#the request
thewritersaddictions · 11 months
Requests/Drabbles: (RE3) Jill Valentine- Kiss Come True
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It’s been nearly a month since Jill’s nose has grown unprecedentedly. Now, it’s longer than she can bear. It got to the point where she no longer had room in her Raccoon City apartment. So, out the window it went. It was easier that way instead of fighting to get into her kitchen or other places around her apartment. 
During that time, you wonder how Jill is doing, seeing as you haven't heard much from her. As you walk down the street, it becomes relatively easy to tell why Jill hasn't been responding to your phone calls or really anything you have sent to her.
It has only gotten worse since the day she walked out of the base's door. Her nose is long and stuck outside the window of her apartment. It takes me a moment to get up to her apartment door; the elevator ride is slow and filled with shitty music to fill the void.
I knock once, then knock a second time, but am interrupted by the yelling of Jill telling me, 'Doors unlocked. Just come in.' That should have been the first red flag, but it didn't have I turned the door knob. It does when I open the door to see Jill sitting at her desk with her face stuffed out the window. "Jill?" I ask her, "You'll have to come here to talk to me." Her voice could be more warm and gentle.
Instead, she sounds frustrated by a situation that has yet to be dealt with. I move quickly to her side to better look at her face. The shock must be written on my face because she nearly growls out with frustration.
"How long have you been like this?" I point to her position, sitting outside the window. "For almost a fucking month, Y/n." Jill shakes her head, causing her nose to bounce from one side to the other of the window frame.
"How about we try to disguise it while I figure out how to get it back to normal?" I suggest I hear her groan, but she nods gently. "I'll do anything to get my nose back to normal." Jill sounds exhausted, so I work quickly.
The first thing I try is a flag, searching her room for something flag-worthy. On her walls are posters of music bands, but the flag pride flag that hangs over her bed frame is what I chose.
Kicking off my shoes to get up on her bed, pulling the flag out from the grips of the thumbtacks. I grab some loose shoe laces to tie through the loops on each corner of the flag.
I go to lean out of the window frame but find that Jill's nose is already being used as a refuge for a mama bird and her baby birds. "Well." I say as I inch out of the window, "Well, what, Y/n?" Jill asks. "You've got umm, your nose is being used as a nest for a mama bird and her babies." The look on Jill's face shows crippling defeat. I sit and wait, get comfortable on the chair next to Jill. Moving her furniture around so I could get a better eye-to-eye conversation with her.
The silence is all-consuming, so I lick my lips. "Jill." She looks at me the best I can. "Yeah, Y/n." "I think I should probably apologize for not explaining the extent of that pill I gave you before the party," I say, chewing on my bottom lip. "No, don't… I probably should have waited for you to explain the shit anyways. So, it's my fault. Don't worry about it, okay." Jill says, taking the blame for the large extended nose that has a bird's nest on it.
"Even if you don't let me take the blame for your Pinocchio nose, I'll still stay until the pills effectively wear off, or we have to figure something else out." I tell her confidently, "Is that alright, Jill?" I ask her. She nods, almost as if she doesn't trust her own voice.
I get on my phone almost immediately. Texting a fellow from my university days. The chat takes little time for me to explain what's been going on and the world we live in. It doesn't take long for the fellow to come up with an answer.
My fingers tap in quick succession, getting Jills attention. "What are you doing over there?" She asks me, "Just some scientist friend of mine. Saying that the only way to cure this ailment of yours is a kiss." I continue to tap on my screen's keyboard. "A kiss?" Jill asks. Just as shocked as me,
"On your nose, that's what the guy said," I say, clicking my phone screen off before setting it down next to me. The science that hits after isn't uncomfortable. It just silence, "Wait… don't take that the wrong way. It's not that you aren't beautiful, Jill, just I wouldn't wanna make you feel uncomfortable." I ramble out. My cheeks are hot to the touch and red with blush.
"I wouldn't mind a kiss on the nose, I mean," Jill says, the littlest of blush hueing her cheeks and nose. I get up from the chair I'm sitting in, gathering myself. Before I manage to kiss Jill's nose, I step back.
"Are you sure of this?" I ask her one last time to ensure I'm staying within the bounds. Jill nods with a little bit of excitement. Reaching over, grabbing onto my wrist, and pulling me in closer to her side. "Go ahead, don't be shy." Jill murmurs. I lean down, pressing my lips into her nose. With my eyes closed, I hope and pray that this works.
Her nose shrinks in seconds, and I smile joyfully as Jill looks around her apartment. "God, this place is a mess." I laugh as she gets up, closing me in for a tight hug. "Thanks for the save."
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Completed on: 11/03/23
Posted on: 11/12/23
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perfectqueen · 2 years
Ask Box Closed
So that person sent me the same request, from the FOURTH time, which basically killed any motivation that I had, so it might be awhile before I post again.
Doesn’t help that I don’t like it when people just, send me a bunch of images, and expects me to just do it.
So I’m taking a break for a bit. Sorry, I just, don’t feel like doing anything thanks to some impatient people.
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hauntedhotel · 5 months
Me, on the welcome desk in the library: Good morning, how are you today?
Customer: I have welcomed Jesus into my heart and so I am well today and every day.
Me, a little unnerved: Okay then! Is there something I can help you with?
Customer, digging around in his bag and pulling out an iPhone in a box: Unfortunately, Jesus can't help me with this fucking phone, so I came to the library.
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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maxedry-art · 2 months
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great-and-small · 2 months
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Reached out to a biologist to request some info about an extinct species of freshwater shrimp and the email she sent in response was not only lovely and helpful but also kind of poetry to me? People who study invertebrates are actually the most hopeful and compassionate scientists that we have.
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theygender · 7 months
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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mdq · 26 days
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pet cigarette
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nikoco11 · 4 months
there is something horrifically grim to it, but illustrations for gaza and palestinians tend to catch more mass attention that actual photos of people. this made me feel incredibly helpless for a long while, seeing both how people would rather look at a neat drawing of red black green and white than look a human in the eyes, and how online platforms would rather push a viral drawing while suppressing those begging for help at the same time.
a way to cope with this feeling has been taking advantage of it to directly guide people to helping palestinians.
if art gets better traction, then there’s an incredible amount of good that can be done by creating art that immediately links to fundraisers. creating art of the many images of those who are asking for help.
within hours of posting my drawing, there has been jumps in the thousands for bashar from gaza’s fundraiser. it’s a small effort in the grand scheme of things. it’s not a fix it. but it’s something good. please take care of each other and do what you can. i think this could help a lot of people if a lot of people did it.
here is bashar. i’ve drawn him, spoken to him, and known him now for a few months. any shares help, any art helps. draw who you see, draw what you see. thanks all
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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keirahknightley · 6 months
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
🎬 Peter Jackson
+ IMDb trivia
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Request: The Heros: Vernon x Ciri- The Loves
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Pairing: Vernon R. x Ciri ; Geralt x Yennefer
Pov: 3rd pov, Vernon, and Geralt
Warnings: Fluff, undescribed feeling for each other, direct feelings, straightforward emotions, drunk Vernon, strict/Protective Yennefer, strict/protective Geralt, Drunk Geralt, Corvo Bianco, summer vibes, getaway.
Summary: Ciri invites her boyfriend (Vernon) to her parent's summer home in Corvo Bianco in hopes of getting both her mother and father to love the man as she does.
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 1.9k
The Witcher Master List // The Hero Master List // Requests Master List
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Ciri had invited Vernon over for a much needed little vacation to Corvo Bianco. A summer home her parents had. Her hopes were up as always that her strict mother Yennefer, and protective father Geralt would soon love the man just as much as she loved him. That’s where the idea sprung from. If she invited Vernon for a weekend vacation then maybe her parents would be able to see just how happy their daughter truly was. 
So with a plan hatched and the seed set in both her parents and boyfriends head it was all set out to be a most wonderful weekend if Ciri had anything to say about it. You see when Ciri had first told her parents that she was dating Vernon Roche it wasn’t something you’d call a celebration. Rather groans and a long… long conversation about rules happened instead. Her mother Yennefer a powerful witch who would go to great lengths to protect her daughter disapproved of her choice in men and disapproved of her relationship all together. 
Her exact words from that night would probably be best if they weren’t repeated ever. 
Her father on the other hand was confused as to how an old friend of his had started dating his daughter in the first place. It wasn’t that he also wasn’t protective, and strict over his young daughter but he noticed how happier his daughter ciri truely was whenever she talked about Vernon, or whenever she was able to see him. Geralt appreciated their love, it was sinerce and good for both of them. 
This would be the first time that Ciri’s parents would be meeting Vernon, or at least half of Ciri parents. It would be the first time that Vernon would be meeting the parents of his girlfriend in a more appropriate manner. Geralt and Vernon had been friends for years now. Having met in a bar not to far off from Corvo Bianco. So a few rather funny moments and a few crazy moments happened during their time together at Corvo Bianco. 
When Vernon first arrived Ciri really wanted to have her parents make a good impression on Vernon. Usually it was the other way around and with the pep talks that she had given her mother Yennefer she was really hoping that it had all stuck. Ciri opened the door with a warm and grateful smile. Leaning in to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek as she made space for him to enter through the doorway. There her parents were standing side by side. Geralts hair a little bit more silver, and Yennefer forever young standing next to her husband. 
Vernon for a short moment wondered if Ciri and him would end up like that. Happy and growing into their old age together. That was a thought for another time as Vernon shook Garelts hand “It’s been to long Geralt.” He murmured. Geralt always had a strong grip, but it was somehow stronger today. 
Vernon followed the crowd of people in, and stayed close to Ciri side. “Mama, do you need help in the kitchen or anything?” Ciri asks her mother. Yennefer for the first time smiles at her daughter, “Yeah I could use my little girls help.” Ciri rolls her eyes “I’m not a little girl any more mama.” She follows after her mother, and then it leaves me and Geralt. It’s different now though. It’s not two old friends meeting like every other time. It’s a father, a protectie father and a boyfriend. “So you and my Ciri?” Geralt starts saying. I hum and follow him as he brings me outside. “Sit” Geralt says, “Here have an ale.” Geralt passes me a large cup of ale, and we being to talk. 
“How’d you met Ciri?” Geralt asks at first. I smile at a flash of the memory. “We met not to long ago Geralt. Down in the city. Bumped into each other.” It’s not super romantic, but maybe that’s why Ciri has me recount the memory all of the time. Geralt stares at me. “Do you really love her?” Geralt asks me. “Geralt, if you don’t mind me saying. I love your daughter with all of my heart. She’s may be your daughter, and everything to you. But she’s my everything.” I say taking a sip of my ale. 
“I’m going to go find Ciri, Geralt.” I say dipping out from the conversation and in search of Ciri. I can hear laughter, giggles that make my heart swell coming from the kitchen. “How’s everything going my love?” I ask, at first Yennefer must think I was Geralt. But then her eyes catch mine. She scoffs, and Ciri answers my question.” Everything is going great in here, right mama.” Her mother hums, and works away. “How is everything outside with papa?” She asks, her voice going to an almost unavailable whisper. “It’s good love. He, and I are friend you know.” She smiles, and laughs before kissing my cheek sweetly. 
“Whatever you’re cooking away in here smells wonderful, Yennefer.” I say taking a sip of my ale. “Thank you.” Is all I get back from her, Ciri eyes her mother. “Mama is everything okay?” She nods towards her daughter, never once looking at me. I shrug, and take a sit at the open space. “Can I do anything to help you both?” I ask, just deaperalty wanting to be apart of something. “No” “Of course baby.” Yennefer answers gets drowned out by Ciri happy go-to attitude. Ciri hands me vegetables, and a knifes. “Cut these then give them back okay?” I nod, and get to cutting. The sound of shuffling feet, and boiling water fills the space, and Ciri is shouting. My attention drops from the plates of vegetables in front of me. “Mama, Look at him!” She’s shouting so much that Garelt has run in. “Papa, Mama. Look at him. Isn’t he just so cute, and so helpful.” I hear the chuckle behind me, and a graon of frustration from in front of me. “Would you get back to work Ciri.” Her mother says calmly. “Sorry Mama.” I feel Garelt sit down next to me. “Yeah you’re so cute, and so helpful, Roche.” I groaned and try to slip into the darkness of the spot. 
Dinner is smooth sailing. Ciri talks about her favorite things, most stories including me. Yennefer, and Geralt have a little conversation as Ciri talks with me about how things are going between everyone. “Oh sweets, everything is fine. Don’t you worry you just be happy that everyone is together, and eating such a good dinner.” I mumble to her. She smiles and takes me hand. When dinner is done, Geralt gives me yet another ale. My head is starting to get dizzy, but I take yet another long and strong sip of my ale. Ciri is walking through the garden in the back not far from Geralt and I. “You know she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” I mutter, I hear a chuckle. “She’s beautiful.” Geralt agrees with me. “And the kindest of people. How’d you manage that, Geralt?” I watch as Ciri collects an absurd amount of flowers. Different colors, shapes. Once she gathers enough to her liking, she sit down on the short cut grass. “What’s she doing Geralt?” I ask. I can see the fatherly smile on his face as he looks at his daughter. “She’s making flower crowns. She always does this, been going this since she was little enough to understand the movements of weaving them together.” I take another sip of my ale, and watch her some more. She’s done in a few more passing moments, and she ends up slipping one on my head, and one on her fathers head. Her father kisses her forehead sweetly. Hugging her deeply. “Thank you for the crown love.” I say as she places it on my head. “You both look so handsome.” Ciri mutters before leaving us to the silence of the darkening sky. 
The ale is getting to me, as i take shorter sips, the cup getting less and less heavy in my hand. “Your daughter Geralt. How’d I manage to get such a great lady.” I mutter, “So kind, so wanting of everything we have. Ten million reason I’d never let her go. I love your daughter more then I think I could possible describe to her, to you, or anyone else. A love so deep it hurts when I can’t be around her.” The drunken state I’m in leads words to slip out of my mouth. I feel Geralt’s hand on my shoulder. “How about we get you to back to Ciri.” Geralt helps me up, and guides me back inside. Geralt leaves me at the dinner table. “Ciri, baby. Roach is inside, and a little drunk call him over when he get’s to being to quiet.” Geralt says to his daughter. Kissing her forehead and sitting next to his wife. 
“Vernon?” I hear an angelic voice calling my name. “Vernon love?” Another angelic voice. I follow it. My drunken mind making it harder to navigate through the halls of the house. “Ciri?” I call out. “I’m right here love.” She answers. Her soft coming out to grab my wrist. “You come down here and sit with me baby?” She asks. I nod, a warm smile hits her face, and it fills me with a unbearable joy and happiness. I climb onto the furniture, and next to her. Her hand hasn’t left my wrist and I reveille in it. I rest my head on her shoulder. She’s so warm, and smells like flowers and winter. “Are you happy?” I ask her not really sure of why the words fell out of my mouth. She looks down, I can feel her eyeing me. “Of course I’m happy. I love you Vernon. Things go good today with my parents?” She asks me. I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. Geralt likes me still, so I think we’re good.” I mumble. Silence takes over, but only a few moments. “Honey?” I hum, “Lay you head down on my lap.” I shift and lay my head in her lap. “Let me take the crown out, before you smoother the pretty flowers.” She mutters as she stares down at me. I smile up at her. “I wanna play with you hair, baby.” Ciri says. I nod, and close my eyes, as she combs her fingers through my hair. I fall into a deep, comfortable sleep in her lap. 
“Men are just not supposed to act like this Geralt.” Yennefer fusses to Geralt as she stares at her daughters, and her boyfriend as he kisses and clings to her shoulder and waist. Sure Geralt and Yennefer grew up differently, values and ethics were different. But surely not that different. “Oh you just stop that now, Yen.” Geralt says “Do you want me to remind you how you act when you’re in love, and had a little bit to much to drink.” Yennefer shakes her head with utter shame. “No I don’t wanna talk about that Geralt.” Yennefer says. “Anyways my love. What they have is the same as us.” “How can you tell that Geralt?” Yen asks her husband. “I can just tell, and Ciri is happy, so happy. That right there.” Geralts says pointing at the lovey dovey couple. “That’s the most sincere and true type of love there is out there.” Geralt says looking back his wife. Reaching out to grab her and kissing her forehead softly.
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Completed on: 06/29/23
Posted on: 07/01/23
The Witcher-
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hellsitegenetics · 8 months
Are.. are there any matches for Smash Mouth All Star full lyrics? I need to know. For science!!!
String identified:
c t T ga a't t at t t a g t g a t t a a a
, t a tat cg A t 't t cg t t a t t g g 't a t t a gt at t a gt
c t , c t at' g t tag t ac tt? ' 't g ' 't g
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
t' a c ac a t a t gt c ' t at t gt t t t g t gg t t att ct
T c at gttg tt t T at gttg a gt a ' , at ? Tat' t a t A gt
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta
c a C a cag ga? t gt aa t ac a: , at a cct c a tt A c a a tt cag
t a tat cg A t 't t cg t t a t t g g 't a t t a gt at t a gt
c t , c t at' g t tag t ac tt ' 't g (g!) ' 't g
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a
A a tat gtt g tg ta a t A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
Closest match: Ennomos fuscantarius genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Dusky Thorn Moth
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nightwingsgirlfriend · 5 months
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the babies (dick grayson & bruce wayne) (please don't flop this took a stupid amount of time) (i used a different pen and im not a fan switch back to my bae 😒) (i looove dick grayson as robin)
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moechies · 8 months
imagine best friend yuuji asking you to teach him how to eat pussy
“y-yuuji! you can’t jus’ lick me like that!”
“why not? how can i know how to do it if i don’t try it out?”
the blush on your face becomes more evident, your hand on his forehead as an attempt to push him away.
“fuc- fine, just- you have to listen okay? don’t lick me randomly!”
he nods his head, smiling out an “mhm!” with his face laid on your propped up thigh. fuck, you hate to admit it, but seeing such an innocent man, your best friend between your thighs took a bigger toll on you than you would’ve thought. you can’t exactly tell if your churning stomach is from the pleasure that he has brought upon you, or the possibility that you may have feelings for your best friend.
you reach down with two fingers to your cunt, pressing on your sensitive bud,
“h-here, this is the clit. pay a-attention to it.. because ‘s really s-sensitive, ‘nd it feels good..”
he stares down so intently, it makes you feel nervous.
is all he says with a stupid grin, and before you have a chance to move your fingers, you feel his tongue pressed against your clit. he begins to circle the bud, lightly sucking it. he feels your body shiver, eliciting a gasp from you at the same time?
“s so sweet.. you’re so sweet..”
he doesn’t stop when he speaks. instead, he continues to lap at your cunt, his face evidently beginning to get wet from the mix of your slick and his saliva.
“y-yuuji! s-slow down..! ‘m gon-gonna cum too quick if you keep going..!”
but no, he doesn’t slow down, and he doesn’t stop. instead you feel his tongue slip into your cunt, sneakily bringing his hand up to your clit rubbing it softly.
“yuuji m c-cummin’!”
fuck he’s in heaven. he perks his head up from your cunt, his grinding on the surface of your bed begins to slow. he pants with a smile on his face, using the back of his hand to wipe some of your spilt cum off his face, just to lick it back up.
he loves your fucked out face, you’re so cute. you’re panting just as hard as him, hands planted on both sides of yourself to hold yourself steady after your orgasm.
“did i do goo-“
“y-yuuji! this isn’t your first time!”
you lightly backhand his head back and forth, causing his head to twist left and right a couple times before he catches your hand with his,
“of course it is!”
“no it not!”
“yes it is!”
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 21 days
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mycenaean miku
she was there singing on the beaches of llion. homer copied the catalogue of ships from her.
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