#the Fentons could be searching for him cause the think they killed him
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 135
Jack and Maddie accidentally de-age Danny. Of course toddler Danny doesn’t have good control of his powers. Cue reveal.
Danny bolts.
This could be good parents. Could be bad parents.
Cujo decides Danny must be protected. So he takes position of guard dog. Danny just roaming city streets with a green giant dog. Multiple hero’s report the meta child with flying dog.
And the armed RV chasing said toddler.
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evilminji · 7 months
Okay, but... now I'm wondering >.>
@the-witchhunter We talked about Danny being Morningstar's feral, probably engineering oils and ectoplasmic goo covered, mad scientist/himbo hybrid (attack) purse dog. His special lil guy.
I seek your Knowledge(TM).
From second hand accounts? He seems to HATE the hypocrisy. The blaming HIM for humanity's own choices. The rat race and endless song n dance of "Righteous Good VS. Cartoonish Evil". Because it let's humanity paint themselves the helpless victims. Because it's all surface level. Because it is not so easy to escape the ugliness of your Sins, yet they keep trying to scapegoat him.
Fuck um.
He was tired of it.
But? He still has CONSIDERABLE POWER. It's probably written down. And the Ring Of Rage? Is proooobably not the loveliest of artifacts? I imagine, like the Crown, it's NOT leaving Danny alone. One of those "we don't CARE if there is no throne left to sit upon, you WILL wear us, as King" sort of systems.
It genuinely would not and DOES NOT matter, if not a single soul in all the Zone bows to him. Did he defeat the previous holder of their Right To Rulership? Yes or No.
If No, fuck off.
If Yes, new monarch.
Is it hurting him? Not the rings problem. Nor the Crown's. Heavy is the weight, etc etc. But! DANNY would certainly care. He is... is ANGRY all the time now. Has no idea who would even MAKE this bullshit ring. Why JUST Rage? Yeah, it makes ghosts stronger, but at what COST?
He can't even get rid of it!
......by himself.
Luckily, he's still clear headed enough to know that he's NOT in this by himself. And it's amazing what "mom, dad, this ring is trying to drive me insane. Help me" in a terrified and tearful voice, can brush over. No one threatens their baby and all that.
It would honestly be hilarious, seeing the extended Fenton clan decend like LOCUSTS on Pariahs Keep, searching for clues, terrifying the local ghosts, if... if he wasn't so tired.
God he's so tired.
It's Aunt Alecia who... "politely encourages" a passing scholar to lend them the book they need. Took the poor sucker right out of the sky. Guy never stood a chance. RIP.
He learns he has to head..... over? Like... 27 that-ish way, then up. Huh. 27 WHAT?
Realities, apparently. He's in the wrong bundle. Branch? Neighborhood? Eh. Clan Fenton rolls back out, he packs his bags, and hilariously enough? Goes off to the devils night club. Hopes he likes rings. Or hates them.
Thankfully, being "king" means the Zone? Kinda... humors him? Like... it still has RULES(tm). He can... can FEEL that now. But it's willing to bend some for him, if he asks. And anything NOT against the rules? If it's in the right mood? He need only ask. It's weird. Being suddenly so powerful, yet NOT, at the same time.
Cause none of it's his.
All he has is the Zone's attention. The ability to ask pretty please. If you don't mind. And then? The highways between... ALL will just? Shift and change for him. He can see how it went to Pariah's head. The Zone is pretty agreeable. Is by nature Amoral, cause it's not a Being, it's... well, it's the Zone.
And everyone wants him to ask things. Do things. Demand this or that. Use this power.
Maybe he doesn't WANT too! Maybe he didn't WANT to be king! Doesn't he have the right to say NO? To refuse? Why do they think he OWES them service? An eternity of politics and people trying to kill him, for something he never wanted in the FIRST PLACE.
He's so tired.
The nightclub's pretty cool.
So he comes to ask, politely of course, cause the guy's probably busy, if Morningstar could... dunno, fix or destroy it? Want a ring, maybe? Also he heard you MADE the stars. Huge fan of all of that. Can I ask about the process? Or are you in the middle of something?
And? Lucifer? Turns around, from where he's Leaning Seductive Yet Elegantly(tm) to see... scrawny. Tiny corpse child. No... half? Corpse? Alive. Dying. Alive yet dying. Huh. Well, that is different. And here he didn't think he'd get see anything NEW. You, child, are NOT a zombie. What are you?
I have no idea what that is. What do you want?
He gets shown the ugliest, crudest, peice of shit ring imaginable. A genuine foul little curse. Really stinks up the place. He destroys it, obviously. This club has STANDARDS. Hope that wasn't important?
Kid just smiles the biggest fangy lil grin. No. No it was not.
Obvious, lie, but cute lil teeth. He'll allow it.
He gets dragged into talking about the stars. And talking. And talking. Mostly bragging and explaining. Kid hangs off his every word. Follows him around as he makes his rounds. Asks good questions. Completely focused, dispite the booze and barely dressed dancing all around him.
Lucifer can't help notice the crown.
Lovely little thing. Space ice and star dust, glittering like jewels and light catching the mist. If he remembers right... that one iiiiiis..... not Limbo, it's.... Zone! That crown is the Zone, it changes to suit the wearer. He recognizes the vibe. Awfully young, aren't you?
And.... it all burst forth. He didn't even need to press. Use persuasive words and honeyed tones. Like an inflamed, festering wound. The merest brush is enough to spill everything.
Negligence, greed, blood lust. Bigotry and xenophobia. A tyrants endless quest for power. Ah, humans. They truly don't change do they? Realities away, dead or alive. Now they're harrasing a child. He honestly looks miserable. Whereas just a moment before, listening to Lucifer talk about his work on the stars, his soul practically GLOWED with light. A tiny little star unto himself.
.......maybe it's the big ol "I'm you BIGGEST FAN" eyes. The sad wet cat aura. Perhaps the scrawny "could snap you like a twig" teenager, all elbows and knees. The fact he is, in fact, NOT human; for all that he once was. But?? The kid? Is... not terrible company.
He'd even go so far as to say? It's like having a pet intern.
He can sleep on the couch.
Tell you what, you stay here? I'll keep taking about stars and YOU can do the chores I don't feel like doing. I'll take care of you and all that.
And Danny? Honestly was sold at the word "stars" but? This sounds like a phenomenally terrible idea... and he has yet to meet one of THOSE he hasn't made out sloppy still with, so deal! But as a minor, that DOES make you his new gaurdian for the next four-ish years. He's legally obligated to finish schooling.
.....well shit.
(Just? Local stressed 14-15 year old Ghost King does RESPONSIBILE thing and finds Adultier Adult. With more qualified Adult powers. Unfortunately for everyone, the adult is Lucifer Morningstar, night club owner. Even MORE Unfortunately, said ghost kind has pack bonded with the Nice Star Man, who saved him from the Bad Ring, and effectively offered to let him crash on his swanky couchs.
Now Morningstar has to? Somewhat VAGUELY pretend he gives a shit local schooling system, as he puts his charge INTO it. Actively giving waking terrors to the magical community. What evil plot is afoot? Where did he get this tiny minor death god? What is his end goal FOR said child?
No one knooooows~
But Lucifer is just doing this cause he's a Being of his word. He hates the tedious minor chores he'll be foisting off onto Danny. And? Most importantly? Look at that face. *shoujo sparkly eyes of Star Sempai Noticed Me!* it's like having a golden retriever puppy. Ffs he has STANDARDS.)
(It'd be hilarious to watch the hostile 5th dimensional chess DC characters have going on in the background, all while? Danny is like? Man! Isn't this universe GREAT? Everyone here is so CHILL! And nice to me! I'm so relaxed now! Finally, I can finish my education in peace.)
@hdgnj @hypewinter @lolottes @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation
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op-sys-chaos · 2 months
DPxDC Prompt
I’ve seen demon twins au fics where Danny and Damian hated each other and ones where they were as thick as thieves. But what if they were just like… indifferent to each other. Like. Yeah, they’re aware the other exists. But while they know that they’re twins and blood related, it’s only mentioned to them in passing. No one pushes the competition to be heir on them. No one even mentions it really, it’s just assumed that they know they’re competing for that spot and they don’t actually know. They’re not raised together because no one really raises them. They barely see each other in passing outside of training. The other twin is just “the only other kid around here, who I train with sometimes” and that’s it.
And then Danny dies or runs away or Talia takes him to the Fentons bc he won’t kill or whatever you want to have him leave, and Damian is like “oh, there goes my training buddy. Pity.”
And then Damian goes to Wayne Manor. And he learns what siblings are. He doesn’t put it together quite yet though, until someone mentions twins and he’s like “oh I had one of those, I remember him” and everyone’s like “???” And Damian just casually tells them “oh yeah we’d train together sometimes, our skill levels were comparable so we would often be in the same lessons” and everyone’s like “Dami that’s your twin how do you not care” and Damian is confused until Steph picks up on the fact he doesn’t know (it could be anyone but honestly I think Steph is able to figure out weird things easily bc of her figuring out her dad’s clues for years and such) and explains to him that twins are often very close, they’re raised together and experience a lot together and frequently have a very close bond. Damian starts to get it, and goes “I think I would’ve wanted that with him. But he’s gone”
(Danny had a similar experience with Jazz and learning what siblings and twins are. Jazz has been casually searching for Danny’s twin for years but never found him. Or maybe she does and that’s what causes Danny to go to Wayne manor!)
Eventually, Danny shows up at the manor for whatever reason. Damian and Danny have both learned about siblings and twins and decide to try to create that twin/sibling bond with each other.
How does bonding go? Well, that’s up to you
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
Yet another Twin au because why not!?!?
So in usual fics and stuff where Dami and Danny are twins it always starts with how they are separated(usually by mission failure or they are pinned against each other in a fight to the death and so on)
Here—similar to other’s— Danny and Damian fight. Danny dies and Talia revives him in the Pit and leaves him with the Fenton’s with no memory of who he was.
When he becomes a halfa he remembers his life before and sets out to rescue his brother form the league because even if Dami killed him he can’t let his brother stay in such an awful place while he is having a good life half-life.
So he goes to the league (invisibility of course) and finds that Damien ISNT EVEN THERE!
He searches, and searches until he finds him in Gotham with their bio-father living a normal life, more or less…. “Holy shit my bio-dad is batman!?!”
Danny decides that Damien would be better off without him (basically he chickened out)
He goes home and is talking about this to is friends and sister and one of his ghost frienamies over hears and tells Danny he should go be with his brother like “dude he’s gonna be real pissed when he dies and finds out you were alive this whole time!” (Probably Ember). Danny tells whoever it is to basically fuck off. (Thinking that they only want Danny gone so they could fuck around with out them finding out)
Said ghost doesn’t take it well, and in a spur of the moment decision goes and tells the other ghosts and they devise a plan to go to Gotham and cause chaos until Phantom stops being a baby and goes to see his brother.
So a team of Johnny(and shadow), Kitty, Ember, and Skulker basically go on a double date to cause mischief and the box ghost and the lunch lady on the opposite side of town (also on a date because i say so) and the bat fam are freaking out because wtf are all these meta’s doing here? And they are getting their asses handed to them before Phantom shows up to take his ghosts back to the ghost zone.
But as soon as Damien see’s phantom there is like a record scratch moment and now Damien is ignoring the ghosts and just chasing Phantom with no explanation. All the ghosts stop just to watch and are giggling and laughing which confused the bat fam cuz they were fighting just a second ago.
Kitty says something about a family reunion causing Bruce to stomp up next to the ghosts and say a simple command of “explain!”
Johnny turns to him, “jeez Pops, cant you see the resemblance?”
Ember looks to him, “we dont know the whole story but BabyPop over there was killed and found out his brother was alive and fighting crime, we just decided to give him a little push in the right direction so the can reconnect!”
Johnny, who got tired of watching Damien chase Danny sicks Shadow on Danny and catches him.
Danny is struggling but when he looks up he see’s his twin brother who had killed him, crying (a rare sight to anyone) and just hugs him as he blabbers apologize for doing what grandfather had made them do.
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megaerakles · 2 years
Dp x DC Crossover Concept I think is fun but will never have time to properly write
Several years ago the scientist of the GIW were investigating the miraculous resurrection of Vlad Masters by ectoplasm. Their team managed to isolate the cause to a randomly mutated gene that he possessed which they dubbed “the ReGen Gene”. A project known as Project Phoenix managed to splice this gene into what was eventually just two viable human embryos made primarily of genetic material provided by the project’s Lead Scientist Sheila Haywood and one of her male friends. The specimens were implanted into the friend’s wife who had volunteered thinking it was part of a research project to cure something or other.
One of the junior scientists on the team [the future Dr. Maddie Fenton, in fact, although that was not her original name] had a crisis of conscience about the work and decided to tell the woman carrying the babies the real nature of the experiment. When the woman learned that the plan was to intentionally kill the babies to see if they could be brought back to life, she decided to go into hiding. With Maddie’s assistance, she convinced her husband to flee with her to Gotham City to protect the babies.
When the children were born, they decided that keeping the twins together would make them easier to find. The couple, under the assumed names of Willis and Catherine Todd, kept the older one and named him Jason. Maddie took the other, and moved her small family with new identities to a random town in Illinois, where she determined to raised Danny alongside her own young daughter as her son.
Things mostly happen the same as the original canons; Maddie and Jack continue their work in ectology and eventually this leads to 14 year old Danny unknowingly proving the experiment a success, replicating Vlad’s resurrection and acquisition of powers. Danny still keeps this from his parents so Maddie has no idea. Vlad’s obsession with Danny is fueled by the fact that he figures out Danny is one of the Project Phoenix subjects and is convinced that because Danny shares that *one* gene copied from his own DNA, he should be considered Danny’s true father. (If he found Jason he’d also try to steal Jason as his son)
Jason’s life follows the same pattern, except for the fact that Sheila Haywood (who was fired from the project for losing the specimens and went rogue trying to get them back) had been actively searching for signs of him, only to locate him after he’d been adopted by Bruce Wayne and was too well protected to simply be snatched away (she’s tried hiring kidnappers a couple of times, and every single time, either Batman or Nightwing or fucking Superman had been on their assess before they’d even made it out of Gotham. The woman just does not possess the resources to fend off the entire Justice League when they’re determined to protect the son of a billionaire socialite for some strange reason). Sheila does plant the other birth certificate in the hopes of him eventually deciding to come to her before resuming her still fruitless search for the other twin.
Unfortunately for Sheila Haywood, when her plan finally works and Jason seeks her out, he brings along the Joker and the Batman for the ride. Sheila tries to make this still work in her favor by making a deal with the Joker and arranging for Jason’s death so that she can then bring him back to life and finally prove her experiment a success, but that backfires and she is killed too. Jason’s corpse is taken away by Batman to be buried in Gotham.
Now, there’s not a lot of ambient ectoplasm in Gotham’s atmosphere. However the Lazurus Pit buried under the city has contaminated the soil with low levels of ectoplasm through leeching over the years. After some time, this is enough to revive Jason, but not enough for him to manifest powers or completely heal the brain damage he suffered at death before he crawls out of the grave. Talia shows up to whisk him away.
Not exactly clear on all the details, but Danny is eventually captured by the GiW and placed in containment to be studied as their successful experiment (the Fenton parents might be killed in the struggle to capture him maybe?). They also finally manage to locate Jason, and when they learn he’s already dead they send some people to retrieve his corpse to see if he can be reanimated too.
There is, of course, no corpse to be obtained, and they have to regroup and communicate with their bosses to decide what to do. Their activity drew the attention of Robin, who sets up surveillance of the grave site. That means when a couple of the GiW goons come back to test the soil for ectoplasm, Batman and Robin get a front row seat to their conversation regarding Project Phoenix, the fact that they’ve concluded Jason has been resurrected, and the fact that Jason’s long lost twin brother is currently being held prisoner in a high security facility and making himself a nuisance for his guards (one of the goons has spent time on Danny guard duty and has much to say about it).
Batman and Robin go rescue Danny!
Jazz and Dani were *also* trying to find and rescue Danny, using a magical tracker from the ghost zone that relied on using Dani’s blood to lead them to the one who shared her blood. Unfortunately for Dani and Jazz, the GiW facility is shielded against this type of ghost tracking. Unfortunately for Talia, who has just finished giving Jason his Lazarus Pit Bath (and unwittingly suppling the rest of the ectoplasm needed to properly give him his ghost powers), the League of Assassins is *not*
Basically, the two parties rescue the twin that’s not their own and then have to work to find and reunite with the other group without knowing the others are also actively on the move and searching, so they keep missing each other. Danny is freaking out because not only does he have a twin brother who also died and came back, the twin was apparently adopted by Batman, but Batman is helping him hide from the GiW so that’s cool. Jason is trying to learn as much as he can about his new powers from Dani while also protecting his two new sisters who keep trying to protect *him* instead even though he has actual vigilante training, except he can’t tell them that, and the League of Assassins AND the GiW are both after him and all he wants is to get back to his dad and the help them find this twin brother of his he just heard about. (It is important to note that the Jason, Dani, and Jazz party are all simultaneously convinced they are the most competent member of their contingent-Jason due to his training and history of survival, Dani due to her relative mastery of ghost powers and history of survival, and Jazz due to her age and perceived maturity—and are privately trying to take on the full responsibility of protecting the other two)
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randomhuman45 · 2 years
Dannymay 2022- Day 11 Blood Blossoms
The door slammed open with a harsh bang that made Danny flinch when him and his trio were trying to relax for once in their busy lives.
"Mads! Great news! I got them!" Jack shouted as if the teens weren't just 3 feet away.
"What honey?" Maddie asked pulling down her hood as Jack revealed a bag full of small black dots. "Jack! Already? Oh Jack!" She squealed jumping onto her husband nearly knocking him down which was an achievement on it's own.
"Ummmm, what is that?" Danny asked confused because what in the world could that bag be of to make his parents so happy. It clearly wasn't a ghost.
"Oh baby! They're blood blossom seeds. Popular around 1692 to 1693 during the salem witch trials. Unfortunately they went endangered shortly after that since they were so popularized for not only fighting away ghosts who tried to save the witches who were sentenced to death but eaten as a way to rid people of evil spirits. But me and your father have been searching for them for our ghost weapons and shields. For a while it seemed that They had gone extinct after the last factory we invested in was burned down in Wisconsin." Maddie explained.
"It's okay though cause that's where Vladdy built up his company. That's V-man alright, making the best out if any tragedy!"
"Yes dear, but me and your father heard about a possible start up of the old company. They still had some seeds and we volunteered to garden them. To think that we can make 100% human safe, plant based anti-ghost technology. With these seeds we can grow the flowers around the house, school and all across town to protect people from the ghosts. Not to mention the amount of money we can save from the electricity bill."
"Ummmm, are, are you sure that's safe?"
"Of course dear! To humans they're just like any other blossom."
"They're even edible!" Jack proclaimed, "a delicious treat as per the claims of my ancestor John Fenton Nightingale."
"Yeah, I wouldn't exactly trust him on that." Tucker shuttered in memory of the effects eating said flowers.
"But, they destroy the ghost from the inside out, even if they left they will still be in pain and attacked until the flowers were destroyed. Isn't that immoral or something? How would it affect a ghost if they came in through the portal and the house was surrounded? Would they immediately be effected? How would that work with the portal being in the house? Don't you think that might be a problem?" Danny stammered and stuttered out shaking in fear as his thoughts were flowing out without filter. He only came across those flowers once and the memory alone was enough to cause him to turn into a mess. He couldn't imagine the pain having the town covered in blood blossoms would cause.
If Vlad destroyed the flowers them he probably doesn't have something that would protect him from their effects. Vlad not only had a portal but could cater weapons to halfas alone like the Plasmius Maximus. His ghost tech was incredible and if he had to resort to burning the last if them down himself what options did Danny have?
"Not to mention the matter of introducing a new species into the ecosystem." Sam added in. "Think of the complications that could bring, what if by planting these you destroyed the current ecosystem. You said they were endangered after 1693, they could bring diseases and who knows what else! What if that's why they got destroyed in the first place, if someone burned them down maybe it was for good reason. What would you do if you planted these out and they caused an outbreak of disease? People could die because you wanted to save money on your electricity bill. I understand that using natural remedies may come off really good but there are other concerns you have to take into account."
"Plus if they were endangered back in 1693 how do we know they even work against ghosts. I mean if they were killing random women and blaming it on 'witchcraft' who knows how accurate the claims of getting rid if ghosts can be." Tucker added in.
Jack and Maddie looked at one another before turning back to the trio. Sighing Maddie sat down beside the teens and spoke softly. "We, we just want to keep you kids safe. They attack children, and the town at large whenever they feel like it and we don't want to see you get hurt. It's a parents job to protect their kids and we just want what's best for you, all of you. If you really think this could make things worse for you then we'll do some tests and figure out the best way to go about it, okay?"
They nodded their heads in agreement together already internally knowing they had to sabotage those test.
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
DANNY PHANTOM LUCA AU (inspired into creation after reading Buggachat’s miraculous ladybug Luca AU)
So basically. Danny is a deep sea fish monster boy. Clockwork is his one dad, and Nocturne is his other dad. Because this is my AU and I say so. They are both massive because they live in the deep sea so bigger size means better survival under the waters pressure. They migrate from ocean to ocean every year to follow fish, the stars, and for clockwork and nocturne to check up on the different civilizations and offer help if it’s needed. Danny will eventually reach the size of his parents but right now he is a small child. Clockwork and Nocturne could be kinda considered kings, or gods as both have unearthly abilities rare to the fish people.
In the AU, during a migration a storm hits while they are traveling through shallow water, the currents knock Danny around a little too roughly and he hits his head on rocks and gets separated from his tribe. By the time they notice him missing, the currents have already dragged him off. When Danny awakens, he’s on a beach, in a human form, and has a pretty bad bump on his head. Thought being a deep sea dweller, the sun REALLY hurts his eyes, and he burns quite easily under the sunlight. Tucker and Sam find him and take him to the local doctors, the Fentons! Though the Fentons also have a reputation of being sea monster hunters. They are the best doctors the town has but everyone thinks they are crazy for believing in fairy tales.
Danny therefore hangs around the town and waits for his tribe to find him, as heading back to look for them would only make it hard for them to find him as he could get even more lost. In the town, there are the three delinquents that tend to like to cause harmless chaos from time to time. Chaos like dumping water on unsuspecting citizens, drawing stupid words and pictures on walls, and jumping out and scaring random people. This is Ember, Kitty, and Johnny 13. Their first meeting with Danny they splash water on him and basically expose him in front of Tucker and Sam and then instantly drag him off and reveal they are all also sea monsters! He hangs out with them for a bit, eventually the groups merge into one and they have fun, avoid getting the sea monster caught and just act like kids.
Meanwhile Clockwork and Nocturne are creating storms everywhere they go in search of their son.
There may also be bits with Vlad who is also a sea monster but like a jerk sea monster. He finds out Danny is the son of very powerful sea monsters and offers to take him in as the sea monster hunters would ‘kill him the moment they find out’ but Vlad is stranger danger so Danny naturally says no and runs. He probably calls like government sea monster dudes (the GIW) because if he can’t have him then he can manipulate Danny’s dads into doing what he says in order to find Danny kinda thing.
But more fluffy stuff: Danny dresses like a vampire because his eyes are sensitive to too much light, he always carries an umbrella with him even when it’s sunny because the sun hurts his pale skin and he dresses like Sam. Everyone thinks he’s a vampire too. Sam and Tucker introduce him to video games and SPACE. Ember, Kitty, and Johnny are like his new older siblings. It’s great.
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aikoiya · 2 years
DP - Vlad’s Appearance & the Supernatural Trio
Do you think... that the reason Plasmius came out looking like that might've been due to the possibility that Vlad might've had a vampiric ancestor or two?
How interesting would that be?? I wonder what having vampire blood would change about being a halfa. Like, a strange connection to bat ghosts? The urge to drink from other ghosts when his ectoplasm levels are low? Turning into a wolf or a swarm of bats or a cloud of mist? Hypnotism? Cause him to need both regular blood & core-plasm to remain healthy?
There's so many possibilities!
I've decided that he has strigoi ancestry, then when he died in the hospital, he came back as half-lugat, half-ghost but never knew about the lugat part. The sort of ghost he came back as was probably a Revenant Psychopomp, though.
It's said that strigoi are a type of Romanian vampire that can be living people with certain magical properties such as draining wealth instead of blood, which was what Vlad's ancestor was.
Meanwhile, lugats are a type of Albanian vampire that rise from the dead to seek out something they desired in life. They are known for siring dhampirs which are born with supernatural physicality, the ability to sense supernatural beings, & wild, dark hair. Dhampirs are typically destined to fight & kill their lugat parent. The original Fenton family is actually descended from a dhampir, thus giving them that supernatural sense, which Danny's ghost sense is an evolved form of.
It could go along with that Supernatural Trio AU where Danny remains a half-ghost, Tucker's a cyborg, & Sam's a fruitbat vampire which I think honestly kills a lot of the potential for a moral struggle in her story.
I say, make her a regular, traditional vampire. It could be interesting to see her have to choose to either drink from a human or drink from an animal given her lifestyle choices in the show. Like, animal blood is the closest thing to a vegan option that vampires have. That or blood bags. Maybe she knocks over blood banks & feels guilty about it?
At the same time, utilize her rebellious tendencies & desire for change so that she searches for a true vegan, or at least vegetarian, option. I might not agree with the vegan lifestyle on several matters, but I admire the dedication needed in order to stick to it.
Fortunately for Sam, she's only ½ vampire, so she's able to eat human food & get actual nutrition from it & likewise doesn't require as much blood as full vampires. However, that doesn't stop her from needing blood to survive. So, while she's much better off than if she were a full vampire & wanted to become vegan, she's still in a difficult spot.
My thoughts are that after Urban Jungle, she retains some of the power she was given. That, plus her discovery that Blood Blossoms let human food become more edible to vampiric creatures even if it isn't as nutritious for them as actual blood; opens the doorway to finding a true solution in the form of crossbreeding them with fruits & vegetables high in protein & zinc to create what is essentially the plasma fruits from the Sims.
If I had to guess, I'd make Jeremy, Sam's dad, a born half-vampire that turned Pamela when they got married. Magic actually runs in Pam's family & they used to be a strong wizarding family until a dark witch ancestor was caught & burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. After which, they began to hide their powers & even reject them to become... not necessarily Scourers as they don't go out & hunt other wizards & wiccans, instead just distancing themselves from the magical world... often becoming Obscurials. This is considered a closely-guarded family secret.
Part of the reason why Pam is so intent on controlling Sam is because of her own generational trauma involving a dire need to appear normal lest she, herself, be killed. It's part of why she didn't fight being turned into a vampire, because she'd hoped it'd take her magic from her. It didn't.
Anyway, she raises Sam in a similar way to how her own parents did. So, in this version of the story, she & Sam have an ever-so-slightly better relationship simply due to the fact that Sam knows the reason why she's like this. However, she still strongly opposes her mother just on principle.
Ida was human & Jewish, but married into the family before she ever knew about her husband's status & is the current shareholder for the family fortune. She chose to maintain her religious beliefs & not be turned (her husband respected her decision because he legitimately loved her), so not only is she still aging, but Jeremy is technically only half-vampire & so is Sam because when Jeremy turned Pam, she too became half-vampire. Which is a point of gossip amongst the upper-class, blood-purists, & general aristocracy of vampire society.
Sam's family is only known for making toothpicks within human society & it’s used as a cover story for how they got their wealth in the mundane world. Their actual business is providing vampires & other photosensitive beings around the world with a special, super powerful sunscreen that allows them to walk around in daylight. Though, at the moment, only vampires & their families with an upper-middle to upper-class income are able to afford it due to the price of the ingredients used to make it. Specifically the bloodstone dust used in it's creation.
The founder of their company had been a brilliant alchemist that had just invented the toothpick cellophane twirler thing Sam's family is known for in canon & was using it to finance his alchemical discoveries. Then, he was turned & he used his expertise to invent a salve/ointment that would allow him, his wife, & their future children to venture out into the sunlight once more. Of course, back then it only worked for a few minutes at a time & didn't stop them from being burnt to a crisp & didn't stop severe sunburns, which vampires are just naturally predesposed to. As such, despite the stereotype, back then vampires tended to wear all white & sunhats because white reflects light & heat away rather than absorbing it like black does. However, that didn't stop every vampire in the vicinity from wanting a taste.
So, his wife (having also been turned by her husband in a desperate attempt to be with her always) being the savvy businessperson she was, she convinced him to sell it so that other vampires could experience the same thing as them.
He & his wife are still alive, living in London.
Ever since then, it's been a Manson family tradition for their children to learn alchemy so that they can continue to improve the formula of their sunscreen & possibly, one day, find a cure to their aversion to sunlight.
It's actually one of the few family traditions Sam actively supports. She loves alchemy & is very talented at it. Though, she gets squeamish when she has to use animal parts & has a habit of alchemical experimentation in an attempt to try to find more 'humane' alternatives. One of her character arcs is learning that some recipes just require it because it simply doesn't work otherwise & there's no way to change that. Sam is currently trying to make the sunscreen more affordable to lower-class vampires & other photosensitive monsters with less expensive ingredients.
She also has access to magic on her mother's side, having a connection to chloromancy, umbramancy, & hemomancy due to her mother's magic connecting to the vampiric heritage in her blood. However, despite having the magical connection needed to use hemomancy, she utterly rejects it for being, as she calls it, seriously fucked up. Before she became vegan, or as vegan as a vampire could, she was utterly enthralled by hemomancy because it's just SO metal & fits right into her gothic shtick, but then she went "vegan" & realized that if she used hemomancy on other people or animals, then it makes her a hypocrite.
She still thinks it's a super freaking cool branch of magic, but her vegan brainwashing causes her to have psychological dissonance over it. She actually knows a few hemomantic spells, but she only allows herself to use ones that help with healing. Which bums her out because she has SO many wicked cool ideas!
Also, cyborg Tucker being both descended from & the reincarnation of Pharoah Duul Aman leading to an Egyptian cyberpunk aesthetic. Maybe he learns dunemancy (sand magic)?
Also, Danny's dad being from an old school hunter's family like in Supernatural (minus the making God an enemy bullshit) or @floralflowerpower's Pendragon/Hunter AU. But it's more like the Fentons are a branch of the main family, the Fenton-Nightengales, that specifically focused on ghosts. Also, there are as many bad eggs in supernatural society as there are in human society, so it isn't a one-sided bigotry with hunters being the embodiment of evil.
There are horrible, prejudiced people on both sides.
Also, earthbound ghosts are more like the ones from Supernatural or the Blackwell series of games & can, therefore, also be very dangerous. However, there are also ghosts with beneficial Obsessions like the Greco-Roman lares (I hc that Danny is based off of lares praestites which are "the spirits that protect the community") or penates, the Afro-Caribbean loa, the Mesoamerican nagual, the Balto-Finnic haltia, certain breeds of banshee that warn people of death before it happens, & other guardian spirits. They are part of a classification of spirit called Tutelaries which are specifically guardian spirits & beings of protection.
Not that the Fenton hunters truly believe this, but still.
It could be so cool!
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
I am going to regret asking this and giving you another chance to drag me in this fandom... but what's the problem with Danny's parents? Is there something else than the fact they really really want to dissect a ghost?
For me, the issues with the Fenton parents boils down to two main issues: 1. their complete and dangerous obsession with ghosts and destroying them and 2. the negligence to their children. I think Jack and Maddie are good people who love their children and can be good parents. But the problem is their ghost hunting work was always the priority in the family which Jazz and Danny clearly suffer from.
Point 1. The Ghost Obsession
I don’t know what happened to Jack and Maddie that caused them to develop an all consuming obsession with ghosts and, moreover, the need to destroy them. Fandom has pointed out that while they claim to be scientists, they clearly are more interested in weapons to hurt and destroy ghosts than anything even resembling normal scientific study. Amity Park has a high number of violent ghosts (mostly there to play fight Danny) but most ghosts everywhere else are just vibing. The ghost obsession hurt Danny long before he became part ghost (but I’ll save that for Point Two) but it went from an annoyance to an actual threat to his life.
First off, as many others have pointed out, having a dangerous lab in the basement with untested equipment/weaponry that your kids not only have ready access to BUT also have to go down there for assigned chores? Not great, Jan. I’ll give the Fentons the benefit of the doubt, we see clearly that Danny/Jazz know how to work the equipment in their house so they obviously have been drilled in usage and safety. Danny gets his ghost powers by being dumb and 14 and messing around with his friends like any normal kid would. Danny is now the very thing his parents want to hunt and destroy and a mainstay of the series is he is so scared of their reaction that he hides his powers/identity from his parents but not his ghostly enemies. Can you imagine being that uncertain that your parents love for you outweighs their obsession that you hide such a fundamental part of your life? What a miserable reality for a young kid.
Jack and Maddie spend the entire series going off about their hatred of ghosts. Danny has to sit there and listen to them talk in extreme detail how they’ll dissect and obliterate any ghost they come across. They’ll be making deadly weaponry made to kill beings like him at the kitchen table, weapons that do respond to his ghostly signature. They especially hate Danny’s alter ego, Phantom, because of his supposed trickery by pretending to be a hero. The canon things said in the show would certainly make me nervous about sleeping in the room next to them. They are capable of working with Phantom when push comes to shove but it never lasts long and they go back with guns blazing. Danny and the show mostly play these threats off for laughs but the fact that Danny straight up doesn’t tell them is telling enough on how it effects him. 
Point 2. The Negligence
‘Hur Dur parents are bad’ is a well known cartoon trope but the Fentons take it to an extreme. Jack and Maddie are obsessive with their work, absentminded and reckless, none of which create a safe and stable home for children. I love Jazz and Danny but they clearly are not entirely normal children (even before the whole ghost thing) from growing up in such a home. Jazz develops a reactionary personality, delving into psychology and being right as a way to kind of understand/get back at her parents (source? I do this exact thing with my mom) and Danny was quiet, overlooked and not given the attention to really flourish, instead being a sort of ghost in that house before he ever became one. 
Jack and Maddie 110% love their kids but do they encourage them in a meaningful way? Support their interests? Be available to help? Not really. I hate The Fright Before Christmas bc Danny gets blamed for being a “scrooge” instead of acknowledging he hates the holiday for his parents destructive fighting every year. (source? Again fucking me. I hate Xmas bc mom and I scream every year)
This issue only exacerbates once Danny gets ghost powers. His whole life is affected by his ghost fighting: he’s getting injured in fights from human bullies and ghosts, his grades are dropping from lack of studying/sleep, he’s absent from the house more often than not, he’s sullen and depressed and scared and anxious all the time. It’s a radical change and yet Jack and Maddie kind of brush over it, focusing instead how Danny’s changes affect them (IE Danny not being around to do his chores). This boy comes home, beaten from fights, stressed and feeling alone only to get yelled at because his parents miss all the signs he’s practically radiating that he is Not Okay. He eventually becomes a good enough fighter and actor to skip over but it’s truly heartbreaking that he can’t confide in the people supposed to support him the most. But it’s not just the ghost obsession, even without all the powers like if Danny was doing drugs or in a gang, his parents barely notice and, when they do, they don’t really do anything other than blame him. 
Now I’m going to end this long rant by saying that I love Jack and Maddie, I think they are fascinating people and want to see them developed. The situation as it is for most of the series is not okay in the least but I do believe they have the potential to be good, supportive parents. There’s a couple of eps where they DO find out about danny’s powers and instantly all the negligence and hostility is gone, its all acceptance of his powers and apologies for their behavior. Its not a perfect situation and could be borderline abuse apologism if done wrong. But I’d like to think that once they got over the shock and did some serious priority and soul searching, they would learn to correct themselves. Growth isn’t just saved for the teen protagonists, everyone has the chance to be better. Danny clearly doesn’t hold his parents behavior against them and would be nothing but ecstatic if they loved and accepted him. I do believe in a happy, functional if abnormal, Fenton family dynamic and I’m all for it.
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pitch-pearl-void · 4 years
Quick summary: Phantom gives Fenton romantic advice and gets caught in a trap of his own making
Fenton’s plans to bury his face in his pillow until Jazz or Maddie dragged him downstairs for supper died, decayed, withered away when he stepped into his room and found his pillow already occupied beneath the head of one Danny Phantom. Fenton groaned and slammed the door shut behind him. Phantom, his one-time other half, full time nuisance, looked up from the space magazine he had stolen from Fenton’s desk.
“What are you doing here?” Fenton demanded. “I thought we agreed this is my room?”
“Your room,” Phantom agreed easily. He looked back down at the magazine. “Tucker said you were turned down by one of the girls at your school. I thought I would visit you, make sure you’re okay, but now I can see you just need to be kept from moping.”
Fenton glared at him, but Phantom pretended to be engrossed in the magazine and thus blind to Fenton’s irritation. Fenton scowled and tried a different tact. “Did Tucker also say why she turned me down?”
“No. He wouldn’t even tell me who she was. Who was it?”
Fenton crossed his arms and scowled at his computer desk. That was at least one embarrassment Tucker had saved him from, not that it would do much good. Phantom would find out eventually. “Because she didn’t want me, she wants you.”
Phantom snorted. “Well, that narrows it down to just about everybody.”
Fenton forced a harsh laugh. “Wow, hey! Just rub it in! I needed a little humility today, thank you.”
Phantom sighed and finally lowered the magazine, laying it down on his chest. “This is not my fault, stop trying to pick a fight with me.”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Yes! It is! Just!” Fenton uncrossed his arms and gestured both hands at Phantom. “Look at you!”
It just wasn't fair. From the casual curl of his spectral tail to the broad shoulders beneath a skin-tight jumpsuit to the effortless way his white hair had, at some point, artfully framed his eyes, his face, Phantom looked…hot, even to Fenton. If Fenton took a picture of him right now, the other kids would kill him for it.
“And you’re not even trying,” Fenton finished, groaning the words. “It’s so unfair.” Phantom cocked his head to the side. His white hair slid across his forehead, causing Fenton’s fingers to twitch. He snapped, “Stop that!”
Phantom lifted an eyebrow and his smile quirked at one corner. “I’m not doing anything.”
He even made laughing at Fenton look attractive.
Fenton crossed his arms again. “That just makes it worse. We’re supposed to be reflections of each other, why are you so much more…” He trailed off, searching for the word he wanted.
“Attractive?” Phantom suggested smugly. He sighed then and shrugged his shoulders. “I doubt it’s me. Humans just seem to have some sort of draw to ghosts, I think.”
“It’s you,” Fenton mumbled, refusing to look at him. “Trust me, it’s you.”
Phantom considered that, the words hanging in the silence between them for several long seconds. He morphed his tail into legs and sat up on the bed. He tossed the magazine onto Fenton’s nightstand. “Perhaps I can give you some advice?”
Fenton snorted. “What good is advice going to do?”
“It might help. Come on, sit down.” Phantom crisscrossed his legs under himself and patted the mattress invitingly.
Fenton warily eyed the sheets in front of Phantom. “She already turned me down,” he said. “It’s a little late for advice.”
“Fenton,” Phantom groaned, “stop being shy and get over here.”
Fenton blushed. “I’m not being shy!” He stomped toward the bed to prove it. “I just think this is pointless!” He flopped onto the mattress and crisscrossed his legs under himself, mirroring Phantom as they faced each other. “What do you know about romance anyway? You haven’t dated anyone, have you?”
Phantom only smiled knowingly. An “I won’t answer because it’s more fun to keep you guessing” smile.  
Fenton grumbled under his breath and hunched his shoulders.
“That,” Phantom said as he grabbed one of Fenton’s shoulders, “is the first thing to go.” He pushed back on Fenton’s shoulder. “Sit up straight.”
“What does it matter?” Fenton whined even as he forced himself to straighten his back. “You’re the only one here.”
“Thanks for that,” Phantom said dryly. He shook his head. “It’s a matter of habit, Fenton. The more you do it, the more natural it will feel. It’s an easy fix that is healthier and more attractive. You will look more confident. Confidence is key.”
Fenton blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Okay, okay. I guess yours is always straight.” He looked at the broad line of Phantom’s shoulders and then away again. “What else?”
Phantom moved his hand from Fenton’s shoulder to his hair. “This.” Phantom ran his fingers through Fenton’s hair, and Fenton fought back a reflexive shiver.
“It’s not that different from yours,” Fenton complained. “Except that it’s black.”
“Exactly! It’s black.” Phantom pointedly shook his white hair around. “My hair is white, and it glows. It looks soft. It will always only look soft. Yours could look soft if you fluff it up more, run your fingers through it, make it look inviting, or you can smooth it out and make it shine.” Phantom paused. His fingers tugged a little on Fenton’s hair, and Fenton bowed his head a little to accommodate him. “It’s already trying to shine a little. It could look really pretty…”
“Thanks,” Fenton said, somewhat absently. He wasn’t really interested in fixing up his hair. “There’s no way I can compete with your perfect hair, though.”
“We are not competing.”
Fenton snorted. “That’s a relief.” He looked down at his ankles, tugging on the rim of his sock. “I would hate to keep losing to you all the time.”
Phantom sighed. “Have you considered, perhaps, that she isn’t worth it?”
Fenton pressed his lips together and didn’t reply.
“What was your approach?”
Fenton glanced up. “What?”
“How did you ask her out?”
Fenton shrugged. “I just…did?” Phantom’s fingers moved through his hair again, brushing across his scalp. It felt good. A little too good. Fenton moved his head back and Phantom’s hand fell away. “Does it matter?”
“It can.” Phantom untucked one leg and braced his elbow on his raised knee. Fenton cursed him in his head because of course Phantom would find a way to look attractive just by sitting. “Everyone has barriers to their heart. There are a couple ways for them to lower those barriers. The first and easiest is through attraction. If they’re attracted to you, that’s one barrier down, and they’re more likely to give you a chance.”
Fenton snorted and turned his head away.
Phantom’s fingers touched Fenton’s chin and turned his head back to face him. “You are hotter than you realize, Fenton. You just need confidence.”
Phantom’s fingers were lingering on his chin, so Fenton lowered his eyes instead, looking down and to the side.
“This is how many at your school have tried to catch my attention,” Phantom continued. “Especially Paulina. They think if I find them attractive, I will seek them out, but there are so many trying to catch me, my barriers have to be stronger than that. If it was Paulina you asked out…she would be the same. Was it…?”
Fenton kept staring off to the side and didn’t answer.
Phantom blew out a breath. His fingers finally left Fenton’s chin. “Well. If it were me, I would require more than attraction. Friendship is a suitable way to test waters because few people are willing to lower their defenses to strangers. Just understand a friendship is very different from a relationship and you can’t simply trade one for the other. You might even find you don’t like her as a girlfriend once you know her as a friend.”
“And after all that?” Fenton looked at his other half again. “What about that approach thing?”
Phantom made a face but shrugged. “It’s sort of the same concept. You want her to feel comfortable when you ask. You want her to want you when you ask. Whoever she is, if you just ask her in front of others, she’s going to be embarrassed and on guard. Your best bet is to wait until you’re alone, create an intimate atmosphere, and then propose a date.”
“What?” Fenton smiled crookedly. “Like invite her to my room, sit on the bed with her, and talk about romantic things?”
Phantom caught his reference and widened his eyes. He glanced around, seeming to notice for the first time that the sun was setting, that they were arm’s length apart, that the room was almost perfectly silent. He laughed easily, though, and reflected Fenton’s crooked smile. “I guess so. Give it a shot, then.”
Fenton’s smile faded. “What?”
“Pretend I’m the girl you wanted to ask out.”
Fenton frowned and leaned back. “No.”
Phantom’s crooked smile gained a sharper, mocking edge. “Shy, Fenton?”
“Do you need me to show you how?”
Fenton’s cheeks burned and he glared at Phantom. “My ‘barriers’ just shot up and gained steel reinforcements.”
Phantom snickered a moment before shaking his head. “I can lower them again.”
“No, you can’t.”
“I can.”
Phantom’s smile spread into a wide grin. “Alright. Watch me then.”
He slid his leg out, untucking it from underneath him, and pushed himself onto his knees. Fenton set his hands on the bed behind him and started to push himself backward, but Phantom was a ghost and much faster. He levitated off the bed and flew toward Fenton. His arms wrapped around Fenton’s shoulders, his legs around his waist, holding him in place. It wasn’t necessary. Fenton had frozen in place the moment he felt Phantom’s weight land on his thighs.
Phantom leaned into him and pressed their cheeks together, lips sliding toward Fenton’s ear. “Do you wanna go out tonight, Fenton?” he whispered. 
Fenton remained frozen in place, his heart leaping into his throat.
Phantom’s shoulders shook where they pressed against Fenton’s, and Fenton stiffened. Right. Phantom was playing with him, like always. Teasing was Phantom’s favorite pastime, he wasn’t actually serious, no matter how intimate it felt to have Phantom in his lap. Fenton pushed his hands between their chests and shoved the ghost backward as hard as he could. Phantom fell onto the bed, laughing and moaning a dramatic lament. His legs were still locked around Fenton’s waist, his butt was still cradled between Fenton’s crossed legs, and Fenton, his face flaming and no doubt redder than it had ever been, began tugging at Phantom’s legs, trying to make him let go. Phantom seemed intent on holding onto him for as long as possible just to make Fenton more flustered.
“Rejected!” Phantom moaned dramatically, one hand pressed against his forehead. “By my own other half! Who will love me if I cannot even love myself?”
“Dude, I hate you so much right now!” Fenton groaned. He gave up on Phantom’s legs and rose onto his own knees above him, inadvertently raising Phantom’s lower half because the stupid ghost wouldn’t let go. “You made your point, let go!”
Phantom grinned up at him, white hair wild, green eyes bright. “What point was that again?”
That you can make my heart stop without even trying, Fenton thought but didn’t say. Would never say.
He groaned and fell onto the bed beside him, forcing Phantom to turn onto his side. They faced each other on the bed, Phantom still snickering. Fenton found something inside him responding to the longing buried deep within. His heart still beat fast, there was a nervous, anxious fluttering sensation in his stomach, but Fenton still reached for Phantom’s face. He had had dreams about cupping Phantom’s cheek before, but under this pretense, he was finally able to do it, sliding fingers toward Phantom’s ear, brushing a few errant strands of perfect white hair aside.
Phantom’s laughter trailed off.
Confidence, Fenton told himself, staring into the green eyes only a few inches away from his own. He said I’m hotter than I realize. I can do this. I want this.
“Fenton?” Phantom asked softly.
Fenton took a deep breath and whispered, “Go out with me?”
Phantom stared at him. His mouth opened, but he couldn’t seem to force a word out. He just stared into Fenton’s eyes, seemingly unable to look away.
Fenton’s confidence…broke. He forced a laugh and lifted his hand from Phantom’s cheek. “What? Did I do it wrong?”
“I…” Bright green light flushed Phantom’s face. “No!” His legs released Fenton’s waist and he began to scoot backward, pulling his left leg out from beneath Fenton’s waist. “No! That was…that was great! I—I don’t know why she turned you down? You seem to have a knack for this.”
Fenton pushed himself onto his elbow to help Phantom pull his leg out. He frowned, though, watching Phantom. He had never seen his other half behave so erratic. He wasn’t even looking at Fenton anymore. “Are you okay?”
“Fine!” Phantom finally met Fenton’s eyes and flashed a bright, false grin. “Everything is fine! Why? Are you okay?”
“Ye-yes?” Fenton replied, even more unsure now. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, you just got rejected by whoever it was you asked out, and I only came here to find out who it was and make sure you were okay, and if you are then…” Phantom trailed off. He stared at Fenton.
There was a thick, somewhat frantic tension in the air, and Fenton forced a laugh, trying to dispel it. “Dude, you look like you’re having an epiphany or something. Do you need me to call Jazz?”
“No!” Phantom stared at Fenton a moment longer and then looked away, shoving a hand into his hair. “Maybe...?” He shook his head. “I should go. Patrol. And. Stuff.”
“Okay,” Fenton said, still hesitant. “Will you come back? Later, I mean. Maybe if I told you who it was you can tell me where I went wrong.”
Phantom’s jaw clenched. “Yes. Maybe. Or maybe you shouldn’t tell me. I don’t think I want to know.”
“Why not?”
Phantom looked at him helplessly for a moment before shaking his head. “I might want to beat her up.”
Fenton snorted. “What, defend my honor after it was crushed?”
“Something like that.” Phantom laughed and ducked his head. “Or maybe just so I can feel sorry for myself.”
“Why? You’re the one she wants.”
“Well.” Phantom shrugged. He floated off the bed, his legs forming into a spectral tail. “That isn’t going to happen. Ever.”
Fenton sighed and fell off his elbow, landing on his back. “Thanks for that, I guess, but you don’t even know who she is yet. You might already like her.”
“I don’t like…” Phantom coughed. “I-I don’t like anyone.”
“Oh.” Fenton stared up at the ceiling. “That’s good to know.”
“Yeah…” A few seconds of silence passed between them before Phantom abruptly said, “Bye, Fenton,” and flew from the room.
Fenton waited a minute to make sure he was gone before he rolled over onto his stomach and screamed into the mattress.
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arashikitten · 4 years
Why has no one made a Yu Yu Hakusho x Danny Phantom crossover yet?
?I mean, honestly, look at these two shows! Look at them! How is it that no one (that I know of) has made a crossover with them yet? There’s so much potential!  I mean honestly! Both are about a 14-year-old who died in or before the first episode, came back to life through some sort of shenanigans, and ended up with supernatural abilities as a result. Both Danny and Yusuke have a very close knit friend group comprised of people who know about said supernatural abilities and help them fight all form of malicious supernatural entities (Danny fights ghosts, Yusuke fights demons). Both Yusuke and Danny have a rival/arch-nemesis who, at the start of the series, is leagues above the protagonists in terms of power, but ends up being surpassed by the main protagonist sometime during the second season of their respective show. Both Vlad and Toguro serve as foils to Danny and Yusuke respectively, and while they may feel some sort of kinship with them for some reason or other, they tend to see the young protagonist as someone who is below them in terms of power, intelligence, and skills (even after that is no longer the case). Both Danny and Yusuke are snarky and seem like delinquents to all but their closest friends, but secretly they have a heart of absolute gold. Both would (and have) died for any one of their friends, and they likely have a metric fuck ton of trauma from the many, many, many times they almost watched their friends and family die right in front of them. And of course, both Danny and Yusuke are likely to become kings of their own supernatural realm (if you disregard DP’s canon in favor of the fanon like I do).
So then the question becomes this: how would a crossover between the two shows go?
Here’s how I see it playing out:
Sometime after the last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho, and right after the events of Reign Storm, Yusuke (who I would say is about 18-19 years old now) gets a call from Koenma for the first time in almost 4 years. Koenma tells Yusuke that he needs him to come back for one final case: investigate a small town in Northeastern America for recent spikes in spiritual and demonic activity. 
When Yusuke asks why Koenma wants him to look into what is seemingly a tourist trap town, Koenma tells him that the town was recently encased under a dome of spirit energy, disappeared for almost 24 hours, and then suddenly reappeared again, and Koenma suspects that someone- or something- from spirit world might be responsible.
Three calls and four plane tickets later, Yusuke and the gang land in Illinois and make their way to Amity Park. Kuwabara takes one (1) step into the town and immediately freezes. He’s always been the most spirit-sensitive of the group, and this town is setting off all of his proverbial alarms. Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke also notice something off about the town, like everyone here has way higher spirit energy than normal. 
The four make their way through town, noticing more and more as they continue. They notice the massive craters that litter the streets. They notice the constant smell of spirit and demon energy that drenches the town like a fog, covering everything and everyone. They notice the small, silvery-grey and green devices that almost everyone seems to have on their wrist, and Yusuke can’t help but think about how similar they look to the spirit-detecting gadgets he used to have back during the beginning of his detective career. They notice the metal panels that every store seems to have hanging above their windows, waiting to come down and defend from some unknown beast.
They notice how, whenever they appear in an area, everyone in the vicinity goes silent. Tense. Wary of them. Like they know three demons just appeared, even if all of them look human.
Yusuke and his team split up to search through the town and cover more ground, agreeing to meet by the local highschool in two hours. Things just get even weirder from there. 
 Kurama finds a patch of wild blood blossoms growing near the forest, despite the fact that they were declared extinct more than 200 years ago. Hiei sees a pair of burly men wearing all white suits and dark sunglasses dragging a young man with white hair and sunglasses away for questioning. Kuwabara is surprised when a small, glowing green puppy appears in front of him, only to vanish when he leans down to pet it.
Yusuke finds a massive stone brick building with what almost looks like a UFO perched on top, and huge neon sign with the words FentonWorks on it. Here, the spirit energy is almost suffocating, and it feels like molasses, thick and heavy and dense on Yusuke’s senses. He feels something else though, something that just barely manages to break through the thick ambient spirit energy that swamps this entire block: a ghost. And a powerful one at that.
By the time the group reconvenes at the high school, everyone is tense. They’re sure that there’s something sketchy in this town, but none of them have gotten any concrete leads on what caused the town’s sudden disappearance and reappearance. Almost none of the townsfolk give them any answers, and the few that do are vague and confusing, or outright lies. Kuwabara firmly believes that this town is haunted by ghosts, and that they’re what caused the sudden disappearance, but Yusuke, having been a ghost himself at one point, is less inclined to believe that. Yusuke is convinced that the house with the weird UFO thing and abnormal spirit energy has something to do with it, and the gang agrees that would be the best place to start.
Before they can do that though, they all suddenly sense a MASSIVE spike in spirit energy, coming from the center of town. Yusuke and the gang book it to where the spike is, hoping to get some sort of lead.
Meanwhile, Danny is having a fight with Skulker, made slightly more difficult than normal due to the fact that he’s still recovering from the whole Pariah Dark fiasco. He’s been on edge all day, ever since he sensed that weird ectosignature near his house. He’d felt the typical chill of his ghost sense, but the typical puff of blueish smoke wasn’t present like it usually was. On top of that, he’d felt a small jolt of electricity, too big to be chalked up to static electricity and carrying with it a hint of... something. Something not entirely human. 
But when Danny had tried to investigate, he’d come up empty handed. Which as you can guess, made Danny My-friends-and-family-have-all-almost-been-killed-by-a-ghost-disguised-as-a-human-at-least-once Fenton more than a little nervous.
So Danny’s fighting Skulker when he feels that not-quite ghost sense again, except this time it’s even stronger than before and waaaay the hell closer. And now Danny goes from nervous to flat out terrified, because whoever or whatever is triggering his not-quite ghost sense is really fucking strong, and oh fuck are there four of them?! Are they getting closer?!?! Whatever it is is really strong, like almost stronger than Pariah Dark and Danny was barely able to take him down at 100% strength with the enhanced suit, and he no longer has the suit and he still has not fully recovered since then, so how in the fresh hell is he gonna fight four beings who are at least on par with Pariah? 
Skulker notices the sudden power spike as well and immediately bounces, leaving Danny to panic over these four insanely powerful entities. 
Yusuke and the gang make it just in time to see Skulker leave while Danny hovers in the air, looking like he’s about to blow a gasket. Kurama takes one look at the panicking ghost kid floating above him, notices the weird spirit energy around the kid, and immediately puts two and two together and realizes the kid is a ghost, and a really powerful one. Yusuke, who if you remember spent about a week as a ghost at the age of 14, is confused because I thought ghosts couldn’t be seen by living people? But these bystanders are clearly seeing this kid? 
And then Yusuke senses that strange spirit energy he felt when he went by FentonWorks, and he’s like “You were the reason for the weird spirit signature!” at Danny, who panics and flies off because now he thinks these super powerful guys are working for the GiW, and he’d rather not spend the rest of his afterlife on an examination table.
So Danny flies off, hoping to lose Yusuke and his gang, but Yusuke I-used-to-fight-demons-who-could-move-at-the-speed-of-sound-for-fun Urameshi and Hiei have absolutely no problem keeping up with the panicking halfa, and they end up fighting. Yusuke and Hiei want answers, Danny is terrified of being caught by what are possibly government agents, and finally Kurama manages to trap the halfa with ghostly vines.
Unfortunately for Danny, these vines are phase-proof, meaning he can’t escape, and he’s already hurt and exhausted and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold his ghost form.
Yusuke picks up on the ghost’s nervousness immediately, and again assumes that this ghost is the culprit for Amity’s sudden disappearance, demanding to know why he abducted an entire town.
Danny is confused, because what the hell are these people talking about? He never abducted the town? He’s not nearly that powerful?? Before he realizes that oh, these people are trying to figure out why the town disappeared for 24 hours because literally no one outside of Amity Park has any idea why.
So Danny starts to explain what really happened, when his time finally runs out and he detransforms. 
Right in front of what he believes to be four government officials.
There are five different reactions.
Hiei goes still. He’s completely silent. This shouldn’t be possible. He wants to believe that this is all a trick, but he can hear that fifth heartbeat that wasn’t there ten seconds ago and he smells that fear scent that only humans have and glamour can only do so much.
Kurama has the calmest reaction. He leans back a little, eyes wide, and lets out a soft “oh”. Yes, this is a surprise to him, but then again, Kurama himself is a demon hiding as a human, with a human family, so he immediately sympathizes with Danny a bit.
Danny is panicking. He’s just revealed his biggest secret to four complete strangers, all of whom are absolutely powerful enough to take him out on their own, and he is terrified that they’ll turn him in to the government. He’s about five seconds from a full-blown panic attack.
Kuwabara freaks out. He’s trying to wrap his mind around this whole thing, because he is 100% sure this kid was a ghost, that he was dead, but now he’s not sensing much of anything and how the hell is this possible???? How can someone be a ghost and a human at the same time???? WHAT????? He’s pulling at his hair as he tries to put the logistics of it together, pacing back and forth.
Yusuke freezes. Suddenly he’s 14 again, floating as he watches his body get carted off as he tries to come to terms with the fact that he’s dead. Then he’s in the temple of the four saint beasts, fighting with everything he has as he watches the love of his life get attacked by monstrous zombies. Then kneeling next to Genkai’s broken and bleeding body, begging her not to go even as she draws her last breath because he couldn’t bear to lose the woman that he’s come to see as family, as the closest thing he’d ever have to a grandmother. Then he’s watching Toguro plunge his hand into Kuwabara’s heart, watching as his best freind gasps for breath because Yusuke wasn’t good enough, he wasn’t strong enough, and he just lost Genkai he can’t loose Kuwabara too-.
And when he looks down at this small, skinny teenager with deep shadows under his eyes and knuckles covered in scars from god-knows haw many fights, he sees himself as he was in the beginning: Just a kid who was thrust into the world of the supernatural without any warning, desperately trying to stay alive and protect the human world despite the fact that he’s only a teenager, and he shouldn’t have to be fighting for his life against these ancient and powerful demons because he’s a kid, dammit!
Yusuke kneels down to get to eye level with the kid. He can’t help the painful twinge in his chest when the kid looks up at him with wide, icy blue eyes, and quietly begs him not to tell anyone, because this kid can’t be much older than he was when he started out as a spirit detective and he sounds absolutely terrified, and Yusuke can’t help but wonder why he sounds so scared of people learning about the whole ghost thing. 
“Listen, kid. We’re not going to hurt you. We were sent here to investigate something, and we were hoping you might know something. Can you tell us your name?”
“Danny. D-Danny Fenton.”
“Ok, cool. Don’t worry, none of here are going to tell anyone about... about whatever this is. We just want to know about something that happened here a week ago, and we were hoping you could give us some answers.”
Danny agrees, and Kurama frees him from the vines. After a couple of moments, Danny calms down as he realizes that no, these guys won’t rat him out to the government, and he agrees to answer some of their questions.
The group make their way to the outskirts of the forest, and Danny tells them about his status as a half-ghost: he tells them about his parents, how they were building a portal to the ghost zone (Everyone is more than a little freaked out at that, because now there’s a permanent portal to spirit world that Koenma doesn’t know about), how he’d gone inside to see if he could figure out why it wasn’t working, how it’d turned on while he was inside (Yusuke clenches his fists hard enough to draw blood. Both of the times he’d died had been excruciatingly painful, but at least they’d been quick. Getting electrocuted to death would be beyond agonizing, and getting caught in a portal like that...). He tells them about how his parents despise ghosts, believing them to be cruel, malicious, and emotionless, incapable of feeling pain. He tells them about how he’s TERRIFIED of telling his parents the truth, of telling them that he’s Danny Phantom because that seems to be the ghost they want to capture the most, and he’s seen what they do to the ghosts they capture (Kurama and Yusuke feel sick at that. No wonder the kid was so adamant about keeping this a secret.). 
“Does anyone else know? Anyone at all?”
Yusuke breathes a small sigh of relief when Danny tells them that his sister and his two best friends know. That sigh of relief is rescinded when the kid tells them that oh yeah, all the ghosts that are constantly attacking the town? Yeah, they know my secret identity too.
Yusuke has to force himself to move on from that last tidbit because he’s about five seconds from adopting this kid despite being only five years older.
“Ok, neat. That’s... that’s ok. Moving on to why we’re here. We were hoping that you would have some information regarding the sudden disappearance and reappearance of Amity Park a week ago? Do you know why or how it happened?”
Danny talks about how, one week ago, ghosts started pouring out of the portal in unprecedented numbers. How they were terrified, running from something in the ghost zone. How Fright Knight had appeared, declaring the reign of Pariah Dark (Kurama and Hiei suck in a breath. Had... had this kid seriously fought against the fabled ghost king?), and the massive green dome had appeared over the town. How he’d tried to fight Fright Knight off, how another ghost by the name of Vlad Plasmius had shown up and admitted that he was the reason for Pariah Dark’s temporary freedom, how Plasmius had decided to have a temporary truce with Danny in order to defeat Pariah, how Danny had pulled Fright Knight’s sword from the ground and accidentally teleported Amity Park into the Ghost zone, how the entire town had gone under lock down. How he’d stolen the power suit from his parent’s lab to go and face Pariah on his own, and bring Amity back to Earth. How he’d just barely been able to shove Pariah back in the sarcophagus of Forever Sleep, how the power suit had almost completely drained his life energy, how the town had been back on earth when he’d woken up (Again, Yusuke has a flashback to the Temple of the Four Saint Beasts. What is it with the powers that be and sending kids to do life-threatening missions like that?).
Kurama records the entire thing before sending it to Koenma. 
When Danny is finally done, he notices that everyone is staring at him. Yusuke is the first one to speak.
“Damn kid, you really fought the king of the Ghost Zone, huh?” Danny stutters for a moment, because this guy is saying it like Danny fought a god or something. Like yeah, it was difficult, but it can’t be that big a deal right?
Then Kurama speaks up. “Danny, I don’t think you understand. There are two ways to crown a king of the Ghost Zone: either the ghost zone itself must choose someone, or the current ghost king must be defeated in battle. You defeated Pariah Dark in battle. Meaning....”
Everyone goes silent for a moment, processing.
Then several things happen at once. Danny, who at this point still hasn’t fully processed that oh yeah, I defeated one of the most powerful ghosts in existence, freaks the hell out because I barely have time to protect one (1) town, how am I going to rule an entire dimension? Kuwabara is flipping his shit again, Hiei is contemplating, and Yusuke.... Yusuke decides screw it, I’m having an apprentice now, and after calming Danny down, he offers to help train him up a bit (Somewhere in spirit world, Genkai starts quietly laughing).
Danny agrees after a moment of deliberation. Yusuke hangs out in Amity for a bit to help Danny. His first interaction with Sam and Tucker is.... interesting. Yusuke snuck up on Sam and Tucker, and Sam promptly punched him in the face and almost broke his nose. But after a bit they start to warm up to him, and eventually Yusuke starts teaching Sam some hand to hand along with Danny.
Vlad makes one appearance while Yusuke is there. He sensed some sort of foreign presence in Amity and wanted to see if he could exploit it, only for Yusuke I-haven’t-slept-in-a-week-and-I-refuse-to-start-now Urameshi to wipe the floor with him. When he asks Danny who the new ghost is, he is surprised to learn that no, Danny is not the only half-ghost in existence, and also that guy is a famous millionaire and also knows my secret identity so maybe let’s not break into his mansion to fight him please? (Yusuke agrees not to after a very lengthy argument. Still, the whole situation reminds him a little too much of Toguro and the Dark tournament, and he quietly asks Koenma to open an investigation into this Vlad Plasmius guy.)
Yusuke’s introduction to Danny’s parents goes... surprisingly well, actually. Aside from one small incident where one of the Fenton ghost detectors lock on to Yusuke’s signature, everything goes fairly well. Jack and Maddie take a shine to him almost immediately, when they see him curb stomp Skulker with a practiced ease that only a professional should have, and within the week Yusuke is an honorary member of the Fenton family.  
There’s a lot more, but this post is waaaay too long as it is. Feel free to add on!
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harlequinmoss · 4 years
How would you rewrite season 3 so it would be more coherent? I'm not talking about a full on rewrite of the entire episodes, I just mean how to make the plot lines and development flow better or changing them to be satisfying for all the characters.
Okay this is a really good question. I was going to say to make it more centered on FOWL but going back and reading the episode titles, it already kinda is. Like there's not that many episodes that don't tie into the finale in some way. I do have tweaks here and there that would help with plot and character development throughout the season. This ended up being a lot longer than I thought so here's a page break lol
Going in a linear format, Steelbeak should have made himself smart in Double-O-Duck instead of making the ray to make everyone else dumb. He'd be a more competent villain and more in line with his character in the original DWD. Maybe he could have even played a roll in LGD. It also would have avoided both him and Launchpad being mostly comic relief characters. I think there's too many jokes at Launchpad's expense about him being dumb. If he went back to his "normal" level of intelligence at the end, he could have told the family about FOWL without jeprodizing the search for the rest of the season. All they'll know is that FOWL is trying to take down the family and where the secret headquarters is. There's still the search for the leader and why FOWL is doing what they're doing. This makes it so that Huey has more to do and accomplish in what is supposed to be his season.
Next, The Rumble For Ragnorok. I'm just going off of memory here. I don't think that this episode did very much in the way of developing characters. Or at all. It was a forgettable filler episode where Dewey learned a lesson about humility or something and then it didn't come into play ever again. This episode could have been removed entirely to make room for an episode after LGD to give the Mallard-McQuack family more screen time and development. A general plot of this episode could be: Huey is helping Fenton and the other adults search the other realities for Gosalyn's missing grandpa. They end up finding him but he's either dead/a totally different person with different memories that doesn't remember Gosalyn at all. This event causes Gosalyn to give up the search and accept that her family is gone. Dewey has an emotional moment with her aside where he comforts her and relates the situation back to his mom and talks about found family while looking back at Launchpad and Drake. (Not really integrating this into any of my other points but if Della died on the moon in season 2 and the kids knew about this, it would make the interaction more impactful) At the end of the episode, its shown that Gosalyn has her own room, either in the lair or in a house similar to the original DWD, and Drake tucks her in while singing her lullaby.
The Phantom and the Sorceress. Oh God, what a mess. There's way too much wrong with this episode. Soup-Du-Silence had a good idea on how to fix it from Lena's perspective, which you can read about here. As for Gladstone, he could have still lost his powers and come to the mansion for help. But instead of him asking literal children, its Della and Donald (and maybe Fethry is there too) and then its a cousins adventure! Donald revels in Gladstone being unlucky but still wants to help. Gladstone doesn't seem so pathetic and played for comic relief. They track down the Blot together after Lena and her family fight him out of the Saberwing house, or they're about to find him when the Blot's gauntlet breaks and Gladstone magically gets his luck back for seemingly no reason, much to Donald's dismay. It might have to be two different episodes because cutting back and forth between the two plot lines would detract time from each and make the episode harder to follow. Idk but there's so many things they could have done that would have made the episode actually good and coherent
Let's Get Dangerous. It was good but it felt rushed. It needed to be longer. The timeline was hard to follow. Instead of the cheap shot at the end were Heron picks Bradford up in a FOWL helicopter, have the triplets being suspicious of him and figuring it out for themselves. Maybe they're all wary for different reasons and talking about it in a group huddle and Huey connects the dots in a dramatic reveal. They confront Bradford who does an evil villain slow clap congratulating them on figuring it out, but before anything else can happen, he's able to escape.
How Santa Stole Christmas. I don't think we needed this backstory. Instead, give us the opportunity to see bonding between characters. Its Della and Donald's first Christmas back together. Let us see that. Give us an interaction about the sweater. "You still have that sweater?" "Of course, wear it every year." And then they hug or something. That's literally all they had to do. Instead of following a Santa storyline that ends in Scrooge leaving an impoverished child alone in a house with nothing but a lump of coal when he could have given a tiny portion of his wealth to help her, let Scrooge learn the true meaning of Christmas through his family. Or even better yet, let him throw a party, inviting over recurring characters, and have it double as a brain storming session on how to defeat FOWL. Show them coming up with the plan for Webby's birthday party. Give us interactions with characters who haven't been there all season. Penumbra can help. Where has she been? She was building a ship back to the moon before, right? Give a conclusion to that. If she's decided to stay on Earth like it seemed in the end of her episode, all we really need is a short two second clip of her hanging out with the other Moonlanders, having their own form of Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever else.
As for the last few episodes leading up to the finale, I get what they were going for. Give each of the triplets one last centric episode. However, I think that the messages fell short in the Dewey and Louie episodes. I think they should have taken more of a Beaks in the Shell approach where the selected triplet still gets to shine, while also setting up high stakes for the finale. Don't be adding new characters so late in the game, be wrapping up storylines with already established ones. There wasn't really a point in adding Kit or Poe, other than the writers wanting to make reference to as many characters as possible. Same with April May and June.
Now for the finale. My main thing: don't make Webby a clone. It messes too much with all the dynamics in the show and ruins the found family message they've had this entire time. It would have been a lot better if Webby's parents were FOWL agents who had a change of heart after having their child and got killed by Bradford or Heron when trying to leave the organization. That's ample reason for Beakley not wanting Webby to know. I think the finale did a pretty good job of wrapping things up outside of that, honestly. Again, there wasn't really enough time to give all the characters a proper ending, like Gene who just disappeared once he was saved, never to be seen again, but if time was managed better in the episodes leading up to the finale, it would have made it so that more characters could have accomplished what they needed to. And what was with Bradford getting turned into a real buzzard at the end? You really going to just undomesticate him like that? Give him some poetic justice, push him into the void that makes people cease to exist.
That's about all I can think of at the moment. Thanks for the ask! It was fun to go through everything and think about what could have been done better
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cordria · 4 years
Maddie picked up her recorder, thumbing the switch. “Day two of isolation. Things are going… decently. I haven’t killed anyone yet,” she glanced down at the man sleeping on the floor, “although today is a new day.” Letting go of the switch, she sighed and stretched, feeling her back pop into alignment. Although the cot was softer than the floor, it certainly was far from comfortable.
Maneuvering herself off the cot, she stepped over the sleeping form on the ground. She hesitated, debating letting him sleep (and therefore allowing herself some quiet) before deciding the opportunity was too good to pass up. As she walked past towards the bathroom, her foot ‘accidentally’ slammed into his stomach. “Ooh, sorry,” she cooed with a yawn. “I didn’t see you there.”
“No worries,” Vlad groaned, curled up in a ball and awake. “Barely felt it.”
Maddie held back the snort of disbelief. She made it to the tiny bathroom before she rolled her eyes and set herself doing her morning activities. Without access to a shower, there was only so much that could be done, but her teeth were brushed and her hair settled in short order. She took off yesterday’s clothes, rumpled from having slept in them, and changed into a new set. Studying herself in the mirror, she pushed her shoulders back and raised her chin, practicing her posture of aloof indifference. 
Then she sighed and dropped herself onto the toilet seat, chin in hands, and glared down at the ground. Two weeks. Fourteen whole days trapped in a small room with Vlad Masters. Maddie had barely made it through yesterday. She would be a wreck by the end of today.
She had no idea how long she sat there, but eventually there was a soft knock at the door. 
The woman tensed, hating when he used Jack’s nickname for her. “What?”
“I… May I use the facilities as well?”
She thought about continuing to sit there. The door was locked - there was little he could do about it - but then scowled and got up. The last thing she needed was for him to be relieving himself somewhere else. Thirteen days of smelling that would add a whole pile of pain on the misery of this experience. The door unlocked and she pushed past him.
“Thank you, my dear,” Vlad said, heading into the bathroom.
Teeth gritted, Maddie headed over to the tiny kitchenette and got herself busy making two cups of coffee. One for her to drink, and one for her to throw on Vlad the second he started doing something inappropriate.
Oh, how she wished she could go back in time and change certain decisions. The experiment he’d set up had been interesting - interesting enough that she’d headed over to his house to help out. Jack had finally set his mind to cleaning the lab, and she’d allowed him to stay home to do that - just her and Vlad running the tests. The first set of results had produced groundbreaking results - groundbreaking enough that she’d set aside the worst of the man’s behavior and stayed to run through the experiment a second time. The instabilities in the testing results had started to grow, but the results were important enough that she’d ignored the issues until it was too late. 
Now she was contaminated. Her and Vlad. Contaminated and trapped under supervised isolation for two weeks. 
Coffee made, she took the two cups over to the small table and set them down. Sipping at the first cup, she picked up some of the paperwork and started looking it over. The results of bioaccumulative ectoplasmic exposure. The first experiment’s data was usable. The second’s was likely garbage, since they’d suffered such a catastrophic collapse towards the end, but Maddie was eager to search through the data to try to identify what had gone wrong.
“Oh, good. Coffee,” Vlad said as he emerged from the bathroom. He sat down and reached for the cup. “Thank you.”
Maddie - noting he’d sat at the other side of the table instead of scooching right next to her like he’d done yesterday - allowed him to take the cup. Perhaps the man could be taught. She hummed a noncommittal response.
“No creamer?” the man asked. “Heathens,” he scoffed.
Maddie didn’t bother glancing up from the paperwork. They were in isolation - the main creature comforts of home were absent. They were lucky to have coffee at all.
“Why are you working so early in the morning?”
“I like working,” Maddie said, leaving unsaid the sentiment that the only other thing she had to do was talk to him - and she certainly wanted to do that as little as possible. “And I’d like to figure out why the second experiment went so wrong.”
“It didn’t go that wrong,” Vlad muttered. “Small miscalculation, I’m sure.”
She disagreed with the sentiment. She’d ended up in isolation with the smarmy man for two weeks. The experiment had gone very wrong, even if it was just a small miscalculation. And they didn’t have any idea of the long term consequences of their exposure. Their genetic structure could be permanently compromised.
It was hard, trying to think through the experiment without talking aloud, especially after twenty years of that being the practice. If Jack were here, she’d babble away. Between the two of them, they would be able to spot the flaw. She glanced up at Vlad with a sigh. In college, she’d thought the man was competent. Not brilliant like Jack, but at least competent. When Jack had rekindled the friendship last year, she’d downgraded the adjective to ‘somewhat skilled’. But as more and more data had racked up about his borrowed, modified, and plain-old stolen technology - Maddie had decided the man was inept, integrating, obsequious, and indolent. 
Would talking aloud help? Or would he be so inclined to interject idiotic and vaguely mysogenistic comments that she wouldn’t be able to keep a thought straight in her head?
Besides, Maddie found it difficult to trust him. He hadn’t looked surprised enough when the experiment had cascaded around them. But certainly he wouldn’t cause potentially devastating ectoplasmic exposure on purpose. 
There was a knock at the door. Maddie looked up and watched someone clothed from head to toe in level 1 hazmat suit enter their room, carrying several trays. The face through the hood looked female, but the voice was deep enough to be a male. “Since you’re both up, the doctors need samples.” 
Maddie’s nose scrunched. “Fine,” she said.
“Has my personal physician checked in yet?” Vlad asked stiffly. 
“Not sure,” the nurse said. 
Vlad crossed his arms and legs. “I am refusing all medical treatment and testing until my physician has approved it.”
The nurse hesitated. “I’ll ask. We’ll get started with you, then, Ms Fenton. I’ve got a couple blood draws, a skin scrape, a urine test, etcetera, etcetera.”
“I highly recommend you refrain from testing, my dear,” Vlad said from his chair. “My personal physician-”
“Isn’t covered by my insurance,” Maddie said. “And isn’t any better than the wonderful people who have been treating us at this clinic for the last twenty years.” She sat still as the nurse ran her a variety of tests, checked her heart and lungs, drained eight small vials of blood from her arm, samples were taken from her inner cheeks, and a small jar was handed to her for urine. She vanished off into the bathroom, listening through the door as the nurse tried to coax Vlad into at least giving samples.
“My medical history is too complicated,” Vlad said dismissively, “as I’m sure my physician will inform you.”
“That’s fine, but I’m not getting dressed back up in this ensemble for quite some time,” the nurse responded. “Ms Fenton’s results will be back by the time I’m back in here.”
“I’ll live with that,” Vlad said.
Maddie washed her hands, and handed the cup over to the nurse with a smile. “Thank you,” she said politely. 
The nurse smiled back and gestured towards the trays. “Breakfast and lunch. Also a nice, long survey to fill out. Sounds like somebody will be back mid-afternoon, doctor would like it done by then. Need anything else?”
“Cell phone?” Maddie asked hopefully. “I’d love to talk to my kids.”
“I’ll ask about it.” And with that, the nurse was gone. 
Maddie grabbed the trays, sorting out the one that had breakfast on it, and sat down at the table. Vlad joined her - this time, he scooted his chair around the circular table and sat down inches from her. She sent him a meaningful look. He either ignored it or didn’t notice. Maddie picked up her fork, fisted it like she was headed to a knife fight, and held it over Vlad’s leg. She sent him a second meaningful look. This time, he paid attention and scooted away.
The fork clattered as it fell to the floor. Maddie blinked down at it, a bit startled, and reached down to grab it. 
“Clumsy today?” Vlad said with a tone that was almost purring.
She scowled at him, took a bite of her eggs, and picked up a page full of the data from their experiment. If she was really on top of things, it would be close to lunch before she’d need to look at him again.
This was going to be a very long two weeks.
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Puppy Love
Forgive me, but I combined two request into one. It happened on accident, cause I realized the prompt could fit the situation I get Frank and Joe into, but don’t worry @ladylindaaa it’s a fun fluffy situation. Also based off of my sims game. This is also an apology for those I hurt after posting Catch of the Day
Warning: Cute dogs and cute boys
Word Count: 2,340
Prompt: “Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”
Summary: After a stakeout, The Hardy Boys convince their family to adopt two dogs. The responsibility ends up a lot greater than Frank and Joe originally thought. 
Joe Hardy sat slumped in the seat of their car. Chin in hand, his bored stare remained fixed on a very interesting brick wall.
Frank on the other hand was taking the stakeout much more seriously, His gazed remained fixed on the jewelry store. “Would you pay attention?” He smacked his brother’s arm.
“To what? Nothing’s happening!” Joe defended himself, sitting up.
“We promised Dad.” Frank reminded his younger brother. Earlier that same evening Fenton Hardy had asked his sons to take his place in watching Alyssa’s Jewels for a few hours until he could take over. They had nothing better to do, so they agreed. Joe just didn’t expect for time to move so slow. Usually, the brothers wait for a few minutes, have a quick conversation, and then boom! They get attacked by the criminal. They either win or knocked out (or both). They probably shouldn’t be used to that.
“It’s not like you’re the perfect watchmen.” Joe snapped back. He reached out to grab Frank’s phone, “Who are you texting?” Frank contorted his body away from him. They glared at each other, both knew that his brother wouldn’t back down. Within seconds they started wrestling.
Joe, being the stronger Hardy Boy, soon overpowered his brother. He laughed triumphantly, waving the phone away from his brother, who had pressed against the other door with his foot. “Now let’s see who you’ve been texting.” His joy vanished after he looked at the notifications and saw practically all of their friends. “You’re in a group chat with Nancy, Bess, and George! Since when did you group chat anyway?”
“Since tonight, and they’re on a stake-out too.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know that because SOMEONE didn’t invite me!”
“I’m sorry. I’ll add you to it.” Frank apologized. The street lamp illuminating the hurt look on Joe’s face made him look pathetic.
“You made me sit in silence for 45 minutes, while you texted our friends. Some brother you are.”
“Stop yelling.” He rubbed his temples, “I invited you isn’t that- Wait what’s that?” He looked past his brother into an alleyway next to the store. There was movement behind the garbage can. Joe saw it too. The brothers leaped out of the car, but quietly as they could so they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. They pressed themselves to side of the nearest building.
A man dressed in all black approached the store, entering the alley. The boys looked at one another, someone else was in the alley. Would they catch the criminal before they did? The brothers asked each other without saying a word. They bolted forward, not willing to risk it. As they came closer, they heard a deep growl.
The man came shooting out, chased by a black blur. It shocked Frank and Joe as the chase ignored them. The man ducked into the next alley. The blur nipped at his heels. When the boys entered the scene, the man pressed himself against the wall, a large black dog snarled at him. A bag overflowing with jewelry spilled on the ground.
“Get this crazy mutt away from me! I’ll turn myself in, I swear!” The man pleaded. He looked seconds away from wetting his pants. The Hardy Boys both tried to hide their laughter and failed. “Hey it’s not funny! This dog is crazy.”
While the brothers knew how serious dog attacks could be, the sight of the nervous thief was a little funny. Frank moved forward, keeping the vicious dog in sight as he walked so he’d be prepared if the dog changed targets. Strangely enough, it didn’t. He felt more at ease and walked closer. The thief let Frank tie up his hands with his belt.
At that, the black dog stopped and left the alley. Joe checked to see if his brother was as confused as he was about the dog’s behavior. Frank was. Joe left in time to see the dog return to the other alley. Cautiously, the younger Hardy followed.
He had lost the dog when he entered. “Hey.” He gently called, pairing that with a whistle. The dog poked his head out from behind a dumpster. So did another dog. The other is white with brown splotches of varying sizes. The black dog didn’t seem as scary now. His big brown eyes searched Joe adorably. He was trying to figure out why this human was looking down at him.
“I’m a friend, don’t worry.” He promised, kneeling a few feet away. He put out his hand for the dogs to sniff. The dogs stood still, as if they were deciding if they should trust him. “C’mon. Come here.” His voice raised a few octaves when he said this. The brown and white dog walked towards him. Sniffing then nuzzling his hand, it looks like Joe had made a new friend. The black dog came closer, but wasn’t as friendly.
A couple minutes later, Joe exited the alley with two furry friends. An officer loaded the thief into the back of a police car, while Frank watched. He must have seen his brother out of the corner of his eye, because when he left the alley he immediately broke off. “Who are they?”
“Well, this is the dog that chased that guy, and this is his friend.” Joe smiled.
“Joe we can’t keep them.”
“Why not? This guy can chase criminals better than we can. Dad will love him.” He patted the black dog’s head. He accepted this praise with a strong, determined look. It was oddly human for a dog, Frank didn’t know if he liked it or was freaked out by it. “And this little sweetheart is so adorable.” Joe bent down and hugged the second dog. “She’s perfect for mom.”
“I don’t know Joe.” Frank shrugged. He knew their aunt wasn’t very fond of dogs, even if their parents were. It would take a lot of convincing to let her keep them. His heart melted at the sight of them. They were making it very difficult to say no. In the back of his mind, he started listing the chore he would promise to do for his aunt for the dogs.
Joe laughed, he realized just how weak his brother was in the presence of these two spectacular mutts. His broad, lopsided grin hid how much he wanted to jump for joy. He was finally getting the dog he’s always wanted.
“What’s the worst that can happen?”
“This is the worst that can happen.” He answered a month later. He knew he shouldn’t have said that. He always regrets it when he says that.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, Aunt Trudy’s gonna kill us.” Joe raked his fingers through his blond curls.
“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Frank raised an eyebrow at his younger brother.
“No, it’s not extreme at all. That the good tablecloth, Frank! The good tablecloth!” He was shaking his brother by the shoulders. Who then shrugged off his brother’s grasp.
They looked down at what Joe was being dramatic about. The brown and white dog, now named Laika, had made a nest in the hall closet with the dreaded good tablecloth. Along with that, Frank saw his dad’s old coat, two of his mother’s dresses, a few of his brother’s shirts, and some of his own. He didn’t understand why the dog used clothes and a tablecloth for her puppies, but Frank wasn’t a mother.
Laika continued to press the various items together until she decided it was comfortable enough. She laid down and glanced up at her owners. Completely wrapped up in the joy of impending motherhood, she didn’t realize the stress she was causing them.
“Aunty only takes it out for special occasions and this is pretty special.” Frank chuckled quietly, squeezing himself into the small closet so he could comfort Laika. He stoked her head, which she thanked him for by licking his hand. Eventually, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of the daggers that Joe was glaring at him with. “What?”
“I’m stressed and you’re making jokes.” Joe threw up his arms in frustration. “I never agreed to the Freaky Friday switch.” He slid down the wall, utterly defeated.
“Neither did the characters in Freaky Friday.” The brunet brother reminded, pointing at his brother. “Switch with me, I’m gonna go call the vet.” He eased himself out of the closet and walked into the kitchen.
Joe took his brother’s place as a doggy midwife. As he traced little shapes in her fur, he thought back to only three hours before when he promised his parents that they would have a boring night so they could have some alone time. Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy rarely got the time for a date night. Right about now they were probably rushing home from that really fancy restaurant after getting the text about Laika.
Ranger, the black dog and probably Laika’s baby daddy, howled from Laura’s office. The boys put him in there once they realized Laika was in labor. He continued to be vocal about how much he hated the situation he was in. Joe didn’t like it much either.
Laika whined, Joe felt bad for her. She knew that. She nuzzled Joe, trying to comfort him even though she felt so terrible. He tried to do the same for her. Trapping them in an endless cycle of love and sadness.
“I’m sorry girl, I don’t know what’s taking the vet so long.” He said as an effort to make her feel better.
Frank returned, “Dr. Cohen said he’s having car trouble and just to keep her comfortable.” He sat against the opposite wall. The brothers sat in silence. Laika let out an occasional whine while Ranger yelled things that were probably uncomplimentary in dog. This lasted for a few minutes.
“Tonight blows.” Joe sighed, “First you cooked dinner, then the washing machine explode, I forgot to write that essay, and now Laika.” He pulled his knees to his chest and by the end of his sadness list, his head was buried in his arms.
Frank ignored the jab at his cooking skills and the fact that it was Joe who broke the washing machine. He enjoyed teasing his brother like every other sibling in existence, but it was hard to see him so upset. “I’m sorry about dinner, we fixed the washing machine, you can write the essay later, and Laika will be fine.”
The doorbell rang, causing both brothers to jump to their feet. Frank reached the door first and opened it. Outside stood Dr. Cohen with his vet bag in hand. Behind him was his son and close friend of the Hardys, Phil.
“She’s in the closet, Dr. Cohen.” Frank gestured. The vet nodded and followed him over. Joe and Phil lagged a bit, neither wanted to crowd the patient.
“Is that your Aunt’s good tablecloth?” Phil asked, peering into the nest.
“Don’t remind me.” Joe grumbled.
“You remember that?” Frank raised his brow at his short friend.
“Of course, she takes it out for every party.” Phil said as a matter-of-factly.
“Well, this party already has another guest.” Dr. Cohen announced. The three boys noticed the little puppy that had been born while they were distracted. “Still waiting on a few others.”
They heard a car door slam from the driveway, followed by the rushing tap of high heels on stone. Laura Hardy threw open the door, “Is she alright? Did we miss anything?” She asked breathlessly.
“Only one mom. Another’s coming any minute.” Frank shuffled over and gave his mother a quick hug, his brother did the same.
“Oh, good.” She smiled, then pushed past her sons to see her dog. They weren’t surprised, Laura and Laika formed a close bond over the past month. Frank and Joe found it a little unnerving that so much of their mother’s attention wasn’t on them. They had no doubt that she was fretting the whole way home. When their father finally joined them, his tired face only confirmed their theory.
“Oh this one looks like Ranger.” She cooed.
It was a long night, but by the end of it Ranger and Laika were the proud parents of seven puppies. Dr. Cohen and Phil said their goodbyes and left the family. Ranger sat by Fenton, finally freed from Laura’s office. He watched his children curiously.
“I’m not telling Gertrude.” Fenton spoke up.
“Coward.” Laura teased.
“Why can’t we just let her find out for herself when she comes home from her vacation?” Joe asked. The rest of his family considered this.
“It’s gonna be pretty obvious when she opens her craft room and finds them.” Frank added. They laughed before falling into a happy lull. The family felt exhausted, but the puppies were too cute to ignore.
“We’re not gonna get rid of all of them, right?” Joe piped up. They had a big house, but it wasn’t big enough for nine dogs and five people. “Because I really like this one, and I think he likes me. Isn’t that right, Bear?” He held up a puppy with a similar coloring to Laika.
“I kinda like this one.” Frank quietly referred to the black puppy sleeping on his lap. “I’m gonna call him Scout.”
Laura smiled at her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist. She sweetly looked up at him and said, “I think we should keep two. Ranger and Laika would be so upset if we gave all their babies away.” The boys knew their father was too weak to resist. She knew how to get what she wanted from him.
“You’re right.” He conceded. His wife and sons cheered. Fenton raised his hand, signaling that he had more to say. He met his wife’s eyes and said, “But only if you, my dear, tell Gertrude about the puppies and the tablecloth.”
Laura begrudgingly agreed to these terms. Mentally, she prepared herself for the ranting and raving she would have to endure. Her sons were happy. That’s all that mattered.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Ectober Day 17: Witching Hour - Hyper Concentrated
Sometimes I’m more ghostly than others and that’s just fine. Just another messed up aspect of a messed up half-life.
April 12, 3:42 am
April 24, 3:28 am
July 6, 3:11 am
August 1, 3:56 am
August 13, 3:47 am
Danny sighs as he shakes his head adding another date to his little notebook.
August 29, 3:03 am
Even his dumbass, that was perpetually focused on other things, could see the pattern here. It was always between 3 am and 4 am. He didn’t yet know if it happened exactly at 3 am and would stop instantly at 4 am. And really, if it wasn’t for all the late-night or early morning -depending on how you looked at it- ghost sense wake up calls, he never would have noticed.
Getting up and walking over to his bedroom door nob, wiggling it to hear and feel the reassuring lock. If his parents ever walked in on this, it would be flat out awful. Not ‘walking in on him mid-transformation’ awful, but definitely up there with ‘seeing him bleed ectoplasm’ awful.
Shuffling back to his bed and getting started on his nights stitching and bandagings. Most would come off by morning, it was an easier fight after all. Which really just meant he hadn’t sustained any injuries that would typically kill a human. A few scratches, read: deep gouges. A cracked rib, read: probably broken earlier. A sprained shoulder, read: dislocated. And a deep jagged slash running down his arm, read: nearly bisected. Okay, maybe that last one could be deadly; but that lady in Saw survived it, didn’t she?
Watching the vibrant glow coming off his human skin as he sets to work on his arm, having already fixed up his shoulder.
It was kind of annoying doing stitching while his body was ‘acting up’ like this. The ectoline blending in too easily with his glowing green fingernails. But it was something that had to be done. Otherwise, a gaping wound would stay a gaping wound by the time it was genuinely morning. And hiding that was more than a little difficult. At least on the simple scratches he could just use butterfly bandages.
Watching a trail of red blood with a white glow flow lazily over the side of his wrist. It really did something to your brain. Seeing something glow the completely wrong colour. At least with other colours you could trick your brain into just thinking it was a washed-out version of the colour. Pale green or pale blue or pale yellow. Can’t do that with red, you just get pale pink. And the brain just doesn’t like that, it’s honestly a good thing weird and not right and impossible, are Danny’s normals.
One more prick and pull and he’s patting at the finished stitching somewhat fondly. Sometimes he liked to fiddle with the edges of the stitches when he was feeling bored or stressed. Like squeezing a stress ball. It was calming and grounding.
Standing and stretching some before taking the first aid kit with him over to his bedroom mirror. He never used to have one, but after one too many times nearly being caught treating head or back wounds in the family bathroom, that had to change. Ruffling up his glowing green hair before setting to work butterflying closed four cuts. He hated head wounds, they always bled so damn much. This fact being emphasised by how he had to dap at his forehead every so often with his assigned blood rag. Honestly, the thing just looked tie-dyed now. A somewhat pretty collidascope of dark rust reds, darkening cherry reds, deep forest greens, fuzzy lime green, and the glow of neon green. Now adding a splash of vibrant white-glowing red, it really looked out of place. But it would fade all the same. Sometimes he found it funny how the reds always faded faster than the greens. Maybe if this rag didn’t see so much action it would all fade into an off-putting brown. Not off-putting because of the fact that it was brown, but rather that you could always just tell there was something sinister about that particular shade with that particular texture.
Running his tongue over his teeth and pausing, tilting his head. Opening his mouth to look at his green glowing teeth, “huh. Lost a tooth”. Shrugging, he’ll just have to keep his mouth closed for the morning and take his breakfast to go. Walking back over to his bed and staring down at the notebook. Before looking down at his chest, patting at his PJ top. At least whatever this was didn’t force him to be in his jumpsuit. And he still looked normal in Phantom form. It was just Fenton that was all weird and glowy and green.
Stretching again but with a yawn before flopping back in bed to sleep. Stretching up in the morning, poking his tongue around in his mouth. Yep, tooth still missing. Well okay, it was half-formed. Pushing his tongue against the half-formed tooth, it was weird feeling the inside of a tooth. Plus the nerves were all exposed so anything cold, hot, sweet, spicy, salty, -really anything that wasn’t plain- would hurt like Hell.
Taking the steps two at a time and making sure not to jar his arm on the banister. Sliding into the kitchen and speaking with his head towards the ground to hide his mouth, “mornin’!”.
Jack and Maddie smile, exchange greetings and the normal stereotypical pleasantries. That were honestly just for the routine of it nowadays. It wasn’t that it’s was insincere, there was still love in it. It’s just that they were all nearly strangers to each other.
Waving bye to them with a piece of bread in his mouth. Everyone with smiles on their faces, genuine smiles yes but he knew they’d disappear near instantly. Wondering just what he was up too and wishing they could ask without feeling awkward and knowing they wouldn’t really get an answer. Just the same they didn’t really give him answers about their inventions anymore. Having caught on that once he, his friends, or Phantom caught on to what any of it did, it suddenly wouldn’t work on Phantom or at all.
Shrugging, well if he could keep secrets from them, it was only right they could too. Fair is fair after all. Besides the mystery and challenge added a bit of spice to everything. Kept him on his toes and always searching for the what, why, and how. Also known as paranoia, but that was just a close friend to him nowadays.
Waving to Sam and Tucker as he spots them by the fountain, “hey guys! So I’ve got some ghost weirdness to shoot off ya!”. Danny can see the slight strain as they try to hear him, even though he shouted. Human hearing really was awful. Clapping Tucker in the shoulder as Danny plops down on the edge of the fountain. Sam smiling, “alright shoot. What’s gone straight strange in ghost ville this time?”.
Danny pulls out the little notebook, “it’s been a few months at least actually. Might even have been an always thing, just hadn’t noticed it yet”, flipping the book open and pointing at the times he’s got recorded, “always seems to be between three and four am. Basically-”.
Sam cuts him off with a laugh, “whatever it is, easy answer. Witching hour”. Both Danny and Tucker raise an eyebrow, “huh?”.
Sam rolls her eyes, “oh come on. I would have figured by now all of us would have a healthy interest in the supernatural and spooky. The Witching hour is commonly known, you idiots”.
Danny points to her, “I am literally the supernatural and spooky”. “Then be more interested in yourself”.
Danny looks around quickly before creating a clone and promptly kissing it, “that interested enough for you”.
Both of them start laughing, Tucker falling over. Making Danny grin wide, always appreciating how neither will call him on his injuries, teeth included. Sam shakes her head, “so anyway, dumbass. The Witching hour is three am to four am every night. Where the supernatural is more active. More powerful, more noticeable, more common. All that jazz”.
Tucker slaps Danny’s chest, “so what the Hell’s happening? To you probably”. Danny snorts and rolls his eyes, “of course it’s to me. When is it ever not?”. They laugh while Danny chuckles before speaking up again, “the problem with this though, is it happens to Screaming Fan not Frying Pan. And it seems pretty involuntary. Frying Pan is perfectly normal-looking but Screaming Fan is all glowy. Even blood glows white. Then there’s the green. Teeth, fingernails, eyes. All green and glowy. Like as bright as ectoline, glowy”.
Sam and Tucker exchange a look, speaking in unison, “sleep over time”. While Danny chuckles and kicks his heel hard enough on the stone to crack it.
That night, surprising no one, is more of an extended patrol than a traditional sleepover. Tucker whacking an ectobeaver over the head with a ectostun stick, “it really says something that this is our idea of a fun past time!”.
Danny chuckles blasting away an ectopuss, “honestly, it’s more telling that our folks aren’t even surprised by any of us just off and disappearing anymore!”, coming to float on his back just above the ground, “pretty sure they’ve all given up”.
Sam snorts, dragging another ectobeaver across the ground and whacking it, for good measure, before sucking it into her thermos, “don’t know what took mine so damn long. You fucks have only been the family black sheep’s for a few years. I’ve been doing it half my life”.
Danny snickers and pokes her, “I’ve been doing it for all of half my life”. “Okay, I asked for that one”.
Danny just smirks as they do another lap around the town. Danny soaring over buildings and diving into alleys. Sam and Tucker following across rooftops, balconies and the ground. Frequently doing completely unnecessary parkour stunts.
Tucker whacks Danny on the back, “well looks like we chased everything away. Even Boxy isn’t making anymore repeat appearances”, looking at his smartwatch, “and it’s, like, just past two-thirty”.
Danny snorts, deadpanning, “too thirsty”.
Sam rolls her eyes at him, “you don’t have any more shame do you?”. “It’s dead, rolling around in its coffin and slamming on the lid. Firmly being ignored by all the groundskeepers, ‘cause the fuckers got no place amongst the living or dead”.
Tucker shrugs, leaning over as he shoves the remnants of a cold burger into his mouth, “none ofgh urse dow”.
Sam rolls her eyes, prompting Danny to point at her. Sam raises an eyebrow, “what?”.
“Sam you’re literally running over rooftops and fighting mean nasty ghosties, in a bedazzled bra and Halloween novelty panties you’re passing off as shorts. Which honestly, yeah, they’re closer to shorts”.
Sam points down at her steel toe combat boots with a smirk. Tucker snorting, “you probably bathe in those things”.
“It’s happened”.
Danny laughs as he picks them up to fly to his room, “see? No shame”.
Landing and all three promptly collapsing on the floor. None of them opting to get up. Wounds left ignored to add to the stains on the floor. Danny eventually grunting, “think my room qualifies as a biohazard?”.
“Dude, some of your clothing piles probably have mould. And is there anything without blood or ‘plasm stains?”. Danny shrugs, “prob not”.
Sam laughs a little hollowly, “you know that means we’re all nose blind to blood and viscera”.
Danny, in human form now, sits up on his hands, “I prob always smell like that”. He really was always injured. It was a rare thing that he wasn’t bleeding at least a little bit. And the only aspect of that that bothered him was that sometimes he didn’t notice it bleeding through clothing. People might notice that sort of thing and replacing clothing was expensive.
Danny then jerks slightly, his friends following suit near immediately. Danny feeling his ectoplasm pulse and slosh around of its own accord. Feeling closer to the surface and vibrating slightly more than it had been before. Tilting his head down and seeing the glowing human hands and green fingernails, “huh, never actually been awake during”.
Sam checks her phone, “yup, three am on the dot”, before flipping it around to show them.
Tucker snorts, “that was easy to figure out then”.
Danny sticks his arms out to the side, “but why? I mean obviously it’s the whole supernatural, aka ghost, being stronger or whatever”.
“Dude, that's basically the why entirely”.
Danny facepalms, muttering into his hand, “if this ‘witching hour’ brings ghosts closer to the surface because”, lifting his head up and snapping his fingers, “shit yeah, I could feel this. My ectoplasm bubbles up to the surface, more so anyway”, Rolling his hand, “but really, shouldn’t this just make me Noten Phantom looking? Not green? If this time makes ghosts more ghostly or the Ghost Realm closer to the Mortal one?”.
Tucker blinks at him disbelievingly before laughing, “you answered your own question”, gesturing to Danny’s green glowing form, “your green cause your ectoplasm is closer to the surface”.
Sam tilts her head, “the Witching Hour is the time where, if we apply this to knowing ghosts are indeed real, ectoplasm would be more active”, pointing at Danny, “hence your ectoplasm being more active”. Smirking at him, “you could say, that just as the Ghost Realm is closer to the surface, to the land of the living. So too is your ghost closer to the surface of you, the body of the living Danny”.
Danny fiddles with his stitching some and starts laughing, “so I’m spooky Danny. Spooky Danny Fenton”, snorting, “Phantom’s a Spook and Fenton’s a Mortal. But Witching Hour Fenton is Spooky Fenton”, sticking his glowing arms out to the side, “not quite a Spook and not quite a Mortal! The true in between!”. Tucker throws an arm around Danny, “and since only Fenton’s affected that means it’s a halfa thing. In between indeed”.
Sam throws her arm around Danny’s other side before the all dramatically fall back down onto the ground, “at least you rock it, very cybergoth. Vlad probably looks like an absolute fool”.
Danny goes wide-eyed and slowly grins maliciously, “well it is only 3:24, we can pay our favourite unlovable fruitloop a visit now can’t we?”.
Tucker jerks to sit up but Danny’s got a hold on him and isn’t moving, dragging Tucker back down onto the carpet with a huff.
Sam raises an eyebrow, staring at the ceiling, “portal?”.
Tucker nods at the ceiling, “portal”.
While Danny smirks, “portal”, before opening up a portal on the floor, the three fällig backwards through it. Danny whispering, “now fall”.
The three come flying out of the portal formed on Vlad’s bedroom wall, making Vlad jerk and spit out his whiskey as he was finishing off the glass and was about to get ready for bed. Vlad follows them as they fly across the room while laughing at him, with Tucker taking a photo, before disappearing through another portal. All in the span of a second or two.
The three fall from the portal formed on Danny’s ceiling and land on his bed. With multiple injuries reopening and jostling Danny’s rib enough to turn a crack back into yet another break. Danny wheezes, “my ribs can never catch a break”. Tucker snorts, “the bed caught it for you”, before holding his PDA straight up for everyone to see the image.
“Oh Ancients green eyes do not suit him!”.
“He looks like he’s got neon green nail polish! Very goth. Way too much with that suit of his though”.
“See it works on Danny dude cause he looks like a damn mess, so it’s a fucking accent piece. Vampy just looks like a try-hard!”.
“Excuse you?!? I’m a natural disaster sight! ‘Mess’ is, clearly, far too modest”. Sam pokes his cheek, “well you know what’s not modest? Besides calling you a colossal idiot? Your green glow looks like a sick rave effect. Vlad just looks ill”. Danny snorts, “sick and ill are both mine. Vladdie can have afflicted, since that’s not inadvertently a compliment”, snapping his fingers, “and! He was and is literally afflicted by his ghostliness, ectoacne and all that. Being a halfa is literally an affliction for him”.
Tucker smirks, “and so what is it for you then?”.
“Unlike the fruitloop, I didn’t get my shit slowly after a bout of extreme illness. I just straight half died. I ain’t afflicted by shit, I’m modified”.
“Now who’s being modest by saying ‘modified’ instead of ‘enhanced’?”.
“Oh don’t you know Sam? Danny only flaunts his bad traits”.
Danny, speaking with mock offence, “what do you mean being a walking disaster zone isn’t a positive trait?”.
Tucker sprigs up off the bed and takes a couple of steps before stopping and looking down at the floor, looking back to Danny and bouncing slightly on his toes, “dude, your floor is squishy. Being a flaming trash fire is one thing, accidentally becoming the biohazard apocalypse is another”.
Danny sits up and screws up his face, pokes the floor with his foot and shrugs, “my floors saturated, blood ‘n ‘plasm probably”, snickering and lifting up his glowing arm, “just like how I’m ectoplasm saturated”.
Sam laughs, grabs Tucker’s phone and zooms in on Vlad’s mouth. Snickering, “hey halfwit?”.
Danny leans his head over hers, “what?”.
Sam shoves a finger in Danny’s mouth and pushes it open, showing off Danny’s green glowing teeth, “you look like you drank glow-in-the-dark paint”, flipping around Tucker’s phone so Danny the close up of Vlad’s teeth, “he looks like he’s wearing a tacky novelty mouthguard”.
Danny raises an eyebrow and lets his fangs pop out, making a show of sounding overactingly threatening, “what about now?”. Only maintaining the scary facial expression for a few seconds before pitching off the bed onto the floor while laughing.
Sam shakes her head and kicks his face. Tucker shrugging and joining in, kicking Danny in the stomach. Who just wheezes in laughter.
As Danny calms down and just wheezes on the floor, limbs spread out, Tucker pokes Danny cheek with his shoe, “now you look like you cannibalised a ghost and liked it”.
Danny smirks up at him, “maybe I would”.
Sam kicks him in the side of the head, “don’t eat Boxy”.
“Naw, Skulkie is More bite-sized”.
Tucker rolls his eyes and joins Danny on the carpet, “but he’s canned. Canned food is so salty”.
Sam grunts as she wiggles herself off the bed and onto the floor, laying across the boys, “and you’re salty enough”.
Danny licks over one of his wounds, “naw, I’m pucker power”, screwing up his face like he bit a lemon, “and with an extra helping of sour powder apparently”.
Tucker snorts, “I’d ask for free samples but I like my tongue intact”.
“Oh come on Tuck, live life! Like me!”.
Tucker shakes his head, “is it sad that we all only started really living our lives once you lost half of yours?”.
Danny shrugs exaggeratedly, “well you two are the only ones living it to the fullest”.
Tucker pushes his face, “but you get to live and unlive. Two for one is a much better deal”.
Danny laughs, “livin’ it and deadin’ it!”.
Sam smiles at the ceiling, “death gave us the guts and drive to live”.
“Well maybe it could do me a solid and stop tearing out my guts”.
“You say that like deaths never done anything for you”.
“It hasn’t! That little bastard keeps running away from me. Never granting me that sweet sweet eternal sleep”.
Both Sam and Tucker sit up then and look over his green glowing form, raising their eyebrows at him. Only for him to give a devilish toothy grin as e can feel the ectoplasm in him sloshing and digging itself deeper inside himself, his body returning to normal as he cackles. Point at himself, “the bitch ran away”.
Both of them grab a pillow and hit him in the face. End.
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Local Teen Shows Parents Why He Needs This Paranormal Weapon, Boy Possibly Hallucinating or Psychic, Children Risk Lives to Save Lives and Bicker About Responsiblity, Boy Silently Ponders if Magick Food Counts as Drug
When Tucker got home, his parents fussed over him, scolded him for not telling them that he was fighting ghosts that came after him and Danny, and made sure that he kept as off his leg as possible.
"You let me keep my bow and arrows!  I can do more damage to a human being with those than I can with this ecto pistol.  And I'm a great shot!"
"Does it have a safety?  Magazines to remove?"  Mom wasn't letting up on him for even a moment.  She examined the gun from every angle before looking back at Tucker.  
"Yes and no, respectively.  The safety is currently on; it's right here but don't turn that off.  What if I showed you how good a shot with this I am?"
Tucker's Dad, Maurice, heaved a sigh.  "We let you keep the bow and arrows only after you proved you could handle having free access to them.  This is… something."
"I'll set up the target, and you show me that you can reasonably use this without hurting yourself.  Then, maybe, you can keep it."  Mom put her hands on her hips.  "You best not let any police officer catch you wielding this potentially deadly weapon."
"Understood!"  Tucker saluted, heaving a tired sigh when his parents left to set up the target.   Pulling out his PDA, Tucker typed into the schedule he was keeping for Danny, "Foley Shooting Range, hit the target." Setting that for 10 minutes, Tucker hopped his way to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. 
Once the time came, Tucker was outside in his backyard, his archery targets set up for him to shoot at.  Leaning on his dad, Tucker raised his pistol and shot the targets one after the other.  All of them hit, even if he missed the bullseye.  He turned the safety back on and grinned.  "Se-"
Three loud blasts flew from above them and Tucker looked up to see Skulker scowling at the wrist not protruding a big fuck off plasma cannon.  From this angle, it looked almost like… it couldn’t be.  “Is that my PDA?!  I have 3 more payments on that!”  Tucker nearly raised his pistol but considered that his Mom and Dad were there, and while he pitied the fool that confronted Angela Foley, this was a fight his parents couldn’t help him with.  Nostrils flaring he glared up at Skulker with all the impotent rage he could muster and the robot flipped him off before flying away.  “This is why I need this pistol; hostile ghosts can only really be hurt by Fenton weaponry.”
His parents were a touch easier to convince of letting him keep the Ecto Pistol after that.  Tucker decided the best distractions were working on things, so he got to work on that A.I. and the car design.
Danny couldn't Not see it now and that was bothering him.  That extreme indigo-esque color that blanketed the second plane of reality like a contact lens was now just barely there Everywhere.  Danny could see and trace every electrical current around him, track his family by the individual aura each of them had, and if he actually tried to look on that second layer he could see threads binding them all together.  The strongest ones connecting to him lead to Jazz and off into the distance.  Probably to Sam and Tucker.
And so there Danny was, writing in his journal while everyone was at school for various reasons, and muttering to himself.   "The ultraviolet light is starting to seep into my everyday vision, though mirror checks show no actual visible signs unless I actively check.  Internet searches only call this whole aura thing The Sight, but unless I go out and look for naturally hidden ghosts and spirits, I can't be sure this is that.   Is it safe to bring up that I can see the incorporeal if this is the Sight?"  He tapped his cheek with the eraser of the mechanical pencil and hummed.  "Debatable, consider later.  Leaning toward No.
"Pressing issue is Skulker; how to trap him is key.  He can't stand up to our bigger guns, that I'm sure of but we need to figure out how to out plan him."  Danny groaned and dug the heel of his palm into his eye and rubbed away the exhaustion.  "He can't attack me while I'm at home so this is both a safe zone and also an invalid area for the fight…"
Danny's phone rang and he nearly snapped his mechanical pencil in half.  Thankfully he only cracked it and set it down gently.  "Tucker, you nearly cost me another pencil."  Reclining, he laid his head on his pillow and stared up at the constellations he made with glow in the dark stickers.   "How's the leg and arm?"
"I'm not the source of your paranoia Danny, and you know it."  Tucker snorted and Danny could practically see him rolling his eyes. "Arm's fine, the leg is still sore.  How're you holdin up?"
"Lil freaked out cause I can see that whole uh second level of reality at all times now.  It's a good thing I like indigo and blue.  Also, I was able to calm Jazz down with that like, bond between us?  It was weird but it worked."
"As glad as I genuinely am about this progress we still need to figure out the issue of Skulker," Sam said.  Danny checked the time to see it was lunchtime.  "One of us is gonna get killed, probably Danny, if we don't do something."
"I feel like I've noticed something weird about Skulker," Tucker said.  "He could've shot a tranquilizer dart at all three of us on the way to school, or even just Danny before he met up with us, and be done with it.  Instead, he sent a monster after us after we got around his trap."
Danny hummed, eyes narrowing.  "Sam, what kind of animals did Grovsner kill in life?"
"The rare and about to go extinct kind," Sam growled.
"That's not what I meant, Sam.  You said he died killing the last female purple back gorilla, right?  What else did he go after?  Did he have like, partners or…"
"No, actually.  He always did his hunts solo, went after things like Cape Buffalo, Saltwater Crocodiles, endangered species of squid, sharks, other stuff like that."  Sam took a few moments to breathe and stop herself from punching something, likely because Danny wasn't there to punch, and shortly asked, "why?"
"So he only went after dangerous animals alongside rare, showed off everything he caught if his behavior in death is the same as in life, and doesn't just Get It Over With no matter his opportunity to."  Danny sat up, eyes wide.   "Guys.  He's not obsessed with being a hunter.  He's obsessed with being seen as Strong!"
"Alright, question: what does obsession have to do with it?"
"C' mon Tuck, you've heard mom and dad rant and ramble.  A ghost's form is informed by their self-image in life and they act primarily on their obsession.  Agatha is obsessed with food, Skulker is obsessed with being seen as strong."  Danny felt himself grinning wickedly and got up to pace.  "But he's Not."
"Seemed pretty strong to me when he blew a hole in the observation tower, Danny."  Tucker huffed.  A pause.  "Wait a minute: is he, in fact, a robot?"
Danny hummed.  Closing his eyes, he focused on the hum of energy inside of him just past a layer of cold quiet, and visualized it spreading throughout his body.  He could feel it tingling under his skin and could see it clearly, a vibrant green light that pushed steadily up to the surface of his skin and then out, blanketing over the room.  For a moment, Danny's brain stuttered at the sensations it was forced to process, but he pushed on and reached out over the whole of his room.  There!  Getting up, Danny grabbed the metal panel that'd come off of Skulker when his mom shot him.  It was sparking, wires exposed, a few buttons here and there with no discernible purpose at first glance.  But the important thing was that it was still There.  "No.  If the robot was the ghost himself then any pieces that flew off would dissolve into ectoplasmic mist or goop.  This bit is still here.  Which means he's not strong enough to go after anything on his own."  Danny squeezed, hissing when the wires sparked threateningly and tossed it on his desk.
"Sam," Tucker said, "you're filthy fuckin rich, right?"
"That is correct, Tucker, why?"
"So you own that zoo, right?  That's how we got in at night?"
"… perhaps."
"Which means we can get back in, and set up a trap for Skulker, right?" Danny laughed and flopped into his chair.  
"Tucker, you genius.  But how are we gonna get him there?"
"Yesterday my parents were freakin out over everything and threatening to take my pistol away, blah blah, safety, all that junk.”  Danny rolled his eyes, struggling to see the Foley’s point there.  Danny had been trained to safely fire a gun as early as 11, hell he’d learned how to build one by then!  Tucker could aim.
“You’re an archer.  You have like, a quiver full of arrows and a bow in your home.  What’s the difference?”
“I know that’s what I said!  But anyway I convinced them to let me prove I could use it properly and know to put the safety back on afterward and I slipped into your schedule, which is linked between my PDAs by the way, to hit the bullseyes in the Foley Target Range.  Guess who showed up at the exact time I scheduled that for.”
Danny’s eyes widened and his grin turned vicious as Sam asked, “Does this have to do with your missing PDA?”
“I think I saw it on his arm where Dr. Fenton had shot that panel thing off.  He flipped me off and flew away but fuck, man, I’m glad he showed up.  Means I can figure out his suit once all of this is over!”
“Sounds good Tuck.  Hey, do you mind if I finish up our hoverboard?  I have a feeling it’ll be useful.”
“Danny, bromigo, I beg of you: go do that right now.  I have a plan, and the Nav Ai is almost done.”
Getting into the Zoo was easy.  Sam got them in with access codes she had simply from being the owner, and they set up near the purple-backed gorilla habitat.  “You know, Sam, if you’re so concerned about Sampson you can just order better conditions to be built for him.”  Danny felt it needed to be said.  She hadn't stopped ranting about Sampson in between all the planning, along with all the other animals she was technically in charge of.  "This is your place, you can manage it how you want."
"Danny now is not the time for wisdom.  Now is the time for taking down robotic assholes.  Is your ectorifle charged up?"
"I sang it a battle hymn and it hummed to me of wars long and hard fought."  Danny snorted at the dumbfounded looks on his friends' faces.  "Yeah, I got it charged up guys, I just had to get into the armory for a little bit and Mom and Dad have been out patrolling with their ghost radar thing."  Danny pulled out the rifle and checked it over one last time while Sam and Tucker set up around the cage, a large gorilla costume being pulled out of Tucker's stolen jacket pocket.  "I still want that back after all of this is done."
"Make me one of my own and I'll definitely give you this one back, yes.  That is a thing that will happen."  Tucker giggled and Sam rolled her eyes.
"C' mon guys, we have no idea when Skulker is gonna strike nex-"
An explosion shook the ground between the trio, knocking them all back, and forcing them to cover their eyes to block out flying shards of concrete.  When they opened them, the robotic poacher stood before them, toxic green mohawk of fire casting odd shadows over his faceplate and highlighting his predatory grin.
"You certainly know now, don't you girl?"  Skulker raised his arm and the hand cannon that Tucker had described unfolded from a panel on his wrist.  Before the charge up whine could reach its crescendo, a bolt of green plasma flew into Skulker's back and knocked him forward,  burning a fist-sized hole in his back.  Skulker turned to Danny with those fiery green eyes and a growl in his chest, firing his cannon at Danny instead.  "That's the spirit!  The kind of fight I've wanted in my prey for so long!"
Danny, filled with the writhing void that boiled with thousands upon billions of stars, took to the air a second too late and was knocked back on his ass.   As he stumbled back up, Danny saw a flash of green and growled as Skulker turned a crossbow that emerged from his shoulder and fired back at Sam.  Lunging with every ounce of speed he had in him, Danny only managed to get the bolt torn through his side while it grazed Sam's shoulder.
"Truly, I am disappointed; I expected a greater fight from you, ghost boy!  Regardless, you shall look nice in your cage back on my island."  Skulker stomped over and reached down to grab Danny by the throat and lifted him into the air triumphantly.  "Truly, I am the greatest hunter in the Ethereal Plane!"  Danny's ears were ringing, he was bleeding, and the sharp pain spread itself to every nerve in his semi-corporeal body.  He laughed, hands grasping at the steel of Skulker's arm.  "Why do you laugh, boy?  You are defeated!"
"You're not even the best hunter in this zoo.  Hell, you're not even a good hunter ghost in the first place.  Just a sad little man who wanted to look big in life and couldn't help trying to do it again in death."  White hot pain blossomed across his face when Skulker slapped him and Danny spat out some dark brown blood as the ringing set in his ear.  "Can't even tell a hologram from a person."
Skulker stared at him for a long moment, silent and motionless, before his grip went slack and his mohawk died out.  Danny floated backward from the suit and picked up his rifle, offering a salute to the sky, from which Tucker descended with his belly on the hoverboard.  "You are being evicted from your mecha, repeat, your mech suit is being towed."  Tucker punched a command into his PDA, and Skulker's chest plate unfolded, ripping open the shirt to reveal a compartment holding a tiny bipedal blob.  An ameba that could fit in Danny's hand with eyes, a mouth, and limbs. 
"Release- release me whelp!  I shall have your head mounted on my bedroom wall and your pelt made into a rug!"   Danny snatched it out of the suit and glared down at Grovsner with all the malice he was physically capable of feeling.  A growl rumbled in Danny's chest and out of his mouth and he squeezed.  "Alright alright, suck me up into your little soup can and-"
"You pathetic, arrogant, vile little ameba!  You nearly killed Tucker and Sam!  You electrocuted me!  You put the lives of everyone at my school at risk!  And for what?  To show me off in a cage to everyone at the fucking afterlife Christmas party?"  Danny pressed the barrel of his rifle against Grovsner's entire body, pinning him to his hand.  Then the shadows bent around the source of Danny's fury and gravity itself bound Grovsner in place, allowing for a much cleaner shot.  "For everything you did in life and everything you've done to me and my family, I hope it takes you a long ass time to pull yourself back together from this."  And then Danny pulled the trigger, and Skulker was turned into a splattering of toxic exotic matter that evaporated before their eyes.
Tucker, now sitting up on the longboard shaped hoverboard, was staring at Danny right beside Sam, the two of them agape.  Danny could see in their green and golden auras something less than pleasant mixed with relief.  It was silent for a few beats too long and Danny awkwardly slid his rifle back into his pocket.  "Dude, you have fucking fangs, they look so badass!"
"What?"  Danny blinked a couple of times when Sam raised her camera and took a picture, frowning at his friends when he could see properly.  "Did you say I have fangs?"
Sam showed him the picture and yep.  His canines were longer and sharper than they should've been, gleaming in the light cast by the flash and his eyes.  "They're tiny and adorable, and yet I'm jealous because if anyone should have fangs it should be me!"  Sam threw her hands into the air and groaned.  "It matches my aesthetic and I deserve to be a creature of the night!  You're not even mildly scary!"
"Alright, true, Danny's not intimidating enough for fangs," Tucker agreed, despite Danny's half-hearted disagreement.  "But still, they look good on him.  The gravity bending is pretty fucking cool though."
"Thanks, guys.  That means a lot."  Danny pulled both of his friends into a hug before letting out a loud his off pain because that hurt and he was still bleeding, right.  Reaching out to those silver threads that resonated with concern care fondness Love Danny drew that energy into his wound and let out a long sigh as the burning pain cooled down a bit and dulled into a throbbing ache.  "More manageable at least.  Here, allow me."  Placing a hand on Sam's cut shoulder, Danny concentrated on pouring out his own love affection soothing to Sam.  He watched as the energy flowed out and into the cut, stitching it mostly together until he could barely see it.  "You should probably be careful with that arm anyway.  I'm not exactly a doctor yet."
"You wouldn't be that kind of doctor anyway, Danny."  Sam gave him a hug again, ruffling his white fluffy curls.  "Can we go home now?  I'm exhausted, and I'm pretty sure you are too."
"I am, I very much am.  Tucker, I'm not bothering to ask for the board back.  It runs on solar energy so just head straight home with it, ok?  It'll be charged back up in the morning."
Tucker gave a thumbs up and slipped his helmet down properly, covering his face.  Standing up with the magnetic boots locked into place on the board, Tucker rose in a wake of neon blue light from beneath the board and took off with a loud cheer.  A whole day at Fentonworks was more than enough time to perfect an outfit, as far as Danny was concerned.
The ghost boy wrapped an arm around Sam's middle on his uninjured side and they took to the sky, soaring straight to her house.  Danny set Sam down on the balcony of her room and stuck his head in.  A whistle escaped him and he gave a thumbs up.  "Sam, one day we have got to hang out at your place."
"My folks aren't entirely jazzed with me hanging around you since you 'attract dangerous attention from monsters' so yes, you must come over and hang out with me.  And you must do it soon."  Sam ruffled his hair again and Danny huffed, pulling his hood over his head.  "You can't escape me and you know it!"
"We'll see about that," he laughed, sucking in a breath when he felt the laugh shake his side.  "Stop being funny."
"Unlike some people, it comes naturally to me."
"Rude."  Danny waved and backed up.  "Night Sam!"  Danny soared into the night sky and angled himself toward downtown.  Once he was as close to Agatha's place as he dared be, Danny set his feet down on the ground and let the world come back into focus, heat rushing into him.  Never before had he regretted a decision more than that one, and before he'd even hit the ground Danny was a ghost again.  "Owowowowowowow.  Pain, very much pain, I will not be doing that again."
Once the echoing waves of pain died down to a throbbing ache once more, Danny pulled himself into the air and slipped out of the way of every atom moving around him, letting it move through him and watching the world bleed into vague green shapes outlined in extreme indigo light.  "I doubt Agatha even minds if I go in there and no one ratted her out yet so I'm probably safe."
Poking his head through the wall, Danny looked around until he saw the only in focus sight near him.  Agatha floated in the kitchen, pulling the ether around her into her hands and molding it into food to wrap and put away in the fridge.  Danny floated over quietly and cleared his throat.  She spun around, eyes wide and Danny smiled.  "Hi there.  Sorry to uh interrupt but I may or may not be in need of giving that healing food thing a try.  Maybe it won't work on a human, but any extra energy will help I'm sure."
"Oh of course child!"  Agatha spun the indigo light into a sloppy joe and handed it to Danny, who immediately chowed down on it.  The best part of not needing to breathe as a ghost was that he had no reason to stop inhaling his food.  Agatha watched in anticipation as Danny focused on the layers upon layers of trilling harmonies, the ringing of countless bells that echoed within Danny's center of being, and felt his wound close up like Sam's had.  "Oh my."
"Thank you, so much."  He beamed up at the ghost and gave a thumbs up.  "I should be able to manage with this much myself.  Uh, Skulker will be gone for however long it takes for him to rebuild his body.  He did a lot of damage and I just.  Couldn't let it slide."
"I see," Agatha said, her gloved palms flat against each other.  "Well, I won't hold that against you dear, no one deserves to be hunted like an animal the way Skulker hunts his targets.  I'll ask that you not make a habit of that though, it gets you a reputation."  She wagged a finger and Danny nodded, feeling heavy.  "Now, head on home so that you can rest.  Food is important, but getting enough sleep is just as important after you do something as strenuous as fighting Skulker."
"I'll be sure to do that."  Danny smiled and waved, pulling himself back toward the wall.  "Have a nice night Ms. Reece."
"Have a good night Danny."
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