#the great fairy zarina
dearratroi · 1 year
The Great Fairy Zarina
Based on @flammelikeshookdust's art. Find it here. It was so cute I got inspired and wanted to write a little bit of what happens in the drawings.
Rated: T (no warnings)
Tags: Fluff, romance, humor, first kiss, surprise kissing, Hookdust, Crossover between The Pirate Fairy and Legend of Zelda: BoTW/TotK
James Hook has found his way out of Neverland and into an entirely new land: Hyrule. As he acclimates to this new land he hears about the Great Fairies and sets out to meet one. Out of her flower bud emerges the beautiful and charismatic Zarina, who takes quite a liking to James.
Read below or on AO3
“There’s a Great Fairy near Kakariko Village. Legend says if you offer the right price to her, she will upgrade your clothes for better defense.”
That’s what James heard since he found himself in Hyrule. It was a strange place, that was for sure. It wasn’t a tropical paradise like Neverland was, well, there was Faron but it was a small area. Most of Hyrule was rolling plains surrounded by mountains, deserts, and lakes.
Other differences of note: There were a lot more monsters in Hyrule. In fact, it was quite an epidemic of Moblins, Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and other strange creatures. However, James was intelligent, and he was nothing if not adaptable. He didn’t have his crew here, but soon he established himself as the captain of a small crew of Bokoblins. They were primitive, territorial creatures, but easily bribable by food and treasure, both of which he promised they would receive in abundance if they adventured with him. Also, Hyrule had fairies but they were tiny things, little pink fuzzy dots with wings. They were nothing like the pixies of the hollow. He was fairly certain they weren’t sapient, they mostly floated around like butterflies until he got too close, then they’d fly off.
So when he heard there was a Great Fairy, he was curious. Was it Great as in huge? Like a giant fairy? Or was it a title of some sort?
He wanted to visit this Great Fairy, both out of curiosity for how she compares to Pixie Hollow pixies, and so he could receive this boon to his equipment. Hyrule was much more dangerous than Neverland and he needed the upgrade.
He saved up his rupees, even some gemstones in case that was more her fancy. (What kind of price did she require anyway? It was left quite vague.) And with his flying ship, he sailed toward Kakariko Village.
The denizens of Hyrule told him to look for a giant, green flower bud with red thorns on top; it was the Great Fairy’s home. Sure enough, from the skies it was visible from a mile away. 
After finding a place to land, James placed the rupees and gems into a pack and slung it over his shoulder. He also made sure to explain in careful detail to his crew to not follow him under any circumstances. The Great Fairy surely wouldn’t appreciate the creatures in her domain. He parked the ship far enough that it was a half-mile’s walk, and emerging through the trees he saw it ahead, the flower bud.
It towered over James. Giant flower petals acted as stair steps up to the ‘entrance’ of the bud. Hesitantly, he took a step, testing the integrity of the petal. He expected it to crunch under his foot, but it barely even bent under his weight.
“Okay…” he said, taking the next one. 
He climbed the 5 large petals and looked at the bud in front of him.
“Erm, hello?” He asked, addressing the giant plant.
James reached out his hand but before he could try to part the leaves, the flower bloomed.
“Hello!” A feminine voice shouted.
Out of the center of the flower a giant, winged woman emerged, her arms to the sky and a grin on her face. The bloom threw pollen to the sky and the enormous petals folded open to reveal a deep red and pink flower. In the very center was a glittering pool of water, which the Great Fairy was submerged in from the waist up.
And the fairy herself, while she was giant she had the face and body of a young woman. Her auburn hair cascaded down her shoulders in rich rivulets. Under one eye was a dotted beauty mark. Adorned on her wrists were gold bangles and covering her upper body was a white and gold halter top that ended just above her stomach. It was much like Gerudo wear.
She put a hand under her chin and took in the sight of the man before her. His expression was a mix of fear and awe. He took half a step back as she studied him. She knew that look, she’d seen it a hundred times. He thought she might squish him. Adorable little humans, so very frightened of everything.
“I haven’t had a visitor in quite a while,” the Great Fairy said. “You’re a cute little thing.”
James blinked and his cheeks turned red.
“Great Fairy, uh…”
“You can call me Zarina,” she said, smiling.
“Great Fairy Zarina,” James continued, bowing his head. “I’ve come for your gift. What is your price?”
“So forward,” the Great Fairy teased. “You have my name, but I don’t even get to know yours?”
James stuttered. “I am –  I am very sorry. James Hook. You can call me James.”
“James, what an odd name for a Hylian,” Zarina said, rubbing her chin. “In fact, you’re quite out of place for a Hylian; your clothes, your accent. Where are you really from, Mr. James?”
“I hail from a place called England,” he said.
“Never heard of it! Such strange names.”
“But before I came here, I was in Neverland.”
“Neverland!” Zarina exclaimed, her eyes shining. “How are my pixie cousins there doing?”
“C  – cousins?”
“Yes! We are distant relatives, but they are so teeny-tiny over there. It’s adorable. I have to make myself small when I visit.”
For the first time, James gave a little laugh. Great Fairy Zarina was quite a peculiar thing.
Zarina’s heart melted a little, hearing the young man’s laugh. His shoulders loosened up a little, too. She smiled seeing him come out of his shell.
“Anyway,” she said. “Yes, your boon. I imagine you came a great distance to get here, James Hook from England.”
James nodded, unslinging the pack from his shoulder. He rummaged inside it. The gems and rupees inside clinked against each other. He pulled out a bright blue sapphire, deep as the sea, and raised it to Zarina.
“I – I don’t know what kind of price you require, Lady Zarina, but I think this sapphire quite suits your eyes…” 
He found himself blushing again. Did he sound absolutely ridiculous? He hoped not, he just found it quite difficult to act himself around this beautiful woman. Her eyes glittered blue as she took in the sight of the sapphire, oohing and aahing.
It was quite a large gem for him, one hand barely big enough to hold it on its own. For Zarina however, she pinched it like a pebble between her fingers and held it close to her face to examine it further. Her rosy lips pursed together and eyelashes fluttered. James wasn’t sure if he should stare but found it quite difficult to look away.
Zarina had seen many gems but few of this quality. She looked back down at the Englishman, beaming at him for his flattery and kindness. He was so cute, she wanted to squeeze him like a kitten. And so well-mannered!
“You’re so kind, Mr. James, but I won’t require a price from you today.”
“You – you won’t?” James asked.
Zarina shook her head. Her curls flowed and the gold beads on her top glittered with the movement.
He bowed his head to her again. “Thank you.”
“Alright, James of England. Close your eyes and don’t peek!”
James straightened his posture, rolling his shoulders and standing straight as a pole, and closed his eyes, ready to receive Zarina’s blessing.
Zarina leaned forward, placing one hand on either side of her flower home, and pursing her lips, prepared to kiss James on his tiny ones. 
She warned him not to peek, but it was hard not to when he noticed the change in light as she loomed over him. It’s probably just a cloud passing over, he thought. And just when he shrugged it off he felt a pair of large, lush lips on his own.
He almost shied away. Not out of disgust or disinterest, but from the shock that this large woman was suddenly kissing him! James willed himself to stay still but what he couldn’t do was resist the urge to peek. He cracked one eye open, and just as he did so Zarina pulled away. Her eyelashes rested against her cheeks, which were a faint cherry red.  And her lips were pulled up in a small smile. When she pulled back completely she opened her eyes, those long eyelashes fluttering open. 
Zarina’s smile widened seeing James’ expression. His face was colored like a beet and a dazed look was in his eyes. He rubbed the back of his hand nervously.
“You look like you’ve never kissed a Great Fairy before!” she said, giggling.
“I, well, haven’t,” he said.
“I’m teasing, silly.”
Then, without warning, she scooped the little human up in her hands.
“Aah!” James screamed, his voice pitched as high as a little girl’s.
He squirmed underneath her fingers, his legs flailing in the air out of instinct. But once Zarina brought him to eye level he had a chance to process what happened and stopped. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to steady his breathing and the minor panic attack.
“You are just too cute! So shy, but not a bad kisser! I could just squish you.”
James gave another nervous laugh. Then he looked over the edge of her palms at the ground that was now twenty feet below. A feeling of vertigo washed over him and he turned away, looking back up at Zarina.
“Yes, please don’t fall. Anyway,” she cupped him in her right hand. Then she raised her left and sprinkled magic dust over his head. 
Great Fairy Zarina’s dust was just like pixie dust in Neverland. It fell slowly, like pollen fuzz, but glittered like starlight. Zarina’s fingers waggled until the last of it fell and all the dust settled on James, then she blew it all away!
“And there you go!” Zarina exclaimed. “Same clothes, but completely new functionality. How does it feel?”
James pinched his shirt, looking down at himself. It was the same outfit he always wore, the white shirt, the purple vest, the blue-gray pants, and the buckled shoes, but it all felt different. It felt softer, lighter, and yet more durable somehow.
“Thank you, Zarina!”
“You’re very welcome, James,” she beamed.
Zarina closed in for another kiss, smooching him a bit harder this time, and then set him back down. He wobbled a bit off her hand, and then fell face-first onto the flower. The Great Fairy covered her mouth and giggled. She’d seen this reaction plenty of times.
James brushed himself off and got back to his feet. He glanced up at Zarina like nothing happened.
“I won’t forget what you did for me today, Zarina. Thank you again.”
“Please come back any time. It gets lonely here, you know.”
James nodded. He slung his pack of rupees and gems back over his shoulder. “I will.”
And he did many more times. Even though his base was set up much closer to one of the other fairies, James usually made the trip for Zarina. She was the most beautiful fairy by far and he found himself enjoying her company the most. It came to a point where he didn’t even need his clothes reinforced anymore. Sometimes he just felt… lonely. 
So it came as a surprise to him one day when he visited Zarina and she emerged from the pool in her flower the size of a normal human.
“Zarina?” James said, eyes wide.
It was the same Zarina he knew. She was just, well, him-sized! In fact, she was a little bit shorter. She had her signature white and gold halter top that she always did, but this time he was able to see the rest of her. She wore a matching skirt with the hem ending at her upper thighs. Standing there, she had slender legs and small bare feet. And poor James was thrown for a complete loop.
“Zarina. I – hi. You look… different,” he stuttered, blushing like mad.
Her bangles jangled as she threw her arms out. “I’m human sized!”
The fairy beamed, her eyes closed as she presented herself to him. She opened her eyes, expecting him to be smiling too, but instead he barely met her gaze and his cheeks were scarlet.
“I didn’t change for you to look away. Come on, James! We can dance together!” 
Zarina reached out and yanked James toward her. With a yelp he lurched forward and caught his footing awkwardly. They both giggled.
“Sorry, I just feel… Erm, I don’t want to stare.”
“Why? I stare at you all the time!”
James let out a nervous laugh. Did she think he was handsome? She did call him cute a lot, but he assumed in a cuddly teddy bear kind of way. But with the affirmation she gave him, he decided to swallow his nerves and looked Zarina in the eye. With their hands clasped together, her hands the size of his, her eyes looking up at him instead of the other way around, her body pressed against his… all of it felt right.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, gazing into her eyes with his half-lidded ones. His voice was low as he said it.
Zarina’s eyelashes fluttered as she looked up at him. Her eyebrows turned upward and she smiled. The fairy’s lips pursed. For the first time she really got to see him. When she was large, she always saw her visitors just fine, but this time all the details made themselves known. The little imperfections – like a faded scar on his cheek, little hairs out of place, how James’ smile was a little lopsided at one end. But these imperfections weren’t bad, they were James. It was like she was seeing him for the first time; up close and personal, not like a woman and her pet mouse. But he was still just as cute as one.
Zarina was always the one to kiss James. This time, however, James kissed her. Tilting his head he greeted his lips and hers. James always appreciated her kisses, they were sweet and they filled his stomach with butterflies, but the drastic size difference made them kind of awkward. Maybe it didn’t feel that way to her. But for him it was a little daunting having a giant woman’s face right in his with her lips big enough to swallow him whole. So this was nice. Their lips slotted perfectly together and something within him ignited.
Zarina’s feelings were the same. The kisses were always nice but she had to make sure not to knock him over or smooch James’ entire head. It was nice kissing him at his size level. No, it was more than nice. It was magical.
James hooked one hand around Zarina’s waist. He was unsure where to place his palm, since Zarina was more skin than clothes. He felt very inappropriate assuming he should touch her bare skin, but he didn’t want to dirty her pristine white skirt either. Guiding his hand, Zarina placed it on her hip, silently letting him know it was okay to touch her. His other hand cupped her face; Zarina’s auburn hair tickled his fingers. His thumb swept over her cheekbone.
As she said before, James wasn’t a bad kisser. But with the height difference and the fact that he never initiated, she didn’t know he wasn’t just not bad, he was quite good! His lips were soft, warm, pressed against her own just the right amount. Zarina melted into him and gave a pleasured hum. 
After what could have been seconds or minutes – neither were sure, James pulled away. When he did, Zarina had the dazed look he so often did. There were stars in her eyes and she blinked a few times.
“Sorry. Too much?”
Zarina’s shoulders hunched a bit and she laughed. “No, it was fantastic.” Her cheeks were beet red. Her dainty hands rested against his chest, and in each other’s arms they got lost in the other’s eyes.
“So, you mentioned a dance?” James said, brushing his thumb over cheek again, grazing her beauty mark.
“Yes!” Zarina said with a little jump. Her wings flitted behind her.
“Then may I have this dance?” James asked with a slight bow, offering his hand.
Zarina took it, yanking him again. The two giggled and danced until the sun disappeared over the horizon.
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emberisk · 4 months
Look…Not to be all Cinema Sins and not to pretend the Tinkerbell movies are in anyway consistent…but What the fuck happened to all the blue dust from the second movie in the fifth movie
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If we assume that the bowl(First image) they prepared for the blue dust ceremony is the amount they expected to reap, they got at least TEN TIMES THE EXPECTED YEILD. I mean for Queen Clarions Sake FAIRY GARYS UP TO HIS TORSO IN THE STUFF!!! IT SHOULD LAST FAR MORE THAN 8 YEARS!!!!!
In the fifth movie there’s like….a bottle of it left. (Second image)
These fucks are rationing the shit out of it! They have this tiny little dropper they fill meticulously so they never use too much!!!
How were they coasting on the previous 1 bowls worth for 8 years if they apparently blew (haha blue) through 10x the expected ceremony amount in what 7 years max?…Maybe I should establish why I chose that number
“When is this movie supposed to take place?”
Maybe this movie takes place a far long while after the Lost Treasure but nothing seems to suggest that.
The movies started with a pretty simple concept. Tinkerbell is introduced to seasons.
1. Tinkerbell - Spring
2. Lost Treasure - Autumn
3. Great Fairy Rescue - Summer and also possibly in the wrong order chronologically??? Why is summer after autumn? Idk unless this is her second summer this doesn’t make sense but also it can’t be her second summer because during her FIRST winter she tells Periwinkle about Elizabeth. Strange
4. Secret of the Wings - Winter
The fifth movie MUST follow Secret of the Wings because Periwinkle. It also does have a 1 year time skip. I personally believe the movie takes place…a maximum of 6 MAYBE 7 years following the second movie. The reason I say that is because the Blue Dust ceremony happens every 8 years. If this movie takes place less than 6 years in the future the misuse of the Lost Treasure blue dust is even worse. If it takes place 8 or more years in the future I would assume they’d have an even greater surplus of dust since they still have the dope ass moonstone staff Tinkerbell made.
Maybe they do have a secret surplus stash of dust but there’s absolutely no suggestion of that in the fifth movie. It’s like they’re pretending the second one didn’t happen but they’re still using the blue dust concept that the second movie established so that’s weird.
Maybe Fairy Gary lost all the dust in a bet. Maybe it’s hidden under his kilt. Maybe he snorted it like magical cocaine. I have no answers. Maybe it’s in the books.
Someone who’s read the books please tell me if there is an answer. I will appreciate it
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bigfrozensix · 11 months
Hello ! I wanna ask something. What's your top 3 favorite of Tinkerbell movies ?
1. The Pirate Fairy
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2. The Secret of the Wings
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3. The Great Fairy Rescue
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fibey234 · 3 months
פיות דיסני - עולם אבוד שנשאר רק נוסטלגיה. // Disney Fairies - A world that remains only nostalgia (Hebrew dubbed)
את הסרטון הזה התחלתי לערוך לפני שנה, רק עכשיו סיימתי אותו. פשוט כי לקח לי הרבה זמן לחפש את החומרים, חרשתי את האינטרנט כדי למצוא קטעים בעברית מהסרט, ומה שלא מצאתי פשוט ישבתי לחבר אחד על השני לפי תנועות השפתיים!!!
זהו תקציר של 6 סרטי טינקרבל בתוך סרטון של כ-12 דקות.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
The Hook Family in my au (including their 'partners', pets, and next gen) Moodboards (Part 1);
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Zarina Hook.
First wife of James Hook.
Bio mother of Peter Pan, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, and Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this).
Stepmother of Ginny Gothel.
Adoptive mother of Hannah Hook.
Daycare teacher and worker at the Hook's inlet and shack as well as at Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
No one is quite sure how old she was when she died because she's a fairy.
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Severin 'Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu' de Montragoux.
Husband of Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Father of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and Aristocrat who murdered his first six wives and got murdered by the seventh.
He was around 47 when he died the first time.
He was brought back with everyone else when the isle was created and was killed again in year 11 when he was 58 years old by his wife.
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Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Wife of Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu/Severin de Montragoux.
Mother of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and rich widower whose husband was 'lost at sea' (she still has his ship).
She is around 100 (no one knows how she's still alive).
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Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Mother of James and Jasper Hook.
Ex-Wife of Davy Jones and 'Friend' of Nanny Nell.
Former teacher at Neverland Academy of Pirates and Mermaids (which has been renamed to Neverland Academy).
Current Teacher at Serprent Prep.
She is around 80 years old physically.
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Nell Frost.
Childhood nanny of James and Jasper Hook.
'Friend' of Mama Hook.
She's around 80 years old physically.
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Davy Jones.
(Alleged) Father of James and Jasper Hook.
Pirate captain.
Ex-husband of Adelais 'Mama' Hook.
No one is quite sure how old he is.
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Captain Jasper 'Patch' Hook.
Oldest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Partner of Arabella Smith-Hook.
Father of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
He works at the Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop and he's also a pirate captain.
He is around 60 years old physically.
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Arabella 'Bella' Smith-Hook.
Partner of Jasper Hook.
Mother of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
She works at Gaston's Tavern.
She's around 55 years old physically.
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Captain James Bartholomew Hook.
Youngest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Bio father of Peter Pan, Ginny Gothel, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this), and Hope Hook (future).
Adoptive father of Hannah Hook (now), Hort Hook (future), and Hookling Hook (future).
Works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
He is around 50 years old (give or take) physically.
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Lady Hock.
She is a villain recruiter for the Hook family (mainly James) and also babysat the kids when they were younger. She also works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
She is rumored to be related to the Hooks in some way but no one is quite sure how or if it's even true.
She's around 35 years old (give or take) physically.
Next up will be more of the present Hook family members and after that will be the pets and future Hook family members.
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pixiedusttree · 5 months
I’ve been inspired to rank the Tinker Bell movies
1. Secret of the Wings
Periwinkle is one of my favorite fairies!! This was my sister and I’s favorite when we were little because we thought we were like Tink and Peri so this will always be the most special one to me
2. The Pirate Fairy
Zarina is another fave of mine, this movie goes unbelievably hard I love getting out of Pixie Hollow and seeing pirates
3. Tinker Bell and The Lost Treasure
Tink is kinda frustrating in this movie but this is the most screen time Terence has so I will take what I can get
4. Tinker Bell
Classic and so nostalgic!! I get so much secondhand embarrassment every time Tink messes something up tho LMAO
5. Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue
I really wish I could rank this higher because I love so many things about this movie, like Vidia’s redemption and every scene with Tink’s friends coming to save her, but oh my god I cannot stand Lizzy I just think she’s so annoying I’m sorry
6. Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Neverbeast
Misleading title because this isn’t even Tink’s movie, it’s Fawn’s. I just hate Fawn’s new design in this, and her personality is way different now too. I do think it was a cool idea to give Tink’s friends their own movies though and I wish they could have followed through
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Great Fairy Zarina cause I’ve been spending a lot of time on TOTK since it came out.
Somehow, I feel like James would be even more miserable in this setting than in his own universe. There are pirates in TOTK but they’re all monsters, so his crew would just be him, Smee, and a bunch of bokoblins. He would go insane in less than two weeks, trying to manage them.
Also imagine him having beef with Link. At least with Peter Pan, the hatred is mutual. Link would just kick his ass cause it’s part of his job, but without feeling any specific way about it. That would break James, I think.
Anyway, he’s a bit uhhh… overwhelmed with the great fairy at first, but he gradually gets into it. He always finds excuses to go to Zarina’s fountain even when there are others that are much closer to him.
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yen-sids-tournament · 4 months
Favorite Fairies Mini Tournament Round 2
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What an exciting round! Holly Short, the Blue Fairy, Zarina, and Tinker Bell had us on the edge of our seat. We weren't sure who was going to eak out the wins. Amazingly, both came down to just 3 votes. Then there was the great come-from-behind victory by Lilia Vanrouge! And here we thought all the boys would be out round 1... (also shout out to Clank and Bobble, you were starting to close the distance on Vidia there at the end, we saw!)
Now we prepare for the second round. Can a kindly old lady from Walt's greatest bet stand up to an 700 year old father from a mobile game? Two classic blondes will battle it out. The only swimming fairy squares up with the fastest fast flyer. And will Silvermist provide Tinker Bell another close competition?
Stay tuned for tomorrow when Round 2 goes live!
Reminders: ~this is a mini tournament: each round is 24 hours ~propaganda is allowed (we've never had an issue so we trust y'all still) and we reblog comments on posts/respond to asks ~ties result in both moving on individually ~we are not the original creators of the pictures in our graphics, we merely arrange them as we like. (we do strive to use official art and not fanart, if you see something kindly say something)
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oh-shtars · 5 months
Bonjour, good day, I come with more questions~
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
2. More Rani loreeee
3. Does Rani have star magic? Although feel free to skip this as it might spoil your ending with Sueño
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
6. What trope best fits Hopes & Dreams? What about the royal couple?
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
8. Are the other character’s wishes important to the story?
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
Oh wow-
I get so happy whenever you guys leave asks and stuff like this. Thanks so much! 🥺💖💖 LOVE YA BO!
If y’all ever send me an ask and I haven’t answered it yet, please know I’m not ignoring you. I either don’t know how to answer it yet or I’m too busy atm. (Especially with exams coming up. Ew.)
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(Looking at this, I feel more guilty the more they stay there. 😅 But hey! At least you can look forward to more content, right?)
Anyways, Onto the asks!
1. What Disney character do you think most inspired each character in your rewrite?
I remember doing this one post as a little fun game for everyone to share 3 characters that inspired their main characters. But since you asked for just one and it has to be a Disney character, guess I’ll do that.
You can visit the post if you want to see mine and other AUs’ participation.
Asha = Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Sueño = Aladdin
Magnifico = Hades (Hercules)
Amaya = Zarina (Tinkerbell: The Pirate Fairy)
Valentino = Younger Simba (The Lion King)
(I don’t have a solid personality for the 7 teens since they’re not going to have as big of a role. I do have their key traits in my notes so I can look back to it as a guide. But I’m just going to go with the flow when writing their scenes.)
2. More Rani Loreeeeee
I haven’t even finished a final outline for the main plot of the RFTS!story, so idk even for a sequel. Maybe I’ll do some random drawings of family bonding moments and just him being a precious little guy.
(Hypothetically speaking, IF both Asha and Sueño survive the tragedy I’ll inflict on them. I mean what- who said that?)
All I know for Rani is that he’s someone who’s not sure what is the one thing he’s passionate for. And in this kingdom where everyone is so sure what they want and striving to achieve it, he feels lost. Surely, people only have one passion, right? Why can’t he find and settle for one?
Whenever he finds something he could be passionate about, Rani feels icky at the thought of just permanently sticking to it from now on. But at the same time, he criticises himself for being ‘irresponsible and indecisive.’
He “longs” to know his place and know what he wishes to do exactly. Rani doesn’t like being told, “But you’re so talented!!” because he personally thinks it’s unhelpful. It doesn’t make his choice of picking one passion any easier.
He also doesn’t really like vague answers to his questions and gets frustrated with it. “Believe in yourself.” “You’ll get there.” “Keep going!” “You’ll know it when you feel it.” “I don’t know what you’re aspiring to do, but I bet you’ll do great.” Well guess what? He doesn’t know what he’s doing either. :D
Also: *G A S P*. Not a strong believer of Wishing stars nor looking to the sky for answers! 😱 Rani prefers to “see-it-to-believe-it.” A more down to earth person who wants real solutions, not just hoping for something to magically happen.
(Some stuff might change but here’s an overview of Rani just like you asked- :))
3. Does Rani have star magic?
Ehhhhh, I’ll say he has general knowledge in magic and just about anything he finds interesting and gets his hands on. Not really star magic, though he has the skill of a fast-learner when learning about regular magic. Again, Rani’s existence may or may not be hypothetical. 🤷
4. Does Hopes & Dreams have any other pet names for each other?
Sueño is not really one for pet names since he adores Asha just as she is, including her name. But in his head and through the sign language he eventually learns, he does sometimes call her: “Love or My Sky”
(I love “My Sky” so much because it FITS him. He loves the feeling of freedom and is claustrophobic. So he’s basically saying he feels so free and happy to be around her. Also, *coughs* Bo. “Sky”. My Sky. “Cielo”. Amirite? This was unintentional, I swear-)
For Asha, she calls Sueño: “Starlight, Mi Sueño (this is her fav one ofc), Sunny (though this is more general), Hon/Honey.”
For the last one, I have a silly headcanon that Sueño comes to have honey as one of his fav foods. It sort of rhymes with his other nickname, “Sunny,” and Asha thinks it’s hilarious to tease him with the “honey” nickname when he gets all sticky.
Idk why I even came up with this, but the thought that he’ll eat anything, even food he usually doesn’t like, that is dipped in honey on it is just funny, okay? And it connects to Hal too since I remember she’s meant to be a beekeeper. (This may also be a cute little reference with Winnie the Pooh if Sueño shapeshifts. Hehehe)
Btw, stars can taste but not go hungry. Like how they touch and feel stuff but not feel pain when inflicted or hit by something. If it’s dark magic, then that’s the only exception and they can feel pain.
5. If Ashueño is similar to a genderbent Rapunzel, what dynamic is the royal couple like?
Idk actually. I made Amnifico or ‘Grand Despair’ from scratch without referring or getting inspired by any couple I know. It’s mostly songs and vibes I’ve collected to create their dynamic. Same with Ashueño. The Rapunzel similarity was not intentional. 😅
(I think you should be worried because my RFTS!Spotify playlist has lots of angst- lol.)
Uhhhhhhh, maybe Grand Despair can be something akin to Charity and P.T Barnum from the Greatest Showman. But darker and eviler.
A guy who promises something for his beloved, gets carried away, and eventually forgetting what this was all for in the first place. :3
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6. What trope best fits Hopes and Dreams? What about the royal couple?
Hopes and Dreams:
“Soulmates/Fate” (I think we can all agree that these two are meant to be, either platonically or romantically, in any universe both AU and Canon.)
👏 SLOW 👏 BURN👏 (That pang of realisation always gets me)
Thinks she’s no one special x Treats her like royalty
Grand Despair:
Doomed Romance
Pissy x Only one who calms him down
”Us against the World”
7. Do you have any scrapped ideas you want to share?
Not anything that wouldn’t spoil some stuff for the plot. Sorry 😞
8. Are the other characters’ wishes important to the story?
Hmmmmm. I guess they influence the narrative and further establish the conflict of the story.
Like, the characters are used to just taking the easy way to achieve their dreams by waiting for the day Magnifico grants them one morning. They can make as much as they want. Unbeknownst to them, they’re stuck in this cycle of always wanting more but never satisfied.
They keep wishing and wishing, believing that they have no chance of reaching it on their own without their king’s help.
I’d like the main theme to be: not being afraid to dream big and “Reach for the Stars” but you shouldn’t expect grand things to just come to you instantly. You’ll need to take faith and work for it. Why? Because the whole journey getting there, regardless of the many struggles, is worth it and it sure is something to look back and be proud of.
It sure is what Walt Disney did, isn’t it? :)
9. What Hazbin character is each RFTS!character like?
It’s kind of difficult to pick from the Hazbin cast what each RFTS!character is like since one plot is based off of dreams and everything nice while the other is literally based in hell. 😂
But I’ll try:
Emily was the closest I could think of. (Since I literally couldn’t think of anyone else. Oof-) Not really referring to the happy, excited part of her. More like the “I believe these people deserve a lot better than this” and eventually finding her voice to stand up against authority for the people she cares about.
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No, not the aggressive and assertive side of Vaggie. Lol nope. More like getting attached to the MC that helped them get back onto their feet, warmly welcomed them in this strange new world, and now they would do anything to help them get their dreams come true whatever it takes.
(Also, a secret they’re keeping that’s eating them up inside with guilt and constantly worrying that the MC would hate their guts if they knew. Oops-)
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I’d say the fake-ass showmanship he puts out in public but in reality, he’s really done and exhausted with his audience. He’s still pretty charismatic when he wants to be but I can see him losing his cool quite easily, leading to outbursts.
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Idkkkk. The main cast of Hazbin don’t really fit RFTS!Amaya’s vibe so I just went with Lilith despite how we know nothing about her at the moment. (This is probs gonna age badly-)
She’s a parental figure to someone who trusts her a lot but in reality, her motivations might not be what they seem. She could be willing to sacrifice other people if it means she gets a benefit out of them.
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Alr this is gonna sound kinda stupid but…
Could u do a lil drawing of Crowley and Zarina? I just think they’d get along really well (they both ask too many questions for their own good) thank uuuuu
THAT IS NOT STUPID OML YOU MEAN ZARINA FROM TINKER BELL PIRATE FAIRY RIGHT???-- SHES SO COOL OML (also they both have great fashion sense and theyre ginger so like :3) now i need to go rewatch tinker bell lmao i havent seen it in like 5 years--
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Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
For Hook please ///
I’ve been trying to think on it, and while I may have a few opinions that are divergent from the majority, for the most part, I don’t think I have any super controversial headcanons about Hook. I guess maybe the fact that I insist he lives and give him a redemption arc is unusual but not really controversial. Some of my preferred ships (and the ships I don’t like) might be a little out of the ordinary, but I mostly just don’t reblog things with a NoTP and don’t go out of my way to push my own ships.
Also, for me, who I may ship him with partly depends on the version. For example, Pirate Fairy James I think is cute with Zarina but I like Jake-verse Hook with Red Jessica. Original Disney Hook I actually like with Cruella because neither has a canon love-interest and they are both British, fashion-conscious villains without magic who just seem like they’d be on the same page in the villains hangout. Isaacs Hook and Barrie’s Hook (which I often group together as one character) I ship with an Adult Wendy…which is probably the most controversial ship I have, but I grew up with the 2003 film and was one of the many little girls around Wendy’s age who had a crush on his version of Hook so… 🤷🏼‍♀️ Some versions of Hook (like Hoffman’s) I don’t particularly ship with anyone.
Two semi-popular OTP’s I really don’t care for are Smee/Hook and Jafar/Hook. With Smee, I can at least see the reason why some people ship it…I just personally see their relationship as more of like a father/son thing and also headcanon pretty hard that Smee is aro ace and is content being single. I don’t think Hook had a loving male role model in his life and Smee just sort of ends up adopting that parental role. Smee is the opposite of the dad I headcanon Hook grew up with—violent, controlling, hypermasculine… Smee is this gentle, friendly, soft character and that’s exactly what Hook needs in a father-figure even if he doesn’t like to admit it. Jafar is more for personal reasons. He’s a great villain but in my headcanon storyline for Disney Hook, they have a MAJOR falling out that would prevent them from ever even being allies again after a certain point, much less anything else.
These days when I’m writing, regardless of the version of Hook, I often (though not always) intentionally leave any romantic interest at least somewhat vague so the reader can decide for themselves who they want to pair them with. All of that said, I do think I’m in the minority in that I headcanon Hook as being heteroromantic and somewhere on the ace spectrum. Hook is—at least in modern interpretations—often overly sexualized in my opinion. We don’t get any hints anywhere in Barrie’s original material that Hook might have any sort of romantic or sexual interest…which leaves the door wide open for how people want to interpret him. Hook’s personality lends itself naturally, I think, to romanticism (love of music, flowers, etc.) but I personally choose to interpret his lack of any canon hints at ever having had a love interest as meaning that he’s not really going out of his way here to look for someone. Also, Barrie drew at least some inspiration for Hook from his own life, and we have good historic evidence to believe that Barrie was ace even though he did marry a woman. At the very least, if Hook isn’t somewhere on the ace spectrum, he IS canonically a gentleman and I despise any interpretation that has him jumping into bed with just about anyone regardless of how they feel about him. I think the Disney Twisted Tales book “Straight on Til Morning” sums up my idea of (pre-redemption arc) Hook well when a pirate tells Wendy, “He might slit your throat, but the rest of you is safe.”
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sailorplanet1997 · 7 months
my another top Vidia's moments (or rather kind of part 2)
11: Vidia helping Tinkerbell to bring Periwinkle to the winter woods 12: Vidia's brave side of her 13: Vidia's helpfull side 14: Vidia dealing with the situation 15: Vidia comforting others 16: Vidia calming the others down 17: Vidia thinking like a Tinker 18: Vidia's weak side 19: Vidia explaining Tinkerbell how her talents work as a fast-flyer 20: Vidia's bitch fight with Tinkerbell i just continues with my another top 10 moments with Vidia just outside the top 10 is the brave and helpfull side of Vidia she along with Tinkerbell brought Periwinkle back to the winter woods while almost risking their own WINGS by doing so, i'm surprised Vidia wasn't that worried about her wings because her wings are the most important one from all of the other fairies as a fast-flying fairy but i guess it wasn't a problem for her as long as she gets out from the winter woods with Tinkerbell right afterwards, which is exactly what she did, she grabbed Tinkerbell out from the winter woods after saving Periwinkle's life and probably knew Tinkerbell couldn't think rationally when she's under stress i know she saving Tinkerbell in the third movie and saving Periwinkle in the fourth movie is already ranked but it's only higher on the list because she spared one of their lives while almost risking her own but i actually love the brave side of her in its other scenes she's in when danger occurs, the pirates, gruff and its other scenes, she's doing everything to save the day, i love when characters risk everything and put others above themselves by doing the right thing to save the day, and i can tell she's one of these characters that will risk everything at all costs to save the day i love the helpfull side of her whenever she agrees or disagrees with the others opinions or plans, she still sticks with them, no explainations for "The Great Fairy Rescue" but in its other movies i love the helpfull side of her when someone is in trouble with something she steps in first before the others does, it's especially towards Tinkerbell but it's no surprise she'll help the others too when others have its frustrations here and there, i love that i love how she deals with the situations most of the times, she's calm even when dangers occurs, from the third movie up to the finale movie, she sure knows what to do when the situation calls for it and is all protective for the ones she cares about, i love the protective side of her while remaining calm when dangers are around, i feel like she's the only one with that strength that will know what to do in serious situations sure the scene that made it to the top 10 was the one she comforted Tinkerbell in "The Secret Of The Wings" and it's there for a reason because Tinkerbell thought she had lost someone important to her she only discovered it for a day just because of crossing the border law, of course someone had to be there for her Lord Milori kept the sisters apart but it doesn't take away in its other scenes she comforts others in its other movies, she kind of comforted Silvermist and Rosetta in the finale movie, maybe it's the strength side of her she'll always be there for others no matter which situations they are in if others need her comfort i love how Vidia calms others down when others are stressed out or in panic, she's the only rational one from the group, she have calmed Tinkerbell, Silvermist and iridessa down, probably kind of her silent way of saying everything is gonna be alright for someone who's rather realistic than pessimistic or optimistic
i laughed at the scene she was like "uh oh i hope it's a joke because this is NOT funny being a Tinker fairy" because her response is just hilarious but after that scene i love how she have thought, build and acted like a Tinker as a temporary Tinker fairy herself, i'm surprised for the way how she deals with the situation, she probably for once agrees with Tinkerbell on 1 thing for saying Zarina is the reason for all these messes she have caused for everybody, including the switching talent one, hiding themselves under a jacket and beating a pirate was surprisingly her idea instead of Tinkerbell, building a boat made out of eggs was her idea too and i'm sure she have created a sword to beat the pirates too, i love how she deals with thinking like a Tinker fairy in "The Pirate Fairy" movie i love the weak side of her, just like how everybody have their strength and weak side of them i see the weak side of Vidia too, i act like the first movie don't exist but thankfully she have improved after the first movie but i'm okay with the weak side of her she have in its other movies, she easily feel guilty if something bad happens to others and that's very well showed in "The Great Fairy Rescue" and the next one called "The Secret Of The Wings" it looks like from each of the group she seems the most upset by it if she can't control the situation, like when she thought Tinkerbell was in danger it scared the crap out of her Tinkerbell might die before Vidia is able to save her from the humans in time, thankfully Tinkerbell was safe the whole time but from her point of view i can't really blame Vidia last time she have saw Tinkerbell, it's clearly showed in most of the scene Vidia was in, the other one in "The Secret Of The Wings" it again involves Tinkerbell but this time Tinkerbell sacrificed her wing to call the winter fairies for help and once she revealed her wings without even telling them, Periwinkle was the most upset by it but Vidia comes close by from all of the other fairies, it's a real fact her best fairy friend is Tinkerbell so she'll take it the hardest from the group, she almost lost her once so she was probably scared of losing her again who knows? and Vidia herself can't imagine breaking a wing as the largest one from everybody so i can't really blame her she'll take it the hardest from everybody for these reasons, and in "The Legend Of The Neverbeast" she was also seen crying TWICE, one when Fawn died while trying to comfort Rosetta and the other one while Fawn was alive again yet had to say goodbye to Gruff she was seen crying with the others, an another weak side of her is when someone makes fun of her or when someone complaints about something she can be angry or annoying for a few seconds and i'm okay with that even though it's unnecessary at times i didn't liked her in the first movie but i DID liked when she met Tinkerbell she explained how fast-flying talent works but that's all about it in that scene and now to reach the 20 allthough i didn't liked Vidia or Tinkerbell, i find it very funny how they bitch fights infront of everybody, they blamed each other but in reality they were both to the blame but i just couldn't stop laughing for the way they fights and once all was in the open i laughed even more and she has been defeated by Tinkerbell after that and had to do the sprinting thistles job while Tinkerbell stayed and did her thing, everytime i see that scene where these 2 fights i can't stop laughing because it's just hilarious, i especially laughed when Vidia accidently told Tinkerbell she should've told her to capture the hawk instead of the sprinting thistles and had that "*uh oh now i'm in trouble for saying that right infront of everybody*" look on her face i used to hate her a lot but now i can't imagine a movie without her nowadays, my point of view have changed about Vidia, i just love this girl
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pirxtefairy · 9 months
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ZARINA ZARATE - - - - - *.⊹₊‧
"two parts sunflower seed & a dash of moonflower."
full name:  zarina zarate.
nicknames:  z.
age:  twenty-eight.
gender:  cis female.
species:  fairy.
eye color:  hazel.
hair color: brown.
height: five feet, three inches.
date of birth:  october twenty-seventh .
occupation:  peddler.
positive traits: passionate. clever. resourceful. curious. adventurous. creative.
negative traits: sneaky. distrusting. reckless. feisty. self-serving. thievish. crafty.
Zarina’s pixie dust alchemy has combined with human chemistry upon getting trapped in Evermore. What she’s been focused on as of late is trying to find a way to create more pixie dust, whether synthetic or pure. Maybe even blue pixie dust! She only has so much left of her supply from Pixie Hollow… but she’ll be damned to let her passion trickle out when she’s come so far. 
Most fairies have their reservations of the ocean to some degree, other large bodies of water included. Zarina wasn’t any different. Wet wings made for a downed fairy, and in extreme conditions the loss of their wings entirely. But of course, Zarina being Zarina, she had her curiosities about the sea. She daydreamed about what all could be dwelling in such intense, expanse oceans and trenches. Mermaids. Monsters. Magic? Maybe. Eventually the water grew on her after running away from Pixie Hollow and spending so much time on ships and boats. Now she seeks it out when in need of peace or inspiration. 
Zarina has always been very independent and more than comfortable with her own company. However, her severe trust issues and growing loneliness are at a constant war inside her mind. Not to mention that she’s always in survival mode. The other fairies seem to have grown accustomed to Evermore, getting cozy and building a life. Zarina doesn’t really have that luxury. Stealing things just to get by typically burns bridges before she can build them. She’s learned to keep her talents to herself since people have only ever used her or thrown her to the curb because of them.
Did you know crows bring “gifts” to people who share morsels of food and kindness with them? Zarina does. Crows are misunderstood creatures, just like her. They’re also probably the purest friends she currently has. Zarina regularly feeds the crows that loiter outside of her very small apartment. Occasionally they bring her gifts. “little treasures” as she prefers to call them. Dropped coins, lost earrings, small pebbles, etc. She keeps the more interesting items in a little box under her bed. One time a crow even brought her a one-hundred dollar bill… that was a really good week for her. 
Zarina often adds little braids into her hard-to-tame lion’s mane. Sometimes she even weaves in little feathers, charms, hair cuffs or whatever else catches her fancy. Scarves and bandanas are also very common. But beware: if Zarina asks to borrow a hair tie, you’re not getting it back. More than likely she’ll accidentally snap it before you remember to ask for it back. Be gentle with her though, it’s not her fault. Blame her hair. 
This girl is super crafty and creative in more ways than one. In the traditional sense, Zarina without fail customizes and personalizes a lotttt of her things. Her favorite is her lab coat and smock. Whenever she has free time, Zarina will add some scrappy embroidery to the fabric or glue sea glass to the edges. In the less traditional sense, while she hates all of their guts, she learned a lot from the crew that betrayed her. Pickpocketing, sneaking around, resourcefulness, fashioning a good lie and even knowing how to work a knife. Well, sort of. She has surprisingly great aim.
Zarina is a big tea girl. Earl Grey is her favorite, but she loves coffee, too. Like many other people, she'll turn to flavored, espresso based drinks when she's looking for an extra kick of caffeine as long as they're not too sweet. Zarina isn't a huge fan of sweet coffee, but she always munches on candy when working in her little makeshift lab. When it comes to alcohol, Z bounces around between rum and cokes, whiskey and bourbon. It's also not uncommon finding her turning to weed when she's stressed or her brain won't shut off.
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tesseractlover · 6 months
Characters who are autistic because I’m autistic and I said so
Cady (Mean Girls)
Branch (Trolls)
Jojo (Seussical)
Matilda (Matilda)
Anne (Anne of Green Gables)
Bruce Banner (Marvel)
Literally all of the Guardians of the Galaxy
Vanellope Von Schweetz (Reck It Ralph)
Peter Parker (Marvel, specifically comics and Tobey Maguire’s version)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Charlie Weasley (Harry Potter)
Newt Scamander (FBAWTFT)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
All the Van Pelt children (Peanuts)
Shroder (Peanuts)
Sherlock Holmes
Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Wednesday (Adams Family)
Jean Grey (X-men)
Scott Summers (X-men)
Maud Pie (My Little Pony)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Zarina (The Pirate Fairy)
Lizzy (Great Fairy Rescue)
The Grinch (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
Ally in Wonderland (Descendants)
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Badun Detective Agency Detective Profile (Edited on December 2nd, Year 23 due to new information):
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Name: Hannah Artemis Hook.
DOB: December 2nd, Year 8.
Status: Dead.
Last Known Address: The Stormbringer Crew (Part Time),
The flat above Hook's Inlet and Shack (Part Time).
Previous Address: The Jolly Roger.
Country of Origin: The Isle of the Lost.
Race: Caucasian. 
Gender: Female.
Dental:? (Profiler does not know what dental is and thus cannot answer the question). 
Height: 3"0 (36 Cm).
Weight: 47.7 lbs (21.63636 Kg).
Hair color: Dark Brown (with a white streak on the left, a teal one on the right).
Eye color: Dark Brown.
Languages: English, Pirate Speak, and Fairy Speak (Fluent),
Latin, English, Greek, Ciazarn, Spanish, and French (Sparsely).
Title: Detective-in-training Hannah Hook, Captain Hannah Hook, The Messenger, and Angel of Vengeance.
Identifiable markings: Mild freckles, very short nails (from her biting them), sideways anchor scar on her right knee, small dot scars all over her left hand, a mild thin scar on her scalp, and several jagged scars on her feet (from stepping on glass).
Family:  Severin 'Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu' de Montragoux (Adoptive Paternal Great Grandfather)(Deceased),
Lucretia Hook (Adoptive Paternal Great Grandmother)(Living),
Adelais Hook I (Adoptive Paternal Great Grandmother)(Living),
Nell Frost (Nanny/Potential Adoptive Paternal Step Grandmother)(Living),
Davy Jones (Alleged Adoptive Paternal Grandfather)(Living),
Jasper 'Patch' Hook (Adoptive Parental Uncle)(Living),
Arabella 'Bella' Smith-Hook (Adoptive Parental Aunt-via-marriage)(Living),
Atticus Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Deceased),
Greyson Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Living),
Ian Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Living),
Nevin Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Living),
Ian Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Living),
Morgan Hook (Adoptive Parental Cousin)(Deceased),
James Hook (Adoptive Father)(Living),
Zarina Hook (Adoptive Mother)(Living),
Lady Hock (Babysitter/Backup Godmother)(Living),
William Smee (Godfather)(Living),
Molly Smee (Godmother)(Living),
Samson 'Sammy' Smee (Godbrother)(Living),
Sterling 'Squirmy' Smee (Godbrother)(Living),
Skipper 'Squeaky' Smee (Godbrother)(Living),
Adelais Hook II/Allison Liddell (Adoptive Sister)(Living),
Calista Jane 'CJ' Hook (Adoptive Sister)(Living),
Harriet Hook (Adoptive Sister)(Living),
Peter Pan (Adoptive Brother)(Living), 
Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Gothel (Adoptive Parental Sister/ Biological Maternal Aunt), 
Harrison 'Harry' Hook (Adoptive Brother)(Living),
Icarus (Owl)(Living)
and Midas (Racoon)(Living). 
Education: 1st grade (Partly).
Employment: Worker at Hook's Inlet and Shack (Occasionally),
Worker at Hook's Clock and Curiosity Shop (Occasionally),
Isle Messenger (Occasionally),
Pirate Captain of the Stormbringer (Permanently).
Badun Detective Agency Employment: Detective-in-training.
Skills/abilities: Thievery, people reading, improvised weapons, escape artist, and researching.
HaNnAh HoOk.
—Agent is impulsive.
—Agent has little to no self-preservation skills.
—Agent is partially blind and partially deaf, as well as extremely clumsy.
—Agent is not the best at fighting but is good at providing a distraction, running away, and being a swordsmen.
—Agent is also good at improvising and figuring out people's wants/needs (and using them to her advantage).
—Agent has debilitating migraines and sensory overloads. She also gets overstimulated and under stimulated a lot.
—Agent has a debilitating fear of spiders.
—Agent hates shoes.
Edited on December 2nd, Year 15:
—Agent Died on December 2nd, Year 15.
—Due to Agent Hannah Hook's deaths, the 'If I Go Missing' and 'Will' Files have become mandatory for all members of the B.D.A.
Edited on December 25th, Year 17 :
Note(s): Agent has been spotted multiple times after her death in a ghostly form. For theories on how, check theories file 077.
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escape-from-arcadia · 2 years
Tales of Arcadia Disney Fairies!AU
Book 25: Disney Fairies: Trill Changes Her Tune by Gail Herman
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👀👀👀 ooohhhhh 25! @honeyxmonkey
This is an old one from when I was a kid. I remember always wanting to read every single one of these. I have another on my shelf, but I don't know where the others went. Anyway, AU time.
Douxie is tall and shy and awkward. Only music makes him feel at ease.
He's a music-talent fairy.
Most other music-talent fairies use traditional instruments, seeing that as the only way to make music.
Douxie hears music everywhere in the world around him and wants to use anything and everything to make music.
The instrument he usually uses is a lyre made of sticks and vines.
Ngl I had to reread this book to make an AU, but here’s the idea:
Merlin takes the place of Cliff, the sparrow man who is essentially conductor of the music talents. He’s much more stiff and “traditional,” but also much more confident than Douxie.
There's an upcoming concert but something goes wrong.
There's a divide in the group and Douxie basically leads half of the music talents to create their own instruments to produce "better music", while Merlin leads the others.
The concert comes around and though it starts off like a music battle, both sides come together and learn to appreciate both music styles.
Douxie learns to have more confidence in himself and his ideas, though he also has to try and not to be too reckless. Merlin learns to appreciate other forms of music and respect Douxie a bit more.
Now these next bits aren't necessarily pertaining to the book, but I think they'd be neat to include in this AU
I'll be following the book series canon so we'll have Mother Dove, or as we're called her in the AU the Animata Rupes, or "the animated stone." Animata was once an ordinary bird, but after a great fire swept through Neverland, her feathers turned into crystals and she was given magic and wisdom.
To the fairies, Animata feels like home. She is all that is good, and she loves all of the fairies.
The fairies use her crystalline feathers (which grow back rather quickly) to create pixie dust.
Jim is a kitchen talent. He works in the tearoom kitchens with Dulce, preparing great food for all of Pixie Hollow.
Toby is a tale-telling-talent. He comes up with a lot of productions to put on the theatre and is a real showman.
Claire is a light talent. She loves what she does, but funnily enough, loves making shadows by shaping light. It's like how an artist uses negative and positive space.
She and Toby team up a lot to tell stories. Jim cooks the food for the parties and shows the three of them put on.
Aja and Krel were born from the same baby's laugh. Aja is a fast-flying talent and Krel is a tinker talent.
Krel often has to build safety equipment for Aja because she's always getting into trouble
Aja tends to run out of dust quickly and walks around most places similar to Zarina (yes she's a movie fairy, hush). Even though she gets more dust as a fast-flying fairy, she just zooms everywhere.
If you send me an ask with a number between 1-36, I'll respond with a TOA AU based on the corresponding book on my shelf.
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