#the whole point is to yes-and your partner and keep the scene going
The way that they're talking about consent (in the midst of all the recording and dishonesty) is really interesting and important.
Last week, we had First and Soong doing a lot of roleplaying-- and First asking Soong why he didn't use his safe word if it hurt and Soong saying he liked the pain, and then there was aftercare.
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This week, there was the whole really intense kidnapping scene, which required so much planning and discussion. And then later, there was the argument about Soong feeling pressured to perform and faking an orgasm, and First's reaction to that read to me like he was hurt that Soong wasn't honest with him, and shame that his desires were causing Soong stress. And mostly, horror at the idea that Soong wasn't an enthusiastic participant in their sex.
I feel like this is confirmed later, when we have this scene, where Soong uses his words, and First is genuinely distressed about their boundaries. (And in his talk with Zouey at the end, but more on that later)
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If you've been with your partner for long enough -- or you're naturally observant/careful to pay attention-- yes, you can pick up on the difference between "into it but getting used to what's happening" and "not into it, this is Not Good", but as First points out later, the line between the two is blurry, and that's why safe words exist. So what Siong is asking for here isn't out of the question, but it isn't something that their relationship could manage at this point; they just don't know each other well enough.
And then, we have Teena and Zouey.
Zouey said he wanted to have sex with Teena, and Teena was a little dubious, but he just got that boyfriend title, and there was no way he wasn't going to take the chance to sleep with Zouey -- the boy is down bad. But, Teena is a smart cookie, and he's also experienced, so he establishes a safe word, rightfully anticipating that it would be a struggle for Zouey to let go and needing to know he was being safe and considerate (and sane and keeping it consensual).
It goes poorly, because Zouey protests, but doesn't use the safe word, so Teena pushes, thinking he's still within established boundaries
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But Zouey isn't experienced, and when he gets uncomfortable he doesn't remember to use the word.
(And there was the whole "if we're going to be a couple, we're going to have to do it" bit, which I do believe Teena when he says that he misspoke, because he was so genuine when he said before that they didn't need to have sex, but that's a different post. But, at face value, this idea of "we're already halfway there, we shouldn't stop" is very much about consent and how and why safe words are important.
Discomfort and hesitation are natural parts of sexual experience, especially if it's new, and double especially if it's kinky. Having a word that means "Actually stop now, something's not working/is wrong" is vital to keeping you and your partner safe and feeling good physically and emotionally.)
This conversation with First and Zouey is so important.
They're both struggling with the idea that they've been involved in a sexual situation that veered into abusive, and they both need to hear what happened was actually bad communication.
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And then, First wraps it up nicely, when he can see Zouey is struggling a little still.
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I'm really impressed by how hard this show is pushing the importance of consent and safe sexual experimentation (especially when these discussions are held up against the not-sure-if-this-is-consensual things that are happening with Many, and with the definitely-not-consensual sex tape Captain made). It's very rare for conversations about sex and kink to be handled so well-- or to be shown at all, really.
Also, Zouey?
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Please do, he looks like a kicked puppy.
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destroy-me-baby · 1 year
Leon Kennedy headcanons? (Please, Bitte, include Ashley somehow thank you)
Leon Kennedy NSFW hcs + Ashley
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Requests are open, see pinned post.
Content Warnings: mentions of sub/dom dynamics, begging, orgasm delay/denial, edging, punishments, “mommy/daddy” and “sir/ma’am” used as a title, overstimulation.
This is nsfw, if you are underage or uncomfortable with the previously mentioned content, please continue scrolling.
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Sub!Leon hcs:
- Oh you have no fucking idea.
- This man is desperate for affection and praise, I can practically smell it on him.
- Mostly an obedient sub, especially RE2 era Leon, but anything after that he will get a bit brattier.
- Mommy/daddy kink for sure. He loves it when his mommy or daddy is kind and gentle with him, and will pull him into their chest for aftercare as they rub his back.
- He’s a softie at his core, he wants to be taken care of and to care for others. Definitely giving me some service sub vibes, he will practically beg to eat you out or suck your dick.
- “Please, can I make you feel good? Please untie me, or sit on my face, or whatever you want as long as I can make you cum? Please??”
- Speaking of begging, when you overstim him he tends to go nonverbal, mainly just whines, whimpers, and the occasional “please-“ mixed in here and there.
- But when you edge him? Or G-d forbid straight up deny him? It’s a whole different story.
- “Please- please can I cum? I’ll do whatever you want, I promise! Please??“
- To the point that any soft dom would probably cave and give him what he wants.
- Hard doms though? I think Leon would prefer soft, but if he got around a dominant who’s a stickler for the rules, all that training will come in handy right away.
- “Yes sir/ma’am, right away sir/ma’am.”
- Like I said, RE4 and up Leon is more of a brat. His main recurring offense is back talking. Nothing crazy like outright insulting his dominant (unless it’s someone like Luis, let’s be honest with ourselves), but he’ll definitely argue.
- “Why do I have to be tied up so tight? I thought you just said I’ve been good?” “What do you mean I’m not allowed to cum? Why the hell not?”
- Takes his punishments like a champ. RE2 Leon not so much. Expect some crying and lots of aftercare, and he will be apologizing throughout.
- “M’sorry, I won’t do it again- I’ll be good from now on! Please stop!”
- “”hates”” being spanked. Heavy emphasis on those quotation marks.
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Dom!Leon hcs:
- This man is a fucking TEASE.
- He’s not a hard dom by any extent of the word (once again, unless it’s someone like Luis who gets him all riled up), but he loves verbal teasing.
- “What’s the matter, princess? You want something?” “You wanna cum? Too bad, so sad. You’ll just have to wait.”
- You know all those dumbass one-liners? Yeah. He’s not above doing that to someone during sex. He will make puns, and he’ll do it shamelessly just to watch someone’s face contort in a mixture of laughter, disappointment, and pleasure.
- Will have his partner do little challenges every once in awhile. For example, keeping them stuck to a vibrator for a certain amount of time, and asking them to hold back their orgasm until he says so.
- Which brings me to toys. Leon is more than happy to do everything himself, but he will never be opposed to using vibrators, flogs, gags, whatever you want in addition to himself. He may be desperate for praise, but he’s not so insecure as to get jealous over a piece of plastic or silicone.
- As previously mentioned, he wants to take care of people so bad. Either sub or dom, he wants to feel like he’s doing a good job, and like he’s worth something to someone.
- No matter what type of scene it was, expect very soft aftercare. He’ll leave kisses on each sore wrist and ankle, and walk his partner through every step of the way as he gets them a water, cleans them up, etc.
- “You did so well, I’m so proud of you.” “Here, honey, let me hold you until you catch your breath.” “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”
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Bonus hcs - Ashley
- To be entirely honest, I’m not a fan of Ashley in a sexual context, nor is it something I think of.
- But she’s definitely not an innocent little woman like Capcom may have portrayed her as in the original.
- She may have a reputation to uphold as the president’s daughter, but let’s be real, this is a grown ass adult, and despite her situation in the fourth installment she had her eyes on Leon from minute one.
- Of course, when they first met she was more concerned with getting out of that church alive (as was her savior), but once they got a minute and she saw those muscles?
- Holy hell. That’s about all you can say.
- I don’t ship Leon and Ashley whatsoever personally, but if they were to be intimate I feel like it would be to blow off steam. Maybe calm their nerves for a bit while they’ve got a moment alone and momentarily safe.
- No BDSM dynamic, but Leon would definitely take the lead.
- “Let me take care of you, Ashley.” Whispered in her ear and she’s GONE.
- He would definitely eat her out, and they’d better hope there are absolutely no enemies nearby otherwise the whole village will be on their backs. She is loud.
- Leon likes his partner to be loud. It makes him feel accomplished. Win-win.
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Bats usually keep an eye on large gatherings in Gotham, but in this case Bruce literally can't pay them enough to do their jobs.
In Gotham, large gatherings are always risky business. With half a dozen big name rogues with half a dozen screws loose, things can get out of hand FAST.
So yes, forgive Bruce if he likes having at least two bats or birds on the scene when people group together and make themselves easy targets.
His rag-tag group of children, adult or otherwise, usually agree with him. But in this case-
"I'm not going out of my way to help anti-gay protestors," Tim says before Bruce even let's himself think about which of his partners in anti crime he would like at his back. "I'm the one that green-lit the Wayne Enterprises gay agenda that they're protesting."
"That's... Fair."
And it was! Bruce was hardly going to force his bisexual son to save people that would tear him down if given half the chance. He'd demanded far too selflessness of Tim already.
It was just... No one else was volunteering either.
Dick, alerted by Tim about the group of anti-gay protestors planning their little event on Facebook, takes one look at Bruce approaching and shakes his head.
"I've heard what they said about my baby brother," he cautions before Bruce can say anything.
Tim, out and secure in his identity, doesn't care what any civilians have to say about him. Dick, deeply angry and protective, cares very much what slander people sling at his little brother.
Bruce, understanding that maybe his eldest was getting better about managing his anger, but deeply unwilling to test his resolve, nods and backs away.
Damian is his next choice, though he doesn't hold very high hopes for him either.
"Father, I will not be responsible for the safety of fools willingly endangering themselves," Damian says, reasonably and Bruce is glad to hear it. He has a whole speech about protecting civilians even if they act in defiance of their own safety. It's blown to pieces when Damian explains further. "I've already taken the liberty of inviting Jon and his paramour to heckle them."
"No metas in Gotham," Bruce says before his brain can catch up to his mouth. "This is already a tense situation and-"
"No metas in Gotham," Damian repeats, pitching his voice lower as he mocks his father. "What do you propose Duke is, Father?"
This is an argument he isn't willing to have. Not right now. He puts a pin in it and reaches out to Jon to politely request that he doesn't make an appearance at the protest. Jon concedes in exchange for his permission to come to Gotham's pride event next week. Bruce gives it under the stipulation that Jon and Jay let him give them a full primer on Gotham rogues and how to counter them.
Stephanie is somehow warned in advance and texts him before he can reach out to her.
"sorry not sorry, if doctors in Texas can choose to let people die then so can I. ask someone else to help w your homophobe problem"
Bruce wants to point out that is a gross simplification of the fraught political state of Texas. He also wants to point out that they are nowhere near Texas.
He wonders about the feasibility of sponsoring abortion access and trans healthcare in another state if only because it is GENUINELY funny when bigots with talk shows get into a tizzy over Brucie Wayne.
He lets the thought lie for the moment.
Duke hears him out, at least, before telling him that he's really sorry, B, but he's gonna be sick that day. It's all very sad, has he tried to talk to Jason?
Cass looks at him. He looks at her. They both know she won't be his backup.
He hates to say it, but Jason WAS his last choice in this situation. Not for lack of trust or faith in his abilities, but because-
"I'm asking Aunt Harley to have Poison Ivy start a pollen induced gay orgy," he says bluntly when Bruce asks if Jason would be busy on the day of the protest.
"At the-"
"At Wayne Enterprises, for the protest. Yes. Stay away if you value your heterosexuality, old man."
Bruce, remembering his college days and the types of things he's gotten up to in his own time, doesn't correct his son. Revealing that his father was intimately familiar with gay sex isn't a conversation Bruce ever wanted to have with Jason. Or anyone else.
Bruce, wisely, lets the police handle the protest.
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Suggestive moon boys... hmmm maybe the boys finding out the reader has a piercing 👀 and getting way too excited about it 👀
Violators get automatically blocked
Warnings: mentions of reader having pierced nipples, nipple play mention (in Jake's part), and the Moon boys being h o r n y  
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
You didn't specify what piercing but I'm just going to take some liberty since this is a suggestive requests and have it be that reader has nipple piercings because to be honest those are kinda hot to me.
Steven Grant
Listen this whole fandom is in agreeing to three things
Steven is a boobs/chest guy
Steven is easy to turn on and fluster
And that he's secretly a bit of a perv (optional)
So lets set the scene that you and Steven are at your place having a watch party date like watching a movie or documentary or whatever
You're wearing comfy and all that and also not wearing anything else under your shirt
You don't think anything of it until at a certain point you notice Steven looking at your chest and realize that oh yeah right you can kinda see the piercings through your shirt
You ask if he maybe wants to be them in case he's curious
He says yes, of course while read in the face because he was caught staring and now he's just going to see your bare chest for the first time
Steven looks at them in awe and asks the occasional basic questions like "Did it hurt?" , "How long have you had them?" , "Why did you get them?"
You two end up moving on and continue whatever you were doing, but it becomes apparent that Steven's gotten a little bit excited after seeing your piercings
You guys would end up getting to it, completely forgetting about what you were watching and you take your top off so that Steven can look at your piercings all he wants
He doesn't want to admit that your piercings get him off a little but... they do. They do a little something to him.
Marc Spector
Marc found out on accident, kinda
You were staying at his place but hadn't hooked up since it was the first time you had come over and he didn't want to push you into anything, your relationship was kind of new
You had taken a shower the night before and everything seemed will till the next morning he had gone to use the bathroom and saw two little metal pieces on the counter
He didn't really know what they were at first. They were small and oddly shaped to be earrings. And they didn't look like a belly button piercing.
It took him a second of looking to realize that they were for nipple piercings
He blushed a little and just acted like he didn't see anything
But after that, the thought of them sort of existed in his mind and soon became the subjects of his dirtier thoughts
He'd sometimes look at you while on a date and wonder if your wearing them now and how they actually look on you
Marc is knows that your aware that he knows that you have piercings even of you never said anything about it
He actually keeps it off topic even when you guys have sex for the first time because you kept you top on
It wasn't until he got to a point where he was dying to see them while you two are getting frisky again that he asks to see them
Marc is a grown ass man who can control himself but he busted really quick after seeing them
Jake Lockley
Slut (pos/derog at the same time)
He's a horny bitch, dude, we know this, this man fucks
It's okay that I'm calling him a slut
Anyways, yeah no, once he finds out that you have pierced nipples he wants to see and feel
If you show him your piercings and you DON'T start banging afterwards??? Miracle. Truly.
Listen the fandom doth spoken and deemed him an ass man, but he's a boobs guy rn if his partner has pierced nipples
I hope you like nipple play because he's gonna play with them while having sex now
I'm not even gonna spin a story for Jake because either way it's on sight
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peepeecotelette · 1 year
Center of Attention
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A/N: Got this idea from watching Narcos, was too good not to share. Keep in mind, English isn't my first language. I'll try my best to sort out all of the grammar mistakes.
All the credits go to the creator of this used gif.
Please don't post or repost my writings on any other platform without credited. I trust y'all.
SUMMARY: You work at the DEA. Inexperienced , naive, young and beautiful. All roads to Escobar lead to a dead end, until you come with a plan that would question your coworkers their point of view about you. Especially question Javier his sanity and his true feelings about you.
GENRE: Mixture of a lil bit of fluff and loads of angst.
TW: Mention of sexual acts, abuse, rape.
WORD COUNT: 1K. (It's my first one so bare with me lmfao)
“It's a bad plan, I'm telling you.” Javier snorted while taking a deep puff from one of the cigarettes he lost count of inhaling for the past fifteen minutes.
“Well Peña it's the only plan we've got, so suck it up.” Murphy huffed, his eyes scanning the bar in front of him. “Why so stressed about it? it's not like you’re fucking her or anything right?” Murphy asked raising a brow as he glared at his partner “Right?” Repeating the last part of his previous question.
“No.” Javier quitely answered with an aching heart as if he wished it to be different.
Wished? Wanted.
The man was hopelessly in love with you.
The way you would walk into the office with a bright smile, greeting everyone and everything as Escobar found a way to escape yet again. The moments you outsmarted not only him but the whole ass team with the connections you made throughout the case, bringing them closer to the culprit. Hell the way you would say his name in a high pitched tone as he would roughly nudge you out of his way.
Peña lost count of the moments he wanted to confess to you when it was just the two of you together. But he couldn't. You were so delicate en innocent, it was like you were written by the gods above. Javier didn't even dare thinking about destroying that with a reputation like his.
“Wow.” Javier snapped back to reality with the words of his partner as he followed the trail of his partners eyes, meeting your gaze.
God you were gorgeous, you were-
Practically naked?!
“What. The. Fuck. Is. That?” Javier narrowed his eyes at the sight of whatever the fuck you were wearing.
“A dress.” You honestly answer “You like it?”
“Don't tell my wife I told you this but you look hot.” Murphy looked at you in awe, respectfully though.
Javier at the other hand, looked at you as if he wanted to shred that dress of yours in pieces. Not sexually (which he wished it was) but in a concerned mostly protective way.
He snapped back to the scene as you tried to make your way to the bar, rappidly grabbing your wrist in distress to stop you from taking any further actions “You can't.” He gave you a sternly look “I'm not letting you cariño.” His tone softened as you met with his big brown puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, whatever telenovela this is... can we please skip this part and get down to catching the drug baron part?” Steve sighed.
“No.” Your answer got cut off by the man in front of you, still holding your wrist. “This isn't safe.” Javier starts, his eyes lurking at the bar in front of him “They aren't just men, they are beasts... maniacs. You're no more than a piece of meat to them. They will rape, torture, abuse and kill you before you even get the chance to ask questions.” The harsh words of the agent made you shiver and rethink the choice you were about to make “It's not worth it..” Javier his grip around your wrist loosened “You're not worth it.”
You gulp as you and Javier made eye contact for a split second, what felt for hours as you could feel your heart jump right out of your chest.
“I have to.” You removed yourself out of Javier his grip “I'll be fine.” You reassured yourself, as the two agents in front of you started to question this whole operation themselves after Javier's words. “I promise, please just let me do this for once.” You pleaded looking back and forth in between your partners “Please.” You turn to Javier.
“You know what, let's just get drinks and forget about this whole thing.” Steve stated, fumbling with his belt “I'll tell the chief they weren't attracted to you or sum.”
“You what?” You scoffed, as you eyed Javier who couldn't help but smirk at your offended response.
But his smirk faded with the sight of the faded sparkle in your eyes. He knew you wanted this, he knew how excited you were to lead your own mission and proudly show off the information you got at the office full of stubborn sexist men.
He was torn, in putting his own desires before yours and vice versa.
What seemed like forever but only took a split second, Javier stopped the intrusive thoughts he had about you and chose for putting your needs first.
Which meant you in a bar full of wasted, violent, sex deprived gang members. Just the thought of it made him sick to his stomach but he knew he was the only one holding you back at this exact moment.
He knew he had all the power, turning this whole event in one where you would end up at his apartment on all fours getting your brains fucked out.
Javier firmly grabbed your arm pulling you closer to him as he started to put small devices on you for them to eavesdrop the conversations between you and those men, correction beasts.
“Jav-.” You were taken aback by his sudden gestures, not resisting as you loved the sensation you got from Javier's body touching yours.
“You keep your distance.” Javier huffed, trying his best not to look at you because he knew once he would lock with your eyes it would be over “If you feel uncomfortable... the slightest.” He points at a small red button on the device he put on you “If anyone tries to touch, harm or even look at you the wrong way.” He sternly points at the button again “If you hear gun shots, you're out. Forget the operation, no questions asked. Out. Are we clear?”
“Yes.” The words impatienly left your lips as you nod in obedience. “Thank you.” Your eyes finally lock again with his as you whispered the words. You placed your hands on his as they were on your hips.
“You owe me.” He looked you deadass in the eyes, only to be softened at the following sentence “Promise me to be carefull.” He cupped your cheeks “We need you.” His voice trails off “I need you.”
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vaporvipermedia · 8 months
[My Opinion on Yandere Tropes]
I’m putting up a disclaimer so no one can misunderstand my words. I am not dissing anyone who writes Yandere tropes like how I present nor do I think of them any less when portraying canon characters this way. If anything, I find this concept interesting and believe some improvements can make said stories fascinating and less predictable with the trope used. ALSO! Just because I read some Yandere fics, does not mean that I agree or condone any of the actions written in these narratives. Thank you for understanding.
Now for opinion time!
  After reading my fair share of Yandere fanfiction, I’ve always found most actions done by the characters inside of these stories becoming either extremely predictable or doing something out of left field to the point where they act like a different character entirely.
  Yes, some may contest that this archetype can change how a character acts. Sure, that is the case but that doesn’t mean that their personality and characteristics should be put on hold. They’re still human no matter if they’re sickly in love or not.
  Some writings don’t have any nuance with the Yandere trope and just go the simple route with it. Adding depth and context to Yandere’s mindset can bring out your work for the better! Think about how the characters would act in a situation where they’re sickly in love with someone instead of using cliché lines and scenes.
  Make them have some self-doubt in their actions to add some interest to your writings. Make it believable and thought-provoking when talking about the psyche of the “Yandere” in question.
And one character I’ve seen done a little bit dirty is a certain hunter with the Nicki Minaj Bob.
I’ve only seen a few Yandere Rook fics but the ones that I have viewed just left me kind of baffled. Most of them involve hurting the person he’s interested in or putting them in dangerous situations while also trying to make it suggestive. Again no dissing anyone who writes him like this! But I am going to take this time to write down my opinion on Yandere Rook while also keeping parts of his personality. Because Rook has such good potential for a great Yandere fic and it’s kind of sad to see writers miss such an opportunity with him.
My View of Yandere Rook
If Rook was a Yandere, he definitely wouldn’t hurt the person he’s after. He sees the person as a beauty worth persevering only for his sight and benefit. Hurting his love would be like destroying the one thing he’s been desperate to seek his whole life. 
Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think Rook would go after people who simply talk to his partner. Sure he’ll be a little antsy at times when people get too friendly with the partner in question. But, all he would do is just stare them down after they leave. And to combat this he’d take his partner to places around the college. Rambling about his love for them, serenading them or just giving them affection. He does anything he can to make sure that the person he’s in love with only focuses on him and the scenery around them.
But if someone DOES try to pursue his lover. Then he’s going to have a problem. He’ll go up to them as casually as possible trying to strike up a “nice” conversation. 
Potential Dialogue and Use of Tactics Rook uses 
“Say I’ve been hearing from the grapevine that you’re in pursuit of the lovely trickster. Is that so?” He says this knowing the answer already.
Becoming even more dramatic saying:
“I’m so sorry to tell you this, but they’re currently in a relationship. It would be a pity if their partner were to hear about this…they aren’t very forgiving when it comes to their love.”
He does it to scare them at first. But if they aren’t persuaded he drops the act entirely. “I tried to warn you. Tête de noeud…you just wouldn’t listen would you? Still trying to go after my love even after knowing they were together with me. Do you seriously think they would be with you?  What a horrible joke…they would never fall for a fool like you. If you value your life please do the smart option and leave them out of that small dense brain do yours.”
“Oh my! My temper was far too wild! Please accept my humble apology. I’m sure you won’t make the same mistake twice…right?” And then leave them to their devices.
In simple words instead of killing off or injuring people, Rook strikes fear into their hearts to ensure they don’t come near his lover. He isn’t an outright killer but he’s great at making people think that he might kill them. Only using empty threats to get the job done. Keeping them on their feet and letting them overthink whatever might happen to them. Making them crumble under their fear.
The moral of this long opinion piece is that Yandere tropes can be used to make eye-opening fan works. Doesn’t matter which fandom you’re in, TWST or not!
It’s up to you whether or not you decide to add nuance to said fanfiction. That’s all I wanted to say! Thank you for reading all the way through. I hope my points were understandable.
ANOTHER THING! I’m not saying that I’m a better writer! Trust me I have a long way to go. I just wanted to talk about what I’ve been noticing lately in this genre and give people ideas for their possible fics. That’s it. Now I’m done.🫶
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bg3sinbin · 3 months
Alright so I told myself I wouldn't post anything about it... but I still can't stop thinking about the A!Astarion kisses, Tav/Durge's face during it, and the stupid blow up around it. So here we go
Warnings: This is long and rambly and contains all kinds of spoilers. I am an A!Astarion lover. I will not be responding to discourse on this post. I do not care if you disagree. Make your own vent post.
OKAY so the brunt of the arguments I keep trying to ignore seeing surrounding this are how the expressions are "immersion breaking" for A!A fans, and everyone else clowning on them (sometimes rightfully so tho, ngl) because "the game gives the player expressions all the time! why are u mad now? do u just want ur Tav/Durge to be a blank slate?? lmao idiot" which ??? okay it feels like ur purposefully missing the point.
Yeah, actually sometimes this game gives my Durge some really ooc reactions. And it does, in fact, bother me. That being said, that is to be expected when u take an oc u had for like ten years and try to stick them in a pre-programmed video game. Things are gonna get ooc sometimes.
It also though, is usually smaller moments. Or things that happen Once and then u move on. Conversations where I go "hmmm. he wouldn't say any of these. oh well." or moments where he reacts negatively to terrible things that this evil bastard would normally laugh at. OH. WELL.
Now here's where my frustration actually come in. This game does a really good job, probably a better job than anything else I've played, at letting u play an interesting evil char. Something more than just "I am Rude, Aggressive, and A Dick To Everyone" and thus being punished for it gameplay wise.
I can play The Dark Urge, literal child of the god of murder, a canon necrophiliac, cannibalistic, gore freak that was going to flatten the entire world. There is a whole ass plot line and ending (multiple achievements included!) surrounding doing just that. There's all kinds of nasty interactions/plot options programmed in.
Yet, to the best of my memory, my Durge doesn't look horrified when we choose to slaughter the grove. He doesn't look horrified when we choose to kill the Dame Aylin, or Isobel. He isn't Obviously Distraught when we choose to help Astarion complete the ritual, or when we kill Shadowheart's parents, or become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.
To my knowledge, the player character isn't made to look afraid when kissing Dark Justiciar!Shadowheart, nor when they are literally poisoned by kissing Minthara. Sure, u CAN be offended about it in the convo with her after, but its still ur choice as the player.
I mean shit, they even patched in (in that very same patch) a positive, supportive reaction from ur evil partners at the end when u take over the nether brain! (at least for A!Astarion, and Minthara) so now when u do the evil thing that u and ur evil partner have been talking about all game, they don't suddenly change their opinion the second u actually do it.
And I really appreciate that about bg3. I can make evil choices and get interesting outcomes rather than the game just locking me out of all content actually made for that quest. Like ffs u can only get Minthara's romance scene if u slaughter dozens of innocents.
THIS GAME REWARDS U FOR DOING THE BAD THING. And like the evil options do usually have drawbacks and/or are less fleshed out than the good ones, but there are whole ass plots arcs u will never see if u only play good chars. This game makes playing an evil character interesting.
So why is it that I can do all that, and make/have my Durge react (mostly) accordingly, yet the moment the partner I chose acts controlling, now is when my characters feelings are being decided for me?
I can spend the whole game hearing Astarion talk about how spawn are controlled, how all vampires want is power, and I can say to his face "yes! this character wants that! turn me!" and yet somehow... what? the creators think I didn't know?
It just genuinely doesn't make sense to me. Like I can choose, through dialogue, that my Durge is power hungry, and very into the idea of being Astarion's pretty little lap dog. He knew what he was signing up for! And yet he looks terrified when his vampire bf (who has been feeding on him all game) bites his lip?? really?
Idk I just have some really weird feelings on some of the ways they try to Really Emphasize that u made the wrong choice for Astarion specifically, and this just exemplifies that.
Either do the rest of ur characters this service, make all of them (make every choice in the game) a moral lesson for the player to learn, where u hold their hand and say "u didn't listen to what they actually needed :c u could have done the good thing but u didn't :c"
Or let me play my evil bastard. And let me revel in it.
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𝐁𝐞𝐝𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Oh no, reader! Are you feeling unwell?? Sherlock has the hot soup and blankets ready. Just one problem... he's not used the whole "taking-care-of-people" thing. This might be a problem. 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Sherlock paced the length of the flat, dialling John's number as he went. Only the rings of a busy line sounded. "Come on," he muttered. "In this lifetime, dear friend."
Sherlock let out a sigh of relief.
"John, Baker Street. Come at once."
From the other end of the line, John sighed. "Here we go again."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Your calls only ever come with strings attached. You can't expect me to come running each time!" 
Sherlock stopped pacing. "Isn't that the point of our friendship? I summon you, you move to my beck and call? It's harmonious."
"Listen mate, we'll have to run through your mobile etiquette later on, yeah? Mary and I have dinner reservations. I don't know what you've gotten yourself into, but figure it out!"
"Tell your wife that dinner's off," Sherlock pressed. "We need our doctor on Baker Street." He scratched the back of his neck impatiently. "Y/N is ill. I wouldn't have called otherwise." 
John clicked his tongue. "Is she really?"
Sherlock grinned at John's softened tone. He was depending on his friend's sympathy. Y/N had caught cold earlier that day and Sherlock desperately needed help in caring for her. He had promised to join Lestrade on-site for a triple homicide case, and refused to miss it on account of his partner's sore throat.
"Yes, she's terribly sick," he explained, carefully. "I can hardly get a word from her. Chills, fatigue, aches and pains. The poor girl needs you." Sherlock checked his watch, pleased with his performance. If John arrived within the next half hour, there would still be enough time to catch Lestrade at the crime scene.
John was quiet for a moment as he deliberatated. "Send Y/N mine and Mary's love," he decided. "I'll be over in the morning to check on her. In the meantime, you'll have to play nurse. Best of luck!"
The call ended.
Sherlock frowned. "John?" he called. "John, are you there? Hello?"
A fit of coughing sounded across the flat. Sherlock glanced in its direction before tossing the mobile to the sofa. He crinkled his nose with displeasure.
"Sherlock," a voice croaked from the bedroom. "Could you get me a glass of water, please?"
Sherlock kicked at the rug. "Wondeful," he muttered. "I'm grounded." In a louder voice he called, "I'll be with you in a moment!"
Sherlock shrugged off his coat and settled in for a night at home. Rolling up his sleeves, he set out for the kitchen.
Y/N lay worn on the bed. Her head ached, her throat burned, and her nose was irritated from the sting of tissue.
It was late in the evening, but she couldn't sleep. She tried closing her eyes and snuggled closer to Sherlock's side of the bed. She had nearly dozed off when the room's lights were switched on.
Y/N sat upright, her eyes bleary with sleep. "Sherlock?" she groaned. She turned away and sneezed into the crook of her arm.
Sherlock swatted at the air, brusquely. "Let's keep the contagion on that side of the room, yes?"
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Water?"
"Certainly." Sherlock approached the bed, holding the glass at arm's length. He assesed Y/N as she sipped, taking note of the shadows benath her eyes. As much as he cared for her, he felt awkward playing watcher for the night.
As soon as the glass emptied, Sherlock clapped his hands together. "Very good," he announced. "If that's all, I'll take my leave. Rest."
He made to leave but Y/N was quick to stop him. "Stay? Just sit with me for a while. I can't sleep."
Sherlock sighed, but turned back and perched on the corner of the bed. He didn't know how to make use of himself. "Could I perhaps bring your medication? It might help ease the symptoms." He tried to stand, but Y/N reached for his wrist.
"No, that's fine. My next dose isn't for a few hours."
Sherlock nodded. He glanced at the wall, feeling unsure of himself. It was an odd sensation. "Pilllows then?" he suggested. "Could I fetch you another glass of water?" He tried to think of more excuses to walk out the door, but Y/N just shook her head.
"Sherlock, I don't understand what's making you so uncomfortable. Its just a cold! You're a scientist, I'd think sickness is something you're well aquainted with."
Sherlock straightened, making the bed creak. "In theory, certainly. I'm afraid your situation requires a bit more practical experience. Care has never been my area of expertise."
It suddenly clicked.
"Oh, I see." Y/N smiled and gestured for Sherlock to move closer. Reluctantly, he lay beside her, leaning his head on her shoulder.
"I'm still easing up to the familiarity that comes with domestic life," he admitted. "I don't mean to be cross, I just don't want to disappoint you."
Y/N cleared her throat but her words were still raspy. "You could never disappoint me," she whispered. "You always have my back and I know you always will. Stop overthinking this. I just want you close."
"I can do that." Sherlock let out a breath, glad that Y/N could see past his foolishness and into his heart. Every day, he could feel himself open up a bit more, spurred by her affections. He would care for her tonight and always. He owed her as much.
"I love you dearly," he said. "You are aware, yes?"
Y/N let out a contented sigh as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. She closed her eyes. "I know you do."
Sherlock raised himself on an elbow and  pressed the back of his hand to Y/N's forehead. "You're very warm," he noted. "And I dont think it's my charm that has you feeling that way. Just a moment, love."
Sherlock creeped out of bed and fetched a damp towel from the bathroom. He wrung out the excess water and walked back to the room.
"This should help," he started, careful to catch any falling drops. When he reached the bedside however, Y/N was already snoring, her face hidden behind his pillow.
Sherlock placed the towel aside and perched on the side of the bed. He caressed Y/N's cheek and laid a kiss just above her hairline.
"Sleep now," he whispered. He was just about to leave when he recalled his promise. Y/N had wanted him close.
Sherlock let out a small laugh and turned off the lamplight with a click. Careful not to make a sound, he crept to his side of the bed and settled in for the night. Y/N immediately snuggled close against his chest.
"Goodnight dove," Sherlock breathed. "Sleep well."
He wrapped an arm around Y/N and ignored the worsening itch in his throat. He had the sudden feeling that he'd soon be bedridden with her far longer than expected.
For now though, he held Y/N close and didn't let go.
Did you wanna give Game of Kings a shot???
I wrote half of this back in the summer. I'm on a quest to finish all my abandoned fics. Wish me luck! 💖
tagging: @twisted-monster ​ @starryeddie ​ @the-chaotic-cow ​ @turkisherlockian ​ @aephereal ​ ​ @andthevillainshallrises ​ ​ @baby-bloos ​ ​ @cookiemumster1 ​ ​​ @eternal-silvertongued-prince ​ ​ @bogginsreadings ​ ​ @lumosouls ​ @spencerrxids​ @serenity-lattes ​ @msseijii @classickook ​ @starstruck-loner ​    @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson ​ @lucywrites02 ​ @danzalladaggers @mrs-holmes ​ @pytharuw @antsn​ @kabubsmagga @newtsniffles ​ @cemak​ @sleepilysworld ​ @bakerstreethound ​@liv-olive-oliver
*** let me know if you'd like to be added to a taglist!!
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bengiyo · 4 months
Cooking Crush Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week was one of my favorite episodes of the season, because it focused on the drama between the friend trio. We delved into how important they are to each other, and their boyfriends (or soon to be (hopefully) boyfriends) supported them. I'm still thinking about the narrative of their dish. Ten got clarity from Prem after punching Chang Ma's nasty ass out, and Fire has promised to come out publicly when Dy wins.
Pang is a real one for recognizing a double date and getting out of the way.
"Put some meat in." Fire, he absolutely will.
Hell yeah, Ten! Show off your boyfriend.
Get you a squad that will cheer for your happiness like this.
Dish 11: Or...The Three Must-Eat-eers Will Only Be a Name
I love Dynamite so much. He said, "Girl, dish," and then immediately got jealous of the PDA and ran for his boyfriend. Some people think it's annoying to have a partner tell you exactly how to please them. Could never be me.
Oh no. The Internet is clowning them. Don't read the comments, boys!
Look at Ten. He got worried about a piece of information he found. He asked for clarity immediately. He got it. He moved on. He is the best man we've ever had.
I'm loving Boyfriends Era for them.
Wait why are they in the school kitchen? Didn't we get into trouble for being here before?
Nevermind. There's the security guard. This got so silly.
In the school kitchen??? Boys!
"It has to happen sooner or later," is the exact energy I expected from Dy.
He kicked my boy across the room!! I see the mom will be our final boss for them, because staying in the closet physically injured Dy there.
Now, Ten, don't leave that sticky note at your house like that!
Of course the bullies posted the punch on socials. Hateful.
Terrible, Ten's dad was right that Ten caused problems for Prem.
Dynamite and Fire are so fun to watch at this point. "Fy, I got slammed hard. I need to be hugged."
Oh, I like this A-B framing of the doc separate from the rest of the group.
Gun is beautiful, and we should have him smile with the whole squad backing him more often.
I love Dynamite so much. "Learn from them, Fy." "Of course."
This producer is like Masks Off and called them lame! Hold the fuck up! There are multiple posts picking at the dad scene but we don't want to cut her for this rude behavior? Priorities!
I'm actually enjoying the drama of this for Ten and Prem. Prem needs to be able to stand up to criticism if he's going to be a popular chef, and Ten needs to reckon with his own stubbornness if he's going to be a good doctor and partner. He gets all riled up about his dad, but he thinks he knows best about everything.
Oh no, Gun is crying. My weakness.
I like that Changma and Ten praised Prem for the same things. That's a good use of a second lead.
Hey, I like Changma also publicly owning his complicity in this bullshit.
I love these three so much as a friend group. I'm glad we have a good baseline for the rest of the year.
Goddamn this practice is not going great, guys.
For a second I hoped that Metha would show up to help Samsee.
Look at my boys go!!
The staff at this place is so bad at keeping the audience out of the show. You'd think they'd have done that after Ten interrupted the first time. Still, I love my boy Fire going public on TV like this.
Just gonna point out that the show remembered the dad laid hands on Ten earlier.
I really like the end of this episode. Yes, let's face that problem immediately;
Wow, we didn't have an episode 11 breakup. This was excellent. Ten and Prem tackled multiple crises this episode with open communication and mutual support. Dynamite and Fire are thriving and taking cues from their friends. Both friend groups are starting to blend. Our boys came together in the face of public scrutiny and pushed themselves to a new level. I'm having a great time. I love that we have three clear final hurdles: The Bully Gang Food War, Ten's Dad and the Scamming, Fire's Overbearing Mother. I'm so ready! The squad is together and we can take on anything!
Regarding the discussion around the dad that @lurkingshan has continued, I think we're fixating on a single moment in a single scene way too much. The show is aware of the dad's hypocrisy, and is using it to force Ten to reckon with himself. He does not care about his dad like that. They didn't forget that he struck Ten, because they brought it up as they set him up as one of our final problems to overcome. I won't be moralizing over that anymore. It's good drama inline with what we should be used to.
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fruityrituals · 5 months
birthday wish
phantom ghoul x fem reader
summary: phantom takes you to the fair for your birthday while in his human glamour. you both have a very steamy moment in the house of mirrors that make it the most unforgettable birthday yet. (that scene will be inspired by a scene from the book Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton)
cw: breeding, daddy kink, hair pulling, dom/sub scenario, public s3x
comment: in this fanfic, it is phantom NOT randy. I’m using a picture of randy because phantom will be in his human glamour. AGAIN, this is a phantom fic! Also, don’t comment on my punctuation, i know some of it isnt right but this isnt a book lol.
dedicated to jess. happy birthday!!
Ghost Masterlist
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(divider below from @cafekitsune ) | pics above from pinterest
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Today is your birthday and your ghoul boyfriend told you thank he is going to take you out to the fair. You have been super excited for tonight since he Phantom just came back from tour last night and your only birthday wish was for him to be home. Last night you both spent the whole night going round after round in bed until you were finally exhausted and knocked out, so today you both stayed in bed coming in and out of sleep most of the day. Around sunset is when you both finally get up to shower and get ready for evening. Phantom is taking you to the fair tonight in his human glamor and you're just so excited its going to be just the two of you tonight since you all always go out in groups with the other ghouls and their partners.
You both arrive to the fair around 8pm and you're starving. As you walk through the entrance after giving in your tickets, you hold Phantoms hand and say “Babe i just realized how hungry I am. We stayed in bed all day”. He turns his head and kisses your forehead “Im such a horrible boyfriend for not feeding you after the night we had last night”. You laugh looking up at him “Well to be fair we BOTH used all our energy so if thats the case, Im a bad girlfriend for not feeding YOU also”. He grins and pecks your lips then looks around “Uhhh lets find something to eat. It looks like theres a lot to choose from”. As you both start walking deeper into the fairgrounds, you see a cotton candy stand and point at it “Have you ever had cotton candy before baby?”. The ghoul looks over and shakes his head “No I haven’t, but that does look very filling. you need food”. You pout up at him “Please I want cotton candy”. He looks down at you giving you a stern look. He leans in closer, places a hand around the nape of your neck and leans in closer so only you can hear him, “I said you need food. You are going to be a good girl and eat a hotdog or something and only after you eat, you will get cotton candy. Understand?”. Your jaw drops because even though you know how dom phantom is, it always catches you off guard when he does things like this in public and it drives you crazy in the best way possible. You look up at him with sweet eyes and nod. He tilts his head to the side and raises his eyebrow, “Hmm? Use your words princess what do you say?”. You lean in a little more so only he can hear you as you say “Yes, I understand daddy”. He smiles and kisses you gently then lets go of you neck and slips his hand back into yours “Good girl. Lets go”.
He got you both hot dogs to eat and then got you some cotton candy. He tried a little bit of it but decided to stick to his fried oreos. You both make your way through the fairgrounds going on a couple rides and walking through a few fun houses then you see the attraction coming up with a sign that says “House of Mirrors” and you say “Oh can we go in there? Ive never done one of those mazes before, that should be fun”. When you look up at him, he has a smirk painted across his face and you know that look all too well. He starts toward the House of Mirrors pulling you along by your hand. Once inside, he has you lead the way through the maze. You were so concentrated keeping your eyes on the pattern of the floor while you held your arms out so you dont slam into any mirrors that it took you a few minutes of you talking to yourself to realize your ghoul boyfriend isnt following you. “Phantom?” you call out as you pick your head up and look around, but all you can see is yourself in every direction that you look. You call out his name again and listen carefully but hear nothing. The lights suddenly go out and you gasp, “Come on Phantom this isn’t funny!”. Your heart starts racing as you hold your hands out in front of you as you try to find your way through the maze until arms quickly wrap around your torso and phantom whispers “Boo” in your ear, which makes you yelp as you turn around in his arms quick and hit his chest with your hands “Fuck Phantom you scared the shit out of me!”. He chuckles as he leans cups your face and kisses you softly, “Im sorry baby. Let me make it up to you, yeah?”. You nod as he has your face cupped so he can feel you nod and thats all it took before he crashes his lips to yours and starts making out with you roughly.
You tangle your fingers in his hair as he pushes you up against one of the mirrors. He traces his hands down the sides of your body till he reaches your thighs, then traces his hand around the back of your thighs and lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist quickly and your arms around his neck. You are so caught up in the heat of the moment that it takes you a few minutes to realized that you are in public and someone could come around the corner at any moment. He pulls away from your lips and trails his kisses down to your neck where he starts to suck in that sweet spot that you like which earns a moan. Now you’re worried someone will hear you. “Um, what if someone catches us?” You whisper. He pulls away and you can see his face a bit once your vision adjusts and you realize theres some light coming from the bath of dotted lights on the ground that help you see him a little better. When you see the look on his face as he says “Let someone find us”, it takes you over the edge and you quickly starts kissing his lips roughly again. His hips press against yours as you feel his hard cock through his pants against your core. He slowly starts to grind his hips into you causing the both of you to moan out and you slap your hand over your own mouth. Phantom grabs your hand and shakes his head “Ah Ah Ah. Did I tell you that you can silence yourself?”. You shake your head and lean in kissing his lips and whisper “Sorry Daddy. Can we please go home? I need you so bad.” He shakes his head again “I’m going to take you right here and I don’t care who hear or sees”. The thought of having sex here in public in the house of mirrors makes you nervous but you trust him and honestly the idea of getting caught is exhilarating. He can tell that you’re turned on by the idea so he proceeds.
He places you on your feet as he undoes his pants and pulls his hard cock our striking it a couple times as a bead of precum already rests on the tip of his head. “You know I like to take things nice and slow at first with a little foreplay but we have to be quick”, with that, you quickly undo your pants and pull them down to your knees and figure the best position would be for you to turn around. You face your back to him, bend over and placed your hands against the mirror. He spits into his hand stroking his dick a few more times then teased your entrance as he lubricates his tip with your wetness and says “Fuck baby you’re so wet”, then thrusts into you without warning causing you to moan out his name loud. He starts thrusting into you at a slow pace for just a few seconds before he slips his hands onto your hips and grips them tight. With his foot he kicks your feet apart a little more and he starts thrusting into you hard then picks up his pace. You let out constant moans of pleasure as you bow your head down and bite your lip hard. He reaches forward and grips your ponytail in his hand and pulls your head back causing you to gasp. He leans forward and presses his lips to your ear as he says, “Keep your head up and look in the mirror so you can watch me fuck you. Understand? If you look down again, im not going to let you cum.” You let out a whine as you bite your lip hard again and nod, “Yes daddy”. And with that, he starts pounding into you relentlessly. You watch him throught the mirror as you feel your climax nearing as you thighs twitch and your stomach tightens. Youre trying hard to keep your head up but you lose that battle as you drop your head down for all of 3 seconds before he pulls out and says “What did i say?”. You groan and pick your head up quickly and look at him through the mirror, “Phantom please im begging you to fuck me again im so close. I wont drop my head back down i promise ill be a good girl please”, you look at him with pleading eyes. He smirks and wraps your ponytail around one of his hands as he uses his other hand to positions himself back to your entrance and thrusts in and picks up his pace he was previously doing, “You know i cant say no to my good girl”. He smirks as he tosses his head back and you let out moans that practically sounds like yells as you feel your climax quickly building up again. He feels you tighten around in and mumbles “Oh fuck” breathlessly as he continues his pace then says, “Im going to come baby”. You nod quickly “me too fuck”. Your high comes quickly as you reach an arm back gripping his wrist as you moan his name loudly and come undone. You're breathing heavily and trying not to collapse as he continues his pace into your sensitive pussy until he does a couple hard thrusts and cums deep inside of you with a groan.
He stays there for a few seconds before pulling out. He wipes up the cum that starts seeping out of you and with two fingers he stuffs it back in as you moan, not wanting you to miss a single drop. He licks his fingers clean then pulls your panties up then your pants as you stand up from your bent over position. When you turn around he already fixed his pants. He pulls you to him by your waist and places a deep kiss against your lips as you both let out a sweet moan. He pulls away and rubs a thumb on your cheek. You look up at him with a smile on your face “How did no one come in here and catch us?”. He throws an arm over your shoulder as he holds leads you out the maze perfectly and when you make it outside, Swiss is standing outside the entrance of the house and Phantom says, “I asked Swiss to stand guard since i knew he would be here with Kai, we paid the house attendant to be quiet about this and go control the lights”. You gasp after seeing Swiss and you look up at Phantom shoving him playfully “You little shit, you could have told me that so i would know we weren't going to get caught!”. He laughs “Oh you know you loved the idea of getting caught”. You smile and kiss his cheek as he wraps an arm around you shoulder. You both go home and the ghouls and their partners have a cake waiting for you. They all sing you happy birthday and as you blow out your candles you say “My birthday wish already came true” and phantom gives you a wink.
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may or may not have stayed up all night reading this book as soon as I could get my hands on it but anyway I have some thoughts and most of them are screaming.
I really loved the book. Did it have flaws? Yes. Do I care? No. I'm 22, the targeted age range is something like 10-16. When I first got into this series I was the same age as nico. It's been a long journey getting older and changing and healing. Seeing that for Nico was all I really wanted from this book.
Also, realistic relationship struggles and growth!! Loved that!! Having a chronic illness is hard, your partner watching you suffer with it is also hard for them!! Having conversations and misunderstandings and awkward moments is how it goes!! After being in a 3 year relationship with someone I love very much I'm like,,, yes!! Thank you!! I have lifelong chronic illness!! It's not going away I gotta learn to live with it it's a part of me!! My partner struggles with it but is trying so hard and I love them so much!!! But I'm so much more than a pile of suffering and that's the point!!! You choose to keep trying and that's the point the book makes!! there's a whole scene about it and it's so important!!! Will starts to be more accepting and understanding and we love to see it! Nico accepts he needs to let himself move on and that it's ok to do that and not be angry with your past self for trying to stay alive!!
I make no sense and I don't care. But also, they're cringey and memey and dumb. They're hysterical and going a little bit crazy and they love each other and like, I'm not ok. Neither are they. Its been an extremely stressful week for them.
And I don't think it's super out of character because we barely know these people!! Nico has been suffering and in survival mode almost the whole time we have known him!! Will has been a background character most of the time!! Nico was a bubbly 10 year old and Will was like 4 sentences. Nico has made occasional/awkward/dark jokes and Will was shown to be stubborn and concerned and caring because demigods are ridiculously hard to keep alive. Let them be weird and cringey they're literal teenagers. Have you been in a high school with people obnoxiously dating. They are. The worst.
Broke: camp is empty because people wanna see their families
Woke: camp is empty because will and nico are just that couple who are cringe 100% of the time and everyone just noped out
I know I keep getting sidetracked but. Point is. nico and will seem out of character because of circumstances and time skips probably. Nicos finally in a stable place and can actually process things, mans is curious about the world he's in no wonder he's a memelord the internet just does that to you. People change when they're not in survival mode, I definitely am not the same person I was when I was 16. Not even the same person I was when I was 18. Or 20. Like, mental health glow ups bring out some of the best parts of you.
AND THANK YOU PIPER I FEEL SO SEEN RN, don't know what label I fit under, I am confusion but it's ok!! I am a big ole ace spectrum mess and maybe tomorrow it'll be different! Either way the book had a lot of great moments and no it's not the same as old rr books but it was never gonna be, the nostalgia associated with the original pjo series means nothing will ever live up to those books and that's kind of just life for some of yall. fuck knows I crave the joy I felt playing crash bandicoot for the first time. I miss that time of my life and it's ok to miss that but it's also ok to move forward and find new things that bring life joy and meaning!!
anyway. I enjoyed the sun and the star and I will continue to enjoy it regardless of what other people think, I can like things just because I do, or just because they make me happy. And this book definitely made me happy. Also holy fuck I need some sleep. Sorry about all the exclamation points it's all that's keeping me awake!!
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maranull · 2 years
We already know how Ranni does it (indirectly) but how do the rest of the ladies and Blaidd ask you to marry them?
We do know how Ranni proposes, but I switch the xReader stuff to a modern AU and I feel like sending your partner hunting for your ring at your mom's library, then having them find you naked and bloodied at a murder scene is probably a tad too much for a modern setting. So I'm doing Ranni as well is what I'm saying.
Ranni: She's been planning it for at least a year. The plan involves Blaidd constantly starting conversations about her family's traditions and such. Poor guy has to explain the Carian family laws like five times minimum. At which point you sort of figure out that something is going on but she takes six more months to do anything about it. Anyway, one night you find a small ornate box at your nightstand and Ranni doing her absolutely worst sleeping impression. At this point this is not a surprise and you soon figure it out (she also had Blaidd do another presentation literally the same day), so you play along. She turns purple when you put the ring on her finger but keeps pretending (badly) to be asleep. She holds out until you enter the bed, at which point she looses it and turns to hug you tightly. The next morning you wake up with a whole ass sword at the feet of the bed.
Melina: It's spontaneous. Like, you're talking and she just blurs out: "Let's marry." After saying yes and the hugs and soft kisses and all that jazz, she grabs you by the hand and haves you hunt for flowers and tall grass with her. She takes two blades of grass and makes/braids them into a circle, then ties a small flower on it. Here's your ring. She keeps doing that every week to replace the wilting and browning of the flower and grass. You try and make one yourself, and you don't think it's that bad, but she starts laughing and laughing. So much in fact, that you figure out she's laughing not about your attempt, but just out of pure joy. You do get some small wedding rings eventually, but the grass/flower ring is something she does forever.
Malenia: Somehow has managed to get you in a outdoors chrysanthemum farm for a date. There, she points you at a unique flower. It's petals are half white, half red. While you look and lean in to smell it, she kneels behind you. The ring is ornate with patterns of branches on it's golden surface. A butterfly looks towards the inner edge and she asks you to put it on your right index. She has one made for her, with the butterfly looking your way and its hugs yours when putting your fingers next to each other. Later you find that you have photos of the moment, courtesy of a certain someones brother. He was hiding in the field for a couple hours.
Marika: She has tickets for your favourite band's concert. The show is great and fun, but you catch her staring at you more than usual. Before the final song, the lead singer dedicates the song to you two by name. And at the climax of the song, they throw a small box towards you two and Marika grabs it with a short jump. After which she gets on her knees and proposes amidst the chaos and hollering of the arena. (yes she knew you'd say yes, you had talked about marriage before, she wouldn't to the scummy thing some asshats do with public proposals)
Blaidd: Does it at the anniversary of -insert year of choice- of you being together. You redo your first date, almost moment by moment, except that during the end, during which he asks the question.
Thank you for the ask, anon! And sorry about Blaidd's being short!
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mazeinthemiroh · 11 months
CHOI SAN‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
I think lots of people will confide in him because he’s so soft spoken and listens well SO when people do confide in him WITH THE MOST WHACK THINGS EVER he’s 100% telling you obviously he’ll keep things that don’t need to be shared private because he wouldn’t want to break their trust like that BUT IF THEYRE INSANE OR HES TOLD UNPROVOKED TRUST YOU WILL BE HEARING ABOUT IT 🤞 but it’s also not in the way jongho or wooyoung would where you would proceed to gossip and start a conversation just to talk about it he would slip it into a conversation you would be having at the dinner table or over coffee in the living room KINDA LIKE A FACEBOOK MUM OMG 💀
OK SCENE you and san are sat at the dinner table, him at the head of the table ofc I feel like he’s like that but that’s besides the point, just eating lunch because we love a good lunchtime together 😘 he’s just talking about his day yada yada and he’s like “oh yeah i was talking with our hair stylist, we were talking about personal colour and she asked yours so i told her and she said she wished she was like us and I asked and she said how she was going to split from her long term partner because she liked one of the people in our camera crew even though she’s never spoken to him which is crazy” ALL IN ONE BREATHE AND YOURE LIKE 😀 what 😟 i just wanted to eat my sandwich with you babe AND THEN WHEN HE LEAVES FOR WORK THE NEXT MORNING HES LIKE “i’ll let you know what happens 😁 bye bye”
- 🧸
YESS ‼️‼️‼️
choi san is a smooth talker and a very attentive listener. he loves people and getting to know them, and in turn, people feel like they can trust him more.
WHICH THEY CAN ofc they can trust him he's very trustworthy BUT will probably tell his bestie and/or lover. it's between you two tho. he's not spreading it for the whole world to hear, but he just has to tell you because... idk, he doesn't like having secrets from you and also he likes having little gossip sessions with you cos it's fun!
with wooyoung, he comes rushing to you to spill the tea. you're the first person he goes to and he doesn't hold back. but with san, like you said, i see him casually slipping it in conversation...
you and san sharing a nice meal at home:
san: yo one of the staff at work who has a crush on yunho 'accidentally' spilled water on his white shirt just to see through it
you: *chokes on food*
you know stuff like that 😃😃
he's unhinged with his delivery and will smirk a little at your reaction, knowing that this will be another thing for you guys to bond over, weirdly.
and yes, you're so right, with all of this in mind he does have some serious facebook mum energy 🤔 like i see that so clearly
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gothy-froggy · 2 years
Can you do a scenario with the scene dk trilogy
Where Jonathan is the """"judge""""" in gotham and his s/o is helping him bc they're also his partner in crime or stuff
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(This one 😭)
YES! Finally can make this after watching all the Dark Knight movies (loved it)
He married you as soon as he got out. He just couldn't wait. Since he was the "judge," he decided that you both are married.
He made a whole place next to him for you to be next to him. Before the ones in "trial" show up he goes over the list.
He will get people to find anyone who wronged you. He will show no mercy. Will literally give them to people to torture however they decide to.
He's a little....bat-shit crazy at this point. He'll help you up to the "throne" and talks your ear off about the power you both have.
"My dear, look at how much power we have now. We can control everything and do everything." He desperately spoke quietly. Jonathan caressed your cheek with his thumb.
"Nothing can keep us apart now. We are the law, the government, the city. We own it."
Please do help him. He has SO many people to punish and execute! He has piles and piles of work. He gets a little grumpy and snappy.
"That's a lot of work honey."
"Ah really? I haven't noticed myself yet, love." He snaps with a glare. He takes his glasses off and brings a hand to his head.
"Sorry, just a lot of work."
"Here, give me the piles and we'll go through them. Together."
Jonathan looks up with a stupid smirk.
"I'm not fond of superheros, but it seems I've fallen for one." He mutters as he kisses the palm of your hand.
He got some people to steal pretty rings off of people before the trial starts for the two of you.
"Dear, what should we do with this one here?"
"I think you should make him walk on the frozen water."
"We've made a decision!"
He definitely lost his goddamn mind fully, but he loves you just as much as before. And that's something that'll never change.
He will punish anyone by request. Anyone. It's his way of saying thank you for reading names off from the piles of work, bringing him beverages, giving him a massage when needed, taking over when something's wrong, etc.
He finds it really attractive when you get pissed off at someone during a trial. Yelling and making them go quiet gets Jonathan only staring at you.
Let's just say he'll be showing his appreciation in another way.... ;)
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Did I stay up way too late making a fake screamsheet article? Yes. Did I have a blast? Hell yes. Finally a good use for what I learned at uni and never got to utilize in an actual job :D
The short story behind this really is simply that Vince and Kerry did want to keep their relationship out of the public eye for as long as possible, cause god knows they were dealing with enough shit at the time, didn't need curious paparazzi on top :D When the whole Arasaka/Relic mess had begun to calm down though, Vince slowly recovering, they started letting their guard down a bit more (although Vince remained worried that, should who he is exactly become public knowledge in Kerry's circles, it could reflect badly on him... or, even worse, get him into trouble with or the attention of the wrong kind of people). As we know though, Kerry likes dating Night City's bad boy TM, and is a lot more relaxed about it all - something that probably also comes with his age and everything else he's dealt with and made it through somehow already. So, at some point his current manager is like "okay you guys, work with me here, we have to make this public now. You're not being the most subtle and I'm kinda running out of ideas what to tell the medias to keep them at a distance". And after a press conference followed the above interview and photo op, and Vince hadn't felt as uncomfortable and sick to his stomach in a long while during the whole thing xD Kerry made sure though the media people left him alone. Over time he'd get used to it as well, for sure, because Kerry is certain that what they have will last and he's definitely off the market for good now.
Full interview text under the cut for better readability.
The rumors are true after all
Once voted one of Night City’s most sought-after bachelors, Kerry Eurodyne is off the dating market once again. “For good this time,” he says, and gives ShowBlizz an exclusive look behind the well-guarded scenes.
By Lacie Bourne | Published on December 3rd 2077, 6AM
For months the gossip factory has been working overtime. It all started with a custom Yaiba motorbike spotted coming and going regularly at the Eurodyne residence in North Oak. Ever since we’ve asked the same question: is someone new at Kerry’s side? One of Night City’s long-established rockstars, Kerry Eurodyne has been in the news in recent months more frequently again. A new album is in the works, a tour planned for 2078/79. But that’s not all that’s new and different, with his management officially confirming earlier this week that Kerry has a new partner.
Lacie: Good morning, Kerry, thanks so much for having us here at your home today for this exclusive interview!
Kerry: Pleasure’s all mine.
L: Let me cut straight to the point, because our readers will be dying to know: how long exactly has this been going on? And what are the reasons you’ve been hiding your obvious new luck for so long?
K: We first met in early June, through work you could say. We weren’t hiding as such, just keeping a low profile. Won’t be going into the details here, other than it just feelin’ right at the time.
L: Happy 6-month anniversary then! You already said it, you met through work. Rumors say he was, or maybe still is, part of your management team that organized the collab with UsCracks?
K: In a way you could say that, yeah. Without him that deal wouldn’t have worked out the way it did, definitely.
L: How exciting! What else can you tell us? Can we have a name, his age?
K: I’m afraid, no, you can’t. Not yet, at least.
L: How intriguing indeed… but I will take you up on that “not yet” by the time our next interview rolls around! Of course we would have liked to speak to your partner as well today, ask him all the burning questions our readers have directly…
K: Well, they’ll have to put up with me instead.
L: Hahaha, well then let’s get to our reader’s questions right away... During the official press conference earlier this week you said you’re “off the dating market… for good this time”. Responses to this were mixed, as you’d made a similar statement after the announcement of your engagement to Louise. What gvies you the confidence that this relationship will last, that this is different?
K: I’ve read the comments, and I don’t think I’ve ever used those words exactly in regards to Louise. Or in this context at least. And I’m not here to throw her under the bus either. What I can say is, that meeting my partner was… a revelation. In many ways. He’s supportive in a way I haven’t experienced with anyone else yet, and god knows I’m not the easiest person to handle. He’s doing a preem job at it. Lifting me up, and grounding me in the here and now at the same time.
L: That does sound almost too perfect, doesn’t it?
K: Maybe it does, but it’s true. He brings out the best in me, inspires me to do what I’m best at: making fucking good music. He makes me very happy, more than he thinks himself.
L: Well, of course we wish you all the best and that you stay as happy together as you very obviously are!
K: Thanks, ‘preciate it.
L: What does your future together look like you think? What are your long-term goals and plans?
K: We like to take things a day at a time. He is a very busy man, as am I. Sometimes planning too far ahed only gets frustrating when things don’t work out short notice. Carefully, tentatively though, a vacation is planned. We could both use a little getaway. Been an eventful year, and next year’s gonna be even busier.
L: Where are you headed, if you’re willing to share?
K: The Phillipines, and afterwards maybe Japan.
L: If those aren’t the perfect destinations for a romantic getaway! I hope all will work out as planned, you deserve it, Kerry!
K: Haha, yeah, think so. He deserves it, too.
L: Of course! We wish you all the best. And we hope to see more of you two together in the future, now that you’ve finally let the cat out of the bag. You’re certainly a breathtaking couple!
K: Thanks, Lacie.
Read the full, unabridged interview only on NETDIR://NCITY.SHOWBLIZZ.PUB
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majaloveschris · 1 year
So I have decided to share my tin foil hat conspiracy theory with you all.
Please keep an open mind and a big heart.
I am only sharing with you my thoughts you have every right to disagree but please do so nicely.
So I have been thinking about why would someone risk so much of his image for a PR stunt. Like what is he gaining from this?
And no I do not believe he underestimated his fans reaction or thought his fans would just go along with whatever all of this and support him till the end. I completely disagree with this statement.
My theory is, he did it on purpose. I think at some point he got tired of the internet boyfriend image. I think it bothers him. All the internet interaction that came from it bothers him. I don’t know I saw a clip way back about him not being anyway near Steve Rogers in terms of personality and mind set, and the way he said it stuck with me.
I land before you come for me, I know he used that image for when he was playing the character but when he was done he was hoping to get out of the box, but people just kept shoving him into it. So when the chance came he was like “ fuck it yes let do this” maybe he isn’t getting a project maybe he is getting himself out of that mind set.
I mean it does look bad from where we are sitting as fans, but maybe behind the scenes it’s not. And it’s actually going the way they want it.
Anyway that’s what I wanted to share with you all.
And sorry about grammar and spelling, English is not my first language and autocorrect is a bitch 😂
Nobody is going to be nasty here with you because of what you wrote, trust me. I always try to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone. 😊
I think I've heard this theory, so you aren't the one who thinks this is a possibility.
I don't think that if that's the case, it's about the Steve Rogers image, since he is doing comic cons where his Marvel projects are also listed, so if that were the case, I doubt he would do these events.
I can imagine, however, that this whole "internet boyfriend" image is annoying to him. I don't mean some thirsty tweets, fanfics, or TikTok videos; I mean when people take it too far. One occasion comes to mind: when Ashley Benson (I think it was her) commented something under one of his posts, and the replies to those comments were something else. Some of them were disgusting. Some people act like they are dating him, or they see every woman as a potential threat, as if they scare them away, he might be getting together with them. He is neither our partner nor our friend—not even acquaintances.
Maybe he thinks he will be able to keep the better part of the fandom, but I don't know if this is the best option.
Even if this is the case, I still stick to that part of my opinion that he, or even his team, didn't know about their past tweets, actions, or controversial things they've done or said. I doubt if they he had know, he still would’ve wanted to have even a PR relationship with her.
I agree that we don't know what is going on behind closed doors, but this whole PR thing seems rushed to me. Like they didn't think this through. Maybe it's doing its thing behind the scenes, but he clearly can't handle everything that comes with this.
There is nothing wrong with your English, and thanks for letting us know your opinion. ❤️
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