#the gentle tarot
greenthey · 2 days
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The tarot really wants me to do less.
Card of the day: 9 of Swords
I can let go of responsibility for: Queen of Cups
Tangible actions to alleviate anxiety: 5 of Swords rx & 4 of Swords
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qotu33 · 1 year
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A new week-ahead tarot spread I created this week! It asks what the reader’s energy is, what to expect and focus on at home and at work, and offers self-care guidance. This photo is my first reading with it and I like it a lot so far!
Read the cards left to right, top to bottom:
1. My Energy: 6 of Stones/Pentacles - balance
2. What to expect at home: The Sun - gratitude
3. What to focus on at home: 9 of Thunder/Swords - new perspectives on old problems
4. What to expect at work: Root of Wands - create & master the energy around me
5. What to focus on at work: 4 of Stones/Pentacles - remember self-worth
6. Self-Care Guidance: The Lovers - revisit my beliefs and core values
This is The Gentle Tarot by Mari in the Sky! I LOVE it for self-care spreads. The art is beautiful and the book is divine.
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thesoulpath · 2 years
Playing with The Gentle Tarot
I just received the Gentle Tarot this week in the post and I fell in love with it immediately. I got the linen edition which is the medium-sized version and the card stock is a dream. The images and Mari’s writings (the creator) are just so heartfelt it made me feel emotional going through the cards. I absolutely loved the quote on the welcome card that reads “Sending so much love to you and to our paths towards wholeness.” Absolutely beautiful.
Before I properly got started with spreads and shuffling up all the cards I went through each card and specifically had a look at the ones that confused me. The ones that I needed the most help with were the court cards and a few of the cards which lent more heavily into animal symbolism. I think this is the first closest animal deck that I have so just taking the time to get my head around that. (Side note I’m super excited to pre-order the mini oak, ash and thorn soon!!)
So the first spread I did was a deck interview spread, this is always the first spread that I’ll do. It’s just a nice, easy way to get to know the deck, the cards, how it reads and start to build a bit of a relationship together. I used the interview spread that I got with the deck from my littleredtarot order which was a 6-card spread. I loved the variety of questions this spread had, particularly the question asking the deck ‘what can I do for you in return’, I’d never seen that question phrased particularly like that in an interview spread before. From this spread I learnt that the deck is nourishing, nurturing, empowering, confident and playful. Something that I didn’t completely expect was that it asked that I need to be ready to receive the messages and aware of my own bad habits to work best with the deck. I really enjoyed doing the interview spread and it was this first spread that solidified my love for this deck.
The next day I decided to do one of the deck-specific spreads, the “lift me up” one. I liked this spread a lot, because I was a little worried the messages from this deck would be ‘too gentle’ in that they would be all uplifting talk but no tangible actions to take away. But this spread really showed me that it wasn’t going to be like that for me. From this spread it showed me the power I have, but how I need to let go of the worries and just keep moving forward (while looking after myself of course). And I thought that’s really quite great advice for myself at the moment, just keep some steady momentum forward and let go of the worries. The worrying has been a big thing getting in the way for me currently.
All in all I would say that I feel such a connection to this deck, I am so happy I took the plunge to get it. I knew I wanted it for a while, but I was unsure if it would resonate with me. I didn’t know how a more animal focused decks would feel and I knew a lot of it was based on the Aleutian Islands, I thought this might create a bit of a disconnect when trying to work with it. But I would have to say most definitely not. This is slowly but surely making its way up to becoming one of my favourite decks.
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sensationseekng · 5 months
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izzy as the eight of cups - giving up and moving on, courage and loss, letting go of friends, lovers, and old ways of being
(that's the inn in the distance)
eight of cups description from Little Red Tarot:
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thejournallo · 11 days
Most of the time, our minds lie to us.
Create your own lies and be delusional.
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Andrew my little strudel Page of Cups
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Writing up the terms and such for my readings on Ko-Fi and such, and uh... "I promise, I don't bite. (My cards do, sometimes.)"
This is why no one should have let me write my own Ko-Fi intro. Or let me do readings in the first place. I'm a Loki devotee, what do you expect from me?
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comparativetarot · 10 months
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The Moon. Art by Isa Beniston, from The Gentle Thrills Tarot.
feelings ∙ pisces
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fantastichologramfox · 11 months
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🧹Witch sapphic aesthetic 🧹
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tundrakatiebean · 2 months
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Well that was not the read I was expecting but was very enlightening
Deck is Oriens Tarot by Ambisun
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greenthey · 14 days
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I'm drinking the last of the tea I bought like 2 days before moving out of my old house.
Cycles ending, cycles beginning 🦋
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treasureyourfire · 2 months
Dear Tarot Readers~
If you interviewed your decks, which card did they show to represent themselves?
I wonder what kind of personalities they have among them and what kind of mission they have. 😁
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victoriagoestoengland · 3 months
A Glance Back, a Look Ahead, and a Healing Inner Child Tarot Spread
How curious it is that time on a blog can freeze, can pass yet not pass. Just shy of two years have passed since my last post, which was itself a revival after a long hiatus. Every new start representing a new intention. But I will say that 11 months of live-in home renovation while also working and trying to maintain some kind of social life left me with very little in the creative tank. Then,…
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lanaknowsitried0 · 1 year
I was doing tarot and I got the deer card and it said “ bring gentleness and grace in every aspect of your life”
Although hard, I really want to apply this to my life 🫶🏻
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
I’m feeling very lovey and I wanna lean up and wrap my arms around Sunghoon’s neck and pull him down to give his cheek kisses
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thejournallo · 20 days
you can always out smart yourself and the others.
take advantage of what you know and always choose to learn more.
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