#that paganism life
not-poignant · 8 months
Today I've been told by an old, wise woman (don't ask me why or how. It's a long story) that I might become a Psychopomp when I'll be older, because my soul has a very strong light and it will help many others through the whole trespassing process, only if I want to, of course. I immediately thought about Gwyn (haha). I don't know if it's entirely a good thing, I need to do some research, but thinking about Gwyn helps a little.
Hi anon!
It's actually not that uncommon in certain spiritual animism circles tbh to be a psychopomp. And psychopomps are found in nearly every animist tradition / religion / spirituality all over the world (both as gods, heroes, and also people - especially because some of these traditions deify real people / ancestors). You might want to look into Eurasian shamanism specifically.
Over a decade ago now, I practiced this myself, and a fascination with both living and deified psychopomps (and the overall practice of being a death shepherd) was what led me to write a character like Gwyn ap Nudd in the first place. :D
I definitely recommend doing research into it, since it can be labour-intensive for some, and it's not for everyone. Also it might be worth looking into the Jungian psychological version! Because if you approach the subject laterally, the psychopomp in Jungian thinking is someone (or a being) that mediates between conscious and unconscious thought, and that can be anything from a symbolic animal or figure, to a psychotherapist depending on the techniques!
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maryhale1 · 6 months
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Did you know incense are an easy and on a budget way to practice witchcraft?
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gods-and-accolades · 3 months
Something I really love about Apollon, both mythology wise and in my experiences with him, is the air of duality about him.
He’s the God of healing but also the bringer of plagues, he creates light but takes it away just as quickly, he carries his golden lyre and can play the most beautiful melodies but his silver bow and arrows are never too far away, he’s so full of love yet many of his romances end in tragedy, he’s fiercely loyal to those he cares for but ruthless and unforgiving to those who offend him. He’s an artist. He can be joyous and whimsical and see all the beauty in life, but he’s not unwilling to embrace the dark sides of it.
And he does embrace it, and he makes me feel like the more” undesirable” aspects of myself are things that I can embrace too. That I don’t have to be ashamed because I’m not perfect all the time. That my flaws are a part of life and life is beautiful and therefore I am beautiful.
You can have times where you’re angry, upset, miserable and bitter - you could even feel like that more times than not - but that doesn’t mean you’re unworthy of being loved and accepted.
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magickpumpkin · 9 months
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Full moon in Cancer Magick Circle 🕯️✨
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jessiarts · 1 year
Made another design in my series of pride Norse designs that I'm creating as a fuck you to nazis appropriating the runes and other symbols in hopes that if we can make designs of them that are so blatantly gay they won't want to touch them anymore. (Previous designs: Pride Loki Runes | Be Gay, Do Pride )
It's Yggdrasil (Norse tree of life) with the colors of the original pride flag in the tree/branches surrounded by rings in the colors of the triangle of the progress flag (representing BIPOC, Trans, and Intersex) (Design is transparent. Grey background is for visibility purposes)
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Just like the previous designs, I'll be hosting the full-res file of this design as a free download on my Ko-Fi for people to use to make their own apparel/stickers/whatever. And also hosted on Threadless for those who can't print them on stuff themselves (or just don't feel like it) but still want something with this design on it. Each sale will also make an automatic donation to various LGBT+ charities like The Trevor Project and the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network.
I'll be making more of these designs and also be taking requests for a bit if there are any pride rune/Norse designs anyone might want to see made, feel free to just drop them in my ask box!
[Edit: For some reason linking to the download on Ko-Fi hides this post in tags. No idea why, because the other posts were/are fine, but anyway there's a link to my Ko-Fi in my pinned post. Apologies for the inconvenience.]
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Do you think certain scented sylvari have to combat the pavlovian reaction to their scent?
Like lavender sylvari adapting shouting and wearing the most noisy, obnoxious jewellery cuz they walk into a room and half the people in there start to drift from using lavender sleep aids?
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annrosecuriosities · 2 months
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Blackberries in the garden
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whim513 · 18 days
i love father hades, he’s the softness in darkness, the peace in silence, he’s strong and steady his hands never wavering. He’s wise and calm and despite his reputation his love is abundant. His love is soothing quiet, darkness after a long overwhelming day, soft music, tears and tenderness. He is fatherly and makes everything seem okay, he is a promise of kindness beyond life, and i think that in each pocket of relief, of love in the world, he is there. In tea, in friendship, in a stranger smiling at you, a wave between customers, a kiss on the cheek, a wagging tail of a pet. His love is gentle and steady, a rocking chair and i love him with deep tenderness.
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A chat with Lady Hekate
.... Well, holy shit.
I do not work with Hekate. I do not plan to- I don't get the vibe that she plans to work with me in the future, either.
But I have a friend who had a period of time where they were seeing her EVERYWHERE, signs of her everywhere, but were too scared to work with her. Recently I offered to do a reading and see if I could confirm or deny that it was Hekate, and see if they truly missed that opportunity or if Hekate still wanted to work with them. (For the record, she did.)
The first card I pulled, asking if Lady Hekate was willing to speak to me, was upright (yes) and the death card. I had thought not long ago that it'd be funny to see that from her, but thought it was "too big an ask" for something that obvious.
Of course, Hekate proceeded to give me a card with imagery that strongly resembles how I've seen her portrayed twice after the first death card. She doesn't fuck around, I've noticed.
At one point, I felt like I needed to "reconnect" the cards to her for lack of a better word, so I sat with them in my hands and asked her to reconnect her energy. I didn't expect her to suddenly put her hands above mine, over the deck, and I felt them. Not physically, but I felt them. Her energy was... soothing. Comforting. Gentle. Kind. I told her that, and that it surprised me since I knew her only as a force to be reckoned with.
"Of course I'm kind, my job is to help people transition from to the afterlife. That's a scary transition to make. Part of being a good guide to them is listening to their stories, their regrets, their fear- all of it." I won't lie, I almost teared up.
At one point, I was feeling nervous about the cards since they felt a bit personal, and I was sending this to my friend, and "what if they shoot the messenger, I'm gonna delete that line-" and I felt Hekate just. "Do not get between a goddess and her child."
Overall, she was very kind and I'm no longer nervous about doing readings involving deities and entities I don't work with. I know not all of them will be so gentle, but she was wonderful and just generally pleasant to be around.
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vampirefairywitch · 1 year
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Wheel of the year
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not-poignant · 8 months
Hi Pia! Do you do paid Tarot reading?
Hi anon,
I don't do this anymore! I did for a few years, and then just kind of dropped it because it was a lot of labour for the income.
I'll still occasionally do card pulls for friends and stuff, although honestly not for a while because I feel like last year I got buried in writing!
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moonhedgegarden · 9 months
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hellenicdreaming · 17 days
Today's one of those days where I just want to curl up in Apollo's comfort..
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magickpumpkin · 4 months
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updated altar space 🤎
My goal was to use everything I already owned - which I was able to do! The space looks kinda bare, but the point is that I want to grow into it. The only plan I have for it is to thrift some mix-matching small vases so that I can add fresh flowers when I want to.
It would be cool to add some artwork on the wall too!
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 1 year
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blackbacchus999 · 2 months
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“Whosoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god.”
― Aristotle
Art By: THE BACCHANTE by Wardle
reproduced by Tracy Marks
from Victorian Painting by Christopher Wood
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