tracked with cheap sex potions.”
-Need an answer to any questions? Paul will respond with “Coprophilia.”
-Marko is giggling at Paul's quotes and answers with his own
-”Pizza pie” :D
-”He's my sweet cheese!”
-”She speaks the bullshit.”
-His favorite character is Nadja of course
-You have to pry him away from the T.V if you need him to do something else
-Dwayne will stop whatever he's doing if you offer to watch WWDITS with him
-He loves the historical references and gags
-He relates to Guillermo most of the time, being one of the voices of reason in his Chaos Coven
-”i was thinking w-” “we should finish each other off and tell no one?” “I’m game if you are.” ✨Spooky music✨
•This show is permanently engraved into their brain
•You can take the boys out of WWDITS but you can not take the WWDITS out of the boys
Hotel Transylvania:
-Paul squints at the T.V “This has to be a crime to watch.”
-Dwayne without turning away from the T.V “Dracula is going to go ape shit when he sees this “
-David eats his popcorn slowly “at least there is other monsters in this movie.”
-Marko is giggling at the Blob and Scream Cheese “I fucking love kids movies.”
-All of them hated the village scene though.
Kid vampire:
-They all watch it because Laddie wanted them too
-All you can hear for the next few days is “Kid Vampire!” in that accent
-David and Dwayne thought the bogger nose bleed drink was absolutely disgusting.
-Like to the point the both gagged.
-Paul thinks it a cute little project
-Marko likes how they say ‘blood’
-Dwayne uses the song “Vampire brush” to get Laddie to brush his teeth
Monster High:
-Marko and Paul sing the theme song semi consistently
-”Monster-monster high! monster high! monster-monster high! Freaky, sheek, and fly, monster high, where student bodies lay.”
-”We got spirits, yes we do! We got spirits, how bout you!?”
-This is another show they all watch with Laddie
-David isn't a raving fan, but he can stand it
-”Draculaura is a bit of a lazy name.” “Clawdeen wolf? Lagona blue? Cleo De Nile? Everyone has a lazy name because it's a kids show!”
-Dwayne is secretly into it and asks Laddie to watch it with him so he has an excuse
Thanks for reading <3
Yes I saw the comment you wanted me to see. Don't think I was ignoring you, I just had to find other media to talk about. (I stalk my own page like a Hyena. It's a little sad tbh lmao)
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libraryofantiquitea · 2 years
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬.
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pairing: robert "bob" floyd x reader
summary: bob leaves a bite mark on you that you wear proudly out to a game of pool with the dagger squad at the hard deck. it leaves bob a little flustered.
warnings: explicit, minors do not interact! sex in public, unprotected sex, strangulation, kinda dom!bob, bob's glasses attempting to make a getaway.
word count: 2.1k
author's notes: many thanks to the creator coven for ensuring that i will never know a moment's peace while in this fandom. y'all are a gift!
likes / comments / reblogs are very much appreciated! thank you for reading! ♥
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You probably should’ve been a little self conscious about the literal bite mark on your shoulder, but instead you wore it like some sort of badge of honour, along with a strappy sundress to show it off for all to see. You thought it was lovely in a macabre sort of way. The bite was on the cap of your shoulder, and it was blooming purple and blue, the colours looking remarkably striking against your skin and the yellow of your dress.
It was extremely obvious who had given it to you, and you relished in how Bob’s friends reacted upon seeing it. Jake had glanced from you to Bob, surprise on his features before turning back to his game of pool, Natasha had given an approving nod as she handed you a beer, and Bradley had looked away quickly before his stare became too obvious, then moving toward Bob and giving him a pat on the back.
Bob, who seemed so unassuming, did not seem the type to gnaw on his girlfriend, and leave her with remnants of their trysts. But the rest of the Dagger Squad were learning, perhaps much to their surprise, that Bob contained multitudes.
And who was having a very difficult time focusing on anything because his gaze kept drifting toward you, that look in his eyes that made you weak in the knees. He wanted something, and he wanted you. Giving you the occasional kiss on the cheek, or squeezing you around the waist wasn’t enough.
You excused yourself from the group to go to the washroom for the first time that evening, fully intending to only be gone for a few minutes.
Bob had alternate plans.
You were standing at the counter, having finished washing your hands, and were applying a tiny bit more lipstick when the door opened. You didn’t bother looking over and acknowledging at first, but the presence moving behind you commanded your attention.
“Bob!” you said, a little startled. “You know you’re in the ladies room, right?”
“Gender is a social construct,” Bob said in a matter of fact voice, resting his chin on your shoulder, the non-bitten one. He met your gaze in the mirror. “Also, you’re making me lose my entire mind out there.”
“What am I doing?” you asked, looking at Bob in the mirror. You honestly had no idea.
“Wearing this little dress,” he murmured, dropping his head and inhaling the scent of you. The feeling of his nose pressed along your neck had you sighing. “Parading around with my love bite on display.”
“Do you not like that people can see it?” you asked as Bob placed his hands on your hips, gently pressing himself against your ass.
“I love that people can see it. Know that you belong to me,” Bob replied. “It’s just … doing things to me, darlin’. I want to throw you down onto that pool table, make everyone watch as I push your dress up, fuck you until you’re screaming, get your pussy juices all over my cock.”
“Oh my god,” you murmured, bringing your thighs together tightly and closing your eyes. Bob never struck you as an exhibitionist, but you were learning a lot about him since you’d started sleeping together. Things like he could be bitey, and wanted to fuck you in a room full of people.
Bob pressed his hips against your ass, and you could feel his growing length through his jeans. Your heart was racing, someone could walk into the bathroom at any moment. The idea that someone might catch you thrilled you a little more than you thought it might.
Grabbing your throat, just under your chin, he lifted your head, forcing you to watch in the mirror as his tongue moved along the bite mark. You shuddered against him, your hands resting against the bathroom counter, pushing your ass back against his crotch.
You were trapped between his weight and the counter, there was nowhere for you to go.
It was at that moment that the roll of Bob’s hips stuttered against you, and he groaned into your shoulder. He’d finally realized something that you’d been waiting for him to figure out all night.
“You’re not wearing underwear?” he groaned, one of his hands moving just under your belly. “Shit. You’re torturing me, darlin’. Gonna soak the front of my jeans.”
He was still holding your chin, but his index finger made its way into your mouth. You gasped, sliding your tongue against the calloused pad of his finger, nibbling on it slowly.
“So take them off, Bobby.”
You kept your gaze focused on him in the mirror, watching as he undid his belt and pulled down the zipper of his jeans one handed, not relinquishing the hold he had on your throat. You groaned softly, seeing a flash of his cock head in the mirror. Fuck, you looked so wrecked already, and Bob looked like he was going to tear you apart.
Bob pushed the fabric of your dress up over your ass, and groaned as he looked down, giving it a very enthusiastic squeeze. 
“You’re such a tease, baby,” Bob groaned, grabbing his cock and sliding it against your wet lips. You made a strangled noise, biting back something much louder lest someone outside hear you over the music. Bob continued to drag his cock through the wetness that had collected at your core, even when you pushed back against him. “You’ve spent the whole night teasing me. It’s my turn.”
“God damn it, Bobby,” you whined, your hand clenching into a fist and slamming against the counter. 
You rolled your hips, grinding against his thick cock, desperate to get it inside of you. Bob was looking down, watching you move against him, and you watched in the mirror as his glasses began to fall down this nose, the damp strands of hair curling over his forehead.
“You want it bad, don’t you, darlin’?” he asked, lifting his head and making eye contact with you in the mirror again.
“Yes, Bobby,” you breathed, and he clutched at your throat a little harder. You gasped and tried to squeeze your legs together.
“No,” Bob scolded. “Keep your legs open for me.”
“Slut,” Bob gasped, and you watched the flush begin to spread against his cheeks. He only ever called you that when he was already too far gone. “You’re my little cock slut, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” you replied in a harsh whisper. “Bob, please -”
You felt him enter you and you let out a relieved sigh, eyelids closing for a moment. You were expecting him to keep going, but all he pressed inside of you was the tip of his cock, before pulling it out and doing it all over again. You whined, a pathetic sounding noise that reverberated off the walls of The Hard Deck’s ladies room, and leaned forward on the counter, pushing back, chasing his cock.
“Give it - give it to me,” you whined. “Please.”
Bob wrapped his free hand around his cock, and pushed it back inside, again, just the tip. You ground against the curl of his fingers, clit moving against the class ring that he wore. And again, he pulled it out.
“Bobby, I’ll scream so loud the whole bar will hear,” you threatened.
He grabbed you, pulling you back flush against him, squeezing your throat so hard that the blunt edges of his fingernails cut into your skin. You made a startled, delighted, almost frightened sound, and grabbed onto his side to steady yourself. You loved when he got like this.
“Do it,” Bob grunted against your ear. “Let them know how badly you want it. Little cock slut.”
He held you tight against him, and searched for your entrance once more with the head of his cock. Bob slammed his cock inside of you, and though you had threatened to scream, no sound came out when you parted your lips.
“Take it. Take it,” Bob groaned, biting at the column of your throat. “Take that dick, darlin’.”
You cried out as he manhandled you, pushing you forward, bending you over the counter. He grabbed one of your legs, behind the knee, and pushed it onto the counter as well, opening you up more for him. You glanced up to look in the mirror once more, unable to take your eyes off of him, watching as he tipped his head back, moaning to the ceiling as he slammed into you again and again.
“Fuck,” you whined, writhing against the counter, not knowing when the last time it was cleaned might be. Not caring. You tried to meet Bob’s thrusts, but there was no way that you could, each snap forward of his hips stuttering against you.
“Is this what you - what you wanted?” Bob panted, his fingers sinking into the supple flesh of your hips. “Huh? To take my dick in that tight little pussy where someone could walk in and see you? See you acting like the slut you are?”
You cried out softly, worming a hand between yourself and the counter, needing some manner of relief. Bob saw what you were doing, and reached for your wrist, pulling your hand away and holding it against the counter. He changed the angle of his thrusts so that the base of his cock hit your clit - again and again and again.
“Bobby,” you keened, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes. It was too good, and you were desperate to chase each feeling he gave you, that washed over you.
“Come on my cock,” Bob rasped, leaning over and pressing his lips against your ear. His tongue darted out to lick at the shell of it, before he pulled the lobe gently into his mouth with his teeth. “I - I wanna feel you all over me. Come on it, darlin’. Come on me.”
You slammed your open palm against the counter, crying out as softly as you could, though you were certain that someone would hear you. Your orgasm came in waves, leaving you shuddering and twitching against Bob as you gave him just what he had asked for. 
Bob fucked you through your orgasm, your name a mantra on his lips that he cried out toward the ceiling as he came. You clenched around him, wanting to draw every drop he could give you deep inside. He grunted one last time and then leaned over you, letting out a long, shuddering breath.
“Oh fuck.”
The two of you stood there, sprawled out over the counter as you fought to catch your breath. Bob pushed your hair aside and gently kissed your neck, nuzzling at you with his nose.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he whispered.
You nodded, letting out a contented sigh. “Yeah. I - wow.”
The two of you mournfully pulled apart, standing on the legs of newborn deer as opposed to your own, helping each other get cleaned up. You helped Bob readjust his glasses, and he got some damp paper towel to clean you up. The entire time you traded tender kisses and gentle touches, giggling about what you had just done. It was not like either of you, and it thrilled you both.
“I’ll make sure the coast is clear,” you said, pressing a gentle kiss to Bob’s chin before making your way to the door.
Poking your head outside you spotted a wet floor sign in front of the door, and Bradley standing not too far away, more or less pacing back and forth. 
“Rooster,” you began, stepping out of the bathroom, and Bob followed closely behind. “What the fuck?”
Bradley whirled around and let out an exasperated, “Finally! Nat thought something might be up so she went to check on you. Came back and told us we should take turns making sure no one else went in there until you came out.”
Bob turned a shade of red you hadn’t seen before, and you bit your lip to keep from laughing.
“Oops,” you said, reaching for Bob’s hand and lacing your fingers together.
“Who’s idea was the wet floor sign?” Bob asked, gesturing to the sign near the door.
“Of course it was.”
You laughed, pulling Bob a little closer to you as the three of you made your way back to the rest of the group. No one said a damn thing, and new beers were fetched for you and Bob.
The night out had continued, though at one point while Bob was playing pool with Javy you pulled out your phone to text him.
Baby I can feel your come running down my leg.
You watched as Bob reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out. He looked at the screen, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline, before he began furiously texting you back.
Call a cab. If we don’t get u home ASAP im gonna lick your cunt in front of everyone.
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staytinyville · 7 months
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Stay Alive (42)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. I am back to writing! I am crying. You have no idea how terrible this past two weeks was for me. I felt so out of place not writing but for some reason I couldn't find it in me to get back to it. I had lost literally all passion for it. So much happened that really didn't put me in the right state of mind. But I got back to it and found my passion again! So here is the long awaited Hobi chapter! I'm so excited to hear your thoughts on this one.
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Hoseok lived in the same region your grandparents had. It was nice to take in the beautiful sights you were so familiar with. However, watching as creatures and different kinds of magical beasts mingle about. The flora and fauna were much different to your own home–it seemed like everything flourished a lot more. 
Taehyung had told you about how witches and faeries lived out in nature because it made them feel connected. As you held onto his hand, you smiled softly as his fingers weaved between the bushes and trees that covered the path they were taking. Your eyes widened as the foliage seemed to bloom and follow along with his hands. 
“Hoseok!” Someone shouted, moving along the path as they came upon a large cottage. 
You smiled to yourself, finally seeing the kind of house you had assumed this world would have. However, it was still large. You were sure the inside looked spectacular. 
You let go of Hoseok’s hand, allowing him to embrace his mother and another woman who was crying. 
“Oh, my baby boy!” His mother smiled, looking over his shoulder to find you. “This must be your mate.” She exclaimed walking over to you to give you a hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you.”
She turned around to her son, smiling as he was being bullied by the other woman. She had him in a chokehold, laughing when he tried to pull at her with the grass that was growing exponentially. 
“I came home when mom called to tell us that you finally came back.” She smiled, patting Hoseok on the back. 
“All thanks to (Y/N).” Hobi smiled, reaching out for your hand. 
“We owe you so much.” Hoseok’s mother smiled softly, dropping her hand onto your shoulder. 
“It was nothing.” You smiled bashfully. 
“Nonsense!” Hoseok’s sister exclaimed. “Please, allow me to give you something in return.” She reached out to hold your hands. “Not only did you bring my brother back but you also brought his coven home. I'm sure their families would give you something as well.” She told you softly. 
“I don't know—” You tried to tell her it was alright but she just gave you a smile. 
“Let me give you a reading.” She stopped you.
“A reading?” Your eyebrows furrowed, looking over at Hobi. 
“Jiwoo is a master at reading people.” He explained. “Witches clairsenses are a lot stronger than anyone else. We can predict futures, see the dead, see what haunts you. It's part of our abilities.” He told you. 
You grew interested, being reminded about how Taehyung had explained his abilities to you. He did tell you that you could find out what Hobi was capable of if you asked him. You assumed readings were part of the things witches could do that faeries couldn’t. 
“Taehyung can't do that then?” You questioned. 
“No.” Hobi answered. “Telepathy and mental manipulation is our thing. He can't do any of that.”
“Fairies have energy manipulation which is a very powerful thing.” Jiwoo told you. “However we have healing and can control the elements.”
You looked down to the grass, seeing that it had gone back to normal now that the siblings weren’t play fighting. You also remembered how the leaves and the trees followed after Hobi’s fingers as he passed them. You wondered what it was like to watch him play with fire or water. 
“That's so cool.” You breathed out. 
“Come.” Jiwoo quickly brought you into their home, the decor modernized as you guessed. “Sit!” She pushed you to sit at the dining table, moving a chair in front of you and taking your hands. “I already saw a lot the moment you walked in.”
You could feel something tingle at your fingertips, making you tilt your head. You suddenly felt something hovering over your shoulder. Hobi and his mother were standing behind Jiwoo, watching with curiosity. You wanted to turn your head and see what it was but Jiwoo stopped you before you could. 
“Oh.” You watched as Jiwoo’s eyebrows rose, making you glance up at Hobi. 
“I think the first thing I should say—you have a past with our world.” Jiwoo turned up to you. “Don't you?” She asked. 
“Yeah.” You sighed, thinking about your grandfather. “Apparently I do.”
Jiwoo nodded her head, smiling over your shoulder. “You have a protector too. They've been there since you were a little girl. Butterflies are what I see around you.” She explained, running her fingers along your palms just to get a sense of your energy. 
“Nabi.” Hobi spoke up. “It was a name you kept saying but didn't know where it came from.” 
“They're someone very important in your story. Both the past and this one.” Jiwoo nodded to herself, pausing as though she was listening to someone. “I'm positive they were the ones who led you to my brother and his coven.”
“You really think that?” You asked, eyes wide. 
“Of course.” Jiwoo hummed. 
You flinched just for a moment, hearing a childish giggle from behind you. Hobi and his family must have heard because they all looked over you, smiling softly. You turned around, frowning when you couldn’t find anything. It was clear that the Jung family could see things that you were not. 
“Now something I find extremely fascinating is the number 5.” You quickly furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what that would mean. 
“It keeps turning up–four and then two. They are different animals–different creatures.” This only served to make you more confused. If it was about the boys there was seven of them, not five. It made you worry, thinking something was going to happen. 
“I can't really tell what they are going to be but I know they have to do with the boys.” Jiwoo turned around, quickly pulling her brother to the table. “Hobi, come here.” She told him, making him place his hand over your own. 
“Ah!” Jiwoo gasped out, hands flying away from the two of you as though she had been burned. “I found it! Babies!” She jumped up, her face having elation as she turned to her mother.
“Babies?” You asked, still confused. You looked up at Hobi, watching as he seemed to have a frown on his face and looked beyond confused. 
Hobi was nowhere near as powerful when it came to his clairsense like his sister was. The most he knew was his mental abilities so watching how his sister made him take your hand brought things out of him. He saw the animals that seemed to scurry around. They were small things, indicating something childish and small. It was clear that Jiwoo knew exactly what they all meant by her screeching. 
“Eomma!” Jiwoo shouted. “Five grandbabies!”
“Five?” You whispered, wide eyed.
“Grandbabies?” Hoseok repeated. 
Hobi’s mother and sister took a moment to gush and talk about it–claiming that Hobi was going to be one of the babies' fathers. However you just kind of sat there with a wide eyed expression trying to go through the motions. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want children, it had more to do with the question Taehyung had asked you when you had visited his family. If you were to have their kids did that mean you were going to stay with them? Was that your answer without you even reaching it on your own?
Later that night, Hobi had taken you to his room–showing off everything he could. You smiled softly when he showed you his elemental manipulation. He created ice sculptures for you, made the wind blow through your hair, and had a flicker of fire crackling at his palms. It served to entertain you for a while, keeping your mind off what had happened with his mother. 
But after she came to bid you both a goodnight, you were left awestruck once more at the happy expression the woman had on her face. You couldn’t know how she must have felt–spending ten years without her son only to come back and hear that he had finally found his forever and was going to make a family of his own. 
It must have been something that one would think hard on–especially because the one who was meant to be the mate to seven men was human and not from their world. 
“Five children.” You brought up, laying on Hobi’s chest. “Oh god.” You chuckled quietly. 
“Wow, wow, wow.” Hoseok sat up, bringing you along with him so he could look at you properly. “You're okay. You're fine.” He tried to tell you. “Let's not think about it at the moment, yeah?” He said softly. 
“How can I not?” You sighed. “Jiwoo told yoru mom it was going to be her grandchildren.” You smiled lightly, memorizing Hobi’s face. “Does that mean I'm going to have a family with you?” You whispered to him.
“Not everything is set in stone.” Hobi’s shoulders dropped thinking it wasn’t something you wanted. “You can always change your future.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, pulling a hand up to his cheek. “What if I don't want to?” You whispered.
His eyes went wide, looking at you incredulously. “You want—to start a family with me? With us?” He gasped, lip trembling as he thought about it. 
“I don't think we're there yet but, staying with you all has been on my mind.” You laughed lightly.
“Who told you?” Hobi pouted, knowing it had been one of the boys who brought it up to you. 
“Taehyung.” You giggled. 
“Such a boy.” He rolled his eyes. 
Taking a glance over your face, he smiled softly, moving to rub a thumb across your cheek. “Hey, I love you with everything in me. You have done so much for all of us that it's hard not to love you.” 
“But we want you to know that even if we do love you, it's not our choice to make.” He added softly.
“I love you, Hoseok. I love you all so much I don't think I'd want to be away from you.” You leaned forward, breathing against his lips. 
“We have to save everyone first. And then we can talk about our coven.” Hoseok told you. 
He leaned down capturing your lips in a kiss. 
And so you smiled at him, knowing exactly what you wanted to do now that you had heard it from them all. You weren’t going to leave them. It would hurt too much. So you knew that deep down this was your story alongside them.
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @juju-2275922 , @alienchickenpoop , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @thatonedemigodfromseoul , @woozixo,
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pengweng-quack · 7 months
Being a Witch with Vampires
Carlisle Cullen x Witch!OC
Summary: Stella (A witch) and Carlisle (A vampire), and how they blossomed from roommates to friends(?) to partners
Chapter 1/7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
This was inspired by this fanfic on tumblr by lis-likes-fics titled "In My Defense, I Was Left Unsupervised"
This is also on Ao3 under the same title and same username too if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53448940)
Posting is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Word Count: 5095 words
TW for this chapter: vomitting, blood mentions
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Stella Allicere was out and about late at night. She'd just come out of a heated argument with her partner, in which the two of them were on the verge of casting terrible spells at each other had she not decided to just leave. With the dramatic rise in vampire assaults in Italy, which she knew that the Volturi was behind, she knew she shouldn't be out this late. But she'd rather battle vampires than deal with her demanding, controlling mate.
“Witch’s blood. Enticing.” A voice hissed behind her, getting her attention “Never thought I’d live to tell the tale of tasting one.”
“Now, now, we shall not be selfish in what could be shared.” Another voice scolded. She had a feeling there were four vampires around, but she was never good at guessing, so she braced herself for more.
“And she feels our presence.” A third voice taunted, and with their vampiric speed, there were at least five vampires in front of her
“You wouldn’t want this, I assure you.” Stella said, preparing herself for another battle
“And the witch speaks!” A feminine voice fake cheered, earning mocking laughs from the other
“I suggest you don’t attack her.” A tone that expresses nothing but superiority ordered from behind Stella “You do know the treaty that we have with witches, right?”
“And once we've drained every ounce of blood from her, that pact will still be honored.” The leader of the coven hissed at the guy “The treaty only asks to not attack them. It said nothing about not finishing the witch themselves.”
“I’m too tired to deal with anything today. Give me a break.” Stella sighed and motioned for the five vampires to be lifted into the air with her hands. Red cords were now all around them, barring any movement from the five vampires, thanks to another movement of her hands.
The red ropes caught fire in an instant. Thanks to additional manipulation from the witch's fingers, the wire was now on their neck, gently but steadily detaching their heads from their bodies. The heads of the vampires were detached and flung away with a single snap from her, while the body was left to burn.
“You looked to be having a bad day if you were killing vampires in this manner.” The guy earlier, who was watching in astonishment, pointed out, as he steps closer to Stella
“Don’t wonder too much. Curiosity kills the cat.” Stella growled, snapping her fingers and watching the decapitated vampires' bodies burn to ash
“Carlisle Cullen.” The guy, Carlisle, introduced himself “An honor to meet your kind.”
“Stella Allicere.” Stella introduced herself, just to be civil
“What got you so heated up in the first place?” Carlisle inquired as she turned around and began going in the opposite direction. He seemed to take that as an invitation to go around with her, so he did just that.
“My mate. Or so they say is my mate.” Stella replied, accepting the vampire's unannounced but not unwanted presence
“Do you witches just not know whether someone is their mate or not?” He asked curiously
“We just feel it, we don’t particularly just know.” She answered quickly “Why, do you get some sort of feeling when someone is your mate?”
“Wouldn’t know myself, I haven’t met my mate.” Carlisle answered with a shrug
“You work for the Volturi, right?” Stella asked, and he nodded without hesitation “Are you planning on drinking my blood?”
“Despite my colleagues' attempts to persuade me to drink human or witch blood, I have no desire to do so as we could survive just fine with animal blood as an alternative.” He answered earnestly 
“Interesting.” Stella nodded “That explains your golden eyes in comparison to the red eyes I've seen on other vampires, doesn't it?”
“Exactly.” He answered her curiosity
Throughout the night, the two of them continued to talk and wander around the city. Only until the sunshine struck Carlisle's arm, where it began to gleam brightly, did they realize they'd spent the night together. 
Stella was astounded by what she was witnessing; what she believed were legends was literally happening right in front of her eyes. The shimmer reminded Stella of diamonds being struck by light, but it was clear on Carlisle’s face that it wasn't something he wanted her to witness.
“Please accept my apologies; I believe the clock is signaling that it is time for me to return back to the castle.” Carlisle said sheepishly, pulling his arm away to the shadow areas
Stella turned the skies cloudy with a wave of her fingers, allowing Carlisle to walk around freely as they spent the last minutes before they had to part ways.
For eternity?
She hopes not.
“You didn’t have to—
“Well, good for you, because I wanted to.” Stella answered with a small smile just as they reach the Volturi castle
“Are you safe?” Carlisle asked “You know, from your mate?”
“I was deemed the blessed witch of today way back when my mother was still carrying me, therefore I should be able to defend myself enough.” Stella answered with a chuckle, sensing his genuine concern on her “And, you know, I have a certain vegetarian vampire on standby in case I can't handle him alone.”
“You already know who to seek.” Carlisle giggled, playfully winking at her
“I seem to have forgotten. You don’t mind reminding me, do you?” Stella teased, a smile slowly forming on the corners of her lips
Stella looked at Carlisle, his gold eyes showing nothing other than kindness and compassion. ‘He was different,’ she noted. If he ever offers her to be his everlasting mate, she would ponder before answering.
He’s different.
Carlisle's golden eyes flashed at that moment. He desired nothing more than to disappear into the witch's grey eyes. It perplexed him since he'd read a lot of books in his life, but none of them specifically mentioned a vampire-witch pairing. And, given that he had barely met Stella, he was cautious to claim her as his mate too. He did, however, desire her presence with him always.
Carlisle may deny it, but he has a sneaking suspicion that this certain confident witch will be his everlasting companion.
“Who decided that knocking at night is acceptable?” Stella hissed as she opened the door, only to discover Carlisle, who appeared to have been in a fight. His once posh looking hair was messy, and he seemed to be rattled, and in a rush
“Join me.” He invited at once
“Join you in what?” Stella asked “And what happened to you?”
“I left the Volturi.” He answered “Aro didn’t take it well. He ordered the guards to try and stop me.”
“Carlisle!” Stella scolded “What were you thinking?!”
“Who’s in there?” Sam, Stella’s supposed mate, asked.
If Carlisle had a heart, it would have dropped in realization already. He was forcing her to leave her mate, whether declared or not. He was robbing her of a life of peace. But he needed her.
He’ll always need her.
“None of your concern.” Stella answered to him before he turned around and closed the door of his room
“Join me.” Carlisle invited again
Stella would not deny that the previous two decades he's spent with Carlisle had made her question whether a witch-vampire mate was feasible, despite the fact that no texts backed the theory. 
Now that Carlisle is encouraging her to live a life other than that of a housewife, she realizes that it wasn't her desire to leave that lifestyle that prompted her to consider joining, but rather the simple fact that Carlisle was the one inviting her.
She would choose a life with Carlisle, no matter how rough the outcome will be.
“No pressure, dear Stella,” Carlisle said, looking warily behind him “But we have to move now if we want to be away quickly.”
“Give me a moment to prepare some stuff.” Stella argued before motioning her hands and allowing a number of her belongings to fly around and land in a neighboring trunk.
“How about Sam?” Carlisle asked
As Carlisle watched Stella scramble around the house for stuff that she thinks they’ll need while on the run, all he could think about was how much he wanted Stella to accompany him on his journey around the world. Forgetting that Stella has a partner with whom she has spent more time than they have. 
He knew it was selfish of him to request Stella's presence 
But he wanted nothing more than to be selfish of her.
“He’s not my mate.” Stella simply said, grabbing the trunk and walking out the house with Carlisle “You know he’s not my mate.”
“He deserves to know,” Carlisle argued
“And if he knew, I wouldn’t be able to accompany you. He’ll bring this to my family, his family. We wouldn’t even be able to step out of Italy.” Stella argued back “So much in asking me to join you.”
With what she stated, Carlisle remained silent. Stella clearly desired to reclaim the independence she had lost when Sam was announced as her partner. But now, as they walked to the outskirts of town, he was deep in contemplation, debating whether bringing her into the mess he had created was a good idea or a selfish gesture.
“Are you second-guessing?” Stella asked him
“You have till now to express your disinterest in joining me. I'll understand.” Carlisle realized that he needed to provide her with a choice. If he pulls her away from everything she's built, he'll feel extremely terrible
“Don't you think if I wasn’t truly interested in joining you, I would have notified you as soon as possible?” Stella asked him. Why was he second-guessing his decision when she was a self-assured witch who would speak out when she believed it was necessary?
“Are you sure?” Carlisle asked her again
“Yes,” Stella answered without hesitation
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily now, you know?” Carlisle asked her, lightening the mood the he ruined earlier
“Well, good for me. I’m not sure for you though.” Stella shrugged, before smiling widely at him
Carlisle realized that the punishments he would have from the Volturi was something he couldn't easily avoid but he was assured that he would be secure with the assistance of her confident witch. At least for the time being.
“Stella?” Carlisle called, entering the home the two own. Carlisle was well aware that there were days when Stella was completely absorbed in her studies, and the mere sight of him after he stayed for a while helping in the hospitals surprised her. So much for being a witch who is mindful of her surroundings.
“Here!” Stella announced, stepping out of the kitchen
“Baking?” Carlisle asked, seeing the stray flour on her cheeks. 
‘She looked so…human at that moment. And it was like I was her husband, getting home from work.’
‘Do I want her to be my wife?’
“Yeah, it got too messy seeing as— who is he?” Stella asked, cutting Carlisle’s pondering as she sees the new guy behind Carlisle, who was trying to sneak away
“Edward Cullen.” Carlisle introduced to the shy guy who stopped in his tracks once he was called out
“His mother begged me to keep him alive—
“Not for eternity!”
Carlisle was terrified at the prospect of Stella being outraged by his decision. He was terrified of offending her in any way after their first encounter. However, she just must understand this one. 
“That’s why you were gone for a while, weren’t you?” Stella asked in and oddly calm manner “Because you were helping his thirst?”
“You know he won't be able to control himself if he was exposed to you too soon,” Carlisle explained “Because the smell of your blood is very alluring to us vampires.”
“You got him under control now, right?” Stella asked again in the same calm tone
“Yes, but in the meanwhile, I recommend that you share a room with me.” Carlisle offered, getting Stella to raise her eyebrows at him “You know, for your safety?”
“Sure.” Stella agreed, though not convinced that it was just the reason
“Please don’t think of things like that.” Edward asked in a barely audible tone
“You can read my mind?” Stella asked quietly
“I can hear both of your thoughts, yours a bit harder but I could still do so. Both are messy and all over the place.” He replied, answering her question “However, I chose to concentrate on only one. It wasn't really enjoyable.”
“Alright, I’ll keep note of your telepathy.” Stella frowned, knowing that she doesn’t have any sort of privacy now if it weren’t for her own mental abilities “Carlisle, mind if we have a talk?”
“Y-yeah.” Carlisle stuttered, and quickly followed her to their shared room in the mean time
“You owe me an explanation.” Stella hissed at him the moment the door of their room was shut
“And I’ll give it, just calm down pretty woman.” Carlisle said, sitting on the bed that he had in his room, for aesthetic purposes obviously
“Spanish Influenza, he was nearing death.” Carlisle started, staring at the witch, who was waiting for additional information, in front of him “His mother pleaded with me to save him and keep him alive; I know I have you, and that's more than enough; but he was alone in this world. His mother had died, his father had died, and he was alone. I couldn't abandon him, you understand that, right?”
“This won’t be the last time you’re doing that, are you?” Stella asked with raised eyebrows
Carlisle was at a loss for what to say in response to her desire for a commitment. He was a doctor who saved lives and was ready to convert people into vampires to save them, but was this ethical? 
“It won’t be.” Stella answered to her own question “Look, let’s come down to an agreement.”
“I let you know if I’m turning someone into a vampire?” Carlisle asked her
“No. That’s too much work. And you need to help their thirst before you introduce them to me anyways.” Stella disagreed “You quickly explain to me if you’re taking another vampire home, no trying to hide them or anything.”
“That could be managed.” Carlisle said, standing up and hugging Stella, feeling the warmth of her skin in contrast to his cold ones
“Carlisle— hello there.” Stella said, startled at the presence of another woman in their living room
“Rosalie Hale.” Edward introduced to the woman
“Are you alright?” Stella quickly asked, sensing how she was anxious
“Stella— and you’ve met her before I introduced her to you.” Carlisle said as he walked into the room before seeing that Stella has met Rosalie already, making him sigh lightly “I’m nearing me getting yelled at by you again, huh?”
“You’re terrible at hiding surprises.” Stella teased lightly before sitting next to Rosalie
“Are you also a vampire?” Rosalie asked her, ‘it seemed like she wasn’t enticed by her blood’ Stella noted
“No.” Stella answered, shaking her head “But, I'm a witch if you’re wondering, there's no need to be afraid of harming me so terribly. I'm almost as tough as all vampires. Can fend off myself.”
“Almost.” Carlisle gave emphasis to the word
“What happened to you anyways?” Stella asked her
“Monsters happened. They’re all monsters.” Rosalie said through gritted teeth “I’ll get them back. Slowly and brutally.”
“Who did this to you?” Stella asked again, feeling a sense of protecting the woman next to her right now
“Her fiancé and his friends.” Edward answered, probably seeing the answer to Stella’s question in Rosalie’s thoughts
“I’m getting you a gown to wear when murdering them.” Stella decided at once, standing up and walking to her room to prepare for getting the gown
“Stella.” Carlisle warned, close on her heel as they enter their room
“Are they together?” Rosalie asked Edward who could only shrug in response
“Been with them since the 1920’s, never had an answer if they were together.” Edward answered “So, much for being the mind reader, don’t you think?”
Carlisle could only watch as Stella used her magic to create the perfect wedding gown for Rosalie as they entered the chamber. He quickly saw how determined Stella was to assisting Rosalie with her vengeance, something that she was always so against with. And that changed his opinion on her.
He just realized how right he was with his suspicion all those decades ago.
“Carlisle!” Rosalie’s desperate voice yelled from outside, startling the two who were having a lazy day
“Carlisle! Stella!” Edward now called out, getting the two to quickly stand up and see why both Rosalie and Edward were calling for them
Stella and Carlisle were both surprised to see a bleeding guy on Rosalie's arm as they walked out of the room. She was visibly upset, prompting Stella and Carlisle to act quickly. 
“What happened?” Carlisle asked, seeing for any signs of survival on the man
“He was mauled and assaulted by a bear. I was going to personally change him, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it, his blood is enticing me so much. So, I brought him to you.” Rosalie sobbed, and it was clear that if tears could flow down her cheeks that she had already shed some. 
“You have to help him Carlisle.” Edward, who was always so against with Carlisle changing people to vampires, begged him. Stella had a feeling that he saw how distressed Rosalie’s thoughts were, and that got him to help her in getting Carlisle to change the man
“Stella, can you prolong his existence for a little longer?” Carlisle asked
“I can’t.” Stella immediately responded, knowing that it was a different branch of magic, one that she had sworn she would never study in fear of being hooked to it and using it in exchange of accepting the consequences
“You have to do it now.” Stella urged him, sensing the life fading away from the man in Rosalie’s arm
With Stella’s urging, as well as Edward and Rosalie’s begging, Carlisle went and bit his neck. Starting the man’s transformation to a vampire. Soon, he was pulling away from the guy’s neck. Wiping his mouth and looking at the guy 
“Stella?” Carlisle asked, seeing the sickened look on the witch’s face. In a quick act, Carlisle took Stella and carried her bridal style, taking her to the rest room where she just barely made it to the toilet. He patiently watched as she started puking her guts out in disgust from what she just witnessed
"I'm sorry, you didn't have to witness that." Stella murmured, just as Carlisle passed her a bundled-up tissue which she used to wipe her mouth
"Are you alright?" Carlisle asked, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her down
"It must have been all too much for me." Stella weakly answered, resting her figure on the bathroom walls and catching her breath
"It's alright. No need to feel bad just because you reached your limits." Carlisle assured her “Though, why’d you stay?”
"I was already feeling sick the moment Rosalie brought him in, you know, the blood and everything, but I wanted to stay. Because Rosalie was lost and didn't know what to do at that moment. I tried extremely hard to keep it together until it was all done, but it was just too much." Stella rambled, while Carlisle watched her with nothing but adoration on his face
Carlisle was well aware of Stella's willingness to make sacrifices for their new forming family; her being with them was already a huge risk for her. But the fact that she sat through something she didn't want to watch to console his adoptive daughter made his dead heart quiver. She was the reason he felt human again.
All those decades ago, it was just a feeling Stella was his match. But now, he knew Stella was his soul mate. He just needed to know if she felt the same way for him as well
‘Or if this was all a ploy for your demise’ a part of his brain taunted to him
Knowing about how her blood affects vampires from one of her books lightly scared him. Though it also proved his point that the witches have always been stronger than vampires. It’s just the vampires are more…full of themselves, as she says.
Would she really spend this long just for one vampire’s demise?
Everyone was looking forward to the newborn vampire's emergence a few days later. Rosalie is more jittery than normal due to her anxiety. Carlisle has ordered Stella to remain away for a time, to her dismay, but with the help of Rosalie and Edward, she has been able to get around the home. She's the only one who can make them feel better.
"Is he awake?" Rosalie asked Stella who was peaking. The guy was still changing, it was slow but Stella had some assurance that he was changing
"Carlisle's coming." Edward informed. Stella and Rosalie had one look at each other before Stella hugged her for assurance.
"I have to go. I'll see you soon." Stella said, rubbing her back one last time before sneaking out the nearby window
Stella heard Rosalie's call for help to Carlisle before she could fully escape. Stella realized that the newborn vampire was awake. She dashed back into the home, instantly understanding that she was the source of the problem. While Carlisle, Rosalie, and Edward fought to stop him, the man was trying all in his power to get to Stella.
"Stella!" Carlisle called as the three of them were thrown aside by the guy and quickly attacked Stella
He was quicker than Stella so she couldn't run. As a result, she made the decision to protect herself. With a rapid stroke of her fingers, the newborn had red ropes wrapped around his body and legs, tripping him up as he attempted what he could do to get free off the cords.
"I told you not be here!" Carlisle yelled, rushing to be in front of Stella in an attempt to protect her
"Let him free, we'll hunt with him." Edward said
"No!" Rosalie argued immediately "We have to take him out the house first! It's too dangerous for Stella if we free him now."
"Set him free once we step out the house. Then we'll quickly hunt." Carlisle ordered "Rosalie, stay with Stella."
As they walked out the door, Edward and Carlisle assisted the newborn in standing up. Stella swiftly removed the wires she had conjured up on him after the door was shut, and they went off to hunt.
"He's angry at you, isn't he?" Rosalie asked, guilt laced in her tone
"It'll pass." Stella coolly answered
"I'm sorry. You wouldn't do this if you didn't sense that we were anxious for him. Because of that, your life was just placed in danger." Rosalie apologized, sitting on the couch as she waits for the three
"Don't apologize." Stella assured, sitting next to her "I willingly helped you two out. I wouldn't do it if I didn't want to."
"Why'd you think he's mad at you?" Rosalie asked after a long silence between the two
"I don't particularly think that he's mad at me that way. He wouldn't specifically be that vocal if he's mad." Stella frowned "I think he's more hurt than mad."
"Hurt?" Rosalie asked
"It's easier to say why you're mad as to why you're hurt." Stella explained "He'll find it easier to explain that he was mad at me for not listening to him than explaining that he's hurt because of my actions."
"Does he believe that or that's what you've noticed on him?" Rosalie asked
"A bit of both, I guess." Stella shrugged
Edward, Carlisle, and the newborn, who had introduced himself as Emmett, returned from their hunting trip a little time later. Carlisle was the first to enter the home, rushing up to Stella to protect her.
“Hi.” Emmett greeted, waving his hand at the two that he just met
“Hi.” Carlisle said in a rush, before dragging Stella up to their room
“Are they together?” Emmett asked as both Edward and Rosalie shrugged in response
“Why were you there?” Carlisle hissed the moment that the door was shut, separating them from the outside world and leaving them on their own for a while, giving them the illusion of privacy in a house filled with vampires with vampiric senses
“Because they needed me.” Stella hissed back, ready to argue “Edward had no idea how to console others, and Rosie – poor Rosie – had no idea what to anticipate. I couldn’t leave them alone at that moment, you know I can’t.”
“What about me? Who needs you being alive and well just as much as they do? How will you have stayed with me if you – wishing to whatever deity there is that it never happens – didn’t make it out alive tonight?” Carlisle asked in a tone louder than how he usually would when they argued
What he said took Stella by surprise. They've been together for decades, but she was taken aback when he stated flatly that he relies on her for his desire to continue living. She was well aware that she, too, was reliant on him for the desire to continue living, but she would never confess it, particularly to him.
“Say something.” Carlisle said, startling Stella
“Witches are the most powerful supernatural beings that there is. A witch is exceptionally difficult to be killed, especially by vampires. They will only be severely harmed if attacked.” Stella explained to him, ignoring the strong heartbeats in her chest “You came across me when five vampires attempted to group up on me. I know you believe in me and my abilities, so why have you begun to mistrust me?”
“I don’t doubt you and your abilities. I never did.” Carlisle said, sitting down on his bed
“It’s just— you know what, never mind. Just don’t do something like that again.” Carlisle started to continue before changing his mind “Don’t be too reckless. I need you.”
Stella could have sworn with all her might that she felt human again when Carlisle told her that he needed her. The sensation of blood racing up her cheeks, turning them a pale scarlet, the sensation of butterflies in her stomach, and the desire to rush up to him and kiss him. He made her feel human again, a feeling that she missed
Stella realized at that instant that this particular vampire was her true mate. Now she just needed to know if he thought of her the same way.
Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, and Carlisle were out hunting for the night and Stella was busy finishing a book when she heard a knock on the door
“Carlisle, you can enter without knocking in your own home!” Stella groaned, bothered that someone disrupted her reading
“I’m not Carlisle.” A sweet woman’s voice said from outside the door. Which confused Stella, they weren’t expecting any guests, especially this late. So, she did what any sane witches would do…
“Who are you and what are your intentions?” She loudly asked, preparing for a battle
“I’m Alice!” Alice sweetly introduced, and Stella was more intrigued than ever, because why is she introducing herself if she has plans to attack?
Stella approached the door, carefully opening it and peering outside to see who was speaking. She noticed two persons, one of them was a small female with pixie-like features and was exceedingly thin. Her glossy black hair was cropped short and pointed in every way. She was accompanied by a tall man with honey blond hair that dropped just below his collar. He is robust but not big in appearance. 
Like the other Cullens, they both has pale, marble-like skin, otherworldly beauty, and bruise-like purple shadows under their eyes. If Stella had not spent multiple decades with the other Cullens, she was certain to have confused them as one as well.
“Stella?” Carlisle asked, seeing the two unknown vampires in their front porch interacting with his confident witch
“Carlisle Cullen!” Alice sweetly said, as if she was excited that she was finally meeting him
“How do you know us?” Carlisle asked, motioning Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett to stay behind as he steps closer
“Oh, we mean no harm!” Alice said in the sweet voice that she had earlier “I can see into the future, and I saw that we were gonna be joining the Cullens. I’m Alice and this is Jasper.”
“She’s not lying.” Edward backed her up “She also knows that we will move back to Forks once every Cullen has full control over their thirst.”
“It’s certain?” Rosalie asked
“The reason is because Forks is Stella’s favorite town.” Edward added, getting Stella to furrow her eyebrows
“Of course.” Emmett teased 
“Who said that Carlisle is the man of the house when Stella is right there? Just one ‘pretty please’ from Carlisle, and suddenly, we’re doing said plead from her.” Emmett continued, getting Rosalie to laugh
“Okay, too much.” Carlisle said, stopping them from saying more about their future “I supposed these two are another addition to our growing family.”
“You’re still very terrible with surprises, you know that?” Stella teased Carlisle
“Oh, you’re in for more surprises though.” Edward said in a teasing tone before walking in the house and leaving them all dumbfounded
“Okay, all of you, to your rooms.” Carlisle said, urging the two “There’s a spare room in the house, but I have a feeling that you know that already?”
“Oh yes.” Alice answered, reaching for Jasper hand and walking into the house. Rosalie and Emmett following next who was side-eyeing each other after hearing what was in their future
“A mind reader, a drop-dead gorgeous woman, someone who could murder me in a flash, a future seer, and someone who might kill me in a flash again are adopted by a doctor and a witch.” Stella listed down, laughing as her and Carlisle entered the house and to their room “When you asked me to join you over a century ago, I didn’t think that it was to build a family.”
“To be fair, I didn’t think that it was gonna end this way too.” Carlisle agreed with her as he rested his arms on her shoulders, pulling her closer to him
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cbrownjc · 3 months
Hi, Fun question I had while waiting for episode 6
Do you think Lestat, Daniel, Armand and Louis would like the twilight movies? Why and to which character would they relate the most?
Have a nice day!
Well, first I should admit to you that I don't like Twilight. I've always disliked it since I read the first book before the first movie even came out. (And that is the only book in the series I've read BTW, though I have seen all 4 films -- only the first one in theaters though). So I actually don't know how objective I can be about this question . . . but I'll try. 🤔
And oh, you know what? I think Anne Rice herself commented on what Lestat and Louis thought about Twilight in a Facebook post back in the day, even though I don't have a copy of it. Which probably has a nicer reaction to it than I would give them about it. Or, at least what their book versions think about the series.
But I'm assuming you asking about the show versions of the characters and what they think, and with that? Well --! 😈
IMO, Lestat, and Louis both would find the whole movie series mostly hilarious IMO, just like they did Nosferatu. I can also see Lestat needling Louis a little bit wrt the whole "Bella has visions of Edward" thing if Lestat knows about Louis having visions of him during his first few years in Paris, and Louis being annoyed by that and insisting it was a totally different thing when it came to him -- given that, for one he was an actual vampire at the time unlike her and "vampire bond" and all of that -- and he is nothing like Bella Swann thank you! Anyway, Lestat saves most of his snark and laughter for The Volturi however because, as far as a coven that is supposed to be the head of the vampire world, how ineffective are they!?
Louis is also the only one out of the four who's even bothered to read all of the books in the series, even the most recent ones like Midnight Sun. He thinks they are less funny than the movies, but that's more because he didn't have Lestat in his ear making comments or laughing along with him as he read them. And hey, he can admit he does relate to the "not wanting to eat humans" thing of the Cullens though, sadly, the way that works in their world doesn't in the real one. 😔 Louis also knows that if Jasper Hale was real, he would purposefully antagonize the hell out of him on sight for that Confederate Army stuff (because if you think the issue of slavery wouldn't come up at some point --!)
Armand, being the true cinephile of the group would, IMO, find the films terrible just as films. And he thinks Bill Condon fell off as a director once he did that series, which is sad because Condon's Gods and Monsters is a film he greatly likes. However, he couldn't help but wonder if Stephenie Meyer was used by some ancient vampire -- via the Mind Gift -- to write this series of stories for the mortal world that gets so much of real vampire lore so very wrong on purpose (he read the first book and that was enough); and that maybe she was used by some ancient vampires to do so to hide something from the mortal world about something that was going on in the actual vampire world at the time. He looked into that idea very much at the time and, even though he didn't find anything, he still looks into it on occasion from time to time still, years later. But look, as far as the main story itself goes, Armand gets Edward not wanting to turn Bella. He just thinks Edward went about it all wrong. And he lowkey also gets Jacob obsessing over Bella too -- but he doesn't want to look at why he does too much.
Daniel was forced to watch all 4 movies with his younger daughter -- one of the few things as a deadbeat dad he did do with her when she would spend time with him after the divorce. (Same reason he's seen all the Harry Potter movies as well.) He thinks they're okay -- not the best thing he's ever seen, but not the worst. And he weirdly understands Bella's obsession with Edward for some reason -- he even feels a kind of sympathy toward her about it, though he of course logically knows she should just get over it because it would be the healthier thing to do.
If you are a fan of the Twilight series I hope you weren't too offended by this answer to the question. Because yeah, I can't pretend to like that series, and so my answer was going to have the characters snarking and critiquing it in some way, if not just mostly indifferent about it (in the case of Daniel).
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Hi there!
All I can say is that I have more questions/thoughts than I thought I would have at the end of S02E08 and I really wanted to come to you to help me figure them out. I hope you don't mind.
I really don't think I understand anymore why this second interview is happening. Do you think that Louis, because he keeps happily hallucinating Lestat, and has served a 77 year old life sentence out of spite for Lestat's perceived actions in Paris, has realised that something about his memories isn't right, so he turns to the foolish young reporter, who has surely proven his journalistic acumen in the past 50 years, to be the person to help with that? I know that you said you don't think that the 'Lestat in the Magnus tower' moment is true, and so are you assuming that the whole book explanation still holds true- Lestat came to Paris for blood, denied, starved and manipulated, he sells them out (and we end up with Lestat saving Louis on stage) and Armand heads off with a Louis who is functional enough (thanks to his fiery revenge) to be an okay travel partner? I guess Lestat's many 'breakout" moments during the trial and the swaying etc. heavily suggest that he wasn't himself and was under some influence. So, if this is true, how the hell hasn't Armand nipped the idea of a new interview in the bud with this much to lose? I don't care how much Arun likes to please or how amazing he thinks he is against a mediocre star, if it were me, I wouldn't let anyone, especially an investigative journalist and someone who shares his own addling near a memory-addled Louis for anything!! And I realise that he outed himself in season 1 so he could openly run interference after Daniel starts causing breakthroughs but why is this happening at all?????
It seems clear that Louis and Lestat have come to an understanding over their shared trauma and pain of a lost daughter and at least some of Louis' self-loathing over being a vampire. It also looks like they parted and are back in their respective corners of the world. Louis purposely burned Daniel's laptop. That and his jibe about the Talamasca publishing the book suggest he DIDN'T want to have it published. Do you think that since it's happened, Louis has decided to 1) go ahead and be suicidal as originally suggested in Season 1 by Armand, 2) is tired of the non-stop vampire radio threats and has taken the bull by the horns, 3) just provided us with a way to bring in 'Akasha' (please enunciate that the same way Lestat/ Sam did in the episode) where Lestat has heard Louis' radio broadcast, will decide to save Louis with the tour (preferably NOT in 50 years after practicing) and thus wakes up The Great Mother?
Kind of a semi-related thought to point one. Isn't it possible that Louis really DID ask for Armand to take away his 1973 memories because he was mentally breaking out of his self-imposed prison/rebound marriage and he couldn't handle it?
Did Louis just sell out his human security team? Is he bitter over Rashid?
Does Louis realise he has a millennial brother vampire now?
Do you think any of the Paris story of episode 8 is true? It seems logical enough that Armand could've been given a choice by the coven, and realising that he was ONLY Louis' default whatever-you-want-to-call it, decided to pick the coven, regretted it and decided to hedge his bets with Louis once the happy coincidence of Lestat's save had come to pass.
Why the hell didn't Louis wait an extra half hour for Daniel to pack up so they could both catch the same flight back to the U.S. Who leaves the homewrecker with the wrecked after the wrecking?!!!!
Do you feel like this was way too quick for the finale? It was clear that ep 7 and 8 should've been combined although I suspect that they wanted the results of the trial to marinate a little. Still, it seemed rather speedy. I felt like I could literally see them jumping from point A to point B to point C etc on storyboards and it was weird, especially for all the heavy lifting this episode had to do.
Do you think that Devil's minion is pre or post Dubai?
All the awards for Sam Reid's delivery of "Did you hurt yourself?" That line just about killed all the strength I had left in me.
Lastly, isn't it amazing just how little Armand has understood in the years since SF? All that 'you forgave me already for this', let's let bygones be bygones etc as he chases after Louis. No Armand, it's mind gift usage for you, or bust!
I am sure there are more but I think this has been more than enough. Thank you so much!!!!!!
Hey :)))
Okay *cracks knuckles* :))
1) You know I actually agree with you there that it’s very muddied waters there. I THINK it’s actually a lot to do with whatever the Talamasca subplot hints at (I have my suspicions re Marius and Raglan and the body thief) and the Talamasca… finally got (a bit of) what they wanted. I think… Armand let it happen bc he wanted to see Daniel again and bc he thought he could steer it. And Louis… Louis wanted it to happen bc things did not add up anymore. But he kept “being edited“, and therefore took a step back into the wholesome romance every time he discovered something.
So… probably all three. And the Talamasca really wanted that book out, obviously. But… why… 😈
2) I think that NOLA meeting, as beautiful as it was, will turn out to be the contested NOLA meeting. As such Lestat‘s book/whatever will be an answer to Louis‘ book. I think Lestat’s rockstar career will indeed both shield Louis and wake Akasha, but probably with twists. I do not think Louis is suicidal. I think he has accepted, to a big part at least.
3) Said it before, it’s absolutely possible Louis asked for the memory erasure at some point. OR Armand interpreted a similar request like that.
4) Louis does not care for humans anymore. That has been clear since 2x01. “Their problem.“
5) I don’t think that is Lestat‘s fledgling. I think that term is only meant to hint at the age. I don’t see Lestat actually making a fledgling in that state. He may have made a lot of fledglings, but always from love, and that was not that.
6) A derivation of that, likely, yes. Decisions are made from kneaded feelings.
7) At that point Daniel was still mortal. Louis would travel by oversized trunk. He probably thought that impractical. And he thought Armand would still obey. AND his thoughts were already with Lestat I think.
8) Mhhhhh. It was already 10 minutes longer. That said I bet they coukd have given us 2h. It didn’t feel that rushed to me, since they stayed closer to the book I did see some things coming, but I would have loved even more, obviously:))
9) BOTH :)
10) God yes. That is when I cried. 😭
11) Armand does need to learn a lot still. But… he will. Daniel will challenge him to learn and Armand will erise to the occasion. … But it’s not an easy journey.
I hope my answers make sense?! I hope you enjoyed the finale, nonny, I definitely did 🤗
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peachesofteal · 1 year
ok hi it’s me I was the one who asked for more detail about the fae boys and I don’t have a fic fleshed out but I have Thoughts.
Pre-nereid snatching, Ghost mentioned trading favors across dimensions, and roping in the rest of the 141 to help.
One of those was a deal with a witch, Soap went in Ghost’s place (in disguise of course) and asked for some help figuring out the blood magic bit (the little piece that was so obvious and Ghost couldn’t believe he missed it) so Soap’s like ‘great, thanks see ya never!’
and this is all fine and good for the witch, until news of a nereid becoming a fae’s wife hits across the magic world, and the witch can’t help but notice… how similar that spell was to the one she gave a man with a mohawk and- motherfucker. Well. She has a reputation to uphold, so she spends the next several months hunting down the fae (she knows the infamous Ghost wouldn’t show his face to just anyone, so it had to be one of his companions. Then she figured out Soap is the one with the mohawk, and puts it all together).
So when she finds him, she’s clearly furious, but trying her best to remain polite and Soap can’t help but laugh at how adorable it is that this witch is demanding an apology for tricking her.
and that’s really all I’ve got off the top of my head but I just think Soap with an angry witch wife is absolute perfection.
Okay… okay 👀 I love this! 🩵 Let’s say she’s a reader character…
You track him down in the mortal world. After all, the guys realm is nearly impossible to travel to, especially if you’re not from there. Which you’re definitely, definitely not. Your magic is completely different than Fae magic, existing within the confines of the tangible power mostly, fire, water… blood and bone. Your kind comes from the mortal realm, existing in the same pockets of forgotten lore and magic, much like the Nereids.
Here’s the other thing, Fae are the APEX in the magical realms. Even in worlds outside of their own, they are well known. Their power, intelligence, tricks and lust for bloodshed are whispered about far and wide. So imagine how you feel when you realize you inadvertently gave one of them the key to abducting a Nereid from her watery home? You would be devastated. Not to mention, every being knows that blood magic is witchcraft, not Fae magic. So your own community is turning their back on you because you’ve done this, you’re the one who allowed this to happen. You’ve betrayed them, gave away the knowledge of a magic that has lived well protected for centuries, all because you allowed yourself to be tricked by a handsome mortal? Who wasn’t even a mortal at all? How could you not see that… how could you be so blind?
Because you were flattered, that’s how. You were struck by how sweet, how kind and clever he was. You were entranced by his questions, his interest in you and the bookstore, hypnotized by the way his graceful fingers stroked the spines of your most treasured volumes. You weren’t like the others in your coven, you weren’t chased relentlessly by warlocks, weren’t praised for being an eternal beauty, you spent more time with your books and spells and cauldron than you did with with your peers. The few friends you had included your familiar, a mortal girl who worked in the shop with you, and your aunt.
After months of research, tearing apart grimoires and reading tea leaves, you finally figure it out. You finally learn the spell you need to track Fae, and then you cast it to find Johnny. You don’t have much to go on, but you remember his eyes, the sea glass blue shade that shimmered in the afternoon light when he approached you in the bookstore, following you into the back room. You had been completely charmed by him, and thus disarmed… distracted by clever words and his pretty face, letting yourself flirt with him by asking about his mohawk and intriguing accent.
You had been a fool.
So you shuttered the shop early one day, pulling his true form to your mind’s eye, the confirmation of the truth curdling your stomach as you cast the scrying spell, the presence of his magic shimmering all throughout the plane until it led you to a pub, a mere four blocks away.
Your rage, your shame overshadows your fear… a mistake you realize too late that day, far too late until you’re standing in front of him with your hands on your hips… spitting mad, magic swirling around you in violent hues of red and purple while he chuckles openly, admiring how your hair seems to float in the air with the electricity of your rage.
“You used me.” You hiss, fist unclenching, raising in front of your body like a weapon. “You tricked me, you Fae bastard.” Your finger extends, pointing right at him, and in the blink of an eye the air shifts, and he drops his glamour, exposing the true strength of his power, the tips of his ears, the mighty weight of the magic he carries in his veins.
Your words die on your tongue.
Johnny may not know much, but he knows well enough to never, ever, let a witch point at him, for a hex will surely come after.
His hand darts forward, strong fingers wrapping around your wrist and pulling you close, close enough that he can incline his head above your ear, voice razor sharp, lethal and cold when he whispers,
“Did you just point at me, little witch?”
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iknowshocker · 4 months
What do you think Kai would be like as a boyfriend if he had a genuine/healthy bond with someone?
For being one of the funniest characters in tvdu, I don’t think we ever even saw someone laugh at one of his jokes, so I’ve always been curious what it would’ve looked like if just one person matched his energy or at least accepted him
oh my goodness, i love this queeeestiooon!
let me just quickly out myself by saying if you lined up all the TVD men and told me to pick, kai would be my one and only choice. 🙈 my love for him horrifies my husband but i stand behind my witchy woo man 🫡
first thank you !! for saying he's funny !! you're right no one really appreciates his humor in the show and its one of the silliest choices imo. like you can admit the scary man has jokes, guys, it's not going to kill you. (oof sidenote but him and Jo having the same humor/picking on each other is one of my fav things!)
if he was out and about making his lil comments and someone started giggling a few seats down at the bar i truly think he'd combust. also probably be like "....me? you - you're looking at me? you think i'm funny ??? 😳 AnD CUte ?? really????" and then try immediately to be cooler about it but like, he's screaming crying throwing up inside
canonically we also know he liked it when bonnie matched the more aggressive/argumentative side of his personality, so i don't think he'd be able to be with someone that didn't pick at him a little. you gotta be able to tease him back but also like .. not take it too far cause he 100% can't take as much as he can give lmao (one older sibling to another we're a lot more sensitive than we pretend to be)
basically i think kai needs:
somebody grounded to keep him from totally flipping out
but who is also willing to fight for what they believe in
spontaneous and playful - but also thoughtful and mindful of his mood swings
kind enough to love him completely despite his past
and supportive enough to help him rebuild the coven
so...yeah, bonnie, basically lol
i think s6 kai at minimum needs to be with a witch that is willing to share power, and s8 kai needs a vampire or heretic. s6 kai could make it work with a human but pre-merge you're risking a lot, and then if you put s8 kai with a witch/human, he's turning them no questions asked so we better hope they're okay with it. (let's just leave legacies kai out of this, okay? he is a different breed)
i picture him being touch starved like you wouldn't believe, so super super clingy and probably jealous at least in the beginning of a relationship. that would go for friendship, too, honestly.
i think it would be really hard for him to a. wrap his head around someone picking him and then b. allow them to also pick other people. i don't think he'd throw a klaus sized tantrum, he'd be more petty about it: "oh sorry i just assumed you liked damon now since you said you liked his hair today and yEaH i was listening from three tables over watching the whole thing don't lie i SAW HOW YOU SMILED AT HIM-,"
but like he'd mellow with that as time went on and he starts to believe he can trust being loved. on that note i think he'd need a lot of reassurance but simultaneously be embarrassed/unsure of how to ask for it. some fights would happen as he works through how to regulate himself, but i don't picture it being a delena level of toxic. kai is more self aware/honest about himself so even when he's making poor choices he's like "woah hold on, why am i doing this ?? ah yes, that's why" and i think he'd get to a point where he knows his triggers and can help a partner figure out how to avoid them/talk through them.
so think like "my boy only breaks his favorite toys" vibes. he's so sure things are going to be taken from him/stuff can't be trusted that he'll mess it up first to hopefully make it hurt less. but with time a partner could help him see that he can have nice things !! love is real !! id love to see him build up the coven/a friend group/family with a partner beside him and just !! enjoy life lmao
anon you said boyfriend not husband but i hc he'd actually be an amazing dad. i would want him to end up having a siphon !!! end the coven curse of abuse bb 👏🏼 i have a post detailing what i would have done with the parker's that talks about him being a good uncle too!! i don't know i just think he'd be weirdly good with kids. so even if we're talking heretic!kai he'd be bringing kids/teens into the coven to help them and he's gonna need a partner that is down with that
no matter the stage of relationship he's super tactile. (mans has no context or care over some PDA being inappropriate). you're always sitting in his lap, or he's draped over you requesting that you play with his hair, he keeps his hand in the back pocket of your jeans, he wants you to play with his rings, ect. just always always always touching in some way even if it's small. it was something he missed out on for so much of his life and i think having someone actively want to touch him would never get old.
(sad note i picture this being a bit of a PTSD thing for him too. so certain things would make him flinch or jump and he might not even really be aware of it all the time. like he'll be tense as hell and his partner is like "honey what's happening ?? where have you gone ??" and he'd have to take a second and body scan before realizing oh shit Yeah, something is Wrong)
he's possessive as hell so expect hickys left where everyone can see AND a smug annoucment that he knows where you got them :) if we're talking s8 kai i imagine he would leave bite scars intentionally. so like heal them with magic but leave the little fang marks so other vamps know you're spoken for and he'd probably also have them on his wrist
i think a common hc is that he's Always the dominate one, but we all saw him in those chains, boy's totally a switch. (i also personally hc that 1994 kai is virgin!kai, but that's a story for another day). still tho i do think control is a big thing for him so he's definitely more comfortable being the one in charge. with trust comes wanting to mix things up tho so that's nice all around.
hands down the best boy to date during the holiday season are we kidding ??? any little thing you can possibly think of he's down and probably already has it planned:
apple orchard
carnival !!
christmas tree decorating
horror movie marathon !!
baking sugar cookies
snow ball fight
you're hosting the holiday parties now i hope you like cooking for a whole coven !!
like sep-feb you are Booked and Busy (i hc he's not much of a summer boy but that's okay if yall went back to portland west coast summers are built different, pls don't keep him in the south from mid june-mid august i fear he will melt)
if there's a downside i think it's how protective he would be. i think the mix of possessive/protective/clingy could be too much for some people but again i don't think it would last at such a high level forever. it's just elements of his personality that show up especially in high stakes situations, so they shouldn't be ignored.
but yeah anon, basically give the boy a chance and he's tripping over himself to be the best partner he can be 🤷🏼‍♀️
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Ask and you shall receive the wonderful vod'ika!
For your 650 Followers, could we have Dogma in a Mystic AU 👀 either the one you already have going on or, consider, he's an Indiana Jones type (who is mostly trying to get ahead of robbers, but not "it belongs in a museum!").
Hope this is what you're looking for 💙💙 thank you for writing amazing fics.
Hopelessly Devoted
Summary: You and Dogma have been partners for years now, there’s no one on the planet you trust more, and you like to think that he feels the same way about you. Unfortunately, Dogma keeps his thoughts close to his chest. And you honestly have no idea where you stand with him.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Dogma x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1889
Prompt: Indiana Jones/Warehouse-13/The Librarian AU
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, I finally got this to a place where I'm happy with it. This is more Warehouse-13 and The Librarian AU than Indiana Jones, but really, all three of them are very similar if you think about it. Warehouse-13 was a SciFi show, followed a pair of Secret Service agents while the traveled to collect dangerous artifacts. The Librarian followed a Librarian who's job it was to collect dangerous artifacts from around the world. Warehouse-13 had things like Edgar Allen Poe's journal and pen, while the Librarian had things like Excalibur. Although, I think all three had the Arc of the Covenant.
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“Careful, you don’t want to drop it,” Dogma warns you as he watches you slide the Arc of the Covenant into its place on the shelf.
“I know, Dogma.” You reply with a roll of your eyes, “Have I ever dropped anything before?”
Dogma doesn’t reply until he’s sure that the Arc is secure, and then he activates the security system around the ancient artifact, “There was that one time with the White Rabbit,” He reminds you as he turns to look at you.
You sputter indignantly, “That is like comparing apples and oranges, Dogma!”
A small grin lifts his lips, “Is it?”
“You can’t compare a golden box to a living, breathing animal!”
“I can, and I did.” His grin widens as he watches you, and then he turns and motions for you to follow him, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
You chase after him until you’re walking next to him, “And you’ll finally let me treat your injuries?” You ask as you eye the nasty cut over his eye.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Don’t ‘yeah, yeah’ me. I’m worried about you. You got hit, hard.”
Dogma leads you to the small gold cart that the pair of you use to navigate the storage building, “Better me than you. Besides, me getting hit gave you the time you needed to actually get to the artifact.” He slides behind the steering wheel, and you climb in next to him.
“We both know that if they opened the Arc they would have been killed. Our interference was pointless.” You grumble.
“Saving lives is never pointless.”
“They were terrorists, Dogma.”
He flashes a small grin at you, “All life is valuable.”
“Some lives are more valuable than others.” You counter, “And the lives of terrorists are less important to me than your life.”
“Supposed terrorists.” Dogma corrects as he starts the cart.
“Supposed my ass. You saw the auction list. It was like a who’s who of the world’s nastiest murderers.”
“And yet, their lives still have value.”
You heave out a sigh, “And this is why you’re the boss and I’m the assistant.”
“You’ll get there eventually.”
“Not really sure I’ll ever get to the point where I’ll look at bad people and think ‘Oh yes, these people are definitely worth my time and effort’.” You reply dryly.
He flashes you an amused look and then starts paying attention to the path again. It would be bad if he crashed into anything in here. A very good way to kill the both of you.
Luckily, even half concussed, Dogma is a very good driver. So you feel comfortable kicking your feet up on what you’d call the dashboard, though you’re sure that’s not what it’s called, and you slouch in the seat.
You’ve been an “employee” of this agency for close to two years now, and Dogma’s underling for almost that long. He transferred in from another division a couple of months after you were forced into the position.
You allow your gaze to slide over to Dogma for a moment, tracing what part of the face tattoo you can see, and then you focus your attention on the rows of shelves again.
Dogma’s a soldier, just like all of his brothers. One of an army of two million identical men. You asked him, once, what the deal with that was, and he just shrugged and changed the subject. 
The Program’s director, later, admitted to you that Dogma and his brothers are a result of an artifact used by a large group of unscrupulous cloners.
Their plan, you were told, was to create an army of super soldiers and then sell them to the highest bidder. Luckily for the world, the Jedi got there first and claimed the clones as their own.
When you first heard that story, you thought it was a joke. Something that the director told you to make you a little more agreeable to working with Dogma.
Then you start to meet his brothers, and they really are completely identical.
Still, Dogma’s route to this division is normal, from what you understand. The director picks through hundreds of personnel files and finds the right person for the job.
If only you had been so lucky.
You like to think that you aren’t a bad person. A little greedy, and a lot lazy, but neither of those traits are inherently bad. Unfortunately, when you combine greed and laziness with a neglectful childhood, you have the perfect mixture for someone becoming a criminal.
Once upon a time, you were a thief.
Well, okay, less thief and more grifter.
You have a knack for walking into a room and determining which person in the room is the easiest mark and which person would be the most profitable.
About two years ago, you managed to get your hands on an artifact, a locket. An artifact that you stole from a local museum. 
To this day, you’re not sure why you took it. The item made your skin crawl, and you wanted nothing more than to destroy it, but you found yourself unable to get rid of it.
The director saved your life.
The pendant belonged to Countess Elizabeth Báthory, a woman who, historically, was known for murdering young women and bathing in their blood.
After that day, the Director forced you to be a junior in his division. His threat was simple, if you don’t then you’ll be turned in to the police and arrested for your many, many crimes.
And, well, you’ve never been a stupid person, so you agreed.
Now, two years later, you’re glad you did. You travel the world and are still able to keep your skills sharp. But, much more importantly, you get to spend your free time with Dogma.
You trust Dogma, he knows more about you than anyone on the planet who isn’t you, and you like to think that he feels the same way. But Dogma keeps his feelings close to his chest.
While you’re pretty good at reading him, after almost two years, you’re still not sure where you stand with him.
Which is a shame, because you’ve been in love with him for almost a year now.
The cart comes to a stop, and Dogma pushes your feet off the dashboard, as he removes the key from the cart. “Come on, I think I saw the director upstairs.”
You groan theatrically, but follow Dogma up the narrow staircase and through the shut door that leads to where you and he do almost all of your research. 
The director is an older man, with pure white hair and thick glasses. You’ve never seen him in anything other than a strict suit, though you’re pretty sure that he has a family somewhere. 
“I have a new job for you,” The director says, his voice clipped.
“Already?” Dogma asks as he sinks into a chair and tilts his head back to allow you to actually tend to his injuries. 
“I wouldn’t insist if it wasn’t important,” The director replies, falling silent for a moment to watch you set the first aid kit on the table and pop it open, “Pandora’s Box has reappeared.”
Both you and Dogma freeze.
The both of you have been hunting Pandora’s box for close to 8 months now. Every time you get close, the box vanishes again. Stolen, or sold, or just lost.
“Where is it?” You ask.
“Rome.” The Director replies, “It’s on display. At the Vatican.”
Dogma releases a laugh, “Oh, easy then.”
You make a face, “The Vatican knows our faces,” You remind the both of them, “We did have to steal the shroud from them, after all.”
The Director nods, “I am making arrangements. Just make sure that the both of you are prepared.” He nods once more, and then stalks out of the room, leaving the faint scent of cigars in his place.
Dogma allows you to finish cleaning and tending to his injury, before he hops to his feet, “Pandora’s box, how long has it been?”
“Eight months,” You reply, “That was when the first report was made, at least.”
“We should start making flight arrangements—”
“Hold on!” You move and press your hands on his chest to stop him from heading to the computer, “We need to wait for the Director to make arrangements. We’re both wanted in Italy.”
His lips twist, “This is the closest we’ve been in months—” 
“I know. But we’re not going to accomplish anything if we’re in jail.”
Dogma stares at you and then sighs. “I know you’re right.” He murmurs, his hands coming up to wrap around yours, and squeezing, “I just want Pandora’s Box sealed away. It’s dangerous.”
“Everything we work with is dangerous. I don’t think there’s a single thing down there that isn’t dangerous.” You point out, “Pandora’s Box is empty, at least according to the stories.”
“Of everything except hope.”
“Exactly.” You scan his face for a moment, “We should continue our inventory while we wait for the Director to work his magic.”
Dogma smiles at you, soft and warm. “What did I do to deserve a partner as amazing as you?”
“Well, you accepted a transfer.” You lightly tug your hand from his grasp and reach up to lightly pat his cheek, “Smartest thing you’ve ever done, I think.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He scans your face for a moment, “I need to tell you something—”
“Alright,” You prompt as he trails off.
“I,” Dogma hesitates, “I just…” He sighs, “You know what, it’s not important.”
You stare at him suspiciously, “Oh, come on Dogma. Just tell me.”
“It’s really not important.”
“You said you needed to tell me, so tell me!”
He releases an explosive sigh, “Fine! I love you! I’m in love with you. Have been for ages now, and I felt like you needed to know. There, happy?”
You blink at him, stunned. “You love me?”
“You’re going to make me repeat it?” Dogma asks with a scowl, “Yes, I love you. You can proceed with your mocking now.”
You continue to stare at him, and then you giggle. You feel euphoric like you’re walking on air. Before Dogma can say something mean about your giggling, you fling your arms around him and bury your face against his neck.
You feel him tense under you, and he hesitates before he wraps his arms around you, gingerly holding you, as though you’re made from fragile glass. “What are—?”
“I love you too.”
The tension drains from Dogma so suddenly, that the both of you nearly topple to the floor. His arms tighten around you, and he presses his nose into your hair, “You do?” There’s something small and almost frail in his voice, it makes you tighten your arms around him. 
“I do.”
Gently, he pushes you back so he’s able to look at you. His dark eyes scan your face for a moment, and a small smile lifts his lips, “You’re telling the truth.”
“I generally do, just no one believes me.”
Dogma crashes his lips against yours instead of offering an answer. You sigh into the kiss and submit to his passion, it’s everything that you’ve wanted, after all.
You have a feeling that you and Dogma are going to be even better partners from here on out.
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missredherring · 1 year
Misc Characters Masterlist
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🌶️= spice
August Walker (Mission Impossible: Fallout)
Paperwork - Settling Up🌶️
For a second he thought about dumping the files on the floor, pushing you up against his desk, and teasing you with more than just words. 
Charlie Hesketh (Kingsman)
HP AU drabble
The last thing he remembered was cornering the Dark Wizard he’d been tracking all week in an alleyway. There’d been some spells exchanged and pain, a lot of pain, and everything had gone black.
Merlin barely looked him in the eyes when he handed the bag over. “Thank you, sir.” Charlie said, unable to hide his grin. This was going to be fun, after all. “Cheeky.” Merlin muttered under his breath and left the room.
Clark Kent (Superman DCU)
Pocket Full of Sunshine
Two people/One Bed Couch
Darcy Lewis (MCU)
Rainy Day Blues
Darcy was tired of Jane’s moping and sighing after an hour, but after two days? Yea, something had to be done, or else Darcy couldn’t be held responsible for what happened to Jane.
Friday Night at Kellerman's
She grinned at both of them and gestured to the drink. “I helped carry a watermelon.” She said when Max moved the microphone closer to her.
A Sheet of Paper
Darcy looks before she leaps. This time.
Darcy Lewis, Pokemon Master: Part One - Part Two
“I wanted you to get a decent education before you went running off into the wild. People seem to forget that there’s more to the world than those monsters. They get ideas in their heads that Pokémon are the only thing they need and run off without another word.”
AHS Coven + MCU crossover AU Marvel Coven
"She does not see the paths that connect our realms. But you do." It was so strange to hear a voice in her head other than her Supreme and coven head, Cordelia. His voice felt... wicked.
That Would Be Enough (Darcy x Pepper x Tony)
Pepper had stopped mid-sentence and her mouth hung open for a moment, her eyes fixing on Darcy’s face. Sometimes Darcy felt so young compared to Pepper and Tony. And other times, times like this, Darcy was a rock that they both clung on to, afraid of being washed away by everything around them.
Royal AU + Accidentally Married + Loki x Darcy Lewis
Loki x Darcy Lewis Week '12
“She is a diversion.” Loki thinks.
Loki hates the lavish parties that are thrown in the hall of Valhalla. Darcy said to use the word “hate” sparingly because there’s a lot of space between “hate” and a dramatic “dislike,” but Loki is sure that hate is the correct word.
Loki’s words echo back to her and Darcy understands that this is going to be her first move in the game she finds herself playing. She makes herself smile up at Thor.
She lifts her hand and the pages turn until they come to an illustration of Loki. He is grinning at her. Darcy sticks her tongue out at him and scribbles a response.
Darcy was just… annoyed that all the possibilities bikinis provided were wasted on Jane who was happy with the boring suit she was in now. Yea, that was it.
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman DCU)
Lunch Date - Aperitif🌶️
You bring Diana her lunch at work and she thanks you.
Eggsy Unwin (Kingsman)
Ask prompt
“You wanna fucking go, punk?”
Gazelle (Kingsman)
A circle of yellow carnations were surrounded by fish geraniums. Sprigs of cypress and a large cut of asphodel made up the outside. “You have disappointed us and our expectations of you. Death surrounds you. Our regrets follow you to the grave.” And there, Gazelle noted with a sad tick of her mouth, a lone marigold hidden beneath an ambitious carnation. “Despair.”
Gazelle x Ares (Kingsman and John Wick 2)
Two of a Kind
“I'm coming with you; they’ll never see us coming.”
Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Evening, Chief (Plus Size Reader)
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” Jim Hopper asked, looking through the car window. 
Think I Could Take Him? (Plus Size Reader)
You were waiting outside of work, tucked under the umbrella of light from a street lamp, when the bronco pulled up.
Self Defense
A lesson on self defense from the police chief himself.
Summer Nights
Catching lightning bugs with friends and family.
Saving Grace: Part One  - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four 
After wrapping up lose ends you’re back in Hawkins to help your sister, Joyce, after the Hawkins Lab chemical leak is exposed.
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men)
Fisting with Wolverine 🌶️
A florist turns to the last local cut flower farmer available for help. No Powers AU.
Mera (ft Arthur Curry ((Aquaman DCU))
Currents: Sea Sick - Message in a Bottle - Testing the Waters - Snowfall - Cozy - Blood in the Water - Undercurrents
“Mera is the one I want to kiss in this relationship, it turns out.” You told him. You looked at your hands and smiled. Holding hands was nice.   Arthur grunted and looked up when you reached the point in the path when you could hear the waves on the beach again. He turned and studied your face, expression warm with memories and a good night out. “I can work with that.” 
Orm (Aquaman DCU)
Overflow: Looking Up From Underneath - Breaking Waves
Orm starts his community service, but why does it feel like you're being punished instead?
Simon Jordan (Alias Grace)
“You’re seeing a new doctor for your condition, aren’t you?” Father didn’t look up from the morning paper while asking the question.
Steve Rogers (MCU)
A Falling Star Fell From Your Heart
Tattoo Artist!Steve Rogers tells you about his tattoos in bed.
Tommy Miller (The Last of Us)
For a Good Time Call... Tommy (Fat Reader)🌶️
He doesn’t do anything else for a moment, just takes you in, blowing out smoke through his nose in a steady stream. You guess this is to let you have the chance to change your mind and leave, only a smoke shared between you and nothing more. It’s nice, but there’s no way you’re letting him go now. With your free hand you slip your fingers behind his belt buckle, grinning when the muscles of his stomach jump at the touch of your cold fingers, and tug him to you with the thing.
Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)
Hikari: Prologue - One  (Plus Size Reader)
A physical therapist with quirk that allows her to control her body temperature gets a new patient.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Mother witch x fem!witch!reader, she and reader were best friends (secretly in love with each other and in different covens) but after MW used the power spell reader lost trust and stopped hanging out with her. Decades later they reconcile?
Also, what do you think Mother witches real name would be??
Oh I LOVE this!!!!
Thank you so much for the request!!💕💕
A/n: For the sake of making my life easier, I'm going to pretend that witches covens inhabited Salem long before the settlers actually arrived and that you don't need ingredients for the spell hehee
ALSO I'm sorry this got out of hand and I have to make a part 2 bc this was getting longgggg heheh but no fear I'll have part 2 out tomorrow!💕
18+ only minors DNI
Part 2
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Wandering the Forbidden Woods in your cat-form during the large full moon, you feel the power inside of you grow. As the moon ascends into the sky, you look up and stretch out your paws, gently kneading the ground below you. In an instant the fur on your back stands up, an unsettling charge filling the air. As the leader of your coven, it's your duty to investigate any disturbances, especially those with any magical effect to them.
With a quick hiss, displeased about needing to investigate on a night like this, you head off into the direction you feel the magic pulling you towards.
Memories fill your head as you make your way through the forest, knowing every downed tree, every vine, every hill and valley like the back of your hand. You grew up in these woods, ran through the dead leaves, played in the darkness, the forest is your home. Most people, regular humans mostly, are usually terrified of these woods, but here, you thrive.
One of your earliest memories comes to the front of your mind, The Meeting of the Covens, you couldn't have been older than 5 or 6 at the time. Flashes of your parents, the former leaders of your coven, welcoming the surrounding covens into your territory. Hundreds of witches and warlocks gathered from different covens, your coven alone had about 30 or so members, one of the largest covens having nearly double that. Some of the smaller covens had only a few more than a dozen members, but during The Meeting of the Covens, you were all one. The meetings took place every other month or so, so the leaders can discuss important matters, but to also give the opportunity for socialization between the neighboring covens.
It was Midsummer, your favorite time of year. The sun was warm and the sky was blue without a cloud in sight. Your parents had left you with the other few children in your coven to play and you remember watching as the older children from yours and the surrounding covens dancing around the Maypole. Watching in awe, your focus was broken when a little girl with curly blond hair and bright green eyes stood in front of you. With her head tilted to the side, she looked at you with curiosity on her face.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm watching the dance." You replied shyly.
You remember the question confusing you a bit, why wouldn't you watch?
"Um, I- I don't know."
"You're silly. I'm Griselda what's your name?" The little girl asks with a big toothy smile.
"What coven are you from y/n? I'm from the Sisters of Clarity!"
"Coven of the Setting Sun."
Just when you thought the little girls eyes and smile couldn't get any bigger, they widened even more.
"Woowwww! This is your home?!"
Nodding your head, you look around, taking in the scene around you.
"Do you wanna be my friend?!" Griselda asks with excitement in her voice.
You turn back towards her, noticing a spark in her eyes, you could feel that even at such a young age, this little witch has power in her. But her power didn't scare you, knowing you had power in yourself as well, it actually excited you. It dawned on you in that moment that you really didn't have any friends, sure there were other kids in your coven, but none of them were your age. None of them wanted to play with you, so you usually spent time alone, practicing your magic or playing by yourself.
"You, you want to be my friend?"
"Of course I do!"
Griselda grabs your hand and takes off running towards the open field.
"You can call me Zelda!" She shouts as you run.
From then on, the two of you were inseparable. Even though you came from different covens, you later found out that her covens territory backed up to yours, making it easy to meet up and play. Although you didn't see each other every day, you got together at least once a week, sometimes more if you were lucky.
The older the two of you became, the closer you got. Once you both turned sixteen you both began to come into your powers. When your formal training began, you two saw less of each other and you hated it. The two of you begged your parents to send you to train with a sorcerer together, but both of your parents disagreed until you were in more control of your powers. You and Griselda were powerful witches and for the next two years you both trained extensively to control and develop your skills.
On your 18th birthday, your parents agreed to send you both to the same sorcerer for more intense training. It wasn't something that was usually done, but given your closeness and the fact that both yours and her parents were the leaders of their respective covens, they allowed the two of you to train together.
The day you moved in with your mentor was the most excited either of you had been in your lives. Instead of having to plan your next meeting, the two of you would be living under the same roof for the next few years, it was a dream come true for the both of you.
It had been some time since you were able to see each other because of the extensive training, so when Zelda made it to your mentors house, you ran into each others arms. Looking into her eyes, your stomach filled with butterflies, brushing it off as excitement to see your best friend, you didn't think much of it.
As the weeks went on, you caught yourself admiring her beauty more and more. How her beautiful, long, blond curly hair fell around her face, how her green eyes flashed into the most captivating shade of purple when she got excited or would use her magic. You could have sworn you caught her admiring you from afar when you would train, but each time you talked yourself out of it, telling yourself how ridiculous it would be for someone as beautiful as her to feel that way towards you.
The two of you only lived with the sorcerer for two years before having to return back to your covens. With the end of your training rapidly approaching, neither of you wanted to leave the comfort of the other. Knowing it could be months until you two were able to see each other again after you returned home, you spent every waking moment together.
On the very last night, Zelda came into your shared room with a mischievous look on her face.
"Oh no." You say, looking up from your book.
"What?" She asks innocently.
"No, I know that look, what are you up to?"
"Me? Up to something? Y/n I'm offended!"
"Mhm, sureeee."
"Okay maybe I am."
"I don't know why you think for even a second you can get anything past me. I'm in your head." You say, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Oh I know, and you're not even paying rent! Freeloader."
The two of you laugh and she motions for you to scoot over and sits next to you on your bed.
"Actually if you must know, I have a surprise for you."
"Should I be concerned or...?"
"You know I have to ask, last time you had a 'surprise' for me you almost set the forest on fire!"
"Will you ever let that go?! It was one time!"
"Hmm..." You tap your chin pondering for a moment. "Nope, never."
Griselda rolls her eyes at you and pulls a cupcake out of thin air. Flicking her finger over it, a candle appears, with one more flick the candle is lit and she holds it in front of you.
"I couldn't not wish my best friend a happy birthday before she leaves tomorrow."
"Aw, Zel."
"I know it's not until tomorrow, but since we're leaving early I decided it's acceptable to celebrate a little early. Happy birthday, y/n."
Looking at your best friend, your heart feels like it's about to burst, so do the butterflies in your belly. The last two years with her have been the best two years of your life, not only were you able to spend it with your best friend, you realized you were in love with her. Never for a moment thinking she reciprocated the feelings, you never let your feelings for her show, but as long as you had her in your life, you were happy.
"Make a wish!"
You close your eyes and think of what you want more than anything. Immediately, you think of her. All you want, is her. To love her, to care for her, for her to love you back. Opening your eyes, you blow out the candle.
Griselda rips the cupcake in half and hands you one half, shoving her half into her mouth. You can't help but laugh at her while she does it. As regal and dignified as she may come off, you know deep down this is who she really is. After you finish your half you wrap your arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug.
"Thank you. I'm going to miss you, so much Zel."
"I'm gonna miss you too, y/n."
When you pull away you notice frosting on her cheek.
"You're such a mess, what are you gonna do without me?" You say playfully as you wipe the frosting off of her.
"I'm going to be really sad." Griselda's tone is serious, somber even. As you look into her eyes you can see that they're starting to fill with tears.
"Aw, Zel, don't, you're gonna make me cry." Tears begin to well up in your eyes. A tear rolls down her cheek and you wipe it away, your hand lingering on her cheek. Gazing back into her eyes, you see them flash that beautiful shade of purple you love so much. It confuses you for a moment because you don't know why they did that. A moment later it dawns on you, maybe she does feel the same way.
Her lips cut you off when she presses them into yours. Shocked for just a moment, you melt into the kiss and she wraps her arms around you, pulling you into her. Her lips are soft and warm, the sweet taste of the cupcake lingering on them. A gentle tongue brushes over your bottom lip and you part your lips, letting her in. Her tongue flicks across yours and a moan slips from the back of your throat into her mouth.
Griselda shifts her weight and lowers you onto the bed. Warm lips kiss down your jaw and down your neck. You feel her warm breath on your skin as she peppers your neck with kisses. Her hands grab your sides and she squeezes, your body squirms under her when she hits one of your most ticklish spots and you start laughing. Guiding her face back up to yours, you look into her purple eyes once more.
"I can't believe- I didn't- I-"
"Shh." She says, placing a finger over your lips. "I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Griselda."
The two of you spent the rest of the night in your bed, kissing and cuddling, squeezing in as much time together as possible before the morning came and you both had to go separate ways. The two of you have slept in the same bed countless times before, but this time was different. This time, you spent the night in the arms of the woman you loved, and it was the best nights sleep you ever had.
A few months went by without being able to see each other and you hated it. Both you and Griselda began learning how your covens run, preparing to take over in the next few years when your parents are set to retire as the leaders. Learning how to be the leader of a coven is exhausting, not nearly as much fun as learning to use your magic, but it's still rewarding. Your parents finally allowed you to dive into your covens spellbook, something that only the leaders and those who have successfully harnessed their powers were able to do. The spells both fascinated and terrified you, but you learned about how many of the spells in there could be used to help your coven and most importantly, to protect everyone. There were some spells that were off-limits, ones you briefly reviewed but paid no mind to. There was a reason why they were forbidden, and you didn't dare question why.
To ease the pain of not being able to see each other, you and Griselda wrote letters to each other every week. In your letters you talked about what your training has been like, the different aspects of leading a coven of so many, how it's much different than what you had expected, but that you were pleasantly surprised at how much you've been enjoying it. Griselda also wrote about what her experience was like, although it varied from yours given that her coven was one of the smaller ones with just over a dozen witches and warlocks in it. She expressed interest in trying to grow her coven size, how she wants to expand her powers, do as much as she possibly can to make her coven thrive. Her determination and aspirations always inspired you, she was always so devoted to her coven. In her letters you can tell just how passionate she was about doing everything possible for them.
The time finally came where you were able to be reunited with Griselda once more, every cell in your body vibrated with excitement. Neither of you had mentioned your love to anyone, so when you were able to go visit her, the two of you kept up your appearances as best friends until you made it to her home. It was small, nothing extravagant, but it was hers and she was proud of it. Plus, it was private.
Before you knew it, the two of you were in her bed, tugging at each others clothes and tossing them across the room. Your fingers roamed her body as her lips roamed yours. With an arched back and goosebumps across your skin, your whole body filled with ecstasy as her mouth took you over the edge into bliss. When you finally came back down to earth you laid Griselda down underneath you and worshiped her like you had dreamt of for what felt like so many years. With her hand grasping at your hair, beautiful cries escaped from her lips as you made love to her. Her legs shook around your head, dragging out her release as much as you could before she pulled away.
Laying in each others arms, you confessed your love for one another once more, sealing your love with a passion filled kiss.
"I brought you something." You say as you lean over the edge of the bed and grab your bag.
"You did?"
"Yup, just a little something to remember me by and something to show the alliance between our covens." You pull out a circular pendant of your covens sigil. On the left side, a crescent moon, on the right, the trees of the forest completing the circle. In the middle, a star, with a red ruby sitting in the center.
"Y/n, this is beautiful. Thank you." She says, kissing the side of your head.
"Not as beautiful as you are, my love." Her eyes flash purple once more and her lips find yours again.
When your lips part Griselda traces her fingers across the details of the pendant, deep in thought.
"What are you thinking about? I see those wheels turning in that pretty head of yours." You say, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I was thinking of a spell I read in our covens spellbook. Magicae Maxima, the Power Spell."
"Why on earth are you thinking of that spell? Zelda that's one of the forbidden spells."
"I know, but think of how much good it could do. How much I could help my people, how much power it could give me."
"Zelda that spell is dangerous. You know how magic works, even just to cast a simple fire spell, you have to give something to get it. The Power Spell, you'd have to sacrifice so much to gain that much power. It's forbidden for a reason-"
"I know, but-"
"No Zel, no buts. Promise me, you won't even think of using that spell. It can be so dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you'd use it for good, but it's not worth it. Promise me, you won't ever use it."
Griselda looks down at you and sees the worry on your face, she presses her lips into your forehead and sighs.
"I won't. I promise y/n."
"Good. There are so many other things you can do, to expand your coven, to gain more power, you don't need that spell Zelda. You have it in you to be one of the most powerful witches ever without needing that stupid spell."
"You think so?"
"I know so. I knew the moment I met you that you had more power than either of us were able to understand at the time. You're amazing Zel, it's one of the many things that made me fall so hard for you."
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Zelda."
With another shared kiss, the two of you drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The next time the two of you are able to meet again is a few months later. Training to become the coven leaders have amped up for the both of you, making you both busier than ever before. When you finally see each other again, the first thing that your eyes go to is the pendant you had gifted her, sitting on her chest, replacing the old clasp to her beautifully made cape.
"You like it?" She asks when she see's you eye the pendant.
"I love it."
"I wasn't sure what to do with it at first, but I knew I wanted to wear it every day. Then suddenly this idea popped into my head and I thought it was quite a brilliant idea."
"Well, you are quite a brilliant witch so I'm not surprised." You quip.
Griselda pulls you in for a kiss and you melt into her arms.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too, y/n."
The two of you spend the day together and as far as you're concerned, it's a perfect day. As the two of you walk hand-in-hand towards the boundary between your territories, you feel a nervousness from Griselda you haven't felt before.
Stopping and turning towards her, you ask her "Are you okay? You seem, I don't know, off all of the sudden." Griselda looks you in the eyes and looks away, a worry spreads across her face that makes your stomach twist. You bring your hand to her cheek and caress it with your thumb. "Zelda, what's wrong? You know you can talk to me, about anything."
"I know," she says, with a sigh. "I just, I don't want you to hate me."
"Love how could I ever hate you?"
"I love you, y/n."
"I love you too Zelda. What's wrong? You're starting to worry me."
With a flick of her wrist, Zelda's covens spellbook appears next to her. She takes the book and it opens to a spell. Zelda looks you in the eyes before she turns the book around.
"There's, there's something I need your help with." A fear creeps into your chest. Looking at the book, you see a worry in its eye. "Y/n, I love you, and I want you to do this with me." Turning around the book you see the Magica Maxima spell open.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 3 months
Girls, Girls, Girls: Final Part
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: You run into the witch Rowena who is taking recruits for her coven, and it doesn't go exactly to plan.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean asks to talk to the waiter who was involved in the death of the man whether he did it or just witnessed it, that's what he's here to find out. Sam stays outside to make a few phone calls so it's just you and Dean together.
"In the middle of my shift, Marty is falling down, clutching his head, and stroking out right there on the floor. He was sweating and turning red like..."
"Like his brains were boiling?" The waiter nods. "Was there anything else unusual?"
"More unusual than our head waiter dropping dead in front of me?"
"Before that."
"I don't know, I mean I thought getting two hookers in here was pretty damn unusual, but that was before Marty keeled over."
"Two hookers?"
"Based on what they were wearing, yeah."
"Were they alone?" Dean asks.
"No. They came in with a lady."
"Thank you for your time." You and Dean leave the restaurant and join Sam's side who just got off the phone. "So, it looks like our witch was here with two new friends."
"Really? Raul's girls? What does she want with them?"
"I don't know. What'd you get from the Hunter network?"
"This guy Darrell's been working a case, a series of grisly hotel murders with one at the Kensington and another at the Waldorf in Cleveland. Bodies are stabbed and impaled on the ceiling."
"Sounds a little more homicidal maniac than witchy."
"That's what Darrell thought, too, until the autopsy came back. The actual cause of death is boiled brains, the same as our waiter."
"Well, I'll give this to the witch, she's got deep pockets. The Kensington, the Waldorf, and this restaurant? That can't be cheap," Dean scoffs.
"Yeah, let's go."
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"To check out every five-star hotel in the area."
The first two hotels were a bust but the third one seems to be right up the witch's alley. You're not even sure what you're supposed to be looking for because you have no idea what this witch looks like or if she's even here anymore. Still, Sam and Dean insist on roaming the halls until they run into something witchy.
You turn the corner and see four women on the other end of the hallway. The shorter one, the redhead, has tape over her mouth and is being escorted by someone who doesn't care if she's being aggressive or not. If you had to guess, Blondie is a demon and the redhead is Rowena. The other two girls, you're not sure who they are, but they might be Raul's girls if they're dressed like prostitutes.
"You're in for a world of hurt when we deliver you to our boss," Blondie says.
"What about us? I'm not going back to that place," one of the prostitutes says.
"Operation Skank has been terminated. The only place you two are going is the dumpster out back."
The demon faces forward and sees you, Sam, and Dean. The brothers don't give her a chance to attack because Dean is already stabbing her with an angel blade. She yells out in pain and falls to the ground, and Rowena takes her girls and scurries back to avoid the line of fire. Two more demons come in as if they were waiting around the corner, giving Sam and Dean no break between fights. You don't care about this fight so you let them handle it. You step around the fight and continue towards Rowena who has removed the duct tape.
"I've read about witches like you. You're trash and pretty useless without herbs and a spell book."
Sam and Dean kill the final demon and watch you with Rowena.
"What do you know about witchcraft?" she drawls in an Irish accent.
"Have you heard of the Sapphire Witch?" you smirk.
All the blood drains from her face and she becomes rigid. She is a very powerful witch, if not the most powerful one, but there is one witch who surpasses her in every way. The Sapphire Witch. She's heard about them but has never had the pleasure of meeting one in person. For a split second, you see fear in her eyes, and that brings you so much joy knowing she is scared of what you can do--what you have done.
"Ladies, the fourth kind of witch is one who can disrupt the timeline and reality. Witches that don't need spells and herbs," Rowena says to her girls.
"What, are you afraid?" you smirk and step forward.
She visually flinches back, expecting her to be blasted back into the wall. She watches you with careful eyes until she turns her fear into confusion.
"Well? Aren't you going to hit me with your best shot?" You don't answer her but you do narrow your eyes slightly. She starts to laugh knowing you're no threat to her. "You can't, can you?" Again, silence. "Some witch you are."
"Who are these guys?" one of her girls asks.
"Hunters. Let's get out of here."
"Don't worry, ladies. Our beef's not with you. We're here for the witch. Rowena," Dean glares and joins your side.
"Always nice to be recognized," she smirks.
"Do something!" one of her girls urges.
"That's an excellent idea." She grabs a hex bag she always keeps on herself and places it into the hands of one of the girls. "Impetus bestiarum."
The girl who was given the hex bag doubles over in pain and screams.
"What did you do to her?" Dean asks.
Rowena only laughs just as the girl lifts her head up. Her eyes are red and blood is dripping down her nose. She snarls hungrily and punches Dean in the head, and then Sam. Amid the chaos, Rowena and the other girl escape past you. You could stay and help Sam and Dean or you can go after Rowena who is pissing you off.
You choose the latter.
"Go after her!" Sam says. "I can handle her."
You go after Rowena with Dean following behind you and Sam still in the hallway with the rageful girl. You walk into the alley behind the hotel just in time to see the girl punch Rowena in the face. She must be tired of her shit because she walks away, scott-free. You approach her from behind with your gun out, and she takes out a hex bag to use on the woman. Before she can say anything, you place the barrel of your gun on the back of her head.
"Witch or not, I bet you won't survive a bullet to the brain."
Rowena freezes and turns around to see you and Dean with both your guns pointed at her.
"Lady, your luck has just run out," Dean says.
Her eyes move from the two of you to someone behind Dean.
"I'm pretty sure that's not true," she laughs.
A gun is placed on the back of Dean's head, and he freezes in his spot. The man holding the gun whistles at Dean who turns to face him. You vaguely remember who this man is. His name might be Cole? Cody? He's been obsessed with Dean and trying to kill him. You're not sure why nor do you care, but he's here now which is a problem.
"Pal, we got to work on your timing," Dean sighs.
"Drop the gun, Dean-o."
"She may not look like much, but letting this one go is a big mistake."
"Drop. The. Gun."
"You heard the boy," Rowena smirks.
Dean has no choice but to drop his gun but you still have yours trained on Rowena. She diffused one of you, now she can focus on you.
"Do not let her go, Y/N," Dean warns.
You keep your eyes trained on Rowena but think about Dean's words. He wants you to kill her. He wants you to hold her hostage. He would absolutely hate it if you were to let her go.
"You were right, Rowena. I don't have access to my magic. I was the Sapphire Witch once but now she is dead. Why don't you go and spread that word around? You'd be doing me a favor."
"Y/N," Dean says in a warning tone.
You lower your gun and toss it to the ground where Dean's is.
"Get the hell out of here before I change my mind."
Rowena blows a kiss at Dean before she leaves. You walk over to a broken-down car and sit on the hood as you watch Dean and Cole in their standoff. Dean will deal with you later but right now, he has Cole.
"Look, man, I am sorry about the last time we met, okay? I'm sorry about a lot of things. I'm not the same person that I was."
"You're not a person at all. See, I know all about your kind now."
"My kind? Listen--" Cole throws holy water in Dean's face expecting his skin to sizzle. However, he's confused when nothing happens. "I'm not a demon anymore."
"So, were you a demon when you murdered my father?"
"Then you're still a monster."
Cole hits Dean in the face with his gun, and even though Dean takes the punch, he grabs Cole's hand to get the gun. You would help your husband out but you're kind of curious to see how this will end. Dean manages to get the gun and throw it on the ground, and he punches Cole in the face to put some distance between them.
"Let's go," Cole says and raises his hand, ready to fight.
The two men run at each other but Dean is more skilled than Cole. Cole tries to hit him but Dean blocks his attacks easily. Dean grabs his legs and throws Cole to the ground right next to the discarded guns. Cole tries to reach for his gun but Dean kicks the gun away.
"Come on, Cole! Beat his ass!" you yell. Dean ignores you as he grabs his own gun and points it at Cole. "Boo. This is boring. If you're not going to beat his ass, then at least kill him."
"Shut up," Dean hisses at you.
"What are you waiting for? Do it," Cole glares.
"No. Now, I'm gonna clean this mess up once and for all. You're gonna give me five minutes and we're gonna talk. Get up." Cole does. "After that, if you don't like what you hear," Dean turns his gun so that the handle is facing Cole, "and you still want me dead, you take your shot." Cole takes the gun and points it at Dean. "What I do is hunt monsters. Your dad, Cole, was a monster."
"Yeah, you say that now, but the last time we fought, you couldn't even remember his name."
"Ed Trenton. 2003. Nyack, New York. I was working a case. Three dead with livers ripped out and eaten by your father."
"Yeah, I tracked him down that night to your house."
"You say he was a monster? What kind of monster was he?"
"I don't know. I've never seen that kind before and have never seen it again. All I know is that he came home that night looking to kill. It could've been you and could've been your mom. The only reason that didn't happen is because I was there to stop him."
"I heard his voice. It was a human voice, and he begged you to stop!" Cole yells emotionally.
"It's a ploy. It's a monster's trick. I know what you heard, but know this, that was not your father, Cole. Your father was already gone."
Sam is done dealing with the rabid woman and finds you three outside. He raises his gun at Cole from behind, and Dean immediately tries to shut that down.
"Put it down. Sam, put it down!"
Cole turns around to face Sam, and he points the gun at him.
"Shoot him, Sam," you urge. "He was gonna kill your brother."
"Put it down, Sam!"
"Shoot him, Sam!"
Dean reaches into his pocket and presses the remote that controls the thing in your neck. Your entire body goes rigid, and you slide off the car as high volts of electricity course through your veins. Dean leaves the device running while he deals with this situation.
"Sam, I have got this handled. Put it down."
Sam lowers his gun but is on standby if his brother needs it. Cole turns back to Dean once he knows Sam isn't going to be a problem.
"Cole, hey, right here. We're talking, okay?"
"How can I believe you, huh? How can I believe you?!" Cole shouts.
"I get it. That was your story. Look, man, I got one of those, too. Okay, but those stories that we tell to keep us going? Man, sometimes they blind us. They take us to dark places--the kind of place where I might beat the shit out of a good man just for the fun of it. The people who love me pulled me back from that edge. Once you touch that darkness, it never goes away. Now, the truth is I'm past saving. I know how my story ends. It's at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun. So, the question is, is that gonna be today? Is that gonna be that gun?"
"You've got a family, Cole," Sam adds and walks closer. "I heard you on the phone that night. I'm guessing they need you to come back, and they need you to come back whole."
Cole is sobbing but hands the gun back to Dean who disables it. He needs time to think so he leaves once he assures Sam and Dean he isn't going to do anything stupid. 
"What happened to Rowena?" Sam asks.
"In the wind. Because of this one," Dean says and points to you.
"What you said earlier, back there, about being past saving, were you really...?"
"I was just telling the guy what he needed to hear." Dean walks over to you and turns the remote off. You gasp in pain and shake from the aftershock. "We need to deal with this one first."
"I'm gonna kill you," you bark out.
"Into the dungeon, you go. You've been a bad girl."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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desertfangs · 9 months
Can I ask 1. (Canon I outright reject), 3. (Obscure headcanon) and 8. (Unpopular opinion about them) for Armand and Daniel?😊
I hope you have a nice end of the year!🥰
Send me character asks. Specify a character or I will default to Daniel.
Thank you! I hope you also have a lovely end of the year and a wonderful start to the new one! (I can't believe it's almost 2024 wtf.)
1. Canon I outright reject
Night Island is still around & it's still owned wholly by Armand and Daniel (though it's definitely been moved under the name of a corporate umbrella by now). Armand is far, far too sentimental to sell something that was so vitally important to him. I think he lies about it in his book for two reasons: 1. He was still wounded and lashing out at Daniel, and he knew saying he'd sold most of the island would hurt him, and 2. After QotD was published, a flood of tourists "looking" for Lestat came to the island (same as we VC fans go to New Orleans and "look" for them... we know they're not real, but...) and Armand did not like that one bit.
I also think the name was changed and it's probably open 24 hours now with a brand spanking new resort hotel circa 1999 or whatever, but it's still theirs and they still call it Night Island. And they still use the Villa regularly, and try to get Lestat and Marius to agree to host some Coven events there, too.
3. Obscure headcanon
I believe Daniel and Armand were together until 1993 or 1994, and were traveling around trying to reconnect and rekindle their relationship when they finally had the fight that split them up "for good" pre-MtD. Granted, I think for Armand it was Daniel leaving him "for good." I think for Daniel it was more "I need to take a break and clear my head, I'm going to take a time out." But they are terrible at communicating, especially when they're fighting, so... we all know how that went.
For a more fun--"fun"-- obscure headcanon, here is the worst thing I think Armand ever did in the name of weird science according to Daniel (tw: animal cruelty): he read about Edison electrocuting that poor elephant and got really interested in how that electrocution worked. So he got a fish bowl and experimented with fish. Then one night, Daniel finds the bathtub full of dead rats with a toaster in it, plugged into the wall. They definitely fought about it, and they definitely moved out of that apartment that night. It might one of the only times Armand truly skeeved him out, worse even than the rats in the microwave. He also didn't take baths for a good six months after.
Okay, sorry sorry, but that has been in my head for a while.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
I'm so bad at these because tbh I never know what "the popular" opinions are.
I guess I will say, I don't think Armand ever regretted turning Daniel and was, in fact, happy with how he turned out. We only get little glimpses into his thoughts on the matter in QotD, but he seems pretty enamored with Daniel as a vampire. For all his fears that Daniel might come to resent him for it, or no longer want/need him, he does seem pleased with the result. (Is this unpopular? I honestly do not know.)
I also don't think Daniel was a mess of a vampire or a bad fledgling. I think he experienced being a newbie vampire with an extreme intensity that made him quicker to laugh or more prone to staring at the patterns in the wallpaper, but I don't think that's particularly abnormal for a new vampire, either. I also think Daniel was especially elated to finally get the Blood - it meant not only would he not die a mortal death, but it was proof positive that Armand truly loved him as he always believed and wanted to spend eternity with him. He was riding a hell of a high, but I don't think he was mad, or out of his head, or a problem fledgling in any way.
I also firmly believe they had some solidly good years together in that time, and even though there were fights and arguments (and Armand's fears that he tried to manifest as self-fulfilling prophecy), they did actually have plenty of fun together until they split.
Again, I have no idea how "unpopular" any of that is.
Thank you again for the ask and happy new year!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 6 months
Find the word
Thanks @dyrewrites for the tag!
Slowly but surely catching up on these.
My words: follow, lead, smile, trust, hollow
Your words: fling, grand, edge, truth
Tagging softly with no need to participate , @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @loopyhoopywrites @mjjune @i-can-even-burn-salad @ahordeofwasps @addicted2coke-theothercoke @finickyfelix @coven-archives @annetilney + anyone else
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Keep reading for:
Gang finds the Gateway
Rose and Maddie have a bit of an argument
Greyson gives Lexi a candy cane
Jesus Christ when are Ewan and Jazlyn gonna confess their feelings
Niri and Ash talk about Hannah (Ash's sister)
Follow - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“We should wait a few more minutes,” Noelle continued. “They’re just late. There’s no need to freak—” “Wait,” Rose said, holding up her hand, cutting Noelle off. Rose stepped forward, her eyes focused on something. She pointed down the sidewalk, at the corner of the building. “Did y’all see that?” The rest of us turned to follow Rose’s finger. “A wall,” Noelle deadpanned. “No, the weird shimmering effect.” I squinted harder. “I don’t see anything.” “Me neither,” said Gwen, arms still crossed. Kelsey shook her head. Rose sighed through her nose, then slowly walked to the corner. Once she reached it, she gestured to it like something was there. “Rose,” said Noelle, “there’s nothing there.” Rose huffed, then tilted her head, thinking. Slowly, she stuck her hand wrist-deep into the wall. Kelsey yelped an expletive in surprise before slapping her hand over her mouth. Gwen’s eyes widened, arms dropping to her side. “How— How did—” She sputtered, gesturing her hands slightly toward the wall. “What?!” “Damn,” Noelle said, uneasily crossing her arms over herself. “Cool,” I said. Because it was. Rose turned back to us. “Told you there was something there,” she said, seemingly unfazed. “I think I know where Lexi and Ash may be. It’s worth checking out.” She slipped off her backpack, set it on the ground, and stepped forward into the wall. She disappeared, leaving us all in silence.
Lead - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
“What’s happening?” Rose murmured. “You lead us through a death portal,” I muttered, joking slightly. Rose swiveled her head toward me. “Excuse me? You were the one who had a mental breakdown when Lexi didn’t answer her damn phone!” “Well, Lexi and Ash ended up here, so I had the right idea,” I said, not sure why she was mad. “Fine. You were right. Gold star.” Rose glared down at me. “And don’t blame me for what happened to Noelle.” “It’s partially my fault,” I said, lightly pushing her away from my face. “I suggested Lexi's disappearance, but you led us here, so a bit of yours, too.” Rose stepped toward me again. “This. Is not. My fault.” “I said it’s partially my fault,” I insisted, pushing her away again. She pushed me back this time, which irritated me. I only pushed her because she was in my face. “Why don’t you admit you’re partially responsible for Noelle’s injury?” I pushed in retaliation this time. “We’re gonna get her to a hospital, and then we’re gonna look for my sister, who you seem to have forgotten about because you’re too wrapped in yourself to care if Lexi’s okay.” I bit my tongue. That wasn't a good thing to say. I wasn't sure where it came from. Rose’s jaw clenched. She lifted her fist—I thought she would push me again, but she just jabbed me with her finger on every word— “Don’t. Ever. Say. I don’t care about Lexi. She means more to me than you could imagine.” “I’m her sister,” I pointed out. “How could you—” I poked her back— “imagine how much she means to me?” Rose took a step back. She looked down at her feet for a second. I did the same. Gwen pointed out I was arguing earlier when I didn’t mean to, which sometimes happened to me. Arguing wasn’t gonna get Lexi—or Ash—back, and it wasn't gonna get Noelle to a hospital either. I wondered if Rose would hate me forever after this. Kelsey let out an exhale that buzzed her lips. “So,” she said slowly, “let’s find help for Noelle, then we’ll look for Lexi and Ash.”
Smile - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“Lexi?” Mrs. Korrin asked. “Don’t you have a partner?” I looked around the room. “No, everyone else is taken.” “Hm, I know we have an even number of kids—” The door slammed open, and a kid with messy dark hair was panting in the doorway. “Greyson,” Mrs. Korrin sighed, “is it going to be like this every day?” “Sorry, Mrs. Korrin,” said Greyson, moving to his seat. “Not so fast, we’re partnering up, and Lexi doesn’t have a partner. Get your worksheet, and come sit next to her.” Greyson obeyed and sat in the empty seat beside me. He turned to me, smiling. I didn’t return it. Greyson’s smile faded and he awkwardly tapped his pencil on the desk. My hand moved up to my hair and took off the hairtie. “You okay?” Greyson finally asked. “Yeah, I’m fine, let’s do the worksheet,” I muttered quickly as I undid the braid by running my fingers through it. Greyson pursed his lips, then reached into his bag. “Candy cane?” I crinkled my nose. “It’s August. How old is that?” “Candy canes last, like, years.” “That’s years old?” “No, it’s fresh.” “It’s August.” Greyson still held out the peppermint stick to me. I sighed and accepted his gift, with full intent to throw it away later. I looked over at Ash and Shelby. Ash laughed at something Shelby said. “Dude, that was a perfectly good candy cane!” I looked down at my hand. The candy had snapped in two. “Sorry, Greyson,” was all I managed. “Let’s just do this work.”
Trust - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
A tall girl with dark skin and hair in many braids was sparring in a matted section with a shorter, stocky guy wearing some sort of protective suit. A stream of fire shot out of the girl’s fist, and the guy disappeared in a flash of turquoise light. He appeared right behind her, which the girl predicted, leaping in the air and shooting fire out of a powerful kick. The guy in the suit teleported away again, though not before his suit was singed by the fire. Thrown off-balance, the guy’s teleport was unstable, and he fell to the ground, though regained his balance quickly enough to where I was impressed. The girl helped him up and she removed his helmet, revealing a mess of dark brown helmet hair. They said something to each other that I couldn’t hear. “Aww,” Wade crooned. “It’s been nearly five years,” said Parker. “One more, I win.” “I bet this December,” said Robbie. “Running out of time.” “At least yours can still happen,” said the guy who had been arm-wrestling with Sam—Liam. “I bet one year.” “You’re betting on when they’re gonna ask each other out?” I asked, not being able to decide if this was mean or funny. “And which one of them will do the asking,” said Liam. “It’s only for fun,” Robbie added, picking up on my uncertainty. “Most of us think Jazlyn, but Tyler thinks Ewan’s got it in him,” Akash said. “Trust me,” said Tyler, folding his arms over his chest. “Ewan’s a sap. He’ll make it a whole thing with candles.” “Tyler says if he gets the candles, it’s double,” said Liam. “How much are y’all betting?” “Everyone who participates,” Gabriel explained, “which is everyone, will have to pay whoever’s closest five bucks.” “So ten each?” “Yep,” said Tyler. “So if I’m right about Ewan and the candles, I get eighty bucks. Or 230-something wamps.”
Hollow - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“She never told me about you,” I said. I felt a jolt. “It’s not personal. She wasn't allowed to talk about the Alii with me, and if she brought you up, it would have led to questions as to how you met.” She could’ve made up an online friend, Niri muttered as he slumped back in the chair. The pain in my chest. A warmth. Anger? Was he angry with Hannah for not telling me about him? She didn’t pry into my personal life, so why should I pry into hers? Still, Niri was upset. “Y’know, I could see if I could hook y’all up?” Niri glanced at me, seeming to perk up as the pain dissipated. I allowed myself to smile a tad. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.” Niri gave a soft smile. Thank you. I would love that so much. I returned the smile, then glanced at the gloves on the table. “Why did you want me to enter your mind instead of putting on your gloves?” Some things get lost in translation, said Niri. And… I dunno. I guess I wanted to have a conversation without a language barrier for once. It’s not like I can use the gloves on Ceteri outside of home. I got a hollow feeling in my gut. In my chest. It seemed as if Niri tried to cover it up as he said, I also already had them off. Didn’t want them to get wet as I worked. “You don’t wanna work while I’m here, do you?” Niri didn’t have to answer in his head for me to know he didn’t. “It’s okay. I need to go spend time with my friends anyway. My other friends.”
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