#the non-daily prophet
quillkiller · 3 months
one day im going to make a long post about rita and pansys friendship after the second wizarding war.. just you wait..
#pansy who’s alone and everyones turned their back on her#shunned from the wizarding society and unemployed#no one will hire her#until! rita skeeter offers her an internship at the daily prophet#takes her completely under her wing#mentor/mentee type deal#<— platonic. this time.#post quillkiller#and pansy reminding rita of a young bellatrix#post a fucked up intimate (non-platonic but not really sexual??) relationship between pansy and narcissa#during the second war#when there were plans to marry draco and pansy#<- their relationship was sort of like the film The Reader#rita also being entirely alone after the war#maybe was hospitalized again at the janus thickey ward#<— something i (& kara <- we’re conjoined) hc her being after the first war / when bella goes to azkaban#pansy and rita Duo of All Time#rita being the ’back in my day..’ and fiercly protective of pansy#even risking her career to give pansy a chance#something she never wouldve done before#pansy confiding in rita and rita becoming sort of her (still morally fucked up) parent..#’you know.. you remind me a bit of her (bellatrix)’#<- pansy being offended at this because all she knows of bellatrix is her being dracos crazy fucked up aunt#BUT SHE WAS A GIRL ONCE#JUST LIKE PANSY…#anyway.#one day!#young adult pansy navigating through post war life after being dubbed The Traitor#and rita who hasn’t really felt anything since 1. bella took the mark/went to prison and 2. when she died#just the two of them sort of finding a way back to joy and purpose through each other and becoming a little family just the two of them.
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bookwormjust · 7 days
Suprising Theodore Nott (your boyfriend) with your skill in his native language, Italian
It's a quiet afternoon in the Slytherin common room, sunlight streaming through the tall, narrow windows. Theodore is sitting beside you on the green velvet couch, one hand idly tracing patterns on your leg while the other flips through a book. The room is calm, a few of his friends lounging around nearby, but none of them are really paying attention to you two. Draco is reading the Daily Prophet, Mattheo is deep in conversation with Lorenzo about something that sounds like mischief.
You glance up at Theodore, his sharp features softened by the warm light, and a small smile tugs at your lips. You've been practicing for this moment all week, and now feels like the perfect time.
With a deep breath, you lean toward him, your voice gentle as you ask, “Theo... che cosa stai leggendo?” (Theo, what are you reading?)
He freezes for a second, surprised, before his eyes widen slightly in delight. His gaze shifts from the book to you, a proud smirk appearing on his lips. “Che cosa ho sentito?” he murmurs, a teasing note in his voice. (What did I just hear?)
You feel a little shy under his intense gaze, but you press on. “Ho detto... che cosa stai leggendo?” you repeat, your accent not perfect, but you manage well enough. (I said... what are you reading?)
He laughs softly, the sound low and warm, before leaning in a little closer to you. “Sto leggendo un vecchio libro sulla magia antica.” (I’m reading an old book on ancient magic.) His fingers continue their lazy movements on your leg, but now there's a glint of pride in his eyes. “Sei stata fantastica, amore,” he adds quietly, his voice full of admiration. (You were amazing, love.)
You bite your lip, a little embarrassed but mostly pleased that he noticed how hard you’ve been trying. You glance around quickly—none of his friends seem to be paying attention, too absorbed in their own conversations. You lean into him, whispering, “Volevo sorprenderti.” (I wanted to surprise you.)
Theodore chuckles, his hand slipping up to cup your cheek. “E ci sei riuscita,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing against your skin. (And you succeeded.)
Feeling more confident now, you decide to keep going, asking, “Ti piace che sto imparando?” (Do you like that I’m learning?)
He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment before he pulls back to look into your eyes. “Mi rende così orgoglioso di te,” he says softly, his voice thick with affection. (It makes me so proud of you.) He leans in closer, his lips brushing your ear as he adds, “Non c'è nessuno che preferirei insegnare.” (There’s no one I’d rather teach.)
Your heart flutters at his words, the warmth in his voice sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. You lean your head on his shoulder, feeling content and proud of yourself. “Grazie, Theo,” you say quietly. (Thank you, Theo.)
He smiles down at you, his fingers now threading gently through your curls. “Prego, amore mio,” he replies, his voice soft and full of love. (You’re welcome, my love.)
For a moment, it’s just the two of you, your little bubble of Italian secret conversations and soft touches. None of his friends can understand what you’re saying, and that only makes it more special. Theodore’s gaze stays fixed on you, pride and admiration clear in his eyes. He tilts your chin up gently, pressing a tender kiss to your lips before murmuring, “Sei perfetta.” (You’re perfect.)
You can’t help but smile, your heart swelling at the sound of his praise. “Solo perché ho un bravo insegnante,” you tease, your voice playful. (Only because I have a good teacher.)
He chuckles, his hand resting on the back of your neck as he pulls you closer. “Allora dobbiamo continuare le lezioni,” he whispers, his lips brushing against your temple. (Then we must continue the lessons.)
You laugh softly, nodding as you settle into his arms. “Sì, voglio imparare di più,” you whisper back. (Yes, I want to learn more.)
He grins, clearly pleased, and presses another kiss to your forehead. “Bene,” he whispers. (Good.) And as the day stretches on, you stay wrapped up in each other, speaking softly in a language that only the two of you can share.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani’s Kitab al-Aghani records the lives of a number of individuals including one named Tuways who lived during the last years of Muhammad and the reigns of the early Muslim dynasties. Tuways was mukhannathun: those who were born as men, but who presented as female. They are described by al-Isfahani as wearing bangles, decorating their hands with henna, and wearing feminine clothing. One mukhannathun, Hit, was even in the household of the Prophet Muhammad. Tuways earned a reputation as a musician, performing for clients and even for Muslim rulers. When Yahya ibn al-Hakam was appointed as governor, Tuways joined in the celebration wearing ostentatious garb and cosmetics. When asked by the governor if he were Muslim Tuways affirmed his belief, proclaiming the declaration of faith and saying that he observes the fast of Ramadan and the five daily prayers. In other words, al-Isfahani, who recorded the life of a number of mukhannathun like Tuways, saw no contradiction between his gender expression and his Muslimness. From al-Isfahani we read of al-Dalal, ibn Surayj, and al-Gharid—all mukhannathun—who lived rich lives in early Muslim societies. Notably absent from al-Isfahani’s records is any state-sanctioned persecution. Instead, the mukhannathun are an accepted part of society.
Far from isolated cases, across Islamic history—from North Africa to South Asia—we see widespread acceptance of gender nonconforming and queer individuals. - Later in the Ottoman Empire, there were the köçek who were men who wore women’s clothing and performed at festivals. Formally trained in dance and percussion instruments, the köçek were an important part of social functions. A similar practice was found in Egypt. The khawal were male dancers who presented as female, wearing dresses, make up, and henna. Like their Ottoman counterparts, they performed at social events.
- In South Asia, the hijra were and are third-sex individuals. The term is used for intersex people as well as transgender women. Hijra are attested to among the earliest Muslim societies of South Asia where, according to Nalini Iyer, they were often guardians of the household and even held office as advisors.
- In Iraq, the mustarjil are born female, but present as men. In Wilfred Thesiger’s The Marsh Arabs the guide, Amara explains, “A mustarjil is born a woman. She cannot help that; but she has the heart of a man, so she lives like a man.” When asked if the mustarjil are accepted, Amara replies “Certainly. We eat with her and she may sit in the mudhif.” Amara goes on to describe how mustarjil have sex with women.
Historian Indira Gesink analyzed 41 medical and juristic sources between the 8th and 18th centuries and discovered that the discourse of a “binary sex” was an anachronistic projection backwards. Gesink points out in one of the earliest lexicography by the 8th century al-Khalil ibn Ahmad that he suggests addressing a male-presenting intersex person as ya khunathu and a female-presenting intersex person as ya khanathi while addressing an effeminate man as ya khunathatu. This suggests a clear recognition of a spectrum of sex and gender expression and a desire to address someone respectfully based on how they presented.
Tolerance of gender ambiguity and non-conformity in Islamic cultures went hand-in-hand with broader acceptance of homoeroticism. Texts like Ali ibn Nasir al-Katib’s Jawami al-Ladhdha, Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani’s Kitab al-Aghani, and the Tunisian, Ahmad al-Tifashi’s Nuz’ha al-‘Albab attest to the widespread acceptance of same-sex desire as natural. Homoeroticism is a common element in much of Persian and Arabic poetry where youthful males are often the object of desire. From Abu Nuwas to Rumi, from ibn Ammar to Amir Khusraw, some of the Islamic world’s greatest poets were composing verses for their male lovers. Queer love was openly vaunted by poets. One, Ibn Nasr, immortalizes the love between two Arab lesbians Hind al Nu’man and al-Zarqa by writing:
“Oh Hind, you are truer to your word than men. Oh, the differences between your loyalty and theirs.”
Acceptance of same-sex desire and gender non-conformity was the hallmark of Islamic societies to such a degree that European travelers consistently remarked derisively on it. In the 19th century, Edward Lane wrote of the khawal: “They are Muslims and natives of Egypt. As they personate women, their dances are exactly of the same description as those of the ghawazee; and are, in like manner, accompanied by the sound of castanets.”
A similarly scandalized CS Sonnini writes of Muslim homoerotic culture:
“The inconceivable appetite which dishonored the Greeks and the Persians of antiquity, constitute the delight, or to use a juster term, the infamy of the Egyptians. It is not for women that their ditties are composed: it is not on them that tender caresses are lavished; far different objects inflame them.”
In his travels in the 19th century, James Silk Buckingham encounters an Afghan dervish shedding tears for parting with his male lover. The dervish, Ismael, is astonished to find how rare same-sex love was in Europe. Buckingham reports the deep love between Ismael and his lover quoting, “though they were still two bodies, they became one soul.”
Today, vocal Muslim critics of LGBTQ+ rights often accuse gay and queer people of imposing a “Western” concept or forcing Islam to adjust to “Western values” failing to grasp the irony of the claim: the shift in the 19th and 20th century was precisely an alignment with colonial values over older Islamic ones, all of which led to legal criminalization. In fact, the common feature among nations with anti-LGBTQ+ legislation isn’t Islam, but rather colonial law.
Don't talk to me I'm weeping. I'm not Muslim, but the grief of colonization runs in the blood of every Global South person. Dicovering these is like finding our lost treasures among plundered ruins.
Queer folk have always, always been here; we have always been inextricable, shining golden threads in the tapestry of human history. To erase and condemn us is to continue using the scalpel of colonizers in the mutilation and betrayal of our own heritage.
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hd-wireless · 3 months
🎶  Just a perfect week
Read fanfiction in the park And then later When it gets dark, look at art. Just a perfect week Reading at work in the loo, And then later a podfic, too And then home.
Oh it's such a perfect fest We're glad to share it with you Oh, such a perfect fest It just keeps us reading on, It just keeps us reading on.   🎶
🎤 Welcome to the 8th round of H/D Wireless Fest!
The time has finally come to start posting all the fantastic entries we’ve received this year!
We’ve revealed 9 top hits so far, with many more to come. The mods have been working non-stop since December to make this happen, so we’re beyond excited to finally be underway 🤩
As always you can listen to the prompted songs for the works we post on a playlists:
Click here for the YouTube playlist.
And now without further ado, our Wrap-up for the first week of posting:
🎶 H/D Wireless Art 🎶
📻 Fly Away with Me Tonight? [Gen, Digital Art]
🎵 Song Prompt: Levitating by Dua Lipa  🎵Summary: A chance meeting, an invitation to dance
📻 ghost (might as well be gone) [Gen, Digital ]
🎵 Song Prompt: Might as Well Be Gone by Pixies  🎵 Summary: Draco Malfoy retired from the Auror force and left England a decade ago, but he still receives the Daily Prophet. Today’s issue provides closure on the one case he was never able to officially solve.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic and Art 🎶
📻 Trade My Heart For Honey [M, 64.170, Digital Watercolour]
🎵 Prompt: Water Under The Bridge by Adele  🎵 Summary: A Witch who thinks she’s a Seer, a Seer who thinks she’s a Witch, a former nemesis-turned-something-turned-acquaintance who thinks they could be friends, and a Scottish village full of Muggles who think this is as much their business as the fair folk in the woods. Draco is going to prove them all wrong.
🎶 H/D Wireless Fic 🎶
📻 You're on Your Own, Kid [E, 44.274] 
🎵 Song Prompt: You're on Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift  🎵 Summary: In August of 1998, Draco leaves behind everything he’s ever known. With the help of two middle-aged lesbians, a Muggle bookshop, and a new best friend, Draco’s future is finally looking up. That is, until Harry Potter wanders back into his life a year later, undoing everything Draco has worked towards.  Or, a tale about healing, forgiveness, and living for no one but yourself.
📻 Heartbeat [E, 22,791]
🎵 Prompt: Heartbeat by Childish Gambino  🎵 Summary: Harry hates Draco, and Draco hates him in return. Only it's not hate, not even a little bit. Featuring: a cooperative independent study, golden hour on wrecked sheets, strawberries in the summer at Grimmauld Place, water from fountains of (dubious) origin, purple Mardi Gras beads, and a bird with silly legs.  Also featuring: heated arguments, infidelity, unquenchable desire, and heartbreak. Over and over again.
📻 Long for Bliss! [E, 9,400]
🎵 Song Prompt: This Must Be It by Röyksopp  🎵 Summary: Harry has a tough decision to make: take the blue pill or the red pill. He chooses a pink one instead and throws caution to the wind. What blows back comes in the form of a blond fallen angel that talks like he’s the Devil and moves like he’s fucking.  Or: Harry tries MDMA for the first time and unexpectedly encounters a mysteriously captivating Draco at KOKO London.
📻 Going Down Swinging [E, 4,661 ]
🎵 Song Prompt: Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh! by Allan Sherman  🎵 Summary: “Who are you?” he asked, feeling around for a truly abominable pair of glasses he fixed firmly above his nose.  “I’m Draco,” he answered. “Draco—” He paused. It wasn’t that he couldn’t remember; it was that the memory wasn’t there.
📻 The Most He’s Ever Said [E,16,431]
🎵 Song Prompt: One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan  🎵 Summary: It takes them twenty years.
🎶 H/D Wireless Podfic 🎶
📻 [Podfic] A Different Kind of Meaning by p1013 [E, 01:42:57]
🎵 Song Prompt: 'Outnumbered' by Dermot Kennedy  🎵 Summary: The ceiling doesn't hold any answers, but there are cobwebs scattered across the corners with shadows tangled in their threads. The rug against his back is rough and scratchy, threadbare and devoid of colours other than various shades of brown. Harry takes it all in, absorbs the dingy and depressed state of his home. There's a pointed moment of decision, a note about to be played, a silence about to end, and then he rolls to his feet and sets to cleaning.  It's the first constructive thing he's done in years.
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
1725 — regulus black ♡
requested by anon<3
regulus black x fem!reader, platonic!marauders, hurt/comfort, fluff, brief panic attack, swearing, non descript mention of feeling ill
you’re best friends with the marauders, but you like regulus
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the marauders were used to your sunny disposition and easy smiles, greeting them in the corridors with side hugs before tearing off wherever you needed to be. taking random photos and losing them three days later.
you were a bit of blur like that.
but recently they’d noticed you pulling away. and it wasn’t just them. there were bags frequenting the areas beneath your eyes, less pep in your step, that sort of thing. the usual signs of stress.
it was beginning to worry your friends.
“hey, are you co-” james tried, but you smiled weakly and were off down the corridor at record speed.
remus approached you with a copy of the daily prophet, not looking up at you as he did so, “have you seen th-”
you’d slipped away.
flitwick sat you next to peter in charms, upon the gryffindor boy’s request. a plea of personal concern. apparently the teacher’s had noticed your sudden swing as well. but you were out the class and feigning a headache in the sick room moments later.
well, not feigning. the lack of sleep was pounding inside your head recently.
you weren’t sure why this was impacting you so greatly. it was a... crush. it was a few torrid, heart pounding moments. a couple of emotional conversations. some hands brushing. one hug.
and it was wrong, so you weren’t going to act on it. you couldn’t.
but it was weighing you down.
“what’s going on?” you’d been so absorbed in your own thoughts, and the rising bile in your throat as a product of your over thinking, you hadn’t noticed sirius corner you.
you coughed, “we’re in a library, sirius, keep your voice down.”
there was a raw quality to your voice, a consequence of crying. he noticed it immediately.
“please talk to me.”
trying not to choke, “i can’t.”
he froze, “why? seriously, what’s going on? you’re scaring me.”
the panic was starting to take hold of you again. the dust on the shelves was settling in your lungs, constricting them painfully.
the eldest black brother was no stranger to these attacks. the icy, burning grips of them. he sat you down, and you tried to ignore the grime on the floor.
“this is worrying us all now, love. you can talk to me, you always can.”
despite your calmer state, you were adamant, “i can’t. it’s fine. i’ll... stop. i just need space.”
“you need sleep. like, yesterday. but this is clearly bothering you, so will you please just out with it.”
you shook your head, stomach churning, “i feel awful. i can’t.”
sirius stopped pushing. a little hurt that you acted like you couldn’t trust him, which is why he later went to find you again. he never was one for letting things be.
he found you at the astronomy tower, in an apparent argument with someone. you sounded in enough distress that he stuck around.
“i’m sorry. it’s too complicated, our lives are just incompatibile. we can’t see each other anymore.” you cried.
a lower voice he almost recognized protested, also sounding thick with tears, “i don’t understand. you said it didn’t matter. we knew it would be hard-”
you cut him off, “what would be hard? we... we aren’t together. i’ve cried myself sick over it already, regulus. this can’t work. sirius would never be okay with it.”
there was a slight pang that you were putting your potential happiness aside because of him, but sirius’ main feeling was anger and it’s source was his younger brother constantly getting involved in his life.
it was that burn of resentment that had him rounding the corner, spiteful words pouring free that he wasn’t completely sure he meant.
“and here i was worried about you, coming to check on you, when all that was wrong was you screwing around with my brother.”
sirius wasn’t cold. he was anger and frustration, an open flame, spitting oil.
you didn’t face him, eyes trained on regulus’ face. pale skin streaked with salty tears, dark eyes clouded, and a slight tremor in his hands. suddenly, maintaining sirius’ expectation wasn’t your main priority. regulus was hurting, because of you.
“please.” his whisper was almost inaudible.
but then you did look at sirius. and he was hurting too. and you’d caused it.
“sorry, i can’t be here.” you muttered, and fled. it was unlike you, someone who always faced their problems head-on, to be so flighty. you’d gone from grabbing the bull by it’s horns to hiding in a bush until it passes.
sirius misplaced the blame for your change on his brother.
“you couldn’t stop at my bedroom? or quidditch? you had to start fucking my friends?”
regulus wasn’t crying anymore, “we’re not like that, we haven’t... it’s none of your business sirius, you can’t tell either of us who we can date.”
sirius scoffed, “i know. but she ended it, so you can stop now.”
“i don’t want to,” regulus protested, “she only ended it because of you. you keep ruining things.”
“i keep ruining things? fuck off.” he left his younger brother up there, fuming.
the next day, you felt everyone was avoiding you. realistically, sirius had only told james, but every eye felt trained and you couldn’t cope.
regulus tried to openly approach you, something that had never happened before, multiple times over the following days. everytime you saw him, you ran, continually contradicting your usual fight or flight response.
this was supposed to be better. a blip to be moved past, then things with your friends could go back to normal. but regulus, your regulus, wasn’t a ‘blip’. you couldn’t attempt to think of him in such a callous way.
james found you in a detention you’d received for skipping class, and he’d received for a variety of recent pranks. neither of you could leave.
a part of you expected him to cold-shoulder you, but you knew really he would never.
“hey, how are you?” he askd, with a sincere smile you’d missed greatly.
you couldn’t find it in yourself to reciprocate that as you quietly answered, “alright. you?”
james shrugged, “i’m great, but i don’t think you are.”
“maybe not.” you trod lightly. james and sirius were more brothers than regulus and sirius were, and you imagined sirius was still furious with you.
his face twisted briefly, like he was having an internal fight, before saying, “you shouldn’t end your thing with regulus just because of sirius.”
whatever you were expecting him to tell you, it wasn’t that. you shrugged, “not just because of sirius. it wouldn’t have worked anyway.”
“why?” you weren’t prepared for james’ questioning. it wasn’t pressing, it sounded genuinely casual.
you shrugged, “he’s a... y’know, bad guy.”
“who told you that? sirius?”
yeah, you wanted to say, and he’s biased.
but you didn’t. again, you shrugged.
james paused once more before blurting, “he feels bad. sirius, i mean, for getting involved and shouting at you, and... i don’t know. no matter how he feels about his brother, he loves you, and he didn’t mean to make you cry. inadvertently or not. plus, remus laid into him pretty hard.”
you kicked back in your chair, teetering over the edge. you weren’t so sad as lost. the gum in your mouth had long abandoned flavour as you considered. talking to james, you felt more like yourself than you had in weeks.
“i miss them. but i can’t have both. y’know what sirius says, bros over hoes.” the jest was an attempt to lighten the mood, and while it worked because james was as easily humoured as ever, he didn’t let you dismiss it all so easily.
he stood in front of your desk, tipping your chair forward so you didn’t fall and crack your head, and planted his hands on your desk, “you don’t owe this to either of them. they’ll get over it, don’t tell sirius i said that, and you deserve to be happy. put yourself first for once.”
“hypocrite,” you mumbled, but you were swayed. james was good at that.
“i’ll sort flitwick. go find regulus.”
so you did. and it took some tears, a lot of explaining, and the clear planning of boundaries, but you did. you found each other.
it wasn’t long after you sought out sirius, sitting down in front of him and sliding a piece of paper across the desk. he looked up at you confused, “well i’m glad to see you mate, but why the blank bit of paper?”
“1725. treaty of vienna. we’re gonna be peaceful and stuff.”
amusement lit his face, “the peace of vienna was about taking down napoleon. it wasn’t all that peaceful.”
you huffed, “whatever, siri, it was symbolic. i’m sorry. but i’m not going to stop seeing your brother.”
he sighed, twinkle lost and smile dropping slightly, “i know. i know, and i’ll... be fine with it.”
“you’ll talk with him?”
sirius winced, “don’t know. but we’re fine, okay? at least on my end.”
you hugged him suddenly, and while he was taken off guard, he hugged you back with relief.
“i’m... going to find reg now. okay?”
he shot you a somewhat awkward thumbs up, and gave a slightly forced but points for trying, “okay.”
it was night time and the two of you were at the astronomy tower again, as if the last two weeks had never happened. except for some obvious differences, like the two of you curling into each other, hands twisted, eyes roaming the other’s face with no shame.
the violet hues beneath your eyes had disappeared.
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @ariyabella @it-be-me-ella @songofpatrochilless @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @saturnband @ell0ra-br3kk3r @river13254 @meredarling @sillylittlenonbinarygremlin
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weird-obsessed-girl · 7 months
Wolfstar Raises Harry Fic Rec/TBR
Below is a list with links to fanfics that focus on or include Sirius and Remus raising Harry, all of these are completed (cause I’m too impatient) and will be a mix of fics i have read or that i want to read. Organised by word count smallest to longest.
TW fics will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursleys.
Here’s the link to my other recs and TBR’s Harry Potter Fic List (mostly Drarry)
Raising Harry - mm5729
Domestic fluff, slice of life, fist full moon with Harry | G | 652
Up To No Good - dramaticwitchbitch
Harry learns his first swear word, alt universe, domestic fluff | Not rated | 1k
That’s My Moony - toofadedtofight
Possessive Sirius, discussions of grief, black family tapestry, Wolfstar explaining nicknames to 4 year old Harry | G | 1.7k
Family doesn’t give up, harry - paintblob
Protective Sirius, Vernon gets decked, Wolfstar rescue harry from Dursleys, this is also apart of 2 part series | G | 2.7k
& home & home & home (or, a time loop) - decemberista
Time loop, alt timelines, time travel fix-it, bring back Black, bittersweet, Marauders Era | T | 3.1k
Raising the boy who lived - hufflepuffchaos
A small series, hurt/comfort, good reacher, domestic fluff, Dursley bashing, slice of life | G | 3.7k
A world for us - a_threereasonswhy
Daily prophet headlines, angst, everyone needs a hug, Sirius is bad at feelings, drinking | T | 3.3k
Make it up, fall in love, try - astrolupins
Established Wolfstar, panic, vomiting, Remus fights for fair trial, Sirius is freed, raising harry implied but not in fic | M | 4.1k
This is my family - Patriceavril
Canon divergence, Sirius is free, Christmas, fluff and angst, families of choice, nightmares | T | 7.3k
Another Cheese Sandwich - Notawriter_17
Christmas, domestic fluff, Harry leaves Dursley family, fluff and angst | Not rated | 8.8k
My Anonymous Wolfstar Fics
Anonymous collection of small fics, def recommend ‘Moony and the Wolf’, child Harry, pre and during Hogwarts, fluff, past child abuse, explaining werewolves to harry | T | 10.3k
Baby On Board - aqua_myosis for MsAlexWP
Fluff, mpreg, non-explicit sex, overbearing Sirius, preggers Remus | E | 12k
(The Anatomy of an) Accidental necromancy - roseemma, rosemaldrge (roseemma)
Halloween 1981, POV Remus, hurt no comfort, Sirius free from Azkaban, fanart | Not rated | 13.5k
Rhythm & Blues - lez_writes13
Sirius is freed, heals with Remus, time to get Harry, sign language, domestic fluff, angst, memory loss, hurt/comfort | T | 18.8k
Beautiful boy (darling boy) - roaming_the_greenwood1
Friends to lovers, book 4, trans Remus, Sirius accidentally knocks up Remus, happy ending, kid fic, coparents to lovers, pining | M | 67.9k
Folklore Chronicles - throughthemist
A series of small fics about Wolfstar first meeting and adopting Harry when he’s hogwarts age, canon divergence, Sirius gets a trial | T | 189.7k
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My complete and unhinged Metatron analysis
Hello, I have seen that many people are theorizing about Metatron, so I'm here presenting an analysis of who Metatron is, rather his biblical role and how he may be more connected to the Aziraphale and Crowley than we might believe.
-Also, English is not my first language, so please be patient with me-
Metatron, has always been a controversial figure in Christianity, full of dualisms.
Let's start with its etymologically. The term Metatron has two completely different translations: one comes from the Greek metradromos meaning "he who pursues with vengeance"; or it is also possible that its origin is from the term meta ton thronon which means "closer to the throne". There are many doubts about his true origin, since it is mentioned in non-canonical versions of the Bible, during Genesis*. However, in the most current and official versions of the Bible, it never appears.
While there is nothing official, the most accepted version is that he is actually the prophet Enoch, Noah's grandfather. Enoch -who used to have his own book of the Bible in earlier versions- was a prophet who had the God-given gift of visiting Heaven through different visions. In his 1st vision, Enoch has the mission to intercede with God on behalf of the fallen angels. In another vision, he sees the Cherubim in Heaven, whom he describes as beings of fire. Later, he is taken by the archangel Michael to the highest heaven. Enoch also travels in his visions or dreams to the tree of knowledge. He is supposed to have lived 365 years and, at the end of his visions, Enoch is chosen by God to become the archangel Metatron, a powerful archangel who is also called the little Yahweh.
There is another explanation for his origin: he is the first being of creation, seated at the left hand of the father, which in tradition is associated with Satan.
The Zohar also describes Metatron as "the king of angels" who reigns over the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
When Enoch was on Earth, he devoted himself to writing a book containing the secrets of wisdom until he was taken to Heaven to become an angel. God allowed Enoch to continue this same ministry in Heaven** .
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Metatron was the one who led the Israelites to the Promised Land (Moses).
Metatron is the patron angel of children.
Metatron transmits God's daily orders to the angels Gabriel and Raphael.
Not being an angel from his origin, Metatron is associated with the angels in charge of Death, he supervises them when they help the souls to make their transition from the physical to the spiritual plane.
He is canonically the most powerful archangel in the entire celestial realm, second only to God. His role is similar to Lucifer's original rol, the right hand of God.
The archangel Metatron is in charge of directing the ascension and activation of the human being's light body. Having been human, he knows the path of enlightenment. He represents the potential for transformation and purification of the soul when it sets out to transcend matter to unite with the pure spirit of the Divine. Metatron is in charge of guiding the souls towards the light, towards purity (insert the fact that he asks for coffee with almonds, which in Christianity is related to purification).
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It is worth mentioning that in the original Good Omens book, Metatron is the only angel that appears besides Aziraphale. While other angels are mentioned, Metatron is the only one who appears, firstly when Zira wants to talk to God, and secondly when Beelzebub and Metatron make presence at the Tadfield airbase to try to convince Adam to restart the end of the world (it is not Gabriel who appears in the book).
And, considering that the 3rd season is based on the sequel to the book that never came out, it makes sense that Metatron would have had a bigger role because he was always a present character.
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So, from all this information, I would like to point out that Metatron not only used to be human and knows the "true path of purification," but he is also in charge of caring the tree of knowledge.
You know, that tree?
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Aziraphale and Crowley represent the two things that oppose his very existence: an angel that is becoming more and more human with each passing day and the Serpent of Temptation that keeps doubting and questioning the edges and the difference between good and evil. These two not only were they not punished, but together they are two extremely powerful entities, perhaps as powerful as he is.
They are a threat… but only together.
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Metatron can see in Aziraphale the very opposite of what he represents, someone who needs to return to the path of divinity:
Aziraphale, the supposed guardian of Eden, who started out as an angel, who gradually transformed into someone with more and more human habits, falling into almost all the deadly sins, in love with the Serpent who tempted humans to eat from the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. Someone who loves forbidden books and bibles, with a hedonistic and condescending personality who managed to deceive his brother angels for millennia to protect humanity and his earthly life***.
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It would also explain his disdain towards Crowley, why he looked at him with that face: Metatron is the protector of the tree that Crowley managed to corrupt.
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To all this we can add that Metatron/Enoch renounced his humanity to become something superior, while Crowley and Aziraphale consider humanity to be something superior worth defending and loving. They see in humans what Enoch could not see behind his judgment of false celestial purity. They are two supernatural entities who managed to love humanity more than he, a human, ever could.
These parallels are not only born out of my obsession, no. The fact that Metatron has separated them has a much more possible and deep significance.
Narratively, this can only mean one thing: Metatron is the villain, the perfect antagonist to Aziracrow.
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CLARIFICATIONS *Genesis is where the Adam and Eve story is found, the Garden of Eden, the moment that changes Zira and Crowley forever…. **That "book that contained the secrets of wisdom"… is it the book of life? Is Metatron the only one who has access to it? ***I would like to clarify, that for me the real main character of Good Omens is Aziraphale, that's why I find more comparisons with him, followed by Crowley as co-protagonist, but I will continue this theory another day.
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Stockholm Syndrome
★·.·´¯`·.·★ .:**:.☆*.:。.✿ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ 
Also On: AO3 and Wattpad
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Beautiful art work below by @diligentcranberry - Thank you again, love!
Rape/Non-Con Elements, Twisted Love, Dark!Sebastian Sallow, alcohol use.
★·.·´¯`·.·★ .:**:.☆*.:。.✿ ★·.·´¯`·.·★ 
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Chapter One.
She doesn't know what makes her stop. She's walked past this stand a lot of times, the moving pictures barely catching her eye before she continues on her way. But something inside her makes her stop today. Hand over a sickle to the tender and take a copy of the Daily Prophet before she continues her daily errands.
It's not until she's home, everything unpacked, the door locked thrice and a cup of tea on the table in front of her did she finally pull out the bunch of papers she'd felt compelled to buy. The air suddenly feels like it's sucked out of the room and she can barely breathe.
Breaking News!
The Wizarding Community is on high alert at the news that Dark Wizard, Sebastian Sallow, has escaped Azkaban prison. The 24-Year-old has been in Azkaban since being convicted of the murder of his uncle in the winter of 1891. Nothing has yet been released on how he escaped the notorious prison, but we urge the community to stay safe and vigilant.
She doesn't even finish reading, instead, her eyes find their way to the picture next to it. A fifteen-year-old Sebastian stares out at her, a frown on his lips, dark eyebrows furrowed, and a look of sadness, betrayal, and regret in his eyes. She couldn't bear it, instead, she whipped out her wand and cast a quick Incendio, the Prophet immediately turning to ash on the table. How could she have been so naive to have thought the Wizengamot would've gone easy on him given everything? She may have only been 15, and while she'd been a part of the community for a good few months, she should have known that an Unforgivable - especially Avada Kadavra - would land someone in Azkaban for life. Something that Sebastian Sallow didn't deserve, regardless of his actions.
With another flick of her wand and the ash is gone, cleaned up, and almost forgotten. Her elbows rest on the table, her face buried in her hands as she sobs for the first time in years for what was lost - she'd only wanted him to learn his lesson, she hadn't wanted to lose him. Hadn't anticipated the entire fallout. Anne and Ominis had been beside her at the time, happy for her to be the one responsible to make the decision - probably to save themselves the guilt of it - but also likely using her naivety and lack of understanding of the Wizarding Law in hopes she wouldn't feel the guilt herself.
That had lasted all of three days when she saw the article detailing Sebastian’s sentencing. That had been the first time she'd broken down about her decision, she'd screamed at Ominis in the Undercroft for not telling her turning him in meant never seeing him again. She'd collapsed into his arms, sobbing into his chest but the thought that it wasn't Sebastian brought the sobs harder and faster until she pushed Ominis away and curled in on herself.
She'd finished her last two years of Hogwarts in silence, only speaking when a professor asked something of her. She pulled away from the many friends she'd made during that fateful year - not from their lack of trying - she just couldn't. She spent any time not in class in the Room of Requirements, she'd even gone through a period where she didn't eat because she couldn't face the Great Hall. But Deek had caught wind of that and made sure to always have something set on a table for her.
For as excited as she was to attend Hogwarts, leaving had felt like a relief. There were too many memories haunting her of him, and the friends she'd left behind. Part of her had wanted to run as far away from Scotland as she could, but the other part - the larger part - couldn't.
Even if she couldn't be with him, she wanted to be close.
The thought terrified her, he knew it was her decision. He'd looked so angry, so hurt as he was hauled away by the Aurors and the article detailing his sentence had quoted him. He'd promised he'd get revenge.
It was stupid of her - likely still naivety - that made her move from the Highlands surrounding Hogwarts to a small Hamlet in the northernmost area of Scotland. She'd managed to buy a single cottage on the outer edge of the hamlet, the back leading to the forest and while being there was lonely, she hadn't made much of an effort to befriend anyone. It was private, it was hers, and honestly, if Sebastian had to deal with life alone because of her. She felt she deserved it too.
Her sobs quieted after some minutes, the air in the room still heavy with the melancholy she felt. Her tea had gone cold, not that she felt she could stomach it. Her insides were in knots, she felt that any attempt to eat or drink could cause her to vomit. Any movement could cause her to collapse further in on herself.
She took a deep breath, a sigh escaping her as she reminded herself that no one knew where she lived. Not from lack of trying on their part, Ominis, Natty & Poppy had continued to try and open her back up for her last two years to no avail. Following their graduation, they'd reached out via Owl. Although the more she ignored them, the less they came.
A knock at her door pulled her from her increasingly spiraling thoughts and she frowned, pulling herself up slowly from the table. "Who is it?" She called cautiously, although it probably wasn't her best idea. It was likely just the friendly old woman down from the house closest offering her something she'd baked.
"Open the door, it's Ominis." Her eyebrows furrowed then, stepping closer to the door but not unlocking it.
"How do you know where I live?"
"I work for the Ministry, it wasn't hard." She felt a pang in her chest at his clipped words, she'd never admit it but she had missed it, missed him. Finally unlocking her door and pulling it open, she took a look at Ominis. The years had treated him well, his hair was still slicked back and his suit still made him look as regal as he always did.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, a little exasperated at the situation. Her words, while firm, still held the edge they did when she'd been crying and she hoped it had been long enough that her unexpected guest didn't notice.
"Checking in. I don't suppose you heard the news." And there it was, his way of letting her know he still cared but not in such a way she'd run and lock the door in his face. "Sebastian escaped." Stepping back slightly, audibly so that he knew he could come in.
"I did catch a glimpse at the Prophet, yes. Is that why you're here?" She asked, her voice needlessly harsh as she continued. "Here to see if I'm hiding him somewhere?"
"No, of course not." He mentioned with a frown of his own. "You surely remember what he said upon sentencing. I was merely worried about you." The words took all of the fight from her and once again she found her lip trembling as she held back her tears, another wave of guilt washing over her.
"How long has he been out?" She brings herself to ask, the newspaper was from today, sure. But if Ominis thought Sebastian could have already found his way to her, perhaps it'd been a few days.
"We think he escaped Monday, but we can't be sure. The guard he'd managed to switch with was in no condition to talk." Monday… They thought Monday and he'd only shown today for fear of her safety. It was Saturday for Merlin's sake. She felt a small flame of anger flicker in her chest. "No one realized until Thursday when the next guard was sent through."
She couldn't help but laugh at the sheer stupidity. No one noticed a guard had disappeared on his rounds. She knew the tales of Azkaban were horror stories, but for Helena's sake, she didn't expect them to be that bad. She could only imagine what it was like to be there full-time.
And that thought was enough to snuff out the anger and bring back the melancholy from earlier.
"If you're wanting to look around, just in case. I haven't been home for long." She murmured, not even sure why she'd said it. But Ominis was quick to nod, his wand flashing its usual red as he walked around the small cottage. Picking up the cup of forgotten tea, she couldn't help but feel on edge, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the news of Sebastian or if it was because there was someone other than herself in her house. No one else had been here since she moved in six years.
She busied herself doing the dishes, staring out the window into the small Hamlet until Ominis had finished his sweep. She could feel him standing by the table but she didn't turn, neither of them saying anything for a while.
"I think it's time you-"
"I want you to write to-"
They both spoke at the same time, and she finally pulled her eyes from the children she saw running in the field to look at her guest. "You first." He assured, clearing his throat. She suddenly felt a little awkward, her nose wrinkling slightly as she thought back on what she was going to say.
"No, you first." She finally decided it was for the best since she'd been about to tell him to leave.
"I want you to write to me, let me know you're okay at least weekly." Her brows furrowed and she felt another flicker of irritation.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, Ominis. I made sure that when I moved here no one would know me or that I'd moved here. Until you showed up, that is." She couldn't help the bitter tone in her voice, she'd tried so hard to make sure there was no way anyone could track her down. She supposed that even without that effort, his connections at work would mean he'd always known.
"I'm serious, I just want you to let me know you're okay. At least until he's back in Azkaban." The genuine concern in his voice was bittersweet, he clearly wanted her to know that he meant it. "If I don't hear from you, I'll have to stop by again."
Heaving a frustrated sigh, she gave the blonde boy a glare that he couldn't rightfully see. "Fine. If it means I'm left alone." Deep down, she realized she didn't mean it. She'd felt so lonely and part of her felt that perhaps she wouldn't follow through just so he would turn up. But then she remembered the guilt and knew that she had to be lonely because that's what she'd sentenced Sebastian to eight years ago. "Now I'd you'd be so kind to leave, it's getting late." She finished, leaving no room for argument as she stepped to the door and pulled it open.
"Take care of yourself, please," Ominis said as he stepped back through the door, still a small look of concern on his face that made her turn away.
Once he was out, she closed the door and once again triple-locked it before checking the windows. Only when she was sure everything was secure did she curl up on her couch with a blanket, and a book open in front of her - not that she paid it any mind. Her focus was on the flames licking in the fireplace as she waited for the time she'd move from the couch to bed. 
— — — — — —
The feeling of something trailing over her forehead caused her to stir slightly, sleep slipping away from her. She groaned, turning over and burying herself further into the pillows and blankets of her bed before the realization struck her.
Sitting up quickly, she looked around the bedroom, the low light from the lamp on her dresser casting shadows. But besides her and her heavy breathing, the room was empty.
She was going crazy. Paranoid.
It had been a week since the article and Ominis' visit. A week of knowing that Sebastian was out there somewhere, likely looking for her. A week of constantly feeling like she was being watched when she wasn't. It was taking a toll on her.
She briefly contemplated asking Ominis if she could stay a few days with him, to see if she felt any different. But considering last Saturday was the first time they'd spoken in years, she likely wasn't welcome.
Sighing softly, she pulled herself up from her bed. Some tea would likely help calm her. Grasping at the lamp, she stepped from her bedroom and into the main room, heading for the stove and her small tea kettle. She got busy, setting the water to boil and taking hold of a cup she'd used earlier in the day. Her eyes settled out of the window just as they had a week ago. The streets of the hamlet were dark and empty, it was raining heavily, and for some reason that soothed her a little. She'd always liked the rain.
A loud bang from her bedroom jolted her from her thoughts, dropping the teacup she held as the sound of wind howled through her home. Once more grasping her lamp, she took her wand from the counter too and crept to the doorway, looking through it cautiously. The room was still empty, there weren't any hiding places after all. The room was only big enough for a bed and a dresser.
Her eyes lifted from their observation of the room to the window. Seeing it had flown open. Frowning, she stepped further into the room and towards the window until she was able to pull it closed, locking it. She swore she'd locked it before she'd gone to bed. But perhaps the stress of the last week was getting to her, her days blending together.
She had nothing to worry about. No one but Ominis knew where she lived and he wouldn't tell anyone. It had to have been the wind from the storm, she hadn't latched it properly before bed, clearly.
The sound of a quiet whistle sounded from her kitchen and she sighed. Right, yes. Tea. That's what she needed. Pulling her curtains closed, she made her way back into the kitchen to finish her tea, hopefully when she drank it she'd be able to get back to sleep.
— — — — — —
A few days later, she found herself stopping next to the stand holding the Daily Prophet, she glanced at the headline.
Sallow Still at Large!
She didn't bother picking up a copy this time, it was likely just going to be a reiteration of what was said in the original article. Instead, she forced herself to push on, the hood of her robe pulled up over her head.
The feeling of being watched magnified each time she left the house, to the point where she was seriously considering dropping her errands to one day a week and holing herself up inside of her cottage.
She stopped at the produce vendor, picking up some pieces of fruit and vegetables as she did often, paying quickly before turning on her heel. Usually, she'd make a stop at a few more stores, but right now, she wanted to go home. She wasn't in dire need of anything else - today at least.
Walking down the main street of the hamlet, her hood up and her head down to avoid being seen meant that she wasn't looking where she was going. So it wasn't surprising when she walked into someone, the bag she held falling to the floor.
"Merlin, I'm sorry!" She said, reaching down to collect her things.
"Don't be, miss. Accidents happen." A friendly voice said she looked up briefly to see a man of around her age, brunette hair and while his smile was friendly and it definitely wasn't Sebastian she was looking at, she couldn't help the flash of his face in place of the strangers.
Suddenly she was in a bigger rush to get home, her hands trembling as she fought to ensure everything she'd dropped was picked up.
"Let me help." The young man offered and she frantically shook her head, scooping the last of the produce into her bag and standing quickly.
"N-no n-need. It's fine. I must get home." She brushed off, pushing past the kind stranger that made her think of Sebastian and speed walked her way back to her cottage, not looking back. Although that feeling at the back of her neck, that she was being watched only grew as she stepped over the threshold and once more thrice locked her door. A sigh of relief fell from her lips as her clammy forehead rested against the cool wood.
— — — — — —
Two weeks. Two weeks had passed since she'd seen that article since Ominis had visited and nothing had happened besides her losing her mind from her paranoia.
Since her run-in with not-Sebastian, she hadn't left the house. A traitorous part of her brain just wanted him to be found and back in Azkaban so that she could go back to how life was before.
As much as she didn't want to leave, she had to head into town. If she didn't want Ominis stopping by again she'd have to drop off the letter she'd written him. She also needed to get some food.
She supposed she could be quick about it, not stopping beside the two shops she needed to and then heading straight back. Chewing on her bottom lip, she considered not leaving, her eyes staring at the front door as if it could decide for her. Taking a deep breath, she opened it and blinked against the bright sun. 'Quick, just be quick.' She told herself, closing the door behind her and heading towards the main street. And if she stopped to buy a bottle of fire whiskey while she was there, who was going to judge? 
— — — — — —
Slamming the door behind her, she panted - a slight panic overtaking her. She was definitely going crazy, she swore she'd seen Seb so many times in the small time she was out, only to do a double take and there would be no one there. She had to be going crazy.
Dropping the bag of food onto the kitchen counter, she rummaged through the bag until she found what she was looking for. The bottle of fire whiskey glinted in the sun streaming through the winter. Briefly, a voice in her head told her it was too early to drink, but she shut it up quickly as she pulled the top off and took a large drink.
The fiery liquid trailed down her throat and she held back a cough, even as the wince made it through. Dropping herself into the chair at the kitchen table, she held the bottle in an iron grip. As she took another long drag from the bottle, she could feel the familiar haze of calm falling over her.
She tried to remember when she'd last eaten and realized it had been breakfast yesterday. Pair that with the fact she didn't drink often and it was only normal for barely a quarter of a bottle to hit her so fast.
Time passed slowly, and the contents of the bottle also slowly dwindled as it got dark outside. At some point, it started raining again but she didn't care. She'd drunk a good amount of the bottle and she couldn't very well keep her head up off the table.
She'd never be able to get herself to bed in this state. Rolling her head to the side, she looked at the couch, wondering if she'd be able to make it there. It was only five steps, maximum.
Pushing herself up, grasping the edge of the table hard to steady herself as the room spun. Once she felt situated enough, she took a step.
So far, so good.
Another step, then another and that's when her knees buckled. Her stomach churned and she closed her eyes as she waited to meet the floor. But the meeting never came. Two arms had wrapped around her, catching her in her fall.
"Woah, there, Sweetheart. Missed me?"
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twinfantasy-daily · 3 months
hey gang!
we´re gonna be going line by line w this one instead of word by word because there´s 4,156 words / 596 lines and that´s kind of a lot
brought to you by the runner of @happybirthdayxalbum, @outtacontextlitwtc, and more!!
org tags:
tfd - the lyrics
non tfd - silly commentary
have fun guys!!!!
current timeline (start/end): (haven´t started / in progress / finished)
my boy (twin fantasy): june 22nd/june 29th
beach life in death: june 29th/aug 30th
stop smoking (we love you): september 8th/september 14th
sober to death: september 14th/september 30th
nervous young inhumans
high to death
cute thing
high to death
famous prophets (stars)
twin fantasy (those boys)
tags for vis: @incaseimakeit-daily @in-case-i-die-daily @the-real-will-wood-daily the only ones of these i know are ww related lmao
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discoveredreality · 1 year
top 20 best drarry fics ever (not in order)
All Our Secrets Laid Bare - 150k words by firethesound
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
2. Bond - 173k words by AnnaFugazzi
Rating: Mature
Summary: I started to write this before HBP came out, and crossed my fingers that HBP wouldn't make it totally non-canon. No such luck, I'm afraid. This, therefore, is an AU story, where (SPOILER) still teaches (SPOILER), (SPOILER) didn't try to (SPOILER), (SPOILER) didn't succeed in (SPOILER), (SPOILER) never dated (SPOILER), and most importantly, (MAJOR ENDING SPOILERS) never happened.
3. It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite) - 616k words by write_me227
Rating: Mature
Summary: If there's one thing that Draco Malfoy yearns for, it's seeing Harry Potter in pain. How that happens, he doesn't care. When Potter's name is pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, Draco sees it as the perfect opportunity to fulfill his greatest desire. Except Saint Potter has luck swimming in his veins. He needs to be distracted... And the best way to do that is to make him fall in love.
4. Turn - 307k words by Saras_Girl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
5. Get Some - 78k words by sara_holmes
Rating: Mature
Summary: Voldemort is dead. Life goes on. Harry is sick and tired of everyone treating him differently and letting him get away with everything.
6. For The Greater Good - 59k words by jadepresley
Rating: Mature
Summary: When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover.
Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
7. Things Worth Knowing - 165k by Femme (femmequixotic), noeon (noe)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems. And that's not even addressing the fact that Potter's got serious issues of his own, which Draco realises as he's forced to share an Eighth Year dormitory room and several classes with the Gryffindor Git. If only they can make it through the year without killing each other, it should be all right, shouldn't it?
8. Eclipe - 287k by Mijan
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: "You're dead, Potter… I'm going to make you pay…"
Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But when Draco's world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back.
9. Foundations!verse by Saras_Girl
Rating: Explicit
Part 1: Reparations - 87k words
Summary: Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
Part 2: Foundations - 236k words
Summary: When one door closes, another one opens – with a bit of a push. Life, love and complications.
10. The Sleeping Beauty Curse - 153k words
Rating: Explicit
Summary: When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
11. Waiting By An Open Door - 30k words by Femme (femmequixotic), noeon (noe)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don't get fairy tale endings, do they?
12. Running on Air - 75k words by eleventy7
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
13. The Bucket List - 32k words by GallaPlacidia
This fic was taken off ao3 and any other sites, so here is the download link for all of GallaPlacidia's fics: Google Drive GallaPlacidia Archive Download Link
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Draco will die in six months if he can't get Harry Potter to fall in love with him. Since that's not going to happen, he might as well spend his last days working through his Bucket List. Tap-dancing lessons? Rock climbing? Poetry-writing? Threesomes? Cocaine? Getting to know his adorable cousin, Teddy Lupin? Draco will try them all!
Feat. Cheerily pessimistic Draco, devoted bitch queen Pansy Parkinson, and a Harry who can't help but notice that something seems DIFFERENT about Draco, these days.
14. Adventures of a Suicidal Gentlemen - 48k words by GallaPlacidia
This fic was taken off ao3 and any other sites, so here is the download link for all of GallaPlacidia's fics: Google Drive GallaPlacidia Archive Download Link
Rating: Mature
Summary: Draco wants to kill himself, but he's trying not to be dramatic about it. Harry wants to sleep with Draco, but he's trying not to be obvious about it. Misunderstandings! Pining! Grief! Self-loathing but in a kind of charming way?
Feat. Misty the house elf who takes shit from no one, an Astoria who has her own mysterious aims, a Draco who is determined to use humour to get through things, and a Harry doesn't know what he wants, except maybe to touch Draco's pretty face.
15. Make Me a Headline (I Want to Be That Bold) - 31k words by dicta_contrion
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Draco never expected to see Harry doing that again. Especially with someone else, in a grainy photograph that's landed on his desk one Monday morning.
16. All Life is Yours to Miss - 115k words by Saras_Girl
Rating: Mature
Summary: Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
17. Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm - 104k words by SquadOfCats
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
18. Mental - 187k words by sara_holmes
Rating: Mature
Summary: Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
19. survival is a talent - 503k by ShanaStoryteller - IN PROGRESS
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: In the middle of their second year, Draco and Harry discover they're soulmates and do their best to keep it a secret from everyone.
Their best isn't perfect.
20. Oh God Not Again! - 151k words by Sarah1281
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: So maybe everything didn't work out perfectly for Harry. Still, most of his friends survived, he'd gotten married, and was about to become a father. If only he'd have stayed away from the Veil, he wouldn't have had to go back and do everything AGAIN.
94 notes · View notes
gaelic-symphony · 8 months
hi!! :)
i hope this isn't weird, but i love reading your posts about judaism to learn more from it. i don't follow any religion but i love getting to know them from people who do
and if you don't mind me asking, what are your favourite things about it? <3
i hope i have expressed myself well and you don't mind this 🫶🏼
I actually love this ask, and I'm so glad you sent it! There are so many things I love about Judaism, it would take me forever to come up with a list of them, but here are a few of my favorites:
I love our everyday rituals. I love keeping kosher and going to the kosher supermarket. I love that every time I eat or go grocery shopping, I'm affirming my connection to my people and my ancestors. I love that we have blessings for the most mundane human activities like washing our hands. I love ending every week with Shabbat. I love how it gives us a day to rest and reflect and be thankful before we start a new week, and I love having the weekly marker of Shabbat to track the passage of time. I love that you don't have to subscribe to any particular version of Jewish theology or believe that we do these things because Hashem commanded us in order to participate fully in these rituals. You can do them just because you find meaning in them. You can do them just because you're proud to be Jewish and follow the traditions of your ancestors.
I love our holidays. So many of them commemorate our survival against those who tried to wipe us out: Purim, Chanukah, Passover. Every year, we tell the story of our peoples' perseverance. We reflect on the strength and courage of generations of Jews before us that allowed our continued survival into the present day. Other holidays are seasonal markers of time. Tu B'Shvat is a little over a week away, and it's our "new year for trees," the time of year when the earliest trees start to bloom in the Land of Israel. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mark the end of the old year and beginning of a new one, and give us the chance to leave our mistakes of the past year behind and learn from them moving forward as we start fresh with a brand new year. Sukkot is a traditional celebration of the annual harvest. And other holidays, we're just so happy to be Jewish that we need to throw a party about it! Shavuot celebrates the Israelites receiving the Torah from Hashem at Mount Sinai, and then we celebrate the Torah again on Simchat Torah, when we read the very last verses of the book of Dvarim and start all over again with Bereshit.
I love our music. Our daily prayers are set to music, with special nusach (melodies) for Shabbat and holidays. When we read from the Torah or the books of the prophets, we chant the words to the same melodies our ancestors have done for centuries. We sing as a way to connect with each other and with Hashem. We sing the psalms of King David, and we sing wordless melodies we call niggunim. We've developed our own styles of secular, non-liturgical music and dance: klezmer and canciones, the horah and the Yemenite step, and many, many more!
I love our scholarship. Our scholarly tradition is one of questioning and arguing, neither of which are viewed negatively in Jewish tradition! We love to ask ourselves "what if" and "why," and the point isn't so much finding a singular answer as it is the process of engaging with the text. Does it really matter as a real-world issue whether there are any Pokemon that would be kosher to eat? Of course not! But that's exactly the type of thing we love to argue over, and if the ancient rabbinic sages like Hillel and Akiva and Rashi and Maimonides were alive today, I guarantee you they would have opinions on the matter.
I love our joy. There is so much joy that comes with being Jewish, a joy we feel just for being alive against all odds. Most of our prayers are not asking Hashem for the things we want, but thanking Hashem for the things we have. We have a brachah we say specifically to thank Hashem for the opportunity to fix what is broken in this world. Our history has rarely been a happy one, but we have always found reasons to rejoice. We danced and sang and celebrated our holidays and life events even in the Warsaw Ghetto. This past December, during one of the saddest, heaviest, and scariest times for our people since the Shoah, Jews all over the world celebrated Chanukah like we always do. In the midst of our mourning, we found joy. Literally and figuratively, we came together as a tribe to create light in the darkness.
38 notes · View notes
tedwardremus · 3 months
Ron's talent was for business, not the auror department. Also I believe that he only went to that job to keep Harry safe (they have a codependent relationship and let's not forget he "died" for a couple of minutes so imagine how Ron felt). It's unfair to call him lazy for not caring about schoolwork.
The education system in Hogwarts does not teach what he is good at — marketing, strategical skills and in the auror department those skills didn't develop so he went to work at something that he excels.
For example, Ginny. She's a professional quidditch player. It makes sense to her to go back to school to keep playing the Hogwarts league. But her skill set is athletic, not academic. I think it's interesting how of all the 7 weasleys, 4 of them got into non-academic careers (The twins, Ron and Ginny).
Yeah, Hogwarts education is interesting. No acknowldgement that there are life skills and careers that require low or no magic.
Percy is a bureaucrat. He's not using his NEWT scores except for maybe the history of magic in his everyday work life. However, as head of magical transportation, he would need a broad understanding of magical theory as well as international and national law.
The twins, on the other hand, are using advanced potions and charms to create their products.
Ginny becomes a sports reporter, which is another occupation with low magic.
I'll always be a little disappointed that she ends up working for the Daily Prophet. What a trash paper. Wizarding Britain deserves a newspaper that isn't in the government's pocket. She should have started her own paper because I like her being a writer. (I would have loved it if she was an investigative reporter instead of a quidditch player and sorts writer, tbh).
I think Ron would make a very talented auror. I don't think it is absent of his skill set. He is good at dueling, he had the OWL scores to get into the proper NEWT classes, and his strategic thinking would be beneficial to planning raids.
It would be a smart propaganda move by Kinglsey to recruit the young heroes, the trio + Neville into the Ministry. It makes the government look good to have their endorsement. It signals to the public that, yes, we are committed to changing, and the young heroes you love will help get us there. (but the reality of that change would be much different of course)
Kingsley also needed aurors he could trust to track down the Death Eaters.
And Ron would want to be with Harry and finish the job.
But after a while, he probably realized he wasn't happy. That he was stuck in fight or flight mode. He doesn't need the adrenaline kick like Harry does. He needs to step aside, heal, and find ways to move on from his PTSD.
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uma1ra · 1 year
Sunnah’s to Follow on the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days of the year, in which Allah (swt) has blessed his Ummah with opportunities to multiply their rewards through His infinite mercy. These days are so sacred that Allah swears an oath by them:‘By the dawn; by the ten nights’ [The Noble Qur’an, 89:1-2].
And Allah also reminds us: ‘Remember Allah during the appointed days’. [The Noble Qur’an, 2:203]
Therefore, we should increase our acts of worship during this sacred time. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these (ten) days’. [Abu Dawud]
Here are nine Sunnah actions you should follow to seek Allah’s forgiveness and maximise your reward during the best ten days of the year:
Let’s begin with a simple yet effective action - increasing your dhikr. In Makkah, the Talbiyah will be on every pilgrim’s tongue throughout the day and night; those at home have also been commanded to praise Allah constantly in these ten days.
The Eid takbeer is an example of dhikr that ticks all three of these boxes - tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed.
You can also make dhikr after your five daily prayers - SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times.
Reciting SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (Glory be to Allah and praise Him) one hundred times a day will wipe away sins - no matter how burdensome they are.
These simple measures will ensure you are remembering Allah throughout the day and benefitting from the blessings of Dhul-Hijjah.
Fast the first nine days
It is Sunnah to fast on the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah, because fasting is one of the best of deeds. In a hadith Qudsi, Allah says, ‘All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him, except fasting, which is for Me and I shall reward for it’. [Bukhari]
If you are unable to fast for the whole nine days, try to fast on just the Day of ’Arafah, the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. Just as Laylat al-Qadr is the most blessed night of the year, ’Arafah is the most blessed day of the year. The Prophet (saw) said, ’There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire than on the day of ‘Arafah’. (Muslim)
Like Laylat al-Qadr, we should spend this day seeking forgiveness and availing ourselves of Allah’s incredible mercy. On this day, non-pilgrims have the opportunity to extinguish the sins of two years by fasting! The Prophet (saw) said, ′It (fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah) expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year’. [Muslim]
The Eid takbeer is an example of dhikr that ticks all three of these boxes - tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed.
You can also make dhikr after your five daily prayers - SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times.
Reciting SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (Glory be to Allah and praise Him) one hundred times a day will wipe away sins - no matter how burdensome they are.
These simple measures will ensure you are remembering Allah throughout the day and benefitting from the blessings of Dhul-Hijjah.
Fast the first nine days
It is Sunnah to fast on the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah, because fasting is one of the best of deeds. In a hadith Qudsi, Allah says, ‘All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him, except fasting, which is for Me and I shall reward for it’. [Bukhari]
If you are unable to fast for the whole nine days, try to fast on just the Day of ’Arafah, the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. Just as Laylat al-Qadr is the most blessed night of the year, ’Arafah is the most blessed day of the year. The Prophet (saw) said, ’There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire than on the day of ‘Arafah’. (Muslim)
Like Laylat al-Qadr, we should spend this day seeking forgiveness and availing ourselves of Allah’s incredible mercy. On this day, non-pilgrims have the opportunity to extinguish the sins of two years by fasting! The Prophet (saw) said, ′It (fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah) expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year’. [Muslim]
Give Sadaqah
Many of us maximise our Sadaqah during the last ten nights of Ramadan, but the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are just as valuable and present the perfect opportunity to earn extra rewards for simple good deeds!
Hasan al-Basri (rh) said, ‘Going to fulfil the need of your brother is better for you than performing Hajj after Hajj’.
Helping our brothers and sisters in need is one of the acts most beloved to Allah and we have the perfect tool to help you maximise your rewards over the blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah. The Best 10 Days allows you to automate your donations to five emergency locations, including Yemen and Syria, providing food, clean water and medical supplies to suffering families.
Hajj is the ultimate act of worship we can perform as Muslims to seek forgiveness from Allah and expiate our sins, but most of us are lucky if we can go even once in our lifetime. That is why Dhul-Hijjah is the perfect gift from Allah, allowing us to repent and seek forgiveness for our sins even if we are not on pilgrimage.
Repentance brings us closer to Allah and cleanses our souls. Allah says:
‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favour his favour’. [The Noble Qur’an, 11:3]
Pray Eid Salah
Eid Salah is one of the ways we show our Islamic identity as a community and is therefore a very important act of worship for all Muslims to partake in. The Prophet (saw) always attended Eid Salah, as did his companions after he had passed away. He encouraged everyone to attend, even menstruating women - who are unable to perform the prayer itself but can still share in the blessings of this gathering.
Give a Prophetic Qurbani
Abu Talhah (ra) reported, ‘The Prophet (saw) sacrificed for the one who could not sacrifice from his Ummah, one who bore witness to the Oneness of Allah and [his] Prophethood’. [Tabarani and Ahmad]
During Eid, the Prophet (saw) would offer an additional sacrifice on behalf of someone in his Ummah that could not afford to. Allah says, ‘There has come to you a Messenger of Allah from among yourselves, who is distressed by the losses you sustain, who is ardently desirous of your welfare and is tender and merciful to those that believe’. [The Noble Qur’an, 9:128]
SubhanAllah, this generous act of our beloved Messenger of Allah is an incredible example of His mercy to His Ummah that Allah refers to in the above ayah, to sacrifice for his Ummah and cover them till the Day of Judgement.
You too can follow this beautiful Sunnah and give an extra Qurbani to maximise your reward during Dhul-Hijjah. Not only will you be reviving a forgotten Sunnah, but you will be also doubling your impact by feeding even more families a rare meal with meat during the days of Eid-al-Adha.
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Drarry Fic Recs
organised through word count. I’m currently waist-deep into my drarry obsession.
masterlist (including wolfstar, tomarry and jegulus)
more fics to come
and Lucius will never know - tryslora
kinky kristmas, desk sex | E | 1k
Spell It On The Tiles - isamijoo
post-howgarts, divination, established relationship, marriage | G | 1.3k          
I don't want that (I actually do) - Maree_MeDLM
fluff and humour, getting together, post-war, oblivious draco, fluff and crack | M | 2k
Slammed - Faith Wood (faithwood)
8th year, kissing, harry makes habit of acosting draco | G | 2k
Harry Potter & The Accidental Confession - ghostboi
ememies to friends, accidental confessions, fluff, mutual pining, supportive ron, meeting the parents, hogwarts | G | 3k
Everything and Nothing - XxTheDarkLordxX
post-hogwarts, time travel, hurt/comfort, angst | T | 4k
Slythering Eigth Years are Shit at Potions (or are they?) - thecouchsofa
Slytherins trying to be match-makers, love potions | M | 4k words
Take You Made - tackytiger
mutual pining, masturbation, voyerism, auror harry, unspeakable draco, light angst | E | 4k
Hold My Hand - bafflinghaze
fluff and angst, established relationship, kinda secret relationship, st mungo’s | M | 4k
Who Said Draco Malfoy Can’t Dance? - Yesbocchan
Drinking Games, Truth or Dare, Lap Dancing | E | 4.5k            
At Second Sight - kcstories
canon divergence, getting together, romance, smut, enemies to lovers, first time | E | 4k
Elaborate, Correct, and Assiduously Observed - peu_a_peu
post-war, marriage | T | 4k
Purebloods Have Elf on a Shelf, Too? - Moon_Peach, Owl_Postmaster
christmas fluff, domestic fluff, bamf narcissa, elf on a shelf, roomates, friends to lovers, mutual pining | 4k
The Perfect Catch - tryslora
mpreg, fluff and angst, misunderstandings | T | 4k
Of Relationships and Daily Prophets - clover71, radcliffe_bass
angst and humour, fluff, the daily prophet | T | 5k
The Foolproof Plan - radcliffe_bass
alternate reality, romance, angst and humour | T | 5k
Games Night - Agentmoppet
Hogwarts 8th Year, House Unity, Muggle Games, Confident Draco, Flustered Harry, First time, Strip Poker | E | 5k
so lie to me tonight - M0stlyvoid (you have to be an Ao3 user)
Hogwarts 8th Year, Drarry through Ginny’s POV, Breakup, Heartbreak, Hopeful Ending | M | 5k
The Way You Say My Name - InnerLilith
auror partners, getting together, banter, ridiculous pet names, flirting | E | 5k
Draco at Nineteen - birdsofshore
Time Travel, Age Difference, Hogwarts 8th Year, First Time | E | 5k
If stars died of old age - DefNotForWork
breaking up and making up, veela draco, angst with happy ending | 5k
Of Foolish First Love - keidaught
pining, yule ball, 4th year, angst, resolved sexual tension | T | 5k
Double L in the Broomshed - GingerTodgers
Established Relationship Reveal, Radio Announcement | M | 5k
Snow Globe - BummedOutWriter
auror harry, professor draco, amnesia, mpreg, memory loss | G | 5k
I’ve Got Soul (But I’m Not A Soldier) - Imsiriuslyreading
BAMF Regulus Black, Fix-it, Ghost Regulus | G | 5k
His Little Something - chibaken
Hogwarts 8th Year, Size Kink, Plot what Plot, Top Harry | E | 6k
Trapped in a Blue Haze - MourningElegence 
Draco finds out about the Dursleys treatment of Harry, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Top Draco | E | 6k
A House Elf Affair - Paradi
fluff and smut, getting together, house elf magic, awkward flirting, mpreg, humour, pining | E | 6k
Doer of Good Deeds - Lomonaaeren
romance, humour, matchmaking, 8th year | T | 6k
Just Strangers without Memories - saratinearchive
post-war, hurt/comfort, auror harry, curse breaker draco, angst with happy ending | E | 6k
Matched Set - astolat
Hogwarts 8th Year, Size kink | E | 6k
Who Shagged Harry Potter? - Faith Wood (faithwood)
smut, humour, hogwarts eigth year | E | 6k
A Ghost of Blissful Feelings - alpha_exodus
consentual non-consent, kink negotiation, 8th year, love confessions | E | 6k
Snug - Moonflower_Rose
coming untouched, touching bits in public, draco peeking | E | 6k
Kiss-Kiss - who_la_hoop
five times fics, boys kissing, silliness | E | 6k
All Tied Up - MyNameIsThunder
Hogwarts 8th Year, Secret Relationship | M | 6k
Amortentia, Harry. Amortentia! - puddinghater26
love confessions, idiots in love, potions class, enemies to lovers, fluff | T | 6k
Like This and Like This (Dreams of Lace) - primaveracerezos
Friends to Lovers, Office Sex | E | 7k
Our Little Life - tackytiger
post-hogwarts, time travel, dream sex, falling in love, past lives, idiots in love | M | 7k
(Un)Calculated Risk - loveglowsinthedark
Hogwarts 8th Year, Established Relationship, Humour, Secret Relationship | E | 7k
Distraction - kcstories
hogwarts era, fluff and smut, enemies to lovers, pwp | E | 7k
Making love (out of nothing at all) - saratinearchive
mutual pining, canon divergence, getting together, friends to lovers, soft draco, post-second war, slow burn, smut | E | 7k
How to Handle an Enemy - who_la_hoop
truth or dare | E | 7k
Intention - The_Sinking_Ship
enemies to lovers, secret relationship, jealousy, happy ending, smut | E | 7k
A Perfect Fit - nothing_left_sacred
Mpreg, Plot what Plot, Veela Draco, Werewolf Harry | E | 8k
What I thought - bafflinghaze
auror harry, unspeakable draco, pining, fluff, happy ending, secret relationship, top draco | E | 8k
Ransoms - dysonrules
auror partners, adventure, flirty draco | M | 8k
If your mean to ... - Maree_MeDLM
married drarry, protective harry, fluff and crack, draco in muggle world, harry keeps on saving draco | T | 8k
It takes one to play the part - saratinearchive
domestic fluff, humour, established relationship, married drarry, auror partners | E | 8k
Defining Dickhead - who_la_hoop
dubious romance, friendship, boys being idiots | T | 8k
What I Thought - bafflinghaze
Miscommunication, Auror!Harry, Unspeakable!Draco, Angst, Secret Relationship, Smitten!Draco | E | 8k
Play Dates - Bixgirl1
Friends to Lovers, Dad!Draco, Praise kink, Bottom!Draco | E | 8k
But first, we fight - ANW815
Fluff and Angst and Smut, Auror Partners, Enemies to Lovers, Fight Sex | E | 8k
seeing for you - Owl_Postmaster
seer draco, werewolves, angst | M | 9k
It’s Our Party and We’ll Fuck if We Want To - firethesound
Established Relationship, Fluff and Angst | E | 9k
Good To Me (And I’d Be So Good to You) - AWickedMemory
Hogwarts 8th Year, Oblivious Harry, Obsessive Harry | G | 9k
Zero for Two (a tease of power) - XxTheDarkLordxX
Dark!Harry, Dark!Draco, they’re both obsessed with eachother | M | 9k
Fuel to the Fire - HolyGnocchi
Auror Partners, Pining Harry, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Luna/Pansy scheming | E | 9k
Misfortune Favors the Bold - vina_writes
courting attempts, bi disaster harry, bad flirting, humour, auror harry, potions master draco, smitten harry and draco, misunderstandings, jealousy | M | 9k
Changing Fate - jamesilver
soulmates, falling in loss, memory loss, happy ending | T | 10k
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity - babooshk_art, onbeinganangel
Post-War, Time Travel, Auror Harry, Domestic Fluff | E | 10k
The Full Monty - magpie_fngrl
harry poses for nude calendar, humour, top draco, smut | E | 10k
Mine - goldensnitch18
E | 10k
Gryffindors Never Kiss and Tell - FeelsForBreakfast
casual drinking, everyone is friends, banter | E | 10k
Darling Buds of May - vina_writes
preggers draco, telling harry, miscommunication, misunderstandings, angst and fluff, auror harry, established relationship, healer draco, happy ending | M | 10k
To Love a Loathed (Arch) Enemy - Sophie_French
Reconstruction of Hogwarts, Fluff, Humour | E | 11k
Everyone Needs A Weasley - Inheartofwinter
fluff and humour, ron takes homeless draco to grimmauld place, post-hogwarts, pining | T | 11k
Turnbout Is Fair Play - who_la_hoop
truth or dare, slytherin hijinks | E | 11k
Not Through With You by dark0feenix
angst, romance, memory loss, spy draco for order | NC 17 | 11k
Aural Gratification - birdsofshore
aural king, masturbation, coming out, humour and smut | E | 11k
Brevem Conspectum - Lauren3210
Kid fic, Domestic, Fluff and Smut, Short Time Travel | E | 12k
The Care and Management of Volatile Veelas - Dracogotgame
Veela Draco, Crack-ish | E | 12k    
Said the Tortoise to the Hare - Lomonaaeren
slow build, romance, humour, friendship | M | 12k
The Depths - Sniper_Jade
suicidal thoughts, hurt/comfort, suicide attempt, snogging, smut, mutual masturbation | E | 12k
Matchmaker, Matchmaker - firethesound
grimmauld place, hallucinations, visions, marriage proposal, first kiss | E | 12k
I might not be your cup of tea, but I'm your 10th shot of Firewhisky - phrynne
mutual pining, drinking, getting together, falling in love, bottom draco | E | 13k
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Until Time Becomes Timeless) - saratinearchive
getting back together, older man/younger man, professor harry, student draco then professor draco, first time, virgin draco | E | 13k
Casefile: Operation MoD - Mosrael
established relationship, getting back together, visions, mystery, seer harry, unspeakable draco | M | 13k
all the things I knew I didn't know - eevans
POV harry, 8th year, post-war, mind healers, grimmauld place, slow burn,  non-linear, smut | E | 14k
With You, Always - acupforslytherin
soulmates, 8th year, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, dreams | M | 14k
Turn Back the Clock - SteampunkSerpent27
de-aged harry, potion mishap, mentions of child abuse, happy ending, established relationship | T | 14k
embrace the deception - swoons
canon divergence, auror harry, seer draco, PI draco, getting together, pining, mutual pining, enemies to friends to lovers, smut | M | 14k
Sex and the Art of Castle Maintenance - birdofshore
Enemies to Lovers, Hogwarts 8th Year, Forced Proximity, Dirty Talk, Hurt/Comfort | E | 15k
Where I see things right - InnerLilith
preggers harry, hurt/comfort, abortion positivity, getting together, angst with happy ending | E | 15k
Hey, Potter - SunseticMonster
Hogwarts 8th Year, Drinking, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Harry tries to trip up Draco with compliments | M | 16k
malfoy-potter universe - aratinearchive
established relationship, married, a series | T | 17k
(Never) Let Me Go - maraudersaffair
angst with happy ending, top draco, pining draco, post-hogwarts, possessive draco, smut, minor hinny, infidelity, falling in love | E | 18k
Cascade - Avonne
Hogwarts 8th Year, Romance, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Emotional hurt/comfort, Bottom Draco, Jealous Harry, Supportive Hermione | E | 19k
Antlers and Ivy - violetclarity
soulmates, masquerade ball, daily prophet, pining, angst with happy ending | E | 19k
so scarlet it was - Anonymous
mutual pining, 8th year, hooking up, falling in love, light angst, POV draco, panic attacks | E | 19k
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident - lauren3210
auror harry, healer draco, post-hogwarts, harry thinks hes a playboy (hes not) | E | 20k
An Issue of Consequence - Faith Wood (faithwood)
Hogwarts 8th year, Humour, getting together (kinda), Angst with happy ending, Romance | E | 20k words
Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue (THIS IS ALSO)
PTSD, Time Travel, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Character Study | M | 20k
Dear Diary - AWickedMemory (TeddyLaCroix)
Hogwarts 8th Year, Getting Together, Sentient Diaries that aren’t horcruxes | M | 20k
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth - Cibee (westerncibee)
friends to lovers, auror harry, misunderstandings, getting together, humour, courting rituals | T | 20k
A Hyperactive Fruit, a Nasty Neighbour and a Love Story - synonym4life
magical creatures, bottom harry, domestic fluff, smut | E | 20k
Draco Malfoy and the Quest for the Wanton Wordsmith - HoneydeWinter
getting together, pining, mystery, secret admirer (not really but kinda), the quibbler | M | 20k
i demand to dig my own grave - M0stlyVoid
murder mystery, draco pretends to be a seer, auror harry, happy ending | M | 21k
The Matchmaker's Spell - Kbrick
forced marriage, angst with happy ending, love/hate, jealous harry, murder, darkish, smut, draco flaunts affairs | E | 21k
Every Line - Inkdrinkershadowsinger
soulmates, getting together, auror partners, attempted rape!! | G | 21k
To Hurt and Heal - cassisluna
slow burn, pining, 8th year, pining, angst with happy ending | T | 22k
The Devil’s White Knight - orphan_account (THIS IS SO GOOD)
Time Travel, Alternate Timeline, Everybody Lives, No Voldermort | E | 24k
Keep It Simple, Stupid - Lomonaaeren
Draco tries to keep flirty!Harry alive, crack | M | 24k
Just a Matter of Time - gracerene
Post-War, Time Travel, Unspeakable Draco, Age Difference, First Time | E | 24k
Dragon Heartstrings - JET_Playin
Red String of Fate, Misunderstanidngs, Hurt/Comfort, they’re both oblivious, Angst with a Happy Ending | E | 24k
Brighton - Sniper_Jade
witnessed orgy, BDSM scene, accidental voyeurism, romance, drama, coming out, enemies to lovers, angst, clubbing | E | 24k
If You Miss It, Try Again - dodgerkedavra
mpreg, preggers draco, potions master draco, auror harry, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, smut, birthday sex | E | 24k
1,000 Points from Gryffindor - orphan_account
Hogwarts 8th Year, Shennanigans, Humour, Comfort | E | 25k
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - agentmoppet, SlugLord
friends with benefits, loss of virginity, mutual masturbation, mutual pining | E | 25k
in the electricity of your touch - tryslora
8th year, mpreg, infidelity, soulmates, a/b/o, smut  | E | 25k
Kiss Me, Touch Me, Forget Me - jamesilver
angst, fake relationship, loss of virginity, memory loss, coming out, angst with happy ending, heartbreak, love confessions | M | 26k
Asking Malfoy for Help - Greg889
Grimmauld place, post-hogwarts, falling in love, enemies to lovers, happy ending, switch drarry | E | 26k
Eye of the Storm - OTPshipper98
harry relives most painful memories, child abuse, mmind healer draco, post-hogwarts, mutual pining, eventual fluff | 27k
You And Me - bixgirl1
Hogwarts 8th Year, Friends to Lover, Veritaserum, Falling in Love | E | 28k
Higher and Higher (Temptation) - birdsofshore
Collars, Auror Harry, Curse Breaking, Curse Breaker Draco, Pining, Resolved Sexual Tension | E | 28k
Something There - 1bad_joke
Hogwarts 8th Year, Veela Draco, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending | E | 28k
In The Hand - aideomai
multiverse, draco ron and hermione go to find harry across multiverse | T | 28k
Silk Scarves and Enchanted Handcuffs - TommyLane
Party Games, Loss of Virginity, Scheming Friends, blindfolds, alternate 7th year | E | 29k
Somewhere in My Memory - maraudersaffair
Post-Hogwarts, Memory Loss, Auror Draco, Preggers Harry, Getting Together, Lotta Sex | E | 29k
Sweeter Than Revenge (I guess?) - saratinearchive
8th year, house unity, shairng a room, fluff and crack, sub draco | E | 30k
The Green Vial - eidheann
Mpreg, with Potions, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Pining | E | 31k
This is Never Happening Again - hpleems
eventual romance, fluff and angst, slow build, hate sex, pining, secret relationship | M | 32k
As Time Passes - XxTheDarkLordxX
soulmates, angst with happy ending, hurt/comfort, abusive lucius | M | 32k
Out Of The Shadows - kcstories
Vignettes, Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship, Hogwarts Era | E | 32k
Draco Malfoy and the Letter from the Future - DracoWillHearAboutThis
time travel, POV draco, harry potter series retold, draco and harry friendship, draco questioning parents beliefs | G | 33k
What Happens to the Heart - Mossycoat
seer harry, bi harry, fluff and angst, post-hogwarts | M | 33k
Tell Me Love Is Endless -  alexmeg, RewriteParagraph
Soulmates, Enemies to Lovers, Angst and Tragedy, Ghosts, Hogwarts 8th Year, Tearjerker, Mutual-Pining | M | 34k
Verba Volant - shushu_yaoi_lj
Hogwarts 8th Year, Love Letters, Angst with a Happy Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Veela Draco | E | 35k
Lockdown - Vorabiza (Biza)
humour, romance, voyeurism, graphic sex, forced proximity | E | 35k
Seamus is Seamus and You are Yourself - gonzoclock
Crack-ish, Harry gets hot, everyone loves Harry, Draco is protective, getting together | M | 37k
Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day - Faith Wood (faithwood)
8th year, romance, mystery, adventure | E | 37k
In Our Blood - secretsalex
preggers draco, magicallly powerful harry, dirty talk, haunted houses, top harry, dark magic | E | 38k
Always Together - IlliterateBastard
6th year, french harry, raised by regulus, no voldy, no dumbledore, slytherin harry, no war, fluff and angst | M | 38k
My End and My Beginning - leo_draconis
hunting horcruxs, veela draco, battle of hogwarts, mpreg | E | 39k
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas - bixgirl1
eigth year, bed/room sharing, falling in love, pining, flirting, sleep wanking, loss of virginity | E | 39k
Tea Collection - Kamerreon
canon divergence, crack, fluff, recreational drugs, WWW potions, hijinks, loss of virginity, lust potion, de-aging, smut and banter | E | 39k
Now I Know In Part - dodgerkedavra
curse breaker draco, auror harry, blind harry, top draco, happily ever after, grief/mourning, hurt/comfort | E | 40k
Lumos - birdsofshore (this is so good)
Hogwarts 8th Year, Room-sharing, Voyuerism, wanking, Enemies to Lovers, Pining, Jealousy, First times | E | 41k
In the Presence of My Enemy - dodgerkedavra
curse breaking, alternating POV, weddings, smut, panic attacks, emotional hurt/comfort, overpowered harry, sectumsempra | E | 41k
love is made of gold and silver - millersplanet
Hogwarts 8th Year, Spells & Charms, Future Selves, Sectumsempra Scars | M | 42k
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption - aibidil
fuck or die, enthusiatic consent, curses, muggle life, getting together, falling in love, post-hogwarts | E | 43k
In Evidence of Magical Theory - bixgirl1 
Hogwarts 8th Year, Magical Mishaps, Accidental Bonding, Forced Proximity, Bed Sharing, Magical Theory | E | 44k
Nearly Lost Things, Carefully Tended - SquadOfCats
Angst, Humour, Slow Build, Happy Ending, Redeemed Draco, Grimmauld Place, Harry fails at courting | E | 47k
You cannot save people, you can only love them -  heyitsamorette (AmoretteHD)
Hogwarts 8th Year, First Time, Bottom Draco | E | 52k
In the Shadow of Your Heart -  lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends with Benefits, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Pining, POV Draco | E | 52k
The Guest - BummedOutWriter
kid fic, time travel, get together, mrpeg, truth serum, 6th year, seer draco | M | 60k
Teddy Bear Troubles and Other Such Oddities - Kandakicksass
age regression, potions, problematic age gap issues | M | 61k
The Scent Of Malice - paradisedraco
enemies to lovers, slow burn, drug addiction, dark comedy, saviour complex harry, heavy angst | E | 63k
The Devil's White Knight - orphan_account
dimension travel, no voldy, time travel??, enemies to lovers, post-war trauma, everyone is gay | E | 65k
The Lesson of You - thecouchsofa
accidental chil acquisition, getting together, family feels, kid fic, fluff, time travel, smut | E | 65k
Everything Black - General_Jellyfish
Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, BAMF Harry Potter | T | 66k
Who We Were, Who We Are - jamesilver
temporary amnesia, fluff and angst, cute, sectumsempra, coming out, spy draco | T | 66k
Right Hand Red - lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill)
8th year, unresolved rexual tension, first time, party games, bottom draco, secret relationship | E | 73k
we should just kiss (like real people do) - whenstheweddingcake
fifth year, wolfstar adopt harry, mild smut, powerful harry, dark magic, unreliable relationship | T | 75k
Beautiful Meanings in Beautiful Things - cloudings
8th year, amortentia, voyeurism, sharing a room, soulmates, humour, fluff and smut | E | 77k
all the western stars - oflights
seer draco, werewolf harry, isolation, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, misunderstandings, sharing a bed, rough sex | E | 78k
Get Some - sara_holmes
Harry is fed up with getting away with everything, Draco has a spine, after 2nd war, getting together | M | 78k
The White Pawn - Soupy_George
time travel, romance, adventure, disenchanted draco, relive sixth year | T | 81k
Dwelling - aideomai
friends to lover, boy-who-lived neville, weird shit going on, curses | T | 83k
Into the Dark - PhantomGrimalkin
time travel, first war, slow burn, suicidal thoughts, hocrux hunting, established wolfstar | T | 89k
Diffraction Patterns (I Don't Know How to Forget You) - yourdifferentoctober
Hogwarts 8th Year, Memory Alteration, Slow Burn, First Time, Sexual Tension, PTSD | E | 94k
Prophecies and Potions - Angylsmuse, Rina9294
draco is a spy for the order, smut, canon divergence | E | 96k
where are you (my lion)? - harrysblueshirt1
time travel, canon divergence, jily sent to future, fix-it, emotional hurt/comfort, good draco, professor harry | 99k
Chaos Theory - Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley)
canon divergence, science, genius draco, mind control, PLEASE READ ALL TAGS | E | 102k
That'll Be The Day - Waterloo
time travel, friendship, hogwarts redo, slow burn, enemies to friends to lovers, pov alternating, wolfstar raise harry | M | 112k WIP
Far From The Tree - aideomai
drarrys kids time travel to hogwarts, pre-relationship, down and out draco, dom draco | E | 112k
Turning Leaves - Kbrick
time travel, pining draco, slytherin harry, angst with happy ending, harry is bad at feelings, drunk sex, auror harry | E | 113k
Written on the Heart - who_la_hoop
8th year, soulmark, slow burn, fluff and angst, falling in love, smut, coming out, happy ending, found family | E | 114k
Paradox - kerfuffling
Canon Divergenced, Draco sent back to first year | M, E | 119k
Threshold - Kbrick
unspeakable draco, portals, auror harry, pining draco, swords & sorcery, magically powerful draco, enemies to firneds to lovers, slow burn | E | 126k
Drop Dead Gorgeous - Maya Reddit (to find search “complete works of Maya Reddit”) 
What We Pretend We Can't See - gyzym
M | 131k
Please Be There If I Remember (And Don't Let Go When I Forget) - Rosie321go
memory loss, fluff and angst, everyones confused, fifth year, cano divergence, hurt/comfort | T | 143k
The Ordeal of Being Known - louisfake
Auror Harry, Healer Draco, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Veritaserum, Eventual Romance | M | 146k
Bewildered - SparrowGrim
dimension travel, canon divergence, a/b/o, magically powerful harry, top draco, happy ending | E | 148k
In my visions I see you - PottersForhead
seer draco, good draco, abusive lucius, dumbledore bashing, master of death harry, slow burn, friends to lovers | T | 150k WIP
Away Childish Things - lettered
age regression, past child abuse, internalized homophobia, grief/mourning, mommy/daddy issues, potions accident, hurt.comfort | T | 154k
When you are ready to go on... but you go back - Sakura521
time travel, fix-it, harry heir of house black, slow burn, good malfoy family | M | 166k WIP, 1 more chapter
The Lost Heir - RiddleMeThis1926
BAMF Harry, Touch Him and Die Harry, Harry Heir to House Black, Marriage Contracts, Sirius Raised Harry | E | 170k
Always Already - aibidil
time travel, post-hogwarts, department of mysteries, drarry go back to marauders era | E | 171k
Temptation on the Warfront - alizarincrims0n
horcrux hunting, romance, angst and humour, deathly hallows au, pov switching, love/hate, slow burn | E | 180k
The Dragon’s Treasure - FanonStar
Romance, Slow Build, Legilimency, Accidental Bonding | M | 187k
Malfoy Flavor - Vorabiza (Biza)
romance, humour, drama, au, graphic sex | E | 200k
 Eclipse - Mijan
6th year, canon divergence, dark magic, slow build, adventure | T | 287k
Turn - Saras_Girl
IDK sorry | E | 300k
Twist of Fate - Oakstone730
memory loss, secret relationships, beating the imperius curse, 4th year | T | 302k
It Was All Just a Game (Rewrite) - write_me227
enemies to lovers, fake relationship, PTSD, slow burn, first time, canon re-write, 4th year, smut, fluff and angst | M | 616k
Lily's Boy - SomewheresSword
powerful harry, manipulative dumbledore, not friendly to molly/ron/hermione, canon divergence, harry gets love he deserves | E | 746k
221 notes · View notes
Caller asks if Trump will reveal himself as the Antichrist — many believe he already has
Thom Hartmann
September 10, 2024 2:17PM ET
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A supporter of former President Donald Trump wears a pro-Trump t-shirt at a Trump campaign rally at an outdoor fairgrounds, April 13, 2024 in Schnecksville, Pa. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)
A listener called into my program recently and asked, “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist and, if so, will he reveal himself at the debate?”
I passed on drawing a conclusion, but then the lines lit up with a steady stream of people over the next few hours offering their “proofs” that Trump was, in fact, the Evil One come to ravage the Earth. That he’s a literal and iniquitous thaumaturge. My first caller clearly hit a nerve.
It’s a fascinating question, though, whether put literally or metaphorically.
Asking the question literally requires a belief in the actual reality of a Son-of-God Christ figure and of an Antichrist opponent of nearly equal but opposite power. This sort of thing fills the Bible, and I’ll get to that in a moment.
But first consider the question from the secular perspective, which argues these two terms represent, at their core, metaphors for the embodiment of good and evil.
In this context, then, a more accurate question is: “Is Donald Trump evil, and thus an antichrist?”
In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus spoke in the plural when he predicted “false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.”
After warning that grifters and con artists (in secular terms)would try to exploit His followers, He said, “by their fruits ye shall know them.”
Trump’s “fruits” are pretty obvious:
More than twenty women have accused him of rape and sexual assault.
Hundreds of contractors, customers and employees have accused him of stealing from them or refusing to pay them (or both), as have members of his own family
Throughout his presidency, he lied over 30,000 times and continues to lie daily
He pits Americans against each other by race, religion, and region in an effort to tear our country apart and thus weaken opposition to his authoritarian rule
He openly encouraged violence against unarmed people at multiple rallies and encouraged state violence at a speech to chiefs of police; most recently he encouraged an assault on members of the press
He tried to overthrow and end our democracy
He embraced depraved, ungodly murderers, kleptocrats, and “strongman” rulers while ridiculing western democracies and their elected leaders
He tried to damage or dismantle political and military systems designed to keep peace in the world, including the UN, NATO, and the Iran JCPOA
He reaches out to Jesus’s followers and then directs them toward bigotry, violence, and hatred
As an object of admiration and a role model, he’s replaced Jesus in many white evangelical congregations
He delighted in tearing children from their parents and putting them in cages
He tried to end Americans’ access to lifesaving medical care by killing Obamacare and privatizing Medicare
He watched on TV, like a delighted child, as his followers killed three police officers, sent 140 others to the hospital, and tried to murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House
He lied about Covid (after disclosing the truth to Bob Woodward), causing more disease and deaths in America than any other nation in the world except Peru
The main reason many Christians freak out about an antichrist is that following him will get you banned from heaven or even cast into hell.
But what did Jesus — the guy Trump’s white evangelical followers claim as their savior — say was necessary to get into heaven?
Back in 1998 I had a private audience with Pope John Paul II at his invitation; one of his personal secretaries had read one of my books. He gave Louise and me a private tour of many non-public parts of the Vatican and, the next day, we sat through an open-air concert with Pope John Paul II and about 30 VIPs, including the leader of Germany’s Bundestag, for more than an hour, surrounded by the splendor of Castel Gandolfo, the Pope’s summer palace on the rim of an extinct volcano overlooking lake Albano.
When we spoke privately after the concert, His Holiness’s forceful comments about the work we all must do reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 25. It’s an amazing 2,000 year-old story that tells us everything we need to know about today’s “Christian” politics:
Jesus’ disciples had gathered around him in a private and intimate setting.
Finally, they thought, they could ask him, straight up, the question that had been haunting them, particularly now that the Roman authorities were starting to talk about punishing or even executing them: How they could be sure to hang out with Him in the afterlife?
Jesus told them that at the end of days He’d be sitting on His throne separating the sheep from the goats “as a shepherd divideth.”
The nations of “sheep” would go with Him to heaven, the “goats” to hell.
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave me food,” he told his disciples he would say to the sheep. “I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”
At this point, His disciples — who had never, ever seen Jesus hungry, thirsty, homeless, sick, or naked — freaked out. Whoa! they shouted. We’re screwed!
“When saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee?” they asked, panicked. “Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?” “Verily I say unto you,” Jesus replied, reassuring them, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
This is the only place in the Bible where Jesus explicitly tells His disciples what acts they must perform, in their entirety, to get into heaven.
Feed the hungry, care for refugees, house and clothe the homeless, heal the sick, have compassion on those in prison.
That’s it.
And it’s a list that is quite literally the opposite of everything that Donald Trump advocates, stands for, and has done in his careers, both business and political.
While biblical scholars are split about who the actual “Beast” was that John referenced in his Revelation, many consider it to have been a then-politically-necessary cloaking of the identity of Roman Emperor Nero.
It was clearly a political figure, who represented the antithesis of the values and works Jesus laid out in the Sermon on the Mount and in Matthew 25.
A leader whose actions unleashed “a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.”
Caller after caller to my program offered their own proofs of Trump being the Beast or the Antichrist:
“MAGA” means “magic” or “sorcerer” in Latin and multiple other languages
His grandfather’s name when he emigrated to America to start a whorehouse in the Pacific Northwest was “Drumpf,” which he changed to Trump. John in German is “Johann.” Therefore, his “actual” name is Donald Johann Drumpf — each name having six letters. (Weirdly, the same is true of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the guy who laid the foundation for MAGA.)
He illegally armed the Saudis for their merciless bombing war against Yemen which had five million peoplefacing famine as the Saudi military blocked food arrivals.
His family owns 666 Fifth Avenue.
He fooled millions of evangelical followers of Jesus, just as the Beast is supposed to do.
He put his own red-hat MAGA mark on their foreheads.
He consorts with “whores” and “criminals.”
It was an interesting exercise and conversation, and I was surprised by how many people are actually religiously freaked out about Trump.
But for me, all the proof I need that Trump, if not the biblical Antichrist, is at least a political one, is what he says and does. And I’ll bet that tonight he will reveal himself, both as a disciple of the “Father of Lies,” and through his anti-Christ-type policies.
As Pope Francis today tells us, a man’s “fruits” show us all we need to know about who he really is.
10 notes · View notes
@hinnymicrofic May Day 31: Perfect
Ginny nibbled on the end of her pencil, thinking hard.
Harry thought she looked adorable doing that. He didn’t understand her fascination with doing the Daily Prophet crosswords, but he was absolutely fascinated by watching her do them.
“Class C Non-Tradeable whose shoots, bites, spikes and juice are venomous,” She said aloud. “What do you think, Harry?”
“I’m not Neville, Gin,” he said dryly, but then last month’s case of plant smuggling came to mind. “But try ‘Tentacula’.”
She hummed as she counted the boxes and scribbled in them. “You’re right. Thanks, love.” She leaned over to peck his cheek.
He grinned as he sipped his coffee. He loved their lazy mornings before they had to rush to the department or practice. “No problem.”
“Hmm. . .” She frowned at the next hint, seconds later. “Synonym for ‘flawless’. Seven letters.” She made a triumphant. “Oh, I’ve got it! It’s—”
“Ginevra,” he finished, smirking.
Ginny turned to him and raised an eyebrow. “I’d be upset at being called by my full name if you hadn’t just labelled me perfect.” She was grinning, but she turned solemn quickly. “Harry, you know I’m not perfect.”
“I know you aren’t,” he agreed easily. “You’re hot tempered, vicious, stubborn, and. . . Well, you know how I am.”
“Oblivious, guarded, angry, obsessive?” She said with a smirk.
“Yeah, those things,” they both chuckled. Harry, deciding there wasn’t a better time, feeling his body thrum with nerves, went down on one knee. Ginny gaped.
“Ginny, it’s you and me. It’s you and me, now and forever. We may not be perfect individually, but we can try to make our lives as perfect as they can be, together. I vow to choose you, to support you, to argue and make up with you, to love you every day of the rest of our lives, as I already do, if you let me. Want to make it official?”
“Of course I do,” she said softly, smile nearly blinding. Harry stood up and they kissed, long and deep. The sheer amount of happiness he felt made his head spin, dizzy with joy. “What about a ring?” She asked curiously, cocking her head to the side.
“You can get out your own ring,” Harry grinned. “You know, the one you were planning on proposing – I hope to me – with? I found it.”
Ginny slapped his chest gently, pouting. “First of all, damn you for stealing my thunder.”
“Ouch, Gin, that hurts,” he said, mock pained. “I didn’t steal your thunder! I found it last week! How is it my fault you didn’t propose in that time and I decided this was a good time for me to do it?”
He knew perfectly well he could have waited for the time Ginny wanted to do it, and a part of him did regret that he would now never know the experience she had planned, but well. . . For him, this had been the perfect time. He couldn’t wait any longer. He loved Ginny more than anything, and knowing she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him both honoured and thrilled him enough to be impatient about it.
Anyway, she just ignored his protests.
“Secondly, you’re the most socially oblivious person I know. How in Merlin’s name did you find the ring or know I was going to propose?” She asked incredulously.
“Hey, I’m not that bad,” Harry said defensively. She snorted. “Okay, fine, whatever. I found it when I was humouring Hermione’s latest cleanliness fad. You remember she was going on and on about cobwebs and corners. You’d left the ring in the corner of the bookshelf, so while I was dusting there. . .”
He shrugged. It had actually been a really good hiding place, because neither of them was an avid reader, and Ginny, who always used spells in household work, would probably not have imagined that even if Harry got it in his head to clean that space, he would do it the muggle way rather than with magic. But Harry had grown up Muggle, and for cooking and cleaning, he liked to revert to that.
Ginny sighed. “I cannot believe I forgot you like to do stuff like that the Muggle way,” she muttered to herself. “Or that you actually follow Hermione’s obsessions.”
He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. “She’s my best friend.”
“Fair,” Ginny grinned. “Let’s go get the ring.”
“How were you going to propose?” He asked as she got out the ring. Harry smiled at that small life-changing box, feeling happiness in that space of his chest instead of sadness or bitterness or grief, like he usually did with Ginny and his friends.
“Honestly, I wasn’t fully decided. I considered making a really huge deal, like after one of my matches, but I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about a public proposal like that—”
“As long as it was you, I would have been fine,” he insisted. He didn’t like the public scrutiny of him or their relationship, but about their engagement, on their own terms, as long as it was Ginny. . . It sounded amazing.
“You’re sweet,” she said, and kissed his cheek. “Otherwise, I thought about going with you when you guest lecture at Hogwarts, and taking you to one of our old haunts in the name of reminiscing and letting you find the ring there.”
“Wow,” he laughed wryly. “You’re a lot better at this thing than I am.”
“I wouldn’t say this was at all bad,” she smiled at him, eyes sparkling. “You did start with saying I’m perfect, after all. Better keep up the compliments, Potter.”
“Oh, not a problem at all, Weasley.” He looked at the ring she’d slipped onto his finger. It glistened in the light. It was gorgeous. Ginny knew his tastes exactly. “Or soon to be Mrs. Potter. Want an engagement ring too? We can go buy one together. I do not know your ring size.”
“Sure,” she said, admiring the ring on his finger too. “And yes, I will be taking your name.”
“Cool.” He felt his smile was far too large for his continued health. They kissed. “The ring is perfect, Gin.”
“Like me?” She teased, and he groaned playfully. Clearly, he was never hearing the end of that. “Mum’s going to go ballistic.”
Harry winced, remembering how insane Mrs. Weasley had gotten in the lead-up to Bill and Fleur’s wedding. He really did not want to go through that again, this time in context of him and Ginny.
“If we wouldn’t want our whole family there, I’d say we ought to elope,” Ginny sighed wistfully. Harry wished they wouldn’t have to make a whole to-do about it too. Then suddenly an idea struck him. “What if we could elope with all our family and friends there?”
77 notes · View notes