#and then danny just yeeted her into another one
decibly · 1 year
Maddie had been out for a walk when it happened. Because Jack had been injured by Phantom because of a piece of flying debris in a ghost fight yesterday (she would never understand the infatuation the Casper High students had with such a monster) she had left her ghost hunting gear at home so he could better defend himself. That, and it was nice to just get out of the hazmat every once in a while.
She was regretting those choices now, as she carefullly surveyed the swirling shades of spooky greens and purples surrounding her. The most likely thing that had just happened was that she had just ended up in the Ghost Zone by walking through a portal, either a natural one or one caused by a ghost with the intent of trapping her. It could also be some sort of ghostly illusion, but Maddie couldn’t think of any particular reasons a ghost that could create illusions would have made one like this, instead of something like tricking her into something like thinking her family was in danger. That possibilty didn’t seem at all likely, so she discarded it.
Maddie stayed there, floating, unsure of how to move through the etcoplasm-tainted air. She must’ve been there for about three hours, constantly creating and dismissing plans that all had no chance of working. Eventually, she just started looking around, trying to see if there was anything even remotely helpful. 
As Maddie scanned her surroundings, searching for some sort of exit, she couldn’t help but notice a slowly growing black speck on the horizon. Instinctively, she reached for her blaster, but only found a spare wrist ray. Maddie quickly slipped it on, and aimed it in the direction of whatever ghost was coming over to do who-knows-what to her. If she got out of this alive, she was never leaving the house without at least a basic blaster ever again.
Maddie squinted her eyes so much they were almost screwed shut in order to view the ghost better and possibly identify it. Just as she noticed the white hair, they ghost seemingly put on a vicious burst of speed, almost crashing into her. Maddie fired her wrist ray on instinct, causing the ghost to stumble just as it reached her.
“OW!” Phantom called out. “Not cool, M- Maddie!”
“Phantom,” she growled out.
“Woah, what’s with all the horrible hostility?” It grinned. “See what I did there? Alliteration!”
Maddie ignored the poor attempt to make itself seem likable. It should have figured out by now that she was wise to its tricks, but apparently not. “You injured my husband.”
Phantom frowned. “What? When?”
“Yesterday, during–”
“But that was Skulker! Sure, technically I broke those bleachers, but he was the one who shot me into them! Are you seriously going to blame me for that?”
“It’s not like you tried to stop it. Besides, wouldn’t it be a good outcome for you if one of us were injured?”
“I had no idea he was even there, why would I– well, this is just going to go in circles forever if we let it. Look, to cut this short, do you want a ride back home?”
Maddie glared at the ghost. “No.”
Phantom groaned, dragging its hand down its face. “I’m going to rephrase that, because I don’t think you’ll listen to me under any other circumstances. Let me take you back to the portal you made so that your kids will see you again.”
Her already-intense glare deepened. “Don’t you dare bring my kids into this.”
Phantom floated back about a foot or two, hands held up in mock surrender. “I’m not trying to! I’m just saying, as a fellow teenager, I’d be pretty upset if one of my parents went mysteriously missing in some alternate dimension, and your kids don’t deserve that,” he said placatingly.
Maddie scowled to give her glaring muscles a rest. “You’re damn right they don’t.”
Phantom grinned. “So can I take you home, then?”
This time, it was Maddie’s scowl that deepened. “Still no, ghost.”
It sighed. “I guess I don’t have much of a choice, then.”
Phantom blinked out of the visible light spectrum, and barely a second and a half later she was hoisted up at an awkward angle and flying away at high speed, back-to-back with Phantom in some sort of reverse piggyback. 
“STOP, SPECTER!” she screamed, trying to twist her body so that she could shoot her kidnapper. Unfortunately, it took her twenty minutes, which was far too long. By then, when she finally got a half-decent shot in that did more damage than just causing Phantom to flinch and actually managed to free her, the portal was in sight. When Maddie turned around to hopefully do more damage, even with her limited arsenal, she saw it and stood (well, floated) stock still.
“Did you just–”
“Take you where I promised to? Yes, yes I did.” That ever-present grin was plastered across Phantom’s face.
“Impossible, ghosts always lie. You must’ve–”
Phantom cut her off again by vanishing and appearing behind her once more. “Nope, I didn’t! Anyways, bye!”
Maddie was shoved into the swirling green.
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
against my better judgement i did indeed buy the saints row 3 remaster and oh boy i should have expected all the bugs
#shut up danni's talking#its not unplayable bc the original game had a fair amount of bugs#but it is so infuriating that the most visible of bugs were never fixed and its been 2 years since#there's this one bug where one of the main bad guys has a broken textured face#and considering the only thing going for this version is its graphics this is genuinely a huge fuck you#it continues all throughout the entire game and so i have no idea what new cyrus is meant to look like#except his in game model when you get your face to look like his to infiltrate thats like many hours after his introduction#there have been other bugs that were on the funnier side that i didn't mind bc that's half the allure of the saints row game#its dumb and its stupid and cool and fun!!!!#its just. so much fun. not that there aren't flaws there's a lot#but these cookey funny bugs fit w the universe#like at one point there's meant to be a big firefight at the base and i almost died bc i was cackling at this one lady who was just smoking#while there's this big massive shootout she's like hm i may be in this gang but not my problem.#she only started shooting back when she got staggered which reset her#another is when you have to run out a building to a nearby car during a shootout and i pressed the use button to open the door#but i was running and pressed the use button which also executes a quick hijack animation where you leap into a car#so my chara literally yeeted herself through closed doors i had to get back out and open the door for my pal#annoying bugs tho are ones where things don't properly load and i have to start over fro checkpoint to fix it#or when i have a vehicle retrieval mission and the car literally gets stuck in the scenery if you hit it wrong#and also said texture bug#its just disappointing that the series cranks out games but the company doesn't give any love to them#still waiting on that patch for saints row 2 so that i can play it ✨️ one of my faves in the series#dw i won't be buying the latest saints game unless its on ridic sale#no way am i paying full price for that
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ichimerapunk · 5 months
Scene/ part of a story idea I want to put into a fanfic somewhere at some point
So, Danny had been staying with the Waynes. One evening without warning the GIW show up and managed to brute force their way into the manor and past Alfred just long enough to take down Danny and take off with him into one of several white vans of theirs.
The Bats, who had just left for their nightly patrol, give chase. However right before they catch up to the vans booking it out of Gotham, an 18 wheeler pulls out in front of the vans blocking their way. As several of agents pile out to confront the driver (and then pull out their guns when the truck is empty), they don’t automatically notice as the agents that were in the van containing Danny are yeeted out of the vehicle, unconscious.
The remaining agents turn in time to see what appears to be Danny being carried off by another ghost. The remaining agents pile into the remaining vans and take off down a side road to follow them. Jason and Dick are ordered to follow them. At the same time the doors of the remaining van close and Dan behind the wheel takes off.
With Sam giving directions over comms and Tucker manipulating traffic lights Dan intentionally gets as many cops as possible on his tail, driving the van just how his dad taught him in the GAV. The cops are quickly joined by Tim on his bike. During the chase Barbara manages to hack into the signals of whoever had been changing the lights and, through abnormal static, heard several voices coordinating their every move. After catching the attention of enough cops, Dan, while evading but not losing them, books it towards where the remaining vans are still chasing who they think is Danny. Dan catches up to them under an underpass/ short tunnel and uses a brief moment of being obscured by the police to wedge himself in amongst them. [Basically, take the opening chase scene from Baby Driver for the most part; I’m unashamedly taking inspiration from that.]
The vans are all unmarked and have tinted windows. The police have no way of quickly discerning which van they had been chasing down and so the now large number of police surround and forcibly stop all them. (Enjoy getting tied up with that mess for a while, agents.) As they are being stopped, Tim jumps off his bike and runs to the one he knows Danny was in only to just in time see someone that looked like Danny, but had long hair and eyes that turned from blue to red, disappear without a trace.
Above them, the two fleeing figures also disappear. Dani/Ellie* had been dressed as Danny and had been carried by a Dan duplicate. Back near where the chaos happened, Jazz slips out of her hiding spot in the shadows struggling with an unconscious and injured Danny. As soon as she slips out of her hiding spot, Batman appears having not been fooled by the distractions.  
That’s the basic rough idea of it. I don’t know if this scene sounds at all as epic and cool as I imagine it to be. I think hope it could actually be pretty cool if I can manage to write an action scene.
*Not sure which I would go with in the story
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spacedace · 2 years
Got another dc x dp writing prompt blurb thing for yall (this time featuring TimKon)
Elle declaring herself Queen of the Clones as a joke because Danny is the Ghost King and she should get a fun title too and accidentally making herself effectively the god of clones across all dimensions as a result.
Elle being suddenly aware of all the clones in existence in a vague way, but able to "tune in" on specific ones, or suddenly becoming aware when a clone is in serious trouble.
Elle deciding, fuck it, she's gonna take care of all the clones that need taking care of, turning her haunt in the Ghost Zone into a place of safety, using her new abilities as God Queen of Clones to make it so whenever any of them need help they get pulled to her Haunt instantly.
Connor getting mortally wounded in a fight, saving the day but getting buried in rubble away from where anyone would be able to dig him out in time to save him and suddenly being Somewhere Else.
Connor getting saved by Elle and the yetis, but having amnesia from the severe headroom (he can't remember anything except maybe the face of a boy his age, dark circles under sharp blue eyes, a wry smile, the understanding that Connor was in love with whoever the boy is or was).
Elle not being able to tell where Connor is from, her Haunt just pulls clones in trouble in when they need her help, there's no sending address or anything like that. And he was in such bad shape its not like she trusts that sending him back to where ever he's from is even safe to do.
Connor being one of the permanent residents of Elle's haunt (she always tries to find the clones that end up there a place of their own, getting Clockwork to de-age them and a good family to love them for those that want that, a spot in Amity where clones don't even register as anything weird, or just back to where they came from but now with the promise of somewhere to call home and a new family of clones to care for them) and ends up with the title of her knight or champion or something along the way, looking after everyone when Elle is off traveling and generally being vice-president of Clone Club
Elle getting captured by the GIW while out seeing the world, unable to escape but at least able to alert her family that she's in trouble.
Danny and the Pham not being able to break in because of all the upped security keeping away anything ghostly or ghost adjacent
Connor and a group of the clone club rallying to get Elle out themselves, breaking in and releasing as many ghosts as they can and destroying as much as they can and oops the Justice League has shown up
Connor not having powers in the Ghost Zone and being very freaked out when he punched Superman in the face and sent him flying a hundred yards, surprising the Clone Club with his super strength and surprising the League with his surprise about his super strength and frantic apologies to Superman for yeeting him across an open field (up to this point they assumed this was another evil clone situation Lex cooked up but now aren't so sure).
The GIW ends up closing in to attack the clones who just got Elle back and need to make a break for it before the portal back closes while that's happening and Connor decides to be self-sacrificing and give them cover, so they can escape.
Connor surrendering to the Justice League before the GIW can grab him once everyone else is free and clear, because he knows Elle and the other Clones will break him out and that's gonna be a lot easier if he's not in GIW custody
Tim and the Young Justice gang losing their God damn minds because that's Connor?? Maybe?? He doesn't remember them or the Justice League or Superman or anything but it has to be him right? They never found his body, Tim had been so sure he was still out there alive somehow - had lost weeks and months to maddening grief, desperately searching for some sign that Connor was out there somewhere - and now here he is!
Connor refusing to talk to the JL, low key trying to figure out if they actually do know who he is or if it's a trick - the Pham's stories of what they've all had to deal with and his own recent raid on the GIW has left him with a healthy suspicion of anything government related and the JL may not be with the GIW but they sure as hell are still government goons as far as he's concerned.
The main league being worried that it's mind control or a clone scheme or something like that and not really being sure what to do. There's too many questions about what happened to him, where he's been, what he was doing in that raid on that government facility - there's questions too on just what kind of facility that was, and a new case has already been opened on that whole can of worms - and Connor (if it is Connor) isn't answer their questions.
So they put him in a cell with some Kryptonite to make sure his powers are suppressed - half out of concern that him surrendering to them is a scheme, half terrified that if he really doesn't know he has powers anymore that he'll accidentally destroy the Watchtower with a sneeze. They make sure it's comfortable, he did apologize about punching Superman in the face - a lot, actually, it was pretty much the only thing he had said the entire time, along with very concerned questions on if the Man of Steel was okay - and while there's something strange going on, if it's mind control then they'd rather Connor come back to himself somewhere decent.
And no one is supposed to talk to him alone, or outside of a formal interrogation or without Wonder Woman there in case Connor gets hostile - even with the Kryptonite, they can't be too careful - but that's not going to stop Tim. His best friend is alive, there isn't a power in the universe that's going to keep him away.
Connor doesn't recognize him. Except that he does. It's weird, because his only memory has been the face of that boy, but there's also just something so familiar about Red Robin and it's the first familiar thing he's known since waking up in the Far Frozen over a year ago.
For awhile it's just Tim talking, trying to get Connor to remember, trying to do anything he can to prove (to everyone, to himself) that this really is Connor. And after over an hour he's nowhere near ready to give up, but he is maybe ready to go and have a breakdown in a supply closet for a bit, when Connor finally starts talking back.
He doesn't say much - he's suspicious, even as he becomes more and more sure that Red Robin is someone to him - but he does start talking and, it's nice. Familiar.
And just as he's considering actually telling Red Robin something - everything, really, Connor's always been a sucker for a cute boy that looked one more cup of coffee away from a psychotic break - the cavalry arrives. Ghosts everywhere, causing a distraction and looking for Connor and maybe just having a little fun fucking around for a bit while they're at it.
(Constantine is trying to sneak off to smoke somewhere he won't end up getting lectured like he's a disobedient school boy, opening a door to come face to spectral bellybutton with Fright Knight. He decides maybe Bats is right and he should quite smoking as he - fruitlessly - closes the door again without a word.)
Wulf is ready with a portal and Technus is in control of the station and the cell door opens just as Lunch Box appears to phase the cuffs off Connor (and maybe steal some of that delicious rock candy that was in those cuffs for some reason, her parents won't let her have any back at home and she's helping the royal family get one of their loyal knights back, she deserves a little treat) and it's time to go.
Tim's ready to throw down, terrified that whatever the hell these things are they're going to take Connor away again, but just as he's working out a plan on just how he's going to fight something that can walk through walls, disappear and fly (and eat fucking Kryptonite), he suddenly finds himself being thrown over Connor's shoulder and being carried through a terrifying rip in space and time to another dimension.
Conner can admit, as he lands back in Elle's haunt with all the ghosts streaming in behind him as the portal closes and the Clone Club rushing forward to check on him and Red Robin still slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes (a cute sake of potatoes, though) he might not have thought this one through.
Kidnapped by his amnesiac and possibly mind controlled best friend and dragged to hell(?) aside, Tim's just happy Conner brought him with him this time. Batman and the rest of the League, still reeling from what just happened, are not nearly as happy with that fact.
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evilminji · 3 months
You know The Force™? Yes, from Star Wars.
What if It and Ectoplasm, as a vague, all encompassing Primordial Force That IS... were Exs?
Now, now, I here your scepticism. But hear me out! I am going somewhere with this! Possibly somewhere amusing! Might be candy! Who knows! ANYWAY~☆
The Primordial Forces That ARE.™
Imagine um like infinite, multidimensional, multidirectional, endlessly stacking, 2-D pancakes! That are ALIVE. Gods beyond godhood. Inherently Amoral. Not IMMORAL... Amoral.
As in removed from morality.
Outside it.
Just as they are with most things. Time, change, entropy and order. They are the textbook definition of "I EXSIST" in the eldrich sense. It's like trying to understand the thought process of rocks. A black hole.
The best thing everyone can do is move on and accept that our fleshy little meat brains are incapatible with the information we are trying to take in. They DO like us though! For the given quality of "like" as they are capable of understanding it.
It's neat. They are neat!
Why bring um up, though? Well~ >.> remember that "stacked" thing? Not EVERY universe has all of them. In fact, MOST universe don't have more then one! Why would you need TWO Infinte Powers watching you? You're not that special!
And if you ARE, that's not a GOOD thing!
So like? Star Wars? Has The Force. As does every variation and fic offshoot universe. The spin off series. Unknown, undiscovered, "and everything was peaceful, safe, and fine" universe's where nothing story worthy happened.
Danny? Gets Ectoplasm.
The Zone.
Which? Is where Ectoplasm stores their blorbos. The FUNNY ones. The INTERESTING ones. The "I just think they're neat" ones. And FRANKLY? It HAS TO STOP! It's getting out of hand! A hobby is ONE thing, but THIS? The last one tried to invade OTHER UNIVERSE. And now you want to put ANOTHER little crown on your favorite OC?
Stop TORMENTING the little thing! This is BENEATH YOU! No more "edgy" halfa creatures!
Give me that!
Aaaaaand Danny is in Space? W...Why is Danny in space? Danny doesn't WANT to be in SPACE. Danny was about to finally have a burger and a NAP! Guys? Guys, this isn't funny! Where the FUCK is he?? Why are all the ghosts blue?
Why can random space monks body him? But like... only conditionally? The swords are Tingly but the hand wave throw thing? Yeets like the football? And, hell yeah aliens? But boooo, most of them are jerks?
Also >:/ not so thrilled about how people talking about Clones. Or treating them.
And your "Chancellor" fruitloop is very... Vlad. Vibes be RANCID.
He wants to go home but might Have To Cause Problems On Purpose first.
Meanwhile? Skywalker n his secret wife are somewhere VERY green and the white not-wookies are very concerned about her health. But don't worry! They caught the problem early. And prenatal care in important. Also so is mental health. Here, talk to this soft pile of fur with a soft understanding voice! That's elder Councilfang!
Why? Because Ectoplasm is petty. Fuck YOU, Force. If you're gonna take THEIR favorite bloro, then Ectoplasm is gonna take YOUR current favorite TOO! See how YOU like your bloro missing!
@babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @spidori @lolottes @legitimatesatanspawn
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luffyrose · 2 years
We're back with another dc x dp, coming to you this time on my phone while hang in off the back of my couch. Is blood rushing to my head? Yes.
Either way, I had a random thought about how personally as a child, I was a little monkey, like if my parents had actually had the thought to put me in gymnastics I would probably be a menace to society. And so my thought was, what if Danny was like that too?
Danny had always been very hyper, like, bounce of the walls, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE FRIDGE-" kind of hyper. When he started to climb, hang, flip, and just about break something just to have some fun, Jazz finally tried to get their parents to sign him up for gymnastics.
They didn't.
Both had been very happy at the idea, but when it came down to it, they just forgot. And one time without actually paying attention to the two, said gymnastics was for girls, ultimately shattering Danny's budding hobby. Jazz of course didn't just let that dream go, instead finding anything she could to let him learn on his own, at the very least, she made sure he was capable enough to pick it up in his teenage years should he finally get a chance to take classes.
That didn't end up happened either.
He'd died, become Phantom, accidentally become Crown Prince of the Infinite realms, and now had to deal with superheroes realizing that something was up in Amity. More specifically, a credible news reporter finally came to the town and settled the real or not debate in one swift "WTF IS THAT-" upon seeing a giant robot hunter thing(it was Skulker).
Along with all that, his parents, or more specifically his mother, was finally noticing something was wrong. Almost two years after he died, she finally took a second to look at him, and was disturbed. So Danny, being optimistic as he can be, tries to tell them, which goes horribly wrong and ends in a lab explosion and Danny 'stuck' in the Ghost Zone. Really Jazz blew the portal up after reaching her own breaking point and immediately called CPS on her parents since Danny was never gonna come back to them.
Danny all ouchy, there goes my parents because the two destroyed their blood bond by intentionally aiming to harm him instead of the weird loophole they'd been in before. Clockwork being Clockwork yeets him over to Gotham, giving Jazz a note about it.
Over in Gotham, he's actually thrown right from a portal in the aky hurdling down toward one of the city's rogues. Whoever it is, the Batfam are like "wtf-" at the clearly confused child that suspiciously looks like they're one of the Waynes, and so they just take him back. Doesn't help that they're worried since he just got thrown from who knows where and definitely did not take that fall well- also doesn't help that he's clearly bleeding and severely injured.
Danny, after Alfred forces him to rest from injuries, is so hyper. His hyperness had gone into his vigilantism, so now with nothing to deter it, he was going crazy and he felt so stiff.
Cue one of the sibkings walking in to find the kid hanging dangerously off something and just going "hi". Dick has a new favorite(not really he still loves all his siblings the same...maybe Damian and new kid are a smidge higher, but they're younger so it doesn't count).
When he takes the kid to the gym in their house, he is literally running around and getting onto everything. Now Dick has accidentally acquired little acrobatic brother that he's determined to help out with getting better.
Best part, Danny doesn't even realize the others are like "welp he's family now" and is just thinking they're very nice for being rich. He doesn't trust Bruce too much though, sure rich people's mids could be chill(take Sam for example) but parents themselves were iffy.
No one knows how to react to the truth bombs he randomly drops without even realizing it either.
Dick, watching Danny haning upside down from a bar for the last like 10 minutes: whatcha doin buddy?
Danny: thinking about my parents.
Damian, who's also been watching the whole tome but would never admit it: Your parents?
Danny, yeeting himself off the bar with no sense of self preservation: yeah, they told me they'd sign me up for gymnastics. Never did. Claimed it was only for girls. Although I think that was the same day our oven came alive on accident and almost set me on fire so...they were pretty distracted.
Dick, staring in actual horror for many reasons: What?!
Damian, also horrified but not showing it as much: Your oven came alive...?
Danny, who still isn't paying attention and already having forgotten what he said: how do you do that thing you showed me earlier?
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 89
Danny getting launched in dc with no context of what’s going. Just some thoughts on some of his first views on people.
Batman: just going Nope, not today. I’m not dealing with a demon bat.
Bruce Wayne: that is a fruitloop with an adoption problem avoid at all cost.
Robin: takes one look and yeets himself of a roof to get away. That child is murderous and has a sword. He’d rather not die again.
Super boy (Jon): saw him with stabby child before he jumped off the roof. Won’t approach in fear of two stabby children. Although he didn’t feel murderous intent from him.
Nightwing. Danny is just confused on him. Guy has to be part ghost right??? Has to be with the way he is flying in the air. Danny had a pun off with him before leaving. Nightwing is his favorite.
Deadman: this one is dead. But he doesn’t feel like a ghost. How is this possible (Danny my dude. You only know of ectoplasm ghost, much to learn about the occult in dc)
Green lanterns: thought they looked cool. Then learned they were essential cops. Sam and his government have formed his ACAB belief. It won’t change here.
Constantine: Danny won’t go near him. Bad vibes.
Superman: too American pie for him.
Red Robin: heard his name laughed and went yummm
Superboy (Conner): too busy laughing at Red Robin, but thought he felt like Danielle.
Catwoman: that is a cat demon. Get him away.
Black Bat: snuck up on him. He panicked with a high pitched scream turned invisible and fled. He won’t go near her of his own choosing. She’s scary.
Flash: Danny instantly decides to prank him. He had been told by clockwork months ago flash likes pranks. (Clockwork is sick of the man messing with time)
Aqua man: just questioning him making sure he isn’t a tyrant. He’s had enough of those.
Signal: pointed right at Danny while invisible. Danny panicked and froze him. He unfroze him a few seconds later.
Conner/Tim: assumes they are a couple. Why else would one be grabbing coffee away from the other.
Damian/Jon: assumes they hate one another. Damian was threatening Jon.
Red hood: stopped a mugger from robbing his human form. Scary looking hero obviously.
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A Haunting
dannymay day 26 art/fic switch
dp x dc crossover
1905 words
Danny was so done with Skulker. It was one thing to chase him and try to catch him to hang his skiing above the mantle, but it was a totally different thing to yeet him into an alternate timeline/dimension. Danny didn’t really care which. And he was extra annoying about it too. 
Skulker had been chasing Danny through Amity when a natural portal had opened up. Danny had been distracted and Skulker had used the opportunity to grab him and throw him through the portal,
And that was it. 
And so here Danny was who knows where, who knows when, for who knew how long. Well, Clockwork knows but that’s the equivalent of no one knowing because the Ancient doesn't know how to communicate.
Maybe Danny should sick Jazz on him to teach him the importance of communication. And also sick her on Skulker to teach him that it’s rude to launch your adversaries into unknown portals.
But first things first. He was hungry and required sustenance, preferably the greasy kind. 
Invisibly and intangibly he floated down to search for some food. Just in time to miss a bat swooping down onto the roof.
Red Hood had been in the middle of…persuading one of Falcone’s members to talk when he saw a flash of green in the corner of his vision. He tossed the man aside and turned to see a crack in the sky the same color as the Lazarus pits open up above an abandoned apartment building. He could just see something falling through before the crack in the sky closed up. 
He was moving before he really thought about it.
It took him less than 5 minutes to land on the building's roof but as far as he could see there was nothing.
He hesitated for a moment before reaching up to his com.
“Oracle, I need you to pull up any feeds around the old Adam Apartments.”
“What am I looking for?”
“You’ll know when you see it.”
“What do you mean… oh. I’m patching everyone else in.”
“What is it, Oracle?” came NItghwing’s voice amidst the sounds of fighting.
“Hood spotted an anomaly over the Adam Apartments. It looked like a Lazarus Pit.
There was silence for a moment, then…
“What do you mean a Lazarus Pit!?”
“Are there any League members nearby?”
“Do we know where Talia is?”
“Are you sure Hood saw a pit?”
“Quiet! Hood tell us what happened.: came B’s voice.
“I was doing some business when I spotted a green tear in the sky. Something or someone fell out but when I got to the building I couldn’t find anything.”
“Alright, Nightwing heads over to Hood’s position and help investigate. Oracle, keep looking through any nearby cameras.  Everyone else, stick to your normal patrols and keep a lookout for any other anomalies.
A chorus of ‘yes, sirs’ and ‘will do , B’ sounded before the coms fell quiet.
After Danny had eaten, a burger he had to swipe because apparently money was different in this dimension, he decided to explore. After all, there wasn’t much he could do except wait for a natural portal to show up. He stopped a few crimes because why not. And, he had to admit, it was hilarious to spook people with his slightly more eldritch form. Though, the muttering about another bat was confusing.
After flying through the shadier parts of town he came across some large mansions. And, well, Danny had always wanted to try his hand at haunting. 
Danny had only just started exploring the mansion and he had already found out that the owners were either furries or vigilantes. Then again, this was a different dimension. Maybe everyone here had secret basements and furry costumes. Danny shouldn’t assume. Then again again, his parents had a secret basement (kind of) and he was a vigilante (kind of). So, he totally had the right to assume. And judge. Who dressed up like bats and traffic lights?
Though, it would be cool to have a whole big lair with lots of gadgets instead of just hiding things under floorboards and in walls.
At least now he knew why the criminals he scared kept muttering about bats. 
But now it was time to start haunting!
Time knew he should be in bed. Had been told repeatedly that he should go to bed. Had been  threatened that if he didn’t go to bed there would be consequences. But, well… he was technically in bed. Even if he wasn’t sleeping, or resting, he was sitting in bed. That had to count for something. Besides, he’d sleep as soon as he finished updating this case file. Maybe. He reached for his cup of coffee (decaf if anyone asked) and went to take a sip. But nothing came out. Tim frowned; he was sure he had just refilled it recently. That’s why he kept the secret coffee maker in his closet. He looked away from his computer to his cup and his frown deepened. His coffee was frozen.
Dick was staying at the manor over the weekend to help finish up a case which would probably now be delayed because of the Lazarus green anomaly that had been spotted. Oh well, that was a worry for tomorrow. Right now he was ready for a nice hot shower to relax his muscles and then a good sleep before waking up to a delicious Alfred made breakfast. 
After walking out of the shower he found his window open. Dick frowned. That was strange. He was sure the window had been closed. He shrugged, it was probably one of his siblings. He closed it and went to pull his sleepwear on. He was about to turn his lamp off when he saw that the window was open. He narrowed his eyes. He closed it again and watched it, but nothing happened. He turned towards his bed when he heard the window opening. He turned quickly but there was no one there and the window was open again.
Damien had just laid down when his door creaked open.
“Who is it?” 
No one answered. Damien huffed and got up to close the door. It was probably Drake or maybe Todd. Regardless, Damien thought as he walked back to his bed, he would find out who and would show that they shouldn't mess with an Al’ Ghul.
His door creaked open again and Damien growled as he stalked open and slammed the door closed. Before he could turn around the door creaked open.
Damien inspected the door but couldn’t see how someone would be opening it remotely. 
He closed it again and when nothing happened headed back to bed. Had just closed his eyes several minutes later when the door opened again.
Jason had debated going to his safehouse but, and he wouldn’t admit this to anyone except maybe Alfred, he was nervous. Anything related to the Pits made him nervous. He didn’t want to fall back into a murderous rage. So, he’d stay at the manor just for tonight.
He still felt a little off. The Pit felt like it was stirring, but he didn’t feel angry. It felt like the Pit was calling out to something. Jason tried to ignore it as he made his way to his room where he hung up his leather jacket. Which promptly fell down. Jason rolled his eyes and picked up, he shivered his room felt colder than usual. He hung his jacket up and turned around only to hear it fall again. He scowled. If one of his brothers had done something…. But no, the hook looked normal and his jacket was fine.
But it wouldn’t stay hung up! Everytime he hung it up it promptly fell back down.
Well fine! If it wanted to lie on the ground then it would stay there. He was going to bed.
Bruce was typing up tonight's report on the Batcomputer when the screen shut down. He frowned, The Batcomputer wasn’t supposed to randomly shut down. He turned it on but when he clicked on the report it opened up a video with some music video with some guy sign ‘never gonna give you up.’ Bruce scowled harder and clicked out and went back to the file. But this time when he tried typing no matter what keys he hit the only words that appeared on screen were the same lyrics.
He sighed. This was undoubtedly one of his kids trying to get him to go to bed. But just in case.
“Oracle, is there anything wrong with the Batcomputer?”
“Not that I can tell. Oh wait.”
Bruce tensed.
Oracle sounded like she was laughing.
“What is it?” 
“It looks like someone activated the “Rick Roll Procedure.”
“Don’t worry about, it was probably one of the boys.”
“Oracle, what’s the “Rick Roll Procedure”?
“Sorry, B. Got to go.” she signed off.
Bruce grunted. Fine, he’d go to bed, if only to please Alred.
Alfred was in the kitchen beginning preparation for tomorrow's breakfast. The scone dough was ready, all he needed to do was add the apples and then he could b=put it in the fridge to bake tomorrow. When he reached for the bowl containing the pre-cut apples his hand found nothing. He turned and saw that the bowl of apples had been moved farther away and a bag of chocolate chips had been placed near his mixing bowl. Alfred raised an eyebrow and went to retrieve the apples, but just as he reached it the bowl slid further away. 
Alfred froze. He looked around the kitchen but didn’t see any of the boys. But his eyes caught on an odd shimmer in the air near the apples.
Well then.
“Hello, there. I was unaware we had a guest. If you’ll allow me to take the apples I’ll make another batch of scones with chocolate chips.”
Nothing happened for a moment, but the bowl of apples slid towards him.
“Thank you very much.” Alfred said before returning to his work. He’d let Master Bruce know tomorrow morning that they might have a new family member soon.
The next morning at breakfast there was much glaring and staring at one another through squinted eyes trying to establish guilt.
Finally, Damian spoke up. “Alright, which of you kept childishly opening my door?”
“What are you talking about? The real question is who messed with my coat hanger?” Jason said, pointing his fork at Damian.
“Well someone kept opening my window.”
“And someone froze my coffee.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Bruce said, setting down his newspaper.
“Someone’s been messing with things around the manor and it wasn’t me,” Jason said.
“We’re being haunted!” Dick said with way too much enthusiasm.
“What?” Bruce asked, sounding somewhere between confused and concerned, a common occurrence when it came to his sons.
“Are you discussing our guest?” Alfred asked as he came in carrying two plates of scones. “It is thanks to them that we are having both apple cinnamon and chocolate chip scones.”
A clamor arose.
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What is their purpose here?”
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. “Perhaps, they’d like to introduce themselves?” He looked toward the back corner of the room, one eyebrow raised.
Everyone turned to stare just as a floating figure materialized. “Hi, I’m Danny, you’re resident Casper.”
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zorlok-if · 11 months
if the zorlok cast were bg3 characters, what would they be and what kind of decisions would they make?
I'm assuming you mean who they would be in BG3 and not what kind of characters they would play. Also, hmm, don't want to give away spoilers here, so if you look below the cut you can see what I think they'd be up to (just beware of spoilers).
Tommy: Human, Level 9 Warlock (Fiend + Chain) / Level 3 Bard (Valour)
Dev: Wood Elf, Level 11 Rogue (Thief) / Level 1 Warlock (Archfey)
EJ: Human, Level 12 Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
Adam/Eve: High Elf, Level 7 Cleric (War) / Level 5 Paladin (Vengeance)
Lucía: Half-Elf (Wood), Level 7 Ranger (Gloomstalker) / Level 5 Rogue (Assassin)
Ciel: Lightfoot Halfling, Level 6 Barbarian (Wildheart) / Level 6 Druid (Moon)
Danny: Drow (Seldarine), Level 9 Paladin (Oathbreaker) / Level 3 Warlock (Fiend + Blade)
The Celestial: Aasimar Forest Gnome, Level 10 Wizard (Transmutation) / Level 2 Cleric (Knowledge)
Rose: Human, Level 12 Bard (Lore)
[Beware of Spoilers Below!]
Not romancing anyone (obviously, he's 15)
Best friends with Wyll, Karlach, and Gale. Shadowheart is too cool for him, he's way too intimidated by her. Lets Astarion do whatever the hell he wants. Lae'zel scares the shit out of him. Adopted by Halsin the moment he meets him.
Just wants to hang out with the cool tiefling kids
Very easily persuaded by Raphael. Wyll and Karlach are constantly trying to talk some sense into him.
Aylin is the coolest person he's ever met
Sobbing his way through the horrors of Faerûn—I can see him in a little crumple at Withers feet, blowing his nose on Withers' decaying robes as bone daddy breaks the fourth wall and stares into the camera miserably
Eventually hardens into a truly terrifying force to be reckoned with (Karlach is very proud)
Tommy has two hands, one for Scratch and one for the owlbear
Romancing non-Ascended Astarion and fucking Halsin occasionally, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are xyr besties (xe forces them to get along), Gale amuses the hell out of xem, Wyll and Dev are constantly trying to one up each other's stories
It's either Ethel or Volo, whoever xe comes across first, but that eye's out of xyr head comically fast
Just wants to talk shit with Withers all day, hates that he never has much to say to xem
Wants to kick the shit out of Rolan but keeps saving his life somehow
Always covered in blood. Like it doesn't make sense half the time. How did that much blood splatter on xem? Why is it still on xem?
Absolutely head over heels in love with Gale, friends with and trying to fix everyone, Astarion terrifies them but they won't give up on him, they know there's a good person hiding beneath that veneer
Panicked and accidentally yeeted a gnome
Tried a tadpole once, wasn't for them
Holding Gale's hand and squinting through every dark space
Sleeps cuddling the owlbear and is always covered in feathers
In a relationship with Lae'zel, didn't get along at first but Laez grew to respect A/E and A/E was charmed by Lae'zel's... strengths. Shadowheart is their sister, hates it when the girls are fighting. Friends with Gale and Karlach. Doesn't trust Wyll fully. Never let Astarion join them. Immediately enamored with Halsin but Lae'zel is... stronger.
Normally out of spell slots cause they're terrified of long resting
Loves potions and alchemy, will stop every 30 meters to pick yet another sprig of balsam
Doesn't make deals with villainous beings. Doesn't trust any voices in their head. Doesn't respect any gods they come across.
Loviatar loves them
In a relationship with Karlach, best friends with her and Wyll, had a crush on Shadowheart before meeting Karlach, never liked/trusted Astarion and staked him the minute he tried to put his fangs on her throat, Jaheira is her idol, probably left Lae'zel to die (cause she didn't want to upset Shadowheart)
Speaks to every single animal, picks every single lock, looks in every single barrel, fails almost every charisma check
Scratch is always by her side
Will go to Hell for her besties 😉🥲
Dating Shadowheart, really close with Astarion and Minthara... But, seriously, they have a big redemption arc. They grow and change alongside Shadowheart, both goth edgelords are completely changed by the end
Starts the game eating every tadpole (like the Guardian barely has to suggest the idea, it's already in their mouth) but goes one step too far and suddenly becomes terrified of what it means to be monstrous(/illithid)
Diplomacy? Ha. Sorry, that's not for them. They only like talking to animals and corpses.
Loves permanently seeing invisibility...
A loot goblin, their high strength score is great for fighting and jumping and shit, but mostly for the increased carrying capacity
Mol is their idol
I'm honestly not sure who they'd be in a relationship with, I think they'd be close with everyone but I don't think they'd be in a headspace for anything more than friendship over the course of the game, maybe after the fact they'd grow closer with Shadowheart but that would just be my headcanon, they wouldn't romance anyone (no matter how much Withers mocks them for it)
They are doing everything they think is right in the moment, though they'd regret rash actions later
They empathize greatly with the undead and hate people like Balthazar who twist them to their will
No one threatens a child in their presence. Well, no one who's still alive.
They cannot pretend to be under the Absolute's thumb, they are going in swinging every time, no chance for diplomacy or manipulation
They pick up a teddy bear early on and it never leaves their inventory
The Celestial
In a physical relationship with Halsin, slept with Astarion but now they're just very good friends, sees Karlach, Wyll, and Shadowheart as eir children, loves and is very intrigued by Lae'zel, doesn't like Gale at all (cannot and will not trust a wizard like him)
Always has the Disguise Self spell going, and it's always a different disguise
Eir traveler's chest is filled with the weirdest collection of random shit you've ever seen: noble portraits, rotten eggs, gold chalices, a couple goblin corpses, poutine, 30 mindflayer tadpoles, etc.
Chats with every corpse, even the ones ey killed
Lorroakan can (and does) eat shit
Despises everything about Orin, zero redeemable qualities—even her shapeshifting, eugh, it's so... crude, no grace or skill
The moment the Celestial learns Otto's Irresistible Dance is the last moment Faerûn knows peace
In a passionate romance with Wyll but he's very good friends with everyone (they are all his children)
Does everything within his power to avoid violence. Will charm, sing, and sneak his way across Faerûn
Adopts every child and animal he comes across
The hardest thing he has to do is tell people to stay in camp. Why can't everyone always be in his party? They all make him feel so bad...
Always taking long rests (doesn't want people being tired or hurt) and spends an hour cooking a delightful meal with Gale every night
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letterboard-fantasy · 2 years
i saw harlequinn and yeeted so fast /j I hand Elaine as a sacrifice to any slot you want owo
There are a few roles I can see Elaine fitting in!! Some of them are hero roles, some grey roles, and some villainous roles... I'll talk a little bit more about each role's personality and roles in the story under the cut <33 (also obligatory harlequinn posting/j)
The Theatre of Darkness: Deep-Cut Poetry [Options]
Essence A-Tier | Forgotten Poem
Forgotten Poem is a grey character with a secondary skin!! She's one of the many victims of the tragedies that happened on the school's 4th floor. She's called the Forgotten Poem because they were the only victim who couldn't be identified after her death, leading to her name being "forgotten" in history :( and it's been so long that she's forgotten her own name too... leading to her calling herself the "Forgotten Poem"
In the storyline, Forgotten Poem's seen around a lot on the 4th floor and holds a lot of lore importance for being a character with an unknown past and non-existent future. She's a spirit on the shyer side, but oftentimes holds items required to move deeper within the 4th floor.
Shop A-Tier | Bound to the Past
Bound to the Past is another grey character. Bound to the Past is a friendly spirit who excels in storytelling, and acts like of like a living record of the past. They know all the stories of the ghosts on the 4th floor, what lead them to their demise, and much much more.
Bound to the Past is a curious character because they don't see Lenore as a real person. Something about Lenore is wrong/doesn't make sense to BthP. But they're often very useful when it comes to dealing with more aggressive spirits, like 4th Floor Dissension or Warning Sign. While working underneath Safety Lullaby... they're rather passive, not trying to capture Lenore when they see her.
Essence B-Tier | Past Literature Club
Past Literature Club... Well, PLC is a group of 3 b tiers all combined under one name!! They're a club that used to meet on the 4th floor's grand library and they would read through all the library's new arrivals to determine if the books being sent to the prestigious school were appropriate, and where those books would go. They'd also participate in keeping up the maintenance of the school library, so everyone could enjoy a nice and clean library to study in.
Past Literature Club serves as Lenore's allies throughout the story and often treats her like the 4th member of their club they had never gotten.
The 1st club member is Delora, who is the young organizer of the club. She was in charge of cleaning the library and organizing club lunches and takes on this sisterly role for her other clubmates.
The 2nd club member is Jessie, who is like the muscle of the group. She's very strong and carries around crates of books with ease. Because of her strength, she takes it upon herself to protect the other clubmates in dangerous situations.
The 3rd clubmate is Danni, who's the more smart and knowing one They're very familiar with the layout of the 4th floor, including all the secret passageways around. They're more suspicious of Lenore than the other 2 and doesn't mess around.
The Theatre of Darkness: Hotline 2047 [Options]
Essence A-Tier | Amusia
You know Amusia!! And you love Amusia!! But, just as a mandatory recap, Amusia is the second companion of Gracie [Korrie] and it shares a name with the condition amusia [a condition marked by inability to produce music] because... lore reasons. Similar to Gamebreaking Glitch [Red], Amusia is a "broken" character, in terms that they don't work as they are supposed to. This causes them to be regarded as glitches, but because Amusia's glitch isn't as severe as Red's glitches, Amusia often goes around undetected... until someone gets hurt, that is.
Amusia is, despite everything, a good guy. gal? A good pal. Even if many of their abilities cause harm to befall others, they're a good creation. Amusia's one of Gracie's closest friends and they carry lots of lore importance. But biggest of all??? Amusia is baby.
Shop A-Tier | Passenger in Blue
The passenger in Blue is the first (and only lol) red option. They work with Otherworldly Guest [Harlequinn] to try and capture Grace and her companions on the subway train, and often try extreme methods of capture that just don't... work.
They’re not a bad person exactly… but the people that they work for? The company is definitely bad… little lore drop but PiB and OG were both kind of forced into their villainous positions in the essence. For OG, it revolves around a sickly loved one and an inability to take care of them. For PiB, it revolves around keeping something important to them open/in business.
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⏳ chucks one for ghosty ⏳ and another for viktor ⏳ one more for carmina
Backstories | Accepting
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"I learned pretty early on not to ask questions. If someone doesn't want to tell you something they're not going to tell you and sometimes you really don't want the answers they're going to give you." He muses rolling his thoughts around in his head until he could straighten them out, "I think the first time I asked where my mother was when I was 5 or 6 after our teacher had us make cards for Mother's Day.
My dad took me out to a field where the flowers grew and everything was nice and peaceful. And he told me exactly how he killed her. He buried her there, because it was where they'd run away to meet after school."
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"I was never one among the social elite lets put it that way for simplicity sake, even when I was at the academy it felt more like they just wanted a novelty of having a poor scientist from Zaun there instead of having any real hopes of funding my research. And then of course Jayce distracted me from it for a while until the novelty also wore off on him and I was back where I started. The gutters of Zaun with no place to go. Renata was at least willing to offer me a contract as predatory as it is."
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The woman croaks, the ink coming from her wrists shifting and dripping until it formed hands enough to start signing, "I think I really enjoyed activism... after being in a place I'd thought I'd never escape for so long, having a purpose felt invigorating. I felt like living for the first time in my life even if it ended up being my downfall."
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witchofthemidlands · 6 months
Thanks to a ✨depression haze✨ taking its sweet time to vamoosh from my mind i am only now able to form words about the Doctor Who trailer.
Fifteen has been in the grand total of the last quarter of The Giggle, The Church On Ruby Road & (2) trailers & he’s my second favourite Doctor of all time. I. Love. This. Version. Abolish UNIT's flooring king & leave the bill for your younger self <3 Every time I think of Fifteen, I think back to 2021 where me & my housemate were standing in the kitchen saying based on our mutual love for Eric Effiong that Ncuti Gatwa would be a good Doctor Who.
THE MUSIC 🎵 CHANGES🎵 honestly I went feral as soon as it started playing. For YEARS I have associated different Bowie songs with Twelve, Bill Potts & Danny Pink so I was screeching like a person deranged.
Will say though considering The Goblin Song, the musical notes around Ruby & the trip to The Beatles I wonder if music will play a core theme in this season? Little things like words on posters & names said aloud throughout the first RTD era turned out to be vital elements so I’m wondering if we’ll get something similar like that again.
VERY happy to see Cherry & Carla back. I always thought they would be seeing as RTD clearly loves his companions to have families & love that he’s returned to writing about & showing the importance of found/adoptive families like he did for The Sarah Jane Adventures 😊 did not get great vibes from the “I’m still her mum, I need to know she’ll be ok.” Line & the promise but again it’s RTD’s writing, he made it seem like Rose & Donna would be dead within their respective seasons & both of them are thriving with their respective versions of the Doctor.
THE SHOT OF HOLOGRAM!TEN/METATEN/FOURTEEN/FOURTENTH?!? love them, love him LOVE THEM but I hope it's just an image or someone flickering through & showing Fifteen pictures of his past selves like they’ve done in The Eleventh Hour, Nightmare In Silver, Twice Upon A Time, The Timeless Children etc & not a “Fifteen & Fourteen work on a UNIT mission together via holograms.” To me at least, it seems a little too soon to do another multi Doctor story especially when it’s only Fifteen’s first season.
THE CALLBACK TO MARTHA JONES & BILL POTTS WORRYING ABOUT STEPPING ON THE BUTTERFLY 😂🤩😂 me & my mum laughed so hard at this but at the same time, it’s adding to my theory that “doing the salt” at the edge of the universe IS responsible for myths/legends/theories actually happening in the Whoniverse now like the salt, the bi-regeneration, The Goblin King because in the song there’s a line that gave me this theory the “he’s not a myth, he’s an actual thing.” This will definitely be me reading too much into it but that’s just the conclusion I’ve come to.
I saw Indira Varma in (1) frame 😳 I had IMMEDIATE ✨gay thoughts✨ she is so beautiful 😍 BUT she started turning into a creature & I am not & never shall be a monsterfucker (even though admittedly the carrionites had me questioning things) but it will be a TEST OF STRENGTH.
There was what looked to be a flesh bowl & I immediately thought of The Gangers & seeing as Moffat’s emerging perhaps they’re making their return. After what happened with Bill Potts, Danny Pink & certain favourite characters of mine from my second favourite book in the entire world back in 2020 I am on the ✨fence✨ about The Return Of Moffat but he is ultimately incredible at writing a good horror story so if he does another one episode horror that’ll traumatise me for life & after, fair enough.
The alienvenom being in the corridor near made me yeet behind my sofa so I’m looking forward to seeing that story.
I’ve seen horror films I’ve gone through an ACTUAL HAUNTING & still nothing prepared me from how i nearly expired when i realised that THERE'S SOMETHING STANDING IN THE BACKGROUND IN TWO RUBY SCENES 😨
I’m gonna talk about ✨the scream✨ @ the Ruby of it all in another couple of posts.
Saw the Tardis console sparking: immediately wondered if there was any left over coffee in there 😅
I AM GOING TO LOSE IT WHEN I SEE ROSE NOBLE AGAIN 🥹 MY BEST GIRL IS COMING BACK 🥹 Lovely to see Mel! Hope this means more Classic Who companions will return at some stage (for the sake of how funny it would be unleash a NewNewWho Doctor on Jamie McCrimmon whilst the actor is still alive & willing to be part of the Whoniverse)
Fifteen saluting in his regency outfit (In the realm of fanfic in my head I am imagining Captain Jack Harkness being on the receiving end of that salute) but maybe it’ll be Jonathan Groffs new character? Whoever they are I hope him & The Doctor have enough gay activity between them that’ll make my family members who don’t like Fifteen when they “come across as gay” uncomfortable <3
The weathered Tardis near the sea reminds me of The Ghost Monument. I hope they make a figure/pop of the weathered Tardis, I need it for my collection 😅 I hope we get a The Ghost Monument mention just to annoy my family who still actively talk about how much they disliked 13’s era.
I am going to go a new level of feral in May, Fifteen ily so much 🥹
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justmanic03 · 7 months
Amethyst - Chapter Twenty
Standing at the opposite end of the room was none other than Jordan. I immediately became confused. Was he going to escort me to another battle room? Was someone going to pop out of the floor like Austen did? I waited, but nothing happened.
"Hey Y/N, you made it! How's it going?"
"Uh, fine," I chuckled nervously. "What are you doing here, Jordan? Where's this big poison Pokemon genius?"
Jordan's smile immediately disappeared, and he began turning his head as if he were searching the room. "Well, since you and me are the only two people in here, it's gotta be one of us."
I suddenly felt terrible for having doubted him. "Oh... sorry... I didn't realise you were a battler yourself."
"Yeah, that's more my dad's thing usually. But I've got a real taste for it lately." He proceeded to pull out a Great Ball, and his smile returned. I sighed in relief that he hadn't taken it personally, although he was the last person I had expected. I nodded, pulling out Zelda's Pokeball.
(A/N: I'm going to split the battles with Jordan and Robin in half so you get the Ionisation but the battles don't drag on too much.)
You are challenged by Pokemon Trainer Jordan!
Pokemon Trainer Jordan sent out Toxtricity!
Go! Zelda! I know you can do it!
Zelda used Hydro Cannon!
The opposing Toxtricity avoided the attack!
Toxtricity used Poison Powder!
Zelda was badly poisoned!
I scrambled through my backpack, searching for the antidote. Jordan, meanwhile was confidently preparing his Toxtricity for its next move.
Zelda was cured of poisoning!
Jordan's Toxtricity used Poison Powder!
Zelda avoided the attack!
(Let's fast forward a little)
Zelda was taken down by Jordan's Toxtricity, however, Manganese, the Dugtrio, was successful in taking down Jordan's Croagunk and Seviper.
"You're made of some stern stuff, Y/N. I like what I'm seeing here!"
You defeated Pokemon Trainer Jordan!
He winced in defeat, before breaking out into a smile and a round of applause.
"Congratulations, kid. I'm completely convinced you've got what it takes to smash Team Moon."
I grinned victoriously. "Thanks, Jordan. And thanks for always being around to encourage me."
"Friends are important. Don't ever forget it." I smiled sadly, remembering the incident with Danny earlier.
"I know it's not a real gym badge, and it's not much, but I want you to take this." He proceeded to hand me a small, round, purple token. It was clearly handmade, it wasn't perfect, but for some reason, it felt like a powerful gesture of friendship, so I carefully placed it alongside the other gym badges I had acquired.
"My dad and Robin set this up as a test." Jordan explained. "It's to see if you're capable of handling what you'd potentially be up against in the Opaquia Gym. Although I know it'll never be the same as actually being able to challenge Flossi and Kossi yourself. I'm not actually looking to become a gym leader."
"Why not? You're incredibly strong." I questioned.
"It takes a lot more than just strength to carry the responsibility of being a gym leader, or a Champion, for that matter." He explained, shaking his head. "I just don't have it in me. But you? You could be the next Kossi one day". (or Flossi, if you're a girl).
(Fast forward to when you come to take on the Dragon Girl).
"I've always wondered what an ionised Dragonite looks like. GO, HYDRA!!!!"
After inserting an ionisation chip into her beloved Dragonite's Pokeball, she proceeded to throw the Pokeball out as fiercely as she could, as the familiar shining light dazzled me.
Robin sent out Hydra!
Go! Stalagus!
Upon inserting my ionisation chip, Stalagus' Pokeball began to vibrate vigorously, until I could not hold the pressure any longer, and it yeeted itself out of my hand, revealing an enlarged, sparkling, powerful Glaceon. His signature whistle echoed through the room, opening up the final segment of the battle with an Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Hydra fainted!
Stalagus and I victoriously jumped up in the air as Robin recalled her partner back into its Pokeball. "Damn, dude... you got me. You got me real good." Wiping the sweat off of her brow, she casually strolled over to me, pulling out a red and pink Dragon Badge. "My friend, you've got eight gym badges now." She placed her hands on my shoulders, a sparkle in her eyes.
"But I'm still missing the psychic one..." I sighed.
"Yeah, only Flossi knows where those are. But that doesn't matter. You're now ready to take on the Elite Four." The Sinnoh girl began tearing up, and her Flygon popped out of its Pokeball to comfort her.
"Sorry, I'm not usually the type to cry, but... I just can't believe you did it!"
I proudly exited the Grugar Valley Gym with my eight gym badges, and stepped back onto the cobblestone sidewalk. My eyes wandered to the right, across the street, where the Fairy Master himself stood, covered head to toe in pink. He smiled upon noticing me, his white briefcase still in his hand. Clyde waved me over, and we agreed to go into Pollux.
"So... you've done it." He said with a hint of shakiness in his voice. "Y/N, you're a prodigy. You're only the third person in modern Taldourse history to accomplish something this great!"
"It was tough. Really, really tough. I couldn't stop thinking about Danny throughout the entire thing." I confessed.
Clyde tilted his head curiously. "Is that the friend you told me you had fallen out with?"
I nodded. "He and I are from Unova. We lived on the same street and played together as kids. Then, when we started at Blueberry Academy, all the kids in the BB League started to bully me. They picked on my stature, my face, especially my forehead. Danny was the one who got me through all that. He's really quite intense at times, and he gave those bullies one hell of a roasting. I owe a hell of a lot to him." I explained, tears pricking my eyes as I remembered all of the hardship and anxiety of the past.
Clyde nodded. "I can understand that, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to do what he wants all the time, Y/N. One-sided friendships will only hurt you in the end."
"Yeah, well it seems like I hurt him..." I looked at the ground, balancing a stone between my feet. Looking up at Clyde, I decided to ask him the one question I had been wondering since the very beginning of my journey. The question that nobody in Taldourse seemed to know the answer to.
"Why did you guys strip Flossi of her title as Champion?"
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queenofhearts7378 · 3 years
The ship rocked beneath their feet, sending Jake stumbling into Danny and Alya. Randy cheered from the crows nest, his hand holding a rope was the only thing keeping him from becoming a ninja pancake.
"Thanks for inviting us." Danny said as he pushed Jake off of him.
"Hey, any friends of Adrien, are friends of ours!"
"Except Chloé." Marinette said as she passed by, carrying a box of fabrics. 
"Except Chloé." Alya nodded. "Randy sure seems excited."
Randy gleefully shouted a mixture of English, badly accented French, and various breakfast foods as he slid down the pole back to the deck.
"He has his own band back in Norrisville." Danny said, "He is having the time of his life right now."
Randy landed on Ivan's shoulders before using him as a springboard, whooping the whole time. Rose and Juleka applauded him as he stuck the landing.
Danny rolled his eyes before looking for Adrien, finding him talking with an unfamiliar guy as the two set up Adrien’s keyboard. Danny watched as Adrien suddenly lit up with one of his sunshine smiles and placed his hands on the guy's shoulders.
He narrowed his eyes. "Huh. Hey Alya, who's Adrien talking to?"
Alya and Jake both looked over to the pair on the other side of the deck. "Oh, that's Luka."
"That's Luka?!" Jake and Danny exclaimed.
Alya gave them a weird look.
"Adrien talks about you guys all the time." Jake explained, "We know about guitar boy, we just didn't know what he looked like."
Jake and Danny exchanged a look, before nodding.
Alya crossed her arms, "And that matters, why?"
"We've been making a list of all the people that's Adrien’s type." Jake said.
Alya's eyebrows went up.
"So far only 3 people are on it: me, Ladybug, and Marinette." Danny grinned.
Alya had to bite back her laughter. If Marinette had been listening to this conversation, she'd be dead on the floor. "So what is Adrien’s type?"
"Dark hair-"
"Blue eyes-" Jake said.
"And can pick him up like a sack of flour." Danny finished.
"Oh my god."
"He's talked about Luka and Kagami just as much as he's waxed poetic about Ladybug and given presentations of why Marinette is such a 'good friend'." Danny rolled his eyes even as he did the finger quotations. "We just didn't know what he looked like, so we could never put him on the list."
"We still need to see if he's capable of yeeting Adrien." Jake said thoughtfully, "I don't know how we'd set that up though."
"I got an idea." Danny said.
He waved his arm and yelled, "Hey Luka! Come over here for a second!"
Luka turned to look at them, and shrugged before walking over. Adrien gave Danny a suspicious look. He just gave Adrien a universal sign for 'no worries, nothing bad. But that only seemed to make Adrien more suspicious. 
"Hey." Luka said as he joined the group, "You're some of Adrien’s American friends right?"
"Yeah, can you go pick up Adrien?" Danny asked.
Luka blinked at him before giving another shrug. "Yeah okay."
The three of them watched as he walked back to Adrien.
"That was your plan?" Alya gave him an unimpressed look.
"Amazing." Jake said in awe, "He didn't even question us. What a guy."
The three of them watched as Luka strode over to Adrien and very casually swept him off his feet. Adrien squawked in surprise as he threw his arms around Luka's neck. Luka turned back to them with a grin. All three of them gave him a double thumbs up as Adrien’s face turned pink. Luka set Adrien back down and said something that made Adrien flush even more. Then he went back to helping set up the instruments leaving Adrien a flustered, frozen, confused mess on the deck.
"I think I like Luka." Danny said. "Now we just have to get Kagami to do the same test."
"Leave that to me." Alya said as she whipped out her phone. "But you guys know she doesn't have blue eyes right?"
"Eh, nobody's perfect."
A minute later Kagami came marching past them from where she had been helping Marinette with the costumes. She went straight up to Adrien and without a word she picked him before whirling around and marching to them.
Jake wheezed in laughter, "His face!"
Danny cackled, "It's as red as Ladybug!"
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You complaining about Memory Blank’s continuity made me remember Sam’s wish at the end & hope w she specified to keep the costume the same ‘cause she liked it. I checked the transcript and lo & behold: “I wish-- [Zoom out to show Desiree with her sledgehammer arm floating over Danny.] --Danny and I never had that fight! [Cut to Sam, adding in a l quick addition.] And I wish Danny, Tucker and I remembered everything and his costume stays the way it is because I really, really like it!”
oh shit I forgot about that
you know what that means tho, fuckin' YEET the alternate reality bubble theory out the window because that's just straight up genuine reality warping
which just... makes this whole continuity issue so much worse, fix one problem create another hnnnnnngggg, this makes Desiree SO fucking op like jesus christ, she can permanently warp reality, but I don't get why this isn't the case every time? because in a previous episode when she grants a wish she often does it by leaving an ectoplasmic entity behind to keep the wish powered
eg; Tucker Phantom, he and Paulina were both like infected with ectoplasmic entities to give them powers that make their wishes come true, (almost a little bit like what Spectra did in Doctor's Disorders) if Desiree can change time and reality then why does she need to leave pieces of mildly sentient ectoplasm behind in people? her powers didn't work like that with Danny, she straight up just changed his entire timeline
also Sam wishing they remembered everything definitely implies that nobody else would remember the reality weirdness that just happened so that's a thing, also wishing they never had that fight would just immediately negate everything that happened afterwards, hence once again changing the timeline, but changing the timeline without wiping their memories of what happened... but if the fight didn't happen then what reality filled the space?
if they didn't fight then Danny never lost his powers which meant the last few days where Sam was trying to convince him of what's going on just didn't happen, making it a big old hole in reality
what SHOULD have happened was after making that wish, they were transported back in time to before any of this happened, to the moment that they had that fight, it would have undone everything without making the continuity so confusing
anyway, we've got the answer for the logo sticking around, but now we are left with Desiree having super op and inconsistent reality warping powers and a hole in the timeline
if I could rewrite this episode I wouldn't JUST have made time shoot back to that fight when Sam wished it hadn't happened, I would also take full advantage of the fact that we'd have an entire episode that would be retconned by the end, which means you could do some super fun stuff
I'll expand on that under the cut
instead of Sam being just... The Worst and intentionally pushing Danny back into being a halfa without ever even acknowledging how kinda fucked up that is, we could have had Sam step into the portal herself
Desiree needs to be stopped, Sam is the only one who knows what needs to be done, Sam would feel guilty for being responsible for putting Danny into this stressful life in the first place, we could have had a very moving moment where Sam talks to Danny (who doesn't even know her) and asks him if he could be a ghost fighting superhero, would he?
and he says no, he has goals, he has dreams, he wouldn't throw them away to fight ghosts, that's his parents' dream, not his
and then Sam would have to make the decision to put that burden on herself, because she couldn't bear to force this life on her friend who finally has a chance to be normal again, and he just seems so happy
she would do this not knowing whether or not she would have a chance to go back to how it was, not for sure at least, she knows she could be sacrificing her ordinary life forever, she loves to be different and unique, but this isn't like being goth or going vegan, this is her whole life, literally half of it even
she would have to pull Danny and Tuck into the story in order to get to the portal, and she'd have to explain what's going on when she's the one who comes out as a half ghost
and could you imagine the scene where she has to unwish the wish? looking back at Danny like 'I could undo everything but it'll go back to how it was, and that's not fair to you, you never chose this'
and Danny would be like, he would feel responsible because he's seeing Sam get her ass kicked by monsters and he knows that this wasn't supposed to have happened to her, it was supposed to be him
so he's the one who makes the final wish to undo everything
becoming Phantom again, in the end, is his choice, and he chooses it because he doesn't want this girl to get hurt, a girl he doesn't know who apparently cared about him enough to sacrifice her normal ordinary life so that he could have one, and he makes this decision for himself because at his core he is a god damn hero and he cares
and he wouldn't forgive himself if he just let this girl take that responsibility for him, he wants to be the Danny that she knows, the Danny she cares about so much that she would make this sacrifice for him
it just HUUUGGHHHH it could have been so beautiful but instead we got Sam shoving her friend into a portal that she knew was going to kill him, and forcing him back into a half-life of stress and responsibility that he never wanted, but hey he has a cool new logo now! isn't that just neato!
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the-fandom-fool · 3 years
Danny’s Terrible, Haunting Visage, Mouth Unmoving
Hi, Danny Phantom phandom. I Made This For You. I stayed up until five a.m. writing it so I hope you’re happy. 
Happy Dannypocalypse :) @horrendoushag
Word count: 2190
There was a Face glowing in the darkness. It was glowing because it was on a computer screen, but that didn’t make it any less terrible and haunting.
Sam Manson grinned maniacally as she stared into the Face’s blank eyes, then looked away because they were a bit too blank. That didn’t mean she was backing out on her plan, though. She was no coward.
The printer loudly chugged out sheet upon sheet of paper, but the size of Sam’s house meant her parents would never hear. They would never know how much work she put into this, how many bribes she had to make, the blood she had to spill—and that was fine, because she didn’t want them to.
In the dark of night and the light of the wicked Face on the computer monitor, Sam snapped her scissors and set to work.
Morning dawned bright and early. Too bright and too early, in the opinions of some.
This “some” included one Danny Fenton, who had spent more than half the night dead and fighting other dead people who didn’t appreciate his puns. He got to bed at four a.m. and was running on two hours of sleep at most, so you could pardon him if he didn’t at first notice something amiss when he got to school.
Another reason he didn’t notice anything amiss was that his head was stuck in his locker to avoid the too-bright fluorescent lights some maniac had installed in the ceiling, and he had his eyes closed.
“Hey,” a voice said on the other side of his locker door.
Danny grunted. The voice was familiar, but he was too tired to figure out who it was right now.
“You okay, Danny?” the voice asked. It was too loud in the same way the lights were too bright, and the same could be said for the rest of the hallway. That’s another reason Danny had his head in his locker; things were quieter there.
Danny grunted again.
“Yeah, I know, you were up all night fighting ghosts. But you need to get up, man, first period is starting soon.”
Danny almost considered climbing into his locker and going to sleep then and there, but then he remembered that Mr. Lancer was the teacher in first period, so instead he groaned and pulled his head out.
He turned and was greeted by a hallucination.
At least, that’s what he assumed it was. A combination of the lack of sleep, the brightness of the light, and a hard knock on the head he got from Skulker last night.
Because everyone in the hallway was wearing his face.
Beyond his locker door, where the voice he now recognized as Tucker’s had been coming from, his own blank eyes stared back at him—or rather, at his soul. Danny blinked a few times in the hopes that the face would resolve itself into Tucker’s, but no—it stayed the same. Tucker’s body, Tucker’s beret, wearing Danny’s own terrible, haunting visage.
“Finally!” Danny’s terrible, haunting visage said, mouth unmoving, using Tucker’s voice. “Come on, we need to get to Mr. Lancer’s class!” One of the figure’s hands, Tucker’s hand, reached out and grabbed Danny’s arm. Tucker’s body started dragging Danny in the direction of the classroom.
“Wait—wait,” Danny said, clumsily forcing them to a stop. “What’s going on? What—why is everyone wearing my face?”
Tucker—it was Tucker, right?—turned to Danny and cocked his head. “Your face? What do you mean?”
Danny stared at him, face a blank reflection of the other’s, as his half-dead and half-asleep brain tried to come up with an adequate way of articulating what was going on. He looked to the side, saw several of the same face conversing with one another, and looked back. “Just… this?”
“This?” Tucker repeated. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Danny, but we need to get to class. Come on, we’re meeting Sam there.”
This time, Danny allowed himself to be dragged to Mr. Lancer’s classroom. All around him, everyone had the same Face. His Face. They were acting perfectly normal otherwise—he even saw Dash yeeting a football at Kwan, though it took him a few moments to recognize them. The only one who seemed to realize there was anything strange about this was Danny.
They reached the classroom and took their seats inside. Danny looked hopefully to where Sam was sitting, but she, too, was wearing The Face.
“Hey Danny,” she said, and was it just the hallucination or did she sound incredibly pleased with herself? “Sleep well?”
“No,” Danny said. “Do you have any idea what’s going on around here?”
“What?” Okay, no, yeah, she sounded really smug. “What are you talking about?
“The Face.” Danny made sure the capital letters were audible. “Why is everyone wearing my face?”
“Um, that’s what everyone looks like, Danny.” The expressionless eyes where Sam’s should have been gave an impression of being rolled, despite not moving at all. “Remember? After that whole thing with the Reality Gauntlet, everyone got stuck like this. And since you kind of destroyed the Reality Gauntlet, well…” She shrugged. “No going back.”
And no, yeah, Danny was pretty sure he would remember if that happened. This was just… a prank. A really wild prank, because he couldn’t imagine why the A-listers would also be in on it, or in fact everyone he’d seen at school today. But it had to be a prank, nonetheless. He wouldn’t believe otherwise unless he saw Lancer with The Face.
And speak of the maybe literal devil, Mr. Lancer chose that exact moment to walk into the room.
“All right, everyone,” said Danny’s terrible, haunting visage, mouth unmoving, using Lancer’s voice. Which sounded exceptionally annoyed today. “Get out your books. And congratulations, Mr. Fenton”—it was said with such venom that Danny would be cringing if he weren’t in shock—“for being on time for once.”
Danny thought he heard a giggle somewhere, but he was too busy staring at Lancer’s—his Face on Lancer’s body.
Vlad, then. He wouldn’t believe this wasn’t a prank unless he saw Vlad wearing The Face.
Principal Ishiyama had called an assembly.
Danny dragged his feet among a crowd of other Danny-Faced people, careful to avoid looking anyone in his eye. They all chattered away curiously, mouths unmoving, wondering why their classes in third period had been cancelled. Many were rejoicing the new absence of math or English or whatever from their schedule today, but Danny couldn’t bring himself to care. In fact, he had a bad feeling about this assembly.
As soon as everyone had taken their seats, Principal Ishiyama, whose normal face had also somehow been replaced by The Face, spoke into her microphone.
“Hello, students!” said Danny’s terrible, haunting visage, mouth unmoving, using Principal Ishiyama’s voice. “Today we have a special guest, who’s volunteered to talk to you all about—”
There was a physically painful moment of interference in the speakers; everyone plugged their ears. Principal Ishiyama didn’t seem to notice, for some reason.
“—so let me introduce our city’s mayor, Vlad Masters!”
Everyone clapped politely, except Danny, but including Sam and Tucker, bizarrely enough. Danny could only stare in abject horror as Vlad Masters, wearing Danny’s terrible, haunting visage, walked calmly onto the stage.
“Yes, yes,” said Danny’s terrible, haunting visage, mouth unmoving, using Vlad’s annoying voice. “Thank you, Principal Ishiyama. And hello, Casper High students! It is such an honor to be here today, teaching you all about—”
The speakers had another physically painful moment of interference that caused everyone to plug their ears, but neither Vlad nor once again Principal Ishiyama seemed to notice.
“—such promising young men and women as yourselves. In light of recent political challenges, I have truly realized the importance of educating our country’s youth in order to build a better future—”
Danny had seen and heard enough. Mostly seen. With a look to his friends on either side of him, he quietly slipped to the ground, waved goodbye, and phased through the floorboards.
He emerged on the other side as the dead version of himself. No one was around to see, since this was the basement, but better safe than sorry.
He floated around for a few minutes, glanced at a few warped versions of his reflection he managed to find in various metal things, then pulled out his phone in an attempt to distract himself.
Then he remembered that Skulker broke his phone last night. He remembered because the screen was now a bunch of shattered glass, and if you looked closely the entire phone had been snapped in half.
So instead he stared listlessly at the ceiling; imagined the new phone he would get; imagined punching Skulker in the face (did it look like his now, underneath the suit?) for breaking his phone; imagined all the new comebacks he could make while punching Skulker in the face for breaking his phone; thought about the hundreds of students and teachers above him who were walking around with his Face.
It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t.
After what he deemed to be a safe amount of time, Danny reemerged from the basement as a real live boy. He joined the stream of students heading for the cafeteria, since it was lunchtime now, and once there looked around for his friends.
Which is when he noticed people peeling their Faces off.
He jumped a few feet in the air—literally; he hoped no one saw—blinked, shook his head, looked again.
One by one, people’s faces were emerging. Like a skin of paper, the Face came away from their heads and was discarded in the nearest trash bin, or crumpled up and stuffed in pockets, or left to languish on the floor by a foolish few. The faces underneath The Face had expressions—real expressions, he hadn’t realized how much he missed seeing them. A lot of them looked relieved, or they were laughing, or annoyed. Real faces.
Thinking about this made him want to see Sam and Tucker’s faces, so he looked around for them again and saw them, sitting at a table together, grinning. He himself was too confused to grin, so instead he made his way over to the table without doing that.
“Hey,” he said, and they pointed their grins at him. What wonderful grins they were. “What’s going on? It… was a prank, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” said Tucker, grin becoming pointier. “It’s the Dannypocalypse.”
“The what.” Danny’s voice was as flat as the expression on The Face, mainly because he just didn’t have the energy for this right now. He took a seat next to Tucker and reached over to steal one of Sam’s fries.
“The Dannypocalypse,” Sam repeated, grin also becoming pointier. “In honor of Danny Phantom, we all wore paper masks of his face. Something weird happened with the printer, so his eyes came out blue instead of green.”
“Oh.” Danny looked into Sam’s maniacal face and felt his alive half become slightly more dead. “You… this was you, wasn’t it.”
Sam’s grin reached full pointiness.
Danny stayed silent for a few seconds, before an almost hysterical giggle wormed its way out of his mouth. “You know April Fools was two days ago, right?”
“I underestimated how much time it would take to make the masks. That’s fine, though, no one expects pranks in the days after April Fools. That just made it better.”
Danny had so many questions. Too many questions. But the most pressing, of course—“How did you get everyone in on this? I know lots of people would be willing to wear Danny Phantom’s face, but Lancer?”
Sam shrugged. “Money.”
“And what about Vlad? He doesn’t need bribes.” Danny tried to steal another of Sam’s fries, but she slapped his hand away.
“Get your own. And I won’t go into details on this one, but let’s just say blood was spilled. And it wasn’t mine.”
“…Right.” Danny considered going in for another fry, but maybe it wasn’t worth it. “And you didn’t worry that, uh…” He checked around to make sure no one was listening and lowered his voice. “You didn’t worry that someone might notice I have the same face as Phantom?”
Sam shrugged again. “Oh, come on, Danny. Everyone knows Wes Weston is Danny Phantom.”
Danny stared at her, completely blank for a few seconds, before he gave in and burst out laughing. “This… okay. This is hilarious.”
“You bet it is.” Sam slapped a hand on the table, and with it, a paper mask displaying Danny’s terrible, haunting visage. “I’m going to hang this on my wall. What do you think? Should it have a fancy golden frame?”
As more faces peeled off around them, Danny and his friends laughed. Somewhere, Vlad was planning his revenge; somewhere, Wes Weston was tearing his hair out and probably also planning revenge; but for now, all was well in the world.
(“By the way, how could anyone see? I didn’t see eyeholes on the masks?”
“Don’t ask stupid questions, Danny.”)
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