#thats the fic
blushweddinggowns · 1 year
Eddie was…struggling to say the least. And by the end of the first week of sticking around this city, he was completely out of ways to rationalize what the fuck he was still doing here. 
Indianapolis was just supposed to be a pitstop after visiting Wayne. Then, he was supposed to see Chrissy in a few days, spend some time in San Francisco before jet setting around the world for his year-long vacation. But instead here he was, avoiding Chrissy’s calls, opting instead to take the coward’s route of sending cryptic texts and reassurances that he was fine. Despite the fact that he’d canceled his flight a few days ago. 
And for what? Some hot guy he had only seen twice? That he couldn’t even get past first base with?
And while technically it was the best date of his life, that didn’t exactly warrant whatever the fuck he was doing here. And that wasn’t even mentioning all of the fucking lies. 
It was safe to say that he was floundering over here. Which was so fucking stupid. He was Eddie fucking Munson for God’s sake, not some lovesick highschooler. And he was sure that there were many easier flings to be had in his immediate future if he just left. This was when it was time to abort the mission right? He hadn’t gotten what he wanted, and that was that. 
So why was that so hard to accept? Why was he so fucking obsessed with this dude? Eddie had no fucking clue. Well…maybe he had some clue. Because Steve was funny. And he was smart, adventurous, and interesting enough for Eddie to want to know everything about him. Not to mention painfully attractive. And then add in being a complete sweetheart on top of everything else. 
All Eddie knew was that he wanted to see him again. And leaving now felt…wrong. Because Steve liked him. He obviously liked him, or at least Eddie really hoped he liked him. He at least liked him enough to give him his number. And answer his calls.
They had been talking a lot in the past few days. Historically, Eddie had always hated phone calls, especially when a single text could usually save you a half an hour of awkward small talk. But with Steve…it was different. Everything with Steve was different. They didn’t even have to be talking about anything important. They spent an hour and a half the other night debating over plot holes in the Lord of the Rings franchise. 
He had been calling him from the hotel’s room phone, adding in yet another lie about forgetting his cell in his non-existent fumigated apartment. But he didn’t feel too guilty about that one. Especially since he went through the extra effort to buy a new real (fake?) cellphone. One that he had purchased specifically for talking to Steve with. Because no matter how much he liked the guy, he wasn’t breaking the cardinal rule of keeping his real number a secret. Not after the insane shit fans sent him the last time it accidently went public.
No, he did the much saner thing of dropping eight hundred dollars on a smartphone and an extra phone plan that he’d only use to talk to the dude he’d been dating for less than a week. 
He really was killing it with the circular logic these days. And it was getting harder and harder to ignore. This whole…thing had gotten away from him. And it was becoming a touch too insane for Eddie to keep rationalizing the lies. And it wasn’t even his usual brand of insanity, this felt almost clinical. 
But that didn’t stop him from dialing Steve’s number the second his new account was officially activated. 
It rang twice before Steve answered, “Hello?”
God, even the sound of his voice was enough to make Eddie shiver. 
“Hey it’s me,” Eddie said like a moron. Like Steve would recognize his voice after one date and a handful of calls-
“Oh Eddie, hi!” Steve said, and Eddie could hear the smile in his voice, “That’s so weird. I was literally just thinking about you. I’m guessing you got your phone back?”
It was the smallest bit disconcerting, that just the sound of his voice was enough to make Eddie’s heart beat like crazy. He was kind of used to being the guy who made people nervous, not the other way around. Though he had to admit, it was a little exhilarating to be on the other side of it.
“I did. And you were huh? What were you thinking about?” Eddie purred, more than a bit proud that his voice didn’t sound as shaky as he felt.  But if he was ever going to fuck this guy he needed to amp up the charm.
But unfortunately for him, Steve was very good at throwing him for a loop, “You know those Afghan Hounds with the really long hair? Well I just saw a black one that I swear looked exactly like you.”
Eddie barked out a laugh, loud and unbidden, “God, you really know the way into a man’s heart don’t you? Who doesn’t like being compared to a dog?”
“It was a very pretty dog,” Steve tried, “Extremely cute.”
Eddie laid back on his bed, smiling at the ceiling like an idiot, "You think I'm pretty?"
He couldn’t see him, but Eddie could swear that Steve was rolling his eyes before saying, "I think you know you're pretty. You’ve seen a mirror before right? Y’know, the shiny things that show your reflection?”
God, he could be such a little bitch. Eddie freaking loved it.  
“Well now you’re just making me blush,” Eddie laughed, hoping that it came off as a little sarcastic instead of painfully honest. 
“And I bet that’s pretty too. So what's up?"
Oh y’know, just obsessively thinking about you near constantly, “I was just wondering when I would get to see you again.” 
"Well, my sister's going to be at her girlfriend's place tonight. How do you feel about coming over? I know it’s late but-”
“I’d love to,” Eddie interrupted, already excited. If that wasn’t a green light for them going further Eddie didn’t know what was. In a few hours it would be nearly midnight. And Eddie was more than down for a booty call, “When?”
“Maybe a few hours? I can text you the address. I’m sorry that my schedule is so fucked, but y’know. Night shift.”
“No worries. Guess I’ll see you soon?”
“Looking forward to it.”
From the latest chapter of this fic, inspired by this post
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decibly · 1 year
Maddie had been out for a walk when it happened. Because Jack had been injured by Phantom because of a piece of flying debris in a ghost fight yesterday (she would never understand the infatuation the Casper High students had with such a monster) she had left her ghost hunting gear at home so he could better defend himself. That, and it was nice to just get out of the hazmat every once in a while.
She was regretting those choices now, as she carefullly surveyed the swirling shades of spooky greens and purples surrounding her. The most likely thing that had just happened was that she had just ended up in the Ghost Zone by walking through a portal, either a natural one or one caused by a ghost with the intent of trapping her. It could also be some sort of ghostly illusion, but Maddie couldn’t think of any particular reasons a ghost that could create illusions would have made one like this, instead of something like tricking her into something like thinking her family was in danger. That possibilty didn’t seem at all likely, so she discarded it.
Maddie stayed there, floating, unsure of how to move through the etcoplasm-tainted air. She must’ve been there for about three hours, constantly creating and dismissing plans that all had no chance of working. Eventually, she just started looking around, trying to see if there was anything even remotely helpful. 
As Maddie scanned her surroundings, searching for some sort of exit, she couldn’t help but notice a slowly growing black speck on the horizon. Instinctively, she reached for her blaster, but only found a spare wrist ray. Maddie quickly slipped it on, and aimed it in the direction of whatever ghost was coming over to do who-knows-what to her. If she got out of this alive, she was never leaving the house without at least a basic blaster ever again.
Maddie squinted her eyes so much they were almost screwed shut in order to view the ghost better and possibly identify it. Just as she noticed the white hair, they ghost seemingly put on a vicious burst of speed, almost crashing into her. Maddie fired her wrist ray on instinct, causing the ghost to stumble just as it reached her.
“OW!” Phantom called out. “Not cool, M- Maddie!”
“Phantom,” she growled out.
“Woah, what’s with all the horrible hostility?” It grinned. “See what I did there? Alliteration!”
Maddie ignored the poor attempt to make itself seem likable. It should have figured out by now that she was wise to its tricks, but apparently not. “You injured my husband.”
Phantom frowned. “What? When?”
“Yesterday, during–”
“But that was Skulker! Sure, technically I broke those bleachers, but he was the one who shot me into them! Are you seriously going to blame me for that?”
“It’s not like you tried to stop it. Besides, wouldn’t it be a good outcome for you if one of us were injured?”
“I had no idea he was even there, why would I– well, this is just going to go in circles forever if we let it. Look, to cut this short, do you want a ride back home?”
Maddie glared at the ghost. “No.”
Phantom groaned, dragging its hand down its face. “I’m going to rephrase that, because I don’t think you’ll listen to me under any other circumstances. Let me take you back to the portal you made so that your kids will see you again.”
Her already-intense glare deepened. “Don’t you dare bring my kids into this.”
Phantom floated back about a foot or two, hands held up in mock surrender. “I’m not trying to! I’m just saying, as a fellow teenager, I’d be pretty upset if one of my parents went mysteriously missing in some alternate dimension, and your kids don’t deserve that,” he said placatingly.
Maddie scowled to give her glaring muscles a rest. “You’re damn right they don’t.”
Phantom grinned. “So can I take you home, then?”
This time, it was Maddie’s scowl that deepened. “Still no, ghost.”
It sighed. “I guess I don’t have much of a choice, then.”
Phantom blinked out of the visible light spectrum, and barely a second and a half later she was hoisted up at an awkward angle and flying away at high speed, back-to-back with Phantom in some sort of reverse piggyback. 
“STOP, SPECTER!” she screamed, trying to twist her body so that she could shoot her kidnapper. Unfortunately, it took her twenty minutes, which was far too long. By then, when she finally got a half-decent shot in that did more damage than just causing Phantom to flinch and actually managed to free her, the portal was in sight. When Maddie turned around to hopefully do more damage, even with her limited arsenal, she saw it and stood (well, floated) stock still.
“Did you just–”
“Take you where I promised to? Yes, yes I did.” That ever-present grin was plastered across Phantom’s face.
“Impossible, ghosts always lie. You must’ve–”
Phantom cut her off again by vanishing and appearing behind her once more. “Nope, I didn’t! Anyways, bye!”
Maddie was shoved into the swirling green.
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snakegills · 5 months
is the midague fic ongoing because it is genuinely so so so well written that it had me running laps around my home
Yes it is! I'm aiming for 4-5 chapters around 10k words each so it'll take a bit BUT chapter 2 is almost done I think I got like 6 more scenes to write? Anyway take this.
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impel-clown · 10 months
Crocodile thinking there will be a next time may not be factoring in that Buggy may die here on the floor. Hopefully the newspapers will word it nicely. Something like, ‘After a long battle with his treacherous subordinates, The Emperor, Buggy The Clown, decided his time on this earth was over and died. The world is in mourning as there will never be anyone as amazing and flashy as him.’.
Instead of a more accurate, ‘Clown tickle-fucked to death’.
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @messyhairdiaz @rewritetheending and @thekristen999
Thank you my lovelies! 💖
I did what I said I wouldn't do and started yet another wip. This one is doubly inspired by evil!Buck and this post by @tawaifeddiediaz (thank you for this dear)
The combination of the white coat and dark blue scrubs is admittedly making Eddie’s knees a little weak.
Buck’s blue eyes are bright bright bright, burning into Eddie with a fire that sets every single nerve ending alight. Flames lick across his skin and heat his blood, every part of him blooming like a flower under the sun as Buck slowly drags his eyes down Eddie’s body.
Those full, pink lips stretch into a cruel, wicked smirk as Buck advances on him.
Eddie backs away slowly, unable to tear his eyes away from the heat in Buck’s gaze.
He blinks when his back collides with the wall, and Buck huffs a laugh as he crowds into Eddie’s space, trapping him between the wall and that big, muscled body. He can’t help but be mesmerized by the size of the Buck, the pure, unadulterated strength and physicality rolling off him in waves. The muscles in his arms flex noticeably even through two layers as he puts his hands on either side of Eddie’s head, boxing him in. Buck’s tongue slips out and licks his lips, and Eddie’s hips jerk at the sight.
Unable to resist, Eddie lets his gaze lower, tracing down Buck’s broad chest and down to his thick thighs that are stretching the fabric of the scrubs to their limit. And those thighs aren’t the only thing nearly bursting out of Buck’s pants. Eddie nearly chokes on his tongue at the outline of Buck’s cock, hard and straining and so clearly wet.
Eddie wants it. He wants that cock in his mouth, on his tongue, dragging across his body, buried so deep in him that he can’t tell where he ends and Buck begins.
Buck moves one hand away from the wall and places rough fingers on Eddie’s chin, lifting his face until he meets Buck’s eyes. Eddie can feel every ounce of strength coiled within that touch, and it makes his mouth go dry as Buck forces his head back back back until his throat is exposed.
Tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @monsterrae1 @buddierights @rogerzsteven @lostinabuddiehaze @loveyourownsmiilee @heartbeatdiaz @jobairdxx @fatedbuddie @dickley-buddie @eddiesbleps @spotsandsocks and anyone else who wants to share!
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mako-mermaids2021 · 3 months
I did something
Violet deserves to be gardened and her kids are immature
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sphylor · 2 years
Fire Fox
Rating: general audiences
Characters: Dewdrop, Mountain, Swiss, Aether, Rain
Words: 1299
Oh. Well those were… new? Maybe not exactly new. But as Dewdrop stared at the large, fluffy ears that poked out from each side of his head in the mirror, he struggled to remember how long it had been since this had happened. Definitely not since he was a kit, that was for sure. Had he been born with them? His mother had never kept any pictures of him around the house so he didn’t know. All he knew was that he… didn’t actually mind them. 
@crimsonclergy i hope you like it i'm sorry i took the idea and became completely obsessed with it lol...
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
you guys know those fics where one day youre just sitting doing nothing and suddenly you remember that one fic you once read and you just start crying because it was so fucking good and so fucking tragic and so fucking beautiful and so fucking emotional?
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cgetbrmj · 1 year
edited the fic, took a break, came back to edit the fic.
will read through the whole thing tomorrow and make sure it's actually readable before POSTING IT!! Get excited, this is gonna be angsty <3
Currently sitting at 9005 words for fic #8 in the Evolution series :)
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lokorum · 2 months
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jon needs a door and i need a fucking break from this weather uhhh
music from the..floor?? ♪┏(・o・)┛♪
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valtsv · 1 year
my main advice for writing an enemies to lovers relationship is to resist the urge to make the characters' loathing and attraction mutually exclusive opposing forces. it's okay if they're getting weirdly into it and having Thoughts whilst also sincerely wanting to kill each other with hammers.
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lungthief · 1 year
listen. i know it's not 2014 anymore and i know it's just a throwaway line and that the russo brothers didnt intend for marvel action blockbuster captain america the winter soldier to become the tragic gay love story that never was but man. having steve say "it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience" in a conversation about romantic relationships right before the bucky reveal is so cruel. it's not just about steve and bucky obviously having the shared experience of being "out of time," it's the fact that they've both been stripped of their humanity in opposite directions. steve is a legend, he is an american hero and a national icon before he is a human being the same way that bucky is a weapon and a killing machine before he is a human being. steve knows that anyone who falls in love with him in the 21st century fell in love with captain america first, and that's just not him. but then the one person who knew him first and knew him best and loved him (not captain america, that little guy from brooklyn) so much he died for it is alive, impossibly. and it's a miracle because he's back and it's horrific because he's back under the worst possible circumstances. but to steve, the winter soldier is worth tearing the world apart for because he's always been bucky first. they find each other and suddenly they're human again. and maybe, despite it all, being "out of time" becomes a blessing, because in this century they'd finally be allowed to love each other the way they've always wanted to. like real people do.
like. no. the captain america trilogy isn't about two queer men traumatized and alienated by war and modern life rediscovering and reclaiming their humanity through their love for each other. but. i mean. it couldve been
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grimgoregrimoire · 6 months
Psst hey!! Over here!
Fic writers and original story writers are the same!
Writing fanfics doesn't make you any less of a writer!
Yall are just gatekeepers. Stop being assholes. There's room for everyone!
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
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Season 1 Rarijack is really funny
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cyeayt · 1 year
74 for the fic writing asks
What’s a fic you wish got more love?
Well I only have three published works rn but Id love if agntptdacftsobaiappwlrfbvfps~ and twelve years howled got a bit more attention, although at the moment the one I’m planning to update next is actually ysljf so,,,
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camembri · 8 months
you wanted zoro to be on whole cake island to fulfil your weird desire to see zoro punish sanji. I wanted zoro on whole cake island because I think he's stupid enough to right place wrong time the plan and accidentally marry Sanji in full view of the whole wedding party in what becomes the most elaborately constructed comedy of errors ever written. we are NOT the same.
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