#the easier answer is I just don't want her to be the Witch of Being Mad or something
tulliok · 3 months
Why is Starlight the witch of Wine? :0
For the AU we wanted our magic users to have unique skills and titles, and for Starlight I decided on wine for a few reasons.
One reason is that I adapted the Cutie Map episode as a gangster story where Starlight (Stella in our AU) is a crime lord that operates a speakeasy under the guise of a hospitable innkeeper. The AU takes place in the Prohibition Era, so it felt appropriate to associate Stella's character with alcohol/wine after coming up with the story concept.
The other is I wanted Stella's magic to be influenced by negative and intense emotions (much like her show counterpart), and I figured the wine theme adds a visual and specificity. In addition to her magic being powered by emotion, she also has the unique ability to hex food and drinks. We might elaborate more on this when Bix and I have something more solid to put out regarding the AU's magic system.
I want to keep her alcoholism and problematic qualities even after her redemption arc, it makes her really fun to write in my head.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Apothecary - Chapter Four
joel miller x witchy!reader
series masterlist
questions are answered and truths are revealed. and they both cross lines they won't be coming back from.
warnings | 18+ canon-typical violence, angst, canon-typical descriptions of gore, smut (shhhh don't tell anyone) annnd spooky times, of course
a/n | y'all fucking rock for loving and supporting this series so much <3 my inbox is always open and i love to hear your thoughts about it. also i should mention this chapter is just a little bit longer, so get comfy before reading :)
The sun is only just rising when she sees him out of her house. Joel finds himself squinting in the faint morning light as he steps out on her porch, his eyes bleary from a night without sleep. 
“We’ll talk more later, right?” She leans against the doorframe, arms crossed as she asks him. He can see the worry lining her furrowed expression and he impulsively ducks his head to press a quick kiss to her lips, wanting to smooth out any uncertainty in her.
“Tonight, after my shift. Can I come by then?” Her expression eases into a smile and she nods, untucking her hand from where it was crossed under her arm to offer him a small tin– of what, he isn’t sure. 
“Salve made with comfrey root. For pain and swelling in those knuckles of yours.” Joel is starting to accept that knowing her is being constantly surprised by her, so he just nods and mumbles a soft thank you, taking the tin from her with his hand that isn’t all bandaged up.
“I’ll see you tonight, Joel.” 
“I’ll be here, darlin.” He’s still getting used to it, being able to reach for her and her reaching back, so his motions are a bit disjointed when he shuffles closer in search of another kiss. She makes it easier, though, bringing a hand to his jaw, a steady guide drawing him in. His nose barely brushes against hers when he jerks away in a flash, biting back a yelp as something brushes up against his ankles. He can tell that she’s holding back a laugh as she smoothly scoops Stevie up in her arms, the feline nuzzling up against her chin immediately.
“I think someone might be a little jealous.” Joel finds himself mirroring her easy smile, shaking his head before leaning in to steal that kiss he had been set on. It’s a quick little thing, Stevie letting out an indignant meow between them as he pulls away.
“You better go before Tommy comes looking for you.” One more look, one more smile, it feels like pulling away from a magnet as he leaves. He moves through town not fully there, his mind swirling with everything she told him last night. But the haze he finds himself walking through quickly clears when he makes it to the gate, finding his brother talking to Mason, who is clearly wound up judging by the way he’s in Tommy’s face. As Joel gets closer, Tommy’s eyes dart over Mason’s shoulder to him, prompting the man to turn around, revealing a clearly broken nose. Mason scoffs, looking once between Tommy and Joel before storming past them.
“Got something you wanna tell me, brother?” Tommy cocks an eyebrow at him, eyes glancing down to Joel’s bandaged hand before settling back on his face. 
“He got what he deserved.” Tommy snorts at that, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Oh, I know. It’s the talk of the town. Joel Miller went where no man has gone before– the witch’s lair.” He knows his brother is joking by the way he can barely get the words out behind a laugh, but Joel is having a hard time finding it amusing, huffing as he shoulders past Tommy, heading toward the stables to mount up and head out.
He and Tommy work well together, always have, and today is no different as they ride out for patrol, but what is normally a comforting quiet only gives Joel more time to stew over her dizzying story.
As far back as we could trace it– we’ve always been like this.
It’s energetic, really. Where others are closed, we’re open wide. 
I see the world in threads. Everything is tied together. What I do– what people call magic– is pulling on those threads.
He knows that he still doesn’t fully understand, but he reckons that she doesn’t fully understand either. What she could tell him, she did. 
She told him about growing up in Wyoming with her mother, how she first told her about these abilities when she caught her talking to a bird, and it seemed to be talking back. 
She told him how her mother was both revered and repelled in their small town, much the same way she is in Jackson. 
She told him that her mother had a vision the summer before everything fell apart, and took her out of her senior year of high school and up into the mountains to hide away while the world crumbled. 
She told him how they lived well like that for many years, until her mother had another one of her visions behind now milky eyes. A vision that it was time to go. 
She told him about the night before they were planning to leave, raiders coming in the dark and a stray bullet finding a home between her mother’s ribs. She wandered on her own for weeks, willing death to rejoin her with her family, but was instead found by Maria and one of the Jackson patrol groups. 
She told him about her time in Jackson. The people she helped. The lives she got tangled up with. And the men whom she always kept at a distance, beacons of grief and reminders of what people really thought of her.
She spoke as if in a trance, her eyes and voice unwavering save for the shuddering breaths she took between words. And when she finished, Joel had risen from his seat and coaxed her up with him, pressing her close in his arms until the shake in her shoulders steadied. 
He’s gotten the truth now, and he spins it over and over in his mind, his thoughts flitting up into the thin mountain air.
She’s being followed. Has been since she set out on her rounds this morning, paying house visits to folks in Jackson that need her care. Stevie lets out a sour hiss from her place tucked in her satchel, and she chances a glance over her shoulder. Sure enough, the black dog is following behind her at a close but respectable distance. If it hadn’t been going on since she left her house this morning, she probably wouldn’t even notice. But it had been sitting right next to her mailbox, head tilted at her as she stepped down from her porch, and she knew then that this wasn’t just a random visitor. It was an omen.
“Go on, get!” She waves her arm behind her, uselessly trying to shoo the dog away, who only looks at her with that same head tilt. 
Four other times this had happened. 
The first time, it had been an inky black crow, squawking and hopping along from house to house, trailing behind her. They brought him back that night, slung over the back of one of the horses, a smear of bullet wounds in his back.
The second time, it had been a rat that skittered along fence posts and wove between people’s feet. He didn’t even make it out of the gates that morning, trampled to death by a newly-trained horse. 
The third time, it had been a beetle, a creature certainly not indigenous to Wyoming. She kept picking it up in a glass jar and taking it outside, but everytime, it found its way back into her shop. A freak accident, people said, for someone so young to have a heart attack so suddenly. 
The fourth time, it had been a black dog, the same black dog following her today, though it’s now much grayer in the face. They didn’t even bring his body back that time, not after he was infected.
Finishing her last house call, she jerkily makes her way toward her shop, trying to ignore the icy prickle shivering up her spine at the sound of paws padding behind her. She’s trying not to look like a freak, but judging by the glances people are giving her as she walks through town, she isn’t doing a very good job of hiding her mounting panic. 
“I said go away.”
“Woah, I thought you told me you needed my help today, but I can go I guess.” She whips around from where she had been scolding the mutt at the sound of Ellie’s voice, finding her waiting in front of the store.
“I’m sorry, Ellie. I wasn’t talking to you, I was– well, I was–” She motions vaguely behind her to the dog that has now sat on its haunches, panting lightly and looking at them. Ellie, however, is entirely unbothered by the animal, walking right over to it and crouching down to pat its scruffy head. The sight makes her feel a bit sick, knowing exactly what the presence of this animal means.
“C-c’mon, that thing probably has fleas. Let’s go inside and get to work, alright?” Ellie smiles up at her, nodding with a sigh as she walks over to where she is unlocking the door to the shop. She keeps her eye on the dog over Ellie’s shoulder, even as she opens the door and motions for the girl to go inside. 
“You’re acting– weird.” She mutters something about not sleeping well, and although Ellie doesn’t seem to buy that, she shuffles inside. Before she follows after Ellie, she sets her satchel down just inside the door, Stevie stepping out and running to the back of the shop in search of the girl. She turns around to face the dog who has now inched closer to her, and does the only thing she can think to do.
The people of Jackson got quite the show that afternoon as she chased the scruffy mutt, her arms waving and muttered curses loosing from her lips, as far away from her shop as she could. 
“You stay. Do you hear me? He’s coming back– h-he is.” With a final huff, she turns on her heel, stomping a direct path back to the shop and slamming the door behind her, Stevie’s and Ellie’s heads whipping up at her blustery entrance. She just huffs at their wide-eyed stares, her shoulders slumping when she glances back through the shop door window and sees that damn dog sitting on the stoop, head eternally tilted.
It’s been a slow day of patrol. They rode up around the dam, relieved to not find any raiders, a seemingly perpetual nuisance. It must be late in the afternoon when they decide to start heading back through the thickening woods.
“So, you two are really making a go of it, huh?” Joel glances over at Tommy, grunting at his brother’s prying question.
“Suppose we are.” Tommy chuckles.
“You never did take any of my advice. Good luck, brother. But please, try not to make a habit out of busting people’s faces for her.” It’s meant in jest, but Joel shoots him a hard look from atop his horse.
“You would’ve done the same if you had seen what he did to her.” When Tommy’s brow furrows, Joel lets out a bitter laugh.
“What? Did Mason leave out that detail? I watched that fucker slam her head against a wall, Tommy. If I hadn’t stopped him, he would’ve done much worse.” Tommy mutters a low jesus christ under his breath, shaking his head at Joel’s words.
“Fuck, Joel– I’ll talk to Maria about this–”
“Don’t. Asshole like that– best to just let it go. I think I made my point. But if he tries anything again, I won’t hesitate, Tommy. I just won’t.” Tommy offers him a faint nod, both of them settling back into silence as they continue riding. 
It happens in a flash. Someone– or something– comes bounding out of the trees, spooking Joel’s horse enough that he gets thrown right off. He groans, scrambling to get to his feet as Tommy wheels around, but before Joel can get his bearings, he’s tackled back down to the ground. 
Snapping teeth and garbled shrieks, a disorienting mix as he struggles to push the clicker off of him. He can’t hear anything else, no clue if Tommy is alright, if they have any shot of making it out of this alive. All he can do is flail on the ground with this snarling creature, his bare hands doing little to repel its staggering force.
A cool fear starts to trickle in. A fear that this might be the time he doesn’t make it back.
She’s watching the clock, face scrunched into a permanent scowl of worry. The beds of her nails had all been picked raw several hours ago, and she had only stopped when they started to bleed. In her spiraling state, she had sent Ellie off early, not wanting to draw any more attention to her obvious anxiety. Stevie sits in the storefront window, hissing and clawing at the dog who has now laid down in front of the store.
It isn’t her fault. She tells herself this, over and over. She knows that it isn’t her fault. That it hadn’t ever been her fault, not now and not before. Deep down, she knows this, but the nagging voices of Jackson, and what people believe contrarily, seeps in around the edges of her mind, a sour poison that settles thick in her thoughts. And she braces herself for the worst, a full body tensing, waiting for the news to come.
Five o’clock. He should’ve been back an hour ago. But just as the clock rolls over into the new hour, Stevie stops hissing altogether. She gets up from her stool behind the old checkout counter, craning her neck to look out the window, but finds no sign of the dog that had been following her all day. 
She moves before she thinks, leaving the door to the shop ajar as she stumbles out and starts walking briskly toward the town’s gate. When she rounds the corner and the gate comes into her line of sight, the slow creaking of its opening resounding in her bones, her feet kick up into a stilted jog. It barely registers to her that she’s crying, the cool slip of it running down her cheeks. When she only sees Tommy riding in, she stops in her tracks, heart stuttering still in her chest. But she breaks into a sprint when Joel comes into sight, riding in just behind his brother. 
She lets out a yelp of his name, his head jerking up at the sound. A sob breaks in her ribs when his eyes meet hers, and he’s quick to slip down off his horse, taking a few tentative steps forward before she’s crashing right into him. 
A hard breath is pushed out of him as he stumbles back a few paces, his arms wrapping firm around her as she presses her face into his chest, her hands clinging to the fabric of his shirt. When she finally pulls away, she brings her hands to his jaw, holding his face still as her eyes search his.
“Are you– are you ok?” He nods, clearly caught off guard by her frenzied greeting.
“I am, but– how did you– I mean, I’m fine. Just a little bruised. But I’ll live.” His words make a laugh bubble up in her throat, and when she lets it loose he really does look at her like she’s gone crazy.
“The dog was wrong–” She lets out another bright laugh.
“The dog was wrong!” His brow creases in even greater confusion.
“What dog? What’re you talk–” She cuts him off with a hard kiss, a smooch really, the kind that would make a cartoon character’s head explode in a shower of confetti hearts. But Joel’s blush when she pulls away with a sweet smack accomplishes much the same effect.
“I am so glad you’re back.” 
“Damn, is this soup magic? Because it’s way better than anything Joel cooks.” 
“Kid.” Ellie looks up at him from where she’s all but face-planted into her bowl of soup, shrugging at his scolding. She takes it in stride, though, laughing at Ellie’s exclamation.
“Not magic– but I’m glad you like it.” It’s a strange sight, her sitting at his kitchen table. It had been even stranger watching her flit around his kitchen, cooking for him and Ellie like she had done it hundreds of times before. But she had insisted after he told her what happened on patrol, not letting him get another word in edgewise as she led him first to her shop to pick up Stevie and that satchel of hers, and then to his house where she had immediately gotten to work with whatever odds and ends she could find in his fridge. Joel would never protest at the promise of a hot meal that he didn’t have to make, and he has to admit that the kid is right, the soup is really fucking good.
The rest of their meal passes quietly, the continuous purrs of Stevie sitting in Ellie’s lap being interrupted only when Ellie finishes her bowl with a contented groan.
“That was so fucking good, seriously. Can you come over more often? Because Joel’s idea of cooking is opening a can of really old chef boyardee beef–”
“Kid.” Joel is entirely mortified, but once again, Ellie just huffs, coaxing Stevie off her lap and standing up to take her bowl to the sink, glancing at them over her shoulder.
“What? It’s true. Anyways, I gotta run– Dina and I are going to movie night together.” Ellie wiggles her eyebrows as she leans back against the sink, but before Joel can even tell her to be safe, she’s already bounding through the house and out the front door with a loud “don’t wait up!” All he can do is slump back in his chair with a huff.
“That nudge you gave Ellie is going to send me to an early grave.” She snorts at that, sitting back in her own chair across from him and crossing her arms over her chest.
“I think it’s sweet– a little young love could do this world some good.” With that, she gets up, grabbing her own bowl as well as his and heading over to the sink. He goes to get up, protesting at her cleaning up after them, but finds himself sitting back down with a wince that catches her attention.
“You feeling alright?”
“I mean– no. Feel like I got thrown off a horse, probably because I did.” She offers him a small smile, tilting her head.
“Let me get this cleaned up, huh? I think I can help with that.”
Just a little while later, when she has him lead her up into his bathroom, Joel reckons that her idea of helping may give him a heart attack.
“Do you like the water really really hot, or just warm?” He has to clear his throat and pull his eyes away from the soft curve of her jeans where she’s bent over the tub, fiddling with the faucet, before he can answer.
“Um, I don’t– I don’t know. I guess I’ve never actually used this thing.” She whips around at that, brow furrowed.
“You’re kidding, right? You have this super nice tub, and you’ve never used it?” When all he does is shrug, she sighs.
“Well, I’ll just have to show you what you’re missing out on then. Can you go grab my bag? I left it right next to the stairs.” He pads out into the hallway, finding her satchel slung over the top of the railing of the stairs just as Stevie comes slinking up the steps. 
“She asked me to get her bag for– Jesus christ, I’m talking to a cat.” He swipes a palm down his face, letting out a long sigh, only slightly shocked when Stevie lets out an inquisitive mrrp that sounds a whole lot like a response. 
“You stay, alright? Go– be creepy somewhere else.” At that, Stevie lets out an indignant mroowww, tilting her head at him. It’s certainly a first for him, having a staredown with a cat, but he assumes he wins when Stevie turns away with another little mrrp, padding silently back down the steps. 
When he reenters the bathroom, a haze of steam has filled up the room, and she’s sitting on the edge of the tub, checking the temperature of the water with her hand.
“There you are, thanks for grabbing that. You didn’t happen to see Stevie out there, did you?”
“Hmm? Oh, um, no, I didn’t. “ Luckily, she buys his answer, shaking her head with a light laugh as she takes her bag from him.
“Probably slinked off to find some trouble for the night. Anyways, let me finish getting this ready for you.” She pulls out a cloth sack from her satchel, digging her hand in and sprinkling what looks like salt over the bath. Before he can even ask, she explains it to him with a smile.
“Epsom salt. There’s a lake up in the mountains that dries out every summer and there’s always tons of this stuff on the lakebed. Mixed with a little lavender and chamomile to calm down inflammation.” He speaks before he can really think about it, feeling like a fool the instant the words leave his mouth.
“You’re amazing, d’you know that?” She laughs, keeping her eyes turned down as she swirls the water a few times with her hand before standing up to look at him.
“It should be all set. I recommend staying in there for at least a half hour, but really, if you can soak for more like an hour that’d be best.” She’s moving and talking so fast, slinging her bag over her shoulder and heading for the door, that Joel can barely stutter out his response, the flush creeping up his neck only burning brighter when he does.
“Wait– I thought you– um, I thought– would you– stay?” Fucking hell, just bury me now, why don’t you? Her eyes widen first, but then soften as a grin crooks across her lips.
“Joel Miller, are you asking me to join you?” 
“Only if you’d say yes.” Her grin broadens, beautiful and blinding. 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”
She realizes a bit too late that she’s nervous, her fingers trembling at the button of her jeans as they both silently undress. Her ears prick to the sound of a belt buckle clinking, the clean sweep of leather being pulled out of belt loops, followed by the quick thrum of a zipper. But she doesn’t look at him, not yet, to save what little nerve she still has worked up.
And then, when they’re both standing in a puddle of clothes, she wills her eyes to peel away from the tiled floor. She sees him in fragments, darting glances over sun-faded skin and soft strength, a thatch of dark curls that she tries not to stare at for too long. She finally looks at his face, and sees that he’s doing much the same, darkened eyes collecting her. She lets him.
“We should, um, we should get in– before the water gets cold.” She mentally kicks herself for the wobble in her voice, but Joel doesn’t seem to notice. In fact, he doesn’t seem to notice at all, his eyes still roaming over her. She says his name, and his focus snaps back to attention.
“Um, right– I’ll just–” There’s nothing graceful about Joel Miller getting into a bathtub, and that’s how she knows she’s really taken with him, because somehow she still finds it endearing. And she just about swoons when he holds a hand out to her over the lip of the tub. 
She doesn’t let herself think too hard about it, sinking into the warm water, her back facing him as she sits down between his legs. A careful hand slips over her hip, causing her to peer over her shoulder at him.
“This ok?” She hums her affirmation, letting him guide her back until she’s pressed up against the warmth of his chest. His palm skates over the top of her thigh, arcing out of the water to rest on top of her bent knee. 
“Just relax, darlin.” “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who’s supposed to be relaxing.” She feels the vibration of his hummed response running up her spine, and it coaxes her to slump further against him, her head resting back on his shoulder.
“Oh, I am, believe me.” She laughs at that, though it fizzles out when his hand dips back down under the water, fingers curling at the crux of her thigh.
“Can I ask you something?” She’s a little too distracted by the way his thumb is rubbing circles into the soft inside of her thigh to be embarrassed by the breathy uh-huh she responds with.
“Heard a rumor about you from some of the women in town.” That makes her stiffen in his hold, only melting a little when he presses a sweet kiss to the side of her neck.
“I bet you heard a lot of rumors from them.” He hums again, low and gravelly.
“I did– but I really wanna know if this one is true.” She tilts her chin up, neck crooking to look at him and the faint smirk he’s sporting.
“They said they’ve seen you out in the middle of the night, dancing naked in your backyard.” Water splashes up against the sides of the tub as she laughs, squawks really, at his words, quickly turning in his hold and tangling her hands behind his neck. She can feel him, warm and hard, resting along her thigh as she straddles him, and she revels in the pretty flush that spreads across his cheeks. She’s got Joel Miller flustered, and she likes it. Taking him for all he’s worth, she leans in, letting her lips trace the shell of his ear as she speaks.
“Only on Halloween, baby.” His fingers grip a little tighter along the plush of her hips, and she has to giggle at the spluttering exhale he lets out.
“Jesus christ– are you serious?” She sighs, tilting her head at him as she tugs lightly at the curls at the nape of his neck.
“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see, huh?” He swallows her laugh, lips finally slotting with hers, his palm trailing up her spine to press her closer, and it’s right then that she realizes how badly she had been jonesing for a kiss from him. This one is different than any they’ve shared before. It’s a kiss that takes its time, a slow exploration punctuated by murmuring sighs and wandering hands. She finds that he’s a stubborn kisser, always trying to get the upper hand, his tongue swiping across her lip before licking into her mouth. But she doesn’t let him have it for long, her teeth grazing his bottom lip, reveling in the little groan he lets out and using it to her advantage as she presses closer to him, the peaked slopes of her nipples dragging across his chest. 
He shifts his hips down and away from the back of the tub, giving her space to wrap her legs around his waist, ankles grazing his low back and she thinks briefly that his bathroom is going to be a mess, water sloshing out over the sides of the tub with their increasingly frantic movements. Though she doesn’t have much time to worry about it when he ducks his head down, pressing a sweet kiss to her sternum that is starkly contrasted by the subsequent drag of his lips over one of her breasts, teeth grazing over her nipple before he laves his tongue over the bud. She lets out a gasp of his name when he sucks the delicate skin into his mouth, no longer trying to hold back the grind of her hips into the coarse hair covering his pelvis, his cock brushing up against her ass with the movement. Seemingly satisfied with his ministrations, he pulls away with a sweet little pop, his eyes impossibly darker as he looks at her.
“Want you, darlin, so bad. Can I– fuck– can I have you?” Afraid of what her voice might sound like, her response to him is another bruising kiss, tugging just a tad unkindly on his hair as she shifts her hips back, both of them groaning when her cunt grazes the underside of his cock. 
“Want you too, Joel, please.” She doesn’t care that it comes out like a whine, too preoccupied with chasing the pleasure of his cock rutting against where she wants him most. But she stills when Joel places a firm hand to her hip, her brow furrowing at him.
“We’re not doing this in a fucking bathtub, not the first time.” She splutters out a laugh at his very serious expression, but she realizes he’s not kidding when he gently untangles her legs from around him, tugging her up along with him, water going everywhere as they step out of the tub in a slipping tangle of limbs. She’s finding that she can’t get enough of him, stealing whatever kisses she can get as he pulls her into the bedroom, her lips dragging down the column of his throat and over the top of his chest. And then a quick blur and breathy oof from Joel has them tumbling back onto his bed, her palms splaying out over his chest as she straddles his hips. They don’t stay like that for long though, Joel squeezing her ass and rolling them over in a surprisingly smooth move, slotting himself between her spread thighs. 
All of a sudden, things start to move slower, thicker, as he drags a palm down her torso, flipping his wrist around when he reaches her pelvis and cupping her heat in a flat press. She cants her hips into his hold, sighing at the firm grind of the heel of his palm over her clit. And while it feels good, it isn’t what she really wants.
“Joel– don’t tease. I just, fuck– just want you.” He grins, the bastard, shifting his hand to dip two of his fingers against her entrance, the stretch sweet and stinging when he pushes in. 
“Not gonna tease you, darlin. Just wanna get you ready f’me. Fuck– you’re driving me crazy.” She knows that he’s not just being arrogant, having gotten a good look, and feel, of his cock, but the steady rhythm of his fingers pumping inside of her is only making her want him more.
“Please, please– I’m ready, I swear. Just, fucking–” He shushes her with a quick kiss, and by giving her what she wants, moving his hand away and hovering over her, the heavy heat of his cock resting against the apex of her thighs. 
It’s all quiet communication. He draws one palm along the outside of her thigh, coaxing her leg up, her knee resting against his waist as she opens up even more for him. She drags her hands down his chest, the soft pudge of his belly, before hooking them under and around to press into the shuddering muscles of his back. It’s a languid motion, her hips tilting up to meet his rolling forward, both of them letting out broken sighs as he fills her completely. 
“Fucking– s’perfect- you’re perfect– I can’t– I– christ.” He breathes out a hard exhale, resting his forehead against her sternum, hips still flush with hers. She presses a smattering of kisses to his hairline, coaxing him to look up at her.
“Don’t think christ has anything to do with it, baby.” His chuckle at her smug words turns into a low groan when she flutters around him, both of them going a little sick with the pleasure of it all.
“Can I move, darlin? Shit– I’m not gonna last like this– feels too fucking good.” All he needs is her jerky nod for him to arc his hips away before snapping back, deep and slow, finding a push and pull that has them both sighing with each thrust. It feels like he’s everywhere, his mouth open and hot across her chest, his damp hair tickling the skin over her collarbone, his murmuring groans mixing with each of her sighs, and his throbbing length, every inch of him spreading her open again and again and again. She has half a mind to be embarrassed by how quickly she’s tipping over the edge of pleasure, but she doesn’t care, not when Joel is coaxing her into it with low drawling praises.
“That’s it, honey– so good like this– so beautiful– shit– come for me, please– need to– need to feel you–” He brings a trembling hand down over her pelvis, deft fingers drawing circles over her clit and it becomes too much all at once, his name leaving her lips in a quiet cry as she falls apart around him. He fucks her through it, his pace slowing into more of a deep grind that jostles them further up the bed with each stroke. All she can do is hold on, fingernails digging into his shoulder blades, her hitched heel pressing into his low back as he chases after his own high. She pieces herself together enough to drag her hand through his hair, pulling his face down so she can murmur in his ear.
“Want it so bad, Joel– please, baby– wanna see you come for me– let me see you– let me have it.” He groans out her name, sounding more like pain than pleasure as he pulls away, leaning back on his haunches to sloppily stroke his glistening cock. She moves in a haze of desire, scrambling onto her hands and knees, her face coming level with his flushed length as she drops her jaw and sticks her tongue out, spit pooling from want as she looks up at him through her lashes. 
She watches him closely as he comes with a slur of curses, breathless as the salt of his spend spurts onto her tongue, smudging across her lips and dripping down her chin. His shoulders slump, chest heaving as he runs a trembling hand through his hair, eyes not leaving hers as she sits back and swipes up the stray come on her skin, sucking her fingers into her mouth with a low hum. She’d never call that taste appealing, but the fact that it came from him, a sign of his pleasure which she had been sovereign over, sends a shiver up her spine as she swirls her tongue over her fingers. 
She’s trying to kill him, she has to be, with her little smile and the lewd pop of her fingers leaving her mouth.
“You’re fucking unreal, goddamn.” She laughs at his exclamation and he swallows the sound, pulling her in for a kiss, his mind going fuzzy at the taste of what he assumes is himself on her lips. Even though he feels like he just ran a marathon, he can’t help but deepen the kiss, their mouths molding and moving as they lay down in a close tangle. 
When they do pull away from each other, it’s with a shared sigh, and she rests her cheek on his chest, right where he knows she can hear his racing heart. She presses a kiss to that spot before tilting her chin up to look at him.
“I’m really glad you came back today, Joel.” His brow furrows, thinking back to earlier and the strange things she had said, her frantic greeting, and the relief that had been clear in her eyes. Another piece of her that he doesn’t quite understand. But he’s ok with that, with not knowing everything about her, at least not yet. She’s already unfurled so much of her life for him, and he’s prepared to wait patiently for whatever else she’ll offer him. As long as he gets to have her like this, warm and soft, keening into his touch, eyes hooded with a shared pleasure. 
No other words are needed, not right now. He coaxes her chin up with a gentle press of his fingers, stealing one more kiss before they both settle down in each other’s arms. 
taglist (i added some folks i thought would like to be, let me know if you want added or dropped lmao) : @boofy1998 @misspascaliverse @jasminedragoon @beskarandblasters @daddy-din @subconsciouscollapse @avidreader73 @pedgeitopascal @littlelou22 @wannab-urs @hannahlupinblack @whoiscaroline @leeeesahhh
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traegorn · 7 months
Okay. So I got a super long ask that is... a lot. And it's anon, so I can't respond privately -- but I want to address it.
Y'see, sometimes I get asks which I'm pretty sure get sent to me just because I'm a witch who happens to publicly exist on the internet. Like the person sending it to me doesn't seem to be someone who's familiar with the kind of stuff I say -- or else they probably wouldn't have sent it to me to begin with. And they ask me for advice or help though. So I feel like I want to give it still.
But it's probably not the advice they think they want.
Let's see how this one starts:
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So this is how it starts. Now the first thing you might be asking yourself is "When has Trae ever talked about 'demons' online?"
The answer is never. This is not a thing Trae talks about. Frankly, I don't even like the word, because it frames the supernatural world in a very Christo-centric viewpoint. Like I believe in noncorporeal things and "energy-shit," and I believe those things can be malevolent -- but calling them "demons" invites a framework I literally do not believe exists.
(You can think whatever you want -- I'm not in charge of you. I do think plenty of witches need to unpack their Christian upbringings though)
The other problem with the "which demon" line is that it implies some sort of authoritative list exists that wasn't just some jackass occultist writing down everything he could think of to piss off some Christians -- or some Christian pissed at some non-Christians trying to other and villainize them. These two kinds of people are largely where 99% of those lists come from.
If a noncorporeal being exists, and if it's malevolent, and if it's "attached" to someone... it's just some guy, y'know? This isn't some grand story. When someone gets mauled by a bear, we don't say "But it was Lord Ursus! King of all Bears!"
Nah. It's just "that bear over there ate Bob's face." We might name it then -- "That Face-Eater" -- but it's not special.
Anyways. That's just the first paragraph. There's so much more, I'm going to put in a cut.
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Okay. So... The person "Dabbles." You know I'm a witch, right? And that I literally promote people dabbling? Like I want folks to try stuff out. And like when y---wait, SUCCUBUS? I read that, right? You think she's a literal succubus.
Can she shape shift like in that Piers Anthony book?
This is where I kind of immediately fell off. Like, no ma'am -- she is not a succubus. She might be a shitty or manipulative person, I don't know - I just have your account of things, but she's not a literal succubus.
Human being. She is a human being. I don't even know what "creates deceit and deception" is supposed to mean. Are you saying she lies to them? Or are you saying she makes them want to lie? Because those are very different. If it's the former, okay -- liars lie. Got it. If it's the latter... nah. That is not happening. If they're lying, then it's their own damned fault.
And like... I don't want to dismiss the concept that a malevolent being can't attach itself to someone, because I've... seen shit I don't talk about. But, like, they don't make people do shit. People do shit all on their own.
If you're to be believed, it just sounds like you're dealing with a manipulative jackass. No external paranormal shit required.
But we continue:
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So I dated this person for a while, and she was great when we were the only people in the room. Like when it was me and her, the person she acted like made me fall in love with her.
But the moment a third person entered the room, she would become someone else. She was sharper, meaner, and more defensive. She wasn't the same person.
We broke up for a lot of reasons, but this certainly made it easier.
You're right, this isn't DID. This is just normal, human shit. We become different people at different times. And sometimes the better version we think we see in someone else isn't the true version of them at all, or at least it's only a part of them.
And sometimes when someone changes in a way you don't like in a different context, it's not always the context's fault.
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You need to define "portal." Different people use that word for different stuff.
And I see we're moralizing drug addiction. Great. Awesome. Horse is preeeeeeetty high there for someone going to random witches on the internet for advice.
And, like, ma'am (I've been assuming you use she/her from the context of this -- but I'm sorry if I'm wrong), you're asking a witch this and bringing up tarot and talking to spirits and... like... that stuff's normal for like 80% of the people I talk to on a daily basis. None of those people have "demons" attached to them.
It's a weird thing to bring up as "proof."
I feel like you've forgotten what community you've come to with your issue.
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So, nothing affects them. Could it be, and I want you to consider this, that it's because nothing supernatural is happening.
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There are so many details that I'm missing here, so I can't be sure of the actual dynamics at play, but what you're describing to me sounds like an incredibly mundane, human scenario.
Like, it literally just sounds like you're describing an incredibly unhealthy home -- and I'm not even sure if that's true since I just have your version of events. I don't even know the ages of the people involved. You have given zero indications of anything out of the ordinary happening that isn't explained by "one or more manipulative people are somehow involved in this story and it's unclear which ones they are."
This is not a "demon." What you've described is just dysfunction.
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DBD as The Owl House Quotes bcuz Yall Wanted It
Charles, pulling out a grenade in hell: Special Delivery! PAIN
Niko, episode 6: Not everything can be solved with upbeat attitudes and a dope soundtrack
Edwin: I only associate with a select few. Keep annoying me though, I'm happy to select fewer
Charles, to Edwin genuinely, at his literal grave: Long story short, this is my grave. Want me to make you one?
Esther: I am your MOTHER! You will obey me and DIE!
Charles: Finally, I'm about to be my best self Edwin: You're already your best self Charles: *starts crying*
Crystal: Talk to the glyph, WITCH!
Edwin/Charles: This mama is ready for trauma
Edwin: I respect your cunning but I also hate you for it
Charles, in the office storeroom: THE CHOOSY HAT! IT BROKE FREE!
Jenny, done with their shit: Quitting! It's like trying but easier
Charles: I will be haunted by my actions forever. Hoot hoot!
Jenny, every single day: Wait a minute, THOSE ARE MY DUMB KIDS!
Niko, after Jenny tells her no funny business: She never did mention anything about shenanigans
Edwin/Charles, being dramatic: MY ONLY WEAKNESS ... DYING!!
Niko/Charles, just existing: It's fun because it's stupid
Crystal, to David: You had your guards stalk me and then you cut off my head. I'm not going out with you
Edwin, done with everyone: You don't know diddly dang about squidily squat!
Crystal: What's your biggest weakness? Niko: Indecisiveness.... No wait I changed my answer!
Esther: Weaponizing my pride, well played
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heli-writes · 8 months
Seven summers, part 2.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x female!reader
Summary: Every summer, Draco and y/n meet. First, by pure coincidence, then intentionally. Unbeknown to Draco, y/n's a muggle who has no clue he's a wizard. With the rise of the dark lord, how long can this go well?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
Fourth summer
Y/n's giddy and excited. Today's the day she's been waiting for all year. She's meeting Draco today! They exchanged letters all year. Draco even sent her a package for Christmas. It was filled with a pink bottle of ink that glows in the dark and a notebook that makes her doodles move after she's finished them. Y/n presses the notebook to her chest bouncing up and down on her heel. Over the year, Draco told her a lot about all the magical things that happen at Hogwarts. Y/n spends half her year dreaming about the magic castle and even more time about Draco in it. It's fair to say she developed a crush. The only problem is that she hasn't found a way yet to tell Draco she's not a witch. She drafted about a hundred letters in which she tried to explain the misunderstanding. She never was satisfied with any of them. They all ended up being thrown into the trash. Her developing crush did not help much in finding the right words. She's excited about today but also a bit afraid. She hasn't decided yet whether (or how) to tell Draco about the whole not-being-a-witch thing. She's afraid he won't take it very well.
Draco and her agreed to meet at the entrance of Diagon Alley. However, y/n decided that she would talk Draco into spending the day in the normal world. He's shown her his world last summer and this summer she wants to show him hers. Also, she hopes it will change his opinions on muggles a little bit. Just enough, to make it easier for her to tell him the truth.
Suddenly, y/n hears a loud "Y/n! Over here!" behind her. Draco stands on the other side of the street. He's wearing a black shirt over an equally black pair of pants. His hair got longer, y/n notices. Draco has one hand in his pocket and the other one waves at her. Draco lets a car pass and crosses the street. He's got an equally big smile on his face as y/n. "Hey.", y/n says almost breathlessly. For a moment, both don't really know what to say but when their eyes meet, they both have to laugh at the awkward situation. "C'mer!", y/n says and opens her arms. Draco steps into them more confidently than last time and he hugs her closely. Y/n can't help but breathe in deeply. When they let go of each other she says: "It's so good to see you! How have you been?". "Good.", he tells her, "I'm just glad we're having summer holidays." Y/n nods agreeingly. "Oh, yes! I feel like this school year was a lot harder than the last one.", she tells him. "Yes, and don't get me started on these damn dementors.", Draco answers, rolling his eyes. Y/n smiles understandingly. Draco told her all about the soul-sucking creatures that guarded his school this year. "Honestly, I don't understand who thought it was a good idea to send these creatures to a school full of minors.", she says as she crosses her arms in front of her chest. Draco nods, then nudges her. "Enough talking about school. We did that all year. Let's have some fun today!", he tells her. Y/n gives him a bright smile. "Yes! Actually, I have an idea what we can do today. Have you ever been to an arcade before?", she asks him. "Uhm, no? Is that a muggle thing?", Draco asks confused. "Yes! It's a lot of fun. I promise!", y/n says enthusiastically. "Do we have to do that?", Draco half-heartedly tries to change her mind. Y/n folds her hand in front of her face and gives him puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please?", she begs. Draco dramatically rolls his eyes and gives her a lopsided grin. "Alright, but only if you're paying!", he teases her. Almost immediately y/n's hands shoot into her bag and she produces a large sack full of coins. "I'm prepared for that!", she announces proudly. Draco has to laugh at that. "Well, I guess that gives me no other option but to trust you.", he tells her and hooks his arms into hers. "Lead the way then!", he says.
It turns out that Draco is exactly how you imagine a wizard to be like when it comes to arcade games, namely absolutely clueless. When it comes to arcade game machines like Pacman, he absolutely sucks. He gets frustratedly quickly and tells y/n offendedly that "the game sucks" and "it's a muggle thing so it must suck anyway". Y/n just can laugh at Draco's pettiness and switches them to more hands-on games like whack-a-mole and air hockey. Draco is a lot better at these kinds of games. He absolutely slays at the whack-a-mole game. At some point, y/n can just watch Draco's quick reactions with an open mouth. He needs some time to adjust to the air hockey game, but once he's found his groves he absolutely destroys her at that game as well. "Ha, who's laughing now?", he asks her triumphantly after beating her after yet another game. "Alright, alright.", y/n raises her hands in defense. "You've beaten me. You're really good.", she tells him. "And?", he asks her demandingly while crossing his arms in front of his chest. "And I'm sorry I made fun of you earlier.", she gives in. Draco grins and puts an arm around her. "Let's get out of here.", he tells her and tries to lead her to the exit. "Wait, what about our prizes?", she stops him. "What prizes?", he asks her. "Well, we can exchange these here for a prize.", y/n tells him while raising the tickets they've collected. "Let's go. I even let you choose what we get!", y/n says excitedly and takes his hand, pulling him towards the counter in front of the wall of stuffed animals and other knickknacks.
"So, what do you want to get? We can choose anything that's marked with a blue point.", y/n tells Draco while letting her gaze wander over the different prizes on display. "These all look rubbish.", Draco tells her with a distasteful look on his face. "Of course, they're all trash! They're arcade prizes!", y/n tells him. "Then why do we even bother?", he asks. "Well... they're keepsakes! To remember our time together today!", y/n tries to explain, "Now, what do you want? Uh... what about that dragon figure over there?". Draco pulls a face. "That doesn't even look like a real dragon. What kind of race is that even supposed to be?", he points out. "Uhm.. dunno. A fictional one?", y/n answers and Draco gives her an unconviced look. "Look, it's not about the prize, it's about... the experience!", she tells him and turns around to the man behind the counter. "We take the dragon. The green one!", she declares.
"I guess that was fun.", Draco says as the two of them walk along the Thames. "It was, wasn't it?", y/n says and smiles. "I wish we could see each other more often.", she tells him a little bit embarrassed. "Actually, so do I.", Draco says and tries to avoid eye contact with her. Y/n giggles and hooks her arms into Draco's. Draco shifts his arm however and takes her hand instead. They both blush and look away. "You know... I'm around over the Christmas break. Is there any chance that you're around too?", he asks her. Y/n smiles enthusiastically. "Absolutely! This year I'll get you a Christmas present too!", she tells him excitedly. "You already got me the dragon.", Draco points out. Y/n laughs. "First of all, you won that. And second of all, it's something to remember me by until Christmas.", she teases him. Draco nudges her. "As if I could forget you. Plus, you are going to send me letters, don't you?", he asks suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Of course! I mean I need someone to tell me what Harry Potter is up to next school year.", she grins at him. "Well in that case, don't you forget to update me on Becky and her 'white trash' boyfriend.", he hits back. "Pff... they probably broke up again before the end of summer.", y/n waves the comment on her archnemesis aside. Draco thinks about that for a second. "That's kinda stupid. Why be together with someone if you're not serious about it. We'd be nothing like that.", Draco thinks out loud. Actually, he didn't mean to say the last part out loud. Y/n halts in her step. "We? As in boyfriend and girlfriend?", she asks with her eyes wide open. Draco clears his throat before quickly saying: "Well, um, yes. Hypothetically speaking, of course". Draco pulls at the hem of his shirt. Since when has it gotten so hot? "Oh, of course.", y/n quickly replies trying to hide her disappointment. Of course, he didn't look at her like that. Actually, Becky has made it abundantly clear this year that no boy ever would be interested in y/n like that, like ever. Draco notices her sad face. "I-i mean... it's not like I don't think you're attractive or anything like that.", Draco tries to save the situation. "You don't think that?", she asks confused. "Y-yes. Wait, no, I mean I do think you're attractive.", he clarifies. "Oh, really?", is all that y/n manages to say stupidly. "Yes, really.", Draco tells her softly. Y/n gives him a shy smile. "Thank you. Actually, I think you're rather attractive, too.", she tells him. "Even for a ghost?", the blonde teases her. Y/n slaps his arm and laughs. "Stop, I said that ages ago! Plus, I was a tad agitated, you know.", y/n defends herself. "Maybe, but there was some truth in it.", Draco says. "No, it wasn't.", she argues. "So my hair is not the same color as my skin?", Draco asks and raises an eyebrow. "Well... not if you sunbathe from time to time.", she points out sharp-tongued. "Man, I am going to miss your insults when I go back to Hogwarts next week.", Draco laughs shaking his head. "Oh, don't worry I'm gonna keep'em coming. Just keep looking out for that owl of yours.", y/n teases him. "And just 120 days until you can insult me in person again." Draco smiles back at her.
Christmas after the fourth summer
Y/n loves the idea of a white Christmas. Snow softly falls to the ground. A nice walk through the town. Some last-minute present shopping. Then return to your warm home, have a nice cup of tea, and watch a Christmas movie under the blankets. Unfortunately, English Christmas is nothing like that. It's dark, it's wet and the city is too hectic and way too loud.
So, she's not sure why she agreed to go Christmas shopping with Draco. Right now, she is standing at the side of a busy street. Pulling the hood of her bright yellow raincoat a bit deeper into her face, she hopes to protect herself from the pouring rain. Whose idea was it again to come here during the busiest days of the year? And then during this weather?, she thinks grudgingly to herself. A lorry drives by a bit too close to the sidewalk and a huge wave of rain water hits her legs. "Great, it's in my shoes now.", she grumbles to herself while trying to wipe the dirty street water off her legs. Suddenly, the rain stops falling around her and her vision gets a bit darker. Someone's holding an umbrella above her head. "Hey.", she hears Draco say closely behind her. She whirls around and takes a few steps back, noticing just how close Draco is standing behind her. "Whoa, watch out, the road!", Draco shouts, grabs her arm, and pulls her away from the road, closer to him. Standing together under the umbrella, in close proximity, the only thing that comes out of y/n's mouth is an echoed: "Hey". Draco gives her a soft smile. "Nice jacket.", he smirks. For a moment, y/n takes a closer look at him. He's wearing a dark, fancy coat and a dark green scarf. All in all, he looks very sophisticated, she thinks. Meanwhile, she's sporting her yellow rain jacket and a pair of jeans that, thanks to the lorry, looks like she fell knee-first into the mud. Also, her hair got wet earlier and now sticks to her forehead like a wet mop. "Thanks, it's the latest trend among muggles, haven't you heard?", she counters back, trying to hide the fact that she feels embarrassed about how she looks like a toddler during his first stroll in the rain. "Obviously.", Draco grins. "Have you been waiting long?", he asks her. "No, not really.", y/n lies. Actually, she arrived half an hour early but she's afraid that would seem a tad desperate.
"So, we're gift hunting, yes? Who do you need gifts for?", Draco asks. Y/n swirls around, looking at the different shops on the street. "Uh, for my parents and my best friend Leila. You?", she replies. Draco puts his hands into his pockets. "My parents, I guess.", he just says. "Nothing for your friends?", she asks. Draco hesitates for a moment before saying: "I'm not seeing them until the new year anyways, so why bother?". Y/n shrugged. "Is there anything particular that you are looking for when it comes to your parents?", she asks him. Draco thinks about this for a second. "My mom would probably like something from Twilfitt and Tattings or Madame Primpernelle's.", he then says. Y/n doesn't know these shops but her best guess is that they are behind the moving stone wall. "Let's go there then first. I'm sure we'll find something nice for her!", y/n tells him.
Draco leads her back to Diagon Alley. Of course, y/n pretends that the moving bricks are the absolute most normal thing she's ever seen in her life. However, she can only marvel in awe at what lies behind the wall. The alley doesn't look like the last time she was here. Sparkling lights moved above their heads. The whole place looks so much more magical than before. Draco takes y/n hand. "This way.", he says and pulls her after him. Y/n is surprised at how casually Draco touches her but immediately wraps her hand around his. Draco pulls her to a clothing shop that reads "Twilfitt and Tattings". A woman in fine clothes greets them inside and looks y/n up and down. Clearly, y/n is not dressed well enough to be in a shop like this. "Mrs. Annesley, good to see you again. I am looking for something that my mother would like.", Draco greets the woman casually. "Ah, Mr. Malfoy. Looking for a Christmas gift? What a wonderful son you are!", Mrs. Annesley chirps immediately, completely ignoring y/n's presence. Mrs. Annesley proceeds to show Draco a range of different accessories. Eventually, Draco chooses a dark scarf for his mother. Mrs. Annesley rings them up and the two are on their way.
"Is there anything you want to get your parents?", Draco asks y/n. Y/n just shrugs. "I don't know.", she just says. She can't really tell him that she probably won't find anything for her parents around here. "What about your dad? Anything he'd like?", she quickly tries to change the topic. All of a sudden, Draco feels a bit at a loss. "I don't know either. I think I'll just ask my mom to get something for both of us. She knows my dad better than I.", he says embarrassed. Y/n thinks it's a bit weird that Draco has no real idea for a gift for his father. "Well, my dad likes cars.", she tells him. Draco gives her a suspicious side glace. "Like the muggle thing for transportation?", he asks in disbelief. "U-uh, yeah...", y/n stutters. Cars are so normal to her, for a moment she forgot that Draco doesn't like anything muggle-related. "You know, maybe cars could be improved with magic.", she tries to explain but feels like she is only digging a deeper hole for herself. "Muggle transportation and magic?", Draco says in contemplation. Y/n nods at him vigorously. "Think about it! Muggle technology paired with magic. Sounds pretty innovative to me.", y/n points out excitedly. Draco shrugs. "I guess. You want to go back to the muggle world then? I don't think we can find anything car-related here.", Draco proposes. Y/n is relieved that this time it's him proposing to spend time in her world. "Sure, that's a great idea.", she grins at him.
Several shops later, y/n got a model car for her father, a sappy romance novel for her mother, and a bracelet for her friend. Happily, y/n looks at the bags of stuff she carries with her. "So, what know? The evening is still young.", Draco says. "Oh, I know! There's a Christmas market at the square down the street. We can have some hot cocoa there.", y/n suggests. "A Christmas market? I've never been to one."; Draco remarks. "Geez, then we have to go! They're fun!", y/n says and takes his hand.
A Christmas market is nothing Draco's ever seen before. Little, wooden shacks stand next to each other in rows. The smell of fried food wavers through the air and strings of lights are spun between the huts. Y/n and Draco stroll over the market and look at what the different stalls are selling. There are lanterns with stars and glitter, handmade candy, and decorations for Christmas trees. "Oh, you have to try these!", y/n says and runs off to a chart at the other side of the street. She comes back with a steaming paper bag. "What's that?", Draco asks. "Roasted chestnuts. They're great. Look you have to peel them like this and... voilá!", y/n says and presents him with the peeled chestnut. Draco looks at the chestnut uncertain. He's not sure stuff that falls from trees is something that people should eat. However, he eventually takes it and tries it. "And?", y/n says expectantly. Draco chews on the hot and very dry thing. "It's alright I guess.", he says trying to sound approving. Y/n giggles. "You don't like it.", she points out. Draco has to laugh too. "Hell no. Why on earth would anybody want to eat this?", he says, Y/n has to laugh harder. "They're chestnuts. It's a Christmas market. They go together, whether you like it or not.", she replies. "Well then, give me another one.", Draco sighs dramatically. Y/n and Draco sit side by side eating chestnuts and watching the buzzing of the market.
"Oh, actually I got something for you!", y/n suddenly exclaims and starts digging through her bag. "Huh? For me?", Draco says flipping a chestnut's shell away from his jacket. She produces a little box from her back and presents it to Draco. Draco takes the box from her and opens it. "What is this?", Draco says in absolute bewilderment. "A tamagotchi!", y/n grins. "A what?", he asks. "A tamagotchi. It's a digital pet.", y/n tries to explain. Upon seeing Draco's confused expression, y/n takes the device and explains how to use it. "I've been so free to already set up your pet. It will bleep if it wants something. If you don't take care of it, it dies.", y/n states seriously. Draco looks at her even more confused. "But... it's not alive.", Draco says as if she's crazy. "Well, yes, theoretically, but...", y/n doesn't know how to explain the concept to him. "You just have to take care of it. Take it as a reminder not to forget about me!", she eventually argues. Draco grins. "As if I ever could forget about you!", he tells her. Y/n blushes and pushes the tamagotchi back into Draco's hands. Draco stops her hands from pulling back and he carefully strokes with his thumb over her hand. "I've got something for you, too.", he says quietly. He lets go of her hand and pulls out a satin sachet from his jacket's pocket. Y/n opens the sachet and pulls out a silver necklace. At the bottom of the necklace, a tear-shaped pendant dangles from the chain. An emerald stone reflects the Christmas lights that hang above them. "It's beautiful!", y/n gasps. "Yeah, well, I hoped you'd like it.", Draco says rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. "Help me put it on!", y/n says excitedly and hands him back the necklace. Y/n turns around and waits for him expectantly. Softly, Draco pushes her hair out of the way and pulls the necklace over her head. When he's done, y/n turns around and asks: "And? How does it look?". Draco looks at her for a moment. Y/n's cheeks are a bit red. He's not sure if it is the Christmas lights above them, but he's sure there's a twinkling sparkle in y/n's eyes. "It looks great on you.", he says breathlessly. At that, y/n gives him one of her booming smiles.
"It's late. I guess we should head back to the station.", Draco points out. Even though y/n doesn't want to go, she nods. They get up and make their way to the station. There are a lot of people at the station. Families traveling to the countryside over the holidays. Young people taking the train home for Christmas. And y/n and Draco amidst them. "It's been fun today.", y/n says suddenly feeling very shy. "Yes, it's always fun with you, actually.", Draco replies. Y/n has to giggle. "Oh really? Even if you lose at stupid arcade games?", she teases him. Draco gives her a sly grin. "If I remember correctly, I won a dragon.", he shoots back. Y/n giggles again. Draco takes her hand and pulls her a bit closer to him. Suddenly, they are standing in close proximity again. "I'm really going to miss you.", Draco tells her. Y/n gives him an encouraging smile. "I'm going to miss you, too.", she says. "You know, there's no girl like you at my school.", he tells her quietly. I bet there isn't, y/n thinks to himself. "Well, there is only one me.", she says nervously. Draco smiles softly and says: "Yeah, there is only you". Y/n and Draco look at each other. Y/n takes hold of Draco's other hand. There's anticipation in the air. Both know what's about to happen, but neither has the courage to make the first step. Screw this, y/n thinks and leans in. She curses herself when she feels Draco drop her hand. She almost starts to lean back again when she suddenly feels Draco's hand at the back of her neck pulling her close. Then, their lips meet. They softly brush over each other. Y/n barely can register the kiss. Her head is spinning and her heart feels like it's about to explode. Draco puts some pressure behind the kiss before he pulls back. Y/n's mind is absolutely blank. She's surprised that she remembers how to breathe. Draco seems to feel the same way, at least he lets out a ragged breath. They just stare at each other with wide eyes.
A loud voice rips the two of them out of their trance. "Train 512 to Westbury is arriving at platform 1. Please keep your distance to the arriving train.", an electric voice booms through the hall. Draco clears his voice. "That's, uh, me. Gotta take that train. Our driver is picking me up at the station.", he says. "Oh, uh, yes, of course!", y/n quickly replies. The train arrives at the platform and the travelers rush to the doors in hopes of claiming one of the rare seats on the train. However, Draco doesn't move a muscle. Y/n's gaze switches between Draco and the train. Suddenly, Draco pulls her close. "Promise to see each other next summer?", he whispers. Y/n wraps her arms around him and whispers back: "Of course, silly!". There's a whistle behind them and y/n lets go of him quickly. "Go, you miss your train!", she tells him. Draco takes another look at her, then quickly enters the train. When the door closes, Draco lingers by the door giving y/n a solemn smile. Y/n can't help but think that he looks a little sad. When the train starts moving, she starts jumping up and down waving.
"Merry Christmas, Draco! And you better be sending me letters until next summer!", she yells. People are turning around to her in bewilderment. Y/n can see Draco laughing and shaking his head before the train door gets out of sight.
Tag list: @gypsylilim
[Please leave a note if you'd like to be tagged too.]
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prismuffin · 1 year
Hi! I saw you did Sally Face, and you hadn't gotten a request for it yet.
So if you can, how about a Sal fisher x Male reader that's into studying witchcraft and the paranormal?
You can decide if this would be a drabble, one-shot, etc..
A/n: say less anon leave this to me🫡
Little Dark Age
Sal Fisher x male!reader who’s into witchcraft
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kinda goes from headcanons to a little one-shot !!
warnings?: mentions of witchcraft and the paranormal,
!-!more under the cut!-!
—Honestly you being into witchcraft and all things spooky is probably how you met Sal.
—He'd definitely be intrigued, and would probably ask you for help in finding out the secrets of Addison Apartments
—You both click instantly, with his curiosity of the paranormal and your knowledge of it, you both fit hand in hand.
—He asks you a lot of questions regarding the paranormal and that's how he found out you're also into witchcraft.
—He makes jokes about potions and hexes and is actually shocked when you tell him that those are real, though they're not as drastic as people think. He quickly get's over his shock and quickly finds it super cool that you know about all of this stuff.
—He tells you about Megan and you suggest having a Séance in the room her ghost resides in to make it easier for him to communicate with her. It's now a regular thing you both do, sometimes you're able to contact her and other times you're not, either way Sal is still pretty impressed with your skill.
—You guys tried to get Larry to join you both for a Séance once but he freaked out after just stepping foot in the fifth floor, like he just refuses.
—The entire gang calling you a witch whenever they're talking about you
—Todd corrected them all once, calling you a wizard and not a witch since you're male and now it's the only thing Larry calls you. At least Sal still uses your name sometimes but Larry seems to have taken a vow to never say it again.
—After gaining a bit more trust in your relationship Sal would tell you about the shadow ghost he'd been seeing around, asking for help to contact it or seeing if you know more about it.
—You freak out when he tells you about it though he can tell you're trying to hide it. You give him a Hazar necklace (one of those blue-eye amulets) and tell him you'll place a protection spell on him while you look into his shadow entity.
—He now wears that amulet religiously and practically never takes it off.
—He's asked you to try and contact Larry's dad the way you do with Megan but you don't follow through with it since you're not sure how Larry would feel about it.
—When he first meets Ash he stupidly asks you to make a love potion for him. You tell him you won't do it because it can be dangerous and you're jealous, and he's a bit sad but understands nonetheless.
—I ran out of ideas so here's a one-shot about the scenario above
"Come on Y/n please! Just this once," Sal begged you as he stood in your living room, hoping that this time your answer would change, however it didn't. "No." "I'll never ask you for anything ever again! I swear! Come on man..use your wizard powers and whip something up for me!" "For the last time Sal, I am not making you a "love potion" for some stupid girl." You crossed your arms, a pout resting on your lips as your eyebrows furrowed. "Ash isn't stupid, she's-" Sal sighed in a lovesick way and you rolled your eyes. "Making a love potion can be dangerous, they tend to backfire, you know?" You drew Sal's attention back to you, staring into the holes of his mask where you could just barely make out his blue eyes. It took him a minute, but slowly he nodded, a sigh that you could barely make out escaped his lips and you chuckled.
"You could just confess to her you know?" You mentally cursed yourself out for suggesting such a thing. Even though a part of you wanted to help your dear friend with his girl problems another part of you wanted said girl out of his life completely. Luckily, Sal quickly shut down the idea, "No way man, it was hard enough for me to just become friends with her." You shook your head, biting back a teasing grin as you stared at Sal, "well sorry I can't exactly help you here. If you need me to summon the dead I'm all ears but you and your girl problems can go." You pointed towards the door with a quirk of you eyebrow and you barely saw Sal roll his eyes as he turned to leave with a huff. "Thanks for nothing Y/n, see ya." "Yeah yeah, see ya Sally Face." You sighed, hearing the door close behind, walking over to lock it back. You stared at the wooden frame as your mind wandered to the conversation that took place moments prior. A love potion...would it be hypocritical if you,,,- no! You quickly shook those thoughts from your head, scolding yourself as you walked to your room. Using a love spell on Sally would be ridiculous, not to mention the dangers you just warned Sal himself about. You flopped onto your bed, groaning into your hands as gay thoughts of you and one of your best friends flooded your mind. You can see why Sal felt hopeless enough to ask for a love potion in moments like these, a dry chuckle leaving your mouth at how hypocritical you sounded. 'Just confess to her' you said, as if you yourself don't tremble at the thought of doing the same thing. 'Maybe one day I'll tell him', you think, knowing in your heart that it's probably not true.
( i hope my limited knowledge on witchcraft and the paranormal was enough)
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info first!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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gildedmuse · 6 months
With credit towards @jhaernyl who shared some fantastic doctor/surgeon humor with me that ended up leading to.....
The ZoLaw AU No One Asked For...
Where Law is a surgeon on some small Northern Island.
Recently Transfered Nurse Sabo: Excuse me, sir, there is a man here? Roronoa Zoro. He's apparently suffered a small injury.
Law: *sighs* Let me guess, that loudmouthed robot made him come in.
Nurse Sabo: No, he-
Law: Robo-ya's wife then. At least one of them is sensible.
Sabo: He came alone, sir, said he was training and suddenly felt something was off balance. I couldn't -
Law: *Going completely still*
Law: *Turning and grabbing the poor new trainee by the shoulders* QUICK! Answer me this: did he finish his training?
Sabo: Err, no, he said he was worried and he came right in so-
Law rooming down the whole hospital.
Law: WE CANT LET HIM GET AWAY HE IS SERIOUSLY INJURED *Pointing dramatically as Shachi and Penguin nod to one another, both grab jing gurneys and blocking off the ER exit*
Zoro: *Raising an eyebrow, though also still suspiciously holding onto his arm* Honestly, Torao it was no big deal, I feel fine now.
Law: *sighs* Zoro-ya... *looking down at the floor.*
*....And there is just a trail of blood on the floor leading to Zoro who is holding into his arm which he has (roughly) bandaged on.*
Zoro: What?
Law: .... Zoro-ya, give me your arm. Now.
Zoro: Torao, I told you, its fine, I just needed some ba-
Law: Give. Me. Your. Arm.
Zoro: Tch *hands over his stupid traitor arm*
Trainee Nurse Rebecca: *passes out cold*
Law: Zoro-ya, what has Law said about cutting off your own limbs!?
Zoro: But you always fix it and it was easier than-
Law: That's not the point Zoro-ya! You can't just cut off limbs whenever it's easy!
Sabo: So are they always like this?
Older HCA Ikkaku, who is used to these idiots: *holds out popcorn bucket to share*
No words. Her show is on.
Sabo: But none of the TVs are-Ooooh HCA Ikkaku: I said shhh!
Ikkaku: Roronoa just mentioned Doctor Trafalgar just being sour over Zoro's ankle stitches. That ALWAYS leads to drama.
2nd HCA aka Perona: *appearing from nowhere to grab a handful of popcorn* Doctor Trafalgar hates those scars. Everyone in the hospital - depth, probably the whole town - knows as much. Law doesn't exactly make it a secret.
Like catching someone up on a your favorite long running television show.
Only its live and one of the people is holding a detached bloody arm.
Ikkaku: *ignoring the wide eyes stare from young nurse* Ooh, Looks like Roronoa is going to let him attach it.
Perona: *giggling* Doctor Trafalgar is gonna give him such a hard time! Horohoro, I'll bet he wouldn't even call for the anesthesiologist!
Ikkaku: Yo, new guy, stop just standing around and get your pal there off the floor.
Perona: And hurry up, we doesn't want to miss when Roronoa finally smiles. Doctor Trafalgar goes bright red! It's SOOO cute! 💕
She's right, too, as anyone whose worked there long enough will attest. It's the best part of the whole show.
The trainee and new transfer are not sure about all this, but the employees who have worked there awhile seem to be.... enjoying it?
Zoro: Hey! Last time, when Robin made me come (damn noisy witch) and I showed the lady what was wrong, she passed out and you got all-
Law: Because you can't just show our poor check in team a gaping chest wound, Zoro-ya!
Law: *eyebrow twitching* Still! You're supposed to mention when you've CUT OFF YOUR OWN ARM!
It doesn't seem fair for Torao is getting so upset with him, especially since this time Zoro came in without even being made to. Oh, and he knew it wouldn't be a problem! Torao is the best surgeon in the world, Zoro knew he'd be able to fix him.
Sure enough.....
Zoro: Oye, Torao! Look at that! It's good as new! *Bright, sharp smile* See, ai knew there was a reason we kept you around!
Law: *immediately frozen*
HCA Ikkaku: *nudges nurse* Wait for it...
Law: *frozen*
HCA Perona: *holding onto the trainee Nurse too tightly, eyes wide* Here it comes....
Law: *whole face turns bright pink, pulling his surgery mask up as if hiding* Whatever you idiot! Now, stop getting yourself hurt! I'm not sewing on any other limbs for another month at least, I swear!
Zoro: You are the best, Torao *smile getting even brighter*
Perona: 💕 Ahh, aren't they so cute? 💕
Rebecca: Are they?
Sabo: Or are they just scary?
Zoro: *still with that sharp smile as he twists his arm, practicing all his sword moves. Absolutely glowing with pride* Not even a scar, doc. You really are the best.
Law: Of course I didn't leave a scar! I'm not some useless sack of flesh like that Hogsback asshole. I would never leave you with an unwanted mark.
Zoro: *still studying his arm, smile becoming softer, warmer* You know... I wouldn't mind a little mark. So long as it was from you.
And Law's mask gets pulled up so high he's practically got his eyes covered.
(It's both.)
(They're both adorable and scary.)
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ashleycatchemm · 6 months
1-24: Finally Free
Part 24 of??
Pairing: Reggie x Reader, Luke x Julie, Alex x Willie
Summary: (Y/n) (L/n) has been able to see and feel ghosts ever since she was little, which made it hard to tell the ghosts from the humans. Everyone has always thought she was a bit crazy, even her best friends, Julie and Flynn. But when three ghosts with a love for music appear in Julie's garage, suddenly (Y/n) doesn't seem so crazy anymore.
Song: Finally Free (Julie and the phantoms)
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Season 1 Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Pulling into my driveway I parked the truck and hopped out, leaving the door open for Arius to come out behind me. Once the black cat jumped out of the blue truck I shut the door behind him, a banging noise catching my attention from across the street. Looking over, at the big blue house across the street that's been for sale ever since I remember, no one has wanted to buy it, and when they do, something always seems to cause them to back out.
People have been saying that it's haunted, but I've lived here all my life, and I haven't seen or heard a single ghost from over there. My eyes drifted down to the man hammering in a new sign, only this one was different, it had the word 'Sold' written on it in big bold letters. "Hey Arius?" I didn't bother looking back at the black cat, eyes trained on the sign across the street.
A hum in response gave me the okay to ask my question. "Do you think there are ghosts in that house?" Nodding my head over to the house across the street, watching the man start to pick up the sign he pulled out before replacing it with the other. "I doubt it." Looking back at the cat, I noticed he disappeared, (e/c) eyes glanced around to catch any sign of the demonic cat, only to see him sitting next to me. Blue eyes glued to the house in front of us, tail moving in an annoyed way.
"Your grandmother cleared out that house ages ago."
My brows furrowed in confusion, "So then how did it not sell for years?" I shoved my hands in my pockets "If it's been cleared out for ages, how is it just now getting sold?" Arius didn't give much of a helpful response "I don't know." he turned around and started making his way towards the front door. "Wait." I stated, quickly following after him "What do you mean 'I don't know'? Aren't you supposed to know everything about my grandmother?" Sitting by the door, he growled out a response "I don't know, because I wasn't there."  Arius' temper seemed to flare up at the subject and that's when I felt it. The pang of emotional hurt, it wasn't big enough to get a reaction from me, but I knew one thing. It wasn't my emotion I was feeling.
It was the demonic cat in front of me.
Arius' ears were drooped downward a little, tail wrapped close around him, the end being curled between his front paws. Sitting down on the steps of my front porch, I asked the question on my mind, not knowing if he'd answer me or just yell at me and go back to being closed off, either way, I need to know. "Why weren't you there?" He was silent for a second, tail whipping back and fourth in an agitated manor. After a minute or two, he finally spoke up "Once witches and warlocks get older, they start settling down. Having kids. Getting married. That sort of thing." I stayed quiet, not wanting to jump in.
If there are warlocks out there, then I wonder just how many more people there are like me..
"Eventually, there is a point in our lives where we feel we aren't needed anymore to our masters, so we would leave. No goodbyes, or farewells. Since demons get attached to their witch or warlock, we feel it's easier on us to leave without goodbyes. Breaks the bond faster."
I watched as the cat next to me looked up at the sky his blue eyes shining with an emotion I've never seen on him before, admiration? Maybe even love. His mouth opened a little, as if trying to smile, pointed teeth visible for all to see. "Your grandmother was different than the other witches and warlocks in your family. She could tell I was going to leave. She knew that something was off when she talked to me that night. She sensed it." Arius looked out in front of him at the house across the street, the same house that started this conversation.
"(G/n) engulfed me in the biggest hug, and begged me to stay with her. And so I did, because she was my weakness. Anything she asked of me I would do, all to make her happy."
Arius' expression seemed to falter "But then, it all turned to shit." His teeth bared in anger, claws gripping onto the front porch. "One of her sons got themselves into deep shit. And so your grandmother sent me away in order to protect her family from the ministry." His expression shifted into a scowl as he laid down, front paws hanging a little off the end of the porch. "I'm not mad at her for what she did. I know that they could've easily tracked me and then her family would've been in danger. I just... I wish there could've been another way. 36 years I spent with (G/n), and yet it still wasn't enough. I wanted a little more time with her." The black cat grew silent, not wanting to say anything else as he rested his head on his front legs.
I stared at Arius, having another aching feeling in my chest, it was the same as the last one, having not been my own emotions. Raising my hand up, I brought it over so that it was hovering over the demonic cat's head. I kept it there for a second or two, debating my choices, He'll probably swat at me. But in that moment I decided that I didn't care, because I felt like I should give him some kind of comfort, even if he does swat me away. Bringing my hand down, I gently rubbed his head, cautious of his movements, not wanting to get hit.
To my surprise, he didn't fight back, closing his eyes, Arius let out a small sigh in content. This bond has to start somewhere. Looking up at the clear blue sky a small smile crossed my lips, feeling good that I finally did something to help someone I'm glad it's starting here. And talking about Grandma no less. Looking back down at the black cat, he let out a small huff before shaking my hand off of him and sitting back up.
"So I don't know what (G/n) did to that house. She probably put a spell on it to keep the ministry from finding her. Or from finding her sons. Everything she did was to protect the people she cared about."
"Before she sent me away, she told me to look after you if something were to ever happen to her. Your mother was pregnant with you at the time. And, well, I could feel it. The bond. Before you were even born. I sensed that you would be a powerful witch and I could tell that (G/n) sensed it too. So now I'm going to train you the best I can, and look after you. But I can only do so much."
I nodded my head, understanding what he was saying. I can't keep running away from what I am. That means I'm gonna have to start cooperating with Arius. The black cat looked over at me, his usual bland stare on his face. I opened my mouth to say something but the noise of a ghost appearing caught my attention. "Hey (N/n)!" The boy clad in his leather jacket was quick to state, walking forward a little he pointed back and forth from me to the cat sitting next to me.
"Is this a bad time?"
I shook my head a little, a smile gracing my lips at just the sight of the ghost in front of me. "No. Not at all." Feeling the pull at my chest, causing me to stand up and walk towards Reggie. "Why?" The bassist in front of me radiated happiness as he met me halfway and grabbed ahold of my hand "We got to practice! Our first gig is tonight!" Dragging me down my driveway "Woah, Woah, Woah, Tonight?" I was quick to stop in place at the end of my driveway, causing Reggie to come to a halt as I pulled back on his hand.
The dark haired bassist in front of me tilted his head a little as if confused as to why I stopped him "And I thought Julie was all done with the band? She told me herself that-" Reggie jumped in, successfully cutting me off to answer my questions. "We all made up. But we have to hurry and practice because our gig is in a couple of hours." He pulled me a little bit along the side walk, only for me to quickly come to a stop once again. Still not processing the information.
"Wait Julie forgave you? When? And when did we get a gig?" Reggie rolled his eyes in amusement "What even-"
I was cut off once again, as Reggie pulled me toward him and wrapped a hand around my mouth. Faces inches apart, his award winning smile sitting on his face "I'll fill you in on all the details later. Right now we need to go, okay?" His arm sat wrapped around my waist, I felt my cheeks grow warm from the close proximity. I nodded my head in response, that being the only thing I could do, even if his hand wasn't covering my mouth, I don't think I would've been able to muster a single word.
Well, At least non that would make sense...
His hand left my mouth, finding my own once again. Gripping it tight, he pulled me along to go to Julie's. Looking back I caught sight of the black cat following close behind me.
I don't think he's gonna leave my side anytime soon.
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"Okay. What's with the cat?"
Alex had his eyes trained on Arius sitting on the couch, as Julie walked over to him. "I think it's cute" reaching her arm out to pet him, I was quick to jump in "Uh, Julie, I wouldn't..." the black cat was quick to jump up from his position on the couch. Hissing at Julie, his fur standing up, back arched, ears pulled back to show his agitation. The curly haired singer pulled her hand away in surprise, Arius was quick to make his way towards the other end of the couch, settling down. His eyes glanced at Julie, sending her one more growl before looking back at me.
"What's its problem?"
Alex questioned, seeing as how Arius almost hurt one of his friends. Picking up my rhythm guitar, I put the strap over my shoulder while speaking on the cats behalf. "He just isn't fond of most people. So don't try to force it." Arius growled briefly as I spoke, causing me to send him a look as if to say 'Behave' the black cat huffed while whipping his tail back and forth in aggravation, but overall growing silent. "Well, now that the cat conversation is out of the way..." Reggie grabbed everyone's attention as he walked over next to me, swinging his bass strap over his shoulder.
"Let's get started."
Julie nodded her head in agreement as her and Alex made their way over to their instruments.
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All four of us were playing the cords to Finally Free as Julie sang "Marching on proud, Turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth." Luke suddenly appears in the chair by the coffee table, causing the four of us to stop playing. Letting out a small "woah" he noticed the four of us by our instruments. Standing up out of the chair "Julie." He stated, surprised to see her by the piano.
"Grab your guitar. We got work to do."
Luke started at her for a moment, mouth agape, only to let out a small chuckle as he grabbed his guitar, which stood by me. Walking over to Julie he asked "What made you come back?" Julie stood up from her seat "I realized how important music is for all of us. And we've lost so much already. We can't lose this too." Luke nodded his head a little "Thanks." He responded, only to ask "All right boss. Where we at?" In order to lighten the mood a little, letting out a small chuckle at his own question.
"Oh, and by the way, happy birthday."
Julie sat back down in her seat in front of the piano, a small chuckle passing her lips, again Luke stared at her in disbelief. Glancing over at the guys as if they would tell him how she knew, looking back at Julie a smile crossed his lips before making his way across the room.
"Let's take it from the pre-chorus." Julie stated
Alex banged his sticks together "One, Two, Three, Four." And with that the five of us started singing and playing, in order to practice for tonight.
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"You can't come with me Arius. We've already discussed this."
The black cat sat on my bed as I proceeded to do my make up for the gig. "I'll go in my human form."
"What about if Julie and Flynn see you?"
"I'll make up an excuse as to why I'm there."
Putting the mascara down, I turned around to face the black cat on my bed, the two of us stared the other down as if trying to silently win the argument. Letting out a sigh, I pinched the fridge of my nose all while stating "Fine. You can go" The demon determined to be by my side every second of everyday let out a small cheer before getting cut off by me "But..." his cat like eyes seemed to narrow in aggravation as I told him the terms of the agreement. "...You have to stay outside of the coffee shop, in your cat form the entire time. Got it?" My eyes narrowed back at him as if daring him to challenge my decision.
A huff of defeat passed through the black cats nose "Fine. As long as I'm there, I really don't care." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard, grabbing the attention of both me and the demon across from me. "Hey (N/n), you ready to go?" Near the door stood the boy that made my heart practically jump for joy, just from the sound of his voice. Reggie stood clad in his black tank top, biceps clearly being shown which caused my eyes to drift a little to look at them.
My bottom lip found its way between my teeth, all while my thoughts started to get impure. "(Y/n)?" The bassist's voice brought me back to reality, I was quick to let go of my lip as my eyes darted back up to his own. "You okay?" He continued, raising his brows as if to question my behavior. Shaking my head a little to bring myself back to my senses I sent him a small smile "I'm fine. We should get going." all while making my way towards my bedroom door, Arius hopping off my bed and following close behind.
Reggie followed me out the door to my room "The place isn't to far from here is you want to walk together." I started to walk down the steps as I explained "Reggie, if I walked down the street with you, people would think I'm a crazy person talking to herself." The sound of a ghost warping could be heard behind me, only for the dark haired boy to reappear right in front of me at the bottom of the stairs. This surprised me causing me to almost fall back, only for him to grab my arms and hold me steady, our noses inches apart. I felt my face grow warm at the proximity, feeling that tug from my chest, the urge to just lean over and capture his lips in my own.
"We don't even have to talk, just walk and hold hands or something."
Reggie's eyes went wide as he let go of me and took a couple steps back "I-I mean..." I could tell that he was frantically trying to come up with an excuse, but I didn't care at that moment. "not hold hands, but ya know..." because when I looked from his eyes to his hands, I realized how much I wanted to hold it in my own. "I just-" reaching over I snatched his hand in mine, effectively cutting off the dark haired bassist
"Let's go." I stated, all while dragging him towards the door.
Getting a small response of "Okay" from Reggie as Arius followed the two of us out the door.
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Once we got to the coffee shop, I was quick to try to let go of Reggie's hand, only for him to tighten his grip and pull on it a little, refusing to let go. Looking back at the golden retriever boy behind me, my eyes narrowed as if to tell him to let go. "I know. But, just let me hold your hand a little longer...Please?" I was confused, I didn't know why Reggie was acting like this, but tonight feels different with Reggie. I couldn't place my finger on the reason why.
Looking around at the people walking in, I noticed a lot of them eyeing me and whispering to their friends. Looking back at Reggie I leaned over a little to whisper "Reggie. People are staring." It felt suffocating to be standing there with him at the moment, knowing that what everyone was seeing, was that my hand was out in the air holding onto nothing, and I was talking to no one.
Reggie's eyes held an emotion I couldn't quite place, maybe desperation? "I don't care if they stare." The dark haired bassist took a step forward, bringing our interlaced hands up to his chest, eyes begging me to just hold his hand a little longer. "Please (Y/n). I just want your touch right now." I didn't know what to do, I took another glance around at the people and noticed more staring and pointing fingers. I looked down at Arius as if to ask him for some kind of help, only for him to hop on a trashcan and say one thing.
"He's a ghost. So be careful how you handle this. I will explain to you want is happening later. But for now, focus on taking care of this."
My eyes landed back on Reggie's, not knowing what to do or say, I just shook my head all while saying a quick apology "I'm sorry." Pulling my hand away, I walked off into the bustling coffee shop.
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"Hey did I miss anything?"
I asked Julie and Flynn as soon as I got over to them. "Nothing exciting, that's for sure." Flynn stated, directing my attention to the stage. There clad in all pink to perform with her dancing divas was the queen bee herself, Carrie Wilson. "Hope you all came to have a great time!" Carrie's obnoxious giggle left her lips as the crowd clapped. An annoyed growl left my lips from her appearance to ruin my night "Dirty Candy?" Julie asked only for me to jump in "How did she get on the list?" Flynn gave both of us a look, as if we should already know the answer.
"Her daddy made a call"
Crossing my arms across my chest, I stared daggers at the girl on the stage all while Flynn commented on Julie's outfit.
"Whenever I walk in the room, All the focus on me"
Carrie walked forward on stage, her girls joining behind her "The way I talk, the way I move, they all want on my team." I rolled my eyes at her cheap dance moves, not wanting to sit through this what so ever. "Not trying to brag, brag, but I'm flawless. I'm taking over your playlist. Ain't perfect but I can't miss. Yeah" looking back at the boys who suddenly appeared behind us, I noticed Luke smiling and enjoying the performance, Alex looked a bit antsy, and Reggie held a pensive look on his face, not seeming to interested in the girls dancing in front of him. Almost as if he was lost in his own thoughts.
He's probably just as confused about what happened as I was.
Looking back on stage I noticed Alex appear behind Carrie who was now on the floor, I covered my mouth as a laugh almost slipped past my lips. Julie seemed confused, looking back at the boys to see why he did that but Reggie just shrugged in response. Alex seemed lost  for a moment, only for the girls to stand back up as he started dancing with all of them, causing a small giggle in amusement to escape my lips.
When he was done he appeared back next to me, I sent him a smile and shook my head at his funny antics while Julie commented "You having fun out there?" Alex cleared his throat before coming up with an excuse "It's not my fault, it's my um..." he paused "It's my feet" I just shook my head while saying "Yeah, okay."
"Put me back in coach."
And with that Alex was gone, back to dancing on stage with Carrie and her crew. I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind as Reggie took Alex's spot beside me. "Can we talk?" I shook my head in response "not here Reggie." I glanced over at the boy next to me only to see his eyes narrowed in aggravation. "I don't care. We need to talk about this. Because what happened earlier was weird, you must have noticed that much. I don't know what's going on with me and, and  I'm confused-" I kept facing forward as to not draw attention I whisper yelled at him "Reggie!" Successfully cutting him off I stated "Not. Here." Saying it firmly worked to an extent. An angry scoff left his lips as he crossed his arms and went back to standing next to Luke.
The song was soon to end as Alex took in all the praises. Before warping back next to me a giant smile on his face "I uh... I was just... doing that for you guys" Reggie nodded his head "Mhm. yeah. You can stop smiling now." Alex chuckled at Reggie's comment. Julie grabbed our attention "Not gonna lie. That was... kind of good." Flynn nodded her head in agreement "Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much." I scoffed while saying "I didn't forget my reason for hating her." I noticed her making her way over to us.
"Speak of the devil."
I stated all while receiving a glare from the bitch in response, I sent her a sarcastic smile all while flipping her off. Carrie ignore my actions and turned her attention towards Flynn and Julie "Hi girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?" Flynn looked between Julie and I "Now I remember." Before looking back over at Carrie. "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come." Flynn and I both scoffed in response to her statement, knowing she was just trying to take a jab at Julie.
Stepping towards Carrie, Julie was quick to stick up for herself "That's not why I'm here." The sound of the microphone was quick to grab everyone's attention.
"Ok, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group, Julie, (Y/n), and the fat ones"
The four of us turned towards Luke in annoyance while the girls in front of us laughed. "Really?" Alex asked.
"Yeah man, my Handwriting sucks."
The four of us rolled our eyes as Julie and I went to walk on stage, but not before I angrily bumped my shoulder into Carries.
Julie was quick to make her way to the piano, as I grabbed the rhythm guitar "Hi, it's actually Julie,(Y/n) and the phantoms" looking around she noticed no one was really paying attention, taking a glance over at me I motioned for her to continue. "Okay." She stated into the mic and started to play the piano. "Hearts on fire, we're no liars, so we say what we wanna say." I played my rhythm guitar as I continued the next line of the song "I'm awaken, no more takin' so we push all our fears away." The two of us started singing together "don't know if we'll make it cause we're falling down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." Julie now sang alone.
"I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine"
The boys appeared playing their instruments as Julie got up, bringing the microphone with her, I stood in the back behind Luke as the two of them sang. "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free." Julie started singing by herself while she hit a tambourine on her hip.
"We're all bright now, what a sight now coming out like we're fireworks"
I sang the next part alone "Marching on proud, turn it up loud, cause now we know what we're worth"
Julie and Luke sang the next part together as I went back near Reggie "We know we can make it when we're not fallin' down under, close my eyes and feel my chest beating like thunder." All while Julie and Luke stared contently at each other "I wanna fly, come alive, watch me shine" Reggie and I leaned into our mics as we sang "ooooh" while Julie and Luke sang the Chorus "I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and your a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Reggie suddenly jumped over to Luke's Microphone and sang with him, I felt a jolt of pain corse through my chest for a second as I watched Reggie's every move, I could feel the pull on my chest getting stronger and stronger with each passing day, and it doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, considering the effect it's starting to have on Reggie. That's the only explanation for his behavior earlier, but the only way to be sure is to ask Arius.
"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me, now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free"
Julie and Luke now sang alone, meeting halfway Julie sang "I got a spark in me" she leaned the mic over to Luke as he echoed "I got a spark in me" the way Julie and Luke were staring at each other made me look back at Alex and Reggie for answers "And you're a part of me" Alex just shrugged with a small smile "And you're a part of me"as Reggie shook his head a little as if to say that he didn't know either.
"Now till eternity"
"Now till eternity"
"Been so long and now we're finally free"
We all started playing our instruments again as Reggie, Luke and I all sang the chorus while Julie sang in the background "I've got a spark in me, hands up if you can see, and you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me" Julie sang "Yeah" as the rest of us continued "now till eternity, hands up if you believe, been so long and now we're finally free."
Reggie, Luke, Alex and I went back to doing the "oooh" as Julie sang "Finally free, yeah" Luke and I jumped in at the end "Been so long and now we're finally free" everyone stopped playing as Julie let me have the last note.
"Finally free, yeah..."
The crowd went nuts as they all cheered and applauded, the five of us took a bow as the boys disappeared. The crowd continued to cheer as walked over next to Julie she stated "Thank you, we're Julie, (Y/n) and the Phantoms." I was quick to grab the mic from her and state "Tell your friends." Before walking off stage with Julie.
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Once we got off stage Julie ran over to Flynn excitedly, engulfing her in a hug as the two of them giggled and squealed in excitement. I leisurely made my way over to them, only to get dragged into the hug as well. Once we all let go Flynn stated "You two were incredible!" To which Reggie smugly replied "Yeah we were." While looking back at Alex and Luke who were currently sitting on the bar.
"Hey, Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is headed our way!"
Luke was quick to call out to Julie and I, as the two of us turned around to see a women in a pants suit headed in our direction. "She looks all business" Alex commented and Reggie started to panic, asking "Wait. Who should do the talking?" Then once realizing what he said he quickly fixed it "Right, Julie and (Y/n)." Julie glanced back at Luke for support, only for him to say "You got this." The women was quick to grab ahold of my hand to introduce herself.
"Hi I'm Andi Parker, and I would-"
Our attention went from Andi to the man that said Julie's name, which just so happened to be her father. Andi looked back at the man behind her "Dad." Julie stated, not sounding to happy.
"It's time to go."
Ray didn't sound to happy but I couldn't let us loose this, it could be our big break and Reggie would be upset if I didn't try. "Mr.Molina, if we could just have 5 minutes to-" he cut me off, not wanting to hear anything I have to say. "No. Julie is going home. And I'm calling your uncle." I scoffed and shook my head "seriously? What did I even do?" Andi finally spoke up deciding that this was a bad moment. "This seems like a bad time, so I'm gonna take off, wonderful performance, the both of you." She stated, looking from Julie to me before taking her leave.
"No! Wait!"
Luke yelled but of course she didn't hear him. She couldn't. Luke went to go chafe after her, but let out an exasperated sigh after realizing it wasn't gonna work.
"What did you do? You brought my daughter out here on a school night, to entertain your band fantasies."
Julie said and was quick to speak up before things go south "She didn't drag me out here, I left by myself." Ray shook his head in disappointment "we'll talk about your punishment later. For now I have to get you both home." Turning towards me he stated "And don't think you're off the hook yet missy. Just because you live in that house by yourself doesn't mean you get to go home scott free. I was told to look after you and that's exactly what I'm doing by giving your uncle a call." I felt trapped in a hole, unable to climb out. I hated my uncle. And I hated that I could loose the freedom that I currently had.
He's definitely going to come down here now, and when he does I'm screwed.
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beesmygod · 6 days
hmmm. was olga more "respectable" than maxine, for lack of a better word? we know she was the head of the coven, but would that mean respect from people outside of magic practitioners? or because of the way the world is set, there is not really a sharp divide between people that meddle with magic and spirits and people who dont? im asking bc i find the theme of legacy super interesting when it comes up (do people think that maxine is dragging the gottwin name through the mud? or do they shrug their shoulders bc who gives a damn about what an exterminator does and doesnt do?)
this is a good question and warranted a good answer, sorry for the delay.
there are a couple things at play here:
the position of "town witch"/coven leader was once significantly more prestigious than it is today. what used to be a position as essential as the fire or police chief has been worn away by technological advancements; her position was essentially replaced with extermination as a global business model after the rise of the cheap, electronic anti-ghost devices. maxine inherited a defunct position and failing business.
the divide between those who practice magic and those who don't is, funnily enough, the same as my view on why people make art and others don't: they don't enjoy doing the process. its messy, its complicated, it takes a long time, doesn't have guaranteed results, and it involves dead things in one way or another. sometimes it's just easier to call someone to do the process for you when you can't be bothered to work on your pronunciation of magic words. in this way, a witch is sort of like a plumber or a mural artist. explicitly for hire to do something you don't want to deal with yourself because it might be out of your skill range/take too long to learn the skills. so olga's reputation did suffer a little bit from the irrational public assessment of extermination as a "messy" business.
there's also an unfortunate stain on the gottwin name that maxine inherited long before her grandmother died: her father ran away from home in his teens because he and olga fought viciously and publicly. no one heard anything else about him until he died, and it was a surprise to everyone (including olga) that maxine even existed at all. so the rumor mill started churning: what did olga do that upset her son so badly? by the time olga died, people seemed to understand that the family was cracked beyond repair; behaviors that were more acceptable in the decades before the events of the comic were looked at in hindsight as painful and cruel. and since maxine, public nuisance, was the end result of olga's work it's hard for the public not to lay the blame at her feet.
so, maxine is caught in a sort of weird nostalgic hell where people can simultaneously tut-tut her for not being enough like her grandmother or for being too much like her. lol. this was a ramble but i hope it was interesting. im folding most of this into the comic but a lot of it i just try to keep in my brain when writing and thinking about them both.
ive been thinking more and more about olga as we approach parts where we're be flashing back to maxine's childhood and approach the next (final?) book. "books" are the huge overarching storylines as opposed to individual chapters, so there's still a lot of AGS to go. i want to explore character motivations so much i just need the power and energy to do so again.
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lowkeyerror · 2 years
No Escape pt 5
Dark!WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Emotional turmoil
Summary: Y/n feels weak for submitting to Wanda and Natasha. When she has a breakdown, Wanda is forced to take a peak inside of her mind and finds Y/n at war with herself.
An: This isn't the end. I know it feels like one but there will probably be two more parts.
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Y/n expected to wake up in the same cum covered chair she fell asleep in. She found herself in the bed, clean of the juices that were all over her. A thin shirt and small shorts covered her body.
She felt weak. Not physically, but mentally. She worked hard to strengthen her mind. Yet, she found herself crumbling as soon as the women were in her presence.
It was easier to be strong when they weren't so close. When they couldn't reach out and touch her. It was easier to be resentful then.
It felt torturous to resists them when they were this close. She'd punished herself by thinking of her father. He'd be so disappointed. They killed him with the hands they made her cum with.
" Rise and shine, bunny."
The smile on Wanda's face makes her feel gross. Though her skin was clean, she felt dirty, itchy, and disgraceful.
" Come with me," Wanda waited for Y/n to get out of the bed.
Y/n did as she was told. She flinched, but allowed Wanda to take her hand. They walked down the stairs together.
They stopped in the dining room. There was a table full of food, Y/n's favorite foods. She was starving, but not hungry.
So as they sat at the table, Natasha joined them. Y/n watched the two women eat, she didn't have a bite.
" Baby, you need to eat," Natasha drew attention to the girl.
Y/n didn't answer her. The young Stark was deep within thought. She didn't deserve to eat. She barely thought she deserved to live.
Y/n couldn't find herself in the person she'd become. All of this change, just to end up right back at the beginning. It was too much to handle.
She hated them for making her love them. So right there, she started crying. The choked out sobs leaving her throat sent panic through Wanda and Natasha.
They were both by her side quickly. Natasha got her out of the seat and held her close. The spy signaled for the witch to check what was in her mind.
Even as Wanda invaded her mind, the sobs continued. Y/n's mind was a mess, Wanda could barely move in it.
She spotted two versions of Y/n, they were both crying. One was trying to comfort the other.
There was the young Y/n that she knew all those years ago, and the older, physically stronger Y/n.
The old Y/n held the muscular one as her tears fell.
" I'm tired of being strong. Who are we even being strong for, Dad's dead?"
" I don't know. All I know is that we have each other. No one else will care for us."
" What about Wanda and Natasha?"
The younger Y/n answers," We can't let them in. Last time we let them in, they hurt us."
" But they love us, they want to care for us and-"
" We love them too. I know if it was that simple, we'd be together. They hurt us; they kept us from our friends, they took our independence, and they killed dad. They can't even admit they've done anything wrong."
The older one starts sobbing harder," Why can't we stop loving them?"
" No one else will love us like this. We're damaged goods. When it's all said and done, Wanda and Natasha were the only people who told us that they loved us. They were the only ones who didn't try to exploit the family name. If we were to somehow get back to a normal life after this. We'd be thrown into a pool of people who only want us for the clout of it all."
" Bunny," Wanda interrupts, and they turn to face the witch.
The young, frail version of Y/n stands in front of the older one. Her arms are stretched out as she stares Wanda down.
" I won't let you hurt us anymore."
Wanda feels her heartbreak in her chest. Everything Y/n was saying struck a chord in the witch.
Wanda cautiously took steps forward. The young Y/n didn't back down. The witch peaked at the older Y/n behind her. They locked eyes and then she looked away.
Wanda dropped to her knees, looking up at the younger version of the woman she loved," I don't want to hurt you anymore. What can I do to make you better?"
" I don't know, Wanda. One moment I want you to hold me close and the next I'm scared you'll suffocate me."
The older Y/n speaks up," Be honest, what do you want from us."
Wanda relents," I-I just want you. Natasha wants the same. We want you to be ours. We need you, Y/n."
Young Y/n stops her," For what? Sex, obedience, to follow every little rule you set in place."
Wanda chuckles dryly," We need you to love us. That's all."
Older Y/n chimes in," I love you."
Wanda looks to the younger Y/n. The girl places her hand on Wanda's cheek and caresses it slightly. Wanda leans into her touch.
" You already know I love you."
" Can you show me? Out there."
Young Y/n places a kiss on Wanda's forehead," You have to give me time. Maybe, be a little less… obsessive."
Wanda sighs," Just don't- please don't run from us."
" Get out of my head, beautiful."
Y/n was asleep in Natasha's when Wanda left her mind. The spy held the woman in her arms, stroking her back soothingly. She was afraid to move, not wanting to wake the girl.
" How is she?"
Wanda moves to sit next to Natasha. Her eyes linger on Y/n's sleeping form.
" She's at war with herself, because of us. Nat, she loves us. She loves us so much, but we have to do better. We can't keep hurting her."
Natasha nods slightly," So what are we supposed to do?"
Wanda takes the spy's hand in her own," We have to trust her."
There is a shake in Natasha's voice," I'm scared she's going to leave us again."
It hurts Wanda to say it, but she does anyway," She didn't leave us Nat, we pushed her away. I lost control that day, it's my fault."
Natasha shakes her head," We lost her before that. We got greedy, possessive, and I was just so scared that she would leave us."
" She wouldn't have."
Y/n begins to stir in Natasha's hold. Her eyes slowly flutter open. She looks between Wanda and Natasha. She doesn't make a move to get out of the spy's arms.
" I- can I have some of that food now?"
" Of course, bunny," Wanda is quick to her feet. She extends her hand for Y/n to take.
The girl hesitates, but takes Wanda's hand. Natasha follows as they head back to the table.
Forks clank against the bowls as they continue the meal as though nothing happened. Y/n eats this time, not very quickly, but still.
Y/n breaks the silence," The food, it's um really good."
Wanda smiles softly," Natasha made it."
Y/n chuckles a little," I remember Natasha's cooking, it definitely didn't taste like this."
Natasha interjects," Hey! I was decent back then."
" Baby, no you weren't."
A comfortable laughter sets around the room. It's like old times for a moment.
" Y/n," Natasha starts," If you want to leave-”
" I'm not leaving," Y/n rebutted without even letting Natasha finish her sentence.
" You're not?" Wanda asked again.
Y/n smiled a little," Do you want me to leave?"
" No!" They yelled at the same time.
Y/n nodded," Well good because I don't have anywhere else to go. I'm tired of running. So, I'm just going to stay… As long as you can control yourselves."
" Best behavior, promise," Natasha sent a wink at Y/n.
The Stark waits for Wanda’s reply," We're going to be better Y/n."
The use of her full name lets her know that Wanda is serious. She hopes it's true.
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raayllum · 6 hours
the grudge
He sits with her sometimes in the dungeon, cross-legged like a little kid on other side of the bars than like the king he is and young man he's becoming. Ezran is fifteen and wise, and maybe that's why he's not afraid of her—her, a chained up witch, little better than a cornered animal when the guards would first come to bring her food, sneering if they weren't fearful.
She thinks she prefers being scary. She thinks she prefers being loved.
But there's no one left to love her, now. Terry took his pardon and never looked back, once he'd found out Aaravos had convinced her to come crawling back to him on the beaches only to use him.
Her father...
They exchange jelly tarts, persimmon passing easily from hand to hand. His red royal sleeves brush the white stained fabric of her prison garb. They tell bad jokes. Sometimes they even talk about the old days, when she'd read him stories, when he'd brought her flowers, wanting so badly to be like his older brother.
"He's getting married," Ezran shares one day when they're lying on the floor, only the bars between them. Claudia has a view with the barred window in her ceiling, faint light streaming in; Ezran has only dark blue-hued bricks to look at. "Him and Rayla. They're having a wedding in Katolis."
There's a strain in his voice like Ezran knows he should be happier than he is. It's how she feels when she wakes up day after day, mercifully alive... but she's not quite living, either. How can she, after everything? How could she ever?
"That'll be fun," she says, and she won't be invited. Callum had wanted her to be executed. "And you like throwing parties."
"Yeah." A beat. She wonders if he's counting the bricks above him. The crevices or seams in the stone. "Rayla's parents will be coming here for it. All of them."
The elf, Runaan, had also been pardoned, though that had been difficult for Ezran in ways Callum hadn't even seemed to consider—or if he had, not ones he'd felt with the same acute awareness, the same chasm of loss. He'd been told to never come back.
But it's his daughter's wedding, Claudia supposes. It's probably a show of good will that he even wants to come to Katolis.
It doesn't make it any easier to bear.
"You could just kill him," she tosses out, because she's reformed but still despicable.
Ezran almost laughs, but it's too dark for that. There's no humour in it. "Can't do that."
"It's your kingdom. If he's within your borders, he's within your jurisdiction.
"It's my duty as king to break those cycles; I won't sink to it." That, and Rayla—Callum—would never forgive him for it.
Because forgiveness is 'everything', and so ungodly difficult.
She'd asked once, how he bore it, curious when she'd been so unable to even fathom doing the same. Ezran hadn't answered. She still isn't sure if it's because he felt that he hadn't needed to, or if it was because he hadn't known the answer. He just did it anyway.
Something hot and sharp curdles at the thought of Rayla getting married—her father's killer, twirling, beaming, arm in arm with her parents, with her fathers. It's a blessing she's in the dungeons, really. She doesn't have to see it; she doesn't have to smile through it.
Claudia glances over at Ezran, his right hand gripping the material of his tunic in a tight fist over his heart. His jaw is tight.
But more than being a king, Ezran is a brother, to Callum and to Rayla. So he'll grin and bear it.
"I wish sometimes they didn't care," he confesses thickly. "I wish sometimes I could just kill him. But I can't. I won't."
Claudia knows the feeling; if there's anyone who can understand holding onto a grudge, it's her. "And why not?"
Ezran hisses out a breath through his teeth. His hand loosens over his heart. "Sometimes," he admits, "I don't know."
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Sooooo... I've had a thought for a while. How awesome would it have been if they had let Colin Morgan keep actual his Irish accent to remind ppl that he wasn't originally from Camelot? Like, maybe it becomes subtler as the seasons go on but it's always there and when he gets tired or angry the lilt would come out FULL FORCE and ppl that didn't know or forget would be like, yo wtf???
(Headcanon Masterlist) (Full Masterlist)
Ok so I rarely answer asks as soon as I see them but
Like.... I'm turning this into a headcanon set because I need to think about this right now (if someone else wants to expand it that's fine, or if it's popular enough, I'll add it to the next List update).
Say he's not actually from Essetir, but Ireland (from research I think it was called Hibernia during the medieval ages, or maybe Alba? I'm not sure, so I'll just stick with Ireland), and Balinor ran a little further afield before meeting Hunith, and then returning once things had settled down to live in that skanky cave, so he can keep an eye on how Camelot was doing. Hunith and Merlin travel to Essetir when Merlin is maybe twelve or so?? So the accent and customs (and even the language) is like... heavily embedded. (To cover plot holes... uh... Gaius is also Irish, but travelled over with... relatives(?) when he was so young that he doesn't have an accent, or even really any memories of home. He has however visited and been visited by his sister enough to have a good relationship with her, and they exchanged letters regularly before and after she moved to Essetir. There. Don't think about it too much.)
HOWEVER!! When he moves to Camelot, he covers it up, because Camelot already hates Bastards (check), Sorcerers (double check) and also Gaels (check again). So to make his life easier, he gives himself a generic Essetirian/Camelot accent, and no one really notices, Maybe he has a bit of a lilt here and there, but people chalk it up to him spending lots of time with a diverse set of people, and/or maybe just being a country bumpkin. The lilt definitely comes out more when he's angry, the angrier he is the stronger it is, but, what the majority of Merlin's friends don’t know, is that they've never really seen him truly angry. Annoyed, frustrated maybe, a little pissed off, but not properly angry. Not for the first few years at least, so again, no one really notices.
Sometimes he rants to himself under his breath in Gaels, more so when he's with Gaius because it's not like the guy doesn't already know, even if he can't actually understand (Gaius does mourn the loss of his heritage sometimes, especially because, when delirious, Merlin's accent comes back full force, and Gaius can't understand a word he's saying).
Anyway. I do have this scenario in my head of some poor page running into the Throne room all "Oh CHRIST, My Lord, there's a woman in the courtyard who claims to have killed Morgause and rescued Morgana!! BUT!!! She says she'll only speak to Myrddin??" And the whole room is in uproar and Merlin just rolls his eyes at them and goes "What does she look like?", at the description he just goes "Oh shit" except in Gaels and runs out. All the gang follow to see him embracing this woman and speaking fast Gaels to her. She's introduced as his sister or an old childhood neighbour/friend or something. She couldn't give less of a shit about Camelot's anti magic laws if she TRIED, and fully admits to defeating the two witches with magic, because she herself is also a witch, and basically dares Arthur to do something abut it whilst Merlin despairs. Once the shock passes, someone, probably Gwaine, just goes "Hey, Merls, what's with the accent?? And the name??" and the woman just raises her eyebrow and goes "Aye, Merls, what's with the accent and the name?" And he has to admit that he's Irish and his real name is Myrddin (I know it's actually Welsh but let’s pretend just for now) and talks in his normal accent and everyone just... blue screens.
At least three times a day for the next few weeks, if not months, he has to explain the "new" accent to friends whom he hasn't spoken to since before the incident. Overall it's very funny, and everyone in Camelot suddenly finds Merlin ten times hotter. Arthur is struggling to cope. Leon openly drools. Gwaine is so wowed he can't even flirt right. Gwen trips over every time he speaks.
His accent is naturally really toned down, from years of hiding it and just being around people who don't have that accent, but it still gets strong when he shouts, and is nigh impossible to understand when he's concussed/drugged/suffering from blood loss/exhausted to the point of delirium. He also starts using words like "aye" to mean yes, and "slán" (the original of Sláinte, meaning good health, or cheers), when he says goodbye, and it's very endearing but also very confusing.
Our man is just so much happier being able to be himself and share his culture with no backlash, because Uther's been gone a while, and Arthur made peace with the Gaels ages ago (Merlin was basically just in too deep to back out then and kept clutching straws until the sister/friend arrived and blew it all wide open). Now he just has to do the same with the magic thing.... But then again!! Sister/friend not giving a fuck has maybe done that already. So. Maybe he's already set?
Anyway. Merlin with an Irish accent. Yes Please Please Please :D
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magical-mistakes-vm · 3 months
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The meeting is over, but the conflict is just beginning...
"Who is she, really?" Balor asked when only he, Baldur, and Vollrath remained in the conference room. His eyes studied the two other powerful warlocks closely.  There was no missing she was more than just a novice witch that had been innocently in Vollrath’s office.  Something more was going on and Balor aimed to get to the bottom of it.  "Don't bullshit me, little brother. I touched her, she is no average witch, and your two best friends are twitchy as fuck.  You're barely containing yourself, and that isn't like you, Vol."  A smirk formed as he waited for one of the two in front of him to answer.
"Mahala Codona. Last night I caught her in the forest near my mansion preparing to summon her mother's spirit, but the spell she was going to use was not one she was prepared for.   Not to mention you can sense her strength of power, and she could see through double enchantment cloaking.  I thought it best to bring her under my protection.  She has had absolutely no training, and had no idea of her abilities." Vollrath left a ton out when speaking to his brother, and Baldur wasn't about to add anything.  Neither of them had any idea how Balor had learned of the meeting, and for the moment that meant they trusted him just barely more than an outsider.
"So she's nothing to you? Interesting and positive." Balor’s brow rose and his smirk grew.  He knew Vollrath better than that, and he was pressing buttons to see which would get his little brother to react first.   It had been decades since a Coven Council of Elders had been called to hand out such a punishment as the one they had tonight. For it to have been called now meant there was a reason for Vollrath not to have made the decision alone.  That reason meant one of the two in front of him had a vested interest in Ms. Codona.
"Should she be?" Vollrath’s head tipped and his eyes narrowed as he regarded his brother.  What was Balor getting at?  What did he know? Vollrath wasn’t sure, but he didn’t want to give too much away till he did.
"What if it is not Vol she means something to?" Baldur was not about to watch the two Nachtnebel brothers spar, and have Mahala hurt again by neither of them considering the fallout.  Easier to just use a little subterfuge and get this conversation over quickly.  Balor was less likely to take him on than Vollrath, so there wasn’t much risk.    When Balor turned his attention to him, he met Balor’s gaze evenly, their blue eyes boring into one another.  There was no doubt the elder warlock was trying to ascertain if he was being honest. Baldur had no intention of flinching.
"Interesting." It was all Balor said but his mind was turning that video over and over in his head, scrutinizing every small detail.  There was still something wrong with the situation unfolding now in front of him.  Why hadn't she had on Baldur’s jacket when attacked?  It had been his brother’s, not something that Vollrath would have given out lightly. Any stray hair or attachment to him could be used against him.  Why had Vol cut him off in the healing, and Baldur let him?  Yes, Vollrath was the Master Warlock, but they were not so different in strength and ability for it to have made much of a difference. Why had they been trying to hide how badly she was hurt from Vollrath?  If it had been Baldur or Elmar that she meant something to, then they would have been more upset, although it was clear she did mean something to Baldur.  So, Baldur was covering for little brother, time to press a little harder and a slightly different button.
"Then Baldur, you will not mind if I see fully to her current healing, and personally do the initial set of enchantments and shielding?  Consider it a blessing from the other half of the Coven." Inclining his head with what could be best described as a sarcastic smile, Balor completely ignored his brother, but did not have to see him to know the nerve had been hit.  The very air of the room crackled with Vollrath’s reaction. It was all Balor could do not to gloat over having found the exact button to press to get right under his brother’s skin perfectly.  That had been a little too easy.
"So a new witch brings peace?" Baldur didn't trust him.  However, that is exactly what Balor had just implied with his statement.
"She is a Codona.  She is THE Codona. The lost witch.  Of course it is going to." Balor smirked and raised his eyebrows, letting the statement hang in the air with no further clarification. 
Baldur glanced at Vollrath.  What was he missing? "Which means?"  Something told him that he was going to absolutely hate the answer that was coming, but he had to know.
"Her father is Bazyli." Balor now grinned like a fool, and watched all color drain from Baldur’s face.  The other warlock had no clue, nor did Vollrath from the looks of it.  "So if you have intentions with her, you'll be joining the two Covens, and mending one gigantic ass rift.  I have to say Baldur, I never quite pegged you as one with brass ones quite that big.  So, of course I want to assist with that.”  Sarcasm dripped like honey, pooling around their feet.  “Or…." he looked directly at Vollrath, "has the Lion met his Lionessa, which is more of what I suspect.  Her power is impressive, as is her ability to survive such an attack.  If  she is not, then I challenge you Baldur…" He felt the hard snap of Vollrath’s power, as his brother’s jealousy and anger started to get the best of him.  There was the sign that had been exactly what Balor was going for to know that he wasn’t just under his brother’s skin, he’d struck a death blow to Vollrath’s ability to hide any semblance of the truth.
"Balor…." Just one word. Just his name. Vollrath didn't need to say more. His voice was full of warning in its tone, his hazel eyes narrowed and went jade green, his jaw tensed as he stood straighter, and his shoulders went back.  No, this was not happening.   Elmar and Baldur had been goading him teasingly, both were in serious relationship with witches within the Coven.  Balor was serious and looking to challenge Baldur in a way that would take Mahala from him. 
"She is a powerful, single, untrained, uninitiated, witch.  I am within my rights as a Coven Elder and my level as a warlock. There is no ring upon her finger. The customs of the Coven are very clear.  Unless there is a betrothal or other engagement to an Elder of the Coven, it is my right, as an Elder, to give challenge for rights to train, bring under apprenticeship, and more.  She is exceptionally beautiful, so I will look forward to seeing what more there might be.  I do have the right and you know it.  I aim to exercise it RIGHT. NOW." Now it was Balor who looked aggressive, as he smirked at his younger brother, his eyes going from blue to an icy grey.  There was little that Vollrath could say to argue with him, unless he were to reveal that she was in the beginnings of a relationship with Vollrath himself.
A knock at the door had both men stepping back and relaxing some.  There was no doubt who it was. Neither wanted to cause a scene or bring Elmar and Mahala into the disagreement that they were so far not a part of. There was about to be a war in the room between the two Nachtnebel brothers, Elmar entering the frey was not needed.
"Guys, it's late.  If you’re still having some kind of meeting, I'm going to take Mahala home with me and Savina.  She's still having effects from what happened earlier, and really should be resting somewhere other than an office couch." Elmar was annoyed, and he let his gaze rest briefly on all three in the room to show it. Someone in the room was pissed off and trying to hide it, he guessed more than one someone.    
"How is she?" Vollrath didn’t hide his concern from his face or his voice.  His brother had already figured it out, and was looking for a fight.  There was no reason to put Elmar further on edge by acting indifferent.  This night had already gone straight to hell without adding more to it.
"Let’s see…you tried to give her a stroke over being jealous," Elmar noticed Balor’s rather surprised reaction to that news, but failed to care and continued, "then she's slammed twice into a wall, choked, almost killed, gets intimidated by your brother, and has several hours of the Council being here and none of them ratcheting down their magic.  The fact she's still sane and her brain hasn't oozed out her ears might be a blessed miracle.  Someone in this room is also about to go atomic, so please ratchet that down before she does decide to have a brain bleed, and I have to fix that too." His arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the other three in turn, lips thinning in irritation.
Baldur’s brows had been raised as Elmar unloaded on Vollrath.  He was normally the calmer and reserved one, but it was clear he'd reached his limit. He could count on one hand the number of times he’d seen that happen with his friend.  Looking between the Nachtnebel brothers, Baldur also noticed that Balor was studying Vollrath who once more looked frustrated with the whole situation.  It was going to become a pissing contest and the whole building, if not area, would be the battleground.  Hopefully Elmar could get Mahala out of the blast zone before that happened.
"No worries, Elmar, I have made challenge regarding Mahala.  As such, she will come home with me." Balor gave no one time to react before he strode quickly from the room, leaving the others to try and catch up.  He was grinning as he made his way down the hall.  It was game time.
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banner by @cafekitsune
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Intro Post:
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Hi, call me minute, I go by she/her. I post literally whatever comes to mind, which is mostly the fnaf DCA fandom and TSAMS, with some other things here and there. I am also really big on philosophy, so look out for some random polls every now and then. Also a big book nerd, and I wear that title proudly.
Asks are currently open for both questions and doodle requests-will close if I get anything that contradicts my rules:
Blog Rules:
To be 100 percent clear, no racism, sexism, queerphobia, extremism, etc. Also, no sexual crap on here, please. If you're into that, okay, just don't be on here because I'm not. (Seriously, do NOT interact at ALL if that kinda stuff is what’s on your blog, please and thank you.)
Doodle Request Rules:
1.) can't condradict any of the blog rules above-so don't ask for anything sexual or violent and whatnot.
2.) If the character or thing being requested isn't from the DCA or TSAMS fandom, chances are I don't know about it. So, just to make things easier and avoid confusion on my part, please add a picture of the character so I know who I'm drawing (this isn't required, it's just more of a preference thing on my part).
3.) I might not answer your ask right away, for a multitude of reasons-the most likely one is that I don't know how to answer or am not able to answer at that precise moment.
4.) Like the 2nd one, it's not required, but please specify if you'd prefer it colored or not! (I most likely won't color unless told to just because my brain doesn't see it as a necessary detail half the time-so if you want color, please ask!)
@itsahotsecondafter - reblog sideblog cuz it's getting a little cluttered in here...
@showinthistomybro - personal sideblog, pretty self-explanatory if you ask me
My Ocs (update for redesign is pending!):
Pulsar (redraw complete!)
Loop Doop (redraw complete!)
My AUs:
Witch Au: TSAMS au in which KC raises Moon and Eclipse separately to become wielders of the star (a pendant). Problems arise when he disappears, and Eclipse sets out to make destiny a reality.
Destiny's Green Au: Offshoot of the witch au in which Eclipse ventures out of the cabin in search of KC instead of staying there, and ends up finding Earth's place and living with her.
Truman Show au: In which Sun is trapped within a simulation created by the virus in his mindscape and is unaware of the happenings of the outside world. Truman Show AU playlist
Narnia Au: In which y/n stumbles upon Sun and Moon within the wardrobe of their house-moral dilemmas ensue.
Dentist Au: TSAMS au where Eclipse doesn't die the second time and is let go by Sun. He runs off and sets up his own private life away from the celestial family, running a small dentistry to fund his personal projects.
winnie the pooh au : Moon finds a talking stuffed animal that calls itself Pooh bear-a small side-story while everything else goes to shit and Gregory runs loose.
SU au (very dead, but I still have ideas about it)
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postwarlevi · 11 months
First child self ship
I'm going to try to do one big SS a month like I used to. I hope you want to do this one!
Um so this is not about pregnancy so skipping that part. Think of this as 0 to 1 year or so :) If you like it maybe we can do more like this!
Also if you're not tagged you are still welcome to do this! I never know who wants to be tagged.
Who are you shipping with?
1 Is it a boy or girl (twins?!) and their name(s) and what you call them.
2 How did you come up with their name?
3 What was their first word?
4 What is their favorite toy and / or activity?
5 What tv show / movie do they watch repeatedly?
6 What is their favorite baby food / meal?
7 What is their favorite bedtime story?
8 What finally gets them to sleep after crying all night?
9 Who caves easier when they cry?
10 Who is the stricter parent?
11 What is your favorite activity to do as a family?
12 Who was their first friend outside the household?
13 Who does more of the gross things? (change diaper)
14 How was the first time you left them with someone (and who was it?)
15 Any future children planned?
my answers below the cut!
I'm guessing these will get long so use the read more, and also please don't repost without the original.
Who are you shipping with?
My modern love, Jean
1 Is it a boy or girl (twins?!) and their name(s).
It's a girl! Jane Eloise. We both call her our little princess a lot. Otherwise it's Jane.
2 How did you come up with their name?
I wanted something classic and nothing was hitting with Jean, then I suggested Jane and he thought it sounded like Jean and immediately liked it. I like longer syllables names with shorter ones and we both liked that Eloise is close to Eliza :)
3 What was their first word?
After thinking it was going to be dada, one day our pup Murphy came into the room and she clear as day said dog! Jean was heartbroken LOL
4 What is their favorite toy and / or activity?
Playing on her play pad with Murphy is her favorite activity. She coos at him and bats at the toys, and he is so protective over her and alerts us if she tries to roll off. Her favorite toy is a a little stuffed grey rabbit from her aunt Sasha.
5 What tv show / movie do they watch repeatedly?
She adores Snow White! It's the sweetest thing. Not even the witch scares her! We're kind of picky about shows so she goes old school with Sesame Street. We're not quite sick of either just yet.
6 What is their favorite baby food / meal?
She loves banana baby food and we can make that ourselves easily. She now also loves oatmeal. When we mix them together her face lights up at the taste.
7 What is their favorite bedtime story?
She loves when her daddy reads anything. She loves the sound of his voice. Goodnight Moon is probably the favorite though.
8 What finally gets them to sleep after crying all night?
Walking in place while holding her. It can be either of us but she goes to sleep faster for me. It's tiring at 3am but at least I get my exercise! We just ordered an automatic swing and hope that helps!
9 Who caves easier when they cry?
It's a toss up, we're both a little soft. Being our first child we kind of coddle her. I think Jean caves faster though, but not by much.
10 Who is the stricter parent?
Again, a toss up. I was a little more pushy about Jane bottle feeding when she was old enough, but Jean tries to stick to the schedule more. It depends.
11 What is your favorite activity to do as a family?
Walks in the park! Jane can be sleeping the whole time if it's a quiet morning or more alert in the evening before bed and we point out wildlife and she loves watching the squirrels and daddy Jean play around with pup Murphy.
12 Who was their first friend outside the household?
She has lots of friends now but technically her first play time was with @charlotteplsdosth and Reiners baby girl at their house where we put soft toys down and let them interact side by side. (you can have a totally different answer that's fine LOL)
13 Who does more of the gross things? (change diaper)
Jean does a lot. It's really sweet actually. He knows my gag reflex is non existent so does more of those type things, while also complaining a bit haha.
14 How was the first time you left them with someone (and who was it?)
We left her with uncle Levi and his wife and child. We knew they'd take good care of her and we could have an afternoon to ourselves but we kept checking our phones and it was difficult that first time. After a handful of times with them and then Jeans mom, we calmed down.
15 Any future children planned?
Um, yes. We already know we're having another girl! Lavinia Claire! And Jean is already telling me we're going to be trying for a boy at some point. No matter what I'm done after three though!
tagging: no pressure if it's not your thing!
@levisbrat25 @charlotteplsdosth @chaotic-on-main @humanitys-strongest-bamf @einnyl @perkypink19-blog @levi-supreme @mootheskinnycowsblog @theferricfox @ladycheesington @jayteacups
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floralneonlights · 11 months
Divine Warriors and Relics Overhaul.
The last major post I made was about the regions in my MCD rewrite but this time around it's going to be the Divine Warriors because they scratch my brain. Also this post is probably going to be LONG.
The Divine Warriors are characters we have heard before such as Irene, Shad, Esmund, Enki, Menphia, but I added two more as well, that being Drorit and Fionn.
I did rework some of the titles given to the Divine Warriors as I just didn't like them. Shad the Destroyer specifically felt too on the nose.
So, we have
Irene the Matron
Shad the Vandal
Esmund the Guardian
Enki the Astrophile
Menphia the Fury
Drorit the Defiant
Fionn the Traveler
I will explain some of the changes
Shad the Vandal
As I stated earlier, "Destroyer" felt too on the nose. While Vandal isn't a positive trait, it doesn't imply that Shad has always been a bad individual and was just know for delinquent tendencies, a loose screw in the guard. This allows Shad to be seen as more than someone who was always evil, although I would like to keep "Shad the Destroyer" as another title for him after the betrayal and uprising of Shadow Knights.
Esmund the Guardian
I just didn't like "Protector." That's just it. Nothing deeper.
Enki the Astrophile
Enki was known as "the Keeper" which felt too vague to me. In my version, Enki was an archivist so he was keeper of archives, keeper of knowledge. Although that doesn't explain the "Astrophile" part since that means lover of stars. I can't explain it any further than Enki has a relationship with nature thus the stars and the stars have always been symbols of knowledge in my mind. So that's what I'm doing here.
And then explaining the two NEW characters, Drorit and Fionn.
Drorit the Defiant
Her title is self-explanatory along with Fionn's. Drorit tends to create riots for a cause and doesn't follow the rules, she hates having to follow strict order and wants people to have the ability to have freedom in their choices instead of walking on a tight rope.
Fionn the Traveler
Self-explanatory BUT Fionn is a traveler by sea and is a water spirit. At first, he's a scammy merchant who tries to trick the Divine Warriors into a pitiful deal and only ended up joining for selfish reasons but ends up becoming very valuable to the group, actually being the most well-versed in magick.
Now let's talk about the changes to the Divine Warriors themself.
Irene in the rewrite is a Swan Maiden. If you don't know what swan maidens are, they are shapeshifting women who can transform from a swan to a woman but they tend to still have their feathers in their human form. They're usually married off to higher up power, like kings, and have their feathers plucked so they cannot fly away.
The cause for the up rising / the final straw was Irene herself being taken away and forced to have her feathers plucked so she could be married off to the King of Ru'aun. She soon runs away with two guards of the king and begins to study magick with the rest of her group. Along the way, she makes allies and builds of bonds with others.
Once the King is overthrown, Irene declares that no one person should rule an entire region, and then settles down as lord and founder of Scaleswind, where the rest of the group followed her. At this point, she had perfected her magick of light and healing. Healing was a lost magick even then, but with a witch's help, she was able to bring that art back to life. Since she is a swan maiden, a sign of purity and hope, it was easier for her to learn.
When one of the guards was overcome with darkness, that left the Divine Warriors as the only ones who could take him down as there was no need to bring innocent parties into this. Before the final battle, Irene asked one of the group to put a magick seal onto gems where, if they were to die, their magick would automatically go to that gem. Each member wrote an encryption onto the gem and went into battle by Irene's command, who held back as a final answer to the problem.
As she felt her friends die, Irene felt herself begin to fade. She didn't head to the battle ground for months as she became a recluse and her villagers and knights began to worry. And one day, there was a big, flaming light that walked down the road, and Irene the Matron was gone.
Phoenix Drop was named after this event as many people believe the light was a Phoenix signifying the end of an era.
Esmund and Shad
Esmund and Shad are put together here as they were both Royal Guards of the King of Ru'uan, Kieran. Esmund was the head guard of the kingdom, while Shad was still but a trainee despite being there for so long due to his rebellious actions. He tended to disobey the king for fun rather than to make a statement, which made Esmund very annoyed with him. The two bumped heads a lot.
When Irene was transferred to the kingdom as Kieran's fiancé, the two were assigned to guard her. They obeyed this command, Esmund because he would always obey the king and Shad because he just wanted to see who on Earth (Known as Terra because MCD is special) would marry him. When they saw a swan maiden without her feathers, both were horrified.
Even though both had sworn their loyalty to the king, more or less, they both realized how cruel this was and how they couldn't let an unwilling party be stripped of anymore rights. They hatched a plan and later escaped to meet with the archivist of Yggdrasil. They continued to run, going to Tu'La, Ivorian, Umbre'en, Aerania, and Rigguard. All places being of worth as Umbre'en and Rigguard were Shad and Esmund's home regions, respectively, which they had seen how Ru'aun's monarchy was slowly taking over the other regions and the protests surrounding this. This sped up the process over overthrowing the king.
Esmund became head guard of Scaleswind, but Shad became Irene's right hand man. They had also become skilled in their magick sets which complimented the other; ice and protection (shielding) and shadow and imprisonment.
Both loved Irene and they both knew she could only love one of them or even neither of them. Esmund felt peace with that, while Shad felt a pain in his chest whenever he thought about the possibility.
Although Irene showed feelings towards Shad, he became more and more bottled up with disgust and despair towards those around him, feeling as though he is still looked down upon as some sort of rebel because of his previous actions and not with all of the good he has done. The darkness in his magick was dangerous to learn, as dangerous as Irene's light magick, and it began to physically and mentally consume him as he lost more control of his thoughts and anger. Esmund, Irene and the others desperately tried to get Shad out of this state, but it failed.
Shad later escaped to the Nether/Underworld (It's Both) trying to attempt to build a kingdom of his own, which previously was just a place of darkness. Esmund felt defeated, and made sure to inscribe his relic to go to someone who was loyal and protected, and did not strive for power.
Esmund was the last person to fall to Shad, he was hoping and praying that maybe if he still stood up and fought, Shad would eventually be reminded of their training days, but that never happened. Shad lost his heart.
Irene had put a seal on Shad's relic, after she defeated his, at least, physical form which put the magic in his relic. The seal being it can only go to someone who had a kind, intelligent soul.
Enki and Zoey
Enki and Zoey are siblings in my rewrite. Zoey was roughly around 10 when Irene was around even in MCD and I thought it would be nice for her to be related to one of them somehow. Enki is a well known archivist in Yggdrasil, near the kingdom in Ru'aun as they get most of their resources from there. Actually, Enki is THE royal archivist, holding all files and letters the king has received and sent, along with anyone else in connection with him. He was a trusted figure. His magick was not seen as a threat during this time as he was more so of a support type rather than an offensive type.
Enki kept a book of myths and read them to Zoey every night as well.
When Esmund, Shad and Irene came to him, asking for help about getting away from the king, relaying all of this information, he was hesitant. But since Esmund was head guard and Irene was the queen-to-be, he felt obligated to show them the files they wanted to see. After a lot of convincing, Enki eventually joins them, not before giving Zoey the book of myths.
After the kingdom fell, he joined Irene and the others in Scaleswind as the archivist there, still visiting Zoey every so often. Similarly to everyone else, Enki had mastered his magick of plants and stars (the stars part is with support -- typically asking for support spells from the galaxy. Isn't as OP as it sounds, it's like Wendy's support magick from Fairy Tail where they either feel lighter or move faster.)
When Shad strayed from the path and the relics were made, Enki went to a remote island (later where the Enki Warrior Tribe is located) and left all of his archives there, out of the weather and where they would be safe, and handed his relic over to Zoey. The encryption was simple, only one of his relatives of the next generation can inherent his power. Enki did not have any kids as much as he hoped he would.
Despite knowing that they would statistically fail against Shad, Enki still went all in when fighting, hoping he wasn't wrong even in the slightest.
Menphia and Drorit
Menphia and Drorit have a lot of overlap between their goals and morals and were also married! Canonical wives in my rewrite.
Menphia comes from Tu'La, a very chaotic region where magick beings and demons roam freely, Menphia being a cat yokai (like KC/Nana). Due her upbringing, she's hotheaded and quick to join fights, she bites. But she is a very supportive person, puts her entire being into everything she does, and loves hard. Most of the chaos as caused by the king as he actually turned Tu'La into just an extension of Ru'aun, so of course she would jump at the chance to overthrow him.
Drorit is from Ivorian and is a big protestor. Ivorian is known for it's precious gems and materials, and her being a person of the public, was scared what might happen if the king of Ru'aun, a tyrant, were to get their hands on these gems. Drorit is a ride or die sort of person, she is willing to do anything for anyone for the cause she believes in. Every action she did was not void of purpose, so she easily joined the Divine Warriors.
We know the drill, kingdom fell, Scaleswind was made, they joined, and they mastered their magick. Menphia's being fire (including explosions and lava) and ground, and Drorit's being wind and flight.
When Shad betrayed then and attempted to make a kingdom, Menphia felt betrayed and Drorit was sickened. Menphia viewed Shad as a brother figure and the two were very close, seeing her... Brother, basically, being taken over by the magick he chose to learn hurt her. Drorit wasn't all that close with Shad but knew him as a honest and passionate man, which is why she was sickened to see the outcome. Drorit did the most damage out of them all during the battle while Menphia was one of the last people standing with Esmund.
Drorit's relic was meant to go to someone who stuck to their beliefs, much like Drorit. Menphia's relic is to go to someone who knows the ins and outs of every battle.
Finally, Fionn.
A traveling merchant from Aerania, a region KNOWN for trade, and him being a water spirit. Water spirits can be a little devious and Fionn was just that, always being able to swindle people into giving him ever so slightly more money than intended. That's also what he wanted to do with the Divine Warriors as they caught him on one of their off days, until he say the gems they had in their possession with Drorit had taken from home. He soon warmed up to them, agreeing with them, and faking the passion. Like Flynn Rider/Eugene from Rapunzel.
Along the way, he realized how interesting they all were and how adventure was truly something he liked more than selling stuff for outrageous prices. He enjoyed being with them and learning about their lives.
Once the king was overthrown and Scaleswind was made, he.... Get this... Mastered his magick, being water and storms.
Fionn was the one who created the relics, he was the one who enchanted them and inscribed them with the seal. He had an old book he bought off another merchant that had the ability to take away magick and let it back out depending on how you write it out. He was the only Divine Warrior not to die in that battle as he was the one to hide the relics. Fionn's relic is meant to go to someone who understands the meaning of trust.
After Irene's disappearance, Fionn died from heartbreak.
This was just one big word dump and I am very sorry, but just a little more of you're time and I will talk about
The Relics.
Irene's Relic
Similar to the one that is in the original MCD, where it looks like a bunch of flames but instead it had light purple on the outside but a deep violet as the center. The relic is still in Irene's Dimension in the rewrite.
Shad's Relic
Somewhat the same as Irene's relic with the looks of flames, although they are more scattered and wide. It's also a light pink relic with a red diamond in the center. This relic is also in Irene's Dimension, so she can forever protect it.
Esmund's Relic
A square relic with rounded edges and carved like a diamond, it has varying hues of blue. The relic was in the possession of O'Khasis until Garroth faked his death in help with his mother, who handed him the relic to both protect him and the relic itself.
Enki's Relic
The relic resembles a bug with a pale green center and a dark forest green on the outside, some of it stemming off to look like "legs." The relic is in Zoey's possession BUT the Enki Warrior Tribe says that they have it to bring comfort to everyone else.
Menphia's Relic
A cross shaped relic with a vibrant orange hue that leads to a borderline red. The relic was found in the Nether when Aphmau was saving the werewolf pup from there. Shad had stolen Menphia's relic which caused the Nether to turn into a firey pit of hell.
Drorit's Relic
Two sharp, skinny diamond shaped relics with a piercing teal color. The relics were previously in the palace in Ivorian before the kingdom fell and was reborn with a tyrant, it is now in a treasure hunting guild known for criminal activities.
Fionn's Relic
A water droplet shape relic with a deep, blood red color. The relic was placed in a underwater temple, which Fionn had flooded.
If you have ANY questions regarding my rewrite, please ask. I am currently working on getting a stable rewrite on the characters right now so by all means, THINGS WILL CHANGE and have been changing.
Thanks for reading :3
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