#the amount of stories I’ve seen where reader was able to fight saying:
Is2g I’m going to start writing fan fiction where the reader’s family emotionally neglected them and/or the reader just dodges questions about them
Cuz I swear it’s either the parents are completely in almost every word of abusive OR reader has a healthy relationship with her family
Which isn’t bad obviously but there’s nothing for the emotional neglected and having to raise yourself crowd so ;v;
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chaoticbardlady99 · 7 months
HI FIRST OF ALL LOVE YOUR WRITING second of all ! kind of specific but may I request an astarion x reader/tav where like. 90% of their time with the companions reader/tav hasn’t been able to see all that well- like. they can see colors and sort-of shapes but most details are completely incomprehensible, and through some method or another (probably someone’s attempt at “removing the tadpole” or smthn but up to you!) they’re finally able to see clearly and they’re just. completely amazed because EVERYTHING (astarion) is so beautiful actually??
Like Nothing I’ve Seen (Astarion x GN! reader)
CW- Mentions of gore and violence (due to Volo being a socially incompetent goofball) , self-esteem issues because I’m an insecure queen myself and like to deal with my feelings through my OCs
I tried to write a body neutral reader as well so everyone can imagine themselves in this story! I hope I was able to pull that off.
Title inspired by the song “Beautiful Things” by Grayscale
Hello! I am so sorry this took so long. Work has been kicking my whole ass lately!!!
This has not be thoroughly proof read so I may make changes as I find them, but I was too excited to post it! I hope you enjoy!
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Being a monk is hypothetically supposed to help your pain tolerance- ya know, zen and shit.
Except, you quickly learn that a crossbow bolt to the eyeball is enough to break your zen.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s fighting quickly subsides as you stare at the two blobs out of your (now) one only good eye- good being a stretch. Admittedly, of all the people this could have happened to, it’s probably a good thing it was you since your eyes don’t really work anyway.
The purple, silver, and black blob (who you have come to know as ‘Shadowheart’) comes running towards you, her movements frantic as she begins to try to bandage your eye. You wince as she starts to remove the crossbow bolt.
“I am so sorry,” Shadowheart says, the distress evident in her voice, “if only that gith would stop being such a problem.”
Shadowheart practically screamed the last bit, but at least you are in too much pain for the shrill sound of her voice to bother you. You never wanted to find out if eyeballs could throb- you missed the hours before breakfast when you were blissfully ignorant to the true capabilities of your eyeballs.
The hostile green ball, Lae’zel, comes charging over with an insult sitting on the tip of her tongue before another blob knocks her aside.
“Walk it off Lae’zel,” you hear Karlach say with heavy amounts of exasperation.
Lae’zel grumbles as she storms off; Shadowheart continues to slowly work on you as you wince, whimper, and feel the tears start to fall.
“What did you do?!”
The rage in his voice rattles your bones- if tones could kill, Shadowheart would have keeled over. The radiant blob of your lover is in Shadowheart’s face (at least you hope it’s her face).
“Fangs, put them away!”
“Oh? Were you this anal when they were SHOOTING CROSSBOWS KARLACH?!”
You are beginning to feel dizzy and the yelling isn’t helping. Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion are arguing relentlessly- Karlach attempting to mediate. At some point Gale and Wyll join the mix- you think they are trying to hold back Astarion, but you aren’t sure.
In all the chaos, you are unaware of Volo coming up behind you- a solution brewing in his brains.
“Don’t worry my friend,” He explains with gusto, “I can fix this!”
Before anyone can protest, Volo rips the bolt out- your eyeball coming out with it before Volo plops a spherical object in your lap.
The blood curdling scream that rips through your throat as you clutch at your eye socket surprises even you. In the midst of the white, hot pain- you hear Volo running off , also screaming, away from what you think is Astarion.
You feel Shadowheart grab the spherical object from your lap as Karlach holds you down on the ground.
“Sorry Soldier, but this is probably going to hurt.”
Oh and it hurts.
Shadowheart is wiggling the eye roughly into your eye socket, apologizing the entire time. You feel your socket form around the new eye. The pain from the removal and the new addition begins to subside into a dull ache as the new eyeball makes itself at home in your head- healing energy radiating from it and Shadowheart’s palm.
You feel like you are going to throw up, pass out, or go into a fit of hysteria by the time you start trying to blink your eyes open. You stare down at the grass below you and watch as a red bug with black spots walks along one of the blades before taking flight.
You freeze- the world is definitely not blobbish anymore. You run your fingers through the soft, green grass.
Has it always looked this way?
“How is the new eye?” Shadowheart says nervously.
You look over at her and try to stifle your shock.
Shadowheart is stunning and Karlach is just as awe inspiring as Shadowheart.
“Are you okay, Soldier?”
Sometimes you forget that your companions don’t know about your vision issues. You are able to hide your vision deficit well due to your years of training as a monk teaching you how to rely heavily on your other senses and the energy in the air.
You have come to adore all of your companions for their personalities, their laughs- Astarion especially. However, now you understand why perfect strangers come up to your companions with enamored voices.
“You catch him, Fangs?” Karlach says in a teasing town.
You hear Astarion scowl, “the bastard ran off and disappeared before I could even get near him.”
Astarion appears out from the corner of your eye and kneels in front of you. You try so hard to keep the surprise and adoration from showing on your face. His eyes bore into yours with an emotion that is not recognizable. A tick of frustration flares in your mind- now you have to learn an entirely new set of rules for social interaction.
Except, you’ll deal with that later. For now, you have a literal God kneeling in front of you, his hand cupping your cheek and surveying your new eye.
Gods he’s incredible.
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper involuntarily.
As the blush spreads along your cheeks, Astarion breaks out in a bright, beautiful smile.
“Well that settles it, your vision is working just fine!”
He gives you a quick kiss on your lips- your face feels like it’s on fire.
It has been a little over a week since the tiefling party. He had been distant with you initially after your midnight tryst and you had felt quite broken over it. Well- until you had been spending time with Gale at the campfire talking about the Monastery you grew up in and his experiences with the weave. Astarion had barged into the conversation, sat down next to you, and had practically pulled you into his lap next to the campfire. After that night, you’ve become inseparable- sleeping in each other’s tents, more midnight trysts, cuddling, spending the whole night talking or playing games. You spend alone time with your other companions- he would never control you or dictate who you spend time with. He would spy on you and Gale, but he would never prevent you from talking to him.
“No my dear, I trust you. I just don’t trust the boot muncher.”
“You really need to stop saying that,” your serious demeanor cracking, “he doesn’t actually eat the boots.”
He snickered, “oh ya? Then why have we never seen them after he absorbs them? And yet everyone judges my feeding habits!”
Astarion helps you up off the ground and you are dizzy from all the new stimuli around you. His hands find purchase on your hips as he helps steady you. You take advantage of the support and look around your camp.
It all looked exactly how you did and did not imagine. Your brain feels like it’s having a war between what your senses tell you about the land versus what your eyes are saying. You can label everything in the camp because you know where it is based on location, but none of it looks like the way you had anticipated- in fact, it was all far more breathtaking than you imagined.
“What are you thinking about Darling,” he whispers against your ear.
A pleasant shiver runs down your spine, a smile consuming your face.
“I was thinking it might be fun to go explore around camp and make sure my eye is really working.”
He stares at you with an unreadable expression, “I’m sure the environment and your sight hasn’t changed that much?”
Ah, that look means confusion.
“Don’t be such a pessimist,” you put your hand on your hip and flash a grin, “besides, it’s not like I asked you to go with me.”
Astarion walks leisurely behind you as you make a point of touching anything you can reach. He thought you were the most normal one at camp (mentally at the very least), but he is beginning to think he misjudged you.
You are twirling around the forest like you’ve never been in one before. You ask him questions about specific objects and express a great deal of interest in everything you come across- you even find the rocks interesting. While he did find the strangeness to be odd, he still couldn’t help but relish in the genuine, innocent joy on your face. Astarion feels an unfamiliar warmth spread throughout his body while he watches you as you bound around the forest floor.
Astarion is slowly recognizing that his plan is unraveling, but only a little bit. He had thought you would be the lovesick puppy chasing him around camp, but, as Karlach has pointed out to him, it’s the opposite.
He finds himself always making an inventory of where you are in relation to him, who you are talking to, and your feelings- even the ones he is currently disrespecting by attempting to gain your undying protection.
Now Astarion is here- watching you follow a bumble bee towards a large Oak tree.
As you stop and make a point of sitting down under a tree, you touch the various flowers scattered in the grass and excitedly chat about the details of the flower. Astarion silently sits next to you with a smile and takes a look at your face- you look like a blind man seeing for the first time. The realization hits him like an eldritch blast.
You hum.
“Have you not been able to see until today?”
Astarion watches as you tense up and your eyes meet his. Astarion struggles to discern the look in your eyes- it’s somewhere between fear and apprehension. He offers you a small smile before you break eye contact with a sigh.
“I, um, was sick as a baby. My mom left me outside of a monastery. I guess whatever I was sick with attacked my vision so I could only really see colors and the basic outlines of the things,” Astarion looks at you as if to encourage you to go on so you continue, “it’s never affected me though. The monks taught me how to use my other senses and taught me how to sense energy in the air.”
Astarion is still trying to wrap his head around the fact that a. He was right and b. You slept with him without knowing what he looks like? C. You are easily the second strongest in your little gang of weirdos and the entire time you could barely see.
“So when you told me I was beautiful last week?”
You blush and hide your soft grin. He hears your heart begin to race.
“I really did mean it then,” you pause,” but it’s a different kind of beautiful. I think you are a very good person- I just adore you. Your smile, your laugh, your personality- even the snarky bits. Or when you are at your absolute worst.”
You pause and give him a joking smile, “You are a real pain in the ass though. I didn’t know why everyone is so enamored with you, but now I can see why all those tiefling women kept flirting with you at the party now though.”
He tries to hide the frown that threatens to reveal itself and he sees the panic flash in your eyes.
“Not that I’m saying you are nothing but your looks because that is not true,” you bite your lip, “I just know I came to like you for who you are on the inside and that was…. Quite the experience.”
“Are you suggesting I’m an acquired taste?!”
“Hmmm,” you tap your chin, “ I suppose that is exactly what I’m saying.”
“I am truly heartbroken darling, I thought we had something special.”
He huffs playfully and pretends to be upset- ignoring the butterflies in his stomach. Astarion’s heart clenches as you look at him with the same warmth he is feeling. You break eye contact from him and he can’t help but feel disappointed.
“We do, you’re just lucky I’m a monk and I’ve been forced to practice patience my whole life.”
Astarion is lost for words as he turns over what you just said in his head. You scratch the back of your neck and start talking again.
“And not to mention, you deserve someone who is going to take the time to know you for you- not just adore you for what you look like. You are really one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met Star.”
We do. Incredible. Star.
His body feels like it might explode from the chaos of emotions spirals through his body. He thinks maybe the effects of the tadpole are wearing off because he feels like he is burning alive. He fights the urge to take you right there in the flowers.
A couple minutes later, you look up at him again- that same fear in your eyes, but also some hope. After you realize he isn’t going to say anything, you speak again.
“I am not entirely sure why you have gravitated towards me, but I really like you. I understand if you don’t feel the same way and we can just go back to being friends,” you pause, “and you won’t lose my protection. I still intend on helping you be free of Cazador once and for all.”
You look away from him, hands fiddling with the flowers. Astarion is still digesting everything you just said to him.
It wasn’t that he didn’t reciprocate your feelings (even if he refuses to admit he does), he just doesn’t… deserve someone like you.
He had always been under the assumption that monks were stuffy and by-the-book. You had taken him by complete surprise. You are slyly funny, have no problems with bending the rules if it means helping someone (he doesn’t care for the intent of bending the rules, but he likes bending the rules), and you are accepting. You aren’t neutral with your feelings unless you are trying to mediate an argument or make the best decision for the group.
He appreciates how blunt you are in private- he never has to try to guess what’s on your mind. You make him feel safe like no one else has for the last 200 years.
How could I not gravitate towards you?
It also occurs to him that you have never seen yourself- how your eyes twinkle when you smile or the dimples that grace your cheeks. You hadn’t even seen your body- the same body he was starstruck by and, despite the dissociation and icky feelings, he was able to enjoy the sex between you to some extent.
He gets up from his spot on the ground next to you- your shoulders slightly slumping in defeat.
“Oh stop being so dramatic darling,” he teasingly smiles at you, “get up- I have something to show you.”
You blindly follow Astarion to his tent- you had asked him what he wanted to show you the entire walk back, but he refused to disclose that information.
Once you were in camp, Astarion had wrapped some cloth around your eyes before dragging you in the direction of his tent.
“Now you stay right here- don’t move a muscle.”
“Oh you mean like-“
He interrupts you by swatting your hand away from his curls. You pout playfully and he pulls you to his chest before kissing you deeply. You are shocked by his actions and his gasp of surprise tells you he is just as shocked too. You feel him pull back as you start to melt against him, your hands tangled in his hair. An impatient whine escapes your lips. He chuckles.
“No, no, no,” he says, “not yet. Now stay still or there’s no more kisses for you.”
“No more kisses!?”
“You heard me!”
You stay still- the threat is more than enough to convince you to stop. You can hear and sense Astarion rustling around the tent, placing various objects of different vibrations all around his tent. It feels like it takes eons as he readjusts and moves the objects around. Finally, Astarion hums with approval.
“Alright darling, you can take the blind fold off now.”
You take off your blindfold eagerly and your eyes adjust to the warm light in the tent. As you look around, you see that Astarion had set up every mirror he owns all around the tent.
You stare back at who you can only presume to be yourself. You take in all your features- dissecting yourself. The longer you stare at yourself, the unhappier you become.
You know that Astarion’s intent is good (or you hope it is), but you can’t help the frown that takes place on your face. You are so plain in comparison to Astarion and everyone in camp. Why would he want to be with you when he could have someone as stunning as Shadowheart? Someone equally as interesting to look at?
“What’s wrong,” Astarion says with alarm in his voice.
You suddenly become aware of the hot tears running down your cheeks as Astarion cups your face with his hands. You shake your head, crying harder as he wipes your tears away.
“Darling, please.”
The desperation in his voice causes you to finally meet his eyes, the words tumbling out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“ I’m so plain looking,” you state with venom in your voice, “the rest of you are all beautiful in unique ways and I just look like everyone else.”
He scowls, shaking his head at you.
“That is not even slightly true.”
He twirls you around in his arms and has you facing the mirrors again. You have to remind myself that he is behind you still as you feel his fingers trace the details of your face (it would really ruin the moment if you elbowed him in the ribs).
“No one shines like you do. No one smiles like you or laughs like you- crinkles their eyes when they are happy like you. You are funny and intelligent; and by the Gods you are powerful. The fact that you have been fighting blind this whole time is absolutely incredible. You, darling, are a force of nature,” he puts his face in the crook of your neck, kissing the delicate skin, “I may say a lot of honeyed words, but I wouldn’t say them if they weren’t true.
“And, in all my 200 years of living, I must say, you are like no beauty I have ever seen before.”
You can’t help but smile brightly and you try to look at yourself the way he sees you. Maybe you can see the person he is referring to, but you just need more time to get used to actually seeing yourself. Maybe with time, you will be able to see how brightly you shine too- you’ll just have to work at it.
You smile at yourself softly and say a quiet you’re wonderful to yourself before looking away from the mirrors.
You turn around and give Astarion a soft, long kiss- he sighs into it, meeting your tempo until you pull away; Breathless like a fish out of water. He puts his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
“Thank you, Astarion- I think you shine too.”
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griffintail · 3 years
Can I get Wilbur, Philza, Technoblade, and Awesamdude (separately) dealing with a giggly, happily drunk reader, who is very nice to everyone but immediately goes into “I love youuuu, let me stay with you foreverrrrrrrr” cuddly lovesick puppy mode and proceeds to latch onto them for the rest of the night.
I hope you enjoy this! ♥
In Game and Female Reader
Warnings: Implied underage drinking(?)
A/N: I wanted to do like ten different things with these that would have been tooo long and strayed too far off path and then when I did have something I hated it. So, long story short, I had trouble writing it. Sorry it took so long! I’ve also never watched Sam I’m only just getting to the livestreams he was in with Tommy, I hope his character is good.
        It had been a celebration of the freedom of L’Manberg.
        Naturally, the men and their lady of the hour wanted to go all out and finally have fun after all the war and bloodshed. There were some things they wanted to forget as well, such as the betrayal of one of their own. For once, Wilbur didn’t join in with the drinking that had started, simply just wanting to rest till what felt like the end of time after everything.
        Luckily, he hadn’t as now as he chuckled at (Y/N) rambling on about how adorable sheep were as they sat on the ground.
        “I mean, we can make them different colors, and they just don’t give a fuck. And their little faces.” She put her hands close together. “I want a pet sheep Wilbur.”
        He laughed as he stood up. “I think it’s time we got you to bed love.”
        “What? No, the party is so much fun.” She motioned with a smile at the men away from them, doubled over in laughter.
        He took her hand, pulling her up carefully. “But I believe you’ve had too much to drink. Your face is red, so let’s get you home.”
        She was quiet before grabbing his hand again, smiling. “Ok.”
        “Good. Make sure you get some sleep tonight boys, we got work to do.”
        He got a few responses between their laughter, shaking his head before he led (Y/N) away through the cool night. Her house had resided outside the L’Manberg walls but Dream and his friends took care of that. So, instead, Wilbur led her to the van, deciding to let her stay there for the night.
        “Alright love. You’re going to stay here tonight?”
        “I like it when you say, love.” She giggled. “It makes me feel all fuzzy.”
        He blushed slightly as he chuckled. “I’m sure it’s just all the drinks you had. Now, you get comfortable and I’ll…”
        He let go of her hand, only to jump as she latched onto his arm.
        “No.” She whined. “Stay here.”
        “What are you doing (Y/N)?” He asked confused.
        “I don’t want you to go. I love you. And you’re so warm.” She huffed, putting her forehead against his arm as she held out a few of her words.
        Wilbur was red as he watched the woman beside him.
        “(Y/N), you shouldn’t say those things. Come on, let’s get your uniform off.” He told her gently as he took his arm back from her only for her to hug him around the middle instead, making him laugh in surprise. “(Y/N)!”
        “Don’t go.” She spoke muffled into his chest. “Stay forever.”
        He softened as he took her hat off, putting it down on a chest as he ran a hand through her hair. “I’m not going anywhere darling. I’m just trying to make you comfortable. So, can we please get your uniform off?”
        She pouted but let go, letting him help her take her jacket and accessories off. Plopping on the bed, she struggled but managed to get her shoes off as Wilbur laid down her uniform next to her hat.
        “Alright, you need to get some rest ok? I’m going to go sleep in the front.” He explained to her, going for the door but she took his sleeve.
        “Stay with me. You’re so warm and you give the best hugs and I love you.” She rambled.
        Wilbur went red again as he looked at the door. He didn’t want to just stay here with her while she was drunk, probably unable to remember any of this in the morning, but she was stubborn even drunk. There was a voice in the back of his head telling him she would most certainly just follow him. So, with a sigh, he sat on the bed next to her.
        “Alright, but you have to sleep.”
        She grinned as Wilbur leaned back against the headboard. Coming over, she hugged him as she put her head on her chest, half on him as she hummed.
        “Good night Mr. President.” She giggled as Wilbur put a hand on her back.
        “Good night darling.” He muttered, running his other hand through her hair.
        It took a few minutes but she fell asleep on him and he was red as he watched her. It did feel warm like this and felt so right and comfortable. Maybe in the morning, after he explained the situation that they were in, he’d finally tell her how he felt to celebrate their victory further. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
        Phil had been with (Y/N) for a long time, dating what felt like even longer. They had been on many travels together and seen the same amount of shit in their lifetime. Naturally, that called for a drink or two.
        In the end, it was always Phil that could his liquor better than his girlfriend and he would usually just have a good laugh at her antics. She was very giggly and thought almost everything was hilarious and this time was no different.
        “And, and he just fell. And I felt so bad for laughing but I did.” She giggled as she leaned on the table, Phil giving an amused chuckle.
        She went to take another drink, but Phil took it from her. “I think that’s all for you tonight sweetheart.”
        “You’re so good for me Phil.” She hummed, resting her arm on the table before putting her head in her hand. “Always making sure I’m ok.”
        “Well, you help take care of me too.” He reminded her as he got up, starting to clean.
        “Yeah, but you’re so much better at it. You’re so good at fighting and stuff. You also look good fighting.”
        He laughed at that as he came back over to her. “Do I now?”
        “Mhm. And-And your hair is so soft and your eyes are really pretty.”
        “Yeah, I think it’s time for you to go to bed. Come on.” He helped her up.
        As he did, she latched onto him and he knew what phase she was in her drunkenness, the clingy phase.
        “You’re going to come with me, right?” She pouted up at him as she nuzzled into him.
        “Of course.” He chuckled, putting a hand on top of her head.
        “Good, because I love you. Just don’t tell Techno, he thinks it's gross.”
        He put a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter, nearly doubling over. “I won’t…God, I won’t. Holy shit.”
        “Phil, you’re supposed to say it back.” She whispered as he led her to their bedroom once he could breathe right.
        “I’m sorry sweetheart, I love you too.” He kissed her forehead, making the woman giggle in joy.
        “Philza Craft loves me.” She squealed as she hugged onto him tightly.
        “Yes, yes.” He nodded, chuckling quietly as he managed to unlatch her from him to get her into bed.
        He made sure she dressed comfortably before they started drinking, knowing that this is where it would lead. Before she could protest, he got in beside her and pulled her in, hugging her close as he let his wings unfurl and laid one on top of them. She grinned, nuzzling into his chest, acting as if they didn’t do this all the time.
        “You’re-You’re the best.” She muttered.
        “Thank you, now sleep, angel.”
        “You’re the only angel here. Good night.” She hummed.
        “Good night.”
        With that, the two were able to sleep easily into the night.
        Just a couple glasses of wine, it will be fine, they said.
        Now Techno didn’t know how the hell to deal with his best friend.
        (Y/N) and a few of the others in Pogtopia had decided to have a few rounds of drinks, Techno deciding to opt-out of it as they made it into a party and he just wasn’t that into parties. Yet, now, here he stood as his best friend was giggling like an idiot at Wilbur’s stupid joke. He didn’t know how easy his friend got drunk but here was the proof.
        Techno was trying to think of a way to get her away from the group without her putting up a fight when Tommy came over to her.
        “Hey (Y/N), you know those diamonds you got the other day,” Tommy asked her, making Techno squint as he listened.
        “Oh yeah!” She nodded with a wide smile.
        “Want to know what would be cool? If I could have them.”
        There was no way…
        That’s it.
        “Tommy, are you really trying to scam your ally while she’s drunk?” Techno came over, arms crossed.
        Tommy paled as he quickly waved his hands. “No! No! Why would you think that! I’m just going…I hear Tubbo calling for me!”
        The younger boy scampered off as Techno looked at (Y/N), seeing her pout at him.
        “That was mean Techno.”
        “He was trying to steal from you (Y/N), you’ll understand in the morning.” Techno rolled his eyes.
        “Tommy wouldn’t do that. I’m going to apologize to him for you.” She huffed, but Techno grabbed her arm.
        “Nuh-uh.” He shook his head as he pulled her back in front of him. “You’re not going anywhere; you’re staying here with me so I can make sure you don’t do something you’ll regret in the morning.”
        Then the girl smiled, giggling again. “You always look out for me Techno.”
        He was sent through a loop by her sudden change in emotions but merely shook his head. “Because I have to. You’d be dead without me.”
        That wasn’t true. While his friend was one of the nicest people he met, you mess with her and she became a whole new person that could hold her own with ease.
        “E-Exactly.” She hummed, hugging onto his arm, making him stiffen. “You’re so great Techno.”
        “Yeah, I know.” He tried to brush the emotions he felt off as he decided to make use of her holding onto him to lead her away.
        “I hope you never leave Techno.”
        “I can’t ever leave you.” He muttered truthfully.
        “You’re really good at keeping secrets, right?” She asked as he brought her into her room in the cavern.
        “I’d say so, yeah.” He nodded.
        “I’m going to tell you a big secret. You can’t tell Technoblade.” She said and he opened his mouth to say he was in fact that same person but she spoke first. “I love Technoblade. He’s just so cool and nice and I love him.”
        Techno.exe has stopped working.
        Techno tried to remember where he was and what he was doing. It took a few tries but he finally got his mind working.
        “Heh?!” He looked at her in shock.
        “Shh, he can’t know Techno.” She giggled.
        “…I don’t what the hell I’m going to do with you.” He mumbled, taking off his mask to run a hand down his face.
        “You’re going to keep it a secret right?” She pouted at him.
        “Yeah, now you need to go to bed. Like, right now.” He decided, taking his arm from her and turning for the door only for two arms to wrap around him from behind.
        “No! You promised you wouldn’t leave.”
        “I’m not leaving you idiot; I’m going to my room and letting you sleep yours.”
        “Please don’t go Techno. I always sleep better when I know you’re close by.”
        He didn’t know what to do. What were you supposed to do when your best friend you liked told you while they were drunk that they liked you back thinking you weren’t the same person?! His mind was fried and he didn’t have any ideas of how to get her to relent, so instead, he did.
        Sighing, he took his arms off him so he could turn around. “Alright, come on. Get comfortable.”
        She grinned before going over to her bed. After only taking a jacket and her shoes off, she got comfortable and he gave a long sigh before sitting beside her. As soon as he did, she put her head in his lap, humming with that dorky smile.
        “Go to sleep. I’ll be here.” He promised as he ran a hand through her hair.
        “Thank you. Good night Techno.” She muttered.
        He didn’t say anything as she fell asleep. Yeah, he didn’t know what the hell he was going to deal with this in the morning, but he supposed he should just enjoy this moment.
        “Fuck!” (Y/N) shouted across the room where the Badlanders were spending the night.
        “Language!” Bad shouted at her.
        She giggled with Ant, Sam chuckling as he watched the two. It was just a simple party, nothing to celebrate just a moment between friends with a few drinks sent around. Sam had participated in some of the events but had stayed out of most of it, deciding instead to watch his friend as she had a generous number of drinks.
        “I’m sorry Bad! I didn’t mean it!” (Y/N) called to him.
        “You should do it again though.” Ant tried to convince her.
        “No, I don’t want to be mean to Bad.” She laughed, going to have another drink.
        “I think that’s enough for now.” Sam intervened, taking the drink carefully from her hand.
        “Aww.” She pouted. “Ok. Thank you, Sam.”
        He nodded as he put it down. “Good. You can still have fun, just nothing more to drink.”
        “Alright. I can do that Sam. Have some fun with us?”
        “Sure.” He agreed.
        He didn’t do much with the group, however, mostly just sticking by the young woman’s side, though he didn’t have much choice in the matter. He had already planned on keeping an eye on her as he did know how easily tricked, she was into doing what others wanted, such as shouting fuck across the room, as they had been friends for a while; but this time was different. Usually, it was a fight to get her to stay by his side but this time, she refuses to leave his side.
        The creeper-hybrid was genuinely surprised as she followed him where ever he went.
        “Normally you want to be with everyone else, what’s new today?” He raised an eyebrow.
        “I just want to stay with you forever!” She grinned as she took his hand. “That would be nice wouldn’t it?”
        He looked at her surprised as he nodded slowly. “Yeah, that would be. But, why do you want to?”
        “Because I love you silly.” She said as it was the simplest thing.
        “I uh…” His smile grew as he processed her words. “Really?”
        He didn’t mean it to go to his head as his friend was drunk but it did.
        “What about me do you, love?”
        “You’re super smart and you’re really good at fighting.” She started to list and he laughed.
        “Alright, alright. No need for all that. Maybe we should get you home. I think you had more drinks than I realized.” He scratched the back of his head.
        “Aw, ok.” She gave a pout before he led her away and to her home.
        He took out her hidden spare key she had told him about and unlocked the door as he went inside.
        “Ok, home safe and sound. You get some sleep alright? I’ll see you in…”
        “No.” She whined as she grabbed his arm. “You said it’d be nice to stay forever so please Sam. Stay.”
        “No, I think it’s smarter if I leave so you’re not confused in the morning.”
        “I don’t care. Please, Sam. Stay.” She pouted at him and he felt his heart race slightly before humming.
        “Yeah, ok. Just to make sure you’re alright.” He nodded. “I’ll stay in the living room.”
        “No, come with me. It’s cold and you’re warm.” She said, making him blush.
        “I uh…Hey, slow down.” Sam protested as she dragged him along by his hand. “(Y/N).”
        She pulled him into her room and sat on her bed, giving him a puppy dog eyed face. His heart melted as he tried to stay strong but sighed.
        “Ok, but if you kill me in the morning, I’m haunting your ass.”
        She grinned, throwing up her arms. “Yeah.”
        “Ok, ok, come on. Let’s get comfortable.”
        The two of them shed the unnecessary layers and laid in bed. (Y/N) cuddled into Sam’s side and he put his arm around her back, gently running a hand along her side. Before another word was breathed, (Y/N) was asleep and Sam chuckled lightly.
        “Good night, I hope you say the same thing tomorrow.” He muttered before sleeping himself for the night.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
A Dedicated Pig-Technoblade
#3 and 47 from this prompt list! Check out my masterlist here! This is in the DreamSMP Au. I
This is a Technoblade x GN reader! 
So in this AU I am making it so that your cannon lives are shown on your left wrist. And if someone types something in chat or if someone joins the server, it appears as text on your right arm until you dismiss it! If you are confused feel free to ask me any questions!
Part Two! Part Three! Part Four!
Y/N finally meets the one that everyone has been walking on eggshells over.
I will never forget the gasps, murmurs, and then tense silence that followed the notification that everyone received on their right arm. Technoblade had joined the SMP. I didn’t understand why it was such a big deal though. Of course I had heard the stories. The horrors that he had done. The fights he picked and won. The amount of blood that had been shed at his hands had earned him the title of “The Blood God”. But when push comes to shove, he’s just another mortal man.
Everyone was a little freaked out and on edge because of the new addition to the server. I mean, Schlatt had just banished Techno’s family, his two brothers, from the nation that they created and fought for. Everyone knew that family was everything to Techno and if there was one thing Techno would do anything for it was his family. He would literally go to hell and back if it meant that his brothers and his father were safe. 
Finally after a few minutes of everyone holding their breath, I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and went on with my work, cleaning up the election decorations. All eyes turned to me “Y/N” Niki hissed, “Do you not understand what just happened? He could be anywhere” I let out a joyless laugh as I looked at my best friend, “You really think he’s going to come here right away? With nothing on him? With his brothers on the run? You think he’s going to worry about coming here, where it would be a 1 vs…” My eyes scanned the crowd doing a quick mental count, “15 plus? Come on Niki, think with that big brain of yours.” I claimed, a little annoyed, as I took down a banner. 
Niki let out a shaky sigh but nodded and continued helping me. “You’re right,” I chuckled at her response and bumped her shoulder, “You know I always am”. Soon, everyone went back to their own tasks, forgetting the news we all had just received. ‘See Mr. Pig Man Blood God’ I silently thought to myself, ‘You’re not as scary as you may think’. 
*Time skip*
A week and a half had gone by since Technoblade had joined the server and no one had seen him. Like I had predicted, he immediately had searched and met up with his brothers and had stayed clear of the main part of the server. That being said, I should have known that he would rear his pink head at some point…
When I first joined the server, I had made myself a small farm for food. Well of course everyone found out about it and wanted a part of it. So my small farm grew and grew. When Niki built her bakery, she needed a steady supply of well… supplies. Sugar, wheat, eggs, milk, and all that. I had plenty and I was more than happy to give her what she needed in exchange for baked goods. So once a week I would haul boxes of supplies across the SMP from my farm to her bakery. 
Everyone was aware of this and so on these days everyone would stay out of my way. Which is why I was so surprised to slam into someone while carrying a box of eggs to the bakery. 
I let out a huge gasp as the sound of eggs cracking filled my ears as I slammed into someone. The box fell out of my hands as raw egg covered my hands and body. “What the hell!” I cried out, looking up to yell at whoever had just crashed into me. I was momentarily stunned. There in the flesh, right in front of me, stood the Blood God himself, Technoblade. My surprise  didn’t last long as I remembered why I was angry in the first place. 
“What the hell are you doing here? It’s bakery day, sure you didn’t know that, but you should have taken the hint not to be here when you didn’t see anyone walking this part of the Prime path!” I shouted at the pink haired man. Techno’s brown eyes widened as I verbally attacked him. “And now I’m covered in raw egg! This is not pleasant! It’s gross and sticky and cold and I do not enjoy it! You are sooooo lucky I have a change of clothes at the farm and that my chickens laid a lot of extra eggs this week or else you would have had to explain to dear sweet Niki why she wouldn’t be able to open her cute bakery this week.” I hissed out. 
“I’m sorry,” Techno began with a raised eyebrow, “Do you not know who you’re talking to?” He questioned with a deep voice. I let out a loud scoff at the audacity of his question, “Of course I know who you are, Mr. Blood God,” I mocked. “So. You do know who I am and what I am capable of.” I scoffed at his smug words. “I said I did, didn’t I? And frankly I couldn’t care less about you and your reputation. You’re just a guy. A guy that has ruined my day because I now have egg all over me!” I complained, wiping my hands on my pants. 
I reached down and began picking up the box and the eggs and egg shells that had fallen on the ground.“You know, I could kill you with no hesitation?” Techno claimed as he crouched down, moving his face close to mine. “I’ve done it before to many others. They blink and my sword has entered their chest. I’ve probably slaughtered more people than you’ve ever met in your life,” Techno mused, a smug smirk tugging on his lips. 
I looked up from my box with a blank expression on my face, “Am I supposed to be scared of you? Is that supposed to scare me? Make me shake in my boots?” I questioned, my eyebrow raised. Techno’s smirk slowly slipped off his face. He quickly stood up and stared at me in shock, “Didn’t you hear me? I could kill you!” He explained. I rolled my eyes and also stood up. “So could another human. Literally anyone else. So could a fall from a huge height. So could a dedicated chicken. You’re not special.” I stated, turning on my heel and began walking back toward my farm. 
“So you’re really not scared of me?” I heard Techno question as he began to jog to catch up to me. “Haven’t I made that clear? You may have scary stories and legends surrounding you, but when it comes right down to it, you’re a man. Well, part pig, part man, but a man and mortal all the same.” Techno let out a scoff, “Technoblade never dies,” he claimed. “But you could. You have three cannon lives just like the rest of us.” I concluded. 
Techno silently followed me as I moved through the barn, replacing the eggs that had cracked when we collided. After I filled the box once more, I set it down before stepping into the bathroom I had built. “I’ll be right out. Don’t touch anything.” I commanded. Techno gave me a mock salute before looking around the barn once more. I closed the door and quickly cleaned up. I took off my egg covered clothes, washed my hands and body before putting on the clean clothes I kept here. 
I found Techno where I left him. “You ready to go?” I questioned softly. His eyes trailed from my horses back to me as he gently nodded. I made my way back to the boxes before picking the egg box back up. “Is this going to?” Techno asked. I looked over and found him pointing at the last box needing to go to the bakery. “Yeah, but you don’t have to-” I was cut off by Techno picking up the box. “Let’s go” He said walking out the door. I let out a laugh before following him, being sure to close the door behind me. 
The two of us made small talk about anything and everything on our way to the bakery. Techno told me all about Wilbur and Tommy’s constant squabbles and I told him all about everyone’s wariness ever since he joined the server. Techno helped me put everything away, which caused me to be done a lot sooner than I usually get done. The two of us left the bakery and made our way back outside. We began strolling the prime path and subconsciously came to a stop where the two of us met. 
Our conversation died down and the two of us stood there for a moment, just staring at each other. I finally cleared my throat, “Thank you for helping me today. I really appreciate it.” I thanked, running a hand through my hair. Techno mirrored my actions with a shy smile on his face, “No problem. It’s the least I could do.” There was a slight pause before he spoke again, “Hey. Listen. I’m sorry for threatening you earlier. It’s just… Everyone I’ve ever met has been terrified of me and when you weren't… It really threw me for a loop. So… thanks. Thank you for giving me a chance.” I let out a giggle at his vulnerability, “It’s no problem…. Maybe when this is all over and you and your brothers are welcome back into L’Manberg, we could hang out more.” I offered. Techno gave me a soft smile and a gentle nod, “Yeah. I’d like that. A lot.” 
“Techno!” A voice whisper shouted. The two of us jumped at the sudden interruption and turned to look at who had called the pink haired man’s name. It was Wilbur. “There you are! Where have you been?!” He questioned, marching up to the two of us. Techno made a gesture to me. Wilbur’s eyes shifted to me. I gave him a smile and a wave. “Hey Wilbur. It’s great to see you” Wilbur’s eyes softened as he gave me a smile, “Hey Y/N. It’s so good to see you too. We’ve got to go. Techno was supposed to be on a spy mission, but I see he got distracted…” I laughed at his words and nodded. “Something like that,” Techno claimed, rubbing the back of his head a blush. 
“Well it was great to see you Wilbur. Tell Tommy I miss him and that I say to stop trying to decorate with things that aren’t his, yeah?” Wilbur gave me another soft smile and nod, “Will do Y/N. Tell Niki I miss her?” I returned his smile and nod. I then turned to Technoblade and gave him a smile as well, “It was lovely to meet you. I really hope this is over soon so I can show you my weapons collection.” Techno’s eyes lit up and he nodded. “It was amazing to meet you too Y/N. And I would love that. So much.” I giggled at his response and nodded. “I knew you would. Bye guys.” I gave them both one last smile before turning and headed back to my farm. 
As I was leaving I overheard the next part of Techno and Wilbur’s conversation. “So… Y/N huh?” “Shut up.” “Who knows, when this thing is all over maybe you’ll get together and have pink haired, Y/E/C babies… Oh I would be the best uncle and-” “I’ll give you a five second headstart.” “Oh come on Techno-” “Five” “Please” “Four” “Tech-” “Three” “You know it’s-” “Two” “Oh come on” “One” “OH GOD! RUNNING!” 
I let myself look over my shoulder at the two. Sure enough Wilbur was sprinting down the prime path as fast as he could, but Techno was right behind him. “Get over here!” Techno shouted after Wilbur. “NO!” I let myself giggle at the two’s antics. My eyes focused on the two for as long as I could, but soon enough the two were out of my view and my ear shot. Oh I can’t wait until this is all over. 
There you go! I hope you enjoyed! And I hope I did the anon that requested this justice! If you did enjoy, be sure to leave a like! And maybe even a reblog or reply telling me what you liked about it! Until next time!
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oliviayamaoka · 3 years
The Distraction (Danny Johnson / Jed Olsen / Ghostface x Reader)
Y/N encounters Ghostface, a snarky and creepy silent killer. However, he isn’t as silent as he is made out to be when you hit him with your toolbox in defense. To stall time for your survival and the progression of other generators, you decide to humor him and distract him for a long amount of time for the others.
Possible Warning: Sexual tension, slight blood, slight violence, and Danny having perverted thoughts (up to your interpretation on what he’s thinking)
You slowly vaulted over a wooden structure within Autohaven Wreckers. The green atmosphere felt very chilling and eerie, you didn’t like doing your trials in this realm. Your eyes averted to an untouched generator. Thank the Entity you didn’t hear a chainsaw revving or the menacing lullaby sung by the Huntress. Y/N kneeled down and began to work on the generator, putting their toolbox to the side. Who knew you’d become a mechanic of some sort within the Fog. 
“Shit.” You mumble as you cut your arm slightly on something within it. For a moment you had considered using your toolbox but it was better to just save it for another time.
Y/N sighed and pulled down a lever before reattaching some wires. The generators always confused you. Not in a way where you didn’t know how to fix them but how the hell did they power up the exit gates? Oh well, it didn’t matter at that point. You were forced to do this by a literal god. 
You suddenly gasped when you felt a firm grip pry you away from your generator. It must’ve been the killer. Y/N aggressively fought back and wiggled with desperate grunts and yells. You somehow managed to escape his grip, how the hell didn’t you hear him? You shoved him away but he grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Let go!” You yelled, hitting him as hard as you could since he seemed to have dropped his knife. You recognized the killer as Ghostface. He didn’t seem to think that you’d be able to get away the first time. Y/N’s eyes widened in shock and curiosity when she heard him darkly chuckle in amusement
“You’re like that bastard King.” He said to you as you both struggled. David was always verbal when ”fighting” the killers. He grunted as you kicked at his thigh, desperately trying to rip your arm away from him. 
“Since when did you start talking?” You asked him, humoring him in pure panic. Ghostface was a bit thrown off that you even responded instead of screaming at the top of your lungs. In fact, he doesn’t recall anybody saying anything back to him other than David King or Yui Kimura saying something snarky after a successful vault.
“You’d be surprised--agh!” He grunted as you smashed your toolbox into his face as hard as you could. This definitely threw him off since it hurt just as much as the pallet stuns did. Was that even allowed? He adjusted his mask to keep it from falling off. His chin sure as hell hurt.
“Sorry.” Y/N said to him almost immediately, stopping for a moment. You weren’t sure why you felt sorry for the bastard in that moment. You once did something similar with the Trapper when he accidentally stepped in his own trap, there was a moment of silence between the two of you as you both stared.
“What do you mean sorry?!” He asked you angrily but he didn’t lunge or hit you. He seemed just as confused and caught up in the moment as you. You threw your arms up in defense, it was a psychological thing.
“It was instinctual! What was I supposed to do, let you stab and hook me?” You said to him as he stood up. Ghostface was much taller up close, it was strange.
“Well, yeah. You’re only supposed to fucken wiggle or try get off of the hook. It said those were the rules.” He argued as you turned your head to the side in disbelief at his behavior. 
“Since when did you start abiding by the rules? Aren’t you supposed to be a serial killer or something?” Y/N questioned him.
“Uhhh, since that thing started torturing the other people who got trapped here. You think I wanna look like that fuckface with the chainsaw?” He said aggressively but you didn’t seem to back down at all. He was referring to the Hillbilly.
“He already looked like that, dumbass.” You say to him as he paused.
“Oh.” Ghostface responded before shaking his head to knock some sense into himself and began to try grab your wrist again. he tugged you closer when he did rather aggressively.
“What the fuck am I doing arguing with my prey.” He muttered as you pulled away again, taking a few steps back.
Ghostface, from your observation, was easily confused when talking to people. You figured it was normal since, well, when the hell did a psycho like him have time to talk to people? You recalled a conversation with Ace when you were upset due to one of your first trials. He had been previously married and referred to himself as a ladykiller, humoring the idea of trying to flirt with the Huntress. He was a wise dude despite being on the run from guys he owed money to, overall he made a good replacement father figure for a moment.
Clearly it was a bad idea but maybe instead of getting hooked or hurt, you could do what Ace jokingly suggested. It’d also be a funny story to tell some of your friends when this trial was over but it was scary thinking this could make him even more mad or aggressive. Oh, well, anything not to go through the pain again.
“Has anybody ever told you you’re handsome?” You asked, cringing at yourself for such a poor choice of wording.
“You don’t even know how I look.” He said, somewhat annoyed but loosened his grip slightly as you put your hand softly over his.
“That doesn’t matter. I feel like we could get to know eachother. I’m Y/N, by the way.” You say to him as he stopped completely, baffled even.
“What?” He asked in confusion.
“Think about it, if we have a nice little chat then I’m sure the Entity wouldn’t mind. And don’t get me wrong, I’ve been curious about your artwork. Or I guess you can say photography. I’m sure you have a collection.” You said.
“Right, like a puny thing like you would even understand what I do.” Ghostface said to you, crossing his arms. Admittedly, he seemed to slowly forget his objective when he began to even talk to you. Even he didn’t know why he kept responding to you.
“A puny thing like me? Oh, please. I’ve seen my fair share of blood and gore on the internet. I bet your photos wouldn’t even make me budge.” Y/N said.
“Really, now? I have a collection of photos of you and your little friends.” He said, getting rather defensive. Such a fragile ego, you thought.
“Oh, so you take photos of me?” You asked, pulling him closer. He seemed to freeze up when he was inches away from your face. Despite wearing the mask, he felt vulnerable. Why? You were just a survivor meant to be slaughtered.
“I don’t mean it like that.” He said firmly, although, it wouldn’t be a bad idea since you were rather attractive to him. Both physically and personality-wise. The thought amused him but he shook his head slightly.
“Shame. I could’ve offered you a special photoshoot.” Y/N said, enjoying getting into character at this point since all the generators should be done soon.
“A what?” He said, finally flustered. You couldn’t blame him. A survivor was practically seducing him. A part of him wanted to give in since he already wasted so much time just talking to you. There were, of course, other needs he needed satisfied. The idea of him showing no mercy on you got him hot and bothered.
“A special photoshoot. Just me and you, uhh... Ghostface?” You said to him, resting your eyes. 
“It’s Danny--I mean, Jed.” He said to you. You raised your eyebrows in surprise that he even told you his name, you could even swear your cheeks warmed up for a second. No. no, you thought. Do not get distracted.
“Jed, huh? Sounds easy to yell.” You responded with a smirk. 
At this point, Ghostface decided he definitely wanted you. He quickly gave into his desire since he had his own desires and fantasies he wanted to put at ease. Plus, a survivor like you giving yourself to him? It sounded too good to be true in his own dirty, messed up standards. He silently smirked behind his mask. Hooking and killing wasn’t the only way he wanted to hurt you now. He saw this as a way to properly get back at you for hitting him with your toolbox.
What did you get yourself into, he thought menacingly. Unbeknownst to him, you were already one step ahead of him. Ghostface wrapped his hands around your waist and brought you closer to him. Y/N froze for a moment but brushed her knee against his upper thigh in a rather suggestive manner. She didn’t think it would work yet it did.
“So, when do you want to do this, baby?” He asked you in a lower tone. You felt your cheeks flush and your heartrate beginning to increase but you had to stand your ground for a few more seconds. You looked away for a moment with an unimpressed stare.
“You’re such a gentlemen.” You said sarcastically, pushing away from him by his chest. The feeling of his leather and fabric was firm, you kinda liked that.
“Now what?” He asked in frustration. Your eyes averted towards the tools spread out on the ground from the box. Y/N came up with an idea.
“Pick my stuff up for me and maybe we can do something... quick.” You said, tugging your shirt downwards suggestively. 
“Okay, okay. Fine.” Ghostface responded to you sarcastically.
He turned to look at the tools on the ground. Kneeling down, he set the toolbox upright and began to put the tools back. Ghostface found it interesting how such small tools can play a big part in fixing the generators faster. He’d be pissed off if some random fucker like the Clown came and busted it up after long, hard work. You watched him actually do as you asked. It was somewhat heartwarming. No, actually, it wasn’t. You didn’t wanna catch feelings for him.
Y/N looked around, inhaling quietly. He seemed focused on picking up the smaller tools. You weren’t sure when to make your move. Suddenly, a horn blasted. A feeling of relief washed through your body. His head popped up as you quickly sprinted away from him. Ghostface whipped his head around. 
“Shit, fuck...!” He muttered. It was at this point where he realized what you did. He felt angry at himself for giving into his urges instead of just hooking you and killing you and your little friends. Ghostface smashed your toolbox against the generator in anger.
Standing up, he put his knife away. Despite being furious, he still found you attractive and confident for even trying that with him. It fueled a different urge within him. Oh, he would definitely make you pay. Not from the hooks, of course. He smirked at the idea of it and began to walk off to the other door once he began to calm down.
Y/N, he thought. 
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ickle-ronniekins · 3 years
forever, i choose you
desc: he’s always been everyone’s second choice, in every aspect of his life. george weasley just wants to be someone’s first.
word count: 3.9k
pairing: george weasley x muggle!reader
warning(s): idk you might cry, i sure did but what else is new. loneliness/discussion of sexual content/idk
A/N: i still have no motivation to write and/or read. and it’s the absolute worst. but i wrote the bulk of this story back in december/the beginning of january, and i figured maybe i’d try and write the ending and publish it and see if it’ll spark any inspiration in me. i’m real, real, real sorry if i haven’t gotten to your fics to read (i’ve got them all saved!) i just don’t know what’s wrong with me atm and it’s THE WORST. also it might evoke more emotion if you listen to this while reading this lil fic. thank you, to all of you, for your support and patience, always.
disclaimer: i do not give consent for my work to be posted on ANY other platform.
Seven-year-old George Weasley watched with wide eyes and a goofy grin as his father twirled his mother in the family space of their normally bustling and loud home. But tonight, the Burrow was quiet. Everyone was already sound asleep, his five brothers and his younger sister. George should be too, but he just couldn’t fall asleep no matter how much he tried. He fidgeted uncomfortably in his sheets and kept groaning, and it wasn’t long before his twin brother Fred threw a few pillows at his face, and eventually, George decided to get up and go for a stroll.
He hid strategically on the staircase so his parents wouldn’t see that he was still wide awake at nearly midnight, and he watched as they swayed lightly to the music emitting from somewhere in the house. It was light as a feather, the music, a small piano tune that echoed through the lower level, its sounds traveling effortlessly up the stairs of the home. Mr. Weasley dipped his wife and Mrs. Weasley giggled like some of the young girls George had seen in the village, kind of a nervous giggle, and he watched her blush. He saw his mother placed her head gently on Mr. Weasley’s chest and they both closed their eyes, and George wondered if they were happy to have a moment of peace without their seven children running around causing mayhem.
He wondered if they danced like this every evening, after everyone had already gone to bed.
George noticed a weird sort of feeling in his chest; he wondered why his heart was hurting. Was it because there was something wrong? But then he realized that wasn’t the case, for the aching in his heart came from his pure desire to find exactly what his mum and dad had -- a love like none other, with seven children, a home with multiple stories, and more treacle tarts than one needs.
He vowed in that moment, as he watched his parents from the staircase and tapped his foot quietly in rhythm with the music, that he’d find love like that one day.
He wanted someone to choose him first, just like his parents chose one another.
He brought his hand to his chest, as if to calm his rapidly beating heart, for the sheer idea of finding a love like theirs filled him with such excitement that he was certain he wouldn’t be able to sleep now. Seven-year-old George Weasley laid in bed, ignoring the soft snores from his twin across the room, his eyes wide with wonder as he dreamt of the woman he’d dance with one day.
Twelve-year-old George Weasley wasn’t ready to date. He was only twelve years old! He much preferred to dream.
He knew when he looked at the girl across from him that she wasn’t the one, lovely as she was. He adjusted his Gryffindor tie and cleared his throat and focused on the Potions assignment in front of him. It wasn’t exactly a date, was it? He was in a Potions lesson with his classmates, and Snape. But when the cute blackhaired Hufflepuff approached him and asked if he’d like to work together on the next of Snape’s ridiculous concoctions, Fred poked his brother in the ribs and winked, as if to say, If you don’t partner up with her, you’re a right prat.
And so George did what he thought was gentlemanly and he said yes. He could tell by the rose pink colour that flooded her cheeks that she was smitten with him, and that she’d asked him to be her partner because she was smitten. And he had to admit, she really was quite cute and very, very kind.. and rather smart for her age as well. And he knew that she’d make some man very, very happy someday. It just wouldn’t be him.
He did what was asked of him. He measured out the correct amount of powdered Griffin claw. He made sure he and his partner had enough salamander blood for their strengthening solution. And he smiled back at his partner, though his heart and his mind were still with the girl he’d dance with one day.
The Hufflepuff tried her hardest to capture his heart, but it belonged to someone he had yet to meet.
She wasn’t the one that felt like home.
-- -
Sixteen-year-old George Weasley didn’t understand why all of his classmates wanted to snog people and move onto someone else without so much as a blink.
So many people were pairing off and lasting less than a week before moving onto someone new. George rattled his brain for answers, he searched the eyes of his classmates for explanations, but he couldn’t understand why people would want to hop from one person to another. Didn’t they want to find love, a love that’s long lasting and pushes boundaries and moves mountains and weathers the storms it meets?
But perhaps, he worried, maybe that’s where he was going wrong.
Maybe, in order to find what he truly yearned for, he needed to be reckless and love without really loving.
Maybe he needed to search less, in order to find her.
And so he decided, with much persuasion from Fred, that he’d ask that pretty brunette Ravenclaw to the Yule Ball, and he’d dance and drink firewhisky and maybe he’d even kiss her, if the courage he tried to summon stayed with him throughout the night.
And maybe if he did all those things, he’d forget about the one his heart desperately craved.
And for a little while, he really did forget. Perhaps he could get on board with this “love the one you’re with” mentality. Maybe he could just be in the moment without worrying about everyone else. Maybe he could kiss girls without feeling anything, maybe he could date casually, maybe he could be like everyone else his age and not think about weddings and marriage and having children.
“Georgieee,” the Ravenclaw slurred on the dance floor. She tugged on his tie and pulled him close. He could smell the firewhisky on her breath and his heart began to pound when she pressed her lips lightly to his cheek. “Dance with meeee.”
No, this wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted more than this. He’d always wanted more than this.
George begrudgingly agreed and caught Fred’s eye from across the dance floor. The elder twin threaded his brows together and pushed the air with his hands, as if encouraging his younger brother to go for it. The Ravenclaw dazedly draped her arms across George’s shoulders and he sheepishly looked down toward his feet, but didn’t wrap his arms around her.
“George Weasleeeeyyyy,” she slurred again, hiccoughing in between giggles, “I said dance with meeeeeee.”
He tried to fight it, tried not to think of what he always did, but he couldn’t help it.
This girl was not the one. He could tell, because there was no love in the way she said his name. There was no true feeling in the surplus of kisses she kept pressing to his jawline, and there was no warmth radiating from her -- not the kind that mattered, anyway.
He knew, as he placed his hands gently on her waist and swayed with her to the music, that this was not what love felt like. This is not what home felt like.
He danced anyway, even though it was not the kind of dancing he’d seen his parents do all those years ago, and he allowed himself to think about what the rest of his classmates weren’t -- the person he’d hold in his arms, who’d be the mother to his children, who’s kisses would send him spiraling, who’s embraces would become all too familiar in a way that would comfort him in the darkest of times.
He allowed himself again, to dream of true love.
-- -
Seventeen-year-old George Weasley was sick and tired of waiting for the one.
It sounded kind of dramatic in his own head, seeing as he was only seventeen, but he’d known now for ten years exactly what he was looking for, and ten years seemed like a lifetime.
It didn’t help that nearly all of his friends had gotten over their casual dating scene and were now all enthralled with their significant others. He felt so painfully lonely, though he’d never admit it to a soul. He could hardly admit it to himself.
One evening, he shot up from the couch and out of the common room in a fit of fury, for if he had to see Fred and Angelina snogging in the corner for one more minute, he was quite certain he was going to explode from disgust. He was happy for his brother, of course he was, but he didn’t need to see it. Not as often as that.
He found Ron sitting in the Great Hall with Ginny, Harry, and Hermione and plopped beside them all before engaging in exciting rounds of exploding snap. But as the night grew darker and he grew more tired, George noticed the undeniable chemistry between his sister and Harry and his brother and Hermione. Though they all hadn’t admitted to one another how they felt, George had found it obvious, and he politely excused himself before he tugged his jacket rather angrily around his shoulders before he walked out into the winter storm, just to feel the cold air numb his skin.
He walked out of the castle, over toward the owlery, through the treacherous amounts of snow. Anything to distract George from everyone who’d apparently been hit by Cupid’s bloody arrow.
Ever since he was born, it had always been Fred and George. What about George and Fred? Was it because Fred was older? And why were people always lumping them together? Just because they’re twins? George loathed that. They were individuals too. He was always second, in everything.
In getting hand-me-downs from his older brothers. In being referred to with his twin. In lessons when the professors would call out their names for attendance, because F came before G in the alphabet. And even when it came to love; all the girls always seemed to flock to Fred instead, because he was more exciting. More boisterous. Less shy.
The cold, winter air bit violently at his exposed skin, and he reckoned it hurt less than watching everyone around him find someone that chose them, all while he was still waiting for the right person to choose him.
George Weasley didn’t want to be someone’s second choice.
He wanted to be someone’s first.
-- -
Twenty-year-old George Weasley didn’t know how exactly he ended up here.
He didn’t know how he ended up in a relationship three years deep, without having said “I love you” once and actually meaning it.
George thought he might’ve found her, his person, during his seventh year. She was beautiful and kind and everything he thought he’d hoped and dreamt of. Her soft touch, her yearning eyes, the way she curled up next to him in the dormitories late at night and held onto him as she slept -- it was everything, and it seemed to be perfect.
He thought that maybe, perhaps, she was it. But even so, he found himself waiting, still, for that feeling… the one on the staircase he’d felt so long ago.
But the pain of realizing that she wasn’t who he’d been searching for was more heartbreaking than the pain of him asking her to leave.
He’d been looking at her through rose coloured lenses and had been ignoring the truth that was right in front of him.
He should’ve left years ago, when that Gryffindor girl began to make backhanded jokes about the shop, and his dreams of becoming a business entrepreneur, claiming that she was only joking around.
He should’ve left when that girl showed up late to the grand opening of their shop, nearly a year into their relationship.
He should’ve left when he held her in his arms, and still didn’t feel comfortable beside her.
His heart ached for it, what he’d felt on the staircase at the mere age of seven. And perhaps he’d become so desperate for it, that he took something disguised as true love.
But the truth was that he knew, deep in his soul, that this Gryffindor girl wasn’t the one. He’d just chosen, outright, to ignore it. Perhaps if he could forget that idea that “the one” would smack him square in the face with an overwhelming sensation of knowing, he could have learned to love her, even when he hadn’t had that smack in the face moment when he’d met her all those years ago.
But it hadn’t happened, had it? He hadn’t grown to love her. Not truly, anyway. And she hadn’t grown to love him. Not in the way he wanted to be loved, at least.
Because it was more than just heated kisses and lazy days in bed and all things physical that he wanted.
It was about love. Pure, blinding, unadulterated love.
He stood frozen solid in the middle of his tiny flat and watched as that Gryffindor girl grabbed her coat off of the hanger and raised her hand slightly before slipping silently into the dimly lit hallway for the very last time. And George poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat near the window, looking up at the stars, expecting to feel sad at her departure, but in fact, he didn’t feel sad at all.
He felt hopeful.
He hadn’t found the one yet, but he knew she was out there, getting to him as fast as she possibly could.
Though his brothers had urged him to come to the pub and meet someone else, George didn’t fancy the idea of doing that. He was over that entire scene, just as he was in school when everyone was pairing off and moving on immediately. He didn’t want something fleeting, and he didn’t want something meaningless.
He wanted something true.
-- -
Twenty-three-year old George Weasley was certain that he was never going to find that feeling ever again, for as long as he lived.
While all of his friends were out at the pubs, meeting people and fooling around as if feelings weren’t involved, George was walking aimlessly through the streets to work. He was constantly dealing with the haze above his head, waiting for it to lift. He was turning down girls left and right and ignoring his brothers’ insistence on dating casually again.
He didn’t want to waste any more of his time on people who weren’t going to reach out and trace circles onto his chest in the middle of the night, or who weren’t going to dance around the kitchen in his clothes while cooking dinner, or who weren’t going to look at him with eyes so tender, it would render him useless for days to come.
He’d been waiting sixteen years to find his person, the one who would choose him everyday over everyone else, and in hindsight it didn’t quite seem like a long time. But as he cried silently to himself every few nights in bed, feeling the empty space next to him and yearning for the one who was meant to be there, sixteen years felt like a lifetime.
He thought for a long while, that maybe she was in another country, or maybe she was an auror or something, fighting her way through the monsters of the wizarding world.
He’d thought for a bit that perhaps he just hadn’t met her yet.
But as the days dragged on and he found himself lost in crowds, searching face after face, looking for hers, he truly felt as though all hope was lost.
And so George paced back and forth in the kitchen of his flat, biting at his nails and pouring himself hefty glasses of wine, keen on ignoring everyone’s attempts at getting him to come out.
Maybe this was what he deserved.
Maybe because he wasn’t out there, sleeping with people whose names he wouldn’t remember come morning like everyone else, he was just going to be alone.
Maybe there really wasn’t someone out there for him. Maybe not everyone finds true love. Maybe his parents had just gotten lucky.
The dull ache in George’s heart grew stronger, and for the upteenth night in a row, he laid in bed and gripped the covers and cried himself to sleep, his tears sliding down his cheeks the same way the evening rain slid down the window terrace.
-- -
Twenty-four-year old George Weasley stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he felt it.
That feeling. The one from the staircase as he watched his parents dance, all those years ago.
Heart pounding, chest rising, hands freezing.
It hit him square in the chest without warning, nearly knocking him over though his feet were rooted into the ground at the spot, smack dab in the middle of that cafe in the middle of London.
Someone was playing a slow, soft piano tune coming from the other end. People were filtering in and out, asking the man in front of them what exactly he was staring at and why he wasn’t moving. But George Weasley stood where he was, not taking his eyes off of you.
You were reading furiously, flipping through pages of a book gripped tightly in your hands, as though you couldn’t devour the plot fast enough. George watched with admiration as a gentle smile tugged at your lips, as your eyes scanned the words quickly, as you tapped your foot on the ground, in rhythm with that slow piano.
He watched with dazed eyes and parted lips as you finished the end of your book. You dabbed your eyes with a tissue and clutched the book tightly to your chest, overwhelmed, clearly, by the end of the plot. George’s heart soared so high at your passion that he found himself struggling to hold back the I love you that was pressing behind his lips.
You immediately took a long sip of your tea and placed your finished book back into your bag, only to pull out another and immediately immerse yourself in the next story. George laughed to himself, stunned that you were so intent on falling into someone else’s storyline, if only for a little while, that you hadn’t dared take a break from one book to the next. You merely jumped right in.
He wondered if his overwhelming feelings called out to you like a signal of sorts, because just as he was working up the courage to walk over to you, you looked up. You searched the room for a moment before meeting his gaze and suddenly, the world around you both stopped.
George found himself wanting to know everything about you. He itched to devour up any and all information you’d be so kind to provide to him -- your name, your favorite color, your birthday. He wanted to know what book you’d just been reading, and what about it had moved you so much to the point of tears. He wanted to know everything, but deep in his soul, he also knew that he’d have years to learn it all.
In fact, he’d have the rest of forever.
Your eyes went soft and George began to feel the steady pounding of his heart increase, and to his amazement, he noticed a gentle smile tug at the edges of your lips.
And he smiled back.
He’d been right all along. That feeling of finding the one would smack him square in the face. He wondered, as he peered at you now, biting down on your bottom lip and looking toward the ground, why he’d ever doubted himself in the first place. And he wondered when you looked back up at him once again and raised a hand to say hello, if you’d been smacked in the face with that feeling too, just like he had.
He resisted the urge to pour his heart out to you, right here and right now. He’d have time.
Perhaps today was just about having today, and recognizing that you were everything he’d been looking for since that evening on the staircase.
He’d tell you this one day.
-- -
“And what does… Lumox mean again?”
George laughed and squeezed your hands. “You mean, Lumos?”
You bit your lip in embarrassment and laughed, too. “Yes! Lumos. That’s the one that produces light, right?”
George brought your hands to his lips and kissed them gently. You two were seated inside a bustling restaurant in Diagon Alley, and he wondered if people passing by realized just how cozy you two looked together. “You’re more brilliant than most witches I know.”
You cocked your head to the side with an air of confidence and batted your eyelashes at him. “What can I say, Georgie? I may have been born a… Mugglie… but maybe I was meant to be a witch.”
George had to bite down on his lip to keep from laughing. He couldn’t get over how painfully adorable you were as you attempted to pronounce these wizarding words and learn spells and charms and things as he taught you all things about the wizarding world. You took his wand and pointed it at your wine glass, pretending to transfigure it. You couldn’t, of course, since you weren’t a magical being. But George didn’t mind. He could watch you pretend all day long.
In all his years of studying magic, he’d never felt anything quite like this.
BONUS, just because i hate feeling sad asf:
Thirty-two-year old George Weasley rocked his redheaded daughter back and forth in his arms, until he was certain that she was sound asleep again -- her mouth open wide as she began to snore softly when he placed her back into her crib.
He peered up at the clock on the wall and blinked a few times before 4:32 a.m. came into focus. Exhausted, he made his way back into his room before sliding into bed.
And there it was again. That feeling.
You turned over in bed to face him, squinting in the darkness as your eyes adjusted to the scene unfolding before you. Groggily, you reached out and traced your fingers across his jawline. His heart nearly stopped. “Is she alright?” you asked sleepily.
George grinned softly and leant forward before pressing a kiss to your forehead. He whispered, “She’s alright. Go back to sleep.”
Though your eyes were already shut, you reached out again and took his hand in yours before bringing your lips gently to his fingers. “Okay.. I love you.. G’night..”
But you were asleep again before George could respond, so instead he pulled you closely to him and began to gently trace circles on your bare shoulders. He breathed in the smell of your shampoo, and listened intently for the beating of your heart that had fallen into sync with his.
Tears pushed at the edges of his eyes, but he slowed his breathing and reminded himself, again, that there was no longer an empty space beside him in bed.
Maybe he shouldn’t have ever given up hope, but perhaps giving up hope was what made finding you so much sweeter.
If only he could tell seven-year-old George what he’d find when the time was right.
And in the darkness, as the rain pattered on the rooftop of his house and he felt your embrace tighten around his body, he whispered into the silence, “I love you, too.”
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @acciotwinz @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @highly-acidic @90shermione @zreads @holland-parkers @andromedaa-tonks @bbstrawberry0421 @princessof-theuniverse @cappsikle @awritingtree @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyinhserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook @izzytheninja @imboredandneedalife @hemmoporro @valwritesx @heavenlymidnight @hannolannno @msmimimerton @oh-for-merlins-sake @hufflepuff5972 @pigwidgexn @sarcasticallywitty15 @breadqueen95 @teawiththeweasleys @pit-and-the-pen @phuvioqhile @vogueweasley @hufflrpuffforfred @harrypotter289 @lovefromrosie | message me if you’d like to be added or removed or have changed your URL so i can update!
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part Eight (Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
Sorry for such a long delay!! It’s my little boy’s first birthday this week so I’ve been running around making arrangements and picking up last minute presents! Hope you enjoy this little chapter. It’s only 3K words, but it is a build up ready for the next chapter which will contain smut! Not full blown smut (I don’t think Mycroft is ready for that yet!) but still smutty nonetheless!
I will separate the smutty bit enough so that you can skip it if you want, but it will be referenced later on in that chapter!
Word Count- 3062
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This morning differed from the last few that you had experienced since staying at Mycroft's home, namely because Mycroft had awoken before you this time, but also because it was the first morning you had ever been awoken by long fingers prodding at your forehead. That and also because, despite last night's late events, you managed to arise at a reasonable 9am.
"Did you know there are a lot nicer ways to wake somebody up?" You questioned, opening your eyes to see Mycroft staring at you with a slight frown to his brow. He retracted his hand slightly and shifted to sit a little higher.
"You know, Sherlock as a child once woke me in a similar way. I felt small scratches on my eyebrows and woke up to see him crouched over me with a smug little grin on his face. As it turns out, he had slipped sleeping pills into my cup of tea before bed and in my slumber covered my eyebrows in toothpaste." You covered your mouth with your hand and snorted slightly. "He'd come in to see if there was anything left beneath them, which, of course, there wasn't.. claimed it was just an experiment. I'd like to laugh and be more dignified about it upon looking back, but I struggle because he was only six and already a sod."
"Okay, you've proven there are in fact worse ways to wake up." You didn't make big deals out of it, but every time Mycroft welcomed you a little more into the stories of his youth, you can't help but feel your heart warm. It may not seem like much, but coming from Mycroft, a very private man who hasn't been treated the best over the years, it meant everything. You stretched and moved your hands up to rub your eyes, flinching a little as your fingers brushed against the bit of your head above your eyebrows. "Bugger." You winced, poking again and feeling a small lump.
"I was going to warn you but you laughed at my traumatic eyebrow removal story." You groaned and recalled your memory of last night and where you believe the bruise originated from.
"I jumped into bed last night sulking a bit that you wouldn't talk to me and uh.. misjudged.." Mycroft snickered slightly from your side, you swatted his arm. "Tit. I'm blaming you. This wouldn't have happened if you didn't go all Han Solo in carbonite on me." You spoke playfully, letting him know you weren't truly peeved.
"I thought you said it was cute?"
"That was clearly a concussion talking." You stretched once more and climbed out of the bed, walking over to a mirror above a dressing table and rolling your eyes. "Might need your special government powers to clear out the cafe else Ms Woodall will think we've had a domestic." Bernice Woodall, owner of one of your favourite little cafes settled on the outskirts of St James' Park was a very.. particular lady. She could have a good laugh one moment, and start a quarrel with a customer over the amount they stir their tea the next. But, you'd have to admit, she has one hell of an all day breakfast menu; you could practically taste one of her omelettes just by thinking about it, making your stomach growl loudly.
"I would but, if I am to be very honest, she genuinely scares me a little. I think she could overthrow MI5 so I daren't even try." You stood and moved into Mycroft's bedroom, grabbing your bag of clothes and picking through a few of the pairs of your jeans Anthea had brought and scanning through the t-shirts. Your fingers brushed over the creases of the shirt that had formed from being stuffed in the bag and frowned.
"Perhaps it would be more suitable for you to pop those in one of the chest of drawers? I'm sure I have at least one drawer empty.." Myc's voice came from behind you and you fell from your crouching position, clutching your heart.
"You and your bloody spy legs, you just scared the shit out of me." You stood back up, your pile of today's clothes in one hand and the bag of the rest in the other. "Giving me a drawer in your place already? Ooh Myc you are serious." You grinned playfully, following him as he guided you to a set of drawers in the opposite corner of the room. Mycroft halted and opened his mouth to make some kind of comment but you cut him off, placing your folded clothes inside the Edwardian furniture. "Only teasing.. I'm just glad you haven't kicked me out yet. Though I don't think my own bed will ever feel as comfortable as yours. I might not want to go back now you've spoilt me, you'll just have to be blunt when you're bored of me." You winked at him and carried your outfit into the en suite bathroom to get ready. Mycroft headed over to his wardrobe to pluck out his own clothes, electing to remain somewhat casual for your trip to breakfast with a pair of navy chinos and a lighter blue button up before muttering slightly under his breath.
"And if I never am?"
In the rare parts of his life where he allowed to imagine himself getting into a relationship, Mycroft had never expected himself to be overwhelmed with so much emotion so quickly, but with you it was almost as though he had no control; as though there had been so many pent up feelings over the years that they just seem to have exploded without any rational thought behind it. And whilst these were all new to Mycroft, and how he still wasn't entirely sure about everything that he felt when it came to things with you, the only thing he was positive about was that he didn't want it to go. And that meant not wanting you to leave. Which was ridiculous. You had just under two weeks left together until you would be needed back at work, and he would have to return to fighting on Britain's behalf, but the thought of you not being at home to greet him when he finished, or him not being able to pick you up in one of his cars from the Yard to take you both home made him feel a sense of disappointment. He shook himself from his thoughts when you emerged from the bathroom fully dressed.
"On second thoughts, I may take the risk. I'm not sure I can have members of the general public associating me with a Sex Pistols fan, no matter how humerous you may believe that top to be." You walked out proudly wearing your 'God Save the Queen' t-shirt with a grin. "You are aware tha-"
"That when the Sex Pistols released their song 'God Save the Queen' in 1977 it was around the same time of The Queen's silver jubilee and thus it was banned for a while on the premise of being 'bad gross taste'? You've only mentioned it every time I wear this shirt.. Though if your research extended enough then you'd know Paul Cook said it wasn't written specifically FOR the jubilee.. So if one of Lizzie's spies catch me in the act, I shall make a very sincere apology." Mycroft took his own clothes into the bathroom to get ready himself and scoffed.
"But I AM one of 'Lizzie's Spies'." He mused, leaning slightly against the doorframe after settling the outfit on the counter. You turned around on your heel and stood up on your tiptoes, pushed him more forcefully against the doorframe and placed your hands on Mycroft's cheeks, pressing your lips softly against his. His shock subsided before he kissed you tentatively, his hand resting on your lower back. You pulled away after a moment and ushered him into the bathroom to get ready, closing the door behind you and leaving him still slightly red faced and confused.
"Consider that my sincere apology." You headed over to the dresser and began to tie up your hair. "But hurry up, I'm starving." You called, moving the hairbrush too low and brushing against your bruise, making you wince loudly. From the bathroom, you heard Mycroft's voice before the sound of him brushing his teeth.
"Well I was thinking more along the lines of breakfast, but who knows what the day will bring." You heard the sound of Mycroft choking on his toothpaste and wished to whatever deity out there that you could have seen his face. Yes, you had promised to try and be less overbearing with your comments but he walked into that one. You grinned and sat down on the side of the bed, briefly scanning through your phone before Mycroft emerged, his face still burnt a red as deep as the burgundy sweatshirt he had paired with his outfit. The fact he had come out at all at least let you know that your joke hadn't taken it too far.
"You're a minx."
"And you wouldn't change it. Now let's go!"
Only 20 minutes later had you both be found sitting comfortably in Ms Woodall's cafe, tucking into your respective meals- with you noticing, but not commenting on, Mycroft eating comfortably until the last bite of toast was gone, a sense of pride warming within you. Not too long after, Bernice herself headed over to clear up your tables.
"I trust everything was up to standard?" She asked, piling your plates onto her little trolley and offering top ups on your drinks.
"Splendid as usual, Ms Woodall." Mycroft smiled, accepting his new cup of tea and cradling it comfortably between his long fingers.
"Still proving to be our favourite place for breakfast." You praised, your hand reaching out to fondly brush against Mycroft's before taking your coffee into hand. Bernice watched your movements and raised her brow knowingly.
"Took the pair of you long enough. I had been half tempted to abstain from feeding you here until I got one of you to say something, it had started making me feel a bit sick watching you eye each other up each time you'd get up to order something." You rested your elbow on the table, hand covering your mouth as you let out a laugh.
"Yes, well, I can't promise you the ogling will stop on my behalf." You teased.
"And why should it? Mr Holmes in those posh little outfits is enough to make anyone swoon." And with that she had headed back out into the kitchen again.
"There you go, Myc. Should anything happen to me, my replacement is only round the corner."
"Mmm, and she does make a rather good cup of tea. Perhaps I shouldn't wait that long." His lip raised slightly in a smirk as he took a sip of his hot beverage.
"Oh really? Need I start getting possessive; stand my ground?" Before Mycroft could quip back, Ms Woodall had returned with a plate of biscuits in hand.
"Means you've already answered my next question, anywho." She hummed, placing the plate down between you and perching on the corner of the table beside yours. The pair of you gave her a questioning look and she continued, pointing up to her own forehead. "Tony and I were just as bad at the start of our marriage. Anywhere and everywhere we could get our hands on each other, I ended up with bumps and scrapes from alleys, the backs of cars, even in that one restaurant toilet that time.." You choked on your coffee and Mycroft all but dropped his teacup. "Oh don't act so ignorant, even us oldies had sex in their time." Your eyes caught Mycroft's and you could see him stifling down a laugh, biting softly on his knuckle- which, in itself, shouldn't have been as attractive to you as it was, but it is what it is.
"And with that thought, we best be off. Got a movie date planned." You commented, coughing down your own laugh as Bernice continued.
"Though to be fair it never stopped, all that spontaneity. Even towards the end, he could be like a lad of nineteen with how it was. God the positions, you'd have mistaken me for a gymnast and he could last for ages. I'd just lie there wondering 'will this pleasure never end'?" You could feel tears prick at your eyes as your laughter began to break through. "And then of course once Tony passed a couple years ago it all stopped. Shame really, all those years together, ending how it did.. Though sometimes I'm not sure if it's him that I miss or his massiv-"
"Ms Woodall we really should be going, thank you for breakfast." Mycroft hastily threw a few £20 notes on the table, far too much to cover your meal but enough to distract Bernice while tugging your hand and beelining for the door. Once safely distanced from the apparent nymphomaniac cafe owner you had to stop in your tracks to let out a laugh, Mycroft's hand still in yours as you doubled over.
"I can't believe she said that! She's so open."
"Evidently." Mycroft's comment set you off again, his laughter following, ignoring how you caught the attention of a few people passing by. "I do hope you are in no rush for breakfast there again any time soon, I don't think I can look her in the eye for a good while."
"Still so sure on replacing me with her so soon? I think she'd break you."
"Or turn me into a whore." You snorted and settled back to walking.
"Please. Tea, hold the sexual history."
"I'll try my very best, though, much like my tea, I imagine my list would be abysmal in comparison to old Ms Woodall." You flicked on the kettle, eager to replace the half drunk coffee you had discarded on the cafe table in your escape from listening about pensioner sex. "Will you load up the movie?"
"No. But I shall get the film ready to go.. How the American dialect found its way back to England will never fail to disappoint me." You had followed him into the room shortly after, mugs on the table and settled on the sofa beside Mycroft.
"You know, typically, when people elect for a movie day, they don't choose the tenth movie in the series to watch first." You grinned, tucking your legs beneath your body in an attempt to get comfortable. You continued your shuffling movements and heard Mycroft's voice.
"I believe we both agree that Carry On Cleo is the superior of the 31 movies for, well, a multitude of reasons." He trailed.
"I shan't object. It's sweet that you remember it's the first one we watched together.. Had it not been for you hearing Kenneth's famous 'Infamy, infamy' line persuading you to come over, I fear that I'd have been set up with one of Greg's mates by now, sitting in a pub nursing a G+T."
"I never said I remembered that."
"You didn't have to. You and I both know that your favourite was always Carry on Camping."
"Yes, well.. Opinions change with experience."
"Is this our equivalent of a patronus? Yours has changed and matched with mine? Very cute, Myc. Might I expect you in a 'Never Mind the Bollocks' shirt next week?" You teased, electing to lay down with your head lightly using Mycroft's thigh as a pillow, feeling grateful when he didn't shove you off with a comment about ruining the linen of his trousers, and instead took to softly brushing his fingers over your head, narrowly missing the purple bump each time.
"You'd have better chances of catching me running naked down the street."
"Is that a promise?" A flick to your forehead.
"Just play the bloody film."
By the time the film had finished, your cheeks had hurt from smiling and your eyelids had felt heavy. Whilst getting up at a reasonable hour had felt like an achievement this morning, the lack of sleep from the previous night was beginning to catch up to you.
"Myc? Would it be entirely improper to nap on the sofa when there are multiple reasonable beds upstairs before continuing our films?"
"Only about as improper as it is to have a midday nap when you're not a young child." You shifted your head from his lap and sat up, ignoring the fact that you actually did end up ruining the linen of his trousers with the crease of your skull.
"Let me rephrase. Mycroft, would you be willing to break your proper posh boy streak and nap with me on the sofa?"
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to deviate from one's usual behaviours in order to satisfy those one holds dear."
"That's a yes, right? Good, lay down, else I may just collapse right at this moment." Mycroft's sofa certainly was a significantly bit bigger than those usually found in somebody's front room, but it was still nowhere near wide enough for two people to lay with distance. Even still, he followed your request and rotated his body, lifting his long legs to rest down the side of the sofa while you slid into the gap beside him. He eventually circled his arm beneath you and rested his hand on your hip, your face softly brushing against the comforting material of his jumper. "If you drop me, I will be holding you accountable." You mumbled, shifting your body closer to his. He merely hummed, his hand slightly bunching in your shirt and his arm tightening. "I'd always hoped you were secretly a cuddler."
"Make a point of it or tell Sherlock and I'll throw you off." You couldn't even think of a witty comeback before your slumber had taken over, the smell of Mycroft and the sounds of him breathing overstimulating your senses. Mycroft being a secret cuddler hadn't been as much of a shock to you as it probably should have, but you welcome it completely and feel incredibly thankful that he trusts you enough to let you be that close to him, to feel his body in such a way. And you would embrace that- and him- as long as he would let you.
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twotapbuz · 3 years
The leader and a body guard(Rin x reader)
(Sorry this took so long, school sucked all of my motivation away. You can find the rest of the series here: Eloni )
warning: violence, slight angst with a happy ending
Sometime after the rock revolution, Neon J decided to leave for a 3-week vacation
This meant that you and your coworkers would need to report to Rin
The first couple of days were difficult because Rin didn’t seem to care about the reports and would flirt with whoever was giving him the report
It wasn’t till week two that things began to spiral
1010 had been in the middle of a performance when a fight broke out in the crowd
You jumped out of where you were standing to help control the crowd
You assessed the damage after everything calmed down
The venue + stage was partially destroyed, Purl-Hew lost his glasses and an eye, Haym lost an arm, Zimelu and Eloni’s faces were cracked, and Rin was missing
Rin was missing
This was bad news as the factory still hadn’t been repaired yet which meant that he couldn’t be brought back until Neon J came back
And if Neon J found out that you lost a member of 1010, you and your co-workers would be fired
So your group split into two parts, one half would take Zimelu, Haym, Purl- Hew, and Eloni back to Barraca Mansion while the other half would search for Rin
You were placed into the latter
It had been nearly an hour since Rin was discovered missing and there still was no sign of him. You were definitely going to get fired. While the concert was in Cast Tech, you along with several others were sent to search Metro Division in case he simply went back to Baraca Mansion without telling anyone. You were about to head back when you heard the sound of crashing metal. 
“Hello, is anyone there?” You didn’t mean to say anything, but you were caught off guard. Against your better judgment, you began to walk towards that alley. You were desperate to find him after all.
“Stay back! RETREAT!” shouted a panicked autotuned voice. It was Rin.
“Rin? Is that you? Are you ok?” you rushed down the alley to find Rin hiding next to a dumpster.
“Don’t look at me!” Rin was trying to cover the right side of his face with his arm.
“What? Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah! Do not worry about me, I’ll make it back fine,” Rin tried to stand up, still covering his face, but immediately fell back down because his leg was missing.
“Look… everyone’s worried about you and you won’t be able to make it back by yourself with that leg,” you gestured at Rin’s broken leg. Please let me help you, I know some shortcuts.” You offered your arm. Rin hesitantly lifted his hand for his face and grabbed your hand for support. The metal that covered the right side of her face was gone, revealing the damaged hardware underneath.
You involuntarily flinched, he may not have been human, but it was still pretty jarring to look at something that looked like a person who was missing part of their face. Rin also flinched, covering his missing face with both of his hands now.
“I’m so sorry about that”, you rubbed your neck, “I just… well I didn’t expect the injury to be that bad.”
“You aren’t going to scream, are you?
“What? No, I'm very sorry about that. Besides I’ve seen way worse” you joked, trying to release the tension. Rin hesitantly uncovered his face once again and grabbed your hand and pulled himself up. The two of you dodged the groups of people walking through Metro Divison.
As the two of you were walking through, you couldn’t help but wonder about Rin’s reaction when it suddenly hit you, 1010 got severely injured during the rock revolution. One of these injuries included all of them losing their faceplates. Their fans unsurprisingly freaked out which caused 1010 to explode due to some protocol Neon J must’ve implemented. Your heart sank when you realized Rin’s reaction wasn’t because he was worried about his image, but he was scared of you screaming and what would follow afterward.
After that incident, Rin seemed to act differently towards you. He took you more seriously and listened to your reports
Even after Neón J came back, Rin still came to you for your reports
Probably just practice for when Neón j retires, you thought
As the weeks passed, the time spent on the casual chats you had increased to the point you’d forgot to give him the actual report several times
“And that’s how we got Quienne and Bebe.” Rin had just finished telling you the story of how they got their cats by Haym and Eloni smuggling them in through a box. This was one of many of the 'behind the scenes stories' that Rin had told you. While they didn’t act that much different when they weren’t on camera or in front of a crowd, it was nice to be trusted enough to hear about their personal lives.
“So what about you?”
“Do you have any good stories? I don’t think it’s fair if I tell all of my secrets after all~.” Rin teased
“Well, I do have one. I was at a dance audition and waiting for my turn to perform and this dude that was performing was pretty much a circus act. He was doing all these frontflips and backflips and it was just crazy. Wish I had recorded it.”
“You used to be a performer? How come you stopped?” Rin curiously asked.
“Nah, I never made it past the first round of auditions. I didn't really mind since I only entered to support a friend.” You sipped on your coffee
“That’s a shame.” Rin paused for a moment. “You know I could always offer you lessons.”
 “that's really nice, but I’ll have to decline. No amount of practice can fix these two left feet.” You looked at the clock, realizing half an hour had passed. You quickly said your goodbye and left to avoid getting into trouble. Rin watched your back as he left, unsure why he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
Rin was walking to his dressing room when he saw you walking alongside several other security staff. As rude as it sounded, Rin normally wouldn’t think twice about the people he worked with. Most staff would either quit from being harassed by crazy 1010 fans or get fired for secretly being 1010 fans who used the job to get access to 1010 content, or worse, 1010 themselves. Rin shuddered as memories of one of the many incidents came back. Rin could count on both of his hands the amount of current staff that has been working for over a year and you were one of them. Rin began to think about the early part of his career when he and his family would actively engage with the staff, talking about both of their personal lives and inviting them over to hang out in the mansion. He and his brothers stopped interacting with the staff after the high turnover started. What was the point of talking with them if they were going to quit and avoid 1010 like the plague or get fired and be avoided by 1010 like the plague. He was glad that he could talk to you. He also liked the sound of your voice and how your eyes sparkled brighter than the LEDs that lit up him and his brothers. Rin blushed at the last thoughts. The sound of your voice and the sparkle of your eyes? It’s not like he was in love with you or anything. He was technically your boss and your relationship was completely professional. Yeah, your interactions were one of his favorite parts of his day and your smile would always brighten his day, but even if he was in love with you(which he is not) there’s still the challenge of gaining the approval of his family and having to deal with his fan’s harassment. He couldn’t let you go through that. Though Rin couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to talk with you outside of work…even go on a couple dates… maybe he was in love afterall.
You walked past Rin and smiled. Despite your attempts, you fell for Rin's charm just like his fans did and it took you no time to notice this. You knew you were never going to say anything, afterall, everyone knows the rule about not dating coworkers and Rin can choose practically anyone, why would he pick you?
It was the first concert after the rock revolution
The fans were extra antsy due to the lack of content, so it was all hands on deck
You were positioned on the front of the stage
This concert was no different than the previous ones, 1010 were performing, a couple of their fans attempted to jump on the stage, and you could barely hear your own thoughts over the mix of music and cheering. Suddenly both of those stopped. You looked at the stage and so 1010 standing still in mid-performance. You were told about this situation during training: it was either a malfunction or a hacking. You prayed that it wasn’t the latter. 1010 suddenly began to move in sync, but it was different from their normal in sync movement. You saw two fans get tackled to the ground as a red saw blade passed them at what would’ve been chest height. Your radio buzzed loudly as you were given your new orders:
“Get everyone out of there.”
It was chaos as you rushed around to get everyone out of the venue. Those with superhuman abilities(pyrokinesis, levitation, etc) stayed behind to prevent 1010 from leaving the venue. Despite not having any abilities, you stayed behind too. You were running around in the back looking for anyone who still might be there when the rubble from an explosion behind you knocked you to the ground. You quickly got up and saw Rin towering over Neon J. Without thinking, you quickly grabbed a nearby pipe that came from the newly busted wall and smashed it over Rin’s head. This managed to stop his attack, but it also brought his attention to you. He suddenly ran towards you, grabbed you, and threw you against the wall. Your consciousness began to fade in and out as your head collided with the wall. You saw Rin approaching you, then darkness, Rin raising his arm to strike, darkness again, Rin being pulled away by Neón J, darkness again, the inside of an ambulance, and then nothing.
You woke up in a hospital room. Your eyes scanned the room: on your right was a monitor accompanied by an IV drip. On your left was a small table with flowers, a get-well balloon, a couple cards, and a Rin with a worried face sitting on one of the chairs of the room. Rin noticed you were awake and quickly rushed before stopping unsure of what to do.
“Y/N” Rin said, unsure of what to do or say
“Y/N… I’m so sorry about what happened- I didn’t want to-I couldn’t stop- if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you-” Rin began to stutter out of guilt. He kept making sentences but giving up on them and starting new ones.
“Rin, please” Rin paused and looked at you. “It’s not your fault, I know you would never do this” the two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before you continued, “You know... if the offers still up… I’d be happy to accept those dance lessons when I get discharged." Rin began to smile
“Yeah, the offers still up”
Neon J walked through the hospital’s halls. For the past two weeks, he had been personally escorting Rin to your hospital room. He knew Rin felt responsible for your injuries so he didn’t object to this despite the possible security risks(he couldn't keep his boys locked up). He had heard from Rin that you had woken up and he was glad that you were ok, but he had to cut your visitor time short due to an interview that all 1010 members must be present for. He walked into your room to find the two of you sleeping with Rin’s head on your lap. 
“It’ll be fine if Rin misses one interview.” Neon J thought as he closed the door. He also began to wonder how long it will be before Rin introduces you officially to the family.
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blackspoon99 · 3 years
The Sign of Three Pt. 3
Sherlock x Female! Reader
TW: Drinking, Language, Potential Emetophobia (If you’ve seen this episode, you know), Spoilers to Season 3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
“Of course, there’s hours of material here, but I’ve cut it down to the really good bits.”
Oh god, the stag night. You almost laughed just thinking about it. It was unbelievable that Sherlock was willingly telling this story to an audience. You were fortunate enough to witness some of the events of the night firsthand.
The story began the morning of in Baker Street, 11 am:
It was a Saturday morning, and you were over having tea with Sherlock. For the two of you, “having tea” consisted of you both reading in complete silence while you happened to be drinking tea. It was a common occurrence, and for you, it was a treasured tradition. You were curled up in John’s chair opposite Sherlock. Today, you were reading Emma by Jane Austen. You peeked over at Sherlock to see what he was reading. Sherlock was reading a book titled “Atlas of Forensic Pathology”. Riveting. The book looked so heavy; it would probably go straight through the floor if he dropped it.
You returned to your book. This was probably your third time reading the Jane Austen classic. You were inexplicably drawn to the plot, the message, the love story, all of it. You finally were at your favorite part. When Mr. Knightly said to Emma, “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” You looked at Sherlock over the pages of your book. You couldn’t help but consider the relevance of the quote in your own life.
When you first came to terms with the fact that you were in love with Sherlock, the feeling had burned through you. You couldn’t focus and constantly fought the urge to tell him. Possibly because of the several near-death experiences you'd had. After you made up with Sherlock at the engagement party, the feeling persisted but it was almost duller, easier to live with. You’d slowly regained security in Sherlock’s role in your life and you no longer constantly worried he’d leave again. You returned to your version of mundane and your unrequited feelings for Sherlock became the new normal. It had become more of a consistent ache than a burn.
Sherlock interrupted your thoughts: “Shouldn’t it be relatively easy to find a new book to read if you work in a bookstore?”
“True, but I like this one,” you said without looking up from your book.
“Why? What do you gain from reading a convoluted story of questionable morals that provides no useful information?”
You finally put your book down. “Because, I like to read for fun. Maybe you should try it sometime.”
Sherlock smiled and scoffed at you then returned to his book.
You shook your head and downed the rest of your tea. “Okay, I’ve got to go to work.” You got up and took your mug to the kitchen. On your way back to gather your things, you noticed an open file on the kitchen table that looked like a John Watson scrapbook. You pulled the first paper off the stack to see a cutout of John’s head pasted onto the Vitruvian Man. “Sherlock?” you called over your shoulder, “What’s this file for?”
“What file?” He asked.
You picked up the file and carried it back to the living room. You returned to your seat and started thumbing through it.
“Oh. That’s for the stag night,” said Sherlock.
“Stag night? I didn’t think you would want to do that sort of thing”
“Why not?” He swiftly closed his book. If you didn’t know better, you’d take the action as a sign of offense.
“Uh, no reason,” you said hastily. The file was full of peer-reviewed studies on alcohol consumption, detailed chemistry notes, and copies of John’s medical records. The last page was a detailed schedule of where they were going and how much they were going to drink every hour. “This is awfully thorough.”
“I needed to ensure the maximum amount of enjoyment for the both of us for the duration of the night.”
“How considerate of you.” You put the file down and leaned forward. “So, what do you have planned?”
“John and I will be drinking at a pub on every street we ever found a corpse.”
“That is oddly perfect for the both of you.”
“I thought so,” Sherlock said with a grin.
You looked at the time. If you didn’t leave now, you’d be late. “Well, I’m off. See you later, Sherlock.”
“Yes, yes, goodbye,” he mumbled and returned to reading. You left the file on the table, gathered your belongings, and left for your shift. 
Later that evening:
You closed the bookshop at 8 pm and headed to the tube station. As you made your way through the crowded streets, you heard your phone ringing. You dug through your bag to find it as you walked. You saw Sherlock’s name on the caller ID and answered it. Your ears were immediately assaulted by electronic dance music.
You heard Sherlock’s voice first “Shut up John, I’m calling her.” He shouted over the music
“Who?” you then recognized John’s voice.
“Her John, I’m calling her!”
You struggled to hear the call over the booming music “Hello?? Sherlock? Why are you calling me?”
“Oh! It’s y/n! Hello!” John shouted into the phone. You winced at the volume.
“John? Where are you? Are you drunk?”
“Stag night! Sherlock tried to measure my piss. Then he got into a fight.”
“Give me that back” Sherlock’s voice “Y/n meet us back at Baker Street. It’s an ‘mergency”
“What did you say? Sherlock? It’s really hard to hear,”
“Baker Street. Now!” He shouted then hung up.
For a moment, you stood in the street, dumbfounded. It was only 8 pm and both Sherlock and John were piss drunk at some club. You couldn’t even begin to process the rest of the information. So much for Sherlock’s plan, although it did seem like they had “maximized their enjoyment”. You weren’t about to miss this.
You arrived at Baker Street by 8:30 pm. You opened the door to find Sherlock and John laying across the bottom of the stairs. “Hello boys, I’m here.” You announced.
At the sound of your voice, Sherlock and John scrambled to sit upright. Sherlock fell down a step in the process. You tried your best to suppress your laughter. “So, I’m here. What’s the emergency, Sherlock?”
“Right, you,” He said, raising his arm to point at you. “Upstairs.”
You watched Sherlock and John slowly stand up. John lifted one foot to climb the stairs, then stumbled backward.
“Do you need help, John?” You asked.
“Nah,” he said, “‘s alright, I’m fine. I can do it myself.”  
You slowly helped Sherlock and John up and into the flat. Sherlock tried to take off his coat, but his arms got stuck behind him. You giggled and gently pulled his coat off him and hung it on the coat rack. You lead Sherlock over to his chair and he flopped down into it.
You went into the kitchen to get some water for him and John. You figured they’d need it. You searched the cabinets, but there wasn’t a clean glass in sight. You resorted to the clean beakers on the countertops instead. You poured two 250mL beakers most of the way with water and walked them back into the living room. When you returned, Sherlock was sitting in his chair. He was drinking from a glass of scotch.
“Sherlock,” you groaned. “Where did you get that?” You attempted to reach for the glass, but he pulled his hand away, spilling it all over himself.
“It’s okay, this is fine,” he said, staring at his scotch-soaked shirt. “Oh,” he started. “I almost forgot,” Sherlock leaned over the side of his chair to grab something off the floor “You left this,” Sherlock said and handed you your copy of Emma. You hadn’t even realized it was gone.
“That was the emergency?”
“I still don’t understand how you could read this 3 times,” Sherlock slurred. “It’s so- what’s the word? Incorrect? ‘There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.’ What an absurd thing to say” He contorted his face into an expression of disgust and took a sip of scotch from the glass in his hand.
“You read it? Today?” The fact that Sherlock had gone out of his way to read your favorite book made you unnaturally happy. You knew not to read into the things with Sherlock, but sometimes you couldn’t help yourself.
“You left it behind and I was so bored. Besides, I had to understand why you liked it so much. I still don’t know.”
You leaned over and snatched the glass of scotch from him. “I don’t think that’s the best idea, do you?” You handed him the beaker of water.
“Thank you,” he said with a goofy grin. In all the years you’d known Sherlock, you had never seen him like this. It was odd to say the least yet decidedly hilarious.
“Where’s John?”
Sherlock didn’t answer but pointed in the general direction of the bathroom. You decided to take the seat opposite Sherlock. As you sat down, Sherlock put his water on the floor. He then leaned forward and put his head in his hands, staring at you.
“What are you doing, Sherlock?” you asked.
“You,” he said, pointing at your face “are so hard to figure out sometimes, you know that?”
“It’s soooooo annoying. I can tell what almost everyone is thinking all the time, but not always you.”
“You think I’m hard to read?”
“Yes, you. Y/n L/n.” He waved his hands around while he slightly slurred his words.
“Okay then, how about this: I tell you what I’m thinking right now, and you do the same. Then, for one moment, we can understand each other completely.”
Sherlock furrowed his brow “You first.”
“I’m thinking… that I’m glad you called me.” Sherlock smiled and nodded. You giggled, “Now it’s your turn, and don’t lie to me. What are you thinking in this moment?”
Sherlock paused. “I’m thinking that my shirt’s all wet,” he said with a slight frown.
“That’s your own fault,” you said, putting one hand over your mouth to contain your laughter.
John re-entered the room holding post-it notes and a sharpie. “I’ve just had the best idea,” he said with a sloppy grin.
The three of you all had post-its stuck to your foreheads, each with names written down. John sat in the client’s seat with the name MADONNA scribbled on the piece of paper stuck to his forehead. Sherlock, much to your enjoyment, had SHERLOCK HOLMES sloppily written on his forehead. As per the game, you had no idea what was written on yours. Sherlock was lounging back in his chair, resting his head on his hand.
“Am I a vegetable?” asked John
“You? Or the thing?” Sherlock asked smiling. The two of them snickered.
“Funny!” said John.
Sherlock looked down and smiled. “Thank you,” he choked out.
“To answer your question, John, no,” you said.
“Your go, Sherlock,” said John.
“Erm…. am I human?” he asked, turning to you.
“Sometimes,” you said with a smirk.
“No, no, it can’t be sometimes, can’t have that…”
“Fine. Yes, you’re human” you confirmed. “My turn. Am I a man?”
“Yeeep” answered John. “Sherlock, you again,” John said, forgetting it was his turn.
“Am I a man?”
John nodded. Sherlock kept going. “Am I a tall man?”
John looked at you and started laughing before he even spoke “Mm, not as tall as people think.” John’s head flopped to the side as he let out a hiccup
“Ishh,” John said skeptically.
“I’d say so,” you interjected.
“Do people…” he made air quotes as he spoke the word ‘people’ “... like me?”
“Not really,” you said, chuckling “You tend to rub them the wrong way.” If you had to babysit your adult drunk friends, you might as well have some fun.
“Hm,” Sherlock nodded intently. “Am I the current King of England?”
You and John immediately burst into laughter. “Good guess, Sherlock. But you do know England doesn’t have a king?” 
“Don’t we?”
“No,” John said. “Y/n, you go now”
“Right, okay. Am I a friend of ours?”
“Ehh, yes?” Sherlock said.
“Yes, yes they are Sherlock,” said John “Jesus.”
“Well, that narrows it down significantly. Am I Greg?”
“Who’s Greg?” Sherlock asked.
You rolled your eyes and took the post-it off your forehead. The name “Gavin” was written on it in Sherlock’s handwriting. Of course.
“Hey!” Sherlock yelled, “Cheater, that’s cheating. John, did you see that? Y/n’s cheating.” Sherlock got up and took the post-it from your hand. He leaned forward and stuck it back on your forehead. “There. Now it’s John’s turn.”
“Am I a woman?” asked John. He slumped in his seat. Sherlock immediately started giggling. “What?” John asked.
“Yes,” confirmed Sherlock
“Am I a pretty woman?”
“Er, beauty is a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences, and role models.”
“But am I pretty?” John asked again.
“Yeah, Sherlock? Is John a pretty woman?”
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know who you’re supposed to be.”
“What?! You picked the name,” John said.
“Ah, but I picked it at random from the papers,” Sherlock said, flailing his arm over to the stack of newspapers in the corner.
“I don’t think you understand the point of this game, Sherlock,” you added.
“So, I am human, I’m not as tall as people think I am ... I’m-I’m nice-ish ... clever, but I tend to rub them up the wrong way.”
“That’s correct,” said John.
“I’m you, aren’t I?” Sherlock asked, pointing to John.
“Ooh-ooh!” Mrs. Hudson chirped as she knocked on the door. “Client!” Behind Mrs. Hudson was a woman wearing a nurse’s outfit with a cardigan over it. You scrambled to take the post-it off your forehead as you stood up.
“Hello, I’m sorry, but this really isn’t a good time—”
Sherlock immediately stood up and interrupted you. “It’s not a bad time, no, no Y/n. We always help a person in need.”
“Do we?” you said with a forced smile and looked over at John for help. John just stared back blankly at you with a goofy drunken smile.
The woman beamed “Thank you,” she said. “Which one of you is Sherlock Holmes?”
John imitated a slide whistle, and pointed to Sherlock’s post-it on his forehead. Sherlock flashed a wide toothy grin. You put your head in your hands in defeat.
A few moments later, you’d made the woman, Tessa, some tea, and you John and Sherlock were sitting on the couch. Sherlock was sat in between you and John. Tessa sat in a chair opposite the three of you.
“I don’t ... a lot ... I mean, I don’t ... date all that much ... and ... he seemed ... nice, you know?”
You looked over at Sherlock and John hoping they could keep it together. John was blinking slowly and heavily while trying to stay awake. Sherlock was listening to Tessa’s story intently.
She continued. “We seemed to automatically connect. We had one night – dinner, such interesting conversation. It was ... lovely. To be honest, I’d love to have gone further ...”
Beside you, Sherlock closed his eyes and began to lean into your shoulder, dozing off. You subtly elbowed him, and he straightened up abruptly.
“But I thought, no, this is special. Let’s take it slowly, exchange numbers. He said he’d get in touch and then ... Maybe he wasn’t quite as keen as I was ...”
You looked over at John who was practically asleep with his eyes open. He had a blank stare and his mouth hung slightly open.
“But I – I just thought ... at least he’d call to say that we were finished,” Tessa concluded, tearing up slightly and looking at the floor. Immediately, Sherlock’s face contorted into an expression of sympathy as he dramatically brought his hand to his mouth. You stared in disbelief and handed Tessa a tissue. “Thank you,” she said to you. “I went round there, to his flat. No trace of him. Mr. Holmes…”
Sherlock leaned forward and rested his head on his hands.
“I honestly think I had dinner ... with a ghost.”
You and Tessa waited to hear what Sherlock had to say. You leaned forward to look at Sherlock and John’s faces only to discover they had both fallen asleep.
“With a ghost, Mr. Holmes!” Tessa repeated, louder.
You sharply elbowed Sherlock in the ribs much harder than before, and he sprung awake. “Boring, boring, boring,” he mumbled, then turned to you and put his hands on either side of your head. “No! fascinating!” He exclaimed, his face right up close to yours. Sherlock then turned to John “John – John! Wake up!” John finally stirred awake.
“I’m up,” he mumbled.
“Apologies about my ... you know ... thing,” Sherlock said, pointing at John. “Rude. Rude!” he yelled straight into your ear. You grimaced at the loud noise and put your hand on Sherlock’s forearm to settle him.
“Yes, that’s enough, Sherlock,” you whispered. “Uhm, go on, Tessa.”
“I checked with the landlord, and the man who lived there died. Heart attack. And there we are, having dinner one week on.” She turned and began to rummage through her purse. She pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper and handed it to Sherlock. You grabbed it before he could take it. It was a print-out of an online chatroom. “And I found this thing online, sort of chatroom thing for girls who think they’re dating men from the spirit world.”
You nodded. This actually seemed like a decent case. Too bad Sherlock and John probably wouldn’t remember one word of it tomorrow. Sherlock tried to stand up next to you, wobbled, and then put one hand on the top of your head to steady himself. You groaned and struggled to untangle his hand from your hair.
“Don’t worry. I’ll find him in ten minutes,” Sherlock said confidently. Tessa smiled in relief. “What’s your dog’s name?”
You facepalmed and stood up next to Sherlock. He leaned over to wake up John. “John! Wake up! We’re meant to ... The game’s ... something” he said, waving his hand around.
“On!” yelled John.
“Yes, that,” Sherlock said, walking out the door. “Come on, Y/n.”
“Wait, Sherlock. Where are you going?” You protested, following him down the stairs.
“That’s a good question. Where are we going?” he asked Tessa in the foyer.
“Oh! Well, I suppose we ought to go to his flat,” Tessa said.
“Sherlock, no,” you said, “You can’t leave...” you looked off the the side awkwardly “…like this.” He ignored you and dragged John out to the sidewalk by his sweater sleeve. He stepped out into the street and hailed down a cab.
“40a, Jasmine Grove,” interjected Tessa as the cab pulled up.
“Are you coming Y/n?” Sherlock slurred.
“No!” you yelled. “And neither are you.” Before you could reach him, Sherlock climbed into the cab after John and Tessa and slammed the cab door in your face. The car drove off. 
“Come on, really?!” you yelled in frustration. Now you had to follow them. You ran to the edge of the sidewalk and decided to call a cab for yourself.
You finally made it to the apartment to see Tessa and a man you presumed to be the landlord standing by the door. It was a rather modern apartment with exposed brick and abstract furniture. John was standing in the corner with his hands crossed over his chest and his lips pursed. He was swaying slightly, trying to keep his balance. You pushed past the landlord to see Sherlock kneeling on a shag carpet holding his pocket magnifier. As soon as you walked in, he face-planted into the carpet and passed out.
“He’s clueing for looks” John announced, proudly.
“Oh god,” you said, scrambling over to Sherlock. You grabbed his upper arm and tried to pull him up. God, he was heavy. 
“That’s it, I’m calling the police.” The landlord pulled out his cell phone.
“No, no, please, that won’t be necessary,” you protested.
“This is a famous detective. It’s Sherlock Holmes and his partner, John Hamish Watson,” Tessa clarified.
You finally managed to get Sherlock to straighten up. “When did you get here?” Sherlock asked, looking up at you. Then, he bent over and immediately threw up on the carpet.
“Ugh why?” you groaned and plugged your nose. Sherlock wiped his mouth on his sleeve and then clicked his magnifier shut.
The next morning…
The landlord had called the police and the night ended with you watching Sherlock and John being driven away in the back of a police car. You’d immediately called Greg hoping he’d let them go. Greg had said the best he could do was try and let them off with a warning if they spent the night in the drunk tank. When the station opened, Greg sent you a photo of Sherlock and John asleep in a cell with the caption “Come and get ‘em!”
You walked into Scotland Yard and Greg was there to meet you. “Thank you, Greg,” you said, handing him one of the 4 coffees you’d brought.
“God, what on earth happened to them?” Greg asked, taking a sip from the coffee you gave him.
“Stag night got a bit out of hand,” you said. “Afraid I lost control of the situation.”  
“You can say that again,” agreed Greg as the two of you walked through the station to the drunk tank.
“Rise and Shine!” Greg bellowed as he swung open the door. John was awake and sitting on the floor. He had his hands on his head while Sherlock was still fast asleep on the bench.
“Oh my god,” John said, grimacing in pain. “Is that Greg?”
“Get up,” he said “Y/n’s come to collect you. Managed to square things with the desk sergeant.” John painfully and slowly got up. “What a couple of lightweights! Y/n said you couldn’t even make it to closing time!”
“Yeah, could you whisper?” John asked.
“NOT REALLY!” Greg shouted straight into his ear. Across the cell, Sherlock jolted awake, mouth wide open in shock. He tried to stand up, then fell backward back onto the bench. You walked over and helped him up.
“There you go, Sherlock. Nice and easy,” you said quietly and handed him one of the coffees. He took it and stumbled out of the cell, head down. He looked like hell, not to mention the way he smelled. You caught up to John and handed him one of the remaining coffees, leaving the last for yourself. You took a sip of your coffee and continued down the hall. 
“Well, thanks for a ... you know ... an evening,” John said to Sherlock.
“Oh, it was awful,” Sherlock said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I was gonna pretend, but it was, truly,” said John. He then turned to you. “Y/n, I am so sorry, that was—”
“It’s okay, I had fun,” you said with a smile.
“At least someone did,” said Sherlock. “That woman, Tessa, dated a ghost. The most interesting case for months. What a wasted opportunity.”
“Really? That’s your takeaway from this?” you asked. He shrugged. “Come on, boys, let’s get you home.” 
A/N: Stag night! I love this part of the episode, so I hope I did it justice. Funny story. When I was writing this, I was trying to find real book titles for Sherlock to read and I came across a real book titled “Surrounded by Idiots” I wanted to use it in the story SO BAD but it was so perfect, that it sounded cheesy and made up lmao. I’m 100% certain Sherlock would have it in his bookcase though. 
Taglist: @the-chaotic-cow @amoeebaa @scorpios-echos @sad-bitch-h0ur @drifting-away-in-space @that-thing-in-the-graveyard 
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🌔🔥Miami Nights🔥🌔
Prompt: Roman’s little bossy attitude towards Y/N will lead them to one of the most sensual nights they’ve had.
Word count: Long...
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, jealousy, a little bit of angst, “make up sex”, cursing, dirty talking (‘cuz we already know I’m a sucker for it!), praise kink and even a little bit of ass worship (because you can never go wrong with that! 😉)
Tag: @jibbles26 , @lustyromantic , @reigns-5sos , @mindofasagittaruis , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @ziasaph
Notes: So, the fact that I’m a lover of rough smut is no secret (I mean, have you seen the shit I write?!) but something that hits you different is a good old sensual smut! Just the intimacy and slow deep movements of it are just worth drooling.. I’ve been wanting to write a more sensual scene for a while so here you go! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊)You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
My heels click clack fast upon the stairs as I make my way down to the first floor, severely searching for my phone around the living room.
“What are you looking for?” His deep voice echoed from behind me
“Jesus Christ, Roman! You startled me. I’m looking for my phone, have you seen it?”
“Do you mean this one?” He showed me my phone in his hand
“Oh, thank you baby. I-“ I stopped when instead of giving me the phone, he tossed onto his joggings side pocket.
“What are you doing? Give me my phone, please”
“Where are you going to?” He asks, ignoring my request
“My boss called saying he got a last time meeting with that big potential French buyer and asked me to help him with the translation”
He raised his eyebrows “And you’re dressed like this” He scoots closer, pulling at the hem of my black pencil skirt “Just to meet him?”
“I have to dress nicely. It’s a work meeting, so yeah, I need to dress in work clothes” I spat, not really liking where this was going
“Couldn’t you have ‘dressed nicely’ with pants?”
“What’s your point, Roman?” I ask slightly annoyed
“My point is: You’re dressed in a pencil skirt that will make any alive man stare directly at your ass, your cleavage is so deep that I can see your bra” He leans in “You’re wearing your Givenchy perfume, makeup, heels...all of that, just for a meeting with a buyer?” His voice had an incredulous tone to it
“Yes! I just told you it’s a work thing, how do you expect me show up there? With sweatpants and flip flops?!”
He’s still staring at me as he coldly said
“You’re not going out on that outfit”
“WHAT? Are you kidding me? Since when do you prohibit me from wearing something?”
“Since now!” He growled
I bitterly laughed “Sorry my dear, but I’m not one of our children! You don’t tell me what to do. You’re my husband, not my father!”
He closes the distance between us
“Do you really expect me to believe that you’re looking all hot like that for a last minute meeting? I’m not that dumb, baby girl. To me, that smells like there’s some other male trying to piss at my lawn and I don’t like that” His voice is dangerously low
“Are you suggesting that I’m romantically seeing my boss?” I ask in disbelief
“No, you wouldn’t do that. But him on the other hand, always had a soft spot for you. So yeah, I think he pulled together this whole ‘last minute meeting’ thing just so he can be alone with you. That’s why, you’re gonna go upstairs take off that makeup and that outfit and put on something less provocative”
“I’ve ALWAYS dressed like this to work! Even when I worked at the WWE and you’ve never had a problem with it before”
“I have a problem with it now” He growled
“Roman, are you listening to yourself? You better bring that attitude down! That whole ‘tribal chief’ gimmick thing is going up your head”
“You’re not leaving this house in that outfit!” He roars
“That’s nonsense! Give me my phone back, please”
“No” He calmly answered
“Give me my fucking phone, Roman” I spat
“You want your phone back? Go upstairs and change that outfit” He explained like if I was a kid
“Give me my phone!” I try to grab the phone out of his side pocket, but before I could, he grabbed my wrists forcefully. Locking them in his grip, behind my back.
“Oh, you’re in big trouble now” He devilishly laugh
I try to release my wrists from his grip but it was too tight
“Roman, let me go”
“Why should I? I mean, you were brave enough to try to take your phone away from me, so you can be brave enough to free yourself”
I try to pull on my wrists but the more I try to the harder he grips
“Roman, you’re gonna hurt me, let.me.go” I punctuated so maybe he’ll understand
“Stop fighting then!” He pushes me forward with the hand that is on my back securing my wrists, I tripped and he holds me in place by my ass, with his free hand
“This is mine” He slaps my ass forcefully, making me look up at him with pure hatred
“Don’t give me that look” He warned
“You’re gonna make me loose my job!” I start to fight against his firm grip, in despair to release myself
Roman then holds my body against his by my waist
“Behave” He chuckled
I was already pretty annoyed, to be honest, so I spat
“If you don’t let me go, I swear to God I’ll forget that you are my husband and I’m gonna kick your balls so hard, they’re gonna fly out of your mouth!”
He stares at me and let me go
“My phone, please” I reach out my hand so he can place the phone in it, which he obliged.
The front door opened and the kids ran inside like maniacs followed by Jey, who’s holding some bags from the local Candy Shop.
“This isn’t over yet” Roman whispered
“Man, I tell you, the amount of candy that shop has is out of this world!” He chuckled while chewing on something covered in chocolate. He looked at us and said
“Uh oh, I feel some tension...Did I had a bad timing?”
“No, Jey” I say “You couldn’t have a better timing not even if you tried to!” I look away from Roman to get my hand bag and the kids ran to us to show what uncle Jey had bought them.
I came home around 10 p.m. The reunion was a success and we had managed to close a deal with one of the French buyers we were hoping to get a contract with. He was in Vancouver for business and was able to attend the meeting through a video conference.
One part of me was excited to tell Roman about it because he knew how much that contract would help me in both career and money wise. But the other part of me was still mad at him for that little stunt he put up earlier.
I walk through the living room to place my hand bag and phone at the coffee table when the lamp by the armchair went on.
“Did you had fun?” Roman asked with a cold voice
“Sweet Lord, Roman! Do you want to kill me?”
“It must have been quite fun, I mean, for you to have came back home just now”
“You do know there’s a timezone of -3 hours from Vancouver to Florida right?”
“I didn’t asked that, I asked if you had fun”
I look at him in disbelief and say
“Look, I don’t know what’s up with the whole Samoan Don Corleone thing, but I’m really tired” I sighed
“Come here Y/N”
“What? You’re gonna ask me to kiss your ring too, Don Samoan?” I mock
He cackled at my little joke and stood up from the armchair, walking towards me.
“You and your clever little mouth, right baby? Always putting yourself in trouble with those pretty lips” His smile fade-away and he quickly pulled my head up by my hair
“I think you’re forgetting that you’re walking on thin ice right now and I wouldn’t test me if I were you”
“Where are the kids?” I ask faintly
“At Jey’s, for a sleep over” His smile is now purely evil
“Did you planned this, then?”
“C’mon baby, how are you gonna be able to scream my name while I fuck you senseless if the kids are at home?” He leans in to sniff the nape of my neck
“I love when you wear this perfume, it drives me crazy! It makes me want to fuck you all night long” He sucks on my neck “You look good enough to eat Y/N. That skirt baby...it’s gonna be the death of me! Give me a 360, baby girl” He said, intertwining our fingers and slowly turning me around while whistling at me.
“What is this all about?” I ask, suspicious about his true intentions
“What do you mean?”
“The whole complimenting me for the one thing you made a whole fuss about it earlier”
“What? Can’t I compliment my gorgeous wife?” He asked innocently
“I’m not saying that! I’m just saying that I find it suspicious the fact that earlier we almost got into an argument because of this outfit and now your throwing praises at it” I crook an eyebrow at him
He smiles “You know me so well it’s actually embarrassing!” He chuckled
“Ok baby girl, you got me! I felt guilty, ok? I regretted being so rude with you earlier, you didn’t deserve it”
“So why did you do it, Ro?”
“Because I got jealous! I mean, the time we have together is short and it’s mostly taken by the kids, we barely have any alone couple time and I miss you! I miss having my wife, having you: Y/N! Not the mom version or the professional version of you, but just my wife. All to myself” He scoots closer “So when I saw you dressed up all nice like this, smelling so good and looking so beautiful I remembered how it used to be back then...when you worked at WWE and I used to sneak out to your hotel bedroom at night so we could spend the night together because you didn’t wanted people to know about us. I remembered the amount of convincing that I had to do, for you to finally agree to make us an official thing. How we thought that our marriage wouldn’t survive with me being on the road and you at home with the kids. How many times I couldn’t sleep at night ‘cause I got scared thinking that I could lose you after that fight we’ve had when Ben was born” Roman hugs my waist and look me in the eyes “I felt the same fear earlier today, I know that’s on me and not on you but... I couldn’t help it, I got carried away by my jealousy and I apologize for that. You’re a beautiful woman! Gorgeous face, delicious body, a goddess in the bedroom, strong personality, such a kind soul and a heart made of gold. And I’m a selfish man! I don’t wanna lose you, I can’t afford to lose you...I want you all to myself, body and soul” He leans in to capture my lips in the most romantic, sensual, long kiss.
“Do you forgive me?” He whispered
“I don’t know...maybe I need some more convincing” I tease him and he laughed, knowing it was all good between us
“What can I do to convince you, baby?”
“Lose the shirt and the pants and sit on the armchair”
He happily obliged, sitting on the armchair with eyes filled with excitement
“Can you help me with this?” I point towards the skirt’s zipper innocently
He smirked and I got closer to the chair. Roman reaches the zipper, pulling it down torturously slow.
“Take it off, Ro”
He slowly pulls it down, savoring every inch of my ass being exposed to him, with each tug at the skirt he nibs and kisses the recently discovered skin. And I couldn’t be happier to be wearing a new lace set in a beautiful midnight blue shade.
The skirt became a pile of fabric around my ankles as Roman growls: squeezing, biting, licking and kissing my ass while I take off my white dress shirt.
“Fuck Y/N, baby...I’m in love with your ass”
I giggled at his choice of words
“It looks so fucking good in this blue color. Is this a new set?” He asks, still kissing and biting it.
“Yeah, I bought it last week. I thought it looked good so-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence due to the forceful tug he gave my hips so I could sit down on his lap.
“It looks insanely good, baby” He whispered in my ear, kneading my breasts softly through the lace.
“And the bra too...they make your boobs look full as fuck! I love it”
I feel his erection resting against my ass and I can’t help but grind my hips to it.
“Hmmm baby, you’re so hot, so fucking hot. The hottest woman I’ve ever met” He pressed my hips further down to his bulge
“You never fail to turn me on baby girl, you’ve always had the power to make my cock rock hard for you”
“Just for me?” I ask with a voice raspy from pleasure, reaching my arm around his neck so I can pull his lips towards my ear
“Always just for you, baby. Ever since he tasted you, he got addicted and wants only you” Roman whispered
His voice always worked wonders on me. How deep his voice is, the things he says...it was always an infallible combination.
We explored each other’s body until we couldn’t wait it anymore.
I stand up to remove my lace panties and bra and he loses his boxer briefs, sitting back at the armchair with me on his lap. I lifted up a bit, so he can enter my core and oh, how I missed my man!
I start a front to back motion, holding onto Roman’s thighs for support while my thighs are closed shut in between his opened ones. I circled my hips in deep, slow circles from time to time so he can sink all the way in.
“Yeah, keep doing that baby girl. Fuck, it looks so sexy when you ride me like this” He moaned
And that’s my intention: a sensual, lustful, intimate sex.
Roman roamed one arm around my hips until his hand stopped at my mound
“Spread your legs a little bit, baby” He asks
I do it and two of his fingers start to rub my clit at the same pace of my riding.
“Oh, Ro...fuck me babe, that feels so good” I reach my arm back, so I can toss it around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The change of positions made his cheek rest against the side of my breast. I look down and see him staring at his hand on my clit.
“Baby” I wine, making him look up to me. And when he did I leaned down to capture his full lips in a deep kiss.
Once apart he cupped my cheek with his free hand
“I love you Y/N, so fucking much baby girl”
“I love you too Ro, the only man I’ll ever want” I smiled
“Promise me?” He asked
“Promise” I leaned down to kiss him again
I felt him twitch inside of me, a sign he was close to coming.
“Are you gonna cum inside this pussy, baby?” I smirked
“I can’t hold it back anymore, baby girl. You’re riding me so good and your pussy is milking my cock so nicely that I just can’t hold it” He laughs and kisses the side of my breast
“Cum for me baby, cum right on your pussy” I whispered in his ear
“Mine” He growled and turned up the pace of his fingers on my clit
“Yours” I moaned as I could feel my own release rising
Roman pressed our foreheads together as we reach our high in between moans. As we’re recovering our breath he says
“Damn baby, that was something!” Taking a deep breath in
“Did I just took your breath away, Reigns?” I chuckled
“Fuck yeah, that was the hottest sex we’ve had in the last 2 months”
“You’re unbelievable!” I laughed hard
“What? I’m serious! My girl is always giving me some breath taking sex” He said seriously, pulling me closer to his chest
“I’m glad you think that way because I already want a round 2” I sucked on his lower lip
“Oh baby, you’ll have the round 2, 3, 4, 5...’Cuz the kids won’t be back until tomorrow at 9 p.m.” He licks my neck
“Are you serious?” I whispered excitedly
He nods “I told you I missed my wife” He winks and take me on his arms bridal style
“Let’s go baby girl, round 2 awaits!” He laughed carrying us up to our bedroom
Where our night was just getting started
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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touyasdoll · 3 years
Ooooo ask gameeeee
This is my first time actually sending in one lol
A day to remember - have faith in me, with Midoriya ✨
Yessss, I've been SO obsessed with ADTR lately & this song is so perfect for Izuku 🖤
Have Faith in Me
Pairing: Izuku x gn!reader
Genre: hurt/comfort
Warnings: ahhh, I got a little carried away with this one, I'm sorry , traumatic injury, allusion to death, broken engagement, but it's all fine in the end, I promise 🖤
Tumblr media
He did it. Oh thank God, he did it.
You stared at the television screen, still tremoring as tears streamed over your cheeks. You'd never seen Izuku have such a close call. He was still victorious, but you hadn't ever seen him have to fight that hard to win; to stay alive.
His freckled face still beamed, even through all the pain you knew he must be feeling. He was broken, bloodied, and beaten. But he still smiled, ever aware of the role he woke up and chose to take on day in and day out.
That's precisely why you loved him and also precisely why you couldn't. It was hard to love a hero, a symbol. A beacon who shone so brightly for everyone else's sake that no one could tell when that beacon was about to burn out.
But you could. You could see the weight of the world bearing heavy on his shoulders. See the scars he wore like petty accessories, a testament to his many victories, to his endless stories of good conquering evil.
When you were younger, those were always your favorite tales, but you detested them now. You'd thought that you loved the protagonist of your favorite fairytales, but you were too young to know what love was then.
It wasn't something so shallow that it could be wrapped up within the pages of a book or the confines of a short story. It was expansive, ever-changing. A never ending test of faith in another person.
You thought that you had loved the hero in all the tales you'd heard before. Until you came to understand what it meant to love a Hero.
The long nights alone. The same fights. The constant state of worry.
In fairytales, the hero always comes home. They fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after. But you were never sitting in a castle, cozy and cuddled up with a prince.
You were always glued to the television, pacing by the phone, praying on hands and knees that he would walk through the door one more time. Just so you could beg and plead with him to tell you when he would stop, when he would retire. When you could start your life together, without the looming shadow of what he was to the world.
You'd asked yourself time and time again: when does a hero's duty end?
And the answer is that it doesn't. A hero doesn't decide when to stop being a hero. They have that choice taken from them, one way or another.
You couldn't sit around and wait for that, you didn't want to. He'd promised you the world and everything in it and he tried, he tried, to give it to you. Starting with that pretty little ring. The one you returned when you'd come to the teary realization that your heart couldn't take loving a hero.
He'd tried then to. To hold on to you, to promise that you'd both figure it out together. He just couldn't tell you how.
Here you were anyway, the same routine as before. It'd been nearly a year since you'd tried to put him in your past, but he was still your present. It was more of the same pain and less of the pleasure of being with him.
The long nights alone. The same fights with yourself. The constant state of worry.
Nothing had changed except the absence of his warmth.
His tender kisses on your forehead when he slipped into bed at the dead of night. The way he gently wiped away all your tears when he finally returned home to you. How effortlessly he loved you with every breath that he drew.
The knock at the door startled you, tearing you from your bittersweet reminiscing.
You picked yourself up off the floor, doing your best to rid your cheeks of the tears that remained and took a deep breath before swinging it open.
Emerald irises greeted you, an unconveyable amount of emotion pouring from them in the form of tears, which mixed with the drying blood that stained his freckled features.
He was battered, in more ways than one. You threw your arms around him, grateful to be able to feel his heart thumping in his chest when you felt like yours just might stop.
Strong arms enclosed your wavering frame, that warmth that you'd missed so much was radiating all around you. You embraced in silence, save for the quiet sobs echoing against his chest.
He placed a tender kiss to your forehead as he pulled away. A gentle hand cupped your face, wiping away the tears that had begun anew. He inhaled a shaky breath and whispered, his words trembling as he spoke them.
"I love you."
You placed a hand over his, searching his eyes, trying to find the words to say, where to start.
"I love you too," you breathed, taking his hand between yours, carefully pressing kisses along his bruised knuckles. "I love you so much, Izuku. I--" you winced, closing your eyes, trying to shake the image of him lying there on the asphalt from your mind. "I-I thought that y--,"
"I know," he held you tighter, "I know," he paused, his other hand coming up to brush away the wetness on your cheeks. "But I'm not. I'm right here, baby." He shook his head, his eyes filling with more tears of his own as he peered down at you, a wistful smile on his lips, "I'm right here and I am never letting you go."
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
While You Sleep
Chapter 1
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: angst, mention of violence Summary: Soulmate!AU - Throughout life, you're given glimpses of your soulmate through dreams. As you sleep, memories flash in your mind showing you the life your soulmate has lived. Everyone around you raves about how their soulmate reads great books or volunteers in their spare time. But you can't relate as your dreams end up being more like nightmares. Through initial images of death and violence, you come to learn your soulmate is the Winter Soldier. A/N: I had this idea one day and initially it was just gonna be a one shot but then i said screw it. i’ve never really done a full chapter story/series so...? Here I go? I’ve written most in advanced so I know I actually have some sense of where this is going and tbh i think it’s gonna be interesting but i love soulmate!au anyways :)
masterlist | taglist | read on ao3
The nightmares always felt the same. 
In your mind, clear glimpses revealed him - the brooding, long-haired man. He typically wore a mask and that same unforgiving yet disconnected look in his eyes. A metal arm would glimmer every now and then and you’d quickly find him wielding guns or twirling knives. The most uncomfortable acts were those of when he’d use just his hands. 
You didn’t really know the people he was affecting. Some looked important, some seemed like casualties to whatever bigger fight was being played at, but they all came in quick glimpses. Part of you felt that he didn’t care enough to remember them. He had no connection, just a goal. There was always more of a focus on what he was doing and making sure it was done. You could tell that was what he was feeling, what he was seeing, and frankly, it was of the disturbing kind. 
You had grown up hearing friends and family gush about all the wonderful, fascinating soulmate dreams -- because that was what they were supposed to be: dreams. Lovely, lullaby dreams showing one the life their soulmate was living. Giving the other a glimpse at their feelings, their adventures. Hopefully making you want your person.
Your parents loved reminiscing about how they saw each other playing with friends as kids or volunteering at shelters in college. Your friends had been equally fascinated, constantly gossiping about what books their soulmates had read or how their eyes would light up when they played with their dogs.
But you weren’t getting that. Instead of seeing your soulmate read their favorite book, you watched him take down what felt like an army of people. You saw him marching on command as if just a machine.
Part of you thought you were broken. Why were you only getting to see the bad things? Was there nothing good about your person? Had they lived for nothing other than these missions?
It was a weird combination, what you felt towards him. To say you weren’t at least intrigued would be a lie because, at the end of the day, this man was your soulmate. No matter how unnerving or confusing it was, you two were paired. While you didn’t know if he actually knew it, you felt it. You felt the pull in every knife flip. In every stab. In every mission. In every accomplishment.
Even time he was forced to go dormant -- because, yes, you could see the ice. You could see the shocks. 
Your soulmate dreams were nightmares. And they ached and pulled at you. 
You were already awake when sunlight began seeping into your room. This wasn’t a new occurrence -- the sun and you seemed to like to play a game to see who would rise first... You, it was always you lately.
The dreams were distorted memories last night. You didn’t see it all like it was interrupted, but you could tell it appeared to be a past memory. There was just something about the intensity visually this time that was weaker. It was less fresh than previous ones but still held feelings, strength. It was a confusing phenomenon, an old thought transmitting between the soulmate lines, but wasn’t unusual for you by any means.
Sometimes you received memories from your soulmate that dated back to the 70s, sometimes 60s. Things he had seen that weren't even from your decade which raised so many more alarms. It prevented you from getting any sort of age range. Sometimes people received memories their soulmates had learned of, like hearing a story of a wedding and depicting it, but they never lasted. Usually they were one-off casualties but these you had persisted. They had to be from him.
While confusing beyond all means, something you never could think about discussing with others, it gave you a little hope that maybe, just maybe, things had…stopped. Whatever rampage or mission your soulmate was on (had been put on?) was finished. Especially being a memory that came from just a few years ago. For once, maybe there weren't new nightmares for your soulmate to produce. 
But you couldn’t get your hopes up. They could be right back at it tonight so you couldn’t allow yourself to ponder it no matter how much it all bugged you. You force yourself to get up and on with the day. Rising as you had watched the sun do so. 
You pulled yourself out of bed choosing to ignore the sleep-deprived headache threatening to creep up. Shuffling around your bedroom, you collected your work uniform wherever you had really tossed it throughout the space. 
Once dressed for the day, you moved on to making yourself presentable to actually get on with work. While you only just worked in a coffee shop -- not exactly the epitome of luxury -- tips were key and people liked their barista to actually look alive.
You finally got out of the door just moments later, homemade bagel sandwich in tow, all complemented by the fakest, brightest smile you could muster as you made your way down the city sidewalk. 
You quite enjoyed the work commute, being able to weave in and out of the people, your mind instinctively wondering if he was here. Was he milling around? Hiding in the shadows? Planning something here or there? What to do next? 
You figured most likely not, but you still looked even if the idea of him was enough to make you shake in your boots. Besides, you didn’t even totally know what you were looking for. The eyes and hair only revealed so much. The glimmer of his hand, though, that sure was unique. You could still see it in flashes throughout your mind. 
So, you harmlessly let your eyes wander on the street. Checking over the faces, the posture, the appearances of them all but none of them could tug on that part of your heart. Granted, it was sort of ridiculous. Your soulmate had been proven to maybe not be the kindest person in the universe but something had to happen if the two of you were paired. And you were just the right amount of daring to see it through.
You finally made it to the coffee shop after your leisure browsing of the city people all bustling, brain set on getting one place or another. They were just exhausting to even look at.
The bell above the door jingled as you entered. The shop was mere minutes from opening and your coworker was already setting up, nearly ready to bring in the morning rush. She greeted you with a weak, tired smile. You responded with one of your own. Seamlessly, you two fell into it all, moving in silence. Prepping, brewing, cleaning.
Work was going much smoother than normal for the day. You seemed to fall into your tasks with ease as you served the morning crowd. You had your normals’ orders memorized and the new customers wooed at your speediness. Tips were coming in nicely as well, you noted. You and your coworker worked together, as if in a tango behind the counter. 
The day seemed that it would continue on just as smoothly as the morning had. Things started to taper off nicely around the afternoon. The shop was mostly filled with college students in between their lectures. They nursed their coffees as they typed away so determined with their homework. 
You and your coworker took the brief moment to lull around. She was aimlessly sweeping by the sugars while you cleaned the same spot over and over again on the counter as you watched the television in the corner. 
The owner had put in the TV a while ago citing it drummed up service but you never actually found proof of that. Instead, it sat high up on the wall, above the windows, muted at all hours. He at least allowed the closed captioning to be on which was what you were reading as you pretended to clean. 
Some midday news program was on. A graphic flashed signaling that they were going into one of their “investigative reports.” You stopped your movements with the rag as you watched the news graphic transition to a portrait picture of a man from the waist up. He...
Something made your stomach drop. Your heart twisted in familiarity while your brain sounded the alarm. Those eyes. That arm. You could feel all of it practically radiating from the television. Letting go of the towel, you let out a gasp at the true shock when it suddenly clicked in your head. 
Everything slowed down around you. Customers began staring, concerned. Your coworker was calling your name, asking what was wrong. But you couldn’t do anything. Your eyes were glued to the television. Something crushed in you as it began adding up. 
Eyes. Arm. Feelings. Emotions. Eyes. Arm. Feelings. Missions. Scene after scene, you went over everything that had been stored -- forced -- unconventionally in your head.
You read the name on the closed captioning followed by his title. Who he was, what he was. 
It fell into place. All of it. It was him, yes. The dreams -- no, no. The nightmares. Your word repeated it over and over again. Him. All him. James Buchanan Barnes. The Winter Soldier.
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windless-hurricane · 3 years
Chapter Four: A World Where We Can Grow Old
A Reiner x Reader x (Eventual) Jean Fanfic
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SUMMARY: After the fall of Shiganshina, you joined the military along with your brother. You had hoped to bring peace to the world by doing so, but the world was a cruel place. You seemed to lose more than you gained, but there was always someone - someone who made losing just a bit…easier. You hoped you could keep them forever, but was there a guarantee in this world?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here’s the fourth chapter! While things are a bit slow right now, the story’s really going to pick up after this chapter!
WARNINGS (for entire series): Language, explicit violence, talks of death, suicide, trauma, and mental illness, graphic scenes involving blood and/or death, and sexuality.
TAGLIST: @lovethemilkteasis @grayxblaze @theyoungblood13 @flowersgirl02 @noodlenerd101 @hanabihwa @drowned-pathetic-rat @bestgirlb @bleepop @miinnttyy @1-800-thanos @lovelime @usernamehere91
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You and your brother stood beside each other as a stream of smoke poured into the sky. You wondered where it came from, how it got there, why it was there, and your questions were answered once a colossal, red hand slung itself over the wall and grabbed onto it.
You flinched uneasily as your eyes widened in fear.
What’s happening? What’s going on? What is that? Is that… Is that a-
Then, a large, skinless face peeked over, its teeth clenching and its gaze terrifying.
It was. It was a Titan, but how...how could it be that big? It was impossible.
Your body trembled as you reached for Viktor's hand. He met you in the middle, gripping your hand back tightly. You could feel the heat and sweat from his skin, showing just how mortified he was.
“V-Vik-tor, I…” you stuttered, but you couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Your mind was going wild and you could feel your heart clenching in your chest.
What-what do we do? Where’s the Garrison Regiment? Where’s Jannick? Where’s dad?
Then, a sudden force shoved you to the ground as the Titan kicked through the wall, sending chunks of it flying.
People screamed, pushed past each other, and ran for whatever time was left of their lives. However, you couldn’t. You were frozen.
Everything was a blur and your ears filled with static.
What should I do?
However, you didn’t have time to ponder that question as a boulder headed straight for you.
This is it. I’m gonna die.
“(Y/N)! Move! (Y/N)!”
You gasped yourself awake, sitting up in a panic.
You were panting heavily with sweat dripping down your forehead. You barely managed to wipe it away with your shaky hand. Matter of fact, your whole body was shaking.
“Are you okay,” Sasha asked, gazing at you with worried eyes. Admittedly, no. Your heart was still beating out of its chest and you felt your head begin to pound. However, you couldn’t dwell on something that has already happened. It’s over.
“I’m fine,” you responded, but the hoarseness of your voice didn’t match your words.
“Are you sure,” she pushed. “Because you don’t look like it.” She gestured to your hand and you were surprised to see that you had been clenching your blanket so tightly that the whites of your knuckles were showing. You hadn’t even realized that you were gripping it.
You let go, your knuckle cracking in the process.
“Yeah,” you nodded and you were about to relax until a new form of panic arose within you. “Wait, Sasha. Are we late?”
“Uh, well…” she trailed off. “We’re about to be.” Your eyes widened as you immediately threw yourself off the bed.
“You should’ve said that to begin with,” you exclaimed, shuffling around for your uniform. “We can’t be late for combat training!”
You and Sasha made a run for the training grounds and were lucky to see that the rest of the cadets were still waiting for Shadis’s instruction.
You sighed a breath of relief as you lined up beside her, not noticing Reiner standing on the other side of you.
He unconsciously looked you over and noticed your disheveled appearance. You had a bad case of bed hair and a few buckles of your uniform had come undone. He also noticed the sheen of sweat covering your face and how you were breathing a little heavier than normal. Either you just woke up late or something else had happened. He wasn’t sure which.
As Shadis made his way up to the speaking platform, all side conversations came to a halt and he turned to face you all with a hard gaze.
“Alright, maggots,” he shouted, making your ears ring. “Today, we are engaging in combat training! While some of you may think this is unnecessary as you obviously can’t use hand-to-hand combat against a Titan...” You and a few cadets snickered. “Shut up!”
You smirked as he continued on. “As I was saying, if you’re lucky enough to make it into the Top 10 and join the Military Police, you won’t be dealing with Titans. You’ll be dealing with people, criminals, thugs. Likewise with the Garrison Regiment. Therefore, it is important to know basic fighting skills and how to defend yourself in any situation… Do your meager minds understand?!”
“Yes, sir,” you all replied in unison.
“Good, now listen for your partners!”
“Sir, if I may ask, why can’t we choose our own partners,” you asked suddenly, causing your peers to gape at you like they did at orientation. However, you were unfazed, even after Shadis shot you the same death glare as before.
“No, you may not ask, Bauer,” Shadis growled and you attempted to suppress your smile. “Now, run laps until I’ve finished. Afterwards, get your ass handed to you by Braun.”
“Yes, sir,” you saluted, shooting a glance at Reiner as he smirked at you. “If he can even beat me,” you countered, speaking so quietly that only Reiner could hear you.
As you jogged past him toward the dirt track, he watched you with amusement.
You certainly weren’t like the other girls in the Training Corps. You somehow managed to be sweet, fiery, and so sure of yourself all at once. You always spoke your mind and were seemingly fearless, choosing to mess with the scariest person there without a care in the world. Finally, you were awfully kind, taking care of your brother whenever you could and indulging in his own mischievousness, even if it meant the both of you potentially getting trouble. He even saw you do the same with Sasha and Eren.
You truly were something else.
He grinned faintly as he found you smirking back at him.
“We’ll see about that, hotshot,” he murmured.
Once Shadis had finished announcing everyone’s partners, you jogged over to Reiner, panting slightly.
He raised his eyebrows at you as you came to a stop a few feet in front of him.
“How was the jog,” he teased and you scoffed in response.
“Nothing compared to the swimming I had to endure on the first day,” you admitted, clearing your throat.
“Why do you always annoy him when you know full well what he’s going to do?” The question would have sounded condescending coming from anyone else, but you could tell he was more amused than anything.
“I don’t like him,” you stated bluntly. “And…” your eyes began to soften. “I think we ought to have some fun while we’re here.”
“Huh,” he breathed, taken aback by your answer.
Fun? In times like these, he thought to himself.
“I know what you’re thinking,” you chuckled. “Fun? In times like these? I know. The world is so dark these days, but I think we need to be reminded that we’re still alive. We need to laugh, smile, feel happiness. Most importantly, be human and how could we do that if we’re scared or in grief all the time? I still don’t like him, but if you all are entertained along the way, fine by me.”
He gazed at you admirably, unsure of how to process your words. He felt...conflicted more than anything.
“You really are one of a kind, (Y/N),” he commented, his voice coming out smoother than how he felt on the inside.
Your cheeks blushed faintly as you grinned.
“If I didn’t know any better, Reiner, I’d say you were flirting with me rather than trying to fight me,” you cooed and he let out a chuckle through his nose.
“And what if I was,” he suggested with a glint in his eyes.
“I'd still say to fight me.”
You raised your arms in a fighting stance and he quirked his eyebrow at you.
“I haven’t seen a stance like that before,” he observed, putting his own arms up. “Where’d you learn it?”
“Enough talking!”
You charged at Reiner with a plan already in mind.
I’ll go for a punch towards his face. Once he decides to either block it or pull away from it, I’ll sweep his legs right from underneath him.
You went for your punch, but he unexpectedly didn’t do either. He instead grabbed your fist tightly, not allowing you to pull away, and twisted your arm behind your back. He pulled you against him and your face heated up as his chest pressed into you.
“I don’t think you expected that, (Y/N),” he whispered, his breath fanning your cheek. “I thought I wasn’t going to be able to beat you.” You honestly thought so too, but you were overconfident. It made sense that he was able to stop you. He was confident too, but just the right amount. He also knew how to fight.
Although your arm was starting to hurt from his grip, you still smirked with excitement.
“The fight doesn’t end until one of us is pinned down,” you stated, stomping down on his foot.
He groaned as he released his hold on you and you threw your head back, coming into contact with his chin. As a result, he lost his footing and you took the opportunity to crouch down and swipe your leg underneath his. He fell to the ground and you threw yourself on top of him. You bent your right leg at the knee and dug it into his thigh, holding his other leg down in the process. You used your left foot to keep one of his arms down. Then, you pinned his wrist with one of your hands and used the other to keep his head against the ground. You smiled, letting out a quick exhale.
“I pinned you.”
“Let’s make a deal,” and you gaped down at him in surprise. Why did he look and sound so nonchalant despite his position?
“Whoever’s pinned down last has to do something for the other,” he explained.
“If you can even-“ Before you could finish, he propped his knee up from under you and your foot slid off his wrist. He gripped you from your collar and threw you over, causing you to land on the opposite side of his head. You went to do a kip up, but he grabbed you by the shoulder of your jacket and dragged you until you were within straddling range. He got on top of you as he smiled faintly.
“That’s what we have to find out.”
After that, you both spent the next half hour pinning each other down until Shadis told everyone to stop.
You gasped for air as you pinned Reiner’s wrists above his head and used your knees to keep his legs in place. He was breathing heavily as well, his stomach on the ground and his cheek pushing against the dirt.
“I-I win,” you announced, tightening your hold on him as a reminder.
“I can see that,” he strained, barely looking at you from the corner of his eye. “You win.”
You sighed in satisfaction and let him go, finally standing up. You wiped excess sweat and dirt off your forehead, watching as he turned over and sat up with a grunt.
“You’re an impressive fighter, (Y/N),” he complimented. “I think you’re as good as Annie.”
“Well, you’re not too bad yourself,” you admitted. “I haven’t had a fight like that in awhile.”
“So, then,” he started. “What do you want?”
“Huh?” You blushed slightly as you scratched the back of your head. “I haven’t thought that far ahead… What did you even want?”
“I wanted you to answer a question of mine,” he revealed, a darkness creeping on his cheeks.
“Just a question,” you asked in disbelief. “All of that for a question? What is it?”
“Why'd you join the military?”
“That question again? Well, I guess I never answered you to begin with,” you remembered. “Silly, you could’ve just asked me instead of letting me beat you up.”
“I didn’t know how to bring it up again without it seeming weird,” he confessed and you shook your head.
“It wouldn’t have. I like talking to you.”
You extended your hand out to him and the moment his fingers brushed yours, you felt what could only be described as a jolt of electricity running through you and you took a step back.
You looked down at him and he stared back at you with a similar expression - utter confusion.
Did he feel that too?
“Um, sorry,” you apologized, laughing slightly. “It must’ve been static.”
“No worries,” he assured with a chuckle and you stuck your hand out once again.
He took it graciously and thanked you as you hoisted him up. You nodded, gazing at him right after.
“I joined the military because I want to live in a world where the only concern is growing old,” you finally answered. “I don’t want us to worry about walls, Titans, or whatever the hell else could be out there. I just want us to be happy and have the freedom to live our lives to the fullest... Does that...sorta answer your question?”
It did, it really did. So, why did Reiner still feel a pang in his chest? Why was he hoping for a more selfish answer? Why did he want your answer to not be as noble as the one you gave? Why did he want you to be...less human?
In the end, he knew the answers to all these questions. He didn’t want to feel guilty for what he had done and what he was going to do...but everyone was making it extremely difficult. (Y/N) especially.
As you both smiled at each other, one question plagued his mind.
Why were the Devils of Paradis…so human?
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stylesann · 3 years
Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Summary: Steve decides to go back to the 40’s and you hurt.
Warnings: idk? Angst but happy ending
A/N: I have no idea what this is but aaa I feel like it’s bad lol, I just always get in a very angsty and dramatic mood every time that I read a story about Steve leaving so I wanted to do my own twist? Idk, and it’s been yeaaaars since I don’t write anything and also I’m not a native English speaker so I apologise any mistakes. Comments are always welcome 💕 -> written in around 15/04/2021; ->posted 28/05/2021
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You stare at the ocean and release all the air you were holding on your lungs. You still felt your body heavy but at least your tears had stoped. You’re fighting hard to keep your thoughts out of your head, to keep your mind calm like the scenario in front of you, an empty beach with the ocean waves rhythmically hitting the shore. The sky had a lot of clouds and it would probably rain soon, but you didn’t mind, it matched you mood.
You could say you were surprised but all you felt was disappointment, sadness and if you were being honest, you felt anger and jealousy. What Peggy had that you didn’t? I mean, you didn’t know the answer and you were sure if you had asked Steve he wouldn’t be able to give you one cause he had spent such a short amount of time with her that he couldn’t be able to actually know all of her. All her flaws, all the quirks. In the past you had thought he didn’t even loved her anymore and was just in love with an image, an illusion he had from his past. But for him to had left you for her you weren’t even sure of that anymore.
You also felt used, replaceable, like you were just kept there cause he couldn’t do better, cause he couldn’t be with her. And now that he could he just tossed you away. You knew Steve wasn’t that kind of guy, but thats how you felt. And no one could tell you how you should feel or deal with it.
So that’s what lead you here. It had all happened hours ago. You saw his old self in that bench and you just felt numb. Bucky tried to hold you, he said that Steve wanted to talk to you but you just left. You had that right didn’t you? You didn’t care about what he had to say, it was all bullshit. You didn’t care about his guilt, or how sorry he was. You didn’t even care to go back to the apartment you shared with him, because you knew if you had gone there you would be stared by a hundred pictures you had with him.
You just wanted to get away. So here you came. You look down to the wedding band on you finger and the engagement ring. You wore both together but it didn’t make sense to have them anymore. You didn’t want any memories from Steve on you so you take them out and feel their light weight on you palm. You knew this was it, it was your way of closure, of ending that part of you life. You take a deep breath and throw them at the sea. There’s no way of seeing them drown but just the thought that you didn’t have them anymore made you lighter.
You turn around, ready to go back to the car that brought you here but you see a familiar figure blocking the way. Bucky.
“How are you feeling, doll?” he says approaching you. You didn’t know how long he was standing there or what he had seen. You wonder if he could see how empty and drained you really were.
“In the moment I’m not feeling anything. I think I’m still mostly numb. But that’s probably for the best, right?” You try to give him a light answer knowing that he lost his best friend too. How could Steve have left him after fighting so long to have him back was beyond you. “Did you know? Did you know what he was gonna do?”
“I did” that was all it took for the tears to start falling from your eyes. Why had Steve told him and not you? You were his wife for gods sake didn’t you deserve at least this? Bucky reaches for you but you push him away.
“Why didn’t h-he tell me? Why did he d-do this?” you hiccup between the words, the tears falling harder than before.
“I think he just didn’t have the guts to. You know he loves you, Y/N-“
“Screw him! If he did, he wouldn’t have done this!” All the feelings you were trying to push down seem to come to surface and tighten their grip on your chest. “I can’t understand why you aren’t angry? Why aren’t you feeling betrayed?”
“He didn’t leave me alone Y/N, he asked us to take care of each other” he has a pleading look on his face while he says that, and you see that the difference between you and him is that he had some time to come to terms with his friends decision, he’s sad but keeping it to himself. He’s trying to be strong for everyone one else who didn’t know, for you mostly.
“I don’t care about what he asked. I’m not staying and I’m not doing what he would want me too. I’m always gonna be there for you Buck, not because he’s wants that but because I care about you. Whatever you need you can call, even if it’s just for a chat, but I’m not staying, i can’t. I am getting into that car and I’m gonna drive away as much as i can, and I’m only stopping when I feel like I’ve put miles between me and this” you say more calm than you were minutes before. You had a plan, it may not be the best one but that’s what you had for now. You didn’t want to be in the same place you lived with Steve, you didn’t want to see the same scenarios you saw with him, you wanted nothing from him. Maybe it was bitter of you, or maybe you didn’t have the best coping mechanism but you needed the distance.
Bucky’s expression seemed to sadden a bit but he understood, he knew this wasn’t easy for you. “I don’t want to change your mind about leaving, so I say the same, if you need anything you call Y/N, got it?” He says as he hugs you firmly.
“Got it” you say in whisper against his shoulder, his arms still around you delaying the last moments he’s gonna have with another friend. You hate to be doing this, he didn’t deserve it you knew it, but you also knew that he wouldn’t be willing to accompany you on your trip, and it was something that you needed to do alone. You were alone.
“You know he wouldn’t have done this if he didn’t know you you be able to rebuild your life, right? You’re a strong person” He uses the same tone of voice you had, he probably just didn’t want to trigger you into making your feelings rise again.
“Everyone has the ability to rebuild themselves, Buck. The fact that I’m strong shouldn’t make what he did alright. And I don’t feel much strong now... I just feel like I’m a shell. And even if I do find someone else, how am I going to let them in? How am I supposed to trust anyone with my heart, when the guy I gave all my heart before completely destroyed me?” A single tear fall from your eye, but you hold the rest back. “I’m going to be fine but I don’t even know what that mean anymore.” He just nods to this, and I know there’s nothing left to be said so I head to the car and take a deep breath holding the wheel. This is it.
I look at Bucky while I drive away, he’s still standing where I left him and I hope with everything on me that he will be fine too. Whatever that means.
The sun is harsh on your eyes slipping through the curtains open frames. You turn your head to the other side and you feel a heavy weight on your waist stopping you from moving further than that. You slowly open your eyes to see Franks figure with his arm on you and his head drowned on the pillow.
You turn again to look at the clock to see it marking 8:47 am. Mary would be up soon, so you slip from Frank taking extra care not to wake him up and head to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast.
“Y/N! Y/N! Can we have pancakes today?!” Mary breaks into the small kitchen excitedly jumping around. Today you and Frank would be taking her to her new math club and she couldn’t be more anxious about it.
“What is going on here” Franks rough morning voice appears on the room. He’s rubbing his eyes and seems to be sleeping still.
“We are making Mary her favourite pancakes for breakfast” you answer them as you get the ingredients on the counter. Mary hugs you and sits straight on the table waiting for you to prepare them.
It had been 6 years since the day you left New York and ended up traveling for a long time through the country only to end up here. Florida. It was hot all the time, you always felt warm but it was distant enough from your past and you felt better about it. You decided that you wanted to rent a small place near the beach and so you found a woman named Roberta, that rented a few houses that fulfilled your wish. You didn’t think twice before accepting her deal.
You weren’t carrying anything on you except for the few clothes that you had bought on your journey so the move was quite simple. And you weren’t expecting to fit in so well here but the fact that as soon as you were settled a little girl, who was maybe 7 at the time, had come to you with a lot of questions that honestly you couldn’t answer warmed you up to the place real fast.
The fact that Mary had managed to always meet up with you but you still had to meet Frank was beyond you. She talked a lot about him “Frank did this today”, “oh did you know Frank let me adopt another cat”, “the first cat Frank got us was Fred, he has only one eye”, and so on. You knew more about him that you probably would by talking to him in person, according to Mary herself. She said he was very closed but had a great heart, she even told you the story about him fighting in justice for her guard. It only made you think he was a great guy who would do anything to protect his niece, and you were sincerely excited to meet him, give the person a face.
However, as it appears that his schedule was always all over the place and you always waking around town and spending many hours on the beach didn’t help with your meeting. You didn’t understand at first too how Mary always found you around, but she explained that whenever she wasn’t studying and Frank was going out with his girlfriend Boni, she stayed with her friend Roberta, who quickly became a good acquaintance of yours.
Either way, Mary had been talking to you for weeks when you finally met Frank. You couldn’t believe your eyes and genuinely thought you were delusional. He looked just like Steve, but the moment he started speaking you could see the differences between the two and the helped you find your foot again.
In the beginning you were hesitant about spending time with Mary and Frank, who surprised Mary with the news that he had gotten a more stable job. According to him, he still fixed boats but for a company that payed well. You were happy for him but the memories his face brought still made you want distance.
During the four years you traveled around you had let him go, all of him. You had been trough all the grief stages and learnt how to do well with your own company, you didn’t need anyone else. But looking at his face had the effect of hitting you with a sad resigned feeling and you didn’t like it. But Mary always spoke so highly of her uncle that you knew keeping your distance from both because of memories wasn’t fair.
Frank, of course notice that you never iniciantes any conversation with him and he wondered if Mary had introduced the same woman she said was talkative and affectionated. He asked you about it and it wasn’t until you answered with sincerity that he understood. Since then he was more careful in your presence which you appreciated.
With time though, you warmed up to him, he was a good guy you never doubted that. You became close friends and when him and Boni broke up you helped him. It was a mutual break up but it’s never easy.
You friendship was going great until you notice him treating you differently than he would before and you realised he was slowly catching feelings for you. Obviously being romantically involved with him was the last thing you wanted but you couldn’t bring yourself to change the way things were going between you two and that’s what led you to this moment.
In a car, dropping Mary off to her math club, with Frank by your side and the promise that it would be okay. It had to. You took so long to let him in that now you didn’t want to let go, and you doubt Frank wanted anything but stay. Bucky said the same when he came to visit you and Frank. You look at him and you see him smile at you.
“You think he’s gonna be a mini genius?” He asks looking at the small bump on your belly.
“If he gets MY genes, obviously” I sass laughing.
“Ha, you know the genius genes it’s on my side of the family Mrs. Adler” he chuckles.
“On your dreams” you smile. It you be okay.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Irish Cream Oat Milk Latte
Barista!Miche x Fem!Reader
Summary: Miche is a Barista at a drive-thru coffee shop. He’s had his eye on one of his regulars for quite some time. When will he get the courage to ask her out?
Content: Pure fluff
Word Count: ~2,800
A/N: I don’t write many oneshots, but I’ve been trying to get more into it because I know how easy they are to read. Please enjoy this Miche story :) also, thank you @luanabonn for always beta reading for me!
Every morning was the same. Miche would come to work at five o’clock in the morning to open up the drive-thru coffee shop and prepare for the morning rush. The shop didn’t open until five-thirty, but when the cars did start coming, the line backed up fast. Some of the patrons were grumpy, having to be up early to get to work and fight the morning traffic only to sit at their desks all day. Others were the early birds, the morning dwellers that thrived on waking up early, either just finishing their morning workout or about to get it started, they were the ones with a more cheerful smile than Miche and his coworkers.
They had their regulars, too. Most of the regulars were people that hated waiting in the morning rush and would get their coffee just after it ended. Miche preferred the regulars to any of the other customers. The regulars were the ones that talked to him about things other than traffic, the weather, and whatever holiday was approaching. They knew about Miche’s struggle moving from his apartment. They knew about his weekend plans of helping his parents replace the tile in their bathroom. And he knew about their families, their daughter about to start middle school and even celebrated with them when they landed that new job. He loved his regulars.
There was one regular that he appreciated a bit more than the others. She came nearly every day at eight o’clock in the morning, even weekends. She had been coming to get coffee from him for nearly a year now and since day one, Miche was smitten.
Each time she drove up, he found his heart beating quicker and he couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face. The first thing he noticed about her was her smile. She had the brightest, widest, most sincere smile he had ever seen. It made him laugh sometimes because she was one of those people that did that thing where they cover their mouth when they laugh and he couldn’t understand why she would cover her smile when it was so contagious.
He was lucky enough one day to see her laughing so hard her eyes started watering. It was at the expense of himself, but that was still a win in his book. She pulled up to the drive-up, always the same window, always his window.
“Good morning! Getting the usual—hic!” His eyes went wide and a second large hiccup made its way out of his mouth.
“Oh, hiccups!” She raised her eyebrows and smiled at him.
“Sorr—hic!” Miche put his hand on his chest to try and get the hiccups under control, but they only got worse.
“You just need to regulate your breathing.” She instructed, already starting to laugh at him. “Try taking deep breaths.”
Miche watched her take deep breaths, watched her hand on her chest, watched her smile slowly growing and he was smiling too.
“It looks like you’re dancing.” She laughed. Miche looked down at himself and laughed with her, pretending to dance before quickly knocking over a stack of cups.
“Fuck—hic! I’m sorr—hic! I didn’t me—hic! Curs—hic! Damn it.” He dropped his head and rested his elbows on the counter, holding his face in his hands. That’s when he heard her roaring with laughter and he looked up, his cheeks stained pink out of embarrassment, but deepening in color from how cute she looked.
She was laughing uncontrollably, tears filling the corners of her eyes and he was smiling at her, admiring how great of a laugh she had. She waved her hand in front of her face trying her best to apologize for laughing at him. It took her a minute to calm herself down, but when she did, she took a deep breath and looked at him.
“Thank you for the laugh. I thought today was going to be a bad day.”
“My pleasure.” He nodded and he was hooked.
If it wasn’t because of her smile or her laugh, it was because she was always asking him how he was doing and remembering the answers for her next visit. Miche found himself waiting for her every day at eight o’clock, excited to see her and talk to her for the brief amount of time they had.
He planned to try and ask her out after the first few times she came, trying to keep it professional, maybe asking her if she needed help with putting together her new bicycle she bought. Miche was a cyclist and they bonded a lot over that, once having a ten-minute conversation about cycling, much to the annoyance of the customers that were behind her in line.
When he finally worked up the courage to ask her, there was a man in her car with her that trip. She had never directly said that this person was her boyfriend, but Miche knew. He could tell. After that first time, the man was with her nearly every time after that. Any time she was alone, Miche would ask “Anything for him?” to be sure that she was actually still dating. She always got an extra drink for him.
After months of them dating, she started getting coffee at more random times, not always pulling up to Miche’s window, but his feelings for her only grew. Each time something making him wish even more that she was pulling up to his window and chatting with him. He was worried that maybe it was something he did. Maybe he messed up. Maybe he made a comment without realizing it and made her feel uncomfortable.
She was still nice to him when she got coffee, even waving to him when she was at someone else’s window, but it wasn’t the same to him. Once when she pulled up to Levi’s window, Miche immediately recognized the voice chatting with him. Levi passed the order to Miche, knowing he would want to help her. Everyone knew. But Miche quietly listened to Levi talk to her about her weekend. She had recently started using Invisalign and Miche could hear the lisp in the way she spoke and his heart was swelling at the adorable sound. He sighed as he prepared the second cup of coffee for him.
Another time when Hange was working with him, he could hear her voice from his seat in the back. Hange was talking with her about how early they have to wake up in the morning in order to make it to work. Miche peered around the corner and noticed her wearing a spring dress, yellow and pink flowers covered the front, a low V neckline showing just enough cleavage to make him happy their coffee hut was higher than her car. He smiled at her and she smiled back quickly, waving before her attention was back on Hange.
Miche held his smile, admiring how pretty she looked in those colors and the sunlight dancing across her skin. He inched closer to them, starting her coffee as he listened to them chat. He could see her hand rubbing her thigh and watched as it inched the dress up, bit by bit. He swallowed hard and looked away, continuing the coffee. Miche was a thigh man to the core. He quickly glanced back again. Just one more look. How he would love to lay his head in her lap, nuzzle his nose against her stomach. And if she’d let him, he would bury himself in—
“It’s just the one coffee today.” Hange told him, breaking him from his thoughts. He stood there holding the shot of espresso and Hange quickly grabbed her coffee, handing it to her and saying bye. Miche quickly turned, barely enough time to wave, but he did and she waved back. Only one coffee.
Y/N had no idea at what point she had fallen for her barista. She had been going to the same coffee shop drive-thru for nearly a year always seeing the same baristas. She loved that she knew them all by name and they knew her. They knew her order and it honestly made her day getting to see them. It was a big part of the reason she never bothered getting a coffee machine. The other big part was Miche.
From the moment she saw him, she was attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? He was tall, sun-kissed skin, silky blonde hair with a great smile. She would catch herself daydreaming at his arms flexing and twisting as he made her coffee. His voice was raspy, warm, and low, flowing like honey to her ears.
She loved that he was always noticing when something was different about her. Either a haircut, a new shirt anything like that. She couldn’t believe that someone could actually be that attentive. It didn’t even stop there. He always remembered what they spoke about the previous time. Remembering that she was learning to cycle and asking about her new bike.
This was why she couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment she started seeing him differently. She had an idea that her boyfriend did. Always asking to go with her to get a coffee, she was no longer able to have conversations with Miche like she used to. Each time she would laugh and joke, he boyfriend would start a fight out of jealousy. He didn’t have any reason to be jealous. There was no way Miche was interested in her. They were barely even friends. Just two people with similar interests.
She finally started getting coffee at different times in order to avoid having to bring her boyfriend all together. Most of those times, Miche either wasn’t working or he was at a different window. He was different then. He barely spoke to her and she thought maybe she had done something to upset him. Maybe he didn’t appreciate her flirting when she was in a relationship. Maybe he was in his own relationship.
When her boyfriend and her had finally had enough and decided to call it quits. She knew the first place she wanted to go. She didn’t care that Miche might not be interested or that he could have a girlfriend, she just wanted that little bit of happiness she always used to get from him.
As she pulled up to his window, she was disappointed to see that Miche wasn’t there. In one of the first times she’s ever come to get coffee, he wasn’t working. It was much later than she normally came here, so it was possible that his shift was over. She was even more surprised to find that the owner was the person taking her order.
“Hi, Erwin! I barely see you in here at all anymore.” She smiled already feeling better being there. “I was expecting to see Miche.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” He laughed. Everyone that worked there was beautiful. “He’s out sick today so I’m filling in.”
“Aww that’s too bad. I hope he’s okay.” She was genuinely concerned, but may have gone overboard in trying to mask her disappointment in not seeing Miche.
“He’s a big boy. I’m sure he will be fine soon.” He leaned over the counter to get closer. “What are you getting? The usual?”
She nodded, getting her card ready and handing it to him.
“Anything for him?” He asked.
She pushed the card out further to him, but he ignored it, getting started on the coffee. The sounds of the coffee being made held her in her thoughts, lost as she looked at the steering wheel.
“We broke up.” She said, to herself, but also to Erwin.
“What’s that?” He leaned over to her.
“We… we broke up.” She looked at him and smiled. “My boyfriend and I. We broke up.”
“Oh.” He continued stirring her coffee, not sure what to say. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” She laughed, completely uncomfortable with how awkward she made everything. “I’m just rambling. I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize.” He smiled. Pouring the coffee into the paper cup, he popped on the lid and handed it to her. “Here you go.”
“Thank you.” She took the cup and handed him her card again, but he put his hand up.
“It’s on the house this time. A small pick-me-up.” He smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“If you’re working, I will be here.” She laughed and drove off.
The next day, she couldn’t bring herself to visit the café early in the morning. She had let herself stay up all night being miserable that she spent most of the day in bed. By the time four o’clock rolled around, she was feeling guilty that she’d told Erwin she would stop by and she quickly got herself ready to go. The café closes at five o’clock so she didn’t have much time left by the time she got dressed.
She pulled up to the window and Miche walked up to the counter, leaning over to her and smiling. He definitely didn’t look that sick so it must have been a quick cold.
“You look healthy.” She smiled.
“It was a quick bug. Are you getting the usual?” He brushed through his hair and she felt a shiver run through her. She nodded her head slowly as she watched him stand up straight, his muscles flexing as he pushed off the counter.
He looked different today. Almost like he was back to his old self. She watched him move quickly in front of the espresso machine, mixing her drink. He turned to look at her.
“Anything for him?” He called. She had no idea why that question coming from Miche made her smile, but it did. She was grinning widely back to him.
“Nope.” She shook her head and he was beaming back before turning back to her coffee.
She noticed Erwin walk over from the back and she waved. He moved over to Miche and they were whispering, Erwin nudging Miche with his elbow. Miche finally left her coffee stuff and moved back to her at the window.
“Hey, Y/N. Would you want to go cycling this weekend? With me.” He asked her leaning back over the counter. Her mouth opened, closing again quickly. She wanted to say yes, she would say yes, but her brain was short-circuiting and all she could do was smile at him awkwardly. “Sorry, maybe that came out as creepy. I’m sorry. I just—we both like cycling and you seem—”
“It’s okay. No—Yes! I would like that.” She smiled, her face burning with heat.
“Great.” He was smiling back at her. “Maybe we could meet here? Like eight?”
“That works.” She was so excited she couldn’t even contain it. She wanted to jump out of the car and yell into the sky. “I’ll see you then.”
She waved and drove forward, barely making it twenty feet before she realized she never got her coffee. How embarrassing. She looped back around, pulling up to the window. Miche was leaning over the counter, a bright smile on his face, his cheeks pink.
“I forgot my coffee.”
“I see that.” He handed her the cup and laughed. He couldn’t handle how adorable she was, his face was flushing as he smiled at her.
She waved again and drove off, this time with her coffee. She made it to the same point as before and stopped the car. Maybe she should be bolder. She didn’t have much to lose. Why not be really bold and just ask Miche to dinner. It doesn’t have to be some grand thing, but she could make herself known. She looped back around and pulled up to the window. Miche leaned forward again, smiling at her.
“Forget something else?”
“Would you want to have dinner with me? After we cycle.” She quickly looked down, worrying that maybe she was too forward. Miche leaned even further forward.
“I would like that a lot.” They both smiled, Miche’s blush deepening, but that glint in his eyes had her melting into her seat. She waved and pulled off again.
Again, she stopped at the same spot. What if he thinks they are eating dinner as friends? She never said it would be a date. She needed him to know it would be a date. That was important enough to turn around, right? She looped back around again, pulling up to the same window. Miche was waiting for her again, but she didn’t even give him enough time to say anything.
“I made that clear that it was a date, right?” She felt so stupid.
They were both smiling. Miche was blushing, his chin resting on his hand as he looked at her. He was completely hooked, so totally head-over-heels for this lovely woman.
“Y/N?” He bit his bottom lip.
“Yeah?” She definitely noticed it.
“I get off in like ten minutes, do you want to have dinner tonight?”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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Selfies, Tea, and Photography
Pairing: Commander Fox x GN!Reader Pen Pal Fic
Premise: based off this post I made a while back where I mused on the concept of a clone/reader insert pen pal fic. Starting off with Fox based on a suggestion by @istanmyman
Word count: ~3.9k 
Rating: G
Other notes: Gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N, apparently I can only write Thorn as Fox’s best bro and nosy wingman 
When you heard the news that the Grand Army of the Republic was starting up a correspondence program for troopers and civilians to connect and communicate, you immediately signed up for it. Not that your friends and family weren’t enough for you, it was just that you itched to learn more about the galaxy and what it was like to live and travel among the stars. Enrolling in the program was the closest you were going to get until you were able to travel yourself.
(That, and you were curious to learn more about the clones who were fighting for the Republic.)
Around a month after signing up for the program, you learned you were matched with CC-1010, also known as “Fox.” A few days after learning about your match, you received your first message from him.
I am Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard. I am stationed on Coruscant, where I oversee the security of the Senate, manage operations at the military base on the planet, and coordinate with local authorities to maintain public safety. My fellow Guard Commanders and I are participating in this correspondence program to connect with Republic citizens we have sworn to protect and defend. I look forward to communicating with you.
Commander Fox
His opening message was … something. It read like he didn’t want to be in the program, like his fellow Commanders may have forced him to do it with them. You also supposed he may have not known how else to introduce himself, and that was the best way he could think of to make a good first impression.
Regardless of the reason for his overly stiff and formal introduction, you wrote up your first message to Fox:
Hello Commander Fox, it’s nice to meet you!
I live on Naboo, in a small town in the lake country. I have a job in my grandmother’s tea shop. It’s not nearly as exciting as guarding Senators or catching bad guys, but it’s quiet and peaceful. I’m saving up to travel the galaxy one day, and until then the next best thing is talking with people like you who live in different places.
I do have some questions for you: what’s it like living on Coruscant? What do you do in your free time? Do you have any exciting stories about saving Senators from Separatists that you can share?
Hope to hear from you soon!
You signed with your name and sent the message.
A few days later, Fox sent his response. He greeted you by name in his opening line then went on to say:
Coruscant is loud, crowded, and messy. Feels like the planet never sleeps, with all the noise and lights at all hours of the day. My troopers and I live in barracks on the surface, and we don’t get much free time. Some of the boys like to go to this bar called 79’s that a lot of clones frequent. It’s not my favorite place, though. When I have free time, I like to relax with a good book, watch holodramas, or catch up on sleep. The work we do is important and a great service to the Republic, but a quiet peaceful life on Naboo with no excitement would be a welcome change of pace compared to my current station.
I haven’t rescued any Senators in the line of duty, but I did help Senator Amidala arrest Ziro the Hutt at the beginning of the war. I like Senator Amidala, she has a good head on her shoulders.
(She’s your Senator, isn’t she?)
I hope that’s what you were wanting to hear.
Looking forward to your response,
Commander Fox
You smiled to yourself as you read his message, and you imagined him in full armor laying back in a bed reading a book. Quiet, restful moments that you took for granted in your quiet life must have been sacred to a man like Fox.
The following day, you hiked out to the nearest lake to take pictures. You made sure to capture the lush green grass surrounding the lake, the colorful wildflowers growing along the shore, the sparkling crystal blue waters, and the majestic waterfalls that poured water into the lake. You made sure to include the pictures in the next message you wrote to Fox:
Senator Amidala is indeed from Naboo. She was our Queen too, back when I was younger. Everyone in my town loves her, and my grandma even has her royal portrait on display in the shop.
Not much has really happened since I last wrote to you. But I did go out and take some pictures of a nearby lake! The pictures are included with this message. I hope they can give you a small taste of my quiet life here.
Three weeks went by, and you hadn’t received a message from Fox. At first you figured he was busy with his duties. Then you worried that your pictures of the lake soured his mood, reminding him of something he couldn’t have. Then … you feared the worst.
One day after work, you went home and checked your message inbox on your computer. There was a message waiting for you from Fox. You breathed a sigh of relief as you opened it and read:
I’m sorry it took me so long to write you back. There was a bombing that took out the Senate’s power grid, and then a hostage crisis with bounty hunters, and then Ziro the Hutt escaped from prison. When I haven’t been scouring the city for Ziro or his accomplices, I have been neck-deep in paperwork.
Ironic, how right after I brag about helping bring Ziro into custody, he escapes.
I appreciate the pictures you sent me. Naboo looks like a beautiful planet. I would love to visit someday.
~ Fox
You took note of how he signed off with just his name, not his rank, and then you leaned back in your chair to mull over what to say to him. Your first idea was to invite him to visit Naboo once the war was over, but who knew when that would be. Unable to think of anything to say, you decided to come back to it later as you went about your evening.
The next day while you were at work, you served a customer some herbal tea that was supposed to have a relaxing effect. The customer didn’t stick around long enough for you to see if it worked, but you took a tin full of the loose-leaf tea home with you after your shift. You reviewed the rules of the correspondence program, confirming that it would be appropriate to send a package to Fox, and then you packaged the tea up and took it to the shipping depot to send to Coruscant.
Stars, shipping items to Coruscant was expensive. Fox better like that tea, you thought.
Hello Fox,
I don’t mind that you wrote late. I’m just glad that nothing happened to you.
That really is some rotten luck, Ziro escaping. I hope you or the Jedi catch him and take him back to prison. In the meantime, remember to rest and take care of yourself! Coruscant needs a great Commander like you looking out for it, and I like having you as my pen pal.
I sent you a package with some tea from the shop. It’s a relaxation blend. I haven’t tried it, but it’s popular with customers. It should arrive in the next rotation or two. Hope you like it.
Three days later you got his next message:
The tea is wonderful. I had a cup of it an hour before going to bed, and I had the best sleep of my life. Thank you.
Short and sweet, but you couldn’t ask for more.
Over the following weeks you and Fox continued to exchange messages. The two of you discovered that you shared a common interest in a holodrama series and dedicated several messages to discussing it and predicting what might happen in the coming episodes. You sent him more pictures of the countryside and of your village, and he sent you pictures of the Coruscant skyline at sunset: the way the golden light of the sun glinted off the shining chrome towers was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen, and it moved Coruscant up a few spots on your list of places to visit.
At one point you looked up pictures of the clones on the Holonet to get an idea of what Fox might look like. However, the only pictures of the troopers you could find showed them with their helmets on. The closest you could get was a ten-year-old picture of Jango Fett; Jango was ridiculously handsome, so it would stand to reason that Fox would be too.
Fox gradually began loosening up, and he shared stories about growing up on Kamino or shenanigans his brothers got into. He hinted at there being some interpersonal drama among some Senators, but he didn’t name names since he knew the supervisors of the correspondence program read his messages before sending them to you, to make sure he wasn’t divulging information he shouldn’t be.
Fox also asked you more questions about your life. You told him about your childhood, your relationship with your parents, how you got your job at your grandmother’s shop, about your friends that moved to Theed for work or university studies, and all the places in the galaxy you wanted to visit.
You mentioned wanting to see Felucia, and in his next message Fox included pictures of the planet’s colorful trees, plants, flowers, and shrubs – including a few at night, when the vegetation gave off a bioluminescent glow.
One of my fellow Commanders spends a lot of time doing missions on Felucia. I asked him for pictures to show you and he took these and sent them to me.
I’m trying to get him to join this correspondence program too, but he won’t agree to it. He spends a lot of time with his Jedi, maybe that’s enough for him.
I’ve had a lot of mixed feelings about not having a Jedi. I think about how some of them seem like a pain to work with and that it might not be worth the trouble, but then I see other Jedi treat the men under their command as friends or even family.
Which is why I’ve come to appreciate your messages. When I get them, they’re the highlight of my day. For a brief amount of time I feel like a normal person. I’ve never met you face-to-face, I don’t even know what you look like, but I consider you a friend.
Getting pictures of Felucia from Fox made you feel all warm and fluttery inside. What he said about feeling like a normal person did as well, but it broke your heart at the same time. You wanted to stow away on a ship to Coruscant to give him a hug, and then go kick the behinds of anyone who ever made him feel bad about himself. Especially since he and his brothers worked so hard to keep people safe … it was a crime that they weren’t getting the recognition they deserved.
You snapped a picture of yourself to include in your next message, making sure the lighting and angle were just right so you looked your best. It also helped that you just happened to be wearing a color that you thought you looked good in.
Thank you for the pictures of Felucia! When I look at them it’s almost like I’m actually there. Please pass my gratitude along to your brother who took them.
I think of you as a friend too. I’m grateful to have you defending the Republic, and I’m glad to have you as my pen pal.
I don’t have much to offer you right now, other than a picture of me. At least now you can know what I look like.
You sent the message with the picture, leaned back in your chair, and watched the monitor of your computer. You knew that Fox wasn’t going to write back that same night, but you imagined him opening the message, reading your words, seeing your picture, and smiling the way his message made you smile.
Oh no.
Were you developing a crush on him?
Then again, so what if you were? You didn’t have to tell him, you could hide it. He was parsecs away on another planet. And he was a clone; would he even be allowed to date if he wanted to? Nothing would or could come of it. If a crush was forming, with any luck it would go away on its own. But that didn’t stop you from double-checking how many credits you had in your savings and comparing that number to the cost for a ticket to Coruscant.
Four days went by during which you went about your usual business, often distracted by thoughts of Fox how his day might have been going. Maybe he was chasing Separatists or criminals around, or maybe he was buried under another mound of paperwork. You wondered if he caught the newest episode of the holodrama you both liked; you couldn’t wait to talk about it with him. That little crush you were sure would fade away wasn’t going anywhere, and it both delighted and frustrated you.
The first thing you did after you got home from your shift was check your messages. It had become routine at this point, especially since a new message from him easily became the highlight of your day. However, the message in your inbox – presumably from Fox – was not what you thought it would be:
Greetings, Fox’s Pen Pal!
I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but Fox has it BAD for you. I’ve been watching him write these messages to you and hemming and hawing around the barracks and his office making sure he gets every word just right. He’s got your pictures of the lakes and fields on Naboo framed on the wall of his office, he drank all that tea you sent him and he still keeps the tin on his desk right next to your selfie. And if you knew the amount of favors he had to cash in to get our brother Bly to get those pictures of Felucia for you! (it’s a lot, trust me)
Anyway, I thought you ought to know. I told him to make a move and be honest about his feelings but he’s shy. So even though I might be overstepping some boundaries, I feel like it’s my brotherly duty to intervene on his behalf. If there’s a chance you might feel the same way, you should tell him. If you don’t, proceed how you will but please go easy on him.
If it influences your decision-making process at all, I included a picture of him. He’s a good-looking guy if I do say so myself, although he’s not as handsome as me 😉
Yours truly,
Commander Thorn
PS – please don’t tell Fox that I wrote you using his account.
You sat at your computer, staring blankly at the words on the screen, taking minutes to process what you just read … and then you remembered there was a picture attached to the message, so you opened up the attachment.
Jango Fett may have been handsome, but Fox was gorgeous. He looked like he was in his early- or mid-twenties, although there were wisps of gray hair above his ears by his temples. His hair was cropped close along the sides and longer on top, and you took a minute to admire his curl pattern. He wasn’t smiling in the picture, his face wearing a more neutral resting expression that showed off the scar running along the corner of his mouth. Finally, you noticed his eyes: framed by dark circles, his irises were a deep, inviting shade of brown. What would it be like to look into his eyes in person, or run your hands through his hair, or trace his scar with your thumb before you went in to –
You stopped yourself. You were getting carried away. Heat rose up the back of your neck and across your cheeks.
For the rest of the evening you mulled over what to do next. You knew you wanted to tell him that you liked him too … but doing it over a message didn’t feel like enough. Turning up unannounced was a bad idea too. Would he even want you to show up in person? And since you didn’t have his contact information outside of the correspondence program, you didn’t have a way to call him for a face-to-face talk via holotransceiver.
Unsure of what to do, you fired off a message as soon as the fleeting idea for it popped into your brain. Would you regret it? Maybe. Only one way to find out.
Hi Fox,
I want to come visit you on Coruscant. When will you be free?
It only took a few minutes for him to respond, but it felt like hours. The entire time your heart pounded furiously in your chest, and you bounced your leg up and down since you could barely contain your jitters inside your body. There was a chance he would say no, Thorn did say he was shy after all. But when his message came through, you opened it immediately, and all the jitters melted away.
I see you got Thorn’s message … lucky for us he’ll be available to cover for me when I’m off-duty to host you. Let me know when you’re coming.
Your mouth instantly spread into a grin … you could hardly believe it. It hardly seemed real, even as you opened up a Holonet page to book a roundtrip ticket.
Four rotations later, your transport came into orbit around Coruscant. A shuttle took you from the transport down to the planet’s surface, and you were in awe of the densely-packed constellations of lights twinkling up from the planet’s surface. Descending into the atmosphere, those lights morphed into buildings, and lanes upon lanes of speeder traffic, and seemingly endless grids of buildings. At one point you saw several buildings whose architecture differed from the others; the pilot pointed them out and said they were the Senate Complex and the Jedi Temple, respectively.
You disembarked from the shuttle and paused to look around. Coruscant was nothing like Naboo. Not a speck of green in sight, no signs of nature, just duracrete and grays upon grays as far as the eye could see. And it was loud, just like Fox said it was, with the revving engines and blasting horns from speeders breezing by above your head.
You checked your wrist chrono, seeing that you had two hours until you were due to meet Fox at 79’s. Next, you pulled a datapad out of your bag that contained a map of the planet’s surface and studied how to get from your current position to the hotel you booked for your stay. The hotel was only a couple of blocks from the bar – not that you had certain expectations for this trip or anything, you thought it would be easier to stay nearby.
All in all, it took one hour and fifty minutes to get from the shuttle landing pad to the hotel to drop off your things, and then another eight to get from the hotel to 79’s. In your rush and panic as you navigated Coruscant’s taxi and public transportation systems, you didn’t have time to be too nervous about meeting Fox in person for the first time. But as you walked up to the entrance of the bar with its painfully bright neon signs and the muffled music spilling out from inside, it all hit you.
You took off to a strange planet by yourself to see a man you only knew through messages. If your grandmother had her way she would have stopped you from going. What if he didn’t like you after the trip … what if you didn’t like him? What if something went wrong?
But then you saw him standing by the entrance to the bar, recognizing him by his red-painted armor and the gray hairs above his ears and the thick curls on top of his head that you admired so much. He was surveying the area with a soldier’s laser-sharp focus, perhaps looking for your arrival, and he clutched a small bouquet of colorful flowers to his chest. When his eyes met yours, his face lit up with a smile, the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. Your worries seemed to matter less as you broke into a brisk jog to meet him.
“Fox?” you asked, smiling yourself.
“Indeed,” he responded before he handed the flowers to you. “I- uh- I got you these.”
“They’re beautiful, thank you,” you said. No one had ever gotten you flowers before; in the past it didn’t seem like anything to miss out on, but now that you held a bouquet in your arms, you felt special. Treasured, even.
“And, uh, as for the venue ….” Fox’s voice trailed off as he glanced over his shoulder at the bar’s garishly bright neon signs.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” you said, trying to be reassuring.
“I’m not allowed in most places, even when I’m off-duty … and I would have liked to take you somewhere nicer ….” He paused and rubbed the back of his neck. You could hear in his voice just how nervous he was.
“Because … well … you’re special to me. In a way no one else in my life is.”
You smiled at him again, and then wasted no time in leaning forward and pressing your lips to his cheek. It felt right to kiss him like that, but when you pulled back and saw him staring at you in shock and awe, you worried that it was too much too soon.
“C-can I …” he stammered. You nodded, and he angled his face so he could return the gesture. His lips were surprisingly soft against the skin of your cheek, and you couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel or taste like on your own lips.
There would be time for that later, you reminded yourself, if all went well.
“Does this place have food?” you ask him.
“Well it is a bar … they have non-alcoholic drinks too, if that’s what you prefer.”
“Then it’s got everything I need. I don’t know what I would do with myself at a fancy restaurant anyway.”
“I imagine a restaurant would be quieter and allow for some proper conversation … but Thorn told me about a spot inside where we’ll be able to talk and hear each other without having to shout over the music.” Fox added.
“Sounds perfect,” you said with a smile.
Fox offered his arm to you and you took it, wrapping your hand around his bicep just above his elbow so he could lead you into the bar. Throughout the evening any time your eyes met his you felt safe, like you were the only person in the universe, and that you needed to figure out a way to make regular visits to Coruscant.
No matter what, you would always be glad you got Fox as a pen pal, and that you came to visit him. Especially since it was more fun to rant and rave about the newest episode of the holodrama in person.
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