#that post about how you have to laugh about it with them sometimes it’s not a bad thing sometimes kissing & sex & intimacy is also laughing
springtyme · 1 day
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖! 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈 ♡
Simon catching baby fever, but you’re only roommates...
141 masterlist (there'll be a part two of this)
Before you, the only time Simon really left his flat when he was home on leave was to go to the gym or to go get groceries. 
He was content with this routine, he found comfort in the familiarity of it, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of his own space. Or at least that is what he told himself. This way of life had been sufficient for him for a long time, but as time went on he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. 
That is when Simon found himself considering the idea of getting a flatmate. He thought about it for a while, weighing the pros and cons in his mind. On one hand, he enjoyed his independence and privacy. On the other hand, having someone else around the flat could be a good thing, and he does have an extra bedroom in the flat that’s just collecting dust. Maybe it would be a good idea… Maybe.
After much contemplation, Simon finally decided to take the plunge and start looking. He posted an ad online, and waited for responses to come in. To his surprise, he received a good handful, he had actually not anticipated that that many, if any, would be interested in sharing his space. It is a little overwhelming, and as he goes through the applications he starts to doubt whether he had made the right decision. 
What if he didn’t get along with any of them? What if they were messy or loud or just generally annoying? It was a dumb idea to begin with, he thought to himself, but then as he looked through the last application, something caught his eye.You. 
You seemed responsible, tidy, and overall like someone he could get along with. But there was something more about you that intrigued him. Maybe it was the way you wrote about your love for cooking and how you were looking for a quiet and peaceful place to call home. Or maybe it was the photo you attached to your application, a warm smile on your face that made Simon feel at ease. 
Maybe this could work out after all. 
And work out it did, maybe a little too well. It has now been a little over a year since you moved in, and despite Simon being gone on deployment more often than not the two of you have become very close. You cook meals together. You watch movies on lazy nights, where you will sometimes fall asleep on the couch, your lashes kissing your cheek as the soft glow of the tv illuminates your face, and Simon can’t help but feel a warmth in his heart as he tucks the fluffy blanket, that you had brought with you when you moved in, over your sleeping form.
After you moved in, his flat feels more like a home than it ever had before. It’s like you were always meant to be there, filling up the empty space in his life that he didn’t even realise was there. 
There is something so oddly domestic about all the small things you do together – sharing a cup of tea in the evenings as you talk about your day, or even playfully arguing over who gets to do the dishes that night, even though he secretly never actually minds doing them. 
Pushing the trolley down the aisles of the supermarket as the two of you do the big shop together on Sundays are one of his favourites, though. Because he knows what it looks like from the outside – just a couple doing their weekly grocery shopping. The only thing that would make the scene even more picturesque would be with a little baby in the trolley, a perfect blend of the two of you, giggling and reaching out to try and grab for the items on the shelves as you both laugh and try to keep them entertained.
These thoughts will sometimes sneak into Simon’s mind, and he will quickly shake them away, reminding himself that it is just his imagination running wild. He can’t think like that, it isn’t fair to you or to himself. But still, the idea lingers in the back of his mind, growing stronger with each passing day.
It has started to get harder and harder to ignore these thoughts, these feelings. He tries to push them away, to bury them deep down, but they keep resurfacing. He never really expected to feel this way about you, about anyone, really. But now that he has you in his life, so close yet so far from what he actually wants to be he can’t help but dream about a different life, to have a family, a future, a life outside of the military and his flat.
Suddenly, Simon starts to notice more and more babies around him. Whether it’s at the park when he is on his runs, in Tesco, or even on TV, they seem to be everywhere. And each time he sees a baby, his heart aches with longing. It doesn’t help that your neighbours just had a baby, and he has to watch you coo over the little boy every chance you get. It is like a knife twisting in his chest, knowing that he will never have that with you.
It has always been a secret desire of his, a wish he knew he would never be worthy of having fulfilled. And yet, it linger in the depths of his heart, elusive and shimmering like a mirage in the desert. The dream of someday having a family of his own, of doing things right, of breaking the cycle he had grown up in. After meeting you, his dreams became more vivid, more concrete. 
He has fallen in love with you, and that scares the living daylights out of him. He never thought he would be in this situation, especially after all the sick shit he has been through. But here you are, filling up the empty space in his heart, making him yearn for a life he never thought he could have.
But Simon is good at keeping his emotions in check, so he continues to play his part, to act like everything is okay, like he doesn’t feel this overwhelming love for you that threatens to consume him. 
But late at night, Simon lies awake in bed, when he is sure you’re sleeping and he is staring at the ceiling, his heart feels heavy with the weight of his unspoken feelings. 
And when he tries to decompress, by fisting his aching cock in his hand, guilty thoughts of you will flood his mind, making him ache with longing. 
He knows it’s wrong, he knows he shouldn’t be thinking of you in that way. But the images of you, of your smile, of your laughter, of your kindness, they linger in his mind, fueling his desires. The way you smile and laugh and light up his life in ways he never thought possible, it fuels a fire within him so all consuming, so intense, that he can’t help but give in to it, even if just in the confines of his own mind.
And as he strokes himself, he can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you in his bed, to feel your touch, to hear your moans of pleasure. He imagines what it would be like to hold you close, to feel your warmth against his skin, to hear you whisper words of love and affection in his ear. To have you beg for him to fill your womb and mark himself as yours. He would love it – to pump you so full with his cum, for it to take, to see your body change with his child, to create a life with you, to have a family of his own. 
He will have to bite down on his own hand to stifle his groans and to stop himself from moaning your name out loud. It’s a dangerous game he plays in the silence of the night, as he knows that these feelings, these desires, can never be acted upon. But still, he can’t help but indulge in these fantasies, in these dreams of a life that he may never have.
And as he lies in his bed after, spent and worn, a sense of guilt wash over him. He knows that it’s wrong to have these thoughts about you. But he can’t help it, he can’t control it, and as he lies in the darkness of his bedroom, he can’t help but feel the sting of longing in his chest, knowing that you lie in your own bed just down the hall, so close yet so far away.
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ninyard · 1 day
I would love to just sit on a roof top and talk to you about anything and everything. Hear all of your opinions on everything.
Wait what the hell that’s so sweet I’m the mayor of yapsville when you get me started on something I have An Opinion on, so I promise you’d probably quickly regret it.
But picture us. Me and you on a roof. And I tell you the following, as the wind blows our hair and the sun starts to set:
- Andrew helps Renee dye her hair
- When they move in together, Andrew always finds his t-shirts or random belongings shoved under Neil’s pillow. Harmless stuff, but usually stuff that belongs to Andrew. Kept safe, untouchable below his pillow like the few belongings he had in the beginning.
- Dyslexic Kevin Day
- Allison helps Neil get his hair back into a good condition when he starts to grow it out post-TKM. She helps him do treatments and recommends the best products. She braids it when it gets long enough. She shows him how to properly tie it back, she teaches him how to properly look after the texture in his hair.
- Andrew has a folder in his camera roll for nobody else but himself of things that make him smile on the inside. Most of the time it’s stupid things, like a terrible advertisement stuck to a lamp post, or an ugly dog, or an awfully parked car. Silly things that make him laugh that he screenshots or snaps a picture of. There’s eventually hundreds of pictures in there. There’s photos of Neil, when he falls asleep on Andrew’s shoulder and Andrew’s too proud to tell him how cute he looked. Photos of Neil in his suit before a banquet, photos of him doing dishes or handing him dinner. There’s photos of Andrew and Renee after they’ve been sparring. There’s photos of things he’s seen in stores that remind him of Kevin, or Neil, or Renee. Sometimes Aaron. There’s even a few photos of Kevin in there, too. Nobody know this folder exists. Not even Neil, who doesn’t even know half of the photos of himself in there even exist. Because it’s just for Andrew. It’s just for him to collect the little joys in his life now that he can somewhat actually feel it.
- Kevin has to wear a brace on his hand/wrist every now and again, and he still sees a physiotherapist once every few months to check up on his hand.
- Matt goes to Andrew the first time he thinks about relapsing. He doesn’t even think about it. Neil is very confused when he comes back to the dorm to find Matt and Andrew playing video games together, but doesn’t question it.
- Dan tags along to night practice every now and again. Nobody acknowledges that she isn’t usually there, they just let her join them on the court and practice as usual. It makes Kevin really happy, actually, to see her trying to better her skills with them. Usually she just joins them when she can’t sleep and needs to get out of her head.
- On the OG foxes last night together before the first of them graduate, they all find themselves around a fire pit in one of their parents houses, or on property Allison rented out, and they tell each other stories and share some confessions in a mostly-funny, kind of emotional way. They cry and laugh and hug and shock each other with some of the things they say but it’s a really beautiful moment before they’re finally split up for the first time
- Dyslexic Kevin Day (again)
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yeehawpim · 58 minutes
hello! i know this is a bit of a strange ask, but i really wanted to convey this to you. i just picked up your webcomic and it's resonated very, very deeply with me in a way i can't put into words properly. it's not an exaggeration to say that i cried the entire time reading it, and for a few hours after, too — though i know that's probably not the intent. i can't say much about what i've been through, but seeing your webcomic really means a lot to me, and i wanted to thank you for writing it. i look forwards to many more chapters to come. (ps; do you have any tips on how to tell the two friends apart visually?)
First of all thank you so much for sending this ask, it's not weird at all! It means so much to me that my comic connected with you that much, it's very much a collection of subjects that are important to me. Sometimes after crying or laughing about a thought, I gotta make something to share it. To hear that you felt it too makes me happy, and I hope you got some relief after the crying
As for telling the friends apart, one is always on the left and one is always on the right. If you keep that in mind, you might see that I differentiate between how I write them (hopefully, if I've done my job well haha).
But this isn't enough of an obvious way of doing it, so further on in the webcomic I've written stuff where they'll become more distinguishable since it's important to me they're different individuals. I'm already doing it in the graphic novel I'm working on, as you can see here lol
(even though they're not wearing the hat/boots in the preview, yes I had to go back and fix it like a week after I posted originally😅)
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samandcolbyownme · 2 hours
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Summary: full one shot based off of this snippet - I added more details to this one.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, onlyfans!reader, consensual recording/picture taking, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, dirty talk, praising, oral (f rec), hair pulling, choking, filthy filth
Word Count: 3.2k | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
You were at home, racking your brain on new ways to spice up your website. A new outfit? No. A new lingerie set? No.
You chewed on your lip, letting out a frustrated sigh as nothing peaked your interest.
The feeling of your phone vibrating on your thighs, distracts you from your thoughts when you see Colby’s name on the screen, “Hey.”
“Hey. Do you have plans tonight?” Colby asks, not really sounding like he even wants to be talking to you right now.
“Um, no. I don’t think so, why?” You sit up and wait for him to speak, but he’s still quiet, “Colby?”
“I gotta go.”
You hear the three beeps and slowly pull your phone away from your ear, confused as hell, “What the fuck?” You shake your head, trying to figure out why Colby sounded different on the phone.
He didn’t tell you if anything was bothering him, he seemed fine before he left, which is what makes it weird because he couldn’t even be on the phone with you.
But it also made you kind of worried. You liked Colby.
A lot.
The one thing that’s been holding you back from telling him about said feelings, is mainly your onlyfans page.
You weren’t sure whether or not Colby would be okay with that. You wanted Colby and you honestly felt like he wanted you, too. But, at the same time, you weren’t sure if he would want to be with someone that has shown and continues to show their tits for money.
You toss your phone down with a sigh before walking over to retrieve your new lingerie sets from your bottom dresser drawer. You lay them out, deciding on which one to pick before changing into it.
You grab your camera, setting it on your tripod before moving to get on the bed, posing in various positions before repeating if with the next set.
You were honestly shocked that you haven’t been walked in on before. Sometimes you get so into taking pictures or recording stuff that you heard something at the last second that’s saved you from even Sam walking in.
You wrapped up getting dressed right at the perfect time. As soon as you pulled your shirt down over your body, you hear the front door open and close with a powerful shove.
You wait a few seconds, trying to listen to if you can tell where they’re going, but panic at the last second when you hear them growing closer.
You shove your tripod in your closet before moving to shove the lingerie back into the bottom dresser drawer.
Just as you turn around, there’s a knock on your door and you know it Colby, “Come in.”
The door opens and he walks in, “Hey.”
You give him a smile, “What’s up, Colbs?” Your smile slowly fades away when he doesn’t look at you for a few seconds, “Colby?”
He doesn’t look at you when he asks, but his words shockyou, “Do you do porn?”
You blink a few times, processing what he just asked you, “um. I-I, mean yes and no.”
“What do you mean yes and no?” He turns towards you, “Do you just, go through guys? Like what? how does that work?”
You hold up your hand, “Whoa, back it the hell up, Colby. I don’t just go through guys.” You scoff, “What is your deal?”
Colby sighs, “My deal, is that you do porn and you never told me?” He shrugs, “You sleep in the room next to mine.. I don’t, this is big, y/n.”
You laugh slightly, mainly trying to cover up your nervousness, “Colby. Listen to me. It’s not straight up porn. Okay? I do OnlyFans. I don’t do anything nude. Well..”
He looks at you, “What do you do?”
You sit down on your bed, reaching over to grab your laptop, “If you want to know, just..” You get in, clicking around until you pull up your page, “Here. Look. The only really bad thing is that I show my boobs, and every now and then I will post a video. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.”
He walks over, sitting down beside you as he takes your laptop. You can tell there’s a positive change to his demeanor and you bite your lip.
You watch as his eyebrows raise with each picture that’s more scandalous than the last. You hear his breath hitch when he stumbles across your first video - purple vibrator sliding in and out of your pussy.
“So..” you cause him to jump slightly but you don’t pay any attention to it, “..who told on me?”
Colby laughs, “well.. actually.” He looks over at you, “One of Sam’s buddies sent him a screen shot and asked if it was you.”
“Why would Sam know? I haven’t told anyone I do this.” You tilt your head and Colby shrugs, looking back to your computer as he scrolls down, “I don’t know, but yeah.” He turns his phone towards you and points to this picture on your computer, “Its this one.”
You purse your lips, “That was a pay to see picture.”
“Wait, what’s that mean?” Colby looks at you and you can’t help but giggle, “It means.. whoever screenshotted that and sent it to Sam, paid to unlock it so they could see it.”
“So, they’re subscribed to you?” Colby asks and you nod, “or someone else he knows is?” You shrug, “I’m not sure, Colby.”
You could see the jealousy plastered on his face as he just stares at you, “Uh huh.” He jocks his jaw and nods, “Okay.”
He sets your computer down on the bed and stands up, hands on his hips as he tries to process everything you just shared with him, photos and all.
“So what? Are you like mad at me? Not friends anymore?” You purse your lips, “Like does this make you look at me differently?”
Colby shakes his head, “Not really. Well..” he laughs slightly, motioning towards you computer, “..I mean, okay. I see you differently now, but like..” He trails off, trying to find his wording as he scratches his brow, “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I didn’t want to tell you because I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about it and I didn’t want to risk ruining our friendship.”
Colby chuckles, “Ruined?” He shake his head, “No. not at all. As I said. Different.. a hundred percent.”
“Different?” You ask as you tilt your head and he nods, “Oh yeah. You’re so much hotter than I originally thought.”
You can feel your cheeks growing warm and Colby’s next question didn’t help any matters, “So, how do you feel about potentially doing full blown.. porn?”
Fuck, you think, “Um. I mean..” you laugh slightly and look down before looking back up at him, “Maybe if it was someone I was comfortable with?”
You nod, Colby heavy on your mind, “Yeah. I think I could do it.”
A smirk grows on his lips as he slowly leans in, giving a nod to the right with his head, “Go get those pretty little outfits, because we’re about to be making you bank, baby.”
You tilt your head, “Why don’t we just get right to it.” You grip the collar of his shirt and pull him down as you lay back. He goes with you, his lips attacking your neck.
“Don’t we need the camera?” Colby leans back and you nod, “Yeah.” You breathe out, “It’s in my closet on the tripod.”
You look up at him with a smirk, “I took some pictures while you and Sam were out.”
“Mm, I’ll need to see those, too then.” He pushes himself up and goes to get the camera. He turns it on after taking it off, clicking a few times, “And we’re rolling.”?
He walks over to you, “Go ahead and take those clothes off for me, baby.” He bites down on his lip as he alternates watching you in the little screen and behind it, “Fuck, look at you.”
You toss your shirt to the side, leaving you topless as you move to sit on your calves, thumb hooking into the waistband of your shorts, “You like what you see?”
“Baby you have no idea.” Colby bites down on his lip, watching as you slowly push your shorts down your thighs. You fall back, lifting your legs to kick them off and Colby pulls them off of your ankles, tossing them behind him.
“Spread your legs for me, sweetheart.” Colby bends down, pointing the camera directly at your pussy, “You look fucking so good.”
You gasp as Colby’s thumb drags up and down your folds, “P-please.” You whimper as you buck your hips, “I need you.”
Colby pushes his thumb into your cunt, angling the camera up at your face as your eyes roll back and you moan, “Fuck, yes.”
He angles the camera back down just as he starts to slowly work his thumb in and out of you, making sure to film how fast your wetness costs his skin, “Fuck, you’re so wet already.”
“Been wanting you.” You roll your hips at the loss of his thumb inside of you, “P-please.”
He chuckles as he sets the camera down on the bed, “Play with yourself while I undress, sweetheart.” You watch as he steps back, waiting until your fingers start working circles on your clit to undress.
“There ya go, baby.” He whispers, lip pulled between his teeth as his fingers move to unbutton his shirt, “Fuck, you’re so hot.”
Your eyes track his shirt as it falls to the floor and you slide two fingers in, gasping at the feeling. Colby nods, “Keep going. Fuck, listen to that.”
Colby finishes undressing, picking up the camera and giving it a closer look at your needy cunt, your fingers weren’t cutting it.
“Here baby.” Colby hands you the camera and you smirk as you take it, flipping it around to capture him moving between your legs.
His hands snake under your thighs to lay across your hips and your legs hook over his shoulders. Your back arches with the first swipe of his tongue, moaning out as you dig your heels into his upper back.
Colby’s face is buried in your cunt, his tongue thrusting in and out as his fingers dig into your skin, “Fuck.” He groans against you, “You taste so fucking good.”
You moan loudly as his nose pushes against your clit, your orgasm being drug out with the curling of his tongue, “Fuck, fuck.” You gasp, “C-colby.”
He holds onto you, not letting go as your walls clench around his tongue, moans and incoherent mumbles leave your lips as he guides you through your high.
Your hand tangles tightly into his hair, earning a groan from him as he pulls away, “The best pussy I have ever tasted.” He crawls up, lips crashing onto yours and you moan when the taste of yourself creeps into your tongue.
He sits up, taking the camera from you so he can record his cock rubbing up and down your folds before pushing between them.
He groans, angling the camera up to your face to capture what you look like feeling his cock for the first time, “Fuck, fuck.” You arch your back, rolling your hips forward and you gasp when he thrusts his hips into you.
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re taking me so well.”
His hand grips your hips as the other grips the camera tighter, “Fuck, you have such a beautiful pussy.” He groans lowly as he slowly pulls out, “Fuckin’ hugs my cock perfectly.”
You moan loudly as his cock is thrusted into you. Colby looks at you from behind the camera, watching your face twist with pleasure as he slowly pulls out and thrust back in.
He breathes out, “You’re already making me want to cum.” His hand slides over to press his thumb to your clit. He smirks as he hears whimpers and moans of approval slip from your lips, growing louder the harder his thrusts grow.
Your back is arches off the bed as your hands grip the blankets hard, moaning out loudly as Colby’s cock is repeatedly slammed into your cunt, “S-so close, fuck.”
“Come on baby.” Colby sets the camera down, angled to capture your body and your legs around his waist, “Cum for me.”
He groans lowly as he bends down to kiss you. Your arms wrap around his neck and his hand slides down your body, giving your hip a squeeze, “You feel so good.”
You moan, nails dragging up and down his back as you cum, holding onto his for leverage, “Fuck, fuck, yesyesyes.”
You throw your head back, a nonstop string of moans leaving your lips as Colby not only, fuck you through your high, but marks up your neck in the process.
He rolls over, grabbing the camera to film your body on his, groaning as he watches his cock disappear inside of you, “Fuck, that’s it baby.” He reaches out, sliding his fingers along your open thigh, “Just like that.”
You tilt your head back, hands squeezing his thighs as you bounce up and down, whining out as you feel yourself growing close, yet again.
“One more time.” Colby whispers, his hips bucking upward, “M’so close, too baby.”
“Need you.” You whimper, grinding your hips down.
“What was that, sweetheart?” Colby asks as his hand grips your hips, the other still keeping the camera as steady as he can.
You lean down, kissing up his neck, “Want you to cum in me.” You kiss his lips, “Need all of you.”
He nods his head and you roll off of him, biting down on your lip when he grips your throat and pushes you backward.
His hand remains on your neck as his cock slips into you, “You’re gonna be so full.” His thrusts pick up rather quickly, your moans muffled by his hand squeezing harder as he rails into you.
His films you body jolting with each thrusts, groaning at the sight of you tits bouncing, face turning red from the lack of air.
“Fuck.” He lets go of your neck, cupping your cheek but you keep it up by taking his thumb between your lips.
“oh, baby.” He groans, burying his cock deeper into you, “Fuck, you’re such a slut aren’t you.” He grips your chin, earning a whimper from you as you give him a nod.
“Say it, baby.”
“Your slut.” You moan out, clenching your walls around his cock, “I’m your slut.” You moan loudly, back arching as you gasp out.
You come undone underneath him one again, moaning out as you feel his cock twitch inside of you. Your legs loses from around his waist and he sits up, filming your pussy as he pulls out.
You lift your legs, wrapping an arm around them to hold them up. Colby’s thumb pulls your pussy lip to the side, groaning as you push more of his cum out.
“Look at that.” Colby whispers as his thumb swipes upward. He reaches up, leaning forward to film you sucking the cum off his thumb, “Atta girl, baby.”
You smile up at him and he stops filming, moving to lay beside you, “How was that?”
“Exciting.” You breathee out as you roll over to face him, “But I have a question for you.” He nods and you sigh, “Do you want to be known? Like do you want me to cut out anything that has you in it?”
He laughs, “Baby. Like I said before, we’re going to make you bank, so you do..” he leans in, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “What you need to do, to do that.”
“Maybe we should tell Sam first.” You bite your lip and he gets smirks, getting up to go to the door, “Hey Sam.”
“I already know.”
Colby closes the door and walks back over to you laughing, “Now that that’s out of the way.” He grabs your laptop, “Go clean up, I’ll get this uploaded to your computer.”
You smile, nodding your head as you get dressed to go to the bathroom.
When you get back, your clothes are back off and you’re in bed with Colby, “After we edit this.. I think you should film me going down on you.”
He nods his head, “Oh absolutely.”
It’s been two months since you uploaded that first video, you made it a pay to see vide, which gave you and Colby, and even Sam, a little bit of time before news leaked into the fandom.
After that. Wildfire.
All of your social media comment sections have been flooded with questions, comments, and of course, concerns.
Is that really Colby on y/n’s onlyfans?
Colby and y/n???!?!!!!?
I mean, idk who I’m more jealous of really.
I’m actually kind of shocked ngl
No because get it girl. For real, and get it Colby damn
You and Colby would spend nights just laughing at the comments and of course discussing the rude ones with each other, but it mainly ends up in having sex.
Colby finding out was probably the best thing that could have happened in the situation, if you knew he would have been down to help you, you would have asked him a while ago.
You made so much money in the first two months, you guys basically spoiled Sam by taking him away to different cities around the world as an apology for him having to sit through filming sometimes, he was like your little sugar baby.
Right now, you were in Italy. You and Colby went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner when Colby’s laugh catches your attention.
You lift your head, arms still rested on the banister of the balcony, “What’s up, babe?” Colby leans against the doorway and looks up at you, “Have you read the comments on the post you posted today?”
You shake your head, reaching out as he hands you his phone. Your lips turn into a smirk as your eyes scan over the screen.
You can’t tell me Sam ain’t hitting it too
Ngl, they’d make a hot thruple
I want to be y/n when I grow up
You hand Colby back his phone and you ride your brows, “What? You want to give them what they’re asking for?”
“It’s whatever you want, baby. You’re calling the shots.”
You purse your lips, bringing your glass of wine up to take a sip as you think, “You think he’d go for it?”
Colby scoffs, “Please. You should have seen the look on his face when you seen your tits through that lace top. You’re not living with us both for no reason.” He smirks, “I’ll tell him to come up here.”
You walk over, biting down on your lip as you grip his bicep, “Wait, until dinner. I want to ask him myself.”
Thank you so much for reading, I hope it was good! Let me know and as always, I love you so much! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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galactic-rhea · 1 day
it's so delightful to see someone who knew nothing about sw but got into the fandom... with no previous knowledge??? i loved reading your story/reaction post about all of the craziness that followed.
(also, happy to see your opinions on anidala/anakin/padme - i think everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course, but objectivity, i think most people truly don't get them as characters nor their story...)
Hahaha thank you!!! Yeah, sometimes I think back of...just five months ago?? and how little I knew lol
Like, I made this blog when I was already starting season 3 of Clone Wars, but yeah, I still knew nothing about the movies and honestly I think is a type of experience that can't be repeated 😆
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These two will always be my favourite moments ever, because I swear than whenever he showed up in the show I would just say jokingly "Anakin kill him" and my partner would just...laugh LOL
The way I didn't know he would be the main villain...the way I didn't even know about the emperor in the OG trilogy (i thought Vader was the leader of the empire lol) just...good memories, good silly ignorance lmao
also my reaction to Anakin being a slave, i couldn't believe they really went there but it made so much sense xD
And regarding Anakin and Padmé....well, I suppose that's because first of all, I really didn't have the chance to be bitter about the prequels or the characters nor to see any discourse about it (I just knew everyone thought the movies were bad and I was expecting Padmé to have no personality at all and being terribly written), so I guess my expectations weren't great?
Besides, I relate to Anakin a lot (not because of the anger though lmao), and the both of them not only have the deeply trauma that's fun to analyze, but also they give me queer vibes, so of course I overthink their characters a lot sdfnjdfsnkjs
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winstonsns · 3 days
this is gonna sound Rlly funny/ridiculous, but... Gang w reader from 2024??? Somehow????? LMAO. i jus thought itd b funny. LOLOL
the gang with 2024!reader
authors note: sorry i’m doing requests late! i have many requests and i’ve been busy. also i have 100 followers!! this post is gonna have a lot of brainrot words so sorry about that LMAO. sorry this post is really short again!! i hope you enjoy!! 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.9k
warnings: cussing, brainrot slang, alcohol, slightly suggestive but as a joke
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you and ponyboy were in his room, reading stupidly romantic books as a joke
the two of you were close to tears due to laughing, both of your stomachs hurting because the book was so cringey
“oh my god! this reminds me of this one tiktok, so this girl was like ‘i think i made the new booktok anthem—‘ wait i told you about booktok, right?” you paused after talking
“yes, yes, very weird. continue on!” your boyfriend said, smiling widely at you
“so basically, the girl was singing, ‘i’m looking for a new book boyfriend. billionaire. six five, brown eyes.’ and would go on and on with the song!! literally everyone made fun of her and she responded to a hate comment, but then a comment on that video was like ‘we love an unbothered queen!!’” laughing at the end of what you said, ponyboy hunching over, dropping the book and wheezing
since he’s a teenage boy, he picked up on your vocabulary very quickly, using words like ‘sigma’ ‘grimace shake’ ‘gyatt’ (but only to you) ‘rizz’ etc
once he was saying those words too much and his brother, darry, got annoyed and said, “pony… just, stop saying those words. please, i’m getting a headache.”
your boyfriend responded with, “you’re such a beta, can’t handle a sigma rizzler like me.” a proud look on his face, darry sighing and walking to a different room
ponyboy thinks you’re the funniest person ever and even started using your vocab when talking to others or about something, and people would stare at him weirdly because they didn’t know what he was talking about, or what the words meant
you and johnny were outside, staring at the sunset together as a date
he was in your arms, feeling protected by you, you ran your fingers through his hair while the two of you were softly talking to each other
“i love you like how baby gronk loves livvy dunne…” you said with a smile on your face, knowing he’d think it’s funny and would laugh
he let out a loud chuckle, continuing to giggle multiple seconds after
then johnny sat up next to you, saying, “look over there!!” so you gasped, looking to where he was pointing
he lightly grabbed your jaw and moved it towards his direction, giggling when the two of you were making weird faces once you saw each other
you would always tell him that from your time, people would joke and do that gesture all the time but never in a serious way
he really loved the little diy gifts you would make him, telling him you would watch tiktok’s about cute cards to give your partner or friend
along with the pink bows you would put in your hair, sometimes asking him to tie them into your hair, telling him that coquette became back in style in your time
although others would stare at you on the street because they weren’t used to your style, you could care less
he knew you were so unique and perfect, so he would try to show you as much affection as he could to make you stay
“no one can rizz me up as well as you can, sodagyatt…” talking to your boyfriend in a joking tone
“ooh… yes, pookie… talk to me like that… maybe i’ll get you a grimace shake…” he replied, smirking and leaning in for a kiss
you giggled and lightly grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss, his hands on your waist
after the two of you pulled away, you looked into each others eyes before bursting out laughing, falling onto soda and curling up into a ball, your stomach hurting
he picked up on your words very quickly, specifically using the word ‘rizz’ a lot after you told him he had a lot
he began to call his brother, ponyboy, ‘ponygyatt’ because he thought it was funny
whenever one of his brothers did something embarrassing, he would tell them “your aura is decreasing. minus seven hundred points, darry.”
but he absolutely loved your sense of style, the way you would dress because it was from your time, but from his time, everyone wore denim and flannels
darry, your boyfriend, was baking a chocolate cake for you and his brothers
he was measuring the flour and cocoa powder, pouring them into the bowl
his back was facing you, your jaw dropped and eyes widened, you had a wonderful idea, and went through with it
“GYATTTTTT” you yelled, and spanked your boyfriend hard, on the ass
he yelped and you ran to the other room, him chasing after you, he caught up to you and grabbed you, spanking you too while you laughed
the two of you were out of breath, so you went back to talking like nothing happened, and darry wondered ‘how does she always manage to act like nothing happened..’ but in a funny way
so both of you waked back to the kitchen, going back to work on the chocolate cake dry ingredients
he never really picked up on the slang you used, him being an adult so he never cared much to use those words
plus he had a reputation to keep up, so he didn’t want to use those words but thought when you used them, they were funny
but you made his brothers laugh, and he really appreciated that
when you would help ponyboy with his homework if darry didn’t have the time, if you were confused, you would say something like “what the sigma is this bro!?”
you were at your house, making roses made of pages of a book for dally, your boyfriend
then you heard a loud ring, it was your phone, you wondered, ‘who would be calling at this hour? it’s like… 2am, man..”
so you lay on your bed, kicking your feet while you thought about dally, picked up your phone and asked, “y/n l/n, what do you need?”
“mmm… hey baby, uh, i’m at the station right now. do you think you could pick me up? i’m sorry if i woke you up…” your boyfriend said
you gasped and covered your mouth with your hand, kicking your feet and nearly screaming at the thought of seeing your boyfriend, even though the two of you saw each other four hours ago
“say on skibidi to prove that you’re in the station right now.” you teased, wanting him to be embarrassed
you heard a sigh from the other end of the line, dally muttered a “on skibidi..” you giggled, saying you’d pick him up
“love you dal!! i’ll be there in a few minutes, i promise.” you continued, and he responded with a “love you too, doll. look forward to seeing you.” you hung up
he loved how you would ask people weird or rude things, but they wouldn’t understand, once you asked someone “why do you act like a fucking millennial?” and dally had to pull you away, laughing quietly because you told him what a millennial was
or when you quietly said to him, “why is that guy built like a discord mod…?” except you didn’t tell him what that was, so he had a confused look on his face and asked, “what…?”
you’d ask him if you were his skibidi alpha pookie bear, he would sigh but nod his head, repeating what you just said
he thinks you’re really fucking funny though especially if you have brainrot humor, no one besides him understands you and he loves that
you and your boyfriend, keith, were at a store when you saw a couple making out
the girl looked young, too young, and the guy looked in his mid 30s, but they were acting very touchy and sexual
“erm, what the sigma..” you said in a certain voice, two-bit looking at you, shaking his head and sighing, trying to keep a straight face
then he couldn’t hold is any longer he chuckled and looked at where you were looking
he mumbled a “what the fuck…” squinting his eyes, blinking multiple times to see if he was seeing what he thought he was
what looked like a young girl full on making out with a guy who looked like he was in his mid 30s, you and your boyfriend looked at each other, eyes wide
then the two of you bursted out laughing, you unintentionally but loudly said, “bro is NOT a certified lover boy, certified—“ but two-bit covered your mouth, seeing the couple pass by you
once they passed and got to a certain distance, the two of you giggled to the point of your stomach hurting
when you started saying some slang from the 2000s, he picked up on it and started saying it too
when he started saying that type of slang around the gang, they had no idea what he meant and thought he was crazy
he even changed the lyrics to an elvis song into a ‘brainrot remix’ according to him
whenever he wanted to annoy someone because they wouldn’t know what he was doing or talking about, he would do a ‘shh’ motion, a finger up to his lips, then moving his finger to his jaw, tracing his jawline to his chin, which you taught him and called it mewing
he also did it when he wanted someone to be quiet, they would be confused so they would shut up
but when he picked up a bottle of alcohol, jokingly twitching and shaking, trying to act like he was tweaking, you said, “boy, it’s just alkahal!!” and he nearly dropped the bottle, chuckling loudly
“shh… i’m about to mew…” putting your pointer finger to your lips, moving it to your jaw, tracing down your jawline to your chin, doing the motion again but on the opposite side of your jaw
“the fuck are you talkin’ about?” a slight sense of concern in steve’s voice, people staring at the two of you as you walked down the street
he never really used the slang from your time, he thought it was funny but really stupid, so he never used it because he didn’t want to make people confused
he was a smart person, but of course people wouldn’t expect that because of the way he acted
besides that one time when he was with the gang, two-bit said something stupid, so steve said, “shut up you beta, you have a negative canthal tilt and a negative aura.”
they stared at him weirdly then all began to laugh, not knowing where he got those words from
but he loved your style, you had money but it was hard to find clothes from your time
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authors note: i decided to post again because i feel bad for missing the post yesterday. i guess the one i posted at midnight counted for yesterday!! i get out of school super soon so i can post more yayyyy!!!
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 months
Hell bent and heaven sent are a tragic love story. Who literally cannot see it? Whouffaldi is not only Canon but it's a parallel to so many of the great gothic romance films of the 80s and 90s.
Yep! idk some people are in denial.
Like obviously it's fine if you just want to see it as platonic and are cool about it. But I'm always blindsided by the goofy comments on youtube videos etc. where they act like the very idea there could be romance there is an insane suggestion. Where they condescend to shippers as if we're delusional for seeing what's there. I'm sorry, if you're going to be confrontational and smugly wrong at the same time, I'm going to point out that you're wrong.
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essektheylyss · 5 months
I am obsessed with how narratively convenient Lark's divinatory abilities are. She's the only one of the protagonists who is both pragmatic and has a working sense of self-preservation, so having some internal impulse that is actually the guiding hand of the cosmos pushing her into doing the REALLY stupid shit is both necessary and really useful.
Like, I am the type of writer who kind of scoffs at the idea that characters are beyond the writer's control and will completely screw over your outline, because on one hand, a sensible outline will follow the characters' personalities and tendencies anyway. Obviously in an ensemble cast you will need to do some wrangling, but in theory your characters are responding to varying degrees of stimuli in order to maneuver them into the places you need them to be for things to all come together in the end.
But more importantly, "curse from god" is the funniest and easiest way to push any character to do things beyond the realm of reason when necessary, and frankly, what the fuck is the point of playing god if you don't embrace that?
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daisychainsandbowties · 7 months
giggling while kissing someone is so underrated yes moaning & whining & whimpering & all the w-sounds but also yes when they move their tongue over that sensitive spot on the roof of your mouth where they know you’re ticklish. yes to feeling their laughter humming along your mandible as you usher it out of them with your hands idk idk the kissing & laughing & the easy lazy having-so-much-fun of it all just gets me sometimes
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kayzero · 4 months
ohhhh, i only ship them with the protagonist because i have an issue separating myself from the perspective character. i don’t like them together necessarily, i just like Her and i think i’m Them. i gotcha.
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sysig · 1 month
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Tainted batch (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Fine nevermind >:(#It's so weird to be posting vent-adjacent stuff while I'm doing so well currently haha#I started this months ago and have significantly improved my mood since then pfft ♪ I'd hope!#There wasn't anything specific at the time anyway just a thought circling around that I figured Charm would be more affected by#Considering most things for her are heightened in comparison haha <3 She'll get therapy someday#She also deals a lot in sublimation through art! And sometimes that means literally taking the materials and using them elsewhere#Honestly it's pretty cool that she can reconstitute her art :0 Drawing is a little different haha#I hadn't realized it'd been as long as it's been since I last drew Cirrus :0#Oh yeah Cherry Shortcake actually has a first name now lol#A few residents do! If you remember my mention of Aria from a while back - Marshmallow Fluff - I think those are the current three?#Still haven't really pinned down a naming convention haha...I've been thinking about three-letter last names for what feels like forever now#She was also an early contender for Digitally Rendered Resident huh... I could at least stand to name the others that have gotten that lol#So many things I wanna do with her - really want to finish her Biased Narrator fic sometime just dunno how to end it hrmngh#Anyway lol she gets a one-panel cameo and takes over the post pft no! Charm time!#Evil Time Charm time - kicked up her pulse as soon as she remembered#She kinda sorta remembers what happened but more than that remembers the Emotions - feeling Laughed At#And clearly it's [this specific thing]'s fault that she feels foolish! Avoid [this specific thing] and never feel foolish again Guaranteed!*#*Not actually even remotely close to a guarantee lol instead she's just avoiding something that at one point made her feel good#So easy to turn a positive memory into a negative one with just a change of framing huh?#I can't think of anyone in her life who would exploit that fun little feature in her outlook not even one!
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keeps-ache · 2 months
DARN, missed it again! 2nd anniversary of being a they/themer :D
#just me hi#i should cue a post for next year cuz i just Keep missing it hfhsv#cool though!! two years of queer yeah babyyy#i now have it/its but they/them was where i started hehe :>#i've considered neos but you know i think they'd be a bit much for me lol#character customization Truly#//i am NOT missing this blog's birthday. proooollyyyy hghfsh#these aren't such huge things but i like to know things have happened hfsh :3#these are two things i really only celebrate on here so i've just Gotta say it :33#//anyway i've been listening to the radio a lot (did i say that? i think i told you that some weeks ago lmao) and it's Funnn (mostlyyy) :D#yes they play the same 15 songs over and over and i'm starting to learn all the words to even the most unremarkable ones but that's part of#the Fun :DD#been listening to it because once in a while they play a song i already have in my playlist (yayy !!) or a song that i like (which then goe#in the Playlist (yayy !!)) that and it supplies a background track to whatever i'm talking about with my siblings which is funny at times#/imagine. you've slipped up. a secret of another's you were never supposed to know was mentioned by accident. so instead of#trying to excuse yourself from guilt you admit to knowing even More. the person you're speaking to is betrayed confused and overall upset.#and you're trying to get in contact with a ghost to give you pointers. it's not great. in the background Lovin On Me is playing#that's how our games have been going hfhsvhf#/i let them play in the plots of my stories sometimes and it's So Ridiculous Dude#i've had to ban specific organs from their characters because they were being wretched little beings. it Was funny though i'll not deny hfh#they've tormented shye + weirded out oath + killed and been killed many times#there were a couple times i saw genuine horror on their faces and i am living on that i'm ngl hfhsvbhs#like the horse thing! it would take a sec to explain so i won't go into it but oh i hurt myself laughing Lolll (it was dark but it was stil#funny hfbvs)#//OH i've gtg now lol --#ciao ciao see you somewhere later from now !! :D
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aeide-thea · 1 year
having a post make the tumblr rounds really will teach you all sorts of things about yourself that you never previously understood, lmao
like, okay, the notes on the 'masturbatory' post fall into a few distinct categories—plenty of reblogs without any comment at all, of course; a lot of people saying, somewhat tediously but unexceptionably, that in their view the term should really be a compliment; a lot of other people claiming that it's inappropriate to share art they personally deem unappealing, just as it's inappropriate to share unsolicited dick pics (i take strong exception to this argument but it's very popular!); and finally a few people who admit that sex-negative insults aren't really compatible with the sex-positive stance they otherwise nominally concede is correct, and who choose to resolve the issue by gleefully leaning into the inconsistency—like, there are some tags on that post that are just straight up like, 'i love hypocrisy :)'
and like, the 'unwanted dick pics'/'artists i don't want to see naked' camp drives me fucking batty, for sure, but i can at least respect that they're trying to come up with a unifying principle, even if i personally think what they've come up with is pernicious nonsense ('consent' is an idiotic lens through which to contemplate the problem of 'viewing art,' imo); but the people who just—outright reject the idea that they should have consistent values to which they adhere, and that where they encounter resistance in themselves to these values, they ought to interrogate what's motivating that resistance, and attempt to find a consistent throughline? really, really alienating and—frightening to me, if i'm honest!
#anyway yes a lot of this is what the block button is for and i've been using it#but i do think there's something interesting and also scary abt the psychology of this#like to me it's like. if you aren't willing to behave in accordance with your nominal values—there's something to interrogate there#like we all fall short of our values from time to time—i do it all the time!#we're traumatized or tired or haven't yet interrogated some expression or belief we picked up as children#so like. it's not the inconsistency that surprises and bothers me#it's the like. very *active* refusal to stop and think about it#because to me those moments of inconsistency are like. invitations to hammer out your self and your values a little better#and to find people just. actively crumpling up the invitation and tossing it aside with a sneering laugh?#frightening and alienating to me!#anyway this post is poorly structured because really the conclusion that ties back to the opening is that#i'd never previously articulated to myself that 'having consistent principles—#and working out how to *get* them consistent‚ when i find areas where they aren't yet‚ quite—'#was so deeply important to me but i'm realizing it really is!#like as i said i think we all suck at this sometimes and i get and forgive that in others as i get and forgive it in myself#but i really do need people to *care* about it! like. idk. the shining oriflamme may be ahead us and above us#but like. let's uphold it and not cast it down carelessly and trample it into the dirt under our feet‚ you know?#anyway. luv 2 be ancient and still deeply naive lol
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arttheclown · 1 year
twicord isn’t a bad ship people are just mean ):
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
sometimes i see sarah z posts on my dash and the thing about that is no matter what the take is it’s like okay well you’re literally sarah z 😐
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so theres a lot of posts going round about the titanic wreck and the missing submarines; all of them that ive seen have made very good points about how shoddy the submersible seemed to be and how the company decided to wait eight hours before reporting it, and how this is a play stupid games, win stupid prizes for the ultra-wealthy who paid like 250grand a ticket for this thing.
but what i havent seen any posts about is how the titanic wreck is a gravesite and this tourism is disturbing the graves of over 1500 people.
sometimes its kinda hard to remember that those on the titanic were real people; it was over a century ago, the story has been romanticised in so many ways (like the movie), theres conspiracies theories galore that cloud everything with misinformation, but at the end of the day, those who died were real people.
do you want their names? heres a list of them; its a long read. and for fun, heres another site where you can see photos of the children and babies who died aboard.
their bodies are long gone and their lives long forgotten. all we have to remember them and honour them is the wreck itself. its all we have of them and it is their gravesite. its their tombstone.
caitlin doughty/ask a morticians video on the great lakes discusses the topic well, and why we should leave these shipwrecks alone because again, they are the gravesites of all the souls who died aboard those ships. we rarely have bodies to recover so we really are left just with the wreck.
and what really upsets me about titanic tourism is how the majority of those who died that night were not the ultra-wealthy rich folks you might picture when you think of ocean liners.
61% of the first class passengers survived
42% of the second class passengers survived
24% of the third class passengers survived
24% of the crew survived **
the majority of those who died that night were regular folk; not to be cliche, but they were just like us. titanics wreck is not only a gravesite for over 1500 people, its also a majority working class gravesite.
and look at us now. look at what were doing. the ultra-wealthy can pay the equivalent of peanuts to them to disturb a mass gravesite of the exact kind of people they exploit today to hold onto all their wealth. 
its easy to point and laugh at these dumb idiots in their playstation controller submarine, seemingly held together with super glue and duct tape, but its also important to remember that what they were doing was simply disturbing a gravesite for fun. though the company does research, these guys werent down there to conduct research, they were there so they could brag about it to their friends. its like “climbing mount everest” while your sherpa does all the work.
if you cant tell, i have a lot of feelings about this. shipwrecks and ocean liners are one of my special interests and im currently building a (beginner’s) model of the titanic, for fucks sake. but i would never go down to see that wreck because its a fucking gravesite and we should not be disturbing their final resting place.
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