#that moment you're so out of your comfort zone you dont know if its a good write or a terrible one LOL
niftykin · 8 months
hii! dunno if you accept 2 prompts at a time but i'll shoot my shot!
can i request friends to lovers (from first link) and prompt 4 and 7 with sunny from omori? thank youu!!
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' Promise you'll remember that you're mine '
Starring: Sunny | OMORI.
Sypnosis: Sunny had been realizing that real life can become a daydram simply by your presence, how is that possible?
Prompts: "The realization that the hugs they share will never be something that they can reciprocate with someone else" & "Anytime they sit next to one another, they find themselves touching. Shoulders, thighs, knees, their honestly never entirely sure how it happens but have accepted it’s unavoidable."
A/N: I do not take request anymore, yet i would find intresting if you have an idea and you can share it with me. Im sorry this took so long, i have been working a lot. Im also sorry if this turns out to be kind of depressive in some parts, have in mind you will be seeing this mostly from sunny's point of view and i think it would be kind of normal that he would have this kind of thoughts, by the way this is too short and i know, sorry.
Warnings: kind of angst in some parts, very light.
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Whenever they sit next to one another, the inevitable brush of their fingertips, the undeniable caress of their shoulders, that feeling of comfort when their thighs touch, and the subtle heat that spreads through their bodies when all contact becomes inevitable, are all as familiar to them as breathing - familiar, and yet unrequited, as a soul tie - Despite the familiarity of these sensations, they remain unrequited due to fear. However, ¿what exactly is fear? ¿How do you explain the feeling that prevents you two from reciprocating each other's embrace?
¿Is it his fault? ¿Is there another factor that becomes a burden when he wants to hold you? He is at the very epitome of human feeling in this moment, he didn't feel that before; Despair and hope at the same time by the same person, yet all you make him feel is hope, in everything. Yet Omori still holds his darkest feelings, desires and thoughts.
Even if he knows that he craves a human tie he finds himself retracting in any way he can from you. ¿what if he does it again? he can't stop thinking about it, but you are just so ethereal that he can't help but be drawn towards you. He is a monster, an assassin, ¿what would you like about him? He loves you, and he hates himself for that. He will corrupt you one way or another, but being with you, oh what a dream when he's with you he finds himself in a fairytale, it's better than the headspace, he can breathe.
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Sunny was zoned out, but then he realizes that you were talking, he quickly apologized and asked you nicely to repeat youself as he tilted his head to the side. He was genuelly intrested in what you were saying.
"Im sorry, could you repeat that please?"
He was shaking slightly, ¿what could he do now? He doesnt even know how it really began, he can't tell anything about it else than the burning feeling on his chest and the suddent need to hold you in his arms for days, than the suddent need to protect you, for Omori is a waste of time, for Sunny love is something natual and real, something you make him feel.
He loves your voice, he loves it when its dedicated to him, he loves when he is the person you are looking at, Omori said it was egoistical yet Sunny only finds comfort on the sun that reflects on your eyes, its the only way he doesnt feel the soild falling on his feet, the only way he doesn't feel lost.
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Sunny loves you, nobody is going to ever deny that, but oh how wonderfull it would be to tell you just how he loved you, if you only knew what he would do for you. He would do near everything, he just needs a chance, he doesn't ask for much, ¿does he?
He is desperated, clinging to his only ray of hope: You, if you knew you would stay or you would leave? What if you leaved him, what would he do after?... No, you won't leave, he will do whatever you want if you dont leave, he will beg on his knees for you to stay if it is necessary, he won't loose you.
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© Cheshiseriko 2024, all rights reserved ONLY ON TUMBLR
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Shut In (Eyeless Jack x reader oneshot!)
Basic plot: its really cold outside, and you urge Jack to stay in your home with you... he decides to stay despite knowing full well that he will be fine out in the freezing temperatures. You both decide to do things to pass the time and stay warm! Turns out Jack can make a mean cup of hot coco, too
Extra notes: I dont usually write fanfics, and the last one I've written was a personal one from late August... so to say I'm rusty and underexperienced is an understatement! I feel this one ended up a little.. weirdly paced imo but I think I'm still happy with the end result! Dialogue I feel I could have done better on but I'm going to be nice to myself since I mostly write hc posts so this is way out of my comfort zone.. Drafted on Tumblr then sent through google docs to pick up on some mistakes I missed, briefly reread no proper proof reading imo... lets hope this isnt a train wreck + it copied back to tumblr okay!! LMAO
Brief joke about pregnancy/making a pregnancy but its like one small snippet but I know that can make people uncomfortable + implies at least one of the characters is AFAB
Word Count: 2915
Extra Admin's note: I want to say again that I am so so happy about this blog hitting 1k followers, when I first started this blog I was originally going to use it to burn time and have something to do on the side, as well as having a place to put out my cringe ideas and hcs. I never thought this many people would be interested in my dumb thoughts, but here we are! I intend to keep writing this year, and perhaps even make more non-celebratory one shots this year? Maybe? I don't know I guess we'll see the reception on this fic!
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It was the middle of the night, around the middle of January. Your boyfriend and you were holed up inside your apartment, you having locked the man up with you after seeing that it was below freezing out, as well as raining. You had to practically beg your boyfriend to stay with you for the night.
Your boyfriend, who also just so happened to be a man eating demon with tar dripping out of his hollowed out eye sockets. Your boyfriend, who was currently sitting still and staring forward, the only sound in the apartment coming from the dripping of your faucet. You had asked him to come visit you, it'd been a while... and he would never ever let you go to his cabin when it's this cold out. So here you both were now.
You pat the palms of your hands on your knees, sucking in one of your cheeks and working the flesh through your jaws for a moment. You were both technically stuck in the apartment now; you didn't want Jack to go out and risk getting sick, and Jack more than likely wouldn't want you to step out for the same reasons. So, you were both confined to what you already had within the space. You were about to open your mouth to speak but Jack broke the silence first. "You're shivering, do you want me to get some blankets?", blunt and almost robotic. He was never that expressive. "Or would you like to go to your room?" He added after a brief pause, his fangs poking just over his lip before he readjusted his mouth. You were both in the living room, sitting together on the couch; the front door to your left and a view of the kitchen to the right. You thought for a minute as your eyes lingered on the kitchen for a moment. You'd already eaten, before your partner arrived... but..
"That's fine, I'm probably going to make some hot coco," You pulled yourself up, stretching up. "Powdered stuff ooor..?" Jack mimicked you. You only shook your head, earning a disapproving look from him. "What?" You questioned, but he only dismissed you. "Why don't you get some blankets, I'll handle it," and he turned on his heel to make his way to the kitchen. "Maybe put on a movie, too, your choice." He added as his voice carried off. "Are you saying I can't cook?" You called back, following after him. No answer as he tugged out a pot. "I'll have you know-" you started once more
"Do you have half and half?" He was already opening your pantry to grab things.
"No, I don't,"
"Heavy cream? Whipping cream? Whatever it's called..." He mumbled as he placed various ingredients on the counter. Cocoa powder, vanilla, salt and sugar. You only nodded, and as he was about to begin working he paused. "Do you want anything else in it? Cinnamon? Nutmeg?" He paused and through gritted teeth, "Coffee?"
It was almost midnight, of course he would be opposed to you having caffeine so late.
"Cinnamon is fine," You watched him get to work. He measured everything out; even mixing the heavy cream with some milk to make a substitute for half and half.... was that really all it was? You weren't sure what you expected it to be, if it weren't..
He pulled his head up and stared at you. It was then that you noticed he had actually taken his mask off and set it at the end of the counter and out of the way. The black ooze dripping from his eyes was slow and posed little threat to dripping into your drink. He had a fistful of napkins on standby to dap his face dry should the flow quicken. "Aren't you going to get the blankets?"
You pat your hands on your thighs, pausing... watching him. His body had a warm glow on him from the old light bulb in the ceiling; it flickered every now and then. Under the yellowed light he almost looked healthy and alive, though there was no glint where his eyes should have been. His sharp nail tapping on the counter brought you back to the moment, blinking a few times. "Yeah.." you mumbled, defeated at the chance of making a drink for yourself stolen from you. But was that so bad?
You backed out of the kitchen, dragging your feet across the floor. Your apartment was.. a little on the smaller side so within a few steps you were in front of your bedroom door. You didn't really pay much attention to your surroundings as you shuffled through the blankets on the bed.. eventually you settled on just grabbing an arm full and waddling back to the living room, dumping everything you had grabbed onto the couch.
The house smelled of cinnamon and chocolate.. with a hint of vanilla.
Turning your gaze to the tv, your eyes scanned across the DVDs you had stacked messily. Nothing sounded good. "Is there anything you want specifically?" You called out as you settled yourself down criss cross in front of the tv and pulling all the cases onto the floor next to you. "Movie wise," You added as you pulled the first case into your hands. The DVD collection for Child's Play.. you had gotten it a few weeks ago, finding it on sale at your local store. You still hadn't popped it in to watch..
"I have.. Chucky, uhm..." You shuffled for the next case. "All the movies by the way.. I have that and.. most of the Friday the 13th movies," You called out. No answer, the only sound coming from the kitchen was the noise of a whisk gently being stirred. "I don't have Jason goes to hell... But!" You pulled out a third case with the Nightmare on Elm Street DVDs. "I DO have Freddy vs Jason," You mumbled and spread the three disks on the floor in front of you. Most of the disks you had, you noticed, were mostly older slasher movies. Still, Jack hadn't answered you. You pull yourself to your feet and trudge back into the kitchen. His back was to you, too preoccupied with the stove... He hadn't noticed you, not yet. An idea blossomed in your head, a smirk pulling itself across your lips. You steeled yourself, trying to force yourself to stop shivering.. Jack was always paying attention to his surroundings, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You take a step forward and he still doesn't notice your approach.
Another step.
And another.
Jack wasn't the tallest, in fact if you wanted to you could rest your chin on his shoulder... and that's what you ended up doing, while wrapping your arms around his thick waist. You could feel his body seize up just a little bit against you, before relaxing. "You didn't answer, what sounds good?" You pulled your eyes down to look at the pot. Your drink was nearly finished. You view rocked as your boyfriend shrugged, still silent but the twitching of his pointed ears let you know he was listening.
"Anything's fine," Another shrug as he cuts the heat. "You're the one cooking for me, you get to pick the movie," You insisted. He paused mid-whisk, letting out a soft huff. Suddenly he spun around, his face just a few inches from yours. In the dimmed light his eye sockets seemed deeper, it's black ooze lazily dripping down his cheeks. You noticed the smudges on his face, from wiping the streaks. You briefly wondered what it was like to sleep with them, but your thoughts were cut short as he pulled a blackened and clawed hand to your hair; tucking a lock behind your ear. "How does...." He paused, sucking in his teeth. He looked almost embarrassed. "Bride of Chucky sound?"
"What? Want to study the characters again so we can dress up again this year for Halloween?" You tease. You had convinced him a few months ago to dress up with you. With him as Chucky, and you as Tiffany... It had taken some begging and convincing but you ultimately got him to agree. Although you didn't go out to get candy, you were both fine with staying inside watching movies together in costume. It was also that night you got him to watch the movies..
His ears darkened, before he scoffed. "No... actually this year I was thinking of..." He took a long pause, visibly scraping his brain for names of characters, before seemingly giving up. "Look I don't watch many movies I don't know any.. characters.." He grimaced, before gently pushing you off of him so he could turn his attention back to the hot cocoa. "We've still got nine months, more than enough time to come up with something..." You shrugged, then smirked. "Not enough time to make a Glen... or Glenda," You teased before turning on your heel. You held back a snicker as you heard Jack splutter, finally processing what you had just said to him.
"I'm gonna go ahead and put in the disc, I'll leave it paused for you," You cut him off, still grinning to yourself as you kneeled down to do as you had said.
Soon enough Jack walked into the room with a mug, as well as a platter of cookies. "You didn't have to," You mumbled as you eyed the treats, but he only waved you off as he placed the plate and mug onto the coffee table. "You don't have to eat them, but I figured you might want a snack while watching the movie," He mumbled. You took the mug, and swirled the drink inside of it. "I hope I didn't put in too much cinnamon," Jack added as he watched you. He leaned over and started the movie.
You took a sip, smiling a little as the warmness crept in. "You did good, probably the best hot cocoa I've ever had." You offered a grin to him. "That has got to be the fakest compliment I've ever heard," Jack shot back, though you could see the corners of his mouth turning up just slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry! I believe this is the most decadent and satisfying beverage I've had ever been graced with in my life, and-" You began, only for Jack to hush you. "I'd rather you throw it on me, don't... say words like that again," He grumbled as readjusted himself into the couch. You took a sip and shrugged, "It's just absolutely immaculate," and he lightly smacked you on the arm. "I'm never making anything for you again," He snorted, before turning his attention to the movie.
You weren't going to lie, you felt a little bad treating yourself to the cookies, knowing Jack was unable to eat them without upsetting his stomach. Being a man-eating monster must really be hard. You purse your lips, and shoot a look at him from the corner of your eye. He must have been doing the same, because he turned his head to look at you. "Do you want to do something else?" He asked lightly, his grin from a few minutes ago already faded. "Do you ever miss eating.. food?" You asked before you could stop yourself. He didn't bother pausing the movie, instead he just fell silent and stared down, into the space between the two of you on the couch.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, I know it's a touchy subject for you," You mumbled and put the mug on the table. You sucked in the air between your teeth, flicking your eyes up to the movie, before bringing them back down to your lap. It stayed like that for a minute before Jack broke the silence. "I mean... yeah, I do. But at least I don't have to eat every day like you do, means I can have more time to do what I want," He said. Clearly, he was still bothered, tip-toeing around the big.. thing about him. The air was still tense and thick, all of the previous joking gone now. It was nearly unbearable. Nearly.
"You know," Jack began after a few more seconds of silence when you didn't reply. "I've never tried cinnamon in hot cocoa, I didn't know that was a thing people did," He was changing the subject. "You haven't?" You asked, raising a brow. He eyed your mug, but you both knew there was no way he was going to take a sip.
"It's really good," You mumbled, and took the drink, "The combo, I mean," You added. He hummed, patting his knees lightly. You swirled the drink again, watching the... what was it called? Those lighter swirls in the drink.. Did that have a name?
"You've had hot cocoa before, right?" You asked. He hummed again, nodding his head. "Well.. the cinnamon makes it warm. Taste wise.. It makes it.." You took a sip and thought for a minute. "Richer, I guess? It's hard to explain," You muttered, then looked back at him. You tore your eyes back down when you saw he was looking right at you, totally hooked onto your words. "I hear nutmeg goes good in it, too.. but I've only tried nutmeg and chocolate together in baked goods," You shrugged. "You did really good with this, you know... not too much cinnamon.. not spicy, at least." You smiled. He nodded, before turning back to the movie.
"Woody, I hear people describe cinnamon like that," He leaned back into the couch, a dull pop came from his back.
"Woody," You repeated, then took a large sip of the hot cocoa. You put the mug down onto the table, and leaned into your boyfriend as the warmth crept and settled into your bones. You weren't even paying attention to the movie, your mind was now occupied with how tired you were. Your eyes slipped up to the clock on the wall, It was nearly one in the morning. Had it only been an hour since Jack walked himself into the kitchen?
You lean deeper into Jack, not caring about his body's natural chill. His clothing still smelled a little like the cocoa from earlier.. "Gotta invest in some cologne, you smell nice like this," You mumbled into his arm. "The cinnamon?" He asked, not looking down at you. "No.. the cocoa, I mean cinnamon would be a nice touch... but you don't seem like a sweet smelling guy, do you?" You muttered. "Are you already getting tired?" Jack asked, and he leaned over you to grab the remote, pausing the movie. You muttered, the heat of the hot cocoa doing way more than you expected on the tiredness you didn't notice you had. "A little," You shrugged, "But we can still try to finish the movie," You offered, but he shook his head. Of course he would, as much of a hard ass or party pooper he came off as, he was going to make sure you were going to get your rest.
You put your hand in his, the one that had the remote.. you unpaused the movie. He paused it, and you unpaused it again. It kind of kept up like this before Jack conceited and kept it playing, although he did lower the volume.. The subtitles were already on, though. "I win," You smirked up at him, before crawling into his lap. You placed your head on his chest, pausing when you felt him stiffen before relaxing against you. His heart beat for a moment before settling to its barely there rhythm. For a minute you thought about asking about his heart, as far as you knew he explained himself like he was becoming a walking corpse... how does that work?
You decided against it, you already asked about him earlier.. and besides, your mind was already beginning to blank as Jack reached to the side of the couch, and turned the lamp off.. It was dark now. It was still raining, you could more clearly hear the drops outside now that the movie was turned down. Plus, Jack was running his fingers through your hair, lightly massaging your scalp. It wouldn't be long until you finally gave in and fell asleep.
"Are you going to still be here in the morning?" You asked, melting into his chest as he hummed in response. "Plan on it, I still need to clean up the kitchen," He added as he curled your hair around his hand. "It'll still be cold in the morning," He added, "I need to make sure you bundle up before you go out for work," He added. "I'm not that dumb," You muttered and lightly slapped his arm. You swear, if he still had his eyes he would have rolled them.
"How do you see? I know you're not.. a normal person, but," You blurted out, lifting your head. He pushed your face back down, shushing you. "Sleep," He ordered, before loosening his hold on you a bit so you could get comfortable. It wasn't an order but it may as well have been with how your body started to loosen into him within the next few minutes, quickly snuffling out your curiosity and questions.
He'd still be here in the morning, you could pester him then. After all, it's what he signed up for when the two of you started to date one another..
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moiravim · 1 year
I Miss When We First Met: Chapter 34
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YN Potter falls in love with Draco Malfoy. Along with that, her relationship with her brother, Harry begins to fall apart as she was sorted into Slytherin. Will Harry find out about the relationship between his enemy and his sister?
IMWWFM: Masterlist
You hadn't gone to a single DADA class after that. Although you skipped the class, You still wanted to pass the exam.
So you thought the best way to do that would be to go to the library and read the textbooks.
Some of them had actually been very interesting, and you were starting to learn more about the Defense Against the Dark Arts than anyone else in fourth year.
You were reading 'An Advanced Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts' when Lorenzo walked into the library and sat next to you.
"Hey YN, what're you reading?" Lorenzo asked.
You look up from your book before responding; "Its for Defense Against the Dark Arts."
He plops down in a seat next to you, pulling his notes out of his bag and setting them on the table in front of you.
"Here's my notes, you can borrow these." He smiles softly at you.
"Thank you, Lorenzo." You say smiling back at him.
You start to copy down his notes, and as you're doing that Lorenzo stares down at you lovingly.
"Are you sure you're okay? Something really seems up with you." Lorenzo questions sadly.
You stop writing your notes for a second, your eyes looking towards Lorenzo. You quickly look back towards your notes before answering; "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone."
He turns his body towards you, his full attention on you. "I won't tell anyone, you can tell me anything YN."
You stop taking your notes to look at Lorenzo, turning your body towards him, your eyes meeting.
"My father is... you know who." You say looking down towards your knees that are resting on Lorenzo's.
Lorenzo looks at you sympathetically. Putting his hand on your knee as a way to comfort you.
"I've been having visions about my father, the visions are scary." You take a breath before continuing. "I feel like something horrible is going to happen and I dont know what." You begin to shake, you legs bouncing up and down as your fingers begin to tremble.
Lorenzo takes your hand in his, his thumb rubbing comfortingly on your hand.
"I'm so sorry about the visions YN, if you need anything at all I'm here for you." He comforts.
You look at Lorenzo with a sad look on your face, "does this change our friendship? Now that you know I'm you know who's daughter."
He looks shocked for a moment before saying; "No no not at all YN, this changes nothing at all."
You smile weakly at him, he smiles back at you sweetly.
You let go of Lorenzo's hand so you can continue writing your notes.
As you begin writing you feel yourself starting to zone out.
The lack of sleep you've been getting is finally catching up to you. Telling someone about what's been happening has lifted a weight off your shoulders that you didn't even know you were holding.
You lower your head onto your arms, face facing towards Lorenzo as you feel sleep beginning to overtake you.
Lorenzo was about to ask you something but he looks at you to find that you are falling asleep.
He takes his hand and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, you begin to mumble slightly in your almost asleep state.
"...I love you YN." Lorenzo whispered to you softly as you finally fall asleep.
He reaches over to your notebook and finishes your notes for you. He puts your belongings in your bag before setting it back down on the ground.
Lorenzo takes out some homework that he needs to do. Occasionally looking over at you to make sure you're sleeping soundly.
TAGLIST@ashisabitgay @doingyourmom069
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nishloves · 10 months
hey nish, so here is my ask for the match. thank you again, hope its not a bother!
i am an intj and more of an introvert. i can adapt well depending on my interlocutors and can be really shy as well as extremely outgoing. i love staying outside in the comfort of my house but also like hanging out with my friends even if i loose my energy pretty quickly. i am usually described as someone with a rather calm aura but the moment im really comfortable i am rather crazy lmao. i tend to lose focus quickly, ramble a lot (and forget to whom i said what) and can’t see for shit. i am a lazy perfectionist who hates things being done incorrectly but i want them being done quickly. i can be seen as arrogant but im a huge overthinker. I hate showing my feelings and have a hard time accepting my failures. since im always the youngest in my different friend groups, people tend to baby me which is really advantageous.
regarding my hobbies, i do ballet and modern jazz for more than fifteen years and it’s an art and sport that i am really dedicated to, creating choreographies and being kind of a scary mentor when i want to even if i like being like a big sister » so the youngest (im one of the oldest now). i also used to play tennis but outside those sports, i hate physical activities. i love manual activities such as making jewelleries, embroidery, crochet, drawing silly doodles and painting (even if i can’t wait until it is completely dry). i like reading (esp criminal novels) and love animes (my fav are haikyuu, hxh, fullmetal alchemist and bsd). id like to watch kdrama but i dont have enough time and can’t stay focused for so long anyways.
i am a sucker for light and dark academia and you’ll find me most of the time with velvet pants or oversize jeans and a pullover. finally, if i had to choose only five svt songs, it’d be 24h, home run, i don’t know, fallin’ flowers and hot.
thank you so much, i hope i didn’t ramble too much. love you!
hehe not at all! i loved reading all of it <3
when I read intj, i immediately thought about jun/hao/wonwoo but when I read it further, i thought that you might suit joshua more. but!!! when I read about the ballet portion, i just couldn't help thinking about dino!
so i match you with, wonwoo!
he is one of the most considerate individuals I've ever seen, he would be able to differentiate between your moods and energy levels and take care of you whenever you're out; it's like— he can just understand if you're drained or anything and would politely excuse you both from the gathering if he feels as if you're getting overwhelmed.
he would keep you grounded— scold you when you're wrong and empathise with you when you just want to rant. kind of like a very sturdy shoulder to cry on and your biggest motivation for any project.
he would absolutely love your calm-crazy dynamic, he loves it whenever you're so happy that your calm demeanor of an intj morphs into something more childlike and adorable. he also likes the fact that you have "maknae" tendencies, and would absolutely adore it.
he's not a perfectionist per se, but he has friends who are and rest assured that he will do his absolute best to help you take a break/ break your overthinking thoughts and help you get rational again. (vice versa)
you'd think that having a few hobbies to share might be a problem but it actually isn't; wonwoo is very happy whenever you're doing what you love and it makes him want to engage in your hobby with you. you both push each other to step out of your comfort zones and try out different things <3
and god, if you ever make him a bracelet, or crochet a small keyring for him, he's gonna treasure it; I think he might cry in secret too 😭
he also likes the fact that you don't like physical activities because then he doesn't have to do it, you both would probably spend your days cuddling or trying out each other's hobbies or cheering each other on!
he would be your biggest hypeman for your ballet and jazz music <3
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vryfmi · 6 months
happy talk shop tuesday!! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) not sure how your personal creative ebb and flow is, but what's your comfort zone for creating? like if you want to draw but you're not feeling inspired, what do you tend to fall back on? and on the opposite end, what do you do to kinda shake things up in your artwork, especially if you're feeling a bit "meh" creatively?
its rare that i find a will to draw when im uninspired, i mostly just stop drawing until inspiration strucks again. drawing is just a hobby of mine that spiraled out of control and sometimes it falls way back on the backround and i let it stay there for a while.
my absolute comfortest of comfort zones is skullyle (big surprise), drawing those two in simplest of scenarios restores my will to live (those colour palette ones as a recent example). can these be considered out of character? maybe, i dont know and frankly there's not much for me to compare to (ouch). but it works for me so i guess that's why i come back to it so often - shitpost or just some fluff, everything goes.
on the opposite though… lately ive been branching out with colour and rendering i guess? not too much, not to an extend of a completely new artstyle or anything, just something that felt right in the moment. creatively i think im pretty content with how i draw, i only have been pushing my composition and perspective, and approaching same ideas but from a different angle (pun intended) has been giving that extra satisfaction points when it all comes together and final piece looks very dynamic
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
How did you reach a place where you can be happy and full of love no matter what? I hate feeling like I’ll be unsatisfied if my desires don’t manifest. I wish I could feel totally complete without them.
honestly by being willing to totally allow myself to surrender and let go and... allow. allow in general. you have to start to value yourself more than you value whatever manifestation u think will be the trick to fixing ur life. i will be completely transparent in saying i experienced a lot of heartache and pain on this journey as a whole, mostly from the fact i was the same way for a while. i put my wholeness into the manifestations without even realizing i was doing so. so i feel for everyone who gets stuck there bc sometimes u truly think ur doing things for urself but deep down, ur still living for the hope of a desire materializing. through all this time, i cried a lot but i also broke new heights of love, peace, and beauty. and i feel so much more stable and trusting of myself than i ever have. accept that this is a journey and you're just gonna have to be there for yourself, along for the ride ! <3
to be specific, on what i actually did, i firstly took a break off tumblr as some of you know. and i immediately started questioning everything and asking myself for the answers. things that didnt feel right to me i started to reject, and i started to accept things that everyone in the community made fun of. because i didnt care about anyone's beliefs anymore, i just knew it was time for me to live a life i actually wanted. and what was popular in the community was hurting more than helping. so i went all in ! i also allowed myself to revisit topics like deattachment and letting go, which actually helped a ton. after a couple months of starting to challenge my old belief system, i started to actually live again. (yall got a light taste of this energy when i did "love me february" earlier this year bc i slowly started doing new things) i started to push myself out of my comfort zone and go do things in real life, rather than sitting in my room telling myself "i dont have to lift a finger ! if i just sit in here in my mind it will surely happen" (i got tired of telling myself that after 2 years of a rather stagnant-feeling life) so i said fuck it and started doing things. which only snowballed because then i got comfortable doing things. and now ive had so much fucking fun in my life in just the past couple months. i only say that because it still blows my mind n i am beyond thankful for my experiences this year !
what i would like to help yall understand more than anything is this life was meant to be lived and experienced, period. without even realizing it, a lot of us do put life on hold because we're too busy worrying about our manifestation arriving because we put so much weight into that being the thing that will finally be the pinnacle of happiness for us, we ignore everything else already in front of us. its truly a thing like. take it step by step, little things that are out of your norm and you will see the way life responds to you so beautifully ! i love experiencing myself through others and life as a whole n not just thru my mind sitting on my bed everyday !! its great !! but it wasnt some manifestation that got me out there, it was me being done with waiting on shit to change. i just went out there to see what happens, while also keeping my spiritual practice important to me, and it was like magic tbh.
so to simplify. challenge what doesnt feel right. allow what feels right. and allow yourself to actually live and experience life along the way. nothing that is in front of you at this moment, is an obstacle or something you need to pretend isnt there. take what you have and let it be part of what guides you. make that your goal. feeling complete. (or whatever you want, really) when that is your goal, instead of your desire, you wake up everyday and make decisions based on your true self. not that egotistic urge for results.
i hope this helps ! <3 you so deserve to live a full life, no matter what is in front of you. and the thing is that what the greats say is so true. you dont need to be so focused on a desire to force it into being. life responds to you perfectly when youre just busy loving yourself and making the most out of each day. :') things just happen with ease and so beautifully. <3
idky but this q also gives me this post’s vibes hehe ;-;
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iheartchv · 10 months
hello !! im so unsure if ur matchups are open— so if they aren’t, feel free to delete this 😅
may i request a 🌿🍒 cod mw2 matchup?
mbti : enfp-t
zodiac : virgo
preference : male lean
(my) gender : nb, they/them
personality: do lean more on the extroverted side of things, since i am more of a people person! i’m usually really easy to talk to, i don’t really get angry easily. if anything, i dont really take things that seriously and i think more optimistic. that said, i like to talk.. a lot. if i were to be in a relationship, i’d probably be the person who talks a lot lol. i just like sharing my interests and just simply share my thoughts with people. if my brain wont stop then my words won’t as well LOL.
i do often overthink, since my thoughts race so often. sometimes if i do go quiet, it’s most likely that i’m zoning out — simply being in my own thoughts and having my head in the clouds !! i simply enjoy just being.. well, me!
i’m an artist by heart, often painting in my room. while i do enjoy being with people, i also need to recharge often! since i do get tired a lot, it’s either laying on my bed or paint my free time away! it generally messy so.. i hope my partner wont mind lol.
likes : art, photography, the clouds, milk tea!! sweet things in general
dislikes : heights (they SCARE me), being embarrassed (esp in public), extremely spicy food, conflict and arguments
aah thats all!! thank u so much in advance and im sorry if this is long 😭 thank u!
//sure thing 😊
I match you with...
Simon "Ghost" Riley 💀
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I think your Ghost would end up falling for you
Though it would take him a little while to realize it
You knew however that you were falling for him
You wouldn't stop staring at him from time to time
When he'd look your way, you'd quickly look away
As Ghost got to know you, he'd find himself feeling more comfortable around you
He'd listen to you talk, whether its about random stuff or just rambling on about something back in your hometown
And whether he is listening intently or not, he's hearing your voice
Sometimes he just likes listening to the sound of your voice
If he would visit you, he'd look around and see your painting(s)
You show him one you've been working on for a while
It was a painting of a familiar battlefield with uniformed soldiers, and he spots him in the painting...
And you...
Flashbacks of this particular moment played in his mind
This was when you had gotten wounded, then he found shelter to patch you up
"I don't know why but... this day, this moment has just stayed with me... I just had to paint it..."
Ghost is silent for a moment
He doesn't know how to exactly describe what he's feeling now
"... it's nice. You're really good... I mean that."
Butterflies fluttered inside you
It was nice being complimented by Ghost
During Christmas time, TF 141 would have a little party of their own
After talking a bit with everyone you would make way toward Ghost
You felt relaxed around him even though you liked to get away from people when you wanted to be alone
Without noticing Soap would sneak up behind you both with a mistletoe, teasing mostly you
Soap had picked up that you liked Ghost
He'd unconsciously smirk and shake his head, give a small chuckle
Ghost didn't say anything, he just watched you chase Soap around, your cheeks dark pink and threatening to hurt him
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menalez · 2 years
If you don't mind sharing advice-
I have read about the way you have struggled with mental health and I am sorry about that :/
But you're also studying everyday. So could you advise me on how to study while being mentally ill?
Ik our experiences might not match. But everytime I try I am able to study for 1 or 2 hours properly max. After that I end up getting a panic or anxiety attack. I also feel hollow and sad all the time and not have desire to do anything but sleep. And I keep finding myself reading the same thing again and again or taking longer than usual to achieve a goal.
Do you know how I could deal with that?
tbh i get moments like this too. it sounds like youre really stressed. i usually try to make studying enjoyable and reward myself when i got through some parts. so like today, i motivated myself + made it so i can enjoy studying as much as possible doing the following:
listening to music that hypes me up / motivates me & helps me focus while studying
taking short breaks in between
sometimes talking to myself and explaining to myself out loud if im struggling to understand sth
once i finish a section, i reward myself by using my phone for example. for you, it might be sth else, like idk having a food you really like. going outside and enjoying the sun for a bit. whatever it is that is comforting and can push u 2 go further would be good imo (its hard to balance with using ur phone personally speaking bc u can get carried away n lose track of time)
reading out loud in general helps
writing down notes and then rereading them. writing them nicely also feels good so it helps me feel a bit better
sometimes watching videos about the topic can help if im struggling to focus when reading
writing a to-do list but rly breaking it down step by step. ticking stuff off the list is a good motivator
making sure to distinguish between what you NEED to do and what you WANT to do. extra things are extra, things without deadlines dont need to be done until the end
if sth is too difficult, i make note of it and come back to it later.
if ur struggling to focus, take a break and do sth that will help remotivate u and bring ur attention back
also its good to study while ur body is alright like, ur not too hungry or thirsty etc. i know thats basic but sometimes when ur busy u neglect urself
relating to point 12... also doing small stuff like a shower, washing ur face, etc can help u refocus, feel better, and get u more in the zone. at least for me
but tbh a lot of what ur mentioning to me sounds like chronic stress or some sort of stress overload.. is there a reason u can pinpoint as to why youre having these reactions? if youre in university or school, is it possible to receive disability support? when i was in university, i was provided with disability support which involved me seeing a woman 1-on-1 every week and we'd talk thru my achievements + what id have to do next n shed help me manage it better basically. i know they provide various accomodations depending on what ur specific issues are. so if ur school or uni has some sort of support for disability, seek it out. theres nothing to lose rly and u could rly benefit from it if u do gain sth from such a visit.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
kinda missed the train bc time zones but i just want to say that people angry at tommy for finding and using wilburs name (and comparing it to deadnaming? what? this is obviously so different) just cant appreciate the beauty of your writing
you write messy human characters in situations with questionable moral rights and wrongs, even if this was their first bones fic did they just forget the part where wil tried to kill tommy?
you write from one pov and work so amazingly with the unreliable narator prospects its so cool to read and so interesting to brainrot about
you write a lot of metaphors which is just something im obsessed with, especially the way youre so consistent with them, just like in stars with the sea and pillar, you continously describe wilburs most inner emotions as a bird in a cage and how the bird perks up at hearing the name wilbur while wilburs monologue is against it shows what was beaten into him and how he "wilbur" actually feels about it
also i know that a lot of people expected (and some wanted) a name reveal in the form of wilbur trusting tommy enough to tell him himself (i also expected this ngl) but looking at it, it feels so much out of character for glass!wil at least for a long while, hes nowhere near the amount of trust or even of knowing how much his training for the pythia was to be bale to tell anyone his name and in the situation hes in, kidnapped and in a group of people with completely different religion, i dont think theres space for him to get to that mental space in a completely healthy and right way
tommy finding out on his own and starting to use it on the other hand is just so much like glass!tommy, bc you can see how hes doing it bc he believes it wil help wilbur bc he knows how wrong it is that he was forced to foresay his own name, but also not telling the other deathlings bc he knows that the best way would be for wilbur to tell them himself
honestly im so glad it went like this bc it feels so justificating and deserving from characterisation and storytelling point, not throwing away all the built up trauma and messy relationships and all the mistakes that were made just for some quick and cheap comfort
instead of quick cheap hurt/comfort or angst you get a precisely and amazingly crafted deep and thought out story with deep and full chartacters that feel so human and its THE BEST THING EVER I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH BEE
and im sorry some people cant appreciate it and cant shut up about not being able to do so
lmao you get it i write messy human characters and also wilbur literally tried to kill tommy. this wasn't a breech of trust or anything they didn't have any trust beforehand.
kldsjfkld aaa you're so sweet though!! I'm so glad you like the one pov thing. It's genuinely my favorite way to write long stories now because it makes things so much more interesting to me. unreliable narrator is impossible to avoid when you only have a single pov going on and that's the fun part!!
so so happy you like the metaphors too. I definitely worry sometimes I'm overusing them, but I also like the consistency and the way it gives me a space to explain wilbur's emotions in a way that avoids just saying "he felt sad" or something. it makes it more interesting to describe and can be used in a lot of different ways so it's very fun for me
you see you get it!! there was no way he was gonna reach that place in a healthy way, at least not anytime soon. I know that everyone was expecting the soft reveal moment of wilbur telling tommy his name himself, but that's exactly why I didn't go with it. because subverting that expectation makes things a lot more interesting in terms of how it'll develop from there. it just makes the most sense with the characterization and everything to me so tysm <33
this made me smile a whole lot to read :D
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kkeabsongbaek · 5 months
hello my dear!! I'd like a ship with enha and txt as well!
I'm a scorpio sun, leo moon and gemini rising and also an infp!!
I'm quite sensitive at times and I tend to bottle up my fears, doubts and insecurities. but I also love to express love in different ways to my friends. people say I'm a good listener while struggling to share my feelings.
also, I love animals and kids and I'm glad they like me too 🥺 plus I'm an introvert but lately I've been branching out and initiating conversations and stepping out of my comfort zone (baby steps tho)
Hi!!! Im so happy your stepping out of your comfort zone! Im the same MBTI as you so I 100% get that. Take it slowly and dont push yourself too much, you're already doing great, and im really happy, you're trying to push yourself, its really wonderful!!!!
I ship you with Soobin! I knew from the moment i read this, you and Soobin were meant to be. Like 2 peas in a pod you are! Soobin is someone who also bottles up emotions, and is incredibly sensitive to results and opinions. The difference with I'S'FP and I'N'FP, is that S types tend to be more realistic and grounded. Their head isnt always in the clouds, so despite Soobins insecurities, he knows how the solve them logically and calmly. Soobin would absolutely be the perfect match for you. Whilst, both of you share similar worries, both of you compliment eachother perfectly. Needless to say, you both LOVE animals! Soobin, as a leader always tries to step out his comfort zone. He has mentioned before he never thought he was the leader type, and now look!! Best leader ever! You and Soobin are both trying your best, you both know the areas you lack, and know what you have to do change that. So if both of you were ever together, omg you guys would be a power couple! Its a sight to see!!
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I ship you with JAKE! (my bias - sooo lucky!!!!)
You and Jake both share the same sun sign! So there is an immediate sense of safety and recognition there! With your gemini rising and what I believe Libra rising, you guys will be able to communicate so well and thoroughly, and will have amazing conversations together!! Despite all this, we all know Jake in the past dealt with something sad in his family life. He has previously said he has an incredibly hard time showing his emotions, and bottles them up. He feels as though he needs to smile for ENGENES! And so I feel with you being such a great listener you will be able to help him in this way, as well as him being able to help you because of simialr experiences, similar emotions, and similar thought process/outlook you guys have! Not to mention Jake also ABSOLUTEY LOVES children and adores Layla! So you both would absolutely bond over that!!! (Honestly you with Jake vs you with Soobin, both of you those are amazing to see together!)
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eva-novakov · 3 years
from x
“So you’ve met this Justicar?” Isaac stayed close to Eva as she led the way through the opulent lobby of the mansion. Ben and Luca trailed close behind and she saw Luca’s jaw drop out of the corner of her eye as he took in the tables covered in giant bouquets of fresh flowers and the warm, golden light filtering through crystal chandeliers. They had left the dusty streets and noisy crowds for  a whole new quiet world with sleek surfaces and lush comfort. She had never been here before but the tug of a familiar energy drew her a clear map.
She glanced at Isaac as they neared the tall glass doors. “Keros was a Huntress for 300 years before she decided to swear to the Code of the Justicars. But she still spends some of her time on Thessia training other Commandos. I was just lucky enough to be there during that time. She saw…something in me, I’ll never know what, and took me under her wing.  I say I was lucky because most biotics would kill to have a teacher like that. She’s…magnificent.” She glanced at him again and his eyes were questioning. “I’m stronger than most human biotics. But I would be considered weak compared to Asari, even ones that don’t train. But Keros is strong even compared to the most powerful Asari. For all that I can do by using my entire being, she could do with the snap of her fingers without taking an extra breath.” 
Eva smiled at the group. “So don’t piss her off.” 
The air here smelled of jasmine and spices, scented oil misting from diffusers on small tables. Eva’s searching eyes took in the low, plush couches, the colorful rugs littering the smooth blue and white floors before spotting her. 
“Little mantis.” The Asari said the words before even turning from where she stood gazing out onto the city. Her cyan facial markings seemingly glowing florescent in the low light of the scattered lanterns. 
“I can’t believe it. Here of all places and now of all times.” Eva’s smile was pure exhilaration and it lit every single part of her face.
The Asari gave a small, casual shrug, her voice as smooth as butter. “The universe is a consciousness.” 
“And we are only a part of the greater whole.” Eva replied, moving down the few steps before making her way across the sunken courtyard. “Viz. I can’t even describe how good it is to see you again.” 
“Then allow me.” 
Eva chuckled, knowing what was coming before the Asari’s teal skinned hands lightly grasped her shoulders, eyes fading into a black as dark as the night sky around them. Eva’s drifted shut. The first time she had experienced it had been almost too overwhelming. Melding’s were the vast ocean underneath the shallows of the words and touches humans used to express their feelings. She had always thought of it something reserved for the deepest intimate moments between two mates. But on Thessia she had learned it was also for friends, for family. And it was the greatest gift a human could be given.
It could be used for several things, but this time it was to let the other know how much it meant to be reunited. Eva had wished several times in her life that she had the ability so she could use it to tell - show - people how she truly felt. She couldn’t help but think of one certain person in particular that happened to be standing right behind her, and she didn’t mind showing it now, in the deepest part of her.
The Asari’s eyes faded back to normal, leveling a knowing look at her and Eva laughed. 
“Justicar Viz'yalea Keros.” Eva rotated towards the three others behind her and directed a hand to each in turn. “Phoenix Roosevelt, Ensign Moreno, Captain Cerrillo.”
Isaac searched her face with a small smile and Eva held his gaze just a moment longer before turning back to the Asari, who was watching her with inquisitive, lavender eyes. 
Keros gave one, slow nod at the group before directing them to a small nearby room, and upon entering, Eva wondered how something could be so cozy yet so luxurious at the same time. The Justicar waited until they were seated and she had closed the heavy wooden doors before drawing a small, silver disc from a hidden pocket on her thigh. “Now, to discuss business.”
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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Hey! I hope you're well. I started watching AOT and realized that levihan was a ship. And after reading the manga Ive come to the conclusion that they were more than friends if not just friends. Mostly because I saw Levi act with Isabella, a friend and a sister of sorts even Farlan. But with Hange he was just different. And thats what made me feel maybe it really was something more. He was a different Levi with her. All the teasing and the overprotectiveness, the unnecessary sass and hostility sometimes, but that makes me wonder WHY? Why was he like this towards her? And when was the moment he fell for her or decided to befriend her that way that yes I will tease this person from now on. At first I thought its because of how they met maybe but their first meeting was so sweet. Hange seemed impressed by him and he even thanked her for her compliments. I didnt think their interaction would lead to something like this. So what are your thoughts because I wonder alot on this. Also can someon pls tell me why Levi looks at her that way in aot 4 when hange meets the kids with him and says if they dont understand us we'll meet them and teach them. Like. What happened?
Hi anon! I’m doing well..Thanks for the ask..Hope you’re well also!Sorry for the late response..You should also see this similar ask also..I’ll try my best to meet your expectations..
I’ve seen many people ship Levi with Petra also Levi had many women close to his heart but with Hange, levi has some extraordinary relation with her..You also notice Levi had close relation with Isabella but for him, Isabella was the most important friend from underground and also she was like his sister..If you observe well, you can definitely see Isabella and farlan was like sis and bro for levi.
As for Petra and the other women in his squad, he has special bonds with them..You can see Levi’s emotion in both Petra and Sasha's death..
But when it comes for Hange, his relationship with her is completely different..when I started Aot and got the famous hair grabbing scene I’m like Omg they’re couple but then I got to know they’re friends and I’m like oh friends or more than friends..they’re clearly giving the more than friends vibe everywhere..
Hange got fascinated by levi the very first time she laid her eyes on him..And as Hange being Hange, she showered all her interest,kindness and positivity for Levi..From their first meeting to Ilse Ova to trost arc you can see their relation took another level..I think it's hange who got levi out from his comfort zone and made him fall for her without noticing..Also, their first interaction was so beautiful.She never considered levi and the gang as thugs..I think she was the first person who was very kind to levi’s gang (correct me if I’m wrong)..So this was bound to happen!!
And anon mentioned the favorite panel of mine!!!
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You know things after rts arc got very different from previous..you can imagine how much pressure she had to handle during those 4 years period as a commander and her duty was very much different from the previous commander’s..So when hange said those words I’m sure Levi fell hard for her again..I think he also got to see the usual Hange again after a very long time..
So overall their relationship is of course more than friends and they obviously have a romantic relationship…It’s clearly visible in chapter 126 and 132..There are many writers who already analysed their relationship...I’m sorry if I’m not meet your expectation but if you're reading the whole thing so thank you so much!!Wishing you a good day!!!
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sereniv · 3 years
Any tips on getting a legit sugar daddy
I'm not and never been a sugar baby, so I can't directly give you advice
Only thing I can say is to spend some time with some sugar babies. You'll have to do research into forums and finding other sec workers/SBs, but good places to find sex workers in general I would say are cam sites. Chaturbate is what I'm familiar with. Because I mean you can clearly see them working Get their social medias etc. And eventually you'll be within the community and be able to ask whatever u need
Anyway, Message the mods of some of the workers, or type in the chat that you're new to sex work and for the mods to message you and to go from there with asking questions like "is there a sex worker discord/does she know any sugar babies/etc". But ask the Mods if it's during a show don't distract the worker.
And this is all if you can't just directly message the worker. I forget how Chaturbate works it's been years
best thing is not to have the convo during the show bc ofc mods gotta do their job but yeah
Other then that there's gotta be forums. And if anything, you might be able to just contact babies on Seeking.com (seeking arrangement) but I forget how the system works in that
Sorry I'm not much help its been a long time since I've known sex workers or even mod'd
But yeah before becoming a baby, please take the time to learn about it.
I was friends with someone who was a semi SB (no sex, only dates, only cash) and they told me for the most part its a performance, you're acting the whole time but also analyzing the guy
Obviously it depends on who you are with, but if you don't find someone who just so happens to be your other half AND a SD (which happens, some SBs marry their SDs bc they legit fall in love),,, then the whole time you're supposed to be what they want you to be.
A likely scenario:
Shave your legs everytime you meet. Do your hair and your makeup. Buy new clothing they like even if it makes you uncomfortable (depends on rules agreed upon). Have to laugh at their jokes, have to pretend to be interested. Have to pay attention to the guys mood, determine if he wants you to lead or be submissive.
Obviously usually have to have sex (again rules).
And its all a life style you live this life when you're with them
it all depends on the arrangement you set up, so you're allowed to set boundaries ahead of time and during.
But it reminds me of my mom who stripped when she was younger.
She would get some money in tips from dancing, but where the real money was was going in the back and having sex with the patrons. She only danced, and she would also talk, like a therapist, with the men. She made the least amount of all the girls
So she chose to stay comfortable and made less. If she chose to not talk to the guys as friends and be more professional which was less fun, or even go out of her comfort zone and have sex, she would have earned probably double
So you can choose what you want to do but also don't let yourself do something that can destroy you emotionally. A lot of ppl think being a baby is easy and they just have to have sex
but I've heard from other SBs that when you're in the moment in the job it feels very different
Again all of this can be different experience for everyone. If you love sex and acting then you'll have a bigger pool of men to choose from. if you dont, you'll have a smaller pool but that doesn't mean you won't find someone
This isn't meant to scare you, and again take with a grain of salt bc I havnt been in the scene for years and I'm just relaying what I've been told and experiences.
But this is why I say take time to know what you're getting into. Talk with some SBs, and sex workers in general. Find the forums and whatever social media
Really hope the best for u. Hope u get some good cash and find a SD where you can just be yourself!
Also anyone who wants to give info in comments pls do. PLEASE PREFACE WITH (INFO FOR ANON)
ANYTHING ELSE WILL BE DELETED (more so anything that's a bot. if you accidentally forget to say info for anon I'm sure I'll be able to tell you're a human lol but just to make it easier)
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angelcorebabyowo · 4 years
Name: Slow dancing in the dark
Summary: Sometimes you just have to slow dance with your friend on a balcony because there's a Masquerade party going on downstairs and both of your dates left you high and dry. Sometimes you and that friend fall in love in the process, who knows. 
Word count:1,578
"Well Fitz, care for a dance?" Argo asks, interrupting the awkward silence and stretching an arm out for Fitzroy to take. His mask, one of the ones that would only cover the area near the eyes and was more for decoration than anything, was next to him on the railing and looked as if one bust of wind would send it over the edge in a heartbeat.
"Ask properly now." Fitzroy teases and crosses his arms looking at Agro, a smile playing on his lips before whipping his eyes with the coat of his crimson suit despite not even crying. His own mask, one that covered the full top half of this face only leaving room for the eyes, was discarded on one of the few chairs that were seated against the balcony. 
"Well sir Fitzroy Maplecort," Argo started with a bow making sure to keep his arm outstretched and a wide smile, he even laughed softly before getting the full sentence out. Fitzroy's breath hitched slightly. Sure Ago had already asked him to dance but something about how it was going on this time; now that it was more in proper formatting, it felt more special somehow. He couldn't focus on anything other than the man in front of him and the soft music blasting from the downstairs speakers and even he knew what would come next.  "Seeing as we've both been left to dry, would you care for this dance?"
"I don't know," Fitzroy whispers in a tone that would only be described as longing, despite what he said though, he gently took Argo's hand and bowed before standing up straight. Despite the quiet tone, his voice was also filled with the sound of a laugh that couldn't quite come out yet, then again he mostly always sounded like that whenever in the company of the other. "But...If you insist, it'll be rude for me to decline" 
Argo grinned and stood up straight before rubbing Fitzroy's knuckles with his thumb for a second before getting himself in position, one hand on the other's waist and one keeping their hands interlocked. Argo takes this as lone of the rare chances to pick fun at the way Fitzroy was taking at the moment: "Incredibly rude, I do say."
Fitzroy doesn't comment on that but does roll his eyes playfully. "Do you even know what you're doing?" Fitzroy smiles, amused while resting his arm lazily on Argo's shoulder, the height difference wasn't too significant but ever since his recent growth the whole thing was still somewhat awkward.
"Not in the slightest," Argo smiles back shifting on his feet tying to figure out the correct footing. He's danced before of course, but that was in the past with wild movements that seemed unplanned and planned at the same time. That was the complete opposite of what was going on now.
"Then don't you think I should lead?" Fitzroy asks right as the song downstairs shifted to a more appropriate song for something like this.  He was going to comment on the timing before Argo cut him off. 
"Nah, I got this!" Argo quickly states and starts the dance,  his movements a little wobbly but at least accurate to what he was originally intended to be. Fitzroy was beyond thankful for that at least. "I swear!"
Fitzroy laughs softly, more of a chuckle, and follows his lead. Now having to go oven slower then he was used to, which in his defense, wasn't all fast. He was self taught in this department, surprisingly,  one of the things not taught at knight school was the whole ballroom dancing thing. You'd think it would be a thing but no, it was not. "If you step on my feet I will shock you without a second thought" he says after a few close calls. 
Argo smiles mischievously,  sticking his tounge out, before gently stepping on the others feet,  "Whoops." He was laughing now, and completely stopped moving as the pair got closer to the edge and he didn't feel like explaining that to people. 
"Ow! Why you little-" Fitzroy cuts himself off by just how much he was laughing. His cheeks were flushed a lighter shade of red already and worth this it seemed to only grow darker. He quickly, and at a very low voltage, shocked Argo more so to prove his point then anything. It also got him a tad seeing as their hands were still intertwined so he winced slightly. 
"That hurt!" Argo whined with a playful pout, clearly not being truly affected at all. He was still laughing and was leaning on the railing again,  still not letting go of Fitzroy's hand. While he could've looked over the edge, or at the sky and stars he continued to look over at Fitzroy with a smile on his face. 
"That's what you get!" He smiles before pulling his hand away and leaning next to him but opting to look up at the sky instead, squinting as if looking for something as he did. He was calmed down enough to not fall over after all. 
"Kwss it bewwer?" Argo jokes reverting to baby talk something he knows Fitzroy found somewhat annoying, while still looking over at said half-elf.  He just wanted to hear them laugh again, just  to hear it. Wanted to be the person to cause it. 
Fitzroy snorts and pushes him playfully, having the other stumble slightly. His blush was starting to come back but at the tip of his ears. "You're revolting!" his words dissolved into laughter that then dissolved into just stifled giggles.  
"Just for you" Argo could feel his heart pounding in his chest, hearing it in his ears as if trying to escape its prison. This really wasn't how the day, well technically night, was meant to go but he wouldn't trade it for the world. "Now, are we going to get back to this dance or are we goin'  be waitin'?" 
"Nah, I vote we just kinda sit around." Fitzroy says before doing the exact opposite, taking Argo's hand and placing his hand on the other's hip. 
"Flip a coin?" Argo pouts.
"Nope, I'm leaning because I dont trust you to fuck it up again " fitzroy says leasung the dance, the song was different but this time it was one he recognized. He didn't know the name of it obviously but he does know it well enough to softly along. 
"I am beyond heartbroken." Argo jokes with a breathy sigh but allows Fitzroy to lead, quickly catching on and just as quickly being able to do it without nearly tripping. 
It was quiet again aside from Fitzroy's soft humming and the even softer music downstairs. It was awkward but instead welcomed like warm open arms on a cold day. The pair stayed like that for a second, just dancing but then the song ended and Fitzroy went silent again but Argo was too busy listening to the heartbeat in his ears and his own thoughts swimming to realize that it was over.
That was until Argo felt his arm get lifted up and a small kiss being placed on his knuckles, quickly jumped in surprise while getting pulled from his thoughts. It was soft and maybe that was the reason he noticed it, the way his hair stood up on end. The pounding of his heart only got louder and he warned more painful. 
"It was a good night, don't you think?" Fitzroy asks, now leaning on the railing but keeping their hands interlocked. 
"Didn't go according to plan but...yeah it was nice. " Argo agrees while leaning next to him while running his thumb over the others knuckle, it was a comforting feeling. He liked the feeling of it in honesty.
"We should start heading back to our room,  it's getting pretty late." 
"Do we have to head back right now? Can't we wait a few more minutes?'
"Yeah...I guess we can, but don't come crying to me in the morning if you don't want to go to class." Fitzroy looked over at him with a small smile, the tiredness in his voice was clear but that was the only indicator that he was tired. In the moon light it seemed as if his eyes sparkled and Argo had to stop himself from reaching out and holding the others face, his hand was enough after all.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Argo whispers now looking off at the horizon trying to find another place to look at then staring his friend in the eyes.
"Oh yes you would." Fitzroy accuses and gently squeezes the others hand on accident, it felt so natural he didnt even realize he was still holding it. When he realized he looked down at it and then back at the sky, leaning on the opposite hand and not even bothering to let go yet.
Argo laughs and shakes his head "yeah, I will most definitely doing it in the morning. "
"Don't you dare!" Fitzroy challenges.
"Watch me!" They both laughed at that before scooting closer to one another.
They'd have a lot to talk about in the morning, that was a given, but in this moment they just stood there going from wild laughter to slipping into yet another comfortable silence. Not moving until people started to leave the building, and even then they where the last ones out of there. Still not letting go of each others hands.
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