#the last one sounds gut wrenching sorry
sillyfreaktime · 10 months
I think it is so funny when a comedy show inspires the most serious fanfic ever known to man. like it’s always sunny is such a funny show- BOOM frank died and everyone has to cope. what we do in the shadows is about silly vampires- NAH, nandor is gonna kill himself if he can’t be human again. parks and rec is so sweet- NOPE, leslie is battling a terminal illness and no one knows.
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alisonwritesimagines · 4 months
You're Losing Me ~Simon Riley Imagine~
Summary: Simon falls in love with Johnny, only to unintentionally hurt you in the process.
Author's Note: This was inspired by @houseofoddballs trauma bond fic they made which got me listening to sad, angsty songs while writing this at work. Also, please let me know if ya'll want a part two for this.
Reader's Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: MAJOR ANGST, like gut wrenching angst, cheating, unexpected pregnancy, slight happy ending for reader in the end in a way
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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He was your Simon. No one else's. You two had met when he was on leave and fell in love. So by definition, he was yours first. It sounds selfish but when you barely get to see him due to him going on missions on months on end, you'd understand why you want to hold onto him as much as you can.
You watched as your Simon walk in together with Soap once again. This was the third time this week where he had claimed he was busy only to be seen with Soap afterwards.
"Sorry I kept him long, bonnie," Johnny apologized again.
"It's okay. Glad you two had fun," you tell him.
You liked Soap. He was a good guy and he understood what your Simon had to go through during their time in the military. There was nothing wrong with him. Until he and your Simon got closer and closer. You noticed it from the way they interacted with each other.
But you would never say anything to them. You loved Simon. He was everything to you. You trusted him. But you began to notice something between the two. It was obvious even if they were trying to hide it. So if keeping your Simon meant that you had to stay silent, so be it.
“I’m going out,” Simon told you exactly at 5pm. You noticed each time he told you he was going out, it was always at 5pm.
“Again? Simon, I was hoping we can have a date night?” You tell him with a small frown. You couldn’t remember the last time you two had gone on a proper date with each other.
“Sorry love. I already got plans. How about I make it up to you tomorrow yeah? Just the two of us and we can do whatever you want,” Simon offers.
“Okay. That’s fine,” you nodded with a small smile.
“Don’t need to wait up on me,” Simon tells you. You nodded once again before he put on his coat to head out.
“I love you, Simon,” you tell him. Simon stared at you a little with a soft smile. But there was something else in that smile.
“I love you too,” Simon tells you before leaving your shared apartment.
Simon felt guilty. Leaving you alone for a night with Soap. He loved you both but he didn’t know if you’d be okay in getting into a relationship with both him and Soap. Had had to think of you first since you were there for him first before Soap.
“You okay, Lt?” Johnny asked. The two sat in the back of a bar at a booth, sitting next to each other.
“I just feel guilty,” Simon tells him.
“I feel like I’m lying to Y/n,” Simon tells him.
“But as much as I want her, I want you too. I need you both.”
“I’m here for you Simon. And you know she loves you too. I don’t want to hurt her either. She’s a good woman and you both need each other in a way,” Johnny said.
Johnny could at least acknowledge that even though he and Simon loved each other, he didn’t want to hurt you. You were kind and caring. Not to mention you were there first before Johnny.
Simon felt guilty, the more he began to drink with Johnny the guilt began to go away a little. The next thing he knew, he’s waking up next to Johnny naked in Johnny’s bed at four in the morning. Now he was more guilty and had dug his grave.
The next day, you knew what he did. And Simon knew that you knew. It wasn’t the fact he came home in the early morning or the silence that made him know that you knew. It was the hickeys on his neck that he didn’t hide. He was too busy to get back home to you first to even look at the hickeies Johnny gave him.
You lied in your bed crying as your heart was broken. Simon sat on the other side of the door, listening to your crying. It broke him or hear you cry. He never meant to hurt you but he did. The mental pain was far worse than the physical pain and he knew it.
“Love, can we talk?” Simon you.
“Ghost, leave me alone please,” you tell him. Simon got up the moment you used his code name. He didn’t want you to see him as Ghost. He was your Simon. Your Simon that you love. He wanted you to know that you didn’t loose him. He was here with you and begging for your forgiveness.
“Love. Please. Don’t call me that. Open the door please,” Simon begged as he tried to open the door.
“Ghost, I need a moment. Please. Just go to Soap if you need to,” you tell him, still hurt from what you saw this morning.
Simon’s heart broke from your words. Yes he was in love with Johnny but he didn’t want to run to Johnny whenever you two had a problem. Even before Johnny you two were able to work things out whenever you had a fight. But this was different. You didn’t use his code name in anger like you would do.
You used his code name as if you didn’t recognize him anymore.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay here until you’re ready to talk,” Simon tells you before walking to the living room.
You didn’t come out of the room till 9pm. When you walked out, you saw Simon sitting on the couch with red eyes. He looked over at you as you looked worse than he did. He got up before getting on his knees in front of you. You had never seen him this vulnerable before.
“Love, I’m sorry. Please, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything. Please,” Simon begged. He couldn’t let you leave him. He needed you. Although, he wasn't sure if he could say the same thing about you needing him.
“What do you want me to say, Ghost?” You asked him.
“Don’t call me that. I’m Simon. I’m your Simon,” he tells you as he stood up. He held your hands in his before kissing them. Trying to cling onto you as much as he could before you could slip away from his fingers any more than you already had.
“Are you?” You asked him.
“Yes. I’ll do anything to prove it to you,” Simon begged. You stayed quiet before walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
“Let me, love,” Simon said before going into the kitchen to make you something. You lied on the couch until Simon had food ready for you.
It was going well for you both for a month before Simon had to go on a mission. He spent his last couple of days, letting you know how much he loved you in the bed to remind you that he loved you and how much he needed you.
“I love you so much, Y/n,” Simon tells you.
“I love you too, Simon,” you tell him.
The moment Simon had told you that he was coming back, you were excited. You had news to tell him that you hoped he would choose you. It was selfish yes but you were human. It was a natural thing. And you hoped that your news would bring you two closer.
But the moment Simon came home, you knew something was wrong. Instead of giving you a kiss that would eventually lead into the bedroom like how he used to do, he kissed your cheek and told you he had to shower.
He had left his phone on his stand while he showered. You weren’t the type to look through his phone but you had to know. You unlocked his phone to see the messages he had sent to Johnny.
Simon 5:00pm: I miss you.
Simon 10:45pm: Can I see you Johnny?
Johnny 10:46pm: Are you sure?
Simon 10:47pm: I need you right now.
Simon 11:34pm: I need you. Can I come over?
Simon 1:05pm: I can pick you up before we head back to base.
Johnny 1:07pm: Sounds good.
Simon 3:08pm: Just got home. I love you.
Johnny 3:10pm: I love you too. Let me know when you want to meet up again.
You noticed the dates and times. They were all while you and Simon were supposedly patching things up before he had to go on a mission. How many times has he snuck off to see Johnny? How many times did he tell you that he loved you that now felt like lies? Were they together intimately when they were on their mission? The last text being more recent with Simon telling Johnny that he loved him hurt the most.
You were a fool. A goddamn beautiful and forgiving fool. But this was the pushing point.
The flat felt colder and somehow smaller. Simon noticed all of your little things were gone the moment he came back from the gym. He knew something was wrong. He rushed to the bedroom to find it tidied up but empty.
Your nightstand no longer had your stuff on or in it. Your side of the closet was empty. All his hoodies and shirts that you had taken from him was hung or neatly folded and put away. It was as if you were never here.
Simon noticed a letter on his nightstand making him walk over and sit on his side of the bed. He took the letter in his hand before opening it up.
I know you choosing between me and Johnny will be hard on you. So let me make the decision for you, go ahead and choose him. I don’t think I can continue fighting for your love even though I would’ve done anything and everything for you. I love you Simon. But I can’t face anymore emotional neglect and keep waiting for you to return the love I’ve been giving you.
Am I hurt? Yes. Am I surprised you fell for Johnny? No. He can understand you in many ways I would never be able to understand. I just wished I was enough for you.
Please do not contact me or find me. I think it’s best for me to move on and let myself heal. I know it seems selfish but I need this.
Goodbye Simon.
- Y/n
Simon took out his phone and quickly called you. Maybe it wasn’t too late?
“We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
His worse fear has come true due to his selfishness. You were gone from his life.
Five years have gone since Simon last heard you. He had told Johnny he needed some time before continuing their relationship together the moment you left him. Five years since you left him but not a day had gone by without Simon thinking about you.
Were you doing okay? Were you in a safe place? Have you moved on officially?
It was now his and Johnny ‘s leave and they had to grab some groceries for the week. While Simon had gone to grab a couple of stuff, Johnny made his way to another aisle before feeling someone bump into his legs. Soap looked down at the small child in front of him. His eyes widen as he saw the small boy who looked exactly like Simon minus his hair color.
“Sorry sir,” the little boy said as he backed up.
“You okay lad?” Soap asked him.
“Yes. I’m just trying to get those cookies,” the little boy said as he pointed at the package that was on a shelf higher than him.
“Oh uh. Here,” Soap tells him as he handed him the cookies.
“Thank you!” The little boy smiled before running off to a man who had appeared from the other end of the aisle.
“You ready, Johnny?” Simon asked him as he walked over to him. He put the food he grabbed into the cart before looking at Johnny.
“Get this Lt. I just met a kid who looked exactly like you,” Soap tells him.
“Doubt it,” Simon scoffed unconvinced.
“I swear it!”
Simon shook his head before his eyes landed on someone familiar. His eyes widen, making Johnny look over to see who he was staring at.
You stood at the end of the aisle with the man and the child that Johnny had helped out not too long ago. You were glowing in more ways than one. You looked happier and healthier than the last time the two men saw you.
Not to mention, you were pregnant and had a ring on your finger. Simon couldn’t help but grew jealous and angry. You should’ve been like that with him.
“Simon? Johnny?” You asked confused as you finally saw them. You and your family walked over to the two who stood at the other end of the aisle.
“Hey bonnie. You're looking good,” Johnny said surprised. Simon looked over at the small boy who did look exactly like him.
Simon didn’t know wether to be angry, sad, or disappointed in himself.
“Hi. Thanks. Are you two on leave?” You asked.
“At the moment yes,” Johnny said.
“That’s good. Simon, Johnny, this is my husband Mitch. Mitch, this is Simon and Johnny,” you introduce them. Simon looked at you heartbroken. He had selfishly hoped that one day you would come back to him or at least he would be able to see you and beg for your forgiveness.
“Nice to meet you both,” Mitch smiled as he offered a handshake. Simon and Johnny both shook his hand out of politeness.
“Is this lad yours?” Johnny asked you.
“Yes. This is my son, Levi. Levi, sweetie, these are two of mommy’s old friends. Can you say hi?” You asked him.
“Hi Mr. Johnny. Hi, Mr. Simon,” Levi said.
“How old are you?” Simon asked him. You frowned at his question. There was no doubt that Levi was his. Mitch rubbed your back a little to help calm you down.
“Five,” Levi tells him shyly.
“He’s five?” Simon asked you with sadden eyes. How long were you alone before Mitch came into your life?
“Yes. We need to get going. We’re on vacation here,” you tell him before taking Levi’s hand.
“Bye Johnny. Bye Simon,” you tell the two.
“Wait, Y/n,” Simon said as he quickly held your hand with your wedding ring on it. He let go the moment he felt the ring.
“Can we talk sometime?” Simon asked you.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m sorry. Come on, Levi,” you tell your son as you lead him to the check out.
Mitch stayed behind before looking over at Simon.
“If you have any questions about Levi, here’s my number. Just message me and I can talk to you,” Mitch told Simon as he handed him a card.
“He’s not yours?” Simon asked for confirmation.
“She’s mentioned you both before and told me what happened. You have the right to know about your son,” Mitch told him before walking away from the two.
“Simon?” Johnny softly said to get his attention.
“Let’s go.” Johnny’s Simon tells him before walking away.
It took some convincing from your husband but just before you three left to go back home in America, you met with Simon at a café close to the airport.
“Thank you for meeting with me,” Simon smiled a little as you sat across from him.
“Yeah,” you tell him awkwardly.
“How have you been?”
“Better. From what you saw, I got a husband and my kids,” you tell him, placing your hand on your stomach.
“Have you told Levi that he’s my son?”
“No. And I can wait to tell him when he’s older to understand,” you say. Simon nodded, knowing it would be too much for the poor kid to understand.
“I want to apologize to you.”
“No. I hurt you. I told you that I would never hurt you and I did. I love you, Y/n. And I’m happy you moved on but I really did love you. I’m so sorry and I’m begging for your forgiveness,” Simon tells you.
“Simon, I forgive you. I can accept on who you are but it just hurt when I watched you fall in love with someone else after everything we’ve been through. I stayed here for you. I wanted to be there for you but it felt like I lost you,” you tell him.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay now. I’ve healed and I have a family now who I love,” you tell him.
“You deserve it. You deserve everything good in this world,” Simon tells you. You smiled softly before handing him an address and a phone number.
“That’s our address and my phone number. If you want to visit Levi, you can. He is your son. I’ll let you know when I tell him that your his dad,” you tell him. Simon stared down at the address and phone number before looking at you. You were still beautiful in his eyes and the guilt of letting you slip away began to creep up on him.
“We could’ve had a good family right?”
“You were a wonderful experience,” Simon tells you.
“And you were everything,” you tell him before standing up and heading out the door.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Proud II
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Summary: The London Derby against Chelsea
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Something was wrong.
Something was desperately wrong.
But you couldn't tell what it was.
All you knew was pain as you laid face-first in the grass. Pain in your head. Pain in your body. Pain in your foot.
"Shit, shit," You heard above you," Oh, babygirl, I'm so sorry."
You knew that voice. You knew that voice very well.
You sobbed into the grass.
Another voice appeared at your side. Hands clutched at your shoulders.
"Hey, kid," Leah said softly," We're going to roll you over, okay?"
"No," You sobbed," No. No, please."
"I'm sorry, kiddo," Leah said," But we need to do this. I'll be so gentle."
You were turned until you looked up at the sky, the summer sun blaring down on you. Pain radiated through your body. You could see Leah and Beth looking down at you.
You turned your head to look at the defender that had taken you down.
"Oh, babygirl," She said," I'm so sor-"
"You need to back up, Eriksson." Katie came barrelling out of nowhere, shoving your Morsa away forcefully.
Morsa shoved her back. "That's my kid. Don't tell me what to do."
"Your kid that you just fouled!" Katie spat back.
Their conversation was drowned out as Momma approached, crouching down next to you.
"Hurts, Momma," You said, clutching at your ankle," Bad."
"I know," Momma said," I know, baby. Just wait a minute, for me. We're gonna get help."
Her tone was soft and soothing and you wiggled yourself closer until you could press your forehead against where her knee was resting on the ground.
"So bad, Momma," You said, tears choking you," So, so bad."
"I know, I know," Momma repeated. She pulled you closer into her. "It's okay. It's all going to be okay."
But she didn't sound too sure, not when you were sobbing into her like a baby and Morsa was being shown a red by the ref.
A gut-wrenching scream escaped you as the medics moved your ankle. You tried to pull away but couldn't with the way you were being cradled by Momma.
"She needs to come off," You heard the medic say," We need to check her ankle properly."
"Okay, okay." Momma nodded. "Hey, baby, we're gonna get up, alright? You've got to come off."
You could do nothing as Momma wrapped an arm around one shoulder and Leah took your other. You hobbled, your ankle feeling excruciatingly painful, to the side lines with the last bit of dignity you had left.
Morsa approached slowly, reaching for you. "Baby-"
"Go away." You turned so you didn't have to look at her.
"y/n, I-"
"I won't say it again." You flinched when she reached out for you, hand resting on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't fix my ankle," You spat back bitterly," Fuck!"
Normally, Morsa would tell you off for such language but she didn't. She didn't leave either, just sat with you as the medics flexed your foot. She stayed at your side even as you ordered her away, tears still running down your cheeks as anger boiled in your blood.
The anger pumped through your system as a boot was fitted to your foot and you were given a pair of crutches.
Soon enough, it was just you sitting half inside the tunnel with your Morsa by your side. She still had her hand on your shoulder so you shoved it off, glaring ahead as Beth snuck in around Millie Bright and scored.
"You can't ignore me forever. I'm sorry, babygirl. I don't even know what I was thinking."
Stubbornly, you ignored her.
"I said I was sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Honestly, babygirl, I'm so, so sorry."
You kept ignoring her.
"y/n, seriously. You can't ignore me."
"What do you want me to say?!" You whirled on her, the tears you were trying to keep at bay spilling down your cheeks. "You've fucked up my ankle! I'm in a boot!"
"I was doing my job. None of it was personal."
"Of course it was personal! Everything that you do on that pitch to me is personal!" You took a deep breath, clenched fists shaking from where they were resting on your thighs. "You got a red card for it. My ankle's fucked."
"I know," Morsa said softly. She didn't try to touch you again. "I know, babygirl."
Her voice was quiet, meant just for the two of you despite the amount of phone cameras pointed in your direction, sitting in the tunnel together.
"It hurts, Morsa." Your voice came out choked as your throat closed up. "It hurts so much."
"I know," Morsa said again, allowing you to make the first move, leaning into her and hiding your face in her neck," I know and I'm so sorry. I acted in a way that I shouldn't have and I'm so sorry."
The echoing of approaching football boots surrounded you and suddenly Momma was stood in front of you.
She glared down at Morsa, who shrunk down under the weight of her stare.
"That was stupid," She said coldly," And reckless. And completely irresponsible, Magda! To foul her is one thing. That's expected. To wipe her out like that? Unacceptable! Look at her! She's wearing a boot."
"I've already apologised."
"That's not good enough! She's in a boot! She'll need to be on painkillers! Need to go to rehab! Sorry doesn't cut it! You're going to be grovelling for days, Magdalena Lilly Eriksson! I can promise you that!"
It wasn't often that Momma got mad at Morsa but this was clearly one of those times. She pulled you up and away, tucking you into her side and walking off, guiding you on your crutches further into her body.
"Morsa's going to walk home tonight," She informed you," And we're going to get a takeaway. What do you want?"
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minustwofingers · 4 months
cool about it teaser
pairing: closetedfem!reader x ellie
request? yes, by @gold-dustwomxn (:
summary: life in the apocalypse is hard enough. the last thing you need is unrequited feelings for your best friend—who is very much off limits. so you'll just be cool about it. really cool about it. set in a loose interpretation of canon where i toy around with the timeline and storyline just the slightest and this is also a bit of a slowburn
warnings: ur closeted asf, queer angst, gross men, explicit language, substance use
a/n: hey guys i haven't really been posting much recently, but i wanted to at least post two scenes from this series so u guys have an idea of what to expect...also so u guys can tell me which one you want me to work on more (love is a laserquest or this one). i hope u enjoy...sorry this one is a little disjointed! (there are many events that happen between the two scenes im sharing w u as a little treat)
I. (opening scene)
The revelation that your feelings towards your best friend had become complicated arrives with the dead of winter. It’s strange, really, how something within you came to life just as the rest of the world began to die. 
If you were wiser, you’d find ways to explain it away, to rationalize all the weird thoughts in your head. You’d cite the chill in the air. The holiday spirit running through Jackson. The desolation that came with your only outdoor companions being the brown corpses of deciduous trees and infected that hadn’t frozen in the winter storms that kept battering Wyoming. 
But with age came wisdom, and both of those virtues were in short supply in a post-apocalyptic world. So, you resign yourself to cataloging away these feelings and pretending like everything was absolutely normal and cool. 
The bad thing about having good things, you think to yourself bitterly one day as you watch Ellie’s eyes light up as she rambles in her room as you sit on her bed about a comic book Joel had found her, is that they’re risky. High risk—high reward. Ellie was special to you in a way that no one else was. And using this logic, losing her would bring such an unforeseen devastation that you weren’t sure that you could go on. 
So, normal. Cool. Chill. Because you cannot afford to fuck this one up. 
“I love when you tell me about your comics,” you tell her in a way that’s definitely not sappy sweet and gooey. 
She smiles crookedly back at you. “You’re such a fucking liar. I know you couldn’t give a shit about these.” 
“Am not!” You throw a punch at her arm, feeling your heart twist as she just grins wider. “For the record, I do give a shit. Many, actually.”
“That sounds gross.” 
“Your words, not mine.” 
And it’s absolutely gut wrenching how she can just smile at you like that, like she’s not holding your heart in her fist.
“So, uh, Cat,” you blurt out. You’d been staring at her for too long. “Dina said that you two were—uh…” 
You wave your hand around in the air like you’re sifting through thousands of possible word combinations. In reality, you know exactly what you need to say to get the answer you’re searching for. You just don’t want to ask. 
“Well…” She blushes. Her eyes drop to her hands, where her fingers are toying with the bits of cuticle she hasn’t already torn off. 
“I knew it!” you croon, hoping that the boatload of dread that just dropped in your stomach isn’t as obvious as it feels. “Tell me everything.”
“Nothing to tell,” she says. “Nothing yet, at least. It’s stupid but—I just noticed that she hangs around me a lot, you know? And, like, touches me more than she needs to. Shit like that. I dunno.”
The wound deep inside you splits like the fake grin on your lips. “Wowwwww. Look at you!” 
Ellie rolls her eyes. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“I mean,” she says, her eyes twinkling conspiratorially, “What about Eddie? Jesse told me that you spend a lot of time with him.”
“We’re patrol partners,” you offer. It’s not a lie. You’re just choosing to omit the part where Eddie spends half his patrol staring longingly in your direction while you pretend not to notice. 
“I know that.”
“It’s…” You gnaw on your bottom lip. “I don’t know how I feel about that right now.” 
That’s not a lie either. Eddie is…nice. All the other girls like him, except for Dina (she has Jesse) and Ellie (she has another very obvious reason). He’s attractive. At least, that’s what Bonnie tells you. Apparently the buzzed hair and heavy bluntness found in all of his features is considered hot. 
But just because you’re not into him now doesn’t mean you could never be. That’s what your mother used to say about your father—she hadn’t liked him upon their first meeting. But it changed with time, and you’d rather have someone than be all alone. 
Ellie hums, picking at the cuticle of her thumb. “He likes you.”
“So I’ve heard.” 
“Well,” she says, “I heard Jesse’s putting on another bonfire tonight. Want to walk there together after dinner?” 
You spend another evening staring across the fire at your best friend, watching the warm glow of the flames warp and distort the shape of her and Cat, pressed up against each other and smiling wide. You aren’t sure why it makes you so uncomfortable to see them together. Homophobia? No. Maybe? You recently learned that that was a thing, but you don’t consider yourself bigoted, and being a homophobe is more of an opt-in situation, right? 
But when you try to reach deep inside to find a more plausible answer, there’s nothing. 
It’s your detachment from reality that lets Eddie drape a heavy, hard arm over your shoulder. 
“Hey,” he whispers into your ear. His breath is hot and warm. 
“Hey,” you whisper back, wanting nothing more than to get away. Thankfully, Ellie is too preoccupied with Cat to even look your way. You’re sure that you’d die if she saw Eddie touching you like this. 
“You look really pretty tonight.”
“Thank you.”
It’s like someone shone a spotlight on you, hung a sign on your neck that said, I am perceived and desired by men. You don’t know why this makes your skin crawl so much. 
Eddie’s fingers are tracing patterns on the flesh of your arm. You find that you’re grateful for the extra layer your sweatshirt sleeve provides. You don’t want him to touch you—don’t want to know what it’s like for him to deliberately make contact with your skin. 
The next time he speaks to you, it’s in a murmur that you suppose is meant to sound seductive. “You’re quiet today.”
“Just a little tired.” And now you feel guilty, because Eddie really hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s you who has an issue with a boy who’s perfectly nice and clearly likes you. 
He laughs like you’d said something funny, tightening his arm so you press into his side. His body is blazing hot like a furnace, and it feels hard and foreign.
II. (scene from somewhere in the middle )
“Sorry!” You titter at the crowd of your friends who formed at the sliding glass door. “Um—sorry.” 
It seems to be the only thing you can say. 
“Cat,” Ellie says, an edge of desperation in her voice. “Cat, please, it’s not like—”
“I’m pretty fucking sure of what I saw,” snaps Cat. She turns to Eddie, a vicious glint in her eyes. “Didn’t know your girl swung that way.” 
And then she shoves past the mass of people, Ellie kicking off from the deck railing with a stream of apologies falling from her lips as she follows behind. 
Eddie walks forward, confusion the dominant emotion in his wide face.
“Uh—I didn’t—”
“I’m really drunk,” you say to him, feeling the tears begin to spill down your cheeks. “It’s not like that. I promise it’s not like that. I don’t know why I did that.”
“Hey,” he says, opening his arms. “Come here. Why are you crying?” 
“I don’t know,” you sputter, stepping into him and pressing your snotty face into his shirt. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Fuck.”
“It’s really okay.” His hand finds the flat part of your back between your shoulder blade and rubs circles. “It’s just a chick. If it were, like, I dunno, Jesse, I would’ve been angry.”
“You’re not mad?” you ask, pulling away to look up at him. Maybe there’s something tonight you didn’t ruin. 
He smiles down at you. “‘Course not. Some guys find that shit hot, you know. Two girls kissing like that.”
The smile that seemed so innocent at first sends a sharp, chilling pang through your chest. He doesn’t seem to notice your hesitation in the way your face falls as his head dips to kiss you, doesn’t seem to register the disgust you exhibit until you have to shove yourself away.
“I’m really drunk,” you repeat, looking anywhere but his face. “I want to go to bed.” 
“I can come—”
final a/n: like i said so sorry about how disjointed this is. i just want to get a feel for what my readers are more interested in for now!!
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staarlight-snow · 9 months
Murky Waters - Island of the Slaughtered
TW: Gore, Horror
[Inspired by "last thoughts - Noah Mudaliar" by muridaecorps (on Ao3) and Island of the Slaughtered by @eavee-ry ]
It was so silent it was as if nothing had happened. The wind blew gently against the leaves as the moonlight shone down into the pond. The crimson-tinted water glistened under the rays of the moon.
It was unfair. He would've enjoyed this view. The solitude and silence of the forest, the way the moonlight hit the water just right.
It was unfair. He could be sitting atop a rock, reading his favourite novel – far away from the nuisances and noise that was the camp and his peers but no. Instead of sitting in front of the serene view, enjoying his solitude and short-lived peace – his body floated lifelessly in the pond.
The only thing that ruined this ethereal and dream-like scenery was that of the body of a teenage boy that was cheated from his life. It was unfair. There was no denying, he was far different from other teenagers, yes but just like most of them – he had dreams, he had hopes and aspirations. Everyone did, of course.
So it was unfair. Everything was unfair. This isn't supposed to happen. No one was supposed to get hurt. If he could – he'd find Chris and make him pay for abandoning them on this goddamned island.
The silence in his surroundings was disturbed by the sudden rustling of bushes. The frantic sounds of someone's footsteps ran in closer to the pond. Then, there was a voice.
"Noah?" A voice called out, a tone of worry and fear. It continued to call his name, over and over again, getting louder by the second. What kind of fool would deliberately risk his life to find a snarky, sarcastic know-it-all?
"Noah! Please! Where are you?" It was Cody. His voice cracked as he shouted his friend's name more and louder. The lake came into his view and he stopped in his tracks. He gripped the blood-stained book in his hands harder as his eyes widened at the sight that unfolded before him. "A-ah.." His heart dropped and his breathing stopped for what seemed like a full minute.
A loud gut-wrenching scream erupted from the brunette. He fell to his knees – his eyes welled up with tears as he started to shakenly hyperventilate.
"Cody! Oh my god you're okay!" A person followed from behind, embracing the shorter in a hug. "I thought the killer got to you! Are you insane!? I know you're worried 'bout Noah but-" They were cut-off from their words when they caught a glimpse of the murky crimson stained water in front of them.
The person with him, Gwen, comforted the boy. They weren't close the first few days and she honestly found him like an annoying little brother but as the nights passed and the more murders took place – she found herself as an older sister figure to the other. She couldn't possibly imagine what Cody is going through but she knew how heart-broken he probably is right now.
"Cody… I'm sorry.." Gwen spoke, "But we can't stay here. It's not safe." She stood up, gesturing for the other to do so as well. Cody followed. His mind was clouded, it was empty but somehow it was full of thoughts. It was too much to process, it was too overwhelming.
It was unfair.
Part 2
i needed to practice more on my writing and im very obsessed w this au rn!! i dont rlly write fanfics esp on this acc but we'll let this one slide 🕴️
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miasmaghoul · 8 months
There is so much talk of creaming jorts on my blog right now and you know, it gave me a devious idea:
Mountain (or another ghoul of your choosing ofc, but it is still march haha) is getting close to the start of a rut, which has them feeling a little posessive a packmate pre-ritual. Like he needs to claim them a little to scratch the itch under their skin. What if they were having a sneaky make out session before curtain call and he unbuckled the others belt, creamed into their jorts undies and buckled them back up, just in time for them to feel him all ritual?
I love it.
Leaned more into the possessive side of things, hope you don't mind!
(This has been sitting in my drafts for months I'm SO SORRY pretend it's still March shhhh)
Mountain breathes deep through his nose, trying to focus on the book in his hand as the van trundles down the road toward tonight's venue. It's some pulpy crime novel he'd grabbed at the last airport they visited, something intended to distract more than entertain, but despite being more than halfway through it Mountain couldn't name a single character if he tried.
He can't help it. Can't think about anything but the way every inch of him has started to buzz, how the very air around him hums.
There's a specific sort of pressure in the back of his head. Rigidity in the muscles along his spine. A disquieting tingle that's come to settle into his gut. It all speaks to one thing, and it couldn't be coming at a worse time.
It had started last night, a sharp spike of nearly painful arousal that had hit him in the middle of the night. Had roused him from an otherwise very sound sleep and jolted him so badly that the oversized ghoul had hit his head on the ceiling of his bunk. It hardly registered, Mountain honed in exclusively on the sudden, urgent need for release.
Rock hard and leaking already, he'd wasted no time in shoving his hands into his sleep sweats, gripping himself and pumping his hips into the tight channel of both fists. Forced to bite his tongue to mute the harsh groan threatening to escape his throat when he blew in a matter of seconds, eyes shut so tight that colors bloomed behind his lids.
It happened again in the bus shower this morning, Mountain struck by a wave of need so intense that he'd doubled over and nearly slipped. He'd lasted a little longer that time, not that he'd needed to, and the wet sound of his soapy hand flying over his cock still echoed in his ears. That one had left him dizzy, left him panting against the shower wall while he watched his load swirl down the drain.
There really are few things worse than an unexpected rut.
He knows that the others know, but most of them don't acknowledge it. He'd caught them all staring at different points, nostrils flared, but they were quick to look away. Dew, Rain, Cirrus and Cumulus did their best to be sly about it, furtive glances cast during casual conversation. Aeon and Aurora weren't quite so subtle - he could smell the pair of them from down the length of the bus. Could see Aeon getting chubby in his too-tight jeans and Aurora squeezing her thighs together. Both tempting in their own ways, to be sure.
But then there was Swiss.
Swiss, who he'd heard noisily tugging at himself in the bunk below while he came down from his first orgasm.
Swiss, who had been standing bright-eyed and grinning just outside the bathroom after Mountain's shower.
Swiss, who had spent the entire morning tossing him hungry glances and touching him at every possible opportunity.
Swiss, who now sits pressed tightly to his side in the cramped van while Mountain does his damnedest to ignore the heat of his body, the spice of his cologne and the weight of the hand on his knee.
Mountain can hardly think for how badly he wants. Wants to wrench Swiss's arm behind his back, get a hand in his hair and shove his tongue down his throat. Wants to tug Swiss into his lap in front of everyone and feel him up, wants to suck deep, dark marks into his neck while he grinds against his ass. Wants to get Swiss's strong legs over his shoulders, wants to get so deep inside that Swiss can't do anything but writhe and beg for his -
"You're growling, big guy," Swiss informs him, voice silken gravel, and Mountain nearly tears his book in half. He gives the other ghoul a sidelong glance, and Mountain knows that if they weren't glamoured Swiss would be smiling with every fang in his mouth. "Somethin' on your mind?"
Mountain doesn't deign to answer him, instead choosing to stare at the page he hasn't turned in the last ten minutes. To pretend his dick isn't hard as granite and leaking into the two pairs of too-tight underwear he'd shoved himself into.
He's first out of the van when they finally pull up to the amphitheater, sucking down heavy lungfuls of fresh, summertime air in an effort to clear his head. To wash away the heady scent of smoky whiskey, black pepper and bitter herbs stuck in his nose. To allow himself to think about anything but the familiar warmth of Swiss's body.
About the way he always holds himself open when Mountain bends him over. The way he moans in that deliciously whorish way when Mountain pushes in. The way Swiss's voice drops to a rasp and his breathing goes shallow when Mountain grips those narrow hips with bruising force. The way he grabs at his own hair when Mountain fucks him just right. The way Swiss's pretty little hole stretches around his -
Rain's voice shakes him from his stupor, and as his cock pulses and leaks to memories of Swiss, Mountain hurries over to join his packmates. Rain gives him a worried look.
"Hey, you alright?" He reaches out to touch Mountain's arm, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest. "I know you're, uh..." he makes a vague southward gesture, "...struggling."
"I'm fine," Mountain grumbles, not so subtly adjusting himself and hoping he hasn't soaked a wet spot into his jeans. He catches a whiff of warm spice and old weed, and as Swiss breezes past them Mountain can practically feel his pupils narrow.
Rain seems less than convinced when Mountain proceeds to crack his knuckles, but he drops the subject nonetheless. They head inside together, and Mountain does his best to put on his game face.
He still stops in a bathroom along the way, unable to erase the image of Swiss stretched and keening from his mind. He spills into the toilet with the other ghoul's name on his tongue, and huffs out an irritated sigh when no relief follows.
This is going to be a very long show.
Still though, the hours between arrival and showtime pass in a blur. Soundcheck comes and goes, as do their myriad meetings with venue staff and conversations with their techs.
Through it all, Mountain can feel golden eyes boring into him. In the halls, on stage, in the dressing room. Mountain does his best to ignore the weight of Swiss's gaze as he applies his face paint, but the only other thing he can think of is the red-hot tangle of urgency between his legs. He meets Swiss's eyes in the vanity mirror as he slips on his helmet, the other ghoul peering at him over Rain's shoulder while they chat across the room.
He offers a wink through his lenses, and Mountain's balls ache.
The call comes for ten minutes til showtime, and the others make their way from the dressing one by one. Swiss doesn't so much as move from his position against the wall. Mountain can feel his breaths coming quicker as Aurora and Cumulus share a sideways hug, the door clicking shut behind them, and then they're alone.
They're alone, and Swiss grins.
Mountain's across the room in two stride, and before Swiss can so much as breathe he's pinned to the wall by his throat. Mountain snarls in his face, leaning in until he can feel Swiss' breath on his lips, hot and tobacco tinged.
"Why must you always insist on being such a fucking tease?"
Swiss' lips curl up at the corners despite the pressure on his neck, and something predatory prickles at the back of Mountain's mind.
"Not my fault you're thrown' off pheromones like crazy," he said, just a little strained. Swiss rolls his hips towards his pelvis and Mountain's stomach gives a mighty swoop. "Can't blame me for wanting a taste."
Swiss licks at the air, breathes deep, and Mountain squeezes his throat so tight his eyes roll back.
"Can't even ask for what you want, can you?" The taller ghoul's other hand finds Swiss' belt and Mountain unbuckles it with aggresive fingers. He knows he's growling as best he can through his glamour, and the way Swiss shivers says he gets the message. "Too stupid to use your words? Just have to be a fucking tease about it?"
Swiss gives him a hurried nod as he swallows against the pressure of Mountain's palm, and he grunts when Mountain yanks his pants and briefs down in one go. A rough hand gropes his rapidly thickening cock, and Swiss visibly winces, eyes bright.
"Don't make that face." Mountain pulls his hand from Swiss' growing chubby to unzip his own pants, to fish himself out through his already stained briefs. "You asked for this." He groans at his own touch, cock hot and heavy in his hand. He smears the wet tip of it over Swiss' shaft and the sensation wrenches a moan from him.
Swiss licks his lips, nods again as his eyes drift south, and as Mountain starts to stroke himself he chokes out a pained huff. Mountain's hold on the other ghoul's throat never slackens, not even as his chest starts to heave while his cock jumps. He pulls at himself with firm tugs, each one sounding slicker than the last. Swiss lets his helmet thud back against the wall, hands coming up to rest on Mountain's forearm. He rocks forward and Mountain growls, can't keep himself from pressing closer. From crowding Swiss to the wall and bumping his fat cock with every pass of his fist.
"I'm going to give you something special." They're close enough that Swiss's breath clouds his lenses. Mountain's balls are starting to go tight already, the tension settled into every part of his body melting into tingly heat that has his shoulders sagging. "Something to think about while you're dancing like a whore for all those people."
He works himself hard and fast, the urgent heat in his veins threatening to set his skin alight. Swiss's ignored cock bobs and bounces, the other ghoul gripping his choking arm tight and spitting tight curses through clenched fangs every time Mountain nudges it.
"Touch me," Swiss manages to spit, blunt nails digging through his shirt. He bucks as best he can, but all that accomplishes is a brief bump against Mountain's fist. "Mount - Mount you gotta -"
He gurgles when Mountain squeezes him into silence, huffing while he polishes his leaking tip.
"Shut up," he bites out, teeth clenched chest heaving. "Sluts don't get to make demands."
For once in his life, Swiss keep his mouth shut.
It's no time at all before Mountain's balls draw up, his hips twitching in animalistic jerks. He grunts with every stroke, brow knit behind his mask, and the closer he gets the better Swiss's strained gurgling sounds.
"Gonna make sure they all know you're mine."
Swiss's cock spits a blurt of pre that hits his stroking hand, and with an impossibly deep moan Mountain shoots in thick ropes that splatter against his cock, balls and muscular thighs. Heavy streaks that cling to heated skin and coarse hair. That leave him filthy and marked in a way that has Swiss's knees wobbling. Mountain doesn't release his throat until his cock dribbles its last, and the deep, starved breath Swiss sucks in is musc to Mountain's ears.
He steps away while Swiss catches his breath and struggles to keep his legs under him, heads back to vanity to clean himself up. He hisses as the hand towel he finds scratches at his sensitive flesh, and in the mirror Swiss catches his eyes once more.
"Just gonna leave me like this?" Swiss pants, gesturing at his flushed, messy cock. He sounds surprised, and Mountain really can't imagine why. A pearly stripe drips, beads up to leave a stain in his undies that has Mountain drooling.
"Deal with it," he rumbles in response, tucking himself away and fastening his belt. "I want to smell it on you tonight."
He has the pleasure of watching Swiss' eyelids droop behind his lenses at the timbre of his voice, rich with intent. Mountain grabs his sticks and heads to join the others, and the sound of Swiss's zipper makes him smirk. There's something deeply satisfying about leaving him sticky and wanting, and even though he's hard again halfway through Kaisarion Mountain finds it easy to lose himself in his musicmaking.
Until Watcher in the Sky comes up and he makes the mistake of peeking over at Swiss's platform while Dew's guitar wails. Finds him on his knees and elbows with his ass in the air.
As both of his sticks splinter in half, Mountain swears he's going to make Swiss cry tonight.
It's what the slut deserves.
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loveindefinitely · 6 months
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00. prologue
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༊*·˚ ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL — task force 141 x reader
featuring. simon 'ghost' riley + johnny 'soap' mactavish + kyle 'gaz' garrick + john 'bravo six' price
warnings. nsfw, fem!reader, slow burn, friends to lovers, drama, action, hurt/comfort, mystery, polyamory, angst, mental health issues, minor character death, angst w a happy ending
series masterlist. read on ao3. fanfic playlist.
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You’ve been to more funerals than you can count on your blood-stained hands.
Family, friends, teammates, superiors – at the end of the day, you’ve always found yourself staring at a casket being lowered into the earth. Or an urn.
Sometimes, there’s not enough of the body to bury, or burn. Just an arm, a jawbone, a blood splatter with a trace of ripped hair. Even then, the ceremonies are similar – morose and stagnant with the tension that only comes with grieving humans, merely waiting for the moment that their hourglass will fully tip. For when, they too, will be grieved. Lowered into the ground. Cremated.
If there is such a thing as an afterlife, you’re not too sure that you’ll want to endure more living, when the end goal is such a cruel one.
To love, to cherish, and then to wither away into nothing.
A fucked up joke.
The muddy ground squelches as you take a step back, hands tightly clasped together in front of your chest. Not a prayer, but a gesture similar enough to the patrons around you that you won’t be given a second glance.
Rain falls in thick sheets, but there’s no wind, and most of the people around you are underneath the dark grey marquee set up in front of the ceremony.
You aren’t. There’s something familiar about the clothes soaking your body, your body trembling just slightly from the chill, the dampness. A small punishment for your actions, small enough to not be noticed, but enough to repent just a thousandth of what you owe.
The Funeral Director gives his speech. Some religious nonsense, you’re sure, and the words wash over you like the torrents of rain.
You almost wish they could wash the guilt off of your mind, wash the blood that still feels sticky in your hands.
When you look down, they're pure and clean.
There’s crying. You’re not sure who from, how many, where. All that you register is the sound of gut wrenching heartbreak in the most raw, most physical of forms.
You swallow, once, your throat dry and tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth.
Needles, drugs, passing out, cells, torture –
Even years of military training doesn’t keep you from flinching at the title. Turning your head, you’re greeted by a man that’s never failed to make your blood run cold.
His grey hair sticks to his forehead, his wrinkles highlighted by the dreary, bleak sky.
“General,” you incline your head respectfully. He stands to your right, arms folded behind his back. He’s suited in full black, and your stomach roils at the idea of this man grieving.
“You have been assigned a new unit,” he states, as one would discuss last night’s game over morning tea. “You’re set to leave at eighteen-hundred.”
You nod.
What else is there to do? Get down to your knees and beg for some time off, when you know that’ll leave you rotting in your bed for two weeks? Ask for him to be kind in his placement, because you’re not sure you can handle more of the emotional torment you’ve dealt with over the past three years?
Instead, no words fall from your cold-bitten lips, and your legs don’t buckle.
General Shepherd walks away without a simple ‘I’m sorry for your loss’. You’re sure that even if he had said as such, the words would’ve held no earnesty, no warmth.
It’s perhaps better this way.
So, you stand, and the rain hits your body in a relentless rhythm. So different to the torture of waterboarding, the cruelty of drowning.
Although, you can’t say that the mental whirlwind you’re stuck in the eye of is any less impactful. If you open your mouth, you’re sure that water will flood every crevice, leaving you to scream soundlessly for eternity, death sweeping you in with the turn of the waves.
You wonder, for a single moment, how many grievers would attend your ceremony.
By the time the rain stops, if only for a short period, everyone has left. The marquee’s been taken down, and there’s only you and your guilt left behind to stare at the stone. It takes everything in you to walk to it, your legs almost as weak as your will.
The headstone and rectangle of dirt dedicated to the fallen are both covered in flowers.
Bending down to your knees, you softly place a single blue hyacinth at the base. You allow yourself just a moment to close your eyes, deeply exhale, and revel in your guilt.
When you stand once more, it’s with a renewed strength.
Your Captain would have been proud.
The other seven fallen men – the ones that were under your care to heal – would’ve laughed in your face. You would’ve let them.
Now, you can only hope that their bodies will be found soon, so that they too, can be put to rest beside your Captain.
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a/n. jus a VERY short prologue/teaser. this is by far my fav piece i've been writing yet. each chapter will be about 7-9k words long, so it'll take much longer to update, but i'm SO excited for it!! i hope u all will enjoy this journey as much as me :)
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b1ackbunny · 7 months
A Monika Shin Oneshot
paring: gf!monika shin x fem!reader
synopsis: you and monika have been dating for years. she’s been your person since the beginning, and you’ve been hers. for the past few months, you’ve barely talked to her, much less seen her although you two live together. she’s been caught up with work and you’ve been understanding. that was until she forgot about your fourth anniversary.
word count: ≈ 2.4k
warnings: ANGST!!!, like I’m talking gut wrenching, nausea, strong language, feelings are hurt, mention of knives, monika is a d1 asshole here, angst with sad ending, if my english is bad here I'm sorry
a/n: this is so self-indulgent bc I've been feening for some angst 🧎‍♀️ also I was listening to adele and sam smith while writing this so I hope y’all enjoy 🫶🏽 my heart physically hurted writing this I’m so proud (pun intended)
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Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The obnoxious ticking of the timepiece above the door constantly sounded, finding humor in your current situation. It was a little after 10 o'clock at night, and you were still waiting for your girlfriend to return.
Sure, the past few months have been a little rocky, but you've been understanding. Her schedule has been hectic with different events to attend, choreographies to work on, and classes to teach.
But this was different. You’ve tried as hard as you could to stay supportive and compassionate, though the minimal communication was eating you alive. You’ve tried so hard to give her the benefit of the doubt.
But this was different. It was your fourth anniversary and where was the woman you were supposed to be spending it with? Nowhere to be found. Except, that’s not entirely correct.
You knew where she was. You saw it on Lip J’s Instagram story a few hours ago. She had gone out with a couple of friends to a nightclub downtown, ignoring each and every one of your calls.
At this point, you were more tired than mad, but you were still very aggravated. You and Monika had only talked to each other once today, on one of the most special days in your year.
It was that morning when you passed each other in the kitchen. You asked her to come home earlier because you had something “special” planned for her. She agreed before kissing you goodbye and walking out the door.
There were no signs that she had forgotten what today was. None at all. You went the whole day giddy and excited about that afternoon. Your co-workers teased you for your excitement, but nothing they could say was able to wipe the smile off of your face.
After work, you stopped by the grocery store to pick up ingredients for the special dinner you planned to make for the two of you. Ironically, it was Monika’s favorite dish. You had to substitute some factors for the second-best thing since the store ran out, but it still tasted the same.
You rushed home to begin cooking the meal before she got back. You were even dancing around the kitchen while cooking and looking back, you feel like an idiot at your excitement. At around 6:30ish, you sent her a text asking if she was on her way and received no reply.
You shrugged it off and started setting the table, assuming that she was finishing up her last class. After thirty minutes you decided to text her again and received no reply.
That's when you started calling, but she didn't pick up. You begin feeling worried, the worst scenarios coming to mind. You called around and found out that Monika was safe and healthy, but just not picking up your phone calls.
This is when you started feeling irritated. Your girlfriend of four years was ignoring you on your anniversary and it made your blood boil. But then, (maybe it was the delusional part of you that took control) you started to think she was just pulling a prank on you.
She would burst through the door at any moment now with a gift and your favorite flowers in tow, a bright cheesy smile adorning her features. But when you saw Lip J’s story, your fantasies came to a halt.
Now, you were sitting at the decorated table alone. The food had gone cold a while ago and the slow-melting candles were lighting your emotionless face. You were hurt. How dare she? How could she?
Every year without fail, neither of you had ever forgotten this sacred day. No matter the amount of work either of you had, you made sure to make time for each other on this day.
So this just confirmed how rocky things had recently been. You were lost in your thoughts when from the corner of your eye, you saw the door open. Your gaze slowly trailed from the wall to the front door where Monika had walked in.
You felt nauseous, the hurt and heartache getting to you. “I made you dinner.” You emotionlessly stated as Monika locked the door. She turned toward your seated figure and glanced at the table before looking back at the door.
“I'm not hungry,” Monika muttered, exchanging her shoes for her slippers by the door. You scoffed and humorlessly chuckled, pouring yourself a glass of wine.
Monika directed her gaze back toward you, finally taking notice of the tense environment. With a sigh, she dropped her duffel bag on the couch, mumbled a ‘fine’, and moved toward the table.
Before sitting down, she dipped her head to kiss your cheek. But, before she was able to reach it, you moved your head out of the way. She looked at you with furrowed brows and tried again, but you repeated your motions.
Her eyes darted across your face, observing your stone-cold expression before giving up and sitting in her seat. She took a bite of her serving and instantly started criticizing, “It's cold.” “Something tastes different.”
You mindlessly hummed at her statements, taking a sip of wine and keeping your eyes trained on the picture that hung on the wall behind her. Funny enough, it was a picture of you two on your second anniversary.
The two of you took a week-long vacation to Jeju Island in honor of that special day. How things have changed. “Interesting choice of wine…” Monika mumbled and that's when you decided you had enough.
You pushed your chair out and stood up, taking both plates and moving toward the trash bin. “What the fuck is your problem?” Monika exclaimed as she followed your figure.
You couldn't help the scoff that escaped your lips, dropping the plates onto the counter above the bin. “What's my problem? I made your favorite fucking food and all you did was critic every aspect of it.
There was no ‘thank you’ or ‘I appreciate you slaving away in the fucking kitchen for me as soon as you got home from work’.” You stressed every syllable, dropping the food in the trash as your voice grew louder.
“Is that what this is about? The food?” You were quick to respond to Monika’s words, spinning towards her after you reached the sink. “It's not about the food! Don't you see? I wanted to spend time with you today!
I asked you to come home early today and what did you do? You went to a fucking nightclub with your friends.” You're voice cracked a little, and you wanted to slap yourself for getting this vulnerable.
The look on Monika’s face only got you more heated. It was obvious she found your statement unreasonable as she let out a dry laugh. “Wow, I didn't know I couldn't spend time with my friends anymore. Why are you being so fucking clingy?”
Monika’s words felt like a bullet straight to your heart and your eyes began to water. You kept your tears at bay but the glisten in your eyes revealed the truth. “Stop it. I'm not being clingy. You agreed to come home early today and you didn't.” Your voice got dangerously low as you approached the other side of the kitchen island that Monika was behind.
“Well, sue me for wanting to have a little fun. I didn't know I had to be with you every second of the day.” Monika’s voice rose as she spewed her words covered in sarcasm. “But you're not! You're not here with me every second of the day. You're not even with me for an hour a week.” You cried out.
“So what? Just because I don't see you every day means I can't have a social life? Newsflash, I have a life outside of you, y/n.” Monika matched your volume, slightly leaning over the table.
“That’s not what I’m saying. You're not even listening to me! We're a couple, Monika! When you say you're going to be home early to spend the evening with one another, you're supposed to mean it!” No matter how loud you talked, you couldn't get through to her.
“You’re being ridiculous! Since I’m dating you, I can’t have any friends?” “That’s not what I’m saying! You’re twisting my words.” “It’s like you’re dating me to control me. Is that what it is?” You were shocked by the words that your girlfriend was saying.
Is that how she truly felt or was she just saying that from the anger? More tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you slowly shook your head. “You don’t mean that.” Monika rounded the counter to step closer to you, but it was like she was a stranger.
You couldn't recognize the woman standing in front of you. “Oh, I mean it. I've been nothing but good to you and this is how you treat me? I can't have fun with my friends and I have to be with you whenever I'm not working?” You took a couple of steps back at Monika’s words.
“Stop.” You breathed out, gripping the edge of the counter. You were starting to feel nauseous again. “Stop what? Telling the truth? It was like you came into my life to ruin it. Is that what you want?
To ruin my life? Because you are. You're making a fucking hellhole out of it.” Monika yelled and her words cut like knives. The tears started to slowly glide down your face. “Don’t be a bully. You're being a bully.” Your tone was hushed and you couldn't take your eyes off of Monika’s.
It was like they had an iron grip on you. Her walls were up, and it was clear she was in defense mode. Nothing you could say or do could bring them down.
“This isn't how tonight was supposed to go. I just wanted to spend time with you today. That's all I wanted. I didn't want to wait around like an idiot for you.” Your gaze flickered between Monika’s eyes and you saw nothing had changed.
“No, you wanted to ambush me. This was an ambush.” You let out a heavy sigh at what your girlfriend had said, wiping the tears away. “No that is not what this is. Monika, please listen to me. There's been this distance between us for the past couple of months and I've been trying so hard to be understanding-”
Monika was quick to cut you off. “What happened to make you act like this? You've never been this unbearable throughout the entirety of our relationship, so what changed?”
There was a moment of silence where you just looked down at the floor. You contemplated even bringing up today to the stranger standing in front of you. Your breaths were shallow as you looked back into Monika’s unwavering gaze.
“Do you even remember what today is?” Monika rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “What? Are you going to lie and say it's your birthday? Because we both know-” This time you were the one to cut her off, your voice low and as steady as it could be given the tears you were holding back for dear life. “It's our anniversary.”
A prolonged pause occurred and the silence was deafening. You saw Monika’s eyes soften at the revelation. “Baby, I'm so sorry. With work and everything-”
“Don’t start with the bullshit excuses, Monika. I have work too, we both do. I'm not just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs waiting for you to come home.” Your voice was steady and you scoffed at the solemn look on Monika’s features.
There was a whirlwind of emotions you were feeling, the most prominent were agitation, sadness, hurt, and exhaustion. “I carved time out of my day to make today special and all I asked was for you to come home early, to which you agreed but didn't live up to your word.” Monika was silent now and her eyes seemed to grow glossy.
She moved closer to you, reaching to grab your hand but you moved away from her before she could do so. “C'mon, can we talk about this tomorrow? We're both tired-” You shook your head, instantly shutting down Monika’s idea.
“No, we’re going to talk about this now. Do you even realize the shit you said to me? How hurt my feelings are?” Your eyes squinted in disbelief as all Monika could do in response was swallow and spew fake apologies. You shook your head and looked at Monika. Like, really looked at her.
You still couldn't recognize the person she had become. You regained your composure and took a deep breath. It was your turn to stop being vulnerable and start building your walls back up.
“I think we should take a break.” Monika looked completely bewildered at your words. “What do you mean? No, we're not doing that. Absolutely not.” Monika grabbed your hands before you could move them away, holding them to her mouth and kissing them as she spoke.
Your eyes began to gloss over again and you shook your head, slowly pulling your hands from Monika’s grasp. “We have to. It might be that we've been together for too long, but what you said today… I know you meant it. At least a little bit.” Tears started to roll down both of your faces and Monika quickly shook her head, spewing ‘no’s’ and apologies.
Although the two of you were standing face to face, you couldn't be farther apart. You wiped her tears and stared at her before moving toward the shared bedroom. You felt horrible inside, the sick feeling that never left was more prominent. You grabbed your wallet and keys before moving back toward the main section of the apartment.
Monika was still begging you to stay, saying how she would change and how she was sorry but you couldn't stay. After tonight, there was a cement wedge pushed between you two that would take a lot of work to get rid of.
You still loved her, that was a given, but you needed some time to heal before mending your relationship. You unlocked the door and looked back at the girl.
She was still crying and you almost listened to your heart that told you to stay, but your mind was too loud. You caressed her cheek and wiped the tears that spilled, leaving her with a teary smile before leaving the apartment.
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lilsmv1 · 2 months
august - MV1 (1/?)
- you're on your own kid [pt1]
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Juliette Durand
This is a story for the Max (and Taylor Swift) girlies. 
Summary: They were doomed from the start. Two completely different worlds colliding, there was no way this could work. But what happens when they keep running into each other, as if gravity was pulling them together. 
Trope: slow-burn af
(*dialogues in italic are meant to be in French, I’m just too lazy sksksks)
Word count: 1,1k
A/N: This is the first chapter guys! I'd love some feedback :) Enjoy !
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Having recently graduated meant finding a job and getting your life together.
But Juliette was only 25, how was she supposed to know for sure what she wanted at this point in her life? 
Juliette was completely lost. She wanted to do everything and nothing at the same time. Everyone expected her to know everything, especially her parents.
Instead of facing their incessant questions on the matter, she ran away, in hopes of overcoming her current situation.
Hence why Juliette booked her tickets for Italy, and found herself wandering the streets of Orta San Giulio.
Juliette felt at peace here, the sound of the water banging against the boats, the cool breeze gently brushing her cheek, the smell of sea water. She didn't know anyone, and no one knew her. No one to expect her to be anything.
She was strolling through a bookshop, her fingers brushing the edges of the books as she went. Her eyes lit up as her hand touched her favorite book. She couldn't even tell how many times she'd read it, but it always had the same gut-wrenching effect on her. She took one last glance at the book before leaving, Martin Eden, by Jack London, a fan favorite, or at least hers.
As she left the store, Juliette’s phone rang. It was Pierre. 
“Yes Pierre?”
“Did you arrive safely? You were supposed to text me once you get there.”
“Sorry dad!” She laughed. Pierre was her best friend and he could be a tad bit overprotective sometimes. 
“You know I worry about you. How are you feeling?”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine, I just need time to figure things out for myself” Juliette was lying. She wasn’t fine. Her anxiety was really getting the best of her lately.
“I know, and you’ll figure it out. You’re the clever one, you’ll find your path” Replied Pierre, trying to reassure her.
“Easy for you to say, “Mister I always wanted to be a Formula One Driver”” .
Juliette and Pierre met when she was in middle school. They actually met in detention. Pierre was there after talking back to a teacher and Juliette was there after throwing her eraser on a friend. He was three years older than her and immediately saw her as the sister he never had. Since then, she has been cheering for him throughout his entire career, being there for each milestone. She was very proud of him.
“What can I say, I have always dreamt big” laughed Pierre “By the way” he added “Kika is coming to spend a couple days with my family next week, will you be there?”  Pierre asked.
“Of course! I can’t wait to see her again!” Juliette was so happy to see Kika again, she was a real sweetheart. She was glad Pierre had found her. 
“Well I gotta go Pierre, I’ll call you back during the week, alright?”
“Ok, take care Ju, love ya!”
"Love you, see you soon!" replied Juliette.
Juliette cherished her friendship with Pierre more than anything. They couldn't see each other often due to his intense schedule, but he was always there for her and vice versa. To her, he wasn't Pierre Gasly, he was just Pierre, her best friend from middle school. She felt really lucky to have such a friend by her side.
Juliette kept exploring the city for a couple hours. As the evening went on, she decided to grab a bite in the nearest restaurant. Once she settled, she pulled out her film camera, snapping candid shots of the people surrounding her. 
That camera was always in her hand, having thousands of film rolls at home, each capturing snippets of her life.
She watched the people through her lens throughout the whole dinner, until her gaze fell on a pair of piercing bright blue eyes already staring back at her. She slowly lowered her camera, and looked away shyly, embarrassed that she'd been caught red-handed.
She looked back up and that’s when it hit her. She knew those dashing blue eyes. They belonged to none other than Max Verstappen, one of Pierre’s fellow drivers. Except for Charles, she had never met any of them, trying to stay away for the spotlight as much as possible. 
Juliette was completely mortified, and to make matters worse, he was headed in her direction.
“Ciao” he said when he reached her, cringing at his own attempt to speak Italian.
It was all it took to make Juliette burst out laughing, a mixture of surprise and nervousness.
After seeing Max’s defeated look, Juliette pulled herself together.
“I’m sorry”, she said “It’s just, I wasn’t expecting you to speak Italian”. 
This made Max smile. 
“You speak English… then, made a fool out of myself here, didn’t I?” he asked, chuckling.
“Kind of, but it was entertaining” she softly replied with a grin. Realising he had been standing there for five minutes, she invited him to sit with her, which he did.
"I'm Juliette by the way"
"Nice to meet you Juliette, I'm Max"
“So,” he kept going, “did you take any nice pictures, hopefully some with me in them” he said smirking. 
“So you did see... Well, I would’ve but I got a little interrupted” said Juliette.
"Don't worry, I'm flattered" he replied laughing.
"Don't go feeling too special, I take many candid shots of strangers... Although it might sound weird like that" she laughed. "I just find it beautiful to capture snippets of life".
"Well you definitely make it sound beautiful" he replied with a warm smile, making her blush.
They stayed like this for a while, chatting about this and that, although Max failed to mention that he was an F1 driver and Juliette, on her part, failed to mention that she knew who he was and that Pierre was her best friend. They both did not want to make this conversation weird, knowing that were never going to see each other again anyway.
"Well, Max, it was lovely to meet you, but I think I'm gonna head out" said Juliette after a while.
"Yeah me too, have a good night Juliette" replied Max with a smile.
"Good night Max" said Juliette softly before leaving.
They each went their own way, a smile on their face as they though about this one-off encounter.
But after all, Orta San Giulio isn't a big town. Who knows, they might run into each other again.
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elsfavor1te · 1 year
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warnings: tlou2 ellie williams x fem/gen! reader. reader dies instead of joel! no use of ‘y/n’. hurt with basically no comfort. lmk if i forgot anything!!
may also be good for this ask : i live for angst so can you please write an ellie x fem!reader and make it as angsty as possible like no comfort 😇🙏🙏 -anon
this was originally just a guilty pleasure drabble so i’ll still do another for that ask specifically.
even though i’m ridiculously proud of this, i’m very very sorry for the emotional turmoil you’re going to experience. should i do a part 2 for this?
part 1.5 , part 2 , part 2.5
“baby please get up!” ellie’s voice vibrated around the room as she sobbed, looking for any sign you were gonna move. her body resisting and thrashing under the people restraining her.
her eyes flip from the two people talking over your body and your bloody swollen face. you were still so pretty to her, even in your current state.
“i’m gonna fucking k-kill all of you.” she fights against the people holding her down. her feet kicking against the floor but the people restricting her don’t budge.
“she doesn’t deserve this. please.” ellie begs, sobs becoming more prominent as the girl, the one seemingly leading the abuse, lifts up the golf club again. “s-she’s 18!! and she still cries when she sees clickers. i promise you have the wrong person.”
“baby fuckin’- get up!” she directs her yelling back to you once she sees the girl hesitate with the metal above her head. she tries her best to get from the ground, to come save you.
when the club came down once more, the scream that left ellie was gut-wrenching. the people around her flinched, birds flew from miles around, angels wept.
the girl comes and stands over her now, “tell joel he’s fucking next.” she mutters before turning around, her dirty blonde braid moving with her. that was the last thing she heard apart from her shaky sobs before everything went dark.
when she awakes again, she’s surrounded by silence. it’s almost peaceful and she doesn’t remember what happened until her eyes lock on your still figure.
“no- no no no.” she scrambles toward you, wincing when there’s a particularly strong thump in her skull.
“baby? you’re okay,” she gently pulls you into her arms, not even bothering to check your pulse out of fear that it may not be there. “i’m so sorry, so so sorry.”
she gives herself a second to let the tears temporarily tattoo their trails on her flushed cheeks before standing and hustling you up into her arms. her heart cracks even more when she doesn’t feel your body twitch, or curl into her like it does when she’s carrying you to bed after a long day.
it takes her a few minutes to get you up and onto shimmer but when she gets you both up there, she does her best to wrap your limp arms around her. kissing your bloody forehead before whipping the reins with a certain determination.
“fucking- open them!!” ellie yells as she comes up on the gates, her voice trembling and weak.
once the gates open, she rides shimmer into town before dropping down off of her, still holding you bridal style in her arms. “help me!!”
her voice is full of agony, heartbreak. at first it’s a few people peeping out of windows, then eventually coming out into the street. joel steps out a second later, recognizing the broken sound of ellie’s voice and assuming the worst.
at the sight of her father figure she immediately bursts into tears, dropping to her knees.“joel- they- i can’t-“
she hyperventilates as she holds your body close to her chest. the cold snow making the knees of her denim jeans damp. “she needs help, they-“
ellie’s sobs consume her completely, ears drowning in white noise. she doesn’t notice the group surrounding her until maria places a hand on her shoulder.
“we have to see if- if she’s alive el.” she says gently. ellie hesitates before gently laying you on the snow-covered ground, she’s never prayed before but as the medics fingers come up to your neck she prays to every single god she’s ever heard of.
she prays for your heart to still beat, for your recovery, for her girl to still be with her. the medic shakes their head softly after a few seconds, a solemn expression on their face.
ellie’s once shallow sniffles turn into screams of denial, to rapid breaths, to using her shaking hands to pull you back into her arms.
“this isn’t real. this isn’t real. you’re- you’re fucking wrong!” she screams in the medics general direction. not noticing how people start to disperse once the seriousness of the situation is realized.
“my girl, my sweet girl���” she whispers against your temple. they say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes. but her heart is still a steady thump when her life comes whirling around her in gentle smiles, belly laughs, and light-hearted teasing.
she thinks about how you’d greet her with tired smiles after a long day of patrol. she thinks of how it felt to wrap her arms around you from behind as you made a meal. she thinks of your bright eyes, your timid smiles that were reserved only for her.
she thinks of how she’ll never be able to experience it again. how she never gets to hear you call her ‘els’ or ‘my love’ anymore. how she will never experience a love like this one ever again in her life.
“the main girl said ‘tell joel he’s fucking next.’” she’s quiet for a few seconds after releasing this information until she looks up at him with a menacing glare.
“i don’t know what the fuck you did- or who the fuck you killed. but i lost my- my future wife over it. fucking fix it joel.”
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kookslastbutton · 11 months
high tide ༓ kth (m)
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✑ Summary: Due to Taehyung's job as a cruise ship Captain, you are constantly miles away from each other. Weekly phonecalls help and this one gets a little nasty and a lot sweet.
Pairing: cruise ship captain!taehyung x fem!reader (feat. Yeontan)
AU/genre: PWP, fluff, smut, tiny angst, established relationship, aged-up, oneshot
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 2,001
Warnings: dom!taehyung, slight brat!reader, phone s*x, f*ngering, handj*b, mutual m*sturbation, taehyung calls oc sl*t once, some d*rty talk, mentions of v*berator, crying, missing each other, + taehyung has a special suprise for oc vv sweet
Now Playing: Beautiful, Versace on the Floor, Photograph…
A/N: wrote this on a whim after I saw Taehyung in that white captian outfit. Took a slightly different direction than planned but i like it. Hope you do too! 💞
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“Two more days baby,” he says through the phone, loosening the tie from around his neck. “Then I’ll be home.”
“I miss you.” You nearly whine the words but who could blame you? Taehyung’s been at sea for 10 weeks straight. You’ve been calling as much as you can but they’re never as long as you’d like. Between the ship, the crew, and countless other responsibilities to keep track of, plus sleeping when he can–which never amounted to more than six hours a night, your boyfriend had a tight schedule.
Of course, he wouldn’t be able to talk to you for more than fifteen minutes a few nights a week.
You expected it.
“Someone wants to say hi.” You glance beside you, and a pair of beady dark eyes stare up at you. You’re boyfriend’s dog rests his head on your lap. “Say hi to daddy Yeontan.” You hold your phone near him.
“Yeontan,” Taehyung’s deep voice rumbles. “Yeontan, are you behaving for mommy?” Yeontan quirks his head, unsure of the sudden noise. “Yeontan,” he tries again, this time making light kissing sounds.
At that, Yeontan lets out a yip, then another. You roll your eyes hearing Taehyung chuckle. “Good boy.”
Yeontan lets another yip and sits up on high alert. You bring a hand down to stroke his fur, calming him before you bring the phone up to your ear. “I think you got him too excited. He thinks you’re coming back tonight.”
“Well, you did use the D word.” Taehyung plays with the small box next to him. The sharp flipping and snapping of the lid cracks through the speaker.
“What are you doing?” You’re unable to ignore the sound. It’s harsh on your ear. “Are you doing something?”
Taehyung sets the box down instantly. You hear it squeak against a glass surface. “Sorry,” he coos. “It’s just an empty box that held cufflinks the crew surprised me with the other day. Messing around with it has become a habit I’ve developed recently.”
You hum. “Like a fidget spinner?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung replies. He smiles at the dainty box. “Something like that.”
“Oh, well that was nice of them to get you. Though I’m not shocked. You’ve been taking good care of them over the last seven years.”
Taehyung hears your words but falls silent. He whips his head towards his nightstand, viewing the photo of him and you in a burgundy-red picture frame. It was a gorgeous day out. Taehyung had just gotten promoted to captain and you were right by his side, arms around his waist with that knock-out smile he loves so much.
You’ve been together for eight years now and eight magnificent years they’ve been. Fancy dinners, late-night movies, going to the jazz, along with a handful of quarrels soon followed by make-up sex–you’ve done it all. And while neither of you could fathom being without the other, eight years have quickly turned into eight minutes with the amount of time the seas called him.
He hasn’t told you but every time he boarded the ship, watching your form get smaller and smaller, he felt gut-wrenching guilt settle in the pit of his stomach.
Taehyung didn’t want you waiting and yet he knew you were. Every ten weeks, he’d go to sea and then return for ten weeks. The worst part was that even when he was home, it was like a countdown until the process repeated itself.
Yes, you were constantly in limbo, waiting for the next step.
He hated it.
“Hey are you still with me?” It’s your stark voice that shakes Taehyung back into the conversation. He blinks away from the framed photo, clutching his phone.
“I’m still here,” he replies. “Listen __, I want you to know that in a couple of days, I’ll have something for you…to make up for all our lost time.”
“Hmm, is that so…” Your voice lowers, a sultry undertone with it. “Can I know what it is, Captain?”
Taehyung clears his throat thickly, palms feeling a tad sweaty and pants tight. “No, no you can’t,” he murmurs. “You’ll find out when you’re supposed to.”
“Two days is too long. Tell me now and maybe I’ll give you something in return unless you wanna risk it.”
Taehyung smirks, aware of your taunting. “Stick your fingers anywhere near your sopping cunt and that’s all you’ll be getting for a week.”
“Being that it’s the only thing I have gotten for the last ten weeks, fine by me,” you counter. “Oh, except for that pretty pink vibrator I got the other day. Does wonders for the female body.”
“Fucking brat.” Taehyung grips his thigh, struggling to repulse images of your sprawled-out body on your shared bed, broken moans leaving your lips. He hasn’t touched your soft skin or felt the burn of your fingers on his skull for weeks.
Somehow you’ve been perfectly satisfied though, which isn’t necessarily a huge problem due to his absence, but he’d rather not be reminded. Especially when it’s coming from a toy that likely couldn’t make you scream as loud as he could. “When I get home, that damn vibrator is the first to go. So enjoy yourself for a couple more days because it isn’t going to last.“
“Uh huh, uh huh.” You feign disinterest. “Same threats as usual. The sea has made you so dull and boring.”
“Yeah, think so? Well go ahead then slut. Make yourself come any way you’d like right now.” Taehyung waits for you to own up to your shit but you hesitate. “What’s the matter? Wanna take it all back?”
“Taehyung…I was just–”
“Uh uh,” he interrupts. “It’s far too late for any of that. You made a statement and you made me horny. So you know what we’re gonna do?” He reaches down his pants, unbuckling the leather belt around his waist. The sound of metal clangs against each other, before you hear a zipper gliding down.
“I swear Taehyung, if you make me listen to you jerk off right now I’m hanging up and not calling back.”
“Oh and I believe you so much,” he snickers, pushing his pants down enough to take his erect cock in hand. Taehyung has a massive cock so the push was generous, let’s say. “I think you want me to get off for you don’t you?”
His deep, thick voice rings through your entire body. Arousal slowly pooling between your thighs. It’s been a good six weeks since you and Taehyung last did anything like this. He’d either have to go to bed or your phone call would typically cut out before you got the chance.
Taehyung spits on his hands before taking his length in his palm. “Answer me,” he says but you’re too preoccupied with picturing his beautifully sleek fingers gripping his big, hard cock so tight it makes you drool. All you reply with is a weak ‘uh’.
His groans are hot and rough as he starts a steady pace. You ask if he’ll turn his camera on and make this a video call instead but he only laughs wickedly in response. “You think this is for you sweetheart? For your pleasure?” His breaths quicken, cock leaking precum you bet. If only you could be there. “Well it’s not,” he quips with a broken grunt.
“Please, Tae.” You lean your head back on the headboard, closing your eyes. A hand slips up your bare thigh and slips under your shirt to settle on your abdomen.
“Oh god–fuck!” Taehyung cusses loudly and your knuckles tense. “Fuck fuck fuck,” he curses again. When you draw the same hand down your core and straight to your wet center, you let out a satisfied moan. Taehyung doesn’t miss it, however.
“No, no–no, I don’t want,” he struggles to form the simple words, not stopping his ruthless movements. “Shit–“
You bite your lip and stuff two fingers inside, curling them as far as you can. It shoots spikes of pleasure up your spine and your hips buck up in response. “Taehyung, I wish I could see you. I wish I could be there.” Wetness pricks the corner of your eyes as you push into yourself and thumb your clit. Your thoughts are consumed by your boyfriend doing nearly the exact same hundreds of miles away. “I miss you so much Tae,” you gasp.
Taehyungs sweating bullets. His hair has gotten messy, a few strands stick to his forehead. He’s inches away from his high and he’s so pissed that you’re touching yourself when this was supposed to be him punishing you or some shit but he can’t stop either of you from continuing.
“God I miss you too baby. I miss seeing your gorgeous face and making you laugh. Your laugh is so goddamn pretty. I miss waking up beside you, my arms wrapped around you as I think to myself how lucky I am to have you with me for so long. And I really fucking wish it was your hands getting me off instead of my own. I’m so sorry I’m away so much and for so long.”
“Don’t apolo–apologize.” You add another finger, hot liquid coating them and already running down your thighs. “I understand your job is important to you. We’ll see each other soon and I’ll have you back to myself.”
“No, baby listen to me. Was gonna tell you in person but I’m stepping down. Fuck I’m there!” Taehyung releases on himself, his cum dripping down the length of his cock.
"What?" Pleasure washes over you as you release soon after, hands sticky and out of breath. "You're doing what?"
"Jimin's gonna be the new captain sweetheart. I can't keep going away every two to three months. I'm gone for half the year and I just cant keep doing it. I'll get a job closer to home somewhere. I just wanna be with you. I wanna..." Taehyung pauses. "__, I wanted this to be all romantic and grand but I don't think I can wait. That box I told you that were cufflinks the crew gave me? I lied. It's a ring. I bought it in Toulouse, France for you because I wanna stay with you as long as possible—"
"Oh my God oh my god Taehyung...." More tears cover your cheeks. You didn't think the day would come.
"Eight years is long enough isn't it? What do you say?" Taehyung's voice is shaky. He glances at the tiny box again, the one with your ring it. He doesnt reach for it because, well you know. But he can't wait to put it on your finger if you say what he hopes you will.
"Mhm, yes yes I'll marry you! Fuck you make me so happy." You really, really can't wait to see Taehyung in two days—he's your fiancee now.
"You dont know how happy you make me __. And when I see you in two day, I'm doing this again just so you know. The way I planned."
You smile through the phone, overwhelmed with emotions. "You don't have to. This was more than enough. And you don't have to quit being a captain really, its what you've wanted for so long."
"I want something different now," Taehyung says. "We deserve this __. Something new and not from miles away where we only communicate over the phone. Plus, now that you're my fiancee....soon bride and all—"
"Okay slow down tiger," you drawl, sneaky suspicion in your tone. "No babies for the first year or two, at least."
Taehyung fakes a loud sigh. "If my fiancee insists. No TaeTae juniors, yet."
"Hey! They'll also be mine, thank you very much!" You pound the bed with your fist. Taehyung laughs wholeheartedly.
"Okay, ours," he replies. "By the way, thank you for tonight. It was really hot, you were really hot."
"Back at you, Captain."
You giggle to yourself, thoughts wandering— you're getting married. Who are you telling first? The wedding planner duh!
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A/N: uhm idk why but writing this couple gave me different feelings than usual...anyway Lmk your thoughts otherwise thanks for reading lovlies 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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iiiknowplaces · 1 month
death is inescapable.
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katniss everdeen x reader.
summary: the quarter quell was deadly, as was all of the hunger games, but katniss wasn't ready for this twist.
warnings: death (duh), really really angsty, fem!reader, reader's district not specified, murder.
everything had gone wrong within the blink of an eye. one thing that was unusual in the quarter quell was the sound of laughter. but there you were, sitting on the sandy beaches of the arena with katniss, with nobody else around, laughing. about what, you may ask? well, practically nothing, but you tried to find the happy in multiple situations, which she adored and appreciated about you. while deep into your conversation, neither of you noticed one of the career tributes sneaking up behind you, it all happened so quick. in the speed of lightning, they had managed to stab you, right in the back. before either of you could react, the mystery tribute was gone. you screamed out in pain, and katniss quickly pulled you into her arms. she didn't know what to do. she wasn't a medic, sure, she could heal wounds, but she learned from watching her mother tend to people that this wound was far too deep to heal. it was fatal. no words were spoken, just quiet sobs coming from you as you gripped onto the loving arms holding your dying body.
"i don't wanna die!" you suddenly cry out, the sound a mixture of fear and pain. she knew death was your biggest fear, as you had frequent nightmares about the close calls you've encountered. her voice sounded strained as she tried to comfort you in your last minutes alive.
"i know, sweetheart. i know." she shushes you, stroking your hair with her blood-stained hands, trying her best to soothe her frantic lover.
"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry!" you say within cries, the sound gut-wrenching.
"don't apologize," she comforts, tears streaming down her cheeks and falling on yours, "you have nothing to be sorry for." a few seconds pass until you speak up again.
"i'm tired..." you mutter out, just enough for her to hear it. she sobs harder at that.
"i know, honey, i know. i'll win for you. just go to sleep, okay?" she says sobbing as she holds your weak frame close.
"i love you." you speak softly, your last words being dedicated to her.
"i love you too." she cries out, the last thing you heard was those words and the sound of her sobs. she felt your body grow limp in her arms, the light of life leaving your eyes as you grow cold. she shakes you, not ready to let you go, and in denial that you're gone. she closes your eyes with her fingers, unable to stand the sight of the emptiness in them. the cannon blows as she hears your heartbeat stop. she stays crying with your body and hugging your limp body until the machine that retrieves the fallen tributes arrives. she doesn't want to let go, but she also knows she has to. she promised you she'd win for you. so with a final kiss to your cold lips, she pulls back, and watches as your dead body gets lifted into the air, and taken into the drone. it suddenly hits her that that was the last time she'd ever see you. you're gone. and she knows the rage of that will fuel her forever. you were supposed to have a life together, in district 12. it wasn't supposed to end like this. but it did, the untimely fate of death took the love of her life, and she would never get over it.
hi guys felt really sad so i made this lol. sooo how are we all feeling after this??
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beastofburdenxo · 6 months
Raising Catherine
~Chapter 1~
Tommy takes in a friend's daughter to raise on a deathbed promise. No smut, language, hint of violence, mention of blood and death. 1.3k words. Tommy is a sweetheart in this one ^^
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“You’ve got to promise me, Tom, that when I die, you’ll take care of my Catherine. Promise me please.” Thomas looked at his ailing friend in the eye, knowing it wouldn’t be long before tuberculosis took him. “I will, I promise. She will be safe with me old friend.” Three months later, at the funeral he stood beside his dear departed friend's daughter, Catherine. “I’m sorry for your loss, Love,” he told her, “He is no longer in any pain.” She was silent in mourning, she just took his hand and lightly squeezed. After the funeral, he took her back to pack some things to take with her. “I’m afraid you are coming with me,” Tommy told her, “I promised your dad I'd take care of you, and that is what I plan to do. I have a huge house, plenty of room for us both. There will be lots of room to play, what do you like to do?” Catherine just looked at him with the somber eyes of a woman beyond her years, “I’m 12 Tommy, I don’t play.” He chuckled, “Well I'm sure you’ll find something to do and pass the time.” He takes her bags in his arms and leads her to the car. “I like to draw and paint.” Giving her space to say goodbye to her childhood home he replies, “Do you now? Consider it done, catherine. Whatever supplies you need I will get you.” 
The first week in the new home was difficult to say the least. The place was huge, and Catherine got lost several times, she had to ask the maid Frances for help. It was difficult for Tommy too, not used to having to take care of another human, much less a 12-year-old girl. He had no idea what to do with her, what to say to her. He just knew to keep her fed and make sure she had enough art supplies. Tommy knew she was hurting, he too knew loss, but didn’t know quite how to go about it. Sometimes he’d walk by her room and hear her crying. He wanted to comfort the poor girl, but how? One night, he heard screaming, a terrible, gut-wrenching sound coming from her room. He also knew of night terrors and decided to go check on her. The poor thing was thrashing in her bed, her face red and tear stained. “Catherine, wake up sweetie, wake up it’s just a nightmare.” Tommy lightly shook her awake to not scare her further. “Oh God Tommy, it was terrible,” she sobbed, “I dreamed he was lying in bed, covered in blood that was oozing from his mouth. He wouldn’t stop screaming. There was so much blood Tommy...” Tommy wrapped her up in his arms, “Shhh, it’s okay,” he soothed, “It was just a bad dream. It's over. Your dad is in a better place now catherine. Easy now, love.”  
He held her for a while, gently rocking her, until the tears stopped. “Try and go back to sleep now, I'll be close by just in case, okay?” Catherine just nodded her head, as she allowed Tommy to tuck her back in. About an hour later, right when Tommy was just fixing to go to bed himself, the screaming returned. He woke her back up to her sobs of terror. “Oh God, it won’t stop. Why won’t it stop? I can’t sleep, I see his poor sickly face every time I close my eyes. Tommy don’t leave me! The blood, so much blood...” Tommy held her again, rubbing her back. “I’m here, I'm here, I'm not leaving. Why don’t you sleep in my bed tonight, eh? Keep me from going back and forth.” He scoops her up like she’s a newborn baby and carries her to his room. “There is plenty of room for us both. I’ll be right here love, if you get scared again, eh?” Tommy tucks her in his bed, lying down beside her. He refused to go to sleep himself until he heard her relaxed breathing. She only woke up only one more time after that, and Tommy vowed to himself that nothing was going to hurt her ever again. If it was the last thing he ever did.  
They both started to adjust to each other. When she wasn’t at school, he’d sometimes take her with him to the betting office. She’d always have her sketchbook with her, drawing everything and everyone she saw. One day after school, she walked to the office and Tommy noticed that she was upset. “Cathy love, what's wrong? He asked her. Trying to be brave and not sniffle, she told Tommy about the boy at school that was bullying her. Apparently, it had been going on before her dad died and she just didn’t tell anyone. But she finally couldn’t take anymore. Tommy was furious, “What’s the little shit’s name? I'll find him and handle this right now!” Of course, she tells him, further making his blood boil. Polly walked in, hearing Tommy’s angry fit, “Alright, what’s it this time Tommy? You’ll find yourself with a heart attack one of these days I swear it.” Tommy tells her Cathy’s plight. “Tommy, you can’t handle this like a peaky blinder, you must go about it like a responsible parent! What are you gonna do, find the kid and cut him a smile? Put him in the cut? Then what, pay off his parents?” Tommy starts to pace, “I know the shit’s father, if he’s anything like him, they both need to be thrown in the cut. The whole lot of them are assholes! They need to learn not to fuck with the peaky blinders.” Catherine softly interjects, “I’m not a peaky blinder Tommy, or a Shelby. You know that.”  With a softened expression, he bends down and strokes her cheek. “Yes, you are, Love.” he tells her gently, “You are one of us just as much as my own brother is, and we take care of our own.” With a forehead kiss, he sends her off with Polly.  
Tommy calls Finn into his office, with him being close to her age he’s the perfect solution. “You’ve got it Tommy,” Finn tells him, “He will be taken care of. Cathy will be left alone. I’ll walk her to and from school just to be sure.” Tommy slaps him on the back. “Good man, Finn. Just don’t kill the boy, I’ll have Polly on my ass for sure then. She already thinks I'm overreacting. I’d do it my damn self if the fucker was grown.” The next day, she saw her bully with a swollen eye, avoiding her like the plague. It was a good day. She asked Finn on the way home what happened. “Oh, I have no idea,” he replied with a smirk, “But I bet he’ll be quiet from now on.” After dinner, she made her way to Tommy’s office. He was busy with paperwork as usual. “Come in love, how was your day?” He patted his lap in invitation. She accepted, wrapping her arms around him. “It was good. James had a swollen eye today, and he refused to even acknowledge me.” A ghost of a smirk reached his lips at this news. “Well then, looks like he messed with someone he shouldn’t have, eh? Got what was coming to him? I bet your day was good then.” Catherine is curious, she must know if he had anything to do with it. “Tommy, did you have anything to do with this? I asked Finn about it on the way home, but he was being dodgy about it.”  
“Why would Finn know, love?” he asked her, “All that matters is that you are safe and happy. Don’t worry your little head about it. What’s done is done.” The topic of conversation changes to her favorite teacher, needing a new sketchbook, and what she is reading now. At bedtime, Tommy tucks her in her own bed, her nightmares finally a thing of the past. “Tommy,” she whispers to him right before he closes her bedroom door. “Yes, Love?”  
“Thank you” In the darkness, he can finally release the grin he’s been holding in at her bully’s misfortune. “Don’t mention it.”
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
So I will say it would might be hard but what about Harriet as the Rusted Knight stand in. Spending years dealing with guilt and horror of her willing to nuke a city just because she was told too. She could call the Lighting Trailer or something.
(Fun fact! When initially thinking about the major plot threads for the Sharc AU, I was actually going to have Harriet fall into the Ever After, find the time fruit and become the Juniper of the Sharc Universe. I have since decided against that, and feel safe sharing it.)
Blake: My Gods! It's the-
The Galvanic Squall: You kids have been getting up to a lot, huh?
Blake: Y- Yeah? Wait, how do you know we've been up to stuff?
Yang: Have you been watching us or-
The Galvanic Squall: That was one of the things I was meant to do, among all the other-
The Woman wrenches her face mask down while pulling off her goggles and hood.
Harriet Bree stood before them, her face wrinkled with old scars covering her face and ears, her hair pulled back into a mess of cable-like dreads, all streaked with dull gray and Electric Yellow.
Harriet: A Shit that Ironwood was ordering us to do- What the fuck happened!
Harriet: Yes! HELLO! I've been stuck here for-Fucking-ever!
Harriet: I mean, fuck I lost count after about the second month here, but I've been looking for- look, what was the last thing that happened to you?
RWBY: *Share worried looks*
Harriet: Okay, I get it, I'm in rough shape, just answer, alright!?
Weiss: uhm ... We only woke up here a day ago. before getting here, We evicted Atlas and Mantle to Vacuo using the Staff of Creation.
Harriet: Uh huh, Caused Atlas to sink, I'm aware.
Blake: Cinder Fall and one of her Cronies followed us into the In-between, and made us fall.
Harriet: Yep. I was Running Civies to the exit because Flame Girl and Polendina were fighting.
Yang: We all got knocked down here, obviously, and Salem got the Relic, but we know she doesn't have the maiden powers.
Harriet: Well. That doesn't sound great.
Ruby: Well, Neo, 'Cinder's Crony' fell with us. She hates my guts and ... It ... isn't good. Penny died. For real this time, no rebuilding, no recovering she's just ... gone.
Harriet: ... Oh. I- I uh.
Harriet: Wow. That's- I'm sorry. I know you two were close- she would never shut up- Er, Stop talking about you.
Ruby: We've all lost people. We can't sit around feeling sorry for ourselves. You Didn't.
_WBY: *look worriedly between each other and Ruby, who doesn't notice*
Harriet: Yeah, Well, I did my best to. Hell, I figured out how to dye my hair, gave me something to do while I waited.
Harriet: Also if you see a technicolor Cat, Don't Trust it. A couple kids Ran through years back and uh ... I couldn't find them. They just disappeared. If that Girl hadn't poisoned me I'd be certain they were just delusions.
Blake: A Girl? Was her name Alyx?
Harriet: *Squinting Suspiciously at Blake* ... How'd you know that?
Yang: It's a Book. The Girl that Fell Through the World. It's a classic!
Weiss: But there was only Alyx in the Story.
Harriet: The girl I met had a Brother. Lewis, and he was a lot more nervous and forward-thinking. And a hell of a lot more level headed. Lewis could stub his toe on a rock and he'd apologize to it. Alyx would stub her toe and make a guillotine for whatever tripped her up.
Blake: It sounds like we have a lot to talk about. Uh, do you have a place to stay or ...
Harriet: Yeah, I've got a cottage, let's move out.
Weiss: Well I'm glad you're not angry at us.
Harriet: Well, if it means anything ... I think you did the right thing standing up to the General. I know I made a mistake listening to him. *She beings walking*
Harriet: Come on, we might make it before sundown.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 2 months
Hi it's me again the one who asked about whumpee recounting whumper stories but anyway new prompt:
Whumpee is bleeding all over, lying in caretaker's hands, who frantically tries to help whumpee. Problem is whumpee is way too nice for their own good and even though they're literally dying at that point they're still apologising for many reasons:
Getting blood on caretaker's shirt
Traumatising caretaker with the sight of so much blood
Burdening caretaker with having to call for an ambulance, etc
(I'm sorry if this sounds weird I just love this trope so much I need to share it with the world)
oh this is one of my favourites, please don't apologise!
there's something so gut-wrenching about whumpee using what could potentially be their final breaths on words of apology, so selfless that even as they're bleeding out they're worried about being a burden to others.
also special mention to whumpees who comfort caretaker instead of the other way around- whumpee is aware things aren't looking good for them, but the last thing they want is for caretaker to get scared. instead of expending their energy trying to get help, they're breathlessly murmuring that they're okay, that it's going to be fine.
perhaps whumpee knows they're dying, that there's nothing they can do to stop it. all they CAN do is convince caretaker that none of this is their fault
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stardustjmk · 3 months
sorry stardustjmk but i AM a jake girl so I will just continue to request jake LMFAO buttttt I would like to request maybe jake and reader watching a movie and it makes the reader cry and like they are not emotional for any reason in particular other than the thing that happened in the movie was sad but jake comfort and teasing about it pls pls pls❤️❤️
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Note: LMAO no need for apologies - I used to be a Jake girl, and now happily sit in twin lane, so i’m all for the Jake requests. 🫶🏻 Also, this idea is so cute i’m obssesed. Also, this is more of a blurb than a one-shot, but I still hope you enjoy! <3
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x GN!reader | Genre: fluff | Word count: 1k
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Movie nights became a regular thing in your home wirh Jake during quarantine. You could only do so many off-screen activities given the circumstances, so by the end of the day, the thought of cuddling up and binge watching a few movies always sounded perfect to both of you.
Now, the movie nights are fewer and further between, but still a common occurrence. Common enough for you to still have candy left over from one of your last movie nights, you find as you rummage through the cabinets in your kitchen. An excited smile plays on your lips as you gather the assortment of candy, then bring it out to the living room. You take another trip back to the kitchen to grab the bowl of popcorn you’d made, along with drinks for you and Jake.
Just as you plop onto the couch, Jake joins you in the living room. You watch as he walks to the couch, taking the short period of time to take in just how cozy he looks. He wears a soft grey t-shirt, with plaid pajama pants, and you can tell
that he brushed his hair, then ran his fingers through it at least twice since he did it, giving the locks a tousled look. It reminds you of when you first started dating, which in turn makes your heart swell.
He plops down next to you, and instinctively, you snuggle into his side, and his arm lays across your shoulders. You two never stay in the same position for that long, but your cuddle sessions usually start like this. “Did you pick a movie?” Jake asks, the gentle rasp in his voice like music to your ears.
About the movie…you knew from the trailer alone that it would likely make you cry, or at least make it hard not to cry. Do you still want to watch it regardless? Absolutely.
So, you nod and grab the remote, having already pulled it up. Jake isn’t concerned about the movies contents, trusting your taste. Not to mention, you could probably get him to watch the strawberry shortcake movies if you really wanted to, just because “I love you, and I just like spending time with you. So, i’ll watch whatever you want to watch, baby.”
At some point you and Jake find yourselves laying on the couch together. He’s laying flat on his back, with you nuzzled in between his body and the back of the couch. Your leg is thrown over his torso, and your hand rests on his chest. Your other arm rests beneath his neck, and you find yourself mindlessly playing with the ends of his hair as you watch the movie.
You knew there was going to be at least one gut wrenching scene, but here you are, on the second one, and the twist is something you couldn’t have predicted. You try to suppress your tears, but a shaky breath is all Jake needs to know you’re getting emotional, and he then has to suppress a smile. Which, if anyone were to be seeing this out of context, the image of your boyfriend grinning while the scene on the television plays out, would be questionable.
Tears fall from your eyes, landing on his shirt and leaving temporary stains. You can’t help it at this point, the tears flowing freely. You sniffle as you try to blink away some of your tears in order to see the screen, but you almost regret it as the image displayed makes your heart twist even more. Jake remains silent and still, aside from a hand on your back that rubs soothing circles into it. He’s quiet, and you’re almost shocked to think that you’ve escaped any teasing from him, but as soon as the credits roll, he lets out an amused chuckle. You carefully push yourself up, and he lets his legs fall off the couch to give you more room.
You’re certain that your eyes are red, your lashes wet with the tears you’d been crying consistently for at least twenty minutes now. Jake sits up, and you refuse to acknowledge the shit-eating grin that spreads across his pretty pink lips. “Honey, it’s just a movie,” he coos as he reaches out to caress your cheek, swiping away some of your tears. You’re torn between leaning into his touch or being dramatic for the fun of it, but you can’t resist him. So, you settle for somewhere in the middle. “You would say that,” you huff, nuzzling your cheek against his warm palm.
He scoots forward and wraps his arms around you, and you sob. It’s meant to be a funny, dramatic sob, but more tears roll out of your eyes. “I guess you didn’t learn your lesson from the last sad movie we watched, huh?” Jake hums, kissing your head. His tone is the perfect mix of teasing and sweet, making you melt and scowl all at once. “I’ve learned my lesson this time,” you sniffle, lifting your head.
Jake cups your cheeks and plants a kiss on the tip of your nose. “You say that now, but i’m sure you’re gonna find another movie like this, that we have to watch, and we’re gonna be right here again.” He explains, and you know he’s not wrong. “Whatever,” you grumble, but you aren’t mad. His hands are still on your cheeks, and he wiped away your tears again.
Sure enough, a few weeks later, you’re raving about this new movie, and when Jake looks it up one day, he can only smile to himself thinking about you being torn up over it. And no, you won’t escape his teasing that time either.
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