#the greek gods one is just 'here's people who are better than you :D'
windfighter · 5 months
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This is just bad user interface! Who on the howrse team looked at this and went "Yeah this is perfect I'm sure they'll like this"????
(talking about the suddenly appeared top greek god horses-list over there)
Sure you can move it out of the way if you're a VIP but you know what happens then????
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More bad UI
*grabs bat* listen howrse I just want to talk
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Things about the Wisdom Saga that have plagued me all damn day
Whether intentional or not, Miguel's Telemachus really sounds like a younger version of Jorge's Odysseus. And that hurts.
"If I fight those monsters, is it you I'll find?" The layers. Could he go out and hunt for his father? Could he find his 'legendary' strength within himself? Or will Odysseus be the 'monster' he finds?
"Somebody help me, come and give me the strength" And his call is answered T_T
20 years.
Antinous fully interrupts this bop. Rude.
Ayron sounds legitimately scary and Telemachus taking a stand is so O.O
Little Wolf
I wanna fight this guy. Love that Athena agrees. (The beat of the song and sharp bursts of vocals really emulate blows.)
The quaver on "I don't know how".
Athena is immediately charmed by Telemachus' enthusiasm. She sounds so fond.
The fact she sees heart in him as an advantage when it was Odysseus choosing heart over mind that drove them apart. Guh.
Did she tell him to bite Antinous? XD
"Oh, maybe I pushed you a bit too hard." The change in her perspective is already so apparent - she wouldn't have admitted a mistake or miscalculation to Odysseus.
We'll Be Fine
"I had a friend before..." A FRIEND? FRIEND?!?!
An admission that she didn't fully appreciate what Odysseus was going through, that she feels guilty for having "missed it all".
It's unclear to begin with if she's come to Telemachus for Odysseus, or to try and replace him. Both are equally heart-breaking.
"I don't know who your friend is, I don't know what he's like" UNKNOWINGLY ECHOING HIS OWN THOUGHTS IN 'LEGENDARY'. NO IT'S FINE I'M FINE.
"The best day of my life because I got in a fight and I didn't die! :D" Telemachus, child, please.
"We'll be fine" using the same run as "this is my goodbye" T_T
Him immediately offering up friendship to Athena, like Odysseus once did, must hit her so hard. "You're a good kid." Yes he is - because he's more like his dad than he knows.
Love in Paradise
10 years.
The memory fragments sounding so fraught and chaotic together, hitting harder because they're hitting Athena all at once. She missed a lot.
"She's my wife." "Anyways..." Calypso, girl, please.
Love that they're singing completely different melodies through the first half of this song for two reasons: because Odysseus is revisiting previous motifs, once more trying to hold onto the man he was, and also because it shows Calypso is not willing to compromise on what she wants.
"Last I checked goddesses can't die." We'll come back to this later.
Then Odysseus realises he is truly trapped and he sings along to Calypso's melody in muted horror.
Just the words "open arms" are enough to confront Odysseus (again) with all he's lost. All he hears are screams.
And the one he screams out for is Athena.
"He needs my help." NO KIDDING GO GET YOUR BOY.
God Games
"Father, God, King..." There's a lot to unpack in that fun family dynamic.
"To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?" Zeus is like, nobody likes that guy, why do you care?
The gods being called out like X Factor finalists is everything.
So there's a great contrast against the previous song - unlike Calypso, Athena is matching each of her singing partners with their tone and beat as she convinces them. She isn't winning by 'imposing her will', she's meeting them where they are.
Rational arguments work until Aphrodite, where Athena says "please" for the first time. She softens to appeal to Aphrodite, which is why Ares has to step in.
The way she says his name XD
Ares' lines sound like as much of a fighting chant as 'Little Wolf' did, which makes it all the better that the mention of Telemachus is what gets her to 'fight back'.
"His son's my friend!" YES HE IS. And Athena of all people declaring "a broken heart can mend" is fascinating. Can't help but wonder if she's talking about herself coming around to forgiving Odysseus.
"Never once has he cheated on his wife." Handwaving the source material is worth it for this line ALONE.
Zeus is so pressed by everyone openly knowing he cheats on Hera. Stop doing it then my dude.
Ares sounding genuinely concerned for Athena is doing things to me. Goddesses can't die, huh?
Her time motif flitting in and out like a weak heartbeat.
The soft piano of 'Warrior of the Mind', touching on a whisper of 'Legendary', then rising to a triumphant crescendo as Athena regains herself. I will be forever haunted by visions of Odysseus and Telemachus helping her to her feet.
And then, finally, she faces her own father and begs. Because Odysseus and Telemachus deserve a chance to be father and child.
The parallel, by the way, of Athena entering this saga to help an outnumbered Telemachus, and now closing it with him/Odysseus unknowingly helping her win her own battle too. JORGE HOW DARE YOU T_T
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thaliagracesgf · 8 months
i hail a cab with a goat, and make some questionable decisions at a party
author’s note: i want to make it, like, really, really, clear that this is not a fic glorifying sa or being a victim. what the reader goes through here is a horrible experience, one that’s happened to me and countless other women (and other people!!). this fic is for anyone who, in the words of rachel sennot in bottoms, has been “gray-area-d,” and felt completely lost afterwards, not knowing how to feel or what to think. this is one example of how you deserved to have been treated, and i’m sorry if this or something similar wasn’t your experience. 
content warnings: sexual assault (not graphic and not by luke! r is sort of tied down and has their shorts undone), violence (luke is not happy about this situation), alcohol (r is drunk), talking about it afterwards?, talking about monsters (on a regular pjo level), swearing. 
word count: 6.6k. i had a lot to say. so sorry.
this is the first fic i have written in a while, i hope you enjoy it!
seven a.m. in the camp half-blood dining pavilion saw the same faces every morning. you, silena beauregard, clarisse larue, and annabeth chase. your little group of friends spanned six years, at seventeen, fourteen, thirteen, and eleven, and your best friend, who had been off at college all year, made it eight. 
you didn’t remember becoming friends with silena and clarisse, although you figured hannah, your best friend and silena’s older half-sister, must have introduced you, and clarisse came along with her. 
you had met annabeth and hannah when you were just thirteen, when you had followed a friend to connecticut in the middle of pre-algebra. 
“do you understand any of this?” you whispered to grover. he gave you a look as if he had never seen a fraction before last week, and you sighed. your teacher, a kind old woman named ms. lucy, gave you a look. when she gave the class a new problem to work through, she came and knelt by your desk, looking over your shoulder at what you had managed so far. which was a whole lot of nothing, unless you included a sketch of grover that would make picasso proud. you shrunk sheepishly in your chair. 
you looked to your right, as if trying to see how bad it really was compared to your model, but he was gone. you turned back to ms. lucy. 
“did you see grover leave?” 
“grover. did he go to the bathroom?”
“i assume so, dear. if you convert the decimal—" but grover’s things were gone. you felt terrible. you knew you were a terrible student, and ms. lucy was so kind to you anyways, but it wasn’t like grover to walk out of class like that. he was terrified of authority.
“i have to go,” you mumbled to ms. lucy, throwing your things in your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. “stomachache.” 
she looked genuinely concerned. “would you like me to let the nurses know you’re coming?”
“no… no. that’s okay.” and you ran out the door. 
it wasn’t too hard to find grover. he was sitting in an empty classroom just a few doors down, but what was weirder was that he was watching a video on the projector. weirder still, he was talking to it. you knew it was rude to eavesdrop. it didn’t stop you from doing it. 
“chiron, i can’t just leave. she’s here, and she’s in danger. she needs a protector. anything could come for her at any moment—" was he talking about you? 
a deep voice over the projector, whose face you could hardly make out through the low-quality image, answered: “i will inform her mother and she will go home. she will stay there until we can send gleeson to collect her and—"
“why can’t you send gleeson for these kids?” 
“he’s too far, it would take him a day at least to reach them. i already told you, this was a request from hermes himself. he wants his son and his friends collected as soon as possible, and—" 
who the hell was gleeson? and hermes… who names their kid after a greek god? at least choose one with a better name than hermes. it sounded like a disease. your mother had named your brother after some greek hero, but he didn’t go by it. and at least it was, like, a human name. 
“he’s the god of travelers.” you were starting to worry that grover might be on drugs. what on earth had they put in those enchiladas at lunch? “can’t he get him, like, a car? a day could be too long for—"
“grover.” the voice boomed. that shut him up. “you will go. you will escort the son of hermes, the daughter of athena, and the daughter of zeus to camp, and then you may return to the city. this is not up for discussion.” you were really starting to think that the booming voice might have been two booming voices, but the door was closed and the audio was already crackly, so you decided it didn’t really matter. 
you heard grover’s voice say, “alright,” defeated and almost mournful, and then the message cut off. your eyes widened as you realized that grover would probably step outside any second, and you would have no excuse as to what you were doing with your ear to the wall. you turned slowly, and winced as your shoe squeaked on the linoleum floor. you started speedwalking. no sense in trying to hide anymore, you were just interested in getting as far away as possible before-
“oh, gods.” grover’s voice echoed between cinder block walls and metal lockers. “how much did you hear?”
you turned, your fingers nervously twisting the straps of your backpack. “i mean. not everything. just. you know.”
“almost everything?”
“this is not good. this is really not good.” grover wasn’t talking to you anymore. he was pacing the short ways of the corridor, head in his hands, muttering to himself. “my first mission and i’ve already messed it up completely.” 
“how could you have messed it up completely? you haven’t even met these kids yet.”
“oh, gods,” grover groaned.
“woah, dude. are you like, hindu or something?”
“you said gods. plural. i read this book—"
“okay,” grover interrupted. “you need to go home.” 
“okay. that was rude. also, it’s like the middle of the day. my mom’s at work and my stepdad will kill me if i come home early.”
“your stepfather. perfect. just climb in the back window of your room, and when your mom gets home, tell her that chiron says you need to go to camp immediately.”
“what? what the hell are you talking about? who— is that who you were talking to on the phone?”
“the phone call. the one you were mad at me for overhearing…”
“okay. first of all, that was not overhearing, that was eavesdropping. second of all, i’m not mad. this just complicates things slightly. third of all—"
“dude, you need to—" grover glared at me, and i shut up. 
“third of all,” he repeated, “that wasn’t a phone call. it was an iris message.”
“a what?”
“nevermind. not important. ask about it at camp.”
“why do you keep talking about a camp? i haven’t been to camp since music camp in second grade, and they don’t want me back. i was really, really, bad at the recorder.”
“you played the recorder?” grover looked suddenly very interested. “nevermind. you need to go home.”
“dude. i’m telling you, i. can’t.” 
“you have to—"
“take me to connecticut,” you suggested. 
“isn’t that where you’re running off to?”
“you can’t come to connecticut with me—"
“why not? you seemed pretty adamant on the phone—"
“iris message”
“that you needed to be with ‘her’. based on how insanely you have freaked out, i’m guessing that was me. so take me with you.”
“i know you have no idea what is going on right now—"
“thank you for finally acknowledging that important part of this conversation.”
“- but taking you to connecticut would be an astronomically bad idea. like i-would-get-fired kind of bad idea.”
“you’re twelve. how on earth would you get fired? child labor laws are—"
“i’m nineteen.” 
you laughed at that one. “yeah, sure.” 
grover rolled his eyes. “look, i really, really, wish i could explain more, but i need to go. and i really, really need you to go home.”
“like really, really need you to listen—" he paused. “okay? great!”
“if it means that much to you, i’ll go home.” grover sighed with relief. 
he was eating his words. and a tin can he had picked up off the street. you had followed him out of the building, watched him call a cab, and then, at the last second, jumped in after him, slammed the door, and told the driver to drive before grover could figure out what was going on. 
after your initial panic, when you realized you were hurtling up fifth avenue at three-hundred miles per hour with three old ladies behind the wheel, you had straightened yourself out, and made grover explain everything. he had, reluctantly, when he came to terms with the fact that you were in too deep to back out now.  
he explained camp, the greek (not hindu) gods, and the ladies in the front (who had one eye between them) were very helpful about filling in the details. so, so many details. he explained that he didn’t know who your parent was, just that you were powerful, and that he was planning on asking your mom before everything went up in flames.  
he explained that he was going to connecticut to escort three (now four) demigods to camp half-blood, and that they would likely be tailed by monsters the entire way back. four demigods as powerful as you, and one forbidden child — a child of zeus, poseidon, or hades, as he had mentioned — would attract a lot of attention. 
and you did. it took you a month to get to camp after you found thalia, luke, and annabeth, constantly being thrown off course by monsters, over which you got to know them better than any friends you’d had in your life (with the exception of maybe grover and your little brother). your mother was worried sick, but you iris-messaged her (grover finally got through on that one) every so often, letting her know you were okay. she was surprisingly understanding about camp. she apologized that she hadn’t been the one to take you herself, and that she had been forced to hide the truth from you for so long. the calls always ended though, when she tried to tell you who your father was. the water would shut off suddenly, the rainbow disappearing along with your mother, so you learned to avoid the topic if you wanted to continue talking. 
when thalia died, you were in shock. you sat at the edge of long island sound at camp for three days, staring into the ocean. you didn’t speak, even when you were claimed, as you sat, by your father, poseidon, and shuffled your things from the hermes cabin into cabin three. it was just another loss — you could no longer sleep in the bed next to luke’s. there were no familiar faces in cabin three — no faces at all. you were completely alone. 
eventually, an older aphrodite girl came by the cabin. she introduced herself as hannah, and she showed you around camp, forced you to sit with her and her siblings at dinner, dealing with chiron and mr. d’s disgruntlement herself, and at the campfire. she dragged you to the center of the amphitheater, dancing slowly at first, and then faster, until you were laughing and finding luke and annabeth in the crowd and dragging them to dance as well. 
you missed hannah so much. she wasn’t that far, a first year at barnard this fall, where you would hopefully be in a couple of years. you weren’t ready for college yet, you thought, so you would take a gap year (though you hadn’t been in school for years) and stay at camp, while chiron would help you convince the admissions committee (using the mist) that you had a perfect gpa, excellent extracurricular activities, and a stellar recommendation letter from a highly admired ancient greek scholar by the name of professor c. brunner.  
sitting at breakfast with you was probably miserable, you could admit. you were counting down the days until hannah came back, and your friends were definitely tired of it. but for some reason, this morning silena was practically jumping up and down with something. 
“will you stop?” you asked. “you’re shaking the entire table.” 
“i can’t, i’m sorry.” she seemed sincere in her apology. “i just— oh, you’ll see.”
you didn’t see, in fact, as someone jumped out from behind you and wrapped their arms around your head, their sweatshirt covering your eyes. “who—" you started, before you got a whiff of lavender-vanilla perfume and jumped up from the table. 
hannah. you shrieked, probably waking up half the camp. you spun around and tackled her to the ground, hugging her so tightly you would probably cut off her circulation. 
she pushed you off, laughing, and got to her feet. “it’s good to see you too, babe. what’s up with all of you? you never call, i feel like i’ve been completely cut off.” (you had iris-messaged her last week for five hours). 
“your sister is still absolutely obsessed with beckendorf,” you said, sitting down.
“hey!” silena protested.
“but of course he has no idea that he likes her.” silena turned pink. “no one here is good enough for annabeth, obviously—"
“i never said that, clarisse doesn’t let any boys near me.” you stick your tongue out at her. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” clarisse said, feigning obliviousness. “you hang out with luke all the time.”
“he’s always hanging out with that new kid.” she grumbled. “or—"
“speaking of, clarisse definitely thinks this hermes boy is so cute— you haven’t met him, he got here a few months ago, but his name is chris, and i think they would be so cute together. she’s out of everyone’s league, obviously, but if anyone would be good for her—" 
“gods, you would think you’re the aphrodite kid, listening to you.” hannah smiled. she stole a bite of your french toast. 
“i’m just excited to see you,” you said, laying your head on her shoulder. silena and clarisse smirked. 
“she’s leaving somebody out here,” silena said, smiling. 
“i know, it’s weird, she never shuts up about him otherwise,” clarisse added, narrowing her eyes at you teasingly. 
“oh, who could you possibly be talking about?” hannah twirled a piece of hair. she hasn’t even been here, but one doesn’t forget their best friend’s crush of four years in a few months. 
“i do not,” you protested meekly. 
“you knew who we were talking about, though” 
“i spend a lot of time with him, that’s all. there would be a gaping hole if i told you about my day and didn’t bring him up.”
“would you stop pretending as if you aren’t in love with each other, please?” annabeth interrupted. “you’re worse than them, at least they can admit it.” she gestured at clarisse and silena. 
“i am not in love with him, annabeth.”
“you’re always starting at him.”
“i’m in conversation.”
“with your eyes. that is literally textbook romance.” 
“i could so admit if i was into him,” you say, cutting her off. “i admit things like that all the time. i told you i thought jack was cute. you know that kid from demeter?”
“we all know you made that up,” annabeth said, crossing her arms over her chest. silena gave her a light push. 
“don’t be so quick to accuse, annie.” only you and silena ever called her that. “i don’t think she made it up. i just don’t think she’s as into him as she is into him.”
“would you drop it, about luke, please?”
“hey, you said his name, not me,” silena smiled. “but sure. i don’t believe that you’re not into him, but i’ll drop it if you can prove that he isn’t into you.”
your heart sank. you weren’t sure why, but you suddenly felt nauseous at the thought. hannah’s hand rested on your knee, as if she could sense it. 
“how am i supposed to do that? i can’t read minds.” 
“hook up with jack at the campfire.”
“flirt with him! you were just talking the other day about how you’re eighteen and you haven’t even had sex yet.” hannah covered annabeth’s ears, to which she shoved her off and glared. “jack’s, like, really hot. i saw you staring the other day.”
“when luke wasn’t around,” annabeth added, one eyebrow raised.
“you want me to have sex with jack?” 
“i’m not saying that. just flirt with him. see what happens. we’ll— she gestured between herself, clarisse, annabeth and hannah— see how luke is doing.” 
“okay, he isn’t going to be doing anything,” you said. “i don’t see what this accomplishes.” but even as you were saying it, your mind betrayed you. you thought for a second and conjured an image of strong arms holding you, soft lips kissing yours with the bonfire light in the background. maybe you were near the beach.
“we’ll see,” silena smiled. 
you didn’t want to go all the way, or anything. you knew that. but… jack was really hot. and sweet. he was always catching little kids falling off of obstacle courses with soft bushes, and growing them flower crowns. it couldn’t hurt to talk to him, see what happened. maybe he’d ask you out, or something. bring you flowers on a date. and you guessed you wouldn’t mind making out with him. 
the campfire roared in the middle of the amphitheater. the only people there were the older campers, and some counselors trickling back in from tucking kids into bed. you had helped luke with the hermes cabin, because he had so many kids to take care of, and you had none. 
you pulled the covers over katie, a girl a little younger than annabeth, who had gotten to camp a few months ago. she was still unclaimed, but with the way she spent all day in the strawberry fields, and the plants tended to shoot up around her, you were fairly sure where she belonged. 
you kissed the top of her head, and stood up, looking around the dark cabin for luke, seeing him kneeling beside a little boy, probably about the same age as katie. the boy sounded like he was crying. 
 “hey, connor,” luke whispered, rubbing circles on the kid’s back. “it’s okay. it’s okay. i get them too.” you realized that the boy must have been afraid to fall asleep. “travis is right above you, he’ll protect you, okay? nothing bad can happen to you here.”
he looked over at you, before turning back to connor. “and we can play poker tomorrow, you’re getting pretty good.”
“are you leaving?” the boy whispered, choking a bit on his tears.
“just for a little bit, kid. i’ll be back soon, i promise. i’ll be here when you wake up. i’m not going to leave you anytime soon.”
“okay,” the boy mumbled. luke pulled the covers over his shoulders, and ruffled his hair before turning to you. 
“let’s go,” he mouthed, gesturing at the door. the two of you crept outside, luke much more stealthily than you, closing the door silently. “god of thieves,” he shrugged, but he didn’t grin as he usually did when he bragged. you didn’t have to ask why, but you played along. 
“yeah, yeah, i know,” you said, rolling your eyes. “can we go now?”
“yeah, ‘course,” he said. he slung his arm over your shoulder, pulling you into him as you walked, and you couldn’t help but think of silena’s words as you rested your head on his chest.
arriving back at the campfire, you pulled yourself away from luke, walking over to hannah. she smirked at you, pulling you in for a hug. 
“you don’t have to do this, you know,” she said. 
“i know,” you replied. “i want to. he’s cute.” 
and he was, you thought, as he led you away from the campfire. you’d sat for an hour, letting the flames dance over your skin as you talked with him. he made you laugh, even blush when he grew a flower out of the stone to tuck behind your ear. when he grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet, you felt dizzy, though that might have been the alcohol. 
as you walked further away from the amphitheater, you spun around in the grass, laughing, and he laughed with you. or at you? you couldn’t really tell, and you didn’t really care. you just wanted to kiss him. you didn’t notice that you weren’t heading near the cabins until he stopped in a little cove at the edge of the forest. 
“why are we here?” you asked, a little dazed. 
“come on,” he said. “you know why.” 
and then he was kissing you. it was messy, and made you kind of uncomfortable, but you told yourself to get over it. you couldn’t expect it to live up to the time luke had kissed you, on a dare, when you were thirteen. nothing would ever live up to that, because you couldn’t have him. he hadn’t even cared when you had left him at the party, talking up some girl you couldn’t really see on the other side of the fire.
you blinked, pulling away from jack. you hadn’t realized as you were thinking it, but you had admitted to yourself for the first time that yes: you did want luke. really, really, wanted him. you pushed back on jack lightly. 
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i can do this right now,” you mumbled, wiping your mouth on the sleeve of your hoodie — luke’s hoodie, that he had given you that night after he kissed you, when you were shivering outside, staring into space because you couldn’t understand what you were feeling. 
“come on, it’s fine,” jack replied, pulling you back into his arms. they weren’t like the arms you were picturing earlier. no, you could admit to yourself new that those had been luke’s. your mind was reeling— you knew that you couldn’t have him, that he would never like you like you liked him, but kissing jack felt wrong. not that you had really been kissing him back. 
“i want to go home,” you said, and you weren’t sure where you meant. back to the campfire, to luke and hannah, back to your cabin? maybe even back to your mom on the upper east side, who you missed every day but couldn’t live with during the year for the sake of your little brother, who was too young to know that he, too, was a son of poseidon. 
“really? you were flirting with me all night,” jack mumbled into your lips. “stay a little longer.” it was true, you had been flirting with him. you figured you could at least make out with him for a bit. you resigned, letting him lower you onto the grass, and reluctantly letting him run his hands along the hem of your shirt. 
hannah was getting worried, and luke could tell. he had forced himself off when you were clearly interested in that demeter guy, who luke knew and was friends with but suddenly hated with all his guts. he had forced himself to be interested in getting the details on silena and beckendorf, which he didn’t really realize he was getting to share with you later, resigning to glancing too often through the flames of the fire at your face, and the way the flames made you look like a goddess. no, he thought. you always looked like a goddess. 
but hannah, who had just arrived back at camp for the summer that morning, was biting her lip, and looking around with a bothered expression on her face, and luke had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, that he needed to know you were safe immediately. 
he walked over to hannah, probably too quickly, and didn’t waste time asking how she was, or how college had been. “where is she?” he demanded, too forcefully. he would have to apologize to hannah later, but he only had one thing on his mind.“what’s wrong?”
“oh. hey, luke,” she said, still in a sort of trance. he snapped his finger away from her face, shaking his head.
“hannah? where is she?” 
she shook her head and widened her eyes. it was clear to luke that you had picked up that habit of staring out at nothing when you were deep in thought, usually not about pleasant things. “she’s with jack,” she said. “they left a little while ago. i just… i don’t know. i should go check that she’s back at her cabin by now.” 
“yeah, yeah we should,” luke grumbled, and started taking the steps out of the theater two at a time in an effort to get out. hannah followed— you had told him that his stress could be contagious. 
you weren’t in your cabin. you weren’t in the demeter cabin either, and the pair of them woke up a bunch of kids as you barged in, which he was sure mr. d would have a lot to say about in the morning, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. 
he ran across the basketball court, hannah close behind. 
“i have an idea of where they might be,” hannah said, pointing in the direction of the woods.
“how do you know?” 
“because i showed jack that spot when we were fourteen,” she said, grumbling. luke clearly wasn’t the only one who cared about you. 
“i thought you were gay?” luke questioned, not slowing down. 
“yeah. like i said, fourteen. people explore things, figure themselves out.” gods, she thought, men could be so incredibly stupid. 
they ran faster than ever to the edge of the woods, where sure enough, they found you, lying on a mossy stone with jack hovering over you. luke wanted to run to you immediately, but hannah held him back — no easy feat, but she managed. 
“hold on, romeo,” she strained. “you can’t just barge in there and—” then she heard it— the unmistakable sound of your voice, and the word stop.
“jack…” you mumbled. you were so drunk. you weren’t sure where you were anymore, and you didn’t really remember walking over here, though you knew you had. “jack, we can do this later, i’m tired—” 
“you’re fine, it’s fine,” he said quietly, starting to undo the zipper of your shorts. you reached down to stop him, but he pushed your hand away, and as it hit the stone, moss started growing over it, holding it there. 
“jack, stop it,” you said, more forcefully this time. you realized that he didn’t even know what he was doing, and for some reason that scared you more. he wasn’t doing it on purpose, but he wanted it— he wanted you held down, and he didn’t care that you didn’t. 
he shushed you, but looked up at a rustling in the trees, and a familiar grunt. 
luke broke out of hannah’s arms, but it didn’t really matter, because she had been letting him go anyways. he stormed across the clearing, and while you were still dazed and confused, you couldn’t miss the entirety of jack’s weight being ripped from on top of you, and you thought you saw a fist collide with his face. 
hannah, however, rushed to your side. she didn’t particularly want to see luke end up bloody and beaten in the infirmary, but she had bigger fish to fry right now: namely, you. she tore up the moss, no longer strong as jack’s focus was elsewhere, and redid your shorts for you. there were tears on your face as she pulled you to your feet. 
there was so much noise. jack was shouting at luke, but you couldn’t make out the words. you could hear the music and the gleeful sounds of counselors from the amphitheater, but it seemed worlds away from you. 
as hannah led you out of the woods, much faster than you could really manage, your head began to pound behind your eyes. a splitting pain hit your forehead, and your vision went black and spotty. you stumbled forward, relying entirely on hannah to keep you upright, but one stray tree root took you down. you swam between consciousness and a dark, dark sleep. there was screaming, it was hannah, and then the familiar deep voice of clarisse, barking orders. you thought you heard annabeth’s name, and then two strong sets of arms lifting you up, and carrying you away. 
you woke up at the bottom of the sea. no. that wasn’t right. the bottom of the sea was soft, covered in mud and sand. you tried to stretch your body, hitting plastic walls. as your eyes focused, you could make out cartoon fish swimming entirely too close to your face, and you sat up with a start, splashing water all over a corner of the infirmary. 
a kiddie pool. they had filled a kiddie pool with salt water, and left you in it overnight to soak, like one of those colorful dinosaur toys that grew in water. and the worst part was that it seemed to have worked. you felt brand new, like you had slept for a hundred years, and at the same time followed a very strict workout regimen, taken a juice cleanse and eaten like a king. you groaned, and slipped back under the water. 
you stared at the ceiling, watching wooden beams ripple with the surface of your personal ocean. you wondered if your father ever felt like this is in the pacific, if he could be that big if he wanted to. your camp necklace floated up before your face, crossing a familiar face lurking over you. 
you sat up. cara fletcher, hannah’s friend, held out some nectar. you shook your head. 
“i’m okay.”
she raised an eyebrow. 
“fine,” you sighed, taking the flask and drinking. it did help. you felt like you could take on the minotaur. 
“your friends were here all night,” she said. i kicked them out around ten because they were falling asleep on each other, and i didn’t need any more cracked skulls when they fell off the stools. 
“more?” you asked. she sighed, looking over her shoulder. 
“your boyfriend beat that kid up pretty bad last night,” she said. you didn’t see jack lying on any of the cots, but a head of dark curls lay a few beds down, and the body attached to it did not look to be in great shape.
“he’s not my boyfriend.” you answered quickly, not taking your eyes off of luke. “is he okay?”
cara seemed to make out which he’s you were referring to. “i wasn’t talking about him,” she said. “hannah told me what happened. if you ask me, luke didn’t do nearly enough damage.” 
“don’t tell him that,” you said. “and he’s also not my boyfriend,” you added as you processed her words fully. 
“not yet, he’s not.” hannah said, strolling in with three bagels in hand.
“i thought i told you to go to bed,” cara scolded, taking her bagel. “you’re going to drop dead one of these days.” hannah smiled, ignoring her as he sat down next to her and put her arm around her shoulders.
you glance between them, ideas churning in your mind, but they were quickly interrupted by the bagel being shoved in your face. you had always thought that the harpies must have spent some time in the city— they made a dam good bagel.  
“so.” hannah started. “you are going to tell us everything you’re thinking right now, because i see you looking over at him every two seconds, and don’t think you’re getting out of any of it.”
“i’m eating,” you grumbled. hannah reached to snatch the bagel away, but cara swatted her hand back. 
“she’s recovering.” you stuck your tongue out at hannah. 
“i don’t care,” hannah said. “spill.” 
“look, i don’t even know what happened last night—” 
“because you were really, really, drunk,” she interrupted. 
“do you want me to speak or not?” you demanded. 
“okay. fine. but just so you’re aware, he swooped in and defended you, and beat the shit out of that little asshole, who, just between us, mr. d is fucking fuming with.” trust hannah to get distracted two seconds in. demigod adhd was no joke. “he dragged him to the big house this morning himself, severe concussion and all, and according to lee, chewed him out for about an hour. something about the sanctity of drunkenness and how it is not to be weaponized… even chiron was surprised.” she paused for breath. 
“anyways, the point stands— he,” she nodded her head at luke, “was quite literally your knight in shining armor, and if you still don’t think he is absolutely enamored with you—” and you were pretty sure you heard a cot creak— “then i swear on my mother i will call her down and force her to do something about this because i cannot take it any longer.” 
“he was just being a good person, hannah,” you muttered. “he’s just like that.” 
hannah looked as though she were about to scream, but cara rubbed her hand along her thigh, calming her before she spoke herself. 
“there’s something more than that, isn’t there?” she asked softly, and you thought she was staring directly into your soul. “there’s a reason you don’t think he likes you.”
you hesitated, splashing the water around in your pool and making eye contact with a cartoon fish as you worked up the courage to say what it was you knew you had to get off your chest.
“before last night,” you started, your voice cracking as you spoke, “it was just me thinking i wasn’t pretty enough, or good enough for him. that he wouldn’t look at me because there are so many other girls at this camp who are obsessed with him. and i don't think i realized that i liked him either. but now…” a sob came from the back of your throat, and you looked up at hannah, tears streaking your red face. 
“why would he want me now?” you sobbed.
“hey. stop that,” hannah started. “what jack did to you wasn’t your fault, and everyone knows that.” she was trying to make you feel better, but the news that your pathetic love life was the talk of camp wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“it was, though,” you said quietly. “i led him on. i never told him no that strongly, and i was flirting with him all night. what reason did he have not to think… not to…” you were hyperventilating now, your words coming out in broken syllables. 
“i’m a fucking slut, and now everyone knows it,” you managed. you sank back into the water to slow your breathing, but tears still streamed down your face. 
“that’s bullshit,” came a voice from elsewhere in the infirmary. you could have thrown up then and there. you pulled yourself up by the walls of the kiddie pool, looking down the aisle as luke castellan limped towards you. his scarred eye was bruised and bloodshot, and he had a massive scrape running up his left arm, and that was just what you could see. the tears began to fall faster. 
you were thirteen years old again, at the top of half-blood hill, holding grover upright. you were watching desperately as he stumbled upward, through the pouring rain, carrying a screaming little girl who was trying with all her might to run back and help her friend. all four of you were sobbing, exhausted and beaten. seeing them all like that was ten times more painful than the gash in your side. 
“that’s bullshit,” luke repeated. you got up from the pool and held his face in your hand, inspecting the bruise. you took the rest of the nectar cara had given you, holding it to his lips, but he pushed it away. “you’re not a slut,” he said. suddenly everything about your conversation came rushing back to you, and it hit you that you had just admitted to him that you were in love with him. 
you turned your head. hannah and cara were gone, slipped out the back door. you turned back to face luke, face red and tears pouring over your skin.
“that wasn’t your fault. you didn’t owe him anything. he‘s disgusting, and deserves to have his fucking dick cut off.” you laugh, despite everything. 
“i think mr. d may have actually taken care of that,” you whispered. 
“good.” you looked at him for a while. his eyes were so beautiful, a deep, deep, brown that reminds you of the otters that hung mysteriously around your upper east side apartment when you lived in the city.   
“why did you have to fight him?” you asked, reaching up to his face again. 
“you were in trouble,” he said. 
“luke.” the tears were threatening to fall again. “you could have seriously hurt yourself. i just… why? why not just pull him off of me?” you needed an answer. you needed to know why, why on earth he had put so much of himself in front of you, in front of jack’s fists.
he looked down at you, a pained expression on his face. “you know why,” he whispered. 
he looked down at your lips, and you shook your head softly. you looked down at your feet. you were so afraid, afraid that he wouldn’t be interested now that you didn’t want… that. from him. yet— that you considered looking up and letting him kiss you.
he shocked you when he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him, holding the back of your head into the space between his chest and his shoulder. 
“okay,” he whispered. “that’s okay.” then, softer. “i love you.”
you couldn’t say it back. not yet, not now. but you held him tighter, holding on to him like he was the only thing stopping you from falling into tartarus. 
“i’ll be here forever,” he spoke into your hair. and you believed him. 
the hermes cabin hosted a movie night that night. you were watching the incredibles two, at a request from connor stoll, who was currently involved in an intense argument with annabeth over which installment was better.  
“i think i’m going to start calling you that,” luke whispered in your ear. “jack-jack.” you glared at him. “‘cause, you know, your last name’s jackson-” 
“yeah, dude, i got the joke,” you said. you rolled your eyes, nuzzling your head into his chest. you could stay like this for a while, you thought, and as you closed your eyes, you felt him press a kiss to your head — something you had told him was okay. you couldn’t wait to bring him home for a weekend. maybe annabeth, too. you couldn’t help but think she would get along great with your brother.
a/n: hello loves! i hope you enjoyed this, please please leave any feedback or anything, and let me know if you would like me to continue this story/write more of luke and the reader's past. i hope people enjoyed the little hints at percy! so excited for this reader and to explore all her relationships.
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I got a very disturbing Pjo idea after watching TBOSAS trailer and since nudging the people in the Ta server wasn't enough for me, I'm putting it out here.
(Very excited for that movie btw)
TW: Dehumanisation, murder, child death, general things you would see in THG
Okay so you know how THG was inspired by the Thesus and the Labyrinth myth?
And you know how the Games were started to punish the Districts for rebelling?
And, and what army was technically a rebellion? That’s right. The Titan army demigods.
So, what if instead of massacring the Ta kids; the gods put them thorough similar games. I mean Hephaestus TV is a thing, they canonically watch demigods as entertainment. Wouldn't be the first time they made them fight for entertainment either. Remember Bachus?
"After all, if they're so willing to raise up arms against their fellow demigodkind killing their friends and fellow comrades shouldn't be that hard, right?" — Zeus (and Kai thanks for the dialogue)
So those who didn’t immediately joined back the camps gets rounded up and imprisoned somewhere before they got thrown into the arena to fight monsters and eachother to death.
All the while the gods are watching their new family entertainment. Hey, it's free :D
Apollo takes it upon himself to do the interviews (like Ceasar) which half of it has to get censored before it reaches Zeus.
"Hecate, your son fucking bit me!"
"Good." — she's not happy about the situation at all.
Of course, they would group the kids and do more than one run: Prolongs their fun and the traitors's suffering.
Not that all of the kids are sent to fight. The Olympians who have children there are more likely to spare their favourite ones and hold it over their heads for the rest of their life. (And leave the ones they don't like to die)
Sponsorships still happen, it's an effective way to break the comradeship. You're more likely to receive one if 1) Your godly parent is an Olympian and/or 2) You’re more willing to put up with whatever the gods throw at you without a fuss.
The current run is broadcasted to the imprisoned demis as a further way to break their spirits, and so they can see their friends kill eachother, sometimes without hesitation.
The winners gets paraded around Mt. Olympus. They're free now that won the gods's bloody bullshit, right? Wrong. Sure they're being "celebrated" for killing their friends but they're nothing more than shiny trophies. Just props for entertainment :)
Of course, with the way things are broadcasted to the other members of army make it seem like one of their own being treated like a celebrity for turning on them, which further drives wedges between the victors and them.
The winners gets to watch their own run, too. They can't turn on Olympus if they're too busy self-loathing :)
The kids are prepped up before their interviews, a courtesy of Aphrodite (so what if some of her own children are there, they should've knew better than treason), but they’re sent to the arena with basic white chitons. The Olympians get nostalgic all right, they’re old. (And it does make the Ta demis feel even more degraded and patronised.)
The Arena itself is really pretty, too pretty for what's happening inside. I'm talking about polished marble Greek columns, giant statues of the gods, intricate carvings of silver and gold.
[It is of course designed by their newest architect. Not that Annabeth knows what it's going to be used for. They petition for "a shiny arena for godly games" and she does it. Not knowing it's going to be used for demigod bloodshed. She can't be imprisoned like her half-brother Daedalus however, they can't have either of the camps know about what's going on. (Those in Ta who knew her recognises her work, however causing them to think the Camp is on it) So, Hera kindly takes it upon herself to wipe the memory. She needed practice for her future exchange program anyway.]
"Why are you protesting that "we're forcing you to kill eachother" Torrington, we aren't the ones who are holding weapons."
[I will reblog with art later]
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ignoreme07 · 9 months
Review/Analysis of Percy Jackson TV Show So Far. Pt. 2:
Episode Two:
What I like/love:
Grover my precious child <3
Mr. D. Just Mr. D. Also does not help he's played by one of my favourite actors who played one of my all-time favourite characters (aka Pimento). He's an ass, but a goofy ass. Like after watching the Insta preview of his convo with Percy, I knew he was going to be an ass about it, but I didn't expect him to say he was Percy's dad to get alcohol ToT.
Percy's sass: 100000/10
Walker's acting deserves an award.
Luke just Luke. The poor man sounds more sad than angry (Which honestly makes the finale 10x better if you think about it since it'll feel more like a twist for people who don't know)
Luke just Luke because he's so charismatic.
Percy learning archery and being in the forges on the comedy scale is 1000000000000/10.
Chris and Luke being besties and being close on-screen and Chris just getting more screen time. Do you guys think he's still unclaimed??? (If so... A+ parenting Lin, no wonder your son/s hates you)
Percy and Annabeth
'She's my little sister'- YESSSSSSSSSS
Luke being the one to tell Percy bout Thalia because it just makes sense cause yknow. But also it helps Luke's character as well.
Totally not biased because I love the Diary of Luke Castellan.
Clarisse (That's all I have to say)
THE PORTRAYAL OF ARES KIDS IN THE SHOW>>>>. Like we were always told how scary they were, but like in the dumb jock, bully way. I'm probs just nitpicking but I love how Chris literally says that Clarisse spends the first few hours hunting in the woods (Guerilla warfare tactics anyone?). Idk why but I think that just shows how dangerous the Ares kids are. Like the Athena kids are always hyped and everything for the strategic warfare, but cmon there HAD to be a reason why everyone was so worried bout the Ares kids joining the Battle of Manhatten. Like it had to be more than they were kids of the War god. (Hello the Spartans worshipped Ares and were one of the greatest warriors in history, they were just given a bad rep due to the Athenians writing down history and the myths)
Also, what's gonna happen with Chris and Clarisse???
Tots not biased since I have a weird love for Ares (fav god in the myths) and his kids
The gods (aka Mr. D) showing why they are in fact assholes.
Percy in capture the flag.
The whole mentality of 'if I get glory my absentee parent will notice me' (Honestly I see how people were converted to stick the middle finger at the gods and joined Kronos)
Percy being mini Luke.
Annabeth figuring out Percy was the son of Poseidon.
The argument between Percy and Mr. D about the quest.
YESSS PERCY DEFEND YOUR MOM (the gods do not in fact care for mortals)
Grover telling Percy about what happened to Sally.
Percy being anti-gods
Clarisse being a more modern bully. Kinda works I guess. Though why do they think he's being a fake? Like just keep it being an initiation ritual, still works and teenagers will do that.
They shouldn't have removed the 'Names have power thing for the gods' specifically since it was a belief that the ancient Greeks had especially for Underworld deities.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
I run a D&D club that is constantly getting new members, and we’ve recently hit a budget of some kind. I wanna buy some non-D&D RPGs for the club as
a) I don’t wanna support Wizards of the Coast,
b) D&D is REALLY complicated if you don’t have any pre-existing TTRPG knowledge whatsoever,
c) I wanna diversify the Club’s RPG portfolio and give an opportunity to turn it into a TTRPG club rather than just a D&D Club, and
d) I wanna give people who aren’t able to find a group the ability to easily start their own groups, as each of our groups has 9 players each minimum and I don’t think our GMs can take further weight.
In any case, the main issue I’m encountering is finding TTRPGs that aren’t just easy to play if you know nothing about RPGs, but easy to RUN if you know nothing about RPGs either. I also want at least 1 fantasy option so people who are attracted to D&D for the fantasy element can still access that. You have any recommendations?
THEME: First Time GMs
Alright, so I did some very intentional things here, in the hopes of making this helpful. Most of the games on this list are games I’ve played myself, so I know something about how they run. (There’s 1+1/2 games I haven’t played on this list but I have read the rules).
I also made sure all of the links were to physical copies of the books, because I find being able to flip through a book and read a physical copy of it helps me learn better, and I assume it’s easier to share a physical book with a club than it is to share a PDF. That being said, if you can get a PDF copy when you order the physical copy, I highly recommend doing so.
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AGON, by John Harper.
John Harper has a reputation for good games - but more than that, they also make games that are easily contained within one-session chunks. 
As Greek heroes, the players will go to various islands in a search for glory, as the players attempt to win enough favour from the Gods in order to be able to return home. Each island can be run over the course of a session, with a structure of suggested signs and events for each island. 
There’s enough room for an adventurous GM to stray from the script (or even write their own islands) but for first-time GMs there’s a lot of tools to set you up for success. Not only that, there seems to be a big love for Greek Mythology out there, so this game shouldn’t be a hard sell! The best part is that this is the parent of the PARAGON family of games, so if it's a hit, you can go on to introduce games like Endeavour (Star Trek), Ruins of DOOM (dungeon-crawling), and Starbones (Pirates!)
Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau, by Sandy Pug Games.
This game uses a ruleset that’s basically a slimmed-down version of 5E, so it’s great for folks who don’t want to stray too far from D&D. It’s a fantasy setting with the twist that all of the players are Dogs or Cats: and (personal highlight), animal breeds that have inherent strengths and weaknesses feel much less racist than D&D races. 
There’s magic, relics, and inherently opposed groups in these games, such as the Cult of Labo Tor, a group of rats that descended from the same rats used laboratories, and thus consider their true role to be of experimenters and scientists. There’s also plenty of adventures, expansions, and supplements available for GMs, such as The Great Cat Conspiracy, an adventure in the Pugmire Rulebook, with pre-designed adversaries, lore, and tips and tricks for the new GM. 
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths, by Lucian Kahn.
This is a neatly-packaged rpg about teens in malls with playbooks and a list of pre-written adventures. What I think makes this stellar for new GM’s is all of the tools it gives you - the playbooks have all of the character choices laid out for you, so it’s easy for players to get a grasp of who they’re playing. There’s a map of the mall, so the table can look at the different locations for both inspiration and planning. 
On the GM’s side, there’s information about each of the stores in the mall, including the store clerks, who they know and like, and whether or not they are romance-able. The adventures have handouts and key NPCs so the GM knows who to focus on, while containing roll tables so that the outcome isn’t the same every time. Finally, there’s a track that will progress every time the players move on to a new scene, and because the mall has a closing time, everyone knows when to start wrapping things up and bring the adventure to an end. 
Best of all, you can’t leave the mall - so even if the players start to deviate a little bit, they can’t go completely off the map!
Mausritter, by Losing Games. 
This is a little game with a focus on dungeon delving, but as mice. The link above is for the physical box set, which includes cards to help the table with bookkeeping, a toolbox of resources to help the Game Master create mouse-scale adventures, and an adventure module called Honey in the Rafters. 
Mausritter is cute, but don’t let this game fool you - as mice, the characters will find themselves greatly outclassed by most things they go up against. It will take creativity and resourcefulness to get out of the dangers they find themselves falling into. For game-masters that want to challenge their players, while keeping character creation and management simple, this game is rules-lite with a lot of potential.
ARC: Doom Tabletop RPG, by Momatoes.
Rules light, tension heavy, that’s ARC. This game is designed with first-time game-masters in mind. ARC has a really interesting system called a Doomsday Clock, that will tick down towards a doom that the Heroes will want to prevent. It has the ability to run for one session or a short campaign, and it provides a step-by-step breakdown for the game master in helping them construct the story for the rest of the players. I love step-by step layouts like this, because they provide a concrete place to start and bring the GM through each step of the Clock.
The character creation is also broken down into steps, with easy-to-read text that helps players sort out their stats and skills, while also helping them answer some questions about their character’s personality along the way. This game can also happen in any setting, so you could run a fantasy campaign and a science-fiction game using the same rules! For GM’s that are worried about memorizing a lot of lore, this looks like a game that only needs as much lore as you need for the moments you’re experiencing in play - although if you want oodles of lore, I don’t see much stopping you either.
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cats-aroace · 8 months
pjo tv show spoilers!!!
ahhhhh i just finished ep 8 and i have so many thoughts so be ready.
of course across the tv show there are things i love and things i dont necessary agree with but thats lofe and personal opinion so no hate from me here. cause if i too were rick and staftung reading through and adapting something i wrote about what 20 years ago i would change up plot holes and things that i thought would work better too.
i think all the actors were very talented and perfect for there roles.
i love the change of sally teaching percy mythology from a young age thats something i always thought that should of happened to begin with.
i didnt like the characterisation of gabe when watching the show if i hadnt read the books he was almost likeable i thought he was mildly funny i feel like they didnt make him cruel enough to justify the whole medusa thing.
loved the interactions between percy and grover before camp the lighting of percy in school without grover (blue toned) and percy in school with grover (warm toned) really showed how good of a friend he was. grover was so sweet and funny and had great lines cant wait to see him in a wedding dress.
loved percys interaction with mr d i thought it was totally in character and really was quite funny, mr d is just dying for that bottle of wine.
i didnt love the fact that everyone kinda avoided the topic that the gods igbored there children and arw pretty shitty for the majority of the tv show percy kept asking questions like the gods were like the average parent of anyone and no one thought to tell him 'hey percy the gods dont actually talk to their kids so thats why everyone gives you looks when you talk about there parents'.
thalia being pronounced the way it is threw me off but i knlw thats the actuall greek way of saying it so it dosent bother me (i will continue to pronounce it the way i do though)
i thought it was interesting that they had annabeth see the fates and not percy i don't have many comments on this just that it was interesting.
i loved the way they handled medusa and her story but still managed to make her a monster for percy to fight l, its a delicate line that i think they managed perfectly.
the arch i loved the way percy swapped places with annabeth great cinematic moment, i thought it was weird that they didnt have percy jump in trust of his dad xonsidering the way they have changed percys attitude towards gods as parents at the time during the show, but i thought the hand of posiedon saving him was great aswell.
also the arch being a temple of athena was a cool edition i thought they played athenas pettyness pretty good. i did like that annabeth wanted to go becuse architecture but i dont mind the change.
tunnel of love chefs kiss not more to be said really, other than hephaestus he gets it i always liked him as a god.
the way they had grover talk to ares and manipulate him into taking while also reading his emotions so cool i loved the edition so much and it really gave us an in look into both grover and ares as people.
the animal truck was nice i loved the percy and grover interactions about the animals thought it was funny. missed percy not talking to a zebra.
lotus hotel very cool loved the music choice, loved the design, cool that they know its the lotus eaters before they go in. loved the chat with hermes and grover meeting a satyr and playing his hunt the human game. the lost memorys gives a proper view into ehy people would stay there and not leave. also love the little 'bianca' and the two kids who ran past in purple shirts (romans??).
stealing hermes taxi to go to santa monica awesome, i questioned the choice of 4 pearls tp begin with cause i thought 'this will make the prophecy obsolete' but having watched it all now so good loved the choice cause of course posidon would never abandon his queen amongst mortals
the choic of them running out of time on there quest i dont understand was it necessary i dont think them having a day left still would have changed anything that still happened after show wise maybe a few conversations tweeked. (if anyone knows why let me know im curious)
crustys this was the only monster wich i didnt like the way they delt with, i think they had to do it this was as alot of this was percys thoughts in the book which they havent really been transfering to screen that well. i feel like we lost some of percts brutal fatal flaw here with him not killing him and his smarts of him convincing him to get in the bed and trap himself, thats percys thing see if annabeth has plan, persuasion, then fight.
also the underworld not being in DOA :( that was a cool idea so fun and its a pun but maybe for time issues they just resorted to crusty doesnt bother me that much but ill miss it.
percy not bartering with charon again taking away percys skill at persuasion. but not a big deal in long run (missed the drown in bath joke though)
the feilds of asphodel i thought jt was an interesting take, its described in the books as a really busy airports or station of some kind just loads of people standing everywhere. i tought ut was interesting that the souls became trees (does that mean hazel isnt a tree but just wanders amougst the trees?) the fact rhat they made it regrets aste what stick you in asphodel and turn you into a tree i didnt agree with asphodel is the place you go when your life is juat average not bad or evil and not heroic or extremely good, cause u telling me that any hero that goes to elysium dosent have regrets? also annabeth being the one with regrets weird take it should have been grover who regrets alot (thalia for example) but i get they did that cause like the books they were setting it up to look like annabeth was the traitor.
loved the inclusion story about luke hermes and may.
i loved the characterisation of hades i though he was quite accurate to how hades acts in the actual mythology and you can totally see where nico gets it from. just loved the whole interaction.
loved rhw choice of the pearls going back to manutak rather than santa monica.
the fight with ares loved kt was squeeling the entire time, ares beeing cocky and toying with percy, percy showing beast controll of the sea and finally the cut on ares ankle. but what aboutbthe curse! the curse ares puts on percys sword that bexomes relevent not onece but twice. that surely will mess up the fufillment if the prophecy for a possibel 3rd season as thats the whole reason he dosent fight atlas and takes the sky from artemis. so ill have to wait and see how they do that.
annabeth giving percy her beads 😊
calling children of the big three forbidden children its a nice edition that i like (kinda remids me of the fanfic son of seafoam)
the interaction with zeus pretty good liked it the way that zeus appears to be taking kronos somewhat seriously though, well we will se if that lasts.
posiedon stepping in and saving percy and then surrendering-- - my heart cant
pecry going back to camp and being celebrated great as he should. also live the percy luke flashbacks.
now my favourite way the show has changed the percy luke betrayal! i love the way thia changed i always thought that luke should have tried to recruit percy as he does in later books but percy dosent entertain as luke tried to kill him twice but i love that luke was all like percy we could run away and fight the gods. and thevlook on his face when annabeth throws a knife at him and the way percy sliced luke and immediately apologised because although hes angry he dosent acctually want to hurt him. and you can tell why people like luke and join him. obvs the way they have made the gods more likeable from the start means if you havent resd tbe books you probably dont understand lukes motivations as much but jes known the gods are shitty parents for much longer than percy as hed older and percy will get there one day but we all know how that ends up TLO.
percy annabeth and grover all making a promise to meet back at thalia next year so cute
percys dream about kronos really good gives information that made me jump with excitment as a book fan. sally coming to percy with a notebook to note down his dreams is telling in thats not the first time since camp that its happend. also is it his birthday i got the vibe its his birthday. percy telling his mum that kronos told him to tell her shes a good mum made me snort but its sweet that percy is trying to protect her.
over all i have many thoughts and opinions this isnt all of them and if anyone wants specific thoughts on certain things let me know.
i cant wait till s2 they just have to have a season 2!!!!!
sorry for the long post
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you know about any fics where A/C meet on Earth but don't know that the other one is a demon/angel and assume they're human. Then along the way discover the truth. Along the lines of: "This will come as a shock but I'm actually an eternal being" - "Thank god, me too." lol Thank you so much!
Hello! Here are some fics in which they each mistakenly think the other is human...
Till death do us part (or not) by fractalgeometry (G)
Possible other titles for this fic, since they summarize it better than I ever could:
Assumed mortality, and other reasons to dump people
In my defense the odds of both of us being immortal is extremely slim
Awkward Tesco reunions: the real curse of immortality
that awkward moment when your ex from 300 years ago turns out to also be immortal
You always meet twice (and sometimes the second time is after 300 years in a fucking tesco and you embarass yourself in front of the cashier)
(Aka the fic in which they are both immortal, they do not realize this, and they break up and think the other is dead for several centuries before it turns out that wait, they're both very much alive after all and also, possibly, walnuts.)
My Immortal Beloved by Fyre (T)
A couple of centuries ago, Crowley had a Thing with an average normal human. Only for some reason, every letter he ever sent to that average normal human has just turned up in a museum exhibit. Including the ones about licking.
The Exchange by ZehWulf (T)
The first time he picked up his telephone and didn't hear Joan or one of the other ladies greet him, he just rolled his eyes, assumed they were cross with him, and firmly asked for the shop he was trying to connect to into the receiver like normal. He even said please! And the thing about being a being of considerable occult power with a history of shaping parts of the universe is that, sometimes, the world bends to oblige you.
So, the only thing that surprised him about Fell answering the line in response to his demand for "an expert on ancient greek and roman preparations of oysters" was that they'd made long-distance calls considerably less bothersome at some point.
Crowley is a big fan of technology but has zero idea how it works, which leads to him developing an unlikely friendship with a fussy bookseller who happens to be an expert on a miraculous number of subjects.
Let’s Try This Again, Shall We? by todays_keysmash_is (T)
When Crowley and Aziraphale first meet, they mistakenly believe each other to be human. After falling in love and leading human lives together, Crowley is shocked to discover Aziraphale's angelic identity. Crowley knows that if he revealed his demonic self, Aziraphale would smite him on the spot- but he can only masquerade as a snake for so long, and the Apocalypse is coming.
The Great Pretender or A Man with (at least two) Secrets by Makkoska (E)
The demon Crowley is seeing Mr Fell, a peculiar and fascinating bookshop owner. He knows the man has secrets, but doesn’t quite realize the extent of them. Or: It’s London, the 21st century. An ethereal and an occult creature meet and fall in love without realizing they are missing essential information about the other.
- Mod D
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rederiswrites · 1 year
Your post about the poorly designed D&D cosmologies has now got me wondering. If the gods of the Forgotten Realms (and D&D in general) functioned like actual religions, do you think the Cleric class would simply function differently, or would it be so far removed from it's original function that it ceased to be the Cleric class?
The best comparison I can think of in real world history/mythology might be Athena being the "patron goddess of Odysseus and his family" (first quote from Google, so don't know how accurate it is), but I feel like the relationship between Athena and Odysseus was more like the exception rather than the rule, and she didn't actually give him magic powers so much as she "[manifested] through ... divine intervention" (paraphrased from same site) during The Odyssey.
If anything, I feel like Athena and Odysseus are closer to Gale's relationship to Mystra, with some... notable differences (I don't think Athena ever jumped in Odysseus's bed?).
Anyway, just random thoughts I've been chewing on all day that I thought might (or might not) be of interest to you.
The trouble here I think first and foremost is that I'm not really invested in the Forgotten Realms lore, so when I encounter shit like the built-in racism or the "I'm lashing out at religion because I'm mad at Christianity" (and I say this as an ex-Christian agnostic with generally negative feelings towards organized religion myself!) attitude, my first inclination is to bin it all.
A lot of people, though, are much more deeply invested in this lore. And honestly they're better suited to answer the question. But hey, you asked me, and it's interesting. Also, we have a prime example before us in Baldur's Gate--Shadowheart, of course. Her powers flow from Shar--not that different from a warlock's power, now that I think about it. You serve the god/demon, the god/demon gives you power. The difference is in how you frame it in your own head, more than anything. So when she rebels against Shar, Shar cuts her off.
In a book, I think this would be a fabulous time for Shadowheart to lose her powers, go through a profound existential struggle, and ultimately turn to Selune and regain her powers, brighter and better than ever because now they're borne of true love and vocation. In the game, they just have Selune abruptly pick up the slack because uhhhhhhhh I guess Shadowheart and her family were originally dedicated to Selune so Selune claims her. Which is whack.
In a world where religion works in a believable way for a place where gods are very tangibly real, clerical powers should, I think, come from a bond of love and dedicated service with the god in question. Not belief or faith, because in this context I don't think those mainstays of real-world religion make any sense. But even in a world with many real gods, one can still of course feel a strong avocation to serve one. And it makes reasonable sense that that might come with powers.
Of course, I also think that ordinary people should be able to gain some of these powers just by praying real hard/needing it a lot, so that in times of desperation, gods can provide "miracles" to non-clerics. And I think some gods would care a lot more than others about the hierarchy of their religion, so that gaining clerical powers would track pretty closely with climbing the ranks in some cases, and not at all in others. Like, say, druids. Are you dedicated to the Oak Father and the things he cares about? Then maybe he doesn't give a shit if you ever saw a shrine to him. You can still be homies.
Of course, Athena and Odysseus, that's mmmmm...a complicated relationship. But still relevant. Because in both the ancient Greek world and the Forgotten Realms, gods often have hidden agendas and interpersonal games they're playing, and humans are their puppets. Just as Shadowheart was a (remarkably unwilling) puppet of Shar. So it's totally plausible that some clerics would still be venial assholes who don't really adhere to the tenets of their god, and the god would still give them power for their own reasons.
Really, I don't think that the role of cleric has to transform. I think the problem here is the cheap (worthless) storytelling tactic of having Evil gods so you can have Evil people. Why are we fighting them? Because they're evil man. Don't worry about it.
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ask-site-61 · 7 months
Co-Site Director Benjamin Oliver Walker - Co-Site Director, (Wise-)Bright's Husband, Founder of The Library, Head of Pedology, but most importantly: good boy extraordinaire and D-9341 variant.
Dr. Jack Bright (Wise) - Holy fuck there's so much to say about him. Chaos incarnate.
Assistant Researcher Emily Ross - Died in The 2012 Catastrophe.. wonder how she's back. (SCP-061-ICE)
Pontos Doe - Himbo intern who's into greek mythology.
Dr. Wilhem Cure - Site Head of Medicine… probably the only LITERAL doctor on-site.
Agent Ulgrin - KYS'd after 2012 Catastrophe. Got SCP-061-ICE'd (trust me you'll see what it is in time.)
Researcher Penelope Normelle - Literally the most normal person here.
Site Director Bjärk Jakobssons - Quick to snap, jeez louise. Can teleport and is omnipotent across the Site.
George Olkassen - Class-D. Everyone calls him Georgie though. Cool kid wannabe.
Electra Macbeth - Longest-running Class-D. Seriously. How is she STILL alive.
Cookie - Nickname for one of the trans characters!! :3
Dr. Alto Clef (Wise) - Oh what a fucking asshole. Seriously. Only showing up when it entertains him. Might be fucking Maynard.
Dr. Akihito Saku - The Foundation's lovable "Head of Safe Classed Objects"; always the goofball.
Dr. Hartwell Artz - The Foundation's controversial "Head of Euclid Classed Objects"; he's better safe than sorry.
Dr. Amberlynn Rhodes - Th Foundation's rather enigmatic "Head of Keter Classed Objects"; it purported she's resistant against kill agents. Basically the middle ground of Saku and Artz. Not gonna snap at you for pressing a button, but still takes her work seriously.
Senior Researcher Thomas Rivbacht - Jeez.. uh… well, he doesn't take care of himself.. at all… he really should. He uh.. misses his family and is extremely depressive. Reclusive, too.
Dr. George Maynard - Mastermind of The 2013 Catastrophe. Forgiven, but scrutinized. Pale white skin since The Chaos Insurgency revived him utilizing a spliced variant of SCP-049's Touch.
Head Nelson Van Martins - The GOC's Icelandic Head. He lied. He's 16, not 18. Either way, he's here now and ready to stay.
Operative Roxxane Sparkes - Another trnas character!! This one being a member of Site Guard who's easily distracted. ^^
Researcher Carly Rosè Colbert - Espionage for The French Government; truly, The French must be stopped.
Researcher Stella Gospelle - The name says it all; "EVERYBODY LOVES STELLLLAAHHHH!"; drama queen and gossip bitch. She will ruin your life.
Site Head of Ethics, Jessica Parish - One of three. The enigmatic Parish Family. Anyways, besides often being mistaken for a bimbo, she's actually quite fierce and once threatened to rip the throat of Darvann out.
Junior Researcher Alexander Grimmes - "Foundation Head of Neutralized Objects"; but more over, attention-seeking extravagant.
Dr. Michelin Frances - Huh. For "Foundation Head of Thaumiel" objects, he speaks formally, maybe a bit posh, but he isn't god awful!
Dr. Amelia Polynaut - What the fuck is going on with "Foundation Head of Apollyon" objects over here?? Bitch is fucking shattered across time and space, apparently.
Chaos - Agent #080 deployed in Nálægt, Iceland for Site-61 raids. Variant of D-9341. LITERALLY Chaos Incarnate.
Dr. Simon Glass (Wise) - Moral, upright and somewhat skittish. At least his head's in the right place, as is his heart!
Dr. Stelle Shamrock Saraden - A humanoid drone bee! He has trauma to unpack, but first, he has to unpack YOURS! :D
Agent Steve Eastside - of the Eastside channel, probably cool in the head but quick to rage.
Senior Researcher Gemini D. Shirks - or just "Shirks", based off of SCPReadings, though, I suppose I could've also just done Dr. Goods. Either way, very hip! The Researcher all the interns wanna work for since he's just chill like that.
Reseacher James Talloran (Wise) - KILL HIM AG- huh? What. Oh. Oh. Okay. No, no he's fine. Yeah. Uh. 3999's still dead. Thank god for SCP-061-ICE.
Dr. Elias Shaw (Wise) - The Foundation's SCP-963-2.. it worked but.. his mind's being fractured each time he dies.
Dr. Charles Gears (Wise) - Now this is one I haven't actually done. He's monotonous, robotic, downright cold. Anyways, stop observing SCP-914 every waking second of your.. existence? …please?
Dr. Ellis Gill Iceberg (Wise) - Well… at least now he WANTS to be alive… FUCK HE'Z THROWING MOLOTOVS AGAIN
Eve - Yes, as in THE Biblical Eve. She's an MTF Agent now. Who knew she was a bad bitch?
Dr. Agatha Rights (Wise) - Femme fatale… and actually pretty funny. Get past the slut accusations and she's basically an auntie.
Dr. Evans Harper - "You'd better keep your mouth shut, seal yourself lip from lip, else I'll get to cram a mouthful in~!"; loonie. He has flowers growing on him, so pretty, but a loonie.
General Dravi Kondraki, Junior Researcher Riseo, Dr. Benjamin Kondraki - Are all here too, but I haven't done them yet…
General Patrick Philia - "…ew. Bitch, bitch! DISGUST— DISGUSTING!" (Trust me. No.)
Persons of Interest up for questioning:
Charles Fernando Walker - AND… okay, well, you're fine. You just have to figure out that "Bronze-and-Jade" amulet's SCP-963-3.
SCPs up for questioning:
SCP-999 - The Tickle Monster
SCP-131 - Eyepods
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor
SCP-096 - Shy Guy
SCP-352 - Baba Yaga
SCP-106 - The Old Man
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-079 - Old AI
D-9341 - Respawning Test Subject
SCP-1048 - Builder Bear
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
So I know I've mentioned the Lost Prince AU is part of a larger world I've been working on for like a decade or more, and I wanted to talk a bit more about that and explain some of the backstory and the other novels that are set in that universe. Some of this is going to change though, because I think I can actually salvage the two novels and complete them if I do a bunch of cutting and editing and redrafting. And if I cut out the third novel in the series that was just overcomplicating things too much bc modern setting and wibbly wobbly timey wimey shit that I couldn't figure out how to resolve. So that's gone now and it's made things so much easier. Those 200k words of novels won't go to waste after all! :D
Alright kids, buckle up, this is gonna get loooooooooooong. :D
This universe started life as thinly veiled RPF on 750words.com, little short pieces I was writing just to get the brain working and nothing more than that. It eventually came to be a series I referred to as astrological dystopia, which turned into an original novel titled Pasithea's City.
The setting was a Greek city in the middle of the Libyan desert, Neos Apollonia, an oracle city, where your fate was proclaimed when you were 7 years old, and then the city did everything in its power to make that a self-fulfilling prophecy. bc humans and oracles and wealth and whatnot etc. So the hubris is strong here and the worship of the gods is not. I bet you can guess how Apollon feels about this state of affairs.
The story is about a boy called Andreas, who ended up with a bad fate and was exiled from the city. He's a petty thief, close to Hermes, who has a strong distrust in Apollon and the Oracles for good reason. He's taken in by a couple of women from the desert tribes, who also ran away from their tribe for various reasons of their own.
The catalyst in this story is the Oracle proclaiming an Actual Oracle on the new year's day rituals, proclaiming the destruction of the city bc Apollon is Pissed and will bury them all under the sand bc why the fuck not. The city was actually originally much closer to Kyrini, but the physical drift into the desert matches the internal drift away from the gods. Ruins are left behind as the city moves, and it's where the exiles live, because there's nowhere else to survive out there.
Hermes manages to save Andreas, his mothers, the Oracle and his companion, after playing dice with Apollon, and spares them from the sandstorm that otherwise buries the rest of the city under the sands.
Hermes becomes their guide through the sands, taking them away from the old city and takes them north. Through this, they end up back at the tribe where Andreas' mothers came from, bc healing conflicts and old wounds and making new friends etc. And after a while, Andreas, his new bondmate Meri, the Oracle and his companion, head further north to Kyrini with Hermes bc exploration and seeing the city.
This is big on found family, given the tribe they end up with is build from refugees, outcasts, anyone who doesn't have a home, and who needs one. They're a group of misfits and outsiders who are highly protective of their own, and they've made their own way in spite of everything. They don't always get on with the other tribes in the area as they can be a little too close-minded or unwilling to meet ppl halfway.
But yeah, that's the gist of that novel. There's a lot I've left out of that, but that's the general plot I'm working on.
The second novel, The Black Priest, should really come first, narratively speaking. It documents the priests of Dja fleeing from the country with their gods and the last priests they have left, and heading west into the desert. It's at the end of the invasion of Egypt by a group I'm calling the Sea Peoples, for lack of a better identification and also bc it doesn't really matter who they are bc this is about the aftermath.
It was inspired by this music video by Sparkadia, bc ofc it was lol. I was Obsessed with this song (and this band tbh) back in the day. Most of the characters all had their start in this music video, but they've evolved so far beyond that now. I made them my own.
The big theme in this novel is unification. The Priests of Dja come from Lower Egypt, around the Delta, and the tribe where Andreas' mothers come from have their origin story in Upper Egypt millions of years ago. There are also themes here about religion in diaspora and how gods evolve to be what people need them to be.
So we have the priests of Dja being called back to their ancestral lands with the tribes, to unify the Two Lands. There's a lot to learn from each other, and how to do religion without a King/Kingdom, since much of ancient Egyptian religion relied on their being a King to send the priests into the shrines and temples.
(Yes, this is my way of processing my own Kemetic practice and how to work it in the modern world, with so much information that has either not been found, or has been destroyed, and there are no big temples to worship in, no communities irl to support that religion, etc, no Kings to rely on, etc.)
The timeline being what it is, and yes i have a gigantic spreadsheet with FOUR DIFFERENT CALENDARS in it that I've synced up so I can keep the plot organised, the priests of Dja actually make it to Neos Apollonia some time before it's buried, and honestly bc of that I do think this needs to be the first novel bc of that. There's a ton of world-building that I bring up in that journey that is never relevant to Pasithea's City, and I think it makes more narrative sense for this one to go first. Like, there's a moment where Andreas is found injured in a ruined temple a couple of my priestesses are searching for, and they care for him and heal him up. But that's never really mentioned or alluded to properly in Pasithea's City. Hence, they both need a lot of revision and editing and reworking but they'll be much better for it.
So, how does the Lost Prince AU fit into this? Well. It's set ten years after The Black Priest, more or less. Cub and Scar are in their mid-late 20s, having fled as teenagers. Their names are pseudonyms, but also not, and they've spent the time away from Egypt on the run, as they never really found anywhere to settle, and it felt too uncomfortable to settle in Kyrini as Libyans. Plus, well. Being hunted for [redacted].
They did meet up with the priests of Dja maybe a year after they settled with the tribes, as they sought shelter for a while, but they didn't stay, and moved on quickly. They've basically been nomads for a decade because it just felt safer. And then the gods started calling them back to Egypt, and with great reluctance that's what they're trying to do. There's a lot more to the plot that's coming, but I don't wanna spoil anything so. >_>
Also the identification of some of the nomes with Empires folk is broadly just flavour and not necessarily saying The Oasis Is Actually Pearl's Empire. It IS hers, but it's not Gilded Helianthia. It's Djesdjes, it's Bahariya Oasis, it's something else.
I do have a map of the region up at an old wordpress blog I set up six years ago, but it doesn't have the Copper King's mines on it for obvious it-wasn't-part-of-the-world-yet reasons back then. It also has some location notes there, and some cast lists for both Pasithea's City and The Black Priest.
So yeah. That's the basic gist of the world the Lost Prince AU is working in. If you have any further questions, please ask! I will happily ramble about this AU for hours if you ask nicely. <3
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nerdtronica · 1 year
every tmbg album in a nutshell
idc if i skipped albums it's my post my choice
THE PINK ALBUM 1: paranoia??????? 2: puppet heads 3: writer's block 4: i hate my life 5: oh no home invasion 6: why did my gf leave me :( 7: i'm a dad 8: kids with rabies are weird 9: the beatles suck ass ngl 10: FGEBUHIWJOKPOFJEH(W*)POKD 11: aNgeLS aRe rEaL 12: MY DOG FUCKING DIED 13: okay what the fuck 14: schizophrenia 15: disfigurement is cool 16: i don't wanna fucking die 17: stereotyping is real guys 18: huh 19: idk what this song is about but it's silly
LINCOLN 1: long distance relationship 2: MOOFBEHUJWIRU#*u9IKM 3: don't do drugs 4: male pattern baldness 5: parodies are fun 6: childhood nightmares amiright? 7: is this a metaphor for being a piece of shit 8: don't be sad bro 9: goddamn i sure love war 10: HAHA PUNS 11: abusive relationships frfr 12: fuck santa claus 13: fuck the haters 14: DIVORCE :D 15: whaaaaaat theeeeee fuuuuck 16: handstands are cool ig 17: i am going to kms 18: manipulating people to get what you want is awesome
FLOOD 1: self-advertising 2: nightlights are epic 3: COWBOY DIVORCE 4: history is cool 5: reincarnation 6: DON'T BE RACIST I AM A BUILDING 7: this can be a metaphor for anything 8: it's not the 1960's dude 9: cool rocks 10: stop moving chairs KYLE it's not cool 11: old people 12: this one's for all those lower-class workers 13: birds are so epic 14: more like taking a shit in the park 15: who the fuck is this guy 16: cave people 17: abusive relationships AGAIN 18: self-advertising AGAIN 19: the goddamn berlin wall
APOLLO 18 1: death lol 2: palindromes are so epic 3: enlarged to show texture 4: doppelgangers bro :( 5: biology class 6: is this about drugs 7: everyone skips this song 8: guitars are epic 9: pavlov's dog 10: why do they love singing about hateful relationships 11: why is this intro so fucking long 12: is this about jesus 13: wooooaaaaahh space 14: don't be shy bro 15: DEATH!!!!! 16: magicians 17: my adhd brain 18: oh finally an instrumental
JOHN HENRY 1: dreaming about death XD LOL 2: snails are amazing 3: getting stoned is cool 4: COWBOY DIVORCE AGAIN?? 5: LEAN 6: this song was made for neurodivergents (in a good way) 7: french is cool 8: alice cooper is so fucking cool 9: does anyone even like this song 10: why does this song even exist bro 11: jail and greek philosophers 12: religious cults 13: this is apollo 18 all over again 14: it's giving tomorrow never knows by the beatles 15: SPOILER ALERT: james ensor 16: "it's too hot" "it's too cold" OH MY GOD AN EXPLOSION 17: stalker 😒 18: roblox jailbreak 19: what 20: woah this is darker than i thought it would be
FACTORY SHOWROOM 1: whore slut bitch cunt 🥰🥰🥰 2: drugs? AGAIN???? 3: transgender 4: i see dead people 5: song of the summer 6: the original song was better 7: dysfunctional family 8: new wave battle 9: hypnotist of ladies's evil cousin 10: presidents are cool 11: ya like jazz 😏 12: I HEAR YOU 13: this is like take me to church by hozier but cooler
LONG TALL WEEKEND 1: oh my god we get another instrumental 2: mink car foreshadowing 3: lesley gore is an icon 4: rats are awesome 5: oh no we lost our token 6: mink car foreshadowing again 7: women are epic 8: this is such a vibe 9: evil 10: violence and killing and murder and crimes :3 11: nuh uh 12: oh shit we got lost oh fuck 13: shhhh don't cry 14: backwards shit 15: thomas edison is a bitch
MINK CAR 1: i love your hair 2: i don't need haters 3: overstimulation 4: goofy ahh 5: this is so corny-2000's-boy-band-love-song-core 6: i am a vampire be afraid 7: aw man you're just a sombrero 8: groovy 9: i am miserable 10: alcoholism 11: it's like that one meme 12: lmao you're so fucking old (psst you're gonna die soon) 13: omg i got run over by a fucking bedazzled car 14: evil skrunkly 15: stop fucking lying 16: who even- 17: james bond inspector gadget idk
THE SPINE 1: homestar runner 2: why is kermit here 3: working in an office is cool 4: holy shit this is so good 5: tomfoolery 6: beach boys reference 7: i hate bastards 8: later on.... 9: abusive relationships back at it again 10: caffeine got me like 11: CUNTY 12: french AGAIN?? 13: HOORAY 14: broke in two like a glowstick 15: writer's block makes a comeback 16: sobbing rn
THE ELSE 1: sarcasm at it's finest 2: YOU DON'T NEED THAT BASTARD IN YOUR LIFE GIRL 3: turn that frown upside down 4: someone call an exorcist 5: coraline moment 6: AHOY THERE MATEYS 7: bruh it's so dark. i guess i'm WITH THE DARK HAHAHA 8: omg clone high reference?? 9: woah that's fucked up 10: damn it my hope just withered 11: bro i need my dictionary 12: amnesia moment 13: it is not the late fourth millennium BC
JOIN US 1: fuck everyone and everything 2: hey girl are you a girl because you look like a girl 3: you're crazy😂😂😂 4: cryptids are epic 5: shut the fuck up you bitch 6: rapunzel 7: woohoo 8: i am a gifted burnout kid 9: can you die rn lmao 10: okay so what 11: ily judy 12: in my hopeless romantic era 13: this is such a vibe 14: don't text and drive 15: dogs 16: what year is it 17: what 18: "i don't like this song" AND IT DOESN'T LIKE YOU EITHER
NANOBOTS 1: go to the fucking hospital 2: what the fuck does this even mean 3: huh 4: this is so fire 5: scooby-doo ahh song 6: my mom died 7: fuck elon musk 8: i must eep 9: FIRE SONG ABOUT REBELLION 10: i am going to go cry 11: fuck the past this is the present 12: shhh these are 9 secret steps 13: bees love your mind 14: hmmmmm 15: nouns are epic 16: ROBIN GOLDWASSER 17: insects and hospitals 18: predicament 19: ooh funky 20: weirdcore bitches be like 21: WHO'S DAVE 22: tiktok alt kids be like 23: and why he eepy 24: such a vibe 25: you can't kill me haha
GLEAN 1: a beautiful mix of death and love 2: i love being alive dude 3: new superhero idea MARVEL GET ON IT 4: this is goofy ahh 5: bro i'm just tryna get you to like me 6: wow what an amazing connection to the real world 7: fight me 8: it's giving musical 9: boyfriends suck 10: incoherent 11: i'm sorry women 12: stop being a pussy 13: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 14: TRES BON 15: MORE INSTRUMENTALS???
PHONE POWER 1: you're crazy bro 2: ily but not like that 3: kidnappings are fire 4: imagination! 5: stop being mean to detroit 6: goofy ahh 7: bloody noses bro 8: i thought this was gonna be like that matt & kim song 9: 4th of july 🦅🇺🇲 10: cryptids again 11: dial-a-song song 12: shut up bitch imma haunt you 13: what this title makes no sense 14: i'm sorry woman 15: woah shapeshifting 16: better than the original frfr on god no cap big facts 17: okay... 18: self-advertisement
I LIKE FUN 1: is this gonna be over bro 2: astral projection 3: AAAA AAAAAA 4: back in my day 5: salty ass bitch 6: this slaps so hard 7: I LIKE FUN BRO 8: banger 9: microphone 10: take a walk on the sunny side 11: turn on the lights 12: aaa nessie 13: what 14: nick offerman 15: WE DIE ALONE WE DIE AFRAID WE LIVE IN TERROR WE'RE NAKED AND ALONE AND THE GRAVE IS THE LONELIEST PLACE
BOOK 1: just to refresh your memory (our last album was from 2018) 2: aaaah di ahh di ah di ah di yay 3: everyone hates me bro 4: CAN'T CUT IT AS AN ARTIST 5: snow 6: it's not just for winnipeg 7: aw man what happened to my dream 8: stupid clown 9: poison is epic 10: where the fuck is thursday 11: you wanna believe me but you can't 12: i'm super cool 13: hmmm 14: i ain't a clown 15: 0 is less than 1
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oasisofgalaxies · 2 years
✋ I wanna hear about rosegold (lol)
EYYYYYY SDFJSLKDF ok so ive talked about rosegold a bit on here!! prolly can find it under rosegold or ikea au (previous name) in the tags but tumblr isnt a functioning site so who knows. a few people know of it from the lovely indy @ind1c0lite's animatics for it (CHECK THEM OUT THEY ARE GOOD)
anyways !! brief overview, Guardians! Guardians are created by the universe, known to them as Mother. Each guardian is a kind of god of sorts in terms of power, but they arent worshiped or anything. Each guardian controls a domain, or domains. If one guardian has multiple domains, its limited to two and they usually go hand in hand! Mori, the guardian of life and death, and Memento, the guardian of time and memory, and Una, the guardian of timelines and reality are good examples of this.
BUT some Guardians come in pairs! Usually these pairs have corresponding or even opposing domains. For example, Sana, guardian of healing, and Aegri, guardian of disease.
Basically Guardians exist as a conduit for their domains. They help maintain order within them and prevent any anomalies. They help keep their respective timeline all in order! Nice n tidy. Sometimes things do go wrong, mostly due to the Collective.
The Collective is one antagonistic force in the Rosegold universe! The opposite to Mother, they are an eldritch hivemind/collection/smorgasbord of chaos and destruction. While horrific, they are the guardian's balance. The Collective destroys timelines, the Guardians maintain new and old ones. Its a cycle of the universe!
So getting into the meat of it all, the plot of Rosegold follows Mem, Mori, and Una. A lot of this is illustrated in the animatics (go watch they are amazing) AND the overview video Indy made!! (CLICK HERE) Indy explains it way better than I ever could but here we go.
So Rosegold's plot jumps around a bit. Doesnt help that we're still building it, things a huge work in progress. Anywho- You got the exposition in the beginning of it all, the beginning of this particular timeline. The start of the universe! Its all well and dandy and the like. It progresses from there, but the past isnt really the main focus.
It all starts around the 50s and 60s when Una, bored i guess (im unsure of her actual motivations for this. fuck around and find out?) makes her existence known to a research facility. The facility was inspired by the SCP foundation if that helps with visuals. Anyways there she meets a human scientist by the name of Marcus Doom.
The two form a sort of working friendship, Una giving Marcus sparse details on the Guardian's Homeworld, affectionately called HQ, and Marcus eating all of this up like the weirdo conspiracy theorist he is. But as time went on, Una visited Earth less and less until one day she stopped coming. Marcus did not like this.
So, theres some unfortunate consequences to a Guardian interacting with a mortal being. Boundless as they are, the mortal mind can't really comprehend them. Sort of like how Greek Gods had to disguise themselves so people wouldn't spontaneously combust at the sight of them. Thats not the case for Guardians, however. It acts sort of like long term exposure to radiation. Just a brief point of contact and you're not likely to experience any harm. But over time the effects get worse. Side effects can vary guardian to guardian. In Marcus's case, he became obsessed, traveling down this rabbit hole as far as physically possible.
This post is already getting really long so if you want to know more!! shoot me another ask!! :D
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aina-otsuki · 7 months
I lost a fucking bet today! So now I have to post past conversations with my friends. Why? Because that’s was I’m supposed to do when and if I lost. So please don’t mind this weird shit! Please and thank you!! :)
Literally A Legend 
Literally Annabeth Chase
Me too, but low key I’d admit that zero to hero is a bop
So, true but man If you really think about it. He really is every other fucking guy :/
Literally A Legend 
I get why our Lila hates him but why do you hate him? Isn’t he like the ideal type for Straight and ready to mingle people?
First of all he’s an asshole in the real Greek myths. Second, he’s not my ideal type. DO YOU THINK I HAVE SUCH LOW STANDARDS IN MEN??!!!!
Lowkey A Nerd 
No, cuz u right. He takes after his father in the HIGHEST degree. I have never loved how in PJO Alaska was off limits for the Gods. So glad I’m on vacay!
Yeah, you were a bitch and left us stranded. Which is betrayal!
Literally A Legend 
Literally Annabeth Chase
We are castaways~
Ahoy There!
Literally A Legend 
Literally A Legend 
FUCK THE WORLD I HOPE EVERyONE BURNS expect you mi sole. **** you’re a saint to this hell of a world. 
Thank you?Are you okay?
Literally A Legend 
Yep just having depression and some tiny very small suicidal thoughts but don’t worry I’m not actually going to hurt myself. I’ve been working on doing better habits than you know…
Lowkey a Nerd
Lol sucks to suck. 
Literally A Legend 
Go suck and Choke on a D!ck then die.
OKAY! Anyways what’s up?
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking 
Wtf did I just walk into?
NOTHING!! We’re moving on from the subject.
Literally Annabeth Chase 
alright, *Gasp*
Literally A Legend 
Did you just text gasp?
Literally Annabeth Chase
yes, anyway think about this. A fucking book being much more effective as a weapon than a phone…
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
whay brought ths on?
What* this*
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
Literally Annabeth Chase
wtf is wrong with you!?
Literally A Legend 
Not cool, being rude to our sol like that.
Lowkey a Nerd 
Like how dare you. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!
Okay that’s a bit dramatic. Anyways Lila what were you going to say?
Literally Annabeth Chase
Oh, right!
So, the funniest thing ever just happened!
I was told to “Act my Age” right?
Lowkey a Nerd 
Cool that’s like the 5th time
shhh… Jason (Literally A Legend) doesn’t need to know that. 
Literally A Legend 
Wt o u mean it te 5h time??
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking 
I cannot read that whatsoever. **** (My real Name was here) translate, you hang around him so much that you might be the only that knows what stupidity he says most of the time
That’s kinda mean but okie! Translation - What do you mean it's the 5th time?? Anyways Lily continue on with what you were saying.
Literally Annabeth Chase
Kinda, forgot about what I was saying for a sec, lol.
So, an old Karen told me that and I told her “What the fuck is that, ‘Act my Age?” She said “Don’t you care about acting like a grown young lady?” “What do I care how fucking old I am? Like the ocean is so old, Karen. But you still see it trying to drown your ass with vigor.” 
She just gasped and looked at me. “You’ll go to hell with that language, young lady. How could your parents let you become such a sinner” 
Lowkey a Nerd 
The fuck? She has to be one of those funky ass Christians who tell Carlos to go to Hell.
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
She sounds like them. So, probably.
Literally A Legend
So, what happens next?
Literally Annabeth Chase
I ended up telling that “my parents left to get gas when I was 5, that’s how I’m like this ma’am.”
Big Ass Giant
Literally A Legend 
Where tf did you come from? 
Have you been lurking this own time, Vesper?
Big Ass Giant
Yup! :)
Coolio! B)
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
Go to hell Big Ass Giant
Big Ass Giant
But then I’d be leaving you without anyone to keep you company. :(
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
STFU ****
Context - A one of my friends was being a little shit.
Big Ass Giant
You know **** if you were an actual decent person then maybe people wouldn’t want to avoid you or stop talking to you.
You know, that if you keep running your mouth so much, you’d be the skinniest person here?
Literally A Legend
Damn, she got chu good
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking 
And you guys say I’m the meanest.
It wasn’t mean. It was a fact
Big Ass Giant
Betrayal! How could you have betrayed, me my dear star 
 Now that I think about it, Literally A Legend you could and do trip over your shadow a lot.
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
Wait, really? 
You need to film it for me next time.
Literally A Legend 
Fuck off. Also my shadow is an extremely tricky big asshole. He likes it when I fall to his level
Lowkey a Nerd 
How do you know it’s a he?
Literally Annabeth Chase
OmG! Don’t start this shit again!
Literally A Legend
Holy Shit you right! My shadow might be Nonbinary!
Now look at what you did… :/
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking, at least try and say something positive or happy today. It might help drown out the negativity!
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
Well, my dad’s dead! :D
I know your dad was a huge Asshole but ykw from you I’ll take that answer. I mean it’s close enough! :)
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
YAY! Are you proud of me? 
 I mean it’s close enough! :) 
So, yes I am.
Big Ass Giant
I’m genuinely concerned with your sanity **** (talking about me). But good job Biggest Gay Disaster Walking, you made mother happy
stfu, I’m not your mother
Literally A Legend
Lowkey a Nerd 
Literally Annabeth Chase
(They typed this at the same time btw)
…Not one word Big Ass Giant
Big Ass Giant
\{. __ .|||
Literally A Legend
Look at our lovely Sol, she's smiling! So, she’s obviously perfectly fine
Biggest Gay Disaster Walking
She’s not smiling because she’s fine. She is smiling because she’s completely terrified of the trauma we faced.
Lowkey a Nerd 
That’s pretty much the same thing… 
See ya soon for a sneak peak on A Star Meets The Sky!
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erwoes · 2 years
Who I think the cast of Empires season two godly parent would be!
This is more so the pjo universe, and not the actual greek mythology. (there’s also a bunch of headcanons)————————————————————————
* Apollo!
* her dad is god of the sun, and she thinks he’s the coolest
* she rode in his sun chariot once
* Gem was absolutely ecstatic to say the least.
* Gem sits outside and just stares at the sun.
* she’s actually talking to her dad, but her friends just think she’s crazy
* Apollo said that if she proved herself to him, he’d let her drive his chariot every now and again
* Gem responded to this by declaring herself a princess
* Apollo thinks she’s a champ
* oh definitely Hades
* i mean come on she has a scythe that holds souls???
* can’t get more Hades than that
* Shelby went to the Underworld once
* she was absolutely traumatized from seeing all the dead people there
* from that day on, she dedicated her life to reduce the amount of people down there at least a little
* Hades encourages her to do this so it makes his job easier
* you gotta stick with me here
* Aphrodite
* i mean Katherine gets bitches so yk
* she probably doesn’t like being a child of Aphrodite
* absolutely hates the stereotypes that the children of Aphrodite only like being pretty
* i mean she does like being pretty
* there’s just more to her
* definitely Hephaestus
* homegirl made her own wings
* she’s also alone very often
* father like daughter
* Poseidon
* listen, the god fucks some weird shit
* i wouldn’t put it past him to go for a cat
* i’m so sorry
* also it would be funny if a cat had a dad that was the god of the sea
* oh without a doubt Aphrodite
* have you seen the guy???
* pretty self explanatory, not much else i need to add
* Hermes
* (no, not his son Hermes)
* Hermes is the god of travelers
* Sausage was inspired to take in refuges because of his dad
* this may be unpopular…
* but i think he would be a child of Ares
* Ares absolutely hates Jimmy btw
* Ares thinks his son is absolutely fucking useless
* “are you seriously going to let that kid make fun of you??? how are you this much of a moron.”
* “i’m sorry Sir :(“
* “if you were sorry you’d try harder”
* “but i am trying Sir D:”
* poor guy has daddy issues
* (his issues are that his dad has tried to kill him multiple times)
* (god knows how the guy survived all this time)
* i’m actually a bit torn between Athena and Hephaestus
* Hephaestus and Fwip have more similarities,
* but i think it would be fun parallels if his godly parent was almost opposite of Jimmy’s godly parent
* just imagine the son’s of the god of war and god of warfare are friends
* obviously Hermes
* (no, not Joel and Sausage’s son Hermes)
* i mean Hermes is the god of thieves
* you really can’t get better than that
* (i was on edge of making him a child of Aphrodite)
* i’m so sorry, but i genuinely can’t think of anything
* maybe Athena???
* pls give suggestions :(
* Zeus
* i just think it would be funny if he was born like how Dionysus was
* Sausage asks how he was born and Joel just goes, “oh yeah i was in my dad’s leg for a while lol”
* Sausage is absolutely horrified
* Dionysus
* like his dad, Oli loves music and theatre
* after he gets healed by Sausage, he starts making wine for Sanctuary’s tavern
* Oli’s wine was a hit in Sanctuary to say the very least
* if i’m being completely honest
* i have no idea who her godly parent would be
* i think she would be a bit like Hercules
* her mortal body was burned, and she would be remembered as a hero
* just like Hercules
* so i guess her godly parent would be Zeus just cause
* (also yes, i know his name was Heracles. i call him Hercules for continuity)
Lmk if you want me to do this for season one or maybe even a few hermitcraft characters :D
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an-idiot-in-fandoms · 2 years
Dead! / Chapter 1: I’m Not Okay (I Promise)
a/n: decided to post it on here as well cuz i am excited for this one gurls
Story Summary:  If you're going to die, then you have to live. And I don't mean that in a wishy-washy sense; I mean that you need to make the world your bitch.
Or, alternatively, you've just been diagnosed with lung cancer, and want to live your last years to your fullest. You're determined to make Jason Todd understand the gift of life while you're at it.
Chapter Summary: “You like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, Fangoria, Harry Houdini and croquet. You can’t swim, you can’t dance and you don’t know karate. Face it, you’re never gonna make it.”
“I don’t wanna make it. I just wanna—”
You’re introduced to Jason Todd when you’re fifteen, and emo.
By god, your school was an ugly building. Back in your youth, you could recall seeing the structure for the first time, and being utterly unimpressed by the four pillars outside, to curate a poorly made knock off Greek House.
Knock offs can be good. Sometimes even better than the original. But this, this was even more pathetic than your self esteem.
“It looks like a prep’s wet dream,” you had said out loud, right in front of your father, as you’d sat next to him in the seat of your car.
He’d frowned, and given you a harsh look, “Behave yourself. You’re no longer a child, and you need to act your age. I have worked very hard in order to get you into Gotham Academy, and I expect you not to bring shame to our family. Don’t bring any of this… ‘emo’ nonsense into your studies, do you understand?”
You’d rolled your head sideways, to fix him with a blank, irritated stare; he had looked right back, with a vicious look of discontent, expecting a polite, submissive ‘yes daddy’. Instead, your lips curled into a sickeningly smug smirk — “What’s my age again?”
Before your father could blow a fuse at your impudence, you’d hopped out of the car, and ran into the ugly hub of education, your red tie fluttering in the wind (against the dress code), and your shoes scuffed. Even as a twelve year old, your philosophy had always been to never take yourself that seriously, so you never did, and did whatever the damn fuck you wanted.
Immature impudence? Revenge against your neglectful parents? You decide.
In any case, you began your new life, having finally been released from the clutches of homeschooling, and quickly made yourself a menace. The age of tween is a precarious one, and at that point you wanted nothing more than to wreak havoc on everything and everyone, till the world bowed down at your feet, while you sat on a throne made from the discombobulated limbs of your enemies, and drank blood from a skull like Byron. You didn’t know what your end goal was, but one thing was for sure, right now you wanted anarchy, misery and destruction.
For now, though, you’d have to make do with just being the quiet kid at the back of the class, and make hissing noises whenever somebody approached you.
Needless to say, you didn’t make many friends. By the time you were fifteen, you were a lone wolf, who was (just about) known for standing in front of the glass cabinet of trophies at eight am, whilst putting on red eyeshadow, stolen from your mother’s dressing table.
Some people jeered at you; some people ignored you; some people were scared of you, and spread wild rumours about you being in a vampiric cult, and that was why you always looked tired. The truth was a little less extravagant, and these kids were but a few minority — to the rest of the students, you were nobody.
That wasn’t your objective anyway, you told yourself, as you sipped your juice, sitting on the front steps outside the building at lunch. You just insisted on getting out of the house so you wouldn’t have to hear them fucking arguing all the time.
What even is it with them? If they’re unhappy together, they should get a divorce. I wouldn’t care. They’ve never cared about me, they adopted me to look good, so I don’t care about them. They’re just my sugar parents at this point.
Heh, that’s actually funny. Maybe I should poison them and I’ll inherit all their money.
A shout pulled you unwillingly from your thoughts, and you reluctantly looked up to see where the noise was coming from; instantly, your mouth dropped, as you stared up in complete astonishment, at the boy who was standing in the window sill directly to your right, on the second floor. You took a brief moment to survey his features — a somewhat toughened, confident face, with curly black hair that sat atop his head as if he were a sheep.
Who was he? Wasn’t he that new guy from a month ago? You weren’t in any of his classes, and he was in the year below you, so you’d never bothered to find out. Something relating to Bruce Wayne, you believed, if your eavesdropping was accurate…
… off topic. For now, the question had to be why the everloving fuck was he two inches from belly flopping onto the courtyard?
Encouraging whoots came from behind him, and you could vaguely make out the words; “Do it, street scum! Show us how tough you really are!”
The boy glanced behind him, obviously riled up by the derogatory remarks thrown his way, but none  to his credit, for it only made him further determined to do something stupid. “I will! I’ll fucking show all you rich pricks!” he yelled (you had to admire his grit).
Then, you watched, almost in slow motion, as he pushed himself off the ledge, and jumped; time seemed to come to a halt at that moment, as you gazed up at him, his blazer fluttering like a pair of wings, his scarlet socks becoming streaks, that wound through the air tracking his journey, like fluttering silk ribbons. His eyes were a fearless, shining bluish green, that reflected the autumn sun imperfectly, scattering little specks of light across his irises, and glancing off his shoes in tiny blows.
You could swear that he was flying, then.
But, as if somebody had clipped his wings, he fell, and landed hard on the ground with a hysterical crack!, right on his leg. The agonising scream he let out snapped you out of your stupor, and you stood up, quick to rush over to him, and kneel by his side — several other students ran over as well.
“Are you alright, Mr Wayne?!” one girl cried out, daintly pressing her hand to his chest, in a gesture so pathetic and obviously overexaggerated in order to gain approval that it made you sick to your stomach.
Your eyebrow twitched in irritation. “Of course he’s not,” you barked at her, with a scowl. “He just jumped out the second fucking floor. What he needs is a doctor, so go ring the nurse bell and get a damn teacher!”
She froze for a moment, before hastily getting up, and rushing off to do as you’d said. The boy below you was still breathing heavily, holding his ankle, and whining in intense pain, muttering curses; another guy looked up to the window he’d flown out of and shouted up, “Screw you guys!”
He received a deafening howl of laughter from the neanderthals upstairs — you stared up at them, in silent aggravation, your photographic memory switching on to capture each of their smug, idiotic faces — six in total. You couldn’t recall their names, them being utterly irrelevant to you, but you did manage to remember that they had a string of lockers together, right across the trophy cabinet where you did your makeup every morning. A thought occurred to you, and you pondered as to whether you should do it or not, and then promptly decided to, what the hell, you only live once.
You reverted your gaze back to the boy below you, who was still writhing. The student from beforehand tried to keep him focused, asking a simple question, “What’s your name?”
The curly haired young man choked on his own words, before sputtering out, “Jason Todd.”
You didn’t have time to do much else, for the nurses came in the next instant, as well as two teachers, each with panicked expressions. As Todd was loaded onto the stretcher, you could hear the two professors mumbling hurriedly amongst themselves about what ‘Mr Wayne’ would think, and whether the academy would get sued for having brought damage to his son.
(You hoped the school would get sued.)
In any case, now you understood more clearly. This was Bruce Wayne’s new ward. It made sense that people would either be picking on him (example a, the fuckers up there), or sucking on his toes (example b, the girl who was putting on a flattery show). You came to your feet, and looked on silently, as the nurses worked on him steadily, while another faculty staff called 911, whilst another fainted out of fear of losing his job. The scene was really quite fascinating, an insightful study into the mindset of the pathetically insecure, which to some level you could sadly relate to — so, unfortunately, you felt a shred of pity, and reluctant sympathy, towards the flailing adults, as they struggled to act like sane human beings, whilst a child was suffering right in front of them.
You stayed for a tad longer, to keep an eye on Jason Todd, before the ambulance showed up, and whisked him away, leaving the poor caregivers to attend to the wretched teacher who’d blacked out. Then, you twisted around, and headed back into the building; you still had around fifteen minutes till your next lesson began, so that gave you ample time to complete the task you’d wanted to do previously.
“Did you see him just fucking jump out like a twat? He’s so fucking stupid,” one of the bullies chortled, as the lot made their way down the corridor, after the lunch bell.
“Right? Must be the public schooling,” another sneered, earning a plethora of detestable laughter from the rest of them.
“I think he broke his foot. Isn’t that hilarious?—”
They all stopped dead, in the middle of the hallway, since there was a sizable crowd. Pushing their way through to discover what was going on, they were astonished to find the cause of the audience.
Scrawled along all six of their lockers, were the plain words ‘pathetic bastards’, with neat, large, black handwriting. That was all, nothing less, no more.
They turned around, to see who had been responsible for their humiliation, and their eyes settled on you; but you were applying your typical red eyeshadow, with your signature deadpan expression. When you met their gaze in acknowledgement of their staring, they couldn’t say a word, and only turned back to the ‘crime’, and started trying to rub off the inscripture, only succeeding in smudging their expensive jackets in the substance.
Ten metres or so away, you smiled, as you felt the black eyeliner in your trouser pocket.
That was the one and only time you ever interacted with Jason Todd. From then on, your thoughts never dwelled once on him — until, six years later, his death was announced to you all in an assembly.
And then he was all you could think about. The boy you’d met once, was now dead — gone, forever, stripped from the earth like a weed, carelessly yanked out by the fates, and laughed at by the gods. It felt wrong, and injustice was a familiar flavour that stung bitterly in your mouth, and made you grit your teeth in pure rage and regret.
Life was short; life is short, like the fleeting jump Jason Todd had taken out of the window, like the brief moment he’d been soaring through the sky like a bird. Even after his passing, he remained influential to you, reminding you that taking your existence for granted was something foolish, for if your time was cut short, you’ll wish you’d done more.
The ghost of Jason Todd took a small, unoccupied place in your frozen heart, and settled there cosily, a constant sad yet needed prompt of the spontaneity of everything around you.
And you kept him there, as if he’d never gone at all.
Next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/an-idiot-in-fandoms/692697189283135488?source=share
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