#the underwolrd
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
There should be a fanfic about Hades and Nico’s newly-established real father-son love through Luke Castellan’s eyes. Or maybe Jason’s. Considering they both are somewhat mistreated by their father.
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bagofthoughts · 9 months
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sapphicpipes · 1 year
Now why are some pjo fans on tik tok trying to act like Percy is always making the morally correct choice?? it's so annoying!! Percy is a complex character!!! he makes mistakes!!! he isn't always in the right!!!! let him be complex, it makes him more interesting!!
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yurawrites · 2 years
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Outfit based on the last episode.
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''Nervously laughs''
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fantasybots · 1 year
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Consider: Charon and Nyx
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lovely-p-issues · 17 days
Polites in Underwolrd: this life is amazing when you greet it with open arms
Odysseus: Polites, this is EXACTLY the reason why we ended up in cyclop's cave, at least try to be convincing
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xjulixred45x · 6 days
To be honest no matter how many times I whoop hades ass in the game, I don't believe it's enough. There are a few of the solo hades cutscenes you know the ones wherein you have hades on his desk admonishing Zagreus. One particular one involving his eyes still remain with me.
You know even though Hades and JJK are so far from each other a certain line hits deeper with Zagreus's situation.
Being a child isn't a sin
So why on earth does Hades punish so ?
We could say that it is the main theme of the AU I work on.
during the game Hades not only takes out his frustrations on Zagreus (HIS OWN SON) but does very questionable things to get OTHERS to kill him even if he can return through the river Styx (like ratting him out to the security of the Underworld/witches/etc, sending to the Furies after him, make him face warriors with the help of the gods, etc.), and yet he speaks to him as if he were a nuisance, just another employee, ungrateful for wanting to leave when HADES HIMSELF is the reason why that Zagreus wants to leave.
and look, I wouldn't be so against Hades if this attitude were only from the beginning of the game, if their relationship was strained BC of Zagreus desiree of getting out of the Underwolrd, but several dialogues let us see that this attitude towards Zagreus has been going on for YEARS, that he has been like this all his life, that he has never had a problem neglecting him for his own unresolved Grief, and honestly makes Zagreus' reasons EVEN MORE justified.
I completely understand that Hades felt shit about Persephone, but considering that everything happened precisely because his OWN SON DIED, one would expect that he would have had more affection for him, more respect, even if it wasn't for him, for what it meant, his union with Persephone. but no, he use it as an excuse to be bitter towards everyone INCLUDING him and be a pretty mediocre father.
I don't think Hades hates Zagreus, I think he DOES loves him, but he definitely didn't love him enough for most of his life. and in this Au, that would be the cause of his fall. before the hands of the son he became his replacement.
In general I think it's good to address Hades' abuse of Zagreus properly, I'm glad to see a lot of people with that perspective.
podriamos decir que es el tema principal del AU en el que trabajo.
durante el juego Hades no solo saca sus frustraciones en Zagreus (SU PROPIO HIJO) sino que hace cosas muy cuestionables para que OTROS lo maten incluso si puede volver por el rio Styx(como delatarlo con la seguridad del Inframundo/las brujas/etc, enviar a las Furias tras el, hacer que se enfrente a guerreros con ayuda de los dioses, etc), y aun asi le habla como si fuera una molestia, un empleado mas, un desagradecido por querer irse cuando el PROPIO HADES es la razon por la que Zagreus se quiere ir.
y mira, no estaria tan encontra de Hades si esta actitud fuera solo de al principio del juego,, que su relación se haya tensado porque Zagreus decidió irse, pero varios dialogos nos dejan ver que esta actitud hacia Zagreus tiene AÑOS, que ha sido asi toda su vida, que nunca ha tenido problemas en descuidarlo por su propio Luto sin resolver, y sinceramente hace que las razones de Zagreus esten AUN MAS justificadas.
tipo, entiendo completamente que Hades se sientiera de la mierda por lo de Persefone, pero teniendo en cuenta de que todo paso justamente porque su PROPIO HIJO MURIO, uno esperaria que le hubiera tenido mas cariño, mas respeto, aun si no era por el, por lo que el significaba, su union con Persefone. pero no, lo uso como una excusa para estar amargado con todos INCLUYENDOLO y ser un padre bastante mediocre.
no creo que Hades odie a Zagreus, creo que lo ama, pero definitivamente no lo amo lo suficiente la mayor parte de su vida. y en este Au, eso seria la causa de su caida. ante las manos del hijo que convirtio en su reemplazo.
en general creo que es bueno dirigirnos al abuso de Hades a Zagreus como se debe, me alegro de ver a mucha gente con esa perspectiva.
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He literally treats the DOG better than Zagreus by GOD---
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kyonarra · 26 days
Hello isat tumblr you may ignore me.
Finished the game and few days later I decide to listen to EPIC's Underwolrd Saga again...
Am I crazy or is No Longer You such a Siffrin song? Like-
It FITS???
Still not sure who would be the Prophet since there are few candidates
Gonna go off about the lines later, probably
The need to make an animatic is real
If I am wrong, have this Sif doodle as an offering
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anefoliande · 11 months
Future togachako, anyone?
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I can't imagine them not working together in the future. The present is bleak in the manga, but the future is full of possibilities.
Tomura and Dabi will probably always will be the backbone of the underwolrd, but Toga is too young to not have a chance at normalcy. Not necessarily as a full on hero, but maybe free as someone who works with a hero? (Uraraka) (and lives with them in full domesticity and whatnot)
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fellatitledthemf · 5 months
4 pearls. Let me quess, one of them is gonna break which will cause panic cause not all of them will be able to return from the underwolrd(Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Percy's mom Sally)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
I love reading all of your works!
Do you still take requests? How about tbb perspectives on the F!reader having to help get intel on a slick (twisted) high roller at a club, but to do so, she has to get close to him. Tbb boys get jealous of the reader's tactics and confront her, almost putting a stop to the mission.
If you don't like the idea, I totally understand. Thanks for the opportunity!
Aloha! Thank you, dear!
Yeah, I think there is something already brewing in my head. Let me see what I can do for you :))
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader HC's - Aggressive Negotiations
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Warnings: Angst/Jealousy/ Suggestive /Strong Language/ Tension/ 18+/Fluff/ Dub-Con
Summary: For a mission you need intel about a underwolrd organisation. The vice-boss through whom you want to accomplish this, has a weakness for women, especially lightly dressed ones with a high flirt factor. In the batch, you are the only member who can slip into the role. Much to the displeasure of the batcher you're with.
He hates the idea. Very much so. Pacing up and down he says it again and again. You are conected with an ear piece so you can hear the guys and they hear you. A special contact lense is showing the guys what you see.
"I don't like this"
Tech mutter's "So you've said, repeatedly. Why don't you calm down and let her focus? Your repeated fussing probably makes her nervous"
"Tech's got a point", you whisper "I'm approaching him, need to focus now"
Your attire is raunchy and revealing, your smile tempting, a mix of challenge and shy. It's working right away. The Zabrak you are supposed to get the intel out of, smiles at you and comes directly your way.
"It works", Tech says.
"I hate this", Hunter mutters.
"We know"
"Hey Pretty"
"Hi" you say with an inviting smile.
"Alone here?"
For a while, you exchange small talk. Then you start admiring him to draw him out. Ask him if he's an important man within his organization, as if you'd find that sexy, so he'll reveal a few things.
It works. You already have all the info you need and all you have to do is back off. But that's not so easy. One of the Zabrak's hands lands on your butt and he pushes you towards him.
"Ever ridden a Zabrak's cock?"
You hear Hunter swear through the earpiece, you know if he could he would already be jumping through the monitor.
"I haven't had the pleasure," you answer evasively.
The Zabrak grins and says, "We're all pretty well equipped. But not only that, we have natural ridges and nubs on our cocks. A real feast for any pussy brave enough".
You try to pull yourself out of his grasp and say, "Well, unfortunately, I'm a bit of a coward."
"Oh come on, it'll be great. I have a huge bed in the back room, a play area with everything. I'll lick your pussy out and then you sit on my nubby cock".
Suddenly you hear a violent throat clearing behind you. You turn around and see Hunter dressed in a robe with a hood pulled low over his face.
"Ma'am, you have an important call waiting."
You blink, then nod, finally tearing yourself away from the Zabrak. With a wink, you say, "Don't run, I'll be right back"
The Zabak grins, "Don't worry, I'll be waiting here."
Outside the bar, Hunter grabs your arm, a little rougher than expected and drags you to the Marauder.
"Never again!" he rumbles.
"Never again will you take on a task like this! Never again!"
He's so upset, you don't want to argue with him right now so you nod and say quietly, "okay."
After taking a deep breath he says suggestively, "Now come with me, I've booked a hotel room for us. I don't have any nubs on my cock, but I know how to use it".
He hates the idea. Very much so. Pacing up and down he says it again and again. You are conected with an ear piece so you can hear the guys and they hear you. A special contact lense is showing the guys what you see.
"This is way to dangerous for her", Echo rumbles.
"Shut up, she's approaching the target", Crosshair mutters.
Echo shoots him a dark glance but for now, keeps quiet.
"How's it possible that someone so hot and pretty, is all alone in a bar like this?"
You glance to the side and see your target, the Zabrak. With a little smirk you say, "Well, I'm not alone anymore now, am I?"
"Good point"
You introduce yourselves and time passes while you try to elicit information from him and entice him to drink more to loosen his tongue.
Meanwhile, Echo is pacing back and forth, trying to keep his mouth shut and biting the fingernails of his remaining hand.
You finally got the info, but you're not getting out of it that easily. The Zabrak has an arm around your shoulders and is eerily close to you.
"Now that we know each other a bit, why don't we retreat a bit? I have a very nice bedroom in the back of the bar. There are some nice things I could show you."
"That's enough!"
Echo storms out of the Marauder, closely followed by Crosshair who tries to hold him back. The bickering of the two draws unwanted attention. People come streaming out of the bar to see the commotion. Also the Zabrak and you.
You bite your tongue to keep from accidentally saying something wromg as you watch the two brawl.
Wrecker joins in and pulls the two apart.
"Get a grip, you idiots."
You snuck away from the Zabrak in the crowd and were already on your way to the Marauder. When the men get there, you are already waiting there.
Puzzled, they look at you.
"What is it? Did you think I couldn't do it alone?" you ask, amused.
Echo is anything but amused, especially when he sees Crosshair eyeing you and say, "Must say, you should dress so revealingly more often. Definitely a looker."
Echo grabs you by the arm and pulls you into your room. He closes the door behind you and takes a deep breath.
"You two almost ruined the tour for me" you say seriously.
Echo looks at you piercingly.
"That was the first and last time you'll ever do something like that."
You smirk, turn insinuatingly once in a circle and say, "Are you sure? It looks really good on me, doesn't it?"
Echo gulps. His blood starts to rush into privat places.
"Yeah, I can't argue with that but-"
"And now, because you've held out so well, you get to make love to me while I'm wearing this."
"Okay, I'm certainly not going to turn that down" Echo says, already reaching out to you.
He hates the idea. Very much so. Pacing up and down he says it again and again. You are conected with an ear piece so you can hear the guys and they hear you. A special contact lense is showing the guys what you see.
"I could just, rip that place apart and make them give me the info we need!", Wrecker pouts.
He's so not okay with this.
"Now I gotta watch her flirt with that scum and he'll touch her and all that stuff! I hate it!"
Hunter pats his shoulder.
"Come on Wrecker, you know she's all yours, she's just playing a role"
"I still don't like it"
It was easy to get your target's attention, but it's not that easy to get the info. It's a back and forth for hours. It's exhausting, but you need to keep smiling and fliritng, which isn't easy at all.
When you finally think you almost got it, you hear Hunters voice in your earpiece.
"Sorry, we tried to top him, but Wrecker is on his way to the bar"
You can't answer him because your target would here it. Nervously you look around and you see him right away. He is a big guy, hard to miss. Wrecker already aroused some attention with his presence alone.
You try not to curse and focus back on your target. You hear something clatter and glass shatter. You don't need to look to know who it was. Wrecker was not at all sneaky. You draw your targets attention back to yo by grazing his chin with your fingers, cooing, "So you are a big deal around here?"
"Indeed I'am"
Finally you see Wrecker in the corner of your eye, leaning at the bar not too far from you. Again you have to swollow down a curse and keep smiling.
A few more minutes and you got your information. All you need to do is get out now, somehow.
"I have to-"
A loud clank makes you jump, startled. You look to the left and see Wrecker accidently knocked over the tray of a waiter. He's mumbling abpologies and helps picking up the mess.
"You were saying?"
You smile again and say, "I need to use the refresher for a minute, check on my make up and such things"
As you get up and enter the refresher, you sigh deeply. You get to the rear window, climb out and say, "Got it. I'm out. One of you has to get Wrecker, he's still in there"
When Wrecker comes into your room you are taking of the jewlery of your 'costume'. Yo shoot him a dark look. He's expression is meekly and he almost bashfully, comes in and sits down on your bed.
"I almost messed up your job huh?"
"Pretty much"
He sighs and says, "Look, I'm sorry. But the things this guys was saying to you and how close he got... that really got under my skin. I trust you, but I don't trust that sumbag"
You sigh softly and finally look at him.
"Okay big guy. I get that. But I would habe told if I needed help. I was doing really good"
"You were doing great! We are all proud of you", he hastens to say.
You smile at him and admit, "It was exhausting, I really don't wanna do it again. But I'm glad we got what we came for"
Wrecker smirks.
"Why don't you keep that raunchy outfit on for a little while longe? Just for me?"
He hates the idea. Very much so. Pacing up and down he says it again and again. You are conected with an ear piece so you can hear the him and he can hear you. A special contact lense is showing him what you see
He had vehemently opposed this plan. Spoke against it, shook his head, got upset and even sulked. The thought that you make another man beautiful eyes, even if only faked, gave him a stomach ache.
Tech might have been shy and reserved at first, barely able to hold his hand without blushing in the first few days, but by now he was very affectionate, very cuddly and eager to experiment. However, also extremely insecure whenever another man gave you some attention. He could not stand that at all. And now he had to watch you wrap a sleemo like this Zabrak around your finger. The thought alone made him nervous.
He has to do this mission alone with you, the rest of the batch has other tasks right now. It stresses him out that the responsibility is in his hands alone and he has to quietly watch you being peeked at and maybe even groped.
The outfit alone has already thrown him off track. Much too hot, much too revealing. Torn between disgust and arousal. You could wear that in the bedroom with him anytime, but not in public. But that was part of the camouflage, he knew.
Again and again he interrupts you and almost brings you out of the concept while you are at work.
"Tell him not to touch you there" "He's way too close to you" "The flirting is way too intense, don't react to it" "Who does he think he is?" "No, you don't take his hand no…. alright but no more, that's enough"
You almost snap at him. It's hard to focus and do your job with his jealous voice in your ear. It makes your job much harder than it needs to be.
When you finally get what you want, you leave the bar. You're pissed off and annoyed. Tech keeps talking.
"Okay, well, we're past that. Come back to-"
He hears a crackle on the line, then nothing. You pulled out the ear piece and crushed it on the ground.
Tech gets up, rushes outside to see what happened and already sees you coming towards him.
"There you are. What happened to your ear piece?"
"Crushed it."
Tech asks confused, "Why is that?"
"I couldn't stand your voice in my ear anymore!" you snap at him.
He flinches, startled, and you immediately regret the tone and what you said.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, "I actually love your voice, but today you really drove me to the brink of insanity."
Tech looks a little pouty.
"Well, you drove me nuts too, if that gives you any satisfaction"
"Of course not, Tech"
You hug him tightly and lean against him.
"Cyare, you're still half naked".
You giggle softly against his chest.
"Shall we go to the bedroom?"
You don't have to ask him that twice.
He hates the idea. Very much so. Pacing up and down. You are conected with an ear piece so you can hear the him and he can hear you. A special contact lense is showing him what you see
He is lying in wait on the roof opposite, with a direct view of the scene through one of the panorama windows. He doesn't want to rely on the small monitor alone. Besides, in an emergency he can eliminate possible attackers directly and doesn't have to waste valuable time by running off and storming the bar.
Crosshair is tense. He doesn't say much, but that's nothing new. For once, he's not chewing on a toothpick, but is completely focused on the scene. He hears the flirting, sees the little touches. His blood is boiling. His finger hovers on the trigger again and again. He just wants to shoot this sleemo, get you out of there and go home with you.
What you're wearing, you should be wearing for him, no one else. Every now and then his gaze wanders along your body. He likes the outfit, but not here and now, not when you use it to attract other men's attention. Again and again, his finger shifts to the trigger when your target makes a move he doesn't like. But he pulls himself together as best he can.
He doesn't like the sayings, the crude, very suggestive way your target flirts.
"We're all pretty well equipped. But not only that, we have natural ridges and nubs on our cocks. A real feast for any pussy brave enough".
"Kriffin' hell, what a moron! Does he really think that bullshit works?"
Crosshair pulls himself together, knowing that any unnecessary word from him could throw you off your game. He just wants you to wrap things up and get out.
When the time finally comes, he waits until you're out of sight of the bar, takes aim and pulls the trigger.
You hear the commotion and look around hastily. People run out of the bar, panicking. You sigh because you know what has happened.
Back at the Marauder, you look at him somberly.
"You shot him."
"That wasn't the plan."
Crosshair shrugs and says, "We have what we need. We don't need that guy"
You snort genert.
Crosshair smiles unperturbed and taps his hand on his lap.
"Now come here, Kitten, I need a little of your attention".
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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thingsphoenix21 · 1 year
Persephone the first days on the Underwolrd
Perspephone *pulling herself together*: Can we talk anything more cheerful than being here
Thanatos *sighing*: Anything you like.
Persephone: Do you like the muses songs?
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xxsweetoothxx · 10 months
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I never really thought about Frankie much like at all, until I started to develop the Apartment building Wilson and Jackie live in and the few other people who live there. I wanted to do my own take on em that fit in the world of PM Now he's kinda in my brain rent free.
Tbh he is pretty far from cannon other then a few aspects of his design.
He doesn't remember his death like in cannon, but his personality and occupation are pretty different. He works as a "Reaper" in the underwolrd which in PM basically just means you deal with the souls of the dead and make sure they get where they need to be. Part of his job is helping the freshly dead mfs cross the River Styx. If he's good at that or not is up for debate.
I think another very big difference is the Dynamic he has with Wilson and Ragz is very different from how Frankie LJ and Will are. Unlike in Creeps they actually are pretty close. Him and Jack go way back and are very close and Wilson kinda sees him as a Fun uncle.
Also You get the new Isaac. Because Obviously if Ragz is an LJ rewrite he's gotta have an Isaac. He is still related to both Wilson and Idris as well! He is VERY different from cannon Isaac. But there are some very big similarities as far as what happens between him and the clown.
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What exactly is the job that the children of hades have?
Does Thanatos exist in your universe? Because I think Zagreus would be a great soul collector.
Macaria, I am sure that Zeus would give her the Elysian fields once she was named goddess of blessed death and Hades would give her the Asphodel fields.
Melione, however I can't find a suitable job for her, I know she is the goddess of ghosts, but she could also be the goddess of funerary rites. A friend once told me that she could basically be the organizer and make sure that the offerings and prayers to the other gods are done correctly.
However, if this were the case, I feel that, like her father, they would be overloaded with work, something Hades surely doesn't want for his children.
So, for Zagreus, his role is Prince of the Underwolrd. He’s pretty much Hades’ second in command. He still has authority and whatnot, but for really important things he has to check in with his father. But yeah, he basically does all the stuff Hades does on a daily basis if he hasn’t already gotten to it lol. Sometimes Zagreus will just take over when Hades decides he wants to have a little vacation day or something lol, but that’s after Zagreus has been prince for a while lol. He trusts his son, but if he’s not super experienced in ruling the underworld by himself then he’s not gonna let him rule the whole place alone. But yeah, Hades pretty much teaches Zagreus everything he knows about ruling the place lol. You know that one scene in the Drama Festival episode where Hades is showing Icarus how he lives his life and how he does things to help him get into character of playing Hades in the school drama festival? Yeah, that’s pretty much how Hades teaches Zagreus how to rule the underworld.
Hades: Now, you don’t fry the minions, okay? You scorch them. See? *uses his fire powers to burn Pain and Panic* You’re taking notes on this, right?
Zagreus: *holding a quill and a piece of paper, rolls his eyes* Yes, dad.
Oh and no, I don’t think Thanatos exists in my universe. My au is based mainly off of the movie with little things from the series thrown in there that goes along with the canon of the movie and since Thanatos wasn’t really mentioned or shown in the movie or series, I just didn’t put him in there. But hey, you never know! I may add him in there one day lol! But for now though, Thanatos isn’t in my au lol.
For Melinoe, she’s goddess of ghosts and propitiation, so she takes care of the mortals that are “stuck in limbo” so to speak, like they’re not alive, but for some reason they never made it to the underworld, so their sprits are stuck on earth. Melinoe watches and rules over those souls. She also makes sure that mortals respect the dead by giving proper funerals and (in some cases) leaving offerings or flowers and stuff like that. She also has the power to bring souls from the underworld onto the earth. I mean, most gods can do that (because Hercules did it in the movie with Meg’s soul after he became a god), but Melinoe can literally do like a whole spooky thing where she can go the the grave of the person that died and raise their soul from the dead. She thinks it’s really cool and she loves the scare people by doing that lol. Honestly, she just uses her role for fun lmao. She loves to pull pranks on unsuspecting mortals that deserve it, like if someone ended up killing someone else, Melinoe will take that soul and be like “Hey, you wanna get some revenge on the dude that killed you? Let’s go scare the crap out of him and haunt the heck out of him!” Lmao
Oh, also Hades will constantly try to get Melinoe to bring the souls on earth to the underworld, but she likes the company up there when she’s on earth and it’s part of her job to watch over them until they can get to the underworld (the souls that get stuck on earth are usually ones that weren’t ready to die and had issues and stuff on earth to deal with) so she just makes up excuses like
Melinoe: They’re not ready yet, dad. They still have unfinished business.
Hades: Mel, honey, you know I love you, but with all do respect…they’re DEAD! They don’t have anymore business! They should’ve handled all that stuff before they died!
Melinoe: Dad, they had a deadly illness. You didn’t really give them time to hash things out up there.
Hades: Hey, it’s not my fault those mortals don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough.
And for Macaria, she’s goddess of blessed death, so the idea I had for her was that she was basically gonna be the caretaker or sorta the ruler of Asphodel Meadows. She makes sure all the souls are happy with their afterlife and watches over them to make sure everyone who is supposed to be there is in there.
I was also thinking about her also being the caretaker/ruler of the Elysian Fields, but I’m still deciding lol. Because I know in the series Hades was never allowed to enter the Elysian Fields (even though it’s a part of his domain) because it’s very exclusive and it’s supposed to be a final resting place and paradise for the souls of heroes. I don’t think Zeus wanted Hades “ruining” the place by doing things to it (i.e. building his own little “summer home” there) or messing with the souls there, so that’s why Hades was restricted from entering.
However, I like the idea of Macaria being a caretaker/ruler of the Elysian Fields just because it goes along with the whole “goddess of blessed death” thing and I think Hades would be so proud of his youngest baby for getting full access to the Elysian Fields, something he was never able to do even as god of the underworld. Also, I just find it so funny to imagine Hades constantly pestering his daughter to let him enter the Elysian Fields lmao.
Hades: Mac, sweetie, I’m your father! It’ll be fine! I’ll just be in and out! Zeus won’t even know I’ve been in there!
Macaria: Daddy, you know the rules. I can’t let you in. I’m sorry. I really would let you in, but I just don’t want to get in trouble with Uncle Zeus.
Hades: *sighs and smiles then chuckles* You really are just like your mother, aren’t you? *kisses her forehead* But trust me, I’d totally take the hit for you from Uncle Zeus if you let me in.
Macaria: Daddy…
Hades: Alright, alright. Sorry. I’ll drop the subject.
But yeah, like, at the same time, I just feel like Hades having a kid who’s allowed to enter the Elysian Fields would be too easy of a way for him to get in there. Like, Elysian Fields is supposed to be really exclusive and we all know Zeus doesn’t really trust Hades all that much (especially after the whole Olympus takeover thing), so would he really trust his child with Elysian Fields? Even if she’s the sweetest and most well behaved of his kids and takes the most after her mother lol? Idk, like I said, I really do love the idea, so I’m still considering it lol
So yeah, that’s all the roles the kids have and their jobs when they grow up lol! Oh and yeah, Hades DEFINITELY doesn’t want his kids to be overwhelmed or stressed with their roles, so if they ever need help doing things he will honestly drop everything to help them finish what they need to get done (and same goes for Persephone as well, she will do anything to help her kids with their roles too). Like, even if he still has stuff to do, he’ll help his kids. Zagreus needs help counting souls? He’s got it. Macaria needs help tending to the animal souls in Asphodel Meadows? Don’t worry, he’ll be there. Melinoe can’t find a missing soul on earth? Dad’s on the way lol.
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