#theater tips
sorry *husband. also i was wondering if you had any acting tips
I-… you know what never mind
personally look into your character’s backstory. If they don’t have one create one.
a person’s personality can tell you a lot about their past
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Ugh anyone got any tips on how to look good when performing? My first lead role opening night is next Friday and I’m watching a recording and I feel passionate but I don’t look nice :( I want the pictures to be cute but I just don’t look good when I’m performing
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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apollosolis · 3 months
okay i want to audition for a wizard of oz musical this fall (ensemble auditions) but I've never done theater before. Unless you count that one time in 4th grade we did a black history month play and I was Rosa parks. Theater has always been a passion of mine but I'm not exactly well off and I had no avaliable recourse to start young. I want to know how I should prepare for auditions. I've already searched it up on Google but I need answers from actually theater kids because I'm stressing out a lot. I don't have friends who do theater so yeah. I just want to know like ehat should i expect, how should I dress, etc etc. Sorry for rambling so much
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manybrokenquills · 17 days
It's cause you're sitting.
I'm not fucking with you.
I literally can't sing sitting anymore.
Try to stand and sing, if you can :)
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do-you-know-this-play · 2 months
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cyybrzz · 2 months
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To anyone who sees this and does musical theater...
I need advice... again. this time it's a theater thing for all my musical theater performers out there who wanna help a girl out 😔🙏
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🔮 I'm having an internal crisis.
So i've been into musicals for FOREVER and I love singing songs at karaoke and getting into character and stuff whatever THE POINT IS recently i've been considering actually trying out for a musical?? the last time i didn't theater was elementary school if that counts and i've never been apart of a choir so no i can't read sheet music or know what it means sos the closest i've gotten is orchestra. I'm just nervous because i've never done THEATER before and i would have no idea how to prepare and i feel like id make myself look stupid at any auditions if i did; now im here on tumblr again asking for advice!!
🔮 *googles how to get my voice to work*
i don't think i'm a BAD singer but i'm not anything out of this world, i think i'm anywhere from an alto to a mezzo-soprano?? (my most comfortable songs to sing are JD's songs from heathers or ngrom from waitress, i can also sing from like deja vu to 505 if that helps to any music nerds anywhere! thanks) anyway i don't even know my voice range and whether im a good singer; also i think that 99% of the time im singing with my head voice and idk how to belt or sing with chest voice so if anyone has any vocal advice on how to sing better and warmup my voice for stuff like this it'd be greatly appreciated i'm literally clueless when it comes to singing so if you think any piece of advice is stupid and common knowledge it's probably not for me and i'll gladly take it
🔮 fake it til you make it??
I DONT KNOW IF IM A GOOD ACTRESS EITHER UGH i don't really get stage fright bc i do multiple sports/activities that require me being in front of an audience i just don't want to look stupid 😓💔 I can memorize lines and stuff like that it's just the performance aspect in worried about so if anyone has tips on how to scope out my acting ability or how to improve it reach out please i #needthat
🔮 auditions exist... unfortunately
uhm how do auditions work bc i don't wanna embarrass myself if i even decide to go for it bc what if i make a fool of myself and ill have to fall off the face of the earth and no one will be able to see me again? what if i mess up at auditions and they think im terrible? what if i don't mess up and they still think im terrible? it's so scary as a newbie someone please sos
🔮 do i even go for it?
with all these issues and roadblocks do i even try to go for it... i have a friend that does theater and i'm scared they'll judge me if i mention trying out for it 😭 the urge to try theater again (kinda) has been so strong lately and me being watching musicals and singing songs doesn't help! please be brutally honest i need it, toodles!
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instantpansies · 7 months
toast spotted jumping on a trend months later super rare sighting!! my redhead sons with adhd and self esteem issues <3333 (leaf coneybear from 25th annual putnam county spelling bee and norm the robot from phineas and ferb) (i love them so much)
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ummm lines under cut (also norm saying damn but he would never say that in real life)
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@imabiscuitinthousandworlds a different style for you
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petralovesart · 2 months
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A day off ≠ less productivity
As you know me, I study even on the days I don't have to. Even though I take enough breaks, I go out with my friends and I take care of myself, sometimes one day off without studying is needed. You might see the same on yourself. If this week isn't as important for you in studying you might as well take a day off without studying. You could bake, go out with your friends, your significant other, your siblings... You could go shopping, trying new hobbies or playing an instrument you can play. Just whatever you like. Today, I baked with my mom and sister and went to a movie theatre with my boyfriend. So enjoy your day off sometimes! 🤍👩🏼‍🍳🎀
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I'm genuinely so upset I had an extremely vivid dream that a traveling production of something (Newsies? The Great Gatsby? I'm not sure) came to my town and Jeremy Jordan was there and I got cast in the musical with a bunch of other teenagers and he was giving us all acting classes.
And then I woke up. This is in fact very very rude.
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thatsbelievable · 5 months
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insufferablemod · 3 months
your art style is so fucking sick i love the way your shapes are defined,,, is your hand still injured? because honestly the brand is fucking impeccable either way. the shakiness really gives it emotion and almost like. god. its just so... i want to study it so bad.
do you have anything in specific that really inspired the way you developed your shapes and the rest of it?? i keep saying shapes and its mad vague but i hope you know what i mean
like how you decide what lines should go where to define what, i guess.
enuff yappin tho. point is. ur shit is HYPE.
aaa thank youuuuu :')c <3 hand is sadly still injured 😎💀 have started drawing a bit with it tho! just gotta be careful with it(<-was not careful with it)
And agdhd dont worry, shape is actually the perfect word to describe it! So the way I approach things is well, shapes lol Literally, I try if I can to stick in as many solid shapes as I can They help keep things clean n uncluttered(which I am trying 2 get better at) and can help make things feel more solid I try and break down what I'm drawing into the most basic 3d shapes I can in my head without going 2 abstract or cartoony And then it's just kinda tracing those shapes in ur mind down 2 the page? I think this also helps with getting more like, volume/depth in, since basic shapes r easier to imagine in 3d then like, actual real life human anatomy i like to think of it kinda like sculpting, you start with simple big shapes and then slowly chip away n add more detail where necessary Asaro heads r a great recourse for this kinda stuff n theres some good ones u can just find online! actually, here are 2 link link (i actually gotta try n use these more,, u_u(oh shit just googled n theres actually also asaros bodies, i gotta check those out 2 lol)) Then it's just finding a good balance of curved and straight shapes, the ratio of which can change a lot depending on the vibe ur going for or character ur drawing
scribbled over some of my art 2 try n show what i mean better lol
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sorry for the late response! hope any of that made sense!
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sanguineswanqueen · 1 year
My nearly 70 year old mom asked if I had heard of the movie 'Bottoms' and said that I absolutely HAD to see it. Apparently it's getting rave reviews among the Seattle retiree community.
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candycoatedghoul · 2 months
diccection more like
dicc sexin am i right
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ryutarotakedown · 1 year
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seraphsfire · 4 months
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