#the 'wields dog' is so cute
noxtivagus · 2 years
i lov rinoa
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lemondoddle · 1 year
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Doodle dump!
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Yandere Pyramid Headcanons
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Warnings: Possessive Behaviour, Unhealthy Behaviour, Pyramid also exists in the version of Silent Hill before the Church Bell Rings, Mention of Physical Attack on Reader, No Pronouns used for Reader Except ‘You’.
Possessive ahh monster man.
Keeps you in a safe, isolated location far from the epicentre of the town so that the only monster you’re at risk of is him.
Scary dog privileges :>
Does anything and everything you ask him to, no matter how trivial the task. Unless you ask him to let you go outside.
Even if the other creatures aren’t wandering around and prowling the streets at that moment, he refuses to let you out.
Unless you give him the puppy dog eyes, which, to his absolute confusion, he found himself unable to resist.
But only once.
You used Pyramid’s weakness for cuteness against him and, when he heard a sound in the distance – the all-too familiar ringing of church bells – and turned to face the origin, you took your chance to escape.
You knew the monsters would come as the world around you peeled, revealing a hellish, rust-ridden, infested reality which, in your terror-stricken state, you didn’t think you’d be around long enough to be at risk of.
Of course, you were cornered.
Of course, just as you were about to become a commemorative name and face on a t-shirt at the hands of a monstrosity, Pyramid Head stepped in and wiped that jittering, straight-jacketed bastard off every map there was, physical and spectral.
Much like the very day he met you. Took you (for what purpose, you still do not know).
He’s never let you out of his sight since.
Keeps you by his side when he’s on a supply run since he can’t trust you to remain in the safety of whatever building he’s fortified.
You might not know it, given his involuntarily stoicism, but Pyramid Head is constantly watching you.
Sure, you may get the feeling you’re being watched, but in a town like Silent Hill, that’s practically a birthright.
And besides, Pyramid doesn’t have any eyes…you think ? So how can he possibly be watching you ?
If you try to chance your arm and run away, he uses his knife as a deterrent.
Slams it down right where you’d be if you had been a second quicker.
He’d never hit you. Not intentionally.
His strength and eternity of wielding the blade makes it as easy to control it as if it were his arm, or an extra limb.
But you don’t need to know that.
He’s lowkey a sucker for physical contact btw.
Once, he found you standing closer to him than usual when the day grew particularly cold.
He wasn’t sure what you were doing at first until you flat-out muttered about “How frigid” it was.
Clouds seemed to form before your face, a human anomaly Pyramid hadn't witnessed this close before. If ever.
This man has no clue how to help you, so he just kind of watched as you gave him a wide-eyed look and, quivering, approaching him as if he were a feral dog (why did you look so scared of him…?), leaned against his side.
He shifted, jumped, stepped back.
What was this feeling ?
His heart spiked, his skin prickled.
Alarmed, you sprang back, and he couldn’t articulate the response to tell you to stay, come back, I’m sorry.
When the two of you finally resumed your journey to nowhere, he walked a little closer to you, inching nearer every few minutes until his hand brushed your side.
And you didn’t pull away :> !
Eventually, when you grew tired, you settled in a decrepit little room that, much like the rest of the town, looked as if it would fall apart if you so much as gave it a mean look.
In a rare act of humanity, Pyramid sat beside you.
And he damn near jumped out of his skin (again) when, unprovoked, you leaned against him.
He made sure not to spook you. Not again.
He couldn’t handle that wounded stare you’d given him earlier. It made him feel…weak. Vulnerable. Human.
And he did not enjoy it.
Well, that's what he thought at first. Before the warmth of something unidentifiable settled in his chest.
From then on, he started taking you out during the colder hours of the day just for the chance to have your skin brush against his.
And each time, that feeling, that tightness in his chest, would spark, set him alight with a fluttering sensation he'd never known before he found you.
Until you got sick. Then he toned it down a little.
But only because he couldn’t enjoy his solitary walks to where he knew medicine lay, too concerned with wondering why you were jerking, and why you sounded like you were roaring whenever you opened your mouth and your eyes squeezed shut, or why liquid would pour out of your nose.
Bless him, he doesn’t know what a cold – or sickness – is. But he does know that, when you lay on top of him and basically used him as your bed, curling up on his chest, he thought he’d seen light.
Real light.
Has resisted the urge to try and make you ill again just for that purpose.
Luckily, your random acts of affection – hand holding (or finger holding, since your entire hand could wrap around one of his fingers),  nuzzling, leaning on him, saying “Thank you” whenever he returned with the supplies – keeps his unhealthy tendencies at bay.
Well, most of them at least.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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ken-dom · 5 months
Alone Together
Sierra Six x gn!reader
2.4k words
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∘₊✧ Summary: you take Six to the carnival for your first date, hoping he’ll relax a little
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: this was written for @heresthestorymorningglory’s birthday! Thanks for being my best goose, I hope you have an excellent day when it eventually rolls around 💖 (we were too excited to wait to post our birthday fics). It was SO hard writing Six without sending it to her to check it was Sixy enough!! If you haven’t read her Six, thoroughly recommend.
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: fluff, first date, kissing, mild peril?!, mention of clowns
Six’s arm is secure around your shoulders, almost swallowing you up in his embrace as he keeps you close.
And keeps you safe, of course. Even during his rare downtime, Six was on high alert. You’d never seen someone play a ring toss challenge with such laser focussed eyes and tensed shoulders before, but he got every single one, winning you a red love heart shaped balloon that bobbed along above you as you strolled through the fairground.
It was cute of him to choose the balloon over an annoyingly large stuffed toy, but you know it was partly (mostly) so that if he lost sight of you, you’d be easier to locate in the crowd should anything go wrong. But, really, what did it matter? You’d never felt safer than when you were with him, and your first date is shaping up to be just about perfect; except that you haven’t stopped to eat yet.
The aromas of deep fried doughnuts and roasting onions make your mouth water as you move through the fair, and you fully intend to drag him off for a hot dog or fries when you see a ring the bell game and stop in your tracks, considering it.
Six looks down, seeing your eyes light up, and smiles. But he feels you sigh as you glance at the arm around your shoulders and look back in the direction of the food stalls, forgetting it.
‘Hey, let’s have a go?’ he encourages, lightly squeezing his arm around you.
You huff, amused. ‘Are you kidding?’
‘Nah, it’s huge. And you’re huge!’ You squeeze his bicep. ‘Far too easy, and where’s the fun in that for either of us?’
Six takes a deep, even breath, slowly sliding his arm from around your shoulders as he thinks on it. ‘How about we make it interesting?’
You raise an eyebrow in his direction and he remains apparently unfazed, with both his hands free he pops a Skittle or two into his mouth, chewing leisurely. There’s no urgency in him at all and you realise he’s started to relax. Just a little.
‘If you ring the bell before I do, you choose what we do for the rest of the night.’
‘I fully planned to do that anyway,’ you smirk playfully.
‘Even the haunted house,’ he offers with a tilt of his head, as though it’s a very attractive deal.
‘Oh? Scared?’ 
‘Terrified,’ he quips, tossing another Skittle onto his tongue and sucking for a second before giving in and crunching the sugary shell.
‘Whatever, you just want to show off,’ you wink.
Six grunts, shoving the candy bag back into his pocket, and confidently strides over to swap a five dollar bill for the mallet, assuming the position.
He swings the mallet down to the base with such force that you’re sure will send the little red puck right up to the top of the ten foot pole and send a triumphant ring through the fairground.
But, somehow, he misses. Spectacularly. 
The second time, the mallet conveniently – and comically – slips out of his hand before he swings it, and falls to the ground behind him.
He tilts his head in defeat, a wry smile pulling at his lips.
You glare back, annoyed that he’s doing this to let you win. There’s no way Six, with all his precision and skill can’t manage to wield a simple carnival mallet.
The third time he brings the mallet down, the puck shoots up to just an inch below the bell and drops back to the bottom again without a win. There’s that precision.
With sparkling eyes, he catches your gaze and mutters, ‘Too distracted, I guess. Your turn.’
You narrowed your eyes at him as he leant against the side of the nearest trailer, folding his arms over his chest and trying to appear casual.
You grip the mallet, squeezing your fingers around the handle to brace yourself, and bring it down hard. The little puck shoots up, and you don’t reach the bell, but you’re so close you could kick yourself.
With much less effort this time, you do it, and the bell rings loud and proud through the chatter and music, and you were offered a range of ridiculously large stuffed animals to choose from and take away with you.
Six stayed propped against the trailer, smirking again but blatantly this time, as you picked out a huge panther plushie.
‘That one. Reminds me of him,’ you smile, throwing it immediately over to Six. 
He catches it easily. It looks so much smaller in his hands and you laugh at the frown he reveals as he lowers it.
‘That thing’s yours now. You’ll need to name him.’
‘No thank you,’ Six retorted, holding it back out toward you.
‘I rang the bell, I make the decisions, remember?’
Six’s jaw clenched as he stared at you.
‘Fine. Bruce,’ he eventually grunts, reluctantly sliding the thing under one arm as you slide your arm into the other.
‘You let me win, Six. You’re not getting away with it that easy.’
‘You didn’t want to win?’ he smarms.
‘Of course I did. I just didn’t want you to pretend to lose for my benefit.’
Six sighs resignedly. ‘Hungry?’ he suggests, hoping you can forget about the stupid ring the bell game over a bag of sugary doughnuts together, but an idea lights up in your eyes and you drag him away in the opposite direction.
You pass the stunt cage and watch a peroxide blonde mount a motorcycle, making a mental note to return to here later and catch the next show. But for now, you had other ideas.
‘You mentioned the haunted house?’
Six’s brow furrows again.
‘Oh, impatient are we? I apparently had to win a biassed game to get what I wanted, so I’ll take it at my leisure, thank you.’
Six rolls his eyes and drops back in defeat, leaving you free to stop off at the sweet stall for a big cloud of blue cotton candy on the way.
He watches you as you excitedly point to what you want, still clutching your balloon as he clutches Bruce. He’s in awe at the way you move, the way you laugh with the vendor as though you’ve known her your entire life, the glee on your face as you return to him with the ball of pure sugar.
You reach up to pop a handful into his mouth, fingertips brushing briefly against his bottom lip. He almost lets out a hum at how your gentle touch tingled, but manages to stop it before it erupts.
‘How’s it taste?’ you ask innocently, tearing off a chunk of blue for yourself.
Six blinks away, inclined to answer with something like Not as good as I bet you do, but worried it would be too much. So he stayed silent as you shared the rest of the floss with him.
‘Will that keep you going?’ you ask teasingly, not waiting for an answer. ‘Haunted house next!’
You grab his hand to pull him toward the attraction, your knees weakening slightly as you feel how big it is against yours. You’ve noticed the size of his hands before; big, warm looking palms and long, surprisingly elegant fingers.
‘I’ve never actually been in one,’ you admit excitedly as you stop by the little ticket office to admire it in all its stereotypical horror film beauty. ‘But I’ve always wanted to. I love a bit of a spook!’
Six takes care of the tickets and follows your lead. You step inside and drop his hand as you venture first. A skeleton pops out to wave and you laugh, but then there's a second, unexpected skeleton, and you jump, grabbing his hand again.
Six’s cheeks turn hot at how you find safety in him, but you can’t see the blush colouring his cheeks in the gloom of the spooky corridors. He’s thankful for that.
You move closer when the winding path through the house grows darker, sickly smelling smoke making it hard to see very far ahead of you, and eventually you’re so close to Six that his breathing catches in his throat.
The haunted house doesn’t phase him one bit; he predicts almost every movement before it occurs and has absolutely no fear of the dead and creepy; it’s an occupational hazard that he’s much more concerned with the living and creepy. But having you cling to his arm feels nice somehow. It makes him feel safe and wanted, which is new, and surprisingly pleasant. He doesn’t want you to let go and hopes there's a while before this comes to an end.
A group of ghosts sweeps past and you giggle, but the bizarre gust of wind that accompanies them chills you to the bone. Before you can quite recover, a clown appears right in your path, and you jump enough for Six to automatically pull you closer. Feeling you tremble with the after effects of your surprise, he quickly seeks out a particularly dark, undisturbed corner and tugs you toward it, setting you in front of him so you’re facing away from whatever else is going on in the haunted house for a moment.
‘Hey, you doing ok?’ He sounds lighthearted, but you can tell he’s forcing it, concern lacing his tone.
‘Yeah! Yeah, it’s fun, it’s just…’ you trail off.
‘A little jumpy,’ he nods, as though he agrees, but you know he isn’t phased.
As your eyes adjust in the darkness, they find his piercing blue gaze intense on yours and your heart races a little faster.
‘Need a break?’ he whispers huskily..
You can only nod. The thrill of being scared out of your wits is all part of the fun for you, but being so close to Six after the adrenaline rush, alone together in the dark, renders you speechless. You’ve been drawing closer by the second and now you’re mere inches from his face, can feel his warm breath on your cheek, smell his peppery cologne. Bruce nudges you in the chest and six drops him.
You can’t recall how it started, you just know that your lips were trembling one moment, and pressed to Six’s the next. His muscular arms snake around your waist as his strong hands glide up your back, pulling you flush to his chest and finally letting out that hum he tried to suppress when your finger grazed his bottom lip earlier. It vibrates against you and you think this might be as close to reckless abandon as Six might get and smile against his mouth.
You feel his tongue, hot and wet, trace the join of your lips and you instantly part them, eagerly inviting his tongue to slide against yours. It’s languid and needy, and the taste of the cotton candy you’d shared hits you first. It tastes different on his tongue than yours — more blue somehow — and then the artificial sugary fruit of the Skittles he’d been periodically chewing on all night follows. It’s sickly sweet, but so him you can’t help but find it delicious.
The groans and cackles and clanks of the haunted house fade into nothingness behind you, and it’s just him. Just Six, and you, hidden away. Secure and yet adventurous, safe and exciting. Your grip on the balloon he’d won you loosens and it floats up to the ceiling, somewhere in the dark, ready to be discovered when the carnival moves on.
He shifts a little, suddenly impatient, and deepens the kiss with a quiet moan that sends butterflies soaring in your stomach, and when the fingers tenderly rubbing at the nape of your neck slide up into your hair and scrape against your scalp you all but swoon, thankful he has you pinned against his chiselled frame within those thick arms to keep you upright.
The kiss slows to a stop, and Six pulls back for breath, sighing almost dreamily. He’s smiling at you, but it’s not playful or jokey this time. It’s warm and soft, and unlike any expression you’ve seen on his features before.
‘Better?’ he breathes, already fumbling in his pocket to retrieve yet another Skittle and drop it into his mouth.
‘Much,’ you smile back.
He drops his gaze, coy, and nods. ‘I’m excellent at distraction techniques.’ And with that, his mischievous sparkle is back. ‘Now can we please get some food? Skittles will only sustain me for a few days.’
You roll your eyes spiritedly, and one corner of his mouth twitches, pleased he’s calmed you enough to be mock-exasperated with him.
Six holds an elbow up as an offer for you to tuck yourself under his arm again, and you accept, pulling his forearm up gently to cover your eyes. As cute as the ghosts and skeletons had been, that final clown jump scare just about finished you off.
After collecting discarded Bruce, he carefully guides you back out into the bustle and bright lights of the fair, the familiar melodies of carnival music and the sizzle of the nearby hot dog stall flooding your senses again, and you pull his arm away from your eyes.
‘Thank you,’ you mouth, reaching up to stroke his cheek with a tender caress.
His eyes slide shut and he leans into your touch for just a moment, but he’s quick to snap his gaze back to his surroundings again. Force of habit, you supposed.
You drop your hand and look around too, getting your bearings. ‘So what can I get you? My treat.’ 
His gaze is already trained on the doughnut stand before you finish the sentence. Laughing, you nod and head over without waiting for his confirmation, bringing him back a bag of four deliciously golden doughnuts dusted in thick sugar.
Six eyes you suspiciously as you hand over the little paper bag. ‘I didn’t give you my order.’
‘Didn’t need to; I saw you eyeing them. To be honest, even if I didn’t, I could’ve guessed.’
Six, paused with a doughnut half way to his mouth, raises a questioning eyebrow at you. 
‘Six. Come on. You taste like sugar.’
Six blushes deeply. He’d never considered how he might taste. He felt exposed, but in a good way? He wasn’t sure how to explain it. You see it this time, and smile inwardly.
‘What, you want my fries instead?’
‘No, no, I’m good,’ he protests, taking a bite big enough to tear the first doughnut clean in half and mumbling through a full, sugary mouth, ‘thank you.’
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
As a history and Mythological lover, I love your works, they are so addictive, and you write so well, and the Minotaur konig fic was such a pleasure to read. I remember when you first uploaded the Roman konig story and I was so ecstatic about it, I remember checking on my break at work, If you’d uploaded another part haha, I mean I still check tumblr on my breaks to see who had uploaded so I know what I can read after I get home lol.
I think you’ve found your niche!
Also if you don’t mind answering what other time periods you’d think konig would fit in? Victorian era?
Nasty, oily and covered in coal, konig is walking home through the streets and bumped into a clean wealthy beautiful young woman, ooh do I love forbidden romances, just like your nun fic lol.
Ahh thank you! Mythology, fairytales and historical au’s are a passion of mine 😭
And puh-leeze, a forbidden romance between a dirty worker and a rich uptown girl? Filthy coal miner König who bumps into this fancy lady dressed in white? How can he ever make up for his clumsiness?? Please don’t have him beaten like the poor bastard he is, he already fucked up today by accidentally destroying boss’s new machinery by showing off his strength...
Tries to steal a peek at her ankles, and under her dress while dusting off her skirts with some napkin that’s hardly much cleaner than his hands. And she’s just giggling at him – great, now he’s hard... How is he going to explain this when he rises from here?? (Rich lady also being protected at all costs from dirty dogs like him! He's soon panting at her door!)
As for other historical au’s and fairytales... >:)
CW: Fear of SA (historical au), wife stealing (yandere fairytale imagine)
Obviously I see König as this dark knight of the Teutonic Order, punishing pagans with his sword somewhere in the wild woods of old Europe. How about another forbidden romance between a cold-hearted crusader & a cute pagan girl who lives in the woods and worships the old gods?
She gets captured during some awful raid, and is pulled into the camp by her hair, angry tears streaming down her face. The soldiers tie her to a thick wooden cross and leave her in the rain, probably to have their way with her later, taking turns with her after they've gambled and had a drink. Then this dark, giant knight happens to walk by, not a regular foot soldier but an actual knight with armor as black as night. She remembers him from the battlefield, wielding a fat morningstar, splitting people’s skulls from atop the huge black destrier he rode...
A terrible beast, dark and silent and big, the rain batters his helmet as he takes one look at the shivering maiden on the cross, her white linen dress glued to her skin in the downpour, and stops.
The soldiers have a crude sense of humour and what’s arousing, but he has seen worse… The knights of the Holy Order are even more perverted when it comes to having “fun” with women. But something pierces his defense when seeing the frightened stare of this pagan girl, her weak body trembling on the cross, the wide dark nipples perked up from cold. He’s seen so much death, his soul is drenched in blood by this point, but somehow, this woman who hasn’t even been broken in is the last straw.
Ends up taking her down, and she attaches herself to him like he’s her saviour, even the cold black armor apparently warmer to her skin than the cold rain. The cruelest of knights feels a moment of pity for this girl and sets her free, pushes her to the woods and waves his hand in a gesture of Get the hell out of here while you still can. (=gtfo before I get hard enough to take you in the mud...)
Months later, she finds him bleeding to death under a tree after a battle. All the other soldiers are screaming and crying for their mothers, but this one is silent, eyes darkening when he recognizes her. He says something, already delusional, and she can’t help but kneel and offer him water…
(and from this point on it would go somewhere in @wordstome s Kosovo maiden territory, perhaps slightly darker? But you get the point!)
And then there’s this old Inuit story that always reminds me of König, it has many variations but it’s basically about this lonely hunter who gets a little too resentful for not having a wife yet. Goes to paddle his boat in these moonlit waters and sees a bunch of maidens dancing in the moonlight on a small little island, notices their seal skins on the ground, and because he’s lonely and in despair, he steals one of them.
One by one, the maidens put their seal skins on and rush back into the water, but one woman can’t find her seal skin no matter how hard she looks for it. The hunter emerges, holding her beautiful skin, saying he’ll give it back to her if she comes to live as his wife for 7 years. She has no other choice but to say yes, and for a while they live happily, they even have a son, but then the seal woman starts to miss her seal skin and the sea...
It’s a tragic tale and the hunter won’t let her leave even if she cries so this would make a wonderful yandere scenario, you could always make a twist and write the woman as some other animal, a deer perhaps, and König as this lonely brooding hunter of the Austrian mountains :)
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
OKAY so i had a really specific idea in my head, i feel like Tecchou would be super oblivious to someone actually having romantic feelings towards him, and it would definitely take him a while to actually realize what’s going on. Imagine reader working with the hunting dogs and having a crush on Tecchou, always being paired up with him to go on missions together, except he literally has no idea about reader feeling something towards him LMAOOO
(I also feel like Jouno would find out about the whole situation early on because of his enhanced senses yk? Feel free to do basically anything with this thought of mine🧍‍♀️)
👀 I like how you think, my dear 🕯 anon >:)
The picture does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: Mentions of death and kidnapping. Tecchou is oblivious and adorable while Jouno and Tachihara are best wingmans. Gender neutral reader.
Tecchou being oblivious to reader's feelings
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-Tecchou, despite being the strongest Hunting Dog, was actually the most endearing of them all. He had a strong sense of justice, he never hesitated to save and protect people, and he always treated you with respect, never once judging you for your mistakes or quirks
-Not to mention, he's really pretty! Those golden eyes of his always hold you captive by how gorgeous they are, and the smoothness of his deep voice never fails to make you weak in the knees. Tecchou has some sort of natural beauty to him that would make him look good regardless of what he was doing or wearing. If he weren't a Hunting Dog, he'd make an excellent model
-He intrigued you at first with his habits. You had never seen food combinations as unique as his, and his patience and unwavering stamina amazed you when he would look at ants and other insects for hours upon end. But you quickly grew to find his oddities cute, and even joined him sometimes as he pondered on which foods to mix together next
-Because your ability worked well alongside Tecchou's, it was natural that the two of you were paired together on a lot of missions. Even if you weren't as strong in the field as he was, you were great at support, as well as rescuing the innocent civilians that were unfortunately caught up in the mess. This boosted up the success rate of the missions by a lot, which meant that you and Tecchou were now assigned to more dangerous and time-consuming operations. You didn't mind, since you had always considered him to be a friend. Until one single mission changed everything for you.
-While rescuing the hostages from the kidnappers, you hadn't anticipated that it was a trap until it was too late. When the last hostage was set free, the enemy snuck up on you and caught you by surprise, resulting in you being knocked unconscious due to the powerful ability your opponent wielded. Then, the adversary decided to use you to lure Tecchou; with no intention of releasing you
-At this point, it was obvious that the most reasonable thing one should do is to retreat and call for backup. You had hoped that your partner did just that, since the hostage-taker did have a very strong ability that could rival Tecchou's. But even though you knew that the enemy was going to kill you anyways, you still hoped internally that someone would rescue you
-Right after you made your wish, your saviour burst in. He engaged the criminal in a fight so ferocious that by the end of it, his opponent was unconscious on the ground while Tecchou was no better. But he still rushed towards you and caught you as you were released from your binds, even when he himself was on the verge of collapsing.
-Then, the realisation hit. Tecchou came back, potentially risking his life just for you.
-And just like that, you were now in love with Tecchou Suehiro. Which was... not as amazing as it seemed. Because 1. Tecchou himself didn't express much emotions, much less understand them, and 2. You didn't want to ruin your friendship with him by confessing to him
-Your secret crush would've remained a secret if it weren't for a certain blind colleague of yours who had a temper to match his attitude. Jouno had certainly picked up on your increased heart beat whenever you were around Tecchou, as well as your palms becoming sweatier than normal. And if that wasn't enough, he could swear that he heard your brain crash whenever you spoke to his colleague
-To be honest, Jouno found it quite amusing, and confronted you right after he found out about your crush on Tecchou. Now, normally, people would have wished you luck with your feelings, but Jouno was Jouno; meaning that he couldn't help but let his sadistic tendencies take over when you asked him to keep it a secret
-Cue him smirking as he teases you a lot. Jouno can and will use this information as blackmail material, albeit harmlessly. He'll ask you to fetch a lot more things for him, or do some small favours for him with the threat of telling Tecchou about your feelings, all while you glare at him and that smug smirk on his face while cursing his name a lot in your head
-But after a while of this, Jouno gets quite tired of hearing the same biological reactions from you every time you saw your crush. He doesn't understand why you refrain from confessing to Tecchou, and only deadpans when you tell him about your fear of ruining your friendship with him. And this, my friends, is when wingman!Jouno comes into play
-You see, deep deep down, Jouno cares about you! (He would never admit it though) Although it was fun to tease you and see your reactions, he found it annoying and pitiful that you were forever stuck in the pining stage. So, like any good Hunting Dog would, he settled down to give you some advice on how to get your oblivious crush to like you back. He even drags Tachihara in on this and subtly threatens him to never tell a single soul about your dilemma
-The first piece of advice was to give Tecchou some special chocolates on Valentines Day. It was already a tradition, and plus why not confess through indirect means and save yourself from a harsher rejection? So you gathered up all the expensive ingredients, and made your own Honmei chocolate*; it took a few tries, but you were determined on making it perfect for Tecchou. In the end, the chocolates were so pristine and velvety-looking that anybody eating them could taste the passionate love you made them with in each bite Jouno stole some of them when you weren't looking
-14th of February rolled around, and you nervously gave Tecchou his chocolates that took you a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to make. You made sure to have gifted your colleagues friendship chocolates so that nothing would seem out of place, yet you still felt nervousness wash over you as you handed the chocolate over to your crush. What if he didn't like it? All your efforts would have been ruined then, and you'll have to buy chocolates for yourself instead so you could drown out your sorrows
-You didn't expect Tecchou to simply say 'Thank you for the chocolates'. I feel like even though Tecchou is denser than the average person, he'd know which dates are festivals and celebrations. This man must have received lots of chocolates when he was still in school because he is reallyyy attractive, so he is familiar with the act of receiving and gifting chocolates
-Your crush then opened the box of delicately crafted chocolates, lifted one up as you watched in anticipation with bated breath.... and he dipped it right into beef sauce and ate it. You swore you heard the biggest facepalm ever from Jouno in the distance, while Tachihara winced and gave you a look filled with sympathy. At least Tecchou was still a gentleman and complimented you on the deliciousness of the aforementioned sweets
-If food didn't work, then you'll resort to impressing him. Under Tachihara's suggestion, you might have a better chance impressing him with random but useful knowledge. Many people find intelligence to be an attractive trait, afterall; and maybe Tecchou was one of those people
-So this ended up in you spending many hours upon researching into topics that Tecchou was interested in, with courtesy to Jouno for being able to get the oblivious man to tell him what things he liked. As expected, Tecchou liked anything to do with foods of the same colour, as well as muscle training and hard-working animals like ants and whatnot. And whenever he was about to eat another one of his food combinations, or gaze at another army of formicidae (scientific word for ants), you would always drop an interesting fact, hoping to catch this pretty man's interest
-Except the most he did was compliment you for your rich knowledge, sometimes even asking you questions about the random facts you said. And when Jouno asked Tecchou what he thought about you, Tecchou only replied 'They're a smart and reliable friend. I'm glad to be paired on missions with them.' Tecchou please😭😭😭
-When you found out that knowledge didn't work, you resorted to what all Hunting Dogs were good at: combat! Well, you weren't necessarily going to fight Tecchou. Under the pretence of wanting to improve your fighting skills, you asked Tecchou to spar with you. He agreed it was your ploy to spend more time with him hehe
-Well, apparently Tecchou took the role of training you up a bit too seriously, because instead of impressing him with a new fancy sword trick you learned recently, you were instead collapsed on the floor, out of breath, while he held a bottle of water and patiently waited for you to recuperate. And... well... he isn't called the strongest Hunting Dog for nothing :')
-After all your failed attempts at trying to woo your crush, Jouno had had enough and resorted to his last attempt: which was shoving you and Tecchou into the storage room and locking the door, promising to let you out once you 'confessed'. Tecchou nearly tore the door off it's hinges, but you managed to persuade him to first listen to what you had to say
-The thing is, this man is so dense that when you said to him 'I like you', he merely replied back 'Me too. You're a great friend to me.' And that, my dear readers, is when Jouno performs the facepalm of the century™ (he's eavesdropping behind the door of the storage room)
-So the only thing that remained was for you to grasp Tecchou by the shoulders, and confess your undying and bottled up love for him all in an ardent torrent of words as you stare into his eyes with a fierce passion that could rival his sense of justice. And by the end of the speech, Tecchou is staring at you, speechless, with widened eyes as he processes your feelings for him
-You were almost about to tear down the door yourself and run away from the sheer tension in the room, but what you did not expect was for Tecchou to say that he felt the same towards you. Apparently, he was like this for quite a few months now, however, he always thought that it was just a strong platonic attraction towards you I lied. Now this is when Jouno performs the facepalm of the century™
-But hey! You and Tecchou are a couple now :D. Jouno and Tachihara couldn't stop internally celebrating when they saw the two of you walk out of the storage room, hand in hand and smiling like a pair of lovebirds Teruko kept asking when the wedding would be
I hope this has been enough to feed the Tecchou stans 🖤
*Honmei chocolate is chocolate that is used to profess one's love on Valentines Day
@circinuus @sariel626 @dazaiyohane @riiwrites @judasgot-it @yuugen-benni @irethepotato @yukitomybeloved @chuuyas-beloved @chunshiya (Please let me know if you wish not to be tagged!)
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
What would Queering the Map look like in the DC Universe
For those of you that don't know, Queering the Map is basically this website where people can add pinpoints on a map with their different queer experiences. It's really cool, I suggest checking it out (unless you hate The Gays, in which case feel free to unfollow me).
Now, for the headcanons:
"Went to a baseball game for our third date. We ended up on the jumbotron. Some people booed us. I think it's 'cause I wore a Gotham jersey and she had a Metropolis hat. A modern-day Romeo and Juliet."
"Drag storytime here, every Thursday from 5:30 to 7"
"sometimes love is kidnapping a nepo baby with your two polyamorous boyfriends"
"Did it with another Arkham inmate, 5/10"
"According to my grandfather, who trained me to wield a sword from the moment I could walk, I'm 'too young' to know who I am."
"Themiscyra more like Lesbos 2 amirite"
"I have a crush on a boy in my class but every time I ask him to hang out he tells me he's busy. I know he doesn't do any after-school clubs and he doesn't need a part-time job because he's rich as hell. I have my conspiracy theories. Let's see how they pan out."
"@ Ollie Queen I screwed your son in your office"
"On this street corner, I got so nervous talking to the cute food truck worker that I puked in a trash can. I am 42 years old."
"Don't forget about us in Kahndaq!"
"Smallville boys sure love them cornfields"
"I put the bi in billionaire"
"me-wow ;)"
"It's Sunday morning. My wife and I slept in after a wild time last night. I woke up first so I surprised her with her favorite breakfast and used the food scraps to make compost cupcakes for her plants. Then she kissed me and showed me a funny video because she knows I love wild dogs, and it makes everything I've put up with worth it. Some folks will see this and still call us the villains. If that's the case, I don't wanna be a hero."
"I know where I'd put my Lantern ring ( ͡ ° ل͜ ͡°)"
"No GCPD at Pride"
"I no longer live in England but I had my fair share of adventures back in the day. We have always been here and we always will be."
"first kiss here, tasted like waffles"
"Hey Lex I can be your sugar baby i mean henchman"
"I can run from Keystone to Bludhaven in five seconds flat but it doesn't matter because he'll never see me the way I see him"
"I transed the fish. Signed, an Atlantean"
"Wanna match butts?"
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storiesbyjes2g · 9 days
3.122 Sweet potato
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I bought a robe. Since there'd be three of us soon, I figured my days of walking around half naked in the morning were over. It's strange that this piece of clothing, not my wife's growing belly, made me feel like a dad. I wasn't the most stylish dresser to begin with, but I'd never owned anything so...mature looking. Not that maturity was a sign of fatherhood. Maybe it just reminded me of my own dad. Sophia entered the second trimester late last night, so we decided to go to the doctor and make sure everything was okay. We also opted to discover the gender, if possible.
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We ate slowly, gushing and speculating about what our child would be and what we should call it. Like me, Sophia wasn't concerned about the baby's gender and just wanted a smooth pregnancy and a successful birth. Part of me wanted a boy just to add more male energy in my life, but I would be totally happy with a girl. Mama gave Less and I our grandparents' names, and while that was an honorable thing to do, I wasn't sure I wanted to repeat that. Not saying my parents didn't deserve to have anyone named after them, but I didn't want my child to be haunted by relatives it hardly knew. My sister was named after Gammy, but she had no memory of her and never showed an interest in learning about her. My grandfathers, Luca and Winston, passed on way before my parents even met. I barely knew anything about those guys. Hopefully, my parents would be around long enough to develop lasting relationships with my children, but they're running short on days and won't be around forever. I think it's best to just give our kids their own names, but we'll see. It's not completely off the table.
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At the hospital, we arrived at our appointment early, but just like always, we sat in the room and waited an eternity for the doctor to arrive. The room was cold and had colorful medical posters plastered over the bland beige walls. Some of them made me laugh because they were so corny, but I suppose corny art was better than boring, authoritative posters. Finally, the doctor hurried in and introduced herself. Dr. Kira McKnight was her name, and she was gorgeous with long, thick hair, just like Sophia's and smooth looking cocoa skin. I could be wrong, but she looked to be maybe just a few years older than us.
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Before she turned on the machine and showed us the magic, she and Sophia chatted about the pregnancy. Sophia said she'd been feeling great and hadn't been sick at all. Dr. McKnight was surprised and said she was a blessed woman. From the sounds of it, Alessia would agree. Overall, the doctor seemed very satisfied with Sophia's answers to her questions, and that relieved me. I didn't expect that anything would be wrong, but we couldn't take anymore bad news.
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She fired up the machine, put the cold jelly on Sophia's womb, and invited me to come watch the show. The wand glided back and forth across Sophia's belly, searching for our little celebrity. Finally, Dr. McKnight said, "there you are!" She pointed at a certain part of the screen, saying that was our baby. It didn't look like much, honestly--just a big ball of goo. But it was my ball of goo, and I loved it. Luckily, she zoomed in so we could see the details, and I saw a head, fingers, and toes! It was my baby!! After taking some measurements, she said the baby was a good size, probably about the size of a sweet potato.
"Awwww," Sophia cooed. "Our little sweet potato, Luca!"
I could tell from her puppy dog eyes and the way she said it, sweet potato was definitely going to be a thing. It was a cute nickname; I guess.
"Can you tell what it is yet?" I asked.
Dr. McKnight wielded that wand, fishing around for something. Probably the thing.
"I'm looking. It hasn't shown me yet." She kept moving the wand back and forth until she found what she was looking for. "Ah ha! I just needed her to move that leg."
"Her?!" Sophia and I both shouted.
"Yep! It's a little girl."
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A little girl. Finally, we could stop calling her "it!" I'm a girl dad!! That news filled me with so much joy. A smile spread across my face, and happy tears glistened my eyes and rolled down my cheek. The anxiety I had felt earlier disappeared, leaving only immense love for my daughter. Love and excitement and relief, that is. Every cell in my body seemed to jump for joy as a warmth came over me. If Dub's baby is also a girl, maybe our kids would also be best friends.
"I would tell you the worst is over now, but you've been on easy street already," the doctor said. "You still may experience fatigue, but it won't be so bad. The baby has all her organs and systems now, so she's gonna start growing, getting longer and heavier, so your back might bother you from time to time. She'll start moving around soon."
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"That sounds so magical," Sophia said.
"Oh, and you also may start feeling contractions."
Even though I knew that was part of the process, something inside me just panicked.
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She giggled.
"Don't worry. It's completely normal. They'll be mild and won't last long, but it's important to know it's normal. The baby isn't trying to come early. No need to panic, okay?"
"I understand," Sophia said.
"Now, I don't like this next part, but I have to tell you," the doctor continued. "I see you just had a birthday yesterday?"
"Okay. You're still young age-wise, but your body is not. Adult pregnancies can be hard. You seem to be doing great so far, but if you start experiencing other symptoms, just know it comes with the territory. There's nothing wrong with you. It just is what it is. Relax as much as you can and keep stress as low as possible."
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She asked if we had questions, then left us to await the nurses to run additional tests. Now that Sophia was pregnant, our lives could go back to being more joyful and carefree, so I wasn't concerned about the stress part. But of course, I would do everything within my power to make sure Sophia's life was as easy as possible. The only problems she would have during this pregnancy would be within her own body on my watch.
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ejaysstuff · 2 months
⚠️NOTE⚠️ I am NOT a researcher, meaning I did not go beyond his baike article for this post, so please don't take this post as a concrete, definite description of Jinzha. Remember that there are different versions of mythology characters all the time, and these are simply some of them. I'm only making this so others can have a starting point in designing him!
Any rbs with corrections/additions are highly welcome!!
Throughout my year of Li Brother Illness TM, I've seen some li brother designs which always makes me incredibly happy. However, I still thought it'd be neat if I shared some stuff that helped inspire my headcannons/designs of the li siblings. This one will be about Jinzha!
I hope this gives a little more insight to my beloveds while also generating more ideas for them <33
Jinzha is described as a handsome young man who wears light yellow/white Taoist robes. Sometimes the ends of his Daoist robes is drawn poofy which is so cute,, he is also depicted wearing a golden hair crown (束发金冠). Other figures like Sun Wukong and Lu Bu wear this too, but with pheasant feathers attached to it
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There are also designs that depict him in armor!
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This is an older version of Jinzha, Bodhisattva Jundali Mingwang. He is a Buddhist figure, and can be seen decorated with red snakes and yellow-collared snakes around his body. He also has a spirit snake (灵蛇), which could either mean a magical snake or a fast and precise one. He uses it as a weapon, which I think means he flings the lil guy at his opponent and it just starts biting them (erlang shen strat with his dog)
While this isn't fsyy Jinzha, I still think it'd be neat to include snake motifs in Jinzha's design more,, plus I think it'd tie in nicely with his Dragon Stake :)
(Bodhisattva Jundali also wields other weapons such as a spear, a whip and a polearm that looks similar to a halberd (戟). Jinzha doesn't have any of these in fsyy, but just gonna put these here if you want more weapons to draw him with :>)
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I've shown this weapon briefly here, but I'll show it again so it's much more organized! The Dragon Stake appears time to time in fsyy alongside Jinzha's swords, and is a weapon that can bind any opponent. It's commonly depicted as a pole with three rings. It seems to be able to change its size, growing bigger when in use. In fsyy, Jinzha would sometimes bind the enemy first with the Dragon Stake before finishing them off with his swords.
I was luckily able to find an illustration showing how it looks like in action!
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This weapon was used by Jinzha's master before it was passed onto Jinzha. It's also what was used to subdue Nezha when he tried to kill Li Jing
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More illustrations with Jinzha holding it:
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more illustrations of Jinzha and the stake!
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(^illustration credits: 苍狼野兽 on weibo)
(For those who use his wikipedia article, the 'Ganlu Treasure Vase' is this.)
甘露 gān lù, meaning sweet dew, is a special substance that functions like holy water. It is contained in a vase, and Bodhisattva Jundali used this to defeat demons. This one doesn't seem to have a particular design, but it looks similar to the one that Bodhisattva Guanyin holds in her hand.
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I did find some variations of it online though!
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I hope this can give more ideas when drawing Jinzha! There aren't many english sources about him, so maybe this helps make researching a little easier <33
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enam3l · 9 months
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A/N: another little rockstar eddie blurb because i am in my feels. reader is coded as having textured hair because that’s what i have and i gotta read all these straight hair fics constantly !!! also if the title made you laugh ily
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There are lots of things Eddie Munson never thought he’d be known as. A rockstar, a husband, a soulmate, a father, an icon… however he did manage to become all of those. One thing he never imagined he’d be known as was your personal hairdresser.
For Eddie, one of his favourite consistent parts of his day was watching you do your hair. Something about the ritualistic movements soothed him.
The way your eyebrows would furrow as you waited to see an outcome. How you’d hold bobbles and hairpins between your pretty lips and if he were to make you laugh, causing you to drop them, he’d be scolded. The scents of each product you applied, a fresh layer he knew he could inhale throughout the day when he’d press his head to yours.
Wash day was even more glorious, a much longer, careful process he could get lost in. Eddie had never had this pleasure of watching girls get ready. No sisters or live-in girlfriends before, no mom to watch and admire. So he was taken by the novelty of observing once you began to stay with each other for extended periods of time.
At first Eddie had found himself standing awkwardly beside your vanity, peering at your process. That didn’t last long.
‘Quit it, Eds!’ You’d told him, ‘it’s putting me off! It feels like you’re a dog wanting to be fed or something.’
So eventually, he fell into the routine of flopping on the bed and propping himself up so he good get a good view. Eddie liked the way your hair moved as a brush raked through. He liked your huff of annoyance when you hit a tangle. He liked the wrinkle of your nose as you doused yourself in hairspray. He liked the way you’d wiggle your arms like jello after holding the hairdryer for too long.
The best times were when you’d be going out and decide to pin your hair or add accessories. It was then that Eddie understood the tendencies of magpies. He loved the way a slide would glitter in your hair, how throughout the day it would catch the light.
Naturally, Eddie’s subconscious absorbed all these secrets to your hair. Gradually learning what each product did, how every appliance worked, the way any style was created. And eventually, he was able to wield this secret knowledge when you became indisposed.
A week you had found yourself with a case of the blues. Not feeling quite yourself. Only wanting to be curled up under the duvet or in his arms. Unimpressed with even food and tv. Then you felt worse as the week progressed, fretting over feeling ‘icky’ as you’d so adorably put it. Eddie couldn’t deny, you had started to smell, but you were his little smell.
‘I could do it,’ Eddie mumbled. You looked up and blinked in confusion.
‘I could wash your hair for you…’
Oh, your sweet, sweet boy.
‘Thank you baby,’ you hummed, ‘but then I’d have to dry it properly or it’ll go all tangly and… I just don’t feel like it.’
His finger twirled a rogue strand - well, it had gotten to the stage where they were all rogue strands.
‘No, I know. I can do that! I know your routine by heart, sweetheart. I promise.’
And you were too tired and too sick of that sticky haired feeling to protest. Eddie laid you back gently in the bath and went through every step of your wash. His tongue poked out in concentration as he tried to master the towel hair wrap which managed to elicit a giggle from you. Then he sat you down at your vanity and looked over what he was working with.
‘Welcome to Munson Salon, madam,’ he grinned, ‘May I say you’re the most beautiful model I’ve ever had the pleasure of styling. What would you like today?’
Despite the lingering nerves your boyfriend may incinerate your hair, Eddie’s silliness managed to slightly clear the dark cloud that had been lingering over you all week. A blow dry? A silk press or au natural? Those cute plaits you sometimes do that left your hair all wavy? He was confident in every process. His heart warmed seeing you crack a small smile.
‘Whatever you feel like doing, Eds. I don’t mind,’ you shrug.
Eddie rakes his fingers through your damp strands.
‘S’my favourite when it’s natural,’ he mumbles as if embarrassed.
You lean back into his touch, the only thing that had felt comforting the entire week. Instinctively he knew the order of each product,
‘Liquids, cream, oil,’ you notice him mouth to himself. Taking the care he usually reserved for fixing up his precious guitars. Then, he wielded the diffuser with expertise. As if he was playing as an expert swordsman whose sword was in fact a hairdryer.
Once the process was complete, Eddie took great pride in spinning you around for a big reveal. As if you were in one of those goofy makeover shows and you hadn’t just watched the whole thing.
‘Thank you baby,’ you smiled. Your first genuine one in days, ‘it’s perfect.’
‘Y’think? You gonna make me do it every time now?’
‘Maybe,’ you teased. Pulling your love’s arms down around your shoulders and kissing his hands.
It became clear Eddie’s question was more of a wish than a query. Offering eagerly every time you were going out or about to wash. Multiple times you were persuaded into gentle afternoons, both of you in the bath as he carefully sudsed your locks. More of an indulgence for him than anything but it made you melt, the shocking tenderness your larger than life, rocker boyfriend possessed when it came to you.
The press went wild after an event you attended where you’d mentioned offhand that Eddie had done your hair. Magazines swooning more than ever over your perfect man. It made him roll his eyes.
‘I just like looking after you,’ he tutted as he glanced over the headline, ‘you’re mine to take of.’
That gentle desire to care applied as you had your daughters. Eddie’s heart swelling that each girl came into the world with an extraordinary head of hair not unlike their father’s. Tears were shed at all three first haircuts which he had delayed for as long as possible.
‘They can’t cut them, sweetheart. We made those curls!’ He’d plead with a pout.
To Eddie’s delight, as they got a little older and their hair became longer, so came the opening of Daddy’s Salon. Lining up his tiny clients after bath time or in the morning and fixing their hair.
School mornings were spent placing each girl at the vanity he’d watched you get ready at a thousand times over. Letting their tiny hands peruse the hoard of clips, bows and bobbles he’d accumulated. Their little cheeks dimpled just like Eddie’s as they grinned at Daddy doing their hair. Rarely flinching or sniffing at any tugs due to his tender touch.
Still, it was always your hair Eddie loved to play with the most. Doing it felt like offering you back a fraction of the care you gave him. It was a constant in his life, something he could always feel before seeing. A reminder every morning as it tickled Eddie’s skin that you were still by his side.
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my taglist angels: @whoahoney @lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos s @munsonology @mseddiemunson @kreepja @midnightsgetawaycar @luvrsbian
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
The dark lord sitting menacingly in his throne, though in his lap is a adorable mini plushie their darling made them, and then there's darling, sitting right next to him wearing normal village clothes or really cute clothes, just looking super out of place in the sea of dark colors with all the dark schemes happening around them
The twisted faces of the fallen cast haunting shadows along the walls of the dark lord's throne room; their body spilled across its floors. The smell of smog and burnt flesh taints the air; cut by the smell of an ocean's breeze.
The dark lord sits silently in their throne; face expressionless before those who lie at their feet. Wearing armor made from the scales of hellborn beasts; wielding the scepter from which their dark magic spewed, none could deny the menacing aura that radiated from them. A force cut by the presence of a little doll rested gently in their lap.
The doll was a replica of them. Twisted horns and all. A few more plushies were thrown about the throne; button eyes casted far off into the distance - or into the souls of whoever looked back. Despite its cuteness, the doll's existence almost made the dark lord look even more terrifying. They protect it with the same air as a guard dog protecting its territory, the only thing more important than it being the person sitting besides them.
You stitch away at a new plush without a care in the world. In the dreary environment of the castle, you stuck out like a sore thumb. Your clothes dripped with color, and your smile rained bright enough to cast away the shadows than lingered over the horizon; one of the many things the dark lord grew to love.
You were just a simple villager back then. The first they'd ever captured. Even within the confines of the prison you kept a positive spirit; melting the icy cage around their heart. They confessed their love not long after and that's how your life began as the dark lord's spouse.
"So... which one of you maggots did it?"
The servants at the bottom of the throne whimper. While cleaning the castle, someone had thrown out one of the plushs you made. It took all morning for you to call them down enough to not rip off the head of the nearest servant, but eventually the suspect list was down to the two before you.
"I was cleaning the opposite side of the room that the doll was last seen on, I'm sure it was them that threw it away."
The other servant goes to protest, but the dark lord slams their staff into the floor to get their full attention.
"I don’t give a damn who did it. By my logic, both of you are responsible. You should be begging for forgiveness before I rip out your lungs, have them cooked, and then have them feed to your God damn-"
"Honey!" The lord's tirade is cut short as you speak up. "We've talked about this before, haven't we?"
They grumble. "Just an apology will be fine. Then you're free to go."
You smile in approval; placing a kiss to their cheek. The dark lord sports a grin of their own, hooking their arms around you. They were such a pushover when it came to you. They really needed to nip that in the bud, but you were their entire world and they would do anything for your happiness.
The servants find no comfort in their worlds. For as you look away, the glare sent their way seals their fates. You'd be informed the following day of their vacation since the dark lord was so gracious towards the help.
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Is it possible to have another Grown! Yakuza! Reader and baby scarlet witch reader but this time in bungo stray dog universe. Just imagine the ADA’s reactions especially dazai, atsushi, and dazai. They know their baby scarlet witch reader as adorable and soft and just to see a possibility of what she can become right there next to her as an intimidating and cunning woman. Especially if later on they somehow find out baby scarlet witch knows a lot about wielding weapons that a normal child obviously wouldn’t know about.😂
my baby's got a gun ! — bungou stray dogs boys meets grown! yakuza! scarlet witch! reader together with baby fushiguro
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs (subtle reference to BEAST), mentions use of weapons and violence
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x child! reader (ADA, port mafia, but it's mostly dazai, atsushi)
before you read: hi, in case you're new, you're megumi's younger half-sibling, and while you don't have cursed energy, you do have scarlet witch's powers and abilities! aside from that, as a special scarlet witch variant, you also have the ability to travel across the multiverse. how chaotic! furthermore, like your half-brother megumi, you are being cared for by gojo satoru, who also serves as your adoptive father. for more info, please see the masterlist.
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the concept of the multiverse was something. to think that there are so many different universes out there—it's both fascinating and terrifying how there are variations of each and every one, including you and everyone else in your dazai-nii's universe.
you've already told dazai about a universe where odasaku was alive because of dazai's variant, but as heartbreaking as it is, it was the only universe where oda lived. however, in another universe where you are wanda maximoff instead of fushiguro [name], there is a saying that goes, "a soul for a soul," if you want to change something, you must pay a price.
changing the subject, neither dazai nor any of the armed detective agency had ever met a variant, whether yours or theirs, so they were in for a surprise of a lifetime when a red portal ripped through the seams of their reality.
dazai dashed towards the red portal, expecting you, his precious little belladonna, and ready to greet you with a hug when he sensed dread emanating from it.
the entire armed detective agency inside the office became concerned. dazai took a step back, his eyes widening along with the others who were already arming themselves and raising their guards, as two silhouettes stepped into their reality.
"... [name]-chan?" atsushi muttered quietly, his eyes softening for a moment as he was relieved to see you, but his gaze was drawn immediately to the taller and older woman standing next to you, holding your hand in hers.
dazai blinked, realizing that this dread they were all sensing was coming from the woman next to you, and my god, the ominous aura that she possessed even without doing anything, reminded him of mori ougai, and to hell, it actually felt far more atrocious than that man.
"[name]-chan, who is this?" dazai asked softly, his guard still up.
you simply smiled as you squeezed her hand, oblivious to the armed detective agency's reaction to the woman beside you, "she's me!"
there was a pindrop silence in the air at that moment. 'wait, what did you just say?!' were all of their exact reactions to your statement.
atsushi and the others stared at her from head to toe in utter disbelief, he kept looking at you and the woman next to you. even fukuzawa was taken aback by the revelation.
how is it even possible that this woman is you?
you were all so cute and sweet, while she had this cunning and almost blank expression on her face. everything about her—from her appearance to the way she carries herself, screams danger.
but the more they looked at her, the more they noticed how much she resembled you. the woman had your [color] hair and [color] eyes, but her hair was significantly longer, her eyes and cheekbones were sharper, and her lips and lids were painted a dark smokey black and maroon color.
this woman appeared cunningly evil, yet somewhat captivating with the way her poise and manner oozed with bloody confidence as she stood beside you, dressed in a black leather mini dress, leather arm-length gloves, heeled thigh-high leather boots, a dark red coat hanging over her shoulders, and expensive looking jewelries on her.
kunikida's adam's apple bobbled up and down as he visibly shifted uncomfortably on his hand, still clutching his handgun, "but, h-how?"
"how?" the woman inquired, her voice seductive and enticing. she sounded like a siren.
"i'm not going to lie, lady, but you're nothing like [name] o-over there," ranpo managed to say nervously, his emerald eyes fixed on her.
"of course i am. i really am nothing like this sweetie right here, even if we do share the same name," the woman chuckled, her shoulders shaking up and down as she peered down at you with an amused look.
"why are you here?" fukuzawa furrowed his brows at her.
your other self shrugged as she let go of your hand, instead folding her arms across her chest, "just curious as to where little me had been disappearing off to lately," she explained.
"so, you're friends with her?" tanizaki asked.
"of course, we're friends. we hang out! yakuza me is just the coolest!" you exclaimed, wrapping your tiny arms around her legs and rubbing your cheek against them affectionately like a cat.
everyone choked on their own spits at that, gasping and widening their eyes all over again from shock. did they hear that correctly?
"[name]-chan, your variant.. is a member of a yakuza?" dazai pointed at the woman.
"tch, a member?" she shook her head, closing her eyes before opening them again, her lips curving into a smirk as her eyes glowed a faint red color, "please, kind sir, i'm the head of my own organization."
"EXCUSE ME, BUT WHAT?!" atsushi found himself screaming at the woman from shock.
"you're the head?" dazai muttered, blinking slowly as he processed what she had just said.
it was no surprise your older and yakuza variant had the same vibe as the port mafia boss, but she was more cunning and atrocious, most likely because she was the scarlet witch just like you. thinking about it at the same time, if this woman's aura was already ominous enough and given that your abilities were already far superior to those of any other ability users in dazai's world, wouldn't it make sense for her, your variant, to be far stronger than you?
a yakuza's activities were no different than those of the port mafia. the yakuza was a crime syndicate. the port mafia was an underground organization. in any case, both were involved in the world of bloodshed and violence.
"yes, you heard me," your yakuza variant confirmed, tilting her head to the side, "i'm the leader of my group."
"isn't a yakuza, er, usually led by a man?" atsushi asked, nervously gulping.
"well, sweetie, the thing is, time has changed, and so has everything back at my world," your variant's sharp [color] eyes glowed red as she smiled cunningly, "tell me, do any of you have a problem with that?"
"n-no, not at all," dazai managed to smile back at her, god did he despise the vibe she was giving off. why did she had to have the same ominous aura as mori? "i"m just wondering why you're with someone like [name]-chan."
"we're good friends," your yakuza variant sighed, putting a hand on her hip, "and we hang out with each other like any good friends."
"she's right! we do a lot of things together, dazai-nii," you nodded, explaining, "we eat at expensive restaurants, we go to salons, and we also go to accessory and clothes stores."
"yeah? well, that sounds nice, little belladonna," dazai gave you a closed-eye smile.
"she also teaches me how to use a playful cloud and how to use a gun and aim with one!"
with that, dazai's remark of "that sounds nice" is thrown out the window right off the bat.
"what?" dazai's expression changed drastically.
"a playful cloud is a three-sectioned staff, kind of like a nunchuck," your yakuza variant explained, tapping her chin in thought.
"you TAUGHT her how to use one?!" atsushi took the words out of dazai's mouth in a yell, "and a LITERAL gun! what's wrong with you?!"
"of course i did. what's the problem with that?" your yakuza variant questioned, raising a brow.
"SHE'S A CHILD?!" kunikida exclaimed, echoing atsushi, "YOU SHOULDN'T BE TEACHING ANY OF THAT TO A LITERAL CHILD MA'AM."
"relax, it's for self-defense," your yakuza variant immediately countered, "it's not that bad."
"not that bad? then, aren't [name]-chan's abilities, err, chaos magic, already responsible for protecting her?" atsushi inquired.
"chaos magic isn't something we should just rely on. there will come a time when we won't be able to use it in a situation. it's only right for little me to be equipped with enough knowledge how to protect herself," your yakuza variant reasoned, motioning over you.
"yeah, that sounds real nice," dazai remarked sarcastically, already taking your hand and pulling away from your yakuza variant before picking you up and firmly holding you in his arms.
when your yakuza variant saw dazai and the rest of the armed detective agency who were still wary of her, a small frown deepened on his variant face. "i think i'll just take my leave, sweetie," she sighed before placing a hand on her hip, chuckling softly with a small smirk.
"are you sure?" you asked with a small pout.
"yes, i'm sure, sweetie," she trotted towards you, slightly narrowing her eyes at dazai when he tried to pull you away from her but still smiling at you, "and besides, in all honesty, their reactions are very similar to that ginger head and his friends whom we met earlier. i thought for sure they would warm up to me given how similar our organizations are, but oh well."
everyone's sweat dropped.
she intimidated even the port mafia?
"you met the port mafia?" fukuzawa inquired, recognising the ginger head she mentioned as the gravity manipulator.
"yes, the port mafia. their boss sure is something, as are his subordinates, and then there was this red haired woman back then too—she was really ravishing," your yakuza variant chuckled softly, everyone's eyes widening in shock when she mentioned the golden demon ability user, "but anyway, i have something to do. i've got an important meeting with my own subordinates."
"oh, okay.." you nodded in understanding.
"goodbye, sweetheart, and everyone. it was great meeting you all," she said as she raised her hand and twisted it, opening up a red portal very similar to yours, ruffled your hair and kissed the top of your head, "i'll see you soon. i promise I'll buy you more clothes, okay?"
"bye-bye!" you giggled, waving at her before letting your yakuza variant go to her red portal.
everyone who caught a glimpse of what was on the other side of the portal, your variant's world, watched breathlessly. they could see several people, or rather women dressed very similarly to her your variant, but the red portal had closed before any of them could question it. everyone had calmed down as soon as she had completely left.
"oh, thank god," dazai sighed in relief.
"seriously, how could that be you, [name]-chan? you're nothing like her!" atsushi exclaimed.
"i agree with atsushi-kun, you're cute and soft, whereas she's all intimidating and cunning," tanizaki added to atsushi's statement.
"but, is it true, can you use a three-sectioned staff and a gun?" yosano inquired, blinking profusely.
"Yeah, but my daddy banned me from using playful cloud or a gun because i snuck into the place where they keep all their weapons back at home," you explained, a small pout on your face.
"my goodness. well, at least your father's responsible..." kunikida sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in relief.
"i actually want to be like yakuza me someday," you exclaimed, making the rest of the armed detective agency start sweating again.
"[name]-chan, you listen to me good. promise me you'll never take after that woman," dazai embraced you tightly, almost dramatically, "okay?! i can't afford to have my sweet little belladonna turning into a mafioso!"
"that's really funny, dazai-nii! that's what my daddy told me too!" you couldn't help but giggle fondly, oblivious to dazai's reaction, as you remembered the exact words gojo had told you when he and the others met her, "but okay!"
"yes, that's great! that's very good of you. that's my [name]-chan!" dazai faked a sob, acting as if you were on the verge of dying or something.
as dramatic and comedic as dazai sounded and acted, he really didn't want you to end up like your ever intimidating and cunning mafioso-like variant. knowing that a version of you existed as the head of a yakuza shows the possibility of you becoming like her, and this comes from a young man who used to be an executive of the port mafia. being in an underground organization, surrounded by bloodshed and violence, was not as appealing.
for another, it would most certainly kill dazai if you turned into someone he no longer recognizes. it would break his heart.
"please keep being you, [name]-chan."
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[ author's notes ! just a little trivia, a yakuza, according to my research, is quite patriarchal, and usually the women in a yakuza is simply the wife and doesn't really get involved much in the mafia-like organization business, which is why the armed detective agency, especially atsushi, are surprised that your variant is the head or boss, there are very few women in a yakuza, and for one to be a boss, they usually just take over when their husbands die—but your variant is a fushiguro after all, as well as the scarlet witch like you :) ]
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orginllazyblog · 2 months
Been playing AFK Journey and honestly...I'm loving it so far
So here we go with some headcanons and silly interactions
The player, either male or female, can attract beautiful women or be beasties with them
With my player and with the interactions with the characters I meet so far, she is most fond of women
Haven't really thought of a name for my player, so I'm going with "Magister" even tho their name is Merlin. Plus, they forgot half of their memories
Meeting with Valen, the character who everyone falls in love with him. Yeah... I don't really see him that way 😅
Other people: "He is so fine 😏"
Me: "He's my beastie. If I die, he's dying with me, ain't no choice."
He's my emotional support friend
Also, I'm glad that there were characters from the Afk Arena such as Antandra, Satandra, Rowan, Niru, Brutus, Thoran, Lyca, Silvina, Arden, Lucius,Mirael, and Eironn I'm surprised how Lyca is playable but not her brother Lorsan 😭
There are only a few celestials and hypogeans in the game (so far)
The side quest I've completed, Romeo and Juliet, I find it quite funny as the group read the letter Romeo wanted to give tk Juliet. Yeah, it was a bit cringe, but luckily, Lorsan is the guy who knows romance 👍🏼
And with that, we become a trio: Valen, the friend everyone has a crush on. Lorsan, the friendly one, and me the player and the great mage everyone thinks but just a chaotic gremlin searching for treasure chest. And then there's Rowan, the rich friend.
I go straight to the npc monsters to get goodies and resources for my heroes. I make sure my team is at a higher level than them.
Yesterday, I just figured that you can interact with the animals like a cat or dog, and it was just...so cute. It show hearts and even sounds of them.
As for the guild party, I haven't decided on which one and more focus on the story mode.
Speaking of which, I actually got asked on a date by none other than...Mirael. Yeah, that got me by surprised 😮 Fun fact, Mirael was my first crush when I started playing afk arena bc she could wield fire, but that was when Lilith introduced Talene. So getting asked out by her was like... a dream to me 😌
But then she left 😭 like what did I do!?!?!? Did I choose the wrong answer? Don't leave 😢
Back to the story, the group has to sneak into the old man's mansion to investigate more of the grape situation, and that's where I left on bc I was playing late at night
It is such a beautiful game with the graphics, the weather changing, and new heroes. I'm very happy to be able to play when it got released for mobile. Also, I was wondering if the devs would add heroes from the Afk Arena
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tf2-oneshots · 10 months
quick fix, medics doves have a bird bath with those really small rubber ducks that are like 1 inch tall. it’s a variety of different little ducks from germany tho, like souvenirs.
scout and medic watch the doves splash in the water occasionally while medic tells scout about how he got each duck.
That’s adorable 🥺
Warnings: none!
Rating: General
A bucket of warm water is poured into a custom birdbath made of stone. Said water is the filtered kind from the fridge. Tap is too harsh on the feathers, as Medic would say. Several rubber duckies, half the size of Scout’s thumb, are placed into the water. Each one unique with either a cute design or an outfit. Scout then removes his bandages, tucking the rolled fabric into his pockets.
“Here come the birdies! Archimedes, no slapping.” Medic warns his eldest bird as a small flock arrive to the bath. Thankfully, the dove keeps his wings to himself as they dip their feet into the water. Scout chuckles, carefully making a pool of water with his hands and going under Socrates’ wings. Lord knows he needs an extra hand in that spot.
Medic joins in, carefully working the dried blood out of their white feathers. The doves not being cradled take a moment to play with the ducks. Tiny beaks push and toss the rubber playmates while feathers ruffle in the water. Scout laughs, watching a tiger patterned duck be thrown out of the bath entirely.
“Cleopatra! We do not throw our toys.” A chide from her father that she doesn’t like. Cleo ruffles, turning away from the man when he puts it back into the bath.
“Where’d you even get that?” Scout picks up the tiger duck to admire it. Black stripes contrast the orange body and white stomach. For a tiny toy, it was definitely detailed. Now, Scout takes the time to look over all of the ducks. A puppy, a witch, and a doctor float alongside the doves. Scout looks to his boyfriend and asks how he came to have such an arrangement.
“I’m glad you asked! I got Dr. Quack when I graduated medical school. It was my nickname actually, teehee!” Medic giggles at the fond memory of his college days. They were so long ago, yet he clearly recalls the strange looks his colleagues gave when he squealed at the reproductive section of the lecture. Always a go-to subject for him.
“The witch was when I got chased out of my hometown for trying to reanimate my favorite singer. Its tradition to leave one at the doorstep as warning.” The poor thing just kept screaming until he whacked it over the head with a piece of wood. In hindsight, she was known for her vocal range. Medic just thought she would be happy to have come back! Instead, he got terrified screeches that alerted the Bürgermeister, who proceeded to arrange a pitchfork wielding mob.
“The puppy I’ve had since I was boy. I won him in a raffle at a dog show.” Money well spent in his opinion. Little Ludwig proudly marched to claim his prize, winning ticket in hand. The duck came with paw shaped chocolate as well, which he promptly ate as they announced the best in show. Such a fun day with his parents.
“Awesome stories, babe.” Scout places his hands on Medic’s shoulders so they can kiss. Just as their lips are about to meet, a loud splash and coo sounds. Lo and behold, Archimedes was wing slapping his siblings! He deeply coos, feathers puffed with his wing landing on an angry Cleopatra.
“Archimedes! Time out!” Medic takes his naughty birdie out of the bath while Scout comforts Cleo. She curls up in his hands, fighting to recover from her brother’s violence. In reality, she’s completely fine. Her feathers are straight and wings unscathed. Ever the dramatic dove.
When Medic returns, he resumes their interrupted kiss. The rest of the doves are left to air dry along the rafters while Archimedes sits in the time out cage. He puffs himself, cooing with anger every time Medic walks by.
I love mediscout sm -H
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nottoxicfr · 5 months
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Fleshing out more of the First King Ramlethal AU. Her sword system was modified when she was coronated, both for function and to look a bit more “regal.” After all, the First King functions as a bit of a figurehead for the entire government, so she needs to look the part.
Now her great swords can combine into an even greater sword with increased power. However, the actual change comes in when she infuses her swords with the power of the Thunderseal, a Holy Treasure that took the form of a broach (at her shoulder) after its first wielded was killed.
The Thunderseal is her third sword, mostly in dire circumstances or narrow hallways, though it’s actually more like a lance made of lightning be projected out of the broach. It can still cut since it’s made out of energy, but the main purpose is to stab or deflect.
The idea is that by combining all three swords together, it makes a weapon that can incinerate a Mega-Death class enemy.
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Also someone lost their dog or something. He blew up a city or something. But look at his cute face. I’m not convinced
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leporellian · 1 month
what opera would you adapt so that everyone was played by beanie babies. also what characters would be what beanie baby
unfortunately i could probably cast every single opera with beanie babies. there are so many of them, in both directions, and i could very easily do it to the point that if you just said 'cast (whatever opera) with beanie babies' i could do it. (however i do distinctly think i would have more fun if given leeway to pick any stuffed animal...)
however i feel like making this simple so here goes: don giovanni with beanie babies
the don himself is fredrick the fox:
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first off, this is one of the modern beanie babies (not a beanie boo, mind you, which is a separate line) so this thing is everywhere, which i feel like fits the vibe. it's also cute enough you could take it home but not cute enough that you would feel safe divulging secrets to it. (the eyes... they don't got any light in them.) finally i feel like the don Has to be a fox because it has that delicious sort of reynardian quality about it.
leporello is ears the rabbit:
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ears is the only beanie baby rabbit that was produced in this lying down pose. which gives it this utterly defeated quality every time a photo is taken of it because its head sort of angles towards the ground and the arms buckle around the head like it has a migraine and it's just sort of an unfortunate scene. obviously therefore this thing has to be leporello.
donna elvira is specifically this promotional arlene beanie baby from garfield the movie (2004)
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this is a frankly gorgeous beanie baby in terms of execution, pose, fabric/plastic color choices... and its been typecast into being The Bitch Wife character, which is i feel like really meta-textually perfect for what we are dealing with here. there's also the added context of this being a promotional plush toy (of a side character! an accessory!) that was meant to be discarded as soon as garfield the movie (2004) was no longer being marketed. so. yeah
donna anna is caw the crow:
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usually i like making anna something horse-themed because like, really considering everything that feels like the best pick. HOWEVER something about caw the crow gets me. this one was released before beanie babies had poems and birthdays so the inside of its card was just... blank except for its name. also apparently multiple people have reported being a little creeped out by it. so i feel like its the best fit
don ottavio is hydrant the dalmatian:
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this thing makes me laugh. this is meant to be a firefighting dog. however the poem and the general look of it scream anything but that. they gave this thing the face of a newborn sock. there is no way. There is No Way. another funny thing is that hydrant the dalmatian was a 'beanie babies 2.0', a more 'updated' beanie baby that was basically just a shameless webkinz clone because that was what was in vogue in 2008. now if you get a hydrant beanie baby, this advertised feature no longer works bc the site was shut down long ago. this is a reference to don ottavio's broken promises
zerlina is spring the rabbit:
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i am cheating a LITTLE BIT because technically currently 'beanie bellies', which this is a product of, is a separate line from 'beanie babies'. however they initially sold as 'beanie babies' and were then spun off into something separate so this to me is fair game. this has all the overly-cutesy trappings of the modern beanie babies without looking too fake (except for ty warner not knowing rabbits don't have paw pads) HOWEVER at the same time i think this thing absolutely would wield a knife and start advancing on me in a toy story universe which fits what i am looking for
masetto is snort ii the bull:
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another really new beanie baby but not nearly as cutesy as the one above and more self-explanatory. however its weirdly shaped face (and? disproportionate bead eyes?) means i cannot take this thing seriously in the slightest without feeling like a 7 year old is staring at me about to ask if i have games on my phone. so. yeah.
not counting the commendatore bc he's onstage for 5 minutes but if you REALLY wanted you could probably make him one of the very early pre-poem beanie babies. The statue is still inexplicably a statue, because I am a man of law
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