#the beginning always leaves me stumped for thoughts
morphodae · 8 days
Sun-kissed Flowers On the Open Plains
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❈ jiaoqiu x foxian!reader ↳reader is described as feixiao's sister but is not given pronouns; additionally, reader also has no tail and has two different colored eyes due to borisin experimentation "you, feixiao's sister, are a renown Genius Society researcher assigned the task of helping jiaoqiu after the events preceding the wardance on the xianzhou luofu. The only problem is… the general’s trusted retainers have never once heard of you." cw: 2.5 spoilers (utc), feixiao lore spoilers, a bit of slowburn, hurt/comfort, mentions of trauma, etc wc: 3.2k
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The foxian tilts his head, an amused chuckle escaping his lips. “General, that would be the wrong game —“
A hiccup interrupts his thoughts, a shaky finger reaching over the game board in an attempt to shush her retainer. “Jiaoqiu,” she slurs, a wine bottle held snugly against her other arm, “vic — victory here is inevitable. And I won fair and square.” Looking at the board, her retainer agrees that Feixiao did indeed win fairly. “So, let’s have another round!”
“As much as I’d love to, General,” he says, hands folded under his chin, “I must remind you, despite your enthusiastic efforts in prolonging it, that you are to meet with a client in less than a system hour.” Smirking, he feels around for the phone in his pocket. While acclimating to the lack of sight, his other senses had improved drastically. 
Feixiao pouts before taking another swig of her wine and setting it down loudly. 
“Plus, I did win a few matches ago,” Jiaoqiu begins, “one of the stipulations of that particular match was you agreeing to tell me of this ‘imminent person’ that you’re meeting with.” As someone who, despite his eyesight, was still tasked with taking care of the General’s daily tasks and meetings, Jiaoqiu was stumped when the report was read to him that an undisclosed meeting was to take place later in the afternoon. Not only that, but Feixiao refused to tell him who the person was. The General was always a free and impulsive spirit, so Jiaoqiu didn’t want to nag too much — the General often did as she pleased despite his protests anyhow — but the thought of a mysterious individual so secretive that even he wasn’t allowed to know… well, he’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t worry him.
Feixiao’s silence is deafening. Even the cool breeze surrounding them in the gardens seemed cacophonous compared to the tense atmosphere. A look of determination filled the General’s features, tipsy demeanor seemingly gone, her voice quiet as she speaks. 
“Jiaoqiu,” she begins, “while I still can’t tell you who this person is, I promise they are trustworthy.” 
“I’ll be fine,” she affirms, words as steady as they could be with a good amount of alcohol in her system. A sigh from Jiaoqiu is all she hears in response.
“Alright, General,” he shrugs, “I’ll trust you. I can’t change your mind with this, but you know it’s my duty to vet anyone who might pose a danger to you.”
Another hiccup. “I – if it were a problem, I’d handle it.” “I know, General.” Jiaoqiu rises from his cushion, practiced reflexes fast as he snatches the bottle away from her wobbly hands. “And no more of this. You’ve hardly had anything to eat to offset the effects. What would your guest think seeing the Lacking General lacking in cognition?” Before Feixiao can offer another rebuttal, her phone dings, signaling that Jiaoqiu’s personal assistant was there to escort him back to his office. 
A moment passes when a familiar mop of brown hair belonging to the assistant appears at the entrance; a demure and older foxian who dutifully performed her tasks as Jiaoqiu’s eyes. Feixiao nods in the assistant’s direction before guiding Jiaoqiu to the woman. 
Despite her blurry vision and lingering effects of the wine, she calls out his name before he fully leaves the garden.
“…thank you for looking out for me,” she speaks gently, teal eyes shining with ingenuity and determination. Hidden words unspoken as the pink foxian smiles over his shoulder.
I’ll find a way to cure you, Jiaoqiu. That’s a promise I vow to keep.
“What strange eyes. Two different colors? Perhaps they’re blind in one of them?”
“Sure, they have heterochromia but have you seen the fact they have no tail? Quite odd. Maybe they were another foxian slave of the borisin.”
The cacophony of voices and whispers as you navigated the confusing streets of the Luofu hardly bothered you. The most pressing concern was ensuring that your directions were accurate, concise, and most of all: timely. Curse your greenhorn lab assistant. Still, you couldn’t quite blame him after all; he was used to the monochromatic layout of Herta’s Space Station and not any of the Xianzhou ships.
Still, it was bothersome to be guided to the Luofu instead of your usual meeting place at Feixiao’s headquarters on the Yaoqing. It was no one’s fault that the Merlin’s Claw had several business meetings with the General of the Luofu.
Not to mention… her incredibly reckless, idiotic, and ridiculous stunt she pulled with the borisin takeover three months ago. You hadn’t seen your younger sister in six months and wanted to strangle her, embrace her, strangle her again, and then revive her just to tell her how stupid she’d been.
A throbbing headache pounds in your temples, a frown twisting your lips. Glancing at the paper in your hand and peering up at the port, you notice that your destination is up ahead. The Seat of Divine Foresight… a rather humorous name for the notoriously lazy General Jing Yuan. You suppose your fellow colleagues in the Genius Society also belonged to eccentric corners of the galaxy.
Approaching the starskiff port, you see no Cloud Knight waiting to escort you to the general’s office. Gazing around, the corner of your vision notices a brief haze of purples and deep blues.
“Excuse me,” you walk up to the figure, a tall man who towers over you, leaning against the side of an empty building, “do you know where any Cloud Knights are currently stationed?”
The man’s opaque eyes peer down at you, a small scowl that would’ve sent chills down any other person’s spine. Gray strands of hair peek out from under his hood and with arms crossed, he quickly resumes – er, brooding by himself in the corner.
Alright, then.
“Sir,” you speak, tone a bit louder, “I asked you a question.”
A deep, rumbling voice causes your ears to twitch when the man finally responds. “If you are looking for a Cloud Knight, then speak to a Cloud Knight.”
You’re tempted to roll your eyes. What a lovely first impression of the people on the Luofu, you muse. But, you quickly shake those thoughts aside. Perhaps he wasn’t keen on speaking to you due to reasons he may have against foxians, or maybe your general lack of socialization was to blame. After all, you were a researcher who spent most of their time holed up in a lab; your people skills and social cues weren’t always the best.
“Fine. Apologies for bothering you, then.”
As your back quickly led further and further out of the assassin’s sight, something tells him to take one more glance at you. Additionally, a soft breeze passes by that carries your scent: a familiar scent that belonged to a certain someone he worked for. 
A lack of a tail, similar foxian appearance… he understood now.
Keen ears pick up his voice from a brief distance and you turn around hesitantly. He approaches you in long, even strides before his face softens imperceptibly. 
“I can escort you to your meeting.” “You know who I am?”
A hum of acknowledgement.
“Alright. Well, thank you. Then… may I know your name?”
As promised, Moze and two Cloud Knights escort you to a small, private office off to the side within the Seat of Divine Foresight. It isn’t long after the doors close before a mass of pearly white hair obscures your vision. A tight embrace nearly knocks the wind out of you as Feixiao picks you up in an excited hug and spins you around the room.
“Aeons I missed you!” your sister exclaims, nuzzling the side of her face against your own as she’s almost hesitant to let go.
You sigh half-heartedly, fighting the smile on your face. She’d always been the touchier and more expressive of the two of you. “I missed you too, Saran.”
After a brief catching up, Feixiao hands you a copy of medical records that has sat in her care for months. You glance over the contents, ears drooping as each word, each sentence brings an empathic pain to your chest. 
“And this belongs to your retainer, yes?”
Feixiao nods. “Jiaoqiu, yes. He took the brunt of the borisin jailbreak. As you can see…” she trails off, reluctant to recall the events of three months ago, “...he’s not in great shape. The road to his recovery is a long one and he’s too stubborn to admit that anything is wrong.”
“So,” you begin, “he’s the patient you’re hoping I can treat. With all due respect, what makes you think he’d be willing to accept my help? The texts and reports are just as you said: he’s too stubborn to ask for help or admit that anything is seriously wrong.”
“Just call it a… promise.” Her familiar words rang through your brain; the same exact phrase was written to you when she’d first reached out to you for help.
Strong, calloused hands grip your shoulders. “You’re a member of the Genius Society. With your intelligence and history of biomedical breakthroughs, I have faith in my jiě jie to help.”
“He has so much to live for, and I don’t want him to continue throwing his life away,” she adds, her voice a strained whisper. 
Despite your credentials as a Genius Society member, you’d only joined them out of them pressuring you. After escaping the slave camps on Koolur, you and Feixiao were separated after that fateful “shooting star,” and therefore, followed different paths. You’d come across a mentor who showed you how to read, write, learn the common galactic language, and helped nurture your love of knowledge. Decades passed before you were proficient enough to work independently of your late mentor’s guidance. 
Without ever meeting Jiaoqiu, you could tell how much your sister valued her retainer, valued her close relationships. You two were alike in both holding on to loved ones and throwing your own lives away for the greater good.
“Saran – ” you start. You shake off what you’re about to say; it’s no use beginning a lecture that has no point in even starting.
One more somber glance at the medical report in your hand is enough to determine an answer. You made no promises, but you could try.
Trying is all you could do.
“I’ll do it. When will I meet him?”
“Well, even if my efforts can’t fully restore your eyesight, my goal is to get you to a place where you can see things as best as you can,” you hum, jotting down final notes on your clipboard. “Maybe a pair of exceptionally strong eyeglasses can help, should we get to that point.”
You smile to yourself on instinct. When you peer up to the patient in front of you, Jiaoqiu does not respond, but simply smiles in contentment. These past few weeks of treating him and you’d grown tired of how nonchalant he appeared about his condition. Not only was he “unbothered” by your apparent insistence to help his condition, it was quite clear that he was, in fact, quite against having another person waste their time and resources on him.
I’ve made my decision and am now paying the price for it. I have no regrets. But, if you still insist on doing this, then I suppose I understand. General Feixiao’s orders are absolute, after all.
Those were some of his first words to you at your initial meeting with him. Now, weeks later, he's opened up with endearing facts about his former cooking skills, his medicinal knowledge, and even his adjustment to having almost full blindness. In a way, the foxian was charming enough. Being as introverted as you were, you found it natural to hold a conversation with him.
Continuing to stir the concoction of chemicals on your table, you decide to make small talk to ease the silence. “You know, I’m actually older than I look.” 
You groan at the memory you endured outside of the Alchemy Commission the other day. “In fact, some short-life kids approached me with some leftover candy and referred to me as “Granny.” It was a bit jarring,” you chuckle.
A chuckle. “Is that so? You sound quite young to me. If I may be so bold, how old are you?”
When you give him an age, he merely hums. You continue sharing tailored details of your past, of your time in the Genius Society, as an independent biotech researcher, and of your unusual foxian traits.
“You certainly are sharing quite a bit of yourself with me, considering that you haven’t known me long and that I’m technically your patient,” he chuckles.
You don’t answer right away, a forlorn expression paints itself onto your face. You study the vials in front of you before quietly responding. “No one has ever cared or taken the time to listen.” Though he cannot see your face, the tone of your voice twists at something inside of him. He offers you a genuine smile, hoping all the while that his expression can convey what words cannot. 
You bite your lip out of nervousness.
“Did she —,” you begin, hesitant, “did General Feixiao inform you of who I was?”
Long-life species wearing glasses wasn’t usually unheard of unless it was cosmetic, or in some cases, congenital. In the case of foxians, strong vision was often a common point of pride that they could all find in common. You become distinctly aware of your lack of tail; a point of pride in many foxians. Despite well over a century of acclimating to the odd stares of citizens — not just your tail, but your heterochromatic eye colors too — it became a mere thought that drifted in the wind.
Perhaps you and Jiaoqiu… could have something in common.
Dragged out of your very brief thoughts, a chuckle reverberates deep in the pink foxian’s chest. “Yes?” He tilts his head on instinct, confusion lacing his tone. “The General assigned me a scientist, one of the best in the Xianzhou, to help with the promise she made for me.”
You let out a nearly inaudible sigh. “Jiaoqiu…. The truth is — the real truth is that I am General Feixiao’s sister.”
Hesitantly, you peer up at his face as he sits motionless on your exam table. His jaw slackens, face unreadable as the cogs in his head turn. A small swish of his tail is the only indicator you have that he hasn’t passed out.
“Please say something,” you murmur, deciding to avoid looking in his direction and instead, busying yourself with your chemicals again. When time continues to tick by, eternally slow, you let out a deep sigh. Your ears perk at a brief laugh behind you.
“If you sigh any harder, I might just get blown away.”
Setting aside the herbs you were crushing, you face his direction once again. “Does this… change anything?”
“Hm? Would it change anything for you?”
Another small sigh. “You really do have a way with being cheeky and annoying, don’t you? This has to be the twentieth time we’ve known each other where you answer a question with a question.” Your tone is light, joking. “Jiaoqiu,” you continue,”no, it doesn’t change anything for me. I only wanted to determine if you’d think of me differently.”
Before he can respond, you clarify. “Feixiao hasn’t made my existence public out of fear any enemies could take advantage of it and use it against her. And although she used to insist that she could take any enemy that comes her way if it meant protecting me, it was mostly my idea that I was kept out of the public eye. Besides that, she is a general, and I’m a scientist. We both have different life paths after we were separated as children.”
Jiaoqiu doesn’t respond, choosing his words carefully. He reaches out his hand gingerly as if asking for something. “May I?”
Confused, you saunter closer to where his legs are swung over the examination table so that you are standing in between his legs. Once he senses your presence within a reasonable distance, he slowly raises his hands to cup your cheeks. The action causes warmth to flow through your face, eyes widening at his actions. A part of you flinches out of reflex, out of a traumatic memory in which you used to associate touch with negativity, but the tenderness in which the pink-haired man is using almost makes you want to cry.
Delicate, long fingers trace up your cheekbones, to your eyes, lashes, nose… he slowly memorizes the features of your face before sliding up to the fluffy ears on your head. When he hears a sharp, shaky intake of your breath, he reaches back down to the area just below your eyes, lightly thumbing away tears that threaten to spill over.
Another small smile. “Yep, similar to the General’s.” A pause. “The skin under your eyes feels thin. Just how long have you been staying up to help find a fix for my eyes?”
You swallow a lump in your throat. “However long I have to stay up.” A tsk reaches your ears as he continues to caress your face. 
“You asked me if I thought any differently of you… and the truth is, I do.” The corners of his lips frown. “But not because of General Feixiao, or because you have an obligation to “cure” me, but because these past five weeks I've gotten to know an incredibly kind, selfless, and enticing individual.”
A lifetime of torture, betrayal, hardship, and isolation has only made you doubtful of others. Your mentor was dead alongside countless people you used to call friends had passed long before you. You understood grief all too well: the looming threat of Feixiao's curse, of losing her too. You stare deeply into his face, studying the contortions and trying desperately to make out any sort of hidden meaning behind his words. His hands fall back into his lap. In spite of your best judgment, a very touch-starved part of yourself immediately misses his skin on yours.
“So, thank you.”
“You’re thanking me?” You blink, confusion lacing your tone. Before you can overthink and retort that you hadn’t made much progress in his vision, Jiaoqiu responds with a short nod. “You have allowed me to feel something other than pain and nightmares.” He bites his lip, hesitating sharing his insecurities with anyone. “That has only ever been accomplished through the use of spicy foods. After my time in the endless throes of war, I thought I’d never have true feelings for anything ever again.”
Blinking rapidly, you fail to notice the nervous swaying of Jiaoqiu’s tail behind him.
He extends his hands again, voice soft as he nearly whispers. “May I?”
You guide his hands back up to your face but he shakes his head no. Instead, he lets one of your hands drop and embraces your hand with both of his. Gingerly, he lifts your hand up to the featherlight touch of his lips before the moment is gone as quickly as it arrived.
The pink-haired healer may not have found a way to heal himself, but he’s sure that in time, your presence will give him the budding hope he’s been yearning for his whole life.
Smiling up in your direction, he gives you gratitude once more for reviving the dead parts of his shattered heart – one fragment, one day at a time.
“Thank you.”
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Sensitive Soul😔 - Alastor x Reader
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Requested by @ju1yyyzzz
The Hazbin gang were all lounging around the lobby, minding their own business. Charlie was reading a story book, definitely romance. Vaggie had her spear in her hand, practicing her moves. Sir Pentious was observing her. Apparently Vaggie wanted to teach him some physical combat, since he relied too much on his gadgets and egg minions. He was sloppy, but he had a lot of confidence, which Vaggie respected. Angel dust was chatting away at the bar with Husk. Their relationship had improved a lot, leaving you feeling very happy to the point you cried. Zooming sounds were happening all across the room. It was Niffty, chasing after the insects with a knitting needle. The look in her eye was crazy and glad she was aiming it towards the bugs, and not you. Alastor was relaxing against a chair, legs crossed while sipping from a coffee mug. The hotel radio was playing a broadcast from the human world. The fact that it could pick up stations from the living world was insane. Must have been Alastor's doing since he always looking for more entertainment.
The phone in your hand was your source of entertainment for the time being, as you kept flipping through Sinstagram. Static emanated from the radio, beginning to play a broadcast in regards to some sort of pandemic happening on earth. The grin radiating on Alastor's face was nerve wracking, as he continued to listen in on it. "HAHA! How utterly entertaning! Makes me remember the good old days during the Great Depression! So many orphans!" It felt like you had been punched in the stomach. 'How could he find that entertaining'. Your thoughts were becoming depressing, and tears began to appear in your eyes. Charlie took a break from her book, and looked up, noticing your sad expression. "Y/N, Why are you crying?" Realization hit you as you touched your cheek and felt wetness. The room got quiet, everyone gazing at you with concerned looks including Alastor. "I-I'm I-. I need to be excused." Jumping from where you were sitting, you rushed out of the room, leaving everyone confused. Angel was the first to speak up: "What the f✪✪✪ was that about?"
Charlie felt the need to comfort you, but she concluded that your probably needed a minute to calm down. She looked around the room, observing everyone. "Did any of you say anything to them?" Everyone shrugged their shoulders, stumped. Niffty zoomed next to Charlie, wanting to tell her something. "She started to cry when Alastor was laughing about something on the radio." Eyes all turned to Al. Alastor still had a smile on his face, but mentally he was riddled with confusion. "I was only reminiscing about the past! My words did not bare any insults towards them!" A spear was drawn at his face, causing him to arch an eyebrow. Ohh how scary he thought. Vaggie was fuming, nearly about to strike Alastor. "Whatever you said apparently made them upset! Now go and check on them, bastardo!" The air grew ominous, as Alastor powers began to expand, clouding the room with black mist. The smile on his face began to grow monstrous, as his eyes turned into radio dials. "Now Vaggie! There is no need for threats! But I advise that you lower your w̶͈̒͜è̶̫̤͖̃̀̔̋́a̴̝̮̾̽̋̌̈́̎̍p̵̳̟̩͈̬̹͓̔̀͌ó̸̟̃ṇ̵̹̻̽̉ ̶̩̞͓̃̓͌̈́ȍ̷̬ṛ̸̨̡͈̹́͜ ̵̡͈̰͎́̚ḛ̴̞̯̭̥͊̅̇̃̎̆l̵̖̔͑͆̿s̸̙̐̌̐̆̓͠è̵̛̻͑̓̊͠!" Charlie jumped between the both of them, wanting to appease the situation. "Vaggie Stop!" Charlie words reached her girlfriend, causing the spear to be lowered, as she crossed her arms. Charlie then looked at Alastor, who had managed to calm down slightly, yet the air was still tense. "Alastor. Could you please check on Y/N?" A shook of his head, brought him back to normal, as he stood up from the couch. "All right!" The staff in his hand at appeared, giving it a twirl before he stood up from the couch, walking away with his hands behind his back.
"Now where could the little darling have gone?" Alastor announced to himself, as he ventured down the hallways. His first place to look would be your room. Giving a rhythmic tap on the door, he waited for you to open the door. His ears twitched, trying to pinpoint any sounds from the other side, but heard none. "Hmm. Not here." Alastor continued to look for you. The last place to look was the hotel garden. It needed a lot of weeding and pruning when he first arrived at the Hotel. Niffty and you were able to fix it right up, planting certain hellflowers and fruits and vegetables. Sounds of sniffling reached Alastor's ears, "Ah so you were here!" he thought. He found on curled on the ground, laying on the concrete ground, admiring the flowers. His eyes noticed the tear streaks that were still prominent on your cheeks. Turning your head around, you saw Alastor standing next to you, before looking away. "Why the long face my dear?" Alastor chortled to himself, while you remained silent. Your lack of silence bothered Al. He still couldn't piece together why you were crying in the lobby? He snapped his fingers, causing a cushion to appear on the ground. He didn't want to dirty his pants. Plopping down, he continued to look at you. His smile stayed the same, but his eyes were looking at you with slight concern.
"My dear, what has you so upset? Was it something I did in the lobby that bothered you?" He patiently waited for your answer. Wiping your tears with your sleeve, you turned your head towards him. "You didn't do anything Al. It was the topic you brought up that got to me!" Cocking his head, he pondered what you said. A lightbulb flashed in his head. "Ahh yes! The great depression!" His smile became giddy. His entertainment for misery was appearing again. "Yes. I know to you it was highly entertaining, but to others it wasn't. It just made be think about all the hard-times during that time, and the orphans and what-not. I know its stupid to cry over something like that, but certain things or topics I'm very sensitive too. Often times it results in my breaking down in tears like you just saw." Alastor continued to stare at you, while you talked. He was relieved he didn't cause something directly to upset you, but it did stun him a a bit at your reasoning. His years being a radio host/serial killer harden him, to the point certain depressing topics became utter joy for him. It gave him a bit of realization that subjects like this were very bothersome to others, including you. "I apologized if I worried you and the others. Just didn't want to cry in front of all of you over something stupid. Wish I wasn't such a cry-baby." Casting your eyes down, you gazed at ground.
A fluffy material touched your cheek, causing you to jump. Looking at Al, he was cleaning your face with a handkerchief. His signature smile, had dropped. It wasn't a frown, but he was a full on smile either. More of a slight grin. "Y/N, there is nothing wrong with crying over stuff like this. My time in Hell has made me immune to depressing topics. This doesn't make you a cry-baby, it just means that you have a pure soul. You care about the well being of others greatly, to the point of tears. It is quite alright my dear, and I would like to give a proper apology to you." His words were insanely sweet. More tears began to pour out your eyes, shocking Alastor even more.
"My dear?! What did I say? Why are the tears still coming from your eyes?" His actions were frantic, as he continued to wipe the tears from your eyes. The tears still flowed, but a smile was on your face. "Hehe, I'm sorry. Your words were very sweet and just made me very happy that I wanted to cry." Alastor gave a chuckle as well, shaking his head. "My my what a strange demon you were. Still, you were very adorable." He thought to himself. Soon the handkerchief had removed all of the tears that were flowing down. The signature grin he wore returned, as he got up from his position, snapping the cushion away. His hand extended out to you, allowing you to grab it. Being pulled up, you got up off the ground, and stood in front of Alastor. His other hand was placed on your cheek, giving it a stroke before returning back to him. "Shall we head back my dear? The others must be getting worried!" He smiled down at you, to which you responded back with a nod, as the both of you walked together out of the garden to rejoin the others.
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen , @aceofcards0-0 , @jyoongim , @saturnhas82moons , @unholycheesesnack, @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping , @danveration , @demoarah , @cookiekyo , @iiotic , @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie
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mrsshabana · 27 days
Hi girl, just leaving the ask for my emergency request. Tysm again 🫂💖 and don't worry no pressure
𝓖𝔂𝓾𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓮!𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
୨୧ Summary Gyutaro comes home one night to hear you crying in the bathroom. After having a breakdown due to insecurities about your appearance, your demon boyfriend tried his best to comfort you. ୨୧ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, angst, fluff, comfort ୨୧ Note I hope you find this oneshot comforting, and thank you so much for sharing with me and asking me to write this. I really enjoyed it and I hope you do too. Thanks for always being an amazing friend and I'm always here for you ♡
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After a long night of hunting and doing his master's bidding, Gyutaro comes home to you. Your small little house that sits on the edge of the entertainment district. He wishes you could live in the brothel with him but he would never want to put you in that kind of environment. So he settles for visiting you when he can. Usually, early morning before the sun rises.
"Y/N...?" Gyutaro whispers as he climbs in through your window. You're usually awake to greet him but this time he doesn't see you in the bedroom at all. He begins scratching his neck as his intrusive thoughts begin to fill his head.
"What if she's out with someone else tonight?" he thinks to himself.
He clenches his teeth and scratches harder, blood coating his fingertips before his wound inevitably heals. But then he hears something peculiar. Faint whimpers coming from the bathroom.
Quietly walking over to the door, Gyutaro puts his ear against it and listens closely. The sound breaks his heart, it's obviously you crying. He slowly opens the door as to not startle you and whispers, "Y/N... you ok?"
He comes into the room to see you crying in front of the mirror. His first instinct is to check you for wounds but he doesn't smell any blood. Honestly, he's stumped, what could you be so upset about?
Hearing your boyfriend's voice, you immediately begin to panic and hastily wipe your tears away. Trying to clean yourself up and hide the fact that you were just crying alone in your bathroom.
"Oh, um I'm fine Gyu. Sorry I didn't hear you come in," you feign a smile.
He's obviously not convinced as he walks up behind you and puts his arm around you.
"Something's wrong," he rasps, "What is it?"
Gyutaro's never been good with words, but seeing the genuine concern in his eyes as he looks down at you shows you just how much he loves you. And you can't help but break down.
Gyutaro's eyes widen as you cover your face and begin to sob. He's literally never seen you so upset before. He holds you in his arms and nuzzles his nose in your hair. He really doesn't know what to say, so he just comforts you and waits till you're ready to talk.
Once your sobs begin to slow down Gyutaro pulls away and wipes your tears with his thumb, "Whatever's goin' on, I'm gonna fix it. I hate seeing you upset like this."
"Aw Gyu," you sniffle and smile at his want to protect you, "It's not like that. This isn't about something that you can fix..."
"Then what is it? You're just a weak little human - I can fix anything for you," he says with determination.
"I... I hate my appearance" you whimper, "I despise the way I look, and I can't stand it anymore!"
His eyes widen, at a complete loss for words. Throughout your entire relationship, you've been the one to comfort him when he was feeling insecure and hated his appearance. He never once imagined that you may have the same insecurities.
All of the times he scratched his skin in frustration, spewed about how his ugliness ruined his life, and went on and on about how he wished he could change his appearance - you comforted him every time. You were always there for him, giving him words of assurance and making him feel loved. Somehow you managed to make him feel handsome too. You're the only person who's ever managed to do that.
And now here you are, in the same position as him. And it's his turn to return the favor. But you're so good at comforting him. He's never been good at bringing comfort to others, especially when it came to his words. He's always had a way of speaking harshly and even when he tries to be more gentle it doesn't quite work. But you're the love of his life so he's going to try his best.
"D-darling..." he says as he rubs your back, "You know I love the way you look. I think you're beautiful."
"I know you do, but I hate it. My face disgusts me..." you trail off and look at your scarred cheeks in the mirror, "I've done everything to try to get rid of these disgusting scars and make my skin better. I just want to have clear skin like all of the other girls... I don't even care about being pretty, I just want to feel normal."
He stares at you, his mouth hanging open. You just described how he's felt his entire life. From all the time you've been in a relationship with him, he never knew you felt that way.
When he looks at your skin he doesn't think twice about it, he thinks it's beautiful and always has. What you call imperfections just make him love you more. But he knows that simple words won't make it better, because he's heard it all before. How people try to convince you it's not that bad or that you're being dramatic. It's all bullshit, so Gyutaro just speaks honestly.
"I know how you feel, Y/N. I had no idea you felt the same way that I do," he trails off, scratching his neck as he tries to gather his words before speaking again, "You say you wanna be like the other girls, and I get it. But I don't wanna be with a girl that's like everyone else. I like you because you're special. Maybe you hate those bumps on your face, but I love 'em and I don't see a problem with 'em. They make you unique, even if they aren't conventionally beautiful."
You look up at him with tears in your eyes, about to say a rebuttal but he puts a finger on your lips and continues.
"I've always liked things that other people thought were gross or disgraceful. You know that. Maybe you're a little filthy, disgraceful, and pathetic, but so what? That's what I love about you," he grins, showing off those teeth you've always found so attractive, "What I'm tryna say is, all the little flaws that you hate, I love. Who wants a plain canvas with nothin' on it? It only becomes a piece of art when someone slaps some paint on it. That's how I feel about you, you're a canvas full of flaws to make something beautiful."
"Gyutaro..." his words hit you hard. Never in your entire life has someone been so unapologetically honest with you and managed to make you feel better by the end of it.
He could have just spewed compliments at you and told you you were beautiful just the way you are. But that's what everyone says and you know better than anyone that it never helps. Because deep down you know people just say that to try to appease you. They are never truly honest.
But Gyutaro was. He didn't deny the fact that you have flaws, he pointed it out and was honest about them. He didn't dismiss your feelings either by telling you that you were wrong. Instead, he told you why he thinks having flaws is ok and why he loves you more because of them. And somehow you feel like those scars on your face make you a beautiful piece of art. All because of your Gyu.
"Thank you... no one's ever been so honest with me before," you hug him tightly and cry into the crook of his neck.
"It's just the truth, Y/N," he holds you close, embracing you in his strong arms, "I love you and every single flaw on that beautiful face."
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mphoenix-7 · 20 days
Bitter Allies [Soap x Reader]
Chapter 14: The Cabin: Day 5 (pt. 5)
Summary: You and Soap go fishing, have some nice conversations, and get a little wet. Things seem to be changing between you.
Word Count: 8,311
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, swearing, strong language, animal death, fluff, mentions of poor past relationships
A/N: New chapter for you!! This one’s a little longer and full of nice moments 😊 Let me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist!
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Bitter Allies • Part 14
By the time you'd gotten back to the cabin, you estimated it was nearing 1400-1500 hours. The sun was just beginning to move closer to the horizon, but there was still plenty of daylight left for fishing.
After dropping the backpack off inside, you found yourself back out in the woods looking for sticks that were both long enough and sturdy enough to fish with. So far you haven't had much luck. The sticks were either too rotted, too heavy, not long enough, or too flimsy.
Sighing softly, you toss another stick that turned out to be a dud to the ground. This one looked decent but felt a little too rotted. And sure enough, when it hits the ground, it snaps off about a fourth of the stick, making it too short now.
You grumble to yourself in frustration, continuing on with your search. You weren't expecting to catch any fish right away, but you honestly thought the preparation would be going a little faster than this.
Coming across yet another stick, you bend down to pick it up. This one actually feels sturdy and is a decent shape. You instantly start to get excited and hold it to show Soap.
"Hey! Would this work?" You ask, pulling him away from his own search momentarily.
He was a few yards away, searching out in the opposite direction that you had been. It doesn't look like he's found anything yet either. At least his hands are empty as he walks over to you to check out the potential spear. He glances it over really quick before taking it from you to inspect it closer.
"It's a little on the heavy side." He says, bouncing it a little bit in his hands to test out the weight. "If it's too heavy then you won't be able to thrust it fast enough to spear any fish. But I might be able to whittle away some of the weight to make it work."
"So does that mean it's good?" You ask slowly, hopefully. Any progression towards getting your fish dinner would be nice.
Soap chuckles softly and gives you a nod. "Yeah, this'll work. I'll start prepping it if you want to keep looking." He says, walking over to a nearby tree stump and sitting down.
You're grinning to yourself excitedly as Soap takes a seat on the stump. You only needed to find one more stick, maybe two if you wanted a backup, and then you'd out in the water.
Before you go back to searching though, you take a second to watch Soap as he lays the stick across his lap and as he pulls the knife from his pocket. He flicks it open with a practiced ease and gets to work on getting one of the ends into a sharp point. He's working quick enough that it looks like he's done something like this before.
"Where did you learn to fish this way?" You ask as you resume looking for suitable sticks.
Soap hums softly in thought, making three swipes with the knife before answering. "I think it was Price who showed me this way. Back a few years ago when I first joined up."
"Of course it was." You giggle. You could totally see Price being the kind of guy who liked to fish.
It was probably because of the boonie hat that he was always wearing.
“You do any fishing before that? The normal way with actual poles?" You ask, the question popping into your mind and leaving your lips without much thought.
Soap pauses mid-swipe, his knife hovering just above the wood. It's a brief moment, gone almost as quickly as it comes, but you catch the subtle hesitation before he resumes his work.
"Yeah... I used to go quite a bit with my dad." He answers slowly, returning to a steady pattern of swipes with the knife. "When I was young I remember going out a few times a month with him to go fishing. He was really into it, but after my mum died, I don't think we ever went again."
You stop your search for a moment to frown over at him. His eyes are glued to the stick he's working on though. You're having trouble reading him, not sure if this is a sensitive topic for him or not. He looked a little tense, but you can't tell if that's from the topic of your conversation or because he's hunched over whittling at a stick.
"Do you miss it?" You ask slowly, trying to keep up your search, but you're a little distracted now.
"Miss what?" Soap asks, finally glancing up at you. "Fishing? Not really." He shrugs, gaze dropping back down, the knife continuing its steady rhythm against the wood.
You frown a little bit. That wasn't really what you'd been asking. "I guess I meant it more like do you miss fishing with your dad." You elaborate.
"Oh, no. Maybe when I was a kid, but no. Don't really miss it now."
His response comes so quickly, so bluntly, that it catches you off guard. There's no hesitation, no flicker of emotion, just a flat dismissal. The ease with which he brushes it off makes you pause and take a moment to think over his response. You'd figured Soap and his dad must have been close, especially given how he spoke about his mom, but now you realize that might not be the case.
"Are you and your dad still close?" You ask softly, your search for sticks now completely forgotten for the time being.
Soap continued on with indifference though, pausing only to turn the spear over a few times to inspect his work. He was mostly done. The only thing that remained was to take off some spots that had the potential for causing splinters.
"No, we had a... falling out? I guess you could call it that." He says, blowing a quick puff on air onto the spear before shaving away at one spot.
You hesitate, trying to find the right words to respond. The way he brushes it off so casually leaves you a bit uneasy, but confident enough to keep asking about it. He didn't seem too upset by the topic.
"Falling out?" You echo, raising an eyebrow curiously. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"
Soap's expression tightens just a fraction, the subtle shift the only sign that this topic is more difficult for him than he's letting on. You regret asking now.
His eyes remain locked on the spear, and the silence stretches uncomfortably between you. For a moment, you wonder if he'll respond at all, and you're on the verge of reassuring him that he doesn't have to say anything. But just as you're about to speak, he breaks the silence.
"It's... complicated." He sighs, his tone carefully tight and neutral. "Kinda a long story. Not a great one. Let's just say a lot changed after my mum died."
He's getting more tense more. You can see his shoulders stiffen and the once smooth swipes of his knife become rougher, more forceful. Whatever happened between Soap and his father, it clearly left behind a deep, lingering anger.
"Alright. Yeah, we don't have to talk about it." You say gently, giving him a reassuring half smile even though he wasn't currently looking at you to notice it.
"So uh.. how many sticks do you think we'll need? Do you think two will be good enough?" You want to steer the conversation away from the topic that had clearly made him uncomfortable.
It seemed to actually work too. The second you get off the topic of Soap's dad, he seems to relax, his shoulders dropping.
"Should probably do three just in case one breaks or something." He says, sitting upright and rolling his shoulders out. It looked as though he was getting rid of any remaining stress. "You find anymore yet? This one is just about done."
He holds it up, showing off his work. One end of the stick looks extremely sharp, and he's done a good job at shaving off parts of the stick to make it more comfortable to hold and use.
The whole time he's been working, you'd been distracted by your conversation. You had yet to find another one, but you also haven't looked very hard. Forcing your feet to leave the spot they'd been firmly planted at, you start trekking back through the area to look for more sticks.
"No, not yet. Most of the stuff here is pretty rotted." It sounds like an excuse, but you're also not completely lying. Most of the options thus far had been rotten.
Then of course you just happen to find a perfect candidate the second those words leave your lips. "Oh, wait, here's one." You bend down to pick it up.
Soap laughs softly, and you miss that he rolls his eyes a little bit. He was fully aware you hadn't even been looking. "Well bring it over. Just one more to go after this."
He sets the finished spear down next to the stump he's sitting on and holds out his hand as you bring the next stick to him. Setting it in his lap, he starts whittling away at it once more while you get back to looking for one more.
As he does, his mind drifts a bit, thinking back to his father and what happened. His hand tightens on the handle of the knife, but he forces himself to relax. He doesn't want to be angry.
It's been a while since he's had to think about the things that happened in his past. The longer he's out here, the more stuff seems to come up—things he's buried deep for a reason. It's not something he really wants to think about... if he can help it.
He clears his throat, shaking off his thoughts and looking back to you. "So States, you uh... you ever been fishing before?"
Your face lights up when he asks that, and you start to ramble on about how you grew up in the city, so you didn't have the chance to go often, but you went once with your grandpa. A whole retelling of the trip occurs after that, and Soap just listens on with a smile on his face.
You're sitting in the grassy patch near the lake out behind the cabin, removing your socks and stuffing them safely inside of your shoes. Soap is already out in the water, spear in hand, but he hasn't waded too far out yet. He's standing right along the shoreline, just enough for his toes to be fully submerged, waiting for you to join him.
"Steaming Jesus, for someone who was rushing me through making that last spear, you sure are slow as hell all of a sudden." He grumbles, looking back at you with a somewhat impatient look on his face.
You shoot him a look as you roll your pants up a bit higher. "That's because I'm not just tossing my stuff around like that." You say, nodding toward his shoes, which are haphazardly kicked off with his socks inside-out and scattered randomly nearby. "You know honestly it's hard to believe you're in the military with how messy you are sometimes."
Soap scoffs at you. "I'm not messy." He claims, but you just fold your arms across your chest and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah? What about the suitcase in our room?"
The suitcase had remained unpacked by him. While you had neatly arranged your belongings in the dresser drawers, Soap hadn't unpacked a single item. Whenever he needed something, he'd dig it out, wear it or use it, and then by the end of the day, whatever he'd taken out was returned to the suitcase, tossed back into the growing pile that filled the entire bag.
"What about it?" Soap asks defensively. "That's not messy."
You can only drop your jaw at him, eyebrows raised in shock. "What do you mean that's not messy? It's just a big pile. You haven't put anything away since we got here."
"Better than it being on the floor. Besides, I see no need to unpack if we're only gonna be out here a week."
You scoff, shaking your head as you finish rolling up your other pant leg. "You could at least organize your stuff a little. That's all I'm saying."
Soap shrugs nonchalantly, waving a hand as if to dismiss the topic. "Eh, whatever. Just get your ass over here already before all the fish turn in for the night." He says, turning back to look out into the water to see if he can spot an area where they might be gathering.
Rolling your eyes, you push yourself up from the ground and grab your spear. The sun glimmers on the water, the wind creating gentle ripples on the surface. Despite the warm rays bearing down on you, the water is cool. As you step in, a shiver runs along your spine as the water laps against your bare feet.
The bottom of the lake is rather smooth, but there are a few sharp rocks that poke up into the bottoms of your feet. As long as you walk slowly though, it doesn't bother you too much. It's something you've gotten used to in your time here and during the few baths you've taken.
Soap looks back over his shoulder at you when he hears you enter the water, waiting until you're closer to him before he starts to wade out a little farther. "Come on, we're gonna have to go out a little deeper for bigger fish. Small ones probably aren't going to be worth catching."
"Alright, I'm coming." You call out, taking a few steps farther into the water.
When you get a little deeper into the water, you suddenly pause. There's a slight prickle at the back of your neck that makes you turn and reflexively glance back at the shoreline.
Last time you'd been out in the water, you'd been attacked by a bear. While you had managed to face your fear directly earlier, that didn't mean that the urge to check your surrounds to make sure it was safe was entirely gone. That urge would most likely always be there to some degree. It was just more manageable now.
When Soap doesn't hear the sounds of the water splashing behind him anymore, indicating that you weren't following him, he stops and looks back. You were still standing in the more shallow waters, staring off back towards the shoreline.
"Oi, States!" He calls out to get your attention. "You good?"
His voice pulls you out of your own head, and you jump a little bit as your gaze snaps back to his. You quickly try to shake off any remnants of fear and try to remind yourself everything was fine. Even if a bear did show up, you knew how to make it go away.
"Yep! Coming." You call back, trying to quickly catch up to him without making the water slosh too much.
Soap waits patiently for you to join him, his brows furrowed the slightly and eyes following your every movement. "Everything alright?" He asks again once you've caught up.
"Yeah." You nod dismissively, giving him a slight shrug.
You're about to just move past him, head out into deeper waters where the fish are going to be, but then suddenly Soap grabs your arm. The quick motion makes your heart leap in your chest, and the unexpectedness of it forces you stop in your track and look at him.
His eyes are sharp, analytical, and his grip on your arm is firm, but not painful. He pulls you closer, giving your arm a little tug, and your heart seems to start racing as you move closer to him.
"No bullshite. What's up?" He asks, eyes not leaving yours for a second. "Are you still worried about the whole bear thing?"
You honestly hadn't expected him to notice anything, let alone address it so directly, but the reply flies quickly off your tongue.
"No." You answer, shaking your head, but then think better of it. "Well, thinking about it, yes. Worried? Not as much as I was. It's just... It's still on my mind, just not as present." You try to explain. The fear is more of a shadow now, a subtle unease that lingers at the edges of your thoughts. More manageable.
"In other words, I'm fine. I'll be alright." You try to summarize. "Just can't completely turn it off."
Soap remains silent, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that makes you more nervous than the thought of another bear showing up. His gaze is so unwavering, so focused, that it feels like it's seeing right through you.
The longer he holds your gaze, the more your chest tightens, as if the air around you has thinned. You find yourself wanting to hold your breath, unsure if it's his concern or something else that's making your pulse quicken. Then he nods, a soft hum of acceptance leaving his lips.
"If being out here gets to be too much, just say the word. You've done a lot today, and I don't want to push you too much." His words cause an unexpectedly warm sensation to fill your chest, and your breath almost hitches when he squeezes your arm. "Deal?" He raises his brows, almost like he was saying he expected an answer.
"Mhmm." You hum, giving him a nod. You don’t want to rely on words right now. You don’t trust your voice.
Soap gives you a nod back, seemingly satisfied with your response. "Alright then." He mutters, his posture becoming more relaxed. His hand drops from your arm, and you notice there is a warm tingle left behind where he'd been touching you. "You ready to catch some dinner?"
You feel a sigh leaves your lips as you nod. You hadn't even realized you'd been holding your breath. "Yeah, let's get going." You add quickly, trying to hide your sudden nerves behind a smile.
Soap either doesn't notice anything or he just doesn't care enough to. He just gives you a single nod back and then turns and continues walking. You follow after him, moving slower the higher the water gets.
You stop when the water comes up just a few inches above your knees. For Soap the water was only to his knees, but he was taller than you. The area isn't too far from the shoreline, and the water is a little cloudy from you kicking up the dirt at the bottom of the lake.
"We'll try here first." Soap says, coming to a stop. "Get into a stance that's comfortable cause you're going to be holding it for quite a while."
"How long?" You ask curiously, adjusting your feet shoulder width apart. It was the most comfortable stance you can think of. Almost like parade rest, which is a stance you'd gotten used to holding for hours thanks to basics.
"However long it takes for the fish to move into this area." Soap answers, adjusting his own stance as well. He holds the spear with a loose grip, the tip lowered toward the water, but there's no tension. His fingers grip the stick lightly, though he is ready to snap the spear up in an instant if he sees something.
You try to mimic the way he's holding his spear. This is your first time doing something like this, and as simple as it sounds, it was going to be difficult to move fast enough to be able to snag a fish. They were quick and used to responding to the most minute movements.
"Am I doing this right?" You ask, making Soap glance over at you. He observes your posture and then leans over, tapping softly at your hand closer to the butt end of the spear.
"Move this hand back just a little. No, too far. Right there." He says, grabbing at your hand and moving it into position when you move it too much. "Perfect. Leave it like that." He holds up his hand, making a gesture to not move it, and then turns his gaze back to the water.
"Cool, thanks." You mutter, shifting back into your "ready to strike" stance. Your eyes are trained on the water, looking for any signs of movements, but the water is still very murky.
"What kind of fish do you think are even in this lake?" You ask absentmindedly, mostly just asking to help pass the time.
Soap shrugs a bit, his eyes not leaving the water. "Maybe cod? Not really sure. We probably shouldn't talk though. It might scare them off and keep them from swimming over here."
"Oh, sorry." You whisper, pressing your lips together.
Not being able to talk was going to make time pass by so slowly. For a long time, you just stare at the water, but that soon gets really boring. You try to distract yourself by looking up every now and then to look at the scenery around you, but that doesn't keep you occupied for long either.
Soon enough, you're sure at least ten minutes has passed. The water is clear now, but you still don't see any signs of fish. Your back is starting to hurt a bit from staying in the same posture for so long, and you find yourself trying to slowly roll out your shoulders to help ease the discomfort.
You glance over at Soap, wondering if he's feeling the same tension in his back that you were. If he was though, you can't tell. He hasn't moved a muscle since you both went silent, and he doesn't look like he's too uncomfortable yet.
Sighing softly, you relax your stance a bit. "Soap, maybe we should try a different area? There doesn't seem to be any fish over here." You whisper. It'd been quiet for so long it almost felt weird to talk.
Instead of answering you with words, Soap holds up his fist. You're a little confused at first, brows furrowing slightly, but then he points over to a spot a little off to his right.
"Over there. I think there's three or four of them. Wait until they get close." Soap whispers, his eyes not leaving the spot he's looking at.
Your eyes widen, and you quickly, but carefully, get back into your stance from earlier. All the pains from earlier are now gone with the new excitement you feel. You look over to the area where Soap pointed to, looking for the fish, but you can't see anything. Just a glint of sunlight on the water's surface.
"I don't see them." You whisper, eyes still scanning the water. Soap silently points again, his finger tracking their movement. You try to follow to where he's pointing at, and after a few seconds, you finally spot them—shadows just beneath the surface, moving slowly toward you.
You hum softly to let Soap know you can see them now, and his hand slowly returns to his spear. You see him coil up just slightly, shoulders tensed and ready to snap. He's almost like a loaded gun, just a trigger squeeze away from firing.
"When they're close enough, I'll count down." He whispers, his voice steady. "You go for the one closest to you."
You nod, your own muscles beginning to tense up with anticipation. Your heart is starting to pound a little in your chest from the sudden adrenaline, and you find yourself holding your breath. You feel like you're looking down the scope of a sniper rifle, trying to steady your aim so you can land the perfect shot.
"Ok get ready…” Soap whispers. “One... two... three."
When Soap says three, he snaps like a spring lock. The movement is so quick it feels like his spear was already in the water before you even had the chance to move. You did go the same time as him though, snapping your spear down with all the force you can muster. You feel it hit the bottom of the lake, water splashing up as you do. All the commotion also causes the first to stir up again, so you can't even tell if you've gotten anything or not. 
Soap quickly reaches down into the water, hand searching for only a second before a big grin spreading across his face. "I got one!" He laughs victoriously, pulling a fish up out of the water by its tail, the spear pierced right through its gills. "You get yours, States?" He asks, grunting a bit as the fish thrashes around.
"I'm not sure." You say, almost scared to reach blindly into the water. You've never touched a fish before, so you're a little hesitant. You can't feel anything moving at the end of your spear though.
"Let's have a look." Soap says, taking a step closer and reaching down to feel around. By now the fish on his spear has slid down a ways, so there was no way it was going to be able to wriggle off.
He follows the wooden shaft of the spear down, and your eyes dart between his face and the water, hoping he'd pull something out. After a few seconds, his hand comes back up out of the water empty.
"Nothing down there." He confirms, flicking the water off his hand a little bit.
"Dammit." You curse, frowning a bit as you withdraw your spear from the water. "I thought for sure I'd gotten it."
Soap chuckles softly, giving your shoulder a pat. His hand was still wet and leaves a little wet patch behind. "Ah, come on. You'll get it next time. Let's go put this one out of its misery and then we can try again, yeah? Gonna need a few anyways."
You pout over at him, not too happy that you didn't also catch a fish, but the look of joy on Soap's face makes your pout vanish instantly. His eyes were practically sparking as he looks proudly at the fish he caught. You find yourself smiling at him instead, a laugh bubbling in your chest.
"How many are you planning on catching?" You chuckle, turning and walking with him back to the shoreline.
"If they're all this size," he says, holding up his spear a little. "Then I could probably eat like four of them."
You watch the fish flop around, noting its size. It's not particularly large—maybe eight to ten inches long—and you're not even sure what kind of fish it is. It has brown scales and a white underbelly. You can't imagine catching anything much bigger in this lake.
"If you want to spend time catching four for yourself, knock yourself out." You chuckle, stepping up onto the shore. The dirt and sand stick to your feet. "I might actually catch one by the time you get to four."
Soap rolls his eyes, sliding the fish off his spear and holding it by the gills. "You'll get one next time. It's your first time fishing like this. Don't be so hard on yourself." He pulls out his knife as he talks, jabbing it into the head of the fish to kill it and then slicing the gills to start bleeding it out. Even though you're on the military and see death a lot, you still have to look away as he does.
"We'll see." You sigh, looking back out to the lake. "Are we going to the same spot?"
"Nah, we should probably try somewhere else. Let me finish prepping this fish and then we can head out again. Unless you want to try a spot. Might have better luck catching something without me catching in the same area." He suggests.
You nod, mostly cause you don't really want to hang around as he guts the fish. Plus you know that fish don’t stay fresh for very long after you kill them, so the faster you can get a couple and cook them, the better.
"I'll head back out. Try to get a head start." You joke, glancing back down at Soap and wincing as he slices open the belly.
"Alright, catch up with you in a bit." Soap says, his focus solely on the fish before him now.
You grimace just a little before turning and head back out into the water, searching for another spot to fish.
You've been standing in the same spot for what feels like an eternity, though it's only been about fifteen minutes. Twice you've had a chance to spear a fish, but both times you missed. It's frustrating, especially since you've watched Soap haul two more fish back to shore in that time.
You're starting to wonder what you're doing wrong. Is it your aim, the timing, or something else?
The water laps quietly around your ankles, the stillness almost mocking your lack of success. You try to focus, adjusting your stance and grip on the spear.
Another fish is swimming towards you, gliding slowly through the water. Taking a deep breath and holding it, you wait until it's close enough, then thrust the spear down as fast as you can. The water splashes up around you, and you can hear the fish's tail flick up above the surface. But when everything settles, you still just have an empty spear.
"Fuck!" You yell out. It was a little louder than you intended it to be, the sound seeming to echo across the small alcove you found yourself in. Now you would have to move into another area, wait ten minutes for a fish to swim over, and try again.
As you pull your spear free and wipe off the little bits of sediment that were left on it still, you can hear a soft chuckle behind you. Turning in irritation, you send a glare over to Soap, who was leaning up against a tree and watching you. How long he'd been there, you don't know, but he had seen you miss apparently.
"Did it get away from ya?" He asks, his arms crossed and spear still in hand. His feet looked dry though, so you assume he's just finished gutting one and is just returning for another trip.
"Does it look like I got it?" You raise your brows at him. "This is fucking hard."
Soap chuckles again, clearly amused by your misery. "It's not that hard, lass."
"Says the guy who's caught three already."
"Four, actually." He corrects you, which makes your jaw drop. When did he get four? You swear you've only seen him make two trips.
"What the fuck?! How are you getting so many?"
Soap shrugs, an amused smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You just stab them when they get close." You give him a look at his horrible advice, which only makes his smirk widen. You wish you could wipe that smirk off his face somehow.
"I've been doing that." You grumble, about to further complain, but then Soap's eyes leave yours, darting down to the water.
"There's another one swimming up to you now." Soap says, nodding indistinctly towards the water.
Your attention snaps back to the water, searching for the fish that Soap spotted. It takes a moment, but then you see it—the dark shape gliding just beneath the surface, moving slowly past you. You steady your stance, grip tightening on the spear as you line up the shot.
Then you move, a splash erupting around you, and you feel a brief resistance—but when you reach into the water to try and retrieve the fish, it's already darting away.
"Damn it!" You exclaim, frustration bubbling up as the water settles back into calmness. You're tired and hungry, you just want to catch something—anything, even if it's just a tiny fish.
Soap lets out a soft huff, the grin still plastered to his face. He's having fun watching you fail. "Need some help there, lass?" He offers, a teasing note in his voice.
You shoot him a glare, crossing your arms over your chest. "I don't need help." You grumble defensively, though it doesn't seem to faze him in the slightest.
“Right." He chuckles, turning the tip of his spear down and driving it into the dirt. "Let me show you something that might help." He says, carefully stepping down into the water and making his way over to you.
You sigh and fold your arms across your chest but withhold your protests. As much as it pained you to admit, a few pointers might be nice. You were willing to do anything at this point it if meant you'd finally catch something. That doesn't mean you don't fully intent on giving Soap a hard time about it though.
Soap ignores your expression, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considers the best way to help you. "Alright, first things first," he begins, stepping closer. "You need to wait until the fish is in a good range before you to strike. You'll be faster and more accurate if you hit it at the right angle. My speed at a forty-five degree angle is much faster than like ninety."
He makes the thrusting motions with a ghost spear, acting out how he would move for each angle he's talking about. You felt like you had a pretty good angle you were moving at, so that couldn't be the problem. Still, you nod along as Soap explains, letting him continue.
"Next, when you drive the spear forward, use the hand at butt of the spear to control the thrust." He takes a step closer to you, the water sloshing around him as he does. He takes your hand and places it on the spear, positioning it exactly where he wants it.
"That's where all the power comes from—it gives you that snap you need." He continues, his eyes meeting yours briefly. His voice is a little lower now that he's closer. "The hand up front," he pauses to grab your other hand for emphasis. "That's what guides it. So keep the hand at the front steady and loose so you can guide it, and the back one firm. Got it?"
You half glance towards your spear, looking at the way Soap has placed your hands. His are still right next to yours, holding it with you. "Yeah, I think I got it." You answer him.
"Good. Lastly," Soap lets go of the spear, and before you can even react, he's directly behind you, arms wrapped around you while he grabs ahold of the spear again.
Your eyes widen, and you know you have to be blushing. Your heart is pounding too hard in your chest for you to not be. Then you feel his chest against your back, and your stomach practically flips. It's the same feeling you had last night in your dream when...
You shake your head, trying to immediately erase that thought and focus on what Soap was saying instead. It's hard though when his lips are practically against your ear, making your thoughts just spiral more. 
"When you aim for the fish, remember that water bends light. The fish isn't exactly where it looks like it is. You need to aim slightly lower than where you think. So for example... do you see that rock?" He says, pausing momentarily while he searched for something to use as practice.
You nod, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart as you focus on the rock he's pointing out. "Yep. I see it."
"Pretend that rock is a fish." He instructs. "Now, if you were aiming directly at it, you'd miss. You've got to aim just below it. Like this." He guides your hands, tilting the spear just a fraction lower than where the rock appears and then pushing it forward. When it hits the bottom, instead of sinking into the sandy lake bottom, it hits the hard surface of the rock instead.
"Huh." You breath. No wonder you'd been missing every single time. You had been aiming right for the fish, not below where you should have been. Knowing this right off the bat would have solved so many problems.
Soap chuckles softly, trying to lean around you a bit to see your face better. "You were aiming right at the fish this whole time, weren't you?" He asks. You don’t need to see his face to know he’s grinning.
You huff and stand back up, turning around in his hold. When he doesn’t let go of your hips right away, you press your hand into his chest and push him away.
“Of course I was! Who just thinks about that when it's their first time spear fishing?" You argue back, starting to feel just a little defensive.
Soap's chuckle deepens, a low rumble in his chest. "Guess I just assumed you knew." He shrugs. "It's just like sniping, I thought it'd be second nature to you."
"Sniping is nothing like this!" You argue, crossing your arms. "With sniping, your target is far away, not just a few feet below you. And if it was, you'd just aim directly at it."
"Fair point," Soap concedes, holding his hands up in surrender. "I thought of it more like when you're a sniper, you notice subtle things, like light reflection, that might change how you aim."
You huff again, rolling your eyes. "Well, maybe if you'd mentioned that earlier, I wouldn't have missed so many times."
Soap's grin only widens. "Oh, but where's the fun in that, lass? I've got to admit, it's been pretty entertaining watching you throw a little fit every time you miss."
"Is that so?" You challenge, narrowing your eyes at him. The playful smirk on his face only fuels your irritation.
You'd been out here all day, and Soap hadn't thought to say a word until now about what could have caused your lack of success. And now he was laughing about it and calling it entertaining?
"Absolutely, hen. It's down right adorable when you're piss- h-hey!"
Before he can finish, without a second thought, you reach down and scoop up a handful of water, splashing it right at him. Soap holds his hands up to block the onslaught of water, but it doesn't help much to stop it.
"States! What the fuck?" He grumbles, looking back at you with an angry expression. He had a few drops running down the side of his face, dripping down onto the collar of his shirt, which was also dotted with some wet spots now.
You can't help it. While he stands there, looking annoyed, a giggle escapes your lips, quickly followed by more as you shrug innocently. "Just creating some more entertainment." You say, the laughter bubbling up uncontrollably now.
Soap narrows his eyes at you, and before you can react, he's scooping up an even larger wave and splashing you right back. You shriek as the cold water hits you, making the giggles cease. The wave he'd sent over was much bigger than the one you did. The entire side of your shirt was soaked now.
You stand there for a moment in shock, staring down at the water and watching the little ripples that form on the surface as droplets drip off your face. When your gaze flicks back up to Soap, he's smirking again, soft chuckles leaving his lips.
You glare at him, skin starting to prickle up as a small breeze blows by. Never one to back down and let Soap win whatever dispute you were having, you quickly splash him again, wanting to wipe that smirk right off his face.
It takes him by surprise this time, hitting him square in the chest. He gasps a little, and you hold your hands over your mouth. You hadn't meant to splash him that much, he was soaked now.
Instantly his laughter stops, and you're both frozen, just staring at each other. Then Soap's face shifts into a little scowl, and you know you shouldn't have splashed him again.
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to splash you that much." You say quickly, but it does nothing. Soap's muscles tense just slightly, and that's all the warning you need.
You don't think—you just run.
The water slows you down significantly, splashing up around your legs as you push through it. You can hear the intense splashing behind you as Soap runs after you, and for whatever reason, laughter starts to bubble in you.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You cry out between nervous giggles, not quite sure what Soap was going to do once he caught you, and you were sure he would. For one, your legs were shorter than his, which meant more resistance from the water. And second, Soap was faster than you in general.
"Soap please! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" You pled again, risking a glance back over your shoulder.
He's right behind you. You scream and try to dart to the side, but it's too late. He grabs you, and in one fluid motion, he pulls you toward him. The impact sends you both falling, but as you head towards the water, Soap twists at the last second, taking the brunt of the fall himself.
You both plunge into the water with a splash, the cool liquid enveloping you entirely for a brief moment. The shallow depth allows you to quickly sit up, and you gasp for air as you resurface. Water cascades down your face, and once you've taken a breath, laughter starts to pour out of you uncontrollably. Soap is still beneath you, the two of you tangled together in a mess of limbs and soaked clothes.
You're laughing so hard you can barely breathe, your stomach aching from it. "Soap, I'm—" you try to apologize through your giggles, but the words fail. Instead, you attempt to push yourself up, but your limbs feel weak from laughter, and it's a little slippery, making it a futile effort. You just end up twisting around clumsily and straddling him instead, your shoulders shaking with breathless amusement.
Soap wipes the water off his face as his pops up, and once he gets his bearings, he starts to laugh too. Instinctively, he grabs ahold of your hips to steady you as you turn around and slip into his lap. You grab ahold of his shoulders, still laughing as you look down at him.
Droplets cling to his eyelashes, and his usually styled hair is plastered messily to his forehead. His eyes crinkle at the sides, and his smile is so contagious as he laughs.
"Think you're funny, do you?" He teases, the laughter in his voice betraying any attempt at seriousness.
"Maybe just a little." You manage to gasp out, still giggling as you start to your breath.
Soap shakes his head, a soft smile curving his lips as his grip on your hips tightens ever so slightly. "You're a menace, States."
There's something in the way he says it—playful but warm. Your giggles start to fade, and for a moment, you're just sitting there, looking at him, still breathing heavy from exertion and laughter. For the first time you notice the subtle flecks of green amidst the blue in his eyes.
Soap is staring right back at you, and you almost don't realize it until you feel his hand against your cheek, brushing back the wet strands of hair that cling to the side of your face.
Your heart skips in your chest, and a warmth starts to spread through you, making you forgot that you're sitting in cold water. "You bring it out in me." You chuckle, earning a smile from Soap in return.
He laughs softly, shaking his head just a little bit. "Oh, so I'm a bad influence now? Guess you should stay away from me then." 
"Well, you're not so bad to be around." You say quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
The words hang in the air, and Soap's smile falters, his gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that sends a shiver down your spine.
The space between you seems to be getting smaller, cause suddenly, you can feel his breath against your lips. The warm and steady puffs mingle with your own, and your pulse starts to quicken. You can't tell who is pulling towards who.
You don't know who makes the final move, but suddenly his lips are on yours—firm, warm, and insistent. The world around you melts away, the cool water forgotten as you deepen the kiss, melting into his soft warm lips.
His one arm slowly wraps around you, the other one staying behind him to keep you both propped up. He pulls you towards him, thumb brushing your hip as you wiggle a little closer.
Your hands move from gripping his shoulders to gently resting on the sides of his neck. Your thumbs brush lazily along his jaw, which draws out a very soft, almost mute, hum from him.
There's a quiet desperation in the way you both move, as if this kiss had been building for longer than either of you realized. You don't know how you keep circling back to this. Caught between trying to set a boundary but consistently overstepping it. Even now, you know somewhere deep in your subconscious you shouldn't do this, but you can't seem to stop.
You feel teeth gently dig into your bottom lip, and you whimper, eyes fluttering open slightly. You see Soap, his eyes shut, and you can barely make out his lips as he pulls gently at yours.
He releases it and looks up at you, his eyes heavy, clouded with what you can only pin down as desire. You search for something to say, something to explain and make sense of what is happening between you, but you can't.
"We should probably stop." Soap says gently, though his eyes still hold that heavy, lingering gaze.
You nod a little, eyes not leaving his. "Yeah... probably." You agree, but you make no move to get up, and he makes no move to push you off him.
It's only when you shiver slightly that Soap seems to snap out of whatever daze he's in. His eyes soften quickly, and he smiles at you, a light chuckle leaving his lips. "Alright, let's get you out of this chilly water, hen."
You blink a little to clear your head and then nod again. "Yeah... yeah." You chuckle softly, only now realizing how cold the water is making you. "Guess I am getting a little cold."
Just as you're about to shift off his lap, intending to create some much-needed distance, Soap suddenly stands up, bringing you with him. You yelp in surprise, instinctively wrapping your arms and legs around him as he lifts you effortlessly out of the water. His arms tighten around you, pulling you close against his chest, his body radiating warmth despite the cool water dripping off both of you.
"Soap! What are you doing?" You laugh, clutching onto him as he strides through the water.
"Getting you out of the water, obviously." He teases, his voice light as he carries you effortlessly toward land.
You lean back slightly to you can look at him, raising a brow at him. "I can walk, you know." You're trying to be serious, but you can't hide the laugh in your tone.
"Yeah, I know. But this is more fun." Soap winks, a playful grin on his face as he reaches the edge of the water. It makes your cheeks burn slightly, and you hope he doesn't notice.
As he steps onto solid ground, he begins to lower you down. Your legs unwrap from around his hips, and your body slides against his as you come down. The sensation sends a shiver through you that has nothing to do with the cold clinging to your skin.
You expect him to let go immediately, but he doesn't. His hands stay on your hips, keeping you close to him, and you make no effort to pull away from him.
"There you go." He says softly, a hint of a smile still lingering on his face.
You continue to stand there and roll your eyes at him. "Thanks for the assist." You joke, unable to keep your chuckle down.
Soap smiles back at you, chuckling softly himself. "Anytime, hen." He hums, his eyes suddenly flicking down away from yours. He pauses for a moment, and you wonder what’s running through his head. What he’s thinking about.
“We should see if we can get one fish more before we start cooking.” He says instead, finally looking back up. “But you should probably change first. I can see your tits."
It takes a second for his words to fully register, but when they do, your gaze quickly snaps down. Sure enough, you can see practically everything through your wet shirt. The water makes your shirt cling to your body. Even though it's a darker colored shirt, you can still see the outline of your bra, and the dip of the valley between your breasts.
You gasp and quickly cross your arms to shield yourself, which only makes Soap laugh. The bastard had just been staring at your chest this whole time. You glare at him, your face practically feeling like it's on fire.
"You ass! And here I thought we were having a nice moment!"
Soap laughs harder. "It was very nice for me." He shrugs, earning himself a firm punch to his shoulder, one that he gladly takes.
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@the-faceless-bride @venavanup @hotthankss @daemondoll
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muwapsturniolo · 2 months
✯𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐭 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭✯
IN WHICH...Nick is confronted about his actions in freshman year by an ex-best friend. Feelings are brought up and they both come to a conclusion.
WARNINGS... small bit of angst, mainly fluff, mentions of homophobia, feelings that were never said, that's about it.
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Nick was exhausted, but for some reason, he could not fall asleep. He's tried everything, turning on his fan noises, drinking a warm cup of milk, and even counting sheep.
But nothing worked.
He figured it was the jet lag, the time difference between California and Boston throwing him off... But he knows deep down that's not the reason. This has been happening every day since that moment in high school, never being able to sleep well after it. That single moment had a domino effect in his life, keeping a firm grasp on his brain and never letting go.
It was an endless cycle that he now has become used to.
He thought as time went on he would forget that moment, his mind would push the memories to the back and he would forget about it, unfortunately, that's not the case. Every single day he thinks about it, when he's in the shower, when he's eating breakfast, even when he's filming videos with his brothers.
It's all he can think about.
He sighs as he tosses and turns in his bed, eventually covering his face with a pillow and sighing as he hears Chris's faint voice yelling. He and Matt were in Chris's room playing a game, Nate being with them.
His phone chiming makes him remove the pillow from his face, grabbing the phone with a sigh. He figures it's Chris asking him to bring him a drink and or snack, but he was wrong.
a simple text notification is on his screen.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: meet me at our spot.
His stomach drops seeing the number and text on his screen. The number wasn't saved in his phone, but he knew who it was.
How could he forget Y/n? His best friend and crush since middle school.
Memories of that day in freshman year flash through Nick's mind.
"Nick what's going on? Why have you been ignoring me?" Y/n asks in annoyance, the two of them standing outside Nick's home after coming from school. Nick huffs and and avoids eye contact with the boy in front of him. "Nothing's going on, I've just been bus-bullshit! You're lying!" Nick becomes frustrated and lashes out at the boy.
"I don't want to be your friend anymore! Ok?! gosh, I thought you would have taken the hint!" It hurts Nick to see the hurt on Y/n's face, the boy's brows furrowing in confusion.
"W-what? But we promised each other when we got to high school we would always be friends...It was us against everything."
"Yeah well, I lied, get over it!" Nick storms into the house, pushing past Matt and Chris, and straight to his room.
Nick is brought out of his memories by his phone dinging once again, this time a location being shared. He debates, does he go and meet up with Y/n after all these years? Or does he stay home in a restless slumber?
"Fuck..." Nick stands from his bed and throws on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, his Birkenstocks being slipped on before he leaves his room. He exits the home through the back door and begins walking down the familiar streets of his childhood.
He soon arrives at the park and walks into the woods, looking around in fear.
"I swear to god if I get murdered I'm going to haunt whoever-Shit!" He grunts as he trips over a tree stump. He sits up and glares at the stump in annoyance, his eyes softening when he notices the markings on the tree.
both his and Y/n's name carved onto the stump.
That was the day they made the pact to be friends no matter what.
Y/n grunts as he uses the scissors to carve Nick's name into the stump. "You're going to hurt yourself!" Nick cringes as he watches the boy stick his tongue out in concentration. "Shut up, no I won't!" Nick rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in annoyance. Y/n soon finishes and smiles at his handiwork.
"Nick look!" He says in excitement. Nick peeks around the boy and smiles seeing their names carved into the stump. "It looks like Trevor did it- Hey!" Nick shouts as he rubs his leg, Y/n swatting at it. The older boy (by two months) turns to Nick fully, looking at him with a determined gaze.
"We need to make a pact!"
"A pact? For what?"
"Yes a pact doofus! This pact is a promise for us to always remain friends when we get to high school!" Y/n spits in his own hand and holds his hand out to Nick. Nick gives him a dirty look, "That's gross! I'm not doing that!"
"Nick come one! This is important!" Nick grumbles and spits into his own hand, soon clasping it with Y/n's and cringing at the feeling.
Nick feels an ache in his chest as he recalls that day. The two boys had spent the rest of the day by their stump, making memories neither of them could forget...and Nick ruined it. He sighs and stands up, brushing off his pants and continuing his trek to their spot.
The spot was this abandoned gazebo they found in middle school.
The gazebo sat on the edge of this lake, vines of all kinds twisting around the pillars of the structure. It was so deep into the woods that you couldn't see or hear the bustling streets of Boston, it was peaceful.
They use to spend all their time there, hiding away from the world and never telling anyone where they were.
Nick remembers the first time he saw the spot, Y/n being overly excited to show the boy.
"Nicky come on! It's going to be dark soon and we will have to go home!" Y/n urges impatiently. Nick was a few feet behind, screeching at the bugs swarming around him and stumbling over roots and rocks. As soon as he caught up, Y/n grabbed his hand and yanked him the rest of the way.
The two arrive and Nick is instantly in awe, "how did you find this place?" Y/n giggles and sits down on the cement flooring of the gazebo.
"That doesn't matter, what matters is that this is now our spot! I'm thinking we can hang up those fairy lights and we can-" As Y/n rambles about ways to make the gazebo theirs, Nick is staring at him in amazement.
Nick is pulled out of his memories by the gazebo coming into view.
He begins to panic, his body tensing as he feels the anxiety settling in just from the simple thought of seeing Y/n again after all these years. "Fuck it, I can't do-OH MY GOD!" Nick screams in fright as he turns around and bumps into a person. Whoever it was grabbed onto him, but Nick jerked back, making both of them fall and roll down the small hill.
Nick groans in pain once they finally stop rolling. Nick sits up and looks down, his eyes widening once he recognizes the face under him.
"Well, I'm definitely sobered up now...Hey Nicky."
Nick swats at the boy's chest, a look of annoyance on his face.
"What is wrong with you?! Why would you scare me like that?" Y/n laughs and sits up, both his hands resting on Nick's waist. Nick tenses at the action before quickly climbing off of him.
"I wasn't trying to scare you, I was literally about to say your name before you started freaking out," he says standing up. He offers Nick a hand and pulls him off the ground.
Both of them examine eachother carefully, taking in the differences from their freshman-year bodies. "You uh...You look good Nick...I like the piercing."
"Yeah thanks... You look good too." Nick states softly.
The silence between them is loud, the tension thick before y/n breaks it, "Did you want to go down there?" He motions to the platform of the gazebo. Nick silently nods, being too scared to speak.
They make the short walk to the platform, memories of them doing this all the time flooding back.
They settle down, both of them sitting crisscross as they stare at the lake in front of them. The only sounds being heard are the rippling of the water, and the flickering of Y/n's lighter as he sparks a cigarette.
They sit in silence for a moment before Y/n speaks up.
"Why did you do that to me our freshman year?" Nick feels his heart fall to the pits of his stomach, not expecting to be confronted so bluntly.
"Wow ripping the band-aid right off..." Y/n gives Nick a look making Nick sigh.
"I'm... I don't know..."
"You don't know? You don't know why you told me you lied about us staying friends through high school? That's the biggest lie I've ever heard."
Nick becomes defensive, "ok well why are you still hung up on it? I moved on why haven't you?" Y/n scoffs at the response, his cigarette long forgotten.
"You're a fucking liar, you didn't move on. If you had, you wouldn't have showed up tonight!" Nick quickly looks down at the flowing water.
Y/n was right, he wasn't over it.
Y/n speaks up after a moment of silence, "You hurt me Nick... You were my best friend, and out of nowhere you switched up and I don't know why. I raked my mind trying to figure out if I ever did something to you to make you ditch me and I came up empty-handed. I didn't deserve what you did but I do want closure....You owe me that much."
All the bottled-up emotions Nick has been suppressing for years are about to explode, tears forming in his eyes.
"I-um-I... I'm gay..."
"Nick I already knew that, what does that have to do with you ditching me for no reason?"
Nick sighs and rubs at his eyes, trying to stop the tears, "N-no I know you know that, it's not that hard to notice, but I stopped being your friend because I'm gay." Y/n's eyes soften at the confession.
"Nick...Did you think I was going to hate you for being gay?"
Nick nods softly, "I umm... I didn't want you to hate me for being who I am, it killed me to think it would happen. I was already scared my own family wouldn't accept me, I couldn't handle it if you didn't... I was already pushing Chris and Matt away, I just figured I would do the same to you."
Y/n moves closer to Nick and pulls him into a hug, "Nick, I could never hate you for being yourself, you should have known that."
"I couldn't help it! So much was happening and I didn't know what to do!" Nick runs a hand through his hair in frustration, all the old memories and feelings coming back from that time of life.
"It's ok Nick...I get it. I know exactly what you were going through. When I realized I was gay, I com-You're gay?" Nick cuts Y/n off, pulling away from the embrace and looking at him in shock.
"Yeah, I am. I came out after we graduated."
Nick stares at him for a moment, this news shocking him.
"When-What made you realise?"
Y/n can't help but laugh at the shock on Nick's face. He knows his answer was very blunt and nonchalant, but it was the truth. He didn't see the need to lie, especially to Nick.
"M-me? What do you mean me?"
Y/n shrugs, starting to flick his lighter, a nervous habit he picked up when he started smoking. " For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why I never hated you after what you did. I was so upset, crying and constantly talking about it at any chance I got. My family and my friends couldn't understand why I was still so upset about our friendship ending, even after a couple years...It wasn't until you came out that I realized why I was so upset...It was because I was gay and I had a crush on you, but you pushed me away."
Y/n turns to Nick and gives a sad smile, " You were gay and pushed me away because you thought I would hate you, meanwhile I was gay and had a crush on you...Funny how that turned out."
All Nick can do is stare at him, his mind working a thousand miles a minute trying to comprehend what he just heard. Once it does register, he wants to slam his head against the pavement.
"I actually want to scream, I want to bite the curb."
Y/n scoffs at Nick's words, "damn, is me having a crush on you that bad?"
"No fuckface! I had a crush on you too, but I was too fucking dumb to comprehend my feelings and I pushed you away! God, I'm so stupid!" Nick hits his forehead a few times before covering his face with his hands.
Y/n laughs out, full-on cracking up. Nick slowly lifts his head from his hands, eyes squinted as he glares at the boy. "This is literally not funny, why are you laughing?"
"Because this is the most closeted gay conversation I've ever had." Y/n has tears in his eyes from how hard he's laughing, his stomach cramping.
Nick groans and covers his face once more, not being able to deal with Y/n's antics. After a few minutes of uncontrollable laughter, Y/n glances at Nick, a look of affection in his eye. He moves closer, his thigh touching Nick's. Nick tenses at the feeling, not knowing how to feel with him being so close.
Y/n gently pulls Nick's hands away from his face, both boys looking at each other.
Y/n feels something burst in his chest, the moonlight shining down on Nick, making his blue eyes shine brighter than they already are. He could stay here all night if he could, getting lost in the sea of Nick's eyes and enjoying being close after years apart.
The two of them slowly get closer, their breathing speeding up. they get so close they can feel each other's breath fanning over.
"Do you still have a crush on me?"
"I'm here aren't I?"
That's all the conformation Y/n needed to plant his lips against Nick's
Both boys kiss each other with ease, the old connection and knowledge of each other making it so much easier to do so. It wasn't stressful, it was not nerve-wracking,
It's right.
They eventually pull away, huge smiles on both of their faces.
The happiness in their system gives them a sense of adrenaline, y/n pulling Nick up and dragging him through the woods, just as he used to do when they were kids. They both climb into Y/n's car, not knowing where they are going but just wanting to enjoy whatever the night brings.
They spend the rest of the night driving around, pulling off the side of the road to occasionally make out before hitting the streets once again.
They soon stumble inside Nick's home, bursting through the backdoor. They stop in their tracks seeing Chris, Matt, and Nate in the kitchen.
"Where the hell have you been Nick?! It's 5 am!"
Nate looks down seeing both boys holding hands tightly. He looks back up at Y/n and smiles,
"You finally came clean?"
Y/n laughs and ushers Nick into the bedroom, closing the door and locking it before one of the three boys can say anything else. Nick's lips instantly find his, both boys moving back to the bed.
As the two make out for the millionth time, they can't help but think about how happy they are being back in each other's arms. The years of being away from each other not mattering anymore, the thought of the future not even crossing their minds,
All that matters is now.
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im apologizing for the ending, i couldn't figure out a way to end it
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315 @moonk1ss3d @@babyalliah-777 @sturniololol @oliviasturniolo21 @ariithereyet @blahbel668
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nuitnotions · 2 months
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{ kyle garrick x gn reader ; no gendered terms ; the build up of angst }
It’s a well oiled machine; this system you’ve worked out years prior with Kyle. It’s innate to you now as you lean against the bar, head tilted flirtatiously in the direction of the man inviting you back to his place. Your eyes flit around the barely lit space over your shoulder, scanning stray tables, dancing bodies and corner booths alike to find his tall stature, dark curls that’s beginning to grow out and gleaming smile.
You finally pick him out, at a table with the two friends he had invited alongside you two. He must feel your eyes on him, because he finds you easily, mid laugh and he raises his eyebrows at you imploringly. You’ve never cared for subtlety, not where your closest friend of 5 years is concerned, so you gesture to the man beside you and watch as his left eyebrow drops down and he tilts his chin up.
You’re used to this at least, Kyle appraising the company you welcome into bed. It’s never to offend you, but rather the man has a keen eye and something like a sixth sense that you trust. There’s only been a handful of times that he’s shaken his head at you, approaching you in the same breath and you’ve always listened. When he’s not outright veering you away, you’re gathering your conquest’s name, surname and address onto a piece of paper, sauntering to your friend and slipping him the information with a wink before you’re walking out.
It started about a year into your friendship, the two of you out for a good time and a good number of people flocking to the both of you with interest. It had taken you leaving with someone and having your phone die on you some time during the escapade, leaving you stranded and panicking on the opposite end of town for Kyle to plead for some type of information at least. “Full name at the very least, babes. For fuck’s sake, anything to point me in your direction so I’m not going out of my mind.”
Truthfully, the arrangement had set the both of you at ease; you could now leave with anyone with the knowledge that if you did not respond within the hour to him, Kyle would begin hunting you down. You’d be safe by extension of a deadly man who had no qualms with bending certain rules to find you and keep you from an early grave.
The expression you currently find yourself looking into now however, is neither here nor there. Kyle’s mouth is torn between a purse and a frown that tugs at the scar on his cheek and his eyebrows are drawn together as he takes in the back view of the man named Xavier who is in the process of ordering you both one for the road. You watch curiously as Kyle seems to note every minuscule movement of Xavier, dark eyes flitting and missing nothing. Finally, he looks back at you and all he offers is narrowed eyes before he’s turning back to something ‘Soap’ is saying.
You’re stumped. Mouth slightly agape as you continue to look at him, eyes all but threatening him to look back and give you a proper answer. He doesn’t. No, Kyle continues on speaking to his friends and you finally gather enough strength within yourself to admit that he’s ignoring you.
It hurts. Stupidly, it hurts your feelings. The least he could offer your choice is a scoff, a sassy roll of his eyes or that grimace he does when he thinks you’re selling yourself short with a particular endeavor. But no, tonight Kyle assesses Xavier and decided that he has nothing to offer you in response.
It could stem from it now being a seized cog in your usual trusty machine, the disgruntled oily bubble in the back of your throat. It could be that you’re thrown off by this sudden abandonment by Kyle that you begin second guessing leaving with this man at all. Abandonment. You realise that’s what it feels like to you. That singular word begins to unravel thoughts within your mind like a skein of yarn falling out of your lap and rolling out of your reach.
Perhaps Kyle is tired of being your babysitter. Perhaps he has no interest in having to do this same old song and dance. You’re an adult, you’ve survived without him for many years and you do just fine when he is deployed and risking his own damn life, so maybe, maybe Kyle is tired. Tired of you and the fact that you just can’t fucking settle down, tired of you skirting away from anything sustainable, any commitment to rather waste your night away in beds you have no intention of ever feeling against your skin again. Maybe Kyle has just had enough of you leaving him on the nights out to go fool around with someone who can only half satisfy you. Thinking about it, he even went so far as to invite two of his military buddies out with you tonight.
For company you can’t be arsed to offer, your brain sickeningly supplies.
It only takes but a second, for the defensive area of your brain to flare. Communication, it screams. The two of you have always prided yourselves and your friendship on your skills of being able to communicate with each other. Something he is promptly not doing with you currently if this little silent treatment is to be evidence. You’re a better person usually, when the buzz of alcohol doesn’t unfasten your impulsiveness. You’re a better person usually, when the one person you’ve trusted with a lot more than you’ve been able to trust yourself with is not shutting you out like this.
So spiteful is your flavour of the moment. Your back straightens and you step closer to Xavier, your hand brushing up his back to rest on his shoulder and when he turns to look at you, your smile is brown sugar and jasmine, honeyed and ever so inviting. “You have a pen and paper on you, babe?” His eyes turn warm at your words as his hands pat down at his pockets, retrieving a receipt of some kind as he apologizes for not having a pen on him.
You shake your head at him, softly telling him not to fret as you lean suggestively over the bar, accentuating the line of your body until you feel the heat of his stare burning into you beneath your clothes. Bingo. You smirk a little as you ask a nearby bartender to borrow a pen. They hand one over to you and you turn back to Xavier, paying no mind to his hazy eyes still drinking you in.
“Full government and house address.” Is all you say as you hand him the pen.
You’ve gotten a magician’s hat of responses to this particular demand. Ranging from excuses of invasion of privacy to jokingly swearing that they aren’t in the business of chopping you up in a dark forest. You always persist, sometimes having them take out their ID for confirmation. For those who continue to refuse, you walk away. It’s not an outrageous ask by any means when safety is put into perspective and anyone who cannot understand that is not worth your time.
Xavier thankfully puts up no such fuss, he only gives you a look of shock that borders on amused before he’s hunching over the receipt and scribbling down the information you require from him. Once done, he’s handing you the slip with a grin, leaning into you to say, “That enough to get you out of here, gorgeous?”
“We’ll see,” is all you offer over your shoulder as you makes your way to the table you spotted Kyle and his friends at, swaying your hips as you go knowing you’re still being followed.
The anger and hurt has not died down even in the slightest, if anything it amps up as you make your way over. Your heart is pounding in every one of your limps and you can feel the anger prickle hot tears behind your eyes but you swallow it down fiercely and grapple for that spitefulness.
You have some semblance of why it hurts you so much but there’s a layer to the hurt that you just can’t quite put a finger to and you boil it down to the booze making you an extra touch emotional about it. Whatever it may be, you wrestle it down beneath thick skin as you come to stand behind Kyle’s seat, Johnny and Simon already looking up at you. You offer them each a smile, refusing to allow bystanders to catch casualties in this battle. Even if that is a slight exaggeration you’ve bubbled the situation into.
You bend at the waist and slide the scribbled receipt onto the table beside Kyle’s drink. He’s very well aware of your presence behind him but he only looks down at your palm pressed down onto the paper next to his own clutching his glass.
There’s a beat of silence and unchartered tension begins to permeate the air around the table. His friends are hyper vigilant, eyes flicking between the two of you and then at the paper you are handing over. You’re not sure to what extent of awareness they have of this arrangement, if any knowledge at all but that’s not your problem to explain. Not when the problem just continues to stare at your hand.
“I take it you’re leaving then?” He finally deigns to say and you cannot help the scowl that slashes across your mouth, eyes growing sharp and bitter as you stare at his head.
“Yup. I’ll see you in the morning.” You reply, voice somewhere between sickening sweet and dropping glaciers. Frozen honey, honed into a dagger.
“Text me when you get to his place. You should know the drill off by heart by now.”
Briefly, you entertain the thought of swinging your palm up against his head, anger very quickly reaching the temperature of rage as you note the sarcasm in his voice, eyes still facing forward, body language completely closed off to you and you hate it. In this very particular moment, you hate him. You’re spiraling and quickly so and you can feel those tears you’ve been suppressing returning with vengeance so you try to very discreetly take a deep breath to steady yourself again. The hurt aches in each of your joints and adds a weight to your muscles you cannot bear and why, why, why does it hurt so much?
“Mhm. Know it as well as you do,” you throw back at Kyle and almost flinch when you hear the pain, the twist of your own guts against the sharpness of the words but you straighten your spine and offer one last smile to his friends. You thank them for the evening and promise to see them come daylight. You don’t offer the same pleasantries to Kyle. No, after your last words, he didn’t say anything back and you are content to have the last word.
Well you are, until you’re at the entrance of the club, looking anxiously over your shoulder for a sign, a look, a word, fucking anything from him. It’s a lot more difficult to see from where you stand, Xavier’s hand on the small of your back as he talks lowly into your ear, but it all feels so frivolous. Everything about your world feels intangible now since that encounter with Kyle and you just wish that you could understand why.
Why this sudden change? Why not communicate it with you? Why be so cruel and cold and unlike the Kyle you’ve burrowed between your rib cage? Why does it matter so much to you?
You come to terms with the fact that you will not be getting an answer tonight as you slide into the ride Xavier had arranged for the two of you. You pull out your phone with that last shred of hope that maybe a text or missed call will give you that relieving breath again but no, besides a few stray notifications, Kyle’s name is not one of them.
Spite burns bitter at the back of your throat, eyes glaring down at the screen until it goes black and you’re lifting your thumb off of the screen from its slide across it.
Fine. If Kyle wanted to play silent treatment, so could you. None of his military background would equip him for the Cold War he had just affronted.
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
On my own... (Sully family × reader)
enjoy! 💕
Y/n was adopted right next to Kiri! Y/n's parents died in war and her parents last wish was for someone to take care of Y/n. Jake and Neytiri promised to keep it...liars.
Y/n was a child filled with joy and she led with her heart...she was just so curious. She was a ball full of energy!
For awhile Y/n was apart of her parents hearts until…she wasn’t. Sure the child had a lot of energy and was constantly happy but, she was extremely sensitive so hearing their small sayings weighed a lot on the child’s heart...
*age 5*
“Y/n, where is your meal? You were supposed to pack for yourself today. Your mother didn’t have time to do yours, you know that.”
“oh my meal mmh i thi- Ooo! Look at that pretty flower!”
The father couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his daughter who didn’t take care of herself and easily got distracted. So he let a stern calling of her name,
“i forgot it.”
Y/n was staring off towards the woods tapping her thighs rapidly with her fingers and kicking her feet back and forth from the tree stump she was sitting on, watching the area where her siblings were playing.
Jake lets a frustrated sigh go while Kiri settles down next to Y/n to catch her breath from playing, but she was getting annoyed at the sound of tapping.
“Dad, Y/n’s not staying still!…why can’t you just do what you’re told?”
Kiri didn’t mean harm she was just frustrated at the sound…
“Y/n stop it. It’s annoying you’re bothering Kiri.”
Y/n looked down at her thighs that were bluer than usual because of the friction from tapping and hid her hands under them.
The small child slowly got up to get closer by her father since she was grounded and wasn’t allowed fun. The reason? She went off to pick a bouquet of flowers for her mother and accidentally left for a ‘long time’…it was only 3 minutes.
Lo’ak threw a rock to his sister so she can look and come to him without their father knowing
“Y/n? What happened why aren’t you playing with us? Is there something wrong?”
“No…There’s something wrong with me. I’m not good at doing what I’m told and I can’t sit still.”
As if that was a cue for Jake to come in the conversation because he pulled Y/n back in right after.
“Y/n! Didn’t I tell you to sit still? Stay by your mother or me but stay still.” The child let out a big sigh as she did her shameful walk back to her father.
‘I can’t sit…he’s going to yell at me again. I’ll just walk back and forth instead, so it won’t be as noisy.’
Y/n settled on it, walking back and forth behind her father and besides her family while they ate their meal.
‘…aww i wish I had food, I’m hungry.’
Neteyam was watching his sister as she strangely kept moving at the same if not quicker pace. Why isn’t she eating with us? Does she not have food?
“Y/n? Here! Have my leftove-“
Neytiri cut his off saying “Y/n forgot her meal. She needs to remember, I told her to prep it before we left because I had no time. She’ll need to learn the hard way.”
‘dang it! why did I have to forget?…if Neteyam was offering the meal she made for him, how come I couldn’t eat it? why was mom saying that? … I’m just hungry.’
I sit down to look at the pretty small butterfly on the tree. It’s just a baby!
“Poor little bug on the wall, Ding jing! No one to-“
“Y/n! Stop it.”
My singing immediately comes to a stop as I now fully turn away from my family as the bug begins crawling towards me. I couldn’t help but feel upset, I’m hungry and I keep getting yelled at … why can’t I just be normal?…
Y/n silently cried looking away from her family and when it was time to leave she thought of the trick she’s been working on all week hoping it would make her family impressed!
“Guys look!”
None of them did because Y/n always said to look at something so they just ignored her, but Y/n didn’t notice because she was already standing on her hands.
“Did you see it!”
Jake spared a glance at the child while the family started walking away
“See what?”
Y/n got excited all over her again!
‘Dad finally heard me! Time to show him my cool trick! He’ll definitely love this!’
The child did it all over again but quickly came back down on her feet once she heard her dad begin to yell at her.
“Y/n! You can not do that! That is stupid! get back over here now. I mean it.”
Her tail was no longer going back and forth from excitement…instead it was stuck in between her legs and her ears went all the way back down as tears begin building up again.
Worst part of it was Y/n practiced for a week specifically to show everyone on…her birthday.
*two days after..*
“Dad! Look at-
Y/n was bringing in two handmade bracelets showing it off to everyone before giving it to her parents!
“Y/n it’s time to stop running around! It’s ‘sir’ ok? Just sir.”
The girls smile fell and her excitement came done listening to her fathers harsh rules.
‘No dad? father? Ma sempul?…just sir..?’
“o-oh ok..”
she was given this rule way before it was a rule for her brothers. All the adults who saw the happy Y/n before walking towards her father, were watching while she was now walking back out with both of the bracelets on her wrist while small tears fell. They just turned a blind eye, who were they to tell their leader how to raise his child…?
*age 6*
…Maybe Y/n was too much, they didn't want her but felt obligated too...? If they weren't doing the job they'd send someone to do it for them..as if Y/n was just some pet...a stray…She’ll never forget the first time they forgot her in the most serious distressing situation…
The young girl walked towards her father to make a request, maybe for once she'd just ask for permission! "Sir! I saw beautiful flowers and crystals perfect for beading on a walk can you please come with me so nothing bad will happen?"
Now..Y/n was fearless except when it came to the story she was listening in on about a monster' lingering the forest on the deep side getting angry at anyone in sight, Y/n didn't bother to hear the rest because she ran away instantly.
"No Y/n I will not. Just go get it”
"Oh but sir l'll be by myse-"
Jake Rolled his eyes to her annoying request...spend time with Y/n? He's spending time with Kiri right now so he refused.
"I'll send someone."
‘…He always does this! Please be an older warrior please be someone who can protect me! I don't want any monsters to get me!’
"Ma'ru take Y/n to get what she's requesting."
"S-sir are you sure? I don't exactly know where to sto-"
Jake cuts him off, just trying to quickly get the young girl that's throwing pleading eyes towards her father.
"You will Ma'ru just get it done."
The both of them watch Jake walk away with Kiri while they both wore terrified looks, concerned for their safety.
They walked side by side until there was a vicious monster popping out of the the forest. The young warrior threw Y/n to the side telling her to hide while he fights off the huge monster. Y/n clicked the microphone on her neck pleading for someone to save them.
"Ma'ru and a monster are fighting!" Frantic sobs were coming from Y/n…Jake who had fully ignored the young warriors warnings beforehand now listens while he silently regretted his decision. While Neytiri was sitting beside him with a concerned face at the sight of Jake's wide eyes.
"I'm talking to my parents Ma’ru...make them stop! Stop it! Eywa please! Mommy! Stop it don't hurt him!M-mommy Could you just come here please?…I'm scared just..-just come here!"
Y/n couldn’t even think straight she was calling for anyone to help them.
"Y/n! We're coming."
"They're hurting him! The monster may just...Ma'ru!"
More silent crying was coming through their earpieces as they begin telling Neteyam to watch his siblings so they can go towards the crying child.
They can hear shuffling from the earpiece, telling her parents that now it was Y/n who was moving.
Suddenly Piercing screams were heard from the child
"No! Something happened! Just please come!....the... monsters bleeding now! The monsters just made red marks on Ma'ru's body…..on his back. Ma'ru! Please stop! Don't move! You can get hurt!”
The monster started slowly moving towards Y/n ready to break the small cave she was hidden in...even with blooding leaking out of him.
Y/n's screams lead Jake and Neytiri right to them.
They rushed in killing the huge animal they hadn't seen in years and are quick to pick up Ma'ru, Y/n was the last thing on their mind since they knew she wasn't hurting…at least not physically.
They thought Y/n had ran away back to high camp so they flew out..but that wasn't the case.
The dead creature was in front of Y/n and she begins crying even more. The only thing lighting up the cave was the head of the creature and as Y/n tried pushing the creature out. She touched the center of the head and began seeing visions.
These visions were unreal...the creatures family being crushed by tree's around them from the war a long time ago...it was just a baby. Y/n instantly pulled away from the giant creature, fainting immediately.
When Y/n woke up she could hear her father through her ear piece.
"Y/n? Where are you? You are ordered to come home right now!"
Y/n was fully drained, exhausted
"Sir? I-I'm still here! Please hurry."
The 6 year old had to wait there crying at the fact that her parents had left her on her own with a dead creature. It didn't help that Y/n’s body felt like it was adapting to something brand new and she was becoming exhausted while her body was sweating out bullets...maybe it was the fact that she was in a small cave.
They had came and pushed out the animal from the front, Neytiri was quick to give Y/n a blank stare seemingly looking bored or upset that nothing happened to Y/n…she didn’t even check if she was ok. There may have been no marks on Y/n but it hurt her mentally, she saw a lot of blood and had to stay stuck with it for a long time since they had forgotten her.
Maybe I’m just not as important anymore…did they leave me on purpose when it happened? Why do they push me away so much…? Is it because I’m not their biological child…no because if that was the case Kiri and I would be treated the same. I mean they chose me didn’t they? I was the one they wanted!
That was the conclusion Y/n ended with every time ‘they choose me! I was the one they wanted!’ she never spoke any of her inner thoughts because she was scared that she would speak it into further existence..however this incident stuck a long time with Y/n and developed some habits.
Neteyam was always there for her, Lo’ak was her partner in crime, and although Y/n was slightly jealous at the better treatment Kiri got she never let it affect Kiri and her’s relationship!
*age 6*
All the kids were playing around and Neteyam was finally allowed to come along on the condition that he takes good care of his siblings.
They were playing a game and when it was Y/n’s turn Spider convinced the group to follow him towards an area he found earlier Neteyam debated on it but…he needed to watch his siblings right? Y/n was just one compared to 2 and another child. So he followed as well.
“Ok!!! I think I’m ready to be a butterfly now!”
Y/n was left in the tree as she finally moved the leaf covering her face, letting giggles out as she looked down for her siblings to catch her except…they weren’t there. Panic rises in at being left at again and it hadn’t even been long since the accident maybe…2 weeks..?
‘I’ll just lay down and stay here until they come…they’ll come back right..?’
She couldn’t just lay there…she was tapping everything quickly. Hiding herself in between the large leaves as tears begin falling and then she decides to comfort herself from seeing the sight of a small baby butterfly she saw on her 5th birthday.
“…poor little bug on the wall ding jing…No one to love her at all..no one to tickle her toes ding jing..no one to blow her nose ding jing!”
Then she heard laughter coming closer from below and she looked down at her siblings and friend, wiping her tears away before she came down.
“Why did you leave me behind?”
Lo’ak gives a confused face while spider and Kiri roll their eyes and Neteyam is quick to try to comfort his sister who clearly still wasn’t doing ok, no matter how hard she tried.
“What? We thought you’d follow us after!”
“Well I didn’t because no one told me and you guys left me behind on purpose!”
Kiri joins the conversation with
“And why would you think we’d do that Y/n?”
Y/n quickly looks down at her feet and her tail goes back down thinking about the incident she witnessed two weeks ago.
“…i don’t know”
Spider decides to lighten up the mood with a small push that fully failed in Y/n’s mind
“Y/n! You’d be good at hide n seek! We couldn’t even see you in that leaf probably because you have practice since you had to hide in that small cave!”
They laughed everyone except Y/n..she looked down with her ears no longer up while tears came back. Neteyam reaches towards his sister before saying
“Oh, y/n it’s ok! It’s funny…”
He tried to comfort her but she just took a step back before saying quietly
“no it isn’t…I’m just going to head home..”
The group watched as Y/n ran home and decided it’d be better if she had just took time for herself, this was the first time they got to see Y/n get really sad about the situation she went through. Neteyam followed his sister who didn’t get that far before she sat back down hiding in a corner crying because she was scared while walking alone.
“Y/n…it’s ok to be scared. I know it was scary for you, but you haven’t shown any sadness from it for the past two weeks. You also have been saying yes to everything even though it’s very clear to me that you aren’t in the best position to want to do things like you used to…you’ll get back to that. Sometime your outside voice says yes even when your inside voice really means no.”
Everything Neteyam was saying was very true. If her father wanted her to get something even though she was scared to even move afar, she still quietly said yes. If Kiri asked her to come with her so that she have connect with a new environment, Y/n gave a small smile and said yes even though as soon as they would get to the destination she would crawl into a small spot watching her sister. And Lo’ak? Please Y/n didn’t even have the energy to say yes she just nodded before following him.
“I know…but it’s just scary. What I saw wasn’t normal Neteyam. There-there was so much..”
Neteyam just hugged his sister before telling her that it’s ok and she didn’t need to explain. They both walked back to camp and Y/n offered to help around the village with Neteyam.
So yes…Y/n’s childhood wasn’t picture perfect and she often did struggle on the thought of someone not following her when she’s walking around but Lo’ak filled up that empty spot and he adventured everywhere with her. The two would get in trouble together but in their parents head it was never equal…It wasn’t Lo’ak AND y/n, it was Y/n and Lo’ak just happened to follow or be dragged along…to put it this way, y/n got in way more trouble and if anyone did something out of pocket…Y/n was to blame if she was there. Y/n even took the blame for Neteyam, she’d lessen the punishment for her siblings anytime! What’s the point in not taking it if her parents were going to find some way to blame her every time.
Everyone had already gotten their Iknimaya. Neteyam and Kiri handled it perfect and Lo’ak well…at least he got his ikran! Y/n was ecstatic for her siblings but she couldn’t shake the feeling of frustration watching them all pass by and forget her.
Y/n wore out Tuk by playing children games so she was now resting and Y/n was waiting for the rest of the family to come home so that she can ask her father if he can grant her the chance to have her Iknimaya…..Y/n has actually asked several times and he denied her fully each and every time….
Her siblings walked in taking a seat next to her while everyone was talking and Y/n just silently stared off smiling happily thinking about her finally being in the air and doing whatever she wanted without anyone or any…monsters stopping her. She was tapping her knees creating a small beat all Neteyam could do was eye his younger sister suspiciously before asking the big question.
“What’s on your mind Y/n? What are you planning to do?”
All siblings began looking at Y/n suspiciously while she just giggled at their curiosity
“I’m going to ask our father if I can finally get my ikran! It has been awhile since I last asked and I just figured you know it’d be a perfect time to ask! My Iknimaya will have all you beside me and I will succeed…it’s all I’ve dreamed of! Flying like a butterfly!”
They all had their smile completely drop once while Y/n’s stayed on because she didn’t look up to see their reactions instead, she was just anxiously tapping the floor..
“Sister now you know that-“
Lo’ak rolls his eyes at his brothers slow approach and decided to speed it up for Y/n to understand.
“You know that dad will deny you! He has denied you every other time, and we don’t know why but trust me when we say this you’ll be like 30 before you get your Ikran!”
Kiri hits Lo’ak on the side of the head, giving Y/n a sympathetic smile before hugging her.
“Oh sister, I know that you dream about it all the time but please, maybe father has his reasons..?”
Y/n’s eyes begin watering at the thoughts that her dreams won’t come true if she continues like this any longer, it was miserable.
“I’d rather just try then sit here…I can’t do this anymore.”
As they watch Y/n push back her tears and wipe them away Neteyam and Lo’ak eyes go wide at the sight of their parents. They begin nudging Y/n and Kiri. There was no exact words to describe what Y/n was feeling…
I got this! I’m just gonna go right into it! My dreams are going to come true! Forget what they say I- I know I got this!
“Sir, mother! Hello!” Y/n noticed how they both placed blank faces and uninterested stares, not even giving Y/n a chance to talk…but Y/n still had full hope in her heart so her hopes didn’t falter.
“I’ve been thinking, that now would be the time to have my Iknimaya! I’m very confident that I can do it.” As if their faces couldn’t get more dull, it did.
“No. How many times do we have to go over this? No. Look at you Y/n. You will not do your Iknimaya you aren’t ready.”
Neytiri stood by her husband not saying anything just observing Y/n’s face and it seemed to her that Y/n was just barley hanging on. If Jake said no this time she’d finally give up and wait for him to accept her taking her Iknimaya.
“Sir I understand what your saying but you are providing me zero proper reasons why, I deserve this at least. I did my training already, and I’ve practicing for the longest now. This is now my 8th time asking you, please do not say no.”
Jake’s held zero patience for the ‘daughter’ in front of him.
“And everytime you have asked me I have said you aren’t ready. That’s my reason. You still can’t remain calm, you’re always getting into trouble, you can’t even keep quiet for 5 seconds Y/n. You still can’t stay still. What makes you think you’re ready for an Iknimaya when you aren’t even mentally ready?!”
All siblings in the room jaws dropped…how was y/n not mentally ready? As long as family was there she would be fine.
“I-I don’t even know why you would say that. That’s not fair. Lo’ak and I have only ever been in trouble for the same thing. I am fully ready for my Iknimaya.”
My eyes were watering and I can feel the burning in my throat, I wanted this and I wanted it bad. They didn’t even give me a chance.
“Ready? Y/n you’re ready to cry when I simply told you no. You are too…just no.”
“This is all I’ve ever dreamed of for awhile now, it’s all I’ve trained for and you are the one who’s constantly denying me. I’m too what? Go on. Finish your sentence don’t be hesitant now.”
No matter how much shouting he’s given me it’s never gotten easier and I don’t ever fall apart in front of him, just blink away my tears and cried when I was away…but this time I was ready to match his anger.
“You’re too weak. You are nothing compared to how your siblings were when they got their Iknimaya. If crying is your option to everything what do you think an ikran is going to do to you? Play nice? You think you have it all settled for you huh? You can’t handle anything you are given. You aren’t strong. You are naive.”
He’s just taking my dreams and crushing it right in front of me and he didn’t even care…so why should I? There’s no more hope for me and im running out of options for him to finally notice im giving up on caring about what he thinks.
“I am just as likely as anyone else in this family to make something of myself, and it’s about time you got that you arrogant shit. I am not weak. You just fail to allow yourself to feel any real emotions. Do not put your troubles on me. I mean really, when did you ever tell me you cared, or that you actually gave a single shit about my feelings. I want this.”
Neytiri gains the strength to slap Y/n in the face, looking her right in her eyes and they ignited a bigger flame to Y/n’s heart…she wasn’t even phased.
“You will not speak to your father like that. Never.”
Y/n breaks a smile and starts laughing except this time instead of annoying her parents it shocked them.
“Father? As if I will ever call him that again. He forbid me to call him that and you know what? It hurt. So how could I ever hold you to a higher level such as a parent again.?! I’ve been trying to be…nice. You both are truly pushing over the edge.”
Y/n took a step back looking at her ‘father’ again.
“You will give go through with my Iknimaya. It will be held tomorrow. You owe me this.”
Jake shakes his head giving his daughter a harsh look.
“I do not owe you anything! You were in deep debt to me the moment we started taking care of you. Always being stupid and reckless, you think it was fun for us taking care of you? Constantly crashing into everything cause that’s all you did, ruin it all.”
I couldn’t help but stare at him in disbelief nodding my head listening to him confirm all of the thoughts I pushed deep down.
“Thanks for the confirmation ‘dad’..but I already have you all figured out, you like the idea of me, you like having the people see you and praise you for taking care of a girl who had no one but you do not love me. This is not love. You have never loved me.”
Jake dropped the things he was holding and told the other three watching and tuk to just wait outside…but they could still hear. Everyone was so confused on why Y/n didn’t break yet…she immediately shuts down when getting yelled at, she can’t handle loud noises if it’s not something she enjoyed and even then it slightly bothers her, she is attached to their parents weather she liked to acknowledge it or not…well it wasn’t really her fault, they didn’t want her to know anything and they practically made her dependent…except Y/n never trusted their parents, she flinched at everything and her smile completely goes away when she’s in front of them…maybe it’s cause they never saw her true childhood, what she kept a secret.
“If I didn’t have you things would be completely different but we did have you. It then follows without question that you are obligated to do what I tell you to do!”
“You have screwed with my head in more ways than I can count. I will not have you do it to me again! You don’t think I know how you feel? What you want to happen to me? When I was looking at death right in front of me, trapped, you left me. Now you’re doing what? You deciding to make my life even worse? Good job on your shitty parenting. There were moments when all you had to do was be my parents and even then you despised me. You take what you please and offer nothing. I hate you.”
No one was there besides his wife so Jake did what he would on the rare occasions, when he got so mad at y/n…he shoved her onto the floor, He made red marks on y/n…on her back.
“Fine! You do what you want! Do not come crawling back to me when it doesn’t end well. Go ahead Y/n go do your stupid fucking Iknimaya, by yourself! Because i will not stand there and watch you go against my wishes. Go now.”
Now? But now, was way past eclipse…I could die, something could catch me i won’t make it…
“…you know I can’t make it on my own. It-it’s dark-“
In that moment Y/n resulted back to her childlike self, being alone was all it took for her…she never thought Jake would actually go this far. It always caused her trouble that she led with her heart because…she was always the fool with the slowest heart. It seems as though in that moment her heart was quick to break.
“Enough. I don’t want to hear you anymore. Go do it, I fucking dare you.”
He knew about the childish games Y/n would play with her siblings…how Y/n never broke a dare, how she dreamed about her iknimaya and would do anything for it, but she wouldn’t dare do it right now. She would be forced to listen to him.
“Fine. I will do it.”
That’s all it took for Neytiri to turn back around and give panicking stares to Jake…
I wanted this part to show some parts of Y/n’s childhood! Not all of it because I’d rather have it all come crashing down 😃 LMFAOOS but I hope you enjoyed and yes, There are Bluey references here 🤭 p.s it’s very clear Y/n has parental issues from her childhood 🚨 they wanted to make her dependent on them, she stands no chance by herself in their mind. May take awhile for me to reply to comments because I need to clean 😭 I’ve been working on this for two days now!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @destinylb @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @minkyungseokie
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xythlia · 2 years
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- ̗̀໒ WARNINGS : TW FOR INSECURITY READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. f!reader, angsty in the beginning, loss of virginity, teasing, nipple play, begging, fingering, oral, mating press, creampie, squirting
- ̗̀໒ WORD COUNT : 2k
req: can we get a insecure virgin reader + levi plz? if ur comfy with it can it go into feel better smut? I've read all your fics on ao3 and I'm obsessed I need more of your writings! xx
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Your tears make him feel sick to his stomach.
It breaks his heart, seeing the glimmering saltwater welling and spilling down your cheeks in damp tracks. Your lip wobbles as you sniffle while your hands shakily grasp his forearms, further widening the canyon opening in his gut.
"Why are you upset?" His voice is soft, trying his best to be soothing and not spook you. The last thing he wants to do is make you feel like he's coming towards you confrontationally.
"I feel," you hiccup, "I feel like you just don't like me- like that." The way your words dissolve into more tears.
It's a helpless feeling, not knowing why you feel this way or what to do about it. He knows he has a tendency to get lost in something, tunnel vision on whatever new release is happening or whatever game he's immersed in, but to know he made you feel so unimportant in the process? He thought you could see through all that, but maybe he'd just assumed rather than ever have a conversation about it.
His mind is racing, tripping over itself as his own hands shake. How long were you carrying this feeling? He felt like a fool, he was a fool; shamelessly failing you.
Yet, he's doing it again, staying silent for far too long and falling inside himself, leaving you to crumple against your mattress. You push him away as he attempts to hold onto you, console you. Instead wailing, "Am I not what you wanted?"
You feel stupid, humiliated, just wanting the earth to open underfoot and swallow you into it's depths. Anything to get away from this feeling. You were human, and he's been surrounded by the most beautiful inhuman beings for eons how could you believe you could compare?
Softly he places a hand to your back, fingers stroking up and down your spine in a deliberately comforting manner. "I... You're everything I wanted. I want you all the time, always, I want to be with you every second of every day. I feel real jealousy towards the people who are with you in moments that I'm not," you hear the hitch in his voice, "I think you're the best thing that's been in my life."
His face is aflame by the time you turn around, no longer feeling the need to hide so urgently. Not when he's just made himself, finally, vulnerable to you. "Do you really mean that?"
He swallows thickly, but his eyes never stray from yours and his hand comes to tightly lace your fingers together against the mattress.
"I really do. I just... You know how sometimes when things feel like they're going really well, say a sunny day happened- you don't bother to check the weather," his voice becomes smaller as he squeezes your hand, "but when the sun's out at midnight, you should be checking. I should've checked on you. Should've been less selfish all the time. I'm sorry-"
His words are cut off in a low groan of surprise as you throw yourself against his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face against his skin. "I love you, it's not all on you. I should've- I should've said something, even just once."
His arms come firmly around you as you continue, "I just... I just want you to love me, too."
"I do love you," he murmurs against the side of your head, pressing his lips there just for that moment of closeness.
"Why haven't you shown me?"
That gives him pause. "What do you mean?"
It almost stumps him, truly. He makes sure to kiss you, always be there with you when he can, helps you with anything you need-
"You never try, you know, touching me," your voice is suddenly shy. "Haven't you wanted to?"
His breathing almost stops as you grasp his wrist tenderly, clearly giving him the space to pull away and say no if he wishes, but he doesn't. Instead watching with bated breath as it disappears beneath your shirt, feeling your warm skin under his fingertips.
Even when you draw your hand away, his remains, gingerly moving upward over your belly before stopping, letting the curve of his thumb and index rest beneath the swell of your bare breast.
You hum in approval, gently tugging him down as you let yourself fall back against the bedspread and pull him into a heated kiss, full of sudden desperation.
You nip at his bottom lip while he draws his hand back down, only to tug on the hem of your tshirt, prompting you to prop up on your elbows as your chest is exposed to the evening chill. When his lips wrap around one of your hardened nipples your head tips back with a groan, enjoying the feel of his tongue sliding over the bud.
Quickly you become restless, whining and moving your legs in an attempt to accommodate your fastly dampening underwear. You can feel the nerves standing on end, making you squirm even more and cueing Levi to slide his other hand down past the waist of your pajama pants.
The tips of his fingers rest just before he'd reach your slick folds, making your clit pulse in anticipation. You're trembling, trying to gasp out how badly you just need him to touch you or you might go insane.
It could've been hours with how much he was teasing you, coming up to slide his tongue between your lips and dipping back down to alternate attention between your breasts. That hand, however, remained still inside your panties.
You rutted your hips brazenly, not caring for anything but relief now, but he evades it. Always managing to move his hand ever so slightly so as to not touch you. The pressure was reaching its boiling point, your clit ached so fiercely it left you with fresh tears gathering in your waterline.
Finally as your eyes meet, his fingers slide through your slick folds and you nearly sob at the sensation. The sticky noises as he slides two fingers inside you, prodding your warm walls, and keeping steady pressure on your clit with his thumb makes you feel lightheaded. Still, you don't look away from him.
He's drinking in every expression like a fine wine: your pupils blown out and glassy, lips moving in moans and whimpers, the flex of your neck muscles wishing to tip back.
The feeling in your gut is akin to a spring loaded coil, just reeling and reeling further back with every swipe of his thumb over your clit and every curl of his fingers. The sheer intensity of the environment between you two makes that coil suddenly snap, causing you to break eye contact and wail in ecstasy.
Your thighs shake and your hands come to claw at his back furiously, mind going numb as you feel your bottoms growing wetter the more you writhe in the pleasure high.
As your orgasm slowly dissolves, rose colored world coming into focus when you open your eyes, your legs still tremble with aftershocks as his hand pulls out of your bottoms. You're floating, delightfully boneless as he leans back and tugs them down your legs.
His mouth waters at the glossy mess between your legs, watching the way you throb around nothing. All thought ceases when he shimmies down on his stomach between your legs, warm breath on your thighs sending a shiver down your spine.
His tongue slowly rolls from his lips while you're stuck still, eyes unable to look away, before licking a fat stripe up your messy cunt. He holds your folds open before going back in, tongue prodding your entrance and making your eyes roll back in your head.
He's a panting, moaning mess as he devours you and there's nowhere else he'd rather be than between your legs. Lithe fingers brush against your clit once more, relishing in the way it makes you squeal from above. He presses his tongue flat against it, feeling overjoyed at the way it tears an even bigger reaction from your body.
Something shifts, he wants, no needs, all of you right now or he feels like he may very well die. That thought is what has him shooting up, tugging his pants off and letting his throbbing cock smack against his abdomen as it springs from his underwear. Quickly he shuffles back between your legs, sliding his cock in between your sloppy folds.
You reach down to hold your legs open, mind switched off and only chasing the base instinct for complete intimacy with him. Slowly he presses forward, rocking his hips slowly before his cock fully nudges inside you. Your legs spasm as it does, fighting against the overstimulation as you gasp out but don't call for him to stop. Slowly he slides inside you until your hips are flush, once again watching your expressions. You look like the picture of bliss, chest heaving with full breaths and adjusting to the new sensation of being full.
It nearly renders him shocked as you cup your breasts, kneading your flesh and your hips grind up so that you're using him.
He lets you, holding your hips for support because honestly it's the hottest thing he's ever witnessed. You getting yourself off with his cock, like it was a toy, sets his head spinning. Your moans rise and rise as your pace becomes messy, frantic. Your back arches and your pussy clenched around him so firmly it makes him draw in a sharp inhale. It's beyond beautiful, watching you completely lose yourself and fall apart on his cock.
In your pleasure chasing daze you stop holding your legs up, letting them fall sharply and he eagerly chases after you, folding your legs up and pounding into your hungry cunt while one of your hands fists in his hair. He's never had the privilege to feel something this incredible, hearing you chant his name like a mantra and the sound of skin slapping in some perverse harmony.
He's clenching his jaw, unable to take his eyes off you as he feels you clamp down once more. It's only slightly jolting to feel liquid spray his abdomen but it doesn't make him slow down, if anything it only encourages his thrusts to become deeper and messier before slowing. Relaxing into the feeling of your pussy and his cock throbbing in time while he fills you to the brim with warm, opaque fluid.
He's certain you could never doubt his devotion again after tonight, and he'll make sure to see you fall apart and to fill you up again and again from here on. It's a promise on repeat in his mind as you both slow, coming to lay still against one another as you catch your collective breath.
Gently you release your grip on his hair, fingers lazily sliding through the strands instead as he presses his ear over your heart, just enjoying the afterglow especially with such an intense series of events tonight.
"I love you," he whispers into your skin, arms sliding beneath you as he relaxes further against your body.
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paintbrushnebula · 4 months
Stay On For Me
I was trying to write a Tangled one-shot but then I was stumped on where to begin so I wrote this as a warm-up exercise instead. Just a cute lil quickie composed of some Ghostflower headcanons I've adopted up to this point. (P.S. This def takes place post-BTSV). Enjoy ^^
Gwen rapped her knuckles on the door of the Morales’ residence to a steady rhythm. She only had to wait 3 seconds before the door was swung open so hard the knob would've punched its way into the apartment's wall had it not been locked in the eager grasp of her boyfriend, Miles Morales, who she could tell was absolutely buzzing. Gwen threw her arms open wide the way a star all too aware of themself would announce their arrival to the stage. 
"Hey, baby!" 
"Hey, queen~!" 
One of his better nicknames for her. 
Although, now that she thought of it, many of his depictions of her in his sketchbook had bright, little crowns haloing her form, so that nickname had to say something about what he thought of her. That thought now had her buzzing, too.
Besides, anything was better than the plethora of nicknames he coined that were just one of many shameless agonizing "cutesy" puns made out of her name. She couldn't take anymore of their friends adopting the nicknames she pointedly and immediately rejected to tease her. She'd since requested nicely him to leave the pet names to her. Just stick to "mi amor," she told him.
Gwen hadn't fished for a hug when she outstretched her arms (not that she was against one at the moment), but Miles took her open arms as an invitation for one, vaulting himself into them, his arms anchoring to her shoulders.
"Oof! Oookay!"
The flush of warmth that immediately spread from his body to hers had her weightless and oh God bless the person who invented hugs. To her it looked like he was drowning at sea and she was the life preserver. That's just one of those intrusive thought visuals that pop up when you're reminded of something, though. Her internal monologue can get needlessly poetic. 
"Yeah, he does that," Jeff scoffed from his place on the dining table, not even looking up from his crossword puzzle. 
"Sup, Captain! Catch anyone good for me? Hey look, if you need a crook to behave, you know where to find me. The donuts are on you, though." One of her hands left its place on Miles' back for a moment to shoot a finger gun at Jeff Morales, the second scariest person she knew, and her horror movie partner. Instead of her actual name, he opts to address her as "Emo." She thought he clearly wants to play the long game with first-name basis, make it really count when there's a special life-or-death occasion when it really impacted their character development. I got your number, Captain Morales. They're basically best buddies at this point. 
"Heheh, yeah right, 'donuts.' That's a good one, Emo"
"It is?"
"It better be."
Turning Jeff's earlier notification in her mind, however, Gwen had to admit Miles' hugs had a habit of being unannounced. Now looking back on all the hugs she's witness him give, from his parents to Peter to their friends, he'd always sprint toward them and collide into their arms, chest-to-chest with his arms wrapped around you like a koala. If he thought you wouldn't mind and you weren't carrying anything in your hands, then there was no reason why he couldn't just throw himself into you, right? She chuckled to herself because she knew that that exact mock phrasing of the sentiment was most likely how he unironically thought about it. Goober.
Speaking of, is he dead? Gwen was pulled from her thoughts to become aware of the fact that they're still standing at the door, with Miles still wrapped around her after what must've been 2 full minutes, having now let his most of his weight rest on her and his breathing had slowed. He was almost completely limp. 
Is he...asleep?
“Uhhh….” Gwen gently bounced the shoulder he was resting on. "Hey. Bambi. Miles. You okay...?"
He turned his head to face her, no real hints of sleep in his features. He seemed to just now become aware of himself, eyes failing to meet her gaze as his cheeks turned a light maroon. "Hmm? Uhh, yeah?" 
Gwen couldn't keep her exasperated laugh out of her words, "Did you just fall asleep...?"
His cheeks reddened even further as he tried (and failed) to feign nonchalance. “Whaaat? No! No. Just.. y'know, got a little too comfortable…”
He seemed to cringe at his words as he rushed to return to his place, like he was trying to hide from her gaze. 
“Got comfor-wait. No. Miles, don't-"
Gwen gently caught his head in her hand before it could fully rest on her shoulder again. Was she really that comfortable to hug? He was buzzing when she came through the door, and now all the energy he had depleted all at once and left him boneless in her arms. 
She should get into poetry with her fancy words. Pays to do the crossword every day.
Miles broke from the embrace, his hands going up in surrender as his cheeks turned maroon again. "Yup, sorry. Got it. Eheh..."
Gwen sighed. She hated when he misread her reaction to something he did as if he'd done something she didn't like. Which was crazy, because she liked when he was touchy! “No, no. Hey-err-listen, uh, just let me sit down, first. Then we can, uhh-heh-y'know-"
Miles nodded before she could trip over any more of her words, "Yeah, yeah, totally. That's cool. Way better idea."
Gwen wasted no time in taking his hand, lacing her fingers between his and getting lost in the smooth, leathery texture of his skin. She took the lead over to the couch, plopping down a little too hard, she'd realize too late. Sorry, Jeff. 
As Miles reached the couch, Gwen reopened her arms, this time meaning to inviting him in. Miles sat down gingerly, taking his sweet time closing the distance between them scoot-by-scoot, lacking any fervor to return to his previous position on her shoulder. 
Once were finally thigh-to-thigh, he proceeded to let his head fall onto her shoulder with the pace and caution one would set down cracked glassware. 
That was when Gwen had had enough. Did he really think he’d irritated her at the door? She sucked her teeth. Without warning, Gwen reached over, wrapped her arms under his pits to lock around his back, and half lifted him back onto his original spot on her shoulders, eliciting a flustered squeak from his lips. She could feel his heart hammering against his chest against hers. 
After a moment, his heart slowed and he allowed himself to go limp again. Only he did fall asleep this time. Gwen didn’t know when, though. Jeff had put on Sicario and they were both fully engrossed in the plot, entering deep discussions about morality and the social topics brought up by the film’s themes. It was only after the film was over that she'd noticed Miles' "spider-purring," something he'd just recently discovered male spider-people could do, which he was decidedly not happy about.
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Saviors - Sinclair Brothers x F!Reader
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Warnings: abuse but not from the Sinclairs, murder, language used against reader, Bo being out of character. Fluff, let me know if I missed anything.
A/n: this is possibly the second longest one-shot I've ever written besides petals and bullets. I hope you all like this one.
You, your two friends, well they were technically your boyfriend's friends and said boyfriend had decided that driving from California to Florida to go to Disney world would be cheaper and way more fun than flying. What a dumb idea that was. Your clock read just after midnight and you've made it just forty miles out of Baton Rouge when your back left tire blew on your Volkswagen minibus. 
"Fuck," you moan out as you gently pull to the side of the empty road.
"What? What happened?" The sudden jolt from the blow tire woke everyone including your easily irritated boyfriend, Ben. 
"I think we blew a tire so I pulled over," you say un buckling your seat belt just as you turned the key in the ignition. You open your door, the Louisiana air is sticky and wet. Of all the places to break down it had to be here. 
You stop next to your back left tire and inspect it, a rusted nail sticks out of the tire as it slowly deflates. You begin mumbling swears as you open the back of the minibus searching for the spare you are more the positive you replaced when the front tire blew six months ago. 
"Fucking damnit!" You place both hands in your hair giving a frustrated tug. 
 had already gotten out at this point and was standing next to you, his voice making you jump. 
"I asked you if you had put the spare back in, god do you always have to be so stupid!" He slams his fist against the side of the minibus. 
His anger makes you feel small, if there hadn't been people in the bus he would have punched you instead of the bus. 
"I-I could have sworn I put it in," you say barely above a whisper. 
"Yeah? You thought? Well you didn't and now we're stuck out here in bumfuck Louisiana!" 
"Hey, what's going on?" Rebecca rubs the sleep out of her eyes. 
"Y/n forgot to replace the spare tire and now we're stranded here til morning when another person probably comes down this road." 
You look down ashamed, reaching out to grab the camping gear and flashlight. You head off the road and just want to set up camp and sleep. You've been the only one driving for the last couple of days. 
"Come on let's just set up camp so we can all sleep and hopefully get help in the morning. 0 on, let's find level ground." You don't want to make Ben any madder than he already is. 
Everyone gets out of the van and follows behind you with sleeping bags and backpacks, in case someone stumbled upon the bus and decided to have some sticky fingers. 
Once you're all settled, you finally turn in for bed. Ben, still angry and annoyed, decided to sleep next to Rebecca and her boyfriend, leaving you alone near a tree stump. You let the tears flow freely from your tears. None of you noticed the truck slowly driving past with their lights off or the man that got out and took the spark plugs.
When the sun begins to rise you peek your eyes open and see everyone has already begun packing up camp, it seems they forgot to wake you. It's silent. Not the friendly enjoyable silence, no this silence is awkward, as thick as the Louisiana humidity. 
You walk back to the minibus, packing everything up as they all wait for a car as they lean up against the bus. Maxwell, Rebecca's boyfriend, opens the side of the bus to sit half inside and half out. 
You decide to turn the keys in the ignition to at least getting the inside of the bus cool. But to your surprise the ignition does turn over. 
"What the fuck is wrong now," you groan getting back out of the car and popping the hood, "where the fuck are the spark plugs?!" 
You slam the hood shut and walk over towards the trio standing outside the bus. 
"Who took the spark plugs out of the bus?" 
"What are you talking about?" Ben asks giving you an annoyed look. 
"The sparks are missing, did you guys hear anything last night?" You ask again looking around the three of them. 
However just before you can get your answer a truck comes round the bend. It's an old beat up pick up. The driver slows and stops just before you guys. 
"Well howdy there? Whatch y'all doing out here so early in the mornin'?" He's a scrawny man with a cute dog in the bed and you think that makes him all the more attractive too you. 
"Oh well we-" you're cut off by Ben. 
"Well my girlfriend here, she blew a tire and seemed to forget to get a new one. She also says she's missing her sparks but you know how women are with cars," he says roughly slamming his arm over your shoulder, making you flinch. The stranger's eyes flickered to you softening for just a moment before going back to a stoic look and staring at Ben. 
"I see well, I can take you to Ambrose, it's just 12 miles up the road, my brother owns a mechanic shop and he should be able ta help yall with yours problem. Only this is I only got room for two of ya's," he says rubbing his chin. 
"Why doesn't Y/n go? It is her car after all," Rebecca says looking at you. 
"I'll go too right babe? Can't have you going alone," Ben says, squeezing your shoulder painfully, you have to bite your lip from crying out. 
And so you and Ben pile into who you all found out to be Lester Sinclair. He was the youngest of three. 
"So where y'all from anyway? Don't seem like locals round these here parts," 
"Oh well-" 
"Were from California, driving cross country this summer to go and see disney world" 
You stay quiet now and just look down at your lap. You don't feel like getting Ben angry once again.
Lester looks at you from the corner of his eyes. Planning on ways to make your boyfriend shut up and let you speak for once. He had this overwhelming sense to protect you. Don't go thinking that healing black eye and the way you flinch any time that no good asshole would touch you. 
that. But why did yall choose to drive and not fly? Seems like you'd saved some time flying?" 
"Yeah well it seemed fun at the time until this one had to go and get the tire popped" Ben says annoyed. 
"Well shit, I forgot the roads flooded. We may have to go the long way." Lester says stopping in front of the road that leads into Ambrose. 
"Oh that's OK! We can walk from here, that way you don't have to worry about going an extra way," you say, smiling up at him with a genuine smile. He smiles back at you but doesn't miss the scowl on your boyfriend's face.
You wave at Lester after you've both exited the truck, you give jonesy a rub behind her ears and head over to the little step stones that have taken place in the washed out road.
"Come on, the faster we get into town the quicker we can get the shit we need and on the road again," Ben said, grabbing your arm and pulling you hard. He drags you all the way to the mechanics shop. He knocks on the front door. 
"Hello! We were told you were open and could help us!" Ben yells. 
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Bo was on the back roads talking with Lester. 
"She needs our help, he doesn't treat her right neither. She's got a healing black eye and every time he touched her she flinches, and you should've seen her, she's finer than frogs' hair split four ways," 
"Hmm, and you say she's got two other with 'er? Well bring them back to Vin and he can take care of them while I go and help our visitors. You grab them sparks and hide them in the house, right?" 
Lester shakes his head headed back into his truck to get Rebecca and her boyfriend. 
Back at the shop, Ben was getting impatient and you were bored. 
"I'm gonna go explore, since I'm just a woman and wouldn't know anything about cars right?" 
"You don't have to be such a bitch you know," he huffs. 
"Well you are such an asshole, after this all over and we're in Florida, I'm going to drop you all off and head home, beauce this," you say pointing between yourself and him, "is over. For good this time." 
He back hands you hard enough to draw blood from your lip that his fist made contact with.
"Fuck you Ben!" You screech, "find your own ways to Florida you fuckwad" you walk away up towards the house of wax wanting to clear your mind and maybe have a good cry. 
You are amazed when you make it up the hill to the beautiful building, only realizing as you got to the front that the architecture was made entirely of wax. You gently pushed open the door and stepped inside, giving  yourself your own guided tour of the house. 
Everything was beautiful and the little intimate details intrigued you. 
"These look so life like, the artist must have such magical hands," you say in a hushed voice as though you were in an art museum and let's be honest here you really were. 
Hiding in the shadows, watching you as you gushed on and on about his art work was Vincent Sinlair, the middle son of the Sinclair brothers and the artist behind the house of wax. 
His eye stared at you as though you were a beautiful piece of art that needed to be taken care of and looked after. He silently followed you around like a lost puppy. 
Once you finished admiring the art work and decided enough time had passed and Ben more than likely got the parts needed to get back on the road. You walk towards the exit when the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. You peak over your shoulder and you are more than certain you saw a flash of long raven hair. 
Back at the mechanic shop just after you had left Bo's voice was heard booming from inside.
"Hold your fuckin' horses, I could hear you banging like all hell!" He opens the door with a scowl on his face, Bo hopes to see you there as well. With the way Lester was talking you up he was excited to see the beauty that was you. But alas you were there, only you annoyed looking boyfriend. 
"Whatchu need?" Bo asks, folding his arms over his chest. 
"My girlfriend's minibus has a popped tire and missing sparks. We need them as soon as you can give them to us. And I can make the pot sweeter," Ben says, pulling out a $100 from his wallet. You see Ben, Rebecca and Maxwell were silver spoon babies, you were lower middle class. 
"Well I'll be damned. As much as I'd like to take you up on your offer, I'll have to check in our basement to see if we have them. Why don't you come with and we can work out the price," Bo says, making room for Ben to come in through the door. Ben walks in further into the shop not paying any attention to where Bo had moved. Rookie mistake. Bo hits him over the head and Ben is out cold. 
When Ben wakes he is secured to an old barber chair under a grate in what he assumed to be the mechanic shop. He's gagged and wiggling trying to escape. He's screaming but nothing comes out. 
When you make it to the mechanic shop, you try the door and are happy to see it's finally open. 
"Hello! Is anyone here? Ben! Where are you, you still here?" You ask out walking around, fingerings all the different products on the walls. 
"Why hello there darlin'" you jump at the sudden voice behind you. You are greeted with quite the sight, a gorgeous man with a trucker hat and mechanic overalls.
"H-hi! I um, I'm looking for the guy I was with, he came here to get a new tire and spark plugs. Have you seen him?" You can feel a blush creeping up your neck. Curse your affinity for getting nervous about gorgeous men talking to you and making you lose all sense of yourself. 
"That one fella with the permanent annoyed look? Yeah, I sent him on up to our house, we didn't have the right type or sparks here so I sent him up there to get help from my twin Vincent. I could take you up there if you want or you could wait here?" He says while taking his hat off and running his hand through his damp hair. It makes him look all the more attractive to you.
You smile at him, "is your brother the one who made the art in the house of wax by chance?" 
"That he is ma'am, that he is. He's our own lil family artist," he says showing off his award winning smirk, now how about we get you on up to your friend? Maybe even get some food in yall too. You must be hungry." Just as the words left his mouth your stomach growled causing you to blush and wrap your arms around your noisy tummy. 
You smile at him. You've smiled more around these two strangers than you ever had in your entire relationship with Ben.
"Of course, please lead the way," you follow after him and to his pick up truck, this one much nicer than the one you previously rode in only hours before. The silence on the drive to the house is silent but peaceful. 
You get a better peak at him as he drives, he's attractive and knows it. His hands are big and veiny. Suddenly you are having thoughts about how they'd feel between-woah there y/n you have a boyfriend. Wait wait no you don't you broke it off with the fuckwad. Yes continue with the thought of his fingers in between your thighs as he moves them in and out of your- 
"Doll?" Bo lays his hand on your shoulder startling you. 
"Yes?" The blood rushes to your cheeks and head almost making you dizzy.
"I said we're here now," he says while fixing his hat and getting out of the truck. 
"Oh." You peep out as you follow him into the house. It's beautiful, it's very homey and definitely has the feel that three grown men live here. 
"I'll get started on some lunch for you" he says walking to the kitchen as you stand awkwardly in the living room. 
There are footsteps heard coming up from what can be assumed is the basement. When the door opens you are met with a beautiful sight, a man appears sporting long black hair, half up in a mini bun. He's wearing a wax made mask. He was beautiful. 
"Wow you are beautiful," you say out loud. 
He head snaps towards you and he then signs 'Thank you' you smile, you took a few ASL classes in high school. 
"Are you the one who made all the beautiful sculptures in the wax museum?" 
'Yes, did you like them?' He signed again.
"I didn't just like them, I loved them! You have such a beautiful talent!" 
'Would you like to see more?' He signs, 'I have just finished one at the workshop I have in the basement of the house of wax,'
"I would love to, but I'm only in town until my minibus is fixed. It would've been a great honor to see it though!" 
Just ask he was about to reply, Bo is calling you both to the dining room table. 
The 3 of you are enjoying a wonderful meal when it's interrupted by the front door being slammed open. All three of your heads look towards and see Ben. 
"B-ben!" You stand abruptly. 
"Get the fuck away from them y/n! They are a bunch of freaks!" 
Neither man speaks as they are stiff as a board.
"What do you mean? They've been nothing but nice to me this entire time," you say staying put. 
"That one locked me up in some torture device!" He says pointing to Bo, causing you to look at him, "I think they're the ones behind the missing sparks and blown tire," this causes you to slightly step back. 
"Now darlin' it ain't what you think, ok maybe it is," Bo begins looking at Vincent for help. 
"Get the fuck over here now, so help me. Don't be fucking stupid!" Ben says. 
"What did you say?" You look at him. Without you even realizing, you subconsciously grabbed the knife on the table. You don't even realize what your doing until you hear Bo say "don't go at the throat or head. Vinny needs those intact." 
"I am so sick of you abusing me and belittling me! I am so sick of it!" You scream. 
"You wanna stay with the freaks you crazy bitch? Fine you do that but dont you ever forget who owns you." He says stepping back away from the three of you. "You don't own me, you've never owned me!" You land the first blow in his stomach twisting the blade. You don't stop until Bo is pulling you off of him. Holding you close to his chest as Vincent wipes away the tears that have begun to fall. You're free, you're finally free of the abuse. 
"We'll always protect you doll, always." Bo says as he holds you close and kisses the top of your head. 
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
๑ keep safe : luffy's innate instincts (a hum of the heart) (10)
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one piece x male reader
i watch the sky getting light,
as i think about those years.
as i whisper in your ear,
i'm always going to be right here.
no one's going anywhere.
『 prev 』
as chopper, the blue nose reindeer, carried the four people inside and he immediately alerted his master, dr. kureha.
he laid them all down on seperate beds, realizing that the blonde was in the least concerning condition while the one with orange hair should be tended to first. the other two were merely suffering from basic frostbite and surface level wounds — at least that’s what the first assumption was.
but when dr. kureha and chopper got to actually working on helping the four, they realized one was in more grave condition than the rest. far, far more life threatening than they thought.
“doctorine, what do we do?!”
the two had finished treating the other three, seeing as they were working together and in harmony, it was a fast process. but there was one left…that had them completely stumped.
“a blood transfusion is out of the question! we can’t operate on him unless we have spare blood bags, what do we do?!”
“we leave him be,” the woman answered easily, taking a swig of her drink.
“b-but, he won’t be competley fine until we fix-”
“there’s nothing there to fix,” doctorine answered with a shrug, “he knows that those things are there, if he wanted them fixed, he’d of done it by now. just leave him be, we’ve done everything we can to keep him stable. let his body do what the body does best when left alone: heal!”
chopper looked reluctant to leave his patient untreated, or at least by his own definition of untreated. in doctorine’s opinion, though, the man was going to be fine.
“stitch him up and put clothes back onto him! and remember, room above 87 degrees! we can’t have his heart giving out in his sleep!” doctorine proclaimed, making the reindeer sweat at the thought — both the stress of the situation and the actual temperature.
of course, the patient he has to treat has to stay in warm conditions - his natural enemy. chopper stitched up the wounds, as well as the incisions that him and dr. kureha made themselves. and after he was done treating him, he put the clothes he was wearing back on, along with extra layers of blankets.
the silver necklace he was wearing before was gently returned to [name]’s neck by chopper.
he looked at the resting boy, thoughts go back to when the four people came to their doorstep.
“hm, they climbed this?! just by their hands?” doctorine questioned, the reindeer in his smaller form nodding in confirmation. “this 5000 meter rock?! ha! they’re crazy!”
“this one has broken ribs and damage to his spine, may i operate on him?” he politely asked as he examined sanji’s chest
“of course,” doctorine replied, “but it seems that the one in the worst condition here is the girl, she’s dying,”
out of nowhere, luffy’s hand shot up out from underneath himself and he grabbed the doctor’s arm. his entire body was shaking, but his eyes held a determination to them that chopper’s never seen before.
“they’re my friends…!” chopper barely made the words out as the pirate’s words were both slurring together and shaky, “save them! save all of them!”
“i get the picture, kid, don’t worry! they’re in good hands,” doctorine replied, showing a rare, genuine side to her. “chopper get ready to begin treatment!”
then chopper woke up from his daydream and left the room to work on making a concoction for the orange haired girl.
nami was the first to wake up, then luffy, then sanji. [name] was still knocked out.
but when luffy and sanji saw how healthy, or rather improved health, nami seemed to be, their relief was shot through the roof. then luffy focused back on how hungry he was and sanji determined to please his captain, were both chasing the reindeer that was following the female doctor’s orders.
“wait,” nami said slowly, realizing that one of them was missing, “don’t tell me…”
she looked frantically at the female doctor, who waved her hand dismissively, “the other one? he’s fine…although, i’m surprised he survived that journey as well,”
“please, tell me! where is he?! what happened to him?!” nami shouted, frantic to find [name]. the man who was gently nursing her back to health the entire time, the one who was responsible for her even being in the castle as he worked tirelessly to carry her there safely.
her eyes teared up as she thought about it.
“he’s fine, i’ve told you! it’s just, he needs to rest longer than any of you,” dr. kureha said and for the first time, her voice sounded grave. as if, she was talking about something in forbidden territory.
“you swear he’s alright?” nami asked, this time her voice was shaking as she clutched the cloth of her blanket so tight her knuckles turned white.
“positive,” doctorine confirmed, watching as the orange haired girl fell into shambles at the news.
her eyes were streaming a steady course of tears as she looked up at the ceiling, crying her heart out, “thank god!!!” she shouted, pure relief washing over her.
dr. kureha smiled softly at the display of pure affection.
the first thing [name] felt when he woke up was utter heat.
his mouth was dry and he felt as if he was in a desert. it was hot!
he immediately threw off the blankets that were piled up on top of him, but that wasn’t enough relief. he opened the window, the first window he saw, and almost threw himself out.
it was so hot inside the room, but at least now he had a cold breeze to work with.
it was only then after he took in the breeze did he realize how worn out his body really was.
“shit…” he cursed as he fell to his knees and clutched his body together in a fetal position.
his entire lower arm was sore, the bandage that wrapped around his hand that he had stabbed searing with pain still, and the hollow feeling in his chest wouldn’t go away.
“you got up too fast, kid,” a voice called out to him. “i’m dr. kureha, you can call me doctorine, though,”
“the others i came with, are they okay?” was the first question he asked, eyes bleary as he looked at the figure of an old woman.
“pft! you guys are ridiculous! yeah, they’re all fine, healing up as we speak,” she assured him, taking a seat in a rolling chair and sliding over to his fetal form. “as for you, you’re seriously lucky to even be breathing,”
he rolled his eyes, forcing himself to sit upright against the wall and face her properly.
“i’ve been through worse,”
“oh, i know,” the woman said, emphasizing her words by speaking slowly for him to clearly hear. “do your friends know?”
[name] paused, taking in a deep breath and blinking slowly as he saw that it came out normal and not in white puffs.
“haven’t told them,” he confessed.
“i suggest you do while it’s still appropiate timing,” she advised and he felt himself want to cower in himself at her words, “the girl, she was real worried about you.”
“she’s alright?” [name] asked slowly.
“obviously, i gave her my medicine and cured her up really quickly!” the doctor prided herself and [name] softly smiled, nodding with a close eyed smile.
“that’s good, really good!” he said cheerfully, running a hand through his distressed hair.
“get back on that bed, boy and go to sleep, you need it,” she told him, about to stand up and walk away, but he stood up and moved to follow after her.
“i wanna see them,” he said in a demanding voice, looking at her with fierce eyes.
“why? don’t believe me?” she teased, hands on her hips.
he didn’t reply, waiting for her to walk ahead and show him the way. she shrugged and went ahead, laughing as she heard him scramble for a blanket to cover himself.
within a couple of minutes they travelled from his room to hers and it was definitely nami, seeing her orange tuft of hair under the blankets she was burying herself in.
the doctor left them alone, closing the door behind her. nami still hadn’t turned around and [name] smiled gently, sitting at the edge of her bed.
“what’s so interesting out that window?” he asked her, watching as first her shoulders stiffened, her head lifted from the pillow, and finally her entire torso shooting up from the bed.
“[name]!” she cried out in glee, throwing her arms around his neck in a long-awaited hug. “you’re really alright!”
“more or less,” he replied with a cheesy grin, “you won’t worry us like this again, right, nami?”
her eyes turned glassy and [name] frowned at the reaction, tilting his head in confusion, “oi, no need to cr-”
she dropped her head into his shoulder, grabbing him tight, her fists bunching up the blanket that was around [name]’s torso, “thank you for everything, [name]!” she shouted, making [name]’s eyes widen in shock.
“hey, it’s not big deal,” he said softly, rubbing her back comfortingly, “you’re our friend!”
she only sobbed louder at his words while he felt bad that he possibly made it worse.
“you took care of me the entire time when those idiots on the ship had no idea what to do!” she said, and this time her cries made him laugh, “thank you, for easing vivi’s worries too,”
“those aren’t big deals, nami, i’m just glad you’re alright now,” [name] breathed out, feeling a weight lifted off of his chest. “say, did my fighting impress you though?”
nami smiled at his teasing attitude, gently smacking his cheek with her palm. she wiped away her tears, “it was terrible and sloppy,” she joked back, making [name] hold his chest in dramatic offense. “and it woke me up several times, learn to be more considerate!” she continued on, enjoying the way he was feeding into the joke.
in a matter of minutes, the two of them were smiling and joking around as if nothing was wrong. eventually, he urged nami to rest and brought the blanket back up to her chin.
“i’m not sick anymore, you don’t have to worry so much, [name],” she chided, although she did enjoy the pampering he gave her. it was nice to just sit back and relax whislt someone else dealt with all your stressors!
the one perk of being sick, nami selfishly thought, was that [name] would tend to her every need without her having to vocalize them.
“you’re not going to rest either?” she asked gently, already feeling herself grow sleepy again.
he pushed her hair aside, taking a seat close to her bed and crossing his arms, “i’m comfortable right here! now go, rest nami!”
[name] fell asleep sitting up while nami slept comfortably on her bed.
then, luffy, sanji, and chopper ran through the room — yelling about how they were going to eat chopper. when they noticed that [name] was there, however, sanji and chopper were quick to settle down.
their captain on the other hand, had no idea on how to treat a newly healed person, so he jumped right onto [name] and was quick to smother him.
“[name]! you’re alright, they healed you up all right, huh?!” luffy shouted, waking [name] from his slumber and blinking slowly as he came to his senses. “do you feel gooooddd?!” he shouted right into [name]’s face.
sanji and chopper were about to scold luffy for his antics, but [name]’s soothing smile made them both calm down. he gently held onto luffy, who was comforting sitting on his lap, and squeezed his sides, “i feel the best!”
”well, that is a relief,” sanji said, walking over and petting [name]’s head.
“oh, is everyone all good and treated then?” [name] asked softly, laughing every now and then as he felt luffy poke and prod at him — probably trying to tickle him.
“yep! that old hag-” a smack on the head made sanji shut up, courtesy of the mentioned “old hag.” “erm, doctorine and chopper treated all of us,”
“that’s good to know!” [name] smiled, looking at luffy with a smile and began stretching the rubber man’s face, “now entertain me!”
luffy made faces as [name] pulled at his face, chopper watching in interest as luffy had the abilities of a rubber man, and sanji only sighed at their childish antics.
everything felt normal for a moment, all of them forgetting the grave danger they were in before as [name] and luffy laughed. sanji left the room to get the prepared food he had left for [name] and returned with a charming smile.
“feast to your heart’s content, [name]!”
“ooh! yay, food-”
“thanks, sanji!” luffy said, taking the biggest piece of meat off of [name] plate and shoving it into his mouth.
the room turned silent and awaited [name]’s reaction.
“you fucker! i’ll throw you out this window and make you climb up this place all over again!” [name] cursed, grabbing luffy by the throat and swinging him around. “choke on my food, you asshat!”
“don’t be so mean, [name]!” luffy screamed, holding on for dear life as he was swung around and around.
the two bickered for a while, sanji could only sigh as he brought more food out for [name] to actually eat. [name] simply forfeit his first plate to his captain, murmuring about how one day, “your endless stomach is gonna get you in big trouble!”
chopper was shyly looking into the room. unfortunately, he had his hiding position reversed.
“hey, reindeer! stop hiding and join us!” [name] said, laughing at the fear that crossed the animal’s features. “you’re a big scaredy cat, huh?”
“i’m not a cat, stupid human!” chopper shouted, pointing a hoof at [name] in anger. “don’t laugh at me!”
“oh, do you happen to have my black piece of cloth?” [name] asked, taking another bite of his food before continuing on, “it was wrapped around my wrist when i came up the castle, but i’m not wearing it anymore,”
“don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s disgusting,” sanji scolded, slapping [name] on the head as he smoked his cigarette.
chopper silently nodded his head in confirmation. he had thought the cloth was just a piece of trash, but he didn’t throw it out - only hand washing it to rid it of the blood that stained it.
“can i have it please? it’s important to me!” [name] grinned, making the reindeer nod once more.
chopper ran off after that, leaving only the strawhats in the room.
“hey, luffy, let him join the crew!”
“ah? i already said he'd be our doctor,” luffy said nonchalantly.
“but i want him as a mascot!” [name] said, making sanji slap him on the head again.
“he’d be better off being our doctor, idiot,” sanji said.
“i already tried talking to him, but he refused,” nami informed them, turning all their heads in her direction. “it seems he has a pretty sad past,” she said, her expression turning sad.
“all the more reason! isn’t everyone on our crews story depressing! we can be a band of depressed pirates!” [name] joked, earning him a pinch to the ear via nami and another slap to the head from sanji.
just as nami was going to continue, chopper came back into the room. this time, he was in a different form and walking on all-fours. in his mouth he held [name]’s sword and cloth, making the man beam at him.
“wah! you’re the greatest ever, chopper! sanji, fetch it for me!”
“you can walk on your own, idiot! don’t order me around!” the chef shouted, fury clear on his face as [name] pouted at him.
“to think you’d treat your own injured crewmate so harshly,” [name] said, his frown only deepening, “after all i’ve done for you!”
“don’t guilt trip me into feeling bad, it won’t work!!!” sanji shouted once more.
chopper silently walked across the room and dropped the items onto [name]’s lap. this made the man stop his fake tears and pet the reindeer on the head, “you did a really good job in taking care of us, chopper! you even remembered to put my necklace back on!”
chopper nodded, eyeing the piece of silver jewlery. noticing his interest, [name] said in a hushed tone, “if you forgot to put it back, we all might’ve died! isn’t that scary?”
it certainly did scare chopper as he stood still and his eyes were blown wide. his words made his crewmates look at him in caution. sanji being the first to speak up, “you’re joking, right?”
[name] shrugged playfully, “who knows?”
sanji seethed through his teeth, resisting the urge to hit [name] again, “don’t joke about things that are serious!”
“who said it was serious?”
“you implied it just now!” nami said, looking at [name] as if he were stupid and had grown three heads. “what do you mean we’d all might’ve died!”
“i was just saying,” [name] shrugged, taking the last couple bites of his food and rubbing his stomach, “since i’m nice and full now, no one will be dying anytime soon, don’t worry,”
“that doesn’t help at all!” nami and sanji cried out in unison.
“[name] was just joking,” luffy said, waving his hand as if it were not a big deal. nami and sanji couldn’t believe it - they literally couldn’t. if luffy knew something they didn’t, if [name] was really just joking, what the relevance of the necklace was. it was all so confusing.
so the two who were kept in the dark simply shook their heads and sighed at their troublesome new crewmate.
[name] hummed in delight, wrapping the cut out piece of cloth around his right wrist and holding the sword close.
“hey, chopper, you have any interest in pirates?”
the reindeer stiffened, hesitantly nodding his head.
“why don’t you become pirates with us?” [name] grinned, pointing at luffy, “he’s our captain and he’ll make sure you’re well taken care of!”
“he wants to eat me!!!” chopper said in resistance, making [name] sweatdrop.
“well, he won’t…probably,”
“what do you mean by probably?!” chopper said once more, turning to run out of the room in fear for his life. “eating me isn’t a joke, y’know?!”
“i never said it was!”
“yeah, apparently, you don’t say a lot of things, shit for brains,” sanji sarcastically chimed in, taking the clean plate off of [name]’s hands and setting it on the table.
“i miss zoro,” [name] said out of the blue, making sanji look at him incredulously.
“if you miss him why don’t you go running back to the going merry?! what does that even have to do with i just said?!” sanji berated him, pulling at his ear multiple times. “he doesn’t even like you!”
“are you saying you like me, sanji? what a romantic confession!”
“i’ll kill you!!!”
[name] laughed as the chef continued pulling on his ear, finding the shift in his attitude hilarious since he mentioned their swordsman. the easiest way to rile up sanji was mentioning zoro, after all. and sanji riled up and annoyed was always funny to [name].
their mini fight was broken up, however, when nami rest her hand on sanji’s arm. that completely made him still, not wanting to accidentally harm her in his actions, leaving [name]’s side and going to nami’s.
“you loud idiots leave the room, i’ve gotten tired again,” she said simply, turning her head to the window and yawning, “[name], why don’t you lie down as well?”
“hm, maybe i’ll go back to the room,” [name] said, feeling himself grow drowsy as well. when you eat food to your heart and stomach’s content, you do tend to get more tired, he thought to himself. “luffy, carry me to my room!”
“you have legs, don’t you?!” sanji shouted, making [name] brush him off once again.
luffy only grinned in happiness, taking [name] on his back in a piggy back ride and shouted about going on a race around the castle.
“just take me to my room, idiot!” [name] said, holding onto luffy tight as the rubber man began to run around the entire castle.
throughout the empty halls, [name]’s shouts could be heard from everywhere, making the rest of the crew sweatdrop at the duo’s antics.
when they were finally at [name]’s previous resting room, luffy dropped him off with a smile on his face.
”we’re gonna get chopper!” luffy said with a mischevious look on his face, “he’s gonna be our doctor, you think it’s a good idea right?!”
“well, why are you asking me? you’re the captain, idiot,” [name] said, chuckling as luffy peered so close to his face they were only centimeters apart. the ever oblivious luffy definitely had no sense of personal space.
“huh? i wanna know what you think,” luffy said simply, leaning closer to [name] to the point their noses and foreheads were touching, “it’s a good idea, right? right? i come up with great ideas, huh!”
“it’s a fine plan, luffy,” [name] said, pushing luffy’s forehead with his own before laying his head on his pillow, “now let me sleep,”
to his surprise, luffy didn’t immediately bolt out the room. instead, the captain just sat on the chair nereby [name]’s bed and looked at him.
“i wanna watch you sleep!” luffy said with a childish grin, leaning forward once more, “go sleep!”
[name]’s face cringed, “that’s creepy, plus it’s harder to sleep knowing you’re watching me…which is, an issue by itself,” but it seemed luffy didn’t pay attention to his words at all, simply humming a familiar tune to himself as [name] only resisted the urge to lecture luffy.
“just go, luffy,”
“i’m busy,”
“doing what?”
“it’s weird, go away!”
“it’s not weird,”
[name] turned on his side, pulling the blanket up to his face, “why is my captain such a weirdo…” he said, fake sniffles leaving his mouth as luffy only laughed behind him.
his captain was laughing at his misery. he could only sigh, pretend he didn’t know that luffy was there, and force himself to sleep.
luffy did stay for a little extra while longer, wanting to make sure that [name] was really sleeping. he pushed the chair closer to [name]’s bed and leaned his head down, so that it was resting on [name]’s chest.
he furrowed his eyebrows and shut his eyes, lips brought together as if he was in deep thought. he made sure his ear was pressed snug against [name]’s bare chest, focusing.
when he finally heard [name]’s steady heartbeat, he finally opened his eyes and let a look of relief wash over his face. he didn’t move from his spot, though, keeping his head against [name]’s chest.
[name] really scared luffy earlier. the man was so determined to get a doctor for nami that he didn’t really care much for his own person. but luffy noticed. the state he was in when they finally reached the top made the captain frown. [name] was so beat up and tired.
luffy usually didn’t pick up on a lot of things, but when it came to [name], he noticed almost everything.
and he saw that [name] was so eager to get nami to feel better he threw the health of his own body out the window. because of that, it became clear to luffy what their next course of action was.
get a doctor on board the going merry so [name] doesn’t have to make so many sacrifices in the future. plus, having someone there to treat their wounds from their awesome fights would also be a plus! luffy grinned at the thought of another friend sailing with them, going on adventures.
and [name] rarely ever got hurt, but if and whenever he does, luffy wants to be sure he’ll be treated. chopper just had to join them! he wouldn’t take no for an answer either. it’d be for the health of his crew, so it was vital chopper joined.
as he thought of ways to persuade the unique reindeer, he kept his ear pressed to [name]’s chest, humming a childhood song to himself. one that was given to him by [name] and made him think of him. and whenever he thought of [name], he couldn't help but smile. easily, like when he was a kid, he was hypnotized by the rhythmic beating and felt relaxed.
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crimson-calligraphyx · 10 months
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lma1986 asked:Best friends to lovers Noah returns home from tour and finally gets to spend time with the reader. Make it cute and fluffy 😍
Disclaimer: this is completely fictional. I do not own Bad Omens or anyone affiliated with them. This is a RPF; don't like? Don't read. Hope you enjoy! 😊 Word count: 2,555 Tag List: @cheyfi @kingdomof-omens @daylightlvrs @blade-in-red @ladyveronikawrites @jay02bo @itsmrsfuentes @cncohshit @catj422 @lma1986 @chels3a-smile @kiwi475 *if you want to be added to the tag list, please let me know!*
A/N: This takes place in Noah's POV and is based off the song "Jenny" by Studio Killers. 😇
I leaned against the passenger door of my car, legs crossed at the ankles and arms folded over my chest, waiting for that white door to swing open. I've been through that door a million times before, ever since I was about 5 years old, and I never grew tired of coming to this little pale-yellow house on Chestnut Street. It wasn't my home, but it may as well have been from how often I came here through my adolescent years—I could navigate the ins and outs with a blindfold, and both hands tied behind my back.
The door finally swung open, the petite frame of my best friend materializing from behind it. I chuckled, a smirk tugging at my lips as she freezes, her hand still grasping the door. From a distance, I could see the confusion written on her face when she sees me, and I know she's questioning whether I was really here right now.
I wasn't supposed to be home from our tour until tomorrow—that's what I told her, at least.
"Nono!" she shouts, a cheek-splitting smile across her face as she practically jumps down the front steps. Her golden curls bounced behind her as she ran across the lawn barefoot, the sun accentuating her highlights and shimmering in gentle waves. "When are you gonna stop calling me that?" I pushed off the side of my car with a feigned eye roll, opening my arms to welcome her in a hug. She throws herself at me, nearly knocking me over as I wrapped my arms around her and rocked from one foot to the other. "Never," she mumbles into my shirt, and my chest fills with warmth when I hear her giggle shortly after.
When we first met in kindergarten, Jenny was a little delayed in her speech and had a hard time pronouncing 'Noah'. She called me 'Nono' instead and I absolutely hated it at the time, but as we got older, I grew to cherish it. I never told her that though, and continued with the façade of despising it because I loved the way she laughed, thinking she was getting under my skin by teasing me.
That's how it's always been for the last two decades. We push each other's buttons, we argue, we laugh, we cry. That was just who we are. Nono and Jenny; best of friends, partners in crime, two peas in a pod. I'd like to say that I wouldn't want it any other way, but it simply wasn't true—I wanted her in the way that a flower needs rain to flourish.
After all, aside from Nick, she was the reason I pushed so hard to have this music career take off. She was always so supportive, and a genius at that. On the days where I was stumped, she'd give whatever project I was working on a listen and would come up with a suggestion that always played out just the way I was envisioning it.
"Why are you here?" she asked once we stopped hobbling back and forth, taking a step back to look at me with that heartwarming smile still on her face. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave her a stern look. "What? I can leave if you don't want me here," I shrugged, beginning to turn around, only to laugh when I feel her hand wrap around my wrist and tug me back. "You know that's not what I mean, jackass," she rolls her eyes. "I thought you were coming back tomorrow."
I tucked my hands in the pockets of my jeans, rolling my shoulders in another shrug. "Took less time than I thought to get back. Anyway, I do have a lot of unpacking to do; I just stopped by to say 'hi'." "Oh," she mumbles, and I pretend that I didn't notice the flash of disappointment on her face. "Well, I'll let you get to it. See you tomorrow like we planned?" "Of course," I grinned, and she returned the gesture in a closed-mouth smile.
We hugged before parting ways, but I stop when I open my door and glanced at her one last time. She oozed disappointment, and I knew she was bummed that I was leaving so soon. I leaned against the roof of my car with my arms folded and scrunched my lips to the side, mulling over our plans.
"Since you clearly missed me so much," I start, "why don't we change it up and have you come over tonight instead?" "Oh, no. Tomorrow is fine," she waves me off, but I can see the infamous tremor of her lips whenever she tries to hide a bashful smile. "You're probably beat from driving." "I'll be fine after a quick nap," I chuckle lightly. "8 o'clock. If for some reason I'm still asleep when you get there, just wake me up." "Great," she scoffs, her eyes rolling skyward. "So, potentially, I gotta deal with your grumpy ass because you want me to disrupt your beauty sleep." I mimic her actions with a roll of my eyes, even though I know she's joking. "See you later," I laugh, getting into my car after she says 'bye'.
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I'm jolted awake, and there's now a dull ache on my face as I rubbed my cheek. I hear a giggle behind me, and I know that it's Jenny, so I couldn't be too mad from this unsuspecting wakeup call...even if it was by a pillow to my face.
"Hey," I croaked, rolling onto my back with a stretch. My heart flutters in my chest when I laid eyes on her cheery smile. "Morning, sunshine," she teases, plopping down on the bean bag chair. "Did you have a good sleep?" I pushed myself into a sitting position, a yawn escaping me as I nodded. She giggles again as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with my fist, surely laughing at the rat's nest my hair was.
"Do you always sleep with my shirt as your pillowcase?" She smirks, motioning her head behind me. "Huh?" I furrow my brows at her, turning my head to look down at my pillow. Sure enough, it was her shirt, and my cheeks warm at the realization that I never switched it out for an actual pillowcase like I meant to. My mind scrambled for an excuse—I can't just admit to her that yes, I did in fact use her shirt as my damn pillowcase while I was out on tour.
Because her perfume lingered on her clothing, and there was always something so soothing about her scent every time I caught wind of it. The warmth of vanilla and the calming notes of sandalwood would encase me each time we hugged, and it was simply intoxicating. Nothing comforted or calmed me down faster, so on the nights where my mind was much too loud after a show, I'd hold my pillow close, imagining it was her in my arms instead. Drinking in her scent quieted my mind faster than a glass of whiskey.
"Oh, that's your shirt? I thought it was one of my thousands of band tees." I tried to play it off; my heart leapt into my throat, hoping she wouldn't see through my bullshit. "I spilled a beer on my pillow on the bus and didn't have a clean case and grabbed a random shirt." "Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure you gave me that shirt. Makes sense that you'd think it was yours," she shrugs, turning to the blank TV screen. "So, what are we watching?"
I puffed out a breath, relieved she bought my excuse, and reached for the remote to flip on the TV. "I dunno," I yawned once more. "I haven't thought that far ahead. Whatever you wanna watch is fine with me." She takes the remote from me with a hum, starting up and scrolling through Netflix. "21 Jump Street?" "Sure," I flashed her a smile, and she happily starts the movie while I got out of bed to grab the snacks I picked up earlier. She loves gummy bears and cherry Sprite.
I tossed the gummy bears in her lap and handed her the soda when she turned her attention to me. "You didn't have to get me these, Nono," she says, but I knew by the way her eyes lit up that she was thankful for it. "I know," I shrugged and sat back down on my bed, my own drink and snack in hand. “But it’s kind of your thing, just like this is mine,” I chuckle, shaking the jar of communion wafers I held. She laughs, throwing her head back. “I can’t believe you still eat those things. You’re so fucking weird.” I raise my brows to her comment. “Yet you’re still here.” “Shut it,” she retorts, throwing one of her bears at me with that same smile she always tries to hide. I narrow my eyes at her, “Don’t make me take those away from you.”
She smirks and averts her eyes to the screen, settling back into the chair as she chews on the gummies—my stomach swirls with giddiness, just wondering what was on her mind.
We fall into a comfortable silence, nothing but the sounds of the movie and laughter filling the room. That was until I was pelted in the face, not once but twice, by a gummy bear. I slowly turned my head towards her, a phony scowl on my face as she sat there giggling away, but I couldn't keep the expression for long. Not with her, not with the way her contagious laugh ricocheted inside my head and riled up the butterflies in my gut.
I jumped from my spot on the bed and snatched her snack, holding it high over her head when she stands with a pout. “Nono, give those back!” she grumbles, standing on her toes to try to take her bears back, but to no avail. “I warned you that I’d take them away, Jenny,” I laughed, taking a step backwards. She huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “Fine. I’ll take your Jeez-its away.” I snorted. “Go for it.”
She steps to the side and reaches out, trying to maneuver around me to grab the container lying on my bed, but I sidestepped along with her, blocking her. She sighs, throwing her head back in aggravation. “Noah, c’mon. Can I have the gummy bears back, please?” “Since you asked so nicely,” I mused, lowering my arm. She reaches for them; I fake her out and extend my arm behind me. She follows my arm with a grumble, tripping over my feet and into my chest. I instinctively wrapped an arm around her small frame, and we toppled onto my bed in a fit of laughter. “Why do you always do this shit?” she shakes her head at me, trying to contain her giggles. “Just to piss you off,” I tell her nonchalantly, even though my heart was hammering through my chest from her proximity.
I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself, but I can’t help the tingle that courses through my veins when she does nothing but grin at me. A blush coasts across her cheeks, her green eyes illuminated by the LEDs bordering my room as she gazes at me through the sheer blanket of her golden locks. It took every fiber of my being to keep my hand from tucking the strand behind her ear and caress her face that I just knew would feel soft and supple beneath my fingertips.
“Why do you like to piss me off so much?” she snorts, moving her hands to my chest to push herself up; she slips the strand of hair behind her ear. I shrug. “Just because.” “That’s it? ‘Just because’?” she muses, her lips curling into a sly smile, and my stomach churns with nerves.
Because I love to see you smile and laugh as the outcome. I love the way your eyes glimmer and your cheeks tint from it. Because I love… you.
My heart is in my throat thinking these thoughts; I try my hardest to swallow it back down to where it belonged, but I can’t with the way she’s laying on my chest with that goddamn smile. And as apprehensive as I was at this very moment, everything felt so…right. How her small frame fit so perfectly against me, my hand settled in the curve of her back in just the right way, the way she looked at me with those alluring, doe-like eyes with affection…I had to tell her.
 “You want me to be honest, Jenny?” “Always, Nono.” I cleared my throat after swallowing harshly, trying to find my voice. “Because I wanna ruin our friendship.” Her head tilts and her brows furrow, trying to understand what I meant. I watched as it clicked in her head with a small gasp, the pink tinge deepening on her cheeks when she mutters a quiet ‘Oh.’ My heart plummets to my stomach, embarrassment immediately settling in—she doesn’t feel the same. “I-I’m sorry, Jenny. I shouldn’t have said anything.” I start to sit up, but she shakes her head at me with a timid grin. “Ruin it.”
She leans closer to me just as my hand cups her cheek delicately, and our mouths crash together. Warmth spreads through my core, and relief drowns out every bit of doubt that was anchoring me down—I feel like I’m soaring as our lips moved together in beautiful synchrony. I wanted to savor every ounce of her when her intoxicating scent infiltrated me, enhancing the sweetness of her luscious lips as she allowed my tongue to taste her.
I knew she wanted this just as badly as I had when she clutched my shirt, and I couldn’t help the low chuckle from rumbling in my throat. She giggles against my lips in response, but neither of us break apart from one another—I swear we were held together by a magnetic force.
There’s a dizziness beginning to encase me and my chest burns, forgetting to breathe. Reluctantly, I separate to gather air in my lungs, and she does the same, smiling at me as she breathes deep. Her lips were plump, her eyes blown with lust, and I couldn’t help the playful grin on my face and the flutter deep in my belly knowing I did that to her.
“What took you so long?” she asks, the bashful tremor on her lips reappearing. I chuckled, trailing my thumb over the apple of her cheek. “I didn’t wanna ruin ruin our friendship, I guess.” “Give me those gummy bears back, and we’ll talk about how ruined this friendship is.” I snort, giving her a light squeeze before reaching out blindly to find the bag of gummy bears. “Here,” I place them on top of her head once I found them. They slide off, spilling all over my bed before she had a chance to stop them from falling and glowers at me. “I hate you.” “No you don’t,” I smirked, pulling her in for another kiss. “I don’t,” she mumbles against my lips, forgetting all about the spilled gummies.
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americas1suiteheart · 6 months
Can I Lay In Your Bed All Day?
Patrick Stump x Reader
Here's the Ao3 link if you prefer to read on there!!
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Summary; No summary, just some tooth rotting fluff.
Notes; I literally came up with this while listening to Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner so this was quickly thought up.
Warnings; None, no profanity or anything.
<Now playing - Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner by Fall Out Boy>
0:49 ───ㅇ────── 3:20
It had been the late weeks of autumn as it got closer to winter, and it was getting colder and colder in Chicago everyday and the wind was becoming more fierce by the passing hours. Unfortunately the radiator, which was probably older than your parents, didn't warm your room or house up all that much and stopped very often, so you would just have blankets piled up on top of you.
Thankfully, your best friends had working heaters that ran throughout their houses, and they were very kind to let you stay at their place for a couple hours or even stay the night when it was coldest.
"Hey, Patrick. Thank you so much for letting me come over, I think this was the coldest it's been so far, I would've frozen to death!" You joke, standing at Patrick's doorstep, bundled up all sorts as it was 20 some degrees outside.
"Yeah, of course Y/n. You know you're always welcome here, come in before you freeze." Patrick says with a smile on his face, closing the door after you'd already gone inside.
You take all of your coats and scarf off and hang them on his mom's coat rack, a spot always there for yours because of how often you were there now.
"Patrick, is that Y/n?" Patrick's mom called out from the kitchen.
"Yeah, they're here, mom!" Patrick called back.
You followed behind him into the kitchen and went to hug his mom when you saw her.
"Hey, Ms Stumph. How have you been?"
"Hey, Y/n. I've been the same since the last time you saw me 2 days ago. How about you, hon?" She joked.
"That's good. I've been cold, that's about the same it's been, though." You laugh.
Patrick smiled. He loves how you and his mom get along so well and how you two already knew each other well enough to be so close.
"Good thing it's nice and warm in here then. Alright, you two go and hang out, I'm making lunch now and I'll call you two over when it's done."
"Alright, mom. Thank you." Patrick says, hugging her.
Patrick begins walking out of the kitchen and you follow behind him, giving Ms Stump a thank you before leaving.
Patrick's house was always so homey. The brown carpet played throughout the floors of the home, the old brown wooden panels on the walls, and even the smell an old house has.
Patrick enters his room and sits on his bed, you going and sitting next to him.
"Do you want a blanket?"
"Please." You say, smiling at Patrick.
Patrick gets up and goes into his closet, pulling out a big blue and grey blanket.
"Here, both of us could share it." Patrick says, throwing the blanket at you and falls onto the bed.
You unfold it, that is if you could even call it folded when it was just lazily balled up, and spread it out, laying it on top of Patrick and it wrapped around you, still sitting up.
"Lay down, dude." Patrick laughs, patting the space next to him.
You'd always had a little crush on Patrick since you first became close friends with him that only grew every time you saw him or even just simply interacted with him whether it be on the phone or in person.
You lay next to him and get under the blanket more, looking at the ceiling covered with glow in the dark stars. (AN: You can't tell me he wouldn't have those little glow in the dark stars on his ceiling I mean, come on it's so him.)
It was now so much warmer than before, Patrick's warmth was radiating off of him and being under the blanket make it even warmer, and it didn't make it any different from how hot your face probably was at the moment.
The two of you just stayed under the blanket for what felt like forever, but you wouldn't complain about it and say you didn't like it.
"This is nice. We should do this more often, especially when it's gonna get colder in the winter." Patrick said, turning his head to face you.
"I agree." You prop up your head on your arm, now looking down at Patrick.
His eyes, oh my gosh, his eyes. It was always so nice to look into them, the colour was like one you've never seen before, it was his colour.
Suddenly there were two knocks at the door. "Lunch is ready if you two are hungry." Ms Stump says.
"Okay, thank you, mom!" Patrick shouts to make sure she heard.
You and Patrick stay in the same spot for a few more minutes, it becoming slightly more awkward as the minutes passed.
"Um, do you wanna go eat?" Patrick said, clearing his throat after sitting up.
You nod in response, getting off of his bed and following him behind as he did the same and headed into the kitchen.
Two bowls of tomato soup and two grilled cheese sandwiches sat on a paper plate on top of the counter. It was such a comfort food for you, and it was going to be so much better because of the cold.
You and Pattick layed on his bed under the covers, it was still cold for you somehow, despite the heater being on and being under a blanket.
You debated on asking Patrick if you could get another one, but figured it'd be too much to ask for. Even if you two have been friends for a while, you were still hesitant and nervous on asking him of something, regardless of how many times he'd assured you it was fine and to not worry.
Appearantly you were being obvious about the fact that you were still cold.
"Are you still cold? Do you want me to see if I have any more blankets?" Patrick said, sitting up.
"No, no it's fine. Please just, please lay back down its warmer that way." You say, hesitantly saying the last part.
Patrick looks at you, mouth slightly agape. He had an expression on his face that you couldn't exactly pinpoint, wasn't a bad one, but that's only based off of what you were seeing.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. Um, totally." Patrick awkwardly says, his face slightly flushed as he laid back down underneath the blanket.
You don't even know if you were still cold at the moment, the scent of Patrick was filling your nose and it was the only thing you could think of now.
Patrick shivers slightly under the blanket, as the heater had just turned off a few minutes ago, and covers himself a little more.
You slowly scooched closer to Patrick, being no more than an inch away from him.
You continue to just stare at the stars on Patrick's ceiling. Noticing some of them were put on in the order of some constellations and you smile to yourself. He's so perfect in every way. He had a few shelves full of action figures and some lego star wars ships sitting on other shelves across the room. His room was small so it amazed you how much he was able to fit in his room, but he did it in a somewhat organized manner.
Patrick turns around and drapes one arm over your torso. You freeze for a few seconds, but quickly get comfortable to the feeling.
"Is this okay? I should've asked I'm sorry." Patrick says taking his arm off, his voice a little over the volume of a whisper.
"No, you're fine, please stay." You say, turning your body towards him.
You laid, cuddled into Patrick's chest as he held you, drawing shapes on your back and humming some song you didn't know.
You felt your eyes begin to get heavy, and soon enough you fell asleep. You'd definitely have to do this more often now.
<Now press "Repeat"- Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner by Fall Out Boy>
3:20────────ㅇ 3:20
Towards the end I had NO CLUE what to do with it, so it's a little weird, sorry about that. This one was fun though.
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tiredcatboysinc · 2 months
The icing on the cake
Dude, what do you mean I wrote all of this in one day huh wuh =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)
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“Hey, what’s your favorite flavor?” “In what context? .3.”
“Vanilla :3”
Those messages had been sent over a week ago by now, and Allan’s question is still plaguing your thoughts. Why did he need your favorite cake flavor..? Nothing was coming up… Your birthday wasn’t until a few more months… Hmm… Augh!! What could this little critter need with your favorite cake flavor???
Well, it was obvious he was planning something. How do you know? Because Allan normally texts you every morning, 8 am sharp. But now, he’s been faltering… Sometimes messaging at 8:05 or even 8:20. Something was up, and you would figure it out one way or another!!
So, first things first… You can’t directly ask Allan, no, no, no!! That’s too direct, and there's no way if he was planning something he’d tell you. No, Allan was cautious… but not cautious enough. You knew he’d have had to have told someone in the office, if not directly then they’d overheard his insane rambling. 
You hum, leaning over the table in the breakroom. Your elbow rested on the hard surface, digging into the material as you thought. Your mouth quirked unevenly, brows furrowing in frustration. Who to ask first…
“Hey, whatcha doin’ man?” Charlie questions as he saunters into the breakroom, looking as nonchalant as ever. Quickly, you shot up from your seat. As you slammed a hand down you pointed at Charlie, causing him to flinch slightly. “MR. DOMPLER!” You shout, eyes ecstatic in hope. Charlie looks around nervously, chuckling softly at your antics. 
“Uh, yeah? What’s up?” He sits at the table, leaning in the chair as you lower your arm. Swiftly, you whip your phone from your pocket to show him the messages. Pointing to Allan’s text you begin to question him, “WHERE WERE YOU ON THIS TIME AND DATE????” You blink rapidly as you point to the date of the messages. Charlie furrows his brow, scratching at his neck as he cranes his head back in thought. He pops his lips, clicking his tongue as he grumbles. 
“Uhhh, fuck… Dude, I dunno… Probably at home drinking… or smoking, one or the other.” He chuckles, turning back to you. Squinting your eyes at him suspiciously at him you hum, pursing your lips. “A likely story… Then you wouldn’t know why Allan wants my favorite cake flavor, would you???” You accuse him, widening your eyes and blinking rapidly. 
Charlie scoffs in mock offense, smiling playfully and furrowing his brows. He waves his hand dismissively, chuckling. “Whaat? Me, know anything ever? Nah, man…” He pauses, “Though, speaking hypothetically… If I did know something… I’d say go and ask Glep.” He chuckles as a broad smile cracks over his face. You lean back, crossing your arms over your chest in thought. A hum of satisfaction leaves your lips, a small smile quirking upon them.
“Hmm… Okay then!” You chirped, taking your leave from the breakroom. Charlie sighed, letting a chuckle of amusement choke from his throat. “God, those two are so fucking in love…”
Glep was somewhere, and nowhere at the same time. How did that make sense? You didn’t know, but Glep always found their ways… They were slippery and hard to get ahold of when you needed them, of course, when they weren’t needed you could find them anywhere you looked. Right now was not the latter, Glep was nowhere to be found and you were positively stumped. 
You grumbled in annoyance, deciding to give u your hunting and think your impulsive plan a once over… Maybe Allan wasn’t doing anything, maybe he had been asking out of curiosity. However, that didn’t explain the late texts. It also didn’t explain anything really… Allan doesn’t ask just for asking, he asks for purposes. You run your hands over your face, rubbing harshly at your temples. Come one brain, do some thinking here… 
AUGH!!! Dammit!! Damn that critter!! There’s no reason he would get you cake!! Nothing is coming up, is there??? Nothing that you can think of…
Vrttt.. Vrtt…
Your phone buzzes softly in your pocket, catching you off guard for a split second. You fumble to grab it from its confines, swiping it open to see a text from the critter himself…
“Are you at the office?”
You wait for a second, a minute, and another minute, but no more texts come. Urgh, fuck, Allan!! Why did you have to be such a dry-ass texter??? A sigh of disappointment looms in the air as you return to the breakroom, Charlie now nowhere to be seen and Glep still unable to be found. You grumble with aggravation, the dread of having to wait for Allan seeping into your skin. 
Fuck it, you might as well just doomscroll for a while… And so you did. You scrolled for no more than a few minutes before the door was opened, Allan pushing it open with his forearm. He held a small cake in his hands, no more than enough for one or maybe two people. Your brows furrow, confusion now set into your expression.
“Hey,” Allan clears his throat, “Uh… This isn’t what I’d normally do, but here.” He walks over and places the cake in front of you. Once more he clears his throat, his hands now empty he fidgets with his tie. You look between the cake and Allan, a soft blush creeping onto your cheeks. The cake was professionally decorated, with beautiful yet small designs laid over the icing with fondue. In the center was text written in icing, the font bordering on cursive. It asked a simple question, ‘Dinner?’ 
You look back to Allan, looking as if he’d just asked you to marry him. Softly, you begin to smile. 
“Yeah, I’d love that actually.”
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ohtomatotome · 7 months
It's You. You're My Kink.
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Recipient: @kokorokai as part of the ‘My Ikémen Valentine' Gift Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary
Characters: (Ikemen Prince) Clavis Lelouch and MC/Emma. Established relationship
Recipient’s Request: 🌶 NSFW content with a dominant Clavis
Premise: He knows she knows his weakness is alcohol and his fetish is her thighs.  But he doesn't know her weaknesses, fetishes, kinks, or fantasies. It's time to force some sexy secrets out of his lovely lover. Written from Clavis’s PoV.
Content Tags: consensual, soft dom, cunnilingus, sensory play, blindfold, light bondage/restraints, ropes, temperature play, spanking/impact play, anal toys, dildo, vibrators, ball gag, orgasm control, edging, begging, praise.
Word count: 7,500
Author's Notes are at the end of the story.
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TITLE: It's You. You're My Kink.
Emma unwrapped the gift box and took out a skein of lavender shibari rope and leather wrist restraints. There was a pause as she held them in her hands before giving me a dubious glance. 
Oh? Already wary, are we? Heh, heh.
“I’d make a guess that you are inviting me to be your ‘lovely accomplice’ in setting up traps, but … Clavis, this … is not your usual rope for traps. And this.” She dangled the cuff from her fingers, “isn’t usually part of your traps, either. I’d hope, anyway?!?” A strained giggle, paired with her eyebrows pulled up together in confusion made an exquisite reaction.
Ah, well, let me spell it out so she’s not taken unawares when the fun begins tomorrow.
“What’s that? You say you would love to enjoy some alone time with your handsome prince? And you give your consent for some kinky fun? Oh, Emma, I’m so happy you decided to accept my invitation!” 
I noticed her eyes widened at the mention of ‘kinky’. Oh ho. 
My meaningful gaze bore down on her and I gave her my most wicked smirk.
“Oh! Oh, that’s what this is about? Clavis, your ruses and … gifts always make me second-guess myself. At first I thought it had to do with something sexy, but that’s not usually your style to be so obvious, so I was stumped.” This time, Emma’s giggle was adorably genuine.
The smirk still firmly in place, I waited a moment for her to continue. For her to give the answer I was certain of. For her to say ‘yes’.
But she only just looked at me, mild amusement on her face and nothing else coming out of her pretty mouth. 
I cleared my throat, “Aaaaand, my lovely lover? What is your answer? Do you give me your consent to try all manner of delicious deviant deeds this weekend?”
At this, her perfect cheeks turned a ripe shade of strawberry pink. 
Hm, yes that’s more like it.
She asked, “...all manner? Like what?”
Just as I was about to open my mouth and give her a most ambiguous answer, she hurriedly spoke again.
“Nevermind! I don’t think I want to know ahead of time. I trust you. Yes, darling, you have my consent for … kinky things.” Her hesitation towards the end came with downcast eyes and even redder cheeks. 
Excellent, excellent.
I clapped my hands once in triumph, crowing, “Wonderful! You can leave all the travel preparations to me. All you need to do is pack your own bag.”
I leaned forward so my face filled her view, and pitched my voice lower and with seriousness, without a trace of my usual flamboyance, “Listen closely.” 
She stiffened at this unfamiliar tone, curious eyes never once leaving mine.  
“This is what you will pack: 4 pairs of panties and bras, your most comfortable robe, and the new corset you will find in your bottom dresser drawer. That is all. You don’t need anything else to wear on this trip. Nod if you understand.”
Emma hesitated, looking as if she had a question to ask, but then nodded. A timid smile was creeping across her lips. 
I wanted very much to kiss it off her face, and then keep kissing her until we were both breathless. 
Instead, I kept my composure and merely said, “Good girl. Be ready to go in the morning. Good night, and sweet dreams. I love you.”
After a kiss to her forehead – mm-hmm, her hair smelled heavenly – I stood up to leave. 
“Uh- um, good night, darling. I love you, too.” 
I closed the door and inhaled deeply. Why did no one warn me that practicing dominance meant that you also were to be exercising extreme self-control on yourself?? Augh! 
I had seen a heated glimmer in her eyes, something I’m sure was not there before I gave her her packing orders. 
Good. Good. 
The experiment was off to a smashing start. I had intended to begin the kink level low, even before we reached my manor. This first part was intended to dictate her actions. By commanding what she must pack, my words and presence would continue to be with her as she is packing. She’ll be thinking about me all night and morning, long before she even sees me in the carriage. Every time she looks at her suitcase, she’ll be reminded of my strong tone of voice.
I wonder if she liked that experience tonight?
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Emma liked it. Liked it very, very much. She sat on the sofa for a good long while, savoring the intimidating and arousing aura that Clavis had directed at her. It was so new!
When she finally pulled out the corset he had mentioned, she swallowed hard. This wasn’t a pretty lace and satin thing of lingerie. It was leather, well-stitched and expertly made for durability and comfort. It was an elegant shade of lilac, with an almost pearlescent sheen. Beautiful, actually. There were buckles and straps, metal eyelets and rings attached at various places that had nothing to do with the closures. 
Now that she looked at it with a critical eye, the row of three black and gold straps across the front mimicked Clavis’s short uniform coat. She bit back a chuckle at her fiance's audacity before setting to work with packing only the essentials he had mentioned, all the while her imagination filled with images of him.
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“Stand here. Don’t move from this spot.”
We had reached my manor without incident, and I immediately went to work on my experiment to discover Emma’s hidden kinks. I removed my white overcoat, boots, and scabbard, placing them on the bench by the bedroom door. Watching her as I loosened the buttons of my lilac jacket and returned in a slow stroll, I noticed she was clutching nervously at her skirt. But she never took a step.
“Should I take off my clothes, too?” Her question was touched with anxiety.
“No,” I cooed, “You only need to do what I tell you to. For right now, place your feet a little further apart so you have better balance. Yes, like that. Well done.”
I delivered my praise with a light caress to her temple. I was pleased to see the glow of warmth was back in her exquisite eyes. My bunny must be liking this already. I wonder what is going on inside that brilliant mind of hers right now?
I slid the dark violet cravat off my collar and stepped around behind her.  Silently, I tied it around her head as a blindfold. Only when I was certain it was secure and she couldn’t see, did I lean in close to her ear to whisper huskily, “First: a little sensory deprivation to heighten your other senses.” 
She flinched at my nearness, but relaxed soon enough. Next it was time for the wrist cuffs. These were a thing of beauty, crafted by the same skilled leather worker who built Emma’s custom corset. They were made of white leather with padding on the inside and edges, adjustable buckle, and reinforced D-rings. Expertly designed to my specifications.
I gracefully slid my palm down from her shoulder to her wrist, stopping there to encircle her delicate wrist within my thumb and forefinger. Just a moment, just long enough to give her a hint of what was coming. I put one cuff on that wrist, tightening the strap until it was almost flush to her skin. “Tell me: Is that too tight?”
She shook her head. I saw it, but this wouldn’t do. Had she forgotten already? 
I tapped her lips with my gloved finger. “Use your words, darling. You must answer out loud when I ask you a question. Now try again: Is this too tight?”
“No. …sir.” The second word was added with apprehension, as if she wasn’t sure she should use the term or not. 
Hm. I certainly didn’t order her to call me that. Had she read such things in her romance novels? I didn’t want her thinking of those fictional men when I’m right here. Hm. Hmmmm. No. No, I didn’t like it. She needed to call me by my name, dammit.
I held her chin with my thumb to get her attention. “Listen closely: You are to call me Clavis. Not ‘sir’, not ‘master’, not anything else. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, Clavis,” her answer was confident now. 
Good. Very good. 
I let go of her chin and put on the other wrist cuff, then snapped the rings of both cuffs together so her hands were bound in the front. She still would have the use of her hands. The object of the cuffs was to give her a small taste of being restrained while I tease the rest of her body.
The next thing was a ball gag. I had made sure to choose the most breathable, most comfortable one intended for beginners. Despite those precautions, I was still worried she might find this item repulsive. Positioning it in front of her mouth, but still an inch away, I warned her, “I have something to put in your mouth. It’s meant to stay there and keep you from talking. If you don’t like how it feels, use the non-verbal sign on tapping me twice to remove it. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Clavis.” My lovely fiance opened her mouth obediently. 
Such a glorious sight. I wanted to fall to my knees and weep with joy. 
But no. No. I must continue to be the one in control. 
The Dom. 
Right. Back to work.
I set the ball inside her mouth, ordering her to bite down slightly to hold it while I fastened the strap on the side of her head. I waited a moment while watching her face for any signs of discomfort or revulsion. There came none. Just placid trust and patience. 
Oh, my sweet, sweet Emma. Well done. Very good. You're being so good for me.
This deserved a reward … which just happened to also be a test. I stepped close to her side, my chest touching her shoulder. My arms encircled her waist to hold her upright as my mouth came a hair-breadth away from her ear. I sighed softly, letting the warm air waft before I assaulted the shell of the ear with kisses, toothy nibbles, and noisy sucking. I didn’t let up until she was fully squirming and seemed unsteady on her feet. But not once did she safe-tap me to stop.
“Ah, your ear is so sensitive now, hm?” I whispered before flicking my tongue out to tickle her ear lobe. 
She jerked her head away in surprise, but my arms kept her balanced. I chuckled breathily as her face relaxed and leaned towards me once again. I kissed her cheek, down her jaw, and the side of her neck. 
Emma’s muted breathing grew heavier the lower my lips went. Where her blouse collar began I sucked and nipped to leave a splendid mark. I admired it a moment before moving my hands; one to grip the hair at the base of her neck, the other to slowly snake across her stomach and down, traveling over the waistband of her skirt. 
I could feel her quiver under my touch, but still she stayed in place. Oh, I’m so proud of you, my sweetest. My hand fisted in her luscious tresses and pulled gently back and to the side so as to expose more of her pure neck to me. I gave a quick peck to the shell of her ear before trailing kisses down her neck again, this time focusing on the erogenous zone where the neck meets the shoulder. 
Meanwhile, my other hand continued its journey downward over the beautiful swell of her abdomen, palming her pelvic mound. I pushed the tips of my fingers into the crevice at the apex of her thighs. This earned a shudder from her and a gasp muffled by the ball gag.
So delightful. So trusting. So mine. I love her more than words can say. 
I glided my hand upwards to her bound wrists, holding them. My other hand had let go of her hair to settle at the small of her back. 
Humming my approval, I pressed a little kiss to her cheek, “You did so well, darling. Such a good girl for me. Now, let’s make you more comfortable, hm?”
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After removing the gag, cuffs, and blindfold, I led her to sit on the edge of the bed. She was flushed, but her eyes were bright with delight and curiosity as I knelt in front of her. My hands rubbed back and forth across the tops of her thighs, ruching up the fabric of her skirt.
“Tell me: How did you like the blindfold? The gag? The wrist cuffs?”
Each question was delivered with as calm a voice as I could muster, even though I was bursting at the seams with excitement to know if anything had her galloping with arousal.
She paused before answering, as if she wasn’t expecting to be reviewed on her experience. I smiled and narrowed my eyes.
“Come, come. I’m not looking for an in-depth analysis. Just let me know if any one thing in particular stood out as a favorite.”
Recognition lit her face, as if she had just come up with an answer. As she took a breath to reply, I began unbuttoning her blouse. This action stopped her before any words came out. 
Heh, heh. I LOVE to keep her on her toes!
“Don’t mind me, darling. Simply multi-tasking while you talk. Go ahead, now. You were about to say the part you liked the best?” I flashed her an innocent smile, and began to kiss the notch of her throat, eager to keep kissing the skin I exposed while I continued unbuttoning.
She raised an eyebrow in skepticism, but spoke anyway, “I liked it when you gave me orders.”
I was in the process of leaning in to kiss the swell of her breast when this admission caught me by surprise.
Darling… ah, my lovely lover. Now it is YOU who have shocked me. Of all the kinky equipment, it was the commands that turned you on the most? 
I smiled into her skin as I sucked her nipple into my mouth, earning a responsive jolt and gasp from her. Oh, does she even know how much that answer pleases me?
I pulled away and nodded as sedately as I could, trying not to show how much her reply affected me. “Hm, I see. Thank you for the feedback, dearest. Now, let us continue the experiment, shall we?”
She quirked her eyebrow once more, but I offered no explanation as I finished undressing her and ordered her to lie face-down on the bed. I ran a knuckle lightly over her shoulder blades, murmuring “good girl” as she got comfortable. 
The second set of implements were intended to expose her to various temperatures and sensations. I was most interested in the last part of this section: impact play. Would my bunny enjoy being spanked, I wonder?
Over the next few minutes, I subjected her unblemished skin to an ice cube melting over the curve of her buttocks, melted wax dripped down her spine, feathers tickling her rib cage, softest cashmere rubbing up the backs of her creamy thighs, and rubberized mitts dagging over her hips. All the while, I gave her orders to either be silent, or be vocal. To either keep still or to wriggle and writhe. 
During the use of the equipment, one of the commands I gave her was to “respond as honestly as you can, however you wish.” 
And what was her adorable answer? “No, please, Clavis. Tell me what to do, what to say. Please?”
I couldn’t help but grin broadly at that, glad she could not see how thrilled I was at her plea. Of course I never let her know my joy. Instead, I bent down so my lips were next to her ear, and she twitched from hearing my threatening tone so close to her, “What’s this? Disobedience? Are you telling me what to do?”
She was quick to shake her head, uttering “Nuh-uh. No. I just … I, um… Sorry? I’ll do my best.”
I straightened up and patted her head proudly. “That’s a good girl.”
It was so cute seeing this new side of her! It seemed as if she was truly enjoying herself in this role. 
We continued, eventually getting to the impact play portion. I propped her hips up on several pillows so her gorgeous ass was raised high, perfectly poised for my hand. 
I noticed a slight glistening of liquid at the lips between her legs. 
Hm. Nice. I hadn’t even touched her there yet. 
I hadn’t warned her what was coming next. As I was rummaging through my case for the leather paddle, she ventured a timid question, “Clavis? Are you going to fuck me now? Is that why you stacked all these pillows under me?”
“So soon? Oh, no. Not yet, my lovely. Before we can get to that, we have so many more experiments to try.” I saturated my voice with wicked pleasure.
Her head dropped to the mattress, letting out a groan of immense disappointment. 
I chuckled, “Oh, don’t sound so discouraged. I thought you were having fun. But …” I paused, inflecting my next words with dramatic self-pity, “... if you’re getting annoyed with me and wish to stop and go back to your books, I’ll understand.”
Emma snorted with amusement. I could sense the frustrated eye-roll she was giving me. “No. ….Ugh, no. Don’t – “ she huffed, pausing a second as if she needed to recollect her submissive act. “PLEASE don’t stop, Clavis. Please?”
I was more than happy to oblige her eager entreaty. She was scrumptious when she acted like this: wanton for me to fill her, but pliant enough to go along with my schemes. I was rock-hard already, my already tight white pants made all the tighter.
“Mm-hm, you asked so nicely. I suppose I could continue.” I rested my gloved hand on her soft bottom, to hint at what was coming. “This next part may be a little intense, darling. So please remember to use the safe-word if you need me to stop. Okay?”
She meekly answered, “Yes, Clavis, I understand.”
“That’s my girl.” I began slowly tapping her butt cheeks lightly, alternating randomly between sides. Then increased the tempo. Then the force, just a bit. 
Her ass was slightly pink. Like a peach. Mmmm… so juicy, I could take a bite of that velvety flesh. Fuuuuuck, I want her now.
Not yet.
I removed my gloves and ran my hands soothingly over the skin, reveling in the warmth and softness, trying to rein myself in.
She hadn’t made a sound until my bare palm met her skin – that’s when Emma gave a happy fluttering sigh, like the releasing of doves. 
Oh, my sparkling jewel. My beautiful bride-to-be. My everything. How can one exhale from you do such things to my soul?
I took a deep breath and pulled my hand back, aiming for the next series of spankings. Each got progressively harder and closer to her center, near her lips. Droplets of clear nectar dotted the pillows beneath her. It coated my hand more and more as I slapped her pussy. But still she only moaned. She gave no signs of pain or reaching her limit. Marvelous.
I stopped to wipe my sticky hand on a towel, rewarding her with a low-pitched “You’re such a good girl for me. Now, I’ll need you to count each spank, okay? Can you do that for me?”
There was an immediate nod and “Yes, Clavis!”
Again, my domineering posing was protected by her not seeing the big smile I wore. Honestly, I don’t think she had ever been this complaint before. And she seemed so happy to be in this role!
I decided to leave that pondering for a later time, as there was a perky red ass waiting to be slapped right now. I picked up the paddle, and slowly sounded out several hits to the globe of her cheeks, sweeping upwards to channel the force away. She counted as each one turned her skin darker, making it glow with heat. 
I stopped my motions, using the cashmere to soothe her inflamed ass and offer a change in sensation. 
“Very, very good, dearest.” I picked up an ice cube as I asked, “Now, time for more feedback. Which of these experiences did you like best?”
As if to remind her of where we started, I slid the ice over her buttocks to cool them down. She gasped and shrieked almost in the same breath, jerking her hips at the cold sensation. I kept the ice moving quickly, so as to disperse as much healing coolness as possible. It melted within seconds. 
God, her cheeks were red and taut like a ripe plum. She looked good enough to eat.
Ah … That was an excellent idea. 
It might be slightly ahead of schedule, but I needed to do SOMETHING to clean up that rivulet running down her inner thigh before it completely drenched the pillows.
She hadn’t answered my question yet.
I knelt on the bed behind her and between her legs, gently spreading her thighs with my hands, getting ready to tease her entrance with my tongue as soon as she started speaking.
“Tsk, tsk, I asked a question. You need to answer. Now.”
Emma began, “Well, I re–EEEE! Ah, mmmm!”
I had lapped ravenously at her juices, rejoicing at the lewd sounds it made. And at her own vocal additions, too, of course. I loved her squeals, her moans, her gasps, her groans. 
I pulled away just long enough to give her a warning, the hungry growl in my voice not intentional, “Answer, Emma,” before diving back in to finish cleaning her up. 
I could get drunk on how she tasted, how she smelled. The musky fragrance filled my lungs. How much longer could I hold out before needing to have her?
She managed to eek out a few words, no semblance of formal sentence structure to be found. Something along the lines of, “Commands. You, your touch. With orderssss. ….f-force me. Love spanking. Pleeeeease, please…. More, more control.” 
Those were the words I was able to make out between the whines.
She wants to be controlled more? That fit well into my next set of plans.
I petted her hair fondly as I gave her time to come down from the stimulation. “Very well, my lovely fiance. You’ve done so well for me. I think you’re liking this, aren’t you?”
She turned her head my way and dared a glance up. I knelt next to the bed so she wouldn’t have to strain her neck to see me. Her face was beet-red, eyes moist and dreamy, a sleepy smile on her lips. She had caught her breath by now.
“I am. Oh, I am, Clavis. But …” She bit her lip, eyes sliding away from mine.
I knew that look. I LOVED that look. She wanted something, but was feeling foolish for asking. I wanted to pull the truth out of her. Tease it gently, unravel it thread by thread until her innermost wishes were laid bare, safe and vulnerable in my hands.
I began to stroke her hair again, and her eyelids immediately fell shut in contentment. Soft as a summer breeze, I asked “But what, my love? You must tell me, or I’ll never know.”
Her relaxed features twisted suddenly in annoyance, eyes no longer moony but now flashing with sparks. I stopped petting her, doing my best to keep a look of total innocence on my face.
Of course I knew what she wanted.
I wanted it, too.
But not yet.
…Not. Yet.
“Clavis. I want you to make love to me. You already know; I said it before. Please? Don’t … don’t make me ask for it again.”
“Ohhhh, that. Hm,” my tone was non-committal, teasing. I leaned in to kiss her temple, smiling where she couldn’t see me. “Don't worry, I will satisfy you completely. In due time, in due time. But before that can happen, there are just a few more experiences I need you to have, and then review.”
I was being an absolute villain. I was pushing the bounds of her patience. 
Would she angrily stomp out of here, cursing my name? 
Or would she remain, but grow sullen and cold to my touches?
A plaintive whine left her throat, surprising me. Emma's gaze smoldered, the fiery frustration giving way to a simmering desire. And there was something else in her face … was it uncertainty? She reached out to grip my wrist, a silent request. 
What was this about? Was she unwell after all? For a moment, my mask slipped. Concern pinched my brows. My voice was naked, forgetting to dress up in neither dominance nor feigned innocence, “Emma? Are you really okay with continuing?”
She must have sensed my seriousness, because she squeezed my wrist in reassurance before letting go as she nodded. “Yes, truly. I’m sorry if I made you worry. I only whined because … because I am so SO ready for you, and I don’t want to wait any longer. But most of all, I don’t want to beg. And it … it feels like you are pushing me to the brink in hopes of making me beg, like I’m some dog,” her pretty mouth turned down in disgust, “Is that what you are doing? Please, be honest, just this once, no tricks. What is your aim in all these sexy experiments?”
So this is something new I have learned about her. Fascinating.
“Sweetest. Darling. I admit I am trying to find out your limits for certain things, but not the boundary you’d cross for begging. My aim, hm? I promise I’ll tell you when all the tests are done. So you keep your pleas unspoken, I do not want you to beg. I only want your honest reactions. I won’t leave you unfulfilled.”
“Promise? I feel like you’re teasing me much more than usual.” A pout began to form on her luscious lips. 
“I promise.” I brushed a damp strand of hair behind her ear and pressed another kiss to her temple before standing up. “Now, let’s have you sit up so I can put one little thing on you before you lie on your back.”
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My goodness, what a glorious sight. 
Was there any man on this earth as lucky as me, to be blessed with seeing his lovely lover trussed up, spread out, and waiting in complete trust? I stood back to take in the full view, and swallowed hard. 
I had taken great delight in lacing her up in the custom-made corset, seeing the leather pulling taut against her breasts. Her wrists were back in the cuffs, attached to the headboard. One leg was bent at the knee, pulled back as far to her torso as was comfortable, and then bound in that position with the lavender rope. Her other leg was restrained at a similar angle in a white leather straps to match her cuffs (a gentleman makes sure his lady’s accessories always match), clipped to the rings in the side of her corset. 
It was an uncoordinated sort of look, more slap-dash than I had originally planned. Also, I was irked at not getting to try out the nipple clamps, but they wouldn’t work at the same time as having her wear the corset. 
Was I rushing the schedule? 
Was I loading up all the implements and toys in one go, instead of one at a time like I had originally planned?
Was it because I was hanging on to my self-control by a thread?
Yes, absolutely.
I had been straining at the front of my trousers so tightly that I decided to remove them and everything else I was wearing.
“Comfortable, darling?” I asked as I walked around to the head of the bed once more. Emma eyed my erection greedily, licking her lips. 
But she only said, “Yes, Clavis.” 
Her voice was sweetly obedient. The sound of it made me proud enough to crow from the rooftops.
“Then let’s begin our last set of experiences. You asked for me to be even more controlling, so that’s exactly what I’ll be doing. Don’t forget to use the safe-word if you need to. Do keep in mind that I will be asking for feedback. So try to keep track of how everything I do makes you feel.” 
I kissed her full on the mouth quickly – too quickly so she wouldn’t have time to reciprocate – then gave her a cheeky wink before strolling to the foot of the bed, where I had a tray waiting with lube and various toys, plugs, dildos, and vibrators.
Choices, choices.
Where to start?
I looked adoringly at the two holes presented to me: one inviting and glistening, the other shy and puckered closed. Hidden at the top of this sight was the precious little rosebud that led to the high-pitched squeals I loved so much.
Deciding to start out slow with minimal invasion, I lubed up the tiny anal probe vibrator and smeared a dollop at the entrance of her ass. I felt her shiver at the touch, yet I pushed in slowly, slowly with the tip of my finger until it was finally granted at admittance. Emma gasped. I slid the probe in next to my finger until it was all the way in where it needed to be. Then I moved my finger in and out slowly a few times to help that area relax, to get her familiar with the sensation. 
When I pulled my finger out, I pressed a lubed-up anal plug to the entrance until it sunk in. There came a tiny groan from my lady love. The facets of the princess-cut amethyst at the end of the plug caught the light and twinkled at me. I couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction at the view. I decided right at that moment to buy her matching amethyst earrings made with the same exact cut. It would be our own little private joke when she wears them in public.
“Turning it on, my dove,” I crooned a warning before toggling the switch on the probe.
“Huh? Turning wha–aaAHH!” Her hips jolted off the bed as soon as the vibrator went to work in her pert little asshole. 
Miniscule moans were uttered from the head of the bed as I began to prepare the next toy: a dildo with a harness that connected to her corset rings to keep in place, so it wouldn’t get pushed out in her exertion. It was needed since my hands would be busy elsewhere. No lube was needed for this one; she was already wet enough to have a pool gathering on the purple towel underneath her. I rubbed the head and shaft along her folds, coating it in her essence. 
This earned an audible inhale from her; does she know how her sounds drive me mad with lust? 
I pushed it in slowly, letting her adjust to the size. It was another custom-designed item, made especially for tonight. She hadn’t seen this dildo before, but if she had there would have been recognition in the length and girth, even the slight angle. Of course it was a product of my ego. But if she was going to have anything inside her besides me, then I wanted to be like me in every way possible. 
Once it was in all the way up to the hilt, I pulled it out at a lazy drag asking, “Still feeling fine, sweetest?”
“Uh-huh,” she confirmed while wiggling her hips to bring back some friction. The restraints of leather and rope made this futile effort extremely entertaining. I gave her what she wanted: I thrust the toy in and out repeatedly at her favorite pace. The languid moans rose in frequency and pitch. 
God, she was magnificent.
I. Needed. Her. Now. 
I held onto my sanity long enough to thrust it in one last time before attaching it to the harness. A questioning whine came from her throat as she saw me move to the side of the bed with the tray. From her vantage point, she wouldn’t be able to see the vibrators I was going to use. 
Okay, time to get into the role, Clavis. 
You can do this. 
This is the last big hurrah. Time to finish things up exactly how she’d like. With complete control. 
I wonder: when she asked me to take more control, did she have any premonition that I’d be ending the experiment with edging and orgasm control?
I began to tease her clit with the lowest setting on the most gentle toy. Switched over to a powerful wand for an intense but short time. Then switched to an intermediate one, moving all the way through the speeds, gauging her reactions. I was careful to keep an ear to her breathing while watching the telltale signs of her hips. 
All the while I was changing the toys to keep her on her toes, I was issuing commands. Things like: countdown from 5, stay silent, moan loudly, scream my name (that one was fun), keep still, don’t you dare cum yet, etc. 
Each time she obeyed, I rewarded her with a “good girl” and a deep kiss. Sometimes I just kissed her through the exquisite trials of a particular vibrator. Other times I slowly massaged her sensitive bundle of nerves with my thumb, sometimes my tongue. I lavished attention on that treasure until her chest was heaving with exertion and the breathing was ragged. 
I had lost count of the times I brought her almost up the edge and then brought her back down. 
I moved all the vibrators aside and sat on the edge of the bed so she could see my face. 
This goddess, this angel, was mine. Completely mine. 
Sweat-soaked face, eyes glazed over with lust, lips dry from panting, hair a total mess. 
She had never been lovelier.
And never once did she beg. No plea of “Just let me cum!” There had been plenty of cursing and saying my name as if it was a curse itself. Lots of delicious moaning, gasping, squealing, and sighing. But no begging.
Amazing. My Emma was simply amazing.
I let her catch her breath before I reached out to cup her cheek and ask, “Now, if you please, I would like some feed-”
…”CLAVIS.” Her hoarse voice was serious. As were her eyes. 
I stopped talking immediately, my attention entirely on what she thought was important enough to interrupt our review. My elegant eyebrows lifted in silent inquiry.
“No feedback,” was all she said.
I echoed her, asking “No feedback?”
“No feedback,” she repeated.
“Care to elaborate, dearest?” I cooed while stroking the side of her face with my thumb.
I started to panic a little. She hadn’t used the safe-word, so I had thought she was enjoying being endlessly edged to hell and back. Had I been wrong? Had I missed a cue? Did I hurt her, and she was just being brave? Was she angry with me? 
Something resembling concern must have made it through my mask of dominance, for she sighed and added, “I’m not injured or sore. Maybe a little overstimulated. But I’m fine. I would have used the safeword if I had been unsure about continuing. So don’t look so worried, Clavis.”
I was flummoxed as to what made her so taciturn all of a sudden.
“You want your feedback, don’t you? Then you’ll get it. But only after you satisfy me.” That severe expression held no room for compromise. 
I loved seeing her so serious. She was breathtaking. How I loved her! 
As my lips began to curl into a pleased smile, she cut in with a demand of her own: “Fuck me, Clavis. Now.”
My smile froze.
Great heavens, she was irresistible like this.
I felt compelled to obey, even though I had been the one issuing commands all day. I attempted to remain smooth and masterful as I lowered my face within inches of hers. 
Feigning nonchalance, I said, “I suppose I could make a compromise, since my lovely fiance is so desperate for me.” 
She rolled her eyes, quirking her mouth into a wry expression. “Well, get on with it. I’m … I am – ugh, Clavis, don’t you … ?“ 
I forstalled her fumbling words by pressing a kiss to those pouting lips, giving her time to gather her words. Would she beg, I wonder? 
At last she mumbled, “I need you. Don’t you … need me, too? Or is this teasing torture all you want?” Those tender eyes slid away from mine, downcast.
Arrows. To the heart. A barrage of steel-tipped bolts lodged in my chest, stealing my breath. 
Oh, my precious. Had I made you doubt my desire for you?
She hadn’t begged or bargained after all. She hadn’t needed to. Not that I ever wanted her to. That hadn’t been my goal.
My goal.
In the delicious taunting and torment, I had almost lost sight of why I started all this. 
I wanted to find out her secret kinks, her guilty pleasures.
Sighing an apology, I hurriedly kissed her lips. “No, no, my sweetheart, my dove, my everything. Of course I need you. I’m sorry. The –”
–” then why –” she began.
I immediately rushed in with the explanation she deserved, – “because I wanted to discover what set you aflame. You already know I’m crazy about your thighs. And well, everything about you, truly. And you know all my weaknesses. You know how to drive me wild. I feel at your mercy every time we are in bed. I … I simply had to find at least one of your fetishes, a kink, a secret touch or toy that made you lose yourself to me the way I feel helpless around you.”
I had come clean.
I feared she would laugh, even though I knew my darling would never ridicule me when I was laid vulnerable to her like this.
And yet.
I was scared anyway.
I felt more naked than I actually was. Like my chest was open, heart exposed.
“Ohhhh. Clavis.” Her sympathetic sigh was balm to my nerves. My name on her lips was full of love and acceptance. Not a scrap of judgment or mocking was present.
She began to reach her hands to me, forgetful of their bondage. The clanking metal of the cuffs’ links jangled me out of my self-pity, reminding me to school my features into something less pathetic.
“Let’s get you out of these, hm? I think the sexy experiment is over. It yielded no results.” I attempted to sound like my usual self as I unclasped the leather restraints from the headboard.
“You’re wrong, honey. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.” The sultry smile on her face grew.
I simply blinked at her while I undid the buckles to free her wrists.
Emma continued, “Perhaps the feedback wasn’t what you expected. But I could have told you what you wanted to know without going to all the trouble.” 
Hmmm?? What was this?
She bit her lip slyly before adding, “Not that I didn’t like the, um, experiments. It was a fun and new experience with you.”
I kept silent, but nodded to encourage her to continue. What was she going to divulge?
I moved to the foot of the bed to undo the ropes on one leg and the leather straps on the other as she spoke.
“None of those toys or equipment were something that unlocked a new deviant side of myself. There was no one particular place you touched or action you did that wasn’t more special or spicy than the others. But there was one constant throughout the entire adventure that kept me aroused more than anything else.”
After I tossed the rope and restraints to the floor, I noticed the imprints left behind. Little lines indented her supple skin. My fingers traced them gently, lovingly. Her thighs were like a canvas for the rope patterns. I was relieved to see there were no angry red marks. I kissed the trail of criss-crossing marks, reveling in the softness of her glorious legs. 
She paused, as if waiting for me to give her my full attention. I rose from my worship of the world’s most perfect thighs and asked, “Oh? You’re giving me feedback after all? Lucky me. Do go on,” I purred as my palms glided from her hips to her knees.
“It was how you acted. You were still Clavis. The Clavis I love. But you were also … more. Different. It was the domineering act you put on. The way you commanded me to do or not do something. I loved submitting to your orders. I … I enjoyed putting myself completely in your control. Because I trust you. And because it felt exhilarating to be at the whims of a man who usually is out of control.” 
She giggled, giving me a knowing look. It was the truth. I didn’t interrupt her to say she was wrong. 
Emma went on, “You are chaos incarnate, sweetie. Your political plans are masterful, but your outward attitude is so flippant, so unpredictable, that nobody realizes how dastardly clever you truly are. But today you behaved differently. You were so sure of yourself. Sure of what reactions you wanted to pull out of me. And that was what put me into a frenzy more than anything. It was seeing you execute whatever plan you had in mind, and entrusting myself to your care. Because I love you and I know you would never hurt me.”
My mouth had gone dry and I realized at some point my hands had stopped their trek across her sumptuous legs. 
The full impact of what she said was still hitting me: None of the bondage gear or implements or sensation tricks I used were effective at uncovering a new kink. 
It had been me! And her! It had been the Dom/sub roleplay that had been at the heart of her arousal this whole time. 
I almost laughed out of sheer exhaustion at realizing that we hadn’t needed any of the periphery, not a single whip or blindfold or toy. 
All we needed was the two of us.
“It’s you. You’re my kink.” Her sheepish words echoed my thoughts. “There’s your feedback. Now. Ahem. Clavis, I believe you were FINALLY about to fuck me, right?”
“One hundred percent correct, my lovely lover. But first let’s get this off you. I don’t want anything between us.” I made fast work of the buckles on the front of her corset.
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Taking into account how tired and sensitive she was from all my previous ministrations that day, I didn’t over-exert our love-making. That first time, at least. The rest of the weekend was full of intense, laborious exercise in bed. I gave in to every one of her whims and requests.
On our final afternoon in the manor, Emma slid off of me, panting, before she caught her breath enough to speak her mind. It somehow flowed from the conversation we had had on that very first day of the experiment.
“No one gives you enough credit for all the effort and intellect. You keep your brainpower too well hidden, and it frustrates me that people don’t appreciate how smart and resourceful you are. Do you know how it feels to have everyone think I love a fool? How it feels to have everyone look at my husband-to-be like he’s just some weird idiot, instead of the intelligent and caring and amazing man he is inside? Do you? I don’t think you do, sweetie. It’s infuriating. And you never correct them!”
“Heh. And neither will you. Ever. I prefer it that way. And you know why.”
She did. And it set my heart aflame to know that she understood my wiles and reasons, yet still got angry on my behalf. 
Oh, darling. I don’t deserve you. 
Knowing that she adored my hard work and brains was enough to spark a dozen new ideas for the next time we had a weekend away. 
She loved my cunning. And my cunnilingus. I would put both to work next time, along with that domineering side that drove her wild.
I grinned wickedly.
She saw it, and responded with a wicked smile of her own. “Uh-oh, what does THAT look mean? You look positively villainous… I love it.”
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😏 I’m curious to see what the readers think their safe-word is? Comment or reblog with your idea! I can’t wait to see what you guess! Hee hee!!! 😘
I don't usually write in first-person PoV. But for some reason when I started this, Clavis INSISTED he be the one to speak. The words must come from his mouth and not from a disinterested observer. Pfft. Okay, pal. Man, he can be pushy. And he's SO GOOD at getting his way!!
Kokoro! Bryn had mentioned you said “It’s Valentine’s Day, I want them to fuck!” 😏🤣 LOLOLOL And here I realized by the time the D/s scenario had wrapped up, Clavis still hadn’t DONE THE DEED. 😳🥹 Ack! I’m sorry! 🙈🙃😅 It was implied that they did, indeed, fuck several times during their weekend away. But I didn’t have time to write it all out. I’m sure the scenes would be far more delicious and steamy in your imagination than I could put them into words. So please visualize to your heart’s content! 😈😉
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outlawssweetheart · 5 months
Spare the Erron Black headcanons. 🫴
Warning, this is dark from the get-go because Erron's family are scum and he is not a happy man. (TW for: Mentions of child abuse, implied CSA, alcoholism, and suicidal ideology.)
My headcanons are thought of with MK11 retconned Erron in mind; however, it isn't really relevant outside of his hometown (which didn't exist until the 1920s). So really, you can think of this with either backstory you'd like.
His birth name is not Erron Black; he changed his name when he grew up and left Wickett. He wanted to reinvent himself.
Erron's father left either when he was a baby or before he was born. (Though, really, I'm kind of stumped because he said he didn't know his father, then found and killed him, and implied that his father is/was worse than Rain's father. Like... how? For leaving him with his mother? Or maybe it was just Erron's narcissism causing him to feel like his problem is always worse than anyone else's?? Idk, and I doubt the MK11 writers do either! 🙃)
Erron has an older sister, his only good family member. She's 3-5 years older than him.
The rest of his family were awful. His mom was physically and verbally abusive, the other adults were pretty much the same, and his cousins picked on him for being the "scrawny" one.
His uncle (mom's brother) was the worst kind of abusive. "Funny ain't the word for it" with the utmost disdain in his voice, my mind naturally goes to the worst scenario. Some redneck stabbed and killed the guy in a bar fight when Erron was a teenager, and he has been bitter since then that he was robbed of getting to kill his uncle himself.
His sister feels guilt for not protecting him from their mother or uncle, even though they were both just children. She didn't even know the SA was happening until he told her when they were older. (This is more of a headcanon for her, but it's in my mind, so I must mention it.)
He left home and changed his name in his late teens.
Erron is a bit of an alcoholic. No surprise, considering his life.
Subconsciously, Erron wants to die, but he thinks he wants to live. That's why he's so reckless, other than his thrill-seeking.
Erron has a weird relationship with morality. Part of him has very loose morals, part of him is an actual sadist, and part of him has a strange sense of moral superiority. (He freed Cassie and Jacqui from the BD for reasons unknown, he says Sindel seems "a little too proud" when bragging that she murdered Jerrod.)
He hates caring about others. And if he begins to care, he pushes them away. Examples are: Cheating on Nitara with Skaret, and dumping Skarlet "because he got bored." (Only partly true, as Erron does get bored easily.)
He's a smoker, but he's not addicted to them.
Okay, that's all I got that aren't Skarron headcanons. (I think.) I hope you enjoy this, and apologize for the long wait! 🫶🏽
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