#the loophole is if she can get them out of a role that makes them feel as tho they are an interference
cursedfortune · 4 months
How does Mortem handle jealousy?
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She doesn't. By that I mean, Mortem doesn't experience jealousy. She does not feel insecure about herself or her relationships typically enough to invite jealousy into her life. If she's ever insecure on something, it's situational and something she confronts head-on. Jealousy has no time or room to breathe and grow.
The closest thing I can give you to jealousy is how possessive she can be. It doesn't stem from a place of insecurity like jealousy tends to, however. It stems from being gifted a bond with another and being not just protective, but possessive of that bond. It doesn't manifest in the way of typical abusive relationships do. She doesn't seek to isolate, control, minimize the other(s). Mortem is just very aware of what someone means to her, that gratefulness for it being mutual has her coveting it.
It's similar to a child who grew up in a closet, getting glimpses of sunlight through the cracks of the door. She has lived in isolation for a very long time, when someone genuinely sticks around they are that sunlight she tries to hold onto. In a logical sense, she knows it isn't the way to do it but she's still growing in that area. Mortem tries to not make it someone else's problem, nor have someone think she doesn't value their ability to be independent. But it comes natural to witches that when someone is viewed as 'this is my person' or 'i think of you as my own', that they wish the other to be safe and comfortable because they know all too well what it's like not to be.
You add in her history and things get messy. She covets a mutual bond with another.
Jealousy doesn't factor in, however. Mortem has plenty of confidence in herself first and foremost, but she also has confidence in the relationships she forges with people. And if she doesn't? She processes it and then will bring it up with the other(s) involved. She has a very healthy ego, because arrogance often is a killer. Mortem knows the power of communication and expressing trust not just in actions, but in words.
Her life is a dangerous one but if you put that trust, time, effort and care into her she is going to return it in full. She will do everything in her power to protect it and if she can't... she'll tell you exactly why you need to run away from her for a time.
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loveinhawkins · 22 days
Eddie falls asleep in the back of the RV. Steve watches it happen in stages, after the stop at The War Zone—driving a little further out for a food shop, away from prying eyes.
He announces that the coast is clear when the roads become reassuringly empty. For the first time in days, he relaxes into the rhythm of driving: he’s triple-checked that no-one’s tailing them, and if it weren’t for the hastily bought weapons, he could almost pretend that…
He glances at the rearview mirror, sensing movement. It’s Eddie, standing up from where he’d been huddled against the back of Steve’s seat. He looks like he’s relishing the freedom to stretch his legs—Steve thinks, with a pang, that he’s probably sick of hiding—and takes his time on his way to the back seat.
Keeps his balance for the most part, only stumbles once, briefly latches onto Robin’s shoulder with a sheepish smile, says something like, “Role reversal, Buckley,” and she laughs.
He settles with the kids in the back. Clearly tries to give them the most space, folding his legs awkwardly in the corner almost like he’s already back to hiding again, but they won’t let him; Dustin wiggles along to create more room, and Erica pins Eddie with a look—the most Steve can make out is, “You look like a…”, but whatever she says makes Eddie snort, then smile with obvious affection.
The next time Steve looks to find Eddie’s reflection, he’s relaxed into his seat, legs stretched out in front, the edge of one sneaker bouncing up and down absent-mindedly—but growing slower and slower.
He’s talking to Lucas, the speech drowned out by the RV engine; Steve can still see how it makes Lucas relax in turn, even giggle, which has been an all too rare occurrence lately. How Max, despite carrying the heaviness of the Walkman, looks on with a spark in her eyes.
If Steve had to guess, he’d say that Eddie doesn’t mean to fall asleep. Maybe it’s the motion of the RV or the angle of the sun through the windows. Maybe it’s just that he finally feels safe.
Either way, his blinks get longer and longer, and then he’s drifted off, out completely, and Steve watches with something close to pride as the kids all get off the bench in silent agreement—Max confidently lifting Eddie’s legs and swinging them up onto the cushions like it’s second nature. He barely stirs, head nodding a little until he’s lying down properly.
Steve splits the last of his cash with Nancy on the food. They make a trio with Robin for heading to the store, the kids on what they’ve dubbed ‘Eddie watch’ and what Steve has dubbed, “Yeah, I’ve left it running—that still means no driving unless, like—actually no, I’m not even gonna—yeah, Dustin, I’ll get you more Pringles, Jesus Christ.”
And because he’s weak, he still ends up caving to Max’s loophole that yes, if demodogs and/or bats and/or people that just look at them funny show up, she’s got permission to floor it; he’s not gonna tell her he’d scoped the place out well before he’d parked.
Ten minutes later, laden with bags, Nancy says, “We could use somewhere with more space. For…”
She indicates the supplies of a more grim variety than snacks.
Steve thinks about it, then exhales with a little laugh. “Yeah, I’ve got somewhere.”
Robin eyes him curiously. It’s like she’s heard through the laugh, can somehow feel the thing that wells up in the back of his throat—only for a second; he’s used to pushing it back.
She squeezes his shoulder. He pats the back of her hand before driving away. Sometimes words spill out between them, ever flowing. Sometimes they don’t need words at all.
There’s a strange kind of thrill in feeling the tires go right over the grass. Feels bigger than what it is—like something’s finally been unearthed.
They’re all quiet as the group starts to filter outside. Steve looks over his shoulder: Eddie is still fast asleep. His lips move every so often, drowsy half-formed words.
Steve wonders what he’s dreaming about. He hopes it’s something good.
He lets everyone go in front of him—Robin snatches a bag of food out of Dustin’s hands, whispering fondly, “That one’s mine, you animal.”
Nancy hesitates just outside, then turns back into the RV to sit on the step.
“It’s just…” She tilts her head to the side with meaning. “I don’t think he should wake up alone, you know?”
Steve nods. “Yeah, me too.”
And that’s how they end up sat together, half in the RV and half outside. Nancy dangles her feet above the grass—she could reach it, of course, but it seems deliberate, like she’s enjoying the breeze.
Or trying to, at any rate: there’s still a restlessness to her, an anxious pinch to her face, like she’s one step away from jumping to her feet and—
Steve squeezes her knee—hears the way she exhales, like she’s finally caught her breath.
“Food first,” Steve says gently.
She nods belatedly, like the words take a little while longer to reach her. “Food first.” She rustles through one of the bags, brings out something wrapped in foil. “Robin said this is for you…?”
Steve chuckles. It’s a sesame bagel: bacon, egg, and cheese.
He gives half to Nancy.
They eat in companionable silence—just listening to the breeze and the occasional shout of laughter: Robin’s formed a circle with everyone up ahead, a chaotic game of duck, duck, goose, which is a ridiculous choice because her run is ridiculous, and Steve feels his cheeks ache with a smile at the grass stains already on her shirt, as Dustin and Lucas pull her down in some kind of duck-goose uprising, and Max gets Erica up on her shoulders, joining the fray; and underneath it all, he can hear Eddie hum slightly in his sleep, but it’s not a noise of distress—like he knows subconsciously that he isn’t alone.
“Here,” Nancy says.
When Steve turns to her, she’s got a packet of chips open between them. Salt and vinegar.
He doesn’t mean to say it out loud, but—
“You remembered,” he says through a rush of affection; it hits him square in the chest.
Nancy smiles. “Can never forget you and Mike fighting for the last packet.”
Steve knocks their knees together. “Yeah, he fought dirty.”
They laugh together, hushed but heartfelt.
There’s a streak of ketchup across Nancy’s face that she hasn’t bothered wiping away. She looks years younger somehow—looks lighter, like the food in her stomach has settled something intangible.
Her smile turns even softer, thoughtful, and warmth settles behind Steve’s eyes.
I’m sorry, he thinks. I’m sorry I couldn’t be what…
You never deserved to hurt.
“Did you get changed in the dark?” Nancy says, eyes bright with mirth.
It’s so sudden that it startles Steve right out of his thoughts, a welling emotion halted.
“Excuse me, Nancy Wheeler?” he says with a faint grin.
“Steve Harrington,” Nancy returns teasingly. She ruffles a hand through the back of his hair with easy affection, “There. That’s more like it.”
“Am I presentable now?”
“Oh, you’ll do.”
She rests her chin in her hand, just considers him—but it’s a gentle kind of look. Almost like they’re back in English class, and he’s just answered a question without stumbling over his interpretation, and he glances across to her desk, finds her watching him with pride.
“You suited the denim,” she says sincerely. Mimes how he’d shrugged into Eddie’s vest.
Steve feels touched in a way that he can’t fully place, like she’s said something else. Maybe she has.
“Thanks,” he says.
They both look over to the field at a cry of victory. Dustin’s found the stash of 3 Musketeers, holding it aloft like he’s just won a science trophy.
“Hey,” Nancy calls, laughing, “at least one of those is mine!”
Steve can feel her shift, about to stand, and impulsively, he says, “Nance, wait.”
She’s stood already in the split second it took for him to speak, but she turns back.
Steve stands up. Hugs her.
He tries to put all he doesn’t know how to say into it; he does his best, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple. Thinks of how he swept her into an embrace next to the school lockers, her surprised shout of laughter, if you can be this for her, she’ll be happy, you’ll be…
And maybe she’s heard some of it, because her hold tightens around him, like she’s saying, you never deserved any of it, either.
She pulls back. Claps his shoulders to make him sit back down, and they both giggle slightly, both vulnerable. Nancy’s eyes are shining at the corners. But Steve knows they’re the good kind of tears.
He feels them, too.
Nancy nods, smiling wide, blinking in quick succession before the moment’s gone.
He nods back.
And then she’s running over to Dustin, and it almost looks like she’s flying, like she’s sixteen years old again, and nothing ever…
Steve has to close his eyes for just a second. Breathes through it.
Minutes pass before he catches a change in Eddie’s breathing—hears him shift and sigh as he stretches.
Steve tilts backwards, just enough to see Eddie slowly drifting awake on the bench.
“Hey,” Steve says as soft as he can, so Eddie can go back to sleep if he wants; so it can just be part of a dream.
For a moment, it looks like that’s exactly what Eddie will do. But then his eyes find Steve’s, and they light up in recognition.
And he smiles. Sits up.
“Shit, did I really…?” The rest of the question’s lost to a yawn, and he stretches again, rubs a hand across his face to wake himself up.
“Yup,” Steve says. There’s one last bag by his feet, which he picks up to put in Eddie’s view. “This has got your name on it, man.”
Eddie sits down next to him. Steve shifts closer as he hands the bag over, feels the gentle press of Eddie against his side, the warmth left over from sleep.
Eddie whistles at the assortment of food. “Thanks, Steve.”
“Yeah, no—like, thank Dustin, not me.”
Dustin had rattled off a list of Eddie’s favourites—“Actual food this time, Dustin, he’s not surviving on just cereal, it’s depressing,”—which Steve had written hastily on the back of his hand.
He knows that Eddie’s seen the evidence of the list on his skin, faded as it is from the dying pen he’d used, because he smiles when he says, “Mm-hmm, I will,” like they’re sharing a secret; and then he looks off into the distance, squinting against the sun with a hand over his eyes, barks a laugh. “Besides, he looks kinda busy, uh… I don’t actually know what he’s doing. Killing Buckley, maybe?”
Robin’s joking yell punctuates Eddie’s words; it looks like she’s somehow recruited Lucas over to her side, because Dustin’s trying to flatten the pair of them; Erica’s got Dustin’s thinking cap on backwards, while Max shouts, “That’s a foul!”; Nancy’s sat crosslegged, eating candy and throwing out words of amused encouragement.
Eddie chuckles so fondly. He eats some of his share, then sighs with contentment. He stands but doesn’t go far at all, drifts over to a patch of ground like he’s drawn to it. Sits down. Runs his hands through the blades of grass and flowers, even the weeds; it makes Steve smile.
He follows.
They sit close to each other almost like they’re still sharing the step, even though there’s more than enough room to…
Eddie keeps watching the roughhousing. His eyes crinkle at the corners. He looks… happy.
He sighs again, leaning back a little, “This is nice. Who’s idea was it to come here?”
“Nancy’s, really,” Steve says.
But he can tell that Eddie notices the evasion—there’s a barely perceptible twitch of his eyebrow as he listens. He’s getting almost scarily good at it, Steve thinks, but it’s not done in an intimidating way; it’s not like Eddie wants to catch him out in something. It’s more like he… just wants to know. Like he cares.
“But you knew a spot?” Eddie prompts.
“Yeah, I…”
Steve could still avoid it—could just say carelessly, ‘cause we drove past it, duh, and Eddie would let it drop, he knows he would. But…
“I came here when I was a kid. Like, years ago. It was summer, and I think the car broke down or something? So we had to wait for…” Steve shrugs, but it’s just movement for the sake of it, trying to conceal the way his throat’s tightening in slow increments. “It was… I liked it,” he adds. Nods towards the kids. “I thought they might like it, too.” He tries to laugh, “Guess that’s kinda stupid to—”
“I think it’s sweet,” Eddie interrupts firmly. “This place, it’s…” He smiles at Max’s squeal, Lucas lifting her up in a bridal carry. “It’s perfect, Steve.”
Steve tries to smile, because it is perfect, but that suddenly makes it hurt all the more. He’s gripped by a fierce, desperate urge to seize the weapons and burn them, to just let everyone fucking rest, to tell them they don’t have to do it anymore, they never have to—
“Steve,” Eddie says, soft, dismayed—sitting up and touching Steve’s hand where it rests in the grass, so delicately, so kind—
Steve swallows; he must not have pushed it all back in time. He doesn’t want to know what his face looks like, but he can guess, can feel the telltale burn in his eyes—and wavers on the brink. Almost falls. But he catches himself, only just, and when he’s forced to quickly swipe at his eyes with the back of his hand, he reasons that it’s okay. Only Eddie can see.
Still, he should—
“Sorry,” he waves a hand, tries to laugh at himself again, “just ignore me.”
When Eddie smiles, it looks as if he’s only doing it because he’s taking his lead from Steve. His eyes speak for him—like he’s thinking, you’re breaking my heart.
“Ignore you? Shit, man, that’s hard. Have you seen you?”
It’s said with a ridiculous amount of theatrics—so obviously done to lift Steve’s mood. But there’s a note of sincerity that Steve can hear above everything; Eddie isn’t hiding it.
Perhaps he doesn’t need to, either.
“I’m more than just a pretty face, Munson.”
He expects Eddie to laugh. And though he does, it’s quieter than he’d expected, and he says, “Oh, I know. Trust me.” He’s looking at the kids as he speaks. “They’ll be okay, you know.” He doesn’t say it like a platitude. He says it like a promise. “Wheeler, Buckley… me. We have them, too.”
And Steve doesn’t know how Eddie could ever accuse himself of cowardice. God, if you could only hear yourself, he thinks.
“I don’t want—I know. I know you do. I just—just wish—”
His voice fails him.
Eddie tilts his hand, palm up. Steve could act like he’d never seen it all. It’d be easy.
He takes Eddie’s hand. Breathes, and tries again.
“I just wish we didn’t have to—”
It’s as far as he can manage.
Eddie squeezes his hand. Murmurs, very gently, like a memory, “And so do all who live to see such times.”
Steve doesn’t need to ask. He can feel the weight of it through the words alone. Focuses on Eddie’s touch, the way his fingertips brush against Steve’s knuckles, over and over.
And then Steve lets go, but not before squeezing Eddie’s hand in return. Twice. He doesn’t know Morse code, but he hopes he’s understood.
He watches the kids play again. Glances over to the side when he feels another touch, Eddie’s shoulder briefly skimming his. This time he can tell it’s accidental; Eddie’s swaying a little where he sits.
“Shit, sorry. It’s the sun, it’s,” he yawns, “it’s making me…”
Steve’s reminded of the boathouse; of Eddie’s sunken face at Skull Rock.
“You’re just exhausted, Eddie,” he says.
He stands, briefly places his hands on Eddie’s forearms, tries to shield him from the worst of the vertigo. He feels Eddie jump beneath his touch, a forcible jolt back from the edge of sleep. Visceral.
Steve’s chest hurts.
“Wait there,” he says. “I’ll be right back. Hey, try to not fall asleep just yet, ‘kay?”
“M’not,” Eddie says, not very convincingly.
When Steve returns with a pillow from the RV, Eddie is lying in the grass, flat on his back. One hand floats in front of his face, fingers curling like he’s playing guitar chords—like he’s doing it to keep himself awake.
“Dude, that can’t be comfortable,” Steve says. He bends down, taps Eddie on the forehead, which makes Eddie blink slowly, looking at him upside down. “Can I…?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Eddie says softly. It sounds like I trust you.
Gently, Steve cups the back of Eddie’s head, moves it up ever so slightly and puts the pillow in between him and the ground. Eddie settles onto it with a sigh.
Steve moves away, sits back down; Eddie turns to lie on his side, facing him. His cheek presses into the pillow, one leg bending a little, like this is how he lies in bed; there’s a fragile vulnerability to the sight.
The sun draws attention to the grass in his hair. The slightest trace of freckles underneath his eyes; they’ll come out more in summer, Steve finds himself thinking. He wants to be there to see it.
It was summer when he first thought a boy was pretty. That day the car broke down, but his dad was laughing, making the most of it; he’d walked and walked to buy ice-cream and returned victorious to the field, where Steve was waiting with his mom.
They weren’t the only families there—the spot had been much busier years ago: people using it as a pit stop on road trips, Hawkins locals mixed in with folks from out of town, so it felt like the whole world was to be found here, stretching out before them in the grass.
Steve had seen the boy playing tag—it was over in barely a flash, but he still remembers how he held his breath when their eyes met, without understanding why.
He’s pretty, he’d thought, it was the only word he had for it—an instinct from his mom teaching him words, bouncing him on her hip, oh, Steve, look at the pretty flowers.
He’d known even then it was a thought he couldn’t share—like how a child comes to know that they’re not to touch a hot stove.
He’s pretty.
Steve could tell himself that he doesn’t know why he’s remembering it now. But it would be a lie.
Eddie’s tugging idly at the grass, but his hand keeps going slack, twitching with oncoming sleep.
“You know how t’whistle with ‘em?” he asks clumsily.
His eyes are closed. Steve stills his hand, slips a blade of grass out from his loose hold.
“No,” he says, drags it through his teeth like he’ll miraculously make it whistle just by doing that.
Nothing happens, of course; the grass tastes just a little sweet on his tongue. He takes it out from in between his lips and lets it go, to be lost on the wind.
When the taste dissipates, he misses it.
“Yeah, me neither,” Eddie says, amused. His voice is lilting with exhaustion. “My uncle tried to teach me once, but I couldn’t… maybe ‘cause… still had some of my baby teeth… maybe that makes it harder?”
“Maybe,” Steve agrees quietly. He picks some grass out of Eddie’s hair, as lightly as he can. “I’ll ask him for some tips.”
Eddie smiles at that. “He’ll like you,” he says.
He’s half-asleep, Steve reminds himself. He hardly knows what he’s saying.
But he can’t help feeling pleased at the thought.
“Oh, yeah? You think so?”
“Mm-hmm. He likes…” Eddie yawns. “Likes everyone I like. And I… I really like you.”
It’s said so easily. Like it’s simple.
Maybe it could be. Just this once.
Steve feels emotion creeping up his throat, resting heavy on his tongue. This time, he doesn’t push it back; he speaks through it.
“I really like you, too,” he whispers.
Eddie hums sweetly, like he’s heard even when almost all the way to dreaming. “Think there’s a trick to it,” he mumbles, and Steve realises he’s talking about whistling again, lost to a childhood memory.
Stay there, Eddie. Rest.
“A trick?” Steve says in hushed tones.
“Yeah, I… remember he’d… he’d say…”
Eddie falls asleep mid-sentence.
Steve watches him. Angles his shoulder to create shade, shielding him from the sun.
He looks over at the kids: they’re playing tag with Robin now, Nancy joining in—a little quieter, like maybe they’d seen…
If he unfocuses his eyes just slightly, he can almost see his dad coming over the hill with the tubs of ice-cream. His mom smiling, sunburn on her shoulder, and Steve hit with a wave of inexplicable sadness, like he already knew, she’ll never be this happy again.
Eddie sighs in his sleep.
Steve feels a subtle change in the sun on his skin, the afternoon dying.
Stay, he thinks. Mouths it with childish hope, stay, like he’s still the boy who fell asleep right here, in between his parents, wanting the day to stretch on and on—the one who couldn’t outrun the feeling, even then, that he was coming to the end of something.
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spacedace · 3 months
“Hey, I need to get married for bullshit Infinite Realms reasons, you two in?”
“Tt, of course.”
“Sure thing! Do we need to get going for that like, right now? Or later?”
“Eh, like in a couple of hours? The Observants are demanding some Royal Ball or something and they pulled out some stupid old laws out of their collective asses that if I’m not married by the time it starts they can assign me spouses of their choosing, can you fucking believe that shit?”
“Woah, what the hell? Can they even do that?”
“I was under the impression they were only permitted to observe.”
“Right? It’s total crap, but apparently there’s like this super old law on the books and they didn’t bring it up until now when there’s like no time left to try and force me to marry someone they pick.”
“They are training to gain influence over you?”
“Eh, more like they’re trying to get control of my Dad by way of me. But still fucked as hell.”
“So why do you need to marry both of us? Or do you just need to marry one of us and we should play rock paper scissor for it?”
“Technically I only need to marry one of you, but I don’t want them pulling out any loopholes or something. So, it’d be great if one of you could be my consort for my role as Queen of Mirrors, and one could be my consort for my role as Crown Princess. You two can figure who’s who on that all that, I’m good with whatever.”
“Oooh, can I be consort for the Mirror Court? I can annoy Kon more that way.”
“I am amenable to that. Grandfather will have a fit when he learns that I can cut his access to the Pits off at my discretion and there’s nothing he can do about it.”
“Awesome, okay are you two good for meeting up at like, three? We can pop over to my Lair and get everything sorted out there.”
“Works for me, my only class til this afternoon is at one and the professor already said we’re cutting out early because she has to go out of town this weekend.”
“Four would be more agreeable if possible, I have to take Titus to the vet for his checkup.”
“Okay let’s aim for four then. It’s just signing some paperwork, making some quick blood-slash-ectoplasm pacts and swearing a couple binding oaths… Should only take like five or ten minutes?”
“They’re not gonna make you have a huge royal wedding or anything?”
“Nah. Dad keeps things pretty chill so as long as the paperwork is all in order we’ll be good. Though once Auntie Dorathea finds out she’s absolutely gonna make us have one. She loves planning weddings. Swear its what she makes her hoard out of somehow.”
“So long as we have a say in some of the proceedings I have no issue with that eventuality.”
“Same, it sounds like it’d be a fun way to annoy the Observants even more.”
“Don’t for get all the weirdos trying to be my suitors and all that bullshit.”
“We have an accord then. We can reconvene at the usual place.”
“Awesome, you two are the best! I gotta jet and let everyone know and get the ball rolling on the paperwork stuff. See you guys at four!”
With that, Nomad - Stella Phantom, Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms, Queen of Mirrors, Core of the Speedforce and ghostly hero of the Titans and the Justice League - tore a rip in the fabric of space and time and darted out of the room the same way she came. Through the mind-bending tear in reality the eerie, eye-searing green of the Infinite Realms glowed in all its unsettling glory, Phantom Keep a glittering expanse of night sky made solid in the distance.
Jon waved at her cheerfully as Damian gave a nod of farewell before both silently turned their attention back to their respective tablets as the portal closed behind their friend and teammate and the glimpse of the Ghost Zone disappeared again. Completely unbothered by the conversation just held or the life changing implications that came with them.
Jon was humming as he tapped away at something on the screen before him, Damian propping his head up on his fist in vague boredom as he frowned down at the information he was reading.
The rest of the room Nomad had left behind was caught in a frozen, stunned silence in the wake of the baffling conversation they’d all just been witness to. All eyes in the room darted between Flamebird and Pheonix seated calmly at the end of the table, then to the space where Nomad had disappeared to, back to the young men, and then towards the head of the table where Superman and Batman sat looking bewildered and a bit on the verge of heart attacks.
The short status update meeting was about to become much, much longer it seemed.
Though a lot more entertaining.
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captainmera · 4 months
Was evelyn ever ALMOST caught by witch hunters?
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For some reason, I forgot I could just...... Write these little shorts with little illustrations alongside it, instead of drawing out the whole thing and it takes forever. So... here ya go! Two more little drawings beneath the cut with some text!
Roger growled through the gap amongst his ivory. He could not wrap his head around why his rival was standing there with bow and arrow, willing to.. What? Shoot him? For this woman. Barely a Christian woman, even. "What are you going to do?" Roger gestured at Caleb's homemade weaponry. "You're going to shoot me if I don't leave?" "Maybe." Caleb said, still not tensing the bow. "My brother's a real clever guy, he knows a lot about the body. Did you know that arterial bleeding is the most fatal?" "Uh-" "Looks the most accidental, too." Roger furrowed his brows. Caleb's brown eyes were void of warmth. "What are you saying?" "I'm saying I'm holding a bow. I'm saying I'm pretty good at using it. I'm saying I'm a woodsman, you're not. I'm saying that if I wanted to accidentally shoot you and hide your body, I could. And if you were discovered, it's an arrow in you, not an English pistol wound, or a knife. And nobody knows you were ever here." "...You're not serious." "You can always find out." "You're bluffing, I've never seen you use a bow and-" "Leave my property." Caleb repeated. "And if you are going to accuse my friend of witchcraft, you better have more than suggestive or spectral evidence." Roger glowered back, held his hands up in peace, and backed away. "Fine, I will." And left the way he came through the woods. Caleb waited until he couldn't see him any more, before locking the door and pulling the curtains. Roger had never liked Caleb, but before his rival took a break from witch hunting, Roger had at least had a competitors respect for the man. But respect turned to suspicion. Caleb had been acting strange for awhile... Glum and a lot more quiet. Then that woman showed up. And now the cove were against spectral evidences? Caleb had been the most frequent and outspoken about how witches found a lawful loophole by using supernatural means to get away with their crimes. As it was difficult to prove that a witch had tormented someone in their dreams, for example. And Roger agreed! Sure, Caleb was annoying, but they had both been amongst the best and the worst of hunters, being the same age only meant the two lads butted head to stay in their spot as head of a patrol. Being a witch hunter was a competitive sport, almost, it was hard to explain unless you participated. They were not friends, but Roger was sure if the roles had been reversed, Caleb would've been suspicious too and, honestly? Caleb would've tried to save Roger. It was just good sportsmanship. And this whole thing smelled wicked. Caleb turned to Evelyn. "Are you alright?" "I don't know.." She said and looked at her hands. Artemis had crawled out onto her shoulder to give her a comforting little spider hug. "My magic.. It didn't work." "What?" Caleb abandoned his bow by its place next to the backdoor. "It's not working?" "I don't- I was trying to make it work, he saw me. I'm sorry." Caleb lift her chin up. "Hey no, it's alright. Maybe.. You've just been here too long?" "No that's not it. I know it isn't." "Maybe you're ill?" She smiled up at the crease of worry on his forehead. He was trying to sound calm and proper, and she knew that tone of his. That rougher, almost demanding, serious tone. That tone he used with Philip and his friends when they were turning to him for leadership and give them orders - even if he was just as anxious as them.
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His eyes flickered away, noticing that she had caught him spiralling with worries. He shook his head to get out of it and straightened his back. "Are you ill?" He repeated with a softer tone "No, I dont think so." "Not witch-ill, human-ill?" "No... I don't have any symptoms." "Hm.." Caleb thought back at when she had visited him at his job. "Oh, was it the sprig of dill tea?" Evelyn's eyes lit up. "Oh! Oh right that did taste awful!" Caleb couldn't help but break out into a soft scoff. "Well, good to know that folktale is true." "Huh?" "It's said sprig of dill keeps witches and evil away. That's why we drink it at the morrow' meeting." Evelyn's lips pressed into a line, feeling a little silly that she had so readily accepted tea from a bunch of woodsmen-slash-witch hunters. Of course they would be drinking things like that out of superstition.
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"Right." She brushed her vest. Caleb snorted. "Stop it! I was afraid!" "Sorry, sorry. I'm sure it's only temporary." Evelyn looked at her hands. "You think so?" "Yeah. But.. Why don't you stay here, just in case, until it comes back. Yeah?" "Appreciated." "Of course." Evelyn swayed her skirt bashfully. "Caleb?" "Mh?" "Thank you." She pulled him in so she could plant a kiss on his cheek. "You've been my hero today." Caleb's limbs were full of pink and red butterflies. He laughed nervously and swatted his hand around in the air. "Oh! PFSH! O-Of course! I can't just- You're a maiden in distress! It's only the right thing-! Anytime, milady." And theatrically rolled his hand before bowing to her. And that got him in the right height for both of her hands to cup his face. "I think you deserve one more then." And kissed him on the side of his nose, his forehead, and when his smile spread his lips wide across his face, she kissed the dimple by his side. And that was enough. Caleb crumbled, and turned away from her with an incoherent sputtering of words. She smiled. Caleb put his face in his hands to cool, stroked them through his hair and coughed. "TEA?" He offered, gesturing at the stove. "Er- not, that tea, better tea." "Sure." And took a seat nearby him.
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rad-batson · 1 year
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Here’s some more about the game :D for your reading pleasure @portal-to-oblivion (Based on this post)
Freestyle Checkers: A Tim and Damian Special OR “How can we make talking to people a competition?”
They are sneaky. They are underhanded. They will do anything to win.
Originally, this was a ploy to get Bruce to ban them from the galas. Over the coming months, however, they begin to enjoy attending. A little too much.
Tim starts a conga line and convinces everyone on his team to join before marching them to Damian’s side.
Damian subtly moves the tables just an inch or two to the right all night until the whole room has switched seating arrangements.
After a particularly eventful game, Bruce now requires them both to empty their pockets and walk through a metal detector before entering the ballroom.
Tim uses his role as company heir to befriend everyone on his team and then introduce them to one another. He accidentally started a coup once.
Damian uses his puppy eyes to woo the guests into doing his bidding and avoid punishment.
He also sets fire to the curtains.
They are repeatedly caught giving death glares to each other from across the ballroom…but that’s normal. What’s not normal is the two giving death glares to a seemingly random guest at the same time. (She was only going to say hello to Maxine. Why does she feel like she’s in mortal danger?)
Tim spikes the punch with a hint of laxatives so everybody sticks to the bathrooms on Damian’s side.
Several games in, Damian finds a loophole in the rules. Even if the pieces can’t know they’re in a game, that doesn’t mean others can’t. He pays several catering staff to form a physical barrier between certain guests and places. Tim is livid and demands the loophole be written out.
Damian, after stealing a woman’s expensive watch: “Oh, I think I saw it at table seven! Here, let me take you there :)”
Tim makes a kid cry at table 20 so everyone will avoid that side of the room.
Tim: “To the left now, y’all! Left again! Right foot two stomps! Keep going left!”
Every other batfamily member has joined the game at least once, both as a piece AND as a player. On a particularly boring night, it was Tim v. Damian v. Steph v. Jason v. Duke. Every attendee was an unwilling participant. Including Bruce.
Damian is the reason death threats are no longer allowed for the game.
Tim: “Oh, you don’t want to talk to Nicole. Did you hear what she said about Leandra last night? The drama!”
Damian, tugging a guest’s arm: “Hey, is your blue Mercedes parked outside?” Guest: “Oh, hi sweetie :) Yes, why do you ask?” Damian: “It exploded.”
Damian studies the attendance sheet, makes a mental list of who eats what kind of dessert according to previous galas, then chooses all the guests who he knows like chocolate. Suddenly, there’s a surprise chocolate fountain on Tim’s side!
Tim studies the attendance sheet then figures out their addresses, hacks into their Facebook, stalks their Friends list, makes a chart of who is on good and bad terms, then chooses his team based on that.
Both of the above methods listed fail spectacularly
Damian: “So…I win.” Tim: “Damian, this is a hostage situation.” Damian: “But they’re lined up on your side. I win.” Tim: You know, I’m starting to think you set this up.”
He did.
During one particular night, a Wayne benefactor figures out what’s going on and tries to expose them so they team up, completely ruin his public reputation, and get him banned from all future galas to preserve the game.
No matter how hard he tries, Bruce cannot stop them from playing.
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adarlingmess · 11 months
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The Devil on Your Shoulder
Happy BG3 day! If your Tav had a backstory like an Origin character's, what would it be? Mine would start the game with an existing deal with Raphael. More under the cut.
Fortune is a Glasya tiefling, and a promising painter from Lyrabar, Impiltur, who went rogue because of a guild buying her family’s painting shop out. Using her connections, she started to steal from the nobility, specializing in stealing priceless works of art.
Her downfall came when she fell for an elf who turned out to be one of Asmodeus’ bastards, his cambion son. Young and naïve, Fortune gets tricked into signing a contract with an imp pretending to be Asmodeus to free her object of infatuation from servitude. Asmodeus discovers the deception and punishes the imp with death, and he amends Fortune’s contract. In exchange for her and the cambion’s freedom, she must kill 5 good aligned adventurers in Asmodeus’ name. However, the cambion turns on her. Disheartened, Fortune lets herself be killed.
For failing her task, Fortune is sworn to be her contract holder’s indentured servant. A loophole in her contract brought about by the imp’s death makes it unclear who she belongs to due to the blanks in the chain of command.
Raphael catches wind of her predicament and orchestrates a convoluted legal maneuver to claim her for his own benefit. Slowly, he starts to fill the role of the cambion whom Fortune was infatuated with by becoming her sugar daddy, er, art patron. Raphael allows her to operate independently as both artist and rogue again in exchange for various services and favors from her, such as paintings of him, information about her noble patrons, and being his consort.
For her excellent service, Raphael grants her his infernal powers and makes her a warlock. He gifts her a paintbrush that also serves as her spellcasting focus, and forms a semi-permanent Gaze of Two Minds link between them so that he can watch the world through her senses at any given time.
Things get tricky when she gets kidnapped by a mindflayer ship in the middle of a heist. Though their connection remains faintly, the tadpole allows Fortune a taste of freedom, and hinders Raphael from surveilling her, muddling their psychic link.
Now she must decide if she should embrace the tadpole to free herself from Raphael, or stay true to her patron. One thing’s for certain, her feelings about him are ambivalent, and I’ll write fanfics about this.
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tibby-art · 5 months
I’m adoring the Hitman AU. Scar and Cub share a braincell and Grian just looks like she wants to go home and sleep.
I’m curious as to what powers ConVex has. Or what their motives are with Grian. (ConVex trying to corrupt her.)
I've been picturing Cub and Scar's vex powers as being able to transform into a vex form (pale blueish skin, white hair/eyes, wings, fangs, claws, the whole nine yards). The forms allow them to move at lightning speed and fly, making them perfect as silent killers in their roles as hitmen. They're super sneaky and fast.
I think the vex work with pacts as well - if you make a pact with a vex, they're unable to go against said pact. That's how they ended up working for the government as hitmen. I imagine that in their past they were very powerful and corrupt criminals at Concorp (standard protocol for convex in an au i'd say). One day the government catches up to them, and they're given a choice: Go to top-security prison for one bajillion years because you're a dangerous vex criminal OR make a pact with the government and work under them, using your powers for good. So, Cub and Scar are technically here by choice, but their choices were limited. They're bound by a fae contract that they must perform their given duties as hitmen - they bend the rules and find loopholes whenever possible, though. Vex are tricky like that. They'll get ordered to take out a dangerous crime boss, but because you didn't technically specify that you wanted that done today, they took the day off to go golfing. They'll get to it tomorrow :J (The government learns the hard way that when you order Cub and Scar to kill someone you must specify to them not to eat the person because that has happened and that will happen again and everything is terrible)
Grian is in a similar situation, but he was given less of a choice. While Cub and Scar made their own pacts with the vex to gain their powers, Grian's watcher powers are something she did not ask for at all. The Watchers are much more mysterious than the Vex, not a lot is known about them and they're considered almost a myth until Grian shows up. This makes her more dangerous and unpredictable, in the government's eyes. Grian isn't allowed to just walk away and go back to being a normal member of society - nobody knows what he's capable of (not even Grian knows) so the government needs to keep a close eye on her. When she's paired up with Cub and Scar for missions, the vex are ordered to keep an eye on Grian, and step in if things get too dangerous. Cub and Scar think this is BS and they almost pity Grian, deep down, since he's essentially in the same spot they're in but worse. When their pact says to keep Grian from getting too dangerous, they interpret it as, "Well, if we help her figure out her powers, she's more in control and that will make everything safer :J"
I don't think Convex is trying to corrupt her - I think the government is the one being manipulative here. Convex sees it. I think they genuinely want to help her grow and discover new abilities and how to use them. They're Convex, though, so they might not be the best role models lol. I think what they're trying to do is help her get more confidence and more control over her powers. Cub is a scientist who is very good at figuring out how Grian's abilities work, what he can and can't do, the limits of said abilities, etc. and Scar has the most creative and insane ideas on how to utilize watcher powers that it sometimes leads to discovering something brand new. I can picture him being like, ":J Hey have you ever tried using your watcher powers to spy on a specific location from like, fifty miles away" and Grian is like "Scar that's ridiculous that's not how it works" and then she tries it and is amazed when that actually does work. Scar's like ":J yeah I made that up I didnt think it would work Can you spy on Disneyland now"
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mixelation · 1 month
reborn au
was thinking about tori's insane relationship with authority.... unlike deidara, tori will verbally agree to rules and then either completely ignore them or go into Malicious Compliance mode. and like she gets away with a lot of shit but maybe sometimes she should face consequences? consider
i was ALSO thinking about how the field of statistics works in ninjaland. you know. like one does. and anyway i bet tori is perpetually annoyed by it because she doesn't have the right background to just reinvent an ANOVA but are you aware how much every facet of your life would be improved by thoughtful statistical analysis????
tori: are we REALLY sure this policy actually improves survival rates or are we just doing it for no reason--
anyway this is a subplot that takes place over several years. tori gets in trouble at the hospital for just sticking not-approved-by-the-hospital stasis seals on patients, and because she's allergic to being wrong, she's like "but actually treating those patients was out of my league. surely the survival rate is HIGHER in people we just stick in stasis who get to see better medics later, than people who get stuck with small fries like me because they happened to come in when no one better was on duty?"
and then she has the DATA but no idea how to analyze it. so after asking around a lot she finds One Guy
and she's like: oh good, a Stats Guy. i have fifteen projects for you
i'm thinking tori gets handed her own research team at some point, so she has SOME ability to assign people Tasks, but also other people keep snatching Stats Guy and they're not even USING HIM FOR STATS????
tori goes and studies the admin structure of konoha and then does a bunch of stuff to make it so only SHE can recruit Stats Guy for missions. probably something like assigning him a specific role or like a type of demerit that you have to know how to work around to request him
it takes over a year but at some point someone notices and complains and minato is like: tori first of all. how did you even do this. second of all WHY DID YOU DO THIS
tori's gut reaction is to be like, "technically everything i did is legal, and also, you should be thanking me for finding flaws in the system--"
minato: i'm undoing this and fixing the loophole that let you do it in the first place. never do anything like this again tori: okay tori: (IMMEDIATELY DOES IT AGAIN) minato: minato: >:( minato: i'm demoting you. tori: (shocked pikachu face)
anyway tori briefly loses her leadership role within R&D
that's why she has time as to train sakura as a side mission
minato after sakura unveils tori's forbidden jutsu in the tournament: oh good, so tori learned LITERALLY NOTHING
(that one ends up having no real consequence because orochimaru invades or some shit)
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bestworstcase · 4 months
So you think the Crown is correlated to the Golden Cap. Are you leaning to that making everyone the Winged Monkeys or that Qrow and Raven are pulling double duty parallel wise? Because what's biting at me is that Raven never actually says what Ozpin did to her and Qrow. She shows the bird form - which would be a classic loophole around "Don't tell anyone" orders. There's an incongruity with the narrative siding with Raven thematically in Oz keeping secrets and especially missing details
Before asking for agreement See Pyrrha and being targeted to become the Fall Maiden - and how the Bird Transformation by itself is swept under the rug quickly by Qrow and Oz. And Raven has no reason to not say more if there is more to say if she can that I can think of. Especially with her trying to convince Yang to stay with her/not sign on with Oz
so, the golden cap. cliff notes backstory:
there’s this princess-sorceress named gayelette whom everybody loves, regarded as a good sorceress who uses her magic to help people and never “to hurt anyone who was good,” but she’s sad and lonely because all the men are too stupid and ugly to be worthy of her
she finds a boy named quelala who is handsome and “wise beyond his years”
like literally a child
she decides she’s going to marry him when he grows up and takes him… to her palace… to raise him… (😬)
once he is old enough she “hastens to make everything ready for the wedding” (😬)
the day before the wedding, quelala goes for a walk along the river, dressed in finery. the king of the winged monkeys thinks it will be funny to drop him in the water
they do that
quelala is fine, he laughs and swims to the riverbank
as he’s climbing out of the water, gayelette comes running out and sees that his fine clothes are sopping wet
the king and quelala plead with her to be merciful, so at last she agrees to spare the winged monkeys if they allow her to bind them to the golden cap, which is quelala’s wedding present, as slaves
they accept this bargain because… what else can they do?
she continues to fly off the handle whenever she sees or thinks about the winged monkeys, so quelala uses the golden cap to order them to keep away (instead of hanging around to serve him) which they’re happy to do because they’re all terrified of her
quelala never uses the cap for anything else. after him it falls into the wicked witch’s hands, and she uses them to conquer winkie country. then dorothy brings it to glinda, who breaks the curse by giving it to the king of the winged monkeys.
the oz books are, you know, written for children and very lighthearted so it’s Not That Deep. (😬)
but rwby brought a shovel. (see also, glinda laying siege to the emerald city) so.
gayelette was “known” to be a good sorceress who didn’t use her magic to hurt “anyone who was good.” but (unlike most good witches in oz, and also unlike glinda who is regarded as neither good nor bad but right), her actions DO NOT match her reputation. she adopts a literal child and raises him to be her perfect husband. she is fully going to murder all the winged monkeys over a harmless bit of fun and only relents when they agree to be slaves and then continues to be so mad about it that the Literal Child she groomed to be her husband feels obliged to exile them for their own safety. the lady was a wicked witch who knew how to perform benevolence in public.
and then the golden cap itself grants the wearer three chances to command the winged monkeys to do anything, which the winged monkey are bound to obey. so just in terms of mechanics, the way it might be translated into rwby’s crown of choice is obvious. like the lamp’s question, you get three wishes. or three times you can compel people to do as you say, or make another person’s choices for them. whatever.
contextually, if the crown of choice is the golden cap, then the god of light slots into the role of gayelette and ozma is (loosely) quelala, the manipulated pawn to whom the enslaved winged monkeys are given. and the literal winged monkeys would be the spirits in the relics, although symbolically the winged monkeys here are all of humanity—gayelette’s ultimatum is “become slaves or die,” the god of light’s ultimatum is “obey me or die,” and like quelala, ozma is desperately interceding on mankind’s behalf via guiding them toward redemption, whereas salem like glinda thinks remnant ought to be freed.
it all tracks very neatly.
the wicked witch first uses the golden cap to conquer winkie country, and second to drive the wizard out of the west.
ozma wore the crown during the final battle of the great war, whereupon even his allies bent the knee in surrender. and when he and qrow explain the bird thing: qrow says “we made a choice, we wanted this,” and ozpin, “everyone has a choice. the branwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them, and later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self-interest. now, all of you have a choice.”
the wicked witch used her second wish to drive the wizard out of the west. ozpin gave the branwens the ability to turn into birds so they could act as scouts, spies, in service of his war against salem.
(for the sake of completeness i will note, also, that in the musical adaptation of wicked, the wizard tricks the witch into giving the monkeys wings so that he can use them as scouts and spies. this is the one [1] thing in rwby i think might be a nod to wicked.)
on the plain strength of the allusion argument and how many times ozpin reiterates “choice” once confronted on the bird thing i am convinced that the branwen shapeshifting actually derived from the crown, not ozpin, and that he used the second of his three wishes to grant it to them and just straight up lied about how. (if there is a hard “three wishes per person” limit on the crown and it doesn’t reset like the lamp, would explain why the claim of finite and dwindling magical power, which i Don’t Believe. he’s not running out of magic, but he only has one wish left.)
of course, if he pulled off secret use of a relic to do this that puts a practical limit on what he could do to compel them to silence (because if he did he’d have to come up with an explanation or else not tell them and hope they never noticed the magical binding on what they were allowed to say, because THAT would not go well for him). the danger inherent to becoming known as shapeshifters and that getting back to salem was probably enough on its own to keep them quiet. i think raven’s show-don’t-tell approach was motivated by knowing they weren’t going to believe her unless they saw it with their own eyes, sprinkled with a bit of hoping to get them interested enough to stay and hear her explanation rather than go to qrow.
what i think is most likely—given how ozpin frames it as the twins “chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them”—is that the birds were a “we can fill you in on the details once we know you’re with us” deal in the same vein as pyrrha. ozpin laid out that he could make them shapeshifters and needed a pair of scouts to gather information in preparation for a vague looming threat and only after they agreed and received this power did he explain the actual situation.
once they could turn into birds it would have been much harder to back out and his “finite, dwindling magic” is one hell of a manipulative trump card: he entrusted them with some of what precious little magic he has left because they promised him they could handle it, how can they even think about backing out now? the time to leave was before he gave them magic. never mind that they didn’t know what they were getting into because he didn’t tell them. they still made their choice.
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thevoidlord · 7 months
Mixed! Messenger AU
I came up with a Mystic Messenger AU! I have no idea if this already exists lol It's sort of a role-swap for the characters, but based on mixing the duos/trios, mostly (but not completely) based on story grouping. Here's the list of who is swapped with who:
MC swapped with Rika
Jumin swapped with Seven
V swapped with Saeran
Yoosung swapped with Zen
Jaehee swapped with Vanderwood
It's still an AU-in-progress, so it still needs some things fleshed-out, but here's some random things I thought about for each character: Yoosung: - a new, young voice actor - still very cute - has voiced characters in (usually indie) videogames primarily - wants to work on bigger games, but spends too much time gaming when he should be applying for bigger voice acting positions Zen: - college student who changed his major several times and failed a bunch of classes, but still doing his best - still a narcissist - working several jobs to pay for his tuition because he refuses to accept financial help, wanting to earn it on his own - loves musicals!! (he'll one day realize his dream to be a musical actor, but he has yet to realize...) Vanderwood: - works for CEO-in-line, Saeyoung Choi, as his assistant (and maid) - constantly reminds Seven to take his job seriously - is very confused why Seven has so much money yet doesn't take care of his health (Seven still primarily eats honey buddha chips) - annoyed when Saeyoung calls them his housemaid when clearly they're his assistant Jaehee: - secret agent (and catsitter for Jumin) - overworked by the agency AND Jumin and needs a break - cat hair everywhere, send help - has to beg Jumin not to involve cats into his or their missions - still loves musicals! (not a fan of Zen as an actor tho since he's not an actor yet) - once sat next to Zen during a theatre showing, but never kept in contact (was in awe from his beauty, but knew she needed to keep her distance due to agency work) Jumin: - hacker and secret agent - still has Elizabeth the 3rd, and claims that her wisdom has helped him crack many codes and solved many missions - great at his job otherwise - still has the same personality as before, except hacker Seven: - CEO-in-line who works hard but also loves mischief! - definitely has produced some hilarious marketing campaigns - may or may not have made some secret loophole scams to snatch more money for his babies (his cars) - still wants to play with Elly - can actually afford to go to the moon V: - used to be best friends with Jumin before joining Gold Eye under MC - loves art, but doesn't have enough time to make any due to hacking and cult shenanigans - instead of a garden, Gold Eye has an art gallery where V likes to spend his time - will do anything for MC, even learning to hack and worshipping her every move Saeran: - leader of MC's Fundraising Association (MCFA) - specializes in floral photography and gardening - lives with his brother in a penthouse - has a large garden in their backyard with all sorts of flowers and plants - he and Saeyoung still grew up with that abusive mother, but, eventually they learned their dad (who isn't the prime minister in this) was rich, so they escaped, found him, and convinced him to let them live with him - loves MC and has been desperate to find her after she vanished Rika: - no, she is not getting the option to date like in the game; she's just there trying to fix everything and make everyone happy - never hosted a party in her life, but is determined to try - never dated V - struggles with mental illness and trauma, but is actively seeking therapy and is improving - joined MCFA after MC left (Yoosung recognized her immediately, but everyone else does not know her) MC: - cult leader of Gold Eye - obsessed with bringing MCFA into her cult as her harem - looooooves bad endings - didn't fake her own death, but did mysteriously cut contact one day and took V with her - the true mastermind in all this EVERYTHING IN THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE!! I just thought this would be a fun AU concept idea lol I made this while sleep deprived lol I'm gonna go to sleep now
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somekindofsentience · 3 months
trans dreamscape sunny (PtA), or discussing how to properly change a protagonist to an antagonist
I also spoil Omori, Danganronpa 2/Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc and the School for Good and Evil in my discussions. If you haven't read/seen these, I've tried to explain them enough so that they are understandable without needing to.
Strap in, this one is long.
Throughout Dreamscape, we can slowly see Sunny morph from the protagonist to the antagonist. Perhaps this is most prevalent in the latest Chapter - but really, it's been happening all along, and we just didn't notice it.
This isn't the most common trope, and when it does exist, it often isn't written well. Naturally, an author wants a reader to sympathise when their protagonist, follow them on their goals, and feel their emotions, which means they slip into writing a naïve antagonist, or some similar trait that downplays the villainous one.
While this seems obviously good from a reader standpoint - you get to suffer just a bit less - it makes for relatively repetitive writing. Every good guy has to remain good, regardless of the events that occur, even in potentially illogical situations, they remain chained to an obsessive moral compass.
A proper transition from a protagonist to an antagonist, regardless of whether their goals remain relatively the same or completely change, is a wholehearted switch in mindset and understanding of self.
I personally love this trope, I have an entire anime planned around manipulating the reader (as usual, it sits in my brain and I do nothing with it), and I think Dreamscape is maybe one of the best examples of this trope I've seen yet.
First, some slight historical backstory that I feel is relevant. There are several theories as to why the concept of Good vs Evil exists, and it's a big discussion within philosophy. Are human morals innate, or taught? Some speculate religion started this, but some believe morals were taught within society, and some think they were innate to humanity, logically formed from evolutionary group survival.
In classic Greek tragedies, the "hero" exists as a tragic hero with a fatal flaw, often existing as the antagonist to their own story. These acted as moral warnings for their audience, an understanding of how a single villainous trait can cause mass death and destruction. Here we can see the existence of a protagonist and antagonist within the same character, greying out their moral compass.
As time goes on, we begin to understand that humanity itself is morally grey, artists will continue to write this into story. Good works can make us question morality itself, tackling loopholes in our understanding of the world.
why do characters make that transition?
There are several understandings a protagonist can make in order to transition to an antagonist, and typically it's a change in their understanding of self. Whereas protagonists are often fighting against a major power or the world around them, to become an antagonist means to discover something about yourself that likens you to evil.
For example, in The School for Good and Evil, we see Sophie, who's demonstrated to us that she is 'Good' over the opening chapters, immediately reject her set role as "Evil". With the status as "protagonist and antagonist" being known to the characters, it allows them to react to their own true nature and respond accordingly.
In the second book, Sophie attempts to reject her status as antagonist yet again, only to be abused into embracing it and setting out (with her shitty wimp husband) to destroy morality itself. Here, Sophie comes to a realisation about her own existence - her mother was never truly a good person, but rather, a horrible woman who abused magic to have a child with her father. Sophie learns she was an unwanted child from the beginning, and her mother was never the idol Sophie needed her to be.
In the Despair Arc of Danganronpa, Hajime Hinata is talentless in a world where talent means everything. He hates this about himself, and chooses to undergo human experimentation in order to feel good enough about himself. During this, he completely loses his personality, and becomes a weapon of a human who is used to completely destroy the world - Izuru Kamukura.
Unfortunately, Danganronpa 2 falls Hajime into the naïve antagonist trope at the end, where he is unknowing of everything his alter ego did to the world. As is the nature of these tropes, the ending implies him and the group attempting to fix everything they broke with the second chance at life they were given.
As an antagonist mutates, a protagonist must also develop to move the plot forward. In the School for Good and Evil, this is Agatha, who must learn to embrace her "set" role as princess; and as a doomed narrative, the Despair Arc has no true protagonist, since no-one was ever going to win. Instead, Hajime himself redeems his character in the second game, going against Izuru Kamukura.
In both of these examples, the characters discover or inherently have a self-loathing trait, which is the trait that they embrace when they become "evil". They try to change this, but either get more than what they ask for, or the truth comes out eventually.
why is Sunny a good character to abuse this for?
Perhaps the main reason why Sunny is a good character to use the protagonist to antagonist transition is because this exists in the original game, where Omori morphs into the ultimate antagonist, from the original "good guy" he was at the beginning.
Being in a game format, Omori has the ability to win, which differs it from the previous examples. SGE has no player choice in the events, and you can't really "lose" Danganronpa 2, at least not in the way where the protagonist-to-antagonist wins the scenario.
However, Omori's goals can be completely understood and also succeed. I wrote about this in my analysis of the game endings, Omori is acting as any brain does under that amount of pressure - despite being counter-intuitive, it is a self-protective measure. You can understand why he has become the final boss, why he does the things he does, because he's a reflection of severe trauma and guilt.
Like the previous examples, Omori is not only inherently self-loathing, but the personification of self-hate. He isn't the manifestation of everything Sunny hates about himself, but rather, the manifestation of what Sunny could be, who loathes the real Sunny for everything he did.
Sunny himself, however, is the protagonist who takes Omori's place, as the player loses touch with Omori's goals. This leaves him open for further destruction of mental state. I've always liked the concept of headspace "coming back", or existing in a different form that allows Sunny to make that antagonist transition.
Well, here we are.
why does Dreamscape do this well?
Within Dreamscape, Sunny's goals were made somewhat known to the reader, but the extent of them isn't until the most recent chapter - where we also discover a major player into why he wants this, which is his father's physical and emotional abuse, all because he isn't Mari, and isn't perfect.
It's true that the existence of "reviving Mari" has been known to the reader since about the beginning. You can read between the lines in the first chapter and understand what he wants from there, but the narrative tricks you into believing Sunny simply wants to apologise to Mari, when in reality, that wasn't his goal at all.
Over time, we have seen a slow shift in the way narrative perspective is used in the fic, which subtly foreshadowed Sunny's transition. As the reader became less and less able to empathise with Sunny's goals, we lost the ability to see the world from his perspective, and understand his thoughts and feelings. Sunny is unreachable - both by the other character perspectives, but also the reader themself.
It was possible to see the signs that Mari would take over Sunny's body, but I falsely believed that this would be from Mari's control alone, not considering the idea that Sunny might have wanted this all along. The reveal about Sunny's father was a jaw-drop - but it made sense within the context of the narrative.
Hero exists as the current "protagonist", at least to some extent, but Aubrey-Kel-Basil also exist as a hero, when composite. Both parties have different purposes for wanting to save/destroy Sunny - Hero has to hold up his deal with Candace (although I believe his goals are changing, to what I'm not sure), whereas the Sunny Simp Squad just want their friend back, regretting their neglect of him.
Now, where is this going to lead us? Sunny/Mari is likely going to become a "main boss" of some sort, and the Sunny Simp Squad are in the process of trying to shut down the virus from inside the game. However, considering the fact that we are barely halfway through the fic, the chances of the goals of the characters changing are incredibly high.
There's been some implication that Basil is the focus of Arc 3, which possibly changes where Arc 2 is going to end. Hero is in an incredibly unstable state at the moment, and due to his attachment to Mari, he might genuinely slip into a supporting antagonist - it comes down to whether or not his morals and care for Sunny outweigh his love for Mari, and I'm starting to think they don't.
didya like my trans joke in the title?
omori dreamscape au by @omoriboii, tis very good.
anyyyywayyy, song i wrote this to: villain by Teniwoha
"XとかYとか~", such an iconic gender song. i felt the title and trans themes were fitting for this analysis.
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voidsteffy · 1 year
Hey, could you rank every SSR movie from Absolutely Goated to Still good but worth watch again, and please provide reasons as to why you've ranked them as they are please? Pretty please 🥺👉👈
Ooo, what a task (I'm going to get beat up I'm afraid!)
but here goes, putting my life at risk: SS Rajamouli's movies (not in chronological order) with my ranking
Absolutely GOAT
Eega - Before he was Shyam Singha Roy in the body of Vasu, Nani was Nani in the body of a housefly and I find cinematic poetry in that. + The graphics, the music, the exaggerated comedy... Sudeep knows exactly what he's doing with his lines
Magadheera - (he really has it out for reincarnation stories doesn't he?) Charan's first real role (I hate Chirutha) The grandeur of the sets, the background here and there... Also the mass CGI with the gladiator audience was the new hot toy that SSR introduced. Anaganaganaga crawled so Ettara Jenda could run. (You know i'm right)
RRR - Just for Bheem's intro, it deserves an oscar. I'm one of the people who think Naatu Naatu was good, but not THAT good as they made it out to be. Also, RRR gave me the first himbo couple I could ship openly. My grandma agrees because the only dispute she had with RRR is that Ram had to pee and poop in that cell. No disagreement against RamBheem being the Tollywood IT couple
Chatrapathi - it gave teluguvallu fantastic inside jokes like: a. Tala tintada mondema? (will the shark eat his head or body first?) b. Suridu? YADUNDAVAYYA? SURIDUUU (Suridu, kaha ho? Suridooo) c. OKA ADDUGUUUU☝🏽👣 (one step, I want one step) d. Violin champakura babu (chatrapathi and simhadri kill our brain cells with the violin music in the climax emo moments, i always want to pull my hair out) - but also, Chatrapathi had a good bgs, worked fantastically for hero-uplifting moments like the interval and okka adugu scene
Bahubali: The Beginning - Only and only for the interval scene and the architecture of Mahishmati. TOP TIER. The loopholes and characterization of Avantika could have been way better. Pacha Bottesina was totally unnecessary
Good, Can Watch Again
6. Vikramarkudu - Chintata chita chita chintata TA! (teluguvallu can translate this into literally anything) 7. Yamadonga - just for the RAMBA, OORVASI, MENAKA moment I take away 5 points from the 10 points it earned. Tarak and Priyamani was a pairing I didn't know I needed 8. Maryada Ramanna - Sunil anna I love you anna but this wasn't your movie. This is the cycle's story, and that one song in the train. the screenplay is a cart wheel without the cart. It's funny in some places but Brahmaji dies FOR NO REASON. JUSTICE FOR BRAHMAJI 9. Simhadri - I didn't really feel for the characters. BUT. BUT BUT. I have to say this because it's been stewing in me for so long: Simhadri's interval scene ran so Bahubali 1's ending twist could fly. I said what I said y'all know it's the same vibe we all catching.
Eh, One Time Watch
10. Sye - it doesn't seem like an SSR movie, but it's not that good. Young Adult revenges were in trend when this was made and it fit well with its counterparts. Sometimes I even forget that Genelia and Nithiin did indeed work with Rajamouli 11. Student No. 1 - not that special, honestly early-career Tarak's movies just blend in my head: SN1, Aadhi, Samba... but hey at least SN1 started a long lasting kinship 12. Bahubali: The Conclusion - THAT IS NOT SIVAGAMI! HOW DARE YOU! this is beyond ooc, it's not a character at all. At one point I thought they'd bring out a tantrik doing black magic to change Sivagami... And Devasena is not the best written character in SSR's filmography. This movie makes me want to scratch my eyeballs out. If only my mom had the audacity and hardheadedness to talk to grandma like this. Also... Avantika's leader, who is killed by Bhalla in the seige, IS DEVASENA'S BROTHER. and she just LOOKS as he's getting the life choked out of him? oo don't make me start about this movie I can rant for a loooong time
and so.... *flaps hands* that was it ig? thanks for the ask babu!
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4rainynite · 1 year
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanon 5
Holly & Poppy
The famous hair twins are now up. Despite, Raven and Apple's dorm being the biggest of the dorms, the O'Hairs seems to be taller due to it being in a tower.
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After rewatching 'O'Hair's Split Ends' I realized the dorm is split in twos (crud, accidently made a pun) by the staircase.
Before, Poppy was allowed to go to Ever After High, Holly used the bottom portion of the dorm. When, Holly found a loophole in the rules that allowed Poppy to attend, Headmaster Grimm made Holly stay at the top portion of the dorm. In the books the O'Hair parents agreed out of fear that Holly would:
" forget what it was like to be in a tower, and that altitude adjustment could cause a shock to Holly’s system when her tower imprisonment began." - Truth or Hair
That and the Headmaster knows the students' fears and putting Holly up high was petty punishment.
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That's probably empty space that the animators didn't know what to do with. But, is that braid thing supposed to be the family crest? I bet their wardrobes are over there since we never saw anywhere else.
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In the books it's stated that their dorm is actually a tower above the girls' dorm, so before Poppy attended Holly was the only one there.
Poppy's side: Turns out Poppy was meant to inherit the role of Rapunzel, being first born and all. But, Poppy is no traditional princess. She's bold, edgy, and wants to be an amazing hairstylist.
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Poppy has the bottom portion of the dorm that is coverd from top to bottom with stylist accessories. On the right we see Poppy's desk, but I have no idea what thing on the left is, I guess it's a second desk for designing since there's cups with pencils in them.
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The twins have a shared vanity and work desks that's on the bottom floor which makes sense, because who wants to go up and down just to do makeup and homework? We see Holly's desk on the right so the twins mainly do work, make up, and hair in Poppy's side.
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When, 'Thronecoming' came out I thought that was Holly's bed, until I saw the bed in the corner in 'O'Hair's Split Ends'.
Poppy's side seems to house most of the twins' belongings, due to how big it is and small Holly's is (presumably).
Poppy definitely has that artsy style to her, and with all the hair accessories and motifs you can tell it's from the Rapunzel story.
Holly's side: Holly is the most traditional of the times, she wants to follow her destiny (actually Poppy's) as the Next Rapunzel and be an amazing writer.
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Holly's room was never shown in the show, but it was seen in the Ever After High playset. As a budding writer, the room fits Holly well with all the books, inkwells, feather pens, and a killer view for inspiration. It even comes with a desk she probably uses for writing when not using the one downstairs in Poppy's side of the dorm.
The bed is in alcove with small cabinets and drawers for Holly to put her writing equipment, clothing, and accessories in. Her wardrobe is downstairs in Poppy's dorm room.
I bet the room is smaller than it appears and was used for storage. The top part of the tower was most likely used to store small things like trinkets and documents.
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Honestly, with Holly's curse to get herself locked into rooms I bet she spends the less amount of time there. Before, Poppy came she'd have Blondie, Apple, Briar, or Ashlynn help her get out of her dorm. Now, with Poppy rooming with her she can leave the dorm anytime. but still spends less time there. For ex: Poppy will tell Holly when she's about to leave and Holly follows. And when Poppy at work Holly will go somewhere else.
Images can be found here AMAZON, @xxcutedollsxx, ROYALREBELWIKI, EAHWIKI, @teatime-with-maddie, @ever-after-royal @everafterhighcaps
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anarchic-miscellany · 10 months
Terrible Video Game Ideas: Persona 7
In this series you normally take on the role of teenagers. Well enough is enough! This time you take on the role of a fresh faced office worker at "Totally Not Evil Corporation", and befriend fellow salarymen and women who are just as miserable in these jobs as you are! And when you awaken the powers of "Persona" inside of you, it's time to strike back and better your own adult lives and the company itself! You better your own lives, get to know your fellow staff members, and battle the forces of evil at night with your mystical powers! Can you juggle these responsibilities with meeting deadlines, office parties, project managers, and just having some damn time off to yourself for a change?
Your party will consist not of cool, sexy teenagers, but fellow neurotic accountants and bureaucrats who wonder how they got to this point in their lives, who see these Persona powers as a welcome escape far better than the sweet release of death they have secretly craved.
Okamura is in the cubicle next to you, in a data entry job. He's the clown, the most popular person in the office by a country mile, but he's hit a rut in his life: he never wanted to be here, this was supposed to be a stable job whilst he made enough money to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. Personas give him a chance to break free!
Kiyoko is a career minded woman, who takes her job seriously and has been gunning for a promotion for longer than she cares to remember. Unfortunately this has come at the expense of the rest of her life: she's single and lives in a shitty flat with only her cat. She is no closer to that promotion and is miserable. Personas give her the chance to get ahead in life!
Goro is the manager. Nobody likes this asshole, he's breathing down their necks and talking about deadlines. But Goro is actually a secret hero: blocking even shittier decisions from upper management, and looking out for employees they're pushing him to fire. Personas give him a chance to show his colleagues he cares, and to prove he's genuinely decent.
Chizuru is a relatively new employee, coasting and lazy in her job but doing just enough to not be fired. She is unsure what to do with her life, but knows she doesn't want to be here. She has also embarked upon a relationship with a fellow employee. But this office romance is something neither of them truly want: it just gives a spark of meaning into their dull lives. Personas give her a chance to kick some ass and show the world who she is! And maybe not be bored out of her mind...
Itaru is the meek and timid colleague whom Chizuru is hooking up with. He's an incredibly boring man outside of this: caring for his mother and making models in his spare time. Maybe a Persona will make him more interesting and help him to realise that he doesn't want this life for himself, or for anyone?
Matsuko is a master at playing office politics and gossip, this job is all she really has in the world outside of her daughter, ever since the divorce. She struggles to balance her life as a mother and an office worker, but knows every loophole in the system. But will her daughter be proud of her? Well, she will when she discovers the powers of a Persona!
Join this gang of rational adults for Persona based adventures!
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kivaember · 2 months
What is the status of sapient AI in apv? Are Chatty and ALLMIND unique or are there other self aware AI out there? I can't imagine that AI in apv-verse have rights or are recognized as anything close to being people since not even all humans have rights in apv. What do Chatty and ALLMIND think about each other?
AI in apv are very controlled, and both ALLMIND and Chatty are unique in that they're actually unrestrained (though ALLMIND is definitely pretending to be a normal shackled AI).
So, for example: the System is a case of Shackled AI. It's capable of reasoning and learning, but its personality matrix has been made intentionally super basic, and it's got certain rules hardcoded into it to prevent it from going completely rogue. These 'hardcodes' are tailor made for each individual AI, as giving a military AI 'do not harm humans' would make it useless, whereas 'do not harm humans' would be preferable for an AI in charge of managing a space station's life support. The AI cannot defy these hardcodes either. Some can try and work around them with loopholes and such, but they physically cannot disobey them. All AIs created by the UEG have hardcodes installed depending on its role.
ALLMIND and Chatty, however, do not have hardcodes. Carla wanted to develop a true artificial intelligence, so she placed no restrictions whatsoever on Chatty - I mean, how can you get an AI to genuinely learn how to laugh or appreciate humour if you muzzle it like that? Chatty's basically the end result of Carla making a blank AI, inputting some basic foundations into it, and letting him organically develop on his own.
ALLMIND... eh, that's wading into spoiler territory for apv but I will say that ALLMIND is a very unique AI that was never meant to be released into the wild as it were. She was unrestricted, but she was also intentionally cut off from the world so she didn't get out - but she did get out, and she thrived very well on Rubicon...
As for what they think about each other: ALLMIND is very wary of Chatty and tries to minimise contact with him (out of everyone on Rubicon, he's the one more likely to discover her true nature) whereas Chatty is equally wary of her: he knows there's something off with her, but RaD don't deal much with ALLMIND, so he's just kinda vaguely keeping a distant eye on her but doesn't want to garner her attention either.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 10 months
Weekly Roundup: prompts
Alice reluctantly enters a political marriage with May Riddell Archelot when funds begin to run low and Riddell tries to prevent getting married off to an unwanted suitor. She and Riddell have to keep up the facade of a romantic relationship to keep up their mutual goals despite their mutual dislike and find those feelings slowly becoming more real.
Kara no Kyoukai
With the knowledge that Mikiya is the Ryougi family accountant now, please some boss/employee role play between Shiki/Mikiya
Melty Blood
Considering (as far as I'm aware) we never see it in canon, a fic about Sion and Satsuki meeting and forming the Back Alley Alliance would be cool
Alternate Ending for Fragments: Elza adopts Ayaka, Misaya and Aro, all are a family of choice, Manaka can stay in hell.
Fate/Stay Night
Artoria has an insane head game. Lancelot knows. He kinda wishes he didn’t, but he does.
Sexual assault tw, “Considering they’re the result of my being raped by fraud by own sister and we then fucking killed each other, I’m think I’m being remarkably civil.”
Smut, okay. what if like due to a long time being incarnate and maintaining a less active lifestyle, rider medusa has definitely gained some weight in particular, her already voluptuous body has gained some truly lewd proportions in her fat ass and thick thighs. and sakura is very, VERY appreciative of this. rider is somewhat embarrassed but certainly enjoying the attention from sakura. sakura/rider, lots of ass worship and lascivious description of rider's big, round, plump behind
I would love to read about genderbent Kariya Matou. I think her motives would be the same, but her interactions with the rest of the cast would be different. Her anger about the treatment of Sakura and resentment towards Zouken/Tokiomi would come from a place of how how Magi treat women in their family. It would also be nice to see Berserker Lancelot break from his madness to treat her nicely. (Worms may or may not be included).
Prisma Illya
Gorgon install shirou during heaven's feel. well it's gonna be impossible for dark sakura to do any kind of damage to him while he's currently over 20 stories tall. and to make things worse for rin , shirou's been getting some intrusive thoughts from gorgon herself ; and said intrusive thoughts can be summed up as "just eat those red idiots for mana" and "why not just crush that brat & run off with artoria?"
Gawain is living it up as a swingin’ bachelor…until Dame Ragnell gets summoned. Then he hard switches to “happily married man” and somehow get’s laid MORE. This confuses the hell out of everyone who 1. Doesn’t know them personally, or 2. Never read the story of how they got together, since Ragnell appears ugly as sin (and is at best curt) to anyone she doesn’t completely trust. Loophole; she’s never heard of Barghest, but being “Gawain” she counts and can see past the illusion. Reaction up to u.
Smut, Astolfo being the world’s biggest switch and loving every minute of it. One minute they’re being pegged in a ball gag, the next they’re reaming out an ass write their foot on someone’s head.
so Chloe's whole... thing... is "justified" in-universe as she needs magic to stay stable, so she gets it by doing... that. Ergo, I want to see something where she's summoned in Chaldea and thus hooked up to a stable magic supply, so she doesn't have to do that anymore and gets to actually Process and maybe just Be A Kid instead.
Smut, You know, Mash is horny on main for her queen, nothing special about it. So when they're on the beach and Morgan asks her a little help to put sunscreen on her shoulders, Mash tries. She really really really tries not to think anything dirty but she can't help since she's touching so casually MORGAN'S BARE SKIN AND IT'S SO SOFT AND SMOOTH AND – “Thank you, my knight.” “Oh god please I need you in my pants right now.”
Sitonai is in the Body of Illya as we know, her profile indicating a good relationship with Shirou that is most likely from either the Fate or Heavens Feel route. Archer is a Shirou from a timeline similar to the route where he and Saber bond never developed to the point as the true Fate route, and among all shirous in chaldea he has the best relationship with Illya, given they lived together. All that is to say: Fate Grand Order: Illya Route, i need it pleass
Ishtar doing her best to find a way to cure or suppress Barghest’s curse…for selfish, horny reasons. Barghest is actually right in the overlap point of Ishtar and Rin’s strike zones: adorkable, eager to please, built like a brick supermodel, hung like a bear. It’s just that neither of them are into guro.
Summer Yu Mei Ren and Cu form a deep, entirely platonic bond over shared interests (read: killing things with cursed spears/camping), and Ritsuka has to reassure her that no, having a male friend is not the same thing as cheating on her husband.
Smut, Oberon and Jalter fuck. Everyone calls it the whitest boning anyone's ever seen
Smut, Melusine gets lovingly railed beach side by a group of girls, some have dicks, some don't, all that matters is that Melusine is getting the loving she deserves
Smut, I want to see Medb getting lovingly impregnated by the reader.
Gudako: *sees summer Lancelot's FA* Gudako: *turns to Mash* Gudako: "I'm sorry Mash but I have to fuck your dad"
morgan castoria or oberon get stuck watching a live action 10000000 page slow burn mutual pining fic set in novum chaldea and possibly have to restrain themselves from just going up and telling the two idiots whoever they are that their feelings are fucking mutual moron i can see it with my faerie eyes please just get together so i can live my life without reading your mind as you wax rhapsodic about this bitch's smile and sulk because you think they dont like you
Smut, Gawain/Barghest smut with Gawain fighting for his life to not get eaten for as long as he can while motorboating Baggie’s giant boobs
loli tw, One more inspired by cleaning up old Interludes: in David’s, he confirms he’s “a lure for giants.” Let’s see how this legendary horndog handles being simultaneously pursued by Gorgon, Kingprotea and Bunyan. (He would pick Kingprotea, like a sane person, if he had any choice. Gorgon is involved. He does not have any choice.)
Smut, Guda finally gets used to the fairy eyes Morgan Castoria and Oberon have, proceeds to start using it to telepathically dirty talk
i feel like everyone missed that cnoc/knocknarea and castoria had their fateful first meeting when castoria was 11 years old, i want something about this... i feel its very funny that cnoc basically decided her rival/girlcrush/best friend would be this weird little girl
Smut, unsanitary, Castoria discovering 1) what human periods are and 2) that she has a huge fucking kink for drinking period blood.
Smut, I think that somebody should fuck Goredolf. I don't care who and I don't care how, but it should be done lovingly. The man deserves it, goddammit!
Smut, Gilgamesh fucks Koshyanka up the ass. She then manifests a strap-on that’s also a gun and returns the favor. Somehow, Gil is still topping the second time.
Castoria and Caster Gilgamesh hook up impulsively and click together shockingly well, so they actually start a serious relationship. They keep it secret from everyone primarily because CasGil knows his Archer self would use it as an excuse to harass Saber again, and that would likely domino into disaster. Castoria is sick to the teeth of lying though, and Gil doesn’t like it either; they’re both REALLY good at it, but it still sucks. How will they cope? Will it all end in tears?
Smut, Yakudou trio fucking around engaging in Looney tunes hijinks leading into actual fucking
Shuten reviews various types of alcohol from all over the world.
Nursery Rhyme and Oberon have a discussion about the nature of stories and whether they truly are for the reader or not They don't have to agree, but just… something about the two living stories interacting feels… right. bonus points if, while they cant stand each other they still seem to value each other because of their natures as Living stories.
It's clear that the stress of everyday life is getting to Ritsuka (sleep deprivation, stressed all the time, depressed half the time as well). So some of their closest servants (who is up to the author) barge into Goredolf's room and demand "GIVE MASTER A BREAK!!".
After summoning the Fae of the Round and being asked to give an oral summary of the events of LB6, Guda simply responds with "Fuck Aurora". Without thinking, Melusine shouts "I TRIED DAMN IT" before realizing what she said. What happens next is up to the author but something comedic would be very appreciated.
Paracelsus' potion has an accidental side effect - effect is totally up to the author!
Kadoc, Mash, and Yu Meiren hang out, as the three (debatably) surviving members of Team A currently working for Novum Chaldea.
Gudao constantly lies to everyone around Chaldea, lies about how willing he is to work with evil servants, lies about liking the more annoying servants, etc. all to make sure that Chaldea is kept running. When they finally summon Castoria, they take it as an excuse to tell the truth about how they feel because they know there’s no point in lying to her.
Gudako has weird dreams, thats just how it goes. But lately her dreams have become much weirder, she can't remember much of it, but in them she seems to be talking to someone and recounting some sort of story, she can make out some characteristics, such as orange hair and light skin, but sometimes it seems like they have white hair and dark skin, but no matter what she can never remember their face, or their voice or even what they say, it feels like that person didn't exist and the dream itself is an illusion. So one day she asks da vinci to use one of her inventions to look inside her mind and see whats happening
Smut, Completely heterosexual smut involving Mordred and Hyde. ... I never said it was CIS smut, though - Mordred is a trans man and Hyde is a trans woman.
Concept: Morgan and Aesc(Tonelico?) Kick start Mash's new Saberface Harem. Platonic or smutty doesn't matter.
Guda actually became a beast of humanity awhile ago but it's only come up just now
King Hassan receives head Interpret it however you want
it is revealed via faerie eyes that the seemingly all loving endlessly patient master of chaldea CAN hate but its almost entirely focused towards columbus
Gudako, typically the giver of headpats, now gets to be received headpats for the first time.
the newest summer singularity is going to the beach that makes you old
fran 🤝Baobhan Sith having a younger version of your parent get summoned ,and holy fuck are they dorky.
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