#the word community can be used for anything
esotericalchemist · 2 days
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡: 𝐔𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 ⊹₊⟡⋆
Lilith in astrology represents the primal, instinctual side of our nature—the parts of ourselves that are often hidden, suppressed, or rejected. It embodies our deep-seated desires for freedom, power, and autonomy, pushing us to break free from societal expectations and limitations. While Lilith highlights where we can embrace our wildness and independence, it also reveals our struggles with control, rebellion, and vulnerability. Understanding Lilith's placement in your chart helps you confront these shadow aspects, offering the opportunity to reclaim your authentic self by transforming old patterns into sources of strength and empowerment.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Aries, you’re fueled by a powerful drive for independence, self-empowerment, and assertiveness. Your energy is daring and fearless, pushing you to break through any barriers that limit you. The power of Lilith in Aries shows in your ability to confidently stand your ground and take decisive action, even in the face of resistance. You have a strong desire to be in control of your own path, making you fiercely protective of your autonomy. Whether in relationships or your career, freedom is essential, and you’ll fight against anything that threatens it.
The shadow side of Lilith in Aries involves confronting issues related to impulsivity, anger, or recklessness. You may wrestle with control and power dynamics, often feeling the need to dominate or rebel without fully considering the consequences. To truly harness Lilith’s potential, you must learn to direct your assertiveness in a productive way—leading and inspiring others without crossing boundaries. The challenge is finding a balance between asserting yourself and working with others, turning your raw energy into a source of leadership and courage. By embracing your inner strength while managing impulses, you unlock the true depth of your personal power.
Through the Houses:
1st House: Lilith in the 1st house makes you unapologetically assertive and focused on personal power. Others may find your boldness intimidating. Embrace your uniqueness and lead by example, but be mindful not to overpower those around you.
2nd House: Your connection to material possessions and self-worth can be unconventional. While you have the potential to create abundance independently, self-worth may become a struggle. Use Lilith’s energy to ground yourself in values beyond material success, standing firm in your sense of self.
3rd House: Your communication style is direct and bold, often challenging the status quo. Embrace your ability to speak your truth confidently, but be careful not to become too aggressive. Use your curiosity to empower others through your words.
4th House: A rebellious streak may show up in your home and family life, as you seek freedom from traditional roles. Lilith’s energy can help you break away from unhealthy family dynamics and create a home that truly reflects who you are.
5th House: Your creativity and love life are marked by independence. You may crave excitement and dominance in romantic relationships. Use your energy to express yourself authentically through creative outlets, while avoiding impulsive or destructive choices in love.
6th House: In your daily work and routines, you resist authority and value independence. To harness this energy, find work that allows you the freedom you seek, but avoid rebelling without purpose. Channel your desire for autonomy into serving others innovatively.
7th House: Relationships are where your Lilith energy is most intense. You may seek control or resist commitment. To reach your full potential, aim for balanced partnerships that allow both freedom and connection to coexist.
8th House: Lilith in the 8th house makes you fearless in confronting transformation and power struggles. You crave deep, transformative experiences. Use this energy to explore life’s mysteries and face your fears, but be mindful of avoiding manipulation.
9th House: Your need for freedom shows up in your pursuit of knowledge, travel, and spirituality. You resist traditional beliefs and are drawn to unconventional philosophies. Harness Lilith’s energy by embracing your truth while respecting others’ paths.
10th House: In your career, you may challenge authority and rebel against societal norms. Use Lilith’s energy to carve out a unique path to success, but be careful not to burn bridges along the way. Leadership roles can help you thrive.
11th House: You seek independence in group settings and social circles. Use Lilith’s energy to revolutionize your community, but be cautious of alienating yourself by being overly dominant. Find ways to contribute while still honoring your need for freedom.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires and power. You may be drawn to exploring the subconscious and spiritual realms. Use this energy to uncover your hidden strengths, but be wary of self-sabotage or withdrawing from reality.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Taurus, you possess a deep craving for stability, sensual pleasures, and material security. Your power is rooted in a profound connection to the physical world—whether through your body, nature, or the pursuit of comfort and luxury. You have a strong need to control your environment, ensuring that you feel safe and secure. While the desire for pleasure and indulgence is prominent, Lilith in Taurus also unlocks your path to self-sufficiency and inner strength. You thrive when you create beauty and abundance on your own terms, without becoming overly attached to material possessions or comfort.
Shadow work with Lilith in Taurus involves confronting attachments to material things, pleasure, or the fear of change. You may find yourself struggling with possessiveness or a resistance to letting go, holding on to what feels familiar even when it no longer serves you. To truly embrace Lilith’s potential, you must learn that real security comes from within, not from external sources. By letting go of the need to control everything around you, you can tap into your creative and sensual power, finding satisfaction in both material and spiritual wealth.
Through the Houses:
1st House: Your energy is grounded, sensual, and magnetic, giving you an unshakable presence. To harness this power, embrace your natural strength and confidence without relying too much on how others perceive you.
2nd House: You deeply desire financial security and material comfort but may struggle with possessiveness. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate self-worth that isn’t solely tied to material wealth and build stability through creative and independent means.
3rd House: Your communication is practical and persuasive, often focused on concrete results. Embrace this by using your voice to create value in your community or work, but be open to new ideas and resist holding too tightly to your viewpoints.
4th House: You long for a stable, beautiful home environment, sometimes clinging to outdated family dynamics. To unlock Lilith’s potential, create a nurturing space that supports your well-being, and release rigid attachments to comfort and tradition.
5th House: You find pleasure in creativity, romance, and personal expression. Use this energy to fully engage in your passions and artistic pursuits, but be mindful of not controlling or overindulging in fleeting pleasures.
6th House: Your daily work and routines are motivated by a desire for stability and comfort. Lilith’s energy can help you create sustainable habits that promote well-being, but avoid becoming too rigid in your approach to work and health.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek security and control, which can sometimes lead to possessiveness. To fully harness this energy, build partnerships based on trust and mutual independence, allowing for both stability and personal freedom.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences, especially through shared resources or intimate relationships. Use Lilith’s power to confront fears around loss and control, embracing transformation and renewal with courage.
9th House: Your desire for security can extend to your beliefs, leading to resistance to new philosophies. Lilith’s energy encourages you to embrace diverse perspectives and experiences, allowing for personal growth and expansion.
10th House: You seek recognition and material success in your career. Use Lilith’s energy to build a professional life that aligns with your core values, while being open to change and not clinging to traditional definitions of success.
11th House: You desire stability in social circles and may resist change within your community. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace new ideas and collaborations, allowing your social networks to evolve while honoring your need for security.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for control or security. Use this energy to explore spiritual practices that ground you in the present, releasing attachments based on fear and embracing inner peace and healing.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Gemini, your strength lies in your intellect, communication, and adaptability. You have an intense need for mental stimulation and freedom in both thought and expression. Curious and versatile, you’re naturally drawn to new ideas and often find yourself challenging conventional wisdom. Lilith’s energy in Gemini shows through your ability to speak your truth and question established norms. However, this can sometimes result in restlessness or scattered energy if not properly channeled. You thrive when exploring multiple perspectives and communicating freely, but you may struggle with superficiality or the temptation to manipulate others through words.
Shadow work for Lilith in Gemini involves addressing tendencies like inconsistency, gossip, or using your intellect to manipulate or avoid deeper emotional truths. You may also need to confront a fear of commitment, whether in ideas, relationships, or projects, as you seek constant mental stimulation. To harness Lilith’s full potential, you must find a balance between your desire for freedom and the need for depth and focus. When you use your sharp mind and communication skills wisely, you can inspire and enlighten others while staying true to your core values.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a sharp, witty, and dynamic presence, often keeping others on their toes. Use your bold self-expression to stand out, but avoid being overly restless or changeable in how you present yourself to the world.
2nd House: Your approach to material wealth may involve unconventional or mentally stimulating ways of achieving financial security. Use Lilith’s energy to build value through intellectual pursuits while avoiding superficial or quick financial gains.
3rd House: Your communication style is bold and direct, with a thirst for knowledge and variety. Channel this energy into exploring diverse topics and engaging in thought-provoking discussions, but be careful not to dominate conversations or use your words manipulatively.
4th House: You may crave intellectual freedom in your home environment, sometimes emotionally distancing yourself from family. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate open communication within your family while fostering deeper emotional connections.
5th House: You seek excitement and intellectual stimulation in romance and creative pursuits. To unlock Lilith’s power, embrace your playful, expressive side in love and art, but be wary of chasing fleeting pleasures or forming superficial connections.
6th House: Your work thrives on mental stimulation and variety, but you may resist routines. Use Lilith’s energy to seek engaging, mentally challenging tasks, while learning to stay focused on practical matters without losing interest.
7th House: In relationships, you crave mental connection and freedom of expression. Use Lilith’s energy to create stimulating partnerships, but be mindful not to avoid emotional intimacy by relying solely on intellectual connections.
8th House: You’re drawn to exploring hidden truths and taboo topics, often using your intellect to delve into life’s mysteries. To fully embrace this power, balance your curiosity about the unknown while avoiding manipulation in intimate relationships.
9th House: Your thirst for intellectual freedom leads you to explore diverse philosophies and cultures. Use Lilith’s energy to challenge traditional beliefs and embrace new ideas, but avoid spreading yourself too thin in your search for knowledge.
10th House: You may challenge authority figures or traditional career paths, seeking intellectual freedom in your professional life. Use Lilith’s power to build a career that honors your independence, but be careful not to burn bridges along the way.
11th House: Your social life is fueled by mental stimulation, and you’re often drawn to groups that challenge conventional ideas. Harness Lilith’s energy by contributing your insights to social causes or collective goals, while avoiding detachment from those with different perspectives.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings a hidden need for intellectual exploration and mental freedom. Use this energy to dive into the unconscious mind through writing, spirituality, or research, but be cautious of isolating yourself from meaningful relationships.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Cancer, your strength comes from your emotional depth, intuition, and desire for emotional security. You have a strong need to nurture and protect, but there is also a fierce sense of independence regarding your emotional life. You may resist vulnerability, fearing abandonment or rejection, which can lead to self-protective tendencies or attempts to control relationships. Lilith in Cancer challenges you to explore emotional autonomy, establish healthy boundaries, and balance your nurturing instincts with personal independence. Your sensitivity and empathy are immense, but you may struggle with holding onto past emotional wounds or becoming overly protective of your inner world.
Shadow work with Lilith in Cancer involves facing emotional wounds, fears of abandonment, and tendencies to control relationships for emotional security. It’s important to explore how past emotional traumas shape your current behavior and learn to embrace vulnerability without fear. To fully tap into Lilith’s potential, you must balance caring for others with self-care and emotional independence. When you embrace your intuitive power without letting fear dictate your actions, you can form deep, meaningful connections while staying true to yourself.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a nurturing and intuitive energy but may shield yourself from emotional vulnerability. Use Lilith’s power by embracing emotional authenticity while avoiding defensiveness or becoming overly protective of your personal space.
2nd House: Your sense of security, both emotional and material, is closely tied together. Use Lilith’s energy to develop emotional and financial independence, but avoid clinging to material possessions as a source of comfort.
3rd House: Your communication style is deeply emotional, often connecting with others through shared feelings and memories. Use this power to foster meaningful conversations, but be mindful of not using emotions to control or manipulate in relationships.
4th House: You have a strong connection to home and family, possibly seeking control over your emotional space. To harness Lilith’s power, create a nurturing home environment while learning to release past family wounds and emotional baggage.
5th House: Your creative and romantic life is intertwined with your emotions, and you seek deep connections in love. Use Lilith’s energy to fully express your creativity and passion, but resist becoming overly dependent on others for emotional validation.
6th House: Your daily routines and work are emotionally driven, and you may resist authority at work. Use Lilith’s power to create a balanced work-life routine that nurtures your emotional well-being, while avoiding burnout or emotional exhaustion.
7th House: In relationships, you crave emotional closeness but may fear vulnerability or rejection. To unleash Lilith’s energy, pursue partnerships where emotional security and independence coexist, and learn to trust without the fear of abandonment.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative emotional experiences, particularly in intimate relationships or shared resources. Use Lilith’s power for emotional healing and growth, but avoid using emotional intensity to control others.
9th House: Your emotional security may be closely tied to your belief system, and you may resist new ideas that challenge your emotional comfort. Use Lilith’s energy to explore new philosophies and spiritual practices that expand your emotional understanding.
10th House: Your career may be deeply connected to your emotional needs, and you might seek recognition for your nurturing qualities. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career that reflects your emotional values, but avoid using your role to emotionally control others.
11th House: You seek emotional connection in social groups or causes, but may feel vulnerable in group settings. To unlock Lilith’s power, contribute emotionally to your community while maintaining strong personal boundaries and emotional security.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden emotional needs and desires. Use this energy to explore your subconscious emotions through spiritual practices or creative outlets, but be cautious of emotionally isolating yourself from the world.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Leo, your power stems from creativity, self-expression, and a strong desire for recognition. You are driven by the need to be seen, admired, and appreciated for your unique qualities. However, Lilith in Leo can create a tension between craving approval and staying true to authentic self-expression. You naturally gravitate toward the spotlight, seeking to shine both personally and professionally. At times, though, you may wrestle with issues of pride, fear of rejection, or placing too much emphasis on validation from others, which can limit your creative potential. When you tap into your true inner power, you radiate confidence, and your bold, charismatic energy has the ability to inspire others.
Shadow work for Lilith in Leo involves confronting the need for constant admiration and the fear of going unseen or unappreciated. You may need to explore issues around pride or tendencies to dominate the spotlight as a way of compensating for deeper insecurities. To unlock Lilith’s potential fully, you must cultivate confidence from within, focusing on authentic self-expression rather than external approval. When you embrace your inner brilliance and share your gifts freely, you uplift others while maintaining a strong, secure sense of self.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a magnetic, confident, and bold persona, often seeking recognition. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your natural charisma and leadership abilities, but avoid relying solely on external validation for your self-worth.
2nd House: You may seek recognition through material possessions and self-worth. Use Lilith’s energy to find value in your unique talents and abilities rather than relying solely on material wealth or external achievements for your sense of worth.
3rd House: Your communication style is expressive and dramatic, often commanding attention through your words. To use Lilith’s energy, speak with authenticity and creativity, but be cautious of overshadowing others or dominating conversations.
4th House: You may crave attention or recognition in your family or home life, sometimes adopting a dominant role. Use Lilith’s power to create a nurturing home environment where your emotional needs for recognition are met, while allowing space for others to shine too.
5th House: Lilith’s energy thrives in creativity, romance, and self-expression. To fully harness this power, express yourself boldly in both love and creative pursuits, but avoid becoming overly dependent on romantic validation or the need to impress others.
6th House: In your work environment, you may seek recognition for your efforts, sometimes leading to pride in your daily routines. Use Lilith’s energy to create a work life that reflects your individuality, while avoiding ego-driven competition with colleagues.
7th House: Relationships are intense with Lilith in the 7th house, as you crave admiration from your partners. To balance this energy, seek partnerships where both individuals can shine equally, ensuring your need for attention doesn't overshadow your partner's needs.
8th House: You are drawn to intense and transformative experiences in relationships, where you can fully express your power. Use Lilith’s energy to explore deep emotional connections and uncover hidden aspects of yourself, but avoid using intimacy as a means of control or dominance.
9th House: Your desire for recognition extends to your beliefs and philosophies, seeking to stand out in intellectual or spiritual circles. To unleash Lilith’s power, share your insights with passion, but remain mindful not to overshadow others’ beliefs.
10th House: You crave recognition and success in your career, often aiming for leadership roles or positions of authority. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career where your creativity and confidence can flourish, but be cautious of letting pride or the need for validation harm your professional relationships.
11th House: In group settings, you may seek to be the center of attention, craving recognition from peers. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your unique ideas and creativity to collective efforts, but ensure you're not dominating the spotlight at the expense of the group’s goals.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden desires for recognition and self-expression. Use this energy to explore creative or spiritual outlets that allow you to shine behind the scenes, but be mindful of not suppressing your need for attention, as it could lead to feelings of isolation.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Virgo, your power lies in your sharp intellect, meticulous attention to detail, and drive for perfection. You have a deep desire to improve both yourself and your surroundings, often seeking control through order and structure. There is a strong need for independence in managing tasks and responsibilities, but Lilith in Virgo can also lead to tendencies like self-criticism and overworking. You may feel pressured to meet impossibly high standards, which can cause internal tension. While you desire to be of service and make meaningful contributions, the challenge is learning to balance control with surrender and knowing when to let go.
Shadow work for Lilith in Virgo involves facing perfectionism, self-doubt, and the fear of judgment or not measuring up. You might feel compelled to control your environment or be overly critical of yourself and others as a way to protect yourself from vulnerability. To fully harness Lilith’s energy, you must embrace your imperfections and understand that true strength comes from adaptability and acceptance. When you channel your precise nature into constructive service without being ruled by the fear of failure, you can become a powerful agent of healing and improvement in your own life and in the lives of others.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an aura of perfectionism and efficiency, often driven by the need to control how others perceive you. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your analytical nature while avoiding excessive self-criticism, focusing on authentic growth rather than seeking external approval.
2nd House: Your sense of material security may be closely tied to control over your resources. Use Lilith’s energy to build financial stability through discipline and service, but be careful not to equate your self-worth solely with material success or productivity.
3rd House: Your communication style is precise and detail-oriented, often focused on practical concerns. Use Lilith’s energy to express your thoughts clearly and analytically, but resist the urge to overanalyze or be too critical in your conversations.
4th House: You may seek control and perfection within your home and family life, aiming to maintain order. Use Lilith’s power to create a nurturing environment through organization, while allowing space for emotional spontaneity and embracing imperfection.
5th House: Creativity and romance may feel like areas where you need to perform flawlessly or take on too much responsibility. To tap into Lilith’s energy, let yourself enjoy creative expression and love without worrying about perfection or controlling the outcome.
6th House: You are driven by the need to serve and improve, often feeling a strong sense of responsibility regarding work and health. Use Lilith’s power to create efficient routines that support your well-being, but be mindful not to overburden yourself with perfectionist tendencies.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek perfection or feel the need to "fix" your partner. Use Lilith’s energy to cultivate partnerships where growth and service are mutual, avoiding the trap of being overly critical or trying to control your partner’s flaws.
8th House: You are drawn to transformative experiences that involve analyzing hidden or complex aspects of life. Use Lilith’s energy to explore deep emotional healing and psychological insight, but avoid obsessing over control in intimate relationships or shared resources.
9th House: Your search for knowledge and truth may be driven by a need to understand everything perfectly, which can limit your openness to new ideas. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace learning and exploration without needing to have all the answers right away.
10th House: Your career is marked by a drive for perfection and success, and you may be highly critical of your achievements. Use Lilith’s energy to create a fulfilling professional life, recognizing your skills while allowing yourself to make mistakes and grow from them without fear of failure.
11th House: In social groups, you may feel compelled to organize or improve collective efforts. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your talents to group goals while releasing the need to control how others participate or how the group is perceived.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house indicates hidden desires for control over your spiritual or subconscious life. Use this energy to explore self-healing and spiritual practices that help you release perfectionism, embracing inner peace and balance.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Libra, your strength lies in your ability to navigate relationships, social dynamics, and the pursuit of harmony. You have a strong desire for balance, fairness, and beauty in all aspects of life, but Lilith here pushes you to confront the shadow side of your need for approval and peace. There is a powerful drive for independence in your interactions with others, which can make you resist relying too heavily on partnerships. You may struggle with the tendency to please others at the expense of your own needs or to subtly manipulate situations to maintain harmony. However, your true power emerges when you embrace authenticity and strike a balance between self-assertion and compromise.
Shadow work for Lilith in Libra involves confronting your fear of conflict and the need to be liked. You may need to face tendencies to sacrifice your own desires for the sake of peace or to manipulate relationships to avoid discomfort. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must learn to assert yourself without fear of rejection and allow relationships to evolve naturally, even if it temporarily disrupts harmony. When you embrace your inner strength and combine it with your natural diplomacy, you become a force for authentic connection and fairness.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project charm, grace, and a desire for harmony, but may hide your true desires to avoid conflict. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your authenticity and express yourself confidently without fear of others' reactions.
2nd House: You seek material security and self-worth through relationships, but may depend too much on others for validation. Use Lilith’s energy to build your own values and sense of self-worth without relying on external approval or material success.
3rd House: Your communication style focuses on maintaining balance, but you may avoid difficult conversations. Use Lilith’s energy to speak your truth, even if it challenges others, and embrace the power of honest, direct communication.
4th House: You may seek peace and balance at home, often sacrificing your emotional needs for family harmony. Use Lilith’s power to create a home environment where your emotional truth is honored, even if it disrupts the status quo.
5th House: Creativity and romance may be areas where you seek validation from others. To tap into Lilith’s energy, express yourself authentically in love and creative pursuits, without relying on external praise for your sense of self-worth.
6th House: You may strive for harmony and perfection in your work life, sometimes focusing too much on others’ needs. Use Lilith’s power to find balance, ensuring that both your needs and those of others are respected in your daily routines.
7th House: Relationships are central to your life, but you may lose yourself in partnerships or prioritize harmony over authenticity. To unleash Lilith’s power, create balanced relationships where your needs are asserted, while also valuing compromise.
8th House: You are drawn to deep, intense relationships that challenge your need for control and balance. Use Lilith’s energy to explore emotional depth and transformation in partnerships, but avoid using intimacy to manipulate or maintain harmony.
9th House: You may seek intellectual or spiritual harmony, avoiding beliefs that disrupt your balance. To unlock Lilith’s potential, explore new philosophies and ideas that challenge your worldview, embracing discomfort as a catalyst for growth.
10th House: You seek success in your career through diplomacy and charm, but may struggle with asserting your individuality. Use Lilith’s energy to build a career that reflects your true values, without fearing conflict or others' disapproval.
11th House: In social groups, you desire harmony and fairness, often acting as the mediator. To use Lilith’s power, contribute your diplomatic skills while also asserting your unique ideas, even if they go against the group’s expectations.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house suggests hidden desires for harmony and balance that may conflict with deeper emotional or spiritual needs. Use this energy to explore unconscious fears that prevent you from expressing your true self in relationships, and embrace emotional freedom.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Scorpio, your power is rooted in emotional intensity, depth, and a natural ability to embrace transformation. You have a strong desire for control, particularly in emotional and intimate relationships, and are drawn to uncover the deeper, hidden aspects of life. This placement gives you a magnetic and mysterious energy, but it also pushes you to confront issues surrounding power, secrecy, and vulnerability. Your desire for independence and mastery over your emotions may cause you to resist trust and intimacy, even though these are key to unlocking your true potential. Lilith in Scorpio challenges you to dive into the depths of your psyche, confront your fears, and emerge stronger and transformed.
Shadow work with Lilith in Scorpio involves facing issues of control, fear of betrayal, and the instinct to manipulate situations to avoid vulnerability. You may need to confront your fear of emotional exposure or your tendency to hold onto secrets and hidden agendas. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace emotional honesty and the strength that comes from vulnerability. When you stop resisting change and transformation, you access a profound potential for regeneration and healing—not only for yourself but for others as well.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an intense, magnetic presence that can both attract and intimidate others. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your emotional depth and authenticity, allowing others to see the real you instead of hiding behind a protective facade.
2nd House: Your relationship with material security and self-worth may be tied to control and the need for security. Use Lilith’s energy to develop financial independence and confidence, but be wary of becoming overly possessive or attached to material success.
3rd House: Your communication style is probing and intense, often seeking to uncover hidden truths. Use Lilith’s power to engage in deep, meaningful conversations, but avoid manipulating or controlling others with your words.
4th House: You may experience intense emotions related to family and home life, feeling a need to control your domestic environment. Use Lilith’s energy to confront emotional wounds from the past and create a home space that fosters transformation and healing.
5th House: You seek intensity and depth in your creative and romantic pursuits, craving passionate connections. To express Lilith’s energy, embrace your creative and romantic desires without fear of rejection or betrayal, but avoid using love as a form of control.
6th House: In work and daily routines, you may become focused on control and perfectionism. Use Lilith’s energy to transform your work life by embracing change and adaptability, rather than clinging to rigid systems and habits.
7th House: Relationships may bring up power struggles, with intense emotions surfacing in partnerships. To harness Lilith’s power, cultivate trust and emotional honesty, letting go of the need to control the outcome of your relationships.
8th House: Lilith thrives in the 8th house, amplifying your interest in transformation, shared resources, and the mysteries of life. Use this energy for deep emotional healing and growth, but be mindful of avoiding power struggles or fear of loss.
9th House: You may seek intensity and depth in intellectual or spiritual pursuits, craving transformative experiences. To fully embrace Lilith’s power, explore philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your current beliefs, allowing yourself to evolve through them.
10th House: Your career may be marked by intense ambition and a desire for control and recognition. Use Lilith’s energy to achieve success on your own terms, but be cautious of becoming overly manipulative or secretive in your professional relationships.
11th House: You seek deep, meaningful connections in social circles and may challenge group dynamics. To use Lilith’s power, engage in social causes that allow for transformation and empowerment, but be careful to avoid power struggles within your community.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden fears and desires for control to the surface. Use this energy to explore your subconscious through spiritual or psychological practices, but avoid isolating yourself emotionally. Embrace your inner power without fear of the unknown.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Sagittarius, your power comes from your relentless quest for truth, freedom, and wisdom. You have a strong desire to explore, both intellectually and physically, often seeking to break free from societal norms and conventional thinking. Independence is key for you, and you may resist any attempts to confine your beliefs or restrict your freedom. Lilith in Sagittarius can create tension between your desire for freedom and your tendency to rebel against authority or tradition. You’re driven to explore new philosophies, cultures, and ideas, but may also struggle with restlessness or a fear of commitment. When you embrace this energy, you can inspire others with your boldness and your adventurous spirit in the search for meaning.
Shadow work for Lilith in Sagittarius involves confronting issues of overconfidence, dogmatism, or the fear of being trapped. You may need to examine any tendencies to rebel simply for the sake of rebellion or to impose your beliefs on others. To unlock Lilith’s full potential, you must balance your desire for freedom with a deeper understanding and connection. When you channel your passion for truth into positive exploration, you can become a visionary leader, helping others break free from limiting beliefs while expanding your own horizons.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an adventurous and free-spirited persona, often challenging norms and pushing boundaries. Use Lilith’s energy to inspire others with your independence, but be mindful not to come across as overly arrogant or dismissive of other perspectives.
2nd House: Your relationship with material security and values may be tied to your need for freedom. Use Lilith’s power to achieve financial independence in unconventional ways, but be cautious not to sacrifice stability just for the sake of excitement.
3rd House: You communicate boldly, always seeking intellectual freedom, often challenging conventional wisdom. Embrace Lilith’s energy by exploring new ideas, but be careful not to alienate others by being too forceful with your opinions.
4th House: You may resist traditional family roles or feel the need for freedom from your home environment. Use Lilith’s energy to create a home that reflects your adventurous values, while addressing any restlessness or avoidance of commitment.
5th House: You seek excitement and adventure in both creativity and romance, often rebelling against conventional expectations. To fully express Lilith’s power, embrace your playful, passionate side, but avoid being overly impulsive or reckless in love.
6th House: You desire freedom in your work and daily routines, often resisting rigid schedules or authority. Use Lilith’s energy to create a flexible routine that allows for personal growth, while being careful not to neglect responsibilities.
7th House: In relationships, you seek intellectual and spiritual freedom, often avoiding traditional commitments. To unleash Lilith’s power, cultivate partnerships that prioritize mutual growth and exploration, while ensuring that you don’t shy away from emotional intimacy.
8th House: You are drawn to transformative experiences, often exploring taboo subjects or intense emotional connections. Use Lilith’s energy to seek wisdom through transformation, but avoid using power or control as a way to feel free.
9th House: This placement amplifies your desire for philosophical, spiritual, or cultural exploration. To unlock Lilith’s potential, fully embrace your quest for truth, but remain open to learning from others without becoming dogmatic.
10th House: You may challenge traditional career paths, seeking a profession that aligns with your need for freedom. Use Lilith’s energy to create a career that allows you to inspire others, but be cautious not to rebel against authority without cause.
11th House: You’re drawn to social causes that align with your ideals of freedom and progress. Harness Lilith’s energy by contributing to collective goals that push boundaries, but be mindful of not becoming overly radical or dismissive of opposing viewpoints.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for intellectual and spiritual freedom. Use this energy to explore your subconscious through travel, study, or spiritual practices, but avoid using the pursuit of freedom as an escape from reality or commitments.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Capricorn, your strength lies in your drive for success, authority, and control over your life’s path. You have a strong desire for recognition and respect, and you're willing to work hard to achieve your ambitions. Lilith in Capricorn amplifies your determination, but it also brings challenges related to control, fear of failure, and feelings of inadequacy. You may suppress your emotions to maintain a façade of strength, or you might fear vulnerability, which can create distance between you and others. Your need for independence and self-mastery is powerful, often leading you to prioritize long-term security and stability, but sometimes at the cost of your emotional needs.
Shadow work with Lilith in Capricorn involves addressing fears of failure, rejection, or the belief that you must constantly prove your worth through achievements. You may need to confront tendencies to prioritize work and success over personal relationships or to be overly controlling in your pursuit of stability. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace vulnerability and recognize that true power comes from balancing ambition with emotional authenticity. When you align your goals with your inner values and allow yourself to open up emotionally, you can achieve great success without sacrificing personal fulfillment.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project a strong, ambitious presence, often feeling the need to control how others see you. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your leadership abilities while allowing yourself to be vulnerable and authentic without fearing judgment.
2nd House: You may seek material security and financial success as a way to feel in control. Use Lilith’s energy to build wealth through disciplined effort, but avoid tying your self-worth solely to material achievements.
3rd House: Your communication is authoritative and structured, focused on practical matters. Use Lilith’s power to share your insights and ideas, but be careful not to become rigid or dismissive of other perspectives.
4th House: You may feel the need to control or structure your home and family life, sometimes suppressing emotional needs. Use Lilith’s energy to create a stable home environment while allowing space for emotional vulnerability and connection.
5th House: You may feel pressure to perform perfectly in creativity or romance, seeking recognition in these areas. To express Lilith’s power, embrace your creative passions and romantic desires without fear of failure or the need for perfection.
6th House: In your work and routines, you may be driven by a need for control and efficiency, sometimes becoming overly focused on productivity. Use Lilith’s energy to balance your work ethic with self-care, avoiding burnout from overworking.
7th House: In relationships, you may seek control or resist vulnerability. To harness Lilith’s power, pursue partnerships where both individuals share authority and emotional openness, allowing for true intimacy without power struggles.
8th House: You may be drawn to control and transformation in shared resources or deep emotional connections. Use Lilith’s energy to explore emotional intimacy and financial partnerships, but be mindful of not becoming overly controlling or fearful of loss.
9th House: You may seek authority in philosophical or educational areas, often pursuing recognition through intellectual or spiritual mastery. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace new ideas and philosophies without needing to dominate or control your beliefs.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house amplifies your ambition and drive for success, pushing you toward recognition in your career. Use this energy to build a professional life aligned with your true values, while avoiding excessive focus on status or power.
11th House: You may seek control or authority in social circles or group dynamics, desiring recognition for your contributions. Use Lilith’s energy to contribute to collective goals with discipline and vision, while allowing for collaboration and flexibility within the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for control and authority over your subconscious or spiritual life. Use this energy to explore inner transformation and healing, but be cautious of isolating yourself emotionally or suppressing your deeper needs.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Aquarius, your strength comes from your individuality, rebellious spirit, and desire to break free from societal norms. You have a strong need for independence and freedom, often challenging authority, traditions, or anything that feels restrictive. Lilith in Aquarius amplifies your visionary and innovative nature, urging you to express your uniqueness and contribute to society in unconventional ways. However, this placement can also bring challenges around emotional detachment, fear of intimacy, or a tendency to rebel for rebellion’s sake. You’re drawn to social causes and feel a deep responsibility to bring about change, but this may sometimes lead to emotional distancing or suppressing personal feelings to fit into collective ideals.
Shadow work with Lilith in Aquarius involves facing fears of losing individuality in relationships or groups. You may resist closeness, fearing it will compromise your freedom, which can result in emotional detachment. To fully unlock Lilith’s potential, you must embrace both your need for freedom and your capacity to form genuine connections. True power lies in balancing your individuality with meaningful relationships, using your innovative spirit to inspire collective progress. By integrating personal freedom and emotional openness, you can become a trailblazer for social change.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an eccentric, independent persona, often resisting conformity. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your unique identity while allowing yourself to connect with others without fearing a loss of individuality.
2nd House: You may have unconventional views on material security and self-worth, often prioritizing freedom over stability. Use Lilith’s energy to achieve financial independence through innovative methods, but avoid rejecting structure entirely for the sake of freedom.
3rd House: Your communication is unconventional and forward-thinking, often challenging traditional ideas. Use Lilith’s power to share your revolutionary ideas and insights, but be careful not to distance yourself from others by being too detached or impersonal.
4th House: You may crave emotional freedom in your home life, often resisting traditional family roles or structures. Use Lilith’s energy to create a home environment that celebrates individuality, while allowing space for deeper emotional connections.
5th House: You seek excitement and freedom in creative and romantic pursuits, often rebelling against conventional expectations. To express Lilith’s energy fully, engage in creativity and love with an open mind, but avoid detachment from deeper emotional bonds.
6th House: Your work and routines are driven by a desire for freedom and innovation, often resisting traditional structures in daily life. Use Lilith’s energy to create a flexible work environment that suits your need for independence, while avoiding inconsistency or chaos.
7th House: In relationships, you may resist traditional partnerships, craving independence and freedom. To harness Lilith’s power, seek relationships where both individuals can express their uniqueness while maintaining emotional connection and balance.
8th House: You are drawn to exploring unconventional or taboo subjects related to intimacy, transformation, or shared resources. Use Lilith’s energy to delve into deeper emotional or psychological realms, but avoid detachment as a defense mechanism in intimate relationships.
9th House: Your quest for truth and meaning is unconventional, and you may challenge traditional beliefs or philosophies. To unlock Lilith’s potential, embrace your unique worldview while staying open to other perspectives, avoiding dogmatism in your rebellion.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house pushes you to challenge authority or traditional career paths, seeking freedom in your professional life. Use this energy to carve out a career that allows your individuality to shine, but be mindful of rebelling against authority without cause.
11th House: You are deeply focused on social causes and collective progress, often acting as a visionary or rebel in group settings. To use Lilith’s energy, contribute your innovative ideas to collective goals, but avoid distancing yourself from personal relationships within the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house brings hidden desires for freedom and independence, often leading you to explore spiritual or psychological realms in unconventional ways. Use this energy to explore your inner world, but be mindful not to isolate yourself emotionally or reject vulnerability in the process.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡
With Lilith in Pisces, your power lies in your profound intuition, imagination, and connection to the mystical or spiritual realms. You have a natural ability to tap into the unseen, often feeling drawn to creative, spiritual, or healing pursuits. Lilith in Pisces amplifies your sensitivity and desire for transcendence, but it also brings challenges related to boundaries, escapism, and the fear of losing yourself in others or in fantasy. You may find yourself in situations where you sacrifice too much of yourself or become overly idealistic, blurring the line between reality and illusion. Your true power comes from embracing your intuition while establishing healthy boundaries to protect your energy.
Shadow work with Lilith in Pisces involves confronting tendencies to avoid reality, whether through fantasy, substances, or emotional withdrawal. You may need to address your fear of confrontation or a tendency to play the victim or martyr in relationships. To unlock Lilith’s potential, balance your spiritual and emotional sensitivity with practical, grounded action. When you integrate your intuitive gifts with a strong sense of self, you become a powerful healer, artist, or guide, helping others navigate the deeper currents of life.
Through the Houses:
1st House: You project an ethereal, sensitive, and compassionate presence, often blurring the lines between yourself and others. To unleash Lilith’s power, embrace your intuitive nature while establishing boundaries that protect your individuality.
2nd House: Your approach to material security may be marked by idealism or spirituality. Use Lilith’s energy to create financial stability through creative or healing work, but avoid escaping into fantasy when faced with practical challenges.
3rd House: You communicate with empathy and sensitivity, often intuitively understanding others’ thoughts and feelings. Use Lilith’s power to express your creative and spiritual insights, but avoid losing clarity or becoming vague in communication.
4th House: You may feel emotionally connected to your home and family, sometimes sacrificing your needs for the sake of others. Use Lilith’s energy to create a nurturing home while setting boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.
5th House: Creativity and romance are where you seek emotional connection and transcendence, often idealizing love or artistic pursuits. To fully express Lilith’s power, embrace your artistic or romantic visions while staying grounded to avoid disillusionment.
6th House: In work and daily routines, you are drawn to healing or spiritual practices but may struggle with boundaries. Use Lilith’s energy to serve others meaningfully, while ensuring you don’t neglect your needs or avoid responsibilities.
7th House: Relationships may feel deeply spiritual or idealistic, but you might struggle with boundaries or losing yourself in partnerships. To harness Lilith’s energy, seek emotional connection balanced with individual autonomy, avoiding the role of martyr.
8th House: You are drawn to the mystical and transformative aspects of life, seeking emotional or spiritual depth in intimate relationships. Use Lilith’s power to navigate intense emotional experiences, but avoid escaping into fantasy or obsession.
9th House: Your spiritual and philosophical beliefs may be highly idealistic, and you may seek higher truths or mystical experiences. To unlock Lilith’s potential, pursue your spiritual quest while staying grounded, avoiding dogmatic or escapist tendencies.
10th House: Lilith in the 10th house may lead you to seek recognition for your creative or spiritual talents, possibly pursuing a career in healing, art, or spirituality. Use this energy to build a career aligned with your values, but avoid disillusionment from unrealistic expectations.
11th House: You are drawn to idealistic social causes or communities, seeking connection with like-minded individuals in spiritual or creative groups. Use Lilith’s energy to contribute compassionately to collective goals, but be careful not to lose yourself in the group.
12th House: Lilith in the 12th house amplifies your connection to the unconscious and spiritual realms, often drawing you to deep mystical experiences. Use this energy for self-reflection and spiritual practices, but be cautious of retreating into isolation or escaping from reality.
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Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
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fallstaticexit · 3 days
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Prev / Next / Beginning / Pillowfort
AN: TW this post contains a homophobic slur.
Transcript under the cut
Professor Munch: Everyone, this is Nancy. She’s one of my favorite students. I am so glad she can join us this evening to observe our weekly GSA meeting.
Nancy: And what is a GSA?
Morgan: It stands for Gay–Straight Alliance. It’s just a safe space for queer kids to hang out and talk about real world issues.
Knox: Yeah, we go out and do stuff off campus. It’s pretty tight.
Nancy: Queer? So...this is a club for homosexuals?
Darling: [sucks teeth]
Knox: [chuckles nervously] I mean, sure I guess? Me and Morgan are bisexual. That means we dig the fellas and the ladies, heh.
Professor Munch: What’s important is that this space is for everyone, from all walks of life. We support each other here, no matter who you love. We keep each other safe. That’s why I invited you to sit in on our session. I figured you could use a friend or two-
Nancy: Ugh! Oh my God? You think I’m- I’m not like that, ok!?
Nancy: I am not a homosexual! What the hell made you think I’d want to be apart of something like this?
Professor Munch: No, dear- I’m not implying you’re like anything! This club welcomes all people. I thought you could use the support. Why, your brother started the very first GSA at this school-
Nancy: Oh, don’t you fucking dare! My brother wasn’t some depraved pervert and I’m not a d****!
Darling: [jumps up, chair scrapes hardwood floor] What the fuck did you just say? You can’t come up in calling people that shit!
Nancy: I-I didn’t! All I’m saying is that I’m not like that! I’m not like you-
Darling: Not like who? Not like a d?****?
Darling: What the fuck is your problem? Munch, who is this bitch?
Professor Munch: Easy, Dee. Calm down-
Darling: Don’t fucking tell me to calm down! You let some straight white girl walk in here and say something we heard screamed at us our whole fucking life! Say it again! I dare you!
Professor Munch: That’s enough! Please! Let me handle this.
Nancy: [between sobs] M’sorry...m’so sorry...
Professor Munch: [sighs] Just, take some time to think about this, Nancy. Look inward.
Nancy Narrates: [Look inward] x3
Nancy: If it’s ok...I’d like to apologize.
Professor Munch: Everyone? Is it alright if Nancy speaks?
Morgan: I don’t mind.
Darling: [sighs] Whatever man.
Nancy: [exhales] When I first heard that word, I was 11 years old. My mother found letters I wrote to my pen pal. She mailed a photo of herself from her birthday party, she wore this really pretty yellow dress with little blue flowers on them.
Nancy: Yellow is my favorite color, so I said she was as pretty as a sunflower. My mother tore up the letter and made me rewrite it. She looked me right in the eyes and said, ‘do you want someone to read this and think you’re a-’
Nancy: She said it again when was 14, a girl from my ballet troupe was only brushing my hair. She pulled me from the class. She said it again two years ago, when she found out that I fell in love with-
Nancy: I know that word hurts because it’s been said to hurt me even though I’m not... It doesn’t matter if I’m not, I shouldn’t have said it. It was a horrible thing to do. I am so incredibly sorry.
Professor Munch: Thank you for sharing your story. This is what GSA is about. Coming together, creating a community, and creating safe spaces. Dee, is there anything you want to say to Nancy? Anything you’d like to speak on or about how you feel?
Darling: Nah...
Nancy Narrates: [I knew that an apology alone wouldn't suffice to mend the situation. When it came to friendships, I didn’t know how to genuinely make amends, but as a Landgraab, I knew that I could leverage my wealth and status to create a meaningful impact]
Morgan: You got us the biggest hall on campus?! Nancy, this is sick as fuck!
Professor Munch: [laughs] I’ll have to agree with Morgan for lack of a better word. This is sick as heck! I don’t know where to begin to thank you for this gift.
Nancy: It’s the least I could do. Now you can stop meeting in that tiny corner in the commons.
Darling: Charity work for your little sorority, huh? What’s with you, yo?
Nancy: What do you mean?
Darling: You’re so rich, you just buy your way through shit?
Nancy: It’s how I was raised.
Darling: I can’t figure you out.
Nancy: I promise, I’m not a bad person.
Darling: We’re not like everyone else on campus. We’ll show you something real. You gotta be real with us too.
Nancy Narrates: [I found myself wanting to do exactly that—to show them the real me, whoever she was]
Siobhan: I’m planning a party for the Thetas Friday night. Perfect opportunity for you to bond with your sisters.
Nancy: I’m a little busy Friday night...maybe next time?
Siobhan: Being apart of a sorority is more than just the cute merch and bragging rights. We’re involved with the community and with this campus. As a pledge, I do expect you to commit to these things.
Nancy: I know and I will. I just need to take care of something.
Siobhan: [sighs] Don’t let me down, sister.
[the group murmurs excitedly]
Professor Munch: You did all this, Nancy?
Nancy: I hope it’s ok I’m here. I figured you could break in your new room with a movie night. Everything is already taken care of, and I bought a ton of movies ranging from comedy to horror and everything in between. They’re all yours to keep! Same with the popcorn machine. I know I’m using money again to impress you but... I guess I’m still trying to figure out what it means to be real. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it all.
Morgan: Yeah, not so fast. Stick around, watch a movie with us!
Nancy: Are you sure?
Knox: Of course we’re sure, squirt.
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on tumblr lot more people know about it which great! that improve life of all AAC users. but pretty much with anything disability/developmental disability space on social media (which need certain amount of cognitive/intellectual & language abilities be on even if have support), good majority you see be teen & adult people who already literate learn language via speech n write *first* n then *independently* learn AAC base on it *later*.
especially symbol based AAC, but all AAC, is new system n hard n take long time learn even when you literate & not moderately severely cognitively disabled. but also, “literate teen/adult independent learn AAC” not at all full face of AAC user community.
as in like. experience of theirs. not universal. independently motivated & able to look up different AAC options different AAC apps, compare n contrast. download app n immediately know how to use, or able figure out by self. first time use app n may be clunky n slow, but make sentence on first try. need learn AAC, but most of that learning is for where words are (if button based), how exist as AAC user in public with confidence, etc. those all valid but not true for everyone who need AAC, especially not developmentally disabled children (& some adults) with complex communication needs.
most developmentally disabled children (n some adults) w complex communication needs who need AAC, can’t just hand them tablet with symbol based AAC app or text to speech AAC app n then wait for magic. many of them developmentally delayed in way, not taught in way that fit them (e.g. gestalt language processors), n their language abilities behind peers, so they can’t read, can’t spell, can’t grammar, etc.
some of them need learn where word is not by read word, sometimes not even by understand symbol, instead is by other people press button n hear sound n associate that with meaning n location on AAC n symbol associate with it. in other words, they learning language alongside AAC.
for some their learn process look like, learn how use AAC say one word. n then much later, try make two word message, “want food” “go school.” “two word message” incredibly common goal for many these developmentally disabled children, teens, n even adults, that is something rare n truly extraordinary for that person that need be celebrated.
for others it look like learn by phrase (gestalt), then slowly break it down into smaller phrase n chunks n finally single words.
many of them babble (click random/seemingly random buttons on high tech device, stim with it, etc). but ultimately, won’t be able learn all by self. need be taught, see you accidentally spill water n crying, maybe you “feel” “sad”, n when that happen you “need” “help” from adult. need learn AAC by adults around them constantly model with it, constantly use it in conversation, show them how use. because they learning language along side it.
but also some of them don’t know what this thing in front of them (AAC… device, low tech boards or picture cards, etc) is. don’t know what communication is or you should do that. don’t know people exist who you should communicate to & with. heard many parents n SLP say they try model all time, try all kind of stuff, but child just not seem interested in it, don’t look at it, don’t touch it, don’t use it.
people who use AAC, not all them struggle with only speech. some them struggle with language, with intellectual/cognitive. some of them very developmentally delayed.
n some people, too disabled learn or use AAC. yeah, they exist.
for people who cannot use / cannot only use speech to be understood, AAC can be life changing. but is so much more complex thing. AAC still not as widely used n accepted n properly taught n supported as should, some parents n professionals n schools still many pushback n refuse. but sometimes answer to “have you tried AAC for them” is “yes, but they need long time n lots help to learn n we not very far yet even though spent long time on it” or “yes, but they simply not show interest even after constant model” or “god, wish can, but insurance only cover if show some amount of communication competence n ability use AAC, while only give 1 month trial, which simply not enough time” (wide spread thing that happen) or “yes. many types. it not work.”
for many AAC users & AAC user-to-be, it not as simple as “be handed AAC n check back in while they figure out by self”
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innerfare · 3 days
Mihawk Relationship Headcanons 
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Summary: a random collection of Mihawk relationship headcanons
Genre: fluff
CW: None // SFW
He never imagined himself in a relationship. He’d had plenty of one night stands and situationships (he's notorious for allowing sexual tension to fester and never doing anything about it), but an actual relationship had always been off the cards. Until, that is, he met you. He didn’t really think too deeply about it, just started pursuing you. On some level, he knew he was putting you in danger, but he couldn’t stay away. 
Was definitely a victim of love at first sight. He fell first, and he fell harder. 
He is very secretive about his relationship with you, at first only visiting you in the dead of night and leaving before day break, appearing on your balcony like some sort of vampire or succubus. Shanks is the only person who knows about you, and he intends to keep it that way. 
Always brings you something- a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine, a piece of jewelry, a pastry he wants to share with you, a piece of lace, silk, or tulle he wants to see you in. Will also bring you books he thought you might like, souvenirs from far away lands, and even pieces of him to hold on to, such as his favorite dagger that now lives on your person (he spent an entire night teaching you how to use it and was ecstatic when you held it to his throat, definitely turned NSFW). Being in a relationship with him is basically like having tamed a wild animal that brings you dead mice he caught. TBH wouldn’t hesitate to bring you the severed head of an enemy if you so desired. 
Of course, he plays all of this off, either saying nothing or giving you a small lecture about how you needed that thing. “I happened to find a copy of that book you mentioned.” “I don’t suppose you have any use for this.” “I brought this vintage wine for myself but I suppose you can have some if you really want.” When he brings you flowers, he tells you it’s because your place is rather drab and if you won’t bother to liven it up, he’ll just have to do it for you (the man lives in a gloomy castle but shhh). When he brings you lingerie, he lays it on your bed without a word or says something along the lines of, “those panties you wore the last time were so cheap they chafed my skin. Wear these from now on.” Alludes to finding the jewelry he gives you in some sort of pirate horde he won’t go into detail on it since it’s in violation of his Warlord contract with the World Government, actually just purchases the pieces from various jewelers he meets on his travels; sometimes seeks out famous jewelers far off the beaten path if he thinks you’ll like that jeweler’s work.
Insists your relationship is not a relationship but is rather an affair. The sort of man to lie about cheating- not about not doing it, but about doing it so you don't get the impression he's committed to you. Won’t tell you he wants to be exclusive, but will yearn for it. Not good about communicating in general, very bad about just thinking things and hoping you’re thinking the same. 
For a long time, he didn’t even want you to come to the Muggy Kingdom for fear the Navy was watching him there and would find out about you. He also refused to speak to you over a transponder snail for fear they had tapped his. 
Never really warmed up to the idea of keeping you close but eventually grew so attached that he couldn’t stand to have you far away. Had no appetite if you weren’t at his table, couldn’t sleep if you weren’t in his bed, didn’t even want to take a shower if he couldn’t use your floral shampoo. Eventually, he convinced himself you were safer with him than without him, and that was that. 
Late nights cooking dinner (dinner is never before seven at Mihawk’s place). Afternoons gardening. Mornings spent discussing whatever’s in the newspaper. Evenings spent making out in the wine cellar because you went down to select a bottle for that night and got carried away. You sitting atop some ruins and watching him practice. Very domestic, but he hates that word. 
Won’t really tell you he loves you unless it’s a late night and he’s very drunk and you insist upon hearing it, certainly won’t admit to needing you, but will press a kiss into your hand and assure you he has deep affection for you. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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thecupidwitch · 1 day
Grimoire vs Book of Shadows
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Book Of Shadow
The term "Book of Shadows" was created by Gerald Gardner the founder of wicca, so it is not a term that was historically used by witches or magicians before the 1940s.
A BOS contains personal information about your magickal workings, this could include spells, rituals, experiences, insights, and reflections and other relevant topics.
The term "grimoire" comes from the French word "grammaire," meaning "grammar." The term have no affiliation with any one group or religious section.
A Grimoire is a more formal version of BOS. It's a manual of magic that also often serves as a spellbook. You can have information on anything from creating talismans and charms, to divination and how to work with or summon Demons, Angels, and the like.
Can they be combined? 
It is possible to combine them, though a Book of shadows will generally contain a section that, if removed from the whole, could operate on its own as a Grimoire. 
Do you have to have one? 
No, you don’t. Do whatever you want. 
Do I have to call it this? 
No, you don’t. These are just common terms which float around the community.
tip jar
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steviebbboi · 22 hours
Stevie BB 200 Followers Celebration Writing Challenge!
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Howdy lads~ exciting news to share:
I just reached a 200 follower count on Tumblr 🎉🎉🎉
I kinda can't believe it? Writing is indeed good for my soul. Interacting with y'all on here has helped me with my mental and emotional wellness due to just finding such great community on here. Thank you for giving me the space to write and for following along/supporting in my writing journey 💖
With that spiel spoken, I wanted to host a writing challenge in celebration of this milestone! *squealing because i'm so excited to host*
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You could participate by sending in either:
✨ writing request via my Asks (💙)
✨ writing submissions (💥).
General Rules:
the challenge will start October 1st until the end of November (flexible on late entries for submissions only💥; let's say till mid-December or so).
I'll read/write for Chris Evans characters, Henry Cavill Characters, and Charlie Hunnam characters [and Bucky Barnes specifically lol] (these are my preferences but if there are other characters that you'd like to bring in, just ask me)!
for writing requests 💙, i will only be accepting requests (2 max/person; pls do not send more than 2 asks!) until the end of November.
for writing submissions 💥, go wild! submit as many as you like!
you can do both (send in a writing request 💙 AND send in a writing submission(s)💥) if you want to; rules still apply for the requests though.
use at least one prompt within your request 💙/submissions💥 from the lists below (but def. go crazy if you wanna use more than one! you don't have to claim any prompts).
works can be inclusive! poc, gender neutral, neurodivergencies, mid size/plus size/curvy readers are encouraged!
No word limits but please use a 'read more' after 200 words
Works can be part of an existing series but must be able to stand on their own
tag me @steviebbboi and use the tags #bbboi200celebration and #steviebbboiwritingchallenge in your entry so i can read/reblog your work! (If I somehow lose sight of your submission, please remind me and I'll take a look at it right away ☺️)
Most important one: Have fun!
How To Play:
✨ You must be 18+ to participate in this challenge!
✨ Choose one (or multiple 😏) BB's:
Chris Evans Characters
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Frank Adler
Curtis Everett
Andy Barber
Hayden/Harvard Hottie
Nick Gant
Jake Jensen
Johnny Storm
Lloyd Hansen
Henry Cavill Characters
Clark Kent
Napoleon Solo
Geralt of Rivia
August Walker
Charlie Hunnam Characters
Jax Teller
Raymond Smith *extra brownie pts if you write about him omg*
King Arthur
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes [he's all by himself im so sorry lmfao 🥹]
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✨ Choose one (or more) of the following prompts:
*if you don't want to write smut, you don't have to choose anything from the kinks prompt! feel free to only use the following two prompts :)
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soft dom!BB
clothes/naked ratio
size kink
slow and deep 👀
breeding kink (non-pregnancy version)
free use
belly bulge
consensual non-con
consensual dub-con
anal/or dp
possessive/or protective manhandling!BB
oral sex
orgasm delay
daddy/princess kink
sex pollen
prone bone
threesome (BB/Reader/BB)
ass/pussy spanking
mild degradation
body worshipping
quickie/don't get caught (public sex, threats of exhibitionism, etc.) 😏
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Grouchybb! who is only soft with you
Married and loyal!spouse
lumberjack!bb who is a teddy bear on the inside tho
mob AU
biker AU
soulmate AU
mutual pining/idiots in love
childhood besties to lovers
reformed playboy
professor AU
supernatural/mythical (gods, sirens, werewolves, witches, vampires, ghosts, oh my!)
frenemies to lovers
fwb to lovers
locked in AU/forced proximity
medieval AU
fake dating/relationship
sharing one bed
polar opposites attract
break up and make up
spy AU
meet cute
cowboy AU
gentle recluse!BB
brothers best friend!BB
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"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Yes, take it, slut"
"It's not that big of a deal."
"God, why do you always do this"
"You're impossible."
"Then I guess we gotta be quiet, huh?"
"We're trapped."
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, or do you?"
"You're taking me so well, baby"
"Good girl" *for fem readers; adjust accordingly!*
"Tsk, uh-uh, c'mere, honey"
"You always feel so good around me, baby"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Here, let me help you."
"Yeah, are you a cockhungry slut, now?"
"I hardly think that that's necessary."
"Don't be a brat, baby."
"Aw, does it feel good right there?"
"I'm sorry!"
"What do you want from me?!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"What do you think you're doing here?"
"Nope. Again."
"Don't worry, I got you."
"Just stay still, there you go."
"Just one more, I promise."
"C'mon, don't you wanna be good?"
"Stay over there!"
"You better hurry up, baby."
"Thaaaat's it, you're doing so well, honey."
"Uhm, I'm not sure that's going to work."
"Please, I'll beg, please!"
"Be honest."
"Be careful there, darlin'."
"Are you okay?"
"Are you sure you wanna go there?"
Scenarios? Any! Go. Wild.
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✨ I love reading/writing angst w/HEA, soft dark (nothing too dark though), fluff and SMUT (as you can see w/the many many kinks).
no incest (stepcest is ok if tasteful lol), no infidelity, no watersports, no murder, no gore. if you're unsure if a trope is appropriate, ask me!
if im ever uncomfy with writing something, i will lyk and we can talk more about it to see if we could work with it!
feel free to ask any questions!
i think i got everything!
Have the best time, laddies~ thanks for celebrating with me!
All are welcome to join in the fun! ❣️
Tagging a few mutuals who may be interested but no pressure bbs:
@bigtreefest @mercurial-chuckles @stargazingfangirl18 @yenzys-lucky-charm
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork @buckets-and-trees @hotdamnhunnam @laurfilijames
@autumnrose40 @eloquentlytired @misscherry-26 @stellar-solar-flare
@darsynia @navybrat817
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The burnout I was experiencing regarding this issue has passed, and my desire to put good information out there has once more trumped my good sense.
So here's the deal. Non-Jews who have genuine questions and confusion regarding American Jews and their (complex, diverse) feelings towards Israel; and Jews who are struggling with cognitive dissonance between what they learned from their elders/community, and what they are seeing in action can ask me anything they want to help them cross that intellectual bridge.
However, there are caveats: if I think your question is in bad faith, if the wording is hostile or personally triggering to me, I will not engage with you or your question; if you verbally abuse me, I will name, shame, and block you regardless of your ethno-religious identity; and, most importantly, all my answers will be from the point of view of an American Jewish woman who has dedicated her life to the study of Holocaust history, and who had great intellectual and humanitarian concerns regarding nationalism(s) on a global scale.
To protect all of you from abusive users, I will wait until several questions come in, and answer them without dropping your usernames. And, if shit gets overwhelmingly abusive in my notes, I can and will suspend this offer. Balancing my mental and emotional health with my passion for education and improving intellectual access to complex historical issues will be a lifelong concern for me, and I will always put my health first.
Please use the ask box, not the chat feature. And no, I will not allow anonymous asks. If you'd like me to allow anons, you can paypal me one year's worth of therapy fees, or, about $12,000.
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mynameisjag · 1 day
From a fic I never finished, Bruce and Damian enjoy a day out. That's it, just them having a good day.
It wasn’t often that Bruce went out into Gotham as well, just Bruce…not Batman or Brucie Wayne.
Just Bruce.
Changing into simple clothing, letting his hair air dry and just heading out like that and the public didn’t recognize him.
No slicked back hair or suits of any kind.
Just a t-shirt, his favorite throw over cardigan and what Dick insisted was mom jeans, a five o’clock shadow, and he was ready to go.
Just a quick trip to the shopping center to pick up some office supplies for his home office, a few groceries for Alfred, some snacks for the Batcave, and he probably needed to check the family chat to see if anyone needed anything while he was out.
A quick glance at his messages as he began to head out, already on his way to the garage, Dick was trying his best to convince him to get…strawberry flavored Batty-O’s with crackling and popping sprinkles…sounds horrible and right up his eldest alley…also full of terrible sugars…
Alfred would hunt both of them down if he brought this home.
He’ll just order it and have it shipped to Dick’s apartment…
Jason wanted him to fuck off…Bruce sent off a xoxo and a request to come over for tea in response to that. He got a thumbs up and a middle finger.
Tim…is either half asleep and texting or is trying to send out a code for everyone to decipher…both was possible…adding melatonin to the list…
Cass was sending happy faces, so it’s seems she’s good at the moment, sending her a heart, ballet shoes and a crown. His dancing princess.
Duke sent a thumbs up and got one back in return.
Steph was just saying she’ll just take what she needs from his place whenever…time to restock the “hidden” care packages then.
And Damian…Damian was staring him down from the passenger seat of the car…
“Damian…is there something you need that you couldn’t put in chat?”
“I am coming with you.”
“…you hate the public…”
“I will overcome my distaste of others and escort you, Father, you shall not face the scrutiny of the common by yourself.”
Aww, he just wanted to spend time together and Bruce could never refuse the baby of the family, “Of course, I appreciate your concern.”
His darling just puffed up with a smug smile, proud that he managed to get his way without any argument, “I’m glad you are agreeable.”
Look, they are communicating!
Not well, but it was a step forward!
Besides Damian even took the effort to dress more ‘civilian’, the green sweater with a little tiny bird stitched in with the words ‘just a bobbin like a robin’ was definitely a gift from Dick.
Adjusting the seat belt and getting the car out of the garage, Bruce just hummed happily, letting the silence settle between them comfortably. Mentally going back over his list, glancing over to see his son playing on an old handheld game. Something that was more then likely stolen out of Tim’s room, but with the older boy making his own place in the city, it would be awhile before it would be noticed it was gone.
Almost all his children had moved out…he was happy they were moving on in their lives, looking more into their futures but his heart hurt because his babies weren’t actually babies any more. They would have argued that none of them were ever babies with him but he would just ignore that.
He hoped this doesn’t result in empty nest syndrome…
“Baba, can we stop by the game store, I want to see if I can find more interesting games.”
“We can, after we get everything on the list, can you check my phone and see if anyone has sent in anything they want to be picked up-what in Lady Gotham is this?”
Bruce blinked as traffic was stopped to let a…small parade of Batman floats pass by…
“There are copycats out on the street, how dare they parade around as us!”
“…I think parade is the word, look at the banners…”
Batman Day!
“So they are not copycats…but worshippers…”
Bruce tried not to laugh at the thought, "I think the word is…enthusiastics…”
They both watched as a man walked past wearing a banner that said, “Priest of The Bat”.
“…and we will be investigating that later, let’s see if we can park and look around.”
“Time for some detective work, Father?”
“Undercover detective work.”
Damian was eagerly typing away on the phone, “I shall keep the others off our trail so they won’t interrupt our investigation, also according to the online advertisement, the parade will end in the park where the “Batman Day festival” will begin. They will have bat themed mooncakes at certain booths.”
“Are the mooncakes important to the investigation?”
“One must keep all possibilities open, we must check each booth for clues.”
Bruce kept the smile that was threatening to grow held down, he was sure the boy wouldn’t appreciate being cooed over his want of treats being disguised as being extra thorough, more so that he didn’t want his siblings interrupting their day. He was going to have to order everything online and have it shipped to the manor then, mundane chores could wait.
His baby wanted mooncakes.
He will get mooncakes.
It didn’t take too long to park and follow the short parade to the fairgrounds, even with them stopping and staring at the lookalikes, a man giving them a balloon with the bat symbol and the words ‘I believe in Gotham’s local cryptids’, and someone clipping tiny bat wings to the back of their shirts at some point.
Soon the entrance was in view and by that time, Damian was now on Bruce’s shoulders, taking in the crowd, head turning back and forth at the bright lights, the performers in bat themed outfits, wide eyed as a child runs in front of then in a Robin costumes.
Bruce is humming thoughtfully to himself as he eyes a group in clown makeup done up in a Gothic theme, so far all they seem to be doing is some parlor tricks for the crowd around them. Some people even taking selfies, it was a rare sight for a Gothamite to get close to a clown without violence.
He was wondering if he should text the others, surely by now they would be aware of this festival happening, Barbara had to have known…
“Darling, do you want to text your siblings?”
“I can tell them to be on alert for any suspicious behaviors while we blend into the crowd…like the one over by the dart game.”
Bruce could only blink as his head was forcefully turned toward a booth with a bunch of balloons tied to a backboard, “Dart game?”
“Yes, obviously it’s a skill test but what kind? We must investigate.”
Hmm, a skill test that totally didn’t have to do with the giant plush animals as prizes.
“I think I remember Dick saying how these games were rigged,” he watches as a parent carries off their crying kid, wincing in sympathy as the cries get louder.
“No amount of trickery could possibly stop us!”
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Just Let Me Adore You (BuckTommy) -2/6
Summary: What if…instead of Chimney taking the role of interim Captain of the 118, Tommy is asked to take on the role.
Or, what happens when Buck meets Tommy in S2
Words: 3.4k
Notes: Title from Adore You by Harry Styles
Read on Ao3
Part One
Part Two
After growing up in Hershey, chocolate factories didn’t impress Buck much. He’d gone to the Hershey factory a few times on school trips and it’d been fun the first few times. Buck wasn’t even sure if it was his proximity and how often he had that chocolate as a kid, but he really wasn’t all that fond of it. He’d also had some great chocolate down in South America that made anything American pale in comparison. Not a lot of people knew it, but that was where cacao beans came from. It wasn’t Mexico either like some though, but Ecuador. 
The Seymour Chocolate Factory wasn’t even one he’d heard of and he kinda figured the chocolate probably wasn’t even that good, though they did leave with a small bag of chocolates by the end of the call. The call came about a guy that had fallen right into a chocolate vat while on a tour. 
As they were walking up, Buck heard Tommy say to Chim, “this would be the moment the Oompa Loompas give us a musical number.” 
Buck had no idea what he meant, but there was no time to ask for clarification. 
None of them had any idea how to get the guy out of the chocolate vat until, after a few failed attempts, Tommy pulled out his phone. They all eyed him. 
“What? A good Captain uses his resources. In this case, Bobby probably knows more about chocolate than anyone I know. Unless one of you has a better idea?” 
He wasn’t wrong. Bobby’s advice worked and between all of them they had the teacher out and then on a stretcher. 
Buck held himself back as they walked out and wound up next to Tommy. 
“That was a good call, getting Bobby on the phone.” 
Tommy smiled at him, crinkle eyed and gorgeous. Why was he so good looking? More importantly, why couldn’t Buck stop noticing? 
“It wasn’t like he was going to get flushed out or sucked up in a tube,” Tommy said. 
“What are you talking about?” Buck asked. 
“Willy Wonka,” Tommy said. 
Tommy stopped and turned to look at him, making Buck almost run straight into him. 
“Okay, I’d understand if you never saw the original movie, but you have to have seen the remake? Johnny Depp was in it.”
“Uh, no,” Buck said. 
“It was a book,” Tommy said next. “Roald Dahl. Oompa Loompas? The kid that got turned into a blueberry?”
Buck stared at him blankly. 
“This means nothing to you, does it?” 
Buck shrugged. 
When they finally made it out, the ambulance had already left, Hen having gone with it. Chim and Eddie waited by the truck. 
“He’s never seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” Tommy announced as if Buck had committed some kind of crime.
Buck was used to missing movie references. Chim had long given up expecting Buck to get what he was talking about. Buck had always been that kid that couldn’t sit still long enough to get through a movie. That and all the time he spent outdoors doing daring thing after daring thing. Not to mention that his parents hadn’t been big on tv time. 
“He’s never seen much of anything,” Chim said with a laugh. “Him and his sister both. You’d think they were raised in some commune, but instead they’re just from Pennsylvania. I’ve taken on the task of introducing her to some classics.”
Buck shrugged his shoulders. “So, what exactly are these oompa lumps?” 
“Oompa Loompas,” Tommy said. “And you won’t understand until you watch it.” 
When he turned to Eddie, Eddie just shrugged at him, but he was grinning in that way that meant Eddie was too amused by the whole thing to help. Chim mimed zipping his lips closed. Looking at Tommy just got him a shake of his head. They also banned him from looking it up and on the way back to the station, Chim even grabbed his phone out of his hands even though Buck wasn’t going to google it. 
“I can just look it up when I get home,” Buck told them. 
“Or you could watch it,” Tommy suggested. 
“Only if you watch it with me,” Buck shot back, not sure exactly why he said it.  
Tommy didn’t respond at once and Buck felt like he’d gone and put his foot in it. But then, “Yeah. Alright. If only to make sure you actually watch it.”
He tried to invite Chim and Eddie over to watch Willy Wonka with him and Evan, but neither of them was interested or available even if they did want Tommy to let them know how it went. Hen had also turned him down in favor of a date night with her wife. So, Tommy was on his own. Due to Evan’s living situation, he also had to host. So at least they got to use his living room with his big screen tv and sound bar. 
Evan showed up with pizza, beer, and a veggie tray. He looked a little nervous even after Tommy invited him in. He watched as Evan took in Tommy’s house. It was very much a work in progress and Tommy had been doing most of the work on his own, so it was taking him a while to get through all of it. He expected it would be at least a year or two before he was finally satisfied by which point something would need to be repaired or repainted. 
“I like your place,” Evan said. 
“Really? It’s a bit of a half finished mess.” 
“But one you’re clearly putting time into,” Evan said. “And you’ll like the end result because of it.” 
“Well, lucky for us, one of the things I did finish is the living room.” 
It was the thing he’d tackled right after the kitchen — which technically wasn’t even done — , the upstairs bathroom, and parts of his bedroom. He needed a place to relax and wind down after long shifts. So, it had become a priority. Tommy led Evan there and cleared off the coffee table for the food. 
They sat down side by side on his couch and Tommy grabbed the remote. 
“It’s an older movie,” Tommy informed Evan. “I think you’ll like it, though.” 
Evan got into it pretty quickly. He did ask questions like about the bed the grandparents shared and Tommy mostly just told him to keep watching. Tommy was more of a romcom re-watcher, so he hadn’t actually watched Willy Wonka in years. Still, it was more fun to get Evan’s reaction to things. He’d forgotten how eccentric and weird the movie was and watching Evan react was everything. He expressed so much and laughed with so much surprise that it was absolutely endearing. 
“Those are the Oompa Loompas!” Evan exclaimed when he first saw them, giggling. “I get it now.” 
By the time they finished the movie, Evan had turned to him with a big grin. “Okay, that was actually pretty good, if a little odd. You said there was a remake?” 
Tommy nodded. “Yeah. It’s different, but still good. Wonka is completely different. The whole vibe is different.” 
“Might have to check that out,” Evan said with a smile. After a pause, “We could have another movie night?” 
“That’d be nice,” Tommy said and he meant it. 
Evan stayed a little bit after the movie, discussing the more ridiculous aspects of it. Then, somehow, talking about what Tommy would be tackling next on the house. 
“I did construction,” Evan offered. “I can help out if you ever need a second hand.” 
The thought of Evan working with him to put new flooring down or to sand and stain his cabinet doors was far more appealing than it should be, but he nodded and thought that he wouldn’t actually ask Evan for help. He might not survive it if he saw Evan dressed down and sweaty doing physical work in Tommy’s own home. 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he told him. 
Phone calls with Ali were getting exhausting. Buck had known what he was signing up for when he started dating her. She’d been clear from the start that she traveled for work and considering Buck’s own hours he’d figured it’d be fine. It was for a while. When she was in LA it was always fun. It was different from Abby and Buck liked that. Still, it always left him feeling a little left behind whenever she went off on yet another trip. She’d call, but it wasn’t the same as having her in LA. It wasn’t the same as being able to just see her whenever he wanted and that made it hard. 
When the time between calls started lengthening and lengthening, it almost even felt like he wasn’t dating anyone at all. One night they even had a discussion about opening up the relationship, making things more casual. Not that they were even necessarily talking about each other in any serious manner to begin with. 
“It’d be a lot easier on both of us,” Ali had explained. “You can be free to meet other people and so can I.” 
Buck hadn’t argued with her or known how to approach such a suggestion. Maybe he should have. It had just felt like if he didn’t she would just leave him once and for all. He tried his hardest not to think about her out there meeting other guys and maybe finding something better elsewhere. Someone better. For his part, he didn’t want to go back to who he used to be, so he didn’t even try to meet anyone else. 
It wasn’t until…but no, Tommy was a guy. Buck wasn’t interested in him like that. He wasn’t, right? He tried not to think about their movie night. How it had felt to sit on Tommy’s couch feeling his warmth next to him watching chocolate shenanigans and being perplexed by the whole thing and then also feeling Tommy’s gaze on him. There was just something about him. Buck felt like a magnet being pulled in by a force he couldn’t fight — one he didn’t want to fight. And that…that was scary. 
It was what found him knocking on Bobby’s apartment. 
“Hey,” Bobby said and motioned him in. “Want some water?” 
“Uh. Yeah. Sure.” 
Bobby’s table was covered in wedding stuff. 
“Am I here at a bad time?” 
“Not at all. What’s going on, Buck?” 
Buck sank into the chair. “Bobby, you gotta come back to work.” 
Bobby chuckled as he set down a glass of water in front of Buck. “I’d love to. It’s not up to me.”
“Isn’t there anything we can do? Can’t we like write letters or something? Talk to them?” 
Bobby shook his head. “I don’t think that will help, Buck. What’s going on? I thought Tommy was doing well.” 
Buck kinda panicked then because Tommy was actually good at being Captain. He was different than Bobby, of course, but not in a way that made Buck or really anyone on the team want him gone. Tommy was knowledgeable and his own expectations about how the equipment was kept and how everything was stocked. While he’d hung back a bit the first few shifts, after that he’d jumped right into action with them, knew how to balance being in charge and telling them what to do with also being part of the solution. Buck was more than a little impressed with him. 
 “No, no, he’s doing fine. He’s a good Captain. He’s not you, but he’s good. Way he handled that bombing the other day? Or the chocolate factory…I can see why he was picked to hold your spot.” 
“I’m glad you like him,” Bobby said with a smile. “So, what’s happening, Buck?”
“Ali wants an open relationship,” Buck blurted out. 
He could tell that he’d shocked Bobby, at least for a moment. He recovered quickly. “Is that something you want?” 
“Not really,” Buck admitted. “Or…well, I don’t know. You know it’s not unusual or anything and it works for some people. You know, some people think that people aren’t meant to be monogamous. I don’t think I’m too bothered by it like as a concept.” 
“But this is not a concept. It’s your life, Buck.” 
“Yeah. I know,” Buck said and it was entirely the problem. 
Okay, so it wasn’t like Buck didn’t know that he had a bit of a slut era. His Buck 1.0 days…Buck wasn’t ashamed of them. And maybe in that time he’d explored a bit. One thing that Buck had realized was that he could never do threesomes. They were complicated and Buck was bad about sharing. Jealous, even. 
Bobby stared at him and Buck stared back. If he could just share all his thoughts with Bobby without saying them outloud, it would actually solve everything. Not even just his Ali problem, but maybe the near obsession he was having about Tommy. 
“I don’t think the problem is the open relationship,” Buck said.
He thought about Abby leaving and how she had tried to tell him in a roundabout way that what she wanted was to be free from everything and everything included him. He hadn’t been in love with her, though he had loved her. Cared about her. Convinced himself he would have a future with her. Had he realized what Abby meant by Eat, Pray, Love, Buck was actually sure that he would have been upset. Then again, it wouldn’t have been some dragged out thing. 
With Ali…shouldn’t he be more upset? Shouldn’t he be angry and maybe even jealous because why was she bringing it up if she didn’t already have someone that she wanted to sleep with? Was this her roundabout way of saying that they were over? 
“I don’t think I should be so…so okay with it. Or not care,” Buck said. 
“Oh,” Bobby said. 
Maybe it was that she was gone all the time. Gone so much that Buck hadn’t had any time to get attached. Not really. Not in the way that mattered. 
“Then maybe this would work for you, if you were looking for something different,” Bobby tried.  
Tommy came to mind right away. Except that…he couldn’t do that to someone, least of all Tommy. Buck groaned, as if that were even an option. 
“What if…” Buck trailed off. He couldn’t say it. “No. I guess I should talk to Ali.” 
“That’s probably a good start. You know, I don’t have to be your Captain for us to have these talks.” 
“No, but it would be less confusing if you were,” Buck muttered on his way out and didn’t know if Bobby had heard him. 
He could see the devastation on Eddie’s face. The woman — his wife — was on the stretcher and from what Chimney had whispered to him and Tommy’s own experience she wasn’t going to make it. She was already dead even if it hadn’t caught up to her. Eddie didn’t seem to know it fully yet, but he watched as Hen and Chim worked on her. 
“We need to intubate,” Hen said from inside the ambulance.
Chim stopped her. “No.” 
“No?” Hen asked. 
Chim shook his head and his eyes met Tommy’s, before looking to Eddie. 
“Chim’s right,” he said. “I’m sorry, Eddie.” 
He could tell that Eddie understood. He’d been an Army medic, had worked as a firefighter long enough that of course he knew. 
“If they intubate,” Tommy said, “that tube may never come out. Right now, before they do that, just take a minute.” 
“He knows,” Chim said. “Eddie, I’m sorry…this is…come on, you can say goodbye to her.” 
There was nothing that could have prepared any of them to arrive at a call to find that the one person seriously injured — other than the driver — was the wife of one of his firefighters. 
Tommy gripped Eddie’s shoulder, not that it made much difference and then he watched Eddie climb into the ambulance. Tommy closed the door behind them and then turned around. 
“Hey,” Evan said. “Is she—”
Tommy shook his head. Evan let out a sigh and he pressed his lips together. He took a quick glance around. The driver had been loaded into another ambulance. The minor injuries had already been looked at. Evan let out a sigh and his eyes met Tommy’s again, looking a bit glassy. 
“We should go to the hospital,” Tommy said. 
He wasn’t surprised when Bobby arrived, was glad to see him so that some of this burden wasn’t on Tommy. It was more than a job, these people were Bobby’s family and they needed him. Tommy wasn’t that for them and he wasn’t all that close to Eddie to offer the comfort that Bobby could 
Eddie left with Bobby, clutching a bag with her belongings and looking lost in a way that Tommy had never experienced for himself. 
They didn’t talk about it on the way back to the station and he told dispatch to take them off line for the remaining time left on their shift because it was only a few hours and they were all more than a little distracted. The 118 could go back online once B-shift took over. He found Evan in front of the tv, staring out into nothing. 
“Did you know her well?” he asked. 
“No,” Evan said. “Met her a few times here or there, but that was all. Eddie really cared about her, they were kinda reconnecting, I guess. She hadn’t been a part of Eddie’s or Christopher’s life for a bit. Now…”
“That poor kid,” Tommy said because he hadn’t even thought about Eddie’s son. 
Eddie had probably told him by now, had torn his world apart. At least Christopher would have a good dad. He would have Eddie there to grieve with. He would have a dad that cared and that loved him even if he never saw his mother again. 
“Yeah,” Evan said. 
Life was like that, made up of tragedies. 
The next time he saw Eddie, it was a few days later. Tommy had arrived early to do some paperwork and the last person he expected to see was Eddie. He was in civilian clothes at least, not that Tommy would have allowed him to work even if he’d gotten the uniform on. 
“Hey, Eddie, how are you doing?” 
“Alright, everything considered. Funeral’s in a couple of days.” 
He still looked lost. Like he was still out on that street looking at Shannon. 
“Well the last thing I want you to worry about is work,” Tommy said. “Take all the time that you need.” 
“Even with all those bombs showing up?” Eddie asked and shook his head. “No. I think I’ll need to work. I’ll need to be back so I can stop thinking about it. Stop picturing it.” 
It felt like a mistake. He didn’t want to say no and he didn’t want to make things harder for Eddie, and yet in their line of work there was no room for distractions. Distractions led to mistakes and mistakes in their line of work could be life or death. 
“Look, that’s…I’m not saying you shouldn’t come back at once. I just, I want your head to be in it. I want you to be in the right state of mind. Have you thought about talking to someone?”
Eddie looked taken aback. “What?” 
Tommy should have expected it. Guy like Eddie who’d been in the Army and who had probably not bothered to do any therapy after it, of course he didn’t think he needed it now. 
“The department has good grief counselors, Eddie,” Tommy said. “I won’t put any restrictions on when you can return, but I want you to see one…if they say that you’re fit to work and willing to do a few more sessions then that’s that.” 
Eddie looked like he wanted to argue, but Tommy was going to hold strong on that. He didn’t know what Bobby would have done in his place, but Tommy knew what Gerrard had done for a firehouse and a team that had lost one of their own. Tommy knew what Captain Reid at Harbor would do, too. 
“Are you serious right now?” Eddie asked. 
Tommy sighed. “Eddie, come on. I have a whole team to look out for here and this is not even really my house.” He lifted an eyebrow. 
“Okay,” Eddie said. “Fine. If that’s the only way.”  
“It’ll help, Eddie. I don’t…I’ve never been married, but I’ve lost important people. I get it. It isn’t easy and it won’t be for a while. How’s your son doing?” 
“As fine as he can be doing,” Eddie said. “My parents are here. My sisters. It’s helping him. It’s stressing me out.” 
“Parents are never easy. If you need to get away, give me a call. There are distractions that aren’t work, you know?”
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full-of-malice · 11 hours
me and my friends are being bitter about ai and nanowrimo again. as one of the kids who was part of the group that made the tag of "#nanopocalypse" as a term for what was happening on our website as we were silenced and groomed and our lives went to shit. our lives were falling apart. it was the nanopocalypse for us. that's why we called it that and have referred to the entire situation as that. and we were the only ones who actually put anything in the "#anti nanowrimo" tag to begin with to talk about our hatred and struggles with being groomed. a desperate and ignored attempt to call awareness
so as someone who put in the work and lost days of my life and will not be the same person again and put tears and long days while trying to juggle my school and personal life, checking in on my friends and ensuring that they were okay, it feels really shitty honestly to watch tumblr take the nanopocalypse tag so they can make themselves feel good by talking shit about the ai policy. it's Exhausting. you guys are a solid year late in support and hatred for nano that we could've used when we were trying to get the website halfway shut down. we have been Trying to tell you. there were tiktoks, twitter, threads, youtube videos, tumblr posts, and it's just exhausting that suddenly the trendy hatred of ai is what gets popular. idk if feels like you all just jump on the trend to be the cool savior and hate on ai and write their posts that do nothing informative of helpful and just say "fuck nanowrimo" instead of hating on it for the actually important reasons.
nanopocalypse was the specific instance a year ago in november of 2023, when ywp (young writer program) website users were sick of being abused, neglected, and being in the dark. the mods started banning us just for voicing our issues and wanting change. we took to. the adult forums and talked to adult users who were in the midst of the own issues as well. we finally found adults who believed our struggles and were on our side. on their website there was child grooming involved too, the fbi was allegedly getting contacted it was so bad. after years finally someone was listening. yet within days they turned on us and told us we were too young and had no place in "their home" of the website and that our concerns for our community and wanting to be involved were no necessary. they started twisting our words against us and picking us apart. i spent days fighting with adults just for basic things, adults who claimed not two or three days ago that they supported us and would fight for us and were so sorry for the way we were treated only to turn around and treat us remarkably the same. there was one nanopocalypse.
it's exhausting to have to reiterate our struggles to people on the internet who don't and won't listen, but don't use our terms that we a group of abused and groomed teens made for a one time occurrence and tag that was for us and our struggles a place for us to talk and raise awareness. a place that got ignored until a year too late so ai issues could talk over us.
so fuck nanowrimo. not for the ai, but for the children who suffered for years in silence. the ai should be an afterthought, not the front of the problem.
if anyone's interested either in a separate post or in the reblogs i'll make an extensive list of any youtube videos, tiktoks, tumblr post links, and twitter links that i know of on the situation if you want. i will gladly answer any question anyone has because i've tried to educate people on this for a long time and no one will listen
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rayssyscourse · 1 day
syscourse hot take (more like syscourse tired take honestly) "pro/neutral/anti-endo": for anyone who's endogenic in any way, or even just previously thought they were endogenic, it's really tiring (and not conducive to constructive conversation) to have so many syscourse labels revolve around...an innate aspect of someone's lived experience. Like. We are fully aware that plenty of people who label themselves "anti-endo" don't necessarily think that endogenic systems are fake and/or evil etc, that's just purely a demonstrably true statement. We don't even think that the people using "anti-endo" that way are necessarily Terrible People for doing so. Simultaneously, though, speaking as a system who spent years thinking we were 100%-basic-vanilla-endogenic but still wanted to take part in nuanced discussions around system experiences and offer our perspectives on discourse--seeing 'anti-endo' or even 'endo-neutral' always still...stung a little? Even when someone was conversing in good faith. Like, the idea that it was acceptable for our personhood (which really is what it felt like the arguments were about! whether one of us was 'just a made-up daydream' and not a person) to be up for debate, that it was an acceptable "political football" or thing to be "neutral" about...wasn't a good feeling. And honestly, even though we technically have a DID dx on paper these days, we still get that little flicker of distrust whenever we see 'anti-endo' in someone's bio--because we're still exactly the same system that we were before, and if they wouldn't have believed us about our experiences then...why do they think so much depends on some rubber-stamp diagnosis? what do they think changed? We don't have a good answer to this problem, though. Telling people that they're automatically terrible bigots for not labeling themselves pro-endo doesn't feel like it'll actually solve anything, because crucially I don't think that most of the "doesn't actually believe endos are fake or bad"-anti-endos are calling themselves that for a reason that simply shaming them sufficiently will change. Also, the internet is a big place, and expecting everyone to be up-to-date on every possible niche discourse stance is absurd--and if someone really just wants to stay the heck away from system discourse entirely, they should be able to. But also...yeah, we wish they'd use different words. Don't use "anti-[unchangeable aspect of someone's identity]" and not expect it to feel hurtful to see. "Well, I just don't want people Like That interacting with me..." what if they just thought your art was cool? What if they agreed with your hot take about [insert fandom here]? Who else are you 'anti', not because you disagree with some opinion they hold, but purely because you're 'nothing like them'? Idk. It's frustrating, and I wish we had some kind of easy, magic solution.
thank you!! this is a really well written thought, and i fully agree.
to be honest, this is one of (admittedly many) reasons i dropped pro/anti-endo labels altogether. not only can they come across as denying somebody's existence, but i feel like we just don't fit in simple boxes like that. i mean, "pro-endo" can mean any plethora of things: it could mean the person is endogenic, they support endos, they don't engage in syscourse/just don't care, they just disagree with anti-endo points, etc etc. in the same way, "anti-endo" can also mean a million things. some anti-endos think endos are all faking, some think they're misinformed, some believe they exist but think they're spreading too much misinfo, some think they're doing harm to traumagenic communities, etc. i also just don't like the black-and-white way those labels portray us. somebody being pro-endo doesn't mean they support every single endo, it doesn't mean they necessarily support radqueers (weird misconception i see a lot), and it doesn't mean they have no criticisms of the endogenic community. i know a lot of anti-endos who fully believe and don't hate endos but just have criticisms of the label and/or community, who are often assumed to hate all endos or think all endos are faking because the label is just too broad and comes across completely wrong.
sorry to ramble on for so long in one giant paragraph lol. tl;dr, you're so right, say it louder for the people in the back!!
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Information and guidelines (including deadlines) for the Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2024 are under the cut.
Don't forget to follow us!
1) We have one very strict rule: HAVE FUN!!!!! ❤️
Enjoy this event, because that's the point! To make each other happy with a nice surprise and to make ourselves happy for being able to do that. We want you to enjoy the process itself. If you have any trouble with this, tell us and we'll try to help you and make it easier for you.
2) What type of gift can you participate with?
Fanfiction (drabble, one shot, multi-chaptered fic), drawing/painting (digital or traditional), 2in1 for superheros: comics, animation, gifset, scrapbook style montage, photo or video edit... Tell us, if you have any other idea!
For fic, I'd like to keep a minimum word counts which is 1k, HOWEVER you can participate with shorter drabbles too, if that works better for you. But in this case please write more of them, like short chapters (that not necessarily related to each other) to reach 1k.
For the others, there are no requirements, except to be creative! Which is never a problem in this fandom... ;)
3) We try to give you enough time to create your gift to make this event as stress-free as possible. That means you'll have 7-10 weeks to do this (it's your choice, depends on when you wish to post your gift in December). That's why we're starting this so early.
Signups: September 28th -  October 12th Giftee assignments: October 14th Creating period in Santa's workshop: October 14th - Dec 23th Posting period: December 1-24th
4) Everyone is welcome to joins us in any way. But if you participate, please don't forget that you'll be someone's Secret Santa this year. Which means that someone, who takes the time and effort to make a gift for someone else is expecting a gift of their own - from you. 
5.) It's okay to be a little late. It's especially okay not to post a whole multi-chaptered fic until Christmas. However, please try to post something, anything until dec 24th - even if it's "just" the first short chapter of a multi-chaptered fic. Please don't feel it's not enough, it's perfect, you just started to post a long fic, are you kidding?? Your giftee will love you for it! But please, also make sure you finish what you started, and do that within a reasonable time.
6) If you realize that you probably won't be able to post anything in time, not even one short chapter (but you are determined to do it soon): don't freak out! Just please, please communicate! Let us know and send an anonymous message to your person, let them know their gift is running a little late. Don't worry, no one will be mad at you, I promise. :) Life happens!
7) Which brings us to a very important part: If you decided to participate, please take it seriously and don't forget about it!! If you realize that you won't be able to fulfill what you've committed to, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP because it means that we have to find a very generous new Santa for your giftee in time!!!!
8) Will we give you prompts? 
Kind of... Yes and no. We'll definitely have some (probably open) questions for every one of you about what you like, so you'll have some idea to choose from and work with - if you want to. Please look at this as an option because we do this to HELP YOU, not to sabotage your creative energy!!! :) It can make your gift more personal, but you don't have to use any of it if you have trouble with it. Again, it's an option and your giftee will know that - some people need inspiration, some people don't.
Also, if you have more questions, you can always tell us and we'll try to get more information from your giftee's interests for you.
9) No-nos:
We respect everyone's feelings and interests but please, please do the same and in your prompts try to avoid of the really dark topics, like your favorite topic EVER is <3 major character death <3 (to use a valid example). This might make your Secret Santa very anxious about how to please you. It's Christmas time, regardless of the theme of your gift, and most of us love to keep our love ones alive, well... any time of the year, really. ;) So please consider to sugar coat your feelings about this, for example, say you like angst, or that you can handle heavy topics. (So your Santa have a choice but probably won't feel like they have to kill someone for Christmas to make you happy. ;) ) //Yes, I'm traumatized, sorry about this.//
This also applies to gifts: be creative but please, avoid the very divisive topics (you know what those are), so everyone can enjoy your gift in this fandom equally.
!! AI generated art and fic are not allowed !!
10) A tip: This event is not about the gift only. Your giftee will always be happy to know that their secret Santa is thinking about them. A nice anonymous message in the question box or through us, like "I'm making your present, I hope you'll love it" or just "I'll be there soon ;) - your Santa" can put a HUGE smile on anyone's face! Please make sure you stay anonymous, though!!!!
11) Keep your giftee in secret. This is a secret mission.
12) Tags to use and follow: #klainesecretsanta2024 and #kss2024  - we'll track both.
13) Do you have any questions or suggestions? Our ask box is always open!
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Headcanon 14
Scar has Secret Life trauma. This is because he was trapped there for so (over 2 months), then ‘rescued’ by a whole ton of Listeners who were everywhere, didn’t explain anything, and were scared of Vexlings, and then, when he was rescued by Martyn, faced very similar overstimulation from the hermits. So, he can’t be on his own for long without panicking about being abandoned, he has nightmares, gets flashbacks and triggered by particular words or things, and also can’t handle huge crowds. This often ends in panic attacks or spiralling thoughts, which he needs help getting out of.
Enter: Cub.
Because of all of this, and so they wouldn’t panic the other by using emergency words, Cub (with the help of Doc and Xisuma) made a button on his hand Scar’s communicators that either of them can press when in traumatic situations to alert the other. Whenever one presses it, the other’s communicator buzzes, and they can come over to comfort and reassure the other. And they normally end up sharing a bed and cuddling with each other that night as bonus support.
They also both have a response of ‘can’t come, call my next contact’ (Joe for Cub and Grian for Scar), but neither have, or intend to, use it yet.
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boringkate · 20 hours
Hi Kate, I am planning to DIY transition using hrt cafe but i am so confused about what to get. I was thinking gels cause it looks like the easiest/safest but I don't know, also I don't know which ones ship to canada. Thanks and you are a total inspiration ❤️
If you're asking what I take then I take 4mg of oral estrogen a day + 100mg of spironolactone a day. There's no shortage of annoying people who will tell you that what I've been doing to great effect for over a decade is "wrong" though and that their hyper specific regiment is the only correct way, so there's really no winning. You do you. If gels sound preferable then use gels (I don't know anything about gel dosages though)!
For which sites ship to Canada: You can figure it out through trial and error. I don't think I've ever used a site that didn't ask me for my address (and tell me if they refused to ship there) before asking me to pay. You can also go to r/transdiy and do a search for a site's name + the word canada and see if any locals have any excperience with it.
I've mostly been ordering (and successfully receiving packages in Canada) from DashPCT lately (it's one of the cheaper options for what I take), but I will say that the way they handle payment and communication is pretty jank (ignore the email address you're given when you place the order, check the contact us tab, check the transfer wise tab instead of assuming the address you used last time is still valid, send them any questions you have, and expect to wait).
Glancing at what sites are listed under the gels section: I've used otokonopharma (which people seem to adore because of the anime branding, but I don't like that they press their own tablets or that they don't use blister packs because I think they shorted me on tablets once + I've had tablets from them break up and turn to dust in shipping) and favskinhouse (they had the fastest shipping I've ever used and really went the extra mile to obscure what they were sending, but eventually one of my packages from them got grabbed by customs anyway although that was probably just bad luck). Never tried any of the other sites offering gels.
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triglycercule · 2 months
so there's been versions of horror that don't talk. versions of dust that don't say a word. but what about killer man. what if he didn't speak???
i need this man to do the most outrageous crazy and unhinged things while saying not a single word. i need killer sans to stand in corners and not say anything while observing other people (just like how some people depicts horror/dust,,,,) with the most expressionless face ever. the guy cannot feel i want his face to show that. he will murder he will steal he will bother every living being around him while not saying a goddamn thing. ACTUALLY i want his face not to move at ALL!!! this killer's face looks like the 😐 emoji but it has tears. idk maybe it's because if he opens his mouth he'll start leaking dt and he wont even be able to talk so its not worth it. or maybe a certain red eyed child or oily king ordered him never to speak unless they tell him to and now killer just doesn't speak. he doesn't even learn sign language or body language or does any physical cues (voluntarily) because that's considering "speaking". idk just ideas but i like the idea of the guy that does arguably the craziest shit to just. not speak. or have any sort of body language ever. he stands and walks like a robot only sort of personality that shines through is in fights. but even if killer doesn't talk and have any sort of physical presence people will still be able to tell what hes like based on his actions
anyways maybe i just need ALL of the mtt not to speak. yeah that seems cool. none of them speak they just silently beat each other up (killer is dead silent dust is violently signing and horror is making several indescribable noises. this is the most intense fight they will ever have)
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angel-archivist · 1 year
It's so interesting and so exceedingly frustrating how agab is being utilized now within the queer community as a way to isolate and sort nonbinary and genderqueer folks into binary boxes that determine their moral purity levels, and their authority to do and write and exist.
The way nonbinary writers are being put under accusation of fetishizing gay men while their AGAB is continually brought up in a way that feels like queer-space-approved misgendering.
The way feminist circles that are supposedly trans-inclusive will use the word AFAB in a way that implicitly but intentionally isolates nonbinary people who aren't AFAB from joining. It's for women*.
The way the language is already flawed and leaves out intersex folks from the conversations while focusing on a binary of sex that isn't truthful.
The constant obsessing over whether someone is AFAB or AMAB and whether or not that gives them the privilege to join, do, write, or be present in certain spaces really really concerns me. How are we supposed to dismantle a binary system of gender if we can't even move past forcibly assigning and focusing on people's genders assigned at birth?
#and yes i understand! that agab language can in some circumstances be helpful in inclusive language and in the medical world but ultimately#is misgendering and unnecessary it should be up to the person to disclose their agab not an expectation of them to give up freely#I think that inclusive language shouldnt be misgendering in nature and agab as far as i can tell should only be used in select discussions#and certainly not as a way to frame a nonbinary writer as a “biological woman” but in a way where the queer community will nod along and sa#“oh they have a point” because you used the word AFAB instead#honestly afab is the term i see used most frequently and most harmfully towards other nonbinary people who don't identify w the label#to exclude trans women and amab nonbinary people#to frame nonbinary people as “still women” because of their assigned gender at birth#also i understand its not as simple as “not using” these terms bc they still serve a purpose and are important#but as they leave the queer community and as they enter the hands of cis queer people they become weapons#i wish i could like manifest my thoughts super clearly but i really cant bc its a difficult situation#its just another example of misogyny and bio-essentialism creeping into the queer community#because the patriarchy impacts all things including our discussions of trans oppression and gender we need to stop viewing it#as a strict binary of male female and oh sometimes we'll mention nonbinary people but we're all afab and amabs at the end of the day <3#like flames literal flames#if you wanna like chip into the conversation just shoot me an ask or respond to the post i'd love to hear other peoples perspectives#im not infalliable so if i said anything you view as incorrect especially in regards to intersex folks and how you all would like to be#included in these discussions as im not intersex but am aware of how agab is a subject that leans into the idea of a binary of sex#so yeah rant over <3#retro.bullshit#rant
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