#that makes him far from the evil that people would call him for what he's done
roboraindrop · 6 months
I am very much a Grima apologist nfjdkshdn
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WIBTA for sabotaging my boyfriend's hookup with his girlfriend by filling his sex playlist with DJ Crazytimes
I (28NB, they/he) have known my boyfriend (call him C, 29M, he/him) for some 15ish years now. As long as I've known him, he has been on and off again with his girlfriend (call him T, 29NB, he/him). Respectfully, and with love, C and T are two of the worst and most annoying people I know. I want to marry them both specifically so that I can study them under a microscope like a parasitic virus.
Technically they're monogamous, but they're both hooking up with other people (myself included), usually the same people, because they have the same taste in lovers (bad). I have suggested that they give actual polyamory a try, and they reject the idea wholeheartedly. I think they get off on their dynamic, and far be it from me to try more than the bare minimum to dissuade them from it.
A couple months back, they got into a fight and broke up (again) because T (who was unemployed at the time) stole $50 from C (who works at GameStop) so that he could pay for a tank of gas (using C's car) to go hook up with another guy a couple states over. C was not upset that T was hooking up with another guy (because he was Also hooking up with that guy and knew he would not have a leg to stand on), but because of the stolen money + car.
C and I currently live together, because you can't afford an apartment on a GameStop salary, and also, like I said, he's my boyfriend. I'm making carnitas tacos next Friday, and T is coming over, because despite everything, he has nothing else to do on a Friday night. I know that C and T are going to get into a huge fight, and I know that it's probably either going to end with them getting back together out of spite or with someone's vehicle getting keyed--I'm betting on both.
Here's where I think I might be the asshole. I would really like to get inbetween them. Not in a "I don't want you to date each other" kind of way, but in a "holy shit you are both so insufferable i would like to get in on that" kind of way. I currently have my thing with C, and I've hooked up with T once in the past, but I would really like to make it official with him as well.
My plan is as follows: C and T are going to be in the same space again next Friday. They're going to fight, then hook up, then get back together again. C is one of those cybersexual "i built my own computer and run it on Linux" people, which is to say, he thinks tiktok and youtube are evil, and he he thinks spotify premium is supporting megacorporations. So, his sex playlist for T (we do not have our own sex playlist) is just an actual folder of mp3 files.
While C is at work, I'm going to log into his computer and change several of those mp3 files to DJ Crazytimes' Planet of the Bass, which I play often, and he is frequently annoyed by. My hope is that he'll realize it was me, he'll come and yell at me for ruining their hookup, T will take my side to piss him off, and the tension will get to the point where they let me join their hookup, and I can ask to date both of them after that.
To be clear, I recognize that I'm also Incredibly Toxic for enabling and encouraging this behavior. That said, I feel like I'm justified in this scenario considering C and T are both Also toxic, and furthermore, it is a known fact that I'm dating C right now, so for them to hook up, C would technically be cheating on me. I asked C's sister (a childhood friend of mine) for her take on whether it would be funny or just annoying, and she just told me that we all deserve each other, so I think I should be good. Am I being uniquely shitty here?
What are these acronyms?
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heritageposts · 3 months
By Ahmad Ibsais, First generation Palestinian American and law student.
I do not blame Benjamin Netanyahu. I do not blame the Israeli prime minister for what is happening to my people. I do not blame him today, as Israeli bombs destroy every corner of Gaza, and children die under the rubble. I did not blame him back in 2013, when I had to watch the slaughter of my people in Gaza on the evening news, either. My mother did not blame him when snipers perched on rooftops shot at her as she tried to make her way to work in the West Bank. My grandfather, God rest his soul, did not blame him as he died without ever returning to the land settlers stole from him in the 1980s, either. For me, for my family, for my people, what we are witnessing in Palestine today is not “Netanyahu’s war”. It is not his occupation. He is nothing but another cog in the relentless war machine that is Israel. Yet if you were to ask senators Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, the supposed champions of Palestinian rights and progressive humanitarianism in the United States, everything that has happened to us in the past 75 years, and everything that is happening to us today, can be blamed on one man, and one man alone: Netanyahu. Sanders insistently calls the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza “Netanyahu’s war”, and demands that the US “not give Netanyahu another nickel”. Meanwhile, Warren denounces “Netanyahu’s failed leadership” as she calls for a ceasefire. For these progressive senators, the cause of all the pain and suffering in Palestine is clear: a far-right, hawkish prime minister hell-bent on continuing a conflict that keeps him in power. Sure, Netanyahu is evil. Sure, he committed countless crimes against Palestinians and against humanity, throughout his long career. Sure, he is continuing to fuel the carnage in Gaza today in part for his own political survival. And he should be held accountable for everything he has said and done that caused harm and pain to my people. But the racism, extremism and genocidal intent that is on display in Gaza and across the occupied Palestinian territory today cannot and should not be blamed on Netanyahu alone. Blaming Israel’s blatant human rights abuses, disregard for international law, and open celebration of war crimes on Netanyahu alone is nothing but a coping mechanism for liberals like Sanders and Warren. By blaming Netanyahu for the suffering and oppression of the Palestinian people, past and present, they keep alive the lie that Israel was built on progressive ideals, rather than ethnic cleansing. By blaming Netanyahu, they whitewash their seemingly unconditional support for a state blatantly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. By blaming Netanyahu, and casting Israel as a progressive, well-meaning state that would respect international humanitarian law but is currently taken over by a bad leader, they are absolving themselves – and the US at large – of complicity in Israel’s many war crimes.
. . . continues on Al Jazeera (7 Mar 2024)
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tofixtheshadows · 2 months
You guys really need to stop and consider the ways you're talking about Kabru I am dead fucking serious. Like I know that flattening characters is just what fandom does to a certain extent, but Kabru's actual personality is getting lost to the fandom hivemind insisting that he's aggressive/cruel/sociopathic/hateful, and these are particularly concerning takes to see leveled at the only brown character in the main cast day after day. "My poor sweet golden child Laios needs to be protected from this scary brown man" is not a good look! Like, it's very telling that the bulk of the hate and bad faith readings are reserved for Toshiro and Kabru. Everyone else's flaws get to be discussed and validated and forgiven (or erased), meanwhile people are straight making up things to be mad about with Toshiro and Kabru but patting themselves on the back for being smart.
The worst part is how undeserved it all is. I'm trying to lay off anime-onlys because we're still kind of in the red herring stage of getting to know Kabru, but I would still like to gently suggest that even if you think Kabru is up to something, you don't gave to get in the tags of every fan creator's post and bring up how you hate him or You Can Tell he's totally evil. Sometimes I think Kabru's blue eyes give people license to say things about his appearance that they know would sound completely racist otherwise, but referring to his blue eyes acts as a get-out-of-racism free card. The jokes about the dog with brown contacts are getting old, by the way.
For people who have read the manga, it's disappointing. Kabru is one of the most complex and important characters in the story, and if you base your interpretation of him and all your fandom interactions on shallow first impressions you are completely missing out.
I know part of this is because Dungeon Meshi is a comedy, but the story also wants to be taken seriously. For example, it's admittedly really funny when Chilchuck calls Laios "sick in the head", but that doesn't change the fact that the way Chilchuck casually belittles Laios caused him to hide the fact that he was "hallucinating" from his friends for weeks. Those feelings matter.
Like, this
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is funny.
But this?
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Is not. This is just a very clear example of a brown boy with PTSD. As someone else with PTSD, just looking at this fucking sucks, man.
The only reason why Kabru thinks about killing Laios is because he is in the middle of a flashback. He's struggling through a panic attack. If he truly wanted to kill Laios because he's violent or because he finds Laios inherently annoying, he wouldn't otherwise talk with Laios normally. Notice how he doesn't act this way at any other point in the story- it's just because he's triggered by monsters. Even when he's thinking about his plans to "deal with" Laios later, he's reluctant to actually kill him and only considers it to prevent another tragedy. Despite his deadly skills, Kabru relies far more on "soft" power- insight, persuasion, diplomacy. He's a rare example of a character who absolutely is, or at least can be, manipulative, but seems to use his abilities for good. He's not a pathological liar, he isn't looking down on everyone behind a smile. He's someone who is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he's willing to put aside all his own basic wants and needs to stop the cycle of dungeons devouring humans.
I'm going to cut a potential thesis on his character short and just give some examples of things that fandom should consider about his personality more:
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Racism in fandom isn't just about whitewashing in fan art, or using racial slurs. The insidiousness of bad faith readings, reductions to racist tropes, lack of fan content for characters of color, and dismissal of a character's complexity are far more common. You can believe yourself to be completely neutral or even positive about a character and still churn out low-grade bile about them into fandom's collective unconscious. Fandom reflects real life.
And I have been around fandom long enough to see how these behaviors (mostly from my fellow white fans) affect fans of color, how it makes a fandom feel hostile and unwelcome to them. It's fun to make jokes and memes, I'm absolutely not saying that everything needs to be a deeply nuanced take, but we need to be careful that it doesn't veer into toxicity. Please think about how our contributions to fandom come across, and what sort of vibes they cultivate in this communal space.
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rboooks · 1 year
Child Support Part 2
Tim watched the other young heroes as they tried to look around the watch tower without seeming like they were. He's been here plenty of times, but the rest of the Teen Titans and a few of the Young Justice hasn't.
Much was due to the older heroes leaving the younger ones alone. Some not taking them seriously enough to welcome them at the big HQ as much as that made his blood boil.
They were taking the same risks. They were fighting the same good fights. Why was their age the main reason they weren't treated equally?
Some teenage heroes weren't part of a team per see, but they always answered when a call was sent. For example, Cass and Steph were present, speaking softly to Static Shock. Damian was standing next to Jon and his little friend Colin who was just getting into the swing of the hero business.
Bruce almost bit through his tongue when Damian told him Abuse would be joining Robin on parol, and he could do nothing to stop them. (Tim felt like he was watching Damian tell Bruce a paraphrased version of "But Daddy, I love him!" and it kept him smiling for weeks)
It was wild to see almost every young hero in one place. He doesn't think this happened since the last time Justice Leauge got mind controlled and almost destroyed the whole world.
"Any idea why we're here?" Kon asks to his right, lowering his shade to stare at the Outlaws. Jason's team stood to the side chatting iddly while cleaning over thier weapons.
Kon's always like their punk point of view, and he knows his best friend wants to go over there to talk to them. If it wasn't for the issue of the clone still being mad about what Jason did at the Teen Titans tower. Almost murder was hard to forgive for people outside the Bats.
"None. All I know is that John Constantine sent out a message to every teenage superhero group calling for a meet-up," Tim responds.
Bart whistles with a grimace on his right. "Must be bad if that guy is asking."
"I heard Hawkwoman tell Superman that she was worried and wasn't sure she wanted anyone of us mixed up in Constantine's mistakes." Cassie chimes in from where she leans on the couch. The three turn to her as she lowers her voice, attempting to keep the others from hearing. "Batman told her off for it."
"Batman did?" Tim asks, surprised.
Cassie shrugs, throwing a bit of her blond hair over her shoulder. "As much Batman can emote anyway."
Yeah, that sounded about right. Though it must have been something Bruce found disrespectful. His dad usually never reprimanded strangers unless they were saying something or doing something that sounded far too much like bigotry to him.
But to apply that to Constantine? Someone, Bruce generally disliked communicating with because the man tended to backstab his contacts? Yes, Constantine wasn't evil, but he wasn't pleasant either.
If Bruce had magical issues, he tended to contact Zatanna first.
Just then, the watch tower's zeta beams activate. Everyone who gathered turns to the teleporting pads where Constantine appears looking, for lack of a better word, absolutely exhausted. Even Tim knows that his eye bags aren't that bad, and he's usually going hours without sleep.
"Oh good, you all made it," Constantine says, sipping from a mug and wearing nothing but sweatpants and what looks like a nightgown. His signature trench coat was nowhere in sight. "I'm going to be quick about this. I need a team of young heroes willing to accept my son into their fold."
The room is dead silent. Constantine sighs. "Look, I've tried everything, but it's like Danny is allergic to laying low. He fought with a demon the other day over a child's doll- which you all know happens. People get haunted! But Danny refused to do it the right way, and now I had to beat off the demon's marriage proposal at least ten times. Not to mention his lack of social skills! No matter which one I stick him in, he can't seem to make friends in school. He got shoved into a locker on his first day! I thought that was an American exaggeration of the telly!"
Constantine pauses and takes a large gulp of whatever he's drinking before continuing his rant. A hand runs through his already messy hair, leaving it in bigger disarray as he speaks. "He's behind in terms of trends and technology cause his other father raised him outside of the typical timelines, so sometimes it's like talking to someone from the early two thousand, and other times it's like he's a modern Victorian era lad. His powers are also all over the place because the ectoplasm in our world is thicker, so when he breathes it in, he losses his control. Just the other day he accidentally made himself fly through our ceiling and almost reach the atmosphere before I was able to bring him back down."
A few of the fliers in the room wince. Jon nods and whispers under his breath, though his voice carries in the silence. "Yeah, been there before. Flying can be scary if you don't know how to come down."
Johns glances around at all the young people, eyes showing a tad bit of desperation. "He's sad all the time now, and I don't know how to help. If working with you could help him make friends, I would be grateful. He's a great kid. He just needs to adjust."
Tim had no idea what to do with this information; how do you respond to arguably one of the strongest Justice League Darks' heroes asking for a play date for his son?
"How old is the child?" Damian's voice rings out. Colin's hand is attached to his sleeve, a slightly nervous smile on the boy's face as he attempts to hide from the staring heroes behind his brother. Tim bets that if he wasn't wearing the domino mask, they would be able to see slight tears in Colin's eyes.
Damian's other hand goes across his body to cover Colin's hand, and Tim fights a shit-eating grin. His eyes lock with Jason, and the two send each other knowing grins. Looks like Bruce did have to worry about Damian having a secret boyfriend.
He can't wait to tease Damian later.
"He's fourteen....or well, physically?" Constantine answers eagerly.
"What does that mean?" Kon asks this time.
"Okay, so he's half human, half ecto-being. He sired him with his other father, Clockwork, which was only four years ago in this dimension, but since he was raised in the Infinite Relemas, times move differently there? " The British man says, and Raven goes rigid.
"Clockwork, as in the most powerful Ancient?" She asks, looking horror-struck when Constantine nods.
Before anyone asked what that meant, the zeta tubes activated again without permission. Someone had hacked into their systems which were ten levels bad. Everyone naturally fell into a fighting stance, only to blink when a teenage boy stepped out with a loud excited screech.
"We're in space!" The teenager runs to one of the windows, pressing his hands and face up against the glass. "This is amazing!"
Tim only relaxes his muscles once Constantine clears his throat. "Chum...what are you doing here?"
"Oh. One of your curse rocks things started proposing to me again, so I ran out of the House of Mysteries. Thought I see what you were up to." The teenager says, turning around with a smile and utterly freezing at the sight of the gathered heroes.
He had dark hair, wide blue eyes, and the most adorable face Tim had ever seen. Not as sexy as Bernard, of course, but darn close. Judging by the looks of anyone attractive to males, most heroes thought the same.
"Um...hi?" He says, offering the Godsmack teenagers a helpless little shrug. "I'm Danny Constantine."
"It is a pleasure, Constantine." Damian marches over to him with all his little twelve-year-old authority. He barely reaches Danny's chest. "I shall look forward to working with you. Are you formally trained in combat or strictly magic?"
"Um...oh, I can throw a punch or two? I'm mostly self taught. I rely on my powers a lot?" Danny fumbles to answer throwing a desperate look at his presumed father.
"No matter. I shall have you begin training. My Beloved also needs to work on his form. There is no shame in this" Damian nods, and Constantine lets out a large sigh of relief. He jogs over to place a hand on his son's shoulder, giving him a one-sided hug
"Yes, Danny, you will join Robin, Superboy, and Abuse on missions. They agree to help you settle and get used to your ghost powers." Constantine smiles. "I'll give me time to discourage all those idiots from trying to trick you into marriage."
"Oh...okay. It's nice to meet you all. Please call me Phantom on the field. Um, are you the team leader?" He asks Damian as the three youngest boys lead him further into the watch tower.
Constantine watches them go with the brightest smile he's ever seen on the man's face. He looks back to the group, who were barely starting to pick their jaws off the floor and makes a shooing motion with his hand. "You lot are dismissed."
Then the man vanishes in a green portal.
There is a ringing silence until Barts blurts out. "I'm pretty sure this is where the Phantom Fan Club first formed. A historical moment."
Tim wants to take a nap.
( Part 1 )
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zombienarc · 2 years
#d and I got into a pretty nasty verbal fight. I called ugly while pointing out all of his insecurities. I told him he was stunted.#I told him that no one would ever touch him or love him besides me because he is disgusting and pathetic.#I told him he was worthless and nobody cares about him. Told him what my friends said about him.#All he could say is that I was evil and struggle with mental health because I’m pretty much a god and successful in life.#Then I doubled down and said ‘Kill yourself. Grab your gun and blow your brain all over the wall. I want to-#-see your death on the news while I eat popcorn’. He was broken by this and I knew it would break him because he’s been suicidal before.#He told me that I broke his heart and he was holding a knife to his wrist and really contemplated cutting for the first time in years.#The interesting thing is after bullshitting an apology he decided to stay with me.#He told me that I’ve broken him and I believe it. He is not the same person I met at the beginning of this year. He is a shell of a man.#He takes my word over his own when determining what we should do about our relationship and what is purpose and worth is to others-#-himself and I. I’m curious to see how far he will go to please me.#His blind devotion is something I desire from my partners but it almost makes me feel disgusted by them.#I start to not want to do anything romantic/sexual and JUST hurt them emotionally and physically.#They stop being people to me and then I suck the life out of them. I rank how long it took them before they could no longer be my romantic-#-partner. I enjoy keeping them as friends so I can see them struggle and do worse then me in life.#I enjoy when they try to get back with me.#grey god#d#b#m#p#I am a true sociopath because I feel this way 99% of the time but I am so good at appearing empathic and emotional.#The amount of fake tears I’ve cried is insane. I don’t feel genuine romantic love. It’s like a show to me. If you please me you’re safe.#If you hurt me then I’m certainly… Evil.
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vanillawurld · 8 months
༊*·˚ Worth The Wait
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✧.* Request- @vampiric-tempt
"Saw that you were taking MK1 requests! May I requests head canons of how the Lin Kuei brothers treat a reader they’re secretly in love with? How would they react when reader finds out?
Thank you and have a lovely day 🫶🏼"
✧.* Pair - Bi-Han x Fem! Reader, Kuai Liang x Fem! Reader, Tomas Vrbada x Fem! Reader (separately)
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Fluff, love, and confessions
✧.* Extra - Headcanons yesssss also to the requester, I hope its okay if I changed things up just a bit :)
✧.* Word Count - 1,790
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: ̗̀➛ Seeing how much of an aggressive and wrathful person Bi-han is, everyone would assume he had no time for "crushes." Bi-han had that assumption of himself as well, but he was extremely wrong.
: ̗̀➛ When Bi-han laid his eyes on Y/N, deep down he knew he needed to be her man. This wasn't a "crush" this was "love" which were the same exact words Madam Bo said to him.
: ̗̀➛ Even when Bi-han is madly in love with Y/N, he still tries to compose the same aggressive attitude he always has. But his emotions won't even let him raise his voice at his Y/N. Bi-han was more gentle around Y/N, but still managed to have his "scary" frame of mind. Deep down he wants to protect her and make sure no one is causing harm towards or around her. He doesn't treat her like how he treats the others, he's actually very cautious around her. Some may even call him "delicate" when he's close to her. (which angers him and makes his angry self come out)
: ̗̀➛ Of course, he doesn't treat her like a child. Far from that actually because he knows that she dislikes it when she is treated that way. But, he would do anything for her. He would win a thousand wars for her. He would travel across every realm for her. He loves her.
: ̗̀➛ When Y/N found out that she had herself an admirer, it felt like Bi-han's world was destroyed. He felt embarrassed and angry at the same time. Mainly anger because he felt like he was betrayed. He didn't even tell anyone about his feelings towards Y/N, but he still felt like someone betrayed him.
: ̗̀➛ When Y/N confronted Bi-han about his feelings, Bi-han pretended to act like she was delusional;
"You have no idea what you're talking about, go make yourself useful and-" Y/N cut him off by raising her finger up to his lip.
"Your attitude and body language towards me give it all away." she simply said to him. Bi-han didn't have a response to that. He felt like if he kept denying his feelings any further, he would for sure give himself away. But, staying silent would also make things worse.
"You are good at detecting ... I am pacified by your presence. Not like the others, you cause no trouble. When compared to other people, I would much rather be around you." Bi-han said to Y/N. He himself couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. Madam Bo was right when she said love makes you do crazy things.
Y/N smiled. A confession was all she needed from him. It pained her to see his obvious signs but not a confession. She came close to his face and placed a rather light kiss on the corner of his lips. Confirming that she felt the same way about him. Bi-han was star-struck. His mind couldn't process what just happened. He stood there and watched as his now lover walked away from him. From that day forward, Bi-han made an oath to himself to always protect her and their love from any evil.
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Kuai Liang
: ̗̀➛ Kuai has known (his lovely) Y/N his whole life. He's developed his feelings over time and has no shame about it. At least, for now. Every day he would hope for Y/N to show a glimpse of her feelings towards him. One part of him called himself desperate but the other part didn't care. He would do anything in the world for Y/N to hold him close.
: ̗̀➛ He was a lot more softer on Y/N. Even if she was mad at him, he would still hold that soft attitude towards her because he couldn't see himself getting mad at her. She was his beautiful moon. The moon he would look at and worship every time he would look at her. She was his but she didn't know it yet.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai took his role of serving Earthrealm seriously. He took that serious composure everywhere he went, but when he was around Y/N, it was like he could relieve himself and back away from that heavy-weight role. He treated her like a delicate flower, but he didn't take it too far. He was afraid of his feelings being revealed because of his treatment.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai loves to admire Y/N. He loves to admire her skills, her looks, her personality, how she treats others, and how she treats him. He tries to compliment her every chance he gets. Doesn't matter if it's a small one, he just loves to see her smile. That's one of the ways Kuai loves to treat her. He remembers her telling him "Treat others how you would want to be treated."
: ̗̀➛ Kaui would give up his life for his precious girl. But of course, he needed to pull back on those thoughts because she wasn't officially his (YET). The more he hid his feelings, the more it ate him up. And the more it ate him up, the more his feelings got worse. He knew he had to do something about his feelings.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai had no fear of confrontation but for some reason, his body was trying to hold him back from finding Y/N to tell her how he felt. His palms were sweaty and his heart racing when he finally found her;
"Kuai! I was looking for- wait, are you okay?" Y/N asked as she saw how out of place Kuai looked. She got closer to him and realized his face looked flushed. She could even hear his heart pounding like it was about to jump out of his chest.
Kuai's brain couldn't even form the words that needed to be formed. All he could do was stare at her beautiful face that stared back at him with a concerned look all over her face. Kuai hated the fact that he couldn't even form a sentence. He knew he needed to say something and not just stare at her like an idiot.
Kuai took both of Y/N's hands into his and took a deep breath and started spilling his guts. He told her everything that he needed to say about how he felt about her, how much he loved her, and how she made him feel like the only man on earth whenever he was around her. "Y/N, for many years I have had strong feelings of love for you. I admire you in every way. I had hoped that me treating you nicely would give you a hint, but that has failed. I'm sorry for hiding my feelings for a long time, but I am telling you this now in fear that I would have to hide forever." He said to her.
Y/N smiled like she was watching a fireworks show. She gently caressed his cheek, "Oh Kuai Liang, I always dreamed you would tell me this. I hated waiting for you to confess, but I knew that I had to. But the wait was worth it. I have always loved you as you have always loved me."
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Tomas Vrbada
: ̗̀➛ Even though Tomans is a skilled man in kombat who has taken many lives in order to protect Earthrealm, he can't help but feel nervous when he's around a certain woman. That woman being Y/N of course. Y/N has Tomas wrapped around her fingers. Whenever he looks in Y/N's direction, Kuai Liang swears he sees heart eyes forming in Tomas's eyes.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas wanted to be around Y/N every day. She made him feel like a complete man. Y/N was the only person that made Tomas weak in the knees. He truly was in love with her. Not only that, Tomas treated Y/N with lots of kindness that no one had ever shown her before. At least, that's what he hoped, but nevertheless, he wanted to be the only man Y/N looked at.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas gets a lot of anxiety from Y/N, but she's unaware of it. When Tomas becomes overly talkative and fidgety, she occasionally becomes suspicious. Tomas is embarrassed to be around Y/N when he notices that he is occasionally acting quite strangely. Despite Tomas showing Y/N the highest respect and care, he still feels very nervous in her presence.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas likes to do very childish "secretive" things for Y/N. Sometimes he'll leave a couple of flowers lying around her presence, or he'll bring her her favorite meal from Madam Bo's but have Kuai Liang deliver it for him. Whenever Tomas does small adorable things for her, Y/N smiles because it's so obvious that Tomas is doing all of this for her.
: ̗̀➛Tomas is not a master at hiding his feelings. In fact, both of his brothers are aware that his feelings for Y/N run deep, but only one of them supports and encourages him to speak on his feelings. The other always tells him that feelings like those are childish and can interfere with important Lin Kuei business (I bet you tell which is which).
: ̗̀➛ Tomas gathered his confidence on confornting Y/N and telling her how he really felt, until Y/N confronted him first;
"W-Wait, so you're telling me you knew this whole time?" Tomas said with a hint of sadness in his tone. He felt defeated for some reason. He wanted to tell Y/N himself, but his little antics beat him to it.
"Well yeah. You're not that good at leaving secret messages, Tomas. The food, the flowers, all of it. And maybe Kuai Liang might've left a huge hint about your feelings towards me." Y/N couldn't help but giggle at Tomas's reaction when she mentioned his brother spoiling most of the surprise. She slowly walked closer to Tomas and placed both hands on his shoulder and slowly raised them up to the sides of his face, "When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. No one else, only you."
Tomas gently smiled, "I am content that you share the same feelings." He felt Y/N wrap her arms around his neck, holding him in a loving embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closer. "I am still upset over the fact that Kuai Liang betrayed my trust, he will pay." He said before slowly pulling away from Y/N embrace.
"Oh come on, even you yourself knew it was obvious." Y/N grabbed his hand and held it. She placed a small kiss on the back of his hand, which made Tomas's heart jump. He finally had the girl he wanted and wasn't ever planning to let her go.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
This was lowkey trash but ugh
guys i swear I'm gonna write more its just i get so tired easilyyyyyy
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Daughter of Phantom, Lady Gotham.
I love Lady Gotham stuff in the DCxDP stories, like a lot, so what if, hear me out (Long post is long, I rambled again)
Lady Gotham is Danny's daughter.
How? How about Danny is hurt (his parents? GIW? Vlad?), like badly, to the point even his core is damaged and the time needed to heal would take years, like a lot of years. Like it was bad that even his Rogues were shocked and shaken. They eventually get him to the Realms but are unsure what to do next. So they're scrambling trying to figure out how to save him.
So when CW appeared he asked to handed the Core because he knows what to do, where to hide him so he can heal they don't question it, everyone in the Realms know CW, the Ancient of Time itself, has a soft spot for Phantom. He opens a portal to a different world, not Danny's he can't run the risk of GIW finding him, to a just beginning world, the new world will help speed up his healing, and with Frostbite's help they set up a healing chamber deep, deep in the ground. Once they made sure everything is set up and safe, they place his core inside the healing pod and return every so often to check on him.
Over time though, above on the surface of that world it's timeline starts. Animals, creatures, humans, aliens, magic users, etc etc begin and with it, because even as a half healing core, Danny's power and ectoplasm starts effecting the area he's resting in (Ghost King Danny? Young/New Ancient/Eldritch Being? Or just an OP Danny?) (Clockwork and even Frostbite showing up every so often doesn't help either, it explains why Gotham is so cold sometimes or why time seems... off)
Anyways due to Danny's power (along with bits of Clockwork and Frostbite), magic of this world, and people beginning to build a small town on top of the land it gives birth to the namesake of the town.
CW foresaw her 'birth' and finds her sitting in front of Danny's healing pod. He always knew Gotham would eventually form, the belief/love her people have in her would had given her a form eventually he just wasn't expecting her to form so soon (this is why Danny remains his favorite person, he always did something CW never really see's to often) nor was he expecting her to become Danny's daughter. Gotham looks a bit like Danny, dark hair, blue eyes, pointed ears, sharp teeth, glowing star like freckles, but she also reflects her people, the ones that call Gotham home so her image shifts sometimes. But he can see small hints of maybe himself and Frostbite in the shifts.
She is 100% Danny's daughter via spirit/ectoplasm. If anything CW and Frostbite are like many times removed family members when it comes down to ectoplasm.
She's silent for a moment before she asks if "You and the other come here often to see him... The one sleeping is he my father?" Which CW does confirm, he explains why Danny is healing and who he and Frostbite are and why they show up to make sure he is doing better. How his healing will take many, many years. She goes silent again before saying "Teach me how to protect him. I am new and young compared to others... and yet I already know if anyone desires him for the power he gives, they will stop at nothing. He is my father and I am his daughter, I need to keep him safe just how I know he would keep me safe. This much I know."
CW agrees.
She learns, from her father's allies (CW, Frostbite, Pandora, etc etc) how to defend and fight. How to protect what she loves. She watches over her father and fights off demon's, monsters, sometimes an alien that senses the slumbering power, evil magic users. Etc. She watches over the town and people who named her as well, falls in love with the humans who call her home as well and defends them as well.
She even gets the blunt force of a curse a powerful old entity that tired to place it on her father after she had just banished it from her lands. It's an old powerful curse that CW or Frostbite can't rid of because it would weaken her far to much that they run the risk of her fading, the only way to get rid of it is if she had a family member feeding her ectoplasim to help sustain her. (Her aunts can't because Jazz isn't ghostly enough and Danielle can't because hers is limited due to being a clone (like she has enough for herself but does need to visit the Infinite Realms during her travels to get more ectoplasim to filter in and out). Danny is their only chance because he's constantly filtering ectoplasim in and out and even creating it because of how he died with a portal opening up at the same time)
The curse slowly starts eating away at Gotham, makes it hard for her to have a solid corporeal form because pain (when she has to use this form to fight off others she has to bare through the pain), her appearance starts changing (eyes turn from sharp ice blue to glowing yellow, skin turns deathly sickly pale, her star freckles slowly blinking in and out, hands become inked claws, her dark hair is unkempt and spills like an oil sludge down her body and face) and because Danny is still healing himself he can't help her and she can't see him all too often anymore because she doesn't want to run the risk of the curse effecting his healing core, she does get updates from the other ghosts that visit him and then her. She still defends him though, outside of his healing chambers should on the rare chance something finds it way down to him.
Eventually due to Danny's and Gotham's natural ectoplasim filtering on the lands, visiting and powerful ghosts, Gotham fighting off powerful beings trying to use her father for power, and the curse on Gotham herself, the town that had been built on the ground above by humans becomes the very city we all know.
Its a whole mixed bag do to so many factors, that's why Gotham is the way it is.
Gotham does her best to keep her people safe from well... everything but due to the curse and the fighting off another person/entity/demon/magic user/etc coming for her father's power, she can't always do much by the time one crisis is over and a new one pops up, she's slowly breaking down the longer it takes.
That's why she has a soft spot for her Dark Knight and his family and allies, they help her from the pain from the curse by trying as both the Wayne's and as the Batclan to fix up her city self, its not enough to really fix her fully but it helps with the pain that eats at her.
She does her best to give them tiny blessings though, but due to her duty of protecting her father she can't always do much (she wept when news of Jason, her second Robin, her rough around the edges bookworm, had died came to her. She couldn't protect him because he was out of her reach. Its why when Joker returned she made it very hard for him to really gain his foothold in her again but had to stop because CW told her if she kept making it too hard for the clown he'd go running off to 'play' with a different hero and that... that timeline would lead the world to ruin. She begrudgingly stopped but when Joker had taken her third Robin, her tiny Tim the one she loved watching shadow her knights, she did everything she could to keep him sane from the pain he had been put in, and lead Batman to the warehouse to save him. Also it turns out her heartbreak over Jason's death, her curse acting up, and her ectoplasim sparking off at the same time it helped bring him back from his grave not fully but somewhat, she was so shocked that she didn't have time to send hints to Bruce to get him when he was taken by Talia and once again out of her reach. She tried hinting it to Bruce that Talia had taken him but by the time he would check on the League, Talia would had moved him)
Gotham, depsite being young in the eyes of many other powerful beings and entities has held her own and kept those that wanted to use her father for power packing. Despite being cursed that is slowly eating her alive she still holds onto the hope her father will awaken and she will finally get to meet him. (She hopes she made him proud, he is a protector spirit core after all and she had been steadfast with keeping him safe all these years).
Things however take a turn for the worse when Gotham awakens from some sort of powerful slumber (she doesn't know what happened?! Did something knock her out?! When did she fall asleep?! Was it magic? Did the curse do it? Did someone or something-) And discovers someone or something had managed to steal her father slumbering core. (So close to healing, so close to awakening according to Frostbite, just a few more days he says. Just. A. Few. More. Days)
She tries to go find him but is suddenly hurting more, her curse has progressed even worse, she can barely stand, let alone fight whoever had her father. And she knows her father's friends won't be back to see her until far later.
And then all of Gotham shakes and shudders when her rage, panic, and terror are felt that early morning.
Deep in the Batcave, Batman and the others are searching for whatever caused that strange almost magical but not (ectoplasm) shudder that morning.
They were expecting a full scale attack. Magical, alien, maybe even all the Rogues in Gotham working together. An all scaled war. They were looking for any signs of it, maybe to by some miracle stop it before it becomes to late.
They however weren't expecting a strange sick looking woman with yellow glowing eyes, oil ink like hair covering her face and body, clawed hands like they had dipped in ink as well, star like freckles blinking in and out on her body and face, sharp ears, breathing heavily and coughing every so often to appear in the cave. Like she had sunk out from the shadows in pure silence. (Even Cass did not hear her)
Nor were they expecting her not to even flinch when they trained their weapons onto her. Instead all she did was laugh, a raspy low laugh, but it held warmth and mirth.
"Now, now my knights... No need for that. I come needing help and you are the only ones I will ever trust with this mission..." her voice was soft but harsh, talking seemed to hurt her though for she had to take deep breaths and suppress a cough. Her eyes trailed across them all, despite her sickly look her eyes gleamed with a motherly warmth in a strange sense, something all of them could feel "I can not hold this corporal form for long. Long story short I am cursed, have been for a very long time and whatever happened to me earlier this morning has aggravated it even more and thus I can not stay in the world of the 'living' to do much. My father, the one I have been protecting since my creation from all sorts of terrible and dangerous things, for should they get a hold of him it could spell the end of life itself for he is that powerful, has been taken from his healing chamber. I do not know who or where but I know he still remains in the city, that much I can sense."
She coughed and took a shuddering breath "But alas I can not go to his aid as I once has been able to, this is where you all come in. I need you to find my father, find his core. Bring him to safety. I had fought so many to keep him safe, to make sure he heals in peace for so long, and he... So close. Just a few more days he needed... then I could had finally had met him."
She lightly muttered those last few words, eyes looking lost for a moment before coughing hard.
"Who are you." Batman, Bruce Wayne, stonely demanded but for some reason he couldn't help but feel like he knows her, like from a foggy memory, and by the looks of his family they all could sense the same thing.
The woman, or whatever she was, merely smiled, sharp teeth bared in it as she looked him right in the eyes and said.
"Gotham, my dear Dark Knight. I am Lady Gotham herself. Its wonderful to finally meet you despite the circumstances."
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
could you ever try writing a poly between 3 vampires and male reader? like, reader is a painter and the vampires ask him to paint them something while in their house, and is just.. evolves. sorry if it doesn't make sense
Love Bites
Poly!Vampires x Male!Painter!Reader
CW: implied kidnapping, murder, implied vampirism
holy shit this is like one of the chillest fics ive made so far :0 anyways enjoy the funny vampire men !!
🌙 You always had a knack for finding beauty in everything, from the calming dance of raindrops amongst the smell of petrichor or the lovely reds and oranges of the fall when the leaves withered.
🌙 It was very handy considering what you did for fun.
🌙 You loved to paint, anything and everything you saw was inspiration for you. After a long day of delivering bread and pastries to the people in your village from your bakery, you would run up to your room and continue on the latest masterpiece you were working on.
🌙 Everyone in the village loved your work, many of them paying you for a painting of their own.
🌙 Life was simple and calm, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
🌙 But life decided fuck that bullshit.
🌙 Rumors and whispers filled the streets of the town, it wasn't like the usual talk like someone's daughter getting married or the like, it was much more...unusual.
🌙 News spread from neighboring towns of coffins being found unearthed and opened, shadowy figures roaming around in the late hours of the night, and bodies being found in the morning, drained from their blood.
🌙 It was a terrifying thought, but you didn't dwell upon it, you weren't the type to believe such rumors so easily, and yet a feeling of uneasiness lingered within your soul.
🌙 Your town was no longer the vibrant, happy place it once was before. Windows that once had lovely flowers and laundry lines hung on them were shut day and night, the busy streets you once traversed were covered in a gloomy fog. It really was like an evil has brought itself to your home.
🌙 Or should I say evils?
🌙 In the midst of all the tension, 3 men came to your town. Eccentric was an understatement when describing them, it was like the horrors and whispers of death and murder didn't faze them a bit.
🌙 Even so, you were happy to see something other than terrified faces and panicked expressions.
🌙 You greeted them politely during a cloudy day and noticed how covered they were. One had a large hat on, the other draped in a black cloak and the last holding a parasol that shrouded him in darkness.
🌙 "Good afternoon to you too, me and my friends here are just visiting this quaint little village, how uhm...calm..it is here..hah.."
🌙 The cloaked one chuckled whilst looking to the empty streets.
🌙 "My, my! Aren't you that famous painter I've been hearing about! I'd love to get a painting done from you, but it seems everyone here is quite busy with other things.." says the one in the hat.
🌙 "Oh no! I'd love to paint for you! Come, let's talk more in my bakery. Painting is more of a secondary job for me." You guide the men to your home as you hear the cawing of crows overhead.
🌙 Days pass and you grow closer to the men. You learned that their names were Viktor, Garrick and Silas.
🌙 Viktor had long, silky hair the color of raven's feathers. His eyes shone like two rubies in the dim light of the lanterns you lit around the house. He wore a black cape which hid a wine-red vest.
🌙 He was a gentleman and had a love for poetry. He would recite his favorites to you as you painted next to him. One interesting thing you learned was that he's scared of mice. 'Dreadful things' he calls them, you found it quite adorable once when you two were talking and he suddenly squealed and pulled his feet up at the sight of a small mouse crawling passed your floors. His face, although still as pale as the moon, turned into a light red.
🌙 Garrick had messy, dark hair. His fingers were always adorned with golden rings, and he wore a somewhat stained white, ruffled shirt, you can't tell what it's stained with though. His eyes were a deep purple, one of them covered by his locks. He was unusually flirtatious with you. You joked how he should be courting women, not a baker's son such as yourself, but he whined and cooed how irresistible you were to him, why wouldn't he be interested in a boy like you!
🌙 Silas is a bit darker skinned than the others, who were unusually pale. he had round black glasses and silver hair under a dark hat. Over his shoulders draped a coat, you weren't able to decipher what he kept under it, only that they were vials of strange substances. His eyes were the color of amber, like the hues of leaves that fell in the autumn. Rather shy, he was, always looking away from your eyes whenever he talked with you. He had an interest in flowers, always handing you one whenever he visited for inspiration purposes of course...
🌙 You wouldn't notice it at first, but they've gotten quite a liking to you, protective even. They would always check up on you, if you've been eating, who you've talked to today, things like that.
🌙 It was only until they scared off a young lady for making small talk with you that you started to notice something was off about them.
🌙 When you heard the next day her body was found dead with bite marks on her neck and drained of her blood, you started to worry.
🌙 You started avoided them after that, making excuses to not invite them over to your bakery, walking the other way the moment you see them down the street. They noticed your strange behavior towards them and knew something was wrong with you.
🌙 They didn't buy your silly act at all...
🌙 "You just had to leave the body there, didn't you?!"
🌙 "What? It's fun seeing them all scared and panicky!"
🌙 "Hahah yes but uhm...there's no food out anymore..."
🌙 You heard their voices by your door during the late hours of the night. The feeling that your new friends were not what they seem festered in your mind, but your kind nature overrode your fear and you opened your door.
🌙 "Hey! It's dangerous out there! Do you want to be gutted or something?"
🌙 The 3 of them were walking along the moonlit streets when they heard your voice.
🌙 "A-Ah! Yes! Uhm...of course, excuse us, we just came back from uh..."
🌙 "A pub-"
🌙 "A pub! Yes! And we've somehow lost our way! Could you, by chance, let us stay the night? Our inn is particularly far you see.."
🌙 You unlocked your door and let the 3 gentlemen in, going to the kitchen to warm up some bread and tea for them.
🌙 "Make yourselves at home! Apologies for the mess, I been really busy lately..." you say sweetly. Viktor nods with a smile and they all sit down, whispering softly amongst one another.
🌙 As you wait for the tea to warm, you get a good look at the 3 men.
🌙 Pale skin, pointed ears, not to mention their eyes, they have to be. You had to stop yourself from gasping when Garrick laughed, revealing his sharp fangs. Fear bubbled in your stomach once more until you heard the whistle of your kettle.
🌙 After giving them their tea, you feigned a yawn and told them you were off to bed, giving directions to the spare quarters before going in your room and waiting by your door for any sounds, grabbing a broken paintbrush you accidentally snapped, a makeshift wooden stake..
🌙 You then hear the men climbing the stairs, a conversation being exchanged between them.
🌙 "Shame we must drink from him now, he was such a darling though.."
🌙 "Oh, but I believe I'm quite well off with those wonderful treats he offered us. It's a mystery how someone as wonderful as him isn' married yet..."
🌙 "Unfortunate as it is, I don't think it would be in our best interest if the boy lives.."
🌙 Your heart pounded faster as you heard them talk about you. Your hunch was true, these men are the demons that have ravaged your town. You scrambled to your bed as you hear them walk to your room.
🌙 Your door creaks open as you grip your blanket tight. Footsteps approach you as you feel a dip in the bed.
🌙 "I can hear your cute little heartbeat darling~ I know you're awake~" You hear Viktor purr, tears start to well up in your eyes as they open.
🌙 A hand caresses your cheek and brushes your hair away from your face. You brace yourself as you feel Viktor's cold breath near your neck. You dare not move lest the beast lying next to you devour you whole.
🌙 "Do we have to Viktor?" You hear Silas say in a sorrowful tone.
🌙 "I'm with Silas with this one, why can't we just..I don't know, bring him with us?"
🌙 Viktor pulls back as he pauses for a moment. You could hear the smirk on his face when he chuckles. "Actually, that's not a bad idea Garrick.."
🌙 The next morning, the townspeople saw that your front door was wide open, a window or two was broken and paintings that hung on every wall was gone. There was no sign of you. The only thing that remained was a stain of blood on your bed and claw marks on the walls of your bedroom...
oOOoOooooOo cliffhanger or whatever :00000 part 2 soon !! sorry this one took so long, i had a hard time with the story and such..
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And as usual, gay men doodles <3
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Hello I’m here to talk about an opinion that isn’t so much unpopular because people don’t like it, but because it is splitting hairs and basically an argument based in semantics that sane people reasonably do not waste their time caring about it.
I am neither sane nor reasonable and therefore think about this a lot, and get ready to pull out a soapbox and type the Text Wall of China any time I hear people offhandedly contradict this opinion, and so I have come here today to die on this molehill, and write the over-long post of my dreams, because fuck it, it’s my blog.
Drumroll please:
Sauron is not The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings is the main antagonist though, so furthermore,
Sauron is not the main antagonist of The Lord of the Rings
I internally go insane every time someone says “Sauron, the eponymous Lord of the Rings” or “The antagonist never actually appears in Lord of the Rings” or uses Lord of the Rings as an penultimate example of having a flat ‘evil for evil’s sake’ villain. This is mostly in YouTube videos so I’m not calling out anyone here.
So who is the Lord of the Rings? Where do I get this shit? Why should anyone care?
I will tell you in far too much detail under this cut, because I told you I was gonna be extra about it and this is already long enough to inflict on my followers without their consent.
First and foremost, Frodo is not the Lord of the Rings either. Let’s get that out of the way. Gandalf explicitly tells us that in Many Meetings (the first chapter in Rivendell in Fellowship), when Pippin greets a newly awakened Frodo with quintessential Fool of a Took™️ swagger.
‘Hurray!’ cried Pippin, springing up. ‘Here is our noble cousin! Make way for Frodo, Lord of the Ring!’
‘Hush!’ Said Gandalf from the shadows at the back of the porch. ‘Evil things do not come into this valley; but all the same we should not name them. The Lord of the Ring is not Frodo, but the master of the Dark Tower of Mordor, whose power is again stretching out over the world! We are sitting in a fortress. Outside it is getting dark.’
So that’s my theory busted right off the bat! Gandalf straight up tells us the Lord of the Ring is Sauron (‘the master of the Dark Tower of Mordor’ which is Sauron).
But I already told you, this is a hair-splitting semantics-based theory! He said Sauron was the Lord of the Ring. Not the Lord of the RingS. Yes, this whole theory revolves around a single letter difference between the title of the series and Gandalf’s statement, WHAT OF IT?
But in all seriousness. Tolkien was a linguist. There was no way this choice was not deliberate, not on something so important to the narrative. And there is a very important difference between what he is referring to when he uses ‘The Ring” singular, and “The Rings” plural. The Ring that Frodo carried to Mordor has it’s singular nature highly emphasized by the language that surrounds it. THE definite article Ring, the ONE Ring. Just the One. Singular Singular Singular.
The Rings (plural) refers to the rings of power which Celebrimbor wrought, with Sauron’s help, but Sauron is objectively not the Lord of those rings. Not the three Elven ones at least, which he never touched and only suspects the location of. Without his One Ring he has no power over the Three, and a big problem with him regaining his Ring is that he would gain power over those rings, the ringbearers, and the safe realms that had been wrought with them, basically crippling those with the power to resist him.
Him NOT having the Ring, and therefore NOT having lordship over all the rings, is a pretty major plot point. Like, it’s not a reach to say Sauron not having the Ring is what drives the entire story. And he is NOT the Lord of the Rings without it.
And he never gains it, so is the whole series named after Sauron’s aspirations, that the main characters are trying to prevent? I mean, from an angle yes. But also no.
Because while Pippin and Gandalf’s exchange is the closest we come in the text to seeing the title, let me show you the only place within the covers that “The Lord of the Rings” is presented, at least in my beat up third hand 70’s edition. It may not be formatted like this in other editions, but I still think it says something about how we are supposed to read the title:
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[Image ID: Masking tape can clearly be seen holding together my poor abused copy of Fellowship, open to the title page. THE LORD OF THE RINGS is written across the top of the page in all caps, directly below it is the Ring Poem, as if The Lord of the Rings is a the title not only of the series but of the poem. /.End ID]
The One Ring is the Lord of the Rings, not Sauron, who is the Lord of the Ring.
“What?” Say imaginary naysayers in my head, “How can a Ring be a Lord? And why does this matter, if Sauron is the Lord of the Ring, doesn’t that make him the Lord of the Rings by proxy? Why are you wasting your and my time making an argument about this?”
I’m glad you asked imaginary naysayer, let me speak to your first point. How can a ring be a Lord? Well, like any good first time speechwriter, I’ve turned to Miriam Webster, and asked it to define a word we already know, in this case ‘lord.’
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[Image ID: Screenshot of the Miriam Webster definition of ‘lord.’ The ones that are relevant are 1: One having power and authority over others. 1a: A ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due. And 1f: One that has achieved mastery or that exercises leadership or great power in some area /.End ID]
In the poem, it is the Ring that is spoken of as ruling, not Sauron. Sauron is actually listed in the same position as all the others who receive rings, “The Dark Lord on his Dark Throne” occupying the same place in the sentence structure as the “the Elven-kings under the sky” and “the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone” and “Mortal Men doomed to die.” It is the One Ring, not Sauron, who rules them all, fulfilling our first definition “A ruler by hereditary right or preeminence.” In this case it would be by right of preeminence, or superiority. The One Ring outclasses the other rings and thus dominates them, binding them to obedience and service. Gandalf calls it “the Master-Ring” when it is first revealed for what it is in Bag-End with the words appearing from the flame.
The Ring has it’s own will too. It’s repeatedly stated to be in control of Gollum when Gandalf is first telling us about it. I’m literally so spoiled for quotes about this that I was paralyzed with indecisiveness over what to use but let’s keep it simple with this one. It’s from Gandalf explaining why Gollum didn’t have the Ring allowing Bilbo to come upon it in the chapter “Shadows of the Past” from Fellowship:
‘It was not Gollum, Frodo, but the Ring itself that decided things. The Ring left him.’
So if Sauron is the Lord of the Ring, and the Ring is the Lord of the Rings, isn’t he Lord of the Rings by proxy? Yes, when he has the Ring. But also being the ruler of a lord doesn’t make the title of that lord your title, if that makes sense. People don’t call Aragorn the Prince of Ithilien, that’s Faramir’s title, Aragorn is King of the Reunited Kingdoms, he rules Ithilien, sure, but by proxy. Ithilien reports to Faramir who reports to Aragorn (I should be calling him Elessar since I’m talking about him as king, but whatever). If Aragorn lost the ability to contact Faramir or Ithilian, he would still theoretically be king there but he would have no practical control, just like Sauron with the Rings of Power.
Why does this matter? It mostly doesn’t. It does not change anything practically in the story at all.
But it matters to me, because it might help change perspective on the antagonist of LotR. It’s the Ring. Sauron is a force in the world, one the Ring is closely allied with, and from whom many of the obstacles come, but the entity that our protagonist is really fighting on every page is the Ring.
If Gandalf were the main character, or Aragorn, or almost anyone else on Middle Earth, Sauron would be the Primary Antagonist. But they are not. Frodo is the Primary Protagonist, and his struggle is NOT against Sauron, it is against the Ring.
If destroying the Ring had not destroyed Sauron, would Frodo have kept fighting in this war? NO! He had his task, and once it was done he was done, even if the world ended afterwards. Everything is driven by the Ring. The threat to the Shire comes from the presence of the Ring, so Frodo takes the Ring to Rivendell. The danger of the Ring is not neutralized by it being brought to Rivendell, so he continues his journey to destroy it once and for all. He doesn’t fight Sauron, he fights the Ring. He fights with himself to keep going in spite of the despair it levels on him, the poisonous words it whispers in his ear, the physical toll it takes on his body. He fights Boromir and Sam (not to the extent he does in the movie, but still a bit) and Gollum over the Ring. He negotiates with Faramir over the Ring.
And the Ring is SUCH a more interesting and nuanced villain to struggle with than Sauron. Sauron is representative of a force in the world. He controls events but never appears, because he acts as the source of all evil, it’s representation on earth (at least now Melkor is in the Void), but it is far more interesting to watch the effect he has on others than deal directly with a character that is so obviously in the wrong in every way. Making Sauron a physical character in LotR is like making the Devil a present character in basically any piece of media that deals with evil.
Evil at its purest isn’t that interesting, because it contains no conflict. Leaving Sauron as an offscreen player leaves us to see characters that are not pure evil struggle with that conflict.
The fascinating thing about the Ring is that it has no power outside of what you give it. But given enough time even the best people, like Frodo, will end up losing themselves to it, as it whispers in your ear with your own voice.
I want to go ballistic when people point to LotR and say it has a one dimensional villain. EVERYONE’S OWN VIOLENCE, DESPAIR AND THIRST FOR POWER IS THE VILLAIN OF LORD OF THE RINGS! Brought to the fore by a small unassuming golden trinket which just happens to also be the titular Lord of the Rings.
Honestly “The Ring is the Villain of LotR change my mind” should be its own big long post with lots of quotes and shit, the fact that the Ring is The Lord of the Rings just being a small point in it.
But unless you are a specific type of interested in story structure and stuff none of this is at all meaningful and it really, really doesn’t matter, so I’m gonna go.
Thanks for coming with me on this dumb journey.
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gilbirda · 19 days
Personal coach Red Hood
Idea by @impyssadobsessions where Jazz needs a personal trainer from a gotham hero and chooses red hood. Eventual ship content. This is more of a setting so far but i have ideas. I accept ideas too, im just balling
I'm going to try a more chill and lax posting with this bad boy. I feel like my rigid way of organizing is making me feel restricted so this will be 1000% vibes and let's see where it goes.
Part 2
Jazz knew this was a stupid idea. Dangerous. Suicidal, maybe, depending on who would answer her call. But she still had to try.
You may be wondering how a twenty something young woman ends up following Gotham heroes around with a notepad. She wasn’t looking for an autograph, or for the latest scoop on the heroes, trying to uncover their secrets.
She was actually writing down their patterns and observations in behavior, trying to map their patrol routes and create a decent enough file and expectations of the heroes.
What did she need the information for?
She needed a personal trainer.
No, not the kind you hire at the gym. She already tried that and it didn’t work. She also tried MMA, and kickboxing and just to see if she could do it, Judo. All were interesting and gave her a pretty good picture of what her body was capable of, and a guesstimate of her physical limitations.
But no. She needed something else, something more… tailored for what she actually needed the training for.
She needed to intern with a hero. The term “sidekick” felt wrong for what she had in mind, since she didn’t want to be that hero’s trainee forever. Or was interested in the current superhero scene at all. They were doing just fine without her.
She just… she felt left out. Danny was amazing but he didn’t need her, not as much as she would have liked. He was a hero, and a pretty good one, but he wasn’t in any place to train her. Not that he wanted to, since he usually avoided her every time she brought it up.
Her baby brother was all grown up and he didn’t need his older sister anymore. 
Jazz shook her head. She was being ridiculous. Danny would always need her — she just needed to do her homework and keep up with him on her own. If she just trained enough and could hold her own in ghost fights, she was sure Danny would be grateful and appreciate her support. Who knows, maybe he would be happy that he didn’t need to be wary of ghosts day and night, and actually rest and focus on his neglected studies.
She yawned, lamenting another night that looked to be a bust. Maybe the heroes were busy tonight? Maybe they were on a big mission away? Unlikely that all of them were away, there were usually at least a few of the Bats flying around the city.
Why Gotham, you may ask? Of all the funny-dressed crime fighters on Earth, why these people? 
They were human.
That piqued Jazz’s interest. She had been between the Arrows and the Bats, but finally chose the Bats because Gotham had one perk over Star City: unlimited supply of ectoplasm. The place was almost as coated in the thing as Amity, which she was grateful for. It saved her from going back and forth to places rich with ghost activity and fishing blobs to eat.
Don’t ask too many questions about the consuming blob ghosts part. It was a necessary evil.
However, it’s been a few months and all she got to show for her efforts was a notepad filled with scribbles she painstakingly copied to her computer and a lot of frustration.
Until one night she caught Red Hood alone as he checked his phone. She waited until he was done texting — she had manners thank you very much — and jumped in front of him before he had the chance to grapple away.
“Hi— oof.” 
Thanks the ancients for her reflexes and Judo training, she blocked Hood's punch and following kick. It would probably bruise but it wasn't the end of the world.
“What the fuck?” 
“Hi,” she tried again, “I'm Jazz.”
He didn't punch her again, which she took as a good sign. Instead, he took a step back and squared up like he was expecting a fight.
“I’m not looking for a fight,” he scoffed but let her continue speaking, “I’m looking for… I guess you’d call it a mentor? That sounds weird… A personal trainer? No, that’s wrong too. Hm, I wonder if there’s a word for ‘person who is the only one that can teach you very specific information in a field of interest that legally, or otherwise—’.”
Red Hood cleared his throat, making her jump.
“Are you for real?”
“Yeah? I am real.”
Hood looked at her in silence for a few moments. Then, he sighed and rubbed one gloved hand against his helmet. 
“Listen, girl.”
“Jazz,” somehow she got the impression he grumbled, but the voice modulator did its job really well, “I have things to do, ok? Crimes to stop and stuff. So… yeah. Goodnight.”
He turned around and picked the grapple gun from inside his jacket.
He jumped and misfired the gun, hitting the wall of the building instead of the roof, like he was supposed to. As the gun recalled the rope, he looked over his shoulder at her. Jazz understood he was glaring at her, she could feel the daggers on her skin.
“Hear me out, ok?” He didn’t move or said anything. “I need— I have tried hiring a trainer, at… back at the gym. You know? But that wasn’t enough. I think I need to train with an actual hero—”
“Listen,” the word was accompanied by the hook of the grapple clicking into place, “whatever it is you are looking for, you definitely are not going to find it with me. So. Scramble.” 
He made a shooing gesture with one hand and aimed the gun without looking, shooting it and amazingly enough, hitting the edge of the rooftop. He made a salute as he was launched to the air at high speed.
Jazz didn’t follow, mesmerized by the skill. Hood landed with a flip and without breaking momentum, started running to the next rooftop, jumping impossible lengths. The way he moved was confident, powerful and measured.
She wanted to do that. She needed Red Hood to train her.
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
🪞mirrors: lee heeseung
a vampires bleeding series: seven / seven
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pairing: heeseung x afab!reader word count: 11.4k
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synopsis: as heeseung's secret gets revealed, along with the long history behind the secret, to you and the mates of the pack, they are all steps closer to ending this war with dorian and stopping his evil plans once and for all. with dorian's betrayal still fresh for you, you join the group to help put dorian down.
genre: enemies to lovers, vampire!heeseung, doctor!heeseung, vampire!reader, angst, some spice and fluff.
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, one sex scene but it's spiced not full on smut, cute heeseung ♡
☾ jungwon(1) | jay(2) | jake(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | heeseung(7) ☽
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You watched as Heeseung twirled the silver blade with his fingers, his eyes staring you down. 
The place where he burned your skin with the blade was throbbing. Your body wasn’t healing it fast enough, and probably wouldn’t. If the blade was made specifically for him, the vampire king, the blade was made to kill and leave scars. 
You scoffed, a small chuckle leaving your lips. 
Heeseung tilted his head, lifting his leg to rest against the chair he sat in, “Want to share with the class what you think is so funny?” 
You glanced into the darkness behind him, not wanting to make eye contact with him, “I was told you’re a doctor. How could the vampire king settle for such a low-class job as that.” 
Heeseung was at your side in a second, the blade inches away from your neck, “I am a doctor, which isn't a low-class job. I’ve saved lives, helped people, and healed people…It is not an easy job. When you’re stuck living for eternity you should put yourself to good use.” 
You rolled your eyes, “But you’re the king, what need would you have to help others!”
Heeseung scoffed, inching the blade closer, “Because I am not the monster I was created to be.” 
You sat still, not knowing how to respond to him. 
Heeseung removed the blade and sat back in the chair across from you, “When will you answer my questions?” 
You shook your head, “When will you stop asking?” 
Heeseung chuckled, “You’re in the presence of the actual vampire king and you still want to defy me?” 
“Just because you’re a king, doesn’t mean my loyalties sit with you, plus I can tell this isn’t the way you normally are,” You leaned forward as far as the rope tied around your body would let you, “You’re not some tyrant, or someone to torture anyone. This is all an act.” 
Heeseung stood from his seat quickly, his golden eyes burning at you. You struck a nerve. 
“I will do what I have to, to protect my pack!” he growled, “Unlike you, whose loyalties sit with a man who won’t be coming for you.” 
You sat back in the chair, not wanting to believe the words coming from his mouth. You don’t know how long you’ve been trapped down wherever you were, but you know it’s been days, maybe even a week and Dorian has yet to try and find you. You weren’t in a pack with him, so trying to find ways to get him to know where you were or sensing where he is, was hopeless. 
Heeseung knew you knew he was right. He could see it all over your face. 
There was a knock on the door, and then it slowly opened, Jungwon stepped in. 
“Hyung,” He called out, “We are all here.” 
Heeseung nodded, relaxing his body and his glowing golden eyes turned back to the coco brown. 
You stared at Jungwon, piercing daggers into him. 
He side-eyed you, his fist clenching, “Say something.” He snapped.
You smiled, “You’re the leader of the pack yet you still follow behind this king. Shouldn’t you be the king?” 
Jungwon smiled back at you, “The king needs his leader, doesn’t he?” 
Your smile faded. You knew their pack was close with their bonds, but you didn’t think it would be that tight. Most packs fight for the leadership role.
Heeseung walked out of the room, and Jungwon followed behind him, leaving you alone once again. 
“Got anything?” Jungwon asked. 
Heeseung shook his head, “The only thing I’ve gotten out of her is she thinks being a doctor is a low job for a king and that Dorian would come for her.” 
Jungwon rolled his eyes, “So the same shit.” 
Heeseung sighed, “Unfortunately.” 
They opened the door that led into the safe room, quickly closing and locking it behind them. 
Sunghoon and his witch mate sat at the kitchen table, her jumping up at the sight of Heeseung. 
Heeseung narrowed his eyes at her, “I told you to stop that.” 
The witch softly smiled, “We do this for our kings and queens in our covens, it’s not a habit I can get rid of overnight.” 
Heeseung knew his title coming out to the mates of the pack was big news. Mostly for the witch and the dhampir.
Jake and his mate got into an argument after Heeseung announced his title officially to them. 
“I have been in the presence of the vampire king my whole life and never knew?!?! We were all friends for so long!” The dhampir paced back and forth in the living room, “I’ve been so rude towards Heeseung!!” 
“My Luna Nova, please calm down, it's okay!” 
“No it’s not!” she snapped, “How could you have kept something so important away from me?!?”
The vampire king has been told in legends to be the most powerful vampire, and if the king was in a pack, his power amplified the number of members in the pack. 
So to call Heeseung weak is far from the truth. 
Jungwon called the others to sit at the table, “We need to make a plan to get Dorian’s followers to spill everything she knows.” 
Sunghoon wrapped his arms around his witch, “Why not let the hex girl here use her magical powers to get her to open up?” 
Sunoo chimed in, pointing at his elf mate, “My magical girl can help.”
Heeseung disagreed, “Using magic on her isn’t going to work. She’s too strong-headed.”
“I wouldn’t know what kind of magic to use anyways,” the elf added, “Using magic on a vampire is a difficult task, your brains and bodies don’t work the same as others.” 
The witch agreed, “You vampires are the undead, you weren’t naturally created creatures to begin with, so to use any kind of magic on you guys would be difficult, like __ said.” 
“And I am assuming threatening her is not working?” The dhampir asked. 
Heeseung nodded, “Her loyalty is also very strong with Dorian still, nothing will change that.”
The room fell silent. Everyone’s brains are working overtime to figure something out. 
“And we have been to Dorian’s compound multiple times over the last week,” Jay pitched in, “Still no traces of him or his followers either.” 
Jake covered his mouth with his hands and then his eyes lit up, “Have we thought about checking the farmhouses again? and the town where __ coven was?” 
The witch stood up quickly from her chair, “He could have found our underground sanctuary. There’s a library down there along with other magical items.” 
Sunghoon stood up beside her, furrowing his brows, “Why are you just now telling us about this hex girl?!” 
She rolled her eyes, “Oh shut up bloodsucker!” she snapped at her mate, “It’s heavily guarded and I assumed after Dorian burnt down the town and killed my entire coven that he wouldn’t be able to find it.” 
The dhampir quickly pulled her phone from her pocket, “I’m calling Archer.” 
Heeseung stood in silence, thinking of how this could go. 
Niki shook his leg with impatience, “What if Dorian is there and __ is with him?” 
Heeseung patted the maknae’s shoulder, ready to open his mouth but was stopped. 
“Archer said he’s felt a force nearby for the last hour!” the dhampir announced. 
Niki stood quickly from his seat, “When are we going.” 
Jungwon knew from the look on Heeseung’s face what the plan was, “Not everyone is going.” 
Niki whipped around, “Hyung!” he begged Heeseung, “If __ is with him!” 
Heeseung placed both hands on Niki’s shoulders, “If she is with him, I’ll bring her back. The moment you step foot near them she will run.” 
Niki wanted to fight, but didn’t, understanding. 
Heeseung looked around the room at his pack, “I will go alone.” 
“What? Fuck no! That’s stupid!” Jake yelled. 
“Are you fucking crazy?!” Sunghoon snapped. 
“Hyung, what are you even thinking?!” Niki and Jungwon asked. 
“Listen, Mr. Vampire King,” the witch scoffed, “This isn’t something to do alone!!” 
The elf agreed, “You need someone with you!” 
The humans even disagreed, “Bring someone with you!” 
Heeseung smiled at his family, happy with how big it had grown. Remembering a time it was just the seven of them. 
“I have something special to protect,” Heeseung yelled over the chaos, his family settling down, “I have eleven of you to keep safe.” Heeseung had a plan, it just didn’t involve his family. 
“Hyung!” Jungwon projected, “What do you even plan to do? Huh? Just walk in there?” 
Heeseung smiled again, “When I meant going alone, I meant without you guys.” 
Jungwon furrowed his eyes, “I am not following?” 
Heeseung nodded his head towards the door that led to you. 
You tried to force your way out of the ropes, twisting and turning in every way possible. 
You had to make it out of there and back to Dorian. You needed to tell him Heeseung was the vampire king. It would speed the progress of his ruling so much faster. 
As if on cue, Heeseung and Jungwon opened the door, Jungwon slamming it shut behind him. 
You smile, “Well well, isn’t it the King and his follower.” 
Heeseung grabbed the back of the chair, tilting it backward, your feet lifting from the floor. 
His face was inches away from yours, his silver special blade was also inches from your skin. 
“I don’t have followers, I have a family.” He growled, his eyes burning. 
You glared at him, not letting this tactic scare you anymore. 
He smirked, letting a small breath out as he clicked his tongue, “We are going on a little trip, if you behave you’ll get to die with Dorian at your side.” 
Before you could say a word, Jungwon covered your mouth with a cloth. Your head spun and your eyes slowly closed. Your world going dark. 
You woke up to the sun shining down on you. You slowly sat up, your head still spinning. 
You took in the area around you. The grass was burnt and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. 
You quickly covered your mouth the more you looked. Houses were burnt to the ground. Bodies spread throughout the land. 
“It’s a sad sight, isn’t it?” 
Heeseung’s voice made you jump. He was knelt, a patch of dead grass in his hands. 
You could see the pain on his face, “What happened here?” 
Heeseung sighed before turning his head to look at you, “This is what Dorian did. He destroyed this whole village and killed an entire coven, just to get the secret to the powers he wields now.” 
You shook your head, not wanting to leave it, “He didn’t do this! He said he threatened them and took what he wanted!”
Heeseung softly chuckled, “This whole area is proof of what he’s done. The only one who survived this incident is the witch in my pack, she lost everything because of Dorian.” 
You wanted to argue back, that you knew Dorian better than anyone else. He’s the one who turned you into a vampire after all. Found you after you were almost murdered in the street by some criminals, he saved you and took you in. It’s clear to you that the soft side of Dorian was a fake. That this was his true nature. 
“Stand up,” Heeseung Demanded, pulling you up by your arm, “Your lord and savior Dorian is in the secret underground library fixing to steal more magic from this lost coven, and you’re going to help me stop him.” 
Heeseung pulled you forward, his hand tightly wrapped around your arm. 
You listened to every demand, all the fight left in you was gone. 
The entrance to the hidden library was no longer hidden, proof in itself that Dorian was inside. 
Heeseung pushed you along, making you go down the steps first into the darkness. 
Small candles sat on the walls to light the path, sending you both down until the path became flat, a brighter light shone down the pathway that led to the opened door of the library. 
Heeseung’s grip on your arm got tighter. Dorian was down the hall and you were terrified of what to expect. 
“How nice of you to join us,” Dorian said as you both walked into the small library, his face planted in the book in his hands, “I was starting to worry when we’d meet again.” 
“You knew we were coming?” Heeseung scoffed, slowly pulling his blade from his pocket, “That means you have my youngest mate with you, ya?” 
Dorian closed the book, his shit-eating grin plastered on his face, “My dear __, please say hello to our guest.” 
The young vampire walked around the bookshelf, a couple of books held close to her chest. 
Heeseung grinned his teeth. He could feel the pain she was feeling being away from Niki, her swollen eyes said it clear enough. She hasn’t slept since being pulled away from him. It was eating her alive. 
“__,” Heeseung called to her, “You don’t have to side with him!” 
She looked away from him and down at the ground. Heeseung could see the battle she was facing. To drop everything and run towards him to return to Niki’s side, or to keep her loyalty to Dorian. 
“Please, Niki needs you.” 
Her body shook at the sound of her mate's name, and she took a step forward towards Heeseung, only for Dorian’s hand to lift, making her stop. 
“She belongs to me,” Dorian chuckled, “You can’t just take what’s mine.” 
“She doesn’t belong to you!” Heeseung snapped, his fangs starting to come to a point, but not fully, “She isn’t bound to you!” 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Dorian, you felt the betrayal of getting yourself captured, but also the betrayal that he’d destroy a whole village and coven, just for his gain. 
You then had the idea to expose Heeseung as the king, hoping that maybe Dorian would take you back. 
“How about a trade then?” You said, finally looking up at Dorian, begging him with your eyes, “Take the good-for-nothing girl who mated with the enemy and give her to Heeseung to trade for me.” 
Heeseung could smell your bullshit, his blade quickly pressing to the side of your jaw, the same side he already burned. 
You bit your tongue to keep from crying out, trying to keep your composer, showing proof you were still useful to Dorian. 
Dorian threw his head back in laughter, “Oh this is great! Y/N, do you think I would trade you for __? She’s mates with their youngest, she can help sense where they are if they come near me. What good are you for?” 
The pain from Heeseung’s blade no longer affects you after Dorian’s words. 
Your knees gave out, dropping your weight to the floor. Heeseung let you fall.
Heeseung was more pissed off now, “Give my pack member.” 
Dorian shook his head, “She’s useful to me.” 
Heeseung tightened his grip on his blade, looking back at the young vampire, “__, choose the side that’ll take care of you,” he softly spoke, “You’d have Niki again. You’d have a support system, a family.”
Heeseung could see the gears turning in her head. The way her heart rate picked up and the grip she had on the books in her hands, her knuckles were white. 
Dorian could see it too. The betrayal that was about to happen. 
She used all her strength to tear the books in half and throw them to the floor. Heeseung knew she was choosing him. 
But Heeseung could also sense what was about to happen. 
Dorian reached out, his hand gripping her neck and lifting her off the ground. 
“You idiot! After all I have done for you!” 
Heeseung acted fast. Using all the strength he had into a full sprint. The blade made contact with Dorian’s wrist, slicing his hand clear from his arm. 
Heeseung quickly grabbed __, tossing her off to the side and out of the way. 
Dorian screamed in agony, his hand gripping the nub of his arm, the sizzling sound of his skin burning echoed with his screams. 
“What kind of weapon do you have there hmm?” Dorian said through gritted teeth, “For it to be so strong to cut through my limb and burn it so quickly that not even a drop of blood fell.” 
Heeseung held the blade up, ready to use it once again, preparing for Dorian’s next move, “When you’ve lived as long as I have, you improvise on weapons to be created to help protect yourself and your family.” 
Dorian evilly laughed, “You and this family bullshit!” 
Heeseung heard enough and swung his blade back at Dorian. 
Only for the next turn of events to surprise Heeseung. 
Dorian jumped backward, transforming into a bat. 
“Well that’s not something you see every day,” Heeseung hissed. 
A chuckle came from the bat before he speedily flew out of the library. 
You saw this as your opportunity to run, but your legs wouldn’t move. 
Dorian made it clear he didn’t want you or even need you. 
The young girl knelt to your side, softly touching the burn on your jaw, “Heeseung!” She called out, “She’s not healing!” 
Heeseung knelt in front of you, taking your chin between his fingers, tilting your head to the side, “It will with time. But the scars will remain. My blade wasn’t made to heal.” 
Heeseung dropped his hand, staring at you and your lost face. 
You refused to look at him.
Heeseung scoffed softly, and stood up, walking away from you and towards the door.
“__,” he called out, “It’s time to go. We have things to discuss and I need to return you to Niki’s side so the bond doesn’t do any more damage to either of you.” 
She stayed by your side, her hand settling on top of yours, “We can’t leave Y/N here.” 
Heeseung raised a brow, “Why the hell not?” 
The girl’s eyes pleaded with him. Heeseung wanted to say no. It wasn’t in his playing cards to return home with the follower of Dorian. 
“Please, Heeseung,” she begged, “Y/N helped take care of me and treated me as if I were her sister, just like you do with Niki as a brother!”
Heeseung clenched his fist. The thought of bringing you back made his skin crawl. But he also knew leaving you here wasn’t something Heeseung would normally do. He can’t leave someone who needs help behind. 
He relaxed, looking away from the girls.
The young vampire knew Heeseung agreed to bring you along. 
“Y/N, let’s go.” 
You wanted to protest, to demand to be left alone. There was nothing left for you. 
You pushed __ away. 
To your Surprise, Heeseung was back at your side, pulling you up to your feet. 
You stared up at him, eyes locking together with him. 
A shock was sent down your spine, and by the look on Heeseung’s face, you knew he felt it too. 
He let go of your arm, stepping a few steps back, running a hand through his hair, “Let’s go. We need to get back.” 
You fell asleep in the backseat. Your left side leaned against the car door as you slept. 
Heeseung stared at you through the rearview mirror, watching as your chest raised and fell with every breath. The burns on your jaw are still a bright red. 
His heart raced looking at you. His hands softly loosen their grip on the steering wheel. 
“Your heart rate better be picking up pace because you feel like shit for hurting her!” the young one hissed. 
Heeseung glared down at the youngest pack member, “Why would I feel bad? She tried to hurt my family. My only goal today was getting you back and killing Dorian.” 
She rolled her eyes, “You were going to kill her too! I could feel your kill lust, Mr. Vampire King.” 
Heeseung quickly looked at her, “How did you know that?” 
She glanced out the car window, “The moment Niki and I bonded together, I could feel just how powerful your, well our, pack is. It wasn’t hard to put together.”
Heeseung looked back at the road, “Dorian doesn’t know?”
“No. He still believes the old king is still in power,” she looked at Heeseung, “How long has the old king been dead?” 
Heeseung dodged the question, “Why didn’t you tell Dorian if you knew?” 
She looked back out the window, dropping her head into her hands, “I couldn’t betray my pack like that. Even if I wasn’t officially in the pack at the time, I couldn’t hand over that information so easily to Dorian.” 
Heeseung knew she did it to protect Niki, and left it at all. 
You all pulled up at the safe house, Niki being the first one out of the house and at the passenger side door before the vehicle even came to a stop. 
“Oh my god,” Niki breathed out, pulling __ from the car and into his arms. 
Heeseung watched the maknaes embrace each other. Their bond is fully completed. The warmth of their love soothed everyone. 
You stayed in the car, watching as the young ones held each other tight. The other ones with mates follow suit, embracing their mates close to their bodies. Holding onto them tightly. 
Heeseung looked over at you, watching as you watched his family. 
His heart pulled to you, and he knew there wasn’t any stopping this, even if he tried. 
Heeseung reached over and tapped your knee, your attention being put on him. 
“If you want to run tail back to Dorian, be my guest, I am not going to force you here.”
You looked deeply into his eyes, scared of what this feeling was that was pulling you to him. You sat in silence, not knowing how to even respond to him. 
Heeseung rolled his eyes, removing his hand from your knee, ready to turn back around and get out of the car. 
You reached for his hand before he could, causing him to turn fully back towards you, “I can’t go back to Dorian,” you whispered, “He would just kill me the minute I got too close.”
You rubbed your thumb over the top of his hand. Half of Heeseung wanted to rip his hand away from you, the other half wanted to close his hand tightly around yours. 
“Why haven’t you killed me?” You finally asked, “You’ve had plenty of time to do so.” 
Heeseung tucked his lips between his teeth, debating on even continuing this conversation. 
“Because you were right,” he sighed, “When you first said this wasn’t who I am, some tyrant who tortures people…that’s not me.” 
You could see the hurt behind his eyes as he said this. 
Heeseung is a powerful king who has a pack of twelve under his thumb, being the most powerful vampire mixed pack in the world. Every other king that has ruled, did so with thousands of vampires at his side and was a solo hunter. Heeseung has single-handedly outdone every king before him. 
Yet his undead heart was still so pure and full of life. He became a doctor to help others…no wonder no one knows that the old king is dead and that he was the new one. Heeseung never once gave any hints he was a king. 
You held his hand tightly, looking down at the rings that wrapped around his fingers, “I will follow you.”
Heeseung furrowed his brow, “What?”
“Did I stutter?” You said, making eye contact back with him, “My loyalty is with you now.” 
Heeseung looked away from you, shaking his head, “You’re only saying that.” 
You squeezed his hand, “No I’m not. I’ve seen what you can do, and I know what you can accomplish. Plus you need me if you want to kill Dorian.”
Heeseung glanced at you, “I am listening.” 
“I know what his plans are, and where he will be hiding next.” 
Heeseung’s heart was telling him to let you in. To bring you close and never let you go and end Dorian once and for all, after all the harm he has done. But his brain was telling him differently. To let you in long enough to set the goals to kill Dorian and let you back out into the wild. 
“What reason do you have to kill Dorian and join forces with us?” 
You slowly blinked at him, “The things __ and myself have had to endure while living in that compound…being brainwashed into thinking he cared for us…” You shook your head, trying to push out the terrible memories that you’ve suppressed, “I want him dead just as badly as you.” 
Heeseung nodded, closing his hand around yours, “We have a lot to discuss then.” 
“WOAH NO WAY!?” the witch slapped her hands onto the table, her long black braid hair flipping behind her as she stood up from the seat, “You’re telling me you vampires can’t turn into bats on your own?!”
“Oh shut the actual fuck up!” Sunghoon hissed, grabbing his mate's arm and pulling her back into the chair.
You confusingly glared at the witch, “He got the spell to turn into a bat from your library…?”
Sunghoon sighed, “Just ignore the hex girl, she’s being stupid. Said the same shit when she saw my reflection.” 
The witch quickly whipped her head to her lover, her black nailed fingertips gripping his chin, pulling towards her, “Watch your tongue bloodsucker, I might hex you.”
Sunghoon smiled warmly at her, quickly planting a small kiss on her lips. 
You looked away from them, only to see every couple in the room either in each other's arms or hands tangled together. 
What have you gotten yourself into? 
Heeseung cleared his throat, “We need a solid plan before chasing after Dorian. He has more tricks up his sleeve than we thought.” 
You softly scoffed, trying to hold back a laugh.
“Something funny, public enemy number one?” Sunghoon raised a brow, “I don’t think you have any reason to be laughing.” 
“Sunghoon!” Niki’s mate snapped, causing glares from Sunghoon. 
“Nah,” he shook his head, “You both worked under Dorian’s thumb and are the reasons for all the bullshit we have gone through.” 
“Baby,” the witch said, wrapping her small hands around his bicep, “They were brainwashed, mostly __. If she could have run away from Dorian I am sure she would have. Mostly after meeting Niki. She was protecting him. Just like you would have gone to hell and back to protect me.”
Sunghoon slumped down into his chair, letting his mate win. 
Sunoo on the other hand, didn’t let the conversation end. 
“No, but, I still want to hear what Y/N thinks is so funny?” Sunoo clasps his hands together, leaning forward against the table, “What could be so funny?”
You glared between Sunghoon and Sunoo, both their eyes glued to you. 
“You are all the strongest pack in the world, following under the fucking vampire king!” you snapped, pointing a finger at Heeseung, “What other plan do you guys need to kill Dorian?!”
Heeseung slid his hands into his jeans pockets, tilting his head up, looking down at you, “Because I am not going to use my title as an act of power. I have a family to protect and cannot just go head first into a war.” 
Jungwon continued, “We don’t know what tricks Dorian has up his sleeve like Hyung said. We could walk into a trap and get us all killed,” Jungwon pulled his mate close to him, “Unlike you, Y/N, we have something bigger to protect besides just ourselves.” 
You were defeated. You couldn’t feel the bond that they all share, you would have no way of understanding. You’ve only ever looked out for yourself. 
Heeseung knew this conversation was going nowhere but in circles. He glanced up at the clock on the wall, the hands hitting midnight. 
“Let’s call it a night,” He yawned, “Most of us have jobs and school tomorrow.”
Niki and __ both groaned.
“Jesus Christ there’s two of them now.” Jay sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. 
“Is sending them two to school the best course of action?” Jake chimed in, “Wouldn’t Dorian know where to look for them?”
The elf jumped up, “Nope! I amplified my scent-covering spell with the help of our witchy friend, all our scents have completely been covered. Hee, Jay and I can return to the hospital, Niki and __ can return to school, and the others…can do whatever it is you guys do.” 
Jungwon clapped his hands, “We will split into search teams while those with jobs work and the teens are at school,” he glanced over at you, “You’re going to be stuck with me and Jake tomorrow.” 
“Lovely,” you whispered. 
Heeseung stood up, and by reaction, you did also, causing the rest to look at you weirdly. 
“He’s the king…do you guys not…react?” 
Jake chuckled, “We’ve known this man since way before he became king, we don’t use formals with him.” 
Heeseung raised his brows, “Wow okay I am going to bed.”
Heeseung made his way out of the kitchen, before popping back up quickly, “Make sure the teenagers sleep in separate rooms.” 
“Hyung!” Niki snapped, his face flushing. 
“Your mate and Y/N can share a room.” Jay added in, “We have enough spares for them to share a room.”
You agreed, not wanting to sleep alone anyway. 
Jay’s mate shows you and __ to the room. Two twin beds sat on opposite sides of the room. 
“Thank you,” you said, giving her a small smile, but your smile faded once you saw the bite mark scars on her neck, “Dorian did that, didn’t he?” 
She quickly covered her neck with her hand, “Yeah…he did. If it wasn’t for Jay and the others nearby, I would have died.” 
You wanted to apologize but knew apologizing wouldn’t be good enough. No amount of sorry will fix the mess Dorian created. 
So you settled for a nod and walked into the room. The young vampire follows behind you. 
You pulled your jacket around your body, as you knelt to the ground. 
Watching as Jungwon and Jake drank from their blood bags. 
Jake caught you staring. You quickly looked off into the distance. 
“Have something to say?” Jake asked between sips, “If you want a bag just ask.” 
Jungwon reached into the cooler bag pulling a blood bag out and tossing it to you, “You need to drink, looking kinda pale.” 
You held the bag in your hands, watching as the dark liquid fell to one side. 
“Problem?” Jake asked, bringing you back to reality. 
“No,” you shook your head, “Thank you for the blood.” 
Jungwon and Jake watched carefully as you ripped the bag, drinking the blood down. 
“You’ve never drank from bags, huh?” Jungwon laughed, clearly teasing you.
You nodded, “Dorian made us hunt for our meals, I am honestly surprised __ was able to take to the bags so easily. She was the only one out of us who drank from bags.” 
“Well when you’re stuck as a teenager forever and have no choice but to attend school, you can’t kill your classmates.” Jake shrugged. 
You sighed, “She still drank from humans, just not her classmates.” 
The conversation turned awkward. 
“Well, I have to piss soooo…” Jake stood up and ran off in the distance. 
You finished your blood bag, handing the empty plastic back to Jungwon, “Thank you.” 
Jungwon nodded, “We need you at your highest strength if you plan to stick around long enough to kill Dorian and be on your way.” 
You didn’t know how to respond to that. How could you tell the leader of this pack that you want to stick around even afterward? That you want to serve under Heeseung. 
But you knew they didn’t work that way. There wasn’t anyone from the outside that was with them besides __ twin brother, but that’s different. 
Jungwon’s giggles pulled you out of your thoughts. He held his phone in his hands as his thumbs went from zero to a hundred typing a message. 
“What’s funny?” you decide to ask, to clear the silence. 
“__ sent me a cute photo of herself saying she misses me.” He smiled brightly, “I want to return to her as quickly as possible.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at him, “It must be nice to feel love like you guys do.” 
Jungwon slid his phone back into his pocket, his smile growing even wider, “It is. I knew from the moment I met her that she was someone I needed in my life.” 
Your heart cried out for them, “I am so so sorry, Jungwon.” 
He looks at you, confusion written on his face, “For what?”
“For what Dorian has caused,” You tried to hold back your tears, “I was hunting with him that night, and he randomly disappeared, just to come back later talking so much nonsense about a girl he wanted. How she was important to his plan, I encouraged him to find her. I have no idea she was a part of your pack at the time, or else I wouldn’t have said anything.” 
Jungwon looked away from you, his lips between his teeth. He released a sigh before returning his eyes to you, “Don’t apologize for something you have no control over. It’s my fault this mess happened.” 
You narrowed your eyes, fixing to protest when he held a hand up to stop you. 
“I brought __ to the clearing that night,” he took a deep breath, “I could have taken her anywhere else, and I chose that place. Her blood is just…” Jungwon rolled his eyes as if he were in a daze, “The smell of it drove me crazy. The sound of her heart beating. It was all like a drug to me. I wasn’t thinking straight.” 
You could tell how badly Jungwon was beating himself up over what happened. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder, the leader side-eyeing you, “But you still have her,” you consulted him, “She’s alive and breathing because you met her, who knows what would have happened if Dorian got to her first before you did.” 
Jungwon nodded, “I know, and Dorian will pay for even attempting to touch her.” 
Jake suddenly appeared again, “I think we should call it a day,” he placed his hand over his heart, “I need to return to my dhampir.” 
Jungwon checked his watch, “Yeah it’s getting late. The teens should be back from school. Heeseung, Jay, and __ should be returning from the hospital too.” 
Another night worth of discussing plans to stop Dorian and find his other hidden locations was an endless circle. 
You and the young vampire told the group about multiple different buildings and compounds that he owned and could be at. 
“Since he knows we are coming for him now,” the maknae girl said, “He’s more than likely going to be moving around between them all.” 
“So it’s a game of catching him at the right place.” Jay groaned into his hands, “Why can’t this ever be easy.” 
Jay’s mate stood behind him, her arms wrapped around him tightly, “We will find him, just keep pushing.” Jay nodded, taking her hands in his. 
The dhampir bit her nails, her brain’s gears moving quickly, “Archer has also been searching the areas and hasn't caught his scent or presence either.” 
You couldn’t help the lack of Heeseung at the table or even in the house. The chair he normally sat in was empty. 
“Where is your king?” You finally spoke. 
Jay glanced over at the empty seat, “He got caught up at the hospital. An emergency surgery got scheduled and he just happened to be the doctor that was there when the patient was rushed in.”
You nodded, still in awe that these vampires were even remotely okay with being in a hospital. 
Jungwon rubbed his temples, “I say let’s call it a night,” he stood from his seat, “Sunghoon, the dhampir, and Sunoo are on search duty tomorrow.” 
Everyone nodded in agreement and made their way to their rooms. 
You woke up in the middle of the night, seeing __ slowly tip-toeing her way across the room. 
You quickly sat up and turned the lamp on, her freezing in place. 
“Sneaking off?” You crossed your arms.
She slowly turned towards you, “Oh no, absolutely not.”
You raised a brow, “You’re literally a seventeen-year-old, what else would you be sneaking out of the room to do?” 
She shrugged her shoulders, “Late night snack?” 
“Get back in bed, __. If you get caught in Niki’s room...” 
“Then guard it for me!” She quickly said, “Stand in the hallway and if you hear any signs that someone is awake, tap the door once and I’ll rush out. Easy!” 
You disagreed, “That sounds like a terrible idea!”
Yet you found yourself sitting on the floor beside Niki’s room. 
His room was only down the hall from yours, so it wasn’t like across the house that you and __ would have to escape to. 
You listened to the giggles coming from the teens. Their whispers talked about their school day and how well soccer was going for Niki.
You couldn’t help but smile, being very happy that __ was able to find happiness outside that damn compound. 
You were so distracted by the teens, you didn’t notice that a bedroom door was opened, and someone was standing in the hallway. 
Not just anyone. Heeseung. 
He didn’t notice you at first. His bare feet tapped against the floor. His shoulder hangs loosely around his hips. The only thing he had on was a towel wrapped around his shoulders. His perfectly toned body is on full display. 
You tried to control your breathing but then remembered everyone in this house was some kind of mythical creature with good ass hearing. 
Heeseung turned and looked at you, his brow raising, “What the hell are you doing on the floor?” he whispered. 
You tried to find the right words to say without giving away what was happening. 
But Heeseung’s eyes darted between you, and the door beside you.  
Heeseung rolled his eyes, carefully making his way towards you. 
You quickly and quietly stood up, placing your hands against his chest, “Shhh!!” you whispered, “Nothing is going on I promise.” 
Heeseung stared down at your hands against his bare chest, then slowly made eye contact with you. 
You realized what was happening, and quickly removed your hands from him, “Sorry,” you said, hushed. 
“What are they doing in there?!” he aggressively whispered.
“Being two kids in love,” you whispered back, “They aren’t doing anything they shouldn’t.” 
Heeseung went to take a step around you, only for you to follow. 
Heeseung smoothly wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing you against the wall without making a sound. 
His free arm lay above your head, the other slowly squeezing your hip. His face inches from yours. 
“Why are you trying to protect them?” he whispered, his eyes scanning your face. 
You laid your head against the wall, “Their lives were taken from them way too soon. Trapped at the same age while the world grows and changes around them. Let them be kids.” 
Heeseung pressed his forehead against yours, his breath hitting your lips, “What is the safe word you two agreed on?”
You rolled your eyes, “You're seriously not going to let them be?” 
“The code, please,” he growled.
You submitted, “Tap the door once.” 
Heeseung released his grip from your waist, lifting away from you, his left arm still above your head, keeping you trapped. 
He barely tapped on the door, it opened a second after.
“Oh…Heeseung…” The young one whispered, the embarrassment on her face. 
Niki groaned in the background, “He’s going to kill me.” 
She looked between Heeseung and you, confusion on her face. 
“Both of you go back to bed,” Heeseung barely said above a whisper.
She nodded, carefully closing Niki’s door and walking down the hallway. 
Heeseung fully moved away from you, shifting his head in the direction of your room. 
You nodded, slowly walking away.
“Y/N,” he whispered to you. You turned and faced him, “All our lives have been taken from us way too soon,” he gripped the towel around his neck, “None of us will get to fully experience life the way we should have.”
You didn’t know what to say, all you knew was he was right. 
“We just have to make the best of it,” was all you could say. 
Heeseung nodded, “I am not mad about tonight. They will find ways to be together. I’m just a protective big brother I assume.” 
You understood where he came from. __ was like a younger sister to you. And after the way she betrayed Niki, you knew Heeseung only was doing the best he could for the younger one. 
“Go to bed your highness,” you teased him, slowly walking down the hallway and into your room. 
Your heart racing at the full realization of the state Heeseung was in. How you touched his bare skin. 
Chills went down your body. 
Heeseung smirked at hearing how fast your heart rate went up. He made his way into the bathroom for a nice shower after his long shift. 
You followed behind the elf as she led you to Heeseung’s office. 
She yawned into her hand, saying how busy of a day it’s been already. 
You could only nod. You couldn’t help but feel inferior to the other women in the pack. Mostly because Dorian is the reason why most of them were even put in this spot, to begin with, and since you followed behind him…you were part of the problem. 
Another doctor came up to her, asking for help on a patient, and she immediately accepted. 
“Y/N,” she turned and gave you a big smile, “Doctor Lee’s office is that way,” she pointed down the hall, “It’ll be Doctor Park’s office first and then a few more doors down will be Lee’s.” 
You nodded, watching as she walked back in the opposite direction. 
With a sigh, you continued down the hall. 
You stopped and peeked inside Jay’s office through his door window. His mate sat on his desk with both hands on either side of her. 
She was smiling so wide with him as he pressed his forehead against hers, their nose slightly brushing together. 
You softly smiled, then continued a few doors down to Heeseung’s office. 
Heeseung was typing away at his computer, looking back and forth between some X-ray scans and the computer screen. 
You knocked on the door before opening it, Heeseung slightly glanced up at you and then back at the scans. 
“What brings you here?” He asks, rolling his chair over to his counter, and placing the scans on the backlit wall, the bones from the X-rays becoming more apparent. 
You closed the door behind you, taking a small glance around his office, “Jungwon sent me to get more blood bags.” 
Heeseung groaned, “Shit, I forgot.” He typed something quickly on his computer and stood up, “I will go grab the box. Be right back.” 
With Heeseung gone, you took the time to look more around his office. 
His doctor's license and certificate from graduating sat in one massive frame. 
A few drawings that you assumed were given to him from children he had helped. 
Multiple different pictures hung on the wall. A bunch were of him and the pack. Only one looks recent. Recent as in before the events with Dorian. 
The seven of them looked happy with pure smiles on their faces. It warmed your heart knowing that they were able to smile like that. 
One picture caught your attention. It was a painting. Hung in a really old frame. The painting itself you could easily tell was very old. Yellowish tint from its age shown with some paint in areas peeling. 
Heeseung was in the painting with what looked like his parents and an older sibling. 
The four of them had smiles, but for some reason, it broke your heart. 
You wanted to reach out and touch it but quickly pulled your hand back when the office door opened. 
“Okay,” Heeseung trailed in with a massive box in his hands, “I was only able to fill up one box. I’ll have to bring the other home later.” Heeseung used his foot to kick the door closed. 
He set the box down on the counter, dusting his hands on his black slacks. 
“Sorry it took so long, another doctor walked in—,” Heeseung turned and looked at you, his face growing concerned, ���Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
You tilt your head to the side, “Hmm?”
Heeseung walked over to you, “You’re crying.” 
You quickly touched your fingertips to your face, feeling how wet your face was. 
You quickly wiped the tears away, but they kept continuing to fall. 
“Hey hey hey,” he said, his hands removing yours from your face and replacing them with his. His soft palms cupped your face, his thumbs wiping away the tears, “Y/N, what happened?” 
You couldn’t answer, or couldn’t give him an answer. You still didn’t understand why you were crying in the first place. 
Maybe it was the pressure of everything. The events that would unfold once Dorian was found. The fact that none of you could survive after this or everyone would live happily ever after with Dorian gone.
Maybe it was the painting on the wall and the fact that Heeseung was taken from his family. That the man standing in front of you, you were slowly falling for and the thought of him giving up his life for the rest of his pack scared you. Because you knew he would. 
“Y/N,” he called for you again, the tears still falling, “Baby, speak to me what’s wrong?” 
Heeseung lifted your face to look at him, his faded purple hair falling in his face. 
You took a deep breath, “The painting.” You decided to tell some truth. You couldn’t tell him the full reason. 
Heeseung glanced at his family's painting, then back at you, a soft giggle left his lips as he smiled, “Baby, you’re crying over a painting that’s older than time?” 
You rolled your eyes as he continued laughing, “It’s not funny!” 
He wiped the last bit of your tears, “What makes it not funny?” 
You just looked at him, trying to get him to read your answer off your face. 
“Y/N,” Heeseung sighed, “I am okay,” he cupped your face firmly, “My family is my pack now. I am not alone. If that’s what you’re worried about.” 
Heeseung could tell you weren’t telling him the full truth. But what place did he have to force you to tell him? To open up to him? And not open up just because he’s the king, but because you want to. 
But all you did was nod at him. Trying to push the rest of the feelings away. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Wait did you call me baby…twice?” 
Heeseung giggled, giving a small smirk, “Yeah I guess I did.” 
Without a second of hesitation, Heeseung’s lips were attached to yours. 
It was just one passionate kiss, and he parted from you. 
Heeseung dropped his hands and took a few steps back, “I uhhh…” 
You were more in shock than Heeseung was. 
As if on cue, the intercom speakers paged for Heeseung to go to the nurses' station. 
“Saved by the bell…” He awkwardly chuckled, slowly walking backward and out of his office. 
Heeseung quickly closed the door behind him, leaning against it as he stared straight ahead. 
What did he just do? Nothing has ever choked Heeseung up like what he just did. He’s a fucking king for crying out loud. 
Heeseung patted his face a couple of times, before walking to the nurses station. 
The house was silent. Heeseung could hear the tectonic plates of the earth moving from how quiet the house was. 
He tossed and turned in his bed, the only thing on his mind was you and the way your lips felt against his. 
He wanted to go to you. To bring you close to him and hold you tenderly in his arms. 
God, he hated the string of fate. He hated to be put in this situation, to begin with. He knew this pull towards you was his fate, but it was a question of when the string would just knot if it even would. 
Heeseung couldn’t take it anymore, his mind was driving him insane. 
He sat up in bed, ready to bolt out of his room when you opened the door. 
Heeseung sat frozen, watching as you slowly closed the door behind you. 
“Couldn’t sleep either?” you asked. 
Heeseung shook his head, sitting up more.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him, or the way he held your face and kissed you. It’s been driving your brain wild. 
You wanted to know what it would feel like to be completely held by him. To have his lips connect to yours and not stop. To feel his hands on you…
And the look on Heeseung’s face, you knew he was thinking the same thing. He could read you just as easily as you were able to read him right now. 
“Oh fuck,” he whispered, quickly jumping off his bed. 
He was on you within seconds, his body completely pressed to you as your back hit the door. 
Heeseung couldn’t put his lips on you fast enough. 
Your hands pulled through his hair as his hands roamed your body. 
His lips parted from yours only long enough to pull you on top of him on his bed. 
You stripped each other of your clothes one by one until it was bare skin against skin. 
You gripped his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around your waist as you moved against him. 
His sweet moans filled your ears, “Fuck…fuck…Y/N, oh fuck me.” 
Sex with Heeseung was pure bliss. Even once you both collapsed beside each other after you’ve both finished, it still felt like you were on cloud nine. 
You rolled over onto your stomach, propping your head into your hands. 
Heeseung followed your movements, lifting himself on his elbows. 
He pulled a lock of your hair behind your ear, then slowly traced his thumb over the scar he gave you from his blade. 
“I am so sorry for this…” he whispered. Heeseung couldn’t even begin to describe how terrible he felt marking you like this. 
You noticed an old mirror on the wall across from his bed, you tilted your head to the side, getting a better look at the scars. 
“Don’t worry about it.” You said shrugging it off. 
“No, I can’t just not worry about it!” He snapped, “I’ll have our magic girls fix it in the morning.”
“Heeseung,” you said, taking his hands in yours, “It’s fine. You did this out of desperation to protect your family.” You looked deeply into his eyes, seeing the worry in them, “You have a family to protect. You have your title as king to protect. I do not blame you at all for doing what you had to.” 
Heeseung looked away from you, tangling his fingers around yours, “It doesn’t excuse the fact that I did it.” 
“Stop beating yourself up, okay?” 
Heeseung just nodded. It was all he COULD do. He knew you weren’t going to let the girls heal the scar. 
Heeseung grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your bodies, “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” 
You scoffed and softly giggled, “I never thought I’d hear those words, you went from hating me to hating me a lot less.” 
Heeseung smiled, “We can call it hating you less.” 
You stared at him, your eyes moving over every inch of his face. You would have never thought this sweet, caring man in front of you was the vampire king. 
“Will you tell me how you became king?” 
Heeseung’s smile faded, “It’s…a long story.” 
“We have time. We are undead after all, stuck in eternity.” 
Heeseung sighed, “Well, long story short,” he started, “It was just Jay and myself at the time. Before we officially became a pack, we ran with the previous king.”
You nodded, waiting for him to continue. 
“He was a very…terrible person.” Heeseung’s whole body shook at the memories, “He treated us all like shit. He’s the one who nearly killed Jay and me. Deciding at the last second he wanted more warriors in his rank.” he took a deep breath, steadying his heart race, “It wasn’t until we traveled to Australia and found Jake, that it was the final straw for me.”
You put your hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles around his collarbone with your thumb. 
“He didn’t just turn Jake, there was an abundance of people he nearly killed just to add to his army. And all the women he turned he…”  
Heeseung didn’t need to finish the sentence for you to understand what he was getting at. 
“Anyways, there was a woman I was close with and the king…” Heeseung took another deep breath, “He killed her for disobeying him. I was filled with so much rage, I prepared for weeks on how I would kill him and then I did.” 
Heeseung stared at himself in the mirror, remembering the blood that covered his body. The power he inherited once the king’s undead heart stopped beating and was burned by fire. 
He remembers seeing his golden eyes for the first time, and how sharper his fangs were. 
“After that, I took the king's oath. Had some weapons forged in my honor, and then Jay, Jake, and I fled. We haven’t returned and that was the moment I decided to become a doctor. I wanted to put some good back into the world and show that not all vampires are monsters.” 
You met his eyes in the mirror, “That’s why you all drink from bags.”
Heeseung nodded, staring back into your eyes from his mirror. 
The way you two were both lying, the way your heartbeats synced and matched. 
“It’s like you’re my mirror,” Heeseung finally spoke again.
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“It’s like you’re my mirror,” he repeated, “I look at you and I see my reflection…I see us.” 
The both of you could feel the string of fate tying tighter around you, but still not knotting. 
Heeseung knew something was stopping the knot from completing. But he would wait for eternity if that’s what it took for you to become his mate…his queen. 
“I feel it too, you know.” you whispered, “This pull…” 
Heeseung shushed you, touching his forehead to yours, “We will figure it out, okay?” 
You nodded, trusting your king. 
He went to press a kiss to your lips, but his bedroom door flew open. 
“Hyung we, OH MY GOD!” 
Heeseung quickly covered you completely with the blanket, hiding you underneath. 
“Sunghoon!” the king frowned, “Don’t you know what fucking knocking is!” 
Sunghoon held his hands up over his face and stared off into a corner on the other side of the room, “Jesus fucking Christ, I didn’t know she was still in here.” 
“Still??” you questioned. 
“The whole house fucking heard you two!” Sunghoon retorted, “Anyways, Archer just called __, we found where Dorian is.” 
Heeseung slid two silver daggers to his belt loop attachments and pulled his black trench coat over his body. 
Jay laid out a map on the table, circling the area where Archer found him.
“Archer said he saw him entering from that side of the woods,” The dhampir pointed, “Archer said he also had roughly ten other vampires with him.” 
Jungwon stared down at the map, eyes wide. 
“Hyung, what’s wrong?” Niki asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“That’s the place he attacked __ and me that night,” Jungwon’s fist balled tightly, “He’s going back to where it all started.” 
Sunoo looks at Jungwon confused, “What need would he have to go back there?!” 
“It’s because of the clearing,” you said, everyone’s eyes now on you, “The moonlight hits it directly, and on a full moon which is right now…” 
“Our powers are amplified.” Jake sighed. 
“Exactly,” you continued, “And since he has spells and other magic items to amplify it even more…”
“He’d be unstoppable.” Sunghoon groaned, “That’s fucking perfect.” 
“It’s also a trap,” the dhampir chimed in, “We are the strongest pack in the world, mostly because of the fact we have the fucking vampire king, but we have multiple different races of creatures with different abilities.”
“Dorian knew we would narrow it down,” Heeseung said through his teeth, “He’s going to lure us there and use every bit of magic and item he has in his deck of cards to kill us all and inherit our power.” 
“He still doesn’t know you’re the king, right?” Jay asked. 
Heeseung shook his head, “No. We never told a soul after I killed the previous king. I took the oath and the ones who stand under the oath can’t say a word.”
You started to get worried because if things went south, Dorian would be hitting two birds with one stone. This pack and the king. 
Jungwon gritted his teeth, “Who gives a shit what he has up his sleeves, we have what he doesn’t: a family. Finish preparing everything and we leave ASAP.” 
Heeseung agreed, “The humans are staying here, are we all in agreement?” 
Jungwon and Jay’s mates disagreed, but the men agreed. 
Jay held his mate against him, his hands cupping her face, “I can’t lose you, you’re staying here.” 
Jungwon held his mate tight against him, “I’ll return to you, I promise.” 
Everyone finished the preparations and started to head out. 
Heeseung took your hand in his, “Ready to kill that son of a bitch?” 
You squeezed his hand, “More than ready.” 
Dorian’s laughter filled the clearing as he sensed the pack coming closer. 
Jungwon made his presence known first. 
“Ah! Won! We meet here again.”
Jungwon walked off towards the side of the clearing, “Yeah shit crazy. A full circle.” 
“Where is your pack? Hmm?” Dorian looked around the woods, “I know they are here.” 
Jungwon chuckled, “They are doing the same thing your goof nuts are doing, scouting.” 
Dorian raised a brow, “Goof nuts? Really Won?” 
Jungwon shrugged, “We aren’t stupid like you thought we would be. Flying into here blind.” 
Dorian laughed once again, “Except you did come in blind.” 
Jungwon furrowed his brows, watching as Dorian snapped his fingers. 
A rush of vampires came down from the trees. Jungwon counted more than twenty. 
“Damnit!” growled, “He had more than Archer thought.” 
Jungwon steadied himself, trusting the process. 
Before the vampires could even touch Jungwon, the other members circled him, their weapons drawn. 
Dorian’s vampires jumped back, hissing at the pack. 
You jumped in front of Jungwon, staring directly at Dorian, your blades held up. 
“Now my vamps,” Dorian softly spoke, “You got startled by eight full-blooded vampires, a dhampir, witch, and elf? That’s…”
Dorian’s eyes wandered between you all. 
You smirked, “What’s wrong, Dorian?”
He stared back with the most pissed-off look, “Where is the oldest?” 
“Right here.” 
Dorian quickly turned around right in time for Heeseung swinging his blade, Dorian backed up and Heeseung barely cut him across his chest. 
Dorian’s hands flew to his chest as smoke raised from his chest, “God damn your blades.” He hissed. 
Heeseung twirled the blades between his fingers, “Let’s end this game of yours, shall we? It’s been going on way too long.” 
“Oh it has, and it’ll end with your bodies burning!” 
“GO NOW!” Jungwon screamed, initiating the pack to fight. 
One by one, the pack took down Dorian’s vampires. 
The witch and elf set their hands in a blaze to burn their bodies. 
But the fight with Dorian wasn’t over. 
Heeseung hasn’t fought like this since he killed the previous king. 
Dorian was also on another level than the king. Dorian had spells that he was throwing at Heeseung. Items that were helping boost the spells. 
He also was moving too quickly, making it harder for Heeseung to get any major damage done. 
Sunghoon and Jake jumped the last of Dorian’s vampires, tearing their bodies to pieces. 
“Hex girl!” Sunghoon called his mate. 
She responded with flames to burn the body. 
You looked over at Heeseung and Dorian, seeing the struggle. 
“Guys!” You called to the pack, “Get Dorian!” 
Everyone rushed him. 
Every single one of them had some sort of revenge to get towards him. 
Dorian has threatened the lives of their mates and their family. They weren’t going to let him get away. 
Each member took turns attacking, Heeseung following up every single time. 
You saw an opening behind Dorian and jumped on his back. 
“You fucking traitor!” Dorian yelled, desperately clawing at your arms and dodging the members. 
You fought against his arms to angle your blades at him, “Me? The traitor?! You left me for dead! I worshiped the ground you walked on and stood by your side for hundreds of years!”
Dorian wore a shit-eating grin, “I’m going to fucking kill you all. 
Heeseung’s eyes widened, “EVERYONE GET BACK!” 
Dorian released a burst of energy from his body, catching everyone in the blast in some way. 
Heeseung’s arms burned from the blast. He gritted his teeth, only for his face to fall. 
Dorian held you by your neck, one of your blades shoved into your stomach as your skin also burned from the impact of the blast. 
Heeseung’s breathing became uneven, rage filling him. 
Dorian glances over, “Oh my,” he chuckled, “You’re in love with this traitor here?” 
Heeseung gripped his blades. 
“Hyung!” Jungwon called for him.
But Heeseung toned him out. The only thing he could see was you. 
You slowly clawed at Dorian’s hands, getting lightheaded from the blood you were losing 
Heeseung started to build up his power, causing his brothers to yell at him even more. 
“Heeseung!!” Jay screamed, “Don’t do it!” 
“Heeseung!!” Jake joined. 
One by one each of his pack members yelled for him. 
Heeseung drew in the power he inherited from killing the previous king. 
Heeseung’s fangs came to a point, and his eyes shifted. 
Dorian’s eyes widened as he dropped you to the ground. 
“Oh, this is fantastic!” Dorian wore an evil smile, “This whole time I was hunting for where the king could be hiding, just for him to have been in front of me all along!” 
“__, __,” Heeseung called to the witch and elf, “Get Y/N.” 
Dorian paid no attention to the girls picking you up from the ground and dragging you back to the others. 
Jay kneeled beside you, slightly pulling at the blade stuck in your stomach. 
You let out a small groan of pain, you started kicking and swinging your arms, and Jay stopped moving the blade. Niki and __ holding your arms and legs down.  
“Fuck!” He cursed, his focus going back to Heeseung. 
“Jay!” The witch snapped her fingers at him, “Hey! Focus on Y/N.” 
Jay narrowed his eyes between the witch and you, “You want me to choose between my brother and someone who ain’t even in my pack?!” 
Jake touched Jay’s shoulder, “They are bonded, I can feel it. The string just isn’t knotted.” 
“I can feel it too,” Niki said, “It’s faint but it’s there.” 
“Don’t you fucking let her die!” Heeseung cried out, slowly standing back up to his feet, his knuckles white from gripping his blades. 
“Jay, __ and myself will provide the numbing magic so you can pull the blade out,” The witch said. 
He nodded, the girls hovering over you as Jay slowly attempted to remove the blade. 
You turned your head to Heeseung, your vision blurring. 
“Why don’t you just die already, ya?” Dorian asked, “Give me the power that I deserve.” 
Heeseung held his blades at eye level, “Only thing you deserve is to rot in fucking hell.” 
Dorian cracked his knuckles and ran full force at Heeseung. 
Heeseung pushed forward, pushing his speed past its normal limits. 
He swung the blade, cutting Dorian’s right hand off. 
“Damnit!” Dorian screamed and pushed forward again. 
Heeseung dodged him, sliding across the grass and slicing his Achilles heels. 
Dorian went down to one knee. His fangs made an appearance as he held his only hand over where the other would be missing. 
Sunoo and Jake appeared on both sides of Dorian, grabbing his arms as the dhampir pulled his head back by his hair. 
Jungwon and Sunghoon stood beside Heeseung. 
All their eyes glowed bright crimson and golden. 
Dorian laughed, “You think killing me will be the end? That the rest of my followers won’t come after you now that you’ve shown who you truly are?” 
You regained your consciousness, feeling the pain from the blade that was now missing. 
Jay held pressure to your stomach, as the witch and elf used their healing magic. 
“It’s working,” the elf said, “She’s awake again.” 
Jay slowly lifted his hands, seeing your wound closing up. 
Jay relaxed, looking back over at his brothers. 
You rolled your head over to Heeseung, seeing how they surrounded Dorian. 
“I don’t give a shit who knows who I am.” Heeseung hisses, placing both blades against Dorian’s neck, “I am the fucking vampire king in the strongest pack in the world, no one will dare cross me.” 
Dorian regained his shit-eating grin, “I’ll see you in hell, vampire king.” 
Sunoo and Jake wasted no more time, tearing his arms from his body. 
Jungwon and Sunghoon went for his legs, breaking them apart. 
The dhampir held her grip tightly on Dorian’s hair as he screamed in agony. 
Heeseung, with all his force, pushed his blades through Dorian’s neck, cutting it clean off his body. His blood splattered all over Heeseung’s face and clothes. 
“Babe!” Sunghoon called for his witch, her rushing to his side, her hands bursting into flames and setting Dorian’s body on fire. 
The sun finally rose, and the clearing became quiet except for the sounds of the fire. 
You were able to fully sit up, with the help of Jay and the elf. 
Heeseung hung his head low, slowly placing his blades back into his belt. 
It was over. It was finally over. 
“Heeseung!” You called out to him. 
He loved the way you’d say his name. 
He quickly rushed to your side, helping you stand up. 
“Are you okay? Baby?” Heeseung cupped your face, searching for any more wounds. 
“Hee, I am fine.” You said placing your hands over his, “It’s all over.” 
Tears filled your eyes, and the same did with Heeseung’s. He killed the man who had hunted and hurt his family. 
Heeseung pulled you into a kiss, his arms wrapping tightly around you. 
The string of fate finally completed its knot. 
“It’s because of Dorian,” the young vampire girl said, “He had this hold on them, it was complicating the bond.” 
The witch agreed, “Heeseung and Y/N, probably couldn’t fully let themselves have someone until their duties were done.”
Sunghoon raised his brows, “Do you feel that?” 
The members at that moment felt it. 
Heeseung released his lips from yours, turning to look at his pack.  
You also turned to look and the site surprised you. 
They all were kneeling, heads hung low but in an honoring way. Even the witch and the elf copied the men. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, looking back up at Heeseung. 
He took your chin between his fingers, “You’re my mate now, but it’s not just that. You’re now a queen.” 
You looked back out at your new family, feeling the bonds everyone shared. The respect they now held for you, and it wasn’t just because of Heeseung or that you’re bonded to them now. 
“Okay you idiots, stand up. Jeez, nothing has changed.” Heeseung teased, running over to his brothers, all seven of them huddling together. 
The happiness Heeseung was feeling was indescribable. 
He could finally truly be who he wanted, not just as himself, but as a doctor and even a king. 
Heeseung had a family. He had you. 
And that’s all that mattered in the end. 
“Let’s go home now.” Heeseung said, “We no longer have to live in complete hiding.” 
Heeseung wrapped his arms around you as you all walked together home.
the end ♡
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a/n: thank you so much to every single one of you who has inspired me to continue writing this series and who have stuck around since the beginning of this series. I am forever grateful to everyone who has read, liked and reblogged. I hope everyone looks forward to the imagines I have planned for the future. This series is dedicated to you all! <3
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vbecker10 · 1 month
What Prank?
Laundry Day (Loki x female reader Y/N)
How Could This Not Fit?! (Loki x fem reader Y/N)
Loads of a Fun (Bucky x female reader Y/N)
Pairing: Bucky x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You and Bucky plan a week's worth of pranks to get back at Sam for telling Bucky the toaster was voice activated. A few days in, several members of the team decide to join in on the pranks without even questioning who is behind it.
A/N: So in Laundry Day (linked above) I wrote an off hand little comment about how much laundry Bucky needed to do and it led to Loads of Fun (also linked above). In that one, I mentioned a joke Sam pulled on Bucky and based on a poll I did, people wanted Bucky to get back at him so here we are 💚
This is not the same Y/N from Laundry Day & How Could This Not Fit?!, this is a different one. Apparently a bunch of women in the Tower have the same name as you (haha sorry that's dumb but I wanted them both to be Y/N fics so here we are)
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Bucky's arm settles around your waist and he pulls you closer to him on the couch as you shut your laptop. "That's everything," you tell him with a triumphant smile.
"I really appreciate all of your help with this," he tells you and you turn to look at him. "I never would have even thought to do any of this myself."
"I'm happy to help. I hate when people mess with someone I like," you respond.
"Wait, you like me?" he asks jokingly.
You hit him lightly with a pillow, "I think I've made myself awkwardly clear about that."
He laughs and takes the pillow from you easily, "I'm just checking because I like you too." He moves his hand to the back of your neck and kisses you, when he pulls away he smirks and says, "You're an evil genius, you know that right?"
You giggle, "You have no idea."
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Day 1
You sit at your desk, watching the clock closely as you wait for Sam's call. Ten minutes after 8, he finally reaches out and you answer professionally, "Stark Industries Technical Support, this is Y/N, how can I help you this morning?"
"Hi Y/N, it's Sam Wilson. There's something wrong with my ID badge I think, or my entry panel maybe. I'm not sure but I can't get into my office," he tells you.
"Oh no, that's not good. I'm going to put you on hold for a few moments while I look into this for you," you tell him and he says okay. After refilling your bottle with water from the kitchen down the hall, you take him off hold. "Hi Sam, sorry that took so long. Computer is a bit slow this morning," you make up an excuse and he asks if you figured out what's wrong with his door. "Yes, looks like we need to run a quick update on your entry panel. Should be about five minutes or so," you lie easily.
"Okay, thanks," he says but you can hear the annoyance in his voice before he hangs up.
You go back to checking your emails and five minutes later, you unlock Sam's office with a smile. Your phone vibrates, alerting you to a new text from Bucky, he has gotten so much better at sending them in the last few days.
<Hi doll, sounds like your plan is going well. I can hear Sam cursing up a storm from my office.>
You laugh at the thought of Sam being that annoyed and send him a quick text back.
<I think it's working so far 😈 He should be calling again any second.>
As if on cue, your office phone rings. "Hi Y/N, it's me again," he says in a defeated tone. "I can't log into my computer."
"Well aren't you having the worst luck this morning," you tell him. You pretend to type loudly so he can hear it, "Looks like your password expired. I'll set you up with a new temporary one and then you should be good to go." He tells you thanks again and you wish him luck before hanging up.
Fifteen minutes later, your phone rings a third time. "Its Sam again," he says as soon as you answer. "There's something wrong with my computer now. I can't get my email to open and all my programs are freaking out."
"Oh no... I see what the issue is," you say dramatically and he sighs over the phone. "It looks like your computer needs to do a pretty massive update." He asks you how massive and you respond, "About an hour... maybe an hour and a half."
As soon as you and Sam hang up, Pepper calls him and he immediately knows he's in for a long day. "Did you finish the reports for the briefing this afternoon?" she asks.
"Not yet, I've been having a lot of really weird tech issues today," he explains. "IT is on it but it's going to take a while to get me up and running."
"That's unfortunate," she says but there is no sympathy in her voice. "I suggest you work through lunch if needed, those reports were supposed to be on my desk last night."
"I'll get them done," he promises then hangs up. With a loud groan, he drops his head heavily on his desk.
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Day 2
Sam complains to Steve and Bucky about all of his computer issues while on their way to his office. He opens the door and Bucky jokes, "Sounds like the tech gods were really pissed off at you, huh?"
"I guess, it really was the weirdest thing," Sam says shaking his head. Bucky and Steve each take a seat and Sam goes to sit behind his desk. As soon as he relaxes into his chair, the seat detaches from the base and he falls to the ground with a loud scream of surprise.
Sam gets up quickly from the floor as his friends come around to the other side of the desk. "Someone is messing with me," he declares over Bucky's laughter.
"Why would anyone do that?" he asks, trying to compose himself. "Not like you've ever pranked anyone around here and would deserve a little revenge."
"Not helpful Buck," Steve rolls his eyes. "Are you okay Sam?"
"Yea," he answers while he examines the chair. "Did you do this?"
"Me?" Bucky asks in response. "I can't even figure out how to use the toaster. How would I have broken into your office?"
Sam is obviously unconvinced and also on the right track. Last night after dinner, you unlocked Sam's office so Bucky could remove almost all of the screws from his chair. That wasn't the only prank you set in motion last night though. As per your plan, Bucky suggests they call maintenance for a new chair and get coffee while they wait.
Tony walks into the kitchen a few moments after the three of them and asks if they like the new coffee maker he just got. Sam pushes the button to make a medium size cup and turns to face him, "First time trying it out."
"Well be nice to it," Tony warns in a joking manner. "I had to lie to Pepper about how much the damn thing cost me but it's worth it for a perfect cup of-"
Tony's words are cut off my Sam swearing as the coffee begins to spill everywhere. The mug overflows and leaks all over the marble counter. Sam tries to press the off button to stop it but it continues to pour out.
"Don't hit it, just press it gently," Tony grumbles as he moves quickly towards his new favorite appliance.
"I am pressing it gently, it's not working," Sam says in a slightly panicked tone as the coffee spills onto the floor.
"How much coffee can that thing make?" Steve asks in shock as he backs up from the growing puddle.
Bucky shakes his head, his hand over his mouth to cover his laughter as he watches the scene unfold. He takes out his phone and sends you a text.
<Check out the security cameras in the kitchen. It worked perfectly>
Tony unplugs the uncooperative machine from the wall and looks angrily at Sam, "Do not touch this again."
"I barely touched it this time!" he counters as he moves away from the massive mess of spilled coffee. "I told them, someone is messing with me."
You reply back after pulling up the live feed.
<🤣🤣 Bonus points for Tony being so annoyed!>
"And how would this mystery person know you were going to use the coffee maker next?" Tony asks with his arms crossed.
"I have no idea," Sam sighs, rubbing his face.
"Just get back to work," he says, "And quit being so damn paranoid."
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Day 3
Your head rests against Bucky's chest, his arm holding you comfortably as you watch a movie in his room. Half way through the movie, Bucky's phone begins to vibrate on the coffee table. "Hey Sam, what's-" Bucky answers but you can hear Sam yelling faintly over him.
"Put it on speaker," you whisper and he looks at you confused. You smile and take the phone, showing him how to change the setting and he nods as the background noise becomes louder.
"I can barely hear you," Bucky says and you cover your mouth to keep quiet.
"I said, my apartment is going crazy!" Sam yells over the sound of the TV and other appliances.
"What are you talking about?" Bucky asks, his voice serious. He keeps his eyes on you and you try not to giggle.
"I don't know! I flipped the switch for the lights and the TV turned on full volume. I tried to turn it off but the remote doesn't work. The volume buttons control the air conditioner, the power button opens and closes my blinds, I even tried going in the menu but it turned on my freaking blender. How does that even happen?" he asks frantically.
"I have no idea what you want me to do," Bucky says and you shrug dramatically as if you don't know what is causing it either. "Sounds like your place is possessed," he adds. You giggle and he holds the phone away from himself to place a quick kiss on your cheek.
"I tried to call tech support but they are closed for the night," he explains. "Did you ever get the number for the woman in IT you know?"
"Who?" Bucky plays dumb.
He groans and you can hear the vacuum turn on, he must have tried another button on the reprogrammed remote. "The one you keep telling us is cute! Y/N, right? I talked to her the other day about my computer stuff," Sam says as the TV volume increases and decreases at random.
He blushes, he had forgotten he told Steve and Sam he wanted to talk to you weeks ago. "No, I chickened out of talking to her," he lies.
"Of course you freaking did!" Sam yells and you can practically hear him roll his eyes, "Screw this I'm gonna sleep in the common room tonight."
Bucky hangs up and tosses his phone back onto the table. You tap his shoulder with a smirk, "So... you think I'm cute, huh?"
He laughs, "Very." He kisses you and you lean into him as his arms wrap around you.
You curl up against him on the couch again then sit up suddenly. "What's wrong?" he asks when you get up.
You open your backpack and look over at him, "I brought my laptop... I can turn off the stuff in his room so if anyone checks, everything will be fine."
"Remind me never to get on your bad side," he laughs and you kiss him when you sit next to him again.
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Day 4
Sam finishes adjusting his suit as he walks into the training room with Clint, Bucky and Scott. Tony checks a few settings on his control panel while Thor and Loki finish up their sparing session.
When the door closes Loki chuckles and turns his attention from his brother to Sam. "I heard you had quite the night," the God of Mischief smirks.
"Seriously, even Loki knows?" Sam throws his hands on the air.
"I think the whole tower knows you think you someone is pulling weird pranks on you," Scott chimes in.
"I'm not paranoid," Sam says. "Someone here is out to get me."
"That sounds like something a paranoid person would say," Loki shrugs and Thor laughs loudly at his comment.
"I don't like agreeing with Reindeer Games but he has a point," Tony jokes, ignoring the side eye from Loki at his least favorite nickname.
"Fine, whatever," Sam gives up. "Can we just get this over with?"
"Yep," Tony agrees and motions for everyone to get back a bit so Sam can spread the wings on his new gear. He puts his goggles on and turns around, checking to see that everything is in place but his focus shifts when everyone beaks out into laughter.
"What now?" Sam asks, turning back to face the group.
"Nothing, I think we all just like the new look," Bucky says with a smile.
"What the hell?" Sam exclaimes when he catches sight of the back of his wings in the windows.
Bucky snaps a picture, thankful you showed him how to do that a few days ago, and sends it to you.
<I had no idea you were going to do this too! This is amazing!>
You open the picture of Sam's wings covered in googly eyes of every size and color, causing you to nearly spit out your water with laughter.
<I didn't do that... but I am a huge fan of whoever did it 🤣🤣🤣>
Sam looks angrily at Loki, "Why are you messing with me?" He pulls down his goggles and walks over to him.
Loki scoffs, unintimidated by the Falcon and says, "If I was 'messing with you' I would have done more then put paint on your eyewear."
He turns back towards the window quickly and sees two thick black rings of paint around his eyes. "Come on! What the hell guys?" he groans.
Bucky, Scott and Clint can barely keep themselves together long enough to deny they had anything to do with this new prank.
Thor almost looks offended and asks, "How come no one assumes it was me?"
Tony pats him on the back and says, "You're not exactly known for being stealthy." He crosses his arms but nods in agreement. "Alright, now that... that whole thing is out of our systems, let's see what the new wings can do," Tony suggests, bringing everyone back to their original reason for being there.
Sam agrees and everyone moves back a bit to watch him take off. Bucky let's a small smile slip when Sam tries to turn left to circle around the room but his suit doesn't respond correctly. He grows increasingly more confused and annoyed as he discovers his controls are reversed.
He lands after only a few minutes and Clint asks, "First time flying? That was rough to watch."
"Shut up," he answers, fiddling with the computer on his wrist as Tony walks over.
"I'll get this thing debugged and we can try again tomorrow, Tony tells him. He nods and leaves with a loud sigh. Bucky and Steve turn to leave as well but Bucky catches Clint and Scott nodding proudly to each other. He chuckles when he spots a googly eye stuck to Scott's shoe.
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Day 5
"I am so over this," Sam tells Steve and Bucky as the walk towards the kitchen. "When I find out who is doing all of this they better apologize like hell cause I'm furious," he threatens and Bucky practically bites his tongue to stay quiet.
His phone chimes in his pocket and says, "New text message to Director Nicholas Fury."
"Shut up," he says as he takes his phone out of his pocket.
It chimes again, "Texting, 'shut up'."
"No, no, no! Cancel, cancel," he says, frantically hitting buttons but none of them work to stop it.
"Text message sent," it alerts him with another chime and he rubs his face.
"What the heck was that?" Steve asks.
"I don't know... It's been doing that all day," he says. "I talked to Y/N and she said she is going to have a new phone sent up to me as soon as Stark approves it."
"Y/N, the woman Bucky likes-" Steve starts to ask with a smile but he's interrupted.
"New text message to Tony Stark," his phone says.
"I hate you," he tells the phone as he tries to turn it off.
The phones responds, "Texting, "I hate you'."
He groans and Bucky begins to lose the battle to hold back his laughter. "What is wrong with you?" Sam struggles with the device.
"Texting, 'What is wrong with you?'" it again repeats Sam.
"Stop talking to it," Steve suggests.
"Texting, 'Stop talking'," the phone adds and Steve cringes. "Text message sent."
"I'm gonna get fired," he says and slumps against the wall.
"Finding instructions on how to make fire," it says as if that is helpful.
His phone chimes to alert him to an incoming text message. "Oh good... it's Tony," he says sarcastically.
"Could be worse," Bucky says with a smile and Sam looks up at him skeptically.
His phone chimes again. "It's Fury," he says with a loud sigh.
Bucky laughs, "See, now it's worse." Steve smacks him in the shoulder and shakes his head disapprovingly but Bucky can see the smile on his face.
Later that night, most of the team is relaxing in the common room until Sam walks in angrily. He slams his laundry basket on the coffee table in front of Natasha, Clint and Wanda. Loki looks up from his book in the corner of the room and Bucky follows Steve in from the kitchen.
"Who did it?" Sam asks.
"Oh, what horrible prank where you the victim of this time?" Loki asks with a smirk as he gets up from his seat.
He pulls out his bedsheets which are all different shades of pink, "Which one of you did this? These were new."
Nat giggles and says, "I don't know but it is a really nice color."
Bucky takes out his phone and quickly finds your chat. You text him back, showing the picture of the pink sheets to your friends who joined you for dinner.
<Omg, they did not!? That's amazing 🤣🤣 I can't believe other people joined in like this>
Steve calmly says, "It might not have been on purpose. Someone probably forgot a red shirt or something in the machine."
"No, this is definitely on purpose," he argues with Steve. "I'm going to find out who is doing this."
He grabs the basket and leaves the room angrily. Bucky doesn't watch him leave, he's too focused on Wanda winking at Nat.
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Day 6
Sam sits at the far end of the large oval table in the conference room, fuming with his arms crossed.
Loki smiles wide as he takes a seat next to him. He leans close and asks, "What seems to be the trouble today?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Sam responds.
Loki doesn't give up and says, "I think you should share with the team, it might make you feel better. Besides, I'm sure we're all curious as to why you are so annoyed this morning."
Before he can reply, Fury walks into the briefing room. He slams the door shut, which gets everyone's attention at once. He stands in the front of the room, covered in glitter as he glares at Sam. "We need to talk Wilson," he tells him.
"I didn't..." he stands slowly. "You don't think I did that?"
"You left your ID badge on my desk," he holds it up by the lanyard. Sam looks at him in shock then pats his pants and jacket as if it will suddenly appear on his person.
Loki laughs so hard, he slaps the desk and says, "This is the best week I have had in decades. I don't think I've been this entertained since humans celebrated the first April Fools Day."
Sam looks at Loki and then back to Fury, "It has to be him. Do you really think I would be stupid enough to glitter bomb you and leave my ID badge?"
"I have already told you, I have not participated in your torment," Loki says. "I am merely enjoying it."
Thor adds, "Trust me, if it was my brother, he would not deny it."
"Fine, so it's not him but it's one of you," Sam looks around the room at the full table.
Fury stands unconvinced at the front of the room, his arms crossed against his chest. "You have until the end of the day to pick up every single piece of glitter," he tells Sam then he takes a seat at the head of the table to start the meeting.
Loki whispers to Sam, "I must admit, I'm really beginning to like whoever is doing this to you."
Sam rolls his eyes and says, "Oh this person you like? I thought you hated all 'humans'."
Loki corrects him, "I am generally indifferent towards your existence, that's not quite the same as hate."
"I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or not," Sam says and Loki shrugs in response.
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Day 7
Sam is confused and says, "Wait are you guys together? I thought you said you didn't talk to her..."
Sam wanders into the kitchen in the morning, yawning from lack of sleep. He had stayed up most of the night trying to figure out who was behind all of the pranks. He assumed most of the team could have done the laundry prank or googly eyes but he didn't know anyone with the tech skills to pull off the other ones.
He stops short when he sees you and Bucky together, he stands behind you with his arms around your waist. You look up at him and kiss his cheek before you notice Sam.
Bucky smirks and says, "Oh yeah, I guess I lied."
"How long..." you can see him trying to figure out if you had been together long enough to aid in his pranking.
You smile at his confusion and ask, "Wanna see something cool?" He shrugs, still processing your relationship. "Bucky told me the new toaster is voice activated."
"Oh shit," Sam slowly starts to realize what set off this whole chain reaction of pranks. "Bucky, it was just a joke. It's not actually voice activated, you know that right?"
You smile and say, "Oh, then how come this happens?" You push the button on your phone inside your pocket and say, "Toast." A few seconds later, two perfectly toasted pieces of bread pop out.
"What the hell?" Sam asks, you and Bucky laugh in response. He turns and walks back out of the kitchen, nearly walking right into Tony.
"Morning," Tony greets you both as he sets up his now fixed coffee maker. "I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with you Y/N."
"With what?" you suddenly feel nervous.
He smiles and asks, "Did you really think you could get into all of my systems without me noticing?"
Bucky moves slightly in front of you and says, "Don't fire her, it's my fault. I asked her to help. We just wanted to get back at him a little."
Bucky pulls you closer, looks at you and says, "I know I'm lucky."
Tony laughs, takes a sip of his coffee and says, "Oh, I'm not mad. I actually am very impressed by how well you got into every part of the towers tech, we should probably talk about a promotion into our security division."
You look at him speechless, you had always wanted to work in that department.
"Also," he adds, "I had that glitter bomb for almost a year and I couldn't figure out how set it off in Fury's office without getting blamed for it so thank you for the distraction."
"Um... you're welcome," you tell him with a laugh.
"Barnes, you're luck she is on your side," he says as he turns to leave. "She's absolutely terrifying."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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I just remembered the "Please. I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place” line, and honestly did they have scenes of Luz starting to wonder if Belos' had a point and going into the island did destroy her life? If not, they should have had.
No, they did not have Luz ever wonder how the isles affected Belos--except in the storyboards:
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Luz still calls him out for trying to destroy the isles and being a hypocrite but there's still that moment of empathy in which she asks point blank: "What do you think they DID to you?!" She briefly contemplates just why someone would go so far to destroy an entire population and what his mindset might be. Unfortunately, this was not included in the final version and Belos' expression is blank instead of pleading.
Then there's this storyboard from For the Future in which Luz, Eda, and King explain to the Collector how people like Amity and Lilith became their friends:
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Luz's line about "people being complicated" is in the episode but the entire exchange between her and the Collector is not even though it opens up a lot of interesting ideas and themes. Without it though, the show becomes straight up hypocritical when it states that people are complicated but reduces its villains to generic archetypes and its hero characters as being simply misguided or victims of the villains.
And no, this doesn't mean that the show should have excused Belos' actions or even forgiven him; but they could have and should have acknowledged the complexity of his character by keeping this nuance in and how the characters react to it. By doing so, the message of "people are complicated" becomes clear and strengthens the other characters as well. Luz gets to self-reflect on how she sees other people and learn that even the worst people among us are incredibly complex and have driving forces that are uncomfortably close to our own, thus making it much harder to demonize them. The Collector--instead of being a Giant Star Baby--keeps both his childlike bluntness and keen observational skills that he had in season 2, thus fleshing out the character instead of devolving him.
Regrettably, that nuance is absent from the show and we have a rather black-and-white narrative about Good vs. Evil; people are only ever really "bad" if someone tricked them or if there was a misunderstanding and all the Real Bad People are just selfish jerks who are power hungry and controlling.
This is not compelling storytelling; this is a tale as old as time. And the worst part is that there was a great story in The Owl House but it was left in the rough drafts.
Storyboards by Yasmin Khudari and King Pecora
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larluce · 5 months
AU where Merlin is Arthur's familiar
Firstly, for everyone that doesn't know, in European folklore of the medieval and early modern periods, familiars were believed to be supernatural entities or spiritual guardians that would protect or assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic. They're almost always represented as some kind of animal, like a cat or a bird, sometimes a demon.
So, having that cleared up, how would Merlin be a familiar and how would he be Arthur's familiar of all people when Arthur isn't a sorcerer?
That's the thing, in this AU a group of evil druids or sorcerers find out about Merlin's identity earlier and his whereabouts while he is still in Ealdor. Not wanting Emry's magic to be under the command of some prophesied king and desiring that power to themselves, they kidnapped him and make a ritual to turn him into a familiar (a merlin especifically). They also erase his memory so Merlin doesn't remember he was ever human. Just when they where about to bond the bird to the sorcerer/druid leader to have Emrys magic under their command, Merlin manages to escape. He doesn't know who he is or where to go, he just knows he has to go far away from there.
Somehow, probably through his run away ordeal, familiar Merlin ends up in Camelot's castle, with an injured wing. He's chirping in pain when the young prince finds him in his yard.
Arthur: (covering his ears) Why are you making so much noise? Shut up! (looking closely) Wait! you're hurt? (picks him up carefully) I think your wing is broken. (Merlin chirps louder) Alright, alright! I'll find help. (runs as fast as he can) Gaius! Gaius!
The court physician bandages the bird's wing, but he can't take care of it due to his work, so Arthur does it. He makes a place for the bird in his room and feeds it. He tries to not get attached to it knowing the bird will have to return to its natural environment as soon as it recovers. However, after the bird's wing is healed, it doesn't want to leave, not matter how many times Arthur frees it in the forest, it always comes back, so finally Arthur decides to keep it. He has a bit of a fight with his father, because he never let Arthur have a pet, but after the bird protects the prince of a witch that was in disguise by stinging her eyes out, the king finally allows the prince to keep it. The prince, very happy, brings the bird to his chambers.
Arthur: (with Merlin in his forearm) Now the you're oficially my pet- (the bird chirps in protest) Well, my, eh... animal companion? (the bird deadpans) We'll work on that later. The point is, I should probably give you a name. (the bird moves its wings, excited) What about...bird? (the bird shakes it's head) Yeah, I've been calling you that from the start, so no. hmmm. What about falcon? Gaius says you're a falcon, though you're too small to be one, honestly. (the bird chirps, offended). I should just call you falcon or little falcon. No, it's still too long. Lil' falc? No. hmmmm. I think Gaius said you were a especific kind of falcon? How was it? Mar... Mer...Merloni? Merlon... Merlin! That was it. I'll call you Merlin.
Without knowing, Arthur just finished the last step of the ritual: naming the familiar, and with that, becoming the familiar's master. When the bond is created, a flash of light blinds him and, suddenly, the bird is replaced by a boy, who now is sitting on him, while he's spread on the floor.
Arthur: (looking up, shocked) What the fu-
Merlin: (looking down, confused) Arthur! Why are you smaller now? Wait... I can talk? (brings his hand to his face surprised) And I have... hands? Where are my wings? (panicking) Arthur, I lost my wings! And my feathers!(crying)NOOOOO!
Arthur: Merlin? That's.. you? Merlin? Mer...Merlin, shut up! (Merlin stops crying) And get off me! (shoves Merlin aside) How did this happen?
Merlin: You think I know?! Maybe that witch cursed me to be as ugly as you as a revenge for turning her blind. (sobs) My wings, my beautiful wings.
Arthur: (offended) Excuse me? Is not like you were a "handsome" bird either, you poor excuse of a falcon.
Merlin: How would you know, human with so little imagination that names his bird after their species?
After their stupid fight, they go to Gaius, in secret, of course. They can't have the king knowing the prince's bird was cursed. The physician does his investigation and, after Merlin discovers he can turn to his bird form and his human form at will and do some magic stuff, he concludes Merlin is, in fact, a familiar.
Gaius: Incredible! I thought they were a myth. It's said they're spiritual guardians of magic itself and that just the most powerful sorcerers could summond one and tamed them to become even more powerful.
Merlin: No... it can't be. I'm just a bird! I can't be a magical creature! I can't!
Arthur: (Knowing Merlin's scared due to his father laws and believes) Merlin. It's okay.
Merlin: (crying, almost hysterical) NO! I'm not a monster! I swear! I'm not evil!
Arthur: I know. Human, bird or familiar, or whatever, you're a good person. Well, a good being. Nothing is going to change that and nothing is going to happen to you, alright?
Merlin: (calms down) alright (snifs)
Arthur: But we need you to remember. Do you have any memory of you being anything but a bird?
Merlin: No, I've always been a bird. Although... (thoughtful) I don't... remember being a chick before.
Arthur: A what?!
Gaius: He means a baby bird.
Arthur: Oh, right (blushes). I knew that.
Merlin: Yeah, my very first memory is just before I came to Camelot, when... I was trap in a... cage. (he trembles at the memory) There were humans with capes, I think. They said they wanted to... control me, to had me at their mercy. I don't know what they wanted to do with me but I escaped. I thought I wouldn't make it. (with tears in his eyes) I was.. so scared.
Gaius: They must be the sorcerers that summonded you.
Merlin: Great. So not only I'm some magical entity but I'm sorcerer's slave now?
Arthur: (fiercely) You are NOT a slave! You are... ("mine" he is about to say, but stops) your own.
Merlin: (suddenly scared) What if they look for me?!
Arthur: I won't let them take you. I promise.
Gaius: And I don't think you have to worry about being some sorcerer's slave, Merlin. If you were bonded to one, you wouldn't have been able to escape in the first place.
Merlin: That means... (hopeful) I'm free?
Gaius: And in Camelot where magic is forbidden, so you're safer as you can be. You'll just have to keep pretending you're a bird, if that's not a problem with you.
Merlin: I'm completly fine with that.
Arthur: (joyful) And me! (composes himself) I mean, I like him better when he can't talk. (Merlin frowns at him)
Times goes by. At first, Merlin stays in his bird form and tries not to do magic, because, apparently he's been doing magic all this time without knowing (honestly, how was he supposed to know all the things he accidentally broke or dirt in Arthur's room were repaired and cleaned by him? He just thought Arthur has very efficient servants!). But it becomes impossible, not only because not doing magic makes him sick, but Arthur keeps running into danger time and time again, so he has to use magic to protect him. Arthur scolds him everytime he does that, he doesn't want his friend to be discover, but eventually it becomes rutine. Also, Merlin starts to take his human form more and more frecuently, because he needs Arthur to understand him, sometimes to give him a piece of his mind, to warn of some danger he finds out, or simply to cheer him up when he's sad or pass time.
Merlin: Is magic really evil? (he looks at his hands)It doesn't feel evil when I use it.
Arthur: How does it feel to you?
Merlin: It feels like... flying (he smiles and closes his eyes) So natural and beautiful, like the earth under my feet and the wind moving my feathers. And I feel it everywhere, not just inside me, but in every living thing. In every flower that blooms, every pup and chick that is born. Even in you. It's suppose to corrupt you, but instead of feeling wrong, I feel so good and... so alive.
Arthur: (looks at him for a moment, completely in love and then composes himself) I don't believe magic is evil. Not anymore.
Merlin: (open his eyes, surprised) Why's that?
Arthur: At first I thought you were an exception to the rule, but then Morgana-
Merlin: (even more surprised) She told you?!
Arthur: (just as surprised) You knew?!
Merlin: I could feel the magic inside her (he admits, guiltily). I wanted to be wrong. She's one of the kindest human I know, but then I saw her doing magic and... I just couldn't tell you. It wasn't my secret to tell, I'm sorry.
Arthur: It's alright. I understand. (he sighs) She was... so scared, Merlin. She begged not to tell my father, like I could ever do that (he laughs dryly). And she didn't learn magic, she just have it. She didn't even know she was a sorcerer until recently.
Merlin: Oh... (thoughtful) That explains a lot of things.
Arthur: What do you mean?
Merlin: Morgana isn't the only one, I think. Sometimes I fly around and I feel people with magic inside them. Some of them are evil, so I call you, but there are others that just do minor stuff, like healing spells and potions. But there are other too that… don't do magic at all and yet… the magic inside them is so strong. I thought maybe I was seing the potential of magic, but now…
Arthur: (in heavy realisation) So it's true. My father's been killing innocent people all this time.(with tears rolling down his eyes) I've been killing innocent people all this time.
Merlin: (hugging and comforting him) No! Arthur you did nothing wrong. You didn't know.
Arthur: (crying and hugging tightly in return) I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
Aaaand that's it. I don't know what else could happen. Apart of merthur getting together obviously. There would be a lot of pinning and confused feelings. Arthur first meets Merlin as a bird after all, so accepting he has a crush on his bird friend is not going to be easy. The same goes to Merlin. Lets not talk about when they both discover they're bonded and Arthur could technically control Merlin and use Merlin's magic at his will if he wanted. And I guess at some point the evil sorceress/druids would try to get Merlin back. And then Merlin finding out he was human before and has a mother in ealdor… Damn that's a lot of angst.
Anyways, I still have a couple of fics on going so I don't think I'm going to write this anytime soon... or ever. So if anyone wants to write it feel free to do it. Or just comment any ideas you have for this concept/prompt below so I can keep them in mind if I write it in the end.
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tommydarlings · 8 months
Scream! | s.v
pairing: dark!dom!rbr!seb x sub!reader
warnings: smut, dark, blowjob, dacryphilia, mentions of spit, gagging, hair pulling
w/c: 2.4k
summary: Running into somebody dressed up as ghostface at this Halloween party you were at was already scary enough, what was even scarier though, was the fact that your crazy ex boyfriend was hiding underneath the infamous mask.
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walking through the noisy house with your little, white dress and halo on your head, clearly representing an innocent angel as you pushed yourself through the other people that were dressed up for Halloween, was hard.
“God, where the hell is the kitchen,” you mumbled to yourself as your eyes scanned every room, quickly releasing a tiny gasp as you found it.
Slowly, you pushed through new people again, quickly refilling your glas before you turned around and bumped right into a wide, broad chest.
“Oh, s-sorry!” You loudly apologised over the loud music, hoping that the person you just bumped into heard you. But as you looked up and noticed who you actually bumped into, you gulped with wide eyes.
You bumped into your dear, ex — Sebastian, who was now standing proudly in front of you with his infamous grin, wearing a black pants and no t-shirt…ghostface mask that he previously had on his face, now him his hand.
“Y/n!” He spoke loudly with an evil grin, “Didn’t expect to see you here! C‘mere-”
“N-No, go away,” you nervously shook your head as tears immediately entered your eyes, hands trembling next to your hips as you avoided eye contact with the man who hurt you so many times in the past.
Sebastian frowned, slowly pulling his arms away from you, harshly squeezing his ghostface mask as he noticed your weird discomfort, “but why?” He smiled down at you, biting his lip as his smile slowly fell, “You do know that I always just wanted to protect you, right?” The German whispered as he walked closer to you.
You briefly glanced up at him as you backed away but you didn’t came far, you immediately hit the hard counter as you raised your arms and tried to cover yourself as much as possible.
You felt so naked and uncomfortable as his dark eyes stared down at you with an emotion you couldn’t name.
Your ex boyfriend frowned again and shook his head, “Oh no, no, no, angel,” you hated when he called you that, forcing fresh tears down your face as the young redbull driver called you the nickname he always used to call you, “don’t hide from me, liebling… you never have to hide from me,” he mumbled as brushed some hair out of your face.
You usually you would think that those words are very sweet and reassuring, now they just scare you, making your body tremble as you gazed down at his mask.
Of course he would dress up as ghostface.
Sebastian noticed the curious gaze you had on his mask, “You like it?” He asked with a smile before he put the mask on his face, leaning forward and caging you in between his muscular arms, giving you no option to leave him now.
You were trapped by your crazy ex boyfriend who was dressed up as a famous serial killer, something you definitely didn’t expect to happen today.
You turned your head to the side, gulping and taking deep breaths as he let his nose run along your temple, taking a deep breath now as well.
“Are you scared, liebling?” Sebastian muttered in a deep and intimating tone while his hands were slowly creeping closer to your hips, “Oh you’re so scared, aren’t you little one?” He tilted his head to the side, mask still covering his face, “I can smell your fear through my mask,” your ex chuckled as if this is all just a silly game.
Probably that’s exactly what it is to him, but definitely not to you.
He raised his hand and gently placed it on your cheek, so gently that you though that he was almost worried of breaking you if he touched you with his rough hands, “You were always a scared little bunny, weren’t you? Or should I say… angel,” the German whispered, probably wearing a sick smile under his mask.
You gulped, desperately trying to blink your tears away as you still avoided eye contact with him, “I think y-you should l-leave-”
“I think that you’ve got no allowance to tell me what to do, hmm? Wasn’t it always like that, angel — can’t you remember anymore y/n baby?” He mumbled beneath his scary mask in a hush tone as he wiped some of your tears away, suddenly grabbing your wrist with his other hand, swiftly leading you out of the kitchen.
You stumbled over your own feet as he quickly dragged you through the busy and noisy house, more tears shooting into your eyes as he walked towards a big wooden door.
Quickly, you realised that you were standing in front of the cellar.
“S-Sebastian, what-” you gasped as he opened the door and led the two of you down the stairs, quickly entering the dark and scary looking cellar with you, only briefly turning around to lock the door behind him after he pushed you towards the hard and cold concrete wall, making your body shiver as he positioned himself in front of you.
Your hands were shaking, so were your legs as he looked down at your trembling body, mask back in his hand again.
“What d-do you want, s-sebastian? We can t-talk about a-anything, really!” You immediately spoke up, backing yourself up even more against the wall since you really didn’t wanted to be close to him at the moment.
He chuckled down at you, squeezing his mask again before he sighed and licked his lips, “Talk? I’ve told you so many times in the past that I love you — and every damn time you just started crying-”
“B-Because you were t-threatening-”
“You shut the fuck up when I’m talking, got it?” He harshly spat at you in a much louder and rougher tone, slamming you by your shoulders against the cold wall, making you hiss before you turned your face away from him and softly cried.
He furrowed his brows a bit, “Don’t cry right now, angel,” he mumbled deeply, thumbs caressing your naked shoulders as he stared at your fluffy halo, “You look so pretty when you cry but I don’t want to see you in pain, okay?” He nodded along his words as he let his hands glide down your upper arms.
You sniffled, wiping some of your tears away as you looked down at the floor, “Fucking hell,” he murmured under his breath to himself, “you really do look absolutely gorgeous when you cry, little angel,” he bit his lip, trying to hide a smile but failing miserably.
He removed his gaze from your face and looked up at your halo, softly touching it with the tip of his finger while his other hand played with the strap of your white dress,
“Has anyone already told you that this costume looks magnificent on you?” The German redbull driver asked you with a wide smile, fingers slowly pulling the thin straps off of your shoulder.
You only gulped, staring back up at him again as your shaking hands reached up to pull the straps back up but he shook his head with furrowed brows and dark eyes, “No, no, no — don’t do this… you look way better without it, I know you do,” he whispered in a hush tone, ghostface mask now laying on the cold floor next to the two of you.
This time, you shook your head, “I-I think that I d-don’t want this r-right now sebastian,” you cried in a pathetic tone, voice barely able to be heard since you were talking so quietly as you still tried to push his wrists away but Sebastian was faster and stronger.
In a fast motion, he removed his black belt and wrapped it tightly around your wrists, forcing a loud hiss out of you before he wrapped his hand around your throat while the other one was already pulling your angelic dress entirely off of your body.
You felt so cold and helpless, something you often felt back then when you were still with Sebastian.
Then he decided to play with the straps of your bra, palms now placed onto your shoulders before he quickly bend down and picked the ghostface mask back up, slowly placing it on his face again.
Sebastian tilted his head slightly to the side, hands on your shoulders again, thumbs running along the straps of the only thing that is luckily still covering your chest as you looked down at the floor in pure fear.
Suddenly, without a word… Sebastian forced you onto your knees, one hand leaving your body while the other one was now being placed onto your head, forcing you to stay down.
Swiftly, he unbuttoned his black pants, freeing his hard cock and stroking it as he stared down at you with his scary looking ghostface mask, making you shiver even more.
You sniffled again, “S-Sebastian… you don’t k-know what you’re d-doing, please!” You wiped some of your own tears away as you begged your ex to just let you go but definitely that wasn’t his plan as he pulled your by your hair even closer to his dick, making you hiss in pain.
“Oh I know exactly what I am doing, kleines,” little one, he mumbled in a deep tone under his mask as he bushed your plastic halo a bit further away to get a better grip on your hair, “Trust me,” he finished his intimidating statement before he spoke up again,
“Open up or I’ll drag you up those stairs and show everybody up there that you’re actually a little devil and not an innocent little angel,” he threatened you as he pulled on your hair again after, briefly fixing your halo.
You gulped and whined before you very carefully and slowly opened your mouth, immediately gagging and squeezing your eyes shut as he shoved his big dick down your throat, not giving you any kind of warning.
The German threw his head back and groaned through the mask, chuckling as he heard your gagging noises, “Just Like that, god,” he mumbled deeply under his breath,
“forgot how good that tiny throat of yours can suck cock,” he said as he continued forcing himself down your throat, chuckling or laughing each time you loudly gag.
You wanted to place your palms onto his thighs for leverage every time your nose hit his abdominal, but you realised that you couldn’t since he tied your hands together with his black leather belt, squeezing the tears out of your eyes before you gazed up at him as you realised that you could do absolutely nothing right now.
Sebastian loudly moaned as he looked down at you through his ghostface mask, putting both hands on your face now, thumb wiping some of your tears away as he guided your head by your wet, cold cheeks,
“You look so pretty, fucking hell, angel,” Sebastian chuckled before he groaned, “don’t try to hide those noises — wanna hear how badly you choke on my cock, you understand me?” he nodded along his words.
You only squeezed your eyes shut and loudly whined before another gag was forced out of your again as he shoved his cock down your already sore throat, “P-Please, sebastian, p-please,” you helplessly whined as he stuffed your mouth with his big dick.
“Awww, poor baby can’t even form a proper sentence, huh?” Sebastian chuckled through the mask, “Why not, hmm? Is she to busy gagging on my dick like a little slut, yeah?” He asked you in a teasing tone, one palm guiding your head again while the other one collected some of the spit that was dribbling down your chin.
“We don’t want that to go to waste, now do we?” Your ex boyfriend mumbled in a hush tone before he briefly removed himself from your mouth, only giving you a few seconds to breath before he quickly smeared the handful of spit all over your mouth, cheeks and nose, quickly stuffing your mouth with his cock again after he coated you in your spit and ruined your angelic makeup.
Sebastian threw his head back again, raising his hand to brush some of your tears and spit covered strands of hair out of your face, looking down at you again, “I don’t know about you but I actually don’t think that you look like an angel anymore — and you also for sure are not acting like one, liebling,” he chuckled as if all of this is just a joke to him as you focused yourself on breathing through the nose since he didn’t stop forcing his big cock down your throat for one second.
Sebastian noticed how you desperately tried to breath through your nose, tilting his head to the side before he slowly brought his hands down to your nose, shutting entirely your air supply off by squeezing your nostrils together, making you scream on his cock,
“Yeah, scream for me little angel, scream!” 'Ghostface' laughed as tears ran down your cheeks and landed on his wrist.
Sebastian slowly removed his hand from your nose and let you breath again before he forced your back against the wall, fingers playing with the halo that’s sitting on top of your head as he balanced himself onto the cold concrete wall by his other hand, loudly groaning and moaning as he let his head fall forward.
“My god, angel,” he groaned loudly in a deep and raspy tone, mask slightly sliding forward, “knew that sooner or later I’m gonna be able to get you on your fucking knees for me again,” he shook his head and chuckled wickedly.
You only continued gagging and crying as you stared up at his mask, bounded wrists laying helplessly in your lap as you squeezed your fingers together.
“Fucking shit, don’t stop — I‘m gonna cum in that pretty little mouth of yours,” he whispered in a hush tone as he roughly placed his big hand onto the back of your head, forcing himself down your throat even more as he came with a deep groan and moan, briefly slamming his other hand against the wall with a loud thud, making you jump a bit.
Suddenly, he quickly threw the mask off of his face and pulled you up by your upper arm, forcing you by your jaw to look up at him, blue eyes now darkly staring down at you as his hand squeezed your wet cheeks together.
“Tears, spit and cum… my favourite combination,” he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs while you gasped for air and whined as he cupped your messy cheeks, “I love you,” he suddenly told you with raised brows,
“I love you so much and I’ll make sure that you will feel the same,” he slowly nodded along his words as he adjusted the halo on top of your head with a smile on his face, “I mean… c'mon y/n baby, don’t you wanna be in the sequel with me?”
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