#the design is mostly based off of my hcs for him
Bro your human pizzahead design is so good??? Like him also being an old man like Peppino makes more sense in my head? Idk but It's great! probably my new favorite human PH tbh
HEY THANKS 💖 obv human designs are whatever u want them to be but i like the fact that hes like silly guy w an old timey pipe for some reason? And a theme song sampling a very old timey song? I think its neat! Also i promised myself that if i was compelled to make a human design of a character a White Man, it could not be a 18-24 yr old blond hair blue eyed twink jffbjfbdkdndkdn so older greying silly businessman is what i was left with 😊
#answered#chattin#pizzahead#answering in the middle of the night oops#he is so silly and insane to me heehee#the design is mostly based off of my hcs for him#businessman buying out failing restaurants to try and keep himself and his shitty chain restaurant relevant#so like hes got money but hes also silly and charming and unable to deal with rejection AT ALL#hes been here for A While and no one ever says No to him#peppino is definitely the first person ever who not only said No#but LOUDLY and VIOLENTLY said no#and i wanted to make an entitled white man who would absolutely lose their minds over that bfjdbdjdndksnsk#i am thinking about him sm now#i get it now i really do#i made him human and now i want to dissect him like a little frog#also unrelated#but kind of related#i think the only younger characters are pepperman and noise/noisette#and by younger i mean 30s bfjdndkdmdk#like it feels rlly fitting to have vigi be an old man too heehee#its basically. old man: the game#oh my god i was thinking of him interacting w gustavo#bc i want ph to be very tall like 6’8 or somethin#like scary intimidating height thats contrasted by his silly nature#and he has to actually stand there and Be Nice to the fucking GNOME if he wants to stay in peppinos company#hes like. hello little gnome man. and his neck is basically broken trying to look down at him#and if gus mocks him for anything he has to just Eat That bc after all this mess he STILL has nothing to show for it hfjdbdjdndkdn#gus: ‘dont you have a failing business to manage?’#ph; redfaced: ‘little gnome man I am simply. enjoying. the time i am spending here in my good friends shop. and my good friends. company….’
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i've convinced myself that Sunny is a serial gossiper, except the only other dragon that knows is Clay bc they're best buddies <3
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lackablazeical · 4 months
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Viv when she cant sexualize men and villainize women: 👹👺👺👺👹👹
Okay so this redesign was spurred by my friend who really doesn't like Adam, so I decided to do my spin on him!
First: in the Bible, it is CANON he is made from red soil/clay. Which is dark. He is not white. He is poc. Okay? Cool
Okay so other then that, mostly I just wanted to make him seem much more ethereal. I based his design on clothes the pope wears, like the fuckn. Sash things and stuff. His wings take the place of a sash and while he can use them, rarely does (a reference to his connection to the earth)
I used mostly primary colors for him, kinda nodding to the fact he's like the 'origin' person. Mostly gold tho bc why not (also contrasts the blue of heaven, and its in reference to his greedy need to put his family before god)
But also his robe has red edges like they're stained w/ blood too, and his stomach sash has a similar stain. He has very little blue to show that his true loyalties don't lie with heaven, but with his wife.
And okay, I hate how ppl will use the 'they're in hell! Ofc they curse!" Excuse but also like. Hate that some characters are sexist or whatevs. Like bro. It'd make sense characters are gonna be sexist/ableist/etc etc. Why beef w/ Adam over it. So I kept Adam being sexist, but it's moreso bc he loves his wife so much he refuses to treat any other women well, bc he's so loyal. Type to drop a door on a lady bc it's not his gf yk.
I hc that Eve is buried in pride, and has a tree growing from her body (she's not dead but more in like kinda a limbo), and that's where Heaven stays in Hell. And so Adam goes down there during exterminations to see her tree and talk to her before he has to leave again.
Adam was originally a good person, but bc of his eating of the apple (which stained his teeth), he now can't NOT indulge sin, and most often, he indulges in greed (like only doing things if he thinks he could get eve back), and wrath (the more violent side of the masculine he represents).
Also bc of this, one of his punishments from God is being blinded, unable to see God's holy light or the face of his wife ever again. He also had his wedding band finger cut off as punishment too. The rest of his fingers have golden caps, bc he is dangerous to touch bc yk. How sinful he is from eating the fruit
And the fig leaves are just cus yk. He's associated w/ em. The leaves on his head actually form a shape of ram horns since rams represent devotion to God and Adam fell bc he wasn't devoted enough
Also I will keep that Eve was made from Adam BUT comma, she took not just his rib but his liver, 10 of his fingers (he originally had 20), and his skin. Just cus yeah why not
So yeah. Love this design loads actually LMAO
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giddlygoat · 10 months
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i wanted to experiment with dave and buck fits and how they might dress if they didn’t have a dress code. some thoughts on the design process below :’D
i want to keep dave’s rose motif going strong in my art bc i feel like the rose at the end of his cutscene is really important to his character. the music note pin on his lapel is based off my chum @megalophobic-astronomer’s headcanons :]
he also has a big, bold zoot suit because i feel like it represents him very well. the butterfly collar is always a must and a staple of my design for him lol. golden box chains around his neck and hanging from his waist are mostly me projecting my taste upon him but i think he would wear chains and jewelry pretty regularly!
buck is all over the place bc i wanted to incorporate a bunch of different styles into one mess of a fit. my main inspirations boil down to Punk Butch at Poker Night lol. i think buck’s taste extends far past this look, and we know he wears a suit well, but i think he would be very adventuresome in his style. at the end of the day, i want him to look rambunctious, jagged and fun.
along with the built in chip dispensers in his arms, he also wears a vintage coin dispenser on his belt, card pouches organized by suit on his thigh, and fuzzy dice for luck on his key ring. this guy jangles! oh, and i’ve had lots of hcs about buck’s body for a while but haven’t drawn them too much yet. here’s a kind of outdated ref that still stands
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he has a [convoluted and under-referenced] card shuffler in his chest and a roulette wheel in his belly because i said so <3 the gold trim and detailing is inspired by vintage slot machines and i wanted to give him a kind of cheap tin look.
i don’t have all my hcs for dave’s body drawn out yet, but i’m thinking of giving him accordion bellows in his lower torso and i know for sure he has radio dials on his forearms along with more speakers on the top side. i want to cram as many musical motifs as possible into his design and hopefully i will come up with more ideas for buck too!
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
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I'm very ill about them
Also design gushing under the cut vv
My personal hc is that the reddish outfit is Bad's battle outfit, so it's very heavy material and a lot of leather and metal, nothing too beautiful like my other fit for him but he stays slaying >< u know I had to put him in the corset, also the gold chest plate is something based off like... Old Egyptian pharoh outfits, I feel like he'd have and wear one of those very consistently, id probably put a bit more of a design in it but I didn't feel like it tonight LMAO also that's our bell, yes it's skull shaped and yes I'm cliche
I wanted to give bad a pair of goggles, but I have a lore HC that post-Hunger Games he stopped having those because he passed them down to cellbit before they split up. If I were to draw him in battle mode before hunger games I would give him the goggles.
For Brunim I've never drawn him before but I mostly just looked at his skin, I took liberties with the pocket watch and the way I drew his hair and also his tie. I'm not sure what it's called but I'm so cliche I always have to give my vampire characters one of those. If it was my choice he woulda been in darker pants but the light colored pants are growing on me... Also saw someone draw him with bat wings so I decided to include them as well hehe
Originally the poses weren't as extreme, but I felt like I could do more with them and make them more interesting if I pushed it :3
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rexecutioner · 2 months
Vylad design and Shadow Knight Headcannons!!
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Work in progress Vylad design!! I based him loosely off of an enderman (referencing that one awesome post)
i’m still working of fleshing out my art style so its really inconsistent at the moment lol
I also included a fun hc i have and that is that Shadow Knights when they turn into their SK form, the scar from what killed them pulsates and glows, and looks very angry and red and unnatural (Sasha is a fun case, her whole body sort of glows and her hands and arms are completely covered in burn scars, Laurance’s look like metal burns from chains scattered all across his body, but his don’t glow as much because he “died” in the nether, not naturally outside of it, ect)
Also, Shadow Knights have a naturally high body temperature, which Garroth, Dante and Aphmau definitely took advantage of on their “trip”.
Shadow Knights cannot digest food normally, as it just burns up in their body. They do not really have many working organs anyways,(they just kinda sit there) as they are undead. You can still kill premature Shadow Knights, as they do still have blood and wacky ass hearts, but Shadow Knights that have killed their target are un-killable to our knowledge.
A Shadow Knight’s armor is part of them, like a shell of sorts. It is removable, but it's really painful for both the Knight and the person removing it due to how hot it is. No two Shadow Knights have the same armor pattern, it’s alway different in some way, and the patterns can change over time and accomplishments.
More black on a Shadow Knight’s armor usually means they are more level headed, calm, or non violent, though this isn’t always the case. Premature Shadow Knights armor is also usually more black than red, signifying that they haven’t killed many people, if any at all. More red usually means they are more threatening, more experienced, and more dangerous. The armor always has to have at least a little of both. Zenix’s armor is mostly bright red with black undertones, while Laurance’s is mostly black with darker red streaks here and there. Gene and Sasha’s armor are similar, with about an even amount of both, with Gene’s having many jagged blood red strips everywhere, meanwhile Sasha’s fades into a gradient of slightly darker red. Vylad’s armor is also about the same, with a black base and red undertones, but the red on his armor is more desaturated and dull in patterns of light swirls. The red on a Shadow Knight’s armor shines more clearly in the Nether, almost glowing. (Zenix is an eyesore to everyone but Laurance, and only because his eyesight fucking sucks now)
You may be asking, “but Rex, why isn’t Gene’s armor fully red? He’s an actual monster!” To which I say Shadow Knights alway start out with a base color of armor, which is usually black. Zenix is an exception, his base color was red. It’s purely based on chance. The armor usually stays around the same color unless the individual ranks up (kills a lot of people). Gene gained many darker red shades over time, making them harder to see thanks to them blending into his black base, and almost his entire armor is actually a really dark red dappled with blood red streaks.
Will be continuing later!!! I have so many headcanons lol i might draw the armors
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 4: monkey d luffy
i like him a lot he’s really cutie patootie! i didn’t have any qualms about his original outfit, i just wanted to apply my own style to it! ignore the weird scribbly inconsistent and maybe mildly overdone shading, i literally did it like 5 minutes before i made this post just cause i was messing around. and then i happen to like it more! i really should shade my work even if its just a sketch it helps with color contrast and vividness so much omg
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what i wanted to do most, like my previous designs, is add influences from where he was during the time skip! tho luffy was out in the wild, and completely alone for a good portion of it, i’d like to imagine the kujas made him his new clothes! i took the flower pattern from boa’s skirt and on luffy’s repaired vest from the amazon lily arc and applied it as embroidery and ribbon on the shorts! and i’d like to imagine boa would give him jewelry maybe before he left for sabaody archipelago, cause she’s in love with him…, so i modeled his anklet after her earrings. i made the snake eating its own tail to make it an ouroboros (ignore how i spelt it wrong in the image…), representing eternity and reincarnation. but ive applied it to luffy in the concept of inherited will (he’s taken on the goals and aspirations of shanks, gol d roger, his crew, and given them new life). also kinda how joy/nika is eternal and luffy’s g5 awakening is kind of a reincarnation.
but so while the finer details are inspired mostly by the kuja, the shapes/structure of the outfit pieces are based off of luffy’s influences and mentors!
i noticed luffy probably wears a cardigan post-ts to mirror rayleigh’s clothes pre-ts, but since i didn’t like luffy’s cardigan all too much, the hoodie is supposed to mirror ray’s hooded cloak
luffy wears shorts above/middle of the knee, but i made them longer so they look kinda like ace’s! i was gonna add pockets too but i forgot… he also wears some of ace’s beads and one of the theatrical mask charms (i think sabo wears the frowning one, so there’s technically some sabo refs in there too)
i wanted to include references to sabo, but i wasn’t sure how due to their really different styles… i hope i can come up with something to update this design soon ;-;
the epaulettes (fringed shoulder pads) and folded collar on the black coat are supposed to look like gol d roger’s coat! while its color makes it look like luffy’s coat from the end of the wano arc, which specifically is supposed to look like shank’s coat too! and it’s made of animal fur, so like an altered version of luffy’s disguise cloak given to him by boa before the fish man island arc. technically the shape is also pretty simple to garp’s navy coat, but that’s probably just cause they’re a similar style
no references to dragon… cause he wasn’t there to have any real influence on his son, despite how him and luffy just so happen to take similar life paths. but i made luffy’s skin tone darker and warm toned similar to his father and grandfather’s.
oh also the patterned pants are supposed to be similar to rayleigh and shanks’s ugly little patterned pants too
other fun little tidbits:
luffy’s right ear is torn! my hc is that when he was little, he wanted earrings to look like a cool pirate like shanks and his crew! so maybe makino or one of his brothers did it for him, but he couldn’t sit still for long enough, making it pretty high up on his earlobe and unable to sit down for the other one lol. idk what kind of earring it used to be, maybe a tiny seashell!
ok sad part now! it got torn off when luffy was kidnapped and beat up by the bluejam pirates…
ok not sad part now! i think nami got chopper to pierce luffy’s ears afterwards. cause she caught zoro on the verge of stabbing an unsterile sewing needle into luffy’s earlobes… cause they’re both stupid and luffy would trust him like that. luckily chopper has very sterile medical equipment!
the woven bracelet was made by usopp! its color is purely coincidental… luffy just wanted a purple one
the sash is now tied at the back to look like a monkey’s tail! i wanted to add more sun wukong/monkey king references, maybe instead of the sash there’s tassets or han yao/han bei similar to @/soaked-doors’ luffy design… idk
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here’s some closeups with and without the cloak!
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uuuh i don’t wanna talk about g5… it’s not really what i wanted to do at all… i’ll try again later…
anyways i hope yall like this one!! i love him a lot! obv any critique/constructive criticism or suggestions is welcome!! don’t expect anything new so soon… drawing men scares me and i can’t get zoro to look right ;-;
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 2 months
Since you’re looking for Andreil AU ask for inspiration I have one.
Neil and Andrew as the Suicide Squad(only the first one) Joker and Harley Quinn. I know people mostly write it the opposite way but Neil as the Joker makes more since to me. Neil with a maniacal smile carved into his, a past no one not even him probably actually knows, a dangerous insane man with a death toll, a fondness and skill with knives and a joy of reeking havoc; it just all makes since to me. As for Andrew I imagine instead of being took in by Nicky Andrew and Aaron are adopted by Bee after Andrew kills Tilda and Andrew decides to get a doctorate in psychology mostly to fuck with Aaron about also being Dr Minyard or Dr Minyard-Dobson but also to honor Bee. I can also see Andrew deciding to get himself assigned to Neil out of pure curiosity and interest(basically canon) and I also hc Andrew as being into gymnastics so it all works out. Also Andrew and Neil doing all the Jarley moments from the movie especially the “but will you live for me?” acid jump moment. And Andrew wearing the gold dress with his hair in shoulder length Hollywood curls dancing in that cage in Neil club during that scene in the Joker’s club *chefs kiss*. I also tend to hc Andrew as femme so I imagine him in Harley’s outfits with long hair and makeup but up to you on how you draw him if I’m first. Also Andrew and Neil are definitely in a healthy relationship unlike Joker and Harley and Neil isn’t abusive to Andrew of course. Basically I just love to imagine Neil and Andrew as co-dependent murder husbands(or husband and wife with Andrew as the wife) and them being the King and Queen of Gotham fits the bill deliciously.
Hope you like my AU and even if you don’t draw it how you enjoy my idea😃
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So confession time!
I fucking hate the older suicide squad movies. And i dislike the how the joker and Harley look so so much but im a huge sucker for their designs in the comics. So I made it more of a comic inspired piece rather than one based off the movies.
I love the constant of Neil as the joker and Andrew being Harley (but not toxic as fuck like Harley and the joker) thanks for the ask so much.
(I saw like two other people’s submissions and I think I will be drawing something for them too:D )
+just Andreil cause I put a lot of effort into Andrew and I want people to see his shoes lol
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calciumdeficientt · 21 days
official declaration of insanity. the community brainworms have eaten what’s left of my festering, rotten mind so there’s only one solution…..
allow me to set the scene: It’s early morning, the sun rises high over the Bullworth Academy campus. But no birds sing, no nerds have their books slapped out of their hands. The halls are silent, pensive, and covered in paint…. Waiting for a lucky winner... A victor that will receive a pass on every single class for the whole semester. Where do each clique find themselves?
Holed up and hiding, they wouldn’t dare to step outside of Harrington house for fear of getting low-quality synthetic paint on their clothes. They keep to the higher levels of Harrington house and avoid the bottom floors like the plague. They hole up on the second or third floors, anticipating barrage attacks on the bottom floors. The balconies surrounding the greenhouse are outfitted with high quality paintball guns and are transformed into sniper towers, any unsuspecting passersby should duck and cover, although their aim is mostly to eradicate all of the greasers, they will shoot on sight. And they are well trained.
Ground fighters, unorganised and violent. They move in loose packs and work to disorient and isolate other students. Then they swoop in and kill them off. It seems to work moderately well until people start using the tactic on them. Loss of some smaller members force them to adopt gorilla tactics. Yes you read that right, GOrilla, not GEURilla. Their gorilla is, of course, Russell. They send him in first, brandishing a portrait of a Bullworth founder, a trash can lid or a desk as a shield and lets him clear the area for a barrage. Safe to say their disorganisation isn’t a winning strategy.
Oh they’ve been REEEADY for this for a long long time. They’re well equipped. They have all their gear and SOME idea. They keep strapped constantly, have scout groups and keep watch over the observatory, their spud gun now an automated paint cannon, and their artillery expanded with paint grenades designed by Bucky. Earnest is back in his little apocalypse outfit, they’re acting like they’re in 28 days later, or more appropriately based on how stupidly they first acted when the war broke loose, Shaun of The Dead. They’re quick to die if they get separated but as a group they make a mean, if slightly fragile militia.
Pack animals. Moreso than the Bullies. They stay together as one big clump for as long as possible, they’re team players, and washing each others balls in the locker room pays off. They survive as a unit longer than any other cliques and only fall to infighting when the fighting dies down and they get to talking as they sleep in shifts on the gym floor. Talks of which team is going to win the superbowl lead to arguments, and then to all of the Jocks’ muscle out of the game and absolutely covered in paint. The weaker ones survive as long as they can by looting Nerds but eventually succumb to the power of the Preps’ snipers.
Surrounded on all fronts, the greasers already don’t have the best chance of surviving. The best they can do is hold down the fort in the auto shop and try to scope out when it’s safe to venture out. The answer, they find out pretty quickly, is never. Vance is sent out early as a negotiator, and some very nice eye candy for the weaker preps. He’s taken out in a flurry of paintballs almost as soon as he steps out of the auto shop. Johnny and Lola are the next to go when an argument reaches its conclusion in a hail of paint bullets, a grieving peanut takes himself out to join them. They fall victim to a Jock raid and get taken out for good.
Dazed, confused and basically begging for their lives they try and group up with other cliques only to get rejected, or worse, shot. Constantinos is one of the first to go, his constant whining that he should be leader makes Ivan shoot him. There’s no real hierarchy, and no solid base for them. They’re looters, nomads and cannon fodder.
You can’t stop these boys from having fun! Not only are they playing, they’re Crabblesnitch’s eyes on the inside. Posted around the school as a sort of armed police, designed to win the game and keep the peace if things get dicey. Their bloodlust ultimately loses them the game, they have too much fun too early so when things get serious, they’re off their A-game and get bested by Jimmy and his bag of tricks.
Gary probably presented the idea to Crabblesnitch, and is still the most unprepared. He hides in his dorm for a good while, until he knows there’s few survivors, then he goes out guns blazing, Rambo style and likely gets taken out. Safe to say he’s not a great shot. Petey is bait, good bait. He’s an agile little guy, so he can dart out of harms way until the end, when he valiantly takes a bullet for Jimmy so he can win and end the chaos. Jimmy, in classic protag style, stops the game at its source by taking out Crabblesnitch.
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numba1meikinnie · 8 months
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More abt my headcanons below ↓↓ (get ready for a yap fest)
OK so this is just gonna be me rambling and this might not make sense but I'm rlly excited to talk about this cause I love them mmm
For MK I hc him with black hair unlike the brown hair the fandom likes to give him... (ALSO I GAVE HIM ACNE CAUSE I ALSO HAVE ITT, CLOSE UP IMAGE SO YOU CAN SEE IT)
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I also used some of the stuff from his minifigure like the headband and the keys he has (plus I added matching necklaces for Mei and Mk cause I thought it was cute I LOVE GOLDEN DRAGONNN)
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Also I replaced the stupid cloud thing that I have trouble drawing with peach draw strings (Hoodies r cooler than jackets) and I just gave him more laid back clothing overall cause that's the vibe I get from him
I mostly based her design off of my friends cause I really love their Mei design but I added my own stuff too (images for reference ↓↓)
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For example I really like the HC that Mei is the tallest out of TLT (cause dragon) I also gave her a more fashionable style compared to her original. Like I get that she's tomboyish but her outfit is dead ass copy and pasted from Mk's fit...
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BUT I also don't rly like adding extra stuff on Mei like how some ppl give her dragon ears and horns. Her hair style is meant to mimic a dragons head so adding horns and ears is like defeating the purpose... (But I love the idea of giving her a tail!! And pointy dragon teeth which I added)
And that's really all I have to say about the designs I just rlly love them!! If u made it this far thank you for reading my rambles 💕
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi sorry for requesting again but I was wondering you had CG Headcannons for Mk 11 Johnny Cage ? He's a comfort character at the moment and I'm happy to see you do content for MK 10,11 and 1 :) sorry again for being awkward in my first ask I've been off tumblr for a while and recently came back ...
MK11 Johnny Cage!!! <3
And your fine, don't worry one bit!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage MK11 Hcs
💫 Depending on where we are on the timeline depends on how ‘good’ on a CG he is (all CGs are good, they're trying their best <3)
💫 Younger Johnny is more of a babysitter or older brother figure, but still a pretty good CG
💫 Older Johnny takes on a more stable CG role (we're gonna focus on him)
💫 You have so much Johnny Cage merch!!!!
💫 Any kind of doll or stuffie made of him, you've already got it!!
💫 You've even got some shirts with his old movie designs
💫 Mostly you have these because he gets a copy of almost anything ever made of him (and he likes to spoil you <3)
💫 Older Johnny has kinda left his old Hollywood life behind, joining the military and doing some movies here or there
💫 He's settled down, more to Earth than his other selves
💫 That will not stop him from buying anything you want, no matter the price
💫 You want a yummy treat? What kind? He's already got his wallet put
💫 He knows you have a thousand and one plushies . . . But a few more can't reeeeeeally hurt anyone
💫 You are his baby and nothing is allowed to harm a hair on your head
💫 You think your clingy? Psh, you haven't seen Cage Clingy
💫 Constantly wants to hold or coddle you, your just so cute!!
💫 But like, he guesses he can let you go run off, but he has to be nearby and you have to be in eye distant!!!
💫 Matching Johnny Cage inspired jammies (he happened to have them already)
💫 He has a habit of babying you even if you regress older
💫 If you like being treated like a princess/prince/royalty? Brilliant!! He's got you covered!!
💫 If you want more independence, he's decent with it, and will treat you more your age
💫 Finds middlespace regresses entertaining (mostly if your an emo regressor)
💫 Loves making bracelets and drama when your bigger
💫 Drama can be almost anything, including this dramatic thing that happened in your favorite TV show
💫 Babble encourager!!!
💫 Full blown conversations with babblers, he thinks they're adorable
💫 If you want to have him dress up and have a tea party, he's so for it
💫 Make him wear a tiara and tutu, he'll do it with pride
💫 Will also let you paint his nails any color you want
💫 While he loves and babies you, he also puts his foot down >:(
💫 If your a rule breaker, prepare for a bunch of timeout time, because there's almost not changing his mind (unless you regress really small)
💫 Won't punish you if it was an accident though, he's not terribly mean
💫 If you ever offer to spar or wrestle him while your tiny, he'll generally laugh
💫 Not at you!! Well, kinda
💫 It's just, your so cute!! Thinking you could beat him up, that's so adorable 🥺
💫 He'll let you fight him though (and probably let you win, but you don't reeeeally gotta know that)
💫 He'll treat you with ice cream when you ‘win’
💫 He's getting old, but he's got the energy he had when he was in his 20s (y'all he's like almost 60 in MK11 can you believe that??)
💫 If you regress as base, your either right by his side holding his hand, or your always in reach just in case
💫 There is a not touching rule on everything if your small on base, there's a lot of dangerous stuff and Johnny's not having you get hurt
💫 He'll do his little “Here's Johnny!!” while playing peek-a-boo
💫 Sometimes he'll egg you on to do naughty things he finds funny (like prank Sonya by putting a bit of salt in her coffee)
💫 Will also take the blow when Sonya starts getting pissy because someone (👀) ruined her coffee
💫 Your naptime? Nuh-uh. Our naptime 😎
💫 Man's old, he'd love to just laze around and cuddle
💫 But he's also got the spirit of a child, and would love to run around with you
💫 If your small while he's working out, he'll laugh as you try to pick up his weight
💫 He'll probably give you one of those workout balls or some super light weights so you can be just like Daddy :D
💫 . . . Dad jokes 😒
💫 And sometimes they're not even good!! Most times they're just to poke or annoy you!! >:(
💫 Most times they're actually really funny though
💫 Favorite CG nicknames are Daddy, Dada, Papa, Bubba, and literally anything you wanna call him
💫 Your go-to babysitters are Sonya and Cassie
💫 (Maybe also Jax and Kenshi)
💫 Cassie and Sonya both love you, you've got the whole Cage family behind your back
💫 Favorite little nicknames to call you are Princess, Baby Girl/Boy, Little One, Sweetiepie, Honey, Little Star
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope they're more MK11 Johnny and not MK1 Johnny, and I can always do more or something like that. <3
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harbingerscry · 9 months
Price Relationship HCs
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I have to put a disclaimer here: These HCs are loosely based off the relationship I canon Price and my OC, Selene/Harbinger, having. I will try to keep this gender neutral like my Graves Relationship HCs piece. Also, I am going back and adding to that HC eventually but I want to see how people like this set up versus the other one. Here is a Pinterest board I made for Harbinger if you are interested. ❤️
This contains NSFW content!
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John Price's love is a double edged sword to some degree. A lot of people seem to forget, his job comes first because even he knows the significance of it. One day there may be a knock upon the door but that is the sacrifice of protecting lives other than your own. The world is always maintaining it's own equilibrium and a life saved often comes with a life lost.
That doesn't mean he doesn't love you! He loves you more than words could ever do justice, it's just that his job is his biggest priority and always will be unless something big happens or he retires. You knew he was a military man from the moment you met, you have to understand he can't just drop everything because of you. He was like that before becoming Captain of the 141 and is even more so that way now.
He is also pretty secretive about the details of what he does now that he is a Captain. He wishes he could tell you the full extent of what he has done and has to do, but he knows he can't. Not just because it's illegal but also because it would put you in more danger than you're already in by being with him.
Despite this, you know the military and its state well enough to know what he has to do on a regular basis. Coming from old money and a military family has it perks when it comes to intel. The wear and tear on his body, mind and soul every time he comes home is also telling enough. You wouldn't be with him if you couldn't handle it though.
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As stated above, Price loves you more than words could ever do justice. That doesn't mean he doesn't try though, he's constantly whispering praises as he holds your hands or holds you to his chest. Any moment is liable to become intimate with this bear of a man.
"I'm trying to cook darling..." you weakly protest as your waist is pinned to the kitchen counter by the boxer-clad form of your lover as he hugs you from behind. "Can see that luv, looks almost as good as you." You couldn't see it, but you could feel the scratch of his bread as he grinned into the exposed flesh of your neck. "John Price, if you don't move you won't get breakfast." You laughed as you went back to stirring the waffle batter. A muffled "Could have you instead." caused you to grin. "After you have some actual food, now go sit."
He doesn't know much about fashion, he knows what he likes and doesn't like but that's about it. It's mostly because he's always in gear or casual clothing, even undercover his clothes are plain as to not draw attention to himself. He loves seeing you all dressed up though and won't hesitate to make himself look nice as well. He owns plenty of button downs and nice pants...for a man that doesn't know much about fashion he makes looking good seem effortless.
Loves getting you knick-knacks, books, and simple pieces of jewelry by the way. Not simple as in cheap, but simple in design, he thinks it looks good on you. The knick-knacks are usually more elaborate in design. Like the hand painted clay pots he sent you from somewhere in Mexico or the wood bird carving he brought you from...well...actually you're not entirely sure where he got it from. The books he sends to you are wide in variety, but he never fails to send a cookbook containing dishes from what country he is in the stack.
He's surprisingly cuddly when in the privacy of your home. It's not a foreign occurrence for the two you to be curled up together reading a shared book or you tucked into his side as you read your respective books instead. You two are almost attached to the hip when he's home, only separating when needing to do tasks or if one of you needs some space. Out in public his affections are tame, typically going no further than a chaste kiss or the occasional squeeze to the thigh or hip. That is mostly out of respect for you. If you initiate something more though, well, you will reap what you sow.
You knew teasing John only ended in one of two ways, the position you're in really shouldn't come as a surprise, but fuck was it hard to keep quiet. "John- mmf!" The large hand around your throat squeezed in warning as it's owner thrusts into your slick walls harder. It felt too hot in this little pub bathroom, the faint smell of sex, the barely muffled sound of skin slapping skin, the shuddering breaths and quiet groans, it was all too much. Tears welled in your eyes as you finally came with a choked whimper, your walls tightening around his thick cock. John could hardly contain the groan that left from deep within his throat as his hips slowed their assault to a rocking motion. "Fuck luv- just like that, right behind you." He continued to rock into your overstimulated hole until he finally came with a groan of your name, his cum filling you in spurts. He could feel the vibration against his hand as a pleased noise left your throat. The jerk of his cock inside you as he came was always your favorite feeling and you were always quick to remind him. His hips continued to press flush against your ass as he rested his forehead against your back with a huff, taking a moment to bask in the after glow.
Price has actually invited the 141 to your shared home before. Having to be secretive didn't mean you couldn't meet his colleges if they wanted to come over. It's also a small way he makes it known you are one of his priorities, even if it isn't obvious. (Though he does remind them they are not to speak a word of what they do at work.)
Soap and Gaz were the first to hop at the opportunity to meet you and eat some more of your cooking. You have a habit of sending Price back to base with enough food to feed six grown men for at least 2 days and he is happy to share with his team. Ghost took a little bit of coaxing but eventually he agreed to join the others in meeting you.
It went rather well, Price had to hold himself back from laughing multiple times as you fussed over them like a mother hen, stacking their plates with food and tending to them like they were your sons. Even Ghost was a victim to your fussing and he was the around the same age as you. All three left that evening stuffed with what felt like a six course meal. When Price got back to base a week later he was greeted to Gaz and Soap practically begging to come over again because they wanted more of your cooking. Lucky for them, you had sent Price with plenty of homecooked food as usual.
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mintartem · 2 months
hey, hey! Me again. The one who cursed you for blessing me with two new ships lol
Anywho, since you mentioned it, art of Adam x the other angels? Raphael, Gabriel, Azriel, Sariel, all of 'em!
Would love to see art/ designs, but I can settle for hcs lol
I was going to make this into art but I’ve been busy. I hope you don’t mind headcanons and my portrayal of them instead. (I will draw them and ship them with Adam eventually)
I can’t write ALL of the angels (there’s like 50+ of them and that’s not including the fallen) I’m going to focus on the 7 heavenly virtues first (excluding Michael so 6 of the 7).
Please note all of these are for the Hazbin Hotel fandom and not an actual Bible lore or theology. Although some info here are based on theology.
Gabriel (Seraph) - Diligence
He is an energetic, loud, bubbly, and trustworthy angel who is loved and respected by all. But he is scary when he is angry or pissed off
It’s not easy to piss him off but if you did, it means you’ve done something absolutely horrendous in his eyes
He enjoys watching souls get their deserved justice or punishment
Since his heavenly virtue is diligence, he is the fastest angel to finish his work. But at the same time, he also has a lot on his plate. He values breaks in-between working.
Flirts with Adam and loves to get in his personal space (Adam doesn’t mind and lets him)
He trusts Michael the most
The only beings he follows/listens to are Michael and God
He wonders why he was chosen to be God’s right hand when the position should be Michael’s (in his eyes)
He enjoys his job of delivering messages
Has the best stamina and endurance among the angels
He has a sweet tooth
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. But his most favorite instrument to play is the trumpet.
The third brother
He [will be] against Charlie’s plan of redemption
Raphael (Seraph) - Humility
He is a calm, collected, and gentle angel who wants the best for everyone and heal them as much as he can.
He wouldn’t hesitate to scare off souls with medical threats if it means it’ll help them heal
He is a pacifist
As the heavenly virtue of humility, despite his high position and rank, he doesn’t see himself better than others and chose to ground himself (which is confusing for other angels)
As the angel of healing, he heals not just physical pain, but also emotional, mental, spiritual, etc. health.
When it comes for mental health, he does need a winner’s help since he is an angel and can’t understand human thought process that well
Surprisingly, he prefers spicy food
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His most favorite instrument is the lyre.
He [will not be] against Charlie’s plan for redemption, but wouldn’t support it either.
The youngest among the four brothers
The tallest among the brothers
He and Gabriel tease Michael because of his crush on Adam
Also in love with Adam and loves watching Adam tend to his garden
He loves herbs, poisons, and other medical things (that includes snakes)
He is fascinated by human biology and anatomy. Adam is the usual target of this fascination
Has a doctor’s (terrible) handwriting
He is the most mature out of all the brothers
Has a sadistic side
Leader of the virtues
Azrael (Archangel) - Patience
When Adam met him in Eden, the impression he got from him was that he is a shy and quiet angel.
Azrael is a flirty and playful, but kind angel that enjoys the company of his fellow archangels
He loves the nature noises (such as chirping birds, cricket noises, swaying leaves)
He is mostly remembered for his wings. Angels and winners alike describe his wings as “so black that it’s like darkness itself created a solid form to serve as his wings”
He is respected even by the Seraphim for his duty
Originally, Samael was the angel of death. The title was given to Michael, who then gave it to Azrael
He is most known for taking the souls of “The Death of the First Born” plague in Egypt. He does not like being known for it though.
He created the Grim Reapers to help him with his duties.
He once offered Abel to be his first Grim Reaper. Abel declined.
Platonically flirts with Abel. Cain does not like it (he thinks its romantic)
Romantically flirts with Adam. Cain also does not like it
Cain does not like him in general. Azrael think its because Abel sees him as an older brother. (He’s right)
Despite being younger than Michael, Lucifer, and Gabriel, they see him as an older brother figure
The only angel who is allowed to enter Hell and Heaven without permission, paperworks, etc. (This is because some depictions portray him as the one who leads souls to heaven or hell)
Doesn’t care about Charlie’s plan for redemption.
The elders are wary of him
He kept Abel’s soul until Adam died and went to heaven.
He is the one Adam first saw when he died so, like Abel, Adam has an attachment to him
Uriel (Seraph) - Chastity
He is a quiet, serious, scholarly angel with an aloof and unreadable expression.
Contrary to his serious appearance, Uriel enjoys teaching angels and winners.
He is loved by his students. Outlookers would wonder why, but his students know what type of angel he really is
He loves dark chocolates. His students are the only ones who know. He receives a lot of dark chocolate every Teacher’s Day
He tends to question anything and everything for knowledge’s sake
[will] support Charlie if she can defend her redemption project (like a research/thesis defence)
He witness Adam’s creation and grew attached to him
He guarded Eden’s gate with a flaming sword. Currently, he hid away his flaming sword only to be used if Lucifer or anything evil decides to attack Heaven
He was Adam’s teacher when he got to Heaven. Uriel taught him about Heaven, heavenly duties etc.
He doesn’t hate Lucifer per say, but he is extremely disappointed.
He enjoyed watching humanity (especially Adam) discover things. Currently, his focus are now the winners, angels, and heaven borns
He enjoys reading about human philosophers and their philosophies (both east and west)
Loves playing chess against Adam
He is the one who provides strategies to Michael and is the one who helps plan training activities
“My house is not a mess. It’s an organised chaos”
He has his moments where angels cannot tell if he is being smart or lazy.
He is great at multi-tasking
On purposely uses scientific terms to annoy Gabriel and Lucifer. He does know how to “dumb it down a notch” according to Lucifer.
Cannot be wavered once he is focus on something/s
Cassiel (Archangel) - Temperance
He is an empathic, sensitive angel who wants to enjoy Heavenly life with his fellow angels, heaven-born, and winners
When Eden was created, he wanted to visit but he was forbidden to do so. Unlike Lucifer, he controlled himself and decided not to do so
He is the fastest angel
He helps Raphael in healing Adam’s emotional health
He has a pet dragon. The dragon likes Adam
He [would be] conflicted in Charlie’s redemption plan
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His favorite instrument is the harp
Remiel/Jeremiel (Archangel) - Kindness
He is a kind, caring, and understanding angel who wishes the best for everyone
As the archangel of hope, Remiel tends to see the best in everyone. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see the bad things either
He is an optimist
He is that one angel everyone goes to for comfort
He is usually the voice of reason
Like Cassiel, he also helps Adam in healing his emotional pain
Like all other angels, he is proficient in playing multiple instruments. His favorite instrument is the grand piano
[will] support Charlie’s redemption plan
“Please don’t mistake me as the fallen Ramiel. We’re different”
(I struggled with coming up hc for Remiel and Cassiel)
Bonus - Angels I want to create a character for:
Ariel (Archangel) - self proclaimed “Michael’s girl best friend!” Totally supports Michael and Adam’s relationship. Angry at Lucifer
Jophiel (Archangel) - sees Adam as the most beautiful creation. She hangs with Metatron often. Adam has deep respect for her.
Metatron (Archangel) - Human name: Enoch.
Chazaqiel (Watcher - Fallen) - Sahaquiel’s younger sister
Raguel (Archangel)
Selaphiel/Selathiel (Archangel)
Well this is long so I’ll end it here. I enjoy reading about Theology so this was really fun!
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I see you very much as an expert on all things Rohirrim, so I bring to you this question, hoping I can pick your brain for info to use in my own fics (full disclosure). 😅
It seems to be a popular fanon that the Rohirrim/Riders of Rohan have tattoos, and that body art is a part of their culture. Do you have any thoughts or personal HCs about this that you're willing to share?
Thank you in advance! I appreciate you and your blog so much (if you didn't already know that).
Oh my goodness!!! I am so very honored to be thought of as a person who is knowledgeable about my beloved Rohirrim, and I hope very much that I can live up to that reputation. Thank you!!!
I’m not aware of any real textual evidence for body art among the Rohirrim, and the historical record in the medieval Anglo Saxon and Norse societies that Tolkien used as a reference for them seems to be disputed. But I absolutely understand and agree with the conventional wisdom that tattoos are a thing in Rohan. It just fits well with a warrior culture that has a wilder, dare-I-say more pagan aesthetic as compared to the smooth solemnity of Gondor or the formal elegance of the elves. And since they’re a culture that doesn’t document things in written words, pictorial representations such as tattoos and body art would be one way to fill that gap (along with their songs and oral traditions).
In my mind, tattoos in Rohan are common but basic—they’ve really only got the technology for the “stick and poke” method so the designs are kept simple because anything too elaborate is difficult to pull off well. They’re mostly in black line (using soot) but some have color using powder made from grinding up certain dried roots and plants.
Each village/community has its own distinctive tattoo motif that is worn by all of that community’s members. So you can tell just by looking at someone whether they’re from Upbourn (a fish because it’s a river town) or Dunharrow (mountain peaks since they’re in the White Mountains) or Everholt (a boar in honor of the wild boar that live in this part of the Firien Wood), etc. And soldiers also tend to share tattoo designs specific to their éored—getting your éored’s mark is a formal rite of passage for the younger members when they first get assigned to their company. These shared tattoo designs are important both for group cohesion and as a means of identifying fallen Rohirrim even if the deceased isn’t known to whoever finds the body.
Beyond these ritualized and practical functions, I do also like to think that there are some purely decorative tattoos among them as a means of personal expression and/or to help cover small scars that so many Rohirrim have from battle, riding accidents or other mishaps. Obviously horse-based designs would be very popular, as well as other flora and fauna of Rohan. But they’re a very sentimental people and so I think little emotional signifiers would also be very common (again, especially because they generally don’t have a means to pay tribute to beloved people/things in written form, this sort of symbol would serve the purpose of making some kind of record of those tributes).
In terms of specific people in my head canon: Éomer has a little simbelmynë blossom for each of the major figures in his life that he’s lost (forearm). Háma had a sun to remind him of his wife, who brought warmth and light to his life (shoulder). Théodred had stars in the shape of a particular constellation that is visible every year on his mother’s birthday (chest). Éowyn has a representation of her father’s sword (left wrist) and gets a quill (right wrist) to represent Faramir after they get married. (Faramir got a little running horse in her honor on his first trip to Rohan. He was glad he did it, but he never wants to sit through that again.)
Merry brought tattooing back to the Shire when he showed up with a tobacco pipe on his bicep (both for its association with Buckland and in tribute to Théoden, whose last words to Merry were about smoking together someday when peace was restored). Unsurprisingly, tattoos did not catch on with the other hobbits, but Merry remains very proud of it.
Anywayyyy…I hope that was in any way helpful! Thanks so much for asking!! I remain a huge fan and am so grateful to you for helping convince me to put some of my thoughts and stories out there vs keeping them all in the confines of my own Google drive!
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starrymako · 1 year
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Some adult designs for my absolute favs.. hehe (Mostly related to my own lil AU of Tweek x Craig’s future!)
I spent a lot of time working on them! probably my biggest project yet, haha. I had so much fun designing! I really wanted to keep their signature colors so I did my best!
Here’s some information about each character I have thought of while designing them! (adding below the cut)
Tweek Tucker
27 | 5′7 | Manager of Tweek Bros. Coffee | Happily Married
Tweek has been the manager of Tweek Bros. Coffee since graduating high school. He worked hard in order to help support his and Craig’s bills while Craig focused on his engineering studies. (Both wanted to move out quickly and be on their own instead of living at home.)
Tweek is extremely close with Tricia, the two frequently text each other / make plans to hang out. He even hired her to work at the coffee shop when she needed to make extra money during school!
When he’s not working at the coffee shop, Tweek writes and records his own music from home. He has a large following on social media for his music! (I hc he writes love songs based on his relationship with Craig.)
He became obsessed with self-care after Bebe, Wendy, Nichole, and Tricia introduced him to skincare routines during high school. He was one of the few boys who had the best complexion.
(Tweek also started wearing cherry flavored lip balm around this time.. Craig likes the flavor when they kiss LMAO)
Tweek paints his nails to avoid biting them, but he still bites them during his most anxious days.
He managed to cut back on coffee significantly after high school, and is able to sleep better because of it. (Also because he and Craig sleep better together in their very own bed!)
Tweek has a picture of Craig in his engineering suit hanging in the Tweek Bros. coffee shop next to his grandfather.
Craig Tucker
27 | 6′1 | aerospace engineer | Proud Husband
Craig decided to study engineering in order to work for NASA after college. For awhile, he felt guilty about Tweek working long hours at his parents coffee shop in order to support them. However, with the encouragement from Tweek and his family, Craig made it a point to study hard and later return the favor after graduating.
Craig proposed to Tweek almost immediately after high school, but the two didn’t get married until Craig graduated from college. They managed to save enough money for a decently sized venue and 
On lunch breaks, Craig likes to send flowers to Tweek Bros. to surprise his husband.. Though Tweek gets frustrated because he always does this during rush hour at the shop.
As much as Craig likes to fluster Tweek by buying gifts, he’s always blindsided by Tweek serenading him when he gets home from work.
In his free time, he likes to build things for their three guinea pigs at home, or work on his motorcycle. 
Craig keeps a picture of Tweek in his engineering suit and brags about his husband to his coworkers.
Craig still makes time to hang out with Clyde, Tolkien, and Jimmy on his weeks off.
Wendy Testaburger
27 | 5′5 | Harvard Alumni | The Smart One
Wendy first studied in Denver after high school, but later finished her P.HD at Harvard. She broke up with Stan during high school and has been focusing on herself and her education since.
Wendy frequently returns to South Park to visit her friends and family. She is still considered as Bebe’s best friend and the two are almost always hanging out.
Wendy was asked to be a bridesmaid at Tweek and Craig’s wedding and played a huge part at organizing the venue.
(One day Tweek called her frantic and stressed out over planning, and she made it a point to find the perfect venue / organized guest lists and whatnot so Tweek could catch a break.)
She takes pride in her appearance, and is probably the most elegantly dressed in her friend group.
Nichole Daniels
27 | 5′4 | Competitive Gamer | Social Butterfly
Nichole is a social media personality who focuses on beauty, video/board games, and the environment. She goes to school to eventually work in marketing!
Nichole attends various gaming events in both South Park and Denver, and her teammates consider her to be the most compassionate (and competitive) player. 
(Eric Cartman is her biggest hater, but she easily floors him in every game they decide to play at their local game center.)
Nichole was one of the few who stayed in South Park during her first few semesters in college. She decided to stick with community college to get her basics done while also managing her social media. It worked out well and she was able to save a lot of money for university.
I hc Nichole being that super smart, pretty, and friendly student who gets good grades without trying. LOL
Nichole becomes friends with Tricia Tucker during high school since she always came with Tweek to Wendy’s or Bebe’s house. The two like to go jogging together in the mornings.
Tricia Tucker
23 | 5′9 | Barista | Pilates Queen
Tricia is the tallest girl on her volleyball team during high school and is later given scholarships to play professionally in college. She is very athletic and is almost always seen wearing her leggings and sneakers around town.
She is almost always seen with a resting bitch face, however is always smiley around Tweek or her best friend, Karen McCormick. (They are also the only two she frequently texts on a daily basis.) Craig gets annoyed sometimes when he comes home from work to find Tricia on his couch talking to Tweek.. especially if it’s on a night where they have a date planned.
Tricia works at Tweek Bros. Coffee during the summers, mainly because she likes spending time with her brother-in-law and also because it’s a lax job. LOL 
She is the literal queen of sarcasm. Any snide remark that comes her way, she retorts with an even bigger insult.
Tweek had to scold her a few times for treating rude customers bad.. even though he finds it funny when they are taken aback by her comments.
Bebe Stevens
27 | 5′6 | Makeup Artist | Complete Diva
Bebe works as a makeup artist for various clients. She can pull off literally any look her customers desire. She is always on Coonstagram posting her artistry and has over a million followers both there and on TikTok. 
Tweek considers Bebe his best friend, and she was chosen as his maid of honor for his wedding. She helped him pick out dresses and makeup looks for the bridesmaids.
The morning of his wedding, he was so distraught over his skin looking paler than usual (due to stress) and Bebe saved the day by giving him a natural look.
Bebe is the main reason why Tweek became passionate for skincare / taking better care of his body. (Aside from Craig, but Bebe had a hands on solution for Tweek to use himself.)
Bebe has an on and off relationship with Clyde throughout high school, but as adults she discovers she truly loves him and they eventually get together permanently.
She’s also a supportive gf and wears shoes from Clyde’s shoe store in her instagram posts, tagging him and sharing business.
Bebe switches her style a lot, especially if trends change. She favors a more alternative look for the most part.
Clyde Donovan
27 | 5′6 | Business Owner | Professional Crybaby 
Clyde went to college for business and advertising in order to gain experience and knowledge in being a business owner, though slacked off way more than he should have in the beginning. Jimmy and Tolkien had to knock some sense into him when he almost flunked out of college because of his bad grades.
He brought them up, though! And managed to get a business degree.
Clyde dated several girls out of college, (most of them suspiciously looking or acting similar to Bebe..) but the relationships never went anywhere. He was almost always looking at Bebe’s Coonstagram feed for updates in her life, despite the two talking every week. 
Eventually, they hang out again in person while Bebe is in town and the two get together again later on.
He used to get annoyed when people called him chunky in school, but later grew indifferent after playing football and getting praise for being the best quarterback on the team.
He definitely has the “I peaked in high school” vibe when he brags about his high school football scores.
Clyde sometimes helps Craig work on his motorcycle if Craig helps him with his car troubles. haha
Jimmy Valmer
27 | 5′7 | Comedian | Beef King
Jimmy majored in fine arts and traveled the country doing comedy skits. Throughout his time in college and travels, Jimmy had several partners and was widely known as a heart throb. He can charm anyone with his witty remarks and jokes.
Jimmy is close friends with Timmy and returns to South Park to visit him on regular holidays.
Jimmy, Timmy, Tolkien, Clyde, Craig, and Tweek used to work out together, but Clyde eventually stopped going after high school and Craig would get mad when Jimmy benched heavier weights than him in petty contests. (Though Craig isn’t malicious, but Jimmy made him look the fool several times in front of Tweek, which embarrassed him.)
Jimmy is packin’ all the muscle and isn’t afraid to show it.
Jimmy and Tricia form an unlikely bond during the preparations for Tweek and Craig’s wedding. She even helped Jimmy come up with the best witty remarks during his speech in case Craig came up with a snarky response.
Tolkien Black
27 | 6′3 | Criminal Justice Major | The Voice of Reason
Tolkien studied criminal justice in university and graduated at the top of his class. He played college football on the side while also being part of several clubs in the process. He is considered a well rounded student with high goals and ambitions.
Tolkien stopped dating Nichole after high school due to their difficult schedules clashing, and being long distance. The two remained close friends afterwards, and always make time to catch up if they see each other back home in South Park.
Tolkien still has deep feelings for her, especially since she’s become so independent and carefree during their time apart. (If he’s in the area and Nichole has a game tournament, he attends to cheer her on like the simp he is. LOL)
Craig, Tolkien, Tweek, and Jimmy have a particular interest in reading and have their own little book club of fantasy / sci-fi related books they exchange to read.
Tolkien won’t admit it, but he enjoys reading fantasy romance novels and poetry.
Tolkien is the only friend out of Craig’s group who actually gives good advice. When Craig and Tweek or Bebe and Clyde fight, Tolkien is always the one who points out where the issues start.
Though, despite giving good advice, he has a hard time listening to his own advice. LOL
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murdleandmarot · 4 months
Can you info dump about bluebelle, I’m very curious about her :3
Hi hello!!!!! I will very gladly talk about Bluebelle, she’s the love of my life forever :D 💙💙💙💙💙
Important note: I’m a very um dramatic person when it comes to creating oc backstories. I am nothing if not a little bit pretentious, and giving ocs weird and angsty backstories is my passion project, and that’s part of the reason it took so long to collect my thoughts, and come up with something concrete, (or as concrete as possible)
I’ll start with facts about her that I like and then backstory regarding the fabled music box :))
-her design/colors are based off of a stuffed animal I bought in Munich :)
-the songs I most associate with her, (I have a playlist because I wanted one), are probably A Dangerous Thing/Everything Matters by AURORA, The Sugar Plum Fairy from the Nutcracker, and I came to your party dressed as a shadow. Adore those songs
-the only jellicles that she has met, (by choice), are Victoria, Misto, Plato, and Demeter. Or rather, Demeter knows of her, but Bluebelle doesn’t know Demeter
-this is mostly bc she’s pretty paranoid about meeting new people, and prefers to stick to her people. It took her a while to warm up to Plato, but eventually she got used to him
-this is also despite Vicci’s best efforts to convince Bluebelle to at the very least meet Jemima
-SPEAKING OF JEMIMA, if you haven’t heard, here’s my little jellicle magic theory: The cat’s magic relates to their eyes, just vaguely. Jemima and Misto each have white eyes, and you may have noticed, Bluebelle has those eyes as well. Because she’s. Blue. And that’s not a typical cat color, I figured I should just run with it. I see Bluebelle’s magic as a combination of Jemima and Victoria! Yes, Victoria is magic to me and that’s not just because she’s lovely and beautiful, but because of the way she uses the music in the show, and the way some productions seem to use her as a metaphor for the Jellicle moon, relating it to her dancing. This is especially true for me when I hc Vicci as deaf, because it implies some sort of magic when her solo syncs with the music. Bluebelle has the same sort of music and dance magic as Victoria, and the same sort of eerie unearthly-ness of Jemima. Basically I combined all my favorite girlies into one and made her <33
Really incoherent n convoluted story under the cut lolllll
I’ve always imagined the music box has something Bluebelle has had since she was very young, as in some of her earliest memories are of the tune it plays. Her mother probably gave it to her before both of her parents disappeared like they were in a Disney movie. The point is that it’s one of her favorite things, and she loves dancing to it. Victoria loves the song as well, and they sometimes practice using the music box, and things continue as so until Misto appears, and starts practicing with them.
Because Misto insists that no music is coming out of the music box. He can’t hear a single note.
Neither can Plato, or any of the other jellicles, when Victoria borrows it, and plays the song for everyone else in the junkyard, (Bluebelle doesn’t go with her-she’d rather not meet the others, for fear they won’t like her, or will tell Victoria to stop visiting her).
No one else can hear the music. No one except, of course, for Jemima and the psychic twins.
Bluebelle starts to ask around town, playing it for different cats, until she finds an older tom, not far, though she doesn’t know it, from the Junkyard.
He can’t hear the music box of course, but he tells her that he’s bit of a collector of magical artifacts. Perhaps he’ll have something similar in his collection.
Would she like to take a look?
Bluebelle declines. Declines at least, to visit him on this night. She hands him the music box, and instructs him to take it back to his den, and look for himself. They will meet in the same place the next day, and if he cannot find anything, then she will go and see for herself.
The next morning, they meet again. He tells her that he’s sorry, he couldn’t find anything that matched the box, and that in his haste to meet her on time, he’d left the box behind. The tomcat invites her to his den, and again, she declines, saying she will visit on a later date, that she already has plans.
Bluebelle follows him home, and hides in wait. She watches as his friends gather to scheme, and doesn’t notice the staring of a golden queen hanging off the arm of a blood orange tom.
The acquaintances leave, and the old cat retires to his den. The fire is almost out, leaving her to sneak into the other tent.
…blood seeps from every item in the cramped space, leaving it to drip from the walls and stain the ground scarlet.
He is not only a collector of magical artifacts, but a collector of queens, as well. The music box is the only thing unmarred by the red, so she steals it back.
She swears she can hear him howling the whole trip.
Bluebelle doesn’t tell Victoria what happens. She tells her to steer clear of the cat who could very be Bluebelle’s father, with a coat as vibrant as the sea, and Victoria doesn’t ask any questions.
Bluebelle doesn’t want to meet any of the other jellicles after that. She barely wants to talk to anyone ever again, with the exception of the few cats she already knows.
She and Victoria still dance to the music box though. Misto tries to follow along.
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